Agassiz Observer, May 31, 2013

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Friday, May 31, 2013


The Agassiz ❖ Harrison






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Relay foR life

Major cancer research fundraiser back at Harrison this weekend


Just keep swimming Genest lives life to fullest, in and out of pool



opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

mailbag . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 community . . . . . . . . 24


Members of the Harrison Highlanders came out to support the Defeat Depression walk, performing under shelter on Sunday morning. From right to left, Frank Froese, John McRae, Rick Carswell, Billy Waldren and Bob Pratt (not shown) were among those who showed up for the walk, which aims to raise awareness of mental health.

Awareness walk doubles in size Time to defeat depression stigma, says walk organizer

classifieds . . . . . . . . . 25

Jessica Peters

AGASSIZ PRODUCE Locally Owned & Operated 7266 Pioneer Ave. 604-796-8444

The Observer

In the not-so-distant future, Andrea McRae can imagine a society where there is no stigma attached to mental illness. "I would bet you that in 20 years, depression is more accepted," she said. "Little by little it will be like other diseases." McRae is the organizer of the Defeat Depression walk in the Agassiz and Harrison area, held

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on Sunday. While the rain fell down on walkers and runners as they beat a 5.5-kilometre path around the lagoon, their spirits remained high. About 70 people registered in this year's event, and even more showed up to lend their support. In total, they managed to raise about $3,500 — double what they raised at last year's inaugural event. The money will go toward

the Mood Disorders of Canada Society, a non-profit that helps organize the run/walks across the country. McRae chose to get involved and start the local event last year, partly because of her own history with mental health. But more than that, she wants to lift the veil on depression and let others know that it's okay to have depression. "It's all about accepting it," she

says. "It's understanding that it's not because you're making bad decisions, it's not because you just can't get a grip. It's accepting the fact it's an illness … no different than a physical disease." McRae knows how difficult it can be to live with depression. But organizing the walk isn't about her own illness. "I do this not to wave a placard and say look at me I'm the mom

Mozza Combo $7

Continued on 4

2 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013



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Rock festival looking for new venue Farmstock organizers couldn’t pay $5,000 damage deposit Jessica Peters The Observer

Agassiz Harrison Community Services AGM June 19, 2013 • 5:30 pm located in the A-H Community Services Boardroom 7086 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz

ANNUAL REPORT At the regular Council meeting on June 17, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., Council of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs will consider for adoption, the 2012 Annual Report. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at 495 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs, BC. Beginning June 1st copies of the report will be available at the Village Office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday and on the Village’s website at www.harrisonhotsprings. ca. Submissions and questions from the public will be considered by Council at the June 17, 2013 meeting.

Music festival organizers who were hoping to rock out at the Agassiz Speedway this summer are now looking for another place to party. Farmstock is a onenight party that has taken place in the Fraser Valley before, previously at the Vedder Campground in Chilliwack. Organizers had approached the Kent Raceways Society about renting the Agassiz facility for their event this August. That would require the support by Kent council, as well as a damage deposit to cover police services. But when the issue came to council’s attention two weeks ago, they immediately saw red flags and asked staff to look further into the planned event. Council also asked staff to increase the suggested $3,000 dam-

age deposit to $5,000. that meant it could get Either way, Menard At this Monday’s out hand,” Hilts said. said they couldn’t afcouncil meeting, staff But organizer Simon ford the damage dereported that the or- Menard, when con- posit. ganizers, Valley Side tacted by the Observer, “We are an indepenProductions, could not said the online adver- dent music festival and afford the deposit and tisement was uninten- so we don’t have that canceled their request. tional. kind of money,” MenValley Side was also “We had a guy do- ard said. advertising the He agreed that event and selling last year they ran tickets through into some issues “We are an Eventbrite before with some attendfinal approval was ees’ behavior, and independent music given by council. this year they had The event was planned to have festival and so we billed as being security on site. don’t have that kind “one night to not “This is the first give a f***” and year where we are of money” was listed as a difmaking it as legit ferent date than as possible,” Merequested. nard said, with The cancellasecurity, sponsors Simon Menard tion was a bit of and the approval relief for some of a municipality. members of coun“It proved to be cil and staff. ing our website for us,” impossible.” “It didn’t really sup- Menard said, and a Menard said he unport what we are try- link to Eventbrite was derstands the coning to do with Kent built in to eventually cerns, and is hoping to Raceways Society,” be able to buy tickets. work with the District said Kerry Hilts, di“He made a fake of Kent on more family rector of Community Farmstock page, and friendly entertainment Services. he just put whatever options. Farmstock “It was going to be in, and then he didn’t goes late into the night, catering to a younger un-publish it,” Menard hours past the 11 p.m. crowd, with wording said. noise bylaw limit.

The event would have put $1,500 in the hands of the Kent Raceway Society, but at a potential cost to taxpayers through policing costs. “Policing could have easily been more than $5,000,” said Mayor John Van Laerhoven. Hilts said the failure to come to an agreement with the event organizers for Farmstock this year doesn’t mean they can’t work together in the future. Valley Side is currently looking for other places to hold their event. At press time, the event was being advertised for early August on Cheam First Nations land. Farmstock is a night of entertainment and camping, with local rock bands performing through the day and into the early hours of the morning. Nine bands have signed on for this year’s event, Menard said.

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Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013 3


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Great heights Ag assi z ❖ Harr i son

AGASSIZ COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE Is pleased to welcome: Dr. Inna Fadyeyeva, Family Practice Physician Starting on August 2, 2013

PHONE 604-703-2030

Dr. Fadyeyeva joins the team: Dr. Wayne Phimister, Family Practice Physician Sean Young, Family Nurse Practitioner Marie Weatherby, Family Nurse Practitioner Sue Lawrence, Family Nurse Practitioner Robert Stam, Community Resource Nurse Susan Hutcheon, Dietician Carol Neilsen, Respiratory Therapist Darlene, Reagen, Cherie and Jennifer - Medical Office Staff Thank you to Dr. Olivia Tseng who will be leaving We look forward to continuing to provide a comprehensive community health service in the Agassiz / Harrison area and we are welcoming new patients at this time.

JessICA PeTers / Observer

Kindergarten students from Sts’ailes school spent some time at the Early Childhood Development Fair last week at the Ag Hall in Agassiz, skipping rope and demonstrating their reading skills to visitors.

Moving for cure this weekend

Canadian Cancer Society Harrison Hot Springs


Teams of walkers to circle lagoon through the night

Jessica Peters The Observer

When the Relay for Life team announced that a new event would be added last year, and the location was the lagoon walk around Harrison Hot Springs, it seemed like a perfect fit. And when the time came in June, it became obvious. Luminaries lined the walk, lit by walkers in memory of those who lost their battle with cancer. Survivors took the first lap, to the cheers

and well wishes of hundreds of participants. The walkers moved their way around the lagoon throughout the night, and entertainers filled the air with music. Teams dressed up according to themes, and team mates took turns walking while others took in short siestas. It was perfect. And this weekend, it’s happening again. The second Harrison Hot Springs Canadian Cancer Relay will kick off at 7 p.m. on Satur-

day night, and will run until 7 a.m. the next morning. It will all begin with a line up of entertainment that includes Todd Richard, Andrew Christopher, Matthew Cheverie and the Cattails. Registration is $20 a person. And for those who would like to contribute, but can’t commit to the overnight event, there are plenty of teams already registered that are awaiting support online. Find them by visit-

ing and clicking on ‘donate.’ Search for teams or participants names. At time of press, Karen Hatt was the top fundraiser, with $855 toward her goal of $1,000. Hatt is part of a team Moo-ving for a Cure that has managed to raise $5,521 to date. There are 11 teams in total, and many more participants, and many of the teams are accepting new members. To learn more, visit the Relay for Life website.

Relay For Life – Saturday, June 1st, 7pm at the Beach 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

84 cents of every dollar raised is donated to cancer research. “It would be such a shame for the people of Harrison Hot Springs to miss out on an opportunity to keep Terry’s legacy alive as every community no matter how big or small can make a huge impact, just as Terry learned when a small town of 10,000 people raised over $10,000”, says Donna White, Provincial Director for the Terry Fox Foundation BC & Yukon. If you are interested in

7:45 p.m.





OPEN: Mon thru Sat 9am to 6pm

Entertainment including Matthew Cheverie, Andrew Christopher, Todd Richard w/ Chris Rolin, The Cattails

Remember! 9:45 p.m.

Luminary Ceremony • The lights go down, and personalized luminaries line the walk and are lit in honour of cancer survivors and in memory of those we’ve lost to this horrible disease. Luminaries can be purchased and decorated in advance at the Luminary Tent for $5.

10:30 p.m.

Fight Back!

11:00 p.m.

Stage Closes

Midnight to 5:30 a.m.

Activities and games for participants throughout the night

6:00 a.m.

Pancake Breakfast (for participants)

6:30 a.m.

Closing Ceremonies

EVERY STEP TAKEN DURING RELAY FOR LIFE HELPS US SAVE LIVES Funds raised at Relay allow us to: • Fight all cancers by supporting the best cancer research • Infl uence change through our advocacy efforts • Empower Canadians with information to fi ght cancer • Speak up against cancer on behalf of Canadians • Support people living with cancer, including family members and caregivers

becoming the Harrison Hot Springs volunteer Run Organizer, contact Donna White, Provincial Director at the Terry Fox Foundation by email at or by phone at 1-888-836-9786. The runs are non-competitive and all inclusive; the registration fee is by donation and there is no minimum pledge amount. For more information about The Terry Fox Foundation, visit

May 30 to June 3

Opening Ceremonies Survivors and Caregivers Victory Lap • Support our cancer survivors - our Hero’s of Hope, by lending your applause as they walk the fi rst lap.

Run organizer needed for AH area

The Terry Fox Foundation is searching for a volunteer run organizer for the Agassiz Harrison Hot Springs area. This year’s national Terry Fox Run Day will take place on Sunday, Sept. 15, and marks 33 years since Fox ran 5,373 kilometres in 143 days. However, the foundation says that Harrison Hot Springs does not currently have a run organizer. The Terry Fox Foundation is a not-for-profit organization and

Survivor Registration and Reception


PLEASE JOIN US JUNE 1ST AT THE BEACH & LAGOON For more information please call: 604.792.3984 or

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Life Labs Fight Back Sponsor



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Supporter Sponsors

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4 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013



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Contact Sarah at The Observer: 604.796.4300


About 70 people showed up in support of the Defeat Depression walk on Sunday in Harrison, despite the gloomy weather.

75% of mental illnesses untreated From 1

of someone who died of suicide and that I'm someone with a mental illness," she says. "I'm here to honour all of us." MDCS reports that of all those with mental illness in the world, 75 per cent will never receive any treatment, and estimates that 450 million people

worldwide have mental or neurological disorders. In Canada, one in five people will have a mental illness in their lifetime, and 10 per cent of Canadians are dealing with mental illness at any given time. Mental illness is an overarching term for numerous illnesses that cause "serious disturbance

in thoughts, feelings care issues, including and perceptions that is other health problems severe enough to affect and even aging, he day to day functioning." pointed out. Mostly, he underlined They include s c h i z o p h r e n i a , the importance that health be depression, bi- mental polar disorder, taken seriously, and anxiety disorder, respected. "No one questions eating disorders and character if borderline personality your you have high blood disorder." They are all pressure or you break diagnosable disorders, your arm or you have but can also go diabetes," he said. "But untreated. Often, people there are still questions succumb to their illness about your fortitude if you suffer from mental and commit suicide. Of the top three illness." violent suicides around Mental illness the world, suicide touches every family, claims he said, t h e but help “No one questions is there highest rate at 49 for those your character if per cent. who seek ( H o m i - you have high blood it. cide and pressure or you break H e w a r t h e n r e l a t e d your arm or you have a d d e d words of deaths diabetes.” comfort p l a c e to his lower at speech, 31 per MP Mark Strahl before cent and leaving 18 per cent.) for Ottawa. "It's okay if you have And in Canada, 90 per cent of people who mental illness, we're commit suicide have going to rally around a diagnosable mental you as if you had any illness. other illness." Having Strahl's Locally, the walk has had the support of MP support, as a speaker Mark Strahl since it and as a registered walker, means a lot of began last year. He contacted McRae McRae. She said she will when he heard about it, and signed up and continue to organize the walked along the small walk for the area, and group that gathered when no longer able, is last year. This year, he confident someone else was scheduled to be in will pick up the torch. Ottawa in the afternoon "You don't always but stopped in briefly to feel like smiling," she speak to the crowd. said. "But (during the "Mental health is walk) there is almost a something I'm very camaraderie. It's a safe passionate about, I place." To learn more work with the National mental Defence Committee about and right now we're health, visit www. studying PTSD and care mooddisorderscanada. and we've talked a lot ca. To access services about mental illness," locally, call Community Services at 604-796Strahl said. Mental health over- 2585. arcs all different health

Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013 5


Families encouraged to sign up for parade

Crafters, photographers, farmers and bakers, it’s time to get busy. The Agassiz Fall Fair 2013 Prize Book is out, listing all the competitions for this year’s fair. The Fair will run Friday, Sept. 13 and Saturday, Sept. 14. with the parade on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Families are being encouraged to join in the parade, with a special Family Fun Float class. These family floats are to have two people with the same last name, and no advertising is allowed on the floats. There will be prizes for the best floats, with a grand prize of $250, a second place prize of $150 and a third place prize of $100. Just as big as the parade is the exhibit competitions, with entries ranging from handmade


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Photography makes up a large portion of the exhibition each year at the the Agassiz Fall Fair.

quilts and preserves to children’s crafty creations. It would be a good idea for float builders and exhibitors of all kinds to take note of this year’s theme: Have a ‘Berry’ Nice Time. There is a special Berry Theme Section in this

year’s prize book, with divisions for berry themed needlework, baking and canning. And of course, there is a special section for corn — the reason behind the annual fair. Exhibitors are invited to submit their best corn chowder, corn husk dolls,

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6 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013

Opinion The more things change The pre-election confidence by the NDP in Chilliwack evaporated rapidly on election night as the polls began to come in. Despite proud pronouncements by party leader Adrian Dix that Chilliwack was “NDP country,” and his “second home,” voters thought otherwise. In fact, when the numbers were finally tallied, the two ridings looked pretty much like what they did when the Liberals won both in 2009. The outcome should not be a surprise to anyone who can do simple math. However, early on pundits from outside the ridings were predicting the long Liberal supremacy in Chilliwack was over; that the byelection win by Gwen O’Mahony in 2012 was not an accident, but reflected the changing demographics of an increasingly urbanite (and therefore sophisticated) population. But the pundits got a lot of things wrong this election, including who would form the next government. Even before the polls closed, they were talking about who would replace Liberal leader Christy Clark once the smoke cleared and the bodies counted. Instead, Clark will lead a government with an even larger majority than what she went into the election with. In Chilliwack-Hope, NDP

B.C. Views


supporters insisted that O’Mahony’s victory in 2012 was not due to a fractured vote on the right. This, despite the fact that the votes gathered by the Liberals and the BC Conservatives topped those earned by the NDP. That hope sure vanished quickly. Despite a year of hard work as the riding’s MLA, earning high praise for her community involvement and commitment, her percentage of the vote slid back to the familiar mid 30s, while the Liberals returned to their comfortable 50s. In the riding of Chilliwack, the pattern was familiar, with the unapologetically brash John Martin following terrain stamped by John Les to secure a 20 per cent decision over his NDP rival. So if the evening began with trepidation by those Liberals who read the polls and believed them, it ended with an exuberance summed up by Martin: “Did we kick some left-wing socialist butt tonight, or what?” For the NDP, the sting of the loss will fade. What will remain is the memory of the victory they tasted, and the desire and determination to change a pattern they’ve so far been unable to shake. – The Chilliwack Progress

Have you suffered from depression in your life? To answer, go to the Home page of our website:


Should the federal government be cutting back programs at the Agassiz Research Station? Here’s how you responded:

Yes 18% No 82%

BCTF digs in for endless war

Tom Fletcher VICTORIA – Like those Japanese soldiers who didn’t hear about the end of World War II, the militant fringe that controls the B.C. Teachers’ Federation is digging in for endless battle against the B.C. government. Their nemesis, Premier Christy Clark, reiterated last week that seeking a 10-year agreement with the BCTF is a top priority when the legislature is recalled this summer. The current one-year truce ends June 30. The BCTF grudgingly agreed to that extension last year, then ran TV ads calling for an NDP government that promised concessions and union bosses on both sides of the negotiating table. “You know, I may be a lame

duck,” outgoing BCTF president Susan Lambert crowed to cheering classroom-warfare radicals at the union’s convention in March, “but I think Christy’s goose is cooked.” We’ll never know how much this sort of gloating contributed to the epic collapse of the NDP, champion of public sector union members whose pay and benefits make them the new upper class. But I can tell you the prospects for sparing children from this ideological warfare are not good. Last week the B.C. Court of Appeal handed down an ivorytower decision that upheld the “right” of teachers to bring their union demands into the classroom in the form of posters, buttons and black armbands that to some self-absorbed teachers symbolize the “death” of education. During the election campaign, The Globe and Mail carried a story on one of those mock elections held in schools around the province. An elementary-level

The Agassiz ❖ Harrison

student was quoted as saying she voted against the B.C. Liberals because Clark “caused a teachers’ strike.” If this kid was talking about the most recent strike, I wonder where she got that idea. In a

“The prospects for sparing children from this ideological warfare are not good” negotiating performance that was appalling even by BCTF standards, Lambert and her team conducted months of disruptive work-to-rule action before they could even articulate a wage and benefit demand. When they finally did, it was outrageously out of touch with reality. An indication of how the union’s ruling class wants to conduct itself in the classroom can be found

P.O. Box 129 7167 Pioneer Ave. Agassiz, B.C. V0M 1A0 Phone: 604-796-4300 | Fax: 604-796-2081

DeaDliNeS Classifieds: Tues. 4 p.m. Display ads: Fri. 4 p.m.

in the latest issue of the BCTF newsletter to its members. Joanna Larson, president of the Prince Rupert union local, contributes an article headlined: “What kind of citizen do we hope to graduate from our K-12 public schools?” Larson first quotes the education ministry’s current goals. They include preparing citizens who are “creative, flexible, self-motivated, and who have a positive self-image.” Another goal is citizens who are “skilled and who can contribute to society generally, including the world of work.” Larson then mocks these goals, as follows: “Essentially, the Ministry of Education has a vision of citizens who will maintain the status quo, not rock the boat, and participate on a superficial level in aspects of political and societal change. It doesn’t challenge individuals to take direct action against exploitation, marginalization and OFFiCe HOuRS Tues.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sat., Sun., & Mon.

violence.” In case you missed the political message, Larson later asserts: “The educated citizens we graduate from our schools cannot just be content to wear a pink shirt once a year. . . . Educated, engaged citizens must be willing to take direct action to change and shape our society for the better.” What is this ghastly “status quo” that must be challenged by “direct action”? In these campus-radical screeds, the final answer is generally the same: capitalism. This call to arms is a blend of the NDP election platform and a rant from the Occupy Vancouver squat of a couple of years ago. It’s no wonder we hear of students making BCTF picket signs in art class. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and


Published at Agassiz, Harrison Hot Springs, Popkum/Bridal Falls, Rosedale and surrounding areas by the Black Press Group Ltd. Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #116572 Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.

PublishEr andrEw Franklin 604-796-4300

Editor JEssica PEtErs 604-796-4302

advErtising chris Franklin 604-796-4301

classiFiEd FEaturE salEs sarah virtEau 604-796-4300

BC Press Council: The Observer is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013 7

Mailbag More transit options needed I have recently read your article about adding transit link to Seabird Island and so on. (Local transit to see more changes, Observer, May 24) Well I have lived up at Mount Woodside for the last 22 years and have been on disability all this time. There were so many times I could have used

a transit for appointments cause I struggle with driving at certain times. There are a lot of seniors living at Mount Woodside who I know need this transit too, for some are not well enough to drive. During the time we have lived here our daughter went to university in

Abbotsford for five years and my husband had to drive her most of the time which sure would have helped if there were a bus from here. There are also other teens living up here that I know will soon have the same problem if this isn’t dealt with. I think it gives the children more

incentive to do well if things are made easier which would be a transit link to Mount Woodside. Thank-you for reading my e-mail and please take this into consideration. Thanks kindly, Janet Morphy

What about Mt. Woodside?

I have tried tirelessly to convince transit to come to Mount Woodside (Lougheed Hwy.) with no success.

There is a need for this service for the college students living in the new subdivision which should have been part

of the plan of this before these homes were built and occupied. After all they are taxpayers along with the rest of us here.

There are elderly that have had there licenses revoked and just the regular home owner as well.

If this other route goes through and Woodside is ignored again this would be a travesty. Laura Tremblay

For more letters to the editor, see page 8 Feedback, comments and letters to the editor can be submitted by email:


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Living in Agassiz a new experience A large bouquet of flowers to those who helped me and Rollie make the transition to Agassiz. Thanks to Community Services, the Seniors Society, the Thrift Store, a veterinarian in Chilliwack and all the individuals (you know who you are) that were there when I needed help. Thanks to the caretaker and the owner of the apartment, who both rescued me when the first "to-be home" failed. I am ever so grateful that this community has such great people living here. May God bless each and every one who was and is there for me. (And to the one who shouted, "Get out, no dogs allowed in here," we forgive you.) Helen Kurbatoff and Rollie, my dog

Sudoku May 31, 2013 Intermediate Level

See answers in Classifieds.


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The Agassiz ❖ Harrison

8 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013

Mailbag Art show a success

Garden of the week


This week’s Garden of The Week, chosen by the Harrison Hot Springs Communities in Bloom committee, belongs to Robert and Sonya Reyerse at 312 Lillooet Ave. The vista of colorful and well-groomed rhododendrons along the avenue hides the “Old World Charm” landscaping around their Harrison Heritage House Bed and Breakfast Cottages and private residence.

Amazing! The seventh annual Harrison Art Show was a remarkable success and will not be forgotten. The relaxed friendly atmosphere was magical with visitors interacting with each other while discussing the artwork. Even “four legged” guests seemed to enjoy the attention! The amount of participating artists, 36, exceeded all other years. The display of their artwork was truly fabulous. The committee, Lynda Anderson, Loretta Douglas, Linda Payette, Judy McKinnon, Barb Norris and Beth McCreary must be recognized. Their hanging of the paintings created a grand display to “show off” the works of these multi talented artists. Argyle Garden Market added the finishing touch with their selection of plants, trees and pots of flowering annuals that made the show pop. Maxwell Newhouse, an accomplished artist, author, and illustrator, was a super addition to this event. He has

The seventh annual Harrison Art show featured works from 36 artists, a level of participation which exceeded all other years.

received numerous literary awards and has been selected to speak at various functions. Maxwell was generous and approachable about sharing his knowledge of the art world. Maxwell’s paintings were both large in size and in quality.

Join us for

On behalf of Agassiz Strides for Support and the Mood Disorders Society of Canada,

I want to thank the following sponsors for their generous sponsorship for our Second Annual Defeat Depression Walk. A&W, Agassiz Agassiz Harrison Observer Cascade Casino Coast Hotel, Langley Charmaine Lowe Cynthia Hillier Eagle Crest Golf Course Harrison Golf Course Harrison Highlanders Jack’s Restaurant Muddy Waters Oasis Bistro

OK Tire Agassiz Prospera Credit Union, Agassiz Royalwood Golf Course Samantha Taylor - singer, voice teacher & community music facilitator Sandpiper Golf Course SuperValu The Falls Golf Course The Village of Harrison Hot Springs Wildcat Grill

Your support of this very important walk helps raise awareness and reduce stigma attached to depression and mental illness.


