Clearwater Times, May 16, 2013

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Thursday, May 16, 2013 ▼ Volume 48 No. 20 ▼ ▼ $1.35 Includes GST




Second Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2012

Forest company holds open house. See A3 inside.

Blue Ribbon Runner-up Best All Round Newspaper All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2012

Taxes going higher Keith McNeill Clearwater town council approved a proposed 5.82 per cent tax increase during its May 7 meeting. Taxes in the municipality have gone up by an average of about two per cent per year since incorporation, said Mayor John Harwood. An open house held April 9 to discuss Clearwater’s five-year financial plan attracted zero members of the public. The municipality dropped the mill rate substantially in 2011 to help local residents cope with the recession. With the approved increase, municipal taxes on a $200,000 home in Clearwater will increase by $40 from $692 last year to $732 this year. Exactly how much an individual property tax will go up or down would depend on its assessed value. Assessments were mailed out in early January. Property taxes amount to $1.6 million or nearly 40 per cent of Clearwater’s total revenue. Other significant sources of revenue include government grants

and transfers, for $1.2 million or 30 per cent, sale of services (ICBC) for $760,000 or 20 per cent, and service to other governments, for $230,000 or 5.8 per cent. Total revenues for the municipality amount to $3.9 million. Residences pay 51 per cent of Clearwater’s property taxes. Businesses pay 22 per cent and utilities such as the pipeline and railroad pay 21 per cent. Other taxation classes such as major industry, light industry, managed forest, recreation/other and farm make up the rest. Major capital projects for 2013 include the Sportsplex (new changing rooms) at $755,000, and upgrades to the water system (remote monitoring SCADA system, completion of the ultraviolet disinfection system, and fire hydrant replacement) at $386,000. Capital projects in the administration category include renovations to the former Dutch Lake School to make it into a community center, and computer system upgrades and replacements. Total cost will be $225,000.

North Thompson artists show their stuff

Meeting at the voting place Ron Hanson (l) and Brian Hooker come out of the polling place in the Clearwater Legion Hall during voting day on Tuesday. Look for results from the provincial election in next week’s issue of the Times, or online at Photo by Keith McNeill

Upper Clearwater quilter Pat Hanson (l) shows Blackpool resident Helen Knight one of the quilts made by Thompson Valley Quilters for local foster children. The quilt in the Upper Clearwater Hall was just one of many items made by local artists and craftspeople on display last weekend during the second annual Art Crawl sponsored by North Thompson Arts Council. More than a dozen local artists from Avola to Blackpool opened their studios and showed their works during the event. For more photos, see page A11 inside. Photo by Keith McNeill





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Thursday, May 16, 2013 Clearwater Times

Kendall misses all candidates’s forum in Clearwater Keith McNeill It wasn’t quite an all candidates’s forum at Clearwater Secondary School on Wednesday evening, May 8. One candidate was missing – Kathy Kendall of the New Democratic Party. About 95 local residents turned up for the event, along with incumbent Liberal MLA Terry Lake and his Conservative challenger Ed Klop. Michael Crawford, the NDP candidate in the last federal election, spoke for Kendall and expressed her regrets for her absence. Party leader Adrian Dix was in Kamloops for a rally that evening, he said. Kendall had worked to get him to the city during the last week of the campaign. Now she had got her wish but the dates conflicted. The NDP candidate had visited Clearwater four or five times during the past few weeks, Ralston said. She planned to be here again on Saturday for a session at the Flour Meadow Bakery, starting at 9 a.m. Liberal incumbent Terry Lake said it

was unfortunate that Kendall was not there. He pointed to various accomplishments he has achieved while being MLA, such as Ed Buck Manor seniors’ housing, upgrades to the Clearwater River and Trophy Mountain roads, improvements at the Infocenter, and encouraging Canfor to reopen its Vavenby operation. The new roundabout being constructed in Highway 5 would bring $2.2 million worth of business to a local contractor, he pointed out. “In the North Thompson I think we’re on the cusp of doing great things,” Lake said. Conservative candidate Ed Klop said families are leaving B.C. to find work in provinces with Conservative governments. Neither the Liberals nor the NDP have shown any ability to control spending and government debt, he said. Klop said has been working for himself in business for 25 years, since his mid-20s, and he knows how to get the job done. “The root of it starts with government,” the Conservative candidate said. “Who has the courage to stand up for the people?”

An empty chair marks the spot that would have been occupied by Kathy Kendall during an all candidates’ forum held at Clearwater Secondary School on Wednesday, May. 8. The NDP candidate decided to attend a rally in Kamloops with party leader Adrian Dix instead. Present at the table are Conservative candidate Ed Klop (l) and incumbent Liberal MLA Terry Lake. Photo by Keith McNeill

TNRD educates on how to use eco-depot on free dump day Keith McNeill A free dump day held Saturday, May 11 was intended as an opportunity for local residents to learn how the new eco-depot in

Clearwater operates, said Dennis LaBrie, Environmental Health Services operations supervisor with ThompsonNicola Regional District.

During the day, people could dump the first $20 worth of refuse without charge. With the normal rate of disposal at $60 per tonne, that amounted to a good-

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sized pickup or trailer load of garbage that could be thrown away for free. Recyclable items, as usual, could be disposed of without charge, no matter the amount. Several members of regional district staff were on hand to help out, along with workers from other eco-depots in the TNRD. There were 32 landfills within the TNRD in the 1980s and 1990s, LaBrie said. Now there are just two. All the garbage from the North Thompson as well as that from east of Kamloops goes into the landfill at Heffley Creek, while the landfill at Lower Nicola accepts waste from the remainder of the TNRD. Having only two landfills operating means residents need to reduce, reuse and

Ryley Leduc (l) hands a number ticket to Dennis LaBrie, TNRD Environmental Health Services operations supervisor, as he finishes leaving a load of garbage during a free dump day at Clearwater’s eco-depot on Saturday, May 11. Photo by Keith McNeill

recycle as much as possible. Clearwater’s new eco-depot has proven popular with users, said LaBrie. One side is devoted to accepting recyclable materials. According to the

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TNRD website, these include used appliances (CFC-free), most batteries, cardboard, clean fill, glass containers, propane tanks, glass containers, tires (passenger or light truck, not on rims), used oil, and yard waste (less than 1,000 kg or five cubic meters per vehicle per day). Appliances with CFCs, tires on rims and large quantities of yard waste can be disposed of for small fees. Clearly marked bins show where each type of recyclable should go.

The second side of the eco-depot is devoted to non-recyclable waste. Users drive their vehicles over a weigh scale to access it, then go over the scale again when leaving. The disposal fee is based on the weight difference. Most people like to load their nonrecyclables in their vehicles first, then their recyclables, said LaBrie. When they get to the eco-depot, they can offload their recyclables into the various bins, then go over the scale to get rid of their nonrecyclables.

Clearwater Times Thursday, May 16, 2013 A3

Sprinkler regulations start early for Clearwater area residents Times Staff

Canfor-Vavenby holds open house Neil McRae (left, rear), safety committee co-chair at Canfor-Vavenby, prepares to guide a tour group through the sawmill during an open house held Saturday, May 11. The event was held to highlight North American Occupational Health and Safety Week, said division manager Dwayne Thiessen. “After being down for two years we thought it was appropriate to let people go through the mill and see what we’re about,” Thiessen said. The day included hot dogs, a static display, seedlings for the kids, and a bouncy castle. Another community event will likely be held in July to celebrate the company’s 75th anniversary. Photo by Keith McNeill

The weather has warmed up early and that means District of Clearwater is bringing in sprinkling restrictions early as well. On Friday, May 10, the District announced that, due to unseasonably high temperatures, the municipality is having difficulty keeping up to the demands being put on its water system by irrigation within the community. District of Clearwater asks that property owners please respect the water restriction guidelines by only watering on odd and even days as per your civic address. This watering should only to take place during the hours of 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sticking to the watering restriction will greatly assist the District in making sure there is enough water for firefighting purposes as well as limited irrigation.

Clearwater signs agreement with CUPE Times Staff District of Clearwater announced May 7 that town council and Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 900 had ratified a collective agreement for the five years from January, 2012 to December, 2016. The agreement includes a wage increase of 1.5 per cent for the first year and 2.0 per cent for the next four. “We are very pleased to have this five year deal completed, which is in keeping with recent

union settlements with our neighbouring jurisdictions,” said Mayor John Harwood. “While unavoidable circumstances delayed the start of bargaining, the process has been very positive from the outset. Our employees provide vital services on a consistent basis to Clearwater’s residents.” CUPE Local 900 represents approximately 10 full-time members and several seasonal workers who provide a wide variety of municipal services, including water and sewer maintenance, recreation and administration.

Government launches consultations on Victims Bill of Rights OTTAWA - Cathy McLeod, Member of Parliament for Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo invites all constituents to have their say in the creation of a Canadian Victims Bill of Rights. "Our government is committed to standing up for victims of crime and ensuring that victims have a more effective voice in the criminal justice system," said McLeod. "These consultations are critical to identifying and recognizing how to better entrench the rights of victims into a single law at the federal level." These consultations follow the federal government's commitment in February to enhance the rights of victims of crime by

bringing forward legislation to implement a Canadian Victims Bill of Rights. This legislation builds on our government's record of achievements in advancing the interests for victims of crime by entrenching their rights into a single law at the federal level. These achievements include: • the establishment of the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime; • the creation of the Federal Victims Strategy, with more than $90 million allocated since 2007 for projects and services that help give victims a more effective voice in the criminal justice system; • the allocation of more than

$10 million for new or enhanced Child Advocacy Centers since 2010 to address the needs of child and youth victims of crime; • the introduction of legislation to double the victims' surcharge and make it mandatory; and the elimination of the fainthope clause. "These consultations offer a meaningful opportunity to provide input on how the criminal justice system should respond to victims,” stated McLeod. Consultations open to the public will be hosted on-line from May 1 to June 30, 2013. Those interested in participating can visit the Department of Justice's website www.justice.

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What’s Happening WHAT’S HAPPENING

Notice of 2013 Water Regulation Watering regulations are in effect until September 30th. Properties with even numbers are allowed to water on even numbered days and properties with odd house numbers are allowed to water on odd numbered days. Watering hours are between 6:00am-10:00am and 6:00pm -10:00pm. Watering is NOT allowed between the hours of 10:00am – 6:00pm. Properties with an automatic system controlled by a timer can water between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00am IF they register with the District office and comply with the even/odd house, even/odd day rule. Outdoor Fires – Residential – Fire Rating – Extreme Due to unseasonably high temperatures the Fire Danger Rating is sitting at EXTREME. The District of Clearwater is asking residents to please take extreme caution with backyard burning and campfires over this time. The Fire Chief may prohibit any or all types of outdoor fires when, in his opinion, atmospheric conditions or local circumstances may make such fires a hazard: The following conditions must be observed: a) The piles of materials to be burned bust not be larger than 1 meger by 1 meter and shall not be more than 1.5 meters high; b) The fire shall be not less than 4 meters from any log, stumps, snag or standing tree; c) The fire shall be at least 15 meters from any slash, other flammable debris or from any structure. d) A round point shovel and a fully charged garden hose or other source of water and not less than 18 liter in capacity shall be kept near the fire at all times. e) The fire shall be attended by at least one competent adult person until completely extinguished. f) Lighting or fueling of a fire during windy periods is prohibited. Notice of Public Meeting Take notice that a meeting of the residents of Electoral Area “A” (Wells Gray Country) and the District of Clearwater will be held on Tuesday May 14, 2013 at 7:00pm at the Clearwater Elks Hall to consider: The establishment of an annual financial contribution in the amount of $50,000 to assist in funding the Valley Connector Transit Service. Since all properties within the local service area will be affected by the establishment of this service, all residents are advised to attend this meeting. This will form the basis for the ultimate decision on whether or not to proceed further on the matter. For further informant contact Ron Storie, Manager of Community Services at the Thompson-Nicola Regional District at 1.877.377.8673 Upcoming Events May 18-20 – May Day Celebrations May 25 – RCMP Bike Rodeo Upcoming Meetings of Council May 21st, 2013 – Committees of the Whole – Parks and Recreation and Infrastructure – 5:00pm May 21st, 2013 – Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm June 4th, 2013 – Finance and Audit and Economic Development Committee meeting – 5:00pm June 4th, 2013 – Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm

Civic address: 132 Station Road Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address:



Thursday, May 16, 2013 Clearwater Times


“ Never quit. It is the easiest cop-out in the world. Set a goal and don't quit until you attain it. When you do attain it, set another goal, and don't quit until you reach it. Never quit.” - Bear Bryant, football coach Guest editorial by Tom Fletcher

Things you can’t say in elections

May is hearing and speech month Editor, The Times:

Why do the Royal Purple and Elks recognize May as hearing and speech month? Here are some excellent reasons from Elks Canada! • Early detection of hearing and speech disorders is everyone’s responsibility • Early detection is critical • Children are at risk of developing social, emotional, behavioral and/or learning problems is

speech, language and/ or hearing problems are not identified early • Difficulties with communication affect not only the child but the entire family • Children learn speech and language from listening to others. When a hearing loss exists, the child does not get the full benefit of language learning experience • Hearing and speech month is the opportunity to tell everyone about the

BC Press Council

The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be

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Times THE

NORTH THOMPSON Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council

positive impact audiologists and speech language pathologists and supportive personnel have to help Canadian’s communicate What can you do to promote communication? In your conversation with others: • Be a model for correct pronunciation • Listen carefully and five the person enough time to speak • Don’t interrupt • Use a slow, natural rate of speech • Use open- ended questions in your conversations • If you think that someone you know has a hearing problem encourage him/ her to see a family physician or audiologist • Talk about it. Hearing problems are not taboo. It can happen to anybody.

