Eagle Valley News, June 05, 2013

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EaglE VallEy


Program keeps kids active after school hours Page 6

Big Bike riders put heart into fundraising Page 8

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 PM40008236

Vol. 55 No. 23 Sicamous, B.C., • 1.25 (GST included) • www.eaglevalleynews.com

Seeing red (and white): People gathered outside the District of Sicamous Civic Centre Monday afternoon to protest municipal council’s decision to schedule the community fireworks display, normally set off on Canada Day, for the August long weekend. Photo by Lachlan Labere

Council to reconsider bumping Canada Day fireworks By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Sicamous council will reconsider their decision to move the Canada Day fireworks display to August following a red and white uprising at town hall. In a sight Sicamous residents may have never before witnessed, a large crowd of people, representing all ages in the community, appeared in front of the municipal civic centre Monday afternoon to protest a failed motion in council, and the ramifications it would have on local tradition. That motion, made at council’s May

22 meeting by Coun. Charlotte Hutchinson, was to move the $20,0000 fireworks display, funded through taxation, back to Canada Day. Couns. Hutchinson, Joan Thomson and Fred Busch were in favour, while Couns. Terry Rysz, Don Richardson and Mayor Darrell Trouton were opposed. As per B.C.’s Local Government Act, when there is a tie, the motion fails. The vote has sparked criticism and dissent in the community, and through social media and email list servers. And it compelled people such as Beth Braun to bring her children to Main Street on Monday and join the chorus of protest.

“I think it’s not about Sicamous, I think it’s about Canada,” said Braun about the importance of the July 1st fireworks “I think it’s important that we keep tradition,” said 11-year-old Amy Wiebe. Sharon Reed was of like mind – that the Canada Day fireworks display is part of a local and national tradition. “It’s about family, it’s about country, and fireworks draw people to join together to have a good time and to have some camaraderie,” said Reed. “I know many of the people here and we take pride in Sicamous, we take pride in our country. It’s important.” The demonstration’s high degree of ci-

vility took a bit of a dip when Rysz chose to address the crowd. With Richardson by his side (Trouton was in the Lower Mainland attending the Federation of Canadian Municipalities convention), Rysz took some jeers amongst the calls to put the display back to July 1st. “OK, so that’s why we’re here, because we want to talk to you about this,” said Rysz. “There’s no doubt that with this turnout today, we as council, we have to make some serious decisions… and when we made the decision the other day, myself personally and Don as well, we felt we See Legitimacy of on page 3

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Eagle Valley News

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Police find driver armed with pellet gun On May 24 at 10:55 a.m., Sicamous RCMP received a report of a vehicle with a gun possibly being pointed out a window. Investigating officers found the vehicle and the driver, who had a pellet gun. Police say the owner claimed not to be holding the gun out window, but only looking at it. The owner/driver was subsequently warned about their actions. • May 17, 12:18 a.m report of loud party and music on Poirier Road West in Mara. • May 17, 3:28 a.m., report of suspicious subjects in the neighbourhood of Kappel being loud and disruptive. • May 17, 6:26 a.m., report of a white Freightliner semi tractor-trailer passing on double solid lines, almost causing accidents. • May 17, 9:03 a.m., blue Ford F150, unknown plate, tailgating and passing unsafely. • May 17, 1:44 p.m., request from Chase detachment to serve violation ticket on an individual. • May 17, 2:16 p.m., report of three-vehicle accident on Highway 97A, no injuries. • May 17, 4:02 p.m., black Dodge Charger with B.C. plates speeding, passing illegally, possible road rage. • May 17, 4:20 p.m., police requested to assist ambulance attending local youth not feeling well after having consumed marijuana.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS This is a FREE listing of community events for not-for-profit organizations and paid advertisers. DEADLINE: 2pm, Fridays

• May 17, 7:59 p.m., pocket dial 911 call received. Police found a cellphone in a girls pocket had dial 911. Police suggest keeping a lock on your cell phone for this very reason so as to avoid unintended 911 calls. • May 17, 9:02 p.m., report of four older teens smoking pot with younger children around. • May 17, 11 p.m., report of moose needing to be dispatched after being struck by a vehicle. • May 18, 12:47 p.m., report of ATV racing around town going through stop signs and driving dangerously. • May 18, 1:12 p.m., several youths on property in unfinished construction zone, concern there may be some vandalism. • May 18, 4:11 p.m., silver BMW passing double solid lines, speeding through construction zone. • May 18, 7:14 p.m. intoxicated male shooting a compound bow and arrow at a vehicle across the street, individual acting in dangerous manner with disregard for anyone around. Subject arrested and facing weapons charges. • May 18, 9:24 p.m., report of large black bear on side of Hwy. 97A near mobile home park close to RCMP office. • May 19, 3:02 p.m., report of person up Queest paragliding who

went off into the trees. There were no injuries but subject wanted to report they may never be able to get the canopy out of the trees. • May 19, 9:49 p.m., people setting off fireworks on North Mara Lake. • May 19, 11 p.m., individual issued with 90-day immediate roadside driving prohibition. • May 20, 1:13 a.m., report of family dispute between father and son, Police requested to assist in resolving the matter. • May 20, 11:04 a.m, police called to assist fire department with storage unit on fire. • May 20, 12:18 p.m., two-vehicle accident near Crystal Sands resort. No injuries. • May 20, 8 a.m., red Ford pickup pulling a holiday trailer, passing on the right-hand side and driving erratically. • May 21, 11:16 p.m., report of threats between two neighbours. • May 21, 2:12 p.m., report of an aluminum boat having some difficulty on big waves. Police conducted inquiries but were unable to locate the boat. Other boaters did not see anyone and there were no reports of missing persons. • May 21, 9:44 p.m., report of semi tractor trailer unit, Alta. plate, unable to stay in lane, crossing centre line. • May 21, 11:07 p.m., report of aggressive bear

