Magazines - 2013-06-18|

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TRAVEL • CUISINE Vol. 7 • Issue 2 • Summer 2013

Shining Bright From Lower Mainland dance studios to Vegas and Hollywood, a homegrown talent's star is on the rise

roaming dragon • fun summer fashions • ultimate stay-cation • backyard bonanza

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15765 Croydon Dr., South Surrey, BC 24th Avenue & Croydon Dr. INDULGE • SUMMER 2013 3

contents VOLUME 7 • ISSUE 2 • SUMMER 2013


6 Chef Tina Fineza takes her skill to the streets, teaming up with Roaming Dragon with delicious results.

12 COVER STORY: From humble beginnings to the bright lights of Hollywood, Coquitlam native Melena Rounis has the career of her dreams. Cover photo by Adam Silversmith.



24 So long, sprinklers and bocce balls,

Indulge is cranking up the fun with exciting backyard entertainment ideas.

16 It's a beautiful day for a carnival date!

28 Wine columnist John Schreiner

22 Discover the adventures that await

31 Check out iSociety for a look at

Join us as we flaunt some hot summer fashions during a fun day at Playland. right here in the Lower Mainland as we take a summer stay-cation.

shares his picks for the B.C. wineries where visitors have the most fun. what's been going on – and what's coming up – in the Fraser Valley.

From the editor Melissa Smalley


hat do you do for fun?’ It’s a question you’ve probably been asked more than a few times – whether socializing with new neighbours or making conversation on a first date. With the busy lives we all lead, it can be difficult to find the time to indulge in activities that we truly love – things that make you feel giddy with excitement, unable to hide your child-like joy. If you had asked me a few years ago what my idea of fun is, my answer would likely have included a night out on the town with my best girlfriends, a spur-of-the-moment road trip to an out-of-town music festival or a sunny softball tournament, complete with burgers and plenty of beer. Now, my most entertaining days are spent chasing a giggling toddler around our backyard, watching her reaction as I introduce her to life’s wonders. It never ceases to amaze me how, in just a few short years, one’s priorities and hobbies can change so dramatically. While I’ll admit, on occasion I do miss those carefee days of late-night parties and spontaneous adventures, I would gladly


take a few rounds of Ring Around the Rosie over a night of dancing at a club any day. Just in time for summer, we’ve put together a delightfully fun-filled issue of Indulge to celebrate the things that bring us the most joy. We chat with a homegrown dancer who has followed her dream and found no shortage of success. Nothing says outdoor fun like a summer picnic – our food writer Jason McRobbie catches up with one of Vancouver’s most popular food trucks and the talent behind its delectable dishes. Check out our fashion pages for a look at some sexy summery styles, perfect for an afternoon date at the fair. If you’re looking to stay local this summer, we share our picks for best tourist attractions in the Lower Mainland. Brilliant backyards and wine tour highlights round out our coverage of how to have the most fun in the sun this year. We hope you enjoy our summer Indulge – here’s to beautiful weather and plenty of fun.

Publisher Rita Walters Managing Editor Lance Peverley Editor Melissa Smalley Creative Services Manager Jim Chmelyk Contributors Alfonso Arnold • Kristyl Clark Robyn Jenkins • Grant McAvoy Jason McRobbie • John Schreiner Indulge is published four times annually by Black Press Suite 200 2411 160 Street Surrey, BC V3S 0C8 Tel: 604-575-5321 Fax: 604-531-7977 Distributed free to select households in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Paid subscriptions available. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs.

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Indulge in...


Gourmet Street Eats à la food cart

Chef Tina Fineza teams up with Roaming Dragon to bring delectable Pan-Asian cuisine to the streets by Jason McRobbie • photos by Alfonso Arnold


