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ISSUE 27 $1.35
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Canada celebrates a birthday New cookbook shares Skoki Lodge secrets ...............................3
A night in the Jungal in Golden ..............................11
Check out what happened on Canada Day ................................12
Willhorse made a triumphant return to Golden after a tour across Canada. The band was joined on stage by Tony Bell (left in photo) at a Canada Day eve show in Spirit Square on June 30. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Council sinks its teeth into mobile vending Jessica Schwitek
Grad 2013........G1-G12
Golden Town Council has approved “in principle” amendments to their Temporary License of Occupation Policy to allow for mobile vendors to set up shop at four different locations around town. The municipality came under some pressure last year to amend a policy that did not allow for mobile vending after Golden Fries, a poutine-making duo, were unable to make a go of it in Golden due to the strict policy.
Mobile vendors will now be able to purchase a license to operate between May 1 and October 31, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. There will be no permanent pads or facilities for the vendors, who must have all vehicles and structures removed nightly by 9 p.m. The policy covers public land only, therefore mobile vending on private land is still prohibited unless it has been grandfathered in, like Cones Ice Cream. There are four locations around town including the parking area at Keith King Memorial Park, the CP parking lot, the parking area near Kumsheen Park
and the movie theatre, and the public land in between Sobey’s and Kicking Horse Ford’s parking lot on 9th Avenue North. Spirit Square was not included as a location because of its proximity to other local businesses, and because vendors can still apply for a oneday license during public events in the square such as a concert or the Farmer’s Market. These one-day event licenses also allow for later business hours so that a vendor would be able to stay open, for example, until the end of a Spirit Square concert. continued on page 3
It’s summer and the patio is open! Check out our NEW Menu! Daily food specials!
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Your Community Newspaper Since 1891
Golden THE 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251
Happy 80th Birthday
Marylou Roman July 3, 1933
You gave us life and you always give us your love.
Love from all of the Nuts On Your Family Tree
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 The Golden Star
Heading to Australia for the best job in the world Golden Star Staff College of the Rockies Adventure Tourism Business Operations graduate Greg Snell has the best job in the world – or at least one of them. Snell was announced as the winner of The Best Job in the World – Wildlife Caretaker by Tourism Australia on Friday, June 21. Wildlife Caretaker was one of six positions up for grabs in addition to Chief Funster, Outback Adventurer, Park Ranger, Lifestyle Photographer and Taste Master. With over 330,000 applicants from 196 countries, Snell was the only Canadian to
Sassy’s “House of Hair” is a full service unisex hairstyling salon - Stylists Carolyn, Krystal and Janet are at your service. Call 250-344-2017 509 9th Avenue Golden
Sassy’s Boutique
is CLEARING OUT all clothing - discounted 20%, 30% & 40% off! SALE! SALE! SALE! SALE! We have a half price rack!
College of the Rockies Adventure Tourism Business Operations graduate Greg Snell has won the best job in the world competition and will be heading to Australia to become a Wildlife Caretaker for Tourism Australia. Photo Submitted make it to the finals. After being named a finalist and flying to Australia, Snell competed in a week of adventure, nature-based, culinary, social media and photography challenges against two other finalists in the Wildlife Caretaker category before being named the winner. As Wildlife Caretaker, Snell will live on Kangaroo Island in South Australia for six months and spend his time swimming with great white sharks, snorkeling with sea lions, hanging out with kangaroos and helping to conserve the pristine natural environment of the
island. He will document his experience through videos and blogs. “I am incredibly elated to have won the position of Wildlife Caretaker,” Snell said. “I can’t wait to take my passion and enthusiasm for life, travel and conservation to beautiful South Australia. There is so much there to offer the adventurous traveller and I am looking forward to sharing all of my amazing experiences with the world.” Since completing the Adventure Tourism Business Operations program at the College’s Golden campus in 2009,
Snell completed a Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) funded internship in Ecuador, focussing on sustainable development through tourism. He then moved on to work for a Canadian adventure tourism company as tour leader in the Southern Cone of South America, leading small group adventure travel trips through Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and The Patagonia. He credits his education at COTR for preparing him for his adventuring career, calling it
“the kick-start to the amazing experiences I have had so far.” Snell will begin his role of Wildlife Caretaker in early December. In the meantime he plans to remain in Australia for a couple of more weeks, getting to know the area better before travelling back to Brazil and then spending some time with friends and family in Canada before starting the six-month position. To learn more about College of the Rockies’ Adventure Tourism Business Operations program, check out atbo.
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 3, 2013 A3
Kitchen secrets from Skoki Lodge revealed in new cookbook Darryl Crane The food at the Skoki Lodge has been bringing people to the backcountry for many years. Now the head chef and co-owner of the lodge, Katie Mitzel, has put together a cookbook that shares some of her most well known recipes with food lovers everywhere. The Skoki Cookbook: Trailblazing Through History and Culinary Delights is a work that has taken almost five years to put together. “The idea for the cookbook came from our guests because they were very determined to get my recipes. I decided after being there for 15 years that I would agree with them,” said Mitzel. The lodge was built in 1930 and has been a haven for backcountry enthusiasts for years. When Mitzel took over the kitchen at the lodge she was determined to bring something special to a trip to the backcountry. “For me cooking is an evolution and artistic outlet. I followed a creative writing career and when you read the cookbook you will see that present,” she said. “There is quite a bit of humour and exciting cooking methods that I use. I like to call it backcountry gourmet. It is eclectic and fun. I like to use massive flavours with a really punchy taste. I like to mix things together that people wouldn’t normally see.” Since the book has been on the
shelves Mitzel has been pleased with how people have enjoyed it. “It has been a great joy to see the response which has been very big. It is exciting to see the pictures and memories that they get to share over and over again.” Mitzel said she has had the chance to learn from great chefs over the years and has taken this experience into her own kitchen. “I have taken lots of experiences that I have taken from other chefs and combined their interest in other things. You learn a lot from watching other people. I really think people deserve to enjoy what they are eating,” she said. People who come to the lodge have said they enjoy many of the meat dishes that Mitzel has created. Since opening the doors Mitzel has served for many different people including two members of the British Royal Family. “We hosted at the lodge for The Royal Highness Prince William and Kate in July of 2011. It was a wonderful experience. I felt quite honoured and it was the highlight of my cooking career.” Mitzel said it was wonderful to have the support she received from friends who helped put the book together. “I am glad that people are enjoying it and I am looking forward to sharing it with Golden. The book can be purchased in Golden at Bacchus Books and Café.
Pictured above is Katie Mitzel, the head chef at the Skoki Lodge. Mitzel recently released a cookbook filled with great recipes from the lodge as well as some of stories from her time there. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Private bill aims to protect children Behind the Wheel Golden Star Staff
The Honourable Rob Nicholson, P.C., Q.C., MP for Niagara Falls, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, welcomed the Royal Assent of Private Member’s Bill C-299, an Act to amend the Criminal Code (kidnapping of a young person). “This Bill will ensure that cases involving the kidnapping of children by strangers are treated with the severity they deserve,” said Minister Nicholson. Sponsored by David Wilks, M.P. for Kootenay–Columbia, this legislation is set to amend the Criminal Code to impose a mandatory minimum penalty of five years imprisonment on those convicted under subsection 279(1) of the Criminal Code (kidnapping) for kidnapping a child under the age of 16. “I am very proud that Bill C-299 has received Royal Assent. The protection of children across Canada is paramount,” said Wilks. “This addition to the Criminal Code will ensure that those convicted of kidnapping of a child under the age of 16 receive adequate sentencing.”
Caution: Mower Ahead!
I like to talk about road safety with people I meet because it often ends up producing a good topic for these articles. Yesterday I stopped to speak with the road maintenance contractor operating the mower clearing the shoulder of the roads in my neighbourhood. He was quick to offer three observations, heed the signs, keep your distance and wait behind when there is oncoming traffic. You were a constable he said, you know exactly what I mean about signs. I’ve had drivers stop to scream at me and give me the finger because there was no warning of the mower. I’d love to tell them to go back and have another look because the signs are there. If you see one, be careful because I often cannot put them as close to the mower as I would like to. Cyclists are a bigger headache than most traffic. They pass by the mower with what seems only inches to spare. If I have to move left to avoid a sign or obstacle they would be under the wheels in an instant he said. There was one once that I don’t know how I avoided squashing I had to move and he was right beside me!
Pictured above are Rob Nicholson, P.C., Q.C., MP for Niagara Falls and David Wilks, MP for KootenayColumbia. Photo Submitted In a press release from the Department of Justice this Bill was a way for the government to show support for the proposed legislation is in keeping with the government’s Plan for Safe Streets and Communities, one of
four priorities identified by the Prime Minister. This plan focuses on holding violent criminals accountable, enhancing the rights of victims, and increasing the efficiency of Canada’s justice system.
