Kootenay News Advertiser, July 19, 2013

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A new community hall for Mayook

City boosts symphony

Volunteers and aid from the CBT turned an old school into a new hall.

The city recently granted the Symphony of the Kootenays $5,000.

page A12

page A7

Your Collision Repair Professionals




1005 Cranbrook St. N.



Friday, July 19, 2013

0 8




Queen Mattress Pocket Coil Mattress Reg. $799

Chester Drawers





WOW Special Buy




Sofa and Love Reg. $1599

3 Pce Coffee Table & End Set Reg. $599

Recliners Reg. $799



$ $




9th Ave S, Cranbrook • (250)417-0892

A2 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, July 19, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Become a Big Brother Become a Big Brother, or Big Sister, Couples for Kids or In - School Mentor. For more information call 489-3111 or Visit our website:www.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/cranbrook

Landmark CINEMAS Combo Tuesdays Landmark Free PoPCorn & PoP wiTh The PriCe oF admission CINEMAS

Summer Clearance * 50% Off July 20th - 27th * Excludes $5 items, jewelry, & gowns

Ladies Fashion Consignment

Columbia Theatre Cranbrook


31-10th Avenue South Cranbrook, BC

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, July 19, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A3

SAVE UP TO $1000 ON iComfort

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A4 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, July 19, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser PART-TIME

Educational Assistant To work with grade 8 and grade 12 homeschool girl and boy in the Creston and Cranbrook areas. Some Bible knowledge and a pastoral letter of reference required. Phone 1.250.352.0526 or email office@chekabc.ca

How to reach us:

Call Toll Free 1-800-665-2382, stop in to our office at 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook or visit our web site www.kootenayadvertiser.com


I love everything. Great people, great food and great staff” Dick Gregg Resident Rocky Mountain Village Fernie’s Premier Retirement Community. If you would like more information please call Eileen at (250) 423-4214 or visit goldenlife.ca


Brought to you by Bill Bennett, MLA. (Kootenay East) Province of British Columbia

3 Facts you need to Know About...

The New Paramedic Training Program in Cranbrook 1.



Aspiring paramedics in BC’s rural communities will get the training they need thanks to $250,000 in new annual provincial government funding for a new Primary Care Paramedic Program.

The new program, due to start in February 2014, will be delivered by the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC). It will provide training for a total of 30 students, organized as two intakes of 15 students in two rural communities each year, Cranbrook and Prince George. The program will help meet current student demand for paramedic training, address the growing demand for paramedics in public and private organizations in rural areas such as the BC Ambulance Service, and support the health of families in rural BC. MLA Bill Bennett Telephone: 250 417-6022 Facsimile: 250 417-6026 Toll Free: 1 866 417-6022 email: bill.bennett.mla@leg.bc.ca website: www.billbennett.bc.ca Constituency Office: 100c Cranbrook Street North Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P9

Until there's a cure, there's us.


CROSS CANADA FLY GRAND ATLANTIC ATLAN LANTICBY MOTORCOACH (Fly(Departs to HalifaxCalgary) return retur turn from St. John’s) Autumn Splendour 19 days, Jul 25, Aug 12 Tour 29 days, September 10* FLY ATLANTIC CANADA & NEWFOUNDLAND EASTERN CANADA & MARITIMES (Fly to Halifax/Return FALL FOLIAGE from St. John’s) 15 days, 3 guaranteed (Fly toSep & return from Toronto) 20 days, September 11* CROSS CANADA BY MOTORCOACH 29 days,*ALL Sep DATES 7 & 10 guaranteed GUARANTEED FLY EASTERN CANADA & MARITIMES (Fly to and return from Toronto) 20 days, Sep 11 & 14 guaranteed 36 years of service • www.nageltours.com FLY NEWFOUNDLAND & THE MARITIMES (Fly to and return from Toronto) 24 days, Sep 18 guaranteed AA688432


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College of the Rockies, Culinary Arts program and the Class Act Dining room is now closed for the Season. We are taking reservations for the fall when we return in September. The Culinary Arts program and College of the Rockies would like to thank the community for their constant support of the program. Without all of the local businesses, who hire our students and those that attend our dining room we would not be able to encourage and guide our students in the direction of successful careers. For that we appreciate you and are truly grateful. We look forward to seeing you all in the fall. Call 250-489-8211 for reservations.


RecRuitment foR committees 2013 city of cRanbRook there is a new opportunity for public participation and involvement in the city of cranbrook advisory committee listed below. membership is open to residents of the city of cranbrook. Family and Community Services the family and community services committee provides advice to council on issues of importance to senior, youth, homeless people and physically challenged. the objective of the committee is to provide information and insight on creating a livable, diverse and inclusive community. one position is available. Terms of reference for the Family and Community Services Committee are available on the City’s website – www.cranbrook.ca Interested individuals are invited to submit a Volunteer Application form available at City Hall or the City’s website – www.cranbrook.ca. Applications will be accepted at City Hall (attention Maryse Leroux) or by email leroux@cranbrook.ca , no later than Thursday, August 29, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. local time.

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, July 19, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A5


The Cranbrook Food Bank needs your help

Drop boxes at Safeway and Save On Foods Food Bank ofďƒžce 104-8th Ave. S. • 426-7664 (from 10am-3pm)

May-September Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:30 Sat 8:30 - 4:00 Sunday & holidays closed

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Cranbrook Bottle Depot

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Time to get your tank pumped!


07.07, 07.08 used kakuro 07.05, 07.06, used crossword 07.13, 07.20, 07.27, 08.03

Phone: 250.426.9829 Email: wfranklin@ekrealty.com













26 29 34

56 60






49 54














83 86








74 78






38 44

58 62







31 36










































By Dave Green


14 22


39 23







30 24


16 28 11

7 20

34 28


29 12 11


13 18


21 6





Difficulty Level


2013 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

27 17

Best described as a number crossword, the task in Kakuro is to fill all of the empty squares, using numbers 1 to 9, so the sum of each horizontal block equals the number to its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the number on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.

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Crossword and Kakuro

Across 1 Quote 5 So 9 “What are the ___?� 13 Friday at last! 17 Microwave, e.g. 18 Ottawa-___ 19 Verve 20 Pakistani language 21 Eaton’s publication, once 23 Revolving gate 25 Flower or sea creature 26 Picture 28 Victoria’s Empress, e.g. 29 Custard ingredient 30 Hybrid citrus fruit 31 Rowing blade 32 English is her mother tongue 35 Improving 38 Fast plane 41 Constricting snakes 42 Baby rabbit 43 Halifax summer time 44 Colourless 45 Tee preceder 46 Twirl 50 Detanglers 51 Vietnamese New Year 52 Mineral suffix 53 Genetic info carrier 54 Cirque du Soleil performer 56 Part 58 Ban 59 Remarkable person or event 60 Least speedy 63 Go on stage 64 Owns 65 NNW’s opposite 68 Wind instruments 69 N.S. town on Bay of Fundy 72 Make lace 73 Stratford’s river 74 None 75 Island (Fr.) 76 Say no to 77 Scarlet 78 Mountain of Scotland (2 wds.) 82 Seductive woman 83 Perp’s pistol 84 Meech or Shuswap

85 Delivery vehicle 86 Comedian Majumder 89 Building with rink 91 Origin 95 Scotland, to the Romans 97 Vancouver bridge over Burrard Inlet (2 wds.) 99 They may be martial or fine 100 Kind of frost 101 Labrador First Nations group 102 Alike 103 Brewed beverages 104 My one and ___ 105 On bended ___ 106 Take a break Down 1 Source of cocaine 2 Terrible tsar 3 Head (Fr.) 4 Some paints 5 Very brief briefs 6 Enormous 7 Inuit knife 8 Sled 9 Get 10 Medication 11 Dreadful 12 Heir 13 Private teacher 14 Small pebbles 15 Not working 16 Fossil ___ 22 Commercial symbol 24 Carpet of the 70’s 27 Provincial rep. 30 The Golden Rule: Do ___ others ... 31 Prov. with Algonquin Park 32 Help in a heist 33 Perfume specialist 34 Snail or slug 35 Cork’s country 36 Siamese or Ragdoll 37 “What’s the big ___?� 38 Winnipeg’s jelly doughnut 39 Island of Napoleon’s exile 40 Try out 42 Flyers on strings 44 Pond 46 Heaps

47 Opposite of rural 48 Make into law 49 Small pastries 50 Loaf exterior 55 Site of annual Acadian festival (N.S.) 57 ___ Sound, Ont. 60 Box for practice 61 Not recorded 62 Skinny 64 Hang onto 66 Satisfy 67 English “public school� 70 Entirety 71 Yearn (for) 74 After taxes 76 Pickling need 78 Elastic ___ 79 Site of P.E.I. Potato Museum 80 Father 81 First premier of Nunavut 82 Without (Fr.) 83 Estimate 85 Place (for an event) 86 Shoo! 87 Rabbit relative 88 Medicine Hat’s prov. 89 Shortly 90 It circulates in Iran 91 Departed 92 For Pete’s ___! 93 Disease suffix 94 Posted 96 Aha! 98 Small hotel Copyright 2013 Kathleen Hamilton Distributed by Torstar Syndication Services

A6 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, July 19, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser Maximum comfort with lower heating and cooling costs. That’s the Trane difference.

TRANE GAS FURNACES www.kootenayadvertiser.com 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified E-Mail: classifieds@kootenayadvertiser.com Advertising E-Mail: sales@kootenayadvertiser.com Editorial E-Mail: editor@kootenayadvertiser.com Distribution Email: circulation@kootenayadvertiser.com


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After 75 years of continuous service the Canadian National Institute for the Blind is still here today because we’re needed... but we’ll be here tomorrow ONLY if you care. Please give when our canvasser calls.

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Bridget Fix PRODUCTION MANAGER The Kootenay News Advertiser is a community East Kootenay newspaper featuring news of the best buys in the East Kootenay. Published every Monday and Friday at Cranbrook, BC by Black Press Group Ltd. Subscription rates for mailing outside the East Kootenay: $170 per year, $85 per 6 months and $42.50 per 3 month GST inclued. N OT I C E OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by Kootenay News Advertiser. (Registration No. 164 Serial No. 271043). Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or part is forbidden without written permission by the publisher. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that Kootenay News Advertiser will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. Kootenay News Advertiser is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements or letters to the editor criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in Kootenay News Advertiser are not necessarily those of the publisher.

August 12 – 15, 2013 (Registration deadline: Aug. 9) Girls grade 7, 8 & 9

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1510 2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 Email: editor@kootenayadvertiser.com

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, July 19, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A7 Photo submitted

Mayor Wayne Stetski presented a $5,000 grant-in-aid cheque to the Symphony of the Kootenays this week in Council Chambers. (From left) Ruth Sawatsky, Terry Lynn Jeffers, Shirley Hansen, Mayor Wayne Stetski, Michael Grossman, and Steen Jorgensen. For more information on the Symphony of the Kootenays, you can call 250-489-4932 or email symphonyofthekootenays@shaw.ca. You can also visit the website at www.sotk.ca.


WORKING FOR YOU! Low Flow Toilet Rebate Applications Available Now!

Are BC’s Forests Important to You?

For more information and applications about the Low Flow Toilet Rebate program, visit the City of Cranbrook website at www.cranbrook.ca or stop by City Hall.

If so, apply by August 2 to become a lay councillor on the Association of BC Forest Professionals’ governing council. nd

The Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) is responsible for registering and regulating the 5,400 professional foresters and forest technologists who care for BC’s forests as well as advocating for good forest stewardship. The governing council includes two lay councillors (non-members) who are appointed by the Provincial Government. This is an exceptional opportunity to help shape the future of the forestry profession in BC and help uphold the principles of good forest stewardship. If you are interested in filling this challenging, volunteer role for the next one to three years, check out the ABCFP’s website for more information.

City & BC Transit Offer Free Rides to Cranbrook Farmer’s Market

The City of Cranbrook and BC Transit are offering FREE RIDES to the Saturday Cranbrook Farmers’ Market. Passengers must indicate to their driver they are going to or coming from the market in order to ride for free. From now until August 31, 2013 the summer Cranbrook Farmers’ Market runs 9 am to 1 pm, but the free bus rides are from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. That gives early birds and last minute shopper’s equal access to transit time. The free rides will continue when the fall Farmers’ Market schedule begins with hours from 10 am to 1 pm September 7 to October 12, 2013. For more information on transit in Cranbrook please call 250.417.4636 or consult www.bctransit/regions/cra



? m o Got Ro d a Room? Nee

lay_councillor_2013.indd 1

7/11/2013 3:12:14 PM

Unsightly Premises Bylaw

Under this bylaw, no owner or occupier of a property within the City of Cranbrook shall permit or allow their property to become, or remain, untidy or unsightly. Every owner or occupier of property shall remove any accumulations of filth, discarded materials, rubbish, brush or other growth cuttings of any kind. The City, its employees or other persons, may enter on the property at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner and effect the compliance at the expense of the person who has failed to comply. Visit our website and click on ‘Bylaws’ for more on all of our City bylaws.

Watch the latest Cranbrook City Council meeting when you want. Landlords


If you have rental accommodation available for College of the Rockies students, you can list your property with the College’s Off-Campus Student Housing Registry.

If you need accommodation check online at www.cotr.bc.ca/housing

To register your accommodation  Go Online at www.cotr.bc.ca/housing  Or, if you don’t have access to the internet,

The College will not be involved in any agreements, arrangements or warranties for either party. Our aim is to help students find a place to live by connecting them with citizens of our community who can help.


