Castlegar News, August 01, 2013

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser

Vol.10 Issue 31 •

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Thursday, August 1 • 2013

The “hero” treatment “Three Old Bags” part of for alert young man Artwalk 2013 See Page A14 See Page A13

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Pictured above: evidence of jet fuel in the Kootenay River just above the Brilliant Dam on July 27. Jim Sinclair

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Slocan spill spews fuel across wide area MARVIN BEATTY Castlegar News Reporter

A driver was lucky to escape serious injury after his tanker overturned on a remote forestry service road, spilling almost 35,000 litres of very toxic Jet A-1 fuel into Lemon Creek in the Slocan Valley west of Winlaw on Friday, July 26. A local state of emergency was declared and evacuations of areas around Lemon Creek and the Slo-

can River began shortly thereafter. At one point, almost 2,500 homes were affected by the order. Highway 6, from the junction with Highway 3A to junction with Highway 31A in New Denver was closed until Saturday afternoon. Interior Health has issued a Do Not Use water order for all surface source users on Lemon Creek, Slocan River and the Kootenay River above and below Brilliant Dam to the



confluence of the Columbia and Kootenay Rivers at Castlegar. The Do Not Use order remains in effect until further notice. Residents drawing from wells are not impacted by this order. The City of Castlegar water supply is not affected as water is drawn from Lower Arrow Lake. Dr. Trevor Corneil, medical health officer for Interior Health, said through other media sources that approximately 40 peo-

ple have been treated for minor throat irritation. The fuel involved (Jet Fuel A-1) is a volatile organic compound that in high concentrations (liquid or gas) can cause significant damage to skin, lung tissue, gastrointestinal tissue, and brain tissue. Volatile organic compounds such as these can also exacerbate any chronic diseases such as emphysema, heart disease, and neuromuscular disorders.

The Regional District of Central Kootenay’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) held a public meeting at the Winlaw Community Hall Tuesday night to address issues regarding the spill. Representatives from the Ministry of Environment, Interior Health Authority, Wildfire Management Branch and the company - Executive Flight Centre, which is headquartered in Calgary...

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Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News

Calgary company pledges support for clean-up Continued from P. A1

...were there answering questions from the public. Wayne Smook, senior vice president of airport services at Executive Flight Centre, was reached by phone Saturday, July 27 and said the company was responding as best as they possibly can. “We have the resources necessary to assist in the cleanup,” he said. “We have an exemplary record with fuel and this has certainly taken us aback. We deeply regret the incident and feel for the people locally who have been evacuated. Our hearts go out to them and

The July 26 jet fuel spill occurred near Winlaw, lower centre of above map.

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Information at a website set up by Executive Flight Centre at states Slocan Valley residents in need of starting a claim regarding the spill can contact Leona Ashcroft from SCM claims in Nelson. She can be reached in-person at 2032- 622 Front Street or by calling 250-505-5551, toll free: 1-877-505-5551 or cellphone: 250-505-3523. An incident specific 1-877 number is also being created for residents and will be available this week. For now, email can be sent to info@ or the company can be reached at (403) 291-2825.

Fourth candidate steps into Castlegar council race

Find, browse, share and favourite WKH EHVW Á\HUV ZLWK RXU QHZ Á\HU YLHZLQJ H[SHULHQFH

MARVIN BEATTY View your favourite flyer items in detail, then add them to our new VKRSSLQJ OLVW IHDWXUH and print!

we have concerns for our driver as well.” “We don’t want to speculate on anything at this point in time or get in front of any kind of investigation that will take place from various authorities,” Smook said. “From our standpoint, we want to make sure we cover all our bases and make sure that incidents like this don’t happen again.” A YouTube video posted by Sarosh Stockton — who runs the website — showed a number of small dead fish on the banks of the Slocan River the day after the spill. To date, the video has received over 16,000 views.

Castlegar News Reporter

Castlegar resident and former Revelstoke city councillor, Antoinette Halberstadt, has decided to join those running for the vacant council seat in the City of Castlegar by-election. Halberstadt sat down with the Castlegar News on Sunday, July 28 for an interview about who she is and why she’s entering the race. “I have a history, ever since I was 21 or younger, of wanting citizen engagement and wanting to empower people in the democratic process,” said the retired 64-year-old. “I was born in South Africa which, as you may know, was more or less a police state while I was growing up there, so that issue was really important to me.” Halberstadt, who had previously spent about 22 years in the

Antoinette Halberstadt has decided to run in the City of Castlegar by-election Sept. 14. Marvin Beatty

Slocan Valley and another eleven years in Revelstoke, has lived in Castlegar for slightly more than a year. “I was a councillor for one [three year] term in Revelstoke and absolutely believe I would have been re-elected in a landslide if I had run again,” she said. “But I retired because I was about to retire from my employment as an ambulance paramedic, my grandkids had just moved to Castlegar and everything was in flux. If I had

left mid-term that wouldn’t have been fair [to them].” Halberstadt said that as a Revelstoke councillor she enjoyed going “right to the hub” of groups who wanted or were upset by something. She said by listening and putting her finger on whatever information they wanted to put out, she could show them the processes to best help them. When asked if she was excited to be running for another leadership position Halberstadt said she didn’t see it as a leadership position. “I’m not running for mayor,” she laughed. “I’m a natural community leader but if you’re going to be mayor you have to be dotting your ‘I’s’ and crossing your ‘T’s’ all the time; you’re in the public eye all the time. I do like to be able to kick back a little bit every now and then.” Halberstadt

said people in Revelstoke had asked her to run for mayor but she wasn’t sure if she could weather it. “I was also a leader within my union as an ambulance paramedic,” she said. “I was an ambulance paramedic for 25 years, mostly in the Slocan Valley. I was the unit chief in Winlaw for about six years.” Halberstadt said the first thing that prompted her to look at running was the issue with pesticide use in the city. She said she “stumbled across” the Facebook page for the Citizens for a Pesticide Free Castlegar and Area and thought that as she had helped with a similar issue in Revelstoke, she would offer her assistance. “In no time at all it turned into my taking on quite a leadership role there and it reminded me of how much I enjoy helping people,” she said. She said when one

of the people in the campaign suggested she had an ability to “get things done” and would “vote for her any day,” it started her thinking about running in the by-election. “I want to be councillor in Castlegar because this is where my grandchildren’s future is,” said Halberstadt. “I have many ties here from my years in the Slocan Valley.” Halberstadt said her first instinct in a crisis is “to dive right into the middle of it, take stock of what’s going on, diagnose what needs fixing and get on with it.” The by-election date is Saturday, Sept. 14. The Castlegar News will continue to interviews candidates that step forward. A reminder, too, that the Castlegar Chamber of Commerce is hosting a by-election debate Tuesday, Aug. 27 at 7 p.m. at the Sandman Inn (1944 Columbia Avenue).

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Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013

News IBEW and FortisBC labour deal no closer marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

Rod Russell, IBEW Local 213 spokesperson and business manager, said that he is frustrated with the ongoing strike and discussions with FortisBC about when approximately 240 workers will be able to return to work. Russell spoke by telephone to the Castlegar News Wednesday, July 31 while en route to Kelowna, after he and a small delegation attended labour board meetings with FortisBC in Vancouver. “The company withdrew their application to get rid of the current order [essential services order] and put in a new one,” said Russell. “I think they wanted to get rid of every compromise they had agreed to and I’m not sure exactly why because they aren’t following them anyway.” Russell said the IBEW made an ap-

plication to expand picketing because some work normally done by IBEW was transferred. He said the company provided a letter stating that practice would not be done anymore. The involvement of Mediator Vince Ready is being discussed to try and bring the two sides closer to an agreement and Russell said they are looking at tentative dates of Aug. 21 to 23 to sit down with him. “When we talked about Vince Ready, I presented the company with a return to work proposal,” he said. “No good can come with us being locked out still.” Russell said FortisBC is not following the essential services order and an agreement with them is “not worth the paper it’s printed on.” “They gave us the last offer and we said it wouldn’t be acceptable,” said Russell. “They didn’t believe us and they keep un-

derestimating the resolve of the membership.” Russell said anger and resentment are building and the process has been incredibly frustrating for many. He said there are some people who don’t even want to return to work at this point. “The company doesn’t like to use the word lockout but that’s what it is,” said Russell in an earlier call. “They’ve also got managers who are out doing our jobs and they aren’t always qualified. They’re getting tired.” Neal Pobran, corporate communications manager with FortisBC was reached for comment about the situation on Tuesday, July 23. “It’s been lengthy,” said Pobran. “It started really with job action finalized on June 26, so we’re into about our third week of true job action. During that time, though, we did offer the IBEW


FortisBC employees picketing on Columbia Avenue in Castlegar on Tuesday, July 22. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 213 has been locked out since June 26, 2013. Marvin Beatty

a more competitive offer with no concessions to wages or benefits.” Pobran acknowledged that no dates were scheduled to go back to the bargaining table but said FortisBC was hopeful that something could be set up. He also said he wasn’t sure about Russell’s claims of managers becoming fatigued while covering duties of those on the picket lines. “We have the essential services order

centralized scheduling system and upCastlegar News Reporter dated payroll system, The president of provided by Health the Ambulance ParaShared Services BC medics of British and brought online Columbia has said a in June, caused some new payroll system paramedics and disintegrated with the patchers to experiProvincial Health FILE PHOTO (July 24, 2013): A portion of a BC ence payroll “anomaMarvin Beatty Services Authority Paramedic ambulance. lies” on July 12. has meant some paraBarter said while medics are receiving ing to get paid as a July 24. “We told the there are full-time less pay, while others result of these issues employer, ‘You gotta’ paramedics in the ����������������������� ��������������������������������������� are receiving nothing and a lack of plan- stop, you can’t go live West Kootenays, ning,” said Bronwyn with this.’” at all. many are part-time A statement pro- and there are vary“The union execu- Barter, president of tive recognized there the Ambulance Para- vided by BC Am- ing rate structures were going to be a medics of B.C. who bulance Service ac- for working differthat ent shifts and attendlot of issues and that was reached by tele- knowledged people were not go- phone Wednesday, a new, electronic ing calls. She said the


in place, so there are parameters in there about how long a person can work,” he said. “Also if we do need to call in some help we have that ability as well. If there is a storm or some sort of larger-reaching customer concern, we can do a call out to IBEW members to assist to make sure the power comes back on to our customers.” “We’re open to negotiations,” said Pobran. “Hopefully, we can get back to the table.”


BCAS delayed the date of the rollout of the new system for a couple of months but then laid off payroll people; which meant they couldn’t delay any further. “They transitioned us knowing that people would not get paid,” said Barter. “They went live June 21 and come payday, a lot of people didn’t receive any pay and some people got a decreased amount of pay.” Continued Pg. A7

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Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News


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Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013 A5


Farmer’s Market vouchers to be available through food bank

Columbia Basin Culture Tour Aug 10 - 11, 2013 10:00am - 5:00pm

MARVIN BEATTY Castlegar News Reporter

Deb McIntosh, who co-ordinates the Heritage Society Vendor Market held every Saturday at the Station Museum in Castlegar, isn’t waiting to see if an application to register for the Farmer’s Market Nutrition Coupon Program is successful for 2014. Instead, she has already made arrangements for a local solution. Last week, the B.C. Government announced an additional $2 million for the province-wide program and added 13 new farmer’s markets to the list of those participating. At the time, McIntosh was unaware of the program’s existence and was eager to get an application in. In the interim, she quickly put together a similar program and announced the details on Friday, July 26. “Starting in August, vouchers will be available with the food hampers provided through the food bank,” she said. “They will be good for the following Saturday’s market [at the museum].” The vouchers — $5 (for sin-

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File photo from 2012 depicts Kathy Sperling, left, and organizer Deb McIntosh at the Castlegar Craft and Farmers Market.

