Golden Star, May 01, 2013

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Interviewers delight at Jita’s Cafe

Bruce Cockburn and Ziggy Marley shows ...............................3


Help the roses bloom at Abbeyfield ...............................14


Bronze in focus at the Art Gallery of Golden ..............................15


Chris Walker of CBC Daybreak South hosted a live radio show from Jita’s Cafe in Golden on April 26. Walker (centre) spoke to Joanne McCullough (left) and Lori Baxendale (right) about local issues involving early learning and business in Golden. He also interviewed Town of Golden Mayor Christina Benty, owner of Bizarre Entertainment Trevor Hamre and Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA candidates. Michele LaPointe/Star Photo

Financial auditor looks at assets in Golden Jessica Schwitek

Karate students kick things into high gear ..............................22

The Town of Golden’s financial auditor, Dave Adams of Adams Wooley (currently in its second year of a three-year contract), went over the municipality’s finances for 2012, and found both positives and negatives in the books. One of the indicators Adams pointed at to measure the Town’s financial health, was Net Financial Assets, which he describes as the “bottom line.” In 2010 the Town’s Net Financial Assets were $141,000, which the dropped in 2011 to -$1.7 million. In 2012 Golden reduced that negative to -$700,000.

“There is an explanation for the drop, essentially it was the Civic Centre that pulled a lot of those financial resources out. So in 2012, we’re actually moving, and starting to climb back out of the trap at this point. We’re getting to the point where we’re recovering from the Civic Centre renovation,” said Adams. “That’s the way it goes with a municipality. Sometimes, as much as you want funding to fall in place for a certain project, it’s just not there. So you just have to bite the bullet and make it happen.” Golden is recovering from the large expenditures they incurred in the last few years (the 12th Street project also depleted the Town’s financial assets), as it has halved its Net Financial Debt. But Adams still stressed

how important it is to bring the municipality back into a positive number. “The thing about the financial assets, is they are what support the Town’s capital assets. And right now you’ve got $62 million in tangible capital assets that require continual repair and maintenance,” he said. “So when you have negative financial assets, there’s no resources available to look after those tangible capital assets. So it’s important to work those net financial assets up to a positive figure.” Having said that, Adams was very positive about the state of the Town’s reserve funds. “You do have sufficient reserve balances, the reserves are actually looking really good,” he said.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013 The Golden Star

Grand Opening at museum

VOTE EARL OLSEN The Positive Choice A return to a healthy economy Fair taxation for all workers Return to balanced budgets

Authorized by Financial Agent J. Olsen 250.270.1635

Wendell Johnston Painting Create a FRESH LOOK

Breck Nolin, Ella Jobin and Charlotte Jobin are pictured performing a reel of three at the opening of the Baptiste Morigeau exhibit at The Golden Museum on April 26. The event at the museum was very well attended, and some of the relatives of Morigeau were also on hand. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

A new look on a classic event Darryl Crane On Saturday, June 1, one of the most popular events in the area will return when the Spilli Chili cook off sets taste buds to overdrive in Spillimacheen. This year the event will expand with something for everyone. Greg Bodnaryk is a member of The Gentlemen’s Leisure Club of Golden, which will be involved with the event for the first time this year.

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“We will be taking care of the beer gardens. We will have a fenced off area for that during the event,” he said. “We were approached and the organizing committee wanted our input about hosting events.” This year Spilli Chilli will have live music, great food and lots of fun according to Bodnaryk. “It is a family event. There is going to be a farmer’s market and crafts. There will be music all day, along with the chilli. It is a great day for the family.”

He added that an event like this is something people do not get to see every day. “I think it is a fantastic, unique event that doesn’t happen everywhere. Every town may get the fair to come through, but the Spilli Chili is something that is a fun event as well. It is something that happened naturally…They are expecting nearly 1,000 people this year.” To learn more about the event go to

Green candidate named in MLA race Golden Star Staff A fourth candidate has thrown her hat into the Columbia River-Revelstoke race. Green Party of British Columbia candidate Laurel Ralston of Kimberly is the fourth person vying for the MLA position in the 2013 provincial election on May 14. Ralston chose the Green Party because of its commitment to look at “the big picture of our province’s future - not just a few years along, but generations along.” Raised in Ottawa, Ralston moved to Kimberley seven years ago, and found her political passion. She has served as president of the Arts council,

which brought her closer to the City of Kimberley and other non-profit groups. She has also been involved with the Kimberley Chamber of Commerce and Wildsight. She has studied at the University of Ottawa and the University of Alberta, and has a bachelor’s degree in music, and a master’s degree in philosophy. Ralston will be up against BC Liberal candidate Doug Clovechok, BC Conservative candidate Earl Olsen, and incumbent NDP Norm Macdonald for the Columbia River-Revelstoke riding. Ralston will be joining the other three candidates at the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce All Candidates Forum at the Senior’s Centre on May 2 at 6:30 p.m.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 1, 2013 A3

BC Liberal headquarters opens in Golden

(Above left) BC Liberal Columbia River-Revelstoke candidate Doug Clovechok (right) is talking to Garry Habart at the opening of the Liberal headquarters in Golden. (Above right) Edna Leftwich shows her support at the event. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Ziggy Marley and Bruce Cockburn shows coming to Golden

Kicking Horse Culture has announced that both Ziggy Marley and Bruce Cockburn (pictured above) will be playing Live Kicks Extra shows at the Golden Civic Centre. Photo Submitted Darryl Crane Kicking Horse Culture has announced two Live Kicks Extra shows that will feature Jamaican legend Ziggy Marley on June 22, and Canadian icon Bruce Cockburn on August 16. Executive director

of Kicking Horse Culture, Bill Usher, said he was very excited about the new shows. “We are very pleased. It is fantastic. This is one of the reasons why the Civic Centre was restored because we knew there were these type of opportunities out there.”

Usher said the message is getting out to artists and agents about the kind of shows that now can be held at the centre. “The interesting thing about this is that, because of the reputation of our building with artists who have gone through town, art-

ists are telling their managers and agents about what is going on here. Now what is happening is that agents are being proactive to us,” he said. “Both of these shows are due to their people letting us know they are coming close to the area, and seeing if we are interested in a show.” He added, “people can go see Ziggy Marley and Bruce in Banff or Vancouver. However, what is really beautiful about it, is that we can now host them in our community.” The tickets for Ziggy Marley will go on sale on Saturday May 11 starting at 10 a.m. for people with Kicking Horse Culture memberships. Regular members will be able to purchase two tickets, while those with family memberships will be able to purchase four tickets. Usher said that if any tickets are still not purchased, then they will be available on May 13 to the general public. “People must have a membership before May 11 because they will not be for sale on the day of ticket sales,” Usher said. There will be no phone sales for these events, they are avail-

able only in person at the Art Gallery of Golden, and memberships will be checked on the day. Tickets will be $50 each plus taxes, with doors at AGOG opening at 10 a.m. Usher said that

they had to raise the ticket prices for the two shows because of the financial commitment to have artists like this come to play the venue in Golden. Tickets for Cockburn will go on sale in June, with a date

to be announced at a later time. Anyone looking to get more information about the shows go to or drop by the Art Gallery of Golden at 516 9th Ave. N.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013 The Golden Star

Coming together to help pitch-in for Canada

Golden Girl Guides came together on April 23 to take part in the Pitch in Canada week that went from April 20-27. During the event, the local children and their leaders went around Golden and picked up litter from the sides of rivers, parks and other places in town. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Council chooses tax rate scenario to even distribution Jessica Schwitek Golden Town Council gave three readings to the tax rate bylaw at their regular meeting on April 23, and voted a scenar-

io that endeavours to evenly distribute the two per cent increase between the various classes. (The two per cent increase was brought in to build up an Asset Renewal Reserve). Chief Financial

Officer Lisa Vass put together four scenarios, each distributing the tax increase differently. “So ultimately the goal was to distribute the two per cent evenly across Class 1 and Class 6. My under-

Nicholson Elementary School is inviting parents of children entering Kindergarten in September 2013 to a


on Tuesday, May 7th from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in Room 2 An opportunity to learn about the Full Day Kindergarten Program and tour the school. Also, on Wednesday, June 5th from 9:15-10:15 a.m. New Kindergarten students are invited to visit the school For more information please call the school at 250-344-2370

standing is that Scenario 4 does that,” said Mayor Christina Benty. Class 1 (residential) and Class 6 (business) provide the bulk of the property taxes for the municipality. Residential properties in British Columbia have seen an average decrease of six per cent in 2013. So if a home in

Golden was assessed at $300,000 in 2012, it would now be assessed at $282,136. Scenario 4 (which was unanimously voted on by council) adjusted the mill rate for Class 1 to 5.276, bringing the property tax for this house from $1,465 to $1,489, an approximate increase of 1.6 per cent from 2012.

Businesses in B.C. on the other hand have seen an increase in assessed value in 2013, by an average of two per cent. Given that it is standard principle of municipal taxation for Class 6 to pay a higher rate of taxes than Class 1, Scenario 4 applies a tax rate of 12.926 to businesses. So if a business was

assessed at $500,000 in 2012 and paid $6,498 in municipal taxes, than in 2013 it would be assessed at $509,513 and will pay $6,586 in municipal taxes. This is an approximate increase of 1.4 per cent. The tax rate bylaw passed its first three readings on April 23, and must be adopted by May 15.

Pick-up purchase passed by council Jessica Schwitek The Golden Fire Department has gotten approval to replace their light duty fire pick-up truck, a purchase that has been delayed for the past two years. “I have been successful in following council’s direction in trying to find a cheaper option here,” said Golden Fire Chief Ken McClure. The option he presented before council was the cheapest one available - a pick-up from Kicking Horse Ford for a total cost of $50,000 including taxes. “It is time to get a new vehicle, and we have postponed this for the past two years,” said McClure.

The department has adjusted their requirements for a duty truck to allow for this purchase, because they are in dire need of a new vehicle. The decision was made to lease the vehicle, because the interest rates are low enough that it makes it easier on the municipality, according to Chief Financial Officer Lisa Vass. “Under the short term borrowing, I have the flexibility to pay the truck down the day after we take the loan out if I choose to. So that’s why I’ve suggested to do it this way,” said Vass. “It has to be paid off within five years, but if we come into some cash that we can use, we can pay this off next year.” Council voted unanimously to make the purchase.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 1, 2013 A5

Signing up for spring activities RCMP Report: Vandals strike at Cedar Lake Golden Star Staff Greyhound slowed down 2013-04-20 Police responded to a report of a Greyhound bus passenger who was consuming alcohol on the bus and being abusive to the driver. The RCMP were able to stop the bus and removed the intoxicated passenger. He was lodged in a cell and released once sober, so he could continue on his journey westward. Structure destroyed in fire 2013-04-21 Police responded to a fire behind the Jepson card lock on 10th Avenue North. The fire was extinguished by the Golden Fire Department, however a small structure was destroyed. The cause of the fire is not known at the present time. Erratic driving Police responded to a report of a vehicle driving erratically. The vehicle was later spotted in town by patrolling volunteers, Citizens on Patrol. They communicated with officers until the vehicle could be stopped by police. An investigation determined the driver was impaired by alcohol. The driver, from Alberta, is now facing a Criminal Code charge of Impaired Driving.

