Kitimat Northern Sentinel, July 17, 2013

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Volume 58 No. 29

Wednesday, July 17, 2013



$50K to carry Food Share to 2014 With no other source of money, the Kitimat Food Share turned to the District of Kitimat for more funding, following the $20,000 already given following this year’s budget process. Kitimat Community Services Society’s Executive Director Denise O’Neill said that the Food Share program — which is run under the banner of KCSS — was in dire straits before council approved the funding. “We don’t have the ability to extend ourselves anymore,” she said. What council approved was a boost of $50,000, which will carry the Food Share into 2014, when council will begin looking at their next budget. Meanwhile, councillors will lobby on KCSS’ behalf to get better support from other levels of government. Mario Feldhoff, who put forward the motion for Food Share’s extra funding, said that council will have to talk to the government on many issues, from infrastructure needs to social services. He hopes a positive response to future talks will mean Kitimat taxpayers will feel less of a pinch in coming years. “To some extent, [people] are encouraged to come here from other parts of the province and we need some provincial help,” he said. He was referring to a surge of people coming to Kitimat seeking employment, and who are not finding the path to a better life they were seeking.

“There definitely is a disconnect between the skills the unemployed people have with what the industries are looking for,” said O’Neill. “There also is...the barriers that some of the unemployed people bring to the table when they look for work.” Those barriers include attitude, life problems and history of violence and abuse, she said. The new surge of money for KCSS is immensely helpful to the organization, which doesn’t have any specific funding for the Food Share program, which is operated under the society’s literacy program. O’Neill said that the society has helped pay for the program by diverting funds from various programs. “With our other programs...we’re stealing [Food Share’s] away from those budgets, and skimming ours off those budgets to provide staffing to keep food share open.” The $20,000 the Food Share already received this year from the District went towards basic needs such as space rental and utilities. Because many of KCSS’ programs are seasonal, there were many budgets they simply couldn’t take from to keep Food Share running. The literacy program, for instance, doesn’t run in the summer so there is no money to divert. The $50,000 from the District to carry Food Share into 2014 will be drawn from the District’s $200,000 reserve set aside for ‘social issues.’ Continued on page 3

RDKS has recycling questions too Margaret Kujat, the environmental services coordinator for the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine, says the recycling future in the Terrace and Kitimat area is going to be in “limbo” for a little while as everyone comes to grips with the Multi Material BC (MMBC) program. MMBC will later this year be issuing requests for proposals for collection and processing of paper and packaging material for recycling, in many places meaning a curbside pick-up of the material. The program, which is a shift that means industries will be taking on the cost burden of collecting the recycling material rather than taxpayers, has been raising questions that not many seem to have an answer for. Those questions include who will be in charge of the

material — municipalities have until September 16 to decide if they want to take on the duties — and where the material will go. While Kitimat’s KUTE recycling depot would make sense, there are concerns that they don’t have the space to take on all the new material. (See Sentinel, July 10.) Kujat said the regional district is considering a recycling pick up program for the greater Terrace area, which she said will hopefully align with programs from the City of Terrace. “People are quite keen to divert and recycle what they can, and the only thing that ends up in the landfill is the stuff that can’t be diverted, ie: sewage pumpage, or the odd bit or bob that has to go to the landfill,” she said. A regional district pick-

up program, which would be planned to go as far south as Lakelse, would coincide with the opening of a regional landfill at Forceman Ridge, when Terrace and Thornhill’s landfill close. Thornhill is slated to become a transfer station. The transfer station in Thornhill would hopefully have a recycling component built into it, she said. “That’s the plan, but we’re rolling out this integrated plan because you can’t talk about one thing without talking about the others,” she said. “If we don’t integrate recycling, what will people do with it?” She agrees with many of the concerns raised by Ken Maitland in the paper last week. A solution has to be found as to where the recycling products can go. Continued on page 7

It’s a new highrise on the Kitimat landscape, but depending on who you ask it’s either a sign of better cellular service from Telus in the area, or an eyesore. A caller told the Sentinel that the tower, across from the fire hall on Kingfisher, is an ugly addition to the neighbourhood. Telus spokesperson Liz Suavé said that the company usually attempts to put antennas on top of existing, tall buildings but no such location was available in the area, that would bring the coverage they wanted. The 45 metre tall tower is expected to be fully operational by the end of July. She notes that Telus held consultations with the District of Kitimat during planning, which included showing plans at an open council meeting, and sent information packages inviting comment to about 200 residents and businesses. The tower costs about $500,000.


Town plan wins award ... page 3

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Pedro’s Grill

Just so there’s no misunderstanding, in our story on KUTE from July 3, page 1, the vote to give the recycling society the $30,000 was passed unanimously by the seated councillors, however councillor Rob Goffinet did excuse himself from the discussion and eventual vote due to a conflict of interest as he has family who work at the KUTE depot.

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Safety Tip of the Week When camping, keep a clean campsite free of garbage or food out in the open.

First Nations Police (FNP) Constable Brad Walsh with the Kitimat RCMP detachment held a bike rodeo in the parking lot of the Haisla Recreation Centre on July 3, taking advantage of a warm day, to teach a group of kids proper bicycle safety. Shown is Walsh giving the left-turn signal to kids and supervisors of the Haisla Youth Program.


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Regional briefs Assault

Terrace RCMP arrested a 41-yearold man for cutting the throat of another man in Terrace July 8. A passerby waved police down and directed them to a residence on Mountainview Ave. for a disturbance where police found a man covered in blood on top of another man. Officers arrested the man on top and the man on the bottom fled. I nve s t i g a t i o n determined that the man who had fled had cut the throat of another man, who was inside the residence. Officers checked the area and located the man with the public’s help, hiding in tall grass. He was arrested without incident. Police have forwarded charges of aggravated assault and breach of recognizance on the 41-year-old man, who’s from Kitimat. He was released on recognizance on July 11.

