Local wins provincial bike race
It’s Sam Steel Days!
Hannah van der Roest is the High School Senior Girls Champion.
The fun and excitement starts this weekend. See you at the parade!
page A14
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Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Taking Action on Water Quality Teck operates five steelmaking coal mines in the Elk Valley which employ over 4,000 people. We raise our families in the valley, fish and swim in the river and care deeply about ensuring the environment is protected. That’s why we’re taking action to ensure that water quality is protected in the valley now and for generations to come.
The Challenge Mining generates large quantities of leftover rock that contains naturally occurring substances such as selenium. Water from rain and runoff flows through these rock piles and carries selenium and other substances, such as nitrate, into local waters. If present in high enough concentrations in the watershed, those substances can adversely affect aquatic health.
A Strategy to Protect Water Quality Our proposed water quality management strategy includes investing up to $600 million over five years for construction of water treatment plants, research and development, and ongoing monitoring. Our first water treatment plant is already under construction at our Line Creek Operations. This strategy builds on the steps we have taken over the years to address water quality, including studies, construction of water diversions and establishing the Strategic Advisory Panel on Selenium Management.
Fish Health and Human Health Aquatic Health: Monitoring and scientific studies show that selenium is below levels that would affect populations of fish and other sensitive animals and plants in the main stem of the Elk River and the Fording River below Josephine Falls. Monitoring does indicate some localized effects to sensitive insect larvae that live on stream bottoms, mainly in the tributaries closest to mining activities, but overall larval insect communities throughout most of the Elk Valley are healthy and diverse.
Leftover Rock
Creating the Elk Valley Water Quality Plan Together The B.C. Government has created guidelines for development of an Elk Valley Water Quality Plan to address water quality issues. We will consult extensively and work with communities, government, Indigenous Peoples and stakeholders to create this plan. The Elk Valley Water Quality Plan will set target levels for selenium, cadmium, nitrate and sulphate, as well as calcite formation. Water treatment technologies and strategies already developed by Teck will help in the development of the new plan. Timeline for the Elk Valley Water Quality Plan: Spring 2013: Develop terms of reference
2013–2014: Consultation and development of plan
Spring 2014: Submit final plan to province
Throughout: Implement solutions to protect water quality
Human Health: Monitoring indicates that there are elevated levels of selenium in some fish; however, the average selenium level in fish muscle tissue from the Elk River and lower Fording River is below the level of concern for even frequent fish consumers. Selenium levels in municipal drinking water sources in the valley are also below Health Canada and B.C. drinking water guidelines and are not a human health concern.
Get Involved We will be consulting and working with people throughout the region to finalize the Elk Valley Water Quality Plan. To learn more and provide your feedback and suggestions, go to www.teck.com/ElkValley or call 1-855-806-6854.
Community Information Sessions You are invited to attend our community information sessions on the Elk Valley Water Quality Plan. Fernie Community Centre 901 6th Avenue Thursday, June 6 2–7 p.m.
Sparwood Seniors Drop In Centre 101 Pine Avenue Tuesday, June 11 2–7 p.m.
Elkford Community Conference Centre 750 Fording Drive Wednesday, June 12 2–7 p.m.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A3
New director on board at the Canadian Museum of Rail Travel Submitted
Damon Colgan is the new Director of the Canadian Museum of Rail Travel, replacing Garry Anderson who retired at the end of April after running the Museum over the past 30 years. According the Cranbrook, Archives, Museum & Landmarks (CAMAL) Foundation Chair Jeanette Sissons the hiring process for a new Museum Director took place over several months, generating strong interest from applicants in BC and across Canada. “Many of the applicants were already running or had run Museums and recognized the world-class institution we have right here in Cranbrook,” explained Sissons. “Damon brings the right balance of collections management and public engagement experience.” Colgan graduated with a degree in history at Thompson Rivers University, followed by a Heritage Resource Management diploma from Athabasca University. He has worked as an Assistant Archivist at Peace River Museum, Archive & Mackenzie Center, and then as an Assistant Curator at the Rocky Mountain Rangers Museum. Most recently, he was Head Curator and Manager at the Chase & District Museum & Archives. Colgan believes he has a strong track re-
cord of developing and maintaining exhibitions, managing archival records, together with an extensive understanding of museum practices. “I also enjoy facilitating museum activities with the public and collaborating with colleagues and stakeholders, “said Colgan. “I believe museums need to constantly engage with the public so that our heritage remains meaningful and vital to people of all ages.” Colgan is still in awe of what Garry Anderson and volunteers have achieved to date at the Canadian Museum of Rail Travel. “I think most museums would be satisfied with a national historic designation relating to its train sets, an excellent archive collection, and the stunning 1906 Royal Alexandra Hall,” said Colgan. “But you also have two massive miniature train sets that are being restored in the lower gallery, and space for a new Cranbrook Local History Museum in the upper gallery. This Museum really has it all, and I’m looking forward to working with the Board, donors and volunteers to realize its full potential in the years ahead. “ Sissons agrees and points out that new leadership, while building on the strengths of past Boards, brings with it a chance to reexamine past practice
Father’s Day Special Family Golf with cart$ (after 2 pm) taxes included .....
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Photo submitted
Damon Colgan has taken over as the new director of the Canadian Museum of Rail Travel. and consider new approaches. “Our message to our community is this: we are open to new ideas and welcome those that
would like to join us in this next chapter of the Museum exploring our rich railway heritage and much more.”
The 2012 Annual Report is available for public review at the City website – www.cranbrook.ca or can be picked up at reception at City Hall. This notice is published in accordance with Section 99 of the Community Charter.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 5:30 pm Regional District of East Kootenay Boardroom 19 – 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook Financial reports, operational reports and election of officers All society members invited, membership is $10
We at the Days Inn have meeting rooms from 10 to 300, so if it’s a Small Focus Group or a Conference we have you covered. Catering is available for all occasions, Weddings, Family Reunions, Gatherings, AGM’s Business meetings and Conferences.
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Dealer Name, Address and Phone Number
Please call the Cranbrook Days Inn a call 250-426-6630 To discuss your requirements
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The City of Cranbrook 2012 Annual Report will be presented to Council for consideration at the Special Meeting on June 24, 2013 at 3:00pm in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Annual General Meeting
Having a meeting or a conference?
Just in time for Grad.
Cranbrook and District Community Foundation
Cranbrook & District Community Foundation 19 -9th Ave S cdcf@telus.net 250-426-1119 www.cranbrookcf.com
450 Van Horne St. Cranbrook, BC V1C 4W7
Dealer Name, Address and Phone Number Dealer Name, Address and Phone Number
24-9th Avenue South Cranbrook, BC V1C 2L8 250.489.5773 1.800.953.8388
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Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
will be closed from10am-12:30 pm
on Saturday, June 15th
RCMP searching for missing men Submitted
Two males (18 and 21) who were reported missing early Sunday morning (June 9) have not been located. Police were called around 2:30 am after two males who had been camping at Whitetail Lake had not been seen since 3 p.m. Saturday. At 6 a.m. Search and Rescue teams from Kimberley and Columbia Valley along with RCMP began combing the area. Around noon a spot
was located along the Findlay Creek Forest Service Road where a vehicle had left the road, went down a steep embankment and into Findlay Creek. Further checks by a SAR rope team found personal items belonging to the subjects on the bank near the water. Search teams concentrated their efforts downstream from this location for the rest of the day. Neither the missing persons nor the truck were located.
In addition to ground search teams a helicopter was utilized to check along the creek in areas inaccessible. Currently the water levels are very high which makes searching difficult. The area around the creek is steep and rocky, limiting access. The visibility is low. The RCMP dive team has been involved but the flow of the water is too fast to safely put divers in the water. A RCMP helicopter will be searching
the area again today. Friends and family gathered at the site during the search, Victim Services assisted them in dealing with situation. Missing is Stephen Thomson from Canal Flats and Nicholas Hoefnagels from Carstairs Alberta. Findlay Creek Forest Service Road is located off of Highway 93/95 west of Canal Flats.
Come and take our online pothole poll It’s time to let your opinion be known.
Find us on Facebook
Visit www.kootenayadvertiser.com, scroll down the page to our online poll and answer yes or no to the following statement: “Cranbrook city beautification is more important than infrastructure problems such as pothole control.” After taking the poll, feel free to take pictures of potholes around the city, or of successful recent beau-
The staff will be at the Parade to support Ken in the
tification initiatives and we will publish them on our website, www. kootenayadvertiser. com. Feel free to be as artistic as you like with your pictures.
“Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” Event
12:30-4pm • Every Sunday Hall rentals (250)426-5614
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Over 10,000 thoughts-
You came up with over 10,000 thoughts and ideas about social, economic and environmental issues for Columbia Basin Trust’s online survey. Now it’s time to show us what’s most important to you.
Show us your priorities today
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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
MABC applauds Bennett appointment Submitted The Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC) congratulates and welcomes the Executive Council Members of Premier Christy Clark’s new Government. In particular, MABC would like to welcome the Honourable Bill Bennett as the new Minister of Energy & Mines. Minister Bennett
has been a cabinet member since 2005, serving in the roles of Minister of State for Mining and Minister of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources, among others. In 2012, the mining industry contributed $9.2 billion in gross mining revenue, more than $500 million in payments to the government and 10,400 private citizen jobs with an average annual salary of more than
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A5 $121,000 including benefits. Over the next 10 years, the mining industry is poised for tremendous opportunities and growth with more than 30 projects in the approval process and $30 billion in investments under consideration. “The combined value of projects currently in the approval process and potential investment, represents a remarkable contribution to the BC economy and we look forward to working with the current government to ensure the mining industry continues to grow
50% off One week only
in a sustainable and responsible manner,” said Karina Brino, President and CEO of the Mining Association of BC. MABC wishes to acknowledge the Honourable Rich Coleman for
Mosquito Control Begins At Home
Home and property owners are strongly encouraged to stop mosquitoes before they start, by removing all sources of standing water from around your home. Some places to eliminate standing water include: • Clogged gutters, • Trays under flower pots, • Outside pets’ dishes, • Children’s pools and toys, • Bird baths and feeders, • Canoes / boats, • Tires Residents are encouraged to call the Mosquito Hotline at (250) 421-1294 to report potential mosquito development sites or for more information regarding the 2013 City of Cranbrook Mosquito Control Program.
Aquatic Centre Closed For Maintenance – Reopens June 25th.
The pool located in Western Financial Place will be closed to all public use for annual maintenance work. The pool will reopen on Tuesday June 25, 2013. If you have questions or would like more information, please call Leisure Services at 250-489-0220. The City of Cranbrook apologizes for any inconvenience.
Low Flow Toilet Rebate Applications Available Now!
For more information and applications about the Low Flow Toilet Rebate program, visit the City of Cranbrook website at www.cranbrook.ca or stop by City Hall.
Coffee with the Mayor @ Kootenay Roasting Company Saturday June 22, 2013 from 1 – 4pm
You are invited to have coffee with Councillor Gerry Warner, on behalf of the Mayor, at Kootenay Roasting Company on Saturday June 22, 2013 from 1 – 4pm. The afternoon is open for one-on-one discussion for you to discuss concerns and ask questions about the City of Cranbrook. Refreshments are not provided. Please come and join us!
Streets & Traffic – RV & Trailer Parking
The perfect retirement lifestyle
Hospitality services at Rocky Mountain Village are included in the affordable monthly rent and
mining and smelting of minerals, metals, coal and industrial minerals in British Columbia. It is regarded as the preeminent voice of mining in the province.
31-10th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC 250-426-4476
Under this bylaw, you are prohibited from parking recreational vehicles and trailers on residential streets between the hours of 10:00am and 3:00 pm and prohibits parking unattached trailers on any street at any time, unless in an emergency situation. The bylaw applies to travel trailers, tent trailers, campers, motor homes as well as boats and boats on trailers. The intent of the regulation is to keep City streets safe and accessible for vehicular and pedestrian use. Visit our website and click on ‘Bylaws’ for more on all of our City bylaws.
include weekly housekeeping, a wide selection of recreational and social activities, 24 hour emergency monitoring, shuttle bus service, and hot, delicious meals prepared by on-site chefs. And each meal is served by cheerful wait staff in a central dining room, with a cozy fireplace where guests and families are always welcome. In addition to the hospitality services, residents can enjoy peace of mind knowing they don’t have to worry about extra bills because all utilities including water, sewer, heat, air conditioning and cable are also included. What’s more, Rocky Mountain Village’s convenient location enables seniors to easily maintain their relationships with friends and family. And at Rocky Mountain Village pets are a big part of the family. In this pet friendly building residents are encouraged to bring their pets with them to live. Free from the responsibilities of home-ownership, seniors at Rocky Mountain Village can enjoy the many other activities and joys that life offers. We’re fortunate to live in a time when retirement living options provide everything seniors want – and more! Rocky Mountain Village is open daily; and you can call (250) 423-4214 for more information or to book a tour.
Watch the latest Cranbrook City Council meeting when you want.
Visit www.cranbrook.ca
Rocky Mountain Village is a well-crafted seniors’ community with beautiful suites ranging from studios to one and two bedroom layouts. These maintenance-free living suites incorporate supportive features to promote independence and 24-hour emergency monitoring service for added peace of mind. Kitchens include a fridge and stove and each suite is equipped with its own personal heat and air conditioning controls. Beyond the suite is access to a variety of common areas which include a games room, spa room, library, dining room, coffee room, crafts room, hair salon and lounges. All areas are easily accessible, full of interesting people, engaging activities and share a wonderful sense of community.
addressing the project approval process and permitting backlog,” concluded Brino. MABC represents companies involved in the advanced exploration and development,
(Sat., June 15-Sat., June 22) (Excluding sale, jewellery and $5 items)
Seniors want it all: a comfortable home, independence to follow their own schedule and maintain their own interests, safety and security, delicious food and the company of others. And who can blame them? Not long ago, seniors had limited housing options, and few met all of their needs. But when Rocky Mountain Village opened its doors a new style of seniors housing opened in Fernie, providing today’s seniors the opportunity to experience retirement living at its best.
his leadership as the Minister responsible for the mining portfolio over the last two years. “It is under Minister Coleman’s command that government has been able to begin
Monday June 24, 2013 – Regular City Council Meeting @ 6pm Wednesday June 26, 2013 – Brown Bag Lunch @ 12:00pm
A6 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
www.kootenayadvertiser.com 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Fax 1-250-984-7744 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified E-Mail: classifieds@kootenayadvertiser.com Advertising E-Mail: sales@kootenayadvertiser.com Editorial E-Mail: editor@kootenayadvertiser.com Distribution Email: circulation@kootenayadvertiser.com Open Mon. to Fri. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Photo Darcy Wiebe
Bridget Fix PRODUCTION MANAGER The Kootenay News Advertiser is a community East Kootenay newspaper featuring news of the best buys in the East Kootenay. Published every Monday and Friday at Cranbrook, BC by Black Press Group Ltd. Subscription rates for mailing outside the East Kootenay: $170 per year, $85 per 6 months and $42.50 per 3 month GST inclued. N OT I C E OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by Kootenay News Advertiser. (Registration No. 164 Serial No. 271043). Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or part is forbidden without written permission by the publisher. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that Kootenay News Advertiser will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. Kootenay News Advertiser is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements or letters to the editor criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in Kootenay News Advertiser are not necessarily those of the publisher.
The Bull River Shooters Association hosted the BC Provincial championship in lieu of its annual invitational match over the Victoria Day Weekend at its range near Fort Steele. There were 123 small bore rifles (.22 cal) and 70 high power rifles (6mm and up) that were used by competitors from all over BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territory, Montana and Washington. (Above) Happy shooters after a long day at the range. (Inset) The top team for Rams (smallbore). (From left) Kaitlynn Johnson, Rob McKeeman and Trudy Phillips
Thank You! Sponsors for the 2013 BRSA Provincials
The Bull River Shooters wish to thank the following for their support of our very successful Provincial Championship over the Victoria Day Weekend: Rocky & Linda Marsh Rob McKeeman Bill & Kay Johnson Chris Marsh Sarah Marsh Jeramey Marsh Damn Sharp Oliver Graham Treena Marsh Mountain Man Outdoors Northstar Motors Ltd Hirsch Precision Nova Scotia Emco Wolsley Speedy Glass East Kootenay Supply Napa Lordco Van Houtte Coffee Hillbilly Hardware Rona Canadian Tire Cranbrook Canadian Tire McLeod Trail, Calgary High Country Sports Okanagan Aggregates Ltd Home Depot Wholesale Sports, Calgary Integra Tire
Corix Packing in Pink BC Kemble Knives Alberta Sore Shoulder Shooting Supplies, Alberta P&D Enterprises, Alberta Bavarian Chalet Cliff’s Meats Canfor, Canal Flats M&K Plumbing and Heating EECOL Electric Freightliner Cranbrook Alpine Toyota Inland Kenworth Sandman Inn Home Hardware Denham Ford Prophet River, Lloydminster Alberta Mark’s Work Wearhouse Appaloosa Springs Tack Capit Peak Performance Motor Sports Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza Cloverdale Paint La Lune de Chocolat Sullivan Pub Kimberley Building Supplies Mark Creek Market
The Bull River Shooters would like to give a special thanks to the Cawte Family and Optimistic Enterprises. They recently donated a truck and heavy equipment which allowed us to deliver and set up a trailer which is our storage unit and generator plant, which saw lots of use during the provincial match and will serve us for many years to come.
Photo amber Garofano
The 2013 Wasa Triathlon saw hundreds of adult, youth and child competitors this past weekend who ran, biked and swam their way to glory on a perfect day for racing. (Above, running) Jon Bird, from Calgary, won the adult event with a time of 1:52:32.
Mount Baker Secondary School welcomes new vice-principal
Dave Hill was recently appointed vice-principal of Mount Baker Secondary School (MBSS) in Cranbrook starting in the 2013/14 school year.
Hill grew up in South Delta, moving to the East Kootenay in 1992 to start teaching at SD5. Hill is currently acting vice-principal at MBSS. “I’ve enjoyed interacting with the large
Financed bi-weekly for 72 months with $0 down.
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5.8L/100KM 49 MPG HWY*** 9.2L/100KM 31 MPG CITY***
cross section of students and collaborating with the excellent staff,” says Hill, adding that he looks forward to being involved in the planning of a replacement Mount Baker/ Neighbourhood Learn-
ing Centre in the near future. “Dave brings energy and enthusiasm to his position as vice-principal”, says Board chair, Frank Lento. “Whether teaching math, science or the fine arts, Dave
10.6L/100KM 27 MPG HWY 15.0L/100KM 19 MPG CITY*** ***
Financed bi-weekly for 84 months with $0 down.
165 2.49
has always inspired passion in his students. He’s a great addition to our leadership team at Mount Baker.” Hill says he’s thrilled to be part of a school that provides so much opportunity to its stu-
per month for 48 months with $0 down. Offers include $9,250 manufacturer rebate and $1,700 freight and air tax.
386 3.99 ±
6.0L/100KM 47 MPG HWY*** 9.1L/100KM 31 MPG CITY***
Offers include $500 manufacturer rebate and $1,700 freight and air tax.
dents. “I look forward to continuing to support students both academically and as they develop new passions and interests like theatre, trades training and outdoor education.” For information on
9, 250 ‡
THE 2013 F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 5.0L
2013 F-250 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4
Built ui a afte er December D 2012
Financed bi-weekly for 72 months with $0 down.
316 5.89%
Offers include $6,000 manufacturer rebate and $1,700 freight and air tax.
WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. †Until July 2 2013, receive 0% APR purchase financing on new 2013 Ford [C-MAX, Edge (excluding SE)] for up to 48 months, [ Fusion, Escape (excluding S)] for up to 60 months, [Focus (excluding BEV)] for up to 72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest interest rate. Example: $25,000 purchase financed at 0% APR for 48/60/72 months, monthly payment is $520.83/ $416.66/ $347.22, cost of borrowing is $0 or APR of 0% and total to be repaid is $25,000. Down payment on purchase financing offers may be required based on approved credit from Ford Credit. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. ‡Until July 2, 2013, receive $500/ $750/$1,000 /$1,250/$1,500 /$2,000 /$2,500/ $3,500/ $3,750 /$4,500 /$5,500 /$6,000/ $7,750/ $8,000 / $8,250/ $8,750/ $9,250 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2013 Focus BEV, Edge SE, Escape 1.6L (excluding S)/ Focus (excluding S and BEV)/ Flex SE, Explorer (excluding Base), /Escape 2.0L (excluding S)/ Flex (excluding SE)/ Fiesta S, F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs/Mustang V6 Coupe (Value Leader), Taurus SE, Edge AWD (excluding SE), F-150 Regular Cab 4x2 XL (Value Leader)/Fiesta (excluding S)/Edge FWD (excluding SE)/ Mustang V6 Premium, Expedition / Mustang GT, Taurus (excluding SE)/ F-250 to F-450 Gas (excluding Chassis Cab) / F-150 Regular Cab non-5.0L 4x2 (excluding XL) and 4x4/ F-250 to F-450 Diesel (excluding Chassis Cab) / F-150 Regular Cab 5.0L 4x2 (excluding XL) and 4x4 / F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non- 5.0L/ F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L - all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ±Until July 2, 2013, lease a new 2013 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-150 Super Crew XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine and get 3.99% annual percentage rate (APR) financing for up to 48 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $28,999/$30,999 at 3.99% APR for up to 48 months with $0 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $386/$402, total lease obligation is $18,528/$19,296 and optional buyout is $13,906/$15,408. Offer includes Manufacturer Rebate of $9,250. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after Manufacturer Rebate is deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 80,000 km over 48 months apply. A charge of 16 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ††Until July 2, 2013, receive 1.49%/2.49%/5.89% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase financing on a new 2013 Fusion S/2013 Escape SE FWD with 1.6L EcoBoost engine/2013 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4x4 Super Duty Western Edition package with power seats for a maximum of 72/84/72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase financing monthly payment is $349/$357/$686 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $161/$165/$316 with a down payment of $0 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $1,103.62/$2,494.57/$7,864.60 or APR of 1.49%/2.49%/5.89% and total to be repaid is $25,102.62/$29,993.57/$49,363.60. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $0/$500/$6,000 and freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,700/$1,700 but exclude optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealer), fuel fill charge and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a first payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. *Purchase a new 2013 Fusion S/2013 Escape SE FWD with 1.6L EcoBoost engine /2013 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-150 Super Crew XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4x4 Super Duty Western Edition package with power seats for $23,999/$27,499/$28,999/$30,999/$41,499. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate of $0/$500/$9,250/$9,250/$6,000 has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,700/$1,700/$1,700/$1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for 2013 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8 6-speed automatic transmission: [15.0L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.6L/100km (27MPG) Hwy] / 2013 Fusion FWD 2.5L I4 6-speed SST transmission: [9.2L/100km (31MPG) City, 5.8L/100km (49MPG) Hwy] / 2013 Escape FWD 1.6L EcoBoost 6-speed automatic transmission: [9.1L/100km (31MPG) City, 6.0L/100km (47MPG) Hwy] /. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, vehicle condition, and driving habits. ‡‡F-Series is the best-selling pickup truck in Canada for 47 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report, December 2012. †††Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible with SYNC® – check www.syncmyride.com for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Certain MyFord Touch™ functions require compatible mobile devices. Some functions are not available while driving. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so and in compliance with applicable laws. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. ©2013 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2013 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
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Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
3G Basketball Team has a winning weekend Submitted
Calvary Chapel Cranbrook Hear it, Live it, Share it The Studio Stage Door, 11 Ave S. Sunday Service - 10:30 am For more info: 421-1822 www.calvarychapelcranbrook.com
Cranbrook United Church #2 - 12 Ave. S. on the corner of Baker & 12th Phone: 250-426-2022 Fax: 250-426-2085 Rev. Frank Lewis Sunday Worship.......................... 10:00 am Sunday School recessed until September 15, 2013 •www.cranbrookunited.com
On June 7-9, the 3G Basketball Team attended the annual Gonzaga shootout club basketball tournament in Spokane, Washington. The tournament hosts 48 teams from across the Pacific Northwest, with Cranbrook 3G Basketball Academy being the
only Canadian entry. The team finished with a record of 4 wins and 1 loss in their respective games, winning their pool and all cross-over games. “I am happy with our play this weekend. I am so proud of how hard our coaching staff has helped us to understand the importance of skill Photo submitted
The Cranbrook 3G Basketball Team getting a little pre-game coaching at a recent tournament in Spokane.
