Agassiz Observer, September 04, 2012

Page 1


New hazelnut varieties hold promise for growers.

Page 3

Volume 12 • Issue 3

Free rural delivery from Langley to Agassiz

September, 2012

Inside your

• The University of the Fraser Valley’s Ag Technology facility has a new home in Chilliwack’s Canada Education Park. • An unprecedented string of crop thefts has Richmond farmers flabbergasted as they watch their fall harvest disappear from local fields. •M eet Dave Eto, who takes over from Robin Smith as chief executive officer of the BC Dairy Association. • The berry breeding program at the Pacific Agriculture Research Centre in Agassiz is undergoing changes. • A unique system is helping farmers humidify, cool and suppress dust and odors in their workplaces.

A young cowboy tries to lasso his buddy during the Chilliwack Rodeo at the 140th annual Chilliwack Fair at Heritage Park last month. JENNA HAUCK/ Black Press

who’s in your corner?

agri-business law Agricultural and Horticultural Employment Law • Farm and Agri-business Succession Planning • Estate Planning and Estate Litigation • Quota Boards and Transactions • Lending Transactions and Farm Acquisitions • Agricultural Foreclosures and Insolvency • Marketing Boards


September, 2012

Grant Ullyot

Fraser Valley’s Agriculture Publication

PacAg Show getting ready for 15th annual event

Publisher: Liz Lynch 604-702-5560 Managing Editor: Greg Knill 604-702-5570 Editor: Grant Ullyot Advertising: Larry Krause 604-702-5579 Production: Gina Rokochy 604-702-5569 Classified Manager: Sharon Harmsen 604-702-5555

45860 Spadina Avenue Chilliwack, B.C. V 2 P 6 H 9 Published by

(604) 792-4936

The Pacific Agriculture Show is gearing up for what will be the 15th edition of the annual flagship event for B.C.’s agriculture industry. Once again the show will feature over 250 exhibiting companies showing the latest equipment, products and technology to help farmers and producers optimize their operations. New this year will be a demo area at the south end of the overflow parking – where visitors can test drive some of the latest equipment at the show. “We will put together an area where attendees can test and compare some of the competing brands of farm and compact equipment in a realistic environment,” said show manager Jim Shepard. “We expect this to be quite popular,” he added. Many exhibitors are also taking their booths up a notch and making them more interactive and operational. “Nothing gets more attention than dynamic booths,” says Shepard. “They capture people walking by, and create opportunities to engage in conversation which hopefully turns into leads for those businesses in the show.” The 15th annual show will be held again in the Tradex Centre at the Abbotsford airport over three days January 24 through 26, 2013. Also the 44th annual BC Dairy Expo takes place over the same time period. CanWest Show

INDEX 3 Hazelnut hopes 3 Changes at BCDA 6 Milk into money 10 School gardens 12 Cool mist 13 Beyond the Barn 14 Funding food promo


A major event for the BC horticulture industry the CanWest Landscape and Nursery Trade show is now into its 30th year, and will be held again in the Vancouver Trade & Convention Centre starting with pre-show clinics on Tues. Sept. 18 through the annual tours on Fri. Sept. 21. This year the CanWest equipment demo day is scheduled for Thurs. Oct. 11 at the Cloverdale Fairgrounds. Again the organizers have put together a jam-packed agenda that should appeal to everyone. The annual general meeting of the BCLNA takes place starting at

Many exhibitors are also taking their booths up a notch and making them more interactive 7:30 a.m. on Wed. Sept. 19. The President’s Banquet and Awards party takes place that same day with dinner at 7:30 p.m. The theme for exhibitors this year is entitled ‘Around the World’ allowing for a wide spectrum of displays. Agassiz Fall Fair

It’s the biggest little fair of its kind, and they come by the thousands annually to see it. And this year should be no different. The hall exhibits open Friday Sept. 14 at 4 p.m. along with the midway. Events continue on Saturday with the parade to the fairgrounds starting at 10 a.m. following by the official opening and the crowning of the Corn King or Queen. Saturday features also include antique tractor plowing, a big logging show, and the Celebrity Goat Milking event. Dairy Programming

Two programs that should interest all dairy farmers are scheduled for this coming November in Abbotsford in the Ramada Inn. The first program takes place on Tuesday Nov. 13. It will focus on Management Success with Robotic Milking. The target audience includes dairy building contractors, producers who are contemplating making the transition to a robotic milking system, as well as producers who have recently converted to a robotic milking system. Of course, anyone else in the industry who has a vested interest in this topic can also apply (i.e. lenders; equipment sales, dairy building contractors, nutritionists, regulators, animal care specialists, inspectors, researchers, government, hoof trimmers, veterinarians, AI, DHI, even

Would you rather be tending your fields or your financial statements?

the media. Organizer Tom Droppo says he is planning for a minimum of 75 registrants but preliminary responses indicate the attendance figure may surpass 100. The second program covers two days Wed & Thurs, Nov 14-15. This program will cover dairy facility design and management for improved cow comfort, health and longevity. The target audience includes dairy building contractors and dairy producers. As with the Nov. 13th program, registration is open to anyone else in the industry who has a vested interest in dairy facility design and its impact on cow comfort and longevity (i.e. lenders; equipment sales, dairy building contractors, nutritionists, regulators, animal care specialists, and inspectors. Dairy Farmers of Canada are planning to roll out and field test a proposed ‘animal care assessment model’ pilot study this fall, so this conference is well timed and in sync with this important DFC initiative. While the organizers are budgeting for a minimum total of 125 registrants; again based on preliminary responses to date, that figure could very well exceed 150-175 people each day. Annual Dairy Industry Convention

This event is scheduled to take place in the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre starting with the welcoming proceedings Wed. Nov. 28, the main program on Thurs. the 29th, and industry meetings on Fri. the 30th. Hazelnut Industry Needs Help

There is major concern in the B.C.

Hazelnut industry with the growing Eastern Filbert Blight problem. A field day was held recently to keep growers up to date with this problem and inform them of the new disease resistant trees on the horizon. (See story page 3) With 800 acres of dead trees in the Fraser Valley, Hazelnut Growers President Peter Andres says the industry needs help from the federal and provincial governments. “We’ve already got some funding through Investment Agriculture for trial plots (of the disease resistant trees) but once we show this trial is working we need some input just like the grape growers and apple growers got to transition and replant. “It not only costs money to put in a new orchard, it also takes 10 years until you get a new crop. “If the government would even pay the farmer $50. per tree that he takes out and replants, that would be a fantastic boost to our industry.” Gwynn Joiner

I was saddened to hear of the passing of Gwynn Joiner. While I did not know him as well as many others, I always found Gwynn to be a cheerful and very likeable individual. His exploits as a fisherman and teaching his grandchildren and others how to fish as well as producing excellent corn on the cob for which Chilliwack is famous characterized his life. If you wish you can attend a Celebration of Gwynn’s life on Saturday Sept. 15th at 1pm in the Best Western in Chilliwack.