Jean Gross Royal Purple Clearwater, B.C.

VICTORIA – Another election campaign has come and gone, with the ritual posturing of political parties and most news media searching for anything they can portray as a conflict. Now comes the time to wonder why not enough people cared, or informed themselves about the real problems of running this $40 billion corporation called the B.C. government. Why would they, when the whole thing is presented as a combination of beauty contest and sports event, with endless discussion of polls and “attack ads” and who’s ahead and what’s the score? Again we have seen the truth of former prime minister Kim Campbell’s observation that elections are no time to talk about serious issues. Indeed, there are some things you can’t speak of at all. Peace River North MLA Pat Pimm caused a stir at a candidates’ debate when he referred to constituents’ concerns that disabled children can cause difficulties in classrooms. He didn’t say classrooms should be segregated, although that’s a discussion worth having. He didn’t deny the need for more support for special needs kids. But his opponents immediately portrayed it that way, and media seized on the conflict despite the factual inaccuracy. West Vancouver-Capilano MLA Ralph Sultan had a similar experience when he referred to his study of poverty in that affluent area. He noted that there was a high correlation between single parenthood and kids in poverty. Picking on single mums, his detractors exclaimed, and that’s what got reported. The B.C. Conservatives kicked their Boundary-Similkameen candidate out of the party because he wrote an article saying women shouldn’t choose to be single mothers. You can talk about child poverty, as long as you only discuss it based on federal statistics that do not measure poverty. Christy

Clark started doing this as soon as she became B.C. Liberal leader, one of several issues where she dispensed with the facts and tried to copy a popular NDP stance instead. She was all about families, which can of course be single people, single parents or pretty well anything you want them to be. In fact the decline of the traditional family and the abdication of responsibility by many parents, fathers in particular, are central factors in the problem of poor and neglected children. But you can’t talk about that, at least not during elections. Whole areas of political discussion have devolved into euphemisms that are chosen because they can’t be defined. Everybody’s in favour of “affordable housing,” for instance. What they won’t admit is that this is code for subsidized housing, because then they would have to talk about how much the subsidy is, and who has to pay for it. Good grief, that might raise the question of whether the state should be taking money away from some people and giving it to others so they can live where they otherwise couldn’t afford to live. We even have rules preventing the media from reporting polls on election day. People might be influenced by this, you see. If you tell them Party X is far ahead, they might stay home and mow the lawn instead. If you tell them someone is making a comeback, they might change their vote because they want to be on the winning side, or the one that has “momentum.” Just like any other sport. The news media are steadily losing influence with the public. There are many factors involved, including the vast array of information sources that are available at most people’s fingertips. Another factor is treating the public like they’re idiots.

– Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and

Writer gives thanks for fair editorial Editor, The Times:

It was very nice to read your editorial from last week "Please take the time to vote during the provincial election on Tuesday" in the May 9 issue. You gave both sides of politics an equal mention, thank you. It seems as if the main stream media (MSM) for the last few years are so one-sided that they could tip a battleship. There are many

stories that the people of B.C. should be hearing from them but are not told. Also, and the icing on the cake, with a big cherry on the top, was your mention of the Swiss style of governing. We in B.C. have a voice once every four years and between elections. With the whip system we have a four-year dictator, regardless of party in power.

Bill VanderZalm and our own Bud Smith drafted up the recall referendum in order to give us a voice. Harcourt's NDP lawyers spent four long years changing this so it is as it is today unworkable for the people to use. Anyhow, again, thanks for the good editorial.

Wayne Russell Blackpool, B.C.

74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email:

Subscribe to the Times

Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST

Clearwater Times Thursday, May 16, 2013 A5


? of the Week

Were you surprised the Canucks got eliminated so quickly?

Angie Giesbrecht:

No, I'm not surprised at all. I'm not a big hockey girl but they never seem to quite make it.

Ella Greffard:

Aud ie and Elmer John Gawryliuk: No. Someone's got DeBock: No. They're really good up to the end and then they quit. They run out of gas.

Yes, they were Lou's favorite team and I'm sure he'd be disappointed. That's what they get for trying to get rid of Luongo.

to win and someone's got to lose. So they lost. Big deal.

Madison Pendergast (with Colton): It seems

every time they get in the playoffs they get distracted. Maybe if we didn't tell them it was the playoffs....

Food Bank says thank you to Clearwater and district Editor, The Times:

Clearwater and District Food Bank continues to provide assistance to needy individuals and families. In 2008 it provided approximately 33 hampers per month. In 2009 we provided approximately 45 hampers per month. Last year (2012) the demand increased to over 70 hampers per month. This year so far we have provided 75+ hampers per month. The demand has been continuously increasing and

Challengers say thanks for the support Editor, The Times:

Thank you to the community and all the people that supported the Challengers’ Coffee House Fundraiser. Despite the power outage, we persevered and the evening was a great success! Gerda Faber organized the musicians and provided the sound system. Without this continued support the adults with disabilities in our community wouldn’t get

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, on June 4 and 8. Donation bags will be delivered to homes in Clearwater and district on June 4 with instructions and a list of needed items. Donations will be picked-up on the morning of June 8. Look for the Clearwater and District Food Bank thank-you float in the May Day parade May 18.

the generosity and thoughtfulness of the Clearwater and district citizens has assisted us in meeting these needs. The Food Bank extends a big thank-you to all who attended and supported the “Sale to Die For” at the North Thompson Funeral Service parking lot May 4. You made the event a success. The Food Bank will conduct its sixth annual midseason drive for non-perishable goods, sponsored by

Clearwater and District Food Bank


the opportunity to go on a trip every year! This year they are heading to historic Barkerville and looking forward to the adventure! Thanks again, on behalf of the Challengers and staff at YCS.

Jenna Wilson, Life Skills Facilitator Yellowhead Community Services

Roll on

Come out and enjoy Bingo at the Elks Hall Editor, The Times:

Many people enjoy Bingo. The Elks Hall has a community Bingo, every week – alternating between Tuesdays and Thursdays. These Bingos are announced in the Times. The funds raised are used to help local families and charities. The Elks Lodge #499 sponsors one of the Bingos,

Our North Thompson communities are privileged to have such an excellent choir, delightful, entertaining and uplifting, who played and sang at the Clearwater ski hill chalet last Sunday. It was a great variety of choral singing, solos, drumming, and other talented players of other instruments, cello, mandolin, vio-

lin and piano. Leah puts tremendous energy into training and directing the choir, as well as drumming. And, Jordene, I hope you go to see Loch Lomond yourself, some day, and possibly sing there on the shore. You have a beautiful voice. Thank you all for a wonderful afternoon.

Barbara Ferguson Clearwater, B.C.

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Thank you for the songs Editor, The Times:

an new look

May 16, will be responsible for the concession booth on the Elks' Bingo nights. We look forward to seeing you there.

which happens every second Thursday at the Elks Hall. Your local Lions Club offers the other Bingo. By attending either of these you are guaranteed a great evening, a feeling of contributing to the charitable fabric of the community and a ‘chance to win’ . Royal Purple #302, starting

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Thursday, May 16, 2013 Clearwater Times


Drake Smith (l), president of the Evergreen Acres Society, accepts a $500 cheque from Hazel Wadlegger, head of the grants committee with the North Thompson Communities Foundation. The money is being used to install new smoke detectors in the main and annex buildings at the seniors’ housing complex. This is the foundation’s tenth year, Wadlegger said. Typically it gives away about $5,000 per year for projects in the North Thompson Valley from Blue River to McLure. All the grants come from interest earned on money donated – the principal is never touched. Photo by Keith McNeill






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A flag raising ceremony was held at Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital in conjunction with National Health Week. The flag for the new hospital had been donated by members of the Helmcken family. The hospital, according to administrator Kay Rice, was almost fully equipped for the services that were to be performed there.



More than 40 motor-cross racers were entered in one leg of the competition for the Can-Am cup held in Clearwater. Kelly Small of Clearwater took first in the 125 cc senior class. A complaint of shots being fired in the Clearwater Station Road area led police to the discovery of a

BACK IN TIME rifle used in the slaying of a Langley man on May 9 of that year. Police responding to a complaint recovered a .44 magnum rifle after a house search. A 33-year-old Clearwater man was charged with the careless use of a firearm and another local man, age 34, was arrested in connection with the shooting death in Langley.



There was good news for parents of Birch Island and Avola pupils when school trustees announced elementary schools in the two communities would open the next September. Fourteen year old Samantha Birchall was chosen as new Clearwater May Queen. Diedre Marlow was first princess, and Tracey Mohrbutter Miss Congeniality.



Two Clearwater businesspeople objected to the TNRD regarding a request for a temporary permit to operate an ice cream stand at the junction of Highway 5 and Old North Thompson Highway

in Clearwater. Naomi Cloutier, who had leased the property from Chevron Oil, felt the small ice cream take-out facility would be an asset to the community.



Clearwater Improvement District was urging water users to use as little as possible as water flowing through the system from the watershed near the ski hill was extremely dirty. It was hoped that the well near Clearwater River bridge would be able to supply enough if everyone was careful.



Clearwater Food Bank reached a crisis situation when donations dropped after the busy winter season. Clearwater RCMP reported that careless gopher hunters had discharged a bullet into the side of a residence.



Clearwater’s Medical Centre was closed as part of a province-wide day of protest by members



Foundation helps Evergreen Acres

HISTORICAL Perspective


“Another federal election has been called — the sixth in 11 years,” an editorial stated in the Times. Nationally, voters would choose between Liberal Pierre Trudeau and Conservative Robert Stanfield, while in the North Thompson the race between Liberal incumbent Len Marchand and Conservative Davie Fulton. NDP candidate Vernor Jones, a high school teacher from Kamloops, was also running in the race.

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of the B.C. Medical Association after the provincial government cancelled an arbitrated settlement with B.C. doctors.



About 200 mothers, children, fathers and others turned out May 10 to participate in a Mothers’ March for medical care. The march was to raise awareness of the need for more doctors in Clearwater. Members of Wells Gray Search and Rescue completed a four day whitewater inflatable kayaking course on the Clearwater River. The members were enhancing their whitewater search and rescue abilities. The course was developed by local whitewater kayaking school Liquid Lifestyles. Clearwater Secondary School welcomed a group of 26 people from St-Cesaire, Quebec to participate in a sevenday exchange.



