Volume 58 No. 14
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Food Share looks ahead Cameron Orr After diverting over 105,000 pounds of food from the Kitimat landfill since they started, the Kitimat Food Share Program is not content to rest on their laurels. The community service, which is run under the banner of the Kitimat Community Services Society, has plans to expand their definition of ‘food share’, which will mean an expanded public market in 2013, and hopefully soon a community garden. Liz MacDonald, the Food Share co-ordinator, is excited for the programs they have geared for the near future, which includes a weekly – instead of biweekly – market that she said will be expanded to include musical acts and a garage sale alley. But the market is only an aspect of their work, which is even at times built on the work they do distributing food to those who need it. MacDonald said two users of the Food Share even became vendors during last year’s market. So to start, the food comes from the two Kitimat grocery stores, Overwaitea and Super Valu, each which provide a wide variety of food items from milk to deli sandwiches. From there the food is distributed in a number of ways. School-based LINK programs use the food for things like breakfast programs, and the Kitimat youth centre has been receiving food donations as well over the spring break. Food will make its way to Kitamaat Village, and of course people can pick up food at their office in Mountainview Square. The participation in the food share is significant. MacDonald said there are 597 registered with the organization to collect food, 277 of those are children. MacDonald said that the users are a great bunch of people and many will turn around and offer their time to help them out. One of their volunteers, who we’ll not name for their comfort, said that they were happy to donate their time to the Food Share during the week because of how much they went above and beyond in supporting them during some rough times last year. “They helped me out [last year], I was in real need of food, I was in a bad situation,” the volunteer said, who added they had no power or water at the time. The Food Share gave out food and recipes to use on the barbecue, the only way for them to cook at the time without any power. “They definitely went above and beyond in helping me, so I don’t mind volunteering my time here,” the volunteer added. Continued on page 6
Bruce Wilson and Shirley Merkley at the Kitimat Food Share Office, two of the service’s very active volunteers. Cameron Orr
KUTE faces economic battle Cameron Orr An approved emergency funding request by Kitimat Council for the Kitimat Understanding the Environment (KUTE) recycling centre will keep the group afloat as they handle the hurdles of low paper pricing and high labour costs. KUTE will now get an additional $2,500 a month from the District of Kitimat to offset their shortfalls. KUTE’s double-whammy includes labour costs that reflect an increased minimum wage, and employment costs related to a high turnover of staff. As well, the price of cardboard and office paper has tumbled to levels that make it impossible to actually make money, let alone break even. “We’re losing money as we speak,” said KUTE President Barb Hall. “I’m not trying to make money, I’m just trying to keep the place going.” In a letter to councillors, Hall outlined the losses the organization has seen since November. In that month they lost $3,319.15, in December they were down $3,132.66, in January it was $2,550.24 and in February they lost $2,793.73. They’re currently facing a cardboard price of $50 a tonne, which is down from $70 in February last year. Meanwhile office paper has tumbled from $125 to $60 a tonne.
“We need it to be in the $90 a tonne [range],” said Hall about cardboard. She didn’t say how high office paper would need to go to make money on processing it but said as well it would have to go much higher. She has no indication on when the price of cardboard might rise again. “It’s one of those things, how do you know?” she said. “If I knew that, I would be a billionaire.” Hall notes that last year’s residential cardboard ban is not a significant factor in their money losses. “It’s not that we have the cardboard ban that is the problem. It’s just that we’re losing money a little bit faster,” she said. “It is a factor but it would happen regardless. We just had so many things happen all at once. All these people leaving so we don’t have real experienced people there either.” In her letter to council Hall said that KUTE had lost six employees since November 2012, two of those being depot managers. In a three week period they had to pay ten weeks worth of holiday pay for outgoing employees, she wrote to council. “It’s been a tough four months,” she later said over the phone. Continued on page 3
Local Girl Guides honour Thinking Day ... page 6
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Kitimat crime statistics may not be as dire as thought Kitimat RCMP staff sergeant Phil Harrison said the indications some took from the January policing statistics may be off as the overall trend appears to keep in line with 2012. Relatively high January numbers in some categories of crime had some councillors concerned that considering the early point in the year, crimes may have been on their way up in 2013. But with Febru-
ary’s statistics now available, he said numbers are keeping in line with last year where there was a bit of a spike early in the year which tapers off. The crime with the biggest jump this month is mischief to property under and over $5,000. There were 12 cases reported in February, compared to eight for the same month last year. Even that, he hopes, will follow the curve as last year and level off in
the coming months. “Hopefully the trend will continue the way it should and drop off,” he said. There were two sexual assaults in February, exactly as many as there were this time last year. There was one assault with a weapon or assault causing bodily harm, bringing the year up to two, against 2012’s 24 total. Common assaults are at five, up one from February last year. So
far the only robbery of the year took place in February, while threats against a person is at the same number, five, as it was February last year, bringing this year’s total to 14. There were business break and enters, leaving the total at five for the year. There were eight last year. Residential break and enters are down for the month compared to 2012, at one versus three last year for February.
Councillors want staff to come back with recommendations on a possible appointment of a municipal Conflict of Interest commissioner. The suggestion came from
councillor Mary Murphy, who said the issue of conflicts of interest is becoming more detailed and more concerning for all councils. She acknowledges that the
Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar.
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town already has people with knowledge on conflict of interest but the appointment of a person — someone from the town's existing staff — would formalize the process.
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There was a cocaine trafficking file opened in February, the only one of the year so far. There was also one case of possession of marijuana, bringing the year total up to four. There were also four impaired driving cases in February, the same as were this time last year.
Councillors want point-person for conflict of interest
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3
Local briefs
Our Skeena Candidate, Robin Austin, will be
Opening CAmpAign OffiCeS
Kitimat General Hospital Foundation
AnnuAl GenerAl MeetinG Wednesday April 17 at 7:00 pm Multi-Purpose Room Kitimat General Hospital For more information call Corinne Scott at 250-632-4970
Strengthening Kitimat’s Health Care
Shirley Bond speaks in the vehicle bay of the Kitimat Fire Department, talking highly of the local department’s efforts to get smoke alarms in people’s homes. Mayor Joanne Monaghan and Fire Chief Trent Bossence also spoke at the event.
KUTE funding Continued from page 1 Saying they’re on a “fairly thin edge,” she said the new money from the District will help keep them just about even as they weather the storm. The amount is to be reviewed regularly as conditions change and KUTE does expect their need to go down as condi-
tions improve. Hall said that it isn’t the first time that KUTE has received emergency funding and that KUTE did pay money back to the District once conditions changed at that time. There was little debate at the council meeting to approve the funding, with Mario
Feldhoff essentially saying that money spent on the recycling depot is “well spent” and the motion went quickly to a vote which passed unanimously. All in all the extra funding will mean an extra $10,000 spent from the District’s 2013 budget, and will come out of the accumulated surplus.
