Calendar Lake Country
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July 10, 2013
Portables to give Grade 7s, 8s their own space
An unwelcome visitor has arrived and residents with apple trees in their backyards need to keep them healthy to avoid hurting the fruit industry. ...............................
A big contract has been awarded to Flightcraft, sustaining 54 jobs at YLW. ...............................
Outdoor concerts are back for the summer in Lake Country. ...............................
Flyers ■ Home Depot ■ JYSK ■ Lake Country Building Centre ■ Rona ■ Staples ■ Shoppers
KEVIN PARNELL An interim middle school will open in portable classrooms in Lake Country in the fall of 2014. The Central Okanagan School Board has decided to relocate Grade 7 students from Lake Country’s three elementary schools into portable classrooms that have already been moved next to George Elliot high school. That will create what the school board is calling an interim Grade 7-8 middle school program to start the 2014-15 school year. The move is the latest in an ongoing effort by the school board to deal with an influx of schoolaged kids in Lake Country. The area’s three elementary schools have a combined enrolment that exceeds the capacity of the three schools and some kindergarten kids will enter school this year, outside of their catchment area. “The bottom line is we don’t have enough room in our elementary schools to handle the enrolment,” said school board trustee Deb Butler, who represents Lake Country. “One way or the other we would have kids in portables. It was a choice as the best way to manage that. We have to put the kids somewhere so the interim plan is to create a middle school within a high school until we get approval to build a new middle
school.” The school board approved the relocation at a meeting late last month
PORTABLES have been relocated to the grounds of George Elliot Secondary School in Lake Country to house
the district’s middle school Grade 7 and 8 students starting in September 2014.
and sent a letter home to district parents laying out the plans. The board has also already acquired the portable classrooms and located them at George Elliot, something that set off alarm bells in the community, which had previously heard the district was going to build a new school. “The portables are the compromise no one wanted,” admitted Butler. “But they are a compromise so we can create a separate space for Grade 7s and 8s so they have their own space. They will go into the high school for specialty programs but for the most part they will have their own space.” The board has already acquired enough portables for the interim program after a school
burned down in Oliver and the portables were available, free of charge to the school board, as long as they could move them. The board decided to move them directly to George Elliot creating a stir in the community. “It doesn’t sound like much planning and it’s disappointing when you see the process jumped forward in that way,” said Coun. Penny Gambell of the arrival of the portables in Lake Country. “I am hearing parents are really distressed about the process. The idea of a middle school in a bunch of portables brings up some concerns.” But Butler said the community has been properly consulted and parents were notified of exactly what was happening by letter. She said the board is doing
what they feel is the best for the community and there will be more public consultation over the next 14 months before the portables open. “We don’t have any intention of moving kids into the portables right away,” she said. “The plan is to build a foundation and put them together in a way that they have their own space. “There are times when business needs to be done and moving these buildings was part of the business that had to be done,” Butler said. “We would be crazy to say we don’t want free portables. The best thing we can do is keep the lines of communication open. People need to understand this is a good time to have a voice. I really believe in the middle school. I think this is the
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right time to happen in Lake Country. One way or another we need another school. But you just can’t snap your fingers and make it happen. You have to go through the process.” The school board has an agreement in place to purchase the land that is currently home to the Aspen Grove Golf Course to locate a future middle school, once the provincial government approves the capital expenditure. That will move the school model in Lake Country to one where elementary schools include kindergarten to Grade 5 students, middle school is Grade 6 to 8 and high school is Grades 9 to 12. The sale is currently before the Agriculture Land Commission which would have to ap-
prove the use of the land for a school. Butler, a former Parent Advisory Council member in Lake Country, says it’s a different issue than when she had kids going though school and the school board was contemplating closing schools due to a lack of enrolment in Lake Country. “It’s the opposite fight I had,” she said. “But I had to ask myself ‘are we fighting change for the sake of fighting change or what is the rationale behind this?’ If this was about just moving the Grade 7’s to the high school I couldn’t support it. But this is about moving to a middle school and I can support that. It’s important that we don’t lose focus. This is an interim step moving towards a middle school.’’
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
There’s a new pest in town and it’s attacking local orchard apple trees KEVIN PARNELL A new pest has arrived in Lake Country, threat-
ening the area’s apple orchards and a spraying program to control a po-
tential outbreak will have to wait until next year. District of Lake
Country (DLC) council heard from the B.C. Fruit Grower’s Associ-
ation this week who reported Lake Country apple growers are facing
a new pest that could potentially kill apple trees with the arrival of the apple clearwing moth in Lake Country. “The larvae can go under the bark of the tree and can kill it and reduce productivity,” said Glen Lucas, B.C. Fruit Grower’s Association general manager. “There is a pheromone out there that we can use (to control it). We had an application to use it in Lake Country but were too late (to get approval).” DLC councillors heard that the pest is just one of the issues facing the fruit growing industry here, but the arrival of the new pest in Lake Country set off alarm bells around the table. Discussion centred around so called backyard trees, apple trees that individuals have on their property. Coun. Penny Gambell said it is vitally important that folks maintain the trees so they will not have a negative effect on the entire industry. “It’s important for people to understand when they keep a tree in their backyard and if they aren’t vigilant and thinking about their neighbours they could be creating an infestation,” said Gambell, an apple orchardist. “If they are not doing a good job with their tree they are infesting everyone else.”
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l o APPLE clearwing moth M larvae burrow under bark m which can lead to the a t death of the tree. e j Lucas agreed with Gambell, saying most C pests arrive and threat- t en orchards through resi-e a dential areas. He said they are trying to work c with the federa;/provin- u cial governments’ Ster- F ile Insect Release (SIR) t program to treat the apple clearwing moth. A “We hope to expand t the ability of SIR to con- m trol the pests and hope- a fully expand the program s with funding from the t provincial and federal g governments” he said. c Lucas said his group i was working on a proposal to control the apple clearwing moth this year but failed to complete it by the deadline. He said they would like to K be ready with a potential program to control the new bug and treat the C entire regional district. s “We are fairly opti- i mistic about next year,” s t said Lucas. i t
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 10, 2013 A3
Contract to keep S&R aircraft flying Share of bus
KERRY-LYNNE FINDLAY, associate minister of na-
tional defence, at Kelowna Flightcraft Friday to announce the company had secured a two-year $15-million search and rescue aircraft maintenance contract. Buffalo search planes for third-level maintenance activities such as depotlevel in-depth inspection and major repair of items, component repair and overhaul, technical investigations, modification designs, manufacture and assembly of prototypes, and engineering support. “Kelowna Flightcraft has established itself as a highly respected Canadian company within the aviation industry and is a corner-
reliability of the planes now being serviced by Kelowna Flightcraft was 16 per cent. Now that reliability rate is up to 65 per cent. “My goal is to get that up to 80 per cent reliability. Not even new airplanes get beyond 80 per cent, which shows these aircraft are still usable,” he said, directing his remarks in response to comments by Defence Minister Peter MacKay that the Twin Otter and Buffalo aircraft are outdated. “I am still reliable and I am older than these aircraft are…so that’s a good thing,” he joked. As Gary Wolfe, director of military programs noted, Kelowna Flightcraft “...having dealt with similar issues for the Convair 580...I believe that we can start to put the aging issues behind us and we can bring the Buffalo fleet operational readiness back where it needs to be.” SEE FLIGHTCRAFT A8
Time to enhance Lake Country’s welcome signs
The District of Lake Country will be asked to spend more money on improving the entrance signs to the community to make them more visible and unique, before they are installed. The District heard a presentation from its public art committee saying the signs they currently have are not big enough. The group will be asking district council to fund an improvement to the signs. The district has signs to put up, but the art committee wants them changed before that happens. “We’ve done a fair amount of exploring of our options (on the entrance signs),” said Sharon McCoubrey, chair of the public art committee. “It takes awhile to com-
bine everything we want to add to the signs. We want to make them more striking and we are waiting on quotes to come in on what it will cost.” McCoubrey said a request for funding for the signs will be presented to council once the final quotes are in. With the district about to undergo a drastic change to the way traffic is routed through the area with the new highway 97 coming online this summer, McCoubrey said it is important that the entrance signs are as visible as possible as motorists drive into Lake Country. She received agreement on the signs from councillors, although the final design remains up for debate. “The road into Kelowna has this huge beautiful display with flowers,
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so maybe we could have something floral...something that sets the entrance apart,” said Coun. Penny Gambell. “It’s easy to miss. It’s going to be really important now because of the highway, people are going to be going quite a bit faster so if people are going to want to stop in Oyama or take advantage of some of the other amenities, we are going to have to do something.” Coun. Rob Geier sits on the public art committee and said there are many great ideas about the entrance signs, they just need to focus on one. “There are exciting things happening and we have discussed a lot
of the things around the Pelmewash Parkway and the entrance signs,” he said. “Nothing against flowers but there are lots of entrance signs around with flowers. We want it to be something unique and different. We discussed things like lighting and different things that will enhance the entranceway.” ••• Other initiatives moving forward from the arts committee is the establishment of an artist in residence program at the Lake Country Art Gallery, where artists will live at the gallery to work on displays. As well, the group is also working on the
Lake Country Art Walk which will hold its 20th annual event this fall. McCoubrey said her group would like to see this year’s art walk start work on a collaborative project designed to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Lake Country’s incorporation, which is coming up in two years. “We want to have a project at art walk this year designed to engage as many members of the public as we can,” she said. “It’s still just an idea but it would result in a project that is installed and unveiled at some celebration that might happen in two years time in Lake Country.”
storage facility A future improvement to the main hub for B.C. Transit buses that service the Central Okanagan is expected to cost the District of Lake Country about $1.5 million. District councillors were told they will have to foot the bill for Lake Country’s portion of plans to replace the current location in Kelowna, where buses are stored. The information was presented to district councillors during a presentation from B.C. Transit. Council heard that the current warehouse
and storage facility that B.C. Transit uses in Kelowna is going to have to be replaced. It was originally thought that the current facility had a lifespan of 10 years left, but B.C. transit is now saying the life span is more likely five years before the building needs to be replaced. B.C. Transit is currently in plans to try to find a suitable location to replace the current one. The expected cost of the entire project is between $39 million and $53 million and is expected to be built in Kelowna.
The Orchard in Oyama is kicking off a summer concert series this weekend with the first of four concert performances in an intimate setting in Lake Country. The Orchard is a new musical venue in Lake Country that will host performers in a comfortable and intimate setting overlooking Oyama and Kalamalka Lakes. Owner Julia Reid says they hosted one concert last year and decided to increase the number of events this year at the venue, on Middle Bench Road in Oyama. “We’ve been in Oyama for a few years and we thought it would be really nice to have concerts in our orchard,” said Reid. “It’s an intimate setting. We had one concert last year and it
went really well so we are having four this year.” Okanagan musician Gorden James will kick off the season at The Orchard this Saturday night. An accomplished singer/songwriter who describes his style as urban country, easy listening, with a touch of the blues, James’ debut album, Heart of the Matter, continues to receive airplay across Canada and overseas. James was recently featured on CMT Canada’s, Big in a Small Town Other concerts this summer include Shari Ulrich ( July 26), Windmills (Aug. 2) and Sherman Doucette (Aug. 17) All profits from ticket sales go the artist. Tickets are available at:
Orchard concerts
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in uniform continue to have well maintained equipment that is ready to support operations.” She said DOD search and rescue missions numbered 208 in the past year, with 83 occurring in the B.C./Yukon region. “This region had the most calls of anywhere in Canada,” she noted. Findlay said Kelowna Flightcraft is the only firm in western Canada with the resources to service the Twin Otter and
stone of our local economy,” said Cannan. “Our community welcomes the federal government’s support of Kelowna Flightcraft, which provides well-paying, highly skilled jobs in the Okanagan. Congratulations to the Flightcraft team and its employees for their outstanding work.” Canada’s fleet of six CC-115 Buffalo airplanes is primarily used for search and rescue duties in Canada’s west, while the fleet of four CC-138 Twin Otter aircraft support operations in Canada’s north, including transport and search and rescue. This two-year contract, that includes an optional oneyear extension which if exercised could increase the value of the contract to $24.9 million, will ensure that airworthiness of the fleets is supported and maintained. Lapointe said when his company took over the service contract three years ago, the dispatch
Hw y. 9 7 Baro n Rd.
Kelowna Flightcraft has been awarded a $15-million contract to provide aircraft maintenance for Department of Defense search and rescue aircraft that will sustain 54 jobs at the company’s Kelowna airport hangar. Kerry-Lynne Findlay, the associate minister D of national defence and MP for Delta – Richmond East, made the announcement before the Kelowna Flightcraft employees this morning, joined by local MP Ron Cannan, Peter Van Loan, the Conservative government house leader, and Barry Lapointe, the chairman and chief executive officer of Kelowna Flightcraft. “These fleets are key to our Royal Canadian Air Force and its ability to carry out important missions such as critical search and rescue,” said Findlay. “This contract demonstrates the government of Canada’s commitment to ensuring our men and women
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
Different definitions of what love means
he Greeks had a word for it— “it” being almost anything.
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Life and Faith
Barry Gerding Editor
Jim Taylor
Tessa Ringness
And if they didn’t have a word for it, Greek words have enabled subsequent civilizations to fabricate a word for almost anything. For example, triskaidekaphobia, which, if you break it down to its roots, refers to fear of the number 13. But simply being able to name things doesn’t mean the Greeks were always right.
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Get ready for Hydro rate hikes
BC Views
Tom Fletcher Then BC Hydro revealed results of an audit of its earthquake preparedness. “Condition red” was the key message. Basically, the sprawling utility has disaster plans for each of its dams or other power facilities, but no overall way to get the provincial power grid back up after a major earthquake. Horgan recited his list of BC Hydro sins after a decade of meddling by the BC Liberals: Huge deferred debt revealed by the Auditor General, enormous liabilities for private power contracts,
I’ve spent most of my t life taking for granted the Greek definitions c t of love: • Agape: compassion, altruism, unselfish caring d e • Éros: passionate, sensual, erotic love, lust t • Philía: friendship, s loyalty, the affection be- b tween brothers and sis- t w ters • Storgē: parental love s for a child, self-sacrificing love for a less for- p t tunate person. Those are valuable distinctions. Teachers of the l Christian faith often re- b sort to the Greek distinc-t tions to make clear that m Jesus’ love for sinners, a lepers, and small children g a was agape, not eros. b But recently, I’ve found myself thinking e that the Greek distinc- l tions aren’t perfect. They t assume, for example, that all brothers and sis- s ters share similar feelings I for each other. And that i just ain’t so. Especially if t there’s a legacy involved. b
here’s a new sheriff in town for BC Hydro, and it didn’t take long for the political range war to resume. The new sheriff, Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett, found himself on the barricades as soon as he got the hugely complex responsibility for energy and mines. His saddlebags bulge with reports on BC Hydro’s seemingly runaway costs, along with Premier Christy Clark’s “core review” to cut $50 million a year from government operations. NDP energy critic John Horgan highlighted the latest BC Hydro troubles in his assault on the B.C. Liberal budget. First there was a $140-million cost overrun on the Northwest Transmission Line, under construction north from Terrace to the tiny Tahltan village of Iskut and adjacent mine properties.
and more rate increases that Bennett has already admitted are on the way. And now they can’t even keep us safe from the big one. Bennett fired back. About $2 billion of that debt is for seismic upgrades for the 80-yearold Ruskin Dam in Maple Ridge, and the equally frail John Hart Dam on the Campbell River, built with wooden water pipes. Major BC Hydro works slowed down after completion of Revelstoke and Mica dams in the 1980s, and now the work is more expensive. The Northwest Transmission Line is a partnership with Imperial Metals, which wants to power its Red Chris copper-gold-silver mine. Bennett said the company is not only paying for the last section to Iskut and the mine site, but pitching in for the main line as well. Ottawa paid $130 million to get remote communities off
decades of dependence on diesel generators. AltaGas, owner of one of those private power projects in the region, puts in $180 million to get connected to the grid. The line will open up more mining and hydro possibilities. The cost overrun traces back mainly to the shortage of high-skill labour such as geotechnical engineering that the remote region already faces. And this is before natural gas pipelines and LNG plants gear up. Bennett takes over from the last sheriff, Rich Coleman, who put BC Hydro through the wringer in 2011. Coleman soon abandoned his idea of putting off the Ruskin and John Hart upgrades (again) to keep rates low through the election, and saw the B.C. Utilities Commission jack up the rate increase to seven per cent to help slow the ballooning debt.
What’s ahead for rates? The utility is looking for 32 per cent in the next three years, says energy lawyer David Austin. He calculates that only 2.5 per cent is attributable to increased private power costs. Among other things, BC Hydro needs regional emergency centres capable of functioning after a Japan-sized quake, plus expansion. Bennett came clean on another reason for rate increases – the government’s increasing dependence on taking a “dividend” as BC Hydro’s lone “shareholder.” The newly updated budget tells us this annual “dividend” is past $500 million and rising fast: $545 million this year, $611 million next year and $684 million the year after. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and
We want to s o hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 10, 2013 A5
Redefining love
I’d define three categories, not four. There is, first, the love that says, “I love you because you can do something for me.” Think of young children, reliant on their parents. Or of the hormonal teenager, seeking sexual satisfaction. I want your body, your ability to play the piano, your skill with words, your bubbly personality… This kind of love expects—no, demands— that love be reciprocated. Second, there’s the love that says, “I love you because I can do something for you.” That might well be parental love—helping children grow healthy in body and spirit. It might also be felt by social workers dealing with homeless street people. And by teachers or mentors. It could bleed into something close to pity: I can introduce you to ideas, places, experiences that you have never had before. This kind of love expects the recipient to change, to grow. And third, there’s the kind of love that simply says, “I love you because of what you are.” It doesn’t expect to
change the other person. It doesn’t expect anything in return. It just values the other for what she or he is already. I don’t mean hero-worship. I don’t mean a distant adulation for a figurehead who may have made the world a better place, or for an out-of-reach film star. Love has to be personal. You’re well aware of someone’s faults, weaknesses and shortcomings. But you love ’em anyway. For who they are. I think of it as the highest level of love. It’s tempting to assume that this third kind of love corresponds to what the Christian church calls God’s unconditional love, embodied in Jesus. But Jesus’ love was not always unconditional. “Your sins are forgiven,” he said. “Go and sin no more.” Clearly, he expected something in response. And I’m pretty sure he felt he could do something for those he called to follow him. Perhaps all three kinds of love weave together, sometimes with one thread dominant, sometimes another. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
Look inside today’s
Keeping our country’s history alive A ll year, I look forward to the summer months so I can get back home and reconnect with as many of you as I can. Canada Day is a good jumping off point and it was good to see so many of you out and about with your families at the various celebrations taking place in our riding of Kelowna-Lake Country. Kelowna Canada Day Orchestra performed one of their best concerts in their 19-year history followed by the fireworks display which capped off a wonderful day of celebration and sunshine. And it was great to see Ben Lee and his team members be recognized for starting Kelowna Folkfest 40 years ago. Folkfest is as popular as ever and continues to provide all of us
MP’s Report
Ron Cannan an opportunity to learn more about the various cultures in our community through great food and the arts. In great Canadian fashion, a little bit of something for everyone. A big thanks has to go the hundreds of volunteers who worked hard throughout the year to make July 1 such a great day for the rest of us. July 1 also marked the
beginning of Canadian History Week. Canadian History Week ran until July 7 and was an excellent opportunity to keep the spirit of Canada Day alive and learn about our country’s history from coast to coast to coast. Many of us can agree that the older we grow, the more important it is that we learn as much as we can about our history and the different cultures and people who have made us the great nation we are today. Much like our own family histories, we can only keep history alive if we pass it on to our young people, which I try to do with my two grandsons. Yet, studies have shown that Canadians lack knowledge of our history and wish they
knew more. With this in mind,
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
to everyone that made the fundraiser held for me on June 22nd, such a special event!
