u Leading ladies P. 4 u Stent honoured P. 3
u RCMP report P. 5 u Layin’ down a bass line P. 2
Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759
PHONE: 996-8482
WEDNESDAY, June 5, 2013
NEWS BRIEFS Province rejects Northern Gateway The B.C. government has recommended rejection of the Enbridge Northern Gateway oil pipeline project in its final written submission to the federal environmental panel. Environment Minister Terry Lake announced the decision Friday, two weeks after an election where pipeline politics played a key role. He said the B.C. government isn’t satisfied with the company’s plans for spill control on the twin pipeline proposed to run from northern Alberta to a tanker port at Kitimat. “Northern Gateway has said that they would provide effective spill response in all cases,” Lake said. “However, they have presented little evidence as to how they will respond.” Ministry staff evaluated the 192 conditions proposed by the Joint Review Panel, the federal agency that will make a recommendation for permits to Ottawa next fall. The B.C. government and Northern Gateway officials will give their final oral arguments to the panel when hearings resume in Terrace on June 17. Enbridge has argued that its submissions to the federal panel included 7,000 pages of technical reports and nine separate witness panels have answered every environmental question put to it. The panel has conducted 69 days of cross-examination of company officials by B.C. and other representatives. Lake said the B.C. government is not opposed to heavy oil pipeline projects in general,.
VOL. 36 NO. 14 $1.30 inc. GST
Mini tournament
A Fort St. James player runs to get the ball ahead of a Vanderhoof Golden Eagle during tournament play on May 25. More on Page 5 & 8. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier
New medical society may act as a model Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier In what has been an ongoing process for about a year, the Fort St. James Primary Care Society has officially formed. The society will be working in partnership with Northern Health to take over the Fort St. James Medical Clinic. The non profit society, has a mandate to provide administrative oversight and governance to the previously private Fort St. James Medical Clinic. Previously the clinic was owned and operated by Dr. Paul Stent, who is looking towards retirement. The formation of the society was precipitated last year with the loss of the majority of the physicians in Fort St. James, leaving only Dr. Stent to become the lone physician for the area, and the goal was to create a new model for the physician clinic to continue to operate. The medical clinic’s day-to-day operations will still be managed internally as before. Chairperson of the society, Laura Chernowski, said everything to do with the society and their partnership from Northern Health has been developed from the ground up, so it has
been a complex process, but the group is excited to be working with Northern Health to set up this “unique model.” Northern Health has supported the formation of the group by funding a lawyer who specializes in not-for-profits to consult with the group. The community of Burns Lake also has a not-for-profit society working with Northern Health on local health care, but it is not as far along in the process and is not structured the same way. “This is the only one that I’m aware of,” said April Hughes of Northern Health. “It’s truly a partnership between the community and the health authority.” “People will be looking at this particular formation to either replicate it or to do something similar based on the learnings that have come out of this particular organizational structure.” The board currently consists of nine members: Chernowski as chair, Ann McCormick as co-chair, Kris Nielson as secretary, Monica Grill as the treasurer, and directors Chester Hiebert, Ross Ramos, Aileen Prince, Riley Willick and Joan Burdeniuk. The board is meeting with Northern Health this week to continue to work on the plan for the society and the clinic.
Fort drivers urged to mind their manners
RCMP in Fort St. James have been responding to an increasing number of reports of driving offences. Spinning tires, speeding through the community and other reported potentially dangerous driving is being reported with increasing frequency. RCMP are reminding motorists to drive with care and attention and obey the laws or they could face significant fines and potential charges under the Motor Vehicle Act. Doing donuts or other “stunting” is an automatic vehicle seizure and seven days impoundment of a person’s vehicle and a large fine.
Not so stand-up bass
Child Abuse Prevention Month Prevent Child Abuse America 312-663-3520 BeaverOnGolfCourseC0804.EPS
Hot Retail Co-op Categories Bicycles, Accessories and Supplies Lawn and Garden Motorcycles and Snowmobiles Outdoor Furnishings Recreational Vehicles
National Car Care Month Car Care Council 240-333-1088 National Donate Life Month U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 202-619-0257
Hot Manufacturer Co-op Benjamin Moore Paints Camp Healthcare Grasshopper Mowers Rolex Watch Whirlpool Corporation
National Lawn Care Month PLANET, Professional Landcare Network 800-395-2522
AdBuilder® Special Section Builder Themes • Financial • Planning a Garden • Earth Day • Easter Special Events NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship National Stress Awareness Day National Volunteer Week Week of the Young Child Boston Marathon National Jelly Bean Day Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day
Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700
621 Douglas ave Open concept family home close to both schools and Goodwin Park. Oak kitchen with breakfast bar, 2 nat gas fireplaces, upper deck and covered lower deck, custom window covering are just some of the features of this home. Lower level has the potential to be a 1 bedroom suite. $239,000.
You’ll find us at 169 STUART DRIVE, FSJ 250-996-8618 DaffodilsHC0804.EPS
RHB ScHmitz de GRace ChartereD INCOME TAXaCCountantS PREPARATION • • • • • •
Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier
4&6 5&7 16 19–25 19–25 20 22 23
CorPorate anD PerSonaL taX (PersonalanD andData Business) BooKKeePInG ProCeSSInG aSSuranCe FInanCIaL StateMent PreParatIon RHN SCHMITZ de GRACE eState PLannInG Chartered Accountants CoMPuter ConSuLtInG Fort St. James Office Fort St.Stuart James Office 169 Drive (Lakeshore Realty) Fort St. James, BC 1P0 169V0J Stuart Drive (Fridays from February 6 to June 12) To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-976-7780 (toll-free) To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-976-7780 or (toll-free) E-mail: Website:
National Parkinson Awareness Month National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. 800-327-4545
Lakeshore Realty
This beautiful stand-up bass was caught laying down on the job while waiting for its musician during a house concert at Lionel and Rosemarie Conant’s house on Necoslie Road on May 25. Expression Collective from Vernon performed for the intimate crowd and also included some audience participation in the show.
