Hope Standard, May 30, 2013

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Standard The Hope

West Coast Rally Association brings motorsport event to Hope on June 9 11

Office: 604.869.2421 www.hopestandard.com

THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2013


LOCAL WINEMAKER WINS GOLD MEDAL Glen Ogren receives award at international wine competition


Spring flowers Hope Communities in Bloom volunteers Bob Burrell (left) and Victor Smith plant petunias and lavender in the engine compartment of Scott Medlock’s donated Volkswagon Beetle Tuesday at the corner of Nelson Street and Old Hope Princeton Way. Car Guys Automotive Ltd. has agreed to keep the flowers watered this summer. To find out what projects Hope Communities in Bloom volunteers are working on, visit the group’s new Facebook page online.

FIRST NATION ART WORKSHOPS IN JUNE Initiative aims to encourage multicultural understanding



MAY DAY FESTIVAL ATTRACTS HUNDREDS Boston Bar celebrated the 86th annual event last Saturday



Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Business . . . . . . . . . 8 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Classifieds . . . . . 13 $


Throness looks forward to new job

Alina Konevski Black Press

It’s been just over two weeks since the election, and MLA-elect for Chilliwack-Hope Laurie Throness is already fielding requests for support from the community. The former Chief of Staff for Chuck Strahl will officially take the reins after all the ballots are counted, sometime in June. “Everything is brand new, we’re all feeling our way in this,” said Throness. Black Press sat down with Throness to find out what can be expected under his leadership. Here is the edited interview.


The lack of mass public transit tion in the Valley grows, I think we connecting Chilliwack to other can expect more public transit. Why aren’t we taking better admunicipalities has long been a vantage of available prochallenge. What will you vincial transit funding? do about this? I’m not sure. And that’s It’s a developing situaone of the things I want to tion, because public transit investigate. is a function of population, Fraser Health can be and so even in Vancouver, inaccessible for residents, where they have a popuand many will visit lolation of over three milcal MLAs for support. lion people and they give about $232 million rides LAURIE THRONESS What’s your plan for improving healthcare? per year, they struggle The plan for healthcare with funding their system. There are all sorts of problems with is to continue prioritizing it on that. We can’t expect that this will a provincial basis. Locally, we’ve be an easy situation...As the popula- just added a new emergency unit


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that is second to none in the province...Perhaps any congestion in the emergency ward is a reflection of the very fine service that we offer. With respect to the Fraser Health Authority, I think it could use some work on its communications and as MLA, I would want to transmit that message, which I think was pretty clearly given in the last couple of months on the chlorination issue. What about getting a dialysis unit for Chilliwack? A year ago, I said that I would ask the Minister of Health for some kind of assessment of the needs in the area. Continued on 3



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A2 Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013


Boston Bar celebrates May Day

Pages Bookstore has extended the Hope History Challenge until June 30, 2013 You could WIN a copy of

“Forging a New Hope”

Enter at


Boston Bar celebrated its 86th annual May Day festival on Saturday. Residents came out in full force to watch the parade, crowning of the new May Queen and traditional May Pole dance. In addition to children’s activities, food tents, silent auction and vendors at Memorial Park, families were entertained throughout the afternoon by Blind Dog Johnston and the Sinners and Ish da Fish. On Saturday night, the Beatles tribute band Atlantic Crossing, with guests Cease and Desist, took over the main stage for a special concert. Several Community Spirit Awards were also presented to residents on Saturday on behalf of the Boston Bar/North Bend Enhancement Society. Audrey Dekoning was recognized for her work in creating the town’s website, which has been visited many times by people outside of Boston Bar and used to access the Update Newsletter. Andy and Kerri Lynne Chartier were awarded for bringing in truck loads of donations for the food bank every year. They have two plots at the community garden and continue to donate fresh vegetables, even though they do not live in town full time. Jeff White also received an award for stepping up and taking on many jobs with such a willing spirit. The 2013 Youth Awards were presented to Austin Forman, Spencer White, Darcie Forman and Kraeg Charlie for being “an inspiration and terrific role models for their peers.”

or stop by the store at 780 Fraser Ave. (across from the Post Office) Contest is co-sponsored by

Hope Museum

5/13w BG30

Join us in Worship Community of Hope Church Directory

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Parade Winners: q Best decorated car or truck – Citizens on Patrol with Stuff the Cruiser q Best decorated float – Tuckkwiowhum Heritage Interpretive Village q Best costume – Parade marshall Shirley Crow q Best marching group – Kopchitchin Day Care q Best bicycle or quad – Gavin Lane in the mini-RCMP car

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Boston Bar’s annual May Day celebration took place on Saturday with the traditional May Pole Dance (top left) and crowning of the new May Queen, Lesley Campbell (top right). The daylong festival kicked off with a parade, led by event organizer Shirley Crow (above left), and featured a float from Tuckkwiowhum Heritage Interpretive Village (middle). There were also many different motorized vehicles in the parade, including mini-ambulance and RCMP cars (above right). Leigha Taylor (right) gets her face painted by Shania McIntyre in Memorial Park. PHOTOS BY KERRIE-ANN SCHOENIT

Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013 A3


Hope Brewing Company has award-winning wine Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Hope is growing a reputation worldwide for craft winemaking. Glen Ogren of Hope Brewing Company recently won a gold medal at the 2013 WineMaker International Amateur Wine Competition. He received recognition for his 2012 Liebfraumilch in a White Vinifera Blends category which had 141 entries. “This is the largest competition in the world for craft winemakers,” said Ogren, who also won a 2011 bronze medal for

his 2010 Cellar Craft Showcase Chilean Carménère. “They get entries from all over the world. To be recognized by them is quite an honour and it adds to the knowledge that you’re doing things right.” From April 19-21, a record 4,564 different wines were judged at the 2013 WineMaker International Amateur Wine Competition in Burlington, Vermont. Judging panels worked through 923 flights, examining each wine using the UC-Davis 20-point wine scale evaluating appearance, aroma, taste, aftertaste and overall im-

pression. “Our wine was sent about four months after we made it, and it was consumed two months after that,” said Ogren. “This was the perfect aging for that wine.” This year was the largest WineMaker International Amateur Wine Competition in its 11-year history. Entries arrived from hobby winemakers throughout North America and as far away as Italy and Australia. For more information on Hope Brewing Company wines, visit www.hopebrewingco.com or call 604-869-7582.


Glen Ogren holds a bottle of his award-winning 2012 Liebfraumilch white wine.

FVRD to be billed for incinerator info

Alina Konevski Black Press

The Fraser Valley Regional District is welcome to detailed information on Metro Vancouver’s Waste-to-Energy incinerator plans, but at a cost. FVRD wants access to every Metro Vancouver document related to the incinerator, going back a year and a half. In exchange, Metro Vancouver demands nearly $5,000 in fees to fulfill the Freedom of Information (FOI) request. “We want to see the technical documents, we want to see all the back-and-forth, and see what’s going on, and how far along the process are they that we’re unaware of,” said Paul Gipps, FVRD chief administrative officer. “We need to know if we’re just going through steps and actions, and the decisions are already partly made.” FVRD doesn’t believe that it currently has all WTE-related information. A consulting company hired

to oversee the WTE procurement process, HDR Corp., decided not to renew its contract in December because of an email between the company and Metro Vancouver showing bias toward certain technologies. This triggered FVRD’s request to view all of Metro Vancouver’s WTE documents and communications. “Waste-to-Energy is the biggest thing affecting the Fraser Valley Regional District right now, and we’re taking it very serious, and we want Metro (Vancouver) to understand that they need to take our concerns very serious,” said Gipps. FVRD originally submitted its FOI request on Feb. 21, 2013. On March 1, Metro Vancouver replied that to provide these documents, FVRD will need to pay $4,942. This covers the estimated 78 hours of work, and 10,750 photocopies. Metro Vancouver will not begin the process without an initial deposit representing half of the

Throness eager to help with problems

total amount. FVRD responded on March 28 with a request to waive this fee on the grounds that the records relate to a matter of public interest, in line with Section 75(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act. Metro Vancouver refused to waive the fee. “I do not understand how the records relate to a matter of public interest or how they directly relate to the environment, public health or safety,” replied Chris Plagnol, Metro Vancouver’s Information and Privacy Coordinator. “Further, Metro Vancouver does not believe disclosure of thousands of records can reasonably be expected to benefit the public.” Metro Vancouver’s failure to see how this disclosure relates to public interest is “unsettling,” according to Stacey Barker, FVRD’s Manager of Environmental Services. She recommended last week that FVRD send a letter to the Information & Privacy Commissioner,

235 Wallace St. 604-869-2486 STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri: 9am-7pm Saturday: 9am-6pm Sun & Holidays: 10am-5pm

From 1

We recognize that there can’t be a dialysis clinic in every town of B.C., but I promise that I would go to the Minister of Health and ask for a reassessment. I will do that. What we want to do is to compare the services that are provided to other population bases, and to make sure that we are treated on an equal footing. When residents come to your office with a problem, what can they expect from you? They’re going to be greeted with a service-oriented office, and an office that is eager to help with their problems, and to negotiate their way through the provincial public service. Already I’m being asked to help on a number of different issues. So I’ve already begun the job. I’m a hard worker, I’m service-oriented...I’m a problem solver, and I intend to apply those skills and that energy to the people of Chilliwack-Hope. MLA-elect Laurie Throness can be reached at: lauriethronessmla@gmail.com

requesting a review of Metro Vancouver’s refusal to provide a fee waiver. Gipps agrees that the public interest element is self-evident. “It’s clearly in the public interest. 450,000 residents in the Fraser Valley area are going to be directly impacted by this, and that’s very significant to us,” he said. “We represent a lot of people, and we’re all very concerned about our health and well-being out here in the Valley.” FVRD does not have a seat on the expert panel that oversees WTE plans. If this panel recommends to build an incinerator on Fraser Valley land, then FVRD will take part in the environmental assessment working group, as mandated by the Ministry of Environment. FVRD expects to use the information collected through the FOI to inform its decisionmaking at the working group, as well as guide its responses to Metro Vancouver’s WTE plans.


