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Look for our Ladysmith Days special in today’s paper
Serving Ladysmith, Chemainus and area
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Don’t miss Theatre of the Mind in Ladysmith P. 10
Parents raising money to keep program going Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE
Josiah plays a game of zombies during Adventure Zone Summer Daycamp Monday morning at Transfer Beach Park. The daycamp is run by Ladysmith Parks, Recreation and Culture staff and featuers a variety of fun activities and outings during themed weeks. This week’s theme is Icky Sticky Science. STACEY CROSSLEY
2 FOR 1 We’re the Ones to Call W
250-245-1111 2 Su P Sue y Perrey 410A First Avenue, Ladysmith
A group of Ladysmith parents is turning to the community to try to help a program they value deeply. Parents whose children are attending the Infant and Toddler Program at the Boys and Girls Club are asking service clubs to donate to the program so they can help cover the costs of offering the program. This program is one of only two licensed infant and toddler programs serving the Ladysmith area, offering 12 full-time spots for children from birth to age 36 months, according to parent Cara Whalen. “This is a service that we rely on as parents, and it is at risk of closing due to financial challenges,” she says in a letter parents are distributing to service clubs. Recently, parents were informed that the program was increasing its fees to cover a deficit and shortening its hours, effective Sept. 1. Prior to the fee increase, families with children aged zero to 18 months were paying $900 a month, while parents with children aged 19 to 36 months were paying $775 a month. The new fees are now $1,000 a month for all ages up to 36 months. For families of 19- to 36-month-old children, this is an increase of 35 per cent, which Whalen says is not affordable to some parents. Parents are hoping they can buy some time to work with the Boys and Girls Club to find solutions. “The Boys and Girls Club is a beautiful and welcoming facility that our children are happy and thriving in,” said Whalen. “We want to ensure that they can continue to go to a place that they are comfortable with, as well as continuing to receive the
quality care that they deserve.” Whalen says they basically need to raise an extra $100 per child per month. “The nice thing is we’ve been told it would stay with the Infant and Toddler Program,” she said. “We’re working on trying to get donations and discussing getting some fundraisers going. We’ve discussed parents volunteering and parents bringing in snacks and art supplies to cut those costs.” As a whole, Infant and Toddler Programs are the most expensive to operate because of the low staff ratios, explained Boys and Girls Club of Vancouver Island executive director Ian Kalina, noting the requirement is one staff member per four children. Faced with a deficit, the Boys and Girls Club told parents it would need to look at increasing fees and reducing hours to narrow the gap, he explained. “What we’re looking to do is to cover our staff costs,” said Kalina. Kalina says it costs about $1,400 a month just to staff the Infant and Toddler Program. He says they’re also trying to pay their staff a living wage because they don’t want a lot of turnover, as relationships are so important at this age. Kalina has been meeting with the parents to figure out how they can close the financial gap. “The notion of us narrowing the gap is really about working together,” he said. “If we can work together, which is the sense I had from our previous meeting, the sense is we can keep this going. We’re not saying we’re closing the program — we want to keep this going, and so do the parents.” If anyone would like to contribute, they can contact Cara Whalen at 250714-4043 or
When Buying or Selling Give Luke or Sue a call for a FREE MARKET EVALUATION
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2 Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 30, 2013 3
In brief
Author and restless traveller Jim Christy comes to Ladysmith
Ladysmith, it’s time to celebrate!
It’s time to shine a spotlight on all that Ladysmith has to offer. Half-finished notes, Ladysmith Days is comscrawled snippets of ing up this Friday, Aug. 2 to conversation, observaSunday, Aug. 4, and organiztions made on the run, ers have planned a weekend photographs of people full of family fun around the known and unknown, theme “Ladysmith Has it All scraps of paper with — Friends and Neighbours.” puzzling sketches on This year, the Ladysmith them, receipts, matchDays Committee moved the books, postcards, and celebrations back to the long other assorted paraweekend. phernalia have all ended The merchants at Coronaup in a Peek Frean’s tin tion Mall kick off the festivibiscuit box. ties Friday, Aug. 2, offering a For nearly 40 years, variety of fun family activiJim Christy has thrown ties during their Customer — willynilly, with neither Appreciation Celebration rhyme nor reason — from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. such seemingly random There will be live music, items into the box. free children’s activities There has been absoand goodies, giveaways and lutely no system to it; draws, in-store specials and maybe, the author says, roaming entertainers on stilts, “I thought ‘I’ll pay more and Crazy Chris, a balloon attention to this later’ artist extraordinaire. or perhaps, ‘I’ve got to There are many new activicheck that one out some ties planned for 2013. day … give it the attenThe Bullhead Derby is back tion it deserves.’” and will take place SaturSince Christy is a day from 7-9:30 a.m. at the restless traveller, invesLadysmith Maritime Society tigative journalist and Community Marina. raconteur, many of Organizer Kathleen Nichthese items have rich olls says there hasn’t been a and alluring stories Bullhead Derby for the past attached to them. The two years, and they decided Peek Frean’s biscuit to take a turn. box has provided the “It’s always been a part of essential ingredients for Ladysmith Days,” she said. a fascinating assortment “It was fun to take our kids, of highly entertaining and everyone misses it.” anecdotal tales. Christy has brought these stories to life in his new book, Sweet Assorted: 121 Takes From a Tin Box. He is heading out on a reading tour of Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast next month to present some of these stories, and he’s coming to the Ladysmith Library Thursday, Aug. 15 at 7 p.m.
Crash victim identified
The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a man who died in a motorcycle crash near Ladysmith July 19. He is Jeffrey Alan Hainsworth, 36, from Nanaimo. Hainsworth was riding his motorcycle southbound on Cedar Road near Ladysmith in the early morning hours of July 19 when he lost control of the bike and collided with a hydro pole. He was deceased at the scene.
There will be participant prizes, as well as trophies for first, second and third place, and a couple of door prizes, according to Nicholls. Parents are asked to please bring a life jacket for their child and a fishing pole. If you have any questions, contact Nicholls at The climbing wall is back this year, and organizers are introducing laser tag at Transfer Beach Saturday from 3-7 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. Another exciting new feature this year is Sunday’s sand sculpting demonstrations at Transfer Beach, sponsored by Howie and Colleen Davis. Mike Rebar, Kris Baker and Jai Kealy will create a sand sculpture to the Ladysmith Has It All — Friends and Neighbours theme. Barry Frech, president of the Ladysmith Celebrations Society, is looking forward to the weekend. “I think we’ve got a full slate again this year. We’ve moved it back to the long weekend, so hopefully that will work,” he said. On Saturday, the celebrations kick off with the Bullhead Derby at 7 a.m. and the Rotary Pancake Breakfast at 7 a.m. at the Ladysmith and District Credit Union (LDCU) parking lot. The Kinsmen Parade is always popular, and judging of parade entries starts at
People line First Avenue for the best view of the annual Kinsmen Parade during Ladysmith Days. The parade takes place Saturday morning at 10:15 a.m. FILE PHOTO 8:30 a.m. The 49th Parallel Grocery begin at 10 a.m., as food The First Avenue Street Family Fun Day at Aggie and craft vendors open, and Market, which is being sponField from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sealegs Kayaking offers free sored by the Royal Canadian features live music, face children’s kayaking from 10 Legion Branch 171, starts at 9 painting, lots of children’s a.m. to noon. a.m. and runs until 2 p.m. activities such as bouncy The LDCU is sponsoring a At 10 a.m., we’ll find out castles and games, a Daisy Kids Zone featuring a bouncy who is Ladysmith’s Citizen of the Cow show, a juggler and castle, a giant slide, a dunk the Year during the presentamuch more. tank and much more. There tion of this prestigious award From 3 p.m. on, activities will be face painting by donaat the LDCU parking lot. move to Transfer Beach. tion to raise money for the The parade along First Find out who will be Tour de Rock. Avenue begins at 10:15 a.m. crowned Ladysmith’s Royal There will be lots of fun Family during the Ladysmith children’s games at Transfer Has Royalty contest at 3 p.m. Beach, as well as a petting Right afterwards, you can zoo and pony rides, and the watch a star in the making annual Sealegs Kayaking during the Ladysmith Has beach volleyball tournament. Talent competition. There There is a horseshoe are five different age cattournament taking place this egories, and the winners in weekend, and this year, there each category will perform will be a Nanaimo Boat ModSunday at Transfer Beach. ellers Club demonstration From 3 p.m. on, food venand display and a remote dors will be open, and there control miniature logging will be model boat demondemonstration and display strations and displays and by Rick Douglas over by the displays of remote-control horseshoe pitch Saturday logging equipment. and Sunday, noted Frech. Children can join in oldThe Eagles are hosting a fashioned family games at steak barbecue from 4-8 p.m. the Kin Hut from 4-6 p.m. at the Eagles Hall. New this year is a Beach Local talent shines on Party and Pig Roast Saturday Sunday, with a steady lineup evening at Transfer Beach. of live music at the amphitheEveryone is invited to bring atre. It all starts with Bethel a blanket and chairs down to Bands Together at 10:45 a.m. the beach from 6-8 p.m. for and goes right until 9:30 p.m. food from the Printingdun This year’s lineup features Beanery and live music by the Ladysmith Has Talent Luv Train. It costs $10. winners, the Naden Band, “We want to make that a big the Herbicidal Maniacs, Ryan hit and do it year after year,” McMahon, Terry Brennan said Frech. and Roger Plant, Kendall PatSunday’s activities start rick and the Headless Bettys, with the Eagles Pancake and Skellig. Serenity (left) and Holly Pedersen perform during last year’s Ladysmith Has Talent contest. This Breakfast from 8-11 a.m. at A fireworks spectacular, year, Ladysmith Has Talent will take place Saturday at 3 p.m. at Transfer Beach. Winners in each the Eagles Hall. sponsored by LDCU, will age category will perform Sunday at the amphitheatre. FILE PHOTO Activities at Transfer Beach close the festivities at 9:30 p.m.