Visit www.cranbrook.ca

Monday August 12, 2013 – Regular Council Meeting @ 6pm Monday September 9, 2013 – Regular Council Meeting @ 6pm

Cranbrook landlords can call 250-489-8243. Creston, Golden, Invermere, Fernie and Kimberley landlords can call Toll free 1-877-489-2687 Local 3243



A8 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Gregarious Gardener


by Top Crop Garden, Farm & Pet

Endless Summer With Balls of Colour One of my earliest garden memories is of my mother planting a hydrangea she received as a gift while we were on vacation. It seemed to be doing well enough and survived the first winter just fine. When it was time for blooms the next season, however, I remember my mom’s disappointment - instead of the vibrant blue she was expecting, the balls of tiny blossoms turned a pale pink and never changed until they wilted. Today, I know the different makeup of the soil where the hydrangea originated, compared to our garden soil is to blame for the colour change. While my mother learned to love the colour and never tried to change it back, with some hydrangeas, you can alter the colour from pink to blue with a few tricks. One of the most spectacular hydrangeas hardy in Zone 4 is the “Endless Summer”. This plant is a member of the Bigleaf family. The large, ballshaped flowers appear on new growth early in the year and - as the name suggests - the hydrangea keeps blooming all summer long. Their showy display makes them perfect for everything from foundation planting to container gardening. The cut flowers make a stunning centrepiece for your table and can even be dried. And this is where the colour change comes in. The “Endless Summer” hydrangea has the unique ability to produce spectacular pink or blue blooms depending on the pH makeup of your soil. Using a soil acidifier to lower the pH of your soil will produce beautiful blue blooms. Besides your soil, also check your water’s ph level. If you have hydrangeas as foundation plantings, remember that concrete foundations as well as walkways can tend to leach lime, raising the pH in those areas. If you are looking for a bight, yet neutral accent in your garden, the “Incrediball” hydrangea is a great option. It has incredibly large flowers that are well rounded. The blooms open in a cool lime green colour and then mature into a creamy white colour. The shrub is upright and has strong and sturdy stems. A fabulous choice for a landscape planting is the “Limelight” hydrangea. It has huge, bright chartreuse green flowers throughout the summer that appear to be dusted with shades of pink in the fall, creating a breathtaking display. Hydrangeas generally do best in a semi-shaded spot (morning sun and afternoon shade is ideal) with well-drained soil that has a high content of organic matter and is consistently moist. You should follow a regular watering schedule, giving your hydrangea a good soaking two or three times a week, rather than a little every day. This is especially important during the first growing season as the plant is establishing its deep, extensive root system. Mulching around the plant can also help with maintaining an evenly moist soil. Hydrangeas will benefit from regular applications of fertilizer - to encourage flowering, use a product lower in nitrogen and higher in phosphorous. Make sure, however, to stop fertilizing after the middle of August to give the plant time to prepare for winter. Putting a thick layer of mulch over the base of the plant once it is fully dormant will help protect it. Uncover the plant in the spring and prune only after the first new growth appears. Then you can settle in for yet another ‘endless summer’. Till next time... happy gardening. Submitted by Kerstin

20%10% OffOFF

Right Now Get

Hydrangeas , Any Size Pot Come in to see the great selection of plants in full bloom. Offer Effective Until July 28, 2013

Open Daily

RDEK Public Hearing Notices

Friday, July 19, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

BYLAW 2480 & 2481 Bylaw Amendments - Baynes Lake

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Hedy Seaborn to amend the Baynes Lake Official Community Plan and the South Country Zoning and Floodplain Management Bylaw. If approved, the amendments will amend the designations of the subject property to accommodate a two lot subdivision. The property is located on Sharpe Road in Baynes Lake as shown on the attached map. Bylaw No. 2480 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Baynes Lake Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2319, 2011 – Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2013 (Sharpe Road / Seaborn)” will amend the designation of Lot A, District Lot 132, Kootenay District, Plan 13924 from RR, Rural Resource to SH, Small Holdings. Bylaw No. 2481 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – South Country Zoning and Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2320, 2011 – Amendment Bylaw No. 4, 2013 (Sharpe Road / Seaborn) will amend the designation of Lot A, District Lot 132, Kootenay District, Plan 13924 from RR-60, Rural Resource Zone to RS-4, Residential (Acreage) Zone. A public hearing will be held at:

Baynes Lake Community Hall 468 Jaffray-Baynes Lake Road Baynes Lake, BC Tuesday, July 23, 2012 at 4:00 pm

The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area A and Electoral Area B. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. SUBMISSIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE PUBLIC HEARING. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Tracy Van de Wiel, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0306, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email tvandewiel@rdek.bc.ca.

BYLAW 2477 Bylaw Amendment - Hosmer The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Heinz and Jeanne Kraps to amend the Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw. If approved, the amendment will change the designation of part of the property to accommodate a subdivision to create a new residential lot. The subject property is located on Stephenson Road in Hosmer and is shown on the attached map. Bylaw No. 2477 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 829, 1990 – Amendment Bylaw No. 66, 2013 (Stephenson Road / Kraps)” will amend the zoning designation of part of the subject property from RR-8, Rural Residential (Country) Zone to RR-2, Rural Residential (Small Holding) Zone. A public hearing will be held at:

Hosmer Community Hall Front Street & 6th Avenue, Hosmer, BC Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at 7:00 pm

The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area A, the City of Fernie and the District of Sparwood. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. SUBMISSIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE PUBLIC HEARING. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Tracy Van de Wiel, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0306, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email tvandewiel@rdek.bc.ca. 19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8 Ph: 250-489-2791 • 888-478-7335

Calvary Chapel Cranbrook Hear it, Live it, Share it The Studio Stage Door, 11 Ave S. Sunday Service - 10:30 am For more info: 421-1822 www.calvarychapelcranbrook.com

Cranbrook United Church #2 - 12 Ave. S. on the corner of Baker & 12th Phone: 250-426-2022 Fax: 250-426-2085 Rev. Frank Lewis Sunday Worship.......................... 10:00 am Sunday School recessed until September 15, 2013 •www.cranbrookunited.com

EK Lutheran Parish

Website: www.eklutheran.ca • Phone: 1-866-426-7564 Pastor Fraser Coltman & Pastor Dave Morton Mt. Zion Cranbrook 920-11th St. S. Sunday Worship 10 am, Thursday Worship 7 pm Holy Cross Kimberley 105 Howard Sunday Worship 10 am Trinity Fernie 691 - 4th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm Immanuel Elkford 2700 Balmer Dr. Sunday Worship 4 pm St. Peter’s Invermere 110-7th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm

Cranbrook Fellowship Baptist Church Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada • Pastor Cyril Marlatt 2000-5th St. N., Cranbrook • 489-5169 Family Worship .......................... 10:00 am


1115 2nd Ave. S., Cranbrook (Parkland Middle School) Sunday service ............................ 10:20 am Dwayne & Collette Thompson 421-1099 Frank & Jody Hackett 417-7410

First Baptist Church Pastor Kevin Ewaskow Sunday morning worship at 10:00am Children’s ministries at 10:00am 334 14th Ave S • 250-426-4319 www.fbccranbrook.org

Knox Presbyterian Church Corner Victoria and 3rd Street South 426-7165 Senior Pastor – Dr. Ron Foubister Young Families Pastor – Pastor Al Brouwer Sunday worship/children’s classes 10:00 a.m. Friendly congregation – biblical teaching – traditional and contemporary music - Everyone Welcome!

New Apostolic Church 821 1st Street S., Cranbrook, BC Sunday School ............................ 9:00 am Sunday Service ........................... 10:30 am Wednesday Service..................... 8:00 pm Larry and Nicole Leblond .......... 489-0770 Faith, family, friendship, forever

New Life Foursquare Church 308 10th Ave. South • 489-1057 Sunday Morning Worship • 10am Senior Pastor • Gordon Henry www.cranbrookfoursquare.com

The Salvation Army Kootenay Valley Community Church 533 Slater Road NW, 426-3612 Sunday Worship Service ............ 10:30 am Wednesday Praise Service.......... 5:00 pm Pastor: Captains Linda & Kirk Green

St. Aidan Orthodox Church www.saintaidan.ca Sunday Services.......................... 10:30 am Fellowship lunch and Sunday School to follow For info call: 250-489-8006 or 250-421-6013 Come, See & Pray

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, July 19, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A9



mT. RoyAl CloSe



Schools Recreational and/ or Building of Interest Parks and/or Sports Centers

mT. RoyAl peAk







mT. fiSheR DR mT. RoyAl RiDge

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eD ge wo oD DR i


College of The RoCkieS CRAnbRook mAin CAmpuS

15 AVE S


31 Ave


22 Ave


1. 6. 2.

13A ST

21 Ave 17 Ave

17 ST 19 ST 18 ST

13 Ave

2. 3.

4. 5.

July 19, 2pm-6pm July 20, 9am-1pm 1201 Kootenay St. July 20,7am-6pm July 21, 8am-5pm 355 Mission Place

6. 7. 8.

SouThview CRT

3 Ave

2 Ave

1 Ave

23 ST

July 20, 9am-5pm 503 9th St. S July 20, 9am-3pm 1405 12th Ave. S July 20 & 21, 8am-3pm 1820 Wilson Rd

16 ST

College of The RoCkieS golD CReek CAmpuS

17 ST

22 ST


21A Ave

14 ST

July 20, 10am-4pm 3248 Jim Smith Lk Rd July 20, 8am-2pm 916 4A St. S. July 20, 8am-3pm 27-21st Ave S See our complete garage sale listings on page A18

A10 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, July 19 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

City set to spend $3 million on roads


Submitted The City of Cranbrook announced the 2013

Annual Capital Roads Program at the regular meeting of Council on Monday night.

Council approved $3 million in the 2013 budget for the roads program. Just over $2.6



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$51.26/week. 6.19% 60 term/240 mth amort. OAC*


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million comes from the City’s General Fund including $783,000 from the 1% Road Improve-

2013 Jay Feather 24T (T3539) (T3542)

2012 Jayflight 22FB (T3447)


$45.62/week. 6.19% 60 term/240 mth amort. OAC*


2013 Jay Feather 197 (T3540) (T3541)


$38.92/week. 6.79% 60 term/228 mth amort. OAC*


$45.62/week. 6.19% 60 term/240 mth amort. OAC* 2013 Jay Feather 221 (T3525) (T3530)

$60.66/week. 6.19% 60 term/240 mth amort. OAC*


2013 Jayco Eagle 257 (T3529)


LOCAL SAVINGS with LOCAL SERVICING $47.50/week. 6.19% 60 term/240 mth amort. OAC*

2013 Jayco Eagle 266 (T3519)


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$60.66/week. 6.19% 60 term/240 mth amort. OAC*


You paid how much!?


ment Tax. A total of $400,000 is also being drawn from the Water and Sewer Funds. The 2013 Capital Roads program includes: 14th Avenue South – 13th Street to 17th Street South: Storm Water System improvements; concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk installation; street lighting; removal and replacement of road base material and repaving including intersections; installation of multi-use pathway and bioswale. Cranbrook Street/ Highway 3 Frontage Road – New Denham Ford to Kootenay Granite: Storm Water System construction and improvements; Sanitary Sewer extension; curb, gutter, sidewalk and landscaping installation; remove and replace road base material as warranted; reconstruct and pave remainder of frontage road. 4th Street NW and Hurray Avenue: Retaining wall construction; storm water improvements and intersection improvements expected. Kootenay Street Improvements – Victoria Avenue to 18A Avenue North: This portion of Kootenay Street to be rebuilt with some pavement removal and the asphalt replaced. The program also includes three drainage improvement projects including: 11th Street South and Innes Avenue, 7th Street NW and Cranbrook Street and the alley behind Baker Street near the Green Clinic. Geotechnical work for all three projects is completed and final design work is nearing completion. The City encourages residents and motorists to please use caution when travelling through any construction zone.

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, July 19, 2013


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Friday, July 19, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

School to community hall Submitted

It was once a school; now it’s a community


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At the

hall. The Mayook community recently put up a new sign to let people know about its historic schoolhouse, which has been given new life as a hall thanks to the efforts of many volunteers and support from Columbia Basin Trust. People in the area are encouraged to take advantage of the updated space, which is available for rent for events of all types.

Photo submitted

Volunteers celebrate the refurbished Mayook community hall and its new sign.

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ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. Chevrolet.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. ‡/**/*Offers apply to the purchase of a 2013 Chevrolet Silverado Thunder Special Edition Crew 4X4 (R7B)/2013 Cruze LS 1SA (R7A)/2013 Trax LS (R7A)/2013 Equinox LS (R7A) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,600/$1,550) License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer trade may be required. GMCL, RBC Royal Bank, TD Auto Financing Services or Scotiabank may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. tBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. **$7,500/$2,250/$2,000/$1,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on cash purchases of 2013 Chevrolet Silverado Thunder/2013 Cruze LS/2013 Equinox LS/2013 Trax LS (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. By selecting lease or financing offers, consumers are foregoing such discounts and incentives which will result in a higher effective interest rate. See dealer for details. $2,500 non-stackable cash credits is a manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2013 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew. Non-stackable cash credits are available only when consumers opt for the cash purchase of a new or demonstrator model. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing such discounts and incentives which will result in a higher effective interest rate. Offers end July 31st, 2013. See dealer for details. ‡0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by RBC Royal Bank/TD Auto Financing/Scotiabank for 60/72/84 months on new or demonstrator 2013 Trax LS/2013 Silverado Thunder Crew 4X4/2013 Cruze LS/2013 Equinox LS. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $166/$139/$119 for 60/72/84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. +®The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. *^For more information visit iihs.org/ratings. *†Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available, and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ~OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Visit onstar.ca for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide. ^^Based on latest competitive data available. †Thunder package includes PDZ credit valued at $1,550. ¥Offer only valid from July 3, 2013 to September 30, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GM or competitor pickup truck to receive a $1,000 credit towards the purchase, finance or lease of an eligible new 2013 Model Year Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty, Chevrolet Heavy Duty, GMC Sierra Light Duty, GMC Sierra Heavy Duty, or Chevrolet Avalanche. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details.

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, July 19, 2013


TO PLACE A listing in our community news section: 1. Open to all clubs and non-profit organizations. 2. Post your event online at www. kootenayadvertiser. com (calendar). Events appear on our website ONLY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit by fax (250)489-3743 or to our front desk or email: advertising@ kootenayadvertiser.com 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of

3110.13.MMW.2C.indd 1

publication. We reserve the right to edit information.


BROTHER’S INSURANCE CHARITY CAR SHOW, July 19 & 20 at Western Financial Place, Cranbrook. Friday features “Junk in the Trunk Swap Meet” 6-9 pm. Drive in movie at Moir Park 9 pm. Proceeds go to Kootenay Child Development Centre.

EK OUTDOOR CLUB hike to Bear Lake &



+ $1,550 + $1,000



$18 ,995*



$25 ,995*



160,000 kM/5 YEAR

^Whichever comes first. See dealer for limited warranty details.


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ridge walk. Fulll day, some steep sections. Lorne, 426-8864. THE ORGANIZERS OF the Brothers Insurance Agency Charity Car Show are looking for vendors to set up at the car show at Western Financial Place. We are looking for merchandise and food vendors. FMI Patricia 250-426-2542 or at ekidsfirst@telus.net. JULYFEST 5K & 10K Trail Race in the Woods 8 am start. Organized by the Kootenay Orienteering Club. Races start & finish at the Swan

CRANBROOK North Star Motors 250-489-4711 Ave. entrance of the Kimberley Nature Park. Register online at http:// kootenayorienteering. com by July 18 and pay only $5 or register at the race start area after 7:15 am and pay $7. All proceeds to the Kimberley Nature Park Society. Contact - Colin Squirrel 250-427-4956 KIMBERLEY NATURE PARK - Horse Barn Valley Loop Meet at the Riverside Campground at 9:30 am to carpool to the west entrance






$10 ,000**





$13 ,995*



2013 TRAx LS




2013 EqUINOx LS





[License #5717]


to Horse Barn Valley. Bring water and a snack! Join leader - Kent Goodwin 250-427-5404

COME TO Cranbrook First Toastmas-


ters, Room 210 at COTR. We meet from 7-9 PM in a friendly, educational, supportive atmosphere. Guests are always welcome. Phone 250-489-4464 days for more info or e mail pamelaryan@telus.net.




Required to work in a Christian province-wide Kindergarten to grade 12 accredited Distributed Learning Program (DL) in the Cranbrook or surrounding area.


