Kootenay News Advertiser, May 17, 2013

Page 1

McHappy Day boosts charity

100 years of Rotary

Liberal party defy polls

Cranbrook McDonald’s raised over $8,000 for Ronald McDonald House.

The service clubs have helped Cranbrook grow and prosper.

MLA Bill Bennett re-elected as part of Liberal majority.

page A15

page A6

page A5

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A2 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Taking Action on Water Quality Teck operates five steelmaking coal mines in the Elk Valley of British Columbia which employ over 4,000 people. We raise our families in the valley, fish and swim in the river and care deeply about the environment. That’s why we’re taking action to ensure that water quality is protected in the valley now and for generations to come. We are working with governments, First Nations and communities to develop an Elk Valley Water Quality Plan that will maintain the health of the watershed. To find out more information, get involved or provide your feedback, go to www.teck.com/ElkValley

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A3


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A4 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Burn season is over Submitted

Ecosystem Restoration Program (Trench ER) had planned four burns this April in the narrow window between dry out and green up, and was able to conduct two burns.

Weather, safety and smoke are always factors when it comes to pulling off prescribed burns in the Trench. The Rocky Mountain Trench

Trench ER burns enhance wildlife habitat by restoring grasslands and open forests—they are planned and executed by Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource staff, under the guidance of the Trench ER program partnership. “Only two of the pre-

scribed burns were ignited this month,” said Randy Harris, ER team leader. “Both looked good and we’ll be doing follow-up assessments to ascertain the degree of success.” The two burn locations were: •The old Kimberley Airport, off Miller Road,



six kilometres south of Ta Ta Creek. (540 hectares burned on April 24 with additional mop-up on April 25 and 26.) • Ya n k e e - C a n u c k Lakes area in Premier Lake Provincial Park. (96 hectares, burned on April 25 with additional mop-up on April 26.) Local crews from the B.C. Wildfire Management Branch Southeast Fire Centre conducted the burns using plans prepared to achieve specific objectives for each fire.

“Personnel were given valuable training in the classroom and during operations that will pay large dividends in the end when these tactics are utilized on wildfires,” said burn boss Mike Morrow of the fire centre. Ecosystem restoration projects have been ongoing on these sites for several years. “Previous thinning treatments have reduced forest stands to where low-intensity, controlled burns can be introduced,” Harris said. “The burns improve grazing for elk and cat-

tle, enhance habitat for badgers and other wildlife, and restore open forest and grassland ecosystems, which are vital to the overall health of the Rocky Mountain Trench.” Funding for this season’s prescribed burns is provided by the B.C. Government’s Land Based Investment program and the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation. Visit www.trench-er. com to learn about ecosystem restoration in the Trench.


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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A5

Liberals defy polls and take a majority win


B.C. Liberal leader Christy Clark led an aggressive campaign and overcame a large lead for the NDP.

mate scientist, Weaver benefited from the same highly concentrated campaign effort that produced a seat for national Green leader Elizabeth May. Vicki Huntingon won re-election in Delta South, a landmark for an independent to win twice without party affiliation. Independents Bob Simpson in Cariboo North and John van Dongen in Abbotsford South, fell to their B.C. Liberal challengers. “Just like Alberta, the voters got to the bal-

lot box and chickened out,” said one observer on Twitter. The result shocked observers, who had been expecting an NDP majority. “The Liberals came in with a better plan for managing the economy,” said Jordan Bateman, B.C. director of the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation. Paralympian Michelle Stilwell retained the B.C. Liberal seat in Parksville-Qualicum, a lonely stronghold on Vancouver Island previously held by Ron Cantelon. In one of the key swings, B.C. Liberal Laurie Throness knocked of NDP incumbent Gwen O’Mahoney, who won a by-election in Chilliwack-Hope last year. Joe Trasolini, the other by-election winner, was also knocked off in Port Moody-Coquitlam. “I feel like we rose from the dead,” said former Vancouver mayor Sam Sullivan, who won the Vancouver-False Creek constituency for the B.C. Liberals.


Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett shares a moment with his wife, Beth, after his election win this week. By Tom Fletcher B.C. Liberal leader Christy Clark pulled an upset win Tuesday, defying the polls and pundits who started the evening talking about her exit strategy after a loss. Early results gave Clark’s B.C. Liberals 50 seats, with 33 for the NDP. Clark took an early lead in poll results Tuesday night, with veterans Mike de Jong, Rich Coleman, Terry Lake and Linda Reid retaining their seats. B.C. Conservative leader John Cummins lost to B.C. Liberal Mary Polak in Langley. Cummins said he will stay on as leader. Clark had a close contest in her own constituency of Vancouver-Point Grey, running against the NDP’s David Eby, who came

close to winning in Clark’s by-election two years ago. B.C. Green Party candidate Andrew Weaver

made a breakthrough in Oak Bay-Gordon Head, winning the first seat for the Green Party. A high-profile cli-

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Gregarious Gardener by Top Crop Garden, Farm & Pet

More than just a garnish

Remember the last time you ordered a meat or cheese tray or had one at a party? Chances are the savory morsels were artfully arranged on a bed of curly leaves, their deep, green colour nicely offsetting the tasty treats. At the end of the party, were those leaves the only thing left on the platter? Did anyone even give them a second glance before picking off their snack? While many of us would not even think to eat the garnish, from a nutritional point of view, we really should. The green leaves, providing a bed for our havarti and pepperoni are kale. If you have been reading any information at all recently about healthy eating, you will have seen the name mentioned at least once as one of the new “superfoods”. Also called “the new beef” or “Queen of Greens”, kale belongs to the same plant family as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. It is low in calories, high in fibre and packed with vitamins and minerals. ‘Superfoods’ are classified as vegetables containing a range of between 10 and 15 so called organosulphur nutrients. When you eat these vegetables, these nutrients trigger your liver into producing enzymes that can disable cancer-causing agents in the body. A cup of kale contains less than 40 calories and per calorie, kale has more iron than beef. Iron is essential for good health, such as the formation of hemoglobins in red blood cells, cell growth and proper liver function. Kale is also high in Vitamins K, A and C - potentially protecting you against various cancers, improving your vision and boosting your immune system as well as your metabolism. Kale is also extremely high in calcium - containing more calcium per calorie than even milk. Calcium is essential for maintaining healthy bones and in conjunction with Vitamin C can also be helpful in keeping your joints flexible. To top it all off, kale is filled with anti-oxidants as well as anti-inflammatory agents and its high fibre content can assist you in efforts to lower cholesterol. Kale can be chopped up and eaten raw, added to salads in small amounts. It can also be steamed, blanched, creamed or used in a variety of recipes, including in stews, as a pizza topping or in your favourite pasta sauce. Sauteed lightly with a splash of olive oil, butter, a squeeze of lemon and a sprinkling of garlic, kale makes a nice, light side dish. For a more elaborate meal, try braising kale with chopped apples, drizzle with balsamic vinegar and serve with chopped nuts sprinkled on top. Looking for a healthy alternative to the bowl of potato chips on movie night? Try making kale chips. Remove all ribs from one head of kale and cut into 2 inch pieces. Lay them on a baking sheet and toss with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a bit of sea salt. bake in preheated 275 F oven until crisp, about 20 minutes. At the garden centre, you will find kale seed and in the greenhouse, we have three different kinds of kale plants, so make sure you add this nutrition-packed powerhouse vegetable to your garden this year. And next time you see it adorning your plate as a garnish, eat it - it is probably one of the most nutritious things on your plate. Till next time... happy gardening. Submitted by Kerstin

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Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Local McDonald’s raises $8,000 for Ronald McDonald House Submitted Cranbrook McDonald’s restaurant would

like to thank the community in helping it raise $8,001.00 for the new Ronald McDonald

House BC in Vancouver. The funds were raised by the local McDon-


WORKING FOR YOU! Free Community Sponsored Family Swim – Saturday May 18, 2013


The Cranbrook Aquatic Centre is hosting another community sponsored family swim on Saturday May 18, 2013 from 4pm to 5pm. It will be free for families to swim at this event, compliments of Pioneer Lodge. This is a new initiative by the City of Cranbrook Leisure Services department. Are you or your business interested in sponsoring a family swim? Please contact our Aquatics Coordinator at 250-4890224.


Shannon Stewart

ald’s through its participation in the 20th McHappy Day, a national fundraiser held



Bridget Fix

When heading to work, out to shop or just to explore the City, why not consider using the Cranbrook Transit System. It is an affordable, reliable and environmentally responsible option for daily travel in the City. For information on schedules, maps, fares and passes, visit City Hall, Leisure Services at Western Financial Place or the Greyhound Bus Depot on Cranbrook Street. Visit our website for more information or call the Cranbrook Transit System Information Line at 250-417-4636.

Please check your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy. If you do not have sewer backup insurance you should contact your broker and arrange to have it included in your policy. The City of Cranbrook does its best to maintain the sewer systems, but has little control over what foreign objects may be deposited in them causing blockage. The City will not accept any claim for back up of sewers. Claims of an accidental or unforeseen nature should be processed through your Homeowner’s insurance.

Cranbrook Transit System

The Kootenay News Advertiser is a community East Kootenay newspaper featuring news of the best buys in the East Kootenay. Published every Monday and Friday at Cranbrook, BC by Black Press Group Ltd. Subscription rates for mailing outside the East Kootenay: $170 per year, $85 per 6 months and $42.50 per 3 month GST inclued. N OT I C E OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by Kootenay News Advertiser. (Registration No. 164 Serial No. 271043). Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or part is forbidden without written permission by the publisher. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that Kootenay News Advertiser will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. Kootenay News Advertiser is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements or letters to the editor criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in Kootenay News Advertiser are not necessarily those of the publisher.

the works.” The new Ronald McDonald House will be approximately 75,000 square feet, which will make it the second largest House program in Canada, in an effort to meet the growing demand for family accommodation near BC Children’s Hospital. The estimated cost of construction is $26,750,000. “A new Ronald McDonald House is desperately needed here in BC, especially for families from our area whose kids are receiving treatment at the BC Children’s Hospital and they have no place to stay. Considering the high cost of construction for the new House, we wanted to donate our McHappy Day earnings to the Ronald McDonald House BC,” said Cranbrook & Fernie McDonald’s Community Relations Representative Courtney Magro. As part of the McHappy Day celebrations, Cranbrook McDonald’s was thrilled to be joined by members of the Cranbrook Fire Department, B104/The Drive radio station and see McDonald’s page 7

Coffee with the Mayor @ McDonald’s - Saturday May 25, 2013 from 1 – 4pm You are invited to have coffee with Cranbrook Mayor Wayne Stetski at McDonald’s on Saturday May 25, 2013 from 1 – 4pm. The afternoon is open for one-on-one discussion for you to discuss concerns and ask questions about the City of Cranbrook. Refreshments are not provided. Please come and join us!

Firearms Bylaw

Under this bylaw, except as otherwise authorized by this bylaw, no person shall discharge a Firearm or use a Bow anywhere within the City of Cranbrook. At this time, a Peace Officer, member of a military unit, employee or contractor of the City of Cranbrook, Province of BC, Dominion of Canada or employee of the SPCA is acting in the rightful performance of their duties. Every person who violates any provision of this bylaw can be fined up to a maximum of $2000. Visit our website and click on ‘Bylaws’ for more on all of our City bylaws.

Watch the latest Cranbrook City Council meeting when you want.

Visit www.cranbrook.ca



in more than 1,400 McDonald’s restaurants across Canada. On this day, $1 from every Big Mac® sandwich, Happy Meal® and hot McCafé® beverage sold went to benefit local children’s charities across the country. In addition, the restaurant sold red “Ronald shoes” for a $1 in the weeks leading up to McHappy Day to provide additional support. In Cranbrook, all funds raised were earmarked for Ronald McDonald House BC. “This year we once again decided to fundraise for the new Ronald McDonald House that is being built in Vancouver,” said Cranbrook & Fernie McDonald’s Owner/Operator David Kaiser. “The House is a home-awayfrom-home for children requiring medical treatment at BC Children’s Hospital, and for their families. It provides roughly 400 out-oftown families, many of them from the Kootenays, with a place to stay every year. And yet due to facility limitations, each year the House must turn away almost as many families as it accepts. That is why a new Ronald McDonald House is in


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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A7 ited and its Canadian franchisees own and operate more than 1,400 restaurants and employ more than

80,000 Canadians coast to coast. More than 80 per cent of McDonald’s Canadian restaurants are locally

owned and operated by independent, local businessmen and women. For more information about McDonald’s

Canada, visit the company’s website at www. mcdonalds.ca.

you are invited: BC Hydro PuBliC Meeting

Photo submitted

Cranbrook McDonald’s Owner/Operator Dave Kaiser enjoys a coffee break with members of the ACT Service Club as they volunteered on McHappy Day. With the support of the community, our McDonald’s Restaurant raised $8,001.00 on McHappy Day for the Ronald McDonald House BC in Vancouver. McDonald’s from page 6

volunteers from the ACT/UCT service club as they rolled up their sleeves to work behind the counter and in the lobby on McHappy Day. Marissa Phillips, a local face painter, also donated her time and delighted kids with her artistry. The Royal Stewart Highland

Dancers held a special performance at the restaurant in honour of McHappy Day, as well. In the past year, McDonald’s Restaurants across Canada raised more than $8.1 million for Ronald McDonald House Charities through McHappy Day and its 10cent Happy Meal Program. May 8th, 2013, marked the

20th McHappy Day in McDonald’s Canada’s history. Since its inception in 1977, this celebration has raised more than $38 million for Canadian children. About McDonald’s Canada McDonald’s is the leading foodservice company in the world. McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Lim-

Kids! Adults! Seniors!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013


6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

LOCatiON Jaffray Community Hall 7375 Jaffray Village Loop Road Jaffray, B.C. BC Hydro will host a public meeting with representatives from BC Hydro, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to provide information regarding Columbia basin reservoir levels, fish operations and BC Hydro programs and local activities. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Presentations will begin at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Diane Tammen 250 489 6862.


Publication(s): Size: Insertion Date(s):

Cranbrook Kootenay News Advisor (BCNG) 5.8125” x 59 lines May 17, 20 and 27, 2013

Forests are complex, dynamic ecosystems that support a wide variety of ecological, Fernie Free Press (BCNG) social, economic, cultural, recreational and 5.8125” x 59 lines spiritual values. All British Columbians May 16, 23, 2013 benefit from our forests whether through recreational activities, employment or the significant contribution they make to our provincial economy.

Publication(s): Size: Insertion Date(s):

The Association of BC Forest Professionals registers and regulates BC’s forest professionals. Forest professionals sustainably manage aspects of the forest including forest health (insect infestations, diseases and fire), fish and wildlife habitat, preparing areas for harvesting and much more.

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A8 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

The Good Ol’ Goats victorious

D.A.R.E 2013 Drug Abuse Resistance Education

Letters from the past to the future Below are some letters written by participants in the D.A.R.E. program. As they progress through life, they fervently hope to retain the lessons learned through this education.

Dear Future Margaret,

Cranbrook’s The Good Ol’ Goats. By Sam Van Schie Nelson Star

Roots and Blues artist. Too young to legally enter Spiritbar in Nelson, where the awards were handed out Friday night, one of the band members’ dad accepted the trophies on their behalf. Kootenay Music Award nominees were shortlisted by a panel of five music industry pros, then the public had a chance to vote daily on-


line for their favourites. The awards went to the artists who collected the Cranbrook youth band most votes. The Good Ol’ Goats More young talent was were the big winners highlighted in the Best in this year’s Kootenay New Artist category, Music Awards. with 18-year-old Selkirk The six-piece blueCollege music student grass band, whose Dylann Heidi taking the members range in age title. from 16- to 17-years Other winners includold, was named Artist of ed Fernie’s Shred Kelly The Year, as well as Best in the Song of the Year and Best Live Act categories. Nelson’s Brian Rosen won Album of ollege of the oCkies The Year for his 2012 release Choose Your Choice. Nelson’s Thus Far won Best Rock/Punk/MetCollege of the Rockies will be closed al; Castlegar’s Motes Sunday May 19th and Monday May 20th for and Oats received Best Country/Folk; Nelthe Victoria Day weekend. We will reopen son’s Yan Zombie took Tuesday May 21st. home Best Electronic Regular hours of operation are: Producer; and Nelson’s Monday to Friday - 7 am - 10 pm Rafferty Funksmith was Saturday - 9 am - 4 pm named Best DJ. Sunday - Closed. The Kootenay Music www.cotr.bc.ca Awards is an annual event, now in its second year. Proceeds from the event support a foundation that gives scholarships to musicians. The Kootenay Music FLY GRAND ATLANTIC ATLAN LANTIC Cross Canada by MotorCoaCh Awards are presented by (Departs Calgary) (Fly to Halifax retur return turn from St. John’s) BY MOTORCOACH Nelson Brewing ComAutumn Splendour Tour 19 days,FLYJul 25, Aug 12 GRAND ATLANTIC ATLAN LANTIC pany and Black Press. 29 days, September 7 (Fly to Halifax retur return turn from St. John’s) Platinum sponsors inFLY ATLANTIC CANADA & NEWFOUNDLAND EastErn Canada & MaritiMEs 19 days, Jul 25, Aug 12 clude Kootenay Co-op Fall FoliagEfrom St. John’s) (Fly to Halifax/Return Radio, Vantage Point, FLY(Fly ATLANTIC CANADAfrom & NEWFOUNDLAND to & return Toronto) 15 days,(FlySep 3 guaranteed to Halifax/Return from St.11John’s) Nelson and District 20 days, September 15 days, Sep 3 guaranteed Credit Union, AM Ford, & thE bEst CROSS nEwFoundland CANADA BY MOTORCOACH Selkirk College. CROSS CANADA BY MOTORCOACH oF thE MaritiMEs 29 days,29Sep 7 && 10 guaranteed Other sponsors are (Fly toSep return from Toronto) days, 7 & 10 guaranteed 24 days, September 15 Wapiti Music Festival, FLY EASTERN CANADA & MARITIMES FLY EASTERN CANADA & MARITIMES Kootenay Savings CredatlantiC Canada & (Fly toreturn and return from Toronto) (Fly to and from Toronto) it Union, Bee Kissed nEwFoundland days,11 Sep&1114& 14 guaranteed 20 days,20 Sep guaranteed (Fly to Halifax & return from St. John’s) Body Piercing, Nelson FLY NEWFOUNDLAND & THE 15 NEWFOUNDLAND days, September 11 & 15MARITIMES FLY & Toronto) THE MARITIMES Kootenay Lake Tour(Fly to and return from datEs (Fly toall return from Toronto)AA688432 ism, Chatterson Drive, 24and days, Sep 18guarantEEd guaranteed Glass, Ric’s Lounge 24 days, Sep 18 guaranteed AA688432 Our and Grill, Tribute Boardshop and Whitewater Ski Resort. 3136years www.nageltours.com yearsofofservice service • www.nageltours.com Call your travel agent or



Holiday Closure




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I love D.A.R.E. because it has taught me to say no to drugs. I have learned that drugs are bad and they can kill you. I have learned many things about drugs. For example, cigarettes have 200 known poisons in them. Alcohol is also bad, drinking alcohol makes you do things you normally wouldn’t do. When I am older I will make good choices and say no to drugs and peer pressure. I have learned how to make good choices so that I will live a longer life. Smoking can cause lung cancer and heart disease. Many people die every year from smoking in Canada. I don’t want to be one of those people. Smoking marijuana is equally bad. Marijuana is illegal and can get you into a lot of trouble. Marijuana impairs your thinking which can make you make bad choices. Making good choices is important because I want to stay healthy. I stay healthy by doing lots of sports such as swimming, basketball and soccer. I need to be healthy in order to do well in a school and sports. D.A.R.E. taught me that if I want to be a lifeguard one day that I can’t do drugs or drink alcohol because it could make me sick or make me lose my job. In D.A.R.E. I learned about peer pressure. I know I can say no to drugs by walking away. Even if I say no to drugs, I know I am still cool. I don’t have to do what others are doing to fit it. I promise to myself to never do drugs, smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. I will make smart choices so that I will live a long healthy life.

through this program. We became closer as friends, more than before. So for all of this thank you Cst. Lisa and Darren for teaching us about drugs and what they can do. I promise myself to never take drugs or drink alcohol. From, Past Brookes.

Proud to be part of the forest industry. Buyers of cedar & pine poles. We sell treated poles.

Congrats D.A.R.E. Grads!

