Caledonia Courier, May 22, 2013

Page 1


u Thanks P. 4 u Falcons soccer P. 6

u Youth mental health P. 7 u RCMP report P. 3

Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759

PHONE: 996-8482

WEDNESDAY, May 22, 2013

NEWS BRIEFS Break and enter foiled

Two would-be thieves reportedly were caught in the act on April 28 at Suspender’s. RCMP received a call of a possible break and enter after the alarm at the store was tripped. Within seven minutes, RCMP were at the store, and one suspect was caught immediately by the members, with a second fleeing into the bushes. A search in the forest then led to the apprehension of the second suspect. The pair had reportedly gained entry into the store via an office window, taken alcohol, cigarettes and some coins in cash amounting to about $140. The two suspects are both youth and can not be identified, and have been released until they appear in court to face charges of break and enter with intent to commit theft and theft under $5,000.

Mind your neighbour As the warmer weather has more people out enjoying their yards and the fresh air, RCMP have been responding to more and more noise complaints in the community. RCMP would like residents of the area to remember to be respectful of their neighbours and reduce the noise level after hours.

VOL. 36 NO. 12 $1.30 inc. GST

Tee off

ABOVE: Golfer Mark Pearson takes a swing on the six hole on May 16. The Stuart Lake Golf Club opened early this year (May 1) for their 19th season as a community-built not-for-profit society facility. The course is in phenomenal shape for early season, already firm enough to drive carts on. The club has received a grant to help provide youth and senior programs this year and is booking tournaments to keep the summer moving, look for the story in an upcoming issue of The Courier. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier

Liberal victory in Nechako Lakes and B.C.

Sam Redding Omineca Express

Nechako Lakes as well as throughout the pine beetle impacted area.” Rustad has said that Leader John Rustad of the Liberal ParChristy Clark poured her heart into ty of B.C. has won his seat for the the campaign and conveyed her viNechako Lakes district. sion for B.C. to which voters re“I’m a little tired and excited and sponded wholeheartedly. humbled and a whole bunch of emoWhen asked about the recent tions all at once,” said Rustad. Greyhound cuts affecting VanderVoters all over B.C. have elected hoof, Rustad wanted to assure resia Liberal majority for the second dents that they have been working year in a row after the province’s on it. 40th Provincial Election. “We were working with GreyPre-election polls were all prehound before the election to try to dicting a victory for Adrian Dix of find ways to make sure that all comthe NDP so observers were stunned munities are still served,” he said. Tuesday night by the Liberal’s vic“Ultimately Greyhound is a private tory in B.C. enterprise and they need to make “I thought last night was going to John Rustad (left) was re-elected as MLA of Nechako Lakes, and Lead- decisions but certainly I’m going to be a very tight race,” said Rustad. er Christy Clark’s Liberal Party maintained a majority government, how- be advocating for the best services “But I was pleasantly surprised over ever Clark herself did not win in her riding, leaving her looking for a seat. we can throughout our corridor.” how the results went over the course As for Rustad’s immediate plans, Sam Redding/Omineca Express of the evening.” “today I’m taking down signs,” he After winning 54 per cent of the votes, Rus- lumber mills have lots of timber to work with. said. “I’ve got a number of things to do this “My number one priority is the mid-term week in terms of closing off the last four years tad describes it as “a humbling experience” timber supply and what we need to do along and planning for the next four. And then, I’m and plans to continue campaigning on behalf that front to secure wood for our mills in going to take a week (of) holiday.” of the North, in particular making sure the


Career fair

Over 25 venders from Fort St. James, Vanderhoof, PG and as far away as Vancouver and Alberta participated in a career fair recently. The event was hosted by Nak’azdli Band, with support from Fireweed Collective Society, Community Action Initiative, Mt. Milligan, and the District of Fort St. James. It was open to youth from 13-29 to create awareness of employment and career opportunities. There was a lot of focus on highlighting local and regional career opportunities to show the youth the broad range of careers close to home. There was a free bbq lunch and prizes. Youth Motivational speaker Scott Backovich presented as well.

Month-long Events Alcohol Awareness Month National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. 212-269-7797 Child Abuse Prevention Month Prevent Child Abuse America 312-663-3520 Jazz Appreciation Month Smithsonian National Museum of American History 202-633-3129


Hot Retail Co-op Categories Bicycles, Accessories and Supplies Lawn and Garden Motorcycles and Snowmobiles Outdoor Furnishings Recreational Vehicles

National Car Care Month Car Care Council 240-333-1088 National Donate Life Month U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 202-619-0257

Hot Manufacturer Co-op Benjamin Moore Paints Camp Healthcare Grasshopper Mowers Rolex Watch Whirlpool Corporation

National Lawn Care Month PLANET, Professional Landcare Network 800-395-2522

AdBuilder® Special Section Builder Themes • Financial • Planning a Garden • Earth Day • Easter

National Parkinson Awareness Month National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. 800-327-4545

Special Events NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship National Stress Awareness Day National Volunteer Week Week of the Young Child Boston Marathon National Jelly Bean Day Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day

Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700

Kerry Buck photo

4&6 5&7 16 19–25 19–25 20 22 23

The Grad Class of 2013

would like to thank all community members and businesses for their support in raising funds for their Dry Grad through Ladies Date Night.

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Caledonia Courier



AUXILIARY TO STUART LAKE HOSPITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. ManPlayingGolfC0804.EPS

District of Fort St. James Calendar May, 2013



March 200919-2520 May Public 2009 19 May is M 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24 31

W 4 11 18 25

T 5 12 19 26

F 6 13 20 27

S 7 14 21 28






21 Works Week! S

F 1 8 15 22 29


Municipal Website:



Easter Monday (Australia & Canada)


Taurus 20 12-1pm BTWW



Igniting Your Ad Sales


27 6:30pm Archery 7:30pm Boot Camp

223 324 425 2-5pm Public Works 12-1pm BTWW Tune4pm Ladies Golf Day @ District Up & Swap @ Spirit 8am Boot Camp 3-6pm Food Skills 6-6:30pm Yard Sale Square 5pm Archery Donation Drop Off @ 12-4pm Farmers’ 7:30pm Boot Camp Sowchea Fire Hall Mrkt 7pm Council Mtg 6:30pm Archery

29 8

15 Tax Day






24 Arbor Day

June, 2013



22 Earth Day

Celebration Station @ Spirit Square 6:30pm Archery 7:30pm Boot Camp



31 12-4pm 30 9 First Day of Passover 10 Good Friday Farmers 11 4pm Ladies Golf Mrkt 3-6pm Food Skills 6-8pm Behavior Chat Wrkshop 4pm Critical Mass @ David Hoy 5pm Archery Bike Ride @ Spirit 6-6:30pm Yard Sale Square 7:30pm Boot Camp Donation Drop Off @ 6:30pm Archery Sowchea Fire Hall

