Invermere Valley Echo, August 14, 2013

Page 1

The Columbia Valley’s Newspaper Since 1956

From Canal Flats to Spillimacheen


Wednesday, October 2012 Wednesday, August31, 14, 2013

Vol.57 56Issue Issue 40 Vol. 33



BERNIE RAVEN CHRIS RAVEN 1-866-598-7415 TEAMRAVEN.CA Offices in Panorama, Invermere & Fairmont

Portable solution for James Chabot Park Pg A2

Cutting edge comedy coming to Bud's Pg A10

MaxWell Realty Invermere

Stand up guys

STEVE HUBRECHT/ECHO PHOTO Paddlers get set on the start line of the Summer Splash men's paddleboard race. This year's Summer Splash was a huge success, with about 300 people joining in the event at James Chabot Provincial Park on Sunday, August 11th, according to organizer Duncan Whittick. Turnout was way up from the 50 to 70 or so people the event has drawn in previous years. For more weekend coverage, turn to pages A9.

BC Day long weekend busy in the valley STEVE HUBRECHT

The B.C. Day long weekend drew flocks of visitors to the valley, with many of the resorts and golf courses in the area saying they were packed with customers from Friday, August 2nd through to Monday, August 5th. Visitor numbers were more or less the same as dur-

ing last year’s ultra-busy B.C. Day long weekend, according to the visitor information centres in both Invermere and Radium, while visitation was up from last year at Panorama Mountain Village. “It was an excellent long weekend for us,” said Panorama marketing co-ordinator Jamie Hurschler. “We had a lot of people out, especially on the Eurobungy. And our new archery program has been really popular with guests.”

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According to Mr. Hurschler, Panorama welcomed a lot of day visitors over the long weekend and also opened its new discovery centre, which gives visitors information on what’s new at the mountain resort). “We were completely full in terms of our accommodation. It was better than (B.C. Day long weekend) last year,” he said. CONTINUES ON PAGE A3

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo

Lake Windermere Pulse Check #10*


Lake Windermere's waters were teaming with both boaters and bathers over the August long weekend. With such a vibrant and beautiful lake, this is a great time of year to recreate! During our August 6th water quality sampling excursion, we did not find anything out of the ordinary. Gavin Jacobs, volunteer extraordinaire, made some observations regarding the water level. "Over the past few weeks, I've noticed the water level has been dropping slightly." he said. Come make some first-hand observations with the Lake Windermere Ambassadors by contacting info@ today!

Volunteer of the Week: Gavin Jacobs

*To volunteer, call (250) 341-6898 or email








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DAN WALTON/ECHO PHOTO Portable facilities were put in place at James Chabot Provincial Park in mid-June because of a septic system issue with the park's restrooms that can't be fixed until early fall.

Temporary solution in place at James Chabot park DAN WALTON

Plumbing problems have caused the restrooms at James Chabot Provincial Park to stop working, leaving park patrons to relieve themselves in outhouses until the issue is resolved. "As of June 13th, 2013, the washroom building is currently closed due to a septic system issue," reads the provincial park's web page. The temporary portable facilities have been in place since June 14th. To those who make use of the park regularly, there seems to be no urgency placed on resolving the issue. "You don't see any work happening, you just see a bunch of Porta Potties that have arrived," part-time valley resident Robert Kubke told The Echo. The restrooms are out of service due to a break in the septic system, according to B.C. Park recreation services officer Alex Green, who said repairs can't be made at the present. "The septic system connects to the city system, where it's disconnected because of a break below the water table," he said. "We have to wait for the water table to lower before we can reconnect the system." B.C. Parks will take on the repair early in the fall, he said. "Once we can shut access off and excavate and drain the area, then we can reconnect to the system." Mr. Green doesn't know what the price tag will be, but says the repair work is a priority. "We have to wait until the physical attributes will lend themselves to getting things back in place."

