Hope Standard, May 02, 2013

Page 1

The Hope


Affordability of Hope Minor Soccer key to continued success 14

Office: 604.869.2421 www.hopestandard.com

TRAVELING EXHIBIT AT HELL’S GATE Display brings to life Chinese legacy in the Fraser Canyon


ART GALLERY FEATURES LOCAL FAMILY Painting, pottery and drawings showcased throughout May


BC tes



ELECTION CANDIDATES AT A GLANCE Chilliwack-Hope contenders share their views on pressing issues



Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Business . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Classifieds . . . . . . 17 $




New ‘living wage’ calculated for Fraser Valley which starts at $10.25 in B.C. She said 43 per cent of chilBlack Press dren living in poverty come A local group says a Fra- from families where at least ser Valley family of four needs one adult has a full-time job. “A lot of families are just one both parents to be working paycheque away from living in full-time and each earning a minimum hourly wage of poverty,” Homer added. She said employees who $16.37 in order to obtain baearn a living wage tend to stay sic needs and escape “severe longer at their jobs – saving financial stress.” Living Wage Fraser Valley hiring and training costs for (LWFV), hosted by Vibrant their employers – and expeAbbotsford, has calculated the rience less stress and illness, “living wage” for the area from reducing absenteeism from Aldergrove to Hope/Boston work. While many employers Bar. might be scared The figure off by the was released $16.37 figure, this week. A livGlen Ogren, “A lot of families ing wage is calpresident of the culated based are just one Hope & Dison a budget for a healthy fampaycheque away trict Chamber of Commerce, ily of four with from living in said there are two children currently sevaged four and poverty. ” eral businesses seven, and each in the local parent workAllison Homer area providing ing 35 hours a living wage a week for 52 through either weeks a year. It takes into account basic wages or a combination of expenses such as food, hous- wages and benefits. “A living wage is a great goal ing, childcare, clothing and transportation once govern- for every business to strive for,” ment taxes, credits, deduc- he said. “However there needs to be tions and subsidies have been the ability for business owners factored in. The living wage does not to get their goods to market. consider home ownership, It is not just incumbent on debt, holidays, saving for re- business to provide all its retirement or a child’s education, sources. It also is incumbent or caring for a disabled, ill or upon government to provide a culture where business can elderly family member. LWFV coordinator Allison take place.” Ogren pointed out that Homer admits that the budget is “bare-bones.” She said it many local businesses can’t afbrings attention to the plight ford to pay that kind of wage of many families who are try- as they rely a great deal on seaing to survive on less than sonal tourism dollars. that, such as minimum wage, Continued on 3 Kerrie-Ann Schoenit and Vikki Hopes

Playground construction


Glen Anderson (left) and Miles Bissky wield a power auger, preparing for a new playground piece at Coquihalla Elementary School on Saturday. The school received $50,000 from the province to replace the old apparatus. Almost 50 parents, school and district staff volunteered their time Friday through Saturday, allowing the bulk of the grant money to go into the equipment.




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A2 Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013




Book launch

With Us!

Gerd Asche signs a copy of his latest book Plaques and Placebos Part One at his book launch last Thursday at Pharmasave. Available copies sold out within 30 minutes. More books, as well as Plaques and Placebos Part Two, will be available sometime in July at the Hope Arts Gallery. Proceeds from book sales benefit the Hope & District Arts Council.

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Exhibit honours Chinese legacy Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

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A new exhibit at Hell’s Gate Airtram brings to life a piece of Fraser Canyon history. Chinese Legacies: Building the Canadian Pacific Railway highlights the contributions of Chinese labourers who helped build the CPR from Port Moody to Craigellachie in the 1880s. It features a campsite diorama, slide show of historical photographs, and several artifacts. “It tells the story of them coming here to look for gold in the beginning, building the railway, and all the deadly working conditions and disease that they had to face while they were here,” said Debbie McKinney, with Hell’s Gate

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BC tes


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Debbie McKinney showcases the new Chinese Legacies: Building the Canadian Pacific Railway exhibit at Hell’s Gate Airtram on opening day last Friday

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nation that was faced by the Chinese labourers at the time, the lasting impact railway construction had on their lives and their contribution to Ca-

nadian national development. Many of the workers went on to become entrepreneurs. Chinese Legacies: Building the Canadian Pacific Railway is a traveling exhibit on loan to Hell’s Gate Airtram this season from Revelstoke Railway Museum. It has been enhanced by artifacts from Yale Historic Site, Minter Gardens, Burnaby Village Museum, and the UBC Chung Collection. “We didn’t want it to be the exact same exhibit all the time in case other people have seen it before,” said McKinney. The exhibit is free with admission to Hell’s Gate Airtram. For more information, visit www.hellsgateairtram.com or call 604-867-9277.

All Candidates Meeting!

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Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013 A3


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From left to right: Sharon Eistetter (Farm Credit Canada senior director), Adrienne Marshall (vice-president of the Hope & District Arts Council), Mike Welte (Farm Credit Canada customer service manager), and Mayor Susan Johnston were at The Art Machine Wednesday morning for a $5,000 cheque presentation to the Hope & District Arts Council. The rural community grant from Farm Credit Canada will be used to purchase a new electric pottery kiln for The Art Machine.

Pipeline plan ruffles FVRD meeting Alina Konevski Black Press

The Fraser Valley Regional District’s quick approval of a corridor study by Kinder Morgan in Cheam Lake Wetlands Regional Park has alarmed the activist group Pipe Up Network. Member Lynn Perrin applied to sit as a delegate on the FVRD board in order to motion a reconsideration of the decision to green-light the survey. The FVRD rejected her application, because the regional district has already given permission to Kinder Morgan to proceed with the corridor study. When Perrin attempted to

have the rejection reconsidered at the FVRD board meeting last Tuesday, board chair Sharon Gaetz quickly interjected and invited Perrin to make an appointment to talk to staff about it privately. Perrin tried to comment on the rejection, but was frequently interrupted by the chair and a board member, and finally asked to leave the stand. Gaetz maintains that Perrin’s question did not pertain to the evening’s agenda, and therefore could not be discussed. “It was not on the agenda last night,” said Gaetz. “When someone tries to hijack the agenda, it’s very difficult.”

Michael Hale, another member of Pipe Up Network, also could not get a full sentence in during the meeting’s public participation portion. Hale is concerned that Kinder Morgan’s pipeline plans are pushing ahead without a chance for public consultation. He argues that the FVRD board should place conditions on Kinder Morgan’s survey, such as requesting that raw data be shared. The authority to approve or reject the Kinder Morgan corridor study lies completely with the National Energy Board. The company requested FVRD’s approval to enter Cheam Lake

Wetlands as a courtesy only, said Gaetz. FVRD is “absolutely planning” to have a proper discussion on Kinder Morgan’s proposal to twin the existing pipeline. “Of course we want to have that discussion,” she said. “It just wasn’t on the agenda [that] night.” Gaetz could not specify a date for the discussion. She also believes that the company will consult with the public after the study is completed. “I’m sure we will be having it soon. I know they (Kinder Morgan) have to do their study. They can’t present something that they haven’t got a plan for, right?”

$16.37 an hour required to obtain basic needs From 1

When the amount of traffic dwindles in the region, it brings added stress for financial security. “By working with governments to reduce red tape, by working with the employees for acceptable scheduling when a full-

time job is unpractical, by working with business groups to help recognize untapped markets, a living wage can be realized,” he added. LWFV is part of the Living Wage for Families’ Employer Recognition Process, which certifies employers who are pay-

ing a living wage. The organization meets regularly to discuss ways

235 Wallace St. 604-869-2486 STORE HOURS: visit us on

or at hopepharmasave.com

Monthly living wage budget for a family of four in the Fraser Valley Total monthly expenses of $4,715.40 are broken down as follows: T $1,097.50 for childcare T $1,035.03 for shelter T $725.82 for food T $674.44 for other household expenses (personal care, furniture, school supplies and minimal recreation) T $426.26 for transportation T $190.98 for two weeks’ pay (to cover emergency sickness) T $183.12 for clothing and footwear T $133 for private medical insurance premiums T $128 for government medical services plan T $121.25 for parent education (two local college courses per year)

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A4 Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013

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Election issue: Making B.C.’s congested courts more just Jeff Nagel Black Press

To critics, the BC Liberals’ decade-plus in power has left a legacy of cuts to the court system and citizens waiting longer for justice, if they get it at all. Two dozen smaller courthouses were closed down in 2002. And by 2010, persistent budget restraint was causing long delays in getting cases to trial, prompting the B.C. Provincial Court to issue a “Justice Delayed” report that warned more than 2,000 criminal cases were at risk of being tossed out. Despite some more judges being appointed, provincial courts run with 12 fewer judges today than in 2005. Each year, dozens of accused criminals walk free because they can’t be tried fast enough. “The problem hasn’t gone away,” said Samiran Lakshman, president of the B.C. Crown Counsel Association. “The serious lack of investment is still wreaking havoc in our justice system.” A key source of inefficiency is too many people try to represent themselves in court – often in family law hearings – forcing provincial court judges to spend extra time on those mattters, and often less on criminal ones. That should be no surprise, says NDP justice critic Leonard Krog, after

the province chopped legal aid funding by 40 per cent. “What that did is cripple access to justice for the poor and vulnerable,” Krog said, adding it worsened delays because more people were left without legal advice to “stumble around in an arena where they’re simply not trained or able to fight.” An independent review two years ago recommended more legal aid funding. The NDP would modestly boost legal aid funding – from $70 million now to $80 million within three years. Krog said more than that is needed but can’t yet be promised, given budget constraints. Justice Minister Shirley Bond said the justice budget did rise slightly this year to $1.14 billion, including a small increase in legal aid funding. “To suggest that by simply adding a judge or a few dollars here or there we’re going to solve the foundational problems I think is short-sighted,” Bond said in an interview. Bond contends progress has been made in reducing congestion and the worst delays in the system have eased. There were more than