27 28 7 526 6 Palm Sunday 6:30pm 9am Snrs Delivery Newcomers Potluck 6:30pm Archery @ NHS 7:30pm Boot Camp Bike To Work Week Starts! 13


22 1April Fool’s Day

Please join us May 22 from 2-5pm at the District 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Office for a Public Works Day Open House! 10 11 12 13 14 16 Meet & greet Mayor 17 with 18 19 20 21 23MacDougall, 24 25 26 27 28 30 Councillors and our Public Works Team. 31

12 Easter


Administrative Professionals Day 3-6pm Food

Skills Wrkshop 5pm Archery 7:30pm Boot Camp

11 Workers Mourning Day 28 (Canada)


29 5pm Archery 7pm Council Mtg 7:30pm Boot Camp


4pm Ladies Golf

12-4pm Farmers Mrkt 6:30pm Archery


13 30 4pm Ladies Golf

12-4pm Farmers Mrkt 6:30pm Archery

1 18 National Historic Park OPENING DAY! Luck Bay Assoc. Yard Sale 10-2pm @ Sowchea Fire Hall 8

25 Anzac Day (Australia) 8am Boot Camp


Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.

S 1 8 15 22 29


8am Boot Camp

BIKE • TO WORK AdBuilder Retail WEEK - May 27 to June 2 ®

Park the car for •ONE week, and bike, walk, jog or dance your way to work! AdBuilder Classified • Co-op Sales Ideas Register your team or as an individual at for your chance to win fantastic prizes and contribute to the BTWW Fort St. James stats! For more info call Mel at 996-8233. Office: 477 Stuart Drive West

Telephone: 250-996-8233


Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames

Like us at Facebook: District of Fort St. James


Caledonia Courier Wednesday, May 22, 2013



Fort St. James RCMP report On May 9 at around 11 p.m., the RCMP were called to assist the Ministry of Children and Families in apprehending children from a home. In the process of taking the children into custody, RCMP discovered a male allegedly in breach of conditions who then fled the scene. The suspect was apprehended and appeared in court on charges of breach of an undertaking. May 10 at around 5 p.m., RCMP were called to a complaint of a domestic dispute in the downtown when a man was reportedly seen kicking a woman. Upon arrival, RCMP determined the woman was not seriously injured in the incident, however the male was allegedly in breach of conditions and was subsequently charged with assault and failing to comply with a probation order.

As a result of the incident, Wesley Duncan pled guilty in court and was sentenced to 42 day in custody for assault and 45 days for breach of conditions, followed by an additional year of probation. May 11 at 4 p.m., RCMP were called to a report of a green two-door car driving erratically in the ball diamond area. The vehicle reportedly had no licence plates as well. RCMP then located the vehicle and stopped the male driver, who then was found not to have a valid licence, the vehicle had no insurance and was not registered. The incident resulted in Motor Vehicle Act charges against the driver. RCMP also noticed open liquor in the vehicle and the driver was given a roadside screening for blood alcohol, which he failed. The driver was then

arrested for impaired driving and has been released on a promise to appear in court. The vehicle was towed. On May 13 at 9:05 a.m., RCMP responded to a reported break and enter on the Yekooche Reserve. Some cigarettes and food items were reputedly taken from a home on the reserve. Anyone with any information please call RCMP or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477. On May 13 at 10 a.m., RCMP were made aware of the theft of a piece of farm equipment parked in a rural area south of Fort St. James. A Rome breaking disc was reportedly taken from a property near Dog Creek between May 1 and May 8. Anyone with any information related to the case contact RCMP or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477. A3

Our sincere apologies The staff of The Caledonia Courier would like to apologize to the citizens of Fort St. James community for those trying to contact the paper via email or phone from May 1 through to May 14. Due to unforeseen circumstances, while the editor was away on vacation other staff were not available to respond to messages. This is also the reason no one was available to attend local events during this period. We appreciate any submissions people would like to provide if the newspaper can not make it to events in person. We apologize for any frustration or confusion this may have caused among readers, and will work to ensure this does not happen in the future. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we return to normal operations.


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Editorial Page



Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Caledonia Courier

The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British

Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James

Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body

Publisher: Pam Berger

governing the province’s newspaper industry. The

Editor Ruth Lloyd newsroom@

council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member

Office: Betty Johnson office@

newspapers. Directors oversee

Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@

newspaper and the complaint

Address: Box 1298 Fort St. James, BC VOJ 1P0

coverage or story treatment,

Member: B.C. Press Council Subscriptions (per year) Local: $43.50 Seniors: $37.30 Outside Local area: $60.15

Press Council.

the mediation of complaints, with input from both the holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about you may contact the B.C. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.

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For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Thank-you Fort St. James


Editor: The family of the late Catherine Coldwell (Bird) would like to extend our thanks to all the health practitioners in Fort St. James, Vanderhoof and Prince George for the care they provided to our Mother during her illness. We especially say thank you to Dr. Paul Stent at Fort St James Clinic, Dr. Suzanne Campbell at Ruby Ellen Van Andel Community Cancer Service (St.John Hospital in Vanderhoof) and Dr. Suresh Katakkar at University Hospital of Northern BC (formerly the Prince George Regional Hospital) in Prince George, BC. Additionally, the care and support from the staff at Nak’azdli Health department, the Fort St James Clinic , the Stuart Lake Hospital and the St. John Hospital did not go unnoticed. The staff at the Fort St James and Vanderhoof pharmacies who provided support and delivery of medication to our mother. We thank the cultural and spiritual healers who provided their medicine and prayers of support and comfort to our Mother and to our family. We thank everyone for the phone calls, letters, cards, flowers and meals to the family during our Mother’s illness and upon her death. Our mother stated many times how much she enjoyed and appreciated those who came to visit her during her illness. It meant a lot to her. Nenachalhya (We are grateful for what everyone did). The family of Catherine Coldwell

Look for us online at :

Thank goodness for health care providers Editor: I would like to take this opportunity, that God gave me, to thank everyone at the Stuart Lake Hospital, and the ambulance attendants, for saving my life. We (the community) are so lucky to have such a caring, compassionate, and hard working staff, here in Fort St. James. There is no other facility I would have rather been in throughout my ordeal. It’s been four months, and I still have trouble finding the words to express my gratitude to the staff, for taking such wonderful care of me. You are all amazing people and will be forever in my heart. Thank you. Sincerely Winnie Marchand (four months smoke-free)

E-mail us at :


