Golden Star, May 15, 2013

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Boat launch nearing completion at Kinbasket ...............................2


Town lines up for Ziggy Marley tickets ..............................13

■ COMMUNITY Norm Macdonald hugs his campaign manager, Leslie Adams, after the announcement was made that he won the Columbia River Revelstoke Riding late Tuesday evening. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Ladies Auxiliary president honoured ...............................15


Former Rocket moving his way up the ranks ..............................17

Third time’s a charm for Macdonald Darryl Crane

It was a bitter sweet victory for the now threetime Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA, Norm Macdonald, who once again won his seat with more than 6,000 votes, but also saw the BC NDP stay in opposition provincially. Madonald was watching the results of the 2013 provincial election at his home office in Golden, surrounded by supporters and well wishers. "I am very proud of the campaign we ran locally. We based our campaign on the grassroots," he said. Macdonald thanked all of the people who came out to help with his campaign, and said the victory could not have happened without them. He added that he was disappointed that the message heard locally was not accepted in other areas of the province. The BC Liberals once again won a majority government with the BC NDP coming in second. "I think what it means for this area, again as an opposition member, is that I will have to fight as

effectively as I can for the interests of the area." BC Liberal candidate Doug Clovechok finished second to Macdonald. Clovechok said he was disappointed not to win but he was happy with the campaign. "I am absolutely thrilled with the results provincially. I knew right from the start that Christy Clark would form government again," Clovechok said. "I congratulated Mr. Macdonald. We are disappointed with the outcome (locally) but I am also proud of the volunteers we had. Mr. Macdonald said he would out-volunteer us and that did not happen." Conservative candidate Earl Olsen had a strong showing that saw him receive more than 1,000 votes. "Obviously, it did not goes as well as I would have hoped it would go for us, but at the same time I think overall for a start up, we did well," he said. "I don't think there is any doubt when looking at the numbers that we turned it in to a threeparty race. We did not help the Liberals efforts in the area," Olsen said.

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Olsen was quick to praise Macdonald for his victory. "My message to him is congratulations. He ran a great campaign and I enjoyed campaigning with him and against him. He is a gentlemen." Now that the election is over, Clovechok said he hopes that Macdonald realizes he has to make sure he continues to represent the people in the district. "We are going to hold Mr. Macdonald's feet to the fire. The people in Columbia River-Revelstoke spoke, and they decided to keep the NDP in this riding, which means yet again it is a riding that does not have a member of the government," Clovechok said. Macdonald said that fight will start right away with issues surrounding dialysis, and many other items on the agenda when he gets back to Victoria, even though he is once again on the opposition side of the house. "The people here have chosen me as their representative, and we will hold them (the BC Liberals) to an account. We will fight to make sure this area is strongly represented."

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The Golden Star

Credit union hands out iPad to lucky winner

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Shelley Baldwin, centre, accepts the iPad she won at the Golden Home and Lifestyle Show from Lorne Leeson and Sharon Eddy, with the Columbia Valley Credit Union. Darryl Crane/ Star Photo

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Jessica Schwitek For the past seven years, Golden has been part of a small group of municipalities in British Columbia, only 14 in total, who are part of the Resort Municipality Initiative. Jon Wilsgard, chief administrative officer for the Town of Golden, gave an update on Golden’s RMI projects at Tourism Golden’s annual general meeting. As a member of this group, Golden gets approximately $500,000 per year for tourism related projects, and the town has a lot of those projects on the go right now. “Things are going great,” said Wilsgard. “But it’s important to remember that this funding is for building things, not maintaining them.” In the past few years, several projects have been completed, including some of the signage (like the roundabout by the Visitor’s Centre, which is waiting for some lighting), and the Nordic Centre at Dawn Mountain. 2012 is the start of a new five-year place, and there are a number of things the Town is hoping to get underway in that time. They are looking at the possibility of a permanent structure at Spirit Square, one that would accommodate the summer performances with a covered stage, and also have bathrooms, and possibly some sort of concession space. There will be more signage on the way, and hopefully one on Hwy 1 Frontage Road near

Town of Golden CAO Jon Wilsgard gives an update on the Resort Municipality Initiative at Tourism Golden’s AGM. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo Tim Horton’s. In fact, they are also looking at ways to improve the overall appearance of the Frontage Road, which would not only require a large budget, but also the co-operation from BC Highways. Wilsgard is in the conceptual stage for a new message board in the town, one that would let visitors and locals know what’s going on around the community, and possibly serve as a medium for displaying some local art.

Golden celebrates local government Jessica Schwitek Local Government Awareness Week is coming up from May 19 to 25, and the Town of Golden has planned a few activities to get the community involved in what they do. The week is a combination of Local Government Awareness Week, National Public Works Week, and BC Water and Waste Association Drinking Water Week. Town staff will be attending

primary and elementary schools for presentations on water conservation, general town operations, and at-home fire safety. “On one of the afternoons, public works and the fire departments will be displaying equipment at Alexander Park Elementary School to provide the opportunity to come out and sit in some of the equipment and talk to the operators about what they in their jobs,” said Chris Cochran, manager

of operations for the Town of Golden. The Town will also be hosting a drinking water themed colouring contest. Starting May 15, colouring sheets will be available at Town Hall (810 9th Ave. S.), and kids will have until May 31 to hand in their coloured sheets. There will be two prizes awarded for best colouring, and two random prize draws for a 10-pass card to the Golden Municipal Swimming Pool.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 15, 2013 A3

New DJ settling into position Jessica Schwitek

BC Hydro is working to get the Bush Harbour boat ramp completed by the end of May. They have already completed the concrete top of the ramp. Photo Submitted

Boat launch underway at Kinbasket Golden Star Staff The Kinbasket Reservoir will be a little more user friendly this summer when BC Hydro completes the new boat ramp at Bush Harbour. On-site construction work to finish the boat ramp is currently underway, and is expected to be completed by the end of May, just in time for the summer boating season said Jennifer Walker-Larson, a communication representative for BC Hydro. Construction began in the spring of 2010, but rising water levels prevented the ramp from being finished that year. The remaining concrete panels to finish the ramp were placed early last week, and crews are now installing the floating walkway and its anchors. The completed Bush Harbour boat ramp is designed to extend to a reservoir elevation of 724.6 metres (2377.4 feet). The ramp includes a floating walkway and

two floating log breakwaters to protect from wind and waves. The Kinbasket Reservoir water level is starting to rise and will soon allow the boat ramp to be used. BC Hydro plans to open the ramp to boaters on Saturdays and Sundays while onsite work to install the walkway continues. The ramp will be unavailable on weekdays until the project is completed, expected by the end of May 2013. BC Hydro built the new Bush Harbour boat ramp under the Columbia River Water Use Plan to improve reservoir recreation. Also under the Columbia River Water Use Plan, BC Hydro has a debris management program for Kinbasket Reservoir in place to remove floating woody debris and has a Recreation Demand Study underway to understand links between reservoir levels and boat recreation. There were many local businesses that helped with the construction process, including Shamrock Mountain Building, Chatter Creek Holdings, Golden Concrete, and Gottler Brothers.

Golden Minor Hockey presents big idea Jessica Schwitek Golden Minor Hockey Vice President Mike Palumbo appeared before council to talk about an exciting project the club is working towards. For the past two years, the group has been discussing the possibility of constructing an outdoor arena in Golden. “At this point, it is a very initial discussion,” said Palumbo. “We just have a general idea and plan of what we’re thinking here.” The lighted outdoor arena, spanning 220 by 110 feet, would be covered by an open timberframe structure, suitable for hockey games, tournaments, figure skating, and public skating, and would be named after former mayor Aman Virk. In the summer the space could be a multiuse facility suitable for summer sports, outdoor markets, and private functions. Right now the location is not set in stone, but the ideal spot for the project appears to be beside the Seniors Centre, where the Golden Horse Shoe Club used to operate. When the

club stopped being active, the land was given back to the Town. Palumbo’s hope in appearing before council was to secure that piece of land for the project. “Nobody is using it, and the building there is actually quite nice…There’s a mens and women’s bathroom, and enough room for a couple change rooms,” said Palumbo. There have been some initial promises of donated labour to cut down the costs of the first phase of construction (clearing trees etc.), and Palumbo expects that the overall budget would be between $400,000 and $500,00. Golden Minor Hockey would take on the cost and time to build the facility, but are asking that the Town of Golden take over operation costs once it is completed. However, Palumbo said that user fees from out of town user groups and tournaments would bring in significant funds. Council does not make decisions on requests during delegations, so they made the motion to defer the topic to the next council meeting for discussion.

Former actor and singer Stephen Keppler has settled into his new role as EZ Rock’s radio host in Golden. Keppler made the move to Golden from Vancouver (having grown up and lived all over western Canada), in February, and quickly became enamoured with the community. “After about a week of living here I kind of fell in love with the place,” he said. “The people here are super genuine. I forgot what it was like to drive down the street or go for a walk, and wave to just about everyone you see. You don’t get that in a big city.” With a strong background in performing (theatre shows, musicals, and improvisation), Keppler decided to pursue an education and career in broadcasting. “I decided to go to Vancouver to find myself, and I ended up going to school for broadcasting because it was something that was always in the back of my mind,” he said. “I didn’t realize my life experience would help me so much in that field.” He received an education at the Vancouver Institute of Media Arts, worked at Virgin Radio in Vancouver while in school, and soon after, found the job in Golden. Admittedly a little nervous about the move, especially about leaving Vancouver’s vibrant arts community, Keppler has become immersed in the community in his three months here. “I move here, and the first two people I meet are Bill Usher and

Stephen Keppler EZ Rock Morning Host Mike Pecora, who are heavily involved in the community. I realized this town has way more to offer than I thought it would,” he said. “Golden is a new home for me, and it’s a breath of fresh air.” Keppler was forced to hit the ground running, covering all aspects of the radio industry including on air, advertising, sales, and anything else that needs to be done. However it is the on air hosting that really captures the radio personality’s passion and talent. “With my background I’m really comfortable with the radio medium. The radio is the first form of communication, because it’s one-toone. I’m directly speaking to everyone who listens to EZ Rock,” said Keppler. “I really enjoy focusing on the lighter side of the news, and life.” Keppler is the morning host for EZ Rock 106.3, and can be heard weekdays from 7 to 11 a.m.

Behind the Wheel Bicycle Lanes, Signs and Markings A reader from Vancouver asked me where the rules came from for bicycle lanes and signs as they could not be found in the provincial driving manual, Learn to Drive Smart. Included in the e-mail was a link to the City of Vancouver's web site which showed a collection of signs and markings that are now in use on the city streets there. I didn't think that this was going to be a tough question! I went to the Manual of Standard Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings for British Columbia. Surely I would find everything there. I couldn't, so I e-mailed the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and asked. The lady that responded pointed me to the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) who she advised were responsible for setting the standards. TAC's documentation is titled Bikeway Traffic Control Guidelines for Canada and must be purchased. Being resourceful (and thrifty) I searched the title on the internet instead. I was able to find a number of useful links that are listed with this article on the DriveSmartBC web site. So, if you are curious about what those "new" signs and pavement markings require you to do as either a driver or a cyclist, my best advice at this point is to check out the City of Vancouver's web site. It seems to be the most comprehensive of the free resources. I can summarize for you, keep your lane discipline, watch out for each other and exercise courtesy when you meet. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit The best insurance rates. Have a Commercial

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The Golden Star

RCMP Report: Thieves found under truck by RCMP in Golden Darryl Crane

Motorcycle stolen 2013-05-08

Bike stolen in downtown Golden 2013-05-02 Police were called by a 13-year-old boy who had his bike stolen from outside the Moose Trax candy store on 9th Avenue North. After a search of the area and speaking with other store owners, police located the bike in the corridor between some buildings and returned it to the owner. No consent found on private property 2013-05-06 A report of people riding dirt bikes along the Blaeberry River and accessing it through private property led the Golden/Field RCMP out to the Blaeberry area. In one instance a property owner’s sign was pulled down. People are reminded that recreational use of motorized vehicles is restricted and they cannot be operated on private property without consent of the owner. Thieves found under a truck 2013-05-07 Golden/Field RCMP received a report of two males seen lurking around vehicles in the Alexander Park Drive area. Police responded and located two males hiding under a truck. The males were arrested for theft from a vehicle. The investigation is ongoing to determine how many vehicles were broken into.