It was a busy night of sign-ups at the Golden Arena as local recreation groups came together for the first annual Spring Recreation Information and Registration Night. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

New workshops and retreats offered Darryl Crane A number of workshops and retreats, hosted by Liza Hindmarch of Munay Holistics, will be coming up in May. Hindmarch was originally trained in outdoor education, and taught children with emotional and behavioral problems back in the United Kingdom before immigrating to Canada. “I also trained in homeopathy just prior to coming to Canada, which gave me a board base from which to integrate the mind, body, and spirit aspects of my Holistic Coaching work now. I trained in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and also The Journey (a mind body based therapy) and more latterly in Family Constellation work,” she said. “I bring all these tools with me in my one-to-one work with clients who are looking to transform and make shifts in their lives.” On Saturday, May 4, there will be a one-day workshop titled, Using the Enneagram for Self Awakening. “The Enneagram is a power-

ful tool for self exploration, and I expect people will come away from the workshop with many new insights into themselves and others they know,” Hindmarch said. On Sunday, May 5, Hindmarch will be hosting a oneday workshop titled Healing the Family Soul. “This offers participants a chance to explore where they may inadvertently be entangled in their family history, and provides a chance to free themselves of patterns they have been unable to shift, because they have instead unknowingly belonged to an ancestor. This day is profoundly healing,” she said. Another event will be a free Women’s Sharing Circle which will run for a number of months starting on May 7. Hindmarch said this event will be beneficial for women because it gives them a chance to come together, share, and be heard in an environment of compassion and non-judgment. This circle will happen the first Tuesday of every month. The final special event Hindmarch will be hosting

Liza Hindmarch of Munay Holistics will be hosting a number of new workshops and retreats in May. Photo Submitted is called The Creating Abundance Day on May 11. “This provides people with a chance to learn about the universal principles of law of attraction, and gives people many tools to help them feel empowered and positive in their lives.” To learn more about any of the events contact Hindmarch at 250-344-5206 or for more information or to preregister.

Cedar Lake vandalized 2013-04-23 Police were notified of damage that had been done to the Cedar Lake Forestry Campground. The damage came to light as a result of comments posted online. Police attended to the campground and confirmed that significant damage had been done to the area. Outhouses and garbage bins were destroyed and spray painted. Police are currently working on some leads and are hopeful the person(s) responsible will be identified and held to account. Anyone with information is asked to call the Golden RCMP at (250) 344-2221 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222TIPS(8477).

Behind the Wheel Unsafe Headlight Conversions Could you perhaps comment on poorly focused hi intensity illegal conversions done to forward lighting on vehicles asks a reader. He has had many of my friends comment on how newer vehicles with hi tech headlights have made night driving uncomfortable and unsafe for them. I’ve noticed that some of these conversions are also difficult to look at during the day as well. All of the components of the lighting system must be marked by the manufacturer to show that they meet standards. For headlights with filaments, you will find a North American SAE code or a European E code on the lens that starts with an H. The filament bulbs meant for use in these headlight housings will also start with an H. The newer gas discharge headlights similarly start with a D. It is both dangerous and illegal to mix these, and the most common conversion is to put a D type discharge capsule into an H type housing. This results in significant glare for other road users because the housings can no longer focus the light from the lamp properly. It also means the loss of ability to switch between high and low beam for vehicles with only one headlight on each side. Beware! Some “good deals” on eBay and through less scrupulous suppliers are marked with SAE, DOT or E markings but are counterfeit and do not do the intended job properly. Inspection facilities have reference material to help the inspector determine if a “fake” is being used and when they are found the vehicle must be failed. This effectively removes the vehicle from the road until satisfactory repairs are carried out. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013 The Golden Star


No excuses for actions

Would you buy pants from a lighting store?

It seems as if ever since there were schools, there were bullies to make other kids’ lives miserable. Technology has taken the bullying to a new level of abuse. Where in the past a tortured student could at least get away from the attackers at home, now the internet has made it possible for the cowards, - My Way who do nothing more than destroy good kids, By Darryl Crane to continue the abuse online. You have to feel sorry for the students who suffer through this on a daily basis. Many people have stories of getting picked on in school. I find it necessary to say, since I am talking about this topic, that I was slugged around more than once while trying to survive high school. And I did look at it as just surviving a place that resembled a boxing ring, as much as it did a place of learning. There have been many stories recently in the news about how far this bullying can go, and what tragedies can stem from it. Simply put, kids are taking their lives rather than having to face the abuse. They need help now. So many things are wrong about what is happening. A school should be a place where children go and feel safe. It should be a place of learning, where children can develop into decent human beings. But after hearing some of the stories recently, I question if this is in fact true. This is not about everyone getting a long. This is not a utopia or a perfect world where we all stand arm in arm singing songs of peace. But it should be a place where, if you don’t like someone, then you just leave them alone. Bullying at any age is nothing more than a sign of disrespect. Parents have to be involved with the solution. Children can learn both good and bad from their parents. If they witness the bully in their parents, then they too will believe it is the right way to act. Respect has to be taught to these children. The children who are responsible for the bullying should be held accountable for their actions. That is a lesson that is important in life. Cyber attacks are difficult to prove because it is a world where you can be anonymous and free to say what you want, knowing that you can probably get away with your hidden comments. These attacks may just be words, but when the world can see what is being said, and kids are being told they should be doing horrible things to themselves, then the emotional impacts of what is happening can be worse than the physical side of bullying. In my case, the mental stress of worrying about getting beaten up, was always much worse that the actual physical act itself. Anticipation of having to face the people who are making your life a living hell never ends, even when you are at home. Figuring out what needs to be done to make this situation better is not going to be easy, but the time has come to start the conversation. Too many children suffer from this kind of abuse in school in today’s world, and it is about time that something real was done to help them.

ible expert sources. If you are feeling confused by all the websites and people claiming to provide expert information on vacHeather Way Immunization and Communicable Disease Knowledge cines you are not alone. Here are a few good sources for balanced and credible information on vaccines. Coordinator with Interior Health Public Health Nurses: Your local public health nursLesley Coates is a Promotion and Prevention Communies understand that you may have questions about vaccations Officer with Interior Health Do you remember the old TV commercial that asked cines and they want to help. Don’t hesitate to give them the question “you wouldn’t buy pants from a light store, a call. Visit our website to find a health centre near you would you?” The ad was trying to make the point that con- should go to an expert source that can help them Us/By.aspx?type=Location Immunize BC: ( The site promake an informed decision. The commercial ended with a confused man looking down at his pants made of light vides solid, evidence-based information on immunizabulbs. The commercial was funny because it went against tions plus it has a couple great interactive features to help common sense. Viewers were left thinking who in the you get answers to questions. “Chat with a nurse” allows you to login at scheduled chat times, ask questions, and world would go to a lighting store to buy a pair of pants? We are not just consumers of material goods; we are get answers right away. Your Family Doctor: Always discuss the immunization also consumers of information. We gather information to help us make important decisions. When it comes to information you have received from the web and other information about health, it is very important to make sources with your doctor or health care professional. Getting the facts about immunizations is important. sure our sources of information are the experts. It’s normal for parents to have questions about vac- Check out these tips to help you evaluate immunization cines. Gathering information and making informed information on the internet. http://www.caringforkids. decisions is part of being a good parent. It’s also just as important to make sure you get information from cred- internet.

APES Principal’s Report Vicci Nelson Principal Alexander Park School Hooray, it looks like spring has arrived at last! Finally, gone are snow pants, toques, winter boots, and thankfully all of the snow from the playground at Alexander Park. Children are eagerly going outside at recess and lunch to play soccer, games of tag, and to practice their skipping skills. The end of April and the month of May promise to be busy ones. May 8 to May 12 is an interim reporting period. During this time your child’s teacher will be contacting you by phone, sending home a written report, or requesting a parent/teacher conference to inform you of your child’s progress. In the coming weeks, we are looking forward to a performance by the GSS bands, our Jump Rope for Heart afternoon, and the annual Bike Rodeo morning. Flower Basket pick up is also on May 10 from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. in the APES gym. Parents are asked to be on the lookout for the ‘A.P.E.S. Chatter’ and individual class newsletters for the latest information and dates on what is

happening around Alexander Park School. If you have forgotten to register your child for Kindergarten next fall, it’s not too late to do so. Please come to the school and register your child as soon as possible. If there is a possibility that your child, presently in Kindergarten to Grade 2, will not be attending Alexander Park next year, please inform the office as soon as possible. We are already working on class configurations and staffing for the 2013/2014 school year and we can better meet the needs of students next year with accurate enrollment data. Parents, remember learning doesn’t only happen in the classroom. Children learn valuable lessons through simple, fun activities at home, like baking a cake or writing a thank you note. Parents can give their child a boost by working with them at home, and that doesn’t have to mean sitting at the kitchen table doing homework. Everyday home activities can be extremely valuable learning experiences for your child. Find time each day to read, write, count, or just to have a conversation with your child. Have fun learning together!

POLL OF THE WEEK Do you do anything special on Earth Day?

No 88%

Yes 11%

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Star editorial and opinion

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 1, 2013 A7

Golden point of view

Will you be attending the provincial election All Candidates Forum? Stars to Tara at Mint Lemonade Designs for remaking my recently lost jewelry. You are a truly talented artist. Thank you!

Elaine Fisher

Judy Reynolds

Lacey Chalmers

“I didn’t realize there was one. I probably should go, I need more information before the election.”

“I went to the one in Invermere already. It was pretty informative, but I already knew who I was voting for.”

“No, it’s probably important to go, but politics isn’t really my thing.”

Go to to have your say.

Random Act of Kindness

Stingers to the people who have been defacing political signs around town. Stars to restaurants like The Turning Point, The Island and The Wolf’s Den for being family friendly and making my kids feel like welcomed customers.

Stingers to the people wanting to shut down the bike track at Reflection Lake. This site has been in use for over 40 years and gives kids a safe place to play off the streets and out of danger! Stars to my new friend for fixing my toilet. Stingers to people who drive around with their windows down and their stereos blaring. Blasting Metallica loud enough to hear two blocks away

Last week, as I was struggling to get my bicycle out of the canopied box of my pick-up truck parked outside OK Tire, a young fellow, perhaps 16 or 17 years old who was walking by, stopped and asked if I needed help getting my bike out. I was stunned with disbelief and said no even though I should have said yes. Teenagers tend to have a bad rap these days and this young man, in a moment of thoughtfulness, has me reconsidering my view of some of today’s youth. And was he carrying a skateboard? I think so but the moment was so brief, I don’t remember what was tucked under his arm. Perhaps people do not fully consider the consequences of a RAK (a Random Act of Kindness) when they make an offer to help, but I must say how much that brief moment impressed me. I hope this young man has seen the star and realizes that a stereotype crumbled. Thanks, Alan Major Golden

Big Stars to Nicholson school children and town children for picking up garbage on Earth Day. Stars to people who surprise you with a homecooked dinner. Stingers to my neighbour for putting up political signs that look like they’re on my lawn. Stingers to people who can’t make up their minds.

