Clearwater Times, June 06, 2013

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Thursday, June 6, 2013 ▼ Volume 48 No. 23 ▼ ▼ $1.35 Includes GST




Second Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2012

Pass wide and slow. See page A7 inside.

Blue Ribbon Runner-up Best All Round Newspaper All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2012

Wade Davis opens World Heritage Year events Keith McNeill

One of the world’s best know anthropologists and ethnobotanists was in Clearwater last week to help kick off this season’s events in Wells Gray World Heritage Year. A capacity crowd of over 260 people turned out to listen to a presentation by Davis in the Pit at Clearwater Secondary School on Thursday evening, May 30. Originally from Vancouver, Davis now makes his home in the mountains near Dease Lake in northwest B.C. (when he isn’t travelling the world in his role as explorer in residence with National Geographic Society). A well-known environmental spokesperson, he formerly made his living as a logger and a big game guide. He doesn’t seem to be too impressed with some environmental groups, such as Greenpeace, or with mining companies, such as Imperial Metals, which proposes to construct a major copper mine near his home. Davis had his first encounter with Greenpeace when he was working in a hunting camp in Spatsizi Provincial Park. The environmental group helicoptered in and attempted to shut the camp down. When he objected that some of the things they were broadcasting weren’t true, he was told it was only public perception that mattered. More recently he has been battling Imperial Metals and its proposed Red Chris mine. The tailings pond for the mine would be upstream from the lake his home draws its drinking water from. Imperial Metals is the same company that is developing a proposed lead-zinc mine at Ruddock Creek near Tum Tum Lake east of Avola. Ian Smith, the former CEO of Yellowhead Mining, had engineered the Red Chris project before starting with Yellowhead.

Upper Clearwater naturalist Trevor Goward reads from his legend of Harkayee as filmmaker and writer Wade Davis waits for his part during an event held Friday to start two treasure hunts being held as part of Wells Gray World Heritage Year. Davis also spoke at Clearwater Secondary School on Thursday evening, May 30. Photo by Keith McNeill

“Who has the right to talk for the land?” Davis asked. “Greenpeace and Imperial Metals assume they do. The problem is, there is no measure of the cost to the land or to the commons for their decisions.” The people who live on the land should have first say on what happens to it, he felt. “Fidelity to the land is all that counts,” he said. Quoting another environmentalist, Davis told the audience, “The most important thing you can do for the environment is to stay put.” Davis calls the area where he lives, and where the Red Chris mine would be located, the Sacred Headwaters, because it is the source of three major salmon rivers: the Stikine, the Nass and the Skeena. Creating an open pit mine in such an area would be the equivalent of drilling for oil in the Sistine Chapel, he said. He illustrated his talk with a slideshow of spectacular photographs of the area. Davis holds degrees in anthropology and biology and received his PhD in ethnobotany from Harvard University. He spent over three years in the Amazon and Andes as a plant explorer, living among 15 indigenous groups in eight Latin American nations while making some 6,000 botanical collections. His work later took him to Haiti to investigate folk preparations implicated in the creation of zombies, an assignment that led to his writing The Serpent and the Rainbow (1986), an international best seller later released as a motion picture. He recently accepted an offer by University of British Columbia to become a tenured professor there. Nearly 100 attended a second presentation and ribbon-cutting by Davis on Friday morning at Upper Clearwater Hall. For more about how that turned out, see page A8 inside.

Clearwater to host two doctors looking to re-locate Keith McNeill

Two doctors will visit Clearwater during the next two months to check out the community as possible places to re-locate, according to Mayor John Harwood.

“It’s a good thing. It’s the first time we’ve had people looking for a while,” he said. The first, who is coming from the UK, is expected to arrive in about a week and will stay several days. He will

be travelling with his wife and daughter. The second will arrive in early July and is expected to just stay overnight. He is from South Africa. Other good news for the local medical situa-

tion includes one doctor who has agreed to a three-month locum (temporary placement) in Clearwater. More locums are needed, Harwood said. He particularly would like to see more Kamloops

doctors help out evenings and weekends. With the departure of Dr. Mathilde Stuart in mid-May Clearwater is now down to just one permanent physician, Dr. John Soles. Fears have been




expressed that Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital might not be able to offer 24/7 emergency room service because of the shortage. Until a fews years ago Clearwater had five permanent doctors.



Thursday, June 6, 2013 Clearwater Times

B.C. government rejects Enbridge pipeline plan Tom Fletcher, Black Press The B.C. government has recommended rejection of the Enbridge Northern Gateway oil pipeline project its final written submission to the federal environmental panel. Environment Minister Terry Lake announced the decision Friday, two weeks after an election where pipeline politics played a key role. He said the B.C. government isn’t satisfied with the company’s plans for spill control on the twin pipeline proposed to run from northern Alberta to a tanker port at Kitimat. “Northern Gateway has said that they would provide effective spill response in all cases,” Lake said. “However, they have presented little evidence as to how they will respond.” Lake said any heavy oil proposal would be subject to the B.C. government’s five conditions, which include spill prevention and response, aboriginal participation and Serious Issues require a share of oil export revenues Serious Lawyers for B.C. Enbridge Northern • ICBC Claims Gateway vice-president Janet

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Holder said Friday the province’s position is not the end of the discussion. “The five conditions cannot be fully met until the end of the Joint Review Panel process,” Holder said. “We are working hard to meet the conditions and earn the confidence of the government and the people of B.C.” Ministry staff evaluated the 192 conditions proposed by the Joint Review Panel, the federal agency that will make a recommendation for permits to Ottawa next fall. The B.C. government and Northern Gateway officials will give their final oral arguments to the panel when hearings resume in Terrace on June 17. Enbridge has argued that its submissions to the federal panel included 7,000 pages of technical reports and nine separate witness panels have answered every environmental question put to it. The panel has conducted 69 days of cross-examination of company officials by B.C. and other representatives. Lake said the B.C. government is not opposed to heavy oil pipeline projects in general, such as the pending application to twin the 60-year-old Trans Mountain pipeline from Alberta to port and refinery facilities in Burnaby and Washington state.

B.C. Minister of Environment Terry Lake. File photo

Doctor search partnerships producing results Submitted The Clearwater Health and Professional Working Group was formed in 2008 to address shortages within the health care profession and to take initial steps to protect the health care needs of the community. At the time, Clearwater was experiencing a severe shortages for locums, who provide interim relief for our local doctors. By implementing new strategies and creating a focused plan, the committee was able to quickly establish Clearwater as a desirable location for locums. Since 2008, there have been a number of changes within health care recruitment and

From our heart to your community

delivery models. The current goals of the committee revolve around attracting professionals to the valley on a permanent basis. With new initiatives and partnerships being formed with Interior Health Authority (IHA) and with financial incentives from the B.C. government, a rejuvenated effort for focused recruitment to Clearwater has begun. In its 2012 and 2013 budget, District of Clearwater council has allocated funds to attract and retain health care professionals. The first phase of the new program includes participation in conferences for rural health care. Councillor Shelley Sim, as the council appointee, has attended several of these. In April, she attended a three-day international conference in Victoria, which proved to be an excellent follow up to the Whistler conference that she attended in 2012. The bright Love Where You Live marketing materials were well received and saw Clearwater in the spotlight. Sim will also attend the Family Medicine Forum in Vancouver this coming November, which sees over 4,500 family physicians, family medicine teachers, researchers, residents, medical students, nurses, and nurse practitioners as participants. Communities from all over Canada and the world attend these conferences with hopes of making connections with health care professionals. Australia and New Zealand often send three separate groups to ensure a strong and dynamic presence. Health care shortages are a worldwide issue. In partnership with IHA, the Physician Recruitment Committee addresses multiple recruitment issues. New physicians and the ongoing recruitment of qualified candidates are sourced through referrals from Health

Match BC and Interior Health, as well as personal contacts made at conferences and events. Additionally, IHA provides national advertising in medical journals. The partnerships are producing results. In the next while, Clearwater will see visits from two different doctors looking to relocate to British Columbia and plans are in place to showcase the Clearwater area. The committee is confident that their efforts will soon welcome new professionals to the North Thompson Valley. Recruitment is not only a local issue but needs support by a provincial action plan. With this in mind, Councillor Sim was supported by mayor and council in her bid to run as a director-at-large for SILGA (Southern Interior Local Government Association) in May. She was elected and her primary goal is to bring the issues of rural recruitment and retention to the provincial forum. Government and communities need to look 25 years down the road and to create a plan to identify long term needs and ensure action is taken to fulfill those needs. Individual communities should not bear the burden on their own. By being involved at SILGA, councillor Sim hopes to collectively engage other local communities in the process to ensure that the B.C. government heeds the immediate needs and concerns. Rural communities need to be on par with larger communities. Recruitment should be addressed as a provincial issue, not only as a regional or community issue. The financial playing field needs to be equalized and all of B.C. should be assured of positive action to address physician and health care shortages.

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Clearwater Times Thursday, June 6, 2013 A3

Bear View Development gives update on shopping center proposal Times Staff The proponents of the proposed Bear View shopping center are still working on the project, according to a recent update. “There have been a few hurdles here and there, but nothing that has stopped this development from going forward,” they said. Bear View Development is currently working with the District of Clearwater as well as the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure on setting the criteria for a traffic impact study, they report Once the District completes its comprehensive frontage/backage roads system plan, BVD will to use this plan as a guideline for its own traffic impact study. The frontage/backage roads plan is being developed by consultants Opus International Inc. When the Bear View’s traffic impact study is completed, MoTI and DOC will use this information to determine where and how access would be granted for the proposed development. Highway access would be a critical part of any application to amend the official community plan (OCP) or change the zoning. So once this information is available, BVD can continue to apply to re-zone the proposed BVD property. “Bear View Development would like to assure the community of Clearwater and Wells

Gray Country that we will keep working with the District of Clearwater and other major partners to allow this project to continually move forward,” said the proponents. “A project of this calibre does take time as there are many areas that need to be addressed (i.e. commercial highway access, re-zoning, civic services, etc.).” “Bear View Development would like to ask the community to continue their tremendous support towards this project and to hang on throughout the next few weeks of the bureaucratic process,” they added. For further information on the current status of this proposed development, or if there are any questions, the proponents direct people to the Bear View Development Facebook page. Letters of support can be found at the On Call office in Blackpool, the Wells Gray Inn front desk as well as a few other local businesses. “Please take the time to sign one of these letters if you would like to see Bear View Development come to life and open up our community to many travellers who would have normally just passed right through without a stop in our community,” they asked. The proposed Bear View shopping center would be located next to Highway 5 about 1.5 km east of the junction with the road to Wells Gray Park.