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1.8 SL model shown▲


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≠± Finance offers are now available on new 2013 Sentra 1.8 S (C4LG53 AA00), manual transmission/2013 Rogue S FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission/2013 Altima Sedan 2.5 (T4LG13 AA00), CVT transmission. Selling Price is $16,415/$25,728/$25,393 financed at 1.9%/0%/1.9% APR equals 182 bi-weekly/84 monthly/182 bi-weekly payments of $88/$277/$131 for an 84/84/84 month term. $1,375/$2,500/$2,998 down payment required. Cost of borrowing is $1034.24/$0/$1,539.96 for a total obligation of $17,449/$25,728/$26,933. ‡$5,000 Cash Purchaser’s Discount is based on non-stackable trading dollars and is applicable to all 2013 Nissan Rogue models except 2013 Rogue S FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission. The $5,000 cash purchaser’s discounts is only available on the cash purchase of select new 2013 Rogue models (excluding the W6RG13 AA00 trim model). The cash purchaser’s discounts will be deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease or finance rates. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Conditions apply. ◆ $16,415/$25,728/$25,393 Selling Price for a new 2013 Sentra 1.8 S (C4LG53 AA00), manual transmission/2013 Rogue S FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission/2013 Altima Sedan 2.5 (T4LG13 AA00), CVT transmission. ▲ Models shown $24,565/$36,148/$34,293 Selling Price for a new 2013 Sentra 1.8 SL (C4RG13 SL00), CVT transmission/2013 Rogue SL AWD (Y6TG13 AA00), CVT transmission/2013 Altima Sedan 3.5 SL (T4SG13 AA00), CVT transmission. ≠±†◆▲Freight and PDE charges ($1,567/1,750/$1,695), certain fees where applicable, manufacturer’s rebate and dealer participation where applicable included. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes, air-conditioning tax ($100), are extra. Finance and lease offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers except stackable trading dollars. Retailers are free to set individual prices.Offers valid between July 3, 2013 and July 31, 2013. ∞Fuel economy from competitive intermediate/compact 2013 internal combustion engine models sourced from Autodata on 13-12-2012. Hybrids and diesels excluded. 2013 Sentra/Altima fuel economy tested by Nissan Motor Company Limited. Sentra: CVT transmission (4.9L/100 KM HWY/6.6L/100 KM CITY/5.8L/100 KM COMBINED), manual transmission (5.5L/100 KM HWY/7.5L/100 KM CITY/6.6L/100 KM COMBINED), CVT model shown. Altima: 2.5L engine (7.4L/100 KM CITY/5.0L/100 KM HWY), 3.5L (9.3L/100 KM CITY/6.4L/100 KM HWY). 3.5L shown. Actual mileage may vary with driving conditions. Use for comparison purposes only. *Offer available to all qualified retail customers who lease, finance (and take delivery), or cash purchase a new 2013 Sentra // Altima Sedan // Rogue // Titan models (Titan offer only available in BC, AB, SK, MB, NFLD, NB, NS and PEI), on approved credit, from a participating Nissan retailer in Canada between July 3rd, 2013 and July 31st, 2013. 1Purchase or lease a 2013 Sentra, Altima Sedan, Rogue, or Titan by July 31, 2013 and you can choose to receive a Preferred PriceTM Petro-Canada gas card redeemable as follows: 40 cents per litre savings applies to 1750L on 2013 Sentra, 40 cents per litre savings applies to 2,000L on 2013 Altima Sedan, 40 cents per litre savings applies to 2,600L on 2013 Rogue, and 40 cents per litre savings applies to 3,750L on 2013 Titan. The Preferred PriceTM card is valid on all grades of motor fuel. See Nissan dealer or www.choosenissan.ca for details on the number of litres received per model leased or purchased. 2Offer available only to qualifying retail customers. First two (2) monthly lease/finance payments (including all taxes) will be waived, up to a maximum of $600 (inclusive of taxes) per month. Consumer is responsible for any and all amounts in excess of $600 (inclusive of taxes). After two (2) months, consumer will be required to make all remaining regularly scheduled payments over the remaining term of the contract. This offer cannot be combined with the $5,000 Cash Purchaser’s Discount on all 2013 Rogue models except Rogue S FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission. 3No charge extended warranty is valid for up to 60 months or 100,000 km (whichever occurs first). Some conditions/limitations apply. The no charge extended warranty is the Nissan Added Security Plan (“ASP”) and is administered by Nissan Canada Extended Services Inc. (“NCESI”). In all provinces NCESI is the obligor. See details at www.choosenissan.ca. 4Use the text messaging features after stopping your vehicle in a safe location. If you have to use the feature while driving, exercise extreme caution at all times so full attention may be given to vehicle operation. 5The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Nissan is under licence. 6Bose® is a registered trademark of The Bose Corporation. 7The Blind Spot Warning System is not a substitute for proper lane change procedures. The system will not prevent contact with other vehicles or accidents. It may not detect every vehicle or object around you. Offers subject to change, continuation or cancellation without notice. Offers have no cash alternative value. See your participating Nissan retailer for complete details. ©1998-2013 Nissan Canada Inc. and Nissan Canada Financial Services Inc. a division of Nissan Canada Inc.

A14 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

community cale Friday, July 19, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser


Looking for Eagle Members to attend special meeting on July 29 at 7pm upstairs to discuss how we are going to clean-up, restore, and renovate the Nest. The Aerie and Auxilliary hope that you will be able to attend. If you are unable to attend the meeting but wish to participate, submit your constructive ideas in writing to the Aerie before July 29th.


EK OUTDOOR CLUB hike to Vertical Mtn. An all day hike above Boulder Creek behind Fisher Peak. Lorne, 426-8864.



EK OUTDOOR CLUB hike to Goat

Lake/Howling Wolfup Findlay Creek. A full day, moderate elevation gain. Ruth, 427-3761.

EK OUTDOOR CLUB hike to Moyie


River headwaters. A moderate hike with little elevation gain. Lorne, 426-8864.

EK OUTDOOR CLUB hike to Island


Lake Lodge near Fernie. Ron, 426-2669. FREE PUBLIC SWIM at Kimberley Swimming Pool, 5-6 pm. Sponsored by Robert Apps aw Corporation. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult.


a report? Nervous? Come to Cranbrook First Toastmasters! We can help you to overcome your fear of public speaking! We meet in Room 210 at COTR from 7-9 PM. Phone 250489-4464 days for more info or e mail pamelaryan@telus.net



YAHK HERITAGE WALK during Summerfest in Yahk, 12-5 pm. Take a walk back in time when Yahk was a boom town in the 1920s. Questions & info. Theresa, 250-424-5118. EK OUTDOOR CLUB hike 29 km Road on Perrk Creek, moderate. Lorne, 426-8864.



KIMBERLEY NATURE PARK - Hike for Young Families Get the kids out into the Nature Park for a fun time around Eimers Lake. Children must be accompanied by a parent. Meet at the Higgins St entrance at 10:00 am Join leader - Dave Quinn 250-427-5666

FREE FAMILY SWIM at Kimberley Swimming Pool,6-7pm. Sponsored by Kimberley HealthCare Auxiliary. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult.


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Happy 65th Wnnedivderinsag ry A Mike & Isabel

Let us help you create a special memorial including: Personalized Engraving and Installation

On the Strip, Cranbrook 250.426.6278


Coming Events

Kenneth Matthew Whitelaw 1922 - 2013 Kenneth Matthew Whitelaw, aged 91 years, passed away peacefully at Kamloops, B.C. on June 30, 2013. He is sadly missed by his loving wife of 63 years June, sons Bruce of Clearwater, B.C., Neal (Cindy) of Fairview, Alta., 4 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, as well as numerous nieces & nephews. He is predeceased by his sister Pearl and brother Jack. Messages to the family may be left at www. schoeningfuneralservice.com

August 18, Kimberley Nature Park, Hike for Young Families. Get the kids out into the Nature Park for a fun time around Eimers Lake. Children must be accompanied by a parent. Meet at the Higgins St. entrance at 10am. Join leader Dave Quinn, 250-427-5666



August 21, Free family swim at Kimberley Swimming Pool, 6-7pm. Sponsored by Kimberley Health Care Auxiliary. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult.

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Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of bcclassified.com. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.


Allan Leroy Runge Born: December 24, 1943 Passed Away: June 2013 Allan moved to the Kimberley area in the mid-1970s. Many will remember him as a ball player, coach, and supporter of local baseball and fast pitch organizations. After settling here he became an avid skier, sharing his love of skiing and the outdoors with his daughter Shenoa. Later in his life Allan took up golf and was a proud member of the Kimberley Golf Club. He is survived and missed by his daughter Shenoa; three sisters Diana, Lynnie, Vickylea; and brother Gail. He was predeceased by his parents George and Lois and brother Kenny. We enjoy memories of his desire to both work & play hard and encourage those of you who were in his life to have a smile over a moment you would have enjoyed with Allan on the field, ski hill, or golf course. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service.

Harvey Roland Shingar "Bubba" "Pa" 1936 - 2013 Harvey was born on January 6, 1936 in Fernie, British Columbia. He spent most of his life behind the wheel of an eighteen wheeler. He loved to fish and always talked about going up north to catch a king salmon "the big one!" Harvey always had a story to tell or a joke to make you smile. After a short battle with cancer, Harvey passed away peacefully on Sunday, July 7, 2013 in Cranbrook, British Columbia at 77 years of age. He is survived by his loving and devoted wife Denise. He will be missed by his eight children Cathy (Ken) Currie and their five children; Terry (Debbie) Shingar and their two children; Melvin Shingar; Harv Jr. Shingar; Barry (Dale) Shingar and their three children; Susan (Steve) Beamish; Karen (Lloyd) Umpherville and their three children and Jon (Shawnna) Shingar as well as numerous friends and relatives. He was predeceased by his father Joe Shingar and his mother Abigail Shingar. A memorial service for Harvey will be held at McPherson Funeral Home in Cranbrook on Friday, July 19, 2013 at 2:00 pm. A private family burial service was held prior to the funeral. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at: www.mcphersonfh.com



Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.




Love Gayle, Calvin, Daryl & family


Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Jim & Heather Robertson July 20 Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people together through the years. Congratulations & love from your family & friends



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Ezekiel "Zeke" Hawk Fantuz 1993 - 2013 Ezekiel “Zeke” Hawk Fantuz was born on January 21, 1993 weighing just over 4lbs and passed away on June 24, 2013. He grew from a tiny preemie baby to a fine young man in he blink of an eye. He always had a wonderful smile for everyone he met and he loved to talk about the outdoors, work, hunting, basketball, archery – but especially hunting. Zeke graduated from Fernie Senior Secondary School in 2011 and since that time had attended College of the Rockies in Cranbrook, spent time working, hunting and doing anything else that interested him. This fall would have seen him attending Selkirk College in Castlegar, where he would have been taking the Recreation, Fish and Wildlife Course. Zeke’s love for his family and friends was possibly the only thing that superseded his passion for the outdoors and hunting. We will all miss his smiling face, his goodness, his kindness, his politeness, his sense of humor, the fact he would always stop to chat, and all the “I love you’s” he gave along the way. Zeke’s passing has left a hole in our hearts that can never be mended, but our love for him will live on. A soul in such a rush to meet and greet everyone in the world has now left us too quickly. Rest In Peace Ezekiel, until we meet again. Love all your family and friends. There has been a Trust Fund set up in Zeke’s name at CIBC.

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Obituaries OBITUARY

Frank Fisher 1919 - 2013 It is with deep sorrow that the family of Frank Fisher announce his passing on Thursday, July 11, 2013 in Cranbrook, British Columbia at 94 years of age. Frank was born in Natal, British Columbia on April 2, 1919. He grew up in the beautiful Elk Valley and enjoyed hunting, fishing and trapping throughout the valley and in various other communities throughout his life. As a young man Frank served in the Canadian Army in World War II and then returned to Canada to start a new life where he worked in various jobs in mining, forestry, on the railroad, and at a sawmill. He lived throughout different parts of British Columbia, but spent most of his life with his loving family in the East Kootenays. Frank had a terrific zest for life. He enjoyed a good retirement which included over 20 years of living in Morrissey engaged in active fishing, hunting, and trapping until his health slowed him down from his favourite outdoor activities. Frank is survived by his daughter Carmen Sprlak of Kamloops, sons Randy (Linda) of Ft. St. John, Ron (Edgar) of Elko, and Eric (Tim) of Cranbrook, and daughter Shirley Eleuterio (Frank) of Wardner. He will also be remembered lovingly by seven grandchildren, and numerous great grandchildren. Frank was predeceased by his wife Frances of 33 years, and later on by his companion Liz Dvorak of 22 years. Frank's Interment will be in Coleman, Alberta next to his wife Frances. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at: www.mcphersonfh.com


Joan Bridgette Brinders 1948 - 2013 It is with great sadness that the family of Joan Brinders announces her passing on Sunday, July 14, 2013 in Cranbrook at 65 years of age. Joan was born on March 22, 1948 in Cape Town, South Africa. Joan loved her family, friends and hockey. She spent her life caring not only for her own children, but also for many others' children in her loving day home. She had an amazing ability to fall in love with all children and cared for them as if they were her own. Joan always had an open door policy in her home. She welcomed unexpected drop-ins from friends whom she greeted with a warm smile, tea and cake. Joan had an unwavering faith in God and her Saviour Jesus Christ. She faced many life challenges with grace and a steadfast belief in the power of prayer. She fought a brave and exhausting battle with diabetes and its many side effects over the past fifteen years. True to her nature, she did so with grace and an amazing sense of humour. Joan was an amazing wife and life partner to Gerald Brinders. They married December 12, 1970 and had dated for six years prior to that time. They travelled the world, lived in South Africa and the United States Of America before settling in their beloved Cranbrook. Joan was a wonderful role model of inspiration for her children and four grandchildren and all who knew her. After losing her sight and much of her mobility in 2000, Joan developed a keen interest in hockey. Nothing gave her greater pleasure than sitting by the radio listening to the Kootenay Ice play by play. Joan is survived by her loving husband Gerald Brinders, daughters Petula (Tony) Yanew, Juliana (Lawrence) Williams, Jude (Christy) Brinders , granddaughters Jessica Williams, Rachel Yanew and Rebecca Yanew, grandson Jackson Brinders, and brothers Robert, Tyrone and Andre Jackson. She was predeceased by her parents Samuel and Edna Jackson, brothers Clive, Clarence, Edmond and Donovan Jackson and her sister Karen. A visitation for Joan will be held at McPherson Funeral Home in Cranbrook on Saturday, July 20, 2013 at 12:00 pm. Her memorial service will follow at 1:00 pm. Joan will be Interred in Westlawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, those wishing to make a memorial donation in honour of Joan may do so to the: East Kootenay Foundation For Health, 13 – 24th Avenue North, Cranbrook, British Columbia, V1C 3H9. Joan's family would like to thank all of the staff at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital and Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital in Trail for their wonderful care of their mom and wife. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at: www.mcphersonfh.com

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Friday, July 19, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser





Coming Events


August 24, Kimberley Nature Park, Sullivan Challenge. Saturday and Sunday August 24 & 25. Mountain Bike Race in the Nature Park. Check the following website for details & registration. www.mevents.com. Leader-Charlie Cooper

Anybody knowing the whereabouts of Gordon Staroszik please contact (250)763-3878

Business Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools

August 7, free public swim at Kimberley Swimming Pool, 5-6pm. Sponsored by Robert Apps Corporation. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult. August 8, Need to present a report? Nervous? Come to Cranbrook First Toastmasters! We can help you to overcome your fear of public speaking. We meet in Room 210 at COTR from 7-9pm. Phone 250-489-4464 days for more info or email: pamelaryan@telus.net July 20, Julyfest 5K & 10K Trail Race in the Woods, 8am start. Organized by the Kootenay Orienteering Club. Races start and finish at the Swan Ave. entrance of the Kimberley Nature Park. Register online at


by July 18 and pay only $5 or register at the race start area after 7:15am and pay $7. All proceeds to the Kimberley Nature Park Society. Contact Colin Squirrel, 250-427-4956