Email your Stars and Stingers to

Only the BC Liberals will control spending

Dear Editor.

does not make you look cool!

is the only one with the time-tested fiscal policies which will keep the B.C. economy strong and employment growing. By Stockwell Day It’s not surprising that the NDP Balancing a budget and control- plan to return to their failed ling spending takes discipline, approach of the 1990s: higher taxes, determination, and real leadership. bigger government, and more defiI know about this from first-hand cits. I mean no disrespect when I say experience. I did that in the Alberta it’s just how they do budgets. John Cummins and the BC Congovernment, as Treasurer. It was also servatives propose to increase govthe task I faced in the federal government as President of the Treas- ernment spending by an astonishing $13.5 billion, or more than 30 per ury Board. Most British Columbians are fiscal cent over five years. Mr. Cummins is projecting that conservatives—they want government to keep taxes low, invest their government revenues will rise by hard-earned tax dollars wisely, and nearly double. No well-respected economic estinot burden future generations with mates support this zealous speculadebt. In this election, I’m supporting tion. His plan is simply unsustainPremier Christy Clark and Liberal able. The fact that theirs is not a fiscalcandidate Doug Clovechok. ly conservative budget should probYes, it’s true that Premier Clark inherited some of the problems and ably not be a surprise. They have no connection to the mistakes of the previous Liberal govfederal Conservatives—they are an ernment. Every party makes mistakes. (Hel- entirely separate party. lo NDP fast ferries, Bingogate, etc.) This election is between Premier However, today’s BC Liberal Party Christy Clark’s plan for a strong

economy and secure tomorrow, and Adrian Dix and the NDP’s plan to boost taxes, hike spending, and rack up debt—one deficit at a time. That’s the choice, pure and simple, as Doug Clovechok well knows. If you don’t want the borrow, tax, and spend policies of the NDP, I also respectfully ask that you consider the consequences of a vote for John Cummins and the BC Conservatives. It may actually result in a pathway to the NDP forming the next government. Some are saying they will just stay home and not vote. Please consider that this will only help those whose economic policies will diminish the prospects for our next generation. Let’s not wake up on May 15 and regret the outcome. Let’s stay with what keeps B.C. working - the BC Liberals. Thank you for your vote. Stockwell Day is a former president of the federal Treasury Board, one-time Alberta treasurer, and former federal minister of public safety, minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway, and regional minister for B.C.

2013 Town of Golden mosquito program is underway Morrow BioScience Ltd. Submitted The 2013 Town of Golden Mosquito Control Program is now underway. Mosquitoes go through four distinct stages of development during their life: egg, larvae, pupa and adult. Eggs are laid on the surface of standing water or on soil that is prone to flooding. Eggs of some species can remain dormant for many years before hatching. When in contact with water during the spring and summer, the eggs hatch as larvae, which feed on plant material and quickly develop into pupae. The pupae then mature into adult mosquitoes, which emerge from the surface of the water. Following mating, adult females search for a blood meal to complete egg development. Rainfall, snow melt, and rising river heights in the spring and summer result in the flooding of many low lying areas which can serve as mosquito development sites.

Site monitoring by the Mosquito Control Contractor’s staff is conducted on a continuous basis throughout the late spring and summer to determine the species, number, and level of maturity of mosquito larvae present during this period. Morrow BioScience Ltd. will undertake biological control efforts directed at the mosquitoes in the larval stage. This is achieved by identifying and monitoring sites where mosquito larvae are present and applying a granular mosquito larvicide, Aquabac 200G. This larvicide contains a naturally occurring bacterium (Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis) known as Bti, which targets mosquito larvae but does not harm birds, mammals, beneficial insects or amphibians. This product is registered for this use in Canada. Larvicide applications are made by hand, blower, or helicopter. Effective mosquito control must combine the efforts of individual Land / Home Owners with those of a competent Mosquito Control Contractor in seeking to eliminate mosquitoes before they emerge as adults.

Where possible, Home / Land Owners should try to eliminate areas where water can collect such as clogged gutters, old tires, discarded containers, wheelbarrows, trays under flower pots, stored boats and canoes, etc., as these all serve as ideal habitat for mosquito development. Further, residents should drain and refill display ponds, wading pools, bird baths, outside pet dishes, and livestock troughs frequently. Individuals may protect themselves from adult mosquito annoyance by putting a barrier between them and those mosquitoes. Ensure good screens are in place on all windows & doors, limit outdoor activity during dusk & dawn, wear light-coloured long pants and shirts which are loosefitting. If more protection is desired, wear an approved repellent. Look for repellents that have a PCP number on the label as this means that the product has been tested for efficacy and safety (when used according to the directions on the label).


Wednesday, May 1, 2013 The Golden Star

Events & Entertainment Calendar Durand Manor would like to thank Sobeys, Overwaitea, Moose Trax and Winston Lodge for there generous donations to our Volunteer Appreciation Tea. A well trained owner is a dog’s best friend. Come to Dog Obedience lessons through the Columbia Valley Dog Club starting Wed. May 8th at 7 pm at 1507 Pagliaro Road (corner of Campbell). 8 weeks of classes, $60 for the set. Please call for detailed information and to register 250-344-6451.


Golden Cinema Presents: 42 starting Friday May3 to Thursday May9 at 7pm.

This Week Pilates Core and More Tuesdays & Fridays, Jan.8 - June 14, 12-1pm at the Rec Plex. Please bring own mat. All levels welcome. Sign up at the College of the Rockies. Portaits in Bronze by Pat Luders at the Art Gallery of Golden until May21. Free disposal at all landfills and transfer stations until May25. Bizarro Days at Bizarre Entertainment Apr.28-May5.

Wed, May 1

Q & A for Adventists. All Questions welcome. Please email me at Thank you!!

Golden Youth Centre drop in every Wednesday from 3:30-9pm. Jam nights every Wednesday evening. Volunteer at the Abbeyfield Rose Gardens May 1 at 3pm. Call Penny Shapperd 344-5714. Jam night at the Rockwater.

Growing into, or growing out of?

Golden Parent and Tot Play Lets parents and kids from birth to five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-noon. Mountain Prana Running Club Wednesdays 5:30pm. Email hollietataryn@gmail. com for more info. Stone Sparrows Apr.24 at the Golden Taps Pub.

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Autobiographical Writing for adults - Free 8 week program to introduce techniques for organizing an autobiography. No experience necessary! April 24-June 12 1-3pm. To register call 250-439-9665.

This week's achievement award goes to...

Thurs, May 2 All Candidates Forum Thursday May.2 at Golden Seniors Centre. Doors at 6:30pm, forum is 7-9pm.

• For more information... go to

Bridge Club Fridays, 7-10pm at St. Andrews Centre for Peace. Contact 250-3445448.

Sat, May 4

Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub.

Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Saturday night.

Golden Voice Toastmasters Thursdays 7-8:30pm at COTR Rm 121. New members welcome. For info call Delanee Jmaiff 250-344-0652.

Metis Nation - Columbia River Society Meeting Saturday May.4 10:30am at GSS Kikino Room, Golden. Saturday May.11 10:30am at AB Ed Room, DTSS, Invermere.

Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Free Homework Help at the Youth Centre 3:305pm Grades 4-7. Snacks included. Drop in. Bridge Club Every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Thursday 20% off all services, call 250-344-5766. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Tourism Golden AGM at The Island from 4-6pm.

Fri, May 3 Mother Goose Program Fridays until June.7 from 10:30-11:30am at the public library. Drop in, snacks included. EZ Rock Radiothon In support of the Golden Food Bank on May3. Drop of donations at the radio station. Golden Youth Centre drop in Fridays from 3:30-9pm and movie night every Friday from 7-9pm.

St. Andrew’s United Church Plant and Bake Sale, and tea by donation. Saturday May.4 10am 901 - 11th Ave S. Storytime at the Golden Library 10:30-11:30am. Free drop-in, contact 250344-6516. Rotary Silent Auction and Youth Music Festival May.4 at the Golden Civic Centre 10am.

Sun, May 5 Junior Climbing Club at Dogtooth Climbing Gym 12:30-2pm. Booking is recommended 250-344-6444.

Mon, May 6 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Rockwater Bar & Grill Music Bingo every Monday night. Indoor Soccer at Mount 7 RecPlex Mondays 8:309:30pm until June 24. Mountain Prana Running Club Mondays 5:30pm. Email hollietataryn@gmail. com for more info.

Tues, May 7

John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Kindergarten Information Night at Nicholson Elementary from 6:307:30pm in Rm 2. Golden Area Initiatives AGM May.7 Kicking Horse River Lodge 3pm. Public welcome! Rockwater Grill & BarR


Upcoming Events

Advanced Voting for the provincial election starts May 8-11 at the Rec Plex. Golden Rockets AGM on May8 at 7pm, upstairs at the Wolf’s Den. Golden Figure Skating AGM May.9 LP Boardroom 7pm. Shriner’s Golf Tournament May11, shotgun start at 8am. Call 344-8412 to register. Mother’s Day Chamber Music Concert with Sarah Hagen & friends. 3pm May.12 at the Civic Centre. Mother’s Day Tea at Mountainside Gardens on May 12 from 2-4pm. Golden Minor Hockey AGM Monday May.13 at 7pm upstairs Arena Meeting Rm. 2013 BC Provincial Election on May 14 from 8am to 8pm at the Rec Plex. The Heart & Stroke’s Big Bike May.15. Call Goldie 250-344-6614 or 344-1047 for more info. The Brains May.15 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar $5. Swimming Pool Grand Opening May 18 from 1-8pm. A Good Morning networking event on May 17 at the Visitor’s Centre from 7:308:30am. Let’s Do Lunch Learn how to set and achieve your goals at the Island Restaurant on May 22 at 12pm. RSVP by May 21 at Elliott Brood at the Rockwater Grill and Bar May.24 $25.

Bronwyn Dixon for being hard-working and helpful, for cheering people up, and being a good friend to all.

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The Golden Star Wednesday, May 1, 2013 A9

Golden Moments: Finding a little piece of Scotland on the shores of B.C. Darryl Crane Corey Duncan was born in Airdrie, Scotland where she lived until 1955, when in her mid 20s, she came across the ocean to move to a small town on the west coast of Canada. One of the toughest parts of coming to Canada for Duncan was the week she spent coming across the Atlantic Ocean. “It took a week to cross a very rough Atlantic. I dined on crackers and ginger ale,” she said. After spending a weekend in Montreal with her aunt and uncle, she took the train to head west to British Columbia. “The first person I talked to on the train had a nice Scottish accent. He was the conductor on the train,” she said. After three days she made it to Vancouver where she met her fiancée before heading to Kimberley to get married. After the wedding, Duncan and her husband moved to Ocean Falls, a community on the central coast of B.C. “We had to go in by plane or boat. It was an inlet surrounded by mountains. When I got off the boat there I felt right at home because most of the accents were Scottish because Crown-Zellerbach (mill owners in the town) advertised in the old country papers. Many people decided to come to Canada,” she said. Although the community was isolated, Duncan said they had everything they needed in the town. “There were fishing boats that would come in and stock things up. We had a Hudson Bay Company when I first went there. We had everything.” While in Ocean Falls, Duncan had three sons who spent most of their childhood in the town. “They were all swimmers because there were lakes, rivers and so much water out there. They learned to swim right from the age of being in their diapers,” she

said. While in Ocean Falls her sons, Keith and Charles (ages eight and 11 at the time), were awarded medals of bravery in Ottawa from the Governor General for saving a clergyman who had fallen into a river near the town. “I had no idea what had happened. When they came home they were just soaked. I dumped them in a bath and it wasn’t until Rev. Betts came in and told me what had happened that I found out what they had done.” In an odd twist to the story, the man saved in the incident had been a minister of the United Church in Golden before moving to Ocean Falls. Duncan added that all of her sons were good athletes, not just in water, but in other sports as well. Her youngest son John played football in Kelowna before moving on to play at Bishop’s University in Quebec. The family moved to Golden when a friend suggested they could work in the area. “We knew someone here who worked in the mill in Golden and he had been up in Ocean Falls before,” she said. “He was the one who helped convince us to come to Golden.” Duncan enjoyed many things about being in Golden when she first came to town. “I worked at Barlow’s department store and that was great. They were so good to us. I was driving then too, which was nice because I did not drive in Ocean Falls.” Over the years Duncan said she has become very comfortable living in Golden. “There are good people who live here. I love the people and I have lots of friends,” she said. “I enjoy dropping by the bake shop to see friends.” She said one of the things she has enjoyed using is the Pedestrian Bridge which expanded the area where she could walk around town. Corey Duncan came to Canada in the 1950s Duncan said that over the years Golden has changed a great deal, but she still loves being in the town and to get married and start a new life in British Columbia. Darryl Crane/Star Photo enjoys the natural beauty in the area.