Lindsay KUFTA


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A4 Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013


Cycling to raise awareness about West Papua

Jeremy Bally from Bowen Island has embarked on a 12,000-kilometre in-

ternational cycling and performance tour which aims to raise awareness of the ongo-

ing human rights and environmental abuse in the underreported region of West Papua.





have been mailed. If you have not received your notice, please contact the District of Hope at (604) 869-5671. All property owners are responsible for payment of property taxes and applicable penalties, regardless of whether or not a tax notice is received. If you pay your bills through your bank’s online/telephone banking payment option, the District of Hope has vendor payment agreements with several financial institutions in BC for the payment of taxes and utilities. Please quote your tax roll number or utility account number when making a payment. Contact the District of Hope Tax/Utility Department for more information.

HOW TO AVOID PENALTIES: A 5% penalty will be added if full payment of current taxes and application for the Provincial Home Owner Grant have not been received by the July 2, 2013 due date. An additional 5% penalty will be added to outstanding current tax balances remaining after July 31, 2013. Customers that have arrangements with Financial Institutions/Mortgage Companies to pay their property taxes should be aware that the Financial Institutions/Mortgage Companies are responsible for payment of property taxes only. It is the owner’s responsibility to pay the residential utilities and claim the Provincial Homeowner Grant (if eligible).

Bally will be riding a bicycle loaded with everything from a projector to a ukulele through six countries over six months, touring a multimedia performance and engaging with citizens the world over about this story. This is Bally’s second tour, having rode 7,500 kilometres from Victoria to St. John’s, Newfoundland last year while telling a story built around his own time spent in West Papua. “It’s home to the bird of paradise, the second largest jungle remaining in the world, and our planet’s most biodiverse marine zone” said Bally. “As many as 500,000 indigenous West Papuans have died as a result of the military presence and lack of development in their homeland throughout. That number is impossible to confirm, though, as media organizations have never really been allowed access without close government supervision.”


Jeremy Bally will be performing a story about West Papua on June 6 at 7 p.m. at Christ Church Parish Hall in Hope. He is currently on a 12,000-kilometre international cycling tour which aims to raise awareness of the ongoing human rights and environmental abuse in the underreported region.

The performance brings the voices of Papuans to the international stage through a projected animation which brings to life nine recorded conversations with exiles, refugees and activists from West Papua. Bally narrates this film live on stage using original spoken word poetry and ukulele based hiphop. “I love riding my

bicycle. I love telling stories. I feel like just because something is important doesn’t mean people will care,” said Bally. “I’m using this artistic approach because it’s a more open way to engage people. I want the audience to come because they’re expecting a great show. I want them to leave knowing how to make the world a more peaceful place”. On June 6, Bally will

be performing a story about West Papua at 7 p.m. at Christ Church Parish Hall in Hope. There is no charge for the event but donations will be accepted to raise funds for Pacific Peoples‘ Partnership, Canada’s only non-governmental organization currently working with grassroots organizations in West Papua, as well as advocate for the release of the roughly 40 political prisoners in West Papua, all of whom have been imprisoned for peaceful dissent. “This is not your dry ‘just the facts ma’am’ kind of event,” said Rev. Gail Newell, of Christ Church Anglican Parish. “Jeremy puts on a great multimedia show. He loves telling stories in an engaging way. It is inspiring for all ages, especially young people who wonder if one person can make a difference. Jeremy shows that they can.”

 Saturday June 22, 2013


Residential utilities are due on July 2, 2013. A 5% late payment penalty will be added if full payment of residential utilities has not been received by the July 2, 2013 due date. An additional 5% late payment penalty will be added to outstanding utility balances remaining after July 31, 2013.


Join the property tax prepayment program and start saving for next year’s taxes. This plan allows you to make payments toward your 2014 property taxes in 10 monthly pre-authorized payments between August 15, 2013 and May 15, 2014. Application forms are available at the District Office or on the District Web site at www.hope.ca.


Properties with DELINQUENT taxes (2011 o/s charges) will be advertised for the annual tax sale to be held on September 30, 2013. Payment of the delinquent taxes (2011 o/s charges), plus interest, will avoid tax sale advertising. Please contact the District Hall, 325 Wallace Street, or phone 869-5671, if you have any questions or concerns.

This one day event is your chance to give away unwanted household items and reuse treasures from your neighbourhood

Gather Place Create Remove Sponsors:

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your your remaining remaining items items by by 4:00pm 4:00pm

Working together to reduce waste

with the support of The District of Hope

Parissa Bhullar, CGA Director of Finance 5/13s DOH30

5-13w CB30

Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013 A5


5/13w HS16

Hope Inclusion Project to host traditional art workshops

The Hope Inclusion Project will be reaching out to the community and encouraging multicultural understanding and inclusion through upcoming free public workshops. Yvette John, White Plume Woman, will be sharing her culture and expertise through Salish Coast weaving and traditional medicine workshops. Gracie Kelly of Sto:lo will also be sharing her knowledge and experience through workshops on traditional cedar bark bracelets and cedar basket weaving. “It is so important to learn and share traditional teachings,” said Kelly, “as without knowing these teachings the proper way,

JUNE WORKSHOPS q Salish weaving - May 31 (6-8:30 p.m.) SOCIA Building 895 3rd Ave. Contact: Yvette John whiteplumewoman@hotmail.com q Traditional medicine - June 7 (6-8:30 p.m.) and June 8 (10 a.m.) SOCIA Building 895 3rd Ave. Contact: Yvette John whiteplumewoman@hotmail.com q Cedar bark bracelet - June 12 (5-7:30 p.m.) Chawathil First Nations boardroom 4-60814 Highway 7 Contact: Grace Kelly 604-795-0464 or mexweya@gmail.com q Cedar basket weaving - June 19 (5-7 p.m.) SOCIA Building 895 3rd Ave. Contact: Grace Kelly 604-795-0464 or mexweya@gmail.com we will never really know how valuable the cedar tree and its uses are to us as Sto:lo

people.” “Traditional Art: the story behind the surface” explores the mul-

ticulturalism, change and adaptation of traditional art forms and encourages participants to uncover and discuss the story behind the art and find a common ground between people and cultures. The art is funded by Embrace BC through the government of Canada and the province of B.C., and is delivered locally by Free Rein Associates and the Hope Inclusion Project. The program seeks to promote inclusion by looking beyond art and delving into the culture, struggles and traditions from which art is created. Space for the “Traditional Arts: the story behind the surface”

Quilters showcased at art gallery

Sara Lesztak Contributor

Fifteen quilters are preparing to delight visitors to the Hope Arts Gallery this June. Hand-sewn and machinesewn quilts will be featured in the back room exhibit, which runs June 1-28. Be prepared for magic: artistic compositions, scenes of animals and birds and the beauty of Hope’s outdoors among designs of charming traditional patterns.

Each quilt artist has a special talent and interest. A variety of techniques are used to create these scenes including paper piercing, raw edge appliqué, and needle-turn appliqué. Cotton and batik fabrics are used, with works ranging in size from table runners to bed quilts. The Hope Quilters meet twice a month between September and May to learn a new project. These projects support one charity chosen for the year. These

charities have included the hospital auxiliary, Hope Search and Rescue, Hope & Area Transition Society and Fraser Canyon Hospice Society. For more information about The Hope Quilters, contact Eva Andrews at 604-869-5863 or Phyllis Evanson at 604-8699941. The opening reception will be on June 8, from noon to 4 p.m., at Hope Arts Gallery (349 Fort St.) Refreshments will be served.

search similar to that currently conducted by the Research Centre is also being done by academia/ industry and that the Research Centre will cease to duplicate their efforts,” he wrote. “While AAFC’s dairy research will be consolidated elsewhere, UBC’s Dairy Education and Research Centre will continue to operate on site.” The centre will continue to host research into minor use pesticides, horticulture and crop protection, he added. Strahl also confirmed that the reason for the cuts was a fiscal decision, in an effort to reduce overall government spending, and balance the budget. “Unfortunately, that means that some federal civil servants will be affected,” he said. “Employees who are affected have several options ranging from early retirement to alternative federal employment, to catching on with projects that may be sponsored by academia or stakeholder groups.” He also referred to the new Growing Forward 2 program that puts money in the hands of the

provinces and stakeholders, “to develop market access, innovative products and to explore solutions to food and environmental issues.” He suggested that the facilities in Agassiz could be used by stakeholders to begin new projects that “address the needs of the community.” GF2 is a $3-billion investment by federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) governments and the foundation for government agricultural programs and services over the next five years. The new program came into effect on Apr. 1, and includes three key components for agricultural: AgriInnovation, AgriCompetitiveness and AgriMarketing. It also includes a business risk management program to help protect farmers against severe market volatility and disasters. The Agassiz research station is one of 19 federally funded stations across the country. It has been operating in Agassiz since 1889 and consists of 310 hectares, research greenhouses, an arboretum and the longest-running weather station in the province.