July 20, The organizers of the Brothers Insurance Agency Charity Car Show are looking for vendors to set up at the car show at Western Financial Place. We are looking for merchandise and food vendors. FMI Patricia, 250-426-2542 or at ekidsfirst@telus.net July 21, Kimberley Nature Park-Horse Barn Valley Loop. Meet at the Riverside Campground at 9:30am to carpool to the west entrance to Horse Barn Valley. Bring water & a snack! Join leader Kent Goodwin, 250-427-5404 July 25, Come to Cranbrook First Toastmasters, Room 210 at COTR. We meet from 7-9 pm in a friendly, educational, supportive atmosphere. Guest are always welcome. Phone 250-489-4464 days for more info or email pamelaryan@telus.net

Information Need new wheels but your credit has run off the road? Apply online:

Lost & Found Taken from 8th St S yard sale July 13: 2 awarded belt buckles “Wabco Truck� “Blue Prospector�, $100 reward, no questions asked. (250)489-4837 or (250)420-1040


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Children Childcare Wanted Childcare needed for children ages 9 & 7, shift work involved. Info, (250)489-2096

Employment Business Opportunities ALL CASH Drink/Snack Vending Business Route. Complete Training. Small Investment Required. 1-888-979-VEND (8363). www.healthydrinkvending.co Do you have 10 hours a week you’d like to make more productive? Learn to operate a mini-office from home. Free online training, flexible hours, great income. www.LifelongRewards.com VOTED BEST side businesses. Make money while helping your community be a better place. We provide set up/training. No selling involved. 1-855933-3555; www.locationfirstvending.com

Best Li’L Orbits Donut Machine

2400 donuts per hr. Trailer has full water system - sinks, hot water. Custom cabinets. All batteries, inverter & deep cycle charger (no outside power required). Professional signage. Interior has 4 coats of paint & lino floor. Everything is like new. BEST OF ALL, it’s BC Health permitted. Great profits & fun. Owner retired. Turn key. Ready to go! $22,500 OBO plus GST. Call 250-423-3924.

Career Opportunities WANTED: Electrical Journeyman in the Elk Valley. $36/hr plus full Benefit Package starting after 3 month probation period. We are looking for someone with commercial, industrial electrical experience, self-motivated, and punctual. You will be responsible for applying Safe work practices as well as using your vast knowledge of the trade. If you believe this is you, please be ready to show us why when you call: 250.425.5464 . Please also email Resume to: jobs@apexpower.ca

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at www.bcclassified.com Business Opportunities

Home Health Care Business Opportunity Invermere/Fernie


Locally owned, established in 2002

250-489-4711 1-800-663-2307

• Looking for motivated individuals to become part of our home health care team • Excellent opportunity for a health care professional Call Kathie for more details 1-888-427-2220 • 250-427-2224 krmoore1@telus.net

or call Travis at Northstar GM

Cards of Thanks

Thank You We cannot begin to name all of the people we need to thank on behalf of the Zeke Fantuz Family. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and a special thank you to the RCMP, especially Corporal Pat Prefontaine,(and his family), the RCMP Dive Team. All the SAR’s teams from all over the area, and especially their coordinator Peter Reid (and Wendy), as well as Greg Bedwell and the Swift Water Dive Teams. Clay Wilson, of Bighorn Helicopters. Thank you to Van Horne Towing. Thank you to BC Hydro, especially to Bill Hermann and Frank Rad. Thank you to Brian Clarkson, and the staff at Cranbrook Photo for their generous hearts and gifts. Thank you to Len Wright. Thank you to Jolene Gorrie for providing her time and effort at the Command Centre and being on First Aid standby. A special thank you to Bill Bennett for his assurance that Zeke will never be forgotten in legislature. Thanks to the Fernie Rod and Gun Club and the Guide Outfitters of BC for all their support. Brenda Downie for her special care of our son once he was recovered from the river. Thank you to the LDS Church in Jaffray, and the Relief Society Women for helping us in our time of need. Thank you to McPherson’s Funeral Home. Thank you to Garfield and Phyllis Johnson. Thank you to our fine communities, there is no better place to live. Thank you for the use of the Jaffray Community Hall for days on end. Words cannot express our gratitude and to all the people who dropped off items. To all our local businesses, local kayakers, our friends, our families, people who didn’t even know us before this; who gave their support, for people who searched tirelessly, people who prepared food, to the people who put their hearts and souls into helping us bring Zeke home. Thank you to each and every person who sent us cards, left us cards and gifts, gave or will donate to Zeke’s Trust to ensure a lasting legacy. Thank you to all the people who gave their time, gave their prayers, and gave us amazing support. We don’t want to miss anyone, we hope we haven’t, and apologize if we did. So to YOU. All of you, you know who you are; whatever it was, anything you did; everything you did‌ it made a difference to us. We are, and will always be, eternally grateful. And, last but not least, thank you Uncle Bill.

WANTED: Electrical Journeyman in the Elk Valley. $36/hr plus full Benefit Package starting after 3 month probation period. We are looking for someone with commercial, industrial electrical experience, self-motivated, and punctual. You will be responsible for applying Safe work practices as well as using your vast knowledge of the trade. If you believe this is you, please be ready to show us why when you call: 250.425.5464 . Please also email Resume to: jobs@apexpower.ca

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking ECR ENTERPRISES is looking for experienced professional drivers. Apply in person at 1420 NW Blvd, Creston or fax 250-428-3971 or email sarah.ecr@gmail.com

HIGHWAY OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway Owner Operators for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee beneďŹ ts package. To join our team of Professional drivers, email a resume, current driver’s abstract & details of truck to: careers@vankam.com or call Bev at 604-968-5488 or Fax: 604-587-9889 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility. We thank everyone for applying, however we will only contact candidates that interest us.



Columbia Garden Village is seeking an experienced RN to join our management team as a Director of Care. The Director of Care is responsible for assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of residential care in a positive team environment. Competitive Wage & Benefits INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853 TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. www.RMTI.ca or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Forestry Tanglefoot Forestry is looking for a Senior Forest Technician with Forestry Technical Diploma or equivalent. Duties will include: CP Development, Cruising, Road & Cutblock layout. Position available immediately. Tanglefoot Forestry offers a competitive salary & benefit package. Apply by email only, tfcl@telus.net

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Columbia Garden Village Invermere, BC Please apply by email or fax at: F: (250) 489-2673 E: careers@glm.ca

Do you love wireless technology? Mitech Communications is looking for

CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES to join the team at the Kootenay’s largest TELUS Authorized dealership. If you are interested in a fast paced cellular sales and service position please apply in person at: 35-1500 Cranbrook St N

(In the Tamarack Shopping Centre)

Cranbrook, BC

Medical Lab Assistant Located in LifeLabs’ Kimberley location. Position

is temp part time until June 2014 with 22.5 hours per week. Duties: reception, computer entry, venipuncture, ECGs, micro collection, pediatric collection, Holter Monitors, serum separation, medical drug screens, report delivery. Req’s: recent completion of a recognized MLA program, or recent exp. Excellent venipuncture/customer service/ communication/organizational skills. Must type 40+wpm. If interested, please apply at www.lifelabs.com.

Neighborhood Nursing looking for Care Aide for Home Health Care. Part time work in Kimberley/Cranbrook Area.

Fax resume: Attention Kathie 250-427-2244 krmoore1@telus.net (PSOR\PHQW 2SSRUWXQLW\ The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply for‌

0DQDJHU &UHVWRQ &DPSXV Please quote competition numbers: 13-MN-03

For a full description of these job postings and instructions on how to apply visit:

www.cotr.bc.ca/hrd/postings.asp ‡ ‡ ZZZ FRWU EF FD

Employment Opportunity

School Bus Driver Aqamnik School – St Mary’s Reserve Negotiated based on Experience Mon-Fri up to 20 hours per week September 3, 2013 This contract runs until the end of 2013-2014 school year. The successful candidate will primarily be responsible for the safe pickup and delivery of school children to and from the Aqamnik Elementary School, and St. Mary’s Catholic School. In addition the successful candidate will be responsible for the care and general maintenance of the School bus and other general duties as outlined in the School Bus job description. Qualifications: • Grade 12 or equivalent • Valid Class 4 Driver’s License • Minimum 1 - 3 years previous school bus driving experience • Valid Safety Oriented First-Aid certificate • Clean Criminal Record Check • Clean Drivers Abstract • Ability and knowledge to provide basic vehicle maintenance • Ability to problem solve and monitor student behavior • Knowledge of or willingness to learn Ktunaxa language history, and traditions Submit cover letter and resume to: Michael Derech Principal ?Aq’amnik’ School 7500 Mission Road Cranbrook, BC V1C 7E5 Fax: (250) 489-5455 mderech@aqam.net Competition Closing Date: Friday August 2 4:00pm Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Position: Location: Salary: Hours: Start Date: Term:

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, July 19, 2013

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

New Energy Wellness Spa in Prestige Hotel in Cranbrook is looking for

Certified Esthetician

Must be mature, qualified and with experience. Will be required to work some evenings and weekends as well as daytime hours, working in a space that promotes wellbeing of the client. Contact Allison at 250-417-0505

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A17




Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

EXPERIENCED FULL-TIME buncher and butt’n’top operator required for a logging contractor in the Smithers area. Competitive rates & benefit package available. Please call 250-847-1531 or 250-8470586 or fax resume to 250847-1532

Help Wanted

Full-Time Year Round


Chilliwack, BC

Serving Fraser Valley & Lower mainland. Must have valid BC Mines ticket & Worksafe BC ticket. Excellent wage & Benefit package. Attention Bryan Kirkness @ Western Explosives Ltd. reception@kirknessgroup.com

KidsTELEMARKETING Don’t Choose SALES REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED the The Streets Kootenay News Advertiser is

currently looking for a telemarketer

(PSOR\PHQW 2SSRUWXQLW\ The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply for‌


Term Part-time (60%), Cranbrook

Please quote competition numbers: 13-FA-10

For a full description of these job postings and instructions on how to apply visit:



70% of street kids suffered abuse from family members.

The telemarketing position requires a friendly outgoing personality that is pleasant on the phone and can meet and exceed goals in a team atmosphere. Experience an asset, but we will train the appropriate candidate. This is a full-time position. If you have a creative side with a goal driven mind set that prompts you to strive for above average results, we would like to speak to you. This position requires a reliable automobile and a valid drivers licence. Please apply by mail or drop a resume with a cover letter to: The Kootenay News Advertiser Attention Darcy Wiebe 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 darcy@kootenayadvertiser.com

That’s why there’s Covenant House.

Closing date for resumes is July 19, 2013

We would like to thank all that apply, however only those chosen for an interview will be contacted.

575 Drake Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 4K8

For more information or to give on-line: www.covenanthousebc.org Or call toll-free: 1-877-685-7474 BN 89767 5625 RR0001

Drywaller/Painter Needed ASAP!! Must have good references. Must have own vehicle & be willing to travel in Kootenay area. Must have own tools and be knowledgeable of the industry. Must be competent at spraying and repairing Spantex ceilings. Must be good at mudding, taping & painting. Reply to this add with resume and references or fax to: 250-489-1248 or email to:

Required Immediately Drivers Experience preferred. Please send or drop off resume to (No phone calls please)

LORDCO AUTO PARTS 2201 Cranbrook St N (No phone calls please)

Journeyman/Apprentice Meat Cutter

We offer competitive wages based on previous experience. Individual must be motivated, willing to learn, and be able to work in a busy retail environment. Please mail, fax or email resume to: Kootenay Market #320 2 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P6 Fax (250)426-1847 kootenaymarket@telus.net

Licensed Mechanic


Cherry Sorters Pickers, Packers & Field Crew

Starts last week of July Through 1st week of September 4733 Canyon Lister Rd, Canyon Contact Raj Dhaliwal

Relief & full-time carriers needed in:

Kimberley & Marysville Enhanced rate of pay Call Shannon or Erin (250)489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382

250-428-1629 250-428-7563 cvcgltd@hotmail.com

Advertising Sales Representative This is a fantastic opportunity to develop a rewarding career in advertising and marketing. Make a difference in Cranbrook by joining the Kootenay News Advertiser team. The ideal candidate must be motivated and take the initiative to sell multiple media products, including on-line advertising, special products, work with existing customers and find ways to grow sales. You must have a reliable vehicle and valid drivers license. The benefits and opportunities of working for Black Press, the leading independent newspaper publisher in Canada, are why we attract and employ the best. If rewarding challenge resonates with you, contact us today. Please submit your resume and cover letter by July 19 to the attention of: Darcy Wiebe Publisher, The Kootenay News Advertiser, 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 darcy@kootenayadvertiser.com

Canadian Tire, Trail BC With a growing service centre we are looking for a licensed mechanic with experience who wants to join a customer service driven team in a fast growing environment. We are looking for an experienced mechanic with full credentials. Competitive compensation package that includes benefits and a bonus structure.


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.

LIVE-IN MANAGER for 50 unit apt. bldg in Trail, B.C. Send resume to 100-3525 Laburnum Drive, Trail, B.C. V1R 2S9. sstevenson@telus.net Required immediately in the Elko area, experienced faller buncher operator. Must have minimum 2 years experience. Must be experienced on steeper ground. Good wages + benefits, fax resumes to 250-529-7722 S.M. Quennell Trucking in Cranbrook is looking for log truck drivers based in Cranbrook. Full time work, home every night. Excellent medical, dental, pension benefits, etc. Wages competitive with industry standards. Fax resume to (250)426-4610 or call (250)426-6853


Cranbrook, BC V1C 5M6 Attn: Manager

A successful supermarket operating in Elkford, BC is currently looking for a


Full time experienced Journeyman bodyman/painter required for ICBC accredited shop in Cranbrook. Competitive wages. Benefits available. Email resume to bodymanjob@gmail.com Full time presser required immediately, will train, no experience necessary. Apply in person with resume, to Cranbrook Dry Cleaners in the Cranbrook Mall. Call (250)426-6812 GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message. For Information 1-800-972-0209. HIRING LOCAL DRIVERS to transport railway crews. Vehicle & training is provided. Class 4 driver’s license is required, assistance will be provided for those who require upgrade. Flexible schedule for a 24/7 operation. F/T & P/T opportunities WINTER WAGES $19.50/HR Contact Wolf Bigge:

The Lemare Group is accepting resumes for the following positions: • Certified Hand Fallers • Office Highway Logging Truck Drivers • Log Loader Operator • Grapple Yarder Operators • Boom Boat Operator • Chasers • Hooktenders • 2nd Loaders-Buckermen • Heavy Duty Mechanics Fulltime camp with union rates/benefits. Please send resumes by fax to 250-956-4888 or email to: office@lemare.ca. TRUCK DRIVER POSITION Class 1 license with Air Endorsement. 40+ hours a week, competitive wage. Apply @ TriKon Precast Attention: Todd


Fax: (403)504-8664

J. RYBACHUK & Sons Trucking LTD has an immediate opening for a full time experienced log truck driver in the Elko area. This is a full time position with a great benefits and pension plan. Please email your resume along with current drivers abstract to rybtrk@telus.net or fax 250425-0505

Contact Craig 250.364.3333 x250 latts10@hotmail.com

Income Opportunity NOW HIRING! Earn extra cash, workers in demand for simple work. P/T-F/T. Can be done from home. Acceptance guaranteed, no experience required, all welcome! www.BCJobLinks.com

Trades, Technical CHEVALLIER GEO-CON Ltd Rocky Mountain House, Alberta requires experienced Cat, Hoe, Mulcher Operators, servicing Western Canada. Safety tickets required. Fax resume to 403-844-2735.