Month-long Events Alcohol Awareness Month National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. 212-269-7797
Jazz Appreciation Month Smithsonian National Museum of American History 202-633-3129
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Caledonia Courier
District of Fort St. James Calendar June, 2013
SUNDAY 2March 2009
Municipal Website:
M 2 9 16 23 30
T 3 10 17 24 31
W 4 11 18 25
T 5 12 19 26
F 6 13 20 27
S 7 14 21 28
3 May 2009 S
TUESDAY F 1 8 15 22 29
S 2 9 16 23 30
51April Fool’s Day
Beach Volleyball 3 4 5 6 7 Registration Deadline 10 11 12 13 14
59Palm Sunday
June 7
17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31
10 6
3-6pm Food Skills Wrkshop 5pm Archery 7:30pm Boot Camp
11 7
12 8
10a.m. Playdate, cottonwood pk 4pm Ladies Golf Rec 9 FirstSummer 13 Day of Passover Registration
5pm Archery
6:30pm Archery 7:30pm Boot Camp
10a.m. Playdate, cottonwood pk
7pm Council Mtg 7:30pm Boot Camp
37 Beach volleyball reg deadline 12-4pm Farmers Mrkt 6:30pm Archery
14 10 Good Friday
15 11
8am Boot Camp
12-4pm Farmers Mrkt 6:30pm Archery
8am Boot Camp
4pm Ladies Golf
16Easter 12
17 13
18 14
Easter Monday (Australia & Canada)
19 15 Tax Day
10a.m. Playdate, cottonwood pk
5:00pm Archery 7:30pm Boot Camp
6:30pm Archery 7:30pm Boot Camp
21 17
20 16
4pm Ladies Golf
20 Taurus
22 Earth Day
Fishing Derby Weekend
Igniting Your Ad Sales
10a.m. Playdate, cottonwood pk
Administrative 5p.m. Archery Professionals Day 7:30p.m. Boot camp
6:30pm Archery 7:30pm Boot Camp
4pm Ladies Golf Mourning Day 28 Workers (Canada)
National Aborig. Day 12-4pm Farmers Mrkt 6:30pm Archery
27 23
22 18
24 Arbor Day 12-4pm Farmers Mrkt 6:30pm Archery Fishing Derby
8am Boot Camp
25 Anzac Day (Australia) Fishing Derby Weekend
Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.
S 1 8 15 22 29
Municipal Summer Recreation Program Registration 6 - 8p.m., Thursday June 13, Municipal Office * Space is Limited, Book Early!*
Do something different this Canada Day...Volunteer! • AdBuilder Retail ®
Call 250-996-8233 • AdBuilder® Classified • Co-op Sales Ideas be won for volunteering including
Great prizes to a Murray Ridge Ski Hill Pass. Names get entered in draws for every 1/2 hour of volunteering.
Office: 477 Stuart Drive West
Telephone: 250-996-8233
Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Kathy Marchal (left) presents Dr. Paul Stent with his birthday cake last week to celebrate his 64th birthday. Mayor Rob MacDougall also presented Dr. Stent with his Measuring Up the North Initiative Award of Excellence for his service to the community over the years. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier
(Governing Pioneer Place & Pioneer Lodge) Date: Thursday, June 13.2013 At: Pioneer Place – Common Room Time: 7:00 p.m. The meeting is open to the public. Everyone is welcome. Contact: Ann McCormick 996-8099 Sherry Nielsen 996-1550
Dr. Stent honoured
Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier
Dr. Paul Stent was the recipient of some much-deserved recognition on May 29. Stent was given the Measuring up the North Award of Excellence for his many years of service to the community at a lunchtime event at the Stuart Lake Golf Club. Mayor Rob MacDougall called Stent a “pillar of the community� in his speech recognizing Stent’s dedication to the people of Fort St. James over the years. MacDougall said it came as somewhat of a shock when he found out Stent was the recipient, because every community under 5,000 people north of 100 Mile House was competing in the category in which Dr. Stent was nominated. “It was a shock somewhat, but like I said, very well-deserved,� said MacDougall. In the District of Fort St. James’ letter nominating Stent, they praised Stent’s past and present work in providing local health care. The letter spoke of Dr. Stent’s choice to stay on in Fort St. James even when he was the only physician left, and to continue to work to develop health care in the community to make it more sustainable. “He persevered to not only provide continuous and essential health services for the community, but also assisted in reshaping the medical clinic organizational model used to attract physicians, and has now seen four new physicians hired on to bring about a full physician complement� said the letter. MacDougall acknowledged the contribution Stent has made to the community by shouldering the significant load of so many people’s health on his shoulders, as well as making it possible for seniors to “age in place.� Stent accepted his award with his usual humble manner, thanking the First Nations in the area for their support and for his local friends the Playfairs and Rasmussens. “We’ve got our own family in Fort St. James now,� he said. Stent said it has been a privilege to be involved in the birth of over 500 babies throgh the years in the community, and he thanked his staff for putting up with the short staffing and stress over the years. Stent was also given a birthday cake in honour of his 64th birthday, which he celebrated on May 30. While Dr. Stent had been hoping to retire earlier this year, he has since agreed to stay on full time in order to be the necessary supervisor for the new physicians, the Van Zyls, who as foreign-trained doctors require a local physician to oversee their initial transition here in Canada. He now hopes to aim for scaling back his practice by the end of next year instead.
Editorial Page
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Caledonia Courier
The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British
Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James
Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body
Publisher: Pam Berger
governing the province’s newspaper industry. The
Editor Ruth Lloyd newsroom@
council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member
Office: Anne Stevens office@
newspapers. Directors oversee
Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@
newspaper and the complaint
Address: Box 1298 Fort St. James, BC VOJ 1P0
coverage or story treatment,
Member: B.C. Press Council Subscriptions (per year) Local: $43.50 Seniors: $37.30 Outside Local area: $60.15
Press Council.
the mediation of complaints, with input from both the holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about you may contact the B.C. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.
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For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Rolling with it...
• Column
Leading ladies
Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier
This week I have had so many opportunities to be impressed by the number of strong women taking leading roles in the community I just had to write it down. After my interview with the new Product Development Officer for the Fort St. James National Historic Site, April Hilland, we were chatting about some of the things going on in the community, and she mentioned some of the inspiring women we know and the things they have initiated in the community. While it was a sad week for Fort St. James last week, losing one of the community’s most tireless advocates and volunteers, Kandace Kerr, who has moved to Sooke, there was a bright light of hope in what Hilland had to say. She mentioned the hard-working women of the District of Fort St. James Office: Mel Chesnutt and Emily Colombo, who are initiating some brilliant new things like the newcomer potlucks and Bike to Work Week Fort St. James, for two easy examples. Hilland herself is bringing new ideas to build on the already significant contribution Kevin Gedling made to reinvigorating the historic site. She will be adding her own creative touch to the events and outreach programs, to help draw new visitors as well as to draw locals back to see the site they have seen so many times.