Poultry operations to cease in Agassiz

Jessica Peters Black Press

The Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre is not closing, MP Mark Strahl has stated in an email to Black Press. The statement is in response to a story published last week announcing cuts at the Agassiz-based research centre operated by the federal government. Several positions are reported to have been terminated in the past weeks, leaving the centre with as few as five scientists and causing fear that the centre will eventually close. Last week, the Agriculture and AgriFood Canada office confirmed that the centre is experiencing a “work force adjustment situation” and that employees impacted are being provided with support. While Strahl said “the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre in Agassiz will continue to play an important role in agricultural research in our region,” he also confirmed that operations there will be affected by changes. “I am advised that poultry re-

workshops are limited, so participants are encouraged to register in advance. For more information on the traditional art workshops, email jodi@freereinassociates.ca or call 604-8692279.

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A6 Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013

Opinion Published at Hope, Boston Bar, Yale and surrounding area by Black Press

More accountability needed

Prime Minister Stephen Harper tried to distance his office from the growing scandal involving Senator Mike Duffy last week, but while his words may have soothed Conservative MPs and senators, they don’t wash with taxpayers. Harper said there needs to be a tightening of the rules regarding expenses. He sounded angry that some members of his government continued to fleece taxpayers. While his anger is welcome, action would be preferable. Yes, the rules regarding expenses need to be tightened. There also needs to be far more accountability than there is now, and that includes accountability from the prime minister’s office. Harper’s former chief of staff, Nigel Wright, resigned after it was learned that he had written a personal $90,000 cheque to Senator Mike Duffy, allowing Duffy to withdraw from an audit into his housing allowance. Whether or not Harper knew of the cheque, it is obvious that his top aide both wrote the cheque and had no problem with Duffy unilaterally shutting down an audit, by repaying the housing allowance. The problem is that MPs and senators do not disclose all their expenses. Every single item they bill to taxpayers, whether it be a $15 glass of orange juice or a $90,000 housing allowance, needs to be itemized and posted online as soon as payment has been made. Then taxpayers can find out for themselves how these people spend our money, and draw their own conclusions. A further probe may reveal all the details, but it seems obvious that Wright wrote a cheque to Duffy to specifically prevent information from being released. This is unacceptable. Duffy and Senator Pamela Wallin (both former members of the media), who racked up $300,000 in expenses in less than two years, have left the Conservative caucus. But they continue to sit as senators, as do Patrick Brazeau, who was kicked out of the Conservative caucus due to criminal charges he is facing, and former Liberal Senator Mac Harb, who is under investigation for use of the housing allowance. All four of these people need to resign from the Senate. In addition, Harper should not appoint any more senators until a whole new set of rules are in place to ensure that there is 100 per cent transparency and accountability for all MPs and senators, and indeed for all senior officials of the federal government. The Senate may be a joke to most Canadians, but we are stuck with it, since reform or abolition will require virtually unanimous agreement from provinces. If we are stuck with it, let’s ensure that senators are on a tight leash as far as expenses go, and let’s at the same time ensure there is accountability and transparency for the expenses of all MPs, senators and senior government officials. Taxpayers deserve to have their funds spent carefully and judiciously, and to know exactly how those funds are spent. -Black Press

BCTF digs in for endless war

B.C. Views Tom Fletcher

Like those Japanese soldiers who didn’t hear about the end of World War II, the militant fringe that controls the B.C. Teachers’ Federation is digging in for endless battle against the B.C. government. Their nemesis, Premier Christy Clark, reiterated last week that seeking a 10-year agreement with the BCTF is a top priority when the legislature is recalled this summer. The current one-year truce ends June 30. The BCTF grudgingly agreed to that extension last year, then ran TV ads calling for an NDP government that promised concessions and union bosses on both sides of the negotiating table.


“You know, I may be a lame duck,” outgoing BCTF president Susan Lambert crowed to cheering classroom-warfare radicals at the union’s convention in March, “but I think Christy’s goose is cooked.” We’ll never know how much this sort of gloating contributed to the epic collapse of the NDP, champion of public sector union members whose pay and benefits make them the new upper class. But I can tell you the prospects for sparing children from this ideological warfare are not good. Last week the B.C. Court of Appeal handed down an ivory-tower decision that upheld the “right” of teachers to bring their union demands into the classroom in the form of posters, buttons and black armbands that to some self-absorbed teachers symbolize the “death” of education. During the election campaign,


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The Globe and Mail carried a story on one of those mock elections held in schools around the province. An elementary-level student was quoted as saying she voted against the B.C. Liberals because Clark “caused a teachers’ strike.” If this kid was talking about the most recent strike, I wonder where she got that idea. In a negotiating performance that was appalling even by BCTF standards, Lambert and her team conducted months of disruptive work-to-rule action before they could even articulate a wage and benefit demand. When they finally did, it was outrageously out of touch with reality. An indication of how the union’s ruling class wants to conduct itself in the classroom can be found in the latest issue of the BCTF newsletter to its members. Joanna Larson, president of the Prince Rupert union lo-

Standard The Hope

cal, contributes an article headlined: “What kind of citizen do we hope to graduate from our K-12 public schools?” Larson first quotes the education ministry’s current goals. They include preparing citizens who are “creative, flexible, self-motivated, and who have a positive self-image.” Another goal is citizens who are “skilled and who can contribute to society generally, including the world of work.” Larson then mocks these goals, as follows: “Essentially, the Ministry of Education has a vision of citizens who will maintain the status quo, not rock the boat, and participate on a superficial level in aspects of political and societal change. It doesn’t challenge individuals to take direct action against exploitation, marginalization and violence.”

DEADLINES Display Ads Classifieds Tuesday 1 p.m. Tuesday 4:30 p.m.

E-MAIL: news@hopestandard.com




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PublishEr AnDrew FrAnKlin 604-869-2421

Editor Kerrie-Ann Schoenit 604-869-4992

AdvErtising PAttie DeSjArDinS 604-869-4990

540 Wallace St., Hope, B.C. every Thursday by Black Press. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.


In case you missed the political message, Larson later asserts: “The educated citizens we graduate from our schools cannot just be content to wear a pink shirt once a year…. Educated, engaged citizens must be willing to take direct action to change and shape our society for the better.” What is this ghastly “status quo” that must be challenged by “direct action”? In these campus-radical screeds, the final answer is generally the same: capitalism. This call to arms is a blend of the NDP election platform and a rant from the Occupy Vancouver squat of a couple of years ago. It’s no wonder we hear of students making BCTF picket signs in art class. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews.com tfletcher@blackpress.ca

ClAssifiEd/CirCulAtion jAnice McDonAlD 604-869-2421

BC Press Council: The Standard is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013 A7

Letters The Canadian Senate must change Reform Party leader Preston Manning used to get great audience reaction when he said that the Senate thrived on “protocol, alcohol and Geritol.” Senate reform was one of the main reasons the Reform Party became such a successful grassroots movement in the 1990s. At the time, there was a palpable desire for meaningful change, with most in the west wanting a “Triple E Senate” - an institution that would become equal, elected and effective. Previous attempts to change Canada’s constitution – the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords – were dead on arrival in the west in large part because they failed to propose adequate Senate reform, particularly in regard to equality. Because the Senate is not equal, and because senators are unaccountable to Canadians, there is a growing sentiment that perhaps the time has come to abolish it entirely. This sentiment only grows stronger when we see the sort of stories coming out of Ottawa recently.