June 8 & 9 -Babysitting Course - to register or for more info contact Recreation and Wellness phone #250836-2477 or email recreation@sicamous.ca June 11 - The Salmon Arm Chapter of The Compassionate Friends will have a special “Men Only” sharing time for bereaved fathers in honour of Father’s Day. 7pm, St. Andrews’ Presbyterian Church. Call Cathy 250-832-2454. Mondays May - June 24 - Zumba Classes. 7:15 8:15 pm. To register or for more info contact Recreation and Wellness #250-836-2477 or recreation@sicamous.ca Tuesdays May - June 18 - Yoga Basics. 5:30 - 6:45 pm. To register or for more info contact Recreation and Wellness #250-836-2477 or recreation@sicamous.ca Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays - Active After School Kidz. Ages 5-12 - to register or for more info contact Recreation and Wellness #250-836-2477 or recreation@sicamous.ca

on Finlayson Street. The bear kept coming back and going into people’s garbage, getting aggressive with people in the area, and was subsequently destroyed. • May 22, 2:58 p.m., report of hit and run in parking lot of local business. • May 22, 3:37 p.m, blue Ridgeline, Alta. plate, passing on blind corners. • May 22, 9:23 p.m., late ’80s Ford F150, B.C. plates, unable to maintain lanes, crossing centre line, almost hitting the ditch. • May 22, 10:20 p.m., hang up on a 911. Police attended, learned male and female subjects had been involved in verbal argument, all resolved before police arrived. • May 23, 12:47 a.m., report of black bear across from Tim Hortons on Frontage Road. • May 23, 2:34 p.m, truck and trailer unit, Manitoba plates, passing on double solid lines. • May 24, 7:01 a.m., report of lost wallet • May 24, 7:41 a.m., silver Toyota with B.C. plates tailgating, passing unsafely. • May 24, 1 p.m., domestic dispute. • May 24, 2 p.m, white Chevy Colorado pickup, B.C. plates, swerving into oncoming traffic, almost going into a ditch. • May 24, 3:54 p.m., report of family disturbance.

Legion parking lot in Sicamous Every 1st & 3rd Wed. - Parkinsons Support Group at First united Church. 20 - 4th Street SE, Salmon Arm at 10 am. Contact Doreen at 250-836-2509. Every 1st & 3rd Wed. Eagle Valley Photography Club Everyone welcome. 7 pm at the Red Barn. Every Monday and Thursday -Chairbiotics (low impact exercise) Seniors activity Centre 10:00 am. Join us. $2 each. Every Mon. & Fri. - Bridge, Seniors Activity Centre, 1 p.m. Every Tues. Stopping the Violence Program in Sicamous - counselling for women who have experienced abuse during childhood or adult relationships. No charge. Call Kathy at 250-832-9700. Every Tues. - Sicamous Amateur Drama Club rehearsals, 7:00 p.m., Red Barn Arts Centre. 836-4705.

May 16 - Ladies’ Evening Out -Walking on Sonshine. 7:00 pm at the Senior’s Activity Centre. Kagen Sharpe will be the feature and Shawna Twa will be our speaker. All women welcome

Tues. & Thurs. - Carpet Bowling at the Seniors’ Activity Centre at 1 p.m.

May 26 - Relay for Life lant Sale. 1 p - 4 pm. 442 Elliot Crecent, Sicamous. Info: Kathy at 836-3267

Every Wed. Wednesday Arts for Everyone. 10 am - 3 pm. For info contact Juanita at 250-836-3019 or Gail- at 250-836-5472

June 1st - Sicamous Summer Market starts on June 1st and runs every Saturday at the Royal Canadian

Every Tues. & Thurs. - Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in Common Room at the Haven.

Every Wed. Girl Guides of Canada. Sparks - 3:00

• May 25, 4:29 p.m., person dressed in dark clothing, standing along highway. Police attended and spoke with subject. • May 25, 4:41 p.m., white Dodge pickup, B.C. plates, sped by traffic control people in construction zone between Sicamous and Salmon Arm. • May 25, 8:42 p.m., white cube van, B.C. plates, driving aggressively and passing unsafely. • May 25 9:07, report of large black bear in front of local motel going through garbage. • May 26, 7:59 a.m., semi tractor-trailer unit blasted through an intersection. The truck was possibly leaking some fuel or other liquid. • May 26, 1:18 p.m., report of possible impaired driver, vehicle swerving and driven erratically. • May 27, 10:59 a.m., report of attempted break and enter into shop at McLeanMcPherson Road property. • May 27 5:12 p.m., semi swerving, passing unsafely and speeding. • May 27, 7:19 p.m., report of white truck pulling equipment driving high rate of speed and passing unsafely. • May 27, 9:51 p.m., request from CP Rail police to assist with individual who had jumped onto a passing train and was believed to be riding the rails at that time.




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unshine S AWARDS

Thank you to the people who rescued my Siamese cat and brought her back home safely to me.

~ Regina **** A sunny thank you to Kathleen Miege for donating her time and supplies to the very popular ‘Hair and Nail Boutique’ at Parkview’s Spring Carnival. A Grand Sunshine thank you to Kevin Miller for donating the proceeds of $725 from the Storage Wars Locker Auction to Parkview’s playground fundraising efforts. Thank you to all teachers, staff and perents who made Parkview’s Spring Carnival on May 16th a success. Fun was had by all! Special thank you to burgermeisters Mr. Chafe and Mr. Rokosh for their sweet BBQ skills ~ Parkville PAC **** Ice Cream full of Sunshine to Nellie and Jake Dewitt for donating ice-cream for the outdoor education fundraiser. Ice Cream was delicious as always and our class really appreciates your support. Sunshine to Sandy Roberts, Anne Fitzpatrict and Tami Simcoe for helping the outdoor education class with their dinner fundraiser. Without everyones help we would not be able to do all the great things like river rafting, paintball, hiking, camping, biking and our yearend camping trip to Mount Robson. ~ ERS Outdoor Education Class **** Sunshine to Deb Moore for donating eggs to our feed the student program. Thanks once again to the United Church, Tim Horton’s and the Lions Club for helping to fund our food program. It is a proven fact that students learn better on a full stomach. ~ ERS Outdoor Education Class Sunshine Awards are FREE of charge. 20 words per award, due to limited space. Please do not submit more than two awards per week. Recognize your friend, neighbour or loved one with a sunshine award for doing that extra special good deed!

pm. Brownies - 4:00 pm. Girl Guides - 5:30 pm. New members welcome Every Wed. Lunch by a donation at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091-Shuswap Avenue at 12 noon. Every Wed. - Seniors Crib, 7:30 p.m., Haven seniors building. Everyone welcome - you don’t have to be a senior. Socializing and coffee served after crib. Info: Esther 836-4373. Every Wed. - T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Wednesday morning at the Sicamous Rec. Centre (arena). Weigh in at 9:00 am and meeting at 9:30. Everyone Welcome. Ph: 250-836-4041 for info Every Wed.-Sat. United Church Thrift Store 10:00 am to 3 p.m. Every Thurs. - Malakwa Thrift Store in Malakwa by the old church. 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Every Thurs. - Sicamous Crokinole Group meets at 7pm at the Sicamous & District Recreation Centre upstairs for more info and to join call Dave Reed @ 250-836-3652 Every Thurs.-Ladies shuffleboard at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99 in Sicamous. 1pm-3pm. All ladies welcome. Every Thurs.- Crib and darts 7 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99. Everyone welcome.

