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Earth day gets some little helpers
Sobey’s awarded for wagon support ...............................5
Golden Moments Jette Arkinstall ...............................9
Sarah Hagen set to play on Mother’s Day ..............................17
Pictured left to right are Alexander Park Elementary School kindergarten students Cole Millard, Amina Gillani, Edward Anderson and Mia Cholo who were cleaning up the pathway next to their school as part of Earth Day 2013. All of the students, teachers and some parents took part in the Clean Up the Neighborhood event which collected trash from the area around the school. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Candidates get ready to answer questions Jessica Schwitek
Karate kicks grow in Golden ..............................27
Don’t miss your chance to hear the three candidates for the Columbia River-Revelstoke provincial riding speak their mind at the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce All Candidates Forum. Chamber manager Ruth Hamilton has confirmed that all three candidates, Norm Macdonald (NDP) Doug Clokechok (Liberal) and Earl Olsen (Conservative) have all committed to attend. “We want to provide an opportunity for the community to become acquainted with each of the candidates running in the upcoming election. It is important to the vitality of the
economic climate to hear what each of these parties can offer the citizens of Kicking Horse Country,” said Hamilton. At the forum, each candidate will be allotted two minutes to make an opening statement. The order of their appearance will be determined in advance by random draw. Statements will be followed by a question and answer period in which those in attendance are asked to stand, state their name, topic and question only. The event’s chairperson may step in if any person attempts to use the meeting as a platform for expressing a personal point of view on any issue. Each candidate will have one minute to answer each question. The Chamber is encouraging as wide a par-
Annual Golden Rotary
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& Youth Music Festival
ticipation as possible, and will therefore be limiting the questions to one per individual. The candidates will then be given another two minutes for closing statements. If you do not wish to stand up and publicly ask your question, the candidates will be available for half an hour before, and after the forum, to speak the public directly. “The Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce prides itself as a non-partisan organization with many years experience facilitating All Candidates Forums that are fair and equal to all,” said Hamilton. The forum will take place at the Senior’s Centre on Thursday May 2. The doors open at 6:30 p.m., the forum itself runs from 7 to 9 p.m., and the doors will remain open 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
Nicholson Fire Chief settling into the new leadership role Jessica Schwitek After five months of easing into the position, Nicholson Fire Chief Parker Vaile is
getting more comfortable with his new job. "I'm starting to get a little more comfortable with the job. I was always pretty comfortable with the role of
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firefighter, but being in command has taken some getting used to. There's a lot of decisions to make, and you have to make them pretty quickly," said Vaile, who stepped up to fill the role after former fire chief Markus Kellenberger left. "It's big boots to fill for sure. He (Kellenberger) knew everything about everything." Being a fire chief is a major commitment, and Vaile jumped straight from firefighter to chief because he was able to give it the time it needs. As the co-owner of VP Waste Solutions, Vaile's job gives him the flexibility to give more time to
would like to congr atula Carol Braisher on h te er retirement after 32 plus years of dedicated service.
the fire department. "That's why I decided to do this, I knew I could give it the time it needs," he said. "It's been a lot of time, especially because I'm still learning." Nicholson has responded to about five calls since Vaile assumed the leadership role, and he learned a lot on the job. After taking some command training in Salmon Arm, through the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, he has noticed a big difference. And equally as important as the training, is the support he has received from the rest of the department while he makes this transition. "I jumped straight from firefighter to chief. So it's really nice to have Dale (Rintoul) as the Deputy Chief because I have questions all the time," said Vaile. "And Nicki Jo (Wolfram) is our training officer, she's fantastic. She's probably the most qualified person in the hall, but we won't let her do anything
else other than be our trainer because she's the most qualified person to train everybody. It's important that the training officer know more than everybody else." The department has been fortunate this year, having fewer calls. With the mild winter, there was less burning, and therefore fewer
chimney fires. But fire prevention is always a priority for the department. They are giving away free smoke detectors at the hall for anyone in the Nicholson area who needs one. Stop by the fire hall on any Tuesday evening to pick one up. The department is also inviting anyone who is interested in
volunteering as a firefighter to stop by their Tuesday evening practice to see what it is all about. "When you first walk into this place it's a bit overwhelming, then eventually it starts to feel like a second home," said Vaile. "Everyone is here for the same reason, we're just here to help."
Loggers give generously to foundation Ryan Watmough, Executive Director Golden & District Community Foundation
The Golden & District Community Foundation (GDCF) was recently given a large gift from their most dedicated supporters, the
On May 14th - ELECT
Doug Clovechok Columbia River Revelstoke Advance poll May 8 - 11
Authorized by David Goldsmith, Financial Agent 1-800-567-2257
Parker Vaile began his role as Nicholson Fire Chief in November 2012. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Golden Log Truckers Association (GLTA). Chris Schaap was on hand to present the cheque for $5,000 on behalf of the GLTA. This donation is added to their already substantial endowment fund, which helps a variety of community groups through the GDCF’s annual Community Grants Program.
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Campaign Office Grand Opening Wednesday, April 24 at 4 pm - 6 pm 503 - 9th Avenue N. Golden
Visit Doug at the Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show on April 26 & 27
Nola Milum, Golden & District Community Foundation (GDCF) Board Chair (left) graciously accepts a $5,000 cheque from Chris Schaap of the Golden Log Truckers Association (GLTA). Photo Submitted
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 24, 2013 A3
NDP headquarters opens in Golden
Supporters and well wishers came together at the grand opening of the NDP campaign headquarters in Golden for Columbia River-Revelstoke candidate, Norm Macdonald (pictured on the right side of the above left photo). (Pictured above right) Isabelle Simard shows off a Norm Macdonald sign along with volunteer Orlando Pecora. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
Early learning group project now in its second phase Jessica Schwitek The Early Learning and Care Stakeholder Action Group had their fundraising kick-off more than two months ago, and now they are working hard to secure the rest of the funding to draw up the plans for an early learning and care hub. Project co-ordinator
Joanne McCullough sees the project in three phases. The first was the Child Care Feasibility Care Feasibility Study and the hiring of two champions to research possibilities to address the problem. Right now the project is in the second phase. “Phase two is fundraising, community support, so getting
people behind the project, and getting it up to construction drawings. So that phase will cost about $60,000,” said McCullough. The third phase will involve fundraising for the $600,000 project, and the actual construction of the facility, which will be built onto Alexander Park Elementary. School District 6 has become a key strategic partner, and has agreed “in principle” to allow them the space, and absorb the
operating costs. The facility would consist of two identical “pods.” Each would be built as as a licensed child care facility, and would have the capacity for eight children. It would start off with one pod being designated for childcare, with the other a family resource centre. If the need for even more childcare arises, then the family programs can be moved to another facility. “Politically, people
are starting to wake up to the issue of childcare. So our project has good timing,” said McCullough. The BC Liberals have already pledged $32 million for new child care spaces, and McCullough has spoken with NDP MLA Norm Macdonald, who says his party has also identified child care as a priority, and will commit similar funds to the issue. Those funds will be sought after in phase three, and
in the meantime McCullough is trying to secure the money to complete phase two. She has already received $18,000 from Columbia Basin Trust, and is hoping to have the construction drawings completed by the end of the summer. In a perfect world, McCullough would spend the winter fundraising, and have enough to break ground in the spring of 2014. The Rotary Club of
Golden has already donated $25,000 to that phase of the project, and is using that money to leverage international Rotary funds. “Projects like this take time. If we had the money, we’d be digging in the ground right now, but we don’t,” said McCullough. “But it doesn’t matter how long it takes. If we don’t stop fundraising, then one way or another, this project will get done.”
Annual General Meeting MAY 9, 2013 7:00 PM LOUISIANA PACIFIC BOARDROOM
Annual General Meeting Tuesday, May 7th, 3:00 pm Kicking Horse River Lodge (801-9th Street North)
Public Welcome
Appetizers, Coffee and Tea provided
Pictured above is district electoral officer, Brenda Bernat. She is working with her staff to get local residents ready to vote in the provincial election on May 14. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Office opens for election Darryl Crane With the 2013 British Columbia election coming on May 14, district electoral officer Brenda Bernat and her staff are working hard to get as many people ready to vote as possible. With an office at 423 9th Ave. N., Bernat said there are two kinds of voting a residents will be able to do. “This is especially applicable to people who have to be away. We have a population who live here but are not working here. Those people can phone the office at 344-3400 and request a mail-in package,” she said. For this option people should get in touch with the office as soon as possible because the package would have to be shipped to them and returned to the office before May 14. “The other thing they can do is drop by the office anytime and register and vote here. This is a type of voting which is not available to everyone. It is available to people who think they will not be in the area or they will not be able to get out of their home. There has to be a valid reason why they need to vote at our office,” she said. For the general public advance voting, residents will be able to vote on May 8, 9, 10 and 11 at the Mount 7 Rec Plex. The advance voting will happen from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on those days. General voting day will happen on May 14 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., also at the Rec Plex. “There is something else that is very new with this election. When you get your ‘where to vote’ card, you can use that as a form of ID,” Bernat said. People are reminded that they will need two forms of ID and people should drop by the office or check Elections BC online to confirm what identifications are acceptable. Bernat also said it is a good idea to get on the voters list early. “One of the reasons to register early is because it will make it much quicker when you get to the voting station,” she said.
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 24, 2013 A5
RCMP Report: Semi crashes on TCH Darryl Crane ATV stolen from Kettleston Road 12-04-13 Golden/Field RCMP have seen a rise in thefts from vehicles recently in and around Golden. There was a theft of a high-end all terrain vehicle from the Kettleston Road area. The vehicle, called a Kubota, is a diesel ATV. The RCMP said people should do their best to keep these types of vehicles in an area where people would have a difficult time stealing them. On April 14, RCMP attained information about a person of interest who may have been involved with the theft of the ATV and made an arrest. The ATV was found in the bush, near where it was stolen. One local male was charged with theft over $5,000. The suspect has had a bail hearing and has been released with very strict conditions. Gas targeted by thieves 14-04-13 RCMP were called to the area of 8th Avenue South and 14th /15th Street. A citizen flagged down a patrol car and claimed they had seen some youths who were stealing gasoline from vehicles parked along the street in the immediate area. The person described a pickup truck and while on patrol the RCMP pulled over a vehicle closely matching the description they had been given. The officer questioned the two visible occupants in the truck and determined they had altered the look of the vehicle for some unknown reason. The officer arrested the two occupants of the truck only to find two more people hiding under a blanket in the back seat of the vehicle.
The officer ended up arresting all of the people who were in the truck. The RCMP recovered property that had been stolen from a decommissioned ambulance that had been parked in the area where the thefts were supposed to have occurred. Upon a search of the vehicle, Golden/Field RCMP also found paraphernalia which could be used for stealing gas. The RCMP are recommending charges and the suspects have been released under specific conditions. The four people were adults from the Golden area. One of the four was identified as the person involved with the theft of an ATV (read above) on Kettleston Road. RCMP are asking that anyone who had gas stolen from their vehicle on April 14 to contact the RCMP in Golden.
Registration Night
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Semi trailer truck goes off highway 18-04-13 A semi-trailer truck went off the Trans Canada Highway west of Golden at the Quartz Creek Bridge. RCMP said the driver claimed he hit some bumps in the road which caused him to leave the highway. Originally RCMP were informed that the driver may have been carrying nitrous oxide. The RCMP contacted the Golden Fire Department who took every precaution in the situation. Firefighters in protective gear checked out the vehicle. It was determined that the truck was carrying goods that were only minimally dangerous. None of the load escaped the vehicle. RCMP wish to remind the public and the drivers of these commercial vehicles to pay close attention when driving in the area. They added that one of the things that causes many accidents are drivers who are not paying attention to the roads. People are also reminded to give proper space between vehicles especially on the highways. This is important because it will allow a response time to slow down for animals or bad potholes which might not be seen otherwise.
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Behind the Wheel The Government Didn’t Tell Me I’ve been watching a number of conversations in the newspaper and social media lately, mostly with regard to B.C.’s slow down, move over law, but including changes to other traffic laws as well. The general theme has been that the government has been doing a poor job of telling the public what the new laws are and how we are supposed to follow them. Perhaps I am sensitive to road safety topics and pay more than the average attention to them but I must disagree with this. There was significant publicity of the slow down, move over law both prior to and when it was enacted. I saw it on TV, in the newspaper and heard about it on the radio. I continue to pass large signs beside the highway that tell me what to do. I’ve seen articles on television and in print publications recently.
Ellen Hatlevik, co-ordinator of the Welcome Wagon in Golden, presents Cam Dawes of Sobey’s a plaque, thanking them for 20 years of sponsorship. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Twenty years of support from Sobey’s Jessica Schwitek Golden’s Welcome Wagon co-ordinator, Ellen Hatlevik, made a special presentation to Cam Dawes of Golden Sobey’s, to commemorate the store for being part of Welcome Wagon for 20 years. “It’s such a nice community service for our new residents, and we’re thrilled to be a part of it,” said Dawes.
“I find that it’s a lot of fun, and it’s been great for my business as well,” said Hatlevik, who also sells Mary Kay. “It’s also a great way to promote shopping locally.” Sobey’s is now the longest serving Golden business with the Welcome Wagon. “It really adds something to the small town feel of Golden,” said Dawes. Any business wanting to sponsor the Welcome Wagon can contact Hatlevik at
What may be closer to the truth is that we are bombarded by too much information every day. To cope with it, we ignore or do not apply full focus to all of the messages that are being given to us. As long as no damage is done to us or by us because of this, it isn’t a significant problem. However, if common sense doesn’t kick in soon enough and we receive a ticket or hurt someone it’s probably not the government’s fault here. We may wish to be careful how we complain on this subject. Possible alternatives could include mandatory testing before licence renewal with shorter licence renewal periods to make sure that we are up to date. As with any other important skill, we have a stake in keeping ourselves up to date in order to remain proficient. It’s not just a job for our government. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
Earth Day all year long
A Conservative Candidate
Earth Day has once again come and gone, and the local people did their part in cleaning up Golden. It is nice to have a day that focuses on looking after the environment you live in. But it is also a touch depressing that doing something once a year can be made into such a big deal. We are lucky in Can- My Way ada to live in country that is so full of many By Darryl Crane wonderful natural resources. There are many people who dedicate their lives to the world we live in, but sometimes the goal of looking after the earth and what people are doing is a battle. We do not have to look very far to find a discussion about the environment. Currently in the British Columbia provincial election, questions regarding what to do about a proposed pipeline to the west coast has put leaders on opposite sides of the debate. The NDP have taken a stance against the project, while Premier Christy Clark is making a push for a greater share of the revenue from the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline. The Conservative’s leader John Cummins has confirmed his party’s support for a deal. Even closer to the area is a battle that has raged for more than twenty years. The Jumbo Glacier Resort project has been debated for a number of years, and now looks like it is making steps to move forward. However, both individuals and groups have come out against the project, for what has been at least partially described as the negative effects it might have on the development area . Even when you look at all of the national parks that surround Golden, one might wonder how much access people should have in natural areas. Of course, these types of discussions are nothing new. For years people have heard scientists and politicians talk about global warming. If you go online you will find all types of information about how the earth we live on is changing, and what we can supposedly do to make it a better place for future generations. Like many things, people seem to need that one time of the year to join up to do something to make themselves feel better. A day with a cause is required to get more people involved. There are other things that can be done continually that may eventually help out more than just the one day a year of cleaning up. Don’t litter in the first place. If you see garbage on the ground why not pick it up and throw it away regardless of if it is Earth Day, or one of the other 364 days on a calender. There are many issues facing the future, and to say that picking up garbage will save the world from some impending doom would be a huge overstatement. But one thing would come out of this small action. The town we live in would look a little nicer today, and isn’t that worth the effort?