Caledonia Courier Wednesday, May 22, 2013 A5

Courier Witness Blanket: Weaving pieces of history

Pirjo Raits Sooke News Mirror

the time and place of residential schools.A team of six, including Newman, will travel on gathering trips to different parts of Canada. “We would certainly like to see widespread participation and have the public engage all across the country, all ages and backgrounds,” said Newman. “It is open to anybody who has connection or want to participate in any way.” Newman said people can contribute items that they may have kept from those days and this can include stories of what happened. They are building a virtual version of the blanket, an exact replica. People will be able to click on an image and interact in a different way than with the physical blanket. Continued on Page 8

To speak of things that happened in residential schools only brings them back into focus and many who were sent to these places rarely talk about their experiences. Hearing his father’s stories for the first time affected Carey Newman in a very different way. His father Victor had always protected his children from the reality that was residential school and only told the funny stories. But when the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Carey Newman ponders the base for the Witness Blanket. Pirjo Raits/Black Press held a community event in Victoria, Victor finally opened the ment to recognize the atrocities Metis children attended these door into his past. of the residential school era schools across Canada. “One of the things that while honouring the children The goal of the project is to seemed to touch him was when and symbolize ongoing recon- collect 2,500 pieces of history he started to talk about when he ciliation. for the Witness Blanket. Those was first taken and they shaved From the 19th century until pieces can be shingles, bricks, off his hair,” said Carey. “It the last school closed in 1996, mortar, wood, photos, writings was, in many ways, “taking the 150,000 Aboriginal, Inuit and or any fragment that speaks of Indian out of the child.” The emerging stories deeply affected the younger Newman and led to the idea of a project where reconciliation was the theme. Both Newmans are well-known Kwagiulth artists and master carvers with a wide body of private and public work. “I thought of a blanket and I realized it should include the idea of reconciliation, parts of buildings, parts of churches, government buildings and other related struc7495 shovel loading a 793 truck at Mount Milligan. tures,” said Newman. The project is called “Witness Blanket.” The sole purpose is to stand in eternal witness to the effect May 2013 -- At the being readied for use, and Milligan will be focussed of the Indian residential recent Thompson Creek all major infrastructure is on completing a number of important activities. school era. As the chil- Metals annual general nearing completion. company At the open pit, eight The mining team will be dren sent to these schools meeting, president and chief 793 haul trucks, two 7495 building a crushed ore were “broken” so are the operating officer, Scott shovels, and one 994 loader stockpile. Inside the plant, places they were sent to. Shellhaas, provided a are readying the ore face the mechanical team will development for mining. The primary be working to complete all The crumbling buildings project of authority mirror the update. Here are some crusher is complete. Inside piping as well as electrical the highlights of his the processing plant, cable installation. At the loss of language, pride of talk. To view the full mechanical assembly of the tailing storage facility and family for those sent presentation, please visit semi-autogenous grinding work will continue to raise to the residential schools. the news section at www. (SAG) mill and the two the height of the dam. Key ball mills is complete. milestones for June are A blanket is a univer- In a year that presented All plant engineering finishing the mechanical sal symbol of protection challenges for miners and procurement is also work required for plant and for First Nations peo- around the world, Mount finished. start-up and ensuring all ple it identifies who they Milligan remains on Other recent systems are ready for are and where they are schedule with construction achievements include a commissioning. Mount Milligan is an from. They wear them for now 89 per cent complete. continued focus on safety of the copper with more than 4.8 million open pit copper gold mine, ceremony and give them Start-up gold mine is planned for hours worked without a scheduled to start up in the as gifts. third quarter of this year. the third quarter of this lost time incident. “Blankets protect our year. Full commercial During the spring Located between Fort St young and comfort our production is expected freshet, additional water James and Mackenzie, will be collected in the Mount Milligan will be a elders,” states the proj- before year end. On site at Mount tailings storage facility conventional, truck shovel, ect’s website. Milligan, the senior (TSF) bringing the total open pit mine designed to Newman wants to management team is in volume of water to above produce an average of 81 “weave” a blanket from place and is focussed on the 12 million cubic metres. million pounds of copper those stories and pieces making a smooth transition Approximately 10 million and 194,500 ounces of gold construction to cubic metres of water are annually over a projected of residential school his- from 22-year life. Additional operations. The truck required for start-up. tory. He sees a large scale shop, warehouse and In the coming months information can be found art installation that will administration building are the team at Mount at stand as a national monuMtMilligan_logo_black


Mine nears start up

NOTICE The Caledonia Courier pick-up & drop off location has moved to 169 Stuart Drive West @ the Lakeshore Realty office





Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Caledonia Courier

Falcons Junior Girls take third LEFT: Mikayla Johnson takes a shot on net against the opposing team during tournament play in Clearwater recently. It was the first tournament of the season for the Falcons Junior Girls soccer team, and they managed to secure themselves third place. Black Press Photo



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ABOVE: Hannah Wilste (right) of the Fort Falcons junior Girls soccer team charges the ball against an opponent from Chase. Black Press Photo

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Courier Fort youth part of mental health study

Contributed Last September three researchers from the University of British Columbia: Joy Johnson, Emily Jenkins and Robin Repta, travelled to Fort St. James to interview youth in grades eight through twelve about their experiences with emotional distress and resilience. This study was undertaken to better understand the stories behind statistics indicating that 30 percent (or three in every ten) youth experience some degree of emotional distress. As part of the Researching Adolescent Distress and Resilience (RADAR) study, the team interviewed 27 young people, met with two

youth groups and spoke with various community stakeholders. In mid-May, Jenkins and Repta returned to Fort St. James on May 14 to host a “Community Forum on Youth Mental Health� at Fort St. James Secondary to share the findings from this study. The forum was intended to provide a venue for dialogue regarding this important topic and to gain a variety of perspectives on how, as a community, efforts could be made to improve the mental health outcomes of youth in Fort St James. All community members were welcome to attend. Ideas that came

Crime Reduction Team in Fort St. James A Crime Reduction Team of RCMP members is now in place in the community to help increase crime prevention in the community. The members will be working to reduce illicit drug activity in the area and other illegal activities. The Fort St. James RCMP is finally staffed to capacity to allow for the additional preventive measures, and detachment leaders are hoping to maintain the program as long as staffing levels allow.

