Castlegar News, April 25, 2013

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser

Vol.10 • Issue 17

Breaking news at

Thursday, April 25, • 2013

Chamber’s business awards, Spring Fling schedule of stage nomination form performers See Page A16 See Page A22

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Clothesline project paints clear picture


Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.


Marvin Beatty photo

Brilliant sunshine illuminates the exhibit of understanding and tolerance encouraged by the “Clothesline Project” April 23 in downtown Castlegar.

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MARVIN BEATTY Castlegar News Reporter

The message from those gathered at Spirit Square in Castlegar on Tuesday, April 23 was clear: domestic violence needs to be eradicated from society. The Clothesline event, held outside Castlegar City Hall, is


familiar to many people as a very visual display of support for anti-violence initiatives, with clotheslines full of hand-painted t-shirts bearing messages of anti-violence, peace and love stretched out in long lines across Spirit Square. A barbecue was also set up, catered by


Thursday, April 25 to Tuesday, April 30

Just Catering and supported by No Frills, Safeway and Kootenay Market. All proceeds were supporting Community Services programs. This year, Castlegar Community Services wanted to shift the focus to a bigger, more all-encompassing perspective on violence and turn attention to

what people can do as individuals and as a community. Donna Wright, a Métis elder, opened the event by bringing those gathered into a circle and welcoming everyone. Wright said the circle wasn’t so much about prayer as it was about honouring all nations, recognizing the unique gifts


that everyone brings to such a gathering and their commitment to being present. Gerry Rempel, Castlegar fire chief, joined Kris Taks, coordinator of Aboriginal and Family Services Development Program and Wright in First Nations songs and drumming to begin the event.

Nicole Beetstra, general manager of EZ Rock and active community member, spoke briefly about the loss of her sister because of domestic violence and the effects such things have on so many people. “We can’t change the past,” she said.

Continued on P. A15

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Thursday, April 25, 2013 Castlegar News


Youth gets Earth Day experience marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

ENTERTAINERS FOR SPRING FLING 2013 SATURDAY APRIL 27, 11AM – 6 PM 12:00 to 1:00 1:00 to 1:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:00 5:00

to to to to to

2:30 3:30 4:00 5:00 6:00

Motes and Oats Scotties School of Highland Dance Ray Bouliane Christina Amelio Matt and Brian Daisy Found Slain Hillbilly Trucker

Thank you to our Sponsors Heritage Credit Union Kootenay Savings Credit Union Zellstoff Celgar City of Castlegar Mitchell’s Building Supply Trowlex Rentals Castlegar News Mountain FM

With Earth Day being observed on Monday, April 22, students from Twin Rivers Elementary and Robson Community School had a head start at the Ootischenia landfill with a tour from Regional District of Central Kootenay environmental services coordinator, Nicole Ward on Thursday, April 18. “We are here to learn about how to extend the life of the landfill and not bury everything in the ground,” Ward told the students. Clipboards and worksheets in hand on a beautiful sunny day, the children were quizzed by Ward about recycling and landfill operations when they arrived before embarking on a tour of the landfill itself. The

Students from Mrs. Evdokimoff (Twin Rivers Elementary) and Miss Minor’s (Robson Community School) Gr. 6 classes were at the Ootischenia landfill for a tour from RDCK environmental services coordinator, Nicole Ward (back row, center, safety vest) Thursday, April 18. Marvin Beatty

Gr. 6 students have taken Wildsight’s Beyond Recycling program since October, learning about ecological footprints, greenhouse gas emissions reduction and more. “The students get to see firsthand where all of their waste and recycling ends up in their community,” said Jessica Thomson, the Beyond Recycling educator at both Twin


The Castlegar Rebels wishes to thank our all of fans and sponsors for the tremendous support we received over the 2012/13 season. The season was one where we achieved the ultimate goal of a league championship, a task that has not been duplicated in Castlegar since 1995. Our executive would also like to thanks our directors, volunteers, billet families, coaches and above all our players for a tremendous year. Remember, our success would not happen unless; our fans and citizens support the businesses that support us. Please visit our website for a list of our sponsors.

Please remember to SHOP LOCAL!

Rivers and Robson in a release. “It makes them think about their own habits regarding consumption of material goods. These students will most likely think twice about throwing something away after this field trip.” Beyond Recycling is a Wildsight program offered in the Central Kootenay Region in partnership with: Regional District of Central Kootenay, Columbia Basin Trust,

FortisBC, BC Hydro, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Waste Management Inc. Additional support also comes from teachers, administrators and parents from schools throughout the region. Beyond Recycling works to inspire and empower youth to take leadership in making positive environmental and behavioural change.

New manager for Postnikoff

Marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

BC Liberal Party candidate for Kootenay West, Jim Postnikoff, has selected a new campaign manager less than a week after the writ was dropped for the general election. In a brief Facebook message sent to the Castlegar News Sunday, April 21, Meagan O’Connor Salekin wrote, “I’ve stepped away from Jim’s campaign. If you need contact info for him, let me know.” “I definitely have a

new campaign manager and we’re preparing a statement shortly to send out to everybody,” said Postnikoff, who was reached by telephone Sunday afternoon. The following statement was provided later that day. “Yesterday I accepted the resignation of my Campaign Manager, Meagan Salekin. Meagan will step away from the campaign for personal reasons. Postnikoff has since announced two contact/office phone numbers: 250-608-3152 and 250-608-3172.

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Castlegar News Thursday, April 25, 2013

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a boiler upgrade. Although the RDCK outlined in writing how it intended to comply with the order, no money was budgeted for it and only a few assessments have been carried out. In the case of the Nelson and District Community Complex, that lack of knowledge delayed repairs when a portion of the aquatic centre’s ceiling collapsed in January. Although no asbestos exposure was found, “we are closed longer than we need to be,” recreation commission chair Ramona Faust said. “Haz-mat removal takes more time and money than simply ripping down the tiles and putting up a new ceiling ... The assessment is key to knowing your risks and what kind of operation you’ll need if you modify a building.” The pool isn’t expected to reopen until June at the earliest. Assessments have also been done on the North Shore and South Slocan halls, where renovations are underway, on the Creston recreation complex before the WorkSafe order was issued, and at several transfer stations, landfill sites, and water utility buildings. The biggest outstanding reviews are on the Castlegar rec complex, where the drywall, flooring, and insulation can’t be altered without further violating WorkSafeBC rules.

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+ +


pal (VP) position. explained Luterbach. Luterbach exThe sale of SunTrail Daily Times plained that because ningdale School for The big cuts came Fruitvale Elementary $70,000 this spring, GREG NESTEROFF early – now it is a School (FES) has al- means a reduction of Nelson Star matter of reorganiz- most the same enroll- $10,000 in the utiliWorkSafeBC is ing facilities and shift- ment as Glenmerry ties budget as SD20 concerned the Reing costs, as the dead- and Kinnaird, where no longer has to heat line looms for School those positions were or secure the former gional District of Central Kootenay is District 20 (SD20) to cut a few years ago, school site. Additionally, the dragging its feet on produce and enact a FES will lose its vice balanced budget for principal and make elimination of all assessing its buildings it “equal” across the utilities, custodial for hazardous materithe 2013/14 year. and otherwise, from als following an order On Monday at board. “The only elemen- Blueberry Creek and issued in early 2012. Trail Middle School Regional district (TMS), SD20 Super- tary VP left is at the the Warfield satellite administrator Brian shop intendent Greg Lut- Twin Rivers/Castlegar maintenance Carruthers told the erbach held an open Primary, which has will net a savings of board on April 11 that public meeting to two physical campus- almost $30,000. Although closing although a four-year present further cuts es and 440 students,” facilities and reducing inspection plan was he is recommending he explained. The projected sav- custodial duties is a developed, very little to balance the budget ings for the operating cost saving measure, has been done with it. next year. He said the workbudget from these during the open quesplace safety watchcuts is $18,000 this tion period after the dog appears to be on year, and an addition- presentation, Roger “The biggest the verge of fining thing that hap- al $23,000 next year, Smith, representing the local government said Luterbach. CUPE Local 1285, pened is that A restructure in addressed the human unless assurances are we had to reorthat action ganize facilities the information tech- toll that is being felt provided is being taken. nology department by the cuts. in Rossland, “They are aware Staff is getting older Blueberry and is projected to rewe have a long-term duce costs by almost and stressed out, with Castlegar.” plan, but we’re already $100,000. people at their breakMark Wilson a year and a half into By reducing (in ing point, said Smith. it with nothing done,” half) iPads, lap tops “We are feeling like Carruthers said. “I get With a deficit of and lab allocations to our jobs have become the sense if we don’t schools, a liability for a budover $500,000 to be secondary move forward in a deprojects get.” balanced in its fourth Luterbach monstrative fashion In a closed meeting draft, the proposed to net a savings of we could be issued a today at TMS, Smith operating budget for $72,000. penalty that will not “Students will still and other members the 2013 school year has very little wiggle get school-based mo- from CUPE, KCTU, be small.” He added the lack bile devices, but this and DPAC will have room. of assessments was “The biggest thing plan will stretch it an opportunity to due to “apprehension that happened is that out from four to six address the board to or reluctance by the discuss the proposed we had to reorganize years,” he said. board” that fi ltered to Additionally, mov- cuts. facilities in Rossland, down to staff . At the The trustees will be Blueberry and Castle- ing a site specific techgar,” said Mark Wil- nician to a help-desk discussing the budget time, concerns were based structure is pro- at its second read- raised over whether son, SD20 trustee. “Now, without los- jected to save $25,000. ing on April 29, at the regional district In efforts to cut the Blueberry Creek was being singled out, ing teachers, number and at the potential one is that we didn’t spending by $20,000, School. On May, 3, a special costs of remediation have to cut the ser- the board is considervices to students or ing selling or sub-leas- open board meeting work. WorkSafeBC orincrease the size of ing its current office will held at TMS at 6 dered the RDCK to the classrooms, which space in the Fortis p.m. at which time the ����������������������� ��������������������������������������� prepare an asbestos was an option at the Building, and moving budget will be enacted inventory of all its to East Trail. after a third reading. start.” buildings aft er ver“We have space at For detailed inforIn efforts to reduce miculate was discovadministration costs, TMS to house all our mation on the budget, ered in the walls of SD 20 will be elim- staff and services, and visit the district’s webthe Castlegar recreinating another ele- we are looking into site at ation complex during mentary vice princi- this for September,” SHERI REGNIER

PHILIP KANIGAN + + + + + + + + +

News/Region SD closer to final budget WorkSafe issues for RDCK A3

Studio Uno Hair Salon

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Thursday, April 25, 2013 Castlegar News


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Castlegar News Thursday, April 25, 2013

News After a nap, bears back in our consciousness MARVIN BEATTY Castlegar News Reporter

With the arrival of spring weather, bears and humans will soon be meeting each other on roadways, trails, and both urban and rural settings. As news story after news story will attest, the arrival of a bear into close proximity with humans often ends badly for the bear. BearAware is an educational program owned by the British Columbia Conservation Foundation, with funding support from various levels of government and private organizations. Those involved in the program work with municipalities,

Hibernation works up an appetite and awakened bears are eager to chow down on whatever food they can find. Marvin Beatty

regional districts, local societies and volunteer groups to try and reduce the number of conflicts between bears and humans. Frank Ritcey, pro-

vincial BearAware co-ordinator, said bear activity is increasing near the coast but here in the Kootenay and throughout the interior it’s usually the first

week of May when they start to come out in force. “The thing that brings bears out in the spring, is not so much the weather but their fat stores,” said Ritcey who was reached by telephone in Kamloops. “If they go into hibernation with a really good, heavy layer of fat they can stay in much longer but if they go in and don’t have enough fat on them, it may cause them to come out earlier.” Ritcey said most bears are pretty skinny when they come out of hibernation, losing up to about 30 per cent of their body weight in a winter. “If the hillsides there don’t green

You told us...

Which election issues are most important to you?

up quickly, then the bears won’t have food to eat and they will come into town,” he said. “People have to be cognizant of that, if it’s a late cold spring and there is not a lot of food for the bears.” BearAware is also supported by many other sponsors and volunteers. To lend a hand, contact Ritcey at the BC Conservation Foundation in Kamloops at 250828-2551, email at bearawareprogram@ or visit the webpage for a list of local contacts at www. To report problem wildlife or bears in an urban setting call the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-9527277.

Answers to

last week’s immunization


““Housing for low-income people, and health care.” -Alex Verezoff

“Schooling. They are talking about closing Castlegar Primary and I’m sure they are thinking about putting it on the chopping block.”