A18 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, July 19, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser



Pets & Livestock

Financial Services

Excavating & Drainage

Feed & Hay

BAD CREDIT happens to GOOD PEOPLE We understand. If you need a vehicle, but don’t have the cash to buy one, call us at 250-489-0903 and ask for our financial department.

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Mini excavator & dump truck available. All types of excavation, water & sewer line trenching. Leaky basement excavation. Landscaping, retaining walls. Concrete & asphalt breakage & removal. Call (250)417-6776 (250)489-2155



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PDQ HOME Improvements Hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, countertops, small reno’s, tiling, etc. (250)421-7977 Randy’s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. www.pioneerwest.com IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Water Services

Cash same day, local office.

Fitness/Exercise COME SEE the expanded show room at Flaman Fitness, we have Bow Flex gyms, Nautilus treadmills, bikes and elipticals. Plus we have a huge clearance section upstairs. We’re located on the strip downtown Cranbrook. Just look for the 7’ tall running man out front www.flamanfitness.com 250-426-2691

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption, property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.




Do you have pain or discomfort when you walk? Are your nails thick and need expert care? Do you have corns, painful cracks or calluses? Are you diabetic, if so, do you need special care of your feet to avoid complications? Do you have athlete’s foot? Do you just want to pamper your feet with a French Pedicure? In home care service available

Astrid Maupu. Foot Care Nurse/250 908-0275 #13-14 Avenue S - Suite 203 (near Safeway) Cranbrook V1C 2W9 astridm.footcare@gmail.com

Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $300 And Under classiďŹ cation and it’s

Black Angus herd dispersal. 40 pairs & pregnant cows with bulls. Home raised. Very quiet. Some halter broke. Call (250)226-7054

Poultry Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser

Merchandise for Sale

Antiques / Vintage Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews

Culligan can fix that nasty white build up on your taps or cure that annoying red staining in bath tub or laundry. Call Culligan Cranbrook today and let us fix your water right the first time! Call (250)426-2691 or visit our website www.culligancranbrook.com And remember at Culligan we will always come to your home and test your water for free!

Pets & Livestock

Equestrian Buying old or unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372 FARRIER, MD. Horseshoeing Ask about discounts Call Morgan, (250)529-7370

Feed & Hay 10 tons of this years hay, small squares, no rain, in hay loft, $4/per bale. Call (250)426-5133 Alfalfa grass mix, 500lb bales, loaded in field, $130/ton, $33/bale. Call (250)426-7668 Good hay for sale, Jaffray, (250)421-3298 or (250)4293603 Great horse hay, small squares, $5/bale in the shed, first come first serve. Call Ken (250)426-6249 Hay for sale, 1st cut, small squares, $5/bale, Wycliffe. (250)427-6484 HAY FOR SALE: Grass and alfalfa,covered small bails $4 or $5 per bail contact Doug at Wycliffe 250-427-2768. HAY FOR SALE Premium Quality, 1st Cut Square bales: Alfalfa, Broom, Timothy Mix Stored inside $5.50/bale (250)427-5650 Hay, round bales, $50-$80 per bale. Elkhorn Ranch, (250)342-0617


Luepold VARI-X11 3X9X33 ultra light rifle scope, ex. cond., $290 obo. Luepold 10X42 Cascade Binoculars, $175 obo. (250)423-1722 Potbellied piglets! Boys and girls available, lots of colors. Great hobby farm pets, $250/each. (250)866-5263 or karmacreekfarm@gmail.com Rubber tired towable cement mixer, $275. (250)426-4998 Steps & landing suitable for rancher or modular. 4 steps front & back, 4’ wide. 4’x9’ landing with railing & pickets. 3’ from ground to landing. Cost $1000 for materials, only 5 years old, asking $250. (250)426-2819

Building Supplies Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser

6’ aluminum quad ramp, trifold, rated 750 lbs, $90. Call (250)489-3968 6’ Diefenbachia plant, $50. 3’ Diefenbachia plant, $25. African Violets, beautiful plants, $2.00/each. Chair & ottoman, $40. Entertainment centre, $15.Computer monitor, $50. Cabinet TV, $15. Computer desk w/hutch, $45. Exercise bike, $30. From pet & smoke free home. Call (250)489-2697 6MDF board, $40. Kenmore humidifier, $30. 3x6 office desk, $25. 5-shelf wood bookcase, $20. Old fashion look like radio, CD’s, record, tape unit, $30. (250)426-0081 Four 13� all season tires, good rubber, $25/each obo. (250)342-6127

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A-1 FURNACE & Air Duct Cleaning. Complete Furnace/Air Duct Systems cleaned & sterilized. Locally owned & operated. 1-800-5650355 (Free estimates)

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Own A Vehicle?

$300 & Under Bathtub, ďŹ berglass, cream color, 72â€? long, 36â€? wide, safety bars, new $600 asking $250. (250)417-6603 Dining room set, 6 chairs & table, $300. Running boards, aluminum for Crew cab, $75. (250)426-5107

$100 & Under

Swimming Pools/ Hot Tubs

Merchandise for Sale

Small bales, no rain, $4/bale. 1 (250)887-3444 Small square bales hay, $3.40/bale. Jim Caldwell (250)423-6237 Fernie.

Household Services

BEACHCOMBER HOT TUBS save up to $4010 at the factory year end clearance event while stock lasts, plus we have 8 reconditioned hot tubs starting as low as $800. This month save 20% off HOT TUB COVERS. 100 Van Horne Street North Cranbrook 250426-7999 www.beachcomberhottubs.com and RELAX IT’S A BEACHCOMBER

Need CA$H Today?

HAY FOR SALE small square $160/ton 250-428-4316

Merchandise for Sale

$400 & Under Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com Technics keyboard, model KN470, w/stand, new $1200, asking $400. 1 (250)417-3445

$500 & Under Ranger 21 pool filter & some water additives, $800 new, $200. (250)417-6603

Firearms GUN SHOW Crowsnest Pass Pistol Club Aug 10, 2013 10am-5pm Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex 5702 - 22nd Ave Coleman, Alberta 1-866-425-0083

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Food Products

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale


Dining table with 6 padded chairs $250, coffee table & 2 end tables (glass top) $75, Blue/grey swivel chair $50 and solid wood chair with padded seat $100. Prices negotiable. Call 250-423-6021.

Shed Antlers. Racks. Taxidermy, antiques. Cash paid. Kelly, (250)426-6993

BC INSPECTED GRADED AA OR BETTER LOCALLY GROWN NATURAL BEEF Hormone Free Grass Fed/Grain Finished $100 Packages Available Quarters/Halves $2.60/lb Hanging Weight Extra Lean Hamburger $4.00/lb TARZWELL FARMS 250-428-4316 Creston

Free Items Composted horse manure, free, great for gardens. We can help load. Located near Fernie, BC. (250)423-3925 Free kittens to good home. 5 available. (250)426-4413


Sheds & Call Rick

**FREE** All Wanted ads are now FREE!!!! Call today to place your wanted ad 250-489-3455 Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030

Furniture Canwood solid wood double/single bed set with mattresses, $300. (250)429-3078

Wanted: mint condition 1947 Nova Scotia license plates. Also, Jukebox that Sears sold in the Wishbook 2 years ago, must work completely. Please leave msg (250)426-7614

Garden Equipment

Musical Instruments

Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com

Misc. for Sale

Tikka M65 300 Win Mag, left handed bolt with Leupold 3x9 scope, $800 obo. Call (250)489-4345

Goats for sale. Yearling does, bottle kids. Priced to sell at $80/each. (250)866-5263 or karmacreekfarm@gmail.com Hunting or Fishing Gear. Spotlight, $10. Digital tester, $15. Car GPS, $20. Spotting scope, $35. Inverter, 600W, $15. Electronic Moose call, $20. Camera stand, $10. Catalystic heater, $15. 2-burner Coleman stove, $10. 3burner Coleman stove, $15. (250)489-5038 Landscaping wood chips, $5/garbage bag full. Pet bedding curly chips, $10/garbage bag full (250)424-5313 Large Doghouse, removable roof, double walled, reinforced corners & door, newly painted, $95. (250)426-4165 Rabbits for breeding, pets & meat. Flemish Giant, New Zealand, commercial crosses, prices start at $20. Creston, (250)866-5263 karmacreekfarm@gmail.com Two 215/85/R16� LT radials, $25/each. (250)417-6603 Vivatar 3-stage tri-pod, $75 obo. Tire chains for pickup truck & ATV, make an offer. All in good cond. (250)423-1722

WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750



Miscellaneous Tanks These tanks can be used for many things. They hold 250 US gallons. Made of plastic w/a metal cage. 6â€? top opening, with a 2â€? discharge. They weigh about 125lbs. $200 for 1 tank, $300 for 2 tanks. Call George, (250)347-9500 Remember ClassiďŹ ed Advertising deadlines are Tuesday 2 pm for the following Friday and 2 pm Thursday for the following Monday. STEEL BUILDING. DIY summer sale! Bonus days extra 5% off. 20x22 $3,998. 25x24 $4,620. 30x34 $6,656. 32x42 $8,488. 40x54 $13,385. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422, www.pioneersteel.ca STEEL BUILDINGS, metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 will sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca Top Soil, sand, composted manure, delivery available (250)421-7399

Garage Sales

DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.

Sporting Goods

Consignment Sporting Goods 917 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook

www.funhogz.com 417-2828 Hyperlite women’s wakeboard boots, never been used, fits size 6-11, $80. Call (250)429-3078

Tools 200 amp Bobcat $1200. (250)426-5107


Garage Sales

"We make your house a home."

813 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC t

$200 & Under 4 matching 245/65/R17’’ winter Radials, $150. (250)4176603 55 gal aquarium w/stand & all extras, $200. (250)426-0081


Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $200 And Under classiďŹ cation and it’s


Rubbermaid 300 gal horse trough, $200 obo. (250)4898044 White metal dry box for pickup, box size 63� or less, $150. 2 porta potties, $25/each. Sears dryer, A1 shape, $150. (250)426-4998

Misc. Wanted Antlers Wanted, Sets, Elk & Deer. 250-422-3444

Wanted: 1-2 windows, preferably sealed sliders, approx. 28-30� wide, 30-50� high. (250)349-5520

Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $100 And Under classiďŹ cation and it’s


Hay, ďŹ rewood, sand & gravel for sale. (250)417-9291 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit, Complete Room Treatment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available online homedepot.com (NOT IN STORES).

Your Number 1 choice for pest control in the Kootenay Region. Cranbrook Pest Control. (250)426-9586 www.cranbrookpestcontrol.com

SEASONED dry Larch/Fir, heaped, stacked, full size pickup load, split & delivered $150. (250)426-6101

12x15 wood building, fully insulated, metal roof, 220 wiring, repainted inside & out, built on 8x8 beams with lifting eyes for pickup, portable air conditioner built in, would make an extra bunkhouse or workshop, $5900. (250)421-1884 CENTRAL RV. New and used sea containers. Best prices in B.C. Can Deliver. 20’ New $3800. Used $2800. Other sizes available call for pricing. (250)314-9522.


Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com


THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF CANADA, BC BRANCH Toll Free 1-800-567-8112 www.kidney.ca

1. Sat, July 20, 9am-5pm, 503 9th St S. 2. Carport sale, Sat. July 20, 9am-3pm, 1405 12th Ave S. 3. July 20, July 21, 8-3, 1820 Wilson Road, Large 3 family garage sale, household items, tools, horse tack. 4. Fri, July 19, 2pm-6pm, Sat, July 20, 9am-1pm, 1201 Kootenay St, across from the Alliance Church 5. Sat, July 20, 7am-6pm, Sun, July 21, 8am-5pm, 355 Mission Place 6. July 20, 3248 Jim Smith Lk. Rd., 10-4, large variety of misc. items. 7. Sat July 20, 8-2, 916 4A St S. No Early birds. Some collectibles. Oil lamps. Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews Moving Sale, Sat., July 20, 9am-4pm, 168 Stemwinder Drive, Kimberley. Household furniture & items.

8. SAT July 20 8am-3pm. Huge multi-family garage sale. Of special interest to home schoolers - hundreds of books, kids, teens, adults, workbooks, reference, usborne immaculate condition. Clothes - plus size, kids, teen. Craft supplies, stampin up. Loads of kitchen stuff, exercise, furniture, toys, games, more. 27 - 21st Ave. S Cranbrook. REMEMBER to get your Garage sale ad in by 2 pm on Tuesday for the following Friday. Sat, July 20, Sun, July 21, 9am-4pm, 9269 Colomb St, Elko. Tools, household items, children’s stuff, holiday items, misc. Taken from 8th St S yard sale July 13: 2 awarded belt buckles “Wabco Truck� “Blue Prospector�, $100 reward, no questions asked. (250)489-4837 or (250)420-1040

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, July 19, 2013

Real Estate

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A19

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate


Acreage for Sale

For Sale By Owner

Apt/Condo for Rent

REDUCED! $304,900 Beautiful oak hardwood throughout! Upgrades incl roof, bathroom & kitchen. Private yard, deck, garage, cul de sac. 3+1 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Appliances neg. View at http://www.bcforsalebyowner.com/view/4641. Phone 250344-2832

Mobile Homes & Parks

Open Houses

RENOVATED 2 bdrm home on 4.2 acres, garage, barns, RV storage ,greenhouse, fruit trees,gardens, fenced for horses, outdoor arena, Crownland access, 250-908-1578. $266,000.

Duplex/4 Plex

#1 Modular Dealer • Showhomes on Sale! • Trades Welcome! • Basement Models! • Built in BC!

Duplex, large master, 2-pc ensuite, 3-bedroom, 3-bath, modern, large carport, new roof, great locale,

$269,900. (250)489-3157 welist.com id#49300

For Sale By Owner $229,000. 3.5 acres + older clean mobile, close to town. (250)489-6212 (250)489-5068


On the Strip


2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230


Beautiful South View Home for sale. 3200 sq.ft. of finished living space. Large fenced back yard summer kitchen in lower area of the home. New roof, new hardwood throughout, air conditioning, underground sprinkler. Large deck off back, large garage area & work bench. Owners are downsizing & wish to sell to a family who can appreciate this very nice home. See all pics on We-List.com. Call for appointment, 250-417-1990 Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews FERNIE - 1969 3 bdrm mobile home for sale FMHP. Newly renovated bathroom. Open kitchen/dining room. Large family room. 10x8 mud room. Includes fridge, stove, microwave, washer & dryer. Phone 250-423-3340.