Craig Lindsay

gles), $10 (for couples) and $15 (for families) — will be funded through the Community Harvest Food Bank for now and about 200 people will be eligible to participate. The vouchers will be valid at the Castlegar Farmers’ Market on the day stated on the voucher. Vendors will accept the vouchers like cash and the Food Bank will reimburse the vendor at the end of the mar-

ket based on the number of vouchers received. The vouchers will be good for vegetables, fruit, herbs, dairy or eggs and are non-transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash.McIntosh said that she is seeking letters of support from the City of Castlegar and MLA Katrine Conroy to help ensure the application with the government program is successful.

Smell ‘n’ tell 1

For the sake of the animals Rose Cheveldave, (lower step) presents Laurel Mathew with a donation to the Kootenay Animal Assistance Program Society from the Castlegar Garden Club on Friday, July 26. The donation was presented in the expansive garden of Judy Sayers (back right) in Castelgar Also pictured, left, is Nora Jukes.

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Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News


Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Keep the info flowing

Last Friday’s jet fuel spill in the Slocan Valley reminds us how important crisis communications are to those involved in the transportation of dangerous goods. It also serves to remind us that often in a crisis, there is simply no time to do everything perfectly on all fronts, to the satisfaction of everyone involved. Responding agencies simply do the best they can to ensure public safety. With an incident such as this, emergency responders have one goal: getting anyone who may be in harm’s way, out. Hence the reason evacuation orders were issued, then expanded. The RCMP took the precaution of closing highway 6 and the Regional District of Central Kootenay declared a local state of emergency. Some have said none of this happened as fast as it should have. Others say potable water and websites created to provide residents with information were not created fast enough or did not contain enough information. The company involved in the spill sent crews to the site quickly and worked to provide factual information to media sources as they became aware of it. The RDCK, Ministry of Environment, Interior Health and others did likewise. Many crews spent a long night knocking on doors, issuing notices and answering a barrage of questions they may not have had answers to. They deserve a thank-you. In the end, we’re glad the driver sustained only minor injuries and there was no loss of life. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Spots in Time - Gord Turner

Paddling the silvery Slocan I’ve always been charmed by those lines of poetry by Pauline Johnson describing what it’s like to canoe in the summer: “August is laughing against the sky/Laughing while paddle canoe and I.” This year I didn’t wait for the late summer warmth of August to go canoeing on my favourite lake—the Slocan. My canoe partner David and I took two separate trips in July—one with young people I’d never canoed with before, and one with older veterans of the lake. Over the years, I’ve canoed a lot of different rivers and lakes. Perhaps the most memorable was the eight-day trip on the Bowron Lake circuit with my brother and three of my children when they were younger. My memories include the thrill my young children had at every new test of lake or stream. As well, I’ve canoed several rivers (some several times) including the Columbia, the Slocan, the Caribou, and the Kettle in British Columbia. Add to that the Red Deer and Milk rivers in Alberta, and I’ve slipped through many channels and found my way to many take-out spots. Each year I look forward to returning to Slocan Lake. The draw is the Cindy Amaral Production Manager

Sandy Leonard Production

west side of the lake with its wilderness aspects. A number of years ago, environmentalists and outdoors people sought to create a conservancy on the western shores of the Slocan. They were successful in their quest, and so Valhalla Provincial Park was formed. What that means is that no serious logging takes place there, no new roads are being built, and access to the western shore is mainly by boat. True, visitors can hike from Slocan City to the first camping spot at Evans Creek, and major car camping at Wragge Beach exists toward the north end of the lake. But beyond that, canoeists are on their own. Clearly, the Valhalla wilderness on the west side of Slocan Lake represents a retreat from civilization. Here you set up your tent on a bit of gravel, you fix food that may have a few grains of sand in it, and you drink Adam’s good ale from the nearby rushing creek. In our case, David and I drink his boiled coffee that he affectionately calls “Texas” coffee. The limited access to the western shore of Slocan keeps the number of visitors down. The people you meet in your campsite (if any do show up) are other canoeists, kayakers, and boaters out on day trips. You can spend your

Marvin Beatty Reporter

Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate

Chuck Bennett Publisher

evenings watching the trout rise and creating small plips as they re-enter the lake. It’s possible to canoe the entire 30 km. length of Slocan Lake, which can take canoeists from three to five days depending on how much camping they want to do. We’ve done this trip, entering at the north end in Hills or launching from the sand at Wragge Beach. Take-out is at the main beach at Slocan City. Along the way, canoeists have camping sites at major creeks roaring down from the Valhallas—Wee Sandy Creek, Nemo Creek, Sharp’s Creek, and Evans Creek, each with its own waterfall or cascade. Other campsites are interspersed along the lake. If you don’t want to do much canoeing and your focus is on camping, you can launch at Roseberry, New Denver, and Silverton and simply cross the lake to one of the fine camping spots available. Mornings and evenings are the best times to cross the lake as the wind often begins to blow down the lake in the afternoon. There’s nothing finer than setting out on a quiet, early morning on the glassy-smooth, silvery Slocan with only the sound of the paddles dipping, dipping. Jim Sinclair Editor

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Karen Bennett Director of Sales

Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013 A7


Writer suggests pestcide-free lawn care can be more economical A recent “Thanks & Spanks” post, bewailing City parks being watered almost daily while residents are fined if they do so outside of their allotted days, reminded me not only that pesticide-treated lawns need frequent watering, wasting both water and hence tax dollars, but also that the lawns’ dependence on the purchase of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers becomes an increasingly expen-

sive addiction. Evidence shows that converting to organic turf-maintenance, i.e. nurturing healthy soil microbiology and hence strong grass that overtakes the weeds, is cheaper in the long run. More labour-intensive care such as proper aeration, compost topdressing and natural soil amendments, cost a bit more for the first two years and then drop significantly. Vancouver,

Port Moody, Burnaby, Ottawa and Halifax have found pesticide-free care to be cost effective. To quote a rigorous report prepared for members of the New York State legislature in 2010, “the annual cost of maintaining a field using natural products and techniques can be as much as 25 per cent lower than the cost of conventional programs using chemical fertilizers and pesti-

cides. “It can take a few seasons to undo the damage caused by chemical management programs, revitalize the soil biology and let nature do its work,” says the report’s principal author, Charles “Chip” Osborne, a nationally-recognized natural turf expert and Beyond Pesticides board member who serves as a consultant to many New York school districts. “But

once we get the soil biology working for us, we can see some dramatic and significant cost reductions fairly quickly.” I’ve provided this information to our Civic Works department, as well as links to North America’s

foremost advisor on natural turf management, Paul Tukey of, and contacts with pesticide-free municipalities such as Revelstoke, Nelson and Grand Forks. Looking forward to attending this Tues-

day’s 9:00 a.m. Civic Works Committee meeting, at 4500 Minto Road, to hear them digesting and deliberating on this win-win alternative. -Antoinette Halberstadt, Castlegar

The City of Castlegar is seeking a qualified applicant for a second Deputy Chief position within the Fire Department. The successful applicant for this full time position will report directly to the Fire Chief and will fulfill a major role in assisting the Fire Chief in the daily operation of the Fire Department.

Pressure on to fix paramedics payroll

The successful candidate must be proficient and experienced in a leadership / supervisory capacity in the fire service and possess extensive knowledge of firefighting, the Fire Services Act, the BC Fire Code and the BC Building Code. The Deputy Fire Chief must have a demonstrated ability to lead, motivate and train volunteer members of the Fire Department. The incumbent will be expected to work with volunteers to develop an atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork.

Continued from Pg. A3

The Deputy Fire Chief shall perform all duties as assigned by the Fire Chief; coordinate and supervise all department training; respond to alarms, relieve subordinates of command when necessary, direct firefighting, rescues, safety, salvage and overhaul operations; prepare and maintain Fire Department reports; act as Fire Department dispatcher when required; perform highly skilled inspections and regulatory work of a complex nature of premises for compliance with regulations; and, on occasion, act as Fire Chief during the Fire Chief ’s absence. It is a requirement of this position to provide on call coverage during evenings and weekends every third week.

BCAS said to their knowledge all staff have received all or most of their pay from the July 12 pay date and expect the majority of problems to be resolved by August 23. Barter, who lives in Trail and is the chief at the station in Nelson, said what really impacts part-time paramedics around the Kootenays is that a lot of them travel to their jobs in urban centres and it’s costing them money to work. “A lot of them are working their way up to full-time careers and they can’t afford to even get to work,”

she said. “We don’t see them fixing this anytime soon. They’ve actually updated us and said it could be the end of August which isn’t going to cut it for the people paying mortgages and bills. With the jobs paramedics are doing — intervening in people’s lives and saving lives — the last thing they need is the stress of [wondering] can I pay my mortgage, put gas in my car and feed my family.” BCAS said it has issued cheques immediately for any staff who experienced a significant impact to their pay and allocated over 60 staff to work extended hours

in order to solve the problems. District Managers were also assigned to triage the complaints and they said they are doing all they can to improve the system and minimize impact to employees. Barter was contacted for an update on Wednesday, July 31 and said some employees did not receive pay again on Friday, July 26. “The desperate ones are calling us,” said Barter. “Our regional vice presidents around the province are flooded with calls and emails and a lot of people are angry and distraught. We’re losing the calm we

had before — people are getting more frustrated. They [BCAS] told us it’s quicker if they don’t cut manual cheques; it’s quicker if they put it [the owed funds] on the next payroll but then the second pay came through and in some cases it’s still missing from that.” BCAS Central Kootenay Superintendent Chris Mason said he has 14 active equiries as of Wednesday, from a total staffing in the district of 146. Mason said a provincial working group is sharing solutions to issued and paramedics should let a supervisor know if their pay is not accurate.

The preferred candidate will hold NFPA 1001 certification, First Responder Level 3 certification and a valid BC Driver’s License Class 3, plus Air Brake Ticket. Preference will be given to candidates with 5 years local government experience. The City of Castlegar offers a competitive and comprehensive compensation package. With the addition of this second Deputy Fire Chief position, the Castlegar Fire Department will employ three full time staff and is manned by approximately 30 volunteer fire fighters. Fire Department jurisdiction includes a municipal airport and airport firefighting experience is an asset. As this is an emergency response position, the successful applicant will be required to reside within 10 kms of the Castlegar Fire Hall. The successful applicant will be required to provide a driver’s licence abstract, criminal records check and certificate of physical fitness as well as submit to a drug test prior to being offered the position. Qualified applicants are invited to submit resumes with references, in confidence to the: City of Castlegar, 460 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Att: Personnel Officer Phone: (250) 365-7227 Email: Website: by 4:30 p.m., Friday, August 23, 2013. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for the interview process will be contacted.

Stay safe around dams Remember to stay safe this summer when visiting dams and around reservoirs

Register now


AUGUST 17 & 18, 2013

• Avoid fishing, boating and swimming above or below a dam. • Beware of floating debris and concealed hazards. • Use caution walking on slippery banks and shorelines. • Obey all warning signs and stay outside of restricted areas. For more safety tips, visit

A message from the partners of the Cooperative Safety Program


Community Calendar Tell us about your upcoming event by sending an email to or by calling 250-365-6397.

