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ISSUE 26 $1.35
6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Wildfire project comes to Golden
Get up and dance
Darryl Crane
New cookbook shares Skoki Lodge secrets ...............................4
It will be a night of laughter in Golden ..............................11
Dolphins continue to swim ahead ..............................13
Check out what to do on Canada Day ................................15
Bakery & Deli 344-2928 • Open Mon - Sat
Reggae legend Ziggy Marley had a sold out house dancing to his music at a show at the Golden Civic Centre on June 22. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
A partnership between the BC Forest Protection Branch and the Town of Golden and Area Emergency Management Program (GAEMP) brought unit crews from the Columbia Fire Zone of the Southeast Fire Centre to Selkirk Heights recently. The aim of the project was to continue working on the Wildfire Prevention Program that was launched in the summer of 2012. Crews were on site from June 17 to 20 and focussed on the removal of dangerous trees and reducing the natural fuel load on the forest floor. The results of the project will help limit the rapid spread of fire in the event of a wildfire and allow faster access for initial attack crews. “Wildfire mitigation work has a long list of benefits to our community,” said Town of Golden Mayor Christina Benty. “This project will help retain healthy trees and other plant species while reducing forest fuel loads. The end results will provide healthy green park land and ultimately help decrease the rapid spread of wildfire.” Steve Lemon is a forestry protection assistant out of the Columbia Fire Zone. He said the work being done on the site has been beneficial for both his team and Golden. “It has been really good. We have been very happy with the level of organization and the amount of projects they have on the table. It is positive for us because it allows us to get some work done and it is a benefit to the town as well,” he said. Lemon said the area they worked in would have been very dangerous if a fire had broken out. “There were areas that you could not see through because of thickness. It was rats nest thick with no sight line through the area in places. This was very bad when we got here. From a fire perspective it would have been a very high intensity before because it was so dense,” he said. Crews limbed out the branches to two metres above the ground. Continued on page 3
thank you!
Over 10,000 thoughts-
You came up with over 10,000 thoughts and ideas about social, economic and environmental issues for Columbia Basin Trust’s online survey. Now it’s time to show us what’s most important to you.
Show us your priorities today | Open June 21 to July 7, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
Cars splash into summer at the Red Line Car Show on Canada Day Darryl Crane Canada Day will see 9th Avenue North in Golden filled with some of the most jaw dropping cars imaginable when the 6th annual Team Red Line Car Show takes to the street. Jason Tang is one of the organizers for the Team Red Line Car Show. He said he is excited about the event this year. “I am totally looking forward to the event. Every year it gets bigger with more things happening. Having the town involved has been great,” he said. Tang said everyone is happy that the show continues to get larger in Golden. “It is very exciting to see it grow. The event started with 20 or 30 cars. This year we are expecting 100 cars or more.” This year the Golden’s Farmers’ Market will also be running during the event. “It adds to the attraction and will bring more people downtown for the event.
Our princess graduating! Congratulations from Harlynn Mom, Dad, Kiki, Russ, Ovenden Grandma & Grandpa
People can now check out cars while buying things at the market. It helps out the community I think,” Tang said. As for how he feels on the day of the event, Tang said it is hard to explain. “It is overwhelming but also great. We feel proud of what has been accomplished. It gives people who love cars a chance to come out and see them,” he said. “People spend a lot of time and money on their vehicles and it is great to come out and show them off.” Tang, who is a lover of cars, said the vehicles that come to the show are for people of all ages. “It is a great family event. It makes some kids very excited. It brings the families out and gives them something to do together,” he said. It should be noted that 9th Avenue North will be blocked off to traffic during the event. The show stars at noon on Canada The Red Line Car Show will be back on 9th Avenue North on Day and runs until 4 p.m. Canada Day in Golden. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
The facilitators at the Golden Community Night stand around a mural made by the students at Nicholson Elementary. Jessica Schwitek/ Star Photo
to Brittany Newman on her graduation with her Bachelor of Arts, majoring in English from Red Deer College and the University of Calgary completed in December 2012.
Dear daughter, congrats on becoming a Graduate. As you go forward, take with you the lessons in university learned and make your dreams come true.
We are so proud of you, Mom and Dad
Sassy’s “House of Hair” is a full service unisex hairstyling salon - Stylists Carolyn, Krystal and Janet are at your service. Call 250-344-2017 509 9th Avenue Golden
Sassy’s Boutique
is CLEARING OUT all clothing - discounted 20%, 30% & 40% off! SALE! SALE! SALE! SALE! We have a half price rack!
Question of community in Golden Jessica Schwitek Everyone wants a better, stronger community for themselves and their families, but what does that look like, and how does it get accomplished? More than 35 people went to the Golden Civic Centre on June 18 to examine those questions at a community open house. The participants split up into small groups, and discussed what they loved about their community, what they wish their community had, and what they want their community to be. By the end of the evening it was apparent that many people in Golden share a common vision and hope for their community. It is no surprise that a healthy business environment and a strong economy were near the top of most of the participants’ wish list. Yet there was a great deal of comments about a more collaborative, unified, positive and
vibrant community as well. Needs like more medical services, more childcare, lower property taxes, and wants like an indoor pool, aesthetic improvements of the buildings, and more multicultural celebrations were also identified. The purpose of the evening was to bring people together to find out what their common hopes are, and start the dialogue about how to make those hopes come true. At the end of the night, organizers asked participants to take away one word from the event — collaboration. They believe working together is the only way to accomplish these goals. “This is a very important piece of community visioning you have just participated in tonight,” Karen Cathcart, one of the organizers, told the crowd. “Now we have to reach out.” Everyone left that evening with a challenge — to ask someone what they love about Golden, and start up a positive dialogue.
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A3
Rotary honours The Golden Rotary Club honoured three community members for their contributions to Golden. From left, Ben Adama, Garry Bjarnason, Jeff Dolinsky, Orlando Pecora, Bruce McKenzie, and Roger Ross. Michele LaPointe/Star Photo
LEGION WEEK Open House at the Royal Canadian Legion June 29 12-5pm Everyone Welcome
Golden Light Horse club Would like to thank the local business for supporting the
2013 Rocky Mountain Barrel O-Rama.
Without your contribution this event could not take place! A Barrel of Thanks to: Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre / Brisco Riding Club / McDonalds Restaurant / Mad Trapper Pub / Dogtooth Log and Timber Products / Wolf ’s Den Steak House / Kicking Horse Janitorial / Golden Installations / Flying W Trail Rides / Cox and Company / Gottler Brothers / Johnston Meir Insurance / Louisiana Pacific Canada ltd / Dale Henderson Hauling / M&H Holdings / International Timber Framers / Top Notch / Off the Wall Entertainment / Kootenay Pumping / Local Townie / Kootenay Hauling / Easy Rock Radio Station / Remax - Golden / Golden Grizzly Steak House / Kirstin Feldman
Behind the Wheel Pictured above is the manager of recreation services for the Town of Golden Jordan Petrovics and forestry protection assistant out of the Columbia Fire Zone Steve Lemon. The men are standing next to one of 400 piles of growth that was collected from the Selkirk Hill area. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Prevention project comes to Golden Darryl Crane continued from page 1 “The point is to try and keep the fire intensity on the ground. That is the whole objective of the process. If there is a fire in the area it is not fire proof, but it keeps the fire on the ground and out of the canopy. It lessens the intensity. This makes it travel slower and will allow firefighters to get in to the area and work it,” Lemon said. Jordan Petrovics, manager of recreation services for the Town of Golden, sees the clearing as a way to encourage more use in the area. “From a parks space, there is a lot of potential in this to utilize the space as well as when we hold events up here,” he said. “This initiative is part of a multi-year planning and implementation project focusing on protecting our community from wildfire with 90 per cent of the project funding provided by provincial government grants,” said David Love, manager of strategic initiatives for the Town of Golden. “Employment of BC Forest Service firefight-
ing personnel is a mutually beneficial arrangement between the Town and the Southeast Fire Centre as it helps reduce the cost to the Town of the overall project and maintain the skills of the unit crews when they are not employed fighting wildfires.” Lemon said he thinks this kind of work can have many different benefits for residents. “The first one is the fire management. It allows us to get control of fire before it gets into town. The second is from a wildlife perspective. There are homes here and a large bear population. Now that we have opened up the sight lines parents will be able to see their children running around in the forest. They will be able to see any predators in the area as well. This is something people may not know.” He also said he believes the work being done will help educate people on its importance. “I think there is a big education and people are getting it now. They are looking at the landscape. The real challenge for us is that we have spent a long time saying fire is bad and now we have to tell people that the investment is needed to protect the communities. We are going to burn what we took out to keep the intensity low.”
Collector Licence Plates
It’s show and shine season and the carefully maintained and restored older vehicles are out for our appreciation. I watched one vehicle from the early 50’s pass by me the other day and I noticed that it was equipped with a center brake light and angel eyes in the headlights. It also sported a collector licence plate and that got me to thinking, were either of the two “enhancements” that I noticed allowed on a collector plated vehicle? My understanding of vehicles that displayed collector licence plates was not extensive, but I knew that they were for the pleasure use of motorcycles, cars and light trucks and very few modifications from stock were allowed. To satisfy my curiosity, I visited ICBC’s web site. I found that I was right about the use restrictions, but the list of allowable updates was a lot longer than I would have thought. Safety upgrades such as disc brakes, stainless steel brake lines, seat belts and a theft alarm system are allowed. Obvious ride height changes, non-era correct paint, sound system and colour anodized engine dress up kits are not. For a more extensive information on what is and isn’t allowed on a collector plated vehicle, contact ICBC’s Specialty Licensing Department. Making non-approved modifications after obtaining collector licence plates or mis-using them for business or to and from work may result in loss of collector status and the privileges that these licence plates bring. This gentleman will have to remove the angel eyes for more reasons than one. They are not era correct and are not in compliance with the lighting regulations for that vehicle. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
this feature sponsored by:
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The best insurance rates.
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
RCMP Report: Thief nabs protein powder Ad company denies accusations they refused to sell ads Darryl Crane
No yield 2013-06-18 Police responded to a report of a two vehicle collision on 7th Street North and Highway 95. An investigation revealed that a vehicle failed to yield after a stop and collided with another vehicle who had the right of way. Two people were taken to the Golden and District Hospital with minor injuries.
Missing bicycles 2013-06-18 Two bicycles were lost on Highway 95 between Radium and Golden. RCMP believe the bikes might have fallen off the back of a motor home that was travelling along the highway A men’s Copper Land bike and a women’s blue bicycle went missing in the incident. Anyone with information on the missing bikes is asked to call the Golden RCMP at 250-344-2221.
Bulking up through theft 2013-06-20 Police are investigating a theft from the Body Quest Gym. A male selected a jar of protein powder and made motions to pay for the item. Before the purchase was made, the male grabbed the item and fled from the store. The male was wearing grey hoodie and left in a white older style Ford pickup with a metal rack on the back and logo in the back window. Anyone with information on the theft is asked to call the Golden RCMP at 250-344-2221. Truck thief on the run 2013-06-19 Golden RCMP were called to assist Columbia Valley RCMP in the search of a stolen Ford F150 with Alberta Licence plate 68L539. The vehicle had been reported to Columbia Valley as operating erratically. Columbia Valley RCMP stopped the vehicle on Highway 95 going north however the vehicle evaded police. Golden RCMP manned road checks south of Golden however the vehicle was not located.
If you see a wildfire call *5555 on your cell. Nearly half of all wildfires are preventable. Please, be responsible in our forests.