100 criminal cases stayed by judges in 2011 due to excessive delay, she noted, but that number dropped to 66 last year. Nine new judges have been appointed recently and part of their time is dedicated to reducing the backlog. The province has been on a search for deep reforms since an independent review concluded a “culture of delay” is entrenched in the system. The Liberals would look f o r ways to increase court resources when possible and if necessary, she said, but the emphasis will be on spending smarter, not spending more. “We have fewer cases going to court rooms today yet they’re taking longer,” Bond said, adding the crime rate is at the lowest level in nearly four decades. Bond has unveiled a plan for a Justice and Public Safety Council to better oversee the courts and recommend ways to improve performance, with help from specialty advisory boards. But B.C.’s main success so far in relieving pressure has been the move to roadside impaired driving penalties, which result in instant policeadministered penalties

BC tes



and far fewer drunk driving cases going to court. The Liberals propose to also move traffic ticket disputes out of courtrooms to administrative tribunals. Crown prosecutors say that while the number of impaired charges has gone down, police are using the time they save on those complex investigations to crack other crimes, bringing more cases of other types before the courts. Lakshman said pervasive delays continue, resulting in charges recently being stayed against two police officers in Surrey accused of assaulting a senior. “These are the types of cases the community demands be tried on their merits – not be defeated by a system that simply doesn’t have the resources or the time to have a trial within a reasonable time period.” Defence lawyers know the odds and still tell their clients that rather than plead guilty they could take the “lottery ticket” of running the case to trial and seeing if it gets tossed. “That only adds to the delay problem,” Lakshman said. The BC Conservatives say the courts and law enforcement have received a declining share of the B.C. budget and the party would dedicate the “requisite resources” to protect people and property.

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Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013 A5


Kettle Valley Railway presentation in Hope Inge Wilson Contributor

Before there was a Highway Thru Hell (a.k.a. the YellowheadCoquihalla Highway 5), there was a Railway Thru Hell – the Kettle Valley Railway. What these two transportation links have in common was their routing over the challenging Coquihalla Pass and the constant battles waged with Mother Nature as a result of that terrain. On May 7 , Joe Smuin, author of Canadian Pacific’s Kettle Valley Railway and Kettle Valley Railway Mileboards: An Historical Field Guide to the KVR, will present a fascinating photo-essay high-


One of the many challenges the Kettle Valley Railroad faced on the Coquihalla Subdivision between 1916 and 1959.

lighting the difficulties the KVR and CPR encountered in keeping the Coquihalla Subdivision of the Kettle Valley Railway operational through the Coquihalla Pass from 1916 to 1959.

It will give a very graphic look at the mayhem Mother Nature wreaked on the line. Many of these photos have not been published. Smuin is back by

popular demand as he gave a presentation last fall about the construction of the Fraser Hope Bridge over the Fraser River in Hope. Since over 70 people attended that presentation in the Hope Library, this Railway Thru Hell presentation will be in the conference room of the recreation centre (1005 Sixth Avenue) in order to accommodate a larger audience. The one hour program begins at 7 p.m. This free program is co-sponsored by Destination Hope & Beyond Services (Hope Museum), the Hope Library, and Hope Recreation, Culture & Airpark Services.

Chinese bank backs Kitimat refinery project Tom Fletcher Black Press

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the country’s largest bank, has agreed to take part in financing a large-scale oil refinery proposed for Kitimat. Kitimat Clean Ltd., a company owned by Black Press chairman David Black, announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding last month. The agreement commits the bank to “be the Chinese financial advisor to Kitimat Clean and cooperate in the financing of the proposed Kitimat refinery and associated pipelines and other elements,” Black said in a statement.

“Chinese companies will be involved in the engineering and construction of the refinery,” Black said. “Up to 100 per cent of the output from the refinery is planned to be sold to Asian markets, including China and India.” He added that majority control of the businesses will remain in Canada. Liu Yanping, deputy head of corporate banking, and Huang Jifa, deputy head of investment banking at the Chinese bank, said in the statement: “We are very pleased to be working toward a comprehensive agreement to finance a refinery in Canada, which is planning to export refined fuels to China and other Asian countries in

the future.” Black released a Mustel Group poll in February that found three out of four B.C. residents support the idea to refine crude oil in Kitimat rather than export the raw product, diluted bitumen from the Alberta oil sands, by tanker. The same poll found that 57 per cent respondents opposed the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project. Black has suggested his project may grow to include an alternative pipeline proposal, or oil shipped by the CN Rail line that already connects the Edmonton area with the North Coast.

Anniversary plaque


Mayor Susan Johnston (right) presents Stan and Sylvia Haroldson with a plaque in celebration of their 60th wedding anniversary during council’s April 22 meeting.

Boston Bar Service Celebrating 24 years in business

Meet... Nick Clelland Nick started working during last year’s winter rush, as a part-time Sales & Service Representative. He will be working this summer for Hell’s Gate Airtram and then be back in the fall to once again help out during the busy season.

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on June 21, at the Recreation Centre Linden will speak about the Importance of Teamwork and Leadership to Success. He will share stories and tips on leadership and strategies for success. Tickets start at $100.00, which includes dinner. Contact the Chamber office at 604-869-3111, info@hopechamber. net or through www. hopechamber.net Sponsorship opportunities are also available. This event is Co-Sponsored by Nestle Waters, Hope Brewing Co. The Hope Standard and Recreation, Cultural and Airpark Services.

Laurie Throness Chilliwack/Hope

READY TO LISTEN TO HOPE! Join Laurie for a FREE COFFEE at the Blue Moose Coffee House on Saturday May 4, 10-12 Noon Authorized by, financial Agent, June Shields 604-769-0352.


A6 Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013


Published at Hope, Boston Bar, Yale and surrounding area by Black Press

Politicians to blame for low voter turnout On May 14, British Columbians will once again have the opportunity to determine the future path our province will take. But with voting numbers having declined steadily for decades, clearly many among us are asking ourselves, what’s the point? One can hardly blame them. Our political parties often seem to be more preoccupied with taking cheap shots at each other than with the serious business of governance. The provincial legislature is no longer a place for ideas to be debated, for legislation to be vetted and weighed, for compromise and consensus to be reached. Instead it is a three-ring circus of petty name-calling, jeers and barbs. Such behaviour shows a lack of respect for the good people of this province for whom the Members of the Legislative Assembly were elected to represent. What’s worse, when nearly all votes in the legislature fall along party lines, the outcome is predetermined. So why vote at all? Certainly that’s the conclusion many British Colombians have come to, as only 50 per cent - a record low - bothered to cast their ballots in the 2009 provincial election. Jurisdictions around the world have tried different methods to bolster voter turnout. Some countries, such as New Zealand, have adopted a proportional representative voting system called single-transferable voting. You might recall it, as a majority of British Columbians voted in favour of it in 2005. Other jurisdictions, such as Australia, have opted to make voting mandatory, with failure to do so resulting in a fine. However, changing the manner in which we vote in an effort to increase voter turnout misses the point. B.C. voters are disenfranchised because the hyper-partisan political atmosphere in Victoria disgusts them. So come May 14 when we get another dismal voter turnout, the politicians will only have themselves to blame. - Black Press

NDP plan is borrow and spend B.C. VIEWS Tom Fletcher Fourth in a series on party platforms. NDP leader Adrian Dix has finally rolled out his “fully costed” election platform. Major policy announcements had been released previously, but there was plenty more spending added to the total. The NDP’s health care plan is surprisingly modest – more money for home support, residential senior care, mental health and addiction services and a rural acute care initiative totaling $159 million over three years. As health critic Mike Farnworth points out, the residential care increase will allow seniors two baths

OFFICE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

a week instead of one. Full marks to the NDP for this part of the platform. Increases to Community Living B.C., children and families programs and aboriginal friendship centres are also commendable. Other NDP proposals don’t inspire as much confidence. Raise welfare rates $20 a month and index them to inflation. Index the minimum wage to inflation too, at a time when inflation can only rise. Set up a new child bonus program to send $70 per month for each child with family income under $25,000. Lesser payments would go to families with income up to $66,000. This ’70s-style family allowance scheme is based on a “child poverty” claim that misrepresents federal statistics of relative income distribution. The program is optimistically budgeted at $210 million a year. Dix

MAIL Box 1090 Hope, B.C. VOX 1LO

insists it isn’t a “big new social program,” which makes me wonder what would qualify. It would be partly funded by cancelling a B.C. Liberal plan to establish education savings accounts for kids born after 2006. Out with selfreliance, in with the nanny state. Another $100 million is added to hire more teachers, to address the teachers’ union’s often-repeated but false claim of “a decade of cuts” in education. Another $100 million goes to student grants, much of it further subsidizing the oversupply of English, education, sociology, women’s studies, journalism and other university grads who eventually discover there is little demand for their degrees. As with welfare, increasing support for bad choices can only yield more bad choices. On a related note, the NDP will revive a ministry of women’s equal-


ity, “to promote social and economic equality to all government programs....” As with female candidate quotas, the NDP keeps the flame of ’70s socialist feminism alive. The party totals up its new program spending to $988 million over three years. That’s exactly the amount Dix estimates will be raised by tax hikes on corporate income, bank capital, personal income over $150,000, carbon tax on oil and gas drilling, and cancelling the B.C. Liberals’ RESP and child tax credit plans. As for deficits, the NDP claims that the B.C. Liberal budget hides a deficit of $800 million this year and similar deficits in the next two years. The B.C. Liberals point to an impressive string of “net zero” wage settlements with public sector unions, the core of their spending control record. Would the NDP continue to hold


