Lake Country Calendar, June 26, 2013

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June 26, 2013


District of Lake Country’s top bureaucrat honoured with award. ...............................


from Rutland Farm Market, is ready to serve customers in his booth at the Lake Country Farmer’s Market, which will be back open this Friday at Swalwell Park in Lake Country from 3 to 7 p.m.

MP Ron Cannan says the federal government is monitoring the prices we pay at the pumps for gasoline. ...............................



District council supports using the Aspen Grove Golf Course for sports fields at new school. ...............................


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District staffing cutbacks put kibosh on new projects KEVIN PARNELL The District of Lake Country’s planning department is stretched to the point of not being able to take on more projects after staffing levels were cut in half following a business systems review in early 2012. The issue of staffing levels at the district was raised at last week’s

council meeting after Coun. Owen Dickie put forward a motion for staff to look into getting some signs in place in areas where agriculture is taking place. But the district’s chief administrative officer told council there is not enough staff to take on new projects without another one being removed from a priority list al-

ready approved by council. “We don’t have the capacity to do this inhouse,” said De Feo. “We went through a review, we cut our staff in half, we cut the times to process applications in half, which is way better than any other place in the Okanagan,” he said. “We are really pushing the limits here.”

Lake Country’s director of planning and development also told council that the cutbacks to staffing levels in the planning department has made it more difficult to operate, especially since staff has been asked to deal with files in the same time or quicker than in the past. “The difficult part is the expectation has re-


Koch pointed to the amount of building containers in and around the community and how they are stored as one area that has no policy in Lake Country but needs some attention. With current staffing levels, those kinds of issues cannot be dealt with,” he said.




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mained the same in terms of file times,” said Mark Koch, Lake Country’s director of planning and development. “There are areas that we would like to spend some time around some policy improvements. There are a number of examples around the community that need some attention but we are not able to get to.”

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



From seed to tree A small seed falls from a tree in the forest. It lands in the leaf litter and lies there, still and undisturbed. A small nuthatch foraging for food finds the seed and carries it to its favourite perch for a bite of lunch. Suddenly a movement in the nearby brush startles the bird and it flits away, dropping the seed to the ground. The seed remains there for quite some time until conditions are just right for germination and the shell coating of the seed splits. A root emerges from its coat and pushes eagerly into the soil. The stem begins to elongate and sheds the now useless seed coat. Its first leaves exposed to the sun, the tree seedling is launched into the world to live its life in the forest. This is the most common method of planting a tree on the planet. This is the result of millions of years of evolution and it’s a lesson in tree planting. The tree seedling grows with its roots radiating away from its

trunk, unlike a tree in a pot with its roots growing around the trunk in a circle. The seedling places its self at exactly the correct depth. The root flare is just above the ground level. (The root flare is the widening of the trunk just as it meets the ground.) Many times when trees are planted we see no root flare at all, just a straight trunk entering the earth. This is not a normal situation for a tree; its roots are too deep. The tree must grow roots straight up from the base of the trunk to find the surface in order to get air and water. These small roots mass at the base of the trunk, the trunk grows wider and the roots grow in girth as time goes on. The result is a strangling effect over time causing a constant level of stress to the tree. The result of stress is often an over-abundance of damaging insect populations and an early demise. Landscapers take very large trees and place them into instant landscapes and then people wonder why they perish after only a few weeks. The root zone is not big enough or wide enough to sustain the tree. It is relying 100% on you to bring its daily water supply while it tries its hardest to adapt to an unfamiliar soil environment. Large, newly transplanted trees can take over five years to establish. (Establishment is the moment a plant has developed enough root system to support

itself.) This is why a small seedling tree planted beside a large transplanted tree will actually often outgrow the large tree in just a few years. The smaller the plant, the shorter the period it takes to become established and the faster it reaches optimum growth rate. Now that we have some background on tree growth, let’s summarize the tree planting process. THE HOLE ✓Dig the hole shallow and very wide because the roots like to spread out horizontally and fairly shallow. ✓Not too deep, about an inch or so deeper than the pot or root ball. ✓Leave the bottom of the hole firm so the tree doesn’t sink down over time. ✓Do not add any

rich soil, use only what you remove from the hole. THE TREE During the dormant periods only container trees can be bare rooted to expose the roots for untangling or for trimming. Remember, the roots should radiate away from the trunk not circle around it. This will also make it clear where the root flare is located. Some trees are planted too deep in the pots when you buy them. A Ball and Burlap tree was cut out of a field and its roots were wrapped up to keep the soil ball intact to protect small roots. These B&B trees have roots that radiate away from the trunk so they do not require any root adjustments at planting time. Be sure that all trees are planted a bit proud.

Proud means atop a slight mound with the root flare above the ground level. Before placing the tree in the hole lay it down, prune off any bad branches and select a central leader that will guide the tree into the future. Some trees may require staking; this should be done only if it is necessary for support. Two or three stakes around the bottom third of the tree are strapped individually around the trunk. Use a wide, belt-like strapping to reduce bark damage and tie loosely to allow some tree movement. Stakes should be tall to reduce the angle of the strapping. THE AFTERCARE Do not rely on spray-type sprinklers to water newly planted

Call BC One Call before you dig Be safe and call BC One Call at 1-800-474-6886 or *6886 on your cell. It’s free and easy. If you don’t, you could find yourself on the hook for the costly repair of a damaged natural gas line or other utility.

Ken Salvail Ken’s Horticultural Services plants, as the water is sprayed lightly over a large area and there will not be enough water to establish a tree. An average tree would require at least 5 gallons of water in the root system once every 2-3 days after planting and more regularly depending on heat. This should be reduced gradually until the tree is established. Many new landscapes are irrigated with drip

lines that consistently supply water to new plantings. Trees prefer not to have grass growing up to the trunk, so locate trees in planting beds or make a 4 to 5’ tree well to keep mowers and lawn away. Always mulch the surface of the soil at the base of trees with a chunky compost-type product at a thickness of about an inch and a half.

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A3


Council, staff wages Community Centre upgrade Constituents askspeed, for gascommercial price regulation Council discusses access ▼ BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS

RICHARD ROLKE A popular Lake Country facility ispolitgetLake Country ting a fi nancial icians insist theyboost. are providing taxpayers value for service. Council wages and expenses have been released for 2012. “We’re not high at all with our remuneration,” said Mayor James Baker. “We accomplish a lot for the community but it’s not meant as a fulltime job.” Last year, Baker had taxable remuneration of $26,502, non-taxable allowance of $13,251 and expenses of $5,690. Each councillor had taxable salary of $10,420 and non-taxable allowance of $5,210. Expenses were

$3,155 for Lisa CamThe$3,778 federalfor goveron, Owen ernment is providing Dickie, $910 for Penny $21,000 so thefor OkaGamble, $325 Rob Geier, $114 for Barbara Leamont and $4,214 for Jamie McEwan. “I was registered for a sustainability conference in Windsor, Ont. and I went to the Union of B.C. Municipalities conference,” said Dickie. “I also participated in some training exercises.” In terms of his wage, Dickie says considerable effort goes into representing residents and ensuring he understands key issues. “I’m working 20 to 30 hours a week,” he said. Details have also been released for employee remuneration.


There were 14 staff naganearned Boys and who moreGirls than Clubs can upgrade the $75,000 in 2012. LeadLake Country Coming the pack was Almunity berto DeCentre. Feo, chief ad“I appreciate ministrative offithe cer, exwith cellent services that the $148,707 and expenses Okanagan of $10,739.Boys and Girls Clubofprovides to A total $4.4 million our community,” said was spent on all district Ron Cannan, Kelowemployees while there na-Lake Country MP. was a total of $321,314 e upgrades include forTh expenses. levelling exterior Baker the doesn’t believe walkway and drainage, as taxpayers should be conwell as increasing learncerned about the level of ing opportunities for staff salaries. residents through the in“We do have a lean stallation of size a new staff for the of teachthe ing kitchen. municipality. “The safety improve“Remuneration is ments and new teachwithin the market range ing kitchen will and it ensures wegreatly have enhance our facility and good staff here,” Baker allow both youth and said. members of the community to learn important life skills they can carry with them into the future,” said Craig Monley, Lake Country chief executive offiacer. of Law as well as degree in physics. “I love my job and I have passion for what I do and the community I serve and live in. I believe that my variety of experiences has provided me with good common sense and decent www.lake business practices,” De country Feo said. “I have always lieved in the importance of accepting and fostering change as part of municipal business modus operandi to bring the best to the community I live and work in; and this has certainly been the case in Lake Country over the past three years. “It is my goal to contribute to making Lake Country the community of choice for those who want to live, play, invest and work in a progressive environment where the value of the beauty we have is complemented by vibrancy and prosperity,” De Feo said. Lake Country mayor and council, as well as district staff, congratulated De Feo on his longtime service in municipal government management.

De Feo honoured with award Alberto De Feo, chief administrative officer for the District of Lake Country since 2009, has received a long-time public service award from the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA) acknowledging his 25 years of municipal service in a management capacity. CAMA has a membership of approximately 500 city managers, chief administrative officers and senior appointed officials from all parts of Canada. “I am thrilled we can provide this kind of recognition to our members for their dedication to public service and municipal management,” said Ron Shaw, president of CAMA and chief administrative officer for the City of Stratford, ON. De Feo has also recently completed his term as president of the Local Government Management Association (LGMA), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting professional management and leadership ex-

Alberto De Feo cellence in local government. De Feo has been employed in B.C.’s local government since 1995, a career which began in Italy in 1987 where he was city manager. After moving to B.C., he worked as deputy municipal clerk for the Corporation of Delta. He then joined the District of Pitt Meadows in 1997 as director of administrative services. In 1999 he was corporate officer for the Township of Langley and in 2003 he became the chief administrative officer of the City of Williams Lake. De Feo received a doctorate in jurisprudence from the University of Camerino, School

Rural Liquor Agency


trict no one is going to Taxes on fuel are also worry about going 50 remitted at the provincial km/h thatcases, road.”at the and, inon some Th e motion municipal level,brought which is up whydebate pricesfrom vary the between Lake Country councilprovinces and even withlors around the table as in cities. theIntimeline the disBritish for Columbia trict to take over control for instance, we pay fedof the soon to be eral and provincialdecomtaxes, missioned highway a carbon tax, and in gets some closer. cities like Vancouver and Coun. municipal Penny Gambell Victoria, tranwas the lone sit taxes. politician to vote motion, Thagainst e price the of gas has saying she had no led to a number ofprobconlem with asking the speed stituents the limfedit being 50 km/h butregusaid eral government to stopping commercial velate the industry. hicles from using the Regulation of the road would be gas industry is much strict- like closing doors to potential ly a provincial responsbusiness opportunities. ibility and while some “If you are provinces havea communopted to ity committed to and busiregulate gasoline ness you are not going to other fuel prices, this apput up stop signs along proach has not resulted the way,” she said for of the in lowered prices potential closure of the consumers in these jurisroad to commercial vehidictions. clesProvincial that may price need reguto deliver goods to local busilations are generalnesses. “It takes lot to ly introduced toaprovide get businesses to locate more stable prices.

in as we ouryour localcommunity service station are seeing with the Town can vary quite a bit from Centre. But it doesn’t city to city. take much to turn them Other than taxes, away.” price differences between Theacross district has held cities Canada decommunity meetings pend on other key factors surrounding the future including competition use of Pelmewash Parkand consumer choice, way but nothing has transportation costs to been about the bringdecided the gas to its desseven kilometre stretch tination, the amount of road Wood sold, andalong the type and loLake. cation of stations. Gambell many I’ve madesaid a few infolks at the communquiries and have been ity about toldmeetings that the spoke Keloweconomic opportunities na market is considered with parkway. to be the a market with less “We had lot of discompetition,ahigher cussion about economic transportation costs, and development andcomit was one without the deemed to be pretty petitive benefit of bigimportant,” “I’mlike box store she gas said. retailers wondering how you exthe Costco in Kamloops. pect to service any ecoThese factors mean nomic around we payactivities more than other there if youincluding prohibit B.C. cities, commercial vehicles?” neighbouring cities. Gambell couldn’t According to MJ raise support the council Ervin &atAssociates the table and remained price breakdown of the a lone vote the molitre of gasagainst is represented tion and it passed.half of this way—about

District chief a commodity andadminthe istrative offi cer wholesale priceAlberto reacts to e District ofBureau Lake De Feo said areinontheTh Competition a number of talks factors Country will ask the going with the ministry at www.competitionburcluding changes in world Ministry on a number of issues Transportacrude oil prices, availabiltion change area the speed with the change in highThtoe second of ity of supply to meet delimit as well as close the ways and he will take the federal jurisdiction is mand, local competition old Highway 97 to new motion to the negotaxes, specifically thecomamong retailers, seasonmercial through traffi c tiations when they conGST and excise tax. al demand—i.e. the animmediately upon tinue. The GST is five the per nual spike in demand for opening of the new “We are in thethe middle cent which our governgasoline during sumHighway 97 in Lake of negotiations with the ment reduced from seven mer driving season, and Country, expected someministry on road mainper cent shortly after beinventory levels. time this summer. tenance andyears, how the ing elected. In recent the road will be given Th e district made the This major tax reduccombination of allover of to request to the ministry us,” said De Feo. “Th tion continues to help these factors has led ere of transportation as newill be a of progressive Canadians deal with the to some the highest gotiations continued last time-frame fromoilwhen cost of living and proprices for crude and week between the two the new highway vides permanent, longgasoline in the lastopens 10 parties on the transfer of to when the Pelmewash term relief to Canadian years. the old Highway 97 to Parkway will be consumers across a broad They have alsounder led to district control and the our control.” range of purchases, infrequent changes in the eventual change-over to Thethat next cluding gasoline. price westep payinatthe the Pelmewash Parkway. Pelmewash Parkway The federal excise pump. is any is vi-10 process is a report back tax“If onthere gas, which The federal governsion of this becomto council from a concents a litre for regular ment will continue to ing pedestrian-friendsultant. date for the fuelaand four cents a litre monitorAfluctuating ly we has havebeen to close completion and they submisforarea diesel, unprices to ensure do it to through commersion of that report changed since 1995 and not exceed normalwas reaccial c,” said Coun. unknown at press dead1987traffi respectively. These tion to market forces. Owen line. rates doDickie. not vary with While we don’t pay the amount the“With retail price of fuel. of the lowest prices for gasspeed enforcement we Revenues from fedoline worldwide, we have goingtaxes on ingo the eral excise todisdo benefit from a relithe Consolidated RevThis brings us to the the price is determined able supply, which is imenue Fund and are used behaviour in the local by the price of crude; 15 portant considering how to support a broad range market. per cent by the refiner much we depend on gasof federal programs for Years ago my wife mark up; five per cent is oline and other fuels for all Canadians, such as Cindy and I used to the retail marketers mark our day to day activities. health care, post-second- operate a gas station in up; and roughly 31 per Ron Cannan is the infractions soared recent- common infraction, with 102 driv- road users. arySpeed education, seniors’ Edmonton. cent is taxes. Conservative MP for Kely as police enforced the law in a ers fined for speeding in a conSpeeding in a construction zone benefi ts, infrastructure Then, as now, the price Like coffee, gold or lowna-Lake Country. highway construction struction zone. carries a minimum fine of $196. and national defence. zone near we pay for gasoline at pork bellies, gasoline is Oyama. RCMP say construction zone Some other fines issued On June 17, members of the speeds are reduced for everyone’s throughout the day were: Central Okanagan Traffic Sersafety. It makes sense to slow down • one driver fined for using and vices and Integrated Road Safewhen crews and are working road- electronic device ty Unit conducted enforcement in side but what some motorists seem • one driver fined for having no the construction zone on Highway to forget is that the construction valid drivers licence 97 near Oyama in the District of zone often contains an irregular or • one drug seizure, and Lake Country. unpredictable road surface which • four notice and orders with inSpeed was definitely the most can cause safety hazards for all structions to repair deficiencies.

Construction zone speeders pay penalty


‘Agriculture in progress’ sign of the times STAFFING FROM A1 “The planning file load has been increased over the years and our capacity is extremely stretched,” said Koch. Most councillors had their say on the issue with Dickie asking that the agriculture land com-

mittee be able to do the work instead of staff. De Feo said he was concerned with the legalities of a committee doing such work while Koch said working with volunteer committees still takes plenty of staff time. Coun. Barbara


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Leamont also jumped into the issue. “(We) cut the department in half and expect them to continue with the same work and then add more work and ask staff to process applications twice as fast,” she said. “We have a lot of things in planning that


need to be done that are not getting done.” In the end, Dickie amended his motion and council will ask its agriculture land committee to report back to them on the status of agriculture in progress signs that the district already has access to.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Paying people to attend church

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ears ago, when the horizons of my life were largely circumscribed by church publications, I read about a congregation that made a really determined effort to at-

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tract new members. They hired an advertising agency to design and produce several thousand brochures. They bought newspaper

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Cabinet rookies handed hot files T here are nine new faces in Premier Christy Clark’s cabinet, seven of them elected to the B.C. legislature for the first time on May 14. They have been handed some of the hottest problems, and Clark’s marching orders in “mandate letters” for each ministry. And this is the start of a four-year term, when unpopular refovmpted. Take Amrik Virk, the former RCMP inspector from Surrey who’s suddenly in charge of advanced education. His mandate includes: “Review the student loan program to make recommendations for improvement to ensure the loan program is meeting the needs of today’s students.” Virk must also set targets to “match the skills we need with the skills we are graduating” and require post-secondary schools to “ensure student seats are being filled.” B.C. can’t af-

BC Views

Tom Fletcher ford to keep cranking out university grads with $50,000 in debt and no job prospects in a system that’s subsidized 65 per cent. Virk will be working closely with Education Minister Peter Fassbender, who must “ensure seamless transitions” from high school to the workforce for post-secondary trades and apprenticeships. In his spare time, Fassbender is to overhaul the school district bargaining agency and achieve a 10-year peace with the teachers’ union. Justice Minister Suzanne Anton has worked

as a Crown prosecutor, so she’ll have some insight into the system that still grapples with Stanley Cup rioters from two summers ago. Her orders are to get traffic tickets and other administrative penalties out of the courts, keep working on integrating police fiefdoms and generally treat the constipation that afflicts law enforcement today. Oh, and get that new Okanagan prison built, to relieve a system that has inmates living in tents. And examine whether to spin off the Liquor Distribution Branch into a Crown corporation, a possible prelude to selling it. Transportation Minister Todd Stone’s first test was a grilling by the Vancouver media. Yup, this Kamloops hayseed has been to the Big Smoke a few times, ridden that fancy SkyTrain and taken the odd ferry, too. Now he has to impose the ferry route reductions that have been

worked on by two previous ministers, and push Metro Vancouver through a referendum on ways to fund its own transit. If more tolls or taxes are going to be implemented, now is the time. Coralee Oakes has made a political leap from Quesnel city hall to the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. One of her key tasks is to invent a framework for a “rural dividend” from liquefied natural gas development in northwestern B.C. Oakes has to figure out how to “better provide provincial support” to sport and cultural organizations, but do it with no new money. All ministers have strict instructions to balance their lean budgets and take part in the latest “core review” to identify government functions that can be sold, delegated or shut down. New Minister of International Trade Richmond’s Ter-

esa Wat has to find a way to continue the growth of lumber and other exports to China, India and elsewhere on the Pacific Rim. On top of that, the always-delicate softwood lumber agreement with the U.S. expires in three years. The last major eruption on that front was in 2009, when B.C. cut stumpage rates for remote coastal areas to give communities much-needed employment. The Americans were livid, just as they were with our beetle-kill harvesting efforts. And of course, the U.S.directed environmental movement continues to target Canadian industries. Third-term MLA John Rustad gets aboriginal relations, with specific instructions to deal with gas and perhaps oil pipelines through his Nechako Lakes constituency. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and

ads. They had a professional quality video made, extolling their ministries. They organized a door-knocking campaign, handing out brochures and videos to anyone who showed the least interest. They even rented billboards at major intersections in their area. The campaign would have cost the church— in today’s dollars—about $20,000. The result? Two new families attending church regularly. Yes, there were a few one-time drop-ins, who never returned a second time. I never heard any reasons why they didn’t come back. Perhaps somebody snubbed them. Perhaps they didn’t like the church’s theology. Perhaps they didn’t SEE TAYLOR A5

We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A5


Paid parishioner qualifications TAYLOR FROM A4

like the coffee. But just two new families. I remember thinking, at the time: “Wouldn’t it have been a lot easier to pay a couple of families $10,000 each to start attending church?” Now that’s anathema. Unthinkable. We don’t pay people to go to church. They come to church to pay us, don’t they? To help us balance our budget, or to support our outreach ministries, or to pay off the mortgage faster—right? But something rebellious in me asks: “Why not pay people to come to church?” It would be like hiring an employee. You don’t accept the first person who walks in the door. You advertise a vacancy in the Help Wanted ads. You set up some job specifications. You define the payment, perhaps $100 for each Sunday service that people tattend. That’s all they have to do—attend church. And one other duty, which I’ll get to, later. Then you invite people

to submit applications. What qualifications do they offer, that would make them the best candidates for this position? What experience do they have? What references can they provide? How much effort have they made to get to know the organization that will be paying them? Theatres and orchestras make hopefuls audition for their roles. There’s no reason a church couldn’t ask applicants for its weekly payments to audition for this particular community. There’s no reason why a church shouldn’t choose the best qualified candidates, instead of just taking anyone who shows up. If the successful applicants attended every week, with two weeks off for holidays, they’d take home $5,000 for their year of service. Oh, yes, that one other qualification—the successful applicants have to sit on the committee that picks next year’s winners. That means they’ll have to do some serious thinking. About what makes belonging to this church worthwhile.