Every 1st, 3rd, 4th Thurs. - Keepsake Kwilters meet at the Haven Common room 1095 Shuswap Avenue at 7:00 p.m. For info call 250-836-2695. Every 2nd and 4th Thurs. Options For Sexual health from 7 to 9 p.m., Sicamous Health Unit. Every 3rd Thursday monthly meeting of the Malakwa Community Association at 7:30 in the Malakwa Hall. Every Fri. - Parents & Tots, 10-12 noon at Catholic Church. 836-3440. Every Fri. - Eagle Valley Brush & Palette Club meets at the Red Barn, 10am-3pm, Everyone welcome! For info call Esther 250-836-4373 or Amy 250-836-4756. www.eaglevalleybrushandpaletteclub.com Every 1st & 3rd Fri. - Pool Tournament at the Royal Canadian Legion #99 at 7:00 pm. Every 4th Sun.- Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 general meeting, 7 p.m. Every 4th Sun. - OAPO Birthday Tea for members & friends, Seniors Activity Centre, 2 p.m. Last Saturday of every month -Sicamous Royal Canadian Legion #99 Ladies Auxilliary dinner 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm List your event, meeting, rehearsals or club listing here...at no charge.

fax to: 250-836-2661

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, June 5, 2013

www.eaglevalleynews.com A3

Quirky ad used to attract right candidate

Deputy corporate officer: Mary Geall set to re-retire from district. By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Psychic abilities may give an edge to prospective candidates seeking to take over the role of district deputy corporate officer from soon-to-be-retiring Mary Geall. Friday was the closing date for applications for the position, advertised on the District of Sicamous website and elsewhere. The ad was written by district chief administrative officer Heidi Frank, who had taken a somewhat unconventional approach to attracting the right candidate. It was prefaced with the question, “Want to work in paradise?” and continues

with an enticing list of the community’s climate and recreational assets. After a lengthy list of job responsibilities, the lightheartedness resumes with a description of the ideal candidate, who will have “psychic abilities and be able to predict what council and managers are doing.” Candidates might also benefit from having a “love of chocolate and wine.” A separate note is added by the outgoing deputy corporate officer, which states, “the CAO will expect you to know everything… because she doesn’t,” followed by a smileyface icon. While Geall may not claim to have psy-

chic abilities, Frank is hoping to hold on to her at least until the byelection to replace outgoing councillor Greg Kyllo. Like former interim administrator Doug Ruttan before his departure, Geall is looking at more of a re-retirement. She had initially planned to leave in early 2012. This was announced in a district news release regarding council’s termination of former CAO Alan Harris. “Mary has been a dedicated employee of the Sicamous Water Board and subsequently the District of Sicamous for over 26 years,” stated the release. “Mary’s knowledge and adminis-

trative skills will be missed and Council wish her a very happy retirement.” Geall says she returned to work to assist the district in the transition of management staff. “At the time, I indicated that I would work no more than 18 months. It is time to resume the retirement process,” states Geall in an email. Geall says she’s interested travelling to Egypt, and working on her family genealogy. And, when her husband retires, the two hope to do some RVing. “My career with the district has certainly been challenging and rewarding,” says Geall

Legitimacy of council vote in question Continued from front

were making the right decision on behalf of the economics of this community.” Rysz went on to say council would bring the matter back to the table. A special council meeting for this is now scheduled for Friday, June 7 at 4:30 p.m. “We’ll make a decision… as mayor and council on what direction we’re gonna go…,” said Rysz. “You people have obviously spoken on behalf of us keeping it that way, we’re steering that way for sure… we still can’t make that decision here today.” At least one of the protestors, Terry Sinton, questioned the need for another vote as she considers the first to be invalid – that the fireworks were moved to August last year only because in July Sicamous was still in a state of emergency. “There was never a motion moving it to August 1st in the first place,” says Sinton. “And in order to spend $20,000 of taxpayers’ money on anywhere but July 1st, there must be a motion to move it to August 1st. That motion was never made.

And by refusing to make that motion, the mayor forced councillors to make a motion to move it back to July 1st.” Asked about the legitimacy of the vote, Rysz said this is something that staff is investigating. “Staff is looking into those legalities and whatever they decide and come up with, it will be their call, so no, I really don’t have any comment on that,” he said. “It will be really interesting to see how that all comes out.” Rysz had also been at the FCM convention, but had left that morning to be in Sicamous for the protest which, for him, was something of a surprise. “I would never have thought the implications were going to be anything like this,” said Rysz. “But this is pretty heartwarming. You see the community and they got together, and us as council and the mayor, we have to listen to this…” Rysz said his decision to support keeping the fireworks show had to do with the economy, and his preference would be to have fireworks on both Canada

Day and B.C. Day in August. “The patriotism thing and some of the statements made, it’s almost like council was opposed to Canada Day, but that was never the case,” said Rysz. “It was a matter of finding what we felt was allocating funds to what might be the best for the community.” Eagle Valley Arts Council president Carla

Krens says that if council votes to bring the fireworks back to July 1st, the entertainment will go on as planned, funded by a federal grant. “We’ve decided if the fireworks are on, the band will be on and our entertainment,” said Krens. “If not, we withdraw and we’ll send our money, which is $1,800, back to Heritage Canada.”

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in an email. “It has been a pleasure to work with the many councils and staff members over the years. I would like to thank the district’s administrators, including Vern Ciccone, Darlene Procter (who sadly passed away), Stewart Fleming, Randy Rose, Karen Williams, Doug Ruttan, Heidi Frank and, in particular, Alan Harris. It has been a privilege to work with all of them and all have become close friends.” Geall’s departure follows on the heels of recently retired another longtime district employee, works services manager Grady MacDonald. That position has changed to operations manager, now filled by Randy Hand.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Eagle Valley News

Tradition, pride and fireworks not to be trifled with


hat people should be upset over a Sicamous council decision is nothing new. But to see that frustration funneled into an organized protest in front of town hall, complete with flags, placards and picket signs carried by participants of all ages – well, that’s something this generally quiet, little tourist community has seldom, if ever seen. It wasn’t a tax increase, sewer issue or even mosquitoes that compelled this demonstration of dissent. No, it was a failed motion in council (determined in a three-three vote) to move Sicamous’ traditional Canada Day fireworks display back from the August long weekend to July 1st that did the trick. To clarify, because of numerous variables last year, including widespread flooding, no drinking water and the fact areas of Sicamous were under a state of emergency, the district opted to hold the Canada Day fireworks on B.C. Day as part of a community celebration. Some councillors may have been surprised by the public outcry their vote has sparked; however, history shows Sicamous residents care a great deal about matters relating to fireworks. And, as was made eminently clear Monday, Canada Day fireworks are not to be trifled with. They are a matter of local tradition and national pride. There is also the question of the vote itself. At least two councillors were surprised the matter even came to a vote, as they were of the understanding that last year was a one-off based on circumstance. It was also mentioned that council minutes do not reflect any formal decision to permanently reschedule the fireworks display to the August long weekend. To their credit, Couns. Don Richardson and Terry Rysz, who voted against fireworks being moved back to July 1st, showed up at the protest to address the crowd. Rysz was able to diplomatically diffuse the protest by assuring everyone present had been heard, and that if the vote is overturned at a future council meeting (Friday, June 7 at 4:30), Sicamous’ fireworks display would be put back where it belongs. With “if” being the key word, it remains to be seen whether or not the protest is truly over.