To learn more visit
Jessica Schwitek A provincial notfor-profit society that is advocating for a referendum on marijuana regulations is claiming that they have been refused advertising space in Golden. Sensible BC is accusing national advertising company, Pattison Outdoor, of refusing to sell them billboard space. “Pattison Outdoor has several poster spaces in Golden, which is an important region for us,” said Dana Larsen, director of Sensible BC. “It’s frustrating for our political campaign to be blocked by a big corporation that has a near-monopoly on outdoor advertising in our province.” Larson is claiming that Pattison Outdoor has stopped answering their emails, and won’t take their calls. According to Randy Otto, president of Pattison Outdoor, the allegations are just not true. “There’s no reason for us to refuse it,” said Otto. The company asked Sensible BC to submit their ad copy to make sure it complied with Canadian regulations. After receiving it, there was an email sent from the regional representative for Pattison Outdoor to Sensible BC asking them where they
would like to advertise. According to Otto, that email (sent on June 11) was the last of their communication. The Golden Star was contacted by Sensible BC on June 18 regarding the claims that advertising was being refused. “We’ve been trying to buy ad space with Pattison Outdoor for many weeks now, and they just won’t sell us any ads,” said Larson. The billboards, with a design that includes a marijuana leaf, is part of a larger campaign involving online and telephone outreach, trying to get signatures on their petition. Sensible BC will have only 90 days to collect signatures, and are starting that clock in September. If they can collect signatures from 10 per cent of registered voters in every electoral district, then there will be a referendum on the Sensible Policing Act in September of 2014. The act would decriminalize marijuana possession, treat possession of marijuana by minors in the same manner as alcohol, call upon the federal government to repeal marijuana prohibition, and set up a provincial commission to figure out the details around a regulated marijuana market in B.C.
Submit any regular line ad into our classifieds at regular price, and you can put the same ad into another Black Press paper for $2!!* *Limited time offer. Offer good for up to 6 additional papers.
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A5
RELOCATION OSSIIN NG G -- O OUUTT CCLLO EEvveerryytthhiinngg M Muusstt GGoo..
% OOFFFF.. 4400%
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MMuusstteennddSSaattuurrddaayy1133 JJuullyy ttthth hh
W W w wiiilillllllbb re lo in to w wpp re m miiisis in th fa W ee aa w rrre ss W eew w bbee eerrre eelllo oocc cc aatttitiin nngg ggttto oonn nnee ee w pp eem m ssee ee ssiiin nnttth hhee eefffa aallllll.l...
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
Time to rebuild
Editor’s Note questioned
As spring has rolled into summer, nature has once again shown just how strong it can be with the recent events in Alberta. Rain fell and the waters of many rivers and creeks began to rise until they caused havoc, taking lives and destroying anything that came in its watery path. - My Way The cost of this type of disaster will run into By Darryl Crane the billions of dollars and affect many people in different ways. Thanks to the ease of putting photos and videos online people were able to see the drama as it played out. It is always interesting to see people, for better or worse, head into these areas where logic says you should not be, just so they can post online. The internet was filled with stories of sadness, shock and occasionally relief during the flooding. Perhaps the most difficult thing to comprehend out of this situation was just how massive the devastation was to so many areas. Highways were closed off leaving many people stranded with no direction to go. Towns were evacuated, leaving friends and families doing everything they could to find out if their loved ones had made it out of the areas where the water was rising. Not knowing is one of the toughest things for people to deal with when events like this take place. There is little worse than not knowing and having your imagination fear the worst. Then there were the images coming out of a major city like Calgary. As someone who used to live in the city, seeing the downtown look more like something out of Waterworld than what I was used to was hard to comprehend. So many places, where many of us have been, were under water and there was nothing anyone could do but stay as dry as possible and wait the storm out. Perhaps it is this perceived hopelessness that brings everyone together to help where they can. During the flooding there were many stories about people going out of their way to help those in need. Once again emergency services responded to do what they could. There were stories of people who opened up their own houses to anyone who needed a place to stay until the flood was over. Even some of the animals at the Calgary Zoo found new homes at centres and shelters that opened their door to keep the animals safe. Of course for many people the tough time is still to come. Trying to get home to find out how much damage has been done is a tough drive for anyone. Disasters like this have the ability to distroy possessions. They can take away photographs, homes and sadly lives as well. But once the water drops people make the decision to rebuild and continue on. They have to hope this time the water does not come again.
To the editor So I am confused and wonder if you can help me. I thought the way things worked is someone wrote a letter to the paper and if someone else read the letter in the paper would write a reply for the next edition of the paper. I also thought that newspapers carefully kept themselves separate from governments so they would be free to ask tough questions and print news that governments might not like.
At least that is how I thought newspapers worked. So what is going on when the Golden Star doesn’t wait for the Town of Golden to read a letter and reply but rather replies on the Town’s behalf in the same paper the letter is printed in. Was the Town given an advance look at Bruce Fairley’s letter before publication? If so, is this advance look given to anyone else or just the Town? if the town is given special privileges by the paper, so much for the independence of the Golden Star. With respect to information
Gas Prices To the Editor: I am a concerned citizen of this great nation we call Canada, which every person born in this country owns — not the politicians, but the ordinary person. We own this country, not the oil companies, which the politicians have allowed to rape us over the years. The price of fuel in Canada is astronomical, related to the price of oil on the international market and our high taxes. We can’t seem to do anything about it, but if our MPs and MLAs had any fortitude they would fight for their constituents, but they don’t, knowing that the higher price of oil puts more tax money in their cof-
in the “Editor’s Note” was it provided by a Town official? If so, who? When someone says someone else’s facts are wrong then it should be clear who is say this. If the Town wanted to reply to Bruce Fairley’s letter then why didn’t they write a letter to the next edition of the paper like everyone else? Will the Golden Star be replying to future letters on behalf of other parties or only the Town? John Manuel Golden
fers, and the oil companies who are making record profits. I say to all our MPs and MLAs, show some guts, stand up to your so-called leaders and lower the price of oil, go after the oil companies and lower the tax on fuel. For an oil-producing nation, our prices are too high. We own the oil, not oil companies. You are elected to represent us, and our only recourse is at the polls. Show some fortitude like you promised when you were elected. George Fraser Creston
POLL OF THE WEEK Would you like to see a bike rack placed somewhere downtown?
Yes 60%
No 39%
This week’s poll question: Do you think Golden has been supportive of people stuck from the road closures? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
The Golden Star encour-
Letters to the ages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that our community. Editor policy impact We ask that letters be no
longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.
We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES
• $47.00 per year for postal
boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone
• $43.00 per year if you pick
up your paper at The Golden Star Office
• $67.00 per year outside Gold-
en’s School zone.
• LOCAL Senior’s Discount
10% ($43.00).
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Star editorial and opinion A7
Golden point of view
Do you think Golden has been supportive of people stuck from the road closures?
Art Richards “I can’t get through to Calgary, and people in Golden have been really nice. It makes a frustrating situation easier.”
Brady Fleur “Ya, so far the people here have been really good about us being stuck, and letting us know what we can do to kill the time.”
Alannah Casey “I think so. I heard that people were offering discounted food and hotel rooms.”
Go to to have your say.
Aboriginal Day June 21, National Aboriginal Day, is a day for Canadians to come together and recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, cultures, and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. Aboriginal people play a vital role in our province’s culture and economy. Through the BC Jobs Plan and the transformative opportunity presented by natural gas, we are partnering with First Nations throughout the province to strengthen their communities, and to ensure that all British Columbians share in the benefits from our natural resources. We must build on our successes and continue to work together toward job creation, non-treaty and revenue-sharing agreements, and negotiating final treaties with those First Nations who want them. I hope all British Columbians will take the opportunity to celebrate the living culture of Aboriginal Peoples. There is a huge diversity of Aboriginal traditions and experiences, each truly unique and inspiring. Premier Christy Clark issued the following statement to mark National Aboriginal Day:
Stingers to parents who take their kids to go to the bathroom in the flower gardens in Spirit Square. There are bathrooms right there!
air in Golden. I choke on you when I’m running.
Stars to all the people and businesses who tried to help out the people stuck in Golden.
Stars to a great softball end of year tournament.
Stars to Mr. Halvorson for upkeeping the Table Mountain trail. Stingers to all the poplar fluff flying through the
Stars to Kicking Horse Culture for bringing in another great show.
Stingers to the poor sports, you know who you are. Stars to butter chicken lasagne. Stars to the Town of
Golden for planting all those beautiful flower beds and baskets all around town. Stars to second lunch. Stingers to third lunch. Stingers to broken dishwashers. How dare you make me wash dishes by hand. Stars to all the people who helped out at the Golden Community night.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
Remember achievements of the past Today, we join with all Canadians in celebrating National Aboriginal Day, and honouring Aboriginal, First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. On this day, we remember extraordinary achievements past and present, and applaud the many aboriginal leaders who inspire their communities, both here in B.C. and across Canada. We also consider the discrimination and impoverishment that Aboriginal people in B.C. still face as they strive to bring positive change in their communities, and achieve real representation in the decisions of government. Aboriginal people across B.C. have come together to share their concerns about the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline project, and the impact this project will have on their tradition-
al territory and on B.C.’s future. We applaud their action, and reiterate our call that the government withdraw from its deal with Ottawa and give First Nations, and all British Columbians, the right to say no to this project that will dramatically affect our future. While we have much to celebrate this year, important work remains to be done. We will continue to call for our government to engage meaningfully with B.C. First Nations to address injustices past and present, and to take real action to support positive growth and achievement in Aboriginal communities. Statement from Adrian Dix and Doug Donaldson on National Aboriginal Day
MLAs return to provincial Legislature The first legislative session of the 40th Parliament begins this week, and the main business of the House will be to pass the provincial budget. That process is referred to as estimates debate. The role of opposition members in estimates is critical as it is our responsibility to question ministers, line by line, on the budgets for their ministries. The BC Liberal budget
will be presented on Thursday, June 27, and is expected to be similar to the budget they first presented before the election in February. At that time, it was considered by most to be very controversial. It is unlikely that the claims made in the budget will be able to withstand close scrutiny. The new cabinet has been announced and the Ministers are now settling into their portfolios. And slowly, we
are finding that ministries are becoming more responsive to requests. This allows my office to work on casework files as we did before the election. The MLA office is available to assist you with issues you have with provincial government services, and we open dozens of new files every week. All contacts with my office are confidential. My staff can provide
information, advice and advocacy on a wide range of provincial issues. As your MLA, my role is to be your voice in Victoria. To be able to do that effectively, I need to hear from you. I value your feedback and the information you can provide. You can reach my office by email at norm. macdonald.mla@leg. bc.caor by phone at 1-866-870-4188.
MLA Report Norm Macdonald
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
Partners In Brine Seafood! Orion’s Fish Bus will be set up in Golden at the Petro-Can card lock next week, Friday, July 5th.
Mix ‘n Match Deal: Shrimp, Sockeye Fillets, Cod Fillets, Panko Shrimp, Coconut Shrimp, & Battered Cod $20e, any 2/$35! & any 3/$50!! Also, check out Orion’s debut studio album “If you’re feeling cute…” Clever, fun pop/rock. Available on iTunes etc. and at the Fish Bus! Just $20! (worth $21)
Health approved. Good prices. Great selection. Really Good Seafood! We now accept Visa, MasterCard & Debit.
Golden & District Historical Society
Annual General Meeting at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11 Ave S th
Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:00 pm Pot luck dinner All members and guests WELCOME! Golden Minor Hockey Association
HOCKEY SCHOOL 26 - 29 August 2013 th
Price:$225* per player Early Bird deal: $175* per player if you register before 15th July 2013 Goalies: $100* per player *Registration includes a Free Jersey* Ages Groups: 6 – 10 years. Players in this age group must be independent skaters 10 years old and up
Online Registration at, or
Details of the school will be emailed to you closer to the start of the school
Sell some tools or get a bigger box
What makes us different
How to post A FREE AD
Golden Cinema Presents: The Heat starting Friday June 28 - Thursday July 4 at 7pm. Late shows Friday and Saturday at 9:30pm.