EK Lutheran Parish
Website: www.eklutheran.ca • Phone: 1-866-426-7564 Pastor Fraser Coltman & Pastor Dave Morton Mt. Zion Cranbrook 920-11th St. S. Sunday Worship 10 am, Thursday Worship 7 pm Holy Cross Kimberley 105 Howard Sunday Worship 10 am Trinity Fernie 691 - 4th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm Immanuel Elkford 2700 Balmer Dr. Sunday Worship 4 pm St. Peter’s Invermere 110-7th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm
Cranbrook Fellowship Baptist Church Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada • Come welcome our new Pastor Cyril Marlatt 2000-5th St. N., Cranbrook • 489-5169 Family Worship .......................... 11:00 am Sunday School ............................ 10:00 am
1115 2nd Ave. S., Cranbrook (Parkland Middle School) Sunday service ............................ 10:20 am Dwayne & Collette Thompson 421-1099 Frank & Jody Hackett 417-7410
First Baptist Church Pastor Kevin Ewaskow Sunday morning worship at 10:30am Children’s ministries at 10:30am 334 14th Ave S • 250-426-4319 www.fbccranbrook.org
Knox Presbyterian Church Corner Victoria and 3rd Street South 426-7165 Senior Pastor – Dr. Ron Foubister Young Families Pastor – Pastor Al Brouwer Sunday worship/children’s classes 10:00 a.m. Friendly congregation – biblical teaching – traditional and contemporary music - Everyone Welcome!
New Apostolic Church 821 1st Street S., Cranbrook, BC Sunday School ............................ 9:00 am Sunday Service ........................... 10:30 am Wednesday Service..................... 8:00 pm Larry and Nicole Leblond .......... 489-0770 Faith, family, friendship, forever
New Life Foursquare Church 308 10th Ave. South • 489-1057 Sunday Morning Worship • 10am Senior Pastor • Gordon Henry www.cranbrookfoursquare.com
The Salvation Army Kootenay Valley Community Church 533 Slater Road NW, 426-3612 Sunday Worship Service ............ 10:30 am Wednesday Praise Service.......... 5:00 pm Pastor: Captains Linda & Kirk Green
Thank You! Still Time To Register! Elk Valley Relay For Life Saturday June 8, 11am-11pm
The Cranbrook/Kimberley Relay For Life Committee would like to extend huge thank-you towith the Ev following businesses and individuals 11:00amaOpening Ceremonies Cutts who supported and donated to our event!! Without your overwhelming 11:30 Survivor Lap and Ribbon Cutting generosity ForOrchestra Life could possible! Kerrisupport Holmes and Strings ** FernieRelay Chamber ** not IDESbe Glee Club ** Bridge Interiors Work Hot Shots Shavin’ Show by SparrowMark’s 4 Hair ** Warehouse Mr. Moffat DJ ** Liam Faucher ** Sandor Wal-Mart Cranbrook Kia RedRental Girl **Yogurt Shark ** Thar Be Dragons Action Rentals Dollarama Cranbrook Photo 10:30pm Luminary Ceremony withStore Hannah Bradish onMission ViolinHills Golf Course School District #5 The Dollar College of the Rockies Boston Pizza Cranbrook Golf Course Shane Westle today as an individual, McDonald’s Golf Course Register a team or a volunteer Wildstone at relaybc.ca. Duthies Propane Elizabeth Lake Lodge Sakura Every step you take will help save lives. Waste Management Dairy Queen Fabricland Home Hardware Real Canadian Superstore Sileneus Resources Runners RV Save-On Foods Rocky Mountain Bingo Hall Culligan Water Mrs. Palmers Pantry Mountain Eagle Security Sears Ashley Home Furniture PB Pro Audio City of Cranbrook Trends N’ Treasures The Marionettes Sam Steele Society Marysville Pub Jingles the Clown Canadian 2 For 1 Pizza Mr. Mikes Cranbrook Search and Rescue relayforlife.ca Apollo Wild About Hair Pizza Hut From The Ground Up Organics East Kootenay Supplies Top Crop Sweet Gestures Ric’s Grill Heavenly Truffles The Bumble Tree The Best Western Millenium Health Still Time To Register! High Country Sports The Prestige Kimberley Golf Course Kootenay News Advertiser Domino’s Pizza Booster Juice Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Elk Valley Core Fitness Quizno’s Relay For Life Gerricks Sports Gold’s Gym Kootenay Communications Saturday 8, 11am-11pm Mark Creek Market TheJune New Pro-Fitness Allegra Kootenay Rafting Company Selkirk Signs Fabricland Yellow Jacket Resources A&W with Ev Cutts 11:00am Opening Ceremonies Northstar Motors The Sullivan Pub
11:30 Survivor Lap and Ribbon Cutting ** Fernie **toIDES Glee Club ** a AKerri specialHolmes thank you Strings to all our volunteers that Chamber donated theirOrchestra time and energy help make Relay For Life successful event. A special thank-you to4Chris, and Moffat Lori of Mountain Eagle Security and ** Lance from Shavin’ Show by Sparrow HairSpence ** Mr. DJ ** Liam Faucher Bridge Interiors for going above and beyond and helping prevent a very windy night from becoming disasterous! Red Girl **Yogurt Shark ** Thar Be Dragons 10:30pm Luminary Ceremony with Hannah Bradish on Violin Register today as an individual, a team or a volunteer at relaybc.ca. Every step you take will help save lives.
St. Aidan Orthodox Church www.saintaidan.ca Sunday Services.......................... 10:30 am Fellowship lunch and Sunday School to follow For info call: 250-489-8006 or 250-421-6013 Come, See & Pray
development, competitive drive and goal setting in a competitive environment,” said coach Bobbi-Jo Colburn. The team had wins over Shadle Park 47-25, Mount Spokane 45-30, Colville 42-22, Naches Valley 39-22, and a loss to East Valley 42-33 “This is a great showing for our program and team, and a great achievement for the girls. It will help us in next years bid to jump up a division to a larger classification. Our program is now recognized in Alberta, British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest as a competitive and successful program. As coaches we have been able to compete at a very high level. In every tournament we have attended due to the dedication and hard work of our athlete,” said Colburn. Playing in the United States is a great skillbuilding experience for the program as the defense and players are much harder to compete against. Playing at the coast is much the same as playing in the United States, as coaches we usually find the man to man defense much harder to compete against then Alberta and players are more athletic and bigger. “As athletes we are thankful that our coaches have been able to provide us with the support and knowledge, it takes to succeed at a competitive level, the systems and skills we have learned over the last three have helped us compete with any team that we face,” said team member Rae-Lyn Pighin. Next action for the team will again be a trip to Spokane, Washington for the annual camp classic tournament.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
Classroom With Outdoors is back
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A9 tend that they are scientists from another planet who have come to Earth to observe life here. Ev-
ery time we do this, the students conclude that Earthlings are really lucky to have such an
amazing planet to live on. It’s a good lens to see things through.”
Everyone Welcome!
College of the Rockies Lecture Room #250
FREE GIFT For the first 100 people Opening Night
Admission is FREE Seating is Limited Free Parking Don’t miss this series to discover God’s love and care for you and your family and what the Bible predicts is in store for the future.
Christian Recording Artist Karen Ritchey will be singing June 14 & 15
Mount Baker Secondary would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their generous donations in support of our Scholarship Program. 2008 Kimberley-Cranbrook Winter Games Legacy Scholarship A.C.T. Scotty Hartland Memorial Scholarship (1988) Abreast in the Rockies, Cathy McLean Memorial Scholarship Alan Boden Second Language Scholarship Alyssa Bartraw Memorial Bursary Associate Medical Clinic Scholarship (1971) BA Blacktop Cranbrook Scholarship Bob Newcombe Memorial Golf Scholarship Brent Pighin Memorial Award C.O.T.R. Academic Excellence Scholarship C.O.T.R. Scholastic Distinction Scholarship C.U.P.E. Local 2090 Bursary C.U.P.E. Local 4165 Bursary Canadian Federation of University Women – Cranbrook Scholarship Canadian Parents for French Award Chris Williams Scholarship City of Cranbrook Memorial Scholarship Columbia Basin Trust Youth Community Service Award Columbia Power Corporation Bursary Cranbrook and District Ambulance Association (1947) Award Cranbrook and District Arts Council Fine Arts Award (1975) Cranbrook Badminton Club Scholarship Cranbrook Baha’i Community Award Cranbrook Bugle Band Cranbrook Community Theatre Award Cranbrook District Teachers’Association Scholarship Cranbrook Firefighters I.A.F.F. Local 1253 Scholarship Cranbrook Health Care Auxiliary Scholarship Cranbrook Lions Club Scholarship (1956) Cranbrook Ministerial Scholarship Cranbrook Rotary Club Scholarship (1976) Cranbrook Search & Rescue Society, Shawn Michael Currier Memorial Bursary Cristoforo Colombo Lodge (1980) Scholarship Dogwood-District Authority Awards Drug Free Scholarship Sponsored by TECK East Kootenay Community Credit Union Award In Memory of Nelson Labonte Smith East Kootenay Community Credit Union Bursary East Kootenay Community Credit Union Scholarship East Kootenay Community Credit Union Scholarship In Memory of Fred Marasco East Kootenay District Labour Council Award “EFM Towing & Hotshots Delivery Scholarship” EKVC Rich Wayling Memorial Scholarship Erin Beaulac Memorial Bursary (1990) Exact Tax Scholarship F.W. Green Medical Centre Scholarship Fraternal Order of Eagles (Terry Werden Memorial) Award Friendship Hockey/Diane Daignault Memorial Bursary George Donaldson Memorial Award
Gregarious Gardener by Top Crop Garden, Farm & Pet
Good Bugs vs Bad Bugs
Submitted Wildsight’s awardwinning environmental education program, Classroom With Outdoors, is back! Now in its 13th year, Classroom With Outdoors is an experiential, field trip-based program designed to connect students in grades 4 to 7 with the ecosystems in their own back yards. Wildsight is able to offer Classroom With Outdoors free of charge thanks to the generous support of Columbia Basin Trust and local foundations and sponsors – which is vital to ensuring that the program remains accessible to as many students as possible. The program continues to be as popular as ever – this year, roughly 1750 students in communities across the Columbia Basin will participate. Wildsight’s exceptional team of environmental educators has already started helping students and teachers discover the wonders of forest, wetland, grassland, and old growth ecosystems through engaging, interactive activities – using fine nets to catch and observe insects, journaling, role-playing, and much more. “There’s an increased recognition of the value of learning outside the classroom,” said Education Program Manager Monica Nissen. “And we are starting to see the importance of understanding what is going on in the places where we live, of having a sense of local context and appreciating the ways in which intact ecosystems sustain us.” Classroom With Outdoors is made possible through the financial assistance of Columbia Basin Trust, The North Face Explore Fund, Columbia Power Corporation, Fortis BC, Teck Coal, Teck Trail Operations, the Osprey Foundation, Creston-Kootenay Foundation, and the BC Gaming Fund. Wildsight views environmental education as a crucial part of building healthy communities and maintaining thriving ecosystems. “Ecosystem services are starting to be incorporated into economics and value systems,’”said Nissen. “Classroom With Outdoors helps to teach these concepts. One popular activity that we use involves having the students pre-
Gyro Open Scholarship Herbert & Claire Simpson Memorial Scholarships (1979) Janice Froland Memorial – Theatre Award Joanne McWhirter/Helton Scholarship for Physics Kaye Romano Bursary Key City Oldtimers Hockey League (KCOHL) Scholarship Key City Theatre Arts Scholarship Kin Club of Cranbrook Bursary Kin Club of Cranbrook Scholarship Knights of Columbus (Christ the Servant Parish) No. 8631 James P. Kennedy Memorial Scholarship Kootenay Christian Academy Alumni Award Kootenay Country Fair Bursary Kootenay Ice Nella Rounsville Scholarship Kootenay Orchards Parent Advisory Council Bursary Kootenay Woodlot Education Society – (Wayne) Morrison Memorial Forestry Bursary Ktunaxa Kinbasket Perseverance Scholarship Ladies’Auxiliary Past Presidents of the Fraternal Order of Eagles #3032 Sevilla Clark Memorial Bursary Ladies’Auxiliary to Royal Canadian Legion Branch #24 Bursary Ladies’Auxiliary to the Fraternal Order of Eagles #3032 Regis Jacobson Memorial Bursary Larisa Zak Memorial Drafting Award Laurie Middle School Scholarship Lewis Campbell Memorial Award Maple Leaf Rebekah Lodge Bursary MBSS Parent Advisory Council McDonald’s Restaurant of Cranbrook Bursary (1983) Melvin & Jean Bain Memorial Scholarship Phyllis Kuhnert Memorial Scholarship Royal Canadian Legion Scholarship/Branch 24 (1955) Scandinavians of the East Kootenay Bursary School District #5 Administrators Association Scholarship Stanley and Gracie McNeil Student Aid Memorial Bursary Steve Corbett Memorial Pulp, Paper & Woodworkers of Canada, Local 15 Scholarship Sunrise Rotary Pat Casey Memorial Bursary Tembec Industries Inc./Rotary Club of Cranbrook Entrance Scholarship Terralogic Exploration Inc. Scholarship Vince Capuano Memorial Bursary Walker Willis (1984) Memorial Bursary/ Jubilee Chapter 64 Order of Eastern Star William Henderson Scholarship
Last week, we were talking about attracting more visitors to your yard, but many of them are already there. As soon as your garden wakes up from its winter slumber, it starts teaming with insects and creatures of all sorts. But before you reach for your bug buster, take another look at all the creepy crawlies in your planting beds. While some pests are devouring your freshly planted seedlings, often an army of beneficial insects is right behind them, coming to your rescue. Many insects we see in our greenhouses and gardens are not a threat to the plants at all, but a treat. Beneficial insects prey on the pests attacking your plants, keeping their populations in check. Some predators – such as ladybugs, parasitic wasps and garden spiders – are commonly seen in gardens, while others – such as nematodes – are too small to be visible, but are still present in your garden. Ladybugs are everybody’s favourite “good bug”. They feast on aphids, mealy bugs, scale, leafhoppers and other soft bodied pests and they keep on eating until the bad bugs are gone. They can eat up to 50 to 60 aphids per day or 5,000 pests in a lifetime, doing most of their feeding while in the larval stage. Aphids are small black, green or sometimes even red insects that suck the juices out of flower buds and the new growth of plants. Petunias, snowball viburnum, dogwoods and columbine are just a few of the plants that are very susceptible to aphid damage. Botanical insecticides containing pyrethrum or insecticidal soaps will kill aphids on contact, but need to be applied frequently for optimal control and since aphids feed on the underside of the leaves, sometimes spotting them and spraying them can be difficult. If you do not have an army of ladybugs in your yard, you can purchase them at your garden centre. It is recommended that you mist the tree or shrub you want to introduce them to and then release the ladybugs in the evening when it is cooler. If possible, cover the plant with a light cheesecloth fabric for a day or two. The ladybugs will then lay eggs and the next generation should consider that plant home and stay on for a long period controlling your aphid problem! Parasitic wasps are one of the most important beneficial garden insects. They are critical because they operate at low population densities. Parasitic wasp will control populations of aphids, whitefly, caterpillars, cutworms, and grubs. They are not a true wasp, but look similar to a wasp; they are most commonly black and white. They do not bite people or pets. Spiders are considered to be the most important terrestrial predators, eating tons of pest insects, willing to eat almost any insect they can catch. They are abundant and found in most habitats. The key to using garden spiders as predators is to leave them alone. Most garden spiders set up webs in corners or obscure areas of the garden. By leaving the web alone you are allowing the spider to do its job. Beneficial nematodes are microscopic “good bugs” that will attack and destroy cutworms, sod webworms, onion maggots and other grubs. These tiny killers are non-toxic to humans, pets and birds. They must be applied to wet soil and kept out of direct sunlight. Beneficial nematodes will continue to reproduce and be effective as long as they have prey. At Top Crop, we use a number of beneficial insects as part of our Integrated Pest Management strategy in the greenhouses and nursery. Come see our staff for more information on all the “good bugs” and how to get them working for you in your yard and garden. Till next time… happy gardening. Submitted by Tara
$1.00 0FF 20% Off Ladybugs
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Brought to you by Bill Bennett, MLA. (Kootenay East) Province of British Columbia
3 Facts you need to Know About...
BC’s New Cabinet 1.
Premier Christy Clark is fulfilling the commitments made in her campaign platform with a first step of forming a strong new cabinet composed of experienced ministers and talented new MLA’s. While keeping cabinet small, the Premier created new ministries to ensure we deliver on jobs, the economy, and keeping spending under control. Liquefied Natural Gas is now split off from Energy, Core Review of Government is added to Energy & Mines, International Trade and Technology & Innovation will enhance government’s focus on accelerating our jobs plan. I will serve as Minister of Energy and Mines and Minister Responsible for Core Review of government spending. I’m honoured to keep Kootenay East represented at the cabinet table, and to work with the mining and energy sectors.
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
CBT business program expands services Landmark CINEMAS STarTing Landmark CINEMAS
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MLA Bill Bennett Telephone: 250 417-6022 Facsimile: 250 417-6026 Toll Free: 1 866 417-6022 email: bill.bennett.mla@leg.bc.ca website: www.billbennett.bc.ca Constituency Office: 100c Cranbrook Street North Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P9
Phone today! In Cranbrook 489-3455 East Kootenay 1-800-665-2382
bia Basin Trust (CBT) is expanding its popular Basin Business Advisors (BBA) program, which will be delivered by Community Futures.
“Since 2000, the BBA program has been helpIn an effort to meet ing build economic the growing needs of locapacity in Basin comcal businesses and help munities by supportthem succeed, Columing businesses to grow and prosper,” said Neil Muth, CBT President and CEO. “By expanding the program, more businesses and entrepreneurs will be able to benefit, ultimately having an impact on the economic well-being of the Basin.” A program of the BBA supports smallSummit Community Services Society and medium-sized busithe Afterschool program is offering nesses in the Basin by providing free, one-toone, confidential busiJuly 2nd to August 30th ness counselling and 8:15am to 5:15pm weekdays assessment services, and for ages 5 years to 12 years. by arranging and costsharing specialized conDrop ins are welcome space permitting. Located at #18-13th Avenue South sulting services. These (Near Safeway) services will now be available to all business Come join us for various field trips, outdoor models, including social fun, crafts, games and much more! enterprises. Starting in For more information phone: the fall, there will also be new services added such as pre-start-up entrepreneurship, workshops and education. Steele O’Neil and Associates has delivered FLY GRAND ATLANTIC ATLAN LANTIC CROSS CANADA BY MOTORCOACH the program since its (Departs Calgary) (Fly to Halifax return retur turn from St. John’s) inception in 2000, with Autumn Splendour Tour 19 days, Jul Aug 12 owner Barbara O’Neil 29 25, days, September 10* now heading into retireFLY ATLANTIC CANADA & NEWFOUNDLAND EASTERN CANADA & MARITIMES ment. FALL FOLIAGEfrom St. John’s) (Fly to Halifax/Return “We thank Barbara (Fly to & return from Toronto) 15 days, Sep 3 guaranteed and business advisors 20 days, September 11* Deanne Monroe and & THE BEST CROSS NEWFOUNDLAND CANADA BY MOTORCOACH Will Nixon of Steele OF THE MARITIMES 29 days, Sep 7 & 10 guaranteed O’Neil and Associates (Fly to & return from Toronto) 24 days, September 15* for their commitment to FLY EASTERN CANADA & MARITIMES excellence in delivering ATLANTIC CANADA & (Fly to and return from Toronto) this innovative program NEWFOUNDLAND 20 days, Sep 11Halifax & 14 guaranteed that we are particularly (Fly to & return from St. John’s) 15 days, September 19 FLY NEWFOUNDLAND & THE MARITIMES proud of,” said Muth. “They’ve made a real GUARANTEED (Fly to*ALL andDATES return from Toronto) difference to hundreds 24 days, Sep 18 guaranteed AA688432 of businesses that have accessed the program over the years and that 36 years of service • www.nageltours.com continue to thrive to31 years of service • www.nageltours.com day.” Muth added that CBT Call your travel agent or is pleased to welcome Community Futures on board and looks forward Have you been to working with them as they expand service levtreated unfairly els to the business comby a provincial munity. “Community Futures or local is committed to helping government people in the Basin who agency? are currently operating or planning to start their The B.C. Ombudsperson own business, and the may be able to help opportunity to deliver the BBA program will enhance our ability to provide comprehensive business services,” said Andrea Wilkey, ComOmbudsperson’s staff will be in your community munity Futures Cenon the following dates, and are available by tral Kootenay General appointment to discuss your complaint: Manager. “Community Futures in the Basin, • Sparwood June 24 with offices in Nelson, • Cranbrook June 25 Trail, Revelstoke and • Invermere June 26 Cranbrook, will work together to ensure the For an appointment BBA program is visible call 1-800-567-3247 (toll-free) and accessible and ofwww.bcombudsperson.ca fers consistent service standards throughout the Basin.”
NAGEL TOURS 1-800-562-9999
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A11
Decorate a deer and help the art council The Cranbrook and District Art Council welcome you to decorate your very own Urban Artsy Deer. Participants can buy a wooden buck or doe, available now at the CDAC office on 10th Avenue South, and decorate them anyway they choose. The registration categories are business, child under 14 years, single adult, family and group. Business entrants are to register their deer by June 20th and hide them in their businesses by July 1st for questers to find. Visitors to the Artrageous Art gallery will be able to collect a Quest Form and are challenged to locate all the deer in Cranbrook.
This event promises to give a lot of exposure to small downtown businesses and large business alike, and could act as a promotional tool for other local community programs looking to raise awareness for their group or organization. Jenny Humphrey, or-
Mon., June 24 • 5:30pm
71 76
78 81
80 85
58 63
60 65
51 54
By Dave Green
11 9
30 28
7 39 31 15 19
34 30
17 10
17 13
29 11
Difficulty Level
14 6/02
2013 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
19 14
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At Kids on Campus Children’s Center used kakuro 06/01-06/02 4700A College Way
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Annual General Meeting
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Personal Care Nursing Services Alzheimer’s Care Respite Additional Services Enquire
Avenue South now, accepting all forms of art from paintings, collage, to sculpture and three dimensional pieces. Please contact 250-4264223 and speak to Helen Duckworth for information.
Community Campus Children’s soCiety
Rachelle Keiver
Pleased to be serving your community
rules and sign up information can be found at the CDAC office on 10th Avenue South, via email at cdac@shaw. ca or phone 250-4264223. Donations for the Lion’s Club fundraiser of ‘Twice Loved Art’ are also being taken at the CDAC office on 10th
trane gas furnaces
Sale starts at 10am at our office. 44-11th Avenue South Kittie Corner from Rotary Park
Evening appointments available *Home based salon*
tary Park. Here, all deer from businesses, groups and individuals alike, will be judged with prizes awarded. Any donated deer will then be auctioned to raise funds for the CDAC alongside the Lion’s Club ‘Twice Loved Art’ fundraiser. All details,
Nursing and Home Care Services 1109 Pocha Rd, Cranbrook, BC V1C 6Y8 KootenayCare@shaw.ca Ph.778.517.0969 • Cell 250.421.4203
Start your shopping early with us. We have a large selection of knitted and sewn items ideal for Christmas gifts. Excellent prices. We will also be selling coffee.