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September, 2012


Canada Education Park new home to UFV ag program The University of the Fraser Valley’s Ag Technology facility is now located in Canada Education Park. It is in a separate building behind the new main campus, and the agriculture program shares the building with Continuous Studies students. It may be difficult to find the Ag office now because there is no signage in place and the entrance to it is hidden on the backside of the building. And there is no pay parking …. yet. But that will change soon, according to Shelley Hayes, the long time administrative assistant for agriculture. Hayes is pleased with her surroundings and told me that the renovations they made inside the

structure opened up the office area and made it more inviting. “I can actually see down the long hallway to the east end of the building and can watch students come and go as well as keeping an eye open for intruders.” The one downside to the location is that the shooting range where RCMP and others train is located immediately to the southwest of the building. And unless you are wearing ear plugs, hearing the guns being fired comes with the territory. Eventually that will disappear with the construction of a new sound-proof artillery range. The Ag program will have one dedicated classroom, a meeting room, and access to another class-

room as required. The classrooms come equipped with desk top computers. In the main campus building they have built a new lab that will be used by both agriculture and geography students. “It is a very nice lab which we share with geography and the University upgrading program,” says Hayes. “It was designed with a lot of help from Brent Bailey our technician along with the geography people and we are quite pleased with what was built. We will be holding a number of our classes in the new lab this year.” Another new feature in the new building is a bug rearing room, a temperature controlled facil-

ity which can house insect experiments. “It is a vast improvement over what we had at our former downtown campus,” says Hayes. In conjunction with the relocation to Vedder Crossing, two poly-greenhouses were to have been built, but that work has been set back and it will likely be the end of September before they are constructed. Meanwhile a glass greenhouse planned for the area won’t be built until the funding is in place. Tom Baumann in Horticulture and Paul Gumprich teaching livestock are the two full time staff along with nine part time specialists, all of whom teach as required.

New hazelnut varieties hold promise Oregon State University (OSU) located in Corvallis, Oregon has been experimenting with varieties of hazelnut trees since the early 1970’s when Eastern Filbert Blight (EFB) was first detected in Oregon. The blight came from the eastern United States, spread into the Niagara region of Ontario devastating their hazelnut industry and eventually spread into B.C. from the Lynden, Washington area in the late 1990s. This year EFB has spread among B.C. orchards to become a major concern for growers. As a result, Hazelnut Growers President Peter Andres decided the industry needed to get together and organize a field day - the first in ten years. “Growers want advice,” says Andres. “They want to know what to do and how to manage their orchard. If nothing is done, EFB has the potential to destroy an entire orchard. “We decided to hold a field day because we have information that can show producers just how severe EFB has become and what can be done to help eradicate the disease.” At Canadian Hazelnuts in Agassiz growers heard from the experts – a plant pathologist from the Ministry of Agriculture, and Richard Burkenmeir, a researcher from Oregon State. Burkenmeir has provided advice to the Canadian industry for over 30 years, back to the days when the late Henry Wigand owned and operated a hazelnut orchard and processing plant which is now Canadian Hazelnuts. Oregon State University has been producing hazelnut trees resistant to EFB for a few years. They have spent millions of dollars to develop disease resistant varieties and have produced thousands of trees trying to get one that would be resistant to EFB. They finally did it in 2009, introducing Jefferson to the industry. However, the new trees produced by OSU could not be brought into Canada because the border was closed to imports.

Hazelnut farmers Helmut Hooge (left) of Chilliwack and Peter Andres of Agassiz have been fighting eastern filbert blight on trees in the Fraser Valley. JENNA HAUCK/ BLACK PRESS

Andres explained that in 1986 when Wigand was President of the Hazelnut Growers Association he operated a nursery in Agassiz and it was his suggestion to close the American border to the import of trees into Canada to prevent disease from coming across the border. “He was going to produce all the trees BC would need over the next 40 years. But, Wigand passed away and the nursery shut down. We have been working for ten years to try and get a greenhouse built in which to produce hazelnut trees, with no success. Finally, we got somebody who was trained at OSU to move to Langley where he and his wife started a greenhouse and by 2010 were producing hazelnut trees using tissue culture. Called Nature Tech the greenhouse in Langley produces trees from a hazelnut cell, the size of a ball point pen tip.”

A trial orchard was planted on Andres’ farm in Agassiz in 2011, and today those trees are six to seven feet high and doing well. Until 2017 these will be a trial plot to see how well they do. There will be a second planting this year with another variety called Yamhill and they hope to have 2,500 new trees planted to test.” These test plots are important to the industry. Hazelnut trees produce nuts because of colonization and fertilization, but it has been shown in the past that because it works in Oregon it doesn’t automatically mean the trees will grow and

produce successfully in another geographic area and B.C.’s climate is colder. Cross pollination is very important and you need another variety to do that successfully explains Andres. “We have Jefferson as our main variety, and our pollinators are called Eta, Theta, and Gamma – all Greek words. About 20 percent of our orchards are pollinators. We get a lot of rain in the Fraser Valley and air borne pollinators don’t move too well when it rains. We need good cold crisp weather Continued: Xkj/ pXx

John Dick, a vet with Greenbelt Veterinary Services teaches ruminant health, Jennifer Ryan does plant identification, Maureen Walters equine, and Eric Gerbrand is the new kid on the block and will teach nursery production. Hayes noted that registrations are full starting with the September semester. Some even have a wait list. “We are very pleased with the numbers this year,” says Hayes, who is the glue that keeps everything together and running smoothly. “I am here to help the students, help the faculty, and that’s why I am called a department assistant - I do a little bit of everything.” (535 words)

Crop thefts ‘worst I’ve seen it.’

An unprecedented string of crop thefts has Richmond farmers flabbergasted as they watch their fall harvest disappear from local fields. Richmond farmer Bill Zylmans has long battled berry pickers who help themselves to easily accessible crops next to local walking trails and is used to seeing the occasional pumpkin pilfered from his fields come Halloween. But this year crop thefts have reached new levels. “It’s the worst I’ve seen it,” said Zylmans, who recently discovered several patches of potatoes had been uprooted in one of the many fields he farms across Richmond. The total area of the uprooted plants is about the size of a football field and he estimated up to 5,000 pounds of potatoes have been stolen, adding up to about $5,000 in damages and lost revenue. Zylmans has also heard from other farmers who have reported incidents of crop theft and vandalism. Crop thefts are an annual problem, particularly with local berry crops, but the quantities have generally been small. However, Zylmans believes the amounts being stolen now go beyond someone simply looking to stock the family pantry. Some of the thefts have occurred in harder to access areas, whereas in the past they typically occurred along roadsides to trail ways adjacent to local fields. “Crop theft is a disturbing offence,” said Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie. “It’s important to our economy, heritage, environment and food security to have a viable local farming sector. There are given challenges to farming in an urban environment, and so the public’s support in being good neighbours plays a large role in ensuring farming can remain viable in Richmond.” Richmond RCMP will be stepping up patrols in agricultural areas and expect to deploy the detachment’s new all-terrain vehicles to help combat the issue. Police are also reminding public that trespassing on private property and crop thefts are criminal offences and perpetrators are subject to prosecution if caught. The City of Richmond and Richmond Farmer’s Institute have previously placed informational signage throughout local farming areas to raise awareness of the issue of crop theft. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Richmond RCMP.