Upcoming saturday, August 3: The Old theatre presents a free movie Dumb and Dmber with Jim

Carrey and Jeff Daniels (PG) at 1:30 p.m. The Old Theatre is located at 185 Columbia Avenue in Castlegar. Visit or find them on Facebook. Tuesday, August 6: Annual Hiroshima Day Commemoration,

6 p.m. at Selkirk College, Castlegar Campus, on the Grounds of MIR Center for Peace. For more information contact: 250-3657805. Sponsored by Kootenay Region Branch United Nations Association in Canada. Saturday August 10: Orienteering event at Castlegar Selkirk

College campus staged by the Kootenay Orienteering Club. Starting times are from 9 - 10 a.m. A fun way to develop map and compass skills. Two courses will be laid out; one for beginners and one at the intermediate level. For more information call Doug Clark at 250-365-3036 or just show up. Tuesday August 27: By-election debate at the Sandman Hotel in

Castlegar 7 - 9 p.m. sponsored by the Castlegar Chamber of Commerce. Friday Sept. 13: KAAP presents RAISE THE WOOF Comedy night at

The Element Club in Castlegar. A night of fun and fundraising for the homeless and needy cats and dogs in our communities. Advance tickets are $20 advance.


ONGOING: The Treasure Shop is

having a money-stretching, big bag sale on all clothing starting Friday, August 2 to Saturday, August 10. Enjoy a variety of high quality garments offered with this summers’ clearance sale! “We’re raisin’ the roof ” of the Treasure Shop soon and final plans for construction are nearing completion. Any monetary donations to this worthwhile project can be dropped off at the Treasure Shop. This is a wonderful addition to our ever so busy and bulging at the seams store. Any amount given is appreciated. Thank you for your household donations and as always, volunteers needed

for any amount of time that can be spared. Pick up the application forms at the Treasure Shop. Check out our new website: ongoing: castlegar Sculpture walk and castlegar art walk:

Visit and or call the Chamber of Commerce Info Centre at 250365-6313 for details. ongoing: Castlegar Garden Club summer meeting schedule

- 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6:00 p.m. at local gardens. For a change of pace, relax over potluck appetizers in a garden setting sharing garden lore. New members always welcome. More info: Rose Cheveldave at 250365-9600 or email ongoing: Kids’ Summer Art Camps at the Kootenay Gal-

lery of Art. July 2, 3, 4 & 9, 10, 11 and August 20, 21, 22 & 27, 28, 29 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Lunch from 12 – 12:30 p.m., please bring your own lunch. Pre-registration is required. $15 per class; supplies included. Sponsored by TECK. More info / registration form link at www. ongoing: JULY - AUG SENIORs ACTIVITIES @ castlegar COMPLEX

MON: 10:00 Darts, 1:00 Whist. TUES: 9:30 Floor Curling/Carpet Bowling, 1:00 Crafts, 7:00 Pool. WED: 9:30 Floor Curling, 7:00 Rummoli. THURS: 9:00 3rd Thursday is Zone 6 Sr. Games meeting, 1:00 Bingo. FRI: 10:00 Qi Gong, 1:00 Bridge/ Crib. Open five days, 9:00 to 4:00 coffee. ONGOING: Robson Flea Market 9

a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday, all summer. New vendors welcome; book early because we fill up fast. We offer a fantastic homestyle breakfast and a large variety of items and treasures. Friends or family visiting? Bring them by. Free door prize every week, silent auction every month and loonie table with great bargains. For table rentals call Lynne 250365-8165. ONGOING: Castlegar Rotary Clubs are looking for host fami-

lies for international high school students. Time frame is 2 - 3 months during the upcoming school term. If interested, call Doug Clark at 250-365-3036.

Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955


Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A great variety of goods from local vendors: fruit and veggies, pies, cinnamon buns, pyrohi, borscht, jams, plants, haircuts, loofa slice soaps and a lot more. Free coffee, too. New vendors welcome. To book a spot (only $5) call Deb at 250-365-6440. Ongoing: Family Caregiver Series, free Alzheimer Society of

B.C. workshop explains effective ways to care for a person with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. Three Tuesdays: June 11, 18 and 25. Robson community School, 3131 Waldie, Robson. Pre-registration is required. Call 250-365-6769 or email Ongoing: Concerts in the Park

in Castlegar at Kinnaird Park. Wednesdays at 7 p.m. from June 12 to August 28. Concessions by the Castlegar Interact Club. Coming up July 31 is That Girl and Earl (easy listening) . More info, call Darlene 250-365-215 Ongoing: All About Breastfeeding Informative support

group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House (behind Chopsticks) in Castlegar, Tuesdays, 10:30 - noon More info: 250-365-3662, ongoing: tops group meets every wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 10

a.m. at Kinnaird Hall 2320 Columbia Avenue. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy and lose weight. Join round table talks, make new friends. Monthly fee of $10. More info call 365-7956. ongoing: sharing dinner pot

All welcome for a hot meal Tuesdays at noon at the Cadet Hall on 8th Avenue in Castlegar, two blocks from the library. No charge. Sponsored by the Stonesoup committee. Ongoing: Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun.

at 10 a.m. (phone Mike at 3658302), Tues. at 7 p.m. (phone Dennis at 365-2738), Wednesday at 7 p.m., (Call Fay at 250687-0484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (phone Jim at 365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (phone Len at 3657805) ongoing: al-anon meets every

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

Monday night AL-ANON is for

people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Meeting every Monday 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info call Donna 365-3168 or Eileen 365-3674. ongoing: legion meat draws every saturday Royal Cana-

dian Legion Castlegar/Robson Branch#170, 248 Columbia Ave. Doors open at 3 p.m., draws 4 - 6 p.m. every half hour with other special prizes awarded. Guests more than welcome and can be signed in by a member. Come out and have fun with great company. ongoing: poker fundraiser at

the Lion’s Head Pub every Tuesday. Games start at 7 p.m. sharp and go until there is a winner. Buy-in is $50, with 25 per cent going to the Happy Liver Society assiting liver transplant patients, and the rest in cash prizes. 20 players max. ongoing: TOASTMASTERS MEETINGS Local Toastmasters club

Sentinel Speakers meets 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fireside Inn Castlegar on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence and have some fun! Guests warmly welcomed. More info call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336. ongoing: Operation Feast es-

tablished in 2012 provides meals for members of our community. All invited for home-cooked meals Thursdays at New Life Assembly Church, 602 - 7th Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, dinner served until 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area located at the back of Church. More info: Carol at 365-5734. ongoing: Mom’s Support Group

* WILL RESUME IN SEPT * All moms welcome to this loosely structured group supporting challenges of being a mom. No referral required. Comments/ queries: Sandi McCreight 250.365.2104 ext. 34





Tuesdays 6 - 9 p.m. at 44th Trail Armory in Shaver’s Bench 19907th Ave. Contact Lt(N) Richard Chanig 250-368-6247. Ongoing: free pool - Everyone welcome Every Saturday at the

Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Co-

lumbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun.

ongoing: friday youth program

at Blueberry Creek Community School. A fun, safe night for kids in the area to watch a movie, play games/sports and hang out with friends. For grades K - 5, 6:30-8 p.m. and for grades 6 and up, 8-10 p.m. Check out the B.C.C.S. facebook page for movie listings and other information or phone 250-365-7201.

ongoing: special olympics castlegar needs volunteers More

info please call 250-919-0757.

Ongoing: USCC Cultural Interpretive Society meets every

Monday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Arts and Crafts Centre, 820 Markova Rd., beside the Brilliant Cultural Centre.

Ongoing: Advocate in Castlegar on Thursdays Questions about

welfare issues, disability benefits, tenancy or family law? A staff person from The Advocacy Centre is in Castlegar every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at Castlegar and District Community Services, 1007 2nd Street. Appointments are encouraged, please call the Centre at 250608-0589 or 1-877-352-5777.

ongoing: need a haircut for a job interview? Brooke will

come to your house and give you a free haircut. Call her at 250-365-2799 to arrange it.


bling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250-608-2254.

Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013 A9


Two little magazines that could submitted

Nelson BC — After 12 years of publishing a local group of magazine makers has landed an extraordinary honour — two in fact. Kootenay Mountain Culture (KMC) has been named Magazine of The Year for BC/Yukon by the esteemed Western Magazine Awards (WMA), an organization that for the past three decades has represented all of the magazine titles throughout BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Yukon. What’s more, KMC’s partner publication, Coast Mountain Culture (CMC), has been awarded the Best New Magazine. “We were really honoured,” says KMC/CMC publisher Peter Moynes, who attended the 31st annual WMAs with Editorial Director Mitchell Scott and CMC editor Mike Berard last month. “The first thing we thought of was all the support we’ve had from so many folks throughout the Kootenays, some for quite a while now — our families, all our readers, contributors and all the businesses who’ve put their trust in us.” “The crowd at the awards let out a huge cheer and applause when we won Magazine of The Year,” says Scott. “We’ve been the little guys that the big guys have been watching. We’ve had all kinds of kudos from all sorts of major league print and web media titles before—everyone from the National Post to National Geographic. But to have been chosen by all our peers for this, well, it’s really something extraordinary.” KMC was up against a number of iconic Western Canadian publications including BC Business, Vancouver Magazine, Western Living and Geist. While the honours






Kootenay Mountain Culture and Coast Mountain Culture publisher Peter Moynes (left) and Creative Director Mitchell Scott. The two magazines were recently honoured by the Western magazines Awards. “To be able to work with so many people in the communities all around us, and help build their businesses, we consider ourselves very fortunate,” says Moynes.


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for that matter.” What onlookers say is most extraordinary about the KMC/CMC product, is the fact both magazines are free, relying entirely on advertising and distribution support. Launched in 2001 as a tiny 28page handout, and today still run from over top Moynes’ backyard garage, Kootenay Mountain Culture (KMC) has been supported by small businesses, resorts and destination marketing organizations from throughout the West and East Kootenay and Columbia regions. Moynes credits the magazine’s well-targeted distribution for the success, noting that the publications are essentially calling cards for the places and people the magazines’ writers and photographers tell stories about. “We live in one of the greatest places in the world. We’re blessed. And to be able to work with so many people in the communities all around us, and help build their businesses, we consider ourselves very fortunate. Our sincere thanks go out to everyone.”

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took the KMC cohorts by surprise, the awards are more than well-earned according to well-wishers at the WMAs and Canadian magazine veterans alike. “When I first saw a copy of KMC, I couldn’t believe how polished a product it was, nor that it had emerged from a small town in B.C., of all places,” says Calgary-based writer Kevin Brooker. A journalist for the past 30 years, Brooker is a multiple WMA winner who contributes to publications including The Globe and Mail, Outside, Powder, ESPN and Applied Arts. “Most of all, however, I was heartened to see that at a time when budget constraints and changing times are forcing a lot of magazines to lower print standards, replace custom photography with stock and reduce their editorial staff, KMC and CMC were forging a really sophisticated visual and literary voice,” says Brooker. “The products go light-years beyond anything that one normally encounters in the mountain/outdoors genre, or most any other genre


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Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News

Provincial/National Privacy and cyberbullying – concerns everywhere the web goes marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

One of nine recommendations within a recently released government report is that a new criminal offence of non-con-

sensual distribution of intimate images be developed. The report, titled Cyberbullying and the Non-consensual Distribution of Intimate Images, was crafted by a govern-

ment working group for the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for Justice and Public Safety. The working group was tasked with reviewing the issue


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of bullying and cyberbullying and, in addition to the new offence, also recommended enhancing current criminal law responses to such issues. The Government of B.C. supports all nine recommendations according to a release dated July 19 from B.C.’s Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton. These include:

A cellphone camera taking a photo of the word “privacy” on a monitor.