About what kind of people this church wants, or needs, and why. How newcomers can fit in, and how they can make a difference. If they take that task seriously, I would think they’ll sell themselves on the value of belonging. And they’ll continue to attend, even after their weekly incentive starts going to someone else. And if they don’t, good riddance. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.


Government monitoring gas prices W e all feel the frustration when local gas prices take a big jump, and I understand why people write to me questioning whether or not there is fair competition in the marketplace. The federal government has two areas of responsibility when it comes to the price of gas—ensuring fair competition in the marketplace and remitting fed-

MP’s Report

Ron Cannan eral taxes on the price of

gasoline. In the first instance, the federal government ensures fair competition in the marketplace through the Competition Bureau. Since 1990, the Competition Bureau has conducted six major investigations into allegations of price collusion in the gasoline industry. While some individual retailers have been fined, most recently in

2010 in Quebec, it has concluded that periodic price increases are a result of market forces such as supply and demand and rising crude oil prices. Anyone wishing to file a complaint regarding gas prices, or anyone with evidence of collusion among retailers, can call 1-800-348-5358 or submit a complaint to


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL




Community Centre upgrade

Constituents ask for gas price regulation

A popular Lake Country facility is getting a financial boost.


The federal government is providing $21,000 so the Oka-

Available to Meet As of June 21st, I’m back working in the riding for the summer. If you wish to meet with me to discuss issues or concerns related to the federal government feel free to contact my office. I will do my best to meet with you.

Have a Happy Canada Day!

nagan Boys and Girls Clubs can upgrade the Lake Country Community Centre. “I appreciate the excellent services that the Okanagan Boys and Girls Club provides to our community,” said Ron Cannan, Kelowna-Lake Country MP. The upgrades include levelling the exterior walkway and drainage, as well as increasing learning opportunities for residents through the installation of a new teaching kitchen. “The safety improvements and new teaching kitchen will greatly enhance our facility and allow both youth and members of the community to learn important life skills they can carry with them into the future,” said Craig Monley, Lake Country chief executive officer.

Ron Cannan, P.C., M.P. Kelowna - Lake Country

www.lake country

114-1835 Gordon Drive, Capri Mall, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 3H4 (250)-470-5075

the Competition Bureau at The second area of federal jurisdiction is taxes, specifically the GST and excise tax. The GST is five per cent which our government reduced from seven per cent shortly after being elected. This major tax reduction continues to help Canadians deal with the cost of living and provides permanent, longterm relief to Canadian consumers across a broad range of purchases, including gasoline. The federal excise tax on gas, which is 10 cents a litre for regular fuel and four cents a litre for diesel, has been unchanged since 1995 and 1987 respectively. These rates do not vary with the retail price of fuel. Revenues from federal excise taxes go to the Consolidated Revenue Fund and are used to support a broad range of federal programs for all Canadians, such as health care, post-secondary education, seniors’ benefits, infrastructure and national defence.

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our local service station can vary quite a bit from city to city. Other than taxes, price differences between cities across Canada depend on other key factors including competition and consumer choice, transportation costs to bring the gas to its destination, the amount sold, and the type and location of stations. I’ve made a few inquiries and have been told that the Kelowna market is considered to be a market with less competition, higher transportation costs, and one without the competitive benefit of big box store gas retailers like the Costco in Kamloops. These factors mean we pay more than other B.C. cities, including neighbouring cities. According to MJ Ervin & Associates the price breakdown of a litre of gas is represented this way—about half of the price is determined by the price of crude; 15 per cent by the refiner mark up; five per cent is the retail marketers mark up; and roughly 31 per cent is taxes. Like coffee, gold or pork bellies, gasoline is

Age 0 - 17 Age 45 - 64

Age 18 - 44 Age 65+


Hunting & Fishin License g & Suppl s ies

3191 Woodsdale Road, Lake Country • 250-766-4677 Monday-Saturday 6am-10pm • Sunday 7am-10pm

a commodity and the wholesale price reacts to a number of factors including changes in world crude oil prices, availability of supply to meet demand, local competition among retailers, seasonal demand—i.e. the annual spike in demand for gasoline during the summer driving season, and inventory levels. In recent years, the combination of all of these factors has led to some of the highest prices for crude oil and gasoline in the last 10 years. They have also led to frequent changes in the price that we pay at the pump. The federal government will continue to monitor fluctuating prices to ensure they do not exceed normal reaction to market forces. While we don’t pay the lowest prices for gasoline worldwide, we do benefit from a reliable supply, which is important considering how much we depend on gasoline and other fuels for our day to day activities. Ron Cannan is the Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country.

Who has hearing loss?


Fres Made hto shies lu S Order & Subs Screamers Self-Serve Gas Bar

Boat Gas

Taxes on fuel are also remitted at the provincial and, in some cases, at the municipal level, which is why prices vary between provinces and even within cities. In British Columbia for instance, we pay federal and provincial taxes, a carbon tax, and in some cities like Vancouver and Victoria, municipal transit taxes. The price of gas has led to a number of constituents asking the federal government to regulate the industry. Regulation of the gas industry is strictly a provincial responsibility and while some provinces have opted to regulate gasoline and other fuel prices, this approach has not resulted in lowered prices for consumers in these jurisdictions. Provincial price regulations are generally introduced to provide more stable prices. This brings us to the behaviour in the local market. Years ago my wife Cindy and I used to operate a gas station in Edmonton. Then, as now, the price we pay for gasoline at

65 % of those with hearing loss are UNDER THE AGE of 65!

23% 29%

Complimentary hearing screenings available this month

Winfield 250.766.0294 100 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield Professional Bldg.

Proudly non-manufacturer owned since 1993 Registered under the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC

To learn more about the latest developments in hearing loss, tinnitus and to find a clinic in your community, visit

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A7



District council supports SD23 middle school on GESS grounds

Meeting tonight to discuss plan for Lakes Shoreline Park

If approved by province, neighbouring Aspen Grove Golf Course will be turned into sports fields for student use. KEVIN PARNELL Lake County councillors got their first look at plans for a new middle school at a recent District of Lake Country council meeting, giving its support to the location proposed by the Central Okanagan School District. The school district has identified the need for a new middle school in Lake Country and after checking out various locations, has pin-pointed the grounds of the current George Elliot school for the proposed building and the site of the Aspen Grove Golf Course to be used for sports fields. DLC councillors were asked to support a request to have the land currently in the Agriculture Land Reserve (the golf course) be used to support playing fields, a driveway and parking. The school is planned to be built beside George Elliot. “I like the fact it’s going to be close to the existing high school,” said Coun. Rob Geier, also a teacher at George Elliot. “It just makes so much sense for a middle school to be able to access the high school.” Councillors heard that plans for a new middle school in Lake Country are still not fully approved by the provincial government. The school district has approval to purchase the property from Aspen Grove Golf Course and has agreed with golf course ownership to buy the land. Approval to build the school has not yet been granted. The school district will provide the province with a project identification report before the end of this year before the project is ranked in importance on a provincial basis. It’s expected the school won’t be built for at least five years, according to the DLC. With Lake Country’s population growing and becoming younger, a new middle school for the area is a priority. The DLC is one of

component to the school as well, utilizing a portion of the fields to grow food and tie it in with programs at the school as more and more people are looking to the farmto-table movement as a way of the future. After the discussion, councillors supported the motion to allow the land to be removed from the ALC and used to build sports fields for an eventual new school.

A meeting will be held tonight (Wednesday, June 26) on a planned new park in the Lakes development in the District of Lake Country. The Lakes Community Association, along with representatives from Urban Systems and the District of Lake Country, will meet with the public at a community consultation at the site of the planned park, to be called the Shoreline Park. The public will be given an opportunity to

provide input which will be collected and used for the drafting of a concept design for the park. The meeting is tonight from 6 to 8 p.m. at Shore-

line Park, at the corner of Shoreline Road and Lake Hill Drive. There is more information visit www.




& 30 point inspection... starting at

ay $ Have a safe holid er! trip this summ



Based on 4L of oil

LAKE COUNTRY councillor and school teacher Rob

All Your Maintenance Service

Geier says a proposed new middle school in Lake Country is much needed. the rare B.C. communities whose population is actually getting younger, as identified in the latest Canadian census. “As a growing community we have some challenges in providing adequate schooling and locations for schools for our kids,” said Lake Country director of planning and development Mark Koch. “This has been identified as an ideal location due to size and location.” The proposal for a new middle school and the sports fields located within the ALR sparked discussion amongst Lake Country councillors about the potential of

the school and the ability to offer courses that are closely related to Lake Country’s economy, such as agriculture. A possible agriculture component to the schooling is something the DLC hopes to see happen once the school is built. “I think we need to remind them of the agriculture component,” said Geier. “Personally I don’t see agriculture dying in this area. I see a rebirth of agriculture. An agriculture component to the school would allow students to take part in that field and think of it as a possible career.” Councillors also discussed a possible culinary

Melissa Oakley, B.Mgt, J.D. GESS Class 2006

Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm Closed Saturday, Sunday & holidays

9716 Hwy 97, Winfield (behind 7-11)


David P. Yerema Lawyer

Wide range of legal services to Lake Country. FREE CONSULTATION

The Dry Grad Parent Committee and Grads of George Elliot Secondary would like to extend a

HUGE THANK YOU 200-1455 Ellis Street, Kelowna 250-861-5678

Christine Oakley, LPN GESS Class 2007

Your community news: Lake Country Calendar

Heather Oakley GESS Class 2013

Thank you to the teachers, staff and professionals of George Elliot Secondary School

Great teachers enable their students to discover, explore, and achieve their potential. To all those teachers and staff at George Elliot, thank you for inspiring and supporting us to be who we are and what we will become. Melissa, Christine and Heather Oakley

to all service clubs, businesses and parents for your generosity in supporting our 2013 dry grad event.

The GESS “Non Noblus Solum” (not for ourselves alone) motto is truly lived in our community. We wish all of our 2013 Grads the very best in their future endeavours. Rotary Club of Lake Country, Kiwanis Club of Kelowna, Lake Country Lions Club, District of Lake Country, Husky Lake Country, Tim Horton’s Lake Country, Tim Horton’s Sexsmith Rd., Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza Lake Country, CIBC Lake Country, TD Canada Trust, Lake Country, Costco Kelowna, Save-on-Foods Kelowna, Cooper’s Lake Country, Westjet, Rooster’s Barber Shop Lake Country, The Daily Courier, Lake Country Coffee House, Interior Ice, Gino Dal Ponte Re/Max, The View, Lake Country RCMP


Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Lake Country Calendar

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A9

Lake Country’s Beasley Park Monday, July 1st • 8:30am-11:30pm


Schedule of Events MORNING: Happy Canada Day!


• Beverage Containers • Milk Containers • Electronics

8:30-11am 9:15am

9:15am-10:30am Winfield Return-It Centre #4-11852 Hwy97N at Lakewood Mall 250-766-2973

Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9am-5pm

Where your Canada Day celebration begins! Your source for Canada Day party celebration supplies, souvenirs & gifts 250-766-0143 Cooper’s Village Mall

10:30-11am 11am

11:05am 11:15-11:30am 10-11:30AM 9-11am 9:30-11am 9-11am 9:30-11am

Wishing You a Happy Canada Day!

Norm Letnick

MLA Kelowna–Lake Country #101–330 Highway 33 W Kelowna BC, V1X 1X9 ✆ 250 765-8516

9-11am 9:30-11am


reg. 69.99 (CERPL)

Medium $22.99 reg. 39.99 (CERPM)

Small $17.99

reg. 24.99 (CERPS)

Lake Country Building Centre 250-766-2118

5:15-11:15pm Lake Country Open Air Performances: 5:15-5:45pm Okanagan Kids Have Talent: Megan Lauridsen & Chantelle Betuzzi 6:00 – 6:30pm Taylor Hickson, Ciara Meyers, Jesse Mast 6:45-7:15pm Jeff Kouwenhoven 7:30-8:00pm Justin Dueck 8:15-9:45pm The Public House Band 10:00pm Bring your lawn chairs, blanket, picnic, friends and family to see the movie: Jack the Giant Slayer (PG-13)

on now until July 1/13

106-3121 Hill Rd., Lake Country • 250-766-5670

Happy Canada Day! Check for weekly in-store specials beginning

Monday, July 8

Visit our unique and wide array of gift ideas!


In the Cooper’s Plaza • 250-766-2666 9am-8pm Monday to Friday • 9am-7pm Saturday • 10am-6pm Sunday

Wishing Everyone a

Happy & Safe Canada Day!

Happy 146th Birthday Canada From the management & staff of

“A Responsible Care Company”

Pleased to sponsor this event for your community!


3223 Woodsdale Rd., Lake Country

Rotary Pancake Breakfast Canada Day Welcome Steve Stairs Entertainment Steve Stairs & Jenn Boal Lake Country Big Band Official CeremoniesEscort by RCMP: Mayor James Baker & MLA Norm Letnick O’CANADA Little Women 4 Little Women Success Stories Lion’s Root Beer Garden Lake Country Food Bank Boys & Girls Club Children’s Games Citizens Patrol Free Child ID Fingerprinting Lake Country Cycle Free Child Bike Safety Test Free Vision Testing Lake Country Fire Department


Happy Canada Day!

9750 McCarthy Road, Kelowna Lake Country Industrial Park 250-766-2988

CELEBRATE CANADA DAY WITH US! Visit us online for our complete menu & specials 250-766-5004 #2-10051 Hwy. 97•Winfield Shopping Centre


Canada Day Chair

$11.99 reg. 16.99


Camping Chair With Side Table $39.99 reg. 62.99 (Blue 7803273 (Green 7803281)

3 Piece Cooler Set $59.49

reg. 84.99 (7673163)

your Canada Day BBQ headquarters! Enjoy all the festivities this July1st!

Your community, your store! Cooper’s Village, Hwy. 97, Winfield • 250-766-9009 •

Cooper’s People Care


Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Lake Country Calendar

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A9

Lake Country’s Beasley Park Monday, July 1st • 8:30am-11:30pm


Schedule of Events MORNING: Happy Canada Day!


• Beverage Containers • Milk Containers • Electronics

8:30-11am 9:15am

9:15am-10:30am Winfield Return-It Centre #4-11852 Hwy97N at Lakewood Mall 250-766-2973

Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9am-5pm

Where your Canada Day celebration begins! Your source for Canada Day party celebration supplies, souvenirs & gifts 250-766-0143 Cooper’s Village Mall

10:30-11am 11am

11:05am 11:15-11:30am 10-11:30AM 9-11am 9:30-11am 9-11am 9:30-11am

Wishing You a Happy Canada Day!

Norm Letnick

MLA Kelowna–Lake Country #101–330 Highway 33 W Kelowna BC, V1X 1X9 ✆ 250 765-8516

9-11am 9:30-11am


reg. 69.99 (CERPL)

Medium $22.99 reg. 39.99 (CERPM)

Small $17.99

reg. 24.99 (CERPS)

Lake Country Building Centre 250-766-2118

5:15-11:15pm Lake Country Open Air Performances: 5:15-5:45pm Okanagan Kids Have Talent: Megan Lauridsen & Chantelle Betuzzi 6:00 – 6:30pm Taylor Hickson, Ciara Meyers, Jesse Mast 6:45-7:15pm Jeff Kouwenhoven 7:30-8:00pm Justin Dueck 8:15-9:45pm The Public House Band 10:00pm Bring your lawn chairs, blanket, picnic, friends and family to see the movie: Jack the Giant Slayer (PG-13)

on now until July 1/13

106-3121 Hill Rd., Lake Country • 250-766-5670

Happy Canada Day! Check for weekly in-store specials beginning

Monday, July 8

Visit our unique and wide array of gift ideas!


In the Cooper’s Plaza • 250-766-2666 9am-8pm Monday to Friday • 9am-7pm Saturday • 10am-6pm Sunday

Wishing Everyone a

Happy & Safe Canada Day!

Happy 146th Birthday Canada From the management & staff of

“A Responsible Care Company”

Pleased to sponsor this event for your community!


3223 Woodsdale Rd., Lake Country

Rotary Pancake Breakfast Canada Day Welcome Steve Stairs Entertainment Steve Stairs & Jenn Boal Lake Country Big Band Official CeremoniesEscort by RCMP: Mayor James Baker & MLA Norm Letnick O’CANADA Little Women 4 Little Women Success Stories Lion’s Root Beer Garden Lake Country Food Bank Boys & Girls Club Children’s Games Citizens Patrol Free Child ID Fingerprinting Lake Country Cycle Free Child Bike Safety Test Free Vision Testing Lake Country Fire Department


Happy Canada Day!

9750 McCarthy Road, Kelowna Lake Country Industrial Park 250-766-2988

CELEBRATE CANADA DAY WITH US! Visit us online for our complete menu & specials 250-766-5004 #2-10051 Hwy. 97•Winfield Shopping Centre


Canada Day Chair

$11.99 reg. 16.99


Camping Chair With Side Table $39.99 reg. 62.99 (Blue 7803273 (Green 7803281)

3 Piece Cooler Set $59.49

reg. 84.99 (7673163)

your Canada Day BBQ headquarters! Enjoy all the festivities this July1st!

