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Dan Cross of Ladysmith submitted a proposal for establishing an RV park on this Town of Ladysmith-owned property near Transfer Beach, and it was turned down by council earlier this month. Council says it cannot pursue Cross’s proposal — which involved operating a familyoriented campsite with tent and RV sites during the summer months — at this time because it will be updating its Waterfront Area Plan this year and wants to ensure it has a comprehensive plan in place before moving forward on any waterfront development.
Proposal for RV park hits a road block Lindsay Chung
by council at an executive hensive plan in place before we (closed) session May 6. move forward to develop our THE CHRONICLE In his letter to Cross explain- waterfront.” The property is not zoned for Dan Cross has wanted to bring ing council’s decision, Mayor an RV park to Ladysmith for Rob Hutchins says council is an RV park, and Hutchins says five or six years, but his latest unable to pursue his proposal at council has been consistent attempt has hit a road block as this time because the Town will with all waterfront development the Town of Ladysmith embarks begin a review of its Waterfront interests that rezoning proposArea Plan this fall. als will not proceed without a on a review of the waterfront. “The Town will be updating our review of the Waterfront Area Cross, a third-generation Ladysmith resident, had Waterfront Area Plan in 2013, Plan taking place first. Cross recalls he approached brought a proposal to the and council has determined that Town of Ladysmith to lease the no decisions regarding perma- Hutchins about five or six years Town-owned land near Transfer nent or temporary use of these ago with a proposal to put an RV Beach for three years and oper- Ladysmith waterfront lands park on the property behind the ate a 54-site RV park with tent will be made prior to adoption yellow gates. Hutchins encoursites. This property was an RV of the updated Waterfront Area aged Cross to consider a few Plan,” he wrote. “We want to other locations, including north park in the past. His proposal was turned down make sure we have a compre- of the Expo Legacy building on
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Oyster Bay Drive, and Cross says the idea “sort of died.” Fast forward to 2012, and Cross approached Hutchins again, and Hutchins suggested they look at two three-year temporary use permits because the property is not zoned for an RV park, and council could not legally consider a longer contract. Based on the idea of two threeyear permits, Cross had a business plan drawn up, had the land surveyed, had professional drawings drawn up and worked out construction estimates and logistics. Cross says he approached most of the councillors and
asked them for their suggestions and asked what their personal views on the proposal were. “All the ones I did speak to were very open and thought it was a great idea,” he said. Shortly before Christmas 2012, Cross says Hutchins informed him that the council wouldn’t be able to proceed with considering two three-year permits. “It kind of came out of the blue a little bit, and his reasoning was they can’t fetter another council into a contract,” said Cross. “At that time, things kind of went off the rail a little bit; I See Town Page 14
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By the numbers
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, May 21, 2013 3
Ladysmith property taxes will rise 3.9 per cent this year
Nick Bekolay
Lindsay Chung
Here’s a look at how voters in NanaimoNorth Cowichan (NNC) cast their ballots in the May 14 provincial election. Incumbent NDP MLA Doug Routley regained his seat with 10,538 votes of the 22,687 votes cast in NNC. That translates LINDSAY CHUNG/CHRONICLE to 46.45 per cent of the The NDP’s Doug Routley hugs supporter Linda Brown after being declared the popular vote. Liberal Party can- winner for Nanaimo-North Cowichan in the May 14 provincial election. didate and political newcomer Amanda Jacobson came in second with 6,984 votes (30.78 per cent), followed by Green Party candidate Mayo McDonough with 3,043 votes (13.41 per cent). John Sherry of the ensure that we are forcing the govBC Conservative Party Lindsay Chung ernment to hear the citizens of this earned 1,465 votes THE CHRONICLE province.” (6.46 per cent) to earn As an MLA for the opposition NDP “When it comes to tankers off the himself fourth place ahead of independent for a third consecutive term, Doug coast, something like 75 to 80 per candidates Murray Routley says his focus will be on cent of people are opposed to that, McNab (592 votes; 2.61 bringing the voices of his communi- so those sort of battles need to be per cent) and P. Anna ty to government and making sure won in maybe a different way than had we won,” he said. “We have to Paddon (65 votes and they’re heard. His party won’t have the control work with people in our communi0.29 per cent). These numbers are over policy that it would have had it ties to find solutions to forestry isbased on the initial won the May 14 provincial election, sues and support our seniors and count of “live votes” — but while Routley is disappointed support kids in school in maybe difballots cast at a voter’s in that, he’s ready to work with his ferent ways than had we won.” As the opposition, Routley says assigned voting station constituents to address their issues. — completed at 1 a.m. “Our job is to be the voices of our the NDP has less control over the Wednesday, May 15, community and take that message policy that can directly affect these NNC deputy electoral to the government as forcibly as issues that concern his constituofficer Lynda Poirier possible,” he said. “We need to re- ents. “In our platform, we laid out what member the seniors in care who will explained. That number is ex- go on needing our help, we need to steps we would take in policy,” he pected to grow once remember the forest workers who said. “[Had we won] we would be the final count is com- will go on needing defence as they directly in control. We need to conpleted May 29, Poirier see their jobs shift away in the form tinue what we’ve been doing and of raw logs from this province, we work with our communities and added. With live ballots cast need to remember the people and stakeholder groups in each area by 22,687 of NNC’s the environment and that we will we’re concerned about and put as 40,230 registered vot- work together with every stakehold- much pressure on the government ers, voter turnout in er to defend our coast. We’re going to respond to our community’s NNC now stands at to have to stand with First Nations, needs.” Routley believes he can be an ef56.39 per cent, higher we’re going to have to stand with than the provincial communities along the threatened fective MLA in this Liberal governturnout of 52.28 per route of that pipeline, we’re going ment by listening to his community. “I guess the way every MLA in govcent (1,629,422 “live” to have to stand with people on votes were cast prov- the coast to protect this province. ernment should approach that is to ince-wide May 14 by We’ve been doing that and we’ll listen to voices that are out there in B.C.’s 3,116,626 regis- have to continue to do that, and we the community and be responsive,” he said. “Our job is to take the voicwill continue to do that.” tered voters). Routley was declared the MLA for es in our community to Victoria and According to John Main, communications Nanaimo-North Cowichan shortly affect change by making sure they manager with Elec- before 10 p.m. May 14. Preliminary are heard, but also by maintaining tions BC, the final vote results showed Routley ahead with relationships in all the ministries count is scheduled to 10,188 votes, followed by Liberal that allow us to achieve results for candidate Amanda Jacobson with people, so we’re working with mintake place May 27-29. Insight into who 6,891. In third place was Green isters to solve problems for people. Ladysmith and Party candidate Mayo McDonough The real core of it is to get real soChemainus voters with 2,945 votes, followed by BC lutions for people, and we do that cast their ballots for Conservative candidate John Sher- within these sometimes complex will have to wait until ry (1,442 votes) and independent relationships within democracy itlater this spring when candidates Murray McNab (584 self so we can get the kind of moveElections BC releases votes) and P. Anna Paddon (62 ment they need.” Routley lives in Duncan with his a “ballot box-by-ballot votes). Looking ahead, Routley says his partner, Leanne Finlayson. He has box” breakdown of votes “sometime in priorities are to “consolidate the a daughter Madeline, stepson Matstrength we have in opposition, to thew and stepdaughter Brooklynne. June,” Main said.
Routley’s priorities include environment, seniors and forestry
After months of juggling numbers and finding places to cut down on expenses, the Town of Ladysmith has found a way to keep residential property tax rates below four per cent for 2013. Council adopted its tax rates bylaw May 13. For 2013, the residential property tax rate comes in at 3.9 per cent, while the commercial tax rate is two per cent, and the tax dollar levy for major industry will remain the same as 2012. “Council has provided direction that the tax rate come in at the same tax levy for major industry, that commercial tax rates would be half the residential, and the residential rate would be under five per cent,” said Erin Anderson, the Town’s director of financial services. “The residen-
tial assessments have decreased 3.6 per cent due to the market, and the tax rate comes in as council has directed at just under four per cent. The average house from 2012 to 2013 will pay an additional approximately $50 for municipal tax, overall about $87, which includes a $10 increase in the water parcel tax.” Coun. Steve Arnett commended Town staff for working so hard to get the residential tax levy down below four per cent. At the beginning of the financial plan discussions in February, without any cuts in the budget, the residential tax increase had been 9.2 per cent — including the library and policing taxes over which council has no control — and council asked staff to come back with an increase that was between four and five per cent for residential taxpayers, excluding the library and policing taxes.
Glenn Britton removed fire pits and garbage from Heart Lake May 16 and found evidence of an attempt to burn a live Douglas fir tree.