Marvin Beatty

vacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham on Tuesday, July 30 with respect to the issue. From a context perspective, Denham was quick to point out that she is mindful of her jurisdiction and any legislative amendments with respect to the Criminal Code of Canada will come from the federal government. That noted, federal and provincial commissioners have been commenting over the years on various lawful access initiatives, the most recent being the failed bill C-30, the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act. “I think the privacy commissioners across the country

- amendments to data preservation demands - new production orders to trace a specified communication - new warrants and production orders for transmission data - improving judicial oversight while enhancing efficiencies in relation to authorizations and warrants “Canadians have every expectation that our laws ensure their privacy and safety when engaging in these activities,” said part of Anton’s statement. The Castlegar News spoke with B.C.’s Information and Pri-

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have shown through joint statements and letters that we are concerned with expansion of police powers and whether or not there are appropriate checks and balances and judicial oversight,” said Denham. Denham said that if and when any of the recommendations from the report make their way into a government policy paper or legislation, then commissioners will weigh in on the issue of whether or not a proper balance between law enforcement powers and privacy is properly struck. The Working Group strongly recommended the Fed-

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eral Government enact investigative tools and procedures to keep pace with modern technology, stating that Canada “lags far behind its international partners” in this regard. Denham said she thinks cyberbullying, and being the victim of cyberstalking, is a significant social problem. “I do think it’s positive that lawmakers are putting their heads together to come up with maybe some practical suggestions on how we update our laws,” she said. “It’s laudable but as privacy commissioner, it’s my duty to keep a close watch on these issues to make sure there’s a balance struck between new powers of enforcement and the individual rights of Canadians — it can’t be a blank cheque.” Denham added that it can take many months if not years to put together major changes to legislation but if and when the Canadian Government moves forward on the issue of cyberbullying, she expects the privacy of Canadians will be protected with appropriate judicial oversight. The full report from the working group can be viewed online: http://www. More information about online safety can be accessed at GetCyberSafe, and

Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013



Happy Birthday British Columbia

celebrate BC DAY

Scout Jamboree report Submitted

Forming the human pyramid are, top to bottom. left to right: Noah Lunn, Jillian Pierce, Skyler Wolbaum, Noah Kilby, Alyssa Christianson, Evan Shears. Submitted

On July 5, six members of 1st Robson Scouts and two leaders left for the Canadian National Scout Jamboree. The week-long Jamboree was attended by over 6,000 people including 3,500 youth. Activities included river rafting and achery. The youth had tasks including preparing meals, clean up and water/garbage duties. Free time in the evenings found them wandering around the X Centre which had booths for information, activities, treats to buy and a general place to hang out

and meet or trade badges. At the end, all had a great time and many of the youth want to attend future Jamborees and maybe even the 2015 World Jamboree in Japan. A lot of money needed to attend this event was raised through scouts popcorn sales and bottle drives; many thanks to Castlegar residents for their generosity. Anyone interested in the scouting program (ages five and up) can contact Dean Christianson @ 250-3657136 or check out the Scouts Canada website at www.

Country collaboration Jason Thomas and Lisa Nicole drew a large crowd to their “Concerts in the Park� event at Kinnaird Park in Castlegar on Wednesday, July 24. Marvin Beatty


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Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News


Shari Ulrich Trio treats Castlegar royally


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It was just over a year ago that Shari Ulrich played to a near sellout Castlegar crowd as part of the legendary Pied Pumkin String Ensemble. She and her bandmates proved at the time the value of experience. Of course talent, originality and work ethic were equal parts of the recipe that had made the trio so successful. Sunday night at the same Castle Theatre Café it was the Shari Ulrich Trio – mixing her own numerous assets with some mighty talented youthful energy supplied by Shari’s daughter Julia Graff and Ted Littlemore - each an outstanding performer in their own right. With an arsenal of

The Shari Ulrich Trio, from left: Julia Graff, Shari Ulrich and Ted Littlemore at Castlegar’s Castle Theatre Café on July 28. Jim Sinclair

strings and keys at their disposal, not to mention beautiful vocals, the three delivered a wonderful show, the likes of which will no doubt delight music lovers in Kaslo and Grand Forks as the crew enjoys a summer Kootenay tour. Featured was a sampling of

Shari’s vast body of work, including some fresh material which is populating a new release being produced by Graff – a student in the masters music program at McGill University. A very decent turnout showed their love for the dynamic and versatile Juno

award-winning Ulrich... they’re probably hoping the trend continues with another of her involvements on the way next July, or hopefully... even sooner. Kudos, in closing, to Lowell and Dean for sticking with it and running such a neat venue.


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Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013 A13

Arts & Culture Castlegar Artwalk 2013 - Artist Bios Formatted by: April Cuffy


NAME: Laura Lindquist VENUE: West Kootenay Regional Airport Terminal (#23) MEDIUM: Paintings – Abstract RESIDENCE; South Slocan HOMETOWN: Sparwood ARTIST STATEMENT: I have always known I would somehow make it back to the mountains. My love for the mountains and the amazing scenery within B.C. always manages to make it into my artwork. While the majority of my recent works have been abstractions, I find I’m drawn to the organic properties of the mediums I use. In my final year of university I did a series of works that related “nature with technology,” which is another interest of mine. Most of the works featured in Castlegar ArtWalk are from this series. I took organisms like cancer cells and extreme closeups of other organic items like leaves and moss, and abstracted them into works where the materials and process I used outweighed the actual imagery. BIO: The Kootenays have always been my home—even though I’ve only been in the area for three years! I’m 28 years old and am originally from Sparwood, B.C., where I lived until I moved to Kamloops at age 10. I graduated from Thompson Rivers’ University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, focusing on painting. I also enjoy photography and always have a camera of some type, be it my cell phone, “point and shoot” or my 35mm Pentax by my

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Three Old Bags, by Louise Skibsted

12-Car Pile-up, by Laura Lindquist

side. All of my landscapes are painted from a photograph I have taken. I find it more fulfilling to put my energy into a painting when the entire composition is my own. With process being the main focus on my most recent works, my medium of choice has been acrylic and acrylic texturebuilding mediums. I do, however, love to paint with oils—I just find them to be a better landscape medium. My inspirations often stem from photographs I take while walking or hiking. My grandmother was also an artist; she too was always painting her surroundings. I have always seen the time I spend painting, as time spent with her. NAME: Louise (Avril) Skibsted VENUE: Connects Wireless (#14) MEDIUM: Paintings – Acrylics RESIDENCE: Trail ARTIST STATEMENT: Art, for me, is meant to be shown and shared. Art is for all to enjoy and feel free to create without judgment. It is easy to become hypnotized by the fast-moving images that

Gallery get-go

bombard us daily. It’s a challenge to ignore their impact. By contrast, visual art invites us to stop, to see what is there and find meaning in standing still—observing. I see art as a way to focus, and an expression of inspiration. I want to create something beautiful through colour, form and composition. It’s something that is fun and satisfying. It’s something to show, to share and to enjoy. NAME: Mary Kate Woodward VENUE: Dundee Wealth (#16) [Solo Exhibition] & Central City Shoes (#7) [Robson Painters Exhibition] MEDIUM: Ink Drawings RESIDENCE: Castlegar YEARS ACTIVE: 12+ years ARTIST STATEMENT: Living things, people, animals and plants; their poses, gestures and personalities are the subject matter for my drawings.They are the inspiration for the lines, each one of which must accomplish its purpose, none of which may be wild or superfluous. A line may express one or more parts of a subject. Where there is more than one subject in a drawing, one line will sometimes describe parts of two subjects, blending the two. The line is the object of the artwork; the subject an excuse for its placement.

An opening night reception for “Miscreants - Mischievous and Defiant, Mixed Media by Scot Bullick” was held on Friday, July 26 at the Kootenay Gallery. The show continues until Sept. 14. Pictured above from left, gallery curator Helen Sebelius, gallery executive director Val Field and artist Scot Bullick. Barb Sinclair

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Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News

Community Keen sense of smell proves valuable JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

W I N T E R 2 0 12 / 13







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S U M M E R 2 0 13





Eleven-year-old William Watt Jr. is an active and outgoing young man, with the sort of qualities displayed by many kids his age. But a chance encounter with dangerous levels of explosive gas fumes has brought him into the limelight. William happened to be cycling with his dad by Castlegar Primary School last week when he smelled what he knew didn’t belong - an odour many people recognize and, those who don’t, don’t like. “We were riding by the Pictured above from left, track operator Mark Froley, Bill Watt schools (on 7th Avenue in and William Watt at Froley’s track, 454 Ooteschenia Road. WilCastlegar) when my son liam caught a whiff of natural gas while cylcing in Castlegar, slams on his brakes,” recalled preventing what could have been an exloding school. Jim Sinclair the elder Watt. “I kept going dalism, was safely and effecTh e track is a very well setabout a half a block further tively dealt with and the valup facility for RC (radio-conthan him and looked back. ue of young Watt’s role in the trolled) racing fans. He’s walking up to the school. drama has not been downHe called me over and asked played in the aftermath. if I could smell gas. I said no, “I heard about The episode contained inbut as soon as I got closer to what Bill Junior gredients that could have led the school I could smell it. did, and wanted to a catastrophe had things So we phoned the 1-800 to offer him a played out diff erently. number for the gas compachance to come “That’s quite an important ny.” out and race thing, ” stated Castlegar Fire A part of the series of in the novice Chief Gerry Rempel on July events following the incident class...” 26. has been the invitation for “When a building fills up William to be a guest comMark Froley with natural gas like that, it petitor at a local mini-race doesn’t take a lot to ignite it. track in Ooteshenia, namely “When it’s in an enclosed Bill Jr. will be eligible the 454 Offroad Raceway lospace it is certainly quite exfor the car raffl e to be held cated behind the West Kooteplosive. ” during the scheduled action nay Regional Airport at 454 The chief signed off with on the BC Day long weekend. Ootischenia Road. hearty kudos for the young “I just think the sport’s “I heard about what Bill Watt’s nose. pretty cool and it’s fun to Junior did,” said track oper“If he had of not detected ator Mark Froley on Friday get out and race these little it, who knows? That could cars, ” said Bill Jr. of the units afternoon, “and wanted to ofhave been going all night,” that can cost anywhere from fer him a chance to come out said Rempel who added that $200 to $1,000. It’s not all and do a race in the novice Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 detonation could have ocnew to the youth as he has class Prenatal: of our radio controlled Wed., Jan. 28 curred with a tiny spark from a gas-powered car he’s put carPrenatal: event.” Wed., Jan. 28 OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 a fl ipped light switch, or pilot through a fair number of William will have a new Prenatal: Wed., Jan. OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 28 light from a gas appliance. spin-outs. (and fast) car1:under his conOFA Level Jan. 30 Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: The incident with the leakIt will be a good memory, Level Jan. 30for Sledders: trolOFA and he 1: was getting the Avalanche Awareness Jan. 31 for young Bill – the day his ing gas, strongly suspected to hang of 31 it onAwareness July 26, doing Avalanche for Sledders: Jan. Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: nose came to the rescue. have been the result of vanquite Jan.well. 31 Prenatal Jan. 31 Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb.Feb. 4 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 5 Avalanche Feb. Occupational FirstSkills Aid LevelTraining:: 1 August 9, 2013 Avalanche Skills Feb. 5 17, 2013 Become an ArtistEducation in 5 days Training:: Financial Series: Feb. 5August Occupational FirstEducation AidWed., Level 3 Series: 2013 Prenatal: Jan. 28Feb. Financial 5August Transportation Endorsement Dec. 5 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 19, CPR Level HCP September 7, 2013 Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 Feb. Transportation Endorsement Dec. 5 Financial Education Series: 5 EarlyEbay Pregnancy September 11, 2013 Basics: Feb. 10 OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 Occupational First Aid Level 1 September 14, 2013 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Prenatal-Early Class Dec. 8 OFA 1: Jan. CPR Level HCPLevel September 15, 2013 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 30 Prenatal-Early Dec. 8 Prenatal SeriesYourClass September 18, 2013 Green Home From Low Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: Green Your Home FromLow Low Tech to 20, 2013 Traffic Control September Green Your Home From Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: High Tech: Feb. 12 OFA Level 1 Safety: 15 Canadian Firearms Non-Restricted September 21, 2013 Green Your Home toDec. Jan. 31 High Tech: Feb. 12From Low Tech High Tech: Feb. Restricted 12 OFA Level 1 Safety: Dec. 15 Canadian Firearms September 21, 2013 Jan. 31 High Tech: Feb. 12 Mushroom Talk September 24, 2013 Learn Draw in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412September Prenatal Refresher Learn totoDraw in 18hours: hours: Feb. 12 25, 2013 Learn Draw in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 Ballroom Dancing September Learn totoDraw in 18hours: hours: Feb. 12 27, 2013 CORE Hunter Training September 28, 2013 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. Painting Natural 15 Painting Natural Elements:Feb. Feb. 15 5 28, 2013 Geocaching for Families Elements: September Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 28, 2013 Fitness Leadership Certification Program September FitnessFinancial Theory September Education Series: Feb. 5 28, 2013 CPR Level C Financial Education Series:September Feb. 528, 2013 Learn to Draw in 18 Hours September 29, 2013 Basics: CloudEbay Computing Module 1Feb. 10 September 30, 2013 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Call 250.365.1208 or visit Green Your forHome details From Low Tech to