MARYSVILLE 820-309th St, 3-bdr quality home w/great view, backing on Bootleg Golf Course, near school & arena, 1317 sq ft up & 877 down, 2-car garage, U/G sprinklers, central air & vac, 2-large decks, natural gas for BBQ, custom oak cabinets throughout, crown moldings, gas fireplace, garburator, large ensuite w/jacuzzi, 2-other baths, high eff furnace & electrostatic air cleaning, kitchen island. Quality & location! Photos on Kijiji $399,000 (250)427-1979

Listed on PropertyGuys.com 266361

RV Sites SERVICED LOT for sale at Moyie River Ranch Resort. 50x150’ lot #363. $59,000. Trade for RV or motor home to close value, cash at better price. 403-488-7804/ cell 403928-8219 therese.saint@hotmail.com


Houses For Sale

Open House Saturday,July 20, 12-2pm 805 13th St S $299,000 Must see, unique, extensively upgraded, 2400 sq.ft. home, 3-bdrm, 2-bath, Jacuzzi tub in bedroom, large rooms with open concept, wrap around decks, with breakfast bar, view, in great location, with double detached garage and low maintenance yard. You will be surprised!!!

Other Areas 1982 Mobile Home

in Windermere Mobile Home Park 5 bedrooms, 1 large bathroom with a woodstove, 8x10 deck, close to schools and beach. Home is vacant and ready for immediate occupancy.

$69,900 OBO www.eaglehomes.ca

On the Strip

2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230


20 ACRES FREE! Own 60 acres for 40 acre price/payment $0 Down, $198/mo. Money Back Guarantee, No Credit Checks. Beautiful Views, West Texas. Call 1800-843-7537. www.texaslandbuys.com

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 3-bdrm condo, close to hospital & college, 2 parking stalls, washer/dryer, storage. Furniture available & negotiable, avail now, $1200/month. (250)919-3983 Cranbrook, 2-bdrm, in quiet, senior oriented Forest Park, insuite laundry, elevator, $875. (250)423-4833 Creston, BC PARKVIEW MANOR 1 & 2/Bdrm Apartments $550 & up. Secure Building Available now! Rent Incentive N/S N/P Children OK Phone Ingrid 250-428-2234 Hampshire Apartments, quiet convenient location, no stairs, inc heat & hot water, n/s, n/p, 1-bdrm, $600/m, (250)417-7379 ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰



Above Kootenay Lake. 4km to Ashram, Marine, Golf Course, Riondel & beach. 2 3/4 acres & 2 storey unfinished (but furnished) “Small is Beautiful� cabin. Good benches for building, one with lake view. In Aug, 12 appraised at $170,000 but older, flexible vendor open to offers & might carry part of mortgage for suitable person or couple. For info & viewing please call:


Home and acreage in Cranbrook BC, 1/2 mile outside city limits in the RDEK, 1.5 storey, 2580 sq ft including basement, double detached garage, garden shed, full deck across back, hot tub ,water softener, iron filter, gas furnace, fireplace and much more, all on 2.19 acres backed by crown land, $255,000. 1-509-3449090 MOBILE Home for Sale, (14’X70’) Situated in Whispering Spruce TrailerPark totally redone, 3 bedrooms, Major renovations have been done by professionals, like new windows (2007) new bathroom (2009) new efficient propane furnace (2009) peaked roof (2011) enclosed screen deck and more! Asking $70,000. Call Kathy 250-439-7100

QUIET AND SECURE Fountain Estate Terrific mountain views, green space, laundry, fireplace and bright kitchen on main floor, 2-bdrms, 2.5 baths, 3-pc en-suite, double garage, above ground deck

$325,000. For viewing (250)426-8284

Lakeshore Kootenay Lake property, 2bdrm cottage with guest/teenager house, new septic & roof, year round creek, stones throw from sandy beach, priced to sell at $339,900. Will consider trades. Call (250)421-3215


Looking to purchase a new home? We have a large pad site in town that will accommodate a single wide or larger home if purchased through

Kodiak Homes!

Ph 250-426-1882


MORTGAGES!! Lower than posted bank rates. No application fee. Mortgage renewal, refinancing, debt consolidation & pre-qualification. Private Mortgages. John Magis 1-877-489-1691 MORTGAGE INTELLIGENCE

Open Houses

2 Bedroom unit $750 Clean, quiet, secure, NO SMOKING, NO PETS, NO PARTIES laundry facilities, adult oriented. Ref. req.

Reasonable Rent!! Affordable !!!! 1 bedroom apartments! F/S, blinds, H/W, absolutely no pets, references, close to all amenities, Also, 3-bdrm house, available Aug 15 Call (250)489-1906 (250)919-2075

SPARWOOD, B.C. Pine Crest Apartments Under New Management Fully Renovated 1 & 2 bedrooms available Pinecrest36@gmail.com 1-778-518-2253 To view: www.glprental.com

Commercial/ Industrial Commercial property on Theatre Road for lease, 3000 sq.ft., office/shop/warehouse & yard, avail now. For info call, (250)919-0350

Two bdrm condo Sparwood Heights Ponderosa Manor. Furnished. Call 250-423-1687.

Open Houses

Duplex / 4 Plex

Modular Homes Available immediately, For sale or rent, 2BDRM mobile home f/s w/d near Elko, fenced yard, pets will be considered, $750/mo incl util or $15,000 obo. (250)421-9147, (250)426-4208

Kimberly Ski Hill. Really nice furn upper unit. 1bdrm 1bath. Laundry. Ski in/out. Quiet cul de sac. Fab views! NS. NP. $750/mo All in! (250)427-1935

Misc for Rent Furnished & unfurnished properties available for rent in Sparwood & Elkford. Call Lindsay 250-425-1180 or lindsay@sparwoodrealestate.ca

Mobile Homes & Pads

Our Executive Showhome is Now on SALE!! ONLY $199,000


3600 sq.ft. of Retail Space

Located DOWN TOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-428-5240

Duplex / 4 Plex 1307B 10th St. S Renovated upper 3-bdrm, c/w 4-appl, living room, dining, kitchen, parking & yard, one year lease, n/s, n/p, $925/mth + utilities. (250)421-2590 1307C 10th St S, clean lower 1-bdrm, c/w kitchen, living & dining room, parking & yard, one year lease, n/s, n/p, $600/mth + utilities. Call (250)421-2590 1307D 10th St. S. Renovated lower 2-bdrm, c/w 5-appl, hardwood floors, kitchen, dining & living room, parking & yard, $750/mth + utilities. One year lease, n/p, n/s. (250)4212590 1308D 11th St S, renovated 1bdrm, complete with living room, kitchen & bathroom, parking & yard, n/p, n/s, one year lease, $585/mth + electric. (250)421-2590 Bright & spacious, 3-bdrm upper level unit in 4-plex at 1300 10A ST S, inc. large deck, covered parking & extra spot, also has outdoor storage, F/S, W/D, D/W, n/s, n/p, n/partiers, DD & ref. req., $1000/mth + electricity. (250)417-6755 (250)421-7777 Lower level of duplex, 2-bdrm, util inc, w/d, n/s, n/p, n/parties. $750/m. (250)581-0952

Homes for Rent


Kimberley, clean, quiet 2bdrm duplex, F/S, carpets, drapes, balcony, W/D, full basement, private entry, close to shopping, n/p, $630. Please call (250)427-7173

WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, hot tub, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 1 & 2bdrm units, 250-417-7379

Looking for quiet, responsible renters for our newly renovated 2-bdrm mobile home, located 5 min from Fernie, has a 12x16 storage shed, $950/mth, n/p, n/s, 2 references required. (250)426-6007.

Homes for Rent 3-bdrm house, 3-bath, 2250 sq.ft., great deck, fenced yard, close to TM Roberts School, avail Aug 15. $1250/mth + util., n/s, n/parties, pets negotiable. (250)417-7250 ONE Bedroom house for rent in Creston. $700 mo. No pets or smokers. Call 250-4272526

Shared Accommodation Room for rent, inc. utilities, prefer female, must be working or student, $450/mth. (778)517-1220 ROOMS for rent, incl util. Must be working or college student, one at $425/mo, one at $485/mo. Available immediately. (250)426-2479

Suites, Lower www.eaglehomes.ca

On the Strip

2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230

Newly renovated 3-bdrm basement suite, avail Aug 1, F/S, shared laundry, includes utilities (gas, hydro, cable & phone) large yard, $1000/mth plus DD. (250)464-9997 Spacious 1-bdrm, ground level entrance bsmt suite, private entrance & parking, gas fireplace, partially furnished, located 5 minutes from downtown on scenic acreage, suitable for a single person, n/p, n/s, utilities inc., ref req. $700/mo. (250)489-4082 or (250)426-0417

Modular Home Pads

available in Cranbrook, Wycliffe and Invermere. Trades considered and financing available! www.eaglehomes.ca

On the Strip

2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230

Townhouses FOR Rent: - Fully finished well-maintained townhome in Cranbrook. Close to college, hospital, recplex, shopping, and bus transportation. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, includes finished basement, fridge/stove, washer/dryer, 2 parking stalls. N/S, N/P, 3 references required. $1200/mo. Utilities not included. For appt call 250-919-5051 or email: rjimasonry@telus.blackberry.net FULLY furnished 2 bedroom townhouse across from Tim Horton’s. 1 and 1/2 baths, 6 appliances, parking for 2 vehicles, single car garage. $1050/month. Hydro not included. 403-852-7636 SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448

Homes for Rent

Homes for Rent


(250)417-1011 Quattrin Manor, FERNIE, 2 bdrm apartments available July 1st. No pets, no smoking. Call 250-423-4245.





2 bdrm Apt

$750/mth incl.util.



1 bdrm Suite

$700/mth +util

Ski Hill


2 bdrm Apt

$950/mth + util

Ski Hill


1 bdrm Townhouse

$725/mth incl.util.

Ski Hill


1 bdrm Apt.

$850/mth incl.util.

Ski Hill


2 bdm Furn. Apt.

$1200/mth incl.util.

Kimbrook Cres


3 bdm Duplex

$800/mth + util



4 bdm House

$900/mth + util

Alpine Cres


2 bdm Condo

$600/mth + util

Bavarian Villa


2 bdrm Apt

$650/mth + util

Ski Hill


3 bdm Furn. Condo

$1700/mth incl.util.



1 bdm + Den Apt

East Kootenay Realty Complete Rental Property and Strata Management Services Kimberley 250-427-0070 1-866-427-0070 Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211 www.ekrealty.com/property_management.php

$700/mth +Util

A20 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Antiques / Classics



Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

1985 Corvette, white, 4-spd auto, 350 tune port injection, 169,000km, new tires, $8995 obo. (250)489-0193

1956 Chev pickup, bright teal, white cab back, 455 Olds, power disk brakes, p/s, auto, floor up rod, power & beauty, $35,000, (250)427-4834 (250)427-6547

1967 Chevelle Custom 350 motor, auto trans, p/s, p/b, new suspension and interior, asking $7500. (250)426-5797 or 919-8897

1972 Chev show truck, 350 CID, auto, 2WD, column shift, bucket seats, nice paint, green with black interior, asking $11,900. 250-427-5895 1974 Corvette, 350, auto, troof, needs paint, upholstery good, $7500. (250)489-0193 1995 Mustang Convertible, 5L, 5-spd, black w/tan top, new wheels, tires, exhaust, stereo, many more upgrades, very fast, ex. cond., beautiful car, must see! $8500. Call (250)428-9606 Creston

Auto Financing


Bankruptcy No credit Divorce No problem

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1988 Jaguar XJ 12 Vandenplas, 186,230km, V-12, very good cond., Pirelli tires, new brakes, $3800 obo. (250)421-1188

1996 Corvette Collector Edition, 160,000km, 2 roofs, auto, original paint, engine LT4, fully loaded,ex cond, asking $16,000 obo. (250)426-3802 1998 Cadillac Catera, 160,000km, beige with beige leather, sunroof, heated front/rear seats, cassette/CD & more, 30+ mpg hwy, $5500. (250)426-7041 1998 Pontiac Sunfire, red, 2-dr, manual, only 162,065 km, new battery, runs great, $2000. (250)464-1961 1998 Subaru Forester AWD, well maintained, new timing belt, battery, windshield, no rust, 220,000 km, $5000. (250)346-3378 1999 Ford Taurus wagon, power equipped, new tires, brakes, 170,000km, drive anywhere vehicle, no rust, $2800. (250)489-1980 2003 Honda Civic DX-G, 4cyl, manual, power door locks & air, really nice cond., local car, only 162,200km, Stock #V66378A, $6795. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, (250)489-4327 2003 Honda Civic LX, silver, 5-spd, 1.7L, manual, 172,000 km, responsibly driven & maintained, just inspected, all service receipts, $5700. Call (250)422-9349


www.iDreamAuto.com DL# 7557

Cars - Domestic Need new wheels but your credit has run off the road? Apply online:


or call Travis at Northstar GM

250-489-4711 1-800-663-2307

1966 Mustang Coupe, collector plates. 2005 650 VStar Classic, bags, windshield, new tires, 20,000 km, $5500. Call after 5pm, 1 (250)428-9759

1966 Rambler Ambassador 4-door station wagon, V8 auto, excellent inside & out, completely restored 1996, 97,000 original miles, asking $6800 obo. To view call (250)426-5371

1978 Toyota Celica ST, ex. cond., 130,000 km, new brakes, motor freshened, new gaskets, all original, Grandma’s car, auto, collector status (very close), remarkable car, exceptional!