treet food has been enjoyed pretty much the world over since, well, since there have been streets. While late in catching on in Vancouver, the pilot program has been proven and the wheels hit the road a few years back. While the metaphor might appear mixed, a far greater diversity exists amongst some of the most mobile and memorable meals in Vancouver – all served in minutes with a smile by some truly passionate people. It was in 2010 that the repressive roll-outs of year-round tube steaks and roasted chestnuts was overturned by a city council in full flavour of more diverse and healthier ‘street food’ options. Ever since, gourmet entrepreneurialism has hit the streets and a culinary culture a la ‘carts’ and food trucks been born. With the addition of 15 new food-cart vendors in May 2013, there are now 115 upwardly mobile lunchtime options on the menu. Moreover, with menu options globally inspired and locally sourced in many cases, Vancouver has been named the third-best street food city in North America by Travel + Escape. Top tasting notes in that category go to Portland, Ore., where nearly 500 food carts are at your service, many of them gathered into “pods” – a term that makes sense given the West Coast locale and nature of the operations themselves. Gathered in pods, there is not only strength in numbers – there is choice. One red, one blue: Gourmet Syndicate co-owners Jason Apple and Jory Simkin get by just fine with a pod of two in the heart of Vancouver’s core at the corner of Georgia and Thurlow – albeit two of the most acclaimed and creative food trucks on the map. With their first, The Roaming Dragon, Apple helped vanguard street food in Vancouver with a standout offering of “authentically inauthentic” Pan-Asian cuisine. The second vehicular venture for Gourmet Syndicate – Vij’s Railway Express – was a hit before it touched the road. If you are going to run a curry truck, there is really no better restaurateur to have standing behind the menu than Vancouver’s Vikram Vij. Apple wisely pairs the trucks whenever possible. To be able to offer a sufficient array of choice to lure a crowd on rainy days is a definite boon for Apple’s twinned trucks. After all, weather is a factor for any restaurant owner – exponentially more so if those meals are served on wheels. Bringing the right talent to the table has been key to the Gourmet Syndicate strategy. When the much-celebrated Roaming Dragon food truck’s Pan-Asian menu was due for a revamp, Apple turned to a talent who has helped define

small plates in Vancouver for over a decade. “You have to distinguish yourself by being outside the box,” says consulting chef Tina Fineza. “As a street food vendor in any city the only way to succeed is to be the first to do something, being wacky and being friendly. You bring together people from all walks of life, so you have to appeal to the masses.” Growing up in the Philippines, where exotic foods defined everyday life at the family table, Fineza’s finesse with global cuisine was evidenced early – but not her original focus. Only after graduating from university with a film degree, did the big picture reveal itself. Wandering by the Dubrulle Culinary Institute, she witnessed the passion at work in the kitchens, enrolled and never looked back. For nearly two decades, she has been a not-sosecret weapon in top kitchens across Vancouver, including her inaugural stint working with Chefs Rob Feenie and Frank Pabst at Lumiere in 1995. From there, it was on to Star Anise and then Diva at the Metropolitan, before Fineza found a five year fit as chef de cuisine at Bin 942, running strong with one of the most eclectic and enticing menus in Vancouver. Returning from two years of travelling Asia in 2006/2007, she brought her research home and gave it wings with the opening of The Flying Tiger – giving Vancouver its first cutting-edge menu of Asian street food. From that point onward the word was out – Fineza’s flavours punched far above diner’s expectations – and she has since set up shop as one of the city’s most sought after culinary consultants. From Les Faux Bourgeois, Habit and La Taqueria to Commune Cafe, Terra Breads and Baru Latino, her most recent

venture features modern Mediterranean sharing plates at East of Main Cafe. “This is what I want to do now – help people fulfill their dreams,” says Fineza. “Some people want a restaurant. They have a goal and a dream, but they don’t know how to materialize that, so that’s where I come in.” When approached by Apple in 2011, she bit at the opportunity to reignite her passion for Asian street food – with the only stipulation being to stay true to the original concept of “inauthentic authenticity”. The Roaming Dragon might have a fixed location weekdays, but this vanguarding food truck’s menu has always offered a truly globe-trotting experience – truly flavourful and fun food to go. For the revamp, Fineza dug deep with a return to roots that serves up Pan-Asian from every point on the map. Amongst the new favourites on the menu since 2012: Indonesian Beef Rendang Poutine, Malaysian Spicy Chicken Tacos, Chinese Pork Sliders, Vietnamese Sloppy Duck, a Japanese Tuna Tataki Sandwich and the Thai Dragon Burger. Every one of the dishes shine with the spice of a life well-travelled and truly committed to matters of taste. Indulge has three of those recipes to share in this issue, along with a Lychee Basil Lemonade that has been the ultimate thirst-quencher for The Roaming Dragon since the start. With spring well underway and summer’s heat around the corner, it may just hold pole position in your blender for some time. Here are a set of recipes that will either inspire your summer kitchen – or send you searching for the real deal, real quick at The Roaming Dragon. Bear in mind that everything in The Roaming Dragon food truck is freshly prepped offsite and pulled together onsite in a kitchen quite likely far smaller than your own. If your pantry is needing an item or two, take a tip from Fineza and plan a visit to Fujiya, T&T or Gourmet Warehouse. i

See recipes, pages 8, 9 & 11 INDULGE • SUMMER 2013 7

Albacore Tuna Tataki Sammy Mini-brioche buns work best for holding this flavourful rarity together, and you should pick up a box of Japanese crackers for added crunch.

