Lake Country Calendar, July 31, 2013

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July 31, 2013



Quail Trail a safe link

For the kids Sisters prepare to shear their long tresses in aid of Camp Winfield. ...............................


Thompson Okanagan Tourism Assoc. has been awarded for its 10-year policy planning strategy: Embracing Our Potential. ...............................


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Quail Trail is open for travel. With a little planning, some funding and a good working partnership, safer links have been made in Lake Country between neighbourhoods, schools and parks. Quail Trail connects Clearwater/Copperhill neighbourhoods from Bonnie and Quail road ends with Lodge Road—a pathway frequently traveled by students heading to George Elliot Secondary School. Lake Country Mayor James Baker, council members and others involved in the process, gathered on Tuesday, July 16, to cut the ribbon on the Quail Trail, celebrating what an effective partnership can accomplish. Planning of the trail started as a result of parkland dedication


ON HAND to share in cutting the ribbon on the Quail Trail were WALC representative Dev Fraser, PARC chair Rod Derksen and Rotary representative Tom Roth, cheered along by Lake Country Mayor James Baker, district councillors, WALC executive, active community volunteers, area residents and district staff.

through the townhouse development on Quail Road. Council approved building the trail through the development permit process. The

Rotary Club of Lake Country initially donated most of the funding and acknowledged the financial support of the Province of B.C. Walk Around Lake

Country (WALC) volunteers worked along with Rotary and District of Lake Country staff and a number of businesses to make the trail connector a success.

A permanent traillevel rail crossing was arranged to connect to the recently completed Lodge Road upgrade. Gerry Lay of Horizon Geotechnical, Gary

Lowe Contracting and Pier Mac also generously contributed to this community project with materials, time, expertise and good value for services and products.


Near miss for family in RV; other driver taken to hospital WADE PATERSON An Edmonton family is thanking a higher power after they escaped unscathed from a crash Thursdau afternoon that nearly sent their 28-foot

motorhome into Wood Lake. Mark Norris was driving his two children, Claudia and Jack, as well as Claudia’s boyfriend and another friend southbound on Highway

97 near Oyama Road, when a car travelling in the same direction, attempted to pass their vehicle in the righthand lane, just before the lanes merge. An RCMP officer on

the scene explained the woman driving the car lost control, went into the ditch, came back out of the ditch and collided with the recreational vehicle. Both vehicles skid-

ded eastbound across the highway, toward Wood Lake; however, a tree prevented the vehicles from entering the water. “God showed up here today, it’s an absolute miracle,” said Mark.

The female driver was taken to Kelowna General Hospital with undetermined injuries; all five passengers of the


Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 31, 2013 A3


Speed a factor in crash that leaves one young person dead, another injured in hospital

A CRASH on Highway 97 near Oyama Road nearly sent a motorhome into Wood Lake Thursday afternoon.


Incident snarls traffic in both directions for hours RV FROM A1 motorhome were uninjured. “I was asleep,” said 18-year-old Claudia. “I just remember looking

up and seeing all the pots and pans and all our food coming at me Jack, 17, was sitting in the passenger seat, changing a song on his phone, when he saw the

car coming toward the side of the vehicle. Mark noted witnesses of the accident later told him the driver of the car had been passing other vehicles at an es-

timated speed of 120 or 130 km/h. Traffic was backed up for several kilometres in both directions on Highway 97 while emergency crews and police at-

tended. The Norris family plans to continue on with their vacation to their cabin in Fintry as planned. Twitter: @PatersonWade

A single vehicle accident on Oyama Lake Road in Lake Country left one person dead and another in hospital, the second fatal crash in less than a week on the same road. Lake Country RCMP received a call around 5 p.m. Monday, July 22, that a pickup truck had slid down an embankment in the 5700 block of Oyama Lake Road. A 17-year-old male from Lake Country was pronounced dead at the scene while the passenger, a 17-year-old female from Germany, was taken to Kelowna General Hospital in critical condition, and subsequently transferred to a Vancouver hospi-

tal for further treatment. No names have been released yet by police. Police say the male was driving a Chevy pickup truck and apparently lost control when turning on an Oyama Lake Road switchback, skidding around a corner before plunging over an embankment. Both the driver and passenger were ejected from the vehicle. The Central Okanagan Traffic Services continue to assist the BC Coroner’s Service with the investigation. On July 18, an ATV left the same road and crashed down an embankment killing two people.

Charity: Pair ready for a close haircut CONTRIBUTED

THOMPSON Okanagan Tourism gets

silver award from the Planning Institute of British Columbia (PICB) for Excellence in Policy Planning (Small Town & Rural Areas) for the region’s recently launched 10-year strategy: Embracing Our Potential. The award seeks to honour the development and application of leading-edge planning policy designed to enhance the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of communities. The Award was received by Glenn Mandziuk, CEO of TOTA, and Jennifer Houiellebecq, industry development specialist at the Infuse Vancouver 2013 Awards Reception earlier this month. Mandzuik said receiving the accolade is a real accomplishment and honour for the regional tourism industry as it was the only award to be directed to tourism. “We are proud of the recognition that has been given to the strategy as a framework for tourism and economic growth in our region.”

Two Enderby sisters are shedding a few inches this summer in aid of Camp Winfield. Enderby Lion Tracy Ell and Jackie Pearase, Regional District of North Okanagan Area F director, are raising money for the camp by shaving their heads Aug. 11. In addition to generating funds for the Easter Seals Camp, the pair, along with Enderby & District Financial general manager Ted Morrison, will be shorn of their locks as a tribute to John Harrison, long-time camp fundraiser and Enderby Lion who died in 2012. “John raised thousands and thousands of dollars for Camp Winfield over seven years by shaving his head and collecting donations,” explained Ell. “We want to recognize his efforts, his love of children and his dedication to this wonderful organization. So we are following in his footsteps.” Harrison raised over $2,200 in 2012 and the Enderby trio would also like to make significant donations to the camp. Camp Winfield is one of


SISTERS Tracy Ell and Jackie Pearase are ready to lose their locks

Aug. 11 in a fundraiser for Camp Winfield. three Easter Seals camps that provide overnight summer camping experiences to children aged six to 18 with a mental and/or physical disability. The goal is to build confidence, independence and peer interaction through fun activities including a climbing wall, water polo, wheelchair basketball and more. More than 800 campers attend the BC Easter Seals camp

AUG. 3

each season, with the camps fully subsidized by the BC Lions Society of Children with Disabilities. Donations, fundraising events and ongoing volunteer efforts make it possible for campers to attend free of charge. “Kids love going to summer camp and Camp Winfield gives that experience to those who might not otherwise get the chance,” noted Pearase. “Hav-

1950 Camp Road

ing a disabled child can mean that there is no extra money for camp so it is important that places like Camp Winfield continue. My sister, Ted and I are simply doing our bit to make camp a reality for a few of those kids.” Pearase has no fear of the drastic haircut, having gone down to ‘the wood’ about eight years ago in a fundraiser for cancer research. “But we have not seen my sister’s bald head since she was a baby so it could be interesting,” she added. “We have lots of hats, though.” The Aug. 11 event includes lots of fun activities including a talent show around noon and the head shave at about 1 p.m. Visit camp-winfield for directions to Camp Winfield. The sisters will be donating their hair, which has a combined length of about 30 inches, to make wigs for cancer patients. For more information on how to donate, contact Pearase at 250-838-0466 or email

SHOWS 6-6:30 pm Becca Mabbett ARE FREE! 6:45-7:45 pm - Full House Presents 8-9:30 pm - Cod Gone Wild

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Remembering to remember


y wife and I marked two anniversaries this month. Early in the month, we celebrated our 53rd wedding anniversary; a week ago, we celebrated 20 years since we moved into our new

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

Life and Faith

Sheri Jackson Dawn Brule

Jim Taylor

Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688

house. And I wonder why we consider remembering anniversaries so important. It’s not as if I’m likely to forget that I’m married. After 53 years, I’ve spent far more of my life

Teresa Huscroft-Brown Creative Consultant Production Designer Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275

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NDP soul search is going nowhere B.

C. NDP president Moe Sihota says an external review of the party’s performance in the May election will “look very much at the DNA of the NDP.” Early signs are not encouraging. Start with the five-member panel announced to conduct the review. The required “labour” representation is in the person of Cindy Oliver, president of the union representing college and university instructors, and Andy Ross, ex-president of COPE 378, which represents BC Hydro employees among others. Another appointee is NDP MP Jinny Sims, a former president of the B.C. Teachers’ Federation. If the party wants to further solidify its image as a lobby group for pension-subsidized government unions, it’s off to a great start. The terms of reference defy parody. In addition to unions, the panel re-

BC Views

Tom Fletcher quired “more than one woman.” A sub-committee may be struck, if it has representation from “youth, women, labour, visible minority, LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisesexual, transgendered, questioning).” I presume the party’s lengthy anti-harassment policy will be read out to begin all meetings. Once they finally get down to business, the list of election campaign details they must examine is long. In addition to that, they must review “stakeholder relations including community

leaders, business, social movement, ethnic communities, environmental movement, affiliated unions and the labour movement.” One of the excuses offered by leader Adrian Dix for the party’s defeat was the loss of 40,000 jobs in the B.C. forest industry. The suggestion is that those people left for Alberta, and if they were still here, they would have voted NDP. That presumed solidarity has never existed in the private sector, and in fact the highest-paid union workers have good reason to vote for lower taxes. To confirm B.C. and Canada’s “progressive” tax system, all they have to do is look at their pay stubs. The mandate for this review mentions not one actual public policy issue. Here’s one the committee might kick around. Having lost the 2009 election campaigning against the carbon tax, the NDP is now calling

for it to be increased and extended to greenhouse gases produced by industrial process emissions. A simple example is a cement kiln, which burns fuel to reach the temperature at which the components are partially burned and cement is produced. Cement manufacturers pay carbon tax on the fuel, whether it’s natural gas or shredded tires, but not on the process. B.C. cement makers are already pleading for relief, because the fuel-intensive process puts them at a price disadvantage with U.S. and Chinese producers. Further unilateral tax action by B.C. would only further increase imports, and potentially push B.C. firms out of business. Goodbye unionized private sector jobs. Dix’s last foray in question period before the summer legislature session adjourned was a demand for the govern-

ment to order BC Ferries to build its next three ships in B.C. Leave aside the NDP’s uncritical zeal for state control, and their ill-fated experiment with aluminum fast ferries. The most likely bidder for this work is Seaspan, with shipyards in Esquimalt and North Vancouver. Seaspan is hiring almost 2,000 people to build ships for the Royal Canadian Navy and Coast Guard. It will be flat out to get that done, and the company president can’t yet say if it has the capacity and skilled labour to bid on BC Ferries ships too. Seaspan has to operate in the real world of limited resources. So does the NDP, but it’s not clear if they can find a way out of their thicket of special interests and stale economic notions. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press.

married than I did single. Being married is ingrained so deeply, now, that I can no longer imagine life in the loose lane. Nor are either of us likely to forget moving into this house. We had to vacate our Toronto home before our new house in the Okanagan was ready. So we drove across Canada, with two terrified cats and a back seat full of house plants. I came all the way west to Kelowna and roomed for a month with my friends Ralph and Bev Milton. Joan stayed with her mother in Creston, a day’s drive away. The day our house was finally ready for us, Joan drove six hours through the mountains on a hot summer day, with the car windows closed to keep frantic cats from leaping out. The house plants travelled well. But both SEE TAYLOR A5

We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 31, 2013 A5


Helping to fuel competition at the Kelowna gas bar pumps I f you aren’t concerned about gas prices in Kelowna, you need not read any more. As former U.S. president Bill Clinton famously said, “I feel your pain.” Abbotsford is next to the U.S. border, and if prices there were as high as ours, customers would head across the line to fill up, so that is not a good comparison. The best comparison is Kamloops,where fuel prices are consistently five cents per litre lower than they are in Kelowna. Even if you factor in one cent per litre higher in transportation costs to get the fuel to Kelowna, it still doesn’t explain the regular difference in pump prices. We can do many things as individuals to reduce the pain of gas prices. Everyone is different

and has different transportation needs, but I, for one, ride my bike whenever possible, which has an added benefit of helping me stay healthy. I also sold my sedan and purchased a Smart Car six years ago to further reduce my gas consumption. Four hours to Vancouver for $22 isn’t a bad deal. In the future, I will be looking at the option of purchasing an electric car. I was recently in Blaine, Wash., in my capacity as the parliamentary secretary responsible for intergovernmental affairs, to officiate at the start of the BC2BC electric vehicle rally. Electric vehicles of all types gathered together for the nine day, 1,500 mile trek from the B.C. border to Baja, Cal., powered by electricity and recharged by a series of rapid chargers all the

MLA’s Report

Norm Letnick way down the coast. For many this can be our future: A future of quick-charging stations, and less reliance on fossil fuels. Unfortunately, this future is still a few years out. For now, the best explanation I’ve heard as to why Kamloops may take a back seat to us in hockey, but is in the driver’s seat when it comes to fuel prices, is because they have more competition in the form of gas stations aligned with big

box retail stores. Here in Kelowna we have limited competition, with Canadian Tire offering Canadian Tire money, and Superstore offering up to seven cents off per litre with a President’s Choice Mastercard or debit card. Gas prices are a concern for many of us in Kelowna, and some have asked me to get involved and get our government to regulate prices. Gasoline prices are regulated in Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. However, the Conference Board of Canada has determined that consumers in these regulated markets do not face lower gasoline prices than consumers in non-regulated markets. The federal government, through the Competition Bureau, is responsible for ensuring

consumers have access to competitive prices and investigating anti-competitive activities, such as price fixing. Under the Competition Act, price fixing and other anti-competitive activities are illegal in Canada. To report concerns regarding the gasoline industry call their toll free number at 1-800-3485358. Meantime, I’ve been working quietly behind the scenes to attract more competition in our local market. There have been some challenges—at Costco, parking and space limitations have prevented a gas bar from being introduced, although they continue to explore their options. Where I believe progress can be achieved is with Otter Co-op. Based on 2011 data, a member patronage allocation of five percent

on Otter Co-op Gas Bar fuel purchases in the lower mainland resulted in a return of 6.15 cents per litre. Finally, there is hope for consumers who are looking for a better deal at the pump, especially on long weekends! Otter Co-op is now searching for the right location in Kelowna and I hope there will be some relief at the pump very

soon. Once an appropriate site is secured, the next step will be to gauge public support. I will continue to help Otter Co-Op where I can, and report back to you as developments arise. Norm Letnick is the Liberal MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country..

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Anniversaries may serve a far greater purpose TAYLOR FROM A4 cats got carsick. Nope, Joan is not likely to forget that day. Nor am I likely to forget the day our son died. Or the day we picked up our adopted granddaughter in Ethiopia. Or the day I fell off a wall and smashed my elbow. I don’t need a note on a fridge calendar to carry a constant awareness of those events with me. Why, in fact, do we

celebrate anniversaries? Like birthdays— especially when we lie about them? Why, in the Christian church, do we make special events out of Christmas and Easter and a host of lesser days? Ignoring them would not change history. Especially when at least one of those anniversaries—Christmas, the birth of Jesus. Probably didn’t happen when we celebrate it, and almost certainly didn’t happen

exactly 2013 years ago. The timing of Easter and Good Friday are more likely, but are based on a lunar calendar that we abandoned long ago. If accuracy mattered, we should probably link Easter permanently to the Jewish Passover. And yet we go through those rituals, year after year. In churches, we hold special services. In our personal lives, we give cards and presents. Or go out

for dinner. Or just spend a quiet evening together, wrapped in a prayer shawl of memories. Remembering is not the problem, despite comedy routines built around stereotypes of forgetful husbands and disappointed wives. I think there’s something more subtle going on. Anniversaries are not just about specific events. They’re about the importance of remembering in general.

Remembering defines us as humans. Our ability to remember, not just the last few days or the last few years, but all the growth and development through history that has made us who and what we are, makes us who and what we are. So we need anniversaries to remind ourselves that it’s important to keep remembering. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

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Seek a career that will drive you to succeed Y ou go to your high school reunion and all those people you thought were going to be successful ended up being losers and all those who you thought were losers ended up being successful. Why does that happen? It happens because success isn’t related to being popular in Grade 12, being involved in sports or having parents who have money. Success beyond high school is much more than that. It tends to come down to finding something

School’s In

Jane Muskens that drives you to work hard—regardless of what it is or what it pays. You can be successful if your life is fulfilling no matter what the state of your

bank account is. This is why you see people who come from rich countries to work for next to nothing in South and Central America, Southeast Asia and Africa helping the less advantage. This is where you see doctors, nurses, engineers and teachers leave Canada to find more fulfilling work in very poor and often violent nations. When you meet these people it doesn’t take you long to realize that your First World problems don’t hold a candle to the things they encounter on

a daily basis. Maybe that’s why those who don’t seem nearly as concerned about the daily issues we face in Canada aren’t that interested in accumulating things such as real estate, vehicles and having money in the bank. They probably don’t even have the time or effort to attend their high school reunion, you just hear about them through other friends. So what does this have to do with education and getting a job? It means when someone tells me: “I don’t

know what to do—I want to go back to school I just don’t know what to take,” I usually begin with a number of questions asking them what drives them, are there things they enjoy doing and what would be their dream job. Most people have a hard time answering these questions, but given time to think about them they usually start to look at careers and work in a much different way. A good example of this is someone who did SEE MUSKENS A6

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


Water-based exercises: Dive into hydrotherapy rehabilitation


ith the temperatures soaring these summer days, many people are hitting the lake to cool down. But hopping in to the cool blue does more than just help you to beat the heat—exercising in the water can have many benefits to the body. Hydrotherapy (the use of water in treating various conditions) can be used to treat arthritis, post-joint replacement surgery, low back pain, neurological conditions, musculoskeletal injuries, and more. Even if you aren’t treating a physical condition, exercising in

Tess Mihell

Keeping You Fit the water is a great way to keep your muscles strong, and your cardiovascular system healthy. If you aren’t a swimmer, hydrotherapy still can be an option, as exercises are often performed in chest-height depth or less.

Hydrotherapy can assist with pain, range of motion of joints, strength, balance, walking, and even spasticity through the properties of water. Buoyancy can assist in unloading sore, or arthritic joints. It can also assist weak muscles, depending on the direction of movement. Conversely, buoyancy can also provide resistance in order to strengthen weaknesses. Another beneficial characteristic of hydrotherapy is the hydrostatic pressure—the pressure that the water exerts on your body. This can help to

decrease swelling, and to improve venus return (blood flow back to the heart). Exercises can be performed in different temperatures, depending on the goal of the hydrotherapy. For example, when addressing pain or stiffness, a warmer pool is usually preferred. For more vigorous exercises, a more refreshing temperature is ideal. Many land-based exercises can be performed in the water, with little or no modifications to performance necessary. If you have been prescribed exercises, and

you are interested in turning them into poolor lake-based, your physiotherapist can be of assistance in this. If water-based exercises are safe and comfortable for you, here are some that you can try in the pool, or in Ogopogo’s watery home. Only do the exercises through a range that is without pain. You may feel like your muscles are working hard, and your heart rate may increase, but don’t push on if you are having any negative symptoms such as: chest pains, shortness of breath, dizziness, or anxiety. Slow-and-controlled is the name of the

(exercise) game in order to stay safe, as well as making your body work harder. • Marching on the spot with high knees • Forward walking • Sideways walking • Backwards walking, great on the glut muscles •Squats, just watch how far down you go, depending on the water depth • Bend and straighten elbows, with palms facing up Even with all the benefits listed, it is important to decide if exercising in the water is right for you. Factors to consider are: the accessibility of

the pool, anxiety or fear of being in water, availability of assistance if required, negative reactions to being in cool or warm water, open sores, active infections/inflammation, or any medical conditions that may be affected by this kind of exercise. If you are unsure, ask a health professional before initiating this activity. If you chose to take the plunge into hydrotherapy, be sure to have fun and enjoy the beautiful summer weather the valley has to offer. Tess Mihell is with Sun City Physiotherapy in Winfield.