4 Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
NOTICES & NEWS August 2013
COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE Tuesday, August 6th and Monday, August 19th at 7:00 p.m. *Government Services Committee Monday, August 19th *Mayor’s Open Door – City Hall Thursdays, 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. City Hall (410 Esplanade) Business Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Corner of Trans Canada Hwy. and Roberts St. except statutory holidays *Please check the website or call City Hall at 250.245.6400 to confirm times. Council Meetings
HOLIDAY CLOSURES City Hall, Frank Jameson Community Centre, Development Services and Public Works will be closed on August 5, 2013 for the BC Day Holiday.
WATERING RESTRICTIONS Please remember that Stage One lawn and garden sprinkling restrictions are in effect until further notice as follows: • odd numbered premises may sprinkle on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. • even numbered premises may sprinkle on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Sprinkling may be carried out for a two hour period between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. OR for a two hour period between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Please set automatic sprinkler systems to coincide with the above times. The following may be done on any day during the week while Stage 1 restrictions are in force: • Washing vehicles and buildings using a hose with a shut off spray nozzle • Hand watering trees, shrubs, flowers or vegetables using a hose with a shut-off spray nozzle
PEERLESS ROAD RECYCLING CENTRE Temporary Drop Off Site - 4142 Thicke Road The temporary drop off site is open Wednesday to Sunday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. until further notice. The direct phone number for the site is 250.245.5757. For questions about materials accepted and fees, please contact the CVRD Recycling Hotline at 1.800.665.3955 or visit their website at
TROLLEY UPDATE – SERVICE CHANGE EFFECTIVE JUNE 24 As of June 25th the Trolley runs Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The new schedule is available on our website, at City Hall, the Frank Jameson Community Centre, Public Works and the Chamber of Commerce.
BC TRANSIT – EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 BC Transit is coming to town September 3, 2013. Routes and maps should be available soon. Enquiries can be made to the Cowichan Valley Regional District 1.800.665.3955.
RCMP sentencing delayed Peter Rusland
Following the BC Day statutory holiday on August 5th your garbage pick-up day will be moving forward by 1 (ONE) day.
BOULEVARDS Reminder to property owners that it is your responsibility to maintain the boulevards adjacent to your properties. This includes mowing and keeping them tidy. For more information please call City Hall at 250.245.6400 or Public Works at 250.245.6445.
ZONING BYLAW UPDATE PROJECT A project to review and update the Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw is now underway and residents will be able to have their say. The project is scheduled to be completed this summer. The aim of the Zoning Bylaw Update project is to: ✔ Lay out clear, technically sound regulations ✔ Be consistent with the Official Community Plan ✔ Implement ideas and principles from the Ladysmith Sustainability Vision and Community Energy Plan ✔ Support economic development For more information and background on why an updated Zoning Bylaw is important to our community, please visit the Zoning Bylaw Project website at, or click the link at, or call 250.245.6415.
there had been private talks about the case between Crown and the cop’s defense counsel. Crown and defense council Hira wanted additional time to prepare for sentencing, MacKenzie explained. Gillespie and Mangat were shocked more time was granted to the case that’s dragged on for nearly four years, leading to Pompeo’s Feb. 14 conviction. Pompeo and Hira declined to talk to the press. But Gillespie told reporters he was disgusted by another adjournment. “We thought it would be case closed today,” he said. “It’s time the public started asking what’s going on here ... I don’t think Pompeo will get any (jail) time; they gave the police preferential treatment.” Pompeo has testified he believed Gillespie was reaching for a weapon inside his clothing when he pulled the trigger, leaving a 9-mm slug sitting near Gillespie’s spine.
Sentencing of a local Mountie convicted of shooting an unarmed Chemainus man in 2009 has been moved out of Cowichan and set back another month. Const. David Pompeo, of North Cowichan/ Duncan’s RCMP detachment, is next to appear Aug. 26 and 27 in Colwood provincial court, where he’ll face punishment for aggravated assault for shooting Bill Gillespie in September 2009 near Bill Gillespie Chemainus. The move to Colwood is due to scheduling. The adjournment itself is because on July 23, the lawyers had not yet provided the judge with all the information about what’s in those documents, adding he was looking for. An exasperated Wood could’ve denied Judge Josiah Wood al- the adjournment and lowed an oral adjourn- proceeded with the ment application from scheduled sentencing. Crown counsel Neil Crown, and Pompeo’s MacKenzie noted lawyer Ravi Hira. “I wanted to hear your there’s no specific time arguments,” Wood told limit for sentencing explaining Hira. Instead, the judge Pompeo,
It’s time the public started asking what’s going on here.
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HOMEOWNER GRANT If you have not already done so, December 31st is the deadline to claim your homeowner grants for 2012 (retroactive) and 2013. Please contact the Tax Department at 250.245.6414, ext. 6206 for more information.
received documents about constitutional matters that had been expected July 8. Raji Mangat, a B.C. Civil Liberties’ lawyer, said she is very curious
the chronicle
Utility bills covering the period April to June have been mailed. Payment is due September 4th, 2013. If you have not received your bill, or have questions about it, please call 250.245.6414, ext. 6206.
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9:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. N. of Duncan, TCH at Crofton cutoff 250-246-4940 250-246-4924 Prices effective Sat. July 27, 2013 – Fri. August 2, 2013 While quantities last
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 30, 2013 5
Crams open gluten-free bistro Announcement Nick Bekolay the chronicle
Ladysmith’s first gluten-free (GF) bakery and bistro opens its doors this week. The Wild Poppy Bistro will begin serving up a diverse menu of GF baking, sandwiches and light entrees beginning in late July, said bistro co-owner Kate Cram. Cram, who owns and operates the Old Town Bakery with her husband Geoff, said their decision to branch out into the world of GF cuisine stems from a sensitivity to gluten Cram shares with her two youngest sons. Kate and her sons were tested for celiac disease — a condition where the lining of the small intestine fails to absorb nutrients properly as a result Kate Cram plans to open the Wild Poppy Bistro of exposure to gluten —Ladysmith’s first exclusively gluten-free café — — in 2010. The tests this week, she said. Cram has already worked out came back negative, a recipe for an unleavened gluten-free cinnamon but revealed that Kate roll and hoped to craft a wheat-free version of her and her sons suffered famous, yeast-leavened cinnamon buns in time for from a non-celiac gluthe bistro’s grand opening. Nick Bekolay ten sensitivity (NCGS). That knowledge led can trigger reactions in of kneading dough the family to adopt a celiac sufferers, so the and letting it rise GF diet, and they’ve Crams have decided when working with GF been living a wheat-, staff and baked goods flours, Cram said. Inbarley- and rye-free will travel in one direc- stead, they’re forced to lifestyle ever since. tion only — from Wild “use the fastest yeast The perks of a GF diet Poppy to Old Town you can use, let it rise were tangible, Cram — on any given day to once, and throw it in said, adding the emo- minimize the risk of the oven.” tional and digestive is- cross-contamination. GF foods have insues she and her sons To help staff their creased in popularity had been coping with new location, Cram in recent years as exsubsided soon after said they will hire six perts and the public they went gluten-free. additional employees gain a greater appreMaintaining a GF life- for Wild Poppy. ciation for rising rates style, however, proved It remains to be seen of celiac disease and to be a challenge if Wild Poppy will cre- NCGS. whenever the family ate competition for “There is no question would attempt to eat its sister shop. Cram that the incidence of out at restaurants. said she’s perfected a celiac disease is ris“My kids, anywhere GF cinnamon roll, but ing,” wrote Sue Newell they go, they’re so lim- a GF, yeast-leavened of the Canadian Celiac ited on what they can cinnamon bun similar Association. “A recent have,” Cram said. “So to Old Town Bakery’s study from the Mayo I want [Wild Poppy] “Island’s best” buns has Clinic found a four-fold to be a place where proved to be a chal- increase in the rate [of people can walk in lenge in its own right. celiac disease] in towith these restric- “With GF baking, you day’s young men comtions and be limitless. have to take every- pared to that found in Where they can have a thing that you know blood samples from break from reality and about regular baking soldiers in the late try anything that they and throw it out the 1940s.” want and know that it’s window,” Cram said. Better diagnostic prosafe.” Bakers have to aban- cedures take partial Faint traces of gluten don their ritual cycles credit for the rise of
gluten-triggered conditions, but changes to wheat may also play a role. “Wheat today is different from the wheat of a century ago,” Newell added. “Selective breeding and hybridizing different strains of wheat have been used to select for wheat with shorter stems and more gluten. That is not the same as genet-
ic modification, which inserts foreign genes into the wheat.” Boosting wheat’s gluten content is thought by at least some experts, including the Mayo Clinic’s Joseph Murray, to be the cause of higher rates of celiac disease and NCGS. Wild Poppy Bistro is located at the corner of First Avenue and High Street.
