Kitimat Northern Sentinel, May 01, 2013

Page 1


Volume 58 No. 18









Work camp town hall draws crowd The vision of Kitimat’s future is effectively what was up for debate, as crowds converged on Mount Elizabeth Theatre to voice their opinion on proposed work camps within the District of Kitimat. Well over 100 people attended the District of Kitimat town hall, established to address a concern in the community over whether or not people want high-density worker accommodations in town, and more specifically downtown. Stuck in the centre of the debate is the PTI Group, the company which has bought and is in the process of buying land in the Strawberry Meadow’s subdivision with the intention of building what they dub a ‘work lodge’ to eventually house up to 2,100 people. But their proposed location is just east of the hospital, effectively abutting the downtown core, which has some people worried. At nearly two hours of conversation and comments, it appeared the majority of those who spoke didn’t have any concern with the PTI Group itself or a work lodge within town necessarily, but many took exception to the location, and others wanted to ensure the town was taking into consider- “The camp just is in the wrong place.” ation all other factors, “I think as a community we want to be such as how sewage careful. We don’t want a ton of vacant would be handled with properties.” such a development. “I am a construc- “I don’t want to see stuff destroyed just tion worker, I am part of to have economic progress.” the community of Kitimat,” said one town hall participant who had concern with the location. “We will deal with nothing but traffic, traffic, traffic.” He later added, “The camp just is in the wrong place.” Another member of the public said economic gain shouldn’t be the prime factor when talking development. “I don’t want to see stuff destroyed just to have economic progress,” she said, adding she wants a community she feels comfortable in, with people she knows. More comments covered issues such as needing a second crossing of the Kitimat river to questions on how infrastructure would be handled with the proposed lodge. One retiree who recently moved to Kitimat said the town should consider slowing down and considering development thoughtfully, suggesting there was no rush to bring everything to town at once. “These companies are not coming here because they love Kitimat, they’re coming because of the sea port,” he said. “Lets build something we can all be proud of.” However, there was some optimism as well. One long-time Kitimat resident, who said he recently signed for some acreage in Strawberry Meadows himself, is worried that the town, by turning down PTI, would be saying no to more development. “For the first time in years I went into our mall and I saw something, you guys should check this out; there are stores in there,” he said. “Now we have a situation where someone wants to set up a tax-based business in this community and instead of something positive for this community, there’s nothing but negative.” He admits being a reluctant Terrace shopper, and said if the town constantly turns things away, the “Alcan dollars” will continue to be spent out of town. Continued on page 2

Wednesday, May 1, 2013



Nechako Elementary Philanthropy students, as well as documentary filmmakers from Beyond Boarding, take to the Kitimat River to clean up litter.

Nechako students keep the river’s shore clean Students from Nechako Elementary School’s Philanthropy Club took to the banks of the Kitimat River on April 25 to clean up its litter. The event was to coincide with the national Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up, a national program which has run since 2002 and is an effort between the Vancouver Aquarium and the World Wildlife Federation. The students took to collecting and recording litter on the shores of the river just beyond the Giant Spruce tree. The students may receive a little extra notoriety from their efforts than they expected. A chance meeting between Nechako teacher Pat Mouland and travelling environmental documentarians means some video of the clean up may eventually make it into a documentary slated for an October release. The group, called Beyond Boarding, has sent a small group of surfers and snowboarders on a tour of the province in a modified small school bus, which has been retrofitted to run on used vegetable oil. Proving such an engine still has its kinks, the bus broke down the day before while they were in the Overwaitea parking lot, but that’s when

Mouland found them, and asked them to participate in the river clean up, an offer which they gladly accepted. Jasper Snow Rosen, one of the Beyond Boarding filmmakers, said their trip is to highlight some of the dangers of natural gas extraction, while also promoting alternative fuels. In the case of their vegetable oil bus, he admits that may not be a mass solution to fossil fuels but it was important to show there are options. “We’re checking out different sustainable farms and other places that are doing things that are helping the environment,” he explained. Rosen said it was important to look at Kitimat on this trip because of all the proposed projects for the area. “When you look at eastern B.C. where they’re actually extracting the fuel, the fracking is polluting all the groundwater,” he said. The group had actually wanted to do some school presentations when the opportunity to help clean the river came along. The group has been to Vancouver Island, the sacred headwaters and they do plan to hit northeastern B.C. before they’re done.


Meet your Skeena candidates ... page 3

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Town hall Continued from page 1 Kitimat Chamber of Commerce president Derick Stinson said a balanced approach is needed, and said the camp is a realistic option to handle additional people. “I think as a community we want to be careful. We don’t want a ton of vacant properties,” he said about developing permanent homes instead of temporary housing. “We need to be realistic with the type of infrastructure we have in place.” An employee of Strawberry Meadows developer Jack Oviatt spoke as well, reading aloud a letter written by Oviatt, who couldn’t at-

tend in person. Oviatt’s letter was largely the same as a recent presentation he gave to Kitimat Council. (Sentinel, April 10, page 3.) At that meeting Oviatt said he was very comfortable with the plans by the PTI Group for their lodge. Tina Perreira also spoke in favour of the plan. Identifying herself as one of two partners working to open a Mr. Mikes restaurant in town, she said businesses could prosper with operations like the lodge. The town hall was a venue to gather feedback. Kitimat Council had not at the time considered any bylaws for

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13 14 15 16 17 18 19



Rain (mm)


13 12 13 13 8 7 12

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There was a healthy attendance of community members at last week’s town hall meeting regarding temporary work camps within the District of Kitimat. readings and only has an application from PTI Group so far. When by-

laws do come before the council a public hearing will eventually be

scheduled for on the record comments, ahead of any policy decisions.