“Roads are most important — they need better maintenance to avoid accidents..” -Sarah Cunningham, 16

-Helen Mailey

eye care professionals

for You & Your Family

FREE SIGHT TESTING some restrictions apply

ebratin Cel 25 g y e ar s A5 of choral music performance, Trail and District Harmony Choir, directed by Audrey Bisset, is pleased to be hosting a special Spring Concert.

Featured guests include: Kootenay Womens` Chorale, Rossland Glee Club, The Green Choir, Kootenay DanceWorks, Wind River Quartet, Maggie Chan and more. This community Spring Concert showcases at the Charles Bailey Theatre on April 27th at 7 PM. Tickets are $15.00 and are available at the Charles Bailey box office.

West Kootenay Minor Lacrosse W K M L A

Saturday, May 4th THE BRICK is having their “Tent Sale” & once again WKMLA will be hosting the

• BBQ • Bake Table • Bottle Drop by donation

11 am – 2:30 pm

Saturday, May 11th • Bottle Drive in Castlegar, Blueberry, Fairview & Robson.

All Donations will go towards the purchase of nets, shot clocks & equipment

Artist Event

1. b

12. c

2. b

13. c

3. a

14. a

4. a

15. Yes

5. d

16. a

6. b

17. c

7. b

18. False

Saturday April 27th & Sunday April 28th

19. True

11am to 4 pm The Sandman Hotel Poolside Atrium

8. d 9. a 10. a 11. d

20. True

Mixed media artists: Susan Lazaruk, Elaine Neigel, Diane Oser Origami Artist: Rosemry Browne

Admission by donation. All proceeds going to Castlegar Harvest Food Bank.


Thursday, April 25, 2013 Castlegar News


Publisher: Chris Hopkyns Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Don’t trust the rumour mill

You may have played the game at some point – the one where a circle of people is formed and one person whispers a statement to the one on their right or left. Around the circle it goes until the last person says aloud what they heard.Everyone laughs because it’s almost always completely different than the original statement. A lot of things are better first hand, like hearing what your potential MLA’s have planned for a good deal of your future should they be successful on May 14. If it’s in your power to take in the all candidates forum at the Sandman Inn on May 7, it’s the best way to get a handle on what’s really going on. We’ll be there along with our local media colleagues. We’ll report to the best of our ability who said what and how they said it, but reading about it later won’t be like being there. An all candidates forum is grass roots politics at it’s best. The forum is a worthwhile experience however stridently you follow the issues. Even if you don’t follow the issues at all you can learn a bundle in a very short time, or get an idea of how much the candidates know. The best bet is to catch the drama, the tension, the euphoria... and maybe even a heated exchange or two. It’s all part of the time-honoured democratic process and the more people who show up, the better it works. That’s Tuesday, May 7 at 7 p.m. at the Sandman Inn. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Spots in Time - Gord Turner

A Matter of Heart We hear regularly about friends having heart attacks. They spend time in hospital, and often they are sent to a major hospital for the modern version of heart surgery. Heart surgery today does not usually mean “open heart” surgery, where your chest is cut open, your heart is repaired, and then you are sewn up—a whole lot of hurt. Heart surgery today is likely an angioplasty. During this surgery, a wire is inserted into the femoral artery near a person’s groin or through the wrist. The wire is then pushed all the way along the artery and into the heart. People I’ve talked to are shaken initially at the nature of the angioplasty method of getting in and fixing the heart. Perhaps something could go wrong, but when I had my angioplasty, it was quite uneventful. It was less painful than going to the dentist. After my heart attack, I was sent to Kelowna General where I was subjected to an angiogram. I ended up with a picture of my heart with the blockages and partial blockages shown. One artery was listed as 99 per cent occluded, and so I was booked for an angioplasty in Vancouver General. Marvin Beatty Reporter

Jim Sinclair Editor

After six weeks, I was phoned and told to be in Vancouver the following Monday. I spent the first morning being interviewed by nurses and being shown videos of the angioplasty operation. At noon, I donned a hospital gown before being wheeled in a moveable bed into the surgical area. I was # 6 in a line waiting for surgery. It was like flying and being stacked up at a busy major airport while waiting to land. Finally, I was wheeled into a chilly room with lots of machines and tv monitors above me. I was helped onto a narrow table where I was prepped. A nurse prepped me by locating the artery near my groin, slightly freezing the spot, and then inserting a catheter for entry to my body. This was the one part of the surgery that had some pain—like a wasp sting. The doctor said I could watch the procedure on the tv just above me. He inserted the wire through the catheter and up into my heart. Dye was then injected into my heart so that it was possible to see the inside of the heart. I was amazed as I watched the wire moving here and there in my heart. It was like viewing an underwater scene with sea plants waving Chris Hopkyns Publisher

Cindy Amaral Production Manager

back and forth. I could not feel the wire in my heart. I only knew it was there because of the pictures and the doctor’s comments. As the medical team worked, they joked about local events. Then, the chatter switched to hospital staffing issues. I wanted to tell them to concentrate on my heart, please. At one point, I heard the doctor say he had to “cross over,” which I found out meant to push the wire through the 99 per cent blockage and open the artery. A minute later the nurse said she didn’t have the right size stent. I was quite grateful when she went to another room to find the correct size. Eventually, the stent was inserted and sprung against the walls of the artery to create a “culvert” passageway. Then the wire was taken out, the catheter was removed, and a clamp was used to put pressure on the artery opening. That hurt a bit and stayed in place for 24 hours to be sure I wouldn’t bleed. I was allowed to walk the next afternoon and sent home the following day. Feeling totally renewed, a week later I went back to teaching my college classes. Sandy Leonard Production

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, April 25, 2013 A7


Grow a Row The Robson Rec Society is trying to keep the market open all summer, but we need the community’s help and support. How? We need veggies, fruit/baking etc., so we can advertise as a “farmer’s market,”

and hopefully fill a need too. Extra row in your garden? Extra fruit? Baking? 100 per cent of these sales will be put back into the Robson Rec Society so we can make the hall user-friendly to all. The veggie and fruit vendors in this area market their pro-

duce in Nelson, leaving us with no regular veggie/produce vendors. So please think of us when you plant your garden. Just drop it off Sunday morning/or call for pick-up. We will clean, bag and price items. It will be a huge bonus for locals and campers at Syringa to

Would your acreage benefit from soil amendment?

be able to shop, have breakfast and enjoy the extended flea market while helping us “grow” the hall. F. M. I. call 365-6261 (Jo-Ann). Let’s make this market grow, with items you grow... plant a row?

Zellstoff Celgar is looking for landowners with 2 or more acres within 55 km that would benefit from using Biosolids as soil amendment. Pastures and hay fields are good op=ons. Zellstoff Celgar will cover the costs of the consultant to perform soil sampling, obtaining government authoriza=on and delivery costs of the fresh Biosolids based on access with a large truck/pup combina=on. Acreage should be able to accommodate at least 6 truck/pup loads. The landowner is responsible for spreading and incorpora=ng the Biosolids into their soil. Contact:

Jim McLaren Email: Phone: 250-­‐365-­‐1636

Jo-Ann Bannerman, Castlegar


Momentous tribute

The City is offering a curbside yard waste collection program in April and May. Yard

Bill Strilaeff, senior funeral director at Castlegar Funeral Chapel, accepts the Exemplary Service Award for 2012 from Sharla MacKay of the British Columbia Funeral Association. The award’s recipient is determined solely on feedback from families who have experienced a loss. It is really an award acknowledging many families’ consistently positive experience with Mr. Strilaeff as a funeral professional throughout 2012. Another local Funeral Director, Meghan Johnson, from Nelson, also received an International Cemetery, Crematorium, Funeral Association University scholarship from Sharla MacKay and Robin Naiman at the conference. The awards were presented in Kelowna on April 19, 2013 at the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort. Submitted

Thank you to volunteers A delicious breakfast was served Apr. 23 by the Castleview Care Home to thank volunteers who come to in their various capacities, ie, musicians, speakers, and many who just like to come and read or play games with the residents. Pictured (L-R) are Valentine Leiding from Tarrys, and cooks, Sandra and Lana. Barb Sinclair

10.3125” x 2”

The City is offering a curbside yard waste collection program in April and May. Yard waste (leaves, grass clippings, branches, tree or hedge trimmings, flowers, plants and wasteother (leaves, grass branches, treeand or hedge trimmings, plants and organics) willclippings, be collected at the curb, then transported to flowers, the Ootischenia otherlandfill organics) willsite. be The collected at the and be then transported the Ootischenia compost yard waste will curb, eventually utilized for landfill to cover. landfill compost site. The yard waste will eventually be utilized for landfill cover. Yard and garden waste placed at the curb will be collected on the following dates:

Yard and garden waste placed at the curb will be collected on the following dates:

- April 16 and April 30, 2013 – NORTH Castlegar (north of Highway 3 including the

Woodland Area) - April 16 andPark April 30, 2013 – NORTH Castlegar (north of Highway 3 including the - April 17 and May 1, 2013 – SOUTH Castlegar (south of Highway 3) Woodland Park Area) - April 17 and 2013at–the SOUTH Castlegar of Highway 3) Place yourMay yard1, waste curb just prior to(south 7:00 a.m. on your collection date.

PlaceToyour yard waste at the curb just prior to 7:00 a.m. on your collection date. participate: 

You must be a resident of the City of Castlegar. (The program does not apply to commercial

businesses or outlying areas). To participate:

 must CRIMPbe compostable yard waste are available freeapply of charge from You a resident (100% of thebiodegradable) City of Castlegar. (Thebags program does not to commercial City Halloratoutlying 460 Columbia Avenue. Bags must be tied off, if twine is used it must be compostable. businesses areas).

CRIMP compostable (100% biodegradable) yard waste bags are available free of charge from  Garbage cans may be used as long as the containers are identified as having yard waste in the City Hall at 460 Columbia Avenue. Bags must be tied off, if twine is used it must be compostable. container. Containers must have lids. The maximum weight per container is 23kg (50lbs). It is recommended that you double CRIMP bags to ensure yard waste will be contained.

Garbage cans be used as long as the are identified as diameter having yard longer thanmay 1.0 meter (3 feet) in length withcontainers bundles having a maximum of 0.5waste meter in the container. Containers havebranch lids. The maximum weight (1.5 feet). Maximummust allowable diameter is 50mm (2 in).per container is 23kg (50lbs).

 Gather your yard and garden waste andwith placecompostable at your curbside on theIndividual dates above – according Tree pruning waste shall be bundled twine. bundles shalltobe no your location in North(3orfeet) SouthinCastlegar. longer than 1.0 meter length with bundles having a maximum diameter of 0.5 meter (1.5 feet). Maximum allowable branch diameter is 50mm (2 in).

It is recommended that you double CRIMP bags to ensure yard waste will be contained.

