Eagle Valley News, May 01, 2013

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EaglE VallEy


Public meeting considered by quarry applicant Page 3

Spring seminar offers training for firefighters Page 6

Wednesday, May 1, 2013 PM40008236

Vol. 55 No. 18 Sicamous, B.C., • 1.25 (GST included) • www.eaglevalleynews.com

Kyllo remains strong part of Liberal vision Old Town: Legal action a learning experience for Shuswap candidate. By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Premier Christy Clark’s confidence in BC Liberal Shuswap candidate Greg Kyllo remains high, despite his past involvement in a development that led to the destruction of sensitive fish habitat. During a visit last Wednesday morning to Kyllo’s Sicamous business, TA Structures, Clark spoke briefly to a 2010 court decision against developers of Old Town Bay for the alteration of fish habitat, used recently by the candidate’s critics, and opponents, as ammunition against him. Clark said Kyllo isn’t one who makes excuses, and has spent $275,000 to remediate the site. She added that while the case was well known in Sicamous, residents still elected Kyllo to municipal council with a sizeable majority. “Misunderstandings and mistakes happen,” said Clark. “We are defined by how we deal with them. And taking responsibility, not making excuses, is who Greg Kyllo is.” Kyllo agreed the damage that occurred in 2007 resulted from a misunderstanding of federal and provincial regulations, including the Riparian Areas Regulation, which was enacted in the Fish Protection Act in 2004. “There was some misunderstanding with respect to the regulations that were in place, with DFO and what their regulations were – it was also the same time the new Riparian Area Regulation came out from the provincial government,” Kyllo told the News. “There was a lot of confusion around that. Unfortunately, some decisions were made that were not in line with the Riparian Area Regulation, and some logging occurred in areas that were deemed to be sensitive fish habitat.” Kyllo says $300,000 has since been spent on restoring the damaged area, and it continues to be monitored. Simply chalking it up to a mistake, however, isn’t enough for Shuswap Environmental Action Society president Jim

Clark campaign comes to town: Shuswap BC Liberal candidate Greg Kyllo and TA Structures’ staff look on as B.C. Premier Christy Clark addresses a supportive Sicamous crowd Wednesday morning. Photo by Lachlan Labere

Harmed habitat: In this 2009 photo, wood piles sit near the shore in Old Town Bay from land clearing that resulted in charges being laid by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for destruction of sensitive fish habitat. File photo Cooperman, who views the past infraction as a hit to both Kyllo’s credibility, as well as the BC Liberals. “I think it’s appalling that the BC Liberal party would allow a candidate to run with a track record like Mr. Kyllo’s, that involved a blatant disregard of federal laws and resulted in severe damage to fish habitat,” says Cooperman. In 2007, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans received a tip regarding land clearing done in January and June of that year related to the Old Town Bay resort development in Sicamous. In 2009, a representative of DFO told the News that after a lengthy investigation, DFO would be pursuing charges under the Fisheries Act for harmful alteration of fish habitat against the developers, numbered company 0702905 B.C. Ltd., and partners Jack Irwin of Salmon Arm, and

brothers Greg and Todd Kyllo. In a June 2009 interview, Greg told the News that he and his partners were looking to clear their names in court. “I can say we are looking forward to presenting our side of the case and looking for full vindication of any wrongdoing,” said Kyllo. In April 2010, legal counsel for the numbered company entered a guilty plea in Salmon Arm court. Charges against Irwin and the Kyllos were stayed, with the company accepting responsibility for the damage caused by land clearing at the mouth of the Eagle River and on Shuswap Lake. The company agreed to pay a sum of $375,000, including a $5,000 fine; $70,000 to the Fraser Basin Council for use in such projects as the Shuswap Lake Integrated Planning Process; and $300,000 towards re-

mediation of the damaged site. Federal Crown prosecutor Todd Gerhardt said the $375,000 penalty should serve as a deterrent to other foreshore developers. In May 2011, Kyllo said he and his brother had divested themselves of the majority interest in the Old Town Bay project, retaining about four acres in the proposed village centre for a future marina. Kyllo says the experience with DFO was not lost on him, either as a business person or candidate. “When you’re in business and trying to create employment… and move things forward, you’re moving at a fairly fast pace,” said Kyllo. “I think, if I’ve learned anything from that, it is to maybe take a sober, second look at projects before you move forward – to just maybe step back and maybe re-evaluate things before one goes charging ahead.” Asked how he thinks this incident might hinder his credibility in the eyes of the electorate, Kyllo says you have to measure the good with the bad. “I think we have to weigh all the positive impacts the company has had in the area with respect to job creation and community service, and weigh that against some mistakes that were made,” said Kyllo. What’s really important is we’ve done full restoration of the area and we’re moving forward. I’ve certainly learned from that and I think that’s made me an even stronger candidate in moving forward.”

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Eagle Valley News


Sign sends wrong message for youths

CALENDAR OF EVENTS This is a FREE listing of community events for not-for-profit organizations and paid advertisers. DEADLINE: 2pm, Fridays

cence plate. • April 18, 5:37 p.m., green semi with B.C. plate passing on double solid, driving excessive speeds • April 18, 8:02 p.m., break and enter at a residence on Sherlock Road. Nothing significant reportedly taken. • April 18, 8:22 p.m., vehicle with Washington plates driving all over the road with no lights on. • April 19, 3:26 p.m., black Cadillac sedan speeding and tailgating. April 20, 11:59 a.m., utility trailer reported stolen. • April 20, 5:59 p.m., subject reports being attacked by two dogs while walking on Cherry Avenue. • April 20, 8:48 p.m., mischief reported at local park, vehicles doing doughnuts on park lawn and ball diamond. • April 21, 4:20 p.m., report of two subjects consuming alcohol in public. • April 21, 7:18 p.m., report of possible drunk driver in a burgundy Ford pickup with B.C. plates. • April 23, 3:01 p.m. report of harassment. • April 23, 5:10 p.m., police received a report of an elderly man who had gone missing while travelling from Penticton to Edmonton, last known to be in Sicamous. The man was located

in Canmore, Alta. and has since been reunited with family. • April 24,11:03 p.m., a navy blue, fourdoor sedan with B.C. plates reported to be passing on double solid lines. • April 24, 3:14 p.m., report of unwanted person at a local business, harassing customers and asking for money. • April 24, 9:20 p.m., blue SUV with B.C. plates tailgating and passing unsafely. • April 25, 7:14 a.m., report of single-vehicle accident. The vehicle went off the road to the right and crashed into a pole. There were no injuries. • April 25, 2:33 p.m., report of a stolen vehicle, believed by police to be related to family matters. • April 25, 8:59 p.m, officers were called out to the scene of a neighbour dispute, asked to keep the peace. • April 26, 1:12 a.m., Banff RCMP detachment asks for assistance with an ongoing investigation. • April 26, 4 a.m., report of suspicious dark-coloured truck with no plates parked on the highway about 10 kilometres west of Sicamous. • April 26, 5:08 p.m., report of vandalism to summer residence on Mara Lake. • April 26, 5:37 p.m., report of lost licence plate. • April 26, 11:13