Acupuncture: Knee joint pain can reflect deficiencies in other organs


he knee is a complex joint that works much like the hinge of a door, both allowing the joint to move backward and forward as well as to twist and rotate. This makes the knee joints especially vulnerable to damage, which is why they typically sustain more injuries than do other joints. The knee joint is made up of the thighbone (femur), the two lower leg bones (the tibia and the fibula), and the patella, a bone that slides in a

groove on the end of the femur. These bones are held together by four main ligaments, large bands of tissue that connect the bones together and help stabilize the knee joint during motion. Other structures in the knee include tendons (fibrous bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones and allow you to straighten or extend your leg), the meniscus (a C-shaped cartilage that cushions the knee joint), and bursae, (fluid-filled sacs that cushion the

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James Kaufman

Needle Notes knee joint, allowing the ligaments and tendons to slide across it smoothly). Normally, all of these structures work together smoothly. But injury and disease can disrupt this interplay, resulting in pain, muscle weakness and decreased function. A knee injury can af-

fect any of the bones, cartilage and ligaments that make up the knee joint, as well as the ligaments, tendons, or fluid-filled sacs (bursae) that surround your knee joint. The symptoms of knee problems can vary widely because of the number of structures involved and the range of injuries and diseases that can cause knee pain. Knee pain can be caused by an injury due to sports or a car accident, an awkward landing from a jump or fall, repetitive stress or overuse of the knee joint, sudden stopping or turning (such as in sports), hyperextension of the knee joint, degeneration of the knee joint

from aging, and diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout. Acupuncture can be an effective way to treat knee pain. First, we must find out the quality of the pain we are dealing with in order to understand the cause. For example, if we have a feeling of heavy pain we will know that a damp pattern is involved. A damp pattern occurs when the body’s internal functions are disrupted, causing the body to retain excess moisture, kind of like a basement. People with this pattern will notice more predominant pain in damp weather. If the pain is heavy and burning then we have damp-heat, or if

it is heavy and cold, we have damp-cold. Sharp pain would mean blood stasis. A common pain for older people is weak, achy knees, which would mean a kidney deficiency. It is also very important to understand where the pain is located around the knee. There are six energetic meridians that travel through the knee. When we understand which meridian is being affected, it can help us to understand which organs are being affected to determine the most important and effective acupuncture points to use. By understanding what lies behind the pain, we are able to go

MUSKENS FROM A5 well academically in high school, loved to draw and

enjoyed wood working in shop class. A student like this would be pushed away

from the trades or even art school and told to go to university—and ultimately, in many cases,

into a job which has them sitting in an office eight hours a day. Chances are this

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deeper into the problem to resolve the contributing causes. Acupuncture can be very effective to give the body the stimulation that it needs to resolve these internal imbalances so that healing can occur. It can help to relieve pain, as well as to promote healing and strengthen internal weakness that makes the knee joint vulnerable, making acupuncture a treatment option that is safe, effective, and free from negative side-effects. James Kaufman is an acupuncturist at Okanagan Acupuncture Centre, in Kelowna.

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Chesapeake Bay Retriever Cross Sex: Female Age: Adult Colour: Chocolate Spayed/Neutered: Yes Animal ID: 203127 Bella is an active & friendly girl who is looking for her new home yours perhaps! She would love a home that would give her tummy rubs & outings with the family. Bella is an excitable girl who will benefit from a strong owner. She will need a fenced yard in her new home as she may wander off if left unsupervised for any length of time. Bella & her sister, Bailey, are very close & we are looking for a home where they can go together- this is not a must, just something desirable as they’ve been together all their lives. These girls are beautiful dogs. They are well mannered & loving. If you are looking for a couple of happy-go-lucky partners who love long walks on the beach & won’t “hog the bed”, then please speak with the SPCA Staff for more information. We may just send them home together at a reduced price!


would probably be the worst choice for this person who needs some kind of creative work and pushing paper and staring at a computer screen isn’t going to cut it. This is why you meet so many people who don’t always enjoy their work and wish they did something else. Long before you have kids and a mortgage is when you have the luxury to make the best career/work choices you can. If you make the right decision, chances are you won’t regret it 20 years later. Jane Muskens is the registrar at Okanagan College.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 31, 2013 A7


The Pilings unveiled in Okanagan Centre The Pilings sculpture were recently unveiled in Okanagan Centre, along with the Lions bench. Standing on and around the pilings (left) are Public Art Advisory Commission members Lake Country councillors Jamie McEwan (blue shirt) and Councillor Rob Geier (orange shirt), along with Dr. Sharon McCoubrey (top left), Petrina McNeill (top centre) and Wanda Lock (standing at right). Pilings were used in Okanagan Lake to dock paddle wheelers that transported fruit grown in the valley to market before rail and road access was available. Participating in the bench ribbon cutting (above)are councillors Jamie McEwan, Rob Geier, Lisa Cameron, Barb Leamont and Lions representatives Anne Geis and Don Rae. CONTRIBUTED

Ladybug larvae happy to feast on aphids


hile I have known since childhood that ladybugs are “good” bugs, it was only two years ago that I came to recognize their larval form and researched their life cycle. Early in July of 2011, my ancient cherry tree suffered an infestation. The last 12 inches of every branch were completely black with aphids. This had happened a few years earlier but a sudden, torrential, hourlong downpour had washed them clean. This time, as I waited, hoping for another storm, I noticed tiny spiny-looking black and orange insects all over the tree. They looked like miniature alligators. Searching the Internet, I discovered they were ladybug larvae. I was astonished when, in less than two weeks, my tree was cleared of aphids leaving the branch ends green and healthy. During that time,

Gwen Steele Natural Gardens I observed the larvae moulting several times as they grew. One day they turned into tiny (orange with black spots) shrimp-like shapes. These quickly became chrysalises, hanging on leaves as well as the adjacent shed wall and composter. About a week later, new ladybugs hatched. These would eat, mate and lay tiny oblong, cream-coloured eggs on the undersides of leaves. A female may produce 200 to 1,000 eggs, laying them in clusters where larvae are assured of food (mostly aphids but also scale insects, mites and

insect eggs). They hatch a few days after they are laid. Over winter, ladybugs hibernate in clusters in sheltered places under tree bark, in logs, leaf litter, etc. Ladybugs also require pollen as food. They are most attracted to umbrella-shaped flowers such as yarrow, dill, fennel, cilantro, sweet alyssum and members of the aster family such as sunflowers, coneflowers, marigolds, calendula, cosmos and zinnias. It’s good to interplant some of these with vegetables as well as having them in flower gardens. These and other flowers help attract pollinators and other beneficial insects. The more plant varieties (diversity) we have on our property, the better natural balance we create between pests and beneficial insects and birds. The most important commitment to make is to refrain from using any

pesticides as they will disrupt the balance and kill off beneficials as well as the pests. It’s fascinating to watch insects at work. If you don’t have a garden, I suggest a visit to the unH2O Xeriscape Demonstration Garden to enjoy the flowers and insects. It’s also a great place to visit with young children and see this amazing world through their fresh eyes. ••• Today, July 31 is the dead-line for the early bird draw for the Xeriscape Garden Contest. Details and the entry form are at The prize is two cubic meters of Classic Compost, delivered. Thanks to Dean Dack and Classic Compost for this donation. Deadline for the contest, and more chances at prizes, is Aug. 31. Gwen Steele is executive director of the non-profit Okanagan Xeriscape Association.

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Put water from your home to work in your garden Most of the residential water we use in the Okanagan is used outside on our lawns and gardens. With the Okanagan’s population expected to swell about 45 per cent by 2036 to more than 260,000 and as the need for summer time water increases—for food, for fish, for firefighting and more—it’s important that we learn to be more WaterWise. By following some simple tips, you’ll get the most from the water


Water where it’s needed. It should sprinkle your lawn or garden, not the house, sidewalk, driveway or street. Make water work efficiently and save time, money and water.

you use. The next time you turn on the hose or sprinkler, consider these helpful tips to Make Water Work:



Leave grass 5-8 cm tall (2-3 inches). Water stays longer when grass is longer. Leaving your grass longer slows evaporation from the soil, making it work more effectively.

Water during the coolest part of the day to prevent evaporation. A good rule of thumb is between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

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A WINFIELD girl transfers water from a rainbarrel into a watering can to make sure the water goes exactly

where it’s needed in the garden. The Make Your Own Rainbarrel workshop was put on by the Regional District of the North Okanagan.


Kids’ camp

Most lawns need just 2.5 cm (one inch) of water per week—about the depth of a tuna can. Watering deeply and less often promotes deep, healthy root growth. If you’re watering deeply and not seeing the results, the problem may be inadequate topsoil. Try top dressing with half an inch of compost, then over-seeding for a thick vigorous lawn.

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Okanagan water works best when paired with plants suitable to our dry climate: drought-tolerant turf and native and lowwater variety plants.


Look around the house for sources of water that don’t just come out of your tap. For example, collect rain-

water. Or find ways to reuse water. Collect it from your shower or bath in a bucket and reuse it instead of letting it run down the drain. Save your cooking water, from boiling pasta, eggs or vegetables, cool and use later on your plants. By taking small steps to conserve our water, we are helping ensure a sustainable supply. Even tiny changes can add up to thousands of litres in water savings each year. Learn more at www., then Take the Pledge and enter to win $5,000 in WaterWise yard upgrades thanks to Make Water Work is an initiative of the Okanagan Basin Water Board and its Okanagan WaterWise program.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 31, 2013 A9


Calona Vineyard’s 2011 Pinot Noir wins Award for Excellence JUDIE STEEVES Calona Vineyards winemaker Sandy Leier dressed up a little more fancy than usual last Wednesday for her time in the barrel room at the 81-year-old downtown Kelowna winery. Instead of taste-testing aging wines or discussing their progress with barrel room staff, she stood in front of thousands of gallons of wine to face consular staff visiting B.C. from 18 countries to accept an Award for Excellence from Governor General Judith Guichon. It was a task she was delighted and proud to take on and she made sure, in her acceptance speech, that she included everyone on the winemaking team, from grape growers to cellar hands, in her thanks. That pride was shared by her mentor and head winemaker at Calona wines, Howard Soon, who said it was a great day for them all. He noted this is the 15th such award the winery has received since the awards were first presented in 2003, out of the total 114 that have been awarded in that time. This year 402 wines from 109 of the province’s 214 wineries were submitted to the panel

of wine industry professionals who conducted the judging for the annual awards. All had to be made from 100 per cent B.C.grown grapes and be produced within the province. Leier is a UBC grad with a background in chemistry, who started at the winery in 2008, and she said she feels confident, with this award under her belt, that she made the right career choice. The winning Calona Vineyards Artist Series 2011 Pinot Noir was made from grapes grown by John Bullock at the Harvest vineyard in Kelowna and those grown at the Oliver vineyard of Jarnail Brar. Pinot Noir is called the heartbreak grape because it’s so difficult to grow, she noted. It’s more susceptible to disease and weather and climate change than other grapes. Guichon, who is a rancher, congratulated the wine industry on its successes at adding value to grapes, and noted the cattle industry has yet to learn how to add value in such a way. The Lieutenant-Governor said she isn’t much of a wine drinker, but she will be more educated after visiting 10 winer-

mainder of this year’s awards. Just hours after the Calona Vineyards presentation, she and her entourage of 40 consular officials from around the world, plus staff from the Government House Foundation, made a

similar presentation at Red Rooster Winery in Naramata, for the 2012 Reserve Viognier and the 2010 Reserve Syrah. Red Rooster is also owned by Peller Estates Ltd.

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CALONA VINEYARDS winemaker Sandy Leier received the Lieutenant Gov-

Lake Country Calendar

ernor’s Award for Excellence from B.C. Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon last week in the barrel room at the pioneer Kelowna winery, for the 2011 Artist Series Pinot Noir.

ies throughout the Okanagan and Similkameen Valleys to present the re-


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Take your best shot! We’re looking for photographs for our annual Lake Country Calendar ‘2014 Calendar’! We’d like to fill the pages with local photography, taken by Lake Country residents, or visitors, that have memorable shots they wish to share. Pictures should showcase the community, lifestyle, or the wonderful scenery of Lake Country. We need at least 14 photographs to fill the pages of the calendar. Photos need to be at least 8” wide, full colour and have a resolution of at least 300dpi.


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Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country Calendar

Capital News Wednesday, July 31, 2013 A11

We can help you be prepared!



In light of the recent disasters in Canada, the Lake Country Calendar would like to remind the people of Lake Country the importance of being prepared when disaster strikes. Preparing a 72-hour emergency kit is easy to do, can be done at a low cost, and is one of the most important things a family can do to ensure their well-being in the event of an emergency.

What you need in a basic home emergency kit: □Water - two litres of water per person per day (include small bottles that can be carried easily in case of an evacuation order). □Food - canned food, energy bars and dried foods that will not spoil (remember to replace the food and water once a year). □Manual can opener. □Flashlight and batteries. □Battery powered or wind-up radio (and extra batteries). □First aid kit. □Special needs items - prescription medications, infant formula or equipment for people with disabilities. □Extra keys for your car and house. □Cash - include smaller bills, such as $10 bills (travellers' cheques are also useful) and change for payphones. □Emergency plan - include a copy of it and ensure it contains in-town and out-oftown contact information. □A copy of important documents - birth certificate, passport, BC CareCard, insurance, photos of family members. □Pet food.

Some recommended items: □A change of clothing and footwear for each household member. □Sleeping bag or warm (foil) blanket for each household member. □A whistle (in case you need to attract attention). □Garbage bags for personal sanitation. □Toilet paper and other personal care supplies. □Safety gloves. □Basic tools (hammer, pliers, wrench, screwdrivers, fasteners, work gloves). Small fuel-driven stove and fuel (follow manufacturer's directions and store properly). □Two additional litres of water per person per day for cooking and cleaning. □In addition to the above home kit, it's also important to have a 'Grab & Go Kit' that is light and portable in case you have to leave your home with little or no notice. Suggested items for this kit can be found here: hazard_preparedness/personal_preparedness.html To learn more about how you can be prepared for a disaster, visit the Emergency Management BC website at:, and the Public Safety Canada website at: www.getprepared. and download the eBook for easy access to the Emergency Preparedness Guide.

Municipal Hall Mayor’s Office od Lake Road 10150 Bottom Wo V 2M1 V4 BC , Lake Country 70 -66 66 Tel: 250-7 Fax: 250-766-2903 mayorandcouncil@

Make a Family Emergency Plan together! From the management & staff of


July 31, 201313

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Mayor James Bake

Visit these websites for emergency information: emergency-preparedness


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Potential risks to our communities:

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• Flooding • Drought • Dam failure at Beaver and/or Oyama Lakes • Water supply interruption/contamination • Human and/animal epidemics • HazMat incidents; rail or road network through Lake Country • Major industrial incident or fire • Natural Gas interruption • Terrorism events

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country Calendar

Capital News Wednesday, July 31, 2013 A11

We can help you be prepared!



In light of the recent disasters in Canada, the Lake Country Calendar would like to remind the people of Lake Country the importance of being prepared when disaster strikes. Preparing a 72-hour emergency kit is easy to do, can be done at a low cost, and is one of the most important things a family can do to ensure their well-being in the event of an emergency.

What you need in a basic home emergency kit: □Water - two litres of water per person per day (include small bottles that can be carried easily in case of an evacuation order). □Food - canned food, energy bars and dried foods that will not spoil (remember to replace the food and water once a year). □Manual can opener. □Flashlight and batteries. □Battery powered or wind-up radio (and extra batteries). □First aid kit. □Special needs items - prescription medications, infant formula or equipment for people with disabilities. □Extra keys for your car and house. □Cash - include smaller bills, such as $10 bills (travellers' cheques are also useful) and change for payphones. □Emergency plan - include a copy of it and ensure it contains in-town and out-oftown contact information. □A copy of important documents - birth certificate, passport, BC CareCard, insurance, photos of family members. □Pet food.

Some recommended items: □A change of clothing and footwear for each household member. □Sleeping bag or warm (foil) blanket for each household member. □A whistle (in case you need to attract attention). □Garbage bags for personal sanitation. □Toilet paper and other personal care supplies. □Safety gloves. □Basic tools (hammer, pliers, wrench, screwdrivers, fasteners, work gloves). Small fuel-driven stove and fuel (follow manufacturer's directions and store properly). □Two additional litres of water per person per day for cooking and cleaning. □In addition to the above home kit, it's also important to have a 'Grab & Go Kit' that is light and portable in case you have to leave your home with little or no notice. Suggested items for this kit can be found here: hazard_preparedness/personal_preparedness.html To learn more about how you can be prepared for a disaster, visit the Emergency Management BC website at:, and the Public Safety Canada website at: www.getprepared. and download the eBook for easy access to the Emergency Preparedness Guide.

Municipal Hall Mayor’s Office od Lake Road 10150 Bottom Wo V 2M1 V4 BC , Lake Country 70 -66 66 Tel: 250-7 Fax: 250-766-2903 mayorandcouncil@

Make a Family Emergency Plan together! From the management & staff of


July 31, 201313

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Mayor James Bake

Visit these websites for emergency information: emergency-preparedness


In the Cooper’s Plaza

July 31, 20

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Potential risks to our communities:

• Interface fires – forest fires that move into the area surrounding neighbourhoods. • Power outages; Summer: overheating distress related issues; Winter: carbon monoxide poisoning from gas powered generators, water pipes freezing/property loss, cold temperature-related health issues. • Aircraft crash; the Lake Country valley area is the flight path of all Kelowna International Airport air traffic. • Weather; wind; ice; etc • Earthquake • Landslide

• Flooding • Drought • Dam failure at Beaver and/or Oyama Lakes • Water supply interruption/contamination • Human and/animal epidemics • HazMat incidents; rail or road network through Lake Country • Major industrial incident or fire • Natural Gas interruption • Terrorism events

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ENTER to WIN an EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS KIT Name Address Phone Entries may be dropped off at the District of Lake Country Disaster preparedness office, 10150 Bottom Lake Road, Lake Country by kits can be purchased from the August 14, 2013 at the end of the business day. Canadian Red Cross:


10% OFF any of these products Offer expires Sept.15/2013

Lake Country Building Centre

3223 Woodsdale Road

Lake Country • 250-766-2118 Mon.-Fri. 7am-6pm Sat. 8am-5pm • Sun. 9am-5pm

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Protections in place against negligent behaviour Luxury real estate


ow that the flames have been doused, the residents of two fire ravaged apartment/condo buildings must now deal with the aftermath of the tragedy, which will result in life changing experiences. For some, the future could turn into a nightmare that never seems to end. Fortunately, there were no reports of casualties, although most of the more than 200 people had only minutes to escape, many with only the clothes on their back. Apparently one resident managed to flee only wearing one sock. As fast and furious as the outbreak of the in-

Strata Scene

Gunnar Forsstrom fernos were, the slow and overwhelming task of rebuilding their lives now begins. Many officials and observers have weighed in with their take on the lessons learned and how similar occurrences can be avoided. Many stratas have already banned barbecues

from balconies because of their high risk. Residents who do use balcony barbecues should ensure that they are operated safely and are located away from vinyl siding. Suggestions have already been made to amend bylaws to ban barbecues and instead have the strata provide a communal grilling area. Equally important is the need for residents to become informed about the need for proper insurance coverage. Although stratas insure the building in the state it was when the corporation was formed, it does not cover personal property. Many of the now homeless families and

individual driven to the streets by the infernos have lost everything and have no insurance to help pick up the pieces of their lives and start anew. Homeowner/renter insurance is readily available and costs about the same as a daily latte. Depending on the policy, the coverage will replace all lost belongings, provide moving and storage for salvageable items and pay for lodgings to name a few. Some have suggested that stratas should consider adopting bylaws that make it compulsory for residents to purchase their own personal property policies. Consideration of such an amendment should first be reviewed by a

lawyer. Strata corporations can further protecting themselves by adopting bylaws that indemnify the condo against paying the deductible should a resident’s negligent behaviour lead to a damage claim. Similarly, insurers are also including an optional clause to cover individual policyholders should they be billed for the strata’s deductible. If your strata is self-managed, feel free to contact me to discuss this or any other column. StrataScene is for general information only. Gunnar Forsstrom is a licensed strata manager with Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty.

Costs of home buying outside of your mortgage One of the first items to consider when buying your first home is what mortgage payment will fit your budget. Factor in the principal and interest payment along with:

1. Property taxes 2. Fire and contents insurance 3. Strata fees if applicable. Your initial fees for setting up the mortgage will include:

• Legal fees • An inspection fee to ensure the property you are looking at doesn’t have major defects such as needing a new roof, furnace, hot water tank or structural defects

We’d love to News you can hear fromtrust. you. Our news team has been professionally reporting on the

ase events call us with your breaking news stories, of the Okanagan community for over 50 years. community events, sports, milestones, For reliable, timely, consistent and trustworthy entertainment, or anything noteworthy newsgathering readers count on the Lake Country Calendar andtoworth sharing Lake Country. never miss a beat ininevery weekly issue.