Tree pruning waste shall be bundled with compostable twine. Individual bundles shall be no

Alternatively, the City of Castlegar’s Yard Waste Composting Facility located at

the Gather your yardofand garden waste and place at your curbside on the datesat above to north end the Castlegar & District Recreation Complex 2101– according Sixth your location in North or South Castlegar. Avenue is open to receive yard and garden wastes during the year. Yard and garden waste is accepted and includes the following biodegradable waste:

Alternatively, the City of Castlegar’s Yard Waste Composting Facility located at  BIN 1 Grass, lawn and hedge clippings, flowers, weeds, leaves, and vegetable stalks the north end of the Castlegar & District Recreation Complex at 2101 Sixth 2 Shrubs, shrub and treeand branches less than 75 mm (3 inches) in diameter Avenueis BIN open to receive yard garden wastes during the year. If your yard waste is in bags, please remove bag. Yard and garden waste is plastic accepted and includes thethefollowing biodegradable waste:

Please BIN 1note Grass, lawnprogram and hedge flowers, weeds, leaves, and vegetable stalks sod, that this is clippings, for yard and garden waste only (rocks, dirt, stumps, demolition or tree other relatedless wood painted or treated construction BIN 2 Shrubs, shrub and branches thanproducts 75 mm (3including inches) in diameter wood, flower pots, animal waste, household garbage including kitchen waste or Styrofoam, or other willbag. not be accepted). If recyclables, your yard waste is in plastic bags, such pleasematerials remove the For more information please contact the City of Castlegar at (250) 365-7227 or (250) 365-5979

Please note that this program for yard and garden only (rocks, dirt, stumps, sod, Oris Waste Management at (250)waste 365-6372 construction demolition or other related wood products including painted or treated wood, flower pots, animal waste, household garbage including kitchen waste or recyclables, Styrofoam, or other such materials will not be accepted). For more information please contact the City of Castlegar at (250) 365-7227 or (250) 365-5979 Or Waste Management at (250) 365-6372

CELEBRATING VOLUNTEER WEEK The Board and staff of Columbia Basin Trust would like to thank the many dedicated volunteers in the Basin who devote their time and energy to strengthening our communities and helping create a legacy of social, economic and environmental well-being - thank you! • 1.800.505.8998 •


Community Calendar

Thursday, April 25, 2013 Castlegar News

Tell us about your upcoming event, email:

Upcoming April 26 - pro-d day youth swim

- Castlegar Complex pool from 2 - 4 p.m. Water walkway will be set up. Sorry, no lap swim during this time. $2.50 for all students. April 27 - 8th Annual Spring Fling, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Family

event encouraging everyone to come together in downtown Castlegar. Vendors in Kinsmen Park, 3 on 3 hockey, stage performers, and kid’s games. Entertainment lineup: 11 - 11:30 Derek Jonathan; 11:30 - 12 Reiss Zibin; 12 - 1 Motes and Oats; 1 - 1:30 Scotties School of Highland Dance; 1:30 - 2:30 Ray Bouliane; 2:30 - 3:30 Christina Amelio; 3:30 - 4 Matt and Brian; 4 - 5 Daisy Found Slain; 5 - 6 Concrete Harvester. Volunteers needed for various tasks. To help out, phone Peter 250-365-5655. April 27/28 - Artists event all

proceeds supporting the Castlegar Harvest Food Bank, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sandman Hotel (poolside atrium.) Mixed media artists and Origami, admission by donation.

Ave.) More info: Michele Warren 250-365-3212 May 7 - Community Foundation of Castlegar AGM: 7 p.m. at

Castlegar Golf Club boardroom, 1602 Aaron Road. More info: Dan Salekin, 250-608-0451 or

May 8 - Castlegar Social Planning Society AGM: Will be 5

p.m. at Castlegar Christian Fellowship Hall, 1801 Connors Road, Castlegar (behind Dairy Queen). Guest speaker Dan Sahlstrom, New Vision Housing Society. Light refreshments. Everyone welcome. May 10 - 7 p.m. Castlegar United Church (next to Kinnaird Medi-

cal Clinic) Rosemary Manarin is giving a presentation of her recent trip to Guatemala where she helped build a house for Habitat for Humanity. Everyone welcome. Donations to Habitat accepted. May 11 - Fourth annual Bank of Montreal Garage Sale, 8 a.m. -

12 p.m. at the BMO parking lot. All proceeds are going to the Canadian Cancer Society.

May 12 - Annual Mother’s Day Breakfast, Passmore Hall,

opening at 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre. Also the AGM at 10:30 a.m. in the Board room. We will be serving refreshments, after prayers, songs and sharing of words.

3656 Passmore Old Road 9-12 p.m. Silent auction, draws and door prizes. Weekly activities for seniors are carpet bowling Wednesdays at 1p.m. and cards Fridays at 7 p.m. All welcome. More info call Lorna 250-2267267.

April 28 - Day Of Mourning honouring workers killed or in-

May 18 - 4th Annual Castlegar Garden and Nature Fest. Cas-

April 28 - Kootenay Doukhobor Historical Society Annual

jured on the job. Nelson: Lakeside Park Soccer Field at noon. Trail: Steelworkers’ Hall at 9 a.m. - 10:30 pancake breakfast, 10:30 parade and ceremony at 11 a.m. Castlegar: 5 p.m. at the Kinnaird park (by the library). May 4 – Annual Castlegar Garden Club Plant Sale 9

a.m. – noon, Castlegar Station Museum, 400 – 13th Ave beguiles with a dazzling preview of summer’s promise. A provocative glimpse . . . edgy, enticing, eclectic delights assuage a gardener’s passion for plants. Garden experts on hand to answer questions. More info: Rose Cheveldave: 250-365-9600 or May 4 - St. David’s Anglican Church Annual Garage, Plant and Bake Sale. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.,

St. David’s Anglican Church at 614 Christina Place, Castlegar

May 7 - Castlegar & District Community Justice Forum an-

nual general meeting, 7 p.m. at the Castlegar Fire Hall (2161 6th

tlegar Community Complex, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. An open-air festival celebrating plants and growing. Local food and music. Free admission. Email or phone 250399-4439. MAY 18-19, 66th ANNUAL USCC UNION OF YOUTH FESTIVAL: Cel-

ebrate Doukhobor culture and heritage through performances and prayer at the Brilliant Cultural Centre beginning 2 p.m. Saturday. Tickets available early May at Brilliant Cultural Centre in Castlegar and Grand Forks Community Centre. Contact Kalina at kalina.repin@gmail. com or Brilliant Cultural Centre office at or 250-365- 3613.


Ongoing: The Treasure Shop is

having a 2 FOR 1 sale of baby clothing and all black shoes starting Fri. Apr. 26 thru Sat. May 4. Retro, Vintage and Spring fashions are available for

your shopping pleasure. Volunteers needed. Donation drop off days Mondays & Saturdays. Ongoing: All About Breastfeeding: informative support

group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House (behind Chopsticks) in Castlegar, Tuesdays, 10:30 - noon More info: 250-365-3662, ONGOING: MAR. 5 - APR. 30 Free Community Volunteer Income Tax Program Tues. & Thurs, 9

a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Castlegar & District Community Services 1007 - 2nd. St. Income level: single $30,000.00 or less, couples $40,000.00 or less, 1 adult with 1 child $35,000.00 or less, additional child $2500.00, interest income $1000.00 or less. Please call 250365-2104 for appt. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sundays including holidays. Mother’s Day Brunch & Browse May 12. Bring Mom, Grandma, wife or girlfriend and show them you care. Great breakfast / brunch menu. Variety of items by local vendors. Silent auction every month - proceeds benefit the Hall. Current auction runs until May 5.. New vendors welcome. To book a table call 250-365-3796 or 250365-8165. ONGOING



ongoing: tops group meets every wednesday - 8:30 a.m. to

10 a.m. at Kinnaird Hall 2320 Columbia Avenue. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy and lose weight. Join round table talks, make new friends. Monthly fee of $10. FMI call 365-7956.


MON: 9:30 Floor Curling, 10:00 Darts, 1:00 Whist TUES: 9:30 Floor Curling/Carpet Bowling, 1:00 Crafts, 7:00 Pool WED: 9:30 Floor Curling, 10:00 on 17th Raspberry Reunion, 1:00 Bingo only 1st, 7:00 Rummoli. THURS: 9:30 Floor Curling, 9:00 Zone 6 Sr. Games 18th, 2:00 on 4th Gen. Meeting, 1:00 Bingo (not @ Gen. Meeting), 2:00 on 18th Tea Dance, FRI: 10:00 Qi Gong, 1:00 Bridge/Crib

and Sat. at 8 p.m. (phone Leonard at 365-7805). ongoing: al-anon meets every Monday night AL-ANON is for

people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Meeting every Monday 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info call Donna 365-3168 or Eileen 365-3674. ongoing: legion meat draws every saturday - Royal Cana-

dian Legion Castlegar/Robson Branch#170, 248 Columbia Ave. Doors open at 3 p.m., draws from 4 - 6 p.m. Draws every half hour with other special prizes awarded. Guests more than welcome and can be signed in by a member. Come out and have fun with great company. ongoing: chronic pain selfmanagement program - Free

six session workshop. Thursdays from March 7 - April 11 at 1:30 p.m. at 1030 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. FMI 1-866-902-3767.

ongoing: CRAFTING for WOMEN.

Wed. mornings 9-12, Sun Centre, above Community Services. No cost but there may be required materials depending on project. Mocassins cost about $50. Knitting and most others free. Volunteers needed to teach crafts / skills. Phone: 250-3652104 ext. 34 or ongoing: Confluence Fellowship Circle. Wednesdays at 6 pm

A Christian gathering with a Celtic flavour. Robson Community Memorial Church. Waldie Avenue, Robson. Come and connect with our Creator and each other. ongoing: poker fundraiser at

the Lion’s Head Pub every Tuesday - Games start at 6:30 p.m. and go until there is a winner. Buy-in is $40; prize $1,000 or more. Partial proceeds to the West Kootenay Therapeutic Riding Association. ongoing: TOASTMASTERS MEETINGS The local Toastmasters

All welcome for a hot meal Tuesdays at noon at the Cadet Hall on 8th Avenue in Castlegar, two blocks from the library. No charge. Sponsored by the Stonesoup committee.

club, the Sentinel Speakers, meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fireside Inn Castlegar on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence and have some fun! Guests warmly welcomed. More info please call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336.

Ongoing: Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena - Sun.

ongoing: special olympics castlegar needs volunteers -

ongoing: sharing dinner pot

at 10 a.m. (phone Mike – 3658302), Tues. at 7 p.m. (phone Dennis at 365-2738), Thurs. at 8 p.m. (phone Jim at 365-6216)

More info please call 250-9190757.

ongoing: Operation Feast es-

tablished in 2012 provides meals for members of our community. All invited for home-cooked meals Thursdays at New Life Assembly Church, 602 - 7th Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, dinner served until 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area located at the back of Church. More info: Carol at 365-5734.

ongoing: scrabble club – Come

out on the second Wed. of the month at the Castlegar Public Library - 6:30–8 p.m. All levels are welcome.

Ongoing: Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy Love 2 Learn:

free program, healthy snacks, circle, art, games, activities for preschoolers and parents/caregivers. Fridays 9:30 – 11 a.m. starting April 19 at Castlegar Primary School. To register call Alana, 250-304-6862, offered by Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy and School District #20.

Community Learning Place: free

help with basic computers, reading and writing, citizenship, test preparation, skills upgrading. Castlegar & District Public Library, Tuesdays 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. More info: 250-304-6862.

ongoing: Mom’s Support Group

Thursdays 10 a.m. to noon. Castlegar Community Services, Sun Centre. All moms welcome to this loosely structured group supporting challenges of being a mom. No referral required. Comments/queries: Sandi McCreight 250.365.2104 ext. 34

ONGOING: Awaken Your Intuition. Free 12 week study group

based on Sonia Choquette’s bestseller “The Psychic Pathway”. Let’s learn how to live a more intuitive, guided life together! Contact Deborah @ dnittel@

Ongoing: free pool - Everyone welcome. Every Saturday. Royal

Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. - an afternoon of fun.

ongoing: Trail sea cadets -

Tuesdays 6 - 9 p.m. at 44th Trail Armory in Shaver’s Bench 19907th Ave. Contact Lt(N) Richard Chanig 250-368-6247.

ongoing: Castlegar judo club

- Mon. & Thurs. evenings 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Twin Rivers School gym. Old and new members welcome. Register anytime. Ages 8 years and up. More info call John Gibson 250-365-5763.

Ongoing: free pool - Everyone welcome. Every Saturday. Royal

Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Free pool. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun.


A peek inside the pulp plant marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

Marvin Beatty

tant to note the water supply will not be affected but the city is asking citizens to limit water consumption to essential use only during this time. Some loss of water pressure and discolouration during and after these times may occur and If discolouration persists after running the water for 15 minutes, call (250) 365-5979 or (250) 365-7227. Starting on Saturday, April 27 at 9:30 p.m., wood chips will stop being sent to the digester and an enormous sequence of carefully planned events will get underway. The digester is one of the biggest structures on the Celgar site: almost 61 metres (200 feet) high and with a diameter of about nine metres (29 feet). It can hold

approximately three million litres of chips and chemicals and has been identified as the “critical path” job that sets the schedule for all of the other jobs during the shutdown. Though the digester is the biggest job by virtue of the time it will take to inspect it and make any repairs, it’s but one of five major jobs (and a number of smaller ones) that will be undertaken until the mill gets back to full operation, projected to be at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8. A recovery boiler, lime kiln, acid sewer line and precipitator will also be inspected and any necessary repairs made. These are not small pieces of equipment. The value of a single passenger car sized section of corro-

The Castlegar & District Chamber of Commerce invites you to.


your voice be heard.