A special thank you to the following businesses – without your support this would not have been possible Zed Home Decor Buckerfields Harmony Honda Gray Monk Estate Winery Kreative Kookery Intrigue Wines Bonanza Meats & Deli Orchard Park Shopping Mall Ramada Hotel & Mickie’s Pub Marketplace IGA - Glenmore Post Haus Pub Urban Fare Justin Paul Fashions T-Bones Fanny’s Furniture and Kitchens AC Moulding, Millwork & Finishing Ltd.
Tranquility Bay Inn and Spa PJ Party Cakes Loadza Toys Energy-Plex Shut Out Sports Collectibles Global Okanagan Lake Country Liquor Store Furniture Emporium Fishers Hardware Lake Country Building Centre Mona Vision Ricardo’s Voyager RV Cooper’s Lake Country Voets Coffee Fashion Foundations Cadence Footwear Mission Liquor Store
Bannister GM Vernon Lordco VanKel Wizard Lake Marine Canwest Propane Wine Kitz Hollywood Shoes Curves Expressions Custom Hair Laser Removal Oyama General Store Winfield IDA Woody’s Pub Turtle Bay Pub Okanagan Golf Club Spa Pure The Strand Hair Company
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 10, 2013 A7
House buyers still hold the upper hand in Central Okanagan real estate market The local real estate market still remains a buyers market, but the question is for how long? With the June housing for sale inventory reflecting a declining number from the previous month compared to this time last year, some are wondering if the pendulum will finally swing back to the seller’s side. In June, 411 single family homes came onto the market in Kelowna,
Real Estate Rundown
Ceinwen Morgan
that’s down 6.8 per cent
from this time last year. The total of 1,578 active homes on the market in the Central Okanagan was also down from June 2012 by 11.10 per cent. Condominiums also took a hit, diminishing 14.38 per cent to 137 new active units on the market for June 2013. Currently on the market is about 871 active condo listings, a decline from 977 last year.
Total inventory in the Central Okanagan for townhomes declined 19.26 per cent. When comparing inventory from May to June, all three categories took a tumble as the expected June jump in new product in previous years did not materialize. Low inventory is partially due to the weather heating up and the market following suit. Last month, single family
home sales experienced a substantial increase of 25.12 per cent when compared to June 2012, up from 203 to 254. Condominiums were down slightly, 72 units sold last month reflecting a decrease of 8.86 per cent from 79 last June. Townhouses sales declined as well for June by 17.46 per cent from 63 properties sold this time last year to 52 sales. Still overall sales for
the Central Okanagan were up 12.59 per cent. As we are starting to see an increase in sales one has to wonder just for how long this active market will remain in play. Buyers are starting to exhaust what housing inventory is out there, ex-
periencing the pressure of fewer properties to choose from coupled with higher competition among buyers for fewer available options. Ceinwen Morgan has worked in the Central Okanagan real estate industry for the past five years.
Sharing our stories helps keep Canada’s history alive CANNAN FROM A5 our government has formally made July 1 to 7 Canada History Week, to provide Canadians of all ages, from coast to coast to coast an opportunity to get actively involved in learning about our country’s history. To make that easier, our government, through the efforts of Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore and his team, has been undertaking a series of initiatives to show-
case our history and our people. Minister Moore has announced the creation of the Canada History Fund, which will connect youth to their history through the first ever Government of Canada History Awards, honouring outstanding students and teachers who show an interest in celebrating Canadian history. Teachers can have such a profound impact on students and I’m sure
we all have memories of our school days and favourite teachers. Schooled in Edmonton, I remember a fun class called Western Canadian History. Two teachers, Mr. Malcolm and Mr. McLean, collaborated to form Mal-Mac Productions and taught the class in a fun and interactive way—something I still remember today, over 35 years later. The government will also partner with the Historica-Dominion In-
stitute to create two new Heritage Minutes per year between now and Canada’s 150th birthday in 2017. Additionally, existing programs at Canadian Heritage will be strengthened to improve access to funding for local organizations that wish to promote Canadian history in their communities, including local museums and youth groups. More information is available at www.pch.
Who has hearing loss? Age 0 - 17 Age 45 - 64
Age 18 - 44 Age 65+
5% 43% These initiatives are a great way to become better acquainted with Canada’s history, but it will need every one of us to do our part. Whether recounting the stories that built our nation or our communities, by sharing them, we can tell the whole story of Canada and keep our history alive. Ron Cannan is the Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country.
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3191 Woodsdale Road, Lake Country • 250-766-4677 Monday-Saturday 6am-10pm • Sunday 7am-10pm
Oyama Community Hall (15710 Oyama Rd.) 6-6:30 pm - Dale Ziech 6:45-7:15 pm - Bex Troock 7:30-8:15 pm - Jeff Kouwenhoven 8:30-9:30 pm - Timely Wonders
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Outdoor concerts most Saturday’s The next event in the Lake Country Open Air Concert Series is July 13 at the Oyama Community Hall beginning at 6 p.m. The series got off to a bang when Canada Day celebrations kicked off the season. Several performers were in fine
form under beautiful conditions. An open air concert and movie was hosted by Lake Country Open Air Performance Society on Canada Day. The weather was perfect for a day of celebration spent outdoors with family and friends.
In the morning the Rotary Club hosted their annual Canada Day pancake breakfast and the Lake Country Fire Department had a display of fire trucks for residents and visitors to explore and have their photo taken with before the formal ceremony
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at 11 a.m. with Mayor James Baker and MLA Norm Letnick. Then the Lake Country Open Air performance kicked off an evening of free entertainment with Megan Lauridsen and Chantelle Betuzzi from Okanagan Kids Have Talent. Talented Kids performers Taylor Hickson and Ciara Meyers were up next, followed by the co-winners of the Lake County Open Mic Has Talent contest— Jeff Kouvenhoven and Justin Dueck. The Public House Band closed the concert and had the audience of 150 clapping, singing and dan-
Transit to take in YLW, UBCO RICHARD ROLKE
MEGAN LAURIDSEN performed on Canada Day
which was also the kick off for the Lake Country Open Air Concert Series which continues every Saturday to Aug. 31, except Aug. 17, at various locations throughout Lake Country. cing to everything from The Beatles to Beyonce and beyond.
Buffalo good to at least 2015 FLIGHTCRAFT FROM A3 Wolfe emphasized that the CC-115s “are only at their structural ‘half life’ so flight safety is not an aging issue.” DND had found sourcing rare Buffalo parts difficult and also had
trouble with propeller overhauls. Neither is a major issue any more. “The props will be overhauled by Pacific Propeller International of nearby Kent, WA. Spare parts not produced by KFL will be provided by OEM Vi-
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DVM Veterinary Acupuncturist Veterinary Chiropractor
My dog has recently started to scratch at his ears and chew his feet. What could be causing this?
Unlike humans who sniffle and sneeze, when a pet has allergies the symptoms usually are related to skin problems such as ear infections, hot spots and itchy skin. The first step in helping the allergic pet is to address a potential leaky gut syndrome by transitioning to an anti-inflammatory diet containing few if any grains and no potatoes. The addition of an omega-3 fatty acid supplement such as krill oil, salmon oil, sardine oil or other fish oils can also be helpful. Cod liver oil does not contain enough EFA’s for pets. Coconut oil can also be helpful.
When is the upcoming filming of Realty Reality and what is it all about?
Realty Reality will be filming in the Okanagan next week! I am thrilled to have been chosen to showcase our real estate while raising the profile of environmental options in the home buying process. I will be highlighting homes that allows me to show an in-depth look at buying real estate while concentrating on living green and saving money long term. Preparing for this process has been both exciting and educational! I can hardly wait!
For other potential treatments please contact our hospital.
king or bought on the open market—something the DND procurement practices are not quick enough to take advantage of,” he said. By Kelowna Flightcraft’s estimates the Buffalo fleet will now be viable at least until 2015.
What is the best time for orthodontic treatment?
The Canadian Association of Orthodontists and the American Academy of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic evaluation by the age of seven. However, general dentists are trained to examine growth and development as well as the child’s bite at every exam and to respond early while most other cases can be treated when the child has lost all the baby teeth, typically between the ages of eleven and thirteen. Our office will refer you to an orthodontist at the appropriate time,
Dr. Jung did part of her hospital residency at BC Children’s Hospital in addition to having worked at a private paediatric practice in Vancouver. Plus, our staff are parents of a total of 13 young children ranging in age from 2 to 15 years so we are well-experienced and look forward to taking care of your whole family!
What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?
Dr. Lina Jung and Dr. Greg Kosar
Petrina Koltun
Dr. Susan Wales,
The evening rounded out with a Movie-inthe-Park.
Efforts are underway to put more people on the bus in Lake Country. Council has approved a request from the City of Kelowna that route #23 be amended to include the airport area. “The diversion takes it off the highway and into a new industrial park and the University of B.C.,” said James Baker, Lake Country mayor. “A lot more people will use the service.” The change has the support of B.C. Transit. “This request will see the route between the airport and UBCO serve an area of increasing density with the addition of the new (Four Points by Sheraton) hotel, as opposed to the current routing which is directly along the highway with no ability to increase the number of riders served,” said Steve Harvard, sen-
Dr. Karla Reimer Optometrist
Is it true that eating carrots will improve your eyesight?
While eating carrots won’t reduce your need for glasses, a diet rich in carrots and other vegetables is great for the long-term health of your eyes. Carrots are high in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential for night vision and helps prevent dry eye syndrome, cataracts and macular degeneration. It is found in many colorful fruits and vegetables such as apricots, papaya, and tomatoes as well as in fortified milk, beef, chicken, cod liver oil and eggs. Research suggests that obtaining a combination of nutrients from a variety of food sources provides the best results for slowing the progression of eye diseases. So do your eyes a favor and ensure that your diet includes a rich assortment of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and healthy oils.
Panorama Veterinary Services Ltd. #21-10051 Hwy97N, Lake Country, BC V4V 1P6 250-766-4310 or 250-861-1099 250.826.5660 • 250.860.1100
208 - 3121 Hill Road • 250.766.1003
49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250.766.4240
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 10, 2013 A9
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Phone ________________________________ Offer(s) available on select new 2014 models through participating dealers to qualified customers who take delivery by July 31, 2013. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. All offers are subject to change without notice. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) and $100 A/C charge (where applicable) and excludes licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and variable dealer administration fees (up to $699). Other dealer charges may be required at the time of purchase. Other lease and financing options also available. **0% purchase financing is available on select new 2014 Kia models O.A.C. Terms vary by model and trim, see dealer for complete details. ≠Bi-weekly finance payment O.A.C. for new 2014 Forte Sedan LX MT (FO541E) based on a selling price of $17,502 is $96 with an APR of 0% for 84 months. Retailer may sell for less. See dealer for full details. ‡$1,250 cash savings on the cash purchase of an eligible new 2014 Forte LX MT (FO541E) from a participating dealer between July 3-31, 2013, is deducted from the selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease and finance offers. Some conditions apply. ∆Model shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2014 Forte SX AT (FO748E) is $26,195. Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2014 Forte 1.8L MPI 4-cyl (M/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.
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Offer(s) available on select new 2014 models through participating dealers to qualified customers who take delivery by July 31, 2013. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. All offers are subject to change without notice. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) and $100 A/C charge (where applicable) and excludes licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and variable dealer administration fees (up to $699). Other dealer charges may be required at the time of purchase. Other lease and financing options also available. **0% purchase financing is available on select new 2014 Kia models O.A.C. Terms vary by model and trim, see dealer for complete details. ≠Bi-weekly finance payment O.A.C. for new 2014 Forte Sedan LX MT (FO541E) based on a selling price of $17,502 is $96 with an APR of 0% for 84 months. Retailer may sell for less. See dealer for full details. ‡$1,250 cash savings on the cash purchase of an eligible new 2014 Forte LX MT (FO541E) from a participating dealer between July 3-31, 2013, is deducted from the selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease and finance offers. Some conditions apply. ∆Model shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2014 Forte SX AT (FO748E) is $26,195. Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2014 Forte 1.8L MPI 4-cyl (M/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer
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In the Cooper’s Plaza • 250-766-2666 9am-8pm Monday to Friday • 9am-7pm Saturday • 10am-6pm Sunday
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
B o
A slope to ponder Planning your landscape can present some difficult situations. While offering spectacular views, many Okanagan properties have sloped terrain. Steep banks are the most challenging to work on. We all want easy maintenance in our landscapes and there is nothing easy about weeding on a steep grade. But these slopes have several roles to play including beautification, erosion control, driveway support and buffer zones between nature and our homes. Here are a few tips to make things a little easier over the long run: Tip #1 - Reduce the angle of your slopes as much as possible early in the process. Gentle slopes are far easier to work with. Use retaining walls at the bottom and/or reduce leveled areas at the top if necessary. Tip # 2 - Plan to have access paths. Easy access to the landscape makes maintenance much easier, whether it is you
or a hired maintenance crew. Use the paths to accent or section the area. Use large stones
where paths intersect or change direction. Make your bank terraced for even easier access. Tip #3 - Allow for some sloughing of surface
materials. Soils and surface mulches will settle and slide down the bank and will need
some area to collect. Sloughing often occurs during maintenance. Tip #4 - Carefully select plants. When planting on banks it is
good to choose plants that have strong root systems, as their roots will help control soil erosion. Choose plants that will require little pruning. Plants like Birds Nest Spruce, Cotoneaster, Fragrant Sumac, Tamarix and Russian Olive have strong roots and adapt quickly to most environments. Plants that have an upright habit are easier to weed around. Keep in mind the amount of sunlight your bank receives. This will partially determine your plant choices. Junipers were used extensively at one time, but have now fallen out of favor. A more natural look is achieved with the use of evergreens, large perennials and deciduous shrubbery together. Tip #5 - Create slight depressions or basins for each plant. This will help collect water and direct it to the base of the plant. Remember not to plant too deep! Some of the plant’s root ball should be visible
on the soil surface. This is particularly helpful when automatic irrigation is not available. Tip # 6 - Select surface mulches that will dry out. You want the mulch to be dry on the surface to prevent weed seed growth. The mulch should be chunky enough to dry out but small enough to rake or blow leaves and needles out. Materials that are less than 1 ½ inches in size will tend to slough down the slope more easily. The steeper the slope the bigger the particles will need to be to stay where they are put. For extreme slopes where mulch won’t hold, there are erosion control mats available. They are staked to the hillside and over seeded with selected grass species. In general most plants prefer organic composted materials as surface mulches over rock mulches. Tip #7 - Irrigate banks with drip lines. Low volume drip lines are tubes that deliver water directly
Pond care secrets Everyone loves the sound of trickling water; it relaxes our minds and sets forth a wonderful feeling of tranquility. When we see rippling water on a small pond it takes us back to our last visit to a lake or stream in a forest. Backyard ponds do just that, they replicate a small scene in the forest. It becomes our own private piece of nature. We all love water on some level, whether it is the shimmering reflections, the fresh air or the sound of waves on a shore. Just look at children when they see water. It’s like an irresistible force pulling them closer, they cannot resist the temptation. The pond itself requires a balance. It is a mini ecosystem ready to be inhabited by all kinds of life: plants, insects, birds, fish and algae are all part of the system.
When the system goes out of balance some things can go awry. The most common problem with ponds is an over abundance of algae growth. The water turns a deep green colour and has a soupy look to it. Algae are plants that live in the water. It is always present but normally occurs in small amounts and is not overly noticeable. The algae will only become a problem if the water becomes too rich in nutrients. We can reduce the amount of nutrients entering the pond by reducing the amount of fresh water added. Another tip is to prevent mulches or compost from washing into the pond during rain or irrigation. The soils around the pond are rich in nutrients and should never come in contact with the water.
Keep the local water fowl out of the pond. Their droppings have a high level of nutrients in them and will cause an incredible increase in algae growth. Things like algaecide can be used without causing too much disruption of the pond’s balance. A great idea is to float barley
straw or barley pellets in your pond for long term reduction. This product is available for pond use and is sold in screen bags that resemble onion sacks. Some shading of the pond also helps reduce algae. A strategic placement of a small tree can look nice and reduce
c o b t s b s
Ken Salvail Ken’s Horticultural Services to the plant under the surface mulch. They help conserve water and reduce erosion. They also reduce the amount of weed seed germination by keeping the surface mulch dry. Overhead spray heads keep surfaces wet, which tends to promote surface seed germination. The overhead watering systems are often favored because they are less expensive to install.
Tip # 8 - Stay on top of the maintenance. Keep the weeds under control. Regular weeding will help prevent more weed seeds from being produced. Keep weeds in the surrounding areas from blowing in by regular weed whipping. Remember: One year seeding is seven years weeding. Top up organic mulches every two years to maintain even coverage.