September, 2012


New faces at the BC Dairy Association Grant Ullyot

West Coast Farmer Dave Eto is the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the BC Dairy Association (BCDA). He takes over the position from Robin Smith who held the job for the past eleven years and says it is great to turn something over to someone as good as Dave. “I could not have found a better man to take this job. You know you work in this organization like it was one big family. You care about people and you care about the industry. Dave is taking over from me and I feel very comfortable and very happy about moving on.” Eto was asked if he considered his new position to be his dream job. “I think it is a combination of many things. It is a fascinating job. I absolutely love what I am doing and it’s a significant change from what I did before. A dream job? I don’t know what a dream job is but I think this is pretty darn close.” Eto’s career has spanned 30 years in the food business, working for Premium Brand Holdings before coming to BCDA. “I was general manager of one of the companies they (PBH) purchased about ten years ago and I transitioned into a corporate affairs director’s position at the Premium Brands corporate office. I spent three years advocating on behalf of the BC food industry as President of the BC Food Processors’ Association and our companies; a lot of marketing and sponsorship type elements and creating a sustainability strategy.” Prior to Premium Brands Eto worked for Creekside Custom Foods who produced the Bread Garden brand of products in Vancouver; Gourmet Baker, a large national institution bakery; the Great Little Box Company and Mrs. Willman’s Bakery in Vancouver. “A lot of my time was spent in manufacturing, sales and marketing, and developing

Dave Eto, chief executive officer (CEO) of the BC Dairy Association

the skills of employees,” he states. Since joining BCDA Eto laughingly admits to learning many new acronyms he didn’t even know existed and finds it a fascinating industry. “I find the Dairy Industry to be very complex and diverse. The relationship amongst all the stakeholders, from producer through to retailer, government and regulatory agencies and the many dairy related organizations that contribute to the final product on your kitchen table is amazing. However he feels that they (BCDA) need to do a better job to get people engaged and to understand the importance of where their food comes from and what it can do for them. “We need to be educators and there continues to be an opportunity for the Dairy Industry to promote itself through the use of social media and other forms of traditional media.” Robin Smith is planning to return to doing consultants work, something he has done over the past 35 years, along with something else from his past. “I once had a consulting business dealing with agriculture and the food business. One of the things that I did during that time was develop a meat product that

did not require refrigeration. It wasn’t a dried or smoked product and it was cheap – and I can’t tell you what was in it. “It was a product we developed in Africa to feed the hungry. “I have some people that are interested in investing in it now and I intend to have that product made and distributed again. It is a product that will alleviate a lot of hunger problems.” Smith says he will be consulting both here in BC as well as internationally. “I was talking recently to Paris Thomas (who is currently living and working out of Cyprus) and we will probably be doing some consulting together,” says Smith. As to why Smith is planning to continue working rather than retire. “People retire when they no longer want to do what they were doing” he says. They want to sit on a beach or take up a hobby; whatever it might be I am too young to do that. I have things I want to take care of and do. From a consulting point of view I have 50 years of work experience and wisdom to share with others who need it.” The BC Dair y Association’s new Director, Producer Relations & Communications is Marcus Wong. “Many people who reside in urban areas have no idea where their milk comes from, so it is really important for this industry to connect with the consumer to help them get a better understanding of how the dairy industry works,” stated Wong. “I will be working very closely with both the producers and the dairy industry to help ensure the dairy industry’s message gets out to the public. I work with a great team and I am looking forward to what we have planned for the future,” Wong stated that creative marketing is the key to opening the way to programs and ideas which will inform the public at large as to what the dairy industry does and how it benefits them. Continued: Dairy/ p6

Solutions to blight problem sought Blight from page 3 with no rain. We also need the flower to be ripe and the pollen to be blowing at that point. “We also want to get a hazelnut that has a better nut fill,” states Andres. “Barcelona, the current variety grown in BC, only gets about 350 grams of meat per thousand grams of nut. We want a nut that produces

more meat by weight. The Jefferson comes out to about 45 percent, so out of a thousand grams you get about 450 grams of meat. The Yamhill, with a very thin shell, is closer to 50 percent. It also has an excellent kernel with less mold and other imperfections. And then there is a third nut which we plan on planting in a few years called Doris. It has just been released in the U.S. but can’t be produced in Canada yet. Doris is over 50 percent by weight.”


September, 2012

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September, 2012

News Clark Services has expanded and is now B.C.’s official distributor of Winkler Structures.

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Marianne Smith checks the PH balance of a batch of goats milk. The milk in the vat is enough to make about 10 wheels each weighing about 10 pounds, plus cheese curds. Bottom: Wheels of goat cheese are in the final stages of the ripening process.

Clark Services specializes in removable heat shield blankets for power generators, farm equipment and other heavy duty machinery. Quality exhaust insulation blankets with outstanding service since 1986.

Natasha Jones/ Black Press

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Milner Valley Cheese is a fledgling business that is booming in the bucolic setting of one of Langley’s oldest and prettiest communities. Cheese made from the milk of goats is the mainstay of Milner Valley Cheese which is run by Glenn and Marianne Smith and their sons, Gregg and Brad. It opened just before Christmas 2010, and since then Marianne, who is most often behind the counter, has noticed a surge in customers who are buying goat cheese because they, or someone they know, have an allergy or intolerance to products made with cow’s milk. Cheese making is an art, and to perfect it she studied at the University of Guelph and universities in Washington and Idaho. Marianne concedes that it was a trial and error start, and she’s still learning as she works her way through a 10-hour day. In such peaceful surroundings, it’s not surprising that this is an ideal workplace. Then there’s the obvious pleasure of seeing

customers’ delight at finding Langley-produced goat cheeses, but seeing familiar faces return again and again is the highlight for Marianne. To many, the appealing element of a farmstead and artisanal product is that the cheeses are made by hand on the farm from goats bred, raised and milked on the farm. “We have total control of our animals and the milk they produce,” Marianne said, adding that the milk is pasteurized. The Smith Farm keeps a herd of between 60 and 70 Saanen, Nubian and Alpine goats, the latter two known for the rich quality of their milk. In order to maintain maximum health, the goats graze on unpolluted grass, and are also fed grain and hay. No artificial preservatives or additives are used in the production of the cheese. Just how good is the product? On the day she took Black Press on a tour of the operation, Marianne learned that Milner Valley Cheese won top prize in the PNE’s fresh cheese category for its chevre. And, she points out, the

soft cheese is not the same as cream cheese. This delicious cheese can be used in recipes that call for sour cream, in a lasagna, on pizza, in a quiche, on bagels, crackers and sandwiches, paired with nuts or fresh pairs, peaches and nectarines, on sliced tomatoes garnished with herbs, then broiled, and tossed on cooked vegetables, The farmstead store is in what used to be a woodshed, then converted to a garage for the attached old farm house where the Smiths live. It was built 101 years ago. The shop carries Milner Jack, jalapeno, aged, peppercorn, cumin, chili, Colby (a popular mild sandwich cheese) cheese curds, chevre and feta. The curds are sold on Fridays only. The freezer is loaded with lamb chops, lamb stew and leg of lamb ready for roasting, all from the animals raised by the Smiths, and a small line of gifts, including soap made with goat milk. Milner Valley Cheese is at 21479 Smith Crescent. The farm shop is open Tuesdays to Fridays from 1 p.m. to 5:30 and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. It is closed on Sundays and Mondays.

Changes at BC Dairy Association Dairy from page 4 “Through our Mobile Dairy Classroom Experience, we bring two full-grown cows and one calf to schools and work with teachers to show people how a cow produces milk and how to milk a cow. I want to encourage anyone interested in having the Mobile Dairy Classroom Experience visit their school to contact us directly for a booking – this is a free program,” said Wong. “All of BCDA’s programs have very strategic goals to help ensure we are reaching our targets and using our resources efficiently to gain the maximum impact.” Wong says getting to know the complex dairy industry is an exciting learning curve for him. He feels his new job is a great opportunity for him to learn about milk

production from the farm to the processing plant to the kitchen table. It is also exciting for him to meet BC’s dairy farmers, who in his own words are “a unique and dedicated group of people”. Wong is well suited for his position with the BC Dairy Association. His previous job was with FortisBC, which is an integrated energy company handling electricity, natural gas and integrated energy solutions. He was their media spokesperson, which meant that he handled all the media making sure the company’s message got out to the public. He also worked previously for the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands as a part of the public affairs team and also spent time working for the Canadian Olympic Committee working with athletes in both the summer and winter events.