Mondays April 29 - June 24 - Zumba Classes. 7:15 - 8:15 pm. To register or for more info contact Recreation and Wellness #250-836-2477 or recreation@ sicamous.ca Tuesdays April 30 - June 18 - Yoga Basics. 5:30 6:45 pm. To register or for more info contact Recreation and Wellness #250-836-2477 or recreation@sicamous. ca Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays - Active After School Kidz. Ages 5-12 - to register or for more info contact Recreation and Wellness #250-836-2477 or recreation@sicamous.ca May 5 - Cambie Hall Clean Up. 12:00. This is a very necessary meeting and clean-up. Bring friends. Lunch & coffee for all. Call Esther at 836-4373 for more info May 6th - Free Outdoor Fitness Equipment Orientation at Finlayson Park 6:00pm. Learn how to use the outdoor fitness equipment safely and effectively from a certified fitness trainer. For more info contact Recreation and Wellness #250-836-2477 or recreation@sicamous.ca May 16 - Ladies’ Evening Out -Walking on Sonshine. 7:00 pm at the Senior’s Activity Centre. Kagen Sharpe will be the feature and Shawna Twa will be our speaker. All women welcome Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday- Sicamous Lions Club meets at the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre, 1090

p.m., report of intoxicated man in public. • April 27, 2:27 a.m., while conducting a traffic check, an officer on patrol found subject driving vehicle while prohibited and impaired by alcohol. Charges forwarded against a 25-year-old Sicamous man. • April 27, 9:21 a.m., report of purse being stolen from local liquor establishment. • April 27, 11:10 a.m., report of lost licence plate. • April 27, 1:02 p.m., request from BC Ambulance to assist with a patient. • April 27, 2:36 p.m., an employee at a local business reported an individual driving a red pickup with B.C. plates, who may have been intoxicated. • April 27, 4:37 p.m., a driver from the U.S. was stopped for excessive speeding, charged, and the rental vehicle was impounded for seven days. • April 10:57 p.m., report of youths in public in possession of alcohol. • April 28, 4:12 a.m., report of large tree that slid down across highway near Hummingbird Beach Resort. • April 28, 12:25 a.m., report of break and enter and vandalism to summer residence. Nothing was believed to have been stolen. • April 28, 4:25

Shuswap Ave, Sicamous. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Everyone Welcome. For info contact Joan at 250-836-4876 or Kathy at 250-836-3267 Every 1st & 3rd Wed.- Parkinsons Support Group at First united Church. 20 - 4th Street SE, Salmon Arm at 10 am. Contact Doreen at 250-836-2509. Every 1st & 3rd Wed. Eagle Valley Photography Club Everyone welcome. 7 pm at the Red Barn. Every Monday and Thursday -Chairbiotics (low impact exercise) Seniors activity Centre 10:00 am. Join us. $2 each. Every Mon. & Fri. - Bridge, Seniors Activity Centre, 1 p.m. Every Tues. Stopping the Violence Program in Sicamous - counselling for women who have experienced abuse during childhood or adult relationships. No charge. Call Kathy at 250-832-9700. Every Tues. - Sicamous Amateur Drama Club rehearsals, 7:00 p.m., Red Barn Arts Centre. 836-4705. Tues. & Thurs. - Carpet Bowling at the Seniors’ Activity Centre at 1 p.m. Every Tues. & Thurs. - Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in Common Room at the Haven. Every Wed. Wednesday Arts for Everyone. 10 am - 3

p.m., report of found wallet. • April 29, 5:25 p.m., report of two trees down, blocking the north bound lane of Highway 97A. • April 29, 7:13 a.m., report of breech of court conditions. • April 29, 11:46 a.m., a woman reported she was walking by business Saturday when she was bitten by a dog. The matter remains under investigation. • April 29 3:12 p.m. report of a lost licence plate. • April 29, 10:43 p.m., report of lost licence plate. • April 30, 10:01, police receive a report of what looks like a gun mounted to the deck of a residence. The Sicamous RCMP attended 82 calls for service in this reporting period, nine of them being false alarm calls.

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On April 21, at 4:30 p.m., Sicamous police received a report of youths sitting on the side of the highway holding a sign with the words, “Honk and we drink.” Officers had the youths take down their sign and move back indoors. • April 15, 11:33 a.m., report of lost validation tag from licence plate. • April 15, 1:17 p.m., a blue semi carrying steel was speeding and cut off another vehicle. • April 15, 5 p.m., a white chevy van with Alberta plates was speeding up, slowing down and braking erratically. • April 15, 6:47 p.m., report of a possible impaired driver, vehicle changing speeds and having difficulty staying in the lane. • April 15, 7:48 p.m., report of two suspicious people on Cunningham Frontage Road. • April 16, 12:59 p.m, report of lost licence plate. • April 17, 1:35 p.m., lost licence plate. • April 17, 7:11 p.m., two-vehicle accident, no injuries. • April 18, 8:13 a.m., theft of tools from a contractor’s trailer. • April 18, 9:45 a.m., report of theft of microwave oven and barbecue from local rental unit. • April 18, 3:39 p.m., report of lost li-

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unshine S AWARDS

Sunshine Awards are FREE of charge. 20 words per award, due to limited space. Please do not submit more than two awards per week. Recognize your friend, neighbour or loved one with a sunshine award for doing that extra special good deed!

• full 8’ bsmt., • quiet street, • 1/4 acre lot. • New inside.

Asking $205,000 Serious Seller! pm. For info contact Juanita at 250-836-3019 or Gail- at 250-836-5472 Every Wed. Girl Guides of Canada. Sparks - 3:00 pm. Brownies - 4:00 pm. Girl Guides - 5:30 pm. New members welcome Every Wed. Lunch by a donation at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091-Shuswap Avenue at 12 noon. Every Wed. - Seniors Crib, 7:30 p.m., Haven seniors building. Everyone welcome - you don’t have to be a senior. Socializing and coffee served after crib. Info: Esther 836-4373. Every Wed. - T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Wednesday morning at the Sicamous Rec. Centre (arena). Weigh in at 9:00 am and meeting at 9:30. Everyone Welcome. Ph: 250-836-4041 for info Every Wed.-Sat. United Church Thrift Store 10:00 am to 3 p.m. Every Thurs. - Sicamous Crokinole Group meets at 7pm at the Sicamous & District Recreation Centre upstairs for more info and to join call Dave Reed @ 250-836-3652 Every Thurs.-Ladies shuffleboard at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99 in Sicamous. 1pm-3pm. All ladies welcome. Every Thurs.- Crib and darts 7 pm at the Royal