Your community, your store! Cooper’s Village, Hwy. 97, Winfield • 250-766-9009 •

Cooper’s People Care

Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Put a touch of Navy Seal training in your human resources planning


he book No Easy Day, by Mark Owen, is a first-person account of the lead up to, and exe-

cution of, the U.S. Navy Seal mission that killed Osama Bin Laden. If there’s a lesson that story brings home, it’s that

Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753

Pastor: Lance Duncalfe

Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road  250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church

9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387 To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688

there’s only so much value to planning and that reacting effectively is the key to success. In the spring of 2011, Owen was assigned to a highly secret operation which would train at a military base in North Carolina. Every detail of Bin Laden’s suspected compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan had been reconstructed from aerial surveillance (video and still images). The plan was to airlift in, in the dead of night, in two helicopters. The first SEAL team would split into two groups— one “fast roping” down onto the roof of Bin Laden’s home and the other taking up position outside the compound to provide “external security.” The second team would rope down within the compound’s walls and secure the buildings at ground level before working their way up from the first floor of the residence. The two SEAL teams would converge on the third floor of the home where the C.I.A. suspected Bin Laden was

You Work Here

R. Smithson

residing. The assault teams rehearsed every detail of the mission before flying to the departure point at Jalalabad, Afghanistan near the border with Pakistan. The night of the mission, things started going awry almost immediately upon the helicopters’ arrival at the Bin Laden compound. The Black Hawk in which the author, Owen, was riding became uncontrollable and ended up crash-landing, leaving its tail stuck on the compound’s wall. The pilots of the second Black Hawk, having seen the first one crash, pre-empted their plan and landed outside

the compound’s walls so nobody “fast roped” onto the roof of the residence. The advantage of surprise was surely lost through all the noise and delay. The first obstacle faced by Owen and his partner, a set of metal double doors to a guest house, proved to be a greater challenge than anticipated—the doors were locked and a sledgehammer had no effect. Before they could set off a charge to blow the doors open, they were being shot at from inside. The second team, already behind schedule and out of position, tried to blow open a gate to gain access to the compound. When they did, they found a brick wall obstructing their route and had to try another access point—they were supposed to be hitting the third floor of the residence but still hadn’t even gained entry to the compound. As the two teams gradually converged on the residence and worked their way upstairs, detonating explo-


My dog has suddenly started shaking his head and has been licking at his paws. What could this be?

This has been a common complaint this year as we are experiencing a bumper crop of ‘speargrass’ or ‘fox tail’. These nasty little grass awns have a sneaky way of working their way into dogs’ fur and then under the skin or into any available opening. The most common presentation is a dog that suddenly starts shaking his head, licking a paw or limping. The spear grass very commonly burows into the skin in between the toes and causes a painful swelling. In most cases, the swelling needs to be opened up to remove the awn and allow proper drainage of the infection. The grass also easily finds its way into the external ear canal causing pain and inflammation. These too need to be carefully removed with special instruments. Although these are the most common places to find spear grass, it can find its way pretty much anywhere, including behind the third eyelid, up noses and into sensitive places where the sun don’t shine! To prevent these problems; be vigilant about checking your dog’s coat and paws for speargrass. If you notice your pet licking his paws, shaking his head or is otherwise in distress, contact your veterinarian. Although spear grass may be to blame, there are many other causes for the signs described above.



What’s happening in the market right now?

We haven’t seen sales like this since August 2007! It all comes down to one simple question… How much real estate do you wish you owned today that you would have bought ten years ago? Stable home prices, pride of ownership, a forced savings plan, and return on investment are just a few reasons why you should purchase a home in today’s market. With lending rates recently on the rise, now is the perfect time to get serious. The key to successfully planning ahead and taking advantage of the market is to have a knowledgeable Realtor on your team, working with you and helping you to capitalize on this opportunity. Let’s now fast-forward and ask ourselves a similar question; “How much real estate are you going to wish you had bought in 2013?” Pretty simple isn’t it?



Is thumb sucking or use of a pacifier harmful to my child’s teeth?

Generally, children will outgrow these habits before they become harmful. Children vary in the way they carry out their habits. The extent of damage depends on the duration of the habit, the length of time the child sucks the thumb or pacifier, and the severity of the sucking. Some children who continue these habits as their permanent teeth are erupting may benefit from a corrective appliance that allows for a more normal growth pattern. These “habit breakers” are meant as a reminder and not as a punishment. Therefore, the child has to be ready and want to stop the habit on his own in order for the treatment to be successful. If your child uses a pacifier or sucks his finger or thumb, please mention these habits during your child’s regular exams so we can properly monitor your child’s growth. Dr. Jung did part of her hospital residency at BC Children’s Hospital in addition to having worked at a private pediatric practice in Vancouver. Plus, all of our staff are parents of a total of 13 young children ranging in age from 2 to 15 years so we are wellexperience and look forward to taking care of your whole family!

and started distributing charges around the ground floor of the house until someone clarified that they wanted him to blow up the helicopter, not the house. Finally, with time already run out on them, their departure by air from the site was delayed by the pending detonation of the crashed aircraft. Ultimately, the remaining Black Hawk and a called-up CH47 helicopter made it back to Jalalabad with their payload—24 Navy SEALs and one occupied body bag. So, what does any of this have to do with human resources? The point is that in many, many difficult situations involving employees there are simply too many variables to accurately predict the outcome. Whether it’s a question of accommodating a disability, of terminating an employee for cause, or of negotiating terms of settlement, I often say to clients: “The picture in


What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

Dr. Lina Jung and Dr. Greg Kosar

Petrina Koltun

Dr. Jessica Wales, DVM

sives along the way to bypass locked doors, the occupants—especially those up on the third floor—had ample warning and plenty of time to grab weapons and plan their defence. They made their way to the third floor without injury and Bin Laden was shot at the first opportunity. As Owen described it, “BOP. BOP. The point man had seen a man peeking out of the door on the right side of the hallway about 10 feet in front of him. I couldn’t tell from my position if the rounds hit the target or not. The man disappeared into the dark room.” The man had, indeed, been Bin Laden and he had been shot through the head. According to Owen, there were weapons in the room but they were still sitting on a shelf above the doorway, unloaded, and it appeared Bin Laden “had no intention of fighting.” The SEALs now had to destroy the crashed helicopter, but the explosives tech initially misunderstood that order

Dr. Karla Reimer Optometrist


I’m going away for several weeks this summer. What should I consider regarding my eyewear and vision?

Breaking your glasses or losing a contact is annoying at the best of times. But if it happens while you’re on vacation, the consequences can be devastating. Prepare yourself: See your optometrist, update your glasses prescription and keep a written copy with you. Order a supply of daily disposable contacts to last your trip – a new pair every day, and no solution required. Never sleep in your contacts. Bring sunglasses that offer UV protection. Pack a spare pair of glasses, contact lenses and lubricating eyedrops in your carry-on. Avoid swimming with your contacts as ocean or pool water can be contaminated. If you develop an eye infection, stop wearing your contacts and switch to glasses. See a local optometrist or doctor immediately. Enjoy your trip!

Panorama Veterinary Services Ltd. #21-10051 Hwy97N, Lake Country, BC V4V 1P6 250-766-4310 or 250-861-1099 250.826.5660 • 250.860.1100

208 - 3121 Hill Road • 250.766.1003

49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250.766.4240

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A11


Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road

Valleyview Dignity Memorial

impossible) to control they’ll figure out the 250-861-7722 how a scenario will play rest.” Breed: German Shepherd Cross • 2nd Breed: Pit Bull Terrier the crystal ball gets fuzzy out. This subject matter is Sex: Male Colour: Tan / Black For us, there is no Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 297221 very quickly.” Although At some point, you provided for general inhigher honour than Hey, are you looking for a chilax buddy to spend those lazy days of it seems to be the object- just have to take off formational purposes summer with? I am a dashing pitbull/shepherd mix and I am quite the to be chosen to bring ive of business people to distinguished gentleman. I am a little older than most but like cheese and head for your taronly and is not intended loved ones, friends and a fine wine, I just get better with age. I am a very low key guy try and predict and conget and know that your as legal advice. and a lifetime of who is looking for a family where I can be the only dog and enjoy the trol every possibility, they experience and intuirest of my days lazing about on a big fluffy bed. Please don’t overlook memories together THURSDAY, JUNE 27, me because of my really can’t. tion will2013 help you make Robert Smithson is a in celebration of a age, I have so very Aron Meier Glen Whittaker This doesn’tTSN mean CHBC good decisions along labour and employment special life. KCTS CIVT CBCthe KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E YTV many NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KING more years of Assistant Manager Funeral Director love to give... and I’m planning is unimportant. way. As the Admiral in lawyer, operating Smith# $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 6 7 9 ; < A N P not one of those ‘high But the practical realcharge the teams raid-The Price son IsEmployment Law. For Bucket-Dino The View Criminal 2013 WimThe Doctors The of View Poko The Doctors MLB Almost CBC News How/Made How I Met Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Today :00 THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2013 Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements maintenance’ dogs! bledon ” Doodlebops Right ” Baseball: ” Minds G. Shrinks Now With How/Made Facelift? Baby Story CI Wild Kratts cont’d ity is10 that:30 when there is ” ing the Bin Laden home more information about Franklin Please speak with the Design Inc. Texas Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Dangerous Family Feud Medium Law Order: Daniel Tiger New Day :00 Champion- Design Inc. The Marilyn Steven and Young & SPCA Dog ships Debt/Part Rangers Olly News cont’d Flights Feud Medium Steves Northwest TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNPat Dive, KNOW KOMO Minds A&E League/Evil YTV Kelowna NEWS DISC Family KAYU TLC CIWTBS Rick KCTS KING someone pushing backDebt/Part 11 :30 said:Denis “Th eShow mostChris import- Restless his practice, or to subscribe to7 meet I’m9 News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News New) York Dino Dan The` Chew The 1 First 48 Kid vs. Kat Staff CBC Newsme! Nerve Center Funny Home What< Not to Excused Brain KINGP 5 :00 Fishing-Flats # youNoon $ % & _ ( * 6 ; A Super N against every action ant thing is to get them to You Work Here, visit: Motoring Hour ” Now Bold Hour Yankees Rob Robot ” ” Squirrel Now With ” Videos Wear Excused With Dr. News here waiting to “dash”? 12:00 :30 2013 WimThe Doctors The View Poko The Price Is The Doctors MLB Bucket-Dino The View Criminal Almost CBC News How/Made How I Met Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Today McKenzie Days of our Anderson Heartland The Talk Days of our HockeycenSave-Ums! General The First 48 Rated A for Andrew Nerve Center Law Order: Say Yes There Yet? Rudy Tanzi Days of our into your heart! take, it is:00 diffiCabbie cult (if notLives” on the groundDoodlebops safe,” and Right ” 165 Valleyview 250-765-3147 Baseball: ” Minds” G. Shrinks Now With How/Made Facelift? Baby Story There CIRoad Wild Kratts Lives cont’d Live ” Lives ” tral at Noon Franklin Wibbly Pig Hospital Kid vs. Kat Nichols ” CI Say Yes Yet? • Coal 101:30 :30 bledon Inc. The Marilyn Steven & Inc. Texas Polie KOMO 4 Criminal Rescue Hero Power Reshmi Dangerous Anderson Family Feud Medium Law Order: Charlie Daniel Rose Tiger Dr. New Day Off Record Design The Talk Dr. Phil Stevenand and Young Let’s Make a Design The Talk Party Poker Rolie Big Bear The Doctors The First 48 Almost & Nair MythBusters Say Yes King Phil :00 Denis Show Chris Restless Debt/Part Rangers Dive, Olly News ” Minds” cont’d Flights Family Feud Say Medium CI Rick Steves Northwest Interruption Debt/Part ” ” Chris Deal ” ” at Dinosaur League/Evil Politics ” Live Yes King ” ” 112:00 :30 :30 ships THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2013 Fishing-Flats Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News New York Dino Dan The Chew Kid vs. Kat CBC News Nerve Center Funny Home What Not to Excused Super Brain KING 5 SportsCentre The Ricki The Dr. Oz Coronation ThisMinute The Ricki Sportsnet Rob Robot Dr. Oz The First 48 Squirrel Power & How/Made The Ricki Toddlers & The Offi ce Cat in the Katie :00 :00 SMITHSON FROM A10

Valleyview Funeral Home


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Hour Lake Show

Hockey McKenzie Draft Cabbie

Young Days of & our Restless Lives


CFL Preview The News CTV News Off Record Talk Dr. Phil ” at Five Interruption ”” ” 2013 WimThe Doctors The View CFL Global CTVDr. SportsCentre The Ricki Oz bledon ” Nat. The ”News Football: CHBC News ” Lake Show Show ” ChampionDesign Inc. The Marilyn Alouettes at Ent Big Bang Hockey Young & Ellen DeGeships Debt/Part Denis Show Blue ET Canada neres etalk Show Draft Restless Fishing-Flats Noon News CTV News Bombers The Office Big Bang CFL Preview Hour News CTV News Motoring ” Two Men ”” ”” at Five McKenzie Days of our Anderson SportsCentre Have to Go? Motive CFL Global Nat. Live CTV News Cabbie Lives ” ” ” Football: CHBC News ” Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre Rookie Blue Castle Alouettes at Ent ” Big Bang Interruption ” ” ” ” Blue ET Canada etalkDr. Oz SportsCentre Ricki SportsCentreThe CHBC NewsThe CTV News ” ” Lake Show Show Bombers The Offi ce Big Bang Final CTV News ” ”& Two Men Hockey Ellen SportsCentreYoung ET Canada DailyDeGeShow Draft Restless Show SportsCentre Have to Go? neres Motive ” J. Probst Colbert Rep ” ” ” CFL Preview News CTV News

” ” Blue at Five SportsCentre Rookie Castle ” CTV News

CFL ” Global ”Nat. Football: SportsCentre CHBC CHBC News News ” Final Alouettes at Ent Blue SportsCentre ET ET Canada Canada ” J. Probst Bombers The Office ”

Now Stefano

Bold ThisMinute

CBC &and News Steven

Judge Judy The Talk Judge” Judy

Ellen DeGe- Heartland Dragons’ Anderson neres Show Den ” Live

News KIRO News Chris Deal Poko The Price Is News KIRO News Coronation ThisMinute Doodlebops Right Exchange CBS News Stefano ThisMinute Steven and Young & Gags Ent Dragons’ Judge Judy Chris Restless 22 Minutes Judge omg! Insider Den Judy CBC News KIRO News The Nature Bold Big Bang News KIRO News Now of Things Two Men News KIRO News Heartland The Talk Doc Zone Person of News ” KIRO ”News ” Interest Exchange CBS News Steven and Let’s Make a The National Elementary Gags Ent Chris Deal ” ” 22 Minutes ThisMinute omg! Insider Coronation CBC News KIRO News Stefano ThisMinute The Nature Big Bang George S Late Show of Things Two Men Dragons’ Judy Coronation Judge Letterman Den Judy Doc Zone Person of Q With Jian Judge Ferguson ” Interest News KIRO News

News News The National KIRO Elementary ” News ” KIRO News Exchange CBC News CBS KIRONews News George S Late Show Gags Ent

” CTV News CTV News Big Bang etalk Minutes Daily Show 22 Coronation Colbert Q With Jian Big BangRep The Nature Two Men of Things

Hour Lake Show

Youngof&our KIRO Days CHAN Restless Lives _ ( KIRO Newsa The Early News Let’s Make Talk

Jays at ” MLB Boston Red Sportsnet Baseball: Sox Connected Texas Sportsnet MLB Rangers at Connected Baseball: New York Dew Tour Toronto Blue Yankees Jays at” Hockeycen” Boston Red tral at Noon ” Sox Party Poker Sportsnet Sportsnet ” Connected Connected Sportsnet Hockey Connected Dew Blue Tour Jays ” MLB UFC Central Baseball: ” Premier ” Blue Toronto

News ”Hour

Sox Hockey Blue Jays Sportsnet

Jays at Sportsnet Connected Boston Red

Story of the Ramones

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Blue Jays

Ancient Clues

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada J. Probst

UFC Central Monarchy Premier ”


:00 10 :30 FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2013 :00 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 # $ % & :00 1:00 :30 :00 102:30 :30 :00 :00 113:30 :30 FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2013 :00 :00 124:30 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC :00 TSN 15:00 :30 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 :00 2 :30 6 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 7 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 48:30 :30 :30 12 :00 :00 :00 59:30 :30 :30 1 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 6:30 :30 2 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 7:30 :30 3 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 8:30 :30 4 :00 :00 9:30 :30 5 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 2013 10 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 11 :30 # $ % & :00 12 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 2013 :00 12 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC :00 TSN 1 :30 # $ % & :00 2:00 :30 :00 103:30 :30 :00 :00 114:30 SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 2013 :30 :00 :00 125:30 CHBC CIVT CBC :30 TSN :00 16:00 :30 # $ % & :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 107:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 118:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 49:30 :30 :30 12 :00 :00 :00 5:30 :30 10 :30 1 :00 :00 :00 6:30 :30 11 :30 2 :00 :00 :00 7:30 :30 12 :30 3




Daily NervePlanet Center Steve Law Order: ”” Harvey CI

Scared Beyond Jeopardy! Scared Kimmel Live Beyond Nightline Scared Wipeout Beyond ” Scared

Wear Tiaras

Excused The Office

TLC < Say SayYes Yes

Big Bang There Yet? Big Bang There Yet?

Raymond News 30 BigRock Bang

Two Men Fast N’” Loud Sunny

Say SayYes Yes Say SayYes Yes

SayYes Yes Say Say FourYes

Payne King Law Order: Browns The CI Office Payne The Office Law Order: Seinfeld Big CI Bang Seinfeld Big Bang Excused Family Guy Browns Excused Family Payne Guy There Yet? Amer. Dad Browns There Yet? Movie: Payne King “Lara Croft: Seinfeld King Tomb Seinfeld The Office Raider” The Offi ce Family Guy Movie: Family Guy Big Bang “The Last Big Bang Amer. Dad Castle” Movie: Browns PayneCroft: “Lara Tomb Browns

Weddings Say Yes Say FourYes

Payne Raider” Movie: Seinfeld

NewsHour Film School Pie Pie

NewsNews KING Jay Leno Magazine

Weddings Paid Prog. Paid FourProg.

Seinfeld “The Last Castle” Family Guy

Chef Incredible Health-Joel Highgrove-

Inside” Ed. Jimmy Parks Fallon Parks

Family Guy


The National Overhaulin’ ” ”

Have to Go? Four ” Weddings

Amer. Dad Movie:

Movie: “The

The Office ”

Rookie Blue Intervention ” ”

The Funny The Funny

The National Overhaulin’ ” ”

News 30 Rock

“Lara Croft: Tomb

Scapegoat” ”

America’s Got Talent

News Jimmy

Beyond Scared

That’s-Weird The National Fast N’ Loud Sunny Splatalot ” ” TMZ

Say Yes Say Yes

Film School Pie

KING News Jay Leno

Beyond Scared

Wipeout ”

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Live KNOW Kimmel KOMO Nightline * `

A&E 1


The Price Is Right

The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected

Bucket-Dino The View Franklin ”

Barter Kings Almost ” G. Shrinks


Design Inc. Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Design Inc. Debt/Part

Sportsnet Connected

Rolie Polie Dive, Olly

2013 Wimbledon

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

SNP ) Soccer

Dino Dan Rob Robot

Heartland ” Poko Steven and Doodlebops Chris Steven and Coronation Chris Stefano CBC News Dragons’ Now Den Heartland News News”

CHAN ( Days of our

Hockeycentral at Noon

Anderson Live The View Dr. Phil ” ” The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News Ellen DeGe” neres Show Anderson CTV News Live at Five

KIRO The_ Talk

Noon News Hour

KOMO 4 News

KNOW KOMO * ` Save-Ums! General The Chew ”


Lang & O’Leary


Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

A&E 1 Barter Kings

Excused Excused

WTBS A There Yet?