September, 2012

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What Grows Around

Down 1 One side of a debate 2 Table extender 3 Ali ___ 4 Almost fell 5 Defeatist’s word 6 Decree

















24 28












The berry breeding program is undergoing some modifications. The main part of the berry breeding program – the berry germ plasm assessment is still going on according to Sankaran KrishnaRaj, manager of the Pacific Agriculture Research Centre in Agassiz (PARC). The early evaluation of germ plasm will continue to be done at PARC with the main germ plasm evaluation to be carried out in future at the Atlantic Food and Horticulture Research Centre in Kentville, Nova Scotia. It is the same place that blueberry research is being transferred to. “We are continuing with our germ plasm testing from around the country and we are still going to be developing varieties and the industry will be actively involved in it. Ottawa wants the growers and the grower associations to be involved in actually polishing and getting varieties out to the market. At PARC Chaim Kempler who is the head of the raspberry breeding program will retire next March 31. His position is one of the positions affected by federal financial cutbacks and will not be renewed. Michael Dossett who has been heavily involved in the germ plasm at PARC is working on an Nserc (National Sciences and Engineering Research Council) grant until next March. The raspberry industry does not want to lose Dossett who is considered a very good asset, not just for development of germ plasm using

Sankaran KrishnaRaj, manager of the Pacific Agriculture Research Centre in Agassiz.

molecule markers, but also for testing pest and disease systems in the germ plasm. Industry is now putting together an application for more DIAP (Developing Innovative Agri Program) funding from the federal Growing Forward Two program. If approved, it would not only provide money for Dossett’s position but also cover his research work. Dossett’s credentials are outstanding and his work on germ plasm is considered very important to developing new berry varieties. Any new federal funding will be distributed to the raspberry, strawberry and blueberry industries with industry taking the lead assisted by Ottawa so that it won’t become a program led by the federal government. “Ottawa is committed to the idea of an industry-led program that will continue the very successful and long standing berry breeding program which dates back over 60 years. In fact

44 49




Hay destroyed, but cows saved in Chilliwack barn fire













Grant Ullyot

West Coast Farmer 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34

PARC and it predecessor the Agassiz Research Station has been in the forefront of agricultural research now for over 125 years. The top market varieties of raspberries currently being grown and sold on both sides of the border were developed in BC. The head of PARC it will continue with its work of developing new varieties with industry taking the lead rather than the federal government.” “The Clearbrook sub-station in Abbotsford is going to remain functioning as it has over the years. It is the last and has the best growing soil in the country and we have every intent of keeping the area in which we grow and test germ plasm intact,” says PARC’s KrishnaRaj. “It wouldn’t be wise to test germ plasm in Agassiz where we have very little raspberry acreage. It should be tested in Clearbrook and that is why the sub-station will remain open.”


43 47

















Scottish lakes Orchard unit Word repeated after “Que” Digestive enzyme Leaves out Flexible Early anesthetic Brewpub offering The way things are going Competent Ask for divine intervention Durable wood Milky gem Delivery vehicle Bozo Menu phrase Actress Kudrow Woeful word

35 Overabundance 37 Pick up the tab 38 Colour 39 Skillfully constructed 43 Spring or fall 44 More pretentious 45 Concept embodying yin and yang 46 Farm units 47 Not here 48 Marsh plant 49 Liability’s opposite 50 Grammar topic 52 Strong and healthy 53 Egyptian fertility goddess 54 Dumbfounded 55 Rugged rock 56 Jekyll’s alter ego Answers on pg. 13

9-12 WCF

Across 1 Priestly garb 5 Gauls, for example 10 Fishing need 14 Shipshape 15 Cherish 16 Give off 17 Popular fragrance 18 More upscale 19 Helmet material 20 Start of proverb 23 Printing woes 24 Stair part 25 Small computer program 28 Place to broil 30 French cheese 31 Land of the rising sun 33 Fall behind 36 Middle of proverb 40 Potato feature 41 Not urban 42 Biblical twin 43 Pursue 44 After much delay 46 On the briny 49 Of the ear 51 End of proverb 57 Cincinnati team 58 Very, in music 59 Wrong 60 Therefore 61 Feudal lord 62 Kaput 63 Observed 64 Aromatic compound 65 Periphery

September, 2012

Fire destroyed a barn full of hay on the Westeringh farm in the 49000 block of Chilliwack Central Road early Monday morning. By the time Chilliwack firefighters arrived the roof of the hay barn had collapsed and the fire had spread to an adjacent milking barn. Firefighters were able to extinguish the fire on the exterior of the milking barn saving the structure from further damage and helped to move the dairy cattle to safety. As well calf hutches in between the barns were also cleared with no loss of any animals. Three of the hutches were destroyed by the fire. The fire is believed to have started from spontaneous combustion. At this time there is no damage estimate. New Agassiz Dairy Barn September 8, 2012 marks two years to the day that the farm of Weibe Vander Wyk in Agassiz was destroyed by one of the biggest farm fires in the Fraser Valley. In the wake

of that disastrous fire which destroyed all his buildings and many cattle, Vander Wyk said he would re-build the farm he had owned for 31 years. “Fortunately we had insurance,” says Vander Wyk, “and it helped us rebuild. We now have a new barn in which there are 74 cows, hay storage, and a robot to do the milking. The new barn was constructed by O’Neel’s Construction while Goosen Construction built the sawdust shed and the bulk storage units. Asked why he chose to install a Robotic milker, Vander Wyk stated, “it saves on labor costs. I like it. It is one of the newest robots – a Lely A4 Astronaut – the new walk through model, and the cows really like it.” Vander Wyk says he is looking forward to this year’s Agassiz Fall Fair where each year they crown a Corn King or Queen. He is growing corn on about 12 acres and will again be among the competitors. He has been crowned Corn King three times so far.

SThe e p tChilliwack e m b e r , 2Progress 012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

9 25



September, 2012

Chilliwack’s schools garden going strong after 104 years Dr. George Marien, a retired physician and now a professional landscaper is chair of the Chilliwack School Gardens program. Now into its 104th year, the schools garden program has helped thousands of young boys and girls learn how to grow a garden, whether on a small residential plot, or in a larger farm garden. Dr. Marien was a specialist in laboratory medicine with special training in internal medicine infectious diseases during medical practise. After he retired from this work, he attended Kwantlen College in Langley for five years taking a training course in horticulture and landscape design. He has been a certified landscaper in Chilliwack for the past ten years. He became involved with the school gardens program by invitation. “The organization was looking for somebody to take on the responsibility of overseeing the program and they were having difficulty finding the right person. So they asked me if I would head up the group and I was elected Chair by accla-

PROTECT AGAINST YOUR UNEXPECTED LOSSES! Don’t miss out! Weather is unpredictable! Call now – toll free! Abbotsford


ApplicAtion DeADline

OctOber 31: Berries, FloWer BulBs AnD strAWBerry PlAnts Note: Strawberry Crop deadline is March 31

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9-12 wcf

mation at my first meeting, he says. “The program is over a hundred years old, one of the oldest in North America and we have been around longer than many of our European counterparts. We are one of the original school garden programs in Canada and we have a documented history to back that up,” he noted. The Chilliwack schools garden project has always enjoyed very strong community support. “Disappointingly, as the community changes from a more urban population we are finding that there are less children that have exposure to farming and gardening experiences. In particular the smaller lot sizes in Chilliwack’s newer residential areas do not provide space of adequate size for students to plant a garden. Another of our challenges stems from the fact that in today’s economy people (and businesses) who have in past provided much needed financial support are now finding themselves in financial difficulty so we are not getting the same number of grants and support we

have previously enjoyed. We now find ourselves spending a great deal of time fund raising. However as a group of volunteers, people like Gloria Wagner have dedicated many years to our organization, and we remain committed to providing a gardening experience so that young people gain gardening skills that can become a life-long experience,” according to Dr. Marien. This year 254 boys and girls registered to participate in the program. However with the wet and cold weather that dominated our spring season there were a higher number of drop-outs from the program. The weather forced organizers to delay seed distribution and change their inspection dates as well. Despite everything, there is still an excellent crosssection of flowers, fruits, and vegetables that have been grown in local gardens and which will be judged and awards handed out at a windup scheduled for later this month in Strathcona Elementar y school on Fairfield Island.