Licensed Hairstylist
project which promotes local business, whilst strengthening the presence of art in the community, is really something rather special” said CDAC administrator Helen Duckworth. The grand finale for this event will take place on August 24th at Ro-
Telus Community Ambassadors Christmas in June Sale Saturday, June 15
a look a style a statement
ganizer of the Urban Artsy Deer project and director-at-large for the CDAC says “Cranbrook has long been known for urban deer, it’s time to be proud of our urban deer and this project takes the creatures and shows them in a new, fun light”. “The first thing I heard about when I moved to Cranbrook was their deer, the fact that the art council is taking them as the subject matter for a
Best described as a number crossword, the task in Kakuro is to fill all of the empty squares, using numbers 1 to 9, so the sum of each horizontal block equals the number to its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the number on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.
Crossword and Kakuro
ACROSS 1 Try, as a case 5 Fellow 9 Aussie pal 13 Sported 17 “___ bitten, twice shy” 18 Ireland 19 Arm bone 20 Live ___ to mouth 21 Prefix with scope or meter 22 Ancient Persian 23 Lice eggs 24 Eastern fabric technique 25 Port city of northern B.C. 28 Small songbird 30 Soaked 31 Equal: prefix 32 Bring to fruition 36 Twist together 39 Area NW of Vancouver: ___ Coast 40 “Insert here”: symbol 43 Math subj. 44 Olympian’s quest 45 Microwave, e.g. 46 Textile worker 47 Start for cycle or pod 48 At 16, she swam Lake Ontario 49 Newspapers 50 English meal 51 Roster 52 Boy 53 Je ne sais ___ 54 Spreads the mess 56 Cone producer 57 Sun (Fr.) 60 Pigpen 61 Embargo 62 “Cut it out!” 63 Hide-hair connector 65 Ice (Fr.) 68 Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence 69 His Royal Highness 70 Medical breakthrough 71 Infinitesimal amount 72 Run away 73 N.Z. parrot 74 Made cakes and cookies 75 Scorpion-like constellation 77 Dulse or bladderwrack
79 Leaving money for server 80 Large cask 81 House for HervÈ 85 Drug, for short 86 Sleepwalk 89 Not well done 92 Animal den 94 Bad to the bone 95 Lo-cal 96 Labrador coastal town 97 Breakfast staple 98 Kind of wolf 99 Ancient 100 Killed with a bullet 101 National park next to Banff 102 Sink or ___ 103 Traffic jam components
DOWN 1 Canadian pacemaker inventor 2 January in Juarez 3 Pungent 4 Santa’s sleigh pullers 5 Foundation material 6 Yesterday (Fr.) 7 Difficult (Fr.) 8 Voyeur: ___ Tom 9 Author of “Who Do You Think You Are?” 10 Came to rest 11 Big bang producer 12 Sask. town with T. Rex museum 13 Yukon capital 14 Durable wood 15 Cellular stuff 16 Summer time in Sutton, Que. 26 Penny 27 Compass point 29 ER feeders 32 Overcast 33 Not prerecorded 34 Aces, sometimes 35 Writes 37 Rough skin growths 38 Hip bones 39 Auctioneer’s last word 40 Winnipeg summer time 41 Affirmatives 42 500 sheets of paper 44 Reverse, e.g.
47 Conservative 48 Russian pancakes 49 Feeler 51 Be worthy of 53 Winnie the ___ 55 Cliff at the Falls: Niagara ___ (World Biosphere Reserve) 56 Anniversary, e.g. 57 It’s the last ___! 58 Singular of Inuit 59 Elders’ teachings 61 Hive dwellers 62 Butter from an African tree 64 Embarrassed 65 Essence 66 Plural of locus 67 At the summit of 68 Slimy garden creature 70 Luxury car 72 He wrote The Piano Man’s Daughter 73 Canine keepers 74 Beautiful (Fr.) 76 Flaky dessert 77 Total 78 Insignia 80 Body of art? 82 Antelope of Central Asia 83 Mink cousin 84 Must-haves 86 Sound of relief 87 Acknowledge 88 Short skirt 89 ER personnel 90 “That feels good!” 91 Brazilian city 93 Gone by -30Copyright 2013 Kathleen Hamilton Distributed by Torstar Syndication Services
A12 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Schools Recreational and/ or Building of Interest Parks and/or Sports Centers
mT. RoyAl peAk
mT. RoyAl CloSe
mT. fiSheR DR mT. RoyAl RiDge
mT. fiSheR pl
31 Ave
eD ge wo oD DR i
College of The RoCkieS CRAnbRook mAin CAmpuS
15 AVE S
22 Ave
5. 13A ST
21 Ave 17 Ave
16 ST
College of The RoCkieS golD CReek CAmpuS
17 ST
17 ST 3 Ave
19 ST 18 ST
13 Ave
23 ST
4. June 15, 9am-2pm 1109 Baker Street 5. June 15, 9am-? 710 11th St S 6. June 15 & 16, 10am-4pm 357 Van Horne St S
SouThview CRT
2 Ave
1 Ave
2. 22 ST
1. June 15 & 16, 10am-4pm orange building by Wendys 2. June 15 & 16, 8am-2pm 2301 8th Ave S 3. June 15, 8am-1pm 206 4th Ave S
21A Ave
14 ST
7. June 15 & 16, 9am-5pm 432 Van Horne St S 8. June 15, 9am-4pm 328 2nd Ave S
9. June 15 & 16, 9-3 #8 617 27th Ave. S., Fountain Estates
See our complete garage sale listings on page A23
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A13
BLOWOUT SPECIALS!!!! 2005 Chrysler 300
2010 Dodge Caliber SXT
2007 Volkswagen Rabbit
low kms
Sunroof, leather, Nav, LOADED!!! Stk C13150A
Heated seats, air conditioning, cruise. Stk T13261A
U1687A T12468B T13062A T12342A T13241A T13051A T12260A T13228A T13003B T13235A T13347A
2009 DODGE 2500QC SLT 4X4 2008 DODGE 1500QC TRX4 4X4 2008 DODGE 1500QC TRX4 4X4 2011 RAM 1500 LARAMIE CC 4X4 2008 DODGE 1500QC SXT 4X4 2005 DODGE 1500QC SLT 2012 RAM 2500 CREW SXT 4X4 2010 RAM 2500 CREW SLT 4X4 2013 RAM 1500QC SXT 4X4 2010 RAM 1500CC LARAMIE 4X4 2009 RAM 1500QC SLT 4X4
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T13295A U1688 T13005A U1690 C13260A C13335A $ 6,995* T13190A $19,995* T13033A $23,995* T13252A
Automatic, 4-cyl, power windows & locks, cruise & more. StkT13209A
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$21,995* 2013 JEEP GR. CHEROKEE OVERLAND $53,995* 2013 JEEP GR. CHEROKEE LAREDO $34,995* 2013 JEEP GR. CHEROKEE LIMITED $52,995* 2008 JEEP PATRIOT NORTH $17,995* 2003 FORD ESCAPE $ 5,995* 2002 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER LTZ $ 5,995* 2014 JEEP COMPASS SPORT $25,995* 2006 JEEP GR. CHEROKEE LAREDO $11,995*
This is just a fraction of the pre-owned vehicles Cranbrook Dodge currently has in stock and with more coming every day there will always be a vehicle to fit every budget!
Toll Free 1-800-663-2268 1725 Cranbrook St., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3S9 DL#30708
*plus applicable tax.
• Phone: (250)426-6614 • Fax (250)426-5200 • www.cranbrookdodge.com
A14 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
Local wins biking provincials
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Congratulations to Hannah van der Roest on becoming the High School Senior Girls Cross Country Mountain Bike Champion for 2013! On May 25th teams Submitted Ad-4.5x6.5.pdf 1 2013-05-22 09:14:32 Ad-4.5x6.5.pdf 1 2013-05-22 09:14:32Mt. Baker Secfrom ondary and Kootenay
Christian Academy competed in the High School Mountain Bike Provincials held in Port Moody. The juniors (Gr. 10) and seniors (Gr. 11 & 12) raced 8.4 km and Bantams (Gr. 8) and Juveniles (Gr. 9) raced 4.5 km on a
tough mountain bike course that included lots of roots, rocks, bridges and boardwalks, even two boardwalks several feet off the ground with difficult dismounts. The Enduro race (a short downhill type race) was 3 km of the toughest single track on the cross country course. Results: Frazer Dyson (Junior) MBSS - 15th Cross Country, 18th Enduro. Brianna McWhirter (Bantam) KCA - 4 t h Cross Country, 4 t h Enduro. Tristian Olson (Junior)MBSS - 11th Cross Country, 11th Enduro. Jinay Patel (Juve-
Hannah van der Roest on the podium at the High School Mountain Bike Provincials.
Buy one, get one
Large selection of dresses!
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nile) KCA - 21st Cross Country. Samuel Spencer (Bantam) KCA - 20th Cross Country 15th Enduro. Duncan van der Roest (Juvenile) KCA - 6th Cross Country, 16th Enduro. Hannah van der Roest (Senior) MBSS - 1st Cross Country, 3 r d Enduro. Jenna Morrison (Juvenile) KCA - 6th Cross Country, 5th Enduro.
Do you Tweet??
CallCall youryour local police to pick upup unwanted firearms, local police to pick unwanted firearms,weapons, weapons,and andammunition. ammunition. Do Do notnot drop offoff items atat police drop items policedepartments. departments.
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Tamarack Centre 250-426-6966 *On regular priced items only. *2nd item at 50% off must be equal or lesser value.
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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A15
100% Locally owned. CRANBROOK
25 - 10th Ave. South, Cranbrook, BC Phone: 250-426-8211 Toll Free: 1-866-426-8211 Fax: 250-426-6270 ■
Great Highlands Home
Moyie Shores Estates
Peace & Tranquility
Outstanding Location
Willowbrook Estates
Home on 5.69 Acres
Remarkable Building
Warm inviting colors throughout, laminate, tile floors & much more!
This 1.2 acre waterfront paradise has a year round home & more.
This lovely ranch styled home is set on 10+ acres & backs on crown land.
Prime office space, right on the strip in Cranbook.
Sandy Smith 2390005
Rob Stang 4100249
Large open floor plan w/ 2 car garage, enclosed sun room & lots of storage.
Located in Silver Springs w/ large rock fireplace, great kitchen & more!
Completely renovated building with 12 ft aluminum overhead doors.
In Sunny Wardner
Great Opportunity!
In Newgate
Cheaper than Rent
Remember When...
Custom Built Home
Waterfront Property
Many upgrades in this country cottage with home based business.
2 very well maintained single family homes on spacious lot.
80 acres of country living with numerous outbuildings & luscious garden.
Many renovations in this mobile with large private fenced yard.
...homes had high ceilings & wood fireplaces? This place has it all & more!
Get that feeling of grandeur w/ its gorgeous foyer, curved stairs & more!
Level .51 acre property on Lazy Lake w/ fishing, swimming & many trails.
Close to Schools!
Home on 5 Acres
Great Value!
Forest Park Estates
Fine Quality Home
No Yard Work!
Shannon Heights
This 3bdrm, 2bath home has seen many upgrades & has lots of natural light.
Efficient Gold Creek home on full foundation, large deck & scenic pond.
3 bedroom home with large detached garage on .27 of an acre lot.
Large 2 bdrm suit on the top floor with fabulous mountain views!
Offering all the luxuries longed for in a family home w/ many great feature!
This 3 bdrm end-unit features lots of natural light & wrap around deck!
Clean & well maintained condo in central location w/ underground parking.
Linda Stuckey 2390495
Carrie Lightburn 2390516
Jason Wheeldon 2390615
Jim Barber 2214540
Sandy Smith 2390757
Chris Nault 2216226
Amber Bogaard 2390611
Barry Seitz 2219110
Jerry Boutin 2390727
Cary Swanson 2390619
Jim Barber 2390543
Lori White 2390470
Carla Sinclair 2218564
Jason Wheeldon 2390548
Katherine Rutherford 2389543
Wayne Franklin 2217342
Rob Stang 4100623
Linda Stuckey 2390336
Sandy Smith 2390716
SOLD! Ready To Build!
Home & 59 Acres!
Bring the Family
Fabulous Location
In Kimberley
Central Location
Piece of paradise!
Nice view of Fisher peak from the back yard area on this ready to build lot.
5 minutes from Cranbrook w/ upgades & cabin on south portion of property.
Over 3150 sq.ft. of living space with many updates throughout!
Cozy 3 bdrm home with laminate, hardwood & undeveloped basement.
Bright, sunny & completely renovated inside & out!
Jason Wheeldon 2390738
Amber Bogaard 2219106
Very clean w/ renovated bath, new linoleum & close to Rec Plex.
Semi-lakefront share w/ marina slip, private beach access & boat launch.
Kootenay Lake
Side by Side Duplex
Excellent Opportunity
Quiet & Relaxing
Picture Perfect View
Perfect Getaway
Open Concept Home
Your chance to own 2+ acres of beachfront with 120 ft. of lake frontage.
New roof, exterior doors, tile & paint in central location.
46.5 acres R-1 development land at the NE end of Cranbrook.
Well maintained 3 +1 bdrm, 3 bath home has many sought after features.
Distinctive home built w/ craftsmanship & detail throughout. Tons of space!
This home is only minutes from the city & has a wonderful look-out spot.
Propane gas fireplace, large covered deck & full unfinished basement.
Darren Close 2216174
Lori White 2202756
Rob Stang 2216953
Philip Jones 2214762
Barry Seitz 2390623
Shane Murray 2211954
Chris Nault 2216991
Lori White 2389031
you only need to ask.
for listing details, open houses with maps, property rentals & mortgages
Rob Stang 2214559
Barry Seitz 2218839
Kaytee Wheaton 2390308
Jason Wheeldon 2390621
A16 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
100% 100%Locally Locallyowned. owned. 25 - 10th Ave. South, Cranbrook, BC Phone: 250-426-8211 Toll Free: 1-866-426-8211 Fax: 250-426-6270 ■
Stunning Mountain View
When Only New Will Do
Piece of Paradise
Well Maintained
Almost New
Lovely Home!
Waterfront Property
This great property is on 37 acres w/ electricity running across it.
3 bdrm quality designed townhouse has 9ʼ ceilings on main floor & more!
Located in the mountains, this property is all set up and ready to go!
5 bdrms, newer roof, upgraded electrical, shop & garage.
Many features to enjoy with high end finishing thru-out.
Barry Seitz 2218440
Jerry Boutin 2217748
Warm colours throughout & centrally located home has great features!
1/2 acre lot ready for you to build on w/ community septic & own well.
Fully Renovated!
Great 1/2 duplex!
Beautiful Ranch
A Must See!
Immaculate Home
Fully Serviced Lot
Gold Creek Area
New wiring, plumbing, furnace, siding, kitchen, bathrooms & much more!
Centrally located w/ full unfinished bsmt, fenced yard, deck & upgrades.
Nestled in the Kootenay River Valley, this home on 240 fully fenced acres.
Very comfortable, well laid out, spacious 3 bedroom home.
Fully finished on all floors featuring large kitchen & fully fenced yard.
Quaint lakeside community offers a laid-back lifestyle w/ so much to do!
Spacious 3+1, 2.5 bath home on 0.98 acres, a short walk to Idle Wild Park.
Rob Stang 2212377
Jerry Boutin 2217103
Lori White 2216102
Sandy Smith 2218285
Rob Stang 2219003
SOLD! $219,900
Chris Nault 2215621
Jeannie Stager 2217953
Jim Barber 2215795
Cary Swanson 2218057
Katherine Rutherford 2218534
Carrie Lightburn 2217864
Jason Wheeldon 2390600
SOLD! Immaculate Mobile
Affordable Lot
Bring Your Plans
Great Parcel!
Family Home
In Canal Flats
A Rural Lifestyle
2 bdrm, 1 bath & completely renovated, w/ hardwood, bright windows & more!
Great lot to build your new home in nice, central location.
Beautiful flat 2.02 acres w/ amazing mountain views & minutes to Wasa Lake.
1.5 acres in Industrial park and zoned M2.
A great place to raise a family is this wonderful 1525 sq.ft. home.
Fabulous 2 bdrm unit in four-plex featuring 9ft vaulted ceilings.
2.5 manicured acres with spacious 3+2 bdrm home & 1500 sq.ft. shop!
Kaytee Wheaton 2217049
Wayne Franklin 2217873
Lori White 2213765
Carla Sinclair 4100428
Jim Barber 2389573
Morden Design Why Pay Rent??
Amazing Views
Beautiful 2008 Home
Own this cozy 2+1 bdrm home with double detached garage & more!
This 4 bedroom/3 bathroom home has it all!
Located in Orchard Heights w/ charming veranda & finished basement.
Katherine Rutherford 10062878
Lori White 2390347
Great Starter Home
3bdrm 3 bath home w/ 300ft of waterfront on the Kootenay River!
Centrally located w/ updated flooring, kitchen & paint w/ new furnace.
This cozy 2bdrm on quiet street close to schools has lots of great features
Jason Wheeldon 2390258
Jim Barber
Cranbrook 250.919.0958
Shelley Simon
Cranbrook 250.421.3406
Carla Sinclair 2390277
Amber Bogaard
Cranbrook 250.427.6342
Carla Sinclair
Cranbrook 250.421.4415
We are proud supporters of
Jerry Boutin
Cranbrook 250.421.9988
Sandy Smith
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Cranbrook 250.421.0835
Jason Wheeldon 2389059
Sandy Smith 2218971
Quiet Family Home
Linda Stuckey 2216768
Stunning Views!
This immaculately clean 3 bdrm, 4 bath home is centrally located & features a great open concept main floor. It has a great kitchen w/ breakfast bar,French doors to sundeck & main floor laundry. The yard is fully fenced & there is a large double garage!
$329,900 Jason Wheeldon MLS#2218042
Chris Nault 2218088
Wayne Franklin
Cranbrook 250.426.9829
Jeannie Stager
Cranbrook 250-421-3441
Megan Jones
Cranbrook 250.417.9848
Linda Stuckey
Cranbrook 250-421-0776
Carrie Lightburn
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Cranbrook 250.421.3629
Rob Stang
Cranbrook 250-919-9915
Chris Nault
Cranbrook 250.417.9027
Cary Swanson
Cranbrook 250.421.7195
Katherine Rutherford
Michelle Rybachuk
Cranbrook 250.417.7471
Cranbrook 250.421.9239
Kaytee Wheaton
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Cranbrook 250.919.0391
Jason Wheeldon
Cranbrook 250.426.9482
Barry Seitz
Cranbrook 250.421.1853
Lori White
Cranbrook 250.489.9053
Join our Facebook group at www.ekrealty.com/facebook
Complete Real Estate, Property & Strata Management, and Mortgage Brokerage Services
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A17
100% 100%Locally Locallyowned. owned. kiMBerLeY MarYsViLLe
385 Wallinger ave. kimberley 312-304th street, Marysville Phone: 250-427-0070 Toll Free: 1-866-427-0070 ■
Warm & Inviting
Shadow Mountain
Family Home
Whole Ownership
Add Your Own Style
Delightful Cabin
Outstanding Home
One of the finest custom log homes w/a commanding Rocky Mtn view.
One of the most spectacular lots in Shadow Mtn., surrounded by the Rockies.
Wonderful family home in one of Kimberley's newest subdivisions.
Northstar Mtn Village-whole ownership (4 quarters)-2 bedrooms/2 bathrooms.
Charmer on a large lot, priced below assessment.Take a look!
Lots of country appeal w/solid wood inside & out, this is a real cabin-log!
Custom home on .33 acre lot with 3 decks. Perfect family home.
Shane Murray 2216847
Marilyn Jolie 2186958
Tara Sykes 2218229
Audrey Welk 2390234
Darren Close 2191659
Dave Graham 2215045
Shane Murray 2217174
SOLD! Family Home
Beautiful Storefront
Forest Crowne Lot
Gorgeous Home
Stunning Acreage
Great Location
Forest Crowne
Wonderful family home in one of Kimberley's newest subdivisions.
Excellent Platzl location, with over $180,000 of renovations in 2170 sqft.
Wonderful lot in quiet cul-de-sac in beautiful Forest Crowne.
Half duplex in Mark Creek Crossing. Many upgrades in this lovely home.
Stunning vacant acreage bordering St.Mary River at Wycliffe & waterfront.
Five bed, 4 bath home. Self contained two bed suite. Large deck with views.
Very private lot, with green space behind & views to the Rockies.
Wasa Lakefront
Priced To Sell
Great Little Home
Like New Mobile
Dreams Do Come True!
Quiet Subdivision
Wonderfully Appointed
1/3rd of an acre w/great family cottage & fully landscaped property.
Main floor has lrge bedrm with ensuite bath; unit has many extra features.
Great little 3 bedroom starter or investment home on a large Marysville lot.
Own a like new home without the extra costs. Two bed, 2 bath mobile home.
Spectacular views, 155 acres, custom built home & much more!
Located in quiet Morrison Subdivision on 1.3 acres of land. Make it your own.
Clean & tidy cottage w/2 beds/2 baths & a lofted area for extra sleeping.
Ski In/Ski Out
Excellent Family Home
Large Lot
Wonderful Business
Ready To Build On!
Great Home & Acreage
Must See Property!
Updated & clean, comes with everything you need to enjoy it yourself, or rent it
5 bedrooms/2.5 bath, rec room w/wood stove, family kitchen & large living room.
No building commitment on this lot in prestigious Forest Crowne development.
Wonderful business located just outside Kimberley's Platzl w/parking out front.
Concrete on lot, 0.57 acres w/creek flowing through the rear of the yard.
Four bed & 3 baths, finished on both floors. Large open living room.
Rocky & Purcell mountains. Located 1/2 way between Kimberley & Cranbrook.
Tara Sykes 2218229
Shane Murray 2219087
Tara Sykes 2215996
Audrey Welk 2390454
Dave Graham 2210631
Audrey Welk 2390261
Marilyn Jolie 2184326
Shane Murray 2390241
Audrey Welk 2181136
Tara Sykes 2216072
Tara Sykes 2389962
Marilyn Jolie 2390279
Dave Graham 2389814
Katherine Rutherford 2218075
Shane Murray 2390116
Shane Murray 2390222
Marilyn Jolie 2390160
Annual Duck Race! Prime Development
Wonderful Cabin
In Marysville
Semi ocean front property located on Malcolm Island. Approx. 800x2000ft.
Amazing Cathedral ceiling, log accents & rock gas fireplace.
Much loved home with 4 bdrms, bright livingroom & spacious covered deck!
Great Opportunity
Affordable Living
Hillside Treed Lot
Direct access front/back located in the heart of Kimberley's Platzl.
Many updates in this very clean mobile. Affordable option over paying rent.
Lot located close to community forest and walking trails.
Darren Close 2204539
Marilyn Jolie 4000205
Marilyn Jolie 2217470
Dave Graham 2390032
Tanya Anderson
Kimberley 250.432.5210
Dave Graham 2215189
Marilyn Jolie 2214223
Dave Graham 2389510
Shane Murray 2217412
Sandy Smith 2389651
Shane & Dave 2194599
Darren Close
Kimberley 250.427.8711
Dave Graham
Kimberley 250.427.0372
Marilyn Jolie
Kimberley 250.427.8700
deBra Parker, aMP Mor tgage Broker Business : 250.420.2375 Cell : 250.421.7600
Shane Murray
Kimberley 250.427.6215
Tara Sykes
Kimberley 250.427.6496
Audrey Welk
Kimberley 250.427.5900
darren LYon Mor tgage Broker Business : 250.420.2369 Cell : 250.919.1365
Independently Owned and Operated. ®/™ trademarks owned by Centum Financial Group Inc. © 2012 Centum Financial Group Inc., CENTUM Homeward Mortgage Group Ltd.
