Skater Sarah Kedves will train with Canadian champion P. 15
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Celebrate Chemainus Summer Fest P. 8
Ladysmith mom is riding for her son Nanaimo RCMP Const. Misty Dmytar is taking part in the 2013 Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock Chris Bush BLACK PRESS
Twelve-year-old Jordan Judson of Ladysmith shows off his fifth catch of the day during B.C.’s Family Fishing Day Saturday, June 15 at the Bush Creek Hatchery. The annual event is hosted by the Ladysmith Sportsmen’s Club and features an opportunity to learn to fish licence-free.
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Few reasons are more compelling to grab a spot on the 2013 Tour de Rock team than to help give your own son and other children a fighting chance to beat cancer. Const. Misty Dmytar, 39, who lives in Ladysmith, is relatively new to the Nanaimo RCMP detachment, but she and her twoyear-old son, Griffyn, are well known in the Comox Valley where she served until recently, and to Tour de Rock teams from the last couple of years. When Griffyn was just four days old he was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare form of infant cancer that presents about 50-70 cases a year in Canada. Dmytar and her partner had to get Griffyn into treatment immediately. “We went to B.C. Children’s Hospital and I can remember us walking up to 3B, which is the oncology ward, and thinking, ‘How did we get here — why is this happening to us?’” They walked by a wall, about three metres long, covered in photos of children who beat cancer, were being treated for it and other who lost the fight. “Griffyn was the youngest they’d ever seen that had come in with neuroblastoma,” Dmytar said. Surgeons took a tumour the size of a baseball, weighing 230 grams, off of his right adrenal gland. They took the gland too.
“The people at B.C. Children’s — if you ever have to go there — it is the most incredible, most ... there are no words to describe B.C. Children’s Hospital,” Dmytar said, struggling to keep her voice steady. “The people that work there — the nurses, the doctors, even the janitors — are amazing people.” Initial treatment produced positive results, but an ultrasound taken a few months later revealed a tumour on Griffyn’s other adrenal gland and spots on his liver. Five months of chemotherapy treatment halted the disease. The tumour shrunk to half its size and the spots on his liver are still there, but the disease has been effectively dormant since 2010. Neuroblastoma is known to do that, and, depending on a wide range of factors, is one of few illnesses that can go into spontaneous regression. For now and hopefully forever, Griffyn has beaten cancer. He returns for more tests this month. In the meantime Dmytar is training for the tour, which starts in September. Combined with fundraising, it’s a big commitment for a mother of two who works 12-hour shifts. Riders will cover about 3,500 kilometres in training to prepare for each year’s 1,000 km Tour de Rock. Riders train two nights a week. Each ride is highly strenuous and lasts about 2.5 hours to build stamina on hills or build cardio endurance with speed. Saturdays are long endurance rides of up to 100 See Riding Page 9
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In brief
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3
School leadership stable in Chemainus
Restructuring has also brought corresponding administration shuffles at schools in District 79. But, consistent with the rest of the restrutcturing, things are relatively unchanged in the Chemainus-Crofton area. Rhonda MacDowell remains principal at Crofton Elementary, while Sian Peterson maintains her position as principal at Chemainus Secondary, with Mike Martin as vice-principal. Brenda Stevenson joins Linda Porte to form the administration team at Chemainus Elementary. All administrative appointments are effective Aug. 1.
Chemainus firefighters hope to fill their boots
This Saturday (June 22), Chemainus firefighters will be walking around the Chemainus Summer Fest and holding out their boots. Why? It’s their annual campaign to raise money to support people with neuromuscular disorders. Since 1954, Canadian firefighters have been helping Muscular Dystrophy Canada fight the battle against muscular dystrophy — a group of more than 150 types of neuromuscular disorders characterized by the wasting and progressive weakness of muscles. Some diseases are life-threatening, and currently, there is no cure. The money raised by Chemainus firefighters will go toward improving the quality of life for people living with neuromuscular disorders by purchasing mobility equipment, providing support services, and funding research, which will one day lead to a cure. Last year, dedicated firefighters raised more than $680,000 in B.C. and the Yukon.
Sunday’s Eggs Benefit will raise money for Holland Creek bridge Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE
When does a church become a breakfast café? When it’s raising money for an important community project, of course. This Sunday (June 23), Oceanview Community Church is hosting Eggs Benefit 2 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the church at 381 Davis Rd. A group of individual volunteers from the community and volunteers from the Kinsmen Club and Oceanview Community Church will be lending a hand during the day to serve omelets with your choice of toppings, toast and coffee supplied by Tim Hortons. Twenty celebrity chefs — including Mayor Rob Hutchins, Fire Chief Ray Delcourt, Chronicle publisher Teresa McKinley, Ladysmith Primary School principal Parmjit Parmar and many others — will be cooking the omelets, which will be offered by donation. All money raised at Eggs Benefit 2 will go toward replacing the Holland Creek Trail walking bridge. The bridge is 23 years old, and because it was built with untreated wood, it has become necessary to replace it, explained Oceanview Pastor Darin Phillips. “You can expect to have a great breakfast, enjoy some live background music, put your kids in the fantastic kids area and feel good about making a donation to a great cause where every
about it, discussed it and thought ‘why don’t we turn our church into a breakfast café?’” said Phillips. Mayor Rob Hutchins approached Phillips in November and asked if Oceanview would be interested in doing another Eggs Benefit fundraiser because the Holland Creek Trail walking bridge needs to be replaced. “I guess when they originally built it, it’s all untreated logs, and over top of the creek, it’s a wet environment and it speeds up rotting,” said Phillips. Howie Davis is donating all the steel and structure for the new walking bridge, as well as the heavy machinery to move it into place and all the work. “He’s doing the bulk of the donation, and Eggs Benefit will hopefully pay for the decking material, rails and all the surface, basically,” explained Phillips. “If we can raise $4,500 or $5,000, we’ll be able to pay for it all.” Phillips says the first Eggs Benefit was a big success, which has made recruiting FILE PHOTO for this year’s event easy. Aedan Geiger digs into an omelette during the first Eggs Benefit at Oceanview Community “The first one went really Church in June 2011. Eggs Benefit 2 takes place this Sunday (June 23) from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at well, and everyone loved it,” he said. “It’s been really the church and raises money to replace the Holland Creek Trail walking bridge. amazing getting volunteers. single penny goes directly church’s custodian, was build the park, and she I’ve had to do no arm twistto the replacement of the working for Island Eggs, and thought it was a great idea ing. People say ‘fantastic; I had so much fun last time.’ walking bridge,” said Phil- Cheryl Guay, the company’s and offered to donate eggs. lips. director of operations, said Unsure how eggs could We had a lot of comments at The first Eggs Benefit was they were looking for a help, he brought the idea the last one that people just two years ago, and it raised charity to support in the back to Oceanview Com- liked the environment of it. You have eight or nine peoabout $4,500 for the Brown Ladysmith-Chemainus area. munity Church. Drive Kin Park. The idea He told her that Oceanview “Jim brought it to our lead- ple chatting around a table, came about when Jim, the was raising money to help ership team, we prayed music playing.”
Ladysmith Legion will open its doors next week Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE
The Royal Canadian Legion is opening up its doors next week as it celebrates Legion Week. Branch 171 in Ladysmith will hold several events during Legion Week from June 24-30 and is inviting residents of Ladysmith and the surrounding area to visit the branch and learn more about the Legion. “Legion Week is for everybody, and it’s a way for us to open the doors to the public,” said Branch 171 president Roy Empey. The branch will host a Soup and Sandwich luncheon by donation Thursday, June 27, starting at 11:30 a.m. at 621 First Ave. The Ladysmith Singers will entertain diners. The branch will then hold an open house in the lounge Saturday, June 29 from noon to 4 p.m., along with an outdoor information booth and a free barbecue outside. Legion mem-
New members sign up during last year’s open house at the Ladysmith Legion. The Legion is holding an open house once again this year for Legion Week. bers will be present to offer help filling out membership applications and to answer any questions. The Legion’s mission is to serve veterans — including currentlyserving military and RCMP members and their families — to pro-
mote Remembrance, and to serve its community and country through programs and services provided directly by the branch and also by donations from BC Gaming and the Legion Poppy Fund. In 2012, Branch 171 donated al-
most $16,000 from Gaming funds to programs and services and $4,000 in scholarships to students graduating from Ladysmith and Cedar secondary schools. The Ladysmith branch also contributed almost $7,000 toward support and assistance for veterans and their dependents, and $3,000 for bursaries for children and grandchildren of veterans. “We are very proud of the assistance we are able to give our veterans and their families and the programs and services we provide for the residents of Ladysmith,” said Empey. Past president Brian Kelly says Legion Week helps raise awareness about exactly what the Legion does. “We’re a service club, and there’s a lot of work we do within the community that people aren’t aware of,” he said. Kelly and Empey emphasize you do not need to be a veteran or a relative of a veteran to join the Legion.