This Week John Hartman “The Columbia in Canada” at the Art Gallery of Golden June 21 - September 2.
Wed, June 26 Golden Youth Centre drop in every Wednesday from 3:30-9pm. Jam nights every Wednesday evening. Jam night at the Rockwater. Golden Parent and Tot Play Lets parents and kids from birth to five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-noon. Golden Farmers Market (Wednesday Market) starting Wednesday June 12 to August 28 from noon5pm in the CP parking lot. Family Picnic Play and Learn, free 8-week summer program for families with children 3-5. Includes dinner and parent discussions, Wednesdays 5-7pm at the Museum starting June 26 - Aug.14. To register call 250-439-9665.
Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Free Homework Help at the Youth Centre 3:305pm Grades 4-7. Snacks included. Drop in. Bridge Club Every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Thursday 20% off all services, call 250-344-5766. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Ross Neilsen June 26&27 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar. Golden & District Historical Society Potluck AGM June 27, 5-7pm at the Golden Museum.
Fri, June 28 Golden Youth Centre drop in Fridays from 3:30-9pm and movie night every Friday from 7-9pm. Soup Day at the Golden Seniors Centre Friday June 28 from 11:30am-1pm. $5 per person, kids under 3 are free!
Ross Neilsen June 26&27 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar.
Synthia June 28 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar.
Patrick Stauch June 26, 9pm at the Golden Taps Pub.
Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Saturday night.
Thurs, June 27
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Events & Entertainment Calendar
Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Golden Voice Toastmasters Thursdays 7-8:30pm at COTR Rm 121. New members welcome. For info call Delanee Jmaiff 250-3440652. Men’s drop-in basketball
This week's achievement award goes to...
Sat, June 29 Storytime at the Golden Library 10:30-11:30am. Free drop-in, contact 250344-6516. Spirit Square Saturday Market starting Saturday June 15 to August 31 from 11am-4pm at Spirit Square. Legion Week Open House
• For more information... go to
at the Royal Canadian Legion June 29th, 12-5pm. All welcome! Canada Day Celebrations & Grand Opening Weekend at KHMR Saturday June 29. Dirty Dan the DJ June 29 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar.
Sun, June 30 Junior Climbing Club at Dogtooth Climbing Gym 12:30-2pm. Booking is recommended 250-3446444. Willhorse with special guests The Pickups, and Retrofied with Tony Bell June 30 at 6pm in Spirit Square. Community Locals will sightseeing residency is
Day at KHMR. receive a free pass (proof of required).
Ali Milner June 30 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar.
Mon, July 1 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Indoor Soccer at Mount 7 RecPlex Mondays 8:309:30pm until June 24. 5k & 10k Kicking Horse Country Dash July 1 at Spirit Square. Registration starts at 9am, run starts at 10am. All ages welcome! Canada Day Evening Concert and Fundraiser July 1 at the Municipal Campground 8-11pm. BBQ, music (Jurasic Mike Stenhouse is headlining), and fireworks! Canada Day Car Show July 1 Downtown Golden. To register, go to: G o l d e n Te a m R e d L i n e @
Canada Day Celebrations at KHMR 11am-3pm. Lots to do!
Tues, July 2 John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Tuesday at 10am all summer. June 25 is “using the internet”. Call 250-3445413 to register. Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Tuesday at 10am all summer. July 2 is “tapping into the hidden job market”. Call 250-3445413 to register. The Comedy Show at the Rockwater Grill and Bar July 2. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Upcoming Events
Summer Kicks Series Devon Coyote July 3, 7pm at Spirit Square. “Up, Up and Away” at the Golden Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library! Thursdays 1:30-2:30 starting July 4 - Aug.1. Register at the library. Summer Kicks Series Jungal July 10, 7pm at Spirit Square. Also performing, Tony Bell. The Fred Eaglesmith Travelling Steamshow feat. The Coal Creek Boys July 19 at the Golden Taps Pub. Tickets $35 and are available at the Golden Taps. Summer Kicks Series Tiller’s Folly July 17, 7pm at Spirit Square. Willhorse at the Rockwater Grill and Bar July 20. Summer Kicks Series presents Joaquin Diaz July 23, 7pm at Spirit Square.
Bryson Reaney For being a very caring and good friend, and a great Grade 3 leader!
Stop in by July 3E, 2013 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A9
Golden Moments: Finding inspiration in the Blaeberry Valley Jessica Schwitek Even though Chuck Darbyshire moved to Creston after 47 years in the Blaeberry Valley, there is something about Golden that keeps calling him back. "I always liked this area. I've spent time in other places, but I always come back," said Darbyshire, who still owns 100 acres in the Blaeberry. He tries to get back to Golden once a month, and stays for about a week each time. "I came out of the Yukon and was looking for a job. Someone said in Parson they were hiring people to work at a sawmill, or logging. To make a long story short, I went to Parson and got a job." Born and raised in Saskatchewan, Darbyshire moved up to the Yukon at age 15 to join the army. Although he enjoyed his time there, he soon realized it was not the place for him. However, it was the place where he found a lifelong passion that he brought with him to the Blaeberry. There was a culture of poetry up north at the time. Darbyshire learned about the medium, and melded it with the inspiration he found in the Blaeberry. "The Yukon was a good place to be at that time, because there were a lot of people doing poetry. That helps to get people started," he said. "When I was younger I didn't write what you would call good poetry. It was barn yard poetry."
When he came to Golden he became busy with other things, but found his passion again when his children got older. He soon began writing poetry about his environment. "For 47 years, I lived in the Blaeberry Valley, I grew up there on Moberly Hill. Friends I have many, enemies few. My heart overflows with the good people I knew." His poetry explains why he loves the area so much, and why he and his wife still own all their land in the Blaeberry and continue to visit it, even though they no longer live on the acreage. One of the reasons he keeps the acreage, is because he has another hobby that keeps him busy and happy. “I plant and grow trees. They’re trees of the future, I’ll never see anything out of it. I just always like growing trees, so I come back every spring to do that,” he said. He began planting trees on his property 18 years ago, and loves to come back and see how much they have grown. His trees may continue to grow, but Darbyshire is happy to say that Golden is still the same place he fell in love all those decades ago. "Other than the new people, I don't think Golden has changed much. People are friendly. When I first moved here I thought 'wow, this is a great place. I'm going to work here as much as I can.' So I did. I really like Golden. Chuck Darbyshire holds a book containing some of the poetry he has I guess that's why I keep coming back," written about his love for the Blaeberry Valley. he said. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
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www.the Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
Turning Back the Pages: The 1916 flood in Golden
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
As I sit to write this column my heart is sinking for the people here in BC and in neighbouring Alberta who are suffering the ill effects of devastating flooding. Golden experienced the worst flooding in its history in 1916. The Golden Star reported on the event in its June 22, 1916 edition. Space prohibits the full report but it is available at the museum for you to look at if you are interested. “Predictions were realized on Monday morning when the Kicking Horse threw up its heels and went
on a rampage that has demoralized traffic on the C.P.R. for several days, tied up the K.C.R. indefinitely and wrought considerable damage to Golden. The sum total of the damage amounts to flooding many cellar, ruining gardens and in some cases damaging dwelling houses, carrying out the south span of the railroad and traffic bridge, weakening the north approach and pier of the K.C.R. steel bridge. That the damage to the town and bridges was not greater is due to the herculean efforts of the workmen and individuals who volunteered assistance in keeping the immense mass of drift logs from sweeping the piers from beneath the bridges. While the blow was sudden it did not catch the railroad entirely unaware and within a few hours after traffic was interrupted crews were on
the scene and began the battle with the torrents. One of the worst problems that confronted the division officials of the C.P.R. is a washout a mile east of Cloister, where a hole some 20 feet long was torn beneath the rails. Seven train loads of rock were carried to the scene of damage and while much of it went to reinforce weakened fills, a goodly portion was cast into the hungry maw of the river, at the break, to be carried away like pebbles. Crew laboured on anchored booms, toying with death every second to secure a foundation that would permit rebuilding of the fill in the hope of releasing the two passenger trains held at Glenogle. This was accomplished Wednesday afternoon and the first train reached Golden at 19:00. Further east the
GOLF A&W Absolutely Hammered Construction Alpine Auto Centre Alpine Helicopters Alpine Rafting Applied Industrial Technologies Appostoles Restaurant Back Porch Barr, Bob Barrault Brandsource Belterra Corp Birnie, Glenn & Joanne Blaeden Contracting BNW Weir Consolidated Bootleg Gap Cal-Gas Centurion Lbr. Chatter Creek Holdings CIPA Coldstream Helicopters Columbia Extreme Columbia Valley Credit Union Copper Point Golf Resort Cox & company D&T Woods DCT Chambers
Dogtooth Log & Timber Donkin, Keith & Sheila Downtown Enterprises DT Fire Protction E N Elkington E Z Rock Earl Atwater Inc. Econolodge Edelweiss Holdings - Tru Hardware Ewan & McKenzie Fairley & Scott Fairmount Hot Springs Falkins Insurance Finning Tractor Focus Engineering Fountain Tire G.K. Jim Group of Companies George Keenlyside Construction Glenn Tress Contracting Golden Bakery Golden Bottle Depot Golden Concrete Ltd Golden Dental Centre Golden Golf Club Golden Grizzly Cookhouse Golden Home Hardware
damage was equal, if not worse. A pier of the long steel bridge east of Palliser was undermined and the bridge tilted to a dangerous angle. The ling fill at Palliser was badly damaged, and many other fills weakened. The creek at what is known as the McKay slide again unloaded debris on the track and played havoc with the railroad. The first intimation of danger came on Sunday morning when the river slipped over its south bank near the home of Mr. Mackenzie. Not anticipating a further rise, residents of the inundated area made no preparations for moving. Early risers on Monday found the water stealing into the Golden hospital pasture and gradually wending its way southward and westward. By 8 o’clock it became evident that the crest of high water had not been reached and many
The above photo was taken during the flooding of 1916 and shows just how severe it was with the boardwalks floating and water everywhere. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum of the householders prepared to seek higher ground. By noon the water had filled back yards, and finding its way
to ventilators soon flooded several cellars. Owners of chickens found them cut off in the coops and it was necessary to wade
knee deep in the icy water to rescue them. Would you like to finish reading this story? Drop by the Golden Museum!
Shriner’s 17th Annual Charity Golf
THANK YOU to our Sponsors Golden Installations Golden Optometry Clinic Golden Reddimart Golden Star Golden Taps Pub Golden Transfer Golden Truck Loggers Assoc. GoldPly Community Association Gottler Bros. Trucking and Excavating Hart Roofing Harvey Delaney (Law Corporation) HR Pacific Construction International Timberframes Inc Interwrap Island Restaurant Jackson contracting Jepson Petroleum - golden Johnston Meir Insurance Kal Tire Kevin Lapp Real Estate Team Kicking Horse Appraisals (Brad Cable) Kicking Horse Ford Kicking Horse Interiors
Kinbasket Massage Kootenay Pumping KVC Enterprises Lambert - Kipp Pharmacy Lambert Insurance Lautrup, Ken & Lisbeth LP Building products Magnusson, Mag & Anne Marjak Leasing Masonic Building Society McDonalds (Cardison Enterprises) Mistaya Lodge Momentive Chemicals NAPA - Golden NAPA- Revelstoke Northwest Adhesives Order of the Eastern Star Overwaitea Foods Palmeri, Robert and Eileen Parky's Heating and Cooling Peoples Drugmart Pittman Consulting Pnueco Prime Drywall Remax of Golden Ringheim and Company Roandra Holdings
Schier, Warren (Ozzies Rentals) Selkirk Electric Selkirk Glass Selkirk Service Automotive Signature Clothing Signode Simonds International (Nick Verhage) Snowpeak Rentals Sobeys Solutech Water Mgt Stay Cool Radiators Steelworkers- Cranbrook Super 8 Motel Superior Propane Systematic Mill Installations Tim Hortons Tomlinson, Bruce (Lunchdonation) Turning Point / Omega Vandenbilt Auto Body Vaughan, Michael & Judy Verge for Youth Vivian Financial Weatherall Services Wendell Johnson Painting Westwood Electric Willamette Valley Co.