Togarashi-Spiced Albacore Tuna 1.5 lbs albacore tuna loin, sashimi grade 3 Tbsp togarashi spice 1 Tbsp salt 2 Tbsp peanut oil

15 minutes. Add the bonito flakes to the mirin mix and stir. Then add the cornstarch slurry and simmer at a very low temp for 10 minutes before whisking in the togarashi and setting aside to cool.

pickled jalapeno on top and finish with a small amount of shredded nori.

Yuzu Masago Mayo (for tuna)

This is the magic mixture that shines at the heart of The Roaming Dragon’s poutine. Make your fries as you may and be ready for a whole new take on heart-stopping goodness. You can reach for the curds if you wish, but there is no way they are needed as the beef rendang covers all aspects of flavour and texture imaginable.

1 cup Kewpie Mayo 2 cups Masago 1/8 cup Yuzu juice 1tsp green Japanese chili paste 2 Tbsp black sesame seeds

Indonesian Beef Rendang Poutine

Coat the tuna with the mixture of spice and salt. Add oil to a pan over medium-high heat and sear the tuna – all sides – for no more than two minutes total to ensure a center rare. Slice gently, about ½-inch thickness.

1 Tbsp Togarashi

Napa and Purple Cabbage Slaw

1 cup sugar

1 cup Napa cabbage, julienned

2 cups rice wine vinegar

Rendang Paste (rempah or spice paste)

1 cup purple cabbage, julienned

1 tsp chili flake

400 g lemongrass, chopped

1 clove

150 g galangal, chopped

1 tsp coriander seeds

150 g shallots, chopped

Bring to a boil and pour over thinly sliced jalapenos. A great crunch right away, but even better to do this a few days or weeks in advance for full-flavour punch. These will keep for sometime and are always worth having on-hand. To bring it all together: Toast the bottom of the bread, as well as inside. Apply a swipe of Yuzu Masago Mayo on both sides within. Add a nice base of slaw, a drizzle of unagi, a few Japanese crackers, and then pile on a slice or two of the tuna with another dash of the unagi sauce. Put a single piece of

225 g garlic, ground

Unagi Sauce (for tuna) 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 2 cups mirin 1 cup soy sauce 100 g toasted bonito flakes, crumbled 2 cups water 1.5 cups cornstarch 1/8 cup togarashi Mix the water and cornstarch together to create a slurry. In a separate pot, combine both sugars, the mirin and soy sauce; bring to a brief boil, reduce heat and simmer for 8 SUMMER 2013 INDULGE

1 Tsp salt

Pickling Recipe (for jalapenos) 1 cup water

2.5 lbs heritage angus “hanging tender” beef, cut in 3” x 2” 5 cups coconut milk 2 cups of rempah (spice paste - see below)

150 g ginger, ground 3 Thai bird’s eye chilis, fresh or pickled 3 cups vegetable oil Combine all in a robocoupe or blender and blend to a smooth paste.

Aromatics 3 pucks palm sugar 3 sticks cinnamon 4 stalks lemongrass, roots and tops removed, lightly bruised

In a sachet: 12 g star anis, lightly crushed 1/8 cup cloves, ground 1/8 cup cardamom, fresh ground

For final flourish: 2 cups toasted coconut 150 g tamarind paste 10 g kaffir lime leaves, in separate sachet ½ cup soy sauce (to taste) To bring it all together: In a large, heavy bottom pot, sear off the meat on all sides in batches so there is only one layer in the pot. Continue until all meat is seared, then set aside. Add two tablespoons of oil and sauté the rempah (spice paste) on medium heat, being careful not to burn the paste, until fully cooked. Then add the meat back into the pot, along with the coconut milk. Add the palm sugar, cinnamon sticks, lemongrass and the aromatic sachet bag. Bring to a boil and cover. Braise for 2-3 hours at 300 F. Carefully remove cover and check the meat, it should be tender. Now add the toasted coconut, tamarind paste, lime leaves in their sachet and soy sauce to the mixture. Stir gently and return to the oven

for another hour. Remove and let cool to 40 F before ladling atop fries to magical result.