Study shows mountain caribou are not affected by helicopter skiing activity Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing A study has shown that, contrary to what sceptics think, helicopter skiing has little to no impact on the endangered mountain caribou. The study entitled, Assessing the Impacts of Heli-Skiing on the Behaviour and Spatial Distribution of Mountain Caribou, conducted by Thompson Rivers University(TRU) graduate student Katharina Huebel, was a joint venture between Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing, TRU and the province’s Ministry of Environment. The findings of the study show that mountain caribou do not abandon areas that are frequently used for

helicopter skiing, and that they were not hurt or frightened by the activity. The mountain caribou is listed as an endangered species in Canada, with herds only remaining in British Columbia and Northern Idaho in the United States. Mike Wiegele, owner of Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing, said that the results have proven what they have known for a long time. “We wanted to be sure that our skiing activities did not interfere with or disrupt the mountain caribou, and the conclusion is clear,” said Wiegele. “We have recorded every sighting of the mountain caribou within our ski area since 1996. We gladly made this data available to Katharina in order for her study to

Willow Macdonald DIRECTOR, ELECTORAL AREA “B” (THOMPSON HEADWATERS) Phone: 250-674-7303

be conducted with the most accurate information. “Our best management practices were implemented over 20 years ago. We enforce closing areas to skiing upon detection of caribou to avoid disturbances, and it appears that these practices are successful,” said Wiegele. Government studies show that mountain caribou numbers are down by 30 per cent in Wells Grey Provincial Park, which borders the tenure for Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing. “The decrease in numbers can be linked to the loss of old-

growth forests, which caribou rely on for food, causing the caribou to abandon areas,” said Wiegele. The study was presented at the Canada West Ski Areas Association (CWSAA) Spring Conference in Kelowna on Tuesday, May 7. “The presentation was attended, with a number of government agencies represented, as well as helicopter and snowcat skiing operators and representatives from the snowmobile community. We were very pleased with the valuable input and discussions that followed. Continued on page A6

Define your world. Make a difference in someone else’s. More than 4 million Canadians have arthritis. Find out how you can help by participating in marathons around the world. Train. Travel. Triumph.

Recycling the old asphalt A milling machine rips up the old asphalt last week at the site of the new roundabout being constructed on Highway 5 in Clearwater. The reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) will be mixed with aggregate and used for shoulder construction. Photo by Keith McNeill


What’s Happening WHAT’S HAPPENING

Property Taxes The District of Clearwater has sent out the 2013 Property Tax Notices. If you have not received your tax notice in the mail please contact the District office at 250.674.2257 to ensure that your correct address is registered with the office. In order to avoid a penalty and interest charges your taxes must be paid by July 2nd, 2013. If you are eligible for a Home Owners Grant be sure to bring it to the District Office as soon as possible. Payment can be made at the District office by cash, cheque or debit card, or you may make payment using the internet through your online banking. UNBC Looking for Volunteers over the age of 55 The District of Clearwater, the UNBC Community Development Institute and Clearwater Age Friendly Advisory Committee are conducting a 3 year project investigating seniors mobility needs, challenges and supports. Participants will be involved in 1) Mobility Journalling activity where each trip away from home is recorded for one week. 2) Interviews where mobility needs, supports and challenges are discussed. 3) Assessments where barriers and supports to mobility are identified on trips in Clearwater and 4) Workshops where the finding of the field assessments are discussed and recommendations to address the challenges are developed. If you are interested in participating you can pick up an application at the District office. If you would like more information contact Jessica at 250.960.5952 or Community Parks The District would like to remind the community that usage of District Parks for group events (weddings, craft sales, art functions, etc.) require an application process in order to confirm that the event is property The Arthritis Society's insured and will not interferePSAs with other events taking place in the area. These applications can be picked up at the District’s offices.InFor further information please contact the District of Clearwater at 250.674.2257 (Joints Motion) Outdoor Fires – Residential Open burning of dry garden and yard refuse is allowed during Spring and Fall each year, however, open burning is banned within the District of Clearwater effective noon June 15th each year until October 1st each year. Permits for this type of residential burning are not required. Open burning is only permitted on private property. The Fire Chief may prohibit any or all types of outdoor fires when, in his opinion, atmospheric conditions or local circumstances may make such fires a hazard: The following conditions must be observed: a) The piles of materials to be burned bust not be larger than 1 meger by 1 meter and shall not be more than 1.5 meters high; b) The fire shall be not less than 4 meters from any log, stumps, snag or standing tree; c) The fire shall be at least 15 meters from any slash, other flammable debris or from any structure. d) A round point shovel and a fully charged garden hose or other source of water and not less than 18 liter in capacity shall be kept near the fire at all times. e) The fire shall be attended by at least one competent adult person until completely extinguished. Define youror fueling of a fire during windy periods is prohibited. f) Lighting

world. Make a difference in someone else’sof. Council Upcoming Meetings

th Find out how help by participating in marathons June 18you ,can2013 – Infrastructure and Parks and Recreation Committee meetings – 5:00pm around the world. Train. Travel. Triumph. June 18th, 2013 – Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm More than 4 million Canadians have arthritis.

Email: 300 - 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada V2C 2A9 Tel: (250) 377-8673 Fax: (250) 372-5048

Toll Free: 1-877-377-8673 (B.C. Only) Email:


Civic address: 132 Station Road Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 1.800.321.1433 email address:



Thursday, June 6, 2013 Clearwater Times


“ If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day” - J.A. Wheeler, physicist Guest editorial by Tom Fletcher

Enbridge pipeline isn’t dead yet

Street lines should be painted earlier in year Editor, The Times:

I am writing this letter with concern for the safety of the travelling public. In 2011 we had faded and missing lines on our streets and roads. They were painted July 15. In 2012 they didn't get painted until late August. Many times I have been stopped at the stop sign at the Wells Gray Hotel intersection and had a tourist pull up beside me and stop in the oncoming lane. If there is someone across the highway wanting to come across they can't because someone is in their lane. No one can move until the vehicle beside me leaves. Usually it's

something big like a motorhome. The tourist season started in May. I think the lines should have been painted for the tourists by then. The people living here know where they're supposed to be driving. Why not paint the lines right after they sweep the streets? I think it's a waste of money to wait until August – the tourist season is winding down and the snow comes right after that and we don't see the lines. Can anyone give an update on when we can expect the lines to be painted on ALL of our streets and roads for 2013? Is our goal still tourism?

C. Mickey Clearwater, B.C.

VICTORIA – One of Premier Christy Clark’s first tasks of the new term will be to resume trade talks with Alberta and Saskatchewan. Several daunting tasks await. Clark must repair relations with Alberta Premier Alison Redford after B.C.’s theatrics over oil pipelines before the election, and prepare for the results of a federal environmental review of the Enbridge Northern Gateway proposal in the fall. Some people were surprised on Friday when the B.C. government released its final written submission to the federal environmental review panel on Northern Gateway. It was widely interpreted as B.C.’s outright rejection of the project, but it’s not as simple as that. Clark and B.C. Environment Minister Terry Lake signalled several times before the election that they were not getting the answers they wanted from Enbridge. But they stuck to the principle that the hearings must be completed. The NDP repeated for months that the B.C. Liberal government had forfeited its own review and handed jurisdiction over the environmental assessment to Ottawa. In fact, a pipeline that runs across two provinces is by definition a matter of federal jurisdiction. B.C. could have held its own parallel set of hearings, which was the NDP’s stated preference, but in no circumstance does the province have a veto. And both the B.C. Liberal government and Enbridge were careful to leave the door open for further talks. A closer reading of their comments shows that the key difference at this stage is one of timing. “The panel must determine if it is appropriate to grant a certificate for the project as currently proposed on the basis of a promise to do more study and planning after the certificate is granted,” Lake said. “Our government does not believe that a certificate should be granted before these important questions are answered.” According to Enbridge executive Janet Holder, those important questions can’t all be

Trudeau's comments show favouritism Editor, The Times:

BC Press Council

The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a selfregulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 210 Selby St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

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NORTH THOMPSON Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council

answered until the hearings are over. The company maintains that every river crossing and spill response plan can’t be done in detail during the two-year hearings. B.C.’s final submission runs to nearly 100 pages. It goes into detail on the inconsistencies and unanswered questions on such vital topics as whether diluted bitumen can sink in water. In short, the province argues that it can sink if the oil is in fresh water, or if it is exposed to weathering so lighter fractions evaporate, or if it is mixed with sediments that increase its density. These are pertinent conditions if heavy oil were to leak into a river in springtime, when water runs fast and cold and brown with sediment. Then there are the obstacles presented by responding to a spill in remote wilderness and heavy snow. Given both provincial and aboriginal opposition in B.C., the Enbridge pipeline is unlikely to be imposed, and last week Conservative cabinet minister James Moore clearly ruled that out. The B.C. government has consistently maintained that the current project does not meet Clark’s often-repeated five conditions, including the vaguely defined “fair share” of revenues, and Moore said the federal government agrees with those conditions. The B.C. government has to face some other uncomfortable realities as well. If heavy oil pipelines are such a risk, how does B.C. manage the one that has stretched across remote and populated areas for 60 years? Does the government take a stand against new pipelines, and then watch as rail cars full of heavy oil cross those same rivers? No permit is required for that, and in fact there are more hazardous materials than oil moving by rail and road across the province today. – Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and

Many adjectives can be used to describe our provincial politics; perplexing, alarming and even deceitful have fit in the past. But what about federal politics, and more precisely, future federal rulers of our broad nation? An editorial in a Kamloops newspaper supports my concerns about the national future of Canada under the leadership of Justin Trudeau at the helm of the Liberal Party. Title of the article is

"Trudeau plays tired game". The editorial states that Justin Trudeau argued that Canada should keep the Senate – because it gives Quebec a bigger advantage over B.C., Alberta and Saskatchewan. Of the 75 seats in the Senate, only 12 are held by Alberta and B.C. Quebec now holds 24 seats with a near-equal population to that of the two western provinces combined. For young Trudeau to take such a stand we can only

assume that, like his father Pierre Elliot, he is showing strong favouritism for Quebec over the west. That does not indicate to me that he would have a national and cohesive interest in governing the country should he ever become prime minister. It is hoped that the younger generation of western voters will not be overwhelmed by Justin's charismatic charm.