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A11
The Rockwater Grill and Bar will be hosting a Live Comedy Night on July 2 with four comedians including Sean Lecomber (pictured above). Photo Submitted
Summer Kicks continues on July 3 when Devon Coyote takes the stage. Photo Submitted
Laugh out loud at the Rockwater
Enjoy a howling night of fun
Golden Star Staff Get ready for some laughs at the Rockwater Grill and Bar for the Live Comedy Night on July 2. Four of Canada’s most sought after comedians will be coming to Golden for a some summer chuckles Paul Myrehaug began his comedy career in Alberta. Since moving to Toronto at 22, he has been a part of some of the world’s biggest comedy events, including the Seattle International Comedy Competition, the Great Canadian Laugh Off, Just for Laughs Comedy Festival, and has had his own feature on the Comedy Network. Banff’s Kevin Stobo jumped right into comedy right after high school, winning Edmonton’s Funniest New Comic just a month after graduating. Not only has he graced the stage at some major comedy events such as Just For Laughs and the Comedy Stampede. He is also a host on Global TV’s Inside Entertainment, and Shaw TV’s Where are They Now. He has had
the pleasure of interviewing major stars like Adam Sandler, Eddie Murphy and Ben Affleck. Hailing from Edmonton, Kerry Unger works day job of teaching English in South Korea with his wife. However, don’t be fooled by his everyman image. Kerry dresses up at night, not to fight crime, but to strut around on stages, talk into microphones and shoot mirth into the guts of audiences. He spent most of the last 15 years touring comedy clubs in Canada, including appearances on Just for Laughs, the New Faces of Comedy showcase, and has had his own onehour special on CTV’s Comedy Now!. And finally, Sean Lecomber is a stand up comedian with a unique perspective. His comedy is based on words and story, rather than movement and expression. His interesting take on all topics under the sun will leave you in fits of laughter. He too has been featured on Just for Laughs, and Comedy Now!, and has also played a coveted set on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Tickets for the Live Comedy Night are $10 in advance, or $15 at the door. The show starts at 9 p.m. on Tuesday July 2.
Golden Star Staff Summer Kicks will continue on July 3 when Devon Coyote takes the stage in Spirit Square in Golden. Devon Coyote released his first album Blue, Black and Grey in September of 2011. His lively sound, loyal fans, and extensive touring have earned him stage rights to perform with Juno Award winners Alex Cuba, The Sheepdogs and other industry favourites such as Emerson Drive, Bif Naked, Yukon Blonde and many more. Coyote has played some of Western Canada’s largest music festivals like Keloha and Center of Gravity. He hits the road regularly to rock both cities and ski-towns at legendary venues such as The Horseshoe Tavern, Sugar Night Club, Bud’s on Broadway, and El Moncambo. His independent success includes a 2011 New Artist of the Year nomination from BCIMA, over 180 shows in 2012. He is a multi- instrumentalist gunslinger with an infectious sound and a passionate player and the fun he is having spreads like wildfire into the hearts of every crowd. When this Coyote and his pack come to town, you won’t want to miss them burning down the stage. Playing the in between set on this evening of music will be local favourites Krista & The Krybabies. For more information on this and many other shows check out www.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
Under 15 soccer champs
Pictured is the Under-15 team sponsored by Home Hardware who won the U-15 Golden Minor Soccer Association division. (Back row left to right) Craig Turner, Jake Wan, Meva Dhami, Brendan Sime-Vivian, Arun Randhawa, Natalia Grass, Georgia Phillips and Holly Turner. (Front row left to right) Eric Turner, Rachael Wilson, Bryanna Wilson, Callum Dykes and Jared Frasca. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Join Kal Tire at the Golden Car Show on July 1st, 2013 in downtown Golden. We are having a BBQ with all proceeds going to the APES playground project. Kal Tire, Golden 1002 10th Ave. N., Golden 250-344-5213 Thank you to Overwaitea for donating the hot dogs and pop.
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A13
Pictured top are all of the students and instructors who took part in the Golden Shotokan Karate Societies bi-yearly skills exam. Photo Submitted (Directly above) Amina Gallani (on left, facing) and her sparing partner is Kara Huebert take part in the exam. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Karate students show their skill Golden Star Staff
The Golden Shotokan Karate Society (GSKS) culminated the current training semester with a seminar and Kyu exam. On hand to conduct the bi-yearly skills exam was Sensei Joe Dixon, Technical Director for ISKF of B.C. (International Shotokan Karate Federation). Students were asked to demonstrate their skills and understanding in basic
Wendell Johnston Painting Create a FRESH LOOK
techniques, kata (forms) and self defence in partner drills. GSKS is currently in its 20th year of operation in Golden, offering self defence training to students of all ages, this year expanding the programs to juniors who were five to eight years old. The next semester of training will begin in September. Watch for announcements on how to get in on this rewarding experience and boost your confidence, self esteem and fitness.
Minor hockey to host first hockey school Darryl Crane The Golden Minor Hockey Association will be hosting a minor hockey school that will give local players the chance to learn about power skating, dry land training and much more. This will be the first time the association has put together a hockey school in Golden. “It is good for early development and also gets players on the ice earlier in the season,” said Tyler Gulliford, who is helping organize the camp. Meghan Jones will be at the camp running the power skating aspect of the event. Jones will bring 27 years of experience to the students. “She is out of Canmore, Alberta. Having a power skating instructor on the ice with them helps their individual skills. Jones does camps all the time and has worked with everyone from little kids to the pros,” Gulliford said.
Ty Davidson, the Golden Rockets head coach, will be running the technical side of the camp while dry land training will be hosted by Shape Up Fitness “It is going to be a full on hockey school. We are trying to get local kids involved and developed. We will have at least one ex National Hockey League player coming to the school with plans being made to bring in more talent,” Gulliford said. In every session there will be a specific skill that is the focus. Skating, puck handling, shooting, and passing will all be covered during the course of the camp. All the information about the school is on the Golden Minor Hockey Association website or a Facebook page at Golden Minor Hockey School. The camp will cost $225 per player with an early bird deal of $175 per player if the player is registered before July 15. Registration will include a free jersey and players must be independent skaters.
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Serving the Columbia Valley
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
Summer students start at Golden Museum and Wixon House Darryl Crane Two of the four students who will be working with the Golden Museum have
already started their jobs heading into the summer. “We have two workers started so far and looking forward to two more in the next
Some things areare justjust better together. Some things better together. Some #itsbettertogether things are just better together. #itsbettertogether #itsbettertogether Some things are just better together.
couple of weeks. We have Chris Brown working with us here at the museum as the assistant curator and Kirsten Allkins will be at the Wixon House,” said executive director of the Golden Museum Colleen Palumbo. Allkins will be at the Wixon House three days a week so people can drop by and take a tour. She will also be at the Farmers’ Markets in Golden on Wednesdays and Saturdays throughout the summer. Allkins will have a booth at the market where she will be able to answer questions for people. After an announcement was made that there was not going to be funding for the stu-
Pictured are the newest additions to the Golden Museum summer staff, Chris Brown and Kirsten Allkins. Darryl Crane/Star Photo the surrounding area,” Brown said. “There is a lot of history here. The house (Wixon) is awesome,”
Allkins added. “There are a lot of cool facts to be learned. I learn more every day and am look-
ing forward to seeing people at the markets where they will be able to see some great photos.
Kicking Horse Mountain Resort rolls into summer Jessica Schwitek
@flyerland @flyerland
dents at Wixon House this summer, Palumbo credits the Town of Golden Chief Administrative Officer, Jon Wilsgard, with helping find the required funding. “It was a great turn of events and Jon Wilsgard and I had a conversation over what we could do with the Wixon House over the summer. Jon found the money to make it possible for us to have a student over there and look after the area.” As for Brown and Allkins, they are both looking forward to a summer of learning and sharing the history of Golden. “I am really excited because last year I learned so much. I look forward to learning more about the history of Golden and
If you’re one of the few who have never
EastKootenay Brain InjuryAssociation East Kootenay Brain Injury would like to thank the communities for their support in helping send 14 of our clients to the Brain Injury Conference in Kelowna. Without the support from our communities this would not have happened and we are grateful. The conference was a learning experience for our clients and they got a lot out of these workshops, as these workshop relate to the individual struggles and the positives for them to move forward.
June is Brain Injury Awareness Month, we encourage the community to learn more about head injury and the prevention of head injury. For more on head injury awareness call 250.344 5674 or go to
Once again THANK YOU to our community... Remember...BRAIN INJURY HURT’S
been to the top of the gondola and seen the spectacular views from the top of the world, Kicking Horse Mountain Resort is giving you the opportunity to do it for free this Canada Day weekend. On Sunday June 30, any resident of Golden and Area A is qualified to participate in Community Day, and receive a free sightseeing lift ticket up to the gondola. “It is an annual
tradition that we have created to provide an opportunity for all in the community to come up and enjoy all the mountain has to offer for summer adventure,” said Matt Mosteller, VP of marketing and sales for Resorts of the Canadian Rockies. “For some it may be their first time up and may not be aware of all that is offered in summer at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. We also feel it is important
to have a day where all in the community can take part.” All you need is proof of residency, such as a driver’s license, and you are eligible for the free lift ticket. The Community Day is part of the Summer Kick Off Weekend at Kicking Horse. The resort is excited to be opening up their biking and hiking trails, and Boo the Bear is also look-
ing forward to a little attention Mosteller said. “We are really excited about summer and all that is offered for locals and visitors,” he said. “Golden and the area provide just about every summer adventure possible, and Kicking Horse Mountain Resort makes the perfect base camp to enjoy it all from.” For more information go to
Bear Aware grows to become WildSafeBC WildSafeBC Submitted Kyle Edworthy is the new co-ordinator for WildSafeBC, the organization that many in Golden would recognize from previous years as BearAware. Edworthy came to Golden last summer as an interpretive guide with Boo the bear at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, fell in love with the community, and returned this summer to coordinate the WildSafe BC effort. Wildsafe BC is an educational program that strives to reduce human-wildlife conflicts throughout BC. The motto of “Keeping wildlife wild - and communities safe,” illuminates the groups belief that “if we can keep wildlife living in the wild we can, in turn, make our communities safer for us,” Edworthy said. How has the year started? So far things have gone very well in Golden. There has been a few reports of bears that moved quickly through town and were gone. That said residents should know this can change at any time, and the biggest attractant for bears in town is garbage. Please keep your garbage stored indoors or in structures which are bear-resistant.
The curb-side garbage program has reduced the accessibility of garbage to bears coming through town, but it is a program that only works if everyone is on board. One person leaving their garbage out overnight creates an attractant which can become a problem for the entire community. “As we move through the summer garbage will continue to be an attractant issue, and other community attractants will become important as well, fruit trees will bloom and begin to produce fruit, a large attractant for bears and other wildlife.” Edworthy said. He will be working alongside community organizations and local Conservation Officers to help keep Golden and wildlife around Golden safe. The WildSafe BC program would like to thank the MOE, the Town of Golden, and the Columbia basin Trust for continuing to sponsor WildSafe BC in 2013. Please report wild animal sightings, property damage or safety issues due to wildlife to the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277. You can contact Edworthy at (250) 290-1222. “Also check out our new WildSafe BC webpage at or our local Facebook page Wildsafebc - Golden. I look forward to a successful summer here in Golden,” Edworthy said.