FREE EVENTS going on can be

submitted to the Caledonia Courier online calendar, visit: and see the calendar on the bottom right and click on add your event.

out of this event will be used to inform the next phase of this work in which Jenkins is planning to engage with youth and other community

stakeholders during a one-year project aimed at creating community change to promote the mental health of young people. A7


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New Gold open houses Nearly 250 people attended New Gold’s Blackwater Project open houses, held May 6-14 in Vanderhoof, Fraser Lake, Burns Lake, Quesnel, Fort St. James and Prince George. “The open houses were a great opportunity to meet with people and learn more about their family, business and community interests,” said New Gold Director of Environment and Sustainability Tim Bekhuys. “They also provided us with important feedback we can use to design the project in a way that leaves lasting benefits to the region.” At the open houses, partici-

pants expressed interest in jobs and contract opportunities, and asked questions about environmental management and local training initiatives. Blackwater Project staff was on hand to answer questions and local businesses had the chance to add their names to a directory of potential suppliers New Gold is building to support local contracting. In 2012, New Gold reports the company spent more than $100 million on goods and services in the local region. Following the environmental review process, New Gold expects to hire 1,000 to 1,500 (peak) work-

ers during construction and 500 full time workers to operate the mine. The Blackwater Gold Project New Gold’s Blackwater Gold Project is located along the northern flanks of Mt. Davidson in the Nechako Plateau, approximately 160 km southwest of Prince George and 110 km southwest of Vanderhoof. The proposed mine is currently in the advanced exploration phase, with construction forecast to begin in 2015 and production in 2017. The project is subject to a federal and provincial environmental review.

Witness Blanket

From Page 5 “With the blanket I can hopefully make a powerful legacy but I can’t put all (the stories) into it. This will be another dimension crossing the boundaries between art and digital media,” said Newman. “It means anyone can visit the blanket.” The stories, which won’t be part of the Witness Blanket itself, will be there for posterity. Stories like the ones Carey got to hear from his father. Victor got kicked out of residential school in Mission when the guys got together to get into the wine cellar. The smallest of the group was sent in through a window and pulled out some holy wine. They went into a field and under an apple tree they polished off the wine. When they were found out, he’s not sure how many others were kicked out of residential school. That’s one of humourous stories Carey’s father tells. “That’s a lighthearted impression of dad at residential school,” said Newman. “He had his own rebellious way of dealing with it.” The others weren’t so funny. Newman said Victor spent a long time protecting his children Community Events are free of charge as they are from it. sponsored by the Caledonia Courier “He recorded his story EVENTS... thank all those who contribute their month. Contact (Sue) at 250-996for me, some of them COMING labour to this program as well as Will appear as space is available, free 7728 (h) for more information. *** for the first time. I heard of charge in this section. Coming those who provide food and other necessities. We also run a small are available to non-profit FORT ST. JAMES SEARCh & things I never got to hear events food bank on Tuesday morning, organizations only. This area is not RESCUE... steering committee or feel — all the negative intended for thank you submissions and are very thankful for all who meetings first Tuesday of every contribute to this endeavor. For selling products. It is simply a month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort and bad things I knew or further information please call Gwen place for nonprofit organizations a St. James Firehall. Training is the were out there.” He said place to announce upcoming free Andrews 567-6744. third Tuesday of every month at the *** activities. You can e-mail your item Firehall at 7 p.m. New members he did a research paper to advertising@ominecaexpress. SERVICE TIMES... at St Patrick’s welcome. in college on residential com or by fax: 567-2070. Your Anglican Church, Fort St James, *** will be 10:30 am every Sunday. Free announcement can MUSIC MAkERS...New members schools and his father organizations’ lunch every Tues between 11-1pm also be dropped off at our office always WELCOME. Not everyone never wanted to talk located at #111-250 Stuart Drive, with music and Prayer. Please come has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call about it and he never did Fort St. James. Decision of the and join us. *** publisher is final. Rosemary Allan at 250-996-8997 for until recently. FIREwEED CLOThES *** more info. DRIVE...The Fireweed Safe Haven *** UNTOLD Carey wants to find is doing a winter clothes drive. We ThE ThRIFT STORE...has a new seeks contributions from nonthat apple tree and find a First Nations students and staff are looking for jackets, boots, snow name! “The Bargain Basement”. piece of it to put into the who experienced Catholic pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, We are still at the same location, etc, for men, women and children. residential or day schools abuse in across from Shoppers Food Mart. blanket. The items will then be given to Northern BC. For more info email Donations of clean clothing and families in the community that need small housewares are greatly The story of having them. If you do not have anything at Please, no books or *** his dad’s hair shaved off FORT ADULT CENTRE FOR home that you can part with but still appreciated. magazines. Proceeds are used for has touched the Newman EDUCATION...Suite 221-250 wish to contribute, you can purchase community needs. Open Wed-Sat, mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Drive, in the Goodwin 12 noon to 4pm. clan and both of Carey’s Stuart Please drop items off at the Fireweed Building. Open daily 8:00-4:00. *** sisters, Ellen and Marion, Call 250-996-7712 for more Safe Haven. For more information pUBLIC SERVICE please contact Talia at (250) 996ANNOUNCEMENT...If you agreed to grow their hair information. *** 8081. Every little bit helps. know anyone, including a child, for a year and the braids FIREwEED STOppING ThE *** who has been abused or harmed AUxILIARy TO STUART LAkE by a psychiatrist call the Citizens & OUTREACh will be on the last part of VIOLENCE hOSpITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Commission on Human Rights at: SERVICE For those who believe the blanket. Wednesday each month. Hospital all is possible!...Provides free 1-800-670-2247. *** The Witness Blanket Confidential, Safe, and Supportive Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** ALCOhOLICS ANONyMOUS... counselling and outreach services project is funded through for women. Hours of Service: FORT ST. JAMES pUBLIC Every Thursday, 8 p.m. at the United Church Hall on 2nd Avenue. Contact the Truth and Reconcili- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, LIBRARy hOURS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 and every other Friday. Location: 996-8290. ation Commission and Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort Wednesday 11:30-4:30 *** Thursday 11:30-4:30 FIREwEED SAFE hAVEN...a Aboriginal and Northern St James, BC Phone: (250) 996Friday 11:30-8:00 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: safe place for women and their Development Canada. 1214 Saturday 11:00-3:00 children leaving violence or abuse. *** 24 hour access - please call 996*** Part of the funding was NEChAkO VALLEy pATRICk’S ANGLICAN 8000. set aside by a court ruling ST COMMUNITy SERVICES ChURCh... hosts a free lunch every *** to do with reconciliation, Tuesday from 11.00am - 1.00pm. SOCIETy...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling All are welcome. This lunch is FORT ST. JAMES pARENT said Newman. Services available at no cost. made possible through the generous ADVISORy...3rd Tuesday every For people interested giving of time and resources,by Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 month 7 p.m. at High School. pm. Call 996-7645 for appointment. people in the region, including *** in being a part of the Wit- many *** Sylvia Isaac, The Roman Catholic DROp IN AT ThE LEGION... for ness Blanket, they can Church, Camp Living Water, and FORT TRAp AND hANDGUN fun darts. No charge. Every Saturday log onto the website at: many other individuals.We wish to CLUB... meets last Sunday of every 2:30 p.m. www.witnessblan

Community Events

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Caledonia Courier

Court report

For files appearing before the Fort St. James Provincial Court on May 14, 2013. Natasha Cameron was sentenced to five days in jail for failure to comply with conditions of an undertaking. Gary L. Felix was sentenced to seven days in jail and given nine months probation with conditions for causing a disturbance in a public place and 21 days in jail for failure

to comply with conditions of an undertaking. Richard P. Thomas was sentenced to 45 days in jail for failure to comply with a probation order and 15 days in jail for theft under $5,000. French R. West was given two sentences of one day in jail for two counts of failure to comply with conditions of an undertaking or recognizance.