Ph. 346-3315 Fax: 346-3218 Scale - 346-3241

Yours truly, Margaret. Dear Future Brookes, During my D.A.R.E. experience, I learned what drugs could do to you. I am making sure that I will not drink alcohol, take tobacco, marijuana, or any other type of drug. I have learned what drugs, alcohol and many other things could do, but most of all we learned about confidence. At the start of this program I was a very shy, quiet, person. But over the last nine lessons, I’ve opened up. Cst. Lisa also taught us about friendship. My friends and I have helped each other through the bad and good times

Friday, June 7 • 4 pm Rotary Park

Registration $25 includes dri-fit T-shirt BBQ & fun softball game with some of Cranbrook’s local Special Olympics Athletes

Register at Cranbrook RCMP Detachment 31-11th Ave. S., Cranbrook or at www.specialolympics.bc.ca/letr For more information contact Cst. Lisa Schlatter at (250)489-3471

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A9

D.A.R.E 2013 Drug Abuse Resistance Education

Did you know? Steroids That one of the most dangerous categories of performance enhancing drugs is anabolic steroids? Over the years famous Olympic athletes, baseball players, weightlifters, and wrestlers have been caught using steroids, and many have paid a price in their health, well being, and careers, not to mention their run-ins with the law. Anabolic steroids are synthetically produced variants of the natu-

rally occurring male hormone testosterone. Currently, there are more than 100 different types of anabolic steroids, and they can be taken orally, injected, or even rubbed into the skin. Every kind of anabolic steroid requires a prescription, and they have been classed as Schedule III controlled substances since 1991. While steroid use among teens peaked in 2002 (according to the 2008 Monitoring the


PO Box 2409, #3 - 755 13 St., Invermere, BC, VOA 1K0 Ph: (250) 342-6978 Toll Free:1-888-982-8888 • www.tvlworld.ensembletravel.com

Future report), steroid abuse remains a significant problem nationwide. Prescription drugs Use of prescription drugs for non-medical use is increasing at incredible rates. Approximately 1.3 million citizens report abuse of prescription drugs each year. These drugs can be very effective if used under a physician’s care, however, if misused they can prove deadly. Parents and communities need to work together to help prevent the misuse and

abuse of these powerful substances. Illicit drug use is declining for teens. Unfortunately, the use of prescription drug abuse is increasing and is currently being abused more than any illicit drug except marijuana. Prescription drugs are being abused more than heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine combined. In 2006 more than 2.1 million teens abused prescription drugs and most teens get these drugs from friends and family

Congratulations Grads Don’t Drink & Drive

Selkirk Forest Products Co. Highway 3 & 93, Galloway, BC Ph: 250-429-3493 Fax: 250-429-3931

When asked: 1. What is your favourite food? 2. Which Disney character are you most like? 3. What does pineapple remind you of? 4. If you could have anything, what would it be? 5. If you had to choose a movie to represent your life what movie would it be? 6. What is your SPARK? 7. Tell me about your experience with the DARE program


1. Cream Cheese Avocado Spinach Chicken Pesto Quesadillas!! 2. Eeyore 3. Sunning days at the beach :P 4. A Kawasaki Ninja ZX10R 5. Amelia Earhart 6. I think I have a couple sparks: Being able to help others, being able to enjoy the outdoors, and being able to try new recipes!


1. Lasagna 2. Dory 3. Hawaiian pizza 4. My license 5. I don’t watch many movies 6. Still trying to find it but maybe it is experiencing new things


1. Tortellini Alfredo 2. Dory, I have a terrible memory! 3. Spongebob Squarepants 4. I have a list of 10 cars that I would love to own, I’d have everything on that list please! 5. Napolean Dynamite 6. Traveling, seeing new things 7. I thought the DARE program was a great experience. DARE helped bring classmates closer together, also taught alot about awareness which is great to learn at a young age.


1. Grapes 2. Tiana from Princess and the Frog 3. Uganda 4. Mr. Right Right, Now 5. Fantasia 6. Working as a leader in high pressure situations, thinking on my feet, performing for people that sort of high pressure stuff


1. Tacos 2. My family says Dopey but I say Doc. 3. Spongebob Squarepants 4. A house big enough for my whole family with 10-15 acres 5. The Goonies 6. Music! The thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is knowing that I get to spend over half my day in the music room at school!

Reaching For Potential


1. Anything exotic! 2. Mulan - need I say more? 3. Mexico and Spongebob Squarepants 4. Does constant happiness count? 5. Any Disney movie would do! 6. My spark is helping those in need especially children! 7. Through learning of how to say no and the effects of drugs on my body and on others in Grade 6, I really learned why I should stay away form drugs.


1. Sushi 2. Jasmine, as I am a kind, moral and headstrong person 3. Baby palm tree 4. A gigantic walk in closet to compliment my shopping addiction 5. Struck by Lightning (though I would never resort to such underhanded methods) because the main character is a writer who inevitably inspires others through is literary work 6. Writing and teaching, so it is my dream to be an English teacher.

East Kootenay Realty

*A component of C.P.E.C.

A10 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

“IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD” (an old African Proverb)

The East Kootenay Child Care Resource and Referral (EKCCRR) program provides child care information, referrals, and support to East Kootenay Child Care Providers, Families, and Community Partners. EKCCRR has been in existence in the E.K. since 1990. We continue to promote the right of each child to quality child care, which includes the right to a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment. We look forward to working with communities to establish a quality early learning and child care environment for our future generations, the children. EKCCRR continues to support people (19 years of age and up) interested in becoming a Registered License-Not-Required (RLNR) Child Care Provider. RLNR providers are able to care for no more than 2 children (or one family grouping of 3 or more children) unrelated to them. If you are interested in becoming a RLNR, and help families and you be eligible for enhanced child care subsidy rates, please call us. EKCCRR Offers support to child care providers throughout the E.K. by providing assistance and support to: Registered License-Not-Required & Pre-Licensed Family Child Care Providers Access to lower cost liability insurance Toy, Resource, & Equipment Lending Library Newsletter Laminating, photocopying & craft supplies (min. costs apply) Professional development and networking opportunities A professional child care community Forms, resource materials, and tips on managing your business Computer internet access Consultations Referrals (upon completion of program standards) For more information call: East Kootenay CCRR at 250-426-5677 or 1-800-661-2445 or ekccrr@shawlink.ca Drop by and visit us at: 20-B 12th Avenue, North (Kootenay Child Development Centre), Cranbrook, BC Your community’s best source of child care information and resources Funded by: Ministry of Children and Family Development Sponsored by: Community Connections Society of Southeast BC

NEW Designer Wedding Dresses NEW Designer Graduation Dresses These exceptional brand new dresses are available for viewing, fitting and purchase. Extended May hours every Tues. & Thurs. 6:30-9:00pm with coffee, tea & squares Regular store hours: Tues.-Sat. 9:30-4:30pm

Cranbrook Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store

Photo Darcy Wiebe

Helping out against bullying. Walmart assistant store manager, Denise Menin left, presents a cheque for $1,200 to Bendina Miller, superintendent School District #5 and Brent Reimer, Director of Instruction for School District #5 for the anti bullying campaign which includes enhancing the culture of acceptance and care. School District #5 staff will receive training for the Roots of Empathy, and Training in the Friends Program. Currently school districts across the province are working actively to promote values that discourage bullying while enhancing students’ self-esteem.

30 8th Ave. S. 250-426-7619


Clematis 1 gal. Assorted




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Jumbo Annuals

Preferred Varieties



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Vegetables & Tomatoes 4’’ Assorted



Herbs & Vegetables 4’’ Burpee, Assorted




1100 Victoria Avenue North, Cranbrook, BC • 250-489-3300 • 1-877-330-2323

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A11

100% Locally owned. CRANBROOK

25 - 10th Ave. South, Cranbrook, BC Phone: 250-426-8211 Toll Free: 1-866-426-8211 Fax: 250-426-6270 ■

SOLD! Fine Rural Living

Peace & Quiet

Minutes from Cranbrook, this large home is situated on 8.45 acres

This 3 bed/1.5 bath home has many updates including flooring & windows.


Barry Seitz 2216235


Lori White 2218233




SOLD! Great View

Family Home

Sunshine Meadows

Great Location!

Lovely 4 Bedroom

This property gently slops to the NW overlooking Canbrook.

A great place to raise a family is this wonderful 1525 sq.ft. home.

Looking for an easy lifestyle? 2 bdrm home in adult complex.

Condo close to college, rec plex, shopping & hospital & priced to sell!

2400 sq. ft. w/ stone fireplace, covered deck, fenced yard & alley access.


Rob Stang 2214216


Jim Barber 2389573


Katherine Rutherford 10062675


Lori White 2219108


Sandy Smith 2218537

SOLD! Great Curb Appeal

Excellent Opportunity

Great Condo!

Pristine Home

Peace & Serenity

Spacious 1 Bedroom

Peace & Tranquillity

Victorian Elegance in this 3+1 bdrm home with updates & reno's thru-out!

Excellent 1.27 acre commercial opportunity fronting 30th Ave North.

Close to college, hospital, rec plex & shopping. Excellent retirement unit!

Beautifully renovated with double detached garage & covered deck.

Fully renovated home close to Jim Smith Lake on just under half an acre.

Ground floor condo w/ lots of natural light & large open floor plan.

Build your beautiful home on 5.6 acres amongst the forest.

Charming & Cozy

Cabin at the Lake

Prime Location

West Hill Location!

Large Lot. Come Build!

Beautiful & Bright

Great Location!

Located in quiet neighborhood on beautifully landscaped fenced yard.

Cozy living room w/ wood stove, maple cabinetry & loft bdrm upstairs.

Custom built with grand foyer, curved staircase & gourmet kitchen.

Secluded acreage affording tranquility yet just 5 minutes to town. Steeple views

Lot with hillside appeal in one of Cranbrooks nicest developments.

Double wide on own .17 acre lot w/ views. Open floor plan & new kitchen.

Updated home w/ workshop, large rec room, huge sun deck & fenced yard!

Custom Built Home

Sunshine Meadows

View Lot In Southview

Mountain Views

Custom Built!

Beautiful 1/2 Duplex

Mansion in the Woods

Dreams do come true w/ this home in Westview Estates on 2.41 acres!

Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo with open floor plan & large balcony.

Quiet, dead end street, borders a new city park w/ wondeful views.

Popular Southview phase 5, in a quiet cul-de-sac on .23 of an acre.

Fully finished duplex in central location features quality finishes.

Quality built w/ over 1800 sq. ft, a dream kitchen & fully landscaped yard.

4800sq. ft. home w/ 3bdr, 2 baths on 4.25 acres 15 min. from Cranbrook.


Jason Wheeldon 2389639


Sandy Smith 2389043


Lori White 2218979


Shane Murray 4100128


Jason Wheeldon 2389637


Katherine Rutherford 2206684


Linda Stuckey 2218089


Chris Nault 2216265


Cary Swanson 2214146


Carla Sinclair 2389046


Rob Stang 2389750


Chris Nault 2216750


Jason Wheeldon 2389835


Dave & Shane 2204651


Jason Wheeldon 2219107


Wayne Franklin 2216931


Sandy Smith 10062901


Sandy Smith 10062567


Rob Stang 2215540


Jason Wheeldon 2389676


Carrie Lightburn 2389300

SOLD! Central Location

Renovated Bungalow!

Condo in Forest Park

Bring the Family

Forest Park!

Home on 2.47 Acres

Charming Bungalow

Very clean w/ renovated bath, new linoleum & close to Rec Plex.

3+1 bdrm home w/ newer bsmt windows, flooring, paint, roof & electric service.

Very quiet, well maintained, 2 bdrm unit w/ in-suite laundry & elevators.

Large family home with recreation & games room!

This 3rd floor unit features patio door to deck, an elevator & great views!

Spacious floor plan w/ 4 bdrm, 3.5 baths, vaulted ceilings, & dble garage!

This lovely 3+1 bedroom home features many updates throughout.


Rob Stang 2214559


Jason Wheeldon 2389825


Jeannie Stager 2218606


Lori White 2217918


Rob & Kaytee 2389618

you only need to ask.

for listing details, open houses with maps, property rentals & mortgages


Jason Wheeldon 2389656


Sandy Smith 2389029

A12 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

100% 100%Locally Locallyowned. owned. CRANBROOK

25 - 10th Ave. South, Cranbrook, BC Phone: 250-426-8211 Toll Free: 1-866-426-8211 Fax: 250-426-6270 ■






Woodland Court

High-Level Design

Peace & Tranquility

Enjoy Entertaining?

Large Family Home

Mt. Royal Estates

Great Starter Home

3 bdrm corner unit in upper building w/ large floor plan & close to college.

W/ a great floor plan, 3 bdrms, and much more, this home is sure to please!

This 5 acre piece of land is full of wildlife, just 5 minutes from town.

Welcoming foyer, eat-in kitchen & large living room w/ vaulted ceilings!

$3000 bonus to the buyer for new flooring in bsmt.

Lori White 2218928

Barry Seitz 2215377

Enjoy a semi-rural lifestyle with the community forest at your doorstep!

This cozy 2bdrm on quiet street close to schools has lots of great features

Dreams Do Come True!

Vista Model Condo

Monroe Lake

Lovely Home

Home w/ a View

Nice 4.6 Acre Parcel

Wildstone Lot

Spectacular views, 155 acres, custom built 3300+ sq. ft. home & much more.

At Lake Windermere Pointe w/ 2bdrm, 2bath & close to lakes.

This 2 storey home features 3 beds/3 baths and is just steps from the lake.

Dreaming of living on a golf course? Look no further!

Zoned M2 covering most light industrial needs.

Jason Wheeldon 2389596

Katherine Rutherford 2217522

Newer kitchen, laminate flooring throughout, warm colors & priced to sell! Linda Stuckey 2389035

Jim Barber 3800466

Appealing location backs onto 3rd fairway. Enjoy the great panoramic views!

Immaculate Unit

Bring your Plans

Great Starter

Gyro Park Home

Waterfront at Wasa

Exceptional Property

Fabulous Views

2 bdrm corner unit in Tamarack Manor w/ newer windows & appliances!

Beautiful lot just steps from the Kootenay River!

Come see this cozy 2 bedroom home & be pleasantly surprised!

Spacious bungalow w/ over 1300sq. ft. on the main floor & original hardwood

Beautiful property & cabin with your own sandy beach & more.

Only 5 minutes from Cranbrook w/ wood stove & some fantastic updates!

Spectacular subdivision, 1 block from St. Mary's Lake.


Jason Wheeldon 2218870


Katherine Rutherford 2218075



Wayne Franklin 2218586


Linda Stuckey 2217993


Linda Stuckey 2389354

Lori White 2217852


Rob Stang 2217787






Chris Nault 10062349

Jason Wheeldon 2217874


Jason Wheeldon 2218079



Sandy Smith 2213194




Gorgeous Curb Appeal

Gorgeous Views

Corner unit townhouse in great neighborhood close to many amenities.

Stunning updated family home on .30 acres in quiet cul-de-sac.

Stunning 2+1 bedroom, 3 bathroom home with quality workmanship throughout.


Jason Wheeldon 2218605


Sandy Smith 10062623

Chris Nault 2218088


Jason Wheeldon 2218160

Rob Stang 2217475

Congratulations! Why Pay Rent?



Sandy Smith 10062668



Jason Wheeldon 2217659

SOLD! In Canal Flats

Great Double Wide!

Heritage Charmer!

5bdrm executive home w/ lots of sunlight through-out & views to die for!

1176 sq. ft. w/ updated vinyl siding, drywalled, & a European kitchen.

Beautifully updated, picture perfect home on a large double lot.


Linda Stuckey 2218792

Jim Barber

Cranbrook 250.919.0958

Shelley Simon

Cranbrook 250.421.3406


Lori White 2218035

Amber Bogaard

Cranbrook 250.427.6342

Carla Sinclair

Cranbrook 250.421.4415

We are proud supporters of

Jerry Boutin

Cranbrook 250.421.9988

Sandy Smith

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Cranbrook 250.421.0835


Katherine Rutherford 2218353

Wayne Franklin

Cranbrook 250.426.9829

Jeannie Stager

Cranbrook 250-421-3441

Megan Jones

Cranbrook 250.417.9848

Linda Stuckey

Cranbrook 250-421-0776

Carrie Lightburn

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Cranbrook 250.421.3629

Rob Stang

Cranbrook 250-919-9915

Chris Nault

Cranbrook 250.417.9027

Cary Swanson

Cranbrook 250.421.7195

Katherine Rutherford

Michelle Rybachuk

Cranbrook 250.417.7471

Cranbrook 250.421.9239

Kaytee Wheaton

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Cranbrook 250.919.0391

Jason Wheeldon

Cranbrook 250.426.9482

Barry Seitz

Cranbrook 250.421.1853

Lori White

Cranbrook 250.489.9053

Join our Facebook group at www.ekrealty.com/facebook

Complete Real Estate, Property & Strata Management, and Mortgage Brokerage Services

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A13

100% 100%Locally Locallyowned. owned. kiMBerLeY MarYsViLLe

385 Wallinger ave. kimberley 312-304th street, Marysville Phone: 250-427-0070 Toll Free: 1-866-427-0070 ■



SOLD! Spectacular Home

Chicamon Springs

Priced Perfectly

Great Location

Wonderful Resort Home

Forest Crowne Lot

Central Location

One of the finest Resort area properties w/commanding views.

2 bedrm/2 bath close to golf, ski and outdoor activities.

Shane Murray 2389649

Marilyn Jolie 2214163

3 bed/3 bath home in Forest Crowne includes natural wood trim & accents.

Fully furnished & ready to use. Good view of the Rocky Mountains.

Tall vaulted ceilings, river rock FP and open kitchen-dining room.

Well priced lot to build your dream home. Hiking trails & golf minutes away.

3 bed home in central location. Large living room, oversized lot with garage.

European Style Chalet

Upper Level Condo

Northstar Mtn Village

Love the Outdoors

Milliion Dollar Views

Ripe For Expansion

Ready To Build On!

Massive European style chalet in the perfect location for all season use.

Vaulted cedar ceiling makes this cute & cozy 1 bedrm condo a perfect choice.

1/4 share fractional ownership for this 2 bed/2 bath beautiful condo.

Great home is close to all outdoor adventures w/ a bright kitchen & more.

3 bed/3 bath, fully furnished, lofted conod at Northstar Mtn. Village. Must see!

1000 sq ft. building in the heart of Kimberley's Platzl & has its own parking.

Gently sloping lot, well located in area of new homes.



Tara Sykes 2389615



Darren Close 2218231


Dave Graham 2206232


Audrey Welk 2389621


Shane Murray 2217681


Lori White 2216096


Dave Graham 2191443


Marilyn Jolie 2182149


Marilyn Jolie 2212398


Audrey Welk 2214437



Shane Murray 4000331

Dave Graham 2171306

SOLD! Well Cared For Home

Investment Potential

Nicely Updated

Immaculate Condo

Private & Quiet Streets

Live On The Mountain

Enjoy This 1/4 Share

For first time buyer or investment property. 2 beds/1 bath w/open kitchen.

A very comfortable 5 bedroom home that represents excellent value!

Great year round sun porch at the front & good little BBQ deck out back.

2 bed, 2 bath condo with lock off suite. HST paid. Views, ski in/out.

Prime building lot in Townsite w/all amenities close by.

Trickle Creek Lodge-right on the slopes-with spectacular Rocky Mtn views.

This condo is located on the ski hill, truly ski in ski out w/stunning views.

Low Maintenance

Well Maintained

This Apt Has It All

Holiday Special

Huge Family Home

Willow Vista

North Star Village

This home is perfect for entertaining & is affordable w/ no strata fees!

3 bedrm home with oak kitchen, new carpet, & hardwood floors.

Open main living space with Westerly views of Purcells & Ski Hill.

Just reduced, beautiful new, never occupied 3 bdrm, 2 bath townhome.

Large 5 bed/3 bath home in excellent location in Marysville.

Marvelous view of the ski hill and private balcony with hot tub.

1/4 share of a great quality townhouse with backyard on a green space.


Shane & Dave 2217369


Sandy Smith 2215591


Audrey Welk 2216012


Shane Murray 2218640


Shane Murray 2389605


Dave Graham 2193700


Marilyn Jolie 2203648


Audrey Welk 2210097


Darren Close 2215331


Tara Sykes 2218333


Audrey Welk 2218033

Congratulations! New Home

Fully Finished Home

Commercial Building

Over 1100 sq ft with a full basement in Forest Crowne.

Large open rooms, 4 bed, 3 bath home in Marysville. Bright rooms on both levels.

Easy access & parking to this building on the edge of Kimberley's Platzl.

Centrally Located

1/4 Share In North Star

Fantastic Location

This home has large rooms with bright daylight coming in.

Private setting located on a corner across from the Alpine club.

3 bedrm family home in Chapman Camp. Fenced back yard w/view of ski hill.


Shane Murray 2215803


Dave Graham 2215604


Dave Graham 2212155


Marilyn Jolie 2217006

Tanya Anderson

Kimberley 250.432.5210


Marilyn Jolie 2217814


Marilyn Jolie 2203497


Marilyn Jolie 2389495

Private Setting


Marilyn Jolie 4100601


$139,900 Gadsby Road This 1 + acres offers privacy & convenience for those that would like to be close, but not too close to town. Drilled well, shop/shed on site. Call Darren to view, MLS 2219115

Darren Close 2218264

Darren Close

Kimberley 250.427.8711

Dave Graham

Kimberley 250.427.0372

Marilyn Jolie

Kimberley 250.427.8700

deBra Parker, aMP Mor tgage Broker Business : 250.420.2375 Cell : 250.421.7600

Shane Murray

Kimberley 250.427.6215

Tara Sykes

Kimberley 250.427.6496

Audrey Welk

Kimberley 250.427.5900

darren LYon Mor tgage Broker Business : 250.420.2369 Cell : 250.919.1365

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A14 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

561A Hwy #3, Fernie, BC Phone: 250-423-4644 Toll Free: 1-888-870-9064


Nice Home

Cozy & Clean!

Executive Home

Hardly lived in 3/1 bedroom 7 yr old home close to golf course under development

Must see this 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home located in lower Sparwood area.

This 3/1 bedroom home is situated on .432 ac lot in a private quiet subdivision

Beautiful Home

Nicely Updated

A must see! 4+ bdrms and 4 bathrooms located on one of the best lots in Fernie.

Must see this nicely updated 2 bdrm, top floor, corner unit. Breathtaking views.


Frank Hughes 2389604


Craig Bell 2216825


A must see! This renovated 3 bedroom home boasts of modern finishes. Paula Smith 2389658

New Price!

Triple Tree Estates

Completely Renovated

Great Starter

3/1 bdrm renovated home located in Ridgemont. Open floor plan, attached garage.

South Country's newest acreage subdivision in Grasmere. 4.9 acres.

Fully furnished 1/4 bdrm half duplex with fenced flat backyard. Detached garage.