•An appraisal fee (lending institution will use the value of the purchase price or appraised value, whichever is less, for lending purposes) • Phone, cable, Internet, water, etc. hookups • Moving expenses if applicable. We also encourage buyers to contact a mortgage professional to go over different scenarios for interest rates and terms to help determine what you can afford. There is also the benefit of getting pre-approval for a mortgage through various financial institutions requiring only one credit check, which won’t adversely affect your credit rating. It can be sometimes

overwhelming to look for a home on your own, which is where a realtor can be a big help. We can’t stress enough that you stay within what you can afford. Start off small and get your foot in the door of home ownership. And don’t overlook the potential opportunity to look for a home with a suite to offset your monthly payments. Of Prime Interest is a collaboration of Darwyn Sloat, 250-718-4117,; Trish Balaberde, 250-470-8324,; Kristin Rosdal, 250-878-3007, kristin@

hangs in the balance


t has been said that some incredibly wealthy individuals reside in our sunny Okanagan, from hockey players to rock stars and movie stars. But with the real estate market slowing down in recent years, what has been the impact on luxury real estate sales? Over the past five Real Estate Rundown years, we have experiCeinwen Morgan enced first-hand just what a recession feels like—the slowdown in not only real estate sales but also small mom and pop stores when their business sales slumped. So how much money remains in the Okanagan? The price range that’s driving the real estate market for single family homes is $250,000 to $450,000. Statistics for last month have shown for the higher-end waterfront properties, only a mere four homes sold. With 483 housing units selling for the month of June, that’s only a disappointing 0.8 per cent of the market for the waterfront properties in the Central Okanagan. The average sale price for these higher-end homes was about $1,848,000. Currently on the market are 380 high-end single family properties on the market for more than $1 million. Sales figures reflect that only 14 million-dollar single family homes sold last month in the Central Okanagan, although that number is up from the eight units sold in June 2012. “Our findings for 2013 point to renewed confidence in much of Canada’s high-end real estate market. High-end buyers have adjusted to tighter lending controls and Canadian real estate is still seen globally as one of our strongest assets,” said a confident Ross McCredie, CEO of Sotheby’s International Realty Canada. However, across Canada overall sales of luxury detached homes were flat or down significantly in most of the major markets in the first half of 2013 compared to the same time last year. Sales of high-end homes were down about nine per cent in Vancouver and about six per cent in Toronto. So where does this leave the Okanagan? Will we continue to see luxury real estate pick up as each month passes or is there the lingering possibility that the Okanagan will flat line like our neighbouring cities have recently experienced? Ceinwen Morgan has works in the Kelowna real estate industry. new listing

SOLD 11011 Pheasant Road

Barry Gerding Gerding Editor Editor

Kevin Parnell Parnell Staff Reporter Staff Reporter

Contact us: Submissions from the community of content and pictures are always greatly accepted. Contact us: 250-766-4688 Fax 250-763-8469 250-766-4688 Fax 250-763-8469

Calendar Calendar Lake Countr y

Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Proudly Serving Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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10340 Nighthawk Road •1.54 acres, semi-lakeshore •Panoramic Okanagan lake views •Licensed B&B, two suites MLS®10057754 $750,000

new listing


REDUCED! 11212 Dakota Road •Beautiful lake & valley views! •1 bedroom plus den legal suite •RV, boat, and parking for 6 cars •Built in 2008 with European attention to detail MLS®10060905 $529,000

10711 Cheryl Road •4 bedroom (3 up), 2 full bathrooms •Private back yard, backing on to pasture •Single car garage, + 3 sheds MLS®10066676 $368,900

#17-11290 Bond Road •3 bdrm., 2 bath rancher townhome •RV parking, clubhouse •2 pets okay MLS®10063372 $340,000

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 31, 2013 A13


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Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Tips on sharing your wedding day with that special someone–Fido What better way to celebrate the union of two people in love than to include a cherished four-legged family member? Pets are often an integral part of a couple’s love story, and engaged couples are increasingly making their pooches part of the ceremony, with adorable and heartwarming results. If your dream wedding includes Fido, we have some tips

on how best to have him there by your side on the most important day of your life. Tip #1: Consider your dog’s temperament If your dog doesn’t like crowds, becomes nervous in new situations, or is very energetic, he and ultimately, you - may not have the best time at your wedding. You may be able to work around your dog’s quirks if you find a venue that suits his

needs, or only have him take part in the wedding for a brief time. But if his temperament really isn’t suitable for your celebration, it may be best to honor him in other ways, like including him in a special wedding photo, or crafting some dogthemed wedding accessories with his name or photo on them. Tip #2: Choose the right venues Make things easier on

yourself by thoroughly researching your preferred ceremony and reception venues to make sure they are dog friendly, and suitable for your particular dog (a large or energetic dog in a small, enclosed space may be a problem, for example). Dogs are not legally allowed in restaurants due to health codes, and many other indoor places have a no-dog policy. Don’t worry, though;

there are plenty of indoor and outdoor venues that will welcome your pet - you just need to dig a little to find them. Tip #3: Put a responsible person on dog duty You will be quite busy on your special day. Enlist someone - possibly a dog-loving niece or nephew - to walk your dog before the wedding, walk him down the aisle if need be, and watch him to make sure he has

plenty of water and isn’t helping himself to tidbits from the dinner service, or being fed something he shouldn’t eat by well-meaning guests. If your dog is only going to play a small role in the wedding, you may also need someone to shuttle your pooch back home. Tip #4: Be flexible, and have fun! Like small children, dogs are unpredictable. No matter how many precautions you take, there is no guarantee that your pooch won’t try to mark something in the middle of the ceremony, become very interested in a guest’s perfume, try to sneak a treat

from the buffet table, or simply decide he’d rather sit stubbornly than bring the ring to the altar. Be prepared to roll with the punches, and - whether things go off without a hitch or Fido insists on jumping in Great Aunt Matilda’s lap and knocking her drink over - know that your day will be more memorable and special because you included your dog. is the No. 1 online resource for pet travel. Named best pet travel site by Consumer Reports, TripsWithPets. com’s mission is to offer resources that ensure pets are welcome, happy, and safe while traveling.


Pets suffer from allergic reactions


If you see a wildfire call *5555 on your cell. Nearly half of all wildfires are preventable. Please, be responsible in our forests.

To learn more visit

he human body is probably the most sophisticated machine ever invented with one of the most important parts being the immune system. The immune system responds to chemicals released from injured cells. These chemicals attract the immune cells, that act as the body defence forces to break or isolate the causative agent. This process is called an inflammatory reaction. Inflammation and infection are very close terms, and hence are commonly misused. The difference between inflammation and infection is that infection, by definition is the inflammation reaction in the body, resulted by the invasion of a pathogenic causative agent such as a virus, a bacteria or a parasite. The treatment for infection is primarily done by destroying the causative pathogen. Specific medications such as antibiotics, both anti-viral and anti-fungal, are just examples of the options for specific treatments of a given infection. However, not all the inflammations also involve infections. Some inflammations in the body are considered “sterile” due to the lack of a causative pathogen.

Furry Friends

Moshe Oz

In general there are two types of sterile inflammations. Immune mediated inflammation, is a process in which the body encounters an external object, and recognizes it as foreign, hence initiating an inflammatory reaction by the body’s immune system. The most common example for an immune mediated process is allergies. People that have experienced any allergic reaction in their lives, will find it easy to understand and relate. When one is allergic to a substance, even a short exposure can elicit a strong reaction that makes one feel really sick, as if it was a real disease. When it comes to our pets, allergies are actually very common, but diagnosing an immune mediated disease and al-


41.Spoken 19.Broom’s 42.Meaning relative 43.Owl sound 21.Commence 44.Take apart 23.Had a session 45.Think 24.Proclamation 47.Iridescent 25.Sow’s home gem 26.Suit accessory 48.Went by cab 27.____ roll FEATURING A UKRAINIAN WEDDING RECEPTION 49.Musical-staff (winning) sign 28.Whittled 50.Emcee 30.Scribble PARKINSON REC. CENTER ( HWY. 97 ) 53.Teen’s shirt 31.Bar drink EVENT STARTS – 5:30PM Till 1:00 AM 32.Beet’s color 54.Kooky

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Immune system compromised


AUGUST 31st, 2013

any ground that the pets comes in contact with. This type of reaction lergies can be very chalusually involves the areas lenging. The symptoms Copyright © 2013, Penny Press Event Includes that come in contact of illness are often not Two Ukrainian Bands with the Turner allergen—abevenACROSS related to the actual 33.Singer 59.Singer Petty Polka Ramblers & West Coast Dulcimer Duo domen, legs and groin. cause. Live Music during Dinner Painexample in the is 34.“____ Ukrainian Dancers Food the allergies in60.Exploit pets Th1.e best Traditional Ukrainian Food 61.Abandoned neck season . . .” are also very common. chronic ear infection. made for (Ukrainian Weddings Strangelyquest enough, the Many are not 5.people Whiten 36.Actor’s /Late Lunch & Refreshments) pet suddenly becomes alaware of the fact that DOWN 9. Prevail 37.12-month ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 671 lergic to its food, even their pet suffers from re1. Days Tickets $80.00 per person period 12.Painful curring ear infections be- if it is a food that it was Tickets on Sale @ Select Your Tickets gone by eating for a long time. cause13.Mythical it is actually aller- 38.Talked Ticket Line: 250-762-5050 This type of gic to something. 1223 Water St., Kelowna villain 40.Spring holiday Order Online: quires strict feeding ofsound an Till the allergy can be or 14.Honored crowd hypoallergenic diet, with diagnosed, and thepilot al- 43.Football up at the ticket office (Prospera Place on Water St.) 3. of Discharged Pick absolutely no offering lergenic material hunt elim- 46.Flame 15.Bargain Tune in to “Pysanka Music Hour” Sundays to Listen. any typenumber of other food aorgun inated (if possible), the 51.Small Contact Program Host: Eli Tatarin 16.Apparatus snacks. chronic ear infections Call: 1-250-763-6722 4. Category 17.Morning 52.Aware Atopyofis a genetic alwill not be resolved. 5.inLondon wetness lergy to some object The most common al- 55.Horseback the environment, oftenforecast a lergies in pets are flea al18.Tribal symbol game seasonal condition.6. Period lergies. For an allergic 20.Most prudent variety While the best treatpet, even a contact with 56.Verse Lake Country 22.Egg dish 57.Like some one single flea can elicit a ment for allergy is the of life elimination of the cause, severe systemic reaction. 7. Utter slowly cars 25.Interrupted CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERSProudly Serving Contact are 58.Citrus drinks 8. Ghostly USE AMERICAN SPELLING 29.Notallergies fully shut an allergic reaction to SEE OZ A16 OZ FROM A14


Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951


8. Singe 9. Tex-Mex treat 10.Sound return 11.“____ Harry Met Sally” 19.Full of dandelions 21.Noah’s craft 22.Popular bread 23.Mind ____ matter 24.Clutch 27.Perfume 28.Our national pastime

29.Big cat 30.Graceful trees 32.Listening to 35.Soap ingredient 36.Bleak 39.Umps’ kin 40.Merit 41.On a boat 42.Nest sound 43.Approach 46.Guy’s date 48.Soup or coat 49.Useful hint

Copyright © 2013, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. ____ the line (conform) 4. Streetcar 8. Hearty meat dish 12.Resting place 13.Silver or glass follower 14.To ____ his own 15.Profit after expenses 16.Observer 17.Dull pain 18.Woolly creatures 20.Strand 22.Read intently 24.Auto

25.Twining plants 26.Pleasing 31.Look after 32.Possessed 33.Banister 34.Sporty socks 36.Chest 37.Chatter 38.Prayer finales 39.Farm machine 43.Irritable person 44.Lighten 45.Dr. Frankenstein’ s helper 47.Quick to learn 50.At no cost

51.Identify 52.Orchid necklace 53.Break suddenly 54.Narrow valley 55.Lick at

DOWN 1. Toy-soldier metal 2. ____ and all (everybody) 3. Going in 4. Wool fabrics 5. Milland and Bolger 6. Exist 7. “The Little ____” (Disney film)



25.Curvy tu A15 26.Fall bloo 27.Pod inhabitan 28.Reader’s Copy deadline friday, 1 pm before issue date retreat 30.Maui gif •LC SENIOR BUS SCHEDULE Sat., Aug. 10 Vernon Pancake Breakfast, sightseeing tour of Silver Star, shopping. Sun.,31.Pipe Aug. 18sha 32.Blue yon Grindrod Garlic Festival, lunch. Sat., Aug. 24 Penticton Farmers 35.Neither f Market. To reserve seat on bus please phone Marg 250-766-3227 ____ fow or Marian 250-861-4131 38.Baby’s to


•NEw ExERCISE gROUpS fOR SENIORS to help people keep in shape for the summer. Boomer Blast will be on Tuesdays from 8:30am to 9:30am, which is more physical, Fridays 3:45pm to Copyright © 2013, Penny Press 4:45pm. Get up & go from Tuesday 9:45am to 10:45am and Friday 33.“A Boy 60.Stair ACROSS 5pm1.toSpanish 6pm. This is some chair____” exercises for those that have Named 61.Secret agent more trouble Lake Country Seniors’ Centre. article moving.34.High •ROYAL CANADIAN LEgION 189 LADIES AUxILIARY - Notice of schoolers 4. ____ and DOWN Cribbage Tournament36.Forest on last Sunday month. your crafts animal of1.each ____ mowerGetANSWER name list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration isTO P 8. on Getthe ready 37.Brainy 2. Feel bad at 9am. Games at 10am sharp. per team and lunch is 12.Play unit begin 39.In a loud way $26 3. Play the lead included. 13.Cheeky 41.Swiss role mountain 14.Burger order •wINfIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIfT SHOp (3571 Woodsdale 4. Copy 43.Stadium 15.Anything Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am5.toAccelerate 2pm for shopping and in shout 17.Racetrack donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding neutral shapedonations.44.Alternately appropriate 6. Aspen, e.g. 48.Rude look 18.Ill-famed •THE LAKE COUNTRY fOOD BANK wants to encourage 7. Purse band boys emperor 52.Jacket and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of 8. Quickly time you 19.Genuine 53.Calzone can volunteer would be asource huge help. Come and support the 9. Babble 21.Long in community you work and play in. For information 10.Stages ofcall Phyllis, 250the tooth 56.Wicked 766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, historyWinfield. 24.Situate 57.Extent •LAKE COUNTRY THRIfT STORE hours11.Animal of operation: skin Mon.-Wed.58.Mule’s cousin 25.Drained CROSSWORD Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Road, aWinfield (theAMERICA 59.Broad valley Berry 29.Flatfish horn USE 16.Sound same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BEAVERS/CUBS/SCOUTS/VENTURERS REgISTRATION/AgM Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •OYAMA LEgION BRANCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon 2pm. PUZZLE at NO. 674 All members and guests are welcome. 10.Go off to •THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM is open seven days a week, 11.Hemmed 10am-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. basted 250-766-0111, 19.Lout •CRIBBAgE TOURNAMENTS at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 ca 20.Dove’s Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. 22.Pot’s Entry feecove $13. Excellent lunch; $1 for all day coffee. Games start at23.Rocker 10am. R Registration not required. For information call John 250-76624.Hill dwelle 3026. 26.Workout •TO ALL wINfIELD CRIB pLAYERS: Every Friday evening29.Coop at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/ product evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $1030.Amigo or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 31.Caustic material 250-766-3026. 33.Favorable •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in vote the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-76636.Charcoal 0850. residue •SOCIAL BRIDgE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New Copyright © 2013, Penny Press players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. 28.Arrange, 61.____ at ease (COSCO) ACROSS •THE COUNCIL Of SENIOR CITIZENS ORgANIZATIONS as troops 1. Hog’s dinner 62.Keep is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” 32.Obligation 63.Actor Penn 5. Weed out for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to 64.Coloring 8. Masters affiliate or individuals34.Jolly wishing to become members please contact 35.Filly’s 65.Watched 12.Fleshy fruit Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 faxmom 604-576-9733 or ecbayer@shaw. ANSWER TO P carefully 39.Young 13.“You ____ ca for further info. American Sixteen” •LC OUTDOORS CLUB welcomes new hikers. bird DOWN Sturdy hiking boots 14.Auction are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & appropriate 42.Cain, to Secret agent action Adam & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign 2. Grant’s foeup for our 15.Himalayan 43.Soldier’s hikes, or to post your own hikes on, visit www. Type of creature award grain 16.Sal, e.g.

46.Hurt 4. Light bender 17.Frozen flakes 48.Hatchet 5. Explode 18.Picturesque All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge all non-Profit organizations. 49.March 6. toMideast 21.Tarzan’s 53.Gentle country for all other inquiries, please email friend 55.Madden 7. or Subfax shop 250-762-3220 22.Pack animal 56.Actor Walter 8. Beast of 25.Stared at ____ burden 27.Electric 9. Suez or 60.Choir CROSSWORD Panama particle USE AMERICA member

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Allergic reactions compromise your pet’s immune system tem function. makes them not ideal recognizes a part of itself The most common for long-term use. It is as foreign and attacks it. at times the cause for the type of these medicaa treatment that should The most common autoreaction can not be iden- tions are steroid-based be proceeded with under immune diseases in pets THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2013 tified or eliminated. drugs. a veterinarian’s close usually involve the skin. Then the treatment supervision. Among many other TSN CHBCSteroids CIVTare excellent CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E for the immune# medi- $in controlling % ( type) * `diseases, 1 the& symp- _ The second of autoimmune Boxing The Doctors The View Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors MLB is an Bucket-Dino The View Criminal ated disease be a toms, but unfortunately sterile infl ammation autoimmune anaemia, a :00 will THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2013 ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Baseball: Rolie Polie ” Minds 10 :30that supmedication they The pose potential disease. process KOMO in which the im” Chef/Home Marilyn Stevenserand Youngautoimmune & Chef/Home KansasIn City Berenstain 4 Criminal :00 ” Show Chris Debt/Part Royals at Wild Kratts News Minds TSN CHBC CIVT KIRO CHAN the SNP KNOW KOMO A&E 11the :30immune presses sys-Debt/Part ious Denis side effects,CBC which Restless this condition, body mune system attacks the OZ FROM A15

:00 # $ % & 12 :30 :00 :00 101:30 :30 :00 :00 112:30 :30 THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2013 :00 :30 123:00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :30 14:00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 :30 25:00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :30 36:00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :30 47:00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :30 58:00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 69:00 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 7:00 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 8:00 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 9:00 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11:00 :30 :00 7 :30 12 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :00 :30 # $ % & Amazing Race Boxing E:60 ””

Noon News CTV News Hour ” The Doctors View Days of our The Anderson Lives” Live ”



Kansas City Party Poker Royals” at

Berenstain Lilly Wild Kratts Dinosaur

KOMO 4 Criminal The Doctors The First 48 News ” Minds”

Minnesota Sportsnet Connected Twins

Dino Dan The Chew Rob Robot Dr. Oz Jungle Book Show ” Rob Robot

Kid vs. Kat The First 48 Sidekick ” Squirrel Team Gal

KOMO 4 KNOW General KOMO News Hospital News * ` The Doctors

The First 48 Odd Parents & Rated A for Lang Andrew ” Odd Parents Rated A for O’Leary Nichols

CBC News Best News Recipes KIRO ThisMinute Stefano ThisMinute Now Bold


Hockey Young Ellen DeGe- Heartland Dragons’ Judge Judy E:60 Days of & our Anderson The Talk Interruption Restless neres Show Den ” Judge” Judy ” Lives Live World Series News CTV News News KIRO News Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a of Poker at Five News KIRO News Interruption ”” ” Chris Deal Boxing The Doctors The View Bookaboo The Price Is World Global CTVDr. News KIRO News SportsCentre Ricki Oz Doodlebops Best Recipes Right ThisMinute ” Series The ” Nat. The ”News of Poker CHBC News ” Exchange CBS News ” Lake Show Show Stefano ThisMinute ” Chef/Home The Marilyn Steven and Young & SportsCentre Ent Big Bang George S Ent Hockey Young & Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge Judy ” Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless ” ET Canada neres Summer TV Den Coronation Judge omg! Insider Interruption Restless Show Judy Amazing Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News ” The Winner CTV Big Bang The Nature KIRO Big Bang World Series News News News Race Hour ” Now Bold News Record Is... Two Men of Things Two Men of Poker ” at Five News KIRO News E:60 Days of our Anderson Heartland The Talk Nine for IX Big Brother Motive Doc Zone Big Brother World” Series Lives Global Nat. Live CTV News News ” KIRO ”News ” ” ” ” ” of Poker CHBC News ” Exchange CBS News Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a SportsCentre Rookie Blue Hollywood The National Elementary SportsCentre Ent ” ” Big Bang George” S Ent Interruption ” Night Chris Deal ” Game ” ” ET Canada Summer TV Coronation omg! Insider SportsCentre Ricki Dr. Oz Best SportsCentreThe CHBC NewsThe CTV News CBCRecipes News ThisMinute KIRO News The Winner Big Bang The Nature Big Bang ”” ” Lake Show Show ThisMinute Final CTV News Stefano George S Late Show Record Is... Two Men of Things Two Men Hockey Young & Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge Judy SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Coronation Letterman Nine for” IX Big Brother neres Motive Doc Zone Big Brother Interruption Restless Show Judy J. Probst Colbert Rep Den Q With Jian Judge Ferguson ” ” ” ” ” World Series News CTV News News KIRO News