4 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Community Police
LSS dancers find success at Core Competition
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The Ladysmith Secondary School Dance Team and the B Block Performance group competed in the Core Dance Competition May 10 at the Port Theatre in Nanaimo. Dance teacher Chelsea Grovum says her dancers did an “exceptional” job at the competition. “On to the Next One,” performed by the LSS Dance Team, placed first in Hip Hop and received a special award at the gala on May 11, while “Make it Shake,” performed by the B Block performance group, placed second in Hip Hop. “Jellicle Cats,” performed by the B Block performance group, placed first in Musical Theatre, while “The A Team,” also performed by the B Block performance group, placed second in Contemporary. “Boats and Bird,” which was performed by Kristy DeClark, Cassi Plourde and Chanise Sykes, placed first in the Contemporary duo/trio category. “The dancers performed all of their dances to the best of their ability and were definitely recognised for all of their efforts,” says Grovum. “As their teacher, I am so proud of their growth, team work and dedication to dance.”
Chemainus Village Square goes green Staff Writer
ers are busy drilling Geotility is installing dows continue to ap44 holes 280 feet deep the system. pear as the shopping the chronicle to harvest the warm, “Geothermal en- centre takes shape. Chemainus Village The new shopping stable temperature ergy is very efficient centre being built in of the earth. They’ll and costs less than Square is anchored by Chemainus is going install pipes and heat conventional energy 49th Parallel Grocery, pumps to transfer the sources,’ John Kelly, Island Savings Credit green. Chemainus Village energy to heat and of Chemainus Village Union, Pharmasave Square is currently in- cool the shopping Square and Geotility, and Village Liquor said in a press release. Store, and it is exstalling a geothermal centre’s buildings. Canadian company “Shopping centre ten- pected to open late energy system. Workants will benefit from this summer. lower common costs “I’m excited about such as heating and geothermal because cooling. Geothermal it doesn’t use fosunits are quieter than sil fuels or produce traditional systems, greenhouse gasses,” plus they’re self-con- said Dee Kinnee of tained and chemical- Chemainus Village Did you know. . . free.” Square. “In the long That the LDBA has launched a NEW Drilling will carry on run, the use of geomobile-friendly, business-promoting, until the first week of thermal could cut newsworthy LDBA website! July. During this time, back on natural reThere is a new business opening below Nancy’s called walls, roofs and win- source extraction.” Little Town Family Consignment and Souvenir Shop, the Grand Opening is July 1st. The Worldly Gourmet has a new line of Le Creuset ironstone dishes in beautiful colours. It’s ice cream season and Mr. Poppers has 14 delicious flavours for you to try! Pharmasave is having a hot dog sale on June 21, 11:30-2 to raise money for the Variety Clubs “Boat for Hope” campaign.
Please come out and enjoy breakfast with your family at the Eggs 2 Benefit held on Sun, June 23rd, 9 am - 1 pm at Ocean View Community Church. It is a fundraiser for the replacement of Holland Creek Bridge on the HC trail.
Next general meeting is June 20th at 7:30 am upstairs at the Legion.
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, June 18, 2013 5
Wallace vying for B.C. title
Kelly Wallace is currently participating in the British Columbia Ambassador Program
Lindsay Chung
on Ladysmith and high school.” one on a topic of her Since graduating choice — and also from LSS in 2012, WalIt was an easy choice prepare a talent and lace has been working for Kelly Wallace to study for a three-hour at the Old Town Baktake the next step and knowledge exam. Wal- ery, which is her sponjoin the British Co- lace has chosen to do sor for the B.C. Ambaslumbia Ambassador her speech about how sador Program. society today affects Wallace will be goProgram. The 19-year-old young men and wom- ing to university to Ladysmith Secondary en and image. For her become a secondSchool (LSS) graduate talent, she is choreo- ary school dance and was Ladysmith Ambas- graphing and perform- math teacher. “I think it was the sador in 2012, and last ing a dance. Wallace is also busy teachers I had in high year, she had a chance to witness Jayse Van planning fundraisers school,” she says of the Rooyen participate in in the community, in- inspiration for her cacluding a beverage reer choice. “My dance the program. “She just had such a and burger fundraiser teacher, Ms. [Chelsea] good experience from Monday, July 22 at Cot- Grovum, and my math the program, so she tonwood Golf Course. teacher, Mr. [Bob] really inspired me to She plans to do a raffle Boyko, they were just want to do it as well,” and other events such the best of teachers. she said. “This pro- as a bottle drive and The way they inspired everyone in the class gram, as opposed to car wash. Wallace says her time to like stuff like math I the Ladysmith one, takes a lot more inde- as Ladysmith Ambas- thought was very cool, pendence. I think it’s sador was probably and I hope to inspire really cool because the best year of her life. people like that too that’s what these pro- “It was just so much some day.” representing The B.C. Ambassagrams are all about, to fun Ladysmith all over the dor Program events grow and learn.” The B.C. Ambassador province,” she said. “I take place Aug. 16-17 Program is open to any think I really matured in Merritt, and Wallace young man or woman as a person and really says it’s an honour to aged 17 to 23 who has figured out who I was.” represent Ladysmith. Wallace and her fami- “I really love this compreviously held an Ambassador/Royal title in ly moved to Ladysmith munity and everything they stand for,” she B.C. Participants have when she was 10. She loves dance, par- said. “All the support a chance to earn scholthey’ve shown so far, arships and bursaries ticularly lyrical. “It’s my No. 1 pas- it shows the immense to help them achieve sion,” she said. “I was community involvetheir goals. So far, Wallace has never professionally ment we have.” From now until Aug. been preparing for the trained. I just started various components of when I started high 17, Ladysmith resithe program and has school, and I just fell dents can support Walbeen busy volunteer- head over heels with lace by voting daily for it and pretty much that her for the People’s ing in the community. She has to prepare was my life throughout Choice Award at www. two speeches — one the entire five years of bcambassador.com. the chronicle
Fun day at LPS
Nick Bekolay/Chronicle
Ladysmith Primary School students made the most of a mild, breezy day May 24 at their Fun Day. Students tossed water balloons, played floor hockey and tug of war, paraded their stuffed animals around their classrooms and more.
Lindsay Chung/Chronicle
Kelly Wallace is aiming for a B.C. Ambassador title.