Nicely updated 2 bdrm townhouse close to all downtown amenities.

Large Lot

Immaculate Home

2 Bedroom Condo

Gorgeous Acreage

3/1 bdrm home backing onto greenbelt. Fireplace, new flooring and more.

Updated 1300 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home.

3/1 bdrm home on 20 beautiful acres. Impeccable landscaping & great views.

Move right into this partially furnished 2nd floor 2 bedroom condo.

6.17 ac with quaint, fully functional loft bdrm cabin with drilled well & septic

Priced to Sell

Updated Family Home

Gorgeous Acreage

South Country Gem

Priced to Sell

Close to Downtown

This two bedroom bungalow is located on Highway 3 central to all amenities.

Great 3/1 bdrm home with numerous updates in downtown area. Garage.

4.942 acre parcel located in the heart of South Country just min to Waldo Cove.

13.35 acres of peace & beauty. Property is mostly treed, very private.

3/1 bedroom renovated home attached garage backing onto greenbelt. Frank Hughes 2389290

Nice 3/1 bedroom, 2 bath home with many great features. Mtn & ski hill views. Paula Smith 2389391

New Listing

Waterfront Property

Country Style Home

Great Family Home

New Price!

Fernie Golf Estates

3/2 bedroom, 2 bath home in Sparwood Heights. Major renovations done in 2005.

Well maintained 5 bedroom home situated on a gorgeous 1.55 acre parcel.

This custom built one owner home has charm plus top quality throughout. 3.66 ac.

Well kept 3 bdrm, 2 bath updated home centrally located.Fenced yard,hot tub.

Awesome Location! 2 bedroom condo with plenty of upgrades in the Annex.

3/1 bedroom 1/2 duplex located on the 12th fairway. Tastefully finished.


Paula & Frank 2389833


Paula Smith 10062665


Candace & Jason 2217441

Affordable Housing!


3 bdrm mobile on oversized corner lot close to all amenities. Lge covered deck Frank Hughes 2217005


Lorene Giles 2389465


Candace & Frank 2214629


Lorene Giles 10062677

New Price!



Frank Hughes 2215589


Paula Smith 2217911


Jason & Candace 2218409


Jason & Candace 2210920


Paula Smith 2210171

Candace & Jason 2389503



Jason & Candace 2219080


Candace & Jason 2213215

Colleen Dunn 2213544


Paula Smith 2217582

Wow! Home on 2.03 Acres

Nice 1/2 Duplex

Gorgeous Home

Gorgeous 3/1 bedroom cedar log home located in the heart of South Country!

3 bdrm 1/2 duplex in upper Elkford, close to schools. Landscaped, fenced yard.

4/1 bdrm home on 3.31 acres. Spacious open kitchen,garage & shop


Jason & Candace 2389330


Candace & Jason 2218125


New Listing!

3/2 bdrm ski hill home-ski in, ski out. Furnished with high end furnishings.

Two year old home on a large (.254 acre lot)backing onto new golf development

2/2 bdrm home on corner lot in downtown area. C1 zoning used as residential

Candace & Jason 2213145

Jason Andreola

Elk Valley 250.423.1645


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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

Outstanding work over the years


The Rotary Bandstand in Rotary Park, opened on Memorial Day, 2008. Submitted 1. The beginning – The Rotary Club of Cranbrook, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Lethbridge, was chartered February 17, 1922 as International Club #1107. 2. The first fundraiser was a Rotary Carnival with a net procced of approximately $8000 earmarked to equip Rotary Park, which was still a bog with a creek running through it. 3. About 1928, when Mayor Roberts, a club member, was in office, a pipeline was put in to drain the area. It was then leveled and ready to use as a park. At the time our club installed swings and other equipment, and erected a stone monument in the NW corner of the area. L.P. Sullivan (Sully), one of the club’s charter member, brought trees for the park. 4. Rotary year 194546, at the request of the United Nations, Rotary clubs of Canada and the US spearheaded a great used-clothing drive for the benefit of war devastated areas throughout the world. 5. Rotary year 194849, the need for a senior citizens home was first discussed; and $100 was donated to the boy scout to operate a midget hockey team for the season. 6. Rotary year 194950, $6000 was paid to the city for a consolidation fund for the construction of a new arena. 7. Rotary year 195556, the club canvassed the city to raise @2000

for the new public library furnishings. 8. Rotary year 195657, the club arranged a picnic at Rosen Lake for senior citizens with 35 people attended. 9. Rotary 1958-59, the club continued to finance a supervisor for children in Rotary Park during July and August at a cost of $100 per month. 10. Rotary year 196263, this is the first year the club sponsored a ra-

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dio auction in conjunction with a suit sale. 11. Rotary year 196364, “J. Fred Scott Rotary Villa” was named for our senior citizens housing project in honor of our remaining charter member, J. Fred Scott who was a druggist. The estimated cost for the building was $107,000, and the project was handled by the newly formed “The Cranbrook Rotary Project Society”. 12. Rotary year 196465, the radio auction was held in May 1965 and raised $1300. 13. May 21, 1967, the 12-unit J. Fred Scott Rotary Villa was officially opened with the presence of J. Fred Scott and club president Mike Harris, who is currently our honorary member. 14. August 1967, the club hosted the 2nd “Sam Steele Dinner” in conjunction with Sam Steele Days, with the main guest W.A.C. Bennett and his wife. 15. October 21, 1967, in conjunction with Nelson Rotary Club, Cranbrook Rotary Club has successfully sponsored the Creston Rotary Club to have their charter night.


16. Rotary year 196869, for the first time we sent a student, Jane Miller, to Ottawa as a guest of Ottawa Rotarians in the Adventure of Citizenship Project. 17. Rotary year 197071, the first year that the Club presented a “Career Expo 71” in cooperation with the Canada Manpower Centre. 18. 1972 marked our club’s 50th anniversary. To mark the occasion the Club declared its intention to construct a new park in the Pinecrest area at a cost of $1000. 19. Rotary year 197172, the Club was visited by several New Zealand students under the Student Exchange Program. This was the first year for the Club to take on this international project. 20. Rotary year 197475, Cranbrook Rotarian, Cliff Barley, took office as Rotary International

District Governor for District 508 (covered geographic areas of SE British Columbia, North Idaho, and NE Washington). 21. In the same year, a Cranbrook student, Bryan Ryley, was awarded graduate fellowship from The Rotary Foundation for the 1975-76 academic year. 22. Rotary year 197879, the Club announced a new major project, “Rotary Park North”, a 3-year effort, expected to cost $30,000 and considerable amount of ‘sweat equity’ from the members. 23. Rotary year 198081, the Club organized a “homecoming” in August encouraging former Cranbrook residents to return, catch up and enjoy the hospitality of their old home town. 24. In 1982, Cranbrook resident, Ed Murray, joined the district Group

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Study Exchange team to visit the Philippines for 6 weeks. Ed later joined Rotary upon his return, took office as club president twice in different years. 25. September 1, 1983, President of Rotary International, William E. Skelton, made an official visit to the Club, dedicated “Rotary Park North” as “Eric MacKinnon Rotary Park” to honor Eric MacKinnon, who was a past president of the club, and owner of Cranbrook Foundry. 26. Rotary year 198586, the Club donated $12,000 to the Cran-

brook Railway Museum as a matching grant to enable the relocation to Cranbrook of the former Elko CPR Railway Station. $16,000 was donated to the hospital for a heart stress-testing machine. The Rotary Clock Tower was now completed. This tower was a fair copy of the original, built in 1912 and torn down in 1971. 27. Rotary year 198687, Rotarian George Georgopoulous was selected as Cranbrook’s Citizen of the Year. 28. Rotary year 1987see Outstanding page 16

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Outstanding from page 15

88, the Club made a commitment of $70,000 towards the Key City

Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Theatre Project. Rotarian Bud Caldwell and his wife Maxine were selected as Cranbrook’s

Citizen of the Year. 31. Rotary year 1988 -89, $5000 was donated to the East Kootenay

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petual fund. 29. Rotary 1990-91, $20,000 was deposited in trust with East Koo-



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s n o i t a l u t a Congr ears of Y 0 0 1 on C B n i y r a t o R ! u o Y k n a h and T Congratulations to the Cranbrook, Cranbrook Sunrise, Kimberley and Fernie Rotary Clubs on 100 Years of Rotary Service in British Columbia. Our communities are far richer because of our Rotary clubs’ spirit of Community Service and their members’ spirit of Service Above Self. College of the Rockies’ employees salute and thank you for all that you do to make our communities, and communities around the world, better.


Club and Crestbrook Forest Industries. And this year, the Club participated in decorating and “haunting” a house at Fort Steele Heritage Town during their annual Halloween Night special event. 30. Rotary year 199192, the Club donated $30,000 to purchase the Rocky Mountain Lodge handicap accessible bus. Rotarian Dave Stefanuk was selected as Cranbrook’s Citizen of the Year. 31. 1992, Rotarian Bud Abbott was selected as Cranbrook’s Citizen of the Year. This is the year the Club broke tradition and admitted 7 female members. 32. Rotary year 199495, $12,500 was donated to the Cranbrook & District Hospital for a CATscan machine. The Club through the hospital, removed a large of number of hospital beds, loaded on a truck for shipment to Mexico. Rotarian and engineer, John Armstrong led a group of Rotarians to reconstruct a bridge in Eric McKinnon Rotary Park. 33. May 1995, high school student, Holly Kinvig attended the “Rotary World Affairs Seminar” in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 34. Rotary year 199697, marked the 75th anniversary of Cranbrook Rotary Club. In honor of this occasion, the Club sponsored and helped chartering the Rotary Club of Cranbrook Sunrise. 35. Rotary year 200001, Rotarian Jim Chiu took office as district governor and the Club in cooperation with the Cranbrook Sunrise club hosted the district conference in Cranbrook. 36. June 2, 2001, the Rotary Cycle Walk Trail was officially opened. 37. Rotary 2002-03, the Club donated a motorized forklift to the Food Bank. 38. Rotary year 200405, Rotary’s Centennial year. Rotary International celebrated 100 years in service. Our club’s centennial project, chaired by Rotarian Mike Patterson, was to install a splashpad at the Rotary Park downtown. see Outstanding page 17

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A17 PHOTO DARCY WIEBE

Members of Sunrise Rotary took on the restoration of the Alco engine in their “Paint the Train” initiative in 2011. This massive undertaking is still in progress.

Outstanding from page 16

39. Rotary year 200506, through “The Market Children Program”, a joint project between many Canadian Rotary clubs, our members have sponsored a number of children in Tegucigalpa, Honduras for a full year of schooling. 40. February 2007, in a joint effort with the Cranbrook Sunrise Rotary and the Art Council, we held the first “Art Auction and Wine Tasting” at the Prestige Inn. This event continued on for a few years and raised funds for various projects in Cranbrook. 41. December 2007, a group of Rotarians led by Fred Hoechsmann helped in the event of CPR Holiday Train coming to town to help support Food Banks across Canada. 42. November 2008, the Memorial Day gathering at the Rotary Park downtown marked the official opening of the Rotary Bandstand in the Park. This project was coordinated by Rotarians Doug Van Hooren, John Armstrong, and Mike Patterson. 43. Rotary year 200809, Rotarian Alan Davis of the Cranbrook Sunrise Rotary Club took office as district governor. Again, both clubs cooperated in hosting the district conference in Cranbrook at the RecPlex, with about 300 people in attendance. 44. For many years up to today, the Cranbrook Rotary Club sponsors a young lady for the Sam Steele Sweetheart pageant every year. And the same effort goes into hosting an international student to live in Cranbrook for a school year annually.

The Sunrise Rotary Club timeline 1997 – Rotary Club of Cranbrook Sunrise was chartered in March 1997. First President was Hardy Nielsen. 1998 - First Rockies Canadian Film Festival in April and has been held every year since. The collection of text books for International export begins and continues to the present. Painted Girl Guide Camp at Moyie Lake. First Youth Exchange students sponsored: Heather Mitchell & Nicola Williamson. Sponsorship of students continues to the present. First Inbound student hosted: Tak Tamada. Another ongoing program! First Undergraduate Scholarship awarded: Carly Hodges. The program continues today with five awards being presented each year. First shipment of books to South Africa by Canadian Forces Hercules. First students sponsored for Rotary Youth Leadership program. Ongoing today. 1999 – Sponsored the first Sam Steele Sweetheart candidate: Taylor Bean. This sponsorship continues each year. Sponsored Rotaract Club with Cranbrook Rotary Club. A continuing commitment. Participated in bike recycling program with Girls’ Bugle Band. 2000 – Secured Rampart facility for book storage. Participated in Village Bank in Philippines with Fernie Rotary Club Participated in Cambodia Project with Kimberley Rotary Club. 2001 - Initiated Village Bank with Rotary Club of Bacolod West in the Philippines.

Congratulations on 100 years rotary! Your members are an integral part

Hosted Group Study Exchange from Denmark. Helped add an aquatic lift to the Aquatic Center. 2002 – Development of Harmony Park (now Pat Casey Park) in cooperation with the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce. Donated $2000 to Canadian Museum of Rail Travel for front window. The Moir Park project was conceived and developed. 2003 – Fundraising for Moir Park Fieldhouse begins. Sunrise Rotary brings Champions on Ice show to the Rec Plex (now Western Financial Place). Shipment of books and computers to South Africa. Partnered with Friends of the Library in support of the annual Book Sale. This partnership continues to the present. 2004 – Organized the original downtown Farmers’ Market. Established another Village Bank in the Philippines. Individual Sunrise members and the club support Honduran Market Children Program. Another ongoing project. 2005 - Rockies Film Series established. Art Auction/Wine Tasting event launched in partnership with Cranbrook Rotary & Arts Council.

2006 – Fieldhouse completed and keys turned over to City of Cranbrook. Sponsored Gwynne Dyer presentation at COTR. First operation of the Fieldhouse at Sam Steele Days. $5,000 donated to Children’s’ Fish Pond at Kootenay Fish Hatchery. 2007 – Sunrise Rotary takes over organization of the Christmas Angel Tree program which has continued each year since. 2008 - Sunrise Rotary Club members support Tegucigalpa Market Children Program by funding 25 elementary students and two high school students. Sunrise Rotary Club member Allan Davis becomes District 5080 Governor for 2008/09 Rotary Year. 2009 – Donation of $2500 to TOT Park. Restoration of Iron Lung begins for Polio fundraising. Sunrise Rotary sponsors District 5080 Conference. 2010 – Adopt-A-Highway clean-up initiated. 2011 – Alco engine restoration “Paint the Train” project undertaken. Sunrise Club accepted as one of the international clubs to pilot the Satellite Club membership initiative. 2012 – Iron Lung on the road for fundraising. Satellite club formed. Sunrise Rotary conceives of and begins planning for the first annual Kootenay Rockies

Congratulations BC Rotary Clubs on 100 years of service to our communities

Gran Fondo to be held in September 2013. Allan Davis appointed as Zone 25 Rotary Coor-

dinator for 2012 - 2013 (one of 84 in the Rotary World) 2013 - Sunrise Rotary

Thank You Rotary Congratulations on 100 years Cremations Monuments Pre-Arrangements

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To Place a lisTing in our community news section: 1. open to all clubs and non-profit organizations. 2. Post your event online at www. kootenayadvertiser. com (calendar). events appear on our website onlY. if you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit by fax (250)489-3743 or to our front desk or email: advertising@ kootenayadvertiser.com 3. notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.

May 17 The KimberleY communiTY choir presents our all canadian spring concert. 7 pm and a matinee, saturday, may 18th at 2 pm. centre 64 - Kimberley Platzl 64 Deer Park ave. refreshments & door prizes and admission by donation. cranbrooK & DisTricT arTs council celebrate the arts gala event 40th anniversary at the Ktunaxa gym. Tickets at cDac or lotus books. “loVe sTains: earths Trash into heavens Treasure” conference. may 17-19 at house of hope cranbrook 131 7th ave. s. speakers: bob Johnson and Team from bethel church in redding california. register on line at www. ihopecranbrook.ca info: 250-421-3784

May 18 social ~ Dance is held this evening, from 7-10 at the cranbrook seniors hall, 2nd st. s. to the music of Tucker's Troubadours. admission is $10. refreshments served. 250.489.2720 eK ouTDoor club hiKe to sheep mountain. hike an old road for views of the elk & Wigwam rivers confluence. hike down a hill to an abandoned homestead. moderate trail & elevation gain, most of a day. Fern, 489-3213.

May 21 The easT KooTenaY railWaY Pensioners associaTion will be having a social luncheon 12:30 pm at the bavarian chalet (Day's inn) 600 cranbrook,st. n.cranbrook bc rsVP may 17th 2013 all railway retiree's and spouses are welcome for futher information,Please contact secretary Frances allen at 250-426-2720 or bill belding at 250-4265006

May 22

ForT sTeele cemeTerY clean uP 9:30 am. Volunteers needed. Pleases bring your own rake.

May 23 cranbrooK FirsT ToasT masTers meets in room 210 at coTr from 7 to 9 pm. open new horizons for yourself...join Toastmasters! learn and grow in a friendly, non threatening enviornment. We welcome new members at any time of year. more info: pamelaryan@telus. net. or phone 250-4894464 days.

May 25 eK ouTDoor club hike to mother's Day hill. hike a hilly open area with big pine & fir, west of Perry creek. easy walking, little elevation gain, half a day. ron, 426-2669. KooTenaY counTrY Fair commiTTee meeTing - 10:00 am at the abc restaurant. interested persons are very welcome to join us in developing the Fall Fair, held in september.

May 26 10Th annual lions FounDaTion Purina WalK For Dog guiDes at Wasa. This is a family/dog friendly walk around Wasa lake organized by the Kimberley (mark creek), Wasa and cranbrook lions clubs in order to raise funds for the lions Foundation Dog guide program. registration will take place at the Wasa lions picnic site from noon to 1 pm with the walk to follow. after the walk is a time for food, games and prizes. For further information, please call (250) 427-3550 or go online at www.purinawalkfordogguides.com The meaDoWbrooK communiTY associaTion invites you and your family to celebrate with us the prohibition of mining on 400 acres and the prospect of a 40 acre park at cherry creek Falls in meadowbrook. We will be holding a barbeque on sunday, may 26 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm at the falls rain or shine. Follow the signs beginning at Thomason rd. info: 427-8834 or 427-3277. immigraTion laW for live-in caregivers & temporary foreign workers. 1-5pm, community connections society (carey building), 100 125 10th ave. s., cranbrook, in the group room, main Floor. Pizza will be provided. To register & to book an appointment, please contact: mila siguenza, 250.426.2943 or email:

mila-cwrs@shaw.ca KimberleY naTure ParK - calypso orchid count -meet at the higgins st. entrance at 10 am for a 2 - 3 hr moderate hike.. Join leader Pam chenery 250427-5198 natural history event

Friday, May 17, 2013, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

calendar June 16

turers: 14-17 & rovers: 18-26 years. To join or apply to be a volunteer: 1-888-726-8876 or www. scouts.ca inTersTeD in booKs and people? Kimberley Friends of the library invite volunteers to join in supporting the Kimberley Public library. urgent need for someone interested in marketing/publicity. call liz at 250-427-7078. The cranbrooK earlY chilDhooD Development committee meets the 1st Tuesday of every month from 1-3pm at the cranbrook Family connections centre (beside cranbrook skatepark). Parents, grandparents, caregivers, service providers and businesses are always welcome. children: our Foundation for success!. 250-417-0205. cranbrooK Fe¯ Public health nurses weekdays from 8:30-4:30 at Kimberley north star Dream Team. babY anD me drop in for parents with babes in arms, Tuesdays 10-12, cranbrook Family connections 46-17th ave s (next to skateboard park) niki, 421-8096. in These challenging Times your support of the ms Walk is more important than ever. each walker, team captain and volunteer who participates is a vital partner in providing research. Join the movement to end ms by registering today, set a goal and multiply your impact by recruiting friends and family to walk with you as a ms walk team KimberleY seniors branch #14 general meeting 1st Tuesday of each month, 10 am. all seniors welcome. 427-2805. hearTs in moTion Walking club meet mon, Wed, Fri at the cranbrook rec Plex 9am. Walk inside or out, all ages welcome. marion 250426-4529 or Jeanette 250-426-2393 are You inTeresTeD in turning rocks into gems...? cbK rock and gems of the Kootenays is interested in new members. Frank 421-1177, barb 426-5623. come anD Join us at the senior centre in cranbrook for an afternoon of bingo every Wed. at 1 pm. The cranbrooK guarDian aT www. liveable cranbrook blogspot.com for tidbits and snippets relative to cranbrook. Visit us - updated daily. You never know what you might find. imPacT YouTh church, all youth & young adults welcome,


May 31 mini booK sale at the manual Training school for current Friends of the cranbrook Public library members onlY, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

May & June may 4 to June 1 Vis art show. contact the cranbrook & District arts council, 250-4264223, www.theartscouncil.ca. may 31-June 2 PasTel WorKshoP with susan Woolgar at cDac. sign up at cDac. contact the cranbrook & District arts council, 250-426-4223, www. theartscouncil.ca.

June 1 mini booK sale by the Friends of the cranbrook Public library will be held at the manual Training school (adjacent to the library). everyone welcome. come and find your summer reading. Times 9 am to 4 pm. bring your book donations at any time to the circulation Desk at the library. contact marilyn 250489-6254 for info. Kimberley nature Park Photography hike - meet at the higgins st. entrance at 9 am for a 3 hr meander on nearby trails. consider bringing a tripod and variety of lenses. Join leader lyle grisedale 250-427-5153

June 5 Free Public sWim, 5-6pm, Kimberley rec centre. sponsored by mark creek lions club. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult.