Canadian Legion Branch #99. Everyone welcome. Every 1st, 3rd, 4th Thurs. - Keepsake Kwilters meet at the Haven Common room 1095 Shuswap Avenue at 7:00 p.m. For info call 250-836-2695. Every 2nd and 4th Thurs. Options For Sexual health from 7 to 9 p.m., Sicamous Health Unit. Every 3rd Thursday monthly meeting of the Malakwa Community Association at 7:30 in the Malakwa Hall. Every Fri. - Parents & Tots, 10-12 noon at Catholic Church. 836-3440. Every Fri. - Eagle Valley Brush & Palette Club meets at the Red Barn, 10am-3pm, Everyone welcome! For info call Esther 250-836-4373 or Amy 250-836-4756. www.eaglevalleybrushandpaletteclub.com Every 1st & 3rd Fri. - Pool Tournament at the Royal Canadian Legion #99 at 7:00 pm. Every 4th Sun.- Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 general meeting, 7 p.m. Every 4th Sun. - OAPO Birthday Tea for members & friends, Seniors Activity Centre, 2 p.m. Last Saturday of every month -Sicamous Royal Canadian Legion #99 Ladies Auxilliary dinner 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, May 1, 2013

www.eaglevalleynews.com A3

Rock quarry part of long-term plan


By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

4 5/16” x 3”

o u k n ow? y d i D

The second most common disease in the United States is tooth decay. The first is the common cold.


Dr. Bruce Prokopetz DDS 4 - 1133 Eagle Pass Way PO Box 287 Sicamous, BC V0E 2V0

250-836-6665 parklanddental@hotmail.com www. parklanddental.net

Looking ahead: A proposed quarry is part of applicant Murray Hillson’s plan to develop a residence. Photo by Lachlan Labere running. “My hope is Old Town Bay will start developing again and I can supply them the gravel,” says Hillson. “They can use all the gravel pretty much that I can supply off that pit to build up Old Town Bay because everything there is a metre below flood plain.” This, says Hillson, would help alleviate the District of Sicamous’ concerns with the impact the quarry would have on the SicamousSolsqua Road bridge. “That saves us 20 to 30 thousand gravel truck loads from going across that bridge.” The bridge is just one of the issues identified by the district, compelling council to request that the ministry host a public meeting and pursue amendments to the Mines Act so as to give “greater weight to local government involvement and ability to control such permits within their jurisdiction.” After perusing Hillson’s entire application (which wasn’t made available to the district when a referral was


first submitted by the province back in December), district community planning officer Mike Marrs told council the planned mine would be in contravention with Sicamous’ official community plan and zoning bylaw, and he’d also found a number of errors in the application, as well as points that were questionable. Once of Marrs’ concerns was the scope of the project, which in one document in the application shows a series of 10 by 10-metre wide benches up to about 110 metres (360 feet). Hillson says, however, that the benches would only rise about 60 metres, and they would eventually be replanted with vegetation – possibly even a vineyard. Both the mayor and council expressed disappointment with the lack of consultation between Hillson and the district. Hillson claims he tried working with staff about five years ago and was essentially told that if

he spent $10,000 on an engineering study, staff still wouldn’t support a quarry going in. “So I left there – I went to Mines and hired a mine consultant that does all these applications,” said Hillson. “He looked3”atxit 3” and said this is a really good rock quarry, it’s no problem, we’ll get the grades and we can build this as a rock quarry.” As for the district’s concerns related to blasting and crushing, Hillson says this would only occur over a twoweek period late in the fall or early spring. “You get all your material ready for summer, and if you get sales in the summer, it’s just a matter of taking it out,” says Hillson. Hillson says he would meet with the owner of a subdivision below the planned quarry who also has concerns. As for a public meeting, Hillson says this is something he’ll push the ministry to make happen.

District of Sicamous Ph: 250-836-2477 Fax: 250-836-4314 www.sicamous.ca

446 Main Street. Box 219 Sicamous B.C. V0E 2V0

Fax or email your sporting event scoresheet and results to:

o u k n ow?EAGLE VALLEY y d i D lachlan@saobserver.net


$345 MILLION reasons to vote KYLLO Since 2009, the BC Liberal Government has invested $345 MILLION into the region. Some highlights include: • M.V. Beattie School, Enderby $12.9 million invested into a new Neighbourhood Learning Centre offering services and programs to students and the community. • Shuswap Lake General Hospital, Salmon Arm The Province contributed $13.6 million towards its expansion and redevelopment. • Assisted Living, Enderby, Salmon Arm, Sicamous $13.1 million invested into supportive housing for seniors and people with disabilities.

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The second most PARKLAND DENTAL CENTRE common disease in Bruce Prokopetz DDS the United States 4 - 1133Dr.Eagle Pass Way PO Box 287 Sicamous, BC V0E 2V0 is tooth decay. 250-836-6665 The first is the parklanddental@hotmail.com www. parklanddental.net common cold.


PUBLIC NOTICE ANNUAL (SEASONAL) PARKING PERMITS The District of Sicamous is accepting applications for annual parking permits for parking of private vehicles/boat trailers on District property at 109 Finlayson Street. The Permit is valid May 21st to october 31st, 2013. An annual (seasonal) permit fee of $600 plus PST is payable in advance at time of application. Permits will be issued in order of receipt. Applications are available at the District office or call 250-836-2477 for further information. Heidi Frank Chief Administrative Officer



The applicant behind a contentious quarry proposal along Old Town Road aims to clear the air with the public. Along Old Town Road is a series of steep switchbacks that end at a rock face and a narrow bank with a stellar view of Shuswap Lake, Sicamous and the Eagle Valley. The property’s address is 200 Old Town Rd. Its owner is Murray Hillson, a Salmon Arm logger who hopes to one day transform the lot into a residence. Building on this mountainside, however, will require the removal of rock, and plenty of it. Which is why he currently has before the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Resources an application to operate a gravel pit over a 20-year period. The operation would include blasting and crushing, with about six truck loads a day on average leaving the site over that period – should the quarry be in operation for that length of time. “The gravel pit is to pay for the extraction to build the lot,” says Hillson. “If you walk up top there and have a look at the view up there, you can see why I want to get located on that bench.” Hillson calls the quarry his retirement project, which may be lucrative provided the application is approved and a nearby development gets back up and

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Eagle Valley News

Political power rests in hands of the electorate


he 2013 provincial election will be one of the most important in a generation. At a time when the economy is in slow motion, yet demands on the public purse are increasing, voters need to pay attention to who’s running. Of course, we say this for every election — to no avail. Last time around, in the 2009 provincial election, only about 50 per cent of voters bothered to cast a vote. Who is to blame and will things be any different this year? It’s hard to say. Is it negative advertising that turns people off? B.C. NDP leader Adrian Dix says so and has promised a more positive campaign. But will that end indifference or will people turn away from boredom? Is it helplessness and apathy that keep people from the polls? Many simply don’t connect with government. B.C. Liberal leader Christy Clark has tried to be a populist premier, hoping to appeal to the hockey mom, but has failed to attract women’s support, pundits say. Why? Perhaps B.C. voters simply distrust anything politicians say. Clearly there is a disconnect and the media may have contributed to this malaise by blowing every little incident out of proportion. As in the story of the boy who cried wolf, many voters simply tune out after a while, yet, sadly, when there is a real issue, many voters simply don’t see the connection between their vote and government policy. Instead, they leave the field to special interest groups to hijack the results. Truth is, politicians will only be accountable if we hold them accountable. We have a right to toss any of them out if they don’t do what they promised, so voters need to pay attention to what politicians say and they need to find out who they are. Over the next few weeks, the News will be covering the election with information from our local candidates. The rest is up to you. –Black Press



NDP platform boosts social spending By Tom Fletcher News columnist

VICTORIA – NDP leader Adrian Dix has finally rolled out his “fully costed” election platform. Major policy announcements had been released previously, but there was plenty more spending added to the total. The NDP’s health-care plan is surprisingly modest – more money for home support, residential senior care, mental health and addiction services and a rural acute care initiative totaling $159 million over three years. As health critic Mike Farnworth points out, the residential care increase will allow seniors two baths a week instead of one. Full marks to the NDP for this part of the platform. Increases to Community Living B.C., children and families programs and aboriginal friendship centres are also commendable.