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A15
Sunday, June 30 - Kick Off Concert 6:00 pm @ Sprirt Square Free outdoor concert 6:00 to 9:00 pm with Willhorse, The Pickups & Retrofied Monday, July 1 - Canada Day Events 9:00 am Spirit Square: FREE Outdoor Pancake and Sausage Breakfast. Royal Canadian Legion: FREE Pancake and Sausage Breakfast.
10:00 am Spirit Square: “Oh Canada” lead by Mayor Benty. Kicking Horse Country Dash - 5km and 10km run. 11:00 am Museum: Old fashioned games for kids! “Oh Canada” and Canada Day Cake cutting at 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. 12:00 pm Royal Canadian Legion: Kids Games and FREE Hot Dogs, Canada Day Cake, Live Music, Fun for all! Ends 3:00 pm. Golden Farmers Market: Downtown 9th Ave North, goes until 4:00 pm. Redline Show & Shine: Downtown 9th Ave North, goes until 4:00 pm. 2:00 pm Municipal Outdoor Pool: Pool Party, goes until 5:00 pm. 8:30 pm Golden Municipal Campground: Free Concert & Bonfire. Beer Gardens for Little Mittens Animal Rescue. 10:45 pm Town of Golden Fireworks Display: best places to view are along the Kicking Horse River Dyke near the campground.
The Rotary Club of Golden Proudly Presents… The Rotary Club of Golden Proudly Presents…
The The Annual Aman VirkVirk Annual Aman Memorial GolfGolf Memorial Tournament Tournament
Date: Saturday, July 13, 2013 Time: Shot Gun start at 1:30 pm Where: Golf Club Date:Golden July 17,July 2010 Date: 17, 2010Price: $100 includes golf, cart and dinner $25 dinner only Time: Tee Off’s start at 8:00am
Time: Tee Off’s start at 8:00am Prizes •Golden Secret Silent Auction • Games • 2 Hole in Ones Where: Golf Club Where: Golden Golf Space Clubis limited and filling up quickly. Book individually or as a team today! Price: Price: Members = $50 Please email Bob Finnie at bobfinnie21@gmail.comor call theMembers golf course at=250-344-2761. $50 Non –Non Members = $95= $95 Be a Sponsor... – Members
Platinum Sponsor - $1000 Gold Sponsor - $500 * Exclusive hole sponsorship * 4 golfing spots * 4 complimentary beverage tickets * 24”x48” sponsor sign with your logo at hole, on the golf cart, and at the banquet. * Team photo * Full page ad in the event program * Platinum recognition in all advertising
* Shared hole sponsorship (maximum 2 sponsors per hole)
Silver Sponsor - $250
* Shared hole sponsorship (maximum 5 sponsors per hole)
Bronze Sponsor - $100
* Shared hole sponsorship (maximum 10 sponsors per hole)
Tournament fee includes golf, power cart, cart, Tournament fee includes golf, power * 1 golfing spot * 12”x12” sponsor sign with your logoof at hole. a ladinner, cart *dinner, and tonnes of fun. a la cart prizes,prizes, and tonnes fun. 1 complimentary beverage * 2 complimentary beverage ticket * 1/8 page ad in the event program tickets This is an opportunity to gather together This is an opportunity to gather together * 16”x24” sponsor sign with your * 24”x24” sponsor sign with your * Bronze recognition in all atour hole. dear friend advertising. logo at hole. and honour his element: and honour ourlogodear friend in hisinelement: * Half page ad in the event program * 1/4 page ad in the event program thecourse golf course and giving to charity. on theon golf and giving to charity. * Silver recognition in all * Gold recognition in all * 2 golfing spots
Proceeds to benefit the Aman Virk Memorial Scholarship Fund; the Medical Assistance Fund; and the ECLSAG Project
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
Dolphins continue to perform well at out-of-town meets Cynthia Pfeiffer Dolphins Head Coach After a really hard week of training, the Golden Dolphins headed to Kamloops for their third swim meet of the season. It was the lowest attendance for a meet so far, with only 14 swimmers going, but the Dolphins were still able to shine. Kamloops was the first meet this year that had preliminaries and finals. So not only did our Dolphins shave off lots of time, but every single one of them made it into an A or B final. Outstanding swims this weekend
were made by, Santana Jones on the freestyle relay, Rowan Baxendale swimming with older kids and making it into the B final for 50 backstroke, Brenda Dondaneau making it into the A finals for 100 breaststroke, and Zara Johnson for pulling out two best times after a hard training week. The Golden Dolphins came 8th out of 9 teams an individual aggregates were awarded to: Hannah LaRoy div 5 girl bronze, Zara Johnson div 5 girl silver, and Cynthia Pfeiffer div 8 girl silver. Next weekend we are off to Kelowna which is one of the most competitive meets this year.
Hayley Plonka swims at a swim meet in Kamloops.
Photo Submitted
Golden Museum hosts Aboriginal Day activities for youth Golden Star Staff The local Metis Nation Columbia River group began planning months ago to get funding from a couple of different sources to have a celebration event in Golden on June 21, 2013 - National Aboriginal Day. The day, celebrated at the Golden Museum included visits from nine elementary classes, who came to view the Metis exhibit.
A special loan to the museum was made by local resident, Tom Jobin, was very popular with the kids. Jobin has his own private collection of native artifacts which he loaned to the museum and came to speak to each of the classes about his prized collection. Beginning at 3 p.m. people started coming to the museum to take in the festivities which included singing, dancing and food. A lot of fun was had by all at the event.
A Barrel of Thanks!
To all the volunteers that helped make the 2013 Barrel O-Rama a Great Success Dave, Rebecca, Kat, Lawrence, Gord & Ruth, Charisse & John, Trina, Don & Patsy, Penny, Jay, Jackie, Cody, Louise & Tom, Casey & Shelley, Eva & Dan, Al, Darcy Brisco Riding Club Travis Jobin (left to right), Davene Dunn, Denise Porter and Ed Delisle are at the National Aboriginal Day celebration at the Golden Museum. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Toastmasters give public speaking tips Jessica Schwitek
Thanks from the Golden Light Horse Club!
Only about 10 per cent of the population loves to speak in front of a crowd, the rest of us need a little bit of help. Members of the Golden Voice Toast-
2013 Property Taxes Are Due July 2nd Please remember that your taxes are due July 2nd by 4:30pm. We must charge a 10% penalty if payment is received after this time. Remember that you can claim your Home Owner Grant if current taxes are not paid in full. Do it online on our website –so easy, it’s ridiculous! Click on the “I Want To” and go from there.
masters spoke to a group of people at the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Let’s Do Lunch on June 19 about why it can be so difficult to speak in public, and what you can do about it. Toastmaster Delanee Jmaiff explained that roughly 10 per cent of the population loves public speaking, roughly 10 per cent are terrified of it, and the other 80 per cent fall somewhere in the middle. She told the story of her niece in Grade 7, who has such a bad anxiety disorder she still hasn’t spoken a
single word in school. “Some of us don’t have a voice,” said Jmaiff. “It is important for the rest of us to speak for them.” The fear of public speaking is very primal, which is why it can be so difficult to overcome. But Toastmaster Denise Darbyshire, who has come a long in overcoming her fear since joining the group, talked about some tips that could make it a bit easier. “Know your topic and practice it,” said Darbyshire. “Keeping on topic will keep people’s attention.” Consciously making an effort to breath can
also make a huge difference. Not only does it give you time to collect your thoughts, it also increases blood flow which calms your nerves, and can even reduce blushing. The nervous energy, however, will not go away entirely. It can sometimes be useful to channel that energy into gestures. And don’t forget to make eye contact. If you want to learn more about how to improve your public speaking, check out a Toastmasters meeting. They meet every Thursday night at 7 p.m. at the College of the Rockies.
Starbusiness directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A17
Golden Business Directory Mountainiron Contracting Inc. Mountainiron Inc. Mountainiron Contracting Contracting Inc. Free Delivery within town. Free Delivery within town. Free Delivery within town.
•Excavating •Excavating •Trail/Road •ExcavatingMaintenance •Trail/Road Maintenance •Landscaping •Trail/Road Maintenance •Landscaping •Residential backfill •Landscaping •Residential backfill •Brush Clearing •Residential backfill •Brush Clearing •Site Clean-up •Brush Clearing •Site Clean-up •Site Clean-up
Here for You, Here for tHe environment!
• • • • • • • • •
Residential & Industrial Vacuum Service Hydrovac (Nondestructive Excavation) Water Tankers • Vacuum Trucks Steam Cleaner/acid Cleaning Flusher Truck Oil Field Hauling Portable Toilet Rentals Septic Tank & Field Cleaning Grease Trap Cleaning • Well cleaning
Honest Reliable Service 20 Years Experience
David Higginson Licensed Automotive Technician 250 344 5588
Service is our business!
250.344.0220 250.344.0220 250.344.0220
vac truck Services
600B Habart Lower Rd Golden BC V0A 1H2
ContraCting Ltd. Box 599, golden, BC. V0a 1H0
Get ready for spring!
Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway swept with our JCB Skid Street Sweeper Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log Haul Units Loader and Skid Steer Rentals Sand, Gravel and Landscape Materials available
SUPER-PASS “Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishing” Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0
petroleum ltD.
Phone: (250) 344-8351
Phone 250-344-6161
•Sales •Service •Construction •Maintenance •Renovations
n • Full Service Junk Removal r ju yo u • Dumpster Service e k • Deliveries Ma
All Your Electrical Needs 1135 10th Ave N (250) 344-2530 Fax 344-2584 Reg. #22652
u ko
b pro
LARGE RUNS — inside and out! SAFE • CLEAN • COMFORTABLE Tough guy or sweetie pie - We board them all. Individual care, lots of play and exercise. You will appreciate our reasonable rates.
250-272-JUNK (5865)
Boarding for cats and dogs
Call for a free quote
"Reliable Care since 1980"
Owned & Operated by Leigan Enterprises Ltd.
Golden Shoe Company Hush Puppies
Licensed Home Builder
Mike Burns
Cell Office Email
820-10th Avenue North
250 344 0290 250 344 3992
shoes & boots
25% off
413C – 9 th Avenue North. 250-344-2133 Across from 7-11
One Call Does It All! “Largest plumbing and heating inventory in the area” • renovations • new construction • service • septic systems • • pumps • water softeners • 10% Seniors Discount – parts only
Tell us what you’re up to! Golden THE 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251
Showroom @ 805-9th St. N
Star business
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
Credit union donates laptops for Golden schools Jason Effa, left, the network administrator with the school district, accepts seven surplus laptops from Rob Parker, right, the IT manager at the Columbia Valley Credit Union. The laptops, valued at approximately $1,000, will go where they are most needed within School District 6. Jessica Schwitek/ Star Photo
Doing their best to serve at Mountainiron Contracting Inc. Darryl Crane Mountainiron Contracting Inc. was built on experiences in the construction industry and has been serving the people in Golden for the past three years. “This is our third summer. We can do pretty much anything construction related as far as labour or machinery,” said Ryan Gallagher, owner of Mountainiron Contracting Inc. He has spent a great deal of time over the past three years dealing with work on the highways around Golden. The company has also worked with the local cycling club on trails. Mountainiron Contracting Inc. provides several options to fulfill most excavating, construction or labour related needs. Gallagher said the idea of the business was to provide the ability to take care of many smaller jobs that may occur in town. “Most of my work has started out in town and then I head out of town. You can call me up and I will show up to do whatever job that has to be done. If
it is for only two hours then that is all you will be charged for,” he said. “We use a versatile machine that can take care of many different types of jobs. Because it is on tires is does not effect the terrain as much. A Bobcat tears up the ground on every turn. The impact on your land will be limited.” Gallagher said the company is based on the belief that their customers’ needs are of the utmost importance. To do this he can also be hired out as an equipment operator or skilled labourer and offers free deliveries in Golden. The company also uses a trailer at a work site so they do as little damage as possible to lawns and gardens. “With my trailer I can drive in and excavate their lawns without the material going on their lawns. I can drive away with it and then dig it out of the trailer and put it right back into the spot,” he said. “It is about being as efficient as we can. We do not want to waste the client’s time. We come in and get organized and go to work.” To learn more about Mountainiron Contracting Inc. call 250-344-0220 or Pictured above are the owners of Mountainiron Contracting Inc., Lyane and Ryan Gallagher. Photo Submitted go online at
Congratulations! Seems like only yesterday you were this high!