Basil Lychee Lemonade A more refreshing and easy-to-make summer beverage might not be found. While further enhancements can be made with sparkling water, gin or vodka, this drink offers plenty of spirit without the alcohol!


8 cups lemonade (fresh is always best!) 1 cup lychee (add water from can too) 1 cup fresh basil, julienned Club soda, to taste Add all three ingredients to a blender and let rip to desired texture. Pour into a glass with crushed ice. Recipes contrinued page 11

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Bulgogi Gordita w/ Kimchee

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2.5 lbs heritage Angus beef brisket, cut in 4” strips 2 litres pineapple juice 1 cup onion 5 Tbsp fresh ginger 150 g garlic ¾ cup soy sauce 1 cup sugar 1 cup sake 1/2 cup sesame oil 1 cup mirin

“Handles well, sips fuel, loaded with exclusive features, and priced just right. What’s not to like?”

Using a robocoupe or similar device, blend the pineapple juice, onion, ginger and garlic before adding to the remaining marinade ingredients. Add the beef brisket strips and let marinate for 24 hours.


Kimchi 4 cups suichoy cabbage cut into 1-inch strips, core removed 2 cups salt 4 Granny Smith apples Cut and salt suichoy and let it drain through perforated pans for one hour. Rinse well, strain and spin to dry. Set aside in the cooler. With a mandolin and the biggest blade setting (1/4”), julienne apples with skin on. Set aside. In a robocoupe or blender, combine the following ingredients to form a paste:









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150 g ginger, washed with the skin on 200 g garlic 200 g white onion 250 g gojuchang chile paste 1 cup white sugar 1 cup white rice wine vinegar ¼ cup sesame oil Mix the paste with the suichoy cabbage and apples, and mix well by tossing gently until coated. Finish with a touch of fish sauce. Set aside in refrigerator. To bring it together: Gently simmer your beef brisket mixture in either a Dutch oven or slow cooker until it smells impossibly good. Add kimchee mix to a dish and top with shredded beef. Serve on fresh bun or pita.


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YEARS in business


Dream catcher Driven by passion and determination, local dancer reaches for the stars by Melissa Smalley


s a teenager nearing the end of high school, Melena Rounis was required to meet with a guidance counsellor to discuss her future career plans. When asked what she wanted to do, without hesitation, Rounis said she was going to be a dancer. “That’s nice, dear,” the counsellor replied. “But what are you really going to do?” More than a dozen years later, Rounis laughs as she recalls the career-counselling session. “She told me that dancing was a hobby… I guess she thought I would grow out of it,” Rounis says from her home in North Hollywood, where she’s been living since last fall. It’s a rare afternoon off for the Coquitlam native, who just returned to Los Angeles after adjudicating a dance competition on Vancouver Island and is preparing to fly to Ontario to judge another competition. Just a few weeks earlier, Rounis appeared live on American Idol as a back-up dancer, performing with the top four contestants on the popular reality show. “I guess I had always hoped to be doing this (for a living),” she says, thinking back to the early days of her dancing career. Though she grew up learning traditional Greek dancing with her family, Rounis didn’t start taking classes in a studio environment until she was 10. Over the next few years she would explore a variety of genres – jazz, modern, ballet, tap and musical theatre – finally delving into hip hop at the age of 16. After high school, she attended the dance program at Simon Fraser University’s School for the Contemporary Arts, but before completing the program she booked a dancing gig in Singapore and headed overseas to perform in a high-end nightclub. “I basically started working and have been working ever since,” she says. After a month in Singapore, Rounis returned to Vancouver to work in TV and film, followed by a stint in L.A. taking classes, teaching, working and making connections. In 2007, she returned to Vancouver and teamed up with her best friend to open a dance studio on Commercial Drive in Vancouver. As luck would have it, just a few months after opening the studio, she got an unexpected, life-changing phone call from the producers of Cirque du Soleil’s Love, a popular stage show at the Mirage in Las Vegas. “They called me and said, ‘do you remember when you auditioned for us two years ago?’” she recalls of the offer to join the Vegas cast. Torn between her newly opened business and the opportunity of a lifetime, Rounis’ friend and business partner wouldn’t let her