All senators – including the vast majority who are dedicated public servants – are now under the microscope because of the actions of a few. There are just too many stories of inappropriate behaviour, undeserved payments and unverifiable addresses for several members of the upper chamber. Canadians have rightly reacted strongly to these stories, and several senators have been forced to resign from their party caucuses due to their unacceptable actions, even though they currently remain in the Senate. Many people have taken the time to contact me to let me know how disgusted they are with the current Senate scandal in Ottawa, and I assure them that I share that sentiment. I am angry that the unelected, unaccountable few have treated taxpayers with such disdain and I hope that they face the full force of the numerous authorities that are currently looking into this. Months ago, before these latest stories came to light, the Prime Minister had asked the Supreme


Court to advise us on the process that would be required to reform the Senate (have them elected and accountable, and limit their term of office). He also asked the court to rule on the possibility of abolishing the Senate – a process that will no doubt be very difficult to achieve without another round of divisive constitutional wrangling. Either way, change is coming and it can’t come too soon. Of course, while we wait for the court to rule on Senate reform options, (later this year), there are changes to be taken right now to ensure that further abuses can’t happen in the Senate expense accounts. The full list of those proposed reforms can be found at http:// www.lgs.gc.ca/eng/node/4253. Suffice it to say they’re strong enough that no one will be able to say “the rules weren’t clear to me”. While we aggressively pursue Senate reform, it’s puzzling why new Liberal leader Justin Trudeau is aggressively protecting the status quo. Just this past weekend, in an interview with La Press in his

home province of Quebec, he said: “We have 24 Senators in Quebec and there are only six for Alberta and six for British Columbia. That benefits us.” He is defending the status quo in the Senate because it benefits his home province, to the detriment of British Columbia! He has also said that he thinks that electing Senators would be a “terrible idea” and that we just need to appoint better people. I think he’s missing the point – it’s the unaccountable part of the current Senate structure that people are most unhappy with, regardless of party. The status quo is not acceptable to Canadians – certainly not those British Columbians who are still looking for an effective, elected and accountable Senate. Our Conservative government believes that change in the Senate is long overdue, and we’re committed to making it happen with or without the support of the opposition. Mark Strahl, Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon MP

The Hope Standard welcomes letters from our readers. Typed or printed letters must be signed and should include an address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Standard edits letters for accuracy, taste, clarity and length. The Standard reserves the right to not publish letters. Email:

Editorial Department To discuss any news story idea you may have – or any story we have recently published – please call the editor at 604-869-4992. Circulation $1 per copy retail; $42 per year by carrier; $61.50 per year by mail in Canada; $185 per year by mail to the USA. All subscriptions are payable in advance of delivery. Copyright Copyright or property rights subsists in all material appearing in this edition of THE HOPE STANDARD. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Unauthorized publication will be subject to recourse by law.

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Should the Canadian Senate be abolished?

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Brake Check Commercial

Eagles charity donations

Vending Opportunity

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is seeking proposals for a seasonal commercial vending operation at the Zopkios Brake Check. Proposals must be submitted before 2:00 p.m., June 14, 2013. Proponents are asked to visit www.bcbid.gov.bc.ca under the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Category to view Zopkios Brake Check Vendor Opportunity details and submission requirements and documents. Information is also available from the ministry contact provided below. Shawn Clough, District Program Manager Telephone: 250 371-3817 Fax: 250 371-3848 E-mail: Shawn.Clough@gov.bc.ca 447 Columbia Street, Suite 127 Kamloops B.C. V2C 2T3


The Fraternal Order of Eagles in Hope handed out $27,500 to local charities on Sunday as part of the men’s annual charitable donations event. Free hamburgers and hotdogs were served afterwards. The ladies donated $5,000 to local charities on Tuesday.

A8 Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013


Change is important for continued growth Businesses must adapt to stay relevant

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May 30th Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS 1. 007 Connery 5. Presides over meetings (abbr.) 9. Trefoil 10. Father of Paris 12. Asian nut for chewing 13. Machine gun from the air 16. The communion table 17. His razor 18. Father 19. Doctor of philosophy 22. Cologne 23. Black tropical Am. cuckoo 24. Diversifies 28. Razor author 14th C 31. Maple sugar fluid 32. A corp.’s first stock offer to the public 34. The premier bike race 42. References

43. Extremely high frequency 44. Actress Farrow 46. Not good 47. State of annoyance 48. S. China seaport 51. Bengal quince 52. Provide the means 54. A large and imposing house 55. Excessively fat 57. Spars 58. Former wives 59. Repeat

DOWN 1. Podetiums 2. Frankenberg river 3. Feel ill 4. 12th state 5. “Anything Goes” author’s initials

6. Daily time units (abbr.) 7. Cagiva __: motorcycle 8. Drug agent (slang) 9. Study of poetic meter 11. Ceremonial staffs 12. Russian pancake served with caviar 14. Supervises flying 15. Large Australian flightless bird 16. As fast as can be done (abbr.) 19. Before 20. Hall of Fame (abbr.) 21. Constitution Hall org. 24. Atomic #35 25. Ducktail hairstyle 26. Independent ruler 27. Oval water scorpion 29. Modern London Gallery 30. On top 33. Identicalness

35. 2002 Olympic state 36. Tease or ridicule 37. Arrived extinct 38. Opposite of begin 39. Ol’ Blue Eye’s initials 40. South Am. nation 41. Type of salamander 42. S. China seaport 44. Woman (French) 45. 007’s Flemming 47. ___ Domingo 49. A French abbot 50. Gorse genus 51. An uproarious party 53. Point midway between E and SE 54. A waterproof raincoat 56. Spanish be 57. Of I

Answers for MAy 23 crossword puzzle cAn be found in the clAssified section of this pAper

of new ownership at Manning Park, strength in our tourism sector with destination accommodations such as the Kw’o:kw’e:hala Eco Vacation retreat reporting pre-2008 activity, and active recruitment efforts from local employers such as Nestle Waters, Hope Machine Shop, and Webco are testament to our local economy’s strength. AdvantageHOPE continues to be part of a greater community effort to transition to a new age of growth. We are fortunate to have excellent Tyler partners such as loMattheis cal real estate agents and businesses constantly marketing our benefits to current and future residents, and proud to offer contributions from our efforts such as the Retail and Industrial Market Studies which are now regularly requested on our website and in person. One of our key roles has been to provide data and assurance to the enthusiasm of our residents and to potential investors, and we continue to do so. Moving forward, AdvantageHOPE will continue to be a tireless advocate for new business, existing business, smart planning, and thoughtful growth. As many of you may have heard, I will not be a part of those continuing efforts; my path is leading to the East Coast where our children will be closer to one set of grand-

parents. Based on my experience here over the past 2.5 years, I am confident that similar paths will lead many other families to this community to enjoy their own families and the many advantages of Hope. Our committed volunteers and partners are continuing the work and a transition plan is underway. Hope will be represented at a trade show in Puyallup, Wash. June 1-2, the “Gateway to the Skagit” project, in collaboration with Pathway Partners and the Skagit Environmental Endowment Fund, is gaining steam, a tax revitalization bylaw is expected to be launched this year, and new economic development videos are planned for launch in 2013 with the support of the federal government. Watch www.AdvantageHOPE.ca or our Facebook page to stay up to date with that and many other activities going forward. Thank you for the opportunity to share life and community with you. Tyler Mattheis was the inaugural executive director of AdvantageHOPE. AdvantageHOPE is now located at district hall, 325 Wallace St. For more information, call 605-860-0930, email info@ advantagehope.ca or visit www. AdvantageHOPE.ca

Biz on the Street


Businesses must constantly adapt to stay competitive in and relevant to their markets. Thoughtful changes to price, inventory, suppliers, hours of operation, and even core offerings are often required for businesses to stay relevant and profitable. Similarly, AdvantageHOPE has moved to an office in district hall. Mindful of tight financial times and with an eye toward maximizing efficiency and service delivery, this move allows the district to realize 4.5 per cent cost savings in the economic development budget, provide better service to clients who now can receive information from AdvantageHOPE and district services in the same building, as well as the ability for AdvantageHOPE to work even more efficiently on joint projects with district staff. One of the immediate benefits of this move is an even more unified approach to community branding. As phase one comes to a close, closer collaboration will ensure consistent and effective messaging to current and new residents, potential businesses, and our neighbours. This will enable us to more effectively realize our core message, and achieve continued success. I am convinced that Hope’s future is a bright spot in the Fraser Valley; it will continue to be a place that people want to be, and inspire those same people to create their own job, or seek employment that enables them to reside here. The recent announcement

Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013 A9

Community Beaver visit Bucky the Beaver, the official mascot and goodwill ambassador for Fraserway RV in Abbotsford, cozies up to Don Bourquin in Hope on Saturday. Bucky visited Hope on a community tour in the Fraser Valley to meet with locals and hear about their summer camping adventures. Deb Romano photo


Free Motivational Workshop: Identifying your Learning Style is key to learning new things most efficiently. Guest speaker UFV instructor Allison Kilgannon will lead participants through an activity determining personal learning style. Monday, June 3 11:30 a.m. UFV Hope Centre 1250 7th Ave. 604-869-9991 michelle.vandepol@ufv.ca Better at Home community meeting: Better at Home is a United Way initiative to assist seniors to stay in their homes and enjoy increased quality of life! Come and help us prioritize the basket of non-medical services for the Hope and Fraser Canyon region! Monday, June 10 9 a.m. 560 Douglas St.

