Creston Valley Advance, May 09, 2013

Page 1

Don’t miss the bird fest this weekend!

Serving the Creston Valley since 1948

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Volume 65, No.19

$1.10 (includes HST)

Brian Lawrence

GOTTA DANCE — Members of Cresteramics joined students in Maria McLean’s Grade 2/3 Adam Robertson Elementary School class dancing to Taio Cruz’s Dynamite at a May 2 Focus on Youth concert. ARES recently won an award from the BC Principals’ and Vice Principals’ Association for working with Cresteramics; the story will be in next week’s issue.

Homelinks student earns Cops raising funds summer trip to China with golf tourney BY LORNE ECKERSLEY Advance Staff


Sophia Short is about to get the chance of her life to date. The 15-year-old Homelinks student will be Creston’s only

representative in a group of B.C. students who will travel to Beijing, China for a weeklong international student summer camp. The camp will include about 50 B.C. students, seven of which

This week's weather artist:

Hailey Ryter, Erickson Elementary School

Candidates answer questions Page 3


Tee up and help the Creston RCMP detachment raise funds for the Cops for Kids program on June 14, said Const. Wally Bursey.

Bursey will be riding on the annual Cops for Kids bicycle tour through southeastern B.C. in September and he is organizing a golf tournament at Kokanee Springs Golf Resort in Crawford Bay to help raise funds. See GOLF, page 26

• T. Lane makes old jewelry new /12 • Museum exhibit honours women /14 FIND US ONLINE AT


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rvice to You e S f o s r a e Y 5 2 g n i t Celebra


are School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) students. A total of 23 countries will be represented. Local teacher Chris Brauer will be among the-chaperones for the B.C. group. See CHINA, page 26

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he Snoring Sasquatch will be hosting its second annual Kootenaywide musicians exchange, buy, sell and trade event on the long weekend, from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. May 18. All kinds of musical instruments and gear — from lighting



to amps to instrument stands — will be on hand for the event. And if it’s too big, bring along a photo and pickup/ delivery details. Vendors can set up from 4-6 p.m. May 17 and 8-9 a.m. May 18. A portion of the sale price for each piece will go to the Snoring

Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance

Sasquatch for hosting the event. •••


reston artists have a chance to perform in B.C.’s capital in August. Musicians, filmmakers, photographers and chefs from across the province

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Brian Lawrence

The Creston Community Auditorium Society’s fund to replace the seats at the Prince Charles Theatre got a boost when Annette Smithson of the Creston Concert Society handed a $2,500 cheque to auditorium society president Joanna Wilson. The presentation was made on April 13, prior to the sold-out final performance of Footlighters Theatre Society’s production of Annie, for which Wilson was the pianist.

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Don’t Miss Entertainment In The Park Millennium Park, Saturday,1pm to 3:30pm

are invited to apply to take part in BC Day celebrations in Victoria this August. The Provincial Capital Commission’s Celebrate BC Day event on Aug. 5 will welcome an anticipated 10,000 spectators for a day of free, family-friendly entertainment and activities at the picturesque St. Ann’s Academy National Historic Site on Belleville Street in Victoria. Festivities will feature the finest from the province’s talented creators and artists, collected through a provincewide public submission process. Applications from residents of all BC communities will be accepted in four areas — music, food, film and photography — with an aim to provide a crossregional representation of the arts and cultural sectors of British Columbia. Submissions are currently being accepted on the Celebrate BC website (www.celebratebcday. com) prior to June 15.

eLecTioN 2013

Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013 3

Prior to the May 14 election, the Advance asked Nelson-Creston candidates to answer four questions in a total of 600 words or less. To learn more about their opinions, visit for coverage of the April 24 forum held in Creston.

Sjeng Derkx

Greg Garbula

Michelle Mungall

How do you plan to support local food systems? Greens believe that food and agriculture policy needs to be developed at the community level, supported by provincial and federal funding and legislation. NelsonCreston, in spite of being one of the best food growing areas in B.C., produces only three per cent of the food we eat. That is both scary and unnecessary. Greens want to help existing and aspiring farmers by promoting policies that will make farming a viable living. Young farmers need access to affordable agricultural land, education and start-up capital. Regional food self-reliance can be promoted by establishing partnerships among all levels of government, farmers, the food processing industry and community groups. Schools and hospitals need to serve locally grown and produced foods. We will support local government to draft bylaws that support “backyard” food production, community and shared food gardens, as well as urban agriculture. The Agricultural Land Reserve should be used as a tool for expanding food production to meet the goal of 85 per cent food self-sufficiency. Greens support seed saving, genetic diversity of food crops and B.C. as a genetically modified organism-free agricultural zone.

How do you plan to support local food systems? Local food systems are the lifeline of our region and need to be supported in ways that not only drive localized consumption but improve ways for small and mid-sized operators to become sustainable in surrounding markets. We must improve access to educational support and financing allowing opportunities for ingenuities in finding niche segments to help offset the inequity of small versus large scale production facilities. Advantages such as “organic” and “pure” products allow for smaller-scale farms to produce locally grown environmentally conscious products within their mid-ranged region competitively. We must work with the individual operators to be able to understand and support these initiatives, and as their representative, that is what I plan to do.

How do you plan to support local food systems? The NDP platform on agriculture is built around a local focus. Many of the ideas discussed at my community forums in Creston and my report, Kootenay Lake Regional Food Systems, have directly influenced the platform. Grow BC •Renew the Agricultural Land Commission and protect the Agricultural Land Reserve; and •Help orchardists with replanting and other input costs, and provide more direct support to organic and conventional farmers through enhanced extension and field services for marketing and operations. Feed BC •Help create a stable market for local growers through pilot programs to promote purchases of B.C. produce by B.C.’s hospitals and long-term care facilities. This measure will also improve diets and health outcomes. Buy BC •Strengthen support for the Buy BC marketing program for B.C. agricultural products; and •Improve access to markets for B.C.’s award-winning craft distillery industry by reducing the Liquor Distribution Branch markup, and by allowing direct sales to restaurants and bars, and on-site.

Green Party

Liberal Party

How will you address the B.C. school districts’ funding shortfall? The challenge for our education system is to provide quality education for our students in a cost-effective manner. There clearly are problems with funding for education, but just throwing more money at it may not be the answer. Governments and school boards need to work together to develop local community schools that integrate community centres, recreation facilities and libraries. School principals, teachers and parents need to have more direct say in their local schools. Independent and alternative schools should be integrated into the public school system, without affecting their autonomy and objectives. Parents and students need a wide range of options for their diverse learning needs and want fair funding for all students. User fees for basic school services should be prohibited. Corporate funding has no place in our schools. In the long term, public education should be free at every level.

How will you address the B.C. school districts’ funding shortfall? The BC Education Plan introduced by the Liberal government has been very positively received by the administrators of education in our region, due to the fact that education and educators are adapting to the changing environment of technology. Flexible learning and personalized programs allow the opportunity for students and teachers to provide individual education plans with greater efficiency and streamlined costs. With both students and teachers having the ability to adapt to the fastpaced and ever-changing technology improvements, they are allowing the students be the center of their education, with flexibility and choice on how they learn. Although funding is static, the main issue of our region is not the funds but the declining enrolment. Having spoken to an administrator at one of our schools recently, they expect enrollment to be down another six per cent next year. The funding formula is based upon a per student amount that has been getting reduced overall by a reduced number of families with school-aged children having the ability to find employment in our region. The BC Jobs Plan is addressing the employment issues provincially; however, we will need to be working hard in our region to reverse the trend that we are encountering specifically to the higher than provincial unemployment rates in our riding, which is one of my main focuses if I am elected your representative.

How will you support seniors and youth advocacy? The growing number of seniors is as varied as any other group in our society. To speak of them as a homogenous unit is to do them a disservice. They are a largely untapped source of experience and knowledge who want and need more opportunities to contribute, but they also are a growing group who often need help to access social and health care services. Home care for ailing seniors needs to be expanded and improved to ensure they can lead lives with dignity in their own homes for as long as possible. Greens want to expand the role of the provincial seniors advocate to ensure provincial legislation considers their interests and to ensure seniors have a direct line to government. We need improved early education programs and affordable daycare for working parents. See DERKX, page 16

How will you support seniors and youth advocacy? The most common issue between seniors and youth in our region is affordable housing. We must work towards solutions for seniors to be able to access a variety of levels of age-related assisted living communities so that there is an opportunity for the variety of needs to be accommodated. Similarly, youth are in a situation that unless we can provide high-paying jobs for our young people and young families, we will not be able to retain them from other regions that have heated labor markets. So we must provide for a combination of more employment and affordable, sustainable living spaces, of which I plan on making both a priority as your representative. Without a vibrant young demographic component to a community, the support for our social systems becomes unsupported and communities regress. See GARBULA, page 16

PODIATRY CLINIC with Dr. Joanne Lih • Tuesday May 14 Summit Medical Clinic 319 - 15th Ave. N (Dr. Mackay’s Office)

New Democratic Party

How will you address the B.C. school districts’ funding shortfall? While elected school boards will continue to manage their budgets and be responsible to those who elected them, it is essential that the provincial government prioritize education in its budgets. The NDP has committed an additional $100 million into kindergarten-Grade 12 classrooms. This additional funding will be used to hire more teachers and teachers’ assistants, and improve special education.

How will you support seniors and youth advocacy? When putting people first, it is imperative to target specific programs for both seniors and young people. One of the key priorities of an NDP government is to improve care for B.C. seniors, including better health care, better home care and creating an independent seniors advocate. A major concern facing young people is access to the training and skills they need for today’s jobs. The NDP would establish financial needs-based grants to improve access to post-secondary education and reduce crippling student debt. We have also laid out a plan to address child poverty and a made-in-B.C. approach to protecting our environment so that young people have a positive future.

Do you support continued provincial funding for public library systems? In a word, yes. As a library user, I know that libraries are community hubs and are essential to promoting literacy in our society. To be sure, my NDP colleagues and I recognize the vital role libraries play in our province.

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Notice of Annual General Meeting

Creston Valley Agriculture Society Thursday, May 16, 2013 College of the Rockies 7 pm NOTICE OF PROPOSED DISPOSITION (SALE) OF ATCO BUILDING Pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Creston has determined that it is in the best interests of the Town to dispose of the following municipally owned structure (improvement): Older ATCO Building Size: 10 ft. x 24 ft. Registration No. 12405550 (Located at the Creston Valley Regional Airport 1993D Airport Road, Creston, BC) (the “Building”) The Building in question is surplus to the Town’s requirements. There is no upset price to the sale of the Building, offers will be accepted. The purchaser of the Building will be required to remove the Building from the current site, at the purchaser’s expense, within one (1) month of purchase. The Building will be sold on an ‘as is’ basis. Offers to be submitted in writing to: Executive Assistant Town of Creston PO Box 1339 238 – 10th Avenue North Creston, BC V0B 1G0 No later than 4:30 p.m., Friday, May 17, 2013 Enquiries concerning the sale of the said Building may be directed to Steffan Klassen, Director of Finance & Corporate Services, PO Box 1339, Creston, British Columbia,V0B 1G0, telephone 250-428-2214, extension 224.

TOWN OF CRESTON PROPERTY FOR LEASE The Town offers approximately 53 acres of land suitable for farming purposes for lease, located adjacent to Mallory Road, Lister, BC; and legally described as District Lot 16037, Kootenay District, Except Part Included in Plan NEP82851 (crosshatched on the drawing below).

LocaL News

RCMP calls include glaring, egging BY LORNE ECKERSLEY Advance Staff

Creston RCMP responded to 60 calls for service from April 29-May 5, Staff Sgt. Bob Gollan said on Monday. April 29 •Police traced a 911 call to a Riondel address, where the owner said he hadn’t dialed the number. •A female walking on Boder Road reported being charged by a Rottweiler dog, which returned to its yard when the owner called it. •A strange call to a Sixth Avenue South residence was traced to a caller in the U.S., who said he was playing a prank on a friend, but must have dialed the wrong number. •Police were called to Aldrich Road to assist emergency health services with a patient in diabetic shock. •After accusing Rykerts border crossing personnel of theft, the “stolen” money was found in the accuser’s pocket. •Police assisted the hospital in locating a patient. April 30 •A report of an erratic eastbound green van near Yahk was forwarded to the Cranbrook RCMP. •An apparently stoned male was reported at Walkers Landing near Riondel. Police could not locate him, but the next day a backpack was found in the same area and police are attempting to trace it to the owner. •A complaint of an erratic driver on 26th Avenue North is being investigated.

•A vehicle had three tires slashed on Kitchener Road. •Minor damage was reported when a vehicle backed into another in a Canyon Street parking lot. •A pink iPhone was lost on Ninth Avenue near a pub. •A driver required hospital treatment after his vehicle went off Highway 3A and rolled into the ditch. May 1 •Minor damage was reported after a truck taking a wide turn on Cook Street collided with an oncoming vehicle. •A dispute involving text messages between a landlord and tenant was reported on Vancouver Street. •Lorne Palmer was arrested after allegedly uttering threats against a male and was released on a promise to appear in court. •Police are investigating a shoplifting incident at a Cook Street store, where the suspect fled in a small grey Alberta vehicle, the owner of which has an outstanding arrest warrant for theft under $5,000. •A mother complained that her 50-year-old son, who is trying to quit drinking, keeps getting calls from “friends” inviting him go out drinking. May 2 •Police were called about a neighbours’ dispute on Fourth Avenue South. •A vehicle collided with a deer on Goat River Road. May 3 •A half-dozen cows were reported loose on Highway 3 at Ryan’s Station Road near Yahk. •Residents of an Eighth Avenue house complained about unwanted glaring from a female. •A motorcycle driver needed hospital treatment after colliding with a deer on Highway 3A north of Kuskanook. •Police are investigating a complaint about a male carrying a pellet gun while walking on Canyon Street. •A female suspected of shoplifting from a Cook Street store was found by police but she had no stolen items with her. She was intoxicated, however, and was arrested and held in cells until sober. •Police were again called to Aldrich Road to assist with a patient in diabetic shock who becomes violent when not using his medication.

The tenant shall use the said lands to seed and harvest alfalfa, oats, timothy, brome-grass or other small grain crops only.


All advertising DEADLINE for Thursday, May 23 edition is Thursday, May 16 at noon

For further information on the terms of the lease, or to view the property, please contact: Executive Assistant Town of Creston P.O. Box 1339, 238 - 10th Avenue, North Creston, BC V0B 1G0 Telephone 250-428-2214, Ext. 226 Email:

1018 Canyon St 250-428-2266

Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance

Suspects released on bail, facing combined total of 21 charges Advance Staff The alleged suspects in an April 20 break and enter and assault appeared in Cranbrook Law Courts before Judge Grant Sheard on May 2 and were released on bail, said Creston RCMP Cpl. Monty Taylor in a press release. Travis Hennessy, 22, has been charged with robbery with a firearm, use of a firearm while committing an offence, unauthorized possession of a firearm in a motor vehicle, unlawfully discharging a firearm endangering life, assault with a weapon, aggravated assault, assault (two counts), breaking and entering a dwelling (two counts), and unauthorized possession of a firearm. Brenton Chambers, 21, has been charged with robbery with a firearm, robbery, assault (two counts), breaking and entering a dwelling (two counts), unauthorized possession of a firearm, use of a firearm while committing an offence, unauthorized possession of a firearm in a motor vehicle and unlawfully discharging a firearm endangering life. The pair is slated to appear in Creston Law Courts on June 18.

•A 41-year-old male driver who was stopped on Helen Street failed two roadside alcohol screening tests and was issued a 90-day driving prohibition. His vehicle was impounded for 30 days. •Patrolling officers noted a group of people in the gazebo near Millennium Park at night. A 60-ounce bottle of vodka was found nearby but the owner could not be determined. It was emptied onto the ground. •A house on Regina Street was egged from a vehicle. The culprit was located by police and issued a traffic violation ticket. A house on 14th Avenue was also egged by the same person, who admitted to the mischief. •An erratic driver on Canyon Street nearly hit another vehicle. May 4 •One person was taken to hospital for treatment after a vehicle backed into another on 15th Avenue North. •An intoxicated 24-year-old male was arrested at Millennium Park and held in police cells until sober. He was issued a ticket for consuming liquor in a public place. May 5 •Provincial authorities were called in when a youth was found in the care of an “unsuitable” babysitter. •Police are investigating the sudden death of a male in his home on Highway 3A.

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Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013

Local News 5

Second campaign is different, says Mungall BY LORNE ECKERSLEY Advance Staff Nelson-Creston MLA Michelle Mungall says she has learned a lot in her four years representing her constituents. “We have had quite a few achievements,” she said. “It shows what can happen when an MLA is working with the community.” Her fondest memories include “keeping the Glacier and Hauser Creeks running free.” The West Kootenay creeks were targeted for controversial independent power projects, an overall approach that has saddled British Columbians with highcost power purchase agreements with private developers. “These projects serve to make small hydro companies richer, concentrating the wealth from our resources in fewer hands,” she said. “But it was really an environmental fight — we need to protect our waterways.” The power projects were among her first battles as a rookie MLA and they were indications “that we weren’t being heard by the Liberal government,” Mungall said. “It took over four years, but we won a big battle — I am so glad

to be an MLA that helped facilitate that.” Housing is an important issue throughout the Kootenays and she has been a supporter of a local project that would see construction of an affordable family housing complex adjacent to Millennium Park. She points to Nelson’s Anderson Gardens, a 33-unit affordable housing project in Nelson, as a success in her riding. On Kootenay Lake, Mungall said she fought successfully to help insure doctors maintain their priority ferry boarding status, and in Creston she worked with the Community Resource Centre to fend off threatened cuts to the Children Who Witness Violence program. Lack of consultation by the Liberal government is evident in the way the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area has been handled, she said. “We all know the CVWMA has been neglected by this government,” she said. “A government cannot move the CVWMA forward without working with the local community. It is integral to the process to include people with the strongest vested interest.” During the campaign, in which she

and her support team have knocked on hundreds of doors, Mungall said education, environment and health care issues are the big three concerns of NelsonCreston residents. “I also did Facebook polling and those three were consistently among the top concerns — it has been the same for the last four years. … “You can’t separate the economy from environmental issues,” she said, pointing to the proposed development of Jumbo Glacier Resort.” An NDP government, she said, would work to get rid of the area’s municipality status. Increasing home support for seniors and people with disabilities “is a huge issue”, she said. “We have identified the costs and shown how we will pay for it — we are completely up front about that,” she said. In her first run at provincial politics, Mungall proved she was a savvy campaigner, handily defeating a wellknown Liberal candidate. Campaigning as an incumbent has its advantages, though. “In the last election people were just getting to know me,” Mungall

attendees to realize they can make wine purchases at the event. “The continued success in attracting wineries is making sure they get sales — it’s sales that justify them coming.” Of course, for Creston Valley Rotary Club members, the effort they put into making the evening a success also comes with a reward. Recently, the club has been netting about $5,000 for its months of planning and one evening as hosts.

Recent projects using the funds have included a new bird-watching tower at the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area and a water playground and outdoor gym at Centennial Park. Tickets for WineArt are $45 and include wine samples and food by Delectable Delights. They are available at Black Bear Books and Kingfisher Used Books, Ron Toyota or any Rotarian, or at the Creston Valley Advance.

Tenth WineArt running May 31 BY LORNE ECKERSLEY Advance Staff

One of Creston Valley’s most popular social events is set to return on May 31 at the Creston and District Community Complex. WineArt, celebrating its 10th anniversary, once again promises to feature a great selection of wine, food and local art. With four Creston Valley producers now attending, WineArt has more local flavour than ever, a reflection of how the area is changing, committee member Ron Toyota said on Yes, this is the time of year when the Foundation takes part of its funds and distributes grants to non-profit organizations that Monday. have applied for its help. “We have SkimmerThat’s mainly what the Creston-Kootenay Foundation was created to do. horn, Baillie-Grohman and Wynnwood winThe C-KF was born in 2004. By January, 2005, it was registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, which authorized it to eries, along with issue tax-refundable receipts for donations it received. Those donations are invested in perpetuity, but the CRA requires that Tabletree juice at this part of the interest they earn be distributed each year to community groups in the C-KF’s area of service, which stretches year’s event,” he said. from Riondel to Yahk. Those groups must also be registered with the CRA. “It’s great that we have representation from A group of volunteers, most of them elected at the organization’s annual meeting, form the Foundation’s board of directors our local agricultural and manage its functions. The board meets regularly once a month and most of its members are on committees that hold community. Most of additional meetings. our earlier participants were Okanagan winerThe current board members are: ies.” Not that the B.C. Chair- Larry Brierley Vice-Chair- Ted Hutchinson Interior won’t still play Secretary - Heather Suttie Treasurer -Verm Ronmark a big part in the fundraiser. This year, for Directors at Large- Sherri Fowler, Peter Hepher, Lon Main, Nicole Nilsson and Joanna Wilson the first time, Mission Hill Family Estate is Grants are made to eligible non-profits working within seven broad fields of community service. They are: healthy living, expected to be showculture and the arts, social welfare (e.g., poverty and delinquency), youth and the aged, education, the environment and casing its products heritage (history and museums). “We always hear comments about what This year grants totalling $19,070 are going to: Therapeutic Activation Program for Seniors (TAPS)- $4,100; Wildsight- $600; a great social event West Creston Fire Protection Society - $1 ,800; Creston & District Historical and Museum Society- $370; Therapeutic Riding WineArt has become,” Program- $5,000; Riondel Curling Club- $3,000; Creston Valley Hospice Society- $1,500; Public Health Nurses and Creston Toyota said. “There’s Ministerial Association- $1,200; PCCS (for bursary)$ 500; and Salvolio Scholarship (for fire fighters)- $1,000. nothing like being able to wander around the The sum available for grants each year depends on the total amount in the Foundation’s kitty. That kitty grows when more room and chat with wealth of various kinds is donated by people who want to ensure that charitable community agencies in this area can friends, and to be introcontinue to meet the needs facing them. So there’s the challenge. No donation to the Foundation is too small, but of course duced to new ones. It’s the bigger the better. a social evening that offers networking posMeanwhile, thanks to those who have donated during the past seven years. Cheques for this year’s donees will be distributed sibilities, too.” during a special cermony in June. What better time to help the Foundation’s kitty grow! He said it’s important for WineArt



said. “This time around they have seen my record.” “Continuous communication”, in the form of newspaper columns, Facebook posts and Bend Your MLA’s Ear community events help keep her connected with Nelson-Creston residents, she said. This was the third in a series of profiles on 2013 provincial election cadiddates. A profile on Green Sjeng Derkx was in the March 14 issue, and Liberal Greg Garbula was interviewed for the March 21 issue. Both stories, as well as candidates’ forum coverage can be found at

FOR THE RECORD The Creston Valley Farmers’ Market will be moving to Morris Flowers Garden Centre from October through December this year, not remaining in its present location behind the Creston Valley Chamber of Commerce all year, as was stated in the story, “Farmers’ market starting 10th season,” in last week’s Advance.