9:30AM - 5:30PM 9:30AM - 3:00PM



Werner Streicek, Harrison Hot Springs resident, is a noted stone sculptor, who displayed some remarkable pieces that caused great interest from the public. Antoinette Wessels, jewellery artist, presented “one of a kind” pieces. She now makes her own beads that were used in some of the beautifully designed pieces. Her exhibit certainly showcased her creative talents. Jane Kivitt, an authentic gardener, caused people to question the validity of her awesome succulent plants painting. Yes, they were alive and beautifully arranged! Jenny Belanger, operator of the Café, was recognized for her homemade food creating a place to relax and socialize with friends and new acquaintances. The Harrison Arts Show Committee sincerely extends their gratitude to all the sponsors for their generosity and support. The winners for the draws were: • Agassiz / Harrison Printers & Stationers Ltd. – 250 full colour standard business cards - Barb Norris, Rosedale • Studio KiKaBoe – Antoinette Wessels – jewellery – Alex Hung, Vancouver • Julie Anne’s Art & Custom Framing - $20 gift certificate – A. Fessenden, Langley • Killer’s Cove Boat Rentals – one

hour non-power boat rental (3) – Nancy Gale, Williams Lake, Debbie Penner, Vancouver and Lynn Stefovich, Harrison Hot Springs • Mary Kay, Melanie Kennedy – Khalid Alorefi, Vancouver • M a x w e l l Newhouse – signed copies of his books – John Fletcher, Agassiz and Eunice Yen, Richmond • Muddy Waters / Baskin Robbins – gift certificate – Christy Chow, N. Vancouver • R o c k y Mountain Chocolate Factory – gift basket – I. K. Butchart, Agassiz • Select Images – matted print – Les Ewener, Vancouver • The Old Settler Pub - $20 gift certificate – Pierre Lavalle, Burnaby • A. Fizz, P. Warren – handmade gift cards – Mary Ann Fontaine, Harrison Hot Springs After months of planning and tweeking, it is so amazing to watch how the Harrison Art Show has evolved into an event that brings an art community together. It is refreshing to witness visitors from various parts of BC and the world who appreciate the value and experience the pleasure that art plays in society. “Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.” James B. Conant Harrison Art Show Committee

Feedback, comments and letters to the editor can be submitted by email:

Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013 9

discover official community guide

harrison hot springs, agassiz & surrounding areas

Published by the award-winning newspaper

The Agassiz â?– Harrison






10 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013


harrison hot springs agassiz and surrounding areas

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Daffodils, bright pink blossoms and a snow-peaked Mt. Cheam, on a clear spring day in Agassiz. JESSICA PETERS / OBSERVER

There`s no place like home Welcome to your official community guide for Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs. The region truly is a strong community of small neighbourhoods, close friendships and big dreams. That’s why we all love living and working here. From the soothing shores of the lake to the snow-capped mountaintops all around us, the area’s beauty is hard to ignore. The small town charms are all around us, too. With pastoral settings and the Best Fall Fair around to mom-and-pop shops you know and trust, there seems little reason to ever leave! But changes are all around us, too. The area is ever-changing, with new businesses and services starting up all the time. We’ve published this guide to help you navigate the community and rediscover your own backyard. We also wanted to highlight the hidden gems you may be missing, and pay homage to the internationally-acclaimed highlights that draw in tourists year after year. Besides being a mecca for tourists, there is a vibrant business community here, growing in earnest thanks to our hardworking Chamber of Commerce. Businesses are blossoming and the community is stronger than ever. There truly is, no place like home.


Jessica Peters Editor - The Observer


L A I C R E M M CO L A I T N E D I S E R ete Home

Looking for a great place to stay, or info on hiking, biking & paddling in the Harrison Hot Springs region. Contact us at: 604.796.5581 @harrisontourism tourism harrison tourism harrison

• Co m p l at i o n s Re n ov ss & a l g r e b • Fi ing k c e D d Wo o oring o l F e t a • Lamin ng • Fr a m i ing • Fi n i s h Roofs l a t e M • ons • Additi


Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013 11


harrison hot springs agassiz and surrounding areas

Keeping small business connected Agassiz and Harrison’s economy is growing at a steady pace, thanks to numerous organizations devoted to helping business thrive. Connect with these groups and help grow your business, big or small. H-A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Serving the needs of the business community in Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs. For information, email DISTRICT OF KENT District staff can help with numerous issues that may arise in your home, or business. From licensing and other business services, to recreational programming and services. Visit them online at or phone 604-796-2235. VILLAGE OF HARRISON The Village can address most of your home or business needs in Harrison Hot Springs, and is also a force behind many of the events around town. For more information, visit or phone 604-796-2171. SEABIRD ISLAND BAND BUSINESS SERVICES Seabird Island is a small band on the cutting

edge of economic development. They work collaboratively with many businesses and individuals to continue to support growth in the area. To learn more about developments at Seabird, visit or phone 604-796-2177. KENT HARRISON FOUNDATION A non-profit organization that has been providing local grants and bursaries since 1998. For more information on how your business can partner with the foundation to create a lasting legacy, visit or email info@ COMMUNITY FUTURES DEVELOPMENT NORTH FRASER Business & community development services. Business loans, information and Management Training. Assistance to new & expanding businesses. WORK BC SERVICES CENTRE Employment and support service office offering client-centred, integrated services and supports that are responsive, inclusive and accessible. 7086 Pioneer Avenue. 604-796-0266.

Premier Christy Clark visited Agassiz several times during a byelection in 2012, stopping by several businesses throughout Agassiz during her stay. JESSICA PETERS / OBSERVER

Local Chamber is the `voice of business` The Harrison-Agassiz Chamber represents the business interests of two dynamic and different communities: Harrison Hot Springs & the District of Kent. Harrison Hot Springs, a small village in the big outdoors has been a premier resort destination for over a century and offers access to the largest fresh water lake in South Western BC.

The District of Kent is the hub for agricultural activity in the eastern Fraser Valley and is the “Corn Capital” of BC. As the “Voice of Business,” the Harrison-Agassiz Chamber of Commerce has been serving the needs of the business community in the Kent District and Harrison Hot Springs for more than 25 years. They are a non-profit,

non-government organization with over 100 members comprising businesses, professionals & associations who have joined together for the purpose of promoting the civic, commercial & Tourist interests of our community. The latest, greatest plan has been to host more casual social events in-

stead of the more structured Chamber meetings where members or new businesses can come & network, share concepts in a more relaxed, constructive setting. Have any questions about the Harrison-Agassiz Chamber of Commerce? Interested in their next event? Email them at


SAME DELICIOUS MENU We welcome you to join us for a meal soon!

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✁ 7056 Cheam Ave., Agassiz • 604-796-9565

12 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013

There is new taste and colour to the Oasis Coffee and Bistro in downtown Agassiz. There is an array of specialty coffees and smoothies, and the new menu includes savouries like a curried pear with ham panini, an egg scramble paired with a black bean quesadilla and salsa, and choices that are gluten-free and even vegan. The peanut butter fudge cookies, apple date squares, apple pecan ginger squares, and fruit pies are all gluten-free, and the power bars are as addictive as the coffee! You can smell them baking and you can taste the goodness. The new owners moved from one oasis to another – they were quite self-sufficient for ten years on a homestead with boat access only: 10,000 square feet of vegetable garden and 60 fruit trees! They canned soups, sauces, fruits and chutneys. They collected elk droppings and seaweed as fertilizer, and they milled all the joists, beams and smaller lumber for the rebuilding of the old family home. Up for new adventure, they were looking for a building supply on the east coast when they bought the coffeehouse in Agassiz instead. Webster’s defines oasis as: ‘providing refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast’.

#1-7010 Pioneer Avenue, Agassiz 604.796.8800

DropYouin will be back.

Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013 13


Take country life one day at a time

harrison hot springs agassiz and surrounding areas

We think each day should be lived to its fullest potential. Read on, and see how to make the most of your leisure time, right in your own backyard. A DAY FOR READING Have a free afternoon? Try getting lost in the stacks. The Agassiz Library has a full schedule of activities throughout the year, including a summer reading club for adults and children, Storytime in the Park and special presenters. As part of the Fraser Valley

A bee explores a California poppy in a local garden.

Regional Library system, library members enjoy borrowing power from collections throughout the Valley. Grab a book, an audiotape, a few magazines or even a movie, and hunker down to enjoy a little free entertainment.7140 Cheam Avenue. A DAY FOR SHOPPING Looking for just the right gift? Why not make a day of it, and head to the lake. Harrison Village Mall is full of gift choices, souvenirs and every day essentials. Need something for your day at the beach? You’ll want to stop at the merchants along Agassiz’s Pioneer Avenue, or load up on picnic foods at one of our supermarkets or produce stands. And don’t forget to take a stroll along Esplanade in Harrison Hot Springs, parallel to the beach front. Hopping in and out of the sunshine has never been so fun! A DAY IN THE PARK Thursdays just got better in Agassiz. Enjoy the Pioneer Park Twilight Concert Series on select nights, featuring a variety of musical acts. All performances begin at 6:30 p.m. and run until 8 p.m., and are free thanks to the support of sponsors and donations.

An army of tractors makes its way through town as part of the annual parade at the Agassiz Fall Fair last September. In Harrison, take the kids to explore the new nautical-themed playground at the beach or take a stroll around the lagoon walk. A DAY FOR THE DOGS Agassiz has gone unleashed — at least for the dogs. The riding ring beside the Fitness/Activity Centre is now a shared space for an off-leash dog park. For information, phone 604-796-2235. A DAY ON THE BEACH Enjoy the new look of the lake, by spending some time at Harrison Lake Plaza. Kick off your shoes and work on your sand sculpting skills. Grab some gelato or just soak up the sun and marvel at the view. Escape the crowds with a drive down Rockwell, along the lake’s east shoreline. Check out the quieter beach fronts, or rest in the soothing spray of a waterfall. Stay outdoors a little longer, with a camping trip to either Hicks Lake or Deer Lake,

both of which have their own picturesque views and trail systems. A DAY ON THE FARM The Circle Farm Tour is a collective of farms around the Fraser Valley, and Agassiz and Harrison Mills play important roles. From cheeses to herbs, cows to hazelnuts, there is something to learn and enjoy at each stop. Visit www.circlefarmtour. com. And for one weekend, the roads are filled with bicycles, as the Slow Food Cycle Tour heads out to Agassiz. Cyclists check in, grab a map, and make their way to locations around the District of Kent that grow, bake and cook different local food products, from cranberries to salmon to handmade cheeses. It’s a delicious way to learn about sustainability and local farming practices. This year’s Agassiz tour is on July 27. For more information, visit.

Morgan’s Bistro on the lake Harrison Hot Springs

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14 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013


harrison hot springs agassiz and surrounding areas

Celebrating our community

All the local choirs gather at Christmas for a massive community concert each year. All proceeds go toward local community needs. A DAY OF REJUVENATION Not every day is meant to be lived in the fast lane. So, relax and take it easy. Enjoy one of the area’s several spas or beauty services, for a pedicure, haircut or massage treatment. A DAY WITH THE FAMILY Nothing beats the laughter of children, and you’ll hear plenty of that around these parts. Whether you’re enjoying waterslides, a farm tour, Children’s Day at the Festival, fireworks on Canada Day, all the sights and sounds of the Agassiz Fall Fair or trekking around our many trails, it’s sure to be time well spent with the ones you love.

A DAY IN HISTORY The oldest wooden railroad station still in existence in B.C. also houses the Agassiz-Harrison Museum where you can see period clothing, artifacts and photos of pioneer life, hop on board an old train car, and view pioneering farming implements. Admission is free and the museum is open from May to September. 7011 Pioneer Ave. 604-796-3545. A DAY FOR WORSHIP There are several places of worship throughout the region, with many denominations represented, including Anglican, Christian, Catholic, Mennonite, Jehovah’s Witness and the United Church. All Saints Anglican Church is one of the oldest churches in the province, and worth a visit to take in the beautiful stained glass windows. A DAY TO CELEBRATE The Christmas season doesn’t pass quietly around here. Agassiz is a stop for the CPR Holiday Train, which winds its way through six provinces and seven states near Christmastime, collecting for food banks along its journey. All the food and money collected here in Agassiz goes directly to the Agassiz Community Services food bank. So this year, bundle up, get down to the tracks and spread the joy.

Miss Emily belts it out on the CP Holiday Train stage, backed up by country band Doc Walker. Entertainment options abound in Agassiz and Harrison, and so do creative outlets to indulge your own artistic side.