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Skeena riding’s candidates outline their election priorities this year

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 2013 3

Sewage disposal bylaw

At the April 15 regular council meeting councillors passed three readings to a sewage disposal charges amendment bylaw. The changes would affect dwelling units in undeveloped subdivisions which are not serviced by a cooking facility. It means, per unit, a property owner would have to pay $300, money that will be collected kitimat at the building permit stage of development. The memo to counheated cillors from staff notes self serve that the reduction from storage units an initial $1,000 fee is Sizes from in advance of “the an8’x8’x10’ to 12’x 27’x10’ ticipated large number of such dwelling units 250-632-6934 being built in the com414 enterprise ave. ing years.”

With the writ dropped, the 2013 election season for B.C. is officially underway. Our Skeena riding has four candidates as of press time. The fourth candidate, the British Columbia Party’s Trevor Hendry, was a late arrival to the race, and unfortunately we had no chance to connect with him ahead of our press deadline. Meanwhile the other three candidates are incumbent Robin Austin, representing the NDP government; the BC Liberals’ Carol Leclerc; and the BC Conservatives’ Mike Brousseau. We spoke to them to overview what it is they stand for and how they envision the province under their governments. Robin Austin Austin is promising that when it comes to the major Liquefied Natural Gas projects slated for the north, the NDP government is not against them, but will approach such deRobin Austin at the opening of his office at the Upper City velopments with a higher level of care. “We have to take care of the fracking issue, we have to Centre. take care of the greenhouse gas emissions,” said Austin. Open your windows and doors He said on LNG that he doesn’t expect, in the end, to be and let the fresh air circulate as many LNG projects going forward as proposed. through out your home. “I can’t see us having five or six LNG plants in the northwest of B.C.” Much of the pollutions in our home Austin promised to run his election in the way that BC come from evaporation of VOC (volatile NDP leader Adrian Dix had, which was to go with positives organic compounds). These can consist and not spend time on attack ads and negativity. of ‘off gas’ from cleaning supplies, air Among the issues facing the riding, he listed off Enfresheners, paint, wallpaper, carpeting bridge’s Northern Gateway Pipelines proposal, the affect of or home decorating items. the HST, and inequality, meaning the growing gap between After a long winter, spring is a great time the wealthy and the poor. “Even here [Kitimat], poverty is a huge issue.” to let the fresh air in and the dirty air out. Skills training also heads up his priorities, saying that an NDP government would put a financial capital tax on banks and credit unions to fund post-secondary training. “Why didn’t we spend the last 10 years upgrading the Carol Leclerc, centre, with supporters at her ‘open office’ skills of the local population so they could take many of inside the Lower City Centre. these jobs?” he asked. Carol Leclerc Mike Brousseau The Liquefied Natural Gas industry is top of mind for Have a government with integrity is crucial for Mike Brousthe Liberal candidate. seau, who’s running for the B.C. Conservatives Leclerc says that when considering the big issues facing He said he’s running on a platform of five key areas: commuthe riding in this election, LNG tops them all. nity, economy, education, health care and integrity. “Liquefied natural gas has got to be on top. He said integrity is the most important from Number one, number one,” she said. that list. She spoke about attending the LNG ConferHe said he has not enjoyed at all what he calls ence in Vancouver earlier this year and was “blown rhetoric which has come from current politicians away” by how much people from around the world and leaders. were talking about Kitimat. As for the biggest issue in politics these days, “I don’t think that we realize, living in the he says it’s corruption. northwest, the significance of the LNG opportuni“The biggest issue is corruption in governties for Kitimat and for Prince Rupert,” she said. ment,” he said, pointing to high costs for the InRevenue sharing will be what comes from surance Company of B.C., and what he describes these projects for the people in the region, she said. as the bankrupting of BC Hydro. “There’s a lot of capital debt that’s happenHe feels the government hasn’t been doing its ing across Canada,” she said, and projects like this job, which includes protecting citizens from forwill help with covering that gap. eign control. For example there are needed expansions for The high cost of the Northwest Transmission the local hospital, to account for an aging populaLine is another area he has problems with. tion. Mike Brousseau “We have the high voltage line going from She suggested money from these projects Terrace to the north,” he said. would also flow to benefit things such as Kitimat’s “What is it going to cost when it’s all said ice arenas. and done?” She said that both the Liberal and the NDP governHe said estimates he hears keeps going higher. ment want to get royalties and revenues from LNG, but the Brousseau points to his track record to prove he’s someone difference is that the NDP would tax right away, while the who can accomplish much for the riding. Liberals would allow the companies breathing room to get “If you look at my track record, I’m an open, honest business established in the first place before collecting. man who serves the community,” he said. Under an NDP government, she said, companies may be “I don’t rule over people like some government’s dictate.” hesitant to set up or turn away all-together. He wants a government that knows there is more to the prov“It’s going to give LNG an opportunity to get its feet on ince beyond the town of Hope. the ground.” “My motto is I’m the only hope for the north,” he said. “I ask She said there is so much opportunity in B.C. right now and “we certainly don’t want to change horses in mid- questions, I find out, I do stuff. I’m not a couch potato.” stream.”

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Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that Ledcor-Haisla Ltd. Partnership from Vancouver, BC, have applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO), Smithers, BC, for a Light Industrial Temporary Permit situated on Provincial Crown land located ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN LAND IN THE VICINITY OF BISH CREEk, RANgE 4 COAST DISTRICT, CONTAININg 24.79 HECTARES, mORE OR LESS. The Lands File for this application is 6408556. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Coast Mountains Land Officer, MFLNRO, at Suite 200-5220 Keith Ave., Terrace, BC V8G 1L1. Comments will be received by FLNRO by June 13, 2013. FLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the website at http://www.arfd. for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Office in Smithers, BC.

4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email • KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $44.39 Senior $39.99 Mail: out of town or business $64.39. Includes tax.