Lloyd Jeck Clearwater, B.C.

74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email:

Subscribe to the Times

Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST

Clearwater Times Thursday, June 6, 2013 A5

Question of the Week


Do you think voting should be mandatory?

Darren Mikkelsen:

Deb Carr:

Yes. It's us voicing our opinions.

No, I don't pay enough attention and so I don't know one from the other.

Dennis Allenby: No, I think it should be up to the individual. It's your democratic right.

Documentary promotes salmon conservation Editor, The Times:

Salmon Confidential is a documentary that is much being discussed in the coffee shops and amongst friends. It is a film about the lives of salmon, their value to us as co-inhabitants of the world, their current sate of affairs and perhaps some hints on what we can do toward making their lives a little easier. Many are the stories about the creation of the salmon by the Creator and what will happen to the people and the land should this valuable natural resource no longer exist. We realized during out conversations that

there are many North Thompson Valley residents who have not watched this film – not had an opportunity to debate the issues that surround the film. So, some of us have gotten together and organized to rent the Elks Hall in Clearwater on Wednesday, June 12 at 7 p.m. We invite you to join us in screening this film, and if you have the time and want to stay a bit later – to join in a conversation with others on what you think of this documentary.

Cheryl Thomas Clearwater, B.C.

Pam Casselman (Barriere): Yes, because too many young people don't vote anymore. It's important and you need to have your say..

Dear Mr. Ramblerton, (May I call you Jim?) Your letters (“Global warming is science fiction,” May 30 issue) are always fun to read, even if they are sometimes not too edifying. A belief is a firmly held conviction. The idea that something is true may be based on faith or on scientific evidence. Your scorn for those who favour anthropogenic global warming suggests that you "believe" that they made it all up, like when L. Ron Hubbard, a former science fiction writer, concocted Scientology. I haven't read the books you mentioned, but I'm presuming that you have and that they either lacked footnotes and references to the scientific literature, or you reviewed those

articles yourself and found their investigative techniques and statistical analyses wanting in some fashion. The first reports about the association between carbon dioxide and a more rapid rise in global temperatures were published around 1975 and were given little notice. Since then there has been a worldwide effort to observe factors that may be contributing to the phenomenon. Attribution groups, such as the Lawrence Livermore investigators, seek to delineate which forces are most responsible. Also, Oxford University's research group listened to you, and has looked at the interplay of manmade emissions, solar irradiance and volcanic aerosols.

Their conclusions suggest that the sun plays third fiddle, volcanoes come second, but anthropogenesis is the lead violin. That is the current consensus among most researchers. What makes them real scientists is the willingness to accept new evidence, even if it means rethinking an issue and believing something that contradicts their previous conclusions. Unfortunately, so far all the good science

points to the conclusion that over the last 50 years we are, in large part, doing it to ourselves. As far as extinction events, there are people who study paleoclimatology, paleoecology, geology (including ice cores) and the fossil record and are constantly trying to improve human understanding of what went before. Who knows? Maybe the Yellowstone super volcano will blow its top

DINNER IS ON ME I will buy you a $100 meal when you buy a car from me!

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The people who want to vote will vote. You have to have freedom of choice.

Concern over Clearwater roundabout construction Editor, The Times:

Congratulations to Terry Lake on election day. Seasoned workers are usually the best. Unfortunately, the Clearwater roundabout is a stupid decision. ICBC and the DOT should know better. Clearwater deserves better, keep families safe. Truckers from the coast or from the huge indus-

Responding to the Rambling Man’s letters in Times Editor, The Times:

Rita Leubin (with Winter):

and it'll all seem like small potatoes anyway. In the immortal words of Led Zeppelin ... Ramble On.

Bob MacKenzie Clearwater, B.C.

trial area from the north do not want to be slowed. Time is money. Be progressive. You have the opportunity, leave rights of way for four lanes. Enhance the frontage roads and install an overpass. The coast seems to

love them, why can’t we. Remember, this is a major arterial highway – blockage in the middle is senseless. Keep the traffic flowing.

Concerned Citizen D.C. Miller Louis Creek, B.C.


Alexis Miller’s family wish to congratulate her for receiving her Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree.

We are very proud of your hard work and dedication.

Lex is now working in Kamloops at the Royal Inland Hospital

Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation Community Forest Advisory Committee

Annual General Public Meeting

Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Location: Community Resource Center, 7:00 PM The Community Forest Advisory Committee (CFAC) is a volunteer body, which encourages and fosters the public’s participation in all aspects of the Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation (WGCFC). CFAC’s primary function is to liaise between the public and the WGCFC board by seeking the public’s input and providing this information to the WGCFC. It is one of the mechanisms for the community’s participation and involvement in the management and operation of the Community Forest. Members of the public are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Advisory Committee on June 19, 2013. The purpose of this meeting is two-fold: to provide information about the Community Forest and to hear your views on any aspect of the Community Forest, and secondly to hold an election for new Executive for CFAC.

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A member of the WGCF Board of Directors will also be on the agenda to update the public on the current activities of the WGCFC. See you on Wednesday, June 19th.




Coachways was no longer to carry mail to North Thompson post offices. The postal department had arranged for delivery by a private contractor on a temporary basis. Avola’s Topaze Restaurant opened for the public. Carpenters were still working on the Avola 66 Service garage next to the Topaze.



Clearwater Improvement District trustees requested that a letter be sent to Victoria to ask for clarification of the status of the Clearwater Flats. The feeling was the government’s floodplain policy had resulted in devaluation of land prices.



Heavy rain showers

Thursday, June 6, 2013 Clearwater Times

did not dampen the spirits of 17 children and 22 juniors and adults taking part in the Sunshine Valley Fire Department bikea-thon. First adult to reach the finish line in Little Fort was Marvin Ritchie. Money raised was for a cement floor in a utility building.


YEARS AGO: Friends and relatives gathered to celebrate Max and Charlotte Miller’s 50th wedding anniversary. Married in Lacombe, Alberta, they lived on the Circle 7 Ranch near Birch Island from 1958 until 1969, when they sold the main part of the ranch, and built a subdivision across the highway. About $25,000 was being spent to upgrade the North Thompson Sportsplex curling rink. The project should make the ice “very keen,” accord-

HISTORICAL Perspective


BACK IN TIME ing to manager Kevin Hansen.



The first annual Wells Gray Mountain Challenge mountain bike race was to be held along the Loppet trail in Wells Gray Park in mid-July. Organizer Frank Ritcey stressed that it was to be a family affair.



Police were seeking two males in the investigation of the death of Leslie Wayne Dahl. He was last seen alive leaving a Barriere restaurant with the

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two males Jan. 30. His body was found by a hiker west of Little Fort on Valentine’s Day. Police need more pieces to positively identify airplane wreckage that had been found by a timber cruiser near Tum Tum Lake two weeks earlier. A hitchhiker was charged with attempted murder, kidnapping, and robbery following an attack on a 77 year-old Vernon motorist. The hitchhiker, who had been picked up in Jasper, attacked his host with a hunting knife at a rest stop near Blue River. The older man was subsequently let out of his camper near Barriere. Police arrested the suspect in Kelowna.



Slocan-Vavenby’s sawmill and planer were to shut down for the first two weeks of August, affecting about 130 workers. Causes were low prices and an over-supply of inventory, said area manager Steve Pelton. Clearwater Secondary’s Jeremy Pelton came first in high jump at the B.C. High School Track and Field Championships. He won the event despite wearing a cast for a broken thumb. Mo Bual came eighth in shot-put at the event.


About 80 per cent of those who attended were mountain bikers, estimated Casey Macaulay, one of the organizers.

YEARS AGO: About 35 people attended the first meeting of a new biking club in Clearwater.


Clearwater's mayor and council voted to write Mines Minister Kevin Krueger to voice their strong opposition to lifting the moratorium on uranium mining in the province. The vote was in response to recent resolutions passed by the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce that called for an end to the moratorium. Clearwater and District Hospice Society reported a successful year of operation at their its annual general meeting. The society had 20 trained volunteers, had begun providing hospice services, and was in the process of establishing a lending facility for its clients. Twenty-six Clearwater Secondary School students went to Quebec for a week

Roy, Betty and Crystal (formerly of the Rivermount Cafe)

A good network is really just a circle of friends. It’s a two-way street of helpful relationships. Remember 3 things: in every social situation you’re in, make sure people leave knowing who you are, what service/skills you provide, and how to get hold of you. Karmic payoff. You help others, who will help you. Everyone likes people who are helpful – so good things will likely come toward those people.

_________________________________________________ CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CENTRE 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250- 674-2928 Fax: 250- 674-2938 Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Email: Operated by Yellowhead Community Services

The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

wish to thank the people in the North Thompson Valley for all the support you have given us through the years. We wish the new owners Melody and Derek great success

long trip to learn about the provinces's language and culture. "It totally broadens their minds and puts life into learning a language," noted one of the organizers.



A spokesperson for Fisheries and Oceans Canada confirmed that the Clearwater fisheries office was to close permanently sometime during the next two years. “Larger, consolidated offices will provide better overall results,” he said. About 45 kids participated in a Bike Rodeo put on by Clearwater RCMP and Victims Services at the Sportsplex. Of these, 31 took part in a ChildFind BC fingerprint clinic. Yellowhead Community Services received $256,000 from the federal government for its Community Connections for Women's Safety project. Cathy McLeod, M.P. for KamloopsThompson-Cariboo, announced the funding.

