Local artists’ work featured in exhibit.
EaglE VallEy
Page 6
Tennis duo bring home hardware from tourney Page 7
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 PM40008236
Vol. 55 No. 28 Sicamous, B.C., • 1.25 (GST included) • www.eaglevalleynews.com
How it’s done: Jadon Kerr looks on as friend Haydn Gjaltema reaches out to his catch, a pikeminnow, lured with a piece of hotdog near the Bruhn Bridge. Above – Gjaltema has a quick look at his catch before releasing it. Photos by Lachlan Labere
Bruhn Bridge doesn’t inspire confidence Alberta residents Four-laning: Province has no plan to replace aging infrastructure. By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
Despite how it looks, the province says there’s still quite a bit of life left to Sicamous’ 55-year-old Bruhn Bridge. This was the word received from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, in response to questions raised by resident Bea Herzog, who is concerned with the structural integrity of the aging infrastructure. “I was down there one day, sitting there by the loading (zone), and there was a truck, one of the lowboys with some oil-sealed pumpjacks on it, a real heavy load, and it hit one of those little holes that was up in the
deck, and it thumped so hard my vehicle jumped from the concussion,” said Herzog. “Somewhere along the line it’s getting pretty wobbly. And people say, when they walk across it, it vibrates and sways.” This incident prompted Herzog to take a closer look at the bridge and its supports, which did not inspire confidence. “When you look at it, you can see rebar all over the place – to me that must be lessening the strength of what’s there,” guessed Herzog. The current state of the bridge’s pillars is a result of work done by the ministry in 2011. Following an incident See Foundation on page 3
Upgrade wanted: Sicamous residents have expressed a desire to see the 55-year-old Bruhn Bridge replaced. Photo by Lachlan Labere
in stolen vehicle nabbed by police Three Alberta residents are facing theft charges after they were nabbed in a stolen vehicle by Sicamous RCMP. On Friday, July 5, at approximately 10 a.m., police received a report of a stolen vehicle headed to Sicamous from Revelstoke. The vehicle had been reported earlier for erratic driving, and when the Alberta licence plate was checked, it was found the vehicle had been stolen from Red Deer a day earlier. Sicamous RCMP conducted patrols east of town and soon located the vehicle headed west.
“When safe to do so, a tactical, highrisk take down was conducted,” says Sgt. Dave Dubnyk. After stopping the vehicle, the five occupants were arrested at the roadside. Dubnyk said investigating officers soon learned two of the occupants were found to be hitchhikers picked up in Revelstoke with no knowledge the vehicle was stolen. They were interviewed and released at the scene. The other three, residents of Lacombe, Alta., were taken into custody and returned to the Sicamous See Hitchhikers on page 3
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Eagle Valley News
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Paranoid man creates stir in neighbourhood Need Help? On June 30, at 7:11 p.m., Sicamous RCMP received a report of a man in his early 20s who showed up at Gordon Mackie Lane residence, appearing to be paranoid and afraid. When confronted by the complainant, the man ran away. Police then received a report that the man was found hiding in camper. Police and paramedics attended and found nothing physically wrong with the man. He was later transported to friends in Revelstoke. • Sicamous RCMP are seeking information relating to the theft of lawn maintenance equipment from the 100 block of Montcalm Crescent. Police received a report of the theft on June 26. Stolen was a trailer with two orange and black Husqvarna riding lawnmowers, as well as a Toro push mower. Anyone with information that may help in this investigation is encouraged to call the detachment at 250-836-2878, or leave an anonymous tip through Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. • June 30, 10:46 p.m., a report of erratic driver in a black Dodge crew cab, speeding up and slowing down, having difficulty staying in the lane. • June 24, 9:40 a.m., police responded to a report of an assault. Officers found it was a dis-
pute over money, where one person grabbed the other by the arm and throat. The matter is under investigation. • June 24, 1:16 p.m., a firearm was turned in as part of the provincial gun amnesty program. • June 25, 6:59 p.m., a black Mercedes, speeding and failing to stop for a flagger. • June 25, 9:53 p.m., a red Mastercraft riding lawn mower was reported stolen from a Kerr Road residence. • June 25, 10:10 p.m., there were people setting off fireworks in the 1300 block of the Trans-Canada Highway. • June 26, 2:22 p.m., police responded to a report of a woman consuming alcohol, then getting into her vehicle and driving away. Officers were unable to locate the driver. • June 26, 2:28 p.m., a disturbance at local residence. • June 26, 4:44 p.m. a vehicle having difficulty staying in the lane. Police located and spoke to driver, who not impaired, but distracted by the scenery. The driver was warned and sent off. • June 27, 12:55 a.m., police were requested to remove four individuals refusing to leave residence. • June 27, 2:18 p.m., a missing child was reported; returned home as complainant was speaking to police.