Sometime between May 3 and 5, a 1977 Honda Trail motorcycle was stolen from a Nicholson area home. It is red in colour and has some specific markings on it. Anyone with information is asked to call the Golden RCMP or Crimestoppers. Driving privileges revoked 2013-05-09 A local driver lost his/her driving privileges for 90 days after failing a roadside screening device. The driver held a class 7 license, which prohibits driving after having consumed any alcohol, let alone enough to fail a roadside test placing their blood alcohol level over the legal limit. Golden RCMP kicks in on National Prescription Drop Off Day The RCMP would like to let everyone know that May 11 is National Prescription Drop Off Day. This is a Public Safety led initiative with a goal to provide the public with the opportunity, and encourage them to turn over all unwanted prescription medications so they can be safely destroyed. Expired and unused prescription medications pose a potential threat to Canadians for several reasons: the powerful, addictive and potentially dangerous medications attract criminals who seek profit through diverting and trafficking them to others; individuals, especially our youth, can ingest the medicines found in our homes or bought from dealers with potentially dangerous conse-

quences. Expired medicines pose a risk due to unanticipated complications as active ingredients break down and do not react as expected and improper disposal of the medications poses a risk to the environment. The Golden RCMP, in support of National Prescription Drop Off Day, will be accepting expired and unused prescription medications from Saturday, May 11 to Friday May 17, from anyone who is unable or may chose not to drop off at one of the local pharmacies. Drop off at the Golden RCMP can be done anonymously and there is no obligation for the public to provide their personal details. Saving lives during Canada road safety week May 13-20, 2013 will mark Canada Road Safety Week, a national campaign aimed at making Canada’s roads the safest in the world. This campaign is a police initiative designed to remind people that an essential part of the enforcement job is to save lives and reduce injuries on our roadways. Educating the public about safe driving practices is a priority. The focus will be on behaviours that put drivers, passengers and other road users most at risk. It is a time to remind drivers and passengers across Canada to consciously consider safety whenever they get behind the wheel. Buckle seat belts and ensure youngsters are properly restrained in vehicles according to their age and size. Refrain from drinking and driving. Pay attention to the road at all times and refrain from aggressive driving and distracted driving behaviour. Officers will be continuing to enforce and raise awareness about safe driving. It is important to remember that road safety is everyone’s responsibility not just during Canada Road Safety Week but every day of the year.

London officer finds a new home with the Golden RCMP Darryl Crane It has been a long journey for Const. Mark Pattinson to come from the United Kingdom to Golden. Pattinson is an officer who brings 25 years of experience to the town. Starting in the United Kingdom in 1988, Pattinson worked for 20 years, mainly in and around London. “The biggest difference was that in London I serviced a large metropolitan area. It was very busy and a very violent society. I was regularly involved in street scuffles and public order types of things,” he said. He added he never carried a fire arm for the 20 years he was a police officer in London. “When I first joined, I had a wooden billy club and that was it.” Pattinson explained that for the first six months he was on the street, he did not even have handcuffs due to budget constraints. “I remember my first call I went to as a young lad. I went to a domestic problem. The guy would not listen to us and eventually we had to place him under arrest. We had to go hands on unfortunately. We were rolling around his front room and had to take off our pant belts to tie his hands up,” he said. Pattinson said the laws are very similar between the U. K. and Canada which has made his move to Canada easier. However, there is a great difference in the show of respect for police officers between the two countries. “You get people here coming up to you and telling you that you are doing a good job, they thank you for your efforts. Whereas, in the U.K. they throw something at you,” he said.

He said this lack of respect can be seen with other public servants in the U.K. as well. “I have been at calls where the fire department gets called out, and when they arrive, it is a hoax call. Then a group of 30 or 40 kids throw stones at them or drop stuff on their trucks from bridges,” he said. Pattinson said a number of his police cruisers were damaged over the years in the U.K from people throwing things at them. They threw chainsaws, a samurai sword that was put through the roof, and a refrigerator thrown on his vehicle from a high rise building. He said that he knew it was time for a change and Canada was the perfect fit. “I came to Canada for the first time in 1992 and my wife and I decided that this would be a good country for us,” he said. The couple moved to Canada in 2008 and he started working with the Calgary Police Service. After joining the RCMP, he was assigned to Golden in February. “I have hit the ground running here, and other than learning a few things, everything has been great.” As an outdoorsman, Golden is perfect for Pattinson. “I love hiking , skiing and all of these things are easily accessible. Here the rivers are free access and it is great,” he said Since coming to Canada the family has added a daughter. “It is a great quality of life here for us. Golden is awesome. I love the outdoor life and raising my little girl here will be perfect,” he said. “It is a nice town and people seem very decent. Policing is the same the world over. Provided that you treat people with dignity and respect, then you will gener- Const. Mark Pattinson joined the RCMP after 20 years working as a ally get the same back.” police officer in the United Kingdom. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 15, 2013 A5



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Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The Golden Star


The hard part begins

Capital Tax

All politicians should have 3 hats - one to throw into the ring, one to talk through, and one to pull rabbits out of if electedCarl Sandburg Getting elected is only the beginning. For some politicians, it is the start of a journey that will be remembered as a time where great things were accomplished, or fail- My Way ures were written about on a daily basis. By Darryl Crane After what could have been described as a twoyear campaign to win the hearts and minds of the voters in British Columbia, the latest election has now come and gone. During this period we have heard from all of the parties’ candidates about what they are going to do to look after us. Now the time has once again come where politicians have to sit back and realize that they have been elected. This means that all of those promises they talked about over the past two years, they now have to try to accomplish. The main problem with this is all too often the promises made are like Christmas, when jolly old St. Nick mixes up the houses he brings presents to. Then no one gets what they really wanted. There seems to be two ways to get a vote in modern democratic elections — promise the world, or remind everyone just how terrible the other parties are. During the run up to this election, voters were promised many things to make them want to vote for one party over another. Then on top of that, we are told to be very afraid, of those other parties because if they get elected it will be one step closer to the apocalyptic nightmare we all know will come. That is the nature of the democracy beast. All too often I have heard people make comments around how they were going to vote for one side or the other, not because they particularly like the party or candidate, but more because they fear what the other side will do. It is too bad that fear campaigns are where we are in politics today. But it is true because they work. Fear can be a great factor to help get someone elected, and that is a dangerous game to play. Of course now that the election has ended parties will go to Victoria and sit across from each other and debate and debate and debate, about all of the important things for the province. Where will money be spent? How much help will seniors and children receive? Will the pipeline ever be built, and is there enough cash floating around to fill a few of the bigger holes on the Trans Canada Highway around Golden? The BC NDP have once again ended up on the opposition side of the house. For them the next few years will be spent complaining about all the things the government should be doing. For the BC Liberals, history will start the time clock on how they will be remembered. Those in power are the ones who get remembered for all they accomplish or for where they failed. Only time will tell us if all the promises made really accomplish anything in the end.

In its financial platform, the Provincial NDP has announced its intention to apply a capital tax to all BC Credit Unions with capital in excess of $20 million should they be elected. If this policy is implemented, it will have a significant impact on our organization and the people and organizations associated with us. This tax will be applied regardless of how profitable the credit union is. While other provinces in Canada apply a capital tax on business, cooperative enterprises such as credit unions, are exempted from the tax. As we understand this proposal, the cost to Kootenay Savings will be roughly $780,000 per year and

Proportional Voting Canada is one of the few countries that still is still using a “first past the post” voting system. Between 80 and 90 countries in the developed world have had a “proportional voting system” of one kind or another for most of the last century. Our system often results in phony “majority” governments with only 40 per cent of the votes or less like the one we have now and tends to be “exclusive, competitive and adversarial.” In our

will continue to increase annually as our capital base increases. This is a significant cost that will ultimately be borne by our members, our communities and our employees, as it will have to be paid from income that would otherwise be shared with our members, contributed to community organizations or paid in salaries and benefits. We sincerely hope that the NDP will reconsider this proposed tax on Credit Unions should they form the next Provincial Government. Brent Tremblay President and CEO Kootenay Savings Credit Union

system voter turnout has usually been approximately 60 per cent, sometimes less. Proportional voting enables parliament to hold government accountable, and it also means that political parties have to negotiate with each other to achieve their common goals. That’s why proportional representation creates a more consensual type of government and a more civilized style of politics. They force broader participation in government and also broader agreement on government policies.

These political systems tend to be “characterized by inclusiveness, bargaining and compromise.” Consensus democracies tend to have higher levels of voter satisfaction and much higher voter turnout. They elect more women and minorities, have better social programs, and are at least as well run as we are in terms of inflation and unemployment. Len Mulholland Nelson

POLL OF THE WEEK Would a border tax change your plans to visit the United States?

Yes 57%

No 42%

This week’s poll question: Would you like to see an outdoor arena in Golden? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here. The Golden Star encour-

Letters to the ages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that our community. Editor policy impact We ask that letters be no

longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.

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Star editorial and opinion

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 15, 2013 A7

Celebrating Community Spirit-One Idea at a Time! On Tuesday, June 18th, 2013 You are invited to participate in a Community Open House @ the Golden Civic Centre from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The objective of the event is for citizens to bring their ideas and concepts to a Community Table and listen to the many Community Projects that are underway or being percolated. Three questions will form the outcome of the evening and will appear in the Golden Star for the next three weeks.

Question #1 - I love my community because... “I’m pretty new, but I love that any activity you want to do is just a 10 minute drive away.”

“The people are very friendly. I deal with the public all the time, and it’s nice to be called by name.”

Carrie Peters

Sherry Seidemann

Please contact Karen Cathcart at the College for more information Carbon tax issues Dear Editor: It is more than just another hated tax; the Provincial carbon tax and Pacific Carbon Trust are glaring symbols of a failed political system that is monstrously imbalanced and out of touch with taxpayers. The tax accomplishes nothing according to our Auditor General, has been rejected by all other jurisdictions in North America as an unworkable concept, yet we see no move to address this from either main party. The party in power says it will freeze the current level of the tax but keep it in place, and the opposition party actually plans to expand it and put all the incoming funds under the BC Climate Action Secretariat, which is under the discretionary control of the Premier’s office.

Stingers to people who think vandalism is fun. Stingers to people who get flowers for Valentine’s Day and still have it on their desk in the middle of May. Stingers to the Vancouver Canucks for not getting out of the first round again this year. Stars to getting breakfast in bed on

Mother’s Day. I want that every day. Stingers to people who think it is ok to wake you up way before anyone should be awake. Stars to free, yummy food. Stingers to people who knock political signs over. Stingers to people who can’t keep work in the work

place. Stars to the ladies at the senior centre. Stingers to any referee who thinks a Sedin could knock someone into the boards hard enough for a penalty. Stingers to people who don’t know the difference between coffee and tea. Stars to all the moms.

Send Stars and Stingers to

We are in financial distress as a province, taxed to the limit, yet here we are tilting at windmills with this expensive game. We are a symbolic innovator, says one party in justification; the other at one time opposed it, but when it didn’t get them elected, they one-eightied and said they really loved it all the time. Whatever your degree of environmentalist commitment, the whole thing analytically nets out as just plumb dumb. And the hard truth is both main parties mislead, lie or game the subject, and it ends up just being about insatiable taxation and wasteful spending. We taxpayers had no democratic representation whatsoever throughout this dance macabre. So, if it is such a wasteful disaster as our Auditor General says and the public generally hates it and can ill afford it, where are the voices of reason and corrective change? Sorry, the system says, not allowed by party disci-

pline; we want the money more than we want to do right by the taxpayers. This is a sequel to the HST failure of governance and it is the epitome of a general failure of the system. To all you politicians who advocate nefariously, and to all you politicians who say nothing when you should speak out, you are flirting with sinking this obnoxious ship you sail on. Beware of your taunting and trivializing the electorate, because it is driving us toward a critical mass of dissatisfaction. You have gone too far. This may just be the beginning of an end you all created by the lack of free voices and lack of representative government, and you wouldn’t be the first in political history to have caused your own extinction. Roy Roope Summerland BC

Lady Grey School Update: Gymnastics, Growth Plans, Hoops for Heart Ian Robinson Lady Grey/Field Principal

Don’t miss our Lady Grey Talent Show on Thursday, May 27 at 1:05.

Reminder that our final Lady Grey PAC meeting will be on Monday, May 27 @ 7:00 PM in our school library. Our Volunteer Appreciation lunch will be on Tuesday, June 4. If you volunteered at our school this year and can attend please call our office. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at 344-6317.