Northern Gateway pipeline not dead yet By Tom Fletcher News Columnist

VICTORIA – One of Premier Christy Clark’s first tasks of the new term will be to resume trade talks with Alberta and Saskatchewan. Several daunting tasks await. Clark must repair relations with Alberta Premier Alison Redford after B.C.’s theatrics over oil pipelines before the election, and prepare for the results of a federal environmental review of the Enbridge Northern Gateway proposal in the fall. Some people were surprised on Friday when the B.C. government released its final written submission to the federal environmental review panel on Northern Gateway. It was widely interpreted as B.C.’s outright rejection of the project, but it’s not as simple as that. Clark and B.C. Environment Minister Terry Lake signalled several times before the election that they were not getting the answers they wanted from Enbridge.

But they stuck to the principle that the hearings must be completed. A pipeline that runs across two provinces is by definition a matter of federal jurisdiction. B.C. could have held its own parallel set of hearings, which was the NDP’s stated preference, but in no circumstance does the province have a veto. And both the B.C. Liberal government and Enbridge were careful to leave the door open for further talks. A closer reading of their comments shows that the key difference at this stage is one of timing. “The panel must determine if it is appropriate to grant a certificate for the project as currently proposed on the basis of a promise to do more study and planning after the certificate is granted,” Lake said. “Our government does not believe that a certificate should be granted before these important questions are answered.” According to Enbridge

1133 PARKSVILLE STREET, PARKLAND CENTRE PO BOX 113, SICAMOUS, BC V0E 2V0 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $44.50/Year; Seniors $39/Year Phone: (250) 836-2570 Fax: (250) 836-2661 Email: classifieds@eaglevalleynews.com Website: www.eaglevalleynews.com


PUBLISHER: Rick Proznick EDITORIAL: Tracy Hughes, Editor; Lachlan Labere, Reporter ADVERTISING: Laura Lavigne PRODUCTION: Sierre Allison

executive Janet Holder, those important questions can’t all be answered until the hearings are over. The company maintains that every river crossing and spill response plan can’t be done in detail during the twoyear hearings. B.C.’s final submission runs to nearly 100 pages. It goes into detail on the inconsistencies and unanswered questions on such vital topics as whether diluted bitumen can sink in water. In short, the province argues that it can sink if the oil is in fresh water, or if it is exposed to weathering so lighter fractions evaporate, or if it is mixed with sediments that increase its density. These are pertinent conditions if heavy oil were to leak into a river in springtime, when water runs fast and cold and brown with sediment. Then there are the obstacles presented by responding to a spill in remote wilderness and heavy snow. Given both provincial

BC PRESS COUNCIL-This Eagle Valley News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council.Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

and aboriginal opposition in B.C., the Enbridge pipeline is unlikely to be imposed, and last week Conservative cabinet minister James Moore clearly ruled that out. The B.C. government has consistently maintained that the current project does not meet Clark’s often-repeated five conditions, including the vaguely defined “fair share” of revenues, and Moore said the federal government agrees with those conditions. The B.C. government has to face some other uncomfortable realities as well. If heavy oil pipelines are such a risk, how does B.C. manage the one that has stretched across remote and populated areas for 60 years? Does the government take a stand against new pipelines, and then watch as rail cars full of heavy oil cross those same rivers? No permit is required for that, and in fact there are more hazardous materials than oil moving by rail and road across the province today.

Published every Wednesday covering Sicamous, Malakwa, Mara, Seymour Arm and serving Anstey Arm, Cambie, Cinnemousin Narrows, Craigellachie and Solsqua. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We do not guarantee placement on specific pages. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 2 PM

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, June 5, 2013

www.eaglevalleynews.com A5

mail bag

Council under fire over fireworks decision It seems like council wants Sicamous to fail as a tourist town, and this decision will have additional collateral damage to local businesses. No out-of-town visitor’s means commercial enterprises such as the pubs, liquor stores, motels, restaurants, Askew’s, D Dutchmen, golf courses, campgrounds, variety stores and dollar stores, houseboat rentals and Parkland Building Supplies will be impacted. Even the Eagle Valley Arts Council will now have to review their entertainment schedule that was being arranged for the Canada Day celebrations, such as the band on the barge or music on the lake. This will have to be cancelled

and the grant from the federal government, through Heritage Canada, will have to be sent back to Ottawa. This is just another nail in the proverbial coffin for the demise of Sicamous, provided by our district council which will eventually erode any local support from the taxpayers in Sicamous on any future decisions. Mayor Trouton seems to be running a dictatorial government in our District. The future will tell. The best decision that district council should make at this time is to reverse their motion and re-instate the Canada Day fireworks celebration. Gary F.T. Ferns

Moving the fireworks was a very poor move. It is a tradition to celebrate Canada Day. It was about our community and the locals getting together. It had nothing to do with making money or tourism. It just happened that over the years people started talking about what a great time it was, and people from other towns would come here and boat here to celebrate with us. As far as the (district) survey, why would you not put it in the paper? Less than 300 people are on this site and there are another 2,800 people with voices in this town. It is not about the businesses and making money. It’s to celebrate

Dock owners organize against SLIPP By Barb Brouwer Eagle Valley News

mission; they were not entitled,” he said. “I’m mystified, especially because Shuswap Lake has one of the most significant salmonid fisheries, certainly in B.C. if not North America. We’re trying to get back to as natural a system as possible on a lake that is facing significant public pressure.” Mike Simpson, senior regional manager of the Fraser Basin Council, which administers SLIPP, says that while water quality was a big issue when the organization was formed, it was not the only one. “The idea was to be integrated in an approach to look at everything together.” He says the only involvement SLIPP has had in the illegal dock and structure issue was to use funds provided by The Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation – not taxpayers’ money – in a pilot project in which upland owners were offered funds to pay for the modification or removal of their illegal docks.