He said having young workers in the summer Cameron Orr The Kitimat Fire Department was recognized is great because of their ability to think outside the for their work in getting smoke detectors into peo- box for new ideas. He said they’re on track to bring the program ple’s homes during a visit by Justice Minister and back this summer. Attorney General Shirley Bond. “It always feels good when you The March 25 visit from Bond have recognition for the work that to the Kitimat fire hall was an event “It always the department’s doing,” he said which also saw speeches, from fire feels good about Bond’s visit. chief Trent Bossence and mayor Bond said that the local program Joanne Monaghan, to a packed vewhen is quite unique. hicle bay of young children there to you have “I was certainly drawn to [Kitilearn about fire safety. “I’m trying to encourage comrecognition mat’s] program,” she said. said her department has figmunities across the province to get for the work uredShe on board, like Kitimat, to follow this that if smoke detectors were in that the kind of leadership,” said Bond, about all the homes which had a fire that an ongoing program by the fire dedepartment’s caused a fatality, they could potenpartment to connect pizza delivery to tially save up to ten lives a year. doing” smoke detector delivery. Mayor Joanne Monaghan said For several years now, the fire after the press conference that savdepartment, together with local busiing people’s properties and lives is nesses, have run a campaign in the summer that very important to Kitimat’s council and that the meant those ordering a pizza for delivery might community has an excellent and responsive fire have it brought by actual members of the fire de- department on call. She said the department’s work in getting partment, who will check to see if your smoke detector is working. A passing grade means the smoke detectors into people’s homes is a great program that is also memorable. pizza is on the house. The children at the event were given demonThe idea was concocted by two summer students at the fire hall and Bossence said he happily strations on how to use smoke detectors and, perlet the project go forward. haps most importantly to them, treats afterwards.
Fire department lauded for smoke detector work
Open Your Windows!
The B.C. government has released its own independent report on a proposed heavy oil refinery near Kitimat, which concludes that the project has “economic merit.” The report, by California-based Navigant Consulting Inc., examined the proposed refinery design and also assessed markets for refined fuels in Asia. “Such a refinery would provide incremental long-term benefits to the region, compared to export of unfinished feedstock,” the report states. The consultants recommend that B.C. approve a design for the plant that produces a variety of fuels, including gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. The report endorses a conventional design for the refinery, proposed by Victoria newspaper publisher David Black last summer. Energy Minister Rich Coleman said the Navigant report cost $40,000, and would be done by the province for any proposal of this scale, through the province’s major projects office. The Navigant report describes a conventional coking process that extracts a coal-like byproduct from heavy oil.
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It’s April which means it’s time to buy your daffodils, a fundraiser campaign for the Canadian Cancer Society. Those wishing to pick up their yellow flowers can do so at the City Centre Mall beginning tomorrow afternoon, and again on the 5th and 6th. They will be set up on the second floor. People can call Renate Cole for more information, at 250-632-7359. In addition to the flowers people are also welcome to buy a yellow pin, money to go to the same cause.
Much of the pollutions in our home come from evaporation of VOC (volatile organic compounds). These can consist of ‘off gas’ from cleaning supplies, air fresheners, paint, wallpaper, carpeting or home decorating items.After a long winter, spring is a great time to let the fresh air in and the dirty air out.
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $44.39 Senior $39.99 Mail: out of town or business $64.39. Includes tax.
Keeping Kitimat in the loop proves hard It feels like I come around to this topic on a regular basis but it still doesn’t feel like anything changes. The question is, is Kitimat sometimes left out of decisions regarding itself from other levels of government? I had hopes after provincial minister Bill Bennett turned up in Kitimat to talk to the District about plans for future revenue sharing regarding proposed liquefied natural gas projects. It’s important for us to keep in the conversation on how we’ll be affected by major projects that the province and the feds seem to want to have happen. But I also remember last year when some lands that were within the District of Kitimat municipal boundary were suddenly made available for sale or lease options with the Haisla for potential future developments, without the initial knowledge of anyone within the District, or at least the council. I had written at that time that it wasn’t necessarily a bad plan, but curious that the District didn’t know about it, being that it apparently involved their land. Eventually though it blew over and things appeared to go back on course. But then Joe Oliver makes an announcement in Vancouver about tanker safety in Canadian waters and a statement is made that Kitimat will become a public port. Well that’s major, isn’t it? Except no one seemed to know. The mayor certainly didn’t. Since that first announcement was made, clarifications made their way to us at the paper and to councillors. Turning our port to public — which seems to essentially mean Kitimat will be subject to more stringent traffic controls in the water — will involve consultation with stakeholders, including the District and other users. Being in the communication business, I can’t help but feel some more carefully worded language would have prevented so much confusion. “Intention” to establish a public port may have worked better than simply stating that Kitimat would be the first to get the designation. It just smacks of a bit of arrogance to make these kinds of statements without any form of consultation, even if just the initial leg work. And of course, Kitimat bills itself a private port. It’s all over the economic development sections of the District’s official website. There are implications even in just how the town markets itself. Governments should be encouraged to have a few conversations before they make “good news” announcements. It’s better for everyone. Cameron Orr
The Conservatives are revolting Under Miscellaneous
If you are not reading this column in the Northern Sentinel newspaper of April 3, 2013, you may be reading it on the newspaper’s website – where it appears under the heading “Opinion.” by Allan Hewitson It’s important to know that it is opinion because, no matter ahewitson@telus.net what an individual reads, watch(if lawful) – and if they don’t force an es on TV or listens to, he or she is likely to form an opinion about it. opinion on me. I like the whirlwind worlds of And they tend to be interested in excomputers and events of all kind, changing opinions, proselytizing or in the news. I like to focus on local, defending that opinion. provincial and federal politics which There’s nothing wrong with being opinionated, but it comes with a affect me, my family, my community price; other people sometimes or of- and my cost of living in retirement. ten disagree with you and don’t mind Sports and the entertainment worlds both attract me and repel me at the telling you they do. On the other hand, I often get same time. I’m addicted to watching calls at home, or stopped in the street the National. Rex Murphy isn’t really by people who say, “well said! That’s a hero to me, but I do admire his “way just what I think and wanted to say!” with words” and the direct way he I don’t pick on world shattering expresses his opinions. Like Rex, I’m subjects – I see no point in getting horrified by government waste (and involved in such contentious, major, corruption) at all levels. I am clearly likely unsolvable international issues limited in how I can impact it, other like same-sex marriage equality, the than by helping expose it and critique scary Middle East muddle, (except it. That’s what I like to do. Now, the Harper government is where Canadians have its armed forces in harm’s way), religious de- under attack – again -- but this time bates or even people’s taste in music from inside the party for stifling opinor hobbies. I say, let people get on ion – worse, muzzling comment from with it and do what they want to do his own elected MPs. Mr. Harper’s
back shows the target rings for his dictatorial direction of the party from the PMO. Back-bench MPs are concerned they have no real voice in government policy and claim they have been repeatedly muzzled when they want to discuss issues that are of concern to their electorate. You can see their point – to be taken off the list of speakers in Parliament during time allotted for members to raise issues important to their constituency and that removal to be because the “party” does not want your issue discussed, well, that’s dangerously close to jackboot government. Personally, I like to see these MPs on their feet espousing their causes. Their opinions often show there are enough nut-job right wingers who are so far to the right they are nearly behind most people. Similarly, there’s enough weird small “l’ liberals and socialists around with fruitcake ideas about what government “must” control or the taxpayer should be paying for to offset the loony fringe on the other side of the house. Still, it’s all a matter of opinion and that’s what our social structure is about. Continued on page 9
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
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Sarah Campbell Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Tracey Keohane Ad Assistant Publisher/Advertising Editor Classifieds/Administration publisher@northernsentinel.com newsroom@northernsentinel.com classifieds@northernsentinel.com advertising@northernsentinel.com
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 2013 5
Staff want a look at what’s holding up Riverlodge The Leisure Services Department warned council of possible structural problems in the Riverlodge bunkhouse and asked for $20,000 to study the pilings underneath the building at a recent council meeting. This came after council originally voted to defer the cost of the study to the next budget year. But Leisure Services took another kick at the cat, hoping to source a series of issues plaguing the aging building.