Do you have a 2013 Graduate you would like to congratulate? Parents, Grandparents, Friends, Aunts & Uncles
Send your best wishes in DEADLINE: Noon, Wednesday, June 26 Book your space now by calling or emailing The Golden Star! 250-344-5251
Love, Mom & Dad
Golden Star Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A19
Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.
250.344.5251 fax 250.344.7344 email classiďŹ
Cards of Thanks
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Thank you Joanne, Jacob & Deb, and all my friends who helped celebrate my birthday! -Love Joan.
CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
GUARANTEED JOB placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen for oil and gas industry. Call 24hr free recorded message for information: 1800-972-0209
Reception/Physio Assistant Permanent Part Time Position
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
Coming Events MAD Science Summer Camps! Locations across BC! Visit our website:
Information New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.
Employment Business Opportunities ALL CASH Drink & Snack Vending Business Route. Complete Training. Small Investment required. 1-888-979VEND(8363). GET FREE Vending machines Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash- retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629 Website MAKE MONEY and save lives. We are offering exclusive rights in your area, 100% guaranteed return of investment. Don’t pay until you see your business up and running. Voted top vending program in North America. Absolutely no selling involved; Call 1-855-933-3555 for more information today.
Career Opportunities 2-PERSON TEAM to manage all season wilderness resort and Front Desk/Server with strong sales and management skills. Fax 250-968-4445 or email:
Education/Trade Schools CanScribe Education
Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
OVER 90% Employment rate for CanScribe graduates! Medical Transcriptionists are in demand and CanScribe graduates get jobs. Payments under $100 per month. 1-800466-1535.
Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta. Bakers needed for Golden Bakery & Deli $12.50 to $14.50 Hourly, 40.00 hours per week. Send resumes Box 1455, 415 9th Avenue N, Golden BC, V0A 1H0, apply by email:
KICKING Horse Gymnastics Club requires an Associate Coach/ Administrator. Level 2 NCCP Gymnastics, First Aid and Criminal Record Check needed. September 2013. Send resume or inquiries to
Cooks needed for Legendz Diner. $11-$13 hourly. 40 hrs/week. Send resumes to PO BOX 676, 1405 Trans Canada Hwy Golden BC V0A 1H0. Or email to: jobs.legendz., or fax to 250-344-5075.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Wanted Immediately
We are looking for an efficient individual that has great telephone & interpersonal skills with clerical/administration experience. Candidates with knowledge of Quickbooks are preferred. This position is guaranteed 1 day a week with coverage for holidays and sick days. Please contact Stephen Dykes at Golden Physiotherapy @ 250-344-6654 or email:
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Janitorial Service The Columbia Valley Credit Union is inviting proposals for a 3 year contract for janitorial maintenance of our main branch located at 511 Main St in Golden British Columbia. For further information and to schedule a site tour, please contact Rob Parker at (250)344 2282.
We thank all who apply and will contact candidates for interviews only.
Proposals will be received until 12:00 noon on Friday July 10, 2013
Rose Cecilia Shusheski SHUSHESKI, Rose Cecilia passed away at Durand Manor, Golden, BC on Sunday, June 16, 2013 at the age of 88 years. Rose was born at Preeceville, SK on August 18, 1924. She was raised in Saskatchewan, where she married her husband, John. They farmed and raised their children in Saskatchewan, venturing to Vancouver in 1960 and then on to Golden in 1962. She began working as a cook at the Big Bend restaurant in Golden. Rose then worked at the Golden and District Hospital in Housekeeping until she retired in 1988. She enjoyed cooking, dancing, camping, fishing, gardening and traveling. Rose is survived by her children, Donn (Maureen) of Vernon, Paula LaForce of Kelowna, Merv (Helyne) of Golden, Wally (Linda) of Kelowna, Wayne (Diane) of Edmonton and Sherry Steele of Kelowna; numerous grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Also surviving is her sister, Helen Rupchan and brother, Henry Trach. She was predeceased by her husband, John; daughter, Patsy; companion, Fred Miscisco; son-in-law, Sam and Sherry’s companion Shane Miller. A graveside service was held on Saturday, June 22nd in the Golden Community Cemetery. Her cremated remains were interred with her husband, John. A reception followed at the Golden Seniors’ Centre. Online condolences can be sent through Rose’s obituary at www.hindmanbowersfuneralhome. com. Arrangements were in the care of Hindman/ Bowers Funeral Home, Golden.
Come work and play in the mountains this summer! Kicking Horse Mountain Resort is hiring for the following summer positions: • • • • • •
Mountain %ike 3atrol 7rail &rew hr )irst aiG certiÀcate reTuireG Lift Operators Line Cooks Facilities Chef Hostess Guest Services Team Lead - Core year-round position
:e are looNinJ Ior people ZKo see IresK adventures and Iun as all in a days ZorN For people ZKo Zant to e[perienFe true mountain liIestyle $OO SRVWLRQV RIIHU D FRPSHWLWLYH VDODU\ DQG VHDVRQ SDVV EHQHÂżWV For all job details and to apply visit ZZZ NiFNinJKorseresort FoP or send your resume to employment#NiFNinJKorseresort Fom
The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
A20 A20
Wednesday, JuneJune 26, 2013 The Golden Golden Star Star Wednesday, 26, 2013
Merchandise for Sale
Income Opportunity
Garden & Lawn
Misc. for Sale
Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil
NOW HIRING! Earn extra cash, demand for simple work. P/T-F/T. Can be done from home. acceptance guaranteed, no experience required, all welcome!
Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 50% and debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Need CA$H Today? Own A Vehicle?
Borrow Up To $25,000
No Credit Checks!
Cash same day, local office. 1-800-514-9399
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. Our A+BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT & TRAVEL FREEDOM. Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET
1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)
Now Available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - ph $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery. Call Bernie - 344-4646.
Windows InďŹ nity’s Window Cleaning; Disc Golf; 1 Acreage for sale on North Bench. Call 250-348-2351.
Merchandise for Sale
Free Items Free kittens. All we ask for is a good home and care. Contact: 250-348-2450.
Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Garage Sales ESTATE SALE Sat&Sun June 15-16 - 8 to 3pm. 134 - 13 Ave S CBK - Collectibles, furniture, kitchen & HHG, crafts, tools and much much more!!! ESTATE SALE Sat&Sun June 15-16 - 8 to 3pm. 134 - 13 Ave S CBK - Collectibles, furniture, kitchen & HHG, crafts, tools and much much more!!!
Garage Sale at Parish Hall continues on 11th Street until June 29th; 12-4pm. Furniture, doors, toys, books, pictures, etc. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains!
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale
AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
2003 8ft camper for sale, in excellent condition. Sleeps 4, has 3 way fridge, stove and toilet. Only used 4 times. $7000 call 250-344-4888, or 250-272-9873 (cell) ask for Joanne. AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit, Complete Room Treatment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available online (NOT IN STORES).
Garden & Lawn
Garden & Lawn
STEEL BUILDING - DIY Summer sale! - bonus days extra 5% off. 20X22 $3,998. 25X24 $4,620. 30X34 $6,656. 32X42 $8,488. 40X54 $13,385. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x 40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! 1-800-457-2206
Contractors Custom blueprints. Visit: 20% discount for first 10 callers!
Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil Now available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - pH 6.9-7.0 NOT screened bush dirt! $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery
Call Bernie 250-344-4646
$30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798 days, 344-2160 evenings. Samples available. Lumber For Sale Planned 12’ 2x4 & 16’ 2x6 $0.45per board Ft or $450.00 per thousand board Ft. Ph.250-344-0950 or 344-0199.
Misc. Wanted True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030
Real Estate Acreage for Sale 11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins south of Golden, east side of the Rockies, spectacular views! Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. 1-250-769-4288 or call Willy 250-344-6048.
For Sale By Owner $309,900 Beautiful oak hardwood throughout!. Upgrades incl roof, bathroom & kitchen. Private yard, deck, garage. Quiet cul de sac in Alexander Park area. Appliances neg. View at http://www.bcforsalebyow n e r. c o m / v i ew / 4 6 4 1 . Phone 250-344-2832 $368,900 4 bdrm 2.5 bath 2300 sq/ft house mins from town with mountain views on 25 acres. 250-344-7019. 1132 Golden Donald Rd. For Sale By Owner: #11 415, 5 Ave S. Clean, bright, lg 2 bdrm single storey condo. 1388 sq ft with 7.6 bsmt ideal for storage, exercise rm and/or workshop. Attached single car garage. $289,900. Go to view pics. Call Paul Feuz @ 250-344-5798 to view. For Sale By Owner: Rare opportunity to own riverfront property in the Blaeberry Valley. Level, treed acreage with drilled well; has both creek and river frontage. Offers gorgeous views of the valley and mountains from private building sites. Adjacent to 1879 Blaeberry Rd. Not to be missed 16 acres of riverfront for $399,900. View pictures at http://www.bcforsalebyowner.c om. Call George at 250-3446542 or 250-439-8157 to view. For Sale By Owner: Two 8 acre lots in the desirable Blaeberry Valley. Beautifully level and treed acreages with spectacular views. Drilled wells. Located across from 1879 Blaeberry Rd. Incredible value: 8 acres for $219,900. View pictures at http://www.bcforsalebyowner.c om. Call George at 250-3446542 or 250-439-8157 to view.
Houses For Sale Exclusive MOUNTAIN HOME For Sale - Visit:
Mobile Homes & Parks MOBILE Home for Sale, (14’X70’) Situated in Whispering Spruce Trailer Park totally redone, 3 bedrooms, Major renovations have been done like new windows(2007),new bathroom(2009),new efficient propane furnace(2009), peaked roof(2011). enclosed screen deck and more! Asking $70,000. Call Kathy 250-4397100
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1 Bdr ground level apt, close to downtown, w/d hookup. Very clean, excellent condition. $600 / month. Call 250-344-0222.
Golden StarStar Wednesday, JuneJune 26, 2013 The Golden Wednesday, 26, 2013 A21
Apt/Condo for Rent
Misc for Rent
Homes for Rent
Auto Financing
Auto Financing
1990 Vanguard 24ft MH, good cond, awning, 4kw gen, AC, tv, shower, fridge, oven, microwave, HW and furnace. Solar. New tires. $10,900. see kijiji 250-432-9998
1993 Malibu M18 Sport Bow Rider - 187 hours on Chris Woods Custom 4.3l Vortec Engine, Naturally Aspirated, 650 CFM 4bbl Eddelbrock carburetor with custom intake manifold, cam, etc. Approx 225 php. Dual Batteries with controller, Fishing Cover, Storage Cover, Custom Made Bow Filler (Turns bow into a semicuddy), rod holder receptacles, down rigger mounts (Scotty), Lowrance X15 fish finder with speed, temp, skimmer, mount etc, 2 19� Props, Pioneer Stereo, Tsunami Wakeboard Tower, Service records for entire time new engine in boat, Easy Loader Trailer with Disc Brakes, spare tire holder. This boat is in excellent shape. We are only selling it because we purchased a bigger boat. Asking $12500(OBO). 250-426-3346
1, 2, and 3 brm apts close to pedestrian bridge and Kicking Horse River. No pets, NS, NP. Gateway Property Management Corp. *Ask about our seniors special!* Call Sherri at 250-344-8919.