KCTS N Cooking

KING 5 News

Joy/Painting Sid Science Charlie Rose Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger Cat in the Rick Steves Arthur MayorsWild Kratts KCTS WordGirl Cooking Business Joy/Painting World News

Days of our Lives Today Dr. Phil cont’d ” New Day Katie Northwest ” KING 5 Ellen DeGeNews neres Show Days5of our KING Lives News

KAYU Law ; Order:

TLC < Say Yes

KAYU ; Anderson

TLC < Say Yes

The National Don’t Drive ” Here

The Following

Randy to the Amer. Dad Rescue Movie:

Call the Midwife

CBC News Now With

Funny Home Say Yes Videos Say Yes

Central Sportsnet World Poker Connected Tour Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected HockeycenMLB tral at Noon Baseball: Soccer Toronto Blue Central Jays at

Wibbly Pig Bucket-Dino Big Bear Franklin Dinosaur Rolie Polie Rob Robot Dive, Olly Clifford-Dog Dino Dan G. Shrinks Rob Robot Arthur Save-Ums! Martha Wibbly Pig Wild Kratts

Hospital The View The Doctors ” ” KOMO 4 The Dr. Oz News Show The Chew KOMO 4 ” News General News Hospital World News

” Barter Kings Barter”Kings ” Barter Kings Storage ” Storage Barter Kings Storage ” Storage Barter Kings Storage ” Storage

Kid vs. Kat Almost Almost G. Shrinks League/Evil Rescue Hero Squirrel League/Evil Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu Squirrel Kung Fu RatedFu A for Kung Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu

Off Record The TalkNat. Dr. Phil Toronto Global CTV News Interruption ” NewsThe View ”” 2013 WimThe Doctors Argonauts CHBC bledon ” ” Oz SportsCentre The Ricki The Dr. CFL Ent Big Bang ” Lake Show Show ChampionDesign Inc. The Marilyn Football: ET Canada etalk ships Debt/Part Denis Show CFL Ellen DeGeBC Lions at Young Bones& Shark Tank Football: Restless neres Show 2013 WimNoon News CTV News Calgary ” ” bledon Hour ” Hamilton Stampeders News Hawaii Five- CTV The News Tiger-Cats at Days ” our Anderson at Five Championof ” 0 Following ships Lives Live SportsCentreGlobal 16x9 Nat. CTV BlueNews Bloods Toronto ” ”News Dr. Phil”” Off Record The Talk Argonauts CHBC Interruption ” News CTV ”News SportsCentre CHBC CFL Ent Big Bang ” Final CTV News SportsCentre The Ricki The Dr. Oz Football: ET Canada etalk ” Lake Show Show SportsCentre ET Canada The Tank BC Lions at Bones Shark ” J. Probst Mentalist CFL Young ”& Ellen DeGeCalgary ” Football: Restless neres Show Stampeders Hawaii Five- The Hamilton News CTV News ” 0 Following Tiger-Cats at ” at Five SportsCentre 16x9 Blue Bloods Toronto” Global ”Nat. CTV News ” Argonauts CHBC News ” SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News CFL ” Ent Big Bang Final CTV News Football: ET Canada etalk SportsCentre ET Canada The BC Lions Shark Tank ” at Bones J. Probst Mentalist Calgary ” ”

Steven News and KIRO News Chris Deal Poko The Price Is Exchange CBS News Doodlebops Right Coronation ThisMinute Gags Ent Stefano ThisMinute Steven and Young & 22 Minutes omg! Insider Chris Restless Dragons’ Judge Judy To Be Undercover Den Judge Judy CBC News KIRO Announced Boss News Now Bold News KIRO News the fifth Hawaii FiveNews KIRO News Heartland The estate 0 Talk ” ” The National KIRO Blue Bloods News News ”and Let’s ” Steven a Exchange CBS Make News Chris Deal CBC News KIRO News Gags Ent George S Late Show Coronation ThisMinute 22 Minutes omg! Insider Stefano ThisMinute Coronation Letterman To Be Undercover Dreamgirls Ferguson Dragons’ Announced Judge Boss Judy Den Judge Judy the fifth Hawaii FiveNews KIRO News estate 0 News KIRO News The National Blue Bloods News ” KIRO News ” Exchange CBS News CBC News KIRO News Gags Ent George S Late Show 22 Minutes omg! Insider Coronation Letterman To Be Undercover Dreamgirls Ferguson Announced Boss

News Hour ”” The Doctors ” The Ent Ricki Lake Show Design Inc. ET Canada Debt/Part Young Bones & Restless Noon News ” Hour Early News Hawaii FiveGlobal Days ofNat. our 0 Lives 16x9 Hour News The Talk ”” News”Hour Ent Final The Ricki ET Canada Lake Show ET Canada Bones J. Probst Young ”& Restless Hawaii FiveEarly News 0 Global Nat. 16x9 News Hour ” ” News Hour Ent Final ET Canada ET Canada Bones J. Probst ”

Boston Red Tour Sportsnet Sox Connected Sportsnet MLB Connected Sportsnet Baseball: Connected MLB Philadelphia Baseball: HockeycenPhillies at tral at Noon Toronto Blue Los Angeles Jays at Soccer Dodgers Central Sportsnet Boston Red Connected World Poker Sox Tour Hockey MLB Blue Jays Sportsnet Baseball: Connected Poker After Philadelphia Dark MLB Phillies at Baseball: Los Angeles Toronto DodgersBlue Jays at Sportsnet Boston Red Connected Sox Hockey MLB Blue Jays Baseball: Poker After Philadelphia Dark Phillies at

Animals Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Great Parks Franklin Rob Robot Rainwolves Clifford-Dog Rolie Polie ” Dive, Olly G. Shrinks BallykissanArthur Dino gel Dan Rob Robot Martha Miss Marple Wild Kratts Save-Ums! ” Wibbly” Pig Animals ”Parks Big Bear Great Dinosaur Architects of Rainwolves Change Rob Robot ” Clifford-Dog BallykissanBallykissangel G. gelShrinks Arthur Miss Marple Martha ” Wild Kratts ” Animals ” Great Parks Architects of Rainwolves Change ” BallykissanBallykissangel gel

KOMO 4 ” The View News ” Oz The Dr. Wheel Show KOMO 4 Jeopardy! News KOMO 4 Shark Tank News The Chew ” ” News What Would World News General You Do? Hospital 20/20 4 KOMO ” The Doctors News News ” Wheel Jimmy The Dr. Oz Jeopardy! Show Kimmel Live Shark Tank Nightline KOMO” 4 News What Would News You Do? World News 20/20 KOMO” 4 News News Wheel Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Shark Tank Nightline ”

Storage Barter” Kings Storage ” Storage Storage Storage Barter Kings Storage ” Storage Storage Barter Kings Storage ” Storage Barter Kings Storage ” Storage Storage Barter Kings ” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage

SpongeBob The National Don’t Drive Big Bang Say Yes Browns League/Evil Politics ” Live Say Yes King Almost CBC News How/Made HowMen I Met Baby Story Payne Law Order: SpongeBob ” Here Two Say Yes G. Shrinks Now With How/Made PaidRicki Prog. Baby Story The CI Office Squirrel Power & How/Made The Say Yes Movie: The National Mighty Big Bang Randy to the Seinfeld Sidekick How/Made Lake Show Say The ce Rescue Hero Politics Reshmi Mighty Ships Two Family Feud Rescue SayYes Yes LawOffi Order: “The Karate ” Nair Planes Men Seinfeld League/Evil cont’d ” Family Feud Say Yes CI Kung Fu LangNational & Daily Planet Bones Steve SayYes Yes Big Bang Kid” The Mayday Say Family Guy Kung Fu O’Leary Harvey Say Yes Big Bang Kid vs. CBC News Overhaulin’ Funny SayYes Yes Excused ” Kat ” ”” ” HomeSay Family Guy Squirrel Now With ” Videos SayYes Yes Excused Kung Fu CBC News Don’t Sons Drive of Simpsons Say Browns ” The National The Randy to the Amer. Dad Kung Guns Raymond Say Payne RatedFu Overhaulin’ Following Law Order: Rescue SayYes Yes There Yet? ” A for Andrew ”” Here Movie: Kid vs. Kat Nichols ” CI Say Yes There Yet? Mr. Young The Say “Win a Date SpongeBob The National National Sons Don’tof Drive News Big Bang SayYes Yes Browns Mr. Young Guns 30 Rock Say With Almost Power”” & Pyros Anderson SayYes Yes KingTad SpongeBob Here Two Men Say Yes Payne League/Evil Politics ” Live SayYes Yes King Olly Murs The Sunny Say Movie: The National National Mighty Mighty Big Bang Randy to the Hamilton!” Seinfeld Boys Planes Say Movie: Squirrel How/Made TMZ The Men Ricki SayYes Yes The Office “The Karate Power”” & Planes Two Rescue Seinfeld Sidekick Politics How/Made Lake Show Say Yes The Office The Lang & Mayday The Office Paid Prog. “The Kid” Karate The National Mayday Bones Say Yes Family Guy Kid O’Leary King of” Hill Paid Prog. Women” Kung Fu Lang & Daily ”Planet Steve SayYes Yes Big Bang ” ” ” Say Family Guy Kung Fu O’Leary ” Harvey Say Yes Big Bang ” The National Don’t Drive The Randy to the Amer. Dad Kung Fu CBC News Sons of Simpsons Say Yes Browns ” ” Here Following Rescue Movie: Kung Fu ” Guns Raymond Say Yes Payne Mr. Young The National Sons of News Say Yes “Win a Date SpongeBob The National Don’t Drive 30 BigRock Bang SayYes Yes Browns Mr. Young ” Guns Say With Tad SpongeBob ” Here Two Men Say Yes Payne Olly Murs The National Mighty Sunny Say Yes Hamilton!” Movie: The National Mighty Big Bang Randy Seinfeld Boys ” Planes TMZ Say Yesto the Movie: “The Karate ” Planes Two Men Rescue Seinfeld The Karate Lang & Mayday The Office Paid Prog. “The Kid” The National Mayday Bones Say Yes Family Guy Kid O’Leary ” King of Hill Paid Prog. Women” ” ” ” ” Say Yes Family Guy

Stampeders Hawaii Five- The ” 0 Following

the fifth estate

SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”

Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Los Angeles Miss Marple What Would Storage 0 0 Dodgers ” You Do? Storage

The National Blue Bloods ” ”


CBC News George S

News Hour Final

SportsCentre ET Canada The ” J. Probst Mentalist 2013 WimFishn Operation bledon Real Fishing Smile

Coronation Dreamgirls Ferguson J. Probst Dark The Nature Doodlebops Fishn Volleyball of Things Paid Prog. Real Fishing IndyCar 36

KIRO News Late Show

KIRO Letterman _


Powerboat Driving TV

It Is Written Movie Night

the fifth estate


Noon News Hour

Operation Smile

Best Recipes PGA Tour Stefano Golf: AT&T

Football: Simpsons Roughriders Simpsons

at Eskimos ” 2013 Wimbledon ” NASCAR Champion-

Canada’s Lang & Worst Driver O’Leary

A&E 1 Barter Kings

Late Model Dirt Series

KIRO _ ”

CHAN ET Canada (


Hockey Blue Jays

SNP Poker After )

” ”


” ”

NEWS 7 Power &

” CI Say Yes How/Made How I Met Baby Story Pyros Say Yes How/Made Anderson Paid Prog. Baby Story ” Live Say Yes Mighty Ships Family Feud Say Yes How/Made The Ricki Say Yes ” Family Feud Say Yes How/Made Lake Show Say Yes Overhaulin’ Funny Home Say Yes Daily Planet Steve Say Yes ” Videos Say Yes ” Harvey Say Yes Overhaulin’ Law Order: SayYes Yes Sons of Simpsons Say CI SayYes Yes Guns ” Raymond Say

DISC 9 Pyros

There Yet? Law Order: King CI King Law Order: The Office CI The Office Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne



KCTS KING N P Charlie Rose Dr. Phil

PBS Nightly News ” Sid Science Today” NewsHour News WildinKratts cont’d Cat the Katie Washington Magazine Arthur ” Daniel Tiger Inside New Ed. Day Need Rick Steves Northwest WildMartin Kratts Dateline Ellen DeGeDoc WordGirl neres MayorsKING Show 5 ” NBC KCTS News5 Business KING Call the ” World News News Cooking Days” of our Midwife Joy/Painting NBC Lives Annie: News PBS It’s Nightly News Hard-Knock Charlie RoseSpecial Dr. Phil NewsHour News ” ” Bill Cosby: KING News Washington Magazine Mark Leno Cat Twain in the Jay Katie Need Inside Ed. Arthur Prize 2009 ” ” Doc Martin Dateline Horse Power Jimmy Fallon Wild Kratts Ellen DeGe” NBC WordGirl neres Show Call the ” Business KING”5 Midwife World News News Annie: It’s NBC News PBS Nightly News Hard-Knock Special NewsHour News Bill Cosby: KING News Washington Magazine Mark Twain Jay Leno Need Inside Ed. Prize 2009 ” Doc Martin Dateline Horse Power Jimmy Fallon ” NBC

” ”

Storage Storage

Mr. Young Mr. Young

The National Sons of ” Guns

News 30 Rock

Say Yes Say Yes

“Win a Date With Tad

Annie: It’s Hard-Knock

NBC News Special

Architects of News Change Jimmy

Storage Storage

Olly Murs Boys

The National Mighty ” Planes

Sunny TMZ

Say Yes Say Yes

Hamilton!” Movie:

Bill Cosby: Mark Twain

gel Nightline Upside Dwn X Games: Miss BG Munich

Storage Flipping Boston

Kid Kung Fu Turtles

O’Leary CBC News CBC News

KING Jay Leno P”

KNOW KOMO BallykissanKimmel * `Live

A&E Storage 1

YTV The6 Karate

NEWS Lang & 7

DISC Mayday 9

” Mighty Planes

KAYU The Office ;

King of Hill Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

TLC Paid Prog. <


KCTS Prize N2009


Paid Prog. Women” Horse Power Jimmy Fallon Cellblock 6: The Princess Bob Builder Swimming Female Lock Diaries 2: SciGirls ”

Powerboat Driving TV

Indy Lights ”

Lilly Planet Echo

” ”

Flipping Boston

Turtles Beyblade

Now With Christine

Deadliest Catch

Kids News How I Met

Cellblock 6: Royal Rick Steves’ ” Female Lock Engagement Europe U.S. Open

Noon News Hour

MLB Player Blue Jays

Dogs Dogs

” ”

Flip House Movie:

Pokémon Rangers


Finding Bigfoot

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Cellblock 6: Jim Female Lock Browns

Travel Skills ”

Sons of Guns

Bones ”

Cellblock 6: King Female Lock King

Greener Lidia’s Italy

” Mighty Planes Cash Cab How/Made Deadliest

T. McCarver Paid Prog. Paid IProg. How Met MLB Player Kids News

Female Lock Guy Cooking ” Cellblock 6: Family The Princess Bob Builder Swimming Female Lock Diaries 2: SciGirls ” Cellblock 6: The Office Test Kitchen Poppy Cat Female Lock The Offi ce Cook’s Justin Time Cellblock 6: Royal Rick Steves’ ” Dateline: Cut Exploration Female Lock Seinfeld Engagement Rough Europe U.S. Open Real Life Seinfeld Old House Kids News Cellblock 6: Jim Travel Skills Golf Dateline: Antiques KING 5” Female Lock Movie: Browns ” Real Life “The Bank Roadshow News Cellblock 6: King Greener ” Dateline: Antiques Female Lock Job” King Lidia’s Italy Nightly ”News Real Life ” Roadshow News Cellblock 6: Family Guy Nick Stellino ” Cellblock 6: Movie: The Princess Bobor Builder Paid Swimming Dateline: Prog. Female Lock Family Guy Fake Cooking ” Female Diaries 2: SciGirls ” Real Life Lock“Armored” Fortune? Backroads Cellblock 6: The Office Test Kitchen Poppy Cat Cellblock 6: The Royal Rick Steves’ ” Dateline: ” ce Seven Won- Crossing Female Lock Offi Cook’s Justin Time Female Europe U.S. Open Real Life Lock Engagement ” ders of the Lines Dateline: Seinfeld Rough Cut Exploration Cellblock 6: Movie: Jim Travel Skills Golf ” Dateline: Jack Real Life Seinfeld Old House Kids News Real Life Lock“Four Lemmon ” ” Female Browns ” Dateline: Movie: Antiques KING 5 Dateline: Movie: Do No Harm Cellblock 6: Brothers” King Greener ” Real Life “The Bank Roadshow News Real Life Lock King ” “Much Ado ” ” Female Lidia’s Italy Dateline: Job” Antiques Nightly News Dateline: Movie: About KING News Cellblock 6: Family Guy Nick Stellino ” RealLife Life ” Roadshow Saturday News Real Female Lock“Armored” Family Guy Nothing” Cooking ” Dateline: Movie: Fake or Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 6: The Offi ” ce Austin City Night Live Cellblock Test Kitchen Poppy Cat RealProg. Life “Armored” Fortune? Backroads Paid ” ce Limits ” Time Female Lock The Offi Cook’s Justin

CHAN ( Simpsons

National, Simpsons Third Round Simpsons

Simpsons Lovett-Reid Dragons’ GoldenEye Operation Dr. Marla & The DenNature Doodlebops ” Fishn Real Fishing Smile of ThingsS Paid ” Cash Cab George Paid Prog. Prog. ” Cash Cab 22 Minutes Paid Prog. Powerboat It Is Written the fifth Late Model Racing Celebrity The Nature Dirt Sports Stars ships Driving”TV Movie Night estate Series NASCAR ” Celebrity of Things Big World CFL Pre Noon News Operation Best Recipes PGA Tour Racing: etalk Land & Sea Golf: KIROAT&T News CFL Hour ” Smile Stefano Sprint Cup: CHBC News App Central Mansbridge KIRO News Football: Simpsons Canada’s Lang & National, Quaker Global Nat. Worst CTV News The National Third CBS News Roughriders Simpsons Driver O’Leary Round State 400 CHBC News ” Marketplace KIRO News at Eskimos Simpsons Lovett-Reid Dragons’ ” 2013 WimFishn Operation Nature Doodlebops ADD and W5Marla & The Absolutely Entertain”” GoldenEye Dr. Den ” bledon ” Real Fishing ofVancouver Things Paid Loving It?! Smile ” mentProg. ’Night ” ” Cash Cab George S Paid Prog. ChampionIs Written fifth Late SportsCentrePowerboat Zero ”Hour ItCash Saving Hopethe The Big CSI:Model Crime NASCAR Cab 22 Minutes Paid Prog. ships ” Driving ”TV Movie Night estate Dirt Series ” Decision Scene Racing ” Celebrity The Nature Sports Stars CFL Pre News Operation Recipes PGA Tour Draft Retro Noon Movie: Flashpoint Best Winnipeg Brooklyn NASCAR ” Celebrity of Things Big World DA Cabbie “Impact” Comedy ” CFL Hour Smile ” Stefano Golf: AT&T Racing: ” etalk Land & Sea KIRO News SportsCentreSimpsons ” The Listener Lang News 48 Hours Football: Canada’s & National, Sprint Cup: CHBC News App Central Mansbridge KIRO News ” ” ” Movie: ” Roughriders Simpsons Worst Driver O’Leary Third Round Quaker Global Nat. CTV The National CBS News Final CTVNews News Dragons’ “Casino KIRONews atSportsCentre Eskimos Simpsons Lovett-Reid ” News State 400 CHBC News CTV News ” Marketplace KIRO Saturday Jack” omg! ”News Insider ” ” GoldenEye Dr. Marla & Den ” ADD and W5 Absolutely EntertainSportsCentre Night” Live Cash HuntCab for PaidProg. Prog. ” George” S Paid ”” Loving ”It?! ” Vancouver ment ’Night Justice Cracked Paid Prog. NASCAR ” Cash Cab 22 Minutes Paid Prog.