New job The BC Liberals’ candidate for the Skeena riding in the last general election has taken the position of District Trades Careers Coordinator for the Coast Mountains School District. The District announced Carol Leclerc’s new position Thursday, and it takes effect August 1. Leclerc joined the school district in 1990 as the secretary to the director of instruction for special services. In 2003 she became executive assistant of human resources, and has had that job ever since. The role of District Trades Careers Coordinator is a new position in the school district, and according to their press release will “provide district leadership in the development and implementation of a comprehensive Career Education Program.”

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3

Town plan wins national award Cameron Orr The District of Kitimat is getting good mileage out of its 1952 master town plan. The Director of Community Planning and Development Gwen Sewell recently returned from a conference where the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) bestowed their annual “Vision in Planning” award to Kitimat for its original master plan. In the words of the CIP, the Vision in Planning award is to recognize “community plans that have achieved or exceeded their intended expectations and represent a significant contribution to Canadian planning heritage.” That description fits the bill, as far as Sewell is concerned. “Certainly I think the 1952 plan for the townsite of Kitimat is definitely one of those ones,” she said. Even though we’re over 60

years from when that 1952 plan was made, it still provides value to today’s planning. “We still refer to the original townsite plan on occasion,” she said. “It’s got some valuable historical information in it.” She notes that Kitimat is quite unique in that most other communities don’t have a master plan that was put together before the town was established. It means there was real care put into how things would be developed. “We were planned from the outset so there was some logic applied to where things went, even in terms of identifying the best location of the townsite,” she said, noting the town is distanced from industry through a green belt and by the Kitimat River itself. She said the plan has been valuable in the sense that people in Kiti-

Food Share Continued from page 1 When that money was set aside in April of this year, the intent was to make the money available to front line social services. It would be used to provide a buffer against the strain many areas are already feeling with an influx of people into the community, many seeking employment. Back then, and in this latest debate as well, there were some minor concerns that the District providing money to front-line services might detract from their ability to get funds in the future from higher levN O R T H els of government. That is part of the reason KCSS didn’t get their originally proposed request from the District for the Food Share, which would have committed to two-year funding at $127,476. In explaining the Food Share’s need, O’Neill said that following the Canada Day long weekend, there were 16 people waiting at the doors of the WorkBC office, all asking for a service such as a soup kitchen. kitimat

mini storage

District of Kitimat planning staff around their Vision in Planning award, just before hanging it on the wall. From left to right are: Darcy Roszell, Bryna Kaines, Daniel Martin and Gwen Sewell. District of Kitimat photo mat have always had this clear view on how the town was initially designed and can appreciate the way the town has separate areas. In a media release following the award, Mayor Joanne Monaghan said that the town appreciates the award and added that, “Much time

has passed and [the council recognizes] the vast changes that are happening at the present time in Kitimat. “We must further develop the initial concept as quickly as possible to fit today’s needs of remaining a sustainable community.”

Food share survey revealing With KCSS’ presentation to councillors at the July 8 Committee of the Whole, they also included the results of a random survey of 25 users of the Food Share program. The statistics show revealing information about how important the program is to certain people.


For instance in the past two years, eight of the 25 respondents said that they have moved twice, and six say they’ve moved once. The inability to afford rent was the prime reason people had to move. Most people who responded to the survey used so-


cial assistance as their income source (10), and eight people said Disability was their income source. After paying for rent, 14 people said the money they’d have left would be between zero and $250 dollars. Only one person replied that they’d have more than $1,000.




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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email • KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.

Reduce or refuse Forthcoming recycling changes from Multi Material BC, which you may be aware of over the course of three news articles, including one in today’s paper, means a confusing time for recycling providers in the area. It’s a good plan though, which will mean more material gets recycled than even now, and could possibly herald the beginning of curbside recycling in Kitimat. The challenge, however, is that no one is quite sure where the materials are going to go. The Kitimat Understanding the Environment (KUTE) depot is currently packed to the brim with material, and they had to ask Kitimat Council for an extra bit of money to help them hire a long-term manager to help deal with their back log. Even so, the prices on recycled carboard and paper is so low right now that KUTE loses money for every truck they send out. Which is why everyone’s just so unsure about MMBC, because no one quite understands how it will all play out in practice. It could also mean the KUTE depot goes over capacity. Margaret Kujat at the regional district thinks a regional set up may work in the long term. Will help cut down on redundancy if another depot gets built to service the regional area. That’s the direction things seem to be headed. Terrace’s landfill will be closing and Thornhill’s will turn into a transfer station, while Forceman Ridge, near Onion Lake, will open as a new landfill. Kitimat however has so far managed to steer clear of getting tied up into a regional set up. The existence of KUTE, and a helpful staff at our landfill that help take recyclable material out of the trash stream, means we have it pretty good right now. The municipality has until September to decide if they want to be included in Multi Material BC’s program, and collect recycling as well as trash. (Just as a note, this would be a service that we are not directly taxed on.) This question is challenging though. If the District picks up the material, will it go to KUTE? And if KUTE can’t handle it, then what? Will there be an alternate location to take the stuff to by the time the program begins? Like Margaret Kujat said to me last week, it’s in a sense one of those north versus south issues. In places where communities are so closely tied together, it may be easier to get programs like these off the ground. But in the north, it’s just not quite so easy, and a plan with the best intentions just makes a big headache. Cameron Orr