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Wednesday, May 1, 2013 The Golden Star

A look back at Mountain Ridge School 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251

Annual General Meeting MAY 9, 2013 7:00 PM LOUISIANA PACIFIC BOARDROOM

Notice of the 7th

Annual General Meeting of

Tourism Golden Association Thursday May 2nd 2013 4:00 – 6:00 pm The Island Restaurant Members and non-members are welcome. RSVP to or 250-439-1111

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

Over the years since Golden was founded there have been a number of schools that have been closed and that today most people would not have a memory of. Mountain Ridge School was that closed and very few people are left who have memories of it. It was located up on the McMurdo Bench on donated land, built with lumber donated by the Moren family, timber from the Jacobs family and volunteers from the Sargeant, Wil-


GOLF Shriner’s 17th Annual Charity Golf Tournament

Fun Scramble Format Saturday, May 11th 8:00 a.m. Shotgun start Enter as a team or as an individual • $75 for GGCC members • $80 for non-members Entry fee includes : golf, power cart & prizes There will be a live & silent auction as well Sign up at the golf course or call Bryce Piggot for more information at 250-344-8412


liams, Smith, Jacobs, Braisher, Moren and the Swamson families. My father, Harold Rauch was a pupil and Mountain Ridge School and friends with Victor Hunt who is responsible for the rest of the column. Victor Hunt attended Mountain Ridge School from 1933-38. Mountain Ridge was a one room school house that was located on the McMurdo Bench. Miss McIntosh, Miss McKenzie, Mr. Coy and Mr. Stuart were the teachers during those five years. When children misbehaved they would have to stay in after school and Victor always seemed to get more than anyone else. Victor recalls, Rudolph Stoller giving the teacher Mr. McCoy a real hard time. Mr. McCoy had come to the end of his rope and asked the students what they would do if the punishment was up to them - Rudolph got the strap. Victor would have to walk about half a mile to school, not only did he walk but he pulled Florence Jacobs along to school as well. He wore pants, a shirt and jacket, and if there was enough money, leather boots with hob nails, wool long johns and hand knit wool socks. During lunch hour Victor would play ball most of the time he would just get into trouble. He recalls when he saw the teacher push her chair back and reach in her desk he knew he’d hear “Victor, come up here.” The school had a sports day on the last day of school. They would have lemonade and ball games. Once they even had Nicholson

Pictured above is the Mountain Ridge School built on the McMurdo Bench 25 km south of Golden on land donated by Harley Jacobs. Funds for the windows, door, tar paper, nails, stove, desks and blackboards came from the BC Department of Education. The teacher in this picture was Beatrice McKenzie. L to r back row: Joe Palumbo, Ken Smith, Harold Rauch, Olga Smith, Jean Smith, Lena Stoller, Fred Polier, Herman Stoller. L to right front row: Pete Palumbo, Billy Rusk, Joan Rusk, Sam Palumbo, Florence Jacobs. Photo courtesy of The Golden Museum School up for a day. When Mr. McCoy left the school to teach elsewhere he bought a gallon tub of ice cream for the kids, hat was a real treat. While going to school Victor would sometimes have lard or jam on homemade bread sandwiches, but never peanut butter because that was a delicacy, he even took raw turnips or deer meat.

All these lunch items were carried to school in a five pound Silverleaf lard pail. First thing in the morning the class would have to sing “God Save The King,” someone would have to nudge Victor to wake him up or he would fall right on the floor. After school Victor would sometimes go down over the hill to the river and fish. He and his buddies would fill up with

newly caught fish. Mrs. Rauch would can the fish for the next time the boys went fishing. Victors best friends were Harold Rauch and Irwin Jacobs. As the families were not rich a partition could not be built to separate the school house. Victor thinks it was an advantage because they needed all the students in one room to keep warm.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 1, 2013 A11

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May is Pictured above are students from Golden Secondary School, exchange students from l’École Polyvalante LaRuche in Magog, Quebec, and teachers who were looking after the group. The Quebec students spent a week in Golden and in May, students from Golden will travel to Quebec. Darryl Crane/ Star Photo

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Quebec students come to Golden Golden Star Staff French students from Golden Secondary School are participating in an exchange with a group from l’École Polyvalante LaRuche in Magog, Quebec. The students from Quebec

came to Golden and spent a week in and around the town. The group went on trips to Radium Hot Springs, disc golf at Go Organic Sports Ranch in Parson, skiing at Lake Louise, a day in classes at GSS, a day in Banff and they also visited the Northern Lights Wolf Centre and the Golden Cin-

2 large 1 topping pizzas or 2 pastas, 2 garlic toasts & 2 salads

ema. Local students will be going to Magog to stay with their partners for a week of activities from May 5 to 12. Some goals of this exchange are to show students what life is like in a different part of the country, and to increase their competencies in speaking French.


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REBATES UP TO 10,000.00











Wednesday, May 1, 2013 The Golden Star

RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663

Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234

Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275

$368,900 3071 Tegart Road

5 bedrooms 2 baths 2,060sqft .66 acre


4 bedrooms

2.5 baths


3 bedrooms

1 bath

3 bedrooms

2 baths


1339 Pine Drive

5 bedrooms

3 baths

4 bedrooms

2 baths

Cromac Ridge

40 acres

6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres

4012 Beard’s Creek Road

2 baths


$189,900 2bdrms

3075 Imler Road

1 bath


2.7 acres

$210,000 3 bdrms

848 Oster Road

1 bath


.86 acre

522 - 11th Street

4 bdrms

2 baths


5.03 acres

1 bedroom

1 bath




Lot 5, 1313 Campbell Road 2.038 acres

$569,900 1615 Campbell Road

3bdrms 1.5 baths 1,900sqft 13 acres

$349,900 1309 Stoney Lane

3 bedrooms

2 baths


$975,000 1592 Golden Avenue

3 bedrooms

3 baths

REDUCED 5 bedrooms



517 - 12th Street 2 baths


$575,000 623 - 8th Avenue Commercial Land


2 bedrooms

1 bath


$595,000 4 bedrooms

3 baths

Kettleston Road

$189,900 2 bedrooms

1 bath

#74 Kicking Horse Village MHP 3 bedrooms

from $52,250 to $71,500 Canyon Ridge Only 7 lots left

$329,500 3 bedrooms 1 bath 1,097sqft 6.74 acres

$345,000 2276 Holmes Deakin Road

1 bdrm

2 baths


4 bedrooms 3.5 baths 3,826sqft



2267 Neville Road

4bdrms 2 baths 2,037sqft 5.7acres

$984,000 617 - 9th Avenue Building and Land



$1,395,000 1601 Golden Avenue




974 Oster Road


#306, 521 - 8th Avenue

from $299,900 to $399,900 2 Acreages Available

143 acres

1437 Granite Drive

$164,900 #304, 521 - 8th Avenue

$198,900 2 baths

4bdrms 1 bath 2,480sqft

.289 acre

#12, 2924 Kicking Horse Road

$269,900 #27, 1357 Aemmer Way

2 bdrms 1 bath 1,147sqft 4.05 acres

4057 Highway #95, South

1556 Quartz Crescent

50’ x 130’

2 bedrooms




$579,900 962 McBeath Road

$385,000 #102, 1420 Palliser Trail

38.6 acres

4bdrms 1.5 baths 1,668sqft 4 acres

$649,000 551 Highway #95, South



$695,000 3,438sqft 14.22 acres

3 bedrooms 1.5 baths 2,700sqft

Petra Musick Dan Veselic (250) 344-1476 (250) 344-1435

Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435

2980 Imler Road

$419,900 1305 Stoney Lane

2166 Blaeberry Road

4 Acreages Available

1741 Seward Frontage Road



from $210,000 to $260,000

985 McBeath Road

2 bedrooms

Lot 6, Dogtooth Close




$360,000 910 - 12th Street


4 bdrms 2 baths


Kootenay Ridge 4 Acreages Available


$264,000 809 - 10th Street

from $219,900 to $239,900


401 - 1st Avenue FIELD, BC

$439,000 1525 Fir Crescent

Flec Demmon Marlon Marlon Chambers Bob Bob Tegart Tegart Flec Demmon Chambers 344-8451 (250) (250) 344-0735 (250) (250) 272-4321 272-4321 (250)(250) 344-8451 344-0735

576 Habart Road .4 acre



921 - 14th Street

5 bedrooms

2 baths


$435,000 1398 Hartley Road

Land, Building and Business

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234

RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663

Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275

$479,900 4 bdrms A13

1976 Mitchell Road 2+ baths 3,278sqft

23 acres


4 bedrooms

3 baths


23.2 acres

3 bedrooms

2.5 baths


1513 Cedar Street

5 bedrooms

3.5 baths

4 bedrooms

2 baths


2 bedrooms

1 bath

3 baths


.6 acre

3.74 acres

from $99,900

REDUCED to $179,900 Forde Station Road 3 Acreages Available

$449,900 1037 - 10th Avenue North Land & Building

4 bedrooms

3 baths

1,350sqft 1 acre

.52 acre

2 bedrooms 1.5 baths 1,050sqft

716 - 8th Avenue 1 bath


$719,000 622 - 8th Avenue Land and Building



3 bedrooms

2 baths

3 bedrooms

20 acres

3 bedrooms

2 baths


$327,000 3 bedrooms

1.5 baths


2 acres

$317,700 742 Nicholson Road

3bdrms 2.5 baths 2,160sqft

4 bdrms

3 baths


3.7 acres

850 Canyon Creek Road

4 bdrms 2 baths 2,072sqft 2.26 acres


$945,000 1618 Purcell Woods Close

3 bedrooms 3 baths 2,532sqft

#55, 1290 Haesler BB

2 bedrooms

$290,000 #11, 1322 Kaufmann Way

2 bedrooms

1 bath


1129 Golden Donald Upper Road 3 baths


1 acre

1 bath


$599,900 628 LaFontaine Road

4+ bdrms 3 baths 3,456sqft 5.72 acres

$379,900 3bdrms

1 acre


$559,900 965 Oster Road

3, 300sqft

2238 Neville Road 80 acres

$269,900 960sqft


1213 10th Avenue

1320 Highway #95, South 1 bath

5 acres


2 Acreages Available



708 - 5th Avenue

Kicking Horse Road

$1,800,000 320 Fisher Road

1 bath

from $185,000 to $198,000


#10 Golden Mobile Home Park

3 bdrms


$249,900 2 baths


#7, 411 - 5th Avenue

$195,900 #15, 2924 Kicking Horse Road

2 bedrooms


3 baths


#303, 1420 Palliser Trail

151 acres

3 bedrooms


1611 Lafontaine Road

$599,000 2975 Allen Road


4 bedrooms


$269,900 554 Day Road 2 baths


$344,600 1308 Pine Drive


$95,000 Highway #95, South

1 bath

$319,900 1695 Golden Donald Upper Road

$349,300 1610 Gareb Road

15.45 acres

6 Acreages Available

2 bedrooms

4 bedrooms 2 baths 2,000sqft

2505 Highway #95, South

McMurdo Road

$449,900 7bdrms

2 bedrooms

from $124,500 to $255,000

1564 Quartz Crescent .289 acre

.47 acre

626 Habart Lower Road





$97,000 1409 Granite Drive



Petra Musick Dan Veselic (250) 344-1476 (250) 344-1435

Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435

612 - 12th Street

3 Acreages Available

516 - 11th Street

#101, 521 - 8th Avenue

$99,000 #51 Kicking Horse Village MHP

Imler Road


$450,000 1502 Poplar Street

from $169,600 to $209,900


3009 Golden Donald Upper Road

$365,000 1402 Birch Crescent

Flec Demmon Marlon Marlon Chambers Bob Bob Tegart Tegart Flec Demmon Chambers 344-8451 (250) (250) 344-0735 (250) (250) 272-4321 272-4321 (250)(250) 344-8451 344-0735

$529,000 4 bdrms

2600 Mons Road

3 baths


39.83 acre


Wednesday, May 1, 2013 The Golden Star

Abbeyfield House Rose Gardens need help to bloom Jessica Schwitek The beautiful rose gardens in front of Abbeyfield House bloom every spring, and make the community that much more special for both residents and visitors. The gardens, how-

ever, need a little help every year to continue blooming. Ever since the gardens were planted in 2000 through a Communities in Bloom initiative, a small group of volunteers have come back every year to tidy up and fertilize the gardens. “We have a core

group that always comes, but we’re losing people due to age and moving away,” said Penny Shapperd, who was part of that original Communities in Bloom group. “We thought this would be a good project for Communities in Bloom to under-

take…It lifts your spirits when you walk past, and you can smell the roses.” Shapperd expects that the work that needs to be done (weeding, fertilizing, pruning etc.) will take about three sessions, depending on how many volunteers come out. She usually gets between five and eight people coming out, but if 10 to 15 came, they could get all the work done much more quickly. “It’s a problem getting people to help with the clean up in the spring. Everybody is so busy,” she said. There is no gardening experience required to come and volunteer, Shapperd can show everyone what needs to be done. She recommends that you wear long sleeves, and bring a rake, kneeling pad, pruning sheers, and gloves if you have them. “The ones who come all the time, we all have a few of each of these things, and we bring everything we’ve got and lend them out. But if you’ve got it, it helps,” said Shapperd.