As a former member of the B.C. Liberal Party and a supporter of the federal Conservative Party I’m extremely pleased that Earl Olsen is the B.C. Conservative candidate for Columbia River-Revelstoke. We need choices and need to be able to vote for a candidate and party that represents a change from the two old, mainstream, status quo political parties. We need to be able to vote for a party that will govern with integrity, a party that will be open and honest with its citizens, a party that will apply sound and prudent fiscal and economic principals to manage and restore the province’s finances, a party that will work to create meaningful jobs for all people throughout the province, a party that believes in being socially responsible and compassionate and a party that knows we need to take meaningful and measurable steps to protect our environment. Liberal scare tactics just won’t work in this election. It’s ordinary folks who will decide which party will get to lead this province for the next four years. The more choices our citizens have, the stronger our democracy becomes. I welcome the opportunity to hear the Liberal Party and candidates defend their track record. The more it’s examined, it becomes clear we need a new party and candidates who believe in open and transparent government, the free enterprise system, fiscal responsibility and personal accountability. We don’t need another four years of Liberal mis-
Positive choice In the upcoming election we are fortunate to have three great candidates from whom to choose. However, only Earl Olsen, the BC Conservative candidate, represents a new positive choice for voters in this electoral district. I am confused by Cliff Boychuk’s recent letter to the editor where he did not acknowledge that in the previous two elections, the Liberal Party candidate did not win either time. The logical question is WHY NOT? And the answer is likely that the candidates did not, have not, and do not represent the values of many voters in this constituency. Do you really believe that your candidate can win by default against the NDP? Conservatives are not here to split the vote, we are here to WIN. I am glad I have a positive choice in Earl Olsen. He understands the importance of every region in British Columbia because British Columbia is more than simply
management, arrogance and fiscal irresponsibility. When you go to vote think of these BC Liberal programs, initiatives and fiascos: HST, BC Rail scandal, Carbon Tax (costs you money every time you fill up your car and truck), Carbon Offset Program (has wasted millions, rewarded big business and done nothing to improve the environment) money that could have been spent on education and health care, increased BC Ferry fees, increased ICBC fees, increased electricity rates, increased government spending, increased government debt, smart meters, expensive and extravagant pensions and salaries for MLAs, privatization of waterways and streams and the money wasted at Crown corporations on excessive salaries, benefits and perks for executives and senior managers. After 12 years of Liberal government incompetence I think you’ll agree we need a change. With the BC Liberal track record; the party, its candidates and supporters like Cliff Boychuk should be concerned about splitting the vote. If they had any common sense they would stop campaigning and rally around the BC Conservative Party. Think carefully before you vote on May 14. There is a party that represents real change, will bring common sense to government decisions, believes in free enterprise and is not concerned about how many other political parties are competing for your vote. It’s the B.C. Conservative Party. Bob Munro Golden major cities. You mention, “chaos, higher taxation, and stagnant economic growth.” You also mention that “we desperately require a government that can generate additional wealth” and that the needs of schools, hospitals and the environment have been ignored. You want to limit us to voting Liberal or NDP who have obviously failed to deliver on these issues over the past 20 years, unless you believe that increasing provincial debt is creating wealth. Who became wealthy during the past 20 years? Are you better off? With a positive choice in Earl Olsen, Conservative candidate, we can all share the wealth instead of just paying the bills. It is dismaying that anyone would suggest restricting peoples’ choices at the constituency level. Thank you, Earl Olsen, for giving us a positive choice in Columbia River-Revelstoke and the opportunity to vote Conservative. Wally Black Golden
POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think people in Golden make an effort to shop locally?
Yes 50%
No 50%
This week’s poll question: Do you do anything special on Earth Day? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here. The Golden Star encour-
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Star editorial and opinion
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 24, 2013 A7
Golden point of view Do you do anything special on Earth day?
Stars to the Gear Exchange for letting me exchange my pack without a receipt.
Danielle Martens
James Dawes
Anna Goraya
“I always try to pick up litter when I see it, but nothing specific for Earth Day. If I knew of an event, I would participate for sure.”
“I used to be a teacher, and I would always do something with the kids. But nothing on my own, no.”
“I’m from Russia, we don’t really do anything for Earth Day there.”
Stars to the Source for helping me with my laptop, and for having their layaway system. Without that I wouldn’t be able to afford my PS3. Stingers to the people at the store I was in. If you are hungry or thirsty, do you not drink and eat when you need to? You should be
Go to to have your say.
Feedback to Editor: Hollow promises Dear Editor, In my Jr. High School one of our student council presidents was elected with one simple promise; cream soda in the water fountains! This promise coupled with the candidate’s popularity and charisma landed him the job! I could have sworn I was back in Grade 9 sitting in the Gilbert Patterson gym at the All Candidates Forum in Invermere. Our incumbent MLA, Norm Macdonald, was as smooth as ever and came across quite polished and charismatic; quite convincing indeed as long as you didn’t pay too much attention to what he was saying. Macdonald was quick to point out that
we are deep in debt - pointing the finger of blame solely at the BC Liberals despite the global economic meltdown and $1.7 billion that was returned to the federal government following the abolishment of the HST which the NDP lead the charge on for their own political gain. Macdonald went on to promise massive spending increases, 18 specific occasions during the evening! Nothing was left out; education, healthcare, seniors, forestry, etc, etc, etc! Money is NO object seemed to be the order of the evening, much to the delight of about half of those in attendance whilst the other half sat bewildered wondering where the money was coming from. Perhaps the money would come from promoting new business ventures in our province? Not so! On five separate occasions Macdonald vowed that his party would not support projects that will con-
ashamed to deny a living creature water and food. You know who you are, and everyone will too. Stingers to drivers who drive slowly in the passing lane, and then speed up when you try to pass them. Stars to Joe D. for being so considerate and delivering a cake on Sunday morning. Stars to the nice young man (with a skate-
board?) outside OK Tire who offered to help me with my bike. Very considerate! Stars to Personal Touch for being family friendly by asking parents if it’s OK to give their child a lollipop after a haircut. Stars to the brave women who expressed themselves for the Clothesline Project and to all the people who came the GWRC barbecue to support the safe home program.
Email your Stars and Stingers to tribute over a TRILLION dollars to the B.C. economy and will literally create over 20,000 jobs...once again with the same reaction from the not so like-minded sides of the room. Who will pay for this increase in spending and decrease in contribution to our economy? The answer was simple - it would come from those of you who run your own businesses, offer products and services at reasonable prices and provide jobs. An increase in taxes on business owners and successful British Columbians were the only increases that Macdonald even mentioned to offset his party’s proposed spending spree! On the flip side of this - Mr. Clovechok (Doug Clovechok, running for the BC Liberals) stayed clear of plying the room with cream soda! He was realistic about spending and expectations in our current financial climate. Instead of woo-
ing the room with flowery platitudes that evoked enthusiastic response he vowed that he and his party would support an increase in economic activity and funding for training for a work force that would provide jobs for families, increase our quality of living and would provide the funds necessary to maintain the high quality of education, healthcare, infrastructure and delivery of government services that we deserve. Hope for a bright future and a sensible way to pay for it...simple! Don’t be fooled by hollow promises! The recently departed Margaret Thatcher put it best “Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They [socialists] always run out of other people’s money.” I’d say she is spot on here! Dave McGrath Invermere
China’s largest bank part of financing of Kitimat Clean Refinery Black Press Kitimat Clean Ltd and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China’s largest bank, signed Memorandums of Understanding today. The principal provisions of the MOUs state that ICBC will be Chinese financial advisor to Kitimat Clean and co-operate in the financing of the proposed Kitimat refinery and associated pipelines and other elements. Chinese companies will be involved in the engineering and construction of the refinery. Up to 100 per cent of the output from the refinery is planned to be sold to Asian markets, including China and India. Majority control of all the proposed Canadian busi-
nesses will remain in Canada and there will be 6,000 construction jobs created for British Columbians over five years, and 3,000 permanent jobs. More MOUs between Kitimat Clean and Chinese companies are anticipated in the near future. The project will include a state-of-the-art world scale oil refinery at Kitimat. It may also include a pipeline between Edmonton and Kitimat, a marine terminal, and a fleet of tankers for the refined fuels. The total cost could amount to $25 billion. It will be the largest investment in B.C. in the history of the province. It will also provide far more permanent jobs than any other investment has done and generate very large tax
revenues for the government. LIU Yanping, Deputy Head of Corporate Banking Department, and HUANG Jifa, Deputy Head of Investment Banking Department, signing on behalf of ICBC, stated, “We are very pleased to be working toward a comprehensive agreement to finance a refinery in Canada which is planning to export refined fuels to China and other Asian countries in the future.” David Black, owner of Kitimat Clean, said, “A great advantage of the refinery is that it will prevent the shipment of bitumen in tankers off B.C.’s mid-coast. In addition it will reduce global greenhouse gas emissions because it will replace refineries elsewhere that are built to less stringent environmental standards.”
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
Submit any regular line ad into our classifieds at regular price, and you can put the same ad into another Black Press paper for $2!!* *Limited time offer. Offer good for up to 6 additional papers.
Nagomi Sushi will be CLOSED until Mid-May. Thank you for all the support, we’ll see you soon!
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: Oblivion starting Friday Apr.26 to Thursday May.2 at 7pm.
This Week Pilates Core and More Tuesdays & Fridays, Jan.8 - June 14, 12-1pm at the Rec Plex. Please bring own mat. All levels welcome. Sign up at the College of the Rockies. Bizarro Days at Bizarre Entertainment Apr.28-May5.
A well trained owner is a dog’s best friend. Come to Dog Obedience lessons through the Columbia Valley Dog Club starting Wed. May 8th at 7 pm at 1507 Pagliaro Road (corner of Campbell). 8 weeks of classes, $60 for the set. Please call for detailed information and to register 250-344-6451.
Lou's Feed Store 913 Hwy 95
Taking orders for chickens and turkeys. Supplier of all your farm needs. Fertilizer, seed, and feed for all animals! We also rent tents for all your events. Business Hours
Wed, Apr. 24 Golden Youth Centre drop in every Wednesday from 3:30-9pm. Jam nights every Wednesday evening. Jam night at the Rockwater. Golden Parent and Tot Play Lets parents and kids from birth to five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-noon. Mountain Prana Running Club Wednesdays 5:30pm. Email hollietataryn@gmail. com for more info. Stone Sparrows Apr.24 at the Golden Taps Pub.
Tuesday & Thursday Noon-2:30 p.m. Saturdays Noon-5:00 p.m. 250-344-6551
Are you.... A Caring, Compassionate Person? If your answer is YES, You may be a suitable Hospice Volunteer. An Initial Training Session Will be held on Tuesday, April 30th, 6 to 10 p.m. At the home of Julia Cundliffe 107 – Gould’s Island Call for more information 250 344-6300
Autobiographical Writing for adults - Free 8 week program to introduce techniques for organizing an autobiography. No experience necessary! April 24-June 12 1-3pm. To register call 250-439-9665.
Thurs, Apr. 25 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Golden Voice Toastmasters Thursdays 7-8:30pm at COTR Rm 121. New members welcome. For info call Delanee Jmaiff 250-344-0652. Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8.
This week's achievement award goes to...
Free Homework Help at the Youth Centre 3:305pm Grades 4-7. Snacks included. Drop in. Bridge Club Every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Thursday 20% off all services, call 250-344-5766. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Food Bank Movie Night at the Rockwater Grill and Bar Thursdays from 8-10pm until Apr.25, 2013. Free admission with Food Bank donation. Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team AGM Thursday Apr.25, 7pm at the Golden Arena Lounge Upstairs. Chasing Ice Thursday Apr.25 at the Golden Cinema 7pm $12 adult, $7 18 and under.
Fri, Apr. 26 Mother Goose Program Fridays until June.7 from 10:30-11:30am at the public library. Drop in, snacks included.
• For more information... go to
Golden Dolphins Swim Club Registration Night Friday Apr.26, 6-8pm at the Arena. Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show Apr.26 12-8pm, at the Curling Rink. Spring Recreation Info & Registration Night Friday Apr.26 at the Golden Arena (lobby) 6-8pm. Baptiste Morigeau - Metis Merchant exhibit at the Golden Museum Friday Apr.26 at 4:30pm.
Sat, Apr. 27 Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Saturday night. Storytime at the Golden Library 10:30-11:30am. Free drop-in, contact 250344-6516. Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show Apr.27 10-5pm at the Curling Rink. Met Opera Live Show at The Golden Cinema Apr.27 at 10am. Golden Farmers Market Apr.27 11-3pm at Mount 7 Rec Plex.
Sun, Apr. 28 Junior Climbing Club at Dogtooth Climbing Gym 12:30-2pm. Booking is recommended 250-344-6444.
Golden Youth Centre drop in Fridays from 3:30-9pm and movie night every Friday from 7-9pm.
Live Kicks Presents Rick Scott performs an afternoon concert at the Civic Centre, Apr.28.
Bridge Club Fridays, 7-10pm at St. Andrews Centre for Peace. Contact 250-3445448.
The Golden Light Horse Club “fun days”Apr.28 at 10am at the rodeo grounds.
Soup Day at the Golden Seniors Centre Friday Apr.26 $5 11:30am-1pm. Everyone welcome! Softball registration by Apr.26. Call Greg Cowan 250-272-0151.
Mon, Apr. 29 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Rockwater Bar & Grill Music Bingo every Monday night.
Indoor Soccer at Mount 7 RecPlex Mondays 8:309:30pm until June 24. Mountain Prana Running Club Mondays 5:30pm. Email hollietataryn@gmail. com for more info.
Tues, Apr. 30 John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Hospice Volunteer Training Apr.30. Call 250-344-6300 for more info. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Upcoming Events
All Candidates Forum Thursday May.2 at Golden Seniors Centre. Doors at 6:30pm, forum is 7-9pm. Metis Nation - Columbia River Society Meeting Saturday May.4 10:30am at GSS Kikino Room, Golden. Saturday May.11 10:30am at AB Ed Room, DTSS, Invermere. St. Andrew’s United Church Plant and Bake Sale, and tea by donation. Saturday May.4 10am 901 - 11th Ave S. Rotary Silent Auction and Youth Music Festival May.4 at the Golden Civic Centre 10am. Golden Area Initiatives AGM May.7 Kicking Horse River Lodge 3pm. Public welcome! Golden Figure Skating AGM May.9 LP Boardroom 7pm. Mother’s Day Chamber Music Concert with Sarah Hagen & friends. 3pm May.12 at the Civic Centre. Golden Minor Hockey AGM Monday May.13 at 7pm upstairs Arena Meeting Rm. The Heart & Stroke’s Big Bike May.15. Call Goldie 250-344-6614 or 344-1047 for more info. The Brains May.15 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar $5. Elliott Brood at the Rockwater Grill and Bar May.24 $25. Stone Iris at The Golden Taps May 31.
Caleb Chapman for excellent effort and always having a positive attitude and a great sense of humour.
Stop in by May 1, 2013 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 24, 2013 A9
Golden Moments: A long journey to find a new home in Golden Darryl Crane Jette Arkinstall was born in Copenhagen, Denmark where she lived with her family. At the age of nine a decision was made to move to Canada. She remembers a great deal about her time in Denmark. “I remember living in this big apartment house. It was a square, and in the middle there was a play yard and clotheslines for the tenets,” she said. “There were lots of bicycles because people there did not drive too much.” As a child Arkinstall and her sister would spend a great deal of time at the beach with their parents. “I remember going down to the ocean and going swimming because we lived right next to it. We spent a lot of time there in the summer,” she said. When she was nine the decision was made by her parents to come to Canada and live with her uncle who was living in Radium Hot Springs. “He talked my dad into coming over so we sold everything and made the move.” The family made the journey on a large ship which gave her a great deal of enjoyment during the trip. “I had fun on the boat. My mom was sick as a dog but my sister, dad and I were not sick. I made friends with all the waiters and they would give me oranges that people did not take with them from meals. So I had a lot of oranges,” she said. After landing in New York, the family took a train to Toronto before making
their way to Brooks, Alberta where they were met by her aunt and uncle. “We drove to Radium where we lived and stayed for a while,” she said. Arkinstall said she particularly enjoyed her time in Radium Hot Springs. “The water came right out of the rocks. It was all old rocks which is not what it is like now with the cement. The hot pools were very different. You could see all the ice hanging off the rocks. Every time I go there now I think about how it is so commercialized,” she said. Eventually, her father got a job at the mill in Parson and the family moved there. “When you come into Parson there is a little log cabin down in a hole filled with water. We lived in that cabin,” she said. Arkinstall said that her father used to bike back and forth to work because they still did not have a car. When the family got a vehicle many people in the town would use it. “We enjoyed ourselves in Parson because you never had to lock the doors or anything. We would leave the keys in our truck and if we got up in the morning and the truck was gone we would wonder who took it. A little later someone would bring it back full of gas and say they needed to get some wood.” Once a week the family would come into Golden and Arkinstall would get the chance to go to the movies. “Mom would give me a dime to go to the show. I would go to the show and they would go shopping,” she said. Another pastime Arkinstall had as a
child was a passion for comic books. “I loved them when I was growing up. I enjoyed Roy Rogers and the Lone Ranger. I liked all the cowboys,” she said. Arkinstall got married in the late 1950s and moved to Hazelton and the to Houston, before moving back to Golden in 1969. “Golden was the same as when I left. There were the old buildings and I enjoyed the old shops like King’s Store,” she said. One of the changes she has enjoyed in Golden is the Pedestrian Bridge over the Kicking Horse River. “I love that bridge. It is very nice,” she said. Arkinstall also said she enjoyed raising her six children (five girls and one boy) over the years. Her son was the baby of the group, and may have been spoiled a little by everyone according to Arkinstall. “They spoiled him rotten,” she said laughing. “He had a very interesting childhood growing up with five older sisters.” She added that the area was a wonderful place to be raised as a child or to raise children. “When I was a kid we had bonfires and Halloween was great.” An avid athlete, Arkinstall also returned to bowling and curling when she came back to Golden. “I only gave up curling because my legs did not move as well as I wanted them to. That’s when I took up golfing,” she said. She added that one of the best parts about golfing is getting to meet so many
Jette Arkinstall has lived in many communities in the Columbia Valley but has called Golden home for over four decades. Darryl Crane/ Star Photo different people on the course. “I can hardly wait to get out there. I golf three or four times a week. You get to talk to people and I like to golf with people from out of town,” she said. “At first some of them think that they are golfing with an old lady but by the time we are finished they think it was the best golf round they have ever had.”