All Candidates Forum Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 7pm to 9pm Sandman Hotel For more information:

Melissa & Doug classic wooden Toys



non sale items

15% off

non sale items



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Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar

CITY OF CASTLEGAR PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter, the City of Castlegar gives notice of its intention to dispose of land legally described as: “Lot 18 District Lots 12353 and 12354 Kootenay District Plan 13986” to Trowelex Concrete Contractors Ltd, Inc. #82688. The transaction will be a transfer in fee simple. A Restrictive Covenant will be registered on the title of the subject property, indicating OFnoCASTLEGAR that until such time as the public CITY road is longer required through the subject land, the purchaser will only be entitled to the free and uninterrupted use of that portion of Lot 18 PUBLIC NOTICE not included as Statutory Right of Way on Plan EPP29716 as shown on Appendix “A”. Pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter, Appendix “A” the City of Castlegar gives notice of its intention to dispose of land legally described as: “Lot 18 District Lots 12353 and 12354 Kootenay District Plan 13986” to Trowelex Concrete Contractors Ltd, Inc. #82688. The transaction will be a transfer in fee simple. A Restrictive Covenant will be registered on the title of the subject property, indicating that until such time as the public road is no longer required through the subject land, the purchaser will only be entitled to the free and uninterrupted use of that portion of Lot 18 not included as Statutory Right of Way on Plan EPP29716 as shown on Appendix “A”. The City of Castlegar will receive $43,870.00 from Trowelex Concrete Contractors Ltd in consideration for the disposition. Appendix “A” If, at some time in the future, the public road is no longer required by the City, the City will remove the Restrictive Covenant from the title of the lands upon receipt of payment based on 59% of the future assessed value of the land at that time.

Phil Markin Director of Development Services

The City of Castlegar will receive $43,870.00 from Trowelex Concrete Contractors Ltd in consideration for the disposition. If, at some time in the future, the public road is no longer required by the City, the City will remove the Restrictive Covenant from the title of the lands upon receipt of payment based on 59% of the future assessed value of the land at that time.

Castlegar & District Chamber of Commerce 250.365.6313 upcoming BC Provincial Election May 14th


15% off

r ic e

Turbo generator #3: A 48 MW condensing turbine (from Shin Nippon of Tokyo) at Zellstoff Celgar mill.

Now Carrying


At the Zellstoff Celgar pulp mill, most things are super sized — even downtime. On a recent tour the Castlegar News noted the Celgar site, an operation of the Mercer International Group, is filling up with trailers, vehicles, equipment, machinery and about 500 additional people for the annual shutdown; a massive undertaking that will officially start Monday, April 29 and run until Wednesday, May 8. The contractors will perform specialized tasks needed to ensure the almost 180-page shutdown plan for the Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft pulp mill stays on track. Douglas Sayer, engineering and technical manager at Celgar, said 28 different contractors — including locals and those hired from across the region — will be working on the site during the shutdown. Hotels, restaurants and other businesses will no doubt notice a boost in profits with the arrival of the workers. For those who have been curious about the Castlegar water supply being down from 9 p.m. Wednesday, May 1 until 5 a.m. Thursday, May 2, here’s the lowdown. First, it’s impor-

sion resistant, reinforced plastic pipe for the acid sewer line was estimated to be around $30,000, according to Sayer. Heat from the overhead lime kiln can be felt while under it and it’s about two stories overhead. Replacement of refractors inside it and bearings that help keep it rotating is another big job. The rollers are around 23 tonnes each. In a handout, Celgar notes the total maintenance costs of an outage of this length are about $12 million, which does not include the revenue lost because they are not producing pulp or power. In addition, chips don’t stop arriving during this time and space for them, as well as items being replaced, is at a premium. Minimizing the risk to workers and the environment while keeping things on schedule takes a concerted, organized effort. “Safety is huge,” said Sayer. “It’s a minute step from a minor injury to a major one.” Fiona Mackay, environment manager agreed and said management has a program in place to identify near-miss situations. “We encourage everyone to file those kinds of reports so we can learn from them,” she said. A9


Castlegar News Thursday, April 25, 2013

Phil Markin Director of Development Services



Business Excellence Awards 2013 Nomination Form Nomination Deadline Tues. April 30th, 2013 Celebrating Business Excellence Get Involved! Nomination Form: Please note The Review Panel reserves the right to determine if the nomination fits within the category criteria. Nominee:___________________________Contact Name:_________________________ Address:____________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Award Category: _________________________________________________________ Type of Business: ________________________________________________________ Community Involvement: ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Nominator: __________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Email:____________________________________________ Please feel free to add any additional information on a separate sheet of paper that you feel would support this nomination. Nomination Deadline: Tuesday, April, 30th, 2013 Completed forms can be faxed to 250-365-5778 or mailed to Castlegar & District Chamber of Commerce 1995 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 4B7 Email: Castlegar & District Chamber of Commerce economic, social and / or cultural well‐being of Castlegar & area Criteria: The organization must have an established reputation Business Excellence Awards, 2013 This is the criteria for you to consider when nominating a business or business person. Businesses or persons may be nominated for more than one category. PLEASE REVIEW THIS CRITERIA before filling out your nomination form. A business must be established for at least 12 months to be eligible for any of the awards. BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR The award is presented to an individual who is a dedicated leader, contributor (not always financial) and embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship. The conduct of the recipient and his/ her business must be above reproach with regard to ethics, quality, and service and project a positive community image. BUSINESS EXCELLENCE A business that has been in operation for more than 3 years and has consistently offered outstanding service and/or product to its customers and displays a strong commitment to community involvement. CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENCE Presented to a business that is committed to high standards of customer service. This company delivers exceptional service in their dealings with customers, educates and encourages their staff to improve and excel in matters of customer relations. This company also strives to improve the customer experience within their business through communications, problem solving, and innovation.

for delivering a high level of programs and/ or services as well as a track record of efficient and effective management. GREEN AWARD The nominee business must: display environmental responsiveness through personal leadership and effort; demonstrate innovation in stewardship of the environment; display commitment to exemplary environmental responsiveness, beyond governmental requirements; encourage others to be environmentally responsible. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AWARD This business must exemplify innovation, professionalism and integrity. This category is limited to the professional company, not the individual employee or contractor or a retail store. CONTRACTOR OF THE YEAR Companies must sell construction services, employ trades people, and/or contract out labour supply in the industrial, commercial, institutional, residential, and civil.

TOURISM DEVELOPMENT A business, organization, or individual(s) that: supports the Castlegar tourism industry and contributes to the development of Castlegar as a must-see destination.

YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR AWARD An entrepreneur(s) between the ages of 9 and 35 as of December 31st of the current year who: is an owner(s) or manager(s0 and must have been actively involved in the company’s daily management. She/he is recognized COMMUNITY IMPACT AWARD DESCRIPTION as employing ethical business standards with customers, The award recognizes the accomplishments of those employees and suppliers, while contributing to the quality in life organizations in the not-for-profit sector which contribute to the in the community.

The Knights of Columbus are searching for Castlegar’s “Citizen of the Year.” Assist us by nominating worthy citizens who have contributed to our community. Nomination forms and details are available at: Canadian Tire, Safeway and City Hall Deadline for nominations Friday May 10, 2013


Thursday, April 25, 2013 Castlegar News

Local gardening – really getting going staff writer Castlegar News

The Castlegar Garden Club’s Annual Plant Sale will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Castlegar Station Museum, 400 – 13th Avenue. This annual harbinger of spring will beguile with a dazzling preview of summer’s promise. A provocative glimpse... edgy, enticing, eclectic delights assuage a gardener’s passion for plants. The ‘Collector’s Corner,’ new last year, will feature plants from Nora’s Robson garden and the garden of Kay Ross, both renowned plant collectors. Plant contributions and teamwork from all Garden Club members ensure a delightful morning sojourn. This is the public’s chance to share some of the Garden Club’s favourite plants. For those who yearn with nostalgia for the ‘old days’ or those that like to electrify with

Area gardeners are full of excitement over what lies ahead.

the new and unusual, there is something for everyone. Garden experts will be on hand to answer your questions. Encouraging gardening is the focus of the Castlegar Garden Club. Meetings are the third Wednesday of the month at the Community Complex. Summer meetings, June – September, are in gardens of members with the added bonus of potluck appetizers. New members are always welcome. For information call Rose Cheveldave: 250365-9600 or email castlegargardenclub@

On another exciting note, the Castlegar Garden Club and Castlegar Communities in Bloom are partnering to sponsor an open-air festival at the Castlegar Community Complex (2101 6th Ave) on Saturday, May 18, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The prime focus is the abundance of local gardening talent and nature resources. Plants and gardens (wild and cultivated) will be featured, as well as farming, food production, organic growing, along with nature and the environment. Thirty-plus ven-


dors will offer rockery and dwarf conifers, wonderful roses, colourful shrubs, and bountiful baskets. Check out the large selection of garden-ready veggie starts and locally grown, organic perennials, wonderful home grown products. There will be an absolute abundance of plants! You can enjoy what our festival has to offer: plants and garden art, information booths showcasing local community organizations, great food and an ideal environment to sit, relax and enjoy the day. Free admission.

Citizen of the Year nominations sought staff writer Castlegar News Reporter

Recognizing the value of contribution to the community, the Castlegar Knights of Columbus is looking for nominees for the Citizen of the Year. Members and cochairs of the Citizen of the Year Committee for 2012 are Bob Saari and Brian Bogle. They say the event brings attention to valuable happenings in our community and the people who make them happen. “We took this on as a community project to recognize a volunteer(s) in the community and to encourage other people to become involved,” said Saari. “Past Recipients have worked with organizations dedicated

Brian Bogel (L) and Bob Saari, of Safeway and Canadian Tire, respectively, are on the committee looking for the 2012 Citizen of the Year.

to charities like The Red Cross or Service Clubs like Boy Scouts or The Lions Club for example. The committee is looking for someone who graciously of-

Jim Sinclair

fers his or her time to any local project that builds up the citizenry of the community.” Winners are most pleasantly overwhelmed with the honour, though some

prefer to keep their community contributions under wraps, loving what they do outside the limelight. “Ninety-nine percent are absolutely flabbergasted they have been selected,” Saari added, “and they’re happy to accept.” The deadline for nominations is May 10, 2013. Papers are available at City Hall Administration, Canadian Tire, Castlegar, Safeway, Castlegar and The Chamber of Commerce. A wine & cheese event honouring this year’s winner is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29, 2013 at St. Rita’s Parish Hall, 513 - 7th Avenue in Castlegar. Last year’s winner was Jacquie Hamilton for the year 2011.

Castlegar News Thursday, April 25, 2013 A11


Celebrating 40 years in Castlegar: Hi-Lite Restaurant Special to the Castlegar News, submitted by Johnny Mah

Forty years of running a business is a long time, especially a small business in the city of Castlegar. On May 1, owners and operators of Hi-Lite Restaurant Ltd. Jim and Amy Mah will be celebrating 40 years. Many patrons who have been in this town may have known and heard of the Hi-Lite, but many may not know the restaurant has been in the city longer than 40 years and the building itself may be even longer and a historic buildling. Built in the 1950s by Cecil Watson, the building was housed as Castlegar’s original Greyhound bus depot. Years later, it was bought by Rigby’s and he converted to ‘Rigby’s Confectionary’ which also served as a local drugstore and café. It wasn’t until the 1965 that York Mah (or commonly known to patrons as Yorkie and no relation to our Mah family) bought the building and property and turned the confectionary into a Chinese Western styled café and renamed it “Hi-Lite Café.” York was the original owner of the Marlane Grill. But why would York name the café “Hi-Lite?” Well, that is an answer I don’t know for sure, but I do recall that in the 1950s/60s when café/diners were opening up that most Chinese Western style cafes in Canada did

not have any Chinese influences in the name and everything should be “superior” and “elegant” to the common name and so “Hi-Lite” was probably chosen. However, I do know that when my parents took over the business, they decided to continue to use that name. During this time in the late 1960s, my parents came to Canada and my father was working at my uncle’s restaurant in Cache Creek, B.C. It wasn’t until 1971 that my parents moved to Trail to work at my aunt’s restaurant. It may have been faith that led my parents here. At first they thought of moving to Grand Forks to own a Chinese restaurant there, but snow prevented them from driving on Highway 3 and instead of heading 100 kilometres west they went 30 kilometres north. On May 1, 1973, my parents signed over the business lease and it was three years later that we had full ownership of the restaurant, building and property assets. When you come and dine in the restaurant, you will have a lot of nostalgia. The green walls, the orange swirl chairs at the counter; the booths and our infamous jukeboxes. Not a lot has changed over the years in terms of the menu selection. You can still get Western style food on one side of the menu, while from the other you can have Chinese cuisine. But what are the most popular dishes that many patrons like