Firebugs raise ire of fire chief Nick Bekolay
forced to repay the costs of fighting any resulting wildfires. “Our concern is the fact that we’re Ladysmith Fire/Rescue wants to getting into the summer trend here,” smother problem fires before the Delcourt said. “If they did this arid summer heat transforms local last week when it was drier, there could’ve been a lot more damage forests into a tinder box. Fire Chief Ray Delcourt spotted up there. Summer’s coming up pretsmoke in the vicinity of Heart Lake ty quick and we could see a lot of on the afternoon of Wednesday, problems in that area. The starting of an ‘interface fire’ is something we May 15, he said. When Glenn Britton, parks super- don’t need.” In spite of the damp conditions visor with the town of Ladysmith, hiked up to Heart Lake the follow- last week, Britton said that “undering morning to investigate, he dis- neath the ashes, [the soil] was still covered “a massive burn site” and hot. The thatch of the forest was still warm and burning. We had to “a burn around the base of a tree.” A live red cedar tree had also been go up and dig it out today, and that’s what we’re worried about. Where chopped down. Britton removed five fire pits from people think that they’ve put a fire the area — including a “massive” out and they walk away, they don’t fire pit three and a half feet across realize that they have to dig a good — and garbage left at the site, he foot and a half down into the ground said. Delcourt and Britton’s biggest to actually get it out.” Britton and Delcourt said anyone concern, though, was an apparent attempt to burn a live Douglas fir who comes across an illegal fire tree — an act that verges on arson, should call Ladysmith Fire/Rescue, the Town of Ladysmith or the RCMP. Britton said. Over the May long weekend, the Signage surrounding Heart Lake clearly states that campfires and Coastal Fire Centre (CFC) rated motor vehicles are prohibited, Brit- the risk of forest fires at “very low to low” for Vancouver Island, Haida ton said. If an illegal fire spread, those re- Gwaii and the Coast Mountains, sponsible for lighting it would face CFC fire information officer Marg fines, Delcourt said, and may be Drysdale said. THE CHRONICLE
4 Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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Jenn McGarrigle BLACK PRESS
A group of parents concerned about proposed school closures in the Nanaimo-Ladysmith school district are banding together to oppose the move. Several parents of South Wellington Elementary School students have formed the group Stand Up for Public Education Rights (SUPER) with the goal of not only keeping their children’s school open, but also to raise awareness about what they say are the shortcomings of the district’s draft 10-year facilities plan — the most immediate actions of which include closing South Wellington and North Oyster elementary schools and the junior learning alternatives program in June. The group, whose town hall meeting two weeks ago brought out about 50 concerned community members, is planning to walk from Ladysmith to Nanaimo on Saturday, May 25 to protest the plan.
SPRINKLING RESTRICTIONS STAGE 1 EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2013 All Town residents are advised that lawn and garden sprinkling restrictions are in effect until further notice as follows: SPRINKLING MAY BE CARRIED OUT FOR A MAXIMUM OF 2 HOURS PER SPRINKLING DAY ONLY between the hours of 6:00 and 9:00 a.m. OR 7:00 and 10:00 p.m.
Parents will walk from Ladysmith to Nanaimo to protest SD68’s plan
If fire alarm sounds, all sprinkling should cease immediately Residents with automatic sprinkler systems must set their timers to coincide with the above times. (for a maximum of 2 hours) These restrictions will be strictly enforced and infractions will be prosecuted. The following may be done on any day during the week while Stage 1 restrictions are in force:
“Our group’s goal is to raise community awareness through Nanaimo-Ladysmith about the challenges in education and to fight for our children’s right to a minimum standard of education,” said Tiffany Nelson, SUPER spokeswoman. “The district needs to recognize that the solution to better educational, cultural and developmental outcomes does not lie in different buildings.” The plan proposes to close a net total of 10 school facilities, rebuild four facilities, pursue the addition of enrichment programs to a number of schools, relocate the learning alternatives programs, adjust the French immersion program and relocate administrative functions. Nelson said concerns she’s heard about the plan include: the potential for young students to move up to four times throughout the process as schools are consolidated, breaking up peer groups, the academic disruption of moving; the uncertainty students and staff at North Oyster and
South Wellington will face given the closure decision will be made at the end of June when school is finished for the year; reduced chances to participate in extracurricular activities; and no mention of any improvement in staffing ratios in classrooms. She said while the plan mentions adding enrichment programs, this is not costed out or given any sort of timeline like the facilities changes are, and the plan doesn’t speak to making extra resources available in classes. The walk begins at 10 a.m. at 341 First Ave. in Ladysmith and ends at Southgate Mall. Nelson said she’s not sure how long it will take people to complete the 22-kilometre trek, but organizers are working on creating a map with safe stopping spots so that people can join them for part of the walk. Subscribe to The group is inviting teachers, support workers and parents across250-245-2277 the district. For more information, e-mail Includes $ online Susan Toth at susan_toth@ access telus.net.
RCMP investigate ‘suspicious’ death
Ladysmith RCMP commenced an investigation into the sudden death of a 76-year-old man shortly before 11:30 a.m. May 16. Kenneth Benjamin Hein was found dead in his home on Wagon Wheel Trail in Yellow Point by a neighbour, states an RCMP press release issued by Cpl. Darren Lagan. “A preliminary investigation identified some suspicious aspects to this death. As a result, the Vancouver Island Integrated Major Crime Unit (VIIMCU) was called in to assist the Ladysmith RCMP, and arrived at the scene [that] afternoon,” he wrote. Ladysmith RCMP, the RCMP Forensic Identification Services and VIIMCU “will remain at the residence until they have completed a Subscribe thorough examinato tion.” The B.C. Coroners 250-245-2277 Service is working Includes with investigators to $ online access determine a cause and time of death.
Community Police Driving Tip:
Take extra care when driving near horses and riders. Slow down and give them lots of space when you pass. Don’t honk your horn because this could cause the horse to bolt into your path. Coronation Mall, Ladysmith
Selected Crime Stats from April 1 to April 30, 2013 Vandalism B&E Auto Theft Theft Ladysmith 5 1 1 10 Yellow Point/Cassidy 0 1 1 2 Saltair 1 0 0 0 Period Totals 6 2 2 12 Total reported RCMP Incidents during this period 22 sponsored by
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• Washing of vehicles and buildings using a hose with a shut off spray nozzle. • Residents may use a hose with a shut off spray nozzle to water trees, shrubs, flowers or vegetables. Public Works Department Town of Ladysmith
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Aidean Alle-Kopas, seen here, and Alexander Reyes are set to perform Ladysmith’s first-ever hip hop show Friday, May 26.
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the chronicle
Sixteen-year-old Aidean Alle-Kopas and partner-in-rhyme Alexander Reyes, 18, are set to perform Ladysmith’s first-ever hip hop show Friday night. Alle-Kopas and Reyes will bring their def fresh flow to centre stage at the Frank Jameson Community Centre gymnasium Friday, May 24 at 7 p.m. Joining the duo on stage will be DJ Charles James and vocalist Samantha De Souza, both Ladysmith Secondary School students. Reyes and Alle-Kopas have performed publicly in the past, but not as a pair. Alle-Kopas performed three shows at the Duncan Garage with his former partner, he said, and at an open-mic night at LSS in January alongside De Souza, his girlfriend. Reyes, meanwhile, has already established himself as a recording artist. His songs Just a Dream — a tribute to victims of the 2011 tsunami in Japan — and United Nations Anthem have scored over 10,000 views each on Youtube. Reyes said he’s just returned from Nicaragua where he participated in a three-month-long Canada World Youth mission sponsored by the UN and he’s scheduled to spend six months in Tanzania with CWY beginning June 24. His next music video Counting — a chronicling of his Nicaraguan experience shot and produced by Benson Wishart — will be released “sometime this summer.” Reyes and Alle-Kopas have been writing and recording music to-
gether since late last year, they said, and this will be their first show together. Featured in the show will be their co-written project One — a song reminding listeners to stay grounded and true to themselves to avoid being overwhelmed by issues in the world at large — alongside six additional songs by Reyes and nine by Alle-Kopas. To minimize their pre-show jitters, though, Alle-Kopas and Reyes said they’ll avoid any freestyling —rapping improvisationally — for show number one. Home-schooled Alle-Kopas credited “old-school” artists like Cypress Hill, N.W.A. and Jay-Z as his primary musical influences, but his musical repertoire branches out far beyond the rap landscape of the late 80s and 90s. “I like to listen to jazz lately,” AlleKopas said, “and I like to sample it sometimes, too.” For one of his latest projects, Alle-Kopas sampled Duke Ellington’s Solitude, then layered it with a drum solo and samples of an a capella Biggie Smalls number and a Mobb Deep song. “It’s one of my favourite beats I’ve made,” Alle-Kopas said, adding that he plans to broaden his musical horizons as producer who crafts and sells his own beats to other artists. The show is scheduled for this Friday at FJCC. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the show runs from 7–9 p.m. Admission is free. Due to the language content of their music, Alle-Kopas and Reyes have billed the show as suitable for audience members aged 12 and older.
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Nick Bekolay
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Teens host first-ever hip hop show Friday
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6 Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Elections are never boring in B.C.
“I always say to people, ‘they call it a play because adults get to play.’” Alan Watt, Page 9
.C. politics have long been known as the most entertaining in Canada, but this latest election was one of the strangest yet. Three leaders of the four most prominent parties lost their personal campaigns. While voters elected independent Vicki Huntington, leader John Cummins failed to lead the Conservatives to any seats. The Greens elected their first MLA in B.C. history, although leader Jane Sterk failed to beat former NDP leader Carole James. Adrian Dix earned a seat, but his position as NDP leader is in jeopardy after leading his heavily favoured party to three fewer seats than it had when the campaign began. Which brings us to Christy Clark, who is acknowledged to have run a more effective campaign than Dix, who frequently appeared nervous. The Liberal leader might have focused more on campaigning for her party than promoting herself because she fell to her NDP opponent. Clark, who can now continue to remake the party as a true liberal party, is expected to run in a byelection vacated by a successful and loyal Liberal MLA. Locally, things don’t look much different, as the NDP’s Doug Routley retained his position as MLA for a third consecutive term. In his victory speech, Routley said he believed it was his “record of serving the community on a personal level” that helped him win, and he emphasized the need to bring the community’s voice to Victoria. We hope you continue to give him that voice and that he’ll stick to his pledge. —with help from the Comox Valley Record
Question of the Week Would you use a campsite at Transfer Beach if there was one there? Vote online at www.ladysmithchronicle.com. This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of website visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here. The Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R-2R2. For information phone 1-888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org.