More work still needed for Caribou recovery

Continued from page A3 Unfortunately, it was noted that the government has not properly conducted predator management operations, or funded new recovery projects as promised. Only $500,000 has been spent on these projects, when $2 million is needed,” said Wiegele. “This study is not the end of it. More work and collaboration is needed between helicopter and snowcat operators and the government to protect this animal. We will continue to work with the ministry, and train our pilots and guides of awareness procedures such as flying over an area before skiing it, use alternate ski areas if wildlife is sighted, and to maintain a minimum distance of 500 meters from the Caribou,” said Wiegele.

Clearwater Times Thursday, June 6, 2013 A7

Drunk driver, vehicle impounded On Thursday, May 16, an officer on patrol was told that a driver was having trouble maintaining his driving lane. The officer stopped, turned around and located the vehicle. The driver showed signs of impairment and provided two breath samples, both displaying a “Fail” reading. The driver’s vehicle was impounded for 90 days and his license taken away. Another drunk driver, vehicle impounded On May 22, Clearwater Detachment was notified of a driver southbound from Blue River and believed to be be intoxicated. The officer on duty made a patrol and located the vehicle. The driver appeared to be coming down from a night of drinking and provided a breath sample that displayed a “Warn” reading. His vehicle was impounded for three days and his license was taken away. Pulling the survey stakes On May 19, officers learned that a number of the survey stakes for the roundabout project had been removed. The matter is still under investigation.

When officers arrived in the area, they observed a male and identified themselves. The male ran off through the bushes and police followed. The man continued to run and led officers to an encampment. For safety reasons, the huts and lean-to’s were searched. Three firearms were found along with a long machete. The man never did reveal himself. The firearms were seized out of public safety as they had been improperly stored.


1-800-222-TIPS Clearwater RCMP Report No doubt there has been strong opinions voiced through newspapers and in the coffee shops, however, resorting to mischief and sabotage is an inappropriate response. Matters related to mischief will be investigated and those responsible will be held accountable. Firearms seizure In a joint effort between the Forestry Compliance office and the RCMP, officers attended the area around Adams River on May 29 to enforce provisions of the Land Act. The visit was in response to a person suspected of squatting on Crown land.

Cutting cedar boughs As officers were returning from the Adams Lake area, they came across a vehicle parked and loaded with cedar boughs. After further investigation with the people on scene, it was learned that they were cutting the boughs without a license and as a result they were issued a violation ticket. This serves as a friendly reminder of the requirement for a permit to remove forest products from Crown land. The process is quite easy, but often disregarded. In this case, the cutting was made at an extra and unintended cost.

Awareness Ride teaches to pass slow and wide Vera Walker The first annual Horse Awareness Ride and Walk was held on June 1 – also the beginning of B.C. Horse Week. The purpose behind this event was to educate motor vehicle drivers and future drivers about the proper way to approach a horse and rider (slow), passing (wide) and leaving (slowly and quietly). Horses are flight animals, like deer. When frightened they run, sometimes right into traffic. Compare this fear with when a person says they “see red” and don’t remember their actions – usually dangerous and irrational. Take time to save time! By following the instructions mentioned above, accidents are preventable. Having a 1,000 lb “hood ornament” will cause damage and even death to either party and perhaps another vehicle. Eysia McClennon was the driving force behind the Wells Gray Riders Associationhosted event. Approximately 20 horse and rider teams, a half dozen walkers with dogs, plus one baby and stroller took part. A pilot car led the way and bringing up the rear was RCMP Cst Tyson Bruns.

Right: Times correspondent Vera Walker rides her horse Sahara's Angel as she takes part in the Horse Awareness Walk and Ride. Photos by Keith McNeill


A group of horseback riders and pedestrians travel along Old North Thompson Highway during a Horse Awareness Walk and Ride held in Clearwater on Saturday, June 1. Purpose of the event was to promote the importance of “passing wide and slow.”

Take notice that a meeting of the residents of portions of Electoral Areas “A” (Wells Gray






People looking for an alternative to DEET as an insect repellant might look for products containing icaridin. It is effective against mosquitoes, black flies and ticks and is available as a pump spray, aerosol spray and towelettes. It is safe for adults and children over the age of six months. Examples of brands containing this include Deep Woods and Avon. Looking for a good source of calcium in food? Try sardines. Two ounces of this little fish provides 240mg of calcium because you are eating the fine bones of the fish. Sardines also contain significant amounts of vitamins D and B-12 and omega-3 fatty acids. Expiry dates on medication have a little leeway. They don’t lose all their potency on the day of expiration. But there’s one medication you want to be sure is “in date” and that is your EpiPen. The EpiPen is kept on hand by people with very serious allergies and can save lives. If you have an EpiPen, check the date. If it’s close to expiration, get a new one. If you have any questions about the EpiPen or other medications used to treat allergies, talk to our pharmacists. We’d be happy to share our knowledge.


Country), “O” (Lower North Thompson), and “P” (Rivers and the Peaks), will be held to consider: The establishment of a Co-Terminus Fire Protection Service in the North Thompson Valley. Meetings will be held as follows:

When you burn your skin, the damage continues to occur until you can cool down the area of the burn. Best advice is to immerse the burned area in cold water (no ice) for at least 15 minutes. You’ll find this reduces the pain as well.

MON. - SAT. 9 - 6



CLEARWATER, 250-674-3122

Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Clearwater Legion o

For residents along the Yellowhead South Highway No. 5: 

Between Vavenby and Birch Island;

Along Birch Island Lost Creek Road, Roundtop Rd, and McCracken Rd

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Little Fort Community Hall (Upstairs) o

For residents along the Yellowhead South Highway No. 5 between the Communities of Little Fort and Barriere.

Residents of the proposed service area are invited to either meeting. If you are unsure if your property is within the proposed service area, or if you would like further information, please contact Ron Storie, Manager of Community Services at the TNRD, at 250-377-8673 or 1-877377-8673 (toll free in BC). Since all properties within the local service area may be affected by the establishment of this service, all residents are advised to attend this meeting. This will form the basis for the ultimate decision on whether or not to proceed further on the matter. Director Tim Pennell Electoral Area “A” (Wells Gray Country) Director John Sternig Electoral Area “P” (Rivers and the Peaks)

Director Bill Kershaw Electoral Area “O” (Lower North Thompson)


Thursday, June 6, 2013 Clearwater Times

Bike to School Week Students (with some adults) prepare to bike from Rotary Sports Park to Raft River Elementary School on Friday morning. At least 50 youngsters cycled to the school as part of Bike To Work Week. Grade 7 teacher Chris Martin (right, rear) organized the week's activities at the school. Photo by Keith McNeill

Wade Davis starts Harkayee treasure hunts Keith McNeill

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Some things are just better together. #itsbettertogether #itsbettertogether


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Ethnobotanist and anthropologist Wade Davis spoke twice last week to officially start this season’s events in Wells Gray World Heritage Year. The first time was at Clearwater Secondary School on Thursday evening (see story on page one). The second was in Upper Clearwater Hall on Friday morning. During his Upper Clearwater presentation, Davis talked about his experiences while writing “Into the Silence: Mallory, the Great War, and the Conquest of Everest.” One of the people he wrote about was a Canadian, Oliver



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Wade Davis speaks at Upper Clearwater Hall.

Wheeler, who accompanied George Mallory on an early Everest expeditions. Wheeler later became Surveyor General of India. Davis visited Oliver Wheeler’s son, John, who lived just a few blocks from where he grew up in West Vancouver. While there he was astounded to learn that John Wheeler had two of his father’s

journals from the Everest expeditions. Until then the only known records were Mallory’s. “I was breathless,” said Davis, “but I was too Canadian to ask if I could borrow them.” As he was walking out the door at the end of the interview, John Wheeler handed him the journals without being asked. “I think you’re going to want these,” he said. Davis kept them for 12 years while he wrote the book, and the son never asked for them during that time. Following his talk, Davis helped Upper Clearwater naturalist Trevor Goward officially start two treasure hunts being held as part of Wells Gray World Heritage Year. To do this the pair read out the legend of Harkayee, a story

written by Goward based on a mysterious being mentioned in the memoirs of the late Charlie Shook, a former Wells Gray Park ranger. Details of the story, which includes clues to the treasure hunts, should be available on the Wells Gray World Heritage website soon. Pennell pledges money Tim Pennell, Thompson Nicola Regional District director for Wells Gray Country (Area A), had a couple of announcements regarding support for Wells Gray World Heritage Year. On Friday at CSS he announced that the regional district was giving $3,000 to the golden skull treasure hunts. “I’m sure it will help bring more recognition to the park,” he said.

The following morning at the Upper Clearwater Hall, Pennell announced $5,000 from Area A to help fund an application for GeoPark status for Wells Gray Park. Such status would be a step toward the UNESCO World Heritage Status being sought by the Wells Gray World Heritage Year organizers, he said. It also would be more affordable and doable. ThompsonOkanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) is contributing $10,000 towards the GeoPark application, he said. Thompson Rivers University dean of science Tom Dickinson also spoke at both the CSS and the Upper Clearwater events. For the past 20 years classes have been making use of the former Upper Clearwater schoolhouse as an education and research center. The center has seen over 10,000 user days and more than 1,500 individual users during that time. The TRU Wilderness Center to be constructed this year will provide accommodation and teaching space for 20 students. Construction should begin within two weeks, with completion by next fall.

Clearwater Times Thursday, June 6, 2013 A9

RIH wing to soar again Kamloops This Week A wing of the fourth floor at Royal Inland Hospital may soon be open to patients. The north wing has been used for storing medical

4 y 1 TeD a M c e

-el e R

devices temporarily but, with work continuing on the entire sterilization section for that equipment, the spot won’t be needed much longer. Using the area for patient care will help increase capacity,.