News News The National KIRO Elementary ” News ” KIRO News Exchange CBC News CBS KIRONews News George S Late Show George S Ent



Summer TV Coronation Daily Show Coronation Colbert Q With Jian Big BangRep The Nature Two Men of Things

Nine for IX ”

Big Brother ”

Motive ”

Doc Zone ”

Noon News The Ricki Lake Show Hour


Youngof&our Days Restless Lives Early News The Talk Global” Nat. The Doctors News The Ricki ”Hour ” Lake Show Chef/Home Ent Young & Debt/Part ET Canada Restless Noon News The Winner Early News Hour Is... Global Nat. Days of our Big Brother News Hour Lives ” ” The TalkBlue Rookie Ent ”” ET Canada The Ricki News Hour The Lake Show FinalWinner Is... Young & ET Canada Big Brother Restless J. Probst ” Early News


MLB G. Shrinks Baseball Clifford-Dog Baseball: Arthur Central Miss BG Seattle Martha Party Poker Lilly Mariners at Dinosaur Wild Kratts ” MLB Bucket-Dino Boston Red Rolie Animals Sportsnet Rob Robot Baseball: Polie Sox Can. Rivers Connected Jungle Book Kansas City Berenstain MLB Ancient MLB at G. Shrinks Royals Wild Kratts Baseball: Clues Baseball: Arthur Minnesota Dino Dan Blue Jays at Martha To Boldly Seattle Twins Rob Robot Angels Go Mariners at Wild Kratts Baseball Clifford-Dog ” Rock Boston Red Miss Animals Central BG ” Hudson Sox Can. Rivers Party Poker Lilly Sportsnet Doris Day MLB Ancient ” Dinosaur Connected Superstar Baseball: Clues Sportsnet Rob Robot Blue Jays Ancient Blue JaysCup at Jungle To Boldly Connected Book America Clues Angels Go MLB G. Shrinks FINA World To Be ” Rock Baseball: Arthur Aquatic Announced Hudson Seattle” Martha Global RookieNat. Blue Mariners Sportsnetat Wild DorisKratts Day ” Connected Superstar News Hour Boston Red Animals Can. Rivers News ”Hour Sox Blue Jays Ancient Final America Cup Ancient Clues Ent MLB

omg! Insider ET Letterman ET Canada Canada Ferguson J. Probst Big Bang The Winner Two Men Is... Big Brother ”

Big Brother ”

” ”

48 48 48

Doris Day Superstar

Rookie Blue Beyond ” Scared

Prank Patrol CBC News Prank Patrol ”

News Jimmy

News Hour Final

Blue Jays Ancient America Cup Clues

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada J. Probst

FINA World Aquatic

Beyond Scared

Boys Mr. Young

Beyond Scared

Love Don’t Lang & Cost a Thing O’Leary

A&E 1



Bookaboo Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected

Bucket-Dino The View Rolie Polie ”

Bates Motel ”

Squirrel League/Evil

CBC News Now With

Chef/Home Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Chef/Home Debt/Part

Sportsnet Connected

Beren. Bears KOMO 4 Wild Kratts News

Bates Motel ”

League/Evil Kid vs. Kat

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Baseball Central

Dino Dan Rob Robot

The Chew ”

Bates Motel ”

Kid vs. Kat Team Gal

Lives The Doctors The Talk ” ” Chef/Home The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless

Central Sportsnet World Poker Connected Tour Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected Baseball MLB Central Baseball:

Miss BG Bucket-Dino Lilly Polie Rolie Dinosaur Beren. Bears Rob Robot Wild Kratts Jungle Book Dino Dan G. Shrinks Rob Robot Arthur

Hospital The View The Doctors ” ” KOMO 4 The Dr. Oz News Show The Chew KOMO 4 News ”

” Bates Motel Bates ”Motel ” Bates Motel Storage ” Storage Bates Motel Storage ” Storage

Rated A for Squirrel Almost League/Evil League/Evil League/Evil Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Squirrel Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu Team Fu Gal Kung

Days our Early of News Lives Global Nat. The Talk News Hour ”” The Doctors ” The Ent Ricki Lake Show Chef/Home ET Canada Debt/Part Young Bones & Restless Noon News ” Hour Early News Hawaii Five-

Soccer St. Louis Central Cardinals at World Poker Cincinnati Tour Sportsnet Reds Connected Sportsnet MLB Connected Sportsnet Baseball: Connected MLB Blue Jays at Baseball: Baseball Angels Central St. Louis ”

Clifford-Dog Martha Miss BG Wild Kratts

KOMO 4 ” The View News ” Oz The Dr. Wheel Show KOMO 4 Jeopardy! News KOMO 4 Shark Tank News The Chew ” News Would”You

Bates Motel Storage ” Storage Bates Motel Storage Bates ”Motel Storage ” Storage Storage Storage Bates Motel Storage ” Storage Bates Motel Storage ” Storage

Rated A for Turtles Rated A for Turtles Almost SpongeBob League/Evil Squirrel SpongeBob League/Evil Sidekick Movie: Squirrel League/Evil “Air Bud: Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu Golden Kung Fu Kid vs. Kat Receiver” Team Gal Turtles Mr. Young

Fall World News Storage General Bates Motel Hospital ” 20/20 4 Storage KOMO ” Storage News The Doctors Bates Motel ” News ” Storage Wheel Jimmy Storage The Dr. Oz Jeopardy! Storage Show Storage Kimmel Live Storage Shark Tank Storage Nightline Storage KOMO ”4 Storage News Storage Would You Storage News Fall Storage World News Storage 20/20 Storage KOMO” 4 Storage News Storage News Storage Wheel Jimmy Storage Jeopardy! Storage Kimmel Live Storage Shark Tank Storage Nightline ” Storage

Mr. Young Turtles Rated A for Rated A for Boys SpongeBob

World Series Days of our of Poker Lives Bowling The Doctors Record The Talk ” ” Interruption ” ” Chef/Home SportsCentre The Ricki ” Debt/Part ” Lake Show World Series Noon News Hockey Young & ofBoxing Poker Hour Restless

Anderson Live The View Dr. Phil ” ” The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News Ellen DeGeneres” Show

Heartland ” ” Bookaboo The Price Is Steven and Right Let’s Make a Doodlebops Chris Deal Steven and Young & Best Recipes ThisMinute Chris Restless Stefano ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News Dragons’ Judge Judy Now Bold Den Judge Judy

World Series Days ” Newsof our Anderson CTV News Heartland News ofCFL Poker Live on TSN Lives ” at Five News” Record The TalkNat. Dr. Phil CFL Global CTV News Steven News and Interruption ” NewsThe View ”” Chris Bowling The Doctors Bookaboo Football: CHBC Exchange ” ” ” Oz Doodlebops SportsCentre The The Best Recipes Hamilton Ent Ricki Big Dr. Bang George S Lake Show The Show Stefano ”” Marilyn Steven and Tiger-Cats atChef/Home ET Canada Blockbusters Coronation ” Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Hockey Young Ellen DeGeEdmonton Bones& Shark Tank Dragons’ Mr. D Boxing Restless neres Show Den World Series Noon News CTV News CBC Eskimos ” ” Ron News James ofSportsCentre Poker Hour ” Now ” News News Hawaii Five- CTV The News the fifth ” TSN Days 0 CFL on ” our World Series of of Poker Lives SportsCentre 16x9 Nat. CFL Global

Following at Five Anderson

KIRO The_ Talk


The Talk KIRO News KIRO ”News Let’s KIROMake Newsa Deal The Price Is CBS News Right ThisMinute Ent ThisMinute Young & omg! Insider Restless Judge Judy Undercover Judge Judy KIRO Boss News Bold KIRO News Hawaii Five-

CHAN Days of our (


SNP Soccer )


KNOW KOMO Clifford-Dog General * `

KNOW General KOMO News Hospital World News * ` Lilly The Doctors

Animals Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Parks Rolie Polie Rob Robot The Blue Jungle Book Beren. Planet Bears Wild Kratts G. Shrinks Murder Arthur Dino Dan Myster. Rob Martha MissRobot Marple

Live BlueNews Bloods CTV ” ”News Dr. Phil”” Football: CHBC Record The Talk Interruption ” News Big ”News SportsCentreEnt CHBC CTV Hamilton Bang ” Final CTV News SportsCentre Ricki The Dr. Oz Tiger-Cats at The ET Canada Blockbusters ” Lake Show Show SportsCentre ET Canada The Tank Edmonton Bones Shark ” J. Probst Mentalist Hockey Young Ellen DeGeEskimos ”& ” Boxing Restless neres Show SportsCentre Hawaii Five- The ”” News CTV News 0 Following CFL on TSN ” at Five SportsCentre 16x9 Blue Bloods CFL ” Global ”Nat. CTV News ” Football: CHBC News ” SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News Hamilton Ent Big Bang ” Final CTV News Tiger-Cats at ET Canada Blockbusters SportsCentre ET Canada The Edmonton Bones Shark Tank ” J. Probst Mentalist Eskimos ” ”

estate 0 Talk 0 News KIRO News Days Global Heartland The ofNat. our ” ”News Lives The National Blue Bloods 16x9 Hour News KIRO News ”and Let’s ” Exchange CBS Make News ”” Steven a The Talk Chris Deal CBC News KIRO News Ent News”Hour George S Ent George S Late Show Final Best Recipes ThisMinute Ricki Coronation omg! Insider The ET Canada Stefano ThisMinute Lake Show Coronation Letterman ET Canada Mr. D Undercover Bones Babel Ferguson J. Probst Dragons’ Judy Young Ron James Judge Boss ”& Den Judge Judy Restless the fifth Hawaii Five- Hawaii FiveNews KIRO News Early News estate 0 0 News KIRO News Global Nat. The National Blue Bloods 16x9 News ” KIRO News News Hour ” ” Exchange CBS News ” CBC News KIRO News News Hour George Ent Ent George S S Late Show Final Coronation omg! Insider ET Canada Coronation Letterman ET Canada Mr. D Undercover Bones Babel Ferguson J. Probst Ron James Boss ”

SportsCentre Hawaii Five- The ” 0 Following

the fifth estate

SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”

The National Blue Bloods ” ”


CBC News George S

News Hour Final

Poker After Dark

ET Canada J. Probst Fishn Real Fishing

FINA World Aquatic Sportsnet Connected

Murder Myster. Wild Kratts Lilly

Blue Bloods ”

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five0 0

KIRO News Late Show


SportsCentre ET Canada The Coronation Letterman ” J. Probst Mentalist Babel Ferguson Score Golf Fishn SickKids The Nature Play/ Triathlon Real Fishing Foundation of Things Purpose ” Women’s

Powerboat Driving TV

It Is Written Movie Night

the fifth estate

Soccer ”

News Hour PGA Tour

Operation Smile

Best Recipes Bridgestone Stefano Invitational,

” Golf: WGC Sportscentre Bridgestone

Canada’s Lang & Worst Driver O’Leary

PGA Tour Golf: WGC

KIRO _ ”



” ” Sportsnet Connected


Miss Marple Would You ” Fall

A&E 1

YTV Rated A for 6




News 30 Rock


MythBusters The Office ” King of Hill


Say Yes Wedding Say Yes Island

Daniel Rose Tiger Dr. New Day Charlie Phil Rick Steves Northwest ” ” Nature Cat in the Arthur ”

Kratts Ellen Expeditions DaysDeGeof our WTBS Wild KCTS KING WordGirl Joy/Painting neres LivesShow KING 5 A Business N P Charlie Rose Dr. Phil

Big Bang There Yet? Big Bang There Yet?

Browns King Payne King Law Order: Browns The CI Office Payne The Office Law Order: Seinfeld Big CI Bang Seinfeld Big Bang Excused Family Guy Browns Excused Family Guy Payne There Yet? Amer. Dad Browns There Yet? Movie: Payne King “10,000 Seinfeld King B.C.” Seinfeld The Offi ” ce Family Guy The Offi ce Movie: Family Guy Big Bang “The Amer. Dad Big Bang Tuxedo” Movie: Browns Payne “10,000 B.C.” Browns

World News News ” ” Sid Science Today PBS Nightly Cat the Katie WildinKratts cont’dNews NewsHour News ” Arthur Daniel Tiger New Day Pie Magazine Wild DeGeRick Kratts Steves Ellen Northwest Ben-Surface Inside WordGirl neresEd. Show Nature KING 5 Foyle’s War The Winner Business KING ” News5 ” Is... World News News Expeditions Days of our Midsomer The Winner PBS Nightly Joy/Painting Is... Lives News Murders NewsHour News Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Scott & Hollywood Pie Magazine ” Bailey ” Game Night Ben-Surface Inside Ed. Cat in the KING KatieNews Masterpiece Foyle’s TheLeno Winner Arthur War Jay ” Mystery! ” Is... Wild ”Kratts Ellen” DeGeMidsomer The Winner WordGirl neres Show Pie Jimmy Fallon Murders Is... Business KING 5 World&News Hollywood News Scott Bailey Game PBS NightlyNight News

Island Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Wedding

Payne” Movie: Seinfeld Seinfeld “The Tuxedo” Family Guy

NewsHour NewsNews Masterpiece KING Mystery! Jay Leno Pie Magazine Ben-Surface Inside” Ed. ” Pie Fallon Foyle’s War Jimmy The Winner


Family Guy

Wedding Island

Amer. Dad Movie:

Midsomer Murders

The Winner Is...

Say Yes Say Yes

“10,000 B.C.”

Scott & Bailey

Hollywood Game Night

Island Say Yes Say Yes Wedding

Say Yes Say Yes


Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Baby Story Baby Story

” Movie:

WTBS “The Tuxedo” A

Reshmi Nair Mighty Ships Family Feud Say Yes cont’d ” Family Feud Say Yes

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

CBC News Now With

Fast N’ Loud Funny Home Say Yes ” Videos Say Yes

Excused Excused

Mayoral Debate

Nichols CBC News Power & Now With Politics Reshmi Nair ” cont’d ” CBC News Lang & Now With O’Leary

Works CI Say Yes How/Made How I Met Baby Story Fast N’ Loud Anderson Say Yes How/Made SMART Baby Story ” Live Say Yes Mighty Ships Family Feud Say Yes How/Made The Ricki Say Yes ” Family Feud Say Yes How/Made Lake Show Say Yes Fast N’ Loud Steve Funny Home Say SayYes Yes NeverEver ” Videos SayYes Yes NeverEver Harvey Say

There Yet? Law Order: King CI King Law Order: The Office CI The Office Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang

Andrew CBC News Nichols ” Power & The National Politics CBC News ” Now With ” CBC News Reshmi ”” Nair cont’d& Lang The National O’Leary CBC News ” NowNational With CBC News The

FantomLaw Order: Say SayYes Yes Sons of Simpsons Works CI SayYes Yes Guns Raymond Say Fast N’ Loud Big Anderson SayYes Yes Don’t Drive Bang Say ” Live Say Yes How/Made HowMen I Met Baby Story Here Two Say Yes How/Made SMART Baby Story How/Made The Ricki Say Yes Mayday Big Bang Randy to the How/Made Lake Show Say Mighty Family Feud Rescue SayYes Yes ” Ships Two Men ” Family Feud Say Yes NeverEver Steve SayYes Yes Mayday Bones Say NeverEver Say Yes Fast N’ Funny SayYes Yes ” Loud Harvey ” HomeSay ” Videos SayYes Yes Sons Drive of Simpsons Say Don’t The Randy to the

There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne King Browns King Law Order: Payne CI Office The Seinfeld The ce LawOffi Order: Seinfeld CI Bang Big Family Guy Big Bang Excused Family Guy Excused Browns Amer. Dad

DISC Fantom9

KAYU Law ; Order:

TLC Say Yes <




”” Here Following Guns Raymond Andrew FantomLaw Order: Nichols Works CI Bang CBC News Sons of The National Don’t Drive News Big Boys Guns Rock SpongeBob Here Two Men Almost Power”” & Fast N’ Loud 30 Anderson League/Evil Politics ” LiveBang The Next The National Sunny Movie: CBC News Mayday Mayday Big Star ””” ”” TMZ Sidekick How/Made The Men Ricki “Air Bud: Two Squirrel How/Made The Lake Show Fly Away Lang &” Mayday Offi ce Golden The National Mayday Bones Home O’Leary ”” King of” Hill Kung Fu Lang & NeverEver Steve Receiver” ” Kung Fu O’Leary NeverEver Harvey Mr. Young The National Don’t Drive The Turtles CBC News Sons of Simpsons Mr. Young ” Here Following Turtles ” Guns Raymond Boys CBC News Sons of News SpongeBob The National Don’t Drive BigRock Bang Boys ” Guns 30 SpongeBob ” Here Two Men The Next The National Mayday Sunny Movie: CBC News Mayday Big Bang Star ” ” TMZ “Air Bud: ” ” Two Men Fly Away Lang & Mayday The Office Golden The National Mayday Bones Home O’Leary ” King of Hill Receiver” ” ” ”

Rescue Say SayYes Yes SayYes Yes Say Say Yes

WTBS There Yet? A

5 KCTS KING KING News Ecosense-Liv of our N DaysP Joy/Painting Sid Science Charlie Rose Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger Cat in the Rick Steves Arthur Mayoral Wild Kratts Debate WordGirl

Movie: Payne There Yet?