Taylor James photo pass up the chance. “She told me ‘you can’t not go. You will regret it your whole life.” Rounis spent the next several months working 10 hour days with Cirque, plus spending several hours each week working from home, running the marketing for the dance studio. “It was no fun in the beginning,” she admits, noting she had no time to socialize or explore

her new city. In 2009, her partner bought out her half of the business and Rounis said life became “so much more enjoyable.” “It was so nice to finally have the time to get to know my castmates and check out different places in and around Las Vegas,” she said. “I was able to live my life like a normal person. Well, as normal as you can get in Las Vegas.”

continued INDULGE • SUMMER 2013 13

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Ecco, Clarks, Amalfi, Josef Seibel, Tsubo, Stuart Weitzman, Portia, SAS

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I've had many people tell me along the way, 'you can't do that…' The show itself – which is inspired by and features music from The Beatles – has garnered rave reviews, described by the Los Angeles Times as an “extravagant mash-up of history and hallucinations.” It often attracts a slew of celebrity audience members, too, who sometimes visit the cast backstage, including Ozzy and Sharon Osborne, Jon Bon Jovi, Steven Tyler and Yoko Ono, to name a few. “I got to escort Paul McCartney on stage for our five-year anniversary,” Rounis says, adding that she and her castmates didn’t often get star-struck. “I would always think, ‘they just came here to see us perform – let’s not get crazy.” After four years and 1,832 shows, Rounis parted ways with Cirque du Soleil last year.


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In recent months she has been freelancing, choreographing, teaching and doing plenty of travelling – she has flown as far as Mexico and Australia for teaching gigs – and said she is lucky to be in one place for longer than a week. “It’s ‘catch me if you’ can right now,” she laughs. Looking back on that conversion with her high school career counsellor, she says she can understand why she was trying to steer Rounis away from a career in dancing, considering the hard work that is involved Rob Daly photo and the so few who find success. “I’ve definitely had many people along the way tell me ‘you can’t do that,’” Rounis says. In an effort to help other young dancers navigate the world of professional dancing

outside a studio setting, Rounis was integral in launching Scholarship Dance in 2009, a two-year program that educates dancers not only on the artistic side, but the professional end of the business as well. “The problem is, when you transition out of high school and out of your dance studio, and you’re not doing competitions anymore, you don’t know what your next step is,” Rounis explains, noting the scholarship program is taught entirely by working professionals in the field. While she encourages young dancers to dream big – whether she’s teaching a class, adjudicating a competition or performing – she emphasizes the importance of pursuing a profession in dance for the right reasons, knowing that it’s not going to be easy and preparing yourself for a career of hard work. “The beauty of the program is it helps (students) find what it is about dance that they like,” she said. “It refines their skills in every discipline, and it also gives them entrepreneurial skills, which are so important. “You are your own business.” i

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Rounis, at left, is joined by Paul McCartney on stage to celebrate Love's fifth anniversary.

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Summer lovin' Flirty fashions perfect for sizzling summer romance

Photography...................................Grant McAvoy Models.....Jake Hermiston & Meaghan Griffith Hair/Makeup...................................Robyn Jenkins Stylist............................................Melissa Smalley Location......................................................Playland

Summer lovin' Flirty fashions perfect for sizzling summer romance

Photography...................................Grant McAvoy Models.....Jake Hermiston & Meaghan Griffith Hair/Makeup...................................Robyn Jenkins Stylist............................................Melissa Smalley Location......................................................Playland

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Get the look: Cover page: Meaghan is wearing Vera Moda jacket and jeans with a papillon crochet tank, Hover Slip Crocs and accessories from Art Knapp Plantland (604-596-9201). Jake is wearing Quicksilver jeans, Hurley T-shirt and DVS sneakers, from Extreme (604-531-9211). This page: Jake is wearing a Quicksilver T-shirt wtih Rip Curl Shorts from Extreme, while Meaghan is in a Ralph Lauren hat, Dept tank, Maison Scotch shorts and accessories from She's Some Kind of Wonderful Boutique (604-535-1961), with Aetrex Catalina sandals from Strides (604-538-8276).

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Opposite page, top: Jake is in a Quick Reflex blue shirt with 34 Heritage dark denim jeans from J. Jordan Fashions (778-294-0727), with Wolky Santiago shoes from Strides; Meaghan is in a Nally & Millie maxi dress, Yest jean jacket and accessories from Aldila Boutique (604-535-4448) with Semler shoes from Strides. Opposite page, bottom: Meaghan is wearing a Pappilon lace dress, Vera Moda jean jacket, Ocean Mind flip flops and accessories from Art Knapp Plantland, with Jean LaFont sunglasses from Sight for Sore Eyes (778-294-1132); Jake is in Hurley shorts, an Element T-Shirt and Reef Sandals from Extreme with Dolce & Gabbana aviators from Sight for Sore Eyes.