6 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Let’s hope trustees listen to Ladysmith
“I really love this community and everything they stand for.” Kelly Wallace, Page 5
his Monday, Ladysmith and North Oyster community members had their first opportunity to participate in a public forum around the school district’s Proposed 10-Year Facilities for Enhanced Learning Plan. The plan has been in the news a lot, sparked protest and been a hot topic of discussion because it proposes some pretty big changes for our community. The plan proposes closing North Oyster Elementary School in June 2013 and closing École Davis Road in June 2014. Ladysmith Intermediate School would become a dual-track K-5 elementary school, and Ladysmith Secondary School would become a Grade 6-12 school in September 2014. It’s proposed that a new K-5 elementary school would be built in Ladysmith for September 2017. This would mean quite a change to the education picture, and people could be turned away from moving here or from enrolling their children in public school by the idea of two “super schools.” One concern that seems to come across quite loudly is with Grade 6-12 high school. Do 10-year-olds belong in high school with 17-year-olds? While you could argue there are a lot of role models in high school — and there certainly are — parents are raising social concerns around bullying and younger students feeling safe. And what about the lost opportunity to be a leader/role model in an elementary or intermediate school? The deadline to submit feedback on the proposed plan is Wednesday, June 26, and I hope you’ll make your voices heard. Visit www.sd68.bc.ca to find out how to do that. Trustees will consider the proposed plan June 26 at 6 p.m. at Nanaimo District Secondary School. Ladysmith parents have been vocal about their concerns and have come up with other solutions (through the website suc cess4all.ca). Let’s hope they get fair consideration at the board table and that the end solution is one that meets our community’s actual needs. —Lindsay Chung
Question of the Week
Do you like the new Canadian dollar bills? Vote online at www.ladysmithchronicle.com. This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of website visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Results from last week’s question Are you planning to attend the school district public forum on June 17? Yes 50% No 50% The Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R-2R2. For information phone 1-888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org.
Expense cleanup must continue BC Views
by Tom Fletcher
s she unveiled her new cabinet, Premier Christy Clark promised a “line-by-line” review of government spending to deliver a balanced budget this year. Statements such as this would have more credibility if politicians subjected their own personal spending to the same scrutiny. That’s still not happening in B.C. Expense accountability has come a long way in the last year, thanks mainly to the work of now-departed Auditor General John Doyle, who swung the cobweb-covered door open on B.C.’s secretive Legislative Assembly Management Committee. Chaired by the speaker and run by senior MLAs from both parties, the committee had been doing pretty much whatever it wanted with MLAs’ own expenses. Doyle’s audit found that MLA credit card bills were being paid without receipts, part of a lax accounting
system that included inaccurate bank records and inadequate management of the legislature gift shop and dining room. The operating budget of the legislature and constituencies runs to more than $60 million a year. Now-retired speaker Bill Barisoff asked the auditor to give a pass to the $119,000 annual allowance for each of the 85 constituency offices. Transfer amounts and payroll expenses were verified, but constituency expenses were not, likely because these records weren’t kept either. I’m not suggesting that there has been any misuse of public funds. The point is we don’t know, and the notion of an “honour system” for politicians’ expenses has become unacceptable. A similar toxic tale has been unfolding in the Senate in Ottawa. It has its own secretive committee called the Board of Internal Economy, which was forced into the open after trying to sweep Sena-
Chronicle The
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pounds at a time without receipts. Cheers! Here in B.C., the next step is obvious. If you go to the website of Alberta Premier Alison Redford, you can easily find the link to her detailed expense reports, itemized for travel, meals, hotel rooms and so forth. Alberta cabinet ministers provide the same disclosure. B.C. cabinet ministers’ travel expenses are now reported, but only as an occasional lump sum. As a result of Doyle’s revelations last summer, B.C.’s Legislative Assembly Management Committee now meets in public, with transcripts of proceedings available. But MLA expenses are still not itemized. Total expenditures are being reported on a quarterly basis, but with no detail to explain why some MLAs have much higher totals than others. It’s time to sweep out the cobwebs. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press newspapers.
Publisher/Advertising ................... Teresa McKinley publisher@ladysmithchronicle.com
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tor Mike Duffy’s housing claims under the red rug of the Senate chamber. Duffy has lived in Ottawa for decades, first as a TV host and then senator, but he decided the rules were loose enough that he could claim his summer place in Prince Edward Island as his principal residence. An audit has also found he was claiming living expenses in Ottawa while campaigning for the Conservatives back east. It turns out the key ingredient in an honour system is honour. This mess goes back more than a century in B.C. and Canada and has its roots in the British Parliament, where MPs and Lords had a system of claiming all sorts of expenses, including construction of a “duck house” and maintenance of the moat around an Honourable Member’s castle. Many years ago, British MPs convinced themselves that they were underpaid, and rather than create a public fuss by giving themselves a big raise, they would be able to top it up by claiming up to 250
Editor ................................................ Lindsay Chung editor@ladysmithchronicle.com Reporter ................................................Nick Bekolay news@ladysmithchronicle.com
Vol. 104, #46, 2013
Office / Accounts / Circulation .. Colleen Wheeler Production Manager......................... Douglas Kent production@ladysmithchronicle.com Production Creative ............................ Kelly Gagne
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7
Parents ‘deeply disturbed’ by changes being proposed for Ladysmith schools
Your View
Editor: As parents of soon to be three children in Ladysmith, we’re deeply disturbed about the changes within the proposed Enhanced Facilities for Learning Plan. We are upset enough that we would pull out of School District 68. Our children represent a lost opportunity of $312,000 to the district. How many other parents will follow suit? If all Ladysmith has to offer is one K-5 and one 6-12 school, how many potential residents will opt out of moving to Ladysmith because this undesirable model offers no choice? We would never send our son, at 10 years of age, to a school alongside 18-year-old young adults. A 10-year-old needs a playground, a safe environment to explore his imaginative world and the chance to be a Grade 7 leader in his school before making the already intimidating transition into high school. People and families move to Ladysmith for its small town community. We have experienced that energy, commitment and community at École Davis Road. It is a school that is full to the brim with wait lists for both French immersion and English track programs. It is full because there is a need for a school in the south end of Ladysmith, and families are moving here. It is in demand because of its great French immersion program, its vibrant reputation as a community school infused with volunteer energy and a history of dedication to positive learning. How dare anyone consider shutting down such a success story in an education system that is in such desperate need of good schools? The good news is there are multiple viable and preferable alternatives to be considered by the board. Exemplary of Ladysmith’s serious intent to work proactively on this plan is success4all.ca. Local parents
Sitting at his easel in his Chemainus home, our cartoonist Rob Kernachan was distracted by eagles one day recently, and he sent us this great photo. If you have any photos you’d like to share, please send them to editor@ ladysmithchronicle.com. have researched and submitted provocative solutions as can be viewed and voted for on this site. Our hope is that this “consultation” period truly results in positive, collaborative action to find alternatives that reflect our community school’s core values, the long-term needs of a growing community, alongside the values and changes needed within the district. This is this district’s shining moment to merit a gold star by exercising good government. If you up at the top fail, how can we trust the education system within this district at all? Jessica Lowry and Graeme Rouse Ladysmith Editor’s note: The deadline for letters and concerns to be heard by the Nanaimo-Ladysmith School District is June 26th. E-mail your feedback to Cathy Kelt at ckelt@sd68.bc.ca or mail it to Board of Education, School District 68, 395 Wakesiah Ave., Nanaimo B.C., V9R 3K6.