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opiNioN LiNe

Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance

Working toward a better future

P.O. Box 1279 • 1018 Canyon St. • Creston, B.C. • V0B 1G0 Phone: 250-428-2266 • Fax: 1-250-483-1909 Published Thursdays except statutory holidays Alex O. Carruthers, Founder All rights reserved. Contents copyright by the Creston Valley Advance. Any reproduction of material contained in this publication in whole or in part is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the Publisher. Copyright in letters and other materials submitted to the Publisher and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the Publisher and its licensees may freely reproduce them in print, electronic or other forms. It is agreed that The Creston Valley Advance will not be responsible for errors or omissions and is not liable for any amount exceeding the cost of the space used and then only such portion where the errors actually appeared. We reserve the right to edit or reject any submission or advertisement that is contrary to our Publishing guideline.

Published by the Creston Valley Advance, a division of Black Press Group Ltd. Publications Agreement No. 40069240

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.


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CONTACT US Publisher Lorne Eckersley Ext. 106, Editor Brian Lawrence Ext. 103, Sales Co-ordinator Anita Horton Ext. 104, Circulation/Office Manager Dianne Audette Ext. 100, Production Department

Letters to the Editor

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As I wandered around the room at last week’s third annual Lower Kootenay Band open house I couldn’t help but think that there was a different feeling at the event than at last year’s. Everyone, hosts and guests alike, seemed more relaxed. Persistence is a good quality among those who want to make change. It’s too easy to try something, not get the results hoped for and then move on, or give up altogether. Since taking the chief’s position a couple of years ago, though, Jason Louie has worked tirelessly with chief operating officer Linda Berg and an administrative team that knows that a community of 200 simply can’t work in isolation. The open house is a good way to show others in the Creston Valley, as well as representatives from US Customs and Border Protection, what is happening in Lower Kootenay. And the mix of organizations at the table I sat at was evidence of the genuine and growing sense that we have much to gain by co-operation. I sat with people from College of the Rockies, Kootenay Employment Services, Columbia Basin Trust, Ministry of Transportation and Creston Museum. Around the community hall were displays of the various Lower Kootenay services, and photos of the past year’s events. A drum circle added to the festivities and the traditional lunch table promised guests wouldn’t leave hungry. Louie is growing increasingly comfortable in his role as chief and his opening welcome showed his quick sense of humour, as well as a deep commitment to the betterment of his community. He and Berg

clearly have a strong working relationship and her past experience and communications skills are tremendous assets. But the program this year was

Band members. With her bright smile and obvious intelligence, she explained the efforts that are now in progress, including working with her community’s elders and knowledge-keepers to make recommendations for additions to the library’s collection. I couldn’t resist asking her about the internal feuds that have grown between and among families in Lower Kootenays. Our conversation was somewhat private at that time and I won’t Lorne Eckersley take advantage of the moment to reveal details, but it’s clearly a topic that bothers largely Curtis Wullum’s. The band’s her and other young LKB members. economic development officer, It’s heartening, though, that she and Wullum is Métis, but is clearly at others of her generation are showing home among his Lower Kootenay no signs of walking away from their friends and co-workers. He presentfamilies, their communities, their ed a fascinating overview about the culture and history. community and its efforts to develAt the open house we learned op economic opportunities — anythat Lower Kootenay has an advanone interested can find the entire tage that the surrounding area LKB economic strategic plan at doesn’t. Its population is growing. The percent of young people is not Persistence and patience are evident declining and they don’t seem to see throughout the document. urban living quite as appealing as Coincidentally, in the week prior their non-native counterparts. to the open house, I had the chance We saw precisely that attitude in to interview one of Louie’s daughplay in the last band council electers, Misty. Memories of her as a tions, where Robin Louie was electbright, enthusiastic and athletic stued. Now in his thirties, Robin, too, dent at Prince Charles Secondary has travelled the world as a member School came flooding back as we of the armed forces. He has returned chatted. Misty has put on a lot of to the Creston Valley, experienced miles since graduating from high and educated, with his family. And school. She did a five-year stint in he came back with the interest and the U.S. Air Force, including a fivemotivation to serve in local politics. month posting in Iraq, but there is Each time I make a connection none of the hardness about her that with LKB residents, my optimism the military often develops in its grows for the future of Lower personnel. Kootenay and its people. Here’s Now an air force reservist with hoping the challenges are met with a plans to pursue a nursing degree, continued persistence. Misty is working with Creston and Lorne Eckersley is the publisher of District Public Library to increase its the Creston Valley Advance. connection with Lower Kootenay

This is the Life

How much is enough?

In the retreats at Creston zendo, mealtimes are an essential aspect of spiritual training. The mealtime ceremony is called oryoki, which means “just enough”. Oryoki bowls are small — the largest contains only one-and-a-half cups. The size of the bowls is our first reminder to eat just enough to remain healthy, alert and strong. “Just enough” changes with circumstance and to know how much is enough requires mindfulness. We have to be aware of changing conditions. Did we work hard outside before the meal, or did we sit at a table and catalogue library books? What’s the weather like? If it’s cold we need more calories to stay warm; if it’s hot we need less. Considering matters such as these, we decide how much food to put into our bowls. Zen masters recommend that we eat until we are two-thirds full. A Japanese proverb says that eight parts of a full stomach sustain the person; the other two parts sustain the doctor. Before eating, we chant five thoughts. The first thought tells us to reflect on how the food got into our bowls. We generate gratitude for the

sun, water and soil that nourished the seed, and the people who tended, picked, transported and prepared the meal. The second thought considers whether the life that the food will


Zen's-Eye View Kuya Minogue

sustain has been used to benefit others. The third thought reminds us to be on guard against the arousal of greed. The fourth thought tells us that the main purpose for eating is to promote and sustain health, and the fifth asks us to remember that the primary purpose of human life is to realize enlightenment. Having directed our minds to these considerations, we begin our silent meal, mindful of the textures and tastes of the food as we chew and swallow. An important aspect of mindful eating is to be fully aware when the meal is over. In our culture, we don’t have sayings that tell us the meal is

over. We tend to sit at the table chatting and nibbling long after we eaten enough. In mindful eating, we avoid this mistake by reciting a meal closing verse. We remind ourselves of where we actually are: “The universe is as the boundless sky.” We remember that we have the capacity for enlightenment in the messiness of daily life: “As lotus blossoms above muddy waters, pure and beyond the world is the mind of the trainee.” And then we root ourselves in loving-kindness before returning to the work of the day: “Oh, sweet compassion! We take refuge in thee.” Then we leave the table and put away the food. Suggested practice: Before you eat, look at the food and assess how much you need to be two-thirds full. Reflect: “I am eating this food for the good health of my body.” If your plate has been filled by another, remember that you are not a child. No one can make you clean your plate. Stop eating when you’ve had “just enough”. Kuya Minogue is the resident teacher at Creston’s ZenWords Zen Centre. For more information, she can be reached at 250-428-6500.

Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013

Green votes will re-elect Liberals To the Editor: I am not sure which analogy fits the Green Party best: the religious zealot who believes his/her particular faith is the only way to salvation or petulant child who when offered one cookie stomps away with nothing because they feel they deserve two cookies. That is what the Green Party is doing by splitting the progressive vote. They will help elect a Liberal government, which will give them not one but two pipelines, fracking, the Site C dam, more genetically modified crop approvals, a ski resort on the Jumbo Glacier with a $2 billion road to it and more. The NDP will give them most of what they seek, but not all. What the Green Party needs to realize is when you seek an all or nothing solutions most often you end up with nothing! Ian MacVicar Erickson

New direction a bad one for CVWMA To the Editor: At the recent all MLA candidates forum in Creston, I raised concerns about the current provincial government’s direction regarding the future of the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area (CVWMA). My first concern is the dismantling of the current model of managing the area, which has served well to attain the CVWMA’s objectives for over 40 years. My second concern is the failure of the government to provide any opportunity for public input into their decision or provide any rationale for their decision. I believe there are some ways the current operational model for the CVWMA can be improved but they certainly don’t require the extreme changes the government is pursuing. The government is planning to eliminate the Creston Valley Wildlife Act, which is the strongest legislation in B.C. to protect a wildlife management area. Converting the area into simply another wildlife area under the BC Wildlife Act makes it far less secure from political manipulation than its current status. In so doing, the government also intends to eliminate the three-member Creston Valley Wildlife Management Authority and get rid of the public representative and Canadian Wildlife Service representative’s involvement in the area. Thus the most effective avenue for having public input into the operation and management of the CVWMA will be lost. So will the influence of the Canadian Wildlife Service, which has the respon-


opiNioN LiNe

sibility to oversee the management of all waterfowl in Canada under the Migratory Birds Convention Act. The government is also planning to close the Wildlife Interpretation Centre and its programs unless it can find a private organization to take it over. This facility is vital to serving the educational objectives of the CVWMA, as well as serving the public and tourist interests in the area. One positive move the government is making is fostering greater involvement of Ducks Unlimited Canada in the operation of the CVWMA. This organization, in my view, is one of the finest wildlife conservation organizations in Canada and it has played a vital support role to the CVWMA since its inception. But its board of directors has decided they will not be involved in the operation of wildlife interpretation centres in Canada. However, I applaud its commitment to put more funding into the upkeep and maintenance of the water control structures on the CVWMA, which it previously constructed. I have been in contact with an increasing number of citizens in the Kootenays who share my concerns about what is happening with the CVWMA. Though they recognize there are ways to improve the current operational model of the CVWMA, they also believe the advice they can offer the government in this regard will result in a much better future for the CVWMA than what is currently being pursued. For this reason and, on behalf of all of them, I have asked the minister responsible for the CVWMA and all of the MLA candidates for Nelson-Creston to support putting a hold on any further government action regarding the CVWMA’s future until a meaningful opportunity has been provided to Kootenay area citizens to make input on this matter. Dennis McDonald West Creston

No Liberal candidate at PCSS forum To the Editor: I would like to thank Sjeng Derkx from the Green Party and Michelle Mungall from the New Democratic Party for attending the all-candidates forum held for senior students at Prince Charles Secondary School on April 24. The forum was held only five hours before the community forum and at the same venue. This event has been a tradition at our school and on the seven occasions that I have helped organize this forum, there have only been two candidates who have not attended or at least sent a representative. It is unfortunate that the Liberal candidate, Greg Garbula, chose not to attend, answer questions and speak with the youth of our community at this event, even after receiving a personal invitation and having one delivered to his local constituency office. I would like Mr. Garbula to explain to the youth of our community exactly


what he thinks the job of MLA is if not to respond to the concerns of the community, including the youth and young voters? Allan Gribbin Creston

Liberals will keep taxes, costs down To the Editor: The recipe for economic disaster would be to vote for a party or a person who promised an extra $100 million here and there and everywhere, or a party that promised to put tax back on corporations (the Liberals lowered it from nine per cent to two per cent). This would result in corporations leaving (like last time) and more unemployment, and maybe 10,000 people having to leave B.C. again. The rest of us will have to pay more taxes plus increased taxes on businesses will be added to the products they sell. Taxes and the cost of living will increase. We may not have a Gordon Campbell to save us four years from now. Christy Clark just reinvented herself and wants to balance the budget instead of Dix putting more debts on our children. It’s your choice. Pick your reality. John Jorgensen Creston

Promotion for forum was lacking To the Editor: (Re: “Election candidates’ forum attracts sparse crowd”, May 2 Advance) The question/comment that I had for the candidates was misrepresented in the Advance. Mr. Eckersley wrote this about my question/comment, “Proximity to the U.S. border makes it difficult for Canadian businesses to compete.” I had to leave early because I was ill, so my question was written out, and maybe it was not read correctly, but I doubt it because of the fact that it was written out and I had the moderator check it. I do not have a copy of the question, since I wrote it on a piece of paper at the forum. But it went something like, “Being we are in such close proximity to the United States, how can Creston ‘increase’ trade with the United States and help boost the Creston economy?” Just another thought on the sparseness of the crowd — this forum was not well advertised. I found out about it via a personal email someone sent me. I know I got inquiries about it after the fact because people did not know it was going on, and they wish they would have known so they could have attended. Rhonda Barter Creston


Story on page 28

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Opinion Line


The art of trying

“If you have nothing to lose by trying and everything to gain if successful, then by all means try,” is a North American truism. We love to try!

them. Politicians try to run countries. Monarchies try to rule kingdoms and then some of us just try to get by. We try to pay our bills, and try to makes ends meet. Some of us try to burn the candle at both ends and then some of us will try just about anything (at least they try to convince you of that). We try to put our best foot forward. We try to look good, and we try to do good. We try to understand the bad things that happen or the people who make bad things happen. Through religion, people try to understand God. Through science, we try to understand existence. We try to do what is right and we try to do what is best. We try to know which is which. There are things that try our patience (people too). Then there are things that, even though we try, we have a hard time accepting or understanding. Try as we might, they boggle our minds. My March column was “The Art of Acceptance”, and in it I spoke about my sister and I having to accept the inevitability of losing our war with MS. I missed my April submission because I was away trying to get some answers. Now I am trying to stay hopeful that the relapse of MS I’m experiencing will go into remission with no residual effects and trying to prepare for what comes next if it does not. I’m trying to rest. I’m trying to make things easy to manage. I’m trying to tell myself I’ve come back before and I can come back

A Cultural Perspective Lori Wikdahl

We try new looks, new jobs, new partners. Then there are new places and spaces. We try new sights and sounds. Not a day goes by when we are not trying! We try to be honest and forthcoming. We try to be kind and understanding. We try to be fair. If you have a partner, you try to make them happy. If you have children, you try to give them the best of everything. If you are a child, you try to live up to the expectations of your parents. You try not to disappoint them. As individuals, we try to be successful, whether personal or professional. Some of us measure success by what we try. Tyrants try to control everything around

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again. I’m trying not to get discouraged and spend a lot of time trying to find the humour that must be there somewhere even if it’s dark. I’m trying my hardest to make the best of a bad situation. I’m trying to hold off on making any major decisions, life-wise — trying to ride this wave of life safely back to shore. These days, though, when it comes to trying, what I’m really having a hard time trying to wrap my head around is the terminal cancer my sister was diagnosed with in April while I was down at the MS clinic. I can’t even begin to try to understand what my sister is feeling. Trying to come to terms with perhaps six to nine months is not something anyone wants to try to come to terms with. “Death is really fine, but dying…” is one of my favorite e.e. cummings poems but until now I never really understood the depth of the emotion behind the statement. I am also trying to imagine what if: My sister’s slow decline over the past several months — her pain, fatigue and weakness — was assumed to be MS. Once you are chronically ill you try to deal with symptoms all the time. What if she didn’t have MS? I’m trying not to think about that. I’m trying not to think about losing my sister. I wonder about her children losing their mother, her husband losing his wife. I’m trying to figure out why after 18 years of fighting MS my sister is going to lose her life to lung cancer. I’m trying not to scream. I’m trying to keep it together. I’m trying to laugh at the irony of my sister quitting smoking nine years ago. I’m trying to tell myself a lot of things. I’m trying to be strong. But these days mostly I’m just trying to master fear. Lori Wikdahl is a Creston Valley artist.

Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance

Humanity, where art thou?

If you asked me in the past what bothered me the most, one of the answers would be, “The ignorance of masses, arrogance of puppet masters, servitude of politicians.”

It takes time, patience, persistence, knowledge, wisdom and sensitive timing to plant a seed, water and tend it till it sprouts and brings the harvest in due time. Unfortunately, that is usually when time of trouble comes. Even then you have to be prudent as insidious people and o pport unVladimir Certik ists have b o g u s answers We, the masses, were and ready. A prime example was are continuously brain- fall of 2008 when the U.S. real washed. Fortunately, this is estate bubble did burst. easy to fix. Thanks to the Instead of locking fraudsters Internet and independent up for life they got trillions of websites, one can discover taxpayers’ bailout money, the truth and see through which they used for CEOs’ thick wall of lies in a few bonuses and profit claims in weeks or months. Regarding the following years. Had the the arrogance of puppet people been on watch, they masters, there is not much would hear independent one can do except exposing sites in 2007 that the U.S., them, thus informing unsus- U.K. and EU were pumping “money” into a rotten syspecting fellow humans. Solving those problems tem. Ironically, our star, with workable solutions is Stephen Harper, said in 2008 similar to starting a fire that “nobody saw it comwith wet wood during the ing.” Well, I beg to differ. The other closely related rain. In times of (relative) prosperity, most people issue is the recent passing simply do not care enough of the so-called anti-terrorto leave their comfort zone ist law(lessness) in Ottawa, and the few who do care are which together with other isolated and unable to move pieces of legislation brings us to a verge of police state the masses. when you simply can be locked up for no good reason other than being under suspicion. Our forefathers did not fight for freedoms and liberties so that we could just give them away. Losing our freedoms and liberties is being done in small Date: Wednesday, May 15 steps, usually outside the general populaLocation: Creston Community Complex tion’s attention. Kootenay Room Since 9-11, I have researched number of terrorist related topics Time: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. and found out that the largest terrorists are Learn about: those who claim to fight it. • Dementia, types of dementia and treatment options. Remember the U.S./ • Simple ways and tools for effective, meaningful NATO bomb-paving road from Benghazi to and rewarding communication with the person with Tripoli for al-Qaida terAlzheimer’s disease. rorists? And our beloved politicos have Community Care nurses will conclude the day the arrogance to ask if with a discussion on community services. al-Qaida has a network in Canada? Former U.S. ambassador Ed Peck was Registration: Call Kathleen at member of an official US commission that 250-428-8734. was working on definition of terrorism. Cost: $20 per person. They produced six definitions, all of which were rejected. The reason? They pointed all 10 fingers at good ol’ Uncle Sam. See TRAGEDIES, page 11

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Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013 9

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Anne Hobo Canada Weekend SickKids Found. Written Movie Operation Smile Worst Driver Good Morning KOMO 4 News Hanna Ocean Recipe Food Rescue Explore Paid Health Chica Pajan. Poppy Justin Lazy Noodle Williams Golf PGA Tour Golf KIRO 7 Eyewitness News Liberty Liberty Doodle. Doodle. Sub-D Paid Paid Paid Paid Morning News News News Garden Golf PGA Tour Golf SportsCentre SportsCentre Motoring Mcycle Score Boxing Friday Night Fights. (Taped) Basket Cycling EPL Prev UEFA Big Blue MLB Baseball: Blue Jays at Red Sox Saturday Morning News (N) Å Fishn Fishing PGA Tour Golf Rob Ro Rolie Po Art Att. Shrinks Magic Arthur Upside Miss BG Lilly Echo Dogs Dogs Animal Super Doodle Cross Absolutely Geologic Journey fifth estate Recipes Stefano Edge DFlyTV Swap TV On Spot FA Cup Soccer: Final Wembley MLB Skincare Saturday Morning CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom Money Next List CNN Newsroom Trucks! Muscle Repo ›› “Fighting” (’09) Channing Tatum. ’ ›› “Smokin’ Aces” (’07, Action) ’ Summer Summer Summer Summer Caves Caves Caves Caves Hunters Hunters Million Dollar Sell: Extreme Flip This House Flip This House The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Love It Will Will Will Will ››› “Whip It” (’09) Ellen Page, Kristen Wiig. Property Rated A Sidekick Squirrel Squirrel Sponge. Parents Kung Fu Turtles Turtles Beyblade Pokémon Rangers CBC News Now With Nancy Wilson From Toronto. (N) Å CBC News Now With Christine Birak (N) Å Kink/Hair ››› “Star Trek” (’09) Chris Pine. ’ Å ›› “The Green Hornet” (’11) Seth Rogen. ’ Star Trek Last Car Standing Mayday Dangerous Flights Mayday Deadliest Catch Finding Bigfoot Money Money Matchmaker ›› “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (’03) ’ › “Fool’s Gold” (’08) ’ Tattoos Tattoos Breaking Amish ’ Breaking Amish ’ Breaking Amish ’ Breaking Amish ’ Breaking Amish ’ The Listener Å The First 48 Å ››› “The Birdcage” (’96) Robin Williams. ’ ›› “Heartbreakers” (’01) Johnny T Gumball Looney Adven Dragons Ninjago Garfield: Lives Jim Looney Scooby Johnny T Hannah Sonny Wizards Dog Good Wingin’ It ANT Jessie Austin Shake It ›› “Rebound” Paid Atl. Eats ›› “Monster-in-Law” (’05) ›› “Girl, Interrupted” (’99) Winona Ryder. Jim Seinfeld Seinfeld Commun Big Bang Cash Cash Match Match Just for Laughs Alonzo Bodden Michael Michael Rachael Ray’s Food Food Eat St. Eat St. Restaurant Sta. My. Din My. Din Paid Paid Paid Paid Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Pawn Pawn Yukon Gold Å Perfect Storms ’ ››› “Forrest Gump” (’94) Tom Hanks. ’ Å “Jon Mnemonic” Inner Inner Paranormal Wi. Paranormal Panic Button ’ School Spirits ’ Rawhide Rawhide Rawhide Rawhide “Support Your Local Gunfighter” (’71) DayEarth Food Food Married Married Married Married Friends Friends Friends Friends Married Married (3:00) CTV News Weekend ’ Å CTV News Weekend ’ Å Peppa Little Mike Umi Max, Rby Big Angelina Franklin Babar Sesame Thomas Toopy (6:00) Weekend Morning News (N) Driving Fishing Simpson Simpson PGA Tour Golf Fly Fish Michigan Out Mag. Wild Geta Wood Home Victory Kitchen Lidias Cooking Christina Jee Gurbani Watno Dur ’ Punjabi Punjab Gaunda Lamia Naavi Quran TBA Lok Zénon Benjamin Toupie Manny Glurp Magi Football Gawayn Oniva Épicerie TJ Monde (6:00) Saturday Morning News Driving Fishing Simpson Simpson PGA Tour Golf Arrow ’ Å ›› “I Am Number Four” (’11, Action) › “Sorority Row” (’09) Briana Evigan. MuchMusic Count (:10) “Back to the Future Part II” (’89) “A Stone’s Throw” (’07) Å (:40) ›› “Jumanji” (’95) Å Back (5:40) Rugby (N) (7:55) Soccer Ligue 1 (N) (En direct) Bir Hakeim 1942 Armées secrètes Journal Ports Hot Rod Garage AMA Supercross Racing Las Vegas. From Sam Boyd Stadium in Las Vegas. On Edge SP Cen