Some creativity may be needed to see benefits In keeping with the format from last Tuesday’s town hall meeting, I feel I should begin by expressing my appreciation of construction workers. In fact some of my favourite houses were built by construction workers. Now that that’s out of the way, I enjoyed the opportunity to digest the comments from last week’s town hall meeting. Was also keen on reaching out to the mayor in Fort Nelson following a remark by a resident at the meeting. Mayor Bill Streeper had, at a time passed, been a speaker at a panel, and said back then work camps wouldn’t be allowed within his municipality. Taken all together there’s a great wealth of opinion and information about work camps, and what role they play in a town. I have to admit that I’m still not opposed to the idea of it so close to town, despite a large number of people who clearly disagree with me. I do think it’s fair to point out that I live on Lahakas Boulevard, so me and my family would be just a few hops from the proposed work lodge by PTI Group. Clearly there’s an infrastructure element that needs to be addressed, such as water and sewage, electricity, and others, but that is a problem that would face even residential subdivision development. This proposed lodge would just be, admittedly, a highly concentrated development. Now the question is, would a camp so close to town benefit the businesses? Would that offset any potential social issues? Some say no, including Bill Streeper, who has a lot of history with the work camp environment. Perhaps I’m just being a stubborn mule but I feel opportunity still exists. And even if we don’t see a large rush of 2,100 people coming into town to eat at a restaurant or shop in our stores, I still think there is hope for improved business. Could a local stationary store provide paper and pens for the lodge’s residents and staff? Could a local coffee shop sell some of their baked products in the facility’s food court? Can the golf course sign up 2,100 people on a bulk membership rate? These are just ideas, but even if the workers won’t come into town as some argue, what’s stopping our businesses from going to them? Kitimat’s quality of life is practically unmatched in B.C., which is why I was so happy to move back last year. I know the feeling of wanting to know who are neighbours are. But at the same time I also don’t want Kitimat to wait to take advantage of its potential. I want a place open to new businesses and ideas. If the alternative might be nothing for us, we should see how we can do something, not ensure that we can’t. Cameron Orr

The speed of modern information Under Miscellaneous There’s differences between Canada and the United States when it comes to the rule of law and reaction to terrorism plots, current, past or future. Both countries express the by Allan Hewitson principle of “innocent, until proven guilty.” But in 2013, with the shadows of accompanying principles prior to and during the heavily-bilinof freedom of information competing with the incredible ability of the gual press conference. CBC and CTV internet to provide extensive informa- and other media covered the conference tion virtually instantly, there arises the live and have been “on the case” dogquestion of what the police and the gedly and continuously ever since. The authorities at the time, and Canadian courts can really do to keep since, would not discuss the nationmaterial matters protected - including alities of the two accused and at time facts, fiction and social media exchangof writing, to my knowledge, still had es relating to possible evidence in an not made this information available in alleged crime. I thought of this as I watched the court or elsewhere. Had I missed watching the live hours of the myriad of developments in the aftermath of the Boston marathon press conference, I would not have bombing and then tuned in to the pecu- missed very much for very long, othliar joint RCMP, FBI, CSIS (and other er than the “heart-warming” mutual authorities) press conference to an- admiration society display of verbal nounce the thwarting of an alleged Al- back-slapping and the exchange of selfQaeda inspired and supported terrorist congratulations among the people who conspiracy to attack and derail a Via are paid in North America to defend the Rail train somewhere between Toronto populace against terrorist activities. That’s not to put them down, it’s and New York State. just a reflection of a level of irritation Details of the scant material to be at the amount of time spent on politipresented at the press conference was already available from many sources cally-correct glad-handing and repetion the Internet (and elsewhere on TV) tive thanking one another for doing

their jobs, compared to the amount of time spent advising the public of details of a possible plot which might have seen many innocent rail travellers endangered. Within a day, I was able to identify for myself the national origins of the two men, one from Montreal and one from Toronto, facing the numerous conspiracy and terrorism charges, from various reports emanating from non-Canadian sources. I was also able to learn a lot more about the individual lives, beliefs and backgrounds of the two from their friends, neighbours, family and others lining up to provide information and opinions to TV cameras and reporters across Canada and overseas. Now, despite the fact that nothing has been proved in court about the charges against the surviving Chechnya-born brother allegedly involved in the Boston Marathon terrorism bombing and subsequent murder, carjacking and shootout with a massive police presence, that left the younger brother fighting for his life in the same Boston hospitals as critically-injured victims of the Marathon bombing attack he has been charged with, I wager most North Americans, have no doubt about his guilt and eventual conviction. Continued on page 5

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Sarah Campbell Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Tracey Keohane Ad Assistant Publisher Editor Classifieds/Administration

Magda Machula Flyer Distribution

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 2013 5

Students from St. Anthony’s school line up for a photo following a presentation at a Kitimat council meeting. Students at the school collected their pennies and held a bake sale as a fundraiser for the Kitimat Food Share. Together the school raised $600.

Be an informed voter this year Dear Sir, The March 27 Terrace Standard on the “Mail Bag” page had two interesting articles, Mr. Gregg’s and Mr. Baxter’s. (Editor’s note: Malcolm Baxter’s same column ran in the Sentinel on the same date.) I believe they were intended also to inform the public on B.C. politics, which is good. However, there are many changes in the past 35 years in politics, population’s age (many last election were only 14-yearsold) and migration.