Terry Lake Kamloops – North Thompson

Thank you!

Kid magnet

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(L-r) Jaden Pelton Phillips, Reid Muddiman, Eleanor Deckert, Noelle Muddiman and Kiah Phillips enjoy an educational game invented by Deckert based on a quilt. Participants take turns adding a square with pictures or designs to the quilt, then give an explanation or tell a story of how it relates to one or more other squares already on the quilt. Once the quilt is full, they give it a shake and start over. It was quite interesting to see how enthusiastic and involved the youngsters became. Deckert’s game was just one of the attractions at the Clearwater Farmers Market on Saturday morning, June 1.

Kamloops-North Thompson BC Liberals

Kamloops-North Thompson Office 618 Tranquille Road Kamloops, Bc V2B 3H6 Phone: 250-554-5413 Fax: 250-554-5417 Toll Free: 1-888-299-0805 email:

Photo by Keith McNeill

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Photos: Adam Stein, Royce Sihlis, Matt Miles


Thursday, June 6, 2013 Clearwater Times

Sports Bike Rodeo winners Winners from a Bike Rodeo organized by Clearwater RCMP on May 25 collect their prizes at Raft River Elementary School. Pictured are (back, l-r) principal Mike Bowden, Cst. Tyson Bruns, (front, l-r) Josh Prudhomme, Lucas Taniguti, Madison Pelton, Patrick Labby, Anthony Labby, and Emma Collins.

The big boot

Photo submitted

Jayden Kjenstad (l) gives the ball a solid kick as he tries (unsuccessfully) to get one by goalie Ryan Green during a Clearwater Youth Soccer practice on Monday, May 27. Photo by Keith McNeill

Bodychecking banned in peewee ranks by Hockey Canada May 25 Marty Hastings Kamloops This Week

Youngster shows how it’s done Seven-year-old Addison Lee, the youngest member of the North Thompson Pony Club, shows the style she used to win high point in the green division at the Barriere Horse Show on May 26 (even though she rode against adults). Rain didn’t dampen the spirits of the other club members either, and they brought home ribbons in all their classes. Photo submitted



Clearwater Slo-Pitch 2013 Blue River Blues NTPD Pounders

20 18

18 15

2 3


“Whether you agree or disagree, it’s kind of out of our hands at this point. We’ll move forward and follow the rules.” TSN media man Bob McKenzie took a stance on Twitter, saying he agrees with the decision to introduce bodychecking at the bantam level, citing empirical data that shows contact at younger ages leads to higher rates of injury and concussions.

Kamloops Airport gets federal funding Kamloops This Week Kamloops Airport is receiving $21,442 through the federal government's Airports

Capital Assistance Program to purchase an electronic runway condition-reporting system. The new system will provide timely,

ps 2013

y Cam a D r e m m u S YCS

accurate and precise wireless reporting and recording of runway conditions. To date, through the Airports Capital Assistance Program, Kamloops Airport has received more than $3.6 million for 10 projects. Since the program started, the federal

government has given more than $606 million for 749 projects at 174 airports. Improvements have included purchasing/ replacing heavy airside mobile equipment, installing wildlife fencing and rehabilitating runway pavements, airfield lighting and electrical systems.

















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Canadians love their hockey — and they love arguing about their hockey. It should come as no surprise, then, that Hockey Canada’s decision on May 25 to ban bodychecking from the peewee ranks (11 and 12-yearolds) and below is being met with seas of discontent and oceans of praise.

“There are discussions that happen all the time, not just with board members, but with the general membership and everybody that belongs to minor hockey,” said Jon Pankuch, president of the Kamloops Minor Hockey Association. “I don’t think it’s a bad move. I think, if it’s going to keep kids in hockey longer and keep them uninjured, it’s going to be a good thing.

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Clearwater Times Thursday, June 6, 2013 A11

School district and BC Trucking Association partner to offer training to youth interested in professional driving careers in 2014 KAMLOOPS — School District 73 (Kamloops/Thompson) and BC Trucking Association (BCTA) announced on Thursday, last week they will partner to develop and deliver a Professional Driver Training Program through NorKam Secondary School’s new Trades Centre of Excellence, with enrolment of students in Grade 10 targeted for September 2014. The program, the first of its kind for high school students in B.C., will join three other technical trades training programs at the NorKam Trades Centre of Excellence, which is now in the design phase following the signing of a formal project agreement with the provincial government in March 2013. “Thanks to the vision of the Board of Education and senior administration, students with the interest and aptitude to pursue a career in trucking will have a head start in high school, mastering a curriculum endorsed by the industry, and they’ll be job ready upon graduation” says Greg Howard, district principal, Trades N’ Transitions. Louise Yako, president and CEO, BCTA, says that this partnership couldn’t have come at a better time for the trucking industry “Trucking companies across Canada are facing a shortage of from 25,000 to 30,000 profes-

sional drivers by 2020, largely due to retirements in the industry, “ she said. “BCTA has been aware of the shortage for some time, but the challenge was to find a way to engage youth and promote their interest and entry in the industry. We’re extremely excited to be taking part in this program.” BCTA will work in cooperation with School District 73 to develop a training curriculum suitable for youth. This would consist of introductory modules for students in Grades 10 and 11, followed by a full semester of driver training in Grade 12, including training “in-cab” using a driving simulator. BCTA was instrumental in the development and pilot test of an industrysupported Professional (Truck) Driver Training Program, completed in 2010 with the BC Industry Training Authority, which may serve as the model for the NorKam program. “Increased opportunities for all types of trades training are important for B.C. students,” says Howard. “By offering high-school level Professional Truck Driver Training at the Trades Centre of Excellence, we’re making training more accessible and affordable for those who want a career in trucking. We’re also meeting the needs of BC’s industry at the same time. It’s a terrific opportunity for both.”

Art gallery re-opens Georgina Leighton (l) checks out a bowl made by Charlene Lau as Wells Gray Gallery opens for the season on June 1. The gallery is run by a cooperative and sells work by a variety of Clearwater and area artists. It is located on the ground floor of the Wells Gray Infocenter. Photo by Keith McNeill

Love the truth as it is and avoid what is false Against a false friend Psalm 55; part 3 As for me, I will cry to God and the Lord will save me. Evening, morning or at noon I will cry and lament, He will deliver my soul in peace in the attack against me; for those who fight me are many, but he hears my voice. God will hear and will humble them, the eternal judge; for they will not amend their ways. They have no fear of God. Entrust your cares to the Lord and he will support you. He will never allow the just man to stumble.

Think on These Things By Father Don O'Reilly

St. James Catholic Church

O Lord, I will trust in you. Psalm prayer Lord Jesus, you were rejected by your people, betrayed by the kiss of a friend,

and deserted by your disciples. Give us the confidence that you had in the Father and our salvation will be assured. Speaking in a commentary on Job, Pope St. Gregory the Great, tells us, “On the other hand, it is the wisdom of the just never to pretend anything for show, to love the truth as it is and to avoid what is false, to do what is right without

reward and to be more willing to put up with evil that to perpetrate it, not to seek revenge for wrong, and to consider as gain any insult for truth’s sake.” Let the light of your face shine on me, O Lord; ... teach me your paths to holiness, O God. May our Heavenly Father bless you and your families. God bless.

When a death occurs, I’m here to help you, every step of the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would like to discuss having your local funeral home take care of you, please feel free to call.


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Good Dog Obedience

Learn to work as a team, and how to teach your dog good manners and acceptable behaviour in all situations. Six week courses start in Barriere on Thursday, June 6, at 7 p.m. For all dogs 6 months & up Register Early • Cost $100 Jill Hayward - 250-319-8023

Church Directory

Clearwater Christian Church

“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.

Your places of worship

Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive (Behind Fields Store)

Sunday Worship Service 10 am

Do you have a news story? We'd like to hear from you. Call us 250.674.3343

“When you need us, we’re close by”

On the Web: For information 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912


3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational

St James Catholic Church

Sunday Service Mass • 11am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-672-5949 Father Don O’Reilly

Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor Bill Kelly Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468

CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James


Sunday 9am

Rev. Brian Krushel

250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615

Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm

Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations

CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

(Kids church during service)

Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club

Phone: 250-674-2345

308 W Old N Thompson Hwy

COMMUNITY BAPTIST 24E Old North Thompson Hwy

Worship Service 10:30 Pastor Mike Kiewitt 250.674.1332

Forest Agrologist



District of Clearwater

250-674-2733 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour

• Landscape Design • Agroforestry • Xeric Dryscapes • Range Management June• 6, 2013 Clearwater Times • Native SpeciesThursday, Landscapes Raw Land Assessment/Ideas • Hydroseeded Lawns • Aerial Revegetation • Land Reclamation • Greenhouses

Business & Service Directory Accountant -- Certified ACCOUNTANT CERTIFIED

STONE & COMPANY (Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)

Certified General Accountants Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy. Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Hours: 9:30 am to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Phone: 250-674-2532 • Kamloops: 554-2533 • Fax: 554-2536

Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate & Personal Income Taxes



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Septic Construction


ON CALL SEPTICConstruction SERVICES& in Clearwater will be in

Renovations from Valemount, Blue River and Avola every first Friday of each Foundations month. Charges for septic pumps start at $250 plus totax. Roof

Charges are subject to pump volume, location of the tank and dumping fees. Rob Kerslake We do require a minimum of 3 appointments Steve Noble to be able to service your area.

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250-674-2733 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour


District of Clearwater


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Clearwater Times Thursday, June 6, 2013

• Landscape Design • Agroforestry • Xeric Dryscapes • Range Management • Native Species Landscapes • Raw Land Assessment/Ideas A13 • Hydroseeded Lawns • Aerial Revegetation • Land Reclamation • Greenhouses

District of Clearwater

250-674-2733 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour

Business & Service Directory Box 463 Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0

Storage Storage Safe Shelter

Pet Grooming massage Septic Service

Propane Service


If you need help getting away from domestic abuse,


call Safe HomeRV & Boat Storage

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Lice are not nice — so school district crafts a policy Dale Bass Kamloops This Week School administrators have had angry parents on the phone complaining about head lice. It’s not always because they have had to treat their child because an instance has been found in the school. It’s because they have used the special shampoo, spent night after night with the tiny comb looking for eggs and nits, washed all the bedding, maybe even gave their child a buzzcut and sent them back to school — only to have another lice notice sent home. That’s the reason the Kamloops-Thompson school district has developed a policy on the creepy, microscopic bugs that can make an adult immediately start to scratch just hearing the word “lice.” The policy went to the board of education on Monday, May 27, for approval.