“The issue is we believe there could be an issue beneath the building,� said Leisure Services Director Martin Gould. The $20,000 cost comes from the estimates given by two companies last year, said Gould, also adding that there is asbestos in parts of the building that District staff are not qualified to handle. (The cost to train staff for asbestos is also very high, he added.) The District's report to coun-
cil note the discovery in May 2012 of several issues in the building. “It was noted that windows in the offices had begun separating from the building, the doors to the meeting room suddenly required adjustment as they were rubbing on the carpet and a crack had appeared in the drywall of the Art Wing,� read the report. Workers had gone to the building's attic but they couldn't find anything up there that could have caused any issues.
Residents want a town hall meeting Cameron Orr Two Kitimat residents are encouraging Kitimat Council to set up a town hall meeting that would bring together all the proponents of developments for town. Luella Froess spoke to council on behalf of herself and Barb Campbell, and said that there would be many interested in such a town hall meeting. Outlining a list of concerns and interests for the town, she began with questioning the proposed PTI Group work lodge concept for near the downtown area. “We are not happy about having a camp or camps in town and are wondering why the proposed PTI Lodge has to be in the downtown area,� Froess said
to council. She wondered if Kitimat has no other space than where it’s proposed to be built — east of the Kitimat Hospital — or Kitimat Council is worried they may relocate to the Terrace industrial park. She also wondered if the many derelict buildings in town could potentially be torn down and replaced with permanent homes or apartments. Froess also said that affordable housing must be kept in mind, and asked if the community would still be promoted as a retirement community. “Already we do not have enough doctors/nurses and other specialists in town to cover the care that is currently needed, let alone to cover the care of
were first installed, the report notes. The department wants the study done this year in order to either quickly identify major problems or to plan for work in 2014. One of council's most careful managers of money, Mario Feldhoff, came around to the idea that the study will allow certainty on how to move forward with possible future repairs. Council approved the motion with a unanimous vote.
However no one looked at the pilings under the building “as the area is considered a moderate risk asbestos zone.� The report added that when the Seniors Centre and Youth Centre had a sun deck added to the building in 2010, rotting of several pilings and support beams was discovered. The pilings under the Art Wing and the Senior and Youth Centre have not been thoroughly inspected since 1979 when they
more people moving into town,� she also said in her presentation. Encouraging young families to relocate to Kitimat is another area of concern for Froess and Campbell, circling back to the need for affordable housing and available educational opportunities. With this year being a year of review for the Official Community Plan, both Froess and Campbell hope for an open community effort. “Let us ensure we make the best decisions for Kitimat now and for the future,� she said. Councillors didn’t discuss the points of the submission but received it for information, with the understanding that the suggestions would be used in preparing for any future town hall meeting.
District of Kitimat
Public Notice annual Water main flushing 2013 april 8 to may 17, 2013 The District of Kitimat will undertake the annual water main flushing. The scheduled dates for flushing water mains will be April 8 to May 17, 2013. This operation may cause temporary discolouration of the water supply and should clear up soon after the operation is completed. If the problem persists please contact the District of Kitimat. Thank you for your cooperation and patience in this matter. For further information please call 250-632-8930.
Sentinel can help!
Phone: 250-632-6144 • Email: advertising@northernsentinel.com
More RTA emission concerns Dear Sir: I am extremely concerned about Alcan’s recent application to almost double its sulphur dioxide emissions in connection with their modernization program. This application is for an increase of sulphur dioxide emissions from 27 mg/d to 42 mg/d. Terrace was recently cited as one of the top 10 cities in the world for air quality and this is one of the reasons many of us who live here, choose to live here. Alcan’s proposed sharp increase in sulphur dioxide emissions will eliminate this advantage and ruin our pristine environment. It will not only negatively affect the air we breathe and our health outcomes, but our environment more generally and our agricultural productivity, just as we recently undertook an agricultural area plan to promote the growth of agriculture in our area. The world is already rampant with environmental externalities that negatively affect health outcomes and agricultural productivity, for which offending producers and consumers bear no pecuniary responsibility. The global environmental situation has become particularly precarious in recent years. Environmental sustainability and the health and survival of our ecosystem and species can only be supported if our elected representatives are vigilant and insure that negative externalities are brought under control. Our elected representatives have the opportunity to do this by insuring that Alcan’s application for an increase in sulphur dioxide emissions is denied.