Finding optimism in humanity For the last five months, many around the world have, with great interest and admiration, been following the social network postings of Chris Hadfield, the commander in the International Space Station. His tenure as commander has come to an end, but as a result of his communicating, many questions and issues have arisen. In the space available here, it is impossible to deal with most of them, but I would particularly like to identify some. One of the most obvious is the matter of the planet on which we “live and move and have our being.” First is its beauty and the fact that within it, human diversity is a minor issue in relation to our shared destiny and the responsibility we have
Points to Ponder Rev. Michael Wimmer
St. Michael & All Angels Anglican Church, Chemainus
for its health and well being. Chris Hadfield has attempted to encourage and impart a sense of universality beyond our petty self interests and hostilities. I have little doubt that he has had a measure of success — history will be the judge. Another issue is the optimism of the human spirit that he exudes, the confidence in our ability to challenge ourselves to accomplish greater things, if not greatness itself. Many of us, no doubt, take pride in the fact that he is Canadian. However, it must surely raise the question of our own commitment and embracing of the challenges and is-
Chronicle The
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
sues. On May 9, the Church observed a major event in the life of Jesus — an event that has profound significance for us. The event to which I refer is the Ascension. This was the time of Jesus’ final departure — the ending of His visible physical presence. More important than the event is its significance. In the mystery of the being of God in Christ, we discover Jesus as fully divine and fully human. From the divine perspective, it was by then certain that the Ascension would happen — the divine could not forever be contained within time and space.
From the human perspective, we discover that in Jesus Christ, our destiny is within the divine, that this planet is our “island home,” that there is a hope beyond this place in which we “live and move and have our (physical) being.” What Chris Hadfield attempted, Jesus has accomplished in assuring us that we have a future, that the human spirit is capable of so much, just as He demonstrated throughout His life. Jesus is cause for human optimism and a certainty of a secure future. That said, it requires a response to His initiative and example. Jesus said to His followers “you are my friends” and “follow me.” Be encouraged to hope and believe in the future — Jesus staked His life on it for you and for me.
Editor ................................................ Lindsay Chung editor@ladysmithchronicle.com Reporter ................................................Nick Bekolay news@ladysmithchronicle.com
Vol. 104, #42, 2013
Office / Accounts / Circulation .. Colleen Wheeler Production Manager......................... Douglas Kent production@ladysmithchronicle.com Production Creative ............................ Kelly Gagne
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, May 21, 2013 7
Ladysmith family could use our support
Your View
Editor: I grew up in the Ladysmith/Yellowpoint area and have always been proud of that fact. The Christmas Light Up is definitely a big way that Ladysmith celebrates the community as well as the wonderful hospitality and care the community shows to others. Which brings me to why I am writing this letter. There is a wonderful family in Ladysmith, the Lacroix family. They have lived in Ladysmith for over 12 years. Julie, the mom, works tirelessly with special needs children and has been the difference in so many children’s lives. Gary, the dad, coaches karate and is a mechanic around town and always has time to lend a hand and share a story. Katy, the daughter, works hard at everything she does and is planning a career that supports the needs of others. And Niel, the son, is a self-taught rocking guitar player and an inspiration to so many others who face the terrible reality of health issues that make even the strongest pause for breath. Julie, after working full-time for over 30 years, has had to have brain surgery. The neuralgia in her face became so overwhelming that life became unbearable. She fortunately was, after many trials and tribulations, able to get a surgery in her brain to numb the continual pain. Her recovery is slow and has impacted her ability to work and support her family. Gary has struggled with the devastating reality of Crohn’s disease through many operations and the constant drugs to support him through the day, and not all days are supportable. He also is unable to work fulltime, and that has taken a toll on him and the family. Katy, struggling with the aftermath of being involved in a car accident through no fault of her own, faces months and months of rehabilitation. And of course my friend Niel.
Jen Silvey sent us this photo of Ladysmith Primary Students listening to Commander Chris Hadfield from the International Space Station during their Music Monday assembly on May 6. If you would like to share any of your photos, please send them to editor@ladysmithchronicle.com. Niel, who 20 years ago came into this world (a twin, Niel and Katy) and faced surgery after surgery on his heart. Niel has been through what most of us can’t even begin to imagine medically. He has now become the second person in Canada to receive a cow valve into his heart! Through technology, this time, it did not mean opening up his chest again! The surgery went well; the resistance to staff infection did not. He was airlifted back to Children’s Hospital in Vancouver in late April with an infection in his heart. Another week, back to Nanaimo Hospital for follow up and intravenous. He now must have an intravenous dose of antibiotics every four hours. Julie says he is not out of the woods yet, but … they are positive. The facts are, they are all positive! They continually amaze me with their generosity, positive outlooks on life and the ability to always look to the future. They have struggled for so
long medically that the house they live in has taken some of the brunt of non-existent funding for repairs, the little dog they have has now become blind and vet bills are not cheap. Their car is older, but as Julie says, it gets them to the hospital. The financial burden of raising a family, repairing a house and not being able to work has taken its toll. How can we help the Lacroix family? Thank goodness for the thrift store shop in Ladysmith, but it doesn’t cover the enormous cost of home repairs, etc. The emotional drain, coupled with financial worries, are day to day for this family. While others are planning their summer holidays, the Lacroix family is planning on how to keep the bills paid, make it to doctor visits and still find a way to fill their lives with the positive and not focus on the negatives. Niel needs support always, such an inspiration for others
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at Children’s Hospital and their families. Julie’s brain is better; the doctors are as unsure as she is about what recovery looks like, but she doesn’t take time to worry about that as her family always comes first! Gary, some days are good, some really are bad! And Katy works hard, pitches in and stays supportive, pretty hard when as a twin, she sees her brother struggle so hard. Julie Lacroix has a bank account at the CIBC in Ladysmith. If anyone or any organization would be able to help support the Lacroixes in any way, I cannot begin to tell you what that would mean. I will continue doing what I can. Please, if nothing else, don’t forget that others’ lives can be a world apart from our own, and try and do what you can for all the children who struggle with severe medical issues in our world. Rowan Butler Chase River
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Government Contacts LOCAL: Rob Hutchins Mayor, Ladysmith 250-245-6403 rhutchins@ladysmith.ca REGIONAL: Rob Hutchins Chair, CVRD 250-245-6403 rhutchins@ladysmith.ca PROVINCIAL: Doug Routley, MLA, Nanaimo-North Cowichan Ladysmith Constituency Office: 250-245-9375 (Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) E-mail: douglas.routley.mla@ leg.bc.ca FEDERAL: Jean Crowder MP, Nanaimo-Cowichan Nanaimo Constituency Office: 1-866-609-9998 (Thursdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) E-mail: jean@jeancrowder.ca
Letters and Your View policy All letters to the editor must be signed and include your full name, home town and contact phone number. Letters are encouraged to be 300 words, and priority is given to local writers and local issues. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clarity and legal reasons. Photos for your view must reflect communities from Crofton to Cedar and include the photographer’s name. Send them in: Mail: 940 Oyster Bay Dr., PO Box 400, Ladysmith, B.C., V9G 1A3 Fax:250-245-2230 E-mail: editor@ ladysmithchronicle.com
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8 Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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Photo courtesy Keith Dewey, Zigloo.ca
John Morris proposes container structures for his Saltair market similar to Keith Dewey’s “Zigloo Domestique” in Victoria, pictured above. Morris estimates monthly modity, Morris said, but it’s still mortgage payments on Stock- relatively uncommon in North ing Creek lots and buildings America. Corrugated steel conwill be “between $450 and $600 tainers are incredibly strong a month,” he said, making for and can be stacked 10-high, a “good opportunity for a lot of Morris added, but once they’re small businesses.” incorporated into buildings, The market would be housed they’re rarely recognized for on a vacant lot, currently owned what they are. by Morris, measuring 140 feet “These won’t look like shipping wide by roughly 650 feet long. containers,” he added. Morris aims to convert the lot If approved, Morris expects to a commercial strata property the project to have “a really poswith a service road and com- itive impact on property values” mon area fronting a strip of 20 in the Saltair area, he said, addindividually-owned lots mea- ing that everyone he’s spoken suring 25 by 80 feet each. to “has been very positive and The lot, located in CVRD Elec- supportive.” toral Area G, is currently zoned At $600 per month for 1000 Local Commercial or C2, Morris square feet, Stocking Creek said, meaning approved uses in- Open Market spaces are priced clude bakeries, offices, restau- at roughly $7 per square foot rants and retail stores. per year, strata fees excluded. No change of zoning will be By comparison, lease rates for required, Morris said, but a vari- retail space in Ladysmith begin ance on lot size and setbacks at $8 per square foot. will be necessary. Jill Dashwood, a realtor with Morris submitted an applica- Coast Realty Group, said there tion for the necessary variances are three retail locations on to the CVRD “three weeks ago,” First Avenue in Ladysmith listhe said, and he expects a deci- ed for lease at rates of $8 to $12 sion in “eight to 12 months.” per square Subscribe foot. Space at Coroto The concept of using “up- nation Mall leases for $14 to $16 cycled” shipping and storage per square foot, she added. containers for homes and retail For more250-245-2277 information on the Includes space has caught on in Europe Stocking Creek $Open Market, online access where space is a precious com- contact Morris at 250-710-0765.