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
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Know How to MaxiMize your Dental insurance Plan
Dental plans in the marketplace are numerous and varied. Dental offices can have thousands of plans in their system with each plan having different variables and parameters of coverage. Offices do everything possible to ensure you get the most potential from your plan; however, insurance companies will not keep us informed of any plan limit adjustments or additional benefits your coverage may offer. Dental professionals need to treat conditions not covered by plans and this happens all the time. Generally, what a plan covers is related to the fee charged to the employer/employee for the plan. In other words, the higher the premium, the greater the dental coverage. One example of coverage you may not be taking full advantage of is cleaning appointments. Most insurance plans allow a full exam and cleaning every 6-9 months. What you may not know is that many plans also cover additional cleaning appointments without the exam. You may be eligible for up to 4 cleaning appointments every 12 months. Increased maintenance leads to better prevention! Examples of common plan limitations are dollar limits set on x-rays or on a specific tooth, eligibility of consults or fluoride, and fee guide variances. Often dental insurance plans don’t use the current provincial fee guide, trailing behind by as much as 5 years from the current cost structure. If you are unsure about the specific details of your plan, get in touch with them and make sure you are getting the most out of the monthly premiums you pay! Get dental treatment based on your needs, not just based on your plan, but do take advantage of all benefits your plan may offer!! Accepting New Patients!!! at the Golden Dental Center 901 9th St S. Golden For appointments, please call…. (250) 344-2710
Pictured above is the interior of the Golden Curling Rink during a masquerade skating party. Built by local builder James Henderson in 1898, this building served the needs of the community until the early 1960s when it became not only dangerous to use but also didn’t have an ice plant to ensure ice each season. It was located on the lot behind the present day Apostoles Restaurant. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum
A look at the history of curling in Golden
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
Thank you to Julia Cundliffe for bringing in this letter hand written by Thomas King.
It tells the story of the beginnings of curling in Golden. During the late 1880s a few men had settled in Golden who had enjoyed the game of curling in their previous locations and to get the game started here they has a club formed, bought two tents 16 feet wide and 80 feet long, put them end to end and this made one sheet of regulation size. The rings then covered 14 feet of ice
Request for Quotations Golden Civic Centre Kitchen Construction The Town of Golden invites quotations from qualified general building-renovation contractors for the construction of the Golden Civic Centre kitchen, located at 806 10th Avenue South, Golden, B.C. The work includes construction of a commercial “preparation” kitchen in the area of the building previously occupied by a kitchen facility. The RFQ document is available free of charge at Town Hall during regular business hours at 810 9th Ave South, Golden, B.C. Quotes will ONLY be accepted from individuals or firms that have attended and reviewed the work site by appointment with the Manager of Operations. Sealed quotations clearly marked “GOLDEN CIVIC CENTRE KITCHEN CONSTRUCTION” will be received prior to May 2nd, 2013 at 2:00 p.m., local time, at Town Hall located at 810 S. 9th Avenue, PO Box 350, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 All general and technical inquiries may be directed to: Chris Cochran, Manager of Operations Phone: 250-344-2271 Fax: 250-344-6577 Email:
– some years later reduced to 12 feet. This was used for a couple of seasons when they built a frame rink. Then they decided it should be a two rink building with accommodation also for skating. This very large building was built in the summer and fall of 1898 by contractor Mr. James Henderson Sr. for the cost of $2,500. The first season it was used they had a curling sheet in the outside of the skating ice in the centre. They played some hockey and had to put wire netting on both sides and at the end next to the waiting room. This did not seem very satisfactory so for the next season they added a lean to on at that west end so they could skate around the outside and curl in the middle. This was much more satisfactory and 50 to 60 skaters were enjoying the outside
circuit every night but no more hockey inside. The community carried on under the Charter of the Golden Rink Co. and in later years made repairs and additions to the building so that when vacated it was more satisfactory than in the early years – but on the outside it looked very bad. Even in the early 1890s Golden was well represented at the Calgary Bonspiel – the nearest curling club to Golden, The principal players going there the first few years were Wm NcNeish, C.A. Warren, H.G. Parson, Capt. Bacon – the latter was Golden’s star lead never having played at any other position in his 20 years with the club. Other early day players were Manuel Dainard, Walter Dainard, Dave Rae, Hon F.W. Aylmer, Gordon Brock, Jack Buckham, Doctor Taylor, Thomas King, Sam King, Harry Pugh, Alex Smith,
Geo Sinclair, Geo B. McDermot, J.E. Griffith, James Sherlock, Wynn Griffith, Bob Stalker, Fred Stalker, George Woodley. J.G. Bullock came here from Schrieber NW Ontario where he operated a general store was the best curler we had here in the early days. He came here in 1898 and in partnership with his brother in law to be they operated the Kootenay House Hotel. We played points every Friday night in the real early years and he was a consistent winner. In this game every shot known to curling is played. It was a treat to see him play. Since the time of the players mentioned the turnover of curlers has numbered into the hundreds in the 71 years since. I joined the club here. I played for 68 seasons with the Golden Club establishing a worlds record as far as can be ascertained.
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 24, 2013 A11
Parks Canada and Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) are offering their “Learn-toCamp” program in Yoho National Park’s Kicking Horse Campground. Campers see what the area has to offer during the two-day program (June 22 and 23). Register at 1-888-773-8888. Photo Submitted Golden Farmer’s Market and Yard Sale The final spring market is Saturday, April 27th 11:00am - 3:00 pm at the Mount 7 Rec Plex And we are having a combination market and yard sale!
Come out and check out the fresh produce, local honey, artisan breads, baking, jams, jellies, pickles, personal care products, arts and crafts and more; and then kick off the yard sale season at our vendors’ yard sale tables. Little Mittens Animal Rescue will also be there with information and products. Live music by Dave Whyte.
A chance to learn about camping Golden Star Staff Parks Canada and Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) are inviting young families to “Learnto-Camp” in Yoho National Park’s Kicking Horse Campground, and see what the area has to offer. The two-day program (June 22 and 23) includes a presentation from a Parks Canada’s wild-
life specialist on how to stay safe in bear country, practice with setting up a tent, a high tech geocaching treasure hunt with a Parks Canada interpreter, tips on what to pack, what to cook and how to start a campfire, smores, campfire music, and hiking tips and opportunities. The program is $88 per family of our, ad $22 per additional participant with a maximum of six
people per group. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Spots are limited, so call to register for this overnight camping experience at 1-888-773-8888. Fees cover camping equipment rental (tent and sleeping pads), dinner Saturday and breakfast Sunday, all scheduled workshops and activities, and all campground and firewood fees. Participants need
Local government in focus Jessica Schwitek Politicians and municipal staff from around the region gathered at Copper Point Resort in Invermere for the annual Association of Kootenay and Boundary Local Governments conference. Aside from professional development, networking, and listening to some informative guest speakers, the different communities also got together to agree on some resolutions to bring to the next UBCM conference (Union of British Columbia Municipalities), which will hopefully then be passed onto the provincial government. Resolutions, proposed by individual communities or regional districts, were discussed, debated, and then voted on during the conference. These resolutions help identify priorities for the region, and let the province know how they can assist municipalities on local problems. Issues as diverse as policing problems, agriculture, urban wildlife, and property assessments. The first resolution passed was one that has been an issue for most municipalities across the country. The granting system needs to be looked at to find a new approach that would allow municipalities to set priorities within their budgets, instead of choosing certain projects only because those are the grants that are available. Invermere put forward a resolution, requesting the province take some responsibility for their deer problem. They are asking that the province, who owns the deer, resume responsibility and/or provide adequate funding to effectively manage and mitigate the impacts of urban wildlife. Golden did not put forward any resolutions, but many that were passed impact some or all of the communities in the Kootenays. These resolutions will be discussed at UBCM, and hopefully put some pressure on the provincial, and even federal governments, to make some changes.
to find their own mode of transportation to Yoho, bring sleeping bags, pack a lunch and snacks
Fresh coffee donated by McDonalds with proceeds to the Sydney Mitchell Fund. Admission: all cash and non-perishable food item donations will go the Golden Food Bank.
for Saturday and Sunday, as well as purchase a national park’s entry pass for the event. 5.8125” x 8”
The Golden Farmers’ Market 2013 Summer Season begins June 12th.
GR ANTS AWARDED Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program In March, 25 project proposals were received requesting over $428,000 in funding from Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs. After Public Input Session presentations in April and careful review by the Community Funds Local Selection Committee, 18 projects were awarded a total of $271,333.82, the full amount available. All applicants are to be commended for presenting great ideas and participating in this process. Congratulations to the grant recipients noted in the table below. Organization Alexander Park Elementary School Parent Advisory Council (APES - PAC) BC Summer Swim Assoc. Okanagan Region Field Recreation Advisory Association Field Recreation Advisory Association Golden & District Historical Society Golden & District Senior Citizen's Housing Soc. Golden Area Initiatives / Golden Early Learning and Stakeholder Action Group Golden Cycling Club Golden District Rod & Gun Club Golden Food Bank Society Golden Golf Club Golden Golf Club Golden Nordic Ski Club Society Golden Snowmobile Trail Society Golden Women's Resource Centre Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Little Mittens Animal Rescue Association Parson Community Hall Society
Administered and Managed by:
Project Replace the Alexander Park Elementary School (APES) Wooden Play Structure B.C.S.S.A. Okanagan Region Timing Equipment Replacement Field Hall Improvement Project Kicking Horse Ski Club Cross-country Track Setting Equipment Weatherizing the Museum Purcell View Apartments - Upgrades 2013 Golden Early Learning and Care Hub
Grant $19,095.84
Mainline Completion Project Proposed Skeet Range Layout Feeding the Hungry Phone System and Back-up Server Replacement Power Pole Replacement Dawn Mountain Nordic center Novice Trail Additions Golden Snowmobile Trail Maintenance Leadership & Belonging 4 Girls! KHCCC - Centre - Facelift Low Income Spay & Neuter Voucher Project Dancing the Night Away
$17,000.00 $64,600.00 $12,300.00 $12,900.00 $17,974.50 $8,500.00 $17,200.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $8,000.00 $4,886.56
$5,578.92 $12,000.00 $7,000.00 $5,000.00 $31,298.00 $18,000.00
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
Literacy contest review leads to a night at the movies Golden Star Staff A local family won the Family Literacy Day contest and will
now get the opportunity to go out to the movies. Katrina Wiens and her children Madeline, Hannah and David won the Family
Literacy Day contest by writing a review of Ice Age 4 - a movie they watched during the Family Literacy Day event on January 27.
Attention Parents of Preschoolers! You and your children are invited to attend
R E A D Y, S E T, N A T U R E ! Monday, April 29th, 2013 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Nicholson Elementary School Play games, make crafts, sing with Mother Goose, and enjoy a snack with us! If you would like more information please contact NES (250-344-2370) or Jane Powell (250-939-8162). This event is sponsored by Nicholson School and Ready, Set Learn Initiative of the B.C. Ministry of Education.
Madeline and Hannah (ages eight and six) wrote: “We loved watching Ice Age. It was fun, silly and scary too. We liked the characters Cyrene and Peaches the best. Cyrene was pretty, yet fierce and brave.” Talking and writing about the movie was a great way for the family to participate in a fun literacy activity. The review, in this case, was also a way to win a $50 gift certificate for the Kicking Horse Movie Theatre. The girls have said they are excited to use the gift certificate so that their family can watch a 3D movie together. Literacy Day activities in Golden were supported by the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL).
Pictured are Katrina Wiens and her children Madeline, Hannah and David, winners of the Family Literacy Day contest. Photo Submitted
The Burgess Shale “Know the Earth beneath Your Feet” Travel through over a half billion years in the story of our planet as displayed by the glorious landscape of the UNESCO Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site in Western Canada. Remains of ancient tropical equatorial seas, petrified tree trunks that grew at the time of the dinosaurs, remnants of a melting ice sheet which once buried much of North America, continental collisions, the rising of mountain ranges are just few of the features revealed during hikes and road trips and highlighted for you by your guides, all of whom are qualified geologists with the Burgess Shale Geoscience Foundation. Join us and come to know the Earth beneath your feet in a new and exciting way.
July 18/19 or August 22/23
Tour begins Thursday evening (7pm to 9pm) at College of the Rockies - Golden Campus with a 2 hour lecture by the geologist on the Burgess Shale hike and orientation Friday, meet at the college at 7:00am for transport to the trail head. Participants will be transported back to the college after the hike. Participants will receive the Burgess Shale guide book as part of the tour.
Price: $249.00 per person Note: participants should be in good physical shape.
For full information or to register: Phone: 250 344-5901 or Visit:
People gathered in Kumsheen Park as part of the Golden Women’s Resource Centre, Clothesline Project. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Getting in line in the park Jessica Schwitek Kumsheen Park was full of community supporters for the Golden Women’s Resource Centre and their Clothesline Project on April 18. The centre held a barbecue to raise funds for their Safe Home Program, and to show off some of the shirts that people have made, depicting their experiences with violence against women. The Clothesline Project and the fundraising barbecue were to mark British Columbia’s Violence Against Women Week. The initiative raises awareness for a woman’s right to live free of violence, and encourages the growth in programs that assist women who are fleeing violence, such as Golden’s Safe Home Program. The program offers a 24-hour crisis line, temporary confidential shelter, supportive crisis counselling, safety planning assistance and much more for women in need. For more information on the Golden Women’s Resource Centre and their services, go to
A Special Pullout Section sponsored by:
& Lifestyle
April 26 & 27, 2013
Fun for the whole family! Golden Curling Rink
FREE Admission!
1412 9th Street South
2 DAYS ONLY! Friday, April 26 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday, April 27 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Over $2000 in door prizes • 50/50 Draws • Music & Demonstrations Every Hour • Spring Community Connection Night in Golden Arena Lobby
Friday from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
• Free Community Breakfast by the Rotary Club of Golden
Saturday from 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Pick up a bite to eat at the Bugaboo Cafe in the lobby
Ruth Hamilton Manager
Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce 250-344-7125 THE LOCAL TOWNIE NEWS GOLDEN BC
Spring Recreation Spring Recreation
Ded icat ed t spo o rts & cu l tura acti l vitie s in Night Golden .
Information & Registration Night Information & Registration Showcasing Local Organizations Not-for-Profit Organizations Showcasing Local Not-for-Profit
Friday April 26 6:00pm – 8:00pm Free th Friday April – Arena 8:00pm In the Lobby on! 26 6:00pm Admissi th
Hosted by: ToG Services Find out what you Recreation can do this summer!