• June 27, 6:55 p.m., single-vehicle accident at local service station. No injuries. • June 27, 11:46 p.m., a 1991 Chrysler reported stolen from the former Eagle Pass Landing Restaurant site. Vehicle later found abandoned on highway in Radium Hot Springs. • June 28, 12:13 a.m., fireworks were being set off on Kappel St. • June 28, 1:31 a.m., screaming and swearing in front of local motel. Request for to police attend. • June 28, 9:15 a.m., police asked to keep peace while individual picks up belongings. • June 28, 10:25 a.m., landlord/tenant dispute. • June 28, 10:54, a.m., police requested to attend fight in progress. • June 28, 10:55 a.m., family disturbance, police asked to attend. • June 28, 1:29 p.m., barking dog on Larch Street. • June 28, 9:29 p.m., fireworks on Johnson Howard Road. • June 28, 11:38 p.m., loud music coming from residence on Old Spallumcheen Road. • June 29, 11:11 a.m., a white semi passing on double-solid lines. • June 29, 11:39 a.m., single-vehicle accident, no injuries. • June 29, 4:28 p.m., police locate red Dodge van stolen from Enderby the previous day. • June 29, 5:24 p.m.,
July 10 - August 26 - Registration now open for Zumba Classes at Whib’s Gym, Mondays 6:30-7:30pm -to register or for more info contact Recreation and Wellness phone #250-836-2477 or email recreation@sicamous.ca July 10 - August 27 - Registration now open for Outdoor Yoga Classes at Beach Park, Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm -to register or for more This is a FREE info contact Recreation and Wellness phone listing of #250-836-2477 or email recreation@sicamous.ca community July 17 - Family Magic Show starring Leif David, the Magician. 2:30 pm Wednesday at the events for Sicamous Library, #2 - 445 Main Street not-for-profit Registration now open for Summer organizations Day Camp Kidz Mon-Fri July and August -to register or for more info contact Recreation and paid and Wellness phone #250-836-2477 or advertisers. email recreation@sicamous.ca Registration now open for Swim Ph: 836-2570 Lessons July 15-Aug 23 -to register or for Fax: 836-2661 more info contact Recreation and Wellness Email: classifieds@ phone #250-836-2477 or email recreation@ eaglevalleynews.com sicamous.ca Registration now open for Tennis DEADLINE: Lessons Session 1 Tuesdays July 2-23 or Session 2 Tuesdays July 30-August 20 -to 2pm, Fridays register or for more info contact Recreation and Wellness phone #250-836-2477 or
drug information received. • June 29, 7:14 p.m., domestic dispute. • June 30, 1:42 p.m., report of loud party on Parksville Street. • June 30, 12:23 p.m., children left alone at an apartment. Police checked it out and all was fine. • June 30, 2:19 p.m., police called to the scene of boating incident on Mara Lake. Three people onboard a vessel that crashed into a dock were taken to hospital for treatment of minor injuries. The cause of the crash is still under investigation, though police say it appears alcohol was not a factor. • June 30, 4;31 p.m., found bike. • June 30, 11:20 p.m., fireworks being set off on Davidson Drive. • July 1, 9:32 a.m., a white Jeep with B.C. plates, speeding, tailgating and passing on wrong side of road. • July 1, 10:01 a.m., suspicious vehicle driving around Hemlock Crescent area. • July 1, 11:22 a.m., abandoned boat at Shark Shack. • July 1, 11:56 am., an abandoned vehicle on Queest-Wilson forest service road. • July 1, 12:10 p.m., while traveling north on 97A, a driver saw one naked woman pulling another naked woman
email recreation@sicamous.ca Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays - Active After School Kidz. Ages 5-12 - to register or for more info contact Recreation and Wellness #250-836-2477 or recreation@ sicamous.ca Every 1st & 3rd Wed. - Parkinsons Support Group at First united Church. 20 - 4th Street SE, Salmon Arm at 10 am. Contact Doreen at 250-836-2509. Every Mon. & Fri. - Bridge, Seniors Activity Centre, 1 p.m. Every Tues. Stopping the Violence Program in Sicamous - counselling for women who have experienced abuse during childhood or adult relationships. No charge. Call Kathy at 250-8329700. Every Tues. - Sicamous Amateur Drama Club rehearsals, 7:00 p.m., Red Barn Arts Centre. 836-4705. Tues. & Thurs. - Carpet Bowling at the Seniors’ Activity Centre at 1 p.m. Every Tues. & Thurs. - Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in Common Room at the Haven. Every Wed. Wednesday Arts for Everyone. 10 am - 3 pm. For info contact Juanita at 250-836-
by the rest stop. • July 1, 7:07 p.m., a Chevy Suburban with Alta. plates reported to be driving erratically and passing unsafely. • July 1, 7:56 p.m., lost wallet. • July 1, 10:54 p.m., a single-vehicle accident where vehicle hits a deer. Vehicle occupants suffered minor injuries. • July 2, 12:54 a.m., police responded to a single-vehicle accident. The driver was found to have been consuming alcohol, issued a 24hour driving prohibition and taken to hospital in Salmon Arm for a mental-health examination. • July 2, 3:03 a.m., loud party on Riverside Ave. • July 2, 6:03 a.m., report of glass patio railing smashed at A&W. • July 2, 11:16 a.m., stolen purse. • July 2, 5:48 p.m. lost wallet. • July 2, 8:34 p.m., tree down across powerline. • July 3, 1:09 a.m., two suspicious people rummaging through yards on Hemlock Crescent. • July 3, 4:27 p.m, semi tractor-trailer, possibly with B.C. plates, having difficulty maintaining lanes. July 3, 7:12 p.m., attempted break and enter at Main Street residence. • July 3, 8:58 p.m., well-being check of individual. All OK.
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You are invited to the:
Eagle Valley Senior Citizens Housing Society’s ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING JULY 25, 2013 at 7:00 PM At the HAVEN COMMON ROOM 1095 Shuswap Avenue, Sicamous
unshine S AWARDS
A great huge sunshine award to all the volunteers who made Canada Day such a big success. And sunshine and lollipops to the Legion and all of the community who came out and supported us.
~ The Sicamous Lions Club **** A great big Canada Day Thank You to Larry Lafond, for all your time and effort every year and Mike Olde for the use of the barge for the band. July 1 would not be the same without it. ~ Eagle Valley Arts Council **** Artful appreciation for the members of the Wednesday Art For Everyone member group for volunteering your time for the first annual Children’s Art Day on Canada Day. It was a big success thanks to you all. ~ Eagle Valley Arts Council **** Sunshine Awards are FREE of charge. 20 words per award, due to limited space. Please do not submit more than two awards per week. Recognize your friend, neighbour or loved one with a sunshine award for doing that extra special good deed!