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Lovett Dr. Marla Cash Cash Celebrity Celebrity etalk ’ App CTV News (N) ’ W5 Å (DVS) Splash ’ Å ESPN Sports Saturday (N) ABC News NBA Basketball PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Third Round. News Paid Smash (N) Å Wheel Paid Bull Riding Paid Paid Sports Big News News News News PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Third Round. Animal Kds KING 5 News (N) Solar News NBA Basketball SportsCentre (N) NHL Hockey: Penguins at Islanders NHL Baseball Sports Red Bull Series Sports MLS Soccer: Galaxy at Whitecaps FC MLB Baseball PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Third Round. Simpson Simpson Simpson News Evening News (N) Rivers Rivers Architect/Change Frontiers of Mystery Fish Earth-History Be the Creature Lang & O’Leary Dragons’ Den ’ National Market NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (N) › “Primeval” (’07) Dominic Purcell. NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Bojangles’ Southern 500. From Darlington, S.C. Newsr’m Gupta CNN Newsroom Situation Room CNN Newsroom There’s Something Wrong Aces Ways ›› “Smokin’ Aces” (’07) Ben Affleck. ’ Ways Ways Ways Ways Deadliest Extreme Homes Bryan Bryan Holmes Inspection Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Income Property The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Property Brothers “The 19th Wife” (’10) Chyler Leigh. ›› “Two Weeks Notice” (’02) Sandra Bullock. Baby Ma Yu-GiMonsuno Squirrel Squirrel Squirrel (:45) ››› “Coraline” (’09, Fantasy) ’ Å Cache Craze ’ CBC News Now National Issue National One/One Modern Spies fifth estate National Market (12:30) ››› “Star Trek” (’09) ’ ››› “High Plains Invaders” (’09) ›› “Infected” (’08) Gil Bellows. ’ Never Never Shipwreck Men ’ Cash How/ Cash Cash Last Car Standing Deadliest Catch › “Fool’s Gold” Matchmaker The Undateables Princess Princess Matchmaker Money Money Breaking Amish ’ Breaking Amish ’ Breaking Amish ’ Breaking Amish ’ Breaking Amish ’ Breaking Amish: “Heartbreakers” Golden Boy (N) ’ Missing ’ Å The Listener ’ Castle (N) Å The First 48 Å Rocket Matt Jim Jim Jim Jim Deten Just Kid (4:59) ›› “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” Rebound Phineas Gravity ANT Good Next Jessie Dog Shake It Austin Good Really King King Fam Guy Fam Guy Office Office Seinfeld Seinfeld “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” Big Bang Commun Cash Cash Seinfeld Seinfeld Alonzo Bodden Big Bang Commun Match Match Diners Diners Diners Diners Donut Donut Eat St. Eat St. Food Food Donut Donut Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Liquida GetS Mantracker Å Mantracker Å Liquida GetS American Pickers Pawn Pawn Perfect Storms ’ Yukon Gold Å Museum Secrets ››› “Troy” ’ Inner (:45) ›› “Bulletproof Monk” (’03) ’ Å Panic Button ’ Doctor Who (N) ’ Orphan Black (N) “Day the Earth Stood Still” ›› “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” ›› “Marked for Death” (’90, Action) Married Married Married Married Eat St. Eat St. Food Food Friends Friends Friends Friends CTV News CTV Lovett CTV News Weekend With Scott Laurie (N) Wiggles Peter Care Brs Bubble Octo Mike Toopy & Peter Big Dino Toopy Mike PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Third Round. Simpson News News Whatever Final 24 Sara’s Simply Beads Burt Wolf Lawrence Welk Time/By Time/By Antique Roadshow “Hollies: Look” Singh Words Tehlka Sardari Gaunda Punjabi Sanjha Masti ’ Mulaqat Made in Des-Pardes ’ Amour On prend toujours Les grandes entrevues Human La semaine verte TJ C.-B. Pet. Vie PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Third Round. Simpson News News Hour Final 24 MuchMusic Count ›› “I Am Number Four” (’11, Action) Degrassi Degrassi ›› “The Faculty” (’98, Horror) Å (12:25) “Back to the Future” “Back to the Future Part II” (:15) “Back to the Future Part III” (’90) (:15) “Jumanji” Ports Mixeur Tout-monde Quest. Journal Caravane-Qc Les Années bonheur NASCAR RaceDay (N) (Live) Monster Jam (N) Pinks - All Out TORC: The Off Road Championship



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10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30

The Mentalist ’ Flashpoint ’ CSI: Crime Scene News News “Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” NBA Basketball Wheel Jeopardy ››› “Hook” (’91, Fantasy) Dustin Hoffman. News (12:05) Burn Notice Sat. Night Live News (:29) Saturday Night Live (N) News Lumi Derm Health Workout Smile! Entertainment Ton. NCIS ’ CSI: Crime Scene 48 Hours (N) Å News Insider Paid Paid Paid Back Smash (N) Å The Voice Å Sat. Night Live News (:35) Saturday Night Live (N) NHL Hockey: Canucks at Sharks Sports SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre SportsCentre MLB Baseball: Athletics at Mariners Oil Change Å Sportsnet Con. Poker After Dark Blue High Final 24 Mistaken Å (DVS) Combat Hospital News (:34) Saturday Night Live (N) Ends of the Earth Heartbeat Å Midsomer Murders (N) ’ Å King-Country Midsomer Murders NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (N) News Just for Laughs ’ Comedy/Festival Gags NASCAR N’Radio Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Q13 Wanted Hell’s Kitchen Ben-Kate Whacked Anthony Bourd. There’s Something Wrong Anthony Bourd. There’s Something Wrong Deadliest Deadliest Warrior ›› “Fighting” (’09) Channing Tatum. ’ Police Videos Police Videos Bryan Bryan Cousins Cousins House Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Summer Summer Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Storage Storage Storage Storage Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers (6:30) ›› “Baby Mama” (’08) ›› “You Again” (’10) Kristen Bell. ›› “You Again” (’10) Baby Zoink’d! ›› “Adventures in Babysitting” (’87) Weird Baby Cache Craze ’ “Beetlejuice” (’88) “The Invisible War” (’11) Å National One/One Modern Spies National Issue National One/One ››› “Star Trek” (’09) Chris Pine. ’ Å ›› “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan” (’08) ’ ›› “Click” (’06) Yukon Men Å To Be Announced Deadliest Catch Last Car Standing Yukon Men Å Bering Sea Gold Eat St. Eat St. Princess Princess Housewives/OC Housewives/OC The Undateables › “Fool’s Gold” Breaking Amish: Breaking Amish ’ Breaking Amish ’ Breaking Amish: Breaking Amish: Paid Paid The First 48 Å ›› “Gothika” (’03) Halle Berry. Å ›› “A Perfect Getaway” (’09) ’ ›› “Legend” ’ “Diary of Wimpy-Rodrick” ››› “Galaxy Quest” (’99) Tim Allen. Å Fugget “Kill Bill: Vol. 1” Wizards Deck Sonny Random ›› “The Thirteenth Year” ›› “Opal Dream” (’05) ’ Buzz Over Prince ›› “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” (’01) ›› “We Are Marshall” (’06) Matthew Fox Heat of the Night Just for Laughs Simpson Simpson Al Madrigal Gas Gas Just for Laughs “Harold-Kumar” Chopped ’ Å Gotta Gotta Donut Donut Chopped ’ Å Restaurant Sta. My. Din My. Din Liquida GetS Mantracker Å Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Tradition Paid (6:00) ››› “Troy” (’04) Brad Pitt. ’ Å Pawn American Pickers Swamp People ’ Yukon Gold Å “Hansel & Gretel” (’13) Brent Lydic. ›› “Grimm’s Snow White” (’12) ’ “Black Forest” (’12) Tinsel Korey. ’ ›› “The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior” ›› “Marked for Death” (’90, Action) “Scorpion King 2: Rise” Eat St. Eat St. Food Food Friends Friends Friends Friends Married Married Married Married News CTV News CTV News National News National News National News National Franklin Cat in Big Max, Rby Backyard Dora... Umi Band Max, Rby Thomas Franklin Yo Mistaken Å (DVS) Combat Hospital News (:35) Saturday Night Live (N) World Poker Tour Hollies Albert King-Stevie Ray Austin City Limits Globe Trekker ’ Bletchley Circle Battle of Britain Aikam ’ Taur Lashkara ’ Waqt 4 U Aaja Biblical Forensics: Classics Believe Petite séduction Enfants de télé Médecins TJ Mondes 1800 sec (:39) Les Soprano ’ (SC) Mistaken Å (DVS) Combat Hospital News (:35) Saturday Night Live (N) World Poker Tour MuchMusic Countdown ’ Å ›› “The Faculty” (’98, Horror) Å › “Sorority Row” (’09) Briana Evigan. (6:15) “Jumanji” ››› “Empire of the Sun” (’87) Christian Bale. (:35) ››› “Hook” (’91) Dustin Hoffman. Å Années bonheur TV5 Jrnl (:35) On n’est pas couché Jeunes du monde Dumbest NASCAR On Edge Celebrity TORC: The Off Road Championship Unique Whips Pinks Pass Tm


1152 Hwy 21 North

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234 - 36th Ave North

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315 - 15th Ave North


GLAD TIDINGS PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday Worship - 10:30 am TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Worship - 10 am

2408 Cedar Street 128 - 10th Ave North

250-428-7418 250-428-4015


306 Northwest Blvd


HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH Sat. Service 5 pm, Sun. Service 10 am

128 16th Ave N


2431 Ash Street

ERICKSON COVENANT CHURCH Sunday Service 11 am • 6017-Canyon/Lister Rd 250-428-4174 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbath Sch. 9 am • Worship Serv. 11 am 713 Cavell Street 250-428-5214 NEW LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday Service 10:30 am •

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He's a 10 year old purebred Walker Hound- very loyal and loveable, healthy, neutered and has all his shots. He is well behaved and is great with kids and other dogs. He loves being around • Boarding Dogs & Cats people and needs lots of exercise. • Pet Food & Supplies Louie doesn't like being alone, and may cry/bay at times. Louie needs a securely fenced yard or area. Louie would do best with someone who is at Grooming Boarding home most of the time or who can take 1304 NW Blvd 3323 Phillips Rd him along when they go.



TV Listings


Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance

Saturdays 9am – 1pm Brand New Location

Cook Street Outdoor Market (Next to Creston Valley Chamber of Commerce)

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9 AM

9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30

App etalk ’ Question Period Remodel Remodel Marilyn Denis Gas Gas Worst Driver Good Morning KOMO 4 News This Week Rescue Health Paid Cash NBA Basket Flash Meet the Press (N) Paid Lumi Paid Paid Golf PGA Tour Golf CBS News Sunday Morning Nation Paid WEN Paid Bra Paid Paid Paid Paid News News News Garden Golf PGA Tour Golf Hockey Report NHL E:60 Boxing Soccer English Premier League Soccer Blue MLB Baseball: Blue Jays at Red Sox Sunday Morning News (N) Å Block Context PGA Tour Golf Rob Ro Rolie Tree Fu Shrinks Magic Arthur Wild Little Little Babar Animals Animals Animal Artzooka Cor Cor Cor Cor Cor Market Steven and Chris Land One/One David V’Impe Fox News Sunday Career Eco Co. Paid Skincare Fat Loss Skincare Paid Paid Fareed Zakaria Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria CNN Newsroom Your Money (N) Trucks! Muscle Repo (:23) Bar Rescue (:29) Bar Rescue (:35) Bar Rescue (:41) Bar Rescue ’ Disaster Disaster Disaster Disaster Holmes Makes Decks Decks Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Bryan Bryan Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Bates Motel Å Bates Motel Å Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Buying and Selling Will Will Will Will Chris Chris Chris Chris Love It Squirrel Pet Shop Pet Shop Winx Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Parents Parents Big Time iCarly ’ CBC News Now With Nancy Wilson From Toronto. (N) Å CBC News Now With Christine Birak (N) Å XIII “Joust” Å ›› “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan” (’08) ’ ›› “Click” (’06) Adam Sandler. ’ Just Go Curiosity ’ Å Curiosity “Inside the Titanic” Å Gold Rush Å Yukon Men Å Mighty Ships Murder in Paradise Karma Karma › “Fool’s Gold” (’08) Matthew McConaughey. ›› “Never Been Kissed” Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium The Listener ’ White Collar Å Castle ’ Å ›› “A Perfect Getaway” (’09) ’ ›› “Gothika” ’ Trnsfrm Kaijudo Max Dragons ›› “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” (’10) “Diary of Wimpy-Rodrick” Hannah Sonny Wizards Dog Good Wingin’ It ANT Jessie Austin Shake It Code 9 Code 9 Career P. Affairs “Princess Diaries 2” ›› “Race to Witch Mountain” (’09) › “Wild Hogs” Seinfeld Seinfeld Commun Big Bang Cash Cash Match Match Just for Laughs Al Madrigal Jamie Sand. Pioneer Pioneer Gotta Gotta Top Chef Canada Giving You the Chopped ’ Paid Paid Paid Paid Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Pawn Pawn American Pickers Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn “Twister Valley” “Black Forest” (’12) Tinsel Korey. ’ ›› “Grimm’s Snow White” (’12) ’ “Hansel & Gretel” (:02) ››› “The American President” (’95) (:45) ›› “Liar Liar” (’97) Jim Carrey. (:45) “The Breakfast Club” ››› “Crocodile Dundee” (’86) ’ ››› “Big” (’88) Tom Hanks. ’ ››› “Grease” (’78) John Travolta. CTV News Weekend ’ Å CTV News Weekend ’ Å Peppa Little Mike Umi Builder Wonder Cat in Franklin Caillou Angelina Dora... Toopy & (6:00) Weekend Morning News (N) Block Context Simpson In Touch PGA Tour Golf MotorWk Autoline E Street Record Group Need Journal Contrary To Be Announced Pacific Heartbeat Cope Facts Islam Hour of Power ’ Context Living Truth Å Faith Food Qk Study Believe Zénon Benjamin Mike Manny Club Oniva Jour/Seigneur Les Coulisses TJ Verte (6:00) Sunday Morning News (N) Block Context Simpson Simpson PGA Tour Golf Trial Trial Fools Laugh Oh Sit! “7Lions” Fashion Star ’ The Voice “The Live Playoffs, Part 1” (6:50) “Ghostbusters II” (’89) (:40) ›› “Cats & Dogs” (:10) ››› “The Captains” (’11) ›› “Beethoven” Temps présent Kiosque Nouvo Amérik. Thalassa Le piège blanc. Journal Di Classic Chop Cut Speed Test Drive Monster Jam Auto Racing Australian V8 Supercars

7 PM






9 PM

9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30

Criminal Minds ’ Once Upon a Time Law & Order: SVU News News (:05) The Mentalist Criminal Minds ’ Funny Videos Once Upon a Time Revenge “Truth” (Season Finale) (N) News (:35) Castle Å Burn Not. Celeb Appren News Sports Edition Paid Paid Hair News Meet the Press Derm 60 Minutes (N) ’ Survivor: Caramoan -- Fans vs. Fav Survivor: Cara News News Nation Paid The Voice “The Live Playoffs, Part 1” All-Star Celebrity Apprentice (N) ’ News The 206 Paid Skincare NHL Hockey: Red Wings at Ducks Sports SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre SportsCentre Swimming Arena Grand Prix. (Taped) On the Edge Sportsnet Con. Blue High Poker After Dark Fam Guy Simpson Survivor: Caramoan -- Fans vs. Fav Survivor: Cara News Block Paid Paid Kingdom-Cobra Monarch of Glen Waking the Dead Waking the Dead “Who Is Jackson Pollock?” 12 Takes To Be Announced National News fifth estate Canadian Simpson Cleve Simpson Burgers Fam Guy American Q13 Sports Mother Mother Raymond Jim Manhunt: The Search for bin Laden Anthony Bourd. Manhunt: The Search for bin Laden Anthony Bourd. “Fast and Furious-Drift” (8:55) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue ’ Ways (:43) Unsolved Mysteries ’ Decked Decked Holmes Makes Decks Decks Decked Decked Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Disaster Disaster Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck D. Duck D. (:01) Duck Dynasty Storage Storage Storage Storage Love It or List It Buying and Selling ››› “Julie & Julia” (’09) Meryl Streep, Amy Adams. The Closer Å “Cheaper by the Dozen” ’ Zoink’d! Splatalot Baby Pick Splatalot Baby Splatalot “Cheaper-Dozen” My Mother Diana Doc Zone ’ National My Mother Diana Doc Zone ’ National Warehouse 13 (N) Beauty & Beast Continuum ’ Warehouse 13 ’ Defiance ’ Å “Just Go With It” MythBusters Å To Be Announced To Be Announced MythBusters Å To Be Announced Murder in Paradise Housewives/OC Housewives/OC ›› “Never Been Kissed” (’99) ’ Å Never Breaking Amish: Medium Medium Breaking Amish: Long Island Medium Medium Hair Paid The Borgias (N) ’ (:15) Flashpoint ’ (:15) ››› “Marvin’s Room” (’96) ’ (:15) ›› “Reservation Road” (’07) Dragons Rocket Rocket Rocket Fugget Futurama American Chicken Archer Fugget American Futurama Wizards Deck Sonny Random “Life Is Ruff” (’05) ’ Å ››› “Cow Belles” (’06) Buzz Over ››› “Spider-Man” (’02) Tobey Maguire. ›› “Speed Racer” (’08, Action) Emile Hirsch. There There Gags Gags Gas Gas Just for Laughs Just for Laughs Gags Gags “National Lamp.” Iron Chef America Top Chef Canada Giving You the Iron Chef America Gotta Gotta Diners Diners GetS Liquida Mantracker Å Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Paid Paid Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Swamp People ’ Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Mad Men (N) (:04) Mad Men (:08) Mad Men (:12) CSI: Miami ’ (:13) CSI: Miami ’ (12:14) CSI: Miami “Crocodile Dun.” ››› “Grease” (’78) John Travolta. ’ Å ››› “Big” (’88) Tom Hanks. ’ Croco News CTV News CTV News National News National News National News National Franklin Cat in Big Max, Rby Backyard Dora... Umi Band Max, Rby Thomas Franklin Yo Fam Guy Simpson Survivor: Caramoan -- Fans vs. Fav Survivor: Cara News Paid Entertainment Ton. Poirot ’ Å MI-5 Å Independent Lens To Be Announced America Eco Mack Record Osteen Beyond Canadian Popoff Christ Armor V’Impe Tom’row Super Tribal Tom’row Osteen Décou. Gala les Olivier (N) TJ Amour-country (:40) “Gatsby le magnifique” Fam Guy Simpson Survivor: Caramoan -- Fans vs. Fav Survivor: Cara News Paid Entertainment Ton. Trial Trial Trial Trial Oh Sit! “7Lions” The Voice “The Live Playoffs, Part 1” The Voice Å “Ghostbusters II” ›› “1941” (’79) John Belushi. ›››› “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” Starman Le Miroir Amérik. TV5 Jrnl ARTE Reportage Urgence Cobayes Ques-champion À Table Classic Hot Rod SPEED Center Tunnel Racer Faster Faster Unique Whips Pinks Pass Tm

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1 PM

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Cash Cash ›› “Turn the Beat Around” (’10) ’ W5 Å (DVS) CTV News Å Shark Tank ’ NBA Basketball Cash Skincare Cash Cash News ABC KOMO 4 News PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Final Round. The Voice “The Live Playoffs, Part 1” Celeb Appren Bull Riding Paid Paid Insider Pets.TV News News News News PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Final Round. Poppy Justin KING 5 News (N) KING 5 News (N) Boxing NHL Hockey: Capitals at Rangers NHL Hockey: Islanders at Penguins Baseball MLB Baseball: Braves at Giants Sportsnet Con. Sporting Canucks UFC Unleashed PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Final Round. Simpson Simpson Simpson News (5:59) News Hour Our Part Rescue Going to Extremes Be the Creature Wild Coasts Turn Back Time Frontiers of Q With Jian Nature/ Things Recipes Stefano NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (N) ›› “Swordfish” (’01) John Travolta. American American Futurama Futurama Bloopers Bloopers Two Men Two Men CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. (12:48) Bar Rescue (1:54) Bar Rescue Ways Ways Ways Ways Ways Ways “Tokyo Drift” Income Property Holmes Makes Decked Decked Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Decks Decks Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty Love-List Dine Dine Dine Dine Dine ›› “You Again” (’10) Kristen Bell. My ›› “Yours, Mine & Ours” (’05) ’ ››› “Mrs. Doubtfire” (’93) Robin Williams. ’ Å “Cheaper-Dozen” CBC News Now Market Doc Zone ’ fifth estate Modern Spies National (12:30) ›› “Just Go With It” (’11) ’ Defiance ’ Å Beauty & Beast Continuum ’ Continuum (N) ’ Auction Auction Fast N’ Loud ’ Cash How/ MythBusters Å To Be Announced “Never Kissed” Karma Karma Murder in Paradise Security Security Karma Karma Brainwashed ’ Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium (12:00) “Gothika” Homeland Å Missing “Victoria” The Listener ’ “Demons From Her Past” (’07) ’ Game- Skatoony Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Rocket Rocket Just Kid Skatoony Code 9 Phineas Gravity ANT Good Next Jessie Dog Shake It Austin Good Really › “Wild Hogs” The Closer Å Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ›› “Race to Witch Mountain” (’09) Big Bang Commun Cash Cash Seinfeld Seinfeld Al Madrigal Big Bang Commun Match Match Diners Diners Diners Diners Gotta Gotta Gotta Gotta Top Chef Canada Giving You the Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd Man v Fd GetS Liquida Mantracker Å Liquida GetS Mantracker Å Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Pawn Pawn American American Swamp People ’ American Pickers Pawn Pawn “Hansel & Gretel” Doctor Who Å Orphan Black ’ The Nerdist (N) ’ › “Twister Valley” (’09) ’ Å “Breakfast Club” ›› “Sixteen Candles” (’84) Å ››› “Quiz Show” (’94) John Turturro, Rob Morrow. Grease ’70s Instant Instant Canadian Pickers Canadian Pickers Instant Instant “Crocodile Dun.” CTV News Question Period CTV News Weekend With Scott Laurie (N) Franklin Peter Care Brs Bubble Octo Mike Toopy Peter Big Dino Toopy & Mike PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Final Round. Simpson News News Whatever Parker Parker Things String “Jake Shima” Moyers-Comp Death in Paradise Call the Midwife Masterpiece Naked David Arise ’ Tom’row Prince Hope Discov. V’Impe Jeremiah Facts J. Hagee J. Meyer Verte Regard Une heure-terre ››› “Le Gendarme à New York” Dragon TJ C.-B. Décou. PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Final Round. Simpson News (4:59) News Hour Parker Parker The Voice Contestants perform. Å The Voice Å Degrassi Degrassi MuchMusic Countdown ’ Å Bee (:20) “Beethoven’s 2nd” (’93) (2:50) ›› “Cats & Dogs” (:20) ››› “Ghostbusters” “Ghostbusters II” Dimanche! Tout-monde À Table Journal Ques-champion “La Tête de maman” (’06) Expresso Australian V8 Supercars Barbagallo. Lucas Oil Off Road SPEED Center (N) Tunnel Racer Faster Faster

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1018 Canyon St.