Other NDP proposals don’t inspire as much confidence. Raise welfare rates $20 a month and index them to inflation. Index the minimum wage to inflation too, at a time when inflation can only rise. Set up a new child bonus program to send $70 per month for each child with family income under $25,000. Lesser payments would go to families with income up to $66,000. The program is optimistically budgeted at $210 million a year. It would be partly funded by cancelling a B.C. Liberal plan to establish education savings accounts for kids born after 2006. Out with self-reliance, in with the nanny state. Another $100 million is added to hire more teachers, to address the teachers’ union’s often-repeated but false claim of “a decade of cuts” in education. Another $100 million

1133 PARKSVILLE STREET, PARKLAND CENTRE PO BOX 113, SICAMOUS, BC V0E 2V0 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $44.50/Year; Seniors $39/Year Phone: (250) 836-2570 Fax: (250) 836-2661 Email: classifieds@eaglevalleynews.com Website: www.eaglevalleynews.com


PUBLISHER: Rick Proznick EDITORIAL: Tracy Hughes, Editor; Lachlan Labere, Reporter ADVERTISING: Laura Lavigne PRODUCTION: Sierre Allison

goes to student grants, much of it further subsidizing the oversupply of English, education, sociology, women’s studies, journalism and other university grads who eventually discover there is little demand for their degrees. As with welfare, increasing support for bad choices can only yield more bad choices. On a related note, the NDP will revive a ministry of women’s equality, “to promote social and economic equality to all government programs....” As with female candidate quotas, the NDP keeps the flame of ’70s socialist feminism alive. The party totals up its new program spending to $988 million over three years. That’s exactly the amount Dix estimates will be raised by tax hikes on corporate income, bank capital, personal income over $150,000, carbon tax on oil and gas drilling, and cancelling the B.C. Liberals’ RESP and child tax

BC PRESS COUNCIL-This Eagle Valley News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council.Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

credit plans. As for deficits, the NDP claims that the B.C. Liberal budget hides a deficit of $800 million this year and similar deficits in the next two years. The B.C. Liberals point to an impressive string of “net zero” wage settlements with public sector unions, the core of their spending control record. Would the NDP continue to hold the line on public service wages, as the B.C. Liberals have done? Dix’s NDP caucus and staff is stocked with former government union officials. Party president Moe Sihota is essentially a direct employee of the same unions. The B.C. Federation of Labour has shaped the NDP’s Labour Code changes, which we won’t see until after the May 14 vote. And how much money does the “fully costed” NDP plan set aside to pay wage increases for its government union brothers and sisters? Zero.

Published every Wednesday covering Sicamous, Malakwa, Mara, Seymour Arm and serving Anstey Arm, Cambie, Cinnemousin Narrows, Craigellachie and Solsqua. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We do not guarantee placement on specific pages. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 2 PM

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, May 1, 2013

www.eaglevalleynews.com A5


Clark takes positive spin on pipelines versus NDP’s maybe In Premier Christy Clark’s mind there is a difference between starting from no and working towards yes when it comes to controversial, large-scale pipeline projects. Last week, during a stop in Sicamous, the premier broached the topic of non-renewable energy resources by championing the development of B.C.’s liquid natural gas industry and the spin-offs that could benefit the community and others throughout the province. But LNG wasn’t the only resource on Clark’s mind. The premier also took a swipe at BC NDP leader Adrian Dix and his “Kinder surprise,” referring to Dix’s Earth Day announcement that he didn’t want to see Vancouver become a “major oil export port,” referring to Kinder Morgan’s twinning of the Trans Mountain oil pipeline from Edmonton to the Lower Mainland. This comment was later followed with the caveat that the BC NDP is still waiting to see the yet-to-be submitted application for the proposal, reflecting an earlier statement by Dix that he wouldn’t pre-judge the pipeline before plans are submitted to the federal environmental review process.

IN PLAIN VIEw LachLan Labere

Clark first called this flip-flopping on Dix’s part, but then alleged he’d actually made up his mind on this some time ago and had “concealed it from British Columbians.” “The NDP want to delay, they want to review, a chance to play out at being reasonable, when they secretly know their answer to economic development is always going to be “no,” claimed Clark. As for Clark’s position on the pipeline, it would be the same as it is for another controversial pipeline project, Enbridge’s Northern Gateway, which would see a twin pipeline built to export bitumen from the Athabasca oil sands through the port in Kitimat. Clark says she’s been consistently clear in her position, that “every proposal for the expansion of heavy oil movement” through B.C. must meet five conditions set forward





by her government: 1. successful completion of a federal environmental review process; 2 and 3. world-leading marine and land oil response and prevention recovery systems; 4. responding to First Nations treaty rights and giving First Nations an opportunity to benefit; 5. B.C. must receive a fair share of economic benefits proportionate to risk borne by the province from the project. “Those are the five conditions that I’ve set out, and I can tell you today, the Northern Gateway proposal hasn’t come close to meeting any of those five conditions,” said Clark. Asked if the same conditions would apply to David Black’s proposed bitumen refinery project in Kitimat, Clark said that while it’s a “different kettle of fish,” it would still have to meet the five conditions, “absolutely.” “I am not going to back down on this,” said Clark. “And what we’ve done is encouraged the project to move forward. That doesn’t mean it’s going to succeed. But the difference between me and Adrian Dix is I believe in trying to get to yes with economic development, and he believes in starting from ‘no.’

So, having five conditions in place to get to yes is not the same as starting with no? That’s certainly not the impression Alberta Premier Alison Redford seemed to get. Shuswap NDP candidate Steve Gunner says Clark and the BC Liberals are doing their best to paint the BC NDP as being against everything, including Northern Gateway. “A project of that magnitude has to have a social contract in order to be allowed to go through. In other words, the people who are affected by it have to buy in, and it’s a long process, it’s not something that can be put through in a year,” says Gunner, noting the NDP would pull out of the Environmental Assessment Equivalency Agreement with the federal government and create a “made-inB.C.” act to guide the process of provincial assessment and consultation for such projects. So with the Liberals, we have five fairly conditions, and a review process, that do not guarantee a yes, but certainly doesn’t say no. And with the NDP, projects would not proceed without going through an assessment process set out by the province and its peo-

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ple. Again, neither a yes or no. Oh, except maybe Kinder Morgan’s, on which Dix had the audacity to take a posi-

tion. On, and Clark made no mention of the BC Conservatives, who feel the benefits of Northern Gateway and Trans Mountain

Sicamous Minor Hockey

far outweigh the risks, or the Greens, who oppose these projects and would ban oil tankers along province’s west coast.