In my opinion, election information for all concerned is the responsibility of media to give us unbiased, detailed and balanced reports, all parties and its leaders competing for the leadership of this province, their achievements, and screw ups. Their vision of British Columbia for the next 50 years. Not their pension and party politics. And most importantly are they prepared to bring back the principal and character into politics? Sadly the information is pro-

paganda today, provided by the political parties and media and offers very little to the electorate in order to make a sound choice. Especially those who do not follow our politics regularly. Today in Canadian politics some parties, I believe, lack vision, principal and character. They do not use the Canadian flag at their gatherings, while others try to resurrect themselves by name. Voter beware: a wolf changes only its fur, not its nature. Sincerely, Leon Dumstrey-Soos


The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed. Unsigned letters will not be considered. Address your letters to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 E-mail: or Fax: (250) 639-9373

Canada’s Equestrian University-Preparatory High School for Girls

Refinery is not development Dear Sir, Re: Chinese bank signs on to refinery plan [posted 18 April]. Mr. Black’s proposal would seem to fit nicely with the Right Honourable Stephen’s plan to keep Canadians in their traditional ‘place’ in the world — hewers of wood and drawers of water (to which we can now add ‘pump handle repairmen’). We are not looking at ‘development’ here, at

least not in terms of human development. Mr. Black promises that “Chinese companies will be involved in the engineering and construction of the refinery which, if the project proceeds as planned, will be manufactured elsewhere and shipped to Kitimat for onsite assembly”. In other words, for Canadians, a Fossil Future. God bless us, every one. Sincerely, John How


Modern information Continued from page 4 The likelihood of this accused being released on bail, if he survives his injuries, is infinitesimal. In Canada, where allegations concern conspiracy and planning (but no actual terrorist action) dates are already being set for bail hearings, long before we have even heard specifics of the allegations against the two men arrested or any further information about the international nature of the plan, which of course is being denied by the accused.

I guess this is not seen to be unusual, and of course debate rages. Meanwhile, the Tunisian born Montreal accused, Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, also made it clear in a self-requested statement to the court, he feels charges under the criminal code are really not applicable in his case since they do not come from a Holy book. Now there’s a good starting point for a prosecution. He was warned by the Judge to be careful what he said. It’s going to be a long summer.









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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 2013

COMING Revitalization bylaw EVENTS almost ready to adopt April 25 ART CLUB of Kitimat meets at 7 p.m. in Room 403 at MESS. Rock painting: Bring rock, acrylic paints, brushes. May 2 The Kitimat Seniors branch 129 will hold their monthly meeting at 1 p.m. at the Seniors Centre. May 4 Kitimat Hospice Palliative Care Association is holding the Hike For Hospice Fundraiser. Starts at the Riverlodge Meeting Room. 9:00 am Registration, 9:30 am Run. Short 3k with leader or 5k with leader. For a pledge form call Rosella at 250632-2278. May 4 Kitimat Public Library’s Free Comic Book Day. Pick up your two free comics anytime between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Ongoing Do you communicate with confidence? From public speaking, presentations to general conversation, Toastmasters will strengthen your communications skills and boost your confidence. Nechako Toastmasters meets the first and third Thursdays of the month, 7:15 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Guests are always welcome. Contact Christine Anacleto for more info at 250639-9397. THE KITIMAT GIRL GUIDES urgently need new leaders for the local groups. For more info call Lois at 250632-3446 or Nancy at 250-632-0135. More on page 9

Cameron Orr The final adoption of a Revitalization Tax Exemption bylaw hit a slight delay after councillors questioned some of the content. After months of discussion on the bylaw, which would give a break on taxes for the increased values of properties following renovations, there were a few questions regarding the dates used in the wording.

Corinne Scott questioned why the terms of the bylaw stated, for instance, that if a property receives a certificate before October 31, 2013, that the tax exemption would start in the 2016 calendar year, and so on. Instead of pursuing the questioning at the meeting though, councillors opted to vote for staff to return with a report on the bylaw with clarification on the dates.

Cullen questions feds In a press release sent out on April 22, Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen said that the federal government is falling short in protecting the environment. The release came as Cullen finished his questioning of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Environment Canada, during review proceedings for the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline project. He said those two departments are failing “in two of its primary and essential duties to consult Canadians, and to scrutinize potential impacts.” His release says that through cross-examinations the Fisheries and Oceans department had not consulted First Nations or commercial users of fisheries to understand the possible effects of an oil spill in the region. The Joint Review Panel, hearing arguments for the pipeline, are in Prince Rupert until May 18, hearing final arguments and questions before deliberating on the project.

Top three speech winners, (left to right) Reg Barnes, Laura Ross and Rob Boyce.

The toast of the town

The local Nechako Toastmasters group hosted a speech and evaluation competition at the Kitimat General Hospital recently. The event drew in participants from all over the region, from as far as Smithers. In the speech contest, participants were given free range of potential subjects.

Laura Ross from Terrace took first place, which meant she got a ticket to attend higher level competitions. In second place is Kitimat’s Reg Barnes, the local Toastmasters’ president. Third place went to Smithers speaker Rob Boyce. Results from the evaluation competition were not immediately known.

Job statistics

The Kitimat Employment Centre, which runs under the banner of the Kitimat Community Services Society, raised $526 which they handed over to the Kitimat Community Humane Society. The money, which will help pay for things such as pet food and animal transfers, was raised by staff donations on Fridays, their ‘fee’ for wearing jeans that day. Each year staff will choose a non-profit organization or charity to donate the money too. From left to right is Geraldine LaHue, Maryann Ouellet (humane society manager), and Lesley Nunes.

The number of people working in the northwest dropped slightly in March compared to February, reports Statistics Canada. The agency says there were 39,500 people working in March, a drop of 300 from February’s total of 39,800. An increase in the number of jobless people, from 3,200 in February to 3,500 in March helped push the unemployment rate to 8.2 per cent from 7.4 percent. The labour force, defined as the number of people working or looking for work, dropped from 43,000 in February to 42,900 in March. Overall employment in British Columbia was down 15,000, offsetting most of an increase experienced in February, indicated Statistics Canada, pushing up the provincial unemployment rate to 7 per cent. Compared with 12 months earlier, employment in the province was little changed, said the agency. A year ago in the northwest, the labour force stood at 45,900 with 40,500 people working and 5,400 people not working in March 2012, a factor that pegged the unemployment rate at 11.8 per cent. The northwest continues to have the highest unemployment rate in the province with the next highest being the lower mainland and the Thompson/Okanagan, tied at 7.1 per cent.