Spring has finally come to Field and we’ve been enjoying playing soccer again! We were very lucky to have painting lessons from Joanie Young in May and the children were quite the budding artists! This week we start going to Canmore for swimming and gymnastics lessons. We are looking forward to hosting our moms at the Ladybug Tea and we are very excited to be having a sleepover at school at the end of the month. Mme. Fouillard is coming to join us as this was her idea (Mrs. Larose is not as excited about it as she is!) Our Grade 3 students are going to spend time with their Grade 3 friends in Mrs. Bennett’s class and next year’s Field Kindies are going to be visiting us at the same time. As always, it’s all “go” at Field School!

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Thank you to our SPC and PAC executive for all your hard work and effort this year. Last month they sponsored all our students to have two sessions of gymnastics with Christine Muise at the Kicking Horse Gymnastics club. It was a great success.

Golden Food Bank Society 2013 AGM



With our School Growth Plan being reviewed and revised for early June, all students are participating in the final District Write in the middle of May. As well our teachers have met collaboratively to review this year’s data and goals. There are still lots of activities and events before the end of May. Thanks to the Golden Golf Club our Grade 6/7 classes have just finished two golf sessions at the golf course. We still have our gymnastics equipment in the gym and our Grade 7’s will be running a Hoops For Heart fundraiser at Lady Grey and Jump Rope For Heart at Alexander Park Elementary in the afternoon on May 16.

Field School Happenings:





RSVP to or 250-344-2113

Wednesday, May 29th 12:30pm 1115 9th Street South


Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The Golden Star

Partners In Brine Seafood! Orion’s Fish Bus will be set up in Golden at the Petro-Can card lock next week, Friday, May 24th.

Mix ‘n Match Deal: Shrimp, Halibut Meat, Cod Fillets, Panko Shrimp, Coconut Shrimp, & Battered Cod $20e, any 2/$35! & any 3/$50!! Also, check out Orion’s debut studio album “If you’re feeling cute…” Clever, fun pop/rock. Available on iTunes etc. and at the Fish Bus! Just $20! (worth $21)

Health approved. Good prices. Great selection. Really Good Seafood! We now accept Visa, MasterCard & Debit.

June’s Greenhouse

has re-opened! sunday 1:00pm - 7:00pm

Cash sales! only

Wednesday - Thursday CLOSED

1185 Horse Creek Rd. S.

Monday, Tuesday, Friday & saturday 9:00am - 7:00pm

(at 8 mile) 250 439-9049 for info

Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: Star Trek: Into Darkness (3D) starting Friday May17 and Saturday May18 at 7&9:30pm. SundayThursday at 7pm.

This Week Pilates Core and More Tuesdays & Fridays, Jan.8 - June14, 12-1pm at the Rec Plex. Please bring own mat. All levels welcome. Sign up at the College of the Rockies. Free disposal at all landfills and transfer stations until May25.

CLOSED June 20-28, 2013

Columbia Valley Cycling Society

Call for Tender Cycling and Hiking Trail Infrastructure Improvement on Mt. Swansea, Invermere, B.C. For documents and information contact Dave Lammerse at

Wed, May 15 Golden Youth Centre drop in every Wednesday from 3:30-9pm. Jam nights every Wednesday evening. Jam night at the Rockwater.

Closing date: May 29th, 2013 at 16:30.

ATTENTION all DYNAMIC DIVAS, DAFFODILS, QUEENS OF THE NIGHT and all former Relay for Life team members. Remember the fun, ceremony, night time laps along the luminary lit track? Would you like to relive those moments? Let’s form a Golden team to join the Invermere Relay for Life June 15 & 16! I am willing to team captain since I am in Invermere. If you are interested please let me know as soon as possible. It has been a few years, time to once again Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back. Let’s go Golden! Sue Hein 250-342-0121


Golden Parent and Tot Play Lets parents and kids from birth to five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-noon. Mountain Prana Running Club Wednesdays 5:30pm. Email hollietataryn@gmail. com for more info. Autobiographical Writing for adults - Free 8 week program to introduce techniques for organizing an autobiography. No experience necessary! Apr.24June12 1-3pm. To register call 250-439-9665.

Golden Taps Pub.

Trapper every Saturday night.

Golden Voice Toastmasters Thursdays 7-8:30pm at COTR Rm 121. New members welcome. For info call Delanee Jmaiff 250-344-0652.

Storytime at the Golden Library 10:30-11:30am. Free drop-in, contact 250344-6516.

Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Free Homework Help at the Youth Centre 3:305pm Grades 4-7. Snacks included. Drop in. Bridge Club Every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Thursday 20% off all services, call 250-344-5766. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. The Shrugs May16 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar.

Fri, May 17 Mother Goose Program Fridays until June7 from 10:30-11:30am at the public library. Drop in, snacks included. Golden Youth Centre drop in Fridays from 3:30-9pm and movie night every Friday from 7-9pm. Bridge Club Fridays, 7-10pm at St. Andrews Centre for Peace. Contact 250-3445448.

Swimming Pool Grand Opening May18 from 1-8pm. Praise and Eucharist Saturday May18 St. Paul’s Anglican Church 913 9th St S, 6pm. All welcome! Childrens Spirit Faire at the Museum 11-4pm feat. A-muse Troupe.

Sun, May 19 Junior Climbing Club at Dogtooth Climbing Gym 12:30-2pm. Booking is recommended 250-3446444. Kytami May19 at the Golden Taps Pub 9pm.

Mon, May 20 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Rockwater Bar & Grill Music Bingo every Monday night. Indoor Soccer at Mount 7 RecPlex Mondays 8:309:30pm until June24. Mountain Prana Running Club Mondays 5:30pm. Email hollietataryn@gmail. com for more info.

Tues, May 21 John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Rockwater Grill & BarR


Q & A for Adventists. All Questions welcome. Please email me at Thank you!!

Pat Luders - Portraits in Bronze Apr.26-May21 at the Art Gallery of Golden.

The Heart & Stroke’s Big Bike May15. Call Goldie 250-344-6614 or 344-1047 for more info. The Brains May15 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar $5.

Thurs, May 16 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the

This week's achievement award goes to...

• For more information... go to

A Good Morning networking event on May17 at the Visitor’s Centre from 7:30-8:30am. Devon Coyote May17 at the Golden Taps Pub 9pm.

Sat, May 18

Upcoming Events

Let’s Do Lunch Learn how to set and achieve your goals at the Island Restaurant on May22 at 12pm. RSVP by May21 at: Sport for Life Night May22 6:30pm at the Civic Centre.

Karaoke Night at The Mad

Elliott Brood at the Rockwater Grill and Bar May24 tickets $25. UFC at Omega May25 $10 cover 8pm. Golden Dolphins Bottle Drive May25 10-4pm. They will be going door-to-door, or you can drop off behind the bottle depot that day. Little Chimps Preschool Open House and Childrens Art Auction May28 at Alexander Park Elementary (room 16) 6-7:30pm. Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce AGM May29 6-10pm, location TBA. Johnny Good Band May29 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar. Stone Iris at The Golden Taps May31. Golden RCMP 28th Annual Charity Golf Tournament June10 shotgun start 9am. For more info please call 250-344-2221. Lars Moston June12 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar. Relay for Life. Looking to form a Golden team to join Invermere June15&16. Interested? Call Sue Hein 250-342-0121 as soon as possible. Cobra Ramone June18 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar. Celebrating Community Spirit, a community open house June18 at the Civic Centre 6-9pm. For more info: 250-344-5901. Summer Kicks Series Cousin Harley June19 at Spirit Square. Ziggy Marley at the Golden Civic Centre June22, tickets go on sale May11.

Madyson Oslund for working hard and keeping a positive attitude.

Stop in by May 22, 2013 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 15, 2013 A9

Golden Moments: Nothing feels better than being in Golden Darryl Crane

Bill Ewing knew the time had come to leave Ontario and found the perfect place to call home after visiting family in Golden. Ewing came to Golden in 1971 from Chatham, Ontario. He said that one of the main reasons the move was made, was because of his issues with arthritis. “I came out here for a visit to see my fatherin-law and it cleared up so I decided to stay.” Ewing said that the dry air in the mountains is much better for him compared to the dampness in the air back east. When he came to Golden the town left a unique first impression on him. “When my wife and I got off the train, we thought we had gone back in time,” he said. “They still had hitch rails in front of the old lodge where the hostel is now. Even the train station with the wooden platform looked like something from the past.” How the town looked was just the start for Ewing who also fell in love with the mountains. “I liked the scenery. If I go back to Ontario for a holiday, I can’t wait to get back because everything changes every day. You look out your window and there are different shapes in the mountain.” The first winter Ewing spent in Golden was one filled with heavy snow. “We had lots of snow back then. I know in 1971 when I was living in the trailer court, I remember shovelling snow off the roof of my trailer, but I had to throw it up in the air,” he said. “We had a tunnel going from our door out to the road.” Ewing spent a numbers of years working at the mill in Donald.

“Me and my cousin would be working outside when it was minus 20 in our t-shirts. People looked at us kind of funny, but it was different than Ontario. It wasn’t damp, it was dry,” he said. “I miss that mill since it closed down.” One thing he does not miss from those days is moving around the railway ties that were produced at the mill. Ewing said they were dangerous to move and workers really had to watch their feet when working with them. The friendliness of the people is something that has never changed since Ewing moved to Golden. “If you went into a store people would talk to you and ask if you wanted anything. Back in Chatham you did not know your neighbours. People kept to themselves. Here, I knew almost everyone in the trailer park in a week. The people did and still make you feel welcomed,” he said. Ewing said things have changed in Golden, many businesses have come and gone over the years, but that is just the way things go. “It has gotten a lot bigger and they have cleaned the town up quite a bit. It seems to get better every year. Some of the older buildings looked scruffy, and they have resurfaced them and made them more modern. It makes it look like home. That’s just the way of life.” Ewing did not enjoy his retirement as much as he hoped he would, so when he is not working part time at Tru Hardware he volunteers with The Royal Canadian Legion in Golden. “It is to support the vets. It is important to keep the Legion going. Those people serve our country and we need to support them,” he said.


Bill Ewing came to Golden partially for his health but also for the great view. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

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250 344-5251

www.the Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS


Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The Golden Star

Navneet Rondeau receives Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal Darryl Crane While at a conference in Vernon, Capt. Navneet Rondeau of the 3066 LdSH(RC) Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps (RCACC), received a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. Rondeau found out in December that she was going to receive the award. “I was surprised and it was hard to believe,” she said. “It was shocking and exciting. I am honoured.” Rondeau did not know that her name was being considered for the award before finding out she was going to receive it. She felt it was important to say that the award was something she would share with the cadets in Golden. “It was exciting to share with them because they are the reason I have the award. In my opinion, I take pride in what I do and it is nice to be recognized. I don’t do it to receive something or to be acknowledged, but it is nice.” Rondeau said that she was humbled to receive the award that has been given to other people in Golden, for whom she has a great deal of respect. “I am so proud to be recognized with people like Paul (Hambruch) and Christina (Benty). I knew Mr. Hambruch. He was a great supporter for the cadets. He made personal donations to army cadets that helped us over the years. Christina is a friend of mine and to receive it together makes it a little more special,” she said. Rondeau wanted to stress how important the cadets are for children in the area. She said the cadets gives members a chance to learn about many different things while making new friends. “It is about adventure and friendship and it is free. There is no charge. We do fund-raising sometimes to support our legion. Right now we are offering services to people who are looking to have their yard maintenance done, with all funds raised going to the local legion.” Anyone interested in using the yard service can call Pictured left to right are Aneesha Birk, Seth Rondeau, Capt. Navneet Rondeau, Mitasha Sewprashad and Commander Stan Bates. Photo Submitted Rondeau at 250-344-2312.

Golden Rotary Club

Thanks You!

