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ISSUE 23 $1.35
344-2928 • Open Mon - Sat 6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Golden Installations LTD 915 11th Ave. S. 344-5566
Tasty time at cookoff Golden hits the links and helps food bank ...............................4
Telling stories of the past through music ................................9
■ ARTS & CULTURE: Pictured above (l-r) are Cheryl Verheyden and Sarah Wegelin who were in Spillimacheen on June 1 to sample some tasty chili at the Spilli Chili Cookoff event. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
A summer filled with kicks is coming ..............................14
Golden Dolphins head back to the pool ..............................15
Recreation Fees Bylaw passes first test Jessica Schwitek
The Town of Golden’s new Recreation Fees Bylaw has passed its first reading, and now it is time for the public to have their input. “To keep things current and to address best practices of the time, underneath council’s direction we are drafting a new recreation fees bylaw,” said Jordan Petrovics, manager of recreation services. “We’re encouraging the public to provide feedback on what their potential desires are on using our recreation facilities. We want to know what works, when they want to use our facilities, and what we can do to make it easier for them.” The new bylaw addresses far more than just the cost structure of the Town’s recreation facilities. It covers rental processes, age categories for public programming, user group pricing, a platform for future sponsorship opportunities, time categories when different fees are charged, guidelines to collect user information from groups,
t u o k Chec 624 9 Ave N, Golden, BC V0A 1H0
damage deposits, payment process, and promotion of facilities and programs. It will also revise cancellation policies, making it easier for Town staff to refill the facilities when an event is cancelled. “Right now we’re working towards having a cost structure in place that allows decent means of cost recovery for specific requests that user groups have in terms of extra add ons that they want for their facility,” said Petrovics. This means, for example, add on costs such as extra heat in the bleachers will be outlined in the bylaw. Right now the recreation department’s main goal with this document is to make things as easy to understand as possible, and get as much feedback as possible. “The proposed document will not be able to give the answers to every challenge around how we run our recreation facilities. That’s why we need public feedback. We need to know how our users feel about this document. What we’re doing is trying to lay a framework for future com-
munity success with our facilities,” said Petrovics. “Nothing right now is set in stone, and in order to make a good document we have to have lots of input from the public, both good and bad.” To gain that feedback, the department is hosting an open house on June 11 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in council chambers. Petrovics will be on hand to go through the document, answer any questions, and listen to suggestions. The bylaw is already available at www.golden. ca, and if anyone is unable to get to the open house, they can contact town hall and set up a private meeting with Petrovics. All feedback will be documented, and presented to council. The goal is to have the bylaw in place in August, before the arena gets up and running for the season. For more details on the public feedback process please check out the Town of Golden website by looking under the public notices (click on see all), e-mail or call 250-344-2271 Ext 225.
Garden Centre Phone:(250) 344-2361
7:00 am - 11:00pm
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 The Golden Star
Golden Swimming Pool receives honour from Lifesaving Society Jessica Schwitek The Golden Swimming Pool was honoured by the Lifesaving Society for the courses they offered in 2012, and are hoping to expand on
that success for the 2013 season. Last season, the Golden Swimming Pool had the highest participation in lifesaving courses outside of the lower mainland for their Bronze Medallion and subsequent
Bronze Cross classes. “The Bronze Cross is the first ticket you need to start becoming a lifeguard. From there you move on and get your NLS (National Lifesaving Service award), and that’s what our pools require our life-
805 - 9th St. N. Mon-Fri 8-5
guards to have,” said Kim Bryan, recreation co-ordinator for the Town of Golden. Golden’s recreation department has been working on expanding the courses they offer at the swimming pool. They now have three certified instructors for the bronze classes, and are hoping to bring in more in the future. “One of the things we’re working towards in our program is to offer the full range of courses. As we start getting more people through the entry level courses we’re working on building that demand to bring instructors in for the higher level courses,” said Jordan Petrovics, manager of recreation services for the Town of Golden. Bryan is a certified teacher, and will be joining Bailey Ingram and Jenna LaRoy at the pool to teach the lifesaving courses. They will be teaching lifesaving principles, water rescue education, and fitness, as well as rescue techniques with conscious and unconscious victims. This is the first step to becoming a lifeguard, and also opens the doors to working in any aquatic industry across the country such as rafting, kayaking and other adventure tourism avenues.
(From left) Kim Bryan, Bailey Ingram and Jenna LaRoy hold an award given to the Golden Swimming Pool by the Lifesaving Society for participation in lifesaving courses in 2012. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo You learn some valuable skills, but in a very fun environment. “It’s a really fun one to teach because you’re with them all day for a whole week, and it’s not all serious. We can have fun with them,” said LaRoy, who has been teaching the courses to kids in their midteens for a few years now. “I just love to teach it.” “I am so glad my
mom made me do it because all through university that’s what I did, I worked at pools,” said Ingram. “I can’t encourage youth enough to get their aquatic certifications because there is a demand, especially in B.C. for fully qualified lifeguards,” said Bryan. The bronze courses are for fairly strong swimmers in their teens who are curious
about how they can pursue swimming as a job, and possibly a career. The Golden Swimming Pool is also offering a full range of swimming lessons for kids of all ages and skill levels. Stop by the pool or email pool@ to find out more about classes and schedules. A pool schedule is also available at www.
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 5, 2013 A3
THURSDAY JUNE 6 at 7:00PM at the Seniors’ Centre There will be a progress report on work of the group and discussion of ongoing projects.
All are welcome Golden Women’s Resource Centre Annual General Meeting Thursday, June 20th, 2013 6:00pm at The Island Restaurant
Construction on the front of the Golden and District Hospital will make access easier during the winter season for people using the facility. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Golden and District Hospital gets covered Jessica Schwitek The Golden and District Hospital is undergoing some construction at the front of the building to increase accessibility to the hospital. “The problem is that wheelchair access, as well as for others with mobility issues, was obstructed from the snow piles in the winter,” said Deborah Austin, health services director for the Golden Hospital. To reduce the pile up of snow in front of the main entrance, which is often used as a “drop off zone,” a timber
frame cover is being added onto the building. “We realized we needed to cover part of the driveway as well,” said Austin. Construction on the cover began about a month ago, and is now in its final stages. The original plan was to reroute access to the building during the construction period, but staff found that the main entrance was still usable. One hundred per cent of the funding for this $95,000 project came from the Ministry of Health. The decision to allocate the funds to this project was made by the ministry a year ago.
Things stay busy for GADSAR throughout May Jessica Schwitek The Golden and District Search and Rescue were called out on two tasks this past month. On May 11, four members responded to an injured dirt biker stuck in the Kinbasket area. GADSAR went in by helicopter to assist the ambulance service in retrieving the
patient. GADSAR was also called in to assist the Invermere Search and Rescue in a water rescue mission. “They requested our assistance, so our swift water rescue technicians went to help out,” said Ben Tanasichuk, GADSAR’s information officer. A vehicle was travelling on a forest service road near Panorama resort in the early mor-
ning hours on May 25, and rolled in Toby Creek. There were two occupants in the vehicle. One was able to escape the vehicle and go for help. The second occupant was found later, deceased. GADSAR also participated in the some interdepartmental training with Golden Fire Rescue. They practiced some high angle rope rescue, for situa-
Life lost in tragic crash Golden Star Staff
The deceased pilot in a Northern Alberta helicopter crash has been identified as Bryce Campbell from Golden. Shortly after noon on Wednesday May 29, RCMP responded to the scene of the crash more than 100 kilometres north of Fort McMurry.
The helicopter was carrying two passengers, biologists Kristina Norstrom and Simon Slater, both with the Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development. Norstrom died in the crash, while Slater was rushed to hospital, and is reportedly recovering well. The official investigation into the crash continues.
tions such as a car that has gone over a cliff. The fire department picked up the task of road rescue on the highways surrounding Golden after GADSAR decided it was not feasible for them to continue the service. However, GADSAR is happy to support
the fire department in whatever way they can. Last month, Golden Concrete gave a $1,000 donation to search and rescue at a reopening and customer appreciation event. GADSAR would like to thank them for the generous support they have shown.
• 6:00pm: Food & mingle • 6:30pm: AGM business • 6:45pm: Board election
Guest Speakers, Renew your Membership, Nominations, Vote for 2013/2014 Board of Directors, Network. Learn more about the GWRC in our community. Call to check in regarding Child Minding for your little ones during the event. For more information please contact Melanie at the Golden Women’s Resource Centre: 250-344-5317
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013 The Golden Star
A time to dance
Pictured above are Diana Au and Walker Lapins who performed at the Golden Dance Academy “Dancers Reunited” show held on June 1. To see more photos from the event go to The Golden Star website at www. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Behind the Wheel
Right Turns Over Cycle Lanes
It seems appropriate to write an article on cycling as we are in the middle of May 27 to 31, 2013 which is Bike to Work Week. A topic in the DriveSmartBC Forum this week highlights a dangerous situation that is well worth discussing, vehicles making right turns across cycle lanes. Drivers may not understand the duties required of them by the lines painted on the roadway. In the situation described in the forum, the bicycle lane is marked with a single solid white line right up to the intersection. This requires drivers to approach the intersection for a right turn remaining to the left of the bicycle lane at all times. The turn is initiated after entering the intersection and making sure that no cyclists are affected. Beware! Cyclists in the bicycle lane have lawful authority to pass by on the right of an overtaken or waiting vehicle because there is a clear lane on the right of the vehicle for the cyclist to use. The use of mirrors and shoulder checks by the motorist cannot be emphasized enough in this situation! Where there is a broken line marking the cycle lane at the approach to the intersection the driver may move over to the curb into the cycle lane prior to making the right turn in the way that most people are used to. Drivers doing so are making a lane change and must yield to cycle traffic in the bicycle lane before moving over! In this situation, the cyclist must wait behind the vehicle until after the turn is made to clear the cycle lane. The author is a retired constable with many years of experience in traffic law enforcement. To comment or learn more, please visit www. Have a Home In-
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Graeme Kreiner presents a cheque for $325 to Steve Conway with the Golden Food Bank. The money was raised through the Golden Golf Club’s Community Day. Photo Submitted
Community comes together to golf Golden Star Staff The Golden Golf Club hosted their annual Community Golf Day on Monday May 27 in support of the Golden Food Bank. “The day went well considering the weather was a little cool and wet,” said Graeme Kreiner, head professional with the club.
There were 138 golfers who participated in the event, and raised a total of $325 for the Golden Food Bank. “This year we received a greater amount of actual food donations than in years past. And the Golden Eagle Grill was able to raise $96 with their barbecue,” said Kreiner. The Golden Golf Club would like to thank the local businesses and volunteers who
made the event possible: Bonnie Gelette, Steve and Lynda Conway, Sobey’s, Overwaitea, A&W, Columbia Wetland Adventures, Golden Optometry Clinic, Perfect Touch, and Tru Value. “Overall the event was a great celebration of our community, and we appreciate everyone who came out and supported the event and donated to the food bank,” said Kreiner.