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Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013 A15


Bagels and Brew is renewed in the Kootenay Crossing Mall


Castlegar News Reporter

The smell of Oso Negro coffee may be the first thing you notice when you walk into the newly reopened Bagels and Brew in the Kootenay Crossing Mall in Castlegar. Either that, or your eye will be drawn to the outstanding artwork on the walls, the cheerful staff behind the counter, the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner or perhaps even someone interesting in the line-up waiting for take-out. “I want Bagels and Brew to be the spot where people come to get a great cup of coffee, hang out or take it with them, a fantastic homemade meal, breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or a homemade baked goodie,” said new owner Sarah Holliday on Monday, July 29. “We are working on some grab and go lunch items for you to take to work when you grab a coffee in the morning. We definitely have some healthy options, not everything, but it’s definitely all homemade.” Holliday has extensive experience in the restaurant industry, with four years at Boston Pizza as a server, supervisor and cook. She also ran the cafeteria at the high school in Nelson for two years. “It’s pretty fastpaced feeding 500 kids a day,” she laughed. With seating for about 25 in the bright eatery, there’s ample space to sit and enjoy a specialty Just tuned in?

coffee, matcha lemonade, smoothie, or choose from a number of food items. If you’re an early riser, the restaurant is open from 6:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Monday to Friday and a toasted bacon breakfast bagel or wrap may be the perfect start to the day. The restaurant also offers catering services and all of the three full-time and one part-time staff do the cooking and baking.

our interview, with Pura Vida Foundation founder Nathan Beninger decorating the walls with photography from around the world. “It’s pretty amazing thing he’s dedicated his life to,” said Holliday. “Bagels and Brew is teaming up with the Pura Vida Foundation to raise money from sales of the artwork to fund a shelter for abused

and impoverished children in Peru. Part of our revenue and all the photography sales will go to this amazing organization.” The restaurant is also a stop on the Castlegar Artwalk with a display by artist Michael Kelly. Bagels and Brew is at Kootenay Crossing Mall, 108-1983 Columbia Ave. near McDonald’s and Boston Pizza.

The new owner of Bagels and Brew in Castlegar, Sarah Holliday, left, with employee Angelica Baur. Homemade is the key ingredient for breakfast, lunch, dinner, baked goods, take-out or catering options.

Marvin Beatty

“I want Bagels and Brew to be the spot where people come to get a great cup of coffee, hang out, or take it with them.” Sarah Holliday If relaxing weekends are more your style, pop in on Saturday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. for lunch or an early dinner or Sunday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. “We have sandwiches, soups, salads, bagels, wraps and paninis,” said Holliday. “We’re planning to offer a lot more gluten-free items, too.” Holliday stressed that everything at Bagels and Brew is homemade and that she was looking forward to growing the business in Castlegar. “I hope it gets huge,” she laughed. “ I’d like to see the catering pick up and we will definitely be doing a lot more baking.” The shop received a nice facelift on the day we were there for



If you see a wildfire call *5555 on your cell. Nearly half of all wildfires are preventable. Please, be responsible in our forests.

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Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News

The Castlegar Aquanauts would like to give a HUGE THANK YOU to all of the sponsors of our 2013 swim meet. We couldn’t have done it without you! •A & W •Acupuncture & Natural Health Clinic •AM Ford Trail •Andres Audiotronic •Arbonne •Arby’s Restaurant •Arrow Glass •Arrow Lake Veterinary •Avenues Hairdesign Ltd. •Back In Balance •Baker Street Menswear •Bank of Montreal •BCAA •Birchbank Golf Course •Blue Sky Imports •The Brick •Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza •Canada Safeway •Carsen-Weir Plumbing •Castlegar News •Castlegar & District Recreation Centre •Castlegar Golf Club •Castlegar Toyota •Castlegar Veterinarian Hospital •Celgar •Chopsticks •Cotton Creek Clothing •Cottonwood Kitchens



•CIBC •City Furniture •City of Castlegar •Common Grounds Cafe •Cydney’s Fashions •Dollarama •Downtown Shell •Eddy’s - The Music Store •Element Night Club •Ely’s Boutique & Gift Shop •Epicure •The Gift Box, •Glacier Honda •The Greek Oven •Heritage Credit Union •JJ’s Fashions •Kalawsky Pontiac Buick GMC •Kaslo Suffer Fest •Kel Print 2000 •Kootenay Centre Cinemas •Kootenay Chrysler •Kootenay Cycling •Kootenay Market •Kootenay Optometry •Kootenay Savings Credit Union •Kootenay Smile Studio (Dr. Peter Lawczynski) •Little Bear Golf Course •M & M Meat Shop •Mallard’s Source for Sports

•Max and Irma’s Restaurant •McDonalds - Castlegar •Mountain Baby •Mountain FM •Mountain High Lighting •Mulligan’s Restaurant •Nealy O’Brien’s Pub •OK Tire •Otter Book Store •Partilite •Pharmasave •Photography By David •Power By You Cross Fit - Nelson •The Preserved Seed Café •Sears - Nelson •Selkirk College and Book Store •Selkirk Massage Therapy (Curtis Verigin) •Serendipity Nail Studio •Shell - Woodland Park •Shoppers Drug Mart •Steeped Tea •Subway - Uptown •Super 8 Hotel •Thirsty Duck •Tim Hortons •Through the Looking Glass •VanHellemonds •Yule Anderson

A clearer picture “Look for the swoopy roof” was the direction given to patients of Castlegar Chiropractic & Health and the clients of Kootenay Career Development Society/Work BC Employment Services Centre who were looking for their building. But with new signage recently installed, staff at both businesses can now point people in the right direction. Standing beside their new signage: Dr. David Bzdel, Castlegar Chiropractic & Health, Jan Wright, Executive Director KCDS/WorkBC, Joanna Swanson-Kutasewich, Manager, KCDS/WorkBC Employment Services Centre, and Leni Normington, Employment Counsellor. Submitted

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Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013 A17




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Jiu-Jitsu joy Castlegar’s Dan Nillo, left, took home one gold, two silver, and one bronze, and won the open weight absolute division for no Gi Blue Belts at the “Okanagan Summer Classic Jiu-Jitsu Tournament” held at Sunplex Arena in Kelowna on Saturday, July 20. Coach Ben Jolicouer, middle, holds the second place overall team trophy for the kids/teens combined rankings. Jake Rudkoski, right, won two golds and a silver in the absolute division, losing only once in the tournament to teammate Nillo in the finals. Kootenay Jiu-Jitsu Academy is located inside Peak Physique in downtown Castlegar and is always accepting new students. For more information contact assistant coach Ken Postnikoff at 687-1654. Submitted

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Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News

Sports Great conditions for Sunflower Men’s Open; trophy off to Kelowna in Castlegar while Finlay was golfing, won the ladies tournament in the late ‘90s. Al Knutson, who plays to a stellar 3 handicap, grabbed the Low Net trophy and an R1 of his own, with a tournament total of 145. Sponsors were exceedingly generous with prizes for the 53 attendees with no less than 18 prizes (including golf bags, clubs, dozens of golf balls, overnight accommodation, clothing, etc.) handed out

marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

The Castlegar Golf Club & RV Park played host to the annual Sunflower Men’s Open on July 27 and 28 and Finlay Young, who plays out of the Harvest Golf Club in Kelowna, took Low Gross honours with a two-day total of 149. Young, a scratch handicap, took home not only the big trophy but a TaylorMade R1 Driver for his links prowess. Interestingly, Ronda Young, who enjoyed the weekend

on Sunday. During the tournament, there were also prizes for closest-tothe-hole, long drives, and big cash up for holes-in-one which, perhaps happily for those sponsors, went unclaimed. The long-drive winner by the way, was Josh Coletts, who somehow smashed a dimpled missile 369 yards at the range. The golf course had a free practice round for all participants on Friday, a steak barbecue dinner on Saturday and dining

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

Castlegar & District Recreation Department August Drop In Fitness Schedule Monday


8:30 – 9:30am Deep Water Workout 9:00-10:00am Circuit Strength 6:00-7:00pm Ultimate Kickbox 9:00-10:00am Step to It 9:00-11:00am Health & Recovery 6:00-7:00pm Body Blast

Wednesday 8:30 – 9:30am Deep Water Workout 9:00-10:00am Circuit Strength 6:00-7:00pm Wheels & Weights Thursday

9:00-10:00 9:00-11:00am

Step to It Health & Recovery


8:30 – 9:30am Deep Water Workout 9:00-10:00am Circuit Strength

Admission to all Drop In Fitness Classes is by: 1 - 3 - 12 month Membership Passes or $6.00 LAST DAY FOR SUMMER DROP IN FITNESS CLASSES IS AUGUST 16TH. CLASSES WILL RESUME FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER.

August Public Swim Schedule Monday – Thursday

1:00-4:00pm & 7-8:30pm


1:00-4:00 ($2.00 & $3.00 admission)

4:00-8:30pm Saturday







Summer Programs for Kids










specials all weekend. Golfers also enjoyed an Arby’s bagged lunch on Sunday as they made their way from the 9th hole. Craig Stocker and the course maintenance crew did an outstanding job and the course was in magnificent shape for play. Thanks were extended to tournament organizers Gordon Boyd, Florio Vassilakakis, Ryan Byers, Bergen Price, Brian Miller (GM), Pat Biln (Head Golf Pro), Tanja Espenhain, Brian

deVooght, all of the golf and clubhouse staff and the 18 volunteers who stepped up to ensure the weekend was a success. Sponsors of the event, in no particular order, were: RHC Insurance Brokers, Ltd.; Hall Printing; AM Ford; ClubCar; Super 8; Martech; Element Club Bar & Grill; Cana Reinforcing; Kal Tire; Sandman Hotel - Castlegar; WSA Engineering; Soligo & Associates LTd.; Venture Mechanical Systems Ltd.; Arby’s.