Thank you to all the businesses who donated to our 2013 silent auction:

A&W Acclaim Hotel Alpine Auto Alpine Helicopters Alpine Rafting Apple Island Naturals Avaterra Services Avon Products/Helen Tress Bacchus Books BC Hydro BC Visitor Centre Bean Bag Coffee Bell Star Hotels & Resorts Ben Adama Bev Ewan Big Bend Café Birchbank Golf Course Body Quest Brand Source Bruce McKenzie Butchart Gardens Calgary Flames Cal Gas Call of the Wild Pet Service Canyon Creek Pottery Canyon’s Edge Restaurant Castlegar Golf Club Castlegar Super 8 Cedar House Central Signs Chatter Creek Mountain Lodges Coast Plaza Stanley Park College of the Rockies Columbia Basin Trust Columbia Towing Columbia Valley Credit Union Columbia Valley Driving School Columbia Veterinary Services Columbia Wetland Adventure

Country Comfort B&B Cutis McKenzie Darkside DJ’s Paper Place Downtown Auto Wash Dr. Erica Buckley Strobel Dr. Link Chiropractic Dr. Tim Styles East Kootenay Fuel Sales Ed Coupland Contracting Elite Sound & Light Ewan and McKenzie EZ Rock Fairly Law Fairmont Hot Springs Resort Fairmont Waterfront Hotel Falkins Insurance Fields Flying W Trail Rides Focus Corporation Fountain Tire GKHAT Golden and District Museum Golden Bakery and Deli Golden Dental Centre Golden Dolphins Swim Club Golden Dollar Store Golden Golf Course Golden Graphix Golden Grizzly Cookhouse Golden Hardware Golden Husky Travel Centre Golden Installations Golden Junk Golden Minor Hockey Golden Photography Golden Physiotherapy and Sports Golden Reddi Mart Express Golden Taps Pub

Gottler Bros. Gurski Enterprises H&R Block Heather Mountain Lodge Higher Ground Hindman Bowers Funeral Home HMC Services Invermere Rotary Jackson Contracting & Excavating Jana Visions Jepson Petroleum Jepson Propane Jim Doyle Jita’s Cafe Joan Dolinsky Jones Trading Post Joni Young Jungle Room K.Lim Accounting Kal Tire Kat Hadford Photography Kicking Horse Appraisals Kicking Horse Coffee Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Kicking Horse Interiors Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Kicking Horse River Lodge Kootenay Pumping Le Beausoleil B&B Legendz Diner Leigan Enterprises Ltd. Lorna Joy Heirloom Local Townie Newspaper Lordco Auto Parts Louisiana Pacific Lynne Romano Business Consulting Mary Kay/Ellen Hatlevik Marys Motel McDonald’s Restaurant

McTar Petrolium Merc Flooring and Paint Mistaya Lodge Moberly Home Brew Moberly Mechanical Moberly Wood Products Moose Trax Fudge Motor - Tech Mountain Motorsports Mountainside Gardens Napa Auto Parts Numbers and Letters Business Solutions Ltd. Off the Wall Entertainment Overwaitea Foods Pacific Coastal Park Inn Parks Canada Parkys Heating & Cooling Penn Acres Boarding Kennels Peoples Drugmart Personal Touch Hair & Body Day Spa Personal Touch Laser Centre Petro Canada Hwy #1 Platinum Pacific Financial Ponderosa Motor Inn Porcelan Garden Prestige Inn - Golden Purcell Heli Skiing Ramada Inn Red Diamond Restaurant Red Tomato Pies Ringheim and Company Rock Water Pub Rockets Hockey Club Royal BC Museum Sarah Osadetz Scentsy/Jeanette Jackson Sears

Selkirk Electric Selkirk Service Shell Select Shelly Soles Sher’s Photography Signature Clothing Sobeys Solara Canmore St. Eugene Golf Course Stephanie Davis Design Strive for Excellence Subway Restaurant Sue Rowe Swiss Village Motel The Golden Star The Island Restaurant Tim Hortons Tim Parker Financial TLA Motorsports Top Notch/Brent’s Board Shop Travel Lodge Golden Sportsman Lodge Tru Hardware United Towing Vagabond Lodge Vancouver Canucks Organization Victoria Opera Society Victoria Regent Hotel Vivid Hair Studio Warren Ward Weatherall Services Weir Consolidated Wet ‘n Wild Whitetooth Mountain Bistro Wildstone Golf Course Will Wardwell Willhorse Winston Lodge Zodiak Hemp

And thank you to all the bidders who came out to make our auction a success!

Check out the Golden Rotary Club at: And Like Us on Facebook at Rotary, Golden BC

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 15, 2013 A11

Ford of Canada is very pleased to present THE PRESIDENTS DIAMOND CLUB AWARD to


They are the only dealer in the Kootenays to receive this prestigious award given to dealers with the highest customer satisfaction as voted on by their customers. Only one dealer in their group receives this award.

Kicking Horse Ford would like to thank their customers and staff for making this possible. “IT IS NOT ABOUT AWARDS OR TROPHIES, IT IS ABOUT SATISFYING THE CUSTOMER, PERIOD.”

THANK YOU for your support and we look forward to giving you award-winning service for many years to come!




Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The Golden Star

Stop seeus….. us….. Stopby by to to see During openhouse house & & children’s artart auction During ourour open children’s auction May 28th, 2013

May 28th, 2013 6:00-7:30 pm 6:00-7:30 pm Come see what we’re all about; meet other families and the

preschool staff. There will be a meet children’s art families auction and all the Come see what we’re all about; other and the proceeds will be donated to Cops For Kids. Light preschool staff. There will be a children’s art auction and all refreshments will be served. the proceeds will be donated to Cops For Kids. Light refreshments will be served. Pictured We are located in room 16 at Alexander Park Elementary School

above are just a few examples of art which has been turned into stamps in Canada. Photo Submitted

We are located in room 16 at Alexander Park Elementary School

Gallery at the post Ron Tabbert submitted

NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE APPLICATION This is to advise that Council of the Town of Golden will consider a Development Variance Permit respecting 1120 14th St. North at the following Regular Open Council Meeting: Date: Location: Time:

Tuesday June 4th, 2013 Council Chambers, Golden Town Hall, 810 9th Ave South, Golden B.C. 7:00 pm

PURPOSE: The applicant proposes to vary Town of Golden’s Sign Bylaw 830, 1991 Schedule A ‘Freestanding Signs’ as follows: - Increase the maximum height of freestanding signs from 10.67 m to 11.84 m; and - Increase the maximum area of freestanding signs from 13.94 m to 14.63 m SUBJECT PROPERTY Civic: 1120 14th St. North Legal: LOT 1 SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 27 RANGE 22 WEST OF THE 5TH MERIDIAN KOOTENAYDISTRICT PLAN 9350. Figure 1: Subject Property 1120 14th St. N. A copy of the staff report, relevant background information and draft permit will be available for public inspection from Thursday, May 9th 2013 to Tuesday, June 4th 2013 at the Town Hall (810 9th Avenue South) during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday excluding statutory holidays. The information will also available on the Town of Golden website at under Public Notices. Any person who believes their interests may be affected by this proposed Development Variance Permit may appear in person, or by agent, the evening of the Regular Council meeting, or submit a petition or written comments by mail or email no later than 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, June 4th 2013 to the attention of the Corporate Officer, Town of Golden by: Fax: 250-344-6577; Email:; or Post: P.O. Box 350, Golden B.C V0A 1H0 No letter, report or representation from the public will be received by Council after the conclusion of the Tuesday June 4th, 2013 Meeting. Please note that all submissions are a matter of public record. Jon Wilsgard, Corporate Officer

The Art Gallery of Golden never ceases to amaze with one exciting exhibit after another, and such a variety of artisanal products for sale. Anyone who doesn’t stop in at least a few times a year truly misses a rich element of our community. Art on stamps has become a popular topical among collectors, and postal administrations have made an annual art stamp a staple among their issues. Canada Post has expanded its art series to include the work of great photographers. Ask for this set of ten stamps at our local Post. Depending on how broadly one wants to define the topic, all stamps are a work of art so to speak. And, most early stamps were all based on portraits of royalty or events such as Fathers of Confederation, painted by Robert Harris and issued as a stamp in 1917. The first stamps issued to specifically feature art works themselves was a 1967 set based on works by the “Group of Seven.” They celebrated our nation with paintings showing natural wonders and settings. Being a farm boy and enjoying the mountains, my favourites are John Ensor’s painting of grain elevators in the snow titled Summer Stores, and Lawren Harris’s Bylot Island with its icy mountain inlet. Mary Irqqiquq’s two soapstone sculptures were used for the 1968 Christmas stamps, and the centennial of the birth of painter Marc-Aurele de Fiy Suzor Cote was commemorated in 1969 with his painting Returning from the Harvest Field. It shows a couple carrying grain sheaves on their backs. This was the beginning of full colour art stamps, doing more justice to the work of artists. The fiftieth anniversary of the “Group of Seven” was marked in 1970 with a painting by Arthur Lismer, and the next year Emily Carr was feted with a reproduction of Big Raven. Several of Robert Bateman’s wildlife paintings became the basis for a series in the late 1970s. He made a presentation in Golden some years ago and autographed one of my covers (envelope with stamp and cancel) of his bison stamp. A 1988 large-size, international rate stamp showed Ozias Leduc’s The Young Reader. Fourteen stamps in this now annual series were issued over the next dozen years. Maybe the names are familiar: The Automatistes, Jean-Paul Riopelle, Jean-Paul Lemieux, Homer Watson, Dorothy Knowles, Mary Pratt, Jack Bush, and Daphne Odjig. In 2008, the “art” was photographs taken by the famous photographer Yousef Karsh, and in 2012 sculptures by Joe Fafard were featured. For a look at this “art exhibit” and other examples, join the Golden Stamp Club at Trinity Lutheran Church, 3:00pm, Sunday, May 26. Questions? Ron at 250-344-5939 or .

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 15, 2013 A13

Ziggy fans camp out early at Art Gallery of Golden The lineup for tickets for the Golden show Ziggy Marley In Concert, started at approximately 7 a.m. (the doors at the Art Gallery of Golden did not open until 10 a.m.) on May 11. Local music lovers brought breakfast and chairs to make the experience as comfortable as possible before they were let into the gallery to purchase their tickets for the June 22 show. Photo Submitted

Vancouver trio The Shrugs coming to town

The Shrugs, are going to play a live performance in Golden, for one show only at the Rockwater Grill and Bar, on Thursday May 16. Photo Submitted Golden Star Staff Vancouver’s up and coming indie band, The Shrugs, are coming to Golden for one show only at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on

Thursday May 16. Young, brilliant and unique, The Shrugs are among Canada’s most promising indie-rock acts. The trio made up of Caitlin Connelly (vocals), Brandon Johnas (guitar) and Stephanie

Cole (bass), compose emotionally charged songs inspired by hyperactive imaginations, and a passion for creativity. Their music may reflect their influences, such as Metric and the Arcade Fire, but

the band has etched its own distinct mark on their genre. In 2011 the band hit the studio with critically acclaimed producer Jeff Dawson (Daniel Powter, Kelly Rowland, State of Shock). The result was an EP, Til the World Ends, showcasing the band’s talents, and bringing to light a polished foursong product that truly highlights their unparalleled sound. Hard work ethic coupled with a strong sense of community inspires The Shrugs to make regular charitable contributions while connecting with their fans on the closest personal level. Exhibiting a strong level of maturity has fueled fan allure, while capturing the attention of a number of industry executives, and charting at number 10 on the Top 10 Most

Active Indies Chart in August 2012. They also participated in the 2012 CFOX Seeds Competition in Vancouver as a Top 20 band, and are continuing their upward climb to major success in Canada’s music industry. To hear music from Til the World Ends, go to

KICKING HORSE Boarding Kennels

Day care and overnight stays 250-344-2184 •


Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The Golden Star

New board members at Tourism Golden

Golden THE

Jessica Schwitek 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251

After their first year having Kicking Horse Mountain Resort in their coverage area, Tourism Golden has some positive figures to report at their annual general meeting on May 2. Their revenue from the two per cent accommodators’ tax increased by nine per cent for their past fiscal year, with overall revenue increasing by just under nine per cent. “We are in a strong financial position,” said Joanne Sweeting, marketing manager for Tourism Golden. Sweeting said they’ve made in the past year (such as a 19 per cent increase in website visits), and the community’s extensive coverage in national and even international media. The room at the Island Restaurant was

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Tourism Golden held a vote at their annual general meeting to fill three board positions. Mike Dhami, from left, Lynn Moffat and Ken Chillibek were voted in. Les Morgetak (not pictured) also gained a board position. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo packed for the AGM, serving as an indicator of just how much the organization has strengthened in the seven years since it began. It was not too long ago Tourism Golden struggled to find people to serve on their board. Now they are holding elections for board positions because too many people put

their names forward. Moving forward, Tourism Golden intends to build on the success they have been having. They are continuing to work on their website, and will be launching a threeyear research project to gather behavioural and satisfaction information about visitors to Golden. “The increase in accommodator tax

revenue indicates success, but it tells us nothing about our customers,” said Sweeting. The research project will explore who Golden’s visitors are, what they do while they are here, what they are happy with, and what they are not happy with. All the data will be confidential, and will help tourism companies improve their operations.