Discover your artistic side

Does your creative side need a little nurturing? AGASSIZ MONDAY PAINTERS Meet fellow artists monthly, in the bright and This region can be an oasis of peaceful relaxation spacious Agassiz United Church hall. To learn more, — just the right environment for artists seeking drop by the church on Monday afternoons. solitude and inspiration. So it’s no surprise that art RUBY CREEK ART GALLERY galleries and exhibitions are growing in popularity. An abundance of First Nation art work and hisMany of the galleries and organizations listed betory. Located at 58611 Lougheed Highway Agassiz, low also offer classes and demonstrations through BC. 604-796-0740 or online at www.rubycreekartthe year. Thumb through this listing the next time your creativity needs a boost. HARRISON FESTIVAL SOCIETY RANGER STATION ART GALLERY Keeping the art vibe alive for decades in HarriThis local art gallery situated on the shores of son Hot Springs, this group is responsible for year Harrison Lake features monthly shows by area artround concerts in Harrison Memorial Hall, and the ists. Operated by the Kent Harrison Arts Council, internationally-known Harrison Festival of the Arts at 98 Rockwell Drive in Harrison Hot Springs. 604every summer. 796-2723.Come in to meet your local pharmacy team Visit to check current KENT HARRISON ARTS COUNCIL let us help you feel better all over. events, or phone 604-796-3664. A not-for-profit arts and cultural organization HARRISON HOT SPRINGS MULTICULTURAL CHOIR serving the communities of the Village of Harrison ✓ Free blood ✓ Freeand blood pressure testing This active group sings regularly at many events. Hot Springs, District of sugar Kent, testing Seabird Island For more information, phone 796-2084. Sts’ailes. ✓ Free Cholesterol testing

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Pioneer Ave

10:00am - 4:00pm 10:00am - 2:00pm



Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0


Tel: 604-491-1070 Fax: 604-491-1071 Pioneer Ave

Cheam Ave

✔ Health and wellness: Homeopathic, Mohamed Hasanine, 9:00am - 6:00pm natural and herbal products, Pharmacist: BSc (Pharm), RPh Tuesday 9:00am - 6:00pm home health care products and 7046 Pioneer Avenue Wednesday 8:00am - 5:00pm Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0 orthopedic bracing and supports Thursday 9:00am - 7:00pm Tel: 604-491-1070 La












Pioneer Ave

9:00am - 6:00pm


10:00am - 4:00pm


10:00am - 2:00pm





Fax: 604-491-1071 Pioneer Ave

Cheam Ave

Location La


9:00am - 6:00pm In

Monday – Friday 10 – 4 Saturday – Sunday 1 – 5 604-796-2723 98 Rockwell Drive Harrison Hot Springs Operated by The Kent Harrison Arts Council |

9:00am - 6:00pm







1920s Living History • Costumed Wednesday 8:00am - 5:00pm Interpreters ee n


Monthly exhibits featuring local and Fraser Valley artists.







Ranger Station



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Wednesday 8:00am - 5:00pm Thursday





Evergreen Drive


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Agassiz-Resdale Hwy


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suppositories, creams, hormonal mobile app today! 7046 Avenue Agassiz Pharmacist: Mohamed Pioneer Hasanine, preparations and veterinarian products BSc (Pharm), RPh Phone: 604-491-1070 • 7046 Pioneer Avenue Hours Location Store Info






✔ Health and wellness: Homeopathic, natural and herbal products, home health care products and orthopedic bracing and supports


9:00am - 6:00pm

and administration

preparations and veterinarian products

Agassiz-Resdale Hwy

9:00am - 6:00pm


✔ Free prescription transfer and delivery



✔ Free comprehensive medication review

✔ Free prescription transfer and delivery

Evergreen Drive


✔ Online and mobile prescription refills

✔ Free comprehensive medication review

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Evergreen Drive

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help you feel better all over.

✔ Free vaccination consultation and administration

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10:00am - 4:00pm

Special Events • Campground Sunday 10:00am - 2:00pm Open April to October | 215 Kilby Road, Harrision Mills (604)796-9576

1 km off Scenic Hway 7 – Just minutes west of Agassiz



Pioneer Ave Cheam Ave

Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013 15

Discover our folklore at Kilby Imagine a place where you could tiptoe back in time, learn some history, throw on some gumboots and get dirty. You can have it all at Kilby Historic Site. Here, you have the choice to be as quiet as a dormouse or to tromp around the yard with the many farm animals. The oldest building in the District of Kent is here, and so is the haunted Manchester House Hotel. Ask Kilby’s friendly staff and volunteers to show you around. You might be surprised at what you’ll learn about local folklore. See the area as it once was, from farm implements and a fueling station to living quarters and the general store and post office. Recently, Kilby was delighted to receive government funding for restoration of the main building, to ensure the site can be enjoyed for many more years to come. And the Agassiz Harrison Lions Club

generously donated $4,000 to the construction of a brand new play area which is now in place — and very popular among children of all ages. The site has several special dates planned each year, inviting the public to share in something as simple as the change of seasons. You could camp at Kilby Park or pack a picnic lunch for the day. Events this season will feature all the annual favourites, including some new offerings — Black Powder Day on Father’s Day, Dairy Day (July 6), the 10th Annual Car Show (July 13), a cultural festival (July 20), Pirate Day (Aug. 5), Storytelling Day (Aug. 17), the Kids Festival (Aug. 24), BC Legends Day (Sept. 21), a Halloween Party (Oct. 26 and 27), the Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival (Nov. 16 and 17) and Christmas celebrations (Dec. 7 and 8). For more information on pricing, hours and directions, visit www.kilby. ca or phone 604-796-9576.


Dining details Know your local options

Visiting Kilby means stepping back in time, with plenty of pioneering fun, historic folklore, stories, events and farm animals. JESSICA PETERS / OBSERVER

Agriculture plants seed for prize winning fair Fields of green and gold are more than just a picturesque backdrop. It’s a sign that this area grows the sweetest corn you can find. This year’s fair takes place September 13 and 14, and includes 4H displays, a midway, parade, entertainment and an exhibition.

DID YOU KNOW? • The fair is run by a non-profit association called the Agassiz Agricultural and Horticultural Association. • The first Agassiz Fall Fair was held in 1901.

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harrison hot springs agassiz and surrounding areas

• The annual fall fair and corn festival is always held on the second Saturday after Labour Day. • In 2007, the first Corn Queen was crowned after 58 years of Corn Kings. • Each year an average of 10,000 people attend the Fall Fair and Corn Festival.

Hungry? We’ve got you covered. Maybe you’re looking for a light snack or an ice cream treat? Try Harrison Hamburger, Beach Bites, Agassiz Deli, Winks Convenience, Chantilly Gelato or Muddy Waters/Baskin Robbins. Or why not grab a mouthwatering treats from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory? Planning an anniversary dinner or a family get-together? Try Jack’s Restaurant or Morgan’s. If you need a cool refreshment on a hot day, stop in and say hi at the Old Settler Pub, Jimmy’s Pub & Grill, Kilby Restaurant or Sasquatch Pub. There are also culinary options from around the globe, with Silvano’s, Dragon Fried Rice House, Hungry Chef, Harrison Chinese, Hong’s Garden, Driftwood Diner, Sunyam Thai, the Swiss Gourmet, Black Forest Restaurant, Kitami and Yukiya Sushi. Other ideas include Heritage Coffee House, Horn of Plenty, Magpie’s Bakery, Uptown Bakery, Chuck & Kitty’s Country Cafe, Green Star Cafe, Lakeview Restaurant, Subway Agassiz, the Laughing Goat, Park Ave. Restaurant, Tandoori Bites, A&W Agassiz, Village Pizzeria, Miss Margaret’s Cafe or Islands Bar & Grill in the Harrison Resort, Mariu Italian Deli, Petro’s Pizza, Domino’s Pizza, Oasis Coffee & Bistro, Rockamoles Diner and Kilby Restaurant. Finally, all dressed up and nowhere to go? Try the River’s Edge at Sandpiper Golf Resort or kick up your heels at the Copper Room!


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16 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013


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Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013 17


Find time to get active AQUANAUTS SWIM CLUB at 6660 Pioneer Avenue in Agassiz. For swimmers of all ages. Practice at FERNY COOMBE POOL Ferny Coombe Pool with meets around the Home of the Agassiz Aquanauts, and the province. Contact Anne at 604-796-8458. community’s favourite cooling off zone in HARRISON YACHT CLUB the hot summer months. This outdoor pool This is a non-profit organization formed operates from May to August at 6820 Piofor the purposes of promoting safe boat- neer Avenue. 604-796-2451. ing on Harrison Lake. The HYC operates HARRISON HIKERS on land formerly occupied by the BC ForThere is a group for every style of hiker, est Service and provided by or walker, in this fun and the Village of Harrison Hot fit group. For more inforSprings. mation on local groups FRASER VALLEY DRAGON and popular hikes, phone BOAT CLUB Ken at 604-491-5540. Established in 2002, this AGASSIZ SPEEDWAY society is committed to asThe hottest ticket in sisting and overseeing actown. Check out their tivities which will encourschedule online for race age, promote and develop times and special events, teams within the Fraser at www.agassizspeedValley for the sole purpose, for events from A lone sailboat brightens up the spring to late fall. of dragon boating. Season lake on a hot summer night. runs from March to OcFORE! tober and they’re always Grab your clubs, book JESSICA PETERS / OBSERVER looking for new paddlers www. the day off, and head for the greens. Each course has its own, KENT FITNESS/ ACTIVITY CENTRE unique appeal. Try out Harrison Resort This small but powerful centre is a hub of Golf Course, Sandpiper Golf Resort or Bridactivity all year long. Staff is always bring- al Falls Golf Course. ing in new ideas for classes, programs and WATER PLAY fitness incentives, and the centre is about Be a tourist for at least a day. Book a to grow with the addition of multipurpose parasailing or windsurfing lesson on Harrooms and a gymnasium. Visit them at rison Lake. Rent a banana boat, or a Sea6660 Pioneer Avenue, or phone Tel: 604- Doo and enjoy a little water action. Test 796-8891. out the inflatable playground on the lake CENTENNIAL PARK in front of the Harrison Resort. Featuring a skate park, a playground, For more ideas on how to be a tourist in soccer pitches, baseball fields, and a walk- your own town, visit Tourism Harrison at ing trail, Centennial Park is a great place or phone 604for any family to stretch their legs. Located 796-5581.

harrison hot springs agassiz and surrounding areas

Majestic, age-old trees await discovery in the hills around us. If you go hiking, go with a friend or larger group, hike at the speed of the slowest member of the group, stay on the trails, don’t pick the flowers and keep pets on leash at all times.

Trails and trees await

It’s the journey, not the destination, that makes the hike. From the wild edges of the Fraser River to our pristine lake shores, there are plenty of stones left unturned and paths less travelled. CHEAM LAKE WETLANDS This 93-hectare regional park will leave you with a better understanding of nature. Marsh, lake and uplands have been protected as a nature park and are home to many bird, animal and insect species, including deer. Cheam Wetlands is 6km south of Agassiz. Take the east exit off the roundabout, following Yale Road to Elgey Road. BRIDAL FALLS The sixth highest waterfall in Canada. Close to the Bridal Falls exit on Highway 1, this spot is complete with hiking trails right to the base of the falls, rolling grassy areas and a rain forest canopy.


CAMPBELL LAKE HIKING TRAIL This is a forest hike with good views of Harrison Lake at the top. For this hike, start at the base of the mountain, at Balsam Avenue and Hot Springs Road in Harrison Hot Springs, near the water reservoir. This is a nine km hike, with great views at the top. MOUNT CHEAM TRAIL Mt. Cheam towers 7,000 ft above us every day. This hike requires a long drive, and a 4x4 vehicle with adequate clearance. On Hwy 1, take the Vedder exit and drive through Sardis to Chilliwack Lake Road. Drive until the road crosses Chilliwack River for the second time. Take the forest service road on your left, to Chipmunk Road. Follow Chipmunk Road to Mount Cheam Trailhead (about ½ hr) where the road ends at the tree line. This is where your two to three hour hike begins.

TELSTAR WINDOW SERVICE LTD. Telstar Window Service Ltd. Installation & Repair Window & Glass Replacement Custom Made Retractables Window Screens & Storm Doors 7663 Industrial Way, Agassiz


18 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013


harrison hot springs agassiz and surrounding areas

Living among the eagles

Each year up to 1,200 bald eagles return to the Harrision-Chehalis delta as the salmon are running. They travel from miles around to be here, and so do bird watchers. These majestic raptors can be seen throughout Chilliwack, Agassiz and Harrison Mills in the winter months. And the Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival, held November 16 and 17 in 2013, includes several organized events in Harrison Mills designed to educate the public about raptors and their current plights. People travel from all the world to take part in the enormously popular festival. But we live close by, so knowing how to treat the eagles and their territory is essential to life in the Valley. The festival is a great time to brush up on that knowledge. The raptors are drawn to this area by the millions of spawning salmon that travel up the Fraser River to tributaries such as the Harrison River. The estuary is also home to incredible wildlife such as trumpeter swans, ducks, seal, bear, coyote, deer and the great white sturgeon.