Every Monday (excluding Holidays) we celebrate with our neighbours from Alberta by offering Special Golf and Ride rates. Please note, this offer is also extended to non-Albertans. **$50.00 includes Green Fee and Power Cart seat**

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Play as many holes as you like each day for one low Green Fee price! *some conditions apply.

Family Days

Every Sunday after 3pm an Adult may bring up to 3 Juniors (16 years or younger) at no charge with their paid Adult Green Fee. Tee times are required.

RV Park

We have 24 private RV sites in the heart of the Golden Golf Club with restaurant, golf course and practice range faciliites only steps away. The Golden Golf Club is located just minutes west of Golden and adjacent the Columbia River and Holt Creek. $23.00 per night + tax Amenities include: • Quiet and private sites • Picnic tables at each site Mixed Open June 8th & 9th • 30 amp power to each site • • Potable water refill station • Ladies Open July 6th & 7th • Communal fire pit • Senior Open August 12th • Portable toilet facility • Men’s Open August 24th & 25th



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Fall Classic September 15

Golden Golf Club /



Penny Shapperd, pictured at the Abbeyfield House Rose Gardens, is looking for volunteers to make sure the gardens continue to bloom every spring. She needs people to help tidy and fertilize the gardens. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo These gardens have been part of the community for more than a decade, and Shapperd is determined not to let them disappear. “Not only the people at Abbeyfield, but the community really enjoys

it go, so the more volunteers I get the better.” To volunteer for one of the clean up sessions, the first of which is May 1, you can contact Shapperd at truvalue@, or 250-344-5714.

A musical side to the Rotary auction Darryl Crane As the Golden Rotary Club prepares for the group’s annual silent auction on May 4, they have announced an exciting musical component to this year’s event. Rotarian and well known local musician,

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these gardens. Weddings are often photographed here. It’s worth it because everybody enjoys it,” she said. “It would be sad to see it go. I’m getting older, and I feel it when I put too many hours in here. But I don’t want to let

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Sue Gould, explained what was going to be happening musically at the auction this year “I was originally approached to join up with the silent auction to put a music festival in,” she said. Gould said she thought it was a great idea so she talked to some of the other music teachers in Golden and they were very excited about the potential for the event. Performers will compete in two categories at the event. There is a 12 and under and an over 12 category for competitors. “One category will be held in the morning on the Saturday and then the older group will perform in the afternoon,” she said. Gould said the spirit of the event is to have the chance to perform. “It is all about the performance. We are encouraging them to get up and say a little about the piece and themselves. They will be lovely performances and it will be an entertaining picture.” Four adjudicators will decide who the winner will be from each categories. They will each receive a $100 scholarship and get the chance to play at the Mother’s Day Tea where they will be the opening act for Sarah Hagen. There will be around 20 performers at the Rotary Auction. “I think it is a wonderful opportunity for the students to play on the wonderful grand piano at the Civic Centre. It will also be a great day for the general public who are coming out for the auction to see what our kids are doing in this town,” she said.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 1, 2013 A15

The Bronze age returns at the Art Gallery of Golden

The bronze art of Pat Luders will be on display at the Art Gallery of Golden until May 21. Darryl Crane The Art Gallery of Golden (AGOG) has opened a new show of bronze works by artists Pat Luders from Fairmont Hot

Springs. The show, titled Portraits in Bronze, will be at the gallery until May 21. “I am very happy that AGOG would have me here. I have never had a solo show before, so

this is very exciting,” she said. She made the decision to go to art school during a mid-life change of career. “I stuck my toe in and got caught in the art world,” she said. “I dabbled in everything

Brood returns to Golden Golden Star Staff One of Canada’s best alternative country bands is returning to Golden to follow up on their soldout show at the Golden Civic Centre last August. Golden Delicious is bringing Elliott Brood through Golden again this year for a show at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on May 24. The trio, made up of Mark Sasso on lead vocals, guitar, banjo, ukulele, harmonica, and kazoo, Casey Laforet on guitar, lead vocals, backing vocals, bass pedals, keys, and ukulele, and Stephen Pitkin Elliott Brood will play a show on percussion, sampler, and back- at the Rockwater Grill and ing vocals, formed in 2002 at the Bar on May 24. Star Photo Toronto club, Holy Joes. Also described as “death coun- Genie Award for Achievement in try,” or “frontier rock,” Elliott Music: Original Song, for their Brood produces a dark, gritty folk single West End Sky. Their 2011 release, Days Into soul music built around whiskeydrenched vocals and lyrics evok- Years, earned them a Juno noming images of love, loss and mur- ination for Roots and Traditional Album of the Year. The album der. The band has toured extensive- delves more into distorted elecly throughout Canada and inter- tric guitars, instead of the softer nationally, opening for acts like stringed instruments of their preWilco, War on Drugs, Blue Rodeo, vious records. Elliott Brood has been touring the Black Crows, Corb Lund and with the album for much of the the Sadies. They had a big year in 2010 last two years, and will start workwhen they played the stage at ing on new material this summer. Tickets for the Rockwater show the Olympic Village and Whistler for the 2010 Vancouver Win- are available at Plain Wayne and ter Olympics. It was also the year Jane, and Jita’s Cafe. All tickets they wrote the score for the film are $25, and the doors open at 9 Grown Up Movie Star, and won a p.m.

revolves around working with people, recently Luders has also started working on using bronze to create works of art that forever capture the face of her friends’ pets. “This was a challenge. My friend did not want to have herself done but did want to have her dogs around forever. I tried and talked to a local vet who explained canine anatomy,” she said. Luders said the work is very labour intensive. She starts with clay and uses many photos to capture the image she is searching for. “It could take up to 80 hours,” she said. She said once she reaches a point where she has the clay where she wants it, she then decides whether to use plaster or bronze in the sculpture. “People who are very interesting for me are seniors, who have meant a great deal to their community,” she said. She also does work with bronze and other materials to make tables. “The ones in the show are all made from reclaimed material. They are laminated together… the wood was from the demolition of a school in Kimberley,” she said. “It is fun to work in the two different mediums. The tables allow a freer exploration and the material is endless.”

Darryl Crane/Star Photo

but loved three dimensional work.” Luders said she loves working with people and enjoys the challenge of trying to incorporate a person’s spirit into her work. Though most of her work


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Wednesday, May 1, 2013 The Golden Star

2013 Annual Golden Rotary GIGANTIC Silent Auction

& Youth Music Festival

In support of the Early Learning and Care Center

The Golden Civic Centre Saturday, May 4 @10:00 a.m. Live Music • BBQ Something for Everyone

7-11/Petro Can Gas Card $25 A&W Gift Basket $60 Acclaim Calgary 1 night stay and a Housecoat $225 Alpine Auto Centre King 18 volt portable drill $175 Alpine Helicopters 25 minute tour $1,000 Apple Island Naturals Gift Basket Avaterra Services Digital Avalanche Transceiver $250 Avon Jeep backpack, bag, gift basket $170 Bacchus Books Gift Certificate $15 B.C. Hydro Cash Donation $1,500 Bean Bag Coffee Roasters Gift basket $30 BellStar 2 Night Stay at Glacier Mountain Lodge $260 BellStar 1 Night Stay in Canmore $250 Ben Adama DVD player $75 Bev Ewan Quilt (quilted by Bev) $700 Birchbank Golf Course Golf for 2, $150 Body Quest Gift Certificate $58 BrandSource Group of Seven framed prints $199 Bruce Mackenzie Mike Ribeiro NHL issued hockey stick $200 Butchart Gardens Admission for 2 $125 Cal Gas Tank Top Heater & 20lb propane bottl $125 Calgary Flames Flames Jersey $150 Castlegar Golf Club Golf for 2 $130 Castlegar Super 8 2 Night Stay $300 Chamber of Commerce 18 month Annual Membership $125 Chatter Creek Mtn Lodge 2 night snowmobiling trip $400 CMH Heliskiing Ski Products Gift Certificate $500 College of the Rockies Hoodie & travel mug $65 Columbia Basin Trust CBT various items $150 Columbia Valley Credit Union Apple iPad $300 Columbia Veterinary Services Gift Certificate $60 Country Comfort B&B 1 Night Stay for 2 $150 Downtown Auto Wash Car wash tokens $75 Dr Link Chiropractic Orthotic Footbeds $46 Dr. Erika Buckley-Strobel Accupuncture Sessions Dr. Tim Styles Gift Certificate $300 East Kootenay Fuel Sales Jet “A” Fuel $100 Ed Coopland Contracting JET Tool Kit $325 Ewan and Mckenzie (2) Will certificate each $275 Fairley Law Cash $200 Fairmont Hot Springs Golf Resort 2 Golf passes $150 Fairmont Waterfront Vanvouver, 1 Night stay $250 Falkins Insurance 4 golf passes, 2-Cranbrook, 2-Wildston $260 Fields Pasta Cooking Set & bag $15 Flying W Trail Rides Gift Certificate Focus Corp Group of Seven framed prints $199 GKHAT Season Pass 2013/14 $370 Golden and District Museum History book $25 Golden Bakery&Deli Gift voucher $25 GoldenDentalCentre New Patient Exam, Xray & Hygiene $300