Kootenay Lake Ferry Schedule

* Times listed are Pacific Time VESSEL NAME Osprey 2000 Osprey 2000 Osprey 2000 M.V. Balfour Osprey 2000 M.V. Balfour Osprey 2000 M.V. Balfour Osprey 2000 M.V. Balfour Osprey 2000 M.V. Balfour Osprey 2000 Osprey 2000 Osprey 2000

* Peak times are shown in broken boxes.

BALFOUR TERMINAL SUMMER WINTER 06:30 AM 06:30 AM 08:10 AM 08:10 AM 9:50 AM 9:50 AM 10:40 AM 11:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:20 PM 01:10 PM 01:10 PM 02:00 PM 02:50 PM 02:50 PM 03:40 PM 04:30 PM 04:30 PM 05:20 PM 06:10 PM 06:10 PM 07:50 PM 07:50 PM 09:40 PM 09:40 PM

KOOTENAY BAY TERMINAL SUMMER WINTER 07:10 AM 7:10 AM 09:00 AM 09:00 AM 10:40 AM 10:40 AM 11:30 AM 12:20 PM 12:20 PM 01:10 PM 02:00 PM 02:00 PM 02:50 PM 03:40 PM 03:40 PM 04:30 PM 05:20 PM 05:20 PM 06:10 PM 07:00 PM 07:00 PM 08:40 PM 08:40 PM 10:20 PM 10:20 PM

Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013

opiNioN LiNe 11

Going, going, gone and forgotten, almost

As I stand gazing at remains of old mine buildings and other structures, I think of all the energy, sweat and even tears that have been poured into dreams, prospecting, old digs and mines over the last 150

erected at some remote wilderness spot, and if they are legible, they might reveal New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island origins. The Columbia-Kootenay mountain region is laced with trails, many grown over, that trace back to prospecting and mining days. Some of the pack trails were constructed with government money. They scaled descended Ed McMackin and mountain passes between Kootenay Lake and Marysyears. Dreams of striking it ville. The forest landscape is rich, of being able to send pocked with digs, shallow holes money back home or to a to check out the rocks. sweetheart or even just being When I came to this fair land able to make a living fired the and wandered its forest glades, very young, the middle-aged I ran across shallow holes and even the young at heart to beside rounded piles of dirt leave families, jobs, friends and and rock that even supported a familiar surroundings in pur- tree or two. I wondered what suit of sometimes wild dreams. prospector stopped by here to One father, slipping a silver check out the rocks. Gradually I dollar into the son’s hand said found out that, actually, many goodbye, never hearing from of these shallow depressions him again. Perhaps he never were natural, caused by an made it to California, or to uprooted tree. When the tree Barkerville. If gravestones were fell, the root-bound soil and

rock came up too. The only evidence of a once stalwart tree is a hole and a pile of rock and dirt. Prospectors are long since gone, not around to see their digs filled in with forest litter and their piles of rock and dirt carpeted over with moss and plants. Many prospectors left their lucrative dreams and prospects, and with their gleanings, if they had any, returned to their origins in the United States. Many who had once been involved in trapping and the fur trade took up prospecting and mining or combined the two. Others, when the fur trade and/or the metal market declined, took up pursuits including farming in more prosperous areas of the Pacific Northwest, which was once under the control of the Hudson’s Bay Trading Company (British). Their ancestry follows them in present day place names like LaClede, Coeur d’Alene, Touchet, French Town (historic site), Deschutes, La Pine, Chemult, Fremont, Ravalli and so on. Much physical evidence of historic Kootenay mining activity has rusted and rotted away,

freeze to below –5 C. However, if it is grown too softly, it won’t take it. This phenomenon would have to do with the amount of water in the plant cells in relation to the “sugars”. Some plant cells, like those of the red osier dogwood, have an internal antifreeze in their stem cells, which allows them to go below –60 C without suffering any damage. On the other hand, Davies cells of plants like marigolds and tomatoes suffer frost damage very easily. The water in their cells freezes. As it expands, the water molecules break the cell walls and rupture them. That is why they turn black soon after. Water is one of the only substances that expands when it freezes. Like ice in an ice cube tray, it pops out of the mould. In any case, soft, fleshy plants don’t freeze well. If you think of strictly belowzero weather causing damage to your crop you would be only looking at half the picture. A lot of our vegetables are actually from the south. Tropical plants

really don’t like temperatures below 13 C. It is the same as if you just froze a more traditional northern European vegetable. We call it a chilling injury. Have you ever put a cucumber in the fridge only to find it gone mushy? Fridge temperatures run around 4 C. Commercially, a cuke would be stored at a minimum 8 C to avoid a chilling injury. In the past few years, many folks have had to replant their cucumber plants because they just sat in the cold soil and rotted. This year, we seem to be having warmer and drier weather than spring 2011 and 2012. One other note to mention about water and freezing: When a hard frost is forecast, I run frost protection in the nursery. This consists of sprinkling the plants with water through the early morning. As water freezes, it gives off heat to the plant’s cells underneath. As long as you keep adding more water to freeze, the exothermic reaction continues and it keeps the plant cells from getting frozen by the ice on their surface. It works well to –3 C. Then, not so well. Evan Davies owns Beltane Nursery at 2915 Highway 3 in Erickson.

security deserve neither and will lose both. Dear Advance readers, do yourself a favour: Seek the truth about the financial system, derivatives bubble, war profiteers, fraudulent financial system, our anti-democratic (s)election system and “laws” passed by Ottawa in order to take appropriate actions when the

next tsunami crisis comes. Be ready with real solutions in due time. Take courage, and be your own children’s hero. Vladimir Certik believes that thinking outside the box and engaging fellow citizens may bring simple solutions to complex problems. The West Creston resident can be reached at 250-4020055.

Out There

been concealed by moss, shrubs and trees, removed in salvage and site cleanups and even smuggled away into the United States. Although mine sites today are owned by someone, humans for the most part have left the properties to wilderness takeover. Well-beaten paths between piles of rotten and weathered wood and metal, dilapidated buildings, adits and collapsed mine portals are evidence that these sites are still well populated, inhab-

ited by bushy-tailed wood rats — cute little fellers they are. The mineshafts and adits provide great pantry places and ledges on the walls of deeply recessed tunnels one may find intricately made wintertime nests. Clinging to overhead rocks of almost forgotten holes, long eared and brown bats sleep off January’s chilling weather. See BATS, page 14

2013 AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE Nominate a Deserving Individual or Organization! DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS 4:00 PM Pacific Time July 31, 2013 These awards encourage excellence by honouring people and organizations whose work makes the lives of children and youth better, and exemplifies innovation and respect.

Awards of Excellence Categories: • Advocacy • Cultural Heritage and Diversity • Innovative Services • Service Provider • Youth Leadership • Lifetime Achievement Award • Mentoring

Winners will be recognized and honoured at an awards ceremony in September.

To make a nomination or for more information on the Representative’s Awards, including previous awards, visit

Veggies can’t handle frost MICHELLE

It is spring! When the sun is shining, there are a lot of folks looking to get a jump-start on their veggie garden. Here in Erickson, we just had a good hard frost the other night. I expect we’ll have another light frost at some point again.

Nursery Notes Evan A lot of areas have their own microclimate. By that I’m not talking about climate zone 5b or 6, which simply measures the coldest winter temperatures recorded in more recent years. I’m talking about the way the cold air flows around the valley in the evening. Cold air drains down the mountainside almost flowing like water through lowlying areas first. Higher ground and areas sheltered by buildings seems to be safer places to start an early garden. Some plants can take the cold better than others. Lettuce, if properly hardened off, can


From page 8 Folks, these are some of the largest, grotesque tragedies unfolding in front of our eyes. As Benjamin Franklin said over 200 years ago, those who exchange essential freedoms and liberties for a little bit of


Authorized by Sherry Nicholson, Financial Agent 250-352-3520 | CUPE 3787

For a Strong Voice in a new & Better goVernment

VOTE MiChELLE AdVANCE POLLS MAy 8-11 ELECTiON dAy MAy 14 call 250-428-2200 for voting information


Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance

T. Lane Design brings new life to old jewelry


er jewelry is inspired by a variety of sources — the beauty of the Kootenays, First Nations, a trip to Mexico — but for Tessa Park, its creation is about something deeper. When she designs a new piece, she takes something from the past and gives it a new life.

“To women, jewelry is mostly sentimental — it was either given as a gift or inherited from your grandmother,” said the T. Lane Designs Jewelry owner. Despite a strong emotional attachment, the pieces may not be in fashion — and that’s where Park comes in. She will take the old piece apart and turn it into something modern. “You can use a little piece and keep the sentimentality without that old outdated piece,” she said. Park, a custom clothing designer, began making jewelry about three years ago. The Prince Charles Secondary School graduate has lived in Creston on and off since her parents moved to the valley 12 years ago, and was living on Vancouver Island when she decided to downsize and spend a few months camping with her family. That meant clothing and jewelry had to go, but the decision wasn’t easy — so she ended up taking some of her favourite jewelry apart and making it into three new pieces. A dress client saw the jewelry and loved it, so Park made more, and the client and her friends quickly snapped it up. Park recently showed off 56 pieces of her jewelry line A Brilliant Hue to a Creston audience when she held a fashion show at Millennium Park, partnering with other businesses, such as Lectric Ave. Electronics, the Snoring Sasquatch, Creative Fix (where her jewelry is sold) and Red Circle Kitchen. Jessica Bilcik of Mane and Nails styled the eight models’ hair. “I never could have done this on my own, and wouldn't have wanted to,” Park said. “It was so wonderful to see the excitement and willingness of everyone to give of themselves and their businesses to make this event happen.” A lot of behind-the-scenes assistance was also provided by the Teen Action Committee. “The Teen Action Committee’s involvement was important to me because I want to show young people that fashion can be about having fun and

Story by Brian Lawrence Photos by Taylor Bassingthwaite

being confident, rather than following trends and buying brand names,” Park said. Although her focus recently has been on jewelry, Park has spent most of her adult life in clothing design, a career that was always in her sights — she could often be found sketching clothing designs and dressing others. “The very first time I got asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said, ‘A fashion designer,’ ” she recalled. There were no home ec classes in high school, so as Park neared graduation and her post-secondary design course loomed on the horizon, she started taking private sewing lessons. “I literally had only ten classes before I went to start the course,” she said. It was testament to Park’s passion for the art that she kept going once she started the course in Edmonton. “I was not only learning the profession, I was learning the basics,” she said. “You need to learn to sew to make something.” It was her first time in a big city, which she found to be an incredibly creative one—in the long Edmonton winters, there is little to do but sit indoors and, well, create. Just prior to her graduation in 2007, she and her classmates participated in the annual Edmonton Fashion Week, with their fashions displayed on the runway. The event filled her with mixed emotions. “That was one of my dreams come true,” she said. “I was so scared, but it was also such a relief. We’d been working toward this the whole year.” Park plans to return to the clothing side of her business, but for now, she’s enjoying the jewelry side, particularly the principles behind the process — every piece is handmade from recycled, sustainable and natural materials. And the fact that customers love it doesn’t hurt, either. “You just take this piece that people don’t want anymore and turn it into something people do want,” she said. “That helps me keep it new and fresh and enjoyable. I’m never going to get tired of making things new and wearable for people.”

T. Lane Design Jewelry owner Tessa Park (left) and two models from her recent fashion show at Millennium Park.

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LocaL News

Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013 13

Mishras bring North Indian music to ashram YASODHARA ASHRAM


The Mishras will perform at the Yasodhara Ashram on May 11.

The Yasodhara Ashram celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, and throughout 2013, the ashram is inviting professional musicians and dancers to perform. On May 11 at 7 p.m., the Mishras return to the Temple of Divine Light. Three generations of master musicians from Benares, an ancient spiritual centre of traditional music and Indian culture, will be offering classical North Indian ragas and meditative music in a sitar and tabla concert. “Incorporation of this style with the jugalbandi presentation, in which there are two solo artists sharing the stage, has created a unique synthesis of classical and folk that appeals to audiences everywhere,” said the Mishras’ web-

BC nurses say

keep the promise of quality through


safe staffing

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site. “But this is not just jugalbandi, this is a duet between a guru and his shishya (disciple) and, in this case, between father and son. Seeing this special interaction on stage is no doubt an unforgettable and mesmerizing experience.” Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for seniors and children, available at Nelson and District Credit Union’s East Shore branch and the ashram bookstore. For more information, visit www.yasodhara. org/50th-anniversary-dance-and-music. Yasodhara Ashram is a yoga retreat and study centre founded in 1963 by swami Sivananda Radha. Today, 50 years after it began, the ashram remains a vibrant community welcoming people of all ages and backgrounds to discover the transformative power of yoga.

LocaL News


Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance

Museum seeking items for ‘women’s hall of fame’ CRESTON MUSEUM

The Creston Museum has nearly completed a brand-new exhibit that looks at the changing role of women in the community. One section showcases the roles of pioneer women. Typically thought of as mothers and homemakers, these courageous ladies were also essential farm workers and very active community-builders. Another section explores the role of the modern woman: busy working mothers, juggling the demands of full-time jobs with raising a family. There’s also a section that looks at women in the 1950s, that pivotal decade when the number of married women working outside of the home almost doubled, even though many women worried that they were shortchanging their hus-


Two of the photographs already in the “hall of fame” show Lela Irvine, Creston's first woman mayor, and Charlotte Basil of the Lower Kootenay Band, who played a very important role in preserving the knowledge of the traditional Ktunaxa canoe.

bands and children by doing so. One section of the exhibit is still nearly empty, though.

It’s what museum manager Tammy Hardwick has started thinking of, unofficially, as the

“Creston Valley Women’s Hall of Fame.” “This is the section where we want to recognize the women who have made, or are making, a difference in the community,” said Hardwick, “and we’re hoping members of the community will help us build it.” The museum invites people to contribute items that represent a woman whose contribution to the Creston Valley deserves to be recognized. Possible items include photographs, objects (as long as they fit on the shelves of the exhibit) or documents, such as newspaper clippings or certificates. Hardwick reminds people that this is a permanent exhibit, so these should be items that people are willing to donate to the museum, or copies of photos or documents if the families wish to keep the originals. Each item will be labelled with the name of the woman it repre-

sents, the name of her nominator, and a short statement of her role. “We’re looking for women who have made, or are making a difference, in all sorts of ways, large or small, from personal to professional,” said Hardwick. “Most of all, we’re looking for women who make a difference in ways that often go unnoticed and uncelebrated.” Already in the hall of fame are the silver tray that was presented to World Wheat Queen Aimee Kelsey of Erickson, a photo of Creston's first resident nurse and quintessential working mother Ellen Ida Knox Henderson, and a photo of Sarah Ryckman in the first commercial greenhouse in Creston, which she owned and operated. To contribute an item to the hall of fame or for more information, contact the Creston Museum at 250-428-9262 or mail@creston.

Bats roost in mines

natural physical, plant and animal aspects of our Columbia-Kootenay mountains. If you happen not to find a list of what is going on in the way of community hiking out there, feel free to phone me or email me ( for information. Now, next time, look for “Being prepared”. Ed McMackin is a biologist by profession but a naturalist and hiker by nature. He can be reached at 250-8665747.

From page 11 It’s a great place to “hang out” when it’s a cold –10 C out there while a warm five-degree outflow of air exits the mine. In summer, adits and mines, just about the only kind of “cave” you will find in the Kootenays, are often used as daytime roosting places for bats. Hiking to these and other wildlife hideouts can be an exciting experience, not only in a historical perspective but a connection, while just getting there, with the

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Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013 15

Mother’s Day at Ricky’s

Sunday May 12, 2013

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Dinner Specials 5:00pm - 9:30pm

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Bennys, waffles, pancakes, french toast, bacon, ham, sausage and much more.

Women’s Health simple tips for moms to live and love longer

AT THE CRESTON RAMADA Junction of Highway 3 and Highway 3A 250.428.8826 Reservations recommended

5 oz Lobster Tail 10 oz Rib-eye Mama’s Gnocchi *Dinner only while quantities last

(NC)— Heart disease and stroke is a leading cause of death for women in Canada, but most don’t know it. The good news is that women can reduce their risk by as much as 80 per cent by making lifestyle changes, says the Heart and Stroke Foundation. This Mother’s Day, here’s what mom can do to put herself first and protect her heart to make health last: • Stay tobacco free or quit smoking—while smoking is an addiction and quitting may be difficult, with help and a plan, it may become easier. • Exercising: a minimum of three sessions of weight-bearing exercise plus 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity aerobic activity – in minimum of 10-minute increments – each week.

• Eating right: Seven to eight servings of vegetables and fruit each day, plus limited consumption of sodium and saturated and trans fats, , puts women on the right track. • Reduce stress by taking the time to relax, unwind and enjoy simple pleasures. Taking the Know Your Risk quiz online at quiz will also give her valuable information. creston new Horizons seniors society invites you to a

Creston Golf Club Restaurant 1800 Mallory Road

Remember mom on May 12. She deserves only the best! Brunch Buffet 10am-2pm Dinner Buffet 4pm-8pm College of the Rockies

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Grilled Wild Cod with a Parsley or Sunflower Seed Pesto and Spiced Rice

Breaded Chicken with a Tarragon Lemon Sauce and Roast Potatoes

With homemade focaccia

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eLecTioN 2013


Derkx From page 3 Local youth need to have confidence that the education they pursue will lead to local employment opportunities. Families should not have to be split because mom or dad has to go to the tarsands to make ends meet. As your MLA, I will put my

heart and soul to bring local jobs, local business opportunities and local prosperity back to Nelson-Creston. Do you support continued provincial funding for public library systems? Libraries are changing as fast as the ways in which we access information, and continue to play a critical role as a place to keep information accessible for every-

body. Library use is increasing by users from preschoolers to seniors. Greens believe that libraries should co-operate closely with our schools, social service agencies and seniors organizations to ensure barriers to minimal. Provincial funding for libraries is essential in our society, where access to information is increasingly important in everything we do.

Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance


From page 3 Do you support continued provincial funding for public library systems? My family have been library members and supporters in every community that we have been part of. I believe that the library is an integral component of a community and provides for a safe and supportive envi-

ronment for every citizen on a level playing field. Even with the technology advances and mobile information today, libraries are getting stronger and growing throughout the province. I believe that the provincial government has a responsibility to ensure that a base funding is available across the province so that the municipalities have the ability to provide a strong library presence in their area regardless of size, as your local library will afford a social thread and harbour for all members of a civilized society.

MAY 2013

GENERAL ELECTION Remember to Vote. Tuesday, May 14 is General Voting Day. Do You Have This Card?

Bring Identification Under the Election Act, voters must prove their identity and residential address in order to receive a ballot or register to vote in conjunction with voting in a provincial general election or by-election. Voters may present identification, or use a process known as vouching. Some acceptable types of identification and information on the vouching process are found below.

This card tells you where you can vote in the 2013 Provincial General Election. Take it with you when you go vote. If you do not have this card, visit the Elections BC website at, or call 1-800-661-8683 (toll-free).


App for iPhones and Download our iPads to find a voting location near you. BC Has More Ways to Vote All voters can: Vote in any district electoral office from now until 4 p.m. (Pacific time) on General Voting Day, Tuesday, May 14, 2013. Vote by Mail You can ask for a Vote by Mail package from your district electoral office or through the Elections BC website at Vote at advance voting Voters can attend any advance voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, May 8 through Saturday, May 11. All advance voting locations are wheelchair accessible. Vote on General Voting Day Voters can attend any general voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Pacific time), Tuesday, May 14, 2013. How to Vote • Choose only one candidate. • Mark your ballot with an or


Who Can Vote? You can vote if you are: • 18 years of age or older, or will be 18 on General Voting Day (May 14, 2013) • a Canadian citizen, and • a resident of British Columbia for the past six months You can Register When You Vote If you aren’t already registered, you can register when you vote. You will need identification that proves both your identity and current residential address.

Option 1 A single document issued by the Government of BC or Canada that contains the voter’s name, photograph and residential address, such as a BC driver’s licence, BC Identification Card (BCID), or BC Services Card. Option 2 A Certificate of Indian Status as issued by the Government of Canada. Option 3 Two documents that together show the voter’s name and residential address. Both documents must show the voter’s name. At least one of the documents must also contain the voter’s residential address. Please note: Digital or electronic documents (e.g. e-bills) are acceptable. Hand-written information on a document, photocopies or electronic scans/photos of a paper document are not acceptable. The following are examples of the document types authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer for the purposes of voter identification (the list of documents is illustrative, not exhaustive). Other specific documents (not listed below) may be authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer. For questions about the acceptability of a specific document, please contact Elections BC. Government-issue identity document Examples: healthcare card, birth certificate, Social Insurance Card, passport, citizenship document/certificate, Old Age Security Identification Card, Canadian Forces identification, Firearm Acquisition Certificate, firearm Possession and Acquisition Licence, Veterans Affairs Canada Health Care Identification Card, Correctional Service Canada Offender Identification Card.