In the Arena Lobby
For information 250-344-2271 Ext 225
spring home & lifestyle show
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star
Come Home to check out our “Natura” paint and our beautiful outdoor living furniture and decor, along with the best BBQ’s on the market! We have everything to make Mom’s Day perfect, starting at Home. Come on down to the store and Jeremy can design a deck to put all that wonderful decor on!
it the oth. s i v d y an ckies bo ill b p o o w St the R tudents ircut! f o s ge ha ds! st Colle air Styli .00 per ps for Ki m 5 H o -5 p ir, $ to the C The a m h a g oing uttin y 10 ming – a d be c ds are g m ur ee Sat e progra des c o & r g u m All p -8 p test colle ing incl k up the 6 y m a ic la Frid up the program le and p Pick ummer ess Sha swag! s Burg college e h t g t in Hikin lates
100% CANADIAN d Locally owne & operated!
Home Owners helping homeowners Come visit us at booth #10A, Passport photos available at the booth!
Parky’s is E X P A N D I N G ! Sale lasts All woodstoves April 26 in stock ON May 6 SALE to make ONLY! room for new plumbing inventory! Up to $650 off retail! Pacific Energy
True North $899 ($100 off) Vista $1175 ($200 off) Super 27 $1450 ($250 off) Summit $1925 ($325 off) Fusion $1900 ($300 off) T5 Alderlea $2050 ($500 off)
F5100 $2650 ($650 off)
F55 Carabasset $1999 ($500 off) F602CB $899 ($130 off)
4300 Millenium $1950 ($350 off) CB1200 pellet stove $2500 ($600 off)
HEATING & COOLING 808 - 9th Street N • 250-344-5218
Wheel Chair Ramp
Doug Clovechok Liberal Cedar House Chalets And Restaurant Aqua Vitalis/Balanced Body Works
Sure Mechanical Scholars Edge Painting Mountainside Gardens CVCU Golden Star/ Rotary Joni Young Art Kat Hadford Photography
KHC Chamber
COTR/ Cops for Kids
Parky’s Heating & Cooling Mary Kay Ellen Hatlivik
Ronco Roofing Town of Golden Wildsight
Apple Islamd Naturals Norm Macdonald NDP FIRE ExIT Medi Chair
Epicure Selections
Edward Jones Investments
Lia F Sopia
Cal Gas Inc.
Brandsource Home Furnishings Golden Eco Ranch 5th Avenue Collection Jewellery
Investors Group Personal Touch
Monavie/ Shape Up Fitness
Remax/LendingMax Flec Demmon Sun Life Financials Baljit Rana Golden Home Hardware Caleb Farms
Golden Satellite & Shaw Direct
Hellbent Geothermal Motor Tech Sports
FIRE ExIT Real L’Heureux (Outside)
Free Sa Brea Commturd a k Colu fast sp unity Py an o m prep bia Ba nsored cake sin by ar Coff ed by th Trust a the ee c e Ro nd o u McD rtes tary. 9am onald y of to 1 s. 1am
10:00 a.m. • Tony Bell 10:30 a.m. • Bugaboo Bliss Itty Bitty Yogis - 3 to 6 years old ® 11:00 a.m. • Shape Up Fitness - Zumbatomic 11:30 a.m. • Mountainside Gardens - Create a patio planter like a pro! 12:00 p.m. • Juggling Club ® 12:30 p.m. • Michaela Sydney G. Dunn ® 1:00 p.m. • Li Jigeurs Metchif the ride says it all Rebates up to 2:00 p.m. • Paige Ellerton 3:00 ORp.m. • Shape Up Fitness - Zumba the ride says it all Rebates up to Extended Warranty 6 months BRP Limited Warranty plus 18 months the ride equipment. says it all TheRebates Golden up Fireto will be in the parking withcontract theironladder truck and their specialty onDepartment select models B.E.S.T. Extendedlot Service select models OR Ask the Fire Chief to tell his story about theWarranty huge flag on display. Extended
The Local Townie ENTRANCE DOORS News
Viewing/Sitting Area
1:00 p.m. • Leo Downey 2:00 p.m. • Bugaboo Bliss Yoga - Forward & Back Demo 3:00 p.m. • Shape Up Fitness - Zumba 4:00 p.m. • Tony Bell 5:00 & 6:00 p.m. • Kootenay Legends 6:30 p.m. • Mountainside Gardens - Getting your Grass in Gear 7:00 • Krista & The Krybabys
rday Satu lden o n The G nt will be i e r partm t with thei e D e r lo Fi rking and their a p e h k t r truc ent! ladde lty equipm a speci
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Schedule of Events
(250) 344-2964 Highway 95 South Half
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Spring Sales Event Can-Am
Spring Sales Event Spring $ , Sales Event
1 7 50 Can-Am $
2-Year ,750 1 2-Year $Spring + 1,750Sales Event ®
+ + 2-Year $ , 300 $ 1$7 50 300 300 + + + $300+ 3.99% APR Rebates up to
6 months BRP Limited Warranty plus 18 months
Extended Service contract on select models ExtendedB.E.S.T. Warranty
on select models†
on select models†
6 months BRP Limited Warranty plus 18 months B.E.S.T. Extended Service contract on select models‡
Free Rebates Community Breakfast by the Columbia Basin Trust and prepared theitRotary. the rideby says all ontosponsored 2013 Can-Am up to Pancake Rebates up PLUS Coffee courtesy of McDonalds. 9am to 11am off-road Accessories Rebates up to $ OR When you purchase 1,500 of 2013 Can-Am on off-road 2013accessories Can-Am ◊
Extended Warranty off-road Accessories 6 months BRP Limited Warranty plus 18 months on 2013 Can-Am $ When youB.E.S.T. purchase 1,500 of 2013contract Can-Amon off-road accessories Extended Service select models PLUS off-road Accessories
on select models
When you purchase $1,500 of 2013 Can-Am off-road accessories◊
Rebates up to
Financing as lowPLUS as PLUS
Financing as low as
3.99% APR 3.99% APR + Limited-time offer. on 2013 Can-Am Financing as low Accessories as off-road
When you purchase $1,500 of 2013 Can-Am off-road accessories◊
for 36 months
§ on select models for 36 months OtherPLUS financing options available on select models§
Other financing options available for 36 months
on select models Financing as low as
Limited-time offer. Limited-time offer. §
3.99% APR Other financing options available
for 36 months
on select models Other financing options available §
Limited-time offer.
DealerDealer Imprint Imprint Goes Here Dealer ImprintGoes Here Goes Here
MOTOR TECH ENTERPRISES LTD. 934 - 10th Ave. N Golden B.C. 250-344-2888
©2013 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ®, ™ and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its affiliates. Offers valid in Canada only, from April 1, 2013 to June 3, 2013. See an authorized BRP dealer for details. The conditions may vary from province to province and these offers are subject to termination or change at any time without notice. †Rebates up to $1,750: Eligible units
® ™ † ©2013 Bombardier Recreational Products All rights , ATVs, and the BRPaslogo BRP or itsvehicles. affiliates. valid Canadaofonly, from April 1, 2013 to TMJune 3, 2013.model, See anyouauthorized BRP rebate, dealerplus for details. Thebetween conditions may vary fromofprovince to 2-year province and these offers subjectoftoa 2012 termination changeTMatATVanymodel, timeyou without Rebates $1,750: Eligible are Inc. new (BRP). and unused 2011 toreserved. 2012 Can-Am as well 2011areto trademarks 2012 Can-Amofside-by-side ForOffers example, on ainpurchase a 2012 Can-Am Commander side-by-side will get $1,000 the choice an additional rebate $750 or the extended warranty; on aare purchase Can-AmorOutlander will getnotice. $700 rebate, plusup theto choice between an units TM ‡ TM of $750 or the 2-year extended warranty; on®a purchase of a 2012 Can-Am OutlanderTM ATV model, you will get $700 rebate, plus the choice between an are new and unused 2011 to 2012 Can-Am ATVs,rebate as wellof as 2011 to 2-year 2012 Can-Am side-by-side vehicles. example, a purchase of aa2012 Can-AmBRP Commander side-by-side model, you will getEligible $1,000 rebate, plus choice2011 between additional rebate additional $400 or the extended warranty. Dealer may sellFor for less. While on quantities last. See participating dealer for details. 2-Year Extended Warranty: units are new andthe unused to 2013anCan-Am Renegade and Outlander ATV models (excluding Outlander X mr models), as well as new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am Commander side-by-side models. The buyer will ‡ TM ® ◊ additional rebate $400 or theBRP 2-year extended warranty. Dealer may sell for less. While last. to Seea $50 a participating 2-Year Extended Warranty: new and unused to 2013 Can-Am and Outlander models (excluding Outlander X mrInstant models), aswith wellthe aspurchase new andofunused to 2013 side-by-side models. buyer will receiveofthe 6-month Limited Warranty plus an 18-month B.E.S.T. extended servicequantities contract subject deductible onBRP eachdealer repair. for Seedetails. your participating BRP Can-Am dealer for Eligible all detailsunits and are to receive a copy of the 2011 BRP Limited Warranty andRenegade B.E.S.T. contract. Up to $300ATV rebate on Can-Am off-road accessories: rebate new and2011 unused genuineCan-Am Can-AmCommander off-road accessories (for reference seeThe pages ® ™ † ©2013 Recreational Products Inc.2013 (BRP). All rights reserved. , and the applicable BRPsubject logo are of BRP oron itsproducts affiliates. Offers Canada only,only from April 1, 2013 toaJune See Can-Am an authorized BRP dealer Theofconditions maymore vary(before from province province theseyou offers are subject tooff-road termination or change at Instant any timerebate withoutwith notice. up of to new $1,750: units ◊ 48 to 104 of the Can-Am off-road PAC catalog, not ontotrademarks parts, licensed and maintenance products) when purchasing new unused off-road With purchase $1,500 and taxes andtoinstallation fees), will receive an instant rebateaccessories: receive the 6-month BRPBombardier Limited Warranty plus an 18-month B.E.S.T. extended service contract a $50clothing, deductible each repair. Seevalid yourinparticipating BRP Can-Am dealer for3,and all2013. details and to receive aunit. copy offorthe thedetails. BRP Limited Warranty and B.E.S.T. contract. Up toand $300 rebate on Can-Am theRebates purchase andEligible unused genuine Can-Am off-road accessories (for reference see pages TM TM are new and unused 2011 to 2012 Can-Am as wellaas2013 to 2012 Can-Am side-by-side For example, a purchasea of a 2012 Can-Am Commander model, you will get $1,000 rebate, taxes plus the between an additional rebateanofinstant $750 orrebate the 2-year extended warranty; on a purchase ainstant 2012 Can-Am $200 when purchasing side-by-side or anproducts instantvehicles. rebate of $300 whenon purchasing to 2012 side-by-side With theCan-Am purchase of $600 and more andchoice fees), you (before will receive of $75 when a 2013 ATV or of an rebate Outlander ATV model, you will get $700 rebate, plus the choice between an 48 to 104 of the 2013 Can-Am off-road PACofcatalog, notATVs, applicable on 2011 parts, clothing,vehicle licensed and maintenance products) only2011 when purchasing a newvehicle. andside-by-side unused off-road unit. With(before the purchase ofinstallation $1,500 and more taxes and installation fees), youpurchasing will receive an instant rebate ‡ TM additional rebate of $400 or the 2-year extended warranty. Dealerto may sell forMaximum less. While quantities last. See a purchase. participating BRP be dealer for details. 2-Year Extended Warranty: Eligible unitstoare new and or unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Amprior Renegade andaccessories Outlander ATV models (excluding Outlander X® mr models), as details. well as §new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am Commander side-by-side models. The buyer will of $125 when purchasing a 2011 2012 ATV. of $300 rebate per total Cannot combined with any other accessories offer and is subject termination change at any time without notice. One offer per unit. See your participating BRP dealer for Financing of $200 when purchasing a 2013 side-by-side vehicle or an instant rebatesubject of $300to when purchasingonaeach 2011repair. to 2012 side-by-side vehicle.Can-Am With the purchase of $600and and more (before taxes and Limited installation fees), you will receive an instant rebate ofon$75 when purchasing a 2013Instant ATV orrebate an instant rebate receive the 6-month BRP Limited Warranty plus an 18-monthOption: B.E.S.T.Subject extended serviceapproval contract by a $50 deductible See your participating for Can-Am all detailsATVs, to well receive a copytoof2013 the BRP Warrantyvehicles. and B.E.S.T. contract. a◊Up to $300loan rebate Can-Amofoff-road with the purchase of new and unused genuine Can-Am off-road accessories (for reference see pages credit the participating financial institution. Eligible units are new andBRP unused 2011dealer as 2011 Can-Am side-by-side For example, financing in the amount $10,000,accessories: financed at 3.99% equals § $295.20 per month purchasing a 2011 to 2012 ATV. Maximum ofto $300 rebate per total purchase. Cannot be combined withpurchasing any other accessories offerCan-Am andto is2013 subject to termination oraschange at any without prior and notice. One accessories offer per unit. See your participating BRP dealer for APR, details. Financing 48 to 104 ofofthe$125 2013when Can-Am off-road PAC catalog, not applicable on parts,with clothing, licensed products andofmaintenance onlya when new and unused off-road unit. Withfreight the purchase of $1,500 andtime moreapplicable (before taxes installation fees), youare will receive an instant for 36 months $0 down payment. The cost borrowing isproducts) $627.20 for total obligation ofa$10,627.20. License, insurance, registration, and preparation, options, fees, duties, levies and taxes extra. Dealer may sellrebate for less. While quantities last. Some models depicted may include Option: Subject to credit approval by ortheanparticipating financial institution. Eligible units ATV areside-by-side new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am ATVs, well as 2011 toand 2013 Can-Am the side-by-side vehicles. For at example, financing loan in the2013 amount of an $10,000, financed at 3.99% APR, equals $295.20 per month of $200 when purchasing a 2013 side-by-side vehicle instant of $300 purchasing a 2011 With the purchase $600 and as more (before taxes installation you will receive instant rebate ofa$75 when or instant rebate optionalrebate equipment. BRPwhen highly recommends thattoall2012 drivers take vehicle. a training course. For safetyofand training information, see your dealer or callfees), Canadian Safetyan Council (613) 739-1535, ext.purchasing 227. ATVs acan be ATV hazardous to operate. For your safety: always wear a helmet, eye protection, and § forpurchasing 36 monthsa 2011 with $0 downATV. payment. Theof cost borrowing ispurchase. $627.20 forcarry a total obligation $10,627.20. License, insurance, registration, freight and use. preparation, options, applicable duties, levies are extra. DealerforBRP may sell for less. While quantities last. Some models depicted may include of $125 when to 2012 Maximum $300 rebate per total Cannot bepassengers combined with any other offer and is by subject to termination or change at any time model without prior accessories offer(General perand unit.taxes SeeModels) your participating dealer for and/or details. Financing otherof protective clothing. Never onof any ATV notaccessories specifically designed the manufacturer for such All adult Can Amnotice. ATVs One arefees, Category G ATVs Use intended recreational utility use by an operator age 16 or older. For side-by-side vehicles (SxS): Option: Subject to credit approval BRP by thehighly participating financial institution. Eligible units new Guide andcourse. unused 2011safety to 2013 Can-Am ATVs, as well For as 2011 to 2013 Can-Am side-by-side vehicles.and Forother example, a at financing loan inlateral the amount of $10,000, at 3.99% APR, equals $295.20 peryears month optional equipment. recommends that ATVside-by-side drivers take aaretraining For and training information, seesafety: your dealer call the Safety Council (613) 739-1535, ext. ATVsbelt canfinanced to operate. For your safety: wearmust a helmet, eye12protection, Read theallBRP Operator’s and watch the Safety DVD before driving. your wear aorhelmet, eyeCanadian protection protective gear. Fasten net227. and seat atbe all hazardous times. Operator must be at least 16 old.always Passenger be at least years old andand able to hold for 36 months withprotective $0 down payment. The Never cost of borrowing ishandgrips $627.20 on for aany total obligation of $10,627.20. License, registration, freight anduse. preparation, options, fees,are duties, leviesroads. and taxes are extra. Dealer mayriding sell for less. While quantities models may include other clothing. carry passengers ATV not specifically designed byinsurance, theATVs manufacturer for such adult model Canpaved Am ATVs Category G ATVs (General Use Models) intended for recreational and/or utility usedepicted by an operator age 16excessive or older.speed For side-by-side vehicles (SxS):on difficult and plant feet while seated against the backrest. and SxS are for off-road useAll only; never ride applicable on surfaces or public Always remember that and alcohol/drugs don’tlast. mix.Some Never engage in stunt driving. Avoid and be particularly careful optional equipment. BRP highly recommends that all ATV drivers take a training course. For safety and training information, see your dealer or call the Canadian Safety Council at (613) 739-1535, ext. 227. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety: always wear a helmet, eye protection, and terrain. Ride responsibly. Read the BRP side-by-side Operator’s Guide and watch the Inc. Safety DVD before driving.®,For ™ your safety: wear a helmet, eye protection and other protective gear. Fasten lateral net and seat belt at all times. Operator must be at least 16 years old. Passenger must be at least 12 years old and able to hold ©2013 Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP). All rights reserved. and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its affiliates. Offers valid in Canada only, from April 1, 2013 to June 3, 2013. See an authorized BRP dealer for details. The conditions may vary from province to province and these offers are subject to termination or change at any time without notice. †Rebates up to $1,750: Eligible units other protective clothing. Never carry passengers on any ATV not specifically designed by the manufacturer for such use. All adult model Can Am ATVs are Category G ATVs (General Use Models) intended for recreational and/or utility use by an operator age 16 or older. For side-by-side vehicles (SxS): 9100381 TM handgrips and plant feetare while seated against the backrest. ATVs SxSasare off-road use only; never ride on surfaces or public roads. Always remember that riding don’t mix.theNever in stunt driving. Avoid excessive speed and be particularly careful on difficult new andwatch unused to 2012 Can-Amdriving. ATVs, and asForwell 2011for towear 2012 vehicles. For paved example, on agear. purchase of alateral 2012 Can-Am Commander side-by-side model,and you alcohol/drugs will choiceengage between of $750 theto2-year on a purchase of a 2012 Can-Am OutlanderTM ATV model, you will get $700 rebate, plus the choice between an Read the BRP side-by-side Operator’s Guide and the2011 Safety DVD before your safety: aCan-Am helmet,side-by-side eye protection and other protective Fasten net and seat belt at all times. Operator must beget at $1,000 least 16rebate, yearsplus old. Passenger must beanatadditional least 12 rebate years old and orable hold extended warranty; ‡ TM ® terrain. Ride responsibly. additional rebate of $400 or the 2-year extended warranty. Dealer may sell for less. While quantities last. See a participating BRP dealer for details. 2-Year Extended Warranty: Eligible units are new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am Renegade and Outlander ATV models (excluding Outlander X mr models), as well as new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am Commander side-by-side models. The buyer will handgrips and plant feet while seated against the backrest. ATVs and SxS are for off-road use only; never ride on paved surfaces or public roads. Always remember that riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix. Never engage in stunt driving. Avoid excessive speed and be particularly careful on difficult 9100381 receive the 6-month BRP Limited Warranty plus an 18-month B.E.S.T. extended service contract subject to a $50 deductible on each repair. See your participating BRP Can-Am dealer for all details and to receive a copy of the BRP Limited Warranty and B.E.S.T. contract. ◊Up to $300 rebate on Can-Am off-road accessories: Instant rebate with the purchase of new and unused genuine Can-Am off-road accessories (for reference see pages terrain. Ride responsibly.