Kitimat seeks a bigger slice of an annual grant Councillors discussed a community grant at their last Committee of the Whole meeting, and resolved to write a letter to the Ministry of Health and the Minister of State for Seniors asking for more money. The grant comes from the Better at Home program, and Kitimat and Terrace jointly received $100,000. The goal of the program, according to a Kitimat staff memo to

councillors, is to help seniors continue to live independently in their own homes. That is accomplished by providing non-medical assistance with daily activities, such as housekeeping and getting rides to appointments. The program is managed by the United Way, which distributes the money to non-profit services in the awarded communities.

The program will run for oneand-a-half years, meaning Terrace and Kitimat are in line for $150,000 total. But the town noticed that some communities actually get 100 per cent of a grant, without having to share with other communities. “As northern communities, the needs of both towns are potentially greater than southern, urban neigh-

bourhoods due to weather, isolation and medical travel concerns,” states the staff memo to councillors. As the program has not identified the final communities to take part, staff believes there was still time to apply for individual funding. The United Way’s community developer for the area will be recommending which organizations should get the funds.


Every dollar spent does the work of $5

Market analysts say a dollar spent at a local business will circulate five times in the local community.

A dollar spent out of town is gone forever!

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 2013 7

One resident has a different town vision A long-time resident of Kitimat wants to see the PTI Group work lodge move further away from residential areas, which he says would, among other things, allow for future developments of the downtown retail sector. Bill Kearley, who spoke to the Sentinel ahead of a presentation made to councillors at the April 22 Committee of the Whole meeting, would also like to see a light industry area on the east side of the Kitimat River, across from the old Methanex site, which would in that scenario become, essentially, a second Service Centre. There are a lot of components to his vision. Moving the lodge would take away some people’s concerns that the lodge is too close to existing housing, as well as freeing up the land east of the hospital to provide more space for small business; land which is in short supply currently, said Kearley. Kearly also freely admits he’s not a fan of having the lodge “in his back yard.” A crucial aspect to his plan would be the construction of an additional road which would bypass Haisla Boulevard, taking heavy traffic from near the top of Kitamaat Village Road, behind the Kildala neighbourhood, to the river,

where, he said, a second river crossing could be built. Having the existing Haisla Bridge and Boulevard handling the potential traffic that could come to Kitimat could be a “disaster waiting to happen,” he told councillors. “The infrastructure we have in town, in some senses, is completely inadequate,” he earlier told the Sentinel. Kearley feels that installing the lodge where they want would restrict further land developments for the town’s business potential. “We can’t be choking off the business sector of the town,” he said. Kearley also proposes that a large swath of land on the east side of a proposed new crossing would allow for light industry development. He believes land will be challenging to come by to expand the current Service Centre because of the land needs for several proposed pipelines, including all the LNG supply pipes, as well as proposed oil pipelines and fuel pipelines from the proposed Kitimat Clean refinery. Kearley has taken his ideas about a potential road and relocation of PTI’s lodge to Jack Oviatt, the land developer who owns Strawberry Meadows and who

sold the land to PTI Group, and Kearley said the discussion did go well. Reached for comment, Oviatt said that Kearley’s ideas are good, but he has little confidence his suggestions will be implemented anytime soon. “Without the bypass road in place, I would never recommend that PTI move,” said Oviatt, adding he’s had conversations with the District of Kitimat about that idea, and said he was told that a bypass road wouldn’t happen. “If we move PTI deeper into my subdivision and there is no access across the river, all we’ve done is put PTI deeper into a residential subdivision, which I don’t want,” he said. He also says business land development isn’t in that parcel’s future even without PTI’s presence. “The area proposed now will not be City Centre expansion. If PTI doesn’t come, then we’re gonna go ahead with a 36-lot subdivision in that location,” said Oviatt.


Where the real money is

The mayor of the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality has seen first hand the effects of work camps in a community. So when asked for his thoughts in regards to the proposals facing Kitimat, he warns the benefits are unlikely to materialize for local businesses. The Sentinel sought Bill Streeper out after a resident at last week’s work camp town hall meeting recalled hearing a set of speakers from a few years back, which included Streeper. She said Streeper, talking of development and expansion, told the attendees that his community absolutely did not let large work camps into Fort Nelson. Streeper confirms that is his perspective. “The value for the community out of this [local camps] compared to the deficit to the community was vast. They carried no value,” he said. He spoke primarily of industry-created work camps rather than worker accommodation companies such as PTI Group. “When camps of this size are too close to the community they carry too many social prob-

lems,” he continued. He used the example of a large group of men all deciding to go to the bar at once to have beers, with the potential for things like fights to break out. But is there benefit to the community beyond liquor establishments? Not from temporary workers, he says. “You get a lot of the retailers say ‘no, we want the business.’ Well, there is no business. They’re not going to town shopping, they’re not buying a gift for their wife or girlfriend back home,” he said. He said his community has accepted smaller scale accommodations for local companies who need a place to house their workers when no other place is available. But with local companies it’s easier to deal with them if there are issues, and their accommodations don’t run higher than about 50 typically. So what’s the solution? Focus on the permanent workers. Continued on page 9

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8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 2013