There Yet? “The Browns Say Tuxedo” Say Yes Payne SayYes Yes King SayYes Yes King ” Say Randy to the Seinfeld Say Movie: SayYes Yes The Office Rescue Seinfeld Say Yes The Office Paid Prog. “Vertical Say Yes Family Guy Paid Prog. Limit” SayYes Yes Big Bang Say Family Guy Say Yes Big Bang Randy to the Amer. Dad Say Yes Browns Rescue Movie: Say Yes Payne Say Yes “The Say Yes Browns Say Yes Tuxedo” Say Yes Payne Say Yes ” Randy Seinfeld Say Yesto the Movie: Rescue Seinfeld Paid Prog. “Vertical Say Yes Family Guy Paid Prog. Limit” Say Yes Family Guy

PBS Nightly News ” Sid Science Today” NewsHour News WildinKratts cont’d Cat the Katie Washington Magazine Arthur ” DanielRose Tiger Inside New Ed. Day Charlie Rick Steves Northwest WildMartin Kratts Camp Ellen DeGeDoc WordGirl neres Mayoral KING 5 ” ” Show Debate News5 Business KING Call the Dateline Midwife World News NBC News Ecosense-Liv Days of our Joy/Painting Nightly Lives” News All-Star PBS

Orchestra ” NewsHour Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil ” 3Washington Steps”to KING News Magazine Incredible Leno Cat in the Katie Charlie RoseJay Inside Ed. Arthur ” Health!-Joel ” Doc Martin Camp Jimmy Wild ”Kratts Ellen Fallon ” ”DeGeWordGirl neres Show Call the Dateline Business KING 5 Midwife NBC World News News All-Star ” PBS Nightly Orchestra ” News NewsHour News 3 Steps to KING News Washington Jay Magazine Incredible Leno Charlie Rose Inside Ed. Health!-Joel ” Doc Martin Camp Fallon ” Jimmy ” ”

The Following

Randy to the Amer. Dad Rescue Movie:

Call the Midwife

Storage Storage

Boys Boys

CBC News ”

News 30 Rock

Say Yes Say Yes

“The Tuxedo”

All-Star Orchestra

Architects of News Change Jimmy

Storage Storage

The Next Star

The National Mayday ” ”

Sunny TMZ

Say Yes Say Yes

” Movie:

3 Steps to Incredible

Storage Storage Barter Kings ”

Fly Away Lang & Home O’Leary Odd Parents CBC News Monsters Now

Nightline Recipe Food

A&E 1



Sons of Guns




Lives Today Dr. Phil cont’d ” New Day Katie Northwest ” KING 5 Ellen DeGeNewsShow neres

Ecosense-Liv Days WTBS Business KCTS KING KING 5of our Joy/Painting Lives News News A World N P Charlie Rose Dr. Phil

The National Don’t Drive ” Here

KNOW KOMO * `Live Kimmel

KING ” Jimmy Fallon P

Today cont’d

Mr. Young Mr. Young



Masterpiece KING News Mystery! Jay Leno

KCTS ” Pie N

Storage Storage

” ”

KING 5 Katie News”

Sid Science Wild Kratts




KING 5 News Today Days of our cont’d Lives

Law Order: CI

NEWS Andrew 7

How/Made How/Made

Law Order: King CI King


Nature ” Sid Science Expeditions Wild Kratts Joy/Painting

WTBS A “Vertical

Dateline NBC ” ” KING News Jay Leno

KCTS KING N P” Health!-Joel

Mayday ” Mayday ”

The Office King of Hill Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cake Boss Cake Boss

Limit” ” Movie: Bob Builder “Brideshead SciGirls

Jimmy Fallon Swimming ”

Powerboat Driving TV

FINA World Aquatic

Shaun Sea Rescue Barter Kings Beyblade Finding Stuff Born-Explore ” Beyblade

CBC News Now With

Deadliest Catch

Kids News How I Met

Cake Boss Cake Boss

Revisited” ”

3 Steps to Incredible

News Hour PGA Tour

IndyCar 36 MLB Player

Dogs/Jobs Dogs/Jobs

Christine Birak

Finding Bigfoot

MLB Player Pregame

Cake Boss Cake Boss

” Browns

Health!-Joel ”

Red Bull Signature

MLB Baseball:

Can. Rivers Can. Rivers

Greener Lidia’s Italy

Series ”

CHAN ( Invitational,

Third Round Golf: WGC ” Bridgestone

World Series Invitational, Lovett-Reid Dragons’ of Poker Third Round SickKids Dr. Marla & The DenNature Play/ ” Score Golf Fishn Triathlon of ThingsS Purpose SportsCentreReal JunkFishing Brother Foundation Cash Cab George Doodlebops ” Tube Tales Cash Cab 22 Minutes Pets.TV ” Powerboat It Is Written the fifth PGA Tour Cabbie Simpsons Celebrity In Search of Golf: Sports Stars Women’s Driving TV Movie Night estate WGC NASCAR Simpsons Celebrity the G Spot Big World Soccer News Hour Operation Best Recipes Bridgestone NASCAR Simpsons Blockbusters Stefano Land & Sea Invitational, KIRO News ” PGA Tour Smile Racing: CHBC News App Central Mansbridge KIRO News ” Golf: WGC Canada’s Lang & Third Round Nationwide Bridgestone Global Nat. Worst CTV News The National CBS News Sportscentre Driver O’Leary ” Series: U.S. CHBC News ” Marketplace KIRO News World Series Invitational, Lovett-Reid Dragons’ ” Score Golf Fishn SickKids The Nature Play/ Cellular 250 True Crime W5 Absolutely Entertainof Poker Third Round Dr. Marla & Den ” Triathlon Fishing Foundation ofVancouver Things Purpose SportsCentreReal Scene ” ment ’Night SportsCentre Junk Brother Cash Cab George S Doodlebops ZeroTales Hour ItCash Saving Hopethe The Big The Tour ”” ” Powerboat Is Written fifth PGA Tube Cab 22 Minutes Pets.TV ” ” Decision Mentalist Women’s Driving ”TV Movie Night estate Golf: WGC Cabbie Simpsons Celebrity In Search of Sports Stars Nine for IX News Zero Hour Hour Operation Amazing Winnipeg 48 Hours Soccer Best Bridgestone NASCAR Simpsons Celebrity the GRecipes Spot Big World ” ” Race Comedy ” ” PGA Tour Smile Stefano Invitational, NASCAR Simpsons Blockbusters Land & Sea KIRO News SportsCentre Shaye The Listener Lang News 48 Hours ” Golf: WGC Canada’s & Third Round Racing: CHBC News App Central Mansbridge KIRO News ” ” ” Movie: Sportscentre Bridgestone Worst Driver O’Leary ”” Nationwide Global Nat. CTV The National CBS SportsCentre News Final CTVNews News Dragons’ “Incendies” KIRONews World Series Invitational, Lovett-Reid ” News Series:”U.S. CHBC News CTV News ” Marketplace KIRO News Saturday ” omg! of Poker Third Round Dr. Marla & Den ”Insider Cellular 250 True Crime W5 Absolutely EntertainSportsCentre Night Live Inside Man ” Paid Prog. SportsCentre Junk Brother Cash Cab George S Doodlebops SportsCentre Scene ” Vancouver ment ’Night ” ” ” Paid Prog. ” ” Tube Tales Cash Cab 22 Minutes Pets.TV

” ” Cardinals at Clifford-Dog Wild Kratts Soccer Central Miss BG Sportsnet ” Cincinnati Animals Connected Reds Parks ” World Poker Lilly Tour Poker After Dinosaur Architects MLB The Blue of Dark Change Sportsnet Rob Robot Baseball: Planet Connected Jungle FINAJays World MurderBook Blue at Murder Aquatic Myster. MLB G. Shrinks Angels Myster. Baseball: Arthur ” Miss Marple St. Louis Martha ” ” Cardinals at Wild Kratts Sportsnet ” Cincinnati Animals Connected ” Reds Parks Poker After Architects of MLB The Blue Dark Change Baseball: Planet FINA World Murder Blue Jays at Murder Aquatic Myster. Angels Myster.

A&E Bates Motel 1

The National Fast N’ Loud Sunny ” ” TMZ

The Doctors The View ” ”

World Series Noon News of Poker Hour


The National Fast N’ Loud New Girl ” ” Mindy

To Be Announced

KNOW Kimmel KOMO Live Nightline * `


Steve Law Order: Harvey CI

” Two Men The National Fast N’” Loud Sunny ” TMZ FantomBig Bang Works Two Offi Men MythBusters The ce King Shred!” Gleeof Hill

Wipeout Canada

Scared Beyond Scared Beyond


How/Made Mighty How/Made Planes

Boys ” Mr. Young Boys

Beyond Scared

KIRO News Late Show

:00 10 :30 FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 :00 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 # $ % & :00 1:00 :30 :00 102:30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 3 :30 FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 :00 :00 124:30 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC :00 TSN 15:00 :30 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 2 :30 :00 6 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 :00 7 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 48:00 :30 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 :30 59:00 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 6:00 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 7 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8:00 :30 4 :30 :00 9:00 :30 5 :30 :00 10 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 12 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2013 10 :30 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 12 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2013 :00 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 # $ % & :00 2:00 :30 :00 103:30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2013 4:00 :30 :00 125:30 CHBC CIVT CBC :30 TSN :00 16:00 :30 # $ % & :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 107:30 :30 :00 :00 38:00 :30 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 49:30 :30 :30 12 :00 :00 5:00 :30 10 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 :00 6:30 :30 11 :30 2 :00 :00 7:00 :30 12 :30 3 :30




Excused Excused Law Order: There Yet? CI There Yet?

Funny Home Toddlers What Not Excused The Ricki & to The Office Lake Show Tiaras The Office Videos Wear Excused

CBC News Fast N’ Loud Simpsons Say Yes Power & MythBusters Anderson Four ” ”” Raymond Say Yes Politics Live Weddings CBC News How/Made How I Met Multitude of The Fast N’ Loud Big Bang Wedding ” How/Made The Ricki Toddlers NowNational With How/Made Stop Pain Multiples& ”” ” Two Men Island How/Made Lake Show Tiaras Reshmi Nair Dangerous Family Feud Medium CBC News FantomBig Bang Lang & How/Made Steve Say Yes cont’d Flights Family Feud Wedding Medium ” Works Men Island O’Leary How/Made Two Harvey Say Yes CBC News Mighty Funny Home What Not to The National Wedding CBC News Shred! Fast N’ Loud Glee Simpsons Say Yes Now With Planes Videos Wear ” Shred! ” Island ” ” Raymond Say Yes Andrew Mighty Law Order: Wedding The National Fast N’ Loud New Girl Wedding The National Fast N’ Loud Big Wedding Nichols Planes CI Bang Island ” ” Mindy Island ” ” Two Men Island Power & MythBusters News Anderson Four CBC News FantomSay Yes CBC News FantomBig Bang Wedding Politics Live Weddings ” Works ” 30 Rock Say Yes ” Works Two Men Island ” How/Made The Ricki Toddlers The National Fast N’ Loud Sunny Say Yes & The National Shred! Glee Wedding How/Made Lake Show Say Tiaras ”” ” TMZ Yes ” Shred! ” Island Lang & How/Made Steve Say Yes Lang & MythBusters The Office Paid Prog. The National Fast N’ New Girl Wedding O’Leary How/Made Harvey Say Prog. Yes O’Leary ” Loud King of Hill Paid ” ” Mindy Island CBC News Fast N’ Loud Simpsons Say Yes ” ” Raymond SayYes Yes CBC News FantomNews Say ” Works Say Yes The National Fast N’ Loud 30 BigRock Bang Wedding


CBC News George S




Mighty How/Made How/Made Planes

What Not to Wear Multitude of Wedding Multiples Island

Odd Parents Almost Odd Parents League/Evil Squirrel Mr. Young Sidekick League/Evil ” Squirrel League/Evil Boys Odd Parents Kid vs. Kat Boys Odd Parents Kid vs. Kat Splatalot Odd TeamParents Gal Splatalot Odd Parents Rated A for Wipeout Mr. Young Rated A for Canada ” AlmostPatrol Prank Boys League/Evil Prank Patrol Boys Sidekick Boys Splatalot Squirrel Mr. Young Splatalot Odd Parents Love Don’t Wipeout Odd Parents Cost a Thing Canada Odd Parents Odd Parents Prank Patrol Prank Patrol Mr. Young

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News


Scared Beyond Scared Beyond


Reshmi Dangerous Anderson Family Feud Four Medium Power & Nair MythBusters cont’d Flights Family Feud Weddings Medium Politics ” Live CBC News ” ” Now With

Funny Home Videos HowOrder: I Met Law Stop Pain CI


League/Evil Almost Kid vs. Kat League/Evil

Motive ”

Rookie Blue Sportsnet ” Connected


News Jimmy Wheel Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Nightline Wipeout



CBC News Now With CBC News Andrew Now With Nichols

Rock Hudson

The National Elementary ” ”

Daily Show Coronation Colbert Rep Q With Jian

World ”News The View KOMO The Dr. ” 4Oz News Show KOMO 4 Wheel KOMO 4 News Jeopardy! News The Chew Wipeout News ” ” World News General Motive KOMO 4 Hospital ” News The Doctors Rookie Blue Wheel”” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz News Wipeout Show Jimmy ” KOMO Kimmel4Live Motive News Nightline News ” World RookieNews Blue KOMO” 4

A&E 1 48

Beyond The First Scared ” Criminal Beyond The First Minds Scared ” Criminal Beyond The First Minds Scared ” The First Beyond Beyond ” Scared Scared The First Beyond Beyond ” Scared Scared The First Beyond Beyond ” Scared Scared The First Beyond Beyond ” Scared Scared The First Beyond Beyond ” Scared Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond


Mighty Planes How/Made Mighty How/Made Planes

body, the only treatment Keeping a close eye for these conditions is on your pet’s health consuppressing the immune dition, and any changes system function usually arising, may be signifiby the use of steroids. cant in successfully conAs with allTLC medic- WTBStrolling any illness in it. KAYU KCTS KING ; < detec-A N Oz operates P the al problems, early Moshe How Igreatly Met Multitude of Law SidValley Veterinary Science Today tion improves theOrder:Rose Stop Pain Multiples CI Wild Kratts cont’d treatment outcome and Hospital in West Family Feud Medium Law Order: Daniel Tiger New Kelowna. Day Family Feud Medium CIWTBS Rick Steves Northwest KAYU TLC KCTS KING prognosis.

Kid vs. Kat Team Gal Squirrel Rated A for League/Evil Rated A for

” CBC News Boys Don’t Love Lang &” Cost a Thing O’Leary Splatalot The National Splatalot ”

Baseball: FINA World Clues To Be Aquatic Announced Blue Jays at To Boldly Angels Go

SportsCentre Rookie Blue Hollywood ” ” Game Night

” ”


Young & Let’s Make a Chef/Home The Talk Restless Debt/Part Deal ”

Steven Stevenand and Chris Chris

The First 48 ” Criminal The First 48 Minds”


The Chew ” The View General ” Hospital

CTV The News Dr. Oz Show”

Bowling ”


Dino Dan Rob Robot Bucket-Dino Clifford-Dog Rolie Polie Miss BG

The Marilyn Dr. Phil Denis Show ”

SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst


KIRO News Noon News Minnesota Bold Hour Twins The Doctors The Price Talk Is The Days of our MLB Baseball Right ” Baseball: Lives ” Central

” Chef/Home Record The Talk ” Debt/Part Interruption ”

” ET SportsCentre ET Canada Canada J. Probst ”” The Winner


CBC News Now Bookaboo Heartland Doodlebops ”

Amazing News SportsCentreNoon The Ricki Lake Show Race ” Hour

of Poker ” Blue at Five SportsCentre Rookie Hollywood ” Game Night World Series Global ”Nat. CTV News of Poker CHBC ” SportsCentre CHBC News News CTV News ” Final CTV News SportsCentre Ent Big Bang


red blood cells, intestinal involvement or a dry eye, due to the body’s immune defense against the tear glands are also quite common. YTV NEWS DISC 6 7source 9 Because the Squirrel CBC News How/Made of the infl ammatory reLeague/Evil Now With How/Made action is actually an esLeague/Evil Reshmi Nair Dangerous KidYTV vs. Kat cont’d Flights NEWS DISC sential part of your pet’s

Third Round Fishn Real Junk Fishing Brother Tube Tales Powerboat Simpsons Driving TV Simpsons News Hour Simpsons PGA Tour Global Nat. Golf: WGC Evening Bridgestone News Invitational, Fishn True Third Crime Round Real Fishing Scene Junk Brother Zero Tales Hour Powerboat Tube Driving” TV Simpsons Zero Hour News Hour Simpsons ” PGA Tour Simpsons Shaye Golf: WGC Global ”Nat. Bridgestone Evening News Final Invitational, News Saturday Third Round True NightCrime Live Junk Brother Scene” Tube Tales


SNP ) Atlanta

Braves at Sportsnet Connected Philadelphia Phillies FINA World Sportsnet Aquatic Connected IndyCar 36 MLB Player Player MLB Blue Jays MLB MLB Baseball: Baseball: Atlanta Sportsnet Blue Jays Braves at at Connected Angels Philadelphia ” FINA World Phillies ” Aquatic Sportsnet Sportsnet IndyCar 36 Connected Connected MLB Player MLB Player Sportsnet MLB Blue Jays Connected Baseball: MLB Poker After Atlanta Baseball: Dark at Braves Blue Jays at IndyCar Philadelphia Angels Racing Phillies


Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Beyond Scared

KNOW Secret KOMO Beyond A&E Millionaire Scared * ` 1 Architects of ESPN Sports Beyond

Change Wild Kratts Lilly Frontiers of Construction Shaun Easter Island Finding Stuff Underworld Dogs/Jobs To Boldly Dogs/Jobs Go Can. Rivers Be the Can. Rivers Creature Architects of Wild Kratts Eco Change Lilly Engineering Frontiers of Heartbeat Shaun Construction ” Stuff Finding Easter Island Midsomer Dogs/Jobs Underworld Murders Dogs/Jobs To Boldly ” Can. Go Rivers ” Can. Rivers Be the In Korea of Architects Creature ” Change Eco Midsomerof Frontiers Engineering Murders Construction

Saturday Recipe Food ” ” Sea Rescue Cash Cab Born-Explore UW 360 Paid Prog. NewsProg. Paid World News Secret KOMO 4 Millionaire News ESPN Sports Recipe Wheel Saturday Food Jeopardy! ” ZeroRescue Hour Sea ” ” Born-Explore Cash Cab Zero Prog. Hour Paid UW 360 ” Paid Prog. News 20/20 Secret World ”News Millionaire KOMO 4 News Sports ESPN News Burn Notice Saturday Wheel” ” Jeopardy! Castle”


Scared Barter Kings ” Beyond Scared Barter Kings Duck D. ” Duck D. Beyond Duck D. Scared Duck D. Beyond Duck D. Scared Duck D. Beyond Barter Psychic Tia ScaredKings ” Tia Psychic Beyond Psychic Tia Barter Kings Scared Psychic ” Tia Duck D. Duck D. Beyond Duck D. Duck D. Scared Duck D. Duck D. Beyond Duck D. Duck D. Scared Duck D. Tia Psychic Beyond Duck D. Tia Psychic Scared Psychic Tia Tia Psychic Beyond Psychic Tia Psychic Scared Tia

A&E 1

Pokémon Rangers

YTV 6 Sidekick

” NEWS ” 7 The National

DISC 9 Overhaulin’

KAYU ; Regional

TLC Cake< Boss

WTBS A Family Guy

KCTS Nick N Stellino








Yu-Gi-Oh! Turtles

Sons of Guns

MLB Baseball:

Cake Boss Cake Boss

King King

” ”


Horse Sidekick ” Coverage Cake Odd Parents Mansbridge CBC News Mayday Paid Prog. CakeBoss Boss Family Movie:Guy Cooking Bob Builder Racing Swimming Monsters NowNational Cash Cab ” Paid Prog. CakeBoss Boss The “Brideshead SciGirls ” Sidekick The ” Cake Office Heart of Justin Time League/Evil Mansbridge How/Made ” Cake Boss The Office Perfect Tree Fu Tom Beyblade CBC News Deadliest Kids News Cake Boss Revisited” 3 Steps to ” Arthur 2: Doc Cash Paid Cake HealthExploration Beyblade NowZone With CatchCab HowProg. I Met CakeBoss Boss Seinfeld ” Incredible ” The Revenge ” Cash Cab T. McCarver Cake Boss Seinfeld Watson Kids News Pokémon Christine Finding MLB Player Cake Boss ” Health!-Joel Red Bull of Maltazard the fifth Backyard 48 Hours: 60s Girl” KING 5 Rangers Birak Bigfoot Oil Soccer Pregame Cake Boss Movie: Browns Signature ” estate Backyard Oil ” Hard Evid. “A Beautiful Grooves News Yu-Gi-Oh! ” Sons of MLB Cake Boss King Greener Series Zoink’d! The National Deadliest ” 48 Hours: (My Music) Turtles ” Guns Baseball: Cake Boss Mind” King Lidia’s Italy Nightly ”News Splatalot Marketplace Catch ” Hard Evid. ” ” News Sidekick The National Overhaulin’ Regional Cake Boss Family Guy Nick Stellino Horse Odd Parents Mea CBCMaxima News Sons Mayday PaidProg. Prog. 48 Cake Boss Family Movie: Bob Builder Pregame Swimming Babysitting of Paid Hours: ” Guy Sarah Sidekick Mansbridge ” Coverage Cake Boss Cooking Racing Monsters Now Paid Prog. Hard CakeEvid. Boss Movie: “Brideshead Brightman: SciGirls ” Zoink’d! Culpa: Guns ” Raymond MLS Soccer: Sidekick The National Cash Cab ” Cake Boss The Office Heart of Justin Time Movie: Silence in Don’t Drive Big Bang 48 Hours: Fast Dallas at Beyblade CBC News Deadliest Kids News Cake Boss “The Revisited” 3 Steps to FC League/Evil Mansbridge How/Made ” Cake Boss The Office Dreamchaser Perfect Tree Fu” Tom “Cyberbully” the House Here Two Hard Live From Seattle ” Beyblade Now With Catch HowMen I Met CakeEvid. Boss and the” Incredible Arthur 2: Doc Zone Cash Cab Paid Prog. Cake Boss Seinfeld HealthExploration ” The National Deadliest Big Bang 48 Hours: Furious”” Lincoln Sounders FC Pokémon Christine Finding MLB Player Cake Boss Health!-Joel Red Bull The Revenge ” Cash Cab T. McCarver Cake Boss Seinfeld Watson Kids News ” Mansbridge Catch Two Men Hard ” Center ” Backroads Rangers Birak Bigfoot Pregame CakeEvid. Boss Browns Signature of Maltazard the fifth Backyard Oil Soccer 48 Hours: Movie: 60s Girl KING 5 Zoink’d! The Nature Backyard News 48 Hours: Great PerDo No Harm Yu-Gi-Oh! ” Sons of Oil MLB ” Cake Boss Movie: King Greener Series ” estate Backyard Oil Hard Evid. “A Beautiful Grooves News Splatalot of Things Backyard Oil Wanted Hard formances ” ” Turtles ” Guns Baseball: CakeEvid. Boss “The King Lidia’s Italy Zoink’d! The National Deadliest ” 48 Hours: Mind” (My Music) Nightly News Babysitting The of Axe Cop Cake News Sidekick The National National Sons Overhaulin’ Regional CakeBoss Boss Mexican” Family Guy Nick ”StellinoKING Horse Splatalot Marketplace Guns Catch ” Hard Boss Evid. ” ” News Splatalot Mansbridge Axe Cop Cake ” Emeli Sandé: Saturday Sidekick Mansbridge ” Coverage Cake Boss Family Guy Cooking Racing Babysitting The MeaNational Maxima Sons of Paid Prog. 48 Hours: ” Sarah Pregame Movie: Cleveland Peter Night Live Sidekick The National Moonshiners Cash Cab ” CakePopoff Boss Princess The Office Live Heart of Justin Time Zoink’d! Culpa: Guns ” Raymond HardProg. Evid. Movie: 2 Brightman: MLS ”Soccer: “My Girl” Mansbridge 30 Rock Paid Yoga League/Evil Mansbridge How/Made ” Cake Boss Diaries The Office Easy Perfect Tree Fu Tom