3019 or Gail- at 250-836-5472 Every Wed. Girl Guides of Canada. Sparks - 3:00 pm. Brownies - 4:00 pm. Girl Guides - 5:30 pm. New members welcome Every Wed. Lunch by a donation at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091-Shuswap Avenue at 12 noon. Every Wed. - Seniors Crib, 7:30 p.m., Haven seniors building. Everyone welcome - you don’t have to be a senior. Socializing and coffee served after crib. Info: Esther 836-4373. Every Wed. - T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Wednesday morning at the Sicamous Rec. Centre (arena). Weigh in at 9:00 am and meeting at 9:30. Everyone Welcome. Ph: 250-836-4041 for info Every Wed.-Sat. United Church Thrift Store 10:00 am to 3 p.m. Every Thurs. - Malakwa Thrift Store in Malakwa by the old church. 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Every Thurs. - Sicamous Crokinole Group meets at 7pm at the Sicamous & District Recreation Centre - upstairs for more info and to join call Dave Reed @ 250-836-3652 Every Thurs.-Ladies shuffleboard at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99 in Sicamous. 1pm-3pm. All ladies welcome.
Every Thurs.- Crib and darts 7 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99. Everyone welcome. Every 1st, 3rd, 4th Thurs. - Keepsake Kwilters meet at the Haven Common room 1095 Shuswap Avenue at 7:00 p.m. For info call 250-836-2695. Every 2nd and 4th Thurs. Options For Sexual health from 7 to 9 p.m., Sicamous Health Unit. Every 3rd Thursday monthly meeting of the Malakwa Community Association at 7:30 in the Malakwa Hall. Every Fri. - Parents & Tots, 10-12 noon at Catholic Church. 836-3440. Every Fri. - Eagle Valley Brush & Palette Club meets at the Red Barn, 10am-3pm, Everyone welcome! For info call Esther 250-836-4373 or Amy 250-836-4756. www.eaglevalleybrushandpaletteclub.com Every 1st & 3rd Fri. - Pool Tournament at the Royal Canadian Legion #99 at 7:00 pm. Every 4th Sun.- Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 general meeting, 7 p.m. Every 4th Sun. - OAPO Birthday Tea for members & friends, Seniors Activity Centre, 2 p.m.
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, July 10, 2013
www.eaglevalleynews.com A3
Businesses may get tax break for water
Revitalization: Commercial water users could see $6,000 savings. By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
The district is poised to give some businesses a break on water with a tax exemption. Last month, Sicamous council gave three readings to a revitalization tax exemption bylaw, with fourth reading scheduled for tonight’s meeting (July 10). The bylaw will give 21 businesses an opportunity to claim up to $1,200 annually for five years (2014 to 2018), representing a $126,000 loss of municipal taxes. The exemption is to “assist high-volume com-
mercial water users with the cost of installing water filtration systems” until the community’s new water filtration facility is up and running. The bylaw represents the district’s response to calls from the business community for assistance following last year’s flooding, which crippled the municipal water supply. The district is about to undertake a feasibility study related to the $4.5 million municipal water treatment plant – twothirds of which is being funded with federal and provincial grant money – and will be closer to
There are a lot of households… where they have to either put in high-end filtration systems or buy bottled water… Coun. Fred Busch knowing a construction date when it is complete. Coun. Charlotte Hutchinson said she wasn’t comfortable with the exemption, not knowing how many
businesses would be making use of it. She said that while it will take some time, the new water treatment plant is a solution. Coun. Fred Busch said he was in favour of the spirit of the bylaw, but not the proposed duration. He also noted that business owners were not the only ones affected by the flooding. “There are a lot of households where there are persons who have immune-compromised systems where they have to either put in a high-end filtration system or buy bottled water for their own use,” said
Busch. “So yes, businesses are important to the community, I don’t deny that at all. But I think we have to realize that there are other people in this community other than the businesses who contribute to the well-being of the community.” Coun. Terry Rysz, however, advocated strongly for the bylaw, going so far as to make a motion that the district cover 20 per cent of the businesses’ water filtration systems, regardless the cost. This motion failed, while the bylaw, as presented, received the support of council.
Foundation may explain shaking felt on bridge Continued from front
crete used in the bridge was of poor quality. “When the guys were working on that, they knew the cement wasn’t to par,” says Hyde, who has long advocated for something to be done about the bridge. Recently, the bridge was reduced to singlelane traffic while MOTI’s maintenance contractor conducted repair work of surface cracks and irregularities. This work, says Cousins, helps to increase the lifespan of the bridge “and does not impact the integrity of the struc-
ture.” Herzog, however, has questions there too. “I was talking to… one of the flag people, and I asked her what they’re doing and she said, ‘Oh, they’re just filling the holes with cement like they always do.’ Well, that’s just adding more weight to the deck and the whole bridge as far as that goes,” said Herzog. Regarding the shaking sometimes felt by motorists on the bridge, local historian Gordon Mackie suggests this has to do with how the structure’s east end is
Answers for today’s Coffee Break Page
detachment, and held for a hearing with a Justice of the Peace. Dubnyk says a 17-year-old was later released to the custody of his mother, who travelled from Alberta to pick him up. The other two, one age 18 and the other 21, were remanded in cus-
tody and appeared in Salmon Arm provincial court on Monday. All three are facing charges of theft over $5,000. One of the adults is also facing multiple charges for being in breach of a court-ordered probation. This file remains under investigation.