Now accepting registration Now accepting registrationfor for 2013-2014 school 2013-2014 schoolyear year Faith Based Education Faith Based Education Busing Available (via BC Busing Available (via BCTransit) Transit) Morning Club starting atat6:30 Morning Club starting 6:30am am Afterschool Care Afterschool Care K-7K-7 Core French Core French Tuition Tax Deductible Tuition Tax Deductible

Contact: Julia Mason, Principal atat250-368-6151 Contact: Julia Mason, Principal 250-368-6151oror visit website visit ourour website 1329-4th Avenue, Trail, BC V1R1S3 1S3 1329-4th Avenue, Trail, BC V1R

May 1, 2013 marks the 40th anniversary for Amy and Jimmy Mah’s Hi-Lite Café – located at 198 Columbia Avenue. Jim Sinclair




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Thursday, April 25, 2013 Castlegar News

M&M Meats invites you to Charity BBQ to fight Crohn’s/colitis marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

On Saturday, May 11, between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., M&M Meat Shop in Castlegar will join the 25th anniversary of the Charity BBQ Day benefiting the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada (CCFC). “M&M bills this as the largest single-day barbecue in Canada and we’re sort of famous for them here in town,” said David Grantham, owner of

the franchise at 635 Columbia Avenue. The fundraising goal for all the stores this year is $1.3 million. The barbecue has grown into CCFC’s largest annual, fundraising activity by any single supporter, with more than $23.1 million for medical research being raised over the past 24 years. Supporters will receive a hamburger or hot dog, a drink and a bag of chips for a minimum donation of $3. All proceeds

raised will go directly to Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis research. “There’s a ton of people in this community with Crohn’s and Colitis,” said Grantham. “It’s different with everybody, for some people it’s very serious and for others it’s easily manageable.” Grantham said his store has averaged about $2,000 in donations every year. Those visiting the Castlegar store since

April 5 will have noticed that the walls and windows are filling up with penguins. Those donating $2 to $3 get to sign their names to the penguin posters and help create a visible display of the community support. They also get a chance to win some great M&M prizes induing gift cards. For $5, supporters will also receive a coupon book worth more than $50 in M&M Meat Shops T:10” products. Grantham said S:10” the $5

donations have been so steady he has ordered more coupon books to keep up with demand. Barb Wachek was in shopping on Monday, April 22, and signed a paper penguin after providing a donation. Wachek said she has long supported the fundraiser and has a nephew with the disease. Canada has among the highest reported prevalence of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis — two similar

yet distinct conditions also known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) — in the world, according to a media release from M&M Meat Shops. There are more than 233,000 Canadians suffering from IBD and the incidences have been rising, particularly since 2001, and significantly so in children under the age of 10. “We are extremely grateful to those who support M&M Meat Shops Charity BBQ

Day,” said CCFC CEO, Dr. Kevin Glasgow in the release. “Our 25-year-partnership with M&M Meat Shops has made an enormous difference in our effort to find a cure for IBD and improve the lives of children and adults affected by these chronic diseases. These donations, combined with the hard work of thousands of volunteers, raise a significant portion of our annual research funds in just one day.”

Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917]

Castlegar News Thursday, April 25, 2013


Stage being set for 2013 sculpture event marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

Anticipation is building for the arrival of the annual Castlegar Sculpturewalk entries, as volunteers worked on the removal of the 2012 entries over the past couple of weekends. In early April the take-down work brigade was delayed a day after a blast of winter weather blanketed the area in snow. Conditions improved slightly and volunteers Val Field, Chris Brien, Chris Perepolkin, Doug

Johnstone, Willow Enewold, Keith Houghton, Daniel Kloc and Frank Fodor braved the cold, damp morning with enthusiasm. Some of last year’s sculptures are en route to Nelson – after that city purchased one and are leasing five others – where they will be featured prominently on Baker Street. Others have already been shipped to Sioux Falls, South Dakota from where Castlegar first drew inspiration for the popular outdoor art exhibit. Once the sites for A13


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250-352-5331 Eager group braved cool early April weather to make things ready for this year’ crop of sculptures due for installation next month. Marvin Beatty

the new sculptures are selected and

prepped in Castlegar, the installation of the 30 new sculptures will start on Saturday, May 25 and the voting will begin shortly after. The sculpture winning the People’s Choice Award, as voted on by those who take part in the Castlegar Sculpturewalk throughout the summer, is purchased by the city as part of its permanent collection. The event has grown considerably over the years with the help of volunteers, local and inter-

national artists and individual and business sponsors. The City of Castlegar and the Columbia Basin Trust have also committed their support for the outdoor art exhibit again this year, and issued a press release in March stating the importance of the creative economy to the overall economic health of the region. For more information on this popular program, check out the Castlegar Sculpturewalk website at

Congratulations to

Well-deserved smiles Janaeya Baher and Meigan Croteau, double award winners at the Turning Pointe Performance Company’s “Just Dance” event on April 13 at the Brilliant Cultural Centre. Ryan Jmaeff

Don & Ethel Danroth on your 50th Wedding Anniversary. Love always… Jeff, Allan, Heather, Christine, Leanne, JK and all your grandchildren.

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Apr 24th - Krafty Kuts Finger Lickin’ Records Apr 25th - Daniel Wesley w/ Joshua Hyslop Apr 26th - Czech, Terrantino & Breakfluid Mungall Fundraiser Apr 27th - B.Traits BBC Radio with Lady AK May 2nd - Cauldron w/ Sack Grabbath May 3rd - Smalltown DJs May 4th - Braden Early with Breakfluid May 10th - Kootenay Music Awards with Shred Kelly May 11th - The Gaff w/ Rich Rabnett DJ set May 17th - Daega Sound Presented by Yan Zombie May 24th - Kastle (Live) May 25th - Elliott Brood May 30th - Striker and Savage Blade


Thursday, April 25, 2013 Castlegar News

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We are very fortunate to have had the honour of the Vision of Peace choir rehearsing in our courtyard last summer. They were the opening act at our Cultural ‘Let’s Celebrate’ Festival that takes place on our grounds in July. What a wonderful spirit they are gifted with, may Peaceful Harmony always guide them. Our new display for the 2013 season is ‘Heritage Costumes’, visit us at the Doukhobor Village Museum in Beautiful Castlegar, to view the new display. With a lovely selection to choose from

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Castlegar News Thursday, April 25, 2013 A15

News Strong turnout promotes non-violent society Continued from P. A1

“But we can change the future by taking one small step to ending violence.” Clarice Coulson of Castlegar Community Services said this year the intent was to focus on everyone taking that step. “Some of the things we offer at Community services are: a bridging program which runs a couple of times per year for six weeks, children who witness, women’s outreach and a safe house program,” said Coulson. “We just opened our first safe home in Castlegar so that was very exciting for us, since we don’t have a transition house here, we now don’t have to transport women out of the area; we can keep women and children in their communities.” She also added that keeping such programs going often takes more than one small step from funding sources such as local and provincial governments. The safe house, for example, opened in December and already the facility is trying to secure funding to operate this year. One of the groups who consistently makes things happen is Men Speak Out. Bud Godderis was on hand to share his thoughts

Circle is formed during April 23 ceremony at Castlegar’s Spirit Square

about what the group does. “We are a group of men that were initiated by the Castlegar and District Community Services a few year back now,” said Godderis. “As men, we need to take the opportunity to speak to other men but as we do that we become aware that we need support. We need support if we become violent, we need to find ways to not be violent and we need resources for men. I’m pleased to say that while I was here this morning a gentleman came up and offered to be part of our group so we have increased by one person.” Most men are slow to come forward and admit to being a violent person in need of help, said Godderis, who added that what is really needed to achieve a society free from domestic violence is equality for women.

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Sgt. Laurel Matthew of the Castlegar detachment also spoke at the event and said that although the RCMP obviously takes things from a law enforcement perspective, they have expanded and work closely with community services, victim’s services, probation, counselling services and mental health. “I feel we have come a long way,” said Matthew. “It’s not just about ‘put that guy in jail’ and on to the next thing. We are much more involved all the time.” Matthew said that follow up allows her to see how victims of violence, both men and women, are making out. Recent risk assessment training has also given the police tools to be better able to predict risk than in the past. “Rather than just responding and responding and responding, now we can

Marvin Beatty

try to assess how big the risk is and what more we can do — that includes community services, probation, crown counsel and others. I think we’re making great progress, it’s taken very seriously and it has to stop.” Katrine Conroy, MLA candidate for Kootenay West, was also at the event and said many of the international and provincial campaigns supporting anti-violence start at grass-roots organizations like Community Services and thanked everyone gathered for the work they do. Conroy mentioned how important it was to educate children and said one of her grandsons painted a shirt for the event a few years ago and she asked him why he was doing it. “Because it’s just wrong, Granny… it’s just wrong. You shouldn’t hit anybody,” the young boy said.

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parking lot on May 11, 2013 Prenatal:from Wed., Jan. 28 8am-12pm Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 Prenatal: OFA LevelWed., 1: Jan.Jan. 30 28 Prenatal: OFA LevelWed., 1: Jan.Jan. 30 28 All proceeds from OFA Level 1: Jan. 30for Sledders: Avalanche Awareness OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 the sale are going Avalanche Jan. 31 Awareness for Sledders: Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: to the Canadian Jan. 31 Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: Jan. 31 Society Cancer Prenatal Jan. 31 Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb.Feb. 4 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 Avalanche Traffic Control Skills Training:: Feb. 5 April 26, 2013 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 5 Prenatal: Wed., Series: Jan. 28Feb. Financial Education 5 5AprilDec. Group Fitness Education 26, 2013 Transportation Endorsement 5 Financial Series: Feb. Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 Feb. 5 Dec. 5 Transportation Endorsement Financial Education Series: Basics: WestEbay Kootenay GeologyFeb. Tour 10 30 April 27, 2013 OFA Level 1: Ebay Basics: Feb.Jan. 10 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Prenatal-Early Class Dec. 8 OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 Ebay Feb. 10 GPS: Intro Basics: to Handheld AprilDec. 27, 2013 Prenatal-Early Class 8 Green Your Home From Lowfor Tech to Avalanche Awareness Sledders: Green Your Home From Low Tech to Green Your Home From Low Tech to Occupational First Level 27, 2013 Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: High Feb. 121 From Low OFA LevelTech: 1 Aid 15 Green Your Home TechApril toDec. Jan. 31 High Tech: 12 High Tech: Feb. 12 OFA Level 1 Feb. Dec. 15 Jan. 31 High Tech: Feb. 12 Nest Building April 27, 2013 Learn Draw in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 12 Learn totoDraw in 18hours: hours: Feb. Learn Draw in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 12April 27, 2013 Standard First with CPR C hours: Learn totoAid Draw in 18 hours: Feb. Avalanche Skills Training:: 5 28, 2013 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15April Acrylics Plus: Painting a Daylily Avalanche Skills Training:: Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 OFA Transportation April528, 2013 Financial Endorsement Education Series: Feb. Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 Occupational First Aid Level 3 April 29, 2013 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Call 250.365.1208 or visit Green Your From 2.8125” x 3” Low Tech to forHome details GreenTech: Your Feb. Home12From Low Tech to High High Tech: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15

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Individual ..................................... $65 Team (1 or 2 legs) .........$30 each leg


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Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff also spoke and issued a challenge to people to take a stand. “As you work through life you hear about it and you read about it but do you do something about it?,” asked Chernoff. “That’s the goal here — to get people involved in the programs and try to help. It takes a community to solve these issues. I know it’s not an easy solve, it will take some time… but if we all work together we can solve some of these issues and help some of these families.” Danny Vecchio, an anti-violence educator, presented organizers with a new shirt for the clothesline display that had “I will not be silent because abuse is not love” written on it and said it’s important for boys to deconstruct the “messed up” idea of what it means to be a man. Speeches ended with Beetstra quotoing American cultural anthropologist, Margaret Mead, who was frequently a featured writer and speaker throughout the ‘60s and ‘70s: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that has.”

garage sale

Richard Spilker 2216 Columbia Ave Castlegar, B.C.

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Bill McNally Suite 2 – 373 Baker St Nelson, B.C.