Fishing regulations clear as mud Under Miscellaneous

Looking for a nice, complicated read this summer, one which comes free of charge, but where a mis-read could cost you money in terms of fines and, even perhaps, a whole lot of inconvenience? by Allan Hewitson Oh, wait, you’re not looking for that? Well, frankly, neither was I but I got one anyway and tried looking for in either of the 100 and 90 to wade my way through it last week. page documents: can you catch and eat It is of course a provincial regulations a trout from the Kitimat River? document so, as you might expect, and Sure it could be there, but I’m a it’s jam-packed with exceptions, con- reasonably bright, adult, occasional tradictions and irrelevant banter, as angler who has been casting a line for well as warnings, alerts and some ad- 60 years, but I couldn’t find what I was vertising. looking for in a sensible, understandTo make things easier there’s a able form and I’ll be darned if I’m goshort version and a long version. Some ing to switch to the doubly-baffling of you have already guessed. Yes, it’s the baffling, prodigiously assembled website, which is truly a different kind 2013-15 B.C. freshwater fishing regu- of nightmare in itself. lations synopsis and its accompanying Googling the question itself doesn’t 2013-15 British Columbia tidal waters help, it just directs you back to various sports fishing guide, issued by Fisher- fishing regulations websites, including ies and Oceans Canada. That’s because that of Fisheries and Oceans Canada the tidal portion of the Kitimat River which (I suspect ‘politically correct’) ends upstream, somewhere south of describes the B.C. fishing regulations Strawberry Meadows. synopsis as “Mobile friendly and upDoubtless one or the other may dated daily, our sport fishing guide has even contain the information you are a whole new look...” So much for that. looking for but, sorry, after extensive Anyway, I surmise from my pereffort I could not find the one line I was egrinations through the documents you

can keep a single coastal cutthroat or rainbow trout daily from the Kitimat River or its tributaries not under 30cm and only between July 1 and Oct. 31, after which date all trout are catch and release. And bull trout and Dolly Varden are catch and release all year. So know your trout if you’re in a stream. But I am warned that “in season regulation changes may have been adopted since this synopsis was published.” These will be posted on...well you know the rest. Turns out I guess, if I want to eat or smoke a trout this season I’d better catch it in a lake, or buy it from the seafood department of a grocery store. However, Steve Thomson, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations takes some space to wish me “a safe, enjoyable and memorable two years of angling in beautiful British Columbia a few sentences after he warns me that the government of B.C. is clamping down on aquatic invasive species which pose significant threats to native biodiversity values, and if I am caught with an improperly cleaned boat with traces of a zebra or quagga mussel, alive or dead, I can be fined up to $100,000. Continued on page 11

Working together bringing the news to you. Community newspapers a s s o C i a t i o n

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Contents Copyrighted Canadian Publications Mail Product, Agreement No. 477761, Canada Post Corp., Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.

Sarah Campbell Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Tracey Keohane Ad Assistant Publisher Editor Classifieds/Administration

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Reader still takes exception READER’S WRITE

Dear Sir, A Reply to Mayor Joanne Monaghan Re: Bylaw Zoning and OCP Change Joanne, you still miss the point. What you quote in your letter and what is stated on the Kitimat District website, are “guidelines only”, not law. If the constituents want to discuss information covered at the public hearing with their elected representatives, there is no law, either provincial or municipal, forbidding this discussion. You, as mayor, have no power to circumvent this right.

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You also say that councillors cannot get any new information once the public hearing is closed. Well, again you are wrong. If new information is discovered, then there must be another public hearing so that the councillors and the public can be advised of this new information. This is only common sense. As councillors were forbidden by you to gather any further information, how are you ensuring that they are not getting more information from magazines, newspapers, TV or the Internet about the zoning bylaw changes under discussion? You have been on council for so many years; you should know by now what is right. You must be aware that former councils have never been subjected to similar undemocratic restrictions. When will you apologize to the council and public for misleading them? Christine Wozney





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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, July 17, 2013 5


The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed. Unsigned letters will not be considered.

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2013-07-12 5:07 PM

6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Kitimat Modernization Project and the Environment

Rio Tinto Alcan’s new smelter will have a near 50% less overall environment emission impact. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

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Our Commitment The health and safety of Kitimat smelter operations employees, their families and the wider community is a priority for Rio Tinto Alcan. This is why Rio Tinto Alcan has committed to working in close cooperation with the BC Ministry of Environment to ensure regular ongoing monitoring, and if necessary, to take action to mitigate any impacts of increased SO2 on human health and the environment.

Kitimat Modernization Project Building the future together.

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2013-07-12 6:50 PM

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, July 17, 2013 7

Nechako Centre up for grabs For $1.7 million Nechako Centre can be yours. The infamous building in Kitimat’s Nechako neighbourhood, which was once a prime shopping destination but now has been rundown by age, may possibly see new life, with its recent listing through a realtor. Mayor Joanne Monaghan said that the Nechako Centre has been an ongoing priority for the Unsightly Premises Task Force since it was formed. “That was the one property we had the most feedback on,” she said. “Now [the property] is up for sale.” The Task Force has worked with the District of Kitimat administration to set a plan on how to address unsightly premises, and with the Economic Development Office, who sent out letters to landowners whose properties were deemed an

issue by them. The listing’s description for the Nechako property says, “With the current economical development the potential to revitalize this once bustling property is tremendous.” The property is listed through Kitimat Realty. The current owner of the property, Lloyd Wittowski, who lives in Terrace, didn’t say much about his reason to sell the place now, which he’s owned for over 10 years. He simply said that at his age it was time to let it go. He did have plans for the building. He said at a time he had wanted the local RCMP, for instance, to have a sub-detachment based there, to reduce response times for incidents up the hill. The arrangement never quite panned out. Unsightly premises are a challenging issue to municipalities.