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r u o y y a P Pre green fee
Hitchhikers released Continued from front
built on friction piling due to the sandy/silty foundation.
youknow knowthere there are that: DidDidyou aresun sunlenses lenses that:
where a three-foot long by three-inch thick piece of concrete broke off the outside deck and fell into a boat travelling below, the ministry went over the bridge with a chipping hammer, taking off anything that showed the slightest crack. Afterwards the exposed rebar was coated with a zinc paint to prevent rusting. MOTI spokesperson Cindy Cousins says the bridge is still in good shape, with many years of service remaining. “As with all of our structures, it is inspected annually by our technical staff and no serious issues have been identified,” says Cousins in an email. “The most recent inspection was in Summer 2012, and included a detailed inspection using a specialized lift called a ‘snooper truck’ that allows inspectors to access all parts of the bridge. A similar inspection is planned for
this coming summer.” Replacement of the Bruhn Bridge was identified as a public priority back in February, when MOTI was conducting open houses in the Shuswap to gather input for the province’s $650 million budget to four lane sections of the Trans-Canada Highway from Kamloops to the Alberta border. While the Malakwa and North Fork bridges east of Sicamous were targeted in the ministry’s plans for replacement, the Bruhn was not. Cousins says that while there are known challenges related to the Bruhn Bridge, such as the Old Spallumcheen Road intersection, there is no immediate plan for its replacement. Herzog, however, would like to see the bridge replaced sooner than later. Kim Hyde is of like mind. Her father-in-law helped build the bridge, and says that the con-
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Eagle Valley News
Much more work needed to reach debt-free B.C.
hile Finance Minister Mike de Jong’s budget “update” on June 27 provided only a few changes from the B.C. Liberals pre-election February budget, it was revealing just the same. Government revenues fell about $900,000 short of what was speculated in February’s budget. The projected surplus also dropped from $197 million in February to $153 million and pared contingency funds got it to that level. At first glance, the B.C. Liberal government’s 2013 pre-election budget doesn’t appear to be the “fudget budget” or “wriggle room” budgets of the past, but Premier Christy Clark’s “Debt Free B.C.” campaign bus banner appears to have been more of a political ploy than an economic reality. The ploy didn’t win the election for the B.C. Liberals, but it did help separate them from the Adrian Dix-led NDP that couldn’t shake the bad-for-business image. The provincial debt is a huge issue, and according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, it’s growing by $18.5 million a day. The B.C. Liberals are looking to cut into the debt by trimming government costs, continuing to freeze public sector wages and selling off government assets. In terms of the province’s financial status, it’s not looking particularly good currently, and if the provincial economy is going to get better in the future, a few things are going to have to fall in place. The reality of this blueprint getting to a brighter future all hinges on the success of our old standby – natural resource extraction. This includes logging exports (prices expected to go down), mining and natural gas (prices expected to go up). All of these sectors provide well-paying jobs and millions in tax dollars. They will have to proceed to revive B.C.’s economic health, but it cannot be done as a one-shot, wholesale sell-off. -100 Mile House Free Press
Further hydro rate increases inevitable By Tom Fletcher News Columnist
VICTORIA – There’s a new sheriff in town for BC Hydro, and it didn’t take long for the political range war to resume. The new sheriff, Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett, found himself on the barricades as soon as he got the hugely complex responsibility for energy and mines. His saddlebags bulge with reports on BC Hydro’s seemingly runaway costs, along with Premier Christy Clark’s “core review” to cut $50 million a year from government operations. NDP energy critic John Horgan highlighted the latest BC Hydro troubles in his assault on the B.C. Liberal budget. First there was a $140 million cost overrun on the Northwest Transmission Line, under construction north from Terrace to the tiny Tahltan village of Iskut and adjacent mine properties. Then BC Hydro revealed results of an audit of its
earthquake preparedness. “Condition red” was the key message. Basically, the sprawling utility has disaster plans for each of its dams or other power facilities, but no overall way to get the provincial power grid back up after a major earthquake. Horgan recited his list of BC Hydro sins after a decade of meddling by the BC Liberals: huge deferred debt revealed by the Auditor General, enormous liabilities for private power contracts and more rate increases that Bennett has already admitted are on the way. And now they can’t even keep us safe from the big one. Bennett fired back. About $2 billion of that debt is for seismic upgrades for the 80-year-old Ruskin Dam in Maple Ridge, and the equally frail John Hart Dam on the Campbell River, built with wooden water pipes. Major BC Hydro works slowed down after completion of Revelstoke and Mica dams in the 1980s, and now the work is
1133 PARKSVILLE STREET, PARKLAND CENTRE PO BOX 113, SICAMOUS, BC V0E 2V0 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $44.50/Year; Seniors $39/Year Phone: (250) 836-2570 Fax: (250) 836-2661 Email: classifieds@eaglevalleynews.com Website: www.eaglevalleynews.com
PUBLISHER: Rick Proznick EDITORIAL: Tracy Hughes, Editor; Lachlan Labere, Reporter ADVERTISING: Laura Lavigne PRODUCTION: Sierre Allison
more expensive. The Northwest Transmission Line is a partnership with Imperial Metals, which wants to power its Red Chris copper-gold-silver mine. Bennett said the company is not only paying for the last section to Iskut and the mine site, but pitching in for the main line as well. Ottawa paid $130 million to get remote communities off decades of dependence on diesel generators. AltaGas, owner of one of those private power projects in the region, puts in $180 million to get connected to the grid. The line will open up more mining and hydro possibilities. The cost overrun traces back mainly to the shortage of high-skill labour such as geotechnical engineering that the remote region already faces. And this is before natural gas pipelines and LNG plants gear up. Bennett takes over from the last sheriff, Rich Coleman, who put BC Hydro through the wringer in 2011. Coleman soon aban-
BC PRESS COUNCIL-This Eagle Valley News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council.Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
doned his idea of putting off the Ruskin and John Hart upgrades (again) to keep rates low through the election, and saw the B.C. Utilities Commission jack up the rate increase to seven per cent to help slow the ballooning debt. What’s ahead for rates? The utility is looking for 32 per cent in the next three years, says energy lawyer David Austin. He calculates that only 2.5 per cent is attributable to increased private power costs. Among other things, BC Hydro needs regional emergency centres capable of functioning after a Japan-sized quake, plus expansion. Bennett came clean on another reason for rate increases – the government’s increasing dependence on taking a “dividend” as BC Hydro’s lone “shareholder.” The newly updated budget tells us this annual “dividend” is past $500 million and rising fast: $545 million this year, $611 million next year and $684 million the year after.