Earlier in the week I was also running with Renada Walstrom, who has been featured in the paper as an inspiration for her running program and leadership in health and fitness in the community. Walstrom continues to inspire me each week, with her great attitude and dedication. After my first run back on returning from my vacation, I was again impressed by how much fun we have had running with her, and the continued enthusiasm for running she has inspired is exciting to be a part of. The volunteerism of Izzy Willick also continues to impress me, as she dedicates countless hours to coaching the high school girls volleyball team and running the Murray Ridge Ski School year after year. There are so many women in this community who continue to give of their time and energy to not only give to the community, but to make Fort St. James a great place to be and inspire the next generation of young women. This is not to say there are not men around providing inspiration, but I just was struck by the many strong leading women driving the community forward and making things happen. So here’s to all the leading ladies out there in Fort St. James making things happen and getting it done - keep up the great work. If anyone would like to share stories of some other leaders in the community, contact The Caledonia Courier at or 250-996-8482.
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Friends Cassidy (left) and Anna took full advantage of the spring mud for some fun before jumping in Stuart Lake to wash off on May 27. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, June 5, 2013
RCMP report
Integris supports soccer & art LEFT: The Integris Credit Union was at the soccer tournament in Fort St. James to help present the water bottles they helped purchase for the event with the District of Fort St. James. BOTTOM: The local branch is also hosting the current art show "The Art of Cycling" for Bike to Work Weeks. Top Photo courtesy of Dave Birdi, Bottom Caledonia Courier
May 23 at 9:20 a.m., a plainclothes officer in downtown Fort St. James observed a male driving a white Chevrolet pickup allegedly consuming alcohol. The driver was then pulled over by an RCMP vehicle and subsequently failed a roadside screening of his blood alcohol level. The driver was subsequently given an immediate roadside prohibition from driving for 90 days, the vehicle was impounded for 30 days and the driver was issued a number of tickets. The suspect was also a new driver and therefore was in violation of his licence restrictions On May 12:20 p.m., a disturbance was called in from Fort Trailer Court. Two females were reportedly intoxicated and fighting. Upon arrival, RCMP did not find there was any continued disturbance, however, one of the women in the residence was found to have an outstanding warrant and so was subsequently arrested and held in custody until she could appear in court. May 25 at 2:30 a.m., RCMP were called to Airport Road after a report of an attempted theft of a vehicle. The resident reportedly chased off the suspect but there was damage done to the vehicle in the attempted theft. Upon investigation, RCMP searched the neighbourhood and then discovered a residence which had also been broken into. The owner of the home was out of town, and RCMP are still waiting for a list of what items were stolen from the residence. At 10:30 a.m. the same day, another call came in to report tools stolen from yet another residence on Airport Road. Anyone with information related to these thefts please contact the Fort St. James RCMP at 250-996-8269 or to remain anonymous call Crimestoppers at 1-800222-8477. On May 28 at 7:48 a.m., RCMP were
called to report a motor vehicle incident at the 17 km on the Leo Creek Road. A driver swerved to miss an animal and pipe in the back of the truck came through the vehicle and hit a passenger in the vehicle in the back of the head. The passenger was transported to hospital and RCMP reported no serious injuries were likely resulting from the incident.
OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Across from the Petrocan Station)
SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am PASTORAL TEAM: FATHER FRANK SALMON 250-996-8343 SR. PAT MACAULAY, SR. DIVINA PEDRO
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Some things are just better together. #itsbettertogether #itsbettertogether
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Community Events
Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ominecaexpress. com or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111-250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** UNTOLD seeks contributions from nonFirst Nations students and staff who experienced Catholic residential or day schools abuse in Northern BC. For more info email *** FORT ADULT CENTRE FOR EDUCATION...Suite 221-250 Stuart Drive, in the Goodwin Building. Open daily 8:00-4:00. Call 250-996-7712 for more information. *** FIREwEED STOppING ThE VIOLENCE & OUTREACh SERVICE For those who believe all is possible!...Provides free Confidential, Safe, and Supportive counselling and outreach services for women. Hours of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Location: Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort St James, BC Phone: (250) 9961214 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: *** ST pATRICk’S ANGLICAN ChURCh... hosts a free lunch every Tuesday from 11.00am - 1.00pm. All are welcome. This lunch is made possible through the generous giving of time and resources,by many people in the region, including Sylvia Isaac, The Roman Catholic Church, Camp Living Water, and many other individuals.We wish to
thank all those who contribute their labour to this program as well as those who provide food and other necessities. We also run a small food bank on Tuesday morning, and are very thankful for all who contribute to this endeavor. For further information please call Gwen Andrews 567-6744. *** SERVICE TIMES... at St Patrick’s Anglican Church, Fort St James, will be 10:30 am every Sunday. Free lunch every Tues between 11-1pm with music and Prayer. Please come and join us. *** FIREwEED CLOThES DRIVE...The Fireweed Safe Haven is doing a winter clothes drive. We are looking for jackets, boots, snow pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, etc, for men, women and children. The items will then be given to families in the community that need them. If you do not have anything at home that you can part with but still wish to contribute, you can purchase mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Please drop items off at the Fireweed Safe Haven. For more information please contact Talia at (250) 9968081. Every little bit helps. *** AUxILIARy TO STUART LAkE hOSpITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** FORT ST. JAMES pUBLIC LIBRARy hOURS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** NEChAkO VALLEy COMMUNITy SERVICES SOCIETy...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling Services available at no cost. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 996-7645 for appointment. *** FORT TRAp AND hANDGUN CLUB... meets last Sunday of every
month. Contact (Sue) at 250-9967728 (h) for more information. *** FORT ST. JAMES SEARCh & RESCUE... steering committee meetings first Tuesday of every month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort St. James Firehall. Training is the third Tuesday of every month at the Firehall at 7 p.m. New members welcome. *** MUSIC MAkERS...New members always WELCOME. Not everyone has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call Rosemary Allan at 250-996-8997 for more info. *** ThE ThRIFT STORE...has a new name! “The Bargain Basement”. We are still at the same location, across from Shoppers Food Mart. Donations of clean clothing and small housewares are greatly appreciated. Please, no books or magazines. Proceeds are used for community needs. Open Wed-Sat, 12 noon to 4pm. *** SERVICE pUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT...If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at: 1-800-670-2247. *** ALCOhOLICS ANONyMOUS... Every Thursday, 8 p.m. at the United Church Hall on 2nd Avenue. Contact 996-8290. *** FIREwEED SAFE hAVEN...a safe place for women and their children leaving violence or abuse. 24 hour access - please call 9968000. *** FORT ST. JAMES pARENT ADVISORy...3rd Tuesday every month 7 p.m. at High School. *** DROp IN AT ThE LEGION... for fun darts. No charge. Every Saturday 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Caledonia Courier
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250-996-8482 E-Mail: wendy@ ominecaexpress. com Caledonia Courier published every Wednesday Stuart/Nechako Advertiser published every Friday ADVERTISING DEADLINES Courier -- Friday, 11-noon Advertiser -- Tuesday, 12-noon
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Employment Business Opportunities ALL CASH Drink & Snack Vending Business Route. Complete Training. Small Investment required. 1-888-979VEND(8363). MAKE MONEY and save lives. We are offering exclusive rights in your area, 100% guaranteed return of investment. Don’t pay until you see your business up and running. Voted top vending program in North America. Absolutely no selling involved; Call 1-855-933-3555 for more information today.