Over 10,000 sq.ft. of greenhouses to choose from
algae growth. Add a few Water Lilies in the calm areas of your pond to increase the shading effect. Take time to enjoy your pond. Put a bench or hammock near your pond, relax and read a good book. Make the most of summer in your garden.
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 10, 2013 A11
Copy deadline friday, 1 pm before issue date
Bylaws set down by a strata cannot override provincial legislation
ollowing the recent B.C. election, I was contacted by an upset owner who was ordered by the strata manager to remove an election sign from her property because it violated the strata’s bylaws. Faced with the prospect of a fine up to $200, the offending sign was removed, however, the owner wanted to know if that was allowed. In fact, it was the council and strata manager who had violated the owner’s rights in violation of the B.C. Elections Act and the Canada Elections Act. The wording in each act is similar and applies to all elections at all levels of government. The provincial legislation states: “228.1 (1) A landlord or person acting on a landlord’s behalf must not prohibit a tenant from displaying election advertising posters on the premises to which the tenant’s tenancy agreement relates. “(2) A strata corpor-
Strata Scene
Gunnar Forsstrom ation or any agent of a strata corporation must not prohibit the owner or tenant of a strata unit from displaying election advertising posters on the premises of his or her unit. “(3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), a landlord, a person, a strata corporation or an agent referred to in that subsection may: “(a) set reasonable conditions relating to the size or type of election advertising posters that may be displayed on the premises, and “(b) prohibit the display of election advertising posters in common
areas of the building in which the premises are found.” In this case the owner lived in a bare land strata and had the sign posted on her lawn. Owners should check the strata plan to ensure that the sign is indeed located on private property and not common property. Many owners in a bare land strata are not aware of their property boundaries, often assuming that they extend to the roadway. This is not always the case. When a bare land plan is registered with the Land Titles Office it only shows an outline of the property and not the building. To ensure compliance and avoid aggravation check the strata plan before posting an election sign. Similarly, residents in an apartment style strata
are allowed to display election signs on private property as long as they comply with any rules or bylaws that contain certain allowable restrictions. While rules and bylaws are paramount to the good governance of a strata corporation, they cannot override other legislation such as the Elections Act, Human Rights Code and the Personal Information Protection Act to name just a few. If your strata is self-managed feel free to contact me to discuss this or any other column. Strata Scene is intended for general information purposes only. Gunnar Forsstrom is a licensed Strata Manager with Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty. Send your questions to: or call: 250860-1411.
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Sunday services start at 10:00 am for July and August
All Your Maintenance Service
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Pastor: Lance Duncalfe
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Covering your community since 1951
THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387 To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688
•LC SENIOR BUS SCHEDULE Sat., July 13 Vernon Pancake Breakfast, shopping (including new Target store). Fri., July 26 Mystery trip. To reserve seat on bus please phone Marg 250766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 •NEw ExERCISE gROUpS fOR SENIORS to help people keep in shape for the summer. Boomer Blast will be on Tuesdays from 8:30am to 9:30am, which is more physical, Fridays 3:45pm to 4:45pm. Get up & go from Tuesday 9:45am to 10:45am and Friday 5pm to 6pm. This is some chair exercises for those that have more trouble moving. Lake Country Seniors’ Centre. •ROYAL CANADIAN LEgION 189 LADIES AUxILIARY - Notice of Cribbage Tournament on last Sunday of each month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10 am sharp. $26 per team and lunch is included. •wINfIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIfT SHOp (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •THE LAKE COUNTRY fOOD BANK wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •LAKE COUNTRY THRIfT STORE hours of operation: Mon.Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BEAVERS/CUBS/SCOUTS/VENTURERS REgISTRATION/AgM Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •OYAMA LEgION BRANCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM is open seven days a week, 10am-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 •CRIBBAgE TOURNAMENTS at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent lunch; $1 for all day coffee. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. •TO ALL wINfIELD CRIB pLAYERS: Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 250-766-3026. •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-7660850. •SOCIAL BRIDgE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL Of SENIOR CITIZENS ORgANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for further info. •LC OUTDOORS CLUB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.
for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Kelowna Shelter
Valleyview Dignity Memorial
3785 Casorso Road
250-861-7722 Husky Cross Sex: Female Colour: Chestnut / White Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 300198
For us, there is no
Are you looking for a giant cuddle buddy? Well here I am! My name higher honour than is Portia & my name is a beautiful as I am. I am a big love bug that loves nothing more then a good pet on the belly! I love to be hugged to be chosen to bring & nuzzled. I adore to play as well, just try & get my ball away from me loved ones, friends I dare you! I am a big girl with a heart of a lap dog who will need lots and a lifetime of of exercise to get back in tip top shape, I will need a nice yard to memories together accommodate my size; but I am of a THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2013 not an outdoor dog! I want to be Aron Meier in celebration Glen Whittaker special life. part of a family that will be able Assistant Manager Funeral Director to give me the love & attention TSN CHBC CIVT CBC I KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E need. I will need regular grooming # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 with my beautiful coat, as well Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements The Doctors The View once Poko Bucket-Dino The View Criminal :00 NHRA DragJULY as nail trimming a month. If The Price Is The Doctors MLB THURSDAY, 11, 2013 ” ” ” Baseball: Rolie Polie ” Minds :30 Racing: you are a family thatDoodlebops can give me Right Chef/Home The Marilyn Steven and Young & Chef/Home Blue Jays at Berenstain KOMO 4 Criminal :00 Summit a LOT of love,Show ask anChris SPCA Staff Restless Debt/Part Denis Kratts News TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO Debt/Part CHAN Indians SNP Wild KNOW KOMO Minds A&E :30 Racing Member to meet me! I am waiting Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News MLB Player Dino Dan The Chew The 1 First 48 :00 Equipment # $to show you % & _ ( ) * ` what a gorgeous, Nationals Hour ” Now Bold Hour MLB Rob Robot ” ” :30 165 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147 loyal and loving friend I can be! NHRA Drag The Doctors The View Poko The Price Is The Doctors MLB Bucket-Dino The View Criminal :00 Days of our Anderson Heartland The Talk Days of our Baseball: Clifford-Dog General The First 48 :00 Premier
10 11 12 101 :30 :30 :00 :00 112:30 :30 THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2013 :00 123:00 :30 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :30 14:00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 :30 25:00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :30 36:00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :30 47:00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 5:00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 69:00 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 7:00 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 8:00 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 9:00 :30 :00 5 :30 10:00 :30 6 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 12:00 :30 8 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2013 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :00 :30 # $ % &
Valleyview Funeral Home Baseball: Polie ” Boston Red Rolie Miss BG Hospital
Racing: Poker Lives” Summit Off Record Chef/Home The Talk Racing Interruption Debt/Part ”
Live ” The Marilyn Dr. Phil Denis Show ”
Doodlebops ” Steven Steven and and Chris Chris
Equipment News SportsCentreNoon The Ricki Nationals Hour ” Lake Show
CTV The News Dr. Oz Show”
CBC News Best News Recipes KIRO ThisMinute Now Bold Stefano ThisMinute
CFL Pre Premier CFL Poker
Ellen DeGe- Heartland Dragons’ Anderson neres Show Den ” Live
Young Days of & our Restless Lives
Right ” Lives ” Young & Let’s Make a Chef/Home The Talk Restless Debt/Part Deal ”
Judge Judy The Talk Judge” Judy
Football: News CTV News Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Roughriders at Five Interruption ”” ” NHRA Drag The Doctors The View at Argonauts The Global CTVDr. SportsCentre Ricki Oz Racing: ” Nat. The ”News ” CHBC News ” Lake Show Show ” Summit Chef/Home The Marilyn ” Ent Big Bang CFL Pre Young & Ellen DeGeRacing Debt/Part Denis Show SportsCentreRestless ET Canada neres etalk Show CFL Equipment Noon News CTV News ” The Office Big Bang Football: News CTV News Nationals Hour ” ” Divorced Two Men Roughriders ” at Five Premier Days of our Anderson Premier The Winner Motive at Argonauts Lives Global Nat. Live CTV News Poker Poker Is... ” ” CHBC News ” Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre Rookie Blue Hollywood Interruption ” ” Ent ” Big Bang ” ” Game Night SportsCentre The ET Canada etalkDr. Oz SportsCentre Ricki SportsCentre CHBC NewsThe CTV News ”” ” Lake Show Show The Offi ce Big Bang Final CTV News ” Divorced Two Men CFL Pre Young & Ellen SportsCentre ET Canada DailyDeGeShow CFL Restless neres Show Premier” The Winner Motive J. Probst Colbert Rep Poker Is... ” Football: News CTV News
News and Let’s KIROMake Newsa Steven News KIRO News Chris Deal Poko The Price Is News KIRO News Best Recipes Right ThisMinute Doodlebops Exchange CBS News Stefano ThisMinute Steven and Young & George S Ent Dragons’ Judge Judy Chris Restless Coronation Judge omg! Insider Den Judy CBC News KIRO News The Nature Bold Big Bang News KIRO News Now of Things Two Men News KIRO News Heartland The Talk Doc Zone Person of News ” KIRO ”News ” Interest Exchange CBS News Steven and Let’s Make a The National Elementary Chris Deal George S Ent ” ” Coronation omg! Insider Best CBCRecipes News ThisMinute KIRO News Stefano The Nature ThisMinute Big Bang Stampede Late Show of Things Two Men Dragons’ Judge Judy Wrap Up Letterman Den Judge Judy Doc Zone Person of George S Ferguson Interest News ” KIRO News
Roughriders ” Blue at Five SportsCentre Rookie Hollywood ” Game Night at Argonauts Global ”Nat. CTV News ” CHBC News ” SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News ” Ent Big Bang
News News The National KIRO Elementary ” News ” KIRO News Exchange CBS News CBC News KIRO News Stampede Late Show George S Ent
Premier Poker
League/Evil Now With Rated A for Nichols
KOMO 4 Criminal The Doctors The First 48 News ” Minds”
Noon News The Ricki Hour Lake Show
MLB Player Mariners MLB Premier
Chew The Dr. Oz Show ”
Youngof&our Days Restless Lives
Party Poker Baseball: Boston” Red
G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog Arthur Miss BG
The Parents & The First First 48 48 Odd Rated A for Lang Andrew ”” Odd Parents Rated A for O’Leary Nichols
Early News The Talk Global” Nat. The Doctors News The Ricki ”Hour ” Lake Show Chef/Home Ent Young & Debt/Part ET Canada Restless Noon News The Offi ce Early News Hour Divorced Global Nat. Days of our The Winner News Hour Lives Is... ” The Talk Rookie Blue Ent ” ” ET Canada The Ricki News Hour Lake Show The ce FinalOffi Divorced Young & ET Canada Restless The Winner J. Probst Is... News Early Global RookieNat. Blue ” News Hour
Prime Sox at Time Sports Seattle MLB Sportsnet Mariners Baseball: Connected Premier Blue Jays at MLB Party Poker Indians Baseball: ” MLB Player GiantsTime at Prime MLB Padres Sports Baseball: ” Sportsnet Boston Red ” Connected Sox at Sportsnet Seattle MLB Connected Baseball: Mariners Blue Jays Premier Giants at Greg Moore Padres Party Indy Poker ” ” Highlights Prime ”Time Sports Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet
Martha Lilly Wild Kratts Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Animals Rob Robot Rolie Polie Rivers Shaun Berenstain Ancient G. Shrinks Wild Kratts Clues Arthur Dino Dan The Story Martha Rob Robotof Science Wild Kratts Clifford-Dog All You Animals Miss BG Need Is Rivers Lilly Klaus Dinosaur Ancient Snapshot Clues Rob Robot Ancient Shaun The Story of Clues Science G. Shrinks Monarchy Arthur All You” Need Is Martha
Intervention The First 48 ”” Criminal Intervention The First 48 Minds ”” Criminal Beyond The First 48 Minds Scared” The First 48 Beyond Intervention ” Scared” The First 48 Intervention Intervention ” ” ” The First 48 Intervention ” Beyond ” Scared The First 48 Beyond ” Beyond Scared Scared The First 48 Beyond Intervention Scared” ” Intervention
etalk Daily Show Coronation Wrap Up Colbert George S Big BangRep The Nature Two Men of Things
The Winner Is...
Motive ”
Person of Interest
Doc Zone ”
will only be a minor imJanuary to March, weekpact on schedules. day ridership increased ior regional transit manCouncil has also reby 50 per cent, Saturager. ceived information on day by 29 per cent and Baker believes the expansion of route #23 Sunday relatively unnew route will benefit made in September changed,” said Harvard. YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC KCTS KING Lake Country residents 2012. That process in-WTBS “Overall ridership 6 7 9 ; < A N P who are on shift work. cluded increasing the during this period has Squirrel CBC News How/Made How I Met Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Today League/Evil Facelift? Baby Story durCI Wild Krattsby cont’d “ThereNow areWith a lot ofHow/Made weekday frequency increased more than League/Evil Reshmi Nair Dangerous Family Feud Long Island Law Order: Tiger New Day workers atcont’d the airport theFeud afternoon 18Daniel per cent compared KidYTV vs. Kat Flights Family Medium CIWTBS Rick Steves Northwest NEWS DISC ing KAYU TLCpeak KCTS KING to and Flightcraft,” he said. Kid vs. Kat CBC News Mile Wide Funny Home What Not to Excused Micro KING 5 the and mid-day. the same period in 6 7 Tornado: 9 Videos ; Wear< Excused A Business N NewsP Team Gal Now With It’s anticipated there “During the period of previous year.” Squirrel CBC News How/Made How I Met Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Today Rated A for Andrew Nerve Center Law Order: Four There Yet? Expeditions Days of our TRANSIT FROM A8
Blue Jays at Berenstain Sox at Lilly Indians Wild Kratts Seattle Dinosaur
News ”Hour Final Ent omg! Insider ET Letterman ET Canada Canada Ferguson J. Probst Big Bang The Office Two Men Divorced
SportsCentre SportsCentre ET ET Canada Canada J. Probst ”” The Office
Ridership is up on rerouted #23
The Winner Is...
Dino Dan Rob Robot Rob Robot Shaun
General4 KNOW KOMO KOMO News Hospital * News The` Doctors
The First First 48 48 Sidekick Kid vs. Kat The Team Gal ”” Squirrel
A&E 1
Odd Parents Almost World ”News Odd Parents League/Evil The View Squirrel KOMO Mr. Young The Dr. Sidekick ” 4Oz League/Evil News Mr. Young Show Squirrel KOMO 4 League/Evil Wheel Boys KOMO 4 Odd Parents News Kid vs. Kat Jeopardy! Boys News Odd Parents The Chew Kid vs. Kat Wipeout To BeParents Indie News ” Odd Team Gal To BeParents Indie World ”News Odd General Rated A for Motive Wipeout KOMO 4 Mr. Young Hospital Rated A for ” Canada News Mr. Young The Doctors Almost Rookie Blue Prank Patrol League/Evil Wheel” Boys ” Prank Patrol Jeopardy! Boys The Dr. Oz Sidekick News Boys Show Squirrel Wipeout To Be Indie Jimmy Mr. Young ” To BeParents Indie KOMO Odd Kimmel4Live Wipeout News Odd Parents Motive Wipeout Nightline ” Canada News ” Odd Parents Wild World ” Odd Parents KlausKratts RookieNews Blue Intervention Prank Patrol Snapshot ” Prank Patrol Animals KOMO” 4 Intervention Mr. Young Connected Rivers News ” Mr. Young Blue Jays Ancient Beyond Boys Greg Moore Clues Jimmy Scared Mr. Young MLB Ancient Wheel Beyond Boys Baseball: Clues Jeopardy! Boys Indy Monarchy Kimmel Live Scared Beyond Wipeout Highlights ” Nightline Scared Giants at The Story of Wipeout Beyond To Be ”Indie Padres Science ” Scared To Be Indie
” ”
All You Need Is
Motive ”
Intervention ”
How/Made ”
Facelift? CI
Baby Story Weddings
Wipeout Canada
CBC News ” Now With ”
CBC News Power & ” Politics CBC News The ” NowNational With ”” Reshmi Nair CBC News Lang cont’d& ” O’Leary CBC News The CBC News NowNational With ”” Andrew The National The National Nichols ” ” Power & CBC News Politics CBC News ” ”” The National The National ”” ” Lang&& Lang O’Leary The National O’Leary ” CBC News
Mile Wide How/Made Tornado: How/Made
Funny Home Toddlers What Not Excused The Ricki & to The Office Videos Wear Excused Lake Show Tiaras The Office
Fast N’ Center Loud Steve Nerve Law Order: ”” Harvey CI
Say Yes Four Say Yes Weddings
Fast N’ Loud Simpsons Say Yes MythBusters Anderson Four ”” Raymond Say Yes Live Weddings How/Made How I Met Baby Story Fast N’ Loud Big Bang Four How/Made The Ricki Toddlers & How/Made Facelift? Baby Story ” Two Men Weddings How/Made Lake Show Tiaras Dangerous Family Feud Long Island FantomBig Bang Four Fast N’ Loud Steve Yes Flights Family Feud Say Medium Works ” Two Men Weddings Harvey Say Yes Mile Wide Funny Home What Not to Shred! Four Fast N’ Loud Hell’s Simpsons Say Yes Tornado: Videos Wear Shred! ” Kitchen Weddings Raymond Say Yes Nerve Center Law Order: Four Fast N’ Loud Hell’s Four Fast N’” Loud Big Four CI Bang Weddings ” Kitchen Weddings ” Two Men Weddings MythBusters Anderson Four FantomNews Say Yes ” LiveBang Weddings FantomBig Four Works 30 Rock Say Yes Works Two Men Weddings How/Made The Ricki Toddlers Fast N’ Loud Sunny Say Yes & How/Made Lake Show Say Tiaras Shred! Hell’s Four ” TMZ Yes Shred! Kitchen Weddings Fast N’ Loud The Steve SayProg. Yes MythBusters Office Paid ” Harvey Say Yes Fast N’ Loud Hell’s Four ” King of Hill Paid Prog. ” Loud Kitchen Weddings Fast N’ Simpsons Say Yes ” ” Raymond Say Yes Yes CBC News FantomNews Say ” Works Say The National Fast N’ Loud 30 BigRock Bang FourYes
” The National Fast N’” Loud ” ” CBC News Fantom” Works Lang & MythBusters O’Leary The National Shred!”