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STORY by Kranz & Ziegler



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13-05-31 3:18 PM


backyard living

Create an oasis of entertainment for kids and adults alike by Kristyl Clark


ummertime and the living is easy, especially when you have a backyard oasis to retreat to after a hard day’s work. However, if you’re looking to do a little more than just grillin’ and chillin’ – perhaps, dial the fun factor up a notch or two – there are endless options for creating a happening outdoor haven that will have your neighbours green with envy. Nowadays, trampolines, bouncy castles and swimming pools are a snore compared to some of the outrageous backyard amusements popping up in homes around the country. All one has to do is stre-e-e-e-tch their imagination as far as it will go for big backyard fun. Of course, a hearty budget and roomy outdoor-

living space can go a long way to making your dreams a reality. With these funtastic tips that Jodi Bueckert of Simply Inspired Design shares with Indulge, one’s yard can be transformed into a lively hotspot for thrill seekers of all ages. So go ahead and pour yourself a cold one, sink into your favourite lawn chair and let this Langley interior designer take your mind on an alfresco adventure you won’t soon forget.

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere You may like pina coladas, but do you really want to get caught in the West Coast rain? If the answer is no, a tiki hut is definitely the way to go. “Just imagine sitting at your own personal tiki

Walk • Jog Run • Play

nutrition treats toys raw For your Canine and Feline family members

nutrition treats to White Rock Langley Abbotsford 24 SUMMER 2013 INDULGE



Outdoor kitchen and tiki hut, courtesy Alfresco Life bar with friends – you’ll feel like you’re always on vacation,” says Bueckert, who suggests cranking the feel-good tunes and lining up the bar with blenders, which will give guests ample opportunity to make their own freshfruit margaritas. “It’s sure to be a big hit and a lot of fun for the adult crowd.” Alfresco Life in Surrey carries little custom-created cabana gazebo huts with a Margaritaville flair that simply bolt together and mount to your patio or deck. Warning: Your company may never leave, so you may want to invest in an ice machine.

Visit to check out the vast variety of huts available.

Gladiator adventure Take backyard sports to a higher level with a custom-built climbing wall. From naturallooking faux rocks to explosions of colour, the sky’s the limit – quite literally. “You could have one big towering climbing structure in the middle of your yard, or do the entire perimeter of your property,” suggests Bueckert, a mom of two who is on top of the summertime fun scene.


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“While my kids are too young, I know my little nephew would be a huge fan of something like that and it’s really not all that over-the-top of an idea.” Rockwerx Canada – Canada’s leading manufacturer of climbing walls in North America – can help thrill-seekers custom design a wow-worthy rock-climbing wall for the interior or exterior of their home. They’re typically built with a natural rock product, which is a synthetic concrete coated with a UV-resistant stain. Rockwerx can even add a unique natural rock aesthetic to your landscape, incorporating water or themes. Check out www. for more information.

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Imagine having your very own personal putting green in your backyard. It certainly gives the phrase ‘puttering around in the garden’ a whole new meaning. Backyard greens have become the focal point of residential landscapes – relaxing and inviting as they are ‘fun-ctional.’ While you could create a backyard putting green with real turf, a synthetic turf – like you’ll find at Precision Greens in Langley – is environmentally friendly, hassle free and extremely durable (see www.precision-greens. com). After all, who has time to worry about watering and maintenance when there’s so much backyard shenanigans to be had?

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Movies under the stars Capture the magic of the outdoor cinema with your very own quintessential backyard movie night. Or, if you’ve got a pool, why not host a dive-in? “I’ve always wanted to have my own theatre under the stars,” says Bueckert, who notes one can always make their big screen if they are feeling handy. “I’d use some PVC piping and connect the elbow pieces to make your frame – a durable white heavy-duty sheet should do the trick for the screen. To keep that sheet tight, you could wrap it around the piping on the sides and drill it into the pipe.” And of course, what’s a movie night without a plethora of indulgent goodies? “Bring out a big popcorn machine on wheels and load big buckets full of ice and cans so everyone can help themselves.” For those looking for something a little more temporary and easy, Fresh Air Cinema has inflatable screens of all sizes for rent; even ones that will fit in your yard. For more information, visit There truly is no place like home, especially when your backyard rivals your favourite vacation hotspot. For more inspiration on enjoying every square inch of your living space – including your backyard – visit www. i



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marshall Design Marshall Design, your interior design and interior decorating specialist in Langley and the Fraser Valley, can help you clarify your vision and discover what is possible for you in your space. Redoing your space is fun and exciting whether it is a tiny refreshing change like paint or a new piece of furniture or a major overhaul or renewal like a kitchen or bathroom renovation.