Trolley Schedule Change
Effective June 24, 2013 The Trolley will be running on a new schedule starting the week of June 24th, 2013. The new schedule will provide trolley service from Tuesday to Saturday each week. New schedules can be accessed on our website or picked up at City Hall, the Frank Jameson Community Centre, Public Works, or the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce. For further information please check out our website at www.ladysmith.ca or call City Hall at 250.245.6400 or Public Works at 250.245.6445
Kinsmen impressed by LSS rugby team Editor: We are fortunate to live in a very wonderful community in a fantastic setting! One of the big reasons for the quality of life we have is the people that call Ladysmith home. From time to time, we hear about how young people don’t have any drive or direction ... well that could be true for a small portion, but overall, the coming generation have a great future ... and such a group is the Ladysmith Secondary School rugby team! The Ladysmith Kinsmen took on a project to repaint the playground at Transfer Beach this past weekend. We approached a parent from the rugby team and asked if some of the boys would be interested in coming out to help on the Saturday. We were told there could possibly be six to eight young men if they could. On Saturday, a dozen members of the LSS rugby team showed up, along with a parent and the
teacher sponsor. It was amazing. These 12 young men did a HUGE pile of work! When we got going, they did not stop until lunch and then went back non-stop until we finished the project. What we thought would take a few weekends to complete we managed to get done in one weekend due largely to the help of this group of Ladysmith youth. These young men worked hard, were very polite and (we think) enjoyed what they were doing. They are a huge credit to their parents, as well as to the staff at LSS, but more so, they are a credit to themselves and their peers. The Kinsmen were amazed at how these youths worked and handled themselves, and we are very pleased that they came and helped us in this community project. We are very fortunate in our community to have many, many quality people, and this group of young men are a part of it. A great group of future leaders! The Kinsmen really want to thank all the members of the LSS rugby team for all their help — you boys are great! Duck Paterson Ladysmith Kinsmen Club
2013-06-20 (Thursday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 01:31 3.4 11.2 09:27 0.5 1.6 17:18 2.9 9.5 20:54 2.6 8.5
2013-06-21 (Friday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 02:13 3.4 11.2 10:08 0.3 1.0 18:03 3.2 10.5 22:02 2.7 8.9
2013-06-22 (Saturday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 02:58 3.4 11.2 10:50 0.1 0.3 18:44 3.3 10.8 23:06 2.7 8.9
2013-06-23 (Sunday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 03:44 3.3 10.8 11:32 0.0 0.0 19:24 3.4 11.2
2013-06-24 (Monday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 00:07 2.7 8.9 04:33 3.2 10.5 12:13 0.1 0.3 20:03 3.5 11.5
2013-06-25 (Tuesday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 01:08 2.6 8.5 05:25 3.1 10.2 12:55 0.2 0.7 20:42 3.6 11.8
All letters to the editor must be signed and include your full name, home town and contact phone number. Letters are encouraged to be 300 words, and priority is given to local writers and local issues. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clarity and legal reasons. Photos for your view must reflect communities from Crofton to Cedar and include the photographer’s name. Send them in: Mail: 940 Oyster Bay Dr., PO Box 400, Ladysmith, B.C., V9G 1A3 Fax:250-245-2230 E-mail: editor@ ladysmithchronicle.com
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Make your move! Tom Andrews
Letters and Your View policy
Everythings Beachy
2013-06-19 (Wednesday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 00:53 3.4 11.2 08:45 0.7 2.3 16:28 2.7 8.9 19:41 2.5 8.2
Government Contacts LOCAL: Rob Hutchins Mayor, Ladysmith 250-245-6403 rhutchins@ladysmith.ca REGIONAL: Rob Hutchins Chair, CVRD 250-245-6403 rhutchins@ladysmith.ca PROVINCIAL: Doug Routley, MLA, Nanaimo-North Cowichan Ladysmith Constituency Office: 250-245-9375 (Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) E-mail: douglas.routley.mla@ leg.bc.ca FEDERAL: Jean Crowder MP, Nanaimo-Cowichan Nanaimo Constituency Office: 1-866-609-9998 (Thursdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) E-mail: jean@jeancrowder.ca
www.the49th.com Cedar Chemainus
250-245-3344 250-722-7010 250-246-3551 1-866-287-4984
8 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Celebrate Chemainus Summer Fest Saturday Tyson Jones
the chronicle
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Satisfy your senses and kick start summer with a pancake breakfast, live music and a parade at the Chemainus Summer Fest this Saturday (June 22). The Chemainus Rotary Club (CRC) is offering a day of family entertainment with a Chemainus by the Sea theme. Summer Fest will begin at 8 a.m. with a pancake breakfast at the Waterwheel Park parking lot. After breakfast has settled, live music and children’s activities begin at 9 a.m. “There are a variety of bands, including The McCandless Family Band, The Flying Accusations and The Cowichan Valley Jazz Band,” says Shannon Bellamy. “For the kids, we have a reading tent, face painting, fish pond and bean
“The parade is quite a mixed bag,” says Bellamy. “Everybody is participating. Big businesses, local businesses and individuals — it has everything.” There will be a hamburger and hot dog barbecue firing up at the same time as the parade. If you’re still hungry after the pancake breakfast and want to eat while donating to charity, this is the way to do it. “All of the activities are free; the only thing you have to pay for is the food,” says Bellamy. “Proceeds from the food go straight back into the community.” Last year, the CRC raised $15,000 for local charities. Starting at the same time as the parade, File Photo and going until 2 p.m., The parade is always a highlight of Chemainus Subscribe to Subscribe to there is a showcase Summer Fest. This year, it begins at 11 a.m. of local community bag toss.” at Willow and Victoria groups at the Legion 250-245-2277 250-245-2277 The parade will be- streets and will Includes finish Hall on Chemainus Includes $ online online gin at 11 a.m. It starts at Kin Park. Road. $ access access
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Riding in the Tour de Rock is Dmytar’s way of giving back From Page 1 kilometres designed to get the cyclists accustomed to covering long distances and spending hours in the saddle. “I biked before, but nothing to the extent of what we bike now,” Dmytar said. “Hill day is the hardest for me. I’m not very great at hills, but as the training goes on, obviously you get stronger — your legs get stronger — and you’re not as psyched out when you see that really long, steep hill.” Fundraising will be less of a problem, Dmytar hopes, since she’ll be getting a lot of support from the Comox Valley detachment as well as Nanaimo. She also lives in Ladysmith, a town that always throws a huge amount of support behind riders, especially if they live in the area. Dmytar has set her fundraising goal, tentatively at $20,000 but she says the ride is the least she can do to support B.C. Children’s Hospital. “The more money we raise through Tour de Rock, the more chance these kids have and the better
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, June 18, 2013 9
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Const. Misty Dmytar, a member of the Nanaimo RCMP who lives in Ladysmith, is riding in the Tour de Rock for her two-year-old son Griffyn. the treatments that dren’s, giving back to these drugs and help will come out,” Dmy- the people who work our kids get better. tar said. “The tour there and giving back I’m so thankful today is my way of giving to the pharmaceutical that Griffyn is with back to B.C. Chil- companies that make us.”
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École Davis Road English and French immersion Grade 2 and 3 schoolchildren visited the Ladysmith Museum May 23. Their teachers had prepared a questionnaire on the museum, and each student was handed a copy to answer. Volunteer museum staff say they were very impressed with the interest shown by all students and by their courteous behaviour.
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10 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Lindsay Chung/Chronicle
Six-year-old Emily Clark of Duncan and three-year-old Andy Bitonti of Ladysmith check out some marine creatures, like crabs, starfish and barnacles, Saturday, June 15 at Transfer Beach. As part of Home Town Tourist Weekend, Mid-Island Stewardship and Sustainability Initiative president Scott Akenhead was at the beach with hands-on demonstration tanks to show people what is in our water and share information about the biology of Ladysmith Harbour.
You’re invited to explore nine ‘fascinating’ gardens Sunday Lindsay Chung the chronicle
Get ready to get inspired this weekend, as the Chemainus Garden Club hosts a “Fascinating” Garden Tour Sunday, June 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nine gardens are
featured on the tour, including five in Chemainus, three in Saltair and one in Ladysmith. “It’s a fascinating garden tour, and people will know why we say ‘fascinating’ when they arrive,” said Jan O’Neill, a member of
the garden club. had one,” she said. able at the Chemainus O’Neill believes the “And then we thought Visitor Centre, Sandgarden tour was origi- of what good things piper Gardens and nally her idea when we could do with the Glass, and Twisted she was president of money, which is what Sisters Tea Room. the club in the past. prompted us to conThere will be door “I just love garden tinue the tour. I think prizes at each garden. tours, and I thought it’s fair to say that’s All profits from the Chemainus should why we do it now.” garden tour will go have one; Ladysmith Tickets for the tour toward local charities. had one, and Duncan are $12 and are availO’Neill says the
Chemainus Garden Club members will suggest charities at their next meeting in September and then vote on where to the Subscribe money should go. O’Neill was struck by250-245-2277 how excited everyIncludes one was$to be part onlineof access the tour this year.