Sale Days: Monday - Slaughter, Feeder & Misc. Livestock 11:00 AM start. Wednesday: Dairy and Slaughter 1:00 PM start SLAUGHTER CATTLE (Prices Quoted CWT)

Choice Holstein Veal ....................................(600-700) ......................................................................... $95.00 -110.00 Holstein Feeder Veal ....................................(175-300) ...................................................................... $100.00 - 120.00 Good Beef Type Cows ..................................(Exportable) .................................................................... $70.00 - 75.00 Medium Beef Type Cows.............................(Over 10 Years Old) ........................................................ $64.00 - 73.00 Young Cows and Heiferettes................................................................................................................None On Offer Best Holstein Cows ................................................................................................................................. $68.00 - 74.00 Medium Holstein Cows ........................................................................................................................... $56.75 - 68.00 Poor Holstein Cows .................................................................................................................................. under $55.00 Holstein Heifers........................................................................................................................................ $70.00 - 75.00 Slaughter Bulls ..............................................(1200-2400) ...................................................................... $85.00 - 95.00 Good Slaughter Lambs.................................(80-100) .......................................................................... None on Offer Good Slaughter Goats ..................................(67 LBS) ......................................................................... None on Offer Good Slaughter Horses................................(800-1200) ........................................................................ $15.00 - 32.00


Bred Cows ........................................................................................................................................... $900.00 - 1350.00 Cow Calf Pairs .................................................................................................................................. $1200.00 - 1600.00 Beef Type Calves ..........................................(200-399) ...................................................................... $140.00 - 150.00 Beef Type Steers...........................................(400-600) ...................................................................... $135.00 - 150.00 Beef Type Steers...........................................(600-800) ...................................................................... $120.00 - 140.00 Beef Type Steers...........................................(800-950) ...................................................................... $110.00 - 127.50 Beef Type Steers...........................................(1000-1250) .................................................................... $95.00 - 110.50 Beef Type Heifers .........................................(400-600) ...................................................................... $135.00 - 150.00 Beef Type Heifers .........................................(600-800) .......................................................................$110.00 - 14-.00 Beef Type Heifers .........................................(800-950) ........................................................................ $98.00 - 121.00 Beef Type Heifers .........................................(1000-1250) .................................................................... $90.00 - 100.00 BABY CALVES (By The $) Started Holstein Bulls (4 Weeks Old+) ............................................................................................. $110.00 - 167.50 Good Holstein Bulls (100 lbs+) ............................................................................................................... $60.00 - 90.00 Small Holstein Bulls................................................................................................................................$ 10.00 - 40.00


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Good Fresh & 2nd Calvers.............................................................................................................. $1500.00 - 1975.00 Springing Holstein Heifers ............................................................................................................. $1200.00 - 1600.00 3rd & 4th Lactation Cows ................................................................................................................. $900.00 - 1300.00 Good Open Heifers .......................................(630 - 800) .................................................................... $700.00 - 950.00 Good Open Heifers .......................................(840 - 970) .................................................................. $990.00 - 1225.00 9-12 wdc

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September, 2012





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September, 2012

News Mister: A unique system to humidify, cool and suppress dust and odors

9-12 wcf

The BC Milk Marketing Board is currently looking for a Market Supply & Development Manager. For more information, please go to

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custom barn in Langley BC

Attention Producers who are enrolled in the AgriStability program, please note: • The deadline to submit the 2011 AgriStability/AgriInvest Harmonied form (without penalty) is September 30, 2012 • Producers can still submit thier 2011 AgriStability/AgriInvest Harmonized form (with penalty) until December 31, 2012 • The penalty for late filing is $500 per month; the maximum penalty is $1500 • Producers who miss the December 31, 2012 deadline will not be eligible for the 2011 program year. toll free number: 1-877-343-2767 fax number: 1-877-605-8467 email:

9-12 wcf

Growing Forward, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative

Ministry of Agriculture

Rick and Roxanne Neuls own and operate MEC Systems Inc. with their office located in Chilliwack. The firm produces and installs a unique system that consists of an arrangement of atomizing nozzles and flash evaporation controlled by a central control module. The Mister system uses ordinary water that has been treated, filtered and pumped up to between 600 and 1000 psi. The water is then delivered through a one-half inch stainless steel tube or flex hose. Nozzles placed at various distances along the tubing atomize the water into billions of micron sized particles which cool as well as control relative humidity. All MEC’s nozzles are a patented design and are custom made for the company’s many applications. Rick says there are a vast number of applications for this technology from government, university and private greenhouse installations for cooling and humidity control; forest industry dust suppression; dairy & poultry barn cooling, barrel rooms in wineries, humidification, restaurant and residential patio cooling; odor control; workplace cooling; and in zoos around the world. Greenhouse owners and forestry companies are both major customers of the system. The company’s main market is North America, though it has done business in South America, Europe, and Japan. From time to time, MEC is called in to do a challenging project, such as the big one they currently have underway in Venezuela. “A unit was shipped to Venezuela this past spring where it was to be installed in a power plant to help eliminate waste water. Presently the water passing through their cooling system cannot be returned to the environment because it is contaminated and has to be put in a holding pond. The water builds up in the pond and doesn’t evaporate properly. We are installing a fog system with lines 12 to 15 feet into the air. Here the water can evaporate and is no longer harmful to the environment. Another major project – this one in BC, is helping to construct a fresh water tunnel under the Fraser River near the Port Mann Bridge. “They are using our fogging equipment on the boom of the excavator grinding the rock surface,” says Rick. “Ground-off the rock is almost like cement dust and they wanted to reduce the amount of dust near the operator because it is a hazard. The fog traps the dust particles so efficiently it actually drops them to the ground. If you were to go outside on a fall evening with high humidity, the fog lying over the land is what our fog in the tunnel looks like. Rick says the previous owner of MEC did a lot of work in Japan cooling employees working at Japanese Foundries. “Where you have high temperatures you want to keep employees as comfortable as possible,” he says, noting that some wood products manufacturers do that as well. “West Fraser Timber is one that comes to mind. They have people working on a sorting table and they can get really overheated in that area. We installed what we call a “nozzle cluster” over the employees putting a curtain of fog over them keeping them cool and making for a happier environment. MEC has also used this application at Als Minerals Inc. in North Vancouver. Not all installations are of the industrial nature says Rick. “The old CPR roundhouse and turntable that was located in Yaletown, now called The Roundhouse Community Centre in Vancouver and used to turn the locomotives around when steam engines were in vogue on the CPR, has been converted into a theme park for kids to play in, and also contains an art gallery in the area where the locomotives used to be housed. Where the turntable once was located special lighting has been installed in the decking of the turntable and it has been equipped with misting lines. Pressure sensors activate the fog so that when someone steps on a sensor the fog blows up through the grate as high as 10 to 15 feet. Colored lights illuminate the fog produc-