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Sicamous and District

Recreation Society

Seeing the world from a gardener’s perspective I’ve been very fortunate in my life. I’ve had some great opportunities to either hop on a plane to somewhere interesting off the continent, or do some amazing road trips around this one. And I always secretly felt that I got a little extra out of these trips because I was a gardener and naturalist by heart. Every single plant species, the soils that they grew in and the natural habitat and climate that they thrived in did not go unnoticed, which made everywhere I went so much more interesting and fascinating for me. I was just free to observe and enjoy without looking up the Latin names and all that other stuff which makes my brain hurt. Over the years, I’ve seen the magnificent palace gardens and flowering balconies of Europe, the desert landscapes of Morocco and the lush tropical environments and scented flowers of Hawaii and Mexico. Kenya and Tanzania offered such a wonderful variety of created and natural places. Everywhere in Nairobi, the streets were lined with beauti-

Gaia GardeninG margo westaway

ful bright red Flame and soft mauve Jacaranda trees, and it was there in a private garden that I saw my first 15-foot poinsettia tree and Kenya’s oldest bougainvillea plant, which had slowly wound its way up an evergreen tree, reaching a height of 60 feet with a trunk a foot wide. Just on the outskirts of the city, my host and I rode horses on bright orange clay soil under towering, silver-barked pepper trees, and wandered through the tea and coffee plantations. We also just happened to be there for the annual orchid show, whereby the club members had recreated, inside a small building, a perfect natural environment, complete with waterfalls, fallen logs and trickling streams. That was the first and only time I


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have ever breathed in the heavenly scent of an orchid. Something like the store-bought roses we buy, I suppose. We just recently returned home from my mom’s (and ours) bucket list trip in our motor home to the Grand, Zion and Bryce canyons, making our way there via northern California, Death Valley, Las Vegas and home through Montana, which was another feast for my eyes and nose. We picked some sweet ripe lemons off the small bush of my husband’s relatives in California, which were the exact colour of an orange. We wandered around their neighbourhood, observing the different kinds of palms, wispy pines and cacti, and noticed that a lot of the hedges and ground covers were rosemary, attracting hordes of bees. Death Valley National Park supported some very interesting life, despite the fact it is the

hottest place on earth. We stayed that night at a small campground just outside the park after a day of sightseeing in the already early March heat, and that middleof-nowhere place was surprisingly one of the highlights of the entire trip. It turned out to be a desert oasis, offering a fresh, warm springs pool to bask in, our site surrounded and shaded by tall palms and salt cedars. The weathered pines at the Grand Canyon, the incredible variety of foliage at Zion and the almost cartoon characteristics and colours of Bryce, all made the trip so memorable. Even if I’m just making a local trip not too far from home, I always try to notice everything that grows around me, both in nature and in people’s gardens. The world is an amazing place with lots to see, touch and smell. You don’t have to travel to far-away places to see the world. We have so

much to see right here, so don’t miss a thing.

Annual General Meeting Thurs. May 9th. 7:00 pm Upstairs in the Sicamous District Recreation Centre Everyone welcome!


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MAY 2013

GENERAL ELECTION Get ready to vote. In the 40 th Provincial General Election, British Columbia’s voters will vote for their Member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. BC Has More Ways to Vote All voters can:

Identification Rules for Voting Voters must prove their identity and current residential address to get a ballot or register to vote at the time of voting. Any one of the following pieces of identification is acceptable: • • • •

Vote in any district electoral office from now until 4 p.m. (Pacific time) on General Voting Day, Tuesday, May 14, 2013. Vote by Mail You can ask for a Vote by Mail package from your district electoral office or through the Elections BC website at elections.bc.ca Vote at advance voting Voters can attend any advance voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, May 8 through Saturday, May 11. All advance voting locations are wheelchair accessible. Vote on General Voting Day Voters can attend any general voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Pacific time), Tuesday, May 14, 2013.


Get our App for iPhones and iPads to find the closest voting place and for information you need to vote.

BC drivers licence BC identification card BC Services Card Certificate of Indian Status

Any Questions? For further information visit Elections BC’s website at elections.bc.ca or call toll-free 1-800-661-8683.

If you don’t have any of the above, bring two documents that together prove your identity and current residential address. A complete list of acceptable identification is available from Elections BC. Voters without identification can be vouched for by a voter in their electoral district who has identification, or by a direct family member, or by someone who has legal authority to make personal care decisions for the voter.

Or, contact your district electoral office. Hours of operation Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The following persons have been nominated as candidates for Shuswap for the 40th Provincial General Election.

Shuswap Electoral District Candidate’s Name:

Financial Agent:

Official Agent:

Tom Birch BC Conservative Party

Susan Robinson 8431 70 Ave SW, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 3K2

Chris George Green Party of BC

Kristin McCallum 10 Edgar Rd, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 2Y2

Tyler Lawtey 1938 Pullin Rd RR 1, Sorrento, BC, V0E 2W1

Steve Gunner BC NDP

Ronald Harries 2415 5 Ave NE, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 1Y9

Richard Enns 2415 5 Ave NE, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 1Y9

Greg Kyllo BC Liberal Party

Terry Marriott 2090 22 St NE, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 3E5

Johanna Zalcik Advocational Party

Anne Filippone 3944 Cascade Dr, Vernon, BC, V1T 9E7

General Voting Places:

Advance Voting Places:

District Electoral Offices: 315 Ross St NE Salmon Arm, BC (250) 833-7400

Desert Cove Rec Centre 1 St N, Vernon, BC

Lakeview Centre 7703 Squilax-Anglemont Rd, Anglemont, BC

Seymour Arm Comm Hall 1306 Seymour Arm Bay Rd, Seymour Arm, BC

Armstrong Centennial Hall 3305 Pleasant Valley Rd, Armstrong, BC

Eagle Bay Comm Hall 4326 Eagle Bay Rd, Eagle Bay, BC

Malakwa Comm Hall 4118 Community Hall Rd, Malakwa, BC

Shaw Centre 2600 10 Ave NE, Salmon Arm, BC

Downtown Activity Centre 451 Shuswap St SW, Salmon Arm, BC

Enderby Senior’s Centre 1101 George St, Enderby, BC

North Canoe Comm Hall 7210 51 St NE, Salmon Arm, BC

Shuswap Lake Estates 2405 Centennial Dr, Blind Bay, BC

Enderby Senior’s Centre 1101 George St, Enderby, BC

Falkland Senior’s Hall 97 Hwy, Falkland, BC

North Shuswap Comm Hall 5447 Celista Park Rd, Celista, BC

Silver Creek Comm Hall 3048 Hornsberger Rd, Silver Creek, BC

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Hall 705 Cherry Ave, Sicamous, BC