It is designed to give principals the authority to send a child home and not allow the child back in class until the family has dealt with the lice issue.

We have a few instances of it every year and when it's an issue, it's a big issue. Terry -Sullivan

” “It’s usually just one family,” Sullivan said, noting that when the problem repeats itself, schools need to be able to intervene and ensure the issue is dealt with. The change is required, Sullivan said, because lice is no longer considered a health issue, so the Interior Health Authority is not involved. “We have our own resources we will use that


are familiar with it and can deal with home intervention. We’re just looking at how to do it,” Sullivan said. “We have a few instances of it every year and, when it’s an issue, it’s a big issue.” The policy is designed to ensure student identity is protected and, if the family cannot buy treatment supplies, the school will do what it can to assist. If there are chronic cases, a meeting will be held between the family, school and public health to develop a plan. In extreme cases, a program for a student to learn at home can be created until the lice problem is resolved. The problem is restricted to elementary schools, Sullivan said. Once a student gets into high school, odds are they are more concerned with personal grooming and that mitigates the odds of lice finding a hair shaft on which to latch.

Composting with worms Mel Andersen (l) shows Sharon Neufeld and Peggy Neufeld how a worm composter works. Andersen gave a workshop on composting with worms at Forest House in Clearwater on Saturday afternoon, June 1. Just over a dozen people took part. Worms convert food waste into an ideal soil amendment, he said. The workshop was sponsored by Thompson-Nicola Regional District. Photo by Keith McNeill


Thursday, June 6, 2013 Clearwater Times

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 - 1962)







Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS

June 11: Meeting to consider the establishment of a C0-Terminus Fire Protection Service in the NT Valley. 7 pm, Clearwater Legion June 12: Meeting to consider the establish-


TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 224 Candle Creek Rd. EMAIL: •

ment of a C0-Terminus Fire Protection Service in the NT Valley. 7 pm, Little Fort Community Hall (upstairs) June 19: WGCF AGM, 7 pm, Community Resource Center

ONGOING EVENTS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Coffee House: 1st Friday every month - Little Fort Community Hall. 6:30, mic $4/person. Info Bill Fowler 250-672-5116 • Raft River Rockhounds: 3rd Sun of the mth. 250-250-6742700 • Women in Business Luncheon: 2nd Wed. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-250-6742700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-6743703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmer’s Market every Saturday from 9:00 am – Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-250-6743444. • Clearwater-Vavenby Lions Bingo: Every 2nd Tues. Elks Hall. 250-587-6269 • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 5pm: 587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – every 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - every 2nd Thurs. Elks Hall. open 5pm • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Little Fort Coffee House 7pm Little Fort Hall. 1st Fri of the mth Oct. - May Bill 672-5116 • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Raccoon StrongStart: Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri from 8:45-11:45am • Raccoon StrongStart: Vavenby Elem school days Wed 8:5011:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Mornings, reg. call Kerry 250-250-6742600 ext 227 • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250-250-6740057 for details • Kids Club: Clearwater New Life Assembly. Meets every Thur. 3-5 pm. Ages 5-12. For info contact Bobbi @ 250-2506743346

HEALTH & HEALING • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373. • Connections Healing Rooms - Fridays 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Call Kim 250-250-6740224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-6742699 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: Meet 1st Thursday of every month. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. • Drop in Tennis: May-Sept. Mon & Thurs 6:30pm All levels. Double & single play. Rotary Sports Park. • Volleyball: Tues. 7:30-9:00 PM, Jan. 15 - Apr. 30, 2013. Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-6742468 annie.pomme@ • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-250-6740001 • Walking Club: Indoors: Wed. Jan. 30 - Mar. 13, 6:30 - 7:30 AM at Clearwater Secondary. FREE. 250-250-6741878 for more info. • Drop-in Curling: Fri. Jan. 11 - Mar. 8, 7:00 PM, $5. Brooms and sliders available. • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-250-6742518 SENIORS • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the month at 2pm at the public library. All seniors welcome.

For a complete list of our area’s COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS stop in at the Times office and pick up your copy of the North Thompson Community Directory • Brookfield Mall Clearwater • 250-250-6743343


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Bayley’s Bistro

in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken


North Thompson Times Thursday, June 6, 2013 A15

Your community. Your classifieds.


Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am -5pm Brookfield Mall, Clearwater Ph: 250.674.3343 • Fax: 250.674.3410

CLASSIFIED RATES AND DEADLINE Buy a Classified in the Star/Journal Buy a Classified in the Times and goes the The Times FREE. andyour your adad goes intointo the Barriere Star/Journal FREE. Regular Rate: 8.50 + GST Maximum 15 words .20c per word extra Special Rates: 3 Weeks; $22.15 + GST Free Ads: Lost, Found, Student Work Wanted Free ads maximum 15 words will run 2 consecutive weeks.

Happy Occasions: Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, etc. 1 column by 3 inch - $18.49 + GST Deadlines: Word Ads: Mondays 12pm 5pm Display Ads: Mondays 12pm It is the policy of The Star/Journal and The Times to receive pre-payment on all classified advertisements. Ads may be submitted by phone if charged to a VISA, MC or an existing account.

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Cards of Thanks

Business Opportunities

A huge big Thank You goes out to the hard working members of the Barriere Lions Club for their generous donation to Barriere Hospice. We appreciate your continued help and support very much. Also a big thank you to all the people who donated and/or walked to make our walk-a-thon such a huge success. Barriere Hospice

ALL CASH Drink & Snack Vending Business Route. Complete Training. Small Investment required. 1-888-979VEND(8363).

Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.

MAKE MONEY and save lives. We are offering exclusive rights in your area, 100% guaranteed return of investment. Don’t pay until you see your business up and running. Voted top vending program in North America. Absolutely no selling involved; Call 1-855-933-3555 for more information today.


Education/Trade Schools


Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C.

Lost & Found

APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline June 15, 2013. More information: OVER 90% Employment rate for CanScribe graduates! Medical Transcriptionists are in demand and CanScribe graduates get jobs. Payments under $100 per month. 1-800466-1535. TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Found: camera. Left at Salle’s yard sale May 18. Drop by Star/Journal office & describe to claim. Found May 30: Large, black and white neutered male dog. Near highway in Blackpool. No tags or tattoo. Phone to identify 250-587-6104

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.

Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11a.m. - 3 p.m. Great deals - low prices

Personals Alcoholics Anonymous Phone 250-674-3838 or

250-587-0026 Anytime Barriere Alcoholics Anonymous Call: 250-672-9643 For Al Anon Call: 250-672-9643, 250-677-4234 Clearwater: AA meetings every Wed., #11 Lodge Dr., side door. Roll call 8 p.m. 250674-7155 or 250-674-7313

Help Wanted


fax 250.674.3410 email Services Services Employment Employment

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

SURINTENDANT / SURINTENDANT de detachement de la Marine. La flotte auxiliaire des forces canadiennes, une composante civile du ministère de la Defense nationale, cherche des gestionnaires marins pour des postes situes a Nanoose Bay et Victoria sur l’ile de Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Les candidats interesses doivent postuler en ligne a travers le site internet de la Commission de la fonction publique du Canada, Reference n DND13J-008697000065, le processus de selection # 13-DND-EAESQ-373623, Surintendant / Surintendant de detachement de Marine. Les candidats doivent posseder toutes les qualifications essentielles enumerees dans la publicite en ligne et remplir la demande dans les delais prescrits. index- eng.htm

JOURNEYMAN WELDER SUPERVISOR, Grande Cache, AB - SMAW, GMAW welding. Interprovincial Red Seal Certification, B pressure, CWB certified & management experience are assets. Email or fax 780-827-9670 to apply. KLASSIC AUTOBODY (Hay River, NT) seeking Working Shop Foreman/Assistant Manager - Oversee Bodyshop, estimations, quality/safety, teamplayer. $37-$42 hourly + OT, company matched pension plan, benefits. Apply to: Fax: 867-874-2843.

GUARANTEED JOB placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen for oil and gas industry. Call 24hr free recorded message for information: 1800-972-0209 MARINE SUPERINTENDENT/Detachment Superintendent, Canadian Forces Auxiliary Fleet, a civilian component of the Department Of National Defence, seeks Marine Managers for positions in Nanoose Bay and Victoria (Vancouver Island), British Columbia. Online applications only through the Public Service Commission of Canada website, Reference# DND13J008697-000065, Selection Process# 13-DND-EAESQ-373623, Marine Superintendent/Detachment Superintendent. Applicants must meet all essential qualifications listed and complete the application within the prescribed timelines. ** index-eng.htm. RJAMES WESTERN STAR FREIGHTLINER Journeyman Truck & Equipment Partsperson. Busy commercial transport truck dealership in Kamloops has an immediate opening for a journeyman parts person. This position is permanent full time with competitive wage and benefit package. Resumes to Attn: HR Dept 2072 Falcon Rd., Kamloops BC V2C 4J3 Fax: (250)374-7790 Email: Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. TWO FULL-TIME positions available immediately for an Import Auto dealer in the interior of BC. Service Advisor minimum 2-3 years experience. Apprentice or Journeyman Technician - Both applicants must have good attitude, quality workmanship. Email:

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services LAKESIDE Motel Live-In Office/Grounds Position in Clearwater BC. Ideal for energetic couple or person. Must live onsite and be bondable. Duties: guest sales & service, laundry, grounds maintenance, & some in-room repairs. Seasonal full time from May to October with opportunity to remain over winter for general caretaking. Non-smokers preferred. Send resume by email to