The Hope

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540 Wallace St., Hope, B.C. every Thursday by Black Press. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.



the line on public service wages, as the B.C. Liberals have done? Dix’s NDP caucus and staff is stocked with former government union officials. Party president Moe Sihota is essentially a direct employee of the same unions. The B.C. Federation of Labour has shaped the NDP’s Labour Code changes, which we won’t see until after the May 14 vote. And how much money does the “fully costed” NDP plan set aside to pay wage increases for its government union brothers and sisters? Zero. Since this is the party that appears to be cruising to victory in the May 14 election, I’ll look at what’s not in their platform and other issues next week. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews.com tfletcher@blackpress.ca


BC Press Council: The Standard is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org


Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 20133 A7

Worker responded in appropriate manner On April 25, you printed a letter to the editor under the title “More job training needed� and included a photo of an Emil Anderson Maintenance Co. Ltd. (EAM) vehicle. The description of the event as outlined by the writer was not factual and it was misleading. The facts are as follows: EAM received a report from the RCMP of a low hanging telephone communication line at the corner of

Old Hope Princeton Way and Third Avenue. Contrary to the April 25 letter, no high voltage electrical lines were impacted or hanging across the road. The telephone line was caught by a passing backhoe loader but the backhoe loader was not owned by EAM or operated by EAM employees. The RCMP requested EAM supply traffic control for both the eastbound and westbound direction of

Old Hope Princeton Way until the telephone line was repaired. In order to access the opposite side of the affected telephone line an EAM truck, as shown in the picture, went under the cable in a controlled manner, lifted it up too ensure it wasn’t damaged and passed underneath. At no time was the worker involved in any danger. The worker responded in a prompt and appropriate manner in order to supply

Editorial Department To discuss any news story idea you may have – or any story we have recently published – please call the editor at 604-869-4992.

the necessary traffic control. The owner of the affected cable (Telus Corporation) was informed immediately and they took action completing the repair later that day. We sincerely hope this information provides some clarification to the matter. Amos Gutman, Operations manager, Emil Anderson Maintenance Co. Ltd.

Circulation $1 per copy retail; $42 per year by carrier; $61.50 per year by mail in Canada; $185 per year by mail to the USA. All subscriptions are payable in advance of delivery.

Politicians destroying the democratic process Re: Voting holds powerful significance, Editorial (April 18) You and other editors lament the low voter turnout in our federal and provincial elections. You think voters don’t realize how important their vote is

and what a privilege it is to be able to vote. It seems to me that the voters are not the problem. They have every reason to be apathetic and cynical. It is the politicians that are destroying the democratic process. It starts with the nomi-

nation papers. Only those who won’t make waves and stick to the party line will get the nod, regardless of who the voters in any riding may prefer. Once elected, many treat the voters with condescension bordering on contempt.

You suggest that voters learn all about the individual candidates, the party policies and their promises. However, we know from past experience that what they promise or talk about before the election may be totally different from what

Is it time for political surgery? As a younger fellow I had an in-grown toenail. I let it go until it became so painful I had to see my family doctor. He advised surgery as I had

developed a severe and deeprooted infection. I agreed to the surgery. It was painful, and the recovery seemed to take forever, but eventually the pain receded,

the infection disappeared, and I was able to walk again. Ten years ago we elected the BC Liberals to government. Need I say more? Jim Haslett

they do afterwards. Moreover, some politicians change from one party to another when they feel they have a better chance to

Copyright Copyright or property rights subsists in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of THE HOPE STANDARD. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Unauthorized publication will be subject to recourse by law.

get elected. So much for principle and honesty! On what basis do I make my choice? Hartmut Schmid

Letters The Hope Standard welcomes letters from our readers. Typed or printed letters must be signed and should include an address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Standard edits letters for accuracy, taste, clarity and length. The Standard reserves the right to not publish letters. EMAIL:


Local lupus support group proposed Do you or someone you know have lupus? Do you live in Hope or the surrounding area? Are you interested in participating in a peer support group? A lupus peer support group is a group of people who gather together to share their experience with lupus with others who truly understand what they’re going through and can share the type of practical insights that can only come from firsthand experience. A support group also offers the opportunity to learn more about lupus from trusted sources. The BC Lupus Society is exploring the possibility of starting a lupus support group in Hope. A meeting is planned for Friday, May 10 at 1 p.m. at the Hope Library. A video of the Lupus Society Health and Education Symposium will be shown featuring Dr. Victor Huckell speaking on lupus and the heart. To learn more or if

you are interested in attending the meeting, please contact 604 714-5564 or email val@bclupus.org.Â

Please RSVP with your name, address, phone number and email address, to ensure we have enough

materials available. Val Bishop Administrative coordinator, BC Lupus Society



Should local businesses be paying their employees a living wage?

Should the provincial government invest more money in child care and early education?

To answer, go to the home page of our website: www.hopestandard.com

Here’s how you responded:

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Regimental Ball Royal Canadian Legion No. 228 Hall 344 Fort Street, Hope, B.C. Saturday, September 7th, 2013

Yes 50% No 50%


COCKTAILS: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. No Host Bar DINNER: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.


DANCING 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. by live local band “The Hoodlums�


dĹ?Ä?ŏĞƚĆ? ĂǀĂĹ?ĹŻÄ‚Ä?ĹŻÄž ŽŜůLJ Ä‚Ćš dŚĞ ,ŽƉĞ Z DW ŽĸÄ?Äž 690 Old Hope Princeton Way. 604-869-7750


Hope/Boston Bar Community Police Office of the Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment cordially invite you to attend their


Tickets are going fast! Limited number still available!

$50.00 PER PERSON DRESS: Mess Kit / Walking out Order Ĺ˝ĆŒ &Ĺ˝ĆŒĹľÄ‚ĹŻ ĆŤĆŒÄž Media Sponsor


A8 Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013

You are invited to participate in…


Family art exhibit in May Sara Lesztak Contributor

EARLY LEARNING FAIR For 3 year old children

Silver Creek Elementary School ~ Room 104 Friday, May 10, 2013 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. There will be craft and writing activities, school tours, parent handouts, education related gifts for each child and snacks.

Hope to see you there!

A medley of artistic expression will be waiting to treat the viewer’s eye at the Hope Arts Gallery until May 28. The McBride family: Bruce, Pamela, Jodi, Evita (age 6), and Malaika (age 3) will share their passion for painting, pottery, and drawing. Malaika expresses her enjoyment for art by painting and creating creatures like pottery worms. Her grandma’s home is her workshop where she also uses her own pottery table. Evita peruses pottery, draw-

TUESDAY Community Choir: We practice weekly and present one or two concerts a year, as well as participating in the Community Christmas Carol Evening. Tuesday, May 7 7 p.m. Hope United Church 310 Queen St. 604-869-8435

WEDNESDAY Westie Army Cadets Training: The 1789 Royal Westminster Regiment Cadet Corps program prepares youth age 12 to 19 to become leaders of tomorrow through fun yet challenging activities. Wednesday, May 8 6:30 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 228 344 Fort St. 604-799-8897


• Fill in the grid so that every row, every column & every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. • Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box.


MS Support Group: Monthly support group in Hope for people with a diagnosis of MS as well as family members and friends. We look forward to seeing you there! Wednesday, May 8 11:30

May 2nd Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS 1. Hip-hop talk music 4. Small amount 7. Before 8. Brown tone of photos 10. Pie fat 12. Crookbacked 13. “Peer Gynt” playwright 15. Engage in a contest 16. Electronics intelligence 17. Print errors 18. French maid implement 21. Chart showing roads 22. Make a mistake 23. Million barrels per day (abbr.) 24. Doctors’ group 25. Tsetung

26. Brew 27. Delirious 34. __ May, actress 35. Elephant’s name 36. Heavy, dull & stupid 38. To call; name (archaic) 39. Discrimination against elderly people 40. A shaft for wheels 41. High-luster velvet finish 42. They use the Euro 43. Multiplayer Playstation 3 game 44. Point midway between S and SE

colour and pen and ink. Jodi’s pottery displays a special knack for mixing textures, metals, glass, and natural objects for a distinct theme. “I see cracks and crooked lines as beauty because to me they reflect an imperfect world that is somehow still beautiful,” she said. The backroom reception for All in the Family is on May 4 from 7-9 p.m. at 349 Fort St. Refreshments will be served. For more information on the May exhibit, contact the Hope & District Arts Council at 604869-3400 or hopearts@telus. net.




ing, and painting. She enriches flowers and fairy houses with rich, deep acrylic colours and sparkles. Bruce was introduced to the three-dimensional challenges of pottery at The Art Machine two years ago. “I like the dimensions of clay because I’m able to make the creations in my head,” he said. “The results can be awesome.” Pamela’s special interest is painting. Her visions of nature as God’s creation come alive in acrylics and water colours. Pamela, who teaches at The Art Machine, has also done pottery work, and enjoys Chinese water

DOWN 1. Easing of pain 2. Cultivatable land 3. Old Iran 4. One who allures or persuades 5. Become visible 6. Regularly consumed food and drink 8. Sixth largest island 9. Lime, lemon or kool 11. Small surface depression 12. Riders 14. Last in an indefinitely large series 15. Grand __, vintage 17. Electronic data processing 19. Blood vessel blockage

a.m. Kimchi Restaurant 821A 6th Ave. 1-877-303-7122

THURSDAY Healthy Living Speakers Series: Hope Library and Hope & District Recreation and Cultural Services have joined together to present this month-long health and wellness initiative. At this event, Shasta Angel will speak about massage and wellness. Library will be open for this program. Thursday, May 2 6 p.m. Hope Library 1005A 6th Ave. 604-869-2313 Hope Christian Women’s Prayer Connection: Come and say a few prayers for our community, our leaders, and our world with a group of like-minded ladies. Thursday, May 9 9:30 a.m. 532 Rupert St. 604-869-9265 Seniors Coffee and Conversation: Drop in and join us for a cup of coffee - you’ll enjoy some