“Nobody had to have their arm twisted,” she said. “It was wonderful to see that response. I think gardeners really appreciSubscribe to ate it when they can share their gardens.” 250-245-2277 For more informaIncludes tion, call $ O’Neill onlineat 250-246-5351. access
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, June 18, 2013 11
Thank You Thank you to all the parent volunteers, businesses, staff and students who contributed to the 2013 Ladysmith Secondary School Graduation Weekend. An outstanding graduation weekend event was again hosted by Ladysmith Secondary School. A spectacular event not possible without the dedication, commitment and vision of a community that clearly cares for its children. A special thank you also to artist Kath Stroman who (for a second year) created “magic” in the form of huge paintings depicting this year’s grad theme; New York. In the picture attached, the Statue of Liberty can be seen. We are so fortunate to have such talent living in Ladysmith. Dave Street Principal - Ladysmith Secondary School Photo: Loyola van Rooyen Buck, Take 5 Publications
12 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Theatre society’s dream is coming true Tyson Jones THE CHRONICLE
“As Judy Whittaker used to say, ‘we’re a work in progress.’ I don’t think it will ever be completely finished ... it’s endless.” This is what Bruce Mason says of the late Judy Whittaker and the Ladysmith Little Theatre. Mason, a past president of the Ladysmith Players Society, has a long history with the Ladysmith Little Theatre, and he and current president David Brown recently took part in a milestone moment for the theatre when they signed the mortgage and transfer papers to purchase the Ladysmith Little Theatre building. Mason, who had been a member of Yellow Point Drama group for several years “felt that Ladysmith really
time, says Mason. ey down, but we still needed its own theHowever, it was not have to pay $150,000.” atre.” It wasn’t until just the couple who The board has five couple Judy and Terry put time and effort years to pay the mortWhittaker moved to into the project — a gage before a new Ladysmith from Allarge group of volun- agreement will take berta that the dream teers made everything effect. of having a Ladysmith possible and continCurrently, the theTheatre would beues to do so today. atre group is trying come reality. Once the Whittakers to get its charitable It was 10 years ago decided to step away status. Once this is when the old Diafrom the theatre, a achieved, they will be mond School House board was formed to seeking help from the began its transfortake their place, and public to pay off their mation. Located at the community cre- mortgage. 4985 Christie Rd., the ated has continued to Just like in the past, school was built in grow ever since. The the theatre relies 1912, and it had been theatre has seen a heavily upon its memvacant since 1985. drastic increase in au- bership, which has Though the builddience numbers since now reached more ing consisted of two their first production than 200 people. If rooms (when only 10 years ago. you wish to become one was necessary) LINDSAY CHUNG/CHRONICLE “Last year when we a member of the and needed a lot of work, it was exactly Bruce Mason (foreground) and David Brown sign the mortgage and transfer did a musical, just Ladysmith Little Theover 1,000 people saw atre, you can sign up what the couple were papers to purchase the old Diamond School House on Christie Road. Mason and other vol- the heart were there, people saw the show.” the play during its 15- online. It costs $15 looking for. Despite a lackluster show run,” says Ma- and gives you the “They saw it and im- unteers, Ladysmith an audience was noopening, the Whit- son. privilege to take part mediately signed a had its first live the- where in sight. “I think the biggest takers were willing It’s not just an in- in any or all aspects contract,” says Mason. atre. They opened the audience we had for to put in the work to crease in audience of the theatre and lets In December 2003, the Whittakers signed doors for the first that run was 11 peo- establish a theatre in size that shows the you attend shows for growth and prog- free if you’ve helped a five-year renewable time with the play I ple — there actually Ladysmith. “I think we wouldn’t ress the theatre has out. lease with School Want to be in Pictures, was a performance The board This summer, the District 68. After six starring Tabby Jas- with three people in have a theatre if it made. weeks, a lot of hard per and Brian March. the crowd,” recalled wasn’t for Terry and of directors recently theatre is holding work from Whittaker, Though the effort and Mason. “Less than 50 Judy Whittaker,” says purchased the Little two youth theatre Mason. “They really Theatre from School workshops, July 2-6 were the driving force District 68. for youth aged seven behind the beginning “Fortunately, it was to 10, and July 8-12 of it.” a very kind arrange- for youth aged 11 to The Whittakers ran ment with the school 14. Registration for the theater for five board,” says Mason. the week-long camps years. “We don’t have to pay can be done online “They worked like interest and we didn’t at www.ladysmithth slaves” the whole have to put any mon- eatre.com.
Why are newspapers vital? Just ask Warren Buffet: “I believe that papers delivering comprehensive and reliable information to tightly-bound communities… will remain viable for a long time.” Warren Buffet Berkshire Hathaway Inc. May 30, 2013, The Roanoke Times
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Another toe-tapping season of Music in the Park kicks off in Chemainus on Tuesday, June 18 with the Cowichan Valley Concert Band. The big band with a big sound will be playing tunes from classic marches and Broadway themes to modern pop and rock at the 7 p.m. concert at Waterwheel Park.
Music in the Park starts tonight in Chemainus Tyson Jones
Cultural Arts Society (CVCAS), will be taking place every Tuesday underneath the fir trees. This year’s lineup will feature Rain or shine, the Cowichan Valley Concert Band will be kick- past performers, as well as a few ing off Music in the Park at the new faces. Chemainus Waterwheel Park to- “A lot of the bands have performed for us before and were night (Tuesday, June 18) at 7 p.m. This summer-long musical event, very popular,” says Mavis Sheikh, hosted by the Chemainus Valley See Tuesday Page 13 THE CHRONICLE
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, June 18, 2013 13
Tuesday night music series runs for 11 weeks
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Admission to Music everybody to bring planned three music place Aug. 24 and will in the Park is free, but their appetites to the festivals at Water- feature several bigvolunteers will be col- park. wheel Park. name artists including lecting donations, and To see a full listing of The Bluegrass sax-master Phil Dwthere will be gourmet performers for Music Extravaganza will yer and sisters Ingrid hot dogs and refresh- in the Park — as well take place July 27- and Christine Jensen, ments available for as many other cultur- 28, while Accordion who are originally sale. al events planned for Day will be held from Nanaimo but All proceeds from the summer — visit Aug. 10. The CVCAS are now more often the concerts are giv- www.cvcas.com. has also planned the playing their horns in en to the performers, Besides Music in the Chemainus Jazz Fes- Montreal and in New so Sheikh would love Park, the CVCAS has tival, which will take York City.
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Music from Page 12 a director with the CVCAS. “We like to bring in new musicians, but we also have to bring back what the crowd enjoys.” This year’s event features a wide range of bands. Upbeat, fresh rhythms and melodies out of Zimbabwe and southern Africa will be provided by Bopoma Marimba. Cat’s Meow will be Ladysmith offering Bossa 10%sultry Shift Nova, along with claswww.tenpercentshift.ca sic swing and jazz; and Luv Train will be serving up rhythm and blues Motown. Those are just a few of the acts involved in the 11-week event. “The most popular group last year was the Naden Band [of Maritime Forces Pacific],” says Sheikh. “You can’t get a seat unless you’re an hour early.” If you’ve heard the band before or want to experience its wide Ladysmith range of popular muShift sic, 10% the group will be playing in Chemainus www.tenpercentshift.ca on July 16.
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Hotline 250-245-1119
14 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, June 18, 2013 15
In the game Success for Ladysmith martial artists Ladysmith’s Outreach Martial Arts School -— led by Master Kim Teh — had great success at the 2013 Vancouver Island Taekwondo Championships in Parksville in mid-May, which featured teams from across Vancouver Island and competitors of all ages and all experience levels. Several medal winners came from Outreach Martial Arts School, including Elizabeth Irvine and Elwyn Thom (blue belts), both with silver in the poomse pattern competition; Logan Steel (yellow belt) with silver in both sparring and poomse; Béla Scott (yellow belt) with silver in poomse and bronze in sparring; and Alden Thom (yellow belt) in sparring.
Sign at Crofton ball field honours Collinson The sign is now in place at the Crofton Ball Park in recognition of Ron (Sonny) Collinson. The ball field closest to Robert Street now bears the name of the man who gave so much of his free time to coach young players in Crofton for many years. Collinson died on April 17 at the age of 66. Almost immediately, the call went out to name a field after him, spearheaded by Gerry Hurst and Mike Rochon.