Other documents examples • • • • • • • • • • •

Provincial Where to Vote card Bank/credit card or statement Residential lease/mortgage statement Insurance statement Public transportation pass Utility bill Membership card Hospital bracelet/document Prescription medication container Attestation of residence Personal cheque (printed by bank)

Option 4 Voters without identification can be vouched for by a voter in their electoral district who has identification, or a direct family member or someone who has legal authority to make personal care decisions for the voter. Future Voters Elections BC encourages you to bring your children with you when you vote. Show tomorrow’s voters how our electoral process works. Any Questions? For more information visit Elections BC’s website at or call toll-free 1-800-661-8683.


Get our App for iPhones and iPads to find the closest voting place and for information you need to vote. Or, contact your district electoral office. Nelson-Creston 310 Ward St Nelson, BC (250) 354-5858 Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 8 - 11 and May 14 - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Other government-issue document Examples: property tax assessment, income tax assessment notice, government cheque, government cheque stub, statement of employment insurance benefits paid, Canada Child Tax Benefit Statement, statement of Canada Pension Plan benefits, statement of Old Age Security. School/college/university-issue document Examples: admissions letter, report card, transcript, residence acceptance/confirmation, tuition/fees statement, student card. 1-800-661-8683 TTY 1-888-456-5448

LocaL News

Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013 17

New Duck Lake access at Sirdar proposed

An illustration showing the proposed Duck Lake access.



On March 27, two members of the Creston Valley Rod and Gun Club met with representatives from Ducks Unlimited Canada and the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area to explore the idea of improving anglers’ access to Duck Lake via the Sirdar access, directly across from the Sirdar Pub. The objective of the proposal is to build a single lane vehicle access road from the existing parking lot down to the water’s edge to allow anglers easier boat access. People would have the ability to drive their vehicles down, unload their boats, but be required to park in the designated parking area. Currently, only permitted boat storage is allowed at the point. Users not wanting to store their boats at that location need to unload their vessels at the parking lot and drag them down a fairly steep hill; going down is one thing, but coming back up offers challenges. This new road would

also provide safer foot access for ice-fishing enthusiasts during the winter months. The lane would be closed to vehicles in the winter. The proposed access road, to be gravel, would be approximately 230 meters in length and four to five metres wide. To ensure minimum impact to sensitive species, an environmental

assessment is being conducted at the site. The road location was selected to minimize the grade and amount of vegetation disturbance during construction. The proposed completion date is October 2013. For more information, contact the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area at office@


1st Combined Airport & Classic Car Show Victoria Day, Monday May 20, 2013 Creston / Art Sutcliff Airport 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Breakfast Served 8:00 AM Raffle Tickets for Plane Rides ($2.00 ea.) Hay Rides for Kids • Radio Controlled Aircraft Demos Walk through Hangars & View Aircraft Exhibits for Emergency Services for Our Community Classic Car Show (Some new to valley) Dogs on leash at all times • Follow signs on Highway 21

Join Us For a Fun Day!


Creston Duplicate Bridge Club results: March 19: North/South: First. Karl Zimmerman, Joe Schlapsi; second: Kaye Heffner, Rose Flegel. East/West: First.



Bill Reid, Diane Hendrickson; second. Syd Chihonik, Marg Roy. March 20: First: Bob Purdy, Tom Heal tied with Bill Reid, Margaret Roy; third: Ani McDowell, Joe Schlapsi tied with Verne Warwick, Louis Beduz.



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West: First: Syd Chihonik, Marg Roy; second: Betty and Jack Bailey. March 27: First: Rose Marie Hoag, Ann Lees; second: Louis Beduz, Joan Fahselt. March 28: First: Vernon Ronmark, Patricia



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Audrey Vance, Ann Lees; third: Rose Marie Hoag, Joe Schlapsi. April 2: North/South: First: Peggy Legare,Yvonne Brownfield; second: Karl Zimmerman, Joe Schlapsi. East/West: First: Doug, Claudia




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316 5.89%




Offers include $6,000 manufacturer rebate and $1,700 freight and air tax.




WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. ‡ Until May 31, 2013, receive $500/ $750/$1,000 /$1,250/$1,500 /$2,000 /$2,500/ $3,500/ $3,750 /$4,500 /$5,500 /$6,000/ $7,750/ $8,000 / $8,250/ $8,750/ $9,250 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2013 Focus BEV, Edge SE, Escape 1.6L (excluding S)/ Focus (excluding S and BEV)/ Flex SE, Explorer (excluding Base), /Escape 2.0L (excluding S)/ Flex (excluding SE)/ Fiesta S, F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs/Mustang V6 Coupe (Value Leader), Taurus SE, Edge AWD (excluding SE), F-150 Regular Cab 4x2 XL (Value Leader)/Fiesta (excluding S)/Edge FWD (excluding SE)/ Mustang V6 Premium, Expedition / Mustang GT, Taurus (excluding SE)/ F-250 to F-450 Gas (excluding Chassis Cab) / F-150 Regular Cab non-5.0L 4x2 (excluding XL) and 4x4/ F-250 to F-450 Diesel (excluding Chassis Cab) / F-150 Regular Cab 5.0L 4x2 (excluding XL) and 4x4 / F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non- 5.0L/ F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L - all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ±Until May 31, 2013, lease a new 2013 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-150 Super Crew XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine and get 3.99% annual percentage rate (APR) financing for up to 48 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $28,999/$30,999 at 3.99% APR for up to 48 months with $0 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $386/$402, total lease obligation is $18,528/$19,296 and optional buyout is $13,906/$15,408. Offer includes Manufacturer Rebate of $9,250. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after Manufacturer Rebate is deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 80,000 km over 48 months apply. A charge of 16 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ††Until May 31, 2013, receive 1.49%/3.99%/5.89% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase financing on a new 2013 Fusion S/2013 Escape S FWD with 2.5L engine/2013 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4x4 Super Duty Western Edition package with power seats for a maximum of 72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase financing monthly payment is $349/$360/$686 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $161/$166/$316 with a down payment of $0 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $1,103.62/$2,900.75/$7,864.60 or APR of 1.49%/3.99%/5.89% and total to be repaid is $25,102.62/$25,899.75/$49,363.60. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $0/$0/$6,000 and freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,700/$1,700 but exclude optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealer), fuel fill charge and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a first payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. *Purchase a new 2013 Fusion S/2013 Escape S FWD with 2.5L engine/2013 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-150 Super Crew XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4x4 Super Duty Western Edition package with power seats for $23,999/$22,399/$28,999/$30,999/$41,499. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate of $0/$0/$9,250/$9,250/$6,000 has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,700/$1,700/$1,700/$1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ▲Offer only valid from April 2, 2013 to May 31, 2013 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before March 31, 2013. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2013/2014 Ford vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, C-Max , Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for 2013 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8 6-speed automatic transmission: [15.0L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.6L/100km (27MPG) Hwy] / 2013 Fusion FWD 2.5L I4 6-speed SST transmission: [9.2L/100km (31MPG) City, 5.8L/100km (49MPG) Hwy] / 2013 Escape FWD 2.5L I4 6-speed automatic transmission: [9.5L/100km (30MPG) City, 6.3L/100km (45MPG) Hwy] /. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, vehicle condition, and driving habits. ‡‡F-Series is the best-selling pickup truck in Canada for 47 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report, December 2012. †††Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible with SYNC® – check for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Certain MyFord Touch™ functions require compatible mobile devices. Some functions are not available while driving. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so and in compliance with applicable laws. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. ©2013 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2013 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.


Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance Campbell; second: Jack and Betty Bailey. April 3: First: Ann Lees, Marian Smandych; second: Bill Reid, Margaret Roy; third: Syd Chihonik, Hennie Webster tied with Ralph Stone, Verne Warwick. Grand slam: Ted and Tom Heal.

Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription

TV Listings Creston Valley Blossom Festival 50/50 Button Draw

Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013 19

Monday, May 20 • 12:30 pm • Centennial Park

Wear your Blossom Button with pride

Buttons now on sale at local outlets for 0NLY $2 Black Bear Books, Chamber of Commerce, Jimmy’s Pub, Wear Withall, Downtowner Motor Inn, Creston Valley Motel, Sunset Motel, Creston Town Office

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The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Phil Ellen DeGeneres News News CTV News Big Bang etalk General Hospital The Doctors The Dr. Oz Show KOMO 4 News News ABC KOMO 4 News News Inside Local 4 News at 5 News News Wheel Jeopardy Varied Programs The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Minute Minute Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News News News CBS Days of our Lives Dr. Phil Katie Ellen DeGeneres KING 5 News News News NHL Hockey: Rangers at Capitals NHL M Hockey Mcycle Record Hockey SportsCentre Pardon Hockey NBA Basketball T SportsNation W Th Hockey 24 CH NHL Hockey Teams TBA. F Premier Poker Baseball Central EPL Review World Poker Tour On the Edge Sportsnet Con. M Soccer Central Sportsnet Con. MLB Baseball San Francisco Giants at Toronto Blue Jays. T Premier W UEFA Europa The Grid On the Edge World Poker Tour Prime Time Sports Sportsnet Con. Th Baseball Hockeycentral On the Edge Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Hockey F MLB Baseball Days of our Lives The Talk Ricki Lake Young & Restless News News (5:59) News Hour SaveWibbly Big Bear Dinosaur Rob Ro Clifford Shrinks Arthur Martha Wild Animals Varied Steven and Chris Cor Stefano NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (N) M Heartland T NHL Hockey Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) Å W Th F Jerry Springer Maury Maury FOX News at 4 Q13 FOX News Two Men Mother Jake Tapper The Situation Room E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Piers Morgan Live Varied Programs Bryan Income Hunters Hunters Holmes on Homes Varied Programs Hunt Intl Hunters Varied Programs The First 48 The First 48 Varied Programs Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Love-List Love It or List It Rated A Kid Almost Super Squirrel Sidekick Varied Programs Victo Young CBC News Power & Politics Lang & O’Leary CBC News National Sea Patrol ›› “Vipers” (’08) Jonathan Scarfe. ›› “Black Swarm” (’07) ’ Å M Lost Girl “Love to Kill” (’08) Blanchard Ryan. ’ “The Bouquet” (’13) Kristy Swanson. T “Fear Island” (’09) Haylie Duff. ’ Å “Pegasus vs. Chimera” (’12) ’ W Continuum “The Killing Game” (’11) ’ Å Beauty & Beast Th “Witchslayer Gretl” (’12) ’ Å Ring of Fire F How/ How/ Daily Planet MythBusters Never Never M Deadliest Catch MythBusters How/ How/ River Monsters T Last Car Standing Overhaulin’ How/ Never Never Never Never W Deadliest Catch How/ Never MythBusters Texas Car Wars Overhaulin’ Th Never Texas Car Wars Never Never Last Car Standing F Weed Country World’s Dumbest... Extreme Makeover Debt Debt For Rent Eat St. Varied Programs Long Island Me Medium Medium Long Island Me Medium Medium Long Island M Four Weddings Gown Medium Medium Gypsy Wedding Couple Couple 19 Kids 19 Kids T Gown Long Island Obses Obses Breaking Amish: Hoard-Buried W Four Weddings Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Th F Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Flashpoint The Mentalist Missing M The Mentalist “The Rival” (’06) T White Collar W The Listener Th Criminal Minds F Wayside Skatoony Jim Jim Scooby Looney Jim Jim Johnny T Johnny T Adven Varied Sonny Random Raven Deck Wizards ANT Phineas Austin Jessie Good ANT Shake It There There King King Office Office Big Bang Big Bang Browns Payne Browns Payne Just for Laughs Gags Gas Seinfeld Seinfeld Match N’Radio Commun Big Bang Gas Gags Chopped Diners Diners Varied Programs Chopped Diners Diners Varied Programs Storage Storage Mantracker Duck D. Duck Storage Storage Duck D. Duck D. M Ghost Hunters Man v Fd Man v Fd T Duck D. Duck D. Repo Repo W Man v Fd Man v Fd Repo Bggg Toy Hntr Th Repo Toy Hntr Ghost Hunters F Bggg Varied Programs M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Varied Programs Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Voyager Inner Ripley Castle Stargate SG-1 Varied Programs ›› “Man on Fire” (’04) M (11:30) ››› “Fight Club” ››› “The Usual Suspects” (’95) Å ›› “Man on Fire” (’04) Denzel Washington. ›› “The Transporter” (’02) Å T “The Sentinel” CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami ››› “The Breakfast Club” (’85) W CSI: Miami Freak Freak Freak Freak Freak Freak Freak Town Th (12:30) ›› “Liar Liar” (’97) Freak › “Sabretooth” (’02) David Keith. “Halloween 5: Revenge...” F ›› “Marked for Death” (’90) Å 3rd Rock 3rd Rock Rose. Rose. Varied Programs Friends Friends Varied Programs (11:00) Express Power Play Direct Varied Power Play Direct Wiggles Dora... Big Bubble Octo Mike Backyard Cat in Big Dino Toopy Mike The Talk Ricki Lake Young & Restless News News News News ET Ent Fetch! WordGirl Wild Varied PBS NewsHour Business Varied Programs Sue Thomas Murder, She Wrote EastEnd. Keep Up Anti-Semitism M Touched by Angel The Waltons Old Guys “Run Robot Run” T Served? Downton Abbey W Jam Columbo Th Wine Gaither Gospel F Beautés Movie Cap sur l’été Paquet TJ C.-B. The Talk Ricki Lake Young & Restless News News (4:59) News Hour ET Ent Prince Prince Dreams Saved/ New.Music.Live Prince Prince Varied Programs (:35) ReGenesis End M “Backdraft” (’91) ›› “Murder at 1600” (’97) (:45) ›› “Eraser” (’96, Action) Å (:25) ›› “Balto” (:45) ReGenesis Spymate T “Willy Wonka & Chocolate” (:40) ››› “Harvey” (’50) Å (:15) ››› “Space Cowboys” (’00) Å ReGenesis Emo Ar W (12:55) ››› “Mystic River” (’03) (:35) › “Batman & Robin” (’97) Å (:40) ReGenesis Things Th “The Producers” (:05) › “The Avengers” (4:50) “North” (’94) “Fourth Angel” F Bruce (:20) “Look Who’s Talking” ›› “Mars Attacks!” (’96) Å Chiffres Tout-monde Quest. Journal Ports d’attache Secrets d’Histoire M Plus Cobayes Fais “Ces crimes” T Science Le Miroir Envoyé spécial Peuples W Route du thé J’ai marché Impossible Th Animaux Amérik. Thalassa F On Edge Varied Chop Cut Gearz NASCAR Hub Pass Tm Pass Tm Varied Programs

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Win cash!




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(:01) Castle Å The Voice (N Same-day Tape) Å News News Daily Colbert (12:07) Conan Wheel Jeopardy Dancing With the Stars ’ Å (:01) Castle Å News Jimmy Kimmel Nightline (:01) Revolution (N) News Jay Leno Jimmy Fallon Paid Paid Daly News Inside Ent Insider Mother Big Bang Broke Mike Hawaii Five-0 (N) News Letterman Ferguson Magaz. Inside The Voice (N Same-day Tape) Å (:01) Revolution (N) News Jay Leno J. Fallon NHL Hockey: Sharks at Canucks Sports SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre SportsCentre MLB Baseball: Nationals at Dodgers Sportsnet Con. Hockey UFC Giro d’Italia Ent ET › “Grown Ups” (’10) Adam Sandler. Hawaii Five-0 (N) News Hour Final ET J. Probst Rescue Our Part King George and Simon Schama Architect/Change Rescue Our Part Simon Schama News 22 Min Mr. D Ron Winnipeg Comedy National News George S Cor Be-Erica Big Bang Big Bang Hell’s Kitchen (N) Å (DVS) Q13 FOX News Two Men Mother Raymond Raymond Anderson Cooper E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Live Anderson Cooper E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Live “Fast and Furious-Drift” Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Ways 1,000 Ways to Die Ways Entou Cousins Cousins Hunt Intl Hunters Decked Decked Cousins Cousins Castles on Camera Hunters Hunters Bates Motel (N) (:01) Bates Motel Duck D. Duck D. (:01) Bates Motel (:01) Bates Motel Bates Motel Å Property Dine Dine Dine Dine Dine Love It or List It Love It House House Victo Marvin Cache Craze ’ Gags Gags Boys Young Weird Splatalot Wipeout ’ Å CBC News National National National National Lang & O’Leary Defiance (N) Å NCIS ’ Hawaii Five-0 ’ Defiance ’ Å NCIS ’ Hawaii Five-0 ’ Last Car Standing Overhaulin’ Å Never Never Last Car Standing Auction Auction MythBusters Å Housewives/OC Four Weddings Housewives/OC Housewives/OC World’s Dumbest... Extreme Makeover Breaking Amish: Long Island Breaking Amish: Medium Medium Long Island Me Popoff Paid Flashpoint ’ Flashpoint ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Missing ’ Å Flashpoint ’ Johnny T Deten Vampire Total Dra Futurama Fam Guy American Chicken Fam Guy Fugget Archer Chicken Good Wingin’ It ANT Dog Wingin’ It Warth Lizzie Raven Cory Princess Buzz Over Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy American ››› “Good Will Hunting” (’97) Matt Damon. “In Good Comp.” Just for Laughs Match Simpson Big Bang Commun Gags LOL :-) Daily Colbert Conan Å Giving You the Eat St. Eat St. Diners Diners Top Chef Canada Giving You the My. Din My. Din Duck D. Duck Storage Storage Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Minute to Win It Paid Paid Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Canadian Pickers Pawn Pawn The Pacific Å WWII in HD ’ The Pacific Å “Alien Agent” (’07) Inner Castle “Setup” Star Trek: Voyager Ripley “Alien Agent” (’07) Mark Dacascos. “Man on Fire” (:01) ›› “The Sentinel” (’06) Michael Douglas. Mad Men Å (:34) “The Breakfast Club” Celeb Appren Debt ET Friends Friends All-Star Celebrity Apprentice ’ Å Golden Golden News National News National News National News National News National News National Caillou Cat in Big Max, Rby Backyard Dora... Umi Band Max, Rby Thomas Franklin Yo Hawaii Five-0 (N) › “Grown Ups” (’10) Adam Sandler. News Hour Final ET Jeff Probst Sh. Ent Indepen. Independent Lens (N) ’ T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Antique Roadshow Antique Roadshow Indepen. War on Faith Sue Thomas ›› “Fletch” (’85) Chevy Chase. ’ Keep Up Popoff Tom’row Super Sque Oser Dragon Pénélope TJ Nou TJ C.-B. Cap sur l’été Hawaii Five-0 (N) › “Grown Ups” (’10) Adam Sandler. News Hour Final ET Jeff Probst Sh. Ent Today’s Top 10 Trial Trial Prince Prince Fashion Star Arrow ’ Å Dreams Saved/ “End of Silence” ››› “Backdraft” (’91, Action) Kurt Russell. (:20) ›› “The Specialist” (12:10) “Eraser” Cobayes TV5 Jrnl (:35) L’Épervier Fais Ports d’attache Quest. Tout-monde Dumbest Dumbest Pinks - All Out Faster Faster Dumbest Dumbest Unique Whips Pinks Pass Tm

Warm Fuzzies


… Norm and Gail Mailhot (and Gail’s mom) for the super cute and wonderful baby cradle for Chloë... It’s her favorite! … Ester Marsh, Roselle Wilson & Val Ramsey for the delicious supper. … Les & Rosanna McDougall for tending bar & Vivian Bourassa for selling tickets & guest book. You made Larry’s surprise 80th a success. … Cresteramics & Mrs. McLean’s Grade 2-3 class for being so awesome in Focus on Youth! Hats off to you! … Barbara for all your amazing sewing of Annie & Grace’s costumes! We so appreciate you! … Jacky for keeping an eye on our house while we were in Cabo. … Jamie and Lisa for the generous donation to Footlighters. … Everyone in the community for being able to be “More Than a Bystander” and standing up in any way to domestic violence. … The staff of Cresteramics for being so flexible & committed to our clients. You are dynamite! … Tessa of T. Lane Design & her beautiful models for a spectacular jewelry fashion show. Warm Fuzzies may be submitted to: or

Just A Reminder: A Warm Fuzzy is a way of letting the people of our community know about the random acts of kindness that happen on a daily basis. A Warm Fuzzy will not replace a Thank You ad. Please make sure you include your name and phone number. The Creston Valley Advance retains the right to edit or reject any or all Warm Fuzzies submitted.