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Mark McFadden catches the ball for his team Sons of Pitches at Tuesday evening soft ball. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 15, 2013 A15

Filling the shelves

Pictured above are Louise Morris (left) and president of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion in Golden, Annette Lefebvre (right) who presented Amelia Coupland with a 60 year service medal on May 10. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Sixty years of service recognized Darryl Crane It was a special night at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #122 in Golden on May 10 when Amelia Coupland received an award from the Ladies Auxiliary for her 60 years of service. Coupland explained that her whole family was involved with the legion. “It was my desire to help out with my children and husband. We all worked diligently together. I always wish my husband was here to see this because he was the one who helped guide me,” she said. Coupland joined the legion in Golden after moving to the area from Lamont, Alberta. “I met my husband, Kenneth, when he

returned from overseas after serving in World War 2 and we worked together with the group,” she said. Coupland added she enjoyed helping the legion by cooking at events. “When at baseball, I would cook hot dogs and hamburgers. My children would play when I was cooking.” She had been recognized for her service before, having already received the Meritorious Service Award from the Ladies Auxiliary “You work and you don’t think about being honoured. You work in the way your heart tells you to and all of a sudden they spring this one me and I feel honoured. I want to say thank you to the ladies auxiliary and the men’s branch.”

Co-ordinator of the Golden Food Bank Society Barb Davies and Assistant Manager of Overwaitea Cory Butler, show off some of the 120 bags purchased by customers that have been donated to the Golden Food Bank. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Sport for Life Night for an active life Jessica Schwitek Having a passion for sports, and an active lifestyle does not need to end when you’re a teenager. Sport for Life, a growing trend nationwide, aims to teach parents, coaches, and individuals how to stay active and engaged throughout their lives. “It’s about driving that passion, and through that education process get them excited about staying active and engaged in sport for their lifetime,” said Jordan Petrovics, manager of recreation services for the Town of Golden. The recreation department is hosting a Sport for Life Night, featuring key note speaker Dave Ellis. With a Masters in Kinesiology, and national level coaching experience, Ellis will talk

about how to develop an athlete from a young age in a way that nurtures their passion and skill. “There are a lot of examples out there of kids who started in a sport, got pushed too hard or not coached properly, and they end up dropping out, and potentially never get back into another activity,” said Petrovics. Ellis will discuss when it is best to introduce sport for play to a toddler, when to introduce it as a training element, and when to introduce competitive aspects. He will also be talking about Golden’s recreational opportunities, and how to stay engaged with the community. “It’s designed for everybody. It’s not intended to be a presentation on how to brew the Olympic athletes of tomorrow. It’s catered more to getting everybody active,”

said Petrovics. “It’s about getting out there and having fun. And the more people we have doing that, the more successful all of our different groups and organizations will be.” The Town is hosting this free event in partnership with the Columbia Basin Trust, and the Golden Rockets Association will be hosting a refreshments table with beer and wine. Sport for Life Night is on Wednesday May 22 at the Golden Civic Centre. The doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the presentation starts at 7 p.m. “All public is encouraged to come, anyone who is interested in being a part of the recreation community, and people who are interested in finding out more about how to get active and enjoy all the things that Golden has to offer,” said Petrovics.

Golden R.C.M.P. 28th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Monday, June 10th, 2013 Shotgun Start at 9:00 am

Proceeds to GSS Scholarship Fund $95.00 - Non Golf Club Members $60.00 - Golf Club Members

Entry fee includes: 18 Holes of R.C.M.P. Scramble Golf Dinner and Prizes for all. Golf carts included Pay early to guarantee a spot. Maximum 100 golfers. Registration, starting placement & to request a member to golf on your team, contact Sharon at the Golden R.C.M.P. detachment at 344-2221.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The Golden Star

Home and Lifestyle Show hair cuts support Cops for Kids

Students from the College of the Rockies Hairdressing Program were at the Golden Home and Lifestyle Show, giving $5 hair cuts in support of Cops for Kids. They raised around $600 for the group. (From left) Courtney McLeod, Donna Wiersma, Cops for Kids rider Amber Brunner, Carolyn Anderson, Leslie Clark, Gillian Bunnell, and Paige Hiraoka. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo


May is Child Care Month in British Columbia Golden Child Care Resource Submitted

Required Immediately

Full & Part Time drivers

must have class 1, 2, or 4. Benefits included. Please drop off resume with recent driver’s abstract at Mount 7 Taxi office 801-10th Ave. S. or Email: 250-344-5237


British Columbia has proclaimed May 2013 as “Child Care Month” and Thursday, May 16, 2013 as “Child Care Provider Appreciation Day”. Child Care Month and Child Care Provider Appreciation Day have been celebrated in British Columbia since 1982. Many parents and children in Golden have had the opportunity to experience quality child care programming. Golden’s child care services are delivered through various settings including licensed family child care, registered license not required care, after school


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If you have never composted or composted with an Earth machine, a 20 minute training session will be conducted when you pick up your composter

To obTain an applicaTion Form: Call 250-833-5936 1-888-248-2773, or go to Forms may be mailed, faxed, e-mailed or dropped off at the CSRD main office located at: 781 Marine Park Drive NE PO Box 978 Salmon Arm BC V1E 4P1 fax: 250-832-1083 e-mail:

care, preschools and a variety of informal and child minding programs. The programs and the people employed in the child care sector in Golden offer an essential service to children, their families and our community. When parents have appropriate child care arrangements they are able to go to work, participate in employment programs, attend high school, study at the post secondary level and access funding supports from B.C.’s Child Care Subsidy Program. Quality child care programs provide our children with the best possible start in hands on science, social, emotional and self-help skills, creativity and prob-

lem solving, self esteem and self confidence, language and cognition as well as literacy and numeracy skills. A career in child care is a huge responsibility and requires enormous patience, understanding and skill. Research indicates positive experiences in the early years, including access to enriching and nurturing child care opportunities are critical to a child’s healthy development and play an important role in children’s future academic and social success. Please take the time this Thursday, May 16 to acknowledge the work being done by child care providers in Golden and extend a special thank you to your child care provider.

Bringing recreation groups together Jessica Schwitek Golden is blessed with a substantial number of recreational, cultural, and not-for-profit groups that provide the community with a wide array of activities. So many in fact, that it can be hard to find them all. The Town of Golden Recreation Department is starting a program to bring these groups together so that residents can see what the town has to offer. “We have so many different non-for-profit groups and clubs in the community that are out there initiating and running different programs from swim club, to karate, to leisure and drop in programs,” said Jordan Petrovics, manager of recreation services for the Town of Golden. “We’ve started a partnership program where the clubs can be a partner with the Town.” The Recreation and Cultural Partnership Program will have a page on the Town of Golden website ( where all these groups can showcase what they have to offer. Any group that is in good financial standing, is insured, and offers a recreational or cultural service to the public (can be for-profit or

not-for-profit groups), can partner with the Town to help get the word out. “So if you’re new in town, and you have kids that are interested in dance club, karate, scouts, and hockey, now you can go to one place and see who you need to contact,” said Petrovics. “We want people to realize how many opportunities we have in the community for recreation.” So far there are about 20 groups who have signed on, but Petrovics estimates that there are closer to 200 groups in town who would be eligible to participate. The only thing the Town is asking in return is an annual report from each group (outlining general information such as the number of people in the group, their age, and where they live). That data will help the recreation department use their resources more effectively. “As a recreation department we can look at ways to help make things easier for these groups, how they can use our spaces more effectively, and it allows me to give more detailed reports to council,” said Petrovics. Anyone interested in hearing more about the partnership program can go to, or contact the recreation department at

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 15, 2013 A17

Rolling their way to overall bowling champions Pictured left are the overall champions of the 2012/2013 bowling league in Golden. From left to right are Lyle Cutler, Jamie Brown, Gerry Johansen, Tascha Bannister and Lavana Rebidoux. Darryl Crane/ Star Photo

Carter Cochrane steps up his game with the Chilliwack Chiefs Golden Star Staff

Carter Cochrane, Chilliwack Chiefs Star Photo

The Chilliwack Chiefs have announced the commitment of defenseman Carter Cochrane for the 20132014 season. Cochrane, from Kamloops B.C., played for the Kootenay International Junior Hockey Leagues, Golden

Rockets, during the 2012-2013 season. Last season he scored nine goals and 12 assists in 34 games and added three goals and 11 assists in 10 playoff games. He also played one game for the Chiefs. Cochrane is the younger brother of Chiefs forward Tanner Cochrane.

On a release on the Chiefs’ website, Chiefs General Manager and Head Coach Harvey Smyl said Cochrane performed well at the recently completed Chiefs Spring Evaluation Camp. “Carter impressed our scouting staff during the season and at our spring camp,” he stated.

Jersey with online registration by May 24, 2013, shipping and handling fees apply. Space is limited – parents are encour-

aged to sign up on line in advance to avoid disappointment. Players can register today at

He added that he believes Cochrane has the character it

British soccer is on its way to Golden Golden Minor Soccer Submitted As the number of soccer players continues to grow the number one soccer company in the United States and Canada, Challenger Sports, has been invited to hold one of their highly regarded “British Soccer Camps” right here in the growing soccer community of Golden again in 2013. 
 Golden Minor Soccer has teamed up to host the week long “British Soccer Camp” during the week of July 8-12. The camp will run Monday through Friday and each child will be coached by a member of Challenger’s team of British soccer coaches flown to the Canada exclusively to work on

these programs. Challenger’s new coaching syllabus provides an innovative daily regimen of foot-skills, moves, juggling, tactical practices and daily tournament play. Challenger also weaves lessons on respect, responsibility, integrity, leadership and sportsmanship into the camper’s daily routine. The British Soccer Camp program also provides a unique cultural experience for the players, highlighted in the Camp World Cup. The coaches use this daily tournament to teach the players about life, customs and traditions of other countries. The campers are asked to make up soccer chants, wear the team colours of

their country, bring flags and learn as much as they can about the country they represent. Golden Minor Youth Soccer Association is offering “British Soccer Camp” sessions for the following ages: July 8 – 12,9 a.m.-12 p.m. Player development, ages 6-16 years. 1-2:30 p.m., mini soccer, ages 4-6 years. Teams are also welcome to attend and receive a week of focused instruction to prepare them for the fall season. Each camper will receive a free soccer camp t-shirt, a free soccer ball, a free giant soccer poster and a personalized skills performance evaluation. They can also receive a free official British Soccer Game

takes to be a part of the Chilliwack Chief organization.

Bottle Drive Saturday, May 25th 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Our Dolphins will be going door to door collecting donations, or you can drop off behind the bottle depot on this day.


Start saving your bottles & support the Golden Dolphins!

Request for Quotations Winter Sand Supply (2013-2015) The Town of Golden invites quotations for the supply of winter sand for a three year term. Proposals must include cost allowances for all necessary materials, equipment, labour, supervision, and all other things necessary to supply the mixed product to the Town of Golden Public Works Yard by September 30th on an annual basis. The Public Works Yard is located at 1215 11th Avenue North in Golden. The RFQ document is available free of charge at Town Hall during regular business hours at 810 9th Ave South, Golden, BC. Proponents may also email to request an electronic version of the RFQ or download one from the Bids and Tenders section or our website, Sealed quotations clearly marked “Winter Sand Supply” will be received no later than May 15th, 2013 at 2:00 p.m., local time, at Town Hall located at 810 S. 9th Avenue, PO Box 350, Golden, BC V0A 1H0. All general and technical inquiries may be directed to: Chris Cochran, Manager of Operations Phone: 250-344-2271/226 Fax: 250-344-6577 Email:


Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The Golden Star

A great day on the greens at the Shriner’s Tournament Golfers took to the links at the Golden Golf Club in support of the Shriner’s Charity Tournament held on May 11. Pictured left to right are Glen Birnie, Bryce Piggot, Ben Adama, Pete Elk, Mark Nagao, Kent Lapp and “Old Bruce.” Darryl Crane/ Star Photo

Construction begins on development for a new trailhead Golden Cycling Club Submitted The Golden Cycling Club recently began development of a new trail head to provide access to the south end of the local Moonraker trail system. When the original Sander Lake trail head was lost to the public in 2011, Nicholson landowners Jim and Nichole Gudjonson offered their property as an alternative site. The cycling club had hoped the Columbia Shuswap Regional District would partner with them but after two years of inaction the club has decided to proceed on its own. “We know the CSRD has strict guidelines when it comes to the use of public money on private property but after two years the Club feels it cannot wait any longer.” Club director Rick Seward explained. “The Canyon Creek trail is popular with the public but has suffered from the poor access.” On April 27, 39 volunteers showed up to

begin construction of a trail from the new parking area to the Canyon Creek trail. The steep hillside presented a challenge but the group was able to build 200 metres of trail. Warren Chambers, another club director, had this to say, “We were caught off guard. Normally we anticipate maybe half the number and were short on tools and lunch. This volunteer effort represents a $3,200 contribution to the community!” The next volunteer day for this project will take place on Saturday, May 18. The cycling club expects the entire project to be completed this year. In addition to the new trail, the project includes work done last year when GCC worked with the provincial Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations to protect some of the goat habitat on the Canyon Creek trail by building a reroute that directs cyclists away from one of the salt licks Volunteers came out to start the work near the Moonraker trail sysfound there. tem on April 27. Photo Submitted

Golden cubs and scouts gather to help clean up Yoho Park Darryl Crane Recently a group of dedicated Cubs and Scouts from Golden took part in a clean up in Yoho National Park. The group went into the park to pick up garbage and other discarded items from along the Trans Canada Highway. Madison Crandall has been a member of Cubs for the five months and felt it was important to take part in the clean up activity. “We picked up garbage in the park. We found a lot of stuff up there. There was a lot of car parts and even a burned tire,” she said. Crandall said she thinks people should be much more careful when they think about littering. “I think they should only leave things that can compost down into the ground.” She said she wanted to be a Cub because they get to have a lot of adventures and it was something new for her to try. “It has been an adventure. I really like it and enjoy being part of the group. I have made new friends as well. If we do a clean up again I will take part.”