RDKS Continued from page 1 “Anything that’s on that MMBC list, the person who does the bid...well, you’re expected to take it all, including the Styrofoam and the toothpaste tubes...that’s a huge, huge facility. Where do we find a piece of real estate like that?” she said. “There’s just all kinds of logistics that may not occur to those who wrote this thing who originate in the south.” Figuring out how all the components will work is crucial to developing a plan so the area doesn’t wind up with two different recycling depots. As confusing as it is, it could be a good plan, she said. “We think it’s going to be a convenient solution for people, if we pick up their refuse in addition to some component of a recycling portion,” she said. Yet it will be quite the learning curve. “I think any municipality you talk to is wrestling with this,” she said. “What I’ve heard in some feedback is many communities have been integrated into the Blue Box system for a very long time and have their citizens trained to use their Blue Boxes. Well guess what, when this MMBC thing comes down the pipe that changes that. The Blue Box system goes out the window.” She said a regional approach may be Kitimat’s best bet moving forward as it deals with how to work out recycling issues. Kitimat has always stood alone because it already has a great system, she said, noting the existence of KUTE, a landfill, and having people at the landfill who are good at helping people divert materials from the landfill. “Maybe Kitimat will eventually opt towards that [collaborative] direction because it may become easier, more convenient...I think for awhile we’re going to be in limbo.”

Kitimat Chief Administrative Officer Ron Poole said determining an unsightly building or property is different depending on what town you’re in. “In Kitimat’s situation we have a lot of old housing stock, probably more from the 70s, maybe 80s, whenever Kitimat hit it’s peak,” said Poole. “The concern in this community is just the deterioration of structures.” A municipality can get its power to deal with unsightly properties through the Community Charter. And in so many

words, a town can approach property owners the easy way or the hard way. That means either encouraging development, or imposing fines and ticketing owners. “Almost like a penalty system,” he said. Because the economy is doing so well in Kitimat right now, he said, they want people to either develop their properties or sell them off. “There is now value. Over years that value wasn’t really going up so people were holding on.” He added, “I think that’s the sort of road the municipal-

Members of the Kitimat Unsightly Premises Task Force at Nechako Centre, after it went up for sale. Left to right: Wendy Kraft, Trish Parsons, Joanne Monaghan, Lorne Crosby, and Marg Moore. ity should be going down, is working with and encouraging business owners, home owners, to develop the property, rather than

imposing penalties.” The benefit to Kitimat is further improving property values, and encouraging further development.

He said an investor coming to town seeing deteriorating buildings may shy away from putting any of their own money in town.

RTV Stolen from Industrial Avenue The Kitimat RCMP are looking for information regarding a stolen Kubota RTV1100. The small vehicle was taken from a commercial compound on Industrial Avenue on July 5. It is a 2012 year

model, orange, with a serial number of 37484. Also severely damaged, RCMP say, was a Kubota RTV1140, which was damaged sometime between the night of July 4 and the morning of

July 5. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the RCMP at 250-632-7111, or remain anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800222-8477.



This notice is published pursuant to section 4 of the Recall and Initiative Act. Approval in principle has been granted on an application for an initiative petition. The petition will be issued to proponent Dana Larsen on Monday, September 9, 2013 and signature sheets must be submitted to the Chief Electoral Officer by Monday, December 9, 2013. The Title of the Initiative is: An initiative to amend the Police Act. Summary of Initiative: The initiative draft Bill entitled, “Sensible Policing Act” proposes to amend the Police Act to no longer use provincial police resources on the enforcement of current laws in relation to simple possession and use of cannabis by adults. The draft law would prohibit the use of provincial police resources for this purpose, would require police to report in detail to the Minister of Justice any actual use of resources for this purpose and why it was necessary, and require the Minister to publish that report. The Bill also proposes that the province would call upon the Federal Government to repeal the federal prohibition on cannabis, or give British Columbia an exemption, such that British Columbia is able to tax and regulate cannabis similar to the regulation of alcohol and tobacco. As well it proposes that British Columbia shall establish a Provincial Commission to study the means and requirements necessary for the province to establish a legal and regulated model for the production and use of cannabis by adults. Last, the Bill would make non-lawful possession and use of cannabis by minors an offence similar to possession and use of alcohol.

Initiative Advertising: Individuals or organizations who sponsor initiative advertising, other than the proponent and registered opponents, must register with the Chief Electoral Officer before they conduct or publish initiative advertising. Registration applications are available from Elections BC. Who May Sign the Petition: Registered voters as of Monday, September 9, 2013 may sign the initiative petition. Individuals may only sign the petition once, and must sign the petition sheet for the electoral district in which they are registered at the time of signing. Signed petitions are available for public inspection. For More Information: The initiative application and draft Bill are available for public inspection on the Elections BC website and at the Elections BC office at the address below. Location: Suite 100 – 1112 Fort Street, Victoria, B.C Mailing Address: PO Box 9275 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9J6 Phone: Toll-free: Fax: Email: Website:

250-387-5305 1-800-661-8683 250-387-3578

Opponent Registration: Individuals or organizations who intend to incur expenses as opponents must apply for registration with the Chief Electoral Officer by Monday, August 12, 2013. Registration applications for opponents are available from Elections BC. / 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 1 - 8 6 8 3

8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, July 17, 2013






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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, July 17, 2013 9