Published every Wednesday covering Sicamous, Malakwa, Mara, Seymour Arm and serving Anstey Arm, Cambie, Cinnemousin Narrows, Craigellachie and Solsqua. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We do not guarantee placement on specific pages. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 2 PM
DR Eagle Valley News Wednesday, July 10, 2013
www.eaglevalleynews.com A5
mail bag
Plan ahead...
Recycling service abused during summer As a home owner and permanent resident of this community, I am very concerned about the treatment and uses of our dumpsters located at the east end of the Tru Value Store. People continue to dump their bags of refuse along, with a few beer or pop cans mixed in. In some cases, they stuff black garbage bags into the dumpsters
and leave them on the ground as well. I went there on June 18 with my recycling and there were four clear-plastic bags left on the ground. I saw all kinds of garbage mixed in with a few cans. There was food and some discarded rags mixed in, and two black garbage bags stuffed into the dumpsters. I’ve even seen
used vehicle batteries and propane bottles left there. It isn’t up to the truck driver to clean up this mess. It is just a matter of time before they take our dumpsters away. This problem starts May 24th weekend and runs through to September of every year. There is no problem in the winter.
Council holds off on tech By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
Two tech upgrades for town hall estimated to cost in the thousands are on hold, at least until next year. District council recently received two reports from operations manager Randy Hand relating to some potentially pricey electronics purchases. One was for a closed-caption TV (CCTV) surveillance camera system for the interior/exterior of the civic centre; the other, for upgrades to the microphone system used by council in council chambers. A number of pricing options were provided for both options. For the CCTV system, the district received two estimates, one at $20,000 and the other at $33,000. Hand explained this report stemmed from concern for staff having to work alone in the building at certain times of the day. The two estimates were based on three indoor, wide-angle cameras that capture video and audio, another without audio for council chambers, and two exterior cameras that can pan, tilt and zoom. Coun. Terry Rysz said it was good to have this information but suggested the cost be considered later during council’s 2014 budget deliberations. Council concurred. As for a sound system, costs ranged from $6,000 to $43,000.
The reason for the upgrade, Hand explains in his report, is that when the two large screen plasma TVs on the walls in council chambers are on, they put out a signal that conflicts with the existing microphone system. The $6,000 option was to replace the existing TVs with 70-inch LCD TVs and keep the existing, old sound system. The $43,000 figure involved keeping the TVs and buying a new, compatible digital system. None of the options, however, flew with council. Before even touching on the costs, Coun. Charlotte Hutchinson questioned how council wound up with a 20-year-old mic system. Mayor Trouton explained they were purchased for use by council when meetings were held at the seniors centre. “This has been a little
bit of a bone of contention,” said Trouton. “We have a brand-new building, I can’t believe that we haven’t got it wired and, knowing what this building cost us, that we wouldn’t have a sound system and so forth in the first place.” Trouton said funds are in the budget for a new system, though not enough to cover a decent one. “I think we do with what we have until we can afford to fund and put aside funds… this seems to be working for now,” said Trouton, speaking into the mic. “There’s no use spending more money on more crappy-type systems, when we can save some money and get one proper system that’s going to last for a long time.” Again Rysz suggested council forward the mic expense to the 2014 budget.
I am disgusted with the total disregard of the use of these dumpsters and the laziness of the individuals that are doing this. I’m sure they don’t do this at home. I would encourage the community to keep vigilance on this to help end this practise by reporting this to the district office. Hopefully we will get some-
thing done. Perhaps a 24-hour-a-day security guard or video surveillance, along with some heavy fines might be the answer. As we all know, there are clearlymarked signs showing what’s allowed and not allowed in the dumpsters. Don Hayes
Clock tracking B.C.’s ballooning debt Provincial debt becomes more of a reality when the number is racking up before your eyes. B.C.’s debt clock visited Salmon Arm and Sicamous on July 3 as part of its tour to 30 communities provincewide. B.C.’s debt sits at $57.4 billion and increases by $214 per second, according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. It might be hard to visualize that rate, but the debt clock gives you an idea of how fast it is. Jordan Bateman, the B.C. director for the for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, parked the clock in the Shuswap last Wednesday to give residents the opportunity to see it for themselves. “We need to stop this clock,” he said. The number increases at $12,854 per
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minute, $771,233 per hour and $18.5 million per day. That’s about a $1 million every 78 minutes. Bateman says the number most people are interested in is the per person total: about $12,402 when it visited Salmon Arm. “The Premier has talked the talk on debt reduction, but now it’s time to walk the walk,” said Bateman. “She needs to stand up against special interest groups looking for more tax money. Based on the election results, there’s clearly an appetite in B.C. for the Premier to make good on her campaign promise of a debtfree B.C.” The national debt clock was adjusted to B.C.’s debt for this tour. It is twelve feet long, 6’6 feet high and weighs 500 pounds.