Golden turnout at Food Bank AGM Jessica Schwitek The Golden Food Bank hosted one of the group’s most well attended Annual General Meetings in recent years on May 29. “This is a wonderful turnout, and it’s so nice to see some new faces,” said Mandy Cantle, chair of the food bank board. “It’s been an exciting time for the Golden Food Bank in the last four months.” After a Columbia Basin-wide study, the Golden Food Bank realized that there were ways to cut some of their costs, allowing them to better serve the community. “We’ve been working really hard to reduce our overhead,” said Cantle. So far the group has been able to reduce their costs by 10 per cent, with an overall goal of 40 per cent. Through a grant from the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, they were able to renovate their
building to allow for two rentable office spaces. The rent from the two offices completely offsets their utilities costs, which are $5,000 a year. “By looking at the way other food banks are operating, we’re seeing reduction possibilities,” said Barb Davies, executive director of the food bank. With several members of the public in attendance, the issue of people abusing the system was raised. Davies was asked how the food bank could prevent people with means from using the service when they don’t need it. “Walking into a food bank is a very humbling experience,” said Davies, explaining why there aren’t stricter requirements to access the food bank. “And we never know the full story. Someone may have a good income, but may still have expenses that use up all their resources, leaving little for food.” It is the food bank’s priority to serve people with dignity and respect.
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 5, 2013 A5
New chamber board elected
RCMP Report: Highway speeding on the rise Darryl Crane Four in a row caught for excessive speeds 06-25-2013
Pictured above are the 2013 Board of Directors of the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce. Front Row (l-r) Lori Baxendale (Independent Member), Brandy Beliveau (Bellstar Resorts), Dr. Erika Buckley Strobel (Aqua Vitalis Naturopathic), Michele LaPointe (The Golden Star), Atma Sandher (Ponderosa Motor Inn). Back Row (l-r) Kristina Smith (Canadian Timberframes), Kris King (Local Townie), Paul Deutsch (Whitetooth Bistro), Mike Pecora (Elite Sound & Light), Flec Demmon (Remax) and Ruth Hamilton (KHCCC Manager). Missing from the picture are Jessica Joy (Mountain Sports Distribution) and Lorne Leeson (Columbia Valley Credit Union) Photo submitted
Excessive speeding is still causing issues for Golden/Field RCMP on the Trans Canada Highway. On May 25, in the afternoon, RCMP were working on Highway 1 when they stopped four vehicles successively for violation of excessive speed laws. All of the vehicles involved were pulled over and eventually towed and impounded for 30 days. Along with this, the drivers were all fined $368. All of the vehicles were going at least 40 kilometres per hour over the speed limit. One vehicles was clocked at going 52 kilometres over the speed limit. RCMP would like to remind people who are driving into Golden, along the Trans Canada Highway, that there is a 60 kilometre per hour zone in the town. RCMP said some of these incidents in the past have included people from out of province who need to realize the difference in driving laws between their province and the British Columbia.
All drivers are reminded to reduce their speed when coming into Golden as the speed limit drops to 60 kilometers per hour. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
What’s next for Wixon House ?Celebrating Community Spirit – One Idea at a Time! Darryl Crane The Town of Golden is taking steps to look at the future of Wixon House. Several years ago Ruth Wixon bequeathed the property, now know as Wixon House, to the Town of Golden. The Town established a municipal bylaw in 1994 that stated the building was a municipal heritage site. Even though the town created the bylaw to make it a municipal heritage site Town of Golden CAO, Jon Wilsgard, said this means little in the eyes of the province. Wilsgard said the bylaw basically ensured that nobody could do anything with the building to change the structure. “What we have lacked, for better or worse, is that other than this bylaw there has been no strategic plan for the building or property by council,” he said. “In the absence of formal policy over the past number of years, the Wixon house has been de facto managed by the administration and a couple of partners.” The partners Wilsgard talked about are the Golden Food Bank Society and the Golden Historical Society. “The gardens have been kept by the Golden Food Bank Society to have a community garden,” he said. “The building has had the interest
Celebrating Community Spirit – One Idea at a Time! Celebrating Community Spirit – One Idea at a Time!
On TuOens d a y, June Tu e18th, s d a y,2013
you are invited to participate in a June Community Open18th, House2013 @ the Golden you are invited to participate in a Civic Centre from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. O nHouse Community Open @ the Golden Civic Centre from 6:00pm Tu e stod9:00pm. a y,
Light refreshments will be provided.
June will 18th, 2013 Light refreshments be provided.
you are invited to participate in a
The Town of Golden is preparing to have an assessment completed of Wixon House to help determine the future of the structure. Darryl Crane/Star Photo of the Golden Historical Society. Nothing has been established in stone with either of these organizations with the town. This year what we are faced with is that we have a limited budget for the Wixon property.” Over the past few years the Town of Golden has funded a student to be at the site to give tours during the summer. Wilsgard explained that during budget deliberation Golden town council decided not to fund a student for the purpose of the historical society to maintain an interpretive program at the house.
The objective of the Open eventHouse is for@citizens to Community the Golden The objective of the event is for citizens to Civic Centre from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. to a bring their ideas and concepts bring their ideas and concepts to a Community Table listentotothethe Community Table and and Light refreshments will listen be provided. many Projects manyCommunity Community Projects thatare underway oror that underway The objective ofare the event is for citizens to being percolated. bring their ideas and concepts to a being percolated. Community Table and listen to the many Community Projects that are underway or being percolated.
Wilsgard did add that this is a building that tells a part of the story of the community and it is important to save pieces of the history in the town where possible. “The one thing we have been approved by council for, and I think this will lead up to some strategic decisions for the property, is to do a facility assessment. If we are going to keep it as is, it is going to cost Three Questions will form the outcome of the evening: money,” he said. Wilsgard said based off of 1. I love my community because…. Questions form the outcome of the evening: would love mywill community to have…… the assessment, it is his hope 2. IThree Three Questions will form the outcome of 1. I love my community because…. to have a directive from coun- 3. I would love my community to be…..the evening: 2. community I would love mybecause…. community to have…… 1. the I love my cil of what the future of 3. I would love my community to be….. property will be. 2. I would love my community to have…… 3. I would love my community to be…..
Please contact Karen Cathcart at the College for more information. 250-344-5901 Please contact or Karen Cathcart at the College for more information. Please contact Karen Cathcart 250-344-5901 or
at t College for more informati 250-344-5901 or kcathcart@cotr.bc
Wednesday, June5, 2013 The Golden Star
Gas pains
When the calender turns to June, one thing we all know is coming just around the corner. Gas prices are bound to rise as the weather outside gets warmer. It has become more predictable than the change of season in Canada. As the price goes up we all will have our wallets lightened if we make the decision to - My Way travel during the summer months. By Darryl Crane The effect of this is that people have to think much harder before they decide to take a trip anywhere in Canada. As always this will lower the number of travelers who can afford to take a trip. In an area like Golden this certainly hurts the economy. When we all live next to a province where gas has been much cheaper than it is in British Columbia, people in Alberta may not come to our backyard to play if they have to pay so much more to move their vehicles. Currently gas in B.C. is one of the highest taxed in Canada. There are many reasons to tax gas. It is something most people have to use in their daily lives so the government knows they will have a consistent flow of funds. For most people using their car is not an option. Whether it is driving back and forth to work or using a vehicle for their job, gas is a part of everyday life. Another reason to tax gas is that the money collected is promoted as being a great resource to pump back into the province in different ways. However when you are taking more money out of the hands of the people in the province on a daily basis, you may have to forgive the tax payers for getting a tad upset every time there is a rise at the pumps. I would be remiss at this point if I did not point out the companies that produce and sell the gas take a great deal of heat as well. While sitting around a campfire not long ago it was pointed out that the companies jack the prices just to make more money. As we all know that is the purpose of any business. Everyone works to make money so they can survive. But the question of how much is enough is yet to be answered in this industry. One thing is certain the people who live a basic life and are not earning six or seven figure salaries are put in the position every year of trying to determine not only where they can go but more and more, can they afford the gas to get there? Over the past few years many areas in Canada have been hit hard by the decision made by others. People have been forced to live much more carefully. Every time the gas prices jump, fewer people will be able to come to our province to join in on the fun to be had locally. This hurts all businesses across the board. This year it would be nice to see a drop in taxes or maybe no summer jump in gas prices. Sadly I would not advise anyone to hold their breathe to wait and see if this happens
The CORE group continue to follow governance in the Town of Golden closely. We are happy to be able to commend the Town Council in a number of areas. Council has voted not to purchase carbon offsets, an action CORE fully endorses. Council has suspended the bike-share program; Core saw the free bike program as wasteful and unnecessary and endorses this cost saving measure. Council has put engineering services contract out to bid. CORE was alarmed by the enormous payments made to the engineering firm Urban Systems and the failure to tender engineering contracts. It is notable that Focus Engineering, a firm with a local office, secured most of the engineering work once the process was opened to competition. We wholeheartedly support Council’s appointment of Jon Wilsgard as CAO and endorse Jon’s decision to assume both roles as Chief Administration Officer and Corporate Officer as a very positive first step in addressing the issue of overstaffing. The CORE feels this is a significant improvement and look forward to working with him. CORE remains concerned about financial accountability and excessive spending; the entire process of determining a Town budget for this fiscal year was not satisfactory and would benefit from meaningful community engagement next year. Disclosure to the public during the budgeting process was cursory and confused. Council failed to seriously address the spending side of budgeting other than to cut grants to volunteer groups. Many members of CORE participated in the process and our input was completely ignored by the Mayor and all councillors other than Keith Hern. The actual budget discussions in the Council chambers were perfunctory and meaningless since every-
thing had already been decided behind closed doors. Budgeting is an area in which citizens of the Town are seeking greater avenues of participation and a better process is needed next year. CORE salutes Councillor Hern for being the only councillor to oppose the property tax increase. In terms of matters going forward, it is long past time for Council to have released something to the public in the way of a draft asset management plan. This plan is now months and months in the making. We are not surveying the infrastructure of the Roman Empire, but of a community with less than 3,000 electors and it is time for public comment on the work which has been done to date. CORE also wishes to work with Council in the strategic planning area. We are interested in pairing with the Town to survey Town residents as to the priorities they believe Council should be addressing. We are concerned that the Town is undertaking too many programs, initiatives and spending commitments and believe it is time to take input from the citizens as to their priorities. CORE will be having a general meeting on Thursday, June 6, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Seniors Centre and all are welcome to attend. Bruce F. Fairley Golden *Editor’s Note: Jon Wilsgard will be assuming both roles (CAO and Corporate Officer), however the decision was not made to address overstaffing according to Wilsgard. The decision to open up engineering services to tender was made more than a year ago, prior to the formation of the CORE.