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A Coombs-like open-air market has been proposed for Saltair by a local landowner. The proposal, dubbed the Stocking Creek Open Market, is the brainchild of John Morris, owner of Saltair Self-Storage, the Saltair Mobile Home Park and HomeFront Modulars, a Cowichan Valley modular home dealership. Morris aims to develop the vacant lot south of the mobile home park into an open-air market where shops and restaurants — owned by the retailers themselves and managed by a strata council — would be housed in converted shipping containers. The market’s novel and unique architecture will draw people in, Morris said, transforming it into “a destination spot.” Common design themes like brushed aluminum roofing and cedar siding would help make the market “visually very attractive,” Morris said, as would the development’s “green-focused” walkways and garden-like green spaces. Morris thinks Stocking Creek would serve as an ideal location for local artisans and farmers selling the fruits of their labours. Others have expressed interest in operating coffee shops, soup and sandwich shops, a specialty wine store and a physiotherapy clinic onsite, Morris said. Vacant storefronts and surplus retail space in nearby Ladysmith haven’t deterred Morris, who is “definitely” convinced demand for a development like this exists in Saltair. “The biggest demand for this is this isn’t rental,” Morris said. “This is ownership. And it’s ownership at extremely low costs for a commercial development.”
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9
For the love of theatre
Theatre participants and fans converge on Ladysmith for annual South Island Zone Festival May 26-June 1 Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE
”Forget the words and be in the moment” is one of the biggest things Alan Watt has learned after years of participating in community theatre. And it’s learning lessons like this that the actor and director thinks is one of the best things about participating in community theatre. Watt, an actor and director with Ladysmith Little Theatre and chair of Theatre BC’s South Island Zone, believes education is also a big part of the South Island Zone Festival, which Ladysmith Little Theatre is hosting, starting this Sunday. This year’s South Island Zone Festival is May 26 to June 1 in Ladysmith. This event is one of 10 annual adjudicated theatre festivals held across the province, and the winning production from this zone will advance to the Provincial Mainstage Festival in July. “The biggest thing for a theatre group to participate in a festival is the experience and education,” says Watt. “It’s quite a different experience. Typically, you get there and you have four hours to get your set up and do your lighting, and you are judged on that as well. You have to be very well co-ordinated. The other thing is also to perform in a different venue than you are used to.” Watt says one of the biggest learning experiences is the “Coffee Critics” the morning
following the performances. For two hours, the festival adjudicator talks about the show’s strengths and weaknesses and about different ways they could have done it. “If you’re someone interested in this, that two-hour talk is like a week-long intensive seminar,” said Watt. “It’s a huge educational experience, especially for people in theatre. I can’t stress that enough. I’ve learned so much.” Watt says another big benefit of participating in a festival like this is the chance to meet people in other theatre groups. “When you [branch out] and you interact with all these people, your learning goes way up,” he said. “People in community theatre, they don’t do it for the money because we’re all volunteers; they do it because they love it, and if you love something, you want to get better at it because you’ll enjoy it even more.” Aside from the educational opportunities and the networking, there’s also the entertainment value of seeing three different productions in one weekend. “It’s not just for people in theatre; it’s also for people who love theatre,” said Watt. One thing Watt loves about being involved in community theatre is the friendships he has made and the people he has met. “With community theatre, I’ve met more people and I’ve developed friendships with more people than oth-
Ladysmith Little Theatre’s The Foursome is one of three productions being shown at the upcoming South Island Zone Festival in Ladysmith. Pictured here rehearsing are cast members, from left, Brett Trimple, Chris Ostaffy, Dave Ehrismann and Mike Cooper. The play will be performed May 26 at 2 p.m.
Clockwise from top left are Gordon McInnis, Barbara Metcalf, Moira Steele and Brian March, the cast members of Yellow Point Drama Group’s production of Looking. They will present Looking May 30 at 7:30 p.m. during the South Island Zone Festival in Ladysmith. er groups I’ve been in- ing little or no experivolved in,” he said. ence, and they are alWatt says people of- ways welcomed with ten come into theatre open arms. a bit scared and hav- “I started eight years
ago, and I’d never done anything like that; I’d never sung on a stage or anything,” he said. “I always say
to people, ‘they call it a play because adults get to play.’ That’s why it’s so much fun. You get to deal with people, you get to have fun, and sometimes you get to overcome your fear of getting up on stage.” Yellow Point Drama Group (YPDG) is coming to the South Island Zone Festival for the first time in five years. The group won Best Production at the last festival it attended and went on to the provincials. Like Watt, YPDG president Brian March, who is also acting in the group’s production of Looking, feels education and making connections are key reasons for coming to the festival. “It’s always a rewarding experience on a number of fronts,” he said. “It’s always educational because you have an adjudicator who will change things and look at it from a different perspective. You also get a chance to interact with other groups at the festival. This is absolutely a great way to connect with other groups and see what they are doing and perhaps learn from them as well. It’s fun.” Personally, March is excited to perform Looking in front of an adjudicator and in front of a new audience. “We had a good time doing it, and it was very successful for us in Cedar,” he said. “We had a chance to workshop it for a day with a fellow named Keith Digby,
so it’s taking it to a new space and trying some new ideas adjusted by Keith and by ourselves because it is a new space. We’ll have to make some changes. I’m looking forward to the changes we’ll be making for it, and we can hopefully improve it.” This year, the South Island Zone Festival will feature three productions — The Foursome from Ladysmith Little Theatre, Looking from Yellow Point Drama Group, and Albertine in Five Times by the Shawnigan Players. The Foursome, a comedy written by celebrated Canadian playwright Norm Foster, will be shown Sunday, May 26 at 2 p.m. Another Foster comedy, Looking, is being presented Thursday, May 30 at 7:30 p.m., and Michel Tremblay’s awardwinning play Albertine in Five Times will be shown Friday, May 31 at 7:30 p.m. Coffee critics will be held Monday, May 27 at 10 a.m. at Ladysmith Little Theatre and then Friday, May 31 at 10 a.m. at the Diamond Hall and Saturday, June 1 at 10 a.m. at Diamond Hall. A gala featuring awards presentations, dinner and entertainment will take place Saturday, June 1 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets for the shows are $20, while gala tickets cost $45. It’s all open to the public. For more information, visit www. ladysmiththeatre. com or call Ladysmith Little Theatre at 250924-0658.