For thousands of years the First Nation Peoples have lived here in harmony with the land and water and today they work with the Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival to welcome visitors to teach and share the knowledge they have gained over the ages. The festival weekend is also a chance for an annual bird count and volunteers count bald eagles, trumpeter swans and great blue herons. If you head out this fall for a closer look at the bald eagles, there is wildlife viewing etiquette to follow. 1. Keep your distance: Use binoculars, spotting scopes and telephoto lens. ‘Getting closer’ causes the subject to move away. 2. Stay on trails: Straying off them not only damages or destroys sensitive habitat but infringes on the wildlife’s space. 3. Respect your fellow viewing enthusiasts: Once you’ve had a chance to have a good look, move on. 4. Walk slowly and speak quietly; nothing can spook wildlife faster than someone

An eagle balances on a log during the Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival. running towards it shouting “look at the …….” 5. Watch carefully – respect the ‘comfort zone’: all wildlife, including birds, have a ‘comfort zone’ which can vary dramatically depending on species, environment or previous experience. If you inadvertently infiltrate a comfort zone…stop and retreat until the subject relaxes. 6. Diagonal rather than direct: If you must move closer to a subject, try a diagonal approach, it is perceived as being less of

a threat. 7. Teach your children all of the above: NEVER allow your children to throw rocks at, chase, run up to or try to catch wildlife. 8. Pets: If you are attending an event where there are other viewers….leave your pet at home or in your vehicle. 9. Be Patient: Wildlife doesn’t appear on demand. When possible, pick a likely spot and sit quietly…’ll be surprised at what might show up!

local locations to choose from

Sunshine Valley RV Resort & Cabins Reservations: (604) 869-0066 | Hope, BC

Featuring 115 full service RV sites and 10 deluxe, fully furnished camping cabins. Conveniently located just 15 minutes east of Hope on Hwy. 3 in Sunshine Valley.


Camperland RV Resort Reservations: (604) 794-7361 | Rosedale, BC Featuring 260 full service RV sites, a heated outdoor pool and a full range of amenities. Conveniently located just 10 minutes east of Chilliwack on Hwy. 1 in Bridal Falls.

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Agassiz Farm

THURSDAYS FROM JUNE 6TH - SEPTEMBER 12TH 3-6 PM at the Agassiz Visitor Information Centre & Museum 7011 Pioneer Avenue

Visit us online at

Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013 19

Lending a hand: This is a busy little community, with plenty of clubs, services, teams and organizations who are there to help and to serve the community. And whether you’re looking to volunteer, or need certain services, you’re sure to find what you need right here. KENT HARRISON SEARCH AND RESCUE Serving this area since 1957, KHSAR is capable of ground, air and water searches, and works in conjunction with surrounding groups and other emergency personnel when in times of need. AGASSIZ HARRISON HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND MUSEUM In the heart of Agassiz’s Pioneer Park, housed in the oldest wooden railroad station still in existence in B.C. 7011 Pioneer Ave. 604796-3545. FRASER HERITAGE SOCIETY Incorporated as a non-profit society in 1999, this society has a mandate to “provide support and enhancement projects in Cultural, Heritage and Arts organizations in the Fraser Valley and Fraser Canyon.” ROYAL CANADIAN AGASSIZ LEGION BRANCH 32 This local group runs a pub, helping fund services for local veterans, as well as organizing Remembrance Day each November. The Legion is always open to new members, and it is not a requirement to be a member or pastmember of the Forces to join. AGASSIZ HARRISON LIONS CLUB A service group focused on giving back to the community. The Lions organize and support numerous activities and groups throughout the year. For more info, contact Joey Ellis at 604-9951.

Holly Tree Florist & Gifts

7220 Pioneer Ave., Agassiz, BC 604-796-2596

COMMUNITY SERVICES And if there is a service you need, the best place to start looking is Agassiz-Harrison Community Services. They operate out of three locations in our community. The main office houses most services, including alcohol and drug services, family counseling and support, youth outreach, youth justice, the food bank, employment services and the very popular Youth Activity Centre. They also operate The Thrift Store, where they accept donations and provide quality second hand items. All proceeds help fund AHCS’s many programs. Finally, there is THE FAMILY PLACE. A popular hub for parents of babies and young children, the Family Place can be found at 7272 Morrow Road. This is the perfect place to meet your neighbours. Some of Agassiz-Harrison’s other services and programs include: • Better Beginnings • Nobody’s Perfect parenting programs • Emergency Food Bank • Substance Misuse Services • Senior Peer Counselors • Friendly Phone Program • CALL Program (Community Adult Literacy & Learning) • English Conversation Circle • English as a Second Language Settlement Assistance Program (ESL-SAP) • Youth Inclusion Program • Agassiz-Harrison Employment Services For information on any of these programs, phone 604-796-2585, or visit


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20 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013

RIDE IT. ���


Scan here for exciting video



Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013 21

Community Corner


May 2013

(Due to space limitations, each week we will publish a different set of groups and activities from the community).


Outdoor Movie Night at AESS!

Reading – Unbound! Learn how

Tuesday, June 11th. Movie starts at 9:00 p.m or at sundown

to use your eReader, iPhone, SmartPhone, iPad or tablet to access books NOT on paper. Book an appointment to learn how to access the library’s collection of free digital books. 604-796-9510

See The Goonies!! FREE! Bring your

own blanket or lawn chairs & there will be a concession.

Best Rates

Lions TV Bingo Thursday nights at 6 pm on Shaw Cable. Pick up your bingo

cards at The Source - Chehalis Store & Ledoux Hardware

Chris ☎ @ 604.796.4301


Elly Genest is a regular at the Ferny Coombe Pool in Agassiz at the age of 85.

Just keep swimming

Genest lives life to the fullest in and out of water Jessica Peters The Observer

It takes a certain kind of dedication to jump into a swimming pool and swim laps daily. It takes even more determination when that pool is outdoors, exposed to elements — and it’s early morning. But for Elly Genest, 85, it’s nothing at all.

“I swim because I love it,” she says, smiling ear to ear. Genest is a regular at the Ferny Coombe Pool in Agassiz, right from May to September. It doesn’t matter the weather. It doesn’t matter what else she has to do that day. She swims. And when Ferny Coombe closes for the winter months,

she makes the trek into Chilliwack about twice a week to swim there. But Genest wasn’t always a swimmer. It was a series of small events

that led her to the water, she explains. When Genest was in her mid-40s, her late husband was stationed Continued on 24

Save The Dates ...

Big Brothers SistersBig Sisters BigBig Brothers 24th Annual Charity Golf Classic 24th Annual Charity Golf Classic Thursday, Thursday, August 22,August 2013 22, 2013 At Ledgeview Golf & Country At Ledgeview Golf &Club Country Club Abbotsford, BC Abbotsford, BC

Big Brothers SistersBig Sisters BigBig Brothers Fins and Skins Tournament Fins and Skins Tournament Come Wednesday, September 25, 2013 25, 2013 Wednesday, September At Sandpiper Golf Course At Sandpiper Golf Course Chilliwack, BC Chilliwack, BC

Pursuant to section 124(3) of the Community Charter, public notice is required to consider the following:

Join Us in Celebrating 100 Years of Mentoring in Canada!

Big Brothers Big Sisters 24th Annual Charity Golf Classic

of Harrison Hot Springs intends to amend Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1002 at its regular meeting of June 3, 2013; Charitable Tax Receipt* Charitable Tax Receipt*

& Live/Silent Auctions Charitable Tax Receipt*

At Ledgeview Golf & Country Club Abbotsford, BC Big Brothers Big Sisters Fins and Skins Tournament Wednesday, September 25, 2013 At Sandpiper Golf Course Chilliwack, BC

proposes changes to provisions governing the New ThisNew Year! Fins & Skins $400 This Year! Fins Tournament & Skins Big Tournament $400 Brothers Big Sisters proceedings of Council byBegin amending: YourBegin Morning onMorning the Golfon Course Your the Golf Course Spend Your Afternoon Fishing

Fins and Skins Tournament Annual Charity Annual Golf Charity Classic $220 Golf Classic $220

Your Afternoon Fishing Our Fun filled, Best OurBall FunStyle filled,Tournament Best Ball Style Tournament 1. Order of Business of the RegularSpend andContinental Special Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Complete with Breakfast, BBQ & with Buffet Dinner Complete with Continental Breakfast, BBQ Lunch & Buffet Dinner Complete withLunch Lunch, Complete Buffet Dinner Lunch, & Buffet Live/Silent Dinner Auctions & Live/Silent Auctions Charitable Tax Receipt* Charitable Tax Receipt* Meetings of Council toLive allow Questions from the Auction Live Auction At Sandpiper Golf Course Charitable Tax Receipt* Charitable Tax Receipt* Chilliwack, BC Public that pertain to agenda items only; Annual Charity Golf Classic $220 Our Fun filled, Best Ball Style Tournament Complete with Lunch, Buffet Dinner && Live/Silent 2. Rules of Conduct and Debate, call of the question; New This New Year! New Fins This &Year! Skins Fins Tournament SkinsAuctions Tournament $400 $400 This Year! Fins & Skins Tournament $400 Charitable Tax Receipt* Your Morning Begin on Your the Morning Golf Course on contact: the Golf Information Register please contact: For Information or to Register please Begin Your Morning onCourse the Golf Course 3. Minutes of Meetings pertainingFor to recording of or to Begin Spend Your Afternoon Spend Your Fishing Afternoon Fishing Angel Elias, Events Coordinator Angel Elias, Events Coordinator Your Afternoon Fishing Complete with Continental CompleteSpend with Breakfast, Continental BBQ Lunch Breakfast, & Buffet BBQ Dinner Lunch & Buffet Dinner minutes; New This Year! Fins & Skins Tournament $400 BBQ Lunch & 604-852-3331 or 604-852-3331 orLive with Continental Breakfast, AuctionComplete Live Auction Begin Your Morning on the Golf Course Charitable Tax Receipt* Charitable Tax Receipt* Spend Your Afternoon FishingDinner. Live Auction Buffet 4. Public Hearings and Public Information Meetings Complete with Continental Breakfast, BBQ Lunch & Buffet Dinner Charitable Tax Receipt* Live Auction pertaining to the recording of minutes; For Charitable Information For orInformation to Register please or to Register contact:please contact: Tax Receipt* *In accordance with CRA charitable receipting rules regulations *In accordance withtax CRA charitable tax and receipting rules and regulations Angel Elias, Events AngelCoordinator Elias, Events Coordinator 5. Addition of Administration Reports; and For Information orRegister to Register please contact: 604-852-3331 or 604-852-3331 For Information oror to please contact: Angel Elias, Events Coordinator Angel Elias, Events Coordinator 6. Conflict of Interest, amendment to member of 604-852-3331 or 604-852-3331 or Council Committee. *In accordance with CRA*In charitable accordance tax with receipting CRA charitable rules and tax regulations receipting rules and regulations


Kent-Harrison Arts Co


Captain M.E. Sam Ronhol m, CD Email Contact phone number 604-799-8897

- KHAC meets the third Sun . of each month. Please call (604) 796 -8604 or email us at kentharrisona rtscouncil@ for more informatio n.

MS Support Group 3rd

Thurs. of each month. 11:30 am - 1 pm in Chwk. Call Carmen at 604 -796-2270. All Upper Fraser Valley folk s welcome.

Olive Br

anch Dinners. Come join us for a free home coo ked meal. Tues. 5 - 6 pm. 7571 Morro w Rd, ACS gym. No expectations, enjoy community companionshi p. Families & all ages welcome. Royal Canadian Legio n hosts drop-in “Fun Darts” eve ry Mo

1789 The Royal Westm inster Regiment Cadet Corps - We

stie Army Cadets Training at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No 228 - 344 Fort Street Hope 6:30 PM - 9 pm Starting 9 January 2013 Free for ages 12 - 19

Seniors Friendship Ho use Drop-In: Mon. Srs Walking to

Music at 10 am, Sit & Fit at 10:30 am, Bingo at 1 pm, Srs. Learn to Line Dance at 4:30 pm; Tues. Bridge at 12: 45 pm., Cribbage at 1:00 pm.; Wed. Floor Curling at 1 pm.; Fri. Floor Curling at 1 pm. Info: 604-796-3422

Singing - from 7:30 to 9 pm at HHS Memorial Hall. FMI call Rut h at 604796-2084 Stitch “n” Rip every Tues. 9 am - 1 pm. Come to the Harrison Mills Hall with any unfinished sewing , stitching, knitting projects, etc. FMI call Kim 604-796-2336. Strong

Start - Mon. - Fri. 12:30 3:30 pm at Kent Elementa ry School. Free drop-in for kids 0 - 5. FMI call Kent Elementary at 604-79 6-2161.