POLL OF THE WEEK Are you happy the Town of Golden is not buying carbon offsets?
Yes 83%
No 16%
This week’s poll question: Have you ever been rafting on the Kicking Horse River? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here. The Golden Star encour-
Letters to the ages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that our community. Editor policy impact We ask that letters be no
longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.
We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES
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• $43.00 per year if you pick
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Star editorial and opinion
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 5, 2013 A7
Golden point of view Have you ever been rafting on the Kicking Horse River?
Stingers to all the adults who ride their bicycles on the sidewalks. Stars to the Dancers from Golden Dance Academy.
Sandy Fletcher “We vacation in Golden all the time, but that’s something I’ve never done. I’ve always meant to, but I might be too old now.”
Alex Blackwell “I went once when I had friends come visit me, but I think there’s a lot of people her who haven’t.”
Madeline Archibald “No not yet but I want to”
Stars to Grizz for coming to my rescue on Golden Hill. And to Ron and Casey who came and started my truck. A truck load of Stars to the couple who cut, split and hauled a big load of firewood to our place.
Go to to have your say.
Many thanks. Stingers to the people who didn’t pick up my 200 pop cans. Stingers to the parents who let their kids run around at the dance show and wreck it for some people. Stars to the great local musicians in Golden. Stars to my lovely friends for helping me move.
Stars to the crew at Alpine Rafting for a great day on the water. Stingers to the people who think flying on the highway is the right thing to do. Stars to Bill for some fantastic photos and the tasty lobster. Stars to all the local firefighters for all that they do to protect us in the worst of times.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
Conservatives launch call for proposals for senior led and inspired projects David Wilks MP Kootenay-Columbia Every day, in thousands of communities across the country, Canadian seniors are making a difference, and initiatives such as the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) are helping them do so.The Honourable Alice Wong, Minister of State (Seniors), recently launched the 2013–2014 NHSP call for proposals for community-based projects. This is an excellent opportunity for organizations that promote the wellbeing of seniors to take action. We
encourage them to submit their applications before July 5, 2013, in all provinces and territories except Quebec, where the closing date is September 6, 2013. Organizations may receive up to $25,000 in grant funding per year on projects that focus on one or more of the following objectives: volunteering, mentoring, expanding awareness of elder abuse, social participation and capital assistance. There are many organizations in Kootenay Columbia that are dedicated to helping seniors maintain a high quality of life and continue to be active, partici-
Strong Economy-Secure Tomorrow Gratitude is the memory of the heart and on behalf of Premier Christy Clark and myself I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, those of you who shared our vision in the prosperous and exciting future British Columbia so deserves. Throughout the campaign no matter where we went in Columbia River Revelstoke (CRR), we met people who were excited about the direction the province was going and had confidence in the government that was leading. We found thousands of supporters who by casting their votes spoke clearly that they had no interest in the platform that the NDP were campaigning on. In fact 51.7 per cent of the 13,393 people who cast their CRR ballots did not cast them in favour of NDP Norm Macdonald; he won the majority of party votes but not the majority of the voters.
pating members of their communities. This year alone, we are providing more than $33 million to support 1,750 community-based projects for seniors across the country. Since its beginning, the NHSP has funded more than 12,200 projects in hundreds of communities across Canada. Organizations can receive funding towards projects that empower seniors to share their diverse skills, knowledge and experiences with others by volunteering and mentoring. These projects also help foster social participation and inclusion of seniors in communities
I was humbled by the outpouring of support our Party and my team were given by the people of CRR as was witnessed by the countless volunteers who gave their time manning our campaign offices and spending time on the phones or attending events, by the sign crews whose efforts were second to none, to the many who offered money and the hundreds of people we met at the door who invited us in for beverages and food and put their faith in what we together believed. Each of you is what making a difference looks like and you contributed to the overall BC Liberal election victory. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I want to tell each and every one of you that we are not going away and the free enterprise foundation that you helped build here in CRR will continue to get stronger through the ongoing efforts that will be made through the CRR BC Liberal Riding Association.
across Canada. Seniors have played an important role in building our great constituency of Kootenay Columbia and we wish to say thank you for keeping our communities strong. If your organization has an idea for a project that encourages seniors to lead or participate in activities that benefit the communities in Kootenay Columbia, take advantage of this call for proposal and submit your application today. For more information on how to submit your application, visit
When I called Norm Macdonald on election night and congratulated him I also told him that we would be watching him closely and holding him accountable. Judging from his latest “MLA Report” it would seem that he has learned nothing from what people said during the campaign. He has returned to his old anti BC Liberal accusatory and combative rhetoric; a rhetoric that will not produce any measurable results, yet again, and will earn him no quarter with government. It is my hope that Mr. Macdonald will come to realize that it is not only the NDP voter, unions or special interest groups that he represents but all voters and begins to act in accordance knowing that “since the beginning of recorded history no one has ever erected a statue to a critic”. (Zig Ziglar) Doug Clovechok Fairmont Hot Springs
Hey Kids! Draw your Dads!
Make a picture of your dad, bring it into the Golden Star Golden by Friday, June 5th and you could win a Father’s Day gift for your dad from Home Hardware!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 The Golden Star
We would like to thank all those who attended our recent Benjamin Moore Seminars. Congratulations to Francois Bargetzi and Maureen Gillen on winning a Free gallon of Aura Paint Keep watching More seminars coming this fall!
Golden Installations LTD 915 11th Ave. S. 344-5566
has a studio suite for rent. This is a senior citizens’ housing complex and applicants are required to be at least 65 years of age. However, an exception may be made for applicants over 55 years of age with a handicap or disability. Applications can be picked up at Falkins Insurance and must be mailed to the address on the application. For more information, please call
Chris at (250) 344-2383
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: Fast and Furious 6 starting Friday June 7 - Thursday June 13 at 7pm. Late shows on Friday and Saturday at 9:30pm.
This Week Pilates Core and More Tuesdays & Fridays, Jan.8 - June 14, 12-1pm at the Rec Plex. Please bring own mat. All levels welcome. Sign up at the College of the Rockies. Bruce Martin “Mountain Wanderings” at the Art Gallery May 24 - June 18.
artsVest™ is coming to the Columbia Basin! artsVest™ provides small- to mid-sized arts and culture organizations with the expertise and tools to develop sponsorship opportunities with local business, through in-depth sponsorship training, matching incentive funds and community networking events. We’ll be delivering a full day sponsorship workshop for arts and cultural organization staff and Board members in: Golden, June 8, 2013, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Cranbrook, June 9, 2013, 12 noon – 6:00 p.m. Castlegar, June 22, 2013, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. The workshop will include an application guide for artsVest funding. You must attend a workshop to be eligible to apply for the funding. To register, please send an email request to with “Golden Workshop” OR “Cranbrook Workshop” OR “Castlegar Workshop” in the subject line. Funded by:
Wed, June 5 Golden Youth Centre drop in every Wednesday from 3:30-9pm. Jam nights every Wednesday evening. Jam night at the Rockwater. Golden Parent and Tot Play Lets parents and kids from birth to five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-noon. Mountain Prana Running Club Wednesdays 5:30pm. Email hollietataryn@gmail. com for more info.
Golden THE
413 A N 9th Ave ● 250-344-5251
Classified Punch Card Put any ad in the classified section (memoriams, obituaries, for rent/sale, garage sales, ect.) and after 5 ads receive one for free!*
FREE! * Up to a $20 value * Expires June 1st, 2014
Autobiographical Writing for adults - Free 8 week program to introduce techniques for organizing an autobiography. No experience necessary! Apr.24-June 12 1-3pm. To register call 250-439-9665.
Thurs, June 6 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Golden Voice Toastmasters Thursdays 7-8:30pm at COTR Rm 121. New members welcome. For info call Delanee Jmaiff 250-3440652.
This week's achievement award goes to...
Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Free Homework Help at the Youth Centre 3:305pm Grades 4-7. Snacks included. Drop in. Bridge Club Every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Thursday 20% off all services, call 250-344-5766.
• For more information... go to
Sun, June 9 Junior Climbing Club at Dogtooth Climbing Gym 12:30-2pm. Booking is recommended 250-3446444.
Mon, June 10 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18.
Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25.
Rockwater Bar & Grill Music Bingo every Monday night.
Committee Of Responsible Electors (C.O.R.E) General Meeting June 6, 7pm at the Seniors Centre. All are welcome.
Mountain Prana Running Club Mondays 5:30pm. Email hollietataryn@gmail. com for more info.
Fri, June 7 Mother Goose Program Fridays until June 7 from 10:30-11:30am at the public library. Drop in, snacks included. Golden Youth Centre drop in Fridays from 3:30-9pm and movie night every Friday from 7-9pm.
Indoor Soccer at Mount 7 RecPlex Mondays 8:309:30pm until June 24.
Golden RCMP 28th Annual Charity Golf Tournament June 10 shotgun start 9am. For more info please call 250-344-2221.
Tues, June 11 John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm.
Sat, June 8
Relay for Life. Looking to form a Golden team to join Invermere June 15&16. Interested? Call Sue Hein 250-342-0121 as soon as possible. Father’s Day Pancake Customer Breakfast appreciation breakfast at Mountainside Gardens on June 16 at 10am. The Legion Father’s Day Golf Tournament June 16. Cobra Ramone June 18 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar. Celebrating Community Spirit, a community open house June 18 at the Civic Centre 6-9pm. For more info: 250-344-5901. Summer Kicks Series Cousin Harley June 19 at Spirit Square. Ziggy Marley at the Golden Civic Centre June 22.
Upcoming Events
Golden Farmers Market (Wednesday Market) starting Wednesday June 12 to August 28 from noon5pm in the CP parking lot.
Golden & District Historical Society AGM June 27, 5-7pm at the Golden Museum.
Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Saturday night.
Lars Moston June 12 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar.
Storytime at the Golden Library 10:30-11:30am. Free drop-in, contact 250344-6516.
Pedalling for Papua June 13 from 7-9pm with Jeremy Bally at St. Andrew’s United Church and Centre for Peace 901 - 11st Ave S.
Golden Golf Club Mixed Open June 8 & 9 noon-1pm.
Spirit Square Saturday Market starting Saturday June 15 to August 31 from 11am-4pm at Spirit Square.
Abbeyfield Open House Saturday June 22 from 1-5pm, 915 - 9th St S.
Rockwater Grill & BarR
Summer Fun Day Camp final registration night June 7, 5:30-7:30pm at the pool.
is hosting the event at the Rodeo Grounds on June 15. Fun starts at 12pm.
Golden Barrel-O-Rama The Golden Light Horse Club
5k & 10k Kicking Horse Country Dash July 1 at Spirit Square. Registration starts at 9am, run starts at 10am. All ages welcome! Canada Day Evening Concert and Fundraiser July 1 at the Municipal Campground 8-11pm. BBQ, music, and fireworks!