20. Radioactivity unit 23. Feeling of unease 24. Prizefighter Muhammad 25. Brew with sprouted barley 26. Highest card 27. Capital of Montana 28. Durham, NH school 29. Basics 30. W. Samoan currency 31. Wild goats 32. Capital of Campania 33. S. Balkan state 36. Dip lightly into water 37. Ancient Irish script (alt. sp.)


interesting and lively conversation! No membership required. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hope Library. Thursday, May 9 10:30 a.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2369 Vegetarian Cooking Class: Taste of Asia. Event takes place in the fireside room. Thursday, May 9 7 p.m. Seventh Day Adventist Church 1300 Ryder St. 604-869-3261

FRIDAY Hope Genealogy Club: This “do it yourself” place where you can get hints on how to sort out your family tree. A friendly group of like-minded people. Friday, May 3 10 a.m. 560 Douglas St. 604-869-5925

SATURDAY Naomi’s Road: This touching and historic opera, set during the Second World War, tells the dramatic story of nine-year-old Naomi’s journey with

her Japanese-Canadian family, from Vancouver to an internment camp in the Interior of B.C. Performed by Vancouver Opera and based on the novel Naomi’s Road by Joy Kogawa. Tickets are $10 at the re centre. Saturday, May 4 6:30 p.m. Hope Recreation Centre conference room 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2021 Mother’s Day Meat Draw: Hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion, this event open to anyone in the community over the age of 19. Those interested are encouraged to arrive around early in order to get their tickets. Fundraiser for Fraser Canyon Hospice Society. Saturday, May 11 3:30 p.m. 344 Fort St. 604-860-7713 Free Movie: Showing a Tim Lahaye movie called Left Behind at Potter’s House Church. Saturday, May 4 6 p.m. 476 Wallace St. 604-702-8464

Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013 A9


Mining: A part of Hope’s past and future what was likely the largest draw ologist Bruce Northcote, were prize at the entire conference. mentioned at one of the main Julie Dormer of Kamloops panel presentations and availwon 25 per cent off any job, able exclusively at our booth to a maximum of $2,500 from (they are also available at http:// the full service machine shop. hope.ca/advantagehope/minOwner Patrek Mayers was ex- ing). cited about the opportunity to Similarly, our established reshowcase not only his lationship with Bruce own business’s abiliDowning, of New ties, but also the expoCarolin Gold Corp, sure of our communiensured a steady ty to a wider audience. stream of interested He, together with the parties through our other show sponsors, booth, asking about is aware of the huge the current status, cash influx that minfuture plans, and viing brings to all parts sion of the property. of British Columbia, Tyler Downing was happy but especially to com- Mattheis to oblige, showing munities that serve as recent core samples, their supply base. outlining their plans AdvantageHOPE’s estab- for further exploration, and lished relationship with the showing magnatromic maps Ministry of Energy, Mines, and of high-potential spots where Natural Gas paid off in spades mining is likely to prove very over the conference. An updat- profitable. ed tenures map (March 2013) of Though the KEG is the only the Hope - Harrison Lake area, mining related outreach activrequested by AdvantageHOPE ity that our community curand drawn by Regional Ge- rently engages in, mining is

Biz on the Street

For the first time, Hope was represented at the Kamloops Exploration Group (KEG) 26th annual conference in Kamloops this year, April 8-11. The KEG, as its known, is a registered society which promotes the interests of mining and prospecting throughout B.C., and the conference is a key event where members network, businesses market, and miners learn about each other’s projects, recent news, and new technology. Our community has been encouraged to attend for a number of years by nearby mining interests such as the New Carolin Gold Corp. and John Chapman. AdvantageHOPE, in collaboration with New Carolin Gold Corp, Hope Machine Shop, Hope Com-Tech, and Valley Helicopters, represented Hope’s businesses, community, and opportunities to more than 700 registered delegates, public visitors, and politicians over two days. Hope Machine Shop offered

key resource based industry that underpins all other economic activities throughout the province. Other sectors such as tourism, transportation, retail development, and manufacturing make up important pillars of our current and future local economy, mining activities provide the materials to build goods, the energy to process and transport those goods, and much of the primary income used to purchase other goods and services. Responsible development of mineral resources from appropriate deposits is something we can all advocate for. We are fortunate as a community to have companies interested in exactly that poking, picking, prodding, and digging in an effort to find the building blocks of our cell phones, cars, pharmaceuticals, and supplements that we all enjoy. Tyler Mattheis is executive director of AdvantageHOPE. He can be reached at 604-860-0930 or tyler@advantagehope.ca.


Wayne Crocker, CEO of AuraMex, won a Hope Com-Tech GPS at the Kamloops Exploration Group (KEG) conference.

MAY 2013

GENERAL ELECTION The following persons have been nominated as candidates for Chilliwack-Hope for the 40th Provincial General Election.

Chilliwack-Hope Electoral District Candidate’s Name:

Financial Agent:

Michael Henshall BC Conservative Party

Michael Redekop 8912 Hazel St, Chilliwack, BC, V2P 6Y9

Official Agent:

Ryan Ashley McKinnon Independent

Mike VandeVelde PO Box 182, Hope, BC, V0X 1L0

Gwen O’Mahony BC NDP

Soren (Sam) Steenhuus PO Box 681, Agassiz, BC, V0M 1A0

Laurie Throness BC Liberal Party

June Shields 13-45535 Shawnigan Cres, Chilliwack, BC, V2R 0A2

General Voting Places:

Soren (Sam) Steenhuus PO Box 681, Agassiz, BC, V0M 1A0

Advance Voting Places:

District Electoral Offices: 301-44500 South Sumas Rd Chilliwack, BC (604) 824-8379

Agassiz Agricultural Assn Hall 6800 Pioneer Ave, Kent, BC

Harrison Mills Comm Hall 1995 School Rd, Kent, BC

Ryder Lake Farmers & Womens Inst Hall 49265 Elk View Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Agassiz Agricultural Assn Hall 6800 Pioneer Ave, Kent, BC

Canyon Lanes Bowling Alley 47585 Trans-Canada Hwy, Boston Bar, BC

Head of the Lake School 28 In-Shuck-Ch Fsr, Skookumchuck, BC

Silver Creek Elem School 63832 School Rd, Hope, BC

Canyon Lanes Bowling Alley 47585 Trans-Canada Hwy, Boston Bar, BC

Chilliwack Fish & Game Assn Hall 48685 Chilliwack Lake Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Mt. Slesse Middle School 5871 Tyson Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Tzeachten Comm Hall 45855 Promontory Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Royal Canadian Legion 228 344 Fort St, Hope, BC

Cultus Lake Comm School 71 Sunnyside Blvd, Cultus Lake, BC

Promontory Heights Comm School 46200 Stoneview Dr, Chilliwack, BC

Watson Elem School 45305 Watson Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Tzeachten Comm Hall 45855 Promontory Rd, Chilliwack, BC

East Chilliwack Elem School 49190 Chilliwack Central Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Rosedale Traditional Comm School 50850 Yale Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Yale Comm Centre 65050 Albert St, Yale, BC

Harrison Hot Springs Memorial Hall 290 Esplanade Ave, Harrison Hot Springs, BC

Royal Canadian Legion 228 344 Fort St, Hope, BC

elections.bc.ca / 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 1 - 8 6 8 3

TTY 1-888-456-5448

A10 Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013

MAY 2013

GENERAL ELECTION Get ready to vote. In the 40 th Provincial General Election, British Columbia’s voters will vote for their Member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. BC Has More Ways to Vote All voters can:

Identification Rules for Voting Voters must prove their identity and current residential address to get a ballot or register to vote at the time of voting. Any one of the following pieces of identification is acceptable: • • • •

Vote in any district electoral office from now until 4 p.m. (Pacific time) on General Voting Day, Tuesday, May 14, 2013. Vote by Mail You can ask for a Vote by Mail package from your district electoral office or through the Elections BC website at elections.bc.ca Vote at advance voting Voters can attend any advance voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, May 8 through Saturday, May 11. All advance voting locations are wheelchair accessible. Vote on General Voting Day Voters can attend any general voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Pacific time), Tuesday, May 14, 2013.


Get our App for iPhones and iPads to find the closest voting place and for information you need to vote.

BC drivers licence BC identification card BC Services Card Certificate of Indian Status

Any Questions? For further information visit Elections BC’s website at elections.bc.ca or call toll-free 1-800-661-8683.

If you don’t have any of the above, bring two documents that together prove your identity and current residential address. A complete list of acceptable identification is available from Elections BC. Voters without identification can be vouched for by a voter in their electoral district who has identification, or by a direct family member, or by someone who has legal authority to make personal care decisions for the voter.

Or, contact your district electoral office. Hours of operation Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The following persons have been nominated as candidates for Chilliwack for the 40th Provincial General Election.