Career Opportunities QUAD L Enterprises Ltd. has a job opening for a: Vegetation Control Supervisor in the Cariboo/Valemount Area. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Planning and implementation of all aspects of control projects. Expertise to provide training and supervision to employees. Following all Health, Safety and Environment policies and procedures. The ideal candidate will have experience in the industryas a Certified Arborist and have current safety certifications Please submit resumes including a current driver’s abstract to:
Education/Trade Schools APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline June 15, 2013. More information: OVER 90% Employment rate for CanScribe graduates! Medical Transcriptionists are in demand and CanScribe graduates get jobs. Payments under $100 per month. 1-800466-1535. TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted - White River Contracting is currently seeking an experienced truck driver for lowbed, gravel and hay hauling. Fax resume to 250567-5881 or mail/drop off at PO Box 96, 811 Hwy 16 W, Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A0 RIVER FLY FISHING GUIDE AVID FLY FISHER, JET AND DRIFT BOATS EXPERIENCE AN ASSET. REMOTE LODGE IN BC. EMAIL RESUME AND REFERENCES TO TSYLOS@TSYLOS.COM TWO FULL-TIME positions available immediately for an Import Auto dealer in the interior of BC. Service Advisor minimum 2-3 years experience. Apprentice or Journeyman Technician - Both applicants must have good attitude, quality workmanship. Email:
MARINE SUPERINTENDENT/Detachment Superintendent, Canadian Forces Auxiliary Fleet, a civilian component of the Department Of National Defence, seeks Marine Managers for positions in Nanoose Bay and Victoria (Vancouver Island), British Columbia. Online applications only through the Public Service Commission of Canada website, Reference# DND13J008697-000065, Selection Process# 13-DND-EAESQ-373623, Marine Superintendent/Detachment Superintendent. Applicants must meet all essential qualifications listed and complete the application within the prescribed timelines. ** index-eng.htm.
RJAMES WESTERN STAR FREIGHTLINER Journeyman Truck & Equipment Partsperson. Busy commercial transport truck dealership in Kamloops has an immediate opening for a journeyman parts person. This position is permanent full time with competitive wage and benefit package. Resumes to Attn: HR Dept 2072 Falcon Rd., Kamloops BC V2C 4J3 Fax: (250)374-7790 Email: Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at
COLLEGE OF NEW CALEDONIA Fort St. James Campus The College of New Caledonia is looking to fill the following positions:
INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT WORKER This position will work collaboratively with other team members to offer support to students who have behavioral or cognitive needs including those associated with FASD. Secondary disabilities such as homelessness, drug/alcohol misuse, mental health concerns, and crime related activity may also be issues that students need assistance with. Candidate must have two years’ post-secondary education in a relevant area. Understanding of disabilities, especially FASD. Have 3 years of relevant work experience and knowledge of First Nations culture.
SUPPORT AND ADVOCACY SERVICE COORDINATOR This position will advocate for marginalized individuals with a goal of improving quality of life through increased support networks, as well as community acceptance and understanding. The individual will handle exceptionally confidential information, and work closely with diverse community agencies including health, social, education, and justice. The candidate must have two years post-secondary education in a relevant area with two years of job related experience. Experience working with First Nations people and other cultures. Strong written and verbal communication skills. Knowledge of issues related to substance misuse, poverty, and family violence. Working knowledge of FASD related issues. To find out more information about these and other opportunities, and directions on how to apply, please check our website at: Join us. We offer a supportive workplace, great benefits, and competitive salaries. And we have opportunities to grow, both within our college, and within our communities.
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta. CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248. GUARANTEED JOB placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen for oil and gas industry. Call 24hr free recorded message for information: 1800-972-0209
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Houston Forest Products Join West Fraser and work with one of North America’s most successful forest products companies. At West Fraser, we are committed to environmental excellence, workplace safety and sustaining operating leadership through continued investments.
Houston Forest Products a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd., Located in Houston, B.C. is accepting applications for a certified Shift Electrician to work in our Electrical Department. Sawmill and PLC experience would be an asset. A competitive wage and benefit package is provided. The successful applicants must be willing to relocate to Houston, B.C. Interested applicants should submit their resume and cover letter before June 28, 2013 to: Houston Forest Products 1300 Morice River Road Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z1 Fax: 250-845-5301 Email: We thank all candidates for their interest; however, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.
Houston Forest Products Join West Fraser and work with one of North America’s most successful forest products companies. At West Fraser, we are committed to environmental excellence, workplace safety and sustaining operating leadership through continued investments.
Houston Forest Products a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd., located in Houston, B.C. is accepting applications for a Certified Millwright to work in our Maintenance Department. Five years’ experience in the sawmill industry would be preferred. A competitive wage and benefit package is provided. The successful applicants must be willing to relocate to Houston, B.C. Interested applicants should submit their resume and cover letter before June 28, 2013 to: Houston Forest Products 1300 Morice River Road Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z1 Fax: 250-845-5301 Email: We thank all candidates for their interest; however, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.