Sales PROFESSIONAL SALES Consultants. Central Alberta’s leading Ford dealer requires two professional sales associates. We maintain a large inventory of new and used vehicles and friendly country atmosphere with big city sales volume. We are closed Sundays and all Statutory Holidays. We offer a competitive pay plan with an aggressive bonus structure, salary guarantee and moving allowance. Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email:

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Work Wanted HAFI GRANTS Notice to low income seniors and persons with disability. You may qualify for a grant up to 20,000. to modify and adapt your home for improved safety and accessibility. For details contact your local HAFI expert Hans Ounpuu, Building contractor @ 250-674-3875. Need some help with those odd jobs you don’t have time for? Call Keiran Jones at 250-674-3051


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Help Wanted



Yellowhead Community Services (YCS) is seeking an individual who is positive, self motivated, and service oriented; a friendly team player with strong interpersonal skills, excellent reception/phone and organizational skills, who is flexible and will enjoy multi-tasking in a busy office environment. This position provides confidential support to a team of professionals in a variety of program areas. Excellent working knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Publisher), keyboarding skills, database entry, filing systems, standard office equipment needed. Minimum two years experience is desired. Computer tech skills and basic bookkeeping would be an asset. This one year auxiliary position is based from the YCS Main office in Clearwater, and may also provide administrative coverage at other YCS locations. Minimum 17.5 hrs/wk to full time. Start date of July 2, 2013 is somewhat flexible. CLOSING DATE: Monday June 17, 2013 at 4:00 pm For information on YCS go to . Applications may be dropped off, sent by mail, fax or email. Please send your resume with a cover letter to: Selection Committee – Admin Assistant Comp #2013Jun Yellowhead Community Services 612 Park Drive Clearwater BC V0E 1N1 FAX: 250.674.2676 EMAIL: Testing will be part of the interview process. Only those short-listed will be contacted. Thank you for your interest.

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Fitness/Exercise Elliptical Trainer Canadian Tire Cardio Style ET150 in very good condition. Will trade for treadmill in good condition. Call 250-319-8023.

Help Wanted

STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! 1-800-457-2206.

Help Wanted

NORTH THOMPSON JOBS BARRIERE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 629 Barriere Town Rd. Barriere, BC V0E 1E0 Phone: 250-672-0036 / Fax: 250-672-2159

E-mail: • Website: RCA – Casual & Permanent PT, ICS B0007 CASHIER – Little Fort Store PT/FT CB0054 SANDWICH ARTIST – Subway PT/FT CB0055 WAITRESS – Sam’s Pizza (Must be 19) COOK – Knight’s Inn B0129 SERVER – Must have Serve it Right, Knight’s Inn B0130 COOKS – Barriere A&W B0133 RIGGING SLINGER/CHOKERMAN – Experienced - VRV Contracting COOK – PT/FT Station House Restaurant B0148 HOUSEKEEPER/LAUNDRY – Cahilty Lodge Sun Peaks B0149 WAITRESS – Station House Restaurant B0150 SERVER – High 5 Diner (Little Fort) B0151

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: If you have been on Employment Insurance in the past 3 years (5 years maternity) and are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for re-training dollars. Book an appointment to see one of our counselors for more information. We look forward to seeing you: come in and we’ll personally see that you get the information you’re seeking or call and make an appointment. • Free computer and Internet access • Free resume help • Free information on many services.

“The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia” In Partnership with Barriere & District Chamber of Commerce and Yellowhead Community Services

CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 250-674-2928 Fax 250-674-2938

E-mail: • Web Page: Administrative Assistant: 1 Year Aux/ Clearwater #CB0155 Housekeeper: Seasonal/Clearwater #C0154 Cook/Server: Seasonal/Little Fort #C0153 Housekeepers: Seasonal/Clearwater #C0147 Property Manager: Seasonal/Clearwater #C0145 Housekeeping: Seas PT/Clearwater C0144 Kitchen Assistant & Cook’s Helper: Camp/ Clearwater C0143 Front Desk Agent: Seas/Blue River #CB0142 Front Desk Attendant: Seas/Blue River #CB0141 Bus Person: Seas/Blue River #CB0140 Custom Wood Furniture Maker: FT/Blue River #CB0139 Satellite Installer Contractor: Clearwater & area #C0138 Receptionist/Office Clerk: FT/Clw #C0137 German Speaking Tour Guide: Seas/Clw #C0124 Cashier: FT/PT Little Fort #C0123 Housekeeper: Seas/FT/Clw #C0122 Sandwich Artist: Seas/Little Fort #CB0121 Barista: Seas Casual/Clw #C0120 Line Cook: FT/Little Fort #CB0119 Nanny: Seas FT/Clw #C0118 Cleaner: PT/Clw #C0117 Server: Seas PT/Clw #C0116 Breakfast Cook: Seas/Clw #C0115 Breakfast Cook: Seas/Clw #C0112 Student Service Assistant: Seas/Clw #0111 Kitchen Assistant: Seas/Clw #0109 Service Assistant: Seas/Clw #0108 Dishwasher: Seas/Clw #C0104

Kitchen Helper: Seas/Clw #C0103 Waitress/Waiter: Seas/Clw #C0102 Cook: Seas/Clw #C0098 Waitress/Waiter: 2 pos. Seas/Clw #C0076 Housekeepers: 4 pos. Seas/Clw #C0075 Front Desk Clerk: 2 pos. Seas/Clw #C0074 GENERAL INFORMATION FREE WORKSHOPS to help with your work search are available. Please contact us for more information. • Resumes & Interviews: Go hand in hand, so the better prepared you are the greater the impression you will make to your future employer. Please drop in and our friendly staff will assist you. • Targeted Wage Subsidy (TWS): Are you currently on Employment Insurance or have you been in the last 3-5 years? If you have, you may be eligible for wage subsidy. Ask us for further info. • Funding for Skill Enhancement: Recent or active EI clients with a career plan in mind seeking assistance through Service Canada are required to book an appointment with one of our Employment Counsellors. • Blue River Itinerant: An employment consultant comes to town twice/mth to the Blue River School. Next visit is Tuesday June 11th from 12:30-2:30. If a one on one appointment is required, please call to set up a time prior to the drop in.

Operate by Yellowhead Community Services The Employment Program of BC is funded by the Government of Canada & the Province of British Columbia

w/steel trusses $13,800! nine behaviour begins ThursSets up in one day! day, June 6, 7pm at the Fall 40’ Containers under $2500! Fair Hall in Barriere for all Call Toll Free Also dogs least 6 months old & A16 JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders up. Cost $100. JD 892D LC Excavator Novice Class - 6 weeks of Ph. 1-866-528-7108 fun as we take you & your dog Delivery BC and AB to the next level of obedient behaviour. Participants must have successfully completed a previous Obedience Matching bisque/beige 2002 Need aBasic professional course tophotographer? qualify. Class starts Kenmore fridge (33” wide), AQUASSURE on Thursday, June Portraits, weddings,6, 8pm. 2007 Maytag Walk-in d/w andTubs 2002& Showers Local service.- otp. All Costspecial $, pet portraits, Kenmore microwave Save $$ cond. 1-866-404-8827 To registercommercial. or for more infor- in exec Will sell as set Affordable memories last a life-at mation contact Jillthat Hayward for $750.00 obo or will sell time. Seniors rates. 250-319-8023 separate. Ph. 250-674-3944 Book now avoid & disappointment.

ers in the third world. Drop stamps off at front counter of the Star/Journal in Barriere, or call Margaret at (250)672-9330.



Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale Real Estate

Auto Financing Rentals

Photography / Video

Appliances Medical Supplies

ForMisc. Salefor BySale Owner

Commercial/ Industrial

Sorry no passport photos

Jill Hayward Merchandise for Sale 250-319-8023/250-672-0055

Misc. for Sale Estate Sales Adjustable roof-rack for

For Sale: slabs from ruff-cut lumber, white pine, fir & spruce, from 12-16’ lengths. Call for info 250-672-5262

car. $10. 250-672-9330 4669 Barriere Town Rd., June 15 & 16, 10am-4pm days. HOT TUB (SPA) both COVERS. Includes horseBest tack items. Best price. quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 Sale: 12’x8’ granary, 16” paper? centres, 1” plywood floor, 1/2” plywood walls, steel tin roof, set on 6”x6” skids. $1,250.00 obo. Will look at steers on trade. 250-672-5598

Home Improvements

Flea Markets


Barriere & District Seniors Soc., 4431 Barriere Town Rd., June 8, 10am-2pm. Tables avail. $10/ea. Call Hazel 250672-5587.



by Keith McNeill

Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or Fridge, convection oven &

stovetop, stacking w/d, 30” stove, ft load w/d, single w/d All refurbished. 250-674-0079


Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed!

Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft Overnight Delivery in most of BC!

Farm Equipment


Clearwater: 14x70 1998 Moduline MH with winter package, 2 bdrm, very gd cond. Owned by elderly lady. Incl Electric Grinder c/a, w/d, f/s.Bench Extra lg windows, very bright and airy. Master bdrm has full 4 window 1/2 HP motor, good bay. Two full bath, 1 is ensuite. New roofcondition, 3 yrs ago. Incl 2 roofed porches. Requires $125 moving. Asking $62,000.00. Call Jones 250-674-3051 or call 250-674-3665

Misc. Wanted

to book an appointment.

Transportation Cars - Domestic 2008Auto MazdaFinancing 3. 42,000 km, 17-

inch wheels, sunroof. Never driven in winter. Asking $14,000 obo. Phone 250-6740003.