Rick and Roxanne Neuls

ing a variety of rainbow spectrums.” Rick outlined a recent job they did installing a ‘misting system’ in the Governor General’s greenhouse at Rideau hall in Ottawa and says it speaks well of their reputation. “They had some prized tropical plants they wanted to protect in a 1940s style hip-roof greenhouse which had been restored. They wanted a high quality fog system to humidify the room. It was one of the bigger jobs we did and is quite a feather in our cap,” he says proudly. Rick is the one who engineers, designs, and oversees all MEC installations and is also on call for all technical support. MEC had been in business for 30 years so it had a huge client base and is well known throughout North America for its top quality, high pressure misting systems.” Their expanding business continues to keeps both of them busy. “It is a challenge at times,” notes Roxanne, “but we are doing extremely well. Rick and Roxanne have made some major changes since taking over the company to make it more e-commerce friendly with their new improved web page along with their Facebook page plus connecting with other companies via Twitter and Linked-In. The Neuls acquired MEC when the previous owner, who Roxanne was helping with some emergency bookeeping help decided to sell. At that time Rick had worked at Britco Structures/Manco Homes in Agassiz for 30 years and says he felt it was time for a change. Roxanne takes care of everything to do with promoting the business, such as marketing, brochures, facebook pages and is the bookkeeper. “I love working with people,” says Roxanne, “and have been involved with many organizations over the years where I have had to do fund raising. “I worked with Chilliwack Community Services Alcohol & Drug Program for seven years, the Ann Davis Transition Society – both non-profit ventures. That gave me a lot exposure to people, raising funds from different organizations. I was also the office manager at Brothers Wood, a division of Visscher Lumber in Chilliwack where I learned how to complete cross-border papers, conduct sales and specialized inventory management. After we bought MEC, I was able to apply my previous experiences But is was a whole different world and I had a lot to learn. “MEC has turned out to be a team undertaking – a partnership between my husband and myself. It is challenging and very rewarding,” states Roxanne.


September, 2012

Beyond The Barn

The economics of food With the corn supply dramatically dropping as the worst drought in 50 years in the U.S. withers crops across huge swaths of the Midwest, predictions are that the long reaching tentacles of this weather crisis will hit grocery stores everywhere with higher prices this winter. According to economists, we could be facing a rise in food costs of 2.5 per cent to three per cent this year and three to four per cent next year for everything from cereals, flours, breads, snacks and cookies to beef, pork and poultry. Fast food chains like Tim Hortons and deli producers such as Maple Leaf Foods are already looking at price increases for some of their products. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has revised the supply of corn downward for food, feed, ethanol and exports. Their predictions are that only 23 per cent of the corn crop will be in good con- Margaret dition, a loss of 77 per cent. Evans The U.S. livestock industry has demanded that the ethanol mandate be suspended since the skyrocketing price of corn is a threat to farmers. Feeding people and livestock is more important than putting biofuels into cars and trucks. That position is also endorsed by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization which underscores the need for corn to go to food and feed markets before the gas pumps. Corn isn’t just about cornflakes. It’s the most important and widely used crop in the world. Beyond its vegetable role, it is used in taco shells, peanut butter, salad dressings, chewing gum, flour products, a wide variety of animal feeds, and many industrial products ranging from soaps, polish, and dyes to lubricants and, of course, fuels. This drought has been particularly brutal. In the spring, U.S. farmers made the biggest corn planting in 75 years, expecting record harvests. Now most of those crops lie scorched in dustbowl fields. Parts of Canada have also been hit, especially southern and eastern Ontario where rain has been 40 to 60 per cent below normal during the growing season. While parts of the Lower Mainland have had some rain this summer, as at August 26th it had been 33 days since Chilliwack had had any measurable rainfall, the last being on July 23rd and, at the time of writing, still counting. According to Roger Pannett, volunteer weather observer for Environment Canada in Chilliwack, this was the longest dry spell since the 40 days of dry weather July 8th to August 16th 1990. The driest August on record was in 1930 at 0.3 mm. The average August rainfall in the Chilliwack region is 64.8 mm.

According to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the globally-averaged temperature for July this year was the fourth warmest July since record keeping began in 1880. It also marked the 36th consecutive July with a global temperature above the 20th century average. NASA scientists have no doubt global warming is the driver. Rather than an anomaly, this could be a trend. In the whole complex food web of supply and demand, threats to food production somewhere on the continent find their repercussions in local markets. So it makes total economic sense right now to start stocking up on locally grown produce in stores, farmers markets and farms that have retail outlets as a hedge against rising winter food bills. Cutting the grocery bill starts right in the kitchen. Canning fruits and vegetables has made a comeback in recent years and having canned fruits, salsas, jams and marmalades on hand is a huge cost saving. Invest in a fruit and vegetable dryer. The food will store for months and will make great snacks for kids’ lunches. Become a weekly meal planner and build your grocery list around it. Don’t shop when hungry – a sure way to overspend on snack stuff. Buy local and in season at farmers markets. With harvest in full swing, the shelves are overflowing. Buy enough to make soups and sauces and freeze them for winter use. Start storing flour now before the prices of flours, breads, and baked goods increase. Better yet, bake your own bread. Bread making is easier than many people think. Yes, it’s time-consuming but not in a hands-on way as most of the time is the yeast-rising stage. There’s nothing like the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the house. Pair it up with specialty cheeses bought at a local cheese farm and a glass of B.C. wine. Cutting corners on the grocery budget might help beat down another budget – Christmas gifts. How many friends/relatives would appreciate a basket of homemade goodies preserved in the fall? And speaking of planning ahead, think of growing some winter veggies. Check the local nursery for what grows well in your area but start right now. Kale, turnips, mustard, Brussels sprouts are all fall veggies for winter harvest. Try growing herbs indoors. Or maximize the use of your greenhouse for things that grow quickly when sheltered like lettuce and spinach. Start really small, a few seeds at a time and stagger the growth. If the greenhouse gets too cold and you don’t want to run a heater, bring the produce indoors. Given weather woes and crop failures, getting a head’s up on smart shopping and storing isn’t an option any more. It’s a financial necessity.


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Crossword Answers from page 8



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9-12 wcf


September, 2012


Funding helps promote B.C. food industry

Survey underway to assess future agricultural water demand

The B.C. government is investing $2 million to help B.C. farmers and food processors promote local foods, Agriculture Minister Don McRae announced last week. The funding will allow local businesses and organizations to launch or expand their own marketing campaigns, so different sectors of B.C.'s diverse food industry can use customized promotions specific to their market and needs. It is anticipated the funding will be particularly helpful to small-scale producers and businesses looking to promote their products. Businesses and organizations will be able to apply for matching funding from the provincial government for projects that promote local foods. Projects could include in-store promotions, social media or web campaigns, smartphone apps, traditional advertising, on-product labelling and food-tourism maps. Producers, stores, farmers markets, restaurants, processors and industry associations all will be eligible to participate. Building the local market for B.C. foods is a key commitment of government's Agrifoods Strategy, a component of the B.C. Jobs Plan, to lead the agrifoods sector growth into a $14-billion-a-year industry by 2017. Said Minister of Agriculture Don McRae: "This funding will support about 50 different campaigns throughout our province, and each one will celebrate and promote the distinct flavours of local products while at the same time increasing business opportunities and growth for B.C.'s 61,000-employee agrifoods sector." Rhonda Driediger, chair of the BC Agriculture Council added, "More British Columbians want to access local food, but do not always know how to find it. This program will encourage innovative communication tools to creatively market B.C. agriculture and food products, helping people access fresh and healthy local foods while building the market for B.C. producers."