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo

Page Three

Young boy rescued from submerged vehicle in Whiteswan Lake DAN WALTON

On Saturday, August 3rd, a 16-year-old female driver of a vehicle carrying two passengers lost control, causing the vehicle to enter Whiteswan Lake. The driver and one passenger were able to escape from the vehicle, but a fiveyear-old boy stayed restrained in his seat. The Kimberley RCMP detachment reported that the vehicle submerged between five and seven feet. The accident was noticed by two brothers from Alberta,

who immediately ran over and jumped into the water. After several attempts, they managed to free the five-year-old. When they carried him to shore, the boy was unconscious and a bystander administered CPR, Constable Trevor Slunt told The Echo. The boy is said to be doing well, and his father told the RCMP there are still medical tests for the boy to pass before he will be released from hospital. All the vehicle's occupants are from the Kootenays. "Without the brothers’ quick response it’s likely the outcome would have been tragic," Cpl. Chris Newel said in a release. "We want to recognize them for their quick action.”

Invermere mailboxes Trail closures still among most secure in effect due to Numa Creek fire in the province DAN WALTON


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Echo Index Weekly Content Pulse Check.............................................A2 Opinion...................................................A6 Word on the Street..................................A7 Community Calendar.............................A8 Remember When?..................................A8 Arts & Entertainment...........................A10 Sports.....................................................A13 Brain Games..........................................A15 Build Your Wealth.................................A16 Classifieds.....................................A17-A18 Companion Corner...............................A19 Serving the Valley.................................A20

Columns Crystal Leonard/WildsafeBC...................A6 Steve Hubrecht/Off the Record...............A7 Tom Fletcher/B.C. Views.........................A7 Lara McCormack/Cooking 'From Scratch'.................................................... A14

Features Valley Life...................................................A9 Child Care................................................A12

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Documents published by CBC on Tuesday, July 30th revealed that over 48,000 incidents of community mailbox vandalism were reported to Canada Post since 2008, and Invermere only accounted for one of those. In the online article, "Super mailboxes in B.C. targeted thousands of times, records reveal," Invermere was indicated as having one box "found open." Incidents were also labelled as either: box/lock stolen, overturned, lock damage (may include general wear and tear), pried (includes lock damage and vandalism as a result of prying), vandalism/intentional lock damage/ lock cut, theft after delivery, and other. "Whether [the box found open in Invermere] wasn't locked properly or someone tried to enter the box, we fixed that. If it's an internal problem or an attempted break in, we deal with that and investigate," Canada Post general manager of communications Jon Hamilton told The Echo. "It's difficult to say what that might have been." Mr. Hamilton said that because of the increasing trend of online shopping, community mailboxes — with over 450,000 units in the province — are becoming more popular than ever for receiving packages. When incidents do occur, they are taken seriously and are dealt with through internal investigators and local authorities. "Rest assured that a community mailbox is a very safe way to receive your mail and parcels; they've been in use for decades," he said. "Some four million Canadians use them, and only very rarely are there incidents." While there have been nearly 50,000 mailbox incidents in B.C. over the past five years, Mr. Hamilton said the rate is not increasing. "Certain areas are higher risk, but Invermere is not one of those places." Concerned customers can call the service line at 1-877683-5895 on weekdays, but Mr. Hamilton said Canada Post will notify customers if there is any reason for worry. "We've got a lot of furniture on the street," he said. "We keep a close eye on it – we attend them all several times each day." A3

The Numa Creek wildfire in Kootenay National Park is still burning but continues to be contained to the drainage in which it started. A back-burning operation by Parks Canada fire crews last week, combined with last week's rain, has kept the fire in the upper Numa Creek valley. During the back-burning, crews burned a small patch of forest between the wildfire and a large avalanche path. As of late last week, the fire had grown to about 80 hectares in size, but wasn't resulting in much visible smoke. Fire crews will continue to manage the fire by confining it in the Numa Creek drainage instead of trying to put it out. The steep slopes and difficult terrain in the area mean that directly suppressing the wildfire would involve a significant safety threat to fire crews. Crews first responded to reports of fire in the area around noon on Thursday, July 25th. The blaze jumped in size from three hectares to 50 hectares during its first weekend, due to gusty winds associated with thunderstorms. Lightning strikes likely started the fire. Another reason for managing the fire instead of going to potentially unsafe lengths to put it out is that fire plays an important ecological roles in mountain parks and is particularly beneficial to recovery of white bark pine, an endangered tree species found in the Numa Creek drainage. Through-hiking the renowned 55 kilometre-long Rockwall trail is still impossible at this time, with the same trail closures in Kootenay National Park reported in last week's Echo remaining in effect. The entire Numa Creek drainage is off-limits, including Numa Creek campground, the adjoining sections of the Rockwall trail and the Numa Creek trail, which connects Highway 93 to the Rockwall. Since Tumbling Creek trail, another trial connecting Highway 93 to the Rockwall trail, has been closed since 2012 because of a bridge washout, the only CONTINUED ON PAGE A4 InvermereValleyEcho @TheValley Echo