Proud sponsor of the Warm Fuzzies

TV Listings


Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance


Follow us on Twitter: @Get_Prepared

Preparedness Week

Sponsored by:

May 5 - 11, 2013

Public Safety Canada

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Government of Saskatchewan



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(:01) Grimm (N) ’ Golden Boy Å The Voice Å News News Daily Colbert (12:07) Conan (N) Wheel Jeopardy Wipeout (N) Å Dancing/Stars (:01) Body of Proof News Jimmy Kimmel Nightline (:01) Grimm (N) ’ News Jay Leno Jimmy Fallon Hose Paid Daly News Inside Ent Insider NCIS ’ NCIS: Los Angeles Golden Boy Å News Letterman Ferguson Magaz. Inside The Voice (N) ’ The Voice Å (:01) Grimm (N) ’ News Jay Leno J. Fallon SportsCentre (N) Å Record 24 CH Score SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre SportsCentre Sportsnet Con. World Poker Tour On the Edge Sportsnet Con. Hockey Blue High UFC Ent ET NCIS ’ NCIS: Los Angeles Bones ’ Å News Hour Final ET J. Probst Be the Creature Monarchy Food Inc. Snapshot Be the Creature Food Inc. News 22 Min Just for Laughs Mercer Comedy National News George S Cor Border Big Bang Big Bang So You Think New Girl Mindy Q13 FOX News Two Men Mother Raymond Raymond Anderson Cooper E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Live Anderson Cooper E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Live Tenants Tenants Ur. Tar Ur. Tar Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Repo Decks Decks Hunt Intl Hunters Holmes Makes Decks Decks Cool Pools Å Hunters Hunters Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Storage Storage Storage Storage Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers My My Buying and Selling The Good Wife ’ The Good Wife ’ Property Brothers Love It or List It Young Boys Splatalot Zoink’d! Gags Gags Boys Young Weird Splatalot Wipeout ’ Å National National National National National Lang & O’Leary XIII “Gauntlet” (N) NCIS ’ Hawaii Five-0 ’ XIII “Gauntlet” ’ NCIS ’ Hawaii Five-0 ’ Deadliest Catch How/ How/ River Monsters Deadliest Catch How/ How/ Flying Wild Alaska Real Housewives Princess Princess Real Housewives Real Housewives World’s Dumbest... Extreme Makeover Couple Couple 19 Kids 19 Kids Couple Couple Couple Couple Gypsy Wedding Paid Paid (6:00) “The Rival” Flashpoint ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ “The Rival” (’06) Tracy Nelson. ’ Johnny T Deten Vampire Total Futurama Fam Guy American Chicken Fam Guy Dating Futurama Chicken Good Wingin’ It Jessie Really Wingin’ It Warth Lizzie Raven Cory Princess Buzz Over Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy American ››› “In Good Company” (’04) ›› “Pride” (’07, Drama) Just for Laughs Match Simpson Big Bang Commun Tosh.0 Amy Daily Colbert Conan (N) Å Donut Donut Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Donut Donut Chopped ’ Å Restaurant: Im. Duck D. Duck Storage Storage Man v Fd Man v Fd Duck D. Duck Minute to Win It Paid Paid American Pickers Canadian Pickers Cajun Cajun IRT Deadliest Chasing Mummies IRT Deadliest Panic Button (N) Inner Castle Å Star Trek: Voyager Ripley Paranormal Panic Button ’ (:01) ››› “Sunshine” (’07) Cillian Murphy. ›› “The Transporter” (’02) Å ››› “Cool Runnings” Rose. Rose. Debt ET Friends Friends Drew Drew 3rd Rock 3rd Rock Golden Golden News National News National News National News National News National News National Caillou Cat in Big Max, Rby Backyard Dora... Umi Band Max, Rby Thomas Franklin Yo Bones ’ Å NCIS ’ NCIS: Los Angeles News Whatever ET Jeff Probst Sh. Ent Frontline ’ Å Just Film T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Annie Oakley CONSTITUTION Frontline “Run Robot Run” Sue Thomas ›› “Liar Liar” (’97) Jim Carrey. ’ Old Guys Popoff Tom’row Super Sque Monde Soirée des élections en Colombie-Britannique (N) Vengeance (SC) Cap sur l’été Bones ’ Å NCIS ’ NCIS: Los Angeles News Hour Final ET Jeff Probst Sh. Ent Awk Zach Trial RapCity Prince Prince Awk Zach Awk Zach Dreams Saved/ (6:35) “Spymate” “Incred. Shrink Woman” “The Nutty Professor” (’96) (:05) ›› “CB4” (’93) Å Monty Py Ports d’attache TV5 Jrnl (:35) “Emma” (’11) Château Pôle Champ Tout-monde Tran The List Gearz Gearz Dreams Dreams Tran The List Unique Whips Pinks Pass Tm

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Sécurité publique Canada

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Motive ’ Big Bang Big Bang Grey’s Anatomy News News Daily Colbert (12:07) Conan (N) Wheel Jeopardy Wipeout (N) Å Grey’s Anatomy (:02) Scandal ’ News Jimmy Kimmel Nightline (:01) Hannibal (N) News Jay Leno Jimmy Fallon Paid Det Daly News Inside Ent Insider Big Bang Big Bang (:01) Elementary (Season Finale) (N) ’ News Letterman Ferguson Magaz. Inside The Office (N) ’ The Office “Finale” (:01) Hannibal (N) News Jay Leno J. Fallon SportsCentre (N) Å Record E:60 Å SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre SportsCentre MLB Baseball: White Sox at Angels Sportsnet Con. Hockey Sportsnet Con. High Ent ET King “Alicia Pratta” (:01) Elementary (Season Finale) (N) ’ News Hour Final ET J. Probst Ancient Clues Earth-History ›› “Jimi Hendrix” (’73) Arthur Allen. Ancient Clues Monarchy News 22 Min Nature/ Things Doc Zone ’ National News George S Cor Q Big Bang Big Bang American Idol “Winner Announced” Q13 FOX News Two Men Mother Raymond Raymond Anderson Cooper E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Live Anderson Cooper E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Live ›› “Doom” (’05) The Rock. ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Rescue Rescue Hunt Intl Hunters Income Property Rescue Rescue Million Dollar Hunters Hunters The First 48 Å (:01) The First 48 (:01) The First 48 (:01) The First 48 (:01) The First 48 The First 48 Å Buying and Selling Property Brothers Undercover Undercover Buying and Selling House Paid Young Boys Splatalot Zoink’d! Gags Gags Boys Young Weird Splatalot Wipeout ’ Å National National National National National Lang & O’Leary NCIS ’ Continuum ’ NCIS “Secrets” ’ NCIS ’ NCIS “Secrets” ’ Covert Affairs ’ Weed Country (N) River Monsters Overhaulin’ Å Weed Country ’ Texas Car Wars MythBusters Å Matchmaker The Undateables Matchmaker Wedding Wedding World’s Dumbest... Extreme Makeover Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Paid Paid The Listener ’ Flashpoint ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ The Listener ’ The Listener ’ Dragons Johnny T Just Kid Total Futurama Fam Guy American Chicken Fam Guy Dating Futurama Chicken Good Next Good Shake It Wingin’ It Warth Lizzie Raven Cory Princess Buzz Over Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy American › “Surviving Christmas” (’04) › “Biker Boyz” (’03, Action) Just for Laughs Match Simpson Big Bang Commun Comedy Comedy Daily Colbert Conan (N) Å Restaurant Sta. Top Chef Canada Diners Diners Restaurant Sta. My. Din My. Din Top Chef Canada Duck D. Duck Storage Storage Bggg Toy Hntr Duck D. Duck Minute to Win It Paid Paid Big Rig Bounty Canadian Pickers Ancient Aliens ’ Big Rig Bounty Ancient Aliens ’ American Pickers Utopia (N) Å Inner Castle ’ Å Star Trek: Voyager Orphan Black ’ Utopia Å Inner Town Town Town Town ›› “Liar Liar” (’97) Jim Carrey. Town Town › “Fire Sale” Rose. Rose. Debt ET Friends Friends Frasier Frasier 3rd Rock 3rd Rock Golden Golden News National News National News National News National News National News National Caillou Cat in Big Max, Rby Backyard Dora... Umi Band Max, Rby Thomas Franklin Yo (6:01) Elementary King “Alicia Pratta” ET Ent News Whatever ET Jeff Probst Sh. Ent Battlefield Med Ground War ’ T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Call the Midwife Masterpiece Trekker (6:00) Columbo ’ Sue Thomas ›› “Joe Somebody” (’01) Tim Allen. Super Popoff Tom’row Islam Sque Animo Prière Pénélope TJ Nou TJ C.-B. Cap sur l’été Elementary “The Woman; Heroine” ’ (8:59) King ’ News Hour Final ET Jeff Probst Sh. Ent MuchMusic Countdown ’ Å Prince Prince Jackass Jackass Viva Trial Dreams Saved/ “Things to Do” ›› “Prime” (’05) Meryl Streep. Å (9:50) › “The Avengers” (:20) › “Batman & Robin” Science Cliquez TV5 Jrnl (:35) Thalassa Le piège blanc. Jumelles Quest. Tout-monde Headsets Headsets A Racer’s Life All Star All Star Headsets Headsets Headsets Headsets Pinks Pass Tm

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 48 49 50

11 9 13 10 19 12 22 3 8 6 23 14

15 18




2 54 64 81 224


7 PM


7 PM


8 PM


9 PM

9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30

CSI: Crime Scene American Idol (N) Criminal Minds (N) News News Daily Colbert (12:07) Conan (N) Wheel Jeopardy Middle Family Mod Fam How-Live Nashville (N) ’ News Jimmy Kimmel Nightline Chicago Fire (N) News Jay Leno Jimmy Fallon Paid Hair Daly News Inside Ent Insider Broke Broke Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Crime Scene News Letterman Ferguson Magaz. Inside Dateline NBC (N) Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire (N) News Jay Leno J. Fallon SportsCentre (N) Å Record E:60 Å SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre Sportsnet Con. Canucks UEFA On the Edge Sportsnet Con. Hockey Blue High UFC Ent ET Elementary ’ The Office ’ Chicago Fire (N) News Hour Final ET J. Probst Frontiers of Hidden Cities of La Fille Du Régiment 12 Takes Hidden Cities of News George S 22 Min Gags Dragons’ Den ’ National News George S Cor Tudors Big Bang Big Bang American Idol So You Think Q13 FOX News Two Men Mother Raymond Raymond Anderson Cooper E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Live Anderson Cooper E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Live Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Ways To Be Announced Police Videos Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hawaii Hawaii Hunters Hunters Brake- Sales Hunters Hunters Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Candice Candice Love It or List It Love It Dine Dine Dine Dine Dine Paid Young Boys Splatalot Zoink’d! Gags Gags Boys Young Weird Splatalot Wipeout ’ Å National National National National National Lang & O’Leary NCIS ’ NCIS ’ Hawaii Five-0 ’ NCIS ’ NCIS ’ Hawaii Five-0 ’ MythBusters Å Deadliest Catch Never Never Never Never MythBusters Å How/ How/ Murder in Paradise Brainwashed ’ Karma Karma Murder in Paradise World’s Dumbest... Extreme Makeover The Town That Hoard-Buried The Town That Breaking Amish: Obses Obses Popoff Paid Homeland (N) ’ (:15) Flashpoint ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ (:15) White Collar (12:15) Homeland Johnny T Deten Vampire Total Futurama Fam Guy American Chicken Fam Guy Dating Futurama Chicken Good Wingin’ It Austin Gravity Wingin’ It Warth Lizzie Raven Cory Princess Buzz Over Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy American ›› “Pride” (’07) Terrence Howard. › “Surviving Christmas” Just for Laughs Match Simpson Big Bang Commun Anger MenDaily Colbert Conan (N) Å Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Diners Diners Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Chopped ’ Å Duck D. Duck Storage Storage Repo Repo Duck D. Duck Minute to Win It Paid Paid Yukon Gold Å Canadian Pickers American American Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ American Pickers School Spirits ’ Inner Castle ’ Å Star Trek: Voyager Ripley Paranormal Wi. School Spirits ’ Break (:16) “Sixteen Candles” (’84) (:15) ››› “The Truman Show” (’98) Å ››› “Big” (’88, Fantasy) Rose. Rose. Debt ET Friends Friends ’70s ’70s 3rd Rock 3rd Rock Golden Golden News National News National News National News National News National News National Caillou Cat in Big Max, Rby Backyard Dora... Umi Band Max, Rby Thomas Franklin Yo Chicago Fire (N) Elementary ’ The Office ’ News Whatever ET Jeff Probst Sh. Ent Secrets of Dead Mammals T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Nature ’ NOVA ’ Å Secrets (6:00) Downton Abbey Å Served? ›› “The Great Outdoors” (’88) ’ Super Popoff Tom’row Super Sque Épicerie Petite séduction Pénélope TJ Nou TJ C.-B. Cap sur l’été Chicago Fire (N) Elementary ’ The Office ’ News Hour Final ET Jeff Probst Sh. Ent Today’s Top 10 Trial Wedge Prince Prince Fools Laugh Oh Sit! ’ Å Dreams Saved/ “Emo Arith” ›› “Rails & Ties” (’07) (:45) ››› “Mystic River” (’03) Sean Penn. (12:05) “Casino” Spécimen TV5 Jrnl Impossible “Ces crimes” Partir autrement Quest. Tout-monde Trucker Trucker Stunt Stunt Drag Drag Trucker Trucker Unique Whips Pinks Pass Tm



9 PM

9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30

Blue Bloods Å Undercover Boss Shark Tank ’ News News (:05) The Mentalist Criminal Minds ’ Wheel Jeopardy Shark Tank (N) ’ Shark Tank ’ 20/20 (N) ’ Å News Jimmy Kimmel Nightline Rock Center News Jay Leno Jimmy Fallon Paid Paid Daly News Paid Ent Insider Undercover Boss Undercover Boss 48 Hours (N) Å News Letterman Ferguson Magaz. Inside Dateline NBC (N) ’ Å Rock Center News Jay Leno J. Fallon SportsCentre (N) Å Record E:60 Å SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre Hockey Sportsnet Con. Oil Change Å Sportsnet Con. Hockey Blue High Poker Ent ET Take It All Å Bones ’ (PA) 16x9 (N) Å News Hour Final ET J. Probst Wild Coasts (N) Ballykissangel (N) Poirot Speedboat-racing friend. Å Architect/Change Ballykissangel ’ News 22 Min Market Mercer fifth estate National News George S Cor Bear Big Bang Big Bang Nightmares Bones ’ (PA) News Wanted Two Men Mother Raymond Raymond Anderson Cooper Anthony Bourd. Anderson Cooper Anderson Cooper Anthony Bourd. Anderson Cooper Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Ways Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Ways Ways Ways Million Million Hunt Intl Hunters Extreme Homes Million Million Retro Roadhomes Hunters Hunters Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Property Deal The Closer Å ›› “Just Wright” (’10) Queen Latifah. The Closer Å House Knights of Bloodsteel ’ Å Young Young Young Young Boys Boys “Evan Almighty” National National National National National Lang & O’Leary Boardwalk Empire (:15) ›› “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” (’05) Brad Pitt. ’ (:45) Boardwalk Empire ’ “In Bruges” (’08) Mayday (N) Å KKK: Beneath Last Car Standing Never Never Mayday Å KKK: Beneath Collection Canadian Pickers Money Money Collection World’s Dumbest... Extreme Makeover Gown Gown Say Yes Say Yes Gown Gown Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Paid Paid The Borgias (N) ’ Flashpoint ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ The Borgias ’ Trans Ultimate Avengers Star Futurama Fam Guy Chicken Archer Fugget Dating Futurama Fugget Next Jessie “Princess Protection” Jessie ›› “Go Figure” (’05) ’ Princess Buzz Over Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy American › “Biker Boyz” (’03) Derek Luke ›› “Daddy’s Little Girls” Just for Laughs Match LOL :-) Big Bang JFL Just for Laughs Comedy Comedy Ben Nathan Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Duck D. Duck Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ Duck D. Duck Minute to Win It Canada Paid Vikings ’ Å Canadian Pickers Star Trek: Secrets of the Universe ’ Museum Secrets Star Trek: Secrets (6:00) ›› “Timeline” (’03) Castle ’ Å Star Trek: Voyager ›› “Timeline” (’03) Paul Walker. ’ Å ›› “The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior” Town Town › “Sabretooth” (’02) David Keith. Scorpion Rose. Rose. Debt ET Friends Friends King King 3rd Rock 3rd Rock Golden Golden News National News National News National News National News National News National Caillou Cat in Big Max, Rby Backyard Dora... Umi Band Max, Rby Thomas Franklin Yo 16x9 (N) Å Take It All Å Bones ’ (PA) News Whatever ET Jeff Probst Sh. Ent Patsy Cline: Sweet Wash Need T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) ›››› “Rain Man” (’88) Patsy C. God’s TimeSue Thomas ›› “Man of the Year” (’06) ’ Å Super Popoff V’Impe Armor › “C’était à Rome” (’10) Kristen Bell. Zone doc (N) TJ Nou TJ C.-B. Cap sur l’été 16x9 (N) Å Take It All Å Bones ’ (PA) News Hour Final ET Jeff Probst Sh. Ent (6:00) The Voice The Voice Å Arrow “Sacrifice” Vampire Diaries Oh Sit! ’ Å The Voice Å “Fourth Angel” ››› “The Fifth Element” (’97) (:10) › “What Planet Are You From?” ›› “The Jackal” Partir autrement TV5 Jrnl (:35) “La Tête de maman” (:05) Mila J’ai marché Quest. Tout-monde NASCAR SP Cen NASCAR Racing NASCAR Racing The 10 Unique Whips Pinks Pass Tm

Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013 21

Your classifieds. Your community

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Funeral Homes

Funeral Homes

Craft Fairs

Coming Events

In Loving Memory Of MICHAEL FAIRBRASS Passed Away April 26, 2013 Age 87 years Residence Creston, BC Memorial Funeral Service Saturday May 11, 2013 At 2:00 p.m. St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church Rev. Gwen Brown officiating Any friends wishing to make a memorial contribution may do so to the Canadian Cancer Society c/o Bambrick & Associates P.O. Box 999 Creston, BC V0B 1G0

In Loving Memory Of MIRIAM STANDEN Passed Away May 2, 2013 Age 102 years Residence Creston, BC Funeral Service Thursday May 9, 2013 At 2:00 p.m. G.F. Oliver Funeral Chapel Pastor Harry Haberstock officiating Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery Erickson, BC

Krafty Kronys SPRING CRAFT SALE Saturday May 11 9am - 3pm T.A.P.S. Famous Pies $6

Creston Ministerial Blossom Valley Worship Service Sunday May 19 7pm Prince Charles Theatre

TAPS Building 404 - 22nd Ave. S

Check out our website!

Fridays by 4pm for the following Thursday’s paper.

Please join us for a

90th Birthday


Lost & Found and Free Give Away ads are no charge. ClassiÂżed rates vary. $sN us about rates. Combos and pacNages available - over newspapers in BC.


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Celebration for Arliene Stasiuk 4VOEBZ .BZ t QN Branch 28 Senior Citizen Hall 810 Canyon Street, Creston

Best Wishes Only Salvador is Turning 8 a n n 0! Do

Lunch $7 incl dessert & beverage


Obituaries Miriam Irene Standen

February 8, 1911 ~ May 2, 2013

Miriam Irene Standen passed away on May 2, 2013 in Creston, BC at the age of 102 years. Miriam was born on February 8, 1911 in Calgary, AB. She married Bill Standen in 1932 at Maple Creek, SK. Miriam was a lifetime member of both the Royal Canadian Legion Auxiliary and the Seniors Society. She also did many years of service at the Eagles Hall and was a member of the Arthritis Society. She was predeceased by her husband Bill in 1970. She will be lovingly remembered by her son Harold (Pauline); daughters Dorothy (Lefty) and Cheryl (John); grandchildren; great-grandchildren a great-grand child and greatgreat-grandchildren. A Funeral Service will be held Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at G. F. Oliver Funeral Chapel with Pastor Harry +arry Haberstock +aberstocN ofďŹ oIĂ€ciating. ciatinJ.

Michael Ralph Fairbrass

January 23, 1926 ~ April 26, 2013 Michael Ralph Fairbrass passed away on April 26, 2013 in Creston, BC at the age of 87 years. He will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 65 years, Win; children Wayne, Elaine (Mike), Tracy (Alan), and Clive and grandson Jason (Cheryl). A Memorial Service will be held Saturday May 11, 2013, 2:00 p.m. at St. Stephens Presbyterian Church with 5ev. *wen %rown oIĂ€ciatinJ. Any Iriends wishinJ to maNe a memorial contribution may do so to the Canadian Cancer Society, c o %ambricN Associates P.O. Box 999, Creston, BC, V0B 1G0.

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

In Loving Memory of my mother

Faye Taylor December 13, 1932 ~ May 11, 2011 I only have a memory, dear mother. I cherish my whole life through; But the sweetness will live forever As I treasure the memory of you. The world may change from year to year And friends from day to day, But never will the one I loved From memory pass away. Miss you mom.

With love, daughter Linda

Violet Wocknitz (Parkin)

September 16, 1921 ~ October 23, 2012

Richard Arthur Humble

Feb. 5/1946 - Apr. 25/2013

Please help us celebrate with her!

OPEN HOUSE Saturday, May 18 2 - 4 PM

Creston Golf Club - Please No Gifts



Memorial Beads Saying goodbye

is a very difficult thing... Having something to hold on to can ease the pain. The cremains (human or animal) of your loved one are permanently infused into the molten glass of the bead with respect and reverence, forever encasing them within the depth and beauty within the design.


ZZZ FHOWLFĂ€ UHGHVLJQ FRP Unique Wearable Art & Jewellery with Intent

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Richard Arthur Humble with his family at his side on Thursday, April 25, 2013, after a short battle with cancer. Rick will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Tubby touched many hearts, for he was “one of a kind.� He will be dearly missed by his loving wife, Lynn McKim (Abby & Jack), his daughter Nadine - his sons Karri (Ivonne) - Chris & Shawn - sister Bonnie (Jurien), grandchildren; Kennedy - Nathen Jediah & Jeremiah, nieces; Jacquie (Joe - Allison & Mia), nephews; Mark (Lori, Regan, Jansen, & Honey), Michael & Brittney cousins Murray (Gilly), and all Aunts & Uncles.

Monday May 13, 2013

Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery, Erickson at 11 am Please join family and friends to celebrate Violet’s life Royal Canadian Legion at 12 noon

Rick was predeceased by his father Raymond Clark Humble, his mother Irene Johnson & son Darren Humble. Rick was born in Calgary, AB and raised in the Creston Valley. Rick then moved to Kimberley and worked for Cominco as a millwright and planner for 32 years until the mine closed. Rick loved to hunt and hold special gatherings at his cabin, and will be truly missed by all. A heartfelt thank you to all family and friends and health care professionals who assisted in Rick’s time and need. A special thanks to Yvonne Keyser and Frank Ackerman and the Kimberley Clinic and the Palliative Care Unit at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. A grave-side service will be held on Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 10:30 a.m., with a gathering to follow at 12:30 p.m., at the Centennial Hall, 100 - 4th Ave., Kimberley. In love and memory of Rick (Tubby) Humble.