T.O.P.S. Meets Thurs. at 9:3 0 am, or 5:45 pm., at the Agassiz Christian Church

Abbotsford, BC

Big Brothers Big BigSisters Brothers Big Sisters Annual Charity Golf Classic $220 Fins and Skins Fins Tournament and Skins Tournament Annual Charity Classic $220 AnnualGolf Charity Golf Classic $220 Wednesday, September Wednesday, September 2013 25, 2013 Big Brothers Big Sisters Our25, Fun filled, Best Ball Style Tournament Our Fun filled, Best Ball Style Tournament Our Fun filled, Best Ball Style24th Tournament Annual Charity GolfGolf Classic At Sandpiper Golf At Sandpiper Course Course Complete Thursday, August 22, 2013with Lunch, Buffet Dinner Chilliwack, BC Auctions Complete with Lunch,with Buffet Dinner & Live/Silent Auctions Complete Lunch, Buffet DinnerBC&Chilliwack, Live/Silent


LGrouopc3aofl4Groups & Activities

n. at 4 pm & Fri. at 8 pm, Pla yers needed, arrive early to register. Crib bage daily. Non-members welcome. Call 604796-2332

Big Brothers Big BigSisters Brothers Big Sisters 24th Annual Charity 24th Annual Golf Classic Charity Golf Classic Thursday, August Thursday, 22, 2013 August 22, 2013 Thursday, August At Ledgeview At Golf Ledgeview & Country Golf Club& Country Club 22, 2013 Abbotsford, BC Abbotsford, BC Golf & Country Club At Ledgeview

TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Village

For features in Community Calendar



Every 2nd Sunday of the month Markets are from 9am to 2pm at the Eagle’s Hall 386 Fort Street, Hope Hosts the Hope Eagles & Lions

Agassiz Legion Branch 32 Events JUNE 8TH


Greek Menu

Hawaiian Night

Roast Pork Dinner ...............................6 - 7 pm Dance to Ray Doucet................. 7:30 - 11 pm

Ham with Pineapple Glaze Dinner ....6 - 7 pm Dance to Adrian .......................... 7:30 - 11 pm

*In accordance with CRA charitable tax receipting rules and regulations

*In accordance with CRA charitable tax receipting rules and regulations

1846 No. 9 Hwy., Agassiz • 604-796-2332

22 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013

SAFEBOATING SAFE Drowning is not the only water hazard

As fun as a day or night on the water can be, accidents do occur, despite the best efforts and intentions of recreational or commercial boaters and water enthusiasts. Many accidents can be avoided when boaters remain aware of the potential hazards that exist on the water.

within an hour, often through loss of moisture from sweat, urine and even breathing. A person who is cool from swimming may not realize his body needs water until dehydration already has set in. Drinking plenty of fresh water will help keep the body cool and comfortable.

Bodies of water can seem peaceful and welcome respites on a hot day. But, did you know that drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional death for Canadian children under 14? Here are some of the other dangers that can occur in and around the water.

HYPOTHERMIA: Occurs when the body loses more heat than it produces and the core temperature drops. Hypothermia may even occur in warm water, or if you are sitting around in damp clothing as the temperature outside falls. Try to remain as dry as possible, even preventing clothing from being dampened by sweat, to prevent hypothermia. Cover up and wear layers of clothes to ward off hypothermia.

DEHYDRATION: Being in and around the water doesn’t necessarily mean the body is getting enough fluid to remain healthy. When the temperature is high, dehydration can set in

WATER QUALITY: The water itself could be a source of danger.

Harmful bacteria and other microorganisms can reside in poorly maintained water or water with limited movement. Heed all posted warnings about swimming conditions, and do not consume fish from waters where there is concern about chemical spills or other contamination. Staff infections and skin irritations can occur when swimming in water with unseen pathogens, even if the water looks clean. TOYS: A surprisingly common cause of water-related accidents, especially in swimming pools, is using toys and flotation devices that are not suitable for the conditions. These items can flip over and trap people upside down under the water. Pool floats and rafts should not be used in place of personal flotation devices, or PFDs, which are designed and certified

for use in life-saving situations. ALCOHOL: Alcoholic beverages impair decision-making abilities and reaction time. It’s never good to mix alcohol with swimming and boating. A person operating a boat or watercraft should not be allowed to do so when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Many good times are to be had when enjoying the recreational benefits of the water. Keeping safety in mind will help prevent accidents and injuries. What to wear for a day on the water depends on the type of activity one is partaking in, but there are some essentials you do not want to forget to bring along. STURDY SHOES: Whether you will be standing on the deck of a sailboat or

CASCADE SUPPLY & MARINE LTD. Serving the Fraser Valley with quality products and services since 1955

baiting a hook alongside a river, footwear should be sturdy. Water makes for slippery conditions, and shoes that provide traction blend form and function. Although flip-flop sandals have become the go-to footwear, these shoes do not provide the arch support or traction necessary in wet conditions. A water shoe that has a sturdy sole as well as a breathable upper material is a better bet. SUN PROTECTION: Surfaces such as snow, sand, grass, or water can reflect much of the UV radiation that reaches them. A day on the water or nearby reflective surfaces necessitates wearing sun protection products, such as broadspectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses rated for 100 percent UV protection are good ideas. UV rays are most intense at noon, when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. It’s also important to note the higher the elevation, the greater the UV exposure concentration because there is less atmosphere to absorb the UV rays. LAYERS: The weather can be unpredictable, and the temperature inland may differ from the temperature at the shore by several degrees. When boating or visiting the coast, wear layered clothing so you can shed layers as needed to remain comfortable.

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PERSONAL FLOATATION DEVICE: Whenever you are on or near the water, wearing a PFD is a safe idea and one that can potentially save your life. A PFD must be made available for everyone on a vessel. Dress the part when spending a day on the water. Having the right equipment can reduce your risk for injury.

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Does it let you bend at the waist?

Can you swim and manoeuvre easily in the water?

Can you see the ground at your feet and walk over

obstacles easily? Have you attached a whistle to your flotation device? Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013 23 Does it keep your head above water? Can you swim and manoeuvre easily in the water? Have you attached a whistle to your flotation device?

Considerations when Choosing a Lifejacket or PFD Activities: When available, choose a PFD that meets your particular needs. Today there are PFDs specially designed for various activities including pleasure boating, fishing, water skiing, tubing, kayaking, canoeing and rafting. Note that inflatable PFDs are not approved for persons who are less than 16 years of age, or weight less than 36.3 kgs, as well for those participating in activities where an inherent buoyant (contains permanent flotation) vest is required such as riding a personal water craft, paddling in white water, being towed behind a boat (water skiing, wakeboarding, etc.), or using a sailboard. Colour: PFDs are available in many bright colours. The Canadian Red Cross recommends bright colours for better visibility in the water. Size: PFDs must be an appropriate size to be effective. Sizing is based on chest measurements for adults and weight for children—read the label for details. Choose one that is comfortable but snug, and allows free movement.

Checklist for Choosing a Lifejacket Checklist or forPFD Choosing a Is it Canadian-approved? Lifejacket or PFD

| Will it 1-877-356-3226 support the person it was made for? Is it Canadian-approved? Are all the snaps, belts, ties, tapes and/or zippers Will it support the person it was made for? 2 in good condition? Are all the snaps, belts, ties, tapes and/or zippers Is it easy to put on and take off? in good condition? Can you move your arms freely when wearing it? Is it easy to put on and take off? Does it let you bend at the waist? Can you move your arms freely when wearing it? Can you see the ground at your feet and walk over Does it let you bend at the waist? obstacles easily? Can you see the ground at your feet and walk over Does it keep your head above water? obstacles easily? Can you swim and manoeuvre easily in the water? Does it keep your head above water? Have you attached a whistle to your flotation device? Can you swim and manoeuvre easily in the water? Have you attached a whistle to your flotation device?

Considerations when Choosing a Lifejacket or PFD Activities: When available, choose a PFD that meets your particular needs. Today there are PFDs specially designed for various activities including pleasure boating, fishing, water skiing, tubing, kayaking, canoeing and rafting. Note that inflatable PFDs are not approved for persons who are less than 16 years of age, or weight less than 36.3 kgs, as well for those participating in activities where an inherent buoyant (contains permanent flotation) vest is required such as riding a personal water craft, paddling in white water, being towed behind a boat (water skiing, wakeboarding, etc.), Forormore 65 years lessons, a teen who using than a sailboard.

SWIMMING & WATER SAFETY is interested Red Cross Swimming and in becoming a water safety Colour: PFDsprograms are available in many bright colours.or The Water Safety instructor an adult looking to Canadian Red Cross recommends bright colours your for swimming skills, have maintained a tradition improve visibility in the water. of better excellence. Through our Red Cross has a program for innovative learn-to-swim you! Check out www.redcross. Size: PFDs must be an appropriate size to be effective. continuum as well public information on all of our Sizing is based on as chest measurementsca forfor adults and education, Red Cross the helps swimming andone water safety weight forthe children—read label for details. Choose that is comfortable snug, and allows free movement. Canadians developbut healthy, programs for children, teens, positive attitudes and stay safe and adults. in, on and around water. DROWNING RESEARCH RED CROSS SWIM The Red Cross aims to prevent Whether you’re a parent wishing water-related injuries and 1-877-356-3226 | to enrol your child in swimming fatalities through our swimming

programs and water safety education. As a leader in drowning research, our programs are developed based on research findings, which allows us to address current issues and trends, and design programs aimed at reducing the number of drownings and other water-related incidents.


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24 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013


Genest has been swimming since the ’70s

From 21

in Shilo, Man., and she also worked at the base. “We had an hour at lunchtime, and all the people they usually had a drink or something,” Genest recalls. “I thought, ‘I don’t enjoy this. I’m going to go over and see if I can swim.’” It just happened her lunch hour coincided with some free swim time. She jumped right in. “I couldn’t swim a stroke,” she says, laughing. “I learned by myself. There were people

swimming by me. I would hold on, swim, hold on, swim.” She thought to ask for help. “The lifeguard was a soldier and he laughed his blooming head off,” she says. “Why don’t you teach me then?” she asked him. “Never mind, you’re doing well enough. Keep going,” the lifeguard replied. So she kept going. She swam every day, and by the time the Genests moved from Shilo to Agassiz, in

1979, she had swam a total of the same program. 75 miles. “But every time I had my She still has the certificate lunch, the soldiers were usand a picture from when ing the pool,” she said. she received As time a medal for went on, “I couldn’t swim a her hard Genest endwork, and ed up raising stroke. I learned by deter minaher grandmyself.” tion. When son, Curtis, she started here in AgasElly Genest working at siz. When he the base in turned three, Chilliwack, she started she was told she could fin- to bring him along for her ish her goal of 100 miles, and swims. earn a gold medal through So how pleased was she,

EMERGENCY SOCIAL SERVICES COORDINATOR (PART-TIME POSITION) The Kent-Harrison Joint Emergency Program has an exciting opportunity for an energetic and motivated individual to lead a volunteer-based, community emergency response program that provides interim solutions to meet the needs of evacuees and response workers in a disaster or emergency situation. As a proven community leader you will be responsible for the day to day Emergency Social Services (ESS) activities including managing volunteers (recruitment and retention), training volunteers in basic disaster relief and recovery skills, holding exercises to practice these skills, liaising with provincial emergency support staff, and community organizations, identifying resources within the communities, and coordinating supplier agreements as may be required.

when that grandson decided to work at a pool? Absolutely delighted. “He was a lifeguard for seven years,” she said – a position that she had already come to hold in high regard. “I can truly say, all those years I swam I have never had one lifeguard that was unfriendly or not helpful,” she said. “They were always wonderful people.” Since Genest gets her swim over with before most people are finishing their morning coffee, she has the day free

to do whatever she likes. It’s a good thing, because Genest has a long list of interests. She is a part of the Harrison Hikers, and hikes twice a week. She’s also a member of the Sunshine Ladies, a group of singers who travel to different care homes to sing for the elderly. In addition to being retired from the Armed Forces, she was also a Sunday school teacher, and volunteered as a Girl Guide leader. “I’m never home,” she says, laughing again.