2013 Sunflower Open winners Al Knutson and Finlay Young, with trophies, with tournament organizing committee members Florio Vassilakakis, left, and Gordon Boyd.

Knutson, second from left, won for Low Net and Young won for Low Gross at the annual tournament held at the Castlegar Golf Club & RV Park July 27 - 28.

Marvin Beatty

Midget Lacrosse wraps up in PoCo staff writer Castlegar News Reporter

The West Kootenay Midget Lacrosse season has come to an end with the teams competing in provincials in Port Coquitlam last weekend. The Midget squad played hard against other regional representative teams and Team photo of the 2013 West Kootenay Minor Lacrosse Wolfpack battled to the final midget lacrosse team. submitted buzzer — narrowly missing out of the never even played a Frith was hon- Castlegar from Grand medal round due to team sport before. oured with the “Most Forks twice a week a last minute goal by “The way this group S p o r t s m a n s h i p ” during the season. Langley. The Coaching staff of players gelled as award while at the This years’ team a team was truly re- coast. The award is wanted to congratuwas composed of kids markable,” said head voted on by all head late the players on a from West Kootenay / coach Tom Frith in an coaches in the same fantastic season and Boundary; some had email. “They battled division during the appreciate their comnever played lacrosse the competition every tournament. mitment to the probefore and2.833 othersxhad gram. shift. ” Frith traveled to 4” - Black Press

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Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.

Funding provided through the CanadaBritish Columbia Labour Market Agreement.

Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sports Whitecaps FC announces Kootenay Academy plans for the fall Submitted

Vancouver Whitecaps FC regional head coach David Broadhurst will be in Nelson from August 10 to 18 to lead the evaluations for the Whitecaps FC Kootenay Prospects Academy. Boys and girls ages U-10 to U-18 will have the opportunity to be evaluated for selection and invitation to the Kootenay Prospects program, which will include up to four boys and four girls training groups with 16 to 20 players per training group. “We really enjoyed our inaugural year in the Kootenays and learned more about how the program can have the greatest impact and benefit for local players,” said Whitecaps FC director of soccer development Dan Lenarduzzi. “Based on that we have made some adjustments this year that will provide a regular Whitecaps FC presence in the Kootenays, more regular contact with the players and increased A19





Action during a game between Vancouver Whitecaps FC and Portland Timbers on Bell Pitch at BC Place Stadium in Vancouver, B.C. on October 21, 2012. Bob Frid - Vancouver Whitecaps 2012

communication.” The program, including all sessions, will be run by Whitecaps FC Okanagan regional head coach David Broadhurst and will include a 10-month program with three phases, running September through June, with weekly training sessions. There will also be one travel weekend per phase, which last year included an MLS weekend in Vancouver featuring an on-field training session and a Whitecaps FC MLS match. “The club’s desire is to have an overall regional program strategy that will allow the Prospects

Academy to be accessible to the best players in the Kootenay region,” said Broadhurst. “In this coming 2013-14 cycle, we will operate a West program which will primarily be open to players from Nelson and Kootenay South. The objective will be to work towards a similar East program for the fall of 201415. This will then provide the ability to connect the two programs for select training and events.” Whitecaps FC currently provide technical services to the Nelson Youth Soccer Association and hope to expand these

services to other areas of the Kootenays. To be selected for the Whitecaps FC Prospects Academy, all players must register for the evaluation process. Evaluation sessions will be held at Lakeside Park in Nelson during the weekends of August 10 and 11 and again on August 17 to 18. Players interested in registration for the evaluation can visit and select Kootenay Academy or contact David Broadhurst at dbroadhurst@ or by phone at 250-5505489.

250-352-5331 Aug 1st - DJ Bryx Free Show Aug 2nd - Stickybuds w/ Ben Fox Aug 3rd - Five Alarm Funk with Cass Rhapsody Aug 14th - The Funkhunters, Tim Wisdom & K-Lab Aug 15th - Nicoluminous with Guests Aug 16th - Erica Dee with Guests Aug 17th - Hoola’s B-day Shaker w/ Special Guests Aug 22nd - Ash Grunwald Aug 23rd - Shred Kelly w/ Tofu Stravinski Aug 24th - The Faraguna Brothers then DJ Jesse Lee

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1 Easy job 9 EMS destination 13 Extremely puffed-up quality 14 Poker starter 15 Choice words for gamblers 17 As per 18 Highway sign word 19 Often-farmed fish 21 Monocle, essentially 23 “Spring ahead” abbr. 24 Ones falling in alleys 25 See 47-Across 27 Misfortune 28 Network offering home improvement advice 29 “__ they’ve canceled my blood type”: Bob Hope 32 Honey in Dijon? 33 Choice words for super-patriots 37 Geraint’s wife 38 Trattoria preference 39 In-flight display no. 40 Geraint’s title 41 Rig

45 Pair 47 With 25-Across, wine 48 Mountain topper 49 Warrior in “Rashomon” 51 Queen’s consort 54 Has been 55 Choice words for anglers 58 Inner: Pref. 59 Galápagos denizen 60 Methods 61 Left helpless


1 NASA space observatory named for a Renaissance astronomer 2 Galápagos denizen 3 Pointillist’s unit 4 Like the cat that swallowed the canary 5 Spanish morsel 6 José’s ones 7 Douglas __ 8 Hot retail item 9 Schlep 10 Ready to pour 11 “What was I thinking?!” 12 Charlemagne’s

father 16 Popular 17 Calculus prereq. 20 To this point 22 Caught a glimpse of 23 Choice words for those out of options 26 U.K. record label 27 Warm tops 30 Bus sched. entry 31 Man cave, e.g. 32 States as truth 33 Detective’s needs 34 Not many 35 Carrot nutrient

36 QB’s statistic 42 Showing poor judgment 43 Like easier-to-swallow pills 44 Elec. units 46 Failing the white-glove test, say 47 Way of the East 50 Sigma preceders 51 Hamilton foe 52 She rode on Butch’s handlebars 53 Dark, poetically 56 Camper’s bed 57 Succor

Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013 A20

Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News A19


Your community. Your classifieds.


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Cards of Thanks Kinnaird Park Community Church would like to thank all our awesome sponsors who helped make our 12th annual High Power Camp happen! Safeway Kootenay Market CIBC M & M’s Castlegar Public Works 7-11 Shoppers Drug Mart EZ Rock Kootenay Valley Water & Spa Canada Summer Jobs Kootenay Centre Cinemas Coleman Excavating

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Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Class 1 Drivers for the Castlegar area. Applicants should have LTL & P&D driving experience and must be familiar w/the West Kootenay region.

Lost & Found LOST/STOLEN from the Castlegar Pool 2 Cell Phones - iphone 4S with crack on the back & jewels case and Black Berry Curve $100 reward for return to RCMP or Castlegar Pool No questions asked Please call Woodie 250-352-5700 or 354-8110


We Offer Above Average Rates! To join our team of professional drivers please drop off a resume and current drivers abstract to Ashley at our Castlegar terminal: 1360 Forest Road Castlgar, BC V1N 3Y5 For more info, please call, 250-365-2515 Van-Kam is committed to employment equity and environmental responsibility. We thank all applicants for your interest!

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Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

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Part Time Care Giver needed for physically disabled young man, salary, email resumes to Barb Mark at 250-358-2266




Help Wanted

is looking for Part-Time Cooks. Please apply in person with resume after 10 am

Dishwasher/Delivery Person Greek Oven (back door) ask for Peter, Tues - Saturday 9 am - 11 am 400 Columbia Avenue

Industrial Painters

are required by leading union contractor Challenging project work across western Canada and locally. Please forward resume to

Taaryn Miller

Who graduated with honours from the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton) in the nursing program May 29, 2013 Taaryn is currently working at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary on a cardiac surgical floor

In Memoriam

In Loving Memory of DRIVERS WANTED

AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 w/ Airbrake • Guaranteed 40hr. Work Week & Overtime • Paid Travel & Lodging • Meal Allowance • 4 Weeks Vacation • Excellent Benefits Package

Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience. Apply careers and then choose the FastTRACK Application.

HIGHWAY OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway Owner Operators for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package. To join our team of Professional drivers, email a resume, current driver’s abstract & details of truck to: or call Bev at 604-968-5488 or Fax: 604-587-9889 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility. We thank everyone for applying, however we will only contact candidates that interest us.

Andrew Lee Evans, or Andy as his friends knew him, has left us at the young age of 28. Andrew was born on March 19, 1985 in Trail B.C. On July 10, 2013, after an unfortunate whirlwind of events, the unruly Columbia River took his life. Andrew was a down-to-earth, loving guy who never lost his inner child. He loved going on adventures with his family and friends. He loved spending time up in the Pend d’ Oreille where he and the family spent most of their early years together taking advantage of everything the area had to offer. Andrew will be deeply missed and remain in our hearts forever. He leaves behind his parents Dobie Evans and Laurie McCarthy, Tammy Evans and Lee Guenard, sister Alisha Evans and nephew Keydon; his grandparents Donna Evans and Mervin and Ann Neil; his girlfriend Sam Sakuluk, along with many aunts, uncles and cousins on the Neil and Evans side. He is predeceased by his beloved grandfather Larry Jack Evans. May you rest in peace, our little boy, your spirit is free to go wherever you wish. A celebration of Andrew’s life is being planned and will be announced at a later date.

By shopping local you support local people.

Love from your family!

In Memoriam


Andrew Lee Evans

Castlegar Golf Course Clubhouse

Congratulations to

In Memoriam


In Memoriam

In Memoriam

In Loving Memory of My Sister

John Sofonoff October 9th, 1920 - August 1st, 2012 Though it has been one year since you passed, We silently grieve and brush away our tears. The love you gave and the things you did, Remain as memories in our hearts we will never forget. Still missed, still loved & always dear, Dad, Deda, and Brother John, you are ever near. Sadly missed by your family.

Catherine Louise Polonikoff July 17, 1961 – August 4, 2012 If tears could build a stairway And memories were a lane We would walk right up to heaven And bring you back again No farewell words were spoken No time to say goodbye You were gone before we knew it And only God knows why Our hearts still ache in sadness And secret tears still flow What it meant to lose you No one will ever know But know we know you want us To remember all the happy times Life still has much in store Since you’ll never be forgotten We pledge to you today A hallowed place within our hearts Is where you’ll always stay

Always In Our Hearts

Laurisa, Stuart, James and Travis

A20 Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013


Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News A21



Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Wanted Immediately

Travis Hurlbert

1st or 2nd year Apprentice Technician We are offering a very competitive pay rate and benefit package with an exceptional work environment to the qualified candidate. Send resume and cover letter attn: Justin


An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.

FULL TIME MAINTENANCE PERSON REQUIRED This is a permanent position starting immediately at our plant in Princeton, BC. Minimum of 3-5 years maintenance experience required on a variety of production and mobile equipment. Experience in a post mill, or small to medium size sawmill preferred. Must be able to handle a variety of tasks, work well with minimum supervision and be part of the team. Benefits include excellent wage, health spending account and profit sharing. Please submit resumes by fax 250-295-7912 or email Please visit our website at for further information on the company.

GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message. For Information 1-800-972-0209.