The principals of LMF Developments Inc. would like to announce that long time Ladysmith resident Duck Paterson has joined their team. After over 40 years in the newspaper business Duck has decided to make a change, which allows him to get back into working with people and being in town. Duck is well known in the area for many different community projects. He is also involved as a Life Member of the Kinsmen Club, a long-time member of the Festival of Lights, working with Ladysmith Days, Tour de Rock, Show ‘n Shine and other community events and also a Town Councillor for over 23 years. He also believes in being an advocate for anything that will make Ladysmith and area a neat place for folks to call home! Duck will now be handling the marketing of LMF’s various properties including Parkside Estates and Holland Creek Heights. He would like to invite families and friends to contact him at 250-246-0637 to view the affordable properties that LMF has to offer. ... PS: Duck’s mother named him Donald!
6 Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Four years is too long
“Wheat today is different from the wheat of a century ago.” Sue Newell, Page 5
e get why some observers wonder whether Bill Gillespie may be settling into his new life’s role of police shooting victim with just a bit too much relish. And we understand why some are prone to be giving police officers the benefit of the doubt and wanting the system to do the same simply because of the nature of their jobs. But this David Pompeo case has gone way beyond ridiculous. Assuming sentencing actually happens on its rescheduled Aug. 26 to 27 dates, almost four years exactly will have passed between the time Pompeo shot Gillespie and the time both will learn the consequences of the act. Think about it. Four. Years. That’s enough time for people to go from diapers to grade school, to get married and divorced, move to other countries and return, to battle and defeat cancer, or to lose that same fight. Yet it is not enough time for our justice system to determine what to do with a police officer who shot an unarmed man. Remember, this is not a complex whodunit where investigators had to sift through a dense web of clues and testimony. Two cops pulled over two men. One cop shot one man. Take the testimony from each. Fact check it. Hear the experts. Weigh the case law. Listen to the arguments. Make a ruling. Instead, we got a 20-month police investigation, followed by another 20 months floating through the court system, followed by another six months of waiting for sentencing. All the while, Pompeo remains on the public payroll and we are left to wonder who is paying all the legal fees. Is it any wonder Gillespie cries “preferential treatment?” Something needs to change. —Cowichan News Leader Pictorial
On my way through... Prior to 2009, I had passed through Ladysmith many times whether on holidays or on my way to meetings in Victoria. I always felt some curiosity about what seemed a lovely little town of “Heritage by the Sea.” Then, I received an invitation to find out what existed off the highway. In September 2009, I became the incumbent for St. John the Evangelist Church. During these past four years, the congregation and myself have experienced some ups and downs. Certainly that would probably be the story of the wider community of Ladysmith as well, as folks here have gone through some of the challenges of the economic situation these last few years. So what did I discover
Question of the Week
Have you been inconvenienced by the paving on the highway? Vote online at This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of website visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Results from last week’s question Are you happy Ladysmith Days is back to being on the long weekend? Yes 85% No 14% The Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R-2R2. For information phone 1-888-687-2213 or go to
Chronicle The
Publications Mail Agreement 40010318 Subscriptions: Regular $32, Seniors $27
940 Oyster Bay Drive PO Box 400, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A3
Points to Ponder Rev. Daniel Fournier St. John the Evangelist Church
about Ladysmith as a community? I discovered that this is a place of care and compassion. It is a community that upholds and supports one another. I have witnessed this in how people of this community have tried to step up to the plate when people have been in need. The ongoing success of the food bank, the Ladysmith Resources Centre, the seniors centre and the Christmas hamper program, just to name a few. I have seen this sense of caring and upholding in the fact that every Christmas and Easter, the churches of
Publisher/Advertising ................... Teresa McKinley
Since 1908
Phone - 250-245-2277 Fax - 250-245-2230 Classifieds 1-855-310-3535
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Ladysmith came together before Christmas for the Festival of Choirs and the Easter Morning Sunrise service. I have also been recipient of this community’s care, compassion and support on a personal level. Three years ago, I suffered a major health crisis and had a quintuple coronary bypass surgery. Not only was I held in prayer by the congregation I served, but I was also prayerfully upheld by people from all over the Ladysmith community. And my experience is repeated over and over again in the situations
and life crises of others. Ladysmith is not a town — or a composite of buildings and streets — but a people who form an outstanding community. A community that celebrates and gives in so many ways — whether it’s Ladysmith Days or the Festival of Lights, or prayer and praise celebrations in churches, or hiking on the wonderful trail system and standing by the lookout near Heart Lake. I thank my God and maker for the privilege of having served in and with the people of this community. I know that in the future, I will have many occasions when I will be “on my way through.” And each time, I will have a prayer on my lips. Thank you God for these people — Peace be on this town.
Editor ................................................ Lindsay Chung Reporter ................................................Nick Bekolay
Vol. 104, #52, 2013
Office / Accounts / Circulation .. Colleen Wheeler Production Manager......................... Douglas Kent
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 30, 2013 7
Ladysmith Stroke Recovery Group is still going strong
Your View
Government Contacts LOCAL: Rob Hutchins Mayor, Ladysmith 250-245-6403 REGIONAL: Rob Hutchins Chair, CVRD 250-245-6403 PROVINCIAL: Doug Routley, MLA, Nanaimo-North Cowichan Ladysmith Constituency Office: 250-245-9375 (Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) E-mail: douglas.routley.mla@ FEDERAL: Jean Crowder MP, Nanaimo-Cowichan Nanaimo Constituency Office: 1-866-609-9998 (Thursdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) E-mail:
Editor: Re: Ladysmith Stroke Recovery Group Three years, and we are still improving! The group meets weekly for shared activities, fun and a light lunch. Some have had a stroke and some are the caregivers who help and encourage their partners. A few volunteers help with activities such as setting up the Bolo game, getting out the crossword books, organizing lunch and participating in exercises to increase flexibility. Bethel Tabernacle provides the space in the downstairs activity room on Thursday mornings from 11 a.m. Comments from members: “We have all improved in our ability to walk, talk and laugh.” “We joined eight months ago. They have been encouraging, and we have a lot of laughs.” “I was pleased to have a support group in Ladysmith because after a stroke, being social is very difficult. This group was a safe outlet, as the others there can relate totally to my emotions and physical difficulties.” The group has placed posters in doctors’ and physical therapy offices, the Frank Jameson Community Centre, and local churches. We took part in the Health Fair twice. “A stroke hits the whole family,” says one of the original members. “This group is a good place to interact and voice our problems. The difference it makes mentally and physically in the people is amazing.” If you or someone you know needs this group, please call Ken or Flo at 250-245-8199. Bethel Tabernacle is at 1149 Fourth Ave., just along the road from the Ladysmith Health Centre. Caroline Davidson PR Volunteer
Local skaters from the Fuller Lake Skating Club were selected to hand out chocolates during the Stars on Ice Tour. Skaters performing at this show included Patrick Chan, Tessa Virtue, Scott Moir, Kurt Browning and Jeff Buttle. Pictured here, from left, are: Jazmin Wheeler, Joshua Wheeler, Marina Ellison, Sarah Kedves and Naomi Eastman. If you would like to share any of your photos with us, please send them to editor@ladysmithchronicle. com.
Kudos to Town of Ladysmith for swift action Editor: Wow!! When I wrote that letter to the editor about the dead cherry tree, I never expected Bob to be at my doorstep the next morning and the tree to be gone by Wednesday afternoon. Talk about the power of the press!! I did however learn that there is a process for the removal of a tree from the Ladysmith Boulevard, and I may have jumped the queue, for which I apologize to the Town of Ladysmith. Yes, I may have waited a couple of months, but there are definitely other jobs that need to be done that take priority
over a dead cherry tree. Whether the tree is replaced is up to the Social Planning Committee, and I really do not have an issue about it if it takes months to see if there is insurance or to make the decision not to replace the tree. I will follow the process. I was just glad to discover that the tree was not diseased but merely stressed. As you drive from Ladysmith to Nanaimo, you may see other trees with brown foliage that are also dead. The reason is unclear and may just be a sign of our times. Again, thank you to Chronicle and all of the concerned citizens who phoned to support the removal of the dead cherry tree. Kudos to the Ladysmith maintenance crews for their fast action.