:00 Country Calendar Wednesday, July ” rLake Oper. Smile ” Marketplace Hydroplane ” Simpsons Hollywood Den 31, 2013 10 :30 Racing 4 NASCAR Nine for IX


Designer Whatever

World grassi Vision Goes Coronation Dragons’

” In Touch Chris CHBC News Blockbusters Race “The Ant 11 5 :30 Preseason SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 2013 ” News Land Global Nat. First CTV Story News Bully”& Sea :00 Football:

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Joel Osteen Simpsons

App Central Amazing

Steven Movie: and

:00 Tour Mansbridge CHBC News First Story ” ” :30 Hall of” Fame PGA ” Golf: WGC With Jian TSN CHBC CIVT Q CBC :00 Game Howie Do It Canada’s Cleveland Heartland ”” Bridgestone Worst Driver Ghomeshi Simpsons Satisfaction ” :30 :30 # $ % & Cab The Nature :00 SportsCentre Invitational, Big Brother Cash Whodunnit? Movie: :00 SportsCentre Sportscentre Final Round Cash Cab of Things :30 ” ” Designer World ”Vision “Mission: Coronation :00 :30 NASCAR Racing Oper. Smile ” Marketplace Haven Best Recipes :00 :30 SportsCentre TBA Family Guy Paradise UnforgettaImpossible :00 ” ”Dad City: DeStefano :30 Motoring Amer. ble III” ” Joel Osteen App Central Steven and :30 :00 for Whatever grassi Goes Mission Dragons’ ” IX In Touch Blockbusters Chris :00 :30 Nine SportsCentre Simpsons The 3 :00 ” Simpsons Hollywood Den :30 Burgers Mentalist Marketplace ” News First Story Land & Sea :30 :00 NFL ” Simpsons Amazing Movie: PGA Tour First Story Mansbridge :00 :30 Preseason SportsCentre News Final CTV News CBC News :00 CHBC News Race “The Ant :30 Dangerous CTV News the fifthJian ”” Golf: WGC Canada’s Q With :30 :00 Global Nat. CTV Bully” :00 ” Bridgestone WorstNews Driver estate Ghomeshi SportsCentre Paid Prog. The :30 Football: :00 Hall of Fame CHBC News ” ” :30 ” Paid Prog. Mentalist Canadian :30 SportsCentre Invitational, Cash Cab The Nature :00 Game HowieRound Do It Cash Cleveland Heartland :00 Final Cab of Things :30 Sportscentre ” Simpsons Satisfaction ” :30 SportsCentre Haven Paradise Best Recipes :00 SportsCentre Big Brother Whodunnit? Movie: :00 ” ” City: DeStefano :30 ” ” ” “Mission: :30 Nine for IX Whatever grassi Goes Impossible Dragons’ :00 TBA Family Guy Unforgetta:00 ” Simpsons Hollywood Den :30 Motoring Amer. Dad ble III” :30 NFL Simpsons Amazing Movie: 3 :00 SportsCentre Simpsons The Mission :00 Preseason CHBC News Race “The Ant :30 ” Burgers Mentalist Marketplace :30 Football: Global Nat. CTV News Bully”News :00 SportsCentre News Final CTV News CBC :00 CHBC News CTV News ” ” the fifth :30 Hall of” Fame Dangerous Game Howie Do It The Cleveland Heartland Paid Prog. estate :00 SportsCentre ” Simpsons Satisfaction ” Paid Prog. Mentalist Canadian :30 Big Brother Whodunnit? 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Mentalist Canadian :30 Noon News CTV News CBC News :00 To Be ” Marketplace :30 Announced Hour MONDAY, AUGUST 2013Heartland Days of our 5, Anderson :00 NFL Live ” Lives Live ” :30 Record The Talk Dr.CIVT Phil Steven and CHBC CBC :00 OffTSN ” ” Chris :30 Interruption # $ % & The Dr. Oz Best Recipes :00 SportsCentre The Ricki TBA shing Lake Show Show Stefano The Doctors The View Bookaboo :30 Sportfi :00 ” Doodlebops :30 Motoring CFL Young”& Ellen DeGeDragons’ :00 Football: on Chef/Home Restless neres Show Steven Den The Marilyn and :00 :30 Engraved a Nation Debt/Part Denis Show Chris :30 Winnipeg News CTV News CBC News :00 Blue ” at Five Now To Be Noon News CTV News CBC News :00 :30 Hour ” Marketplace :30 Announced Bombers at Global Nat. CTV News News :00 MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2013 Live Days our Anderson Heartland BC Lions CHBCofNews ” Exchange :00 :30 NFL ” Lives Live ” :30 To Be Ent Big Bang George S :00 Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Announced ET Canada Summer TV :00 TSN CHBC CIVT Coronation CBC :30 ” ” Chris :30 Interruption ” Psych Satisfaction Murdoch :00 # $ % & The Dr. Oz Best Recipes ” Anger Mysteries :00 :30 SportsCentre The Ricki Show Show Stefano :30 TBA Sportfi”shing Lake The Doctors The View Bookaboo :00 Get Out Amazing Cracked CFL Young & Ellen DeGeDragons’ Motoring ” ” Doodlebops :00 NFL Films Alive Race ” :30 Restless neres Show Den :30 Football: Engraved on Under Chef/Home The Marilyn The Steven and SportsCentre the Mistresses National :00 News CTV a Nation Debt/Part DenisNews Chris News :00 ” Dome ”Show CBC ” :30 Winnipeg Blue ” at Five Now :30 Be Noon News SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News CBC News :00 To at Final Global CTV News News News :00 Announced Hour Nat. CTV ” Marketplace ” George S :30 Bombers Lions CHBC News ” Exchange :30 BC NFL Live Days of our Anderson Heartland SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Coronation :00 To Be Ent Big Bang George S :00 ” Lives Live J. Probst Colbert Rep Being ”Erica :30 :30 Announced ET Canada Summer TV Coronation Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and :00 ” Psych Satisfaction Murdoch :00 Interruption ” ” Chris :30 SportsCentre ” Anger Mysteries :30 The Ricki The Dr. Oz Best Recipes :00 SportsCentre ” Get Out Amazing Cracked :00 TBA Films Lake Show Show Stefano :30 NFL Alive Race ” :30 CFL Young the & Ellen DeGe- The Dragons’ :00 Under Mistresses National :00 SportsCentre Restless neres ”Show Den ” :30 Football: ” Dome :30 Winnipeg News News CTV CTV News News CBC News News :00 SportsCentre CHBC CBC :00 at Five Now Final ” CTV News George S :30 Blue ” :30 Bombers at Global Nat. CTV News News SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Coronation :00 CHBC News Colbert ” Rep Being Exchange ” J. Probst Erica :30 BC Lions Ent Big Bang George S :00 To Be Announced ET Canada Summer TV Coronation :30 TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2013 ” Psych Satisfaction Murdoch :00 ” Anger Mysteries :30 SportsCentre TSN CHBC CIVT Cracked CBC ” Get Out Amazing :00 NFL Films Alive Race ” :30 # $ % & SportsCentre Under the Mistresses The National :00 Fishing-Flats The Doctors The View Bookaboo :00 ” Dome ” ” :30 ” ” Doodlebops :30 30 for 30 SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News CBC News :00 ” Chef/Home The Marilyn Steven and :00 ” Final CTV News George S :30 ” Debt/Part Denis Show Chris :30 SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Coronation :00 World Poker Noon News CTV News CBC News :00 ” J. Probst Colbert Rep Being Erica :30 TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2013 Hour ” Now :30 Tour Days of our Anderson Heartland :00 NFL Live ” Lives Live ” :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and :00 Off Record # $ % & ” ” Chris :30 Interruption Fishing-Flats The Ricki Doctors The View Bookaboo Dr. Oz Best Recipes :00 SportsCentre ” Doodlebops Lake Show Show ” Stefano :30 30 for ”30 ” Chef/Home The Marilyn Steven and :00 Hockey Young & Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ ” Debt/Part Denis Show Show Den Chris Restless neres :30 CFL Football :30 Noon News CTV CTV News News CBC News :00 World ”Poker News News :00 Tour ” Hour ” ” Now :30 at Five News :30 NFL Live Days ofNat. our Anderson Heartland :00 ” Global CTV News News :00 ” Lives Live ” :30 ” CHBC News ” Exchange :30 TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2013 Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven :00 ” Ent Big Bang Georgeand S :00 Interruption ” ” Chris :30 Coronation :30 World/Poker ET Canada Music SportsCentre The Ricki The Dr. Oz Best Recipes :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC SportsCentre NCIS So You Rick Mercer :00 ” Lake Show Show Stefano :30 ” ” Think You 22 Minutes :30 # $ % & Hockey Young & Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ :00 for 30 NCIS: Los Can Dance Arctic Air :00 30 CFL Football Restless neres Show Den :30 Fishing-Flats The Doctors The View Bookaboo ” Angeles ” ” :00 :30 News ” CTV News News 30 for ”30 Doodlebops :00 :30 SportsCentre Elementary Saving” Hope The National :00 ” ” at Five News :30 ” ” ” Chef/Home The Marilyn Steven” and :00 :30 ”” Global Nat. CTV News :00 Debt/Part DenisNews Show CBC Chris News :30 SportsCentre CHBC :00 CHBC News News CTV News ” Exchange :30 World ””Poker Final CTV News George S Noon News CBC News :30 :00 ” Ent Big Bang George S :00 Tour Hour ” Now :30 SportsCentre ET Coronation :00 ET Canada Canada Daily MusicShow Coronation :30 World/Poker ” J. Probst Colbert Rep Heartland TBA NFL Live Days of our Anderson :30 SportsCentre :00 NCIS So You Rick Mercer :00 ” Lives Live ” :30 ” ” Think You 22 Minutes :30 Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil 7, 2013 Steven and WEDNESDAY, AUGUST :00 30 for 30 NCIS: Los Can Dance Arctic Air :00 Interruption ” ” Chris :30 ” Angeles ” ” :30 SportsCentre The Ricki The Dr. Oz Best Recipes :00 TSN CHBC Saving CIVT CBC Elementary Hope The National :00 SportsCentre Lake Show Show ” Stefano :30 ”” ” ” :30 # $ % & Hockey Young & Ellen DeGe- CBC Dragons’ :00 SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News News :00 CFL Football Restless neres Show Den The Doctors CTV The View Bookaboo :30 ” Final News George S :00 SportsCentre :30 SportsCentre ” ” Doodlebops :30 SportsCentre ” News CTV News News :00 ET Canada Daily Show Coronation :00 ” at Five News Chef/Home The Marilyn Steven and J. Probst Colbert Rep TBA :00 Movie”” :30 Debt/Part DenisNews Show News Chris :30 ”” Global Nat. CTV :00 Noon News CBC News ” CHBC News CTV News ” Exchange :00 :30 ” Hour ” Now :30 ” Ent Big Bang George S :00 NFL Live Days of our Music Anderson Heartland :00 World/Poker ET Canada Coronation :30 ” Lives Live ” :30 SportsCentre So You Rick Mercer :00 Off Record NCIS The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and :00 ” ” Think You 22 Minutes :30 Interruption ” ” Chris :30 30 for 30 NCIS: Los Can Dance Arctic Air :00 SportsCentre The Ricki The Dr. Oz Best Recipes :00 ” Angeles ” ” :30 ” Lake Show Show Stefano :30 Elementary Saving Hope The National :00 ” Young & Ellen DeGeDragons’ :00 SportsCentre ” :30 Restless neres ”Show Den ” :30 To Be ” CBC :00 Announced CHBC News News CTV CTV News News NewsNews :00 SportsCentre ” Final CTV News George ” ” at Five News S :30 ET Canada Show Coronation ” Global Nat. Daily CTV News News :00 SportsCentre CHBC News Colbert ” Rep TBA Exchange ” J. Probst :30 ” Ent Big Bang George S :00 ” ET Canada etalk Coronation :30 ” Big Brother MasterChef Dragons’ :00 ” ” ” Den :30 MasterChef Republic of :00 SportsCentre Glee ” ” ” Doyle :30 The Listener The National :00 SportsCentre Camp ” ” ” ” :30 :00 SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News CBC News ” Final CTV News George S :30 :00 SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Coronation ” J. Probst Colbert Rep The Tudors :30

Albert ”Lee

Designer Whatever Oper. Smile Simpsons

Motorcycle IndyCar Racing Racing:

Wild Blue Kratts The Little Prince Planet

Race News KIRO ”

Joel Osteen Simpsons In Touch Global Nat. News Hour PGA Tour ” Golf: WGC Howie Do It Bridgestone Simpsons

Magazine Honda Indy Magazine 200

KIRO ”News ”” ” 60 Minutes ””

Blue Jays FINA World MLB Aquatic Baseball: Magazine Blue Jays at Magazine

Little Prince News Paid Prog. Francesco Finding Stuff World SMART Francesco News Animals of KOMO X Games: Frontiers 4 Animals Los Angeles Construction News Volcanic ” Virus Funny Home Rescue Hunters Videos”

” Big Brother Albert ””Lee Hydroplane ” Unforgetta” ble Race The ” ” Mentalist ” KIRO ”News KIRO News ” KIRO ”News KIRO ”News Face/Nation ” Paid Prog. ” 60 Minutes ” ” ” Big Brother ” ” ” Unforgetta” ble

Invitational, Big Brother Final Round ” Designer Oper. Haven FamilySmile Guy ”Dad Amer. Joel Osteen Whatever In Touch Simpsons Simpsons Burgers News Simpsons PGA Tour News Final Global Nat. Dangerous Golf: WGC News Hour Bridgestone Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Invitational, HowieRound Do It Final Simpsons Haven Big Brother ” ” Whatever Family Guy Simpsons Amer. Dad

Angels ATP Tennis: ” U.S. Open Motorcycle Racing ” Citi Series: Sportsnet Open, Final Magazine IndyCar Magazine Sportsnet Racing: Connected Blue Jays Honda Indy MLB Blue Jays 200 UFC Baseball: FINAJays World Blue Poker Afterat Aquatic Dark Angels Magazine ” Magazine ” ATP Tennis: Sportsnet U.S. Open IndyCar Series: Citi Racing: Open, Final

Ancient Born and Clues Bred Wild Kratts Little Prince Be the Dalziel and Creature Pascoe Little Prince The Blue Finding Stuff Dalziel and Planet Pascoe Animals Francesco Animals Rock Francesco Hudson Volcanic Frontiers of Rescue Doris Day Construction Superstar Ancient Virus Clues Hunters Be the Born and Creature Bred The Blue Dalziel and Planet Pascoe

KIRO News The ” Mentalist KIRO News News KIRO KIRO ”News

Simpsons Simpsons Global Nat. Burgers News Final Hour News ” Dangerous

Honda Indy Sportsnet 200 Connected FINAJays World Blue Aquatic UFC

Francesco Dalziel and Francesco Pascoe Frontiers of News KOMO 4 Rock Construction Castle News Hudson




Rescue Cash Cab Paid Prog. Cash Cab

KNOW KOMO * ` Women’s Secret A17 Movie: Cyberchase Nightly Paid Prog. Big Bang Grooves News

Longmire Duck D. ” Duck D.

Fairly CBC News The Neverthe fifth OddParents Now ending Story estate

NeverEver Old House MythBusters Outd’r NeverEver Jim TV ” Trout

Wedding Breaking Island LA Amish:

We Bang Sldiers Big

Bob Girl Builder 60s

Gardening Traveler

Panic D. 9-1-1 Duck ” Duck D. Panic D. 9-1-1 Duck ” Duck D. Panic 9-1-1 Storage ” Storage

Monsters II: The Next Babysitting Chapter The Next of Chronicles Star Narnia: Mr. Young Dawn ” Treader

CBCZone News Doc Now With ” Christine The National Birak ” ” III: Richard King in” the ” Car Park Marketplace Marketplace CBC News Now The Nature The National of Things ” CBC News the fifth Now With Richard III: estate King in the Christine Doc Zone Birak Car Park ” Mansbridge ” The National ” The National ” ”” Richard III: Marketplace King in the The Nature Car Park of Things Marketplace the fifth The National estate”

Bering Sea Air Jaws: BeGold the yond Last Car Megalodon: Standing The Monster Auction Shark Lives Auction ” Sons of Shark After Guns Dark NeverEver NeverEver Cash To Be Cab How/Made Announced Bering Sea MythBusters Gold To Be ” Announced Last Car Air Jaws: BeStanding To Be yond the Announced Auction Megalodon: Auction To Be The Monster Announced Sons of Shark Lives Guns ” Cash Cab Shark After How/Made Dark MythBusters To Be ” Announced

30 Rock Big Bang The Offi ce Two Men PaidBang Prog. Big Paid Prog. Two Men BonesDad Amer. ” Simpsons

Hoarding: Sister Wives Buried” Alive Hoarding: Sister Wives Buried” Alive Hoarding: Breaking Buried Alive Amish: LA Hoarding: Sister Wives Buried Alive ” Wedding Island Hoarding: Breaking Buried Alive Amish: LA Hoarding: Breaking Buried Alive Sister Wives Amish:” LA Hoarding: Sister Wives Buried Alive Breaking ” Amish: LA Hoarding: Sister Wives Buried Alive Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Hoarding: Breaking Buried Alive Amish: LA Hoarding: Sister Wives Buried Alive ” Breaking Breaking Amish: Amish: LA LA

“Superhero Movie: Movie” & “Angels Movie: Demons” “Not ” Another ” Teen Movie” ” The Closer Movie: ” “The Firm” We Sldiers Movie: Big Bang ” Big Bang ” “Superhero Big Bang Movie” ” Big Bang Movie:” Movie: “Not The Closer “Angels & ” Another Demons” Teen Movie” There Yet? ” There Yet? The Closer ”” ” Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “The Firm” Big Bang ” Big Bang ”

McLaughlin (My Music) News ” Moyers & Company Company NOVA In My ” Lifetime

First: The OfNFL ficial Film of Preseason the London Football: Games Hall of Fame Swimming Game ””

Cuban” ” Crisis Missile Bob Builder Cyberchase ” Downton ” Abbey McLaughlin 60s Girl News Revisited Grooves Great PerMoyers & (My Music) Company formances ” NOVA” Moyers & Super”Brain Company ”” In My ” Lifetime ” Cuban ” Missile Crisis 60s Girl Downton Grooves Abbey

” America’s ” Got Talent Gardening Paid Prog. LazyTown WrestleNoodle Mania First: The OfTraveler fi cial Film of Dateline Nightly News NBC the London NFL Games KING News Preseason The 206 Swimming Football: ” Paid Prog. Hall of Fame Summer ” Hair Game” ” LazyTown America’s Noodle Got Talent Traveler WrestleNightly Mania News

Doc Zone Richard III: King in” the The National Car Park ” Mansbridge

Air Jaws: BeTo Be yond the Announced Megalodon: To Be The Monster Announced

Big Bang News Two TMZMen Big Bang ” Two Men Sunny

Movie:” “Angels ” & Demons” The Closer ”” There ”Yet? There ”Yet?