MAY 1 - SEPTEMBER 2, 2013 The Bottle Shop 322 Finlayson, Sicamous 250-463-3183 No purchase necessary. Open only to BC residents age 19 or over. Limit one entry per person per household per day. Contest closes September 3rd, 2012. For full contest details, visit return-it.ca/winit
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Eagle Valley News
Are you in an abusive Relationship? Do you need a safe place to stay? Call the Women’s Shelter 250-832-9616
24 hours a day!
GARDENS This unique feature is designed to showcase the many special and beautiful gardens in the Shuswap. People will
be asked to email their photos or videos of their gardens to be selected as a feature garden.
Functional art: Artists Gord Hynek, Jersey Auger and Maureen Barrat examine the Functional Art with Attitude! display by Rhythm ’n Bones Fantasy Furniture at Nanimahoo’s Native Art Gallery. Photo contributed
Art in unique forms with function
This month, I would like to start with a new feature of my column: focussing on local artists and telling you about them. Have you ever noticed that people with artistic abilities quite often have more than just one talent? Two of those people are Maureen Barrat and Gord Hynek. Gord plays guitar and mandolin, and Maureen (Meem to her friends) plays the violin. They also sing together, or in a band or in a choir or solo. Talent galore. Gord also teaches pottery from time to time at the Malakwa Learning Centre. They paint, do collages, work with clay, Raku and act as well. And, as if all that is not enough, they have found something entirely unique
and special – functional art. They build furniture out of driftwood collected along the shores and streams of Shuswap Lake. Every piece is a whimsical, one-of-a-kind work of art. The furniture is so unique and beautiful that if I owned one of the pieces I would not want anyone to sit on it. This is not because it wouldn’t stand up to it, but because it would spoil the view of the piece of art that it is. Their art has been featured in Cottage Magazine (Dec. 2003 issue) and in British Columbia Magazine (Fall, 2004 issue), and has been displayed at the Vancouver International Airport. They were chosen for this honour by the University Anthropology Department to represent B.C. I had the pleasure of viewing their Fantasy Art Furniture at the Nanimahoo’s Native Art Gallery in Malakwa. Audrey Nanimahoo is the owner and is a Cree artist from Alberta. Not many people would expect such a beautiful gallery hidden away in Malakwa. There are
Audrey’s impressive sculptures and paintings, as well as other artists’ work – not only big sculptures, but also smaller items, as well as intarsia pieces. (Are you wondering what intarsia is? It is wood inlaying work.) The Rhythm ’n Bones Fantasy Furniture of Gord and Meem fits perfectly in the setting of this fine gallery. And soon the gallery will be expanding into a huge space, thereby making room for more of Audrey’s art as well as for other artists to display their works. It is well worth a drive out there, especially if you have summer guests (and we all get those, living in the Shuswap), and you want to impress them. Nanimahoo’s Native Art Gallery is open daily and is located at 4154 Malakwa Road and is behind the Malakwa Community Hall. If you need directions you can call Audrey at 250-836-3991. For a preview of what you may find, visit the website www. rhythmnbones.com for the Functional Art Fantasy Furniture. For
more on the gallery and Audrey Nanimahoo, check out www.audreynanimahoo.com. For arts news, please contact Carla Krens at carlakrens@ telus.net.
Shuswap Gardens will also be promoted online and in social media. This is a weekly feature running every Friday in the Shuswap Market News from June 21 to September 20 Tel: 250-832-2131 • Fax: 250-832-5140
Letters Welcome
Eagle Valley News welcomes letters but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality. Letters must be signed and include writer’s address or phone number for verification purposes only. No thank yous to specific businesses please.
Plan your visit at bchydro.com/revelstoke
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, July 10, 2013
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Packing material for moving
Dynamic duo: Over the Canada Day weekend, Sicamous’ West Martin-Patterson and Vernon’s Jeremy Bell took top prize at the 87th Annual Hankey Cup Doubles Tournament at Kalamalka Country Club in Vernon, defeating Jim Condon and Kristian Kiland of Prince George 6-3 and 6-2 in the final.
Once you have finished reading the newspaper don’t throw it away. Find another use for it. Newspaper makes great filler for packing household goods when moving. As soon as everything is unpacked, take the used newspaper to a recycling center near you.
Read Reuse Recycle
Photo submitted
Angels to host U12B provincial championships Sicamous Minor Softball will be hosting the U12B Squirt Girls Provincial Softball Championship this weekend in Finlayson Park. The teams arrive on Thursday from all over the province and the championship starts at
8 a.m. on Friday morning. Round robin games continue all day Friday and Saturday, with the playoff round scheduled to start at 6 p.m. Saturday night, and continuing through Sunday afternoon. The opening cer-
emony and skills competition is slated for Friday night at 6 p.m. The host D Dutchmen Dairy Angels have been busy preparing for the provincial championship by attending several tournaments in the Lower Mainland. After post-
ing a five win, one loss record and a thirdplace finish out of 14 teams in Surrey last month, the Angels are well positioned to contend for a medal at this year’s championship. The community is invited to come out and cheer on the An-
gels and watch the opening ceremony Some things are just better together. and skills competition Friday night. The SiSome #itsbettertogether things just better together. Some thingsare are just better together. camous Angels play #itsbettertogether Some things are just better together. #itsbettertogether at noon and 4 p.m. on Friday, and 8 a.m. and #itsbettertogether noon on Saturday. All Sicamous games will be on Diamond #3 in Finlayson Park. facebook.com/flyerland.ca
@flyerland @flyerland
facebook.com/flyerland.ca @flyerland
Summer Stomp & Burnout 2013 Advertise your business in this upcoming feature!