Makenna Matheson For being a conscientious, high energy, intelligent and helpful student.
Stop in by June 12, 2013 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 5, 2013 A9
Golden Moments: Keeping the legends of the past alive Darryl Crane Mel and Sharon Hynes are well known in the Columbia Valley as musicians who tell the stories of the past as the duo Kootenay Legends. The history of Mel’s family in the area goes back to when his grandfather came Golden from Ontario around 1900. “They came to Golden first and after a while they got a piece of property from the government in Harrogate. Our family has owned the land ever since,” Mel said. Mel was born in Invermere and has been living on the family land since he was born. “It was really good in those days. There were no televisions or phones. When we went out to do something as kids, we had to make our own enjoyment.” One of the things he used to enjoy doing with his family was walking to the lakes in the mountains. “My mom and dad would take us to the lakes to go fishing. We were just little fellows then,” he said. Mel went to school in Harrogate before moving to Parson. Eventually he would come all the way to Golden where he graduated high school.
The rides back and forth to Golden were interesting experiences for Mel. “It was rough. It was all gravel roads then and they were all rough,” he said. He would also get to Golden by jumping on the trains with his mother in Harrogate. “It was even rougher. The old tracks were sitting on mud. When the train went by it was just rocking and rolling like a horse,” he said. As performers, the pair sing a song called the Kootenay Cannonball that is about the ride on the train. “Someone wrote the song more than fifty years ago. When we play it at places like Durand Manor some of the people come up and say they remember riding the train. They also remember getting bumped off the seats and on to the floor,” Sharon said. When Mel started coming to Golden he would spend part of his trip at the local grocery store. “Golden was very small. It had a couple of hotels and beer parlours. We used to get our groceries at Kings Grocery Store. Thomas King had it and he was a wonderful guy,” Mel said. He remembered there were many times while waiting at
the store, King would let him and other children play games together in the corner while they were waiting for their parents. When Mel was old enough to work he started with CPR in 1952 and made 92 cents an hour. “It was the only money to make then. Then the sawmill started in Parson and a lot of us left to work for them for $1.25 an hour. So we were really making money then.” Sharon was born in Marpole, B.C. and moved to Barkerville in 1952 before she met Mel. “He was in the caribou for a few years and I used to cook at his camp. I met Mel when he was the foreman of his own fire crew. We met again in 1997 and in 1999 I moved down here with him,” she said. Music has been a major part of their lives and Mel has been performing since the 1950s in the valley. “We had a band called The Whirlwinds with my friends. We played into the late 1960s. It was really good. People would dance in those days,” Mel said “Dancing was different in those days. When someone would play, man would we dance. We would dance polkas and waltzes and square dan-
Pictured above are Mel and Sharon Hynes who help keep history alive through music. Darryl Crane/Star Photo cing. In the fifties their was jiving,” Sharon said. Mel added that back in the day they would rent a hall so they could take kids in to learn how to dance. Even though the dancing has changed the pair still enjoys getting out in the valley and playing music for people. “We love it. When the little ones come along and dance, it makes it more fun than just
playing the music. When they enjoy what we do then we enjoy it more,” Sharon said. “They tell the stories and history of the people in the area. When we released the album The Yellow Monster, which is mostly about logging, we got a letter asking for our music,” Sharon said. The Kootenay Legends music is now a part of the Library and Archives Canada.
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013 The Golden Star
Turning Back the Pages: Looking at how a depot site was born
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
Has it really already been 30 years since Golden was named as a repair depot site for CPR? Yes, yes it has! The following article appeared on the front page of The Golden Star – Feb 9, 1983. CP confirmed last week that Golden will be the site for a $40 million coal car repair depot. The announcement has ended almost a year of wait and see, while discussions have been held with CP, provincial and federal government representatives
from Vancouver to Ottawa. The news about Golden came as part of an announcement of a $315 million capital project budget from 1983. The news from CP was sparked by a federal government announcement. The government will make interim payments to CPR and CN to offset losses incurred by the shipment of western grain at the present Crow’s Nest freight rate. According to a government press release the interim payments will allow the railways to begin this year’s construction immediately rather than awaiting the passage of legislation. The federal government has not yet presented to parliament the bill which would increase the Crow rate, which has not changed in the 86 years since its establishment. A spokesman for the public relations
department of CP in Vancouver told the Star in a telephone interview, that without question the interim payments made the kind of investment needed for the Golden project possible. With the kind of losses being suffered by CP under the old Crow rate, the money needed for projects like the Golden shop would not have been available without the interim payment, he said. The payments which the federal government says will be as much as $313 million to both railways in 1983, will permit spending of $8 million on the Golden project in 1983. The CP spokesman said a start date for the Golden construction has not been determined yet but he said that work would proceed as soon as possible. There has been survey work done by CP in the Golden area already and a CP
Golden Light Horse Club is hosting a
Ron Watson Spring Tune up Clinic
June 7, 8, 9, 2013 Local World Champion at Reining and Roping & the APHA, as well as working horse, Ron Watson can help you out with your riding needs. Whether you ride English or Western, let Ron help you out with Horsemanship and performance level, or just the little things that can make your ride smoother. Sign up today for this great clinic. The prices below you receive 2+ 1 hour sessions and a Friday night demo lesson. “Pick your time.”
Private lesson: Non-club members $180.00 / Club members $165.00 Semi private: Non-club members $180.00 / Club members $165.00 To register please call Shelley 250-344-6798 or Kat 250-344-6876. Must register by June 2. Book early and get the time that suits you!
Pictured above is the repair depot and round house in Field, BC. The engines were moved on to a big circular table which turned them around so they could go in the other direction. This was necessary in places like Field that required super sized engines to move trains over steep grades. It wasn’t necessary for them to be used for anything else so they just turned them around and repeated the process. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum engineer Ed Swanson has been working in Golden since September, 1982. Ald. Fred Demmon said the assumption he has made based on talks with CP officials is that work will begin in the fall. He also said in an interview last week the exact site for the shop has not been chosen by CP. “Its is going to be
good for Golden regardless of which site is chosen,” said Demmon. “The secondary industry has been served to Golden as the main course and whether we get dessert, the relocation of the mainline out of the town center, has yet to be determined,” he said. “What started as a community effort to
get secondary industry has been achieved,” said Demmon who has been the town’s representative during the discussions. The mainline relocation would take place if CP decided to build the shop where the airport is now. The coal trains, which presently block town crossing, would travel by the town along the Col-
umbia River. Taking note that the final site has not been chosen, Demmon said the work is just beginning but now the work is directed towards an established fact and not just a dream. Mayor James Doyle has been quoted as saying the CP project will be a great benefit to the town and Demmon agrees.
Cadets hold annual review
Pictured above are Terry Hickey who presented MCpl Ethan Chambers his legion medal at the 3066 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps 12th Annual Ceremonial Review held on June 1. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 5, 2013 A11
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FULLY LOADED 2012 Ford Fusion SEL All Wheel Drive Leather, moonroof, sport appearance package, stability control system, reverse sensing system, microsoft sync, 10 spoke aluminum wheels and more! Take your pick from Red Candy or Tuxedo Black metallic, LET’S SEE WHO’S PAYING ATTENTION. This car was 37,000.00new, pre-owned price is 27,900.00, DEAL OF THE YEAR PRICE 22,995.00. Reduced to:
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 The Golden Star
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The Golden Star Wednesday, June 5, 2013 A13
Bruce Martin comes to AGOG
Boarding Kennels
Day care and overnight stays 250-344-2184 • Attention Parents of Birth to Six Children and Siblings Our early learning team invites your family to join us for:
SUMMER NIGHTS Wednesday, June 12th 4:30 pm – 6:45 pm Alexander Park School 4:30–5:30
Nelson artist, Bruce Martin, was in Golden on June 1 to hold a reception highlighting his work at the Art Gallery of Golden. The show titled Mountain Wanderings will be on display at the gallery until June 18. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Play time (Bubbles, Parachute Activities, Painting Fun, and lots more)
Mac and Cheese Dinner
Family Sing-a-long
Come for all or part of the fun. If you would like more information please feel free to contact: Shelley (250) 439-9324 Sponsored by SD 6 and the GOLDEN EARLY CHILDHOOD COALITION
Lars Moston will be at the Rockwater Grill and Bar in Golden on June 12. Photo Submitted
German DJ to play in Golden Golden Star Staff Coming in all the way from Berlin, one of Germany’s hottest DJs is performing at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on June 12 for his Canadian tour. Lars Moston, respected in his own right, but also part of the duo Moston and Malente, has his tracks and remixes on some of the hottest labels in dance music today, including Top Billin, No Brainer, and Coco Machete. 2011 was a big year for the DJ/ producer, with three original releases to his name, all of them reaching the German Club chart top 10, and gaining attention and respect from influential names
across the globe. Most recently it was Lars Moston’s “Too Much Party Time EP” doing the business, released on Malente’s label No Brainer Records and coming with a crazy video. He got heaps of praise for the three original tracks on the EP, with DJ support coming from the likes of A-Trak and Congorock. When DJing, Lars Moston mixes up a unique blend of cutting edge house, ranging from deeper grooves to outright bangers, time and place permitting. Always combining a bit of tongue in cheek humour with dance floor functionality, Moston has raised roofs from San Francisco to Siberia with his own brand of positive party sound.
Plan your visit at
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 The Golden Star
Lots of hot music from all over the world set to kick off the summer Darryl Crane Summer is coming and with it another great season of music in Spirit Square The summer shows will start on June 19 when Cousin Harley comes to Golden. The rockabilly band headed by front man
Paul Pigat has proven in the past to put on a great show in Golden. Pigat is one of the most combustible musicians who has a jazz man’s sheen, a rockabilly heart and a hobo’s soul. On June 25, the Roberto Lopez AfroColombian Jazz Orchestra will be in
Spirit Square. The Montrealbased Colombianborn composer and multi- instrumentalist, along with his virtuoso friends, strive to bring together a unique encounter between Colombia’s Caribbean coast and North-American Jazz Big Bands. On July 3, Devon
June special All in stock Moorestyle and Collections Paint Buy one get one free Interior and Exterior Golden Installations LTD 915 11th Ave. S. 344-5566
Coyote and The Midnight Howl will bring a magnetic performance from the Okanagan. Devon Coyote is known as the one of the most captivating music performers West of the Rocky Mountains. On July 10, rock and roll will take over the evening as the Australian-flavoured indierock band Jungal play a show. Their energetic live performance and powerful 60s-like rock feel comes to life through three harmonious voices creating the unique and powerful sound. Tillers Folly will be live on July 17. “They were here many years ago. They write great songs with a Celtic feel and they are beautiful musicians,” said director of Kicking Horse Culture, Bill Usher. Tiller’s Folly is one of the preeminent Canadian based award winning Americana/ Folk/Celtic group. Joaquin Diaz will
After 17 successful years of caring for the plumbing needs of Golden & surrounding areas
Guy & Valmarie Steinborn of
PLUMBING LTD. 250-344-7209 wishes to advise you effective June 1, 2013 we will cease active operations After 40 years plumbing & nearly 36 years in business the time has arrived for a change in the pace of life Thanks to all our loyal customers along with past & present staff that have contributed to our success!! Please support Parky’s Heating & Cooling as they take over the operations of Blaeberry Valley Plumbing Ltd. I will be working with Doug for the next year to assist in a smooth transition and ensure that there is no interruption in the high quality of service you are accustomed to.
play in Golden on July 23. “He is from Montreal and is the real deal. He is originally from the Dominican Republic and plays meringue music. It is full on crazy, beautiful stuff,” said Usher. Diaz is a light-fingered accordion player who combines his instrumental prowess with infectious vocals that are drenched in Latin soul. On July 31, the powerful horns, toetapping fiddle and contagious rhythms that characterize of Habadekuk will take the stage. Habadekuk is one of Denmark’s leading folk bands and is guaranteed to get you on the dance floor. Golden favourite, Bocephus King, will be playing next on August 7. “Lots of people in town have been telling me I had to get this guy in for a long time so we are happy to finally get him in for a show,” Usher said.