If you Currently Subscribe to You can NOW READ Full Page Views Including ALL ADVERTISING!!! “ON LINE” go online to or call 250-567-9258 169 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James


Pets & Livest Pets


Born Boxer Pups Pure Breed, 2011 inside with March 11 n, 3 pure white, & faw 3 tails ily, d, ke fam Vet Chec 1 brindle. ws & 1st set of docked, cla $600.00 call Marne shots do 67-8880 or e-mail garet margjex@h


for Sale



for Sale Merchandise le Misc. for Sa

le chandise for Sa

Heavy Duty Machinery

IPPING A-STEEL SHBridges Containers/ on now Super sale amaged. d/D New/Use S BEST PRICEulated ’48’53’ ins 20’24’40’45 iners 20’40’48’53’ nta co ecials reefer ’ Farmers Sp CHEAP 40 ,200! Semi Trailers all under $2 storage. We are for hi way &d. Delivery BC & overstocke 8-7108 Call 24 AB. hours www.r


Medical Supp


STE buildls SELF steel clear- ciae Gr DO-IT-YOUR spring for d ry ce eve ings pri free delive t ou ab k Exa ance - As as! Call for quick . $79 to most are e brochure do quote and fre111 ext. 170. 8-5 -66 00 Ma 1-8 Varco ’ 99 x ’ 59 BILE MO FOR SALE d designe , located Pruden SHOP NT n lto ME ze UIP Ha EQ st of New 18 km we es three mobile B.C. Includss doors of 24’x26’ equip. acce 13’x16’, insulation and 2@ 2 ton overhead package, pane heater includcrane, pro rchase offer must ed. The puvisions to leaving include proa clean (to concrete the site in condition. Offers April dation)

Do you have a garage sale coming up? Items to sell? Birth announcement? How about a wedding announcement. Need to renew your subscription? Have a house for sale or rent? Pets that need a home? Give us a call at


Caledonia Courier Wednesday , May 22, 2013

Courier A9


Cancer clinic celebrates patients and community LEFT: Henry van Andel (in wheelchair) attended a tea held to celebrate the Ruby van Andel Community Cancer Clinic this month. Henry van Andel's generous donation of $200,000 helped make the clinic possible.

Submitted Ruby Ellen van Andel Community Cancer Clinic held a tea this month. The purpose of the tea was to honor the patients and their families for the struggle they contend with and to thank the community for ongoing support. The wall was decorated with a sun, grass, flowers and birds to represent donated monies and some butterflies were shown in honour of those that have passed on that were treated at the clinic. There were a few speeches made by some of the survivors. The clinic has been open for five years thanks to a generous donation of $200,000 in 2008 from Henry van Andel. It has grown from giving 262 chemotherapy medications in 2008 to 726 in 2012 and serves Fraser Lake, Fort St James, Vanderhoof and Burns Lake. ARO Automotive gave a $25,000 donation and Gord Armstrong presented the cheque for the Cancer clinic to Marilyn Moore from St John Hospital Auxiliary (picture). The Fraser Lake support group has raised over $30,000 in a couple of years and has donated $10,000 to “outfit” a room at the Kordyban Lodge in Prince George for patients that need radiation. Another $10,000 is being held for the Cancer clinic for a new IV pump. The Rose Bowl florist in Vanderhoof also has brought the clinic a fresh vase of flowers every week for the last five years. This is enjoyed immensely by patients and staff alike. The Vanderhoof Golfers Association donates money made from several events over the year and they have also done this consistently for the last four years.

Photo courtesy of the clinic

OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Across from the Petrocan Station)

SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am PASTORAL TEAM: FATHER FRANK SALMON 250-996-8343 SR. PAT MACAULAY, SR. DIVINA PEDRO



ABOVE: Patients and staff in the clinic.

Photo courtesy of clinic


Omineca Express office Vanderhoof Co-op Co-op Mall Vanderhoof Co-op C Store Careb Entertainment Extra Foods Janet’s Hair Gallery Vanderhoof Post Office Riverside Place Nechako View Senior’s Home Speedway Road Mapes Blackwater Road CJ’s Trailer Court Loop Road Prairiedale Braeside Road Jones Road Sob Lake Road Redfern Drive Sinkut Frontage Road Arena Lobby Kenny Dam & Lakes Road J&S Restaurant


Endako Bar & Grill Slenyah Store


Par 3 Sports Fraser Lake Rexall Fraser Lake Building Supplies


Giesbrecht Frontage Road


Fort Fraser Petro Can


Lakeshore Realty Sana’aih Market Overwaitea Foods Fort Loonie Bin Fas Gas Plus Lakeside Pharmacy Red Fox Bistro


Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Caledonia Courier

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.

250.567.9258 fax 250.567.2070 email

Announcements In Memoriam P.O. Box 1298 Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0

In Memoriam Donations P.O. Box 1480, 7th Ave Prince George, BC V2L 3P2

250-562-8611 Phone:

250-996-8482 E-Mail: wendy@ ominecaexpress. com Caledonia Courier published every Wednesday Stuart/Nechako Advertiser published every Friday ADVERTISING DEADLINES Courier -- Friday, 11-noon Advertiser -- Tuesday, 12-noon

TERMS & CONDITIONS Advertisements should be read on the ďŹ rst publication day. We are not responsible for errors appearing beyond the ďŹ rst insertion. NO CASH REFUNDS AGREEMENT: It is agreed by any display or classiďŹ ed advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event that errors occur in the publishing of any advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and there will be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION: Advertisers are reminded that provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminated against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry, place of origin, or age unless the condition is justiďŹ ed by a bona ďŹ de requirement for the work involved. COPYRIGHT: Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all advertisements and in all other advertising material appearing in this edition of the Omineca Express. Permission to reproduce wholly or in any part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

Travel Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No Risk Program. Stop Mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% Money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Travel $399 CABO San Lucas, all Inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $399! 1-888-481-9660.