Dealer Imprint Goes Here
9100381 48 to 104 of the 2013 Can-Am off-road PAC catalog, not applicable on parts, clothing, licensed products and maintenance products) only when purchasing a new and unused Can-Am off-road unit. With the purchase of $1,500 and more (before taxes and installation fees), you will receive an instant rebate
of $200 when purchasing a 2013 side-by-side vehicle or an instant rebate of $300 when purchasing a 2011 to 2012 side-by-side vehicle. With the purchase of $600 and more (before taxes and installation fees), you will receive an instant rebate of $75 when purchasing a 2013 ATV or an instant rebate of $125 when purchasing a 2011 to 2012 ATV. Maximum of $300 rebate per total purchase. Cannot be combined with any other accessories offer and is subject to termination or change at any time without prior notice. One accessories offer per unit. See your participating BRP dealer for details. §Financing Option: Subject to credit approval by the participating financial institution. Eligible units are new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am ATVs, as well as 2011 to 2013 Can-Am side-by-side vehicles. For example, a financing loan in the amount of $10,000, financed at 3.99% APR, equals $295.20 per month for 36 months with $0 down payment. The cost of borrowing is $627.20 for a total obligation of $10,627.20. License, insurance, registration, freight and preparation, options, applicable fees, duties, levies and taxes are extra. Dealer may sell for less. While quantities last. Some models depicted may include optional equipment. BRP highly recommends that all ATV drivers take a training course. For safety and training information, see your dealer or call the Canadian Safety Council at (613) 739-1535, ext. 227. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety: always wear a helmet, eye protection, and other protective clothing. Never carry passengers on any ATV not specifically designed by the manufacturer for such use. All adult model Can Am ATVs are Category G ATVs (General Use Models) intended for recreational and/or utility use by an operator age 16 or older. For side-by-side vehicles (SxS): Read the BRP side-by-side Operator’s Guide and watch the Safety DVD before driving. For your safety: wear a helmet, eye protection and other protective gear. Fasten lateral net and seat belt at all times. Operator must be at least 16 years old. Passenger must be at least 12 years old and able to hold
spring home & lifestyle show
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star
Come Home to check out our “Natura” paint and our beautiful outdoor living furniture and decor, along with the best BBQ’s on the market! We have everything to make Mom’s Day perfect, starting at Home. Come on down to the store and Jeremy can design a deck to put all that wonderful decor on!
it the oth. s i v d y an ckies bo ill b p o o w St the R tudents ircut! f o s ge ha ds! st Colle air Styli .00 per ps for Ki m 5 H o -5 p ir, $ to the C The a m h a g oing uttin y 10 ming – a d be c ds are g m ur ee Sat e progra des c o & r g u m All p -8 p test colle ing incl k up the 6 y m a ic la Frid up the program le and p Pick ummer ess Sha swag! s Burg college e h t g t in Hikin lates
100% CANADIAN d Locally owne & operated!
Home Owners helping homeowners Come visit us at booth #10A, Passport photos available at the booth!
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True North $899 ($100 off) Vista $1175 ($200 off) Super 27 $1450 ($250 off) Summit $1925 ($325 off) Fusion $1900 ($300 off) T5 Alderlea $2050 ($500 off)
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4300 Millenium $1950 ($350 off) CB1200 pellet stove $2500 ($600 off)
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Wheel Chair Ramp
Doug Clovechok Liberal Cedar House Chalets And Restaurant Aqua Vitalis/Balanced Body Works
Sure Mechanical Scholars Edge Painting Mountainside Gardens CVCU Golden Star/ Rotary Joni Young Art Kat Hadford Photography
KHC Chamber
COTR/ Cops for Kids
Parky’s Heating & Cooling Mary Kay Ellen Hatlivik
Ronco Roofing Town of Golden Wildsight
Apple Islamd Naturals Norm Macdonald NDP FIRE ExIT Medi Chair
Epicure Selections
Edward Jones Investments
Lia F Sopia
Cal Gas Inc.
Brandsource Home Furnishings Golden Eco Ranch 5th Avenue Collection Jewellery
Investors Group Personal Touch
Monavie/ Shape Up Fitness
Remax/LendingMax Flec Demmon Sun Life Financials Baljit Rana Golden Home Hardware Caleb Farms
Golden Satellite & Shaw Direct
Hellbent Geothermal Motor Tech Sports
FIRE ExIT Real L’Heureux (Outside)
Free Sa Brea Commturd a k Colu fast sp unity Py an o m prep bia Ba nsored cake sin by ar Coff ed by th Trust a the ee c e Ro nd o u McD rtes tary. 9am onald y of to 1 s. 1am
10:00 a.m. • Tony Bell 10:30 a.m. • Bugaboo Bliss Itty Bitty Yogis - 3 to 6 years old ® 11:00 a.m. • Shape Up Fitness - Zumbatomic 11:30 a.m. • Mountainside Gardens - Create a patio planter like a pro! 12:00 p.m. • Juggling Club ® 12:30 p.m. • Michaela Sydney G. Dunn ® 1:00 p.m. • Li Jigeurs Metchif the ride says it all Rebates up to 2:00 p.m. • Paige Ellerton 3:00 ORp.m. • Shape Up Fitness - Zumba the ride says it all Rebates up to Extended Warranty 6 months BRP Limited Warranty plus 18 months the ride equipment. says it all TheRebates Golden up Fireto will be in the parking withcontract theironladder truck and their specialty onDepartment select models B.E.S.T. Extendedlot Service select models OR Ask the Fire Chief to tell his story about theWarranty huge flag on display. Extended
The Local Townie ENTRANCE DOORS News
Viewing/Sitting Area
1:00 p.m. • Leo Downey 2:00 p.m. • Bugaboo Bliss Yoga - Forward & Back Demo 3:00 p.m. • Shape Up Fitness - Zumba 4:00 p.m. • Tony Bell 5:00 & 6:00 p.m. • Kootenay Legends 6:30 p.m. • Mountainside Gardens - Getting your Grass in Gear 7:00 • Krista & The Krybabys
rday Satu lden o n The G nt will be i e r partm t with thei e D e r lo Fi rking and their a p e h k t r truc ent! ladde lty equipm a speci
Concession STAGE
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Schedule of Events
(250) 344-2964 Highway 95 South Half
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Spring Sales Event Can-Am
Spring Sales Event Spring $ , Sales Event
1 7 50 Can-Am $
2-Year ,750 1 2-Year $Spring + 1,750Sales Event ®
+ + 2-Year $ , 300 $ 1$7 50 300 300 + + + $300+ 3.99% APR Rebates up to
6 months BRP Limited Warranty plus 18 months
Extended Service contract on select models ExtendedB.E.S.T. Warranty
on select models†
on select models†
6 months BRP Limited Warranty plus 18 months B.E.S.T. Extended Service contract on select models‡
Free Rebates Community Breakfast by the Columbia Basin Trust and prepared theitRotary. the rideby says all ontosponsored 2013 Can-Am up to Pancake Rebates up PLUS Coffee courtesy of McDonalds. 9am to 11am off-road Accessories Rebates up to $ OR When you purchase 1,500 of 2013 Can-Am on off-road 2013accessories Can-Am ◊
Extended Warranty off-road Accessories 6 months BRP Limited Warranty plus 18 months on 2013 Can-Am $ When youB.E.S.T. purchase 1,500 of 2013contract Can-Amon off-road accessories Extended Service select models PLUS off-road Accessories
on select models
When you purchase $1,500 of 2013 Can-Am off-road accessories◊
Rebates up to
Financing as lowPLUS as PLUS
Financing as low as
3.99% APR 3.99% APR + Limited-time offer. on 2013 Can-Am Financing as low Accessories as off-road
When you purchase $1,500 of 2013 Can-Am off-road accessories◊
for 36 months
§ on select models for 36 months OtherPLUS financing options available on select models§
Other financing options available for 36 months
on select models Financing as low as
Limited-time offer. Limited-time offer. §
3.99% APR Other financing options available
for 36 months
on select models Other financing options available §
Limited-time offer.
DealerDealer Imprint Imprint Goes Here Dealer ImprintGoes Here Goes Here
MOTOR TECH ENTERPRISES LTD. 934 - 10th Ave. N Golden B.C. 250-344-2888
©2013 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ®, ™ and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its affiliates. Offers valid in Canada only, from April 1, 2013 to June 3, 2013. See an authorized BRP dealer for details. The conditions may vary from province to province and these offers are subject to termination or change at any time without notice. †Rebates up to $1,750: Eligible units
® ™ † ©2013 Bombardier Recreational Products All rights , ATVs, and the BRPaslogo BRP or itsvehicles. affiliates. valid Canadaofonly, from April 1, 2013 to TMJune 3, 2013.model, See anyouauthorized BRP rebate, dealerplus for details. Thebetween conditions may vary fromofprovince to 2-year province and these offers subjectoftoa 2012 termination changeTMatATVanymodel, timeyou without Rebates $1,750: Eligible are Inc. new (BRP). and unused 2011 toreserved. 2012 Can-Am as well 2011areto trademarks 2012 Can-Amofside-by-side ForOffers example, on ainpurchase a 2012 Can-Am Commander side-by-side will get $1,000 the choice an additional rebate $750 or the extended warranty; on aare purchase Can-AmorOutlander will getnotice. $700 rebate, plusup theto choice between an units TM ‡ TM of $750 or the 2-year extended warranty; on®a purchase of a 2012 Can-Am OutlanderTM ATV model, you will get $700 rebate, plus the choice between an are new and unused 2011 to 2012 Can-Am ATVs,rebate as wellof as 2011 to 2-year 2012 Can-Am side-by-side vehicles. example, a purchase of aa2012 Can-AmBRP Commander side-by-side model, you will getEligible $1,000 rebate, plus choice2011 between additional rebate additional $400 or the extended warranty. Dealer may sellFor for less. While on quantities last. See participating dealer for details. 2-Year Extended Warranty: units are new andthe unused to 2013anCan-Am Renegade and Outlander ATV models (excluding Outlander X mr models), as well as new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am Commander side-by-side models. The buyer will ‡ TM ® ◊ additional rebate $400 or theBRP 2-year extended warranty. Dealer may sell for less. While last. to Seea $50 a participating 2-Year Extended Warranty: new and unused to 2013 Can-Am and Outlander models (excluding Outlander X mrInstant models), aswith wellthe aspurchase new andofunused to 2013 side-by-side models. buyer will receiveofthe 6-month Limited Warranty plus an 18-month B.E.S.T. extended servicequantities contract subject deductible onBRP eachdealer repair. for Seedetails. your participating BRP Can-Am dealer for Eligible all detailsunits and are to receive a copy of the 2011 BRP Limited Warranty andRenegade B.E.S.T. contract. Up to $300ATV rebate on Can-Am off-road accessories: rebate new and2011 unused genuineCan-Am Can-AmCommander off-road accessories (for reference seeThe pages ® ™ † ©2013 Recreational Products Inc.2013 (BRP). All rights reserved. , and the applicable BRPsubject logo are of BRP oron itsproducts affiliates. Offers Canada only,only from April 1, 2013 toaJune See Can-Am an authorized BRP dealer Theofconditions maymore vary(before from province province theseyou offers are subject tooff-road termination or change at Instant any timerebate withoutwith notice. up of to new $1,750: units ◊ 48 to 104 of the Can-Am off-road PAC catalog, not ontotrademarks parts, licensed and maintenance products) when purchasing new unused off-road With purchase $1,500 and taxes andtoinstallation fees), will receive an instant rebateaccessories: receive the 6-month BRPBombardier Limited Warranty plus an 18-month B.E.S.T. extended service contract a $50clothing, deductible each repair. Seevalid yourinparticipating BRP Can-Am dealer for3,and all2013. details and to receive aunit. copy offorthe thedetails. BRP Limited Warranty and B.E.S.T. contract. Up toand $300 rebate on Can-Am theRebates purchase andEligible unused genuine Can-Am off-road accessories (for reference see pages TM TM are new and unused 2011 to 2012 Can-Am as wellaas2013 to 2012 Can-Am side-by-side For example, a purchasea of a 2012 Can-Am Commander model, you will get $1,000 rebate, taxes plus the between an additional rebateanofinstant $750 orrebate the 2-year extended warranty; on a purchase ainstant 2012 Can-Am $200 when purchasing side-by-side or anproducts instantvehicles. rebate of $300 whenon purchasing to 2012 side-by-side With theCan-Am purchase of $600 and more andchoice fees), you (before will receive of $75 when a 2013 ATV or of an rebate Outlander ATV model, you will get $700 rebate, plus the choice between an 48 to 104 of the 2013 Can-Am off-road PACofcatalog, notATVs, applicable on 2011 parts, clothing,vehicle licensed and maintenance products) only2011 when purchasing a newvehicle. andside-by-side unused off-road unit. With(before the purchase ofinstallation $1,500 and more taxes and installation fees), youpurchasing will receive an instant rebate ‡ TM additional rebate of $400 or the 2-year extended warranty. Dealerto may sell forMaximum less. While quantities last. See a purchase. participating BRP be dealer for details. 2-Year Extended Warranty: Eligible unitstoare new and or unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Amprior Renegade andaccessories Outlander ATV models (excluding Outlander X® mr models), as details. well as §new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am Commander side-by-side models. The buyer will of $125 when purchasing a 2011 2012 ATV. of $300 rebate per total Cannot combined with any other accessories offer and is subject termination change at any time without notice. One offer per unit. See your participating BRP dealer for Financing of $200 when purchasing a 2013 side-by-side vehicle or an instant rebatesubject of $300to when purchasingonaeach 2011repair. to 2012 side-by-side vehicle.Can-Am With the purchase of $600and and more (before taxes and Limited installation fees), you will receive an instant rebate ofon$75 when purchasing a 2013Instant ATV orrebate an instant rebate receive the 6-month BRP Limited Warranty plus an 18-monthOption: B.E.S.T.Subject extended serviceapproval contract by a $50 deductible See your participating for Can-Am all detailsATVs, to well receive a copytoof2013 the BRP Warrantyvehicles. and B.E.S.T. contract. a◊Up to $300loan rebate Can-Amofoff-road with the purchase of new and unused genuine Can-Am off-road accessories (for reference see pages credit the participating financial institution. Eligible units are new andBRP unused 2011dealer as 2011 Can-Am side-by-side For example, financing in the amount $10,000,accessories: financed at 3.99% equals § $295.20 per month purchasing a 2011 to 2012 ATV. Maximum ofto $300 rebate per total purchase. Cannot be combined withpurchasing any other accessories offerCan-Am andto is2013 subject to termination oraschange at any without prior and notice. One accessories offer per unit. See your participating BRP dealer for APR, details. Financing 48 to 104 ofofthe$125 2013when Can-Am off-road PAC catalog, not applicable on parts,with clothing, licensed products andofmaintenance onlya when new and unused off-road unit. Withfreight the purchase of $1,500 andtime moreapplicable (before taxes installation fees), youare will receive an instant for 36 months $0 down payment. The cost borrowing isproducts) $627.20 for total obligation ofa$10,627.20. License, insurance, registration, and preparation, options, fees, duties, levies and taxes extra. Dealer may sellrebate for less. While quantities last. Some models depicted may include Option: Subject to credit approval by ortheanparticipating financial institution. Eligible units ATV areside-by-side new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am ATVs, well as 2011 toand 2013 Can-Am the side-by-side vehicles. For at example, financing loan in the2013 amount of an $10,000, financed at 3.99% APR, equals $295.20 per month of $200 when purchasing a 2013 side-by-side vehicle instant of $300 purchasing a 2011 With the purchase $600 and as more (before taxes installation you will receive instant rebate ofa$75 when or instant rebate optionalrebate equipment. BRPwhen highly recommends thattoall2012 drivers take vehicle. a training course. For safetyofand training information, see your dealer or callfees), Canadian Safetyan Council (613) 739-1535, ext.purchasing 227. ATVs acan be ATV hazardous to operate. For your safety: always wear a helmet, eye protection, and § forpurchasing 36 monthsa 2011 with $0 downATV. payment. Theof