A lady manager from Ghana, Leticia Ahiabu, was to join the Interior Savings Credit Union branch in Clearwater for three days as part of the Canadian Cooperative Association’s Women’s Mentorship Program. “It’s like winning a lottery for her. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity,” said Clearwater manager Gina Walchuk. Clearwater Minor Ball president Melody Romeo asked town council for assistance in hosting the Peewee/ Midget provincial softball championships in July.

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Clearwater Times Thursday, May 16, 2013 A7

Ottawa to close research centre; 14 staffers to lose jobs this fall Kamloops This Week Although two years ago she called it a fantastic facility, Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo MP Cathy McLeod said she understands why the federal agriculture research centre in Kamloops must be shut down. The centre, a fixture in the city's agriculture sector for almost eight decades, will be closed in the fall and the 14 staff there have been laid off. Bob Jackson, regional executive vice-president with the Public Service Alliance of Canada, which represents nine of the 14 staff, said the likelihood of finding another federal-sector job in Kamloops is unlikely. McLeod, who praised the facility in 2011 when it was also facing closure, but refocused and renamed the Grassland Applied Technology Centre, said the building and its labs are first-rate and might find another use. When asked if that meant the building could be sold, McLeod said an intensive analysis would be done, other stakeholders consulted and a decision will be made. The Conservative backbencher said she is disappointed at the decision, one of many layoffs and closures announced nationally this week, but said the Growing Forward 2 program will help fill the gap. KTW sent an email to Agriculture and Agrifood Canada (AAFC), asking why the centre was being closed. Its explanation: "We are consolidating our national science

capacity in key locations in line with our efforts to concentrate expertise and use our resources more effectively to generate the science and knowledge needed to advance the industry. "AAFC will continue to support the beef sector along the innovation continuum. AAFC performs the science at the early stages of the development cycle that industry will build upon through research collaborations with academia and the private sector using GF2 federal investments." Jackson said the federal government wants out of doing scientific research, "They don't believe in it," he said. "It's a sad tragedy, it really is." Jackson said a national health and safety conference his union held last month showed the percentage of public-sector workers now accessing mental-health counselling through programs "has gone through the roof." He said a similar federal workforce reduction in the 1990s was equally challenging, but caused less stress because options and choices were different and people were not, for example, being told to take a "reasonable job on the other side of the country." McLeod said she was told no research has been undertaken at the centre since 2011; however, Lauchlan Fraser, a science professor at Thompson Rivers University, said TRU has worked in partnership with the researchers at the centre for some time. "It's a shame," Fraser said. "We have such a long history of excellent research coming out of that station."

Celebrating Hospital Auxiliary Day Dr Helmcken Memorial Hospital Auxiliary member Sue Ludtke (l) presents some chocolate fudge to Christine Wright of Greenscapes and Greffards and Christine’s son Juri during Hospital Auxiliary Day on Friday, May 10. The local Auxiliary recognized Auxiliary Day this year by visiting businesses in the Clearwater area and handing out a thank you card along with a chunk of homemade fudge. “Because we are a small community the same businesses are constantly asked for donations and they always seem to step up. We, as Auxiliary members, really enjoyed going around and giving a small token back,” said Auxiliary spokesperson Gail Capostinsky. Photo submitted

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MP McLeod announces new jobs for Canadian youth Submitted KAMLOOPS — Students in KamloopsThompson-Cariboo will gain valuable work experience this summer as a result of the Government of Canada’s Canada Summer Jobs initiative. Cathy McLeod, Member of Parliament, made the announcement Monday on behalf of the Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development. “Through Canada Summer Jobs we are helping employers in Kamloops-ThompsonCariboo create 106 summer job opportunities for students while strengthening our community’s economy,” said McLeod. McLeod announced that the riding will receive $455,983 in Canada Summer Jobs funding to hire students. Canada Summer Jobs helps students gain the skills and experience they need to be successful now and in the future, while earning money for the

upcoming school year. Canada Summer Jobs is an important part of the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy (YES), which also includes the Skills Link and Career Focus programs. With an annual budget of more than $300 million, YES helps youth obtain career information, develop employment skills, find jobs and stay employed. Economic Action Plan (EAP) 2013 proposes an additional investment of $70 million over three years in YES to support 5,000 more paid internships. This is further to the extra $50 million that was invested through EAP 2012 to enhance YES with a new initiative that connects young Canadians with jobs that are in high demand and helps them develop tangible skills and gain work experience. Youth employment programs are part of the Government of Canada’s broader strategy to create an educated, skilled and flexible

workforce. The government underscored its commitment to this strategy in Canada’s Economic Action Plan. A key component of the plan is to create more and better opportunities for Canadian workers through skills development. To learn

more about Canada’s Economic Action Plan, visit The Government of Canada is helping youth plan their careers, learn new skills and find jobs through enhanced online services available at youth.

In Loving Memory

Carol Welch

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I remember the times we spent together And they are forever locked inside my heart, For as long as I have those memories We will never be apart, Even though we can speak no more Your voice is always there, Because every night before I sleep I have you in my prayers. Connie, James, Baylee, Travis, Leroy, Carmen, Madison, Lisa, Kevin, Brittney, and Amber

Shelley Sim at or call 250-674-3286. or Wade Davis holds degrees in anthropology and biology and received his Ph.D. in ethno botany, all from Harvard University. He is the author of 17 books, including the best sellers “The Serpent and the Rainbow” (1986), “One River” (1996), “The Wayfinders” (2009) and “Into the Silence” (2011). His many film credits include “Light at the Edge of the World,” an eight-hour documentary series written and produced for the National Geographic Channel. Davis is the recipient of the 2009 Gold Medal from the Royal Canadian Geographical Society for his contributions to anthropology and conservation, the 2011 Explorers Medal, the highest award of the Explorers Club, the 2012 David Fairchild Medal for botanical exploration, and the 2013 Ness Medal for geography education from the Royal Geographical Society. His book “Into the Silence” was awarded the 2012 Samuel Johnson Prize, the top prize for literary nonfiction in the English language. Davis is a National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence. Wade Davis will officiate the opening for Wells Gray World Heritage year. 2013 celebrates 100 years since Helmcken Falls was discovered in Wells Gray Park and marks the opening of the Thompson Rivers University (TRU) Wilderness Field Station.


Thursday, May 16, 2013 Clearwater Times

You bet Clearwater’s got talent Vera Walker

Jump Rope for Heart Raft River Elementary student Alex Gerow takes part in Jump Rope for Heart at the school on May 1. Photo submitted

The kickoff to this year’s Youth Week locally was Clearwater’s Got Talent on Wednesday, May 1 at Clearwater Secondary School. The evening’s performance began with MC Alex Arduini welcoming the standing room only audience and introducing the acts to follow. CSS hosted the event in the drama/auditorium room, which was perfect for such a night. The acts were all good and I’m sure the judges had difficult decisions to make. Performances ranged from singing and beat box to skits and Native drumming. All were original and performers worked hard to show the best of their talents. You’re all winners, by doing your best and having the courage to show it. Most original performance, Chris Gouchie, beat box; best individual act, Austyn Busse, singer and guitarist; best group act, CSS Drama Club, skit. Coordinator and Youth Week fundraiser supervisor Eleanor Collins said that a big thank you should to out to all the wonderful volunteers who helped in making this night possible for every one.

Singer and guitarist Austyn Busse holds her prize after winning first place for best individual act during the Clearwater’s Got Talent event on May 1. Photo submitted

Elmer Epp re-elected as board chair at ISCU

Our aim is to provide excellent employment services to Clearwater and the surrounding community. We are your local WorkBC Employment Services Centre providing services to both Job Seekers and Local Employers Learn more >>> _________________________________________________ CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CENTRE 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250- 674-2928 Fax: 250- 674-2938 Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Email: Operated by Yellowhead Community Services

The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

KELOWNA – Elmer Epp of Kamloops was reelected as chair of the board of directors of Interior Savings Credit Union after its annual general meeting held in Kelowna on May 7. Epp is an associate at the law firm of Epp Cates Oien in Kamloops. He now begins his 12th year as chair of the Interior Savings Board. Epp was also recently elected to the board of directors of Central 1 Credit Union.

At the AGM, results of the recent Board of Directors election were delivered to the membership. Thompson/ South Okanagan Region saw the reelection through acclamation of incumbent directors Gordon Matthews and Stephanie Teare, each for three-year terms. Central/North Okanagan Region saw the re-election through acclamation of incumbent directors Don Grant and Bianca

Iafrancesco, each for three-year terms. Paul Neustaedter was declared elected to the board for a oneyear term. A special resolution to amend the credit union rules was also approved. “Despite an uncertain global economic environment, Interior Savings enjoyed another successful year in 2012,” Epp said. “Total assets of Interior Savings exceeded the $2 billion mark, representing an asset growth of $23.9 mil-

2013 Youth week Committee The 2013 Youth week Committee would like to send out a HUGE thank you to the District of Clearwater and Clearwater Secondary School for supporting and hosting our Youth Week events throughout May 1-7 . We would also like to thank all the youth who participated and everyone in the community who came out to encourage and cheer them on! In addition we recognize that Clearwater’s Got Talent, The Clearwater Carnage BMX & SK8 Competition, the Youth Awards and the CSS school wide BBQ would not have been successful without help from the following businesses and individuals: Oronge, Zuemies, Safety Mart, Home Hardware, Fleetwest, Jim’s Food Market, Alex Arduini, Krystle Moilliet, Ken Matheson, Robert Wallington, Chris Martin, Gary Goodie, Tanya Chapman, Melody Romeo Thanks to the Clearwater Times for their awesome coverage of the events and one last BIG thanks goes out to the United Way! Youth Week in Clearwater could not possibly have been as amazing for us, the Youth Week Committee, and our community without you!!! The 2013 Youth Week Committee, Katie Bieber, Kaylee Ash, Bobbi-Lee Foulkes, Kaylee Hudema, Dane Flegel, Kaitlyn VanderZwan, Josee Cooperman, Emma Collins, Hans Fast, and Jacob Hurst

lion during the year. This achievement is attributable to careful business planning and the continued support of our members, employees, and communities. Since 2002, Interior Savings has returned more than $45 million to its members through the Member Rewards Program. In 2012, Interior Savings shared more than $3.35 million with its members through the program, and invested over $720,000 dollars into the community. Interior Savings continues to develop and expand its social media, mobile and online banking products. Interior Savings Credit Union is the largest credit union based in the Interior of BC with assets exceeding $2.0 billion. Through its 21 branches, 15 insurance offices, and two Commercial Services Centres, the credit union offers personal and commercial banking and a full range of insurance and wealth management services to members in 14 communities.

Clearwater Times Thursday, May 16, 2013 A9

Rivers, smoke rise with temperature increase By Tom Fletcher, Black Press

High streamflow advisories have been issued across the Southern Interior of B.C. as the first warm weather of the year melts snowpacks across the province. River levels are expected to continue to rise until Saturday in the Okanagan, Similkameen, Kootenay and Thompson regions, with daytime high temperatures expected to decline on the weekend. The advisories are for Mission Creek and other small watersheds in the Okanagan, the Similkameen and Tulameen Rivers, the Kettle, West Kettle and Granby Rivers in the Boundary region, the Salmo, Moyie and other small watersheds in the Kootenays, and the Salmon River, Coldwater River, Chase Creek and other small watersheds in the Thompson region. Forest fires were also spotted after high temperature records were set in several B.C.

communities in early May. The Peace River region has eight active fires of more than 10 hectares reported in the past week, with one near Dawson Creek reaching 100 hectares in size. The Cariboo fire centre has recorded two large fires, with one near Riske Creek covering more than 400 hectares. A 240-hectare fire at Spatsum Creek northwest of Kamloops is the largest of four fires tracked by the Kamloops fire centre since the beginning of May. The Southeast fire centre reported two fires discovered in late April, the larger one near the St. Mary’s Indian Reserve. As of last Thursday, the Coastal fire district had no reports of fires larger than 10 hectares.