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MALAKWA FIRE SUPPRESSION COMMITTEE 2013 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING All residents of the Malakwa Fire Suppression Area are encouraged to attend. This meeting will provide an opportunity to answer any questions you may have about fire department activities, its equipment and the cost of the function as it relates to your taxes. DATE: Thursday, June 20, 2013 TIME: 7:00 PM PLACE: Fire Hall (4120 Community Hall Road) AGENDA: Minutes of the 2012 AGM Reports Election of Officers This is a volunteer function - It takes a community commitment to keep costs down and to ensure that the fire service is the best that it can be. PLEASE become involved and plan to attend.

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Answers for today’s Coffee Break Page


But he emphasizes it is the province, not SLIPP, that has increased the focus on compliance and enforcement through legislation that is among the oldest in B.C. Tobin is very clear on two things – while waterfront property owners may have docks in keeping with regulations, they cannot build structures without a tenure, on anything below the “natural present boundary” or mean annual high water mark, which is Crown land. And people whose property is separated from the water by a road or railway have no riparian rights. He says the enforcement focus is on the 100 to 150 structures out of an estimated 2,700-plus that would never be granted tenure in their current form because they’re either grossly over-built, built in highvalue habitats or without upland right to construct anything on the beach or water. “People built them without getting per-

Shane Miller

Teresa Lachowski



The removal of docks from Shuswap Lake has launched a wave of protest in the North Shuswap. Calling themselves People Against SLIPP, a group of residents has organized a meeting for Monday night at Quaaout Lodge. At issue is the removal of structures on Crown land and docks belonging to residents who live near but not on the water. “We’re really concerned about the potential impacts and real impacts we’re starting to see with SLIPP,” says North Shuswap Chamber of Commerce president Dave Cunliffe. “Property owners are looking to have a collective voice and looking for ways to head this off.” SLIPP was created in 2007 in response to concerns regarding increased development, pollution entering lakes in the Shuswap watershed, and conflicting

recreation demands. It is a group that includes stakeholders from various levels of government and environmental groups. Laying the blame on SLIPP, Cunliffe says the organization’s “new direction” is threatening tourism and the economic viability of the area. “At the outset, SLIPP seemed to be like a benign, helpful organization,” said Cunliffe. “We want to see them go back to that. I think SLIPP should focus on water quality and protection of real environmental values like sensitive fish habitat.” Pat Tobin, regional manager of compliance and enforcement for the Thompson Okanagan region of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, credits SLIPP as being a very useful inventory and planning tool for understanding what’s going on on the lake and finding ways to restore portions of the lake to its natural condition.

Canada and the start of summer. Do you think every little town in the states cancelled their Memorial Day fireworks because not enough tourists were around? No, it is a tradition. You needed to ask the people that pay your wages and support your businesses what they want, and I would guarantee the vote would be to keep with tradition. As far as the council vote at a three-to-three deadlock and it passing… you knew full well that (Coun.) Greg Kyllo, who was not there to vote, would have voted to leave it on Canada day, and try and have a second fireworks on August long weekend.


Re: “Council drops Canada Day fireworks,” in last week’s Eagle Valley News. District council moving the fireworks display to the long weekend in August and, the event not being held on Canada Day, is a very bad decision. Canada Day has been celebrated across this great country of ours for years with fireworks in July, but I guess the citizens of Sicamous are not worthy of following the tradition like the rest of Canada. This is just another knee-jerk decision by council that will do more harm to our town, which is trying to recover from the financial disaster caused by the floods and bad press last summer.

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More of what you want Eagle Valley News 250-836-2570

District after-school kids program kicks off A new program offered by the district may appeal to parents stuck for a child-care option after school hours. The Active After School Kidz program kicked off on Monday, May 27 with an open house at its home, upstairs at the Sicamous and District Recreation Centre. It runs Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, from about 2:15 to 5:30 p.m. District of Sicamous recreation and wellness co-ordinator West Martin-Patterson says he was able to set up the program with a $2,000 donation from the Dave Stead Memorial, which will go to operating costs, with money set aside to “sponsor several families so their children can attend the program. Martin-Pat-

tion is required. Anyone wanting information on subsidies, or about the programs, may call 250-836-2477 or email recreation@ sicamous.ca.


Sicamous seniors can receive a FREE SMOKE DETECTOR and the Sicamous Fire Department will install it FREE OF CHARGE. Seniors please call the District office to book.



is like winking in the dark. You know what you’re doing, but nobody else does! WHEN IT COMES TO:

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After-school fun: Dawson Stuart takes a whack at a piñata during the grand opening of the Active After School Kidz program.

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Photo by Victoria Rowbottom

terson is grateful to the Dave Stead Memorial Society, and also the Sicamous and District Recreation Centre for use of the space at the arena. The program will be

overseen by Lisa Stead. “We have a great instructor in Lisa Stead, who provides the kids with an after-school program that has active participation and is safe, stable and as-

Laura Lavigne

sessable to everyone,” says Martin-Patterson, adding Active Kidz, as well as the upcoming Summer Day Kidz programs strive to be inclusive of everyone. Advanced registra-


NEWS 250.832.2131 laura@saobserver.net

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The Eagle Valley News will be publishing a Grad Feature and this is your chance to wish them well! Deadline to book your ad is June 7.


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Eagle Valley News Wednesday, June 5, 2013

District’s duties increased over time

Mayor’s report Darrell TrouTon

In the 1960s and ’70s, local governments were managed and organized differently. It was common for municipalities to be organized with a clerk and treasurer, and be governed through council committees. By the time the Local Government Act replaced the former Municipal Act, the management of local government had fundamentally changed, evolving into a modern, professionally managed organization. The city manager or chief administrative officer was introduced into the legislation, while statutory positions such as corporate officer and financial officer were clarified and strengthened. One of the products of these changes was that many municipalities restructured themselves to better reflect the newer management

and operating parameters embodied in the legislation. With these changes to the legislation came a continual growth in the responsibilities being downloaded to local governments. Since the early ’90s, these have included the preparation of and reporting of, and/or compliance with the following: • Statement of financial information; • Annual municipal report; • Five year financial plan; • Five year capital plan; • Changes to the annual financial statement; • Tangible capital asset reporting; • Development cost charge analysis and reporting; • Capital asset amortization; • Tax rate bylaw reporting; • Local government data entry financial reporting; • Gas tax revenue reporting; • Community grant reporting; • Official community plan and green agenda requirements; • Annual borrowing bylaws; • Planning and bylaw enforcement; • Municipal Finance Authority reporting