Ph 250-365-2183

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Ph 250-352-2088


Thursday, April 25, 2013 Castlegar News




RDAY APRIL 27, 11AM – 6 PM

LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Sturgeon releases set for Castlegar & Trail Provincial Park, near says Gerry Nellestijn, tions, involved, and KID’S GAMES awareTrail, on May 1, be- chair of the Commu- increasing

ON 3 REET Thank you Thankyou youto toour oursponsors sponsors Thank to our sponsors Thank you to our sponsors CKEY CAR SHOW

Credit Union Zellstoff Celgar City of Castlegar Heritage Credit Union Savings Heritage Union Kootenay Savings Mitchell’sCredit Building Supply Kootenay Trowlex Rentals Heritage Credit Union Kootenay Savings Credit Union Credit Union Castlegar News Mountain FM Heritage Credit Union Kootenay Savings Zellstoff City of of Castlegar Credit Union ZellstoffCelgar Celgar City Castlegar Credit Union Mitchell’s Building Supply Trowlex Rentals Mitchell’s Building Trowlex Rentals Zellstoff Celgar Cityofof Castlegar Zellstoff CelgarSupply City Castlegar Castlegar News Mountain FM Castlegar News Mountain FM Mitchell’s Building Trowlex Rentals Mitchell’s Building Supply Supply Trowlex Rentals Castlegar News Mountain FM Castlegar News Mountain FM

This year marks the 12th Annual Juvenile White Sturgeon release, hosted by the Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative (UCWSRI). The release events will take place at Beaver Creek


ank youANNUAL! to our sponsors 2ND

tween noon and 1 p.m., and at Hugh Keenleyside Dam (on the Celgar side), near Castlegar on May 2, between 2 and 4 p.m. “This is a great way to really reach out, touch, and help an endangered species – quite literally,”

nity Working Group of the UCWSRI. “The fish look - and feel like creatures from prehistoric times; in fact they have largely remained unchanged for 175 million years.” By getting the community, particularly the younger genera-

ness, we feel there are much better chances for the survival of this population.” About 4,000 ten month-old juvenile white sturgeon will be released into various locations of the Columbia River between Castlegar and Trail.

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Black Press C O M M U N I T Y



Castlegar News Thursday, April 25, 2013 A17


Tell us how your team is doing, email:

Saints sign veteran forward Markus McCrea for next season submitted

The Selkirk College Saints Men’s Hockey team has announced a commitment from veteran forward Markus McCrea (Canyon Lake, CA) to attend Selkirk College and compete for the Saints beginning in the 2013/14 B.C. Intercollegiate Hockey League season. McCrea brings an impressive resumé to the Saints roster, with a five-year junior career that included three full seasons with the Western Hockey League’s Everett Silvertips and another two seasons in the United States Hockey League with the Lincoln Stars and Youngstown Phan-

Markus McCrae is Selkirk’s eighth commitment for the 2013/14 season. submitted

toms. The 21-year-old suited up in 175 games for the Silvertips, scoring 13 goals while adding 11 assists and 130 penalty minutes from 2008 to 2011. Over the past two

years, the 6-foot-3, 95 kilogram (210 pound), 21-year-old winger racked up 22 goals and 38 points in 108 games for Youngstown and was a key offensive contributor. This past season

saw him reach a career-high 14 goals and he paired the deft scoring touch with strong physical play, earning him 144 penalty minutes, (12th in the USHL). “We’re thrilled Markus has made the decision to begin his post-secondary studies and continue his hockey career at Selkirk College,” said Saints head coach Jeff Dubois in a release. “He is a powerful, hard-working forward who sets the tone with his physical play and high compete level. He also developed the offensive side of his game in the USHL and I see him being a key contributor in all aspects at the college level.” “The awareness

level of the USHL may not be high here in Canada, but it’s a highly-competitive league that produces top NHL draft picks and hundreds of NCAA scholarships each season. To bring in a player with Markus’s leadership skills and his experience at that level is a tremendous addition for our program.” McCrea plans to enroll in Selkirk’s Business Administration program. “I’ve heard nothing but good things about the campus, schooling and the hockey program at Selkirk,” said McCrea, who describes himself as a power forward who likes to get his team going with his physical play and leader-

ship. “I’m looking forward to studying in a beautiful province and carrying on the tradition that started this season by winning the BCIHL title for the second year in a row.” In his final junior season, McCrea helped lead Youngstown to a 3727-0 record and a third place finish in the USHL’s Eastern Conference following an early season trade from Lincoln. Phantoms coach Anthony Noreen credits McCrea’s addition for adding a missing element on the ice and in the locker room. “I couldn’t be more happy or more proud for Markus,” said Nor-

een. “He’s been an unbelievable addition. He’s been everything you could want a veteran player to be. He’s a leader and he helps other guys out. He brings a ton of energy to the rink and the bench every day and he backs it up with his play on the ice.” McCrea is Selkirk’s eighth commitment for the 2013/14 season, joining forwards Darnell Dyck (Langley, BCHL) and Garrett Kucher (Osoyoos, KIJHL), defencemen Stefan Gonzales (Aldergrove, PJHL), Arie Postmus (Beaver Valley, KIJHL) and Ryan Procyshyn (Delta, PJHL) and goaltenders Myles Hovdebo (LaRonge, SJHL) and Marcus Beesley (Nelson, KIJHL).

ule was maintained by a dedicated group of volunteers and provided opportunities Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings for our 160 plus registered skateboarders, of all skill levels, to enjoy a safe warm indoor location,” said Ty Smith, coordinator for the skateboard park. The indoor park is now closed for the season and will re-

open again in early October. With the snow hopefully gone for good this year, skaters are now ready to get fresh air and hone skills at the Castlegar Rotary Skatepark beside the complex. The outdoor park is celebrating its tenth year, said Smith. A Facebook page for the park (www. groups/kinnairdy-

outhindoorskatepark/) has over 200 members and keeps everyone informed. Smith will be teaching classes about the basics of skateboarding on Saturdays from May 4 to May 25, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the outdoor skatepark. Registration for those classes is through the Castlegar and District Recreation Complex.

Indoor skatepark celebrates successful year Submitted

Cedar, Jasper and Sky Jennings enjoying a Saturday morning skateboard session. submitted

The Kinnaird Youth Indoor Skatepark is celebrating the successes of its second year. With the support of the Kinnaird Park Community Church and the City of Castlegar (through grants from the Columbia Basin Trust Community Funding Initiatives), the former woodworking

shop of the old Kinnaird Middle School is now the home of an indoor skatepark that has been growing in popularity since it opened in December of 2011. The venue had 333 visits by boarders in the 44 days it was open last winter, providing a unique space to get exercise, practice boarding skills and socialize. “Our regular sched-

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Castlegar News Thursday, April 25, 2013 A19

Sports Lacrosse alive and well in the Kootenays

marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

Canada’s national summer sport is maintaining a strong foothold in the Castlegar area with the West Kootenay Minor Lacrosse Association. Devon Reid, who (like others helping out) juggles multiple titles and levels of responsibilities with the association, said there are only two lacrosse associations in zone 1; in Castlegar and Cranbrook. Last year, all of the competitive games were played in Castlegar, with Cranbrook players making the almost three hour drive each direction. This year, the situation is reversed. “There are four games plus playoffs,” said Reid, who is not only the president but the coaching coordinator and head coach of the bantam team. “Some parents from Grand Forks drive four nights per week to practices.” On Saturday, May

4 the association will have a combination bottle drive/drop off, bake sale and barbecue by donation from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at The Brick, located at 4445 Minto Road in Castlegar. The fundraiser helps keep things running for all the players. “Nets are almost $4,000, shot clocks are $1,800,” said Reid. “Parents pay the fees, etc., for the children to play but we have to fundraise for other gear for the association.” There are Novice (5 to 10-year-olds), Pee-

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“Lacrosse” by Riley Kaminer | Flickr Creative Commons

Wee (11 to 12-yearolds), Bantam (13 to 14-year-olds) and Midget teams (15 to 16-year-olds) playing this year; about 70 to

75 players in all. All the teams are going to provincials in July with the exception of the novice players because of


their age. The PeeWee team will go to Kamloops, Bantam heads to Delta and Midget will be en route to Port Coquitlam.

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1438 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 1438 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250.365.2026 1.855.459.2020 250.365.2026 Across from Mohawk1.855.459.2020 Across from Mohawk

Castlegar & District Recreation Department Drop In Fitness Schedule Monday & Wednesday 9:00-10:00am

10:15-11:15am 5:30-6:30pm 9:00-10:00am 9:00-11:00am 5:00-5:45pm 6:00-7:00pm


9:00-10:00am 10:15-11:15am


9:15-10:15am 9:00-11:00am


Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Thursday, May 2, 2013


Noon - 1:00 p.m.


2:00 - 4:00 p.m.


Beaver Creek Park, Trail


Hugh Keenleyside Dam, Castlegar

Nelson location only Free sight testing Nelson location only

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

Circuit Strength Deep Water Workout Fabulous 50+ Ultimate Kickbox

Tuesday & Thursday

Step to It Health & Recovery Step & Tone/ Tues Body Blast/Tues Core & More/Thurs PM Aqua-Fit Circuit Strength Aqua Circuit Fabulous 50+

Saturday Fit Health & Recovery

Admission to all Drop In Fitness Classes is by: 1 - 3 - 12 month Membership Passes or $6.00

Release a Juvenile White stuRgeon

701 Front St, Nelson 701 Front St, Nelson 250.354.EYES (3937) 250.354.EYES (3937) Free sight testing





Public Swim Schedule

This is your chance to help an endangered species! Join the Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative (UCWSRI) for their annual juvenile sturgeon release events. Come and release your very own sturgeon, learn more about these amazing fish and touch these “ancients of the deep” that have remained largely unchanged for 175 million years.



2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm


2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm



2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm



2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm

AGES 7-15 YRS.




Saturday 1:00-6:00pm Sunday 1:00-6:00pm

Please Note:

This event is hosted by the UCWSRI with funding support from BC Hydro, FortisBC, Teck and the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (a partnership between BC Hydro, the Province of B.C. and Fisheries and Oceans Canada).

There will be no Public Swim and only one Lap lane on Monday/Wednesdays/Friday mornings 10:15-1:15pm until June 3 due to School Swim Lessons happening in pool. Sorry for the inconvenience.

For more information, please call the BC Hydro Castlegar office at 250 356 4550 and visit



Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.


Thursday, April 25, 2013 Castlegar News



Your community. Your classifieds.


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How to place a

Classified Ad with 250.365.6397

Call Or Drop by our office at Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday Classified Deadline 4pm Monday






Business Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

DO BUSINESS in Yukon! 1,831 sq ft prime ground floor retail space on the Main Street in Whitehorse, Yukon, next to Starbucks. For floor plan/photos, call 1-867-333-9966.

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for work-at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535

TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.



INDEPENDENT reps F/T P/T International firm. Huge income potential


George G. Swetlishoff George G. Swetlishoff was born on March 8, 1945 in Gilpin, BC. He passed away on April 3, 2013 in his home in Krestova, BC.

Lost & Found Lost set of keys on red wrist band between Kootenay Market & Castlewood Care Centre Call 250-365-7729



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George worked as a carpenter in construction for more than 35 years. He had a very strong work ethic and insisted on quality workmanship. He was very adventurous and loved all outdoor activities. He also loved country music, Elvis Presley and car racing. He had a keen interest in chasing trains and called himself a “railway nut”. His more recent pastimes included watching baseball and listening to CBC radio. George was a downto-earth, kind-hearted, compassionate and generous man who tried to live his life according to his Doukhobor understanding. We will all miss his gentle presence and uncomplicated outlook on life. He is survived by his only child, daughter, Stephanie, and her husband Barry Verigin of Grand Forks, BC; his brother Paul; his brother Mac and wife Linda, their daughters, Marcie and her partner, Weniamin (Benny) Lazarescu, all of Krestova, BC and Dasha and her partner, Milosh (Gary) Lakovic of Kelowna, BC. He was predeceased by his grandparents, Fred and Martha Swetlishoff and Peter and Ann Podmoroff; and his parents, his father, George in 1996 and his mother, Ann in 2002. Funeral services, under the compassionate care of Bill Strilaeff and Sarah Greenwood (Castlegar Funeral Chapel) took place on April 9, 2013 at Krestova Community Hall, followed by interment at the Krestova Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations in George’s memory may be made to Krestova Community Hall, payable to Valerie Balchewski, Financial Secretary, 3325 Krestova Rd. Krestova, BC, V0G 1H2 or ISKRA, payable to USCC, Box 760 Grand Forks, BC, V0H 1H0. The family of George Swetlishoff would like to thank all for their thoughtful messages of condolence. Words cannot express how much all your love, kindness and support meant during this difficult time. From the bottom of our hearts – thank you to all who attended George’s service to help us remember his life and say farewell. God Bless.