Right: The forest fire season is off to an early start in 2013, after a wet, slow start last year. B.C. Forest Service file photo

Clearwater police detachment caseload getting busier Times Staff Clearwater RCMP detachment is quite a bit busier this year than it was the same time last year, according to Sgt. Kevin Podbisky, NCO-incharge of the detachment. “Our caseload is getting busier. Maybe it means this town is getting busier,” he told town council during its May 7 meeting. Detachment members inves-

tigated 308 files during the first quarter of 2013. This compares to 283 fires during the first quarter of 2012. Traffic members investigated 29 files during this period. A total 337 calls for services were investigated during the quarter. Clearwater’s general duty section has been short-staffed since the departure of Cst. Jamie Parsons in March. The constable who was to have taken his place has been

unable to sell his home in Port MacNeil. Instead, Podbisky has arranged for Cst. Jay Meyer to transfer here from Mackenzie. The sergeant said he has worked with Meyer before and highly recommends him. The Traffic Services unit is fully staffed, although one member is on paternity leave. Detachment and Traffic Services members took down a marijuana grow-op in Avola in

February. A total of 728 plants were seized and charges of production and theft of electricity are being sought against the owner of the property. There has been a noticeable increase in the number of people in this area with legal medical marijuana grow operations, the sergeant said. Several times recently they have investigated suspected illegal grow-ops only to find they are licensed.

There was a huge increase in vehicle collisions on area highways during the first quarter of the year. As a result, detachment members spent a lot of time attending to these complaints. RCMP members are looking forward to the second annual Clearwater Detachment Bike Rodeo. Last year just under 50 youngsters took part. The event will be held in the Sportsplex, 10 – 2 on May 25.

McLeod invites constituents to have their say on the future of Canada Post OTTAWA – Cathy McLeod, Member of Parliament for KamloopsThompson-Cariboo, is inviting all constituents to have their say in the future of Canada Post. “Last month, the Conference Board of Canada released a report on the future of Canada Post. It projected that the relentless decline in mail volume may lead to losses of close to $1 billion a year by 2020,” stated McLeod. Canada Post is at a pivotal moment in its history. After

successfully adjusting to fax machines, email, and broadband internet, along came high speed Internet and smart tablets, which have shaken the mail business to its core. Statistically, Canadians mailed almost one billion fewer letters in 2012 than they did in 2006. This loss of letter mail volume means financial losses. In 2011, for the first time in 17 years Canada Post failed to earn a profit and reported a loss of $327 million before tax. In the coming months Canada

Post faces the challenge of considering all options to avoid becoming a burden on taxpayers. In doing so, Canada Post must also continue to meet its public policy obligations, such as serving every Canadian address, including those in rural and northern Canada. Canada Post engaged the Conference Board of Canada to conduct an independent assessment of the future of postal service in Canada. The Conference Board report found: • most Canadians

believe that, despite the spread of electronic communications, they continue to need postal services but they recognize the need for change. • customers see the current price of a stamp as good value, and are willing to tolerate slower service than they now receive. • the postal system remains an integral part of how small businesses send invoices and collect payments. The Conference Board then offered a framework for discussion of options addressing the chal-

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lenge: • converting Canadian households’ door-to-door delivery to community mailboxes; • price increases; • further replacement of corporate post offices with franchised postal outlets;

• reduced speed of delivery; • alternate day delivery for mail; “I believe that Canada Post has to seriously consider all of the options in order to stem their losses as well as engage Canadians in

this discussion,” said McLeod. “I encourage everyone to give their feedback either online at canadapost. ca or by mail to: The Future of Canada Post, 2701 Riverside Dr. Suite N0800, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0B1.”

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Thursday, May 16, 2013 Clearwater Times

BC Parks volunteers get more protection Ministry of Environment VICTORIA – The Province is providing $240,000 and a new group insurance program to support volunteers in BC Parks across the province, Environment Minister Terry Lake announced recently. “Volunteers and community partners are vital to the continued success of BC Parks,” Lake said. “It’s imperative volunteers have the supports they need to work on projects that benefit our parks. Thanks to all the volunteers and partners who have contributed to our world-class parks and protected area system.” This funding from the Park Enhancement Fund will help volunteers participate in regional conservation and recreation projects, including facility restoration, trail construction and invasive plant control. Support is also now available for projects with a provincial scope. For more information about how to apply, go to Volunteer groups who work in BC Parks are protected even more with the new Stewardship Partners Insurance Program. Legally registered volunteer groups can now enter into five to 10 year agreements to undertake work on behalf of BC Parks. In return, all group members will be provided with liability and accident insurance when working on approved BC Parks projects. The coverage is similar to what is provided for individual volunteers. BC Parks Volunteer Strategy was developed in 2012 and has now moved into the implementation phase. The strategy was developed after consultations with volunteers, park facility operators, stakeholders and the general public to strengthen capacity within the BC Parks system and improve volunteer experience by establishing a long-term volunteer program. Last year, over 1,500 volunteers worked on projects in BC Parks, including retirees, children, families, youth and school groups just to name a few. Some of these volunteers have specific expertise in trail building, biology and conservation. British Columbia has 1,030 provincial parks, recreation areas, conservancies, ecological reserves and protected areas covering approximately 14.3 per cent of the provincial land base.


Plastic Acid Project member Bryan Deans plays the cello. ON YOUR NEXT GROCERY BILL!

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Cod Gone Wild percussionist and singer Chad "Rhino" Carter plays the djembe.


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Andrew Mercer, lead singer with Cod Gone Wild, plays the mandolin. At left is the band's Anjuli Otter on fiddle, while at top left is bass player Roy Kawano bathed in a blue spotlight.

Steve Graham benefit at Serenity

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Musicians perform at Serenity Center for the Performing Arts near Birch Island during a concert held in memory of Steve Graham, one of the Center's first supporters. The event was held Saturday evening, May 11.

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Photos by Keith McNeill


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Mike Whitty sings songs from Newfoundland.

Brad Fischer (l) and Mariah Mennie from the Plastic Acid Project perform for the audience.

Clearwater Times Thursday, May 16, 2013 A11

Art Crawl in the Valley Left: Doris Laner demonstrates her painstaking painting technique in the studio near her home in Upper Clearwater. More than a dozen artists from Avola to Blackpool opened up their studios for the second annual Art Crawl sponsored by North Thompson Arts Council last weekend. Right: Mel Sasek (l) checks out the cedar strip kayaks and canoes made by Steve McIntosh. The handmade boats were just part of the arts and crafts on display at Upper Clearwater Hall during the Art Crawl.

DrinKing WATer WeeK

In BC we may take our Photos by Keith McNeill water for granted, but it is a finite resource we need to value and protect. In BC we may take our

DrinKing MAY 20-26, 2013 WATer WeeK

water for granted, but it is a finite resource we need to value and protect.

Take the Community Water Challenge!

Take the Community Water Challenge!

MAY 20-26, 2013

Are you water wise? Take th Water Challenge and enter exciting water-themed getaway in courtesy of The Fairmont Waterfro receive 10% off water efficient fi Bath & Kitchen Centres across BC Are you water wise? Take the Community pledge to take one or all of the wa Water Challenge and enter to win an below. Make your pledge at: exciting water-themed getaway in Vancouver

Our water – Why do we need to protect it? Why should we care?

Challenge and pledge to be water to Know Your H2O’ and think When you turn on your tap wise.” about the impact of your everyand clean, safe water comes out, The five easy pledges can be day habits. do you ever wonder how it got courtesy of The Fairmont Waterfront and Helijet, plus taken online. People can also “We forget that we use the there or what happens to it when receive 10% off water efficient fixtures at Splashes Bath & Kitchen Centres across BC! It’s simple – just find out about community same treated drinking water to it goes down the drain? Or why Challenge and pledge to be water to Know Your H2O’ and think When you turn on your tap pledge to take one or all of water wise actions BetheWater Wise: events such as tours of water wash our cars you should care? wise.” about the impact of your everyand clean, safe water comes out, below. Make your pledge at: wastewater facil□ I will limit my shower time t and water our The fiveand “We may think easy pledges cantreatment be day habits. do you ever wonder how it got per day. ities in theircan area, lawns. wethere haveorenough People alsoor download “We forget that we use the We flushtaken online. what happens to it when about community same treated drinking water to and find out fun it goes and educational activities □ I will install a water efficien our toilets water fordown our the drain? Or why Be Water Wise: events such tours ofand waterfamilies, at wash away our cars you should appliance in my home. for as children it goes with needs in BC care? but and wastewater treatment facil□ I will limit my shower time to 5 minutes and water our we put mayalways think □ I will use less water outdoor whatever that“We is not per day. ities in their area, or download lawns. We flush we have enough my lawn only the amount of down there,” says thewater case.forOur fun and educational activities □ I will install a water efficient fixture or our toilets and our it needs (2.5 cm of water ea “Just a few water is in finite, appliance in my home. for children and families, at away Foster. it goes with needs BC but the height of a tuna can). simple and theis demand □ I will use less water outdoors by giving whatever we put that not always True and False: □ turn off the tap when my lawn only the amountI will of water waterdownsuch there,as ” says is increasing the case. Our Test your water knowledge! it needs (2.5 cm of water each week, or teeth, scrubbing dishes, sha Foster. “Just water is finite, ing oura few lawns due to climate the height of a tuna can).any other water wasting act simple changes and the demand less, using rainTrue and change, popula1. False: British Columbians use more water than □ I will turn off the tap□ when brushing my harmful substa such as wateris increasing I will not put barrels, installing tion growth and Test your water knowledge! other Canadians. T__ F__teeth, scrubbing dishes, shaving, or during ing our lawns due to climate cleaners, paints, pesticides a water efficient or appliindustry ” says Daisy Fosany other water wasting activity. less,fixtures using rain change,needs, popula1. British use more water than 2. Columbians A toilet that continues to run after flushing can down my drain. □ I will not put harmful substances such as ances, and not putting harmful other Canadians. ter,tion CEO of the barrels, installing growth and4,700-member T__ F__ waste up to 200,000 litres of water in a single year. T__ F__cleaners, paints, pesticides and grease substances down or our drains can BCindustry Water needs, & Waste Association. water efficient fixtures appli” says Daisy FosDid You Know? 2. A toilet that continues to run after flushing can down my drain. 3. The best way to achieve a healthy lawn is by andanot harmful ter, CEO of 4,700-member make bigputting difference. ” “Although thetheexpenses may not ances, n The average British Columbian uses 35 waste up to 200,000 litres of water in a single year. T__ F__ down ourdetergents, drains can paint, Water &there Wasteare Association. watering lightly several times a week. T__ Did F__ You Know? day, yet thinks they use less than 200 litr For example, beBC apparent, significant substances n 78 Columbians wou make a big difference. “Although expenses mayinput not n The average British Columbian usesper 353cent litresofofBritish water per medications, and” many other 3. The best way to achieve a healthy lawn is by costs, energytheand human outage within day, but only 50 per cen day, yet thinks they use less than 200 litres per aday.* watering lightly several times a week. T__ F__ For example, detergents, paint, be apparent, there are significant household products end up at required to treat our drinkfaucetwould within same time frame.* n 78 per cent of British Columbians fix the an internet medications, and many other costs, energy and human input outage within a day, but only 50 cent would a leaky n per Replacing an fix 18-litre-per-flush toilet w wastewater treatment plants ingrequired water to be clean and safe, household products end up at to treat our drinkfaucet within the same time frame.* volume 6-litre or less model leads to a 6 n Replacing an 18-litre-per-flush toilet with an ultra low where special processes deliver it totoour taps, and andsafe, manage wastewater treatment plants are ing water be clean flushed and will reduce indoor water use volume 6-litre or less model leads to a 66% savings in water required minimize thedeliver wastewater down where specialto processes are the impact it to ourthat taps,goes and manage Canadian flushed and will reduce indoor *RBC water2013 use by about Water 30%. Attitudes Study. required minimize the impact wastewater that goes down on thetoenvironment and receivthethe drain. ” *RBC 2013 Canadian Water Attitudes Study. on ing the environment the adds, drain.”“New regulations waters. Fats,and oilsreceivand grease She waters. oils andour grease adds, “New regulations we Fats, put down drains can andShe aging infrastructure such as ingthat For more water wise tips and ‘Did You Knows’, and to download educational activities that we put down our drains can and aging infrastructure such as often cause blockages in sewerFor more water wise tips and ‘Did You Knows’, and to download educational activities pipes and treatment systems will often cause blockages in sewer pipes and treatment systems will your or classroom, visit for yourfor home or home classroom, visit lines resulting in costly mean upgrades replacelines resulting in costly repairs.repairs. mean upgrades and and replaceFoster “During Drinking ments we Foster says,says, “During Drinking mentsand andthis this is is something something we Water Week, get involved Water Week, get involved and and areare allallgoing topay payfor. for. goingto to have have to ”” more aboutabout your water DuringDrinking Drinking Water learn more your and water and During WaterWeek, Week, learn impact of your actions. Start Start May 26,BC BC Water Water &&Waste impact of your actions. May 2020– –26, Waste thethe @drinkingwaterwk @drinkingwaterwk by taking the Community Water Association asks you to ‘Get by taking the Community Water Association asks you to ‘Get

Our water – Why do we need to protect it? Why should we care?