• Implementation of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act legislation and the system to support it; • Increased requirement for public notifications regarding disposition of public land, the granting of permissive tax exemptions, development variances and development permits; • Emergency program development; • Water sampling; • Conditions of water system permit (source protection); • Climate Action Charter and the duty to reduce carbon footprints; • Standards for roadside mowing has been reduced for the province; • Building code changes; • Cemetery services; • Removal of bylaw contravention cases from the courts to local government/bylaw officer prosecution; Sicamous in particular has seen an increase of services: • New sewer system from five to 15 lift stations; • Litter pick-up on highway; • Mowing; • Roads maintenance with new subdivisions • Significant planning, development per-

mits, and DVPs; • Roadside mowing (24 days a year) which used to be a provincial responsibility; • Address and title changes; • Utilities (new sewer connections, installing a water meter – this is a very large job); •Bank statements and journal entries; • Payroll; • Accounts payable; • Recreation and wellness; • Human resource issues; • Water, from one reservoir to two, from one pumphouse to four; • Increase of committees; • Social media; • Storm water control – surface/ditches; • Groundwater control relative to flood levels impacting treatment plant; • Backflow prevention; • Cross connections; • Official community plan amendment and development permit requirements;

• Greater use of development agreements between district and developers; • Bylaw rewrites; • Zoning amendments; • Spring clean-up; • Collective agreement negotiations. • Dock maintenance/ repair; • Traffic sign maintenance/repair. Staff are still dealing with the flood of 2012. The District of Sicamous staff is a team, and while certain functions fall under certain departments, everything is accomplished through a team effort and overlapping of all departments. The faces of our team will be changing soon as we lose some staff to other local governments, while others are planning to enjoy retirement. In my next article I will discuss some of the staffing changes and introduce the community to our team.



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DISTRICT OF SICAMOUS PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act and the Community Charter, NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the District of Sicamous will hold a PUBLIC HEARING in Council Chambers, District Office, 446 Main Street, Sicamous, B.C. on Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. to consider the following application for a Seasonal Temporary Use Permit relating to property located at 517 Main Street (Paradise Motel). The applicant currently operates the Paradise Motel on a 1.19 ha. property located within the Town Centre Commercial area and within walking distance of commercial and recreational facilities, the public boat launch, the Beach Park and Nature Park. Whereas the property is underutilized and can accommodate self contained recreational vehicles with ease of access off Main Street and Paradise Avenue, the applicant is seeking a Temporary Use Permit to permit the temporary parking of self- contained RV parking for the season. The applicant is not intending to provide service connections. A copy of the proposed Seasonal Temporary Use Permit may be viewed at the District office or alternatively, may be viewed on the District’s website: www.sicamous.ca under “Public Hearings”. Further, a copy of the proposed Permit may be inspected between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from May 27th, 2013 to June 12th, 2013 inclusive, at the office of the Municipal Clerk, District of Sicamous, 446 Main Street, Sicamous, B.C.V0E 2V0. Please present written submissions to the District Office no later than 4:30 p.m., Tuesday June 11th, 2013. This is your only opportunity to express comments or concerns regarding this application as Council is not permitted to receive further submissions after the close of the Public Hearing. The District of Sicamous assumes no responsibility for correspondence or emails not received by the District office prior to the Public Hearing. Heidi Frank, Chief Administrative Officer District of Sicamous Email: hfrank@sicamous.ca

District of Sicamous Ph: 250-836-2477 Fax: 250-836-4314 www.sicamous.ca

446 Main Street. Box 219 Sicamous B.C. V0E 2V0


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Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Eagle Valley News

Big Hearts: Sicamous’ Heart Throbs Big Bike team take a spin around the block Thursday for the annual Heart and Stroke Foundation fundraiser. As of last Thursday, the men’s team had raised $4,636, leading Sicamous’ women’s team, the Quality Strokers, who had raised $3,352. However, the fundraising challenge to eliminate heart disease and strokes continues online at www.bigbike.ca. Photo by Lachlan Labere

Stroke victim shares challenges of living with “invisible” injury By Jessica Klymchuk Eagle Valley News

Deb can drive her car, talk on the phone, cook, play with her grandchildren, care for her dogs and do the things most people can. From the outside you would never be able to tell she suffered from a stroke 22 years ago. “People see you walking down the street perfectly normal and they don’t know what’s going on or isn’t going on and there’s times it’s frustrating,” Deb said. “People don’t get it.” When she was 34, Deb, who wished not to use her real name, woke up without the use of half her body, falling to the floor due to the paralysis on her right half. Her husband later told her that she couldn’t talk properly, although in her mind she was speaking perfectly fine. When she made it to the hospital in Terrace she stayed for a month, followed by another three weeks at St. Paul’s in Vancouver. Deb had to relearn everything that was once second nature to her. “I didn’t know how to make a phone call.

Relearning: Because of her stroke, Deb took a year to learn the basics on her cell phone since she has trouble retaining new information concerning electronics. Photo by Jessica Klymchuk I had to learn how to read, talk, walk,” said Deb, who currently resides in Sicamous. Although she got her body back, parts of her mind have never worked the same. Most people would never know that she was the victim of a stroke, but inside she deals with the repercussions everyday. Some days are good. Some days are bad. “If I’m tired my head doesn’t work. It goes on a holiday every night around 7:30,” Deb said. She often can’t remember where her keys are, although they are in the same place

everyday. She makes excessive lists, because she knows she won’t remember things she’s done or needs to do. She doesn’t work because she isn’t able to operate a computer. “There is no course that teaches a brain that doesn’t work,” Deb said. She has spent six years trying to master a laptop separate from her home desk-top because she’s afraid she will accidentally send away banking information. She is very limited on her cell phone, learning the basics over the course of about a year.

But the biggest problem Deb deals with is how to make people understand her disability, because to everyone else but her, it’s invisible. “I don’t know how you can get the public to understand people’s injuries aren’t always visible, because they can be,” Deb said. “Society has got to figure out a way to start understanding people’s disabilities. There’s got to be more information.” She knows that people think she’s different but even the people who know her situation don’t seem to grasp why she is the way she is. She

lives out of town and says she has separated herself from people. “They still to this day don’t get it. If your family doesn’t get it how’s the public supposed to get it,” Deb said. “I’m really OK. But, I wish there was a way for people to learn more.” Deb struggles with the fact that people don’t understand hidden disabilities, but also that people don’t realize it could be them. Deb was 34 when she had a stroke, not 84. “It could be anybody. Thirty-four is too young to have a stroke.” Deb said. At the time, she didn’t even know what a stroke was. She fears that most people probably don’t understand what a stroke is and that the stereotypes don’t encourage people to learn. She says there’s more information available now, but not enough. She says if she had known more about the signs of a stroke she might not be struggling with the effects today. Weakness, trouble speaking, vision problems, headache and dizziness. Any one of

those signs puts Deb on alert today. “Everybody should know what a stroke is,” Deb said. Deb faces a constant fight to remember simple things, but she says

her life is rich with appreciation. She learns something new everyday. Why did this happen to her? She says, because she could handle it.