Henry Steven Aldrich 1940 - 2013

Passed away at Foothills Hospital on April 28, 2013 Service was held in Calgary Saturday, May 4, 2013


Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance






Business Opportunities

$1000 Corinne Morris Memorial Scholarship for Creston single parents that are Grade 12 graduates attending college 2013-2014. Write details of education and responsiblities to: Scholarship Box 616 Creston, BC V0B 1G0 by June 15, 2013


BLOSSOM FESTIVAL Creston Valley Blossom Festival needs vendors for the Street Fair Saturday May 18, 2013

Space is limited

To book your space or to book a table call


422 - 7th Ave N (Anglican Church Basement) Monday 11am (closed) Wednesday 8pm (closed) Friday 8pm (open) 250-428-5954 or 250-428-0310

Bridget Currie 250-428-5430 between 5 and 9pm

315 15th Ave N (Lutheran Church Office) Saturday 7pm (Open)

250-428-0165 or 250-428-7064

Alfoldy Gallery Original Paintings, Paper Batiks & Photo Cards by Elaine & Andy Alfoldy

OPEN Wednesday, Friday Saturday & Sunday 10:30am - 5:30pm (5 min. east of Creston) Phone 250-428-7473 or 250-428-0688

Creston Valley Junior Hockey Society

Annual General Meeting Wed. May 22, 2013 7pm ABC Country Restaurant Meeting Room (Basement) Election of Board of Directors Join the Thunder Cats team!

POTTERY Pridham Studio Gallery

OPEN Tues-Sat 10am-5pm

138 12 Ave. N. Creston BC


ARE you looking for something to supplement your current income!!This could be perfect for YOU!!NO selling, NO distributing, NO inventory, and best of all, NO RISK!!!contact for details.

BC wholesale distribution firm seeking new products to add to their existing line up. We are currently distributing to approximately 500 retailers throughout BC. If you are interested in working with our company to distribute your products in BC, please reply to Box #14 Vernon Morning Star, 4407 25th Ave, Vernon BC V1T 1P5 DO BUSINESS in Yukon! 1,831 sq ft prime ground floor retail space on the Main Street in Whitehorse, Yukon, next to Starbuck’s. For floor plan/photos, call 1-867-333-9966.

Career Opportunities

3917 Highway 3, Erickson

CRESTON AL-ANON MEETING Thursdays 7:00 pm Creston Valley Hospital Meeting Room A (downstairs) Phone: 250-402-8685 “Are you affected by someone else’s drinking?�

A+DRINK SNACK plus Healthy Vending machine Route. Turn Key Business. Invest With Confidence, $4,000 Up. Training and Secured profitable Locations. Limited Must Sell. 1-888-979-8363.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No Risk Program. Stop Mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% Money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Travel $399 CABO San Lucas, all Inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $399! 1-888-481-9660.

Vacation Spots PRIVATE LAKEFRONT sites avail. May-Oct. by the month or season. Seniors Only. Quiet, easy waterfront access on Kootenay Lake, boat launch, 30amp power, sewer, water, wifi. Close to golfing, hiking, 20min. to Nelson. For more info call 250-229-5359 Sunshine Bay

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Summer Job at the Visitor Centre

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for work-at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535


ROAD BUILDER – Must be experienced in grades, culvert placement and install, ditching and sloping, and Forestry standard roads. Pay negotiable, full season work with beneďŹ t package. Feller Buncher Operator (Cat Buncher) – Full time Pay negotiable by exp. beneďŹ t package. Please fax resume (1)250-378-4991 or e-mail: kristy@bcclassiďŹ TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Help Wanted

PAWS JOB VACANCY Part-Time Animal Attendant/Caretaker

Exchange Wages for Accomodation

Looking for a full time & returning student (ages 15 – 30 yrs) to assist with community outreach, data collection and public relations for the Creston Visitor Centre.


121 Northwest Blvd, Creston

Summer Job at the Visitor Centre Community Events Planner Looking for a full time & returning student (ages 15 – 30 yrs) to assist with community events and tourism. Ideally suited for a student in tourism, recreation, education or marketing. French language is an asset. Priority given to students with disabilities, aboriginals or visible minorities. Must work weekends. Apply in person with resume by Monday, May 13, 4pm to the Creston Valley Chamber of Commerce 121 Northwest Blvd, Creston


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

An Alberta Oilfield Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator, and labourer/rock truck operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction (780)723-5051. ARCTIC CO-OPERATIVES Ltd is currently recruiting Line Cooks for Inns North hotels in Nunavut. We provide meal allowances, subsidized accommodations, and relocation assistance. Please forward your resume to: humanresources or fax to: (204)632-8575. Visit us online: for more information. Brodex Industries LTD requires full time machinist mainly Monday to Friday. Some overtime may be required. Competitive wages & benefits. Email resume to or Mail: 3751 Hwy. 97N Quesnel, BC V2J 5Z2 Creston Valley Cherry Growers Ltd. 4733 Canyon Lister Rd Canyon BC V0B 1C0 Need 20 workers for cherry packing July 25-Sept 15, 2013 Wage $10.25/hr or fax 250-428-7573 FISHING GUIDE Wanted for West Coast, Vancouver Island. $300.-$500./day. 3 years guiding experience required. Please email resume through website: H&R ORCHARDS LTD. 4733 Canyon Lister Rd Canyon BC V0B 1C0 Need 8 workers July 25 - Nov 30, 2013 Wage $10.25/hr Fax 250-428-7573 MAINTENANCE/LOADER OPERATOR NEEDED. This is a fulltime, permanent position starting immediately at our plant in Princeton, BC. Minimum of 10 years maintenance experience required on a variety of production and mobile equipment. Experience in a post mill, or small to medium size sawmill preferred. Must be able to handle a variety of tasks, work well with minimum supervision and be part of the team. Please submit resumes by fax 250295-7912 or email

Part-Time OfďŹ ce Position Weekdays Only Must be knowledgeable with -Quick Books -Accounting -Payroll IFTA Reports Able to work independently List of references Send resume to Box H c/o Creston Valley Advance Box 1279, Creston BC V0B 1G0 QUESNEL Industrial Transportation is currently hiring drivers for upcoming logging season. Steady work & very competitive compensation package. Please call Dennis @ 1(800)667-3944 or (250)992-2309 Advertise with the

Required July 1, 2013

Communication Liaison

Requirements: Excellent communication skills. Computer skills. Ability to multitask. Priority given to student enrolled in communications or related Âżeld. Must work weekends. Apply in person with resume by Friday, May 10, 4pm to the Creston Valley Chamber of Commerce


Apply at PAWS or call

1018 Canyon St. Creston, BC


Help Wanted

Acting Director, Communications CBT is seeking an Acting Director, Communications to direct all matters related to communications and public affairs activities throughout the organization. With a department staff who are very competent in the technical areas of communications and public relations, the emphasis in this position will be on identifying, managing and resolving communication issues as well as providing managerial oversight and supervision to communications staff.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY Experienced concrete finishers. Min. 4-5 yrs experience. Must hold a valid driver’s licence, pass a drug & alcohol screening & start ASAP. Competitive wages & health benefits. Please call (250)425-4169 or (250)433-7036.

Ofďƒžce Support KEY city gymnastics club is looking for a reliable individual to fill the role of office administrator. This is a full time opportunity that requires some early evening shifts. Comprehensive knowledge of bookkeeping, A/R, A/P, Microsoft office, simply accounting, and office procedures. Applicants must enjoy working with the general public. Knowledge of not for profits beneficial. Criminal record check required. Salary commensurate with experience please send resume to Applications accepted until May 15th at 4 pm.

Professional/ Management We are seeking a full time resident caretaker immediately for an apartment building in Cranbrook, BC. We will also require another person approximately 50 hours per month for the maintenance. Successful candidate will be organized, have good communication skills, computer skills, and be able to work without supervision. Please email resume to:


Join us:


Financial Services

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.


Healing Arts Kveta’s Natural Healing Centre

GRAPPLE YARDER Operator & Hooktender team, required immediately! Experienced! Must have a valid driver’s licence, First Aid and be team oriented. Central Vancouver Island. Fax resume to 250871-0208. GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209.

Julie Malowany

Registered Massage Therapist

Creston, BC


Legal Services

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Garden & Lawn

GARDEN AND landscaping consulting in Creston. Ref. available upon request. Call Rose 250-428-0133

FLOORING SALE LaDonna Smith R.M.T. Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat

Creston 250-254-4747

Susan Smith R.M.T.

Registered Massage Therapist EXCELLENT THERAPY FOR YOUR BODY For Appointment Call...250-428-5737

Financial Services

WANTED: Welder/fabricator 250-254-1135

Garage Door Services

Garage Door Services


Need it Fixed?



No Credit Checks!

Cash same day, local office. 1-800-514-9399

Home Improvements

DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 50% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+

Gordon Hegland

Own A Vehicle?

Borrow Up To $25,000 kvetasnaturalhealing

Massage (Reg Therapist)

CONCRETE FORM Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete form setters for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work. Clean Class 1 licence required; Email: or Fax: 780-444-9165 or Mail: 16719 - 110 Ave., Edmonton; 7-4 p.m., Monday-Friday.

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Certified Emotion Code Practitioner

CLARK BUILDERS immediately requires Superintendents for the Regina & Saskatoon areas. 5 - 10 years Commercial Construction Experience. Contact us at: 1-877-4166815. Send an Email to: or Fax 1-888-403-3051.

CLASS 1 driver. Edmonton based company seeks Class 1 Driver to drive Tandem Dump Truck for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work. General labour duties included and clean abstract required; or Fax 780-444-9165 or mail to 16719 - 110 Ave., Edmonton. 7-4 p.m., Monday-Friday.

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

• Emotion Code • Reexology • CranioSacral Therapy • Lymphatic Drainage Kveta A. Jasek


CLARK BUILDERS requires out of town Surveyors. Must have commercial construction experience. Contact us at: 1877-416-6815. Send an Email: or Fax 1-888-403-3051.


PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR We are looking for a self-motivated Production Supervisor for our busy wood post manufacturing and treating facility in Princeton, BC. The successful candidate will be responsible for employee training and development, quality and cost control, production scheduling and safety. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 3-5 years supervisory experience in an industrial production operation, a post mill or wood production facility preferred. Must have a high degree of resourcefulness, flexibility and adaptability; and the ability to plan, organize, develop and interpret programs, goals, objectives, policies and procedures, etc. Good leadership skills, and excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a proven track record are required. Please email your resume to For further information about our company visit our website at Only those selected for interviews with be contacted.

Trades, Technical

CBT will therefore be willing to consider a broader, more generalist range of management experience in making a selection for this position. This is a 1215 month term executive management position reporting to the CEO, and is based in Castlegar. Please visit for more information. %FBEMJOF .BZ OPPO 15


OVERHEAD DOOR Company of Creston

Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft

Overnight Delivery in most of BC!



Household Services

A-1 FURNACE & Air Duct Cleaning. Complete Furnace/Air Duct Systems cleaned & sterilized. Locally owned & operated. 1-800-5650355 (Free estimates)

Pets & Livestock

Feed & Hay HAY FOR SALE small square $160/ton 250-428-4316

Pet Services A1 POOP SCOOPER #1 in the #2 Business Weekly Pet Waste Removal Senior Discount • Residential Commercial • Acreages 250-402-6711


• Boarding dogs & cats • Grooming • Pet Foods & Supplies 1304 NW Blvd and 3323 Phillips Road Creston, BC



Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate




Commercial/ Industrial

Homes for Rent

Auto Financing

Antiques / Vintage

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

Open Houses

BOOK SHELVES, cupboards, clocks, sleighs, orchard dolly, piano stool, signs, hats, tins knick-knacks & much more. 2405 Sunset Blvd. May 10th & 11th.

04 GOLDWING 74000km w/custom paint $14,000, ‘85 Canaventure 18 1/2ft; inboard; 7.5 kicker $5500. ‘05 Dodge 2500 longbox crewcab, H/D 300,000km comes w/’03 Dodge 2500 wreck/parts 60000km $9000 250-428-6973

SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

OPEN HOUSE - SATURDAY MAY 11, 1-3pm, 1424 20 A St S, Cranbrook. Property Guys Listing #266281. $394,500.

2NDHAND HEAVEN 910 Pine St. 250-428-2375 Open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Sat noon - 4:30 pm Double bed, Furniture, Books, Toys, Tools, Pictures, Bedding, Dishes & MORE!

Misc. Wanted


Eagle Valley Community

Firearms WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750

CHINA CABINET $85, 40”x40” picture $250, recliner $200, 4 dining room chairs $200, 34”x54” teak dining table $150, Italian leather loveseat $500, coffee table (top raises to table height) $250. 250-428-9182 FILM, VIDEO, AUDIO, PHOTO DIGITAL SERVICES 8mm, 16mm movie film transfers, slide, video & audio tape conversions, DVD & CD duplications Toll free: 1-800-824-8688 Nelson, BC Serving the Kootenays since 1980

Heavy Duty Machinery 1980 FORD 420 Industrial loader tractor. Forks, ROPS, power take-off $5000. Dealer service record just completed. Total hrs since new 1,520. $14,500. 250-428-5535

SPRUCE tree SALE! Starting @ $69.-6’ft, Larger sizes available, 50 tree minimum order. Perfect for front yard, wind or privacy hedge. Call 1-778-436-8776 or email

FOR sale: 1200 gallon polyethelene cistern, $400; old 2 bottom plough, $200; older 5’ bush mower, $600; 5th wheel hitch, king pin style-20,000 lb rating, $260; angle grindersnot working; older wooden chairs; small oak cabinet, $60; call 250-428-0804 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 NEW LIFE FURNITURE & RECYCLING 114 NW Blvd. 250-402-0098 NEW HOURS Mon - Sat 10am - 5pm DONATION PICK UPS Call to arrange a pick up Interested in joining our team of great volunteers a few hours a week? Contact Amanda for more information Quality second-hand Furnishings, Appliances, Electronics & More!

CHIMNEY Lake waterfront near Williams Lake in the Cariboo. 3BR with geothermal and rental cabin. # 702896 (250)305-6627 $499,000


Lake. 4 k to Ashram 4 k to Riondel & beach. 2 3/4 acres & 2 storey unfinished (but furnished) “Small is Beautiful” cabin. Good benches for building, one with lake view. In Aug,12 appraised at $170,000 but older, flexible vendor open to offers & might carry part of mortgage for suitable person or couple. For info & viewing please call : 1-780-5660707

Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.

Apt/Condo for Rent 1 & 2/BDRM apts. for rent in fourplex, beautiful view, N/P 250-428-2457/428-2548 leave message 1/BDRM FURN. apt. Heat, lights, garbage, TV incl. N/S N/D N/P $800/mo Avail. June 1st 250-428-7004 APARTMENTS for rent: Call Michele or Paulette 250-4282562 or 250-428-3096 Creston- 1 & 2/BDRM APTS $535/$625 + elec. N/S N/P call 250-254-0840 or 250-8665789 Creston 1/BDRM APARTMENT $450/mo + elec. N/S; N/P; DD & ref req. 250-428-2202 Creston - 2/BDRM CONDO style apartment. F/S incl., N/P. N/S. Located downtown Creston 250-428-5240. Refs req. Creston 2/BDRM + DEN F/S, W/D, DW, 2 huge decks, fabulous views, enclosed parking, $800/mo + elec. Mature tenants with refs. 250-428-8727 Creston - 2/BDRM SUITE, $600/mo incl. heat and lights D/D req. 250-428-4918 Creston-2/BDRM UPSCALE studio apt. Balcony, mountain view, quiet downtown location W/D F/S $595/mo. 250-428-2117 or 250-4283001 Creston- 3/BDRM NEWER unit. Family friendly. 250-4285240 CRESTON ATTENTION SENIORS Nikkyl Place Seniors APARTMENTS includes 2 meals a day house keeping,laundry & reg bus service. Wheelchair access main floor 1/bdrm units $1150/mo 2/bdrm $1250/mo. 250-402-9351 Creston, BC PARKVIEW MANOR 1 & 2/Bdrm Apartments $550 & up. Secure Building Available now! Rent Incentive N/S N/P Children OK Phone Ingrid 250-428-2234 CRESTON MANOR 406 - 16th. Ave. N 1 & 2/Bdrm Apts. Available Phone Randal 250-428-3503

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

OPEN House Sat May 11 11am-4:30pm. motivated seller, beautiful 3400 sq/ft home 10 private acres, 10 min’s d’town Cranbrook, $514900 5680 Hidden Valley Road or call 587-216-2334 for appt.

Great Value, Great Landlord; 2 bdrm, 2 bath newer condo, Lake Windermere Pointe, $1075/mo power utility. No pets & non smokers. Outdoor pool, 2 hot tubs, exercise room. 2 min walk to beach in Invermere. 1 underground parking stall & locked storage unit in parking garage. . References req’d. Email or call 1-403-888-5318.

Garage Sales

Garage Sales



RECYCLING DEPOT for: -small appliances -electronics -batteries -toys

Check out our website!

Open Houses

Janis Caldwell-Sawley

Mortgage Specialist Cell: 250-417-1336

Serving the Creston Valley Subject to standard lending criteria of Royal Bank of Canada.

PERENNIAL PLANT & yard sale: deep freeze, canning jars, books, records, wine racks, camping/fishing gear, freighter canoe, portable gargae, age, lumber, tools, bike & other items. Fri & Sat May 10 &11 9am-4pm, 801 - 11th Ave S. No early birds! YARD SALE: Sat. May 11, 8am-4pm. 2673 - 24th St. Lister. Farm machinery, tack, roping saddle, mini chopper motorbike, roofing tin,lots of misc. YARD SALE: Sat. May 11th 8am-? 1125 Birch St.

Are you a Senior with room in your heart and in your home for a pet?

Are you concerned about taking care of a pet because of the cost, or because you are worried about long-term care for your pet? If you foster a P.A.W.S. kitty, P.A.W.S. will take care of medical costs, food and kitty litter! All you need is love!

Check out our website!

Located DOWN TOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-428-5240

Cottages / Cabins CABIN FOR rent in country, avail. immed. $625/mo incl. power. 250-428-2457 leave message


Property Management

Canyon Hall

Newly Renovated & Ready for your Events! Ask about the Small Hall Henri 250-428-8852 Canyon Park Reservations Shelly 250-428-3356


ROTACREST HALL RENTAL Special Occasions/Events Call 250-428-7127 For Information and Booking

Shared Accommodation

WEST CRESTON HALL and/or grounds available. Full kitchen facilities. Leona 250-402-6643 Visit

Creston - ROOM TO RENT for one mature professional working person. N/S, N/P 1500 sq ft living space, 1-level, 2/bath. Util incl. 250-402-6698

Mobile Homes & Pads

Suites, Lower

CrestonMOBILE HOME pads avail. for newer 14x50 mobile home or park model. In Scotties Mobile Home Park 50+ No pets, pad rent $275/mo 250-428-4256

Homes for Rent 227-12 AVE N. Creston 2/bdrm, 3 appliances, garage, alley access. Avail July 1. $875/mo +DD. 403-556-5406 2/BDRM MOBILE w/lg addition. Close to town. Older couple or single pref. N/S N/P Will negotiate for someone working out of town. $600/mo+S/D Avail. June 1st 250-428-7640 4/BDRM. HOUSE, great view, 5min from Creston, N/S $1,200/mo+util, D.D. Avail. June 1st. To view call 1-403-619-2091 or 403-2485671 Creston: 3/BDRM HOME with view, central loc. reno’d, W/D, DW, N/S, $750/mo. 250-4285955, 250-428-7538 Creston- LG RENO’D 2/bdrm duplex. Den, family room, ft/room, kitchen, bath+1/2, carport N/S N/P $700/mo 250428-5997

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT For your Property Management

Rental & Sales needs Ingrid Voigt

RE/MAX Discovery Real Estate

1/BDRM SUITE, brand new, N/S, back yard, storage,small pet ok,W/D $575/mo. Creston 250-402-9536

Suites, Upper Canyon- 2/BDRM upstairs apt util. incl. N/S, laundry facilities on site. $750/mo, DD, ref. req. small pet may be considered. For more info or to view please call 250-428-1998.





Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul

1-888-204-5355 for Pre-Approval

Call P.A.W.S. today! 250-428-7297

250-428-2266 Cars - Domestic

2001 PONTIAC Brown Grand Am in very good shape. New tires, 6 cyl. 250-428-2490

Recreational/Sale 1988 partially furnitured 32’ Travel Trailer with large roofed 12x30’ deck new fridge, extra fridge and freezer in shed permanently parked at Cedar Glen Campground at Balfour Landing behind bakery $15,000, 1979 Reinel 21’ Boat Cabin Cruiser, excellent fishing boat recently serviced $5000 or will sell together for $18,000 owners moving 365-4740

1995 - 17FT Nomad travel trailer, 3/pce bathroom, 3 burner stove, fridge, awning $4500 250-428-0204

For Sale: 2003 Bonair 24 1/2 foot 5th wheel trailer with truck, 200 GMC 3/4 ton only 7500km. Or, trailer with hitch. Phone 250-344-5669.

Creston: SPACIOUS 3/BDRM home w/lg yard $800/mo + util. 250-402-9820 250-428-3993 LARGE 5/BDRM 3/bath home with stunning view on Crawford Hill. 2 freezers, F/S, DW, W/D. Fenced back yard. $1250/mo + DD. Avail May 1. Pets negotiable. NO SMOKING ON THE PROPERTY. Ref required. 250-428-0640

find a great deal! in the creston valley advance


Sport Utility Vehicle

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

OLDER 3/BDRM upper floor, close to all amen. $950/mo incl. cable & all util., shared laundry. Call 250-225-3214 between 9am & 5pm DL# 7557

Legal Notices

Legal Notices



Flexible Appointments

GARAGE & Bake sale: Sat May 11th. 3613 Masuch Rd Erickson 7am-3pm GARAGE SALE: Fri May 10 & Sat May 11th 8am-4pm Lots of fishing gear - rods, reels & lures. 1530 Hwy 21 N. Follow the signs. LOONY-TOONY garage sale at 1614 Scott St. Sat. May 11th. Access north on 16th Ave from 7-11 to Scott St. & turn right. Open until 8pm. MULTI-FAMILY moving sale: 2405 Sunset Blvd. Fri May 10 & Sat May 11. Kids toys & clothing, music instruments, antiques, utensils, tools, furniture & bouncy house.