Chilliwack Electoral District Candidate’s Name:

Financial Agent:

Official Agent:

Chad Elton Eros BC Conservative Party

Justin Murray 33-5536 Vedder Rd, Chilliwack, BC, V2R 3X5

Michael Raymond Halliday BC Excalibur Party

Michael Halliday 2612 Springhill St, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 3V7

Patti MacAhonic BC NDP

Katherine Gombots 49014 Riverbend Dr, Chilliwack, BC, V4Z 1H5

John Martin BC Liberal Party

Robert Nicklom 8999 Young Rd, Chilliwack, BC, V2P 4R9

Kim Reimer Green Party of BC

Kenneth Noel 106-45520 Knight Rd, Chilliwack, BC, V2R 3Z2

General Voting Places: A.D. Rundle Middle School 45660 Hocking Ave, Chilliwack, BC

Evergreen Hall - Cheam Room 9291 Corbould St, Chilliwack, BC

Sardis Elem School 45775 Manuel Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Bernard Elem School 45465 Bernard Ave, Chilliwack, BC

F.G. Leary Elem School 9320 Walden St, Chilliwack, BC

Sardis Sec School 45460 Stevenson Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Broadway Mennonite Brethren Church 46611 Maple Ave, Chilliwack, BC

Greendale Elem School 6621 Sumas Prairie Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Strathcona Elem School 46375 Strathcona Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Chilliwack Alliance Church 8700 Young Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Little Mountain Elem School 9900 Carleton St, Chilliwack, BC

Yarrow Mennonite Brethren Church 41995 Yarrow Central Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Chilliwack Lions Comm Hall 47130 Hope River Rd, Chilliwack, BC

McCammon Elem School 9601 Hamilton St, Chilliwack, BC

Evans Elem School 7600 Evans Rd, Chilliwack, BC

Salvation Army Chilliwack Comm Church 46420 Brooks Ave, Chilliwack, BC

Yvonne Halliday 2612 Springhill St, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 3V7

Advance Voting Places:

District Electoral Offices:

Evergreen Hall - Cheam Room 9291 Corbould St, Chilliwack, BC

203-46167 Yale Rd Chilliwack, BC (604) 795-8600

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Got a news tip or story idea? Contact Kerrie-Ann at 604-869-4992 or email: news@

hopestandard .com

Follow us on facebook & twitter or online 24/7 at hopestandard.com

Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013 A11

Candidates at a Glance


MICHAEL HENSHALL BC Conservative Party

What is your background/political experience? I’ve lived in the upper Fraser Valley with my wife and three children since 1995. I began my working career in the commercial fishing industry. I owned a local contracting business for over 10 years and was the former president of a Ltd. corporation. I am a certified ESL teacher (TWU/ UFV) that has worked in an immigrant settlement program with provincial government/Chilliwack Community Services partnership. I’ve also been a licenced realtor (UBC Sauder school of business) since 2005. I have been a federal Conservative Party member and volunteer, a member of the BC Conservative party, previous vice-president and president BC Conservatives Chilliwack/Hope CA, and a member and director of the Popkum Ratepayers. What are the most pressing issues currently facing the riding? The most pressing issues


What is your background/political experience? I’ve had the privilege of representing the communities of Chilliwack-Hope as MLA from April 2012 till present. This past year in office has been a tangible example of what change for the better, one practical step at a time, looks like. Mobile community offices held throughout the riding, town halls and roundtable consultations with the public on issues that matter, a respect-

currently facing the riding are rising unemployment and the large inefficiencies in provincial government that is hindering our tax dollars from getting to where we want them in health care and education. The Auditor General of BC has addressed these inefficiencies but no provincial party has a plan to deal with them except the BC Conservatives. If elected, what would be your main priority as MLA? My main priority as an MLA on a local level would be to ensure there is proper funding for the Hope hospital, health care providers, education of our youth, the justice system and the local transportation routes. In conjunction to ensure this funding for the local economy, I will fight for viable local mining, forestry and tourism proposals that have gone nowhere to date, through low taxation and streamlining red tape and the multi levels of bloated provincial bureaucracy. The key to funding social benefits is to have a healthy, vibrant economy. What can be done to stimulate economic growth in the Hope area? The BC Conservatives are looking at the outright elimination of the property transfer tax as well as the elimination of the Carbon Tax. Basic economics states you can not tax and spend people into prosperity (look

at Greece and Spain as a recent examples). When consumption taxes are lowered, the economy is stimulated, thereby increasing labour and production where government can make income tax and capital gains taxes. The young workforce is our tax base! We have the highest overall tax this side of Quebec and the BC Liberals and BC NDP only want to increase it. We will only lose more young people and kill the remaining business we do have functioning in our province. I will also be an advocate for tourism in the Hope area and upper Fraser Valley. We have huge potential for Hope and area to be a place where families can live, work and play with the right government. Why should people vote for you? What the B.C. government has been doing for the past 20 years is not working. You should vote for me because myself and the BC Conservatives do have a plan. We are proposing legislative and tax reform that will create more scrutiny of our provincial expenses to eliminate waste and the bloated bureaucracy that the Auditor General has addressed. We have a plan to see health, education and justice systems function effectively. We have a plan to bring good paying jobs to B.C. We have a plan to make B.C. a place where all ages of citizens can live, work, play, and prosper.

ful, collaborative approach are part of the positive approach to representation I promise and have delivered. What are the most pressing issues currently facing the riding? Healthcare, employment and transit are the three main issues that come up in all of the communities of the Chilliwack-Hope riding, but the over-arching concern on the minds of the majority of people I have personally talked to during this campaign is good government. This election is about a choice between more of the same, and positive change for the better in B.C. If elected, what would be your main priority as MLA? I plan to build on the positive, collaborative approach that I have established. In order to find solutions to the complex issues our communities and the province are facing, leaders must

consult with individuals, elected officials and community leaders from both the business and non-profit sectors. What can be done to stimulate economic growth in the Hope area? It starts with being an accessible MLA. The mayor and council, First Nations leaders and industry leaders should have the assurance that they can call upon their MLA to listen and address their concerns and bring forward creative ideas. Why should people vote for you? This past year I’ve worked hard to establish important and necessary relationships with community leaders. I’ve focused on positive problem solving rather than derogatory finger pointing – a type of politics people are quite frankly tired of – and in doing so have earned people’s respect and a reputation for hard work and trustworthiness.

RYAN MCKINNON Independent What is your background/political experience? I have followed British Columbia politics since I was nine years old. My father taught me about policies of provincial parties of the day and how these policies affected the economy and industry locally. In my adult years, I have learned through my own assessments as to how the parties function and how their decisions have directly affected communities throughout British Columbia. What are the most pressing issues currently facing the riding? Job creation throughout our constituency is the most pressing issue. Other issues include:

LAURIE THRONESS BC Liberal Party What is your background/political experience? I have long experience in politics at the provincial and federal levels, much of it serving the Fraser Valley. I began work with Harvey Schroeder, then Social Credit Minister of Agriculture, followed by Grace McCarthy in Victoria. I also worked for Preston Manning, Stockwell Day and Stephen Harper when they were leaders of Canada’s official opposition. When the Conservative government came to power, I assisted Chuck Strahl as his Chief of Staff in three federal departments; additionally I was director of policy for the Minister of Health. I

BBC C t o v teess vo013


protection of our air and water resources, crime reduction, pipeline expansion, economic stimulus, transit for smaller communities, light rail expansion, doctor and nurse shortages, and child protection reform. If elected, what would be your main priority as MLA? My main priority would be child protection reform. My plan will save children and families the unneeded hardship of the current system. Restructuring the current system will save hundreds of millions of dollars a year. These dollars will be better spent on economic stimulus providing jobs for families in the Chilliwack-Hope riding, as well as communities in British Columbia. What can be done to stimulate economic growth in the Hope area? I believe providing tax incentives to the resource-based and manufacturing sectors could bring jobs to Hope. There are currently several mining projects waiting for approvals that would bring hundreds of jobs to Hope. Providing three scheduled transit runs a

day to Chilliwack would be beneficial for people to tap into the job market down the valley. More promotion of our tourism industry and new and evolving ideas from local residents would also help stimulate economic growth. In addition, provide grant access to people with small business ideas, giving them the resources for start-up costs. Why should people vote for you? As a lifelong resident of the Chilliwack-Hope area, I understand what our communities need to grow and prosper. I have met people from all walks of life in our community and I look forward to representing each and every one of you in Victoria. As an independent candidate, I am not accountable to any party’s policies. I am accountable to the you, the voter. For true representation, I hope you choose me as your Member of the Legislative Assembly on May 14, 2013. I look forward to hearing all your concerns as well as ideas for economic growth for the Hope and Boston Bar area. My email is mckinnonryan22@gmail.com

have a Master’s degree in public administration as well as a PhD in history, and I wrote a book in 2008 about the history of our penitentiary system. Most recently (fall 2012) I taught criminal law at the University of the Fraser Valley. What are the most pressing issues currently facing the riding? People are more and more willing to travel long distances in order to shop, and Hope is feeling the effects. The trend has resulted in economic dislocation in Hope, particularly in the local business community. While I believe that economic growth will happen naturally as the population in the Fraser Valley grows, the period of transition has been difficult. The most pressing issue facing the Hope area, therefore, is the need for more local jobs, which would in turn increase local economic activity. If elected, what would be your main priority as MLA? Beside the priorities of representing and assisting constituents and performing my legislative duties,

my personal interest is in providing more long-term treatment for those addicted to drugs. I see this as one of the greatest public policy opportunities of our time to reduce poverty, homelessness, property crime, gang activity, and general human misery. To that end I have toured the Thunderbird Motel in Hope, and would like to assist the good work that they do. What can be done to stimulate economic growth in the Hope area? To stimulate economic growth I will advocate, as MLA in Victoria, for government assistance to establish a serviced industrial park near Hope that would attract clean, light industry – and jobs – to the area. Why should people vote for you? People should vote for me for three reasons: I am a free enterpriser who wants to see business, rather than government, grow. I am an experienced and well-qualified person of integrity who can get things done, and I am a friendly and approachable person with whom they will feel comfortable.

A12 Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pixel Mountain Studio FUDGE: made with real butter & cream

Art supplies, framing & handcrafted items. We sell honey from Honeyview Farms

419 Wallace Street [beside CIBC] 604.869.3414


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ATTENTION CHAMBER MEMBERS This high-profile advertising space can be yours. Call Pattie at 604.869.4990 for more information.






All Candidates Meeting May 6 • 6:30-8:30 p.m.