Cousin Harley will start Summer Kicks shows in Spirit Square on June 19. Photo submitted The final show of the season will see some local talent take to the stage on August 14, as Willhorse will be back in Golden after being on tour in throughout of Canada. As an extra special bonus a local band will reunite when Retrofied plays the in between set on the Willhorse show. “I think it is a nice mix of world beat,
indie alternate, rock and roll and Celtic. Tell people to invite their friends and bring people with them from out of town. Bring a lawn chair and your friends and have fun.” Usher said. “There will also be a great group of local talent at the shows as well.” All shows will be free and in Spirit Square starting at 7 p.m.
IMPORTANT CUSTOMER NOTICE As of June 1st. 2013, Parky’s Heating will be taking over the operations of Blaeberry Valley Plumbing Ltd. As of this date, all existing customers are encouraged to call Parky’s at (250)344-5218 to meet all their plumbing needs. Parky’s is pleased to now offer a complete mechanical package, including plumbing, hot water and forced air heating, air conditioning and wood stove installations. Call Parky’s today!
HEATING & COOLING 808 - 9th Street N • 250-344-5218
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 5, 2013 A15
Golden Dolphins get back in the pool
The Golden Dolphins kicked off another season with a fun mini meet held at the Golden Municipal Swimming Pool on June 1. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Golden Minor Hockey Association update Darryl Crane The Golden Minor Hockey Association has been hard at work since the season ended to start making plans for the future of minor hockey in Golden. New president of the association, Curt Thorne, recently gave an update on what has been happening with the group. Peewee ban on checking Thorne said one of the changes the association is bringing in deals with a body checking ban in peewee hockey that has been implemented by Hockey Canada. “They have taken hitting out of peewee hockey nationally,” Thorne said. “I had mixed feelings when I heard about it. But that aspect of the game may be keeping people out of the game…we are going to give this an honest shot and I am sure Hockey Canada will be tracking on where it goes. If we can teach our kids to angle and use the boards without throwing giant checks then it can be a good thing.” Half season registration The association is now offering a half season registration for players, up to peewee age, who are looking to try the sport. “It is to help kids get a chance to come out to play up to Christmas time,” Thorne said. There would be no mandatory tournament travelling for these players. Hockey school in August The association will be hosting a hockey school for anyone registered in minor hockey from August 26-29. The players must be sixyears-old and up, plus they have to be a com-
petent skater. There will be two on ice sessions per day and a dry land session as well. The cost of the hockey school will be $200 but if you register before July 31 the cost will be $150. Golden Rockets head coach Ty Davidson will be running the school along with some special hockey guests coming in to take part. Davidson hired as coaching consultant Ty Davidson has been hired as a coaching consultant for the minor hockey association and will be working closely to help develop coaches and coaching strategy in the association. “He will analyze our coaching techniques, practices and strategies. I think if we improve our coaching then we can improve the game for our kids,” Thorne said. Kraft decisions Kraft will be meeting with the association soon to decide what is going to happen with the $100,000 won by Thorne for the association. Currently nothing has been announced but there has been some discussion of having a name and colour change of minor hockey in the area to match the Golden Rockets junior hockey team. “All of the kids will come in line with being Rockets. We think it is important to build a community connection of hockey,” Thorne said. Surveys for parents The association will be sending out an online survey to all parents of registered players. It will ask parents what they think about hockey in the area and give the board an idea of what they need to do to improve the game locally.
Golden R.C.M.P. 28th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Monday, June 10th, 2013 Shotgun Start at 9:00 am
Proceeds to GSS Scholarship Fund $95.00 - Non Golf Club Members $60.00 - Golf Club Members
Entry fee includes: 18 Holes of R.C.M.P. Scramble Golf Dinner and Prizes for all. Golf carts included Pay early to guarantee a spot. Maximum 100 golfers. Registration, starting placement & to request a member to golf on your team, contact Sharon at the Golden R.C.M.P. detachment at 344-2221.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 The Golden Star
Helping build confidence in high school through Toastmasters Darryl Crane A Youth Leadership Program paired local members of the The Golden Voice Toastmasters and Golden Secondary School students to help the students become more comfortable when speaking in public. Diane Slater has been a member of The Golden Voice Toastmasters since its inception. Slater said she has always been a shy person but through her time in toastmasters she has been working hard to overcome her fear of public speaking. “It is a safe forum for people to learn how to speak in front of an audience,” she said. “It teaches the kids how to think quickly on their feet and organize their thoughts which is invaluable for job interviews.” Students involved with the program all agreed that they took something positive away from the classes. Naomi Carlson was the president of the group for the second half of the course. “I think it helped me become more confident and I became better at speaking in front of people,” she said Nathan Morris was the first half president for the class. “It was awesome. I thought everyone improved tremendously. It helped us become more confident,” he said.
Morris went on to explain he felt it would benefit all students for presentations in high school. “Everyone is so nervous. If you watch anyone do a presentation in English class they get up and freak out. This program would help us be more confident not only speaking in front of others but also speaking for ourselves,” he said. International student, Aki Masato, said he hopes to take what he learned in the program to help him in his career. “This was totally interesting to me. I am looking at a career in business. I thought by taking this class I would excel in leadership in the future,” he said. “It was challenging but I believe for everyone, and especially international students who do not speak English as a first language, once they get see to the atmosphere they will feel more confident.” Ariana Grass is a grade 10 student at the school who said she would like to learn more in the future from Toastmasters. “We learned a lot about public speaking and how to overcome public nervousness. There was a lot about annunciation and pronunciation of words. There was also a lot about teamwork as well,” she said. Morris wanted to stress how great it was working with the instructors. “The two instructors were amazing. They showed us every little mistake we were doing so we could improve on it.
Pictured above are (back row, l-r) Dana Setter, Nathan Morris, Diane Slater, Delanee Jmaiff, Rayanne Leigan and Colby Dunphy (front row, l-r) Naomi Carlson, Jen Slater and Ariana Grass. Darryl Crane/Star Photo They were encouraging and helpful.” Slater said the class was one of the best parts of her week.
“I looked forward to Fridays because it was the Toastmasters day with the students.”
Getting ready for a summer of fun with the The Golden Light Horse Club Jessica Schwitek The Golden Light Horse Club has some exciting events coming up, including a BCRA (British Columbia Rodeo Association) sanctioned competition. First up is a Spring Tune-up Horsemanship Clinic, taught by Golden’s own APHA (American Paint Horse Association) World Champion at reining and roping, Rot Watson. “It’s a great chance to get out into the arena and learn some fundamentals,” said Shelley Black with the Golden Light Horse Club. The three-day clinic (June 7-9) will help improve performance level riding and horsemanship. “Any level of riding is welcome,” said Black. She is also encouraging any members of the public who are interested to come out and watch. “You can learn so much just by being there.” The next event is the much anticipated Rocky Mountain Barrel O Ramma on Saturday June 15. “This is going to attract some great riders from all over B.C. and Alberta,” said Black, who will be one of the riders at the event. “It’s going to be a good event, we have such nice grounds here.” The barrel racing competition is the first
major event held at the Golden Rodeo Grounds in a number of years. The Golden Light Horse Club, which is one of the longest running clubs in the community, is hoping to grow, and in the future perhaps bring back the Golden Rodeo. The Rocky Mountain Barrel O Ramma is a great way to spark the community’s interest in the club. They are expecting about 50 riders to be competing in the races, with about 24 of those being from the Columbia Valley, and four from Golden. “We really want people to get involved, and come down to watch the show,” said Black. “So far the community support has been really great.” It is free to attend, and there will be a 50/50 draw, a concession stand, and lots of great competition to watch. Curt Thorne will also be providing his services as the announcer. There are cash prizes amounting to $1,500, as well as some beautiful buckles, blankets, and other prizes. “You’re going to see some really hot riders, cowboy hats and cowboy boots. And hopefully we’ll get some enthusiasm back into the community,” said Black. To learn more about these events, go to the Golden Light Horse Club Facebook page.
The Golden Light Horse Club has many events coming up through the summer for local horse enthusiasts. Star Photo
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Offer applies to new customers who sign a 1-year ($99.00) term on Xplornet’s 4G “Share” 5.0 Mbps package between May 7th and June 30th, 2013. Special offer of $39.99 per month is for the first 3 months. Regular price plan resumes in month 4: $59.99 on 4G Fixed Wireless and $64.99 on 4G Satellite, plus applicable taxes. Monthly service fee includes rental cost of equipment. Actual speed online may vary with your technical configuration, Internet traffic, server, and other factors. 2A router is required for multiple users and may be purchased from your local dealer. 3Xplornet high-speed Internet service includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with your service for any reason, you will receive a refund of all amounts paid to Xplornet if you cancel your subscription within 30-days of activation. Xplornet® is a trade-mark of Xplornet Communications Inc. © 2013 Xplornet Communications Inc. NTL BANNER 06/13 1
XPO139_BW_BC_Golden Star_10.3125x2.5.indd 1
5/30/13 4:34 PM
Starbusiness directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 5, 2013 A17
Golden Business Directory ContraCting Ltd. Box 599, golden, BC. V0a 1H0
Get ready for spring!
Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway swept with our JCB Skid Street Sweeper Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log Haul Units Loader and Skid Steer Rentals Sand, Gravel and Landscape Materials available
PENNACRES KENNELS Boarding for cats and dogs
LARGE RUNS — inside and out! SAFE • CLEAN • COMFORTABLE Tough guy or sweetie pie - We board them all. Individual care, lots of play and exercise. You will appreciate our reasonable rates.
n • Full Service Junk Removal r ju yo u • Dumpster Service e k • Deliveries Ma
u ko
250-272-JUNK (5865)
"Reliable Care since 1980"
b pro
Call for a free quote
Owned & Operated by Leigan Enterprises Ltd.