I don’t know what many drivers are thinking. They come up behind me and swing out to the left to go by with oncoming traffic in the lane they are moving into! There’s even a sign to remind them to yield to oncoming traffic on the back of the mower. Everyone is in a hurry and they won’t even wait a few seconds for safety’s sake. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013 The Golden Star
Pictured above are Town of Golden recreation manager Jordan Petrovics and BC PAD Champion for Golden Carmen Oszust. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
A donation that comes from the heart Darryl Crane
The Heart and Stroke Foundation (HSF) has donated an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) which will be placed in the Mount 7 Rec Plex in Golden. The HSF has been placing defibrillator in municipal venues such as recreation centres, pools and arenas across the British Columbia where there is an increased risk someone could suffer a sudden cardiac arrest. Town of Golden recreation manager Jordan Petrovics said this is a great program for towns like Golden. “The Heart and Stroke Foundation has been doing surveys with different communities to find out how many have Automated External Defibrillators in their public facilities in their communities,” he said. “We have one unit that we share between the arena and the pool. Through the assessment process the Mount 7 Rec Plex was identified as a place that could benefit from one of these units.” Carmen Oszust is the BC Public Access Defilrillators Champion for Golden. She explained the defibrillator is safe and designed so that anyone can use one. “However, evidence shows that people are more likely to use an AED if they are familiar with the
device, so the foundation has partnered with the BC Ambulance Service to facilitate orientation sessions and provide ongoing support,” she said. Petrovics explained that through the foundation’s Public Access to Defibrillation Program a complimentary defibrillator has been given to the town for the facility. “We are offering a free training session for any members of the public who are interested in learning how to use the machine along with basic CPR as well,” he said. The session will happen at the Mount 7 Rec Plex on July 9 at 5:30 p.m. “We are encouraging the public to preregister because we need to know numbers.” “I have volunteered my time as a PAD Program Champion for this community as I know first hand the importance of early CPR and defibrillation in saving a life. My role is to facilitate a venue orientation session, provide support to help maintain the AED and to follow up with a venue after someone suffers a sudden cardiac arrest. I am excited about the program and I hope that members of the community take advantage of this program. This orientation session is offered free of charge for up to six people who work at or frequent the venue,” Oszust said. People can preregister by dropping by or calling the Golden Swimming Pool at (250) 3442118 or email
Luraina Oddy has qualified to take part in a national event after finishing second at the British Columbia Amateur Body Building Competition. Photo Submitted
Heading to the nationals Darryl Crane Luraina Oddy is taking her desire to compete at the British Columbia Amateur Body Building Competition on a national level. After qualifying for the provincial competition in November, Oddy continued to work hard over the past few months for the event. At the 2013 BC Provincial Championships on June 22 she finished second in the Masters Figure A aspect of the event. “It was fierce. It was very different than the first one. Everybody was top notch and had great figures. You could tell there was experience at the show,” she said. One aspect she enjoyed about the event was getting to know some of the other competitors. “It was fun and you get to meet a
lot of people. There is a lot of people who are supportive.” Oddy is the former North American and Intercontinental Kickboxing Champion was ranked #1 in the world for eight years and took this will to win into this new aspect of her life. “Being a competitive athlete I don’t ever like to place doubt in my head that I am not going to achieve what I have set out to do. I set out to win,” she said. “When I got there and saw all of the competitors and how they looked, I definitely had some doubts in my mind.” The national event will be held on Aug. 17 in Vancouver “It keeps it nice and close. I am totally stoked about it,” she said. “So much for indulging in wine and tasty food. My plans for beer and steak over the summer have been short lived.”
Many questions unanswered around teacher negotiations Jessica Schwitek
Since the teacher’s job action last year that saw teachers withdraw from voluntary extra curricular activities, tensions between the British Columbia Teachers Federation (BCTF) and the Ministry of Education have continued. On June 20, the ministry issued a statement indicating they wanted the BCTF and the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) to cease negotiations. “I asked the BCTF and the BCPSEA
to conclude negotiations this week and then to work with government and the BC School Trustees’ Association (BCSTA) on a new road map forward that respects the roles of all the stakeholders. We need to keep moving and develop this roadmap before bargaining resumes under a new mandate that is consistent with our election commitment,” said Peter Fassbender, minister of education. Representatives from the BCTF were unhappy with the ministry’s request. The federation issued a member vote last week to determine if they would
accept or reject “government interference” in province-wide bargaining. For the past month, the BCTF has been urging BCPSEA to remain at the bargaining table, which BCTF President Susan Lambert referred to as a “constructive process.” “We need to send a strong message to government that teachers will not accept a 10-year scheme to lock in another decade of deteriorating conditions,” wrote Lambert in a letter than went out to 40,000 public school teachers. “The ballot will read: ‘Do you support our bargaining team and their efforts
to achieve a negotiated settlement, and oppose any government interference in the bargaining process? Yes or No’.” The quiet negotiations began in February, and remained outside of the media spotlight. BCTF president-elect Jim Iker, who will be taking over for outgoing president Lambert, also claimed the talks were going well, calling them “the most constructive talks in years.” A BCTF spokesman told Black Press that the government request for a “pause” has been withdrawn, and talks continued on June 26 between BCTF and BCPSEA representatives.
Mobile vending issue causes a stir at Golden council meeting continued from page 1 Although is not currently stated in the document, the intention is that there be one vendor per site. Coun. Mike Pecora suggested inserting a limit to the number of licenses issued, however this document remains policy,
not bylaw, and is therefore easy to amend if issues arise. Coun. Caleb Moss was not satisfied with the four locations chosen, and thought that the highway would be a good addition to the list. There is a highway corridor enhancement project starting this year, which is why Town staff left that location off the list for the time being.
Town Council approved the amended Temporary Licensing Agreement in principle (Coun. Moss was opposed. Councillors Connie Barlow, Keith Hern, and Mayor Christina Benty were absent). The document will be up for formal approval at the next regular open council meeting on July 16.
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 3, 2013 A5
Kitchen requires extra funds Jessica Schwitek Civic Centre Kitchen Town Council has authorized staff to draw $28,750 from the Town’s contingency reserve to cover the cost of the Civic Centre Kitchen project, which has gone over budget. Up until this point, 100 per cent of the project’s budget had come from grants (from the Columbia Basin Trust and the CSRD Economic Opportunities Fund). The increase in cost is mainly due to unexpected electrical infrastructure. The project is currently two thirds of the way done. Winter Sand Supply The Town of Golden has awarded O. W. Braisher Contracting Ltd. a three-year contract for the municipality’s sand supply. After a two-week period of advertising a tender call for the contract, the Town received no bids. They then invited quotes
from three potential suppliers. The three quotes they received varied greatly in cost. O. W. Braisher Contracting Ltd. was by far the lowest bid, with a total annual cost of up to $25,000 plus taxes. Given the discrepancy in the quotes, Manager of Operations Chris Cochrane suspects that the cost of sand supply could go up drastically in the coming years. Network Server Replacement The Town of Golden’s current IT Server needs to be replaced, and council has approved a capital expenditure of $30,000 for the purchase of a new one under the 2013-2017 Financial Plan Bylaw. Staff have been authorized to take out a short-term $30,000 loan, which will incur an interest rate of 1.72 per cent over a threeyear period. The Town of Golden will own the server, and will be making an estimated total annual payment of $10,267.
Representatives from the Town of Golden, HMC Services, and the Ministry of Transportation commemorate the new highway sign. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Highway sign directs to town centre Jessica Schwitek
It directs travellers to use the left lane to get into Golden’s town centre, while also indicating that it is the route to Highway 95 and Radium. Proper signage has been a common request of residents, and business owners in particular, who are trying to get more people into town. It has taken a lot of co-ordination to the get the sign installed, and HMC Services, the Town of Golden, and the Ministry of Transportation are happy to finally see it completed.
Golden’s brand new sign may be a step towards solving one of the community’s most frustrating problems—getting people come into town from up on the highway. The new green and white highway sign is located on the overpass just east of town on Highway 1, facing motorists heading west towards Golden.
Flooded train tracks force Rocky Mountaineer to make Golden transfer Jessica Schwitek
I’m too young to make long term commitments!
Five hundred passengers from a Rocky Mountaineer train had to transfer onto busses to make it the rest of the way to Banff. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
More than a dozen busses filled the CP Rail parking lot last week, making sure that 500 passengers on the Rocky Mountaineer train didn’t get stranded. All the flooding in Alberta these past few weeks has suspended travel not only on the highways, but on the railways as well. Crews worked tirelessly to get Highway 1 open to vehicles, but trains were still unable to get through. Rocky Mountaineer, Canada’s world-renowned Rocky Mountain travel experience, had to find a way to get their 500 passengers from Kamloops to Banff. The train stopped at the CP Rail parking lot in Golden and unloaded their passengers, who stepped off the train, and right onto their bus. The busses then travelled via Highway 1 to Banff where the passengers were loaded back on the train to continue their journey to Calgary. Although causing quite a spectacle in downtown Golden, none of the 500 passengers were given any time to see the town. Rocky Mountaineer also had a convoy of staff travelling, including cleaning and catering crews, from Kamloops to Golden on busses to service the train.