2 bdrm apt, 2nd floor downtown, dishwasher, w/d hookup. Very clean, excellent condition. $700 avail now. 250-344-0222. 2 bdrm mobile home at Nicholson. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551.
In the Blaeberry - take a look ** Private ** You will not be disappointed
Large 2 bdr. Apartment Available now Smaller 1 & 2 bdr. apts Available June 1/13 -Fully Furnished & Modern -Utilities Included -Satellite TV -High Speed Internet -Laundromat on site -DD & references required No Pets Phone 344-7299
Leave message if no answer please LARGE newly reno’d 1 & 2 bdrm apt., NS, no pets, no parties, laundry facil. Walking distance to all amen., DD req. $750. (1-250)344-0780 MOUNTAINEER LODGE at Kickinghorse Mountain Resort, 3rd Floor mountain view, 2 bedroom (with lock-off). $750/mo furnished, all utilities, TV, internet, etc. included. Available immediately through Nov 30/12. Contact Hans: or 403-616-4691. ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Avail immd. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250344-8113 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113. Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233.
Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. FULLY FURNISHED all inclusive bachelor suite. View at or call 344-7001.
Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Cottages / Cabins 1 bdrm cute cabin on a creek close to town. Fully furnished, all appliances incld, avail. immediately. $600/mnth. 250-939-8189. Cabin for Rent Cozy, quiet 2 bdrm cabin. 10 mins west of town. Partially furnished. No pets, N/S. $650/mo., Sat TV and internet incl. Util. extra. Call 250-344-7008. Cozy new log cabin furnished sat tv, 15 south of Golden 250348-2311.
Visit our website for complete rental listings
Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofďƒžce is independently owned & operated.
Mobile Homes & Pads 2 Bdr 2 Bath newer mobile home in quiet rural area 5 mins from town. Pet friendly, dog door, fenced yard, lots of parking. $900/mth + util and security deposit. Min 1 year lease required. 250-462-7071. 2+ bdrm mobile home in quiet area with Blaeberry views. Wood stove in addition. Completely fenced 1.3 acres. Pets & livestock negotiable. $1200/month + utls. N/S. Security deposit & references required. Avail. now, 250-8425193. Golden Mobile Home Park situated at 1400 - 12th St N has 2 lots available. Phone 250-272-4644. Lot for rent at Kicking Horse Village MHP 250-344-6935.
Homes for Rent 1 bdrm chalet furnished full kitchen, sat. tv, high speed internet, utls incld, fire place, NS, mon. 6 months, avail. now. $650/month. 250-3447874 (evenings). 2-3 Bdr house in Nicholson, furnished $900/mth, plus util. Avail. now. Propane, NS, NP preferred. DD and references required. Large fenced yard and garden, 2 bathrooms w/ showers. 250-344-2335 or 250-344-0130 2 Bdr House for rent, across from Overwaitea, avail.immdly. References required. No pets. No parties. NS. Please call 250-344-6200. 2 Bdr. house in Donald. Furnished, wood stove, fenced. Pets ok. $700/mth. 250-340-0043. 2 bdrm house on acreage at Castledale on Hwy 95. $750/month + utls. No parties, no illegal activities, long term mature reliable tenants pref’d. Refs and DD req’d. Please call 250-344-6710. 2 bdrm house, w/d, sat dish, in town, DD reqd. 250-344-7136. 3 Bdr house (Av. now) 1116 12 St. Appliances incl., references required. No Pets, No Parties. W/D.
2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 Bdr house in town with fridge & stove $800. Also 1 Bd suite $450. No pets. Avail now. Call 344-1599 or 3441828 3 Bdr mobile home for rent or sale. $600/mth. Avail June 1. 250-344-7163 or 344-8179. 3 bedroom on Gareb Road. Available for July 1st. 2 full bath, large kitchen, large backyard attached double garage. $1200 + Utilities. Call for pictures or viewing. 250-4399378 514 - 6th St Reno’d 3 bdrm suite in 4plex. WD hookups. Across from train park. No pets, responsible mature tenant. $785 + utls. DD $372.50. Call 250-344-5508. 5 Bdr house. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, 2 washrooms. Excellent location close to school and town. Lv msg. 250344-6131. 6 BR House downtown Golden on large lot, recently reno’d, fenced yard, washer/dryer, large deck, avail. from July 1, $1500/mnth. Upstairs also avail. as a 3 BR apartment at $900/mnth. Utls extra, n/a, pets negotiable. 403-678-2717 email: Log house for rent 1 bdrm + loft, Oster Rd, n/s, no pets, $750/month, avail. July 15th. 250-272-5959.
Shared Accommodation Quiet, responsible roommate to share clean, cabin close to town. $375/mnth incds utls. Lv msg 250-439-8225.
Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
Suites, Lower 716 - 8th St 2 bdrm basement suite / fireplace in living rm. Laundry room, $700 + utls - elec. heat. DD $350, no pets no smoking. Responsible mature tenant. Call 250-344-5508.
Suites, Upper Beautify reno’d 3 bdrm suite on a creek close to town. All appliances incld, w/d incld, avail.immediatley.$1100/mnth. 250-939-8189. LOVELY BACHELOR suite in beautiful garden setting. $570/month + hydro. 250-344-2246
3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENSE W1588 Please be advised that Vaughn Prather and Brian Amies are proposing to remove 56 hectares of private land from Woodlot License 1588. The private land is located in the vicinity of Moberly on the Golden Donald Upper Road, north of Golden, BC. Inquiries or comments concerning this proposal must be submitted by Wednesday, July 31, 2013. For information on this proposal or to submit comments or concerns contact Brian Amies, RPF by email:, mail: 1675 Blaeberry River Road East, Golden, BC, V0A 1H1, Phone: (250)344-7354. Only inquiries or comments received by the above date will be responded to.
1997 Flagstaff lightweight trailer, excellent condition, 3 bunk beds, queen, a/c, stove, oven, $8700. 250-344-6144.
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Motorcycles 2004 Suzuki GS 500 7000kms $2700 OBO. 250-939-9393.
Waste Characterization Study
Mattress Deconstruction and Recycling
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (Regional District) is issuing this Request Ior 3roposals to quali¿eG 3roponents to conGuct a :aste Characteri]ation StuG\ complete with ¿nal reports Ior each oI the Regional Districtœs Iour lanG¿lls locateG at *olGen ReYelstoNe Sicamous anG Salmon Arm. 3roposals clearl\ marNeG ³REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – WASTE CHARACTERIZATION STUDY� will be accepteG until 2:00 PM local time on Tuesday July 30, 2013 at the oI¿ce oI the Columbia Shuswap Regional District locateG at 0arine 3arN DriYe 32 %o[ Salmon Arm %C 9 ( 3 . 3roposal Gocuments anG Iurther inIormation are aYailable online on the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at %C %iG website at CiYic Info website at anG at the of¿ce of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District (at the aboYe noteG aGGress Guring regular of¿ce hours). This proMect has a ma[imum buGget of . An\ questions regarGing this Request for 3roposals Gocument can be GirecteG to %en 9an 1ostranG :aste 0anagement CoorGinator (nYironment (ngineering SerYices at ( ) .
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (Regional District) is issuing this Request for Proposals seeking a Proponent to develop a plan for the deconstruction of disposed mattresses and box springs, which includes the recycling of wood and metal materials extracted from the mattresses, as well as the disposal of the non-recyclable materials. Proposals clearly marked “REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – MATTRESS DECONSTRUCTION AND RECYCLINGâ€? will be accepted until 2:00 PM local time on Tuesday, July 30, 2013, at the ofÂżce of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District located at 781 Marine Park Drive, PO Box 978, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P1. Proposal documents and further information are available online on the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at, BC Bid website at, Civic Info website at and at the ofÂżce of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District (at the above noted address during regular ofÂżce hours). Any questions regarding this Request for Proposals document can be directed to Ben Van Nostrand, Waste Management Coordinator, Environment & Engineering Services at (250) 833-5940.
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserYes the right to accept or reMect an\ or all proposals anG to waiYe an\ informalit\ in the proposals receiYeG in each case without giYing an\ notice. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserYes the right to accept the proposal which is GeemeG most aGYantageous.
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality in the proposals received, in each case without giving any notice. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept the proposal which is deemed most advantageous.
)a[ submissions will not be accepteG. The lowest or an\ proposal will not necessaril\ be accepteG.