Alcan can undoubtedly maintain its sulphur dioxide emissions at the existing levels. Yes, it will not be free to do so. But Alcan and its customers should bear that cost, not the local residents, farmers, and ecosystem. I therefore respectfully request that our elected representatives, the Ministers of Environment, Agriculture, and Health, their opposition critics, and our MLA represent us and insure that Alcan’s application to increase its sulphur dioxide emissions is denied. If this application is going to be prevented, we in Terrace and Kitimat need to let our elected representatives know our concerns. If you would like to share your concerns with them, they can be reached at: Honourable Norm Letnick, Minister of Agriculture, AGR.Minister@gov.bc.ca Lana Popham, MLA, Critic for Agriculture, Lana.Popham.MLA@leg.bc.ca Honourable Terry Lake, Minister of Environment, env.minister@gov.bc.ca Rob Fleming, MLA, Critic for Environment, Rob.Fleming.MLA@leg.bc.ca Honourable Margaret MacDiarmid, Minister of Health, hlth.minister@gov.bc.ca Mike Farnworth, MLA, Critic for Health, Mike.Farnworth.MLA@leg.bc.ca Robin Austin, MLA, Skeena robin.austin. mla@leg.bc.ca cc. Ian Sharpe, Manager Environmental Protection Ministry of Environment Ian.Sharpe@ gov.bc.ca Sincerley, Lynda GagnÊ, Terrace, B.C.
Upgrades Upgrades to to Bish Bish Forestry Forestry Service Service Road Road (FSR) (FSR)
Kitimat LNG is continuing work on the Bish Forestry Service Road Kitimat LNG is to upgrading work on Bish (FSR) restricted to the area order ensure Kitimatthat LNGrequires is preparing preparing to start startaccess upgrading work oninthe the BishtoForestry Forestry public safety. Thethat work will flatten, straighten, andarea widen the Service Road (FSR) will require limited access to the in Service Road (FSR) that will require limited access to the area in order order existing FSR to safety. accomodate future traffic demands as the Kitimat to ensure public The work will flatten, straighten and widen to ensure public safety. The work will flatten, straighten and widen the the LNG project moves forward. existing FSR to accommodate future traffic demands as the Kitimat
existing FSR to accommodate future traffic demands as the Kitimat
Key LNG project LNG Facts: project moves moves forward. forward.
• The second phase of the work will run from April 15, Key Key Facts: Facts: 2013 to approximately August 15, 2013. t 5IF ýSTU QIBTF PG UIF XPSL XJMM SVO GSPN August t 5IF ýSTU QIBTF PG UIF XPSL XJMM SVO GSPN August 13, 13, 2012 2012 to to • A 24-hour public safety and security checkpoint will be set approximately November 30, 2012. approximately November 30, 2012. up at the 4.4-kilometre point along the FSR. t " IPVS QVCMJD TBGFUZ BOE TFDVSJUZ DIFDLQPJOU XJMM CF TFU VQ t " IPVS QVCMJD TBGFUZ BOE TFDVSJUZ DIFDLQPJOU XJMM CF TFU VQ • Public access beyond the safety and security checkpoint along thebeFSR to inform the public about daily access limitations. will not permitted during the construction activities. • Industrial and project-related access will be tracked and t 1VCMJD BOE JOEVTUSJBM BDDFTT UP UIF BSFB NBZ CF BMMPXFE BU DFSUBJO managed by staff the follow security times provided the at users all and listedsafety usagecheckpoint rules and comply and will be required to follow listedorder. usage rules with users daily checkout requirements in aall timely and comply with daily checkout requirements in a timely
t order. "DDFTT SFTUSJDUJPOT XJMM CF JO QMBDF EVSJOH TPNF DPOTUSVDUJPO activities, including blasting, in order to ensure the safety of the • These public access restrictions are required during public. construction activities, which will include blasting and the of heavy equipment, in order to ensure the t movement ,JUJNBU -/( XJMM FTUBCMJTI B NBOEBUPSZ DIFDL JO PVU QSPDFEVSF safety of the public. at the checkpoint during times when access to the FSR may be allowed. Kitimat LNG thanks residents for their patience and For more information, pleasethis visitconstruction www.kitimatlngfacility.com. understanding during activity. For more information, please visit www.kitimatlngfacility.com
www.kitimatlngfacility.com www.kitimatlngfacility.com
6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 2013
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Guides celebrate Thinking Day Charlee McNab and Heather Gronning On February 22 the Girl Guide units of Kitimat celebrated Thinking Day by marching through the mall, donating non-perishable food items to the local food bank and holding a campfire gathering. This important day marks the birthday of Lord and Lady BadenPowell, and along with Agnes Baden-Powell, these three individuals created what we call Scouting and Guiding.
What the Guides think:
“Girl Guides has helped me learn more about the outdoors and health.” — Isabelle Moretti. “Girl Guides has given me many fun experiences and new friendships” — Emily McIntosh. “[Girl Guides] has given me a chance to travel and meet other girls from other places.” — Aveanna Rice. “Girl Guides has given me a chance to associate with more girls and make new friends.” — Merriella Sluyter.
Girl Guides of Canada strives to give girls leadership and life skills that they can use throughout their lives. Guide Leaders Heather Gronning and Charlee McNab said that being leaders has been a wonderful experience, and it gave them the opportunity to inspire girls to be confident, resourceful and courageous. In the spirit of World Thinking day the local Guides would like to wish Lord and Lady
Kitimat Food Share Continued from page 1 MacDonald said it isn’t the only story of people who have given back. “Nobody wants to take anything for free,” she said. “And if they have the ability to give back they feel a little better.” When the public market returns again this year — expectedly in May — she said it willpartially be a fundraiser for the Food Share. By being open every Sunday she also hopes to catch all of the shift workers they may have missed last year. But people loved it, and she said they plan to expand with live musical acts, as well as spreading the market out to have the vendors in the parking lot like last year, the food vendors through the pedestrian area and a nearby garage sale alley. She hopes by having garage sales centralized, fuel will also be spared by people driving throughout town seeking sales. Meanwhile they hope to get a community garden started,
potentially this year. They had initially eyed a grassy spot just outside their office but may move their plans closer to the college so as to not affect the area for their markets; a lot of people liked the grassy spot to sit down to have their lunch on market days. The garden, initially, will likely be a teaching garden but is expected to later be divided into plots for individuals to garden. MacDonald said there are other plans in the works throughout Kitimat Community Services to help get a handle on an influx of people. They hope to establish a Community Action Centre, which will provide several services, such as helping people with literacy issues to fill out essential paperwork, like Employment Insurance forms. It will fill a gap that can’t currently be serviced by the Employment Services Centre, said MacDonald. It will also be the first step to a potential tran-
sitional housing program. MacDonald personally thinks it’s a better solution than things like a full-on homeless shelter. The idea would be a place, like an apartment, that people can be placed in for just a few days at a time, if they have come to town for work but have no place to stay. MacDonald said that the Mayor and Council have been working with them to create plans to address the issues facing town. Mayor Joanne Monaghan said the council is pro-active in their approach to changes in the community and do want some of KCSS’s proposals to go ahead. “We as Kitimat need to be prepared and we have set up some committees to try to be prepared,” she said. “The big thing is that council and myself have acknowledged that this is happening and the need is there and we would like to work with the Kitimat Community Services society to look at these issues.”