• •

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 2013 9 SIS - I have M.S. but M.S. does not have me. You are not alone, male or female, and the Kitimat M.S. group SILLY YAKS (CELIAC) SUPPORT would like to be here for you. Total GROUP supporting gluten free eat- confidentiality. For more informaing and helping people with celiac tion contact Mary at 250-639-6016. disease feel well and healthy. Par- AGLOW OF KITIMAT: All are welticipate in discussions around safe come at our Care Group and Bible foods, foods to avoid, cross con- Study for men and women, singles tamination, recipe ideas, etc. The or married, Thursdays at 7 p.m. first meeting will be held Aug. 23 For information phone Brenda at from 7-8:30 p.m. in the multipur- 250-632-5771 or Wendi at 250-632pose room at the Kitimat General 5673. Hospital. DO YOU HAVE DIABETES? We The group is open to anyone inter- offer individual and group counselested in learning about celiac dis- ing. Certification for blood glucose ease. For more information please strips is available. Make an appointcall 250-632-3063 ment and bring your meter. The KITIMAT SENIORS’ CENTRE is Good Food Box is part of our prolooking for a new leader for their Se- gram. Forms for this can be picked niors’ Band. Please contact the Pro- up at the Living Well Program or grammer (250 632 3475) for more at the hospital main desk. Donainfo if you have the skills, experi- tions for this worthwhile program ence and desire to volunteer your are always accepted. For more info time with this group. call 250-632-8313 during operatCHILD DEVELOPMENT CEN- ing hours - Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. TRE Family Fun Spot Drop-In Mon- to noon, Thursdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 day and Friday afternoons 1-3 p.m., p.m. - or leave message on our voice Wednesday mornings 10:30 a.m. to mail. We are located on the second 12:30 p.m. Ages 0-5 welcome “A floor of the Kitimat Hospital in the Great place for families to meet over Home Support offices. coffee and toys!” Contact 250-632- PRAYER CANADA KITIMAT 3144 for more information. meets upstairs at the fire hall TuesKITIMAT FIBRE ARTS GUILD: days, from noon - 1:00 p.m. All are Interested in knitting, spinning, welcome to pray for our city council weaving, or any other fibre? For and those in positions of authority in more information phone Maureen Kitimat, for the government of BC and of Canada. For information call 250-632-5444. KITIMAT MULTIPLE SCLERO- Lesley at 250-632-4554.


The Northern Sentinel is proud to showcase the winners of our draw following our Kitimat’s Beautiful Babies showcase. These two families were picked randomly to receive a baby sleep sack prize, donated by Above, mom Jennifer Gray with her daughter, Jayda. With them is older brother Joshua, who clearly loves the camera. Not in the photo is father Jamie. At left is Ashley Readman with her baby Landon, who is helpfully holding up his prize. Not in the photo is father John.

Haisla prepare for homecoming Cameron Orr In what is planned to be a major celebration come August, a committee in Kitamaat Village is preparing the way for the first Haisla Homecoming in decades. To get there, they are planning a fundraising event on May 5. From 6 p.m., live music, a bake sale and loonie auction will fill the Haisla Recreation Centre. Organizers regret a last minute cancellation of this same event in mid-April, explaining that a small number of deaths in the community meant they had to shut down their plans, as per cultural tradition. This evening fundraiser will help provide the resources for the Homecoming Committee to host the headline event in August, from the 9th to 11th. Committee member Kimberley McKenzie said it has been since 1981 that the community hosted a Homecoming, and they’re seeking to hold to the same format as in past. The three day event is meant to be open to anybody, not only for Haisla members, and is de-

signed as a showcase for the culture and community. “We are proud of our culture and we want to showcase that to everybody,” said McKenzie. “We understand there are a lot of new people in town and we understand that the Haisla have been in the media in the last little while so we wanted to have people come out, join us and see what it’s like to live in our area and just see how we do things, day-to-day.” The celebrations will be an affordable fare, with organizers offering evening meals. Live music will be performed throughout each day. They plan for a lantern release over the Douglas Channel as well, in honour of people who have passed away. “The elders have really stepped up and are really excited,” said McKenzie. She adds that there are a lot of people who have left the community who know that they are from here but not who they’re related to. There will be elders on hand to guide people through their family history.

Shell announces LNG partnershi p

Marathon relay runner proves he has sole

stable Houses selling fast, prices

the permanent people in and out of here.” As far as the community goes, it needs to know upfront how many people will be needed to run a facility like an LNG plant, how many support workers they expect (tug boats, for instance), and if the company has a plan to house these people, and what that plan is. Once a town can get a handle on what to do with permanent workers, then it will see the benefits, he said. The Sentinel is seeking out comment from PTI Group about their experiences operating within communities as well, however we could not reach them by our press deadline.

recyling options

Trustees adopt two week spring break

News that applies to your life.

Permanent workers Continued from page 7 “You’ve got to start working to make sure you’ve got housing, subdivisions they [permanent workers] can go in,” he said. The money for a community is not made from temporary workers, he said, but from the people who will stick around for a project’s operations. “If you end up, for example, getting 50’re going to need another 150 just to service them guys,” he said. “You want to start hitting the ground with them and say ‘no, we won’t allow your camps in the community because we don’t want you flying

Council considers










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10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 2013 A10

Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Northern Sentinel

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.







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Lost & Found FOUND in Kitimat - small green plastic box on Dyke Road behind Kitimat Iron. Identify to claim: 250-632-1040 Lost cat - High school area of Kitimat. Small brown female tabby with white belly and paws. Has a circular tattoo in her ear. Please call: 250-639-4471 or Kitimat Veterinary Hospital at 250-639-2299



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RANDALL North Real Estates Services Inc. is currently seeking a Caretaker for the growing portfolio in Kitimat. Email for more info.


Obituaries IN MEMORY OF

Jean Chow

June 17, 1933 to April 16, 2013 Jean Chow passed away at home in Kitimat on April 16, 2013 at the age of 79, shortly after being diagnosed with cancer. She is survived by sons Clement, Neil, Ed and Bob (Suzana), two brothers and six grandchildren. Jean’s husband, Kim, passed away in July 2000. Jean arrived in Canada from China in 1954. She met Kim in Vancouver in 1958. They were married in Vancouver in 1961 and moved to Kitimat later in the year. Jean was a homemaker who focused her efforts on raising her children and grandchildren and helping her husband further his career with Alcan. Jean’s other interests included the Kitimat Chinese Club and gardening. Thank you to the medical staff at Kitimat General Hospital and the B.C. Cancer Agency in Vancouver.