The SUMMER STOMP & BURNOUT is back! This feature will be published as a Pull Out section in the Eagle Valley News. Extras will be printed and handed out at the event
Deadline: July 12 Published: July 17
NEWS Contact your advertising representative Tel: 250-832-2131 Salmon Arm Tel: 250-836-2570 Sicamous Fax: 250-836-2661 1133 Parksville St. Sicamous B.C. advertising@saobserver.net
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hes July 10, 2013 Eagle Valley News c a Wednesday, e r n Ru ar 10th ye
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It is a beginning. It is the end. It is a birth announcement. It is an obituary.
It is everything between commencement and conclusion. It is a record of man’s strengths and weaknesses, achievements and failures. It is a history of politics and government. It is a watchdog for human rights. It is a social conscience. It is investigative, interrogative, challenging. It is a thought stimulant, a thought leader. It is helpful, charitable, a community supporter. It is informative, educational, entertaining. It brings buyers and sellers together. It takes the marketplace into the home. It is print. It endures. It is life.
nad a C y a d Birth n celebrated Ca y p p a H itie ce agai
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Eagle Valley News Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Coffee Break Your Crossword
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Your Horoscope
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Someone you just met can help you to make the most of a difficult situation, Aries. It shouldn’t take too long for you to get back on track and into a groove.
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, focus makes it easier for you to resist temptation, but this week you may find that it’s very difficult to maintain your focus. Do your best to stay focused.
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, make sure you assert yourself more in an important meeting this week. Asserting yourself can help you get ahead at work. Otherwise, you may get overlooked.
SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, don’t worry about a nagging suspicion that you will receive bad news this week. Keep yourself busy so you aren’t sit around worrying unnecessarily.
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, take the initiative regarding a big project this week. Others might want to take the lead, but trust your instincts and take the bull by the horns. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, take time this week to finish all of those little projects that have fallen by the wayside. Take advantage of some free time to catch up and clear your slate. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Negotiations will be especially rewarding this week, Leo. Your suggestions are readily accepted, and you do not have to persuade others much at all.
CLUES ACROSS 1. Br. University town river 4. Wasting of a bodily organ 9. London radio station 12. Olive family plants 14. 24th Greek letter 15. A bottle that contains a drug 16. A fused explosive device 17. Polish air show city 18. Swedish rock group 19. Next to 21. Spiny pasture wire 23. Apulian capital city 25. Oahu lookout Nuuanu ____ 26. Cathode-ray tube 29. Woodbine vine 34. Bigger than rabbits 36. Sailor 37. Equalled 15 rupees 38. Object worshipped as a god 39. Point midway between E and SE 40. Indonesian islands 41. Afflicted 43. A way to soak 44. Stitch closed a falcon’s eyes 45. Capacity to resolve a riddle 48. The Science Guy Bill 49. Polite interruption sound 50. Visual receptor cell sensitive to color 52. Armed fighting 55. Member of U.S. Navy 59. Dull sustained pain 60. Gives birth to horse 64. Coke or Pepsi 65. Its ancient name was Araxes 66. Former US gold coin worth $10 67. UC Berkeley School of Business 68. 3rd largest whale 69. Negligible amounts 70. Explosive CLUES DOWN 1. Ty, “The Georgia Peach” 2. Am. century plant
3. Microelectromechanical systems (abbr.) 4. Matador 5. Doctors’ group 6. Supporting a road 7. Consciousness of your identity 8. Brazilian ballroom dance 9. Supports trestletree 10. Baseball’s Ruth 11. Sheathed or covered 13. First month of ancient Hebrew calendar 15. Swollen or knotty veins 20. Dashes 22. Styptic 24. Performing services temporarily 25. Affected by fever 26. Sprouting figurine pets 27. NY’s ____ City Music Hall 28. Trail a bait line 30. Tripod 31. Best-known Kadai language 32. Louis XIV court composer Jean Baptiste 33. Wipe out information 35. Moves to a higher place 42. Author Roald 44. Auld lang __, good old days 46. Made stronger: ___ up 47. Throws lightly 51. Components considered individually 52. Bleats 53. A unit of area 54. Citizen of Bangkok 56. Water travel vessel 57. Ardor 58. Earth’s rotation direction 61. Paddle 62. Honorable title (Turkish) 63. Bachelor of Laws See Todays Answers on page 5
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, nothing is free in life, so don’t get fooled when someone promises that you will get something without having to work for it. It’s in your best interest to keep working hard. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you have strong opinions, so don’t be afraid to have your voice heard. People will be receptive to your views, even if they border on the philosophical.
Your Suduko Complete the grid so every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. (For solution see Today’s Answers in this paper).
CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Someone new to your social situation has you feeling a little suspicious, Capricorn. You’re not sure if you can trust him or her just yet. New facts will come to light this week. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, take some time this week to further hone some unique abilities that set you apart from others in your group of friends. You will soon be able to showcase your skills. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, there are a lot of curious people around who want to learn about what you’re doing. Let them in to get some external perspective. FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS JULY 10 Sofia Vergara, Actress (41) JULY 11 Richie Sambora, Musician (54) JULY 12 Jordyn Wieber, Athlete (18)
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Eagle Valley News
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Business Opportunities
Why should you join our team? At A&W we offer paid training, a health benefit program, opportunities for advancement and don’t forget about our great team environment! Now hiring both full and part time positions, temporary or permanent, with competitive wages. Apply within or online at www.aw.ca An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta. LIVE-IN MANAGER for 50 unit apt. bldg in Trail, B.C. Send resume to 100-3525 Laburnum Drive, Trail, B.C. V1R 2S9. sstevenson@telus.net MAINTENANCE/LOADER OPERATOR NEEDED This is a fulltime, permanent position starting immediately at our plant in Princeton, BC. Minimum of 10 years maintenance experience required on a variety of production and mobile equipment. Experience in a post mill, or small to medium size sawmill preferred. Must be able to handle a variety of tasks, work well with minimum supervision and be part of the team. Please submit resumes by fax 250295-7912 or email elizabeth@pwppost.com
POWELL RIVER Community Services Association is seeking an experienced Poverty Law Advocate. For more information, please e-mail Julie Chambers, Executive Director. chamberj@telus.net SKYLINE TRUCK STOP is now hiring a full time cook. Medical/dental benefits after 3 mos. Accom. available. Send resumes to skylinetruckstop@jetream.net. or fax to 250-836-4950.