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Education/Trade Schools OVER 90% Employment rate for CanScribe graduates! Medical Transcriptionists are in demand and CanScribe graduates get jobs. Payments under $100 per month. 1-800466-1535. TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator, and labourer/rock truck operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction (780)723-5051. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS Licensed, 4th year & 3rd year Technicians required. Signing/moving allowance, full company benefits, very aggressive bonus/pay plan. Ford experience preferred, but not required. Denham Ford, Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Email resume: Attention: Dean Brackenbury;

Central Interior Excavating Is currently looking for an experienced backhoe/excavator operator with Class 1 drivers license to work in Vanderhoof and surrounding area To apply please fax resumes to 250-567-9695 HARTLEY’S AUTOBODY in Sechelt, BC has a vacancy for a Journeyman Automotive Painter. Please fax resume with references and contact information to: 604-885-7454.

Professional/ Management SOFTWARE Developer for Engineering Applications Lucidyne Technologies, an industry leader in Automated Lumber Grading is seeking an experienced & talented person to join our software/engineering development team. We offer rewarding challenges, a stimulating work environment, 401K with employer contributions and the college town amenities of Corvallis, Oregon. Our scanning systems include multiple cameras and sensors, electronics, multiple PCs and network equipment. The mechanical and electrical components of the system are highly integrated into the customer’s production flow and equipment. Software developers must understand the underlying technology and also appreciate the perspective of end users (operators, technicians, etc.), to develop efficient applications. We’re looking for a person that will take pride in their work and will help us make our product the best it can be. Job Description Implement and test machine vision algorithms to classify defects in lumber with our senior image processing staff. Validate code changes using regression testing against an archive of customer data Verify sensor performance using custom calibration software and analysis tools Interact with customers to capture requirements for software upgrades Maintain and update C++ code for image processing improvements and computational geometry extensions Experience Must have 3-5 years experience with C++ and a degree in either engineering or computer science. Good mathematics and troubleshooting skills are required. Vision to see big picture and problem solving ability are also a must. Additional desired experience in: Real time systems, Subversion, Xml, Windows OS, PC troubleshooting, and basic electronics skills. This is a real-time software coding position. Your code will control our customer’s production lines so errors are expensive. Please use your cover letter to describe what modern software engineering principles you have used to help you write bug-free code while holding to ontime delivery schedules. Applicants must be fluent in English and have the energy to produce results under time constraints. Salary commensurate with experience and education. Email cover letter and resume to

Help Wanted




Trades, Technical

Financial Services

Financial Services

GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209.

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

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DROWNING IN DEBT? Cut debts more than 50% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or toll free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

LUMBER Inspectors - Supervisor required (CMSA). BC Central Interior Locations. Excellent salary, benefits and potential for advancement. Please submit your resume to SYSTEMS Software Developer Lucidyne Technologies, an industry leader in Automated Lumber Grading is seeking an experienced & talented person to join our software/engineering development team as a Systems Software Developer. We are looking for a person to design and program GUI and software components that acquire and visualize electronic, scientific and production data. Must have 3-5 years experience with .Net framework and ADO.Net. Experience with many of the following: NET VB/C#, Subversion, SQL Server, Xml, Windows OS, PC troubleshooting, ADO.NET, user-interface design, MS Report Viewer, networking, basic electronics skills, PLC systems. Good mathematics and troubleshooting skills. Vision to see big picture and problem solving ability a must. Requires degree in engineering or computer science. Our scanning systems include multiple cameras and sensors, electronics, multiple PCs and network equipment. The mechanical and electrical components of the system are highly integrated into the customer’s production flow and equipment. Software developers must understand the underlying technology and also appreciate the perspective of end users (operators, technicians, etc.), to develop supporting applications. We’re looking for a person that will get a kick out of joining our team and help us make our product the best it can be. Applicants must be fluent in English and have the energy to produce results under time constraints. Salary commensurate with experience and education. Email cover letter and resume to

Help Wanted

Financial Services

Endako Mines, A Joint Venture of Thompson Creek Mining Ltd. and Sojitz Moly Resources, Inc is currently recruiting

t .*--83*()54 .*-- ."*/5&/"/$& t &-&$53*$*"/4 t 8&-%&34 t )&"7: %65: .&$)"/*$4 t */4536.&/5"5*0/ 5&$)/*$*"/4 t 4637&:03 Our full-time employees receive a competitive wage and benefit package. Both company and private rental accommodations are available locally at reasonable rates. This position requires the successful candidate to re-locate. The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications: t #$ PS *OUFSQSPWJODJBM DFSUJĂśDBUJPO t &YQFSJFODF JO UIF NBJOUFOBODF PG IFBWZ NBDIJOFSZ BOE FRVJQNFOU JO BO JOEVTUSJBM setting. t "CJMJUZ UP XPSL XJUI NJOJNBM TVQFSWJTJPO t "MM PUIFS EVUJFT BT SFRVJSFE CZ UIF EFQBSUNFOU Preference will be given to applicants with: t 1SFWJPVT FYQFSJFODF JO NJOJOH BOE PS JOEVTUSJBM NBJOUFOBODF *G ZPV BSF BO FOFSHFUJD UFBN QMBZFS JO TFBSDI PG B EJWFSTJĂśFE XPSL FOWJSPONFOU QMFBTF GPSXBSE B EFUBJMFE SFTVNF PVUMJOJOH ZPVS RVBMJĂśDBUJPOT BOE FYQFSJFODF JO TUSJDU DPOĂśEFODF UP Chantal Tom Human Resource Advisor/Recruiter Endako Mines Bag 4001, Fraser Lake, BC V0J 1S0 Phone: (250) 699-6211 ext. 320 Fax: (250) 699-7775 Email: We thank all applicants for their interest; however, we will respond only to those candidates whose qualifications most closely meet our requirements. All other resumes will be retained for 6 months.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

NAK’AZDLI BAND COUNCIL P.O. Box 1329, Fort St. James, BC, V0J 1P0 Telephone (250) 996 – 7171 Fax (250) 996 – 8010


Selkin Logging Ltd Is currently looking for full time Equipment operators, Log truck drivers and a heavy duty mechanic to work in the Vanderhoof and Fraser Lake areas. %eneÀt package and registered pension plan availaEle. To apply fax resume to: (250) 699-6545 email: selkin Only experience workers need apply

STONES BAY HOLDINGS LTD. SBH is an expanding logging company based in Fort St. James, now delivering to Canfor-Plateau, Canfor PG-Polar, and Canfor PG-Chip. SBH is now accepting applications for the following full time positions: O O