Jean will bebe sadly sadly missed missed by by her her Jean will family and friends.

A private family gathering was held on April 22, 2013.

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An Alberta Oilfield Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator, and labourer/rock truck operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction (780)723-5051.


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Career Opportunity Bandstra Transportation Systems is currently Bandstra Transportation Systems looking to fill a Class One Driver Position in the is currently looking to fill a Kitimat Terminal. ClaSS One Driver POSiTiOn Applicantsinwill a Class One Licence with thehave Kitimat Terminal. air and clean good and Applicants willabstract have awith Class Oneverbal License with air, clean abstract, and good verbal and written communication skills. Preference will be written communication skills. given to thosewillwith experience dry prior vans, Preference beprior given to those inwith experience in dry decks and Super B decks and vans, Super B train work. train work. Interested persons shouldoffering apply bya email this is a union position rangewith of benefitsand anddriver’s a competitive resume abstractwage. to: Apply with resume and driver’s abstract to: This is a union position offering a range of benefits and a competitive wage. website:

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 2013A11 11

Northern Sentinel Wednesday, May 1, 2013



Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Dollar Automotive in Kitimat is looking for a 1st or 2nd year Mechanic to become part of our busy team. Must be multi-skilled, a productive team player, able to meet deadlines/targets, selfmotivated, organized, able to multi-task with some computer skills. Please drop off resume at: 312B Enterprise Ave. Kitimat, B.C. or call 250-632-2262

Pyramid OfďŹ ce Supplies in Kitimat is hiring a part-time maternity leave position, 18 months or longer. Starting wage $10.50 per hour, 16-20 hours per week. Must have driver’s license, be able to work evenings and weekends and work well with others. Computer experience an asset. Please drop off resume to Pyramid OfďŹ ce Supplies, 2 - 528 Mountainview Sq. No phone calls please.

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Professional/ Management



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Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Merchandise for Sale

Trades, Technical


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Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 10 a.m. Decker Lake Hall, 9km west of Burns Lake 1994 F150 Ford PU - 6 cyl., 5 spd. 1993 Ford F350 xlt crew 460 auto - 6� lift. 1997 Plymouth Neon car, 1993 Terry 5th wheel 21 1/2’ travel trailer, 19’ 5th wheel tandem stock trailer, 9’ alm. punt/elec. motor, PU box trailer, 6’ plywood storage box, 1981 Honda XR 500 motorcycle, 12’x20’ portable shed (metal clad), 8’x12’ chicken house, Bobcat bale spear, pallet of power tool access. (blades, bits etc.), Misty River alum. boat (14’) / EZ loader trailer, Yamaha 20hp outboard, Yamaha golf cart, 8x8 u-built snowmobile trailer, 1992 Arctic Cat snowmobile, John Deere garden tractor (16hp), Vicon hay rake (4 wheel), 1 bottom plow (3pt), 8’ steel work bench, Porter cable comp. (7hp, 60 gal), 4600 W Yamaha generator, Delta 14� radial arm saw, Bosch 10� table saw/stand, 8� drill press, Dewalt 12� planer, Yamaha water pump, 4pc-18v Milwaukee cordless tool set, Jet 3/4� air impact, quick fish tent / fishing tackle, small wood stove, Bradley smoker, Craftsman tool chest, Jet wrench set (11pc-1 1/4�-2�), socket sets, tire tools, May truck tire spreader, 20’ ext. ladder, wheelbarrow, Craftsman 9hp snowblower, 10-20’ homemade roof trusses, Clayton wood furnace, 5/4�x6�x12’ treated decking, 12’x16’ roll linoleum (new), saddles, tack & much more. Antiques: Western marquis 1892 wood cook stove (exl. condition), occasional chair, RCA Victor record player, Crosley radio, metal 3/4 bed, Burroughs adding machine, 5pc bedroom suite, English silver tea set, silver platter, serving dish. Collectable’s: Sports limited edition prints: Wayne Gretzky, Pavel Bure. Nature limited edition prints: Stephen Lyman, Daniel Smith, Terry Redlan & much more. Framed Royal Doulton plates. Collection of coins, banknotes, Royal Canadian mint sets, postage stamps & sports cards. Coin collection will be sold at approx. 12 noon. Household: Dining table / 6 chairs / hutch, Oak dinette / 4 chairs, Oak coffee table / glass, marble coffee table / glass table / iron legs, Crystal chandelier, cherry wood desk, cherry wood side table, sofa table, book cases, 5pc bedroom suite (Pecan), 4pc bedroom suite, tv cabinet, Pine dresser / hutch / night table, dressers, night stands, computer desk, floor lamps, lamps, wooden wall clock, Chesterfield, couch, loveseat, hide-a-bed, loveseat, barber chair, glider rocker, patio furniture, offset umbrella, propane deck heater, water cooler, patio ice box, stainless steel hamburger patty maker, IHC elec. cream separator, ice cream maker, Proform 740 treadmill, Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner. Terms: Items are “As Is� condition. Cash or cheque with I.D. Concession on grounds.