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10 Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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Information 250-924-3402
Local logging featured in play Ashley Degraaf Black Press
The people down at Chemainus Theatre may have struck the mother lode for capturing local interest with its latest production. That is with Other Guys Theatre Company’s Good Timber, a show built around the logging camp poems of former Chemainus sawmill worker Robert E. Swanson and which features many historic clips of Cowichan’s logging history. “We get a lot of older guys coming up after our shows, saying Photo Submitted they recognized a family member from one of the photos or The Other Guys Theatre Company’s Good Timber celebrates the goldthey remembered something en age of logging in the Pacific Northwest. The production is coming particular from the part of the to the Chemainus Theatre Festival, starting May 22. show,” said Other Guys’ artistic director Ross Desprez. ers, hi-riggers, fallers, whistle Good Timber has been known And he suspects that will punks and locie engineers from on occasion to be so realistic be the case following their a time when loggers climbed it’s moved audiences to tears. Chemainus run, starting May 22. trees through songs and stories “There are often a lot of fami“In fact, quite a lot of mate- told on stage in front of a mul- lies of loggers who come and rial also came from the Victoria timedia backdrop of rarely-seen even logger widows,” said DeMuseum, as well as a huge col- images from museum archives. sprez. “There have even been lection from Cowichan, from It all began when Desprez was women in tears who’ve told us, the local IWA union,” he added, inspired by a dog-eared copy ‘My husband was a logger and I noting a “terrific” local image of of Rhymes of the Western Log- really had no idea what he did a high-rigger standing on top of ger, a compilation of poetry by until now.’” a spar tree. “It really shows the Swanson. Besides writing, loYour ticket immensity of the work and how cally, Swanson is known for de- to What: Good Timber Subscribe to Subscribe dangerous it really was.” signing and building the largest When: May 22 to June 1 Good Timber celebrates the steam whistle in Canada at the Where: Chemainus Theatre 250-245-2277 golden age of logging in the Pa- Chemainus mill, that in May 10, Festival 250-245-2277 Includes Includes cific Northwest, and the legend- 1940, blew the first of decades Tickets: online$at chemainus$ online online access access ary bulls of the woods, hook- of starting and stopping signals. theatre.ca, or 1-800-565-7738
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, May 21, 2013 11
Chemainus, Crofton not on list of school closures The switch to a K-7, 8-12 configuration in SD79 means big changes, but Chemainus parents can expect no change Don Bodger BLACK PRESS
Six schools from the original list of 10 considered will be closed as part of School District 79’s restructuring to a Kindergarten to Grade 7 elementary and Grade 8 to 12 secondary configuration, and none of those are in Chemainus or Crofton. A.B. Greenwell, Ecole Mill Bay, Koksilah, Somenos and Yount Elementary Schools will be closed as of June 30 and the Charles Hoey VC Facility as of Dec. 31, it was announced May 15 at Cowichan Secondary School. Alex Aitken, Crofton and Alexander elementary schools were all spared. There was very little reaction from the crowd that packed into the Cowichan Secondary School gym as the new configurations for each of the north, west, south and central zones for the 2013-14 school year were made public after much anticipation. Parents can expect no change with
Grades 8 to 12 at has revealed we have sequent student from website at www.sd79. Chemainus Second- a community divided,’’ the same family will bc.ca for more details ary School and K to 7 said Rhodes. “Moving be assessed to main- on these matters. at Chemainus, Thetis forward, we need to tain bus service for North Zone Island and Crofton el- work together.’’ those dependent on it. • develop a performementary schools. Along with strucMcKay said there is ing arts dual credit The most important tural change, there still some work to be program with Vancoupart of the restructur- will be educational done. ver Island University ing, superintendent change, he said. “We have never said and connect with the Ladysmith Branch Joe Rhodes said, and Many people spoke the decisions made local fine arts comreiterated by official passionately at previ- will solve everything,’’ munity, including the trustee Mike McKay, ous meetings about he said. Chemainus Theatre. was to maintain the the need to maintain “Yes, there will need • direct the superinbest possible services middle schools for a to be other reductions. tendent of schools to for students. variety of reasons. We will try to keep identify organizations “The focus is on the “That is at the heart the reductions away serving community road ahead,’’ said of the struggle that we from the classroom as needs that would be The Royal LePage National McKay. “The focus is had to wrestle with,’’ much as possible.’’ suitable to locate in Garage Sale held May 11 on making sure we Rhodes said. “We Many students in surplus space within at Ladysmith was a huge have the capacity to know middle school School District 79 North Zone schools. success. 100% of the deliver programs and years’ education will be attending new • approve catchment ational N money raised in this services to all of our could be done well schools in the fall areas for Chemainus charity event goes to kids … Our challenge outside of a middle based on closures Community Elemensupport the Nanaimo is simple. We have school structure.’’ and the reconfigura- tary School and CroftHaven House. more priorities than The result of the K-7, tion to a predominant on Elementary School er lt e h S r o f resources we have to 8-12 format means elementary-second- as shown on maps A special thank you deal with those priori- virtually no change ary model. dated May 15. to all those who ties.’’ in the north end. But *** • direct the superindonated items McKay acknowl- the other zones have The switch to an el- tendent of schools to for the sale. edged the funding for- a variety of changes, ementary-secondary establish a task force Page We are grateful to Royal Le ndation fou mula as it exists with new catchment ar- school configuration to examine ways to shelter work and live in such the province needs to eas, slightly different means big changes retain students in the a caring community. be fixed “so we get to school names and throughout School North Zone schools. something that’s sus- more. District 79. tainable over the long The district even Following are the term.’’ looked in its own of- series of recomThe cuts resulted in a fice as a means to mendations for the budget of $81,835,263 save money. A busi- 2013-14 school year being given first and ness plan will be de- presented to official second reading for vised to sell the board trustee Mike McKay 2013-14. Third and office and relocate to and passed during the only for a final reading will be other district sites. May 15 open board Wristlet & Boutonniere given at a subsequent A transportation levy meeting at Cowichan meeting. of $200 per student Secondary School. combination special “What this process and less for each sub- See the school district
Thank You Ladysmith
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Photo of the Month
Caring about the Community
Ladysmith 370 Trans Canada Hwy (Coronation Mall) Store Hours: 7 am - 10 pm; 7 days a week Town of Ladysmith
Notice of Proposed Disposition of Town-Owned Lands Notice pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter is hereby given that the Town of Ladysmith intends to dispose of properties legally described as Lots 7 and 8 of District Lot 147, Oyster District Plan VIP 85271 (1201 and 1251 Christie Road). Current zoning of the lots is R-3-A (Medium Density Residential). The lots are the subject of a rezoning application. The proposed new zone for the lots is I-1 (Light Industrial). The Town intends to transfer the fee simple interest in the property to Catalina Ventures 2000 Ltd. for the consideration of Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($650,000). The Council of the Town of Ladysmith will consider the proposed disposition of these properties at the Council meeting scheduled for June 17, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall, 410 Esplanade, Ladysmith, B.C. The public hearing in relation to the rezoning application will be held separately, and notice of it will be given in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act. PHOTO SUBMITTED
The Ladysmith Camera Club selected “Medicine Spoon” by Ken Thorne of Chemainus as its Photo of the Month for April. The theme for the month was Cutlery. The club’s next meeting will be Tuesday, May 28, and the presentation will be Mounting and Framing with Bruce Whittington of Bayview Framing in Ladysmith. The camera club, which meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at Hardwick Hall at First United Church in Ladysmith, welcomes new members of all levels. For information, visit http://ladysmithcameraclub.com.
Any person who deems themselves affected by this matter may provide a written submission to the Town of Ladysmith by no later than 4:00 p.m. on June 14, 2013 or appear at the Council meeting. Information regarding this proposed property disposition can be viewed at City Hall, 410 Esplanade, Ladysmith, B.C. or by contacting Sandy Bowden, Director of Corporate Services at 250.245.6404.
12 Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
lsland readers love their local newspaper David Black believes in the power of hometown connections Teresa Bird Black Press
Are small town newspapers a good business investment? In light of today’s technology many people believe newspapers are dying, but David Black, owner of Black Press and the Ladysmith Chronicle doesn’t agree when Black Press Vancouver Island it comes to commuCommunity News Media nity newspapers. • North Island Midweek “I think that week• North Island Gazette ly newspapers are • Campbell River Mirror good business,” says • Comox Valley Record Black. “I don’t see • Parksville Qualicum News the internet threat• Alberni Valley News ening that.” • Nanaimo News Bulletin Black knows what • Ladysmith Chronicle he is talking about. • Lake Cowichan Gazette He got his start in • Cowichan News Leader Pictorial the newspaper busi• Peninsula News Review ness humbly enough • Saanich News when he bought • Oak Bay News the Williams Lake • Victoria News Tribune in 1975 • Goldstream News Gazette from the owners, • Sooke News Mirror one of whom was his • Monday Magazine father. • bcclassifieds.com “I never intended • UsedEverywhere.com to be a newspaperman, I studied engineering and took
When W ere h y
ho What Wh W
my MBA,” says Black. “I ended up as a �inancial analyst for the Toronto Star for a couple of years and started to like the (newspaper) business. I particularly liked the weeklies.” When his father told him that the Tribune was being sold, Black asked if he could buy it. “He just laughed and said, ‘Why do you think I told you?’” recalls Black fondly. The young Black family moved to Williams Lake “for a couple of years” but “fell in love with small town living” and stayed for a decade. While there Black learned the business at the grassroots level. “I learned a lot about the weekly newspaper business,” says Black. “When somebody left, whether it was an editor or a compositor or a sales rep or a circulation manager or … I ended up doing the job until we found a replacement. I really helped me the rest of my career because I actually know what it take to do the job.” And from Williams Lake, Black began to expand his career and business. In 1980 he purchased the Ashcroft Journal (now the Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal). Today David Black lives in Victoria and Black Press includes more than 190 publications, in B.C., the Prairies, Washington State and a daily in both Hawaii and Akron, Ohio. So why has Black Press been so successful? “I understand business, I have a head for business. But the trick is people. If you can surround yourself with people who are really good, you will succeed,” explains Black. “We have really good staff.” And that is part of the reason why community newspapers aren’t as threatened by the internet, say Black. “We are putting out as good a local paper as we can afford editorially. It shows in the numerous awards we receive every year and our readership.” says Black. “I think weeklies will continue very much the same, I don’t see huge changes in towns the size of Ladysmith
David Black in his Victoria office.
Sharon Tiffin photo
where the local newspaper has the local information people want. We have not seen any fall of readership in our weeklies.”
Local news. Delivered. We lead the way in print and online.
Tour the ‘Black Track’ May 26
10% Shift www.tenpercentshift.ca Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Staff Writer
the chronicle
Notable Vancouver Island historian, columnist and writer Tom Paterson will guide history buffs on a “Black Track” tour of Nanaimo’s coal mines and rail lines Sunday, May 26. Paterson’s four-hour tour will begin at the Morden Colliery at 10 a.m. before making its way past “Alexandria/Richardson/Fiddick Slopes, PCCM, Fiddicks’ Junction, South Wellington No. 10, Granby,” a press release states. The tour draws its name from the railway lines running through South Wellington. Used during the mining area by residents and miners as a “public thoroughfare,” the tracks were coated in such a thick blanket of coal dust that they became
Ladysmith 10% Shift www.tenpercentshift.ca
Photo Courtesy of David Dunaway
Participants take a “Black Track” tour of Morden Colliery and other old Nanaimo area coal mining sites and rail lines. Another tour takes place May 26. known affectionately the preservation of Tour participants as the “Black Track.” the mine’s remaining are asked to pack Paterson’s “exten- above-ground infra- their own water and sive knowledge of structure. Morden’s food, along with coal mining history 1913 headframe and clothing appropriate and his engaging and tipple were innova- for the day’s weather dynamic delivery” al- tive in their use of re- and to provide their low him to “recreate inforced concrete and own transportation to the spirit of the early are the only such re- the Morden Colliery coal mining days.” maining structures on prior to the start of Proceeds from Vancouver Island and the tour. the tour will be do- the earliest of two Tickets cost $30 for nated by Paterson to still standing such one person and $25 Friends of the Mor- structures in North for two or more. den Mine, a non-profit America, the society Call 250-714-0377 for society dedicated to believes. more information.