Baden-Powell a happy birthday and thank the Baden-Powell trio for giving the world Scouting and Guiding.
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GATEWAY perspectives THEN AND NOW: Changes since Exxon Valdez Every Canadian of a certain age remembers the day the Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound, Alaska. It was a tragic day and one which marked a turning point for marine shipping along British Columbia’s coastline. Following the Exxon spill, the marine shipping industry in Canada and worldwide began to rethink virtually every aspect of its business. It wasn’t easy. But it was absolutely necessary. And looking back 24 years later, the industry has taken great strides to ensure another catastrophic spill never happens again.
trained professionals. And it means that laden tankers will have two tugs escorting them, one tethered. Our goal: to reduce the risk of a spill to as close to zero as possible. And if a spill does occur, our tug escorts will provide immediate first response to minimize the impact on the environment while our full emergency response is quickly brought to bear. Our response program will greatly enhance safety for all marine traffic on B.C.’s north coast.
Nowhere is our progress more evident than in the way we are approaching the Northern Gateway Pipeline. The standards it will be built and operated to far exceed anything ever contemplated a generation ago.
We hope all Canadians recognize that the Exxon Valdez spill resulted in real and lasting change. For Canada’s oil marine shipping industry, the events of that day 24 years ago marked a moment of profound change. As a result, British Columbians can benefit from the enormous economic opportunity our industry generates, while being confident that our environment is protected.
Like similar facilities in Norway and Scotland, every tanker calling on Northern Gateway’s marine terminal will be double-hulled, and adhere to stringent standards. That means no tankers older than 20 years will be allowed to operate. It means every tanker must carry the most advanced navigational technology and be crewed by only the most highly
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imat Sentinel - April 14, 2010
ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. Chevrolet.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */†/‡ Offers apply to the purchase of a 2013 Silverado EXT 4X4 (1SF) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,600). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offer available to retail customers in Canada. See Dealer for details. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, RBC Royal Bank, TD Auto Financing Services or Scotiabank may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. ▼Based on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. u$7,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on the 2013 Silverado 1500 Ext / Crew (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other delivery credits available on most models. See your GM dealer for details. $1,500/$2,000 additional nonstackable dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) also available on 2013 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Ext / Crew for cash purchases only. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing such discounts and incentives which will result in a higher effective interest rate. See dealer for details. Offer ends April 30, 2013. †0%/0.99% purchase financing offered on approved credit by RBC Royal Bank/TD Auto Financing/Scotiabank for 72/84 months on new or demonstrator 2013 Silverado 1500. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0%/0.99% APR, the monthly payment is $139/$123 for 72/84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0/$354, total obligation is $10,000/$10,354. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. ‡Based on a 0.9%, 24 month lease for new (demonstrator not eligible) 2013 Silverado 4x4 Ext, equipped as described. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. OAC by GM Financial. Lease APR may vary depending on down payment/trade. Down payment or trade of and security deposit may be required. Total obligation is $11,136. Option to purchase at lease end is $19,299 plus applicable taxes. Other lease options available. ≠Chrome Accessories Package offer available on light duty 2013 Chevrolet Silverado extended cab and crew cab truck equipped with the PDJ chrome accessories package (“PDJ Package”). Dealer order or trade may be required. Offer available to retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between March 1, 2013 and April 30, 2013. The offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. Conditions and limitation apply. See dealer or chevrolet.ca for details ^Whichever comes first. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^Based on latest competitive data available. ~Visit OnStar.ca for coverage map, details and system limitations. Services vary by model and conditions.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 2013 7
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8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 2013
JOKES AND RIDDLES a rabQ: Why can’t 12 bit’s nose be inches long? n it A: Because the ot! would be a fo
of Q: What kind bbits jewellry do ra Q: Why didn’t wear? ! ld o the egg cross A: 14 carrot g the road? Q: What happened A: Because he to the egg when wasn’t a chick en he was tickled too yet! much? A: He cracked up! KID’S PAGE SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING
Kitimat Valley disposal 717 Commercial Ave. Kitimat Ph 250-632-4689 Fax 250-632-7121 Recycle Reduce Reuse
Robin austin mLa Kitimat Constituency 244A City Centre Ph. 250-632-9886
Drs. Gottschling & Stevenson's Office DENTAL SURGEONS 201-180 Nechako Centre, Kitimat Ph. 250-632-4641 www.YourGreatSmiles.ca
teRRaCe Constituency Office 104-4710 Lazelle Ave. Ph. 250-638-7906
Northern Robin austin 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat mLa Ph. 250 632-6144 / Fax 250 639-9373 Kitimat newsroom@northernsentinel. teRRaCe com Constituency Constituency Office advertising@northernsentinel. com 244A City classifi Centre eds@northernsentinel.com 104-4710 Lazelle Ave. Ph. 250-632-9886 Ph. 250-638-7906
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 2013 9
Conservatives Continued from page 4 Environmental climate-change die-hards abound. The airwaves are overloaded with fanatical religious extremists and abortion advocates and abolitionists are rampant and vocal. Why are there so many men determined to legislate what women may or may not do with their own bodies? Is this Afghanistan? Under our system, these people are all sufficiently free to stick their feet in their mouths at any time. It is enough to warn us of the dangers. But it still all makes you wonder if the lid is coming off. Harper no doubt will continue to stone-wall the back benchers in Question Period and in caucus. He’ll deny the existence of some revolting Conservatives. He will undoubtedly discipline or punish them in other ways behind the scenes. The NDP and the Liberals will bay at the moon. I saw Nathan Cullen was swift to get before a camera to declare this is not Canadian democracy. I still wonder what he thinks about out-of-town NDP election candidates in Quebec who did not campaign or were not even in the country when they were elected. Is that Canadian democracy or just an embarrassment for a different party? ahewitson@telus.net
COMING EVENTS April 4 ART CLUB of Kitimat meets at 7 p.m. in Room 403 at MESS. Painted Bag: Bring cloth/canvas bag and acrylic paints, option: metallic markers. April 17 The Kitimat General Hospital Foundation’s annual general meeting is at 7 p.m. in the multipurpose room at the Kitimat General Hospital. April 17 Is your child starting kindergarten this year? The Health Unit will be holding a pre-kindergarten/kindergarten immunization clinic for all children born in the year 2008. Please call 250-632-
3181 (Option 1) to book your appointment for April 17, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. THE KITIMAT GIRL GUIDES urgently need new leaders for the local groups. For more info call Lois at 250-632-3446 or Nancy at 250-632-0135. KITIMAT PUBLIC LIBRARY - Storytime for preschoolers happens Friday mornings from 10:30- 11:15 a.m. Activities include silly song, fuzzy felts, story book and funny rhymes. SILLY YAKS (CELIAC) SUPPORT GROUP supporting gluten free eating and helping people with celiac disease feel well and healthy. Participate in discussions around safe foods, foods to avoid, cross contamination, recipe ideas, etc. The first meeting
will be held Aug. 23 from 7-8:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room at the Kitimat General Hospital. The group is open to anyone interested in learning about celiac disease. For more information please call 250-632-3063. TUTORS NEEDED — The Kitimat Adult Literacy Program is looking for people interested in tutoring. They offer tutoring services for English as a Second Language, math, reading, writing, communication, and information technology. They offer free tutor training and resources to assist you. Only requires approximately 2 hours per week. If you would like more information on how to become a Tutor please call Brandi at 250-632-7393 or email kitimatliteracy@telus.net
April is... Oral Health Month
Even today with advancements in oral care, it is estimated that 57% of kids aged 6 to 11 years have cavities. This number increases to 59% for teenagers. Specialists tell us however, that if we pay just a little extra attention to daily oral hygiene habits, all children can grow up cavity-free. The care you teach them now will last a lifetime, so take a look at these helpful tips: 12-24 Months: Begin regular dental visits by age one. Teach a toddler about dental hygiene when the first teeth come through. Children should get used to holding a toothbrush and should watch others as they brush. Let them practice brushing, but continue brushing their teeth for them. Begin flossing when most of the baby teeth are in.