250.426.8217 MORTGAGES: Pre-approvals • Purchases • Refinances • Consolidations • 100% Financing • Vacation • Home • Rental Property • Self-employed Mortgages Mortgage Broker 25 – 10thBaBinski Avenue South Cranbrook, BC. V1C 2M9 • 250.426.8211 Interest Rates are at record lows, take advantage of these great savings! Brenda
A18 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
561A Hwy #3, Fernie, BC Phone: 250-423-4644 Toll Free: 1-888-870-9064
Fernie's Finest
Nice 1/2 Duplex
This 2 storey 3 bdrm townhome in the highest end complex in Fernie.
3 bdrm 1/2 duplex in upper Elkford, close to schools. Landscaped, fenced yard.
Candace & Jason 2215838
Paula Smith 2216275
141B Aspen Dr. Sparwood, BC Phone: 250-425-2722
New Price!
Home on 2.03 Acres
427, 1286 Ponderosa
Downtown Home
No Pad Rent
Awesome Location! 2 bedroom condo with plenty of upgrades in the Annex.
Gorgeous 3/1 bedroom cedar log home located in the heart of South Country!
Fully furnished one bdrm top floor south facing corner unit. Bright and cozy.
Great starter or recreation getaway! Home has 2 bedrooms. Wood flooring.
Skylights and arched windows make this 3 bdrm home bright.
Unique Home
Fernie Golf Estates
Triple Tree Estates
Lovely 1 bdrm renovated unit at the Griz Inn-runs right outside your door!
3/1 bdrm custom built home on lge .279 ac lot. Dble garage with workshop.
This lovely 3/1 bdrm duplex is beautifully finished up and down. Dble garage.
South Country's newest acreage subdivision in Grasmere. 4.9 acres.
Melanie MacKay 2389033
Jason & Candace 2389330
Frank Hughes 2390609
Lorene Giles 2196251
Britainy Ernst 2389954
SOLD! Beautiful Home
2 Bedroom Condo
Cozy & Clean!
A must see! 4+ bdrms and 4 bathrooms located on one of the best lots in Fernie.
Move right into this partially furnished 2nd floor 2 bedroom condo.
Must see this 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home located in lower Sparwood area.
Craig Bell 2216825
Tricia Croteau 2389230
Paula & Frank 2389833
Candace & Jason 2216943
Paula Smith 2215725
Candace & Jason 2218725
Jason & Candace 2210920
SOLD! Split Level
1300 Matevic Road
Lots of Potential!
Don't Miss Out
Great Family Home
Waterfront Property
Private Setting
4 bdrm 2 bath with finished walk-out basement. Located in quiet area.
34 acres backing onto Crown Land & the Elk River that has privacy & seclusion.
Semi completed log cabin on 86.87 acres located mins. from Fernie/ski area.
Nicely updated 3/1 bdrm home in upper Elkford. Dble driveway, lge heated shop.
4 bdrm renovated home on partially fenced corner lot. Huge covered deck.
Well maintained 5 bedroom home situated on a gorgeous 1.55 acre parcel. Jason & Candace 2218409
4/1 bdrm home on 3.31 acres. Spacious open kitchen,garage & shop
Candace & Jason 2218125
Cental Location
Gorgeous Acreage
3, 100 Aspen Drive
Great Starter
Gorgeous Townhome
Updated Family Home
This custom built one owner home has charm plus top quality throughout. 3.66 ac.
Nicely updated 3/1 bedroom home with spacious kitchen. Large fenced backyard.
6.17 ac with quaint, fully functional loft bdrm cabin with drilled well & septic
3 bdrm 2 bath mobile home close to all amenities. Excellent value.
Nicely updated 2 bdrm townhouse close to all downtown amenities.
3 bdrm + loft townhome in private area. Beautiful open floor plan. Large deck.
Great 3/1 bdrm home with numerous updates in downtown area. Garage.
Paula Smith 2215349
Candace & Jason 2213215
Frank Hughes 2218592
Paula Smith 2390153
Lorene Giles 2210338
Jason & Candace 2216413
Paula Smith 2217323
Frank Hughes 2389501
Colleen Dunn 2389265
Paula Smith 2218451
Congratulations! Great Home
New Price!
5 Acre Parcel
A must see! This 3 bedroom home boasts of modern finishes and great renos.
3/1 bdrm renovated home located in Ridgemont. Open floor plan, attached garage. Lorene Giles 10062677
Situated minutes from Fernie wth great views. Many building sites.
Candace & Jason 2389113
406 White Birch Cres.
Cornerstone Lodge
Close to Downtown
3 bdrm home with updates. Open area from kitchen to dining room. New deck.
Beautiful ski-in ski-out 2 bdrm furnished top floor condo. Corner unit.
Nice 3/1 bedroom, 2 bath home w/ many great features. Ski hill views.
Paula Smith 2389658
Frank Hughes 2217483
Jason Andreola
Elk Valley 250.423.1645
Jason & Candace 2217680
Craig Bell
Elk Valley 250.430.1162
Colleen Dunn
Elk Valley 250.423.1553
Jason & Candace Exclusive
Paula Smith 2217911
Commercial Lots
$581,500.00 Elkford 5 commercial lots in downtown core ready for development. 2.67 acres in total, plenty of space for your business building- high traffic location. Call Paula for details MLS 4100119
Paula Smith 2389391
Lorene Giles
Elk Valley 250.430.1066
Candace Grey
Elk Valley 250.423.1044
Melanie MacKay
Elk Valley 250.423.1800
Tricia Croteau
Sparwood 250.433.6996
Frank Hughes
Elk Valley 250.425.5555
Paula Smith
Elkford 866.425.3690
Britainy Ernst
Sparwood 250.425.4188
Carrie Lightburn
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Cranbrook 250.421.3629
Complete Real Estate, Property & Strata Management, and Mortgage Brokerage Services
for listing details, open houses with maps, property rentals & mortgages
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A19
Coming Events
MORTGAGE INTELLIGENCE An intelligent way to get a mortgage.
EK Outdoor Club hike to Kiako Mountain, June 15. Moderate hike in the Lumberton area. Lorne, 250-426-8864 EK Outdoor Club hike to Silversprings Ridge, June 15. A steep but safe & short climb up to the ridge above Silver Springs Lakes. Moderate difficulty. Denise, 250-426-8646
• Lower than posted bank rates • First-time buyers • Debt consolidation • Construction draw mortgages • Private mortgages
John Magis
Mortgage Consultant
Everyone welcome! Fraternal Order of Eagles Father’s Day pancake breakfast, June 16, 8am-11am, 711 Kootenay St. $5/person, all proceeds to Diabetes Research. Free family swim, June 19, 6-7pm, Kimberley Rec Centre. Sponsored by Kimberley Medical Clinic. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult. Kimberley Nature Park Father’s Day Hike, meet at the Higgins Street entrance, June 16, 1pm for a 3-4 hour moderate hike. Join leaders Ellen & Dan Chase, 250-427-5517
Sherri Magis
Mortgage Consultant
1-877-489-1691 Kootenays
Auto Services
Auto Services
Auto Services
Auto Services
ANNOUNCING Saturday Service Hours We’re happy to announce service and light mechanical work for your convenience. Book your appointment for Saturday Service.
Beginning June 22
Lorraine Butler’s Music Studio will be having the year end recital at The Knox Church at 7pm, June 23. Everyone welcome.
Information Need new wheels but your credit has run off the road? Apply online:
or call Travis at Northstar GM
250-489-4711 1-800-663-2307
Personals SWF 65+ looking for someone to share life with who enjoys the outdoors, good movies, good conversation & quality time at home together. Someone who is self sufficient as I am. Reply to Box 258 c/o Kootenay Advertiser, 1510 2nd St N, Cranbrook BC. V1C 3L2.
TOTALLY PRIVATE - BACKING ON TO CROWN LAND and just down the road from Moyie Lake, this 73 unique acres boasts its own waterfall, and features a quality built 6 bdrm home including a 2 bdrm suite, 3 car heated garage, barn/workshop & only 13 minute drive to Cranbrook. Unlimited recreational possibilities. Quick possession. 7203 Monroe Lake Road at Moyie Lake Prov. Campground turnoff
Gail Ballance
Houses For Sale
Saturdays 9am to 4pm (excluding long weekends)
2032 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC • DL#30315 www.importautogroup.com Phone 250-489-0903 TOLL FREE 1-877-420-2194
mls K216818
Blue Sky Realty Cell 250-421-3696 gailballance@cyberlink.bc.ca
$SBOCSPPL 4U / $SBOCSPPL #$ t 250-426-8700 www.blueskyrealty.ca
Open Houses
Open Houses
Open Houses
Open Houses SCAN SCan HERE Here
for a map of our
Cranbrook • Saturday, June 15
13 S 20 RD
10:00-11:00am 2516 3A Street S
Spacious 2400 sq.ft. home w/open floor plan & fully fenced yard.
• HOUSE CLEANING ON COMPLETION DAY. I arrange for your house to be cleaned on Completion Day, you can just pack and move out! • ACCURATE MARKET EVALUATION. • FEATURE SHEET BOX. I attach a feature sheet box to the “for saleâ€? sign on your property. • COMMUNICATION. I keep you as a Seller up to date. • VIRTUAL MARKETING. My listings are available on www.cranbrookhousesforsale.com, www.realtor.ca, wwww.ekrealty.com, various point2 websites and Kijiji. • OPEN HOUSES. • PRINT ADVERTISING. My listings are advertised in the local real estate papers biweekly on top of our office advertising. • WEB SLIDESHOWS. I prepare web slideshows of your home. I can forward this to potential purchasers. • ROYAL LEPAGE REFERRALS. Royal LePage receives referrals from all over the World to look for real estate in Cranbrook.
220 21st Avenue North
Quiet 3+1 bedroom, 2 bath family home in central location close to schools college, bus routes, hospital, rec-plex and grocery store New high efficiency furnace and hot water tank. Updated flooring, kitchen and paint throughout. Big deck with large fenced yard. Basement entry for possible in-law suite.
$269,900 2207 3rd Street North
Renovated end unit townhouse in a quiet cul-de-sac with fabulous views of the mountains. Within walking distance to shopping, college, schools, rec-plex and hospital. Fully finished with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, updated kitchen, flooring, paint, hot water tank, roof and central air conditioning. Built in vacuum and fully fenced backyard.
Open Houses
12:15-1:15pm 660 Brookview Crescent
Fantastic updates in this 2800 sq.ft. home! Granite kitchen, backs onto green space.
Katherine Rutherford
12:30-1:30pm 1208 24th Avenue N
Beautiful & fully renovated home on .59 acres in Gold Creek.
Corey Moore
1:00-2:00pm #1-2424 Industrial Rd #2
Corey Moore
2 bdrm, 1 bath mobile home on large corner lot.
10:00-11:00am 3549 Silver Spring Drive
Michelle Rybachuk
2:30-3:30pm 2348 Michel Road
Charming country home on 5 acres w/lovely views. Sandy Smith
11:00am-12:00pm 118-2515 12th Street N Beautifully updated 2 bdrm corner unit.
2 bdrm, 1 bath home up Jim Smith Lakeon onjust justunder under1/2 1 acre. Lake acre.
Michelle Rybachuk
Katherine Rutherford
11:15am-12:15pm 817 11th Street S
Much loved bungalow close to schools w/cozy country kitchen.
Corey Moore
4:00-5:00pm 2351 9th Street S
4 bdrm, 3 bath home on 2.5 acres w/1500 sq.ft. shop.
Corey Moore
www.ekrealty.com Cranbrook - 250-426-8211, 25 10th Ave. S. Kimberley - 250-427-0070, 385 Wallinger Ave. read ’em and reap!
The classifieds are full of great buys and bargains and the Kootenay Advertiser has more classifieds than any other East Kootenay paper. Now reaching over 31,000 homes.
A20 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Lost & Found
Frank Shannon 1911-2012
Found: in the Industrial Park, women’s Schwinn Santa Monica bike, gold & silver. Call to describe, (250)417-0193
Eternally Remember Your Loved One • Headstones • Grave Markers • Custom Urns
Ian Charles Alan Shepherd
Dec. 27, 1986June 11, 2010
In loving memory of
Debi Darlene Sparks (Rosy)
1958-2005 Debi’s big sister, Sheila, has joined Debi in heaven on April 11, 2013. We all sadly miss you both.
You were everything to me. I loved being around you, hearing your stories, watching you with your horse, watching you work on your truck. I miss talking with you, I miss watching you ride at the Rodeos…I miss everything about you. As I get older I miss you more and more… I miss my brother, my friend, my hero.
Love James
Wesley Bishop
In loving memory of
Sheila Elaine Currie
June 4, 1929June 15, 2012
Oct. 11, 1948April 11, 2013 Don’t weep at my grave, for I am not there, I’ve a date with a butterfly to dance in the air. I’ll be singing in the sunshine, wild and free playing tag with the wind while I’m watching over thee
Let us help you create a special memorial including: Personalized Engraving and Installation
On June 22, at 2 pm, there will be a graveside service at the Kimberley Cemetery for Frank Shannon, followed by a reception and refreshments at the United Church Hall in Kimberley. Please feel welcome to join us in honouring his dedication to family friends, community and conservation.
Lost: Boston Terrier, male, green collar, lost in Cherry Creek Falls area in Meadowbrook on June 9 around 7:30pm, answers to Leonard. (250)427-0320
In Memoriam
On the Strip, Cranbrook 250.426.6278 The family of
Hank Campsall
sadly announces that Hank took his last ride Saturday, June 8, 2013. There will be no service at Hank’s request. In lieu of cards and/or donations, Hank’s family ask that you please write down any or all of your “Hank Stories”and send them to: N. Campsall Box 91, Fort Steele, BC V0B 1N0 A celebration of life will be held Aug. 24 at the Henderson Pavilion, Wycliffe Exhibition Grounds between 2 & 6 pm.
Richard Lofstrom August 30th 1936-March 10th, 2013 Remembering a wonderful Dad with happy memories. A smile for all, a heart of gold, The very best the world could hold, Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us everyday. Lovingly Remembered by his children, Donna, Rick & Diane & Wayne, Sheree, Peggy & Linda
By shopping local you support local people. In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Forever in our hearts Sadly missed, forever loved.
Ian Charles Alan Shepherd Dec. 27, 1986-June 11, 2010 $1979 Reg $1,159 $499 Reg. $379 $88 Reg. $1,449 $729
Sofa, Loveseat & Ottoman Reg $3,957
Chair & Ottoman End Table Sofa
Adopt a Shelter Cat!
The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned and abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today.
BCSPCA www.spca.bc.ca
If we could have a lifetime wish and one dream that could come true We would pray to God with all our hearts just to see and speak to you A thousand words won’t bring you back We know because we’ve tried and neither will a million tears We know because we’ve cried You’ve left behind our broken hearts and precious memories too But we’ve never wanted memories We only wanted you Words cannot describe how much we miss you and what it is like living without you. Anyone who knew you knows what we have lost. Our hearts still ache in sadness, and there is not a day goes by that we do not cry. We could not have asked for a better son and a better brother to James. He idolized you and still does. We still cannot believe this has happened and still haven’t figured out how to live life without you. We just hope and pray that there is a heaven and that you are okay and happy and that we will see you again someday…..
Love Mom, Colin and James
Obituaries OBITUARY
INEZ MOORE Oct. 21, 1912-May 23, 2013 It is with profound sadness we announce the passing of our dear Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother Inez Moore. Inez is survived by her loving, devoted children: Erin (Ken), Don (Kathy), 5 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren. A celebration of life in her honour will be held in August. Donations in Inez's memory may be made to the Salvation Army.
OBITUARY GLEN JAKE NOLIN 1938 - 2013 On the evening of Thursday, June 6, 2013, Glen Jake Nolin passed away at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital at the age of 75 years. Glen was born in Vanguard, Saskatchewan on March 29, 1938. Glen spent approximately 10 years in work camps as a heavy equipment operator building roads. He came to BC following job opportunities and to be with family. He settled in Golden, BC where he met his wife, Eleanor and started his own family. Glen was a man of many talents and worked in various fields. Over the years, Glen was a bartender, janitor, milkman, school bus driver/union rep. He spent the last 20 years working at the Donald Mill in different positions. Upon retirement, Glen still worked hard as a handyman. He never advertised but was always in demand. He was well known for his work ethic and honesty. Glen was well known in the community and spent time volunteering and helping whoever needed a hand. He was very active in the Golden Seniors Centre. He was also active in the Cranbrook Seniors Centre and was instrumental in getting their woodworking shop up and running. Glen also volunteered for the local food bank in Cranbrook. Glen had a great love for the outdoors. He spent much of his spare time hunting, fishing, hiking and camping. He loved to take his wife and children on outdoor adventures and later his grandchildren. Glen leaves loving memories to be cherished by his beloved wife of 49 years, Eleanor and his daughter Ann (Glen Carlson) and grandchildren; Erica Seitz (Scott) and Nolin and their father Ken Hoodicoff. Additionally his daughter Lorna Heisi and her children, Joshua and Matthew who entered his life 10 years ago. Also left behind are his brothers and sisters, Stan (Eileen), Lila (Don), Philip (Liz), Stephanie, Noella, Larry and Leslie (Lisa) and numerous nieces and nephews. Glen was predeceased by his son, Kevin, his sister Etalia Roy, brother Clifford Nolin, brothers-in-law Brian Pakka and John Boltz and his nephews Buster Roy, Chad Nolin and Murray Gilfillan. He was also predeceased by his parents and in-laws Susan and Edward, Antoine and Adelia, Margaret and Paul, Charlie and Evelyn. Glen was a very kind and gentle soul. He had a loving and generous heart, and was always giving to others. He was well known for his quick wit and twinkle in his eye. He will never be forgotten. A Celebration of Glen's Life was held at the Cranbrook Senior Citizens Hall on Wednesday, June 12 at 2:00 pm. If friends desire, memorial donations may be made in Glen's memory to The Canadian Cancer Society, 19 - 9th Ave. S., Cranbrook, BC V1C 2L9 or to the 4th Annual John Boltz Memorial Kettle River Run - BC Cancer Foundation (www. midwaylibrary.bc.ca). Condolences may be left for the family at www.markmemorial.com. Mark Memorial Funeral Services in care of arrangements (250) 426-4864
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
Business Opportunities Do you have 10 hours a week you’d like to make more productive? Learn to operate a mini-office from home. Free online training, flexible hours, great income. www.LifelongRewards.com $$$ MAKE Fast cash - start your own business - driveway sealing systems, lawn aerating units, possible payback in 2 weeks. For more information call today toll-free. 1-800-4650024. www.protectasphalt.com
Career Opportunities Mobile Medical Examiners: RNs, RPNs, LPNs, Lab Techs. Insurance Services Co. recruiting in Cranbrook, Creston, Fernie, Sparwood, Invermere, Kimberley and surrounding. Venipuncture experience reqd. Contact: careers@watermarkinsurance.com
Career Opportunities
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A21
Career Opportunities
Work-at-Home Career Learn at home to work at home as a medical transcriptionist. Gain the skills you need to start a new career and provide a better life for you and your family in a year or less with Career Step’s employer-trusted online training. Visit CareerStep.ca or call 1-855-326-4851 today for details.
Education/Trade Schools APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline June 15, 2013. For more information: www.bccommunitynews.com/ our-programs/scholarship OVER 90% Employment rate for CanScribe graduates! Medical Transcriptionists are in demand and CanScribe graduates get jobs. Payments under $100 per month. 1-800466-1535. www.canscribe.com admissions@canscribe.com
Forestry Tanglefoot Forestry is looking for a Senior Forest Technician with Forestry Technical Diploma or equivalent. Duties will include: CP Development, Cruising, Road & Cutblock layout. Position available immediately. Tanglefoot Forestry offers a competitive salary & benefit package. Apply by email only, tfcl@telus.net
Help Wanted Newspaper carriers required to provide holiday cover Various areas, enhanced rate of pay. Contact Shannon or Erin 1-800-665-2382 or (250)489-3455
Wanted Immediately 3rd or 4th year Apprentice Technician We are oering a very competitive pay rate and beneďŹ t package with an exceptional work environment to the qualiďŹ ed candidate. Send resume and cover letter attn: Justin summitsubaru.shawbiz.ca
Start your Health Care Career in less than a year! Study online or on campus Nursing Unit Clerk – 6 months - Work in the heart of the hospital Pharmacy Technician – 8 months - The ďŹ rst CCAPP accredited program in BC Medical Transcriptionist – 9 months - Work online or in hospitals Financial Aid available • PCTIA and CCAPP accredited
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Help Wanted
The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply for‌
Assited Living Workers, Registered Care Aides, & Licensed Practical Nurses Joseph Creek Village Cranbrook, BC
Please apply by email or fax at: F: (250) 489-0063 Email: abrander@glm.ca (PSOR\PHQW 2SSRUWXQLW\
Cranbrook Campus
Please quote competition numbers: 13-CU-19
The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply for‌
Please quote competition numbers: 13-FA-27 For a full description of these job postings and instructions on how to apply visit:
www.cotr.bc.ca/hrd/postings.asp ‡ ‡ ZZZ FRWU EF FD
Career Opportunity Westland Insurance has an opening for a
Licensed General Insurance Agent
This position is full time with occasional Saturdays and all applications will be held in strict confidence. Applicant must have above average customer service and typing skills, work well in a team environment and be self motivated and reliable. Please email or hand deliver resume to: lvanderlind@westland-insurance.com Attention: Laurie Vanderlind Westland Insurance 27-10 Avenue South Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M9
(PSOR\PHQW 2SSRUWXQLW\ The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply for‌
Please quote competition numbers: 13-FA-24 For a full description of these job postings and instructions on how to apply visit:
www.cotr.bc.ca/hrd/postings.asp ‡ ‡ ZZZ FRWU EF FD
(PSOR\PHQW 2SSRUWXQLW\ The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply for‌
Please quote competition numbers: 13-FA-26 For a full description of these job postings and instructions on how to apply visit:
www.cotr.bc.ca/hrd/postings.asp ‡ ‡ ZZZ FRWU EF FD
Employment Opportunities
Class 1 Drivers needed for a busy and expanding company. Must have driver’s abstract, and a valid Class 1 license. Experience in the Forestry/Logging industry would be helpful. Wages based on percentage or hourly with benefits after 3 months. For out of town employees, accommodations will be provided.
We are a growing dealership in beautiful Cranbrook, BC requiring an
Experienced Journeyman, Heavy Duty Truck Mechanics needed to join our busy and expanding company. Previous experience in the Forestry/ Logging industry is helpful. Wages are hourly based on experience with benefits after 3 months. Operators needed for our busy and expanding company. Experience with: • Feller Buncher • Skidder • Processors • Excavators • Log Loaders Previous Forestry/Logging experience helpful. Wages are hourly based on experience with benefits after 3 months. Please respond in the manner provided. Prairie Holdings PO Box 787, Cranbrook, BC Fax: (250)489-0768 Email: watson.0776@yahoo.ca
1101 Victoria Ave Cranbrook, BC
7HUP )XOO WLPH &DUHHU DQG 3ODFHPHQW 2IĂ€FHU For a full description of these job postings and instructions on how to apply visit:
Sales experience would be an asset, but the right attitude is what we really want. If you have a positive outlook, enjoy dealing with people, can be a team player, believe that customer satisfaction is paramount and have a real desire to succeed....then we’d like to meet with you. With our highly accepted and respected vehicle line along with our full service facility, you will have the potential for above average earnings. Ongoing training is part of our mandate to help you succeed. Drop by in person with resume and see Brad White, Sales Manager or e-mail brad@cranbookkia.com
in our Cranbrook Office.