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XPO145_BW_BC_Golden Star_10.3125X2.5_JLY2013.indd 1
6/24/13 2:35 PM
Here’s to the future Graduation from high school is one of those rare moments in life where many people come together to look at the past while preparing as a group for a new and unknown future. During the graduation ceremony at Golden Secondary School, and again on the group’s prom night, I heard people repeat - My Way the idea that the easiest time of the students’ By Darryl Crane lives was about to end. It is true to a point. Becoming an “adult” is a time of change for many teenagers. According to what was said on graduation night, many of the graduating former students have plans to go on to post secondary institutes to further their education. Others will travel the world to see what is out there beyond Golden. Surviving high school is a great accomplishment. As great as it might be for students to go on to study and get more education, it is not the only path to choose these days. Life has no easy road to navigate. Though no one can see into the future, one things is for certain. These students are about to take on one great big adventure. They are about to head out on their own and see what they have to offer the world that is theirs for the taking. At every graduation ceremony I have ever been to there is always the talk of what tomorrow may hold. So many things can and do change in specific moments. This alters where life is going to take you. While thinking about graduation I decided to check out some quotes online about people graduating. This one stood out to me...“We don’t stop going to school when we graduate,” said by Carol Burnett. Life itself will teach you many things. While you are in school and long after you leave the doors of academic achievement behind, learning never ends. I have said on more than one occasion that I learned as much about the world by seeing different parts of it as when I did in a classroom. Though a few of the journeys were not always planned out to perfection, I always had something great to take from the experience. In the song Closing Time by Semisonic, and I do realize the song has nothing to do with graduation, there is a line that says... Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. School itself could be defined in this quote. You start school knowing that you will spend a certain amount of time working your way through many different classes. You will make friends and spend 10 months a year with many of these people until the day comes where you walk across a stage and are told to go conquer the world on your own. The new beginning is about to start and all I can say is congratulations and enjoy the ride you are about to begin. It should be an interesting trip.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
How well do you know your country? As I watched the leaders of tomorrow take a giant leap into the world at the Golden Secondary School graduation this past weekend, I couldn’t help but reminisce about my own days in high school and university. Knowledge is a precious gift, and I truly believe it is important for everyone to remain life-long learners. Not only that, I also believe it is important to retain the knowledge we have already gained. Given that this past weekend was Canada Day, I wonder how many people have retained any of the knowledge they learned about our great nation. I remember in a game of Cranium a few years back being shocked by how many people thought that Quebec was the answer to the question: What is the only bilingual province in Canada? New citizens to our country have to take a test to demonstrate their knowledge of Canadian trivia and culture. I think that in honour of the graduating class of 2013 and our nation’s birthday, we should all do the same. How many of these questions can you answer? Canada Day Quiz 1. Name Canada’s highest mountain? 2. Who sent the first known letter in English from North America? 3. Who was the City of Vancouver named after? 4. What is the name of the document that made Canada an independent country on July 1, 1867? (If your answer is the Declaration of Independence, turn in your citizenship now!) 5. What is the name of Canada’s first female prime minister?
6. Canada comes from the Iroqois word Kanata which means...? 7. What year did O Canada become our national anthem? 8. How many time zones does Canada have? 9. Who was the country’s first prime minister? 10. True or false? The Hudson Bay Company is the oldest company in the world. 11. Which province - Reporter’s View By Jessica Schwitek in Canada used to be an independent country? 12. How many oceans does Canada touch? 13. When was the last territory formed? 14. True or false? Superman was created by a Canadian? 15. What Canadian proposed world standard time zones? 16. Which province contains the longest street in the world? 17. What was the first established national park in Canada? 18. Who tried to invade Canada in 1812? 19. Who was the first women in Canada to run a flying school? 20. Canada holds the record for the most gold medals ever won at a single Winter Olympics. How many gold medals did Canada win in 2010? Go to page 12 for the answers.
POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think Golden has been supportive of people stuck from the road closures?
Yes 60%
No 39%
This week’s poll question: Do you think mobile vending will take away from local businesses? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
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Star editorial and opinion
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 3, 2013 A7
Golden point of view
Do you think mobile vending will take away from local businesses? Stars to Char at the Dollar Store. Thanks for the wrap and your precious time.
Ashley Bates “It must, there’s only so much money to go around. But other communities this size have them, and they manage.”
Allan Dixon “Probably in the summer. A lot of people like to grab something and sit outside to eat.”
Carl Fisher “I’ve heard that’s a big issue here. They have them in Invermere and it’s fine, but maybe there’s less food places there.”
Go to to have your say.
WildSafeBC turns to social media WildSafeBC, the successor to the very successful Bear Aware program, has turned to the use of social media to help in its efforts to reduce human-wildlife conflict throughout the province. “When we were ‘Bear Aware’ and our focus was solely on black bears and grizzlies, we were busy,” says Provincial Coordinator Frank Ritcey, “but now that we are dealing with all forms of human-wildlife conflict, we’re incredibly busy. Because of that increase we needed to find a way to expand our messaging beyond the standard face-to-face educational processes that we used to employ.” Facebook pages have been created for the twenty plus communities that WildSafeBC has coordinators based in. One primary page has been established for the whole of the province “The beauty of these pages is that they not
Stars to Keith and the crew at Kootenay Pumping for generously donating their time and equipment to help out the flood victims in Canmore! Stingers to business owners who feel it is OK to yell at their customers. No wonder business is dying in Golden.
Stars to Top Notch for helping the 2013 grads look and feel their best!
of 2013 with refreshing water at the Spirit Square!
Stingers to the people at the Grad ceremonies who were not parents sitting in the front row.
Stars to Curt Thorne and his staff at the Wolf’s Den for the delicious food and a fun atmosphere making for a perfect prom!
Stars to the Town of Golden for letting the Grads of 2013 use the Spirit Square for their parent dance and pictures!
Stars to Lava Lady Karaoke for the awesome entertainment at Prom 2013!
Stars to the River House for supplying the Grads
Stars to our local DJ. You are sooooo quaint!
Email your Stars and Stingers to
only allow us to provide information to the public, but it also gives the public a chance to tell us about their concerns” added Ritcey. Coupled with their mapping system that provides an overview of conflicts throughout the province, the addition of Facebook will help round out the program’s digital presence. “It would be great to have everyone here in the community “Like” our Facebook page” added Kyle Edworthy, the WildSafeBC Community Coordinator for Golden. “By ‘liking’ us, you’ll automatically receive any updates I post about current conflicts or items of interest in the community. As well, if you’d like to share your views on human-wildlife conflict in our area, this’ll be a great place to do that very thing.” To find us just log-in to your Facebook page and search for WildSafeBC Golden. Kyle Edworthy WildSafeBC Co-ordinator for Golden
Flood concerns Dear Goldenites: In light of last year’s flooding in the Sicamous/Shuswap area and this year’s Canmore/Calgary/ High River disasters it is time to get up and yell. We need disaster prevention, not disaster relief. At some point the Yoho Valley is going to get one of these deluges and our homes will be drifting in Kinbasket Lake. I can visualize 50 to 75 per cent of the buildings near the Kicking Horse being swept up. If a tiny, almost dry creek, like Cougar Creek can do the damage it did, rest assured the Kicking Horse River is going to kick so many buildings downstream,
Golden could end up being a ghost town. The Bridge-to-Bridge movement is not the answer. Golden needs diking and dredging to withstand the volume of water proportional to these recent events. Yes, it will cost money but it will save local, provincial, and federal governments billions if the proper planning and diking is put in place. Let’s learn from the mistakes and lack of foresight of others. We are not impervious. As far as I am concerned it is not if, it is when. Ken Leonty Golden
Tourism in British Columbia is open for business this summer Naomi Yamamoto Minister of State for Tourism and Small Business This week, our government has been carefully monitoring high river levels in south eastern British Columbia. We’ve all watched as our neighbours in Alberta have struggled through one of the worst floods in their history - one that has displaced families, closed businesses and was cause for alarm in the weeks leading up to the Calgary Stampede, one of Canada’s premiere tourism events.
It’s natural of course, for British Columbia’s travellers and business owners, particularly in the tourism sector, to feel some concern that their plans, or operations, could be similarly impacted here. I’m pleased to report that at this time, B.C. is open for business and welcoming tourists in every corner of the province, especially in our spectacularly beautiful Kootenay Rockies region. Tourism is a vital part of our vision for a strong economy. B.C.’s tourism industry contributes more to our GDP
than any of our resource industries. 90 per cent of tourism businesses are small businesses, and small businesses employ over half of all British Columbians working in the private sector. In short, a robust tourism sector means family-supporting jobs in every part of the province. The Canada Day long weekend is a fantastic opportunity for British Columbians to explore the vast diversity our province has to offer. From the wild beauty of our coast, to the big sky of our north and of course, to the rugged
charm of our south east, B.C. truly has something for everyone. Whether it’s riding horseback at a guest ranch in the Interior, house boating on Shuswap Lake, fishing for salmon in Haida Gwaii or soaking in hot springs in the Kootenays, small business owners all around B.C. have exhilarating tourism experiences to offer. To all British Columbians considering a journey this summer - I strongly encourage you to take that journey in your own province. For travel ideas and planning tools, visit or
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 The Golden Star
Golden Minor Hockey Association
HOCKEY SCHOOL 26th - 29th August 2013
Price:$225* per player Early Bird deal: $175* per player if you register before 15th July 2013 Goalies: $100* per player *Registration includes a Free Jersey* Ages Groups: 6 – 10 years. Players in this age group must be independent skaters 10 years old and up
Online Registration at, or
Details of the school will be emailed to you closer to the start of the school
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: Despicable Me 2 (3D) starting Friday July 5 - Thursday July 11 at 7pm. Saturday and Sunday matinees at 3pm.
This Week John Hartman “The Columbia in Canada” at the Art Gallery of Golden June 21 - September 2.
Wed, July 3 Golden Youth Centre drop in every Wednesday from 3:30-9pm. Jam nights every Wednesday evening. Ultimate Frisbee Co-ed drop-in every Wednesday at 7pm at Lady Grey Elementary. Jam night at the Rockwater. Golden Parent and Tot Play Lets parents and kids from birth to five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-noon.
Sell some tools or get a bigger box
Golden Farmers Market (Wednesday Market) starting Wednesday June 12 to August 28 from noon-5pm in the CP parking lot. Paint the Birds Join Wildsight at the CP Fence during the Farmer’s Market on July 3 from 10am3pm to paint the birds.