Got something to get off your chest? E-mail: editor@ ladysmith
Ann G. Calder Ladysmith
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Letters and Your View policy All letters to the editor must be signed and include your full name, home town and contact phone number. Letters are encouraged to be 300 words, and priority is given to local writers and local issues. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clarity and legal reasons. Photos for your view must reflect communities from Crofton to Cedar and include the photographer’s name. Send them in: Mail: 940 Oyster Bay Dr., PO Box 400, Ladysmith, B.C., V9G 1A3 Fax:250-245-2230 E-mail: editor@
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 30, 2013 9
Who is your cancer hero?
Kelly Everill paints the Wall of Heroes mural on the LDCU wall. Teresa McKinley
why we were there and why we are writing this. We are the 2013 Ladysmith Tour de Rock Committee. By now, 15 years after the first foot hit the pedal, the Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock is a familiar tradition in Ladysmith and along Vancouver Island. Most know it as a fundraiser for pediatric cancer research and programs for children with a history of cancer. Many have and will continue to support it just for the idea of creating more smiles at places like Camp Goodtimes, where kids with cancer get to be just kids for a week. These supporters are heroes, the type of heroes that are the bedrock of small communities everywhere — real communities like ours. We are asking you to be heroes again, and to perhaps share heroes of your own in the process. Our committee has several fundraising events planned between now and Sept. 30. The first is taking shape on the walls of the LDCU parking lot. The Wall of Heroes is a mural painted by Kelly Everill. Paid for by the LDCU, it details a scenic view of trees and a path near a rock wall. This rock wall symbolizes the support of friends, neighbours and family that helps us cope with cancer. It will form the bedrock of the fundraising portion of the mural. For a donation to the
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campaign, anyone can revealed Sept. 30, around to this day. have the name of their 2 p.m., when the Tour de Who is your cancer cancer hero painted on Rock rides into town. hero? the wall. My cancer hero was a —By Chronicle pub“Hero” can be defined by hero in life and in death. lisher Teresa McKinley, you. We are not limiting it She lived with cancer a member of this year’s to young or old, to survi- for more than five years Tour de Rock Commitvors or those who have and rarely, if ever, com- tee. To participate in the passed, to cancer victim plained. She was a posi- Wall of Heroes, visit the or caregiver. tive influence on so many Ladysmith and District The name of your can- people’s lives before and Credit Union office and cer hero will be added after she was diagnosed make a minimum conin September and will be — while she lived and still tribution of $50.
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We introduced ourselves around the table. The truth became clear long before the circle was complete: not one person gathered in the Ladysmith and District Credit Union boardroom that warm summer night had escaped the gnawing monster that is cancer. It was Misty’s story that pierced us most. Misty Dmytar, a 39-yearold Nanaimo RCMP officer, a young Ladysmith mother of two, will ride this September with the Tour de Rock. A little more than two years ago, just four days after he was welcomed into this world, her son Griffyn was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. Only parents could imagine the fear. Only parents like Misty and her partner can understand the fight. But children like Griffyn were
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LLT offers endearing introduction to radio plays from bygone era
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Ladysmith Little Theatre’s summer feature, a tribute to old-time radio shows, premiered Thursday, July 18. LLT Radio Troupe’s Theatre of the Mind (TOTM) showcases
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a pair of radio shows into baseball gloves to — one a comedy and create the illusion of the other a detective Marlowe exchanging drama — dating back punches with a shady to the 1940s, presented foe, for example. in a style similar to the While Marlowe would way in which shows have benefitted from would have been pera more polished, enformed live for broadgaged delivery, TOTM’s cast before a studio ausecond feature, the dience, complete with comical, pun-riddled calls for applause and Fibber McGee and Mollive sound effects. ly — Piano Lessons, To add authenticity to held its own. With a the performance, cast witty script employing members used sacks Shellie Trimble delivered a polished performance liberal use of puns, alof potatoes, shoes, toy as Molly McGee in Fibber McGee and Molly — literations and plays cars, ball gloves, buck- Piano Lessons at Ladysmith Little Theatre’s pre- on words, Fibber Mcets, coffee mugs and Gee and Molly offered miere of Theatre of the Mind. NICK BEKOLAY a host of other props up plenty of one-liners sion and webcasts is that left the audience to provide live sound- Flame. Radio plays were left with a sense that groaning and laughing scapes for fight scenes, something at the same time. car accidents and a written with a listening there’s piano repossession audience in mind, so it missing when a fight TOTM is LLT’s first gone wrong, with the comes as little surprise scene breaks out in attempt at performing sound-crafting process that their delivery con- the middle of a detec- radio plays, and the unfolding in full view sists of voice actors tive drama without novelty of a new forstanding woodenly in a single punch being mat shone through on of the audience. As TOTM’s most front of their mics, de- thrown. opening night. Aside But, the antics of the from a few ill-timed novel and dynamic as- livering line after line pect, I was surprised at without so much as lift- sound crew are there lines or sound effects, how little the LLT crew ing their eyes from the to fill in the visual the show proved to be made use of it during page. Even when their gap, offering audience an endearing and entheir first feature, The voice acting is spot-on, members something tertaining introduction Adventures of Philip an audience acclima- to watch as crew mem- to radio plays from a Marlowe — the Green tized to film, televi- bers slam footballs bygone era. TOTM will be performed as a series of Saturday and Sunday matinees through Aug. 11. Doors will open at 1 p.m. prior to a 2 p.m. curtain time. Tickets areSubscribe $10 at the to door and come free with ice cream sundaes. 250-245-2277 For more informaIncludes $ http://ladyonline tion, visit access
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The Town of Ladysmith has vacancies on the following volunteer citizen advisory commissions and committees: • Advisory Planning Commission • Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission • Heritage Revitalization Advisory Commission The Commissions typically meet once a month, and their role is to make recommendations to Council about matters that affect all of us. Citizen Advisory Commissions play a key role in shaping our community. You can get an application form at City Hall or the Frank Jameson Community Centre, or online at http://www. Please submit your application by Tuesday, August 13, 2013. If you have any questions about Ladysmith’s Advisory Commissions and Committees, please call Mayor Hutchins at 250.245.6403, or send an e-mail to We look forward to working with you to help make Ladysmith even better! Council, Town of Ladysmith Town of Ladysmith 410 Esplanade, PO Box 220, Ladysmith, B.C. Ph: 250.245.6400 Fax: 250.245.6411
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Last Short Close show of season features Lyon and McMahon Lindsay Chung the chronicle
The New York Post has called Shannon Lyon a “twangy troubadour,” and for the past two decades, the singer-songwriter has lived up to that name, performing and recording music throughout Canada and Europe. Lyon is back on the road this summer, as he embarks on his first lengthy Canadian tour since the mid-1990s. His 24-date summer tour sees him playing for people from Ontario all the way to Vancouver Island, including a house concert in Ladysmith this Friday night (Aug. 2). “Twangy troubadour” Shannon Lyon performs with Lyon will perform Ryan McMahon this Friday (Aug. 2) at the Short with Ryan McMahon at Close Song Shelter in Ladysmith. Photo Submitted the Short Close Song McMahon will play Shelter during the ven- spent the better part ue’s final show of the of a decade living and double duty as host season, which could touring in Europe, has and performer during be considered a song- toured with and shared this show. the stage with such The award-winning writers’ showcase. is “When I hear Shannon, artists as Lucinda Wil- singer-songwriter I hear the rhythms of liams, Richard Buckner, currently immersed in the Midnight Cowboy, Jay Farrar, Ray LaMon- the prestigious Peak the harmonies of an tagne, Blue Rodeo and Performance Project with his new trio, the earth-bound angel, the Bruce Cockburn. acoustic guitar that knows the pain of a heart, the steel guitar that stirs the lonely and restless lover. But most of all, I hear the voice that echoes Earle, Farrar and Buckner, a voice that haunts you like a heavy fog on a barren field on a cool October morning,” says Bob Egan, who has played for Wilco and Blue Rodeo, among others. Over the years, Lyon, who has released 10 studio albums and
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lion the bear the fox. McMahon and Vancouver-based Cory Woodward and Christopher Arruda are busy recording their debut EP, We’d Be Good Men. At the same time, McMahon has been working on a new solo album, which he is recording with Arruda. McMahon has been releasing albums and touring the country for more than a decade, sharing the stage with artists ranging from Lisa Loeb and Craig Cardiff to Carole Pope and Wil. Last year, he won a record three Vancouver Island Music Awards, including Artist of the Year. Tickets to Friday’s house concert are $15 and are available at Nancy’s and Uforik or by calling 250-668-3338. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. To learn more about Lyon, visit Visit to find out more about McMahon.