June 6 WorKshoP - breakthrough branding: Doing business in the basin, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm mDT. college of the rockies, main campus, cranbrook, $40.00. Tara Penner, tara.penner@ kric.ca, 1-877-505-Kric (5742) x 2 / direct 250427-3427 rallYing regional innoVaTion: Forging Future success in the columbia basin, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm mDT, college of the rockies lecture Theatre, cranbrook, $15. Tara Penner, tara.penner@ kric.ca, 1-877-505-Kric (5742) x 2 / direct 250427-3427

KimberleY naTure ParK - Father's Day hike - meet at the higgins st. entrance at 1 pm for a 3 - 4 hr moderate hike. Join leaders ellen & Dan chase 250427-5517

June 19 Free FamilY sWim, 6-7 pm, Kimberley rec centre. sponsored by Kimberley medical clinic. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult.

June 22 rounD The mounTain FesTiVal - sponsored by the Kootenay orienteering club, Kimberley Trail society, Kootenay Freewheelers cycling club & go Kimberley magazine.

June 23 lorraine buTler's music sTuDio Will be haVing The Year-enD reciTal aT The KnoX church aT 7Pm. recePTion FolloWing. eVerYone Welcome

JuLy 20 The organizers of the brothers insurance agency charity car show are looking for vendors to set up at the car show at Western Financial Place. We are looking for merchandise and food vendors. Fmi Patricia 250-426-2542 or at ekidsfirst@telus.net.


calling all Fisher men & Women! have a passion for fishing & like to learn more about all types of anglign? The cranbrook rocky mountain Fly Fishing club meets every second Tuesday of the month. 250-489-5856 for information. The cranbrooK FooD banK society is in desperate need of strong healthy volunteers to help on a weekly basis. if you can even lift & carry 20 lbs we can use you!. must commit to at least 3 hrs/week. 426-7664. easT KooTenaY baha’is welcome you to interfaith devotional gatherings which include prayers & readings from all the world’s religions; interspersed with music. For times & place in your area please contact: 4170223, 426-4081, 344-6991, www.bahai.org, lsacranbrook@shaw.ca scouTs canaDa seeKs adult & youth for its exciting programs Programs include: beavers: ages 5-7, cubs: 8-10, scouts; 11-14, Ven-

every mon., 7:30 pm, 308-10th ave. s. (old school building). info. 489-1057. boreD This summer? looking for something to do? Two non-profit societies are looking for help at evening bingo’s. no special training required. For more information contact stacey at 250-4893114 ext 227 sPring arriVeD aT bibles for missions Thrift store. bright colors, outdoor items. We love recycling your donations. Volunteers appreciated. open Tues.-sat. 10am5pm. 824 Kootenay st. n., cranborok. 778-5201981. book donations Wanted: Friends of the cranbrook Public library & the sunrise rotary club are accepting donations of books, videos, DVD’s cD’s cassettes & maps (all in good cond). no encyclopedias. Drop off at the library during reg opening hrs. communiTY sPonsoreD Public swims first Wed. or every month, 5-6 pm. Kimberley aquatic centre. eVerYone is Welcome to sPeaK ouT with our united Way cranbrook and Kimberley. silence is never golden. We invite community members of all ages and backgrounds to contact us about a coffee date to express your vision for a community that cares. call (250)426-8833 to speak with Donna or Tanis, or email crankimbunitedway@ shaw.ca cresTon ValleY QuilTer’s guildWednesday meetings and workshops (alternating) start 9 am. anglican church basement 4227th ave n creston.. new members welcome. contact info 250 866 5409, email:crestonvalleyquilte rsguild@shaw.ca. seniors helPing seniors. The Friendly Visitor Program in supporting the quality of life is offering visits for seniors wanting companionship, transportation as well as support for those caring for seniors. . 4272449. are You Feeling aPPreciaTeD, valued & empowered? Do you work with people who enjoy teamwork & a fun environment? You must be a united Way of cranbrook and Kimberley volunteer! We need you! Donna, 4268833. laDies auXiliarY To royal canadian legion branch 24, the royal canadian legion meets second Tuesday of each month, september to June, at 1 pm at

the Telus building on 11th ave. new members welcome. melanie, (250)426-3430. babY goose - free program for parents with babies under oneyear-old at Kimberley early leaning centre. rhymes, songs and stories, guest speakers. Thursdays, 10:30 to 11:30. call Terri 250427-2215 or Kim 250427-4466 FamilY Fun nighT! eat & play with your preschooler at Kimberley early learning centre Thursdays 4 to 7 pm. Please call gina at 250-427-5309 WhisT at senior center, every Thursday at 7 pm. new players welcome. Fernie roYal canadian legion br #36 general meetings will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 pm. elKo ParKs anD recreaTion FunDraisers (proceeds toward hall operations): Pancake breakfast is the 2nd sunday monthly. incl. pancakes, sausage patties & eggs, o/juice & ‘all you want’ coffee For $7.00 and kids 10&under $3.00 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at elko community hall bibles For missions Thrift store thanks cranbrook and area for your support. open Tues-sat 10-5pm. Donated items greatefully accepted. 824 Kootenay st. n.a great place to save and volunteer. Winning resume, coVer letter and interview session - at Job seekers resource centre. call 489-5117 or drop by to sign up for this free workshop to help you in your job search. haVe You been diagnosed with Perphria? i’d like to met you. leave message, 489-2670. selF aDVocaTes are meeTing at realm the first Thurs. of each month, 4 pm, 111 Kootenay ave. north Do You WanT To find out about your fitness level? get your “Deutsches sportabzeichen” (fitness medal). authorized to take the necessary tests in canada from age 8 to 90. everybody can do it and we will help, free of charge. contact udo or ursula grady 250-4893643. We are gaThering inFormaTion on canal Flats history in hopes of publishing a book in the future. if you have any information or pictures you would like to share contact norm & Joyce bidder at 3495224, gloria Perry at



Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013, 2013

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communitycalendar 349-5392, 349-5462. EK EATING DISORDER CLINIC at the EK Hospital offers confidential help to children, teens & adults with restrictive eating (anorexia) or binge/purge problems (bulimia). 489-6416. KIMBERLEY FAMILY LITERACY PROGRAMS: Baby Goose: free drop-in group for parents with new & young babies, to get together, have fun, learn rhymes & lullabies & have discussions about baby development. Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30am, Anglican Church Hall. Program offered jointly by Health Unit & Family Literacy. Terri, 427-6703 or Kim, 427-4468. FREE, EDUCATIONAL THERAPEUTIC & PARENTING GROUPS offered by Summit Community Services. Space is limited, info. 489-3114 or visit www.summitfamily. ca. Screening may be required, child care is not provided. DAFFODIL LADIES CAMPAIGN For Children With Cancer: Ladies 18 and over are asked to participate in a photographic fundraising event for children with cancer and their families. Photo Studio 2767 Rotary Drive, Kimberley 250 4274149 weisencpc@yahoo. com EK SENIOR CAREGIVERS NETWORK: are you caring for a senior family member or friend? If so, would you be interested in attending a support group & meeting with others in your community with similar situations? For more information about support in your community call 1-877-489-0803. To receive a free copy of EK Caregivers Network newsletter call 417-6162 ABOVE A WHISPER Newsletter-to receive the latest updates regarding the local music scene contact Rod Wilson at parahaki@xplornet. com. Are you a musician, performer or organizer with an upcoming event? Rod to be included in this newsletter.. HEALTHY HEART PROGRAM ? Do you have Heart Disease? Learn how to Live Well with Heart Disease and lower your cardiac risk factors with this Interior Health Cardiac Education & Walking Program, available FREE to people living with Heart Disease, and their families. Jackie @ (250) 489-6414 local 4292 VOLUNTEER NOW FOR the Canadian Cancer Society. There are many jobs available if you have spare time and would like to volunteer.

All you need is 3 hours a day once a week to help make a difference. As a volunteer, you would gain office experience, polish up on existing office skills or come help us fight cancer by volunteering at one of our events. Interested applicants can call (250) 4268916, drop by our office at #19 9th Avenue South in Cranbrook or go to www.fightwithus.ca. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS : Meeting Wednesdays at 7.30 p.m. in Fernie Anglican Church 561 4th Ave. Call 250-423-2131 for details. UNITED WAY OF CRANBROOK AND KIMBERLEY is now on Facebook and Twitter. Follow us to keep up to date on our activities and join our conversations. www.facebook.com/OurUnitedWay www. twitter.com/OurUnitedWay IF YOU ARE LOOKING to get all you can out of this life and the next, consider investigating the Bahá’í Faith. We say that for these reasons; Our community offers free children spiritual classes. For the older kids above 11 we need help to start a free junior youth empowerment group. There are also study groups, and devotionals. Just one more thing these are available to all people young or old, we won’t turn any one away. Thank you all and hope meet or at least talk to you. If this sounds like something you are interested in then please call me at 426-4081 or 417-2003 or www.bahai.org or email LSAcranbrook@shaw.ca SPARK YOUTH DROP In Centre, ages 8-18. Free-Tuesday to Friday, 3-8pm. New management, clean, adult supervised, no drugs or alcohol allowed, watch for up coming band shows. 250-427-7017 CRANBROOK TREEHOUSE - Families with children 5 & under are invited to come play. Free drop-in program in the gym of the Kimberley Early Learning Centre. Transportation avail. Wednesdays, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Diana 250427-0716 WOMEN’S SOBRIETY SUPPORT GROUP, Mondays, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm at Sparwood Healthcare Center. Corinne to confirm, 1-800-644-6144 or 4234423. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is a non-profit weight loss support group with 3 chapters in Cranbrook. Many members have success stories in reaching their goal. Weigh-ins are either Tues, Wed, or

Thurs. Feel free to drop in. Phone Jennifer at 250919-6510 for more info and addresses of nearest chapter to you. KOOTENAY FLYING CLUB. If you like to meet with other pilots or are thinking for getting your wings & need to get more info, come on out. We have fly meets and COPA flights. We meet every second Wednesday of the month, all year round, at Cranbrook McDonalds Restaurant Meeting Room at 7 pm. www.kootenayflyingclub.weebly.com or kootenayflyingclub@ shaw.ca DUPLICATE BRIDGE: $2/PERSON. Visitors welcome. Mondays 6:30 PM Invermere Seniors’ Hall KIMBERLEY & DISTRICT Guild of Fiber Artists meets Wednesdays, 1st & 3rd 2-4pm, 2nd & 4th 7-9pm @ Kimberley’s Centre 64. Spinning, weaving, & knitting in a friendly atmosphere. FMI (250) 432-9549. Drop-ins welcome. KNOW SOMEONE IN the East Kootenay with alcohol, tobacco or other drug problem? Get the beautiful cassette tape “Raised from the Ruins,” Free/confidential. Freedomline, 1-800-5280070. COME JOIN US for crib every Friday, 7 pm, The Senior Centre. BETTER BABIES PREGNANCY outreach program drop in. Cranbrook Family connection 46-17th ave. S. (next to the skate park) JOIN TOPS: (TAKE Off Pounds Sensibly).: TOPS meets every Thursday night, 6:15 -7:30 p.m. Call Isabel, 423-7043Salvation Army building 721-761 2nd Ave, Fernie FERNIE LEGION MEAT draw : Fernie Legion meat draw 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Fun and Entertaining, All welcome to join us. 50/50 draw follows. Fernie Legion 551 1st Ave, Fernie MEAT SATURDAY DRAW Sparwood Legion: Centennial Square, Sparwood ADULTS MORNING BADMINTON: at the Fernie Community Centre every Friday from 9 - 11 a.m. Beginners welcome. Birds provided and some racquets available for loan. Drop-in $5. Call Chris Stockey 250-423-8062 for more information. DO YOU HAVE PARKINSON’S disease? Does anyone you know have Parkinson’s disease? You & your caregivers are invited to attend our informative meetings at the Heritage Inn Cranbrook. Meetings start at 7 pm every

third Thursday of the month. Come at 6 pm & have a nice supper before the meeting starts. Darts: Every Thursday 6:30 p.m onwards fun darts at Sparwood Legion. Thursday, Feb. 10 6:30 PM Centennial Square, Sparwood MAHJONG AT SENIORS Drop in centre: Mahjong at Seniors Drop in centre, Fernie, every Monday at 7 p.m. Seniors Drop in centre Fernie 562 3rd Ave. KOOTENAY BUG CHUCKERS (Fishing Club) is looking for new members. Anyone can join. For more information please contact James at 250-421-4210 STORYTIME FOR 3 to 5 Year Olds: Storytime for three to five years olds at the Fernie Heritage Library every Friday. 11:00 AM Fernie Heritage Library 492 3rd Ave, Fernie 250-423-4458 library@ elkvalley.net TIME FOR ME, a 6 week group for children, whose family member has cancer. This group will take place at the EK Regional Hospital. 4265281, local 258. EKBIA MEETINGS FREE DENTAL SCREENING for children 6 mos. to 18 years old. Creston Health Unit for appt , 428-3602. INFORMATION SERVICES FOR Newcomers & Refugees Program. What does the program offer? It provides men, women, children & families with information about Canadian society. It offers guidance & support on adjustment issues, & provides connections to the broader community, 32-13th Ave S, 426-2943. CRANBROOK TENNIS CLUB - open for the season at Kinsmen Park, Victoria Ave. We are seeking new members of all ages, families & singles. We meet every Wed. & Sun. evening from 6-9 pm. Come on out and try your hand at tennis or get back into playing. Steve, 489-9169 or Neil, 4898107. ONGOING TRAINING FOR Emergency Social Services volunteers in Kimberley to help the community should a disaster occur. Betty at 427-3503. CRANBROOK ALANON MEETING, 1:30 pm, Fridays. Pat 427-7792 or Anne 426-5409. FOR SURVIVORS OF ACqUIRED brain injury get together every 1st & 3rd Wednesday from 2-4 pm at the United Church, Cranbrook. If you struggle living with ABI and/or want to share your successes Janyce, 417-6220. BABY GOOSE RHYTHM and Rhyme

Group in Kimberley . Join us for rhymes, songs and stories for you and your baby at the Anglican Church Hall on Wednesdays 10:30 - 11:30. This is a free program for parents with babies under 1yr old and is facilitated by Kimberley Community Literacy and Kimberley Public Health Nursing. Kim Roberts 427-4468 or Terri Fergus 427-2215 for more information KIMBERLEY CITIZENS ON PATROL require volunteers for night patrols. Minimum 5 hours service per month. Training provided. Applications at Kimberley RCMP office during regular business hours. INFORMATION SUPPORT SERVICES for newcomers, sponsored by Cranbrook Women’s Resource Society, funded by Ministry of Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services. Mila, 426-2943. INK CARTRIDGE RECYCLING 2ND Cranbrook Pathfinders are collecting used ink cartridges - bubblejet, laser and fax - for recycling. Please drop at Girl Guide Hall, 1421-2nd St. S. Lori, 489-5921. IF YOU KNOW ANYONE, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at 1-800-6702247. NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH, FAITH - Family - Friendship Forever, Sunday School 9 am, Sunday Service, 10:30 am, Wednesday Service, 8 pm, 821-1st St. S, everyone is welcome. KIMBERLEY SENIORS DANCE, Kimberley Centennial Hall, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. every Tuesday. Info: 427-2805 BAHA’I COMMUNITY OF Cranbrook invites everyone to join in celebrating the Word of God. 417-0223, 4264081, 344-6991, www. bahai.org, LSAcranbrook@shaw.ca HEARTS IN MOTION Walking Club meet Mon, Wed, Fri at the Cranbrook Rec Plex 9am. Walk inside or out, all ages welcome. Marion 250-426-4529 or Jeanette 250-426-2393 FOOD BANK BINGO, Kimberley Elks Club, Every Monday at 7pm 427-2343 GOGO GRANNIES (GRANDMOTHERS Helping Grandmothers) meets the last Monday of every month - 7pm at the College of the Rockies. We are a dynamic group of women raising funds

Calvary Chapel Cranbrook Hear it, Live it, Share it The Studio Stage Door, 11 Ave S. Sunday Service - 10:30 am For more info: 421-1822 www.calvarychapelcranbrook.com

Cranbrook United Church

#2 - 12 Ave. S. on the corner of Baker & 12th Phone: 250-426-2022 Fax: 250-426-2085 Rev. Frank Lewis Sunday Worship.......................... 10:00 am Sunday School ............................ 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month •www.cranbrookunited.com

EK Lutheran Parish

Website: www.eklutheran.ca • Phone: 1-866-426-7564 Pastor Fraser Coltman & Pastor Dave Morton Mt. Zion Cranbrook 920-11th St. S. Sunday Worship 10 am, Thursday Worship 7 pm Holy Cross Kimberley 105 Howard Sunday Worship 10 am Trinity Fernie 691 - 4th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm Immanuel Elkford 2700 Balmer Dr. Sunday Worship 4 pm St. Peter’s Invermere 110-7th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm

Cranbrook Fellowship Baptist Church Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada • Come welcome our new Pastor Cyril Marlatt 2000-5th St. N., Cranbrook • 489-5169 Family Worship .......................... 11:00 am Sunday School ............................ 10:00 am


1115 2nd Ave. S., Cranbrook (Parkland Middle School) Sunday service ............................ 10:20 am Dwayne & Collette Thompson 421-1099 Frank & Jody Hackett 417-7410

First Baptist Church Pastor Kevin Ewaskow Sunday morning worship at 10:30am Children’s ministries at 10:30am 334 14th Ave S • 250-426-4319 www.fbccranbrook.org

Knox Presbyterian Church Corner Victoria and 3rd Street South 426-7165 Senior Pastor – Dr. Ron Foubister Young Families Pastor – Pastor Al Brouwer Sunday worship/children’s classes 10:00 a.m. Friendly congregation – biblical teaching – traditional and contemporary music - Everyone Welcome!

New Apostolic Church 821 1st Street S., Cranbrook, BC Sunday School ............................ 9:00 am Sunday Service ........................... 10:30 am Wednesday Service..................... 8:00 pm Larry and Nicole Leblond .......... 489-0770 Faith, family, friendship, forever

New Life Foursquare Church 308 10th Ave. South • 489-1057 Sunday Morning Worship • 10am Senior Pastor • Gordon Henry www.cranbrookfoursquare.com

The Salvation Army Kootenay Valley Community Church 533 Slater Road NW, 426-3612 Sunday Worship Service ............ 10:30 am Wednesday Praise Service.......... 5:00 pm Pastor: Captains Linda & Kirk Green

St. Aidan Orthodox Church www.saintaidan.ca Sunday Services.......................... 10:30 am Fellowship lunch and Sunday School to follow For info call: 250-489-8006 or 250-421-6013 Come, See & Pray

A20 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

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mT. RoyAl CloSe


Schools Recreational and/ or Building of Interest Parks and/or Sports Centers

mT. RoyAl peAk







mT. fiSheR DR

College of The RoCkieS CRAnbRook mAin CAmpuS


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31 Ave

eD ge wo oD DR i



mT. RoyAl RiDge

mT. fiSheR pl

2. 22 Ave


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21 Ave 17 Ave

3. 17 ST 19 ST 18 ST

13 Ave

2. 3. 4.


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2 Ave

1 Ave

23 ST

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17 ST

22 ST


21A Ave

14 ST

May 18, 10am-4pm 3248 Jim Smith Lake Rd.

See our complete garage sale listings on page B3



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for our counterparts in Africa. Grandmothers raising their grandchildren with no resources of their own need our help. Come - share your talents and skills and make new friends. Please call Norma at 250-426-6111. Book your ChristmAs BusiNess PArty now

with Colombo Lodge for Dec.8th & Dec. 15th. Call Giacomo or Anna 250-486-5748 or 250421-2084 youNG FiLmmAkers-tAke ACtioN & win! BC epilepsy society youth Video Project invites high school students to create a 30-60 second public service an-

nouncement promoting awareness about teens & epilepsy. Astarte sands, 604-875-6704, info@bcepilopsy.com. AtteNtioN GAmers. Do you play magic the Gathering, D&D, or any other popular games? We are trying to find out how much interest there is in the Cranbrook area

Regional District of East Kootenay IMPORTANT NOTICE

Sparwood & Elkford Transfer Stations Victoria Day Statutory Holiday

to form a gaming community; a location to gather & play, manage events, a communication network, etc. Please send us an email with your name, age, names of any types of games you play and any other comments you wish to relay to this subject. send your email to cranbrookgaming@ gmail.com

Sparwood & Elkford Transfer Stations will be closed Monday, May 20, 2013 for the Victoria Day Statutory Holiday. Both will reopen Tuesday, May 21st for regular hours.

19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8 Ph: 250-489-2791 • 888-478-7335

Holiday Closure The Kootenay News Advertiser office will be closed

Monday, May 20

for the Victoria Day holiday. The paper will be delivered on Tuesday, May 21

All deadlines remain the same

489-3455 • 1-800-665-2382

College of the Rockies FORESTRY SKILLS BOOT CAMP Options: Cohort 1: June 10 – 28, 2013 Cohort 2: Sep 23 – Oct 11, 2013

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Basic Chainsaw & Brush Saw Training


Occupational First Aid Level 1


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22 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

alid Must have v nse & lice motorcycle d approve riding gear

Jumpstart needs your help

ers, hamburg & hot dogsen ts refreshm

21/2013day! y a M y a d s e u T ur spot to o y k o o b m p 1-7

NING E BEGcitIN H T T S U J 2013 Honda ing IS l with the ex a test ride THE RIDceEto get up close and persofindnaou nd Ho e th t when chan e to Now is your a/iwannarid Visit honda.c street lineup. area. ur yo in be team will

Photo alex Vakulenko PhotograPhy

Marlee Stein is pursuing her dream of figure skating after benefiting from the Jumpstart program. by Richard Reinders

2001 Kootenay St. N. (250)417-3310 Honda Powersports Canada


All participants must provide a valid motorcycle driver’s licence, D.O.T. approved helmet with eye protection, sturdy jacket (denim or better), full-coverage gloves, full-length pants (denim or better, no shorts) and boots that cover ankles. Must be 18+ to participate. Some conditions apply. See dealer for details.