Sportsnet Connected

YTV 6 Almost

Nichols CBC News Power & Now With Politics Reshmi Nair Power & cont’d Politics CBC News Lang & Now With O’Leary Andrew CBC News Nichols ”

Overhaulin’ ”

Lives The Doctors The Talk ” ” Design Inc. The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless Days our Early of News Lives Global Nat.

SNP KNOW KOMO ) * ` World Poker Big Bear The Doctors

Incredible ” KCTS KING Health-Joel Jimmy Fallon N P

Barter Kings Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Mighty Ships Family Feud Say Yes ” League/Evil cont’d ” Family Feud Say Yes

DISC 9 Overhaulin’

Baby Story Baby Story

Raider” Movie:

“The Last WTBS Castle” A

Today cont’d

NEWS 7 Andrew

How I Met Paid Prog.


Sid Science Wild Kratts

YTV 6 Rated A for

How/Made How/Made

Say Yes Say Yes

Law Order: CI

Barter Kings Kid vs. Kat ” Squirrel

CBC News Now With


MythBusters The Office ” King of Hill


” The Price Is Let’s Make a Right Deal Young & ThisMinute Restless ThisMinute KIRO News Judge Judy Bold Judge Judy The Talk KIRO News KIRO ”News

Blue Bloods ”

World News News ” ” Sid Science Today PBS Nightly Cat the Katie WildinKratts cont’dNews NewsHour News ” Arthur Daniel Tiger New Day Pie Magazine Wild DeGeRick Kratts Steves Ellen Northwest Chef Inside WordGirl neresEd. Show Super Brain KING 5 HighgroveParks Business KING With Dr. News5 Prin Parks World News News Rudy Tanzi Days of our Movie: The Office PBS Nightly Coal Lives News “The ” NewsHour News Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Scapegoat” America’s Pie Magazine ” ” ” Got Talent Chef Inside Ed. CatSchool in the KING KatieNews Film Arthur ” HighgroveParks Pie Jay Leno Prin Wild Kratts Parks Ellen” DeGeIncredible WordGirl neres Show Movie: The Offi ce Health-Joel Jimmy Fallon “The Business KING”5 World News America’s News Scapegoat” Got Talent PBS ” Nightly News


Intervention ”

Poko Doodlebops

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News


Wipeout Canada

End of the Motive Century: The ”

The Doctors The View ” ”

KIRO CHAN _ ( Let’s Make a The Talk

With Dr. Arthur

Kratts Rudy Tanzi Ellen DaysDeGeof our WTBS Wild KCTS KING WordGirl neres Coal LivesShow N P Browns Business 5 KingA Charlie RoseKING Dr. Phil

” TMZ Overhaulin’ Big Bang ” Two Offi Men Lang &” MythBusters The ce O’Leary King The National Pyros” Hell’sof Hill ” ” Kitchen

Boys Wipeout ” Splatalot

2013 Wimbledon

ChampionDays of our ships Lives 2013 WimThe Doctors Off Record The Talk bledon ” Interruption ” ChampionDesign Inc. SportsCentre The Ricki ships Debt/Part ” Lake Show 2013 WimNoon News CFL Young & bledon Hour Football: Restless ChampionDays Hamilton Newsof our ships Tiger-Cats atLives ”

Videos Lake Show

DISC KAYU 9 Simpsons ; Pyros MythBusters Anderson

” Overhaulin’ ” Overhaulin’

” Beyond

Rookie Blue Sportsnet ” Connected

” How/Made

NEWS 7 CBC News Power &

OddParents ” The Funny The National The Funny ” Mr. Young The National Mr. Young ” That’s-Weird The National Splatalot ” Boys The National

News Jimmy Wheel

The National Elementary ” ”

Now With Politics

YTV 6 The Fairly Almost

”” Raymond Say Live SayYes Yes How/Made How I Met Baby Story Overhaulin’ Bang Four How/Made The Ricki Toddlers & How/Made Big Facelift? Baby Story ” Two Men Weddings How/Made Lake Show Tiaras Dangerous Family Feud Medium Overhaulin’ Big Bang Four Daily Planet Steve Yes Flights Family Feud Say Medium ”” Two Men Weddings Harvey Say Yes Nerve Center Funny Home What Not to Pyros Hell’s Four Pyros ” Simpsons Say Yes Videos Wear ”” Kitchen Weddings Raymond Say Yes Nerve Center Law Order: Say Yes Overhaulin’ Have to Go? Four Overhaulin’ Big Four ” CI Bang Say Yes ” ” Weddings ” Two Men Weddings MythBusters Anderson Say Yes Overhaulin’ News Say Yes Overhaulin’ Big Four ” LiveBang Say Yes ” 30 Rock Say Yes ” Two Men Weddings How/Made The Ricki Toddlers Fast N’ Loud Sunny Say Yes & How/Made Lake Show Say Tiaras Pyros Hell’s Four ” TMZ Yes ” Kitchen Weddings Daily Planet Steve Say Prog. Yes MythBusters The Office Paid ” Harvey Say Yes Overhaulin’ Have to Go? Four ” King of Hill Paid Prog. ” ” Weddings Pyros Simpsons Say Yes

Can. Rivers Ancient

SportsCentre Rookie Blue Castle ” ” ”

Squirrel Sidekick

OddParents ” League/Evil Politics Almost CBC News Mr. Young The Squirrel Power & G. Shrinks NowNational With Mr. Young ” Sidekick Politics Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Boys The National Odd Parents Lang League/Evil cont’d& Boys ” Odd Parents O’Leary Kid vs. Kat CBC News Splatalot The The Fairly CBC News Squirrel NowNational With Zoink’d! ”” OddParents Rated A for Andrew Wipeout The National Mr. The National KidYoung vs. Kat Nichols Canada ” Mr. Young ” Almost Power & The Funny The National Boys National League/Evil The Politics The Funny ” Boys ”& Squirrel Power That’s-Weird The National Sidekick Politics Splatalot The National Splatalot ” Zoink’d! ” Odd Parents Lang Lang & & Wipeout Odd Parents O’Leary Wipeout The National ” O’Leary Canada ” The Fairly CBC News

” Criminal Intervention The First 48 Minds ”” Criminal Beyond The First 48 Minds Scared ” The First 48 Beyond Intervention ” Scared ” The First 48 Intervention Intervention ” ” ” The First 48 Intervention Beyond ” ” Scared The First 48 Beyond ” Beyond Scared Scared The First 48 Beyond ” Intervention Scared ” Intervention ” Intervention ” Intervention

Clues Ancient Connected UFC Central Clues Monarchy Premier ” Dew Tour The Story of ” Science ” ”

A&E Intervention The 1 First 48

The First 48 Odd Parents & Rated A for Lang Andrew ” Odd Parents O’Leary Kid vs. Kat Nichols

World ”News The View KOMO The Dr. ” 4Oz News Show KOMO 4 Wheel KOMO 4 News Jeopardy! News The Chew Wipeout News ” World ”News General Motive KOMO 4 Hospital ” News The Doctors Rookie Blue Wheel” ” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz News Show Wipeout Jimmy ” KOMO Kimmel4Live News Motive Nightline News ” World RookieNews Blue KOMO” 4

Doc Zone ”

Daily Show Coronation Colbert Rep Q With Jian

Show ”

Wild Kratts Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Animals Rob Robot Franklin Can. Rivers Clifford-Dog Rolie Polie Ancient G. Shrinks Dive, Olly Clues Arthur Dino Dan The Story Martha Rob Robotof Science Wild Kratts Save-Ums! End of the AnimalsPig Wibbly Century: The Can. Rivers Big Bear Story of the Ancient Dinosaur Ramones Clues Rob Robot Ancient Clifford-Dog The Story of Clues Science G. Shrinks Monarchy Arthur End of” the Century: Martha The Wild StoryKratts of the Ramones Animals

SportsCentre Have to Go? Motive ” ” ”

SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst

Have to Go? ”

Rob Robot Clifford-Dog

G. Shrinks KOMO 4 SNP Save-Ums! KNOW General KOMO Arthur Pig News Wibbly Hospital ) * ` Toronto Blue Big Martha News Party Poker Bear The Doctors MLB HockeycenBaseball: tral at Noon

Global” Nat. The Doctors News The Ricki ”Hour ” Lake Show Design Inc. Ent Young & Debt/Part ET Canada Restless Noon News The Offi ce Early News Hour Global”Nat. Days of our Have to Go? News Hour Lives ” ” The Talk Rookie Blue Ent ” ” ET Canada The Ricki News Hour Lake Show The ce FinalOffi ”& Young ET Canada Restless Have to J. ProbstGo? ” Early News Global RookieNat. Blue ” News Hour

Final Ent omg! Insider ET Letterman ET Canada Canada Ferguson J. Probst Big Bang The Office Two Men ”

Person of Interest

Yankees Connected

Rivers ESPN Sports “Signs” SNP Can. KNOW KOMO A&E Can. Rivers Saturday ” ) * ` 1 Toronto Blue Architects of ” ”

MLB Baseball:

GoldenEye Fishn Real Fishing ” ” Powerboat

Jays at Volleyball IndyCar 36 Boston Red Sox Lights Indy

ChangeDwn X Games: ” Upside Miss BG of Munich Frontiers Paid Prog. Construction Paid Prog. Lilly ”

Driving” TV ” Noon News Hour ” Global Nat. Simpsons Evening Simpsons News Simpsons Fishn ADD and GoldenEye Real Fishing Loving It?! ” Powerboat Zero Hour ” Driving” TV ” Noon News Movie: ” “Impact” Hour ” ” Simpsons Global Nat. ” Simpsons Evening News Final Simpsons News Saturday GoldenEye ADD and Night ”Live Loving” It?! ”

MLS Soccer: ” Whitecaps MLB Player FC atJays United Blue ” MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Premier Toronto Blue Volleyball Sportsnet Jays at IndyCar 36 Connected Boston Red Indy MLSLights Soccer: Sox ” Whitecaps MLS Soccer: MLB FC atPlayer United Whitecaps ” Blue Jays FC at United Sportsnet MLB ” Connected Baseball: Sportsnet Poker After Toronto Blue Premier Darkat Jays Sportsnet Blue Jays Boston Red Connected ICC Cricket Sox

Sicily’s Echo Planet Mummies Dogs The Story of Dogs Science Can. Rivers Be the Can. Rivers Creature Architects of Upside Dwn Inside the Change Miss BG Vatican Frontiers of Lilly Heartbeat Construction Planet”Echo Sicily’s Dogs Midsomer Mummies Murders Dogs The Story of ” Can. Rivers Science ” Can. Rivers Be the Unwanted Architects of Creature Soldiers Change Inside the Midsomer Frontiers of Vatican Murders Construction



Sea Rescue ” Born-Explore ” News ” World News ESPN Sports KOMO 4 Saturday News ” X Games: Wheel ” Munich Jeopardy! Paid Prog. ” Zero Prog. Hour Paid ” Sea Rescue ” 666 Park Born-Explore Avenue ” News 20/20 Sports ESPN World News ” Saturday KOMO News ” 4 News Burn Notice ” Wheel” Paid Prog. Jeopardy! Castle Paid Prog.


YTV 6 Splatalot

Turtles Turtles

Movie: Splatalot Flipping Kung Fu Boston Turtles “The Perfect Splatalot Storm” Splatalot Flipping Turtles ” Zoink’d! Boston Beyblade ” Zoink’d! Flip House Pokémon Movie: Zoink’d! Rangers “Con Air” Zoink’d! “Signs” Turtles ”” Olly Murs Turtles ” Splatalot ” Splatalot Flipping Kung Fu Babysitting Movie:” Splatalot Boston Turtles Longmire Zoink’d! “The Perfect Splatalot Flipping Turtles ” GhostbusStorm” Splatalot Boston Beyblade Shipping ters II ” Zoink’d! Flip House Pokémon Movie: ” ” Zoink’d! “Con Air” ” Movie: Rangers Movie: Zoink’d! ” League/Evil “Signs” Turtles “Con Air” Zoink’d! ”” Splatalot Turtles Olly Murs ””” Babysitting Splatalot ” Splatalot Longmire Splatalot Movie: Splatalot ”” Babysitting “The Perfect GhostbusSplatalot Longmire Zoink’d! Shipping ters II Storm” Splatalot

A&E 1


” NEWS ” 7 The National Issue CBC News CBCNational News The Mansbridge Now With

DISC 9 Overhaulin’

Dogs & Cash Christine CatchCab More Dogs Cash Cab Birak Finding the fifth Don’t Drive ” Bigfoot estate Here ” Sons of The National Deadliest ” Guns Marketplace Catch The National Overhaulin’ CBCWar News Mighty The of Sons of Issue ” CBC News Guns Planes 1812 The National Cash Cab NowWar With Deadliest The of River Mansbridge How/Made Christine Catch 1812 Monsters Dogs & Cash Cab Birak Finding The National Deadliest More Dogs Cash Cab Mansbridge Catch ” Bigfoot the fifth Don’t Drive Dogs &” Don’t SonsDrive of estate Here More Dogs Here ” Guns The National National Sons Deadliest The of The National Overhaulin’ Marketplace Guns Catch Issue Issue ” The National War of Sons of The The National Moonshiners Cash Cab 1812 Guns ” Mansbridge Mansbridge How/Made



KAYU ; Trout TV

MLB How I Met Baseball: Paid Prog. Regional Paid Prog. Coverage Bones ”” ” Trout TV Paid Prog. Paid Prog. T. McCarver Paid Prog. Raymond How I Met Kids News Big Bang MLB Player HowMen I Met Two MLB Paid Prog. Big Bang Baseball: Two PaidMen Prog. Regional News Bones Coverage Wanted” ” Hell’s Trout TV ” Kitchen T. McCarver Paid Prog. Goodwin How I Met Raymond 30 Rock MLB Player


TLC < Cellblock 6:


WTBS A Family Guy


KCTS N Nick Stellino


Golf ”

” KING ” P ”


:00 NHL Entry Never Dies” Who Lost Lorna ”Dueck Himself” ” A12 Draft 10 :30 4 :30 Racing NASCAR

:00 :00


World Vision Soccer ” ”” Steven” and Chris Mr. D

11 :30 5 :00 :30 SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2013 NHL Entry Noon ” GlobalNews Nat. First CTV Story News McKenzie ” Draft ”

Joel Osteen App ” W5 Central In Touch CHBC News etalk ”

:00 12 :30 6 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 1 :30 7 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 2 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 5 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 7 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 8 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 10 :30 6 :00 11 :30 :00 12 7 :30 :00 MONDAY, JULY 1, 2013 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 10 :30 :00 :00 10 11 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, JULY 1, 2013 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 2 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 MONDAY, JULY 1, 2013 6 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 8 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 10 :30 5 :30 :30 :00 12 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 12 7 :30 :30 :00 2 :00 :30 8 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 5 :00 11 :30 6 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 9 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 10 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 11 11 :30 :30 :00 :00 TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013 12 :30 :30 12 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 :30 6 TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013 :00 :00 2 :30 7 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 4 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 8 :30 :00 WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 2013 2 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 3 :00 :30 10 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 4 :30 11 :00 10 :00 :30 5 :30 12 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 Draft ” ”” ””

Hour CHBC News Mysteries Howie Do It Simpsons Cleveland

” SportsCentre ” NASCAR ” ” Racing Premier ” Poker McKenzie NHL Draft Entry SportsCentre Draft ” NHL Entry ” Draft SportsCentre ” ” ”” SportsCentre ” ” ” ” ” ” SportsCentre ””

Simpsons Big Brother Simpsons Block ” Movie: Lorna Dueck Family Guy “Tomorrow Amer. Dad Joel Osteen Never Dies” In Touch Simpsons ” Burgers Noon News ” Hour News CHBCFinal News Block Mysteries Global Nat. Simpsons PGA CHBC News Paid Prog. Simpsons Howie Do It Simpsons Cleveland Movie: Big Brother “Tomorrow ”

NHL Entry Premier Draft Poker

Q With Jian Heartland Ghomeshi ”

PGA Tour CBS News Golf: KIROAT&T News

Block Blue Jays Never Dies” Sportsnet Lorna ”Dueck Canoe/ MLB Joel Osteen Baseball: ” Kayak In Touch Global Nat. Toronto ” Blue

Noon News News Hour Hour ” National, Mysteries 60 Minutes Howie Do It Final Round Simpsons ” Cleveland Cash Cab Confed. ” Simpsons Law & Dragons’ Big Brother Big Brother Cash Cab Soccer ” Simpsons World Vision Soccer Paid Prog. Block ” Order: SVU Den ” Movie:” ” ” Movie: Paid Prog. Lorna Dueck Whodunnit? Winnipeg Under the Family Guy “The Man ” Paid Prog. “Tomorrow ” Comedy Amer. Dad App Central Steven and Dome PGA Tour: Joel Osteen Who ” omg! Insider Never Dies” etalk Lost ChrisNational Visionaries In Touch The The The Simpsons Himself” ” Pets.TV ” Mentalist ” Sea Mentalist Burgers First Story Land & PGA Tour Noon News W5 ” KIRO News Hour ” First Story Mansbridge Golf: AT&T CTV News CBC KIRO ” Mr. D News KIRO News News News GlobalFinal Nat. CTV News the fifthJian KIRO News Block Canada’s Q With National, Mysteries CTV ConfederaCBS News Hour WorstNews Driver estate Ghomeshi Final News Round PGA Simpsons The Face/Nation ” tion Cup KIRO News ” Mentalist Canadian Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cash Cab Confed. ” Simpsons Cleveland Heartland 60 Minutes Howie Do It Cash Cab Soccer ” Simpsons Satisfaction ” ” Cleveland Movie: ” ” Movie: Law & Dragons’ Big Brother Big Brother “The Man ” Paid Prog. “Tomorrow Order: SVU Den ” ” Who Lost ” omg! Insider Never Dies” Whodunnit? Winnipeg Under the Family Guy Himself” ” Pets.TV ” Comedy Dome Amer. ”Dad W5 ” KIRO News Simpsons ” The The National The ” Mr. D ” KIRO News Burgers Global Nat. Mentalist Mentalist First Story ” Canada’s Cleveland Worst Driver Satisfaction

Land & Sea ConfederaMansbridge tion Cup

Paid omg!Prog. Insider Paid Prog. Pets.TV PGA Tour: KIRO News Visionaries KIRO News



Rescue Cash Cab Recipe Cash Cab Food News Paid Prog. World News Animals of KOMO 2013 WimFrontiers 4 Animals bledon Construction News Our Part ChampionKangaroo Funny Home Rescue ships: Kaos Videos

BatesD. Motel Duck ” Duck D. Bates Duck Motel ” Dynasty

Baseball: ” Cardinals at Blue Jays ” Athletics MLB Poker After ” Dark Baseball: Sportsnet Toronto Blue Sportsnet Canoe/ Connected Jays at Kayak Red Boston Blue Jays ” MLB Sox Player Canoe/ MLB UFC Kayak Unleashed Baseball: Dew Tour Cardinals at ” Athletics ” ”” Sportsnet Poker After Canoe/ Dark

Ancient Born and CluesKratts Wild Bred Be the Little Prince Dalziel and Creature Pascoe Little Prince Rainwolves Little Prince Dalziel and ” Pascoe Animals Mapping the Animals End of the World Century: Our Part The Frontiers of Rescue Story of the Construction Ramones Ancient Kangaroo Clues Kaos Be the Born and Creature Bred

Celebrity Highlights Rescue Wife Swap Paid Prog. Recipe Whodunnit? Paid Prog. Food ” CashProg. Cab Paid Castle Cash Cab ” 2013 WimNews bledon News World News Castle ChampionKOMO 4 ships: News ” Burn WeekNotice One Funny Home Highlights Videos Paid Prog. Celebrity Paid Prog. Wife Swap

Shipping Storage Shipping Bates Motel Storage Shipping ” Duck Shipping Dynasty Bates Motel Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Duck BatesD. Motel Duck ” Storage Dynasty Storage Bates Motel Duck D. ” Storage Duck D. Storage Shipping Storage Shipping Storage Shipping Storage Shipping Storage

Rainwolves Dalziel and ” Pascoe

Cash Cab Whodunnit? Cash Cab ”

Duck Duck D. Duck D. Dynasty

Kayak Sportsnet ” Connected

Mapping the Castle News Dalziel and World World ”News Pascoe Frontiers KOMO 4 End of theof News Construction News Century: The Castle

Duck D. Duck Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage

Jays at Canoe/ Boston Red Kayak Sox Tour Dew MLB ”


Never Dies” Family Guy Amer. ”Dad ” ” SportsCentre Simpsons ”” CHBC News Burgers ” GlobalFinal Nat. CTV CTV News News SportsCentre News ” CHBC News CTV News ” Block

ConfederaCBC News tion fiCup the fth

CBS News KIRO News KIRO News

News Final Hour News Block ”

Canoe/ Blue Jays KayakPlayer MLB

” Howie Do It SportsCentre PGA ” Cleveland Paid Prog.