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Your Crossword

Your Horoscope

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Don’t make assumptions this week, Aries. You just can’t trust your gut instincts too much right now. It’s better to get all of the facts and act accordingly. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Playing matchmaker isn’t so easy, Taurus. You have to understand when people are compatible and when there just isn’t a spark. Let this one go. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you may have to pull back your focus on a problem in order to see it in a new light. Take some time away to regroup and then you can come back at full strength. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 A romantic relationship can be a balancing act, Cancer. You will learn this first hand this week when you have to come to a compromise with your partner. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, don’t apologize if you feel like you have to go your own way this week. Even when everyone seems to be going in another direction, sometimes you just have to set your own course.

CLUES ACROSS 1. Hiking path 6. Swiss river 10. Amorphous mass 14. Eastern spindle tree 15. A cheap rundown hotel 17. Oath of office day 19. The bill in a restaurant 20. Religious transgression 21. More lucid 22. Vietnamese offensive 23. Chief magistrate of Venice 24. Turfs 26. Copyread 29. Game using 32 cards 31. Largest society for technology advancement 32. Mrs. Nixon 34. Drunken bum (slang) 35. Times assigned to serve 37. Labor organizer Eugene 38. Come into the possession of 39. Carbamide 40. Affirmative! (slang) 41. Feudal bondman 43. Without (French) 45. Emits a continuous droning sound 46. Use diligently 47. A moving crowd 49. Extinct flightless bird of New Zealand 50. Sirius Satellite Radio (abbr.) 53. Mailing packet 57. Female shopping assistant 58. Dog & wolf genus 59. Opposite of beginnings 60. South by east 61. This language died with Tevfik Esenc CLUES DOWN 1. Foolishly annoying person 2. Type of genus of the Ranidae 3. Whale ship captain

4. An informal debt instrument 5. Piece of a felled tree 6. Arabic demon (var. sp.) 7. Actor Ladd 8. Decay 9. Programmes 10. Hat tied under the chin 11. Methaqualone pill (slang) 12. Ocean Search and Rescue 13. Turkish title of respect 16. Submarine sandwich 18. An objects functions 22. Touchdown 23. Judge or consider 24. __ Claus 25. Word element meaning ear 27. Fencing swords 28. Song: Aba __ Honeymoon 29. Standard wire gauge 30. Capital of Ukraine 31. George Gershwin’s brother 33. Thyroid-stimulating hormone 35. Horse trainer’s shackle 36. Soft-finned fishes 37. Internet infrastructure 39. Sieze without right 42. Dishonors 43. Speaks a slavonic language 44. Egyptian pharaoh 46. Small breed of horse 47. “__ the Man” Musical 48. Forest land (British) 49. Italian municipality 50. Japanese entertainment firm 51. Slovenian mountain 52. 20th Hebrew letter 53. Point midway between S and SE 54. Tap gently 55. European money 56. Research workplace See Todays Answers on page 5

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, while others may not be able to handle the confusion this week, you are fully capable of multi-tasking and making it through unscathed. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you may feel more emotionally charged this week but you still have to think with your head and not your heart. A financial decision may need to reassessed.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, look at a situation with a practical eye. Is this really the best answer for the time being? Although you may be leaning one way, you might want to reconsider. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you need to get work done this week and that can’t happen when you are continually distracted. You might have to nip this one in the bud -- quickly. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 A friend needs your support more than ever, Capricorn. Go to great lengths to give this person what they need, even if it means rearranging your schedule. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 An email or other correspondence from a past friend could stir up feelings you weren’t ready to deal with right now, Aquarius. Put this on the back burner until you are ready. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, you are more interested in independence this week than hanging out in large groups. This includes hanging out with your spouse or partner. FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS JUNE 2 Zachary Quinto, Actor (36) JUNE 3 Anderson Cooper, TV Host (46) JUNE 4 Bar Refaeli, Model (28) JUNE 5 Mark Wahlberg, Actor (42) JUNE 6 Paul Giamatti, Actor (46)

Your Suduko Complete the grid so every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. (For solution see Today’s Answers in this paper).

Answer: Chase

Coffee Break

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Eagle Valley News

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Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 12pm - 4pm Friday 10am-2pm Address: 1133 Parksville St. Parkland Mall, PO Box 113 Sicamous, BC V0E 2V0 Ph: (250) 836-2570 Fax: (250) 836-2661 Email: classifieds@ eaglevalleynews.com Web: www.eaglevalleynews.com

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Farm Workers WE are looking for light farmers or heavy gardeners. We are a 25 acre resort on Shuswap Lake that is water accessible only. We would prefer a couple. We are installing a 100ft x 25 ft greenhouse this summer and have many established gardens too. You would be required to live onsite and help with dinner parties later in the summer as well. Please visit the website if interested and e-mail resumes directly to Narrows Village. www.narrowsvillage.com


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Trades, Technical

RJAMES WESTERN STAR FREIGHTLINER Journeyman Truck & Equipment Partsperson. Busy commercial transport truck dealership in Kamloops has an immediate opening for a journeyman parts person. This position is permanent full time with competitive wage and benefit package. Resumes to Attn: HR Dept 2072 Falcon Rd., Kamloops BC V2C 4J3 Fax: (250)374-7790 Email: jobapplication@jamesws.com Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

SURINTENDANT / SURINTENDANT de detachement de la Marine. La flotte auxiliaire des forces canadiennes, une composante civile du ministère de la Defense nationale, cherche des gestionnaires marins pour des postes situes a Nanoose Bay et Victoria sur l’ile de Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Les candidats interesses doivent postuler en ligne a travers le site internet de la Commission de la fonction publique du Canada, Reference n DND13J-008697000065, le processus de selection # 13-DND-EAESQ-373623, Surintendant / Surintendant de detachement de Marine. Les candidats doivent posseder toutes les qualifications essentielles enumerees dans la publicite en ligne et remplir la demande dans les delais prescrits. http://jobs-emplois.gc.ca/ index- eng.htm