The Chamber will be hosting an All Candidates Meeting at the Conference Room at the Hope & District Rec Centre. Come out and hear the Candidates in the Chilliwack-Hope riding.

An Evening with Trevor Linden

Doug Araki, CFP

The Hope & District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present An Evening with Trevor Linden. This event will take place on June 388A Wallace St., PO Box 1779, 21, 2013, in the arena, at Hope BC V0X 1L0 the Hope & District Recreation Complex. Tel: 604-869-9974 Here is a very rare opportunity to spend an evening BARTON INSURANCE BROKERS Fax: 604-869-7311 with Trevor Linden. FOR ALL YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSING After dinner, Linden will speak about the Importance of AND INSURANCE NEEDS. Teamwork and Leadership to Success. He will share stories and tips on leadership and strategies for success. More than just wine & beer kits Tickets are on sale now starting at $100.00, which includes dinner. NEW BUSINESS HOURS: Monday - Friday • 10 am to 6 pm This is an adult only event, but there will be an Saturday • 10 am to 5 pm opportunity for kids to meet Trevor. More details on this 532Wallace St., 604.869.7582 to follow. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. For more information, contact the Chamber at 604-869-3111, or info@hopechamber. net. This event is Co-Sponsored by Nestle Waters, and Hope Brewing Co., The Hope Standard and Recreation, Cultural and Airpark Services.

Local members:

TF: 1-800-778-1133 ext. 213 C: 604-869-1862 E: doug.araki@investorsgroup.com W: www.investorsgroup.com


419 Wallace St. 604-869-3111 hopechamber.net info@hopechamber.net

Next Chamber Meeting

Wednesday May 15, 7:00 pm

DW $GYDQWDJH+RSH RIĂ€FH 5DDE 6W 'RQQD %HOOLQJKDP 'LUHFWRU RI &RUSRUDWH 6HUYLFHV IURP WKH District of Hope will be attending to discuss derelict buildings in Hope.

Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013 A13


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A14 Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sports Minor soccer draws 190 players this spring

Barry Stewart

The Hope Standard

Softball bats have been silent for a few years now in Hope, with no local leagues for kids or adults to play a game that used to be huge in this town, 20 or 30 years ago. But, where one sport has struck out, another has seen continued success. Hope Minor Soccer got started in about 1980 and has offered families an affordable and simple sporting option ever since. The association now offers the sport to kids from kindergarten to Grade 9 — and they have 190 registrants this spring, down a few from the record of 200 a few years ago. What’s the secret to their success? “I’d say it’s because it’s affordable,” said president Bruce Becker on Monday. “It’s only 40 dollars for the spring or fall season — 60 if you sign up for both. “It’s also only once a week, on Saturday mornings,” he added. “That leaves the rest of Saturday and Sunday and weekday evenings free for other activities.” Becker, who is principal of Silver Creek Elementary, said the registration numbers are well-distributed through the age groups. “The kindergarten-Grade 1s have 52 players and the Grade 2-3-4s and five-six-sevens are in the upper 50s and the Grade 8-9s have about 30,” said Becker. “It’s about 50-50 boys and girls in the younger groups but it gets more boy-heavy in the older groups.” Parent involvement is crucial, with each team having parents act as coaches and referees. “We also have about eight Hope secondary students and former minor soccer players helping out,” added Becker. With the move to include Grade 8 and 9 students this year, the Saturday league is helping develop players for the secondary school leagues. Several Grade 8-9 players were playing for the senior Mustang girls, who concluded their season on Tuesday. The Mustangs had three home games in the span of a week to finish the year. They were soundly schooled by the visiting teams, which were basically adjuncts of large community-based clubs. The Hope girls worked hard, es-


Jamie Dearden, left, tries to steal the ball from Taylor Lott in last Saturday’s Hope Minor Soccer action at Hope Secondary field. One-hundred-ninety players are registered in the local league.

pecially on defense, but were unable to maintain possession and use the ball productively on offense. Grade 12 midfielder Jamie Peters was rewarded for her tenaciousness with a goal on a high lob across the box, versus Chilliwack’s G.W. Graham last week. That was Hope’s only goal in the three games. The Mustangs will be graduating Peters, Betsy Kopola-Hoshowski, Sydney Pellegrino, Mina Kim and Alex Sau-

vé — but the last games had signs of hope for next year’s team, especially in net. Grade 9 defender Erica McAllister got her first start in goal on Monday versus St. Jean Brébeuf of Abbotsford. She was understandably tentative on closing the gap on loose balls in the first half but she took coach Jeremy Smith’s instructions to heart and she and her teammates kept the visitors off the score sheet in the second half.

By Tuesday’s game against MEI, McAllister was moving up and confidently challenging attackers, showing good hands in stopping shots. Coach Smith said a big challenge for the girls this season was getting to play as a team. “They had a year off last year (due to the teachers’ job action), so they had to get to know each other. We also had some brand new players, so they had to learn

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the basics. Some could hardly kick the ball, to start with. “It’s definitely coming together, though,” he added. “We’ve got the defense working and the goal kicks.” The final sport of the school year for HSS is track and field. Coach Jason Fisher is currently preparing the team for the Fraser Valley regional meet, which leads to the B.C. provincial championships.

Hope & District

Recreation & Cultural Services Facility CLOS Monday, May ED for Victoria D 20 ay! 05/13W_HR2

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Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013 A15


Major curling event coming to Abbotsford


The Canadian Seniors Curling Championships at the Abbotsford Recreation Centre last year drew high-profile rinks like the Colleen Jones foursome from Nova Scotia. The city will host another big event this fall – The Masters, a Grand Slam of Curling spiel. Dan Kinvig Black Press

Big-time curling is returning to Abbotsford this fall. The Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Centre has been awarded the right to host The Masters Grand Slam of Curling, Oct. 30 to Nov. 3. The five-day international event – part of the Sportsnet-

owned Grand Slam series – will feature 30 men’s and women’s teams competing for a combined purse of $200,000. “We’re very excited about it,” said Jason Blumenfeld, general manager of the AESC. “It’s something we’ve been working on for a couple years now. It’s been held in other Global Spectrum

buildings in Canada, and it’s done very

TGI Thursday! With our change to a Thursday publication, The Hope Standard office hours have changed.



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well.” The Fraser Valley/

Lower Mainland region isn’t necessarily known as a curling hotbed, at least when compared to the Prairie provinces, where the sport is truly embedded in the culture. But Abbotsford has a rich history of hosting major curling events. The city has hosted national championships, including the 2003 Canadian Mixed and the 2012 Canadian Seniors, and has been home to big-time cashspiels in the past, including the Wayden Transportation Ladies Classic, a former Grand Slam event, from 2000 to 2008. Blumenfeld noted that with the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, on the horizon, interest in curling will be heightened when the Masters arrives in town this fall. The exposure on Sportsnet should also help draw fans. “We’re going to have some of the top teams who have al-



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Advertising Deadlines: Display Ads: Tuesday at 1:00pm Classified Ads: Tuesday at 4:30pm

pions were Kevin Koe of Alberta and Rachel Homan of Ontario. Full-event passes for the five-day spiel are $175, and go on sale this Friday at the AESC box office, by phone at 1-866-977-2372, or online at www.abbotsfordcentre.ca. Additional details regarding schedule, single event ticket information and broadcast details will be announced at a later date.

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Our office hours are now: Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm Closed Monday ®

ready qualified for the Olympics who will be performing,” he said. “Not only will you have the best Canadian athletes here, but you’ll have international athletes as well. Also, we’re working really closely with the Abbotsford Curling Club on this, and they’ll be helping to drive this as well in the community.” Last year’s Masters was held in Brantford, Ont., and cham-


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A16 Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013





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Thursday, May 2, 2013, Hope Standard A17

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LOOKING for the whereabouts of Lloyd & Helen Stevenson, formerly of Hope. Personal property found. Please contact (604)860-4932



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CHAMBERMAID Part time, experience a must Apply with resume to:

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Sto:lo Aboriginal Skills & Employment Training (SASET) require the services of a qualified Employment Counselor Outreach Worker to provide Employment Services in outreach office employment field work. Pursuant to section 41 of the BC Human Rights Code, preference may be given to applicants of Aboriginal Ancestry. Please self-identify on your cover letter or resume. The Employment Counselor Outreach Worker is responsible for all aspects of career development services including needs determination, employment consultations, assessments, labour market research and active case management with a team of professionals. Case management will consist of continuous follow up with clients to review and or revise their action plans as well as conducting appropriate referrals to agencies, employers, and resources. The tracking of client interventions and progress will be done through regular updates on the ARMS web-based client data base system. The Employment Counselor will periodically deliver customized short-term employment related workshops in the communities. Salary Range: Will be determined based on qualifications and experience Type of Position: Full-time, subject to 3-month probationary period and planned performance evaluations. Applications Deadline: Tuesday May 14, 2013 at 4 pm Candidates will be short listed according to the qualifications/ requirements above. Please clearly indicate on your resume compliance with all indicated qualifications and requirements. Interested candidates can submit the resume to: Attention: Anna Celesta Sto:lo Aboriginal Skills & Employment Training Building 8/a – 7201 Vedder Road,Chilliwack, BC V2R 4G5 Or by email to : anna.celesta@saset.ca We regret that we will only respond to those applicants chosen for an interview. An eligibility list may be established from this posting. We thank all applicants for their interest. For complete description, please visit: www.saset.ca



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Major Duties/Qualifications: • Trade Qualified Mechanic with medium duty truck and air brake experience. • Class 2 driver’s license with valid air brake endorsement considered an asset. • May be required to drive a school bus occasionally. • Inspector’s certificate with knowledge of commercial vehicle inspections and Preventative Maintenance Program procedures. • Ability to work effectively with Commercial Vehicle Safety Enforcement officers. • School bus experience would be an asset. • Basic mechanics hand tools are required, specialty tools are supplied. • Must be able to keep shop work area clean, organized and maintain shop tools as required. • Ability to maintain a School bus fleet to CVSE standards and maintain all records required including on line and in house hard files. • Ability to deal with parts ordering maintain stock of common parts required. • Ability to communicate effectively. • Criminal record check and drivers’ abstract are required. Please direct all applications to:

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Secretary-Treasurer School District No. 78 (Fraser-Cascade) 650 Kawkawa Lake Road, Hope, B.C. V0X 1L4 Phone (604) 869-2411 Fax (604) 869-7400 05/13W_FCSD2

A18 Hope Standard, Thursday, May 2, 2013 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 151


PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR We are looking for a self-motivated Production Supervisor for our busy wood post manufacturing and treating facility in Princeton, BC. The successful candidate will be responsible for employee training and development, quality and cost control, production scheduling and safety. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 3-5 years supervisory experience in an industrial production operation, a post mill or wood production facility preferred. Must have a high degree of resourcefulness, flexibility and adaptability; and the ability to plan, organize, develop and interpret programs, goals, objectives, policies and procedures, etc. Good leadership skills, and excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a proven track record are required. Please email your resume to elizabeth@pwppost.com. For further information about our company visit our website at www.pwppost.com. Only those selected for interviews with be contacted.