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Oscar winner will speak at Ladysmith art gallery
Set decorator Jim Erickson comes to Ladysmith Saturday, Aug. 3 Lincoln marks his final hurrah in the film business, and he is retiring to enjoy his local surroundings. Sherry Bezanson “He has had a broad Ladysmith Arts Council spectrum of set decoJim Erickson, Acad- rating film experiemy Award-winning ence, and we feel very set decorator for the honoured to have movie Lincoln, is him coming to the the guest speaker at Ladysmith Art Galthe opening night for lery,” exclaims Arts the Fine Craft Show Council president at the Ladysmith Art Kathy Holmes with a Gallery. big smile. Don’t miss this In February 2013, unique presentation Erickson won best on Saturday, Aug. 3 at production design 7 p.m. for his intimate repreErickson lives on sentation of the 1860s Salt Spring Island time period of Linand has a 30-year ca- coln. reer working in HolHe used U.S. Civil lywood. The movie War-era photographs
Community art showcase
Entry forms can be dropped off at Ladysmith Golf Course, 380 Davis Road. For more info call 250-245-7313.
Our Sponsors
2013-07-31 (Wednesday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 07:21 1.0 3.3 15:35 2.7 8.9 18:16 2.7 8.9 23:51 3.1 10.2
2013-08-01 (Thursday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 08:11 0.9 3.0 16:41 2.9 9.5 19:51 2.8 9.2
2013-08-02 (Friday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 00:25 3.1 10.2 08:56 0.7 2.3 17:23 3.1 10.2 21:15 2.9 9.5
2013-08-03 (Saturday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 01:06 3.0 9.8 09:37 0.7 2.3 17:56 3.2 10.5 22:15 2.9 9.5
2013-08-04 (Sunday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 01:56 3.0 9.8 10:14 0.6 2.0 18:23 3.2 10.5 22:57 2.8 9.2
2013-08-05 (Monday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 02:51 3.0 9.8 10:49 0.6 2.0 18:46 3.2 10.5 23:31 2.6 8.5
Deadline for Entry: Thursday, August 8th
Tom Andrews
2013-08-06 (Tuesday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 03:46 3.0 9.8 11:23 0.7 2.3 19:06 3.2 10.5
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Tonight (July 30), if you’re anywhere near the Waterwheel Park bandshell in Chemainus, you can expect to hear a lot of hand clapping and foot stomping. That’s because The Flying Accusations and Friends will be performing as part of Music in the Park, starting at 7 p.m.
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artists working with mediums such as ceramics, glass, fiber, metal and wood. This special show was chosen by the Ladysmith Arts Council in honour of the Crafts Council of BC’s 40th anniversary in 2012. The show was invitational and open to all categories of Fine Craft. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Erickson on opening night and in viewing the Fine Craft Show. Everyone is welcome to attend. The show will be available for viewing throughout August.
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as a guide and recreated an authentic 19th-century White House interior. His sets brought interiors to life, with meticulously duplicated period maps and documents, upholstery, fabrics and light fixtures, paintings and other objects. The globetrotting set director had worked twice with Daniel Day-Lewis in the past —- on The Last of the Mohicans, and There Will Be Blood, for which he was also nominated for an Academy Award. The Fine Craft Show showcases fine craft
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Information & dealers: 1-800-A NEW-POT or Not all locations open Sunday. Quantities limited, please be early. Sale items may not be exactly as shown.
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 30, 2013 13
BOUNTIFUL TUESDAY! This Tuesday, 20% off all available fresh U-Pick & Pre-Picked Raspberries, Blueberries, Red Currants and Vegetables.
Open Tues - Sat. 9 am to 4 pm This photo, taken at the time of the Lions Gate Bridge opening in July 1938, shows the Empress of Japan passing underneath the bridge. BC Archives
Chronicles From The Past
July 1913 From the front page of the July 5, 1913, Ladysmith Chronicle: “Mr. and Mrs. David Page, of Oyster Harbour, paid their first visit to Nanaimo in 23 years, the worthy old couple being on their return journey from visiting friends in North Vancouver. David is 77 years old, and his helpmate possesses about the same number of summers. The two of them made their way to Philpot’s [Restaurant], the latter having purchased oysters from Mr. Page for 14 years. “Mr. Page was the first to open out the oyster business from which Oyster Harbour, now Ladysmith, came into existence. Needless to say, Mr. and Mrs. Page found many changes in Nanaimo after nearly a quarter of a century absence, notably the growth of numerous fine business establishments.” The Chronicle headline for July 19 read “No Hope of Settlement.” After spending nine days investigating the dispute between the mine owners and the miners on Vancouver Island, Thomas Crothers, Minister of Labour, returned to Victoria on the morning train. Mr. Crothers had lengthy conferences with the men affected by the “unsettled condition of Labour,” but was unable to find a solution. June 1938 The 1938 film Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm — featuring child star Shirley Temple — was on screen in Ladysmith
in early July. This hugely successful movie was held over and played to sold-out audiences. Apparently, children and adults could be heard whistling and singing “The Good Ship Lollipop” and “Animal Crackers in My Soup” as they strolled down First Avenue. Local residents were also excited about the opening of the Lions Gate Bridge (officially known as the “First Narrows Bridge”) linking Vancouver with the North Shore. A special C.P.R. excursion to Vancouver was arranged for local residents. The trip culminated with a viewing from Prospect Point of the C.P. steamship, Empress of Japan, sailing out of Vancouver Harbour under the newly constructed bridge. June 1963 The popular television program Reach for the Top ended the season with a special one-hour final match between teams from Victoria and Island South. After a hardfought and exciting competition, Victoria emerged the winner by a score of 600 to 515. The Island South runners up were Trygyve Hoy and Philip Lambert from Chemainus and Tom Aussenegg, Stephen Wallace and spare Margaret Jackson from Ladysmith. The final contest was the culmination of a series of weekly competitions involving 102 schools in British Columbia. Compiled by Ed Nicholson, Ladysmith Historical Society
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14 Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 30, 2013 15
Anyway you want it, that’s the way you get it! Subscribe 250-245-2277 Includes $ online access
Knelson’s winning ways continue at nationals
We’re hearing reports that LadysmithChemainus Orcas Swim Club member Faith Knelson has had a great meet at the Canadian Age Group Championships in Montreal. Swimming against 12-year-olds, the 11-year-old has reportedly won one gold medal and three silvers. Watch next week’s Chronicle for more information.
Our office will be closed Monday, August 5 for
BC Day
The advertising deadline will be Wednesday, July 31 at 4:00 pm for the Tuesday, August 6 issue of the Chronicle
Jerome will compete at nationals
Ladysmith’s Rachel Jerome recently competed in the BC Jamboree Track and Field Championships. She earned a personal best in long jump with a jump of 5.39m and placed first in the event. Jerome has been selected to the BC/ Yukon Command team that will compete in the upcoming 2013 Legion Youth Canadian Track & Field Championships Aug. 9-11 in Langley.
Sealegs offering fireworks paddle
This Sunday (Aug. 4), Sealegs Kayaking is offering a unique opportunity to watch the Ladysmith Days fireworks from a kayak. Sealegs is offering a fireworks kayaking tour Sunday night, starting at 7:30 p.m. Participants will have a chance to paddle the Ladysmith Harbour for an hour and a half and then watch the fireworks from the water. The tour costs $55 per person, and participants are asked to meet at Sealegs at Transfer Beach and bring a flashlight or headlamp. Anyone who is interested in the tour can call 250-245-4096 or visit the Sealegs Eco Adventure Centre at Transfer Beach to register.
Make Someone Smile Week was July 22nd - July 28th Brought to you by:
Bloooms At The 49th
& Vancouver Whitecaps FC goalkeeper Brad Knighton and coach Martin Rennie will lead free sessions at Forrest Field Wednesday, Aug. 14 during the “Hope and Health” Soccer Event. PHOTOS COURTESY OF WHITECAPS FACEBOOK PAGE
Whitecaps will come to Ladysmith Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE
Local soccer players and fans will have a chance to meet the pros in mid-August. The Vancouver Whitecaps FC are visiting Ladysmith Tuesday, Aug. 13 and Wednesday, Aug. 14 as part of the Vancouver Island Coast Salish “Hope and Health” Soccer Event. The “Hope and Health” Soccer Event is being co-hosted by the Kwumut Lelum Child and Family Services and the Cowichan Tribes agency. “It’s basically for First Nations players, and they’ll have a host club provide a technical director who does a Skills and Drills session for the First Nations players, and the Whitecaps players are on the field for that,” explained Mike Rankin, president of the MidIsland Soccer Club (MISC). “Additionally, the Whitecaps players provide extra sessions.” This year, those extra sessions are a coaching clinic and a goalkeeper clinic. Whitecaps players and coaching staff will take part in an Evening of Champions Opening Ceremonies Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 6 p.m. at
the Transfer Beach Amphitheatre. This event is free and open to the public. “It’s a real cultural event and soccer event,” said Rankin. “The Evening of Champions ceremony is open to everybody, and it should be fantastic.” On Wednesday, Aug. 13, the Whitecaps are offering a Coaches Clinic with Martin Rennie and a Keeper Clinic with Brad Knighton at Forrest Field. The Coaches Clinic (from 9:3011:30 a.m.) and Keeper Clinic (from 1:30-3:30 p.m.) on Wednesday, Aug. 14 are also free and open to the general public, but participants are asked to bring a registration form with them to Forrest Field. Member Nations participants can also attend a Skills and Drills session from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 14, hosted by MISC technical director Bill Merriman and his Highlanders coaches. “We’re really excited about it,” said Rankin. Find more information and download the event registration form, click on the poster on the MISC’s website at
Smile Mug floral arrangements were presented to those in extended-care and seniors complexes in the Ladysmith area. A gift of kindness from the staff at Bloooms at the 49th & 49th Parellel Grocery A special thanks to: • Mt. Newton Floral Wholesale - Victoria • Teleflora Canada • Burnaby Lake Growers, Surrey • Signature Floral Supply Inc - Burnaby. Thank you’s for all donations and to the staff at Bloooms for design & delivery of all the floral arrangements
“Make Someone Smile Everyday!” Town of Ladysmith
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held on TUESDAY, August 6, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers, 410 Esplanade, Ladysmith, British Columbia to consider the following amendment to “Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw 1995, No. 1160”, as amended: BYLAW: “Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw 1995, No. 1160, Amendment Bylaw (No.93), 2013, No. 1830” In general terms, the purpose of Bylaw 1830 is to amend the Zoning Bylaw to permit the following additional uses in the Tourist Recreational Commercial (C-4) Zone: ‘single family residential dwelling’; ‘home occupation’; and ‘professional and business office’. All persons who deem their interest in property affected by the proposed Bylaw will be offered a reasonable opportunity to be heard or present written submissions respecting matters contained within the Bylaw at the Public Hearing. The above Bylaw may be inspected at City Hall, 410 Esplanade, Ladysmith, British Columbia from July 19, 2013 – August 6, 2013, Monday through Friday, during normal office hours (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) excluding statutory holidays.