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Caledonia Courier
Employment Help Wanted
River, NT) seeking Working Shop Foreman/Assistant Manager - Oversee Bodyshop, estimations, quality/safety, teamWednesday, Wednesday,June June5, 5,2013 2013 player. $37-$42 hourly + OT, company matched pension plan, benefits. Apply to: Fax: 867-874-2843.
SURINTENDANT / SURINTENDANT de detachement de la Marine. La flotte auxiliaire des forces canadiennes, une composante civile du ministère de la Defense nationale, cherche des gestionnaires marins pour des postes situes a Nanoose Bay et Victoria sur l’ile de Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Les candidats interesses doivent postuler en ligne a travers le site internet de la Commission de la fonction publique du Canada, Reference n DND13J-008697000065, le processus de selection # 13-DND-EAESQ-373623, Surintendant / Surintendant de detachement de Marine. Les candidats doivent posseder toutes les qualifications essentielles enumerees dans la publicite en ligne et remplir la demande dans les delais prescrits. index- eng.htm
Sales PROFESSIONAL SALES Consultants. Central Alberta’s leading Ford dealer requires two professional sales associates. We maintain a large inventory of new and used vehicles and friendly country atmosphere with big city sales volume. We are closed Sundays and all Statutory Holidays. We offer a competitive pay plan with an aggressive bonus structure, salary guarantee and moving allowance. Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email:
Trades, Technical
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Financial Services
Heavy Duty Machinery
For Sale By Owner
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STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! 1-800-457-2206.
A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
AQUASSURE Walk-in Tubs & Showers Local service. Save $$ 1-866-404-8827
Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
Misc. Wanted
Home Improvements FLOORING SALE
Real Estate
Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft Overnight Delivery in most of BC! KLASSIC AUTOBODY (Hay River, NT) seeking Working 1.877.835.6670 Shop Foreman/Assistant Manager - Oversee Bodyshop, estimations, quality/safety, teamplayer. $37-$42 hourly + OT, company matched pension plan, benefits. Apply to: Fax: 867-874-2843. Caledonia Courier Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Acreage for Sale Land for Sale - Nechako River Property 76 acres m/l has 1200 ft waterfront, located at km 58 on Kenny Dam Road South of Vanderhoof. Some old buildings, nice sandy access to the river. Asking $50,000.00 Ph: 250-996-7674
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Merchandise for Sale
Help Wanted
Financial Services
LUMBER Inspectors - Supervisor required (CMSA). BC Central Interior Locations. Excellent salary, benefits and potential for advancement. Please submit your resume to
Mobile Hydraulic SURINTENDANT / Crane SURINOperators, Millwrights de TENDANT de detachement & Iron la Marine. La Workers flotte auxiliaire Timber West Mill Construcdes forces canadiennes, une tion is nowcivile hiring Certified composante du ministère OpdeMobile la Hydraulic Defense Crane nationale, erators,des Millwrights and Iron cherche gestionnaires maWorkers. Resumes rins pour des postes accepted situes a by e-mail at: Nanoose Bay et Victoria sur l’ de Vancouver, en Colomor fax (250)Les 964-0222 bie-Britannique. candidats interesses postuler en Techniciandoivent required for Cenligne a travers le site internet tral Interior dealership. Preferde la Commission de la foncence to techs with GM experition publique du Canada, Refence. Email resume to: erence n 000065, le processus de selection # 13-DND-EAESQ-373623, Surintendant / Surintendant de detachement de Marine. Les candidats doivent posseder toutes les qualifications essentielles enuDROWNING Debt? Cut merees dans IN la publicite en debts et more than 50% and debt ligne remplir la demande free les in delais half the time! Avoid dans prescrits. bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or index- eng.htm Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend PROFESSIONAL SALES you money: Central it’s thatAlberta’s simple. Consultants. Your credit/age/income is not leading Ford dealer requires an issue. 1-800-587-2161. two professional sales assoMONE Y Pmaintain R O V I DaE large R . C OinM ciates. We $500 Loan andand +. used No Credit ventory of new vehiRefused. Easy, country 100% cles and Fast, friendly Secure. 1-877-776-1660. atmosphere with big city sales volume. We are closed Sundays and all Statutory Holidays. We offer a competitive pay plan with an aggressive bonus structure, salary guarantee and moving allowance. Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email:
Financial Services
Trades, Technical KLASSIC AUTOBODY (Hay River, NT) seeking Working Shop Foreman/Assistant Manager - Oversee Bodyshop, estimations, quality/safety, teamplayer. $37-$42 hourly + OT, company matched pension plan, benefits. Apply to: Fax: 867-874-2843.
Heavy Duty Machinery EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Need CA$H Today?
A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS PERMANENT EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. Own A Vehicle? SPECIAL Borrow Up To $25,000 The District of Fort St. James Public Department 44’ xWorks 40’ Container Shop No Credit Checks! full time employee w/steel trusses $13,800!the requires a permanent to perform Cash same day, local office. Sets up in one day! duties of public works equipment operator. Operators 40’ Containers under $2500! are involved in all aspects of municipal opera1-800-514-9399 Call Toll works Free Also tions including water, sewer, roads, facilities. JD 544parks & 644and wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Skills and Requirements: Delivery BC and AB CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, • Grade 12 or equivalent education, professional, • Class 3 Driverscertifi License with Air Brakes cation, adoption property ren• Experience tal opportunities. For operating peace of equipment such as loader, AQUASSURE grader, excavator and dumpWalk-in truck. Tubs & mind & backhoe, a free consultation call Showers 1-800-347-2540. • Experience or qualification with Local publicservice. water and Save $$ 1-866-404-8827 sewer systems and/or refrigeration plant operation
Legal Services
Medical Supplies
would also be an asset. CRIMINAL RECORD?
Misc. for Sale
Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Interested Affordable. Ourindividuals A+BBB Ratingplease forward their resumes in assures EMPLOYMENT & HOT TUB to: (SPA) COVERS. confidence by 4:00 p.m., June 14, 2013 TRAVEL FREEDOM. Best price. Best quality. All Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET shapes & colours available.
1-8-NOW-PARDON Dave Stewart 1-866-652-6837 (1-866-972-7366) Works Superintendent District of Fort St. James paper?
640 (477 Stuart Drive West) STEELPO Box BUILDINGS/Metal Fort 60% St. James, V0J 1P0 buildings off! BC 20x28, 30x40,Email: 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, True Coin Collector Looking to 60x150, 80x100 sell for balPurchase Collections, Accuance owed! 1-800-457-2206. mulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030
Misc. Wanted
Home Improvements
Real Estate
FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed!
Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft Overnight Delivery in most of BC!
Acreage for Sale Land for Sale - Nechako River Property 76 acres m/l has 1200 ft waterfront, located at km 58 on Kenny Dam Road South of Vanderhoof. Some old buildings, nice sandy access to the river. Asking $50,000.00 Ph: 250-996-7674
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
LUMBER Inspectors - Supervisor required (CMSA). BC Central Interior Locations. Excellent salary, benefits and potential for advancement. Please submit your resume to
Mobile Hydraulic Crane Operators, Millwrights & Iron Workers Timber West Mill Construction is now hiring Certified Mobile Hydraulic Crane Op-
5 BDRM HOME IN TELKWA FOR SALE 3200 sq ft, 4 bath, includes washer & dryer, fridge & stove, dishwasher hot tub, natural gas, contact 250-845-3315
Medical Supplies
True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030
Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed!
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent HILLCREST apts. Lg. 1 & 2bdrm suites. Clean and quiet. Adult orientated,Security system,Strict Management,no pets ph# 250-996-7854
Misc Services
Apt/Condo for Rent
LUMBER Inspectors - Supervisor required (CMSA). BC Central InteriLakeview Apartments or Locations. Excellent salary, 752 Stuart Dr. W.forFort St. benefits and potential advancement. Please submitapt. your Newly resume James. 2bdrm to renovated. Quiet, clean build-
ing. Adult oriented. no pets Crane R.R.Mobile Avail. Hydraulic now 250-996-4073 Operators, Millwrights or 250-996-7598 & Iron Workers Timber West Mill Construction is now hiring Certified Mobile Hydraulic Crane Operators, Lake Millwrights and Iron Stuart Townhouses Workers. renovated, Resumes accepted Newly family by e-mail3at:bdrm, 2 bath with oriented, basement, 2 parking stalls, No faxReq’d (250) 964-0222 dogs.orRef 250-996-4073 or 250-996-7598 Technician required for Central Interior dealership. Preference to techs GM experiWHERE DOwith YOU TURN ence. Email resume to:
TOServices LEARN WHAT’S Financial Services ON SALE?
DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 50% and debt YOUR NEWSPAPER: free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free community Consultation. The link to your or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Misc Services
km 58 on Kenny Dam Road South of Vanderhoof. Some old buildings, nice sandy access to the river. Asking A7 $50,000.00 Ph: 250-996-7674
Legal Notices Help Wanted
Legal Notices Help Wanted
NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENSE 657 Please be advised that Burkhard Lepka is proposing to remove 65hEMPLOYMENT of private landOPPORTUNITY from woodlot license 657 located in the vicinity of 3 miles south of Ft St. James EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY & ACTIVITIES along DOWNTOWN Highway 27. MARKETING Inquiries/commentsCOORDINATOR to this proposal must be submitted PERMANENT EQUIPMENT OPERATOR to S. Harrison at Box 2224 , Ft St. James, V0J-1P0 by The District of Fort St. James invites applications for the July 5, 2013. position of a Downtown Marketing & Activities Coordinator. The District Fort St. received James Public Works Department Only written ofinquiries by the above date will requires a permanent full time employee to perform the The Coordinator, under supervision of the Economic be responded to. duties of public works equipment operator. Development Officer, willthis Information regarding proposal can be Operators obtained are involved aspects of ofCommerce municipal works opera. contacting Liaise withinthe and down by S.allChamber Harrison at either 250-996-8751 or town businesses, a needs assets tions including water,performing sewer, roads, parksand and facilities. inventory for the downtown business sector. . Develop active use of a downtown poster and Skills and Requirements: information kiosk. . Launch buy campaign and a ‘Made in Fort • Gradea12 or local equivalent St James” Brand inLicense consultation with local • Class 3 Drivers with Air Brakes businesses, the Farmers • Experienceproducers operatingand equipment suchMarket. as loader, . Develop musical and entertainment programming backhoe, grader, excavator and dump truck. to take place in the downtown core to draw people • Experience or qualification with public water and to shopping experiences and keep them downtown sewer systems and/or refrigeration plant operation longer. wouldthe also be an asset. . Assist Farmer’s Market with set-up, take down, zeŬooĐŚe &irƐt EaƟon ŚaƐ ƉreƉareĚ an amenĚment to tŚe and coordination. aƉƉroǀeĚ &oreƐt ^teǁarĚƐŚiƉ Wlan ;&^WͿ Đoǀering oƉera- in Interested individuals forward their owners. resumes . Create contact list ofplease downtown business ƟonƐ in tŚe &t͘ :ameƐ &oreƐt iƐtriĐt͘ confidence by^t͘ 4:00 p.m., June 14, 2013 to: No experience is necessary, however good communicadŚiƐ amenĚment edžƉanĚƐ tŚewith &oreƐt eǀeloƉment hnitplantions skills and experience marketing or event Dave Stewart ;& hͿ ER&>can ϴϭϱϭϬ in tǁo ƐƉeĐiĮĐ areaƐ͘ ning isaƐƐoĐiateĚ an asset. ǁitŚ Training be provided. Public Works Superintendent Wage: $20/hr, up toSt. 