Dr. Thomas Baumeister and staff wish you a happy reminder that
April is Dental Health Month Providing: • Preventative Dentistry • Hygiene and Periodontal • Implant Dentistry • Cosmetic Restorations • Crown and Bridge
New Patients Welcome! Book your appointment today.
302-180 Nechako Centre, Kitimat
2-5 Years: Teach young children to use no more than a pea-size amount of toothpaste and make sure they do not eat it. Continue to brush and floss their teeth for them. Avoid sugary sweet treats. 6 + Years: Encourage children to begin flossing. Your dental hygienist will demonstrate proper technique. Continue to supervise brushing and flossing. The surface of your child’s permanent molars may be sealed with a light coating to prevent cavities in the deep fissure and grooves of the teeth. Keep a record of any accidents or falls that could affect the placement or condition of permanent teeth. – (News Canada) More information about oral care is available at: www.newscanada.com, or at the Canadian Dental Association website: www.cda-adc.ca
Drs. Gottschling & Stevenson’s Office Giving Kitimat a reason to smile!
Five Steps to Good Oral Health Healthy teeth...healthy bodies. Did you know that keeping your gums and teeth healthy will lower your risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer? 1. See your dentist regularly 2. Brush and floss daily 3. Eat a well-balanced diet 4. Check your mouth regularly for signs of gum disease and oral cancer 5. Avoid all tobacco products Remember there is a connection between good oral health and overall health. April is National Oral Health Month™ so talk to your dentist about the reasons why. More information is available on the Canadian Dental Association website at www.cda-adc.ca.
Dr. C.L.Gottschling and Dr. D.L.J Stevenson 201-180 Nechako Centre, Kitimat Ph. 250-632-4641 • Fax 250-632-4649 www.YourGreatSmiles.ca
10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 2013 A10 www.northernsentinel.com
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Northern Sentinel
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PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc. is seeking Carpenters and Carpenter Apprentices for the Lakes District Hospital and Health Centre in Burns Lake, B.C. Experiences in commercial concrete formwork systems an asset. We will be seeking a few with OFA2 or OFA3, Skid Steer (Bobcat) and Rough Terrain Forklift (Zoom Boom) tickets with experience. WHMIS, CSTS09 and Fall Protection training an asset. Fax or email your resume to 604 241 5301 or BCInteriorjobs@pcl.com
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
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Versatile Painting & Sandblasting in KITIMAT is looking for qualified, experienced Journeymen Painters/Sandblasters. Must be highly motivated, energetic and work well with others. Please send resume to: guy@versatilepainting.ca
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PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc. is seeking Carpenters and Carpenter Apprentices for the Lakes District Hospital and Health Centre in Burns Lake, B.C. Experiences in commercial concrete formwork systems an asset. We will be seeking a few with OFA2 or OFA3, Skid Steer (Bobcat) and Rough Terrain Forklift (Zoom Boom) tickets with experience. WHMIS, CSTS09 and Fall Protection training an asset. Fax or email your resume to 604 241 5301 or BCInteriorjobs@pcl.com
Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi. $12/hr. Send resume & drivers abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Arleigh Slanina December 27, 1936 - April 6, 2010
Remember me when flowers bloom early in the spring, Remember me on sunny days in the warmth that summer brings Remember me in the fall, as you walk through the leaves of gold, And in the winter time remember me in the stories that are told. Love Never But most of all remember each day right from the start Ends I will be forever near, For I live within your heart.
~Loved and missed every day, Paul, Simon, Carrie, Veronica,Rachel and their families.
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Prince Rupert Salt Water Fishing Guide. Ticketed. Experienced. 250-635-3521 Royal Canadian Legion Kitimat BAR SERVER REQUIRED for part-time, evenings & weekends. Must have Serving it Right and Food Safe. Please send resume to RC Legion, Box 152, Kitimat, BC V8C 2G7 or drop off at the branch, 665 Legion Ave. any day after 2pm.
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Trimac Transportation is North America’s premier provider of services in highway transportation of bulk commodities. Our Kitimat,Terrace and Prince George locations require...
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SKILLED CHILD CARE WORKER Can you provide Part Time care for a high needs teen in the community of Kitimat? Are you over 19 or retired and wish to do some hours of work? This employment opportunity might fit for you. The Centre is looking for workers who can provide 2-4 hours care on a consistent basis during the day possibly some evening hours. There is the possibility of other work that would give you more hours of employment. Prospective care providers must be willing to provide routine, structure, define boundaries, mentor and manage intense behaviours. This youth needs stability, consistency and committed individuals who can provide guidance and support. The ideal candidates will have training and/or experience with youth with behavioural challenges as well as a passion to make a difference in a young person’s life. The centre will provide training for the care providers. Wages will be based on qualifications. The current wage range is $15.92 - $20.91. If you are interested please contact: The Kitimat Child Development Centre 1515 Kingfisher Avenue, Kitimat, BC V8C 1S5 Phone: (250) 632-3144 Cheryl at ext. 60, or Miriam at ext. 28.