604-807-2422 lhoneyray@gmail.com


Bus Trip to Hell’s Gate: Care Transit invites you on our bus trip to Hell’s Gate. Upon arriving, you will ride the tram down, where you can enjoy lunch at Simon’s Cafe, the Chinese Legacies Exhibit, observation decks, Fudge Factory and much more. The cost is only $27.50 which includes the bus ride, tram ride and lunch. Wednesday, June 5 10 a.m. Pre-register at 425 Wallace St. 604-869-3396 info@caretransit.org Westie Army Cadets Training: The 1789 Royal Westminster Regiment Cadet Corps program prepares youth age 12 to 19 to become leaders of

tomorrow through fun yet challenging activities. Wednesday, June 5 6:30 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 228 344 Fort St. 604-799-8897 1789trg@gmail.com


Seniors Coffee and Conversation: Drop in and join us for a cup of coffee - you’ll enjoy some interesting and lively conversation! No membership required. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hope Library. Thursday, June 6 10:30 a.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2369 deb.ireland@fvrl.bc.ca


Ceremonial Review: The 1789 The Royal Westminster Regiment

Cadet Corps is hosting its 10th Annual Ceremonial Review and parade this year. The event is a culmination of the cadets’ year of training. Drill, fieldcraft and uniforms will be on display. Saturday, June 1 2 p.m. 344 Fort St. 604-869-2919 1789trg@gmail.com Genealogy and DNA Testing: Find out how DNA testing works and learn how it might help you piece together your family history. Laurie J. Cooke of Surrey Public Library will help you untangle the intricacies of finding out just who you really are. Saturday, June 1 1 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2313 deb.ireland@fvrl.bc.ca

The District of Hope in partnership with Hope Healthy Communities Committee presents

Community Mobilization Day

June 13 at Camp Kawkawa 9 am – 3 pm The event is free to attend, the wealth is in your ideas!

RSVP by June 10 to hopehealthycommunities@gmail.com

or call 604-869-2279. Space is limited.

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A10 Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013

The 26Th annual BC ChilDren’s hOsPiTal’s MiraCle WeekenD

BC Children’s Hospital helps kids get care closer to home BC Children’s Hospital has played a big role in Kaitlyn Morovic’s life. The three-yearold was born with Down syndrome and two holes in her heart, and spent the first six weeks of her life in the hospital. Her mother Heather still raves about the care Kaitlyn receives at Children’s while also celebrating the fact that she now has what she calls her “direct link” to BC Children’s in the form of Richmond-based pediatrician Dr. Erik Swartz. “Dr. Swartz has expertise in Kaitlyn’s condition and everything that’s secondary to it,” Morovic says. “Although Children’s is just 20 minutes away, it’s great to be able to get an appointment quickly with Dr. Swartz, and he’s just a few minutes from home.” Swartz works in the General Pediatrics Clinic, which is part of the Child Health Centre at Richmond Hospital. The Child Health Centre was established with $800,000 in support from Child Health BC, an initiative of BC Children’s Hospital aimed at ensuring all children in BC have access to a consistent standard of care no matter where in the province they live. The centre is also home to the Early Childhood Mental Health Program and the Noakes Primary Care Maternity Clinic. “The fact that Kaitlyn is able to receive specialized care so close to home is exactly

what we’re looking for,” says Dr. Maureen O’Donnell, executive director of Child Health BC. Child Health BC’s activities took off after Overwaitea Food Group became the lead benefactor with a pledge of $20 million in support in 2007. TELUS and Scotiabank later made gifts of $5 million and $1 million, respectively. This support had an immediate impact, says O’Donnell. Pediatric clinics established with Child Health BC’s support in Nanaimo and Prince George have thousands of patient visits annually; additional travelling clinics are staffed by BC Children’s caregivers in communities across the province; and over 1,000 health professionals have participated in Child Health BC’s workshops. O’Donnell credits Overwaitea Food Group’s donation with Child Health BC’s growing reach across the province, noting that it’s a perfect fit for an organization with a presence in so many BC communities. Overwaitea Food Group President Darrell Jones agrees. “We’re committed to the health and wellness of kids and families in BC,” says Jones. “We’ve been proud to support BC Children’s Hospital for more than two decades – and with the help of our communities, we’ve contributed millions of dollars toward hospital improvement projects,

advocacy programs and important research initiatives. We’re grateful for the amazing support of our local communities, team members, customers and supplier partners who have all played a key role in making this fundraising success possible.” Child Health BC is part of a larger transformation in the way BC’s children receive care, says Larry Gold, president of BC Children’s Hospital and Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children. The transformation also includes the construction of a new BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver. “We want to ensure children have access to a consistent standard of care, whether they live in Smithers, Campbell River or Castlegar; and there will always be children who need care that’s only available in a children’s hospital,” says Gold. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation has raised close to $170 million, including Overwaitea Food Group’s gift and $25 million from Teck Resources Limited, in its $200-million capital campaign to support construction of the new hospital and Child Health BC. Gold says that the new hospital, which will open in 2018, will be family-friendly, making it easier for families from outside the Lower Mainland to remain with their children. Beyond the money being raised for the new hospital and Child Health BC, Gold says the hospital also counts on donations of about $14 million a year to support research, equipment purchases and training. On June 1 and 2 BC Children’s Hospital Foundation will hold its annual Miracle Weekend celebration on Global BC, to raise the millions the hospital needs to cover its urgent annual needs. “Every year people from across the province make donations in support of the hospital and it makes a huge difference,” says Gold. “Kaitlyn Morovic is proof of that.” Heather Morovic says she’s grateful for both the care Kaitlyn receives at BC Children’s and the support she gets on a regular basis from Dr. Swartz. “He just gets it,” she says. “And Kaitlyn is doing fantastic. She’s walking and trying hard to talk, and she certainly knows how to pull on the heart strings. With BC Children’s and Dr. Swartz on our side, we couldn’t ask for a better support team.”

BC Children’s Hospital treated over 81,000 children last year. Approximately 67 per cent of those children came from outside the City of Vancouver.

JUNE 1 & 2, 2013 On June 1 and 2, tune in to Miracle Weekend, broadcast live from BC Children’s Hospital, on Global BC from 7:00pm on Saturday, June 1 until 5:30pm on Sunday, June 2 The 26th annual BC Children’s Hospital’s Miracle Weekend is a two-day celebration that showcases the best of BC Children’s Hospital: patients, their families, caregivers and supporters who come from every corner of BC. BC Children’s Hospital receives over 200,000 visits from patients from across the province every year. Donations help the hospital deliver the best in care every day, and are helping to prepare for the future by supporting the construction of a new BC Children’s Hospital and better access to care for children in or close to their home communities. Please support BC Children’s Hospital.

Donate at GiveSpace.ca or call 1-888-663-3033

At the Overwaitea Food Group, we’re very proud of our longstanding commitment to investing in the health of kids and their families. We’re grateful to everyone who supports us in this effort. Our team members, customers and suppliers have all played a key role in our fundraising success over the years. We’ve been supporting BC Children’s Hospital for more than two decades, and we’ve raised millions of dollars in support of capital improvement projects, important research initiatives and advocacy programs designed to help keep our kids safe by reducing preventable injuries. In 2007, we made a $20 million pledge to support Child Health BC, an initiative of BC Children’s Hospital that helps get kids in BC get the care they need, closer to home. Since then, we’ve raised more than $10.7 million toward our goal, and Child Health BC has been able to put this concept into action in a number of communities throughout BC. We are grateful for the amazing commitment and fund raising efforts driven by OFG team members who encourage the generosity of our customers and suppliers.

Darrell Jones, President OFG


Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013 A11

Rallycross event coming to Hope Sports Bowl Barry Stewart Hope Standard

Local motorsport fans are in for a treat on June 9 when the West Coast Rally Association brings its rallycross event back to town. What’s more: for $50.00, licenced drivers can take part in the racing. (If you’re driving your mom’s car, make sure you bring written permission.) There’s no charge for spectators at the event, which runs from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the sports bowl behind the Hope Arena. If you’re new to the sport of rallycross but would still like to register the top local time, this could be your best opportunity. Hope resident Taisto Heinonen — a fivetime Canadian Rally and threetime North American Cup champion — will be away on a cruise, so he won’t be competing in his 1986 Toyota MR2. Heinonen, who is a WCRA member said, “If you have a car, you can enter. We have ordinary guys off the street — as long as they have an approved helmet and standard seat belts.” Your car also has to be streetlegal and insured. Complete rules are available at the club’s website, www.rallybc.com. “There are a lot of standard cars,” said Heinonen. “Some are frontwheel drive, some rear-wheel and others are four-wheel drive, such as Subarus and Audis.” Competition classes are based on the number of driving axles and the tires used. What is rallycross? Those who have seen the four-wheel drive competitions in the sports bowl may have visions of mud pits, table top jumps and the big hill. Nope. Mom’s Malibu could handle this. Heinonen explained that the flat parts of the bowl are used, with pylons marking out the course. It could be a meandering course, or sometimes a figure-eight. No worries on the figure-eight... there’s only one racer at a time. Heinonen figured is usually takes him around a minute-thirty to complete a rallycross run. Depending on the weather, it could be dusty or muddy — but it will always be a bit rocky and more rutty as the day goes on. “You get to walk the course first,” said Heinonen, “to help you mem-


Jason Bailey directs his 1968 Saab 96 Deluxe around the rallycross course, at the May 11 event in the Hope Sports Bowl. Racers will back in Hope on June 9 — and drivers from Hope are welcome to join in. Cars must be street legal and insured and drivers must wear an approved helmet.

orize the turns. Most of it is in first and second gear, so there’s more talent in the turns and staying on the course.” Poke a pylon or run off course and you gain time penalties, or get a disqualification on that run. Heinonen said there’s plenty of seating for spectators on the hillsides facing the sports bowl. There’s also a viewing area on the gravel road at the top. “All the cars start up there, so people can walk around and look at them,” said the Finnish-born Heinonen. Racing groups are called down for their event and they use Sixth Avenue and Hudson Bay Street to get to the track and back.