Family Guy
Amer. Dad Movie:
” The Winner Masterpiece Is...
Say Yes Say Yes
“The 6th Day”
Mystery! ”
CBC News Stampede
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Blue Jays Greg Moore
Ancient Clues
News Jimmy
Beyond Scared
Boys Mr. Young
The National Fast N’ Loud Sunny ” ” TMZ
Say Yes Say Yes
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada J. Probst
Indy Highlights
Monarchy ”
Beyond Scared
Wipeout ”
Lang & O’Leary
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
10 :00 :30 FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2013 :00 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 # $ % & :00 1:00 :30 :00 102:30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 3 :30 FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2013 :00 124:00 :30 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC :00 TSN 15:00 :30 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 :00 2 :30 6 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 37:00 :30 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 48:30 :30 :30 12 :00 :00 :00 9 :30 5 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :00 6:30 :30 2 :00 :00 11 :30 7:00 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8:00 :30 4 :30 :00 9:00 :30 5 :30 :00 10 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2013 10 :30 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 12 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2013 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 2:00 :30 :00 103:30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2013 4 :30 :00 125:00 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC :30 TSN :00 16:00 :30 # $ % & :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 107:30 :30 :00 :00 38:00 :30 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 129:30 :00 :00 5:00 :30 10 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 3 :30
X Games: Munich
The Doctors The View ” ”
Poko Doodlebops
The Price Is Right
The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected
Bucket-Dino The View Rolie Polie ”
The First 48 ”
Squirrel League/Evil
CBC News Now With
Softball ”
Chef/Home Debt/Part
The Marilyn Denis Show
Steven and Chris
Young & Restless
Chef/Home Debt/Part
Sportsnet Connected
Berenstain Wild Kratts
The First 48 ”
League/Evil Kid vs. Kat
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
KIRO The_ Talk
Noon News Hour
CHAN Days of our (
Baseball Central
A&E The 1 First 48
Kid vs. Kat Team
YTV Rated A for 6
CBC News Now With
” ”
Premier Days of our Poker Lives X Games: The Doctors Off Record The Talk Munich ” Interruption ” Softball Chef/Home SportsCentre The Ricki ” Debt/Part ” Lake Show ” Noon News CFL Pre Young & Hour CFL ” Restless
Anderson Live The View Dr. Phil ” ” The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News Ellen DeGeneres” Show
Heartland ” ” Poko The Price Is Steven and Let’s Make a Doodlebops Right Chris Deal Steven and Young & Best Recipes ThisMinute Chris Restless Stefano ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News Dragons’ Judge Judy Now Bold Den Judge Judy
Lives The Doctors The Talk ” ” Chef/Home The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless
Premier Football: Poker Calgary
Anderson CTV News Live at Five
Heartland News News”
Days our Early of News Lives Global Nat.
Days Newsof our Lives ”
Off Record The TalkNat. Dr. Phil Stampeders Global CTV News ” NewsThe View ”” XInterruption Games: Doctors at Montreal The CHBC Munich ” ” Oz SportsCentre The The Alouettes Ent Ricki Big Dr. Bang ” Lake Show The Show Softball Chef/Home Marilyn SportsCentre ET Canada etalk ” Debt/Part Denis Show CFL Pre Young Ellen DeGe” Bones& Shark Tank Noon News CTV News CFL ” ” Restless neres Show ” ” ” Hour ” Premier Hawaii Five- CTV The News Football: News Poker 0 Following Premier Days of Calgary ” our Anderson at Five Poker SportsCentreLives 16x9 Nat. Live BlueNews Bloods Stampeders Global CTV ” ”News Dr. Phil”” Off Record The Talk at Montreal CHBC Interruption ” News CTV ”News SportsCentreEnt CHBC Alouettes Big Bang ” Final CTV News SportsCentre The Ricki The Dr. Oz SportsCentre ET Canada etalk ” Lake Show Show SportsCentre ET Canada The Tank ” Bones Shark J. Probst Mentalist CFL Pre Young Ellen DeGe”” ”& ” CFL Restless neres Show Premier Hawaii Five- The Football: News CTV News Poker 0 Following Calgary ” at Five SportsCentre 16x9 Blue Bloods Stampeders Global Nat. CTV News ” ” ” at Montreal CHBC News ” SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News Alouettes Ent Big Bang ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada etalk SportsCentre ET Canada The ”” Bones Shark Tank J. Probst Mentalist ” ” ”
The Talk KIRO News KIRO ”News Steven News and Let’s KIROMake Newsa Chris Deal Poko The Price Is Exchange CBS News Doodlebops Right Best Recipes ThisMinute George S Ent Stefano ThisMinute Steven and Young & Coronation omg! Insider Chris Restless Dragons’ Judge Judy Mr. D Undercover CBC Den Judge Judy Ron News James KIRO Boss News Now Bold the fifth Hawaii FiveNews KIRO News estate 0 Talk Heartland The News KIRO News ” ” The National KIRO Blue Bloods News News ”and Let’s ” Steven a Exchange CBS Make News Chris Deal CBC News KIRO News George S Ent Stampede Late Show Best Recipes ThisMinute Coronation omg! Insider Stefano ThisMinute Wrap Letterman Mr. D Up Undercover George S Ferguson Dragons’ Judge Judy Ron James Boss Den Judge Judy the fifth Hawaii FiveNews KIRO News estate 0 News KIRO News The National Blue Bloods News ” KIRO News ” Exchange CBS News CBC News KIRO News George S Ent Stampede Late Show Coronation omg! Insider Wrap Up Letterman Mr. D Undercover George S Ferguson Ron James Boss
Premier Poker
the fifth estate
Hawaii Five- The 0 Following
SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”
Blue Bloods ”
CHAN ( The Talk
KOMO 4 News
SNP KNOW KOMO Greg Moore Clifford-Dog General ) * `
IndyCar Sportsnet Racing Connected Sportsnet Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected Baseball MLB Central Baseball:
Dino Dan Rob Robot
Miss BG Bucket-Dino Lilly Rolie Polie Dinosaur Berenstain Rob Robot Wild Kratts Jungle Book Dino Dan G. Shrinks Rob Robot Arthur
The Chew ”
Hospital The View The Doctors ” ” KOMO 4 The Dr. Oz News Show The Chew KOMO 4 News ”
” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage
Rated A for Squirrel Almost League/Evil League/Evil League/Evil Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Squirrel Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu TeamFu Kung
KOMO 4 ” The View News ” Oz The Dr. Wheel Show 4 KOMO Jeopardy! News KOMOTank 4 Shark The Chew News ” ” What News Would You Do? General World News Hospital 20/20 KOMO 4 ” The Doctors News ” News Wheel Jimmy The Dr. Oz Jeopardy! Show Kimmel Live Shark Tank Nightline KOMO ”4 News What Would News You Do? World News 20/20 KOMO” 4 News News Wheel Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Shark Tank Nightline ”
The First Storage ” Storage The First Storage ” The First Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First Storage ” Storage Storage The First Storage Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First Storage ” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage
Rated A for Turtles Rated A for Turtles Almost SpongeBob League/Evil Squirrel SpongeBob League/Evil Sidekick Movie: Squirrel League/Evil “iParty With Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu Victorious” Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu League/Evil Team Mr. Young Turtles Mr. Young Rated A for Turtles Rated A for Mr. Young SpongeBob Mr. Young Almost SpongeBob League/Evil Boys Movie: Boys Sidekick “iParty With Squirrel Sister Act 2: Victorious” Back Kung Fu League/Evil Kung Fu Mr. Young Turtles Mr. Young Turtles Mr. Young SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob Boys Movie: Boys “iParty With Sister Act 2: Victorious” Back League/Evil
KNOW News KOMO General Hospital World News * ` The Doctors
Greg Moore Toronto Blue Clifford-Dog Martha IndyCar Miss BG Jays at Wild Kratts Lilly News Hour Racing Baltimore Animals ”” Sportsnet Dinosaur The Doctors Sportsnet Bucket-Dino Orioles Parks ” Connected Rolie Polie The Sportsnet Rob Robot Ent Ricki Sportsnet The Blue Lake Show Sportsnet Connected Jungle Chef/Home Berenstain ET Canada Connected Planet Book Debt/Part Connected Wild Kratts Young MLB G. Shrinks Bones & IndyCar BallykissanNoon News Baseball Dino Restless Baseball: Arthur ” Racing gel Dan Hour Central Rob Robot Hawaii Five- Toronto World Poker Miss Marple Early News Blue Martha 0 Tour at ” Days ofNat. our Greg Moore Clifford-Dog Global Jays Wild Kratts Lives Miss BG 16x9 Hour IndyCar Sportsnet ” News Baltimore Animals Connected The Talk Racing Lilly ”” Orioles Parks ” Dinosaur News”Hour Sportsnet Blue Jays Architects Ent Sportsnet The Blue of Final Multisport Change The Ricki Sportsnet Rob Robot ET Canada Connected Planet Lake Show Connected Jungle Book ET Canada IndyCar Poker After BallykissanBones BallykissanJ. Probst Dark gelShrinks Young MLB G. ”& Racing gel Restless Baseball: Arthur Hawaii Five- World Poker Miss Marple Early News Toronto Blue Martha 0 Tour ” Global Nat. Jays at Wild Kratts 16x9 Sportsnet ” News Hour Baltimore Animals ” Connected ” ” Orioles Parks News Hour Blue Jays Architects of Ent Sportsnet The Blue Final Multisport Change ET Canada Connected Planet ET Canada Poker After BallykissanBones IndyCar BallykissanJ. Probst Dark gel ” Racing gel
The First 48 ”
A&E48 1 48 48 48 48 48 48
Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- World Poker Miss Marple What Would Storage 0 0 Tour ” You Do? Storage
The National Blue Bloods ” ”
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News
CBC News Stampede
News Hour Final
SportsCentre ET Canada The ” J. Probst Mentalist Boxing: Fishn Worst Friday Night Real Fishing Handyman
Wrap Up Letterman ET Canada George S Ferguson J. Probst The Nature Doodlebops Fishn of Things Paid Prog. Real Fishing
KIRO News Late Show
Sportsnet Connected Blue Jays Multisport
” ”
World News News ” ” Sid Science Today PBS Nightly Cat the Katie WildinKratts cont’dNews NewsHour News ” Arthur Daniel Tiger New Day Easy Yoga Magazine Wild DeGeRick Kratts Steves Ellen Northwest for Arthritis Inside WordGirl neresEd. Show Micro KING 5 Masterpiece The Winner Business KING 5 Business News Mystery! Is... World News News Expeditions Days of our ” The Winner PBS Joy/Painting Nightly Lives News Masterpiece Is... NewsHour News Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Mystery! Hollywood ” ” Easy Yoga Magazine ” Game Night for Inside Ed. CatArthritis in the KING KatieNews Masterpiece Arthur ” Masterpiece The Winner Mystery! Jay Leno Mystery! Is... Wild”Kratts Ellen” DeGeWordGirl neres Show ” The Winner Health-Joel Jimmy Fallon Masterpiece Is... Business KING 5 World News Hollywood News Mystery! Game PBS ” NightlyNight News
Four Weddings
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News
A&E 1
Browns King Payne King Law Order: Browns The CI Office Payne The Office Law Order: Seinfeld Big CI Bang Seinfeld Big Bang Excused Family Guy Browns Excused Family PayneGuy There Yet? Amer. Dad Browns There Yet? Movie: Payne King “The 6th King Seinfeld Day” Seinfeld The Offi ce ” The Offi ce Family ” Guy Family Guy Big Bang Monster-inBig Bang Amer. Dad Law Movie: Browns Payne “The 6th Day” Browns
Prank Patrol CBC News Prank Patrol ”
Live KNOW Kimmel KOMO Nightline * `
Kratts Ellen Expeditions DaysDeGeof our WTBS Wild KCTS KING WordGirl Joy/Painting neres LivesShow A Business NRoseKING P 5 Charlie Dr. Phil
Big Bang There Yet? Big Bang There Yet?
Rookie Blue Intervention ” ”
KING 5 Katie News”
The National Fast N’ Loud Hell’s ” ” Kitchen
Klaus Snapshot
Micro Cat in the Business Arthur
Weddings Paid Prog. Paid Four Prog.
Two Offi Men The ce King Hell’sof Hill
Rookie Blue Sportsnet ” Connected
cont’d Lives
NewsHour NewsNews Masterpiece KING Mystery! Jay Leno Easy Yoga Magazine for Arthritis Inside” Ed. ” Health-Joel Fallon Masterpiece Jimmy The Winner
Weddings Say Yes Say FourYes
The National Elementary ” ”
Daily Show Wrap Up Colbert Rep George S
Wild Kratts Joy/Painting
Payne” ” Seinfeld Seinfeld Monster-inLaw Family Guy
Two Men Sunny TMZ Big Bang
SportsCentre Rookie Blue Hollywood ” ” Game Night
SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst
CI There Yet?
League/Evil Power Reshmi Dangerous Anderson Family Feud Four Long Island King Law Order: Charlie Daniel Rose Tiger Dr. New Almost & Nair MythBusters PhilDay Kid vs. Kat cont’d Flights Family Feud Weddings Medium CI Rick ”Steves Northwest League/Evil Politics ” Live King ”
News 30 Rock
MythBusters The Office ” King of Hill
Baby Story Baby Story
Masterpiece KING News Mystery! Jay Leno
Monster-in- KCTS ” ” WTBS KING Law Health-Joel Jimmy Fallon A N P Sid Science Wild Kratts
Today cont’d
Reshmi Nair Mighty Ships Family Feud Gypsy cont’d ” Family Feud Wedding
Law Order: CI
Daniel Tiger Rick Steves
New Day Northwest
NEWS Andrew 7
Excused Excused
WTBS There Yet? A
3 Steps to Incredible
KCTS Health!-Joel N
KING 5 News
” Sid Science Charlie Rose Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger Cat in the Rick Steves Arthur 3 Steps to Wild Kratts Incredible WordGirl
Days of our Lives Today Dr. Phil cont’d ” New Day Katie Northwest ” KING 5 Ellen DeGeNewsShow neres
How I Met Paid Prog.