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Northern Sentinel Wednesday, April 3, 2013
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Help Wanted Wonderful Opportunity in a busy restaurant.
Rosario’s Restaurant
The Kitimat Child Development Centre has an opening for a Life Skills Support Worker. The worker will assist in strengthening the parentchild relationship through family focused goals. Hours for this position are variable (up to 20 hours per week). Qualifications suggested are a Social or Health Sciences Diploma and/or 2 years in a related field. A job description can be picked up at the Kitimat CDC. Apply in writing to Cheryl Lippert at 1515 Kingfisher Ave. Kitimat, B.C. V8C 1S5. Closing date: April 12, 2013.
has openings for full time/part time EXPERIENCED COOKS and SERVERS. Days and Evenings. Please email rosarios@citywest.ca or bring resume to Rosario’s in Kitimat. No phone calls please
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Haisla Nation Council Haisla Nation Council has an immediate opening for a:
Duties: • Administer the Home Care program in order to ensure that the program is delivered in an appropriate, caring, and respectful manner; • Ensure that care is provided according to all relevant policies, procedures and regulations; • Ensures that Home Care Workers are trained to administer the required care; • Identify persons requiring home care and client needs; • Schedule work assignments with regard to Home Care Worker training and experience; • Establish and maintain a current accurate confidential client reporting system; • Provide information to other health care professionals, as required; • Consult with family members and other supports to ensure that care is ongoing and that all client needs are indentified and met; • Provide Home Care to elders, disabled persons, and others in the community with identified needs; • Provide Home Care including general housekeeping, personal hygiene and Meals-on-Wheels; • Transport Home Care clients to appointments and activities; • Assist with exercises, physiotherapy and other medical plans; • Monitor blood pressure and other physical conditions, as required; • Organize time and resources based on the individual needs of clients; • Liaise with all family, medical and other resources, as required; • Advocate of behalf of clients for additional service and resources, as required; • Educate clients, families and support systems about the Home Care Program; • Perform other related duties as required. Qualifications: • Bachelors degree in Nursing including community health nursing or Registered Nurse with Public Health/Community Health Diploma; • Licensed to practice nursing in BC under the Registered Nurse Act and a member in good standing with the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (CRNBC); • Valid BC Driver’s License; • Three years experience in health programs management and/or home care nursing; • Knowledge of and skill in community organization and group dynamics, as well as working with First Nations health and social issues; • Must be willing and able to pass a criminal record check; • A licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) with relevant years of experience in the field may apply. Interested individuals should submit a cover letter and resume which must include names of three (3) references and the express permission for HNC to contact these references, to: Trish Grant, EA to the Chief Operating Officer, Haisla Nation Council Haisla PO Box 1101 Kitamaat Village, BC V0T 2B0 Fax (250) 632-2840 Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 104 Email: trishgrant@haisla.ca No later than 4 pm on Friday, April 12, 2013. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those short-listed will be contacted.
Help Wanted Apply Within Your path to a better job starts here.
Computer Services Enclave Managed Networks offers instant: email • website hosting backup solutions • help desk 250-847-0870 dstrain@bcenclave.ca
Merchandise for Sale
Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 10 a.m. Decker Lake Hall. Large selection of good furniture. Large dining room set, patio furniture, antiques & collectable’s. Limited edition prints. Large commercial freezer. Snowblower, tools, tack, vehicles and equipment.
For more information: Richie at (250) 698-7377 or (250) 698-7351 Watch future papers for more details.
Sale conducted on behalf of several Estates
SALE 1 April 20, 2013 Saturday @ 10:00 am. Francois Lake Hall, Francois Lake, B.C. South of Burns Lake @ Intersection of Hwy 35 south & Colleymount Road. ANTIQUES: The sale will have some of the nicest antique furnishings ever offered by us at auction. We have a beautiful selection of large antique furnishings such as: Tables, sete, couch, sideboards, piano stool w/ bear claw feet, end tables, side tables, curio cabinets, grandfather clock, buffet, bedroom suites, dining room suites, marble top satin wood wash stand, antique oak table 6 chairs, buffet & hutch suite, misc. antique dining room chairs and other occasional chairs. This sale will have a beautiful selection of Victorian & Eastlake antiques and other beautiful antique Oak & Mahogany furnishings. ANTIQUE HORSE GEAR: There is a very large selection of antique horse gear that includes sleigh bells, spreaders, scotch tops, bridles, and hames etc. NATIVE & TRADITIONAL ART: Nice selection of native art including hides, drums, face masks, leather art & clothing, moccasins, paddles (exact items will be posted on the website). HOUSE HOLD & MISC COLLECTABLE’S: Very large selection of hockey, baseball & football cards, clocks, lamps, candelabra’s, brass, pewter, wrought iron collectable’s, plate ware, glassware, china & vases, sword, coal oil lamps, very old antique leather horse collectable, violin, banjo. Sale will include a few modern furnishings, deep freeze, fridge & furnishings. ANTIQUE TOOLS & MISC: Antique tools, antique survey transit, large antique brass gold scale in glass cabinet, antique bamboo fly rod. This Sale has a large & excellent selection of antiques & collectable’s. This is a partial listing, so look for future advertising as there are more items & consignments to come. Please view website for pictures of exact items and a list of all of our scheduled auctions. Consignments welcome! If you would like to consign any items contact Mikes Auction. Condition of Sale. Terms: Cash & cheque with identification, sorry no credit cards. Items are as is condition ~ not responsible for accidents. There will be a concession on Site. SALE 2 INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT & TOOL AUCTION May 25, 2013 Saturday @ 10:00 am. Topley Garage, Topley, B.C. Intersection of Hwy 16 & Hwy 118 to Granisle. SALE 3 ANTIQUES, FURNISHINGS & COLLECTIBLES AUCTION June 8th, Saturday @ 10:00 am. George Dawson Motor Inn, Banquet Room, Dawson Creek, B.C. Any question Please Contact: Mike Steinebach
@ (250) 694 - 3497 or Cell (250) 692-6107 or Egon Steinebach @ (250) 694-3319 or Cell (250) 570- 2055 E-Mail: mike@mikesauction.net & Website www.mikesauction.net
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com
Starting at $600 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Visit our Website www.kitimatapartments.com Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)
• • • •
for sale. 5 males and 3 females ready to go by May 12 $550 each. Call (250) 8474203 or (250) 643-0358. HOME PHONE reconnect. Toll Free 1-866-287-1348 Cell Phone Accessories Catalogue Everyone Welcome To Shop Online at: www.homephonereconnect.ca