“Sometimes, we’ll have 12 or 14 cars entered, or up to 25,” said Heinonen. “They come from Prince George, Kamloops, Kelowna, the Lower Mainland and Washington state. “They usually get four runs each in the morning, then we change the course for the afternoon and they do four runs again.” Club member Darsi Sullivan is helping organize the rallycross, but she’s also involved in a road rally, which begins and ends in Hope on the June 15-16 weekend. “What you usually see on TV is called a stage rally,” she said. This one is called a TSD, or time-speeddistance rally. It’s all on public

roads... about 80 per cent of them gravel... and all at below posted speed limits. “It’s approximately 500 kilometres long and we have a fuel stop in Merritt. We’re gathering at Rolly’s restaurant, from 5-9 on Saturday night, then arriving back there on Sunday morning at around seven,” said Sullivan. “It’s one of the longest days and shortest nights of the year — but most of it will be done in the dark.” If you’ve got the money for fuel — and the $90 entry fee — this could be a good starting point for road rally novices. “You can absolutely come out and do it in your daily driver car,”

said Sullivan. “No helmets are required, though the car must be insured. If you can read and follow directions, you could do it.” Better yet: bring a literate friend to be your navigator. Everybody gets a number badge for their car and a route book, which could have 20 pages or more of textual instructions and a few diagrams for intersections, explained Sullivan. “You follow the route and try to arrive at the check points exactly on-time, to get the lowest amount of points,” said Sullivan. “Lowest points win, like in golf.”

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A12 Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013






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Call Janice: 604.869.2421 to set up a package to suit your needs.

Thursday, May 30, 2013, Hope Standard A13


INDEX IN BRIEF FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . 1-8 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . 9-57 TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-76 CHILDREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-98 EMPLOYMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-198 BUSINESS SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . 203-387 PETS & LIVESTOCK . . . . . . . . . . . 453-483 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE . . . . . . 503-587 REAL ESTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603-696 RENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-757 AUTOMOTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-862 MARINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903-920




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SMITH, Terry James Nov 25, 1954 May 20, 2013

COPYRIGHT Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of bcclassified.com. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.


BC Cancer Foundation Legacies accepted. 604.851.4736 or visit: bccancerfoundation.com

BETTS, Ralph (Allen) In loving memory of Al who was born on September 26, 1934 in Woodstock, Ontario and passed away on May 18, 2013 in Hope, B.C. He is survived by his life partner, Mary (Jackie) Shaw and many, many great friends & fellow Aerie members, as well as many Legion members. A Celebration of Life will be held on June 1, 2013 at 1 p.m. at the Eagles Hall.



Michaud, Dennis Leroy (Froggy) December 11, 1939 - May 21, 2013 Dennis passed peacefully at Eagle Ridge Hospital, Port Moody with his brother, Dale at his side. Predeceased by his loving parents, Clement and Evelyn. Survived by loving sisters, Doreen(Ed), Donna, Denise(Paul), loving brothers, Donnie(Val), Dale(Lindsay), David(Lorelie), Darryl(Pat) and many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Dennis was born in Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan. Before he turned one, the family moved to Vancouver where he grew up and attended school. Dennis, nicknamed Froggy by his friends, was a fun-loving, easy going guy who loved people, enjoyed being with family and friends. He had a good sense of humor. Telling stories and jokes, having a good laugh, always entertaining with his many card tricks. He could be feisty and enjoyed a good debate. He was interested in and a fan of all sports. He played handball and squash in his younger years. Played and coached men’s softball. Attended Vancouver Canadians games at Nat Bailey Stadium, horse racing at Hastings Park, played and watched golf, participated in NFL football pools, a B.C. Lions fan, followed hockey and soccer. He liked the outdoors and tanning on sunny days. He loved birds who he had as pets over the years. Dennis lived and spent time in around Hope and Yale, B.C. where some of his family and friends still live. Dennis later moved to Port Moody where he enjoyed spending time with friends at the Manor and socializing at the Legion. Many there were like family to him. He did love and appreciate all his family and friends. A Celebration of Dennis’s Life will be held on Friday, June 7th 2:00 pm at the Port Moody Royal Canadian Legion #119, 2513 Clarke St., Port Moody, B.C. Donations may be made to the Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation in his memory. He stills lives on in the hearts and minds, of the loving family and friends he left behind. 5/13w M30

ALLAN, Sandra Marion Elaine It is with deep regret that the family of Sandra Marion Elaine Allan (nee: Verbeck) report her death on Monday, May 27th, 2013 at Fraser Canyon Hospital. Sandy was born June 14th, 1956, the youngest daughter of Edythe Verbeck and the late Cyril (Cy) Verbeck. She married Don Allan on August 21, 1993. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband...Don Allan, her mother...Edythe Verbeck and her two sisters...Maureen Collis of Didsbury, Alberta and Janice Lynn Verbeck of Coquitlam, BC. Sandy was a graduate of Simon Fraser University and held teaching positions for 21 years within the Fraser Canyon School District at Boston Bar, Yale and Hope. A diagnosis of Lupus and eventually of Scleroderma in 1997 necessitated her resigning her teaching position in June 1999. Scleroderma is an incurable auto-immune disease which attacks the major organs - the heart, the lungs, etc. During the intervening years, Sandy enjoyed gardening, reading and designing and making her greeting cards. She also had a great affection for her dogs, Shelties; taking great pride in their achievements when they won Championships at dog shows in the Fraser Valley. Sandy also enjoyed her annual month at the family cottage on Green Lake in the Cariboo. She so enjoyed her many encounters with the wildlife that exists in that area. But most of all she cared deeply for her many friends who gave her such support during the difficult years. Her memorial service will be held in Grace Baptist Church on Saturday, June 1st at 2 pm. with Pastor Jeff Kuhn officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Scleroderma Association of B.C. c/o Box 218, Delta, BC V4K 3N7

We regret to announce the passing of Terry Smith of Hope BC. Terry is survived by his wife Marie, children; Scott (Jessica), Rachel (Mark), brothers; Garry and Paul of Hamilton Ontario, and several nieces bcclassified.com and nephews. Terry was pre-deceased by his parents Annie Jane and Stanley Smith of Hamilton Ontario. Memorial Service will be held on Saturday June 1, 2013 at 1pm at the Hope legion on Fort Street.

WE’RE ON THE WEB www.bcclassified.com



THANK YOU On behalf of the late Sandy Allan; Don Allan and the Verbeck family wish to thank Pastor Jeff Kuhn, Dr. Josh Greggain, Dr. Larry Kehler and Dr. Eartha Nanton as well as the nursing staff at the Fraser Canyon Hospital; Sandy, Charmaine, Len, Dave, Asher, Grace and Tracey to name but a few.



COME ONE, COME ALL BBQ & Music 6:00 pm - THURSDAY JUNE 6 Members and friends of Hope Ratepayers, Hope Station House and the Arts Council. For more info call: 604-869-9799 Donations accepted



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CAR WASH AND SHUTTLE DRIVER We are a busy automotive sales and service dealer in Hope, BC. We have an opening for an individual to work with the Service Department. Duties include washing customer’s vehicles when repairs are completed and shuttling Service customers to and from the dealership. As such the right person must be reliable and courteous. The position is for summer employment and requires a valid driver’s license or a minimum of an N driver’s license. Please fax resume to 604-8695981 or email to info@gardnergm.com.



AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ADVISOR We have an opening for a progressive and motivated individual to join our Service Team in a busy Automotive shop as a Service Advisor in Hope, BC. Individual requires a strong work ethic with professional, courteous, customer focused background. As a Service Advisor you will communicate maintenance and repairs to customers, as well as assist customers with their vehicle servicing needs and questions. As a Service Advisor you will create detailed repair orders, invoices, booking appointments and invoicing to ensure customer’s concerns are addressed and properly presented to the mechanic and customers. Automotive experience an asset but will train the right individual. Please fax resume to 604-869-5981 or email to info@gardnergm.com

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109 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES MOBILE MEDICAL EXAMINERS: RNs, RPNs, LPNs, LAB TECHS. Insurance Services Co. recruiting in Hope, Boston Bar and surrounding area. Venipuncture exp. req’d. Contact: careers@watermarkinsurance.com OVER 90% EMPLOYMENT rate for CanScribe graduates! Medical Transcriptionists are in demand and CanScribe graduates get jobs. Payments under $100 per month. 1-800-466-1535. www.canscribe.com. admissions@canscribe.com.