Agassiz steps up to Run for Water Several Agassiz residents participated in the Run For Water, a multi-length run held in Abbotsford on Sunday. Half-marathoner Marina Striker said the race results were strong for Agassiz, despite the steady rain. Striker finished within the top 10 per cent of her age category and was the first Agassiz female to finish, with a time of 1:52:44. Agassiz's Adam Sippel finished the half marathon

You have effective verbal and written communications skills, are able to respond on short notice and in a crisis situation as well as cope well under pressure, have knowledge of the Kent-Harrison Joint Emergency Program and related topics, and enjoy being part of team. In addition you have a valid British Columbia driver’s licence and are able to obtain and maintain a clear RCMP reliability status. We offer you a team environment, an integral role within the two communities’ disaster assistance program, emergency management training through the Justice Institute of British Columbia and partner agencies. A monthly honourarium of $200 as well as coverage for insurance liability and Worker’s Compensation Act are provided for this part-time position. If you want to make a difference in someone’s life and help your community in a time of need then we want to hear from you. Please submit your application in confidence to: Ms. Clair Lee Director of Corporate Services District of Kent P.O. Box 70, 7170 Cheam Avenue Agassiz, B.C., V0M 1A0 Fax: 604-796-8516

with 1:42:05, placing 10th in his category. Other local runners in the half marathon included Sheena Mista, Donna Gallamore and Simon Poulton. Tom Hoogendoorn finished the full marathon portion with a time of 3:23.27 for third place in his category. Tony Garcia finished with a 4:15:38 time, landing eighth in his category. Eight from Agassiz ran in the 10K portion of the run, including five members of the

THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF KENT P.O. Box 70, 7170 Cheam Ave., Agassiz, BC, V0M 1A0 Tel:604-796-2235

BURNING REGULATION BYLAW NO.1448 All residents and property owners within the District of Kent are advised that

A BURNING BAN IS IN EFFECT IMMEDIATELY UNTIL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 ALL OPEN BURNING IS PROHIBITED A campfire ban is not in effect but a permit is required $20.00 (available at the Municipal Office) All outdoor wood burning is banned except on campfires outside the townsite area. Only propane, gas or charcoal is permitted in the townsite.

Emailed applications will not be accepted We would like to thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Preferred candidates will be required to complete a criminal records check and to provide a recent driver’s licensing record.

The closing date for this position is Friday, June 14, 2013 at 4:00 p.m.

Thank you for your consideration. ISSUED BY: Local Assistant Fire Commissioner DISTRICT OF KENT

Schwichtenberg family (Alex, Philip, Holger, Mark and Catherine), as well as Martin and Wanda Bartel and Leola Sippel. Another 16 people from Agassiz ran the 5K leg of the run. Run For Water is an Abbotsford based non-profit society dedicated to staging a high-calibre running event, and helps with raising funds for clean water development in underprivileged communities.

Walk for ALS

The ALS Walk in Agassiz will be held on June 15, and registration is open. There is no cost to walk, but fundraising is encouraged. The event starts at 11 a.m. at the Heritage Coffee House. To register, visit www.

Friday golf at Bridal Falls

Friday Fun Nights are starting up again at the Bridal Falls Golf Club. The event runs every Friday, starting tonight, and includes nine holes of golf, a chance to win prizes, and a dinner of chicken or steak. The cost per player is $29.95 and tee times start at 4:30 p.m.

Celebrate Life Relay For Life gives you and your community the opportunity to celebrate cancer survivors, remember and honour loved ones lost and to fight back against all cancers. It’s your community. It’s your fight. Join Relay For Life today. Harrison Hot Springs - June 1st at the Beach & Lagoon




Friday, May 31, 2013, Agassiz Harrison Observer 25


The Agassiz ❖ Harrison

Phone: 604-796-4300 Toll Free: 1-866-865-4460 bc







INDEX IN BRIEF FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . 1-8 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . 9-57 TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-76 CHILDREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-98 EMPLOYMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-198 BUSINESS SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . 203-387 PETS & LIVESTOCK . . . . . . . . . . . 453-483 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE . . . . . . 503-587 REAL ESTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603-696 RENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-757 AUTOMOTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-862 MARINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903-920


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OVER 90% EMPLOYMENT rate for CanScribe graduates! Medical Transcriptionists are in demand and CanScribe graduates get jobs. Payments under $100 per month. 1-800-466-1535.

BC Cancer Foundation Legacies accepted. 604.851.4736 or visit:



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EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 108 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A+Drink Snack plus Healthy Vending machine Route. Turn Key Business. Invest With Confidence, $4,000 UP. Training and Secured profitable Locations. Limited Must Sell. 888-979-8363 **ATTENTION: JOB SEEKERS!** MAKE MONEY! Mailing Postcards! NOW ACCEPTING! ZNZ Referral Agents! $20-$60/Hour! HOME WORKERS! Make Money Using Your PC! Earn Big Paychecks Paid Every Friday!

QUAD L Enterprises Ltd. has a job opening for a: Vegetation Control Supervisor in the Cariboo/Valemount Area. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Planning and implementation of all aspects of control projects. Expertise to provide training and supervision to employees. Following all Health, Safety and Environment policies and procedures. The ideal candidate will have experience in the industryas a Certified Arborist and have current safety certifications Please submit resumes including a current driver’s abstract to:





An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators,Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051Edson,Alta

CA$H DAILY FOR OUTDOOR WORK! Guys ‘n Gals 16 years & up! No experience necessary.

COUNTER SALES/ORDER PICKING/WAREHOUSING Gregg Distributors, Langley, is looking for self-motivated, energetic individuals to join our growing teams. Shipping/Receiving, Order Picking, & Counter Sales Opportunities are now available. Successful applicants should have prior experience. COMPETITIVE SALARY & BENEFITS

BARBER SHOP BUSINESS for sale in Whitehorse, Yukon. Excellent opportunity. Includes all equipment, in good location, leased premises. Contact Murd for details, (867) 667-6873 or (867) 667-7467.

Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.

Fax resume to: Gregg Distributors: 604.888.4688 or visit Employment Opportunities at



Born April 30th • Weighing 7lbs 9oz

Welcome to the world, little Brooke! 21




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Earn up to $800/wk. CS team has 10 Fulltime openings available now. Must work well with team. Competitors welcome!

Call Sarah at 604-777-2195


Telstar Window Service Ltd.


GUARANTEED Job Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209

Harrison Holiday Park

has two positions available immediately for a full (weekend work) and part time (no weekends) Assistant Caretaker. General labour and landscaping duties, valid drivers licence required. Submit resume to: or call 604-796-2545 for more information RIVER FLY FISHING GUIDE AVID FLY FISHER, JET AND DRIFT BOATS EXPERIENCE AN ASSET. REMOTE LODGE IN BC. EMAIL RESUME AND REFERENCES TO TSYLOS@TSYLOS.COM RJAMES WESTERN STAR FREIGHTLINER Journeyman Truck & Equipment Partsperson. Busy commercial transport truck dealership in Kamloops has an immediate opening for a journeyman parts person. This position is permanent full time with competitive wage and benefit package. Resumes to Attn: HR Dept 2072 Falcon Rd., Kamloops BC V2C 4J3 Fax: (250)374-7790 Email: Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

is looking for a window screener. If you are female & interested in this position, please contact Monique at 604-796-2025 for an interview. Training will be provided. THE LEMARE GROUP is accepting resumes for the following positions: • Coastal Certified Hand Fallerscamp positions • Coastal Certified Bull Buckers (Falling) –Includes Vehicle/Accommodations • Grapple Yarder Operator • Boom Boat Operator • Chasers • Hooktenders • Hand Buckers –dryland sort experience an asset • Grader Operator • Log Loader Operator • Heavy Duty Mechanics • Off Highway Truck Drivers Fulltime camp with union rates/benefits. Please send resumes by fax to 250-956-4888 or email to



Experienced cook, server, & dishwasher/prep cook w/ food safe needed for busy Harrison cafe. Drop resume off at #105-196 Esplanade, Harrison Hot Springs

Housekeeping Attendant Maintenance Laundry Houseman • • • •

Part & Full Time Reliable Friendly Hard Working Fax Resume to: 604-796-3731 or email:



AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS. Licensed, 4th year & 3rd year Technicians required. Signing/moving allowance, full company benefits, very aggressive bonus/pay plan. Ford experience preferred, but not required. Denham Ford, Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Email resume: Attention: Dean Brackenbury;

FABRICATOR Wanted for Foundation drilling company. We build custom in house tooling and repair equipment. Interested parties please email resume with certifications to:





Multi-Talented Person Needed For Busy Shop Your duties will include: -Oil changes, Lube rack -Tire work -Various maintenance around shop -Tow truck operator

Heavy Duty Diesel Mechanic

Mega Cranes Ltd. an industry leader is seeking an energetic, aggressive self starter for a full time position. Required immediately. Must have inspectors ticket and Red seal. Will have hydraulic experience and must be able to read electrical and hydraulic schematics.


LUMBER Inspectors - Supervisor required (CMSA). BC Central Interior Locations. Excellent salary, benefits and potential for advancement. Please submit your resume to

Truck & Trailer Mechanic

Experienced truck and trailer mechanic with CVI ticket wanted for Langley fleet shop. Four (10) hour shifts, good wages and benefits. Fax resume to 604-513-8004 or email at


PROFESSIONAL SALES CONSULTANTS. Central Alberta’s leading Ford dealer requires two professional sales associates. We maintain a large inventory of New & Used vehicles & friendly country atmosphere with big city sales volume. We are closed Sundays and all Statutory Holidays. We offer a competitive pay plan with an aggressive bonus structure, salary guarantee and moving allowance. Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email: dbrackenbury@



JOIN OUR TEAM & earn up to $85,000 a year. Journeyman technician-proven producer, good attitude, quality workmanship a must. Minimum 4 years experience. Full benefit package available. Braby Motors Salmon Arm. Fax resume 1-250-832 4545, email



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BENEFIT PACKAGE! Please contact Mike e-mail: or fax 604.599.5250 Technician required for Central Interior dealership. Preference to techs with GM experience. Email resume to:





You don't have to be a burger to be a part of our family.

If you’re interested in this position please drop off resume at:


Pioneer Motors 1887 #9 Hwy., Agassiz





Brooke Bella Mailhot

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Proud big brother, Blake with Mommy & Daddy - Michelle & Jason are thrilled to announce the birth of little


Advertise across Advertise across the the Advertise across the Lower Mainland Lower Mainland in in lower mainland in the 18 18 best-read the best-read thecommunity 17 best-read community communityand newspapers newspapers and newspapers. dailies. 53 dailies. ON THE WEB:



AGREEMENT It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement.

108 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INDEPENDENT dist. req. F/T P/T International co. Not MLM High Income


Call Sarah 604-796-4302

PT EMPLOYEES NEEDED EVENINGS & WEEKENDS Please apply in person at 7211 Morrow Rd., Agassiz

26 Agassiz Harrison Observer, Friday, May 31, 2013






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PARAGON stone ltd. Custom granite/quartz. 15% disc w/ad. Quick turnover. Joe 778-839-5647.

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Northstar Painting Ltd.- The Residential Specialists. BIG jobs, Small jobs - We do it all! Interior and Exterior Projects. Master Painters at Students Rates. WCB Safe, Reliable, Efficient & Quality Paint. 778.344.1069 604.339.1989 Lower Mainland 604.996.8128 Fraser Valley

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(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls Cloverdale Premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring & Maid Services.




Airedale Terrier pups. P/b, ckc reg., micro, health guar, 604-8192115. email:

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GET the best for your moving 24/7 From $40/hr. Licensed & Insured. Seniors Discount. 778-773-3737

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CATS OF ALL DESCRIPTION in need of caring homes! All cats are spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at or call 1 (604)820-2977 German shepherd cross with husky puppy, Female. 2-1/2 mos. $600/obo. (604)463-8924 GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups P/B. 1st shots, vet checked, dewormed, 10 weeks old, $700. (604)850-3329 HUSKY WOLF X pups. 3 F; 9 wks old. $500/ea. 1st shots/dewormed. Glenn 604-308-3396 Boston Bar.



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CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866

604.562.0957 or 604.961.0324





Saturday, June 1st 10 am - 2 pm • household goods • electronics • toys • books PLANT SALE | BAKE SALE 6904 #9 Hwy, Agassiz

POMERANIAN - 10 weeks old. 2 black males. 1st shot, vet checked, paper trained. $500 (604)941-2959 SHELTIES: Sable colored. One 7 month old, two 3 month olds. Ready now. Shots/dewormed. 604-826-6311 TOY POODLE PUPS 4 wks old, 2 males; 1 white, 1 blond/white. $700 each. Avail. June 15. 604-8204230, 604-302-7602

AGASSIZ - 2 bdrm, 2 balcony, $725/m + util . N/P, N/S. DD & refs req’d. (604)799-3898 AGASSIZ 2 bdrm gr flr corner unit in Woodside Terrace, clean, quiet, well mngd bldg. Ref’s req’d. June1 $750 + utils & D.D. (604)588-6665

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

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Restless Leg Syndrome & Leg Cramps? Fast Relief In One Hour. Sleep At Night. Proven For Over 32 Years. Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660. SAWMILLS from only $3997 MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING - BLOWOUT CLEARANCE SALE! 20X22 $4,188. 25X26 $4,799. 30X34 $6,860. 32X44 $8,795. 40X50 $12,760. 47X74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206


NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or


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MAREMMA PUPS, working stock guard pups, protectors of livestock, family or property, will guard whatever it bonds to. Being raised with livestock. No Sunday calls. 1 (604)796-8557

Agassiz Harrison Lions Club and All Saints Anglican Church Annual Giant Garage Sale


PIANO, Full keyboard, all the bells and whistles. Yamaha Clavinova. $500. Good cond. (604)531-1267

P/B blue brindle ~ 1 Female Ready to go. 1st shots & tails/dew claws done. ULTIMATE FAMILY GUARDIAN $1000 604-308-5665


AGASSIZ - 1 BDRM, recent reno, coin laundry. $595 avail now. Wayne, Stratatech Consulting LTD. 604 799 0259

Eastcan RooďŹ ng & Siding Liability Insurance/BBB/10% off with ad

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Farm equipment, used lumber & lots of household items!