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Family Picnic Play and Learn, free 8-week summer program for families with children 3-5. Includes dinner and parent discussions, Wednesdays 5-7pm at the Museum starting June 26 - Aug.14. To register call 250-439-9665. Summer Kicks Series Devon Coyote July 3, 7pm at Spirit Square. Devon Coyote
This week's achievement award goes to...
At The Golden Taps at 10pm after the Spirit Square show.
Thurs, July 4 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Golden Voice Toastmasters Thursdays 7-8:30pm at COTR Rm 121. New members welcome. For info call Delanee Jmaiff 250-3440652. Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Free Homework Help at the Youth Centre 3:305pm Grades 4-7. Snacks included. Drop in. Bridge Club Every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Thursday 20% off all services, call 250-344-5766. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. “Up, Up and Away” at the Golden Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library! Thursdays 1:30-2:30 starting July 4 - Aug.1. Register at the library.
Fri, July 5 Golden Youth Centre drop in Fridays from 3:30-9pm and movie night every Friday from 7-9pm. Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night.
Storytime at the Golden Library 10:30-11:30am. Free drop-in, contact 250-
Performing at the Rockwater Grill and Bar July 13.
Spirit Square Saturday Market starting Saturday June 15 to August 31 from 11am-4pm at Spirit Square.
Waskazoo playing at the Golden Taps on July 13 at 10pm, no cover.
Tickets go on sale for Bruce Cockburn July 6, 10am at the art gallery, in person only, must be KHC member. Show is on Aug. 16.
Aman Virk Memorial Golf Tournament July 13 at the Golden Golf Club. $100 for golf, cart, and dinner.
UFC 162 Watch Silva vs Weidman on July 6 at 7pm at The Omega. $10 cover.
Sarah Burton playing at The Golden Taps on July 17 at 10pm, no cover.
Sun, July 7 Junior Climbing Club at Dogtooth Climbing Gym 12:30-2pm. Booking is recommended 250-3446444. Sunday Howl All ages open mic at the Wolf’s Den every Sunday from 4-8pm.
Mon, July 8 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Indoor Soccer at Mount 7 RecPlex Mondays 8:309:30pm until June 24.
Tues, July 9 John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Tuesday at 10am all summer. Call 250-344-5413 to register. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Sat, July 6
• For more information... go to
Upcoming Events
Summer Kicks Series Jungal July 10, 7pm at Spirit Square. Also performing, Tony Bell.
The Fred Eaglesmith Travelling Steamshow feat. The Coal Creek Boys July 19 at the Golden Taps Pub. Tickets $35 and are available at the Golden Taps. Toonie Bike Race Series Downhill mountain biking showdown at KHMR. July 13, July 27, Aug. 10, Aug. 31. Summer Kicks Series Tiller’s Folly July 17, 7pm at Spirit Square. Willhorse at the Rockwater Grill and Bar July 20. Gary Martin and the Heavenly Blues Band July 20 at Mad Trapper at 6pm. $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Summer Kicks Series presents Joaquin Diaz July 23, 7pm at Spirit Square. Kicking Horse Cup/ BC Road Master Race Weekend July 27/28. Preregister at www.kickinghorseresor t. com. Western Open Downhill Mountain Bike Race and Darkhorse Enduro Aug. 3/4, see details at www.kickinghorseresor t. com.
Picture the Ocean
Emily Nyder For an excellent Valedictorian speech at the 2013 graduation ceremony.
Stop in by July 3, 2013 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 3, 2013 A9
COME IN NOW FOR THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ON THE BEST SELLING LINE UP IN CANADA Hurry in as we expect to actually run out of new vehicles before the program ends!
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We need your trade-in now! Top dollar paid for all makes and models paid for or not
THANK YOU for shopping locally, we appreciate the business and will reciprocate. Call them today for all your heating and cooling needs!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 The Golden Star
Turning Back the Pages: The early days of Golden
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
The following outline of early history of Golden and the United Church was prepared by Rev. A.C. Pound and presented at the 46th Anniversary Service held on June 21, 1942. The first settlers came to Golden before the railway of 1884, over the old
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tote road, via Hospital Falls, It required five days by horse and wagon from the end of steel at Laggan (Lake Louise). The road was so rough that Mrs. Conner and her baby were thrown off into the brush on one occasion. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Archer (the parents of Mrs. W. Neville) and Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Conner. When Golden was still a construction camp, the mail man arrived by dog team and informed Hon. F.W. Aylmer, C.P.R. engineer, that Carlin’s Camp at Castle Mountain was named “Silver City,” to which he replied, “We’ll go one better than that and call our camp “Golden City.” The word “City” was later cut off by the postal authorities at Ottawa and ‘Golden’ it is today. The first building in Golden was that of Licksey Trombley’s hotel known as the “Canada House”, in 1884. The first two stores were the general stores of Robt. Lang, near the present Queen’s Hotel, and Joe Johnson’s, near the present Big Bend Hotel. The first private house was that of Harry Moody’s log building erected in 1884. It still stands
The first Methodist congregation in Golden erected a church, in 1896, on the north side of the railway track, which later became know as the “Orange Hall.” The church near the railway was so noisy that they decided to build a larger and more conveniently located church. The Grace Church, pictured above, was officially opened in 1902. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum just west of Vaughan Kimpton’s residence. Miss Store from Victoria was the first regular teacher. The first mixed train ran in 1886, twice weekly. There was no water provided on the old colonist coaches and the passengers had to melt snow for washing. The first steamboat was built by Capt. F.P. Armstrong and was in use by June 1st, 1886. It had a displacement of 30 tons
and was christened the “Duchess” by Miss Carrie Huckle. Before any churches were erected in the ‘80s visiting clergymen came from Fort Steele and Donald and held services where the crowd was – in the bar room, or the waiting room of the hotel, and also in a small elongated building called the “Caboose,” located near the present Golden Lodge. Under the super-
intendency of Rev. James Robertson, D.D., the first congregational meeting of the Presbyterians was held in the Donald station on Sept. 26, 1886, and arranged for the arrival of the first minister, Rev. A. H. Cameron in 1886. In 1887 he travelled from Golden by boat and horse-back to Lethbridge, Alta. Golden’s first school was also used as a place of worship. It was locat-
ed on the site of the present railroad ‘Y.” The second school was built on what is now part of the courthouse property and was also used for worship. The first copy of the Golden Era mentions a well-attended service in this school conducted by Rev. C.P. Way in 1891. In May, 1926, the Presbyterian and Methodist congregations joined to form the United Church of Canada.
Conservative government launches call for proposals for projects led and inspired by seniors Consider downsizing. Buy an RV lot for only $35,000! A place to hang your hat, and have extra cash, less maintenance and costs. INTERESTED? JUST A LITTLE? Come and see our offer. Located 20 km south of Golden.
Phone: 250-348-2094
David Wilks MP Kootenay-Columbia Every day, in thousands of communities across the country, Canadian seniors are making a difference, and initiatives such as the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) are helping them do so.The Honourable Alice Wong, Minister of State (Seniors), recently launched the 2013–2014 NHSP call for proposals for communitybased projects. This is an excellent opportunity for organizations that promote the wellbeing of seniors to take action. We encourage them to submit their applications before July 5, 2013, in all provinces and territories except Quebec, where
the closing date is September 6, 2013. Organizations may receive up to $25,000 in grant funding per year on projects that focus on one or more of the following objectives: volunteering, mentoring, expanding awareness of elder abuse, social participation and capital assistance. There are many organizations in Kootenay Columbia that are dedicated to helping seniors maintain a high quality of life and continue to be active, participating members of their communities. This year alone, we are providing more than $33 million to support 1 750 community-based projects for seniors across the country. Since its beginning, the
NHSP has funded more than 12 200 projects in hundreds of communities across Canada. Organizations can receive funding towards projects that empower seniors to share their diverse skills, knowledge and experiences with others by volunteering and mentoring. These projects also help foster social participation and inclusion of seniors in communities across Canada. Seniors have played an important role in building our great constituency of Kootenay Columbia and we wish to say thank you for keeping our communities strong. If your organization has an idea for a project that encourages seniors to lead
David Wilks Kootenay-Columbia MP or participate in activities that benefit the communities in Kootenay Columbia, take advantage of this call for proposal and submit your application today. For more information on how to submit your application, visit
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 3, 2013 A11
Headbanger’s delight
Jungal will be playing live in Spirit Square in Golden on July 10. Photo Submitted
Welcome to the Jungal Golden Star Staff
Retrofied got back together and brought the headbangers out of their seats at a special pre Canada Day show hosted by the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce on June 30 in Spirit Square. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Sunday Howl back for the summer Jessica Schwitek The summer season is starting up for the Sunday Howl at the Wolf’s Den. In a very musical community, musicians John Jenkins and Curt Thorne have started a weekly experience that is a little different from the rest. “I’ve hosted quite a few jam nights since I’ve been in town, and this one is just a little bit different,” said Jenkins. The Sunday Howl, unlike other jam nights and karaoke nights around Golden, is an open mic session at an all ages venue to allow for young and old to not only participate, but enjoy the show. “It’s really neat having the kids there and watching them dance around. It’s great that they can go out and watch live music,” said Jenkins, who is a recent father himself. “Lots of families came regularly. It’s just a different feel, it’s really neat. Young and old come out, it’s a really nice mixed crowd.” Everyone is welcome to come by and listen to the music. If you would like to perform, just show up and talk to Jenkins when you get there. Most people bring their own instruments, but there is a guitar available if you need one. In the winter season there were acoustic and electric gui-
The rock and roll sound of Australia is coming to Golden on Wednesday, July 10, when Jungal plays in Spirit Square. The roots and rock ladies are launching their latest record, Leave My Head, across British Columbia and Alberta. The new tracks signify a new, more mature and darker sound for the trio, as they explore themes of emotional disorder and the crazy side of life. Since their last full length release in 2010, Jungal have had some profoundly challenging but powerful learning experiences about love, life, emotion and well being. Whilst recording in Melbourne,
Australia, at “The Aviary” with Fraser Montgomery co-producing, the Jungal ladies were able to explore and express their experiences with the result being the 5th release from the Aussie trio. Bringing ingredients of roots, rock, a dash of folk, and a sprinkle of soul to their cauldron, Jungal serve up a feast of live music through an energetic, rocking performance. The Jungal sisterhood are renowned for giving audiences their all, delivering punchy melodies, powerful grooves and some genuine girl power. These ladies know how to prowl, and spread their foot stomping, heart pumping goodness around the globe. You can check out for all the bands information.