2013-05-22 (Wednesday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 02:21 3.3 10.8 09:50 0.7 2.3 17:15 2.9 9.5 21:23 2.4 7.9
2013-05-23 (Thursday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 02:54 3.3 10.8 10:28 0.4 1.3 18:04 3.1 10.2 22:20 2.5 8.2
2013-05-24 (Friday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 03:30 3.3 10.8 11:08 0.2 0.7 18:51 3.2 10.5 23:16 2.6 8.5
2013-05-25 (Saturday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 04:08 3.3 10.8 11:48 0.1 0.3 19:37 3.4 11.2
2013-05-26 (Sunday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 00:14 2.6 8.5 04:48 3.2 10.5 12:30 0.1 0.3 20:22 3.5 11.5
2013-05-27 (Monday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 01:15 2.7 8.9 05:31 3.1 10.2 13:12 0.2 0.7 21:07 3.5 11.5
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14 Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Town hopes to complete Area Plan review by spring 2014 From Page 1 was obviously a little upset because from the start, the discussion was always for six years. Obviously, financially, you can’t do that kind of infrastructure over three years.” Cross revised his business plan and came up with a proposal for operating on a three-year lease. This is the proposal council considered May 6.
Cross was disappointed that Area Plan study is done, hope- of “doing what we can to help facouncil turned down his propos- fully next spring, and then move cilitate the establishment of an al in an in-camera meeting after forward from there,” he said. “I RV park in the community,” emhe was told by councillors they can’t see anything happening phasized Hutchins. thought it was a good idea and this year now or next year, so “The single biggest driver for after all the time and money he’s that’s two more years the town’s us in the decision making here already invested in the proposal, going to be out. is because we are four months but he says he still wants to pur- “What kind of really surprises away from starting a new Wasue something with the Town. me is there was so much sup- terfront Area Plan process, and “Unless the Town miraculously port from council to begin with council said we need to wait has a change of heart, I’m go- when I first started.” for that public process,” he said. ing to have to wait until their Council is generally supportive “The concern is that to begin a
public process and then actually determine the use before we have that public dialogue, that was a challenge for council.” There were two reasons council considered Cross’s proposed in a closed meeting — to respect Cross’s proprietary business information and to protect the Town’s interests with respect to its property, explained Hutchins.
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North Cowichan/ Duncan Sports Wall of Fame seeking nominations Do you know a sports team or athlete in North Cowichan who deserves to be recognized? If so, the North Cowichan/Duncan Sports Wall of Fame Committee wants to hear from you. The District of North Cowichan is currently seeking nominations for its sixth annual Sports Wall of Fame installation. The North Cowichan/ Duncan Sports Wall of Fame Committee is encouraging individuals, clubs or associations to nominate an individual or team that has made a significant contribution to sport in our community. The Sports Wall of Fame nomination process is now open, and nomination forms and criteria are available in person from the North Cowichan Municipal Office, Fuller Lake Arena and the Cowichan Aquatic Centre or online at www. northcowichan.ca. The deadline for nominations is Friday, May 24. This year, the Sports Wall of Fame Committee members include Coun. Ruth Hartmann, Anneke Bruce, Don Bodger, Andy Hutchins, Larry Hopwo, Norm Jackson, Bill Keserich and Ted Webb. The induction ceremony will occur near the end of October. The Sports Wall of Fame is located at the Cowichan Aquatic Centre, and in the past five years, 31 individuals and teams have been recognized.
Marathon cycling returns to Chemainus At least 10 to 12 cyclists expected to attempt riding the entire 1,500-kilometre Eau de Hell series Nick Bekolay THE CHRONICLE
After a two-year hiatus, Eau de Hell week and its tireless 70-year-old founder return to Chemainus for a sixth time May 20. Eau de Hell — one of British Columbia’s marquee marathon cycling events — is a week-long series of “brevets,” or marathon rides, that begin and end in Chemainus. Founded in 2007 by Victoria ultra-cyclist Ken Bonner, Eau de Hell consists of 200-, 300-, 400- and 600-kilometre rides through some of Vancouver Island’s most scenic and challenging terrain. Bonner said he created the tour to showcase the Island while at the same time combining all four qualifying rides for the Paris-BrestParis series (PBP) — a 1,200-kilometre event that draws 5,000 cyclists to the French countryside every four years — into a single event. Bonner chose Chemainus as home base for riders because it’s centrally located and because he wanted to help the local economy in a “little, tiny way.” His apt choice of name for
the event stems from a combination of a play on words and the Island’s climate. “I termed it Eau de Hell week because of the time of year,” Bonner said, referring to the spring rains that typically fall on Vancouver Island during early April, when the event was first staged. “And it’s also a play on the perfume, the Eau de Hell,” Bonner said. “When you ride these things you get pretty smelly.” Bonner grew up in Cobble Hill, where he first learned to ride on his father’s steelframed racing bike from the 1930s. As “a young kid,” Bonner rode 10 to 15 miles every day while delivering newspapers in the southern Cowichan Valley, he said, but he wouldn’t embrace cycling as his sport of choice until decades later. He began running marathons in his mid 30s, he said, but his interest in the sport began to fade after two dozen races. He stumbled onto the idea of “randonneuring” — derived from the French word randonnée, meaning “excursion” — through a brochure advertising longhaul cycling he came across in the late 1980s.
Ladysmith’s Mairi Horth of Mid-Isle FC controls the ball May 12 against West Van FC. The teams tied 1-1.
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— a gruelling 600-kilometre “very experienced ultra-marodyssey titled the “Ukee athon cyclist” from Japan Pokey” — is scheduled to who’s travelling to Canada depart Chemainus at 5 a.m. solely for Eau de Hell. Saturday, May 25. He anticipates having “10 Eau de Hell adds credibil- to 12 people” signed up to ity to the series’ name on complete the series by race days six and seven as rid- day, or “maybe more.” ers traverse the Island from Croy completed the entire Qualicum Beach to Ucluelet Eau de Hell series in 2010, and back again, grinding he said, but he’s only signed their way up and over the up to ride in this year’s lofty heights of the Port Al- Coast2Coast event. “Cherry berni Summit (425 metres) picking” specific individual and the Sutton Pass (230 events in this way is fairly metres) twice in a single day. common in marathon cyOnce back on the east cling, Croy said, and “lots of coast of the Island, rid- people” will follow suit. ers venture as far north as Thirty-six riders comCourtenay before return- pleted the 200-kilometre ing to Chemainus via Dun- event in 2011, while 14 of can. Riders who persevere 19 riders finished that year’s through the entire 605-ki- 600-kilometre-round-trip lometre Ukee Pokey event Chemainus to Gold River should begin trickling into event. Chemainus mid to late The event is sponsored by morning on Sunday, May 26. the BC Randonneurs CyConsidering how challeng- cling Club, Cray said, but ing the final leg of the series no cash prizes or lucrative can be — riders rarely com- endorsement deals await plete the journey in under riders at the finish line. 30 hours — it comes as no “You’re only doing it for surprise that so few riders your own sense of self-satisregister for all four Eau de faction,” Croy said, “and to Hell events. see if you can.” Croy has “six or seven peoFor more on Eau de Hell, ple” signed up to complete including routes and past the entire 1,500-kilometre results, visit www.randon series right now, he said, in- neurs.bc.ca/eau-de-hellcluding Yutaka Moriwaka, a week.html.
Mid-Isle FC in the thick of things
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Bonner rode his first brevet in 1988, he said, and he’s logged no fewer than 42 1,200-kilometre rides over the span of his 25year career, including five PBPs and a record-setting first-place finish in the 2007 “Rocky Mountain 1200km” at the age of 65. Bonner has ridden through Eau de Hell five times now, he said, and he expects to finish this year’s race barring illness or injury. He doesn’t seem all that concerned, though; rather than resting up for his big ride, Bonner signed on to ride a 400-kilometre event May 18, two days prior to the start of Eau de Hell week. This year’s Eau de Hell event begins Monday, May 20, series co-ordinator Mike Croy said, with the 200-kilometre “Tour of the Cowichan Valley,” followed by the 300-kilometre “Coast2Coast” event, from Chemainus to Port Renfrew and back, Tuesday, May 21. “Lost but not Forgotten,” a 400-kilometre round-trip journey from Chemainus to Buckley Bay, is scheduled for Thursday, May 23, Croy added, followed by the week’s second rest day. The final leg of the series
In the game
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, May 21, 2013 15
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Early in the spring-summer soccer season, the region’s top teams look like they’ll be right in the thick of things. The Mid-Isle FC men’s and women’s sides are both off to 1-0-1 starts in their respective Pacific Coast Soccer League tables. The club will play home games both at Ladysmith’s turf field and also at Nanaimo’s Merle Logan Field. The women’s squad tied West Van FC 1-1 on May 12 at Merle Logan. Ceilidh Glennie has scored in both her team’s games. Other key players include Krista Whittaker of UBC, Alli Bach of the University of Victoria and Ladysmith’s Mairi Horth of UBC-Okanagan, plus members of the VIU Mariners program. GAME ON … The next games in Ladysmith are June 2, when the Mid-Isle FC men host Vancouver’s Total Soccer Systems at 1:30 p.m. and the women play TSS at 4 p.m.