Head Vehicle Detailer At Castlegar Hyundai our inventory and customer vehicles must be spotless. We require a detailer to clean, restore and protect vehicles with the utmost care and skill. This is a full-time position with benefits. Experience and a clean driving record are mandatory. Submit your resume to or fax 250-365-5376

LICENSED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Nelson Ford, in Nelson BC, is looking for the right technician to service our customers. We offer factory Ford training, competitive wages, and great benefits. Salary dependent on experience $28 - $35/hr based on Ford training. Will consider 3rd/4th year apprentice. Send resume to or fax 250-352-7282 Logging contractor in Nakusp to Nelson Area requires FT Yarder Operator, Hook Tender and Chokerman. Salary based on exp plus benefits after 3 mos 250-358-2278 or email resume

November 6th 1994, Trail BC - July 24th 2013, Edmonton AB Travis graduated from Stanley Humphries Secondary School in Castlegar in June 2012. He was working out every day to be ready to follow his dreams of being famous. He was funny, musically gifted, had a talent for dance, was articulate, a philosophical soul. He was a hardworking and straight forward young man who will be dearly missed by everyone who knew him. Travis leaves behind two families. In Castlegar BC are his dad and step mother, Trevor and Brie Hurlbert, brother Cache (8) and sister Nevida (2) and grandparents Wayne and Marianne Hurlbert. In Enderby BC are his mother and step father Michelle and Ric Mervyn, sister Abigayle (8), brother RJ (2) and grandmother Debbie Dalke. He also leaves behind many aunts and uncles, cousins and extended family. A service for Travis is open to all who wish to attend. It will be held at the Pentecostal New Life Assembly Church at 10 am on Thursday August 1 2013. Reception to follow at Kinnaird Park Community Church in Castlegar BC. The family would like to thank the several people that tried everything in their power to save Travis. We also thank those who honored him in our absence by placing memorials at the scene of the accident. We hope to thank them personally in the future. We have created a Facebook page named Travis Hurlbert Memorial for anyone who would like to post their thought, memories and pictures. Please direct any public support or donations toward causes focused towards eradicating drinking and driving. Thank you Travis for the honor of being your parents. We are so proud of you and the good choices you made in your life. You always had a way to bring fun and humor to any situation. We can’t envision going on without you son, and so, we will keep you alive in our hearts and minds. We love you Travis, rest in peace.


Do you have a valid driver’s license and a deep interest in automobiles? Then we can use your help. Duties include washing vehicles, assisting with detailing, fueling, lot maintenance and other necessary work. If you have interest or experience please email your resume to Keith Kalawsky at or fax it to 250-365-5376

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at

Receptionist and CIVIL TECHNOLOGIST opportunities at dynamic consulting firm. TRUE Consulting provides planning and engineering services in a progressive environment. Our company is growing and we are looking for highly motivated, well organized people to join our team. Learn more about these exciting opportunities at

PROGRAM MANAGER Are you an inspiring leader who enjoys coaching your team? Can you demonstrate that you have successfully managed programs? Come shape new ways to support entrepreneurs in the Basin! Community Futures invites you to manage the delivery of the BBA Program. This successful program helps small and medium businesses including social enterprises. Learn more at Welcoming applications until August 1

Funded by Columbia Basin Trust | Managed by Community Futures


• Castlegar News 250.365.6397 Theresa Castlegar Distribution Hodge Manager

By shopping local you support local people.

Teck Metals Ltd. is committed to employment equity and all qualified individuals are encouraged to forward their resume directly to our career website: (Applied Research and Technology Centre), before August 8, 2013.





Rte #50 100 & 200 Grandview Drive

Independent Respiratory Services is a BC-owned and operated full service respiratory homecare company. We have been providing sleep apnea and home oxygen therapy to British Columbians since 1996. We are seeking applications for the position of Revenue Accountant at our Shared Services Centre in Castlegar, BC. Qualifications: • Intermediate Level accounting education and experience • Preference will be given to those with Accounts Receivable experience • Experience in dealing with insurance companies & other third party benefits providers • Excellent computer skills, including Word, Excel and Outlook (2007/2010) • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral • Excellent organizational skills and an ability to multi-task • Very strong customer service orientation • Ability to work independently • Strong team player • Motivated to improve processes within an organization If you’re qualified for this challenge and are interested in experiencing a place that offers world class recreational opportunities and an affordable cost of living, please, apply in confidence to: Independent Respiratory Services Inc. Attention: Human Resources 865 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC, V1N 1H3 Fax: 1-888-713-6505 Email: Closing date: August 9th, 2013 We sincerely thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. For information about our company, please visit:

School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)

Information Systems – Network Administrator

The Applied Research and Technology (ART) group is seeking a dynamic individual for the role of Technician Trainee to join our world-class team of engineers, scientists and technologists at our technology centre in Trail, British Columbia. The Technician Trainee assists with research projects which are performed at the Applied Research & Technology laboratory, with occasional project support at operating plants at Teck’s Trail Operation and at Teck properties within Canada and abroad. This position reports to the Section Leader, Copper and Zinc. Qualifications: • Graduation from a recognized Institute of Technology or equivalent is required. Programs in Mineral Processing, Metallurgy or Chemical Sciences are preferred. • Demonstrated mechanical aptitude and the ability to communicate effectively are necessary for this position. The applicant must be familiar with the use of computer spreadsheets and able to produce basic technical reports. • Good interpersonal, verbal and written skills are required to liaise effectively with engineering, operating and technical personnel. • The ability to work effectively in a team environment is necessary Responsibilities: • Prepare test samples • Perform simple analyses • Provide technical data for reporting purposes • Assemble equipment

Making Money Lot Attendant

Revenue Accountant

School District #20 (Kootenay-Columbia) is looking for an energetic Information Systems – Network Administrator to join our team. This challenging district position will provide support for district information systems. School District #20 is a compact district nestled in interior BC. We enjoy a strong commitment to technology throughout our district. Our technical environment includes: over 1000 computers (both Windows and Macintosh); a fibre based wide area network connecting all our sites; and diverse software set. Enjoy a very supportive environment, great quality of life and reasonable cost of living in the West Kootenays. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Designs, configures, implements and supports servers and network infrastructure throughout the district 2. Manages network services, management tools and technology infrastructure on a variety of platforms 3. Liaises with service providers, vendors 4. Documents network infrastructure and server setup and configuration 5. Logs and tracks issues 6. Ensures and manages backups of various platforms 7. Provides security expertise 8. Designs, configures, implements and supports telephone services throughout the district 9. Performs duties of Information System Technician as assigned. 10. Performs other related duties. Deadline for applying is Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at 12:00 pm (Noon). For full detail including qualifications please refer to the Careers section of our website at

Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013 A22


Help Wanted

Health Products

Make extra $$$$ delivering phone books. The BetterBook requires a responsible and reliable person(s) to deliver phone books to residences in Castlegar and area Reliable vehicle (van or covered pickup) is required & the ability to lift heavy bundles of phone books. This is a great group fundraiser! Call Linda in our distribution dept at 1-800-663-8555

Unemployed? Looking for work?

Find your way and find your work at KCDS/WorkBC Call KCDS/WorkBC in Castlegar and find out how to get ready for the job you want Call 250-365-6515

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Buy One Get One



Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750

Merchandise for Sale


Financial Services

Heavy Duty Machinery

Misc. for Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent

Auto Financing

Castlegar DT 1 Bdrm $650/mth utilities included N/S, N/P, Avail Aug 1st 2 Bdrm, $800/mth utilities included 250-608-3930

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Need CA$H Today?

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Buy One Get One



Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750

DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 50% and debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

Help Wanted



Residential Care Aides Permanent full time positions available for Silver Kettle Village, Grand Forks Please apply by email or fax at: F: (250) 489-2673 E:


Misc. for Sale

No Credit Checks!

Affordable steel shipping containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014

Qualifications: Proficiency with InDesign and Photoshop are required as is a background in the community newspaper industry. Duties include: Page layout, writing stories, managing a full-time reporter and some freelancers, proofreading and editing stories, photography, community relations in your role as editor and the daily management of our website. This position would suit a reporter who is looking to grow their career by moving into an editor’s position. We are looking for someone who is innovative, computer and digital savy and can help lead our community-focused newspaper into the future. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Please email resume, with cover letter, to Chuck Bennett, Group Publisher at

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

Small ads, BIG deals!

KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit, Complete Room Treatment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available online (NOT IN STORES).

Kitchen Cabinets


LEAF Cabinetry, serving the West Kootenay for 22 years. Commercial & residential cabinetry, architectural woodwork. t. 250.509.4167

5’ WhirlPool Tubs starting at $489.00

5’ Shower Bases $279.00

Merchandise for Sale

5’ Soaker Tubs

Fruit & Vegetables

5’ Patio Doors

THE APPLE GUY is back! Thursdays at the Sandman Hotel, Saturday at the Castlegar Farmers Market. Freestone peaches nectarines, plums, pickling cucumbers, field tomatoes peppers, Grand Forks potatoes, beets, broccoli salad green, and much more. Grand Forks Farms quality produce at family friendly prices..

Garage Sales GARAGE SALE: toys, stuffies, games, DVD and VHS movies, books, crib and change table, exercise equipment, and more! SATURDAY, Aug. 3, 2013, from 7 am to 2 pm at 3404 Windsor Place, Castlegar (Birchland Heights) *HUGE ESTATE SALE Aug 9 & 10th 8am-4pm. 1901-14th Ave (Lucas Road) Castlegar. Everything Must Go!

Legal Notices

$279.00 $389.00

8’ Patio Doors $689.00


250-718-0701 or 778-755-5515

Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158

Misc. Wanted

Above Kootenay Lake. 4km to Ashram, Marine, Golf Course, Riondel & beach. 2 3/4 acres & 2 storey unfinished (but furnished) “Small is Beautiful” cabin. Good benches for building, one with lake view. In Aug, 12 appraised at $170,000 but older, flexible vendor open to offers & might carry part of mortgage for suitable person or couple. For info & viewing please call:


NOTICE OF EXCLUSION APPLICATION REGARDING LAND IN THE AGRICULTURAL LAND RESERVE I, Larry Arnold Horel of 2091 McDaniel Road, Castlegar, BC, V1N 4T2 intend on making an application pursuant to Section 30(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act to exclude from the Agricultural Land Reserve the following property which is legally described as, Lot B, Plan EPP 12260, DL8640, KD. PID 028-789-709 and located at 2091 McDaniel Road. Any person wishing to express an interest in the application may do so by forwarding their comments in writing to, RDCK, Box 590, 202 Lakeside Drive, Nelson, BC, V1L 5R4 by August 08, 2013

1992 Golf Volks Wagon, 4 dr hatch back, 5 sp, new tires, new exhaust, runs excellent. $1,500/obo. 250-442-0122/ 250-493-1807.

Small 1 bdrm suite furnished Ymir W/D N/S, ref, Pets possible $600/m includes heat 604 989-0258

Homes for Rent

CASTLEGAR DT, 2 Bdrm House close to schools & shopping, N/S, N/P, Avail immediate, $850/mth +utilities Call 250-399-4741 Castlegar furnished 3 Bdrm main floor, short term tenant required, Sept to June, directly across from Community Complex, $1,195/mth includes utilities, 250365-2839 or 365-3621 showing Aug 10th, 12 - 2

Shared Accommodation CASTLEGAR 1 Bdrm Room for rent for college student, Separate Bathroom, shared kitchen with own fridge, use of W/D, private Living room wireless internet, Avail Sept 1st, Home owner is shift worker, $450/mth, Call 250-365-5527 msg for Pam


FREE Market Evaluation Air Miles/Moving Trailer GREG GRITCHIN

Century21Mountainview Realty 1-250-365-9791

Mobile Homes & Parks FACTORY DIRECT Wholesale CSA certified modular homes, manufactured/mobile homes and park model homes, we ship throughout Western Canada. Visit us online at or call 1-877-976-3737.