Local musician John Jenkins is hosting the Sunday Howl every Sunday at the Wolf’s Den. Photo Submitted tars, bass players, fiddlers, a banjo, a mandola, and one Sunday a drummer came. Most of the music played is acoustic, and given that it is more of a family environment, Jenkins keeps the volume at a reasonable level. “We started it with a pretty open mind, so we’re really flexible with what kind of instru-
ments and musicians want to come out,” he said. “It’s very conducive to songwriters. So if you have a tune you want to try out, this is a great place.” The Howl ran every Sunday from February to April for the winter season, and will be starting up for the summer season on July 7 from 4 to 8 p.m.
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Sat July 6, 7pm $10 Cover WIN 2 WEEKEND PASSES For the Roots & Blues Festival
902 11th ave south in Salmon Arm Aug 16-18 Valued at $300.00 250 344 6299
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 The Golden Star
Summer heats up as Golden celebrates Canada Day
It was a hot Canada Day in Golden but (above left) Theo Richard, Kirsten Allkins, Lila Richard and Mia Cholo took time to relax in a school room at the Golden Museum. Town of Golden Mayor Christina Benty (far left) was on hand to sing O’ Canada and serve breakfast that was made in part by Golden and District Lions member Gary Bjarnason (directly left). Bill Dreyer showed off his 1930 Model “A” Ford at the Team Red Line Car Show (directly above). (Pictured below) Cole and Eric Millard found a way to beat the heat at the Royal Canadian Leigion thanks to a special water show put on by the Golden Fire Department. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Canada Day Quiz Answers 1. Mount Logan, Yukon 2. John Rut to Henry VIII in 1527 3. Cpt. George Vancouver 4. The British North America Act 5. Kim Campbell 6. Village 7. 1980 8. Six 9. Sir John A. Macdonald 10. True
11. Newfoundland 12. Three 13. Nunavut was formed in 1999 14. True, Joseph Shuster was a co-creator 15. Sanford Fleming 16. Ontario, Yonge Street 17. Banff National Park, Est. 1885 18. The United States of America 19. Marion Orr 20. Fourteen
Questions on page 6
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 3, 2013 A13
Golden Moments: Taking a voyage back to another place and time Darryl Crane Davene Dunn was the oldest of five children who took the long road to finding her home in Golden. Dunn explained that her father was born in England while her mother is of Metis descent. “My grandmother came to Canada with a fur coat she had. It was very cold in those days on the homestead and the first winter she had to cut up her coat to make mittens and caps for the kids.” Her ancestors, from the other side of her family, came from France in the 1600s and moved to Montreal and migrated west. Her family worked as voyageurs for the Hudson Bay Company before moving to Lac La Biche, Alberta. “When I was six years old my dad moved to Kimberley where he had a mink farm. He loved the land and living off the land. He loved trapping and hunting.” Dunn took her schooling in Kimberley and eventually applied for a job with a trucking company. “I enjoyed my time with the company. It was in a time when a woman did not get paid as much as a man for the same job but I was paid well,” she said. She was preparing to head out to a major city when a chance meeting with a lawyer changed the direction of her life. “His secretary was going on a month’s holiday and he asked if I would like to replace her for the month she was gone,” she said. “I took that job and never got out of there. It was interesting and exciting.” She explained the time working for the lawyer was challenging for her. “He did murder cases and specialized in divorces. I would go out and interview the clients. He pushed me and made me learn,” he said. It was the lawyer who pressured her to take her real estate license. “Our family did not have money so I took it by correspondence. I ended up becoming a notary public
and I became the youngest notary in British Columbia. I was also only the second woman to do this as well at the time.” Dunn came to Golden in 1967. “I liked it up here. It reminded me of a pioneer town. I was only going to move here for a year. It was a young person’s town at the time. You could do well here as long as you were prepared to work.” Dunn said her work in Golden was always exciting as well. She would fly up and down the valley or even out to Vancouver for her job. “In those days if you wanted a divorce there were only a few grounds for it. One was adultery and to prove that was horrendous.” Dunn became a bit of a detective during this time and would have to collect evidence for cases all over the Kootenay region. Fred Peter offered Dunn a job in Golden that would let her get to know everyone in Golden. “I got to know the whole population of the town. I worked with people on real estate deals to wills,” she said. Working six days a week and late into the night Dunn did what she could to spend time with her children. “My son would come to the office and fall asleep on the couch. When it was time to go home we would pick him up and carry him home,” she said. “There are ups and downs but it was always exciting to me. You could feel it in the air. My life here has been full and I am always trying to juggle many things. This is home to me now.” Throughout her life Dunn has been working hard to pass on the history of Michif-Cree language culture. “My family and I have gone to language centres to keep it going. We teach it and try to pass it on to the schools here. Each time we dance we try and pass it on to the children,” she said. “There was a time when some people may have been too ashamed to say they were First Nations or Métis. We have been successful a and are not afraid to bring it out. When we go
Davene Dunn has worked hard throughout her life and now passes on her past to new generation. Darryl Crane/Star Photo out to places and dance we have met people who say it has helped them to not feel that way. It helps keep us going.”
Tell us what you're up to!
250 344-5251
www.the Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 The Golden Star
Gymnastics club goes head over heels after strong season Darryl Crane
Open, Jasmine Wan: Beams-3rd
The Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club recently ended their very successful spring session. “It is hard to believe it is June. It has been a busy and successful year for our club. Having our own home has allowed us to broaden and deepen our programs,” said Head Coach of the club, Christine Muise. The club attended many different meets during the season with a number of athletes having top finishes. Fiesta International Emma Russell: Vault-Bronze, BarsSilver, Beam-Bronze, Floor-Bronze, Marika Sutter: Vault-Bronze, Bars-Silver, Beam-Bronze, Floor-Silver, Sydney McLean: Vault-Bronze, Bars-Gold, Beam-Silver, Floor-Gold, Mara Parkinson: Vault-Bronze, Bars-Silver, BeamBronze, Floor-Bronze, Rylee-Jo Skawski: Vault-Silver, Bars-Silver, Beam-Silver, Floor-Bronze, Sierra Crowe: VaultBronze, Bars-Silver, Beam-Bronze, Floor-Silver, Morgan Wharton: VaultBronze, Bars-Silver, Beam-Silver, FloorSilver, Chloe Hood: Vault-Bronze, BarsBronze, Beam-Bronze, Floor-Bronze, Tige Lussier: Vault-Silver, Bars-Bronze, Beam-Bronze, Floor-Bronze Provincial Level 1 Tyro Ayra McCarthy- Bars 2nd, Kayla Lush: Bars-3rd, Beam-3rd, Provincial Level 2
Coconut Cup Mackenzie Lush: Vault-Gold, RingsSilver, Pommel-Silver, P Bars-Bronze, High Bar-Bronze, Floor-Bronze, AllAround-Bronze, Walker Lapins: VaultGold, Rings-Silver, Pommel-Silver, P Bars-Silver, High Bar-Silver, Floor-Gold, All-Around-Gold High School Level 3 Kelsey Lloyd: Vault-1st, Bars-1st, Beam-2nd, Floor-1st, All-Around-1st overall, Jasmine Wan: Vault-2nd, Bars2nd, Beam-1st, Floor 3rd, All-Around2nd overall Provincial Level 1 Kayla Lush: Vault-3rd, Beam-2nd, AllAround-2nd overall, Ayra McCarthy: Bars-2nd Girls Performance Plus Marika Sutter: Vault-Silver, Bars-Gold, Beams-Silver, Floor-Silver, All-AroundSilver, Sydney McLean: Vault-Gold, Bars-Silver, Beams -Silver, Floor-Gold, All-Around-Silver, Emilie Lessor: VaultBronze, Bars-Gold, Beams-Bronze, Floor-Silver, All-Around-Bronze, Sierra Crowe: Vault-Bronze, Bars-Gold, Beams-Gold, Floor-Bronze, All-AroundSilver, Chloe Hood: Vault-Gold, BarsBronze, Beams-Silver, Floor-Bronze, All-Around-Bronze, Tige Lussier: Vault-
Students and coaches at the Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club celebrated the end of the season by performing some handstands, balancing beam work and even a back flip. Darryl Crane/Star Photo Silver, Bars-Silver, Beams-Silver, FloorSilver, All-Around-Silver, Emma Russell: Vault-Bronze, Bars-Silver, BeamsSilver, Floor-Silver, All-Around-Silver Luau Cup Marika, Ayra and Kayla competed at Provincial Level 1. Kayla received third
place and achieved Best Artistic Performance on Floor. The club will have camps tentatively set for July and August. Times and costs will vary on age and time each day. The fall session will begin on September 12, 2013 with inquiries being sent to
The Rotary Club of Golden Proudly Presents… The Rotary Club of Golden Proudly Presents…
The The Annual Aman VirkVirk Annual Aman Memorial GolfGolf Memorial Tournament Tournament
Date: Saturday, July 13, 2013 Time: Shot Gun start at 1:30 pm Where: Golf Club Date:Golden July 17,July 2010 Date: 17, 2010Price: $100 includes golf, cart and dinner $25 dinner only Time: Tee Off’s start at 8:00am
Time: Tee Off’s start at 8:00am Prizes •Golden Secret Silent Auction • Games • 2 Hole in Ones Where: Golf Club Where: Golden Golf Space Clubis limited and filling up quickly. Book individually or as a team today! Price: Price: Members = $50 Please email Bob Finnie at bobfinnie21@gmail.comor call theMembers golf course at=250-344-2761. $50 Non –Non Members = $95= $95 Be a Sponsor... – Members
Platinum Sponsor - $1000 Gold Sponsor - $500 * Exclusive hole sponsorship * 4 golfing spots * 4 complimentary beverage tickets * 24”x48” sponsor sign with your logo at hole, on the golf cart, and at the banquet. * Team photo * Full page ad in the event program * Platinum recognition in all advertising
* Shared hole sponsorship (maximum 2 sponsors per hole)
Silver Sponsor - $250
* Shared hole sponsorship (maximum 5 sponsors per hole)
Bronze Sponsor - $100
* Shared hole sponsorship (maximum 10 sponsors per hole)
Tournament fee includes golf, power cart, cart, Tournament fee includes golf, power * 1 golfing spot * 12”x12” sponsor sign with your logoof at hole. a ladinner, cart *dinner, and tonnes of fun. a la cart prizes,prizes, and tonnes fun. 1 complimentary beverage * 2 complimentary beverage ticket * 1/8 page ad in the event program tickets This is an opportunity to gather together This is an opportunity to gather together * 16”x24” sponsor sign with your * 24”x24” sponsor sign with your * Bronze recognition in all atour hole. dear friend advertising. logo at hole. and honour his element: and honour ourlogodear friend in hisinelement: * Half page ad in the event program * 1/4 page ad in the event program thecourse golf course and giving to charity. on theon golf and giving to charity. * Silver recognition in all * Gold recognition in all * 2 golfing spots
Proceeds to benefit the Aman Virk Memorial Scholarship Fund; the Medical Assistance Fund; and the ECLSAG Project
Starbusiness directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 3, 2013 A15
Golden Business Directory Here for You, Here for tHe environment! “Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishing”
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Free Delivery within town. Free Delivery within town.