The Canadian Tire Jumpstart program is a community-based charitable program that helps underprivileged kids aged 4 - 18 participate in organized sports and recreation such as

hockey, dance, soccer and swimming, so that they can develop important life skills, selfesteem and confidence. In September 2013, for the purpose of fundraising for the Jumpstart program, my wife, Marianne, will be joining a

group of women from across the country who are partners of Canadian Tire dealers. They will be hiking through the Rocky Mountain National Parks: Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper. In all, they will be summiting seven peaks in the Canadian Rockies in seven days. It will be a significant achievement of 88 kilometres, 32 hours of hiking and a total of 4,625 metres of altitude ascended. Please help Marianne reach her goal of raising $5,000. One hundred per cent of all donations she raises will go directly to kids in our community to help them participate in sports by covering the costs of equipment, registration and/or transportation. In 2012, the Cranbrook chapter helped 111 kids with a disbursement of over $16,700. If you wish to make a donation, please make your cheque payable to Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities. A tax receipt will be issued for donations of $20 or more. You can drop off your donation at the Canadian Tire dealer at 1100 Victoria Avenue in Cranbrook.


ON THE 25th OF MAY HELP A KID PLAY Saturday�May�25th�Is�Jumpstart�Day Come on out for a day of fun at:

Cranbrook Canadian Tire, 1 100 Victoria Ave. N. You can help get a kid into sports and recreation by donating

Canadian Tire money, cash or all of those pennies you have around the house. 100% of your donations will stay in this community.


Thanks Cranbrook!

The generosity of this community allowed us to help 1 1 1 local kids in 2012, and over 913 since 2005. JUMPSTART AD_10.357x6.25_ENG_Merged.indd 13

13-04-24 5:15 PM

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A23



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Love Sam

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Tuesdays 4pm Tuesday @@2pm forfor thethe following Friday. Thursdays following Friday. Thursdays@@ 4pm 2pm for following for thethefollowing MondayMonday.

In loving memory of

Rocco Rossi


The moment that you died My heart was torn in two One side filled with heartache The other died with you.

Lost & Found and Free Give Away ads are no charge. Example of Rates as follows: 1 issue, 3 lines for $10. 2 issues, 3 lines for $14.99. Note: Additional lines extra.


It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement.

I often lie awake at night When the world is fast asleep And take a walk down memory lane With tears upon my cheeks. Till we meet again Your loving Wife

bcclassified.com cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.

On the Strip, Cranbrook 250.426.6278

Cards of Thanks The Family of the Late T. Scott Coxen wish to thank all our friends and neighbors for all the cards, food, flowers, donations and words of kindness during this difficult time. Sincerley, Joyce, Diane, Robert, Dean & Kathy (Coxen) & families




Coming Events

Coming Events

Coming Events

Coming Events

10th Annual Lions Foundation Purina Walk For Dog Guides at Wasa, May 26. This is a family/dog friendly walk around Wasa Lake organized by the Kimberley (Mark Creek), Wasa and Cranbrook Lions Clubs in order to raise funds for the Lions Foundation Dog Guide program. Registration will take place at the Wasa Lions picnic site from noon to 1pm with the walk to follow. After the walk is a time for food, games & prizes. For further information, please call (250)427-3550 or go online at

EK Outdoor Club Hike to Sheep Mountain, May 18. Hike an old road for views of the Elk & Wigwam Rivers confluence. Hike down a hill to an abandoned homestead. Moderate trail & elevation gain, most of a day. Call Fern 250-489-3213

Kimberley Nature Park Photography Hike, Meet at the Higgins Street entrance at 9am, June 1, for a 3 hour meander on nearby trails. Consider bringing a tripod & a variety of lenses. Join leader, Lyle Grisedale, 250-427-5153

Fort Steele Cemetery Clean Up, 9:30am, May 22. Volunteers needed. Please bring your own rake.

Kootenay Country Fair Committee Meeting, May 25, 10am at the ABC Restaurant. Interested persons are very welcome to join us in developing the Fall Fair, held in September.

The Kimberley Community Choir presents our all Canadian Spring Concert, May 17, 7pm and a matinee, Saturday, May 18 at 2pm. Centre 64, Kimberley Platzl 64 Deer Park Ave. Refreshments & door prizes and admission by donation.


Calling all high school students, coaches, parents and fans! Whether its basketball, hockey, soccer, football or track, let us know what’s happening at your high school. Show your team off by submitting sports photos, videos, stories and game reports to editor@kootenayadvertiser.com

Cranbrook First Toastmasters meets in Room 210 at the COTR on May 22, 7-9pm. Open new horizons for yourself...join Toastmasters! Learn and grow in a friendly, non threatening environment. We welcome new members at any time of year, more info: pamelaryan@telus.net or call days, 250-489-4464


Free family swim, June 19, 6-7pm, Kimberley Rec Centre. Sponsored by Kimberley Medical Clinic. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult. Free public swim, June 5, 5-6pm, Kimberley Rec Centre. Sponsored by Mark Creek Lions Club. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult. Kimberley Nature Park, Calypso Orchid Count, Meet at the Higgins Street entrance, May 26 at 10 am for a 2-3 hour hike. Join leader Pam Chenery, 250-427-5198, Natural History Event

50thAnniversary WEDDING

In memory of our beloved

Kim Karlene Fettinger Weitzel

Nov. 14, 1961-May 17, 2006 Many have danced this dance of life, but none with her gentle grace. Kim belonged to a special group of men and women, who save lives every day.



In Memoriam

Join Frank & Teresa in celebrating their

On Wednesday morning, May 17 at 10:29 am, she responded to her last call, the call from our Heavenly Father. Forever in our hearts, sadly missed, forever loved Mom, David and families


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.

In Memoriam

Lost & Found Found: few winters ago, Tamarack Mall parking lot area, ring on chain, obviously sentimental. Call to identify, (250)489-3822 Found: set of 3 keys on orange Cominco pensioner key chain. Near Laurie School. Pick up at the Kootenay Advertiser office.


Coming Events


The East Kootenay Railway Pensioners Association will be having a Social Luncheon, 12:30pm, May 21, at the Bavarian Chalet (Day’s Inn), 600 Cranbrook St N., Cranbrook, BC. RSVP, May 17th. All Railway Retiree’s and Spouses are welcome. For further information, please contact Secretary Frances Allen at 250-4262720 or Bill Belding at 250426-5006

Information ARE YOU applying for or have you been denied Canada Pension Plan disability benefits? Do not proceed alone. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-7933222 or www.dcac.ca

Kimberley Nature Park Father’s Day Hike, meet at the Higgins Street entrance, June 16, 1pm for a 3-4 hour moderate hike. Join leaders Ellen & Dan Chase, 250-427-5517

3rd Annual Kootenay Gun and Antique Show, Marysville Arena, 354-309th Ave., Sat, May 25 (9am-5pm) and Sun., May 26 (9am-3pm). Admission $5/per person over 12 years. Modern, antique & collectible firearms and related items. For more info, Duncan, 250-4223469 or Rick, 250-427-0158

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FITNESS FLOOR CLEARANCE EVENT Check out the huge selection of equipment in stock

Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of bcclassified.com. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

Bowflex TC10 Treadclimber

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Career Opportunities

Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Career Opportunities Find us on Facebook


National Tank Services, a division of Trimac Transportation, is North America’s premier provider of services in highway transportation of bulk commodities. Our Trail/Waneta, BC location requires...

Heavy Duty Tractor Trailer Mechanics Highly competitive wages and benefits Please send your resume, quoting the job title, to: Mark Davy, Fax: 866-987-4620 E-mail: canrecruiting@trimac.com Phone: 866-487-4622

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Part-Time Seasonal Motorclothes Associate

required at Harley-Davidson of the Kootenays. Experience needed in clothing retail. Please email resume to: dianehdk@gmail.com or apply in person.




2108 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC (Across from Top Crop) www.harleydavidsonkootenays.com

North America’s Premier Provider

Study online or on campus Nursing Unit Clerk – 6 months - Work in the heart of the hospital Pharmacy Technician – 8 months - The ďŹ rst CCAPP accredited program in BC


The Cranbrook franchise of The Brick is currently seeking an outgoing, organized, self motivated professional to join their team as a full time Sales Consultant. This position offers excellent earning potential, health and dental benefits plus employee discounts. Retail hours including weekends and some evenings. No sales experience required - only the passion to provide excellent customer service. Please apply in person to: Shari Reid - Store Manager 501 Slater Road NW 250-417-3235


Employment Business Opportunities

Lost & Found

Childcare Available

Lost: iphone, black with green protective case, vicinity of Save On Foods, Thursday May 2. (250)427-3486 Lost: Sat, May 11, Shotguns parking lot towards Save On Foods, Ford Explorer keys, w/remote opener, little tiny silver key on it. Please call (778)517-1424 Lost: young male cat, grey & brown Calico on top, white on bottom half, named “Cat�, lost near apartments by 7-11 on Victoria. Reward offered. (250)489-4011

LICENSED Childcare looking to fill 3 full time spaces for various ages starting June 1st. TM Roberts area. Call Jolene at (250)426-8869 for more info.


Business Opportunities

Vacation Spots


Start your Health Care Career in less than a year!


PRIVATE LAKEFRONT sites avail. May-Oct. monthly or seasonal. Seniors Only. Quiet, easy waterfront access Sunshine Bay Kootenay Lake, boat launch, 30amp power, sewer, water, wifi, gazebo with fireplace, close to golfing, hiking, 20min. to Nelson. 250229-5359

Children Childcare Available Caring & reliable mom with excellent references has 1 full or part time spot avail, any age welcome. Call Michelle (250)426-7301

Summer months available, 2-5 yrs, licensed daycare, subsidies welcome. Call (250)489-4668


DO BUSINESS in Yukon! 1,831 sq ft prime ground floor retail space on the Main Street in Whitehorse, Yukon, next to Starbuck’s. For floor plan/photos, call 1-867-333-9966. Do you have 10 hours a week you’d like to make more productive? Learn to operate a mini-office from home. Free online training, flexible hours, great income. www.LifelongRewards.com GET FREE vending machines can earn $100,00 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629 Website: www.tcvend.com

Help Wanted

Medical Transcriptionist – 9 months - Work online or in hospitals Financial Aid available • PCTIA and CCAPP accredited

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Well-being is about


not just intervention.

Pharmacy Assistant Part-time — Creston

The Overwaitea Food Group is one of Western Canada’s largest grocery retailers with over 100 locations across BC and Alberta. We distinguish ourselves through 5 core values—SERVICE, PEOPLE, INNOVATION, INTEGRITY and, of course, FUN! We are currently seeking a part-time Pharmacy Assistant for our Save-On-Foods location in Creston. You must have completed an accredited Pharmacy Assistant Program or have 2 years' dispensary experience. Qualified candidates should possess excellent communication and customer service skills. Kroll computer experience is an asset. Please forward your rÊsumÊ in confidence to pharmacyemployment@owfg.com. We thank all applicants; however, only those short-listed will be contacted.

For more information, visit: saveonfoods.com O pricesmartfoods.com O overwaitea.com

Secretarial Administrative Support Part-Time Contract The East Kootenay Division of Family Practice requires additional administrative support. Primary duties include arranging meeting venues and catering, preping agendas, taking minutes, and distributing documents. Must have 3-5 years related experience, Post secondary office or business training, excellent communication, interpersonal and organizational skills. Requires a well functioning home office, reliable vehicle and eveing work. A detailed job description can be found at www.divisionsbc.ca/ek/careers

Resumes should be forwarded to: pphillips@divisionsbc.ca by May 21st at noon mst.

Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today! spca.bc.ca

Guest Service Agent / Night Auditor

to join our friendly work environment. Experience in Customer Service, Accounting and Sales would be an asset. Successful Candidates will be provided with opportunities for growth, on-going training, competitive wages and a unique benefits program. Please apply in person with resume: 1019 Cranbrook Street North

Photographer Then the Kootenay Advertiser might have the perfect position for you. We are looking for an assignment photographer to cover community events in and around Cranbrook and Kimberley. If you are well-organized, love being active and participating in your community, this may be the position for you. Weekend work will be required. Please send your resume, along with photo examples to Darcy Wiebe, Publisher, at darcy@kootenayadvertiser.com

A successful supermarket operating in Elkford, BC is currently looking for a

Journeyman/Apprentice Meat Cutter

We offer competitive wages based on previous experience. Individual must be motivated, willing to learn, and be able to work in a busy retail environment. Please mail, fax or email resume to: Kootenay Market #320 2 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P6 Fax (250)426-1847 kootenaymarket@telus.net

The Catholic Independent Schools of the Nelson Diocese Invites applications for the position of:

Call or email Jerelynn MacNeil, Principal, St. Mary’s School for more information. 250-426-5017 stmprincipal@shaw.ca

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for work-at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535 www.canscribe.com QUAD L Enterprises Ltd. has a job opening for a: Vegetation Control Supervisor for the Cariboo Area. Responsibilities are planning and implementation of all aspects of control projects; provide training and supervision to employees; follow all Health, Safety and Environment policies and procedures. The ideal candidate will have several years of experience in the industry, have current safety certifications and Arborist Certification would be an asset. Please email resumes including a current driver’s abstract to hr@isley.ca WJS CANADA Now Hiring Community Support Workers in the Cranbrook area. Responsible for assisting service recipients who are living independently with their physical, economic, vocational, recreational, social, emotional & daily life skills development. To apply, send resume and cover letter to: Attention: Phyllis Ortynski email: bc-hr@telus.net Fax: 1-855-465-5502 Applicants must indicate N-115 for consideration. Visit www.wjscanada.com for detailed job description and more careers with WJS

Haircare Professionals HAIR Stylist wanted for busy well established salon in Invermere BC. Easy to build clientele during busy summer months. Excellent opportunity for a motivated stylist. 250342-9863 susanhalverson@shaw.ca


Esthetician for Room Rental Experienced Hairstylist for Chair Rental Drop off resume at Tangles Hair Salon 1219 Baker Lane (Beside Safeway) Cranbrook

Food ‘N Stuff Esso is looking for a F/T & P/T Cashier. Please bring resume to:

22 Van Horne St. Cranbrook

After School Program Leader at St. Mary’s Catholic School

Qualifications include success in working with children aged 5-11, first aid, responsible adult course, however Early Childhood Educator certification is preferred. There is opportunity for additional hours in our Day care for ECE candidates. $16 depending on qualifications

Career Opportunities

Help Wanted

Do you love your community? Do you love taking pictures?

starting September 2013. Monday to Friday 3:00- 5:30 PM Application Deadline: May 30, 2013

The eyes have it

The Best Western Cranbrook Hotel is currently accepting resumes for

$$$ MAKE fast cash - Start your own business - Driveway sealing systems, lawn aerating units, possible payback in 2 weeks. For more information call today toll-free 1-800-4650024. Or visit us online at: www.protectasphalt.com

careers at cbt Community Liaison, Southwest Basin This is a full-time position, based out of our Castlegar office. View details at www.cbt.org/careers or request from Debra Stewart at 1.800.505.8998. RĂŠsumĂŠs accepted via email to dstewart@cbt.org by noon PT, +VOF XXX DCU PSH t

Join us:

Now accepting resumes for Coffee Bar servers. Barista experience an asset. Competetive wages and excellent benefit package available. Apply in person to the front desk of the Prestige Cranbrook @ 209 Van Horne St. S An Alberta Oilfield Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator, and labourer/rock truck operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction (780)723-5051.

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013



Help Wanted

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services

Help Wanted

We are looking for experienced cooks to work in our busy kitchen. You are required to be a self-starter, able to work with little supervision and required to work evenings and weekends. Please drop off your resume at the front desk at the

Days Inn, 600 Cranbrook Street. No phone calls please.

Newspaper carriers required to provide holiday cover Various areas, enhanced rate of pay. Contact Shannon or Erin 1-800-665-2382 or (250)489-3455 Fully Certified Fernie Based Contractor needs: Carpenter: framing, concrete, roofing experience. Drywaller: mudding, taping, painting. 2 Labourers: general construction experience. We offer: travel allowance, ITA Training, opportunity to get Red Seal Certification. You will be: accountable, punctual, honest, energetic. Pay Scale: Union rates based on experience & certification. Phone 250-4230272 for appointment. LOOKING for artist on a commission basis and will need to conform to art being detailed on a T-Shirt, this means distinct lines and features. Johneeev@gmail.com Qualified LPN or Care Aide required for morning/bedtime routine in Cranbrook. Client has M.D. and is on a ventilator. Shift rotation includes weekends. Email resumes and inquiries ggrennie@telus.net or call (250)489-4928 The Heritage Inn Hotel & Convention Centre is looking for a full time breakfast line cook. Contact Collin Johnston, (250)489-4301 TRUCK DRIVER POSITION Class 1 license with Air Endorsement. Local Deliveries, 40+ hours a week, competitive wage. Hiab Experience, Forklift Experience, willing to work in yard if not busy on truck. Apply @ TriKon Precast Attention: Todd TWO FULL time positions available immediately for an Import Auto dealer in the interior of BC. Service Advisor minimum 2-3 years experience. Apprentice or Journeyman Technician- Both applicants must have good attitude, quality workmanship. Email moejam@telus.net Wanted: Certified Dental Assistant. Busy Cranbrook office seeking career minded CDA. Must enjoy fast pace & working with a team providing excellent service. Reply in confidence with resume & handwritten cover letter to Box 253, c/o Kootenay Advertiser, 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 WANTED IMMEDIATELY Experienced concrete finishers. Min. 4-5 yrs experience. Must hold a valid driver’s licence, pass a drug & alcohol screening & start ASAP. Competitive wages & health benefits. Please call (250)425-4169 or (250)433-7036.

3 Food counter attendants F/T, Night Shift 11pm-7:30am. Take customers’ orders. May receive payment. On-the-job training is provided. $11.05/Hr. Education: None. Drop your resume at Burger King Cranbrook, BC. 250-489-2622.

www.kootenayadvertiser.com B3




Pets & Livestock


Home Repairs

Swimming Pools/ Hot Tubs


COME SEE the expanded show room at Flaman Fitness, we have Bow Flex gyms, Nautilus treadmills, bikes and elipticals. Plus we have a huge clearance section upstairs. We’re located on the strip downtown Cranbrook. Just look for the 7’ tall running man out front www.flamanfitness.com 250-426-2691

Legal Services Retail KOKANEE Springs Golf Resort is seeking people with golf shop retail experience. Experience with sales and guest services in a golf shop setting required. Computerized tee sheet and point of sale experience an asset. Located in Crawford Bay - 1 hour north of Creston. Staff accommodations available. Please send resumes to craig@kokaneesprings.com or call 250-2272001

Trades, Technical 1ST YEAR to Journeyman sheet metal workers, plumbers & electricians needed, Kindersley, Saskatchewan. Top wages, benefits, RRSP’s, room for advancement, positive work atmosphere. Email resume to: office@lukplumbing.com or call 306-463-6707. LABOURERS AND Heavy Equipment Operators (hoe, dozer, grader) needed for jobs in Prairie Provinces. Apply to: resumes@gcsenergy.ca or fax to 780-888-2100. More info at www.gcsenergy.ca

Work Wanted Semi retired, lawn mowing, yard clean up, odd jobs. Don (250)420-7558


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Specializing in Fencing: Game Livestock Range & Chainlink Also Hayshed and Barn Construction

421-9729 Garage Sales

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Randy’s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471

1. Sat, May 18, 9am-12pm, 1808 9th St S., sports & yard equip, books, household items 2. Sat, May 18, 8am-4pm, 708 30th Ave S. 3. Just moved, lots to sell, Sat, May 18, 9am-4pm, 2907 Westview Road. Boat motor, kitchen supplies, home decor, tools, fishing rods. 4. Sat, May 18, 9am-1pm, 2208 6th St N. 3 deep freezers, utility trailer, snowblower, large vise, pressure washer, heavy duty shelving, numerous small kitchen appliances 5. May 18, 3248 Jim Smith Lk Rd, 10-4, furniture, household, tools, horse drawn grader, misc Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews

Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews


HAY FOR SALE small square $160/ton 250-428-4316 Small bales, no rain, $4/bale. 1 (250)887-3444

Livestock 2-yr old registered horned Hereford Bull, semen tested, $2200. (250)428-5696 Big Rock Simmental bulls, polled red Yearling & 2yr olds, calving ease plus performance, Semen tested and ready to go. Larry 1 (250)428-8980 Farrier Service 1 (406)250-1705 Lowline Angus 5 cows, 4 calves, 1 yearling, 1 herd bull, package $8000. Wayne at 250-427-2825 Weiner pigs for sale. Call (250)919-3478

Pets Springer Spaniel cross Border Collie puppies, ready to go now, $100. (250)402-3578

Garage Sales

GIANT Warehouse Sale. All brand new product from a Gift store in Calgary. 80 to 90 % off retail price. Saturday and Sunday May 18th to 19th. Lot 120 Indian Beach Estates. Huge Community Garage Sale. Home Hardware Cranbrook is hosting a weekly community garage sale every Saturday from May 25 to Sept. 28. Rent as many 4’x8’ tables and a reserved spot to sell your stuff for only $10/each. Hours are 10am3pm. Call Brad at (250)4266288 to reserve your spot today and make sure to come by this Saturday for the biggest Garage Sale in town! Moving sale, selling almost everything, Sat May 18, Sun May 19, 10-3, no early birds, 254 Ritchie St Kimberley Sat May 18 & Sun May 19, 9-1, 9467 Moyie Shores Estates road. Furniture & household miscellaneous

Rockwell Beaver table saw, 48” deck, complete with stand, $100. (250)426-3969 or (250)421-3811 Washer, Magic Chef, ex. cond., works great, $100. (250)426-4596

$200 & Under **FREE** FREE!!