$25/week This Space
“Largest plumbing and heating inventory in the area” Quality Service with Integrity
*with 12 week commitment
Call us at 344-5251.
“Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishing” Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0
• 10% Seniors Discount – parts only
Call or stop by our shop Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 805-9th St. N
Phone: (250) 344-8351
Golden Shoe Company Hush Puppies
25% off
shoes & boots
petroleum ltD.
413C – 9 th Avenue North. 250-344-2133
Phone 250-344-6161
Across from 7-11
$25/week This Space
Here for You, Here for tHe environment!
*with 12 week commitment
Call us at 344-5251.
820-10th Avenue North • • • • • • • • •
Residential & Industrial Vacuum Service Hydrovac (Nondestructive Excavation) Water Tankers • Vacuum Trucks Steam Cleaner/acid Cleaning Flusher Truck Oil Field Hauling Portable Toilet Rentals Septic Tank & Field Cleaning Grease Trap Cleaning • Well cleaning
Service is our business! vac truck Services
•Sales •Service •Construction •Maintenance •Renovations
All Your Electrical Needs 1135 10th Ave N (250) 344-2530 Fax 344-2584 Reg. #22652
Licensed Home Builder
Mike Burns
Cell Office Email
250 344 0290 250 344 3992
Tell us what you’re up to! Golden THE 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 The Golden Star
Taking paragliding to new heights in the sky above Golden Darryl Crane On any given day if you look up in Golden there is a good chance you may see a paraglider flying gracefully over the town. For Hugo Tschurtschenthaler and Scott Watwood, paragliding offers visitors to Golden the chance to fly off one of the best mountains in the world. As the owners of Altitude Adventures the men take people to the top of Mount 7 and beyond for tandem paragliding flights and rocky mountain heli-paragliding experiences. (Available June through October.) Both instructors started paragliding through friends and have never looked back. “The sport was new. You have to be a little bit of a risk taker or you would never try it,” said Tschurtschenthaler who has been involved with the sport for 26 years and is a former Canadian paragliding champion. Tschurtschenthaler thinks the Mount 7 experience has something for everyone. “The altitude difference from the top to the bottom and the exposure of the valley makes it a great place. Access is also a key. There may be other places where you can do it but you may need a helicopter. It is a two wheel drive road up to Mount 7,” he said. Scott Watwood has been paragliding for 17 years and believes the sport and mountain are great for Golden. “It is a great resource for the town and the area. It is great for bringing in mountain bikers but also hikers and other tourism based stays,” he said. Watwood said many people who try paragliding in the area come from Alberta but they also get people from across the world. “Most people realize it is the closest place to Alberta that they can paraglide. Many people come out for different adventure like rafting as well. They see us here and finally decide to try it,” he said. “People think it is very dangerous and even though it can be, in comparison to something like skiing where people can go to a hospital with broken bones every day, it is not.” Watwood explained that the mountain originally had a fire lookout tower with a small path going to the top. The first hang-glider went off the top of the mountain in the 1970s after being taken up in a helicopter. This would change in the late 1990s when the late Peter Bowle-Evans worked to get the road built up and raised funds to make it easier to drive to the top. Since then eight world records have been set off the mountain over the years and according to both men it is one of the top five places to jump in the world. “Anytime we travel and we tell people where we are from, they know exactly where Golden is in the paragliding circle,” Watwood said. One thing both men would like to see is for the road to be looked after in a better way. “There are so many people using this road for sightseeing or mountain biking. It is too bad that it is in the shape it is in,” Tschurtschenthaler said.
Pictured above is just one of the great views you will get to see on a tour with Altitude Adventures in Golden. Photo submitted They also said it was important to thank the owners of the Eco Ranch in Nicholson who allow people to land on their property. “It was a horse pasture before the current owners bought the land. We are thankful to them because we can still land there and it helps flying big time in Gold-
en. It is a huge field in the area where we can land,” Tschurtschenthaler said. To learn more about Altitude Adventures and check out what the company has to offer got to or call Altitude Adventures at 250-3443214.
A Golden Adventure Edition This is a four page wrap, printed on high quality, heavy paper. It will cover the Golden Star, on both the summer long weekend editions. Extra copies will be delivered to all the hotels and restaurants in Golden. Call Michele or Ali at 250-344-5251 or email Book before June 14, 2013
A quick guide of what Golden has to offer you on your stay.... Publishing on June 26 and July 31 In time for the long weekend!
The Golden Wednesday, 5, 2013 Golden StarStar Wednesday, JuneJune 5, 2013 A19 A19
Your community. Your classifieds.
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Business Opportunities
Egon Schoeler
Jan 31, 1935 – May 27, 2013
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Egon who emigrated from Germany in 1955 and lived in Golden until 1988 when he moved to the coast. Egon was well known for his cheerful nature, helpful attitude, and commitment to the communities of Golden and Nicholson such as volunteer firefighter, Lion’s Club, and a founder of TV in the Columbia Valley. Egon was a stone mason and bricklayer and many examples can be seen of his fine craftsmanship throughout the Columbia Valley to this day. During his life, Egon loved to travel seeing many parts of this world, meet new people, and being with his family. He leaves behind to mourn his wife, Mary, daughters Joan and Anne (Peter), son Daniel, and grandchildren Ryan and Sarah. A celebration of his life will be held June 15, 2013 @ 2:00pm at 114-10250-155A St, Surrey, BC.
Information New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.
ALL CASH Drink & Snack Vending Business Route. Complete Training. Small Investment required. 1-888-979VEND(8363). MAKE MONEY and save lives. We are offering exclusive rights in your area, 100% guaranteed return of investment. Don’t pay until you see your business up and running. Voted top vending program in North America. Absolutely no selling involved; Call 1-855-933-3555 for more information today.
Education/Trade Schools APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline June 15, 2013. More information: OVER 90% Employment rate for CanScribe graduates! Medical Transcriptionists are in demand and CanScribe graduates get jobs. Payments under $100 per month. 1-800466-1535. TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
RAMADA INN requires a HOUSEKEEPER. Full time or part time. Drop off resume or email to 1311 12 St. N. 250-439-1888 Rocky Mountain Safaris is looking for P/T & casual guides/drivers for the summer season. Please email
Bryce Colin Campbell December 12, 1977 – Medicine Hat, Alberta May 29, 2013 - Fort McMurray, Alberta
MEN’S SERVICES PROGRAM ASSISTANT 12 month Contract Position 25-30 hrs./month Compensation will be based on experience and skill level
The Golden Family Center is seeking a Men’s Services Program Assistant, who will play a key role in creating a foundation for sustainable support services for men and young men in Golden. This individual is responsible for assisting with: the development and coordination of group programs and workshops for adult men and male teens; program evaluations and program fundraising. We are looking for a well-organized person, who works collaboratively, and has an awareness of current theories related to men’s studies, masculinity and gender equality. Please contact us for more detailed information.
Closing date: June 12, 2012, at noon Expected start date: June 24, 2012
Br yce Campbell pas se d away Br yce on Campbell pas se suddenly May 29, 2013 atdtheaway age suddenly on May 29, 2013 at the age of 35 years. of Bryce 35 years. grew up in Calgary and lived up in Calgary and lived hisBryce life in grew the outdoors, making a home his life in the outdoors, making a home for his family in Golden, BC. He was for his family in McMurray, Golden, He was working in Fort his working in Fort McMurray, living his dream flying helicopters. dream flying helicopters. His absence has left his family and His absence haswith leftgreat his family and many dear friends memories many friends great memories of his dear passion andwith enthusiasm for life. of his passion and enthusiasm for life. His love and dedication will never be His love and dedication will never be forgotten. forgotten. Br yce leaves behind his loving Br yce Melanie leaves Lapierre; behind his hisdaughter loving partner, partner, Melanie his daughter Maya and his boyLapierre; (dog) Spirit. He also Maya and his boy Spirit.Neil He also leaves behind his(dog) parents and leaves behind his parents Neil and Louise Campbell, brother Drew; his only LouiseRobin Campbell, brother Drew;Carson, his only sister Williams (Aaron, sister Robin Williams (Aaron,Gilles Carson, Haven and Harlo); his in-laws, and Haven and Harlo); his in-laws, Gilles and Lise Lapierre, brother-in-law Francois, Lise Lapierre, brother-in-law Francois, ( Veronique, Lorianne and Charles) ( Veronique, Lorianne Charles) and many aunts, uncles,and cousins and and many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. friends. Br yce was predeceased by his Br yce was predeceased by his grandparents; Hilda and George grandparents; Southward andHilda Tom and and George Sophie Southward and Tom and Sophie Campbell. Campbell. A celebration of Bryce’s life will be A celebration of Bryce’s lifePioneer will be held at the Southern Alberta held at(3625-4th the Southern Alberta Pioneer Lodge Street S.W. Calgary, Lodge Wednesday, (3625-4th Street S.W. Calgary, AB)on June 5, 2013 at 2:00 AB)onThe Wednesday, 5, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. service isJune outside; dress is p.m. The service is outside; dress is casual. Forward condolences through casual. Forward condolences through A fund fund will be set up for Melanie and AMaya. will be set can up for and Maya. Donations be Melanie made through the Donations can be BC, made through the CIBC in Golden, P.O. Box 229, CIBC in BC. Golden, BC,( Cheques 1106-10thpayable Ave S, Golden, V0A 1H0. Golden, BC. Phone 1-800-465-2422) to Melanie Lapierre. In living living memory memory of of Bryce Bryce Campbell, Campbell, In a tree will be planted at Fish Creek a tree will be planted at Fish Creek Provincia ll Pa Pa rr k k by by M M cINNIS cINNIS & & Provincia HOLLOWAY FUNERAL FUNERAL HOMES, HOMES, Fish Fish HOLLOWAY Creek Chapel, Chapel, 14441 14441 BANNISTER BANNISTER Creek ROAD S.E. CALGARY, AB Telephone: ROAD S.E. CALGARY, AB Telephone: 1-800-661-1599. 1-800-661-1599.