Golden Dollar Store Photo Frame $50 Golden Golf & Country club 4 Rounds Mon-Thurs $295 Golden Graphix 2 Hour Graphix Session $275 Golden Grizzly Cookhouse Gift Certificate $50 Golden Installations Gas Trimmer $150 Golden Junk Extension Cord Pack $27 Golden Minor Hockey Registration for 2013/14 $400 Golden Photography Legacy of Light Golden Physiotherapy and Sports Gift Certificate $130 Golden Reddi Mart & Laundromat Tackle Box & Fishing Rod $102 Golden Star Advertising Voucher $300 Gottler Bros 10 Yard Crushed Stone $300 Gurski Enterprises 2 Light Fixtures $400 Heather Mountain Lodge Gift Certificate (Room & Meals) $350 Higher Ground Socks & Spork, Polar Buff & Spork $81 HMC Services Gift Certificat $500 Invermere Rotary 2 Loop the Lake Registration $100 Jepson Propane 1 - 20 lb propane tank + fill $50.00 Joni Young Print $35 K. Lim Accounting Tax Service $100 Kal Tire Gift Certificate Kat Hadford Photography Gift Certificate $125 Kicking Horse Appraisals Gift Certificate Kicking Horse Coffee Gift Box $50.00 Kicking Horse Interiors Reflection Lake Photo $180 Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Eagle Eye Gift Certificate $100 Kootenay Pumping Cash Donation $200 Legendz Diner Gift certificate $40 Leigan Enterprises Ltd. Flo N Go Fuel Siphon $35 Lordco Auto Parts King Generator 950 watts $250 Louisiana Pacific Lift of Lumber $500 Lynne Romano Business Consulting World Host Training (2) $190 Mary Kay/Ellen Hatlevic Gift Basket Mary’s Motel 2 Night Stay $150 McDonald’s 2 Bosch Combo Tool Kits $300 McTar Petroleum Canucks Tickets $400 Merc Flooring & Paint 2 Gallons Paint $70 Mistaya Lodge 3 nights for 2 incl. All services $3000 Moberly Home Brew Gift Certificate $75 Moberly Mechanical Transmission Flush $250 Moberly Wood Products Chop Saw $200 Moose Trax Sweets Package $50 $85 Motor-Tech SkidooX-Team Hoodie Napa Auto Parts Travel Bag,T-shirt, flashlight $75 Numbers and Letters Gift Certificate $140 Off the Wall Entertainment Leather Jacket $171 Overwaitea Foods Gift card $100 Pacific Coastal Return Flight from Cranbrook to Victoria for 2 $1250

Park Inn Executive Room 2 nights stay $200 Parks Canada Annual family Park Pass/2 Adult annual Passes to Radium Hot Springs $400 Parky’s Heating & Cooling Cook Air Wood Fired BBQ $225 Penn Acres Boarding Kennels 2 Days Dog Boarding $35 People’s Drug Mart Gift Certificate Personal Touch Hair & Body Gift Certificate Personal Touch Skin and Laser Centre Gift Certificate Ponderosa Motor Inn 2 Nights Jacuzzi $400 Prestige Inn-Golden 1 Night Stay in Dekux Room $185 Ramada Inn 1 Month Gym Pass $50 Red Diamond Restaurant 2 Golfer’s Special Gift Certificates $30 Red Tomato Pies 5 Gift Certificates (Medium Pizzas) $80 Chainsaw $300 Ringheim & Co Industrial Sales Rockwater Pub Gift Certificate $50 Rockets Hockey Club Seasons Tickets $200 Sara Osadetz Artwork Sears Various Plyers $449 Selkirk Electric 75 ft. Roll 14/2 Wire $85 Selkirk Service Cargo Carrier $195 Shear Perfection Mystery Item $50 Shell Select Cash Donation $20 Shers Photography Photo Package $150.00 Sobeys Gift Certificate $50 Solara Canmore Night Stay in Suite St. Eugene Golf Resort Stay & Play $400.00 Stephanie Davis Design Hand Made dress $140 Strive For Excellence Gift Certificate $250 Subway Party Platter $45 Swiss Village Inn Cash Donation $20 The Island Restaurant 2 $40 vouchers $40 The Local Townie News Advertising Certificate $250 Tim Hortons Coffee Brewer W/4 Cups $175 Tim Parker Financial Wine Cooler $90 TLA Motorsports Gift Certificates $40 True Hardware Chop Saw $209 United Towing Vest & Misc. Items $65 Vagabond lodge Night for 2 $225 Vancouver Canucks Kesler Autographed puck $100 Victoria Getaway Package $2000 Victoria Opera Society 2 Admissions to Falstaff $125 Victoria Regent Hotel 2 Night Stay at Harbour $500 Vivd Hair Studio Cut, Colour & Product $120 Warren 4 Gal. Outboard Motor Oil $148 Weatherall Services Countertop Water Filter $100 Wet n’ Wild Adventures 2 Half Day Rafting $168 Whitetooth Bistro Gift Certificate $50 Willhorse Private Performance $1000 Winston Night Stay for 2, 2 Dinner, Many Misc. items $505

Proceeds will help your local Rotary Club to fund: high school bursaries, youth programs, support for local families in distress, Confluence Park project, polio eradication worldwide, literacy programs, cleft lip repairs, clean water projects and many more. In fact, wherever there is a need, locally or around the world, there are Rotarians working to build a better world.

*Check us out on Facebook at

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The Golden Star Wednesday, May 1, 2013 A17

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013 The Golden Star

Giant crowds flock to the Golden Home and Lifestyle Show

It was a busy weekend at the Golden Curling Club as shoppers and vendors came together for the second annual Golden Home and Lifestyle Show. The crowd looked around at displays highlighting many local businesses and non-profit groups, and to chat with a couple of MLA candidates. The event kicked off on Saturday with a free breakfast hosted by the Rotary Club of Golden Darryl Crane/ Star Photo

Moose Trax brings in Gerry’s Gelati to keep things cool during the summer Jessica Schwitek Summer is almost here, and this year you won’t have to drive all the way to Invermere for your favourite summer treat. Moose Trax in downtown Golden is now serving gelati, from the famous Gerry’s Gelati in Invermere. “I had ice cream last year, but you can get ice cream lots of different places. I just wanted to do something different. And I really like that it’s local,” said Janet Crandall, owner of Moose Trax which is now entering its second summer in business. “I really like the flavour selection, you can get your standard ice cream flavours. But you can also get some really different ones.” The specially ordered display freezer arrived at the store on April 23, along with a selection of delicious gelati. There will be seven flavours in store at all times, and Crandall will be changing up the selection with every order, yet still keep some local favourites, whatever those turn out to be. “I don’t have a favourite flavour yet, but I really like the sorbets. The mango is great. The raspberry cheesecake is really good too,” said Crandall. The prices will stay in line with the prices at Gerry’s Gelati in Invermere. One scoop is $3, two scoops is $4.25, and three scoops will be $5.50. It will also be available to take home by the pint. Soon to come will also be hand made waffle cones and bowls. “Making the waffle is not the hard part, it’s flicking it off the pan and moulding it into a cone. I’m going to have bandaids on all my fingers, it’s really hot,” joked Crandall. Moose Trax, located at 101-421 9th Ave. N., is open Sunday to Friday.

Janet Crandall, owner of Moose Trax, stands behind her new gelati freezer. The shop is now offering Gerry’s Gelati, made in Invermere. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Golden Star Wednesday, May 1, May 20131, 2013 The Golden Star Wednesday, A19

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.

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Information New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799. Sunday Gospel Services 3-4pm at the Lions Den (library basement) April 7-May 12. Everyone welcome!


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Career Opportunities





Municipal Inspector (Revelstoke)

Career Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Looking for inspection services for municipal roads and services construction.


Must be familiar with MMCD specifications,pipeworks and road building construction. Work would be on as required basis depending on pace & stages of construction & would involve inspection, checking works against design and specifications, providing notices to contractors, reporting, documenting test results and inspection reports to consulting Engineer. Project is in Revelstoke. Applicant would need own transportation to access site and safety equipment. Please respond with exp. and financial expectations. Please indicate where travel charges will be incurred from.

Small Ads work! Lost & Found Darryl Hamer - please contact the Golden Star at 344-5251 or come by the office 413 A 9th Ave N (beside Bacchus).


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No Risk Program. Stop Mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% Money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Travel $399 CABO San Lucas, all Inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $399! 1-888-481-9660.

Employment Business Opportunities A+DRINK SNACK plus Healthy Vending machine Route. Turn Key Business. Invest With Confidence, $4,000 Up. Training and Secured profitable Locations. Limited Must Sell. 1-888-979-8363. DO BUSINESS in Yukon! 1,831 sq ft prime ground floor retail space on the Main Street in Whitehorse, Yukon, next to Starbuck’s. For floor plan/photos, call 1-867-333-9966. INDEPENDENT reps F/T P/T International firm. Huge income potential WANTED: People who.... Love fashion and beauty; Care about the community; Want to earn money while having fun; Seek work/life balance; love to meet new people; FOUND....YOU. Join a company that makes a difference. Call 1-877-886-7055 or visit for more details

Career Opportunities MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for work-at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535


ROAD BUILDER – Must be experienced in grades, culvert placement and install, ditching and sloping, and Forestry standard roads. Pay negotiable, full season work with beneďŹ t package. Feller Buncher Operator (Cat Buncher) – Full time Pay negotiable by exp. beneďŹ t package. Please fax resume (1)250-378-4991 or e-mail: kristy@bcclassiďŹ

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at Obituaries

Charlie Varalta

Charlie Varalta, who was a friend to all, died unexpectedly in Revelstoke, BC, on April 18, 2013. Charlie is survived by his sister Miki of Revelstoke; children Maria of Perth, Australia, Theresa (Paul) of Calgary, Joe of Vancouver, Dan of :inÂżeld, Jason (Miv) of Qualicum Beach and grandson Joe. He was pre-deceased by his parents Augusto and Maria, and his sister Vi. Charlie was born at home on the farm in Naples, Alberta where he lived through childhood. He played hockey, softball and was champion bantam-weight boxer in 1951. Charlie began his career as a journeyman mechanic in Calgary, and he was a very good one. He was “oldschoolâ€?; able to diagnose by listening, using a solid metal bar pressed against the engine block. Over the years he worked at various mechanic jobs until 1983 when he was hired on with the Golden School District. His duties widened to include driving the school bus on the Golden to Field run. He was very popular with his passengers. His retirement in 1993 was only partial; he had purchased the Pinewood Motel a few years earlier, and this was his Âżnal job. The vacancy rate was low, and his backyard was the neighbourhood gathering place. Total retirement came after relocating to Revelstoke to join his long-time partner Elaine. He purchased property in Trout Lake where he could be in his boat in minutes to pursue his favourite pastime; Âżshing. Despite never being able to catch “the big oneâ€? during any of the local Âżshing derbies, Charlie would have declared each and every day a grand success. The Âżre pit beside his trailer at Trout Lake with the veranda over the Lardeau River was where the day’s stories were shared, especially with good friends Jim and Fred. A funeral was held at St Francis of Assisi Church in Revelstoke on April 2 . ,f desired, in lieu of Ă€owers, a charitable donation may be made to the BC Heart and Stroke Foundation.


Terrific career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License w/ air brake endorsement. Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation and BeneďŹ ts Package. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE

Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator, and labourer/rock truck operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction (780)723-5051.

A&W Golden is now hiring for all shifts, full time/part time, kitchen and front end staff, benefits. 250-3444784. Please apply in person to the manager. Black Forest Restaurant is hiring Cook. $12 - $14 per hour 40 hours per week. Email resume to: careers@ or drop off resume between Noon-5:00pm. Cook needed for Apostoles Restaurant $11-$13 hourly, 40 hrs/week. Send resumes to Box 1806 Golden B.C. or by email: apostolesrestaurant

Experienced COOK required. Full or Part Time. Days/Afternoon shifts. Wage dependent on experience. Apply in person. SUNRISE FORD 100 Mile House Requires Ford trained technicians & apprentices. Well equipped 11 bay shop, competitive wages & benefits E-mail Resume to Att; Helmut Loewen

Help Wanted

Parky’s Heating is looking to hire an experienced journeyman plumber/gas fitter to lead Parky’s new Plumbing division. The position is full time and will offer a base wage of $32/hour plus benefits but can be negotiated with a more experienced applicant. Parky’s has been in business for over 40 years and specializes in residential & commercial HVAC installations and service, woodstove & chimney installations but will be taking over the operations of Blaeberry Valley Plumbing as of June 1, 2013. The successful candidate will have the following qualifications: •Ability to work unsupervised, be self motivated & hard working, problem solver, instruct apprentices & work in a team environment. •Excellent communication & customer service skills, proficient at reading & interpreting blueprints. •Experience in drainage waste & vent systems, potable water distribution, hydronic/radiant heat systems installation & design, water filters/softeners, well/private water systems, installation, maintenance & repair of plumbing fixtures & systems Applicants can forward resumes Attention: Doug Parkinson by email at or in person at 808 – 9th Street North, Golden, BC.