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WAREHOUSE LIENS ACT Notice is hereby given that Centurion Lumber Manufacturing (1983) Ltd., 3070 Henry Road, Chemainus, BC, V0R 1K0, will be selling the following vehicles to recover debts and costs in the amount of $2,667.00 incurred by owner, Stephen Burt. The vehicles will be sold on May 22, 2013.
1994 Diesel Freightliner Tractor VIN #1FUPBSEB0RL638915 located at 9367 Trans-Canada Highway, Chemainus, BC. 1981 Diesel Peterbuilt Tractor VIN #1XP6DB9X3BN1Y5578 located at 3500 River Rd., Chemainus, BC. Viewing on May 22, 2013 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Sale to follow.
1994 Diesel Freightliner Tractor VIN #1FUPBSEB0RL638915 located at 9367 Trans-Canada Highway, Chemainus, BC. 1981 Diesel Peterbuilt Tractor VIN #1XP6DB9X3BN1Y5578 located at 3500 River Rd., Chemainus, BC. Viewing on May 22, 2013 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Sale to follow.
WAREHOUSE LIENS ACT Notice is hereby given that Centurion Lumber Manufacturing (1983) Ltd., 3070 Henry Road, Chemainus, BC, V0R 1K0, will be selling the following vehicles to recover debts and costs in the amount of $2,667.00 incurred by owner, Stephen Burt. The vehicles will be sold on May 22, 2013.
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WAREHOUSE LIENS ACT Notice is hereby given that Centurion Lumber Manufacturing (1983) Ltd., 3070 Henry Road, Chemainus, BC, V0R 1K0, will be selling the following vehicles to recover debts and costs in the amount of $2,667.00 incurred by owner, Stephen Burt. The vehicles will be sold on May 22, 2013.
1994 Diesel Freightliner Tractor VIN #1FUPBSEB0RL638915 located at 9367 Trans-Canada Highway, Chemainus, BC. 1981 Diesel Peterbuilt Tractor VIN #1XP6DB9X3BN1Y5578 located at 3500 River Rd., Chemainus, BC. Viewing on May 22, 2013 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Sale to follow.
ANDREYCHUK, Laurena Marie May 13, 1962 – May 01 , 2013 It is with heavy hearts we are forced to share our Family’s loss. Laurena Marie (Laurie) passed away peacefully with her parents at her side.
Your Community
ClassiďŹ eds
Laurie will always be remembered by her daughter Brittaney, parents Bill and Sheila, brothers Bill and Ron, sister Coleen and their extended families, friends and co-workers. Laurie touched many in a very special way, her gift was the kind caring way she always thought of others.
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The family will be holding a quiet service at a later date.
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HOME CARE/SUPPORT RCA available for companionship and assistance. Please call Jessica 250-668-3512 or email jessicaws1@hotmail.com. PROFESSIONAL/ MANAGEMENT
SOFTWARE Developer for Engineering Applications Lucidyne Technologies, an industry leader in Automated Lumber Grading is seeking an experienced & talented person to join our software/engineering development team. We offer rewarding challenges, a stimulating work environment, 401K with employer contributions and the college town amenities of Corvallis, Oregon. Our scanning systems include multiple cameras and sensors, electronics, multiple PCs and network equipment. The mechanical and electrical components of the system are highly integrated into the customer’s production flow and equipment. Software developers must understand the underlying technology and also appreciate the perspective of end users (operators, technicians, etc.), to develop efficient applications. We’re looking for a person that will take pride in their work and will help us make our product the best it can be. Job Description Implement and test machine vision algorithms to classify defects in lumber with our senior image processing staff. Validate code changes using regression testing against an archive of customer data Verify sensor performance using custom calibration software and analysis tools Interact with customers to capture requirements for software upgrades Maintain and update C++ code for image processing improvements and computational geometry extensions Experience Must have 3-5 years experience with C++ and a degree in either engineering or computer science. Good mathematics and troubleshooting skills are required. Vision to see big picture and problem solving ability are also a must. Additional desired experience in: Real time systems, Subversion, Xml, Windows OS, PC troubleshooting, and basic electronics skills. This is a real-time software coding position. Your code will control our customer’s production lines so errors are expensive. Please use your cover letter to describe what modern software engineering principles you have used to help you write bug-free code while holding to ontime delivery schedules. Applicants must be fluent in English and have the energy to produce results under time constraints. Salary commensurate with experience and education. Email cover letter and resume to ellenn@lucidyne.com.
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TRADES, TECHNICAL GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209. LUMBER Inspectors - Supervisor required (CMSA). BC Central Interior Locations. Excellent salary, benefits and potential for advancement. Please submit your resume to forestry2012@hotmail.com SYSTEMS Software Developer Lucidyne Technologies, an industry leader in Automated Lumber Grading is seeking an experienced & talented person to join our software/engineering development team as a Systems Software Developer. We are looking for a person to design and program GUI and software components that acquire and visualize electronic, scientific and production data. Must have 3-5 years experience with .Net framework and ADO.Net. Experience with many of the following: NET VB/C#, Subversion, SQL Server, Xml, Windows OS, PC troubleshooting, ADO.NET, user-interface design, MS Report Viewer, networking, basic electronics skills, PLC systems. Good mathematics and troubleshooting skills. Vision to see big picture and problem solving ability a must. Requires degree in engineering or computer science. Our scanning systems include multiple cameras and sensors, electronics, multiple PCs and network equipment. The mechanical and electrical components of the system are highly integrated into the customer’s production flow and equipment. Software developers must understand the underlying technology and also appreciate the perspective of end users (operators, technicians, etc.), to develop supporting applications. We’re looking for a person that will get a kick out of joining our team and help us make our product the best it can be. Applicants must be fluent in English and have the energy to produce results under time constraints. Salary commensurate with experience and education. Email cover letter and resume to ellenn@lucidyne.com
VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS WANTED urgently for Ladysmith Museum to greet visitors in 4 hour shifts, 12 pm to 4 pm. Come and learn about Ladysmith’s history and meet interesting people from all over the world. Ph. 250-245-0100 or 250-245-7738
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KENMORE 11 cu ft upright deep freeze $200, almond 17 cu ft fridge $150, 22 cu ft fridge $300, 30� almond range $125, white 30� range $150. White 24� range $200. Washer dryer sets $200-$350. Washers $150-$250, Dryers $100$150. Built-in dishwashers $100-$150. 6 month warranty on all appliances. Please call Greg at (250)246-9859. Whirlpool dishwasher; Kenmore fridge & range. Presently in use, available May 31st. $600 obo. To view prior by appointment. 250-245-0729
BURIAL PLOTS 2 Burial plots at Cedar Valley Memorial Gardens. Incl. is a bronze plate which covers both plots & the opening & closing of the plots. $5000. (250) 746-5843
FUEL/FIREWOOD FIR FIREWOOD. $170 cord. Split and delivered. Call (250) 210-0384 (anytime). Red Cedar log ends. 6-7 chords,$150 Cedar & Ladysmith. Ph 250-245-8848 or email tim.1953@hotmail.com SEASONED FIREWOOD Vancouver Island’s largest firewood producer offers firewood legally obtained during forest restoration, large cords. Help restore your forest, Burndrywood.com 1-877-902-WOOD.
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2 BURLEY MEN MOVING. $85/hr for 2 men (no before or after travel time charges on local moves. Please call Scott or Joshua, (250)753-6633.
VARIOUS SECOND hand household items at Red’s Emporium. Furniture, tools, dishes, etc. 19 High St, Ladysmith. Call 250-245-7927.
2 BURLEY MEN MOVING. $85/hr for 2 men (no before or after travel time charges on local moves. Please call Scott or Joshua, (250)753-6633.
PLUMBING A SERVICE PLUMBER. Licence, Insured. Drains, HWT, Reno’s, Repairs. Senior Discounts. After Hour Service. Call Coval Plumbing, 250709-5103.
LADYSMITH- 3 bdrms, 2 bath, 6 year old roof, 2200sq ft, lrg sun deck w/ocean view, close to all amenties, quiet no through road, needs TLC, $245,000. Call (250)2454155.
PLANTS/NURSERY STOCK HUGE PLANT CLEARANCE. Indoor & outdoor Succulents, etc. Great for rock gardens and planters. Prices starting at $1. May. 25 & 26, 8am-2pm, 609 Alderwood Dr., Ladysmith.
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Fully rebuilt, certified, float home for sale. 2 bdrm, 2 storey, 1 1/2 bath, new decks, rails, soffit, & fascia. 100% surveyed and approved by a marine engineer (documents available)
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Garage Sales #ALLĂ– Ă–TOĂ–PLACEĂ–YOURĂ–GARAGEĂ–SALEĂ– ADĂ–ANDĂ–RECEIVEĂ–&2%%Ă–BALLOONS Ă–INVENTORYĂ–ANDĂ–TIPĂ– SHEETSĂ–ANDĂ–BRIGHTĂ–GARAGEĂ–SALEĂ–SIGNSĂ– GARAGE SALES Ladysmith:Big Moving, downsizing sale. Sat. May 25th, 8am - 3pm. 512 Methuen St. Large variety of items. Bargains galore! No Early Birds!
INVITE THE WHOLE NEIGHBOURHOOD to your garage sale with a classiďŹ ed ad Call 1-855-310-3535
Large Antique/ Collectible - Parking Lot/ Car Boot Sale. At highway Antique Emporium Hwy #1 at Henry Road, Chemainus.