Felicity Adams Director of Development Services
16 Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle A16 Tue, July 30, 2013, Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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How would you like to be remembered?
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Greg Lonsdale
RICHARDS, Len (Lenny) November 9, 1940 – July 20, 2013
COBB, Cory Allen August 3, 1962 – July 18, 2013 With heavy hearts we announce the sudden passing of Cory Allen Cobb. Born August 3, 1962, Cory leaves behind his wife of 31 years Lisa and their son Jake as well as their animals Jack, Lucy and Witchie; parents Owen and Kathy; sister Trina (Warren) and their children Alina, Justin, Ashlynn and Foster; brother Randy (Kari) and their daughter Abbie; Inlaws Mike and Leona; sister in law Tracey (Ron) and their children Krista and Kayla; brother in law Jason (Stacey) and their children Addison and Grace; special friends Jenelle (Jenellibean) and Nolan as well as many aunts, uncles, cousins and good friends. Cory was an amazing father, friend and artist. Please join us Tuesday, July 30, 2013 at 2:00 pm at The Duncan Community Lodge (2244 Moose Road) for the Celebration of Life. In lieu of flowers a donation can be made at an Branch of the Island Savings Credit Unions, C/O Lisa Cobb in Memory of Cory Cobb. Online condolences may be made at
H.W. Wallace 5285 Polkey Rd. 250-701-0001
Leonard Carl Richards. It is with sad hearts that we announce the passing of Len after a lengthy battle with cancer. He was predeceased by his mother and father, Rose and Don Richards also brother Donald. He is survived by his wife of 51 years Doreen; daughter Deborah of Edmonton and son Randel of Victoria; three grandchildren Justin, Chad and Kendra, also three greatgrandchildren Emerson, Blayke and Zayden. Born in Edmonton he lived in Wainwright, Vermilion and Burnaby and then returning to Edmonton as a teenager. He took his trade ticket there and got involved in the rock and roll scene with the Rebels and later The Nomads. He and Doreen moved to Calgary in 1969 and then retired to Chemainus in 1998. He had a great love of the outdoors and had a cabin at Ghost River. He loved to ride his trials motorcycle in the mountains and always had a dog. As per request, there will be no service. In Lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the BCSPCA. Condolences may be offered at telfordn@ Telford’s of Ladysmith 250-245-5553
Your Community, Your Classifieds. Call 1-855-310-3535
CARTER, Douglas Harrison Passed away in the Cowichan District Hospital on July 20, 2013. Born in Comox, BC on September 17, 1945.
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In loving memory
COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS INFORMATION DID YOU KNOW? BBB is a not-for-profit organization committed to building relationships of trust in the marketplace. Look for the 2013 BBB Accredited Business Directory Eedition on your Black Press Community Newspaper website at You can also go to and click on the 2013 BBB Accredited Business Directory
MEDLAND, Kenneth Henry (Ken) May 23, 1925 - July 24, 2013 It is with the deepest sadness that we announce the passing of Ken Medland, surrounded by his family, after a difficult illness, met with courage and fortitude.
Predeceased by his parents Tom and Lil Carter. Survived by his loving wife Lynne of 42 years; daughter Leesa of Victoria, BC; son Craig (Michelle); sister Patti Clark (Hugh); brother Raymond of Ladner, BC; nieces Cindy and Jennifer (Mike). Doug started logging at the age of 15, and was a partner with his father in T. & D. Carter Holdings Ltd. from 1964 to 1986 and then Doug became principle owner of the company. He was an active member and past-president of the Cowichan Valley Hoo-Hoo Club, in 2001 - 2002 and was a recreational golfer, fisherman, and enjoyed camping. Celebration of Doug’s life will be held August 10th, 2013 at 1:00 pm at the Mellor Hall, Cowichan Exhibition Park, Duncan, BC Flowers gratefully declined. In memory of Doug, those so desiring may make donations to BC Children’s Hospital, 4480 Oak Street, B321, Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4 or the BC Heart & Stroke Foundation, #107 – 1001 Cloverdale Avenue, Victoria, BC V8X 4C9. The family would like to acknowledge the kind and compassionate care that Douglas received from the Cowichan District Hospital staff, doctors and nurses. Condolences may be offered to the family at Telford’s of Ladysmith 250-245-5553
Ken was born in Chemainus, B.C. to Elinor Robertson and Henry Medland. He was predeceased by his beloved wife Marie, in December 2011. Ken is survived by devoted daughters Dorina Medland and Darlene Collinson, and very valued sons-in-law Larry Dudeck and Ted Collinson. Three cherished grandchildren of whom he was extremely proud, also survive: Jill Collinson (Ben Lanthier), Alex Collinson and Blair Dudeck. Also mourning his passing are special cousins Lorraine Buchanan, Fred Smith, Sally and Lorne Rozzano. He further leaves countless life-long friends from his many community involvements over the years and a large extended family. Ken was raised by his grandmother, Anne Little Robertson in Ladysmith, B.C. He attended Ladysmith High School where he excelled in academics, track and field, and softball. Ken attended UBC and graduated from its first Pharmacy class in 1949. Ken was a lifetime member of the Nanaimo Lions club, since 1950, serving as president in l965-66 and the Nanaimo Curling Club, participating fully for over 60 years and was a past president . He was also a vice president of the Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association. He continued curling and volunteering right up to December 2012. A Celebration of Life will take place at the Nanaimo Curling Centre, 106 Wall Street, Nanaimo, B.C. on Thursday, August 1st, at 1:00 pm. In lieu of flowers, if you wish, donations in Ken’s memory may be made to the Nanaimo Curling Centre, 106 Wall Street, Nanaimo, B.C. or the Nanaimo Lions Club (larriet@ or, or the charity of your choice. “Just as the sun will set then rise with each and every dawn, the souls of those who lived life well eternally live on.”
LEGALS PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is herby given that to recover charges under the provisions of our storage agreement the goods as listed below will be sold on or after August 3, 2013. The person(s) whose name(s) appear opposite the Goods listed below are liable to us for outstanding charges. DAN GLEDHILL (Household Items) Deer Lake Properties (Thomas Rd.) Inc. dba Junction Mini Storage 13136 Thomas Rd. Ladysmith, BC 250-245-2760
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BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALL CASH Drink/Snack Vending Business Route. Complete Training. Small Investment Required. 1-888-979-VEND (8363). RUBBER TRACKS mini excavators, tracked loaders, dumpers, trenchers, horizontal drills. Let’s see what we can do! Trackmasters Canada Ltd. 1-866-553-0090. Calgary 403771-6008. Vancouver 604218-2825.
WE’RE ON THE WEB Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tue, July 30, 2013
DAY RATE Vac Drivers. Must have all tickets, have knowledge of an oil rig. Also need Class 1 Drivers for vac and water trucks but local work. Must relocate. Class 1 Drivers for gravel trucks and hauling swamp mats also. Benefits after 3 months and competitive wages. Fax to 1-403-8453903. Attention: Rick.
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Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience.
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EDUCATION/TRADE SCHOOLS TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/ Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certiďŹ ed. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
HELP WANTED Help Wanted LADYSMITH PRESS needs physically fit individuals for their continually expanding collating department. Part time positions available 8 - 16 hrs/wk, $10.34/hr. Afternoon and graveyard shifts - must be available Wednesdays. Benefits, profit sharing and advancement opportunities. Please submit your resume between 9 am and 5 pm in person to: Ladysmith Press, 940 Oyster Bay Drive, Ladysmith, BC or mail to: Ladysmith Press, PO Box 400, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A3. No phone calls please. We would like to thank in advance all who apply, however only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators, Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson,Alta. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN required at Jenner Chevrolet in Victoria BC. Rare opportunity for a top performing, quality & customer focused team player. Email: GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message. For Information 1-800-972-0209.