14James hrs/ week. District of Fort &irƐtlLJ, tŚe area ƐoutŚeaƐt oĨ 'raƐƐŚam >aŬe ŚaƐ ďeen Anticipated June 24, 2013West) POtoBox 640 (477 Stuart Drive aĚĚeĚ tŚestart & hdate; to enĐomƉaƐƐ uƫng Wermit ϲ ďloĐŬ ϭϯ͘ End date: August 30,BC 2013 James, V0JďLJ 1P0 dŚiƐFort & h St. ǁaƐ ƉreǀiouƐlLJ ŚelĚ d^͘ Email: individuals Interested are requested to & h forward re^eĐonĚlLJ tŚere iƐ a Ɛmall edžƉanƐion oĨ tŚe tŚat their ĐroƐƐeƐ sumes and cover letter by Friday June 14, 2013, 4:30 p.m. tŚe ďounĚarLJ line oĨ tŚe &ort ^t :ameƐ &oreƐt iƐtriĐt into tŚeMail: EaĚina &oreƐt ĚireĐtlLJ ƐoutŚ oĨ unningŚam By Emily iƐtriĐt Colombo >aŬe͘ dŚiƐ edžƉanƐion iƐ rougŚlLJ ϭϬ HeĐtareƐ Economic Development OfficeranĚ iƐ reƋuireĚ to maintain PO a logiĐal ďounĚarLJ͘ Box ĐutďloĐŬ 640 Fort St. James, BC /n aĐĐorĚanĐe ǁitŚ tŚe &oreƐt Wlanning anĚ WraĐƟĐeƐ V0J 1P0 RegulaƟon tŚiƐ amenĚment iƐ aǀailaďle Ĩor ƉuďliĐ reǀieǁ By (250) 996-2248 anĚFax: Đomment, Ĩrom :une ϭ, ϮϬϭϯ to uguƐt ϭ, ϮϬϭϯ͘ dŚe By Email: &^W amenĚeĚ Đan ďe ǀieǁeĚ ďLJ aƉƉointment in WrinĐe 'eorge Ěuringtoregular oĸĐe Office, ŚourƐ ;ϴ͗ϬϬ to ϰ͗ϬϬ Or in person the District 477 D Stuart DriveWDͿ͘ West,
GRAVEL HAULING/ Fort St. James. ǁill ďe aǀailaďle to ĚiƐĐuƐƐ tŚe &^W amenĚ reƉreƐentaƟǀe mentcandidates anĚ reĐeiǀeselected ĐommentƐ͘ WleaƐe maŬe will arrangementƐ EXCAVATION/ WATER Only for an interview be contacted. Ĩor ǀieǁing ďLJ ĐontaĐƟng tŚe inĚiǀiĚual at tŚe ƉŚone numďerƐ liƐteĚ ďeloǁ͘ /Ĩ an intereƐteĚ ƉartLJ iƐ unaďle to reǀieǁ TREATMENT tŚe ƉroƉoƐeĚ Ɖ Ěuring regular ďuƐineƐƐ ŚourƐ ƉleaƐe A7 SHOP ONLINE... Rentals Real Estate BAM BAM TRUCKING
15 Bo BC
ĐontaĐt ^Śane WerrLJ ďLJ ƉŚone or in ǁriƟng to arrange a Legal Notices Legal Notices Ɛuitaďle Ɵme͘
St. James B.C. Call (778) 667-0346 Apt/Condo for Rent ForFt.Sale By Owner In a Jam, call BAM BAM.
Lakeview Apartments
Hauling, 5O Remote BDRMWater HOME IN Water752 Stuart Dr. W. Fort St. James. 2bdrm apt. Newly teƐƟng anĚ dreatment͘ TELKWA renovated. Quiet, clean build'raǀel Hauling, džĐaǀaƟon ǁorŬ͘ FOR SALE ing. Adult oriented. no pets O Eoǁ ƉroǀiĚing >iƋuiĚ Ɛtorage
NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM RuďLJ RoĐŬ ReƐourĐeƐ, ηϯϮ ʹ ϱϱϲ EortŚ EeĐŚaŬo RoaĚ, WrinĐe 'eorge,WOODLOT ͘ sϮ< ϭ ϭ LICENSE 657 ontaĐt͗ ^Śane WerrLJ RW&͘ WŚone ϮϱϬ͘ϱϲϮ͘Ϯϰϴϳ Please be advised that Burkhard Lepka is proposing to remove 65h of private land from woodlot license 657 located in the vicinity of 3 miles south of Ft St. James along Highway 27. Inquiries/comments to this proposal must be submitted to S. Harrison at Box 2224 , Ft St. James, V0J-1P0 by July 5, 2013. Only written inquiries received by the above date will be responded to. Information regarding this proposal can be obtained by contacting S. Harrison at either 250-996-8751 or
R.R. Avail. now 250-996-4073 or 250-996-7598
3200 sqWater ft, 4 bath, tanŬƐ Ĩor anĚ WaƐte includes washer & Danagement͘ &or ReƐiĚenƟal anĚ /nĚuƐtrial dryer, fridge &uƐeƐ͘ stove, Townhouses O Rainǁater ŚarǀeƐƟng ƐoluƟonƐ͘ dishwasher hot tub, natural gas, Water DeliveryStuart and Gravel Lake Townhouses Newly renovated, contact ^eaŵleƐƐ WŽlyetŚylene danŬƐ džĐavaƟŽnfamily oriented, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with 250-845-3315 basement, 2 parking stalls, No
dogs. Ref Req’d 250-996-4073 or 250-996-7598
Serving Fort St. James Rentals and area since 1972
Pam Berger Apt/Condo for Rent
Publisher HILLCREST apts. Lg. 1 & 2bdrm suites. Clean and quiet. Adult orientated,Security sysYOUR NEWSPAPER: tem,Strict Management,no The link to your community pets ph# 250-996-7854 Advertising: News: Website:
Misc Services
Misc Services
FORT ST. JAMES AND AREA Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake
150 W. Columbia St Box 1007, Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-9258 Fax: 250-567-2070
GRAVEL HAULING/ EXCAVATION/ WATER Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, TREATMENT Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake STUART NECHAKO
Reaching Every Door
Pam Berger
Ft. James 150 W.St. Columbia St B.C. Call (778) Tel:667-0346 250-567-9258 In a Jam, call BAM BAM. Box 1007, Vanderhoof Fax: 250-567-2070 BC V0J 3A0 O Remote Water Hauling,Email: teƐƟng anĚ dreatment͘ 'raǀel Hauling, džĐaǀaƟon ǁorŬ͘ O Eoǁ ƉroǀiĚing >iƋuiĚ Ɛtorage
zeŬooĐŚe &irƐt EaƟon ŚaƐ ƉreƉareĚ an amenĚment to tŚe aƉƉroǀeĚ &oreƐt ^teǁarĚƐŚiƉ Wlan ;&^WͿ Đoǀering oƉeraƟonƐ in tŚe &t͘ ^t͘ :ameƐ &oreƐt iƐtriĐt͘ dŚiƐ amenĚment edžƉanĚƐ tŚe &oreƐt eǀeloƉment hnit ;& hͿ aƐƐoĐiateĚ ǁitŚ ER&> ϴϭϱϭϬ in tǁo ƐƉeĐiĮĐ areaƐ͘ &irƐtlLJ, tŚe area ƐoutŚeaƐt oĨ 'raƐƐŚam >aŬe ŚaƐ ďeen aĚĚeĚ to tŚe & h to enĐomƉaƐƐ uƫng Wermit ϲ ďloĐŬ ϭϯ͘ dŚiƐ & h ǁaƐ ƉreǀiouƐlLJ ŚelĚ ďLJ d^͘ ^eĐonĚlLJ tŚere iƐ a Ɛmall edžƉanƐion oĨ tŚe & h tŚat ĐroƐƐeƐ tŚe ďounĚarLJ line oĨ tŚe &ort ^t :ameƐ &oreƐt iƐtriĐt into tŚe EaĚina &oreƐt iƐtriĐt ĚireĐtlLJ ƐoutŚ oĨ unningŚam >aŬe͘ dŚiƐ edžƉanƐion iƐ rougŚlLJ ϭϬ HeĐtareƐ anĚ iƐ reƋuireĚ to maintain a logiĐal ĐutďloĐŬ ďounĚarLJ͘ /n aĐĐorĚanĐe ǁitŚ tŚe &oreƐt Wlanning anĚ WraĐƟĐeƐ RegulaƟon tŚiƐ amenĚment iƐ aǀailaďle Ĩor ƉuďliĐ reǀieǁ anĚ Đomment, Ĩrom :une ϭ, ϮϬϭϯ to uguƐt ϭ, ϮϬϭϯ͘ dŚe amenĚeĚ &^W Đan ďe ǀieǁeĚ ďLJ aƉƉointment in WrinĐe 'eorge Ěuring regular oĸĐe ŚourƐ ;ϴ͗ϬϬ D to ϰ͗ϬϬ WDͿ͘ reƉreƐentaƟǀe ǁill ďe aǀailaďle to ĚiƐĐuƐƐ tŚe &^W amenĚment anĚ reĐeiǀe ĐommentƐ͘ WleaƐe maŬe arrangementƐ Ĩor ǀieǁing ďLJ ĐontaĐƟng tŚe inĚiǀiĚual at tŚe ƉŚone numďerƐ liƐteĚ ďeloǁ͘ /Ĩ an intereƐteĚ ƉartLJ iƐ unaďle to reǀieǁ tŚe ƉroƉoƐeĚ Ɖlan Ěuring regular ďuƐineƐƐ ŚourƐ ƉleaƐe ĐontaĐt ^Śane WerrLJ ďLJ ƉŚone or in ǁriƟng to arrange a Ɛuitaďle Ɵme͘ RuďLJ RoĐŬ ReƐourĐeƐ, ηϯϮ ʹ ϱϱϲ EortŚ EeĐŚaŬo RoaĚ, WrinĐe 'eorge, ͘ sϮ< ϭ ϭ ontaĐt͗ ^Śane WerrLJ RW&͘ WŚone ϮϱϬ͘ϱϲϮ͘Ϯϰϴϳ