*Environment Canada, 2011.

Answers: 1.True: British Columbians use an average of 353 litres of water per day; the Ifaverage drops of food colouring in the tank at the back of the toilet, and wait a few minutes. the colour shows up in the bowl, 3. False: Watering your lawn once week rather than lightly Canadian uses 274 litres of water perthere’s day.*a leak. 2. True: To find out if your toiletthoroughly is leaking, putper two or three a greater frequency willofstrengthen roots anda promote a greener, healthier drops of food colouring inatthe tank at the back the toilet,the and wait few minutes. If the colourlawn. shows up in the bowl, there’s a leak. 3. False: Watering *Environment Canada, 2011. your lawn thoroughly once per week rather than lightly at a greater frequency will strengthen the roots and promote a greener, healthier lawn.

Answers: 1.True: British Columbians use an average of 353 litres of water per day; the average Canadian uses 274 litres of water per day.* 2. True: To find out if your toilet is leaking, put two or three


Thursday, May 16, 2013 Clearwater Times

Sports Wells Gray Riders Association holds tricky weekend Vera Walker The Zuk family was gracious enough to host Step by Step Trick Training the weekend before last at their beautiful farm. The weather was favourable for this outdoor clinic held recently in East Blackpool. Equine trick trainer and author Jackie Jones came from her home in Saskatchewan to teach 13 eager students and their equine partners. We learned that every trick is really a part of a horse’s natural behaviour when amongst themselves. Our part was to gain our horses’ trust through the various exercises and also prove to them that we are fair in our requests and rewards. A person can teach any desired result but in what manner do they achieve the result? The easiest way is Pavlovian – command, reaction, reward. Sometimes the person must take physical steps to teach the command and reward immediately for the slightest correct reaction. This way trust and confidence are gained, building a strong foundation.

Cherry Van Immerzeel and Blizzard arrived from 150 Mile House. Newlyweds Candice and Jordan came from Kamloops. Jessica Cappel and Denis from Barriere already excelled at many of these tricks and built on them. From Wells Gray Riders Association were: Amber Zuk and Jasper, Elisya McClennon and Jocko, Penny Harper and Stormy, Mitch Miller and Sparky, Marlene Cousins and Cherry, Morgan Spencer and Spirit, Jason Griffin and JJ, Vera Walker and Sahara, and Christine Quirion and Jake. All of us learned a lot about ourselves and our horse friends and now carry more tools in our “mental belts” for future use. At the end of the weekend every horse could bow, stand on a pedestal, hug and kiss. A few others were able to teach their horse to lay down (a very submissive position) and even to sit. All participants were pleased with their results and would gladly have Jones come back for another clinic.

Elementary students compete Keanen Bromley clears the bar on the high jump as he takes part in the annual elementary school track and field meet at Clearwater Secondary School on Wednesday, May 8. This year only Raft River Elementary took part, with students coming from Grades 4 to 7. Photo by Keith McNeill

Squirts start warming up Jayden Kjenstad throws and Tristan Blackmore catches during a Squirts softball practice at Capostinsky Park on Thursday, May 9. Enough youngsters have signed up for Clearwater to field two under-12 teams this season.

1st Annual

Horse Awareness Ride & Walk

Photo by Keith McNeill

PROMOTING SAFETY FOR HORSES & RIDERS AND PEDESTRIANS ON THE ROAD Please come join the community for a walk to raise awareness of the horse & rider, family and children and all other pedestrians. This ride and walk is to help promote the importance of PASSING WIDE & SLOW


Clearwater Slo-Pitch 2013

Support the community on

JUNE 1st 2013 at 10AM Walk starts at the Clearwater New Life Assembly to the Strawberry Moose! (5km)




10 7











Balls Deep




Off Constantly




Baileys Bistro





For any additional information please call (250)674-8551 Sponsored By the



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Learn More. Achieve More. If you or an adult you know would like to improve reading, writing or math skills, look under LEARN in the Yellow Pages™ or visit

Clearwater Times Thursday, May 16, 2013 A13

Student loan forgiveness applications now being accepted from family doctors and nurses working in rural communities GATINEAU, QC, / CNW/ - The federal government recently announced that family doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and family medicine residents in more than 4,200 rural communities across Canada can now apply for Canada Student Loan forgiveness. The announcement was made by the Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development. "By offering Canada Student Loan forgiveness, we're doing our part to

encourage health care professionals to serve Canadians in rural and remote communities where they are needed to improve access to primary care," said Minister Finley. "This initiative is part of our government's commitment to strengthen health care for all Canadians." Student loan forgiveness is available for up to five years for work in designated communities, which are communities with an urban core population of less than 50,000, outside of provincial capitals.

Employment must have started on or after July 1, 2011. This initiative applies to the federal portion of Canada Student Loans. Applications and information are available on Nurses and nurse practitioners could receive up to $4,000 per year in Canada Student Loan forgiveness, to a maximum of $20,000 over five years. Family doctors and residents in family medicine could receive up to $8,000 per year, to a maximum of $40,000 over five years.

Music programs to benefit from Couturier benefit Vera Walker Felix Couturier loved his music and loved to share it with people. He wanted to make a difference to the community and that love can go on and be shared through his one wish before passing away and that was to donate any money

Chorus sings for peace Barriere resident Bill Fowler leads a general sing-along during North Thompson Community Chorus’ Concert for Peace in the Clearwater ski hill lodge on Sunday, May 12. The chorus also put on a concert in Barriere earlier. Photo by Keith McNeill

instead of buying flowers or giving donations to the cancer foundation. A celebration of life was held on May 4 for the former resident of East Blackpool at the Wells Gray Inn conference room. Later that evening a jam session was at the Wells Gray

pub. Both rooms were kindly donated by Bonnie and Jeff Ruttan, owners and longtime family friends. The Blue Loon Restaurant raised over $1,000 for the Fexix Couturier music fund. Doug Fenwick and Jeannette Ketch, close friends of the

Gossips feel good by speaking badly of others Ephesians 4:29 You must let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but only what is beneficial for the building up of the one in need, that it may give grace to those who hear. I made a mistakes years ago that I still remember to this day. A woman I worked with was pregnant and she had told this to another workmate of mine who then confided the secret to me. At the time I didn’t see it as being that big a secret so I casually mentioned it to the woman in question. She was taken aback that I knew and the next day my workmate tore a strip off of me for breaking his confidence. Looking back I’m not sure why I conveniently forgot that the woman’s pregnancy was a secret. It may have been ignorance on my part or perhaps not wanting to feel left out of the loop. Regardless what I did was classified as gossip.

Think on These Things By Mike Kiewitt

sense of importance as others value with lustful delight the information you share. But like drugs the temporary pleasure will come with long term consequences of loneliness and a bad reputation. Ultimately those that gossip are strug-

gling with same problem I had, a lack of self-worth. Selfworth is established in meaningful, loving relationships of those whose opinion we value. Unfortunately even the best of relationships will endure times of dissatisfaction. The solution is

to establish our worth in the God of the Bible that valued us so much that He had his son tortured and put to death for our faults and mistakes so that we could experience the greatest most meaningful, most loving relationship with Him.

Those that engage in gossip are revealing themselves to be, or acting like, pathetic cowards. Gossip is a person’s attempt to make himself or herself feel powerful or worthwhile by building themselves up on the backs of others’ shortcomings. It shows a person who values herself so little that the only way they can feel better about themselves is speak badly about others. Gossip does have the benefit of immediate pleasure, like a drug. There is

“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area. (Behind Fields Store)

On the Web: For information 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912


3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational

St James Catholic Church

Sunday Service Mass • 11am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-672-5949 Father Don O’Reilly

We regret to announce that the



Your places of worship

Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive

Sunday Worship Service 10 am

Church Directory

Clearwater Christian Church Clearwater Community Baptist Church

Couturier family and owners of the restaurant, decided that all of April’s coffee sale monies would help to make a difference. Felix Couturier will be missed by many but his legacy will live forever. Both Clearwater school’s music departments are the recipients of the monies raised.

Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor Bill Kelly Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468

CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James


Sunday 9am

Rev. Brian Krushel

250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615

Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm

Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations

CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

(Kids church during service)

Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club

Phone: 250-674-2345

308 W Old N Thompson Hwy

COMMUNITY BAPTIST 24E Old North Thompson Hwy

Worship Service 10:30 Pastor Mike Kiewitt 250.674.1332



District of Clearwater

250-674-2733 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour

• Landscape Design • Agroforestry • Xeric Dryscapes • Range Management • Native Species Landscapes • Raw Land Assessment/Ideas Thursday, May 16, 2013 Clearwater Times • Hydroseeded Lawns • Aerial Revegetation • Land Reclamation • Greenhouses

Business & Service Directory Accountant -- Certified ACCOUNTANT CERTIFIED

STONE & COMPANY (Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)

Certified General Accountants Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy. Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Hours: 9:30 am to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Phone: 250-674-2532 • Kamloops: 554-2533 • Fax: 554-2536

Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate & Personal Income Taxes



Hazel Dowds



Journeyman Carpenter

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John White


Appliance Pet Repair Grooming massage APPLIANCE REPAIRS



Shiatsu Clinic




REPAIR Located In APPLIANCE The Legion Four Star Service Building Arlee Yoerger

250-674-0079 Professional Quality

Registered with N.H.P.C. & Canadian Reflexology Association

Pet Grooming


Box 463 Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0

Tel: (250) 674-3444 Fax: (250) 674-3444

Safe Shelter Building Supply If you need help getting away from domestic abuse,

call Safe Home (250) 674-2135 in Little Fort, Clearwater, Birch Island, Vavenby, Avola & Blue River (250) 682-6444 in Dareld, Barriere, Chu Chua, Louis Creek and McLure

Open Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 3133 Hundsbedt Rd Call for day or evening appointments VAVENBY BC 674-0098 PARTS (250) - SALES - SERVICE CALLS USED APPLIANCES 250-676-0052

Anytime day• or night Winter Hours 8:30am - 5pm - Please don’t wait until it’s too late. Call us now. We can help. If you would like to volunteer, call 250-674-2600 and ask for Wendy

Septic Construction


ON CALL SEPTICConstruction SERVICES& in Clearwater will be in

Renovations from Valemount, Blue River and Avola every first Friday of each Foundations month. Charges for septic pumps start at $250 plus totax. Roof

Charges are subject to pump volume, location of the tank and dumping fees. Rob Kerslake We do require a minimum of 3 appointments Steve Noble to be able to service your area.

Please call to make an appointment 250-674-0145 or 250-674-1869

Al Kirkwood 674-3343


YEARS Septic - Installation - Service - Pumping Demolition - Excavation - Backhoe ServiceEXPERIENC

Residential & Industrial Wells

Trucking - Crane Truck - Water - Dump Well Driller Gravel - Sand - Top Soil - Snow Removal


Bus. (250) 573-3000Jack 250.299.9510 Toll Free 1-888-839-3557

Electric Contractors


Service Center


Construction, Renos & Demos & Towin Septic Service - Pumper Truck Backhoe & Bobcat Call 40c Control years Certified Traffi & Towexperience Truck - 24 Hours 250-674-186 Traffic Control/Certified Portable toilet rentals Chimney Sweep RON ROTZETTER Plumbing 250-674-0145 / 250-31 Clearwater, BC • Well Repair

Building Contractor

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73 Taren Drive, Clearwater Phone 250-674-2929 Toll Free: 1-877-974-2929


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Bringing a little Sunshine to you

Containers available for construction sites, yard clean-up, industrial sites etc.