(My Music) Revisited Great ”PerMoyers & formances Company ” In My Brain Super Lifetime ”

NFL Dateline Preseason NBC Football: KING News Hall Fame The of 206

A&E 1

To Be Storage British Announced Millionaire RescueOpen Storage Longmire Paid Prog. ” Whodunnit? To BeD. Whodunnit? Duck ”” Announced Duck Paid Prog. Panic D. 9-1-1 Cash Cab Duck D. D. SMART ” Castle Duck Cash Cab Duck D. ” Duck X Games: Panic D. 9-1-1 News Duck D. Los Angeles Storage ” News World News Duck D. Castle” Storage Panic 9-1-1 KOMO” 4 Duck D. ” ” Storage News Duck D. Burn Notice Storage Women’s To Be Funny Home Storage British Open Announced Videos Storage Whodunnit? To Be Secret Storage ” Announced Millionaire Storage Cash Cab Duck D. Whodunnit? Duck D. Cash Cab Duck ” Duck D. D. News Duck D. D. Castle Duck World ”News Duck Duck D. D.


Movie:” “The League/Evil The Fairly

OddParents Neverending Splatalot Story” Babysitting Monsters The Next NeverBabysitting The ending Story Star The Next II: The Next Star Babysitting Chapter Splatalot Mr. Young Chronicles of ” The Derby Narnia: Stallion Movie: Dawn “The Treader Neverending ” Story” League/Evil The NeverSplatalot ending Story Babysitting




Bones Simpsons ” Burgers Old House Jim Leverage Family Guy ” Guy Family 30 Rock Outd’r The Office News Trout TV TMZ Paid Prog. Big Bang Paid Prog. ” Two Men Sunny Bones Big Bang Sunny” Two Men Spokane Bones Amer. ”Dad Simpsons Leverage Simpsons ” Burgers Outd’r Family Guy Trout TV Family Guy





60 Minutes Face/Nation ” Paid Prog.

Howie Do It Paid Prog. Simpsons Paid Prog.

Magazine Poker After Magazine Dark

Virus Day Doris Hunters Superstar

Funny”Home Storage Videos Burn Notice Storage

II: The Next The Next Chapter Star Chronicles Babysitting of Narnia: Splatalot Dawn The Derby Treader Stallion

Richard III: Shark The National To Be Lives King in” the ” Announced

Amer. SunnyDad Simpsons Spokane

Sister Sister Wives Wives ”” Sister Wives Breaking Amish:” LA Breaking Paid Prog. Amish: LA Paid Prog.

Big Brother ”

Big Brother ”

ATP Tennis: U.S. Open

Born and Bred

Secret Millionaire

Storage Storage

” League/Evil

Car Park Shark After Marketplace Dark

Simpsons Burgers

Sister Wives Movie: ” “The Firm”

Cuban America’s Missile Crisis Got Talent


Family Guy Amer. Dad

Series: Citi Open, Final

Dalziel and Pascoe


Duck D. Duck D.

Splatalot Babysitting

The National To Be ” Announced

Family Guy Family Guy

Breaking Amish: LA

Downton Abbey

Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage

Game Paid Prog. ” Hair Summer


KIRO The_ Mentalist

CHAN Simpsons ( Burgers

SNP Sportsnet ) Connected

” KNOW KOMO Dalziel and Castle * ` Pascoe ”

A&E Duck D. 1 Duck D.

YTV The6 Next Star

NEWS Richard 7III: King in the

DISC To Be 9 Announced


” TLC WTBS Sister Wives ” < A ” ”

KCTS Revisited N Great Per-

The Price Is KIRO News Right News KIRO Young & Face/Nation Restless Paid Prog. KIRO News Bold

The Doctors News Final ” Dangerous Chef/Home Paid Prog. Debt/Part Paid Prog. Noon News Hour

ATP Tennis Blue Jays cont’d: UFC U.S. Open Poker After Series: Dark Rogers Cup, First Round

Bucket-Dino Rock Rolie Polie Hudson Berenstain Doris Day Wild Kratts Superstar Dino Dan Rob Robot

The View News Castle” KOMO 4 ” News Burn Notice The Chew ”

Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage The First 48 ”

Squirrel Babysitting League/Evil Splatalot League/Evil The Derby Kid vs. Kat Stallion Kid vs. Kat Team

CBCPark News Car Now With Mansbridge Reshmi Nair The National cont’d ” CBC News Now With

How/Made To Be How/Made Announced Auction To Be Auction Announced Overhaulin’ ”

How I ”Met Paid Prog. Sunny Family Feud Sunny Family Feud Spokane Funny Home Videos

Baby Story Breaking Baby Story Amish: LA Medium Paid Prog. Medium Paid Prog. What Not to Wear

Law Closer Order: The CI ” Law Order: There Yet? CI There Yet? Excused Excused

Sid Science formances Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger Super Brain Rick Steves ” Into the Wild Yellowstone

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

” ”

Clifford-Dog Miss BG

General Hospital

The First 48 ”

Rated A for Rated A for

Andrew Nichols

Deadliest Catch

Law Order: CI

Gown Gown

There Yet? There Yet?

Martha Days of our Joy/Painting Lives




Doctors KNOW The KOMO ” * ` The Dr. Oz

A&E 1









Dateline NBC Today News KING cont’d The 206 New Day Paid Prog. Northwest Summer Hair KING 5 News


Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

Sportsnet Connected

Lilly Dinosaur

The First 48 ”

Almost League/Evil

Power & Politics

MythBusters Anderson ” Live

Randy to the King Rescue King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”

ThisMinute ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judge Judy

The Ricki Lake Show The Doctors Young”&

ATP Tennis: U.S. Open ATP Tennis cont’d: Series:

Rob Robot Jungle Book Bucket-Dino Rolie Polie G. Shrinks

Show The View KOMO” 4

The First 48 ” Criminal Minds Duck D.

Sidekick Squirrel League/Evil SpongeBob

Power & Politics CBC News Now LangWith &

How/Made How/Made How/Made Shred!

Toddlers & Tiaras Baby Story Baby Story Toddlers &

The Office The ce Law Offi Order: CI Big Bang

Cat in the Arthur Sid Science Wild Wild Kratts Kratts

Katie Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGe-

Judge Judy Young & Restless KIRO News

Restless Chef/Home Debt/Part Early News

Duck D. Criminal Minds Duck D.

SpongeBob League/Evil Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob

WordGirl Daniel Tiger Rick Steves Business

neresDay Show New Northwest KING 5

World News The Chew ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The The Dr. Oz Bachelorette Show The View ” KOMO”” 4 News KOMO 4 The News Bachelorette World News The Chew News KOMO Jimmy” 4 News General Kimmel Live Wheel Hospital Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors The ” Bachelorette The Dr. Oz ” Show ” KOMO 4 The News Bachelorette

DuckFirst D. 48 The ” The Glades The First 48 ” ” Longmire The First 48 ” ” Longmire The First 48 ” ” Criminal Duck D. Duck Minds Duck D. D. Duck D. Criminal The Glades Duck MindsD. ” Duck D. The First 48 Longmire The Glades ” ” The First 48 Longmire Longmire ” ” The First 48 Longmire ” ” The First 48 Duck D. ” Duck D. DuckGlades D. The Duck D. ”

SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Team Marvin Rated MarvinA for Rated A for The Next Almost Star League/Evil Celebrity Sidekick Splatdown Squirrel Squirrel Wipeout SpongeBob League/Evil Canada SpongeBob League/Evil The Next SpongeBob Kid Starvs. Kat SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat That’s-Weird Marvin Team Splatalot Marvin Rated A for The Wizard The Rated A for of OzNext Star Almost Celebrity League/Evil Splatdown Sidekick Wipeout Squirrel Canada SpongeBob The Next SpongeBob Star

O’Leary Nair Auction Shred! Reshmi cont’d Auction CBC News To Be ” Announced CBC News Overhaulin’ Now With ” The National Return of Andrew Deadliest ” Jaws Nichols Catch CBC News Voodoo Power”& MythBusters Shark Politics ” The National Shark After Power”& How/Made Dark Politics How/Made CBC News How/Made The National To Be Lang & Shred! Now With How/Made ” Announced O’Leary Shred! Reshmi Nair Auction CBC News To Be CBC To Be cont’dNews Auction ” Announced ” Announced CBC News Overhaulin’ The National Fast N’ Loud The Return” of NowNational With ” ” Jaws Andrew Deadliest Lang & To Be CBC News Voodoo Nichols Catch O’Leary Announced ” Shark Power & MythBusters The National Shark After Politics ” ” Dark Power & How/Made The National To Be Politics How/Made ” Announced Lang News & Shred! CBC To Be O’Leary Shred! ” Announced

Big Bang Law Order: CI Browns

GlobalNews Nat. Noon Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Psych The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Get Out Young Alive ”& Restless Chef/Home Under the Early News Debt/Part Dome Global Nat. Noon News News Hour News Hour Hour Final ” Days of our ET Canada Ent Lives J. Probst ET Canada The Talk Psych ” ” The Ricki Get Out Lake Show Alive Young the & Under Restless Dome

Rogers Cup, Berenstain Arthur U.S. Open Series: Kratts First Round Wild Martha ” Cup, Dino Wild Kratts Rogers Dan First Round Rob Robot ” Battle” Clifford-Dog Bagpipes ” Miss BG MLB Lions Gate Sportsnet Lilly Baseball: Bridge: Connected Dinosaur Toronto Blue Foncie’s ATP Rob Jays Tennis: at First Robot Voices U.S. Open Jungle Book ATP Tennis Bucket-Dino Seattle Emily Carr Series: G. Shrinks cont’d: Rolie Polie Mariners ” Rogers Cup, Arthur U.S. Open Berenstain Sportsnet Coast Salish First Round Martha Series: Wild Kratts Connected Knitters ” Wild Kratts Rogers Cup, Dino Dan Blue Jays Shadow” BattleFirst Round Rob MLB Player ChiefRobot ” Bagpipes ” Clifford-Dog Party Poker Emily Carr MLB ” Lions Gate Miss BG ” Baseball: Bridge: Sportsnet Lilly Toronto Blue Foncie’s Connected Dinosaur Jays at First Voices ATP Tennis: Rob Robot Seattle Emily Carr U.S. Open Jungle Book Mariners ” Series: G. Shrinks Sportsnet Coast Salish Rogers Cup, Knitters Arthur Connected

News 4 KOMO News News

KIRO News Bold KIRO News The CBSTalk News ” Ent Let’s a omg! Make Insider Deal How I Met ThisMinute Broke Girl ThisMinute The Price Broke Girl Is Judge Right Mike Judy Judge Judy Young the & Under KIRO News Restless Dome KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News Bold Show Late CBS News The Talk Letterman Ent ” Ferguson omg! Insider Let’s Make a How I Met Deal Broke Girl ThisMinute Broke Girl ThisMinute Mike Judge Judy Under the Judge Judy Dome

Payne Excused Excused Browns There Payne Yet? There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy The OffiGuy ce Family The Offi ce Law Order: Amer. Dad Big Bang CI Movie: Big Bang Law Order: “Annapolis” Browns CI ” Payne Excused ” Browns Excused Beyond a Payne There Yet? Reasonable Seinfeld There Doubt Yet? Seinfeld King Family Guy King Family Guy The Office Amer. Dad The Office Movie: Big Bang “Annapolis” Big Bang ”

World News Into the Wild Yellowstone PBS Martha NewsHour Joy/Painting Sarah Charlie Rose Brightman: ” Dreamchaser Cat in the Live From Arthur Sid Science Lincoln Wild Kratts Center WordGirl Daniel Tiger Downton Business Rick Steves Abbey World News Into the Wild Revisited PBS Yellowstone Unleash the NewsHour Marthaof the Power Sarah Joy/Painting Female Brain Brightman: Charlie Rose Dreamchaser ” Live From Cat in the Lincoln Arthur Center Wild Kratts Downton WordGirl Abbey

News 5 KING News Nightly News Days News of our Lives Magazine Dr. PhilEd. Inside ” American Katie Warrior Ninja ” Today Get Out Ellen cont’d Alive DeGeneres Show New Day Siberia KING Northwest ”5 News KING 5 News Nightly News News Jay Leno News Days of ” our Magazine Lives Fallon Jimmy Inside Ed. Dr. Phil American ” Ninja Warrior Katie Get Out ” Alive Ellen DeGeSiberia neres ”Show

KIRO News News KIRO KIROShow News Late

Early News News Hour Global Nat. Final

KIRO News Letterman CBS News Ferguson

News Hour ET Canada ” J. Probst

Browns ” Payne a Beyond Browns Reasonable Payne Doubt

Business Revisited World News Unleash the PBS of the Power NewsHour Female Brain

KING News 5 KING News Jay Leno Nightly” News News Fallon Jimmy Magazine Inside Ed.





First Round Blue Jays ” MLB Player ” Party Poker ”

Martha ShadowWild Kratts Chief

Lions Gate Bridge:

Battle-Carr Emily Bagpipes ”

Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada

MLB Baseball:

How I Met Broke Girl

Psych ”

Toronto Blue Foncie’s Jays at First Voices

Broke Girl Mike

Get Out Alive

Seattle Mariners

Emily Carr ”

Under the The Price Is Dome Right KIRO News Young & Late Show Restless Letterman KIRO News Ferguson Bold

Under the The Doctors Dome ” News Hour Chef/Home Final Debt/Part ET Canada Noon News J. Probst Hour

Sportsnet ATP Tennis Connected cont’d: Blue Jays U.S. Open MLB Player Series: Party Poker Rogers Cup, ” First &

Coast Salish Bucket-Dino Knitters Rolie Polie ShadowBerenstain Chief Wild Kratts Emily Carr Dino Dan ” Rob Robot

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Second Round

Clifford-Dog Miss BG

Sportsnet Connected Tennis ATP Tennis: cont’d: U.S. Open U.S. Open Series: Series: Cup, Rogers Rogers First & Cup, First & Second

Lilly Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Rob Robot Rolie Polie Jungle Book Berenstain G. Shrinks Wild Kratts Arthur





Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ” The Price Is The Ricki Doctors ThisMinute Right ” ThisMinute Lake Show Young Judy & Chef/Home Judge Young & Restless Debt/Part Judge Judy Restless



A&E 1

News News World News Jimmy

Duck D. Longmire Duck D. ” KOMO 4Live Longmire The Glades Kimmel News Nightline ” Wheel Jeopardy!

Longmire ”





HarveyFeud Medium Tiaras Family Family Feud Medium Simpsons Cake Boss Raymond Cake Boss Funny Home What Not to Videos Wear Big Bang Cake Boss Law Order: Gown Two Men Cake Boss CI Gown Big Bang Here Comes Anderson Randy to the Two Men Here Comes Live Rescue Raising Cake Boss The Ricki Toddlers & Raising Cake Boss Lake Tiaras How IShow Met Baby Story New Girl Here Comes Steve Toddlers & Paid Prog. Baby Story Mindy Here Comes Harvey Tiaras Family News Feud Medium Cake Boss Simpsons Family Feud Cake Medium 30 Rock Cake Boss Boss Raymond Cake Boss Funny Not&to Sunny Home What Toddlers Big Cake Videos Wear TMZBang TiarasBoss Two Men Cake Boss Law Order: Gown The Offi ce Paid Prog. Big Here Comes CI Gown KingBang of Hill Paid Prog. Two Men Here Comes Anderson Randy to the Raising Cake Boss Live Rescue Raising Cake Boss The Ricki Toddlers & New Girl Here Comes Lake Show Tiaras Mindy Here Comes Steve Toddlers & News Cake Boss Harvey TiarasBoss 30 Rock Cake


SpongeBob The CBCNational News To BeN’ Loud Sunny Simpsons That’s-Weird Fast SpongeBob Announced Raymond Splatalot ”” ” TMZ Marvin The National Return Big Bang The Wizard Lang & To Be of The Office Marvin ” Jaws Two Men of Oz O’Leary Announced King of Hill

Cake Boss Toddlers & Cake Boss Tiaras CakeProg. Boss Paid CakeProg. Boss Paid




The Next Star

CBC News ”

Big Bang Two Men

Here Comes Seinfeld Here Comes Seinfeld

Sarah Brightman:

The National Shark After ” Dark

Raising Raising

Cake Boss Cake Boss

Dreamchaser American Live From Ninja Warrior

Duck D. Duck D.

Wipeout Canada

The National To Be ” Announced

New Girl Mindy

Here Comes Amer. Dad Here Comes Movie:

Lincoln Center

Get Out Alive

The The View Bachelorette ” News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live The Chew Nightline ”

The Glades Criminal ” Minds Longmire Criminal ” Minds Longmire The First 48 ” ”

The Next Squirrel Star League/Evil That’s-Weird League/Evil Splatalot Kid vs. Kat The Wizard Kid vs. Kat of Oz Team

CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Reshmi Nair ” cont’d Lang & CBC News O’Leary Now With

To Be To Be Announced Announced Fast N’ Loud To Be ” Announced To Be Sons of Announced Guns

News How I Met 30 Rock Paid Prog. Sunny Family Feud TMZ Family Feud The Office Funny Home King of Hill Videos

Cake Boss Baby Story Cake Boss Baby Story Toddlers & Medium Tiaras Medium Paid Prog. What Not to Paid Prog. Wear

“Annapolis” Law Order: ” CI ” Law Order: Beyond a CI Reasonable Excused Doubt Excused

Downton Sid Science Abbey Wild Kratts Revisited Daniel Tiger Unleash the Rick Steves Power of the 60s Girl Female Brain Grooves

Siberia Today ” cont’d KING News New Day Jay Leno Northwest ” KING 5 Jimmy Fallon News


The First 48 ”

Rated A for Rated A for

Andrew Nichols

Mayday ”

Law Order: CI

Gown Gown

There Yet? There Yet?