SUMMIT SUBARU An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta. Hillbilly Hard Wear is looking for a mature employee for Saturdays. Apply in person with resume. No phone calls. Janitor/Cleaner, Mon-Fri, 3-4 hrs night, $12/hr. Start 6pm. Must have own vehicle. Criminal record check required. Resume to Box 250, c/o Kootenay Advertiser, 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 J-Man Electrician wanted, must be willing to work alone & willing to go underground. Call for details, (250)427-9757
Help Wanted
A22 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
Help Wanted PART-TIME Position Available at Meadowbrook Motors (Reds Country Store). Must be available to work all shifts (Mon - Sat). Please APPLY IN PERSON with a detailed resume, including 3 recent references. Secure Vernon company looking for Marine Mechanic, with good customer service, attention to detail, must have valid boat license, drivers license an asset. Fast paced environment. boatsrlife@gmail.com WANTED IMMED experienced drywall taper and painter. Call 250-919-3650.
Home Care/Support 24 hr. Live-In Support Required (Kamloops, B.C.) Dengarry Professional Services Ltd. is seeking experienced individuals or couples for contract to provide live in 24 hr. support for short term stabilization to adults with mental & physical disabilities in Kamloops. Applicant must have education and exp. either in behavioral and/or medical supports. Applicant will undergo a screening process including reference checks, Crim Check and drivers abstract.
Help Wanted
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Staffing Scheduler
Careers at CBT Administrative Assistant, Sector Initiatives
This is a full-time position, based out of our Golden office. View details at www.cbt.org/careers or request them from Debra Stewart at 1.800.505.8998. RĂŠsumĂŠs accepted via email to dstewart@cbt.org CZ OPPO 15 +VMZ www.cbt.orH t
As part of Joseph Creek Village human resource team the Staffing Scheduler is responsible for the coordination of scheduling large volumes of employees throughout multiple departments and shifts. Joseph Creek Village Cranbrook, BC
Join us:
Housing & Utilities Incls. w/ A Remarkable Compensation Package. Please forward resume to Kristine Toebosch at ktoebosch@ dengarry.bc.ca or fax to 1-250-377-4581 or mail Attn: Kristine PO Box 892 Kamloops BC V2C-5M8
Income Opportunity NOW HIRING! Earn extra cash - demand for simple work. P/T-F/T. Can be done from home. acceptance guaranteed, no experience required, all welcome! www.BCJobLinks.com
Please apply by email or fax at: F: (250) 489-0063 Email: abrander@glm.ca
Relief & full-time carriers needed in:
Kimberley & Marysville Enhanced rate of pay
Trades, Technical Cabinet Installer needed. Must have own truck & tools. Experience necessary. Apply to Box 259, c/o Kootenay Advertiser,1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 WKM, a mechanical contractor located in Trail, BC, is looking for a Controller. Responsibilities include but are not limited to managing the day to day accounting operations, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, and ccra remittances. Must have a minimum of three years’ experience and have or be pursuing an accounting
Call Shannon or Erin (250)489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382
Please email resume to: wkm@shawcable.com.
Golden Campus
Please quote competition numbers: 13-FA-25 For a full description of these job postings and instructions on how to apply visit:
www.cotr.bc.ca/hrd/postings.asp ‡ ‡ ZZZ FRWU EF FD
Cherry Sorters Pickers, Packers & Field Crew
Starts last week of July Through 1st week of September 4733 Canyon Lister Rd, Canyon Contact Raj Dhaliwal
250-428-1629 250-428-7563 cvcgltd@hotmail.com
Interim Junior Magazine Editor and Newspaper Reporter The full-time, 8-12 week position involves, but is not limited to, content gathering, writing and editing two magazine publications as well as being part of the newsroom for two community newspapers. This position involves working alongside the newspaper Editor and two reporters taking photos, writing stories, and laying out and editing pages in InDesign. Some weekend and evening work is required.
Experience preferred but not required Wages negotiable Benefits available
Location: Invermere, B.C.
designation (minimum 4th level).
Delivery Person
The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply for‌
Your future‌
is here!
CRANBROOK OPPORTUNITY f GENERAL SUPPORT ADMINISTRATOR See EKCCU.COM for a fƾůů ÄšeĆ?Ä?rĹ?ƉĆ&#x;oĹś of ƚŚĹ?Ć? Ć‰ÄžĆŒĹľÄ‚ĹśÄžĹśĆšÍ• Ć‰Ä‚ĆŒĆšÍ˛Ć&#x; žĞ ƉoĆ?Ĺ?Ć&#x;oĹś aŜĚ ĹšoÇ Ćšo aĆ‰Ć‰ĹŻÇ‡Í˜ Closing date: June 26, 2013
Qualifications This exciting, challenging and varied position requires a very organized writer with strong editing and journalistic skills. As the final set of eyes on magazine pages, meticulous attention to detail is needed. A journalism degree or diploma, plus a minimum of 3-5 years’ newsroom experience is required. Mac OS X platform experience, Photoshop skills, proficiency with InDesign and previous editing experience is essential, as is a reliable vehicle and full driver’s licence. To apply, send a copy of your resume, along with writing samples, cover letter and references to
Rose-Marie Regitnig, Publisher The Columbia Valley Pioneer Box 868, 8 – 1008, 8th Avenue, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0
rose-marie@cv-pioneer.com www.columbiavalleypioneer.com
Please drop off resume in person to:125 Slater Road, Cranbrook, BC
We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ ed.com
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A23
Financial Services
Financial Services
BAD CREDIT happens to GOOD PEOPLE We understand. If you need a vehicle, but don’t have the cash to buy one, call us at 250-489-0903 and ask for our financial department.
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For Roger Gouven 3985 Hwy 3&95 4km southwest from Elizabeth Lake Information booth cash or cheque only – no credit cards
NO BUYER’S FEE Partial listing:
1993 S10 2WD with canopy 3- ride-on mowers and rotor tiller 3500 UFA Genset generator International tractor 40 hp Linde Welder oxygen acetylene outfit Heavy duty grinder on stand GMC ž ton camper van new tires 2 air compressors• 3 chain saws large drill press• pressure washer propane tiger torch• chain harrows two utility trailers • 2 wheel barrows quad plow • approximately 150’black plastic hose 1� aluminum flat bottom boat • 1953 Ford tractor 23’Bayliner 205 hp Volvo leg 2 spring-tooth harrows John Deere bucket c/w extensions Hydraulic sander • 3-point hitch gyro mower 8 19’metal trusses• two-bottom plow
Household Items:
Bird’seye maple bedroom set – bed, 2 end tables, & dresser 2 antique window desks portable beer fridge• antique table and chair set antique two-drawer dresser 4 matching antique chairs• antique 4-drawer hutch Fischer 8’pool table c/w balls racks and cues Many more items too numerous to mention.
For more information, call Wes Tallman, Auctioneer at 250-424-5194 or Rick Metheral, P.O.A. at 250-426-8590 CASH OR CHEQUE ONLY NO CREDIT CARDS NO BUYER’S FEE
Place a classiďŹ ed word ad and...
Water Services Culligan can fix that nasty white build up on your taps or cure that annoying red staining in bath tub or laundry. Call Culligan Cranbrook today and let us fix your water right the first time! Call (250)426-2691 or visit our website www.culligancranbrook.com And remember at Culligan we will always come to your home and test your water for free!
Pets & Livestock
Buying old or unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372 FARRIER, MD. Horseshoeing Ask about discounts Call Morgan, (250)529-7370
Roofing, Fencing, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Painting, Flooring, Basements and More. WE DO THAT! Call Doug
Feed & Hay
Tack/Supplies Horse tack (250)427-7456
Merchandise for Sale
Antiques / Vintage 1947 Buick Sedan Super all original, good running condition $4800 OBO Call 250-365-5003 Beautiful antique couch & 2 chairs, moss green, ex. cond., $550 obo. Antique buffet & mirror, ex. cond., $250 obo. (250)426-5745
Coke pop machine for cans, in good running order. Kitchen woodstove. Both items, $1200.
Call Gary, (250)427-3027 or (250)427-6393
Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews
Home Improvements
Broil Mate BBQ, used once, what a bargain at $95. (250)422-3688 Top of the line Maytag washer & dryer, new, white, oversize washer barrel, originally $1500, asking $800. Call (250)422-3688 Top of the line Maytag washer & dryer, new, white, oversize washer barrel, originally $1500, asking $800. Call (250)422-3688
Randy’s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471
Weiner pigs for sale. Call (250)919-3478
Building Supplies
250-426-7222 Leave a message ChimpsHandyman.ca
AUCTION SALE – complete dispersal
Saturday, June 22, 2013 starting at 1:00 pm
BEACHCOMBER HOT TUBS save up to $4010 at the factory year end clearance event while stock lasts, plus we have 8 reconditioned hot tubs starting as low as $800. This month save 20% off HOT TUB COVERS. 100 Van Horne Street North Cranbrook 250426-7999 www.beachcomberhottubs.com and RELAX IT’S A BEACHCOMBER
Pets & Livestock
Household Services
HAY FOR SALE small square $160/ton 250-428-4316 Hay, round bales, $50-$80 per bale. Elkhorn Ranch, (250)342-0617 Small bales, no rain, $4/bale. 1 (250)887-3444
Pets BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES FOR SALE. 4 males, 3 brown/white & 1 black/white. 7 weeks. $250. Call 250-6039951.
A-1 FURNACE & Air Duct Cleaning. Complete Furnace/Air Duct Systems cleaned & sterilized. Locally owned & operated. 1-800-5650355 (Free estimates)
Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser
Garage Sales
Garage Sales
1. Ongoing inside Flea Market, Saturdays & Sundays, 10-4, at orange building beside Wendys
ESTATE SALE Sat&Sun June 15-16 - 8 to 3pm. 134 - 13 Ave S CBK - Collectibles, furniture, kitchen & HHG, crafts, tools and much much more!!! sinians@quixnet.net
2. Moving Sale, furniture, lots of household misc., tools, fishing stuff, garden tools & more. June 15 & 16, 8am-2pm, No early birds. 2301 8th Ave S, by Colombo Hall
ESTATE SALE Sat&Sun June 15-16 - 8 to 3pm. 134 - 13 Ave S CBK - Collectibles, furniture, kitchen & HHG, crafts, tools and much much more!!! sinians@quixnet.net
3. Sat, June 15, 8am-1pm, 206 4th Ave S (in alley), weather permitting. 4. Annual Trends & Treasures garage sale, Sat, June 15, 9am-2pm, 1109 Baker Street, back & front 5. Multi family, Sat, June 15, back alley, 710 11th St S, 9am-?, Household & camping 6. SAT JUNE 15, Sun June 16, 10-4, 357 Van Horne St S. Mega garage sale, something for everybody. 7. Yard Sale, patterns, fabric, craft items & other misc things, 432 Van Horne St S, at Flamingo Hotel. Sat June 15 & Sun June 16, 9-5. 8. Sat, June 15, 9-4, 328 2nd Ave S, moving: furniture, household items, everything must go, good prices. Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews
ESTATE SALE!!! MOVING!!! Liquidation!!! Furniture, exercise equipment Bow Flex John Deere lawn tractor, Honda snow blower, household items, and much more! Huge acreage moving sale, Sat, June 15, 8am-3pm, furniture, appliances, dishes, glass ware, ornaments, pictures, tools, tractor with snowblower & mower. You name it, it will be here. 7384 Turner Road, Wycliffe, follow signs Huge Community Garage Sale. Home Hardware Cranbrook is hosting a weekly community garage sale every Saturday from May 25 to Sept. 28. Rent as many 4’x8’ tables and a reserved spot to sell your stuff for only $10/each. Hours are 10am3pm. Call Brad at (250)4266288 to reserve your spot today and make sure to come by this Saturday for the biggest Garage Sale in town!
Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser
$100 & Under 1958 Singer sewing machine, w/accessories, $100 obo. 4 wooden bird houses, $28-$32. (250)919-8037 24’ aluminum extension ladder, $50. 28’ aluminum extension ladder, $75. Call (250)426-5745 2’x8’ folding wooden tables, $40/each. 3’x6’ Resin table, $40. Coffee urn, 30 cups, $20. Hoover upright vac, $60. Tool boxes, $10/each. Small microwave, $45. Overhead projector, $45. (250)489-1566 4 serviced lawnmowers, start at $65. (250)417-2040 5 large goldfish, $45. (250)417-2040 Bathtub, ďŹ berglass, cream color, 72â€? long, 36â€? wide, safety bars, $100. (250)417-6603 Bissel upright vacuum cleaner, twin motor system, 12 amps, $75. Heavy duty Bissel shampooer, deep cleaning professional system, $75. Call (250)426-2586 Broil Mate BBQ, used once, what a bargain at $95. (250)422-3688 Four matching 175/65/14â€? tires, all season, $20/each. (250)417-6603
Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $100 And Under classiďŹ cation and it’s
RV Porta Potti, (250)417-6603
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
$100 & Under
$300 & Under
Nine 4x8 white board paneling, $100. Lawyer bookcase, $60. Kenmore humidifier w/filters, $50. Combo CD’s, tapes, records, radio unit, $50. Office desk, 3x6, $30. Two 5200 BTU air conditioning units, $25/each. 5 shelf wood bookcase, $25. (250)426-0081 Rabbits for breeding, pets & meat. Flemish Giant, New Zealand, commercial prices start at $20. Creston, (250)866-5263 karmacreekfarm@gmail.com Roll-a-way cot, $40. 6’ Diefenbachia plant, $50. 3’ Diefenbachia plant, $25. African Violets, beautiful plants, $3.50/each. Chair & ottoman, $40. Entertainment centre, $15. Wine jugs, 1 gallon, $1.50 each. Computer monitor, $50. Cabinet TV, $15. Computer desk w/hutch, $45. Exercise bike, $30. From pet & smoke free home. Call (250)489-2697 Three 4-80-8 4-hole trailer wheels, 9� rims, $20/each. (250)417-6603 Two P155/80/13�, $20/each. Two 215/85/R16� LT radials, $25/each. Two Hankook P205/70/R15�, $20/each. Four 175/65/14� radials, $20/each. (250)417-6603 Various book shelves, some w/glass doors & lights, between $10-$50. Portable kitchen island w/shelves & drawers, $50 obo. (250)423-3238 Woods fridge, black, no freezer, $50. (250)422-3113
Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $300 And Under classiďŹ cation and it’s
Solid wood dining table (5-1/2’x3’ w/extension or 4’x3’ without), 5 chairs, matching desk, ex. cond., $300. (250)417-7644 Summer tires, 16� high performance GT radial Champiro 328 tire set, 195/50R16, like new, $275. These were off a Mazda Protoge. (250)4891654
$400 & Under Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com
$500 & Under Ranger 21 pool filter & water additives, $800 $425. (250)417-6603 Ranger 21 pool filter & water additives, $800 $425. (250)417-6603
some new, some new,
Farm Equipment
$200 & Under 14’’ Steel wheels, 4-bolt pattern with 195/70/14 Goodyear Nordic studded tires, over 50% tread left, balanced, filled with nitrogen, cheap off season price $200. (250)427-3848 4 matching 235/75/15� winter radials, $150. (250)417-6603 Ariens self propelled mulch bag vac lawnmower, 5.5 hp Briggs & Stratton engine, ex. cond., $200. (250)417-2040 Double bed with mattress, skirt, quilt & new metal headboard, $150. Exercise bike, $20. Computer chair, $20. Guitar, “Renaissance�, with new strings & cover, $120. (250)489-3643
Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $200 And Under classiďŹ cation and it’s
Golf green type lawnmower, Honda rear bag lawnmower, $150 each. (250)417-2040 Rare Books: Samuel B. Steele, “40 Years in Canada�, $30-$45. Douglas MacKay, “The Honourable Company�, $40. Vine Deloria, “Indians of the Pacific North West�, $30. Franz Boas, “Kutenai Tales�, $75. H.D. Smiley, “The Kootenai Puzzle�, $110. Olga Johnson , “Flathead & Kootenay�, $165. (250)489-4532 Transfer board, c/w instructions, $75. Tub mounted rail, c/w instructions, $75. Or $150 for both obo. Leave message if no answer, (250)489-5430 Truck canopy, black matte, screen tinted windows, 80� length by 63� wide, $150 obo. Call Cindy, (250)919-3657 or leave message at (250)4260551
$300 & Under 15� saddle, ex. cond., $250. (250)489-1566 15� saddle, ex. cond., $300. (250)489-1566 55 gallon aquarium w/stand & accessories, $300. Call (250)426-0081
"We make your house a home."
1944 Ford 9N tractor, good running order, spare back wheel, 3-pt hitch, blade, cultivator, $3000. Gary, (250)427-3027 or (250)427-6393 1965 Cockshutt 4-cyl tractor with front loader & 3-pt hitch, with blade, brand new set of tire chains, $4000. Call (250)426-5831 Complete set of older haying equipment: 1 swather, 1 rake, 2 balers, 1 bale wagon, all for $3000 obo. (250)421-9360 John Deere Front End Loader, #70A, ex. cond., $1790 obo. 3-pt hitch cement mixer, $150. Call Elkhorn Ranch, (250)342-0617
Firearms WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750
Food Products BUTCHER SHOP
BC INSPECTED GRADED AA OR BETTER LOCALLY GROWN NATURAL BEEF Hormone Free Grass Fed/Grain Finished $100 Packages Available Quarters/Halves $2.55/lb Hanging Weight Extra Lean Hamburger $4.00/lb TARZWELL FARMS 250-428-4316 Creston
Sanders Produce you pick strawberries. Starting approx. June 20. 8 acres of strawberries, open 7am-4pm daily as quantities last. From Wynndel, BC, follow signs on Duck Lake on Channel Road. Phone for details, (250)428-7351
Free Items FREE PORTA (250)489-8009
Furniture Table & chairs & china cabinet, antique bedroom suite, couch, love seat, oak coffee & end tables, many other items. (250)426-5323
Garden Equipment 2002 John Deere Sabre yard & garden tractor, 21 hp, 245 hours, 48� mower, 22� snowthrower, 25 lb wheel weights & tire chains, ex. running cond., $3000. (250)417-7644
813 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC t
Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com
A24 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com
Medical Supplies Scooter, $1500 & wheelchair, $3500. Electric.(250)489-8794
Misc. for Sale
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Merchandise for Sale
For Sale By Owner
Houses For Sale
Misc. Wanted
Cranbrook, 2-bdrm, in quiet, senior oriented Forest Park, insuite laundry, elevator, $149,000 (250)423-4833
Backing onto Kinsmen Park, 3+1 bdrms, new flooring, paint, lrg lot, RV parking, finished bsmt w/outside entrance, $289,500. (250)489-1645
Wanted: 24” RV double fold away steps.(250)427-7300 Wanted: Case 580 backhoe or similar. Working or not. Will pay $7-$14K. No junk please. (250)417-2040
Musical Instruments DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily. PIANO TUNING in the Kootenays in July. Don Rose, 1-88829Tuner Tip top service, I look forward to seeing you.
8x10 walk in freezer, c/w compressor, $9000. Call Wayne, (250)427-2210
Sporting Goods
AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; 1-800-
Consignment Sporting Goods
BIG-IRON, www.bigirondrilling.com
Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com FOR SALE complete set of Ladies Taylor Made golf clubs, 2 yrs. old. Woods, rescue clubs, irons. $575. Call 250423-4794 or 250-423-0938. Hay, firewood, sand & gravel for sale. (250)417-9291 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper?
917 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook
www.funhogz.com 417-2828
Tools “Woodworking Machinery For Sale” 3 hp 10” Delta table saw with Unifence, c/w 3 hp 1/2” Hitachi router & 47 1/2” router bits, $1250 obo. 13” Geetech planner/moulder, c/w mobile stand, 2 extra sets 13” blades, 4 sets of moulder knives, 2 speeds, like new, $795 obo. 2 hp Dust Collector, c/w 30’-4” solid pipe, 16’-4” flex pipe, 6 blast gates, many fittings & extra collector bags, used very little, $375 obo. 10” Sears radial arm saw, c/w moulding heads & knives, many extras, $150 obo. 10” Hitachi miter saw, heavy duty, $125 obo. (250)426-5745
Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews Great building spot in Silver Creek, 3.5 acres + mobile, $237,500. (250)489-6212 (250)489-5068
Above Kootenay Lake. 4km to Ashram, Marine, Golf Course, Riondel & beach. 2 3/4 acres & 2 storey unfinished (but furnished) “Small is Beautiful” cabin. Good benches for building, one with lake view. In Aug, 12 appraised at $170,000 but older, flexible vendor open to offers & might carry part of mortgage for suitable person or couple. For info & viewing please call:
Home and acreage in Cranbrook BC, 1/2 mile outside city limits in the RDEK, 1.5 storey, 2580 sq ft including basement, double detached garage, garden shed, full deck across back, hot tub ,water softener, iron filter, gas furnace, fireplace and much more, all on 2.19 acres backed by crown land, $259,000. 1-509-3449090
Real Estate 13.2 acres, 1200 sq.ft. house, 2-bdrm, 1-bath, fenced yard, 5 minutes outside of Cranbrook, $390,000. (250)421-9360 Miscellaneous Tanks These tanks can be used for many things. They hold 250 US gallons. Made of plastic w/a metal cage. 6” top opening, with a 2” discharge. They weigh about 125lbs. $200 for 1 tank, $300 for 2 tanks. Call George, (250)347-9500 Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, in BC record book, excellent mount. (250)422-3688 Satellite TV. 400+ channels. No monthly charges. Special pricing until Sept. 1. Call (250)365-3313 STEEL BUILDING - DIY Summer sale! - Bonus Days extra 5% off. 20X22 $3,998. 25X24 $4,620. 30X34 $6,656. 32X42 $8,488. 40X54 $13,385. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca STEEL BUILDINGS, Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x 40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60 x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca Top Soil, sand, composted manure, delivery available (250)421-7399
Shed Antlers. Racks. Taxidermy, antiques. Cash paid. Kelly, (250)426-6993
Misc. Wanted Antlers Wanted, Sets, Elk & Deer. 250-422-3444
1969 3 bdrm mobile for sale FMHP. Newly vated bathroom. kitchen/dining room. family room. 10x8 room. Includes fridge, microwave, washer & Phone 250-423-3340.
home renoOpen Large mud stove, dryer.
2413 4th Street South Cranbrook B.C. 3 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Multiple Upgrades. For questions or to view this beautiful home call 250-919-9009 OPEN HOUSE June 15th & 16th from 1pm-3pm $259,000 $309,900 Beautiful oak hardwood throughout!. Upgrades incl roof, bathroom & kitchen. Private yard, deck, garage. Quiet cul de sac in Alexander Park area. Appliances neg. View at http://www.bcforsalebyow n e r. c o m / v i ew / 4 6 4 1 . Phone 250-344-2832
MARYSVILLE 820-309th St, 3-bdr quality home w/great view, backing on Bootleg Golf Course, near school & arena, 1317 sq ft up & 877 down, 2-car garage, U/G sprinklers, central air & vac, 2-large decks, natural gas for BBQ, custom oak cabinets throughout, crown moldings, gas fireplace, garburator, large ensuite w/jacuzzi, 2-other baths, high eff furnace & electrostatic air cleaning, kitchen island. Quality & location! $399,000 (250)427-1979
Looking to purchase a new home? We have a large pad site in town that will accommodate a single wide or larger home if purchased through
2-bath, garage, fenced, new kitchen, appl., furnace, HW, roof,
$247,500, (250)489-3157 welist.com id#47406
Houses For Sale
2211-9th Street S “Compare this Quality & Price”
Totally developed custom 2 level, 5 bdrm, 4 baths, possible in-law suite. Attached 36x28 garage & 24x14 green house. Top end HW & tile flooring. Huge kitchen with island, all granite, formal livng, dining, and family rooms with curved stair case & entry in granite. Manicured, fenced 2/3 acre lot.