Equestrian Beautiful 8 yr old APHA black & white mare, 15.2HH, well trained, easy going, very fun to ride, $2500. (250)421-9342 Creston Buying old or unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372 FARRIER, MD. Horseshoeing Ask about discounts Call Morgan, (250)529-7370

$100 & Under Matching set of 4 P155-8013’’ Radials, $20/each. 2 Toyo LT 265-70-R17”, $40/each. Two 215-85-R16” LT Radials, $35/each. 2 Michelin 245-65R17’’ LT Radials, $25 each. (250)417-6603

Run your classified ad in the $200 And Under classification and it’s

Pets & Livestock



Antiques / Vintage

Culligan can fix that nasty white build up on your taps or cure that annoying red staining in bath tub or laundry. Call Culligan Cranbrook today and let us fix your water right the first time! Call (250)426-2691 or visit our website www.culligancranbrook.com And remember at Culligan we will always come to your home and test your water for free!


Roofing, Fencing, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Painting, Flooring, Basements and More. WE DO THAT! Call Doug

Merchandise for Sale

Water Services

Feed & Hay


Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser

BEACHCOMBER HOT TUBS save up to $4010 at the factory year end clearance event while stock lasts, plus we have 8 reconditioned hot tubs starting as low as $800. This month save 20% off HOT TUB COVERS. 100 Van Horne Street North Cranbrook 250426-7999 www.beachcomberhottubs.com and RELAX IT’S A BEACHCOMBER

Merchandise for Sale

Eagle Valley Community

Building Supplies Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser

$100 & Under 4 serviced lawnmowers, start at $65. (250)417-2040 5 large goldfish, $45. (250)417-2040 8 bolt Dodge rim & tire, 245/75-16, $50.(250)426-2548 Assortment of Cedar bird houses & bird feeders, $20. (250)426-3969 (250)421-3811 Four matching 175/65/14” tires, all season, $25/each. (250)417-6603


Run your classified ad in the $100 And Under classification and it’s


Full set of golf clubs, right handed, with bag, good shape, $60. (250)426-4065 Headstalls, halters & misc tack. 1 (250)426-2565 Hedge trimmer, $25. Down rigger & weights, $75. Ford Windstar seat covers, reg $300 asking $100 obo. 1 (250)426-3431 Kodak ESP-9 all in one printer, print, copy, scan, fax, USB 2.0 cable required, for non wifi computer, $50. Call (250)4176603 Maytag built-in dishwasher, $75. (250)427-7596

Gas range. Electric 2-dr fridge, decent, $175/both obo. (250)421-1484 Golf green type lawnmower, Honda rear bag lawnmower, $150 each. (250)417-2040 Hyperlite (channel) Wakeboard, 55”/140cm, with bindings, used, $150 obo. Hobie Wakeboard 55”/140cm, with bindings, used, $150 obo. (250)426-2565 (250)489-9519 Ranger 21 pool filter & some water additives, $800 new, $150. (250)417-6603

$300 & Under Ariens self propelled mulch bag vac lawnmower, 5.5 hp Briggs & Stratton engine, ex. cond., $225. (250)417-2040 Dining room set of table & 4chairs, solid wood, medium brown finish, 2 years old, asking $200. (250)426-2586


Run your classified ad in the $300 And Under classification and it’s


Norco Sasquatch mountain bike, like new, $300 obo. (250)417-3949 Saeco Magic Cappuccino/Espresso machine & Baratza Maestro burr coffee grinder, $250/both. (250)427-7596

$400 & Under Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com WESTERN SADDLES: Black 15’’ seat, older, good condition, $400. Hereford brand 15.5’’ padded, rough out seat, slick fork, like new, $400. Bear brand hornless, 13.5’’ rough out seat, covered stirrups, $400. Australian saddle, complete, new, $350. Lots of other tack, etc. 1 (250)426-2565

B4 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Farm Equipment

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

4-cyl tractor with front loader & 3-pt hitch, with blade, $4000 obo. (250)426-5831

17HP GARDEN tractor w/2-stage 42� lawn mower & 42� 2-stage snow blower in very good condition $1600 obo 250-424-5060 2008 Yamaha 49cc scooter, 949km, used one season only, 1 owner, stored inside, serviced, ready to go, $1300 takes it. Call 7am-7pm, (250)426-4934 AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions online; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.

12 gauge 3 in Tristar Setter over/under shotgun. Brand new never fired. $250.00 Call or text 250.421.1291. CBK

PSE Polaris Express Compound bow, 40� Cam to Cam, with soft-sided case, muzzy hunting tips, kwikee kwiver, Arrow trigger, 10 Easton Carbonaeros 400, 2 Easton Practice arrows, $320 firm. (250)426-8283 WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750 Winchester, Savage, Marlin, Browning, lever action rifles wanted. (250)421-2022

Food Products BUTCHER SHOP

BC INSPECTED GRADED AA OR BETTER LOCALLY GROWN NATURAL BEEF Hormone Free Grass Fed/Grain Finished $100 Packages Available Quarters/Halves $2.55/lb Hanging Weight Extra Lean Hamburger $4.00/lb TARZWELL FARMS 250-428-4316 Creston

AT T E N T I O N : O R C H A R D ISTS,FARMERS,MARKET Gardeners. For Sale:TRX Honda 4x4 $1000 4’ x8’ orchard trailers $200 (11 available) 6 manXR150 RCA walkie Talkies Fertilizer spreader:best offer 1 kg baggies for greens/ fruit 1000/box $25/ box 20 boxes Small chest freezer:like new$225 Up right freezer $100 Fridge $100 Apple picking bags Call Grays Orchard 250-428-5159

CRANBROOK. COMPLETE household of furniture and misc. items. Down sizing. Sofa’s/ love seats, beds, dressers, desk, tools and patio furniture. Sunday May 19 from 1:00-4:00 and Monday 1:00-4:00. 900 14th Street South.

SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING - Blowout clearance sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6,860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Call Pioneer Steel 1800-668-5422. Or visit online: www.pioneersteel.ca STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at: www.crownsteelbuildings.ca

Misc. Wanted

Free barn kittens to good home. (250)427-7499

Fruit & Vegetables

Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com

Heavy Duty Machinery 1990 Gravel truck with high lift tailgate, recently inspected, $13,000. 2005 Honda Excavator, c/w 2 buckets, $50,000. 1996 20 ton equipment trailer, $12,000. (250)342-6805 A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com

FOR SALE complete set of Ladies Taylor Made golf clubs, 2 yrs. old. Woods, rescue clubs, irons. $575. Call 250423-4794 or 250-423-0938. Hay, ďŹ rewood, sand & gravel for sale. (250)417-9291 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? Top Soil, sand, composted manure, delivery available (250)421-7399

Misc. Wanted Call

Wanted: family wants to rent a motorhome for the last week of June. (250)489-0708

Misc. for Sale

Wanted: Case 580 backhoe or similar. Working or not. Will pay $7-$14K. No junk please. (250)417-2040 Wanted: looking for 19701976 Chevrolet Vega or Pontiac Astra for parts, etc. Call (250)489-4786 leave message

BAILIFF SALE 2009 Chev Equinox LS

Sell your Toys!!

SUV, grey, 218,428 kms,

$10,900 obo 2010 Ford F150 Crewcab XLT grey, 63,030 km

$22,000 obo

1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 489-3455 • 1-800-665-2382

MUST BE SOLD, MAKE US AN OFFER to view call Andwell Collections Services Ltd.

By shopping local you support local people.


Time to get your tank pumped! Complete Septic Cleaning Services

**FREE** All Wanted ads are now FREE!!!! Call today to place your wanted ad 250-489-3455

• Daily, weekly & monthly rental available • Fast friendly service guaranteed • 7 days a week • Locally owned & operated • Call for best service & price

True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030


Vacuum Tankers & Toilet Rentals

Cranbrook Bottle Depot

"We make your house a home."

Vertical Blinds Mini Blinds 2'' Wood Blinds Pleated & Cellular Shades Roller Blinds Roman Shades Shutters

Call today! 489-3455 • 1-800-665-2382

Donna Dickie 426-8761

813 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC t

Word ad $20+ applicable taxes* Picture ad $30+ applicable taxes*

It’s BACK You asked for it you got it

hicle e v o lies t *App ads only

Complete Automotive & Industrial Radiator Service BC & NARSA HD Certified

Mangled Radiators Ltd.

717A Douglas Fir Rd., Sparwood, BC V0B2G0

Phone 425-6413 • Fax: 425-2651

Our answering service will put you in touch with us after hours

October-April Mon - Fri 9:00 - 5:00 Sat 9:00 - 4:00 Sunday & holidays closed

We take E-Waste (Computers & TVs)

1125 Industrial Road #3, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5E3


Interested in Advertising? I can help you with both print and online advertising.

Steve Zsillei

Advertising Consultant stevez@kootenayadvertiser.com Ph. 250-489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Quality Bathtub Products installed for a lot less: 1. Less Time 2. Less Mess 3. Less Expense

Shop on line at

www.eldoradorv.com or call (403) 329-3933 or toll free 1-866-329-3933 • Lethbridge, AB

1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 489-3455 • 1-800-665-2382


250 421-8265 (Tank)


Run ‘til it sells!

Misc. for Sale


Misc. for Sale

Shed Antlers. Racks. Taxidermy, antiques. Cash paid. Kelly, (250)426-6993

Antlers Wanted, Sheds & Sets, Elk & Deer. Call Rick 250-422-3444 CASH paid for OLD guns postcards, military medals, syphons, gramophones, license plates, tins, signs, silver coins, (10x) toys, tokens, misc. antiques, Larry, 250 545-7140, sumas@shaw.ca

Garden Equipment

Misc. Wanted Wanted; camper (250)427-7786

Misc. for Sale


Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com

Free Items

FRESH ASPARAGUS Sutcliffe Farms Creston, BC Place your order to ensure availability 250-428-9961

Merchandise for Sale



Moving Sale: 2012, 650 Kawasaki Brute Force Quad 4X4 with 3000 lbs winch & 50� swisher snow blade, 30 hrs on Quad $8500. 2012 Beachcomber 6-person hot tub & cable $5500. 10.5 hp Yardman 32� snowblower $600. 1 hp floor model drill press $200. Misc. tools & camping equipment. 2010 Ford F-150 super crew cab, 37,000km, no winter exposure, many extras, $25,000. Call 250-425-0053.

Merchandise for Sale


Merchandise for Sale

Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

RV’s at Guaranteed Best Sale Prices

• Made to measure tubliner & tubwalls can be installed over your existing tub, tiles & ceiling. • Guaranteed installations • Acrylic Tub Liners, wall surrounds & showers

Call for a free estimate today!

KOOTENAY BATHTUB LINERS www.kootenaytubliners.com Tel: (250) 423-7689 Toll Free: 1-877-742-2288

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com B5

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Musical Instruments

For Sale By Owner

For Sale By Owner


Cranbrook House for Sale 6-bay garage, carport, extra parking, 2000 sq.ft., 3-bdrm, 3-baths, jacuzzi, vaulted ceilings, bright, open floor plan, maintenance-free yard, lots of outdoor living space, $319,000. (250)417-7557 or (250)254-0100

Move in ready, updated, 4-bdrm,

QUIET AND SECURE Fountain Estate Terrific mountain views, green space, laundry, fireplace and bright kitchen on main floor, 2-bdrms, 2.5 baths, 3-pc en-suite, double garage, refurbished above ground deck

DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.

Sporting Goods

Consignment Sporting Goods 917 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook

www.funhogz.com 417-2828 2006 Seaswirl 1851 WA. 90 hours on 150 Yamaha 4 stroke O/B. Mint condition with 8hp 4 stroke high thrust kicker new in 2008. Dual batteries, cuddy with unused head. Aluminum Karavan heavy duty trailer, Hummingbird GPS / fishfinder & electric downrigger. Pictures available. $29,900 mycwest@gmail.com. 250489-1740 Used Diving equipment, Aqua lung regulator, Sea Quest BCD, Suunto Dive computer, Mares flippers, Cressi Sub mask, Tusa snorkel, 7mm ml/mg wetsuit w/gloves & hood, weights w/weight belt, 2 Catalina tanks, Red Line 1600 carrying bag w/wheels, asking $1300. 1 (250)422-3204

Real Estate Acreage for Sale SELLING 8.09 acre lot with unbelievable VIEWS! 2 min away from Fairmont. Views of the wetlands & Columbia Valley. Back has views of the Fairmont Ski hill. Very Private, No Building commitment. Lot includes 20 gal/min well, Power, cleared building area, private gated road. $425,000 Call Betty 403-819-1451

For Sale By Owner

232 10th Ave S Beautiful Baker Hill Heritage Home Large private double lot. Lots of character, tastefully decorated. 3-bdrm + den, 2 bath, heated shop/garage. New windows, furnace, HW tank, wiring, plumbing, security system, sprinkler system, beautiful gardens & much, much more. Must be seen to be appreciated, $342,900. For viewing, (250)426-5745


2-bath, garage, fenced, new kitchen, appl., furnace, HW, roof,

$247,500, (250)489-3157 welist.com id#47406

Creston- 3/BDRM 2/BATH unfin. bsmt, on 1/2 acre in town. Built in 2012. Full garage, 6 appl. incl. Quick possession possible $339,000. 250-4288954






No problem!

WE CAN HELP! Call Travis today! 250-489-4711 or 1-800-663-2307

For viewing (250)426-8284 DL#5717


Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews Erickson- UNIQUE EXTENSIVELY reno’d 3/bdrm, 2 1/2 bath split level home. Great view, custom birch cabinetry thoughout. Master bdrm up, 2 down, sunshine bsmt. 1/3 acre, low maintenance yard, rock retaining walls. Wood/ heat pump $334,719. 250428-5344 for more info.


Lake. 4 k to Ashram 4 k to Riondel & beach. 2 3/4 acres & 2 storey unďŹ nished (but furnished) “Small is Beautifulâ€? cabin. Good benches for building, one with lake view. In Aug,12 appraised at $170,000 but older, exible vendor open to offers & might carry part of mortgage for suitable person or couple. For info & viewing please call : 1-780-5660707 Home and acreage in Cranbrook BC, 1/2 mile outside city limits in the RDEK, 1.5 storey, 2580 sq ft including basement, double detached garage, garden shed, full deck across back, hot tub ,water softener, iron filter, gas furnace, fireplace and much more, all on 2.19 acres backed by crown land. 1-509-344-9090 INVERMERE - $298,000 2139 Westside Park View. Affordable family or recreation home with mountain views. Three bedrooms, 2.5 baths, open plan living with a gas fireplace, large rear deck and a great price. Call Mike 250341-6150 for more details or view at propertyguys.com ID 2666065 Terra Lee #38, 2-bdrm, 2bath, Creekside, double garage, gas fireplace, jacuzzi tub, RV parking $279,000. (250)489-3320



Looking to purchase a new home?

Clean 12x64 Mobile Home

www.northstargm.com 1816 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC Mobile Homes & Parks

Mobile Homes & Parks

We’re making room for 2014s

We have a large pad site in town that will accommodate a single wide or larger home if purchased through

with fridge, stove, and dishwasher. Must see to appreciate. Home must be moved.

Kodiak Homes!

Ph 250-426-1882

$19,500 OBO www.eaglehomes.ca

3 Serviced lots, West side Creston BC, great views of the valley, $49,000/each. Ron (403)627-7440 or email ron@geroconstruction.com

On the Strip

2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230

FOR SALE .07 acre lot overlooking Flathead Lake in Lakeside. City water & sewer to lot. Ready to build. $79,900 US. Some owner terms possible. Call Bob 406-253-2401 or 406-752-0053.



Showhomes now on sale

MORTGAGE INTELLIGENCE An intelligent way to get a mortgage. • Lower than posted bank rates • First-time buyers • Debt consolidation • Construction draw mortgages • Private mortgages

John Magis

Mortgage Consultant



Sherri Magis

1-877-489-1691 Kootenays

Mortgage Consultant

On the Strip

2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230


Sell your house with our

Spring Special

$100 for 8 issues*

includes a picture and 20 words

$1,979 Reg $1,159 $499 Reg. $379 $88 Reg. $619 $298

Sofa, Loveseat & Ottoman Reg $3,957

Chair w/Ottoman End Table Loveseat



*no refunds or transfers on ads that have ran

Mobile Homes & Parks

1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 t


B6 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Open Houses

Open Houses


Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Mobile Homes & Parks

7203 Monroe Lake Road at Moyie Lake Prov. Campground turnoff


mls K216818

Gail Ballance

Blue Sky Realty Cell 250-421-3696 gailballance@cyberlink.bc.ca

$SBOCSPPL 4U / $SBOCSPPL #$ t 250-426-8700 www.blueskyrealty.ca

1982 Mobile Home

in Windermere Mobile Home Park 5 bedrooms, 1 large bathroom with a woodstove, 8x10 deck, close to schools and beach. Home is vacant and ready for immediate occupancy.

$69,900 OBO www.eaglehomes.ca

On the Strip

2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230

Mission Hills Park Living

Toll Free 1-866-539-1230

OPEN HOUSE Saturday May 18 10am - 5pm 3320 Theatre Road www.livemissionhills.ca East Kootenay Realty

Open Houses SCAN HERE

for a map of our

OPEN HOUSES Cranbrook t 4BUVSEBZ .BZ UI 1:00 - 2:00 pm 1705 Mount Nelson Cres

Great curb appeal, views of the city & perennial rock gardens.

$344,900 Rob Stang

2:15 - 2:45 pm Lot A McDonald Rd

Now reduced another $10,000!! Owner will look at all offers!

$174,900 Rob Stang



MORTGAGES!! Lower than posted bank rates. No application fee. Mortgage renewal, refinancing, debt consolidation & pre-qualification. Private Mortgages. John Magis 1-877-489-1691 MORTGAGE INTELLIGENCE

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1-Bedroom apartment, bright & cheery, neat, clean & quiet, no pets, no smoking, no parties, good location in Marysville, $450/mth + DD. References required. Available immediately. (250)427-7128 2-bdrm 2nd floor condo in Forest Park Estates, quiet building in Cranbrook, corner unit, bright & clean, F/S, W/D, DW, avail June 1, $850/mth + electricity, n/s, n/p. DD & references required.(250)421-7777 or (250)421-7778 2-bdrm apt in Kimberley, furnished, w/d, util inc., $700/mth. (250)427-5137

Homes for Rent

Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years. Sadly, most of them end up abandoned at BC SPCA shelters or condemned to a grim life on the streets. Be responsible - don’t litter. www.spca.bc.ca



Apt/Condo for Rent

Apt/Condo for Rent WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, hot tub, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 1 & 2bdrm units, 250-417-7379

Mobile Homes & Pads

Antiques / Classics

2 bdrm condo Sparwood Heights Ponderosa Manor. Furnished. Call 250-423-1687.


2 Bedroom Apartment recently renovated and very clean for rent in Cranbrook. Covered parking and utilities included. Complex has an elevator, perfect for older tenants. NS, NP. References required. Call 403875-2016 Email at Greg@sonic-inc.ca 3-bdrm condo, close to hospital & college, 2 parking stalls, washer/dryer, storage. Furniture available & negotiable, avail now, $1200/month. (250)919-3983 Affordable & Reasonable Rent!!! 1 bedroom apartments! F/S, blinds, H/W, absolutely no pets, references, close to all amenities, starting at $425. Call (250)489-1906 (250)919-2075 Creston, BC PARKVIEW MANOR 1 & 2/Bdrm Apartments $550 & up. Secure Building Available now! Rent Incentive N/S N/P Children OK Phone Ingrid 250-428-2234 ELKFORD 1 Bedroom short term - fully furnished, linens etc. www.escapeaway.com LOCATION! LOCATION! 2 bdrm, 2 bath unfurnished newer condo, $1075/mo plus power, washer/dryer, deck/patio, n/p, n/s, undrgrd prkg + locked storage @ Lake Windermere Pointe in Invermere; exercise room, pool, 2 hot tubs. References required. Call today Sandi 1-403-888-5318 or sandi@goodmenroofing.com

Commercial/ Industrial


3600 sq.ft. of Retail Space

Located DOWN TOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-428-5240

Duplex / 4 Plex BLACK Forest Heights 2 bedroom 1 &1/2 bath upper floor of duplex. 6 appliances, satellite rv, balcony, mt views, yard with firepit. No smoking, no pets. Long term. $900 + utilities, water included. After June 15. rfr111@hotmail.com 780-399-0142

Bright & spacious, 3-bdrm upper level unit in 4-plex at 1300 10A ST S, avail June 1, inc. large deck, covered parking & extra spot, also has outdoor storage, F/S, W/D, D/W, n/s, n/p, n/partiers, DD & ref. req., $1000/mth + electricity. (250)421-7777 Marysville, spacious 1-bdrm apt. in 4-plex, laundry facilities, F/S, n/s, n/p, inc heat, ref req., $575/mth+DD. (250)427-4624 (250)427-0973

Mobile Homes & Pads

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

2 Bedroom unit $750 Clean, quiet, secure, NO SMOKING, NO PETS, NO PARTIES laundry facilities, adult oriented. Ref. req.

Modular Home Pads

available in Cranbrook, Wycliffe and Invermere. Trades considered and financing available!