Phone Jager Garbage 250-674-3798 Serving from Vavenby to Blackpool area

Motor Licence Office

Plumbing & Drains



250-674-2733 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour


District of Clearwater


Contractor Contrac

BUD’S WATER WELLS LTD. Certified Duane Bochek Paul 250.819.3205B.C. Kamloops,



Water Wells Contracting CONTRACTORS

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JASEN MANN 250-674-8151

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Clearwater Times Thursday, May 16, 2013

• Landscape Design • Agroforestry • Xeric Dryscapes • Range Management A15 • Native Landscapes • Raw Land Assessment/Ideas • Hydroseeded Lawns • Aerial Revegetation • Land Reclamation • Greenhouses

District of Clearwater

250-674-2733 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour

Business & Service Directory Box 463 Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0

Storage Storage Safe Shelter

Pet Grooming massage Septic Service

Propane Service


If you need help getting away from domestic abuse,


call Safe HomeRV & Boat Storage

Shiatsu Clinic


Located In The Legion PROPANE SALES & SERVICE For all your Propane Needs PROPANE SALES & SERVICEGive us a Building call before it’s too late! BESTArlee rates inYoerger town Registered with N.H.P.C. Call• Bev Tanks • Residential Commercial • Gas Fitting • Services • Professional Quality “Interior Health approved” & Canadian Reflexology Association For all of your propane Competitive Rates •needs Level Pay Plan Pet Grooming Open Tues., Wed. & Thurs. POTABLE WATER Call for day or evening appointments (250) 674-0098

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250-674-2214 • 250-674-1542

3133 Hundsbedt Rd


Valemount, Blue River and Avola

every first Friday of each month. 24 Hour Service Charges for septic pumps start at Free $250Scrap plusCar tax. Removal Charges are subject to pump volume, location of the tank 516 Swanson Road and dumping fees. Used Auto Parts We do require a minimum of 3 appointments to be able to service your area.


250-674-3123 Please call to OFFICE: make an appointment or CELL: 250-674-1427 250-674-0145 or 250-674-1869


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Storage Units Anytime day or nightMini - Please don’t wait until it’s too late. Call us now. We can help. If you would like to volunteer, call 250-674-2600 and ask for Wendy

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Al Kirkwood 674-3343



Septic Service - Pumper Truck ON CALL

DIVISIONS Service CenterBobcat and Backhoe

Kamloops— As Royal Inland Hospital continues to struggle with capacity issues, New Democrat candidates in Kamloops were outlining the practical steps the NDP would take to improve our health care system. A New Democrat government would invest $105 million over three years to ensure seniors get the support they deserve and the long term care they need, said Tom Friedman, the NDP candidate in KamloopsSouth Thompson. “This investment will help more seniors get the care they need at home. Our seniors deserve better, and the NDP is committed to getting them the care they deserve.” Kamloops-North Thompson NDP candidate Kathy Kendall noted that increasing seniors care would reduce demand on hospitals and free up resources for other things. “As we increase the level of home care for seniors, we can redirect resources like acute care to delivering services for other people,” said Kendall. “This will reduce demand on overburdened hospitals like Royal Inland and improve the quality of care for everyone in our healthcare system.” Kendall also said the NDP plan addresses the deterioration in rural

Traffic Contro

Construction, Renos & Demos & Towin Septic Service - Pumper TruckPlumbing Backhoe & Bobcat Call YEARS Certified Traffic Control & Tow Truck - 24 Hours 250-674-1869 EXPERIE Traffic Control/Certified NCE Residential & Industrial Wells Industrial Lot with Hwy 5 Access and Visibility toilet rentals Construction • Renovations • Certified Septic & Water • Plumbing • Wells & RepairsPortable • $350 a month. Certified Well Driller Chimney Sweep RON ROTZETTER Excavation • Dump Truck • Toilet Rentals • Towing • Certified Traffic Control Plumbing 250-674-0145 / 250-318 Duane Bochek Bus. (250) 573-3000 Well Repair

Toll Free 1-888-83WELLS

ATB.C. ON Kamloops,


CALL...TollWE IT ALL... FreeDO 1-888-839-3557

Office Space for Rent


NDP will expand seniors home care, reducing demand on Royal Inland Hospital, say Kendall and Friedman Submitted


healthcare by committing to increase access to multi-disciplinary health clinics and develop a Rural Acute Care Initiative to improve acute care and emergency services in hospitals across BC. “Residents of Barriere, Clearwater and other small communities often have to drive long distances for medical services,” noted Kendall. “I’m sure residents of these communities will welcome more support for healthcare in rural towns.” In addition to investing in senior’s care and improving rural health care, an NDP government will ensure that youth are able to access mental health services. “One in seven young people in BC are affected by mental illness, yet parents don’t know where to turn to get help for their children,” said Friedman. “Often it’s because the services they need simply aren’t available. The New Democrat plan for child and youth mental health would take practical steps to change that.” Rick Turner, co-chair of the Kamloops Healthcare Coalition, welcomed the announcement. “The investment in seniors care and rural healthcare services is welcome,” Turner said. “It’s encouraging that the NDP is making healthcare in Kamloops and North Thompson a priority.”

Planning for bike skills park (L-r) Tim Pennell, TNRD director for Wells Gray Country (Area A) presents a $2,500 cheque to Clearwater Ski Club president Dennis Greffard as mountain biker Clayton Sollows looks on. The money will be used to design a bike skills park at the ski hill. Photo by Keith McNeill


Thursday, May 16, 2013 Clearwater Times

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”

~ Ronald Reagan

Wells Gray Country

FEATURED COURSE BABYSITTING & FIRST AID (11 YEARS+) This course is designed for youth 11 years and older who want to become a babysitter or may already be one. The babysitting course covers the responsibilities of a babysitter, safety tips for children of all ages, basic child care skills, and what to do in case of an emergency. Course fee includes a basic workbook and a personal mini first aid kit. Dates: May 31 & June 1 Time: Fri, 6:30pm – 9:00pm & Sat, 9:00am – 2:00pm

Location: Community Resource Centre Cost: $75


May 21 & Jun 10


Foodsafe Level 1

May 24 & 25


OFA Level 3 First Aid

May 27 – Jun 7

Red Cross Standard First Aid May 25 & 26


Babysitting & First Aid

May 31 & June 1


May 16: CNT Rod & Gun Club, 7 pm, Blackpool Hall.

May 30: World Heritage Year event: Ethnobotanist and anthropologist Wade Davis gives presentation at CSS Pit May 18: May Day Parade, parade leaves Capostinsky Park 11 am and ends behind Raft River Elementary June 1: Horse Awareness Ride & Walk. Starts at 10 School. Info 250-674-3115 a.m., New Life Assembly Church to Strawberry Moose. May 25: RCMP Bike Rodeo

HEALTH & HEALING Tuesday Morning Coffee ~ 10 am – 11 am at Baptist Church. Closed, will meet again in the fall. • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373. • Connections Healing Rooms - Fridays1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Call Kim 250-250-6740224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-6742699 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: Meet 1st Thursday of every month. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Sun. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Sept. - April • Drop in Tennis: May-Sept. Mon & Thurs 6:30pm All levels. Double & single play. Rotary Sports Park. • Volleyball: Tues. 7:30-9:00 PM, Jan. 15 - Apr. 30, 2013. Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-6742468 annie.pomme@ • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-250-6740001 • Walking Club: Indoors: Wed. Jan. 30 - Mar. 13, 6:30 - 7:30 AM at Clearwater Secondary. FREE. 250-250-6741878 for more info. • Drop-in Curling: Fri. Jan. 11 - Mar. 8, 7:00 PM, $5. Brooms and sliders available. • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-250-6742518 SENIORS • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the month at 2pm at the public library. All seniors welcome.

For a complete list of our area’s COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS stop in at the Times office and pick up your copy of the North Thompson Community Directory • Brookfield Mall Clearwater • 250-250-6743343


$175 $75

TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 224 Candle Creek Rd. EMAIL: •

ONGOING EVENTS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Coffee House: 1st Friday every month - Little Fort Community Hall. 6:30, mic $4/person. Info Bill Fowler 250-672-5116 • Raft River Rockhounds: 3rd Sun of the mth. 250-250-6742700 • Women in Business Luncheon: 2nd Wed. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-250-6742700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-6743703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmer’s Market every Saturday from 9:00 am – Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-250-6743444. • Clearwater-Vavenby Lions Bingo: Every 2nd Tues. Elks Hall. 250-587-6269 • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 5pm: 587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – every 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - every 2nd Thurs. Elks Hall. open 5pm • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Little Fort Coffee House 7pm Little Fort Hall. 1st Fri of the mth Oct. - May Bill 672-5116 • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Raccoon StrongStart: Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri from 8:45-11:45am • Raccoon StrongStart: Vavenby Elem school days Wed 8:5011:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Mornings, reg. call Kerry 250-250-6742600 ext 227 • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250-250-6740057 for details • Kids Club: Clearwater New Life Assembly. Meets every Thur. 3-5 pm. Ages 5-12. For info contact Bobbi @ 250-2506743346


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Bayley’s Bistro

in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken


North Thompson Times Thursday, May 16, 2013 A17

Your community. Your classifieds.

250.674.3343 fax 250.674.3410 email

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am -5pm Brookfield Mall, Clearwater Ph: 250.674.3343 • Fax: 250.674.3410

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Haircare Professionals



Coming Events


Barriere Hospice Walk, May 27. 6:30pm gather at the Ridge, 7pm walk. All welcome. Contact Marnie 250-672-0301.

Clearwater: AA meetings every Wed., #11 Lodge Dr., side door. Roll call 8 p.m. 250674-7155 or 250-674-7313

May Day Parade Saturday, May 18 Theme: Service to the Community Registration: 9:15 Judging:10:15-10:45 Parade leaves Capostinsky Park @ 11 a.m. and ends behind Raft River Elementary School. Entry fee: $20 business float; other entrants no charge; free lunch to all participants. Sponsored by Rotary Info 250-674-3115

Information ARE YOU applying for or have you been denied Canada Pension Plan disability benefits? Do not proceed alone. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-7933222 or Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.


Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11a.m. - 3 p.m. Great deals - low prices

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250-587-0026 Anytime Barriere Alcoholics Anonymous Call: 250-672-9643 For Al Anon Call: 250-672-9643, 250-677-4234

Lost & Found Found: keys at East Barriere Lakes boat launch. (250)6725854


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HAIR Stylist wanted for busy well established salon in Invermere BC. Easy to build clientele during busy summer months. Excellent opportunity for a motivated stylist. 250342-9863

Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator, and labourer/rock truck operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction (780)723-5051. MAINTENANCE/LOADER OPERATOR NEEDED. This is a fulltime, permanent position starting immediately at our plant in Princeton, BC. Minimum of 10 years maintenance experience required on a variety of production and mobile equipment. Experience in a post mill, or small to medium size sawmill preferred. Must be able to handle a variety of tasks, work well with minimum supervision and be part of the team. Please submit resumes by fax 250295-7912 or email

Reliable person for lawn care, bi-weekly: cutting, raking & weed eating small lawn. 250672-9582 call 5-8pm only. TWO FULL time positions available immediately for an Import Auto dealer in the interior of BC. Service Advisor minimum 2-3 years experience. Apprentice or Journeyman Technician- Both applicants must have good attitude, quality workmanship. Email

Ofce Support ISM Canada, an IBM Company, are seeking Client Support Technicians; $28.45 Hourly (Unionized); Three Regular Full Time and one Auxiliary in Prince Rupert, Campbell River, and Trail . To apply, visit Closes, May 23, 2013.

Trades, Technical 1ST YEAR to Journeyman sheet metal workers, plumbers & electricians needed, Kindersley, Saskatchewan. Top wages, benefits, RRSP’s, room for advancement, positive work atmosphere. Email resume to: or call 306-463-6707.