It was a great day in Yoho National Park near Golden when a group of cubs and scouts (pictured left) cleaned up some of the garbage that had been left behind by people who use the park. Photo Submitted

Starbusiness directory

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 15, 2013 A19

Golden Business Directory Golden Shoe Company


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Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The Golden Star

Ford stays in Diamond Club Darryl Crane Kicking Horse Ford in Golden was once again recognized as one of the top dealerships in Canada and was awarded the Presidents Diamond Club Award for the 9th time. The local business was the only dealer in the Kootenay region to receive the award, which is based on of customer satisfaction. “There was only one winner in our group and we were fortunate it was us,” said Dealer Principal and General Manager of Kicking Horse Ford, Dan Maisonneuve The fact that the award is based mainly on customer satisfaction means a great deal to Maisonneuve. “It is about taking pride in our customer satisfaction. The customers are the life blood of anybody’s business and if you do not look after them someone else will,” he said. “We really appreciate the feedback from the customers.

Happy crew at McHappy Day

Dan and Naomi Maisonneuve were recognized with a President’s Diamond Club Award. Darryl Crane/Star Photo We received the award because of them and our staff.” This is the ninth time Kicking Horse ford has won the award, and every time has been special. “We monitor them daily and they are a great tool for us. It is a very competitive environment and once you have won one of them in the past you want to keep winning it.” Maisonneuve added he also takes a great deal of pride in help-

ing out local groups who do so much for the community. “We have been fortunate to work with several charity and service groups in town. We want to continue doing this because there are some great organizations in town that deserve local business support,” he said. “I am a big believer in keeping it local. There is nothing wrong with the national charity organizations…we are small and have to look after each other.”

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(From left) Dan Lindsay, Ken Squarebriggs, Alex Shuba, Liz Lee, Sheena Conor, Sharon Pearson, and Dallas Matheson were serving customers at McDonald’s during their McHappy Day, raising money for children’s charities. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Law student helping at women’s centre Jessica Schwitek Any women in Golden who are dealing with legal issues, have legal questions, or are trying to navigate the legal system, now have a place to go to get information. The Golden Women’s Resource Centre has brought in a summer student to assist women who have any legal questions. Julia Bennett, a law student from the University of Victoria, will be at the centre until August 23, offering legal information to those who need it. Bennett is being supervised by local lawyer Bruce McKenzie, who she will be able to consult with if she has any questions. As a law student, Bennett is limited to offering information, and will not be able to give out actual advice. “I can’t personally say, ‘you should do this or that.’ But I can give them information about possible options,” said Bennett, now settling into her second week on the job. “Even basic things like filling out forms, I’ll be able to help with… And if someone needs something that I can’t offer, I can help point them in the right direction.” This is a service the women’s centre offers every summer to help women who may not have access to the information they need. In the past, women have come in asking questions about employment (if someone is having issues with an employer), residential tenancy, family law, welfare, info about your rights, and criminal laws. Not having seen much of British Columbia before now, Bennett thought this would be a great job to see a new area, but also get a broad range of experience. “A lot of the jobs I saw posted were a bit generic. This one sounded like the best opportunity for

Law student Julia Bennett is working at the women’s centre this summer. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo me to have a positive effect… It’s a lot more hands on, and a cool opportunity to work directly with clients and have an impact,” she said. “Hopefully I’ll get a good sense of what I want to do in this job, because people can come in with so many different issues.” Bennett will be available whenever the women’s centre is open from Monday to Friday. You can call to make an appointment, or just drop in the centre on 9th Avenue North.

Golden Star Star Wednesday, MayMay 15, 2013 The Golden Wednesday, 15, 2013 A21A21

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



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Cards of Thanks

Business Opportunities

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Financial Services

LABOURERS AND Heavy Equipment Operators (hoe, dozer, grader) needed for jobs in Prairie Provinces. Apply to: or fax to 780-888-2100. More info at

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Thank you to everyone in Golden for your donations, support, prayers and positive thoughts! - Kerri and Aaron

Coming Events ATTENTION all DYNAMIC DIVAS, DAFFODILS, QUEENS OF THE NIGHT and all other former Relay for Life team members! Remember the fun, ceremony, night time laps along the luminary lit track? Would you like to relive those moments? Let’s form a Golden team to join the Invermere Relay for Life June 15 & 16. I am willing to team captain since I am here in Invermere. If you are interested please let me know as soon as possible. It has been a few years, time to once again Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back. Let’s go Golden! 250-342-0121

Information ARE YOU applying for or have you been denied Canada Pension Plan disability benefits? Do not proceed alone. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-7933222 or New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.

Lost & Found LOST: BINOCULARS in Kinbasket Area. Swarovski Optics EL 32 Swarovision. If found please call 250-421-0393


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No Risk Program. Stop Mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% Money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Travel $399 CABO San Lucas, all Inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $399! 1-888-481-9660.

Employment Business Opportunities A+DRINK SNACK plus Healthy Vending machine Route. Turn Key Business. Invest With Confidence, $4,000 Up. Training and Secured profitable Locations. Limited Must Sell. 1-888-979-8363.

In Memoriam

DO BUSINESS in Yukon! 1,831 sq ft prime ground floor retail space on the Main Street in Whitehorse, Yukon, next to Starbuck’s. For floor plan/photos, call 1-867-333-9966. GET FREE vending machines can earn $100,00 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629 Website: $$$ MAKE fast cash - Start your own business - Driveway sealing systems, lawn aerating units, possible payback in 2 weeks. For more information call today toll-free 1-800-4650024. Or visit us online at:

Career Opportunities MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for work-at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535 QUAD L Enterprises Ltd. has a job opening for a: Vegetation Control Supervisor for the Cariboo Area. Responsibilities are planning and implementation of all aspects of control projects; provide training and supervision to employees; follow all Health, Safety and Environment policies and procedures. The ideal candidate will have several years of experience in the industry, have current safety certifications and Arborist Certification would be an asset. Please email resumes including a current driver’s abstract to

Haircare Professionals HAIR Stylist wanted for busy well established salon in Invermere BC. Easy to build clientele during busy summer months. Excellent opportunity for a motivated stylist. 250342-9863

Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator, and labourer/rock truck operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction (780)723-5051.

FISHING GUIDE Wanted for West Coast, Vancouver Island. $300.-$500./day. 3 years guiding experience required. Please email resume through website: MAINTENANCE/LOADER OPERATOR NEEDED. This is a fulltime, permanent position starting immediately at our plant in Princeton, BC. Minimum of 10 years maintenance experience required on a variety of production and mobile equipment. Experience in a post mill, or small to medium size sawmill preferred. Must be able to handle a variety of tasks, work well with minimum supervision and be part of the team. Please submit resumes by fax 250295-7912 or email

QUESNEL Industrial Transportation is currently hiring drivers for upcoming logging season. Steady work & very competitive compensation package. Please call Dennis @ 1(800)667-3944 or (250)992-2309 TWO FULL time positions available immediately for an Import Auto dealer in the interior of BC. Service Advisor minimum 2-3 years experience. Apprentice or Journeyman Technician- Both applicants must have good attitude, quality workmanship. Email WANTED IMMEDIATELY Experienced concrete finishers. Min. 4-5 yrs experience. Must hold a valid driver’s licence, pass a drug & alcohol screening & start ASAP. Competitive wages & health benefits. Please call (250)425-4169 or (250)433-7036.

A&W Golden is now hiring for all shifts, full time/part time, kitchen and front end staff, benefits. 250-3444784. Please apply in person to the manager. COOKS REQUIRED IMMED. Northern Motor Inn, 3086 Hwy 16E,Terrace,BC V8G 3N5 250-635-6375; Fax: 250-635-6129

In Memoriam

STAN KNOWLES 1946 - 2011 It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone. For part of us went with you, The day God called you home.

Cooks needed for Legendz Diner. $11-$13 hourly. 40 hrs/week. Send resumes to PO BOX 676, 1405 Trans Canada Hwy Golden BC V0A 1H0. Or email to: jobs.legendz., or fax to 250-344-5075.

Loved and missed by your Family.

WANTED 2 FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISORS Blackjack Holdings Ltd. o/a Dairy Queen, Golden British Columbia P/F time, Flexible, $13.50/hr, 40hr/wk, Completion of high school, Experience an asset. DUTIES ARE: Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food, Establish work schedule, Estimate and order ingredients and supplies, Ensure food service and quality control, Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales, wastage, Prepare and submit reports, Supervise and check assembly of trays, Supervise and check delivery of food trolleys. OTHERS: Establish methods to meet work schedules, Train staff in job duties, sanitation and safety procedures. FAX RESUME TO: MR. NEAL VAN BEERS (250)-344-2220

Trades, Technical 1ST YEAR to Journeyman sheet metal workers, plumbers & electricians needed, Kindersley, Saskatchewan. Top wages, benefits, RRSP’s, room for advancement, positive work atmosphere. Email resume to: or call 306-463-6707. Civil Engineering Technologist II

District of Kitimat, full time permanent, wage range $37.01 $44.78, over two years. Civil Technologist diploma required. Reporting to the Technical Services Manager, duties include a variety of infrastructure investigations, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspection and material testing on projects related to the municipality’s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Candidates should be proficient in using electronic survey equipment, computer assisted design using AutoCad 3D, and MS Office. Valid BC driver’s license required. Submit resumes by May 31, 2013, 4:30 pm, to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, Fax (250) 632-4995, or email

Coming Events

To all the friends of Joan Grant and Jayenn Kennels: Joan’s family would like to invite you to the special occasion of Joan’s 80th birthday! We will be having an Open House May 25th at the senior’s hall between 3-5pm, following our family gathering. Please drop in and make this a more memorable event.

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CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1421 Frontage Rd, Trans Can Hwy, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H2 Hwy 1, 1020 Trans Can Hwy Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0

Ofďƒžce Support ISM Canada, an IBM Company, are seeking Client Support Technicians; $28.45 Hourly (Unionized); Three Regular Full Time and one Auxiliary in Prince Rupert, Campbell River, and Trail . To apply, visit Closes, May 23, 2013.

GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209.

Coming Events


Food Counter Attendant

Full time(40hrs/wk)/Shift work Nights/Overnights/Early Mornings/Weekends $10.25/hr + benefits Apply in Person: 1421 Frontage Rd, Golden, BC, V0A 1H2 or Fax resume to 250 439-1963

careers at cbt Community Liaison, Southwest Basin This is a full-time position, based out of our Castlegar office. View details at or request from Debra Stewart at 1.800.505.8998. RĂŠsumĂŠs accepted via email to by noon PT, +VOF XXX DCU PSH t

Employment Opportunity


Join us:


with some design knowledge for Building. Computer skills necessary. Ability to communicate and educate customers on product knowledge. Responsibilities include contractor desk, sales, loading/unloading trucks, excellent customer service. Please email resume to or phone 250-344-2964. Â 912 15 St. S 250-344-2964

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Contractors Custom blueprints. Visit: 20% discount for first 10 callers!

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Tree Services Tree Topping and Removal Fully Insured, Best rates in town. Ph. 250-939-8548

Windows Infinity’s Window Cleaning; Disc Golf; 1 Acreage for sale on North Bench. Call 250-348-2351.