15 B B
NEWS FSJ Youth Soccer Association hosts
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Caledonia Courier
regional mini soccer tournament
but rather to develop their Fraser Lake will be hosting skills as a team and as in- the next divisional tournament dividual players in a com- on June 21 for players aged 11petitive setting. 18. The games were a sucIf you are someone with an cess thanks to our local interest in refereeing soccer businesses Overwaitea games for mini and divisionFoods for donating com- al level games within Fort St. plimentary ice cream sun- James and the region, or are a daes to the players of the parent, coach, or player who tournament, Integris Credit wants some extra knowledge on Union for providing our lo- the game, the Soccer Club will cal teams and their coaches be hosting a referee clinic for all with reusable water bottles, interested. and the youth and adult Contact Dave at dbirdi@fortvolunteers who organized for more information. the tournament concession and refereed the The District of Fort St. James requires a consultant to games.
Thirty-six regional teams from Vanderhoof, Fraser Lake, Burns Lake, and Fort St. James filled the high school soccer fields on May 25 for the annual Active Start Soccer Festival held and hosted by the Fort St. James Youth Soccer Association. A total of 700 players aged four to 10, parents, coaches, volunteers, and spectators participated in the tournament. With an emphasis on fun, participation, and good sportsmanship, the teams did not play for a trophy
develop a Municipal Master Trails Plan. The plan will set municipal development goals and actions for connected active transportation and to support sustainable economic and community development through trails and transportation planning. Included in the Trails Master Plan will be a map (provided both hard copy and electronically) which will highlight local and regional trails in our area. Some limited trails signage will be implemented as a component of this project.
TOP RIGHT: The Fort St. James Sharks (in blue) battled hard against the Vanderhoof Hot Lava team (in burgundy) in an Under Eight game during the soccer tournament in Fort St. James on May 25. RIGHT and BELOW: The Vanderhoof Golden Girls (in yellow) battle it out against the Fort St. James Awesome Girls (in blue) during a tournament game for Under Eight Girls.
Proposals entitled “PROPOSAL –MASTER TRAILS PLAN” including proposed costs shall be rendered in pdf format and emailed to Emily Colombo, . Proposals may also be uploaded to a service such as or and a link may be emailed. Proposals and costs will be accepted until June 19, 2013, 4:30p.m. PST.
Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier
A tender package is available at the District Office or on the District’s website at The bid price for the contract will be only one criteria for the successful bidder. The District is also interested in relevant experience, proposed research methodology, community context and timeline.
Seniors group delivers a good service
Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier
The Fort St. James Seniors Delivery Service is six months old and going strong. The delivery service, which brings groceries and prescriptions to the clients on their list, has done 118 deliveries and purchased $4,717 in groceries over 47 shifts. It has also saved clients $525 through discounts offered by Sana’aih Market and
Overwaitea Foods. The deliveries will be continuing until December, and serve 15 self-identified seniors and people with mobility issues in the community. While the contract for the coordinator position has now ended, the service is able to continue operating through the District of Fort St. James municipal office and is working on plans to possibly deliver for the soup kitchen and the
food bank. “We’re going to take it one step at a time,” said Emily Colombo, economic development officer for the district who has been working with the Seniors Action Committee on the service since the beginning. Colombo said a survey of the service’s clients indicated all of their clients thought it was an excellent program and was helping to improve their quality of life.
Four senior volunteers do the deliveries, which also then has benefits for them as well, building relationships within the community and gives both the clients and volunteers a social outlet. The service is looking for more drivers for Monday shifts on a weekly or biweekly basis and those interested in being added to the client list can contact the District of Fort St. James at 996-8233.
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