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A20 A20

Wednesday, 1, 2013 Wednesday, May May 1, 2013 The Golden Golden Star Star


Help Wanted




Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale

Help Wanted

MEAT MANAGER, Jasper Super A. Jasper Super A is looking for an experienced Retail Meat Manager. As Meat Manager you will be responsible for all aspects of the managing the department, including cutting meat. You must have working knowledge of gross margins, expense controls and human resources management. The successful candidate must have Grade 12 (or equivalent) and be able to provide a “clear� security clearance. If you have the skills and abilities please forward your resume to our Head Office, The Grocery People Ltd. (TGP) in confidence to: Human Resources, The Grocery People Ltd., 14505 Yellowhead Trail, Edmonton, AB, T5L 3C4. Fax 780-447-5781,

Professional/ Management

Trades, Technical

Financial Services

Garage Sales

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at

WANTED IMMEDIATELY Experienced concrete finishers. Min. 4-5 yrs experience. Must hold a valid driver’s licence, pass a drug & alcohol screening & start ASAP. Competitive wages & health benefits. Please call (250)425-4169 or (250)433-7036.

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at Help Wanted

Help Wanted

PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR We are looking for a self-motivated Production Supervisor for our busy wood post manufacturing and treating facility in Princeton, BC. The successful candidate will be responsible for employee training and development, quality and cost control, production scheduling and safety. The ideal candidate will have a post-secondary degree or diploma in a related field. Minimum of 3-5 years supervisory experience in an industrial production operation, a post mill or wood production facility preferred. Must have a high degree of resourcefulness, flexibility and adaptability; and the ability to plan, organize, develop and interpret programs, goals, objectives, policies and procedures, etc. Good leadership skills, and excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a proven track record are required. Please email your resume to For further information about our company visit our website at Only those selected for interviews with be contacted.

Trades, Technical

Acting Director, Communications CBT is seeking an Acting Director, Communications to direct all matters related to communications and public affairs activities throughout the organization. With a department staff who are very competent in the technical areas of communications and public relations, the emphasis in this position will be on identifying, managing and resolving communication issues as well as providing managerial oversight and supervision to communications staff. CBT will therefore be willing to consider a broader, more generalist range of management experience in making a selection for this position. This is a 1215 month term executive management position reporting to the CEO, and is based in Castlegar. Please visit for more information. %FBEMJOF .BZ OPPO 15 XXX DCU PSH t

Join us:

CONCRETE FINISHERS & Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Fax 780-444-9165,

Help Wanted

GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209.

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Contractors Custom blueprints.Visit: Save! Save! Save!

Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.

Garden & Lawn Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil Now Available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - ph $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery. Call Bernie - 344-4646.

Home Improvements OK Tire is looking for a

journeyman mechanic.

Offering great wage and benefits! For more information, call 250-344-2239 or email

Administrative/Finance Services Clerk (Casual) We need 2 Administrative/Finance Services Clerks to be available on an on-call basis for regular staff relief in our Corporate Services and Finance Departments. You need to be reasonably available to be both scheduled and available on-call to back up staff on leave, training, to assist in special projects, or during busy times of the year. A wide range of duties are applicable depending upon the department requiring relief, so you’re never going to be bored! The Corporate Services Department needs you for front desk and reception activities, public information and referral, general office administration and operations, front desk accounting and receipting, basic records administration, data processing for corporate programs, licensing and program registrations, and other clerical duties as required. The Finance Department needs you to assist in the billing and collection of utility and property tax revenues, recording and balancing other daily cash receipts, preparing bank deposits, and processing invoices and payables. Duties required by both departments will include a sharing of reception and other public interface requirements including answering and directing phone, email, and counter calls. We will choose our candidates with a focus on one person having strengths for Corporate Services and the other for Finance. You must have completed Grade 12 supplemented by courses in stenography, typing, finance accounting, or business report writing and supported by at least 2 years of recent clerical experience in an administrative support role. You also must have a working knowledge of current Microsoft Office programs and experience working with legal documents. General professionalism, communication skills, and an ability to create correspondence are also required. These casual positions are within the CUPE Local 2309 bargaining unit paid at $25.24 per hour. A job description is available at Town Hall, on our website at and our facebook page. Applications may be delivered by post, fax, hand, or electronically, and will be received until 4:00 pm (Mountain Time) Friday, May 10th, 2013 by: Jon Wilsgard, Chief Administrative Officer Town Hall – 810 9th Avenue South, P.O. Box 350, Golden, BC V0A 1H0, Fax: (250) 344-6577, E-mail: Candidates with lesser qualifications may be considered. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted We reserve the right to collect both direct and indirect information about any applicant selected for an interview.

FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft

Overnight Delivery in most of BC!



Tree Services

1116 Flemstrom Road May 4 9am - 12pm. Toys, sports, automotive, mosquito trap, truck racks, old windows, etc. GARAGE SALE Sat April 27 and Sun April 28 9am - 3pm. 20 11th St South. Cranbrook May 4th, 9-3 Multi-Family Garage Sale! 1505 - 11th Ave N (past new police station) Lots of stuff :) Sat, May 4th 9-12 1223 Alexander Drive Childrens items, BBQ, lots more YARD SALE Saturday May 4 10am-2pm Alexander Park. Proceeds going to Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions online at; or Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.


$30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798 days, 344-2160 evenings. Samples available.

Merchandise for Sale


FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677. Firewood for sale: Fir, Pine, Spruce, Birch. Win FREE Firewood. Ph 250-939-8548

For Sale: computer desk $40 OBO. Teak table, 2 leaves, 6 chairs $300. 250-344-5123. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING - Blowout clearance sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6,860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. Or visit us online at: Utility trailers for sale. 4’x8’ and 5’x8’ call 250-344-5064.

Garden & Lawn

Garden & Lawn

Computer Equipment FOR Sale Seanix desktop computer, windows 7, 2 GB Ram, 32-bit operating system, DVD rewriteable, Flat screen monitor, Keyboard, multimedia speakers, Computer desk, Good condition, Asking $275. Throwing in printer. Contact 344-0129.


Plants /Nursery SPRUCE tree SALE! Starting @ $69.-6’ft, Larger sizes available, 50 tree minimum order. Perfect for front yard, wind or privacy hedge. Call 1-778-436-8776 or email

Real Estate For Sale By Owner 1 bedroom condo, 3rd floor, 5 appliances. Quiet, senior oriented building, clean, secure, elevator. Close to shopping, hospital. $146,500. Offers or trades welcome. Call 250-426-0103 evenings, weekends. 3 or 4 Bdrm, 1140sqft, 1.5 baths, walking distance from town, large fenced yard, 3 season sun rm, asking $265K. Ph 250-344-6445 Gorgeous 4 Bdrm mobile home, new windows, new flooring in 3 bdrms & hall, lg laundry rm, lg living rm, eat in kitchen, lots of storage, fenced yard. Call April @ 344-2972 or Dale @ 439-7844 OPEN House Sat April 27 114pm. Beautiful custom home on 10 private acres, motivated seller, 3300sq/f home,10 min’s d’town Cranbrook. $524,900. 5680 Hidden Valley Rd or call 587-216-2334/appt REDUCED - 4 bdrm 2.5 bath house mins from town on 25 acres. $378,900. 250-3447019. Agents welcome!


Tree Topping and Removal Fully Insured, Best rates in town. Ph. 250-939-8548

HUGE Food Equipment Sale Auction World, Kelowna- New from the manufacturer to auction block! Used from closed restaurants & bailiff seizures or call 1-800-556-5945

Misc. Wanted True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030

Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil Now available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - pH 6.9-7.0 NOT screened bush dirt! $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery Call 344-4646

NOVA SCOTIA’S Eastern Shore. Waterfront Lots for Sale Excellent Climate Near the Atlantic Ocean. Three Bedroom House for Sale or Rent Visit us online at: or, call 1-902-522-2343 or 1-902-3284338.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2 bdrm mobile home at Nicholson. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551.

FOR RENT In the Blaeberry 2 Bdr Apt $800/month -Avail. March 1 -Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV & Internet -DD ($300)&References required - No Pets Phone 250-344-7299 Please leave message if no answer

Penthouse Condo at KHMR avail. May 15 - Nov 30 2013. Turn key, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, indoor parking, lg balcony w/hot tub, w/d, internet & cable incl. $1000/mo. ph.780-919-1648

Radium 2 bdrm, 2 bath, semi furnished, 2nd floor unit, 6 appl, fireplace, propane bbq hookup with bbq. Secure underground parking with storage. N/S, pets negotiable. $900/mth incl. util. Avail June 1st. Deposit and references required. Pictures on Kijiji ad ID 476565958 Call Susan at 250-422-3510. ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Avail immd. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250344-8113 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113.

Golden Star Star Wednesday, MayMay 1, 2013 The Golden Wednesday, 1, 2013


Rentals A21 A21


Apt/Condo for Rent

Homes for Rent

Suites, Upper

Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233.

2 bdr suite. N/S, no parties, no pets. Avail Apr 1. Sat. tv, utls, all incl. $1000/mth. 250-4391055. 403-497-9303.

1 bdrm 1 1/2 bath bright furnished suite downtown. $800/mnt call/txt 250-3441324

Apartment Furnished

2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710.


1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.

Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

Cottages / Cabins 2 bdrm cabin 1000 sq/ft, furnished/unfurnished, carport, suitable for 2 adults. No pets, references. $1000/mnt + utls. 250-344-5064. 3 & 2bdrm, and 2 bdrm cabin at Creekside apts. Quiet, clean & modern living spaces. Perfect for rafters! Call Dan @250-344-1435. Cabin for Rent Cozy, quiet 2 bdrm cabin. 10 mins west of town. Partially furnished. No pets, N/S. $650/mo., Sat TV and internet incl. Util. extra. Call 250-344-7008. For rent: $600/mth, 1 bedroom cabin full furnished, all ult incld, no pets. Call Columbia Valley Credit Union 344-2282 ask for Lorne.

Duplex / 4 Plex 3 bdrm and 4 bdrm duplex, outside pets welcome, 4 bdrm $850/mnt + uts, 3 bdrm $750/mnt + utls, $100 less with 1 yr lease. Wood heat, large acreage w/ garden. Avail immdly. Horse Creek South. 250-421-6415. 3 bdr upstairs 1/2 Duplex. Clean, in town. W/D, sundeck, dishwasher & garage. Avail May 1. $1075, util incl. Refs. No pets. 250-344-5398.

Misc for Rent

FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.

3 Bdr & 2 Bdr Avail May 1. 250-344-5075.

3 bdrm house reno’d Alexander park for rent $1000/month + 2/3 util. Avail May 1. 604815-9225. 3 bdrm w/ huge master, 1 1/2 bath, large front&back yard, good gardening space, back yard looks onto KHMR, front faces mt 7. Wood burn. oven, propane heat, single garage w/ storage, functional layout. $1150+utls avail immdly. 403861-1473. 4 bdrm 2 bath executive home, fully furnished $1600/mnt, txt/call 250-3441324, 4 bdrm house for rent. New, nice, and clean. Avail. May 1st. Long term prefd, sat. inld refs req’d. Call 250-439-1055. 5 Bdr house. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, 2 washrooms. Excellent location close to school and town. Lv msg. 250344-6131. 5 bdrm 2.5 bath house for rent $1050/month utls incld. 250344-5648. 5 bdrm 2 bath house for rent downtown $1500/mnt. Please txt/call 250-344-1324 Small trailer in the Blaeberry for rent. 1 bdrm with 2 bdrm addition, excellent playground, $700/mnt gas and elec incld. 250-344-5958 (home).