High school sees a VP switch-up for new year them come up with a project [students] could Shaun McKenna is wrapping up a four do in pretty much every curriculum,” said McKyear career in Kitimat as the vice principal for Mount Elizabeth Middle/Secondary School, enna. and is leaving behind a technological legacy. The school now has around 37 iPads. McKenna is moving on to the Kamloops Kitimat was the first in the school district School District, taking the post as principal to start such a program, and McKenna said that in the town of Clearwater for an elementary Caledonia and Skeena Middle School in Terrace school, leaving room for incoming VP, current are beginning to embrace them as well. MEMSS teacher Dan Striker. As for his successor, he feels Striker will do It’s the natural progression of McKenna’s great in his new role. career, he said, and when the opportunity came “I think he’s going to be great, he’s got a carup he just couldn’t say no. ing and love for the kids,” he said. “He wants the He joined the Kitimat school four years kids to succeed sometimes more than they do.” ago, after wrapping up four years in Dehli, InStriker, who has been a teacher at the high school for 21 years, is understandably excited for dia, working at an animation college. Before the new position as well, and is the first time he’s that he worked as an administrator in a K-12 sought an administrative position. school just north of Calgary. “The administration team right now is very “I think the elementary is going to be a regood,” he said as one of the reasons the job was ally nice change,” he said after a career in a high appealing to him now. school, and working with adults in India. He’s signed up in a Masters program for EduHe said working with younger kids helps him feel younger as well. He speaks highly of cational Leadership at Vancouver Island UniverAt left, outgoing VP Shaun McKenna with one of the school’s iPads. At the school’s relatively new program of using sity, and faculty there also encouraged him to right, incoming VP Dan Striker. iPads as one of his career highlights in Kitimat. seek the administrative role. As an example, one English class used the iPads to “The technology has caught up to my ideas,” he said of “I think this is a great school, we have really great staff tablets, which provide portability that computers and even create a comic book based on a Shakespeare play, as a way members and our students are awesome here,” he said. to prove they understood it, rather than writing out an es- “It’s a great place to be.” laptops can’t match. Students in the school are now integrating the iPad tab- say. Among his early ambitions in the role, he said he’s The iPad program began about a year and a half ago, going to be looking at performance assessment programs let computer into their education, using the device’s apps and MEMSS teacher Dave Durrant has been assigned to in the classrooms. to create projects for schools. “That’s where we need to go next, to help our students “This is just a way of allowing them to express their work on the programs. “His job was to plan with them [teachers] and help be successful in the classroom.” knowledge in the way they know how,” said McKenna.



Owl be there in the summer Five species hang out in summer/autumn March 21 left winter in the rear view mirror and signaled longer days and warmer temperatures ahead. Longer days or actually daylight is also a signal for birds to begin shaking a few feathers and preparing for their airborne migration northward. Throughout the warmer spring months, we see or hear flocks fly overhead or suddenly have a host of sparrows and finches at our feeders. These birds spare no effort to let us know they are back. Another family of birds, however, seems content to keep their presence on the quiet side…at least during the day. At night, when most migrants are flying high overhead, owls focus their attention to either their next meal or finding a mate. Hoots, squeaks, whistles, or even screams remind us they too recognize that winter is over. During the summer and autumn months, we can expect to see five species of owls hang out in our neighbourhoods, parks, and forested lands. Two of these are small and hard to see but call often from secluded perches. Three others, much larger tend to be loud, boisterous, and have been known to put on a thrilling vocal exhibition.

Nature’s Path By Dennis Horwood

The Northern Pygmy-Owl has the distinction of being our smallest owl. They are not much bigger than a sparrow but what they lack in size is compensated in aggression. They are fearless and will attack birds twice their size. This was witnessed by a Kitimat resident. After parking her car in the driveway, she noticed a large mass on the lawn. On close inspection, a pygmy owl had pinned a blackbird to the ground. Even with the close approach of a human, the tiny owl did not release its death grip on the blackbird that was twice its size. Saw-whet Owls are a size larger but lack some of the fierceness of their smaller cousins. Saw-whets’ diet consists mainly of mice, shrews, and large insects. They have a softer personality and seldom show themselves. You may, however, hear them from a considerable distance. Their call

note sounds like a file sharpening a metal blade – a metallic squeaking repeated over and over. Short-eared Owls fall into the category of a larger owl. These crow-sized birds visit our area during the spring and fall migration. A few may stay the winter if the snowfall is light. Shorteared owls often hunt throughout the day although they seem to favor mornings and late afternoons. They perch on prominent posts or branches while scanning for movement along roadways or in the grass. The two biggest resident owls have loud hoots and cackles, are very aggressive and don’t seem to mind making daytime appearances. Great-horned owls are one of the largest owls on the continent and possibly the best known. Their ‘voice’ is the background for many Hollywood movies when spooky,

dark, or mysterious sound effects are needed. Hobby farmers with backyard chicken coops may have had close encounters with them. To an owl, a chicken tastes much like a grouse. Most of this owl’s diet centers around larger mammals such as rats, rabbits, and squirrels. If you have golfed at Hirsch Creek or walked along the Pine Creek trail, you have been in prime territory to see or hear a Barred Owl. This species is by far the most common of our large owls. If your home borders a woodlot, there is a good chance you have heard their haunting ‘Whooo Cooks for Youuuuu?’ at anytime of day or night. From an overhead perch, their dark, beady eyes scour the forest floor for their favorite meal – mice. They do, however, like some variety and will capture birds or squirrels, and perhaps reptiles or amphibians. No matter what the size or sound, any owl sighting seems to be memorable. Keep your eyes open and your ear tuned while out in your yard or walking one of our many trails. Sooner rather than later you’ll see or hear one of these solitary residents.

Barred Owls are quite fearless and will visit backyards if they think there might be a meal waiting for them. Around town, they seem to prefer lowlands with small streams nearby.

10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, July 17, 2013 A10

Wednesday, July 17, 2013 Northern Sentinel

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.

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Help Wanted




Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

Tamitik Status of Women is seeking a Children’s Counsellor. This is a temporary 1 year position with approximately 30 hrs/wk. The successful candidate will provide counselling, education and advocacy to children between the ages of 3 and 18 who have experienced serious family conflict; and emotional and parenting support to parents regarding the impact on their children of witnessing violence. The ideal candidate will have: • efficient time, organizational and stress management skills; • class 5 driver’s license with 2 year clean driver’s abstract and a reliable vehicle; • excellent verbal and written communication are essential; • be able to demonstrate ethical thinking, respecting the diversity of our community; • Bachelor’s degree in a related human/social service field or an appropriate combination of education, training and life experience will be considered; • Skills including coordination and group facilitation would be an asset. Closing Date: July 19, 2013 For more information on the position go to: Resumes with cover letter may be dropped off or mailed to: 350-370 City Centre, Kitimat, B.C. V8C 1T6

Help Wanted

Home Care/Support

The Lemare Group is accepting resumes for the following positions: • Certified Hand Fallers • Office Highway Logging Truck Drivers • Log Loader Operator • Grapple Yarder Operators • Boom Boat Operator • Chasers • Hooktenders • 2nd Loaders-Buckermen • Heavy Duty Mechanics Fulltime camp with union rates/benefits. Please send resumes by fax to 250-956-4888 or email to:

REGISTERED Nurses - Bayshore Home Health is hiring casual, on-call RNs with skills and experience in: IV drug infusion, phlebotomy, flu clinics, wound care, patient assessments, staff supervision, delegation possess an outstanding work ethic; a passion for superior client service, and a reliable vehicle, pls forward your resume to shof tasks. If you are: personable, energetic, positive; Only those shortlisted will be contacted.

CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.


Farm Workers

Business Opportunities ALL CASH Drink/Snack Vending Business Route. Complete Training. Small Investment Required. 1-888-979-VEND (8363).

LOOKING for an outdoor enthusist who would like a rewarding carreer in the guide outfitting industry. We will train on the job. Will be on horse back hunts.(250) 789-9494

We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.

Business Opportunity in Kitimat, Terrace and across Western Canada

Coastal Limousine in Kitimat is looking for a part-time Limousine Driver. Mail resume and drivers abstract to PO Box 56, Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2G6. No phone calls.

Do you want to operate your own business with minimal investment and an unlimited earning potential? If so then Mac’s may be what you are looking for. We currently have business partnership opportunities available across Western Canada. Please e-mail David Scott at: for more information VOTED BEST side businesses. Make money while helping your community be a better place. We provide set up/training. No selling involved. 1-855933-3555;

EXPERIENCED FULL-TIME buncher and butt’n’top operator required for a logging contractor in the Smithers area. Competitive rates & benefit package available. Please call 250-847-1531 or 250-8470586 or fax resume to 250847-1532

WESTBURNE Electric, a leader in electrical product distribution, is currently looking for a Branch Operations Manager for our Kitimat branch. Your responsibilities will be to manage the operations of the branch including sales, warehousing, expenses, budgeting and inventory. For this position you will require to have at least 2 - 3 years related supervisory and sales experience; be computer literate and be a team player with excellent interpersonal and organizational skills. To apply for this position, please send your resume in confidence to

CanScribe Education




Chilliwack, BC

Serving Fraser Valley & Lower mainland. Must have valid BC Mines ticket & Worksafe BC ticket. Excellent wage & Benefit package. Attention Bryan Kirkness @ Western Explosives Ltd.

GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message. For Information 1-800-972-0209. Haisla Shuttle in Kitimat has an opening for a fulltime Bookkeeper. Strong knowledge of bookkeeping practices required. Drop resumes at 623 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat. No phone calls please KITIMAT


Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi. $12.50/hr. We are also hiring part-time dispatchers. Send resume & drivers abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls KITIMAT FORTUNE KITCHEN is hiring a full-time/part-time delivery driver. Must have own vehicle. Drop resume off at 410 Enterprise Ave. Phone 250.632.3828

MAINTENANCE/LOADER OPERATOR NEEDED This is a fulltime, permanent position starting immediately at our plant in Princeton, BC. Minimum of 10 years maintenance experience required on a variety of production and mobile equipment. Experience in a post mill, or small to medium size sawmill preferred. Must be able to handle a variety of tasks, work well with minimum supervision and be part of the team. Please submit resumes by fax 250295-7912 or email

Full time Heavy Duty Mechanic Chilliwack, BC

The successful candidate must have experience on all types of equipment & transport trucks. Mechanic must have their own hand tools. This position requires the ability to work in all weather conditions with minimal supervision. 3rd & 4th year apprentices may be considered. Excellent wage & benefit package. Email resume to:

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has openings for full time/part time COOKS, SERVERS and DISHWASHERS. Days and Evenings. No experience necessary as we train. Please email or bring resume to Rosario’s in Kitimat. No phone calls please

Income Opportunity NOW HIRING! Earn extra cash, workers in demand for simple work. P/T-F/T. Can be done from home. Acceptance guaranteed, no experience required, all welcome!

Labourers GUARANTEED Job Placement. General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry Work. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-888-213-2854

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

We are accepting resumes for the following part time positions at our Kitimat location:


Must have experience operating a front end loader.

CERTIFIED HYDRAULIC CRANE OPERATOR Email resumes to For more info phone: 250-628-9281












ARE YOU DOING ANYTHING ADVENTUROUS OR EXCITING THIS SUMMER? No matter what you’re doing, you will probably be taking pictures. Why not try to win a prize?


Not afraid to put it on the record that you are

Rosario’s Restaurant

Happy Thoughts

NORTHERN Savings Credit Union has openings for Full time Member Services Representatives for our Masset & Queen Charlotte branches on Haida Gwaii. If you are interested in providing excellent customer service and have good time management and organizational skills. Minimum Qualifications: Secondary school diploma, working knowledge of Microsoft Office. Previous financial services, sales and customer service experience preferred. Please apply online at

A very happy 3rd Wedding Anniversary to my lovely wife, Kristy.

Wonderful Opportunity in a busy restaurant.

PIZZARAMA in Kitimat is now hiring Cooks & Drivers. Must be able to multi task, have good communication skills & work well in a fast paced environment. Bring resume to PIZZARAMA 171 Nechako Centre after 2pm. No phone calls please

Attention: Ken Vance @ Western Explosives Ltd.



Full-Time Year Round

LIVE-IN MANAGER for 50 unit apt. bldg in Trail, B.C. Send resume to 100-3525 Laburnum Drive, Trail, B.C. V1R 2S9.

Career Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools


TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.








Take a picture of somebody reading the in some exotic or strange Northern location and send it to us. If we print your picture we will give you



Every entry will be included in an end of the year draw for a GRAND PRIZE of a FREE one year subscription to the Kitimat Northern Sentinel!