Experienced Equipment Operators (all Phases) Owner/Operator Log Trucks (Highway Long, CTL, and OÄŤ Highway)

These are full time positions with an expected season of June – March of each year. The successful candidates will have a strong work ethic, a commitment to safety, and will be reliable. Operators must have a minimum class 5 license. Stones Bay Holdings oĆĄers a competitive wageČ€rate and beneƤtČ€pension program. “uipment and Truck Subcontractors are eligible and expected to ÂŒoin the beneƤtČ€pension program. If you want to become a member of the SBH team, forward a resume to or call 250.996.8912 for further information. Thank you to all applicants; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Position Purpose: Nak’azdli Band is looking for an experienced, Chief Operations Of¿cer :e reTXire a positiYe, teaP oriented indiYidXal to set and Peet goals and to ensXre that eYer\ PePEer of the teaP is deliYering in accordance Zith the high standards of the Nak’azdli Band’s de¿ned goals Job Results and Responsibilities: 7he Chief Operations Of¿cer Zill Ee responsi Ele for directing and oYerseeing the dail\ operations of Nak’azdli Band +e she Zill Ee responsiEle for enhancing the internal organization processes and infrastrXctXre that Zill alloZ Nak’azdli Band to continXe to groZ and fXl¿ll its Pission 7he incXP Eent PXst proYide leadership and direction for staff PePEers that continXoXsl\ pro Pote )irst Nations’ philosoph\ and the coPpan\’s Pission and YalXes +e she Zill serYe as a PePEer of the PanagePent staff and participate in the oYerall coPpan\ decision Paking and the achieYePent of the coPpan\’s strategic goals 7his indiYid Xal serYes as a Eridge EetZeen Nak’azdli Band departPent heads and the Chief and CoXncil 7he incXPEent PXst Ee technologicall\ adept and PXst Pake eYer\ effort to achieYe PaxiPXP leYels of operating ef¿cienc\ and accXrac\ 4uali¿Fations: ➣ 0iniPXP of a B$, ideall\ Zith an 0B$ ➣ \ears of 0anagePent or 6enior 0anagePent Zith experience in operational and adPinistratiYe PanagePent ➣ 6trong knoZledge of accoXnting procedXres inYolYing procXrePent, traYel, and EXdget PanagePent ➣ 6trong knoZledge of EXsiness and PanagePent principles gained throXgh experience in rXnning different EXsiness Xnits ➣ 6trong knoZledge of softZare s\stePs, as Zell as 0icrosoft Of¿ce prodXcts, inclXding (xcel, :ord, and 3oZer3oint ➣ .noZledge of local and federal and $$N'C regXlations and policies, excellent anal\tical and proEleP solYing skills ➣ (xcellent interpersonal skills PeticXloXs records Paintenance skills ➣ *ood ¿nancial and EXsiness aZareness and reporting experience ➣ 6trong Zritten and YerEal skills to coPPXnicate Zith all leYels of the organization and its execXtiYe teaP ➣ )irst $id skills and or certi¿cates are considered assets ➣ .noZledge of Carrier +istor\ and /angXage considered an asset Nak’azdli Band offers coPpetitiYe salar\ Zages packages and an incrediEle Zork enYironPent CLOSING DATE: JUNE 3, 2013 ,nterested applicants Pa\ forZard resXPe to the aEoYe address or ePail their resXPes to execXtiYeassistant#nakazdli ca $ttention 0aXreen ,sadore PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS NOTE: Onl\ those applicants Zho Peet the PiniPXP reTXirePents Zill Ee inYited to interYieZ

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, Wednesday,May May22 22,2013 2013