(250)417-1011 Radium 2 bdrm, 2 bath, semi furnished, 2nd floor unit, 6 appl, fireplace, propane bbq hookup with bbq. Secure underground parking with storage. N/S, pets negotiable. $900/mth incl. util. Avail June 1st. Deposit and references required. Pictures on Kijiji ad ID 476565958 Call Susan at 250-422-3510. Updated 2-bdrm, quiet, senior oriented, laundry, new appl. inc. DW, elevator, Forest Park Estates, avail June 1, n/p, n/s, $900/m. Call (250)426-8385 (250)421-1531


On the Strip

2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230




Bachelor Suite

$550/mth incl.util.



2 bdrm Apt

$750/mth incl.util.

Alpine Vista


2 bdrm Apt

$600/mth +util



1 bdrm Suite

$750/mth +util

Ski Hill


2 bdrm Apt

$950/mth + util

Alpine Crescent


2 bdrm Upper Level Apt

$675/mth + util



1 bdrm House

$550/mth + util



1 bdrm Renovated House

$725/mth + util



2 bdrm House

$625/mth +util

Ski Hill


1 bdrm Townhouse

$725/mth incl.util.

Ski Hill


2 bdm Furn. Exec. Condo

$1100/mth incl.util.



4 bdrm House

$1200/mth +util



1 bdm + Den Apt

$700/mth +Util

Gyro Park Area


4 bdm Rancher Bungalow

$1600/mth +util.

Kimberley 250-427-0070 1-866-427-0070 Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211 www.ekrealty.com/property_management.php

Modular Homes


Homes for Rent Smaller house in Kimberley, 2-bdrm, washer & dryer, 5 min walk to Platzl, very cute & private, $700/mth + utilities. Available May 15 1(587)228-3535 Wasa Lake, cozy 1-bdrm cabin, avail now, $600/mth. (250)422-3259

1980 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham d’Elegance Coupe, 46,505km, 6.0L, 2300 built, 111 sold in Canada, 1 of 11 left, loaded, $6000 obo. (250)426-2066 1995 Mustang Convertible, 5L, 5-spd, black w/tan top, new wheels, tires, exhaust, stereo, many more upgrades, very fast, ex. cond., beautiful car, must see! $8500. Call (250)428-9606 Creston

Auto Accessories/Parts Raised canopy, fits Ford truck long box to 1997, good cond, $450 obo. (250)421-1484


Auto Financing

10 acres available for parking motorhomes & RV’s. 2500 9th St S.Monthly & yearly rates. (250)489-3090


Beautifully treed RV lots available for annual lease. No buy in. Services include hydro, water, waste, high speed internet, swimming pool under construction. (250)424-5403

Bankruptcy No credit Divorce No problem

Rooms for Rent Room for rent, quiet neighbourhood, private bathroom, shared kitchen, laundry, n/s, n/parties, n/p, $500/mth, avail immed. (250)489-0640

Shared Accommodation


East Kootenay Realty Complete Rental Property and Strata Management Services

Canal Flats Park, large pad, small park, $250/monthly. (403)686-4186

Commercial property on Theatre Road for lease, 3000 sq.ft., office/shop/warehouse & yard, avail June 1. For info call, (250)919-0350


for open house maps, rental properties, property details and mortgages

25 - 10th Ave. S. Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211 385 Wallinger Ave., Kimberley 250-427-0070 1-866-427-0070


Real Estate

BLAEBERRY Valley, 2 rooms available for rent in a 3 bdrm house $450 ea/mnth + DD. Incl. heat, hydro & wifi. W/D Owner lives in Calgary and only stays at house some weekends. Renovated open concept home, Great views, large yard, fire pit, huge storage shed. Pet friendly. Avail. immediately. 403.850.7588 ROOMS for rent, incl util. Must be working or college student, $425/mo. Available immediately. (250)426-2479

Suites, Lower BACHELOR suite, n/s, n/p, f/s, w/d, $450/mo + $225 dd inc heat, avail June 1, off street parking. 250-426-3377 during office hours.

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals


www.iDreamAuto.com DL# 7557

Cars - Domestic 1966 Mustang Coupe, collector plates, 21’ frame with 2 5000 lb axles, $1000. 2005 650 VStar Classic, bags, windshield, new tires, 20,000 km, $5500. Call after 5pm, 1 (250)428-9759

Suites, Upper LOVELY bachelor suite in beautiful garden setting. $575/month + hydro. 250-3441058

Townhouses SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448


1966 Rambler Ambassador 4-door station wagon, V8 auto, excellent inside & out, completely restored 1996, 97,000 original miles, asking $6800 obo. To view call (250)426-5371

Antiques / Classics

1956 Chev pickup, bright teal, white cab back, 455 Olds, power disk brakes, p/s, auto, floor up rod, power & beauty, $35,000, (250)427-4834 (250)427-6547 1970 Chev pickup longbox 4x4, 6-cyl, 3-spd standard, no rust, new clutch & brakes, safety inspected, originally from Texas, drive it away for $7500. (250)489-3705 1972 Chev show truck, 350 CID, auto, 2WD, column shift, bucket seats, nice paint, green with black interior, asking $11,900. 250-427-5895

1978 Toyota Celica ST, ex. cond., 130,000 km, new brakes, Grandma’s car, auto, collector status (very close), remarkable car, exceptional!

$2950 obo. (250)417-3949

1985 Corvette, white, 4-spd auto, 350 tune port injection, 190,000km, new tires, $9995 obo. (250)489-0193 Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com 1996 Toyota Camry, 250,000 km, good cond. $3000 obo. (250)489-0771 1999 Ford Escort SE, air, FWD, p/dl, p/s, p/m, 5-spd manual, 4-cyl, Stock #16007b, $3995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)427-4224

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

Cars - Domestic

1996 Corvette Collector Edition, 160,000km, 2 roofs, auto, original paint, engine LT4, fully loaded,ex cond, asking $16,000 obo. (250)426-3802 1998 Cadillac Catera, 160,000km, beige with beige leather, sunroof, heated front/rear seats, cassette/CD & more, 30+ mpg hwy, $5500. (250)426-7041

2007 Ford Focus SE, 2-dr hatchback, 44,000km, like new, p/w, p/dl, heated seats, am/fm/CD/satellite radio

1998 Nissan Altima, 176,000 km. Automatic FWD, Metallic brown, AM/FM/CD, AC, power locks, windows, mirrors. Great second/starter car. $2500. Call 250-423-0272.

2007 Subaru Outback 5-dr Wagon, auto, 4-cyl, AWD, Stock #F20038, $16,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-877-420-2194

$8200 obo. (250)427-6087

2000 Olds Intrigue, pw, pd, air, cruise, nice shape, 152,000 km, $2995. Call (250)426-6749 2001 Mazda Protege 4-dr Sedan ES, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #Y20349A, $5495. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315 1-877-420-2194

2007 Toyota Corolla CE automatic, well maintained driving school car, just turned 100,000km, $8500 ďŹ rm. (250)421-1655 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix 3.4L,

white, 200,000km, ex. cond.,loaded, winters & summers, quick sale,

$2000 obo. (250)417-3949

2003 Honda Civic LX, silver, 5-spd, 1.7L, manual, 171,000 km, responsibly driven & maintained, just inspected, all service receipts, $5700.Call (250)422-9349

2004 VW Bug Convertible,

41,000 km, like new, never winter driven, heated leather, heated mirrors, auto, loaded,

$13,000 obo. (250)421-7936

2009 Pontiac Vibe,

80,000km, 2nd owner, power everything, 5-spd, ex. cond., alloys & snows on rims,

$10,500 obo. (250)417-3949

2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Classic 5.7L Hemi auto, 12,900 km, never winter driven, $29,000 obo. Call (250)489-1574 2010 Ford Edge SEL, 6-spd auto, 4WD, 6-cyl, Stock #07113a, $24,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248. Call (250)427-4224 2011 Honda Accord Sedan EXL, auto, 4-cyl, FWD, Stock #H06878A, $23,800. Spring Honda, DL #31110, Call (250)489-4311 2011 Suzuki SX4 Hatchback JX, 4-cyl, auto, AWD, Stock #S11156A, $18,798. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523 1-877-420-2194 2012 Dodge Charger SXT Sedan, 8-spd, auto, Stock #C12091A, $29,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708 1-888-259-7039




Cars - Sports & Imports

Cars - Sports & Imports

Cars - Domestic



2012 Ford Mustang V6 Premium Convertible, RWD, 6-spd auto, 6-cyl, Stock #12612b, $29,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)427-4224 2012 Nissan Versa, 5-dr hatchback, auto, power group, only 541kms, like new, balance of factory warranty, Stock# A63257 $13,995 Arrow Motors Volkswagen, DL# 5467 (250)489-4327 or 1-877-6894327 arrowvw.ca 2012 Nissan Versa BASE, 4cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #N63276, $17,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313. 1-888-426-6665

1996 26’ Terry trailer, 2-dr, rear queen bed, ex. cond., n/s, $7500. (250)427-4707

1999 Vanguard 269, Vanguard rear kitchen model, air, awning, approx. dry weight 7673 lbs, living room dinette slide, front walk around queen, $14,900. Runners RV, Call (250)489-4141 or toll free 1-800-663-4824

Commercial Vehicles 1993 Western Star tandem dump truck with new hoist cylinder, front differential, rear leaf springs, front tires, king pins, batteries & rebuilt engine, 18-spd split shift, $21,000. (250)417-6543

Motorcycles 1990 BMW K-1 motorcycle, low mileage, ex. cond., red & yellow, new tires, must be seen, best offer takes it. (250)426-8408 1999 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200 cc, custom built, 39,000km, $8000 obo. (250)489-1310 2000 KX125, new rear tire, new top end, good cond., $1500 obo. (250)529-7777 2001 Harley 1200 Sportster, 100th Anniversary Edition, needs inspection, $5500. Call (250)417-5530 2006 CR125, very well maintained, brand new FMF pipe & silencer & rad valve, $2900 obo. 2008 KX250F, meticulously maintained, $3900 obo. (250)489-0018 2008 250 Rebel, 6400km, ex. cond., $3800 obo. Call (250)489-5392 2008 Honda CRF250X, $5000 & 2009 Honda CRF150F, $3000. Barely used less than 200 km each, $7500 obo for both, (250)427-7229 2008 KLR 650, 11,000km, near mint, w/extras & bags, $3650 obo. Evenings (403)836-3786 2008 Suzuki Blvd 650, 9800 km, new tires, great beginner bike, $4000. (250)426-6844 2009 Honda Rebel 250cc, c/w bags & windshield, only 2600km, bike is immaculate, $4000. (250)489-2100 or (250)421-0020

Vehicle Lease / Rent

Renting Quality Cars At Great Prices

CRANBROOK: 426-3004 CRESTON: 428-9343 TRAIL: 364-0211 NELSON: 352-5122

5dr hatchback, auto, power group, only 541 km, like new. Balance of factory warranty. StkA63257. Was $15,995

SALE $13,995 *Includes frt & PDI. Taxes & fees extra.

“Like new with only 541 km, at a used price� NEW

Shalon's Notes



Leather, sunroof, nav, self parking


Denh Priceadm


Jason Faulkner Sales & Lease Consultant


Call Jason today!

2010 Toyota 4 Runner SR5

Leather, sunroof, only 80,000kms

Shane Berry Sales & Lease Consultant


Comfortline, auto, air, cruise, heated seats & much more. StkV09595

MSRP$30,170 “What a great summer ride.�

*Includes frt & PDI. Taxes & fees extra.

Arrow Motors Volkswagen

2034 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook t DL#5467 t XXX JNQPSUBVUPHSPVQ DPN

Hot Deals Cool Wheels

Denh Priceam d

Ed's Notes



Call Shane today!

2008 Ford F250 S/Cab XLT 4x4

5.4 V8, trailer tow

Stacy Eaton Sales & Lease Consultant

Call Stacy today!!

Leather, and only 78,000kms


"Summer's here!"

Steve’s Notes 2007 TOYOTA FJ CRUISER


4x4, 4.0L V6, auto, air, roof rack & much more. StkY05177A

Denh Priceam d



Ford BC Ltd.


Rare 6-cyl, 5-spd manual, full glass roof, air, power group, alloy wheels. stkN00906A

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2005 Ford Freestar Limited

Call Simon today!!



Denh Pr am

$17,995 "Perfect for your Kootenay adventures!" 2032 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 489-0903 1-888-734-7744 DL#30315

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2012 Springdale 257 RLLSWE *$18,599, 6.79%, 60 months, 228 amortization

Only 5 $

2 remaining at



Recreational/Sale 1977 GMC Class A motorhome, 26’, good cond. inside & out, newer tires, must be seen! Rare model. Best offer takes it. (250)426-8408 1991 26’ Rustler, Jack & Jill bunks, front kitchen, fold out couch, air, full bath, new water pump, newer HW tank, new battery, sleeps-6, $6800 obo. (250)426-5653 1991 29’ Wilderness trailer, everything runs, in good cond., lots of upgrades, $7000. (250)420-1802


Cars - Domestic

Off Road Vehicles 2000 Kodiak 400 4x4, 5-spd, low km & hrs, new extra tires, custom racks, great shape, asking $3000 obo. Dave 1 (250)421-1159 300 King quad, good cond, $2650 obo. 500 Arctic winch, good cond, $3600 obo. No tax (250)421-1484

Jimmy's Notes

Providing superior value by offering outstanding service along with high quality, clean and dependable vehicles at affordable prices.

Cars - Domestic

2009 YAMAHA VINO 125cc motorcycle, used 1 summer, 1720 km,

2011 KTM 250 XC-W Good tires, rekluse clutch, bark buster & skid plate, fabulous dirtbike! $6800 w/pipe guard, $6300/w/out 250-428-6071 Motorcycle trailer, single rail, open, checkerboard aluminum body, tilt for easy loading, 13� wheels, new tires & spare, used very little, $800. (250)426-8408

Hot Deals Cool Wheels

• compacts • full size • mini vans • mid size • 15 passenger vans • moving trucks

Simon Wachon Sales & Lease Consultant

$2000 obo. (250)426-4627

2009 Toyota Yaris, 62,000km, metallic charcoal grey, p/w, p/d, p/m, factory air, am/fm/cd/aux, 5-spd, new battery, pads & rotors August 2012, winters on rims, auto start, asking $9,500. (250)919-5056


13 S 20 RD

2005 Focus Wagon, loaded, heated seats, air, cruise, 105,000 km, nice car, $7000 obo. (250)489-1628 2005 Ford Freestar Sport, V6, auto, FWD, Stock #PT0003, $7995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315. 1-877-420-2194 2006 Chrysler Sebring, auto, power group, nice shape, only 110,700km, Stock #V17236B, $6995. Arrow Motors Volkswagen, DL #5467, (250)489-4327 1-877-689-4327 arrowvw.ca 2006 Dodge Magnum Base Wagon, auto, Stock #T13247A, $7995, Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708 1-888-259-7039 2006 Pontiac Vibe 4-dr Wagon, FWD, 4-cyl, manual, Stock # Y36642A, $6995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL # 30315, Call 1-877-420-2194 2007 Dodge Caliber SXT, 4cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #N98926C, $8995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313 1-888-426-6665

2008 Ford Focus, black, 2-dr standard, 96,000 km, 4-winter tires w/rims, remote starter, $9500 obo. (250)489-1310 2008 Nissan Versa 5-dr HB, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #Z52231, $9995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313 1-888-426-6665 2008 Pontiac Wave, 81,000km, 4-dr sedan, manual trans., loaded w/custom stereo & amp, tinted windows, 8 tires, $8995 obo. (250)489-3672 2008 Subaru Tribeca Limited, flat 6-cyl engine, auto, AWD, 108,831km, Stock #S49990A, $24,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523. Call (250)489-4325 2009 Ford Edge Limited, AWD, 5-spd auto, 6-cyl, Stock #NNN453, $25,495. Melody Motors, DL #5248, Call (250)427-4224 2009 Honda Accord Sedan EXL6, auto, V6, Stock #H07538A, $15,942. Spring Honda, DL #31110, Call (250)489-4311 2009 Nissan Altima SL, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #N70065A, $15,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-888-426-6665



Cars - Domestic




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Many more in-store specials! Open this Saturday May Long Weekend

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Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser



1997 8’ Vanguard Camper, fridge, stove, toilet, north/south queen bed, HW tank, $7900. Call (250)489-3968

2005 24’ Vanguard hard side trailer,

1997 Mallard 31’, rear bunks, front bedroom, sleeps 9, 3-pc bath, air, microwave, fridge, stove, solar panel, 30lb tanks, full awning, stereo, $8700 obo. (250)489-9187 1997 Prospector 5th Wheel by Kustom Koach, 20’ lighweight, original owners, ex. cond., asking price $7000 obo. (250)426-3134 1999 27’ Vanguard 5th Wheel, great cond., non smokers, parked at RV lot since 2005, $6500 obo. (250)426-6798

2001 Sandpiper 26’, sleeps 8, awning, slide out, tub/shower, rear bunks, front bedroom, new flooring, microwave, 3-burner stove, air $9500 obo. (250)489-1521 2002 33’ Tahoe toy hauler, great cond., loaded, holds 4 motorcycles or 2 ATV’s, asking $12,500. Call and to view, (250)489-4773 2002 Frontier 24.5’ 5th Wheel, all amenities, ex. cond., tons of storage, $8300. (250)489-3888 (250)919-4246 2003 Wildcat by Forest River Conventional 29’ RV trailer, new awning, 12’ slide, ex. cond., $11,500. Call (250)417-2577 (250)426-5654 (250)489-9777 2004 24’ Pioneer travel trailer, island bed, as new cond., $11,000. Or trade for motorhome. (250)428-9606 Creston 2004 30’ Arctic Fox, 4 season all weather coach, 2 slides, solid oak cabinets, ex. cond., asking $22,000.(250)426-6550 2004 Terry 5th Wheel, 29-1/2’ with slide, air, 8 cu.ft. fridge, microwave, stove, oven, back bedroom with bunks, queensize bed in master bedroom with bathroom, tub, shower, pull out couch, can sleep up to 8 people, plenty of cupboard space, in good shape, asking $18,000. 1 (250)402-3583 2004 Terry Quantum 32’ 5th Wheel trailer, immaculate, 2 slides, queen bed, 3-way fridge, 3-burner stove w/oven, microwave, gas/electric hot water heater, gas furnace, 2 TV’s, excellent & clean cond., $21,500 obo. (250)426-8178 2005 29’ Holiday trailer, equipped with solar panels, 285 watts, 2000 watt inverter, large slide w/awning, dual wheels, mint cond., $16,000 obo. (250)342-6805 2006 8’ Okanagan truck camper, 1700lbs, Happi-Jacs, north/south queen bed, fantastic fan, stairs, awning, quality built & used only a few weekends. Mint Condition. $11,995. (250)489-5851 2010 Springdale 26-1/2’, 1/2 ton towable, slide, sleeps 6, used 7x, loaded, $18,000 obo. (250)426-5541 (250)489-8885

12’ slide out with awning, queen bed, large storage in back, tub/shower, new solar panel, new tires, gently used, never been smoked in,

asking $15,000. (250)427-4927

2005 Holiday Rambler, alum., 34’, 3 slides, washer/dryer, air, fan, 2 TV’s, good tires, many extras, a real home, never smoked in, $25,500. Will sell with F-Diesel truck for $55,000. Come and have a look, 1429 20A St S, Cbk (250)489-5860 or (250)420-1632 2006 Jayco Jayflight trailer, 31’ quad bunk with slide, a/c, walk around queen bed, sleeps 10, 1/2 ton towable, 5yr transferable warranty, many extras, $16,975 obo. (250)489-6115

2007 Crossroads Cruiser RF25RL hardwall 5th wheel, full size 7’ slide, One owner, great layout, sleeps 5-6, like new cond., must see,

$17,000. (250)489-3556

2007 Mallard 28BH, 28’ Mallard bunk model, approx. dry weight 5000 lbs, popular floor plan, $13,900. Runners RV, (250)489-4141 or toll free 1-800-663-4824

Sport Utility Vehicle





Sport Utility Vehicle

Trucks & Vans

2008 Cougar 5th 289BHS, 2 slides, 2-bdrm, dry weight 8675 lbs, polar package, hitch weight 1520 lbs, $24,900. Runners RV, (250)489-4141 or toll free 1-800-663-4824

2011 Nissan Rogue SL, AWD, fully loaded, leather, including navigation, balance of factory warranty, $25,995. Stock #V17283A Arrow Motors Volkswagen, DL #5467 Call (250)489-4327 or 1-877-6894327 arrowvw.ca

2010 Wildwood T23 Northern Edition trailer, ex. cond., c/w towing equipment, sleeps 6, fridge, freezer, stove, bathroom, tub, $12,000 obo. (250)426-3468 Estate Sale. 1992 Oakland 30’ 5th Wheel, rear bedroom, needs hot water tank, $4500 as is. Call after 11 am, (778)517-0313 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27’4”, like new. We are the original owners. Only used 2 weekends. Slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, worth $51,900, asking $16,500 obo. (250)427-4435

Older 8’ camper, fits heavy 1/2 or 3/4 ton pickup, $500. (250)426-3453

Sport Utility Vehicle 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited, 6-cyl, 4WD, 120,000 miles, leather seats, new brakes, $4500. (250)426-2548 1999 Honda CRV, 227,000km, good cond., $5150 obo. (250)489-5392 2002 Buick Rendezvous CXL, SUV/crossover, AWD, seats 7, loaded, leather interior, power everything, air, OnStar, CD, luggage rack, 3.4L V6, great shape, $4500 obo. Call (250)420-1949 2003 Honda CRV EX, 4-cyl, auto, 4WD, Stock #Y69754A, $9995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315, 1-877-420-2194 2008 Nissan Xterra 4WD, 6cyl, auto, 94,203km, Stock #N12764B, $18,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, call (250)426-6661 2011 Ford Edge SEL, auto, V6, FWD, Stock #H01417A, $22,500. Spring Honda, DL #31110, (250)489-4311 2012 Honda CRV EXL, auto, 4-cyl, Stock #H01009, $31,800. Spring Honda, DL #31110, (250)489-4311

Hot Deals Cool Wheels

Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews

Trucks & Vans 1984 FULL size Blazer, 305 auto, 283,000 km, $499. (250)417-3332 1991 Dodge Ram Charger 4x4, c/w spare 318 motor, $800. (250)426-5831 1993 GMC Sierra 1500 longbox with canopy, c/w 4 winter studded tires on rims, wired for towing, rust on wheel wells, 282576 km, $3000 obo. (250)426-5568 (250)421-0971 1996 Chev Cheyene pickup, 4X4, 5 speed manual trans.,excellent condition, chrome grill & running boards. 200,000 miles. Asking $3,500 OBO. 250-423-4551 1997 Chevy 3/4 ton, 350 Vortax engine, 4x4, asking $6000. (250)427-3904 1999 Dodge Ram, 5.7 L Cummins diesel, 388,000km, 2 sets tires & rims, has some rust, too many options to list, $5000 obo. (250)919-6558 2001 Honda Odyssey, great family van, 140,000km, asking $6500. (250)489-0725 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT, 8-cyl, auto, 4WD, Stock #Y65144A, $12,995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315 1-877-420-2194 2003 Ford Windstar Sport, V6, auto, FWD, Stock #S06198A, $6995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-877-420-2194 Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser 2003 Toyota Tundra 4x4, 260,000 km, well maintained, good cond., $10,500 obo. (250)489-0771

Trucks & Vans

Trucks & Vans


2008 F350 Diesel Super Duty, 4WD, tow device on trans., 6.4L, 3.73A/R, 80,000km, 2-yr Ext. Warranty, new tool box, new 5th Wheel hitch,long 8’ box, many more extras, never smoked in, $32,500. Will sell with 2005 Holiday Rambler for $55,000. Come and have a look, 1429 20A St. S, Cbk (250)489-5860 (250)420-1632

Fiberglass truck canopy,

fits 2008 & newer Ford Super Duty shortbox, painted Ford white, tinted 3-slider windows, like new cond., new price approx. $2500, asking $1200 obo. (250)417-7034

Utility Trailers Cargo trailer, tandem, 12’ long, 8’ high, all metal, barn doors, panel inside, excellent tires, $3200. Would make excellent contractor’s trailer. Call (250)417-6603

10’ aluminum boat, V-Haul, extra wide, very good cond., $850. Motor extra. Call (250)342-6451 15’ Lund boat, 15 hp Johnson motor, trailer, oars, ex. cond., $2750. Also, boat trailer, for 12’ or 14’ boat, $400. Call (250)489-3067 16’ Aluminum boat, 9.9 Yamaha, trailer, life vests, oars, electric motor, $2950 obo. (250)421-1484


2.5L Mercruiser, Slope top canvas, EZ Load Trailer Excellent condition, full service & maintenance each year, always stored indoors.