” ”
Hollywood Game Night
Law Order: CI
Nichols CBC News Power & Now With Politics Reshmi Nair ” cont’d ” CBC News Lang & Now With O’Leary
How/Made How/Made
DISC Fantom9
KAYU Law ; Order:
TLC Gypsy <
Fast N’ Loud Funny Home Gypsy ” Videos Wedding
Works CI Wedding How/Made How I Met Baby Story Fast N’ Loud Anderson How/Made Paid Prog. Gypsy Baby Story ” Live Wedding Mighty Ships Family Feud Gypsy How/Made The Ricki Gypsy ” Family Feud Wedding How/Made Lake Show Wedding Fast N’ Loud Steve Funny Home Gypsy Gypsy NeverEver ” Videos Wedding NeverEver Harvey Wedding
There Yet? Law Order: King CI King Law Order: The Office CI The Office Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang
WTBS Business KCTS KING KING Health!-Joel Days 5of our ” Lives News News A World N P Charlie Rose Dr. Phil
Andrew FantomLaw Order: Say Gypsy There Yet? CBC News Sons of Simpsons Yes Browns Nichols Works CI Wedding There Yet? ” Guns Raymond Say Yes Payne Power & Fast N’ Loud Big Anderson Gypsy King The National Don’t Drive Bang Say Yes Browns Politics ” Live Wedding King CBC News How/Made How I Met Say Baby Law Order: ” Here Two Men YesStory Payne Now With How/Made PaidRicki Prog. Baby Story The CI Office ” How/Made The Gypsy CBC News Mighty Big Bang Randy to the Seinfeld How/Made Lake Show Wedding The ce Reshmi Mighty ShipsTwo Family Feud Rescue Gypsy LawOffi Order: ”” Nair Planes Men Seinfeld cont’d ” Family Feud Wedding CI Lang & NeverEver Bones Steve Gypsy Big Bang The National Mayday Say Yes Family Guy CBC News Fast N’ Funny Gypsy Excused O’Leary NeverEver Wedding Big Bang ” ” Loud Harvey ” HomeSay Yes Family Guy Now With ” Videos Wedding Excused The The Randy to the Amer. Dad CBCNational News Don’t Sons Drive of Simpsons Say Yes Browns ”” Here Following Movie: Andrew FantomLaw Order: Rescue Gypsy There Yet? Guns Raymond Say Yes Payne Nichols Works CI Wedding There Yet? CBC News Sons Say “Monster-inThe National Don’tof Drive News Big Bang SayYes Yes Browns Guns Rock Say Yes Law” Power”” & Fast N’ Loud 30 Anderson Gypsy King Here Two Men Say Yes Payne Politics ” Live Wedding King ” The Sunny Gypsy CBCNational News Mighty Mighty Big Bang Randy to the Seinfeld ”” Planes Wedding Movie: How/Made TMZ The Men Ricki Gypsy The Office Planes Two Rescue Seinfeld ” How/Made Lake Show Wedding The Office Lang & Mayday The Office Paid “Pride” The National Mayday Bones Say Prog. Yes Family Guy O’Leary ”” King of”Hill Paid Prog. ” Guy Lang & NeverEver Steve Gypsy Big Bang ” Say Yes Family O’Leary NeverEver Harvey Wedding Big Bang The National Don’t Drive The Randy to the Amer. Dad CBC News Sons of Simpsons Say Yes Browns ” Here Following Rescue Movie: ” Guns Raymond Say Yes Payne CBC News Sons of News Say Yes “Monster-inThe National Don’t Drive Big Bang Say Yes Browns ” Guns 30 Rock Say Yes Law” ” Here Two Men Say Yes Payne The National Mighty Sunny Gypsy ” CBC News Mighty Big Bang Randy to the Movie: Seinfeld ” Planes TMZ Wedding ” Planes Two Men Rescue Seinfeld Lang & Mayday The Office Paid Prog. “Pride” The National Mayday Bones Say Yes Family” Guy O’Leary ” King of Hill Paid Prog. ” ” ” Say Yes Family Guy
PBS Nightly News ” Sid Science Today” NewsHour News WildinKratts cont’d Cat the Katie Washington Magazine Arthur ” Daniel Tiger Inside New Ed. Day Ben-Surface Rick Steves Northwest Wild Kratts Camp Ellen DeGeDoc Martin 3 Steps to KING 5 WordGirl neres ” ” Show Incredible News Call the Dateline Business KING 5 Midwife Health!-Joel Days of our World News NBC News ” Lives Magic ” News PBS Nightly Moments: ” Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil NewsHour ” of KING News ” The Best Washington Magazine 50s Leno CatPop in the Jay Katie Ben-Surface Inside Ed. Arthur ” Happiness ” Doc Martin Camp Advantage Jimmy Wild Kratts Ellen Fallon ” ”DeGeWordGirl neres Show Call the Dateline Business KING 5 Midwife NBC World News News Magic ” PBS Nightly Moments: ” News NewsHour News The Best of KING News Washington Magazine 50s Pop Jay Leno Ben-Surface Inside Ed. Happiness ” Doc Martin Camp Advantage Jimmy Fallon ” ”
Mr. Young Mr. Young
The National Don’t Drive ” Here
The Following
Randy to the Amer. Dad Rescue Movie:
News 30 Rock
Say Yes Say Yes
“Monster-in- Magic Law” Moments:
Sunny TMZ
Gypsy Wedding
” Movie:
Call the Midwife
Dateline NBC
Storage Storage
Mr. Young Mr. Young
CBC News ”
Architects of News Change Jimmy
Storage Storage
Boys Boys
The National Mighty ” Planes
Storage Storage Shipping Movie:
Sister Act 2: Lang & Back O’Leary Kung Fu CBC News Turtles Now
Mayday ” Mighty Planes
The Office King of Hill Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Paid Prog. “Pride” Paid Prog. ” Here Comes Movie: Honey “The
Advantage Jimmy Fallon Bob Builder European SciGirls PGA Tour
KNOW KOMO Kimmel * `Live
Poker After BallykissanDark gel Greg Moore Wild Kratts IndyCar Lilly
Nightline Recipe Food
A&E 1
Sons of Guns
The Best of 50s Pop
KCTS Happiness N
” ” KING News Jay Leno
Fights ”
Powerboat Driving TV
It Is Written Movie Night
Equestrian ”
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Powerboat Driving TV
Racing Shaun Sea Rescue “Con Air” IndyCar Pre- Finding Stuff Born-Explore ”
Turtles Beyblade
CBC News Now With
Deadliest Catch
Kids News How I Met
Here Comes Tempest” Honey ”
3 Steps to Incredible
Golf U.S. Open
News Hour PGA Tour
Operation Smile
” PGA Tour The Calgary Golf: John
News Hour PGA Tour
Race IndyCar
Dogs Dogs
” ”
Pokémon Rangers
Christine Birak
Finding Bigfoot
Soccer ”
Here Comes Honey Jim
Health!-Joel ”
Racing: Nationwide
Golf: John Deere
Canada’s Stampede Worst Driver ”
Racing: 2 in T.O. -
SNP ) Race One
Can. Rivers Rivers
Racing: Nationwide
KNOW KOMO * of Series: `New Architects
Movie: “True Lies”
A&E 1 ”
Sidekick Turtles
YTV 6 League/Evil
NEWS The 7 National
Sons of Guns
” Greg Moore Sportsnet IndyCar Connected Racing MLB IndyCar PreBaseball: Race Texas IndyCar Rangers at Racing: Detroit 2 in T.O. Tigers Race One Greg MLB Moore ” IndyCar Baseball: Sportsnet Racing Boston Red Connected Sox at PreIndyCar MLB Oakland Race Baseball: Athletics IndyCar Texas Sportsnet Racing: Rangers at 2Connected in T.O. Detroit PokerOne After Race Tigers Dark ” MLB Blue Jays Sportsnet Baseball: ICC Cricket Connected
Change Wild Kratts Frontiers of Lilly Construction Shaun Secret Cities Finding Stuff ” Dogs The Story of Dogs Science Can. Rivers Be the Rivers Creature Architects of Wild Eco Kratts Change Lilly Engineering Frontiers of Shaun Heartbeat Construction ” Stuff Finding Secret Cities Midsomer Dogs ” Murders Dogs The Story of ” Can. Rivers Science Rivers” Be the Battlefield of Architects Creature Mysteries Change Eco Midsomerof Frontiers Engineering Murders Construction
England 200 Recipe Paid FoodProg. Paid Prog. Sea Rescue Cash Cab Born-Explore UW 360 Countdown News NASCAR World News Racing: KOMO 4 Nationwide News Series: New Recipe Wheel England 200 Food Jeopardy! Paid Prog. Sea ZeroRescue Hour Paid Prog. ” Born-Explore Cash Cab 666 Park Countdown UW 360 Avenue NASCAR News 20/20 Racing: World ”News Nationwide KOMO 4 News Series: New NewsNotice Burn England 200 Wheel” Paid Prog. Jeopardy! Castle Paid Prog.
” Shipping Movie:” ” “Con Air” Criminal ” Minds ” Criminal ” Minds Movie: Criminal “True Lies” Minds ” Shipping Criminal ” Movie: Minds ” “Con Air” Criminal ” Minds ” Criminal Criminal ” Minds Minds ” Criminal Criminal Movie: Minds Minds “True Lies” Criminal Criminal ” Minds Minds ” Criminal Criminal ” Minds Minds ”
League/Evil Kung Fu League/Evil Turtles League/Evil Turtles Movie: Beyblade “iParty With Pokémon Victorious” Rangers ” Sidekick Zoink’d! Turtles Splatalot League/Evil Kung Fu Babysitting League/Evil Turtles Zoink’d! League/Evil Turtles Movie: League/Evil “King of the Beyblade Movie: Camp” Pokémon “iParty” With Rangers Victorious” League/Evil Sidekick ” Splatalot Turtles Zoink’d! Babysitting League/Evil Splatalot Splatalot League/Evil Babysitting King of the League/Evil Zoink’d! Camp League/Evil
Mansbridge ” CBC News Mighty The Cab NowNational Cash Planes Mansbridge How/Made CBC News Deadliest Doc Cash NowZone With CatchCab ” Cash Cab Christine Finding the fi fth Don’t Drive Birak Bigfoot estate Here ” Sons of The National Deadliest ” Guns Marketplace Catch The National Overhaulin’ CBCDiaNews Sons Mighty The of Mansbridge ” Now Queen Guns Planes mond The National Cash Cab CBCZone News River Deadliest Doc Mansbridge How/Made ” Monsters Now With Catch Doc Zone Cash Cab The National Deadliest Christine Finding ” Cash Cab Mansbridge Catch Birak Bigfoot the fiDiafth Don’tDrive Drive The Don’t ” Sons of estateQueen Here Here mond ” Guns The National Deadliest The of TheNational National Sons Overhaulin’ Marketplace Guns Catch Mansbridge Mansbridge ” The National DiaSons of The Moonshiners The National Cash Cab mond Queen Guns” Mansbridge Mansbridge How/Made
KIRO CHAN _ ( Third Round Classic,
Deere Classic,
Series: New Classic, Lovett-Reid ” England 200 Third Round Dr. Marla & ” ” Boxing: Fishn Worst The Nature Doodlebops SportsCentre Haven Cash Cab George Paid Prog. Prog. Friday Night Real Fishing Handyman of ThingsS Paid CFL ” Cash Cab 22 Minutes Paid Prog. Fights Powerboat It Is Written Equestrian Paid Prog. Football: Simpsons Celebrity Sports Stars ” Driving TV Movie Night Doc Zone ” Paid Prog. Blue Simpsons Celebrity ” Big World Pre-Race News Hour Operation ” PGA Tour Bombers at Simpsons etalk Land & Sea KIRO News NASCAR PGA Tour Smile The Calgary Golf: John Tiger-Cats CHBC News App Central Mansbridge KIRO News Racing: Golf: John Canada’s Stampede Deere ” Global Nat. Worst CTV News CBS News Nationwide Deere Driver The National ” Classic, CFL CHBC News ” Marketplace KIRO News Series: New Classic, Lovett-Reid ” Third Round Boxing: Fishn Worst The Nature Doodlebops Football: True Crime W5 The Calgary EntertainEngland 200 Third Round Dr. Marla & ” ” Friday Nightat Real Fishing Handyman ofStampede Things Paid BC Lions Scene ” mentProg. ’Night SportsCentre Haven Cash Cab George S Paid Prog. Fights Is Written Paid Prog. Edmonton Powerboat Zero Hour ItSaving HopeEquestrian ” Elementary CFL ” Cash Cab 22 Minutes Paid Prog. Eskimos ” ” ” Driving ”TV Movie Night ”” Paid Prog. Football: Simpsons Celebrity Doc Zone Sports Stars ” Movie: Flashpoint Absolutely 48 Hours Pre-Race News Hour Operation ” PGA Tour Blue Simpsons Celebrity ” Big World SportsCentre “Nightmare ” Vancouver ” NASCAR PGA Tour Smile The Calgary Golf: John Bombers at Simpsons etalk Land KIRO News SportsCentre at the End Canada’s The Listener Stampede News& Sea Deere 48 Hours Racing: Golf: John Tiger-Cats CHBC App Central Mansbridge KIRO News ” of the News Hall” Worst ” Soccer: ” Nationwide Deere Driver ” Classic, ” Global Nat. CTV News The National CBS News SportsCentre News Final Lovett-Reid CTV News FIFA ”U-20 KIRORound News Series: New Classic, Third CFL CHBC News CTV News ” Marketplace KIRO News ” Saturday World Cup, omg! Insider England 200 Third Round Dr. Marla & ” ” Football: True Crime W5 The Calgary EntertainSportsCentre Night Live Would Be Final: Teams Paid Prog. SportsCentre Haven Cash Cab George S Paid Prog. BC Lions ” Stampede ment ’Night ” at Scene” ” Kings TBA PaidProg. Prog. CFL Cash Cab 22 Minutes Paid
Golf: John Deere
Third Round Fishn Haven Real Fishing ” Powerboat Simpsons Driving TV Simpsons News Hour Simpsons PGA Tour Global Nat. Golf: John Evening Deere News Classic, Fishn True Crime Third Round Real Fishing Scene Haven Powerboat Zero Hour ” Driving” TV Simpsons Movie: News Hour Simpsons “Nightmare PGA Tour Simpsons at the End Golf: John Global Nat. of the Hall” Deere Evening News Final Classic, News Saturday Third Round True NightCrime Live Haven Scene” ”
Countdown NASCAR
A&E 1
” ”
DISC 9 Overhaulin’
KAYU ; ” ” ”
Paid Prog. Paid Prog. How Met PaidI Prog. MLB Player Kids News MLB How I Met Baseball: Soccer Regional ” Coverage ” ”” ” ” Paid Prog. Paid PaidProg. Prog. Paid Prog. Raymond How I Met Kids News Big Bang MLB Player Two Men How I Met MLB Big Bang Soccer Baseball: Two Men ” Regional News ” Coverage Wanted ” Hell’s ”” ” Kitchen Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Goodwin How I Met Raymond 30 Rock MLB Player
TLC WTBS A Here< Comes Family Guy
Greener Lidia’s Italy
Here Comes Family Guy Here Comes Movie: Here Comes The Office Honey “The Here Comes The Office Here Comes Tempest” Here Comes Seinfeld Honey ” Here Comes Seinfeld Here Comes ” Here Comes Movie: Honey Jim Here Comes “Sherlock Here Comes King Here Comes Holmes” Honey King Here Comes ” Here Comes Family Guy HereComes Comes Movie: Here ” Guy Here Comes Family Honey “The Honey Movie: Here Comes The Office HereComes Comes“Terminator Tempest” Here Here Comes The Office Here Comes Salvation” Honey ” Here Comes Seinfeld Here ” ” HereComes Comes Here Comes Seinfeld Honey ” Honey Jim HereComes Comes Movie: Here Here ComesMovie: King HereComes Comes “The “Sherlock Here Honey King HereComes Comes Holmes” Here Here ComesTuxedo” Family Guy HereComes Comes Here ” ” Guy Here Comes Family Here Popoff Comes Witless” Peter Here Comes The Office Honey Movie: Paid Prog. Here ComesProtection The Office
Cooking ” Bob Builder European KCTS 9 Justin SciGirls PGA Time Tour Cooks: 15 Tree Fu Tom 3 Steps to Golf Delicious Exploration Incredible U.S. Open Years Kids News Health!-Joel Golf ”” KING 5” ” News Greener ” ” Italy Nightly ”News Lidia’s ” News Nick Stellino ” Bob Builder Pregame European Magic Cooking ” SciGirls PGA Tour Moments: MLS Soccer: KCTS 9 Justin Time 3 Steps to Sounders Golf The Best of at Cooks: 15 Tree Fu Tom 50s Pop Earthquakes Incredible U.S. Open Delicious Exploration Rick Steves’ Health!-Joel Golf” Years Kids News Europe ” Backroads ” ” KING 5 Travel Skills Do No Harm Greener ” ” ” Italy News” ” Lidia’s ” to Nightly News 3 Nick Steps KING News Stellino ” ” News Incredible Saturday Cooking ” Magic Pregame Health!-Joel Night Live KCTS 9 Justin Time Moments: MLS ”Soccer: ” 15 Cooks: Tree Fu Tom
KCTS N Nick Stellino
Here Comes King Honey King
” KING ” P ”
:00 Country Calendar Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Prog. rLake Racing: World Vision Marketplace Paid ” Simpsons ” Den Pets.TV 10 4 :30 NASCAR Nine for IX
Designer Mysteries
World Vision Dragons’ Coronation Lullaby”
CHBC News ” 11 5 :30 Baseball: SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2013 Hampshire News Nat. CTV First Story Louis Global News :00 St. Sprint Cup: MLB New
Joel Osteen Simpsons In Touch
App Central W5 etalk
Steven and Movie: Chris “Booky’s
12 6 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 1 :30 7 # $ % & :00 2 :30 :30 8 :00 :00 10 :00 3 :30 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 4 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 :00 5 :30 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :00 7 :30 12 :00 MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 10 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 2 :30 # $ % & :00 3 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013 :00 6 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 7 2 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 8 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 10 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 10 5 :30 :00 :00 11 12 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 1 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 11 :00 6 :30 12 :00 7 :30 TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2013 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 9 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 10 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2013 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 10 3 :30 :00 11 4 :30 :00 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 6 TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2013 :00 :00 2 7 :30 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 3 :30 :30 8 # $ % & :00 :00 4 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :00 5 :30 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 12 :00 7 :30 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 8 :30 WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 :00 :00 2 :30 9 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 3 :30 10 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 4 :30 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 4 :30 :00 11 5 :30 6 :00 :30 12 :00 7 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30
Paid Prog. IndyCar Kratts omg! Insider Designer Mysteries MLS Soccer: Wild The Blue World Vision Racing Little Prince Simpsons Fire at Planet Paid Prog. KIRO News Paid Prog. KIRO News
News Hour PGA Tour ” Golf: John Concert-Life Deere Simpsons Round Final Big Brother Classic, Big Brother ”” Round ” Paid Prog. Designer World Vision Paid Prog. Ultimate The Good Family Guy Paid Engineering Wife Prog. Amer. Dad Paid Prog. Joel Osteen omg!Prog. Insider Simpsons Mysteries Paid In Touch The Pets.TV Simpsons Mentalist Burgers PGA Tour News KIROJohn News News Simpsons Golf: PGA Tour KIRO News Final KIRO News News Dangerous Global Nat. KIRO Deere Golf: John CBS News News Hour Classic, Final Deere Face/Nation PGA KIRO News ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Round Classic, Final 60 Minutes Concert-Life ” Round ” Simpsons Paid Prog. Ultimate Big Brother Big Brother Paid Prog. Engineering ” ” omg! Insider Mysteries The Good Family Guy Pets.TV Simpsons Wife Amer. Dad KIRO News Simpsons Simpsons The KIRO News Burgers Global Nat. Mentalist CBS News News Final Hour KIRO News News KIRO News News Dangerous ” KIRO
Chicago Concert-Life The Cleveland SportsCentre PGA Cubs ” Simpsons Satisfaction Paid Prog. Mentalist
Heartland estate ” Stampede
60 Minutes Face/Nation ” Paid Prog.
SportsCentre Big Brother ” ”
Castle ”
The Calgary Big Brother Stampede ”
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Whodunnit? ”
” ”
SportsCentre ” Motoring SportsCentre Score Golf ” Softball: SportsCentre World Cup, ” Final: Teams TBA
Simpsons Burgers The Doctors News Final ” Dangerous Chef/Home PGA Debt/Part Paid Prog. Noon News Hour
The Mentalist The View CTV News ” CTV News The Marilyn The Denis Show Mentalist CTV News ”
SportsNation Days of our ” Lives
Anderson Live
Off Record Interruption
Dr. Phil ”
Bob Builder Magic
European Traveler
CBC News Bering The DiaAn IdiotSea Now mondWith Queen Gold Abroad 3
30 BigRock Bang The ce Two Offi Men
Medium Long Island Medium On
Princess Movie: and McLaughlin The Best of the “TheFrog” Bucket News 50s Pop
Golf KING News U.S. Open Nightly News
Christine The National Birak ” ” at Last Call ” the Oasis
PaidBang Prog. Big Paid Prog. Two Men Bones Cleveland ” Simpsons
Movie: List” “The Upside ” of Anger” Movie: “Evan ”
Golf 5 KING News ” ” America’s ” Got Talent
” Wife Swap Rescue Paid Prog. Whodunnit? Whodunnit? ”” Paid Prog. Cash Cab Summer Hair Castle Backlot Buzz Movie:” News “The Cake News World News Castle Eaters” KOMO” 4 News Burn Notice Whodunnit? Funny” Home Videos Whodunnit? Celebrity ” Wife Swap Cash Cab Whodunnit? Backlot ” Buzz
Medium Long Island Medium Medium Breaking Medium Amish: Medium Long Island Medium Medium Medium Breaking Medium Amish: Medium Breaking Medium Long Island Amish: On Medium Medium Long Island Medium Breaking Medium On Amish: Medium Long Island Medium Paid Prog. Medium Paid Prog. Medium Breaking Medium Amish: Medium Long Island Medium Medium Breaking Breaking Amish: Amish:
News Castle World ”News KOMO 4 News News Castle
Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage
Strikes Pick Again Splatalot Judy Moody Babysitting and the NOT Splatalot
KNOW KOMO * ` Whodunnit? Celebrity
A&E 1
Marketplace ” CBC News Now The The Nature National of Things ” CBC News the fiCall fth Now Withat Last estate the Oasis Christine The DiaBirak ” mond ”Queen ” The National ” The National ” ”” Last Call at Marketplace the Oasis The Nature ” of Things ” the fi fth The National estate”
LastIdiot Car An Standing Abroad 3 Auction MythBusters Auction ” Sons of An Idiot Guns Abroad 3 Gold Rush ” Cash Cab An Idiot How/Made AbroadSea 3 Bering An Idiot Idiot Gold An Abroad 3 Abroad Last Car3 An Idiot Standing MythBusters Abroad ” 3 Auction An Idiot Auction An Idiot Abroad 3 Abroad Sons of 3 MythBusters Guns ” Cash Cab An Idiot How/Made Abroad 3 An An Idiot Idiot Abroad Abroad 3 3
Leverage Simpsons ” Burgers Old House Jim Crook Family & Guy Chase Amer. Dad 30 Rock Outd’r The Office News Trout TV TMZ Paid Prog. Big Bang Paid Prog. ” Two Men Sunny Bones Big Bang Sunny” Two Men Spokane Leverage Cleveland ” Simpsons Crook & Simpsons Chase Burgers Outd’r Family Guy Trout Amer.TV Dad
The DiaLast Call at mond Queen the Oasis The National ” ””
An An Idiot Idiot Abroad Abroad 3 3 An Idiot MythBusters Abroad ” 3
Big Bang News Two TMZMen Big Bang ” Two Men Sunny
NEWS 7 ””
Concert-Life Sportsnet 2 in T.O. PGA Simpsons Race Two Paid Prog. Connected
MasterKlaus Arctic Snapshot
Funny”Home Storage Videos Burn Notice Storage
Bummer Last National Call at MythBusters Cleveland Judy Moody- The An Idiot Sunny Summer the Oasis ” 3 Simpsons ” Abroad Spokane
Long Long Island Island Medium Medium On On Long Island Breaking Medium Amish: Breaking Paid Prog. Amish: Paid Prog.