Civil Engineering Technologist II

District of Kitimat, full time permanent, wage range $37.01 $44.78, over two years. Civil Technologist diploma required. Reporting to the Technical Services Manager, duties include a variety of infrastructure investigations, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspection and material testing on projects related to the municipality’s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Candidates should be proficient in using electronic survey equipment, computer assisted design using AutoCad 3D, and MS Office. Valid BC driver’s license required. Submit resumes by May 31, 2013, 4:30 pm, to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, Fax (250) 632-4995, or email

GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209. LABOURERS AND Heavy Equipment Operators (hoe, dozer, grader) needed for jobs in Prairie Provinces. Apply to: or fax to 780-888-2100. More info at

HAFI GRANTS Notice to low income seniors and persons with disability. You may qualify for a grant up to 20,000. to modify and adapt your home for improved safety and accessibility. For details contact your local HAFI expert Hans Ounpuu, Building contractor @ 250-674-3875.


Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 50% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.

Work Wanted

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

Need some help with those odd jobs you don’t have time for? Call Keiran Jones at 250-674-3051

M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Requirements: Bookkeeping, Quick Books or similar, A/P, A/R, petty cash, payroll, spreadsheets, supervision of staff. Some of the other duties include ordering office supplies, taking care of maintenance issues both inside and outside the office (parking lot, landscaping, and snow removal). Resumes can be dropped off at CLEARWATER MEDICAL CENTRE 258 Park Dr., Clearwater until May 27, 2013

Need CA$H Today? Own A Vehicle?

Borrow Up To $25,000

No Credit Checks!

Cash same day, local office. 1-800-514-9399

Fitness/Exercise Elliptical Trainer Canadian Tire Cardio Style ET150 in very good condition. Will trade for treadmill in good condition. Call 250-319-8023.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

photographer? Portraits, weddings, special events, pet portraits, commercial. Affordable memories that last a lifetime. Seniors rates. Book now avoid & disappointment. Sorry no passport photos Jill Hayward 250-319-8023/250-672-0055


by Keith McNeill

Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or

Home Improvements FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft

Overnight Delivery in most of BC!


Help Wanted

NORTH THOMPSON JOBS BARRIERE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 629 Barriere Town Rd. Barriere, BC V0E 1E0 Phone: 250-672-0036 / Fax: 250-672-2159

E-mail: • Website:

RCA – Casual & Permanent PT, ICS B0007 CASHIER – Little Fort Store PT/FT CB0054 SANDWICH ARTIST – Subway PT/FT CB0055 FIRE FIGHTERS, CHAINSAW OPERATORS, FALLERS – B0126 RESEARCHER – CFDC of CIFN (Summer Student) B0127 CASUAL COOK – Yellowhead Pioneer (Casual) B0128 WAITRESS – Sam’s Pizza (Must be 19) COOK – Knight’s Inn B0129 SERVER – Must have Serve it Right, Knight’s Inn B0130 FRONT COUNTER/CASHIERS – Barriere A&W B0132 COOKS – Barriere A&W B0133

COOK – PT/Seas. Chinook Cove Golf RIGGING SLINGER/CHOKERMAN – Experienced - VRV Contracting SKILL DEVELOPMENT: If you have been on Employment Insurance in the past 3 years (5 years maternity) and are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for re-training dollars. Book an appointment to see one of our counselors for more information. We look forward to seeing you: come in and we’ll personally see that you get the information you’re seeking or call and make an appointment. • Free computer and Internet access • Free resume help • Free information on many services.

“The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia” In Partnership with Barriere & District Chamber of Commerce and Yellowhead Community Services

CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 250-674-2928 Fax 250-674-2938

E-mail: • Web Page:

Branch Manager – Barriere BC Interior Savings is the largest credit union based in the interior of B.C. We deliver exceptional financial services and products to over 82,000 members in 14 communities through 21 branches, two Commercial Services Centres and associated companies. We are seeking solution-focused people to help us deliver our vision – to be the best in the communities we serve. As a valued team member, you will experience a diverse, exciting and rewarding workplace and a great place to build a career. We are seeking a Branch Manager for an exciting opportunity. Reporting to the Regional Manager the Branch Manager leads the core member services team to provide consistent quality service while growing the business of this segment. Under the Branch Manager’s leadership the branch will focus on activities that promote the strategic objectives of the four Balanced Scorecard areas of Financial, Sales Leadership, Member, Business Operations, and Learning & Growth. Closing Date: June 2, 2013 Qualifications: x A university degree in a related field, plus a Branch Compliance Manager Designation x Credit Union related designations and knowledge of relevant legislation (i.e. Financial Institutions Act) are a preferred asset x 7-9 years of leadership/management experience, preferably in the financial services sector x Knowledge of: employment laws, strategic management practices, and accounting principles and practices. x Exceptional strengths in communication, leadership, coaching & development. ³)RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ RU WR DSSO\ IRU WKLV SRVWLQJ SOHDVH VHH RXU website: ´ We thank all applicants for their interest and will contact short-listed candidates only.

Client Service/Reception: Casual/ Clearwater #C0134 Yard Person: Seas F/T Clearwater #C013 German Speaking Tour Guide: Seas/Clw #C0124 Cashier: FT/PT Little Fort #C0123 Housekeeper: Seas/FT/Clw #C0122 Sandwich Artist: Seas/Little Fort #CB0121 Barista: Seas Casual/Clw #C0120 Line Cook: FT/Little Fort #CB0119 Nanny: Seas FT/Clw #C0118 Cleaner: PT/Clw #C0117 Server: Seas PT/Clw #C0116 Breakfast Cook: Seas/Clw #C0115 Breakfast Cook: Seas/Clw #C0112 Student Service Assistant: Seas/Clw #0111 Kitchen Assistant: Seas/Clw #0109 Service Assistant: Seas/Clw #0108 Dishwasher: Seas/Clw #C0104 Kitchen Helper: Seas/Clw #C0103 Waitress/Waiter: Seas/Clw #C0102 Cook: Seas/Clw #C0098 Waitress/Waiter: 2 pos. Seas/Clw #C0076 Housekeepers: 4 pos. Seas/Clw #C0075 Front Desk Clerk: 2 pos. Seas/Clw #C0074

GENERAL INFORMATION FREE WORKSHOPS to help with your work search are available. Please contact us for more information. • Resumes & Interviews: Go hand in hand, so the better prepared you are the greater the impression you will make to your future employer. Please drop in and our friendly staff will assist you. • Targeted Wage Subsidy (TWS): Are you currently on Employment Insurance or have you been in the last 3-5 years? If you have, you may be eligible for wage subsidy. Ask us for further info. • Funding for Skill Enhancement: Recent or active EI clients with a career plan in mind seeking assistance through Service Canada are required to book an appointment with one of our Employment Counsellors. • Blue River Itinerant: An employment consultant comes to town twice/mth to the Blue River School. Next visit is Thursday May 28 from 12:30-2:30. If a one on one appointment is required, please call to set up a time prior to the drop in.

Operate by Yellowhead Community Services The Employment Program of BC is funded by the Government of Canada & the Province of British Columbia


Thursday, May 16, 2013 North Thompson Times

Pets & Livestock

Merchandise for Sale


Misc. for Sale

For Sale: 2 polled purebred simmental cows, easy calving, medium frame w/bull calves. 250-672-9611 For Sale: still need a bull? 2yr old 83lb bw simmental, easy to handle. Calves can be seen. Open to reasonable offers. 250-672-9611

Merchandise for Sale

Appliances Fridge, convection oven & stovetop, stacking w/d, 30” stove, ft load w/d, single w/d All refurbished. 250-674-0079

Flea Markets Barriere & District Seniors Soc., 4431 Barriere Town Rd., June 8, 10am-2pm. Tables avail. $10/ea. Call Hazel 250672-5587.

Food Products MacLennan Farms has yearling grass finished beef. Sold by the quarter based on Hang Weight, or smaller orders of choice by kg. Price list avail upon request. Phone 250-674-2449.

Garage Sales 3348 Barriere Lakes Rd at Kibble’s. May 18-20, 9am-4pm. 3 generations of good stuff.

362 Lilley Rd., May 25-26, 9am-1pm - no earlybirds pls! Lots of tools & assorted items. 365 Robin Dr., May 18-19, 9am-5pm. Assorted items. 406 Robin Dr, 9am-2pm, Sat. May 20. Something of everything. 4646 Barriere Town Rd., May 18, 8am-6pm only.

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions online; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING - Blowout clearance sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6,860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Call Pioneer Steel 1800-668-5422. Or visit online: STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Real Estate


For Sale By Owner

Commercial/ Industrial

Clearwater: 14x70 1998 Moduline MH with winter package, 2 bdrm, very gd cond. Owned by elderly lady. Incl c/a, w/d, f/s. Extra lg windows, very bright and airy. Master bdrm has full 4 window bay. Two full bath, 1 is ensuite. New roof 3 yrs ago. Incl 2 roofed porches. Requires moving. Asking $62,000.00. Call Jones 250-674-3051 or Forested 3 bdrm 2 bath home

on 2.06 acres in Kershaw sub. Built 1983, recent updating to decks, floors, lighting & appl. Close to Brookfield shopping, NT Park and Clearwater River. Wood heater and elec furnace. Asking $310,000. To view call 250-674-3881 or cell 250-320-8389, for photos view Kijiji ad ID: 478106643

3 Commercial spaces by Rafting & Gym. Ph 250-674-0001

Homes for Rent

Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that creditors and others having claims against the estate of JOSEPH MICHEL GRENIER otherwise known as MICHEL JOSEPH GRENIER and MICHAEL J. GRENIER and MIKE GRENIER, deceased, Retired, late of 115 Norfolk Road, Clearwater, British Columbia, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor of #2-555 Glenmeadows Road, Kelowna, British Columbia,V1V 1V5, on or before the 21st day of June, 2013, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which the Executor then has notice. PAUL JOSEPH GRENIER, Executor of the Estate of JOSEPH MICHEL GRENIER otherwise known as MICHEL JOSEPH GRENIER and MICHAEL J. GRENIER and MIKE GRENIER, Deceased.

Duplex / 4 Plex


Auto Financing

Clearwater: Older 3 bdrm duplex. Avail June 1, $575/mo. + util, Miller sub. 250-674-0188

Misc for Rent

Trucks & Vans

Furnished bachelor suite, gym access, $600/mo,

2011 GMC Sierra 4x4 pickup, 5.3 litre engine, extend-a-cab, auto, short box, exec cond. $17,000. Ph. 250-674-0072

Mobile Homes & Pads Clearwater: 3 bdrm MH, incl f/s, w/d. Close to shopping. $675/mo. Call after 7 pm 250-488-4445

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Support International Scouting by donating used stamps which are sorted & sold to raise money for the International Development Fund of the International Scout & Guide Fellowship. This fund pays for training for Scouters in the third world. Drop stamps off at front counter of the Star/Journal in Barriere, or call Margaret at (250)672-9330.

Plants /Nursery Plant a Tree there is no ‘Planet B’ Freshly dug Colorado Blue/ Green Spruce. 2m +. Burlapped & basketed. $60-$160. Call Bob at McLure Nursery 250-672-9712 or Cell 250-8199712.

Legal Notices

District of Clearwater DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557

Legal Notices

PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Section 124 of the Community Charter Council must establish a Procedure Bylaw to be followed for the conduct of its business. Bylaw No. 0001, A Bylaw to Regulate the Meeting of the Council and the Conduct Thereof was established upon incorporation and is being amended to reflect necessary procedural processes. Pursuant to Section 94 of the Community Charter the District of Clearwater is providing Amendment Bylaw 100, 2013, A Bylaw to Regulate the Meetings of the Council and the Conduct Thereof for Council consideration at the May 21st, 2013 Regular Council meeting.

Misc. Wanted Affordable older, well broke horse that is good w/small children. No bad habits. email or True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030 Used Postage Stamps


Auto Financing

Clearwater: 3 bdrm home, incl f/s, w/d. Close to shopping. $850/mo. Call after 7 pm. 250-488-4445

Barriere: large 1 bdrm apartment in quiet neighbourhood.750sqft. $615/mo. Pets negotiable. Call 250-682-2231

TO view information on our house, please visit our BLOG today. Simply copy and paste this url into your browser window.