cost borrowing ispurchase. $627.20 forcarry a total obligation $10,627.20. License, insurance, registration, freight and use. preparation, options, applicable duties, levies are extra. DealerforBRP may sell for less. While quantities last. Some models depicted may include of $125 when to 2012 Maximum $300 rebate per total Cannot bepassengers combined with any other offer and is by subject to termination or change at any time model without prior accessories offer(General perand unit.taxes SeeModels) your participating dealer for and/or details. Financing otherof protective clothing. Never onof any ATV notaccessories specifically designed the manufacturer for such All adult Can Amnotice. ATVs One arefees, Category G ATVs Use intended recreational utility use by an operator age 16 or older. For side-by-side vehicles (SxS): Option: Subject to credit approval BRP by thehighly participating financial institution. Eligible units new Guide andcourse. unused 2011safety to 2013 Can-Am ATVs, as well For as 2011 to 2013 Can-Am side-by-side vehicles.and Forother example, a at financing loan inlateral the amount of $10,000, at 3.99% APR, equals $295.20 peryears month optional equipment. recommends that ATVside-by-side drivers take aaretraining For and training information, seesafety: your dealer call the Safety Council (613) 739-1535, ext. ATVsbelt canfinanced to operate. For your safety: wearmust a helmet, eye12protection, Read theallBRP Operator’s and watch the Safety DVD before driving. your wear aorhelmet, eyeCanadian protection protective gear. Fasten net227. and seat atbe all hazardous times. Operator must be at least 16 old.always Passenger be at least years old andand able to hold for 36 months withprotective $0 down payment. The Never cost of borrowing ishandgrips $627.20 on for aany total obligation of $10,627.20. License, registration, freight anduse. preparation, options, fees,are duties, leviesroads. and taxes are extra. Dealer mayriding sell for less. While quantities models may include other clothing. carry passengers ATV not specifically designed byinsurance, theATVs manufacturer for such adult model Canpaved Am ATVs Category G ATVs (General Use Models) intended for recreational and/or utility usedepicted by an operator age 16excessive or older.speed For side-by-side vehicles (SxS):on difficult and plant feet while seated against the backrest. and SxS are for off-road useAll only; never ride applicable on surfaces or public Always remember that and alcohol/drugs don’tlast. mix.Some Never engage in stunt driving. Avoid and be particularly careful optional equipment. BRP highly recommends that all ATV drivers take a training course. For safety and training information, see your dealer or call the Canadian Safety Council at (613) 739-1535, ext. 227. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety: always wear a helmet, eye protection, and terrain. Ride responsibly. Read the BRP side-by-side Operator’s Guide and watch the Inc. Safety DVD before driving.®,For ™ your safety: wear a helmet, eye protection and other protective gear. Fasten lateral net and seat belt at all times. Operator must be at least 16 years old. Passenger must be at least 12 years old and able to hold ©2013 Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP). All rights reserved. and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its affiliates. Offers valid in Canada only, from April 1, 2013 to June 3, 2013. See an authorized BRP dealer for details. The conditions may vary from province to province and these offers are subject to termination or change at any time without notice. †Rebates up to $1,750: Eligible units other protective clothing. Never carry passengers on any ATV not specifically designed by the manufacturer for such use. All adult model Can Am ATVs are Category G ATVs (General Use Models) intended for recreational and/or utility use by an operator age 16 or older. For side-by-side vehicles (SxS): 9100381 TM handgrips and plant feetare while seated against the backrest. ATVs SxSasare off-road use only; never ride on surfaces or public roads. Always remember that riding don’t mix.theNever in stunt driving. Avoid excessive speed and be particularly careful on difficult new andwatch unused to 2012 Can-Amdriving. ATVs, and asForwell 2011for towear 2012 vehicles. For paved example, on agear. purchase of alateral 2012 Can-Am Commander side-by-side model,and you alcohol/drugs will choiceengage between of $750 theto2-year on a purchase of a 2012 Can-Am OutlanderTM ATV model, you will get $700 rebate, plus the choice between an Read the BRP side-by-side Operator’s Guide and the2011 Safety DVD before your safety: aCan-Am helmet,side-by-side eye protection and other protective Fasten net and seat belt at all times. Operator must beget at $1,000 least 16rebate, yearsplus old. Passenger must beanatadditional least 12 rebate years old and orable hold extended warranty; ‡ TM ® terrain. Ride responsibly. additional rebate of $400 or the 2-year extended warranty. Dealer may sell for less. While quantities last. See a participating BRP dealer for details. 2-Year Extended Warranty: Eligible units are new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am Renegade and Outlander ATV models (excluding Outlander X mr models), as well as new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am Commander side-by-side models. The buyer will handgrips and plant feet while seated against the backrest. ATVs and SxS are for off-road use only; never ride on paved surfaces or public roads. Always remember that riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix. Never engage in stunt driving. Avoid excessive speed and be particularly careful on difficult 9100381 receive the 6-month BRP Limited Warranty plus an 18-month B.E.S.T. extended service contract subject to a $50 deductible on each repair. See your participating BRP Can-Am dealer for all details and to receive a copy of the BRP Limited Warranty and B.E.S.T. contract. ◊Up to $300 rebate on Can-Am off-road accessories: Instant rebate with the purchase of new and unused genuine Can-Am off-road accessories (for reference see pages terrain. Ride responsibly.
Dealer Imprint Goes Here
9100381 48 to 104 of the 2013 Can-Am off-road PAC catalog, not applicable on parts, clothing, licensed products and maintenance products) only when purchasing a new and unused Can-Am off-road unit. With the purchase of $1,500 and more (before taxes and installation fees), you will receive an instant rebate
of $200 when purchasing a 2013 side-by-side vehicle or an instant rebate of $300 when purchasing a 2011 to 2012 side-by-side vehicle. With the purchase of $600 and more (before taxes and installation fees), you will receive an instant rebate of $75 when purchasing a 2013 ATV or an instant rebate of $125 when purchasing a 2011 to 2012 ATV. Maximum of $300 rebate per total purchase. Cannot be combined with any other accessories offer and is subject to termination or change at any time without prior notice. One accessories offer per unit. See your participating BRP dealer for details. §Financing Option: Subject to credit approval by the participating financial institution. Eligible units are new and unused 2011 to 2013 Can-Am ATVs, as well as 2011 to 2013 Can-Am side-by-side vehicles. For example, a financing loan in the amount of $10,000, financed at 3.99% APR, equals $295.20 per month for 36 months with $0 down payment. The cost of borrowing is $627.20 for a total obligation of $10,627.20. License, insurance, registration, freight and preparation, options, applicable fees, duties, levies and taxes are extra. Dealer may sell for less. While quantities last. Some models depicted may include optional equipment. BRP highly recommends that all ATV drivers take a training course. For safety and training information, see your dealer or call the Canadian Safety Council at (613) 739-1535, ext. 227. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety: always wear a helmet, eye protection, and other protective clothing. Never carry passengers on any ATV not specifically designed by the manufacturer for such use. All adult model Can Am ATVs are Category G ATVs (General Use Models) intended for recreational and/or utility use by an operator age 16 or older. For side-by-side vehicles (SxS): Read the BRP side-by-side Operator’s Guide and watch the Safety DVD before driving. For your safety: wear a helmet, eye protection and other protective gear. Fasten lateral net and seat belt at all times. Operator must be at least 16 years old. Passenger must be at least 12 years old and able to hold
spring home & lifestyle show
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
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Take advantage of these limited time offers at the Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show: April 26 & 27 in the Golden Curling Rink – Golden Satellite Booth. You can also take advantage of these offers through the below retailers:
*Available to new residential customers for a limited time only. The Essential HD Receiver is based on a $49.99 purchase price, less Pay Per View (PPV or VOD) credits. The $50 PPV/VOD credit excludes applicable taxes and will appear on the customer’s account in the form of a credit, applied upon activation. Conditions apply. Regular price of Digital Favourites is $66.65 after three month promotional period. Regular prices are subject to change. An included fee of 1% of your monthly satellite TV charges applies to fund Shaw Direct’s contribution to the CRTC’s Local Programming Improvement Fund. See SHAWDIRECT.CA/LPIF. Taxes extra. Offer subject to change without notice. Shaw Direct services are subject to our terms of use as occasionally amended. Django Unchained: © 2013 Starz, LLC. All Program Content © 2012 Visiona Romantica, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed exclusively in Canada by Alliance Films. All Rights Reserved. Gangster Squad: © 2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Silver Linings Playbook: © 2012 The Weinstein Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Distributed exclusively in Canada by Alliance Films. All Rights Reserved.
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 24, 2013 A17
A road made of silk finds its way to a Golden home Pictured are Silk Road and Ruth Ratzlaff (in the middle). The duo, made up of Qiu Xia He and her partner Andre Thibault played a Live Kicks Extra show at the Ratzlaff house on April 20. The music performed is a mix of ChineseWestern musical fusions that one now hears in acts ranging from The Sparrow Quartet to Yo Yo Ma’s Silk Road project. Photo Submitted
Baptiste Morigeau - Metis Merchant Exhibit Opening at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11th Ave South, Golden, BC April 26, 2013 beginning at 4:00 pm.
The Brains will be playing a show at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on May 15. Photo Submitted
A taste of psychobilly/horror punk Golden Star Staff Golden Delicious and the Rockwater Grill and Bar are bringing in a band that can only be described as psychobilly/horror punk The Brains. The Montreal band has made a reputation for themselves as the insanest, undeadest, and bestest psychobilly horror punk bands out there. Not exactly ones to follow the rules, they have brought their eye-popping live show to the four corners of the world. Since the release of the third self-titled fulllength album in early 2009, The Brains have been on a never-ending tour, steadily make their mark across Canada, the U.S. and Europe.
Their two video singles for Gone and Turn Around enjoyed tons of airplay on Much Music. They’ve had the pleasure of playing alongside acts like Mad Sin, The Offspring, The Reverend Horton Heat, The Real McKenzies, The Creepshow and many more. The Brains continue to blur the lines between rockabilly, psycho, punk, rock and roll - kicking down genre barriers and earning undying loyalty at every show they play. Incorporating whatever they feel like, The Brains are as versatile as they are deadly. Now, with the release of The Monster Within, the band is embarking on a massive western Canadian tour, making a stop in Golden on May 15 to play at the Rockwater. Cover is only $5.
There will be a small ceremony recognizing the family of Baptiste Morigeau and other honored guests at 4:15. Traditional Metis soup, bannock and tea will be served to the first 200 people who attend! Everyone welcome!
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Join a LA RUB
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
Sarah Hagen will be holding a special performance at the Golden Civic Centre on May 12 for Mother’s Day.
Photo Submitted
A special way to celebrate Mother’s Day at the Golden Civic Centre Golden Star Staff Kicking Horse Culture will be presenting a special Mother’s Day concert when acclaimed pianist Sarah Hagen performs at the Golden Civic Centre on May 12. Chamber Music with Sarah Hagen & friends will be an afternoon filled with great music along with tea and cake as Hagen plays the grand piano at the Civic Centre.
Hagen has been described as a visionary and an idealist whose performances are conceptually innovative. She is the Artistic Director for Pro’ject Sound, a performance project involving live piano with large-scale projected images. An avid collaborator, Hagen has performed with Ariel Barnes, Trio Accord, Ballet Victoria, Rebecca Wenham, Larry Knopp, the Emily Carr String Quartet, Ian Peaston, Marit Sjödin, Per Johansson, Vaida Rozinskaite, among many others, and recently appeared as soloist with the Victoria Symphony.
Her primary teachers and mentors throughout her career have been Jamie Parker, Glen Montgomery, Gregory Chaverdian and Christine Purvis. Since her move in 2011 to an artist loft in one of Vancouver’s most vibrant neighbourhoods, she has become deeply involved with intricate projects inspired by urban vitality. To learn more about the show go to or drop by the Art Gallery of Golden on 9th Avenue North.
2ND ANNUAL! IT’S TIME TO VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE ARTISTS! Award Categories Artist of the Year Song of the Year Album of the Year Best Rock/Metal/Punk Best Roots & Blues
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General Information
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Black Press C O M M U N I T Y
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 24, 2013 A19
Students compete in Cranbrook
Pictured is Karen Tierney at Glacier National Park’s 125th anniversary celebration. Photo Submitted
Superintendent retires Parks Canada Submitted
Illness affects everyone Julia Cundliffe Golden Hospice Society In the long and often painful journey one goes through when a lifethreatening illness overtakes a loved one, family caregivers are always those that suffer along with the patient; yet their needs are often overlooked. When we think of the dying, our first thoughts are with respect to the dying person. But the assistance provided by family caregivers is often the cornerstone of the care the family member receives. Quality end of life care can only be achieved when not only the dying person, but also their family and volunteer caregivers are provided with assistance and support that they require and deserve. This is why, particularly for volunteers, training is important so that quality care is available to the whole family. The training and knowledge of the volunteers also guides them to also realize that they must care for themselves in order to provide healthy caring assistance to the client. The Golden Hospice Society has been operating in this community for the past 13 years and over this period has had the privilege of assisting several families and individuals in need of this service. These volunteers are trained, confidential persons who are willing to give their time to those who particularly do not have immediate family members in the area. For those people not aware of how to contact this service, a referral to the local group can be made through your doctor, nursing staff, family member or your pastor. The local supervisor will then meet with you to discuss your needs and how volunteers can assist you . More volunteers are always needed and a training session for volunteers is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30 in Golden and for more information, please call 250 344-6300.