Vic & Dot Villeneuve are delighted to announce the Birth of our 23rd Great-Grandchild
FULL TIME MAINTENANCE PERSON REQUIRED This is a permanent position starting immediately at our plant in Princeton, BC. Minimum of 3-5 years maintenance experience required on a variety of production and mobile equipment. Experience in a post mill, or small to medium size sawmill preferred. Must be able to handle a variety of tasks, work well with minimum supervision and be part of the team. Benefits include excellent wage, health spending account and profit sharing. Please submit resumes by fax 250-295-7912 or email Please visit our website at for further information on the company.
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VOLUNTEERS WANTED urgently for Ladysmith Museum to greet visitors in 4 hour shifts, 12 pm to 4 pm. Come and learn about Ladysmith’s history and meet interesting people from all over the world. Ph. 250-245-0100 or 250-245-7738
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Western Forest Products Inc. is an integrated Canadian forest products company located on Vancouver Island that is committed to the safety of our employees, the culture of performance and the discipline to achieve results. We currently have the following openings:
Lauri and Harry Virtanen are pleased to announce the marriage of their son, Erik to Natasha Cyr, daughter of Gilles and the late Sheila Cyr. The wedding took place in Hillsboro Oregon, July 17, 2013 at 6:30 pm among family and friends. Some from as far away as Germany. The Cornelius Pass Roadhouse was a beautiful backdrop for the “Event�. Tasha is a welcomed addition to our family. Thank You to all involved.
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PETS PET CARE SERVICES CAT SITTING in my home. No cages. 7day to long term stay. Limited space. 250-740-5554
MERCHANDISE FOR SALE APPLIANCES APT. SIZE deep freeze $125, white 17 cu ft fridge $250, 30� almond range $125, white 30� range $150, white 24� range $200. GE stacking washer/dryer $250. Washer dryer sets $200-$350. Washers $150$250, dryers $100-$150. Builtin dishwashers $100-$150. White portable dishwasher $125. 6 month warranty on all appliances. Please call Greg at (250)246-9859.
FUEL/FIREWOOD SEASONED FIREWOOD Vancouver Island’s largest ďŹ rewood producer offers firewood legally obtained during forest restoration, large cords. Help restore your forest, see online at: or call 1-877-902-WOOD.
FURNITURE BLACK LEATHER SWIVEL Recliner, with stool, new. $300.obo. Call (250)760-2855, Nanaimo. TABLE: SOLID wood, 58 x 42 “, 18� leaf, 4 solid wood chairs, golden oak. $250 to view by appointment 250-245-0729.
GARAGE SALES LADYSMITH: 298 Dogwood Dr., August 3, 9 am, collectibles, jewellery, books.
CLUES ACROSS 1. Baby or infant 5. Common Indian weaverbird 9. Walk 14. Shiite spiritual leader’s title 15. Mirish 16. Nostrils 17. Confiscate 18. Powder mineral 19. Moss, lace or banded stone 20. Doyle detective 23. New Rochelle college 24. “Case of the Ex� singer 25. Rays or devilfish 28. Cutting implements for sewing 33. Two-toed sloth 34. Lightly fry 35. Japanese apricot 36. Gargle 38. Consumed food 39. Swats 41. Doctors’ group 42. Baseball teams 44. Japanese waist pouch 45. Impaired by diminution 47. A fixed portion of food 49. Gall 50. A block of soap or wax 51. Polite phrase for “What?� 58. Blackberry drupelets 59. Wild sheep of Northern Africa 60. River in Florence 61. Carried 62. Was visualized 63. Giant armadillo 64. Dwarf buffaloes 65. An account of events 66. Avery dark black CLUES DOWN 1. Morsels
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 30, 2013 A1717
2. Indian wet nurse 3. Cook a cake 4. Retired with honorary title 5. Conductor’s instrument 6. Manila hemp 7. Yellow portion of an egg 8. Curved support structure 9. Reasonings 10. Molten rocks 11. Hillside (Scot.) 12. Leases 13. Point midway between E and SE 21. Mauna __, HI, volcano 22. Leave out 25. Wall painting 26. Colorful Japanese animation 27. Grandmothers 28. Fully satisfied 29. Billiards sticks 30. A citizen of Oman 31. Duplicate or copy 32. Municipality in Philippines 34. Mentally healthy 37. Capacities for work or activity 40. Able to read and write 43. Dark bluish black 46. Loudenville college 47. Seizure of property by force 48. Alias 50. Showing no mercy or pity 51. Sacred picture 52. Hungarian pen inventor 53. Hops kiln 54. Carbamide 55. Dull in color 56. Upon 57. Person, place or thing word 58. Sleeveless Arab garment
18 July 30, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle A18Tuesday, MERCHANDISE FOR SALE Tue, July 30, 2013, Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?
20 ACRES FREE! Own 60 acres for 40 acre price/payment $0 Down, $198/mo. Money Back Guarantee, No Credit Checks. Beautiful Views, West Texas. Call 1800-843-7537.
WANT TO GET NOTICED? Prime retail/office space for rent in highly visible historical building on corner of First and Roberts in Ladysmith. 1687 sq. ft. 2 bathrooms, small kitchen, new flooring, A/C. Available Now. Call 250-245-2277
2 Bedroom: downtown, 1180 sq ft, total reno, hardwood floors, 5 new appliances, ocean view, N/P, N/S, $1000/mo 250-245-2283.
KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit, Complete Room Treatment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available online (NOT IN STORES). STEEL BUILDING. Sizzling summer savings event! 20x22 $4,188. 25x24 $4,598. 30x36 $6,876. 32x44$8,700. 40x52 $12,990. 47x70 $17,100. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS/ Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206. VARIOUS SECOND hand household items at Red’s Emporium. Furniture, tools, dishes, etc. 19 High St, Ladysmith. Call 250-245-7927.
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER FULL SIDE BY SIDE DUPLEX in Ladysmith. $389,900 2400 sq. ft. 2 beds 1 bath, and garage one side, 3 beds 2 baths other. Excellent condition, Owner occupied. Bareland strata Phone 250-245-0526
CENTRAL CHEMAINUS oceanview modern 2 bdrm, 1000sq ft grnd lvl, 5 appls, private patio, wi-fi, parking, $1000. Available Sept 1. NS/NP. Call 250-246-4313. Ladysmith: 1 & 2 bdrm apt, heat incl., n/p, ref’s required. The Villa 250-245-3583. Meicor Properties Chemainus: Lockwood Villa. Well kept bldg, ocean view, 1 bdrm $625, 2 bdrm $725, available now. N/S, 1 sm pet welcome. 250-246-1033. Meicor Properties Ladysmith: 1 bdrm suites $720/mo; 2 bdrm starting at $800/mo incl. heat & hot water, sm pets ok. 250-668-9086.
DUPLEXES/4PLEXES Ladysmith: 900 sq.ft. 2 bdrm with view, close to schools, N/S, N/P, Aug 1st, $800 + hydro & gas. 250-335-2189.
Fully rebuilt, certified, float home for sale. 2 bdrm, 2 storey, 1 1/2 bath, new decks, rails, soffit, & fascia. 100% surveyed and approved by a marine engineer (documents available)
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Spots available at great rates. Daily, weekly, monthly. Pool, Hot tub, exercise room, laundry, putting green, hiking, fishing. Free coffee in one of the best clubhouses on the island. Nanaimo area. 250-754-1975 or
3-BDRM, 2 BATH. $1075. Great location in Chemainus. Huge yard, pet friendly. July 15 or Aug. 1. See Craigslist for details. 1(604)786-1600 or BRAND NEW 1 bdrm 1000 sq ft, new appls, wood & tile floors, deck. $975/mo. NP/NS. (250)210-2714.
ROOMS FOR RENT LADYSMITH, ROOM avail, all inclusive, share kitchen and bath, ideal for retirees or seniors, small pets welcome w/ conditions, refs req’d, $400 mo. Call (250)616-2345 (Ray).
SUITES, LOWER Ladysmith: 1 bdrm, private patio/entr., 4 appls, n/s n/p, $750 incl. utils, 250-245-5007.
SUITES, UPPER BRIGHT 3-BDRM main level house, centrally located. W/D, cable, internet incld. Ladysmith. $950/mo (250)924-5500 LADYSMITH: 2-BDRM, spacious, bright. Avail. August 1st. N/S. $650/mo. 250-667-1555. Sunny Saltair: Furnished bachelor suite. Gorgeous ocean view, wrap around deck, 500 sq ft, n/s, n/p, $675/mo + util, 250-210-2582.
Subscribe to 1999 MAZDA MX5, Only summer driven. Excellent cond. $9,500. (250)754-3561
$ Damon
online Challenger access
1999 Class A Motorhome, Ford V10, 33’, one slide, 92,000 km, new tires, brakes & batteries, $27,500 obo. (250)365-7152 Castlegar
TRUCKS & VANS 1994 GMC 4x4 extended cab short box. $3900. Locally owned, automatic, new truck tires & brakes. Good running cond. A little rust & upholstery work. (250)245-0295.