The amended draft bylaw is available for review at the District office located at 132 Station Road or on the District website at

Don Forsyth Beach House Concession Electoral Area "B" (Thompson Headwaters) The Thompson-Nicola Regional District, on behalf of Electoral Area "B" (Thompson Headwaters), is hereby accepting bids to provide, generally, the following works for the summer of 2013 (June 27th – Sept 2nd, 2013); x

Operate a concession facility in the Don Forsyth Beach House in Blue River, BC. Provide food and other suitable products for a concession facility operating at a lakeside beach and provide appropriate compensation to the Thompson-Nicola Regional District.

Further details of the work to be done and identified in a contract may be obtained by contacting the undersigned. When submitting bids, please provide details of hours and services to be provided. Sealed tenders must be delivered to the undersigned at 224 Candle Creek Rd, Clearwater BC, V0E 1N1 or emailed to by 4:00pm May 31st, 2013. Bids must be labeled BEACH HOUSE CONCESSION. The highest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. Sherri Madden, Services Coordinator Thompson-Nicola Regional District 224 Candle Creek Rd, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N1 Phone 250-674-3530

AMay p r i 16 l 2-3 May - 2 22, 9 , 2013 2 0 1 2 Capricorn, is This week is there all aabout certain givewindow and take, of time this week Capricorn. Do for when willwill be others,you and they extremely efficient do for you. A special and The eventeffective. calls for some other times gifts. you may extra-special December 22– as well throw in the January 19 towel.

January 20– February 18

Aquarius, have Some habitsyou are hard to out a few to work break, Aquarius. loose ends before Look to a mentor to you for help are and free you will asucceed. much-needed A fitness vacation or just time goal is easily achieved spent whatwith a doing new piece of ever it is that makes equipment. you happy.

Pisces, The oddssometimes may be love canagainst causeyou, pain, stacked but this is thedoesn’t way Pisces, but that to grow learn mean youand won’t come from out onmistakes. top with a little There areAlessons ingenuity. weekendto be learned in a few endeavor requires a February 19– days. leap of faith. March 20

March 21– April 19

Aries, something Speak up, Aries, and irresistible keeps the problem will be grabbing your solved. A little miracle attention. Don’t at home makes for an overindulge too interesting weekend. much you will Travel or plans come regret the decision together. later on. Exercise moderation.

June 22– July 22

Cancer, while many A business relationship things come easily blossoms with an to you, there is one addition. A larger-thanparticular situation life personality drops that continually by with an offer you proves problematic. can’t refuse. Oh boy, You might have to oh boy, Cancer. scale a few mountains to handle it.

April 20– May 20

Taurus, you may be Cast aside all doubt, tempted tooffer runisaway Taurus. The from a challenging genuine and will bring situation, but it is you many rewards. A in your best interest test of faith begins— to hunker down and be strong. Money woes face ease.the problem. You won’t be going it alone.

July 23– August 22

Leo, you Oops,this Leo.week You fall might beabetter behind on project,off tackling things on raising some your ownNot instead of eyebrows. to looking to others worry. You will get for support. This will back on track sooner help minimize any than you think, thanks potential distracto an innovation. tions.

May 21– June 21

Gemini, you seem Feeling blessed to quickly conquer these days, Gemini? tasks that others Pay it forward. A struggle with. It compromise at home could be thanks to raises everyone’s your focus, spiritsability and funto ensues but look over your all weekend long! work to make sure it’s correct.

You have fewmore Spend less,asave secrets you are not and you’ll definitely willing to share just get more, Virgo. More yet, Virgo. That’s in your bottom line alright. and moreKeeping peace of some your provide agenda mind. of Flowers private will inspire a great pick-me-up. curiosity and be to August 23– September 22 your advantage.


Libra, yousmiles may be Lady Luck on trying to get ceryou, Libra, and athere tain person alone so is nothing beyond your you can have some reach. A treasured one-on-one time heirloom resurfaces, together. A rendezbringing back many vous is possible this fond memories. September 23– week. October 22

October 23– November 21

Scorpio, The tiniestyou of are at an impasse changes makebecause a vast you are secondimprovement in a guessing some ofis project. A rejection your mostin recent a blessing disguise. decisions. You may Be grateful for what need shiftScorpio. your you’reto given, focus to get back on track.

The adage Newsold from afar gets that if you juices want the creative something flowing, and done you right you have accomplish more to than do yourself rings youithave in some time, especially this Sagittarius. true A game of week, Sagittarius. wits at the office skills are put November 22– Your proves challenging. December 21 to the test.

This Crossword Sponsored by



Clearwater Times Thursday, May 16, 2013 A19

Crib boards at Farmers' Market Ray Cederholm shows off the cribbage boards he makes from diamond willow collected in northern Alberta. The Vavenby resident had the items for sale during the first Clearwater Farmers Market of the season on Saturday morning, May 4. The market is held every Saturday morning next to the Interior Whitewater building. Photo by Keith McNeill

Big tire rolls into town A tire said to be 20 feet in diameter stands tall and proud at Insight Tire next to Highway 5 recently. Owner Kevin Kershaw and staff Bob Foulkes, Justin Sherwood and Phil Hartfield stand in front of the giant, which was on loan for the weekend. Photo by Ann Krawec

To Vancouver Island – in Spring If you can only take one trip to the coast, April is the month to go. The country around me became green as I drove south, beginning at Blackpool, but coming down into Hope from the Coquihalla is when I really noticed that spring had arrived. Leaving the rivulets flowing out from under snowy shelves higher up, vivacious waterfalls increased in size, splashing down from above or appearing from within trees sporting new growth. After that came the colours: flowering trees lined many streets; gardens full of blossoming crocuses, daffodils, tulips, narcissus, hyacinth, were being tended by keen owners; lawnmowers were in action. I managed a night in Vancouver with my good friend who happened to be attending the symphony that night, an empty seat available beside her! This “kid from the country” also gawked at the bright lights and towering buildings, many of them new and unfamiliar. Next morning saw me at Horseshoe Bay ferry landing extremely early. Too cheap to reserve, I wanted to be sure I’d get on. I could have arrived 10 minutes before sailing time! Still, I had time to wander through the wee park by the salty water, enjoying flowers once again and the pretty village nestled into the hillside. A heron, some geese, mallards, and seagulls shared the crisp, but dull, early morning air. Once on the ferry’s sun deck, I noticed a couple of cormorants. One started to leave, but turned back to its pal. I was struck by the beauty of a sea-gull circling below me. Yes, a seagull! Feathers of different lengths produced intricate patterns, groups of parallel ones angling into each other; colours varied from brown to white. Once under way, of course I ogled the “poor people’s homes”, wondering, in some cases, how they actually got up to some. Two other ferries, smaller than ours, were plying the waters, including one to Bowen Island. However, not another boat was in sight when our ferry began some S-curves for no apparent reason. Only three pleasure craft showed

Trekking Tales By Kay Knox up along the way. Vancouver Island was barely visible in the mist ahead; downtown Vancouver fuzzy behind murky smog. Lion’s Gate bridge which had looked so pretty with its blue lights the night before, Stanley Park, UBC, and even the freighters in Burrard Inlet were veiled. Float planes passed overhead, making the trip from mainland to island a fast one. I’m always looking for whales and seals – but saw only a few bobbing logs. In the damp conditions few were on the Sun Deck (not even many smokers). Lighthouses are so picturesque no matter what the conditions, and, even though the sea was quite calm, small waves turned white as they hit rocky edges. On some of islands it was like an illusion trying to tell if I was looking at a dwelling or a pile of logs. Eventually the smell of bacon and eggs at the cafeteria below brought me down to check out the offerings. After that since I had some notes to write (prodding this faulty memory), and it had begun to rain, I headed for the car. From here I could watch the precision needed in connecting the vessel with off-ramps. When ready to leave, car lights and wipers in operation, I headed up island, feeling the atmosphere through which I drove was somehow appropriate. Friends were grieving the loss of precious family members and I needed to be with them.


Larry “Buck” Pendergast 1940 - 2013 Larry “Buck” James Thomas Pendergast of Clearwater, BC, lost his short battle with cancer on May 12, 2013. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Bonnie, his four children: Don (Kim), Doug (Yvette), Deanna, and Debi, his eight grandchildren: Darci (Wayne), Madison (Cody), Tyler (Claire), Danielle (Andrew), Bobby (Randelin), Conner, Austin, and Robin, his five great-grandchildren: Skye, Izack, Lliam, Jaidan, and Colton, his siblings, Leona, Patricia (Lloyd), Ken (Anita), and Gwen and numerous nephews and nieces. Larry was pre-deceased by his youngest son, Danny, in 1981, his youngest brother, Gregg, in 1998 and his son-in-law, Mike, in 2011. Larry was born in Innisfail, Alberta on May 25, 1940. He met Bonnie in Creston, BC and they married in 1959. He started working for the Ministry of Forests in the Engineering department in 1970, building roads and bridges. His career required him to live in six different communities before moving to Clearwater in 1982. After retiring in 1997, Larry took up woodworking and built custom furniture and specialty items in mostly cedar and pine. Larry loved hockey. He spent many years supporting hockey in Mackenzie, Revelstoke, and Clearwater as a player, coach, referee, and fan. Many will remember him either standing down by the

glass or in the far corner of the stands of the North Thompson Sportsplex, cheering on all the players and calling out friendly “advice” to the referees. Larry’s family would like to thank the staff at Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital for their support and care since April 24. They would also like to thank the Hospice Society for volunteering their time to be with Larry when the family could not since May 7. Donations in lieu of flowers, in memory of Larry can be made to the Clearwater and District Hospice Society, 257D Glen Road, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N2. A private celebration of life by family and friends will be held to honour Larry at a later date. Arrangements entrusted to North Thompson Funeral Services, Clearwater, BC, 250674-3030. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.


Thursday, May 16, 2013 Clearwater Times

Above: Students and parents from Clearwater Playschool watch as Clearwater Trout Hatchery manager Mark Green unloads a tank full of young fish into Dutch Lake on Thursday, May 9. A total of 1,500 rainbow trout and 4,000 kokanee were put into the lake. The youngsters also toured the hatchery the day before. Photos by Keith McNeill

Kids stock fish at Dutch Lake Playschool teacher Bobbi Tucker watches as Zoey Fehr dumps a plastic cup full of small fish into the lake.

Mark Green hands Rory Wilson a plastic cup full of fish for him to dump into Dutch Lake.

B.C. Anglers reel in more than just fish this summer Submitted Tagged fish in B.C. lakes will net licensed anglers a $100 reward from the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC. Coinciding with its 10th anniversary, the society is launching a new province-wide research project that requires the help of anglers – in return for rewards totalling more than $15,000.

Beginning this month and continuing through fall 2013, FFSBC is marking approximately 300 of its catchable size, hatchery-raised rainbow trout with individually numbered neon-pink tags bearing a toll-free number. The trout will be released into 40 fishing lakes around the province. Anglers who catch one of these tagged fish are asked to remove the tag and

call the toll-free number. Provided they have a current B.C. fishing licence and any required stamps, the FFSBC will send the first 150 “tag reporters” a $100 reward. Subsequent tag reporters will receive gift certificates of various values for fishing supplies. The specific locations of the tagged fish releases are not being revealed, but the FFSBC confirms

that fish will be released into multiple stocked lakes in each of the province’s eight fishing regions. The tagging project will add essential information to an ongoing, multi-year, large scale research study. With its mix of about 800 hatchery stocked lakes and over 3,000 wild stock lakes, fishing quality can be easily manipulated without raising conservation concerns.

Data gathered from the tagging project will provide stock assessment information and assist in the management of the provincial stocking program. The FFSBC was created in 2003 as a private, not-for-profit organization, funded largely through freshwater fishing licence revenues. The society works in partnership with provin-

cial fisheries managers to deliver fish stocking programs that support 50 per cent of all fishing in B.C. lakes, delivering between 6 and 8 million fish annually. It also operates conservation fish culture services for sturgeon recovery programs, and various initiatives to enhance participation and access, such as Learn to Fish and Fishing in the City.

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