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Merchandise for Sale


Misc. for Sale


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HOUSE FOR SALE Kitimat - 4 bd, 3 bath, double garage. Whitesail area. 3,500 sq ft. $249,900. To view, please call: 306-205-1790 or 250-639-5661

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Plants /Nursery

Real Estate

1978 Surfside 14’6� Triple E Fibreglass light-weight Trailer. Three-way fridge, propane stove/furnace. 12’ awning, double bed, two single bunks. Electric brakes. Dry weight 1,300lbs. Exc. cond. Very clean. $4,400. 250-632-5715 or 250-639-4534


True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030

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Misc. Wanted

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• • •

QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511


2004 Travelaire TT299 Travel Trailer. Slide with awning, front awning, ACMW-Hotwater electric & gas. 6.3 cu ft fridge, solar panel, skylight. Great condition. 250-632-3486 (Kitimat)

2009 Springdale 266RLSSR Travel Trailer Like new condition. Rear living space. Large windows, air conditioning, couch, ushaped dinette slideout. Queen bed. 3 years of warranty left. For more information please call: 250-632-6927 2009 Springdale Travel Trailer Queen bed plus Jack & Jill bunks. A/C, full bathroom. Awning. Outdoor shower hookup. Lots of storage. Only used two seasons. $15,000 obo. Please call Seana Lee 250-632-7270 2010 Arctic Fox 5th Wheel TV/stereo/surroundsound/DVD/CD and fireplace. Very spacious and clean. Tri-pod and hitch included. Asking $38,900 Please leave message 250-639-9769

Newer Buildings Elevators Security Entrances Covered Parking Balconies



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Homes for Rent

21’ Tahoe Travel Trailer Immaculate condition. Loaded. Sleeps 4. $10,000 o.b.o. 250-632-7958


Moving must sell. Deluxe 33’ Fleetwood with toy hauler, sleeps 8. Used only once to Arizona. Originally purchased for $40,000 in May 2008. Recently serviced asking $24,000. (306)673-2323 or (250)-643-3777

HOUSES / Townhouses for rent in Kitimat B.C. contact Stan - 780-974-3945 or at

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Real Estate


House for sale Open design split-level 3200 sq.ft home located on a 1.2 acre lot in Strawberry Meadows. Radiant heated floors throughout, 3 large bedrooms, 2 bath, double garage, covered deck, 20’ X 12’ greenhouse plus fully inclosed 100’ X 30’ storage buildings included, fully land scaped. For more information or to view contact 250-639-9322 Kitimat - Mobile home for sale. 250-639-9677

Kitimat - Updated clean, bright 3 plus bedroom home. 5 newer appliances, new deck, closed garage. Spa tub bathroom, Bow flex gym. Close to schools and bus route. No smoking, no pets. Refs req. Utilities not included. Damage deposit required. Enquiries: 250-632-5547 or 250-639-6342 After 6:00pm

Townhouses TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110

Kitimat 2003 Starcraft Travelstar 21SB Hybrid Ultralite. Rarely used, very good condition. $9,800. 250-639-3858


Tenders LAND PARCEL sale by tender SW 17-28-29W1 RM of Shell River, MB. 80 acres. hay/pasture/bush for farm/recreation/acreage. Highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Closes May, 17, 2013. Call 204-937-7054 (Roy).

Sports & Leisure

Kitimat boxers host Quesnel

Cameron Orr The Kitimat Boxing Club hosted Quesnel in the return of the Aluminum Gloves Boxing Tournament. Even though one Quesnel boxer had to bow out of the event due to health, three bouts still went ahead with five boxers from Kitimat and one from Quesnel. The first fight had Arius Woytowich from Kitimat take on Clark O’Flynn from Quesnel. O’Flynn would go on to win after a high energy match. The evening’s second match-up was an exhibition match, with Kitimat’s Jordon Craven against fellow local boxer Nathan Furtado. Kitimat coach Bill Franklin said even though it wasn’t competitive the two gave it their all and had to be warned not to get too heated. “The referee had to keep telling them to cool it,” said Franklin. “They definitely didn’t have to win it, but these guys, they did a good job. The crowd liked it.” The evening wrapped up with Aaron Lee taking on David Wilson. “A real tall guy versus a short guy,” said Franklin describing the event. It would be a notable match from the tournament, with Wilson going on to win the Kitimat City Belt for the evening. “It was a really good battle,” he said. “Aaron had a good black eye, and a bleeding nose.” Overall Franklin is very pleased with how his club did that night. “I’m very happy with the way my guys performed,” he said, noting it was disappointing more clubs couldn’t attend. But locally the club had two primary objectives which they met. The first was to train two local referees. He said up to now they’ve always relied on flying up referees for competitions. At the Aluminum Gloves event on April 20 their referee was Ian Gibson, a B.C. Chief Official, who flew in from Vernon. “He gives up three days of his life,” said Franklin. “Here’s a guy who’s totally dedicated to the we trained two referees, Landon Belmont and Cody Anderson.” The club’s second objective was simply to give Kitimat’s boxers experience in a tournament, which of course was met. Right now the Kitimat Boxing Club enjoys a membership of 17, even though that’s low by historical standards, said Franklin. But he points out not everyone in the club is there for the boxing, some are there just for exercise. He said highlights from some events are posted to the boxing club’s official Facebook page which people are welcome to see. Meanwhile he’s looking forward to getting back into things with next year’s season, which will be a rebuilding year for the club as at least half of his club will be moving on to college and university. That just means more room if you want to join. People are encouraged to call Franklin at home if there are questions about the club or if you want to join. His home number is 250-632-3917.

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626 Enterprise Ave. Ph: (250) 632-6144 Fax: (250) 639-9373

Above, Clark O’Flynn from Quesnel fights Kitimat’s Arius Woytowich in the Aluminum Gloves Tournament’s first bout of the evening. Cameron Orr

District of Kitimat

Public Notice annual Water main flushing 2013 april 8 to may 17, 2013 The District of Kitimat will undertake the annual water main flushing. The scheduled dates for flushing water mains will be April 8 to May 17, 2013. This operation may cause temporary discolouration of the water supply and should clear up soon after the operation is completed. If the problem persists please contact the District of Kitimat. Thank you for your cooperation and patience in this matter. For further information please call 250-632-8930.



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Kitimat boxers demonstrate technique and skill ahead of the main fights of the evening. Cameron Orr Just a few of our Featured Advertisers:

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