600B Habart Lower Rd Golden BC V0A 1H2
250.344.0220 250.344.0220 250.344.0220
Golden Shoe Company Hush Puppies shoes & boots
25% off
413C – 9 th Avenue North. 250-344-2133
Licensed Home Builder
Mike Burns
Cell Office Email
250 344 0290 250 344 3992
Across from 7-11
Tell us what you’re up to! Golden THE 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 The Golden Star
Sweet times at Golden Markets Pictured left is the owner of Pretty Flour, Jayne Baun, and her daughter Betty. Baun was at the Farmers’ Market in Golden on Saturday in Spirit Square. The markets are also held in the CP parking lot (across from 7-11) on Wednesdays. Darryl Crane/ Star Photo
Glacier Rafting offers new routes for rafters of all ages Jessica Schwitek Golden may be known for attracting some of the craziest adrenaline junkies in the world, but Glacier Rafting is making sure that people looking for a more relaxing trip down the rivers can still have fun right here in Golden. Starting this year, Glacier is taking rafts down the Blaeberry River, offering rafters a casual, scenic trip down the river with the Blaeberry Explorer. They still have to paddle, but won't be navigating through the white water rapids you experience on the Kicking Horse River. "You still do paddle, so it's not quite a float. It's a pretty windy river," said Ryan Johannesen, owner of Glacier Rafting. "There's some cool vertical walls right beside it in the canyon section. It's about as wide as a street, with walls on each side, so it's pretty cool." The trips also take the same route that David Thompson did when he came through, and down to the Columbia River. Glacier's guides have learned some David Thompson history so the rafters can learn a little bit on their way down the river. The Blaeberry River trips will be primarily in the evening, leaving around 4:30 p.m., and finishing around 8 p.m. "The nice part about the evening run is that the sun is in a good spot, and it gets really scenic," said Johannesen. "It's pretty much a sunset trip." Johannesen and his guides have already seen quite a bit of wildlife on the route, including some black bears in the canyon section. The more hard core rafters have no need to worry, Glacier Rafting has not forgotten about them. They have added another new route this year — an expedition overnight trip on the White River, close to Kootenay National Park. “It gives you a real remote feeling, but the nice thing is you’re still vehicle supported,” said Johannesen. This expedition lets you go out into the country, do some rafting on Class 2, 3, and 4 rapids, without having to worry about your gear and meals, which remain in the vehicle. “There’s waterfalls coming in, there’s places to get out and hike. Every time I’ve been on that river I’ve seen a moose somewhere. It’s just a great experience,” said Johannesen. To learn more about Glacier Rafting’s routes and rates, go to
Glacier Rafting is taking its guests on a more relaxing trip down the Blaeberry River. Rafters can take in the scenery and wildlife during their evening ride, without navigating the rapids you see on the Kicking Horse River. Photo Submitted
The Golden Wednesday, 3, 2013 Golden StarStar Wednesday, JulyJuly 3, 2013 A15 A17
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Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Misc. for Sale
CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Antiques-Collectibles Furniture-Tools Sunday, 7 July 2013, 11A.M.
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
STEEL BUILDINGS/ Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206.
Help Wanted
New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.
EXPERIENCED PARTS Person required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000 sq.ft store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at: Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email:
T E L E C O M M U N I C AT I O N S Contractor requires ground persons/linemen. Air ticket and clean driving record required. Will train suitable candidates. Please email resumes to
Employment Business Opportunities ALL CASH Drink & Snack Vending Business Route. Complete Training. Small Investment required. 1-888-979VEND(8363).
Education/Trade Schools
FOREST FIRE MEDICS & CLASS 4 DRIVERS. Min. 2 years remote camp experience req. for OFA3 Medics. Email resume to or fax to 250.785.1896. $16/hr
CanScribe Education
GUARANTEED JOB placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen for oil and gas industry. Call 24hr free recorded message for information: 1800-972-0209 HIRING LOCAL DRIVERS to transport railway crews. Vehicle & training is provided. Class 4 driver’s license is required, assistance will be provided for those who require upgrade. Flexible schedule for a 24/7 operation. F/T & P/T opportunities WINTER WAGES $19.50/HR Contact Wolf Bigge: cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
Fax: (403)504-8664
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853 TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta. Bakers needed for Golden Bakery & Deli $12.50 to $14.50 Hourly, 40.00 hours per week. Send resumes Box 1455, 415 9th Avenue N, Golden BC, V0A 1H0, apply by email: CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
HOUSEKEEPERS wanted. $12/hr for experienced to start. $11/hr if needs training. Drop resume off at Mary’s Motel in Golden 250-344-7111, 344-5112. KICKING Horse Gymnastics Club requires an Associate Coach/ Administrator. Level 2 NCCP Gymnastics, First Aid and Criminal Record Check needed. September 2013. Send resume or inquiries to MAINTENANCE/LOADER OPERATOR NEEDED This is a fulltime, permanent position starting immediately at our plant in Princeton, BC. Minimum of 10 years maintenance experience required on a variety of production and mobile equipment. Experience in a post mill, or small to medium size sawmill preferred. Must be able to handle a variety of tasks, work well with minimum supervision and be part of the team. Please submit resumes by fax 250295-7912 or email
Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services SAMARITAN’S Purse is hiring a Restaurant Cook in Dease Lake, BC Apply at or fax:1888-232-9633; Got Questions? Call 1800-663-6500
Income Opportunity NOW HIRING! Earn extra cash - Simple work. P/T-F/T. Can be done from home. Acceptance guaranteed. No experience required, all welcome!
Cooks needed for Legendz Diner. $11-$13 hourly. 40 hrs/week. Send resumes to PO BOX 676, 1405 Trans Canada Hwy Golden BC V0A 1H0. Or email to: jobs.legendz., or fax to 250-344-5075. EXPANDING PIPELINE Company in Central Alberta requires Class 1 Winch Truck Operators and Heavy Equipment Technicians experienced in truck, trailer and off road equipment repair. Fax resume to: 403-507-2766. Attention: Phil Dunn.
Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 50% and debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Need CA$H Today? Own A Vehicle?
Borrow Up To $25,000
No Credit Checks!
Cash same day, local office. 1-800-514-9399
Windermere Valley Lions Hall
for listings and pics go to:
or call 250-341-5316
Free Items Free kittens. All we ask for is a good home and care. Contact: 250-348-2450.
Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Garage Sales Estate Sale. Saturday July 6, 10am-3pm. 1317 Pine Dr. YARD SALE, WASA, BC. SUN JUNE 30TH, & SAT JULY 6, 11 - 4 PM, 6484 WASA LAKE PARK DRIVE
Heavy Duty Machinery Diesel gen set 2007 Kobota 12.4 kw $4400 Bob 250-3545366, email:
Misc. for Sale 2003 8ft camper for sale, in excellent condition. Sleeps 4, has 3 way fridge, stove and toilet. Only used 4 times. $7000 call 250-344-4888, or 250-272-9873 (cell) ask for Joanne. - 4 Aluminum wheels with summer tires 195/65/R15. - 1 Elyptical exerciser. 250-344-5771.