RURAL CRESTON/Lister 2 double serviced 1 acre parcels w/rental income 403-682-9832
MORTGAGES!! Lower than posted bank rates. No application fee. Mortgage renewal, refinancing, debt consolidation & pre-qualification. Private Mortgages. John Magis 1-877-489-1691 MORTGAGE INTELLIGENCE
Mobile Homes & Parks
Sale Price $467,900. Open House
3 + 1 bedroom duplex, 3 bath, tasteful, quality updates, low maintenance, quiet, friendly, safe area, large carport, $264,900. welist.com id#49300 (250)489-3157
Sheds & Call Rick
Saturday, June 22, 2:15-4:00pm
1982 Mobile Home
45-1900 10th Street S “Well Maintained, Well Priced” 3 bdrm mobile home and addition. Covered deck, new furnace, HW, kitchen upgrades & more. Huge fenced, manicured lot in Hycrest Park. Moving-Sale Price only
**FREE** All Wanted ads are now FREE!!!! Call today to place your wanted ad 250-489-3455 Good working surgers/overlocks. For young adults volunteer program, cheap/within reason prices. Mary (250)4246944 Except Tuesdays. True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030
Apt/Condo for Rent
Ph 250-426-1882 Move in ready, updated, 4-bdrm,
Best View in Kimberley 612 Trail Street Complete home makeover, 2500 sq.ft., 3+1 bedrooms, 2-bath. Pictures & more info on Kijiji. $385,000 (250)427-4647 (250)919-1091
Call Brian Burch at BLUE SKY REALTY
Cell (250)417-1418 (250)426-8700 bdburch@cyberlink.bc.ca
RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055. www.copperridge.ca
Kodiak Homes!
For Sale By Owner
Mobile Homes & Parks
in Windermere Mobile Home Park 5 bedrooms, 1 large bathroom with a woodstove, 8x10 deck, close to schools and beach. Home is vacant and ready for immediate occupancy.
$69,900 OBO
3-bdrm condo, close to hospital & college, 2 parking stalls, washer/dryer, storage. Furniture available & negotiable, avail now, $1200/month. (250)919-3983 CRANBROOK 1 bedroom apartments, $575/m & up, includes utilities. (250)417-5806 Cranbrook, 2-bdrm, in quiet, senior oriented Forest Park, insuite laundry, elevator, $875. (250)423-4833 Cranbrook, 2-bedroom condo for rent, F/S, W/D, available July 1, 2013. Close to shopping, college, hospital. No smoking, parties or pets. $800/mo + hydro. References required. Call (250)423-7279 (leave message) or (250)430-7171 or email kbarron@shaw.ca Creston, BC PARKVIEW MANOR 1 & 2/Bdrm Apartments $550 & up. Secure Building Available now! Rent Incentive N/S N/P Children OK Phone Ingrid 250-428-2234 MOUNTAINEER LODGE at Kickinghorse Mountain Resort, 3rd Floor mountain view, 2 bedroom (with lock-off). $750/mo furnished, all utilities, TV, internet, etc. included. Available immediately through Nov 30/12. Contact Hans: hjrohmann@gmail.com or 403-616-4691. Mountain View Apartment, 112 -17th Ave S. Cbk, 1-bdrm, senior oriented, modern,clean, quiet, laundry, heat included, non-smoking building, avail July 1, references required. 1(250)423-6818 ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230
Reasonable Rent!! Affordable !!!! 1 bedroom apartments! F/S, blinds, H/W, absolutely no pets, references, close to all amenities, starting at $425. Call (250)489-1906 (250)919-2075
SPARWOOD, B.C. Pine Crest Apartments Under New Management Fully Renovated 1 & 2 bedrooms available Pinecrest36@gmail.com 1-778-518-2253 To view: www.glprental.com
Duplex / 4 Plex BLACK Forest Heights 2 bedroom 1 &1/2 bath upper floor of duplex. 6 appliances, satellite rv, balcony, mt views, yard with firepit. No smoking, no pets. Long term. $900 + utilities, water included. After June 15. rfr111@hotmail.com 780-399-0142
Kimberley, clean, quiet 2bdrm duplex, F/S, carpets, drapes, balcony, W/D, full basement, private entry, close to shopping, n/p, $625. Please call (250)427-7173 KIMBERLY Ski Hill, Beautiful, Upper 1bd unit, all furn’d, Fab view, quiet, NS, NP, $750/mo all in. 250-427-1935
Mobile Homes & Pads
Two bdrm condo Sparwood Heights Ponderosa Manor. Furnished. Call 250-423-1687.
Modular Home Pads
available in Cranbrook, Wycliffe and Invermere. Trades considered and financing available!
WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, hot tub, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 1 & 2bdrm units, 250-417-7379
Commercial/ Industrial
On the Strip
2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230
Commercial property on Theatre Road for lease, 3000 sq.ft., office/shop/warehouse & yard, avail now. For info call, (250)919-0350
Toll Free 1-866-539-1230
3600 sq.ft. of Retail Space
2 BEDROOM mobile for rent in Wasa. Newly renovated. Adult Park, prefer no pets.
Located DOWN TOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-428-5240
$400 D.D. References req’d.
Open Houses
Open Houses
Available immediately. $800/mo. 250-422-9332, cell 250-421-3060.
2 Bedroom unit $750 Clean, quiet, secure, NO SMOKING, NO PETS, NO PARTIES laundry facilities, adult oriented. Ref. req.
Homes for Rent
1 bdrm Lower Level Suite
$750/mth incl.util.
2 bdrm Apt
$750/mth incl.util.
Alpine Vista
2 bdrm Apt
$550/mth +util
1 bdrm Suite
$700/mth +util
Ski Hill
2 bdrm Apt
$950/mth + util
Alpine Crescent
2 bdrm Upper Level Apt
$650/mth + util
1 bdrm House
$550/mth + util
1 bdrm Renovated House
$650/mth + util
1 bdrm Townhouse
$725/mth incl.util.
4 bdrm House
$1200/mth +util
Ski Hill
1 bdrm Apt.
$850/mth incl.util.
Ski Hill
2 bdm Furn. Apt.
$1200/mth incl.util.
4 bdrm House
$1200/mth +util
Lower Blarchmont
2 bdrm House
$750/mth +util
Ski Hill
2 bdm Furn. Condo
$1500/mth incl.util.
Ski Hill
2 bdm Furn. Condo
$1500/mth incl.util.
Ski Hill
3 bdm Furn. Condo
$1500/mth incl.util.
Gyro Park
On the Strip
Apt/Condo for Rent
CRANBROOK 1 bdm + Den Apt
East Kootenay Realty Complete Rental Property and Strata Management Services Kimberley 250-427-0070 1-866-427-0070 Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211 www.ekrealty.com/property_management.php
$700/mth +Util
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A25
Modular Homes
Shared Accommodation
Antiques / Classics
Auto Financing
Cars - Domestic
Cars - Domestic
Homes for Rent 3
house for rent. Big yard, garden, outbuildings, many ugrades and
renos, woodstove, central location. Refs required, $1200 per month. 250-344-8516 or jr_walsh@hotmail.com 3-bedroom mobile home, inc. F/S, W/D, woodstove, air, storage shed, waterfront on Cameron Lake, with mountain views, located in small, well maintained 7-unit mobile home park in Wasa, on site manager. Solid references only, DD. $750/mth. Avail. July 1 (250)422-3445 4-bdrm Cbk Home. On quiet cul-de-sac. Fenced back yard. f/s, w/d, n/s, n/p $1200.00 + utilities. 403-329-4756. Looking for quiet, responsible renters for our newly renovated 2-bdrm mobile home, located 5 mins from Fernie, has 12x16 storage shed, $950/mth, n/p, n/s, 2 references required. (250)426-6007 Sparwood 3 bdrm, 1 bath, full kitchen, dishwasher, laundry, large deck, hot tub WIFI cable, phone, heat, electricity all incl. No pets. $1500/mo. References required. 250-531-0565.
Suites, Lower BACHELOR suite, n/s, n/p, f/s, w/d, semi furnished, $450/mo + $225 dd inc heat, avail immediately, off street parking. 250-426-3377 during office hours. FERNIE SKI HILL SUITE FOR RENT $1200/month. 2 bdrm unit in a house available on Timberline Cres. for long term lease (min. 12 mos.) Fireplace, granite countertops, W/D. Utilities incl. Non-smoking.
1956 Chev pickup, bright teal, white cab back, 455 Olds, power disk brakes, p/s, auto, floor up rod, power & beauty, $35,000, (250)427-4834 (250)427-6547
FURNISHED Bachelor Suite in Creston. ground level, $550 utilities included. non smoker. Call 250-427- 2526. LOVELY BACHELOR suite in beautiful garden setting. $570/month + hydro. 250-344-2246 New 1340 SQ.FT, 2-bdrm, 2nd story suite featuring 5-appl, ensuite, Oak kitchen extensive tile work & beautiful view. $1300/mth + utilities. Call (250)417-6543
Townhouses SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448
Antiques / Classics 1972 Chev show truck, 350 CID, auto, 2WD, column shift, bucket seats, nice paint, green with black interior, asking $11,900. 250-427-5895
Cars - Domestic
Cars - Domestic
1990 Mazda Miata convertible, 135,000km, always garaged in winter, $4500 obo. Call (250)341-6104
1969 Lincoln Mark III, 38,000 original miles, very good cond., $6500 obo (250)489-1918
Leather, sunroof, 265 HP
Auto Accessories/Parts Truck canopy, black matte, screen tinted windows, 80” length by 63” wide, $150 obo. Call Cindy, (250)919-3657 or leave message at (250)4260551 Two Jeff Gosling automotive hand controls, $100/each. (250)427-7094
Auto Financing
Bankruptcy No credit Divorce No problem
P1941 Was $26,995
Denh Priceadm
Call Jason today!
Denh Priceam d
Call Shane today!
2008 Ford Explorer Sportrac Limited 4x4
Leather, sunroof, nav.
P1919 Was $26,995
Denh Priceam d
2012 Ford focus SEL
Loaded with MYFord Touch, & more
Simon Wachon Sales & Lease Consultant
250-489-4711 1-800-663-2307
1966 Mustang Coupe, collector plates. 2005 650 VStar Classic, bags, windshield, new tires, 20,000 km, $5500. Call after 5pm, 1 (250)428-9759
1966 Rambler Ambassador 4-door station wagon, V8 auto, excellent inside & out, completely restored 1996, 97,000 original miles, asking $6800 obo. To view call (250)426-5371
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1985 Corvette, white, 4-spd auto, 350 tune port injection, 190,000km, new tires, $9995 obo. (250)489-0193
Vehicle Lease / Rent
Vehicle Lease / Rent
Renting Quality Cars At Great Prices
• compacts • full size • mini vans • mid size • 15 passenger vans • moving trucks Providing superior value by offering outstanding service along with high quality, clean and dependable vehicles at affordable prices.
CRANBROOK: 426-3004 CRESTON: 428-9343 TRAIL: 364-0211 NELSON: 352-5122
P19997 Was $16,995
Call Simon today!!
2013 Ford Escape SE 4x4
Call Dan today!!
P1982 Was $29,995 Denh Priceam d
Ford BC Ltd.
250-426-6645 • 1-800-663-3839
1998 Cadillac Catera, 160,000km, beige with beige leather, sunroof, heated front/rear seats, cassette/CD & more, 30+ mpg hwy, $5500. (250)426-7041 1998 Pontiac Sunfire, red, 2-dr, manual, only 162,065 km, new battery, runs great, $2500. (250)464-1961 1998 Subaru Forester AWD, well maintained, new timing belt, battery, windshield, no rust, 220,000 km, $5000. (250)346-3378 1999 Buick Regal GS Sedan, 3.8L, 6-cyl, 4-spd auto, Stock #A0751A, $4995. Northstar GM, DL #5717, (250)489-4711 or 1-800-663-2307 2000 Olds Intrigue, pw, pd, air, cruise, nice shape, 152,000 km, $2995. Call (250)426-6749
2000 Pontiac Sunfire, 2-dr, auto, p/d, p/w, sunroof, air, 119,000km, $2200. (250)489-1788 2001 Mazda Protege 4-dr Sedan ES, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #Y20349A, $5495. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315. (250)489-0903 877-420-2194 2003 Honda Civic LX, silver, 5-spd, 1.7L, manual, 172,000 km, responsibly driven & maintained, just inspected, all service receipts, $5700. Call (250)422-9349
Sell your Toys!! 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 489-3455 • 1-800-665-2382
2004 Mustang Convertible, 6-cyl, auto, 40th Anniversary Model, 1 owner, 127,000 km, never driven in winter, $12,000. Gary, (250)427-3027 or (250)427-6393 2006 Chrysler Sebring, auto, power group, nice shape, only 110,700km, Stock #V17236B, $6995. Arrow Motors Volkswagen, DL #5467, (250)489-4327 1-877-689-4327 arrowvw.ca 2006 Mazda 3 GT, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #Y68123A, $9995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315, (250)489-0903 or call 1-877-420-2194 2006 Pontiac Vibe 4-dr wagon, FWD, 4-cyl, manual, Stock #Y36642A, $6995. Hillcrest Hyundai, (250)489-0903 or call 1-877-420-2194 2007 Chevrolet Impala LT Sedan, FWD, 3.5L, auto, Stock #17777, $10,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340, (800)388-1156 2007 Dodge Caliber SXT, 4cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #N98926C, $8995. Sun Valley Nissan, (250)426-6661 or call 888-426-6665 2007 Dodge Caliber SXT, 4cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #N98926C, $8995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313. Call (250)426-6661 888-426-6665
2008 Subaru Tribeca Limited, flat 6-cyl, auto, AWD, Stock #S49990A, $24,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523. Call (250)489-4325 877-420-2194 2009 Ford Edge Limited AWD, 5-spd auto, 6-cyl, Stock #NNN453, $25,495. Melody Motors, DL #5248, call (250)427-4224
2009 Pontiac Vibe,
80,000km, 2nd owner, power everything, 5-spd, ex. cond., alloys & snows on rims,
$10,500 obo. (250)417-3949
2009 Toyota Yaris, 62,000km, metallic charcoal grey, p/w, p/d, p/m, factory air, am/fm/cd/aux, 5-spd, new battery, pads & rotors August 2012, winters on rims, auto start, asking $9,500. (250)919-5056 2010 Dodge Caliber SXT Hatchback, auto, Stock #T13261A, $15,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708 (250)426-6614 888-259-7039 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Classic 5.7L Hemi auto, 12,900 km, never winter driven, $29,000 obo. Call (250)489-1574
2007 Ford Focus SE, 2-dr hatchback, 44,000km, like new, p/w, p/dl, heated seats, am/fm/CD/satellite radio
$8200 obo. (250)427-6087
2007 Nissan Maxima 3.5 SE Sedan, V6, Stock #13342970A, $11,995. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, (888)6163926 2007 Pontiac G6, V6, auto, FWD, Stock #S32588A, $10,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523. Call us at (250)489-4325 877-420-2194 2007 Subaru Outback 5-dr Wagon, auto 2.5i, 4-cyl, auto, AWD, Stock #F29026, $16,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-877-420-2194 (250)489-4325
2010 Dodge Journey SXT, V6, auto, FWD, Stock #N07933A, $19,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313. (250)426-6661 888-426-6665 2010 Ford Fusion SEL, V6, auto, AWD, Stock #H02673A, $17,500. Spring Honda, DL #31110. Call (250)489-4311 or 1-888-638-4488 2010 Ford Mustang 2-dr Coupe V6, RWD, Stock #N00906A, $21,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, (250)426-6661 888-426-6665 2011 Chevrolet Cruze Eco Sedan, 4-dr, FWD, 1.4L, 6-spd manual, Stock #15794, $12,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340. (800)388-1156 2012 Chevrolet Impala LS Sedan, FWD, 3.6L, auto, Stock #17704, $16,800. Chalet GM, DL # 6340, (800)3881156 2012 Chevrolet Malibu LS Sedan, 2.4L, 4-cyl, 6-spd auto, Stock #A0761B, $17,995. Northstar GM, DL #5717, (250)489-4711 800-663-2307 2012 Chevrolet Malibu LS Sedan, 2.4L, auto, Stock #17468, $15,995. Chalet GM, DL #6340, (800)388-1156
2003 Toyota Corolla CE, everything works, new cruise, stocks & struts, wheel covers, 215,000km, winter tires on rims also available. $4995. (250)426-8867
Denh Priceam d
Leather, power lift gate
Dan McGifford Sales & Lease Consultant
or call Travis at Northstar GM
1996 Corvette Collector Edition, 160,000km, 2 roofs, auto, original paint, engine LT4, fully loaded,ex cond, asking $16,000 obo. (250)426-3802
Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com
2009 Ford F350 S/Cab Lariat 4x4
Call Stacy today!!
Need new wheels but your credit has run off the road? Apply online:
www.iDreamAuto.com DL# 7557
Diesel, leather, only 69,000kms
Stacy Eaton Sales & Lease Consultant
Cars - Domestic
1995 Mustang Convertible, 5L, 5-spd, black w/tan top, new wheels, tires, exhaust, stereo, many more upgrades, very fast, ex. cond., beautiful car, must see! $8500. Call (250)428-9606 Creston
2012 Ford Fusion Sport AWD
Shane Berry Sales & Lease Consultant
$2950 obo. (250)417-3949
Contact: trish@csmconstruction.ca
Beautifully treed RV lots available for annual lease. No buy in. Services include hydro, water, waste, high speed internet, swimming pool under construction. (250)424-5403
Jason Faulkner Sales & Lease Consultant
1978 Toyota Celica ST, ex. cond., 130,000 km, new brakes, motor freshened, new gaskets, all original, Grandma’s car, auto, collector status (very close), remarkable car, exceptional!
or 403-589-0457.
Suites, Upper
Cars - Domestic 2008 Subaru Outback 5-dr Wagon, auto 2.5i, 4-cyl, AWD, Stock #F24610, call for price. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523. (250)489-4325 or 877-420-2194
SPARWOOD 1 bdrm available in a 3 bdrm condo. Shared accommodation. Good for shift workers. $250/month. Avail. July 1st. Call 403-6167272.
2004 Chrysler Intrepid, clean, non-smoking, 178,337km, well maintained, new winter tires, 75% summer tires, $4000 obo. (250)427-1532 2005 Chrysler 300 Touring Sedan, auto, Stock #C13150A, $10,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708. (250)426-6614 or call 1-888259-7039 2005 Focus Wagon, heated seats, auto, air, cruise, 105,000 km, nice car, $6500 obo. (250)489-1628
2007 Toyota Corolla CE automatic, well maintained driving school car, just turned 100,000km, $8500 firm. (250)421-1655 2008 Ford Focus, black, 2-dr standard, 96,000 km, 4-winter tires w/rims, remote starter, $9500 obo. (250)489-1310 2008 Ford Fusion SE 3.0L V6 sedan, auto, Stock #13412067A, $11,995. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088. Call, 1(888)616-3926 2008 Honda Civic Sedan DXG, 4-cyl, FWD, Stock #B11189, $11,500. Spring Honda, DL #31110, Call (250)489-4311 888-638-4488 2008 Pontiac Wave, 81,000km, 4-dr sedan, manual trans., loaded w/custom stereo & amp, tinted windows, 8 tires, $8995 obo. (250)489-3672
2012 Ford Fusion SEL AWD, 3.0L V6, 6-spd auto, AWD, leather, Stock #P1955, $21,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, (250)426-6645 or call 1-800-663-3839 2012 Ford Mustang V6 Premium Convertible, RWD, 6-spd auto, 6-cyl, Stock #12612b, $28,995. Melody Motors, DL # 5248 (250)427-4224 2013 Chevrolet Impala LS Sedan, FWD, 3.6L, auto, Stock #17705, $18,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340, (800)3881156 2013 Ford Mustang GT Coupe, 5.0L V8, 6-spd manual, RWD, leather, Stock #P1946, $34,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, (250)4266645 or 1-800-663-3839
Cars - Sports & Imports 1994 CORVETTE COUPE Great shape. 165,000 kms. $11,100 leave message at 250-421-1747
A26 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Commercial Vehicles
1993 Western Star tandem dump truck with new hoist cylinder, front differential, rear leaf springs, front tires, king pins, batteries & rebuilt engine, 18-spd split shift, $21,000. (250)417-6543
2009 Honda Rebel 250cc, c/w bags & windshield, only 2600km, bike is immaculate, $4000. (250)489-2100 or (250)421-0020 2012 KX100, great cond., bought July 2012, $4200 obo. 2012 KTM150XC, mint cond, barely used, bought July 2012, $6600 obo. (250)426-7980 Motorcycle trailer, single rail, open, checkerboard aluminum body, tilt for easy loading, 13” wheels, new tires & spare, used very little, $800. (250)426-8408
1991 26’ Rustler, Jack & Jill bunks, front kitchen, fold out couch, air, full bath, new water pump, newer HW tank, new battery, sleeps-6, $6800 obo. (250)426-5653 1991 29’ Wilderness trailer, everything runs, in good cond., lots of upgrades, $7000. (250)420-1802
45’ Commercial transport van, heated, new 24.5 rubber, $5500. (250)489-8794
Motorcycles 1990 BMW K-1 motorcycle, low mileage, ex. cond., red & yellow, new tires, must be seen, best offer takes it. (250)426-8408 1995 Suzuki Intruder, mint cond., saddle bags, new tires, new brakes, 67,000 km, asking $1800 obo. (250)919-8041 1999 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200 cc, custom built, 39,000km, $8000 obo. (250)489-1310 2000 KX125, new rear tire, new top end, good cond., $1500 obo. (250)529-7777 2001 Harley 1200 Sportster, 100th Anniversary Edition, needs inspection, $5500. Call (250)417-5530 2004 Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail Classic, ex cond., 64,000km, $11,500 obo. After 6pm, (250)426-1836 2006 CR125, very well maintained, brand new FMF pipe & silencer & rad valve, $2700 obo. (250)421-8126 2007 Harley Davidson Dyna Low-Rider, burgundy/cream, 55,000km, must see to appreciate, asking $11,000. (250)489-5445 2008 250 Rebel, 6400km, ex. cond., $3800 obo. Call (250)489-5392 2008 Honda CRF250X, $5000 Barely used less than 200 km (250)427-7229 2008 KLR 650, 11,000km, near mint, w/extras & bags, $3650 obo. Evenings (403)836-3786 2008 Yamaha YW50X gas scooter, 1190km, black, 2 helmets, battery charger, rear cargo box, asking $2200. (250)426-2925
Off Road Vehicles 2000 Suzuki 500 Quad, woman driven, 20 hrs since $3500 motor & tranny rebuild, $3100. (250)426-3568 2007 Suzuki Gran Vitara JLX 4D Utility 4WD, 132,000 km, leather, sun-roof, keyless entry, heated seats, power locks/ windows, V6, great condition, one owner. Gold color. $12,900. Ph: 403-605-1335 (Vehicle is in Cranbrook) bobpatd@gmail.com 2009 550 Arctic Cat ATV, 3000 lb winch, hand & thumb warmer, 43 km, $7000 firm. (250)489-3697 500 Arctic Cat with winch, good cond, $3400 obo. No tax (250)421-1484 ATVS FOR SALE - 2002 Polaris 500, winch, racks, no speedometer, $2500. 2002 Polaris 700 twin, winch, racks, new rubber, 3200 miles, $3500. Call 250-425-7731.