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING - Blowout clearance sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6,860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. or visit us online at: www.pioneersteel.ca STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or see us online at: www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
Free heat & Free Hot Water Furnished & Unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms Security Entrances No Pets. No Smoking
• • •
QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511
SANDPIPER APTS KITIMAT Newer Buildings Elevators Security Entrances Covered Parking Balconies
Misc. Wanted
Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Coin Guy: 778-281-0030
Real Estate For Sale By Owner
House for sale Open design split-level 3200 sq.ft home located on a 1.2 acre lot in Strawberry Meadows. Radiant heated floors throughout, 3 large bedrooms, 2 bath, double garage, covered deck, 20’ X 12’ greenhouse plus fully inclosed 100’ X 30’ storage buildings included, fully land scaped. For more information or to view contact 250-639-9322
Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055. www.copperridge.ca
Small Ads work! Other Areas AMERICA’S BEST Buy! 20 acres, only $99/mo! $0 down, no credit checks, money back guarantee. Owner financing. West Texas, beautiful mountain views! Free color brochure 1-800-755-8953. www.sunsetranches.com
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Hillcrest Place Apartments Bachelor & two bedroom No Smoking, No Pets Starting at $475 monthly Also avail newly reno’d two bdrm units with d/w 250.632.7814 Kitimat
Kitimat 1,2,3 bdrms Clean & Quiet Heat & hot water included Call (250)632-2824 or email www.jasebudgel@hotmail.ca
Mobile Homes & Pads
Manufactured Homes by Moduline Industries Under $110.00/sq.ft. Retire with us...on time... on budget. In the beautiful Shuswap
Townhouses TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110
Trucks & Vans 1976 FJ40 Toyota Land Cruiser Runs great but needs body work. Lots of extra spare parts. $3,500 obo. 250-632-6239
12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Sports & Leisure
Haisla girls earn top spot in Jr. ANT
The Haisla Junior Girls won big at the Junior All Native Basketball provincial championships in mid-March, which was hosted in the four villages of the Nisga’a Nation. The team played six games throughout the week, against the Okanagan, Old Masset, Kincolith and Hesquiaht. The Haisla girls would face the Okanagan team again in the semi-finals,= but would advance to the finals after defeating them 68-49. The Haisla Girls were set for a re-match with the Hesquiaht Storm for the final, and the local girls came out with a strong defence that could not be penetrated. Team manager Margaret Grant said the team took the lead and never looked back, in an e-mail to the Sentinel. In addition to their team championship ban-
The Haisla Junior Girls following their win at the Junior All Native. The placed first after defeating the Hesquiaht Storm in the final. ner, team members Megan Metz and Kierra Stevens received All Stars honours, while Kailee Gardiner earned the title of Miss Hustle and Jennifer Nyce took MVP.
Coach Mike Ridsdale is looking forward to taking the team into competition next year for the tournament which will take place in Kamloops in 2014.
Next show at MET will have you seeing Red players, Zhimin Yu, established as the only ruan Submitted (bass lute) virtuoso in North America, and awardRed Chamber is hot. Steamy hot. Whether it is fast and furious string band mu- winning multi-instrumentalist Geling Jiang. This outstanding ensemble of seasoned intersic, sultry Imperial Court classics, or cutting-edge contemporary creations, Red Chamber’s passion- national performers is constantly stretching the boundaries of traditional Chinese instruments, ate energy embodies every note. Canada’s Red Chamber features four virtuo- bringing them to the world stage to perform music sic performers that have collectively become an at its finest. With dazzling technique, alluring preinnovative powerhouse in the international music sentations, and exceptional musical experiences scene, with concert tours from Europe’s top con- that heed no limits, Red Chamber’s concerts are cert halls to Asia’s premiere International festivals. absolutely not to be missed. Tickets are available at the theatre on the night Red Chamber takes its inspiration from the rare traditional Chinese “Plucked String” reper- of the concert (April 12, at 8 p.m.) or at Hollytoire to present a captivatingly unique program wood Video. embracing string band music spanning centuries, a host of world PUBLIC NotICe cultures, and a myriad of musical genres. Consummate performers, their superb virtuosity is exemplified in perforKitimat Council invites public comment before making decisions on mances of ancient Chia proposed zoning amendment to the R3-A Multi-Family Residential nese Court music from Zone. the Tang Dynasty (618Proposed amendment includes adding detached, duplex and triplex 907), to contemporary dwellings as permitted buildings on lots in the R3-A Zone. Apartment Canadian compositions, buildings and terrace dwellings are permitted now; additional forms and an intriguing range must be authorized by Development Permit. of other works includ‘Planned Development’ is also a proposed permitted new use: any ing Balkan, Gypsy jazz, combination of single-family dwellings, duplex dwellings, triplex dwellings, terrace dwellings, or apartment buildings on a lot which is American Old-Timey held in common or managed by a strata corporation. and Bluegrass. more Information The quartet is led Handbook may be viewed at the District of Kitimat reception desk, by Mei Han, celebrated 270 City Centre, 8:30am to noon and 1:00pm to 4:30pm, Monday for making the Chito Friday, until April 16, 2013. Further inquiries should be directed to nese zither whisper and Community Planning and Development at 250-632-8910. growl, is heralded as the How to Provide Comment “Zheng Master” (MonWritten comments addressed to Mayor and Council may be delivered treal Gazette). c/o 270 City Centre, V8C 2H7; faxed 250-632-4995; or emailed to She is joined by dok@kitimat.ca; until 4:30pm, Thursday, April 11, 2013. A public Guilian Liu, internationhearing is scheduled for 7:30pm, April 15, 2013 in the Council Chamber at 1101 Kingfisher Avenue. Feedback regarding this application may ally recognized as one be personally delivered to Council at 7:30pm on April 15, 2013. of the world’s premiere pipa (Chinese lute)
ZoNINg AmeNdmeNt ByLAw
ELECTION WORKERS NEEDED Elections BC is looking for reliable and enthusiastic people to work as election officials on General Voting Day, May 14, 2013. These positions are required to assist voters at voting locations throughout B.C. during the provincial general election. Most positions are paid $250 for the day. Previous experience is not required and training is provided. If you can provide excellent service to a variety of people during a long day, and you have the ability to be a non-partisan representative of Elections BC, APPLY NOW! To contact your local hiring office, visit the Elections BC website at elections.bc.ca/jobs, or call 1-800-661-8683.
Elections BC is a non-partisan Office of the Legislature responsible for administering the Election Act, the Recall and Initiative Act, and the conduct of referenda under the Referendum Act .
elections.bc.ca/jobs / 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 1 - 8 6 8 3