Please join us as we Celebrate the Life of

Susana Doell 1916-2012 Royal Canadian Legion 1-3 pm, Sat. April 27, 2013

Kathleen Dmytruk 1937-2013

With great sadness that we announce the passing of Kathleen (Katy) Dmytruk (nee Beaulieu) who died unexpectedly while vacationing in the Bahamas. She is predeceased by her loving husband Joe Dmytruk. Katy is survived by son Mike, daughters Debbie (Maurice) and Jocelyn (Archie), grandchildren Lisa (Kevin), Theresa (Chris), Andrea (Steven), Daniel, Nicole, and great grandchildren Zoey, Jordanna, Camdyn, Layla, Taylor, Abigail and Tyler. Katy was born September 4, 1937 in Timmins Ontario and moved to BC with Joe and family in 1965. She lived in Castlegar, Vancouver and Nelson. Katy worked for Sears Canada until her retirement. Katy was an avid cross country skier and hiker. Katy also enjoyed traveling and recently completed a bus tour of Europe and visited the ancient sights of Egypt. She devoted her life to her family and rarely missed special occasions such as weddings, graduations and birthdays. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions can be made in Katy’s name to the charity of your choice.

Harvey Jack The family of Mr. Harvey Jack is saddened to announce that he passed away peacefully at Talarico Place Care Facility on April 16, 2013. Harvey was born on September 19, 1919 in Emo, Ontario. He was blessed with 93 years of life. Harvey was a five year veteran of WWII, as a Cominco retiree, he enjoyed his membership in the antique car club and was a master craftsman at woodworking- he even made a wooden car which he lovingly named “Woody” that was driven in many parades. Woody was even driven in the Calgary Stampede. He also made a trailer, a motorhome, a houseboat, many sets of kitchen cabinets, pens, boats, clocks and wooden bowls. He loved his friends and family. He loved to travel. He had a wonderful sense of humour and was always in good spirits and willing to lend a hand. Harvey is survived by his loving wife Fay, his children Danny, Terry (Martha), Patti (Doug), grand-children, Kim (Jay), Kelly, Jesse, Ryan and Cody (Angela) and great grandchildren, Miranda, Alyssa, Matthew, Mia and Gage. There will be a Celebration of Life for Harvey at a later date. Castlegar Funeral Chapel in care of arrangements.

Funeral Notice for

Aurora Wright

Aurora Shelby Ann Wright, born December 15, 1994, passed away suddenly on Saturday April 20, 2013. A funeral service will be held for Aurora on Saturday April 27, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. at the Pentecostal New Life Assembly Church at 602 7th Street, Castlegar BC. Castlegar Funeral Chapel in care of arrangements.

Eli Soukeroff July 29,1955 – April 4, 2013 It is with sad and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Eli Soukeroff on April 4, 2013 at Kootenay Lake Hospital, with his loving family by his side. Eli was Born July 29, 1955 to Pete and Molly Soukeroff of Winlaw, he was the eldest of his siblings. Eli attended Winlaw Elementary School & WE Graham Secondary in Slocan, BC. He was known for his skill in operating the Log Loader while working for the Slocan Mill from 1973-2011. As a young boy he started playing Baseball on the Winlaw Cubs team. Pitching was what came natural to him. That was the beginning of a lifetime love and passion for Fastball. Eli was a fixture of Fastball in the Kootenays for many years & pitched well into his 50’s. He will be remembered for his time with the Valley Combines, Banjos, Cobras, and Trail Tire. Everyone in the Fastball world knew him. He also loved the outdoors, it was hard to catch up with him, if he wasn’t playing ball he was hunting, fishing, mushroom or berry picking. His pride and joy were his 4 grandchildren and he loved his family with all his heart. Left to mourn is his loving wife of 37 years, Gail. Daughters, Karen (Cam) Sookro, grandsons, Blair and Bryce. Tracy (Kevin) Koorbatoff, granddaughters, Savannah and Olivia, Parents, Pete and Molly Soukeroff, Sister, Nadine (Andy) Evin, Brothers, Craig (Sandra) Soukeroff, Dale (Tracy) Soukeroff, father-in-law John Gevatkoff, numerous nieces, nephews, friends and a large extended family. Eli was predeceased by his sisters Eleanor & Sandra Soukeroff, grandparents, Pete & Ann Soukeroff and Mike & Nada Shkuratoff, & mother-in-law Vivian Gevatkoff. The families would like to thank Dr. Murray and the Kootenay Lake Hospital 3rd floor nursing staff, & Dr. Scotland and the Trail Hospital staff for their compassionate care. Thank you to all who sent flowers, cards, food & kind words of sympathy and prayers. Many thanks to Sid Malakoff for officiating the service, & Bill Strilaeff for your guidance and compassion. Heartfelt gratitude to Violet Popoff, all the cooks, servers, singers, grave-diggers and guest speakers. A traditional Doukhobor service was held at Winlaw Hall on April 11, 2013, with Interment at Perry Siding Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Castlegar Funeral Chapel. You will be deeply missed by all. May you rest in peace.

We’re on the net at

“When I get to where I’m going, don’t cry for me down here”

Castlegar News Thursday, April 25, 2013

Help Wanted A21

Help Wanted




Career Opportunity

Career Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Education/Trade Schools

Temporary Operations Coordinator Reference No. 1305 The Operations Coordinator role provides the common interface between the Operations Department and various stakeholders integral to ensuring the operation and maintenance of Joint Venture operating assets is effective and efficient. Stakeholders could be internal, operational or regulatory. The Operations Coordinator role is a key team member of the Operations Department as this position is expected to coordinate and facilitate all projects, investigations and programs that the department is responsible for. This temporary position under the direction of the Director, Operations ends October 2014. Qualifications: t Post Secondary degree in Commerce or Business Administration with a technical aptitude t At least five years experience in an operations role and keen interest in Hydro Power operations t A questioning nature that will assess reports and submissions from a variety of perspectives t Proven ability to analyze and interpret financial reports and financial data t Experience in developing, implementing and maintaining business processes and/or management systems t Progressive training on the use of Office and industrial computer applications including MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HMI. WMS and other software programs t Ability to work collaboratively and effectively as a team member at all levels of the organization t Eager to learn, and ability to grow with the role t Ability to communicate both orally and in writing with attention to detail and to a high standard of excellence t Self starter, with initiative and willingness to take on additional Operations tasks To apply for this position, email your cover letter and resume to: with the reference number in the subject line. The closing date for this position is April 29, 2013.

Career Opportunity

SUMMER Student Position Masse Environmental Consultants Ltd has an opening for a summer student beginning May 27, 2013, with potential to start sooner, for a period of 14 weeks. The candidate must have a minimum of 1 year technical degree or 2 year university degree in an environmental related field and must be returning to school full time in September 2013. Please send your resume to by May 1. Only candidates shortlisted will be contacted.

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking DRIVERS WANTED:

Terrific career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License w/ air brake endorsement. Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation and Benefits Package. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE

OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Owner Ops. for our Castlegar based terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package. To join our team of Professional drivers, email a resume, current driver’s abstract & details of truck to: or call Mark: 778-866-5497 or Fax: 604-587-9889 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility. We thank you for your interest, however only those of interest to us will be contacted.

Help Wanted

Qualifications: t A University degree in Human Resources Management or equivalent with 10+ years of senior Human Resources leadership experience t Proven accountability for developing and implementing strategic initiatives and leading all aspects of HR Management t Effective verbal and written communications skills with the ability to influence at an executive level, up to and including the Board of Directors t Solid understanding of business and financial management including budgets, cost controls and financial systems t Sound decision maker and problem solver; is willing to make difficult decisions for the betterment of the organization t Considerable experience with the technical aspects of the Public Sector Employers’ Council would be desirable Columbia Power is a Crown Corporation located in Castlegar, BC in the southern interior of British Columbia. The Castlegar area offers a moderate climate, outstanding indoor/outdoor recreational opportunities, reasonably priced housing, good access to medical care and excellent educational facilities. Columbia Power offers an attractive compensation and benefit package including relocation assistance. To apply for this position, email your cover letter and resume to with the reference number in the subject line. The closing date for this position is .BZ , 2013.

Help Wanted ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

Earth Lab Cosmetics seeking qualified Demo person for surrounding area, own transportion, previous experience. Call Scott 250-575-2510 Joey’s Restaurant is looking for a Cook, must have 3 years minimum Breakfast experience. Drop off resume Part-time Office Administrator/ Propane attendant needed at Cal-Gas Inc. Must be reliable and be proficient in Excel and Word Please send resumes to No phone calls please

Help Wanted

LICENSED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Nelson Ford is looking for the right technician to service our customers vehicles. We offer factory Ford training, competitive wages, and great benefits. Salary will depend on experience $28 to $35 per hour based on Ford training. We will also consider a 3rd or 4th year apprentice. Send resume to or Fax 250-352-7282.

rth It’s Woip! the Tr

Director, Human Resources & Corporate Services Reference Number 1306 The Director, Human Resources & Corporate Services is responsible for developing HR strategies, policies, processes, practices and programs to support the organization’s activities including: recruitment and selection, performance management, learning and development, succession planning, pension and benefits, payroll, compensation, and employee relations. The Director is accountable to the President and Chief Executive Officer and works closely with the executive team providing advice and expertise on HR related items. The Director is also accountable to the Board on executive hiring and compensation related items ensuring that the organization is compliant with the Public Sector Employers’ Council policies and guidelines. This role is also responsible for providing leadership and oversight of corporate services activities.

INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853

Summer Camp Leaders The Castlegar & District Recreation Centre and Robson Community School are seeking highly motivated, energetic individuals to work as full time Summer Camp Leaders and part time Junior Leaders for our Summer Cool Camps 2013. Program Leaders will be responsible for assisting in planning and delivering programs in cooperation and under the direct supervision of our Summer Camp Coordinator and Program Staff. Skills Required Must be able to provide leadership, direction, support and supervision and be able to act as a role model to youth/ children within the program. Qualifications Camp Leaders must be attending/pursuing a diploma or degree program and have basic first aid. Experience working with children and a valid Drivers License would be an asset. Attitude Required Come prepared to have fun and to partake in activities with the children that focus on introducing them to new experiences. *Summer Cool Camps are dependent on grant funding received Audrey Maxwell Polovnikoff; subject Summer 2013 Application; Closing date for submissions May 3, 2013 – 4:00 pm We would like to thank all candidates for their interest. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

S.M. QUENNELL Trucking in Cranbrook, is looking for log truck drivers, based in Cranbrook. Full time work, home every night. Excellent medical, dental, pension benefits, etc. Wages competitive with union rates. Fax resume and drivers abstract to: fax:250-426-4610 or call: 250-426-6853 SUTCO Contracting Ltd. has openings in our Chip Division. If you have 2 years experience, clean abstract and looking for a long term career opportunity, we encourage your application. Pension Plan, Extended Benefits, Late Model Equipment, Satellite Dispatch and E-logs bring a stable work environment for the Professional Driver. fax 250-357-2009 Enquiries: 250-357-2612 Ext: 230


and join the fight for LIFE Volunteer with us / Castlegar Treasurer: Relay for Life / provide pre-event & on-site accounting support, records & deposit of all revenues Annual Giving / collect & deposit all revenues received from Daffodil Campaign volunteers & canvassers Community Treasurer / with Regional Assistant, provide support recording & processing collected revenues Call Jacqueline Salvino 800-403-8222 or email to find out more. Apply at anytime

Trades, Technical CLASS 1 DRIVER required for seasonal full-time employment with local construction company. Gravel truck and equipment moving experience an asset. Primarily working in Trail & Castlegar areas. Wage commensurate with experience. Only those considered will be contacted for an interview. Please, fax resume to (250)229-5248 CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Jobs@RaidersConcrete .com or Fax 780-444-9165.


Merchandise for Sale

Trades, Technical

Fruit & Vegetables

ENSIGN IS looking for Drillers, Night Tour Pushes and Rig Managers for our Australian Division. Recruiters will be in Nisku April 30 - May 7 hosting information sessions and doing interviews. If you are interested in attending one of our sessions to hear about our global opportunities, call 1888-367-4460 to book into a session! GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209.

GRAND FORKS FARMS: Every Wednesday at Nelson Trading Co. 402 Baker Street, beside the Full Circle Cafe. Fresh Okanagan Cucumbers; Gala, Ambrosia and Pink Lady Apples; Anjou Pears; Grand Forks Gala Apple Juice. Fresh Veggies Starting Soon! Erran Rilkoff 250-442-3514


Health Products

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Buy One Get One



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Esthetics Services I’m HEAD OVER HEEL’S about FOOTCARE & PEDICURES specializing in extreme footcare for men & women EXPERIENCED Bev Chernoff (CMP) Certified Master Pedicurist 250-365-0668 for appt.