Send your photo along with the name of the person, the place and date it was taken to: The Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave. Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 or email your digital photo to: Sentinel, Wednesday, July 17, 2013A11 11

Northern Sentinel Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Merchandise for Sale






Trades, Technical

Misc. Wanted

Apt/Condo for Rent

Cars - Domestic




CHEVALLIER GEO-CON Ltd Rocky Mountain House, Alberta requires experienced Cat, Hoe, Mulcher Operators, servicing Western Canada. Safety tickets required. Fax resume to 403-844-2735.

Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030


Classifieds Get Results!

Newer Buildings Elevators Security Entrances Covered Parking Balconies

32’ FIBERGLASS FERRELL BOAT 370hp 8.1L John Deere Diesel, 1500hrs on engine. Trolling valve, Bow Thruster, 3 Stage Steering. 2 Hydraulic Deep lines, Hydraulic Trap Puller, 3 Sounders, Radar, 8’ Dinghy, 2 Radios. Com-Dev Auto Pilot, Spare Prop. Can be seen at MK Bay Marina. Assessed at $84,400. Contact Warren Poff at 250.632.6119 or 250.242.1789 $65,000 Firm (will consider trade for part)

Reduced to $5,900 OBO Moving - must sell 21’ Fibreform Cabincruiser Kitimat - 5.7L - V8 Mercruiser with Alpha 1 leg. Great running condition. Brand new exhaust manifolds, batteries and starter (over $2000 spent). Stringers and floor replaced. 40 gal alum gas tank. Sleeps 3 comfortably. Heavy duty double axle trailer included. Ph: 250-632-5673



Real Estate

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Business for Sale OPA Franchise for Sale. In Prince George BC. Great Mall location. Call for info. 1(250)524-0183

Commercial/ Industrial Property GRAVEL PIT / Acreage For Sale in Crawford Bay, BC on Kootenay Lake East Shore. 16 acre licensed gravel pit for sale, with or without equipment (request equipment price). Also have approval for 3 lot subdivision. Older double wide mobile on property. Bordered on two sides by crown land. Abundant wildlife. $249,000 Call Chris @ 250825-4701 or 250-354-9238;

For Sale By Owner

Need CA$H Today?


Homes for Rent 4 - 3 and 2 Bedroom Homes and Town Houses for rent in Kitimat. Starting August 1st - Go 2 click on BC click on Kitimat or call Stan 780 974 3945

Kitimat Rental 3 bedroom. Fenced yard. n/s, n/p. Kildala area. $1,250/mo. Utilities not included. Available August 1 778-631-2028

Townhouses THREE bedroom townhouses for rent. 1.5 baths, carport. 1084 Nalabila. $950 per month. Close to all services. Call 250-279-2727

TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110

1971 300SEL 3.5 Mercedes Benz. 75,000km. Very good condition, always garaged, never driven in winter. Well maintained. Maintenance records, service/parts book. Manuals. Some spare parts. 250-632-6755

17 ft. Alum. Canoe “Spring Bok” very stable, perfect of family / hunting canoe. $600. ---------------------------------13 ft. Alum. Canoe “Sports Pal” very stable & very light, 2 seats. $500. Call (250) 692-2372

Serious inquiries only Please

Trucks & Vans 1996 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 Pick-up. c/w tonneau cover, CD stacker. $5,000. 250-632-6797 Kitimat

Boats 14’ ZODIAC - 40HP Mariner on trailer. $5,000 14’ Aluminum Boat with oars. $200 250-632-6797 Kitimat

1990 Bayliner 29.5ft. $26,000 or trade for newer 5th Wheel or two newer quads with trailer. 250-639-9643 30ft Farrel Boat Volvo diesel, Borg Warner gear, V-drive, VHF radar, auto pilot, sounder, fully equipped for fishing or cruising. $30,000 403-342-1661

We’re on the net at

STERNDRIVE FOR SALE 2005 Volvo Penta 225 hp EFI FWC V6 (600 hours), XDP Duoprop, F4 SS propset. Control unit & cables. $5,000 obo. Suitable for boats 19-22 ft. Please call: 250-632-5342 or email:

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Pets & Livestock

Livestock PUREBRED KATAHDIN Sheep, lambs, adult ewes, also mixed breeds. (250) 6956980

Executive Home for Sale on preferred street. Four bedroom, 2.5 bath. New windows, siding, roof, doors, marble tiling and rear and front facing decks. Large private fenced backyard, 3 patios, newly paved driveway with RV parking. 17 Deville Cres. Kitimat Asking $364,000 250-639-9643 Kitimat - completely renovated 3 bdrm Bungalow in Kildala area close to school. All appliances included. Please call for more information: 250-632-1511

Pets MISSING from 126 Baxter Str, Kitimat. Black cat with a spot of white on chest and belly. Neutered, declawed, smaller than average cats. Reward offered for safe return. No collar on at time of missing. Please contact at 250-639-9769 or email

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent FREE HEAT AND


Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom

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Merchandise for Sale

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• • • •


Starting at $600 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Visit our Website Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)

Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit, Complete Room Treatment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available online (NOT IN STORES). STEEL BUILDING. DIY summer sale! Bonus days extra 5% off. 20x22 $3,998. 25x24 $4,620. 30x34 $6,656. 32x42 $8,488. 40x54 $13,385. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422, STEEL BUILDINGS, metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 will sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206



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QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511

Rob Seeley with LNG Canada speaks, while dignitaries look on, at a June 25 open house at the potential future LNG facility site, where Methanex once operated.