The Regional Concours d’art oratoire was held in Cranbrook with participating students in Grades 6 to 10 from Golden, Fernie and Cranbrook. The following students for Lady Grey Elementary School attended the event- Maeve Wilson, Robert Caldwell, Carrington Mitchell, Madeline Archibald, Syenna Mitchell, Kayla Taphorn, Claire Fraser, Tige Lussier. Photo submitted
NOTICE OF POWER INTERRUPTION PARSON We will be making electrical system improvements in Parson on Saturday, April 27. To ensure the safety of our work crews, it will be necessary to interrupt electrical service for approximately 5 hours.
Where: Mons Road north along Highway 95 to Schiesser Road including Mitchell Road, Jones Road and Campbell Road When: Saturday, April 27, 2013 Time:
8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. MST
To prepare for this interruption and protect your equipment from damage, please turn off all lights, electric heaters and major appliances and unplug all electronics. For the first hour after the power comes back on, please only plug in or turn on those electronics and appliances that you really need. This will help ensure the electrical system does not get overloaded. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will restore your power as soon as we can. Prepare for outages and stay informed by visiting or from your handheld device. Please call 1 888 POWERON (1 888 769 3766) for more information.
After almost 34 years with Parks Canada, Karen Tierney will retire from the Parks Canada Agency on May 24, 2013. Karen began her journey in Pukaskwa National Park as a student delivering school programs. Karen backpacked and canoed this wilderness and shared stories of the land with school children, National Geographic, and people such as Bill Mason. Karen then moved to the Rideau Canal National Historic Site where she led a team in the development of a safety rails policy for canals that addressed Labour Canada concerns and respected the Cultural Resource Management Policy. In 1995, Karen became the marketing specialist in the Ontario Regional Office, where she worked with sites across the province on diverse projects, including: the development of a corporate sponsorship and fundraising strategy for Point Pelee National Park; the design and implementation of a marketing training workshop that was delivered to staff via integrated site teams; and the development of the exhibit design for the Hamilton Discovery Centre. In 2004, Karen became Director of Leadership and Development where she developed the Parks Canada Learning Strategy, established the Leadership and Learning unit, developed the middle manager learning programs and led the Leadership Network in organizing ConneXions 2006, a forum that brought together over 400 middle and senior managers to discuss leadership. Karen returned to the field in 2008 as Field Unit Superintendent for Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks where she led the development of an integrated management plan for the two national parks and Rogers Pass National Historic Site. Karen also supported staff in the development of a strategy for maintaining caribou on the landscape, the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Canada’s worst avalanche disaster and the celebration of 125 years of Glacier National Park. Being back in the field has brought Karen’s Parks Canada’s journey full circle. Parks Canada is thankful to Karen for her lifetime of service, integrity and many exceptional contributions to the Agency and wish her the very best during her well-earned retirement.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
Teepee raised
Members of the the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are pictured aiding in avalanche control in British Columbia this past winter. Photo Submitted
Operation Palaci Concludes Jacolyn M. Daniluck Public Relations and Communications Officer Mount Revelstoke & Glacier National Parks
A Teepee was raised at the Golden Museum today in preparation for the opening of “Baptiste Morigeau - Metis Merchant” on April 26, 2013. Left to right: Marilyn Ferguson, Denise Porter, Hazel Bassott, Meade Tresierra. Photo Submitted
Operation Palaci, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) contribution to avalanche control in British Columbia, has concluded after a successful season. Since November of last year, troops from 1 Royal Canadian Horse Artillery (RCHA) have been working closely with Parks Canada Agency (PCA) ensuring the Trans-Canada Highway, which is vital for our economy, stays open and safe during the winter months. The CAF annually provide artillery support under the supervision of PCA, specifically in the Rogers Pass region of Glacier National Park, to trigger controlled avalanches before they become a threat. “It has been a successful season of avalanche control and I am proud of our troops for their hard work, dedication, and interoperability with our Parks Canada Agency partners,” said Rear Admiral Bill Truelove, Commander of Joint Task Force Pacific. “Our close relationship with Parks Canada Agency ensures the
safety and prosperity of Canadians as we work together to keep Rogers Pass, a key tourist and economic artery of Canada, safe and open for business.” The high altitude pass is a difficult environment with annual snow fall averaging 12 metres and with more than 130 avalanche paths crossing the highway. While Parks Canada monitors snow, weather and avalanche activity and calculates its implications, the 1 RCHA troop is ready to mobilize to any one of the 17 artillery platforms and fire a C3 105-mm Howitzer into the side of hazardous area in order to prevent a serious avalanche. This year, 1 RCHA fired 411 rounds, and caused 245 controlled avalanche slides. “We are proud of our more than 50-year partnership with the Canadian Armed Forces in operating the world’s largest mobile avalanche control program,” said Jeff Goodrich, Parks Canada Senior Avalanche Officer. “Together, under Op Palaci, we have completed another successful winter keeping the Trans Canada and CP rail transportation corridors open and safe from avalanches.”
Little Mittens launches Low Income Spay and Neuter Voucher Project Jessica Schwitek Thanks to some funding from the Columbia Basin
Trust, Little Mittens Animal Rescue Association was able to launch a new Low Income Spay & Neuter Voucher Project. The funding came
from CBT’s Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Grant, and will help low income pet owners in Golden spay or neuter their
cats. “We’re very grateful for the continued support from CBT for our initiatives,” said Jamie Crawford, the program admin-
Request for Quotations Municipal Roadway Line Painting (2013-2015) The Town of Golden invites quotations for municipal roadway line painting for a three (3) year term. Proposals shall include cost allowances for all necessary materials, equipment, labour, supervision, and all other requirements to complete the deliverables for this contract. The RFQ document is available free of charge at Town Hall during regular business hours at 810 9th Ave South, Golden, B.C. Proponents may also email to request an electronic version of the RFQ. Prospective bidders are highly encouraged to view the work required prior to submitting a proposal. Sealed quotations clearly marked “Municipal Roadway Line Painting” will be received prior to May 1st, 2013 at 2:00 p.m., local time, at Town Hall located at 810 S. 9th Avenue, PO Box 350, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 All general and technical inquiries may be directed to: Chris Cochran, Manager of Operations Phone: 250-344-2271 Fax: 250-344-6577 Email:
istrator with Little Mittens. The program was launched on April 1, and will continue until Dec. 31 of this year, provided the funding lasts that long. “There is a limited amount of funding, so if it runs out prior to Dec. 31, the project will end early,” said Crawford. “It’s best to get applications in as soon as possible, especially since kitten season is getting into full swing now that spring has arrived.” Little Mittens has been focusing on the feral cat population for the past two years. But they haven’t been able to address a significant
contributing factor, unsterilized cats with owners, until now. “It’s important to remember that cat over-population problems begin because pet owners do not ‘fix’ their animals, and then it quickly gets out of control,” said Crawford. “We realize that spay and neuter surgeries are expensive and are often out of the realm of affordability for many families and individuals in Golden. We wanted to run a project that could help with this.” The program is available to all residents of Golden and District with cats. Interested applicants can fill out an
application form (available at Cats to Cattle, or by emailing Little Mittens). Proof of income may be required to determine eligibility. Approved individuals will be provided with a voucher for up to five feline spay and/or neuter procedures, valid at either the Invermere Veterinary Hospital, or Columbia Veterinary Services in Golden. The cost of a voucher is a minimum donation of $10 per cat. If you have any questions about the program, or would like to fill out a application form, you can email Crawford at littlemittensrescue@
Starbusiness directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 24, 2013 A21
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
Time to go to the Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Manager, Ruth Hamilton, stands next to a sign promoting the 2013 Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show, which will be held at the Golden Curling Club on April 26-27. For more information check out pages 13-16. Darryl Crane/ Star Photo
Things are about to get even more bizarre during Bizarro Days Darryl Crane Between April 28 to May 5, Bizarre Entertainment is having a week’s worth of celebrations called, Bizarro Days, for the customers. “I wanted to reward my customers and the area with a fun set of events and a great sale. It really started with international free comic book day, which is held at all comic shops on the first Saturday in May. I thought it would be great to add more days and to combine the events with other stuff we could do at the store. I thought Bizarro World and Bizarro Superman were crazy characters when I was growing up, and thought the title would fit great with Bizarre Entertainment,” said owner of Bizarre Entertainment, Trevor Hamre. “This is totally a week that has something for everyone. At the very least we have 10 per cent off all our merchandise all week with more off selected items each day.” On Saturday May 4 it will be Free Comic Book Day at the store. “Free comic book day is for everyone. The idea is that you can come into the store and we will have dozens of different comics to choose from. People can choose a few and take them home to read. We have comics for the young folks like Archie or Disney comics, and for adults ones like the Walking Dead. It is also a day where we have a prizes for best costumed super hero or villain, either way we should have a prize for anyone that dresses up. It can often create a festive atmosphere and we usually post pic-
Pictured are owner of Bizarre Entertainment Trevor Hamre, Kuljit Jaswal and their son Bruenor Hamre. Darryl Crane/Star Photo tures of the contestants on our Facebook we are having a pre-release and a release page,” Hamre said. tournament for the new Magic The GathThe free comic book day is not the only ering set Dragonmaze,” Hamre said. “If it draw to the week long celebration. wasn’t for our customers we wouldn’t be “Free Arcade Day and Free Comic Book in business. Bizarro Days is a week where x 2”we can say thank you for doing business Day are especially a blast. Not10.3125” to mention
with us by offering discounts and events as an annual celebration.” If anyone is interested in finding out more about Bizarro Days either drop in the store or give us a call at 250-3446633.
CELEBRATING VOLUNTEER WEEK The Board and staff of Columbia Basin Trust would like to thank the many dedicated volunteers in the Basin who devote their time and energy to strengthening our communities and helping create a legacy of social, economic and environmental well-being - thank you! • 1.800.505.8998 •
Golden StarStar Wednesday, AprilApril 24, 2013 The Golden Wednesday, 24, 2013 A23
Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.
Cards of Thanks
Business Opportunities
THE Estey family would like to thank the staff at Durand Manor and Dr. Starke for the excellent care Mom received. Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, you are great. The Legion Ladies for the wonderful tea, and the Prestige Inn, you guys have been awesome.
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement.
Career Opportunities MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for work-at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535 TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
A+DRINK SNACK plus Healthy Vending machine Route. Turn Key Business. Invest With Confidence, $4,000 Up. Training and Secured profitable Locations. Limited Must Sell. 1-888-979-8363. DO BUSINESS in Yukon! 1,831 sq ft prime ground floor retail space on the Main Street in Whitehorse, Yukon, next to Starbucks. For floor plan/photos, call 1-867-333-9966. INDEPENDENT reps F/T P/T International firm. Huge income potential
New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799. Sunday Gospel Services 3-4pm at the Lions Den (library basement) April 7-May 12. Everyone welcome!
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No Risk Program. Stop Mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% Money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking DRIVERS WANTED:
Terrific career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License w/ air brake endorsement. Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation and BeneďŹ ts Package. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE
Education/Trade Schools
$399 CABO San Lucas, all Inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $399! 1-888-481-9660.
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853
Dad & Mom, April 24th, a day that’s filled with joy, remembering the day 65 years ago, when two became one. A great marriage is not when the “perfect couple� comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. With Love From, Bill, Adele, Dale, Lois, Shelley, Gary and Families
Cards of Thanks
Cards of Thanks
The Estey family would like to thank the staff of Durand Manor and Dr. Starke for the excellent care Mom received over the past four years, the Legion Ladies for the excellent tea, and the Prestige Inn. Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, you are great. In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Raymond Jean
It has been twelve years since you have been gone, there have been happy and sad times that you have not been here to see. But all of us who know you are certain that you are keeping us strong. You are with us every day.
Babe & family
Need an employer who isn’t afraid of new technology? Our online job matching solution will provide you with 100’s of job listings where you can login to your account to view potential jobs that match your criteria. Your path to a better job begins here,
A24 A24
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Wednesday, 24, 2013 Wednesday, AprilApril 24, 2013 The Golden Golden Star Star
Employment Help Wanted
OK Tire is looking for a
journeyman mechanic.
Offering great wage and benefits! For more information, call 250-344-2239 or email
Acting Director, Communications
This is a 12-15 month maternity leave position in our Castlegar office. A detailed description can be viewed at or requested from Debra Stewart at 1.800.505.8998.
LUSH Mountain Accommodations is seeking an:
The successful candidate should be: A “multi-tasker� proficient & adaptable in accounting and POS software, customer service & administrative functions in a small office environment. Please send resume to: A&W Golden is now hiring for all shifts, full time/part time, kitchen and front end staff, benefits. 250-3444784. Please apply in person to the manager. Cook needed for Apostoles Restaurant $11-$13 hourly, 40 hrs/week. Send resumes to Box 1806 Golden B.C. or by email: apostolesrestaurant COOKS REQUIRED IMMED. Northern Motor Inn, 3086 Hwy 16E,Terrace,BC V8G 3N5 250-635-6375; Fax: 250-635-6129
Join us:
Breathe through a straw for 60 seconds. That’s what breathing is like with cystic fibrosis. No wonder so many people with CF stop breathing in their early 30s.
Please help us.
Experienced COOK required. Full or Part Time. Days/Afternoon shifts. Wage dependent on experience. Apply in person.
Merchandise for Sale
Trades, Technical
Misc. for Sale
Cottages / Cabins
AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
2 bdrm cabin 1000 sq/ft, furnished/unfurnished, carport, suitable for 2 adults. No pets, references. $1000/mnt + utls. 250-344-5064. 3 & 2bdrm, and 2 bdrm cabin at Creekside apts. Quiet, clean & modern living spaces. Perfect for rafters! Call Dan @250-344-1435.
ENSIGN IS looking for Drillers, Night Tour Pushes and Rig Managers for our Australian Division. Recruiters will be in Nisku April 30 - May 7 hosting information sessions and doing interviews. If you are interested in attending one of our sessions to hear about our global opportunities, call 1888-367-4460 to book into a session! GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209.
Now Available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - ph $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery.
SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit online at:
Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut your debts more than 50% & be debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Garden & Lawn Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil
Call Bernie - 344-4646.
Home Improvements FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft
Overnight Delivery in most of BC!
Merchandise for Sale Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale
Own A Vehicle?
2006 trailer for sale. 2 bdrm 2 bath, $55,000. 250-272-5888.
No Credit Checks!
Borrow Up To $25,000 Cash same day, local office. 1-800-514-9399
Legal Services
S.M. QUENNELL Trucking in Cranbrook, is looking for log truck drivers, based in Cranbrook. Full time work, home every night. Excellent medical, dental, pension benefits, etc. Wages competitive with union rates. Fax resume and drivers abstract to: fax:250-426-4610 or call: 250-426-6853
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ
Custom blueprints.Visit: Save! Save! Save!
Help Wanted
CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Jobs@RaidersConcrete .com or Fax 780-444-9165.
Need CA$H Today?
Please forward resumes to by noon PT May 15, 2013 for consideration. XXX DCU PSH t
Help Wanted
$30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798 days, 344-2160 evenings. Samples available. For Sale: computer desk $40 OBO. Teak table, 2 leaves, 6 chairs $300. 250-344-5123. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
Help Wanted
Parky’s Heating is looking to hire an experienced journeyman plumber/gas fitter to lead Parky’s new Plumbing division. The position is full time and will offer a base wage of $32/hour plus benefits but can be negotiated with a more experienced applicant. Parky’s has been in business for over 40 years and specializes in residential & commercial HVAC installations and service, woodstove & chimney installations but will be taking over the operations of Blaeberry Valley Plumbing as of June 1, 2013. The successful candidate will have the following qualifications: •Ability to work unsupervised, be self motivated & hard working, problem solver, instruct apprentices & work in a team environment. •Excellent communication & customer service skills, proficient at reading & interpreting blueprints. •Experience in drainage waste & vent systems, potable water distribution, hydronic/radiant heat systems installation & design, water filters/softeners, well/private water systems, installation, maintenance & repair of plumbing fixtures & systems Applicants can forward resumes Attention: Doug Parkinson by email at or in person at 808 – 9th Street North, Golden, BC.
Misc. Wanted True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030
Real Estate For Sale By Owner 4 bdrm 2.5 bath house mins from town on 25 acres. $389,000. 250-344-7019. Agents welcome!