”” European PGA Tour LazyTown Law & Noodle Order: SVU Golf Traveler U.S. Open Crossing Backroads Lines Golf KING News KING ”News Nightly News The 206 ” KING ”5 Paid Prog. News Summer ” Hair America’s ” Got Talent LazyTown ” Noodle ” Traveler Law & Backroads Order: SVU
Movie: There Yet? “Evan There Yet?
History of for Arthritis Science Creation
KING News Crossing Nightly Lines News KING KING 5 News News The 206 America’s Paid Prog. Got Talent Summer Hair ” ”
Indy Lights ”
Born and Bred
Celebrity Wife Swap
Storage Storage
That’s-Weird Zoink’d!
Simpsons Burgers
Long Island Medium
Almighty” ”
Secrets of Chatsworth
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Poker After Dark
Dalziel and Pascoe
Whodunnit? ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Splatalot Babysitting
The National An Idiot ” Abroad 3
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Breaking Amish:
The Closer ”
Masterpiece Law & Mystery! Order: SVU
The National ” Poko CBC News Doodlebops the fifth Steven and estate Chris Stampede CBC News Now
The Mentalist The Price Is KIRO News Right KIRO News Young & Face/Nation Restless Paid Prog. KIRO News Bold
Simpsons Burgers The Doctors News Final ” Dangerous Chef/Home PGA Debt/Part Paid Prog. Noon News Hour
Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Blue Jays Connected ICC Cricket Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected Baseball Central
Dalziel and Pascoe Bucket-Dino All You Rolie Polie Need Is Berenstain Klaus Wild Kratts Snapshot Dino Dan Rob Robot
” The View News ” Castle KOMO 4 ” News Burn Notice The Chew ”
Duck D. Duck D. Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage The First 48 ”
Pick Splatalot Squirrel Babysitting League/Evil Splatalot League/Evil Judy MoodyKid vs. Kat Summer Kid vs. Kat Team Gal
Last Call at the Oasis CBC News ” Now With ” Reshmi Nair The National cont’d ” CBC News Now With
An Idiot Abroad 3 How/Made MythBusters How/Made ” Auction An Idiot Auction Abroad 3 Overhaulin’ ”
News TMZ How I Met ” Paid Prog. Sunny Family Feud Sunny Family Feud Spokane Funny Home Videos
Long Island Medium On Baby Story Breaking Baby Story Amish: Medium Paid Prog. Medium Paid Prog. What Not to Wear
Movie: “Road Trip: Law Order: Beer Pong” CI ” Law Order: There Yet? CI There Yet? Excused Excused
” The BletchSid Science ley Circle Wild Kratts Easy Yoga Daniel Tiger for Arthritis Rick Steves Creation Magic Moments:
Crossing Lines Today KING News cont’d The 206 New Day Paid Prog. Northwest Summer Hair KING 5 News
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
IndyCar Racing:
Clifford-Dog Miss BG
General Hospital
The First 48 ”
Rated A for Rated A for
Andrew Nichols
Deadliest Catch
Law Order: CI
Say Yes Say Yes
There Yet? There Yet?
The Best of 50s Pop
Days of our Lives
KNOW KOMO Castle * `
Doctors KNOW The KOMO ” * `
2 in T.O. Race Two
Friday Night Noon News ” Final: Teams TBA Hour Fights Global Nat. SportsNation Days our ” CHBCofNews ” Lives SportsCentre Ent Off Record The Talk ” ET Canada Interruption ” ” Psych SportsCentre The Ricki Off Record ” ” Lake Show Motoring The Doctors Get Out HockeyGolf Young Score ” Alive & Interruption Restless Softball: Chef/Home SportsCentre Under the Boxing: News World Debt/Part ”Cup, Dome Friday Night ” Final: Teams CHBC Noon News SportsCentre News Fights” Global Nat. Final TBA Hour ” CHBC News SportsCentre Days ET Canada SportsNation of our SportsCentre Ent J. Probst ” Lives ” ET Canada Off Record The Talk ” Psych Interruption ” Off Record ” SportsCentre The Ricki Motoring Get Out ” Lake Show Score Golf Alive
at Five CTV News
News CBC News
Global Nat. Noon News
” CTV News Anderson ” Live Big Bang Dr. Phil etalk ” Satisfaction The Dr. Oz Anger Show The View Amazing Ellen ” Race DeGeneres Show The Marilyn Mistresses CTV News Denis ”Show at Five CTV News CTV News CTV News ” ” Daily Show Anderson Big Bang Colbert Rep Live etalk Dr. Phil Satisfaction ” Anger The Dr. Oz Amazing Show Race
Now News Heartland Exchange ” George S Steven and Coronation Chris Murdoch Best Recipes Mysteries Stefano Poko Cracked Dragon’s Doodlebops ” Den Steven and The National News ” Chris News CBC News News S George Now Exchange Coronation Heartland George S Being ”Erica Coronation Steven and Murdoch Chris Mysteries Best Recipes Cracked Stefano ”
Bold KIRO News The CBSTalk News ” Ent Let’s a omg! Make Insider Deal How I Met ThisMinute Mike ThisMinute The Price Broke Girl Is Judge Right Mike Judy Judge Judy Young the & Under KIRO News Restless Dome KIRO News KIRO News KIROShow News Late Bold CBS News Letterman The Talk Ent Ferguson ” omg! Insider Let’s Make a How I Met Deal Mike ThisMinute Broke Girl ThisMinute Mike
Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Psych The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Get Out Young ” Alive & Restless Chef/Home Under the Early News Debt/Part Dome Global Nat. Noon News News Hour News Hour Final Hour ” ET Canada Days of our Ent J. Probst Lives ET Canada The Talk Psych ” ” The Ricki Get Out Lake Show Alive
Judge Judy Under the Judge Judy Dome
Young the & Under Restless Dome
KIRO News News KIRO KIROShow News Late
Early News News Hour Global Nat. Final
Beauty G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Sportsnet mentary Film Mistresses MLB Central Arthur” News ” Connected 2013 Home Rescue Martha News Beauty News Run Derby Wild Kratts World News MLB Player Volcanic Jimmy
News Hour ET Canada ” J. Probst
Poker ”After Dark ”
Young the & Under Restless Dome
Ellen DeGe- The Dragon’s Mistresses National neres ”Show Den ” News News CTV CTV News News NewsNews CHBC CBC at Five News S Final ” CTV News George
The Ricki Lake Show The Doctors Young”& Restless Chef/Home Debt/Part Early News
News Coronation Exchange Being Erica
KIRO News Letterman CBS News Ferguson
SportsCentre Ent ” ET Canada
Big Bang etalk
George S Coronation
Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada
” Off Record
Psych ”
Satisfaction Anger
Murdoch Mysteries
How I Met Mike
Psych ”
Motoring Score Golf
Get Out Alive
Amazing Race
Cracked ”
Broke Girl Mike
Get Out Alive
SportsCentre NASCAR ” Racing SportsCentre X Games ” ” SportsCentre X Games ” ”
Under the The Doctors Dome ” CHBC News Chef/Home Final Debt/Part ET Canada Noon News J. Probst Hour
Mistresses The View ” ” CTV News The Marilyn CTV News Denis Show Daily Show CTV News Colbert Rep ”
The National Poko ” Doodlebops CBC News Steven and George S Chris Coronation CBC News Being Erica Now
Under the The Price Is Dome Right KIRO News Young & Late Show Restless Letterman KIRO News Ferguson Bold
Under the The Doctors Dome ” News Hour Chef/Home Final Debt/Part ET Canada Noon News J. Probst Hour
SportsNation Days of our ” Lives
Anderson Live
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Days of our
Off Record Interruption
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
NASCAR SportsCentre Racing ” X Games Hockey ” Interruption
Doctors The Ricki ” Lake Show Chef/Home Young & Debt/Part Restless
The View Dr. Oz Show ” The EllenMarilyn DeGeDenis Show Show neres
PokoRecipes Best Doodlebops Stefano Steven and Dragon’s Chris Den
X Games 2013 Tour ” de France: SportsNation Stage 16 ””
Noon News News Hour ” Days our GlobalofNat. Lives CHBC News
CTV News News CTV at Five” Anderson CTV News Live ”
Off Record SportsCentre Interruption ” SportsCentre ” ” Off Record
The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The NCISRicki Lake Show ”
Hockey Amazing Interruption Race NASCAR 2013 Tour Racing SportsCentre de France: ” X Games Stage ”16 SportsCentre ” ” X Games SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” ” SportsNation ” ” Off Record Off Record Amazing Interruption Race SportsCentre SportsCentre ””
Young & Big Brother Restless ” The Doctors News ” NCIS: Los ” Angeles Chef/Home Global Nat. Debt/Part CHBC News CHBC News Final Noon News Ent Hour ET Canada Canada ET J. Probst Days of our NCIS Lives ” The Talk Big Brother ”” The Ricki NCIS: Los Lake Show Angeles
KIRO Lives CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk ( Deal_ ” Doctors The Ricki ” Lake Show Chef/Home Young & Debt/Part Restless
CBC News News Now News Heartland News ” Exchange
The Price Is ThisMinute Right ThisMinute Young & Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy KIRO News News KIRO Bold KIRO News The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News
Dr. Phil Big Bang etalk ” The Dr. Oz Movie: Show “The
Steven and George S Chris Coronation Best Recipes Rick Mercer Stefano 22 Minutes
Let’s Make a Ent Deal Insider omg! ThisMinute NCIS ThisMinute ”
The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The NCISRicki Lake Show ”
Ellen DeGeSorcerer’s neres Show Apprentice” The View CTV News Saving” Hope at Five ” The Marilyn CTV News Denis Show CTV News ” CTV News Big Bang ” Daily Show etalk Colbert Rep Anderson Movie: Live “The Dr. Phil Sorcerer’s ” Apprentice” The Dr. Hope Oz Saving Show ”
Dragon’s Arctic Air Den Poko ” News Doodlebops The National News Steven” and News Chris CBC News Exchange George S CBC News George S Now Coronation Coronation The Border Heartland Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes Steven and Arctic Air Chris ” Best Recipes The National Stefano ”
Judge Judy Big Brother Judge Judy ” The Price Is KIRO News Right NCIS: Los KIRO News Angeles Young & KIRO News Restless KIRO News CBS News Late KIROShow News Ent Bold Letterman omg! Insider Ferguson The Talk NCIS ” ” Let’s Make a Big Brother Deal ” ThisMinute KIRO NCIS: Los ThisMinute Angeles
Young & Big Brother Restless ” The Doctors Early News NCIS:”Los Global Nat. Angeles Chef/Home News Hour Debt/Part News Hour ” Final Noon News Ent Hour ET Canada Canada ET J. Probst Days of our NCIS Lives ” The Talk Big Brother ”” The Ricki CHAN NCIS: Los Lake Show Angeles
Noon News News Early Hour Global Nat. Days of our News Hour Lives ”
Lilly Dinosaur
Rob Robot The Dr. Oz Jungle Book Show Bucket-Dino The View Rolie Polie G. Shrinks KOMO” 4 MLB Central Arthur News Sportsnet Berenstain KOMO 4 Connected Wild Kratts News 2013 Home Martha News Run Derby Wild World News Baseball Dino Kratts Dan The Chew Central Rob Robot ” Animals KOMO” 4
IndyCar ” Racing: ” 2 in T.O. ” Race Two Sportsnet Party Poker Connected ” Sportsnet The Knock. Beauty Connected Multisport MLB Central Sportsnet 2013 Home Connected Run Derby Baseball Beauty ” MLB Player Central ” Poker After IndyCar Dark ” Racing: ” 2 in T.O. Sportsnet Race Two Connected Party Poker The Knock. ” Multisport
Clifford-Dog Gardens Miss BG Rescue Lilly Volcanic Dinosaur West Went Rob Bust Robot Jungle Book Bucket-Dino Andy WarG. Rolie hol:Shrinks A Polie DocuArthur Berenstain mentary Film Martha Wild Kratts ” Wild Kratts Dino Dan Rescue Animals Volcanic Rob Robot Gardens Andy Clifford-Dog Rescue Warhol: Miss BGFilm Volcanic Lilly West Went Dinosaur Bust Rob Robot Andy WarJungle Book hol: A Docu-
General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The The Dr. Oz Bachelorette Show The View ” KOMO” 4 News KOMO 4 Mistresses News ” News World News The Chew News KOMO” 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live General Wheel Nightline Hospital Jeopardy! The Doctors The ” Bachelorette The Dr. Oz ” Show ”
A&E 1
A&E 1
KIRO News Letterman CBS News Ferguson
News Hour ET Canada ” J. Probst
The First 48 ”
Almost League/Evil
Power & Politics
Duck D. Criminal Minds Duck
Sidekick Squirrel Squirrel League/Evil SpongeBob SpongeBob League/Evil Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob
Dynasty The First 48 ” The Glades The First 48 ” ” Longmire The First 48 ” ” Longmire The First 48 ” ” Criminal Duck Duck D. Minds Dynasty Duck D. Criminal The Glades Duck ” Minds Dynasty The First 48 Longmire The Glades ” ” Longmire The First 48 Longmire ” ” The First 48 Longmire ” ” The First 48 Duck ” Dynasty
Team MarvinGal Rated A for Victorious Rated A for The Next Almost Star League/Evil To Be Indie Sidekick To Be Indie Squirrel Squirrel Wipeout SpongeBob League/Evil Canada SpongeBob League/Evil The Next SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Star SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Boys Marvin Mr. Young Team Gal Victorious Secondhand Rated A for The Next Lions Rated A for Star Almost To Be Indie League/Evil To Be Indie Sidekick Wipeout Squirrel Canada
How/Made ” How/Made CBC News How/Made Now With How/Made Lang & Shred! O’Leary Reshmi Nair Shred! Auction cont’dNews Auction CBC To Be ” Announced CBC News Overhaulin’ Now With ” The National Sons of
DuckGlades D. The Duck D. ”
SpongeBob The Next SpongeBob Star
A&E 1
SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat
Andrew ” Nichols CBC News Power”& Politics The National ” ” CBC News The National LangWith & Now ” O’Leary Reshmi Nair CBC News CBC News cont’d ” ” CBCNational News The The National ” Now With ” Lang & Andrew CBC News O’Leary Nichols ” Power & The National Politics ” ” The National ””
MythBusters Anderson ” Live
Deadliest Guns Catch Don’t Drive MythBusters Here ” To Be How/Made Announced How/Made How/Made Sons of Shred! How/Made Guns Shred! Auction Don’t Drive To Be Auction Here Announced Overhaulin’ Fast N’ Loud Sons of ” Guns To Be Deadliest Don’t Drive Announced Catch Here MythBusters To Be ” Announced How/Made Sons of How/Made Guns
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”
Toddlers & Tiaras Baby Story Baby Story Breaking Amish: Medium Medium Cake Boss
The Office The ce Law Offi Order: CI Big Bang Big LawBang Order: CI Browns
Cat in the Arthur Sid Science Wild Wild Kratts Kratts WordGirl Daniel Tiger Rick Steves Business
Raymond Cake Boss Funny Home What Not to Wear Cake Boss
Katie Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGeneres Show New Day Northwest KING 5
Payne Excused
World Magic News
News KING 5
Videos Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI Big Bang Anderson Two Men Live Raising The Ricki Raising Lake Show How I Met New Girl Steve Paid Prog. Mindy Harvey Family News Feud Simpsons Family Feud 30 Rock Raymond Funny Sunny Home Big Bang TMZ Videos Two Men The Offi ce Law Order: Big Bang King of Hill CI Two Men Anderson Raising Live Raising The Ricki New Girl Lake MindyShow
Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Four Houses Say Yes ” Say Yes Cake Boss Toddlers & Cake Boss Tiaras Baby Story Four Houses Breaking Baby Story ” Amish: Medium Cake Boss Cake Boss Boss Medium Cake Cake Boss What Not to Breaking Cake Boss Amish: Wear Cake Boss Peter Popoff Say Yes FourYes Houses Paid Prog. Say ” Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss Toddlers & Four Houses Tiaras”
Excused Browns There Payne Yet? There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy The OffiGuy ce Family The Office Law Order: Amer. Dad Big Bang CI Movie: Big Bang Law Order: “Along Brownsa CI Came Payne Excused Spider” Browns Movie: Excused Payne “Biker Yet? There Seinfeld Boyz” There Yet? Seinfeld King Family Guy King Family Guy The Office Amer. Dad The Office Movie:
Moments: PBS The Best of NewsHour 50s Pop Easy Yoga Charlie Rose for Arthritis ” Antiques Cat in the Roadshow Arthur Sid Science Antiques Wild Kratts Roadshow WordGirl Daniel POV Tiger Business Rick Steves ” World News Magic” PBS He Touched Moments: NewsHour Me: Elvis The Best of EasyPop Yoga Presley 50s for Arthritis Charlie Rose Antiques ” Roadshow Cat in the Antiques Arthur Roadshow
News Nightly News Days News of our Lives Magazine Dr. PhilEd. Inside ” American Katie Ninja Warrior ” Today Get Out Ellen cont’d Alive DeGeneres Show New Day Siberia KING ”5 Northwest News KING 5 News Nightly News Jay Leno News News ” our Days of Magazine Jimmy Fallon Lives Inside Ed. Dr. Phil American ” Ninja Warrior Katie Get Out ” Alive
Steve News Harvey 30 Rock Simpsons Sunny Raymond TMZ Big TheBang Office Two King Men of Hill
Breaking Cake Boss Amish: Cake Boss Cake Boss Breaking Cake Boss Amish: Cake Peter Boss Popoff Cake Boss Paid Prog.