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Contractors Custom blueprints. Visit: We will not be undersold!
Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
Garden & Lawn Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil Now Available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - ph $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery. Call Bernie - 344-4646.
NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURE - NO VEHICLE ACCESS Beaverfoot Forest Service Road will be closed at 11km from August 12 to 20, 2013, and then closed at 20km from August 20 to 30, 2013, for road stream crossing structural work.
$30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798 days, 344-2160 evenings. Samples available.
Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services
Merchandise for Sale
KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit, Complete Room Treatment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available online (NOT IN STORES). Lumber For Sale Planned 12’ 2x4 & 16’ 2x6 $0.45per board Ft or $450.00 per thousand board Ft. Ph.250-344-0950 or 344-0199. RIDING lawn tractor 2008 Craftsman: 22 HP; 42” deck electric start; auto transmission, excellent condition; asking $1100. 250-428-3960
Merchandise for Sale
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at Misc. Wanted True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
A convenient place to work.
If you’re outgoing, enthusiastic and share our commitment to customer service, we’d like to have you on our team. :e offer you training, Eene¿ts to those who qualify, competitive wages and a friendly, supportive environment. Join our winning team. 9isit our store to ¿ll out an application and attach your resume. Resumes can also be sent to: Box 869, Golden, BC V0A 1H0. We are an equal opportunity employer. We thank all applicants for responding, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.
A18 A16
Real Estate
Acreage for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins
south of Golden, east side of the Rockies, spectacular views! Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. 1-250-769-4288 or
call Willy 250-344-6048.
For Sale By Owner $309,900 Beautiful oak hardwood throughout!. Upgrades incl roof, bathroom & kitchen. Private yard, deck, garage. Quiet cul de sac in Alexander Park area. Appliances neg. View at http://www.bcforsalebyow n e r. c o m / v i ew / 4 6 4 1 . Phone 250-344-2832 $368,900 4 bdrm 2.5 bath 2300 sq/ft house mins from town with mountain views on 25 acres. 250-344-7019. 1132 Golden Donald Rd. For Sale By Owner: #11 415, 5 Ave S. Clean, bright, lg 2 bdrm single storey condo. 1388 sq ft with 7.6 bsmt ideal for storage, exercise rm and/or workshop. Attached single car garage. $289,900. Go to view pics. Call Paul Feuz @ 250-344-5798 to view. For Sale By Owner: Rare opportunity to own riverfront property in the Blaeberry Valley. Level, treed acreage with drilled well; has both creek and river frontage. Offers gorgeous views of the valley and mountains from private building sites. Adjacent to 1879 Blaeberry Rd. Not to be missed 16 acres of riverfront for $399,900. View pictures at http://www.bcforsalebyowner.c om. Call George at 250-3446542 or 250-439-8157 to view. For Sale By Owner: Two 8 acre lots in the desirable Blaeberry Valley. Beautifully level and treed acreages with spectacular views. Drilled wells. Located across from 1879 Blaeberry Rd. Incredible value: 8 acres for $219,900. View pictures at http://www.bcforsalebyowner.c om. Call George at 250-3446542 or 250-439-8157 to view.
Houses For Sale Exclusive MOUNTAIN HOME For Sale - Visit:
Mobile Homes & Parks MOBILE Home for Sale, (14’X70’) Situated in Whispering Spruce Trailer Park totally redone, 3 bedrooms, Major renovations have been done like new windows(2007),new bathroom(2009),new efficient propane furnace(2009), peaked roof(2011). enclosed screen deck and more! Asking $70,000. Call Kathy 250-4397100
In the Blaeberry - take a look ** Private ** You will not be disappointed
Large 2 bdr. Apartment Available now Smaller 1 & 2 bdr. apts Available June 1/13 -Fully Furnished & Modern -Utilities Included -Satellite TV -High Speed Internet -Laundromat on site -DD & references required No Pets Phone 344-7299
Leave message if no answer please Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233.
Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. FULLY FURNISHED all inclusive 1 Bdr Suite $700/month. View at or call 344-7001. FULLY FURNISHED all inclusive bachelor suite. View at or call 344-7001.
Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Misc for Rent
Wednesday, Wednesday, JulyJuly 3, 2013 3, 2013 The Golden Star Star
Homes for Rent
Cars - Domestic
2 Bdr. house in Donald. Furnished, wood stove, fenced. Pets ok. $700/mth. 250-340-0043.
S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
Zoom! Zoom! Mazda 3GT 2008.5 $10,995. Air conditioning, moon roof, cruise, winter & all season tires, power windows/doors, only 93,000km. Full of Mazda awesomeness! Call 250-3447443, 250-439-7172 or wander by Bacchus.
2 bdrm house on acreage at Castledale on Hwy 95. $750/month + utls. No parties, no illegal activities, long term mature reliable tenants pref’d. Refs and DD req’d. Please call 250-344-6710. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 Bdr house in town with fridge & stove $800. Also 1 Bd suite $450. No pets. Avail now. Call 344-1599 or 3441828 3 Bdr mobile home for rent or sale. $600/mth. Avail June 1. 250-344-7163 or 344-8179. 2 Bdr house, w/d, sat. dish, in town, DD req’d, no pets. 6 BR House downtown Golden on large lot, recently reno’d, fenced yard, washer/dryer, large deck, avail. from July 1, $1500/mnth. Upstairs also avail. as a 3 BR apartment at $900/mnth. Utls extra, n/a, pets negotiable. 403-678-2717 email: 716-8 St. Main Floor 3 bdr. 1040 sq. ft. home. Fireplace in LR, 1 1/2 baths, laundry down, electric heat. Carport. N/S. NP Mature, long-term tenant. $1200/mo. DD-$600 Call 250-344-5508. Log house for rent 1 bdrm + loft, Oster Rd, n/s, no pets, $750/month, avail. July 15th. 250-272-5959. THREE bedroom, three bathroom stunning home available for rent immediately. Located 10 minutes from Fernie on 24 private acres. Fully equipped gourmet kitchen. Gas fireplace. Outdoor hot tub. Gas BBQ. Two spacious decks. Outdoor firepit. Lots of parking. Laundry room. 60” TV. $2850 per month includes all utilities, professional hottub maintenance, wi-fi and cable tv.
Suites, Lower 716 - 8th St 2 bdrm basement suite / fireplace in living rm. Laundry room, $700 + utls - elec. heat. DD $350, no pets no smoking. Responsible mature tenant. Call 250-344-5508. New bright basement, 2 bdrm, Canyon Ridge, Aug.1, $900 all incld. Call 450-204-8250.
Suites, Upper LOVELY BACHELOR suite in beautiful garden setting. $570/month + hydro. 250-344-2246
Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Auto Financing
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Motorcycles 2004 Suzuki GS 500 7000kms $2700 OBO. 250-939-9393.
Boats 1993 Malibu M18 Sport Bow Rider - 187 hours on Chris Woods Custom 4.3l Vortec Engine, Naturally Aspirated, 650 CFM 4bbl Eddelbrock carburetor with custom intake manifold, cam, etc. Approx 225 php. Dual Batteries with controller, Fishing Cover, Storage Cover, Custom Made Bow Filler (Turns bow into a semicuddy), rod holder receptacles, down rigger mounts (Scotty), Lowrance X15 fish finder with speed, temp, skimmer, mount etc, 2 19” Props, Pioneer Stereo, Tsunami Wakeboard Tower, Service records for entire time new engine in boat, Easy Loader Trailer with Disc Brakes, spare tire holder. This boat is in excellent shape. We are only selling it because we purchased a bigger boat. Asking $12500 (OBO). 250-426-3346
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1 Bdr ground level apt, close to downtown, w/d hookup. Very clean, excellent condition. $600 / month. Call 250-344-0222. 2 bdrm apt, 2nd floor downtown, dishwasher, w/d hookup. Very clean, excellent condition. $700 avail now. 250-344-0222. 2 bdrm mobile home at Nicholson. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551. LARGE newly reno’d 1 & 2 bdrm apt., NS, no pets, no parties, laundry facil. Walking distance to all amen., DD req. $750. (1-250)344-0780 ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Avail immd. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250344-8113 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113.
Mobile Homes & Pads 2+ bdrm mobile home in quiet area with Blaeberry views. Wood stove in addition. Completely fenced 1.3 acres. Pets & livestock negotiable. $1200/month + utls. N/S. Security deposit & references required. Avail. now, 250-8425193. Golden Mobile Home Park situated at 1400 - 12th St N has 2 lots available. Phone 250-272-4644.
COLUMBIA SHUSWAP REGIONAL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Mattress Deconstruction and Recycling The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (Regional District) is issuing this Request for Proposals seeking a Proponent to develop a plan for the deconstruction of disposed mattresses and box springs, which includes the recycling of wood and metal materials extracted from the mattresses, as well as the disposal of the non-recyclable materials. Proposals clearly marked “REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – MATTRESS DECONSTRUCTION AND RECYCLING” will be accepted until 2:00 PM local time on Tuesday, July 30, 2013, at the of¿ce of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District located at 781 Marine Park Drive, PO Box 978, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P1.
Any questions regarding this Request for Proposals document can be directed to Ben Van Nostrand, Waste Management Coordinator, Environment & Engineering Services at (250) 833-5940.