Lots NOVA SCOTIA’S Eastern Shore. Waterfront lots for sale excellent climate near the Atlantic Ocean. Three bedroom house for sale or rent or call 1-902-522-2343 or 1-902-3284338.
Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2 bdrm mobile home at Nicholson. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551. Bright & attractive 2 bdr apartment, 2nd floor. Downtown heritage building. References required. Avail now! Call 250-344-5277.
FOR RENT In the Blaeberry 2 Bdr Apt $800/month -Avail. March 1 -Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV & Internet -DD ($300)&References required - No Pets Phone 250-344-7299 Please leave message if no answer
ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Avail immd. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250344-8113 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113. Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233.
Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.
Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Duplex / 4 Plex 3 bdrm and 4 bdrm duplex, outside pets welcome, 4 bdrm $850/mnt + uts, 3 bdrm $750/mnt + utls, $100 less with 1 yr lease. Wood heat, large acreage w/ garden. Avail immdly. Horse Creek South. 250-421-6415. 3 bdr upstairs 1/2 Duplex. Clean, in town. W/D, sundeck, dishwasher & garage. Avail May 1. $1075, util incl. Refs. No pets. 250-344-5398.
Misc for Rent
FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofďƒžce is independently owned & operated.
3 Bdr Upper & Avail now. 250-344-5075.
Mobile Homes & Pads 2 Bdr 2 Bath mobile home in quiet rural area 5 mins from town. $900/mth + util. Avail May 1. Call 250-462-7071.
Homes for Rent 1 bdrm chalet furnished full kitchen, sat. tv, high speed internet, utls incld, fire place, NS, mon. 6 months, avail. now. $600/month. 250-3447874 (evenings). 2 bdr suite. N/S, no parties, no pets. Avail Apr 1. Sat. tv, utls, all incl. $1000/mth. 250-4391055. 403-497-9303. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 Bdr house (Av. May1) 1116 12 St. Appliances incl., references required. No Pets, No Parties. W/D. 250-344-5626
3 bdrm house reno’d Alexander park for rent $1100/month + utls long term prefd. Avail May 1. 604-815-9225. 3 bdrm well kept home, wood stove, washer/dryer, deck with a great view, shed and shop. $1200/mnt + utls. Aval May1. 250-344-8990. 3 bdrm w/ huge master, 1 1/2 bath, large front&back yard, good gardening space, back yard looks onto KHMR, front faces mt 7. Wood burn. oven, propane heat, single garage w/ storage, functional layout. $1150+utls avail immdly. 403861-1473. 4 bdrm 2 bath executive home, fully furnished $1600/mnt, txt/call 250-3441324, 4 bdrm house for rent. New, nice, and clean. Avail. May 1st. Long term prefd, sat. inld refs req’d. Call 250-439-1055. 5 Bdr house. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, 2 washrooms. Excellent location close to school and town. Lv msg. 250344-6131.
Golden StarStar Wednesday, AprilApril 24, 2013 The Golden Wednesday, 24, 2013
Homes for Rent
Utility Trailers
5 bdrm 2.5 bath house for rent $1050/month utls incld. 250344-5648. 5 bdrm 2 bath house for rent downtown $1500/mnt. Please txt/call 250-344-1324 Cozy 2 Bdr house near Pine Drive. Low heating costs. N/S. $700/mth. 250-344-5992.
2008 Harley Davidson FXDL low-rider. 2800 klm’s as new, too many options to list. Serious inquires only. 250-344-2659.
2003 23’ Bonair Travel Trailer. Tandem, sleeps 5, like new. Hot water tank & oven never used, c/w hitch sway bars and new 6 volt battery system. $7500. 250-344-2659.
Shared Accommodation 2 bdrms, in town, clean, furnished, W/D, yard/garden, wifi, dog ok. $425/$475 all in + DD. May 1st, 250-344-0530 Rooms for rent in fully furnished large home, incl. util., close to all amenities. $480/mth, plus DD. NS, No Parties, No Pets. Avail. ASAP. 604-356-2543, pref ages 25-40
Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
Suites, Lower Brand new studio suite for rent Alexander Park. $700/mnth + shared utls. Avail May 1. Great spacious bright 1 Bdr basement suite. Fully furnished, separate entrance. Full kitchen with large eating area, big living area with large windows & beautiful views of river and mountains. Minutes to town. Parking, laundry. $700 incl utils. and TV. DD required. N/S, No pets. 1-250826-1696. Newly Reno’d 2 Bdr. Suite lrg. kitchen & dining, private laundry, cable TV, wireless internet, util incl. Quiet downtown neighbourhood. Avail June 1. N/S. $900/mo. 250-344-5229.
Suites, Upper 1 bdrm 1 1/2 bath bright furnished suite downtown. $800/mnt call/txt 250-3441324
Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Auto Financing
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Auto Services Free car and scrap pick up (within town limits). No tires? No problem! Call Columbia Towing 250-344-6690.
Motorcycle for sale, 2003 Honda Rebel 250cc, the best street bike for learning. $2500 OBO. 10,000 kms. 250-3446517 or 250-271-1744.
Trucks & Vans 2010 DODGE Ram 1500 Crew Cab 4X4 Black Clear Title 42,420 km $16,700 (905) 6642300
Tenders A25 A25
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District is inviting proposals from qualiÂżed Proponents to review the existing Design Operations Plan for the Golden landÂżll, located in Electoral Area ‘A’, and develop an updated Âżve year Design Operations Plan for the site. Proposals clearly marked “REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – GOLDEN LANDFILL DESIGN AND OPERATIONS PLAN UPDATEâ€? will be accepted until 2 00 PM local time on TXesday, May , 2013, at the ofÂżce of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District located at 781 Marine Park Drive, PO Box 978, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P1.
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District is inviting Tenders for a three year contract beginning May 15, 2013 for the seasonal maintenance and performance of parks services for Tom Kelley Memorial Park, located at 1703 Oberg Johnson Road in the Blaeberry area of rural Golden, BC, within Electoral Area ‘A’.
Proposal documents and further information are available online on the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at, BC Bid website at, Civic Info website at and at the ofÂżce of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District (at the above noted address during regular ofÂżce hours).
Sealed tenders clearly marked “Tender - Tom Kelley Memorial Park - Parks Maintenanceâ€? will be accepted until 11 AM local time on Friday May 3, 2013 at the ofÂżces of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, 781 Marine Park Drive NE, P.O. Box 978, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 4P1.
This project has a maximum budget of 50,000. Any questions regarding this Request for Proposals document can be directed to Ben Van Nostrand, :aste Management Coordinator, Environment Engineering Services at (250) 8335940.
Services are to be provided on a seasonal basis. A detailed description of the Services required can be found in the Tender documents.
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality in the proposals received, in each case without giving any notice. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept the proposal which is deemed most advantageous.
Tender documents and further information are available online on the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at, on the BC Bid website at, and at the ofÂżce of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District at the above address during regular ofÂżce hours.
Attention Construction Contractors Project: Extensive exterior renovation and roof addition Location: 902 10th Avenue South “Old Masonic Lodge Building�
Site meeting for all construction contractors interested in submitting a proposal for an extensive exterior renovation and roof addition. Time: May 2, 2013...11:00 am Scope of work to be presented at the site meeting Only those present or represented will be permitted to submit a proposal/bid For general information contact: Darren 250-344-1065 Raymond 250-344-5566
Fax submissions will not be accepted. The lowest or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted.
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders and to waive any informality in the Tenders received, in each case without giving any notice. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept the Tender which it deems most advantageous.
Faxed or e-mailed submissions will not be accepted.
The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. For more information, please contact: Marcin Pachcinski, Parks and Recreation Team Leader (250) 833-5923 or Toll Free 1-888-248-2773 Email:
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
BOO! Kicking Horse Mountain Resort’s grizzly bear resident, Boo, is awake after a long winter’s nap. Boo has been getting some exercise and enjoying the sun at the resort. Photo Submitted
NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE APPLICATION This is to advise that Council of the Town of Golden will consider a Development Variance Permit respecting 613 12th Street South at the following Regular Open Council Meeting. Date: Location: Time:
Tuesday May 7th Council Chambers, Golden Town Hall, 810 9th Ave South, Golden B.C. 7:00 pm
PURPOSE: The applicant proposes to vary Schedule E of Zoning Bylaw 1294, 2011 to increase the maximum building height of detached secondary residential dwellings from 5.5 m to 7.3 m in the on the subject property to facilitate the development of a detached secondary residential dwelling. SUBJECT PROPERTY Civic: 613 12th Street South Legal: LOT 4 BLOCK 7 SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 27 RANGE 22 WEST OF THE 5TH MERIDIAN KOOTENAY DISTRICT PLAN 9503 Figure 1: Subject Property 613 12th St. S A copy of the staff report, relevant background information and draft permit will be available for public inspection from Wednesday, April 17th 2013 to Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 at the Town Hall (810 9th Avenue South) during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday excluding statutory holidays. The information will also available on the Town of Golden website at under Public Notices.
Celiac Disease Awareness Month Canadian Celiac Association Submitted The Canadian Celiac Association (CCA) is excited to unveil the theme of this year’s Celiac Disease Awareness Month: The Right to Safe Food for Canadians. Alongside the push is the continuing rapid expansion of the Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP), which is the only Canadian voluntary certification program designed for manufacturers of gluten-free food, drug and pharmaceutical products who want to make their product stand out in the clutter of glutenfree claims. “The market for gluten-free foods in Canada is estimated at approximately $400 million,” points out Brian Benwell, President of the CCA. “The GFCP is about applying globally recognized food safety management principles to ensure safe, gluten-free products for those with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.” Certified products can bear the trusted mark of the CCA, and the program includes a rigourous verification and regular audits. The GFCP is a win-win program for manufacturers and retailers, because having the backing of the CCA, the trusted national voice of Canadians with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, means that consumers will be able to shop with confidence. “Previously, a person with celiac disease going grocery shopping had to scrutinize every label and decode mysterious ingredient names,” notes Peter Taylor, Executive Director of the CCA. “The GFCP simplifies the shopping process while increasing assurances of safety for the consumer. With the GFCP, everybody wins.” Along with the rapid expansion of the GFCP, the CCA’s Right to Safe Food campaign includes the development of science-based modules to train food service staff in how to safely serve gluten-free foods, and in particular avoid the hazard of cross-contamination. The CCA is also looking to expand a program, completed successfully in PEI, to distribute to retirement homes an educational package on serving safe, gluten-free foods to those with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.
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Any person who believes their interests may be affected by this proposed Development Variance Permit may appear in person, or by agent, the evening of the Regular Council meeting, or submit a petition or written comments by mail or email no later than 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 to the attention of the Corporate Officer, Town of Golden by: Fax: 250-344-6577; Email:; or Post: P.O. Box 350, Golden B.C V0A 1H0 No letter, report or representation from the public will be received by Council after the conclusion of the Tuesday May 7th 2013 Meeting. Please note that all submissions are a matter of public record.
Just a few of our Featured Advertisers:
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The Golden Star Wednesday, April 24, 2013 A27
Golden karate growing all the time
Karate classes in Golden have grown from just a handful of kids over a year ago, to a jam-packed gymnasium at Alexander Park Elementary School, and range in both skill level and age. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Every Monday (excluding Holidays) we celebrate with our neighbours from Alberta by offering Special Golf and Ride rates. Please note, this offer is also extended to non-Albertans. **$50.00 includes Green Fee and Power Cart seat**
All You Can Play - Everyday
Play as many holes as you like each day for one low Green Fee price! *some conditions apply.
Family Days
Every Sunday after 3pm an Adult may bring up to 3 Juniors (16 years or younger) at no charge with their paid Adult Green Fee. Tee times are required.
Though the season just ended, Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team is getting prepared for an even stronger season next year. Photo Submitted
GKHAT prepares to hold AGM Golden Star Staff At 7 p.m. on Thursday April 25 the Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team will hold its 2012/13 Annual General Meeting at the Golden Arena in the upstairs lounge. During the meeting there will be review of the past year, together with objectives, targets and programs that the team is looking to introduce for the 2013/14 season. There will also be a presentation of the inclusion of Ski Cross into club’s programs as was presented to BC Alpine AGM last October,
time permitting. For any parents in Calgary the club will try to present this online at a later date so that you are included. Though the club currently does not have the technology available to present this meeting online in real time, there is hope that this may happen in the future. This is your club/team and if you have anything that you would like to raise then this is the opportunity to bring it to the club’s attention. Please attend if you can. Refreshments will be provided as well.
RV Park
We have 24 private RV sites in the heart of the Golden Golf Club with restaurant, golf course and practice range faciliites only steps away. The Golden Golf Club is located just minutes west of Golden and adjacent the Columbia River and Holt Creek. $23.00 per night + tax Amenities include: • Quiet and private sites • Picnic tables at each site Mixed Open June 8th & 9th • 30 amp power to each site • • Potable water refill station • Ladies Open July 6th & 7th • Communal fire pit • Senior Open August 12th • Portable toilet facility • Men’s Open August 24th & 25th
250-344-2700 / /
Fall Classic September 15th
Golden Golf Club /
RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234
$399,000 2 baths
3360 Highway #95 South
2bdrms 1 bath 960sqft 22.58 acres
1429 Granite Drive
915 - 12th Street 2 baths
1615 Gareb Road 3 baths
$225,000 #2, 1338 Kauffman View
1 bedroom
1 bath
6 bedrooms
2.5 baths
$207,000 520 - 11th Street
2 bedrooms
1 bath
#15 Parkland Gardens
2 bedrooms
2 bdrms 1 bath 1,034sqft 4.8 acres
1415 Deere Ridge Road
5 bedrooms
4 baths
Wiseman Road
3 Acreages Available
1114 - 11th Street
5 bedrooms
2 baths
38 acres
4 bedrooms 2 baths 1,600sqft
$99,000 1402 Deere Ridge Road .35 acre
$199,900 7.76 acres
5.8 Acres
$160,000 Lot 2, Campbell Road 2.5 acres
REDUCED 1 bedroom
509 - 5th Street 1 bath
Petra Musick Dan Veselic (250) 344-1476 (250) 344-1435
Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435
4905 Castledale Heights
3 bdrms 3 baths 2,500sqft 5.28 acres
$989,000 1604 Purcell Woods Close
3 bedrooms
4 baths
2310 Campbell Road 19.87 acres
530 - 11th Street
5 bedrooms
2 baths
$1,799,000 4 bedrooms
508 - 5th Street 2 baths
1212 - 11th Avenue
$329,900 1217 - 11th Street
3 bedrooms 1.5 baths 1,480sqft
Black Bear Drive
4 bedrooms
$129,900 1735 Short Road 4.94 acres
3 bedrooms
$127,000 1416 Deere Ridge Road 75’ x 150’
711 - 8th Street 2 baths
$329,000 750 - 6th Avenue
5 bedrooms
2 baths
#10 Golden Mobile Home Park
3 bedrooms 2 baths 1,498 sqft
from $149,900 to $269,900 6 Acreages Available
4 baths
$319,900 4 bedrooms
1668 Dogtooth Close
$199,000 Lot A, 3495 Highway #95 South
“Side A” 1215 Alexander Drive
2410 Trans Canada Hwy # 1
$329,900 990 Highway #95, South
from $199,900 to $449,000
$33,500 #28, 2779 Dejordie Road
3 bedrooms 1.5 baths 1,332sqft
$309,999 503 - 5th Street
1792 Short Road
$369,900 4 bedrooms
4.94 acres
5 bedrooms
Flec Demmon Marlon Marlon Chambers Bob Bob Tegart Tegart Flec Demmon Chambers 344-8451 (250) (250) 344-0735 (250) (250) 272-4321 272-4321 (250)(250) 344-8451 344-0735
Lot 1, Castledale Heights
1.35 acres
$559,000 4 baths
1512 Granite Drive
1596 Columbia Valley 1.871 acres
5 bedrooms
Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275
#301, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
2 bedrooms
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 The Golden Star
#3, 433 - 5th Avenue
2 bedrooms
2 baths
$19,900 #58 Kicking Horse Village MHP 2 bedrooms
SOLD $99,900 #16 Kicking Horse Village MHP 3 bedrooms
$92,300 506 - 8th Street 50’ x 130’
$309,000 1216 Alexander Drive
4 bedrooms
3 baths
$89,900 1608 Gareb Road 71’ x 180’
$19,900 #3 Pinewood Mobile Home Park 3 bedrooms