One of the most important requirements for the long term viability of agriculture in the Fraser Valley region is an accurate Land-Use inventory which will lead to development of a future Water Demand Model. The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and the Fraser Valley Regional District are working together to update information on the land-use status of valley farming areas in order to develop an agricultural water demand model for the region. This is an ambitious project started last year and which will take two more years to complete. Land-use surveys are conducted

By Grant Ullyot West Coast Farmer

during the summer to identify irrigation methodology and crop type for land parcels in the Agriculture Land Reserve (ALR) and other farming areas. Previous Agricultural LandUse Inventories (ALIU) conducted for individual municipalities have been an important source of information for local planning, but fail to provide a comprehensive database for the region due to the range of years inventories were conducted and their limited geographic scope. When completed the ALIU will provide a unified and consistent inventory across the Fraser Valley and will define the amount of actively farmed land in the region over a three-year period (2011-2013). The survey results will also help to improve the understanding

of the challenges and opportunities to enhance agricultural development and identify opportunities to improve landuse and resource compatibility. More importantly the survey will provide a scientific estimate of agricultural water demand for current and future scenarios, and improve the understanding of water demand patterns. It will also build upon the knowledge and experience obtained from a similar survey that determined water demand in the Okanagan basin in 2006. This project is being funded by Fraser Valley Regional District, the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the BC Ministry of Environment.

Federal foods help chicken growers enhance food safety The federal government is strengthening food safety systems on chicken farms across the country, says MP James Bezan. Speaking on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, Bezan announced an investment of up to $72,500 to the Chicken Farmers of Canada (CFC) as the organization met in Winnipeg. The CFC will use this

investment to undergo an audit of its on-farm food safety system, helping to ensure that the chicken industry follows top-notch safety procedures and practices. The CFC will then proceed to the final stage of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's On-Farm Food Safety Recognition Program. This national program follows the Hazard Analysis of Critical

Control Points (HACCP) principles to make sure that potential food safety problems are caught before products leave the farm gate. A strong, governmentrecognized food safety system will give Canadians more assurance that food products are handled safely, helping to boost farmers' bottom line. “We are committed to

Thank you to all the 2012 4-H Sponsors & Exhibitors! Aldor Acres Dairy Center Apache Abrasives Inc. Ardgowan Black Angus AT&H Sand and Gravel Audrey Wiens AVENUE Machinery Corp. Barbara Richardson Tom Barichello Sharon Gibbs & Family BC Branch Holstein Assoc. BC Farm and Realty Corp. BC Goat Assoc. BC Hereford Breeders’ Assoc. BC Purebred Sheep Breeders’ Assoc. BC Shorthorn Assoc. BC Simmental Assoc. Beaver Landscape Ltd. Bliss Family & Prins Family BMO Bank of Montreal Bordermaine Farms Candy Cane Farms Ltd. Ceadrow Farms

Chucklin’ Acres Colortec Creative Print Solutions Craigentinney Farms Dan Dick, Kim Ross & Family Davis Quality Meats Deep Creek Farm Deken Holsteins Design Upholstery DMS Mechanical Elizabeth Hall Eukanuba Dog Food Farm Credit Canada Fraser Valley Angus Club Fraser Valley Auctions Fraser Valley Llama & Alpaca Club Friesen Construction Ltd. Goat’s Pride Dairy Golden View Farm Gray Family Hawkins Family In Memory of Art McClary Joan Kerr

John and Margaret Friesen Karen Chambers Krieckside’s PBGV’s Kubota Canada Ltd. Lepp Farm Market Lower Mainland Sheep Producers’ Assoc. Lower Mainland Shorthorn Club Martiann Holsteins McDonald & Ross Construction Ltd. McNicoll Family Meadow Valley Meats - Pitt Meadows Mission Contractors Ltd. MSH Holdings Ltd. Murrick Insurance Services (Oakridge) Ltd. Wade Oishi Otter Co-op Penfold Homes Ltd. Pool Energy Systems Inc. PuzzleHeads

Ritchie Smith Feeds Roy Halefi RTR Contracting Santa’s Unlimited Sharon Hall Shepherd’s Haven & the Walker Family Slyce Hair Studio Snowy River Sheep Station South Alder Farms Spady Farms Street Smart Contracting T.C Cluckers Tapdimer Farms Tom O’Rielly Memorial Fund Unseen Acres

Pantone 186

Valhalla Farms Valley Livestock Supplies West Coast Hereford Club Westgen


File: SWY_TM_Horz_2W.eps Description: Safeway TM Horizontal Signature 2 Color on White Date: March 23, 2005

food safety and growing the quality Canadian chicken that consumers can trust," said Dave Janzen, CFC Chair. “As a leader in onfarm food safety programming, Chicken Farmers of Canada is proud to be the first commodity to pilot the final steps of the recognition program and provide lessons learned for other commodities.”

September, 2012





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HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES 353 ROOFING & SKYLIGHTS Mainland Roofing Ltd. 25 yrs in roofing industry

Family owned & operated. Fully insured. We do Cedar Shakes, conversions, concrete tiles, torchon, fibreglass shingles, restoration & repairs. 20 yr labour warranty. 604-723-2626



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Hydraulic Loader Operator/Hoe Chucker • Grapple Yarder Operator • Hooktender Level III OFA would be an asset. Operates on Nootka Island on a 14&7 or 10&4 shift


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CLASS 1 DRIVER required to run Alberta, BC, Washington, Oregon or long haul. Minimum 2 years flatbed experience. Must be able to tarp & cross the US border. Pay up to .50 per mile, benefits after 3 months. Sign up bonus if you stay 3 months. Please forward abstract to fax: 604-746-3735 or email



An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.

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Physic Healer

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HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES An employment service assisting employers and job seekers. Ph: (604)823-6222










The BC Milk Marketing Board is currently looking for a Market Supply & Development Manager. For more information, please go to


CATS OF ALL DESCRIPTION in need of caring homes! All cats are Spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at or call 1 (604)820-2977 CHIHUAHUA, tea cup puppies, ready now, male & female, $700. (604)794-7347


The British Columbia Press Council





is seeking three persons to serve as public directors on its 11-member Board of Directors. Public Directors serve two-year terms and are eligible to serve four terms. A nominal per diem is paid for meetings. Candidates should have a record of community involvement and an interest in print and online media issues. Applications together with names of two references and telephone numbers should be submitted by Sept. 30, 2012, to: The B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. See for information about the Press Council.


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2BDRM + den on 1/4 acre lot, fenced yard, Agassiz, 5appl., no cats, pet neg., $1300/mo. util. not incl., avail Oct. 1st, ref’s a must, (604)773-2452

Tree removal done RIGHT!

Please fax 604-796-0318 or e-mail:



CHILLIWACK 46289 Yale Rd, Newmark. 1 bdrm + den, 6 appl., patio, u/grnd prkg. $725/mo. Avail. now . Ross Fullbrook, Royal Lepage 604 792 0077 Sardis - Garrison, 45530 Market Way 2 bdrm, 2 bath, flexroom, 5 appl, balcony w/great view, n/p, avail. now $1050/m Ross Fullbrook, Royal Lepage 604-792-0077


To advertise

phone: 604-702-5550 or fax: 604-702-5542


9-12 wcf



CHINESE SHAR PEIS. Healthy happy M. & F. Variety of colors & ages. Brush & bear coats. House raised. Well socialized. Vet ✔, shots. Now 604-814-0038. MALTESE pups, Born July 13. 2 Males-Non-shed. vet ✔, dewormed, 1shots. $750/ea. 604-464-5077 MALTI / SHIH-TZU / POODLE X. Pups/adults. Non-shedding, hand raised, paper trained. 604-820-9469 NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or P/B Choc. lab puppies, 4 F. left, born June 27, CKC reg. vet✓ $700. 604-217-6551 or 604-825-1730.