Homes for Rent 1 bdrm chalet furnished full kitchen, sat. tv, high speed internet, utls incld, fire place, NS, mon. 6 months, avail. now. $650/month. 250-3447874 (evenings). 1 bdrm ground floor suite (not basement) in detached house in Golden. Full kitchen, 3 pc bath, sunny deck, off street parking, shared laundry. $625 inc utls. Sorry NP & NS. Avail July 1. 403-609-6643. 2 and 3 bdrm by Overwaitea 250-344-2616, 344-5634. 2 Bdr House for rent, across from Overwaitea, avail.immdly. References required. No pets. No parties. NS. Please call 250-344-6200.
Proposal documents and further information are available online on the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at, BC Bid website at, Civic Info website at and at the of¿ce of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District (at the above noted address during regular of¿ce hours).
Each ofce is independently owned & operated.
Other Areas LARGE Log House +84 acr, Sussex NB, $199,000. 506-653-1374
Legal Notices
NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENSE W1588 Please be advised that Vaughn Prather and Brian Amies are proposing to remove 56 hectares of private land from Woodlot License 1588. The private land is located in the vicinity of Moberly on the Golden Donald Upper Road, north of Golden, BC. Inquiries or comments concerning this proposal must be submitted by Wednesday, July 31, 2013. For information on this proposal or to submit comments or concerns contact Brian Amies, RPF by email:, mail: 1675 Blaeberry River Road East, Golden, BC, V0A 1H1, Phone: (250)344-7354. Only inquiries or comments received by the above date will be responded to.
Visit our website for complete rental listings
Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell)
Legal Notices
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality in the proposals received, in each case without giving any notice. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept the proposal which is deemed most advantageous. Fax submissions will not be accepted. The lowest or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted.
We’re on the net at
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 3, 2013 A19
● Corporate Administration - Jon Wilsgard, Ext 237 ● Finance - Lisa Vass, Ext 227 ● Operations, Public Works - Chris Cochran, Ext 226 ● Fire Department - Ken McClure, 250.344.6401 ● Recreation ServicesCommittee - Jordan Petrovics, Ext 225 Columbia Basin Trust Community Funds Local Selection ● Mayor’s Office - Christina Benty, Ext 229 Are you community minded? Would you● like to be&aBuilding member- Gary of a Smith, local committee that helps people and organizations Golden Planning Ext 235 Appointment hours - Tuesday 9:30inam to 12:00 pm reach their dreams? This is the role of the CBT Community Funds Local Selection Committee which each year on behalf of Town ● Strategic Initiatives - David Love, Ext 249 Council adjudicates applications and awards nearly $300,000 to local organizations that strive to make our community better. We need to fill one vacancy on the committee and while we would be delighted to see a representative from our community youth, we will accept applications from anyone interested playing a part B.C. on this 810 9thinAve. S Golden V0Afun, 1H0rewarding, and very meaningful committee. The committee meets approximately five times per year between January and April during the annual CBT Community Funds 250 344-2271 ● Fax 250 344-6577 process. A measure of confidentiality and an unbiased outlook toward community development and understanding is required.
High Water – How Did We Do This Year? What Mother Nature did to Alberta was pretty unbelievable. We were very lucky that the weather system that caused it didn’t cross the Great Divide. The Kicking Horse crested on June 22nd at 76% of its capacity and the Columbia is doing what it usually does – affecting the water table and bringing it to some folks’ basements. The confluence trail by the airport is more of a canoe route right now. The official flood threat is not expected to pass till mid-July. In close liaison with Emergency Management BC, we maintain a Golden and Area Emergency Management Program with two exceptionally dedicated staff tasked with planning, making ready, and leading the response to emergency situations as required during parts of the year. This is a very important function and not typically visible to our citizens – but is one of the more critical service functions we have. Give us a call if you’re ever curious about it.
The Heat is On – And So Are the Watering Restrictions Please Watering of lawns and gardens is only permitted between 4:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Permissible watering days are as follows: Odd civic address - odd calendar days Even civic address - even calendar days We all have a great responsibility to each other to use our water wisely. Our supply and the cost of getting that supply to your home and business should be your concern as well as ours. Please respect our watering times, which are subject to enforcement. In the event of a power outage, shut off all sprinklers. Draining our reservoirs unnecessarily depletes water to all residents, and our ability to provide fire protection! *Note that Bylaw Enforcement personnel will be actively patrolling to ensure compliance with this and our Cosmetic Pesticide Bylaw. Please respect our restrictions. There are good reasons for them.
Summer Council Meetings For those dedicated hordes of citizens who religiously crowd into Council Chambers every two weeks to watch democracy in motion again and again, stay your enthusiasm for the next two months as Council only officially meets once in July (the 16th) and once in August (the 20th). Both are at 1:15pm. Watch the agendas on these though – we tend to pack some thought provoking stuff into the summer meetings!
Permissive Tax Exemptions for the 2014 Year Council has the authority to exempt some property owners (i.e. not-for-profit, religious organizations, etc.) from paying some or all their taxes, at their discretion and typically according to a policy. Application for a PTE is required. The 2014 application forms are now available for completion. Property owners who completed the five year application in 2011 are not required to complete an application until 2016 unless circumstances have changed since their 20 11 submission. Non-profit organizations that filled out a detailed application in the last two years must complete a renewal application. New applicants are required to complete the detailed application. All applications are reviewed and approved annually by Council bylaw. The deadline this year is August 30th, 2013. If you have any questions please contact Lisa Vass.
Town of Golden – Regular Open Council Meeting: June 25th, 2013
Removal of Invermere Hospital Hemodialysis Unit Council will write to the Minister of Health in opposition to the closing of this unit. 2012 Annual Report Council considered the report as required by legislation. Copies are available on the website and at Town Hall. Small Borrowing for Expenditures Council will short-term borrow to finance the new light duty pickup for the Fire Hall and network server for Town Hall. Civic Centre Kitchen Build Update The budget for this project will increase by $28,750 from the contingency reserve to address needed electrical and other upgrades. Winter Sand Supply OW Braisher Contracting was awarded a 3-year contract to supply winter sand to the town. Mobile Vendors Discussion Council approved new provisions to allow for mobile vending in principle, subject to input from the Chamber of Commerce.
Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234
RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275
1338 Selkirk Drive
Highway #95, South
4 bedrooms
3.74 acres
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 The Golden Star
19.5 acres
4 bdrms
3 baths
3.7 acres
$259,900 #7, 411 - 5th Avenue 2 baths
$550,000 730 Nicholson Road
6bdrms 5 baths 4,500sqft 1.38 acres
852 HIghway #95 South 2,400sqft
.6 acres
$110,000 729 Nicholson Frontage Road .613 acre
REDUCED 4 bedrooms
3 baths
$1,190,000 1636 Purcell Woods Close
3 bedrooms
3 baths
2238 Neville Road 80 acres
747 Nicholson Frontage Road Building, Land & Business
1 bedroom
$269,900 #27, 1357 Aemmer Way
1 bedroom
1 bath
4.94 acres
REDUCED 5 bedrooms
2.5 baths
$449,900 1037 - 10th Avenue North Land & Building
$409,300 2280 Neville Road
3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 2,267sqft
4bdrms 2 baths 2,366sqft 18.5 acres
2 bedrooms
1 bath
SOLD $249,000 625 Habart Road
4 bedrooms 2 baths 2,064sqft 1.12 acres
$599,900 628 LaFontaine Road
4+ bdrms 3 baths 3,456sqft 5.72 acres
$339,900 850 Canyon Creek Road
2110 Blaeberry Road 5.17 acres
4 bdrms 2 baths 2,072sqft 2.26 acres
$200,000 731 Barber Road 1 bath
REDUCED 3 bdrms
.51 acre
3 baths 2,570sqft
1.14 acres
$252,000 #305 (A&B), 1420 Palliser Trail
2 bedrooms
$649,000 551 Highway #95, South
6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres
741 Barber Road
2 baths
$235,000 1556 Adolph Johnson Road 5.73 acres
1416 Birch Crescent
3 bedrooms
4 baths
$219,500 #106, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail
530 - 11th Street
2 bdrms
Lot 1, Castledale Heights
151 acres
1.06 acres
805 - 5th Avenue
from $124,500 to $255,000 6 Acreages Available
$599,000 2975 Allen Road
Lot 2, Golden Donald Upper Road
Only 5 Lots Left
#2, 1338 Kauffman View 1 bath
Canyon Ridge
#12, Mountain Shadows MHP
4.99 acres
from $52,250 to $71,500
McMurdo Road
3bdrms 1.5 baths 1,900sqft 13 acres
1 bedroom
3 bdrms 2 baths 1,040sqft
2.3 acres
Petra Musick Dan Veselic (250) 344-1476 (250) 344-1435
Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435
2036 Blaeberry School Road
2.72 acres
SOLD $450,000
3 baths
Lot 2, 2116 Highway #95, South
1615 Campbell Road
1308 Pine Drive
3 bedrooms
$199,000 4 bdrms 2 baths
#15 Whitetooth Trail
5 bdrms 2 baths 2,986sqft
8 Lots Available
3 bedrooms
2416 Campbell Road
Bear’s Paw Heights
$559,900 965 Oster Road
from $103,200 to $131,200
1660 Highway #95 South
3 baths
Flec Demmon Marlon Marlon Chambers Bob Bob Tegart Tegart Flec Demmon Chambers 344-8451 (250) (250) 344-0735 (250) (250) 272-4321 272-4321 (250)(250) 344-8451 344-0735
1631 Purcell Woods Close
623 - 8th Avenue
4 bedrooms
Commercial Land
3 baths
SOLD $354,600 551 Grey Crescent
6 bdrms 2 baths 2,480 sqft
1 acre
$500,000 501 – 9th Street
Land and Building