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COUNTER SALES/ORDER PICKING/WAREHOUSING Gregg Distributors, Langley, is looking for self-motivated, energetic individuals to join our growing teams. Shipping/Receiving, Order Picking, & Counter Sales Opportunities are now available. Successful applicants should have prior experience. COMPETITIVE SALARY & BENEFITS Fax resume to: Gregg Distributors: 604.888.4688 or visit Employment Opportunities at www.greggdistributors.ca Gas Station, Hope req. 3 Cashiers & 3 Gas Attendants Training Provided, $10.25/hr. Work in shifts. Email: chevrontown@mail.com GUARANTEED Job Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209



HOUSEKEEPER needed immediately, part time, permanent, bring resume to Skagit Motel, 655 Third Ave. (604)869-5220

Housekeeper Temporary Helper Part time, Apply in person

Slumberlodge Motel 250 Fort St. Hope PANGO PIZZA in Hope is looking for kitchen helpers. Full time position. Will be required to work late nights and weekends. Will train. $10.75/hr. Email resume to: sukhi221@yahoo.ca

RIVER FLY FISHING GUIDE AVID FLY FISHER, JET AND DRIFT BOATS EXPERIENCE AN ASSET. REMOTE LODGE IN BC. EMAIL RESUME AND REFERENCES TO TSYLOS@TSYLOS.COM RJAMES WESTERN STAR FREIGHTLINER Journeyman Truck & Equipment Partsperson. Busy commercial transport truck dealership in Kamloops has an immediate opening for a journeyman parts person. This position is permanent full time with competitive wage and benefit package. Resumes to Attn: HR Dept 2072 Falcon Rd., Kamloops BC V2C 4J3 Fax: (250)374-7790 Email: jobapplication@jamesws.com Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

Sports Minded? Earn up to $800/wk. CS team has 10 Fulltime openings available now. Must work well with team. Competitors welcome!

Call Sarah at 604-777-2195

YALE HISTORIC SITE is accepting applications for full time, summer season, Student Interpreters. Please email a resume and cover letter to: info@historicyale.ca



PROFESSIONAL SALES CONSULTANTS. Central Alberta’s leading Ford dealer requires two professional sales associates. We maintain a large inventory of New & Used vehicles & friendly country atmosphere with big city sales volume. We are closed Sundays and all Statutory Holidays. We offer a competitive pay plan with an aggressive bonus structure, salary guarantee and moving allowance. Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email: dbrackenbury@ denhamford.com.



AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS. Licensed, 4th year & 3rd year Technicians required. Signing/moving allowance, full company benefits, very aggressive bonus/pay plan. Ford experience preferred, but not required. Denham Ford, Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Email resume: Attention: Dean Brackenbury; dbrackenbury@denhamford.com.

FABRICATOR Wanted for Foundation drilling company. We build custom in house tooling and repair equipment. Interested parties please email resume with certifications to:


Heavy Duty Diesel Mechanic

Mega Cranes Ltd. an industry leader is seeking an energetic, aggressive self starter for a full time position. Required immediately. Must have inspectors ticket and Red seal. Will have hydraulic experience and must be able to read electrical and hydraulic schematics.

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JOIN OUR TEAM & earn up to $85,000 a year. Journeyman technician-proven producer, good attitude, quality workmanship a must. Minimum 4 years experience. Full benefit package available. Braby Motors Salmon Arm. Fax resume 1-250-832 4545, email pat@brabymotors.com.

Technician required for Central Interior dealership. Preference to techs with GM experience. Email resume to: t_tugnum@hotmail.com


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BUY & SAVE FOODS is accepting applications for

full-time or part-time clerks. Job requirements include the ability to lift 50 lbs or more and work late shifts Phone or see Venessa, Pauline or Brenda 489 Wallace St., Hope 604-869-5318 5/13w BS30

A14 Hope Standard, Thursday, May 30, 2013




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KENMORE DRYER, good working condition. $50 Call (604)869-1207


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FREEZER, apartment size, like new, works good. $125. Call 604869-7176 after 5 KITCHEN AIDE DISHWASHER, good working condition. $125. Call (604)869-1207 POKER TABLE, custom made w/ removable base & hard top. Like new. $200 obo. Call (604)869-7176 after 5 pm.



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MERCHANDISE: CLASS 500’S From antiques & collectibles, to sporting goods and electronics, to parakeets and pet supplies, if it’s considered merchandise for sale, you can find it here.


STEEL BUILDING - BLOWOUT CLEARANCE SALE! 20X22 $4,188. 25X26 $4,799. 30X34 $6,860. 32X44 $8,795. 40X50 $12,760. 47X74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca

1/2 Acre lot in Hope for Modular Home. Rent or buy the lot. New home $129,900. Call Chuck 604-830-1960.

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New SRI *1152 sq/ft Double wide $77,900. *14x70 Full gyproc single wide - loaded $69,900. Repossessed mobile, manufactured & modulars. Chuck 604-830-1960. Glenbrookhomes.net


HOPE Beautiful one acre building site flat, treed land, 100 foot frontage x 400 ft. Water and power on site, gas at property line. Septic approved. Located on a quiet deadend road. Approx. 1 km to corner stores, gas station and elementary school. Five minutes to downtown Hope. $145, 000 priced to sell. Pictures available on request. Phone 604-869-7040.





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MAREMMA PUPS, working stock guard pups, protectors of livestock, family or property, will guard whatever it bonds to. Being raised with livestock. No Sunday calls. 1 (604)796-8557 NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or www.856-dogs.com POMERANIAN - 10 weeks old. 2 black males. 1st shot, vet checked, paper trained. $500 (604)941-2959 SHELTIES: Sable colored. One 7 month old, two 3 month olds. Ready now. Shots/dewormed. 604-826-6311 TOY POODLE PUPS 4 wks old, 2 males; 1 white, 1 blond/white. $700 each. Avail. June 15. 604-8204230, 604-302-7602



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Thursday, May 30, 2013, Hope Standard A15 RENTALS 736
















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AGASSIZ - 1 bdrm apartment $550/mo. and 4 bdrm house $1200/mo. Laminate flooring, elect. + gas incl. 7168 Pioneer Ave. 778-245-3790 or 778-241-3618 herman_14@hotmail.com HOPE, 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT., for rent $500 - $600, Park Royal, heat & hot water inc., balcony, covered parking, 55, NP, NS. Best Loc Hope. Ref’s required. Call (604)860-0236 Linda or (604) 8251444 HOPE,

2 bdrm apt., adult oriented complex, 4 appliances, newly reno’d, electric heat, N/S, N/P. Call (604)869-9402 or 604-869-1432




3 bedroom townhouse, 5 appl., soundproof, radiant heat, blinds, fenced yard, patio, 658 Coquihalla St., sunny side of town, N/S, no dogs, D/D Ref’s req. Avail now.


HOPE 2 bedroom mobile homes for sale in seniors community.

736 709 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CHILLIWACK WAREHOUSE 5,400sf. @ $4.50sf. + 3N 5 offices & 2 bathrooms. Two 3 phase & single phase power. 1 bay door 12 x 12. (604)941-2959

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HOPE - 2 bedroom townhouse $695/mo and 3 bedroom townhouse $745/mo. DD and Ref. Avail. June 1. Call 604-860-4878




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1987 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88, V6, mint condition, maroon ext/int, needs air care, BO. 604-703-3242


Call Gordon 604-240-3464

Call (604)869-6599 or (604)796-0069


2001 Travelaire 25’ class C, M/H on Ford E450, most factory options, except gen, new trans @ 50,000k, new tires on 100,000k super clean, 108,000km, $19,000. 604-792-0235



HOPE 1 bedroom furnished house or a 2 bedroom plus den in seniors community.


The Scrapper

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Formerly Curves in Coldstream. 1800 & 1400 sq.ft or sell all including 3000 sq.ft residence, heart of Coldstream Vernon BC. Near schools, store & lake. 250-542-6261

Call Gordon 604-240-3464 HOPE, 2 bdrm house, $700 includes electricity cost. Call 1 (604)525-1883

HOPE, Retail Space available, 591 Wallace, 3 units + storage shed starting at $400/mon +hst, incl heat, water & garbage. Call Rob @ 604869-9763

HOPE, 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, private location, clean & very nice, $900/mo + D/D, ref’s req. No Smokers please. Avail June 1. Call (604)869-2181


HOPE, 3 bdrm house with unfinished bsmt in Silver Creek, incl. 4 appl., N/S, completely reno’d. Tenant must be tidy with good ref. $1000+util. 604-302-5100

HOPE 2 bedroom apt., recently reno’d, available April 1. $700 per month plus DD, N/P, N/S. Call 604869-2727

HOPE 2 vacant pads for rent in senior’s community. Gordon 604-240-3464

NEW 2BR/2BTH S. Surrey “Edgewater� Condo. Large deck, walk-in closet, pool, hot-tub, yoga. $1,750. Call Doug: 604-999-7050

HOPE, Silver Hope Mobile Park. Cabin, Mobile homes, and R/V pads for monthly rentals, cable included. Call (604)869-1203






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HOPE, 4 BDRM, 2.5 bath, 2 storey home, fully renovated, lg fenced yard, patio, garage, 5 appl., in-law suite, pets negot., avail now. $1200/m. 20143 Silverview Rd. Call Ross Fullbrook, Royal Lepage, 604792-0077