Golden Family Center Box 415, Golden BC V0A1H0 Phone 250-344-2000 / Fax 250-344-5225 / /
The East Kootenay Supported Child Development program is looking for a support worker for a term and casual positions in the Golden area. Hours: Starting Date: Hourly Rate:
Varied Days and Times To be determined $15.93
Qualifications: The applicant will have, as a minimum, their Early Childhood Education Certification and a current License to Practice (or be in process). Experience working in the field of child care / early childhood development is a strong asset and preference will be given to applicants who have training, skills and/or experience working with children with a range of developmental delays and disabilities. Applicants with Education Assistant training and work experience may be accepted. Additional Requirements: Successful criminal record screening on file, current First Aid certification & current membership with BCGEU
Deadline for Applications: Friday, June 7th, 2013 Please note: • EKSCD is an equal opportunity employer • Applicants that are short-listed will be contacted for an interview. Submit applications to: EKSCD Golden Office Attn: Leslie Hein Phone: 250-344-6322 Mail: 1550 Pagliaro Rd, Golden BC V0A 1H7 Email: Fax: 250-344-7922
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Wednesday, JuneJune 5, 2013 The Golden Golden Star Star Wednesday, 5, 2013
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Employment Help Wanted
Recreation Operator I (Temporary) We need a Recreation Operator to fill in for what could be a 3-5 month absence by one of our permanent employees. Summer is a busy time for us with all kinds of outside work in parks and flower gardens, on boulevards, and a host of many other things and being short staffed can be crippling for us in keeping up with what needs to be done. You need to be able and enthusiastic to weed and mow lawns, tend to flowerbeds, operate other mechanized equipment including light trucks, perform janitorial duties, and do it all with an ethic of safety, responsibility, and pride in your work. This is our community and we’re proud of it. You must have completed Grade 12 and have a current and valid Driver’s License. Experience in parks and grounds maintenance and having a Level 1 First Aid Certificate are definite assets we will be looking for. The job lasts until the return of our regular incumbent. A job description is available at Town Hall, on our website at and our facebook page. Applications may be delivered by post, fax, hand, or electronically, and will be received until 4:00 pm (Mountain Time) Friday, June 7th, 2013 by: Jon Wilsgard, Chief Administrative Officer Town Hall – 810 9th Avenue South, P.O. Box 350, Golden, BC V0A 1H0, Fax: (250) 344-6577, E-mail: Candidates with lesser qualifications may be considered. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted We reserve the right to collect both direct and indirect information about any applicant selected for an interview.
Cooks needed for Legendz Diner. $11-$13 hourly. 40 hrs/week. Send resumes to PO BOX 676, 1405 Trans Canada Hwy Golden BC V0A 1H0. Or email to: jobs.legendz., or fax to 250-344-5075. GUARANTEED JOB placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen for oil and gas industry. Call 24hr free recorded message for information: 1800-972-0209 MARINE SUPERINTENDENT/Detachment Superintendent, Canadian Forces Auxiliary Fleet, a civilian component of the Department Of National Defence, seeks Marine Managers for positions in Nanoose Bay and Victoria (Vancouver Island), British Columbia. Online applications only through the Public Service Commission of Canada website, Reference# DND13J008697-000065, Selection Process# 13-DND-EAESQ-373623, Marine Superintendent/Detachment Superintendent. Applicants must meet all essential qualifications listed and complete the application within the prescribed timelines. ** index-eng.htm. Occasional cleaner req’d for helping with rental lodge in the Blaeberry. Approx. 10 days/year. Must have exp. in housekeeping and have own transportation. For more info contact Jim at: RIVER FLY FISHING GUIDE AVID FLY FISHER, JET AND DRIFT BOATS EXPERIENCE AN ASSET. REMOTE LODGE IN BC. EMAIL RESUME AND REFERENCES TO TSYLOS@TSYLOS.COM
Help Wanted
Trades, Technical
RJAMES WESTERN STAR FREIGHTLINER Journeyman Truck & Equipment Partsperson. Busy commercial transport truck dealership in Kamloops has an immediate opening for a journeyman parts person. This position is permanent full time with competitive wage and benefit package. Resumes to Attn: HR Dept 2072 Falcon Rd., Kamloops BC V2C 4J3 Fax: (250)374-7790 Email: Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.
Technician required for Central Interior dealership. Preference to techs with GM experience. Email resume to:
SURINTENDANT / SURINTENDANT de detachement de la Marine. La flotte auxiliaire des forces canadiennes, une composante civile du ministère de la Defense nationale, cherche des gestionnaires marins pour des postes situes a Nanoose Bay et Victoria sur l’ile de Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Les candidats interesses doivent postuler en ligne a travers le site internet de la Commission de la fonction publique du Canada, Reference n DND13J-008697000065, le processus de selection # 13-DND-EAESQ-373623, Surintendant / Surintendant de detachement de Marine. Les candidats doivent posseder toutes les qualifications essentielles enumerees dans la publicite en ligne et remplir la demande dans les delais prescrits. index- eng.htm
Sales PROFESSIONAL SALES Consultants. Central Alberta’s leading Ford dealer requires two professional sales associates. We maintain a large inventory of new and used vehicles and friendly country atmosphere with big city sales volume. We are closed Sundays and all Statutory Holidays. We offer a competitive pay plan with an aggressive bonus structure, salary guarantee and moving allowance. Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email:
Trades, Technical
TWO FULL-TIME positions available immediately for an Import Auto dealer in the interior of BC. Service Advisor minimum 2-3 years experience. Apprentice or Journeyman Technician - Both applicants must have good attitude, quality workmanship. Email:
KLASSIC AUTOBODY (Hay River, NT) seeking Working Shop Foreman/Assistant Manager - Oversee Bodyshop, estimations, quality/safety, teamplayer. $37-$42 hourly + OT, company matched pension plan, benefits. Apply to: Fax: 867-874-2843.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 50% and debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
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STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! 1-800-457-2206.
Contractors Custom blueprints. Visit: 20% discount for first 10 callers!
Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
APPRENTICE GUIDES Great Canadian Heli-Skiing Ltd. is hiring certified apprentice guides for the 2013/2014 season. All resumes, with proof of qualifications, must be sent to:
Short-listed applicants will be contacted by June 21, 2013
Home Improvements FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft
Overnight Delivery in most of BC!
Windows Infinity’s Window Cleaning; Disc Golf; 1 Acreage for sale on North Bench. Call 250-348-2351.
Adopt a Shelter Cat! The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned and abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today.
Golden Star Wednesday, June 5,June 20135, 2013 The Golden Star Wednesday, A21 A21
Pets & Livestock
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery
Misc. for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
FREE snake to good home, 5.5’, Hogg Island Boa, female, 6 yrs old, incl. enclosure, call Ann at 344-5698
Merchandise for Sale Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Garage Sales Annual Multi-Family Pine Drive Garage Sale. Saturday June 8th 9am. Garage Sale 1420 Deer Ridge Rd Saturday June 8th. 9am pool, air hockey table, bikes, kids toys, ect! MOVING - lots to sell - (toys, fire pit, table/chairs, run bike and more!) Saturday, MAY 25 8am - Noon 395-8th Avenue, KIMBERLEY Multi-Family Garage Sale Fri. June 7th, 3pm-7pm Sat. June 8th, 9am-3pm Sun. June 9th, 9am-1pm *Rain or shine* Lots of good stuff! 904 - 10th St South. Riverglen Drive Neighbourhood Yard Sale. Saturday June 8th, starting at 9am.
Misc. for Sale
1966 IHC TD9 dozer 6 cyl. turbo diesel carco winch, 6 way blade $4500. 1985 Nissan 4x4 w/ snow bear plow flat deck, chains. No rust. $1500. To view call: 250-428-2213. A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Medical Supplies AQUASSURE Walk-in Tubs & Showers Local service. Save $$ 1-866-404-8827
Misc. for Sale All new salon equipment. Lean styling chair, therapeutic mat, black wall mount vanity. $700. 250-346-3011. Full size white bathtub in very good condition $125 OBO. 250-344-4777 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
1 good used coil range stove 250-344-5119
1996 RW235 Rustler 5th wheel trailer. Like new. New 8 ply tires. $9000 Fred @ 250-344-5119
Large quantities of lumber - some construction, clear fir flooring, clear fir & hemlock trim, cedar in all types, lots of misc. products. Please phone Moberly Wood Products Ltd. 250-344-5119
$30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798 days, 344-2160 evenings. Samples available. Rustic wooden couch, two chairs, and a rocker. Great for cabin or covered deck. $100 OBO. Call 250-344-2777 after 5, To view: 1226 - 10th Street.
Misc. Wanted True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030 Wanted: Treadmill in good running order and reasonably priced. 250-344-5771.
Real Estate For Sale By Owner 3 or 4 Bdrm, 1140sqft, 1.5 baths, walking distance from town, large fenced yard, 3 season sun rm, asking $259K. Ph 250-344-6445 Reduced - $375,000 4 bdrm 2.5 bath 2300 sq/ft house mins from town with mountain views on 25 acres. 250-344-7019. MLS #2390149.
In the Blaeberry - take a look ** Private ** You will not be disappointed
Large 2 bdr. Apartment Available now Smaller 1 & 2 bdr. apts Available June 1/13 -Fully Furnished & Modern -Utilities Included -Satellite TV -High Speed Internet -Laundromat on site -DD & references required No Pets Phone 344-7299
Leave message if no answer please MOUNTAINEER LODGE at Kickinghorse Mountain Resort, 3rd Floor mountain view, 2 bedroom (with lock-off). $750/mo furnished, all utilities, TV, internet, etc. included. Available immediately through Nov 30/12. Contact Hans: or 403-616-4691. ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Avail immd. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250344-8113
Mobile Homes & Parks
Apartment Furnished
AMAZING MODULAR HOME 2006. Must be moved off the property. Asking $120,000. 27 x 66 1876 square feet. 4 bedrooms, Large bathroom and ensuite off master bedroom, Vaulted ceiling and beautiful French doors separating living room and dining room. Please call 250-425-6677 for any pictures or information.
1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1, 2, and 3 brm apts close to pedestrian bridge and Kicking Horse River. No pets, NS, NP. Gateway Property Management Corp. *Ask about our seniors special!* Call Sherri at 250-344-8919. 2 bdrm mobile home at Nicholson. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551. Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113. Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233.
FULLY FURNISHED all inclusive bachelor suite. View at or call 344-7001.
Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Cottages / Cabins Cabin for Rent Cozy, quiet 2 bdrm cabin. 10 mins west of town. Partially furnished. No pets, N/S. $650/mo., Sat TV and internet incl. Util. extra. Call 250-344-7008. Cozy new log cabin furnished sat tv, 15 south of Golden 250348-2311.
Cottages / Cabins
Homes for Rent
For rent: $600/mth, 1 bedroom $750 2 bdrm, cabin full furnished, all ult incld, no pets. Call Columbia Valley Credit Union 344-2282 ask for Lorne.
3 Bdr house (Av. now) 1116 12 St. Appliances incl., references required. No Pets, No Parties. W/D.
Misc for Rent
3 Bdr mobile home for rent or sale. $600/mth. Avail June 1. 250-344-7163 or 344-8179. 3bdrm open concept house, fenced yard, laundry, all new appliances, aval. June 1. 250-344-1340. 5 Bdr house. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, 2 washrooms. Excellent location close to school and town. Lv msg. 250344-6131. Immaculate newly reno’d 2 bdrm house for rent, NS, NP, no parties, large yard $750/mnt +utls. Free wifi/sat. tv. Avail June 15, nice landlords! 250-344-6879.