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Garden & Lawn Garden rototilling & bagged soil delivery Call Dana 250-365-0110

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Garage Sales CASTLEGAR Estate sale household items, furniture collectibles, Sat April 27th 8 - 1, 601 - 11th Ave Castlegar (Ootischenia) Multi Family, Sat, April 27th 8 - 2, 1016 Bridgeview Crescent, Spring Cleaning 4 us Treasures 4 you Huge garage sale 1257 Pass Creek Road, 1/2 mile from Schoolhouse, Sat, Apr 27th 8 - 4 huge selection, china cabinet twin bed, truck canopy, tires, rims, clothing new items, books, movies, etc

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit online at:

Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158

Misc. Wanted

True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-250-499-0251

Musical Instruments Musical Instruments, Lessons Books & Accessories P.A. lighting sales & rentals BAY AVENUE MUSIC, TRAIL 250-368-8878

Real Estate Apt/Condos for Sale

Overnight Delivery in most of BC!


Pets & Livestock

Boarding Sentinel Boarding Kennels Open for the Season. Best RATES in the Kootenay’s 250 359-7433

Castlegar Unit #11 Stellar Place

2 bdrm/2 bath/corner unit new flooring thru out baseboards/paint renovated kitchen oak cabinets with pullouts screened porch/central vac/new hot water tank 55 plus adult community Price $250,000/to view Call 250-365-9661


Thursday, April 25, 2013 Castlegar News


For Sale By Owner

Apt/Condo for Rent

Want to Rent

Auto Financing


Retired Single Gent N/S, requires modest rental Rural Castlegar, Blueberry Thrums preferred Phone 250-399-4330

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals


Lake. 4 k to Ashram 4 k to Riondel & beach. 2 3/4 acres & 2 storey unfinished (but furnished) “Small is Beautiful” cabin. Good benches for building, one with lake view. In Aug,12 appraised at $170,000 but older, flexible vendor open to offers & might carry part of mortgage for suitable person or couple. For info & viewing please call : 1-780-5660707


FREE Market Evaluation Air Miles/Moving Trailer GREG GRITCHIN

Century21Mountainview Realty 1-250-365-9791

Lots NOVA SCOTIA’S Eastern Shore. Waterfront lots for sale excellent climate near the Atlantic Ocean. Three bedroom house for sale or rent or call 1-902-522-2343 or 1-902-3284338.

Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.


1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034


Commercial/ Industrial CASTLEGAR

Peak Physique at 279 Columbia Ave has moved leaving 1800 sq ft Prime Main floor area with 2400 sq ft lower level with kitchen ladies/men change rooms & showers. For information call Peter 250-365-7551

Mobile Homes & Pads ROBSON Mobile Home for rent, Refer & Criminal check required, Call 250-304-4862

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557

Cars - Domestic




Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul

1-888-204-5355 for Pre-Approval


Lake. 4 k to Ashram 4 k to Riondel & beach. 2 3/4 acres & 2 storey unfinished (but furnished) “Small is Beautiful” cabin. Good benches for building, one with lake view. In Aug,12 appraised at $170,000 but older, flexible vendor open to offers & might carry part of mortgage for suitable person or couple. For info & viewing please call : 1-780-5660707




CASTLEGAR long term centrally located R/V Site available immediately $350/mth utilities included Elmer 250-365-3333 Castlegar Motel

Suites, Lower Castlegar 2 Bdrm basement suite, unfurnished, Private Ent & Patio, Oglow sub $700/mth + 1/2 electrical Avail May 1st, 250-365-6895 South Castlegar 2 Bdrm basement suite $650/mth includes utilities, N/P, N/S 250-365-2034

Apt/Condo for Rent

Suites, Upper

Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apt 900 sq ft. F/S, D/W, laundry on site, grassed fenced yard one parking stall per apt. Clean bright and quiet. Ground level N/S, N/P $725/mth + utilities, 365-5070, leave msg

DT Castlegar 2 Bdrm Basement Suite, F/S, DW, Shared W/D, N/S, N/P, $850/mth + 1/2 Utilities, References required, Avail May 1st, Phone 250-304-4806 please leave msg

Cars - Sports & Imports

It’s time to make sure the seasonal changeover goes smoothly… you may be about to change your snow tires or try to remember how to start your lawnmower.

You’re ready for Castlegar’s Spring Fling 2013, or you will be by Saturday, April 27. You never forget how to twirl in front of a stage at Kinsmen Park to a sampling of the area’s top musicians.

2002 Toyota Corolla 4 dr sedan, auto, 4 cyl, PS, PB, very high km. Vehicle has been extremely well maintained. Interior, exterior and mechanical condition 9 out of 10. 40 mpg. $3,500 obo. 250-442-0122.

3 BDRM house for rent in Castlegar. F/S, D/W, W/D, N/S, N/P, refs req’d. Available May 1st. $1150/mo + utilities. Call # 1-778-930-0534 or # 1250-832-5913. CASTLEGAR, 1400 sq ft House, southend, 3 Bdrm F/S, W/D, A/C, N/S, N/P References required, Avail June 1st, $950/mth + Utilities 250-362-5468 Castlegar 2 Bdrm House on Columbia Ave, big yard storage, $750/mth + utilities Call or text 250-304-7490 CASTLEGAR DT, 4 Bdrm yard, lot of parking, N/A Pets nego, W/D, F/S, Avail May 1st, $1200/mth + utilities Call 250-869-2207

RV Pads

Mustang Convertible 2010, Black w/cream interior, pristine condition, retiree owned, 21086/km, vinaudit available, asking $24,600. 250-442-5810


Homes for Rent

GLASS HOUSE on the Water Beautifully Furnished, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2000 sq.ft. Esquisite views in every direction: river, forest, gardens. 8 mins to Nelson. Private dock. $1950./mo. see 20 photos: google Nelson Realty - 3215 Fisherman Road. Avail monthly & long term. Call (520)248-6767.

Spring Fling Reminder


Real Estate

Sport Utility Vehicle 1997,1998 red Jeep Cherokee, 4 doors, 6 cly eng, auto trans & 5 speed, 270,000km, excellent condition. $3,200 / $3,600 obo. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807.

Trucks & Vans

You love and admire classic cars and the same goes for 3-on-3 hockey, and you appreciate three blocks of 3rd Street being blocked off to make for a totally worthwhile pedestrian-focused event.

Spring Fling is the time to make sure every last trace of winter (excepting maybe a residual dusting on local mountain tops) has been rinsed from the local landscape. Great times are ahead and Spring Fling proves it.

This is the time for celebration… to hang out with friends, and neighbours in a fun and relaxed environment… and that’s all there is to it! Here’s a rundown of the entertainment lined up Entertainers for Spring Fling 2013 – (CORRECTED LIST) 11:00 – 11:30 Derek Jonathan

Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!

1996 Dodge Ram 2500, 4x4, reg cab, long box, DIESEL, auto, PW, power seat, cruz, power mirrors, incredible condition. $8,200.obo. 250-4420122 / 250-493-1807.

11:30 – 12:00 Reiss Zibin 12:00 – 1:00

Motes and Oats

1:00 – 1:30

Scotties School of Highland Dance


1:30 – 2:30

Ray Bouliane

Notice is Hereby Given that all persons having claims against the Estate of DAVID JOHN SWETLAND, also know as DAVID SWETLAND, Deceased, formerly of Villican, British Columbia, who died on October 4, 2008, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned PETER ELLIOTT SWETLAND, Administrator, on or before June 15, 2013, after which date the Estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received.

2:30 – 3:30

Christina Amelio

3:30 – 4:00

Matt and Brian

4:00 – 5:00

Daisy Found Slain

5:00 – 6:00

Concrete Harvester


Legal Notices

Legal Notices


NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: Ronald Oliver Staudinger, deceased formerly of 3109 4th Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 2S5, and c/o Talarico Place, 709 - 10th Street, Castlegar, BC V1N 2H7 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above deceased are hereby required to send particulars thereof to the Executor named hereunder at 1115 3rd Street, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 2A1, on or before June 14, 2013, after which date the Executor will distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor then has notice. Joan Gaudry, Executor c/o JACOB POLONICOFF POLONICOFF LAW FIRM 1115 3rd Street Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 2A1

Keep Saturday, April 27th wide open… you’ve got a major rite of spring to take part in and you should be back in top shape for your May Pole ceremony a few days later. In general terms all you need to know is that the Fling gets started at 11 a.m. and runs till 6 p.m.

Any general questions including vendor inquiries? Call Peter at 250365-5655 or 250-304-9248. Wondering about the hockey? Call Norm at 250-365-7117.

Castlegar News Thursday, April 25, 2013 A23

Sports SHSS girls break even in Okanagan Year end for Skating Club

marvin beatty


Castlegar News Reporter

The Castlegar Skating Club held their year end awards dinner banquet recently on Sunday, April 7, celebrating a fantastic year of skating. Award recipients were: Most Improved Junior STARSkater: Daira Batchelor;

The Stanley Humphries Senior Secondary School girls soccer team competed in Osoyoos April 4 - 5 at the Desert Spring Classic Tournament, breaking even in the winloss column after one team forfeited a game. “In our pool, we played Princess Margaret’s who beat us 6 - 0 and Credo Christian who beat us 3 - 0,” said coach Branwen Hainsworth. “We were then in the third place flight and were scheduled to play Merritt and Southridge. We beat Merritt 3 - 2 with great goals from Rebekah Liszt and Danika Bartlett then Southridge forfeited their game with us.” Hainsworth said it was a learning experience for the team

SHSS girls soccer team recently competed in Osoyoos.

Most Improved Intermediate STARSkater: Sarah Cousins; Most Improved Senior STARSkater: Zoey Crockart; Most Dedicated: Tara & Hailey Gleboff; Congeniality: Allison Soukeroff; Best All Around: Savannah Koorbatoff;Program Assistant of the Year: Candice Soukeroff &

Annika Cheveldave. After opportunities for spring and summer skating with other clubs and summer rest, the club is looking forward to another great season in the fall. Watch for registration the first week of September at the Castlegar Community Complex Parade of Programs.


as they have 10 new players. “The girls played hard and showed a lot of grit and determination but we learned that we have a lot of practicing to do,” she said. The team is currently fielding only 11 of their 17 players due to injuries but put on a spirited defence against Nelson L.V. Rogers on Monday, April 22 in Castlegar. Castlegar lost 5-0

but there was only so much goaltender Hayley Clemans-Gibbon — or the team in front of her — could do on some shots. The fourth goal for example, was a high floater coming down on a sharp angle that just missed the gloves of Clemans-Gibbon. The team won three of four on the road in Creston this past weekend. They won the last game against Fernie 2 - 0 and coach


Branwen Hainsworth said they were down to just eight players due to a red cards and injuries. “The girls showed a lot of determination and perseverance,” said Branwen. The team is off to Mt. Sentinel Thursday, April 25 to play Rossland and Mt. Sentinel. Their next home game is Monday, May 29 when they face Rossland.

BACK ROW: Annika Cheveldave, Sara Lefurgey, Andrea Poznikoff – Canskate/Coach, Zoey Crockart, Megan Cousins. MIDDLE ROW Sabrina Hinson – Coach, Savannah Koorbatoff, Candice Soukeroff, Allison Soukeroff, Alexia Kardash, Hailey Gleboff, Karen Kirkwood – Head Coach. FRONT ROW: Erin Klashinsky, Sarah Cousins, Jordan Singer, Olivia Koorbatoff, Tara Gleboff, Jenni Buskas submitted



...and we’re not going to make much noise about this Quiet Sale. I’ll just go about the store... quietly slashing prices as I go. Everything in the store is being quietly, but dramatically discounted. The discounts really are extraordinary... in a quiet kind of way. This Quiet Sale is happening from Thursday, April 25 to Tuesday, April 30 which happens to be our fiscal year end, at which time I would rather be quietly drinking beer instead of counting inventory. Bob the Manager


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Nancy LeRose

Betty Smitheram

Dave Ramsden

Sara Gattafoni



2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

Thursday, April 25, 2013 Castlegar News






2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600












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1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000

1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000


745 Notre Dame Drive 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 851-8700 (250) 542-3000 NOW OPEN

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


101 Kootenay St. North (250) 426-8927

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