Cleveland The Satisfaction Mentalist

Heartland estate ” Canadian

60 Minutes Face/Nation ” Paid Prog.

Howie Do It PGA Cleveland Paid Prog.

Dew Tour UFC ” Unleashed

SportsCentre Big Brother ” ”

Law & Order: SVU

Dragons’ Den

Big Brother ”

Big Brother ”

Premier Poker

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Whodunnit? ”

Winnipeg Comedy

Under the Dome

Family Guy Amer. Dad

SportsCentre ” 2013 WimSportsCentre bledon”

Simpsons Burgers The Doctors News Final Block ”

The Mentalist The View CTV News ” CTV News

KIRO The _ Mentalist

” ” Poker After Dark

Wild Kratts Rainwolves Little Prince ” Little Prince Mapping the Little Prince World

KNOW KOMO * ` Week One

BatesD. Motel Duck ” Duck D. Bates Motel Storage ” Storage

A&E 1

Sidekick Movie: Sidekick “Yogi Bear Zoink’d! 3D” Babysitting ” Splatalot Movie: Zoink’d! “Despicable

CBCWar News The of CBC News 1812 Now With Dogs & Christine More Dogs BirakNational The ””

Mr. Young Me” Boys ”

Movie:” ” “Lucky”



Movie: ” ”” “The Master CBC Marketplace Sidekick News Olly Murs ” of Disguise” CBC The War of Sidekick News Splatalot The National ” 1812 Babysitting ” Zoink’d! Now With Movie: The War of Babysitting Christine Pick Movie: “Yogi Bear 1812 Splatalot “Lucky” Birak 3D” Dogs & Zoink’d! Babysitting ”” ” More Dogs Splatalot ” Mr. Young Movie: The National Boys ” Despicable “Despicable The National ” Me ” Movie: Me” Movie: “The Master Marketplace ” “Lucky” of Disguise” The War of ” ” ” 1812 ” Olly Murs Movie: The War of Splatalot The National “Yogi Bear 1812 ” Babysitting 3D” Dogs & Pick Movie: ” More Dogs Splatalot “Lucky”

Deadliest Deadliest Catch Catch Deadliest Deadliest Catch Catch

Old House

Untold Sto-


Bob Builder

2013 Tour

30 Rock Big Bang The Offi ce Two Men

UntoldIsland StoLong ries ofIsland ER Long

Wedding Movie: Planner” “We Were

McLaughlin ” News ”

Stage 52 KING U.S. Open News

Deadliest Deadliest Catch Catch Deadliest MythBusters Catch ”

PaidBang Prog. Big Paid Men Prog. Two Bones Cleveland ” Simpsons

UntoldIsland StoLong ries of ER Medium Untold StoBreaking ries of ER Amish:

Movie: Soldiers” “You, Me ” and Dupree” Movie: ” “Runaway

Moyers & & Moyers Company Company Rick Steves’ History of Essential Science

Golf Nightly News KING ”News ” America’s ” Got Talent

Deadliest Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch MythBusters Catch ” Deadliest Deadliest Catch MythBusters Catch ” Deadliest Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Catch Deadliest Deadliest Catch MythBusters Catch ” Deadliest MythBusters Catch ” Deadliest Deadliest Catch Catch

Leverage Simpsons ” Old House Burgers Crook & Jim Family Guy Chase Amer. Dad 30 Rock Outd’r The Office News Trout TV TMZ Paid Prog. Big Bang Paid Prog. ” Two Men Sunny Bones Big Bang ” Sunny Two Men Spokane Leverage Cleveland ” Simpsons Crook & Simpsons Chase Burgers

Untold StoLong Island ries of ER Untold StoMedium Untold Stories of ER Breaking ries of ER Amish: Untold StoBreaking ries of ER Medium Amish: Medium Untold StoLongofIsland ries ER Breaking Long Island Amish: Untold StoLong Island ries of ER Paid Prog. Medium Paid Prog. Untold StoBreaking ries of ER Amish: Untold StoLong Island ries of ER Medium

The Closer Bride” Movie:”” Big Bang “The ” Big Bang The Closer Wedding Big Bang Planner” ” Big Bang Movie: Movie: “You, Me “10,000 “We Were B.C.” and Dupree” Soldiers” ””” There Yet? The Closer Movie: ” “Runaway Big Bang Bride” Big Bang ”

Europe Secrets of ” Bob Builder Henry VIII’s NOVA Cyberchase Masterpiece ” Mystery! McLaughlin News ”” ” Church Moyers & ” Company Anyone ” and Everyone Rick Steves’ Moyers & Essential Bill Cosby: Company Twain Prize Europe History of ” Science NOVA Secrets of ” Henry VIII’s

” ” 2013 Tour ” LazyTown de France: Law & Noodle Order: Stage 2SVU Traveler U.S. Open Crossing Backroads Lines Golf KING ”5 KING News News The 206 ” Nightly” News Paid KINGProg. News Paid Prog. ” America’s ” Got Talent LazyTown ” Noodle ”

Breaking Breaking Amish: Amish:

Big Bang ” Big TheBang Closer

Long Island Medium Long Island Medium

Movie:” “We Were Movie: Soldiers” “10,000 B.C.” ”

” Traveler Masterpiece Law & ” Backroads Mystery! Order: SVU KING 5 ”” Crossing ” News Church Lines

Outd’r Breaking Big Bang ” Traveler Jim TV ries of ER “TheBang Cyberchase deCalendar France: L Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Lake Country Trout Amish: Big ” Backroads



Deadliest MythBusters Outd’r Family Guy Catch ” Trout Amer.TV Dad Deadliest Big Bang MythBusters News Catch ” Two Men TMZ

Movie: Babysitting “Despicable Splatalot

The National Deadliest ” Deadliest ” Catch

Movie: Cleveland The National MythBusters Sunny “Lucky” Simpsons ” ” Spokane

Kangaroo Story of the Kaos Ramones

Funny”Home Storage Videos Burn Notice Storage

Me” Despicable ” Me

Born and Bred

Celebrity Wife Swap

Storage Storage

” Olly Murs

Dalziel and Pascoe


Duck Dynasty

Splatalot Babysitting

” ”

Deadliest Catch

Big Bang ” Two Men Sunny

Simpsons Burgers

The National MythBusters Family Guy ” ” Amer. Dad

CHAN Simpsons ( Burgers

SNP Sportsnet ) Connected

” KNOW KOMO Dalziel and Castle * ` Pascoe ”

A&E Duck D. 1 Duck D.

YTV Pick 6 Splatalot

NEWS Movie: 7 “Lucky”

DISC KAYU MythBusters News 9 ; ” TMZ

The Doctors News Final Block ” Chef/Home PGA Debt/Part Paid Prog.

MLB Jays Blue Baseball: MLB Player Detroit UFC Tigers at Unleashed

Bucket-Dino End of the Rolie Polie Century: The Lost Story of the Wild Kratts Ramones

The View News Castle” KOMO” 4 NewsNotice Burn

Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage

Almost Babysitting Almost Splatalot Almost Despicable Almost Me

Canada Pyros ” Day Deadliest Noon Show ” Catch ” CBC News NeverEver The National MythBusters Now ” NeverEver ”

How I ”Met Paid Prog. Sunny Family Feud Sunny Family Feud Spokane


Long Island Breaking Medium Amish:



Moyers & Anyone and Company Everyone

NightlyNews News KING KING News The 206 America’s Paid Prog. Got Talent Paid Prog.

Breaking Paid Prog. Amish: Paid Prog.

Movie:” “Runaway There Yet?

History of Bill Cosby: Science Twain Prize

Long Island Medium


Secrets of Henry VIII’s

Breaking Amish:

” The Closer

TLC Medium < Medium

WTBS ” A Movie:

Baby Story Breaking Baby Story Amish: Medium Paid Prog. Medium Paid Prog.

Law Order: “10,000 CI B.C.” Law Order: ” CI There Yet?


” ”

Masterpiece Law & Mystery! Order: SVU



ChampionChef/Home SportsCentre PGA ships ” Debt/Part Paid Prog. Fishing-Flats Noon News Premier Hour

The Marilyn The Denis Show Mentalist

The National ” CBC News News The Price Is CBC KIRO News Special Right News the fifth KIRO Steven and Young & estate Face/Nation Chris Restless Canadian Paid Prog.

CTV News ”

CBC News KIRO News Marketplace Bold

Noon News Hour

Toronto Blue Dino Dan Jays Rob Robot

The Chew ”

The First 48 ”

Kid vs. Kat Squirrel

CBC News Now With

NeverEver NeverEver

Funny Home What Not to Videos Wear

Excused Excused

Daniel Tiger Bill Cosby: Rick Steves Twain Prize Intelligence Squared

Poker Premier

Anderson Live

Heartland ”

Days of our Lives

Sportsnet Hockeycen-

General Hospital

The First 48 ”

Rated A for League/Evil

Andrew Nichols

NeverEver NeverEver

Law Order: CI

There Yet? There Yet?

Martha Days of our Joy/Painting Lives

Days of our Lives

The Talk ”




Clifford-Dog Miss BG

KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `

A&E 1





Four Weddings



” Church Sid Science Anyone and Wild Kratts Everyone

Crossing Lines Today News KING cont’d The 206 New Prog. Day Paid Northwest Paid Prog. KING 5 News



Poker Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

tral at Noon MLB Player

Lilly Dinosaur

The First 48 ”

League/Evil League/Evil

Canada Day NeverEver Noon Show NeverEver

Anderson Live

Four Weddings

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”

SportsCentre 2013 Wim” bledon Hockey ChampionWimbledon ships Primetime Fishing-Flats ” Premier ” Poker ” Premier SportsCentre Poker ” Interruption ” SportsCentre 2013 Tour ” 2013 Wimde France: Hockey bledon Stage 3 Wimbledon ChampionSportsCentre Primetime ships ” ” Fishing-Flats SportsCentre ” Premier ” ” Poker SportsCentre SportsCentre Premier ” ” Poker ” Interruption 2013 Tour SportsCentre de France: Stage ”3

The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Chef/Home Restless Debt/Part News Noon News ” Hour Global Nat. Days our CHBCofNews Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Psych The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Psych Young””& Restless Chef/Home Under the News Debt/Part Dome ” Noon News CHBC News Global Hour Nat. Final CHBC News Days of our ET Canada Ent Lives J. Probst ET Canada The Talk Psych ” ” The Ricki Psych Lake Show ”

The Dr. Oz The View Show ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show CTV News CTV News at Five ” CTV News Anderson ” Live Big Bang Dr. Phil Blockbusters ” Satisfaction The Dr. Oz Anger Show The View Big Bang Ellen DeGe” Two Men neres Show The Marilyn Mistresses CTV News Denis ”Show at Five CTV News News CTV CTV News ” CTV News ” Anderson Daily Show Big Bang Live Colbert Rep Blockbusters Dr. Phil Satisfaction ” Anger The Dr. Oz Big Bang Show Two Men

Best Recipes CBC News Stefano Special Dragons’ Steven and Den Chris CBC News CBC News Now Marketplace News Heartland Rick Mercer ” George S Steven and Coronation Chris Murdoch Best Recipes Mysteries Stefano CBC News Canada Day Dragons’ Special ” Den Steven and The National CBC Chris News ” Now CBC News News CBC News Marketplace George S Rick Mercer Heartland Coronation George ” S Canada Day Coronation Steven and Murdoch Chris Mysteries Best Recipes Canada Day Stefano ”

ThisMinute The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless KIRO News KIRO News Bold KIRO News The CBSTalk News ” Ent Let’s a omg! Make Insider Deal How I Met ThisMinute TBA ThisMinute The Price Broke Girl Is Judge Right Mike Judy Judge Judy Young & Under the KIRO News Restless Dome KIRO News KIRO News News KIRO KIRO News Bold Show Late CBS News The Talk Letterman Ent ” Ferguson omg! Insider Let’s Make a How I Met Deal TBA ThisMinute Broke Girl ThisMinute Mike

The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Chef/Home Restless Debt/Part Early News Noon GlobalNews Nat. Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” Psych The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Psych Young””& Restless Chef/Home Under the Early News Debt/Part Dome Global Nat. Noon News News Hour News Hour Hour Final ” Days of our ET Canada Ent Lives J. Probst ET Canada The Talk Psych ” ” The Ricki Psych Lake Show ”

Party Poker MLB ” Baseball: MLB Detroit Baseball: Tigers at Giants at Toronto Blue Reds Jays ” Sportsnet ” HockeycenSportsnet tral at Noon Connected MLB Player IndyCar 36 Party Poker MLB Player ” MLBBull SigRed MLB Baseball: nature Series Baseball: Detroit Sportsnet Giants at Tigers at Connected Reds Toronto Blue Hockey ” Jays Jays Blue ” Sportsnet Poker After Sportsnet HockeycenDark Connected tral at Noon IndyCar 36 MLB Player MLB Player PartyBull Poker Red Signature”Series

Rob Robot Bucket-Dino Jungle Book Rolie Polie G. Shrinks Lost Arthur Wild Kratts Martha Dino Dan Wild Kratts Rob Robot Animals Clifford-Dog Gardens Miss BG Rescue Lilly Secrets of Dinosaur Mapping the Rob Robot World Jungle Book Bucket-Dino West Wind G. Shrinks Rolie Polie ” Arthur Lost A Flag for Martha Wild Kratts Canada Wild Kratts Dino Dan Rescue Animals Rob Robot Secrets of Gardens Clifford-Dog West Wind Rescue Miss BG ” Secrets of Lilly Mapping the Dinosaur World Rob Robot West Wind Jungle” Book

The Dr. Oz The View Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO News 4 News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The The Dr. Oz Bachelorette Show The View ” KOMO”” 4 News KOMO 4 Mistresses News News ” World News The Chew News KOMO 4 Jimmy” News General Live Kimmel Wheel Hospital Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors The ” Bachelorette The Dr. ” Oz Show ”

Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal The First 48 Minds ” The Glades The First 48 ” ” Longmire The First 48 ” ” Longmire Criminal ” Minds Criminal Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Minds Criminal The Glades Criminal Minds” Minds The First 48 Longmire The Glades ”” ” The First 48 Longmire Longmire ” ” The First 48 Longmire ” ” Criminal Criminal Minds Minds

Sidekick Almost Sidekick Almost Odd Parents Almost Odd Parents Almost Odd Parents Kid Kat Oddvs. Parents Squirrel Babysitting Rated A for Babysitting League/Evil Babysitting League/Evil Babysitting League/Evil To Be Indie Sidekick To Be Indie Sidekick Almost Wipeout Odd Parents Almost Canada Odd Parents AlmostPatrol Prank Odd Parents Almost Prank Patrol Odd Parents Kid vs. Kat Boys Babysitting Squirrel Mr. Young Babysitting Rated A for Wipeout Babysitting League/Evil ” Babysitting League/Evil To Be Indie League/Evil To Be Indie Sidekick Wipeout Sidekick Canada

” Canada ” Day Noon Show ” CBC News ” Now CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Andrew ” Nichols CBC News Canada ” Day Noon Show The National ”” ” Canada Day Day Canada ” Noon Show Noon Show ” CBC News ” CBC Now News ” ” CBC News ” The NowNational With ” ” Andrew The National CBC News Nichols ” ” Canada Day The National Noon Show ” ” Day Canada ” Noon Show

NeverEver Pyros NeverEver ” NeverEver NeverEver NeverEver NeverEver NeverEver NeverEver Sons of NeverEver Guns NeverEver Don’t Drive NeverEver Here NeverEver Overhaulin’ NeverEver ” NeverEver Pyrosof Sons NeverEver ” Guns NeverEver NeverEver Don’t Drive NeverEver NeverEver Here NeverEver NeverEver Overhaulin’ Sons of NeverEver ” Guns NeverEver MythBusters Don’t Drive NeverEver ” Here NeverEver Overhaulin’ NeverEver ” NeverEver Sons of NeverEver Guns

The Ricki How IShow Met Lake Paid Prog. Steve Family HarveyFeud Family Feud Simpsons Funny Home Raymond Videos Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI Big Bang Anderson Two Men Live Raising The Ricki Goodwin Lake Show How Girl I Met New Steve Paid Prog. Mindy Harvey Family News Feud Simpsons Family Feud 30 Rock Raymond Funny Home Sunny Big Bang Videos TMZ Two Men Law Offi Order: The ce Big CI Bang King of Hill Two Men Anderson Raising Live Goodwin The Ricki New Girl Lake MindyShow

Toddlers & Baby Story Tiaras Baby Story DC Medium Cupcakes Medium Cake Boss What Not to Cake Boss Wear Cake Boss Four Cake Boss Weddings Four Houses Four ” Weddings Cake Boss Toddlers & Cake Boss Tiaras Baby Houses Story Four DC Baby Story ” Cupcakes Medium Cake Boss Cake Boss Medium Cake Boss Cake Boss What Not to DC Cake Wear Boss Cupcakes Cake Boss Four Popoff Peter Four Houses Weddings Paid Prog. ” Four Cake Boss Weddings Cake Boss Toddlers & Four Houses Tiaras”