3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofďƒžce is independently owned & operated.
Mobile Homes & Pads 2 Bdr 2 Bath mobile home in quiet rural area 5 mins from town. $900/mth + util. Avail May 1. Call 250-462-7071. Golden Mobile Home Park situated at 1400 - 12th St N has 2 lots available. Phone 250-272-4644. Lot for rent at KH Village Park 250-344-6935.
Homes for Rent 2 & 3 bdrm house in town. Very nice. Quiet neighbourhood. Close to all amenities. Avail immdly. 250-344-5450. 2 Bdr House for rent, across from Overwaitea, avail.immdly. References required. No pets. No parties. NS. Please call 250-344-6200. 2 bdr house. N/S, no parties, no pets. Avail May 1. Sat. tv, utls, all incl. $1100/mth. 250439-1055. 2 bdrm house, w/d, sat dish, in town, DD reqd. 250-344-7136. 2 bdrm suite avail. now. Recently reno’d, close to hospital, $750/mnth, NS, pets consd, long term pref’d 250344-0316. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Rooms for Rent 2 rooms in house for rent. $400/rm all inclusive. W/D, sat. tv, large yard, wifi, NS, no parties, NP, great landlords! 250-344-6879. Avail June 15. CLEAN rooms available. Mature adults only. No parties. 250-344-2444. Room in house. W/D, cable, wireless internet. Two blocks from all amenities. $450 all inclusive. Summer rate. Call 250-290-0110
Auto Financing
Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
Suites, Lower Bachelor pad. Females only, 32� satellite tv incld, internet, and all utls in. NS, no partying, $650/mnth. Call Shawn @ 250-344-5151, 344-3169. Basement suite. $575/mth + util. Available now. Call 344-4565. Newly Reno’d 2 Bdr. Suite lrg. kitchen & dining, private laundry, cable TV, wireless internet, util incl. Quiet downtown neighbourhood. N/S. $900/mo. 250-344-5229.
Suites, Upper 1 Bdr partially furnished bachelor suite. Main floor. 5 mins. south of town. Mature person or couple, N/S, no pets, no parties. Avail May 1. 250-344-2695, or 344-8383. Cozy 1 bdrm furnished suite for rent in Golden BC $500/mnt incld all utls and cable. Recently reno’d, fully furnished, pets negotiable. 403-214-2344, or email: LOVELY bachelor suite in beautiful garden setting. $575/month + hydro. 250-3441058
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Auto Services Free car and scrap pick up (within town limits). No tires? No problem! Call Columbia Towing 250-344-6690.
Trucks & Vans 1989 GMC Sierra 4x4 Box liner, bench seat, long box, regular cab. 240,000 km. $2000 or best offer. Phone 250-4399562
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 The Golden Star
Talent shown at Lady Grey Elementary
Pictured above are the students from Lady Grey Elementary who recently took part in a talent show held at the school.
Photo Submitted
Little Chimps raise $510 for Cops for Kids at art auction Darryl Crane Some little artists put their talents on canvas to help raise funds for Cops for Kids in Golden. The students at Little Chimps Preschool created all but one of the works and then held an art auction at the school. “The idea came after we had completed two works of art. One of the preschool children is an ambassador for Cops for Kids, so as a thank you we gave one of the paintings to Const. Mike Hull,” said Little Chimps Preschool Manager Shelley Zajsek. Hull has been the driving force behind the charity in Golden for a number of years. One painting created by Brooke, the Search and Rescue Dog, fetched $100 at the event, Zajsek said she felt this was a great way for the children to have fun but also give something back to the community “It was nice to have the kids learn about giving back to the community. We have 27 children in the preschool and everyone helped out,” she said. “Our auction raised $510 for Cops for Kids.” When asked where the children took their inspiration for the paintings Zajsek said, “Some of it was based off of themes in the preschool. Others were based off of the interests at the time. It has been great fun. In total we had 10 larger pieces they have done collaboratively and we had 26 smaller pieces they have done individually.” Upon hearing the news of the donation Const. Amber Brunner was amazed by what the students had done. Brunner is one of the members of the Golden/Field RCMP detachment involved with the Cops for Kids program. “This really goes to show how little people can make a big difference,” she said.
Pictured above are the students and instructors from the Little Chimps Preschool, Brooke the rescue dog, along Amber Brunner and Mike Hull (in the white t-shirts) who head up Cops for Kids in Golden. The students at the school raised $510 for the charity at an art auction of all their original works. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 5, 2013 A23
Year winding down at Nicholson Elementary Janne Arlt Principal Nicholson Elementary Here we are in June and have much going on in the few weeks left until summer vacation! Many events are planned to celebrate a successful year at Nicholson. One event is our school-wide field trip to Radium. On Wednesday, June 12, all staff and students will head down to go for a short hike and a swim at Radium Hot Springs. We feel very lucky to be treated so well by our PAC and parents. Their support all year for the students and the school is amazing. This year Theressa DeGagne, Wanda Anderson and Trina Wolfenden were the organizers and supporters of so many different aspects of our school. Our recent Spring Fling was very successful once again. We look forward
to the healthy hot lunches every Monday throughout the year. Through many fundraisers, the PAC helps to pay for our Breakfast Club, school classroom projects, field trips, equipment for extracurricular clubs, and more. We can’t say enough about the amazing time and work that is spent at the school by these parents. A special thank you goes out to them for everything they do! The staff met a week ago to talk about our School Success Plan to increase achievement in reading and motivation to read. We talked about successes and challenges over the year, as well as directions for continued work next year. Success Plans of each of the Golden zone schools were shared with trustees and school representatives at GSS yesterday. Last week, the Grade 4/5 class had
the opportunity to see a one-woman play called “My David” about David Thompson’s life through the stories of his wife. It was performed by Sharon Wass and arranged by our Aboriginal Support Worker, Leslie Hein. Leslie brings in a variety of cultural experiences over the year for our students to learn about First Nation cultures and the history of our valley. She also provides craft activities at lunch times and academic support in class for our aboriginal students. Most importantly, Leslie has been an integral part of the Nicholson School community for many years. She will be moving to Alexander Park full time in the fall and she will be missed very much by students and staff here at Nicholson! Today, we welcomed next year’s kindergarten students for a visit. We look forward to
A chance to fish on Father’s Day Golden Star Staff June 14-16 will be a great time for people to get out and try fishing as part of the 14th Annual British Columbia Family Fishing Weekend. According to the British Columbia Family Fishing Weekend website the entire weekend is licence free for all Canadians on both salt and fresh water (Certain rules and regulations do apply though - check with your local tackle shop or FFW event if you have any questions or concerns.) During the weekend, there are many free-to-attend special Community Fishing Events taking place around British Columbia. These events offer an opportunity to learn how to fish and provide lots of useful educational information in a fun and supervised environment.
There will be knowledgeable volunteers present to show you the tricks of the trade and help you on your way to catching your first lunker.
having them at our school in September. If anyone hasn’t registered their child for kindergarten in the fall, you can still do so. We will say goodbye to our grade 7 students at the end of the month. They are excited to
be moving up to the high school. Our Farewell to them is on Tuesday, June 18 at 7 p.m. Have a great June – let’s hope for sunshine and blue skies for all the field trips and special events coming up before the end of the year.
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RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234
$179,900 1 bath
$324,900 921 - 14th Street
5 bedrooms
Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275
527 - 11th Street
3 bedrooms
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 The Golden Star
2 baths
$369,900 805 - 5th Avenue
3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 2,267sqft
4 bedrooms
1308 Pine Drive 3 baths
6bdrms 5 baths 4,500sqft 1.38 acres
2 bedroom
7.76 acres
2 bedrooms
2 baths
1 bath
#306 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
$329,000 Lot 13, Wellstead Road 40 acres
$246,300 Mobile Home Park
3 bedrooms
2 baths
1 bath
REDUCED 2 bedrooms
#106, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail 1 bath
from $185,000 to $198,000 Kicking Horse Road 2 Acreages Available
2 baths
1,350sqft 1 acre
2.5 baths
$430,000 3 bdrms 2 baths 2,240sqft
3 baths
2.72 acres
20.9 acres
5 bedrooms
5 baths
.87 acres
910 - 12th Street
4 bedrooms
2 baths
1026 King Crescent
2 bedrooms
1 bath
$219,000 716 - 8th Avenue
3 bedrooms
1 bath
$89,600 2 bedrooms
$269,900 Lot 3, 3495 Highway #95, South
Forde Station Road
36.33 Acres
3 Acreages Available
$795,000 1631 Purcell Woods Close 3 baths
1596 Columbia Valley 1.871 acres
$1,190,000 1636 Purcell Woods Close
3 bedrooms
3 baths
#1 - 1248 Campbell Road
from $99,900 to $179,900
4 bedrooms
$275,000 15.3 acres
Lot 2, Cromac Ridge Road
$129,000 Lot 2, 2116 Highway #95, South
3 bdrms 1.5 bath 1,468sqft
605 - 9th Street
1713 Oberg Johnson Road
$365,000 1402 Birch Crescent
4 bedrooms
3 baths
1669 Dogtooth Close
3 bedrooms
3 baths
SOLD $244,300 1314 Pine Drive
3 bedrooms 3 baths 2,884sqft
2900 Campbell Road
$595,000 4 bedrooms
Petra Musick Dan Veselic (250) 344-1476 (250) 344-1435
Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435
1437 Granite Drive
554 Day Road
$219,500 2 bedrooms
SOLD 1243 Horse Creek Road
5 bedrooms
9.76 acres
#27, 1357 Aemmer Way
.6 acres
#7, 411 - 5th Avenue
530 - 11th Street
2393 Kettleston Road
$219,900 2 bedrooms 2 baths 960sqft
1 bedroom
5.73 acres
$173,000 1052 King Crescent
$252,000 #305 (A&B), 1420 Palliser Trail
4 bdrms 2 baths
1556 Adolph Johnson Road
5.17 acres
$199,900 2410 Trans Canada Hwy # 1
852 HIghway #95 South
2110 Blaeberry Road
3 bedrooms
730 Nicholson Road
$89,000 #62 Golden Mobile Home Park
Flec Demmon Marlon Marlon Chambers Bob Bob Tegart Tegart Flec Demmon Chambers 344-8451 (250) (250) 344-0735 (250) (250) 272-4321 272-4321 (250)(250) 344-8451 344-0735
$195,000 Golden Donald Upper Road 9.48 Acres
72 acres
1359 Black Bear Drive 2.4 acres
SOLD $285,000
$349,000 Golden Donald Upper Road
509 - 7th Street
5 bedrooms
3 baths
$299,300 1248 Campbell Road
Mobile Home Park with Mobile Home