Gleneden Comm Hall 4901 50 Ave NW, Salmon Arm, BC

Notch Hill Town Hall 1639 Notch Hill Rd, Notch Hill, BC

Sorrento Memorial Hall 1148 Passchendaele Rd, Sorrento, BC

Sorrento Memorial Hall 1148 Passchendaele Rd, Sorrento, BC

Grandview Bench Hall 607 Grandview Bench Rd, Salmon Arm, BC

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Hall 705 Cherry Ave, Sicamous, BC

Sunnybrae Senior’s Centre 3595 Sunnybrae-Canoe Pt Rd, Sunnybrae, BC

Grindrod Rec Hall 6920 Young St, Grindrod, BC

Ranchero-Deep Creek Fire Hall 9505 97B Hwy, Salmon Arm, BC

White Lake Rec Centre 3617 Pari Rd, White Lake, BC

Hassen Memorial Hall 3375 Pleasant Valley Rd, Armstrong, BC

Riverside Comm Hall 3784 Trinity Valley Rd, Ashton Creek, BC

Kingfisher Comm Hall 3337 Enderby Mabel Lake Rd, Kingfisher, BC

Scotch Creek-Lee Creek Fire Hall 3852 Squilax-Anglemont Rd, Scotch Creek, BC

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Felurian Grove Music Festival

Sicamous stings Okanagan teams The Twin Anchors Peewee Stingers girls softball team is off to a hot start in Okanagan Girls softball league play. After intensive, twice-a-week practising for the last month, the Sicamous girls played Vernon in their first league game on Tuesday, April 23 in Vernon. Sicamous pitcher Niah Laroy was dominant in her two innings of pitching, striking out six batters and holding Vernon to three runs. Madison Dewitt came in to pitch the rest of the game, and proceeded to strike out five Vernon batters and did not allow any runs. The offence was led by Tiffany Sigvaldason, with a great hit, and Alyssa Clark with a beautiful bunt to start the offence rolling. Final score: Sicamous 18, Vernon 3. On Thursday, April 25, the Stingers again

travelled to Vernon, this time to play Kelowna. Sicamous pitcher Madison Dewitt was untouchable with six strikeouts, and didn’t allow any hits in two innings of pitching. Julia Wilby came in to pitch next and struck out six batters as well, and allowed four runs. The offence was led by Niah Laroy with two hits, Jordanne Carr had a double and Kaitlyn Sherlock added a single. Final score: Sicamous 15, Kelowna 4. The Stingers attended the Kelowna Ice Breaker Tournament, April 27-28, and resume league play on Thursday, May 2 in Vernon. Their first home game will be on Thursday, May 9 in Sicamous at 6:30 p.m. in Finlayson Park, diamond #3. The community is invited to come out and cheer on the home team.

May 10, 11 & 12 Cedars Camp Ground in Malakwa

40 DJ’s! All ages welcome! Tickets $50 at the gate (includes camping)


Master Composter Recyclers are volunteers who know all about composting, recycling and how to reduce waste. They love to share what they know. Master Composter Recyclers: • complete a 1-day course • volunteer at least 35 hours



They promote the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. • Show co-workers how to grasscycle • Teach newcomers what to recycle • Give a presentation about reducing waste • Help a neighbour start a compost • Have a backyard compost party • Engage the public at community events BECOME A MASTER COMPOSTER RECYCLER

Firefighter support:

Sicamous volunteer firefighter Roger Taylor takes part in fire rescue exercises during the 2013 BC Firefighters Spring Seminar held over the weekend in Salmon Arm. More than 400 firefighters took part in the event. Photo by James Murray

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The CSRD is accepting applications for new volunteers and applicants will be contacted in June FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE WASTE REDUCTION FACILITATOR AT 250-833-5936 OR VISIT WWW.CSRD.BC.CA


B.C.’s best: Sicamous product Colby Sherlock was one of three Shuswap players selected for the Male U16 BC Cup at Shaw Centre, April 18 to 21. Those selected after the cup will be invited to a camp in Nanaimo in July. Photo by Cheryl Peterson

backyarD compoSTEr incEnTivE program



EacH Application must be in before May 24th, 2013

Cash or Cheque

If you have never composted or composted with an Earth machine, a 20 minute training session will be conducted when you pick up your composter

To obTain an applicaTion Form: Call 250-833-5936 1-888-248-2773, or go to www.csrd.bc.ca. Forms may be mailed, faxed, e-mailed or dropped off at the CSRD main office located at: 781 Marine Park Drive NE PO Box 978 Salmon Arm BC V1E 4P1 fax: 250-832-1083 e-mail: recycling@csrd.bc.ca

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, May 1, 2013


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The Shuswap was seriously impacted by flooding last spring. In 2004, the provincial government shifted the responsibility for flood hazard protection and management to local governments. In light of what happened here, should the responsibility for flood protection be returned to the province? Q & A:

Tom Birch


Young Liberals: Haydn and Ashur Gjaltema say hello to Christy Clark during the B.C. premier’s stop in Sicamous last Wednesday to tour TA Structures with BC Liberal Shuswap candidate Greg Kyllo. Photo by Lachlan Labere

Fifth candidate joins race for Shuswap

By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Putting a face to a fifth name on the ballot may be difficult for Shuswap residents when they vote May 14. According to Elections BC, Vernon resident Johanna Zalcik of the little-known Advocational International Democratic Party of B.C. (AID) will be competing against BC Conservative Tom Birch, Green Chris George, NDP Steve Gunner, and Liberal Greg Kyllo. Contacted by Black Press, Zalcik initially declined being interviewed, noting she is a private person. She did consent to answer a few questions by email: Q: Why did you decide to run as a candidate in Shuswap? A: My decision to run in the Shuswap is because I live here. Q: What are the major issues of concern for you? A: A major issue for me is care for the elderly; we need more homes. The elderly are waiting too long to get into long-term care. Q: What is your primary local issue of concern?

A: Schooling is another major issue, we need to teach financial literacy and functionality in our schools. Q: Can you please tell me a bit about yourself? A: Our family moved from Edmonton to the Vernon in 1989, where my husband retired, and I worked at the Bay We built a home in the Bella Vista area. four years ago we moved to Desert Cove, where I also retired. Asked what the AID party stands for, Zalcik provided a one page document containing the party’s platform. The document states, “We wish to reformulate standards for a new generation of young people by defining new educational metrics.” This includes pursuing: 1) a 5.5-day school week; 2) academic excellence with emphasis on financial literacy and functionality with a charitable endpoint; 3) active trading instruction utilizing simulated real-time trading platforms throughout brokerage houses; 4) business and business ethics; 5) sustainable agrology and animal husbandry; 6) resource management.