Boat Accessories

Price $8,500

Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser

250-428-9604, 250-402-9476 Creston, BC


2011 Mercury 3.5 hp 4-stroke outboard, normal shaft, as new, 5 hours total, $1050. Call (250)427-3457 (250)427-2032

World’s Finest FISHING BOATS

Weldcraft, Hewescraft, Lund, Godfrey Pontoons Mark’s Marine, Hayden, ID 1-888-821-2200 www.marksmarineinc.com

Kevlar Clipper canoes now available in the Kootenays. Many models to choose from. (250)402-6660 Lund WC 12, 8hp Mariner motor, EZ-Loader trailer & accessories, $2850. (250)426-8114

38 SAVE SAVE $$3 8 38 SAVE UP TO



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“Only 3 left!” NEW Jared’s Notes

2013 NISSAN XTERRA PRO-4X 4.0 L V6, auto, Navigation, hill descent assist, 10.5L/100 km. StkN11605 $26657 biweekly*

“Amazing stock off road capabilities”

*see dealer for details

2024 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC 426-6661 1-888-426-6665 DL#30313

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Just a few of our Featured Advertisers:

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Eating disorders are the deadliest of all mental illnesses. Learn more at lookingglassbc.com

FOR SALE 2011 Mercury 20 horsepower 4 stroke motor. Never in water. CALL 250-402-3505

2012 Chrysler Town & Country Touring van, 6-spd auto, Stock #T12425A, $34,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1-888-259-7039


Huge year end cash savings on the last remaining 2013 Foresters*


2004 Ford F350 Quad cab L/D, diesel, dual exhaust, cool air intake, Super Chip Flash Pag tuner, Premier sound system, remote start, keyless entry, alarm, starter immobilizer, security system, $5000 obo. (250)426-2479 2007 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT Quad cab, auto, Stock #T13133A, $12,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1-888-259-7039 2007 GMC Sierra 2500HD SLE, 8-cyl, auto, 4WD, Stock #F61200A, $15,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523 1-877-420-2194 2008 Dodge Ram 1500, auto, 8-cyl, 4WD, Stock #H03516A, $21,000. Spring Honda, DL# 31110. (250)489-4311 2008 Dodge Ram 1500 SXT Quad cab, 5-spd auto, Stock #T13241A, $19,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708. 1-888-259-7039

NEW Tyler’s Notes


2016 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC 489-4325 1-888-489-4325 DL#10523

2003 GMC 3/4 ton pickup, diesel, Allison trans., loaded, 115,000km, $18,000 obo. 29’ Fleetwood trailer, large slide, $12,000 obo. (250)426-5323

Hot Deals Cool Wheels

James’ Notes

*See dealer for details.


2011 Ford Ranger Supercab 4x4 Sport, 4WD, 5-spd manual, 6-cyl, Stock #nn455a, $19,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)427-4224

Fresh New Faces with


“Only 32 remaining!”




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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

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Garden Centre All Your Gardening Needs!

(Selection varies by store.)

4" Garden Mini Rose #1628099.


10" Summer Boston Fern #1618274.




10" Hanging Basket



6-Pack Annuals

Assorted varieties. #1673078/30635352.



Black or chocolate pot. #1677382/30064046.

#1642425/98721/ 30363779/88874...







11" Premium Hanging Basket

Garden Delights Vegetables or Herbs


In beige pot. #1677375/ 30064044.


your choice

Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food

your choice


Gardener’s Blend Soils

Great Value Triple Blend 20 L

Miracle-Gro Potting Soil

1.71 kg. #1655271.

60.5 L. #30351688.

68 98 8 9 3 2 For your Garden Centre hours visit walmart.ca



Topsoil or organic compost. 28.3 L. #30349913/52176/ 63775/590857.




Includes peat moss, composted manure and humus. #30621165.



Was 12.47

Was 12.98

used kakuro 05/04,05/12 used crossword 05/04,05/11

Prices effective Thursday, May 16th to Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013.

WK17-13-RT 1




















59668_WK17_13GardenCenter_10.33x7_Tabloid.indd 1





31 36



32 37


33 38



56 60



35 40


53 58











75 79










59 62




















76 80

92 99






93 100




101 106












By Dave Green


5 21


39 41







15 38 34

42 18


29 30

29 19 35


7 8





Difficulty Level


2013 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

20 4

Crossword and Kakuro


59668_GardenCentre-10.33x7_Tabloid 24


Best described as a number crossword, the task in Kakuro is to fill all of the empty squares, using numbers 1 to 9, so the sum of each horizontal block equals the number to its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the number on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.

For store hours see walmart.ca or phone 1-800-328-0402. Select option 1.

ACROSS 1 And so on 4 Composer of fugues 8 Exam 12 “Anyone out there?” search 16 Dung beetle 17 Taj Mahal site 18 Sailboat mast 19 Nobleman 20 Est. arrival time 21 Horse coat colour 22 Yearn (for) 23 U.K. actor Jeremy 24 Hotel worker 26 Venomous lizard: ___ monster 28 Ont. city S of Guelph 30 Of pond scum 32 Clothes 34 Still snoozing 35 Dine 36 Small case 38 Ark builder 40 Scottish girl 42 Grand Manan and Fogo 45 Parka 47 Farm production 51 Hooting bird 52 Study of earth forms 54 Brother (Fr.) 55 Kind of tide 57 Pie ___ mode (2 wds.) 58 Flower necklace 59 Edmonton hockey player 60 Rung 62 Horse’s feeder 65 Characteristic spirit of a culture 66 Not: prefix 69 Eggs 70 Ohio, to Pierre 72 Breasts in Brest 73 Saanich or Gaspe 76 Belonging to: suffix 77 Maple 78 Agitate a liquid in the throat 79 Rainy season 81 Chanteuse CÈline 83 Punch 85 Part of speech 86 Inuit Broadcasting Corp. 89 Casino cubes

13-05-09 2:27 PM

3rd Press 91 Distort

Approval: O/A_____ PR_____ PM_____ 50 For each AAPM_____ Jennifer/Jon/Megan

93 Avian abodes 96 Region of SE B.C. 99 Feudal peon 101 Go to the store 102 Support staff 103 Malayan dagger 105 Dock 107 Anger 108 Pay for someone else 109 Ireland 110 To be in Boulogne 111 ATM necessity 112 Session, briefly 113 Noticed 114 Tenant’s payment 115 Take a seat

DOWN 1 Swelling (fluid retention) 2 Sum 3 Site of CPR’s “Last Spike” (1885) 4 Keep out 5 All excited 6 Comedian Lauzon 7 Famous 19th c. Canadian rower 8 Recipe amt. 9 Sweeping, heroic story 10 Yemen’s capital 11 Quebec playwright (“Les BellesSoeurs”) 12 Indian dress 13 Eat away 14 First country to see New Year 15 Inserted bit 19 Chickadees 25 Facts 27 Loud 29 Avian mouth part 31 Breathing organ 33 Trite 37 Perfect 39 Be optimistic 41 Literate one, once 42 Charged atom 43 More sugary 44 By oneself 46 Large African animals 48 Marriage alternatives 49 Herb

53 Nfld. airport 54 Enemy 56 Rang 61 Sigmoid 63 Egg 64 Haircut place 65 East (Fr.) 67 Gerund endings 68 Grain storage buildings 71 Toe total 73 Flapjacks 74 Head holders 75 Unsigned, in brief 78 “___ Down the Road” (1970 film) 80 Takes to court 82 That is, in full (2 wds.) 84 One to hang onto 86 Rugs woven in SE Asia 87 To drink in Dijon 88 Creates software 90 Raptor’s nest 92 Take notes 94 Japanese gateway 95 Exhausted 97 Darjeeling and Assam 98 Father 100 Fiddlehead 104 Member of the Upper House, briefly 106 Soak flax -30Copyright 2013 Kathleen Hamilton Distributed by Torstar Syndication Services

B10 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Mount Baker Wild

UpcoMing EvEnts May 9th-11th at 7:30 pm May 12th at 12:00 pm

May 10th May 31st

REpoRt caRds

Report cards have been issued to all students on Wednesday April 24 2013. Please contact your Child’s teacher for information regarding grades or concerns. If your child has received an “I” on this report please read below about the mark. Use of the Letter Grade “I” The letter “I” will be used to alert parents when students, for a variety of reasons, are not demonstrating minimally acceptable performance in relation to the expected learning outcomes. The “I” may be used at any time during the school year on informal or formal reports. The underlying principle is that parents and students should be alerted to a problem as soon as teachers detect it. When an “I” reporting symbol has been assigned: • students and parents must be informed, and must be provided with an opportunity to consult with teachers about the problems students are having and possible solutions; and • teachers must be prepared to identify what the problems are and specify plans of action to help students achieve the learning outcomes. An “I” may be communicated in a variety of ways, including: through a written plan, verbally by telephone, or in a direct meeting involving teacher, parents and students. The “I” letter grade must be converted to another letter grade or percentage: • before students’ records are transferred to another school, unless there is agreement between the principals of the two schools to defer conversion of the “I” reporting symbol; • when letter grades are recorded on the permanent student record card; and, • before submission of Grades 10, 11 or 12 marks to the Ministry for inclusion on students’ transcripts of grades. An “F” letter grade can only be assigned if an “I” reporting symbol was previously assigned, or as a result of failing a provincially examinable course.

-Fiddler On The Roof – A Mount Baker Student production running at the Key City Theatre Tickets are $15 and $12 for students and seniors. Grad packages are available for purchase Permission forms, fees, and copy of passport are due for all grads travelling to Silverwood on June 29th

stUdEnt REMindERs -Students who want to take Work Experience, ACE-IT, or Support Blocks next year be sure to get your application forms to the counseling office as soon as possible. -Reminder of the Law Camp running from May 22-24. It will give you a sense of what RCMP Depot training is all about. See Ms. Kettenacker or Mr. Knipe for an application form and other details.”

Wild spRing footBall caMp! Reminder Mount Baker Spring Football Camp will be from May 13th to May 25th. Registration fee is $50.

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Mt. Baker Students Bring Home Medals

On Wednesday, April 17, six MBSS students competed at the Skills BC competition in Abbotsford, bringing home gold and silver medals. In Mechanical Drafting, Simon Eaton won silver, and Landon Harvey, Derek Johnson, and Edmund Yoo grabbed the gold for Robotics. As a result of their victory, the Robotics team has been invited to represent British Columbia at the National level of the Skills Canada competition, held this year in Vancouver, June 5-8. If you are interested in donating to help these talented Mt. Baker students get to the national competition to pursue their dream of winning the Canadian championship, please contact Bill Walker at Mt. Baker Secondary School (426-5241 ext 662).

Spring is Here Get your Gear • Kayaking • Hiking • Camping •Climbing

Picture from left to right; Andrew Lamb, Riley Morey, Nicholas Singer, Coach Shaun Penner, Wyatt McCullock, Jordan Broadhead, Dylan Aston, Missing Ben Stropky. The Mount Baker Senior Boys Basketball Team would like to thank the following sponsors who supported them throughout the 201213 season. The team really appreciates all that everyone has done for them, and would not have been able to travel to their various games without this assistance.

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, May 17, 2013

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DrinKing WATer WeeK

In BC we may take our water for granted, but it is a finite resource we need to value and protect.

MAY 20-26, 2013

Our water – Why do we need to protect it? Why should we care? Challenge and pledge to be water wise.” The five easy pledges can be taken online. People can also find out about community events such as tours of water and wastewater treatment facilities in their area, or download fun and educational activities for children and families, at www.drinkingwaterweek.org.

Be Water Wise:

True and False: Test your water knowledge! 1. 2. 3.

Are you water wise? Take the Community Water Challenge and enter to win an exciting water-themed getaway in Vancouver courtesy of The Fairmont Waterfront and Helijet, plus receive 10% off water efficient fixtures at Splashes Bath & Kitchen Centres across BC! It’s simple – just pledge to take one or all of the water wise actions below. Make your pledge at:


British Columbians use more water than other Canadians.

T__ F__

A toilet that continues to run after flushing can waste up to 200,000 litres of water in a single year.

T__ F__

The best way to achieve a healthy lawn is by watering lightly several times a week.

T__ F__

*Environment Canada, 2011. Answers: 1.True: British Columbians use an average of 353 litres of water per day; the average Canadian uses 274 litres of water per day.* 2. True: To find out if your toilet is leaking, put two or three drops of food colouring in the tank at the back of the toilet, and wait a few minutes. If the colour shows up in the bowl, there’s a leak. 3. False: Watering your lawn thoroughly once per week rather than lightly at a greater frequency will strengthen the roots and promote a greener, healthier lawn.

to Know Your H2O’ and think When you turn on your tap about the impact of your everyand clean, safe water comes out, day habits. do you ever wonder how it got “We forget that we use the there or what happens to it when same treated drinking water to it goes down the drain? Or why wash our cars you should care? and water our “We may think lawns. We flush we have enough our toilets and water for our away it goes with needs in BC but whatever we put that is not always down there,” says the case. Our Foster. “Just a few water is finite, simple changes and the demand such as wateris increasing ing our lawns due to climate drinkingwaterweek.org less, using rain change, populabarrels, installing tion growth and water efficient fixtures or appliindustry needs,” says Daisy Fosances, and not putting harmful ter, CEO of the 4,700-member substances down our drains can BC Water & Waste Association. make a big difference.” “Although the expenses may not For example, detergents, paint, be apparent, there are significant medications, and many other costs, energy and human input household products end up at required to treat our drinkwastewater treatment plants ing water to be clean and safe, where special processes are deliver it to our taps, and manage required to minimize the impact the wastewater that goes down on the environment and receivthe drain.” ing waters. Fats, oils and grease She adds, “New regulations that we put down our drains can and aging infrastructure such as often cause blockages in sewer pipes and treatment systems will lines resulting in costly repairs. mean upgrades and replaceFoster says, “During Drinking ments and this is something we Water Week, get involved and are all going to have to pay for.” learn more about your water and During Drinking Water Week, the impact of your actions. Start May 20 – 26, BC Water & Waste by taking the Community Water Association asks you to ‘Get

Take the Community Water Challenge!

□ I will limit my shower time to 5 minutes per day. □ I will install a water efficient fixture or appliance in my home. □ I will use less water outdoors by giving my lawn only the amount of water it needs (2.5 cm of water each week, or the height of a tuna can). □ I will turn off the tap when brushing my teeth, scrubbing dishes, shaving, or during any other water wasting activity. □ I will not put harmful substances such as cleaners, paints, pesticides and grease down my drain.

Did You Know? n The average British Columbian uses 353 litres of water per day, yet thinks they use less than 200 litres per day.* n 78 per cent of British Columbians would fix an internet outage within a day, but only 50 per cent would fix a leaky faucet within the same time frame.* n Replacing an 18-litre-per-flush toilet with an ultra low volume 6-litre or less model leads to a 66% savings in water flushed and will reduce indoor water use by about 30%. *RBC 2013 Canadian Water Attitudes Study.

For more water wise tips and ‘Did You Knows’, and to download educational activities for your home or classroom, visit www.drinkingwaterweek.org.

facebook.com/drinkingwaterweek @drinkingwaterwk

ON NOW AT YOUR BC BUICK GMC DEALERS. bcGMCdealers.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. ♦/‡/††/*/†Offers apply to the purchase of a 2013 Sierra EXT 4X4 (R7C), 2013 Terrain FWD (R7A), 2013 Acadia FWD (R7A), equipped as described. Freight included ($1,600/$1,550). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Buick GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, RBC Royal Bank, TD Auto Financing Services or Scotiabank may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Buick GMC dealer for details. ▼Based on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ‡0% Purchase financing offered on approved credit by RBC Royal Bank/TD Auto Financing/Scotiabank for 84/48 months on new or demonstrator 2013 Terrain FWD/2013 Acadia FWD. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $119/$208 for 84/48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. 0.99% Purchase financing for 84 months on 2013 Sierra EXT 4X4 on approved credit by TD Auto Financing Services/RBC Royal Bank/Scotiabank. Example: $10,000 at 0.99% for 84 months, the monthly payment is $123. Cost of borrowing is $355, total obligation is $10,355. Biweekly payments based on a purchase price of $27,495 with $3,300 down on 2013 Sierra EXT 4X4, equipped as described. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly payments and cost of borrowing will also vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. ≠Based on a 0.9%/0.9%/3.6%, 24/48/60 month lease for new (demonstrator not eligible) 2013 Sierra EXT 4X4/2013 Terrain FWD/2013 Acadia FWD, equipped as described. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. OAC by GM Financial. Lease APR may vary depending on down payment/trade. Down payment or trade of and security deposit may be required. Total obligation is $11,022/$19,504/$23,083. Option to purchase at lease end is $18,995/$11,228/$17,037 plus applicable taxes. Other lease options available. ♦$7,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on the 2013 Sierra EXT 4X4 (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. See your GM dealer for details. $1,500/$2,000 non-stackable cash credits is a manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2013 Sierra 1500 Ext Cab/Sierra 1500 Crew. Non-stackable cash credits are available only when consumers opt for the cash purchase of a new or demonstrator model. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing such discounts and incentives which will result in a higher effective interest rate. See dealer for details. Offer ends May 31, 2013. ^Whichever comes first. Conditions and limitations apply. ^^Based on latest competitive data available. +The Best Buy seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. †*Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available, and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ^*For more information visit iihs.org/ratings. ** U.S. Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are a part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program (www.SaferCar.gov). †Valid at participating GM dealerships in Canada only. Retail customers only. Offer ranges from 750 to 3,000 AIR MILES® reward miles, depending on model purchased. No cash value. Offer may not be combined with certain other AIR MILES promotions or offers. See your participating GM dealer for details. Offer expires July 2, 2013. Please allow 4–6 weeks after the offer end date for reward miles to be deposited to your AIR MILES® Collector Account. To ensure that reward miles are deposited in the preferred balance, Collector should ensure his/her balance preferences (AIR MILES® Cash balance and AIR MILES® Dream balance) are set as desired prior to completing the eligible purchase transaction. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer for any reason in whole or in part at any time without notice. ®™Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and General Motors of Canada Limited. ‡‡Offer only valid from April 2, 2013 to July 2, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GMC Terrain, Aztek, Sunrunner, Buick Rendezvous, Saturn Vue will receive a $1,000 credit towards the purchase, lease or factory order of an eligible new 2013 GMC Terrain. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes GST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply.

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Friday, May 17, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser


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Note to Publication: PLEASE examine this material upon receipt. If it is deficient or does not comply with your requirements, contact: Amberlea Schaab - Production Director 604-601-8573 Adam Buechler - Production Artist 604-601-8577


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2013-05-10 4:31 PM


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