Opportunities abound for Kedves Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE
It’s going to be a summer full of unique training opportunities for local figure skater Sarah Kedves. The 13-year-old Grade 7 student at École Davis Road and Fuller Lake Skating Club member is off to Edmonton once school ends to train with Canadian champion and World Championship medallist Kaetlyn Osmond at the Ice Palace at West Edmonton Mall. After this week-long intensive training, Kedves and her pairs partner Lucas Pallard, of skating is the new she a Grade 11 student at choreography,” Nanaimo District Sec- said. “You have to ondary School, will have lots of emotion. spend seven weeks in I don’t know what it is Victoria, where they about it, but I feel like will train with Rac- I’m at home when I’m quet Club of Victoria skating.” Alice remembers Figure Skating. Kedves and Pallard that Sarah was about finished the competi- two when she wanted tive season by com- to start skating, but peting in the recent Alice was pregnant, May Day Provincial and she had to wait Competition in Surrey. until her mother could They were the only come on the ice with pairs team in the prov- her to take lessons. “She was always reince, so they were able to skate and then ally funny,” said Alsit down with tech- ice. “In CanSkate, she nical specialists and wouldn’t do any of the judges for personal skills. They would go feedback, explained from one side of the Kedves’ mother, Alice, arena to the other noting they received side and they were the comment “beauti- supposed to skull or ful position” for their something like that, and all she would do death spiral. Kedves has been fig- is dig in her picks and ure skating since she run across the ice. She was three. She also wanted to get to the umpires baseball and other side faster than competes in track and anybody else.” Kedves started doing field, and she recently finished first in high solos before she startjump at the district ed kindergarten. “She was probably championship meet. “My favourite part about four, and they
Our office will be closed Monday, July 1 for
Canada Day
The advertising deadline will be Wednesday, June 26 at 4:00 pm for the Tuesday, July 2 issue of the Chronicle
Sarah Kedves, seen in top photo competing with pairs partner Lucas Pallard in Surrey, will train in Edmonton and Victoria this summer. had this skate-a-thon Alice. “So one of the where they skate coaches came over to around in a circle me and said ‘any kid around and around who wants to spiral a again, and she was skate-a-thon needs to so bored skating start competing.’” Kedves has been around in circles pairs for that she started do- skating one year. ing spirals,” recalled almost
She was skating in Nanaimo when her old coach suggested she and Pallard try skating together. “I was really scared at first,” she said. “I was really scared I was going to fall on my head because there are a lot of lifts.” Since Kedves and Pallard started skating together last July, they have gotten close to being able to complete a double twist. They compete at the pre-novice level. “We can do a bunch of lifts like star lift, pressure lift, platter lift,” said Kedves. “We kind of made up a lift because we didn’t know what to call it because it’s not like a platter lift or a star lift, so we called it a splatter lift.” They also do death spirals, spiral sequences, pairs spins and other elements. “It’s fun,” said Kedves. “I’m not as scared any more that I will fall on my face.” While skating pairs,
Kedves continues to skate singles, and she is going into the prenovice level. Kedves doesn’t know what to expect when she goes to Edmonton to train with Osmond and Walia. “They didn’t tell us what we’re going to do,” she laughed. “I’m kind of scared I’m going to get trampled by Kaetlyn Osmond; she skates really fast.” There is a group of six girls on Vancouver Island who are the same age and same level, and their coach in Victoria asked Osmond’s coach, Ravi Walia, if they could come to Edmonton for an intensive camp, explained Alice, noting Walia is a world technical specialist, and their coach thought it would be good motivation for the girls to see a female who can land triple jumps. Kedves will spend one week in Edmonton and then she heads straight to Victoria, where she will do pairs training with Pallard and singles training. Kedves and her family will stay in their trailer in Victoria for seven weeks while she does daily on-ice and off-ice sessions. “I like summer skating better because you get lunch break and you get to hang out with all your friends, and on weekends, I get to come home and umpire,” said Kedves. In her pairs skating, Kedves has her sights set on competing at the Western Challenge western Canadian championships this December.
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How would you like to be remembered?
SPANISH Conversation! Weekly drop-in with Mexican teacher. Thurs. evenings, Anglican church (3rd & Buller) 7 - 8:00. Pay by donation. 778-936-9096
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IN MEMORIAM GIFTS RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE BC Help Tomorrow’s Families Today– leave a gift in your will. legacy@rmhbc.ca
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is herby given that to recover charges under the provisions of our storage agreement the goods as listed below will be sold on or after June 30, 2013. The person(s) whose name(s) appear opposite the Goods listed below are liable to us for outstanding charges. JOE CRUICKSHANK (Household Items) Deer Lake Properties (Thomas Rd.) Inc. dba Junction Mini Storage 13136 Thomas Rd. Ladysmith, BC 250-245-2760
Shirley Jane (Fiddick) Lindsay With great sadness we announce that Shirley passed away peacefully in her home in Palm Springs California on June 6, 2013. Shirley, who was born on January 19, 1930, was the ninth child of Dick and Jane Fiddick of South Wellington. Her husband U.S. Navy Commander Jack Lindsay predeceased her in 1966. Her parents Dick and Jane Fiddick, her sisters Alice Galloway and Alma Davidson; her brothers Edwin, Johnny, Billy, Richard and Tommy also predeceased her. Shirley will be lovingly remembered by her son Richard of Palm Springs, grandson Raz in Japan, sister Dorothy Scott of Port Alberni, brother Ronnie (June) Fiddick of Duncan, sister-in-law Hazel Shorter of Nanaimo as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Following graduation from Ladysmith High School, Shirley trained as a Registered Nurse graduating from Vancouver General Hospital in 1952. She worked mainly as an ob/gyn nurse well into her retirement years. Among the places she nursed were Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, Palm Springs, Honolulu, Washington DC and St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands.
PUBLIC NOTICE Saltair Mini-Warehouse notifies Marcel Boudreau, Unit #71 that their goods will be sold or disposed of on or after June 28, 2013 for nonpayment of rent. Saltair Mini-Warehouse 4-10860 Chemainus Rd., Ladysmith, BC 250-245-4912
PUBLIC NOTICE Saltair Mini-Warehouse notifies Robert Shaw, Unit #68 that their goods will be sold or disposed of on or after June 28, 2013 for non-payment of rent. Saltair Mini-Warehouse 4-10860 Chemainus Rd., Ladysmith, BC 250-245-4912
INFORMATION DID YOU KNOW? BBB Accredited Businesses contractually agree to operate by the BBB’s 8 Standards of Trust. Look for the 2013 BBB Accredited Business Directory Eedition on your Black Press Community Newspaper website at www.blackpress.ca. You can also go to http://vi.bbb.org/directory/ and click on the 2013 BBB Accredited Business Directory
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EXPERIENCED PARTS Person required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000 sq.ft store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at LacLaBicheRegion.com Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email: hr@sapphireinc.net
HELP WANTED An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators, Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson,Alta.
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PUBLIC NOTICE Saltair Mini-Warehouse notifies Ricardo Caicedo, Unit #51 that their goods will be sold or disposed of on or after June 28, 2013 for nonpayment of rent. Saltair Mini-Warehouse 4-10860 Chemainus Rd., Ladysmith, BC 250-245-4912 PUBLIC NOTICE Saltair Mini-Warehouse notifies Tyler Gariepy, Unit #OS33 that their goods will be sold or disposed of on or after June 28, 2013 for nonpayment of rent. Saltair Mini-Warehouse 4-10860 Chemainus Rd., Ladysmith, BC 250-245-4912
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Ladysmith: 1 & 2 bdrm apt, heat incl., n/p, ref’s required. The Villa 250-245-3583.
WANT TO GET NOTICED? Prime retail/office space for rent in highly visible historical building on corner of First and Roberts in Ladysmith. 1687 sq. ft. 2 bathrooms, small kitchen, new flooring, A/C. Available June 1st. Call 250-245-2277
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LADYSMITH NEWLY reno’d 2 bdrm, bright, clean, nice patio, inclds W/D hookup, $695. Avail now. 250-245-5251.