1988 CHRYSLER LEBARON convert. new top, brand new brakes & tires. 100 km on 2nd mtr. Will trade for older pickup in good shape. Phone (604)625-3299. 2006 CHRYSLER 300, 4 dr, loaded, 77K, fresh AirCare, awesome shape, $9950. Jim 604-828-2084

821 CARS - SPORTS & IMPORTS 2002 NISSAN SENTRA 128,000km, silver, manual trans. ps., pb., pl., keyless, one owner, no accidents. $4200. (604)657-6844 2006 MAZDA 3 - 4 dr sedan. auto, 2l, 70,000 kms, Blue. Many options. $7700/firm (604)538-4883 2011 NISSAN VERSA 4/dr h/back, auto, 25,000/km, red, many options, $8600/firm. 604-538-9257.



SHELTIES SABLE COLOUR full white collars, 9 weeks old, selecting and caring for loveable precious puppies, (604)826-6311 YORKIE PUPS. P/B no papers. Shots, vet checked, female, 8 weeks. $850. 604-702-8338 Chwk Yorky Shih Tzu cross. 9 mo. male. Needs more TLC. $300. shots & kennel. 604-596-8465, 771-9583



MATTRESSES starting at $99 • Twins • Fulls • Queens • Kings 100’s in stock! www.Direct (604)294-2331



WANTED: Market gardening implements including cultivators for Farm All Cub, Super Cub and 140 model tractors. Call Rob 250-395-4042. CLASS ADS WORK! CALL 1-866-575-5777



With all the chores around the farm, it’s good to know there’s a KIOTI tractor to get them done.


Factory custom, 74 cube (1200) big bore by Denco Cycle, Bassani pipe, windshield, sissy bar, leather bags. 27,000km, one old guy owner, $7450 obo (604)817-1945


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Scotty 604-313-1887



1997 Aerostar XLT sport, 3L auto, 148K, RWD, a/c, fresh aircare, runs great, $2200 obo, 604-820-8218 2008 FORD 350, diesel. Black. 3 yr warranty left. $27,000. Call 604589-6032 or 604-807-6022. 2008 FORD F150 regular cab 2 whl dr 8ft box auto V6 only 14,000kms, silver $10,000 firm 604-538-4883 2008 FORD F150 regular cab 2 whl dr 8ft box auto V6 only 14,000kms, silver $10,000 firm 604-538-4883

3-11 wcf

Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Scheduled Days Off. Call Lloyd 780-723-5051





SPARTAN Moving Ltd. Fast & Reliable. Insured Competitive rates. Wknd Specials. Call Frank: (604) 435-8240




September, 2012

On Sale

Retail $18,990


•45HP John Deere PowerTech™ 3-cylinder diesel engine •8F/4R Transmission •Independent 540 PTO

0% Financing for 60 Months!

On Sale

Retail $31,024


Add a 553 Loader for $6900

John Deere 630 MoCo

Retail $30,312

•Impeller conditioner •11Ft 6In cutting width •540 RPM •Clevis Hitch w/ Std tongue •31L X 13.5 tires •Turnbuckle angle adjust. Retail $33,772

Retail $1799

12 Months No Payment No Interest! •17.5HP Single Cyl. •42-inch Mower Deck •5 Speed Gear Trans. •18-inch Turning Radius

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Cash deal

Retail $3198

12 Months No Payment No Interest! •18HP •Hydro Trans. •V-Twin Kawasaki Eng •42-inch Mower Deck •Premium Series •4 YR/ 300 HR WARRANTY

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Retail $44,950

•Side drop bale chute •Side hay Resistor •Bale counter •Gauge wheels •Makes stackable bales •Twine baler •540 RPM PTO Retail $23,404

On Sale $25,700 On Sale $28,570 Cash deal

On Sale


John Deere 458 Round Baler

John Deere 328 Square Baler

John Deere 635 MoCo

•Impeller conditioner •9 Ft 9 In Cutting Width •540 RPM •Clevis Hitch w/ Std tongue •31L X 13.5 tires •Turnbuckle angle adjust.

0% Financing for 36 Months!

•2WD •Cab •115HP Tractor •5 Cyl.Turbocharged PowerTech diesel engine •16F/16R PowrReverser™ Trans •Independent 540 PTO

•75HP John Deere PowerTech™ 3-cylinder diesel engine •9F/3R SyncReverser™ Trans. •Independent 540 PTO

Add a 512 Loader for $6167


5065M Tractor

0% Financing for 60 Months!

5075E Tractor

5045D Tractor


•Elec. double Twine wrap •Gauge Wheels •Regular pickup •Makes 4X5 ft bales •DiamondTough Belts •Vertical forming chamber

On Sale $19,800

Retail $24,640

On Sale $20,780

HAY It’s a Blowout Sale! 550 1023E Cash deal

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Retail $9422

12 Months No Payment No Interest! •16HP, V-Twin, carbureted gas engine •Two range CVT •45-km/h •4WD w/ lever engagement •10.3inch ground clearance •4 wheel Ind. Suspension

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Kamloops • Kelowna • Abbotsford • Langley • Duncan

Retail $12,667

0% Financing for 48 Months! •4WD •Small Frame •22.4HP Powerful Diesel Engine •Twin Touch™ Hydro Trans. •Foldable Roll-bar •Mid & Rear PTO

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Add a H120 Loader $3599


Toll Free 1-877-553-3373

*Offer valid from Aug 01, 2012 until Oct 26, 2012. cSubject to John Deere Financial approval and dealer participation. In the event you default on this or any John Deere Financial Multi-Use Account transaction, interest on all outstanding balances on your Multi-use accounts will begin to accrue immediately at 19.75% AIR from the date of default until paid in full, and you will be required to make monthly payments on your Multi-use Account equal to 2.5% (personal use); 3.0% (commercial use) of the original amounts financed plus interest. Taxes, set-up, delivery, freight, and preparation charges not included and may increase price or monthly payment(s). Min purchase and finance amount may be required. See your dealer for details. Program subject to change, without notice, at any time. For purchases on your John Deere Financial Multi-use Account for personal use only. Offer is unconditionally interest free for the first 12 months. After the 12 month period, for eligible purchases of goods and services: 1) a minimum monthly payment of $76.98 is required; and 2) finance charges will begin to accrue immediately on amount financed at 17.9% per annum until paid in full. Offer valid from Aug 01, 2012 until Oct 26, 2012. Down payment may be required. A $50.00 documentation fee may apply. Monthly payments and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment. Minimum finance amount may be required. The charge for amounts past due is 24% per annum. Taxes, set-up, delivery, freight, and preparation charges not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Additional fees may apply. Subject to John Deere Financial approval. See participating dealer for details. Program subject to change, without notice, at any time. 1.49% APR purchase financing for 4 years on Utility Tractor, model 5115M with Cab. $77,392 , plus a $50.00 documentation fee, less a down payment of $15,488.40 , at 1.49% APR, semi-annual payment is $7,744.20 for 4 years, total obligation is $61,953.60, cost of borrowing is $2,030.50 (includes foregone cash rebate of $2,000 in order to take advantage of offer).

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