Duplex / 4 Plex


Clearwater: Older 3 bdrm duplex. Avail June 1, $575/mo. + util, Miller sub. 250-674-0188

1983 Vanguard camper, 9.5 ft, awning, excellent condition. $1800.00 obo 250-674-3616

Misc for Rent

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Bachelor suite, gym access Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals 1-800-961-7022 Looking to share half a house. DL# 7557 Must be working. For info call 250-674-0079

Thursday, June 6, 2013 North Thompson Times

Sport Utility Vehicle 2000 Blazer 4dr hs. New tires, good cond., must be seen. $2500 AIC. 250-672-5814

Clearwater: Older MH. Rent to own, $1,000 down, $580/mo Call 604-850-9059 or text 604751-2771

Food Products AJune p r i l6 2- 3June - 2 12, 9 , 22013 0Homes 1 2 for Rent Cutlery (knives, forks & spoons), wanted for Fall Fair Hall & Agriplex kitchens. Only in clean, good condition please. 250-672-9330

Pets & Livestock

Forest Lake: lakefront small

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Travel plans come For Sale: lab cross pups 7 event wks calls for some Used Postage Stamps even totogether. getSupport all of theInternational facts extra-special gifts. old; 4 left. $350 each. Call 1 if it means Scouting March 21– 22– December 22– rearranging your and actbyaccordingly. (250)677-4419 donating used June stamps which April 19 DRY July 22 money January 19 schedule. A-STEEL SHIPPING are sorted & sold to raise Good Dog Obedience STORAGE CONTAINERS NS/NP, $350 week incl. util. for the International DevelopClasses Starting June 6! Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. seasonal or short term rental ment Fund of the International * NEW DATES! * SPECIAL rates also avail. 604-541-4084 Scout & Guide Fellowship. This Basic Obedience - A 6 An week email or other Playing matchmaker Leo, apologize 44’ x 40’ Container Shop hard Cast aside doubt,for training for Scout- Oops, Leo. You fall . or don’t 778-773-2465 fundallpays course in good manners &Some ca- habits arew/steel trusses $13,800! correspondence from isn’t so easy, Taurus. if you like you to break, Aquarius. Taurus.ers Theinoffer is world. behind feel on a project, the third nine behaviour begins ThursSets up in one day! past could You have undergo your Drop stamps day, June 6, 7pm at theaLook Fall tofriend a mentor to andtowill bringoff at front counter have raisingtosome 40’ Containers under $2500! genuine of the people Star/Journal in Barriere, or own way this week. Fair Hall in Barriere forstir allup stand when help andfeelings you will you you many rewards. A eyebrows. Not to Call Toll Free Also call Margaret at (250)672-9330. dogs at least 6 months old & weren’t and Even everyone JD to 544 & 644 wheel loadersare succeed. ready A fitness testcompatible of faith begins— worry.when You will get up. Cost $100. JDnow, 892D LC Excavator when deal with right there justwoes isn’t seems be sooner going goalofis easily achieved be strong. Money back ontotrack Novice Class - 6 weeks Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Put this aease. spark. Let this in another direction, fun as we take you & yourAquarius. doga new piece with of than you think, thanks Delivery BC and AB to the nextJanuary level of on the back burner one go. sometimes you just October 23– 20–obedient April 20– July 23– equipment. to an innovation. behaviour. February Participants must have to set your own November 21 18 until you are ready. May 20 August 22 have successfully completed a course. previous Basic Obedience Clearwater: 14x70 1998 course to qualify. Class starts AQUASSURE Walk-in Tubs Gemini, & MH with winter pack- Virgo, are you may while on Thursday, June 6, Pisces, 8pm. The oddsyou may be Local service. FeelingModuline blessed Spend less, saveothers more Showers age, 2back bdrm, very gd cond. may Cost $100. more interested in1-866-404-8827 have to pull not be able to stacked against you, these days, Gemini? and you’ll definitely Save $$ Owned by elderly lady. Incl To register or for more inforindependence this your onAa f/s. Extra lg windows, handle confusion Pisces, that doesn’t Pay itfocus forward. get more,the Virgo. More c/a, w/d, mation contact Jill Hayward at week thanwon’t hanging problem week, youlineare veryin atorder bright 250-319-8023 mean you come compromise hometoand airy. Master this in your bottom bdrm haslight. full 4 window bay. fully out in top large see it in a new capable out on withgroups. a little raises everyone’s and more peaceof of Two time full bath, 1 is ensuite. multi-tasking and This includes hangTake some ingenuity. A weekend spirits and fun ensues mind. Flowers provide New roof 3 yrs ago. Incl 2 Adjustable roof-rack for car. ing out with away to regroup it through endeavor requires a all weekend long! porches. a great pick-me-up. roofed Requires making $10. your 250-672-9330 or partner. and then you canAsking August unscathed. February 19– spouse May 21– 23– November 22– moving. $62,000.00. leap of faith. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Call Jones come back at full 250-674-3051 DreamTeam Auto Financing March 20 June 21 September 22or December 21 Best price. Best quality. All “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK strength. Fridge, convection oven & shapes & colours available. Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals stovetop, stacking w/d, 30” 1-866-652-6837 stove, ft load w/d, single w/d FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY All refurbished. 250-674-0079 paper? DL# 7557

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Obituary IN LOVING MEMORY Sheldon A Franco June p r i l6Stewart 2- 3June - Salvatore 2 12, 9 , 22013 0 1Johnston 2 AThis friend weekneeds is all your than about givemore andSalvatore take, Sheldon Franco support Stewart ever, Capricorn. Capricorn. Do for Go Johnston, 33 years to old, passed away great lengths to others, and they will give person do for you. A special suddenly at his home inthis Clearwater BC what theyfor need, event calls some on May 27th 2013 even if it means extra-special gifts. March 21– December rearranging your Sheldon was22– born on November 19 schedule. 2nd 1979January in Vancouver BC to DebbieApril 19

1979 - 2013

Don’t make assumpSpeak up, Aries, and tions this week, the problem will be Aries. just solved.You A little miracle can’t trust your at home makes for gut an instincts much interestingtoo weekend. right Travelnow. plans It’s comebetter totogether. get all of the facts and act accordingly.

June 22– July 22

AA business romantic Libra, yousmiles may feel relationship Lady Luck on relationship more emotionally blossoms with can anJoyce, and his uncle you,Stuart. Libra, and there be a balancing act, charged week addition. A larger-thanis nothingthis beyond your passion Cancer. You will you stillfor havecooking; life personality drops Sheldon had a but reach. A treasured learn first you handloved to cook up toheirloom think with your by withthis an offer resurfaces, he a storm. Other pasthis you head andback notmany your can’tweek refuse.when Oh boy, bringing sions he had were spending time have toCancer. come to a heart. A financial with oh boy, fond memories. September compromise with decisionincluding may need his his family and 23– friends, 22 Hetoloved your partner. animalOctober reassessed. friends. to go camping,

going for long drives on the back roads, Johnston and Frank Bertucci. He lived An email orareother Playing Leo, apologize at open Some habits hard Cast asidematchmaker all doubt, Oops,don’t Leo. You fall The tiniestlook of the and spending timeScorpio, around in Vancouver for many years before correspondence isn’t so The easy,offer Taurus. ifbehind you feel like you achanges situation to break, Aquarius.from Taurus. is on a project, makewith a vast atpractical homeeye. deciding to move toaLook Clearwater past could You have underhave go yourbon-fires whether aimprovement tofriend a mentor to to be genuine andtowill bring raisingtosome inor a Iscamping stir up stand when people own way Not thistoweek. this really the best with family and friends. closer to his brother, sister, help andfeelings younephews, will you you many rewards. A eyebrows. project. A Sheldon rejection is was weren’t to are and Even everyone answer the time succeed. ready Aand fitness testcompatible of faith begins— worry.when You will get a blessingfor injoking, disguise. always smiling, laughing, and his other family members his many deal with right now, when there justwoes isn’t seems be sooner going being? Although goal is easily achieved be strong. Money back ontotrack Be grateful for what always trying to make others smile. friends. Aquarius. Put this aease. spark. Let this in another direction, you may be Scorpio. leaning with a new piece of than you think, thanks you’re given, theby back one go. sometimes youSheldon just October onewilling way, you to might July 23– January 20– on equipment. to an innovation. was23– always lend a Sheldon is survived hisburner father April 20– have to set your own November 21 want to reconsider. August 22 May 20 February 18 until you are ready. hand to anyone who needed help. Frank Bertucci, step-mom Deborah course. Services will be held at the Baptist Bertucci of Maple Ridge, his daughPisces, Gemini, you may Virgo, while Sagittarius, you The oddsyou mayare be Feeling blessed Spend less, saveothers more News from afar gets Church, Clearwater BC, June ter Samantha, his Nona Bertucci of more have pull back may not be able to need to getSaturday, work stackedinterested against you,in these to days, Gemini? and you’ll definitely the creative juices 8, 2013. There willdone bethis a and viewing Vancouver, sister Tammy independence this your onAa handle confusion week Pisces, butJohnston that doesn’t Pay itfocus forward. get more,the Virgo. More flowing, you and from week thanwon’t hanging problem in atorder this week, youline are a.m. until 10:30 that can’t happen mean you come compromise hometo in your bottom accomplish more thanfuneral 9:30 a.m. The (Quintin Joneson) of Clearwater, out in top large see it in a new light. fully capable when youinare conout on withgroups. a little raises everyone’s and more peaceof of you have some time, Crampton, plus numerous familymulti-tasking and service will commence atdistracted. 11:00 brother Adam Johnston ofA weekend Clearwater, This includes hangTake time and tinually ingenuity. spiritssome and fun ensues mind. Flowers provide Sagittarius. A game ofa.m., foling out with your away to regroup making it through You might have friends throughout BC, Alberta and lowed by a graveside committal nephews Cody Joneson ofrequires Clearwater, endeavor a all weekend long! a great pick-me-up. wits at the office to service or partner. and then you can unscathed. thischallenging. one in the November 22– nip August 23– May 21– abroad. February 19– spouse leap of faith. proves at Riverview Cemetery in Clearwater at Derrick March Joneson of Clearwater, come back at full December 21 bud -- quickly. September 22 June 21 20 Sheldon godfather Dave Schrul godmother strength. was predeceased by his mom 12:00 noon. Relatives and friends are Debbie Johnston, nephew Jarid Burgart, welcome and encouraged to return to Ena Jones, step-brother Alexander ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY grandmaFOR Martha Johnston, his auntie the Baptist church for refreshments. Crampton, step-sister Jacquelyn

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