Fax submissions will not be accepted. The lowest or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
Golden Secondary School students receive their honours Governor General’s Award: Clair de Boer Fine Arts Junior Art 8: Natalia Grass, Jordan Trotter Junior Art 9: Shayla McKay, Jan Soeder Junior Art 10: Aurelea Dyck, Ariana Grass Senior Art 11: Dacey Chaluck Senior Art 12: Katie Olsen, Harlynn Ovenden Artwork selected by Trustees: Flourishing Felines by Katie Olsen Band 8: Arisona Lowe, Midori Nagao, Eric Turner Band 9: Loren Ginn, Dylan Rintoul Band 10: Ethan Chambers, Craig Turner Band 11: Owen Campeau, Tamika Nagao Maestro Award: Nathan Morris Junior Choir: Josie Broder Senior Choir: Dallas Rebidoux Applied Skills Foods 8: Cailyn Mackay Foods 9: Raylen Tress Foods 10: Chelsea Thorn Foods 11: Jordan Trotter Foods 12: Emily Badger French Cuisine 10: Alex King French Cuisine 11: Henry Lau Textiles 8: Meghan Trotter Textiles 9: Raylen Tress Photography: Nicole Bohni French Immersion Electives 8: Jaren Frasca French Immersion Electives 9: Taylor Denis Power Mechanics 8: Charlie Badger Power Mechanics 9: Raylen Tress Automotive Technology 10: Josie Broder Automotive Technology 11: Ben Demers Automotive Technology 12: Trevor Penno Metal Work 8: Meghan Trotter Metal Work 9: Russel Wright Metal Work 10: Dakota Beam Metal Fabrication/Machining 11: Jacob Wright Metal Fabrication/Machining 12: Trevor Penno Wood Work 8: Rose Gaudreault
In Loving Memory of Maria De Sousa August. 29, 1931- June. 25, 2009
If roses grow in heaven, Lord, Please pick a bunch from us. Place them in our Mother’s arms, And tell her they’re from us. Tell her we love her, and we miss her so And when she turns to smile, Place a kiss upon her cheek And hold her for awhile. For she’s our special angel in heaven Watching over her family once again. Four years have passed since you left us Our hearts still ache in sadness And tears still flow. Memories of you are all we have The pain of losing you will never go away What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. You were a precious gift from God above, So much beauty, grace and love. You touched our hearts in the most special way. Remembering you is easy, We do it every day Forever loved, never forgotten Querida mai, querida vovo
Love Maria, Erle, Derrick, Jarred, and Brittany; Filomena, Kim and Chris
Word Work 9: Loren Ginn Carpentry/Joinery 11: Naomi Carlson Carpentry/Joinery 12: Crystal Austin Drafting/Design 12: Carter Lindsay Kikino Awards Grade 8: Katie Brock Grade 9: Sam Dondaneau Grade 10: Jo-Mary Crowchild-Fletcher Grade 11: Derick Bearchief Grade 12: Sarah LaFleur Kikino Alternate School: Sara Oatway Teachers Assistants: Megan Brattebo, Jamie Shibley Physical Education Girls 8: Meghan Trotter Boys 8: Brandon Magnusson, Eric Turner Girls 9: Brooklyn Pearson Boys 9: Wes Shimoyama Girls 10: Nicole Bohni, Aurelea Dyck Boys 10: Craig Turner Boys 11: Rahul Summan Girls 12: Crystal Austin Boys 12: Soeren Hasselberg Strength & Conditioning: Soeren Hasselberg, Alberta Putney Athletics 9: Jake Wan Athletics 10: Natasha Isaac Jr. Outdoor Education: Nico Ross Sr. Outdoor Education: Nathan Morris Hockey Program: Jared Frasca Academic Awards Top Alternate Student: Taylor Mader Top Alternate Math Student: Shawn Paul Grade 8 Francais: Olivia Wilson Grade 9 Francais: Taylor Denis Grade 10 Francais: Mallory Mackay Grade 11 Francais: Carley Frasca Grade 12 Francais: Tawni Kwiatek Grade 8 French: Alysha Clark, Eric Turner Grade 9 French: Raylen Tress Grade 10 French: Wes Routley Grade 11 French: Megan Brattebo Grade 12 French: Carter Lindsay Social Studies 8: Olivia Wilson Social Studies 9: Neha Virk Social Studies 10: Ariana Grass Social Studies 11: Erik Oosthoek History 12: Deylin Yiao Psychology 12: Crystal Austin Math 8: Emily King, Cailyn Mackay, Olivia Wilson Math 9: Eric Turner, Jake Wan, Russel Wright Workplace/Apprenticeship Math 10: Marci Drees Foundations of Math/Pre-Calculus: Aurelea Dyck Workplace/Apprenticeship Math 11: William Braisher, Andrew Ginn Foundations of Math 11: Dacey Chaluck Pre-Calculus 11: Eric Oosthoek Foundations of Math 12: Brooklyn Pickering Pre-Calculus 12: Tawni Kwiatek Calculus 12: Emily Badger AP Calculus 12: Carter Lindsay, Deylin Yiao English 8: Meghan Trotter, Eric Turner English 9: Jake Wan English 10: Ariana Grass, Mallory Mackay English 11: Tamika Nagoa, Jordan Trotter English 12: Emily Badger, Brooklyn Pickering Science 8: Alysha Clark, Arizona Lowe, Olivia Wilson, Eric Turner Science 9: Taylor Denis, Jake Wan Science 10: Aurelea Dyck Chemistry 11: Eric Oosthoek, Wes Routley Physics 11: Erik Oosthoek, Jacob Wright Biology 12: Erik Oosthoek Chemistry 12: Tawni Kwiatek Physics 12: Tawni Kwiatek Ap Chemistry: Deylin Yiao TRU Exam Chem 11: Wes Routley TRU Exam Chem 12: Deylin Yiao Chem 12 NEWS Exam: Deylin Yiao Avogadro Exam: Erik Oosthoek Euclid Math Contest: Deylin Yiao Student of the Month: Caleb Chapman,
(Top) Carter Lindsay accepts the Principal’s Award, and Neal Randhawa (above), accepts the Harminder Jaswal Memorial Award at the GSS year end awards. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo Robynn Fransib, Santiago Garcia Martin, Ariana Grass, Sierra Ingram, Larisa Johnson, Carter Lindsay, Brooke Magnusson, Trevor Penno, Jamie Shibley Rocks Award 8: Seirra Ingram Rocks Award 9: Raylen Tress Rocks Award 10: Ariana Grass Rocks Award 11: Jordan Trotter Rocks Award 12: Crystal Austin Outstanding Improvement Grade 9: Tarah Walsh Grade 10: Branden Wong Grade 11: Tyler Hunter Grade 12: Amy Flewin International Student: Akitaka Imasato Merit Awards Grade 8: Jurnee Chamberlain, Alysha Clark, Rose Gaudreault, Natalia Grass, Jordan Hunter, Sierra Ingram, Zara Johnson, Arizona Lowe, Nicholas McClean, Midori Nagao, Billie Sexton, Hailey Solberg, Manisha Summan, Meghan Trotter, Eric Turner, Sidney Uhrich, Olivia Wilson, Shania Woodrow, Taylor Young Grade 9: Nic Ross, Wes Shimoyama, Neha Virk, Jake Wan, Dawson Young Grade 10: Rochelle Bertrand, Leland Birnie, Caleb Chapman, Aurelea Dyck, Ariana Grass, Darianna Guerrero Morales, Mallory Mackay, Brooke Magnusson, Anita Schaefer, Jazzy Trask, Craig Turner, Troy Weigel Grade 11: Megan Brattebo, Naomi Carlson, Dacey Chaluck, Carley Frasca, Manraj Jaswal, Larisa Johnson, Shelby Klassen, Levon Lindequist, Kelsey Lloyd, Tif-
fanie McGrath, Tamika Nagao, Erik Oosthoek, Makayla Peverill, Alberta Putney, Rahul Summan, Jordan Trotter, Jacob Wright, Luke Young Grade 12: Ben Arlt, Crystal Austin, Emily Badger, Regan Benney, Amy Flewin, Eriko Hiraoka, Harlee Jmaiff, Tawni Kwiatek, Sarah LaFleur, Carter Lindsay, Nathan Morris, Jada Moss, Risa Moss, Emily Nydr, Krista Pearson, Trevor Penno, Brooklynn Pickering, Jamie Shibley, Edi Struthers, Deylin Yiao Patroller Training - Level 1: Thomas de Bie, Colten Gebhart, Ben Homer, Charlie Kimber, Levon Lindequist, Tristan Musick-Miller, Piper Noble, Yannik Pieroth, Zach Sarna Athletic Awards Bantam Girl: Emily King Bantam Boy: Santiago Garcia Martin Junior Girl: Rochelle Bertrand Junior Boy: Neal Randhawa Senior Girl: Shea Archibald-Lacasse Senior Boy: Rahul Summan Harminder Jaswal Memorial Award: Neil Randhawa Top Scholastic Grade 8: Eric Turner Grade 9: Jake Wan Grade 10: Aurelea Dyck Grade 11: Erik Oosthoek Grade 12: Deylin Yiao Jr. Tom King Citizenship: Olivia Wilson Sr. Tom King Citizenship: Nathon Morris Top All Around: Erika Hiraoka Principal’s Award: Carter Lindsay
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 26, 2013 A23
Golden Legion invites the community to celebrate Legion Week Legion Branch 122 Submitted The Golden Legion was started May 28, 1931. It’s primary aim at that time was to support their veterans and families by making all efforts to improve lives of veterans and ex-service members. As it was then, it has continued to uphold that support, and evolve with the continued needs of our military and our veterans. In the community, the Legion’s function also includes supporting their communities, various children’s sporting activities, and the Cadets. Remembrance Day contests are held each year for students, who wish to submit stories, artwork, or poems and videos that reflect the
sacrifices given by our military in conflicts, sacrifices that continue today, to make us a free and strong nation. The Legion holds several types of fundraising events, through auctions, meat draws and contests. All monies derived from gaming are all returned to the community. The Golden Legion is currently working to support their community; in the last 10 years fundraising efforts and gaming alone brought approximately $145,000 back into the community. Activities supported by Poppy Trust Funds include: assisting needy veterans and exservice members and their families; providing bursaries to the children and grandchildren of veterans
and ex-service members; transport and related services for veterans, seniors and disable persons. Who are our Golden Legion Members? Our Legion members make up a wide variety of people. Our Canadian veterans and allied veterans, RCMP, members of the CPR, general public, and even a Cold War spy and author. All of these people have unique and interesting stories to tell, but more importantly is their strong comradeship and their community. What can I do? By joining the Golden Legion, you are helping to support your veterans and your community. Membership to the Golden Legion is $50 per year. Our members all
pledge to support and uphold the “Traditions of the Legion,” and support the Poppy Campaign. Anyone can join. What is the benefit to me? Serving and supporting your community and it’s veterans. You will have the oppor-
tunity to grow within this great organization. The Legion needs members who can take on the challenge of leadership. If this is where your interest lies, you can become involved by serving on the Branch Executive. You may even aspire to the National Board.
The Legion has developed a relationship with a number of corporate partners to provide products and services to its members. Only Legion members are entitled to the benefits offered. The Golden Legion has a variety of functions weekly and
throughout the year such as Friday and Saturday meet draws, Father’s Day Golf Tournaments, games, music sometimes, and we have a licensed lounge where members can enjoy dances, barbecues, entertainment and a host of other special events.
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Alexander Park Elementary student Ria Ferrarelli is guided through one of the activities at the APES Bike Rodeo by Andy Bostock of the Golden Cycling Club. The rodeo, put on by the LP Safety Team, aims to teach kids about bike safety. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Golden Star
RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234
$290,000 #11, 1322 Kaufmann Way
2 bedrooms
1 bath
1 bath
523 – 5th Avenue
Kettleston Road
3 bedrooms
3 bedrooms
3 baths
$302,500 2 baths
$197,000 2310 Campbell Road
1602 Purcell Woods Close
$345,000 2276 Holmes Deakin Road
1 bdrm
2 baths
3 baths
$99,900 #16 Kicking Horse Village MHP 3 bedrooms
$309,000 742 Nicholson Road
3bdrms 2.5 baths 2,160sqft
1 acre
3 bedrooms
1.5 baths
3 bedrooms 2 baths 1,968sqft
Cromac Ridge
3 bedrooms
407 Riverglen Drive 3 baths
#306 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
1596 Columbia Valley 1.871 acres
$525,000 1510 Poplar Street
3 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
$258,000 909 - 10th Street
4 bedrooms
#15 Kicking Horse Village MHP
3 bdrms 3 baths 2,500sqft 5.28 acres
Lot 5, 1313 Campbell Road 2.038 acres
$399,900 #402, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
3 bedrooms
$629,000 4905 Castledale Heights
2 baths
$14,900 1 bath
3.6 acres
#1 - 1248 Campbell Road
3 bedrooms
3 baths
2 bedrooms 2 baths 960sqft
4 Acreages Available
$389,000 4 bedrooms
Lot 1, 2113 Highway #95, South
.4 acre
4 baths
from $210,000 to $260,000
$94,900 576 Habart Road
#3 Pinewood Mobile Home Park
5 bedrooms
3, 300sqft
1337 Selkirk Drive
4 baths
$555,500 1415 Deere Ridge Road
15.45 acres
5 bedrooms 2.5 baths 2,390sqft
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1416 Birch Crescent
Lot 6, Dogtooth Close
2505 Highway #95, South
1612 Gareb Road
Petra Musick Dan Veselic (250) 344-1476 (250) 344-1435
from $110,900 to $169,900
$89,000 2 bedroom
$995,000 2.5 baths
1361 Pine Drive
4 bedrooms
1.35 acres
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1213 10th Avenue
1512 Granite Drive
#62 Golden Mobile Home Park
19.87 acres
2 baths
$160,000 2.5 acres
#16, 415 - 5th Avenue
4 bedrooms
$295,000 4 bedrooms 2 baths 2,000sqft
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1308 Pine Drive
$319,900 508 - 5th Street
Black Bear Drive
Lot 2, Campbell Road
17.26 acres
6.44 acres
3 Acreages Available
612 - 12th Street
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38.6 acres
Southridge Road
2 bedrooms
1 bath
2166 Blaeberry Road
3 bdrms 1 baths 943sqft
Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435
$345,000 1613 Gareb Road
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1533 Campbell Road
4 bedrooms 3 baths 3,081sqft
$217,000 516 - 11th Street
2 bedrooms
Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275
3 baths
$479,900 4 bdrms
1976 Mitchell Road 2+ baths 3,278sqft
23 acres