Shared Accommodation 2 bdrms, in town, clean, furnished, W/D, yard/garden, wifi, dog ok. $425/$475 all in + DD. May 1st, 250-344-0530

Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.


Auto Financing

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557

Auto Services Free car and scrap pick up (within town limits). No tires? No problem! Call Columbia Towing 250-344-6690. Old vehicles lying around? FREE VEHICLE REMOVAL Need Parts? Over 150 cars Call Rod 250-344-6921 or 250-272-6416.

Suites, Lower

Cars - Domestic

Basement suite. $575/mth + util. Available in May.Call 344-4565. Brand new studio suite for rent Alexander Park. $600/mnth + 1/3 utls. Avail May 1. 604-8159225 Great spacious bright 1 Bdr basement suite. Fully furnished, separate entrance. Full kitchen with large eating area, big living area with large windows & beautiful views of river and mountains. Minutes to town. Parking, laundry. $700 incl utils. and TV. DD required. N/S, No pets. 1-250826-1696. Newly Reno’d 2 Bdr. Suite lrg. kitchen & dining, private laundry, cable TV, wireless internet, util incl. Quiet downtown neighbourhood. Avail June 1. N/S. $900/mo. 250-344-5229.


Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Motorcycles Motorcycle for sale, 2003 Honda Rebel 250cc, the best street bike for learning. $2500 OBO. 10,000 kms. 250-3446517 or 250-271-1744.


Tenders LAND PARCEL sale by tender SW 17-28-29W1 RM of Shell River, MB. 80 acres. hay/pasture/bush for farm/recreation/acreage. Highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Closes May, 17, 2013. Call 204-937-7054 (Roy).

In Golden, 40’ x 60’ heated shop with 400’ by 150’ secured fenced area. Ph. 250-344-6234


Mobile Homes & Pads

Please be advised that Floyd and Rozanne Larwill are proposing to remove 87 hectares of private land from Woodlot License W1586 located in the vicinity of Donald, east of old Big Bend Highway, and adjacent to Wiseman Road.

2 Bdr 2 Bath mobile home in quiet rural area 5 mins from town. $900/mth + util. Avail May 1. Call 250-462-7071.

Homes for Rent 2 Bdr House for rent, across from Overwaitea, avail.immdly. References required. No pets. No parties. NS. Please call 250-344-6200. 2 bdrm mobile home just west of Tim Horton’s. Laundry and wood heat. Avail May 1st $800/mth call Troy 250-3441340. 3 bdrm house for rent $1000/mnt small pets only. 250-439-9849.

It takes 11 muscles to read this ad.

Inquiries/comments to this proposal must be submitted to Floyd and Rozanne Larwill, PO Box 1038, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0, by May 15, 2013. Only written inquiries received by the above date will be responded to. Information about this proposal can be obtained by contacting Floyd and Rozanne Larwill. Phone-250-344-2536 / Mailing address-PO Box 1038, Golden BC, V0A 1H0 / Email-À

Don’t take your muscles for granted. Over 50,000 Canadians with muscular dystrophy take them very seriously. Learn more at


Wednesday, May 1, 2013 The Golden Star

Soccer coaches continue training during season

This past weekend volunteer coaches from the Golden Minor Soccer Association and Invermere Minor Soccer attended the BC Soccer Association’s Active Start and Fundamentals training clinics presented by instructor Joe Jhutty (in the middle of the back row). GMSA offers this coaching course free to its volunteer coaches as the first step into the national coaching certification process. There are 64 parents and high school students who are volunteering as coaches with GMSA this season. These coaches plan 16 practice/game sessions for 32 teams during the eight-week season. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Tyler Tetrault leads the karate class at Alexander Park Elementary School.

Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Karate popularity continues to increase in Golden Jessica Schwitek In just one year, karate in Golden has gone from 18 students, up to 66, and gives students of all ages and various skill levels a place to learn. “We study Shotokan Karate, and are part of the International Shotokan Karate Federation with over 40,000 members world wide,” said Tyler Tetrault, karate instructor. The increase in students can be largely attributed to the club offering to teach five to nine years olds, which has brought in 34 students. Some of their parents even decided to join. The skills and benefits you get from karate span all ages.

“Karate is not about learning how to fight. Karate is about learning how not to fight, by becoming master of yourself, your environment, and situations you put yourself in,” said Tetrault. “The physical benefits of karate include increase in balance, co-ordination, speed, strength, and endurance.” Students will also get lifelong benefits from karate including improved focus, confidence, will power, determination, as well and the desire and tools for self-improvement. “Karate is unique from many athletic activities in that it is life long, with many people training through their 70s and 80s,” said Tetrault. The club is in its building phase, with the majority of the students being young beginners. They advance through the coloured belt grading system two times a year when the

chief examiner for British Columbia comes to Golden for testing in November and June. “The focus is on development of this group, so in four to five years we will have a very strong adolescent group of advance karate students with the aim of competing in provincial and national tournaments,” said Tetrault. The club is also working towards a long term goal of building their own Dojo (training facility) either for themselves, or working with other groups in the community who may be interested in a deluxe athletic training facility that would capitalize on the Town’s diverse athletic opportunities. Karate is nearing the end of its season, but anyone interested in joining in the fall can contact Tetrault at 344-4845 or

The Golden Star Wednesday, May1, 2013 A23

Go to Golden Youtube video shows off what people can do Jessica Schwitek Within a day, this Youtube video was up to 1,000 hits, and has climbed steadily ever since. Go to Golden, you wont be bored, filmed by Bill Braisher, shows outsiders just how much Golden has to offer. “There’s just so much to do in Golden that I don’t think people realize,” said Braisher, who has been working on this project for a couple years now. Owner of the Winston Lodge, Braisher has always been interested in getting involved in the tourism industry. In fact, he began this video project before he purchased the lodge. “It was really important to me to make this non-biased. I want this to be an invitation to the world from every tourism outlet, all

groups and companies in Golden,” he said. The 23-minute video features well over 100 different things to do in and around the community, including ATVing, hunting, hiking, as well as showcasing many of the facilities in Golden, like the pump track and the Golden Civic Centre. “There is definitely more to come,” said Braisher, who already has a list of about 20 activities that didn’t make the first video. “I’d been working on it for so long, that I decided I had to stop myself and put something together.” The goal of the video is to show the world how much there is to do in the community, and hopefully get them calling Tourism Golden, and the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce to find out

where they can go to do the things they saw in the video. “I’m hopeful that they’ll get a lot of calls about this,” said Braisher. “And I’m hoping that they’ll be able to tell them exactly where to go for the paintball, and petting zoo.” This is just one piece of Braisher’s overall plan to help grow Golden’s tourism industry. He is hoping to get on the board of Tourism Golden, and will be releasing more videos in the future. “This one turned out to be a bit like a news report, with me standing in front of these places and talking about what they do. For the next one I’d like to be a little more involved, with me actually doing the paragliding, and actually getting in the canoe, that sort of thing,” he said.

Breakfast is served

So far the feedback has been perfect, said Braisher, and all the companies and groups involved have been happy about how

diverse the snapshot of Golden was. “The best advertising is word of mouth,” said Braisher. “I’m hoping this will really help grow

tourism in Golden.” A link to the video can be found on the Golden Community Facebook page, or at

ojnfOaNxmt0&feat And most of the activities featured in the video can be found at

Eddie Mountain Division Champions! 2012/2013 The Golden Rockets want to thank every person that had a hand in our most successful season in history! The volunteers that help behind the scenes, the advertisers and sponsors that support the team, the Town of Golden and the arena staff and of course the FANS that came out to the games and cheered on your team! All of you have a hand in keeping hockey alive in this beautiful town that we all call home, and we couldn’t be more thankful for all of you, and all you do! See you in September… Boom Chuck A Lucka!

The Burgess Shale “Know the Earth beneath Your Feet” Travel through over a half billion years in the story of our planet as displayed by the glorious landscape of the UNESCO Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site in Western Canada. Remains of ancient tropical equatorial seas, petrified tree trunks that grew at the time of the dinosaurs, remnants of a melting ice sheet which once buried much of North America, continental collisions, the rising of mountain ranges are just few of the features revealed during hikes and road trips and highlighted for you by your guides, all of whom are qualified geologists with the Burgess Shale Geoscience Foundation. Join us and come to know the Earth beneath your feet in a new and exciting way.


July 18/19 or August 22/23

Tour begins Thursday evening (7pm to 9pm) at College of the Rockies - Golden Campus with a 2 hour lecture by the geologist on the Burgess Shale hike and orientation Friday, meet at the college at 7:00am for transport to the trail head. Participants will be transported back to the college after the hike. Participants will receive the Burgess Shale guide book as part of the tour.

Price: $249.00 per person Note: participants should be in good physical shape.

Golden Rotarian Bruce McKenzie cooks breakfast at the Golden Home and Lifestyle Show on April 27. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

For full information or to register: Phone: 250 344-5901 or Visit:


Wednesday, May 1, 2013 The Golden Star


& Market Garden



Open 10-6, Sundays 10-4

This is to advise that Council of the Town of Golden will consider a Development Variance Permit respecting 613 12th Street South at the following Regular Open Council Meeting. Date: Location: Time:


Tuesday May 7 Council Chambers, Golden Town Hall, 810 9th Ave South, Golden B.C. 7:00 pm

PURPOSE: The applicant proposes to vary Schedule E of Zoning Bylaw 1294, 2011 to increase the maximum building height of detached secondary residential dwellings from 5.5 m to 7.3 m in the on the subject property to facilitate the development of a detached secondary residential dwelling. SUBJECT PROPERTY Civic: 613 12th Street South Legal: LOT 4 BLOCK 7 SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 27 RANGE 22 WEST OF THE 5TH MERIDIAN KOOTENAY DISTRICT PLAN 9503 Figure 1: Subject Property 613 12th St. S A copy of the staff report, relevant background information and draft permit will be available for public inspection from Wednesday, April 17th 2013 to Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 at the Town Hall (810 9th Avenue South) during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday excluding statutory holidays. The information will also available on the Town of Golden website at under Public Notices.

Golden Cycling Club hosts local bike swap The Golden Cycling Club bike swap took place on Saturday, April 20 at Derailed Sports. People brought items that they wanted to sell The swap opened for sales at noon for three hours. The event was a success as many residents dropped by to see what they could find before the start of the biking season in the Golden area. To learn more about what is happening with the club and the trail systems in Golden, go to or check out the group’s Facebook page.



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Any person who believes their interests may be affected by this proposed Development Variance Permit may appear in person, or by agent, the evening of the Regular Council meeting, or submit a petition or written comments by mail or email no later than 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 to the attention of the Corporate Officer, Town of Golden by: Fax: 250-344-6577; Email:; or Post: P.O. Box 350, Golden B.C V0A 1H0 No letter, report or representation from the public will be received by Council after the conclusion of the Tuesday May 7th 2013 Meeting. Please note that all submissions are a matter of public record.


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Pictured from left to right are Ryan Harvey, Jason Romani, John Simpson, Sarah Kennedy, Mike Rubenstein, Dominique Doyon, and Melissa Huntley who were at the Golden Cycling Club’s 2nd Annual Bike Swap on April 20. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

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