CLUES ACROSS 1. Fulmar 7. Maple fluid 10. Most saponaceous 12. Icelandic island 13. Stressed pronunciation 14. Ginseng genus 15. Seizes 16. Loose Arab garments 17. Title of respect 18. Operatic solo 19. Fleur-de-lis flower 21. Pad used as a floor covering 22. Sine curve 27. In the year of Our Lord 28. Day or sleep away supervisor 33. Carrier’s invention 34. Infant bed 36. Fiddler crabs 37. English monk 672-735 (alt. sp.) 38. Precise and prudish 39. The beak of a bird 40. Point that is one point N of NE 41. Blighia sapida 44. Russian political prison camp 45. Unselfishness 48. Arabian Gulf 49. Unsupported 50. Thieving bird 51. Alarm and dismay CLUES DOWN 1. Cigarette bundle 2. Fencing sword 3. Cannisters 4. A way to drench 5. Point midway between E and SE 6. Confined condition
Ladysmith Chemainuswww.ladysmithchronicle.com Chronicle Tuesday, May 21, 2013 A1717
(abbr.) 7. Yemen capital 8. Actresses Ortiz & Alicia 9. Photographs 10. Exposing folly to ridicule 11. Egg-shaped instrument 12. Established custom 14. St. Patrick’s, Macy’s or Rose 17. Female sibling 18. Gather lots together 20. Total 23. Allowance for intervals 24. Medieval philosopher 25. Jupiter satellite 26. Invest with knighthood 29. Sodium 30. Women’s __ movement 31. Singleness 32. Saves or delivers 35. The bill in a restaurant 36. Of a city 38. Former name of Belau 40. Class of comb jellies 41. Height x width 42. Pick out from others 43. German port, bay and canal 44. Jacob’s 6th son 45. Goat or camel hair fabric 46. One circuit of a track 47. 3X = 1 TBS
WE BUY HOUSES Damaged House? Pretty House? Moving? Divorcing? Estate Sale? We will Buy your House Quick Cash & Private. Mortgage Too High and House won’t sell? Can’t make payments? We will Lease Your House, Make your Payments and Buy it Later!
RENOVATED 3 bdrms, lrg yrd,1.5 baths, F/S, W/D hookup, s/p neg. ref. req., N/S prf $1000 mth pl. utilities (250)754-9279
HOMES FOR RENT LADYSMITH. NEW 4 bdrm, 2 bath (Main Suite) home on quiet street. Incls 6 appls. $1350/mo + utils. Call 250741-0353 jrhomes@shaw.ca
$1300/mth: 225 Symonds Street, Ladysmith. Upper duplex, 4 beds, 2 baths
APARTMENT/CONDO CENTRAL CHEMAINUS oceanview modern 2 bdrm, 1000sq ft grnd lvl, 5 appls, private patio, wi-fi, parking, $900. Available now. NS/NP. Call 250-246-4313. Chemainus: Ashley Court. Ground flr unit, 2 bdrm, 5 appliances. Sm pet ok, avail. now. $775/mo 250-924-6966. Ladysmith: 1 & 2 bdrm apt, heat incl., n/p, ref’s required. The Villa 250-245-3583. Ladysmith: 1 & 2 bdrm suites from $700/mo incl. heat & hot water, ocean views, sm pets ok. Ask about our incentives. 250-668-9086. Meicor Properties Chemainus: Lockwood Villa. Well kept bldg, ocean view, 1 bdrm avail. now & June 1st, $625, N/S, 1 sm pet welcome. 55+. 250-246-1033. www.meicorproperties.com RAAMCO International Properties VICTORIA, B.C. “A sign of distinction� Cubbon Apartments For Seniors - 55+ 1035 North Park Street Bachelor - $575 and up One Bedroom - $800 & up Two Bedroom - $950 & up. Close to sunny downtown Victoria and designated for seniors 55 years or older Amenities include a coffee lounge, games room, exercise room, and library and garden plots available for your green thumb. Pets welcome w/some restrictions. Please call Dick or Diane at 250-383-1162 or email cub@raamco.ca to view our available suites. Wetherby Apartments For Seniors - 55+ 3205 Wetherby Road Seniors only please - 55+. Bachelor - $725 1 bdrm - $915 2 bdrm - $1100 This seniors only building has on site laundry, outdoor and covered parking, Shopping at Hillside Mall is just steps away. Pets welcome with some restrictions. Please call Bonny at 250-598-1650 weth@raamco.ca to view our available suites.
#(%#+Ă–#,!33)&)%$3 Ă– $BMM
1969 FORD Mustang, 2-dr 6 cyl, blue w/white hard top, auto, rear wheel dr. Good cond., no rust. 4-new tires, new gas tank, master cylinder, power steering, alternator belt, carburetor, battery. Garage kept, fair weather driven. Runs well. $7,000 obo. 250-245-3004.
2008 Outback Trillium holiday trailer. Fridge, stove, furnace, awning, water heater and many options. $10,800 obo. 250-912-0141.
2005 Ford E350 Cargo Van, white, 575,000 km. Decent body, 6.0l diesel. Motor does not run. Comes with cargo partition. Spray-in bed liner on cargo floor. Great parts vehicle, as is where is. Best offer takes it home 250-245-0350.
1982 Aquastar 26’ Cabin cruiser, with command bridge. Engine Volvo 260 (Chev 305) with 290 leg. Propane stove/oven, double sink, hydraulic steering, ceramic toilet with 9 gal holding tank, macerator (new). Sleeps 4. New canvas. Lots of storage, new horn, new water pump, superb battery charger. Large access door to engine compartment, serviced by mechanic for the past 4 yrs. Price: $10,000.00 for this superb boat!!! Must sell by the end of this month! Call Art 250-245-4559 Ladysmith.
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Water view lot on Lake Cowichan $94,900
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LADYSMITH, ROOM avail, all inclusive, share kitchen and bath, ideal for retirees or seniors, small pets welcome w/ conditions, refs req’d, $400 mo. Call (250)616-2345 (Ray).
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{ Check out this week’s money saving deals from our team of experts.
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WANT TO GET NOTICED? Prime retail/office space for rent in highly visible historical building on corner of First and Roberts in Ladysmith. 1687 sq. ft. 2 bathrooms, small kitchen, new flooring, A/C. Available June 1st. Call 250-245-2277
LADYSMTH 2bdrm bsmnt suite $900/mnth, utilities inc., shrd lndry, n/s n/p avail June1st ph;259-2459348
Sign up for free e-Offers and get the inside scoop on the best flyer deals!
More information at: Royal LePage Property Management 528 1st Avenue Ladysmith, BC
LADYSMITH: BRIGHT 1bdrm, 1000 sq ft, level entry, insuite W/D, full kitchen, small patio, priv ent, off street prkg, immac cond, NS/NP, utils incl’d, $750. Avail immed. 250-245-0205. ccurrie23@hotmail.com
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$975/mth: #22-711 Malone Rd. Ladysmith. 3 bed Townhouse. Avail. Aug 1, 2013.
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$700/mth: #14-76 Mill St. Nanaimo. Apartment, 2 beds, 1 bath.
JOHN BOOTH 250-245-2252
Just a few of our Featured Advertisers:
$1300/mth: 11145 Chemainus Rd., Saltair, 3 beds, 2 bath. Ocean front home.
week’s moneysaving savingdeals deals from from our { Check out out thisthis week’s money ourteam teamofofexperts. experts. { Check
$1100/mth: A-1118 2nd Ave, Ladysmith. Upper duplex, 2 bdrm plus small office,nice view $800/mth: #5-5311 Cassidy Rd., Cedar. 3 beds, 1 bath. Mobile Home
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Royal LePage Nanaimo Realty (Ladysmith)
Call: 1-250-616-9053
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Ladysmith: Nice 2 bdrm, 1/2 duplex in a quiet residential neighbourhood. F/S/W&D, lots of storage, laminate floors, forced air natural gas heat, bright & clean. N/S, refs req. $795/mo. 250-714-9103.
{ {
Incredible 5 acre treed PARK-LIKE PROPERTY with Well-Maintained Furnished Home 1500 sq.ft, 3-bdrm, 2 bath. Extremely close to Pristine Cowichan Lake, in the town of Caycuse. Perfect for recreational property or full time living. Motivated seller $378,800. Exceptionally low yearly cost. Not leased land. Call 250-745-3387 smartytwo@hotmail.com
www.ladysmithchronicle.com www.chemainuschronicle.com Tue, May 21, 2013, Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
18 May 21, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle A18Tuesday, www.ladysmithchronicle.com
Fabulous price for this large easy build lot. Underground services, sewer to lot line.
CARS 2007 CUSTOM Chev HHR. Excellent condition. Loaded. White. 119,000 km, mostly hwy driven. On-Star. $11,900 firm. 250-755-5191.
# 7 1195 Stuart Place NOW $164,900
Pet and Family Friendly. 3 bedroom, 2 bath town home with private yard, 2 parking stalls and storage galore!
1958 FAIRPLANE 351w with O/D, all new brakes, tires, floor mats, 2 tone paint and clear coat. Invested 18k. Sacrifice $15,000. Call 250-949-6753 5pm to 6pm only.
Don’t delay! Call Cyndi today 250-245-2252
640 Trans Canada Hwy Box 970, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A7
P. 250-245-3700 C. 250-667-7653 E. itscarol@shaw.ca
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, May 21, 2013 19
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20 Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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