SEASONED FIREWOOD Vancouver Island’s largest firewood producer offers firewood legally obtained during forest restoration, large cords. Help restore your forest, Burndrywood.com 1-877-902-WOOD.
Meicor Properties Ladysmith: 1 bdrm suites $720/mo; 2 bdrm starting at $800/mo incl. heat & hot water, sm pets ok. 250-668-9086. www.meicorproperties.com
STEEL BUILDING - DIY Summer sale! - Bonus days extra 5% off. 20x22 $3,998. 25x24 $4,620. 30x34 $6,656. 32x42 $8,488. 40x54 $13,385. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca
DUPLEXES/4PLEXES RENOVATED 3 bdrm duplex, large yard, 2 baths, F/S, W/D hook-up, refs req., $950/month plus utilities (250)754-9279
STEEL BUILDINGS/ Metal buildings 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
HOMES FOR RENT 212 4TH AVE EXTENSION LADYSMITH - $1,195. Reno’d 3 bdrm, 2 bath home w/den, ocean view, 5 appls, wood floors, sundeck, landscaping included! Call Rowan Property Management Ltd. 748-9090
PETS PET CARE SERVICES CAT SITTING in my home. No cages. 7day to long term stay. Limited space. 250-740-5554
APT. SIZE deep freeze $125, almond all fridge $150, white 17 cu ft fridge $200, 30” almond range $125, white 30” range $150, white 24” range $200. Westinghouse staking washer/dryer $350. Washer dryer sets $200-$350. Washers $150-$250, dryers $100$150. Built-in dishwashers $100-$150. White portable dishwasher $125. 6 month warranty on all appliances. Please call Greg at (250)2469859.
FOR SALE by owner- Beach Drive Chemainus- Creekside 1100 sq ft main, open plan kitchen/dining. Oak floors, living room, 2 bdrms up, 2 down 1.5 baths. Finished basement, detached dbl garage. Walk to schools, beach & park. Shopping close by. $304,900. Call 250-246-9370 after 6 PM.
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(250)732-6260 LOTS
CEDAR. LEVEL Building lot. 90’x135’, also suitable for mobile home. On Cedar water, certified septic tank in place. Call (250)729-3051.
Royal LePage Nanaimo Realty (Ladysmith) $1100/mth: A-1118 2nd Ave, Ladysmith. Upper duplex, 2 bdrm plus small office,nice view
You will support our commitment to site safety and exceptional customer service through the safe, timely and accurate delivery of company products as well as assist with the operation, general maintenance, and repair of buildings, vehicles and equipment. In good physical condition to lift 60 lb. boxes, you must have related experience and good working knowledge of OH&S, security, highway, environmental, and other related regulations, standards, and procedures. You must have a valid Class 1 driver’s licence, and current airbrake certification. To apply for a position with Dyno Nobel Canada, please fax resume to Ralph Olson, Sales and Operations Manager at: Fax: 801-519-5644
ROOMS FOR RENT LADYSMITH, ROOM avail, all inclusive, share kitchen and bath, ideal for retirees or seniors, small pets welcome w/ conditions, refs req’d, $400 mo. Call (250)616-2345 (Ray).
SUITES, LOWER LADYSMITH: 1bdrm, 1000 sq ft, level entry, insuite W/D, full kitchen, small patio, priv ent, off street prkg, immac cond, NS/NP, utils incl’d, $750. Avail immed. 250-245-0205. Email: ccurrie23@hotmail.com NORTH LADYSMITH: 1100 Sq. ft., 2 bedrm. walkout, newly painted, c.v, w/d, new f/s, NS- ref. 250-245-4809 $825 S.Ladysmith- 1 Bdrm/1BA. Bright, beautiful & spacious lower suite. Private entrance, parking, patio, garden, ocean view. 6 appliances, fireplace, sound proofed. N/S, sm.pet, ref’s. $900 incl. utilities. Avail. July 1. 250-714-4384 or cbfritsch@shaw.ca
$800/mth: #5-5311 Cassidy Rd., Cedar. 3 beds, 1 bath. Mobile Home $1300/mth: 225 Symonds Street, Ladysmith. Upper duplex, 4 beds, 2 baths $1300/mth: 11145 Chemainus Rd., Saltair, 3 beds, 2 bath. Ocean front home. $700/mth: #14-76 Mill St. Nanaimo. Apartment, 2 beds, 1 bath. $975/mth: #22-711 Malone Rd. Ladysmith. 3 bed Townhouse. Avail. Aug 1, 2013. More information at: Royal LePage Property Management 528 1st Avenue Ladysmith, BC
JOHN BOOTH 250-245-2252
Spots available at great rates. Daily, weekly, monthly. Pool, Hot tub, exercise room, laundry, putting green, hiking, fishing. Free coffee in one of the best clubhouses on the island. Nanaimo area. www.resortonthelake.com 250-754-1975 or
Dyno Nobel is a national equal opportunity company with comprehensive training and potential consideration for other opportunities, and a global leader in the commercial and explosives industry with over 3,600 employees worldwide. Dyno Nobel Canada is one of Canada’s largest suppliers of explosive products and blasting services.
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Meicor Properties Chemainus: Lockwood Villa. Well kept bldg, ocean view, 1 bdrm avail. now & July 1st, $625, N/S, 1 sm pet welcome. 55+. 250-246-1033. www.meicorproperties.com
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper?
LADYSMITH: STUDIO pad, own private ent. 4 piece bathroom, lrg deck. Incld’s all utils, cable, W/D & wifi. NP/NS. Quiet. $550. (250)245-0295.
Groundbreaking Performance Through Practical Innovation
LADYSMITH: 2bdrm apt. 53+ senior block, well maintained, 1000sq.ft., oceanview, drapes, new carpet/cabinets, W/D, F/S. N/P, N/S. Avail. June. $775 +hydro. 250-758-5816.
Garage Sales
A1 AUTO Loans. Good, bad or no credit - no problem. We help with rebuilding credit & also offer a first time buyer program. Call 1-855-957-7755.
Ladysmith: Colonia Gardens - 815 Dunsmuir Cres. Sat. June 22nd, 9 am - 2 pm. Walk through only - please park on Dunsmuir and Malone.
YELLOWPOINT: BIG MultiFamily Yard Sale! Sunday only June 23, 9am-2pm. Early birds pay double. Classy household items, furniture, artwork, tools and much, much more! Graham Rd (4km south of The Crow & Gate Pub). Follow the signs.
Ladysmith: Neighborhood Garage & Craft Sale. Town & Country MHP 10980 Westdowne Rd. Sat June 22 & Sun June 23, 9-2. Hot dog sale.
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18 June 18, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle A18Tuesday, www.ladysmithchronicle.com 245-5225. TRANSPORTATION What’s
Email items for publication to production@ladysmithchronicle.com with the subject line containing "What's Happening". This is a free service for non-profit groups that runs as space allows. As we have pages of entries, publication is not guaranteed and copy is subject to editing. Please keep length to 25 words or less. CARS 2007 CUSTOM Chev HHR. Excellent condition. Loaded. White. 119,000 km, mostly hwy driven. On-Star. $11,900 firm. 250-755-5191.
Up Coming
LADYSMITH GOLF COURSE - Ladies' Golf: Come join us on Tuesday mornings at 9:45. We have fun! Call the Club House at 250 245 7313
1958 FAIRPLANE 351w with O/D, all new brakes, tires, floor mats, 2 tone paint and clear coat. Invested 18k. Sacrifice $15,000. Call 250-949-6753 5pm to 6pm only.
LRCA FRIENDLY VISITOR/PHONING TREE PROGRAMS Now taking new volunteer signups for an upcoming training session. Improve quality of life for shut-in or isolated seniors by scheduled weekly contact. Call Barb at 2453079.
2001 JAGUAR supercharged silver XKR convertible. 131k. Gorgeous head-turner. $13,500. fkimantas@shaw.ca RECREATIONAL VEHICLES FOR SALE
2008 Outback Trillium holiday trailer. Fridge, stove, furnace, awning, water heater and many options. $10,800 obo. 250-912-0141.