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P/B blues. Ready to go. 1st shots & tails/dew claws done. ULTIMATE FAMILY GUARDIAN $1000 604-308-5665 MULTI-POO Miniature, brown 4-5lb Hypo aller, non-shed, family raised, vet cert $1250. 604-341-1445. NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or www.856-dogs.com

OKANAGAN PRIME LAKEVIEW LOTS From $140,000. No time limit to build. Near by lake access. ALSO: 1 spectacular 3 acre parcel at $390,000 owner wants to retire and will carry financing. 1-250-558-7888 www.orlandoprojects.com


Pomeranian pups. Ready/Vet chkd. M&F. 778-838-2700, 604-504-1559. www.pomeraniansbyparis.com


•New Roofs •Re-Roofs •Repairs

UNDER $100

Bird cages, 1 large $25 and 1 small $20. Call 604-869-8244

604.562.0957 or 604.961.0324




Mobile home for sale, 68 ft. 2 bedroom. Leave msg at 604-869-8244

BRANDNEW PILLOWTOP QUEEN MATTRESS SET. In packaging. Incls. Warranty $200! 604-798-1608



AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/ U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; www.bigirondrilling.com. Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.

New SRI *1152 sq/ft Double wide $77,900. *14x70 Full gyproc single wide - loaded $69,900. Repossessed mobile, manufactured & modulars. Chuck 604-830-1960. Glenbrookhomes.net

639 REAL ESTATE SERVICES • DIFFICULTY SELLING ? • Difficulty Making Payments? No Equity? Expired Listing? Penalty? We Take Over Payments! No Fees! www.GVCPS.ca / 604-786-4663


removal done RIGHT!



1PRO MOVING & SHIPPING. Across the street - across the world Real Professionals, Reas. Rates. Best in every way! 604-721-4555.

1 BEDROOM APT Adult complex, fridge, stove, N/P, drapes, laundry facilities. Ref’s req’d.

604-869-1212 or 604-869-2139 HOPE,

2 bdrm apt., adult oriented complex, 4 appliances, newly reno’d, electric heat, N/S, N/P. Call (604)869-9402 or 604-869-1432 HOPE, 2 bdrm spacious apt., new paint & carpet, adult oriented building, sunny side of town, clean & bright, pets accepted with deposit, $675/mo. Call 604-793-5010



FRASER CANYON GLASS, for all your glass repairs, windshields domestic & imports. (604)869-9514

SAWMILLS from only $3997 MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.

604-869-9402 or 604-869-1432

HOPE, 4 bdrm home, beautiful park like grounds, downtown, walk to everything, $1450/mo, D/D, N/S, N/P, refs req, avail Mar 1. Call 1 (778)552-5293

KAWKAWA LAKE, 3 bdrm home, 66546 Kawkawa Lk Rd, stunning views of lake, floor to ceiling reno’s just completed, lake access 100 yds away, W/D, $990/mo. Avail May 1. Call 1-604-505-1077



2 Bdrm Apt. - $650


HOPE, Like new 3 bdrm townhouse, 2 1/2 baths, fenced backyard, 6 appliances incl W/D, double garage, close to town in quiet complex. Avail May 15, N/S, ref’s req. $1000/mo. Call (604)869-2525 or (604)869-1664


Coquihalla Courts 1030 3rd Ave.


HOPE, Small apt and/or large room for rent, 1/2 block Kawkawa lake, $270-$290 + util. devaneall@gmail.com




fridge/stove, coin laundry, cable incl., secure prkg. Avail Now.


HOPE 2 bedroom mobile homes for sale in seniors community.

Call Gordon 604-240-3464 HOPE 2 vacant pads for rent in senior’s community. Gordon 604-240-3464

WE’RE ON THE WEB www.bcclassified.com

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper?

3 BDRM TOWNHOUSE 1 1/2 Baths, Fenced back yard, F/S, W/D, Full basement, Attached Storage Area. Rent includes heat. NO PETS! No Smoking



AUTOS: To buy or sell your car, truck, RV, van, 4x4 or trailer - this category has it all. You’ll also find automotive supplies and classic cars for sale, or you can list the vehicle you’re seeking. call 604.869.2421


HOPE, 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT., for rent $500 - $600, Park Royal, heat & hot water inc., balcony, covered parking, 55, NP, NS. Best Loc Hope. Ref’s required. Call (604)860-0236 Linda or (604) 8251444

www.treeworksonline.ca 10% OFF with this AD


GET the best for your moving 24/7 From $40/hr. Licensed & Insured. Seniors Discount. 778-773-3737



HOPE, 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, private location, clean & very nice, $900/mo + D/D, ref’s req. No Smokers please. Avail June 1. Call (604)869-2181

CONDO for Rent. Gorgeous setting 2 bed, 2 bath, 2 balcony. 921 sq ft. 1275 Scott Rd. $790. May 1st. 604869-3334

HOPE, Silver Hope Mobile Park. Cabin, Mobile homes, and R/V pads for monthly rentals, cable included. Call (604)869-1203

• Tree Trimming • Fully Insured • Best Rates

GLEN TRAUN LANDSCAPING, Commercial & Residential yard maintenance. Call 604-869-2767



HOPE, 2 bdrm, house, $800 includes electricity cost. Call 1 (604)525-1883


Loveseat, gold, $125 Call 604-8698244


STOP RENTING! RENT TO OWN! No Qualification Required! FLEXIBLE TERMS! Cloverdale 60th &176th Spacious 708sf. 1 bdrm. Condo. Only $880/mo. Option Fee Req. 604-626-9647

HOPE, Retail Space available, 591 Wallace, 3 units + storage shed starting at $400/mon +hst, incl heat, water & garbage. Call Rob @ 604869-9763

Deep freeze, 5 cu. ft. $125 Call 604-869-8244





Ross Fullbrook Royal LePage 604-792-0077

UNDER $200

Liability Insurance/BBB/10% off with ad

GL ROOFING. Cedar/Asphalt, Flat roofs, WCB Clean Gutters - $80. 1-855-240-5362. info@glroofing.ca

1/2 Acre lot in Hope for Modular Home. Rent or buy the lot. New home $129,900. Call Chuck 604-830-1960.

WE’RE ON THE WEB www.bcclassified.com



HOPE 2 bedroom apt., recently reno’d, available April 1. $700 per month plus DD, N/P, N/S. Call 604869-2727

SHELTIES: 6/mo male, 4/yr male, 3/yr fem, 2/yr fem. Sable,ready now Shots / dewormed. 604-826-6311.

25 yrs in roofing industry

Family owned & operated. Fully ins. We do Cedar Shakes, conversions, concrete tiles, torchon, fibreglass shingles, restoration & repairs. 20 yr labour warr. 604-427-2626 or 723-2626

Eastcan Roofing & Siding



PURE MASTIFF X AFRICAN BORBAL puppies, have first shots, $400 each. Call (604)869-5502




WE BUY HOUSES! Older House • Damaged House Moving • Estate Sale • Just Want Out • Behind on Payments Quick Cash! • Flexible Terms! CALL US FIRST! 604-626-9647


C & C Electrical Mechanical

YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 Service Call Lic #89402 Same day guarn’td We love small jobs! 604-568-1899




• Hot water tanks • Furnaces • Broilers • Plugged Drains 778-862-0560



TOWNHOME @ 152 and 20 Avenue South Surrey / White Rock. Details: WWW.TRAVELPICS.CA

CRESCENT Plumbing & Heating Licensed Residential 24hr. Service

• ELECTRICAL • FULL PLUMBING SERVICES • HVAC GAS FITTING *Licensed *Insured 24hr. Emergency Service


CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866


ALLSYS IT, new computer sales & service. 604-869-3456 or info@allsyscomputers.com



STEEL BUILDING - BLOWOUT CLEARANCE SALE! 20X22 $4,188. 25X26 $4,799. 30X34 $6,860. 32X44 $8,795. 40X50 $12,760. 47X74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca

BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS, bred at Diesel Kennel, last 2, males, $1000. each. (604)869-5073

Running this ad for 8yrs




EMPTY MOVING truck going between Vancouver to Alberta or Okanagan. 250-575-5383 www.thatguyvanlines.com

Cash same day, local office.



YALE, WOW 375K- 3+ acres, 2 houses, 600 ft Fraser River frt. 2 hrs from Vanc. Dan (604)860-3454



Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore. Waterfront Lots for Sale Excellent Climate Near the Atlantic Ocean. Three Bedroom House for Sale or Rent www.sawmilllanding.com. waterfront@bellaliant.net 1-902-522-2343 1-902-328-4338.