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R e fr e s h . . . R e n e w . . . R e v i v e y o u r s p a c e . . . INDULGE • SUMMER 2013 27



Fun to be found on wine tours


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decade ago, while visiting an Okanagan winery, I was shocked to observe an owner berate four visitors for not buying any of the wines they had tasted. The memory persists because such an ill-mannered attitude is rare. Most winery owners go out of their way to lay out the red carpet. Wine tourists are much more likely to recommend and patronize wineries that they enjoyed visiting. Take Rustico Farm & Cellars, a winery midway between Oliver and Osoyoos. Owner Bruce Fuller, usually dressed in cowboy garb, takes JOHN the stuffiness from wine by serving it in tumblers while cracking jokes. By the time they leave, most visitors have become deputy wine marshals, complete with a star, and are enrolled in the Wine Posse Club entitling them to discounts. Fuller’s strategy is to show visitors such a good time (he even lets them have barbecues at the winery) that they will talk up Rustico’s wines as well as buy them. Rustico is well known for Zinfandel. There is another jolly tasting room at Oliver Twist Estate Winery, just off Black Sage Road, which is why this winery is a favourite stop for many of the wine-tour companies. Founders Bruce and Denice Hagerman infuse the wine shop with their enthusiasm. Bruce never tires of opening screw-capped wine bottles by rolling the caps along his forearm. A visitor once posted a video of this on YouTube. When visitors have fun, they buy wine. Ruby Blues Winery on Naramata Road sells 95 per cent of its wine from its tasting room. To be sure, the wines are very good: the 2012 Gewürztraminer is one of the Okanagan’s best. Ruby Blues is among the wineries still pouring free samples. Owner Prudence Mahrer insists that the only fee she expects from visitors is a smile. She keeps the tasting room ringing with laughter.


NEWS | MAY 01, 2013






*Real Trends Top 250 Report, May 2013

*Real Trends Top 250 Report, May 2013

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Report Recognizes Top Canadian Broker TrusTed,RealTrends reliable, dedicaTed

“This is the third consecutive year that Sutton Group - West Coast Realty has been named the Number One Brokerage*,

Extensive Marketing Planselling more Exceptional Local Expertise consistently properties andService more dollar volume than any other real estate Brokerage in Canada.

Rustico Farm & Cellars owner Bruce Fuller

Winery visitors should not be put off by tasting fees. These are usually no more than $5, except for VIP tastings, and generally are refundable on wine purchases. Some feel pressure to buy wine after a generous free tasting, whether or not they liked the wines. The tasting fee removes that pressure. west coast canada’s Since wines sutton are best enjoyed with food, #1 Real estate bRokeR many wineries have picnic areas and either sell * real trends top 250 report, May 2012 food or let you bring your own. One Sunday morning at the Godfrey Brownell Winery near Duncan on Vancouver Island, I watched two families spread tablecloths on picnic tables. They laid out a huge lunch and bought a few bottles of wine to wash it down while listening to a jazz trio. Dining in the growing number of top-notch winery restaurants often caps a tour. In the north Okanagan, check out Gray Monk, Summerhill, Little Straw, Mission Hill, Volcanic Hills and Quails’ Gate. Along Naramata Road, Poplar Grove, Red Rooster, Hillside and Lake Breeze offer good dining. The new Liquidity Winery near Okanagan Falls is opening a bistro. In the south Okanagan, Hester Creek, Tinhorn Creek, Burrowing Owl and Nk’Mip Cellars run very good restaurants. Fraser Valley wineries with restaurants include Domaine de Chaberton and the new Krause Berry Farm Estate Winery, both in Langley. On Vancouver Island, there is good dining at Zanatta, Cherry Point, Unsworth, Glenterra and Merridale Cidery. i

Joanne Taylor licensed real estate professional

Dollar Volume 778.227.1443 Transaction Ends Dollar Volume 2013 REAL Trends Canadian 250 Ranking by