Wednesday, 15, 2013 Wednesday, MayMay 15, 2013 The Golden GoldenStar Star

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale


Misc. for Sale

FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677. Firewood for sale: Fir, Pine, Spruce, Birch. Win FREE Firewood. Ph 250-939-8548

Garage Sales Garage Sale! Saturday May 18, 9am - noon. 505 10th St. Misc items. Yard Sale #93 Kicking Horse Mobile Park Saturday May 18th 10-1. Kitchen items, yard stuff, lawn mower, stacking chairs, steel door, office items, metal&glass industrial doors 4’x8’, huge canvas top tent (no sides). 250-344-6935.

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions online; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.


$30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798 days, 344-2160 evenings. Samples available. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 REDBURN TIMBERWORKS is having a liquidation sale on a wide variety of building supplies. Rough sawn timber, framing lumber, siding and roofing materials all on moving sales prices. Call 344-1217 for info. SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING - Blowout clearance sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6,860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Call Pioneer Steel 1800-668-5422. Or visit online: STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Pets & Livestock

Misc. Wanted


True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030

FREE snake to good home, 5.5’, Hogg Island Boa, female, 6 yrs old, incl. enclosure, call Ann at 344-598

Home gym cable weights for sale $275. Ph. after 11am 344-3686

Garden & Lawn

Garden & Lawn

Real Estate

Now available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - pH 6.9-7.0 NOT screened bush dirt! $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery Call 344-4646

“We’re having a baby!” Keep your baby safe in the car. Learn how to choose the right child car seat. Call 1-877-247-5551 or visit


For Sale By Owner

Apt/Condo for Rent

Misc for Rent

Suites, Lower

Radium 2 bdrm, 2 bath, semi furnished, 2nd floor unit, 6 appl, fireplace, propane bbq hookup with bbq. Secure underground parking with storage. N/S, pets negotiable. $900/mth incl. util. Avail June 1st. Deposit and references required. Pictures on Kijiji ad ID 476565958 Call Susan at 250-422-3510. ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Avail immd. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250344-8113 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113. Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233.

In Golden, 40’ x 60’ heated shop with 400’ by 150’ secured fenced area. Ph. 250-344-6234

Newly Reno’d 2 Bdr. Suite lrg. kitchen & dining, private laundry, cable TV, wireless internet, util incl. Quiet downtown neighbourhood. Avail June 1. N/S. $900/mo. 250-344-5229.

Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1, 2, and 3 brm apts close to pedestrian bridge and Kicking Horse River. No pets, NS, NP. Gateway Property Management Corp. *Ask about our seniors special!* Call Sherri at 250-344-8919. 2 bdrm apt, 2nd floor downtown, dishwasher, w/d hookup. Very clean, excellent condition. $700 avail May 1st 250-344-0222. 2 bdrm mobile home at Nicholson. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551. 4 Bdr, 2 Bath, spacious apt downtown, quiet, newly renovated, screened deck, garage, large yard, N/S. Avail June 1. $1100 + util. 1-800-506-7177

FOR RENT In the Blaeberry 2 Bdr Apt $800/month -Avail. March 1 -Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV & Internet -DD ($300)&References required - No Pets

Real Estate

Phone 250-344-7299 Please leave message if no answer

3 or 4 Bdrm, 1140sqft, 1.5 baths, walking distance from town, large fenced yard, 3 season sun rm, asking $265K. Ph 250-344-6445

LARGE newly reno’d 1 & 2 bdrm apt., NS, no pets, no parties, laundry facil. Walking distance to all amen., DD req. $750. (1-250)344-0780



Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. FULLY FURNISHED all inclusive bachelor suite. View at or call 344-7001.

Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

Cottages / Cabins 1 & 2 bdrm cabins, and 2 bdrm apts at Creekside apts. Quiet, clean & modern living spaces. Perfect for rafters! Call Dan @250-344-1435. Cabin for Rent Cozy, quiet 2 bdrm cabin. 10 mins west of town. Partially furnished. No pets, N/S. $650/mo., Sat TV and internet incl. Util. extra. Call 250-344-7008. Small cabin for rent. Wood heat, elec. baseboard, sleeping loft, kitchen, living rm, bathroom, front deck overlooking valley. Aval. now, $600/mnth. 250-344-2423.



Saturday June 1st at 10:00am

Visit our website for complete rental listings

HARVEY’S AUCTION SERVICE Esate Auction & other Consignors 2207 Sicamous Solsqua Cambie Road

Sicamous 8km NE or 4km W from Cambie APPROX 300 LOTS: Household, Mechanic & Carpenter Tools, Trucks, Cars, Motorcyle, Tractors. FEATURE ITEMS 1987 Kenworth Truck, 4 Door “Hills Hot Rod” with wild flames. 1992 Jeep YJ6 CYL 4x4 Hardtop and Soft, 6” lift kit, 33” rubber 9000ib warn winch. 2002 Kawasaki Ninja ZX 900F. 1981 Leocraft by Triple E Motor Home 454, new trans, brakes, tires, winter package.

VEHICLES 2004 Dodge Neon. Red. Low Kms. 2001 Dodge Intrepid 4 Door. New tires.

Homes for Rent 2 bdr house. N/S, no parties, no pets. Avail May 1. Sat. tv, utls, all incl. $1100/mth. 250439-1055. 2 bdrm 1 bath brightly reno’d, large shared back yard, close to hospital, w.d inlc. NS pets consd. Avail June 1. $775/mnth 250-344-0316. 2 bdrm house in town. Very nice. Quiet neighbourhood. Close to all amenities. Avail immdly. 250-344-5450. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 Bdr house (Av. May1) 1116 12 St. Appliances incl., references required. No Pets, No Parties. W/D. Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.

3 bdrm 1100sq/ft, woodstove, washer/dryer, deck w/ great view, shed & shop. $1000/mnth + utls. Avial May 1st. 250-344-8990. 5 bdrm 2.5 bath house for rent $1000/month utls incld. 250344-5648. 2 Bdr house in Nicholson. Yard, woodstove, no parties, N/S, no pets. $900/mth. 250 344-5772 or 344-0553. 3 bdrm house in Golden. Very nice neighbourhood, close to schools and parks. Hardwood floors, lg kitchen, bright livingroom and full basement. Big backyard, lots of trees, garden, storage shed & parking. No pets, 1 yr lease req. $1100/mo. Call 250-344-0316. Immaculate newly reno’d 2 bdrm house for rent, NS, NP, no parties, large yard $750/mnt +utls. Free wifi/sat. tv. Avail June 15, nice landlords! 250-344-6879.

Rooms for Rent

PET friendly 2 bedroom suite. 15 mins south on Campbell Rd. 1400sq/ft, W/D. $850/month includes utilities and internet. 250-348-2500

Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.


Auto Financing

BLAEBERRY Valley, 2 rooms available for rent in a 3 bdrm house $450 ea/mnth + DD. Incl. heat, hydro & wifi. W/D Owner lives in Calgary and only stays at house some weekends. Renovated open concept home, Great views, large yard, fire pit, huge storage shed. Pet friendly. Avail. immediately. 403.850.7588 Shared Accommodation in Golden. $500 incl util. Close to College. 1248 Alexander Dr. 403-820-0785.

Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

Suites, Lower 2 Bdr. basement suite. No pets, no parties, N/S. Laundry facilities. Aval June 1st 250344-0604.


1980 Belaris 3pt + Moline w/cab and hydraulic lift. (Sat several years) 3 Plows.

Sales conducted by... HARVEY’S AUCTION SERVICE For info. 250-376-7826 MasterCard Cell: 250-319-2101

LOVELY bachelor suite in beautiful garden setting. $575/month + hydro. 250-3441058

Shared Accommodation

16½’ Malibu Boat & Trailer

See You There!!!

1 Bdr partially furnished bachelor suite. Main floor. 5 mins. south of town. Mature person or couple, N/S, no pets, no parties. Avail May 1. 250-344-2695, or 344-8383.

2 rooms in house for rent. $400/rm all inclusive. W/D, sat. tv, large yard, wifi, NS, no parties, NP, great landlords! 250-344-6879. Avail June 15. Room in house. W/D, cable, wireless internet. Two blocks from all amenities. $450 all inclusive. Summer rate. Call 250-290-0110


2 Full Rollaway Tool Chests + more!! CONCESSION PREVIEW: Friday May 31st

Suites, Upper


Misc for Rent



Gorgeous 4 Bdrm mobile home, new windows, new flooring in 3 bdrms & hall, lg laundry rm, lg living rm, eat in kitchen, lots of storage, fenced yard. Call April @ 344-2972 or Dale @ 439-7844 REDUCED - 4 bdrm 2.5 bath house mins from town on 25 acres. $378,900. 250-3447019. Agents welcome!

For Sale By Owner

Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil


The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557

Auto Services Free car and scrap pick up (within town limits). No tires? No problem! Call Columbia Towing 250-344-6690. Old vehicles lying around? FREE VEHICLE REMOVAL Need Parts? Over 150 cars Call Rod 250-344-6921 or 250-272-6416.

Motorcycles Motorcycle for sale, 2003 Honda Rebel 250cc, the best street bike for learning. $2500 OBO. 10,000 kms. 250-3446517 or 250-271-1744.

Trucks & Vans 1992 Ford F150 4x4 extended cab fully loaded 202,000kms. Good condition, 2 sets of tires, $800 250-344-5958.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 15, 2013 A23

● Corporate Administration - Jon Wilsgard, Ext 237 ● Finance - Lisa Vass, Ext 227 ● Operations, Public Works - Chris Cochran, Ext 226 ● Fire Department - Ken McClure, 250.344.6401 ● Recreation ServicesCommittee - Jordan Petrovics, Ext 225 Columbia Basin Trust Community Funds Local Selection ● Mayor’s Office - Christina Benty, Ext 229 Are you community minded? Would you● like to be&aBuilding member- Gary of a Smith, local committee that helps people and organizations Golden Planning Ext 235 Appointment hours - Tuesday 9:30inam to 12:00 pm reach their dreams? This is the role of the CBT Community Funds Local Selection Committee which each year on behalf of Town ● Strategic Initiatives - David Love, Ext 249 Council adjudicates applications and awards nearly $300,000 to local organizations that strive to make our community better. We need to fill one vacancy on the committee and while we would be delighted to see a representative from our community youth, we will accept applications from anyone interested playing a part B.C. on this 810 9thinAve. S Golden V0Afun, 1H0rewarding, and very meaningful committee. The committee meets approximately five times year between and April during the annual CBT Community Funds 250per 344-2271 ● Fax January 250 344-6577 Town ofand Golden – RegularisOpen Council process. A measure of confidentiality and an unbiased outlook toward community development understanding required.


Meeting: April 23, 2013 & May 7, 2013

Jumbo Municipality Judicial Review The Heat is On – And So Are the Watering Restrictions Please Council supported the District of Invermere in The Heat islawns On – And So Areonly the Watering Restrictions Please Watering Watering of of lawns and and gardens gardens is is only permitted permitted between between 4:00 4:00 a.m. a.m. and and 10:00 10:00 a.m. a.m. and and between between soliciting UBCM to investigate the legality of The Heat is p.m. Onofand –lawns And Sogardens Are the Watering Restrictions Please Watering and is only 7:00 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 10:00 p.m. p.m.

creating this new municipality. a.m. and 10:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and between Watering ofpermitted lawns andbetween gardens 4:00 is only permitted between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. 2012 Draft Audited Financial Statements and betweenwatering 7:00 p.m. andare 10:00 p.m. Permissible days as Permissible watering days are as follows: follows: Odd Council received a presentation from the Odd civic civic address address -- odd odd calendar calendar days days watering dayscalendar are as follows: Permissible Permissible watering days are as follows: Even civic address even days Even civic address - even calendar days Town’s independent auditor, and accepted the Odd civic - odd Odd civic address - oddaddress calendar dayscalendar days statements as presented. Even civic address -have even dayscalendar Even civic address even We aacalendar great to each We all all have great -responsibility responsibility todays each other other to to use use our our water water wisely. wisely. Our Our supply supply and and the the cost cost of of Campground Contract Renewal getting getting that that supply supply to to your your home home and and business business should should be be your your concern concern as as well well as as ours. ours. Please Please respect respect all have atimes, great responsibility to other to use our water wisely. Our Council authorized staff to proceed with We all haveWe a great responsibility to each toeach use our water wisely. and thesupply cost ofand our watering are subject to In event of outage, shut off our watering times, which which areother subject to enforcement. enforcement. In the theOur eventsupply of aa power power outage, shut off all all the cost of getting that supply to your home and business should be your concern as well getting that supply to your homeour and business should be depletes your concern as ours. respect sprinklers. Draining reservoirs unnecessarily water residents, and our to sprinklers. Draining our reservoirs unnecessarily depletes water to toasall allwell residents, andPlease our ability ability to provide provide fire firenegotiations for a 2 year contract with option our wateringas times, which are subject to enforcement. In the event of a power outage, shut off all ours. Please respect our watering times, which are subject to enforcement. In the event protection! for a 3 year renewal with the current operator. protection! sprinklers. Draining our reservoirs unnecessarily depletes water to all residents, and our ability to provide fire of a power outage, shut off all sprinklers. Draining our reservoirs unnecessarily depletes Light Duty Fire Pick-up Purchase protection! water to all residents, and our ability to provide fire protection!