Recreational/Sale 15’ trailer, fridge, stove, bathroom, sleeps 4, $1200 obo. (250)489-8009 1976 Dodge Camper Van, Model B-200, auto, 73,000km, no leaks, good tires, roof rack, $2000 obo. No texting please, (250)919-2468 1977 GMC Class A motorhome, 26’, good cond. inside & out, newer tires, must be seen! Rare model. Best offer takes it. (250)426-8408 1989 Jayco 850 camper, full size, queen bed, flush toilet, fridge, stove & furnace, 1350lbs, ex. cond., $2500. (250)426-3854
1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $32,000 obo for both. (250)427-6806 1992 37’ Class A motorhome for sale, A1 shape, fully loaded, $24,500. Consider vehicle on trade. (250)489-8794 1994 30’ Dutchman 4 Seasons, walk around queen bed upfront, rear kitchen, sleeps-6, saddle included, no rails, new batteries, new propane tanks, inspected 2010, like new, tires good, asking $9000 obo. (250)426-7400 1995 Westwind 5th Wheel, 27-1/2’, sleeps 6, good cond., c/w solar panel & trailer hitch, asking $8500. Cell, (250)4218087 or (250)426-2238 1997 8’ Vanguard Camper, fridge, stove, toilet, north/south queen bed, HW tank, $7500. Call (250)489-3968 1997 Prospector 5th Wheel by Kustom Koach, 20’ lighweight, suitable for small pick up, garage stored, original owners, ex. cond., asking price $7000 obo. Call (250)426-3134 1998 29’ Prowler, bunk model, c/w front bedroom, full bathroom, 2-dr fridge, air, 1/2 ton towable, $8000 obo. Call (250)426-4283 1998 Coleman tent trailer, sleeps 5, F/S, awning, good cond., $3500. (250)919-0060
The Cranbrook Food Bank It takes needs your help
2005 29’ Holiday trailer, equipped with solar panels, 285 watts, 2000 watt inverter, large slide w/awning, dual wheels, mint cond., $16,000 obo. (250)342-6805
1997 Mallard 31’, rear bunks, front bedroom, sleeps 9, 3-pc bath, air, microwave, fridge, stove, solar panel, 30lb tanks, full awning, stereo, $8700 obo. (250)489-9187
2003 24’ Gulfstream Class A motorhome, 454 motor, genset, island bed, ex. shape, 58,000km,
1999 23’ 5th wheel Rustler, tandem, great shape, $8000 obo. (250)428-4079
2004 30’ Arctic Fox, 4 season all weather coach, 2 slides, solid oak cabinets, ex. cond., asking $22,000.(250)426-6550 2004 Terry 5th Wheel, 29-1/2’ with slide, air, 8 cu.ft. fridge, microwave, stove, oven, back bedroom with bunks, queensize bed in master bedroom with bathroom, tub, shower, pull out couch, can sleep up to 8 people, plenty of cupboard space, in good shape, asking $18,000. 1 (250)402-3583 2004 Terry Quantum 32’ 5th Wheel trailer, immaculate, 2 slides, queen bed, 3-way fridge, 3-burner stove w/oven, microwave, gas/electric hot water heater, gas furnace, 2 TV’s, excellent & clean cond., $21,500 obo. (250)426-8178
1999 23.9’ lite Travelaire Rustler Trailer, excellent condition! Double bed, bunks, fold down table, full bath, air, outdoor shower, awning & lots of storage, 1900 kg dry weight. This unit has been well maintained & cared for. $8500 obo. (250)489-1336 1999 Vanguard 269, Vanguard rear kitchen model, air, awning, approx. dry weight 7673 lbs, living room dinette slide, front walk around queen, $14,900. Runners RV, Call (250)489-4141 or toll free 1-800-663-4824 20 ft. Award winning 2005 KZ (Spree) RV trailer. Island bed, Micro, Air, Winter compatible. Light only 5400lbs GVW. Dual axels. Excellent cond. $11,500 Phone 250223-8694. Email gcplace@theeastshore.net
2004 24’ Pioneer travel island bed, as new $11,000. Or trade for rhome. (250)428-9606 ton
trailer, cond., motoCres-
2005 24’ Vanguard hard side trailer,
12’ slide out with awning, queen bed, large storage in back, tub/shower, new solar panel, new tires, gently used, never been smoked in,
asking $15,000. (250)427-4927
2008 Jayco toy hauler, 29’, used 10 times, loaded, 12’ garage. Call for more information. $30,000. (250)426-3568
2005 Holiday Rambler, alum., 34’, 3 slides, washer/dryer, air, fan, 2 TV’s, good tires, many extras, a real home, never smoked in, $25,500. Will sell with F-Diesel truck for $55,000. Come and have a look, 1429 20A St S, Cbk (250)489-5860 or (250)420-1632 2006 8’ Okanagan truck camper, 1700lbs, Happi-Jacs, north/south queen bed, fantastic fan, stairs, awning, quality built & used only a few weekends. Mint Condition. $11,995. (250)489-5851
2006 Palomino tent trailer, good cond., 10’ plus with queen size beds at each end, great inexpensive camping solution, $4995. (250)426-0632 2008 Cougar 5th 289BHS, 2 slides, 2-bdrm, dry weight 8675 lbs, polar package, hitch weight 1520 lbs, $24,900. Runners RV, (250)489-4141 or toll free 1-800-663-4824 2010 24’ Hideout, new cond, walk around queen, Jack & Jill beds, air, indoor outdoor speakers, 19’ flat screen stereo/CD/DVD, sleeps-7, lots of extras, hitch inc. $15,500 obo. (250)489-5855
2007 Crossroads Cruiser RF25RL hardwall 5th wheel, full size 7’ slide, One owner, great layout, sleeps 5-6, like new cond., must see,
$16,000. (250)489-3556
2007 Hi-LOW 22’ tandem trailer, fully self contained w/fridge, stove, air, solar panel & much more. Very rare in this area. Design allows for compact mode when traveling so wind resistance is very low & better on your vehicle for gas consumption. Always stored under cover when not in use. $18,000. (250)489-4748
2010 Cougar, 26’, 2 slides, Polar package, air, double doors, exterior bathroom entrance, Stock #T3435.1, $21,900. Runners RV, 250489-4141 or 1-800-663-4824 2010 Springdale 26-1/2’, 1/2 ton towable, slide, sleeps 6, used 7x, loaded, $18,000 obo. (250)426-5541 (250)489-8885
Currently hiring Courteous & Reliable Drivers Class 4 Unrestricted Drivers License required Retired & Semi Retired Drivers Welcome Walk in Monday-Friday 9am to 1pm Unit E, 1475 Theatre Rd
31 muscles to fold up this newspaper
Drop boxes at Safeway and Save On Foods Food Bank ofce 104-8th Ave. S. 250-426-7664 (from 10am-3pm)
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WE REQUIRE YOU TO PROVIDE: - Reliable vehicle (pickup truck or van recommended for purpose of television and audio deliveries) - Valid driver’s license and vehicle insurance - WCB coverage - Your own tools required for the job - Gas (mileage will be paid on deliveries/jobs outside the Cranbrook area) - Outgoing, positive attitude, with an attention to detail, a passion for excellence and a drive to succeed.
saved Max’s life.
Special consideration given to applicants with satellite installation and/or previous related experience. Please email resume to: trevor.s@andres1.com Or apply in person with resume (attention Trevor) to: Andre’s Electronics Experts 101 Kootenay Street North Cranbrook, BC V1C 3T5
Please give to the Heart and Stroke Foundation Call toll free 1 888 HSF INFO (1 888 473 4636) Visit our web site www.heartandstroke.ca
Thank you in advance to all interested applicants, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
2011 - 8’6� camper, slide out, A/C, lg. fridge, 3 burner stove, queen bed, fantastic fan, electric jacks, dual propane tanks, expandable stairs 250-4284260 or 208-597-5885 $14,900 obo 2012 185FBR Shadow Cruiser tandem, lightweight, loaded, includes power awning, sleeps 6, never used, $16,500 obo. (250)426-5118 (250)421-1484 Estate Sale. 1992 Oakland 30’ 5th Wheel, rear bedroom, needs hot water tank, $4500 as is. Call after 11 am, (778)517-0313 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27’4�, like new. We are the original owners. Only used 2 weekends. Slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, worth $51,900, asking $16,500 obo. (250)427-4435 Lance 11’9� side door camper, loaded, ex. cond., $18,500 no tax. (250)426-5118 Must Sell, 1986 25’ Travelaire 5th wheel, inc hitch, queen bed, pull out couch, full bathroom, f/s, good cond, $2700. (250)342-9284 leave msg. SNOWBIRD TRUCK camper, 8’4, good cond, asking $4800 obo. (250)428-0552
Sport Utility Vehicle 1999 Honda CRV, 227,000km, good cond., $5150 obo. (250)489-5392 2002 Chevrolet TrailBlazer LS SUV, auto, Stock #T13190A, $7995, Cranbrook Dodge, DL 30708, (250)426-6614 or call 1-888-259-7039 2002 HYUNDAI Santa Fe, AWD SUV, nice clean vehicle, good cond, 253,000 km, asking $3995 obo. Eves (250)489-2810 2003 Honda CR-V EX, 4-cyl, auto, 4WD, Stock #Y69754A, $9995. Spring Honda, DL #30315, (250)489-0903 or call 1-877-420-2194 2004 Ford Escape XLT, V6, auto, FWD, Stock #Y66288A, $9995. Hillcrest Hyundai,DL #30315. (250)489-0903 or call 1-877-420-2194 2004 Suzuki SL-7 4-dr station wagon 4WD, nice cond., 60 mpg, $4300. Can be seen at 721A Rosa Drive, Cranbrook. (250)417-2044 2005 GMC Envoy SLT, straight 6-cyl engine, auto, 4WD, Stock #N21062B, $10,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313. (250)426-6661 or call 888-426-6665 2006 Ford Explorer Limited V8 4x4 SUV, 4.6L, 6-spd auto, Stock #S215667A, $13,995. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, (250)489-4010 888-418-4798 2008 Jeep Liberty Limited Edition SUV, 4-dr SUV, 3.7L, auto, Stock #13-419825a, $18,995. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, (888)616-3926 2009 Honda CR-V LX, 4-cyl, auto, 4WD, Stock #B11193, $16,900. Spring Honda, DL #31110. (250)489-4311 or call 1-888-638-4488 2010 GMC Terrain SLE-2 SUV, 3.0L, auto, Stock #14456490A, $24,495. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088. Call 1(888)616-3926 2011 Chevrolet HHR LT SUV, auto, Stock #T13256A, $17,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, (250)426-6614 or call 1-888-259-7039 2011 Nissan Rogue SL, AWD, fully loaded, leather, including navigation, balance of factory warranty, $25,995. Stock #V17283A Arrow Motors Volkswagen, DL #5467 Call (250)489-4327 or 1-877-6894327 arrowvw.ca 2013 Ford Escape SE 4x4, 1.6L Inline4 Turbo, 6-spd auto, leather, Stock #P1982, $27,892. Denham Ford, DL #30786, (250)426-6645 or call (250)426-6645
Sport Utility Vehicle
Trucks & Vans
2013 Ford Escape SEL, 2.0L, 6-spd auto, 4x4, Stock #P1980, $33,995. Denham Ford, (250)426-6645 or call 1800-663-3839
2008 Dodge Ram 3500 SLT, 4x4, Turbo Diesel, Crew cab, short bed, 6.7L, auto, Stock #G214330, $32,225. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, (250)4894010 or 1-888-418-4798
10’ Lund fishing boat w/multi purpose tilt trailer, $1250. 1 (250)426-5603 12’ Lund aluminum boat with 8hp Mariner motor, EZ-Loader trailer & accessories, $2850 (250)426-8114 14 foot LUND Alum boat (older model), 15 horse motor, trailer and electric motor. All in great shape. $3900 for the package. Wardner loc. Ph 604-790-4521 or email rebobroy@gmail.com 15’6â€? ďŹ berglass canoe, $550. 6hp Mercury outboard, $525. Both in ex. cond., Call after 5pm, (250)426-3968 15’ Lund boat, 15 hp Johnson motor, trailer, oars, ex. cond., $2750. Also, boat trailer, for 12’ or 14’ boat, $400. Call (250)489-3067 16’ Aluminum boat, 9.9 Yamaha, trailer, life vests, oars, electric motor, $2100 obo. (250)421-1484 2011 Mercury 3.5 hp 4-stroke outboard, normal shaft, as new, 5 hours total, $1050. Call (250)427-3457 (250)427-2032
16’ Crestliner, welded aluminum, deep V, c/w 50HP & 9.9 HP Merc outboards, fishfinder & trailer, $3500 obo. (250)4280325
Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews 2008 Orbit (by Fleetwood) 18’ tandem axle, very light (2500 lbs), like new, new queen mattress, includes equalizer hitch & bars, asking $12,500. (250)426-3887
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A27
Trucks & Vans 1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 7000 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094 1986 GMC Sierra, 2WD, 305, short box, everything original, located in Fernie, $1100. (250)464-4131 1987 BLAZER K-5, V8, 4x4, 40,000 original miles, ex. shape, California car, $7000. (250)427-7094 1989 Plymouth Voyager van, great on gas, runs good, V6, asking $700.1 (250)426-5797 1991 Dodge Ram Charger 4x4, c/w spare 318 motor, $800. (250)426-5831 1992 CHEV 4X4 Ext Cab 1/2 ton, $500. (250)422-3113 1994 Ford F150 XL, Ext. Cab, 4x4, 194,600 km, manual trans., canopy, tow package, $2900. (250)422-3406 or (250)421-9477 1996 Dodge Cummins diesel dually, 1 ton, trailer hauler, endless list of custom work done, extras, too much to list, mint cond, $20,000. 1 (250)489-8151 1997 Chevy 3/4 ton, 350 Vortax engine, 4x4, asking $6000. (250)427-3904 1998 F-250 ext cab, 2WD, great cond, great work truck with towing pkg & brake control, asking $2500 obo. (250)421-1682 1999 Dodge Ram, 5.7 L Cummins diesel, 388,000km, 2 sets tires & rims, has some rust, too many options to list, $5000 obo. (250)919-6558 2001 Honda Odyssey, great family van, 140,000km, asking $6500. (250)489-0725 2001 Montana, runs well, nothing wrong, $2900 obo. (250)426-7169 (250)919-5361 2002 Honda Odyssey, loaded, 168,000km, asking $6000 obo. (778)517-0096 Cranbrook 2003 Toyota Tundra 4x4, 260,000 km, well maintained, good cond., $10,500 obo. (250)489-0771 2004 Dodge Caravan, 140,000km, ex. cond., aluminum wheels, c/w 4 mounted winter tires, nice, clean unit, asking $6000. (250)426-8070 2004 Ford F350 Quad cab L/D, diesel, dual exhaust, cool air intake, Super Chip Flash Pag tuner, Premier sound system, remote start, keyless entry, alarm, starter immobilizer, security system, $5000 obo. (250)426-2479 2006 Honda Ridgeline EXL, V6, auto, 4WD, Stock #B11191A, $17,000. Spring Honda, DL #31110. Call (250)489-4311 888-638-4488 2007 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 4x4 Crew Cab, 4-dr, 5.7L, V8, auto, Stock #W092964B, $19,999. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, (250)489-4010 or 1888-418-4798 2007 Ford F150 XLT 4x4 Extended cab, 5.4L, 4-spd auto, Stock #U005833X, $16,999. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845 (250)489-4010 888-418-4798 2007 GMC Sierra 2500HD SLE, 8-cyl, auto, 4WD, Stock #F61200A, $15,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523 1-877-420-2194 2007 Honda Odyssey EX-L, auto, FWD, Stock #H07802A, $18,700. Spring Honda, DL #31110. Call (250)489-4311 or 1-888-638-4488 2008 Cadillac Escalade EXT, crew cab, 6.2L, 8-cyl, 6-spd auto, Stock #TK6585A, $38,900. Northstar GM, DL #5717. (250)489-4711 or call 1-800-663-2307 2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Extended cab, 6.0L, 8-cyl, 4-spd auto, Stock #CK6341A, $19,947. Northstar GM, DL #5717, (250)489-4711 or call 1-800-663-2307 2008 Chrysler Town & Country Limited van, auto, Stock #T13208A, $19,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, (250)426-6614 888-259-7039 2008 Ford F150 Supercrew 4x4 XLT, 4-spd auto, 8-cyl, Stock #09511B, $23,890. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)427-4224
2008 F350 Diesel Super Duty, 4WD, tow device on trans., 6.4L, 3.73A/R, 80,000km, 2-yr Ext. Warranty, new tool box, new 5th Wheel hitch,long 8’ box, many more extras, never smoked in, $32,500. Will sell with 2005 Holiday Rambler for $55,000. Come and have a look, 1429 20A St. S, Cbk (250)489-5860 (250)420-1632 2009 Ford F150 XLT 4x4 Extended Cab, 5.4L, 6-spd auto, Stock #X012915B, $21,995. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845. (250)489-4010 888-418-4798
1994 Searay 18-1/2’ 5L Alfa 1 Gen II Mercruiser, High 5 stainless prop, mint shape, low hours, lots of extras, $16,000. Cell (250)421-2540, home (250)489-2030 Caribbean Zodiac 10’ c/w 9.9 Merc, 4-stroke & new EZ Loader trailer, $3900 obo. (250)428-4079 FOR SALE: 2 Merc 9.8 outboard motors. 1980 & 1981 both in great shape & come with tanks. $700 ea. Call 250865-2490.
World’s Finest FISHING BOATS
Weldcraft, Hewescraft, Lund, Godfrey Pontoons Mark’s Marine, Hayden, ID 1-888-821-2200 www.marksmarineinc.com
College of the Rockies 2009 GMC Sierra 2500 SLE, ex cond, ext cab, Air, cloth interior, PW, PL, towing equipped, Tonneau cover, OnStar, 128,000 km $19,000. (250)421-8022 2009 Toyota Tacoma SR5, V6, manual, 4WD, Stock #V10336A, $24,995. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, 1-877-6894327, arrowvw.ca 2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LS, 4.8L, V8, auto, Stock #CK10543, $21,995. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088. Call 1(888)616-3926
Invitation to Tender The College of the Rockies invites tenders for:
Janitorial Services Cranbrook Campus
2010 Ford Explorer XLT, FWD, auto, 6-cyl, Stock #11313A, $22,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248. Call (250)427-4224 2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199 2011 Ford Ranger Sport 4x4 Supercab, auto, 6-cyl, Stock #05513A, $18,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, call (250)427-4224 2013 Ford F150 Platinum 4x4 Supercrew cab, 5.0L V8, 6-spd auto, leather, Stock #P1991, $52,995. Denham Ford, (250)426-6645 or call 1800-663-3839 Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser
Utility Trailers 2013 20’ enclosed cargo trailer, two 3500 lb axles, ramp door, like new cond., $6000 obo. (330)562-9325 Wardner Cargo trailer, tandem, 12’ long, 8’ high, all metal, barn doors, panel inside, excellent tires, $2500. Would make excellent contractor’s trailer. Call (250)417-6603
Boat Accessories Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser
If you see a wildďŹ re, report it to
1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.
Digging can be a shocking experience if you don’t know where the wires are.
Sealed tenders, clearly marked "JANITORIAL SERVICES – CRANBROOK CAMPUS" will be received until 16:00 hrs. (4:00 pm local time), Wednesday, August 7, 2013 at the oI¿ce oI: Facilities Manager College of the Rockies 2700 College Way, PO Box 8500 Cranbrook, B.C. V1C 5L7 Phone: (250) 489-8227 7ender documents and speci¿cations will be available to interested contractors at the Cranbrook Campus Facilities 2I¿ce 5oom
2010 Chrysler Town & Country Limited Edition, 83,000km, has every conceivable option, new tires, trailer tow package like new, asking black book price, $22,000. (250)429-3450
Invitation to Tender LOST DOG FORESTRY LTD. invites tenders to harvest stump to dump, approx 8000 cubic meters, from Woodlot W1567. Interested parties call Frank, (250)417-2751 for tender documents
A mandatory site meeting for all interested contractors has been arranged for Friday, July 26, 2013 at 08:30 hrs. (8:30 am local time) in Room S220 (Summit Hall Building) at the College of the 5ockies Cranbrook Campus 7he College of the 5ockies reserves the right to waive informalities in, or reject any or all tenders, or accept the tender deemed most favourable in the interest of the College of the 5ockies 7he lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted For further information please contact: Allan Knibbs, Manager, Facilities, College of the 5ockies, College :ay, Cranbrook, %C 9 C / , Phone - -
Invitation To Tender The College of the Rockies invites tenders for:
Janitorial Services Fernie Campus
It would be greatly appreciated if you would help out your Kootenay Advertiser carrier by containing your dogs during the time carriers usually deliver your paper
Tenders, clearly marked “JANITORIAL SERVICES - FERNIE CAMPUS� in sealed envelopes will be accepted until 13:00 hours (1:00 pm Local Time), Wednesday, July 3, 2013 at the office of the Fernie Campus Manager. Tender Documents and specifications will be available to interested contractors at the Fernie Campus. A MANDATORY site meeting will be held at the College of the Rockies Fernie Campus on Wednesday, June 26 at 8:30 am until 12:00 pm (Local Time). Failure to attend will result in a nonqualifying bid. The College of the Rockies reserves the right to waive informalities in, or reject any or all tenders, or accept the tender deemed to be the most favourable in the interest of the College of the Rockies. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation
For further information please contact: Ms. Anita Palmer, Campus Manager, Fernie College of the Rockies 342 - 3rd Avenue, Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Phone: 250-423-4691 „ Fax: 250-423-3932
1510-2nd St. N, Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 250-489-3455
A28 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
To Place a listing in our community news section: 1. open to all clubs and non-profit organizations. 2. Post your event online at www. kootenayadvertiser. com (calendar). events appear on our website oNlY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit by fax (250)489-3743 or to our front desk or email: advertising@ kootenayadvertiser.com 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.
June 15
eK oUTDooR clUB hike to Silversprings Ridge. a steep but safe & short climb up to the ridge above Silver Springs lakes. Moderate difficulty. Denise, 4268646. SocIal ~ DaNce to the music of ‘chapparal’ at the cranbrook Seniors Hall 2nd St. South. a great evening of Song and Dance held on Third Saturdays, at 7 pm. eVeRYoNe WelcoMe. Refreshments served. 250.489.2720 eK oUTDooR clUB hike to Kiako Mtn, a moderate hike in the lumberton area. lorne, 426-8864. JaFFRaY BaYNeS laKe FaRMeRS; MaRKeT starting back up. Held every Saturday morning throughout the summer at the Baynes lake community center. 9am-12:30 pm. a few minutes drive from the Kikomun creek Provincial Park & central to the South country. lions club breakfast & concessions open all morning. Info. 250-429-3519.
June 16
KIMBeRleY NaTURe PaRK - Father’s Day Hike - Meet at the Higgins St. entrance at 1 pm for a 3 - 4 hr moderate hike. Join leaders ellen & Dan chase 250427-5517 eVeRYoNe WelcoMe! Fraternal order of eagles Father’s Day pancake breakfast, 8am-11am. $5/person. 711 Kootenay St. all proceeds to Diabetes Research. aNNUal elKS cHaRITY ToURNaMeNT at the Kimberley Golf course. Fees are $45.00 for members of the Kimberley course and $65.00 for non-members. This includes a prize for every player and a Prime Rib dinner. a guest for dinner $20.00. Sign up your own team or we can find a team for you. call 250-427-2343 for more info.
June 18
BeaRS WITHoUT FeaR presentation & book launch. Join Kevin Van Tighem as he discusses how, through understanding and de-
mystifying preconceived fears, not only can people coexist with bears, we can ensure their survival in the wild. Tues., June 18, 7:30 pm at the Manual Training centre, cranbrook & Wed., June 19, 7:30 pm at centennial Hall, Kimberley. The east Kootenay Railway Pensioners association will be having a Social luncheon 12:30 pm at the Bavarian chalet (Day’s Inn), 600 cranbrook St. N. cranbrook. RSVP June 14th 2013. all Railway Retiree’s and Spouses are welcome. For futher information, please contact Secretary Frances allen at 250-426-2720 or Bill Belding at 250-4265006
guided tour of 6 privately owned gardens and discover plants along with local artisans selling their products; tickets $10 available after June 22nd at lotus Books & Top crop Garden, Farm & Pet; the Garden club encourages you to take a short tour break from noon to 1:30pm at christ church anglican (lower level) for a homemade lunch provided by the church ladies $8 at the door and pick up a plant bargain at the club’s Plant Sale.