Merchandise for Sale

Financial Services

Industrial, Farm, Equipment & Tool Auction

Misc. Wanted

Misc Services

Misc Services


Legal Notices

Legal Notices

LAND ACT: Notice to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad True Coin Collector Looking to credit? Bills? Unemployed? Purchase Collections, Accu     Lend!       If   you           Sale      conducted           on    behalf             mulations,            Olympic       Gold and Need Money?   We several estates. own your own home - you Silver coins, Bills + Not melting SALE 1 qualify. Pioneer Acceptance down, Serious Collector. Call: Take notice that Tess Lodge of Fort St. James, BC has May 25, 2013 Saturday @                                                               Ft.  St.  James  B.C.  Call  (778)  667-­0346 Corp. Member BBB. 1-877Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030 10:00 am. Topley, BC. Topley made an application to Crown Lands for an Agricultural 987-1420. Garage, Intersection of Hwy property covering part of the SE 1/4 of District Lot 1616,                                                                      In  a  Jam,  call  BAM  BAM. 16 & Hwy 118 to Granisle. and part of the SW 1/4 of District Lot 1617, Range 5 Industrial & Milling: 2000 Need CA$H Case Excavator 9020B, Cat Coast District. Services:  EL 300H Button Top, CaterpilToday? lar D8K (1980) w/ 3Shank ripThe Lands File Number that has been established for per, blade, brush piling rake, Own ARemote  Water  Hauling,  Water  testing  and  Treatment.  Gravel  Hauling,  Excavation  work. Vehicle? this application is 7408719. 22 ft cutting Edge portable 5 BDRM HOME IN Borrow Up To $25,000 band saw sawmill, Alaskan Now  providing  Liquid  storage  tanks  for  Water  and  Waste  Management.  For  Residential  and  Industrial  uses. No Credit Checks! TELKWA sawmill. Farm: JD 466 square Written comments concerning this application should Cash same day, local office. baler, new idea round baler, FOR SALE Rainwater  harvesting  solutions. be directed to Susan Lizotte at 1044 5th Avenue, Prince Hesston #7 9ft mower condi3200 sq ft, 4 bath, 1-800-514-9399 tioner, 6 wheel Vicon Rake, George, BC V2L 5G4 (250-565-6559). Comments will Suppliers: 10’ drag, Cattle squeeze (calf includes washer & be received until July 1, 2013. Comments received after table), 3 bottom plow. Vehidryer, fridge & stove, this date may not be considered. cles, Trailers & Marine: 93 & BARR  Plastic  Tanks  and  Liquid  Handling.  (manufactured  by  Norwesco)  including  small  and  large  vertical  and  dishwasher 95 F250 Ford xcab diesel 4x4, horizontal  impact  resistant  molded  seamless  polyethylene  tanks.  Pick  up  tanks,  freestanding  tanks,  below  ground  tank CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t international dump truck, 95 hot tub, natural gas, Be advised that any response to this advertisement will let it block employment, travel, Chevy Blazer, Pontiac car, 94 contact be provided to the public upon request. education, professional, certifiNissan v6 4x4 pickup, 04 CheZCL  composites:  Fibreglass  Tanks  for  Long  Term  Storage  of  Wastewater.  GRAF  Rainwater  harvesting  solutions.  250-845-3315 vy xcab v6 pickup, 1/2 ton cation, adoption property renRainwater  Harvesting,  Infiltration  Retention  Cisterns,  Drinking  Water  Reservoirs. Dodge 4x4 pickup, Ford 600 tal opportunities. For peace of Ft. St. James B.C. Call (778) 667-0346 truck, single axel Ford F800 mind & a free consultation call In a Jam, call BAM BAM. truck w/ snowplow, sander at1-800-347-2540. tachment for snowplow truck, O l Remote Water Hauling, Water tandem axel car trailer, Danand Treatment͘ tesĆ&#x;ng testing and Treatment. chuck tandem axel trailer, lg Hauling, ExcaÇ€aĆ&#x;on work͘ 'raÇ€el Gravel Hauling, Excavation work. shop trailer, 1000 gallon EnviO Eow proÇ€iding Liquid storage l Now providing Liquid storage ro water tank on trailer, 2x apHILLCREST apts. Lg. 1 & prox. 500 gallon water tanks Ĩor Water and Waste tanks tanks for Water and Waste 2bdrm suites. Clean and quiet. all on trailers, RV tow dolly, 19’ Adult orientated,Security sysDanagement͘ &or ResidenĆ&#x;al Management. For Residential sailboat w/trailer, 12’ day sailer tem,Strict Management,no /ndustrial uses͘ and and Industrial uses. FLOORING SALE sailboat, 9hp Merc, 14’ Bowpets ph# 250-996-7854 O Rainwater harÇ€esĆ&#x;ng soluĆ&#x;ons͘ l Rainwater harvesting solutions. Over 300 Choices rider w/ trailer & 90hp Merc, Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Lakeview Apartments Zodiac, rubber singy Seagull Water Delivery and Gravel Laminates - $0.59/sq ft 752 Stuart Dr. W. Fort St. antique outboard motor. Tools Engineered - $1.99 sq ft ^eaĹľleĆ?Ć? WĹ˝lyetĹšylene danĹŹĆ? džÄ?avaĆ&#x;Ĺ˝n Seamless Polyethylene Tanks Excavation James. 2bdrm apt. Newly & Equipment: CNC controller Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft renovated. Quiet, clean buildcomplete unit milling m/c lathe Overnight Delivery in most of BC! ing. Adult oriented. no pets & one controller Mitotoyo, www.kingof R.R. Avail. now 250-996-4073 Water  Delivery  and  Gravel Seamless  Polyethylene  Tanks              Excavation 14kw diesel generator, multi1.877.835.6670 or 250-996-7598 ple stick welders, 5 wire feed welders, welding helmets, welding rod in wood drawer cabinet, Honda genset, multiServing Fort St. James ple air compressors + Kottler Stuart Lake Townhouses Serving Fort St. James Magnum 10 M10S shop comand area since 1972 Newly renovated, family pressor, Coleman Powermate and area since 1972 oriented, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with 3500 psi 4.0 gpm, Makita cut Pam Berger basement, 2 parking stalls, No off saw, floor & bench type drill Pam Berger dogs. Ref Req’d 250-996-4073 Publisher presses, 2x Acetylene & Publisher or 250-996-7598 cutting torch, fuel tanks, misc. tools, 2x pressure washers, mechanic tools, antique 100 yr old tools, portable tool boxes, Advertising: tool chests, rolling tool boxes News: w/ & w/o tools varied sizes, Advertising: Nusteel 26â€? professional 2 News:Website: RON VASSALLO drawer chest tool box, 1/2â€?, Website: 3/4â€?, 1â€? drive sockets, various SATURDAY, JUNE 1 size open end wrenches, bore 10:00AM drill bits, carpentry tools, routSACKNER RD ers, band/table saws, Makita VANDERHOOF, BC drill, Wayjax fire pump, Honda GX110 water pump, 2.66hp COMPLETE FARM water pumps, 2x hydraulic DISPERSAL hose press + Dayco hydraulic Full Line of Haying press w/ chucks, small socket Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, set. Supplies: Cables & wires, Equipment, Breaking & Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake steel shelving & plastic draw Finishing Discs, Rotovabins, nuts & bolts, bolt bin w/ Pam Berger tor, Post Pounder, bolts, welding rod in wood Publisher Tools & Shop Supplies cabinet, hydraulic fittings, ratchet straps, new & used 150 W. Columbia St Tel: 250-567-9258 For full list and steel, 20 ton hydraulic jack, Box 1007, Vanderhoof Fax: 250-567-2070 binders, handyman jacks, tow photos go to... BC V0J 3A0 chains, industrial hydraulic Email: rams, ear protection, spill kits COME & VIEW ANYTIME, & first aid equipment, new culWE ACCEPT verts, logging truck & vehicle ABSENTEE BIDS. chains. Farm & House Misc: STUART Wooden dog house, lg folding FOR MORE INFO NECHAKO wire dog kennel, lg tandem CALL HENRY Reaching Every Door wheel barrel, chicken feeders 250-567-4842 & waters, plastic & metal water Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, trough, lg wall tent used & brand new in box canvas wall Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake tent both w/ stoves, parachute, old fashioned push reel lawn Pam Berger mower, Tcchumsen TCII mini Publisher rototiller, zodiac air pump, waA-STEEL SHIPPING DRY ter hoses, mineral samples, 10 150 W. Columbia St STORAGE CONTAINERS Tel: 250-567-9258 new 4x8 sheets of copper. Your path to a better Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. Box 1007, Vanderhoof Fax: 250-567-2070 Livestock & Tack: 3 saddle SPECIAL job starts here. horses, bareback pad, parelli Email: BC V0J 3A0 44’ x 40’ Container Shop carrot sticks, bridles, halters, w/steel trusses $13,800! breast collars, blankets, leads, Sets up in one day! reins, horse boot, western 40’ Containers under $2500! saddle, endurance saddle, Call Toll Free Also saddle blankets. Horse gear & JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders antique items such as spreadJD 892D LC Excavator ers, scotch tops. More items, Ph. 1-866-528-7108 too numerous to list. HouseDelivery BC and AB hold: Propane fridge & er, ele. fridges & freezers, misc. household furniture & antique furniture. SALE 2 June 8, 2013 @ 10:00 am. Dawson Creek, BC. The George Dawson Inn on 8th Street. Consignments welcome! Condition of Sale. Terms: cash & Cheque with I.D., sorry no credit cards. Items are sold As is / Where is condition. Not responsible for accidents. 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