$2950 obo. (250)417-3949

2003 Toyota Corolla CE, everything works, new cruise, stocks & struts, wheel covers, 215,000km, winter tires on rims also available. $4995. (250)426-8867 2004 Chevrolet Optra LT, 4cyl, silver, FWD, Stock #03313A, $5995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)427-4224 2004 Chrysler Intrepid, clean, non-smoking, 178,337km, well maintained, new winter tires, 75% summer tires, $3500 obo. (250)427-1532 2004 Ford Escape XLT, V6, auto, FWD, 182,052km, Stock #Y66288A, $9995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315 call (250)489-0903

2004 Mustang Convertible, 6-cyl, auto, 40th Anniversary Model, 1 owner, 127,000 km, never driven in winter, $12,000. Gary, (250)427-3027 or (250)427-6393 2004 Nissan Maxima 4-dr Sedan, V6, auto, grey, FWD, Stock #N15851A, $12,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 888-426-6665 2004 Subaru Impreza 2.5 TS Wagon, auto, silver, Stock #T13322A, $5995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1-888259-7039 2005 Focus Wagon, heated seats, auto, air, cruise, 105,000 km, nice car, $5500 obo. (250)489-1628 2005 Pontiac G6 4-dr Sedan, V6, auto, grey, Stock #12113B, $9995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)427-4224 2006 Chrysler Sebring Sedan, 4-dr, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #V77236B, $5995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-877-420-2194

2007 Ford Focus SE, 2-dr hatchback, 45,000km, like new, air cond, heated mirrors, p/w, p/dl, heated seats, am/fm/CD/satellite radio

$7150 obo. (250)427-6087

2007 Hyundai Accent GS, 4cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #H01417B, $6500. Spring Honda, DL #31110. Call for more info, (250)489-4311 or toll free 1-888-638-4488 2007 Nissan Maxima 3.5 SE Sedan, grey, Stock #13342970A, $11,995. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, (888)6163926 2007 Pontiac G6, V6, auto, FWD, Stock #S32588A, $10,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523. Call us at (250)489-4325 877-420-2194 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix Sedan, FWD, 3.8L, auto, silver, Stock #17686, $6995. Chalet GM, DL #6340, (800)388-1156 2007 Subaru Outback 5-dr Wagon, auto 2.5i, 4-cyl, auto, AWD, Stock #F29026, $16,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-877-420-2194 (250)489-4325 2007 Toyota Camry LE, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #Y34633A, $13,995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315, (250)489-0903



2004 Hyundai Accent GL, 4-cyl, 1.6L, auto, air, less than 65,000km, bucket seats, p/d, p/m, p/w, summer/winter tires, no rust, good mechanical cond., $4000 obo. (250)426-9020 Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com

2007 Toyota Corolla, Sports Edition, 100,000 km, ex. cond., standard, $10,000 obo. (250)421-3311 2007 Volkswagen Rabbit 5-dr Hatchback, auto, red, Stock #T1209B, $10,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1-888259-7039


Cars - Domestic

Commercial Vehicles



2008 Ford Focus, black, 2-dr standard, 96,000 km, 4-winter tires w/rims, remote starter, $9500 obo. (250)489-1310 2008 Nissan Versa 5-dr HB, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #Z52231, $9995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313 1-888-426-6665 2008 Pontiac G5 SE Sedan, 2.2L, 5-spd manual, grey, Stock #13196, $10,995. Chalet GM, DL #6340, (800)3881156 2009 Nissan Altima SL, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #N70065A, $15,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-888-426-6665 2009 Pontiac G6 GXP Coupe, FWD, 3.6L, auto, black, Stock #13692, $16,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340, (800)388-1156

1993 Western Star tandem dump truck with new hoist cylinder, front differential, rear leaf springs, front tires, king pins, batteries & rebuilt engine, 18-spd split shift, $21,000. (250)417-6543 45’ Commercial transport van, heated, new 24.5 rubber, $5500. (250)489-8794

1992 Wilderness 24’ trailer, clean unit, with awning, sleeps 6, everything works, $5000. (250)426-6544

2001 26’ Vanguard, parked on for last 10 years, no bush km since 2003. New roof, 2-yr old awning, double bed in front, Jack & Jill bunks in rear, sleeps 6 comfortably (can accommodate 8), asking $11,000. Call or text, (250)421-1597

2009 Pontiac Vibe,

80,000km, 2nd owner, power everything, 5-spd, ex. cond., alloys & snows on rims,

$10,500 obo. (250)417-3949

2009 PT Cruiser, 56,000km, ex. cond., $11,000 obo. (250)342-6997 2009 Subaru Forester, 4-dr, auto, w/Premium package, blue, AWD, Stock #12013A, $13,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)427-4224 2010 Chevrolet Aveo LS, 4cyl, manual, FWD, 33,206km, Stock #Y36642B, $9995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315, (250)489-0903 2010 Ford Focus SE, 2.0L, FWD, Stock #T3293B, $11,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-663-3839 2011 Dodge Caliber SXT, 4-dr Hatchback, 2.0L, auto, Stock # D294171, $12,999. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, (250)4894010 or 1-888-418-4798 2011 Honda Accord Sedan EXL, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #H06878A, $23,500. Spring Honda, DL #31110, (250)4894311 or 1-888-638-4488 2012 Chevrolet Impala LT Sedan, 3.6L, 6-cyl, 6-spd auto, Stock #61422, $16,977. Northstar GM, DL #5717, 1-800663-2307 2012 Chevrolet Malibu LS Sedan, 2.4L, 4-cyl, 6-spd auto, white, Stock #A0761B, $17,995. Northstar GM, DL #5717, 1-800-663-2307 2012 Ford Fiesta, black, 1.6L, FWD, Stock #C3042A, $12,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-663-3839 2012 Hyundai Elantra GLS Sedan, 1.8L, 6-spd auto, silver, Stock #13-038442, $17,995. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, (888)616-3926 2012 Hyundai Tucson Limited AWD, Iris Blue Mica in color, 2.4L, 6-spd auto, leather, Stock #T3114Z, $24,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800663-3839 2012 Nissan Versa BASE, 4cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #N63276, $17,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313. 1-888-426-6665 2012 Toyota Yaris SE Hatchback, FWD, 1.5L, auto, white, Stock #17746, $15,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-800-3881156 New Price 2008 Pontiac Wave, 81,000km, 4-dr sedan, manual trans., loaded w/custom stereo & amp, tinted windows, 8 tires, $8000 no reasonable offer refused. (250)489-3672

Motorcycles 1999 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200 cc, custom built, 39,000km, $8000 obo. (250)489-1310 2001 Harley 1200 Sportster, 100th Anniversary Edition, needs inspection, $5500. Call (250)417-5530 2002 Suzuki Intruder, 1400 CCB twin, new tires, saddle bags, chrome pkg, mint shape, $5750. (250)865-7850 or 4255974 2004 Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail Classic, ex cond., 64,000km, $11,500 obo. After 6pm, (250)426-1836 2006 CR125, very well maintained, brand new FMF pipe & silencer & rad valve, $2700 obo. (250)421-8126 2006 Honda Shadow Arrow, 750cc, garage stored, well maintained, well equipped, must see, 38,900 km, saddlebags & helmet included, $5100 obo. Call after 6pm, (250)429-3941 2007 Harley Davidson Dyna Low-Rider, burgundy/cream, 55,000km, must see to appreciate, asking $11,000. (250)489-5445 2008 250 Rebel, 6400km, ex. cond., $3800 obo. Call (250)489-5392 2008 Honda CRF250X, $4800 obo Barely used less than 200 km (250)427-7229 2008 KLR 650, 11,000km, near mint, w/extras & bags, $3650 obo. Evenings (403)836-3786 2012 KX100, great cond., bought July 2012, $4200 obo. 2012 KTM150XC, mint cond, barely used, bought July 2012, $6600 obo. (250)426-7980

Off Road Vehicles 2000 Suzuki 500 Quad, woman driven, 20 hrs since $3500 motor & tranny rebuild, $3100. (250)426-3568 2001 500 Suzuki quad, $2500. 1992 300 Suzuki quad, $2000. Repairs completed, one owner. (250)426-5107 2007 500cc Honda Forman, ES shift, winch, rear passenger seat & foot pegs, front cargo box, hand & thumb warmers, very well maintained, only 4100 km, $6000. 1 (250)8657850 or 425-5974 2009 550 Arctic Cat ATV, 3000 lb winch, hand & thumb warmer, 43 km, $7000 firm. (250)489-3697

1985 Corvette white/red int, auto, loaded, 65,000 miles. $10,500 250-423-8933

1994 30’ Dutchman 4 Seasons 5th Wheel, new awning, walk around queen bed up front, slide out rear kitchen, sleeps 6, new batteries, new propane tanks inspected 2009, good tires, $9000 obo. Nadine or Graham Beam, (250)426-7400 1997 Prospector 5th Wheel by Kustom Koach, 20’ lighweight, suitable for small pick up, garage stored, original owners, ex. cond., asking price $7000 obo. Call (250)426-3134 1997 Vanguard wheel, 26’, hitch ing $8000. 1978 ers camper, (250)426-5535

Wrangler 5th included, askFrontier hunt8’9’’, $400.

1998 29’ Prowler, bunk model, c/w front bedroom, full bathroom, 2-dr fridge, air, 1/2 ton towable, $8000 obo. Call (250)426-4283 1999 Corsair 5th Wheel trailer, 30’, 2 slideouts, tandem axle, ex. cond., $11,000 obo. Call Audrey, (250)417-3431

2003/2004 32’ Endura Class C Gulfstream motorhome, 454 motor/Genset, ex. shape, 3104 6th St S, worth $64,900, asking $45,000. (250)919-6665 2004 24’ Pioneer travel island bed, as new $11,000. Or trade for rhome. (250)428-9606 ton

Vehicle Lease / Rent

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Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic



2013 Ford Mustang Convertible

Leather, auto, loaded, only 14,000 km

P2002 Was $29,995

Denh Priceadm


Jason Faulkner Sales & Lease Consultant


Call Jason today!

2013 Ford Escape SE 4x4

Ecoboost, leather, My Ford Touch

Shane Berry Sales & Lease Consultant

P1981 Was $28,995

1992 37’ Class A motorhome for sale, A1 shape, fully loaded, $24,500. Consider vehicle on trade. (250)489-8794 1998 Coleman tent trailer, sleeps 5, F/S, awning, good cond., $3500. (250)919-0060

Denh Priceam d


Call Shane today!


2008 Buick Enclave CXL AWD

Leather, Nav,reverse camera, only 89,000 km

T3217A Was $25,995

Denh Priceam d

Stacy Eaton Sales & Lease Consultant

Call Stacy today!!



2009 Chev Silverado 4x4

Loaded, tonneau cover

Simon Wachon Sales & Lease Consultant

1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $32,000 obo for both. (250)427-6806

trailer, cond., motoCres-

Vehicle Lease / Rent

Recreational/Sale 1977 GMC Class A motorhome, 26’, good cond. inside & out, newer tires, must be seen! Rare model. Best offer takes it. (250)426-8408 1991 26’ Rustler, Jack & Jill bunks, front kitchen, fold out couch, air, full bath, new water pump, newer HW tank, new battery, sleeps-6, $6800 obo. (250)426-5653 1991 29’ Wilderness trailer, everything runs, in good cond., lots of upgrades, $7000. (250)420-1802 1991 31’ motorhome, 57,000 miles, good cond, asking $10,900, must sell, make offer. Baynes Lake (406)291-2380

Cars - Sports & Imports

2007 Toyota Corolla CE automatic, well maintained driving school car, just turned 100,000km, $8500 firm. (250)421-1655




Friday, July 19, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

T3211A Was $19,995 Denh Priceam d

Call Simon today!!



2011 Ford F150 Supercrew FX4

Leather, sunroof, ecoboost, only 31,000 km

Dan McGifford Sales & Lease Consultant

Call Dan today!!



Denh Priceam d



Ford BC Ltd.

250-426-6645 • 1-800-663-3839


Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, July 19, 2013





2004 30’ Arctic Fox, 4 season all weather coach, 2 slides, solid oak cabinets, ex. cond., asking $20,000 obo.(250)4266550

2004 Kustom Koach Legacy 30’ 5th Wheel, double slide, sleeps 6, stainless appliances, solar panel, will take trade. $19,900. (250)429-3438 2004 Terry 5th Wheel, 29-1/2’ with slide, air, 8 cu.ft. fridge, microwave, stove, oven, back bedroom with bunks, queensize bed in master bedroom with bathroom, tub, shower, pull out couch, can sleep up to 8 people, plenty of cupboard space, in good shape, asking $18,000. 1 (250)402-3583 2004 Terry Quantum 32’ 5th Wheel trailer, immaculate, 2 slides, queen bed, 3-way fridge, 3-burner stove w/oven, microwave, gas/electric hot water heater, gas furnace, 2 TV’s, excellent & clean cond., $21,500 obo. (250)426-8178

2007 Hi-LOW 22’ tandem trailer, fully self contained w/fridge, stove, air, solar panel & much more. Very rare in this area. Design allows for compact mode when traveling so wind resistance is very low & better on your vehicle for gas consumption. Always stored under cover when not in use. $18,000. (250)489-4748

2010 Zoom trailer, Dutchman Quality,

19’ Aero light, 3384lbs, air, queen bed, slide out kitchen, fantastic fan, attached BBQ, c/w hitch & sway bars, immaculate cond.,

2005 24’ Vanguard hard side trailer,

12’ slide out with awning, queen bed, large storage in back, tub/shower, new solar panel, new tires, gently used, never been smoked in,

asking $15,000. (250)427-4927

2005 29’ Holiday trailer, equipped with solar panels, 285 watts, 2000 watt inverter, large slide w/awning, dual wheels, mint cond., $16,000 obo. (250)342-6805

$13,900 obo. (250)426-0585

Camping & Hunting. Truck & camper, rebuilt motor, trans, drive shaft, 8000lb winch, new water pump, alternator, power steering pump, master cylinder, shocks, 3-way fridge, stove, heater, many more, asking $5900, may consider trades.Call Ray,(250)489-5038 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27’4”, like new. We are the original owners. Only used 2 weekends. Slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, worth $51,900, asking $16,500 obo. (250)427-4435 Lance 11’9” side door camper, loaded, ex. cond., $18,500 no tax. (250)426-5118

Sport Utility Vehicle 2005 Holiday Rambler, alum., 34’, 3 slides, washer/dryer, air, fan, 2 TV’s, good tires, many extras, a real home, never smoked in, $25,500. Will sell with F-Diesel truck for $55,000. Come and have a look, 1429 20A St S, Cbk (250)489-5860 or (250)420-1632 2006 8’ Okanagan truck camper, 1700lbs, Happi-Jacs, north/south queen bed, fantastic fan, stairs, awning, quality built & used only a few weekends. Mint Condition. $11,000. (250)489-5851 2006 Rockwood Premier 2514F tent trailer, awning, slide dinette, stove, fridge, furnace, heated King & Queen mattress, power lift, built-in fan, lots of storage, excellent cond, reduced to $7500 obo. (250)489-9192 2007 Nitrous 265 toy hauler, awning, fold-away furniture, Stock #T2593, $24,900. Runners RV, 1-800-663-4824 2008 Jayco toy hauler, 29’, used 10 times, loaded, 12’ garage. Call for more information. $30,000. (250)426-3568 2010 24’ Hideout, new cond, walk around queen, Jack & Jill beds, air, indoor outdoor speakers, 19’ flat screen stereo/CD/DVD, sleeps-7, hitch inc. $13,000 obo. (250)489-5855 2010 Springdale 26-1/2’, 1/2 ton towable, slide, sleeps 6, used 7x, loaded, $18,000 obo. (250)489-8885 2011 36’ Outback Sidney Addition 5th Wheel, 4 slides, ex. cond., extended warranty until 2017, $32,000. (250)919-7185 2012 185FBR Shadow Cruiser tandem, lightweight, loaded, includes power awning, sleeps 6, never used, $16,500 obo. (250)426-5118 (250)421-1484

1999 Honda CRV, 227,000km, good cond., $5150 obo. (250)489-5392 2001 Suzuki Grand Vitara 4x4, 121,000 km, good cond., $4800 obo. Call after 6pm, (250)426-7107 2002 HYUNDAI Santa Fe, AWD SUV, auto, P/W, air, well maintained in good cond, 253,000 km, reduced to $3500 obo. Eves (250)4892810 2003 Chevy Blazer LS 4x4, fully loaded, auto, new stereo, XENON lights, original 38,000km, asking $7250. (250)489-9590 2003 Honda CR-V EX, 4-cyl, auto, 4WD, Stock #Y69754A, $9995. Spring Honda, DL #30315, (250)489-0903 or call 1-877-420-2194 2004 Buick Rendezvous 4-dr SUV, V6, auto, FWD, black, Stock #N11889A, $8995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1888-426-6665 2004 Suzuki SL-7 4-dr station wagon 4WD, nice cond., 60 mpg, $4300. Can be seen at 721A Rosa Drive, Cranbrook. (250)417-2044 2006 Pontiac Torrent SUV, AWD, 3.4L, auto, dark grey, Stock #17664, $12,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340, (800)3881156 2007 Dodge Nitro SXT, V6, auto, orange, 4WD, Stock #05313B, $13,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, Call (250)427-4224 2007 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Edition, V8, leather, power group, power third row seating, rear a/c & much more, only 86,250km, Stock #V17283B, $17,995. Arrow Motors, DL #5467. Call (250)489-4327 Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A21