LNG an information battle Josh Massey In the high-stakes race to the coast to develop massive liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants fed by pipelines stretching hundreds of kilometres from northeastern BC gas deposits, industry open houses are playing a critical role. “Fear is the most dangerous thing that could happen,” says communications manager Katharine Birtwistle, one of a group of officials who toured the Northwest at the end of June, including in Kitimat and Terrace, to explain just one project, the Shell majority-owned LNG Canada facility planned for Kitimat. A provincial survey conducted a

Clear as mud

few years ago found that a large percentage of B.C. residents didn’t know that LNG stands for liquefied natural gas. Industry execs in foreign countries couldn’t place B.C. on a map. Shell and Asian partners already have a federal export licence for LNG Canada which carries a price tag of more than $10 billion. A pipeline to the plant location, which will include the old Methanex site in Kitimat, will cost billions of dollars more. But the project still requires environmental approval and broad public acceptance in advance of Shell and its

Continued from page 4 Thank goodness I no longer own a boat, and have never used a mussel as a bait in my life. Also, I have no plans to release a live snake fish into BC waters. That could cost me $250,000. Fortunately also I am unlikely to be disturbing endangered mating white American pelicans in the Chilcotin-Cariboo and I’ll try to remember that I can’t fish for bass, perch, pike or walleye in the Kootenay Region, with the exception of certain waters, outlined in specific tables. I won’t risk the fine associated with using an unlicensed fishing guide, I’ll just stumble around by myself. I’ll remember

partners making any kind of final construction decision. Aside from the plant and pipeline, super-cooling tankers carrying the liquefied product to Asian markets will make their way to Kitimat and much work needs to be done to establish the infrastructure needed to bring the raw product up to the surface from underground deposits in northeastern B.C. Birtwistle said the LNG Canada project – which is a partnership between Shell Canada, Korea Gas, Mitsubishi and PetroChina – is trying to be as open as possible about both the potential benefits as well as challenges.

to report any catches or sightings of “exotic” Atlantic salmon on the west coast. I’ll try not to lose my licence and if I do I won’t buy a new one, just reprint my own from the internet! I think I’ve got most of the areas committed to memory where my licence has to be validated with a conservation surcharge stamp for Kootenay Lake rainbow over 50 cm, Shuswap Lake char over 60 cm or Shuswap Lake rainbow. In fact I vow to steer clear of Shuswap Lake as well as the middle and lower reaches of the Fraser River watershed in case I accidentally hook into a white sturgeon. Finally I swear I’ll never fish with more than one line, even if I’m alone in a boat on a lake, where I can use two.

12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sports & Leisure CIHL update

Shaun Thomas On the suggestion of a Kitimat Ice Demons player, the CIHL executive have opted to do away with automatic shootouts in the event of a tie. Rather the game will now enter a fiveminute, 4-on-4 overtime period, before going to a shootout. The Omenica Ice in Vanderhoof are no longer in the league, but the Hazelton Wolverines will mark their return. It will be an 18 game schedule season.

VISIT YOUR LOCAL RECYCLING DEPOT TODAY! 316 Railway Ave., Kitimat • Ph. 250 632-6633


A scene from the Dragon Boat Regatta on July 6, in a photo taken by Doug Thomson.

Dragon boaters splash at regatta It was a mostly stunning day for the 2013 Kitimat Dragon Boat Regatta at Minette Bay. That is except when it came to the later afternoon Guts N Glory race, which was cancelled due to poor weather. At 2:15 p.m. the A Division competitors took to the water for their final race. The Tragically Quick team lived up to their namesake with a time of 63.24 seconds, approximately six seconds ahead of the second place finishers, the Rio

Tinto Alcan Dragons (69.22). The Lakelse Dragons glided into third place with a time of 81.17. At 2:30 p.m., the B Division paddlers lined up for their shots at glory. The KMP Wave Riders at 74.00 took the title in that division. In second place was the Boats N Rows team, at 80.44. The Northern Spirit were close behind, wrapping up third place with 83.88. The race was quite tight in the C Division, with the Haisla Youth Team just

COMING EVENTS Ongoing THE KITIMAT PUBLIC LIBRARY invites children ages 6-12 to join in the annual Summer Reading Club fun. This year’s theme is Up, Up and Away and will include outdoor games, circle stories and cool crafts. This free program takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1-2:30pm at the Kitimat Public Library until August 14th, and at the Haisla Community School on Fridays from 2-3 pm, until August 9. On August 14 they are holding a superhero final party at the Kitimat Public

Library. For more information call Blake at 250-632-8985. THE KITIMAT MUSEUM & ARCHIVES are calling for entries for this year’s Reflections: Where I Am exhibit. All mediums are welcome from all artisans in the northwest. Entries must be received by August 16. More information, call 250-632-8950. PICKLE BALL has started in Kitimat. If you are 50-plus you are welcome to join. Mondays and Fridays at 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., at the Riverlodge gym. No cost. For more information call 250632-3475.

edging out a win with a time of 76.10. Right behind them were the Free Spirit, who crossed the line at 78.44. The Rainbow Warriors were a fraction of a second behind them, finishing at 78.81. During the day, the RTA Dragons recorded the fastest time in race two, finishing at 64.09. In race four the Tragically Quick team finished at 64.12 for second fastest, and in race five, the KMP Wave Riders rode their wave to a fast time of 69.75.

Thank you for welcoming us To The communiTy. The LNG Canada Community Information Centre is now open and we encourage you to come visit us, ask questions and share your thoughts. We’d be happy to see you. Hours: 11am – 5pm (Wednesday to Friday) 11am – 5pm (Alternating Saturdays beginning July 6) Location: 176 Ocelot Road, Kitimat (off Harbour Road and Haisla Blvd.) For more information about LNG Canada: Toll free 1-855-248-3631

opportunity for British columbia. energy for the world.

Butterflies have an important role in maintaining the environment’s health. They help in pollinating flowers, fruits and vegetables and provide food for other animals. Sadly, because of the loss of their natural habitats and plant pesticides, many butterflies are becoming endangered. Here are a few ways you can help to bring butterflies back. Grow native widlife. Many times, butterfly caterpillars will eat plants that are native to your area. They will also attract butterflies. Grow nectar-rich plants. Fill your garden with flowers and plants that will bring butterflies there to drink. Some good examples are zinnias, mint, heliotrope and verbena. Put out water. Butterflies need moisture to thrive.










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