Revenue Property NEWLY RENO’D 4-plex for sale in Castlegar. Gross income $3350./mo. Close to Millennium Park. Each unit has 2 bdrms and 1 bath; all are occupied. 4 parking stalls. Asking $415,000. Cap rate 8%. Call Wayne (403)714-2289

RV Sites COME visit Blind Bay Resort on Sunday, August 4 for our open house and Summer Sale. Fully serviced and landscaped RV lots at Shuswap Lake start at $119,900. Financing available. Amenities include a beautiful sandy beach, private marina, heated pool and more. Visit for details or call 1-800-667-3993. REDUCED SUMMER pricing. Beachfront Avorado RV Resort. New sites for sale $44,500. Co-op Resort w/Lifetime Ownership! Call (250)228-3586 or online at:

Other Areas 20 ACRES FREE! Own 60 acres for 40 acre price/payment $0 Down, $198/mo. Money Back Guarantee, No Credit Checks. Beautiful Views, West Texas. Call 1800-843-7537.

1995 Mazda 626 4 cylinder automatic. $1900. 150,000km. 250-442-0122 or 250-4931807.

Cars - Sports & Imports

3 bdrm family home for rent downtown Castlegar. Close to parks, library, schools. fireplace,covered carport. N/S, avail. early Aug. $1100/mo. Ph: 250-399-4769


Cars - Domestic

2007 CHEV Cobalt SS Supercharged, black, 2dr., 5spd., loaded w/red & black leather interior. 68,000kms. $11,500. obo. 250-231-7182. lve.msg.

Apartment Furnished

For Sale By Owner

STEEL BUILDING. Sizzling summer savings event! 20x22 $4,188. 25x24 $4,598. 30x36 $6,876. 32x44$8,700. 40x52 $12,990. 47x70 $17,100. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

Legal Notices

SELKIRK MANOR CEDAR MANOR 1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034

Real Estate

7375 2nd St. Grand Forks

STEEL BUILDINGS/ Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206.

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557


Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 250-499-0251 Looking a kids small pool Call 250-365-6397

Castlegar 3 Bdrm Family Home with stunning view $295,000, Double garage sun porches, gardens 2 side by side lots, with separate titles, offer amazing privacy, 250-304-2944


Suites, Upper Castlegar bright 2 Bdrm top floor suite, 3 level family home Close to rec centre & shopping, transit, quiet responsible only need apply Lrg yard & shared covered patio/bbq. access to laundry N/S, N/P $800/mth incl heat a/c, cable & internet, Avail Aug 1st 250-365-3369

Townhouses WOODLAND PARK HOUSING CO-OP affordable clean 3 bedroom townhouse with basements centrally located and close to amenities, park like setting Applications forms at #1,1692 Silverwood Crescent Castlegar, 250-365-2677 leave msg

1992 Toyota Cressida, same owner for 20 years, 3 lt 6cyl, auto, every conceivable option on this car, including leather seats, power sun roof, original bill of sale with car, $35,000 new, 4 door sedan, located in Grand Forks, 180,000km, $1,000. just spent on brakes, $3,900. In show room condition. 250442-0122 or 250-493-1807.


1984 Class A Southwind Motorhome: 454 engine, many extras, fine condition, remarkably well kept. $7,500 250-367-7485

1999 Damon Challenger Class A Motorhome, Ford V10, 33’, one slide, 92,000 km, new tires, brakes & batteries, $27,500 obo. (250)365-7152 Castlegar

Sport Utility Vehicle

1997,1998 red Jeep Cherokee, 4 doors, 6 cly eng, auto trans & 5 speed, 270,000km, excellent condition. $2,400 / $2,900obo. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807.

Trucks & Vans

1996 Dodge Ram 2500, 4x4, reg cab, long box, DIESEL, auto, PW, power seat, cruise, power mirrors, incredible condition. $7,900/obo. 303000km. 250-442-0122/250-493-1807.






Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul

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The Grand Forks Gazette is currently seeking an editor to manage its weekly community newspaper in the beautiful City of Grand Forks. The successful editor will work out of our Grand Forks office and will manage a team of one reporter. The successful candidate will have a keen interest in community and become an active member of the community. The successful candidate will be responsible for setting the vision for this community newspaper and for helping our reporter excel with their reporting skills. The ideal candidate will be a self-starter who works well as a member of a diverse and unique team.

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Own A Vehicle?

Borrow Up To $25,000 Cash same day, local office.

Financial Services

Help Wanted

Merchandise for Sale 1-800-514-9399

Income Opportunity NOW HIRING! Earn extra cash, demand for simple work. P/T-F/T. Can be done from home. Acceptance guaranteed, no experience required, all welcome!




A21 Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News


2003 Four Winns Fish & Ski Freedom 180 F/S,

fully serviced 4.3L VOLVO PENTA engine, removable side windows for more fishing room, tilt steering, removable seats with interchanging seat posts, rear entry ladder, front control for rear leg trim, full cover with anti pooling poles, electric motor off bow for fishing, custom matched trailer, Bimini top.

This is really a great boat!! $15,000 obo. (250)354-7471 Nelson


Legal Notices Default Hearing - September 6, 2013 Nelson Courthouse Defendant - Kimberly Jackson Claimant - William W. Bertram Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Kimberly Jackson Please contact 250-399-4717 or 250-304-8211

ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. ‡/**/*Offers apply to the purchase of a 2013 Chevrolet Silverado Cheyenne EXT Cab 4X4 (R7C)/2013 Cruze LS 1SA (R7A)/2013 Equinox LS (R7A) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,600/$1,550) License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer trade may be required. GMCL, RBC Royal Bank, TD Auto Financing Services or Scotiabank may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. tBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. **$10,000/$3,000/$3,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on cash purchases of 2013 Chevrolet Silverado EXT 4X4/2013 Cruze LS/2013 Equinox LS/ (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. By selecting lease or financing offers, consumers are foregoing such discounts and incentives which will result in a higher effective interest rate. See dealer for details. Non-stackable cash credits are available only when consumers opt for the cash purchase of a new or demonstrator model. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing such discounts and incentives which will result in a higher effective interest rate. Offers end September 3rd, 2013. See dealer for details. ‡0%/0.99% purchase financing offered on approved credit by RBC Royal Bank/TD Auto Financing/Scotiabank for 84 months on new or demonstrator 2013 Cruze LS/2013 Equinox LS/2013 Silverado EXT 4X4. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0%/0.99% APR, the monthly payment is $119/$123 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0/$354, total obligation is $10,000/$10,354. Offer is unconditionally interest-free/Based on a purchase price of $28,499 with $3,300 down on the 2013 Silverado Ext 4X4. +®The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. *^For more information visit *†Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available, and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ^^Based on latest competitive data available. ¥Offer only valid from July 3, 2013 to September 30, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GM or competitor pickup truck to receive a $1,000 credit towards the purchase, finance or lease of an eligible new 2013 Model Year Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty, Chevrolet Heavy Duty, GMC Sierra Light Duty, GMC Sierra Heavy Duty, or Chevrolet Avalanche. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details. ≠The Chevrolet Impala, Camaro, Tahoe, Silverado HD, and Avalanche; received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among Large Car, Midsize Sporty Car (tie), Large CUV, Large Heavy Duty Pickup, Large Light Duty Pickup (tie) in the proprietary J.D. Power 2013 Initial Quality StudySM. Study based on responses from 83,442 new-vehicle owners, measuring 230 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of owners surveyed in February to May 2013. Your experiences may vary. Visit

Castlegar News Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sports Roller Derby rolls with it even after spill spoils schedule


Castlegar News Reporter

The ladies and volunteers of West Kootenay Roller Derby didn’t let a jet fuel spill stop them from entertaining loyal fans last Saturday. The event at Selkirk College was scheduled as a double header between the Valley Vendettas




$10,000** A23

/ Nelson Killjoys and the Babes of Brutality / Rossland Trail Roller Girls, but the matchup between the Vendettas and Killjoys was postponed due the Lemon Creek spill and evacuations in the Slocan Valley. A statement on the WKRD website read: “We would like to offer our support and derby love to our skaters and volunteers who have been affected by the events that have occurred.” Though the doors opened a bit later, the Babes and RTRG put on their customary solid performances. RTRG had a slight lead about ten minutes in, but in the end, solid blocks and speedy jams lead the Babes to an [unoffi-




2013 eQuinox ls

160,000 km/5 year



$13 ,245*



POWERTRAIN WARRANTY ^Whichever comes first. See dealer for limited warranty details.

0 84

cial] score of 198 to 167. Because of the scheduling snafu, tickets were stamped for entry into the upcoming bouts on Friday, August 9 which will take place at Selkirk College. The Vendettas and RTRG will meet while the hosts Dam City Rollers of Castlegar will be back in action against the Killjoys.


2013 silverado cheyenne edition ext caB 4x4




$24 ,495*


chevrolet camaro

Rossland Trail Roller Girls jammer #511 Bark Messier (with star on her helmet) goes low to avoid #30.30 Pell-Mell from the Babes of Brutality during West Kootenay Roller Derby action at Selkirk College in Castlegar on Saturday, July 27.



$25 ,999*


2013 cruZe ls 1sa



$ ‡



chevrolet tahoe

Marvin Beatty

ummer elldown


or Finance For 84 months

Bi-weekly with $3,300 down, Based on a Purchase Price oF $28,499* includes $7,500 in cash credits** eFFective rate 3.68%

143 0 at

or Finance Finance For For 84 84months months

Bi-weekly, Based on a Purchase Price oF $13,995* includes $2,250 in Finance cash** eFFective rate 1.58%

77 0

chevrolet avalanche

only until sePtemBer 3rd $1,000


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or Finance For 84 months

Bi-weekly with $2,500 down, Based on a Purchase Price oF $27,995* eFFective rate 3.89%

140 0 %


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chevrolet silverado hd oFFers include truck Bucks For current truck owners¥

• Proven v8 Power with excellent Fuel eFFiciency

• Best in class 5-year/160,000 km Powertrain warranty^, 60,000 km longer than Ford F-150 and ram^^

• segment exclusive automatic locking diFFerential

25 MPG HIGHWAY 11.2 L/100 km HWY 15.9 L/100 km CITY▼

• 10 standard air Bags

• staBilitrak, traction control and 4-wheel antilock Brakes

• Power windows, door locks and keyless entry


5.4 L/100 km HWY 8.2 L/100 km CITY ▼



• a consumers digest Best Buy For 4 years+

• multi-Flex™ sliding and reclining rear seat, oFFering class-leading legroom*†

• standard Bluetooth®


6.1 L/100 km HWY 9.2 L/100 km CITY▼ *^

Just announced

“Highest Ranked in Initial Quality for Midsize Sporty Car (tie), Large Car, Large CUV, Large Heavy Duty Pickup, Large Light Duty Pickup (tie).”

More 2013 J.D. Power Initial Quality Awards than any other automotive brand.≠



Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917]


Thursday, August 1, 2013 Castlegar News


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000


ANDRES CAR AUDIO WEST KELOWNA 1881 Harvey Avenue (250) 860-1975


101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. (250) 493-3800




101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000

#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496


ANDRES WIRELESS Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566


#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000


745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700


Aberdeen Mall (250) 377-8880


215 - 450 Lansdowne Mall (250) 377-8007

200-1965 Columbia Ave. 101 Kootenay St. North (250) 365-6455 (250) 426-8927



Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258

300 St. Paul Str. (250) 377-3773


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

154 Victoria Str (250) 314-9944

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

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