FRee FaMIlY SWIM, 6-7 pm, Kimberley Rec centre. Sponsored by Kimberley Medical clinic. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult.
JuLY 20
June 19
June 20
BUSINeSSeS HaVe UNTIl June 20 to purchase & register their Urban aRtsy Deer for teh cranbrook Summer artsy Deer Quest. everyone else has until aug. 24 to purchase & decorate their deer for the Great cranbrook artsy deer Round Up and competition to be held at aRt in the Park in Rotary Park. Deer & details available at cDac Gallery, 13510th ave. S., cranbrook. 426-4223.
June 22
RoUND THe MoUNTaIN FeSTIVal - Sponsored by the Kootenay orienteering club, Kimberley Trail Society, Kootenay Freewheelers cycling club & Go Kimberley Magazine. BaT MIST NeTTING NIGHT at 9pm. Wasa community Hall. Biologists from the Kootenay community Bat Project will share their enthusiasm and knowledge. KooTeNaY coUNTRY FaIR coMMITTee MeeTING - 10:00 am at “4271 lakeview Drive, cranbrook”, (Gwen’s place).
June 23
loRRaINe BUTleR’S MUSIc STUDIo WIll Be HaVING THe YeaR-eND RecITal aT THe KNoX cHURcH aT 7PM. RecePTIoN FolloWING. eVeRYoNe WelcoMe
JuLY 3
FRee PUBlIc SWIM at Kimberley Pool, 5-6pm. Sponsored by Kimberleh Health care aux. (persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult).
JuLY 7
cranbrook Garden club’s 17th annual open Garden Day, from 10am to 3:30pm, where you can enjoy a self-
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
calendar FRee IMMUNIzaTIoNS. PeoPle 65 years of age can receive pneumococcal 23. all people should have a tetanus/diphtheria booster every ten years. Protect yourself from vaccine preventable diseases with these free vaccines. Please call the Public Health Nursing at your local health Unit (cranbrook 420-2207) for all appointments. FUllY ReNoVaTeD Hall and kitchen for rent. 120 person capacity. Great rates! Kimberley elks club. 250-4272343 Meat draw every Sat. @ 5pm eK coUNcIl oF canadians chapter meeting monthly, 2nd Tuesday evening of the month. call for time & location, 427-0514. THe BISSeT cHoIR, a mixed mens, women’s choir of all ages from high school to adult, meets every Thursday evening, 7 pm at Knox Presbyterian church, cranbrook. New members always welcome. 489-3942. WIlDHoRSe cYclING clUB group rides are now in full swing! Join Wildhorse in exploring local trails and socializing with riders of all ages and abilities. Beginner Riders encouraged. Meet at the eager Hills - Fraggle Rock parking lot at 7pm; Tuesday for the ladies-only cross country mountain bike ride and Thursdays for a co-ed ride. Watch our website for location changes mid May. KeeP YoU & your horse active, Willowgrove Ranch Horsemanship clinics, limited room, so book your spot. FMI Jodi Savage 4266596. PaReNT/ToT FUN TIMeS, a drop in program for parents & their children ages 6 & under. Monday mornings 9:30noon, Mountain View elementary School. olD BaSeBall PHoToS? The Home Run Society would like to archive your photos and stories for future generations of baseball fans. contact Garry 417-3236 or e-mail: garry@slonowski.com ScleRoDeRMa SUPPoRT GRoUP, call Betty (250)4288875, Bev, 427-5033 in Kootenay Region. KooTeNaY HoRSeS IS online, your equine community clubs & events listing. www.kootenayhorses.com, Marie, 426-5530. NaTIVe FRIeNDSHIP ceNTRe monthly meetings, 7 pm, last Thursday of month. Mt Baker Secondary School, room 100, everyone welcome. THe 266 RoYal canadian air cadets Squadron of Kimberley would like to let all in the area know, that we meet every Tuesday evening, 6:009:30 PM, outrid Hall, 795 Knighton Rd. chap-
man camp, Kimberley. The 266 RcacS always has room for both new cadets between the ages of 12 and 19 years with out exceptions, and new officers. So anyone wishing to get involved as either a cadet wanting to join, or as an adult looking to donate some time as a leader, this organization is free to all users, Please stop in at the above times or phone 427-4220. RoYal caNaDIaN leGIoN BRaNcH 24-come out and learn how to line dance every Thursday@2pm until oct. cost $2 a session. Instructor Karen Tripp. For more info call 250426-8926. c R a N B R o o K BRaNcH oF The Stroke Recovery association of Bc, a support group for stroke survivors and caregivers. We offer programs to promote independence and improve quality of life. Meetings from 1oam-1pm the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month in the lower level of the Senior citizen’s Hall 125-17th St. S. Please bring a bag lunch. Tootie 250426-3994 KIMBeRleY SeNIoR T’aI chi club and invite you cordially to give us a try, we meet every Monday 10 to 11am. at The United church in Kimberley. Beginners welcome, instructor colin 427 3929 cBK cRITIQUe clUB, 3rd Tues of month, 7 pm, Bring artwork for critiquing. cbk & Dist arts council, 1117 Baker St, 426-4223. SPaRWooD SeaRcH & Rescue is looking for new recruits, all training provided. FMI come to Fire Hall #1, 7 pm, 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month or visit www. sparwoodsar.com. cBK WRITeRS GRoUP meets the 4th Monday of month, 7 pm. Please bring writing sample. cbk & Dist arts council, 104 135 10th ave. S., cranborok. ST. aIDaN oRTHoDoX church, 201-7th ave. S, welcomes you to the following regular services: Sunday Divine liturgy at 10:30 am followed by potluck lunch and children’s Sunday School at 1pm; Weekday Matin Services at 9am; saturday Vesper service at 6pm and Wednesday Bible study at 6:45 pm. FMI call Fr. Richard Rene at 250489-8006 or see www. saintaidan.ca lINe DaNce leSSoNS, Tuesday evenigns, 7 pm, St. Mary’s school gym, cranbrook. Beginner level & progressive. Karen, 426-8926. cRaNBRooK cHaPTeR KING’S coTTaGe: thrift store at former Meadowbrook School KIMBeRleY - Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.30 to 2. Good clothes and
JuLY 17
FRee FaMIlY SWIM at Kimberley Pool, 6-7pm, . Sponsored by Knights of columbus. . (persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult). The organizers of the Brothers Insurance agency charity car Show are looking for vendors to set up at the car show at Western Financial Place. We are looking for merchandise and food vendors. FMI Patricia 250-426-2542 or at ekidsfirst@telus.net.
VolUNTeeR SeNIoRS’ coUNSelloR Norm Weitzel can assist seniors with government forms, applications & General advocacy. 426-2637. callING all FISHeRMeN & WoMeN Have a passion for fishing and like to learn more about angling? The cranbrook Rocky Mountain Fly Fishing club might be what you’re looking for. camaraderie, tips, hints, special events, guest speakers and more. 250489-5856 KIMBeRleY PIPe BaND is looking for new members. anyone interested in joining, learning pipes and/or drums with the Kimberley Pipe Band are encouraged to call Dave 427-3092, Jock, 421-9157 or Gerry, 427-7963. SToNG STaRT Bc & Play & learn Kimberley Family Drop in Programs: Monday’s Play & learn 10-12pm lindsay Park school, Tuesday’s Strong Start Baby Goose 9-12pm & 10:30-11:30 early learning centre, Wednesday’s Strong Start 9-12pm early learning centre, Thursday’s Play & learn StrongStart 1012pm & 1-4pm Marysville School, Friday’s Strongstart 9-12pm early learning centre, Saturday’s Strong Start 9-12pm early learning centre. 250427-4468 coMMUNITY WHITe WaTeR Paddle night,, Tuesdays & Thursdays, leave from Just liquid (5th ave. & Van Horne St., cranbrook). Free shuttle leaves 6 pm. call for location, 9194610.
shoes at rock bottom prices for men, women, children. Donations gratefully accepted. cRaNBRooK & DISTRIcT KeNNel club meets monthly on the 2nd Tues 7:00 PM at Mt Baker High School cranbrook. club details at www.cdkc.ca or esther 250-489- 0409 or linda 250- 417-3177 a cRoSS cUlTURal opportunity for immigrants or new canadian to get together to play games, socialize, share cultures and traditions and make new friends. If you have a musical instrument or game from a different country please bring it and share it with us. cross cultural night will be held the last Wednesday of every month. 7-9 pm, 32 13th ave S., Mila 4262943. c R a N B R o o K TRIPle V Hockey club Times are 9:1510:15 a.m., age is 65+ FMI leisure Services at 489-0220. cRaNBRooK cURlING clUB Tuesday Night fun league 7pm. $5 drop in fee. equipment supplied. 250-426-4415 cHIlDReN: oUR FoUNDaTIoN for Success! contact Patricia cranbrook Family connections centre Beside cranbrook Skatepark 250-489-4246 eVeRY TUeSDaY, 1:30-4 Senior Dance at centennial Hall, Kimberley, live music. ToPS (TaKe oFF Pounds Sensibly) non profit weight loss support group meets every Thursday at 5 pm at the Sr citizen’s centre, (downstairs) 125 17th avenue South, cranbrook. Have fun while losing weight gradually. For Info call Marie 250417-2642 al-aNoN MeeTING eKRH Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Basement eDc Room B. 250-4891388 TeNNIS aNYoNe. cRaNBRooK community Tennis club. We are seeking new members of all ages, doubles and singles. We will meet with anyone interested from 6:30-8:30 pm, Wed. & Sunday night at the new Mount Baker High courts. Please bring your racquet we will supply the balls and some spare rqcquets to get you started, even if you are beginner. come on out & try your hand at tennis or get back into playing. Bev, 250-421-7736 or Neil, 250-489-8107. TIReD oF clUTTeR in your household? Take clothing items to our convenient Walmart location. Thank you from the Big Brothers and Sisters crib / Whist : crib or Whist alternate weeks, Senior’s Drop In centre, Fernie, Tuesdays 7.30 p.m. Seniors Drop In centre 562 3rd ave. Do YoU WoNDeR IF YoU aRe IN a HealTHY Rela-
TIoNSHIP WITH YoUR PaRTNeR? Do you feel valued and respected? Info. 426-4887 or 1-800-200-3003. KIMBeRleY SeNIoRS DaNce. Tuesdays 1:30-4:00 pm, october to June. live music. centennial Hall. 427-2805. cRaNBRooK eaRlY cHIlDHooD Development committee: Meets the 1st Tuesday of every month (excluding Summer) 1-3 pm. Parents, grandparents, caregivers, service providers and businesses are always welcome. coMMUNITY PaDDle NIGHT (flat water) - Wednesdays, 7-9 pm, meet at Just liquid (5th ave. & Van Horne, cranbrook). Free shuttle leaves at 6:15 pm. Rentals available - call in advance 919-4610. cleaR SKY MeDITaTIoN centre Spring Series enrich your life and be open to change Tuesday’s from 7:30-8:45 at exhale Yoga Studio Saturdays from 4pm in Bull River. classes by donation, www.clearskycentre.org. call 250429-3929 for info and directions oNGoING MeMBeRSHIP, aBReaST in the Rockies Dragonboat Team, a non competitive paddling team, bringing awareness to breast cancer survivorship. FMI, Barb, 489-6260, Diane, 489-3372. cRaNBRooK GeNealoGY INTeReST Group meetings are held the 2nd Wed of each month, 7 pm, Family History library of the lDS church. Newcomers are always welcome. Discover your family’s past with the help of other family historians. contact, Tootie Grifich, 4263994. c R a N B R o o K STRoKe RecoVeRY club meets the 2nd & 4th Wed on each month, 10 am-1 pm. lower level Seniors citizens Hall, 125-17th St S. We assist stroke survivors & their caregivers to promote their independence & improve their overall quality of life. Newcomers are most welcome. contact Tootie Gripich, coordinator, 426-3994. oUR GRoUP WoUlD like donations of wool. We make things for our local shelters. 250-4170894. KIMBeRleY GUIDeS & PaTHFINDeRS have started monthly bottle drives in the lois creek section of townsite. Have your bottles ready the 1st Saturday of the month. 427-1741. cRaNBRooK SeNIoR FlooR cURlING is looking for new members. curling is Monday and Wednesday afternoons, upstairs int he curling rink. Dave, 250-426-5387. KINDeRGaRTeN IMMUNIzaTIoNS
are available for children entering Kindergarten in September 2012. Call local health unit for more information and an appointment. In Cranbrook: 250 420 2207, in Kimberley, 250 427 2215. Additional information also found at www.immunizebc.ca Are you CArIng for a senior family member or friend? If so, would you be interested in attending a support group and meeting with others in your community with similar situations? For more information about support in your community call (toll free) 1-877-4890803. To receive a free copy of e.K. Caregivers network newsletter 4202210. The order oF The royal Purple #34 meet the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month at the elks hall in Kimberley. new members welcome. rita, 489-3364. WorKShoPS AT MIngAS, If you are interested in registering for painting, paper mache, fire-spinning or other workshops at the Minga organic Tea Lounge, Contact: 427-1632 MAverICK rIdIng CLub gymkanas last Sunday of every month. Contact Kelly 250-4891686. The LegIon IS LooKIng for anyone that has served or is still serving in the Armed Forces for the bC/yukon Command Military Service recognition book. Forms can be picked up at the Legion. every Saturday Meat draws starting at 3:30 ending at 5:30 you’re InvITed: The Jaffray united Church meets every second & last Sunday of the month at 11:00am. rev. Jack Lindquist. Contact dorothy 250-429-3603 for any changes to service.. AddICTIonS SuPPorT reCovery group Thurs. 2 – 3:15 pm eK regional hospital Psych outpatient dep’t Conference or group room for info 417-6171 So you ThInK you can skate? 7 pm every Thursday in July at the Cranbrook Skatepark, free bbQ. For ArTS reLATed evenTS, galleries, grants/awards, education & etc. check out the news and events section of Cranbrook & district Arts Council’s website: www.theartscouncil.ca The SCLeroderMA SoCIeTy oF CAnAdA requests your help by dropping off your empty laser & inkjet printer cartridges in specially marked boxes at the following locations: Cranbrook, Mitech business Systems, Credit union and the Kootenay news Advertiser. Creston at the public library & Kootenay Internet office. Kimberley, health unit office. Fernie, bill’s Stereo. LeArn To FISh @
www.kootenayadvertiser.com A29
Kootenay Trout hatchery! Come on out to the hatchery pond for this opportunity – great for all ages. Call now to book a session (250) 4293214. open now through the end of August! Tours also available. InverMere Se-
nIorS, 1ST & 3rd Tuesday of every month, potluck, 6 pm & meeting 7 pm. 1st Wednesday, carpet bowling, 1:30 pm, 2nd & 3rd Thursday, bingo, 7 pm, 1st & 3rd Friday, crib, 7 pm. ChooSIng WeLLneSS every Monday
at 10:30am at the Sr. Citizens hall, bring a bag lunch, Irene 4264793. KIMberLey youTh SKATeboArd society, help fundraiser for youth park, all ages welcome to support project, meetings every Tuesday
at 6:30pm, Lee haskell youth Centre. 427-7017. KIMberLey eMergenCy SoCIAL ServICeS (eSS) invites you to learn how to help your community during a disaster. betty, 4273503 for time & date or email: bettyaitchison@
eAST KooTenAy hoMe eduCATorS is a support group for home schooling parents. If you are considering to home school your children and have questions, or would like to be involved in home schooling group activities, contact
monarch.net FAMILy hISTory CenTre (genealogy), 2210-2nd St.n., Cranbrook, 4264614. hours: Tues. & Thurs. 10am-8pm & Sat. 10am-1pm. open to public for genealogical research.
3.5 SL model shown▲
286 1.9
% $ APR
88 1.9% 84
1.8 SR model shown
Hurry Offers end July 2ND • find yours at nissan.ca or your local retailer Sun Valley niSSan 2034 Cranbrook Street North, Cranbrook, BC Tel: (250) 426-6661 www.sunvalleynissan.com N-3330-ASR-JUN_BCLM2
*Lease offer available on new 2013 Altima Sedan 2.5 (T4LG13 AA00), CVT transmission. 1.9% lease APR for a 60 month term. Monthly payment is $286 with $0 down payment or equivalent trade-in and includes freight and PDE ($1,695) and no Security Deposit required. Lease based on a maximum of 20,000 km per year with excess charged at $0.10/km. Total lease obligation is $17,184. Includes $150 Dealer Participation on 2013 Altima Sedan 2.5 (T4LG13 AA00), CVT transmission. Conditions apply. See your Nissan retailer for details. ±0% purchase financing for up to 84 months available on 2013 Nissan Rogue S FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission. Representative finance example based on Selling Price of $25,728 financed at 0% APR for 84 months equals $277 per month with $2,500 down payment. Cost of borrowing is $0 for a total obligation of $25,728. ≠Finance offers are now available on select 2013 Sentra 1.8 S (C4LG53 AA00), manual transmission. Selling Price is $16,415 financed at 1.9% APR equals 182 bi-weekly payments of $88 for an 84 month term. $1,340 down payment required. Cost of borrowing is $1,036.20 for a total obligation of $17,452. ◆ $25,243/$16,415/$25,728 Selling Price for a new 2013 Altima Sedan 2.5 (T4LG13 AA00), CVT transmission/2013 Sentra 1.8 S (C4LG53 AA00), manual transmission/2013 Rogue S FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission. Includes $150 Dealer Participation on 2013 Altima Sedan 2.5 (T4LG13 AA00), CVT transmission. ‡$5,000 Cash Purchaser’s Discount is based on non-stackable trading dollars and is applicable to all 2013 Nissan Rogue models except 2013 Rogue S FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission. The $5,000 cash purchaser’s discounts is only available on the cash purchase of select new 2013 Rogue models (excluding the W6RG13 AA00 trim model). The cash purchaser’s discounts will be deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease or finance rates. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Conditions apply. ▲Models shown $34,293/$21,515/$36,148 Selling Price for a new 2013 Altima Sedan 3.5 SL (T4SG13 AA00), CVT transmission/2013 Sentra 1.8 SR (C4RG13 RT00), CVT transmission/2013 Rogue SL AWD (Y6TG13 AA00), CVT transmission. *±≠◆‡▲Freight and PDE charges ($1,695/$1,567/$1,750), certain fees where applicable, manufacturer’s rebate and dealer participation where applicable included. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes, air-conditioning tax ($100), are extra. Finance and lease offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers except stackable trading dollars. Retailers are free to set individual prices. Offers valid between June 1st, 2013 and July 2nd, 2013. †Fuel economy from competitive intermediate/compact 2013 internal combustion engine models sourced from Autodata on 13-12-2012. Hybrids and diesels excluded. 2013 Altima/Sentra fuel economy tested by Nissan Motor Company Limited. 2013 Altima: 2.5L engine (7.4L/100 KM CITY/5.0L/100 KM HWY), 3.5L (9.3L/100 KM CITY/6.4L/100 KM HWY). 3.5L shown. 2013 Sentra: CVT transmission (4.9L/100 KM HWY/6.6L/100 KM CITY/5.8L/100 KM COMBINED), manual transmission (5.5L/100 KM HWY/7.5 L/100 KM CITY/6.6L/100 KM COMBINED), CVT model shown. Actual mileage may vary with driving conditions. Use for comparison purposes only. ∞ Applicable to four-door models built after November 2012. TOP SAFETY PICK+ winners must earn good ratings for occupant protection in at least 4 of 5 IIHS evaluations, with no less than acceptable in any test. IIHS rates vehicles good, acceptable, marginal or poor based on performance in a moderate overlap frontal crash, small overlap frontal crash, side impact and rollover, plus evaluations of seat/head restraints for protection against neck injuries in rear impacts. For details see www.iihs.org. ^For more information, visit www.kbb.com. Kelley Blue Book is a registered trademark of Kelley Blue Book Co., Inc. 1The Blind Spot Warning System is not a substitute for proper lane change procedures. The system will not prevent contact with other vehicles or accidents. It may not detect every vehicle or object around you. 2Use the text messaging features after stopping your vehicle in a safe location. If you have to use the feature while driving, exercise extreme caution at all times so full attention may be given to vehicle operation. 3The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Nissan is under licence. 4Bose® is a registered trademark of The Bose Corporation.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
A30 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Call BC One Call before you dig Be safe and call BC One Call at 1-800-474-6886 or *6886 on your cell. It’s free and easy. If you don’t, you could find yourself on the hook for the costly repair of a damaged natural gas line or other utility.
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Creating the garden of your dreams means either calling on the services of a landscape professional or diving headfirst into the project yourself. Of course, landscaping a yard requires a great deal of time, but it is definitely a great opportunity to let your imagination run wild. Before you get down to work, here is a list of all the necessary steps to follow to turn your dream into reality. 1. Planning is vital Use your survey or certificate of location to check the site for any easements. take note of hours of full and partial sunshine, undesirable views, which corners to highlight and which to hide. Find out about current municipal regulations concerning landscaping. Have your soil analyzed, locate the
areas that are exposed to wind, and determine your hardiness zone. 2. identiFy yOUr needs How will you use the space? do you want to install a pool or a spa? do you need space for a children’s playground? Would you like to create a water garden or a dining area? Hang a hammock or plant a vegetable garden? think carefully about all your needs. 3. Make a Plan Using a pencil, eraser, and graph paper, draw a scaled plan of your property. include the house, shed, pathways, driveway, and any trees and shrubs you want to keep. then add all the elements of your new layout, taking into account the vegetation and structures you wish see Garden page 31
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, June 14, 2013
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2 gal. Assorted
Blackberries 1 gal.
Perennials 11cm
Ivies, Trailers & Sweet Potato Vines 4’’
4.5’’ Tomatoes, vegetables & herbs
Combination Apple Trees 5 gal. 4 varieties on 1 tree
Sutherland Caragana 7 gal.
to include. Don’t be afraid to sketch out a variety of plans; it’s easier to make changes on paper than it is once the work has started. 4. Choose your plants with Care Before buying anything, take the time to make a list of all the plants you have chosen, including the hours of sunshine they need and the care they require. Be sure to consider the size of the vegetation once it has reached maturity — this is especially important if you want to plant trees and shrubs. 5. spreaD out the work spread the work out over more than a year
From the moment your garden starts to take shape, you will have to start maintaining it. no-maintenance gardens are a bit of a myth. weeding, watering, and pruning can take either a few minutes every day or a few hours once a week —so, don’t wait for the work to pile up. learn to delegate; family members can contribute to yard upkeep, and gardeners can be hired for weeding and for bigger seasonal jobs. 8. enjoy it The last rule is definitely the best: have fun! Make the most of your dream yard and enjoy your favorite pastimes there. you deserve it!
so that your project doesn’t develop into a source of stress. Give priority to the jobs that require qualified workers and any machinery (pool, water garden, parking area). establish a realistic timetable that takes your budget and your time availability into consideration. 6. Consult the experts landscaping is an investment that could increase the value of your property. Don’t hesitate to consult an expert if you have any questions. it is better to spend a few dollars straight away rather than have to redo already completed work. 7. stay in Control
Garden from page 30
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Russian Olive, European Bird Cherry“Merlot”or Toba or Snowbird Hawthorn
7 gal.
1100 Victoria Avenue North, Cranbrook, BC • 250-489-3300 • 1-877-330-2323
A32 www.kootenayadvertiser.com
Friday, June 14, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
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