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2002 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr sedan auto Aircare low km ST#313 $2,900 2002 CHRYSLER NEON 4dr auto Aircared, sunroof, runs good. ST#147 $2,900 2001 TOYOTA COROLLA. Fully loaded, 4 dr sedan ST# 379 $3,400. 2005 FORD TAURUS auto fully loaded air care low kms only 99km ST#318 $3,500 2001 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr auto low kms, ST#274 $3,900 2003 CHEV IMPALA 2dr, auto, aircared, full load, ST#376 $3,900 2005 CHEV OPTRA 4dr hatchback, auto, aircare, runs good, ST#356 $4,400 2004 HYNDAI SANTA FE 4/dr auto, loaded st#370. $4,900 2007 PONTIAC MONTANA 7pgr Van runs good no accidents ST#312 $4,900 2006 SATURN ION. 4dr, auto, Aircared, Only this week $5,500. ST#389 2006 PONTIAC WAVE 4dr auto sdn low kms fully loaded Aircare ST#353 $5,888 2004 NISSAN ALTIMA. 4dr, auto, leather, fully loaded. ST#398 $5,900. 2006 CHEV IMPALA, auto, 4 dr sedan, runs good, Aircared, ST#386 $5,900. 2006 NISSAN SENTRA, 4 dr, auto, sedan, Aircared, runs good, ST#387 $6,900. 2007 HYUNDAI ACCENT 4 dr, auto, fully loaded, runs good. ST#364 $6,900. 2007 DODGE CARAVAN 7 passenger, auto, roof rack, low kms. ST#372 $6,900. 2006 SATURN ION 4dr auto sdn fully loaded ST#349 $6,900 2007 FORD FUSION 4DR auto, loaded ST#250 $6,900 2008 KIA SPECTRA 4dr auto hatch back fully loaded ST#352 $7,777 2007 DODGE CAVALIER 4 dr, auto, runs good, Aircared, ST#383 $7900. 2007 JEEP COMPASS 4dr auto 4X4 Aircare loaded ST#336 $8,900 2006 DODGE CHARGER SXT 4 dr, auto, leather, fully loaded, ST#365 $10,900. 2007 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 dr, auto, sedan, a/c, pwr locks, low kms. ST#397 $10,900. 2009 NISSAN SENTRA low km 4dr auto ST#328 $10,900 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sdn auto full load low kms ST#331 $11,900 2008 JEEP PATRIOT, 4dr, auto, low kms, runs good, only this week $11,900 SK#371 2010 DODGE CARAVAN 7 pgr, fully loaded, roof rack ST#355 $12,900 2010 HONDA CIVIC. 4dr, auto, a/c, fully loaded. ST#394 $13,900.

TRUCKS 2006 FORD F350 crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box runs good ST#282 $10,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT CREW cab diesel 4X4 auto long box runs good ST#309 $14,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT quad cab 4X4 auto diesel only 156K ST#17 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box only 160Km st#310 $15,900 2005 CHEV 2500 HD LS cr/cab Duramax diesel leather 4X4 auto ST#190 $15,900 2007 FORD F350 XLT, crew cab, diesel, 4 x 4, auto, short box only 162K, ST# 826. $15,900. 2008 2007 FORD F150 XLT super crew 4X4 auto fully loaded ST#348 $15,900 2007 FORD F150 XLT super crew 4dr 4X4 auto very low kms only 86,100 fully loaded ST#348 this week only$16,900 2007 FORD F350 LARIAT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto short box ST#275 $18,900

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the members of Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society (FVACFSS) will be held at Squiala First Nation Gymnasium located at 45005 Squiala Road, Chilliwack, BC on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 4:00 PM, PST. Dinner will be served starting at 4:00 PM

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A lien is claimed under the Act. There is presently an amount due and owing of $11,779.24 plus any additional costs of storage, seizure and sale. Notice is hereby given that on the 20th day of June, 2013 or thereafter, the said vehicle will be sold. The vehicle is currently stored at Jamie davis Motor Truck & Auto Ltd. 19683 Silver Skagit Road, Hope BC. The vehicle was placed in storage on February 26th 2013. For more info. call Elite Bailiff

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e Standard - August 20, 2010

ON NOW AT YOUR BC BUICK GMC DEALERS. bcGMCdealers.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. ♦/‡/††/*/†Offers apply to the purchase of a 2013 Sierra EXT 4X4 (R7C), 2013 Terrain FWD (R7A), 2013 Acadia FWD (R7A), equipped as described. Freight included ($1,600/$1,550). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Buick GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, RBC Royal Bank, TD Auto Financing Services or Scotiabank may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Buick GMC dealer for details. ▼Based on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ‡0% Purchase financing offered on approved credit by RBC Royal Bank/TD Auto Financing/Scotiabank for 84/60 months on new or demonstrator 2013 Terrain FWD/2013 Acadia FWD. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $119/$166 for 84/60 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. 0.99% Purchase financing for 84 months on 2013 Sierra EXT 4X4 on approved credit by TD Auto Financing Services/RBC Royal Bank/Scotiabank. Example: $10,000 at 0.99% for 84 months, the monthly payment is $123. Cost of borrowing is $355, total obligation is $10,355. Biweekly payments based on a purchase price of $27,495 with $3,300 down on 2013 Sierra EXT 4X4, equipped as described. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly payments and cost of borrowing will also vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. ≠Based on a 0.9%/0.9%/2.9%, 24/48/48 month lease for new (demonstrator not eligible) 2013 Sierra EXT 4X4/2013 Terrain FWD/2013 Acadia FWD, equipped as described. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. OAC by GM Financial. Lease APR may vary depending on down payment/trade. Down payment or trade of and security deposit may be required. Total obligation is $11,022/$19,504/$23,083. Option to purchase at lease end is $18,995/$11,228/$17,037 plus applicable taxes. Other lease options available. ♦$7,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on the 2013 Sierra EXT 4X4 (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. See your GM dealer for details. $1,500/$2,000 non-stackable cash credits is a manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2013 Sierra 1500 Ext Cab/Sierra 1500 Crew. Non-stackable cash credits are available only when consumers opt for the cash purchase of a new or demonstrator model. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing such discounts and incentives which will result in a higher effective interest rate. See dealer for details. Offer ends May 31, 2013. ^Whichever comes first. Conditions and limitations apply. ^^Based on latest competitive data available. +The Best Buy seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. †*Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available, and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ^*For more information visit iihs.org/ratings. ** U.S. Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are a part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program (www.SaferCar.gov). †Valid at participating GM dealerships in Canada only. Retail customers only. Offer ranges from 750 to 3,000 AIR MILES® reward miles, depending on model purchased. No cash value. Offer may not be combined with certain other AIR MILES promotions or offers. See your participating GM dealer for details. Offer expires July 2, 2013. Please allow 4–6 weeks after the offer end date for reward miles to be deposited to your AIR MILES® Collector Account. To ensure that reward miles are deposited in the preferred balance, Collector should ensure his/her balance preferences (AIR MILES® Cash balance and AIR MILES® Dream balance) are set as desired prior to completing the eligible purchase transaction. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer for any reason in whole or in part at any time without notice. ®™Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and General Motors of Canada Limited. ‡‡Offer only valid from April 2, 2013 to July 2, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GMC Terrain, Aztek, Sunrunner, Buick Rendezvous, Saturn Vue will receive a $1,000 credit towards the purchase, lease or factory order of an eligible new 2013 GMC Terrain. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes GST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply.

A16 Hope Standard Thursday, May 30, 2013


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Bi-WEEKLY WiTH $2,000 DOWN BaSED ON a PUrCHaSE PriCE OF $29,995*



154 0% AT






0 %


Note to Publication: PLEASE examine this material upon receipt. If it is deficient or does not comply with your requirements, contact: Amberlea Schaab - Production Director 604-601-8573 Adam Buechler - Production Artist 604-601-8577

B U I C K *


for up to

air MiLES® rEWarD MiLES†


Bi-WEEKLY WiTH $3,300 DOWN. BaSED ON a PUrCHaSE PriCE OF $29,495.* iNCLUDES $7,500 iN CaSH CrEDiTS.u

149 0.99% ‡




air MiLES® rEWarD MiLES†



1,000 ‡‡

air MiLES® rEWarD MiLES†






months financing‡









2013 GMC aCaDia SLE-1












air MiLES ®








EFFECTiVE raTE 2.20%





143 $

154 $

165 $



193 $

203 $

218 $




(or EquivAlENT TrAdE)


149 $

321 $

156 $

375 $

168 $

322 $

364 $





386 $

426 $

3,300 $

FiNaNCE: Bi-WEEKLY / 84 MONTHS / aT 0.99%‡ LEaSE: MONTHLY / 24 MONTHS / aT 0.9%≠


- Segment Exclusive automatic Locking Differential - Best-in-Class 5 Year/160,000km Powertrain Warranty^, 60,000km Longer than Ford F-150 or ram^^



4,000 2,000

FiNaNCE: Bi-WEEKLY / 84 MONTHS / aT 0%‡ LEaSE: MONTHLY / 48 MONTHS / aT 0.9%≠



- Consumers Digest Best Buy For The Fourth Year in a row+ - 2.4L i4 Engine or Newly available 3.6L V6 Engine - Multi-Flex™ Sliding and reclining rear Seat, Offering Class-Leading Legroom†*



4,300 2,500 $

FiNaNCE: Bi-WEEKLY / 84 MONTHS / aT 1.99%‡ LEaSE: MONTHLY / 48 MONTHS / aT 2.9%≠


- Fold Flat Second and Third row Seating for Flexibility and Cargo Capacity - iiHS 2013 Top Safety Pick^* and NHTSa 5-Star Overall Vehicle Score for Safety**




5/13w G30

2013-05-27 3:13 PM


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