According to Elections BC, the AID party’s first financial report was in 2006, when it declared more than $1.8 million in assets. In 2007, the party received donations totalling close to $1.7 million from another relatively unheard-of party, the BC Patriot Party, whose founder Andrew Hokhold is from the Vernon area. The AID party failed to file a financial report with Elections BC for 2011. For 2012, however, the party declared more than $5 million in assets and a total income of $378,736. By comparison, in 2012 the BC NDP declared $3.2 million in assets, and an income of more than $7 million, and the BC Liberals $5.2 million in assets and an income of more than $10 million. In 2011, the Patriot party declared just under $50,000 in total assets, but more than $1 million in liabilities and $1.7 million in expenses. The Patriot Party has not named a candidate for the Shuswap, and last ran candidates in 2005 (Hockhold in the Shuswap and Tibor Tusnady in Vernon-Monashee).

Chris George Green

Steve Gunner NDP

Greg Kyllo


All insurance is based on averaging risk over a large sample. Flood protection is no different. For a community to manage it alone doesn’t work because most communities won’t flood but those that do will be overwhelmed by the cost. This should be managed at a provincial level so that the risk is averaged and the costs affordable.

About Tom Birch (Conservative): A project manager for a forestry software company, Birch lives in Salmon Arm. He has worked for a number of companies in the forest industry, and also has worked in Africa for a non-profit. He graduated from Trinity Western with a degree in communications.

Flooding in the Shuswap is a fact of life that will only get worse as climate change adds to the frequency and severity of these events. The province has a responsibility to look after forests, public roads and ultimately the responsibility for streams and the flooding that comes with the terrain we have in our riding.

About Chris George (Green): An entrepreneur, George has had a varied career managing restaurants and retail outlets. George also was a financial planner and technology consultant to small businesses. He is currently a student at Thompson Rivers University.

I believe that the province has abandoned its responsibility for flood protection and has unreasonably downloaded this significant cost to local governments. There are a number of aspects that must be considered in order to prevent and manage floods in occupied areas. Factors to consider include transportation corridors, fish habitat, and logged areas with all of the attendant terrain alterations, and it is not reasonable to expect local governments to orga-

nize and manage what is so clearly the work of the provincial government. I am committed to advocating for the province to take responsibility for community flood protection. About Steve Gunner (NDP): A farmer, Gunner is president of North Okanagan Poultry Processing Incorporated in Armstrong, which raises pasture-raised organically fed chicken and turkeys. He is also manager of the Armstrong Curling Club in the fall and winter.

Last spring’s flood in the Shuswap was tough for our community. This disaster damaged our infrastructure, weakened our economy, and dampened our spirits. In my own community of Sicamous, 350 people were evacuated. I was humbled, however, to see the efforts of residents in rebuilding our community. While the Shuswap must have a thorough emergency response plan in place, I will advocate for the continued assistance of the government’s

Emergency Management program. As your MLA, I will collaborate with the provincial government towards building a comprehensive plan for such crises in the future. About Greg Kyllo (Liberal): A Sicamous councillor, Kyllo is the president of Twin Anchors Marine Group, which operates luxury vacation houseboats, as well as TA Structures, a new venture in portable housing. He has lived in Sicamous for 35 years and studied at Okanagan College.


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BUD NAYLOR It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Bud Naylor surrounded by his family on the date of April 20th, 2013 at 6:35 pm. Born April 2nd, 1942, Bud will be missed by his wife Dora, sons Wayne, Ric, Ron, daughters Tracey, Bonnie, sisters Grace, Marg, Sonya and many nieces, nephew and grandchildren. Special thanks to all the family, friends and care aids who helped in the care of Bud to fulfill his final wishes. The knowledge he has passed on to the people around him as well as his sense of humour and thoughtfulness for his family will be missed. He will never leave our hearts and will always be with us and never forgotten. Dad will be in the heavens in the constellations of Virgo with his daughter Carol Lynn Naylor and the star she has named after her. Service to be held at a later date

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Full Time Seasonal Employment available for the Twin Anchors Houseboat Vacations Team


** Positions Available Immediately~Housekeeping Department ** Applicants may apply by email to dont@twinanchors.com or by Fax to 250-836-4824 Attention HR Manager or drop off your resume at 101 Martin Street, Sicamous, B.C. Our website at: www.twinanchors.com, provides job descriptions for these positions. Further jobs will be posted shortly and are listed on the same website. Only successful candidates will be contacted for interviews. **Please note that these positions are for the Sicamous location at this time.

Full Time Seasonal Employment available for the Twin Anchors Houseboat Vacations Team


** Positions Available Immediately~WELDER ** Applicant must have proven ability in welding aluminum as related to the houseboat industry Applicants may apply by email to dont@twinanchors.com Fax to 250-836-4824 Attention HR Manager or drop off your resume at 101 Martin Street, Sicamous, B.C. Only successful candidates will be contacted for interviews. **Please note that these positions are for the Sicamous location at this time.

Thank You

Thank You

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Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 12pm - 4pm Friday 10am-2pm Address: 1133 Parksville St. Parkland Mall, PO Box 113 Sicamous, BC V0E 2V0

Following the Recent Loss of Bud

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our family and friends for their constant support before and after Buds passing. We also want to thank the doctors and nurses and staff of Shuswap Lake General Hospital for their support, Dr. Bruegem, and Dr. Goplen, Neurosurgeon, Kelowna General Hospital for his accurate diagnosis and compassion during such a difficult time. We would like to thank all of the staff from Bastion Place that was responsible for Buds care during of eventsTheir care compassion, his Calendar final days. Find out what’s going on around town this month. support and expertise was outstanding Local news. he arrived to the moment fromReview the local second Breaking News he Visit left. Finally, our website to find out the latest local events thankColumns you to Jack Read what others have to say about what’s going on in the region. Bowers and Bowers Ph: 250-836-2570 EAGLE VALLEY Funeral Home for Fax: 250-836-2661 1133 Parksville St. their longstanding Parkland Ctr. support of the classifieds@eaglevalleynews.com RokoshEmail: family. Web: www.eaglevalleynews.com


Eagle Valley News Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Employment Professional/ Management PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR We are looking for a self-motivated Production Supervisor for our busy wood post manufacturing and treating facility in Princeton, BC. The successful candidate will be responsible for employee training and development, quality and cost control, production scheduling and safety. The ideal candidate will have a post-secondary degree or diploma in a related field. Minimum of 3-5 years supervisory experience in an industrial production operation, a post mill or wood production facility preferred. Must have a high degree of resourcefulness, flexibility and adaptability; and the ability to plan, organize, develop and interpret programs, goals, objectives, policies and procedures, etc. Good leadership skills, and excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a proven track record are required. Please email your resume to elizabeth@pwppost.com. For further information about our company visit our website at www.pwppost.com. Only those selected for interviews with be contacted.

Trades, Technical CONCRETE FINISHERS & Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Fax 780-444-9165, Jobs@RaidersConcrete.com GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209.