Transaction Ends

2013 REAL Trends Canadian 250 Ranking by

2013 REAL Trends Canadian 250 Ranking by direct Ranked by Closed Transaction Ends for 2012


2013 REAL Trends Canadian 250 Ranking by

ENDS Ranked by Closed Transaction Ends for 2012 1. Sutton Group - West Coast Realty 14,489 Vancouver, British Columbia

Broker | 604.538.8888 ENDS

2. RE/MAX Realtron Realty Inc. 1. Sutton Group - West Coast Realty Toronto, Ontario


14,489 Sutton Group - West Coast | 15595 - 24 Avenue, White Rock, British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia REAL TRENDS, The Trusted Source MAY 2013 Canadian Top 250

John Schreiner is one of Canada’s bestknown wine writers with 15 books published since 1984. Contact John at

Wine tourists are much more likely to recommend wineries that they enjoyed visiting...

* RealTrends Report, May 2011, 2012, 2013

* RealTrends Report, May 2011, 2012, 2013

TRUSTED, RELIABLE, DEDICATED Extensive Marketing Plan • Exceptional Service • Local Expertise 2. RE/MAX Realtron Realty Inc. Toronto, Ontario


REAL TRENDS, The Trusted Source MAY 2013 Canadian Top 250




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OUR 24 eHrgenciyce

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We treat your pets like family.

Upcoming at the Legion: Monday July 1 BBQ Dinner with all the fixin’ $ 10.00 5:00pm With Entertainment by Tim Brecht Monday August 5 BBQ Dinner with all the fixin’ $ 10.00 5:00pm With Entertainment by Bob Marlowe

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Release a butterfly Colour the sky

The Royale Peninsula invites you to our live butterfly Colour the sky release: enjoy a beautiful afternoon on our patio garden for treats, beverages and this memorable event!

Release Releasea abutterfly butterfly

You can buy your personal butterfly for $10 each. All proceeds will go to the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation. The Royale Peninsula invites live butterfly butterfly The Royale Peninsula invitesyou you to to our our live

Your local source for men’s and ladies surf • skate • snow • casual apparel

Call release: today to reserve your spot as there enjoy a beautiful afternoon on patioare garden release: enjoy a beautiful afternoon on our our patio garden a limited of butterflies available. fornumber treats, beverages and thismemorable memorable event! for treats, beverages and this event!

You can personalbutterfly butterfly for for $10 $10 each. You can buy buy youryour personal each.AllAll 604-538-2033 proceeds will go to the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation.

Tuesday June 25th 2:00pm- 4:00pm The Royale Peninsula 2088 152nd Street Surrey, BC V4A 9Z4

Tuesday June 25th

Tuesday June 25th 2:00pm4:00pm 2:00pm4:00pm Royale Peninsula TheThe Royale Peninsula 2088 152nd 2088 152nd StreetStreet Surrey, BC V4A Surrey, BC 9Z4 V4A 9Z4

proceeds will go to the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation. Call today to reserve your spot as there are

Call atoday tonumber reserveofyour spot as there are limited butterflies available. a limited number of butterflies available.



Colour the sky

Release a butterfly The Royale Peninsula invites you to our live butterfly release: enjoy a beautiful afternoon on our patio garden for treats, beverages and this memorable event! You can buy your personal butterfly for $10 each. All proceeds will go to the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation.

Grandview Corners, South Surrey #40 - 2433 161A Street 604.531.9211 30 SUMMER 2013 INDULGE

Call today to reserve your spot as there are a limited number of butterflies available.


Tuesday June 25th 2:00pm- 4:00pm The Royale Peninsula 2088 152nd Street Surrey, BC V4A 9Z4



invites • Raising money for the Canadian Cancer Society, the Ride2Survive returns June 22, when cyclists will embark on a 400-km journey from Kelowna to Delta. To date, the event has raised more than $2 million for cancer research.

• The Semiahmoo Peninsula is gearing up to host several exciting sporting events this summer, including the Canadian Open Fastpitch International (July 12-22) and the 32nd-annual Tour de White Rock (July 12-14).

in the photos • Clockwise from top left, Top Chef Canada's Matt Stowe – seen in the Food Network's most recent season – gets hands-on with Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School culinary students, where he first honed his chef skills.

• Children's performer Lindsey Long Legs entertains the crowds at the Surrey Children's Festival.

• U.K. singer Marcus Mumford of Grammy Awardwinning folk/rock group Mumford & Sons performs in front of 25,000 fans at Surrey's Holland Park.



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