MEADOW LAKE Business for sale. Self-serve car wash + r/o water vending station + computer repair business. Also 1000 sq.ft. of unused indoor space to develop. Serious enquiries only please phone 306236-3339, 306-240-7778 or email: garrye@sasktel.net
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Merchandise for Sale
Garage Sales SAT. JULY 13 & 14 from 9am to 4pm. 1418 Green Road North, Sicamous. Collectables, gifts & misc. items.
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com SCRAP PAPPY Will pay cash for oversized scrap steel, cats, yarders, saw mill equipment, farm equipment, etc. All insurance in place to work on your property. 250-260-0217
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; www.bigirondrilling.com Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. FIREWOOD -CAMPFIRE/woodstove $150/cord., $80/1/2 cord. Mowing contracts; yard clean-ups. Terry at 250-836-2430. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? LIVE SPRUCE TREES. 6’ & up; wholesale prices. $35 & up. 50% down payment. Delivery available. Taking orders. To view, call Terry, 250-8362430. RESTLESS LEG Syndrome and leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. www.allcalm.com Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660. STEEL BUILDING - DIY summer sale! Bonus days extra 5% off. 20x22 $3,998. 25x24 $4,620. 30x34 $6,656. 32x42 $8,488. 40x54 $13,385. one end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca STEEL BUILDINGS, metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
Misc. Wanted PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Real Estate
Commercial/ Industrial Property
Want to Rent
GRAVEL PIT / Acreage For Sale in Crawford Bay, BC on Kootenay Lake East Shore. 16 acre licensed gravel pit for sale, with or without equipment (request equipment price). Also have approval for 3 lot subdivision. Older double wide mobile on property. Bordered on two sides by crown land. Abundant wildlife. $249,000 Call Chris @ 250825-4701 or 250-354-9238 chris_choquette@hotmail.com; khoyle@hotmail.com
RETIRED man (Capt. Ret’d) w/ wide skill set seeks rental of small holding in S. Cariboo (Clinton/Big Bar), Spences Bridge, S. Thompson or Shuswap areas. Preferably suitable for horses. Affordable rent, in return for maintenance,repairs & caretaking. Resume & ref’s, call Ryan @ 604-275-4005 or email jillianseymour@shaw.ca
Lakeshore LAKEFRONT home and acreage for sale on Francois Lake, BC. Guest cabin, 50x50 heated shop, 2 car carport, on over 3 private acres with approx. 350 ft of Lake Frontage. $380,000. 250-695-6975 or email: grantnmary@hotmail.com
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent
LGE 1 & 2 BDRM. BRIGHT apts. In suite storage, green space, live-in manager. Cable incl. Sicamous, 250-836-4516.
Auto Financing
SICAMOUS: 1 BDRM. 2nd floor, quiet corner unit. N.S. Pets neg. Avail Immed. $650/mo. Lease avail. 250306-8590. VICTORIA CONDO FOR SALE Bright 3rd floor 1 bedroom 1.5 bath adult complex along the Gorge waterway. Unit offers patio with water view,in-suite laundry,fireplace,updated paint & new flooring,Tennis court, indoor pool,hot tub,sauna and well kept grounds. Low strata fee and city bus out front to UVIC, Camosum or down town. Excellent rental investment or live in. Great value at $204,900. call 250-615-7225 or 250-886-8397 for pictures and more info.
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www.eaglevalleynews.com A11
Columbia Shuswap Regional District INVITATION TO QUOTE Swansea Point Lake Access Parks Construction – Canterbury Road and Eton Road The Columbia Shuswap Regional District is inviting quotes for the construction of two (2) Lake Access Parks in the Swansea Point area of Mara Lake, in Electoral Area ‘E’. Sealed quotes clearly marked “Quote – Swansea Point Lake Access Parks – Construction” will be accepted until 11 AM local time on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at the office of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, 781 Marine Park Drive NE, P.O. Box 978, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 4P1. A detailed description of the Services required can be found in the Quote documents. Quote documents and further information are available online at the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at www.csrd.bc.ca on the BC Bid website at www.bcbid.gov. bc.ca, and at the office of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District at the above address during regular office hours. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Quotes and to waive any informality in the Quotes received, in each case without giving any notice. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept the Quote which it deems most advantageous. Faxed submissions will not be accepted. The lowest or any Quote not necessarily accepted. For more information, please contact: Marcin Pachcinski, Parks and Recreation Team Leader (250) 833-5923 or Toll Free 1-888-248-2773 E-mail: mpachcinski@csrd.bc.ca
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Fight back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Eagle Valley News
This is it! Final inventory release of Shuswap Waterfront Condos Only four 2-bedroomsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;from $225K SHOW SUITES OPEN
10am to 5pm on Fridays, Saturdays & Mondays 12pm to 5pm on Sundays 326 Mara Lake Lane, Sicamous 2 kms south on Hwy 97A