LADYSMITH CAMERA CLUB - is hosting a “Family Shooting Workshop” with live models. Bring your gear and join us for some posing and shooting practice on Tues, June 25, 7 pm, in Hardwick Hall, High St at 3rd Ave in Ladysmith. Everyone welcome. Nonmembers $5 drop-in fee. LCC invites new members, novice to pro. www. LadysmithCameraClub. com
On Going 1998 MacGREGOR 26X Sail & power boat with heavy duty double axle trailer. Loaded, with custom & optional equip. 50HP Honda. All exc. cond. Asking $21,500. 250-390-1695
LADYSMITH HEALTH CARE AUXILIARY New volunteers are welcome. Please pick up application form at the Thrift Store or phone 250-
LADYSMITH FOOD BANK - Open Tues mornings 9 - 12. 630 Second Ave, Ladysmith. LADYSMITH DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION - meets on the third Thursday of each month, 7:30 am upstairs at the Legion. This dedicated group of business owners discuss everything businessrelated in Ladysmith from partnerships with organizations, upcoming events, business strategies and tips, website performance and sometimes, a guest speaker.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Volunteers needed. 250-245-1118. MEALS ON WHEELS Ladysmith meals delivered Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Volunteer drivers needed. Call Pearl: 250-245-3844.
CANADIAN FEDERATION of UNIVERSITY WOMEN Nanaimo branch. Meets 4th Monday of each month. St. Andrews Presbyterian. 7 pm. Karen: 250-756-9508.
LADYSMITH LEGION Mondays, crib, 7 p.m. Meat draws: Saturdays 2 - 5:15 pm, Fridays 4-6
BINGO - Every Fri, 6:45 pm, Chemainus Legion branch #191. Doors open 5 pm
CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT GROUP meets 3rd Mon of each month 5:15-6:45 Ladysmith Community Health Centre - 1111-4th Ave, Room 101 www.chronicpainsupport. ca 250-667-5587 SING FOR PURE JOY! - meets on Saturdays, 7-8:30 pm in the 2nd floor lounge of The Lodge on 4th singforpurejoy@ gmail.com or (250) 2853764 STROKE RECOVERY GROUP: Survivors and caregivers meet every Thursday at 11 am in the basement Activity Room of Bethel Tabernacle, 1149 Fourth Ave. Programs include exercises and tips for managing activities. Call Ken or Flo 250-245-8199. BINGO - LADYSMITH Every Wed - 6:45 pm, Doors 5 pm, St. Mary's Church Hall. Info call 250245-3079. Sponsored by Ladysmith Resources Centre Association HARVEST HOUSE FOOD BANK Chemainus. Friday, Info call 250-246-3455. BINGO Chemainus Senior Drop-
ONE YEAR FREE PAD RENT! Wow, FREE pad rental for 1 year, this great home is located in a 55+ park, has many upgrades. 2 bedroom and 2 baths, this home has a a fully landscaped yard, has a private deck. Call today to view. ONLY $87,900
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Location, location... Walk to beaches and shopping from this tastefully updated condo.
Water view lot on Lake Cowichan $94,900
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640 Trans Canada Hwy, Ladysmith, BC
in Centre. Mondays, 6:40 pm. Info: Murray 250-2469968.
Beyond Your Expectations
Fabulous price for this large easy build lot. Underground services, sewer to lot line.
Don’t delay! Call Cyndi today 250-245-2252
CLUES ACROSS 1. __ Dhabi, Arabian capital 4. Invests in little enterprises 8. Stalk of a moss capsule 12. Beach material 14. Maneuver in a game 15. A castrated male chicken 16. Write bad checks 17. Sewer inhabitants 18. Farewell (Spanish) 19. Player makes 3 goals in one game 22. Greek rainbow goddess 23. Tax collector 24. Make unhappy 27. Hygienic 32. Double-reed instrument 33. Beetle Bailey’s dog 34. Fee, ___, foe, fum 35. One dish meal 38. Goatlike antelope 40. Consumed food 41. Peels 42. Emerald Isle 43. Duties helpful to others 45. Fragments of cloth 47. Frozen water 48. Spanish river 49. Stated an inquiry 56. Laid-back California county 57. Fearless and daring 58. Sound after its source has stopped 59. Blackboard rock 60. A domed or vaulted recess 61. Six (Spanish) 62. French city 63. Herringlike clupeid fish 64. Oriental sauce CLUES DOWN 1. Requests 2. Spoken in the Dali region of Yunnan
www.ladysmithchronicle.com www.chemainuschronicle.com Tue, June 18, 2013, Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle pm, Sundays 3-5 pm, Darts: Wednesdays, 7 pm, Line dancing: Thursdays 9-11 am, Fridays: pool, 8 pm, 250-245-2273.
3. Up to the time of 4. Common ankle injury 5. Tedium 6. 9th Greek letter 7. Abnormal closed body sac 8. One who obtains pleasure from other’s pain 9. Long narrative heroic poem 10. Possessed by force 11. Autonomic nervous system 13. Treats with contempt 15. Bears 20. Before 21. Light ringing sound 24. Blends of soul and calypso 25. Fall off in intensity 26. Gives medicine 27. Gross receipts 28. Square measures 29. Ablaze 30. Incapable of flexibility 31. Bears, sheep or goats 33. An open skin infection 36. Effeminate 37. Competed in a speed test 39. Supplies with air 44. Short stays 45. Sown a lawn 46. 60 min. units (abbr.) 48. Second largest Oklahoma city 49. Fence picket 50. 2nd largest Algerian port city 51. Camel or goat fabrics 52. 19th Hebrew letter 53. Frosts 54. 17th state 55. Inquisitorial 56. Manuscripts (abbr.)
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, June 18, 2013 19
The Last Word
Talk on the Street Smile of the Week Do you think the proposed plan for one K-5 elementary school and one Grade 6-12 high school is a good fit for Ladysmith?
Kathy Mah Smithers
I think the Grade 6 through 12 is too big of a spread. The Grade 6s will be too intimidated in that mix; I think they belong in an elementary or middle school.
Christin Quintal Cedar
No, I do not. I don’t believe that Grade 6 through 12 is an appropriate age mix.
What is your name? “Jocelyn Gamble.” What is your hometown? “Ladysmith.” What is your occupation? “Dishwasher/student at LSS.” “What do you like most about your community?” “How dedicated my sports teams’ coaches and teammates are.” What is your proudest or happiest moment? “When I hit a home run in softball.” What scares you more than anything else in the world? “Plane crashes or not being able to control what happens to me.” If you were Empress of Vancouver Island, what would your first imperial proclamation be? “I would waive or lower BC Ferries prices for Vancouver Island residents.”
Luke Kolk Ladysmith
No I don’t think so. I have grandkids that are growing up, and I don’t agree with the fact that we are putting young kids in with older kids up to Grade 12 — I don’t think it’s appropriate.
Heard around town... • The Chemainus Gi- fer Beach from noon ant Street Market is to 2 p.m. Hop aboard coming up quickly the trolley for games, Saturday, July 6 from songs and stories. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. There • The Cowichan Therare still some stalls apeutic Riding Associavailable. For details, ation (CTRA) wants to contact Jeanne at 250- congratulate head in246-3944 or chamber@ structor Lisa Pink, who chemainus.bc.ca. was recently awarded • LaFF’s “Books on the Andrea Gillies the Bus” events, spon- Award for Outstandsored by Coastal Com- ing Instructor. This is a munity Credit Union, national award issued run June 15 and 26, by the governing body starting at 10:30 a.m. for therapeutic riding at 49th Parallel Gro- in Canada. “Lisa truly cery, plus there will be deserves this recognia special teddy bear’s tion for all that she has picnic July 1 at Trans- done not only for our
therapeutic riding centre, but for therapeutic riding in our region. She is a true asset to our program, a hero to so many and a legacy in the field,” says CTRA executive director Jennifer Barnes van Elk.
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20 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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