Sport Utility Vehicle

Trucks & Vans

2010 GMC Acadia SLT2 SUV, 3.6L, 6-cyl, 6-spd auto, AWD, Stock #TK0332A, $29,995. Northstar GM, DL #5717, 1800-663-2307 2010 Toyota Highlander Limited, V6, auto, white, 4WD, Stock #H01009A, $28,500. Spring Honda, DL #31110. 1888-638-4488 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, black, 3.6L V6, auto, 4x4, Stock #P2006, $34,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1800-663-3839

Trucks & Vans 1982 Chev 1-ton, 3’’ body lift & 6” suspension lift, needs tune up, fuel inj 350, 4-spd std, very perfect body, primed for paint, $2500. (250)428-9294 1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 700 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094 1986 GMC Sierra, 2WD, 305, short box, everything original, located in Fernie, $1100. (250)464-4131 1987 BLAZER K-5, V8, 4x4, 40,000 original miles, ex. shape, California car, $7000. (250)427-7094 1991 Dodge Ram Charger 4x4, c/w spare 318 motor, $800. (250)426-5831 1992 GMC Sierra 1500, standard trans., RWD, canopy, 155,169km, asking $5000. (250)426-2358 1995 1-ton crew cab, tires are good, 4WD, auto, 8000 lb winch, $2500. 1 (250)4267348 1995 Ford F-150 XL 4x4, 147,000 km, canopy, extra rims, good cond, $5000. (250)426-5535 1996 Dodge Cummins diesel dually, 4x4, 1 ton, trailer hauler, endless list of custom work done, extras, too much to list, mint cond, low km, completely refurbished, new everything $20,000. (250)489-8151 1998 F-250 ext cab, 2WD, great cond, great work truck with towing pkg & brake control, asking $2500 obo. (250)421-1682

1998 Ford F150 Lariat LT Ext cab 4x4, auto, very clean, 160,500km, leather, trailer towing package, new rubber & extra set not so new, heated seats, running boards, $6700. (250)421-2960 1999 Dodge Ram, 5.7 L Cummins diesel, 388,000km, 2 sets tires & rims, has some rust, too many options to list, $5000 obo. (250)919-6558 2001 Honda Odyssey, great family van, 140,000km, asking $6500. (250)489-0725 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT, 8-cyl, auto, 4WD, Stock #Y65144A, $12,995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315 1-877-420-2194 2002 GM Sierra, 4x4, street & bush driven, $5000 obo. (250)489-8044 2002 Honda Odyssey, loaded, 168,000km, asking $6000 obo. (778)517-0096 Cranbrook 2003 Ford Super Duty F350 SRW Crew Cab, 4WD, 8-cyl, black, Stock #18112A, $13,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)427-4224 2003 Ford Windstar Sport, V6, auto, FWD, Stock #S06198A, $6995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-877-420-2194 2003 Toyota Tundra 4x4, 260,000 km, well maintained, good cond., $10,500 obo. (250)489-0771 2004 Dodge Caravan, 140,000km, ex. cond., aluminum wheels, c/w 4 mounted winter tires, nice, clean unit, asking $5500. (250)426-8070 2004 GMC Canyon, 5-cyl, auto, gold, 4WD, Stock #B11191B, $11,000. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488 2005 GMC 3500 1-ton, Scott aluminum 12’ box w/flip down sides, Tommy lift gate, 2000lb capacity, certified, $18,000 obo. (250)427-3350

2005 GMC Sierra 4x4 Extended Cab HD 2500, 8’ box, auto, air, CD player, 120V inverter, trailer towing package, 370,000km, well maintained, $6800. Call after 5pm, (250)489-5068

2006 F150 Lariat Crew Cab 4x4, 150,000km, black on black, leather, DVD, sunroof, Tonneau, loaded, p/everything, heated seats, Showroom cond, $25,000 obo. (250)464-1330 2006 F350 XLT 4x4, crew cab, long box, diesel, 180,000 km, $14,000. Call for more details 1 (250)420-7185 2006 Ford F150 Supercab, 4x4, p/w, air, new rubber, clean, $14,000. Leave message, (250)427-5162




Trucks & Vans

Trucks & Vans

Trucks & Vans

2007 GMC Sierra 2500HD SLE, 8-cyl, auto, 4WD, Stock #F61200A, $15,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523 1-877-420-2194

2008 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE, 4.8L, auto, blue, Stock #15856, $21,888. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088. Call 1(888)616-3926

2008 Chrysler Town & Country touring passenger van, 3.8L, V6, auto, Stock #X013779B, $16,595. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888418-4798

2009 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LS 4x4 Extended cab, 4-dr, 4.8L, V8, auto, Stock #X016682A, $23,995. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888418-4798

2010 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD LT, 6.0L, FWD, 6-spd auto, black, Stock #CK1218A, $26,995. Northstar GM, DL #5717, 1-800-6632307

2009 Dodge Ram 3500, straight 6-cyl, diesel, auto, white, 4WD, Stock #B11188A, $29,000. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888-638-4488 2008 F350 Diesel Super Duty, 4WD, tow device on trans., 6.4L, 3.73A/R, 80,000km, 2-yr Ext. Warranty, new tool box, new 5th Wheel hitch,long 8’ box, many more extras, never smoked in, $32,500. Will sell with 2005 Holiday Rambler for $55,000. Come and have a look, 1429 20A St. S, Cbk (250)489-5860 (250)420-1632

2009 GMC Sierra 2500 SLE, ex cond, ext cab, Air, cloth interior, PW, PL, towing equipped, Tonneau cover, OnStar, 128,000 km $19,000. (250)421-8022 2009 Toyota Tacoma SR5, V6, manual, 4WD, Stock #V10336A, $23,995. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, 1-877-6894327, arrowvw.ca

2008 Ford Ranger FX4,

5-spd, under 77,000km,

$11,000. (250)427-4407

2010 Chevrolet Avalanche 1500 LTZ Crew Cab, 5.3L, auto, Stock #15096, $34,430. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088. 1888-616-3926 2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT 4x4 Extended cab, 4-dr, 5.3L, auto, Stock #1519329A, $24,995. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888418-4798

2010 Chevrolet Silverado 3500 LT Duramax diesel crew cab, long bed, 4-dr, 6.6L, V8, 6-spd auto, Stock #F108647, $41,995. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888-418-4798

2010 Chrysler Town & Country Limited Edition, 83,000km, has every conceivable option, new tires, trailer tow package like new, below black book price, $19,995 (250)429-3450 Jaffray 2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199 2012 Ford F150 Fx4 Supercrew w/Luxury package, black, 3.5L V6 Turbo, 6-spd auto, leather, Stock #T3312A, $36,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-663-3839 2012 Nissan Frontier PRO-4X, 6-cyl, 5-spd auto, black, Stock #TK7500A, $19,995. Northstar GM, DL #5717, 1-800-663-2307

A22 www.kootenayadvertiser.com


Friday, July 19, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Trucks & Vans 2012 Ram 3500 Laramie Crew Cab, 6-spd, auto, red, Stock #T13405A, $55,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039 2012 Ram 3500 SLT Crew cab, 6-spd auto, deep cherry red, Stock #T12445A, $54,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1-888-259-7039 2013 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT, 5.3L, auto, silver, Stock #17812, $29,800. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, 1-888616-3926 2013 Ram 1500 SXT Quad cab, 5.7L, V8, auto, Bright silver metallic, Stock #T13003B, $30,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1-888-259-7039 Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser Utility trailer, 4’2’’x7’3’’ long, 2’ high with 14’’ wide tires, $1000. Canopy 5’w 6’1’’ long x 1’8’’ high, $500. 1 (250)4267169, 919-5361

Request for Proposals Columbia Basin Sport and Physical Activity Stakeholder Engagement and Strategy

viaSport BC and Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) are seeking a qualified consultant/organization to support the development and implementation of a stakeholder engagement process and the development of a sport and physical activity strategy for the Columbia Basin. Visit www.cbt.org/opportunities for more info. %FBEMJOF GPS TVCNJTTJPOT JT OPPO 15 +VMZ www.cbt.orH t


Join us:


Auto Services

Auto Services

Auto Services

Auto Services

ANNOUNCING Saturday Service Hours We’re happy to announce service and light mechanical work for your convenience. Book your appointment for Saturday Service.


Utility Trailers 2013 20’ enclosed cargo trailer, two 3500 lb axles, ramp door, like new cond., $6000 obo. (330)562-9325 Wardner Cargo trailer, 12’ long 54’’ wide, 5’ high, all aluminum covered, back door acts as loading ramp, $850. (250)3426451 Cargo trailer, tandem, 12’ long, 8’ high, all metal, barn doors, panel inside, excellent tires, $2500. Would make excellent contractor’s trailer. Call (250)417-6603

Boat Accessories Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser

Boats 12’ boat & motor, 9.8HP Merc. 300 WSM rifle. (250)429-3794 12’ Lund aluminum boat with 8hp Mariner motor, EZ-Loader trailer & accessories, $2850 (250)426-8114 14’ Glascon Tri-Hull boat & trailer, w/oars, $600. Call (250)427-6806 15’6â€? ďŹ berglass canoe, $550. 6hp Mercury outboard, $525. Both in ex. cond., Call after 5pm, (250)426-3968 15’ Champion fiberglass boat, 70HP Yamaha motor, EZ Loader trailer, $5000 obo. (250)919-0591 15’ Lund boat, 15 hp Johnson motor, trailer, oars, ex. cond., $2750. Also, boat trailer, for 12’ or 14’ boat, $400. Call (250)489-3067 16’ Aluminum boat, 9.9 Yamaha, trailer, life vests, oars, electric motor, $2100 obo. (250)421-1484 16’ canoe, flat back, red, fiberglass with white plastic insert, $275 obo. (250)489-0747 or 250-919-6777 1980 14’ Lund Rhino, 9.9 Evinrude, older trailer, $1600 obo. (250)426-8571 1994 Searay 18-1/2’ 5L Alfa 1 Gen II Mercruiser, High 5 stainless prop, mint shape, low hours, lots of extras, $16,000. Cell (250)421-2540, home (250)489-2030 Caribbean Zodiac 10’ c/w 9.9 Merc, 4-stroke & new EZ Loader trailer, $3900 obo. (250)428-4079 Mercury 9.9 hp boat motor, good running cond., gas tank included, $800. (250)429-3078 SAILBOAT 1998 MacGregor 26X, fully rigged, 50 hp kicker, trailer, lots of extras available $18,000 250-254-0190

Invitation to Tender The College of the Rockies invites tenders for:

Janitorial Services Cranbrook Campus

Sealed tenders, clearly marked "JANITORIAL SERVICES – CRANBROOK CAMPUS" will be received until 16:00 hrs. (4:00 pm local time), Wednesday, August 7, 2013 at the oI¿ce oI: Facilities Manager College of the Rockies 2700 College Way, PO Box 8500 Cranbrook, B.C. V1C 5L7 Phone: (250) 489-8227 7ender dRcuments and sSeci¿catiRns will be available to interested contractors at the Cranbrook Campus )acilities 2I¿ce 5oom A mandatory site meeting for all interested contractors has been arranged for Friday, July 26, 2013 at 08:30 hrs. (8:30 am local time) in Room S220 (Summit Hall Building) at the College of the 5ockies Cranbrook Campus 7he College of the 5ockies reserves the right to waive informalities in, or reject any or all tenders, or accept the tender deemed most favourable in the interest of the College of the 5ockies 7he lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted For further information please contact: Allan Knibbs, Manager, Facilities, College of the 5ockies, College :ay, Cranbrook, %C 9 C / , 3hone


Yardcraft 15’ open bow boat with 50hp Mercury on an EZLoad boat trailer, boat has new canvas & seats, $2000 obo. (250)426-6544

(excluding long weekends)

2032 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC • DL#30315 www.importautogroup.com Phone 250-489-0903 TOLL FREE 1-877-420-2194 Open Houses

Open Houses



for a map of our

Kootenay Lake • Friday, July 19 8:00-9:00pm 13577 Mountain Shores Rd The Cabin w/the View! A weekend retreat you deserve. Peace, tranquility & ambiance.

$319,000 Rob Stang

Kootenay Lake • Saturday, July 20 10:00am-1:00pm 13577 Mountain Shores Rd The Cabin w/the View! A weekend retreat you deserve. Peace, tranquility & ambiance.

$319,000 Rob Stang

Cranbrook • Saturday, July 20 Queen Mattress & Box Spring Lazyboy Recliner Lg Ottoman Love Seat

Reg $1699


Reg $1129 $699 Reg. $1159 $399 Reg. $619 $293

10:30-11:30am 3105 Mount Royal Drive

3 bdrm, 2 bath home w/fenced yard & garage.


Shelley Simon

12:15-1:15pm 2503B Kootenay Place N

2 story, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, semidetached home w/open floor plan & French doors leading to fenced yard.


Michelle Rybachuk

1:00-2:00pm #2-1860 Kelowna Cres Beautiful executive home, brand new w/all the perks.

$275,900 Carla Sinclair

1:15-2:15pm #64-724 Innes Avenue

Reduced significantly! This place is affordable, so stop paying rent!


Shelley Simon

1:15-2:15pm 2104 7th Street S

Bungalow w/walkout bsmt & huge yard backing onto Kinsman Park.

$289,900 Carla Sinclair

1:30-2:30pm 428 12th Street S

Shelley Simon

Michelle Rybachuk

11:00am-12:00pm #208-1201 Kokanee Dr N

2:30-3:30pm 202 10th Avenue S


Michelle Rybachuk


12:00-1:00pm 334 12th Avenue S

3 bdrm, 2 bath home w/many upgrades, attached carport, alley access, fenced yard & RV parking.



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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, July 19, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A23

Cars COST LESS in Kimberley 2013 Ford Fiesta Titanium


203 Ford Edge AWD SEL

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Friday, July 19, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Allergen & Poluten FREE


Queen Mattress

Sofa/Love Reclining


Reg. $2995

Queen Mattress


Memory foam Reg $1099



Sofa/Love Reg. $3299

Reg. $6500

Queen Mattress





7 pc Rustic Look Dining Set

8’’ 4lb gel, 3 lb memory foam Reg. $1599








950 Pocket Coil Mattress w/Memory Foam Reg. $1399

Complete 8Pc Solid Wood Bedroom Suite, Made in Canada, 13 Stains Available Reg. $2995



Queen Mattress


Queen Mattress





King Coil, 1050 pocket coil with latex & gel memory foam Reg. $2499



2 Layer Natural Latex Mattress Reg. $4995





3499 Queen Mattress


12’’ 4 lb gel, 3 lb memory foam Reg. $1999



9th Ave S, (beside Cranbrook • (250)417-0892 Jewels on 9th)

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