Big Bang “Along Big Bang Came a Browns Spider” Payne Movie: Browns “Biker Payne Boyz”
Wild POV Kratts WordGirl ” Business ” World News He Touched PBS Me: Elvis NewsHour Presley
Ellen DeGeSiberia neres ”Show KING KING 5 News News Jay Leno Nightly” News News Fallon Jimmy
Big Bang Two Men
Four Houses Seinfeld ” Seinfeld
Easy Yoga for Arthritis
Magazine Inside Ed.
Animals KOMO 4Live Longmire The Glades Andy Kimmel GardensFilm Nightline News Warhol: ” Wheel Jeopardy!
The Next Star
CBC News ”
Sportsnet Connected
West Went Bust
The Longmire Bachelorette ”
KNOW KOMO ” ” * `
To Be Indie To Be Indie
The National To Be ” Announced
Antiques Roadshow
American Ninja Warrior
Duck Dynasty
Wipeout Canada
Cake Boss Cake Boss
Andy Warhol: A Docu-
Raising Raising
The Knock. Multisport
The National Sons of ” Guns
New Girl Mindy
Four Houses Amer. Dad ” Movie:
Antiques Roadshow
Get Out Alive
Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected Beauty Sportsnet MLB Player Connected Poker After 2013 Home Dark Run Derby
mentary Film Bucket-Dino ” Rolie Polie Rescue Berenstain Volcanic Wild Kratts Andy Dino Dan Warhol: Film Rob Robot
Mistresses The View ” ” News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live The Chew Nightline ”
The Glades Criminal ” Minds Longmire Criminal ” Minds Longmire The First 48 ””
The Next Squirrel Star League/Evil Boys League/Evil Mr. Young Kid vs. Kat Secondhand Kid vs. Kat Lions Team Gal
CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Reshmi Nair ” cont’d Lang & CBC News O’Leary Now With
Don’t Drive How/Made Here How/Made Fast N’ Loud Overhaulin’ ” ” To Be Sons of Announced Guns
News How I Met 30 Rock Paid Prog. Sunny Family Feud TMZ Family Feud The Office Funny Home King of Hill Videos
Cake Boss Baby Story Cake Boss Baby Story Breaking Medium Amish: Medium Peter Popoff What Not to Paid Prog. Wear
“Along Law Order: Came a CI Spider” Law Order: Movie: CI “Biker Excused Boyz” Excused
POV Sid Science ” Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger He Touched Rick Steves Me: Elvis History of Presley Science
Siberia Today ” cont’d KING News New Day Jay Leno Northwest ” KING 5 Jimmy Fallon News
Clifford-Dog Miss BG
The First 48 ”
Rated A for Rated A for
Don’t Drive Here
Law Order: CI
My Teen Is Pregnant
There Yet? There Yet?
Cooking Days of our Joy/Painting Lives
” SNP ” ) ” Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet MLB Central Connected 2013 MLB 2013 Home All-Star Run Derby Game ”” ”” ”” ””
KNOW Hospital KOMO Lilly The Doctors * ` Dinosaur ”
Bucket-Dino Rob Robot Rolie Polie Jungle Book Berenstain G. Shrinks Wild Kratts Arthur
The View Dr. Oz Show ” KOMO 4 News News
Duck Longmire Dynasty ”
Longmire ”
A&E 1
A&E The First 48 1 ”
Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage
Lang News & CBC O’Leary ” CBCNational News The ””
The Ricki Lake How IShow Met Paid SteveProg. Harvey Family Feud Family Feud Simpsons
Rescue Volcanic
” ”
YTV Nichols NEWS Almost Power & 6 7 League/Evil Politics
Squirrel Sidekick League/Evil Squirrel League/Evil Odd Parents Kid vs. Kat Odd Parents
CBC News ” Now With ”
Don’t Drive Here
DISC To Be 9 Announced
How/Made How/Made
Sportsnet ” Connected Sportsnet
Reshmi Lang & Nair Overhaulin’ Licence to cont’d O’Leary Drill ” Dino Dan The Chew The First 48 Odd Kid vs. Kat CBC News News Sons of Martha News Storage Parents CBC How/Made Rob Robot ” ” Team Gal Now With Guns Wild Kratts World News Storage Odd Parents ” How/Made Clifford-Dog General The First 48 Rated A for Andrew Don’t Animals KOMO 4 Storage: NY Mr. Young The National Blood Drive & Oil Miss BG Hospital ” NY Rated A for Nichols Here ” Dogs/Jobs News Storage: Mr. Young ” Lillythe The Doctors Shipping The First 48 Boys Almost PowerNews & To Be Be Wheel CBC Deadliest Dinosaur ” ” League/Evil Politics Announced Creature Jeopardy! Shipping Mahone ” Catch Rob Robot The Dr. Oz Storage Sidekick ” How/Made Monarchy Extreme Shipping To Be Indie The National To Be Jungle” Book Show Squirrel ”” How/Made Weight Loss Storage Shipping To Be Indie Announced
MLB Central Sportsnet 2013 MLB Connected Sportsnet All-Star Connected Sportsnet Game Connected Sportsnet ” Connected Indy ” Highlights 2013 Home ” Run Derby Party Poker ” ”” ” ” Sportsnet ” Sportsnet ” Connected Sportsnet SNP Sportsnet Connected Connected
G. Shrinks It’s a Boy Arthur ” Bucket-Dino Martha Rolie I Was Polie Worth Wild Kratts 50 Sheep Berenstain Animals Wild Kratts Be the Dogs/Jobs Creature Dino Dan Be Robthe It’s a Robot Boy Creature ” Clifford-Dog Monarchy Miss BG ” Lilly It’s a Boy Dinosaur ” Rob IKNOW WasRobot Worth Jungle Book 50 Sheep
Sportsnet Party Poker Connected ”
Animals It’s a Boy Undersea ”
A&E 1
KOMO D. Kimmel4Live Duck Shipping News Duck D. Nightline Shipping
George S Coronation
Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada
History: Blue Frontiers of Wheel Jays Construction Jeopardy!
MasterChef ”
Dragons’ Den
Big Brother ”
Dodgeball: A Hidden CiTrue ties of Asia
” Elementary Sportscentre ”
MasterChef ”
Republic of Doyle
Criminal Minds
SportsCentre Camp ” ”
The Listener The National CSI: Crime ” ” Scene
Elementary ”
Underdog Story
Sportsnet Connected
NEWS 7 ”
Shred! Don’t Drive Shred! Here SpongeBob To BeN’ Loud Boys Fast SpongeBob Announced Mr. Young ” Marvin The National Sons Secondhand Lang & To Beof Victorious ” Guns Lions O’Leary Announced
Big Bang etalk
Big Brother ”
The First 48 ” Criminal Minds Duck D.
Storage Storage News Storage ” Storage The View Criminal News ” Storage Minds Body of Storage: NY World News Storage Proof Storage: KOMO 4 Criminal NY KOMO 4 Storage: NY News Minds News Shipping News Storage: NY Jimmy Shipping The Chew The First 48 Wheel” Shipping ” Kimmel Live Shipping Jeopardy! Shipping Nightline Shipping General The First 48 Extreme Shipping Hospital ” Weight Loss Shipping The Doctors The First 48 ” Storage ”” ” Storage The Dr. Storage KOMO A&ENY Body of Oz Storage: Show Storage Proof Storage: NY _ ( ) * ` 1 Hockey Young & Ellen News DeGe- CBC Dragon’s JudgeNews Judy News YoungHour & MLB Central Be G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Storage SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News KIRO Indy the News Shipping Interruption Restless neres Show George Den Judge Judy Restless 2013 MLB Arthur News Storage X Games The Doctors CTV The View Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors Sportsnet Bucket-Dino The View Criminal ” Final News S Late Show Final Highlights Creature Jimmy Shipping ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected Rolie Polie 2013 Tour News CTV News News KIRO News ET Early News All-Star Martha News ” Live Minds Storage SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Coronation Letterman Canada Party Poker It’s a Boy Kimmel Shipping Open Chef/Home The Marilyn and Young & Chef/Home Berenstain KOMO 4 Criminal de France: ” at Five News KIRO News Global Nat. Sportsnet Game” Wild Kratts World News Storage ”Cham- J. Probst Colbert Rep Steven The Border Ferguson J. Probst ” Nightline Shipping pionship Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Debt/Part Connected Wild Kratts News Minds Stage 16 Global Nat. CTV News News KIRO News News Hour ” Animals KOMO 4 Storage: NY X Games Noon News CBC News KIRO News Noon News Baseball Dino Dan The Chew The First NY 48 ” CHBC News CTV News ” Exchange CBS News ” ” Dogs/Jobs News Storage: ” Hour ” Now Bold Hour Central Rob Robot ” ” SportsCentre Ent Big Bang George S Ent Ent ” Be the Wheel Shipping Premier Days of our etalk Anderson Heartland The of our 2013 MLB Clifford-Dog General The First 48 ” ET Canada Coronation omg!Talk Insider Days ET Canada ” Creature Jeopardy! Shipping Poker Lives Live ” ” Lives All-Star Miss BG Hospital ” ” NCIS Movie: Rick Mercer NCIS NCIS ” Monarchy Extreme Shipping Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk Game Lilly The Doctors The First 48 Off Record ” “The 22 Minutes ” ” Sportsnet ” Weight Loss Shipping Interruption ” ” Chris Deal ” ” Dinosaur ” ” Amazing Sorcerer’s ArcticRecipes Air Big Brother The Big Brother Sportsnet It’s aRobot Boy ” Oz Storage SportsCentre Big TheBrother Ricki The Dr. Oz Best ThisMinute Ricki ” Rob The Dr. The First 48 Race ” ” Apprentice” ” ” ” Connected Storage Lake Show Show Stefano ThisMinute Lake Show ” Jungle” Book Show ” ” SportsCentre Saving Hope Dragons’ The National Judge NCIS: Los NCIS: Los Sportsnet I Was Worth KOMO Body of4 Storage: 2013 ESPY’s NCIS: Young Los & Ellen DeGeJudy Young & Party Poker G. Shrinks Duck D. NY ” Angeles Angeles Angeles Connected 50 Sheep Proof Storage: Countdown Restless neres ”Show Den ” Judge Judy Restless ” Arthur News Duck D. NY SportsCentre CHBC CBC News News Hour Prime Indy Time Martha Be the Shipping ” News News CTV News NewsNews KIRO News Early News Duck D. ” Final ” CTV News George Late Show Final Nat. Sports Highlights Creature JimmyNews Duck Shipping at Five News S KIRO News Global Wild Kratts World D. 2013 ESPYs ET Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre Canada Daily Show News Coronation CHBC News Colbert ” Rep Exchange ” J. Probst The Border
An Idiot Abroad 3
Big Brother ”
” ”
Moyers & Company The Road History of to Perfect Science The Closer Health Almighty” Secrets of ” Chatsworth Movie:”” Bob Builder “The Cyberchase Big Bang Easy Yoga The Closer Masterpiece Big Bang for Arthritis ” and McLaughlin Mystery! Princess Big Frog” Bang Magic” the News Movie: Big Bang Moments: “Road Trip: The BletchMovie: Moyers & Movie: TheCircle Best of “The Upside Beer Pong” Company ley “The Bucket 50s Pop ” Easy Yoga of Anger” The Road to List” Moyers & Perfect There ”Yet? for Arthritis ” Company There Yet? Creation The Closer Health Movie:” History ” of “Evan Science Big Bang Easy Yoga Almighty” Secrets of Big Bang for Arthritis ” Chatsworth Big Magic TheBang Closer Masterpiece Big Bang Moments: ” Mystery! Movie: The Best of Movie: ” “The Bucket 50s “Road Trip: The Pop BletchList” Moyers & Beer Pong” ley Circle ”” Company Easy Yoga
The Good Wife
Party Poker ” Sportsnet Connected Beauty
Duck D. Duck D.
The Middle Duck D. Suburgatory Duck D.
Kimmel Live Duck D. Nightline Duck D.
My Teen Teen Is Is My Pregnant Pregnant My Teen Is My Teen Is Pregnant Pregnant
King Seinfeld King Seinfeld The OffiGuy ce Family The OffiGuy ce Family
Charlie Rose Rick Steves Outd’r”Idaho Cat in the Lewis & Arthur Clark: Jour-
Dr. Phil Magazine Inside”Ed. Katie Hollywood Game”Night
Licence to How/Made Drill How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Flying Wild Mayday How/Made Alaska ”
Simpsons Sunny 2013I MLB How Met TMZ Paid Prog. All-Star The Office Family Game King ofFeud Hill Family Feud
My Teen Teen Is Is My Pregnant Quints Pregnant Quints My Teen Is Paid Prog. Here Comes Pregnant Paid Prog. Honey
Big Bang ” Big Bang Law Order: Movie: CI Browns “Step Up” Law Order: Payne ” CI
Wild Kratts Magic WordGirl Sid Science Moments: Wild Kratts Business The Best of Daniel Tiger World News 50s Pop Rick Steves
Ellen DeGeKING News neres Show Today Jay Leno cont’d KING ”5 New NewsDay Jimmy Fallon Northwest
Kid vs. Kat Mr. Young Team Gal
CBC News ” Now With
Rated A for Mahone Rated A for
Andrew ” Nichols
Deadliest Catch Catch
Mr. Young
The National Blood & Oil Blood ”& Oil
My Teen Is
Nightly News
Funny ”Home Here Comes Excused Pregnant Payne Videos Honey Excused
1962 KING NewsHour News 5 World’s Fair- News
Law Order: Raymond CI
Here Comes There Yet? Pregnant Seinfeld Here Comes There Yet?
Seattleour Outd’r Idaho Days InsideofEd. Future Lives
Big Bang The Ricki Two Men Lake Show
Here Comes King My Teen Is Amer. Dad Here Comes The Offi ce Pregnant Movie: Here Comes The Office
” ” ney in of the Corps Katie America’s Cat of Discovery Got Talent Arthur ”
News Steve 30 Rock Harvey
My Teen Is “Biker Here Comes Big Bang Pregnant Boyz” Here Comes Big Bang
Frontline Wild Kratts ” WordGirl
” Ellen DeGe” neres Show
Sunny Simpsons TMZ Raymond
My Teen Is ” Here Comes Browns Pregnant Movie: Honey Payne
Magic Business Moments: World News
KING 5 News KING Jay Leno News
Mr. Young The An Idiot Love Don’t LangNational & Flying Wild Mr. Young ” Abroad Cost a Thing O’Leary Alaska 3
Big TheBang Office Two KingMen of Hill
Here Comes Browns Paid Prog. “Step Up” Here Comes Payne ” Paid Prog.
PBS The Best of NewsHour 50s Pop
Nightly” News News Jimmy Fallon
Boys Boys
CBC News ”
Big Bang Two Men
Wedding Island
Amazing Magazine Underground Inside Ed.
To Be Indie To Be Indie
The National Deadliest ” Catch
MasterChef ”
Here Comes Family Guy Here Comes Family Guy
The National An Idiot ” Abroad 3
To Be Indie Almost To Be Indie Wipeout Sidekick Canada Squirrel
CBC News
The National Blood & Oil ” How/Made ” ”” How/Made
Prank Patrol Lang CBC News SpongeBob & Mahone ” SpongeBob O’Leary Boys SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob
The National To Be Power & To Be ” Announced
Deadliest Mighty Catch Planes
The National How/Made CBC News An Idiot How/Made ”” Abroad 3
Movie: “Evolution”
Hidden Cities of Asia
Anderson ” Live Raymond The Ricki Big Bang Lake Show Two Men
LangNational & The O’Leary CBC News ” Now With CBC News Lang & Reshmi ” Nair O’Leary cont’d
Boys Mr. Young
Indy Highlights
History of Business Science World News Cooking PBS Joy/Painting NewsHour
New Ellen Day DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 5 KING News News Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News
Today Katie cont’d ”
Odd Parents Boys OddYoung Parents Squirrel Mr. League/Evil Odd Parents Love Don’t League/Evil Odd Parents Cost a Thing Kid vs. Kat
Duck D. Duck D.
ET Canada J. Probst
Sid Science Cat in the Wild Kratts Arthur Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Rick Steves WordGirl
What NotIsto My Teen Wear Pregnant My Teen My Teen Is Is Pregnant Pregnant
Law Offi Order: The ce CI Office The Law Order: Big Bang CI Bang Big Excused Browns Excused Payne There Yet? Browns There Payne Yet?