The Office Law Offi Order: The ce CI Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI Browns Excused Payne Excused Browns There Payne Yet? There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy The OffiGuy ce Family The Office Law Order: Amer. Dad Big Bang CI Movie: Big Bang Law Order: “Annapolis” Browns CI ” Payne Excused ” Browns Excused Movie: Payne There Yet? “Bewitched” Seinfeld There ”Yet? Seinfeld King Family Guy King Family Guy The Offi ce Amer. Dad The Office Movie:

Cat in the Sid Science Arthur Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves Business Intelligence World News Squared PBS Martha NewsHour Joy/Painting Old House Charlie Rose Antiques ” Antiques Cat in the Roadshow Arthur Sid Science Pie Wild Chef Kratts WordGirl Daniel Tiger POV Business Rick Steves ” World News Intelligence Movie: PBS Squared “The NewsHour Martha Scapegoat” Old House Joy/Painting ” Antiques Charlie Rose Antiques ” Roadshow Cat in the Pie Arthur Chef

Katie Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew neresDay Show Northwest KING 5 KING 5 News News Nightly News Days News of our Lives Magazine Dr. PhilEd. Inside ” American Katie Ninja Warrior ” Today ” Ellen cont’dDeGe” neres Show New Day Siberia KING Northwest ”5 News KING News 5 KING Nightly News News Jay Leno News Days of ” our Magazine Lives Fallon Jimmy Inside Ed. Dr. Phil American ” Ninja Warrior Katie ” ””

Hockey SportsCentre Wimbledon ” Primetime SportsCentre ””

Young the & Under Restless Dome

Judge Judy Under the Judge Judy Dome

Young the & Under Restless Dome

MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Connected

G.Flag Shrinks A for Arthur Canada

Giants at Hockey RedsJays Blue

Martha Rescue Wild Kratts Secrets of

Odd Parents Prank Patrol ”” Odd Parents Prank Patrol ”” Odd Parents CBC News Boys ” OddYoung Parents Mr. ””

Steve News Harvey 30 Rock Simpsons Sunny Raymond TMZ

DC Boss Cake Cupcakes Cake Boss Cake Boss DC Cake Boss Cupcakes

Big Bang “Annapolis” Big Bang ” Browns ” Payne Movie:

Wild Kratts POV WordGirl ” Business Movie: World News “The

Ellen DeGeSiberia neres ”Show

Early News News Hour Global Nat. Final

Criminal The Glades Minds” Criminal Longmire Minds”

NeverEver Don’t Drive NeverEver Here

KIRO News News KIRO KIROShow News Late

KOMO 4 Mistresses News ” News News World News Jimmy

News KIRO News Coronation Letterman Rick Mercer CBS News Canada Day Ferguson

News Hour ET Canada ” J. Probst

Poker ”After Dark ”

Animals West Wind Gardens ”

KOMO 4Live Longmire The Glades Kimmel News Nightline ”

Babysitting Wipeout Babysitting ”

Sons of Big Bang The National MythBusters The Office Guns ” Two Men ” King of Hill

Cake Boss Browns Peter Popoff “Bewitched” CakeProg. Boss Payne” Paid

PBS Scapegoat” NewsHour ”

Nightly” News News Fallon Jimmy

Wheel Jeopardy!

Ellen DeGe- The Dragons’ Mistresses National neres ”Show Den ” News News CTV CTV News News CBC News News CHBC CBC at Five Now Final ” CTV News George S

” Global Nat. Daily CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada Show ” CHBC News Colbert ” Rep J. Probst





A&E 1




NeverEver Overhaulin’ NeverEver ”






KING News 5 KING News Jay Leno

SportsCentre Ent ” ET Canada

Big Bang George S Blockbusters Coronation

Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada

Sportsnet Connected

Rescue Secrets of

Longmire ”

Babysitting Babysitting

CBC News ”

Don’t Drive Here

Big Bang Two Men

Four Houses Seinfeld ” Seinfeld

Old House Antiques

Magazine Inside Ed.

” 2013 Tour

Psych ”

Satisfaction Anger

Murdoch Mysteries

How I Met TBA

Psych ”

IndyCar 36 MLB Player

Mapping the The Longmire World Bachelorette ”

To Be Indie To Be Indie

The National Overhaulin’ ” ”

Raising Goodwin

Cake Boss Cake Boss

Antiques Roadshow

American Ninja Warrior

de France: Stage 3

Psych ”

Big Bang Two Men

Canada Day Broke Girl ” Mike

Psych ”

Red Bull Sig- West Wind nature Series ”

SportsCentre Motoring ” Score Golf SportsCentre Boxing: ” Friday Night SportsCentre Fights” ”

Under the The Doctors Dome ” CHBC News Chef/Home Final Debt/Part ET Canada Noon News J. Probst Hour

Mistresses The View ” ” CTV News The Marilyn CTV News Denis Show Daily Show CTV News Colbert Rep ”

The National Poko ” Doodlebops CBC News Steven and George S Chris Coronation CBC News Canada Day Now

Under the The Price Is Dome Right KIRO News Young & Late Show Restless Letterman KIRO News Ferguson Bold

Under the The Doctors Dome ” News Hour Chef/Home Final Debt/Part ET Canada Noon News J. Probst Hour

SportsNation Days of our ” Lives

Anderson Live

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our

Off Record The Talk Interruption ” Motoring The Ricki Doctors SportsCentre The Score ”Golf ” Lake Show Boxing: Chef/Home Hockey Young & Friday Night Debt/Part Sportscentre Restless

Dr. Phil ” The View The Dr. Oz Show ”


KIRO Lives CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk _ ( Deal ”

Steven and Chris PokoRecipes ThisMinute The Price Is Best Doodlebops ThisMinute Right Stefano The Marilyn Steven and Young & Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Judge Judy Denis Show Chris Restless neres Show Den Judge Judy Fights Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Rugby: News CTV News News KIRO News ” Hour ” Now Bold World Cup ” at Five News KIRO News SportsNation Days of our Anderson Heartland The Talk Sevens: Global Nat. CTV News News KIRO News ” Lives Live ” ” Teams TBA CHBC News ” Exchange CBS News Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a SportsCentre Ent Big Bang George S Ent Interruption ” ” Chris Deal ” ET Canada etalk Coronation omg! Insider SportsCentre The Ricki The Dr. Oz Best Recipes ThisMinute ”” NCIS Show So You Rick Mercer ThisMinute NCIS Lake Show Stefano 2013 Tour ” Think You 22 Minutes ” Hockey Young & Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Judge Judy de France Big Brother Can Dance Arctic Air Big Brother Sportscentre Restless neres Show Den Judge Judy Motoring The Doctors The View Poko ” The Price Is ” ” ” ” Rugby: News ” CTV News News Score Golf ” Doodlebops KIRO Right News SportsCentre The Good Saving National Person of World Cup ” at Five Hope The News KIRO News Boxing: Chef/Home The Marilyn Steven” and Interest Young & ” Wife ” Sevens: Nat. CTV KIRO News Friday Night Global Debt/Part DenisNews Show News Chris Restless SportsCentre CBC News KIRO News Teams TBA CHBC CHBC News News CTV News ” Exchange CBS News Fights” Noon News CTV News CBC News KIROShow News Final George S Late SportsCentre Ent Big Bang George S Ent ” Hour ” Now Bold SportsCentre ET Daily Show Coronation Letterman ” ET Canada Canada etalk Coronation omg! Insider ” J. Probst Colbert Rep Heartland The Border The Ferguson SportsNation Days of our Anderson Talk ” NCIS So You Rick Mercer NCIS ” Lives Live ” ” 2013 Tour ” Think You 22 Minutes ” Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Big Let’sBrother Make a de France Big Brother Can Dance Arctic Air Interruption ” ” Chris Deal ” ” ” ” ” SportsCentre The Dr. Hope Oz Best Recipes ThisMinute SportsCentre The The Ricki Good Saving The National Person of KIRO Lake Show Show ” Stefano ThisMinute ”” Wife ” Interest

Hockey SportsCentre Sportscentre ” 2013 Wimbledon Rugby: SportsCentre World ”Cup Championships Sevens: Teams PremierTBA Poker SportsCentre

Young & CHBC News Restless Final The Doctors ” News ET Canada ” J. Probst Chef/Home Debt/Part Global Nat. CHBC News Noon News Hour Ent



Dragons’ CBC News Den George S Poko Doodlebops News Coronation News The Border Steven and Chris News Exchange CBC News Now George S

Anderson etalk

Heartland Coronation

So You Dr. Phil Think You

Rick Mercer Steven and 22 Minutes

de France Big Brother SportsCentre The Ricki ” ”

Can Dance The Dr. ” Oz

Arctic Air Big Brother Best Recipes ThisMinute ” ”

SportsCentre The Good MLS Soccer: Young & ” Wife

Saving Hope The National Person of Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Judge Judy ” ” Interest

Criminal Minds

Wipeout Canada

Canada Day Sons of Noon Show Guns

New Girl Mindy

Four Houses Amer. Dad ” Movie:

Pie Chef

Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected Hockey Sportsnet Blue Jays Connected Poker After HockeycenDark tral at Noon

KNOW KOMO ” ” * `

A Flag for Bucket-Dino Canada Rolie Polie Rescue Beren. Bears Secrets of Wild Kratts West Wind Dino Dan ” Rob Robot

Mistresses The View ” ” News KOMO Jimmy 4 News Kimmel Live The Chew Nightline ”

The Glades Criminal ” Minds Longmire Criminal ” Minds Longmire The First ” 48 ”

Prank Patrol Squirrel Prank Patrol League/Evil Boys League/Evil Mr. Young Kid vs. Kat Wipeout Kid vs.” Kat Team Gal

” CBC News ” Now With ” Reshmi ” Nair cont’d The National CBC News ” Now With

Don’t Drive How/Made Here How/Made Overhaulin’ Overhaulin’ ” ” MythBusters Sons of ” Guns

News How I Met 30 Rock Paid Prog. Sunny Family TMZ Feud Family Feud The Office Funny King ofHome Hill Videos

Cake Boss Baby Story Cake Boss Baby Story DC Medium Cupcakes Medium Peter Popoff WhatProg. Not to Paid Wear

“Annapolis” Law Order: ” CI ” Law Order: Movie: CI “Bewitched” Excused ” Excused

POV Sid Science ” Wild Kratts Movie: Daniel “The Tiger Rick Steves Scapegoat” History ” of Science

Soccer Central

Clifford-Dog Miss BG


The First 48 ”

Rated A for Rated A for


Don’t Drive Here

Law Order: CI

Four Weddings

There Yet? There Yet?

Cooking Days of our Joy/Painting Lives

SNP Baseball ) Central

KNOW Hospital KOMO Lilly The Doctors * ` Dinosaur ”

Bucket-Dino Rob Robot Rolie Polie Jungle Book Beren. Bears G. Shrinks Wild Kratts Arthur

The View The Dr. Oz Show ” KOMO KOMO 4 4 News News

Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage

Noon News Early News Hour Global Nat. Days of our News Hour Lives ” The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Ricki NCIS Show Lake ” Young & Big Brother Restless The Doctors ” Early News ” The Good Global Nat. Chef/Home Wife News Hour Debt/Part News ”Hour Noon News Final Ent Hour ET Canada ET Canada J. Probst Days of our NCIS Lives ” The Talk Big Brother ””

HockeycenDetroit tral at Noon Tigers at Soccer Toronto Blue Central Jays Baseball Sportsnet Central Connected Sportsnet Basketball Connected ” MLB ” Baseball: Sportsnet ” Detroit Connected Sportsnet Tigers at Sportsnet Connected Toronto Blue Connected Hockey Jays HockeycenBlue Jays Sportsnet tral at Poker Noon Party Connected ” Soccer Basketball Central ” Baseball ” Central ”

Dino Dan Martha Rob Robot Wild Kratts Clifford-Dog Animals Miss BG Dogs/Jobs Lilly Be the Dinosaur Creature Rob Robot Monarchy Jungle Book ” G. Shrinks Movie: Arthur Bucket-Dino “The English Martha Rolie Polie Surgeon” Wild Kratts Beren. Bears Snapshot Animals Wild Kratts Be the Dogs/Jobs Dino Dan Creature Be the Rob Robot The English Creature Surgeon Clifford-Dog Monarchy Miss BG ” Lilly Movie: Dinosaur “The English

The Chew News ” World News General KOMO 4 Hospital News The Doctors Wheel ” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz Extreme Show Weight Loss KOMO 4 News ” The View ” News ” Body Worldof News KOMO 4 Proof KOMO News 4 News News The Chew Jimmy Wheel” Kimmel Live Jeopardy! Nightline General Extreme Hospital Weight Loss The Doctors ” ””

The First Storage ” Storage The First Storage ” Storage The First Shipping ” Shipping Storage Shipping Storage Shipping Storage Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Shipping Storage The First Shipping Shipping ” Shipping Shipping Shipping The First Shipping ” Shipping The First Storage ” Storage

Sportsnet Sportsnet SNP Connected Connected MLB) Hockey Baseball: Blue Jays Sportsnet Connected Detroit Party Poker Tigers ” at Sportsnet

Rob Robot The Dr. Surgeon” Body of Oz KNOW KOMO Jungle Book Show Snapshot Proof * ` G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Be the News Arthur News Creature Bucket-Dino Jimmy The View




CBC NewsNews George News S

KIRO KIRO News News Late KIROShow News

News Hour Early News Final Global Nat.

SportsCentre Canada Show Coronation MLS Soccer: ET Global Nat. Daily CTV News News ” J. Probst Border Whitecaps CHBC News Colbert ” Rep The Exchange

Letterman KIRO News Ferguson CBS News

ET Canada News Hour J. Probst ”

Party Poker English Toronto Blue The Animals Surgeon Jays ” Undersea

SportsNation Days of our ” ET Canada ” Lives

” Off Record 2013 Tour

Interruption ”



The Talk ” ”

Lake Show Restless



neres Show

SportsCentre CHBC Impact at News News CTV CTV News News ” FC Final ” CTV News Toronto at Five

FC at Sporting

Ent ET Canada

SportsCentre Big Brother ” ” Motoring Score Golf

The American Baking

Debt/Part News Hour ” Noon News

Bold Hour Ent Ent The Talk Days of our omg! Insider ET Canada


A&E The First 48 1 ”

Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected Sportsnet MLB Connected Baseball:

RolieEnglish Polie Martha The Wild Kratts Surgeon Berenstain Connected Wild Kratts Toronto Blue Animals Jays Hockeycen- Dogs/Jobs Dino Dan tral at Noon Be Robthe Robot Sportsnet Soccer Clifford-Dog Connected Creature Central Miss BG Basketball Monarchy Baseball Lilly ” ” Central Dinosaur ” Movie: Sportsnet Rob Robot ” “The English Connected Jungle Book Sportsnet Surgeon” MLB G. Shrinks Connected Snapshot Baseball: Arthur Hockey Be the Detroit Martha Blue Jays Creature Tigers at Wild Kratts

Restless KIRO News CBS KIRONews News

A&E 1

The Ricki Doctors The ” Lake Show Chef/Home Young & Debt/Part Restless

The Ricki The Good CHAN Lake Wife Show _ ( JudgeNews Judy News YoungHour & KIRO Judge Judy Restless Late Show The Price Is Final The Doctors Right News ET ” KIRO Early News Letterman Canada KIRO Global Nat. Ferguson J. Probst YoungNews & Chef/Home

Ellen News DeGeCTV neres Show CTV News The View ” CTV News Daily Show at Five Colbert Rep The Marilyn DenisNews Show CTV ” CTV News ” Big Bang





Let’s Make a The Talk ” ” Deal ”




Judge Judy

Big Brother The Ricki ” Lake Show

The Good Young & Wife Restless

48 48

YTV Nichols NEWS Almost Power & 6 7 League/Evil Politics


DISC Overhaulin’ 9 ”

Baby Story Toddlers & Baby Story Tiaras Medium Family Medium S.O.S.

Law Offi Order: The ce CI Office The Law Order: Big Bang CI Big Bang

Kid Kat Oddvs. Parents Team Gal Odd Parents Rated A for Mr. Young Rated A for Mr. Young Almost Boys League/Evil Boys Sidekick To Be Indie Squirrel To Be Indie Odd Parents Wipeout Odd Parents Squirrel Canada Odd Parents League/Evil Prank Patrol Odd Parents League/Evil Prank Patrol Mr. Kid Young vs. Kat Boys Mr. Young Kid Young vs. Kat Mr. Boys Team Gal Wipeout Boys Rated”A for To Be Indie Rated A for To Be Indie Almost Wipeout League/Evil Canada

CBC CBC News News Now With ” Andrew The National Nichols ” Power & CBC News Politics ” Power & The National Politics ” Lang & The National O’Leary CBC News ” CBC News Now With CBC News ” Reshmi ” Nair The National cont’d The National ” CBC News ” CBC News Now With Lang & ” O’Leary Andrew The National Nichols ” Power & The National Politics ”

Sons of Deadliest Guns Catch Don’t Drive Blood & Oil Here ” Overhaulin’ Deadliest ” Catch How/Made River How/Made Monsters Licence to Blood Drill & Oil How/Made ” Deadliest How/Made Deadliest Catch Overhaulin’ Catch Blood ”& Oil How/Made ” Sons of How/Made Deadliest Guns Flying Wild Catch AlaskaDrive Don’t River Here Monsters Overhaulin’ Blood & Oil ””

Funny Home Simpsons Videos Raymond Law Order: Big Bang CI Two Men Anderson Big Bang Live Two Men The Ricki So You Lake Show Think You Steve Can Dance Harvey How I ”Met Simpsons Paid Prog. News Raymond Family Feud 30 Rock Big Bang Family Feud Sunny Two Men Funny Home TMZ Big Bang Videos The Offi ce Two Men King Order: of Hill Law So You CI Think You Anderson Can Dance Live ”

What FamilyNot to Wear S.O.S. Four Family Weddings S.O.S. Four My Teen Is Weddings Pregnant Toddlers & Family Tiaras S.O.S. Family My Teen Is S.O.S. Baby Story Pregnant Family Baby Story Family S.O.S. Medium S.O.S. Family Medium Family S.O.S. What Not to S.O.S. My Teen Is Wear Paid Prog. Pregnant Paid Prog. Four Family Weddings S.O.S. Four My Teen Is Weddings Pregnant

Excused Browns Excused Payne There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne King Seinfeld King Seinfeld The Office Family The OffiGuy ce Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Law Order: Movie: Browns CI “Bewitched” Payne Law Order: ” Browns CI Payne” Excused Movie: Seinfeld Excused “Brothers” Seinfeld There ”Yet? Family Guy There Yet? Family Guy King Amer. Dad King Movie:

How/Made Deadliest DISC How/Made Catch 9to Licence How/Made Drill How/Made How/Made

The Ricki News KAYU Lake Show 30 Rock

Toddlers Family TLC& Tiaras S.O.S. < Family Family S.O.S.Story S.O.S. Baby

The Office “Bewitched” WTBS The Offi ” ce



Sidekick Prank Patrol YTV Squirrel Prank Patrol Odd6 Parents Boys OddYoung Parents Mr. Squirrel

Power & CBC News NEWS Politics ” 7 LangNational & The O’Leary ” CBC News League/Evil Odd Parents Now CBC With News Wipeout Lang & Odd Parents ” Nair ” O’Leary League/Evil Reshmi


New Ellen Day DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING KING 5 5 News News Days of our Nightly News Lives News Dr. Phil Magazine ” Inside Ed. Katie Off-Rockers ” Off-Rockers Ellen DeGeAmerica’s neres Show Today Got Talent KING cont’d 5 News ” New Day ” Nightly News Northwest KING News News KING 5 Jay Leno Magazine News Inside”Ed. Jimmy Days ofFallon our Off-Rockers Lives Off-Rockers Dr. Phil America’s ” Got Talent

Cat in the Frontline KCTS Arthur” N WildWind Kratts The WordGirl Gods Sid Science

Katie ” KING ”” P Ellen DeGeKING News neres Show Jay Leno Today



Law Order: Two Men CI

Four Pregnant Weddings

There Yet? Seinfeld There Yet?