(My Music) ”

Days of our Lives

The First 48 ” Criminal Storage Minds Storage

Almost League/Evil Squirrel Sidekick League/Evil Squirrel

Power & Politics CBC News Power & Now With Politics

Mighty Ships ” To Be How/Made Announced How/Made

Anderson Live HowRicki I Met The Paid Prog. Lake Show Family Feud Steve Family Feud Harvey

Randy to the Rescue Baby Story Toddlers & Baby Story Tiaras

KNOW KOMO ” ” * `

KNOW Hospital KOMO The Doctors * ` ” The View Dr. Oz Show ” KOMO 4 4 KOMO News News

A&E 1

A&E 1






Criminal Storage Minds Storage

A&E 1



Voodoo Shark


Celebrity Splatdown

The Longmire Bachelorette ”

League/Evil Odd Parents Reshmi Lang & Nair Kid vs. Kat cont’d Odd Parents O’Leary KIRO News News Early Noon News News Dino Dan The Chew The First 48 The Kid vs. Kat CBC News News KIRO Martha News Storage Fairly CBC Bold News Global Hour Nat. Rob Robot ” Team Now With KIRO Wild Kratts World ”News Storage OddParents ” The Talk our Second Clifford-Dog General The First NY 48 Rated A for Andrew KIRO News Days News of Hour Round Animals KOMO 4 Storage: Victorious The National ” Lives Round Miss BG Hospital ” Rated A for Nichols CBS News ” ” Dogs News Storage: NY Boys ” Let’s Sportsnet Lilly The Doctors The First 48 Almost Power & Ent Make a The Ent Talk MLB Be the Wheel Barter Kings Babysitting CBC News Deal Insider ET Canada ” Connected Dinosaur ” League/Evil Politics omg! Baseball: Creature Jeopardy! ”” Zoink’d! ” ThisMinute The ATP Tennis: Robot The Dr. Oz Storage Power & NCIS NCISRicki Toronto Blue Rob Monarchy Extreme Barter Kings Sidekick Splatalot The National ThisMinute Lake Show U.S. Open Jungle Book Show Storage Squirrel Politics ” ” Jays at ” Weight Loss ” Zoink’d! ” Judge Judy Young & Series: G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Storage Odd Parents Lang & NCIS: Los NCIS: Los Seattle Blood ” Storage Wipeout The National Judge Judy Restless Rogers Cup, Arthur News Storage Odd Parents O’Leary The Price Is Angeles The Doctors Mariners ATP Tennis Bucket-Dino The View Criminal Squirrel CBC News Angeles Relative ” Storage Canada ” KIRO Early News First & Martha News ” Storage The Fairly CBC News Right News ” cont’d: Rolie Polie Minds League/Evil Now With Person of Elementary Sportsnet Aftermeth Body of Storage: NY Prank Patrol CBC News KIRO News Global Nat. Second Wild Kratts World News Storage OddParents ” Interest ” Connected ” Proof Storage: Patrol Reshmi ” Nair Young & Chef/Home U.S. Open Berenstain KOMO 4 Criminal NY Prank League/Evil KIRO News News Hour Round Animals KOMO Storage: NY Victorious The National Restless Debt/Part Series: Wild Kratts News 4 Minds Kings Kid vs. Kat cont’d KIRO News News Blue Jays Be the News Barter The National CBS News ”Hour ” Dogs News Storage: NY That’s-Weird Boys ” Late Jimmy ” ” KIROShow News Final Noon News Beauty Rogers Cup, Creature Dino Dan The Chew The First 48 Splatalot Kid vs. Kat CBC News Ent Ent MLB Be Wheel” Barter”Kings Babysitting CBC News Bold Hour First &After Robthe Robot Team Now With Letterman ET Canada Poker Blood Kimmel Live Barter Kings Advent.Lang & omg! Insider ET Canada Baseball: Creature Jeopardy! ” Zoink’d! ” Ferguson J. Probst Dark Relative Nightline ” BabysitA for Andrew O’Leary The Talk Days of our Second Clifford-Dog General The First 48 Rated NCIS ” NCIS Toronto Blue Miss Monarchy Extreme Barter”Kings Rated Splatalot The National Lives Round BG Hospital A for Nichols ” ” Jays at ” Weight Loss ” Zoink’d! ” Let’s Make a The Talk Sportsnet Lilly The Doctors The First 48 Almost Power & NCIS: Los NCIS: Los Seattle Blood ” Storage Wipeout The National Deal ” Connected Dinosaur ” ” League/Evil Politics Angeles Angeles Mariners Relative ” Storage Canada ” ThisMinute The Ricki ATP Tennis: Rob Robot The Dr. Oz Storage Sidekick Power & KIRO CHAN U.S. SNP KNOW Body KOMO A&ENY Prank YTV NEWS Person of Elementary Sportsnet Aftermeth of Storage: Patrol CBC News ThisMinute Lake Show Open Jungle” Book Show Storage Interest ” Connected Proof Storage: NY Squirrel Prank Patrol Politics ” _ ( ) * ` 1 6 7 JudgeNews Judy News YoungHour & Series: G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Storage Odd Parents The LangNational & KIRO Blue Jays Be the News Barter Kings That’s-Weird Judge Judy Restless Rogers Cup, Creature Arthur News Storage Odd Parents CBC O’Leary The Price Is Final The Doctors Beauty ATP Tennis Bucket-Dino Jimmy The View Criminal Squirrel News Late Show ” Splatalot ” Right News Early News ” cont’d: Rolie Polie ” Minds League/Evil Now With KIRO First & Martha News Storage The Fairly CBC News Letterman ET Canada Poker After Blood Kimmel Live Barter Kings Advent.Lang & KIRO Global Nat. Dark Second Wild Kratts World Storage OddParents Reshmi ” Nair YoungNews & Chef/Home U.S. Open Berenstain KOMONews 4 Criminal League/Evil Ferguson J. Probst Relative Nightline ” Babysit O’Leary Restless Debt/Part Series: Wild Kratts News 4 Minds vs. Kat cont’d KIRO News News Hour Round Animals KOMO Storage: NY Kid Victorious The National KIRONews News Noon News Rogers Dino Dan The Chew The First NY 48 Kid vs. Kat CBC News CBS ” ” Cup, Dogs News Storage: Boys ” Bold Hour Second Rob Robot ” ” Team Now With Ent Ent MLB Be the Wheel Barter Kings Babysitting CBC News The Talk Days of our Baseball: Round Clifford-Dog Jeopardy! General The First A for Andrew omg! Insider ET Canada Creature ” 48 Rated Zoink’d! ” ” Lives ” Miss BG Hospital ” Rated A for Nichols NCIS NCIS Toronto Blue Monarchy Extreme Barter Kings Splatalot The National Let’s Make a The Talk Sportsnet Lilly ” The Doctors Power”& ” ” Jays at Weight Loss The First ” 48 Almost Zoink’d! Deal ” Connected Dinosaur ” ” League/Evil Politics NCIS: Los NCIS: Los Seattle Blood ” Storage Wipeout The National ThisMinute The Ricki ATP Tennis: Rob Robot The Dr. Oz The First 48 Sidekick Power & Angeles Angeles Mariners Relative ” Storage Canada ” ThisMinute Lake Show U.S. Open Jungle Book Show ” Squirrel Politics Person of Elementary Sportsnet Aftermeth Body of Storage: NY Prank Patrol CBC Judge Judy Young & Series: G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Duck D. SpongeBob Lang News & Interest ” Connected Proof Storage: Prank Patrol O’Leary ” Judge Judy Restless Rogers Cup, Arthur” News Duck D. NY SpongeBob



The Ricki Lake How IShow Met Paid SteveProg.








Licence to Deadliest Drill To Be Catch Announced To Be Wild Flying Announced To Be Alaska Announced I Escaped





Steve Sunny Harvey How I Met TMZ Paid Prog. Simpsons The Office Raymond Family King of Feud Hill Family Feud Big Bang



Little People, People, Little Big World World Baby Story Big Baby Story Who Do You Paid Prog. ” Medium Paid Prog. Medium Who Do You

Mighty Home What Not to Jaws Ships Funny Two Men ” ” Videos Wear

Spawn of Big Bang Mighty Order: Jaws Ships Law Two Men ”

Shark After


So You

Sex, Lies Gown and Zumba Gown

Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Rick Steves WordGirl

New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 5 KING News News

60s Girl Business Grooves World News (My PBSMusic) ” NewsHour Charlie Rose Great Per” formances

Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News

Cat in ”the Arthur 60s Girl Wild Kratts Grooves WordGirl Sid Science (My Music) Business Wild Kratts ” World News A FarmTiger Daniel PBS Rick Steves Story With NewsHour Jerry Apps 60s Girl Great PerGrooves Happiness formances Advantage (My Music) ”” 60s Girl Charlie Rose Grooves ” (My Music) Cat in ”the Arthur A Farm

Katie Hollywood ” Game Night Ellen DeGeAmerica’s neres Show Today Got Talent KING cont’d ”5 News ” New Day Nightly News Northwest KING News News Jay Leno KING 5 Magazine News Inside”Ed. Jimmy Days ofFallon our Hollywood Lives Game Night Dr. Phil America’s ” Got Talent Katie ” ””

Big Bang Doubt” Big Bang Law Order: Movie: CI Browns “Drillbit Payne Law Order: Taylor” CI Browns

Wild Kratts Story With WordGirl Sid Science Jerry Apps Wild Kratts Business Happiness World News Daniel Tiger Advantage Rick PBS Steves

Ellen DeGeKING News neres Show Today Jay Leno cont’d KING ”5 NewsDay New Jimmy Fallon Northwest Nightly News

Excused Payne Excused

Downton NewsHour Abbey

KING News 5 News

There Yet?

Days our InsideofEd. Victor Borge Lives



Seinfeld There Yet? Seinfeld

Who Do You Family Guy



Great PerRevisited formances ”

Dr. Phil Magazine Inside”Ed.





Mayday Dark ”

Anderson Think You Live

Randy” to the King Family Guy Rescue King

Charlie PhilNight 60s GirlRose Dr. Game ” ”

How/Made Catch How/Made

The Ricki ” Lake Show

Toddlers & and Zumba Tiaras

Cat in the (My Music) Arthur


Deadliest Mighty Catch Planes

News Steve 30 Rock Harvey

Who Do You “Beyond Surviving the Big Banga ” Reasonable Surviving the Big Bang

” Wild Kratts A Farm WordGirl

” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show


News Hour Early News Final Global Nat.

Blue Jays Second Beauty Round

Be the Martha Creature Wild Kratts

News News Jimmy World News

ET Canada News Hour ” J. Probst

Poker ”After Dark ”

Blood Animals Undersea Relative

Kimmel BarterD. Kings Victorious Advent.KOMO 4Live Duck News Duck D. Boys Nightline ” Babysit

BarterD. Kings SpongeBob That’s-Weird CBC The National Deadliest Duck News To Be ” Splatalot Catch Duck D. SpongeBob ”” Announced

Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada

Sportsnet Connected

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

Big Brother ”

Big Brother ”

Magazine The Grid

From C to C: Chinese

The Middle Barter Kings Splatalot Suburgatory ” Zoink’d!

The National Shark After ” Dark

Criminal Minds



Indy Highlights

Mod Fam Neighbors

Duck D. Duck D.

Wipeout Canada

The National To Be ” Announced

CSI: Crime Scene

Camp ”

Sportsnet Connected

” ”

ABC’s The Lookout

Duck D. Duck D.

Prank Patrol CBC News Prank Patrol ”

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Blue Jays Magazine

Frontiers of News Construction Jimmy

Duck D. Duck D.

That’s-Weird The National To Be Splatalot ” Announced

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada J. Probst

Party Poker ”

From C to C: Chinese

Kimmel Live Barter Kings Are We Nightline ” Done Yet?



Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ” Sid Science Today Cat in the Katie Wild Kratts cont’d ” Arthur

Letterman KIRO News CBS News Ferguson

Babysitting Zoink’d!



King King Law Offi Order: The ce CI Office The To Be Medium LawBang Order: Licence to Little People, Big Announced Medium CI Bang Drill Big World Big Sons Funny Home What NotYou to Excused To Beof Simpsons Who Do Browns Guns Videos Wear ” Excused Announced Raymond Payne Mayday Law Order: Gown Yet? I Escaped Big Bang Who Do You There Browns ” CI Gown There Jaws Two Men ” Payne Yet? Mighty Ships Anderson Randy to the King Spawn of Big Bang Sex, Lies Seinfeld Live Men Rescue King Jaws ” Two and Zumba Seinfeld How/Made Ricki Toddlers & The OffiGuy ce Shark After The So You Who Do You Family How/Made Lake Show Tiaras The Office Dark Think You ” Family Guy Licence to Steve Little People, Big Bang Deadliest Can Dance Sex, Lies Amer. Dad Drill Harvey Big World Big Bang To Be How I ”Met BabyZumba Story Law Order: Catch and Movie: To Be Simpsons Who Do You Browns Announced Paid Prog. Baby Do Story CI Deadliest News Who You “Beyond a Announced Raymond ” Payne Catch 30 Rock ” Reasonable To Be Family Feud Medium Law Order: IAnnounced Escaped Big Bang Who Do You Browns Family Feud Medium CI Deadliest Sunny Little People, Doubt” Jaws Two Men ” Payne Catch TMZ World Sons of Funny Home Big What Not to Movie: Excused Spawn of Big Bang Sex, Lies Seinfeld Guns Wild Videos WearProg. Excused Flying The Offi ce Paid “Drillbit Jaws Two Men and Zumba Seinfeld Alaska King Order: of Hill Paid Prog. Taylor”Yet? Mayday Law Gown There Shark ”After CI So You Who Do You There FamilyYet? Guy Gown Dark Think You ” Family Guy Mighty Ships Anderson Randy to the King Deadliest Can Dance Sex, Lies Amer. Dad ” Live Rescue King Catch ” and Zumba Movie: How/Made The Ricki Toddlers & The Office DISC KAYU TLC WTBS Deadliest News Who Do You “Beyond a How/Made Lake Show Tiaras” The Office Catch 30 Rock Reasonable

KIRO KIRO News News Late KIROShow News

Duck D. Duck D.


Family Guy Family Guy

Can Dance

Sex, Lies

Amer. Dad

The Office Movie: The Office


America’s Got Talent ”

Sunny Simpsons TMZ Raymond

Little People, Doubt” Here Comes Browns Big World Movie: Here Comes Payne

Story With Business Jerry Apps World News

KING 5 News KING Jay Leno News

LangNational & Flying The Top 10Wild ” Sharkdown O’Leary Alaska

TheBang Office Big Two KingMen of Hill

Paid Prog. “Drillbit Here Comes Browns Raising Payne Paid Prog. Taylor”

Happiness PBS NewsHour Advantage

Nightly” News News Jimmy Fallon

CBC News ”

Big Bang Two Men

Fame Seinfeld Here Comes Seinfeld

Eat, FastLive

Magazine Inside Ed.

MasterChef ”

Raising Fame

Nature ”

America’s Got Talent

MasterChef ”

Here Comes Amer. Dad Here Comes Movie:


America’s Got Talent

News 30 Rock

Here Comes “Drillbit Here Comes Taylor”



Sunny TMZ

Surviving the ” Surviving the Movie:

Prime Suspect

KING News Jay Leno

The Office King of Hill

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Easy Yoga for Arthritis

” Jimmy Fallon

Lang & O’Leary

Great White Serial Killer

To Be Announced

To Be Announced

Family Guy Family Guy

“The Gift” ”

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL

A18 A18

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country Calendar

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


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While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Employment Business Opportunities ALL CASH Drink/Snack Vending Business Route. Complete Training. Small Investment Required. 1-888-979-VEND (8363). RUBBER TRACKS mini excavators, tracked loaders, dumpers, trenchers, horizontal drills. Let’s see what we can do! Trackmasters Canada Ltd. 1-866-553-0090. Calgary 403771-6008. Vancouver 604218-2825.

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking DAY RATE Vac Drivers. Must have all tickets, have knowledge of an oil rig. Also need Class 1 Drivers for vac and water trucks but local work. Must relocate. Class 1 Drivers for gravel trucks and hauling swamp mats also. Benefits after 3 months and competitive wages. Fax to 1-403-8453903. Attention: Rick.




AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 w/ Airbrake • Guaranteed 40hr. Work Week & Overtime • Paid Travel & Lodging • Meal Allowance • 4 Weeks Vacation • Excellent Benefits Package

Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience.

Apply careers and then choose the FastTRACK Application.




Education/Trade Schools TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/ Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.


Employment Help Wanted

Financial Services

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.

FULL TIME MAINTENANCE PERSON REQUIRED This is a permanent position starting immediately at our plant in Princeton, BC. Minimum of 3-5 years maintenance experience required on a variety of production and mobile equipment. Experience in a post mill, or small to medium size sawmill preferred. Must be able to handle a variety of tasks, work well with minimum supervision and be part of the team. Benefits include excellent wage, health spending account and profit sharing. Please submit resumes by fax 250-295-7912 or email Please visit our website at for further information on the company.

GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message. For Information 1-800-972-0209. LICENSED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Nelson Ford, in Nelson BC, is looking for the right technician to service our customers. We offer factory Ford training, competitive wages, and great benefits. Salary dependent on experience $28 - $35/hr based on Ford training. Will consider 3rd/4th year apprentice. Send resume to or fax 250-352-7282

Income Opportunity NOW HIRING! Earn extra cash, demand for simple work. P/T-F/T. Can be done from home. Acceptance guaranteed, no experience required, all welcome!


IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

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Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282

Painting & Decorating WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM

(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 50% and debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!



Samuel Waldron was taken from us unexpectedly on July 22, 2013 on Oyama Lake Road at the age of 17. Sam is survived and lovingly remembered by his mother Doleen, father Bruce, sister Jenna (Rob), grandpa George Kirkpatrick, grandma Andree Waldron, auntie Christina, cousins Ryan (Heather) and their children Luca and Felix, cousin Michelle, grandma Lauretta Waldron and extended family. Sam was predeceased by grandmother Violet Kirkpatrick, grandfather Bob Waldron, uncle Ken Waldron, great grandparents Marienus (Barbara) Verschoor, Renee (AndrÊ) Caritey. Sam was a 2013 GESS graduate, and was in his first year of BCIT Electricity & Industrial Electronics program on his way to a Red Seal. A viewing will take place on Thursday August 1, 2013 between 12:00 ~ 2:30 pm at the Winfield Seventh-day Adventist Church, 11370 Bottom Wood Lake Road. A Celebration of Life service will be held at 4:00 pm at George Elliott Senior Secondary School Gym, 10241 Bottom Wood Lake Road. In lieu of flowers; donations in Samuel’s memory will be accepted at the TD Canada Trust, branch 9365 account # 6022866, his family will create a yearly bursary that they will award in Sam’s memory. Arrangements entrusted to VALLEYVIEW FUNERAL HOME, Honoured Provider of Dignity Memorial 250-765-3147. Written and Verbal condolences may be offered at

rLake Lake Country Country Calendar Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,July July31, 31,2013 2013

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate


Misc. for Sale

Mobile Homes & Parks

Auto Financing

Fruit & Vegetables




250-766-2628 Furniture BRAND NEW Queen Mattress & Box Set. Company coming? Tired of your old mattress? Still in plastic Mfg. warranty 250.870.2562

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB A19 A19

KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit, Complete Room Treatment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available online (NOT IN STORES).


Manufactured Home Specialist 250-859-7264

STEEL BUILDING. Sizzling summer savings event! 20x22 $4,188. 25x24 $4,598. 30x36 $6,876. 32x44$8,700. 40x52 $12,990. 47x70 $17,100. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

Realty Executives OKANAGAN

FACTORY DIRECT Wholesale CSA certified modular homes, manufactured/mobile homes and park model homes, we ship throughout Western Canada. Visit us online at or call 1-877-976-3737.

STEEL BUILDINGS/ Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206.

RV Sites REDUCED SUMMER pricing. Beachfront Avorado RV Resort. New sites for sale $44,500. Co-op Resort w/Lifetime Ownership! Call (250)228-3586 or online at:

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Misc. for Sale

Misc. Wanted

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 250-863-3082 PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670



Other Areas

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557

Cars - Domestic 2005 Chrysler CROSSFIRE.

20 ACRES FREE! Own 60 acres for 40 acre price/payment $0 Down, $198/mo. Money Back Guarantee, No Credit Checks. Beautiful Views, West Texas. Call 1800-843-7537.

RARE! Very low kilometers. Leather. Manual. Great condition. One Year Warranty Remains. Only $13,700 OBO Call (250)-878-4808



Apt/Condo for Rent

2001 Bombardier 2passenger seadoo w/trailer. Good working cond. $2500.250-545-0050

1-A Condo Winfield area, 2bdrm, 1.5 bath, 1025 sq/ft all furnishings & extras, 5appl, exercise room, pool, hottub, dry sauna, next to lake, heated U/G prkg, avail Sept 5 - May 30. $1500/mo + $750 DD. Immediate viewings. NS, NP. 403-803-2577

That’s how many companion animals will need loving, new homes this year. Will you open your home to one?

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL

BC Hydro planned maintenance July 29-Aug 2 Lake Country Power Outages

Turtle Bay Marine Pub (2850 Woodsdale Rd.) has made an application under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act for a change in hours of service. Present Hours Requested Hours Mondays & Tuesdays 10 am – midnight 10 am – midnight Wednesdays & Thursdays 10 am – midnight 10 am – 1 am Fridays 10 am – 1 am 10 am – 2 a Saturdays 9 am – 1 am 9 am – 2 am Sundays 9 am – midnight 9 am – midnight

From Monday July 29th through August 2nd, between the hours of 8am and 4pm, there will be 30-minute rotating outages affecting Lake Country.

The District of Lake Country is soliciting the views of residents and businesses that may be affected by the proposed changes. If you believe your interests may be affected, please forward your written comments, including your address to determine proximity, to:

Visit for updates.

Specific areas affected include the following roads: Pixton, Goldie, Mimac, Pretty, Eva, Stillwater Court, Porter, Parkside, Old Mission, and Ponderosa.

Street Hockey

Corporate Services Manager District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, B. C., V4V 2M1 or via email to Council will consider the application request at the Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Municipal Hall.

Lake Country gets climate action leadership recognition As a signatory to the Climate Action Charter (Charter), the District of Lake Country local government has demonstrated its commitment to work with the Province and the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) to take action on climate change and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in corporate operations and the broader community. The joint Provincial-UBCM Green Communities Committee (GCC) has established the multi-level Climate Action Recognition Program as a way of acknowledging the progress and efforts being taken by local government leaders as they work to achieve their climate goals. As a Charter signatory who has completed a corporate carbon inventory for the 2012 reporting year and has demonstrated familiarity with the Community Energy and Emissions Inventory, Lake Country has been awarded Level 2 recognition – ‘Measurement.’ A formal letter of recognition was recently sent to Mayor and Council acknowledging this accomplishment.

Street hockey is a great way to stay active and have fun with friends. Please note: Hockey is NOT allowed on the tennis courts at Woodsdale Road or Coral Beach. Playing hockey will damage the courts and is not allowed under the District’s Parks Bylaw or the posted rules on the court. The District DOES allow hockey to be played in the Winfield Arena Parking lot and even Swalwell parking lot, provided there are no cars in the way.

Stay connected Follow us on Facebook and check the ‘what’s happening’ calendar of events at to keep up to date on important community messages and fun activities for everyone!

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