3600 sq.ft. of Retail Space


FRESH ASPARAGUS Sutcliffe Farms Creston, BC Place your order to ensure availability 250-428-9961

Plants /Nursery

For Sale By Owner


Fruit & Vegetables

True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030

Real Estate

Food Products BC INSPECTED GRADED AA OR BETTER LOCALLY GROWN NATURAL BEEF Hormone Free Grass Fed/Grain Finished $100 Packages Available Quarters/Halves $2.55/lb Hanging Weight Extra Lean Hamburger $4.00/lb TARZWELL FARMS 250-428-4316 Creston

CASH paid for OLD guns postcards, military medals, syphons, gramophones, license plates, tins, signs, silver coins, (10x) toys, tokens, misc. antiques, Larry, 250 545-7140,



RENTALS AVAILABLE Wynndel: 1/bdrm house on acreage. All appl. Avail. immed. Damage deposit, no smoking, pets with restrictions, references required for all properties. Ask for a “Tenancy Request Form” available from the Century 21 front desk or call Ken at 250-428-6168


Merchandise for Sale 23

Re: The estate of Martha Eugenia Mehrer Roth Likakur also known as Martha Eugenia Likakur, also known as Martha Likakur, deceased, formerly of 6933 Customs Road, Kingsgate, British Columbia. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Martha Eugenia Mehrer Roth Likakur also known as Martha Eugenia Likakur, also known as Martha Likakur are hereby notiÀed under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the executor, Gordon Roth, c/o Dan Miller Law Corporation, P.O. Box 1090, 1067 Simmons Road, Creston, BC on or before June 17, 2013, after which date the executor will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the executor then has notice.

2004 TOYOTA Rav 4 4WD Auto. Exc. cond. Recently Toyota inspected $7500 250428-0432

Trucks & Vans

CLEANEST WHITE ‘02 GMC half ton pick-up in the valley. Short bed, extra cab, 350 cu in. motor. H/D trans. fitted in ‘09. 6 custom chrome wheels. New winter tires, shocks, water pump, recent battery. Raised topper, trailer pkg. 220,000 careful hwy kms. No surprises. $6,900 250-4280701

Boats 1992 170 CAMPION ALLANTE

2.5L Mercruiser, Slope top canvas, EZ Load Trailer Excellent condition, full service & maintenance each year, always stored indoors.

Price $8,500

250-428-9604, 250-402-9476 Creston, BC

World’s Finest FISHING BOATS

Weldcraft, Hewescraft, Lund, Godfrey Pontoons Mark’s Marine, Hayden, ID 1-888-821-2200


Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance


Serving the Creston Valley

Shopa's Excavating Ltd.


Excavator • Backhoes Dumptrucks • Cat Work Water Lines • Septic Fields Subdivision • Site Preparation Sand • Gravel • Topsoil Rock Hammer Road Building


501 Helen St., Creston BC


Call Marcus 250-428-1953

Government Certified Sewage planner & installer

Wynndel, BC




What Services do you have to OFFER?

Call Carl 250-428-1474

Ph/Fx: 250-227-9679 Box 101, Crawford Bay, BC V0B 1E0



Excavating ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

Landscaping Retaining Walls Retaining Wall Repair Spring & Fall Cleanup Dump Runs Stump Removal Water Lines

Call Ron Kepke 250-428-4306 Cell 250-428-1973


W hen yo can



Arlen Johnson, Proprietor 4015 Hwy 3, Erickson BC


this space




Call Sean at 250-428-9957 or 250-402-8135 (cell)


To advertise in the Serving Creston Valley section of the classifieds

call 250-428-2266


• Backhoe • Auger • Jackhammer • Dump Truck Garth Rosvold Creston, BC Phone: 250-428-7232 Cell: 250-428-1601


To advertise in the Serving Creston Valley section of the classifieds call 250-428-2266

! S R E IS T R E V D A ATTENTION iday at 4pm*! ertising v d a d e ifi ss la c r fo e n li d Dea

is Fr

Display advertising booking deadline is Friday noon*

for the following Thursday’s paper

Need a Classified Ad? Friday is the day!


*Exceptions for long weekends

Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013

CONTRACTORS • RENOVATIONS • HOME AND YARD SERVICES What Services do you have to OFFER? Smart Service. Great Products.

Tip Top Chimney Service 250-919-3643

Sweeping the Kootenays Clean!


R.C.W. Woodcraft Cabinets

Auto Interiors Fabric Protection Area Rugs Flood & Fire Restoration Licensed Painter Terry Dugdale Creston, BC

250-428-0806 “We Move the Furniture” FREE ESTIMATES

this spot

Chimney Sweep

CATCH THIS, SPOT. Starting from only $50 per month for annual booking Call 250-428-2266

FREE ESTIMATES! Specializing in Custom built • Kitchen cabinets • Bathroom vanities • Railings & stairs • All types of counter tops including granite, solid surfaces and laminate

250-428-5215 (days) 250-428-4765 (eves.) 1033-25 Ave S. Creston

• Mechanical & Chemical Deglazing of Creosote • Avian & Nest Removals • Custom Masonry Heaters • Professionally Insured • Licensed & W.E.T.T Certified

Call T.W.S. 250-866-5246 Jonathan Bartsch Technician


www. lennycraighomeimprovement.


Your WINDSHIELD specialists *55 years combined experience

Spring/Fall Clean-up Inside or Outside Heavy or Light Work SeniorDiscounts

Free Estimates!

What Services do you have to OFFER? • Licensed New Home Builder • Renovations • Concrete Work • Quality Assured


windshield replacements


Ph: 250-428-3455 Fax: 250-428-7393


Bob & Howard Graham 1208 NW Blvd, Creston BC


Arrow Mountain

620 Payne St. Creston, BC

71 Units • Easy Access 24/7 Video Surveillance Units accessable 24/7 Attendant living on site Storage Insurance Approved


• Largest self storage in Creston • 24 hr. Security • Safe, dry storage

Tom Morris

Ph: 250-428-2071 Fax: 250-428-2036




• Renovations • Eavestrough • Fascia • Soffit • Vinyl Siding • Metal Roofing • Window Capping

André Robert

250-428-0178 Cell: 250-254-0944

Finishing Contractor Stoneworks • Tile• Masonry Hardwood and more...


Insured, Licensed & Bonded

Jonathan Bartsch


RAY'S GARBAGE PICKUP Creston Residential Pickup & All Rural Areas 3 - 40yd Bins



Edwin Johnson 250-428-9097 Portable restrooms Tanks and risers Pumps Float switches ...and more



(turn east between Northstar & Iron Kettle)

Robert Construction

• Panelling • Flooring • Siding • Baseboards • Casings • Crown mouldings

Creston BC







Call 250-428-2266

Profiles Inc.


Call 250-428-2266

Advertise in the Serving Creston Valley section of the classifieds


&Woodstove Maintenance


Starting from only $50 per month for annual booking


Call 250-428-2266



Furnace & Duct Cleaning Commercial & Residential

Central Air Conditioners

To advertise here, call


Fireplace & Woodstove Servicing Visual Inspections & Installations WETT Certified Technicians 1518 Northwest Blvd Creston


INSTALLS & SERVICE Jason 250-431-8577 Rob 250-431-8307




Residential & Commercial

With your ad starting from only $50 per month for annual booking


Serving the Creston Valley since 1984


Chimney Sweeping



Journeyman Electrician

Cell 250-428-1895

22 8-

Phone George

Derick Todd Journeyman Carpenter Sirdar BC

42 0-

Licensed & Insured


ALL ASPECTS OF • Refrigeration Equipment • Rooftop Units • Heat Pumps • Furnaces • Water Heaters • Gas Fitting



Residential & Commercial

• Tile • Vinyl • Laminate • Hardwood • Carpet • Window Shades • Phantom Screens • Aluminum railing • DURADEK waterproof decking



Serving the Creston Valley 25


• Residential • Commercial • Fire & Flood Restoration



• Portable Toilets • Portable Showers GREAT FOR • Weddings • Family Reunions • Large Parties • Construction Sites • Farms


• Septic Tanks • RVs & Boats


Reasonable weekend or monthly rates

Next to Arrow Mountain Truck/Car Touchless Wash 506 D Helen Street

YES! We have a wheelchair accessible toilet

250-428-4053 250-428-6256

Serving Creston since 1991

Call Rob551 5 2 0-428-3

the Southern Interior who are committed to assisting children that are in medical, physical or traumatic crisis. “Since the charitable foundation was formed in 2001, our signature event, the Cops for Kids ride, has given us an opportunity to bring awareness and showcase our generous sponsors,” Bursey said. “They have provided much-needed funds to continue our pledge to assist children in crisis.” The Cops for Kids golf tournament will be a Texas scramble, with the first group teeing off at 12:30 p.m. Prizes, a raffle and a silent auction will be included. A $79 entry fee includes 18 holes of golf, shared power cart and barbecue dinner. Rooms are available at the resort at a special tournament rate of $89. Participants who stay can play the next day for $59, which includes 18 holes and a shared cart. For more information or to register for the tournament, call Bursey at 250-4283677 or Const. Charlotte Joa at 250428-9313. Cops for Kids is a registered charity that issues tax receipts for donations of more than $25. More information can be found at


A committee of Regional District of Central Kootenay Area B residents has selected the organizations that will receive a total of $81,774.75 in funds under the Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiatives Program, said director John Kettle. Pending final approval from the RDCK board of directors, the following groups will receive grants: 1746 Royal Canadian Army Cadets, $2,500; 904 Royal Kootenai Air Cadets, $1,075; Addiction Recovery for the Kootenays (ARK), $2,500; Area B Tourism, Economic Development Commission, $4,500; Canyon-Lister Elementary School, $500; Central Kootenay Spay/Neuter Animal Program (SNAP), $3,000; College of the Rockies, $1,125; Creston and District Historical and Museum Society, $1,500; Creston and District Community Resource Society (TAPS), $5,000; Creston and District Society for Community Living (therapeutic riding), $500; Creston 4-H Beef and Dairy Club, $1,600; Creston Community Auditorium

China trip

From page 1 Sophia said she first learned about the educational camp when she got an email from her vice-principal at Homelinks. “I had to write about why I would be a good candidate,” she said. That was in February and in April she got an email that she had been shortlisted for an interview. For her interview in Nelson she created a PowerPoint presentation about how globalization can help break down stereotypes. “By the time I got home to Creston I had an email waiting that said I had been selected to go,” she said. Bright and self-confident, Sophia doesn’t

BORDERLINE TRANSMISSION Over 36 years at the same location with the same owner! We’ll be here when you need us.

NOW WE GIVE YOU Transmission Service Special




Includes: road test, remove pan, visual inspection, clean sump, replace filter, adjust bands and linkage, replace pan gasket and fluid.

CHOICES... Automatic Transmission Flush and Electronic Scan




Includes: automatic transmission flush, electronic scan, road test, visual inspection, clean sump, new filter, adjust linkage, new pan gasket, new oil and more.

Society, $1,475; Creston Golf Club, $1,000; Creston Judo Club, $1,000; Creston Pet Adoption and Welfare Society (PAWS), $4,000; Creston Rod and Gun Club, $2,000; Creston 4-H Horse Club, $2,500; Creston Valley Blossom Festival, $2,500; Creston Valley Fall Fair Association, $4,000; Creston Valley Figure Skating Club, $1,700; Creston Valley Food Action Coalition (Harvest Share), $2,000; Friends of the Community Greenhouse, $2,000; Creston Valley Horse Association, $1,000; Creston Valley Music Teachers Association, $1,249.74; Creston Valley Regional Airport Society, $5,000; Creston Valley Search & Rescue, $1,200; Creston Valley Seniors Association, $5,000; Creston Valley Tennis Club, $500; Creston Valley Thunder Cats $1,500; Creston Valley Youth Soccer, $1,500; Friends of the Ingham Arts and Cultural Centre Society, $2,500; Mormon Hills School; $1,000; Prince Charles Secondary School photo club, $850; Royal Canadian Legion, $1,500; Shamattawa fund, $2,000; Canyon Community Association, $2,500; Erickson Community Association, $2,500; Yank-Kingsgate Recreation Society, $2,500; Wildsight, $800.

appear daunted that she will be travelling to an unfamiliar country with students she doesn’t know. She plans to create a video documentary of her experience, to show at her school and to other community groups. “I want to go to film school when I graduate, so this will be a great asset on my resumé,” she said. To help prepare for the trip, she plans to take a digital photography course at College of the Rockies. Students leave for Beijing on July 12, with a flight change in Tokyo on the way. They return on July 21. Tours to a number of Chinese historical and cultural sites are scheduled, including a visit to the Great Wall of China. “I am fascinated with Chinese culture and it’s one of the world’s oldest civilizations, so this is a great educational opportunity,” Sophia said. Sophia said she will raise the requisite $2,000 with the help of her mother, Deborah, and her classmates, who are helping out with a car wash that will be held on May 11 at Classic Glass.

38 SAVE SAVE $$3 8 38 SAVE UP TO



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week’s moneysaving savingdeals deals from from our { Check out out thisthis week’s money ourteam teamofofexperts. experts. { Check





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From page 1 “The ten-day ride is grueling at times, and takes us over two mountain passes and through the communities that we serve,” he said. “It is also a constant reminder of whom we ride for and that although we might have a tough day riding, it is nothing compared to the challenges that the children and their families face.” Cops for Kids are RCMP members from communities throughout

Area B announces grants

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Golf tournament

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Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance



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ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. ‡/††/*Offers apply to the purchase of a 2013 Cruze LS 1SA (R7A), 2013 Equinox LS FWD (R7A), 2013 Silverado EXT 2WD WT (R7A) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,550/$1,600). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer trade may be required. GMCL, RBC Royal Bank, TD Auto Financing Services or Scotiabank may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. t Based on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ‡0%/0.99% purchase financing offered on approved credit by RBC Royal Bank/TD Auto Financing/Scotiabank for 84 months on new or demonstrator 2013 Cruze LS 1SA/2013 Equinox LS FWD/2013 Silverado EXT 2WD WT. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0%/0.99%, the monthly payment is $119/$123 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0/$354, total obligation is $10,000/$10,354. 0% finance offer is unconditionally interestfree. 0.99% finance offer biweekly payments based on a purchase price of $23,495 on 2013 Chevrolet Silverado EXT 2WD with $0 down, equipped as described. ≠Based on a 2.9%/0.9%/0%, 36/48/60 month lease for new (demonstrator not eligible) 2013 Silverado EXT 2WD WT/2013 Equinox FWD/2013 Cruze FWD, equipped as described. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. OAC by GM Financial. Lease APR may vary depending on down payment/trade. Down payment or trade of and security deposit may be required. Total obligation is $15,790/$18,377/$10,489. Option to purchase at lease end is $9,111/$10,862/$5,791 plus applicable taxes. Other lease options available. ††$7,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on the 2013 Silverado EXT 2WD WT (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. See your GM dealer for details. $1,500/$2,000 non-stackable cash credits is a manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2013 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Ext Cab/ Silverado 1500 Crew. Non-Stackable Cash Credits are available only when consumers opt for the cash purchase of a new or demonstrator model. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing such discounts and incentives which will result in a higher effective interest rate. See dealer for details. Offer ends May 31, 2013. †Valid at participating GM dealerships in Canada only. Retail customers only. Offer ranges from 750 to 3,000 AIR MILES® reward miles, depending on model purchased. No cash value. Offer may not be combined with certain other AIR MILES promotions or offers. See your participating GM dealer for details. Offer expires July 2, 2013. Please allow 4–6 weeks after the Offer end date for reward miles to be deposited to your AIR MILES® Collector Account. To ensure that reward miles are deposited in the preferred balance, Collector should ensure his/ her balance preferences (AIR MILES® Cash balance and AIR MILES® Dream balance) are set as desired prior to completing the eligible purchase transaction. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this Offer for any reason in whole or in part at any time without notice. ®™Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and General Motors of Canada Limited. ^Whichever comes first. ^^Based on latest competitive data available. ~OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Visit for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide. +©The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license.*^For more information visit *†Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available, and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. **Offer only valid from April 2, 2013 to July 2, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a Chevrolet Aveo, Cobalt, Cavalier, Optra, Saturn Ion, Astra, S-Series will receive a $1,000 credit towards the purchase, lease or factory order of an eligible new 2013 Chevrolet Sonic, or Cruze. Retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a Chevrolet Equinox, Tracker or Saturn Vue will receive a $1,000 credit towards the purchase, lease or factory order of an eligible new 2013 Chevrolet Equinox. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details.



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scores from April 5: Ladies: MaryNell Pawelko, 815; Peg Konkin, 813; Dot Eisenhut, 812. Men: Jan,


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Creston Valley Advance Thursday, May 9, 2013

822; Floyd Adams, 819; Kay Heffner, 812. Dart Scores from April 8: Ladies: Jean Hume, 119; Lynda Clark, 116; Erika Reinke, 96. Men: Ray Pederson, 95; Elden Schultz, 94; Hans Reinke, 92. Cribbage scores from







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April 12: Ladies: Cora Stach, 814; Geri McIntyre, 813; Dot Eisenhut, 812. Men: Don Schwab, 841; Floyd Adams, 823; Linda Parsons, 821. Dart scores from April 15: Ladies: Jean Hume, 95; Pauline






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Local News


Town hall raises flag for MS awareness BY BRIAN LAWRENCE Advance Editor

When Mayor Ron Toyota met with three representatives of the fight against multiple sclerosis at town hall last week, the message was clear — MS is a disease that affects countless individuals and their families in our community. Toyota posed for a photo, a Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada flag waving in the background, with two local residents who work tirelessly in the hope that the disease they carry will someday be cured. “Every day, Canadians affected by MS struggle to obtain or keep the home care supports they need,” said Debbie Irwin, an MSSC development services co-ordinator. “The 1 Day in May campaign gives Canadians the opportunity to help people with MS improve their lives and create awareness about the need for increased access to home care.” Irwin said that MSSC is seeing Canadians with MS, disabilities and other chronic illnesses falling between the cracks, many affected by recent program cuts to homecare services. Those reductions, she said, have a dramatic and negative impact on the lives of people living with MS. The society promotes the belief that people living with MS need sufficient supports to allow them to live at home with their families as long as possible. “People need to know that they can make a difference in the life of a person affected with MS,” said Ken Chubb, a retired social worker who is a member of the Creston MS self-help group. “The 1 Day in May campaign is our effort

to increase awareness about the daily lives of people with MS. By raising awareness of this unpredictable disease, we are letting people know they can affect change in the life of someone with MS.” The Town of Creston supports the campaign by proclaiming May as MS Awareness Month and by flying the MS flag at Creston Town Hall throughout the month, Toyota said. Irwin said there are many ways Creston residents can show their support for people with MS: •send an email message to candidates running in the provincial election. An online tool to help do that can be found at; •register at for a MS Research webinar on May 15, 3-5 p.m. local time; •read stories of people with MS posted on; •contact the local MS self-help group to find out how to get involved locally; •understand the issues affecting people with MS and their families; •Read and share the latest issue of MS Canada on; •Tweet #1dayinMay about how you’re spreading awareness of MS; •Join the Instagram photo challenge and post what #1dayinMay means to you; or •Visit or contact your local MS Society to learn more about how you can take part in 1 Day in May actions. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic and often disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. It is the most common neurologic disease of young adults in Canada.

Thursday, May 9, 2013 Creston Valley Advance

Lorne Eckersley

(From left) Creston Mayor Ron Toyota with Dennis Materi and Barb West, both of whom have multiple sclerosis, and Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada development services co-ordinator Debbie Irwin.

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RE DU CE D! Wynndel - Beautiful, private 18.67 acres divided by Elsie Holmes Road, with gravel pit on lower portion & undisturbed treed land on upper portion. Build your dream home & sell gravel from quarry below. Potential to subdivide.

$148,900 T12085

Creston - 3 bdrm home $195,000 with many upgrades, G12102 fantastic view & wraparound deck. Walking distance to shopping & parks. Clean to the corners.

RE DU CE D! Creston - 3 bdrm/2 bath $369,900 home on 2.47 acres move-in S13022 ready! Vaulted ceilings, heat pump, dream kitchen, hickory cabinets, beautiful sunken living room w/lge windows. Custom features around every corner.

Creston - Newer fully $349,000 finished 3 bedroom/2 bath P13010 double garage home in quiet cul-de-sac. Extra large lot, room for full RV pad and few fruit trees. Lower level can be converted to suite with private entrance.

Property bordering on year $154,900 round creek in Kitchener. F13059 Lge lot with one level 2 bdrm home & huge covered veranda. Detached shop & storage building. Lots of room for garden and parking. Suitable for business venture.


Creston - Executive 3 bdrm $589,900 home in newest subdivision. W13038 Kitchen has granite countertops, stainless steel appliances & large pantry. Open concept dining room & living room. Main flr. laundry and huge downstairs rec. room.

Creston - 3/bdrm 2/bath $249,900 bungalow w/walk-out bsmt. S13008 Newly renovated. Tremendous views from solarium & deck. Attached garage & storage shed. Close to downtown, hospital and rec centre.

Creston - ½ acre appr. pad rental $99,900 near Creston. 1997 mobile 1428 N12117 ft2, allows rentals, longer lease & pets. 2/bdrm 2/bath, dining rm, den, walk-in closet, storage, laminate floors. Shop, shed, lean-to & att. garage. Some furniture & equip. negotiable, appl. incl.

Creston - 20 acres of prime farm land with 360 degree views. Currently in canola. Domestic water connection.


Wynndel - One of the best $199,000 view properties in Creston M13055 Valley. Community water, access driveway to building site. Some top soil to build a garden. Building scheme does not allow mobile homes on the property.

Creston - 2 bdrm mobile $27,000 home located in Crestglen R13045 Mobile Home Park. New hot water tank and newer furnace. Fenced yard with mature trees for added privacy.

Creston - 3/bdrm 3/bath in $352,000 Erickson. Living rm w/bay R12019 windows & fireplace. Formal dining room & kitchen w/eating area. Lower level fully finished. Attached garage & detached workshop/garage . Some fruit trees.

Creston - Built by a master $397,000 craftsman, features large S13064 open floor plan to capture spectacular view. Extensive use of concrete & natural materials make this home one of a kind which will stand the test of time.


RE DU CE D! $109,000 Creston - This cute and cozy home would make a W11111 great starter, retirement or rental home. Close to town and on a quiet street. Call your realtor today for a look.

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