HOPE 1 bedroom furnished house or a 2 bedroom plus den in seniors community.

Call Gordon 604-240-3464

Auto Financing 1.800.910.6402

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals


www.iDreamAuto.com DL# 7557

Thursday, May 2, 2013, Hope Standard A19 TRANSPORTATION 810





2005 GMC 3500 Dually Sierra 4X4 SLT, Diesel, Loaded,162,919 K, extra 40 gal fuel tank, tool box, exc cond, one owner. Asking $26,500. Contact 604-824-6033.

THE WAREHOUSEMAN’S LIEN ACT In the matter of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act and J.M.H. Storage Ltd Norman Maradyn Marilyn Dennis Laine Poulson Take notice that the furnishings and personal effects located at 63370 Flood Hope Rd, Hope BC will, if not claimed by May 9, 2013 be disposed of accordingly. Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to The Manager, J.M.H. Storage 604-8604005




HOPE AUTO BODY, complete collision repair & restoration. www.hopeautobody.ca Call (604)869-5244




Loaded, Luxurious, Like New. 120K, $3950 (604)556-4242

WWW.MILANINORMAN.COM 150+ USED CARS & TRUCKS!! 1-888-534-4745 A+ BBB RATED WE’RE ON THE WEB www.bcclassified.com



1994 Motorhome, sleeps six. $9000 obo or trade for pick-up or car. View at Park Royal,Hope1-250-682-0993 2000 CLASSIC GREAT WEST VAN, exc. cond., low mileage, fully loaded. $22,000. (604)860-4003



The Scrapper

SCRAP CARS & METALS - CA$H for CARS Up to $300. No Wheels - No Problem! Friendly &

Professional Service. Servicing the Fraser Valley 1-855-771-2855

1996 HONDA CIVIC, 2dr, auto, fully loaded, st#322 $2,400 2002 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr sdn auto Aircare low km st#313 $2,900 2002 CHRYSLER NEON 4dr auto Aircare sunroof runs good ST#147 $2,900 2003 DODGE CARAVAN 7/pass , auto. st#357 $2,900 2003 DODGE CARAVAN 7 pass auto Aircare full load st#357 $3,500 2003 CHEV IMPALA 2dr, auto, aircared, full load, st#376 $3,900 2001 TOYOTA COROLLA 4door auto low kms, st#274 $3900 2005 CHEV OPTRA 4dr hatchback, auto, aircare, runs good, st#356 $4,400 2005 FORD TAURUS auto fully loaded air care low kms only 99km st#318 $4,500 2007 PONTIAC MONTANA 7pgr Van runs good no accidents ST#312 $4,900 2004 HYNDAI SANTA FE 4/dr auto, loaded st#370. $4,900 2006 PONTIAC WAVE 4dr auto sdn low kms fully loaded Aircare st#353 $5,888 2006 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sdn auto fully loaded st#292 $6,500 2007 HYUNDAI ACCENT 4 dr, auto, fully loaded, runs good. ST#364 $6,900. 2006 SATURN ION 4dr auto sdn fully loaded st#349 $6,900 2007 FORD FUSION 4DR auto, loaded ST#250 $6,900 2006 CHEVY UPLANDER ex 7 pgr fully loaded ow km dvd st#342 $6,900 2008 KIA SPECTRA 4dr auto hatch back fully loaded st#352 $7,777 2007 FORD FUSION 4dr sdn aotu full load Aircare st#321 $7,900 2008 NISSAN SENTRA, 4dr, auto, fuel loaded, low kms. Only this week. st#332 $8,900. 2007 JEEP COMPASS 4dr auto 4X4 Aircare loaded ST#336 $8,900 2009 CHEV IMPALA 4dr auto, loaded ST#325 $8,900 2008 NISSAN SENTRA 4dr auto low km fully loaded st#332 $8,900 2006 DODGE CHARGER SXT 4 dr, auto, leather, fully loaded, ST#365 $10,900. 2009 NISSAN SENTRA low km 4dr auto st#328 $10,900 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sdn auto full load low kms st#331 $11,900 2010 DODGE CARAVAN 7 pgr, fully loaded, roof rack st#355 $12,900


2 hr. Service www.a1casper.com (604)209-2026





65575 Mountain Ash Dr

Sat., May 4 9 am - 4 pm

(off Acacia)

Sat. May 4 9 am - 3 pm Sun. May 5 9 am - 2 pm MOVING...Everything must go! Sporting goods, household items, furniture, clothing, tools/garage items and more! KAWKAWA LAKE


GARAGE / MOVING SALE Sunday, May 5th, 10am-3pm

61855 Lougheed Hwy (Camp Hope)

66612 Summer Rd by 2nd Beach

Sat., May 4 Sun., May 5 8 am - 4 pm

Including a 2007 Motorhome

WE’RE ON THE WEB www.bcclassified.com KAWKAWA LAKE

20966 Acacia Dr Sat., May 4 Sun., May 5 8 am - 5 pm

small to LARGE ads get results in

Too many things to list!










RE: LIQUOR CONTROL AND LICENSING ACT APPLICATION FOR AMENDEMENT TO A LIQUOR PRIMARY (LP) LICENSE (relocation) An application for transfer of location has been received by the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch from the Princeton Way Pub Ltd. (Goldrush Pub). The proposed new location for the licence is 273 B Wallace Street in Hope. The LP will maintain its current hours of operation which are between 9:00AM to 2:00AM from Monday to Sunday. Person capacity will be limited to 60 persons. Residents and owners of businesses located within a 0.5 mile (0.8 km) radius of the proposed site may comment on this proposal by: May 24, 2013. 1) writing to: THE GENERAL MANAGER C/O Senior Licensing Analyst LIQUOR CONTROL AND LICENSING BRANCH PO BOX 9292 Victoria, BC V8W 9J8 2) by email: lclb.lclb@gov.bc.ca PETITIONS AND FORM LETTERS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED To ensure the consideration of your views, your comments, name and address much be received on or before (Expiry date 30 days from initial posting). Please note that your comments may be made available to the applicant or local government ofÀcials where disclosure is necessary to administer the licensing process.

Hoods ....................................................$44.95 Fenders .................................................$25.95 Car Doors..............................................$39.95 Trk/Van/SUV Doors .............................$49.95 Tilt Steering Cols ................................$39.95 Grills - Regular ....................................$26.95 Front Diff Assys ...................................$69.95 Rear Diff Assys - Drum.......................$59.95 Computers - ECM ................................$19.95 All Buckets Seats ...............................$19.95 All Bench Seats ..................................$24.95 Any Plain Steel Wheel ........................$7.95 Now That’s a Deal!


1994 GMC EXT CAB - 2WD, Fully loaded. Hitch, brake control. 6 stacker cd. Bucket seats. Runs exc. $2500/obo. (778)344-7100


318 Hope Princeton Way

AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673



TRUCKS 2006 FORD F350 crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box runs good st#282 $10,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT CREW cab diesel 4X4 auto long box runs good ST#309 $14,900 2009 GMC HD QUAD cab 4X4 auto long box runs good Only This Week St#274 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT quad cab 4X4 auto diesel only 156K st#17 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box only 160Km st#310 $15,900 2005 CHEV 2500 HD LS cr/cab Duramax diesel leather 4X4 auto ST#190 $15,900 2007 FORD F350 XLT, crew cab, diesel, 4 x 4, auto, short box only 162K, ST# 826. $15,900. 2008 2007 FORD F150 XLT super crew 4X4 auto fully loaded st#348 $15,900 2007 FORD F150 XLT super crew 4dr 4X4 auto very low kms only 86,100 fully loaded ST#348 this week only$16,900 2007 FORD F350 LARIAT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto short box ST#275 $18,900

33166 S. Fraser Way, Abbotsford DL#31038 TOP CA$H PAID TODAY For SCRAP VEHICLES!


Land Parcel Sale By Tender SW 17-28-29W1 RM of Shell River, MB. 80 acres. Hay/Pasture/Bush For Farm/Recreation/Acreage. Highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Closes 05/17/2013 204937-7054 (Roy).

Hours: 8:30 am–5:00 pm 7 days a week www.pickapart.ca 792-1221


43645 Industrial Way, Chilliwack

4/13w PP25

A20 Hope Standard Thursday, May 2, 2013





Move For Health Day! Wednesday, May 8 20% Off All Facility Passes!

FREE ADMISSION TO GYM AND POOL ALL DAY! Reload your pass* or stock up on passes at a great deal! *Not applicable on already reduced/discounted pass rates or Club Child program.

Facility Hours: Gym 6:00am-8:30pm • Pool 6:30am-8:00pm

Spring Happenings at the Rec Centre Bronze Star

Fri., May 24 – June 21 4:00pm-5:00pm

Friday Night Basketball – Fun, Skills and Drills Fri., May 24 – June 14 6:30pm-7:30pm


Tues., May 7 7:00pm-8:00pm Back by popular demand! Author, Joe Smuin, will present a fascinating photo-essay highlighting the difficulties the KVR and CPR encountered in keeping the Coquihalla Subdivision of the Kettle Valley Railway operational through the Coquihalla Pass from 1916 to 1959. This program is co-sponsored by the Hope Museum, Recreation, Culture & Airpark Services and the Hope Library.


Further programming/ details are available online or pick up a copy of our Spring Activity Guide!

Railway Thru Hell

1005-6th Ave. • 604-869-2304 “Best Ice in BC” website: www.fvrd.bc.ca • email: leisure@fvrd.bc.ca

Food Safe

Fri., May 10 9:00am-4:30pm

School Daze Off Day Camp Fri., May 17 8:30am-5:00pm

Pickle Ball

Thursdays until June 20 6:30pm-8:00pm

Hope & District

Recreation & Cultural Services

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