Julia our Outd’rChild Idaho Days InsideofEd. Joy/Painting Lives


Anderson Think You Live

Four S.O.S. Weddings

King Family Guy King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil of Liberty Off-Rockers ” ”

The National River River Monsters

The National Blood & Oil How/Made ”

So You

Can Dance


My Teen Is

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Wild Kratts Business KING ”5 Tavis Smiley cont’d World News NewsDay Old House Jimmy Fallon Daniel Tiger New Rick PBS Steves Northwest Nightly News

The Statue Mount

News 5 KING News Magazine Off-Rockers America’s

The Dr. ” Oz Show

The First 48 Storage ”

Sidekick Canada Squirrel

Power”& Politics


The Ricki ” Lake Show

Toddlers Pregnant& Tiaras

The Office Movie: The Office

Cat in the Rushmore Arthur

Katie Got Talent ”


Duck D.





The National How/Made Sunny CBC News Call-Wildman Simpsons How/Made TMZ ”” Call-Wildman Raymond


Family & Toddlers S.O.S. Tiaras

Big Bang

” Browns Movie: Payne


The Wind Business Gods News World

Ellen DeGe” neres Show

Wipeout Mr. Young ” Mr. Young

LangNational & Flying Wild TheBang Office The Call-Wildman Big O’Leary Alaska KingMen of Hill ” Call-Wildman Two

Paid Prog. Toddlers & Paid Prog. Tiaras

“Brothers” Browns Payne”

Tavis Smiley Nightly” News PBS Old House Jimmy Fallon NewsHour News

Body of KOMO 4 Proof

Storage Duck D. Storage

News News Jimmy World News

Kimmel Shipping KOMO 4Live Duck D. Nightline Shipping News Duck D.

Shipping Duck D. Shipping Duck D.

Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada

Sportsnet Connected

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

Basketball ”

Hidden Cities of Asia

The Middle Duck D. Family Tools Duck D.

Duck D. Duck D.

Republic of Doyle

The American Baking


Prank Patrol CBC News SpongeBob Lang & Prank Patrol ” Boys SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob

Deadliest Mighty Catch

Boys Boys

CBC News ”

To Be Indie To Be Indie

The National Deadliest ” Catch The National Call-Wildman ” Call-Wildman

News Steve 30 Rock

MythBusters Big Bang ” Two Men MasterChef ”

“Bewitched” Big Bang ”

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Eating Alabama

Magazine Inside Ed.

Nature ”

America’s Got Talent

The Good The Good

Amer. Dad Movie:


Toddlers & Tiaras

“The Forbidden

Secrets of the Dead

Kingdom” Prime Law Abiding Suspect

Duck D. Duck D.

Wipeout Canada

Duck D. Duck D.

Prank Patrol CBC News Prank Patrol ”

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Blue Jays

Frontiers of News Construction Jimmy

Duck D. Duck D.

Boys Mr. Young

The National MythBusters Sunny ” ” TMZ

Breaking Amish:

SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst

Coronation The Tudors

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada J. Probst

Party Poker ”

Hidden Cities of Asia

Wipeout ”

Lang & O’Leary

Peter Popoff Citizen Paid Prog. ”

The Office King of Hill

KING 5 News KING Jay Leno News

Family Guy Family Guy

Mod Fam Neighbors

River Monsters

The Good The Good

” ABC’s The Minoru-Exile Lookout

Call-Wildman News Call-Wildman Uncorked

Frontline Wild Kratts ”

Toddlers & Tiaras

Chicago Fire Sportsnet ” Connected

Kimmel Live Duck D. Nightline Duck D.

” ”

Family Breaking S.O.S.

SportsCentre Chicago Fire The Listener The National CSI: Crime ” ” ” ” Scene

Daily Show Colbert Rep

Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Rick Steves WordGirl History of Business Science World News Cooking PBS Joy/Painting NewsHour Charlie Rose Rick Steves ” Outd’r Idaho Cat in the The Statue Arthur of Liberty Wild Kratts Mount WordGirl Sid Science Rushmore Business Wild Kratts Frontline World News Daniel” Tiger PBS Rick Steves The Wind NewsHour History of Gods Rick Steves Science Tavis Smiley Outd’r Idaho Old House Cooking The Statue Joy/Painting of Liberty Charlie Rose Mount ” Rushmore

Deadliest Catch Catch

Power”& Politics

Big Brother ”


NewsHour The Statue of Liberty Rick Steves

Andrew ” Nichols


Big A Bang ”


Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ” Sid Science Today Cat in the Katie Wild Kratts cont’d Arthur ”

Payne Excused Excused Seinfeld

Almost To Be Indie League/Evil



Siberia Today ” cont’d KING News NewLeno Day Jay Northwest ” KING 5Fallon Jimmy News

Two Men S.O.S.Not to Funny Home What Videos Wear Big Bang My Teen Is

Rated Boys A for Rated A for

To Be Indie

; Steve Sunny


KING ” ” P

Big Bang Movie: Law Order: CI Browns “Brothers” Payne ” Law Order: CI Browns

The First 48 Shipping ”

Kid vs. Kat Mr. Young



Harvey TMZ How I Met Paid Prog. Baby Story Simpsons Family The Offi ce Paid Prog. Raymond S.O.S. King of Feud Hill Paid Prog. Family Medium Family Feud Medium Big Bang Family

General Jeopardy!

WTBS King A King

HowRicki I Met The Paid Prog. Lake Show Family Steve Feud Family HarveyFeud

Mr. Young Kid vs. Kat Team Boys

TLC Four < Weddings


How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Overhaulin’ Licence to Drill ”

Storage The First 48 ” Shipping


KAYU Anderson ; Live


CBC News Power & Now With Politics Reshmi Lang & Nair cont’d O’Leary

How/Made Deadliest Flying Wild Catch Alaska Mayday cont’d The National Blood ”& Oil ” CBC News Blood ”& Oil Now ” CBC With News Deadliest

Extreme Shipping The Doctors First 48 Weight Loss The Shipping


Squirrel Sidekick League/Evil Squirrel League/Evil Odd Parents Kid Kat Oddvs. Parents

Minds Storage Shipping Storage Shipping Criminal Minds Storage

George S Coronation

” ”



News ” Live Kimmel World Nightline KOMONews 4 News 4 KOMO News The Chew Wheel”

Dragons’ Den

The American Baking


Storage Storage A&E Storage Storage 1 Storage Shipping Storage Shipping Criminal

Big Bang etalk

” ”


A&E 1

MasterChef ”

Big Brother ”



Family Guy Family Guy

” ” Chicago Fire ” KING News Jay Leno

Tavis Smiley ” Outd’r Idaho Jimmy Fallon

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A13 A13

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MAD Science Summer Camps! Locations across BC! Visit our website:


While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

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Lost & Found LOST- 10’ Dark green FLY FISHER flatbottom boat, together with removable wheeling device. Last seen parked in our yard along Carrs Landing Road in Lake Country. Went missing either Wednesday, June 12 (night) or early Thursday June 13 morning. The boat is very special to our family; grandfather made the wheeling device. Please call 250-766-3248 with any information.

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STEEL BUILDING - DIY Summer sale! - bonus days extra 5% off. 20X22 $3,998. 25X24 $4,620. 30X34 $6,656. 32X42 $8,488. 40X54 $13,385. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540. STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x 40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! 1-800-457-2206

Help Wanted


(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Merchandise for Sale

Fruit & Vegetables

Moving & Storage


DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282

STRAWBERRIES Phone Bruce Duggan


Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Seeking local hard working talent for the following plant positions: • Receiving Area Workers $12/h (Strength and above average fitness required)


• Forklift Operators $14/h Experience in busy, fast paced environment

*NEW QUEEN MATTRESS SET* Pillow Top in Plastic. Mfr. Warranty Must Sell $200 ~ (1)(250)870-2562

• Equipment Operators/Maintenance starting at $15/h depending on experience (Broad mechanical background required)

Heavy Duty Machinery

• Box Filling Workers $11.50/h (Inventory scanning and packaging experience preferable) • Box Making Workers $11.50/h (Cardboard folding and attention to detail required)

Apply online @ “Home to the World’s Best Cherries!� 16351 Carr’s Landing Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 1A9

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit, Complete Room Treatment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available online (NOT IN STORES).

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.


Maxed out? I can help! 250-859-7264 Realty Executives OKANAGAN


Cars - Sports & Imports

Suites, Lower

1997 MAZDA Protege, in good running condition. Great for new driver. 250-878-2588.

BEAUTIFUL 2 bdrm Brand New Suite For Rent In Lake Country, Includes Utilities & 7 New Appliances. Available July 1st. $1150 per month. Call 250-766-5670 or 250-2535151 to view. A MUST SEE!


Auto Financing

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at Misc. Wanted PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670 True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-250-863-3082

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557

Legal Notices

ICBC Notice of Seizure under the Residential Tenancy Act To: Father Robert Frank Joseph Higgins. Take notice that seizure proceedings have been commenced against you with respect to the abandoned boat and trailer left in my care since 2006. c/o Robert Hamel, 11211 Okanagan Ctr. Rd. EAST, Winfield, BC V4V 1H3 It is my intent to take possession of the boat and trailer for my own personal use. Last Registered Owner: Father Robert Higgins Last known address (2006) 11123 Okanagan Ctr. Rd. EAST Winfield, BC V4V 1H3 BOAT Trailer: 1975 White Husky Boat Trailer License Plate # UCE 97L VIN # 6234 BOAT 10’ Fiberglass outboard ID# 62E 3457. In accordance with ICBC regulations, service of notice of these proceedings on you be effected by publication in this newspaper. If you intend to defend this action, you must respond within 30 days of the date of publication of this advertisement.






7JTJU PVS PGmDF TIPXSPPN BU 'JU[QBUSJDL ,FMPXOB e Serving thn Okanaga 0 Since 199

250.765.1180 1.866.207.4444 NBEHFSPPĂ OH DPN $BMM UPEBZ GPS ZPVS '3&& &45*."5&




Monday to Friday 9-6 (Sr’s discount days) •Kitchens •Baths •Floors & More Saturday & Sunday 9-4


Frank Geber 778-480-5622 Ken•Goodwin 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall

/FlCE &AX (250)766-2594 #ELL (250)258-6707


Don’t Burn‌ Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788


Roosters Barber Shop ‘Your Community Barber Shop’ Traditional

Old World Service for the Modern Man!




778-363-0533 • 250-766-0535 Beside Tim Horton’s





— 25 years experience — 250-766-0326 250-766-0301 250-212-2914

Make this space work for you! Call Michelle or Shayla 250-766-4688 Prices: 2.5� x 1.75�, full colour: Only $15


Roosters Barber Shop ‘Your Community Barber Shop’ Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man!

Monday to Friday 9-6 (Sr’s discount days) Saturday & Sunday 9-4

Frank Geber • 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Horton’s

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A15


The Strand

10 OFF Any Chemical

Hair Company

5AnyOFF Hair

*Second item must be equal or lesser value. Offer applies to regular menu items only. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Expires July 31, 2013.


9882 Hwy 97N, Lake Country 250-766-2310 (PUB) 250-766-4011 (STORE)

Offer expires July 31/2013


Give your hair


for only




Expires July 31, 2013

Watch for our new website & Facebook page... coming soon!

Plus GST

Proudly Offering AIR MILES® reward miles.

Expires July 30, 2013

250-766-1749 13-096.8_Coop_PrintAds-TLC-P2.indd 2

4/3/2013 1:04:31 PM

Below government liquor store prices

Captain Morgan Spiced Black Rum 750mL






95 government liquor store prices




250 766 2340

4-10051 hwy 97, lake country, Bc V4V 1p6

Cachet bizcard-2.indd 1

13-05-03 2:37 PM

Mon-Fri 8-7 pm, Sat 8:30-6 pm, Sun 9-5 pm



Vodka 750mL




2 Off



• Shops at Polson Park VERNON • Shops atVERNON Polson Park 2306 Hwy 6 2306 Hwy 6 (Across from Cooper’s Foods) from Cooper’s Foods) (Across 250-503-1229 250-503-1229

VERNON Shops at• Orchard Polson Park KELOWNA Plaza VERNON • Shops at Polson Park VERNON •• Shops at Polson Park Rd. KELOWNA • Orchard Plaza 2306 66 toCooper 2306 HwyHwy 6 1876 2306 Hwy 1876 Cooper Rd. (Next Save-On Foods) (Across from Cooper’s Foods) (Next to Save-On Foods) 250-763-1229 (Across from Cooper’s Foods) (Across from Cooper’s Foods) 250-763-1229 250-503-1229 250-503-1229 250-503-1229 KELOWNA • Orchard Plaza Plaza KELOWNA Orchard KELOWNA • Orchard Plaza KELOWNA •• Orchard Plaza 1876 Cooper Rd. (Next to Save-On Foods) 1876 Cooper 1876 Cooper Rd.Rd. 1876 Cooper Rd. 250-763-1229 (Next to Save-On Foods) KELOWNA • Glenmore (Next to Save-On Foods) (Next to Save-On Foods) 1972 Kane Rd. (Next to Cooper’s Foods) 250-763-1229 250-763-1229 250-763-1229 250-860-8853 VERNON • Shops at Polson Park 2306 Hwy 6 (Across from Cooper’s Foods) 250-503-1229

Adult Haircut Not valid with any other offers. Limit one per customer.

10 OFF





Expires Aug. 6, 2013


Summer Service Sale

offer expires: Aug. 4, 2013

offer expires: Aug. 4, 2013

10 OFF


Expires Aug. 6, 2013

Kids/Seniors Haircut Not valid with any other offers. Limit one per customer.

FEATURED DISCOUNT Expires Aug. 6, 2013

We install & service… Natural Gas fireplaces, fire pits, pool boilers, patio heaters and we do propane to natural gas BBQ conversions. Licensed & Bonded

Contact us for a FREE estimate on your home or retrofit of your existing equipment.


Give your furnace & fireplace some TLC

10 $ .99 13

$ .99

(between CIBC & Lordco)

Winfield shopping centre

9882 Hwy 97N, Lake Country 250-766-2310 (PUB) 250-766-4011 (STORE) While quantities last

Haircuts at a very Haircuts at a very comfortable comfortable price. price.

#4-10051 Hwy97, Lake Country Winfield Shopping Centre

Formerly Shear Pleasure Hair Design

Budweiser & Kokanee

15 Packs of Cans

Call today! 250-766-2340

Cachet Hair Studio

®TM Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Border Mechanical Services Ltd.

rcuts atataavery aircuts very mfortable mfortableprice. price.

with hair cut

saturday special...

180 Worth of Service

summer sparkle! FREE Sunlites

12. Lubricate all moving parts 13. Balance motor for reduced wear 14. Clean & move vegetation from outdoor coil 15. Polish & wax outdoor unit

7. Calibrate Thermostat 8. Test contactors & tighten all wire connectors 9. Inspect & test expansion valve 10. Monitor refrigerant levels 11. Secure fan blades for safety



3-10074 Hwy97N, Lake Country


½ *

Offer expires July 31/2013


Inspect & clean condenser coil Inspect & test amperage draw on motors Inspect & adjust blower components Unclog condensate drain Inspect all safety controls Clean air filter if possible

Receive Second Entree


Thurs. 9-9

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(beer, wine or spirit)

Open Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. 9-5

Buy One Entree & Beverage

Woody’s Pub


* You could receive a $25 REBATE

Custom made fire pits starting @

tax 599 plus


Exp. July 31, 2013

#4 - 220 Neave Road KELOWNA • 250-762-2126

Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


Swalwell Park is ready for a summer full of activity. Tretheway Splash Park is OPEN DAILY and the Farmers’ Market is held every Friday (3-7pm). See you there!

Municipal Hall Planning and Development Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200


Tuesday, July, 2013 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd

Council has been asked to approve a Temporary Permit to allow a mobile vendor to continue to use the residential property to store a commercial vehicle in excess of 5,500 kilograms.

Municipal Hall will be CLOSED July 1st Canada Day And OPEN extended hours 8:30-6:00pm on July 2nd (property tax due date)

Municipal Hall is open to 6pm July 2nd Property Tax Notices for the District of Lake Country have been mailed. If you are the registered owner of property within the District of Lake Country and have not received your Property Tax Notice for 2013, please contact the Finance Department at (250) 766-5650. Please note current property taxes are due before 6:00 pm, Tuesday July 2nd. Property owners have the following tax payment options:  In person at Municipal Hall;  Banks;  Internet/Telephone Banking;  Mail – (mail your payment early with a July 3, 2012 post dated cheque)

A Temporary Permit may be used for a maximum period of three years, and may be renewed once. After that time they may reapply for a new Temporary Permit. Council may specify conditions under which the Permit may be carried on.

Municipal Hall hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday and will be open for extended hours on Tuesday, July 2nd from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm. The office will be closed Monday, July 1st for Canada Day. There is a drop slot available after business hours at the north entrance to the Municipal Hall.

APPLICANT/OWNER: Ed Sippel PERMIT: TP2013-002 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 11090 Eva Road LEGAL: Lot 44, Section 15, Township 20, ODYD, Plan 32546

Any current taxes and rates remaining unpaid at the close of business on July 2nd will be subject to a ten (10%) percent late penalty. A tax payment does not have to be made for eligible property owners to claim their 2013 Provincial Home Owner Grant. Home Owner Grants must be claimed every year and must be claimed by July 2nd to avoid a 10% penalty on the grant amount.

Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.

Eligible property owners may claim their home owner grant online by visiting the District’s website at The homeowner grant password is located on the tax notice below the BC Assessment roll number.

Celebrate Canada Day at Beasley Park Bring the whole family and all your visiting guests to Beasley Park on July 1st to enjoy Canada Day starting with the Rotary Pancake Breakfast 8:30-11am. Enjoy the LIVE entertainment from 9:15am and the official ceremony happens at 11am. From 9-11am check out the Free vision testing, Lions Root Beer Garden, Boys & Girls Club children’s games, Citizens Patrol Free Child ID Fingerprinting, Lake Country Cycle Free child bike safety test, and Lake Country Fire Department equipment display & truck tours. Lots of FUN for everyone!

Lake Country Open Air Performance Society is kicking off the season with Live Music at 5:15 pm


followed by a Movie in the Park at 10pm (Jack the Giant Slayer (PG-13)

Copies of the proposed permit, the application and relevant background material can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Planning and Development Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, June 26, 2013 to Tuesday, July 2, 2013 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Planning and Development Department at 250 766 6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 Email Speak at the Council Meeting Written submissions are included in the Regular Council Meeting Agenda Package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

June 26, 2013

Calling Authors Lake Country Public Art Commission invites authors to write a poem that describes or explains the pilings that were in the lake at Okanagan Centre for many years and provided a jumping/playing opportunity for generations of young people. A sculpture has been installed recently at the lake’s edge in Okanagan Centre and this poem will be used to explain what the sculpture represents. The winning poem will be placed on a plaque near the sculpture. Number of Words: a maximum of 40 Deadline: June 28 Submission: email

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