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Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Legal Services

Heavy Duty Machinery

Misc. for Sale


Suites, Upper

Auto Financing

STEEL BUILDING - Blowout clearance sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6,860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. Or visit us online at: www.pioneersteel.ca

NOVA SCOTIA’S Eastern Shore. Waterfront Lots for Sale Excellent Climate Near the Atlantic Ocean. Three Bedroom House for Sale or Rent Visit us online at: www.sawmilllanding.com or waterfront@bellaliant.net, call 1-902-522-2343 or 1-902-3284338.

SICAMOUS: 2BDRM basement $450/mo. + util., shared laundry, Shower. Table top burners or 2Bdrm house With 1/2 Acre Lot Full kitchen and 3pce bathroom $625/mo 425 Main Street across from Askew Mall, avail April 15 (604)836-7888

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Home Improvements FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed!

Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft Overnight Delivery in most of BC!



SCRAP PAPPY Will pay cash for oversized scrap steel, cats, yarders, saw mill equipment, farm equipment, etc. All insurance in place to work on your property. 250-260-0217

Misc. for Sale 40 FT HOUSEBOAT Pontoon, Aluminum fuel and septic tanks. (250)517-0244

AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions online at; www.bigirondrilling.com or Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.

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Merchandise for Sale

Auctions HUGE Food Equipment Sale Auction World, Kelowna- New from the manufacturer to auction block! Used from closed restaurants & bailiff seizures www.KwikAuctions.com or call 1-800-556-5945

Garage Sales MALAKWA Teen Centre Fund Raiser Yard Sale, Sat. May4, 10-3, BBQ, bake sale, silent auction at the Malakwa Gospel Church MOVING SALE: Solid wood dinette tbl. w/ 2 upholstered chairs, 2 upright book cases (5 shelves), 54” hide-a-bed, gray tones, 52x72 biege futon, and much more. May 4 & 5. 1418 Amhurst Rd, Sicamous.

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com

Real Estate

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at www.crownsteelbuildings.ca

Misc. Wanted COINS, Private Collector wanting to buy coins, tokens, medals. Canadian, US, Specialty Foreign. Collections, rolls, older bank bags of coins, special coins from safety deposit box, sets ect. Call Todd: 1-250-864-3521 PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.

Legal Notices Louisiana-Pacific

Quarters. I will pay $1 each for older 25¢. Loose, rolls, bags, ect. I will consider other coins as well. 1-778-932-2316 True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030



The amendment is to add an additional FDU (Forest Development Unit) called Malakwa South FDU to the FSP. The FDU encompasses portions of the Yard Creek, Griffin and Upper Mabel Lake areas in which harvesting, road construction and other forestry practices may take place over the next 5 year period. The draft plan will be available for public review at the LP’s Woodlands office from May 1, 2013 to July 1, 2013 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday, at 4872 Lybarger Rd. Malakwa, B.C., telephone 250-836-3100. In order to be considered for inclusion into the plan, written comments must be received by July 1, 2013 and should be addressed to Fernando Cocciolo RPF, Area Forest Manager, 4872 Lybarger Rd, Malakwa, B.C. V0E 2J0 Fernando.Cocciolo@LPCorp.com

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Review the latest local business, community & sports news in Eagle Valley News.

Recreational/Sale 2004 17’ Bigfoot trailer, dual 20lb. LP Tanks, dual 12V batteries, sleeps4, dinette bed 40”x78”, G.Bed 38”x70”, stored under roof, well maintained, view@ 709 Pine St. $17,500. obo (250)836-3512


Tenders LAND PARCEL sale by tender SW 17-28-29W1 RM of Shell River, MB. 80 acres. hay/pasture/bush for farm/recreation/acreage. Highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Closes May, 17, 2013. Call 204-937-7054 (Roy).

Homes for Rent

Legal Notices

is making available for viewing our Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) Amendment #4 for Forest Licence A18669 in the OkanaganShuswap Forest District.

Auto Financing Apt/Condo for Rent

Legal Notices

Cars - Domestic WWW.MILANINORMAN.COM 150+ USED CARS & TRUCKS!! 1-888-534-4745 A+ BBB RATED

1 BDRM. SUITE on Riverside Ave, Sicamous. Avail. immediately. $550/mo. plus util. Ph. 250-517-0244. 2 BDRM. APT. in Sicamous. NP, NS. $650/mo. plus DD. 250-804-3485. 3 bdrm. APT. SICAMOUS Avail. immediately. $600/mo. incl. utilities. 250-517-0244.

SPRUCE tree SALE! Starting @ $69.-6’ft, Larger sizes available, 50 tree minimum order. Perfect for front yard, wind or privacy hedge. Call 1-778-436-8776 or email mk1786@telus.net


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3BDRM home in Sicamous, 3 car garage, close to school, NP, NS, $1200/mo + util. (250)804-3485 4 BDRM. 2.5 BATHS, house located in a rural setting. C/w washer/dryer. 250-836-4556. 4bdrm home, $800 + utils. Also 3bdrm home $700 + utils. 2bdrm $600.+utils. All in Malakwa area. 250-836-2907, 250-309-0975 SM. 2 BDRM. TRAILER ON private lot with garden area. $500/mo. plus utilities. Ph. 250-836-2082.

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Legal Notices

Legal Notices

APPLICATION FOR PESTICIDE USE Application Number: 402-0662-13/15

The Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO) has submitted a Pesticide Use Permit (PUP) application under the Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulation for the use of the pesticide rotenone (Noxfish Fish Toxicant) to rehabilitate “Larch Lake” (1 hectare) and connecting tributary Larch Hills Creek (5km). The purpose of this pesticide rehabilitation is to eradicate illegally introduced non native yellow perch. Complete eradication will ensure no downstream movement of fish effectively working to protect the native Thompson/Shuswap ecosystem. Pesticide Application – boat dispersal, backpack sprayers, drip stations. Pesticides proposed for use: Trade Name Noxfish Fish Toxicant

Active Ingredient Rotenone

PCP# 14558

The term for this PUP application is for the period: Sept. 1st, 2013 to Nov. 1st, 2015 The Pesticide Use Permit application and maps may be viewed at the FLNRO regional office at: 1259 Dalhousie Drive, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5Z5 For information about this application or office location, please contact: Andrew Klassen Phone: (250) 371-6237 Fax: (250) 828-4000 andrew.klassen@gov.bc.ca A person wishing to contribute information about the treatment site for the evaluation of this permit application must send copies of the information to both the applicant at the address above and the administrator under the Integrated Pest Management Act within 30 days of the publication of this notice at: 102 Industrial Place, Penticton BC, V2A 7C8


NEW NEWS • Phone: 250-836-2570 • Fax 250-836-2661 1133 Parksville St., Parkland Centre Sicamous www.eaglevalleynews.com

A12 www.eaglevalleynews.com

Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Eagle Valley News




No rain-checks or layaways. No in-store accounts. Cash or debit/credit cards only.

534 Main Street, Sicamous B.C. Hours: 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Saturday. 10 am to 2 pm Sunday.

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