Family Garage Sale! 1020 Hamilton Rd.

Running this ad for 8yrs

3 rooms for $299, 2 coats any colour









283 GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS ALWAYS! GUTTER Cleaning & Roof Blowing, Moss Control,30 yrs exp., Reliable! Simon 604-230-0627

CHILLIWACK WAREHOUSE 5,400sf. @ $4.50sf. + 3N 5 offices & 2 bathrooms. Two 3 phase & single phase power. 1 bay door 12 x 12. (604)941-2959

Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land

BRANDNEW PILLOWTOP QUEEN MATTRESS SET. In packaging. Incls. Warranty $200! 604-798-1608

Sat June 1 & Sun June 2 9am - 4pm


YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 Service Call Lic #89402 Same day guarn’td We love small jobs! 604-568-1899


Formerly Curves in Coldstream. 1800 & 1400 sq.ft or sell all including 3000 sq.ft residence, heart of Coldstream Vernon BC. Near schools, store & lake. 250-542-6261


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25 yrs in rooďŹ ng industry

Family owned & operated. Fully ins. We do Cedar Shakes, conversions, concrete tiles, torchon, fibreglass shingles, restoration & repairs. 20 yr labour warr. 604-427-2626 or 723-2626


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PRIME LAKEVIEW LOTS FROM $140,000 Also; Spectacular 3 Acre Parcel at $390,000 1-250-558-7888 ~ FINANCING AVAILABLE ~


HARRISON - Studio Apartment, Nice quiet & safe building, suitable for single person. Newly renovated, $575/month and $595/month includes utilities. Avail now. Call 604794-7132

BRAND NEW Luxury Hotel Queen Mattresses by SERTA


EXPERIENCED DRYWALL installation and finisher. Email details of the job and we will get back to you soon.






Mainland RooďŹ ng Ltd.

AAA PRECISION PAINTING. Quality work. 778-881-6096.



WEED FREE Mushroom Manure 13 yards - $160 or Well Rotted 10 yards - $180. 604-856-8877

“ ABOVE THE REST “ Interior & Exterior Unbeatable Prices & Professional Crew. • Free Est. • Written Guarantee • No Hassle • Quick Work • Insured • WCB

BOOKKEEPER AVAILABLE. Your office or mine. Weekly, Monthly or ?? Payroll, A/P, A/R, Data Entry, PST/GST remitance. Call Linda 604-796-0577




HORSE MANURE - well rotted, will load, $25/pick-up load. Contact Gordon 604-796-9623







renovated 2 bdrm mobile home. New from the studs in! Includes all new windows, new insulation, new oak hardwood floors, new drywall and much more. Come & look! Own your own land for $149,900!! Phone for pics: 604-798-1952 Mt Woodside, Agassiz

Take notice that Wayne & Patricia Becker of 46463 Uplands Rd., Chilliwack B.C. V2R 4W1 intend to make application to the Province of British Columbia, for a residential for Private Moorage situated on the Provincial Crown Land located at Lat 49-17-51 Long 121-50-30 on the South side of Harrison River, 4.5 km west of Harrison Hot Springs, across the river from Pirates Point and McDonalds Bay. 7KH ODQG ÀOH QXPEHU LV &RPPHQWV RQ WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ may be submitted in two ways: 1) Online where details of this application, including maps can also be found. %\ PDLO WR WKH VHQLRU ODQG RIÀFHU DW UG 6WUHHW Surrey, B.C. V3R 1E1. Comments will be received by the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resources Operations until June 23/ 2013. Comments received after this date will not be considered. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be provided to the public upon request. For information, contact the FOI Advisor at the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural 5HVRXUFHV 2SHUDWLRQV UHJLRQDO RIÀFH


1755 - #9 Hwy

Spacious 1 bdrms avail. now, $579/m.

Parking, coin laundry & elevator. Smal pets upon prior approval, refs required. Call 604-703-3405


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the members of Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society (FVACFSS) will be held at Squiala First Nation Gymnasium located at 45005 Squiala Road, Chilliwack, BC on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 4:00 PM, PST. Dinner will be served starting at 4:00 PM

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Friday, May 31, 2013, Agassiz Harrison Observer 27 RENTALS WANTED TO RENT










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1987 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88, V6, mint condition, maroon ext/int, needs air care, BO. 604-703-3242



2001 Travelaire 25’ class C, M/H on Ford E450, most factory options, except gen, new trans @ 50,000k, new tires on 100,000k super clean, 108,000km, $19,000. 604-792-0235



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v v

2002 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr sedan auto Aircare low km ST#313 $2,900 2002 CHRYSLER NEON 4dr auto Aircared, sunroof, runs good. ST#147 $2,900 2001 TOYOTA COROLLA. Fully loaded, 4 dr sedan ST# 379 $3,400. 2005 FORD TAURUS auto fully loaded air care low kms only 99km ST#318 $3,500 2001 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr auto low kms, ST#274 $3,900 2003 CHEV IMPALA 2dr, auto, aircared, full load, ST#376 $3,900 2005 CHEV OPTRA 4dr hatchback, auto, aircare, runs good, ST#356 $4,400 2004 HYNDAI SANTA FE 4/dr auto, loaded st#370. $4,900 2007 PONTIAC MONTANA 7pgr Van runs good no accidents ST#312 $4,900 2006 SATURN ION. 4dr, auto, Aircared, Only this week $5,500. ST#389 2006 PONTIAC WAVE 4dr auto sdn low kms fully loaded Aircare ST#353 $5,888 2004 NISSAN ALTIMA. 4dr, auto, leather, fully loaded. ST#398 $5,900. 2006 CHEV IMPALA, auto, 4 dr sedan, runs good, Aircared, ST#386 $5,900. 2006 NISSAN SENTRA, 4 dr, auto, sedan, Aircared, runs good, ST#387 $6,900. 2007 HYUNDAI ACCENT 4 dr, auto, fully loaded, runs good. ST#364 $6,900. 2007 DODGE CARAVAN 7 passenger, auto, roof rack, low kms. ST#372 $6,900. 2006 SATURN ION 4dr auto sdn fully loaded ST#349 $6,900 2007 FORD FUSION 4DR auto, loaded ST#250 $6,900 2008 KIA SPECTRA 4dr auto hatch back fully loaded ST#352 $7,777 2007 DODGE CAVALIER 4 dr, auto, runs good, Aircared, ST#383 $7900. 2007 JEEP COMPASS 4dr auto 4X4 Aircare loaded ST#336 $8,900 2006 DODGE CHARGER SXT 4 dr, auto, leather, fully loaded, ST#365 $10,900. 2007 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 dr, auto, sedan, a/c, pwr locks, low kms. ST#397 $10,900. 2009 NISSAN SENTRA low km 4dr auto ST#328 $10,900 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sdn auto full load low kms ST#331 $11,900 2008 JEEP PATRIOT, 4dr, auto, low kms, runs good, only this week $11,900 SK#371 2010 DODGE CARAVAN 7 pgr, fully loaded, roof rack ST#355 $12,900 2010 HONDA CIVIC. 4dr, auto, a/c, fully loaded. ST#394 $13,900.



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28 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, May 31, 2013





The Agassiz Harrison Museum & Visitor’s Information Center #5-7086 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz 604-796-2585


Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm


7020 Pioneer Avenue Box 498 Agassiz BC V0M 1A0

Personal • Business Full Bookkeeping Services Tax Planning • Year Round Service


Harrison Agassiz Chamber of Commerce The Voice of Business for Harrison Hot Springs The District of Kent and surrounding area

In this Bavarian Specialty House, overlooking HarrisonInLake enjoy aSpecialty romantic candlelit dinner inside In Bavarian Specialty House,House, overlooking this Bavarian Inthis this Bavarian House, Specialty overlooking overlooking or under Harrison the starsLake in summer. Harrison Lake enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner Harrison enjoy aLake romantic enjoy candlelit a romantic dinner candlelit insideinside dinner inside or under the stars in summer.

or under theorstars under in summer. the stars in summer.

Extensive new world wine list and German beer Extensive new world wine list and German beer Extensive new Extensive world wine new list world and wine German list beer and German beer to compliment your dinner selection. to compliment your dinner selection. to compliment to compliment your dinner selection. your dinner selection.

Located in downtown Agassiz, is the beautiful Agassiz Harrison Museum & Visitor’s Information Center. The building itself is one of the oldest in town and has been serving Agassiz since it was built in 1893 as its CPR station. It was once a major stop on the CPR line and is one of the oldest wooden stations still standing in BC, now lovingly maintained as the home of the local museum and visitor’s center. The Agassiz Harrison Historical Society, which is the heart of the museum, is committed to preserving and sharing the rich, local history. In the works right now is the undertaking of an oral history program which will record, organize and share first-hand accounts from locals about the working history of Harrison Lake, the history of the town of Agassiz, and histories from the local First Nations peoples. Also new this year is a look into a very interesting part of our community’s past, the migration and settlement of the Doukhobor’s to Agassiz in 1962 through to their departure in 1972. This unique and culturally rich group of people have quite a story to tell and it is being told as the centerpiece of the museum’s gallery this year. Visitors and locals alike will enjoy learning about this fascinating piece of our community’s past. The Agassiz Harrison Museum believes in giving back to the com-

munity in more ways than through their commitment to the past. They also have a commitment to the people of the community and regularly give back through programs like the Job Creation Partnership Program which offers a chance for people to gain the experience and training needed for future employment, and through volunteer work with the local schools who are participating in the Historica program which encourages students to pursue a greater love for history. As well as being a museum, this building is the home of the local Visitor’s Information Center and provides visitors from near and far with information on local sites, places to stay, events, and restaurants as well as information for traveling throughout the Province of British Columbia. The museum and visitor’s center are open seasonally, but provide information the year round through or by telephone at 604-796-3545. The museum’s open season starts on Saturday May 18 and will go until Saturday October 12. Hours of operation are Monday to Saturday 10 am till 4pm and Sunday 1pm to 4pm. The Agassiz Harrison Museum hosts several events throughout the year in order to raise the funds needed to maintain the building, preserve the exhibits and run the museum. In


Weekdays 11:00 am - 3 pm & 11:00 pm - 8:30 pm Open Year Round! Saturdays 10 am - 9 pm • Sundays 9 am - 8 pm Open Year Round! Open Year Round! -- For reservations, call -- CLOSED TUESDAYS For reservations, call -- For reservations, call -- Open Year Round!

For reservations, call

 Esplanade Avenue in beautiful Harrison Hot Springs BC

 Esplanade Avenue inbeautiful beautiful Harrison Hot Springs BC Esplanade  Esplanade Avenue inAvenue inHarrison beautifulHot Harrison SpringsHot BC Springs BC •

March they host the Walk/Run for Heritage, in May the Garden Party & Art show, and coming up on June 23rd is their Fashion Show with fashion historian Ivan Sayers. This year’s show, a walk through wedding fashions of the past and aptly titled Something Borrowed, is sure to be an event not to miss. Tickets are $25 and will include refreshments as well as the show. Call the Agassiz Harrison Museum for more information or to purchase tickets. These fundraising events are key to helping the museum continue to preserve and share the local history. If you would like to help the museum in this goal, other ways to support the museum is to become a museum member or to make a donation. The museum is also always looking for local volunteers to help out. There are many different areas of the museum that could always use an extra helping hand. Whether it be in the office, gift shop, as a handy man (or woman), visitor’s information center, the archives or in the gallery of the museum itself, volunteers are welcome and needed. So this summer season when you are looking for something fun to do, keep the Agassiz Harrison Museum in mind and visit them for a walk through Agassiz’s past.


270 Esplanade, Harrison Hot Springs

At this time we have 105 members (12 of which are new); There are 48 from Harrison Hot Springs; 39 from Agassiz & surrounding area; 7 from Harrison Mills; and 11 from other areas such as Chilliwack.

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