Ellen DeGeAmerica’s neres Show Got Talent Today KING 5 cont’d ” News ” New Day Nightly News Northwest KING News News Jay Leno KING 5 Magazine News Inside”Ed. Jimmy Days ofFallon our Hollywood Lives Game Night Dr. Phil America’s ” Got Talent Katie KING ” ””
Wipeout Canada
Letterman Ferguson
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”
Wild Kratts ney of Corps WordGirl of Discovery Sid Science Business Wild Kratts Frontline World News Daniel” Tiger PBS Rick Steves Magic NewsHour Moments: History of Rick Steves Science The Best of Outd’r Idaho 50s Pop Cooking Lewis & Joy/Painting Clark: JourCharlie Rose ney of Corps ” of Discovery Cat in the KCTS Frontline Arthur”
Prank Patrol CBC News Prank Patrol ”
Coronation The Tudors
Funny Home All-Star Videos Game Law Order: ” CI ”
Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Law Order: Browns CI “Biker Payne Boyz” Law Order: Browns CI ” Payne Movie: Excused Seinfeld Excused “Step Up” Seinfeld There ”Yet? Family Guy There Yet? Family Guy King Amer. Dad King Movie: The Office WTBS “Biker The Office Boyz”
Duck D. Duck D.
SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst
Baby Story My Teen Is Baby Story Pregnant Medium My Teen Is Medium Pregnant
WTBS King KingA
My Teen Is My Teen Is Pregnant Pregnant Baby Story My Teen Is Baby Story My Teen Is Pregnant Pregnant Medium My Teen Is Medium My Teen Is Pregnant Pregnant What Not to My Teen Is Wear Paid Prog. Pregnant Paid Prog. My Teen Is My Teen Is Pregnant Pregnant My Teen Is My Teen Is Pregnant Pregnant My Teen MyTLC Teen Is Is Pregnant Pregnant
Duck D. Duck D.
History: Blue Frontiers of News Jays Construction Jimmy
HowRicki I Met The Paid Prog. Lake Show Family Feud Simpsons Family Feud 2013 MLB
Simpsons Big Bang 2013 MLB Two Men How I Met All-Star Paid NewsProg. Game 30 Rock Family Feud Family” Feud Sunny ” TMZ Funny Home ” Videos The Office Raymond King Order: of Hill Law Big Bang CI Two Men Anderson Big Bang Live Two Men The Ricki KAYU News Lake Show 30 Rock
Mod Fam Neighbors
News Hour Final
TLC My Teen Is < Pregnant
Family Guy Family Guy
Licence to Blood & Oil Drill ” How/Made How/Made Deadliest How/Made Catch Overhaulin’ Blood ”& Oil How/Made ” How/Made Sons of Deadliest Guns Flying Wild Catch AlaskaDrive Don’t To Be Here Announced To Be Blood & Oil Announced ” How/Made DISC Deadliest How/Made Catch
ABC’s The Lookout
KIRO News Late Show
KAYU Anderson Live;
Lang & The National O’Leary ” CBC News CBC With News Now CBC News ” ” Nair Reshmi The National cont’d The National ” ” CBC News CBC News Now With Lang & ” O’Leary Andrew The National Nichols ” Power & The National Politics ” ” NEWS CBC News ””
CBC News George S
Odd Parents Wipeout Odd Parents Canada Squirrel Odd Parents League/Evil Prank Patrol Odd Parents Mahone League/Evil Mr. Young Kid vs. Kat Boys Mr. Young Mr. Kid Young vs. Kat Boys Team Gal Love Don’t Mahone Cost a A Thing Rated for To Be Indie Rated A for To Be Indie Almost Wipeout League/Evil Canada Sidekick YTV Prank Patrol Squirrel Mahone
” ”
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News
Daily Show Colbert Rep
Movie: Big Bang “TheBang Cyberchase Backroads PGA Tour A13 Big Moments:
Splatalot Judy Moody Zoink’d! and the NOT Mr. Young Bummer Boys Summer Movie: That’s-Weird “Dennis the Zoink’d! Odd Parents Odd Parents Menace” Splatalot ” Babysitting Zoink’d! Dennis the Babysitting Pick Menace Splatalot Splatalot Strikes Zoink’d! Babysitting Again Splatalot Mr. Young Judy Moody Boys Judy Moodyand the NOT Summer Movie: Bummerthe “Dennis Summer Menace” That’s-Weird ” Zoink’d! Dennis the Splatalot Menace Babysitting
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”
” Big Brother SportsCentre ”
Medium Breaking Medium Amish:
Zoink’d! Strikes Babysitting Again
Movie: 4 KOMO “The NewsCake Eaters” Funny Home Videos”
ThisMinute ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judge Judy Judge Young Judy & Restless KIRO News
Ent ET Canada
Old House Outd’r Jim TV Trout
” Duck D. ” Duck D. Shipping Storage Shipping Storage Shipping Storage Shipping Storage Movie: “True Lies” Duck Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. D. ” Duck D. D. ” Duck Duck D. Duck D. ” Duck D. ” Storage Duck D. Storage Shipping Duck D. Shipping Storage Duck D. Storage Shipping Storage Shipping Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage Duck Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. D.
Animals of Frontiers Animals Construction Volcanic MasterRescue Arctic Race Two Ancient Indy Lights Born and ” Clues ” Bred IndyCar Wild Kratts Racing Little Prince Sportsnet Be the Poker After Dalziel and Connected Creature Dark ” Pascoe Little Prince MLS Soccer: The Blue IndyCar Pre- Dalziel Finding Stuff Sportsnet and Fire at Planet Connected Pascoe Race Animals Whitecaps Voyage IndyCar Animals Blue Jays All You FC Cricket Need Voyage ICC Is Racing: Volcanic IndyCar Frontiers of 2 in T.O. Rescue Sportsnet Klaus Racing: Construction Connected Snapshot Race Two Ancient 2 in T.O. Master” Clues Race Two Arctic Sportsnet Be the Indy Lights Born and Connected Creature ” Bred MLS The Blue PokerSoccer: After Dalziel and Fire Planet Darkat Pascoe Whitecaps Voyageand Sportsnet Dalziel FC Voyage Connected Pascoe IndyCar Frontiers of Blue Jays All You Racing: Construction ICC Cricket Need Is
Steven and Chris
” ”
Gold Rush An Idiot ” 3 Abroad
Race IndyCar IndyCar Racing: Racing: 2 in T.O. 2 in T.O. Race Two
Best Recipes Stefano Poko Doodlebops Dragon’s Den Steven and Chris News
Global Nat. Daily CTV News ET Canada Show CHBC News Colbert ” Rep J. Probst
Odd Parents CBC News Dennis the the fifth Odd Parents Now Menace estate
” Little Prince Paid ” Whitecaps Voyage NewsProg. Duck D. IndyCar Pre- Finding Hair Duck D. ” FC Voyage Stuff Summer World News
SportsCentre The Ricki The Dr. Oz ” Lake Show Show Motoring The Doctors The View Score Golf ” ” Hockey Young & Ellen DeGeInterruption Restless Show Softball: Chef/Home neres The Marilyn World Cup, Debt/Part DenisNews Show Boxing: News CTV
Hockey SportsCentre Interruption ” Boxing: SportsCentre Friday”Night Fights SportsCentre ”
The Talk ”
PGA News Tour CBS Golf: KIROJohn News Deere 60 Minutes Classic, ” Final
Joel Osteen Simpsons In Touch Global Nat.
Land & Sea Crush” 300 Tour The Calgary Cardinals at PGA CHBC News First Story ” ” ” Golf: John Canada’s Stampede Chicago Concert-Life Cleveland Heartland SportsCentre Deere Worst Driver ”” Cubs Simpsons Satisfaction SEC Storied Big Classic, Final Cash ” SportsCentre Brother CastleCab The Calgary ”” Round Cash ” ”Vision Mansbridge Stampede NASCAR Designer WorldCab Coronation Racing: World Vision ” Marketplace SportsCentre Ultimate Movie: Best Recipes NASCAR Family Guy Whodunnit? ” ” Engineering “Broken Stefano Racing Amer. Dad ” Sprint Cup: Joel Osteen App Central Steven” and Nine for IX Mysteries Lullaby” Dragons’ New In Touch etalk Chris SportsCentre Simpsons The The National ”” Simpsons ” Den ” Burgers Mentalist Hampshire News First Story Land & Sea MLB Simpsons W5 Story Movie: 300 PGA Tour First The Calgary SportsCentre News Final CTV News CBC News Baseball: CHBC News CTV News ” “Booky’s ”” Dangerous the fi fth Golf: John Canada’s Stampede St. Louis Global Nat. Worst CTV News Crush” SportsCentre Deere PGA The Driver estate” Cardinals at CHBC News ” ” ” Paid Prog. Mentalist Stampede SEC Storied Classic, Final Cash Cab ” Chicago Concert-Life Cleveland Heartland ” Round Cash Cab Mansbridge Cubs Simpsons Satisfaction ” SportsCentre Ultimate Movie: Best Recipes SportsCentre Big Brother Castle The Calgary ” Engineering “Broken Stefano ” ” ” Stampede Nine for IX Mysteries NASCAR Family Guy Lullaby” Whodunnit? Dragons’ ” ” Simpsons ”” Den ” Racing Amer. Dad MLB Simpsons W5 Movie: SportsCentre Simpsons The The National Baseball: CHBC News Mentalist ” “Booky’s ” Burgers ” St. Louis GlobalFinal Nat. CTV CTV News News Crush” SportsCentre News CBC News Cardinals at Dangerous CHBC News CTV News ” ” ” the fifth
Rescue Movie: Cash Cab Duck D. Paid Prog. “True D. Lies” Backlot Buzz Duck
An Idiot Abroad 3
Big Bang Anderson Two Men
My Teen Is
My Teen Is Family Guy Here Comes King Pregnant Family Guy
Seinfeld Seinfeld
Lewis & Hollywood Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Clark: Jour- Game Night
Nature ”
America’s Got Talent
MasterChef ”
Wedding Island
America’s Got Talent
News 30 Rock
Here Comes “Step Up” Honey ”
Nazi Mega Weapons
The National An Idiot ” Abroad 3
Sunny TMZ
Here Comes ” Here Comes Movie:
Prime Suspect
KING News Jay Leno
Lang & O’Leary
The Office King of Hill
Peter Popoff “Step Up 2 Paid Prog. the Streets”
Dyer Wishes ” Fulfilled Jimmy Fallon
An Idiot Abroad 3
To Be Announced
Amer. Dad Movie:
Rick Steves
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Lake Country Calendar
A14 A14
Your community. Your classifieds.
250.766.4688 fax 250.766.4645 email
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Career Opportunities
Farm Workers
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
Help Wanted Apply Within Your path to a better job starts here.
Lost & Found
NEW ZEALAND, Australia, Europe: Dairy, beef, sheep, hog and cropping opportunities for young adults (18-30). Apply now! AgriVenture arranges job and host, work permit, trainee wage, flights & insurance. Ph: 1-888-598-4415
• Excavator Operators • MSE Wall Foremen • Loader Operators • Skidsteer Operators • Dozer Operators • Skilled Laborers
Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.
Flatiron is one of North America’s fastest growing heavy civil infrastructure contractors, with landmark projects across Canada. We have established ourselves as a builder and employer of choice.
LIVE-IN MANAGER for 50 unit apt. bldg in Trail, B.C. Send resume to 100-3525 Laburnum Drive, Trail, B.C. V1R 2S9. POWELL RIVER Community Services Association is seeking an experienced Poverty Law Advocate. For more information, please e-mail Julie Chambers, Executive Director.
Offering Competitive Compensation! Flatiron has been named Heavy Civil Contractor of the Year in Alberta and has been recognized as a 2012 Best Workplace in Canada.
Income Opportunity
Please apply by sending your resume to Trevor Argue or fax (1)780-454-8970 Please indicate in your email which field you are applying for.
NOW HIRING! Earn extra cash, simple work. P/T-F/T. Can be done from home. Acceptance guaranteed, no experience required, all welcome!
Education/Trade Schools
Financial Services
CanScribe Education
LOST- 10’ Dark green FLY FISHER flatbottom boat, together with removable wheeling device. Last seen parked in our yard along Carrs Landing Road in Lake Country. Went missing either Wednesday, June 12 (night) or early Thursday June 13 morning. The boat is very special to our family; grandfather made the wheeling device. Please call 250-766-3248 with any information. LOST Female Maine Coon/ Calico Cat on June 14th in the ELLISON AREA. answers to “Kitty” PLEASE CALL cell # 1-(204)-470-5905
Employment Business Opportunities MEADOW LAKE Business for sale. Self-serve car wash + r/o water vending station + computer repair business. Also 1000 sq.ft. of unused indoor space to develop. Serious enquiries only please phone 306236-3339, 306-240-7778 or email:
Career Opportunities QUAD L Enterprises Ltd. - a Vegetation Maintenance company is looking for: CUA’s, CA’s, UTT’s, UTW’s and Labourer’s. Work locations throughout Alberta and British Columbia We offer: Competitive compensation Company benefits Excellent Health and Safety Program Please submit resumes with drivers abstract to: Fax: (780) 532-1250
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Need CA$H Today? Own A Vehicle?
Borrow Up To $25,000
No Credit Checks!
Cash same day, local office. 1-800-514-9399
DENA KATHLEEN LEVERE It is with great sadness and sense of loss that the family of Dena Levere announce her sudden passing on June 24, 2013. Dena born February 10, 1934 spent all her years in Calgary until retiring to Winfield in 1989. Dena was a willing volunteer. Spending time with family was what she enjoyed most. Dena will be forever missed by her loving husband and best friend Wilf of 58 years, two sons Jeff (Suzy), Randy (Tara) two grandchildren Jenna and Justin who were the light of her life. Survived by one sister Laura Lawless, two sister-inlaws Evie & Nedra Lawless, nieces, nephews and good friends. She was predeceased by her parents Joe & Doris Lawless, brothers Pat, Joe, & Ashley Lawless. It was Dena’s wish that there be no funeral or memorial service. And ask that those whose lives she touched, take a moment to reflect on their memories of Dena, remembering her in your own special way.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 10, 2013 A15 A15
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Legal Services
Garage Sales
Misc. for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
CRIMINAL RECORD? Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
LAST Garage Sale of My Life, Years of Treasures, ONE day only, July 13, 8am-3pm, 9151 Glenmore Rd., Winfield.
STEEL BUILDINGS, metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206
VICTORIA CONDO FOR SALE Bright 3rd floor 1 bedroom 1.5 bath adult complex along the Gorge waterway. Unit offers patio with water view,in-suite laundry,fireplace,updated paint & new flooring,Tennis court, indoor pool,hot tub,sauna and well kept grounds. Low strata fee and city bus out front to UVIC, Camosum or down town. Excellent rental investment or live in. Great value at $204,900. call 250-615-7225 or 250-886-8397 for pictures and more info.
Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282
Painting & Decorating WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM
(1) 250-899-3163
3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Merchandise for Sale
Fruit & Vegetables
250-766-2628 Furniture
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;53 in stock. SPECIAL 44â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
Misc. for Sale
19,951 Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how many companion animals will need loving, new homes this year. Will you open your home to one?
Auto Financing
Misc. Wanted
AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.
PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
Real Estate Lakeshore
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
LAKEFRONT home and acreage for sale on Francois Lake, BC. Guest cabin, 50x50 heated shop, 2 car carport, on over 3 private acres with approx. 350 ft of Lake Frontage. $380,000. 250-695-6975 or email:
RESTLESS LEG Syndrome and leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.
Mobile Homes & Parks
STEEL BUILDING - DIY summer sale! Bonus days extra 5% off. 20x22 $3,998. 25x24 $4,620. 30x34 $6,656. 32x42 $8,488. 40x54 $13,385. one end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.
DreamTeam Auto Financing â&#x20AC;&#x153;0â&#x20AC;? Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
Maxed out? I can help! 250-859-7264
Realty Executives OKANAGAN
*NEW QUEEN MATTRESS SET* Pillow Top in Plastic. Mfr. Warranty Must Sell $200 ~ (1)(250)870-2562
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 years experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
250-766-0326 250-766-0301 250-212-2914
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;Ś Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
Roosters Barber Shop â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Your Community Barber Shopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man!
Monday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days) Saturday & Sunday 9-4
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
7JTJU PVS PGmDF TIPXSPPN BU 'JU[QBUSJDL ,FMPXOB e Serving thn Okanaga 0 Since 199
250.765.1180 1.866.207.4444 NBEHFSPPĂ OH DPN $BMM UPEBZ GPS ZPVS '3&& &45*."5&
/FlCE &AX (250)766-2594 #ELL (250)258-6707
Make this space work for you! Call Michelle or Shayla 250-766-4688 Prices: 2.5â&#x20AC;? x 1.75â&#x20AC;?, full colour: Only $15
â&#x20AC;˘Kitchens â&#x20AC;˘Baths â&#x20AC;˘Floors & More FREE ESTIMATES Ken Goodwin
778-363-0533 â&#x20AC;˘ 250-766-0535
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Canada Day at Beasley Park offered fun, food, fire trucks and entertainment for everyone.
Make Water Work! region-wide campaign
Farmers`Market Fridays (3-7) at Swalwell Park
Get the most from your water:
Lake Country Farmers` Market has something for everyone… from fresh organic veggies, olive oil and bread, to popcorn, poutine and pulled pork, and let`s not forget the handmade jewelry, soaps, clothes, preserves and baked goods. Enjoy your Friday afternoon at Swalwell Park where there is plenty of parking, picnic tables, a skateboard park and water park for the kids, and live entertainment. You might even learn something about how to conserve energy in your home and how to protect our waters from invasive mussels.
Water between dusk and dawn Water grass, not pavement Leave grass 2-3 inches tall (5-8cm) Leave grass clippings as mulch Aerate your lawn and top dress with compost Change out some lawn for droughttolerant turf
Take the MAKE WATER WORK PLEDGE and enter to win $5000 in WaterWise yard improvements from
Visit Quail Trail expansion opens July 16 You are invited to a ribbon
cutting event to celebrate the work done to extend
Quail Trail.
When: 6:00 pm Tuesday, July 16th Where: Park at the end of Bonnie Rd. Ribbon cutting just down the path.
Communities in Bloom Celebrate Lake Country’s uniqueness! Show community spirit doing all you can to increase the quality of liveability in Lake Country.
Communities in Bloom Judges tour is July 15th.
Thanks to the dedicated Walk Around Lake Country (WALC) volunteers and contractors that have worked through rain and shine to get this pathway complete for everyone’s enjoyment! Keep up to date with
what’s happening
in the community. Scan this colorful QR code to go directly to the municipal website and see the upcoming events.
Communities in Bloom
2013 Tour Route
If you want your public community event posted on this calendar please email