Mon. to Fri. 10am to 4 pm 528 First Ave., Ladysmith
2003 Four Winns Fish & Ski Freedom 180 F/S,
Ladysmith 10% fullyShift serviced 4.3L VOLVO PENTA engine,
Properties for Rent or Lease $750/mo: 10176 View St., Chemainus. 2 bdrm lower 1/2 duplex with ocean view.
$975/mo: 65-1572 Seabird, Timberlands. 3 bdrm 1250 sq.ft. double wide. 55+. $995/mo: A-1118 2nd Ave., Ladysmith. 3 bdrm top floor 1/2 duplex with view. For more information:
Saltair: custom built 2000 sq ft ocean view on 1 acre in sunny Saltair. 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, custom kitchen, heat pump, 1800 sq ft wrap around veranda, 2 car garage, $1600/mo. 3815 South Oyster School Rd., Ladysmith 250-210-0562.
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This is really a great Ladysmith 10% Shift boat!! $15,000 obo. 1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Subscribe to 250-245-2277
Includes online access
Fundraiser In Duncan
Saturday, September 14, 2013, 9am to 2pm
Royal LePage Property Management
$800/mo: 631 6th Ave., Ladysmith. 2 bdrm 1/2 SxS duplex with small yard.
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LADYSMITH- 2 bdrms, F/S, W/D, wood stove. N/S pet? Lots of parking/storage. 1 year lease req’d. Avail Aug 1. $1000. Call (250)924-4028.
$800/mo: #5-5311 Cassidy Rd., Ladysmith. 3 bdrm mobile. Private and quiet.
Flyers, coupons deals and money saving tips all in one place!
(250)354-7471 Nelson Subscribe to
ďŹ l here32 Ladysmith 10% Shift please
Includes online access
Location: Cowichan News Leader Pictorial Office (Between Buckerfield’s and The Brick)
We are accepting all types of books this year. Please make sure your donations are clean, undamaged and current. Please bring your books to the Cowichan News Leader Pictorial office during business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5pm. (Please no drop offs after office hours) All money raised stays in the Cowichan Valley and is distributed to local chairities. This year, the News Leader Pictorial is proud to partner with Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association. Please call (250) 746-4471 for more information.
Call for a Free Home 250-245-2277 Evaluation 640 Trans Canada Hwy.,$ Ladysmith, BC 32 P. 250-245-3700 C. 250-667-7653 Subscribe to E. Includes online access
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 30, 2013 19
The Last Word
Smile of the Week
What’s your name?
Our hostess will bring gifts & greetings along with helpful community information.
“Hahlay Buck.” What do you do? “I work at In the Beantime Café. I will be going to UBC Okanagan in the fall.”
Chemainus: Diana 250-246-4463 Ladysmith: Eileen 250-245-0799
Shop at Home Service
What’s your hometown?
Carpet, Hardwood, Hardwood Resurfacing Lino, Tile, Blinds
What do you like most about your community? “Definitely the friendly people.”
2727 JAMES ST. 250-748-9977 DUNCAN
barbara • guy bezeau
What was your proudest or happiest moment? “Probably being valedictorian [at Ladysmith Secondary School this June].”
real estate services
What scares you more than anything else in the world? “Definitely spiders.” We Give Service & Get Results. OCEAN POINTE
If you were Queen of Vancouver Island, what would your first royal proclamation be? “That everyone could have backyard chicken coops.”
Independently Owned and Operated Giving Your Home Global Exposure
Reserve Your Directory Space Now!
DIRECTORY Call 250-245-2277 Heard around town... CHURCH Attend Welcome to
• Ladysmith Family and Friends (LaFF) staff members are taking on the Great Lake Walk on Sept. 21 to raise money for LaFF. One hundred per cent of the pledges collected will go to LaFF’s regular programming and for purchasing a muchneeded portable hand washing station for LaFF. There are many ways to donate, and tax receipts will issued for pledges over $25. To help LaFF, you can make a pledge at Aggie Hall during LaFF program hours. You can also go to www.Canadahelps. org to make an online donation. Enter Ladysmith Family and Friends Society and note Great Lake Walk in the comments area. Another way to contribute is to mail a cheque to LaFF, Box 1830, Ladysmith, B.C., V9G 1B4 and refer-
ence Great Lake Walk. • Have you dreamed about taking courses or a full program at Vancouver Island University (VIU)? VIU’s Advising Centre has introduced a new service geared toward helping prospective students explore educational options and design a plan to get started. At “Explore Your VIU” sessions held every Tuesday at the Nanaimo campus, potential students will get a chance to explore programs VIU has to offer and what might be a good fit. The weekly sessions from 10-11 a.m. in Building 250-Room 308 will give participants an opportunity to make connections with each other and University Educational Counsellors. Explore Your VIU sessions will appeal to anyone contemplating a career change, mature students, those hop-
ing to re-enter the From 11 a.m. to 4 workforce, or stay-at- p.m., anyone can drop home-parents think- off their documents ing about returning to in the parking lot of school. the Save On Foods Those unable to at Terminal Park Mall attend Tuesday ses- in Nanaimo, and for sions may see an a $10 donation, they Educational Counsel- will be confidentially lor for a brief drop- shredded. Once again, in appointment on this service is being Wednesdays from provided compli12:30-2 p.m. at the Ad- ments of Island Docuvising Centre, located ment Storage and on the top floor of Shredding (IDSS). Building 200. A barbecue will be Educational Coun- up and running with to sellors are also availhotSubscribe dogs and burgers Subscribe to able during the sum- grilled and served by 250-245-2277 mer by phone at volunteers with the 250-245-2277 Includes $ Stoppers Includes online 1-888-920-2221 ext. local Crime $ online access access 6410 or 250-740-7410 program. or by e-mail at for any- Classifieds Sell! one unable to get to the Nanaimo campus. • You can take care of any document shredding you need and support Crime Stoppers Saturday, Aug. 10 when the Nanaimo and District Crime Stoppers program Subscribe to Call our and Save On Foods Classifed Department host their second 250-245-2277 Includes confidential shred$ online access 1-855-310-3535 ding day.
St. Mary’s Catholic Church 1135 - 4th Avenue Ladysmith, BC
Mass Times: Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am 250-245-3414
Hall Rentals Available 250-245-2077
regularly the church of your choice
Inclusive - Diverse - Vibrant
Ladysmith First United Church Sunday Service including Sunday school at 10:30 am
Healing Pathway
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6-8 pm
Rev. Min-Goo Kang 232 High Street 250-245-2183
314 Buller St., Ladysmith Jesus Said: “Come and Journey with the Saviour” Sunday Morning Worship 9:30 am Holy Communion Rev. Daniel Fournier
1149 Fourth Ave, Ladysmith, 250-245-8221 Family Worship Service every Sunday at 10:30 am Join us at 10:45 am this Sunday for our Ladysmith Days Service at Transfer Beach. (Nursery & Children’s classes available) Mid-week programs for kids, preteens and teens
381 Davis Road
August 4, 2013 @10am
“The New Community: What the Church Is & Why We Should Love It” Pastor Darin Phillips
20 Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
49th Fun for the whole Family Join the fun at Aggie Field 11 am to 3 pm
Family Fun Day! Sat, Aug 3 from 11 - 3 pm
Right after the Ladysmith Days Parade 11:30 - Daisy The Cow
Hot Dogs & Drinks (Supporting Mid Isle Soccer)
Bring your lawnchairs, blankets and family!
12:30 - Mike Battie Juggling Show
12:00 - 3:00 Headless Betty’s Music Entertainment
11:00 - 3:00 Island Savings -Face Painting, Kid’s Games & Penny the Owl
Sponsored by
12:00 - Island Farms Ice Cream Eating Contest
Sponsored by
Sponsored by
Sponsored by
Island Farms
Thursday, August 1st is President Pete’s 50th Birthday!
4 litre pail, limit 1
Ice Cream
Island Bakery
Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns 12’s, limit 2
with our...
Fresh Canadian
Clamato Juice
Reg. only, 1.89 litre limit 2
2/ 5 $
Your Total Grocery Off Bill
Minimum order $20.00 Excluding Tobacco, Lotto, Gift Certificates, Phone Cards, Stamps
Lean Quality Ground Beef Warehouse pak, 6.53 kg
96 lb.
Prices effective Monday, July 29 to Monday, August 5, 2013
LADYSMITH CHEMAINUS Your Island Community Grocers since 1977
1020 1st Avenue
2835 Oak Street
1824 Cedar Road
550 Cairnsmore Street
Open Daily 7:30 am - 9:00 pm
Open Daily 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
Open Daily 7:30 am - 9:00 pm
Open Daily 7:30 am - 9:00 pm
100% Locally Owned & Operated • We deliver! (See store for details) We reserve the right to limit quantities • Pictures for illustrative purposes only
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