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CAROL-LYNN SANDRA DAVIDSON 1942 - 2013 In the springtime of her life and on the day the Irises bloomed, God chose to recruit a new angel. Our wife, mom, sister and friend – Carol-Lynn Sandra Davidson who passed quickly through Heaven’s Gates, on 24 May 2013, to help God paint the skies. Carol-Lynn, oldest of 3 daughters born to Norm and Doris Kershaw, entered life 22 February, 1942 in Toronto, Ontario. At age 4, her family moved west to Edmonton, Alberta. In grade 12, the Kershaws moved to Richmond, BC where she met the love of her life, and soon-to-be husband, Jim Davidson. Carol-Lynn and Jim raised their 2 small children, first in Richmond and finally settled in their own built home in Sicamous, BC. It was in Sicamous that Carol-Lynn started her own enrichment with Art classes, “letting the chips fall where they may”. As the years progressed, she received many Artist awards and designations working in many mediums, but excelling in watercolour. Eventually, she even called herself an Artist. Her works have been juried among the best and have been viewed around the world; including Australia, England and in the United States. CarolLynn also shared her passion, instructing many classes and encouraging all to “keep their brushes wet”. Quilting became a hobby and even more masterpieces were produced. Another move, this one to Watch Lake, BC before Carol-Lynn and Jim finally settled to their own new built home in Armstrong, BC. These moves gave Carol-Lynn the chance to meet and share her hugs and love with many people. Carol-Lynn is survived by her husband of 53 years, Jim; daughter Kathleen (George); son Ken (Barb); grandchildren: Jennifer, Roslyn, Kevin, Peter and Scott. Her sisters: Patricia and Danita (Paul). Plus many nieces and nephews. A Church service was held 29 May, 2013 at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to a charity of your choice. The family is contributing to children in a 3rd world country. LOVE YOU LOADS Expressions of sympathy may be forwarded to the family at www.MyAlternatives.ca Cremation arrangements entrusted to ALTERNATIVES FUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICES® Armstrong 250-546-7237 & Vernon 250-558-0866


Trades, Technical JOURNEYMAN WELDER SUPERVISOR, Grande Cache, AB - SMAW, GMAW welding. Interprovincial Red Seal Certification, B pressure, CWB certified & management experience are assets. Email careers@adcalberta.com or fax 780-827-9670 to apply.

Help Wanted

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Help Wanted

Columbia Shuswap Regional District SICAMOUS RECYCLING BIN MAINTENANCE PERSON REQUIRED The CSRD is seeking an individual or group to provide site maintenance to the Sicamous Recycling Bin site located In the parking lot of the True Value store. Those interested are asked to contact Carmen Fennell - Waste Reduction Facilitator at 250-833-5936 or cfennell@csrd.bc.ca.

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Misc. for Sale

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1 BDRM 1/2 duplex in Sicamous. W/D, cable. A/C, etc. As new cond. Ideal for seniors/ $650/mo Avail. now (250)836-3569

Legal Notices

CRUISER - 28’x10’ all steel construction. Complete galley, head with shower, sewage and grey water tanks. Haul out trailer. Price $20,000. Offers. 250-836-3327.

Auto Financing


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Apt/Condo for Rent

1989 OKANAGAN 21 ft. 5TH WHEEL. Reduced $2000 obo. Needs some TLC. Comes w/ hook-up and tailgate. Ph. 250836-4876 or 250-804-9712.

CLEAN, quiet, corner ,second floor 1 bedroom apt. Walking distance to beach and all amenities. Hardwood floors, fireplace, reno’d. Lots of parking. Ns/np. Phone 250-3068590. Available immediately. SICAMOUS: 1 BDRM. 2nd floor, quiet corner unit. N.S. Pets neg. Avail Immed. $650/mo. Lease avail. 250306-8590.


Sport Utility Vehicle



PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670 True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030

LG FAMILY HOME, Sicamous,close to schools, rec centre, & shopping. Avail June 15.$1200/mo +DD.Ref Please. (250)836-3607 SICAMOUS; 2 BDRM. Main St. Across from Askew’s. 900 sq. ft., wood stove, $625/mo. avail now. plus util. 1/2 acre lot. Call 604-836-7888. SICAMOUS: 3 BDRM. HOUSE. 1/2 acre overlooking lake. NP, NS. $1100/mo. plus util. 250-836-4649.


2000 DURANGO SLT - 4x4. One owner, 230,000 kms. loaded. $6,500 OBO., Call 250-838-7008.

Misc. Wanted

Homes for Rent


Sport Utility Vehicle 1996 4x4 JEEP, asking $3,000. Comes w/ 4 extra winter tires. 8 ft.Vanguard camper hunter special. Asking $700. 250-517-0824.

Garage Sales

Garage Sales



Saturday June 8th – 10 am to 1 pm 319 Gordon Mackie [Parking lot at the Manor] Sicamous, B.C BBY at NOON [ďy donaƟon]



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NEW NEWS Legal Notices

NOTICE OF RECEIVERSHIP TAKE NOTICE that Aaron Fu has been appointed Receiver Manager of all of the assets and properties (the “Property”) of Thorncliffe Properties Inc., carrying on business as Parkland Centre, by order of the Supreme Court of British Columbia pronounced March 18, 2013, with power to receive and collect all money and accounts owing to Thorncliffe Properties Inc. or Parkland Centre relating to the Property. All persons owing money to Thorncliffe Properties Inc. or Parkland Centre should now remit the same forthwith to the Receiver Manager. The mailing address of the Receiver Manager is: Aaron Fu, c/o Revelstoke Lodge, Box 650, Revelstoke, B.C. V0E 2S0.

WOODLOT LICENCE PLAN Woodlot Licence 322 Pursuant to Section 17(1)(a) of the Woodlot Licence Planning and Practices Regulation, notice is hereby given that STELLAJONES CANADA INC., the manager of Woodlot Licence 322 at Three Valley Gap, is making its Woodlot Licence Plan (WLP) for the woodlot available for public review and comment. A WLP is the central planning document required under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) and its regulations for a woodlot tenure. The term of the WLP will be ten years, with a possible extension by an additional ten years. The WLP addresses a series of objectives set by government for managing and protecting forest and range values. These values include soils, timber, fish, wildlife, biodiversity, water, resource features, recreation resources, visual quality, cultural heritage resources, and forage and associated plant communities. In some cases the licensee has the option of endorsing forest practices found in the Woodlot Licence Planning and Practices Regulation or proposing alternative results or strategies for approval by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. The WLP also includes standards for reforestation and measures to address invasive plants and natural range barriers. The Woodlot Licence Plan will be available for review and comment until July 3, 2013 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), Monday through Friday (excepting July 1st) at Stella-Jones’ office in Salmon Arm. Interested persons can arrange to review the Woodlot Licence Plan by contacting Pat McMechan by telephone at 250-814-7661 or by email at pmcmechan@stella-jones.com. To be considered in the final Woodlot Licence Plan that will be submitted for approval, comments must be in writing and received by July 3, 2013 at:

SCRAP PAPPY Will pay cash for oversized scrap steel, cats, yarders, saw mill equipment, farm equipment, etc. All insurance in place to work on your property. 250-260-0217

STELLA-JONES CANADA INC. 4661 – 60th Street S.E. Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E 1X2

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