Speaking of the Importance of Water and Your Local Government... Council authorized staff to proceed with the th th th th purchase of a new light duty pick-up from May May 20 20 to to 26 26 is is Drinking Drinking Water Water Week, Week, organized organized annually annually by by the the BC BC Water Water SpeakingSpeaking of the Importance of Water and Your Local Government... and and proud to The goal Kicking Horse Ford for a total cost of $50,000 of theAssociation Importance of Water Your Local Government... and Wastewater Wastewater Association and we’re we’re proudand to participate. participate. The goal of of the the

th May 20th to May 26 is20Drinking Water Week,Water organized annually the BC th is tothraise campaign awareness of value of water and the campaign to raise awareness of the the value of our ourby water andWater the need to to including applicable taxes. tois26 is Drinking Week, organized annually byneed and Wastewater Association and we’re proud to participate. The goal of the protect and conserve it, as well as the people and processes involved in protect and conserve it, as wellAssociation as the peopleand andwe’re processes involved in getting getting the BC Water and Wastewater proud to Tax Rates Bylaw campaign is clean to raise awareness of the value of our it and need to water to our taps and returning safely to environment. There’s clean water to our taps and returning itwater safely to the the environment. There’s aa participate. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of the This annually adopted bylaw setting property protect and conserve it, asof well as the people and processes involved in getting whole bunch educational materials available at whole bunch of educational materials available at ourand water and theit need and conserveThere’s it, as well value tax rates, was given first, second, and clean water value to ourof taps returning safelytotoprotect the environment. a as the people and processes involved in getting clean water to our whole bunchThe of educational materials available at Town is purveyor of The Town of of Golden Golden is aa registered registered purveyor of water water services services and and this this utility utility is is considered considered aa core corethird readings. taps andthat returning it to safely the environment. There’s a whole service we you, the resident. We holding aa Drinking service that we offer offer to you,to the resident. We will will be be holding Drinking Water Water Week Week coloring coloring Repeal of Old Recreation Facilities Bylaw The Town of Golden is a registered purveyor of water services and this utility is considered a core contest, and encourage children in our community to take part and learn more about our bunch of educational materials available at contest, and encourage children in our community to take part and learn more about our water water The old rates bylaw for regulations, fees and service that we offer toCheck you, the Wedetails. will be holding a Drinking Water Week coloring systems. the website systems. Check theresident. website for for details. charges for recreational facilities owned and/or Town of Goldeninisour a registered purveyor of water services and this our utility is contest, andThe encourage children community to take part and learn more about water operated by the Town of Golden, was repealed, considered a core thatGovernment we offer to Awareness you, the resident. will be holding a Drinking systems. Check website for details. The same week is also Local Week! Once again our works The the same week is service also Local Government Awareness Week! We Once again our public public works and and fire fire in favour of setting interim rates before a new Water contest, and encourageclassrooms children into to take and part the and rescue people will into community talk about rescueWeek peoplecoloring will head head into our our community classrooms toour talkcommunity about our our services services and the bylaw is adopted later this year. The same week ismore also Local Government Awareness Week! Once again our public works and fireSchool importance of have aa full-on at Park learn about oursafety. water We’ll systems. theequipment website fordisplay details. importance of home home safety. We’ll haveCheck full-on equipment display at Alexander Alexander Park School one one of of rescue people will head into our community classrooms to talk about our services and the Fees for KKMP and Swimming Pool the afternoons. the afternoons. samesafety. week is alsohave Local Government Awareness Once again our public works importance The of home We’ll a full-on equipment displayWeek! at Alexander Park School one of Council approved interim facility fees for Keith the afternoons. and fire rescue people will head into our community classrooms to talk about our services King Memorial Park, the Golden Municipal

Curbside Waste and Recycling – Some Reminders

and the importance of home safety. We’ll have a full-on equipment display at Alexander Our Our current current system system of of curbide curbide service service is is the the envy envy of of many many small small communities. communities. School one of the afternoons. CurbsidePark Waste and Recycling – Some You are supplied with colourful large bins, getReminders regular weekly and bi-weekly

Swimming Pool, and Public Programming drop-in rates.

You are supplied with colourful large bins, get regular weekly and bi-weekly Our current service, system of curbide service is the envy many small communities. great recycling options, and price -- $125 per Outdoor Hockey Arena Proposal service, great recycling options, and aaofgreat great price $125 per bin bin per per year year for for You are supplied with colourful large bins, get regular weekly and bi-weekly garbage $52 bin per These Curbside Waste – Some Reminders garbage and and $52 per perand bin Recycling per year year for for recycling. recycling. These fees fees also also fund fund aa reserve reserve for for Council referred the request from the service, great recycling options, and a great price - $125 bin of perremind year for eventual bin replacements in future. like to residents eventual bin replacements in the the future. We’d like to remind residents of of some some Our current system of curbide service isWe’d theper envy many small representative of Golden Minor Hockey to garbage andimportant $52 per binparts per of year for recycling. These fees also fund a reserve for important parts of the the program: communities. You areprogram: supplied with colourful large bins, get regular secure the Horseshoe Pit property to a future eventual bin replacements in the future. We’d like to remind residents of some •• The bins are OWNED by the us, and they are numercially tagged to the house they are issued to. weekly and bi-weekly service, great recycling options, and a great The bins are OWNED by the us, and they are numercially tagged to the house they are issued to. Council meeting for further discussion. important parts of the program: They must stay they to –– you take They must stay with the property they are are tagged to bin you cannot take them them if if you you move! move! price - $125 per binwith per the yearproperty for garbage andtagged $52 per percannot year for Civic Centre Kitchen Award • The bins are OWNED by the us, and they are numercially tagged to the house they are issued to. recycling. These fees also fund a reserve for eventual bin replacements •• Bins are entirely YOUR responsibility to keep secure, clean, and undamaged. If a bin is damaged Binswith are the entirely YOUR secure,take clean, andifundamaged. Olson Construction was awarded the contract They must stay property theyresponsibility are tagged toto– keep you cannot them you move! If a bin is damaged by us replace for If by considered unusable, in the We’d like itittofree remind residents some important parts of the program: by future. us we we will will replace free for you. you. If it it is isofdamaged damaged by you you and and considered unusable, it it will will be befor $72,500 plus applicable taxes. • Bins are The entirely responsibility to clean, a bin is damaged replaced you assessed fee $75 per bin. replaced and you will will be assessed fee of ofare $75 perand bin.undamaged. binsYOUR areand OWNED bybe the us,keep andaasecure, they numercially tagged toIfthe house they are Municipal Roadway Line Painting Award by us we will replace it free for you. If it is damaged by you and considered unusable, it will be •• Every must for at least blue and green bin for the utility be fair issued to. property/residence They must stay with thepay property they one are tagged toone – you cannot take them if to Every property/residence must pay for at least one blue and one green bin for the utility to be fair Council approved contracting Line West Ltd. replaced and you will be assessed a fee of $75 per bin. affordable youand move! and affordable for for everyone. everyone. But, But, if if you you need need another another blue blue one, one, green green one, one, or or both, both, tell tell us! us! If If you you Development Variance Permit Notice • Every property/residence must forand at least and oneus! green the utility toIfbeor than one each don’t need them, tell We are happy to take have more than onepay each and don’tone need them, tell us! Webin arefor happy to supply supply or takeisaway away bins bins Binshave are more entirely YOUR responsibility to blue keep secure, clean, and undamaged. a fair bin Council directed a Public Notice process for a and affordable everyone. But, if you need another blue one, green one, or both, tell us! If you you need or youfor need or don’t. don’t. damaged byeach us we will replace it free tell for us! you.We If are it ishappy damaged by you and considered have more than one and don’t need them, to supply or take away bins proposed variance in height of the new Holiday We’re sure out why we had to We’re sureit you’ve you’ve figured outand why wewill had be to state state these thesea things! things! will befigured replaced you assessed fee of $75 per bin. you needunusable, or don’t. Inn Express corporate sign. For information, For more more information, visit visit Every property/residence must pay for at least one blue and one green bin for the utility to We’re sure you’ve figured out why we had to state these things! Development Variance Permit Approval be fair and visit affordable for everyone. But, if you need another blue one, green one, or both, For more information, The property at 613 12th Street South was

tell us! If you have more than one each and don’t need them, tell us! We are happy to supply or take away bins you need or don’t. We’re sure you’ve figured out why we had to state these things! For more information, visit

approved for an over height secondary building (garage and living suite above).

Five-Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw The prior approved bylaw was amended (3 readings at this point) to reflect changes to the Tax Rates Bylaw


RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663

Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234



5 bedrooms 2.5 baths 2,390sqft

$459,900 1361 Pine Drive

4 bedrooms

Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275

1612 Gareb Road


Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The Golden Star

3 baths




#407, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail

1 bedroom


Mobile Home Park


4 bdrms

3 baths

2 bedrooms

1 bath



Blaeberry Valley Estates 4 Acreages Available

38 acres

3 bedrooms

2.5 baths


1 bedroom

1 bath

2 bedrooms

2 baths


5 bedrooms

4 baths


$92,300 506 - 8th Street 50’ x 130’

$33,500 #28, 2779 Dejordie Road 2 bedrooms


#15 Parkland Gardens

3 bedrooms 1.5 baths 1,332sqft

1208 Alexander Drive

6 bedrooms

2 baths



2 bedrooms

3 bedrooms

3 baths


$52,500 #10 Golden Mobile Home Park 3 bedrooms


$302,500 2 baths



5.8 Acres


5 bdrms 3.5 baths


4 bedrooms 2 baths 2,000sqft

$299,900 90 acres

5 bedrooms

2.5 baths


5 bedrooms

2 baths


5 bedrooms

2 baths


$229,000 915 - 12th Street

5 bedrooms

2 baths


$19,900 #58 Kicking Horse Village MHP 2 bedrooms

3 bedrooms 2 baths 1,968sqft

NEW 5 bedrooms


$329,900 3 bedrooms 1.5 baths 1,480sqft


3 bedrooms 2 baths 1,498 sqft

6 bedrooms


503 - 5th Street 2.5 baths


$19,900 #3 Pinewood Mobile Home Park 3 bedrooms


$579,600 4 bedrooms

2.5 baths


$263,000 “Side A” 1215 Alexander Drive

4 bedrooms 2 baths 1,600sqft


$259,000 1212 - 11th Avenue

4 baths

1501 Quartz Crescent





5 bedrooms

1217 - 11th Street

2 baths

3 baths

1415 Deere Ridge Road

4.94 acres

4 bedrooms


509 - 7th Street

$129,900 1735 Short Road

$399,000 1114 - 11th Street


1337 Selkirk Drive

Mobile Home Park with Mobile Home

3 Acreages Available

508 - 5th Street

Petra Musick Dan Veselic (250) 344-1476 (250) 344-1435

1248 Campbell Road

Wiseman Road

$329,000 750 - 6th Avenue


from $199,900 to $449,000

$295,000 530 - 11th Street

3,000sqft 11.6 acres

2267 Holmes Deakin

$295,000 612 - 12th Street

Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435

2145 Mitchell Road

$199,000 Lot A, 3495 Highway #95 South


1613 Gareb Road

3 baths

#16, 415 - 5th Avenue


$559,000 1429 Granite Drive



$304,000 #3, 433 - 5th Avenue

3 bedrooms

$214,000 509 - 5th Street


1510 Poplar Street

$329,900 990 Highway #95, South

$589,300 1500 Quartz Crescent

1 acre


from $135,000 to $255,000

$207,000 520 - 11th Street


1269 Horse Creek Road

$246,300 1243 Horse Creek Road

1 bath

Flec Demmon Marlon Marlon Chambers Bob Bob Tegart Tegart Flec Demmon Chambers 344-8451 (250) (250) 344-0735 (250) (250) 272-4321 272-4321 (250)(250) 344-8451 344-0735

1615 Gareb Road

4 bedrooms

3 baths


$89,900 1608 Gareb Road 71’ x 180’

$99,900 #16 Kicking Horse Village MHP 3 bedrooms

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