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Call Nicole, Steve or Dan at 250-341-6299 or email

This week's online poll question: Did you catch any of the Perseid meteor shower? Cast your vote at poll *NO SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED*

Last week's online poll results: Do you support the Liberal government's action of replacing the BCPC with a non-elected administrator? Total Votes: 3 Yes: 33% No: 66%

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Valley Echo subscription rates Annual subscription rates (incl. tax) Local (Spillimacheen to Canal Flats) $45.30 Office Pick-Up $34.50 Canada $62.60/ Outside Canada $182.00 Seniors (local) $34.50/Seniors (Canada) $56.00 Six months subscription rates (incl. tax) Local (Spillimacheen to Canal Flats) $29.40 Seniors (local) $22.80


Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo

NEWS “It was definitely packed,” said Mr. Hendry. “The market was certainly a big hit.” The Radium community markets attracted 2,000 people — about The Invermere Visitor Centre, which has two locations (at the 1,000 on Friday night and another 1,000 on Saturday, he said. crossroads and at a kiosk downtown), saw exactly the same num“It was absolutely chock-a-block here at Copper Point Resort,” ber of groups in total as it did last year. The crossroads location said Copper Point general manager Amanda Robinson, adding had a total of 385 groups visiting Friday through Monday, while the resort had between 400 and 500 guests each night for the the downtown kiosk saw 205 groups. While the crossroads loca- weekend. tion had slightly more groups of visitors — 14 — than last year, “It was full, full, full and busy, busy, busy. It was great,” said Ms. the downtown kiosk had 14 fewer groups of visitors than it did Robinson. the previous year. Copper Point’s golf courses also did well during the long week“We’d like to see the numbers increasing, but end, according to the courses’ general manoverall it was a good weekend,” said Columbia ager Brian Schaal. “We were jammed solid. It was Valley visitor centre manager Kathy Tyson. “We were jammed solid. It was busy,” said Even though the numbers were the same busy. It was a great weekend, Mr. Schaal, adding Copper Point’s two coursfrom one year to the next, Ms. Tyson said one of our best ever.” es — the Point and the Ridge — saw 500 golfSunday in particular seemed bustling in ers on Saturday, more than 500 on Sunday BRIAN SCHAAL, MANAGER downtown Invermere, perhaps because of and almost 500 on Monday. COPPER POINT GOLF CLUB the first walking version of the annual Tour of “It was a great weekend, one of our best the Arts. ever,” he said. “I was down there helping out with a booth and couldn’t help Fairmont Hot Springs Resort has record sales in golf and retail but notice how busy it seemed,” she said. during the long weekend, according to the resort’s vice president The Radium Hot Spring Visitors’ Centre had exactly the same of sales and marketing, Fiona Cull. number of visitors stop in — 1,983 from Friday through Monday “We are delighted with how the business was,” said Ms. Cull, — as it did last year, according to Radium Hot Springs visitor cen- adding the lodge was full, the RV park was full and the camptre councillor Morgan Hendry. ground was full. “We’re dead even with last year,” said Mr. Hendry. “We had just a fantastic weekend. It was great,” she said. Although the numbers did not increase, last year was also exThe guests at Fairmont for the weekend were a mix of returning tremely busy, so tourism-related businesses had a good long long-time customers and new customers, and there were a few weekend, he said. weddings at the resort, she said. 'BC DAY' FROM PAGE A1


current access from highway 93 to the Rockwall trail is on the Helmet Creek trail (which goes to the Rockwall's far north end) or Floe Lake trail (which goes to the Rockwall's far south end). Hikers still wishing to visit the Rockwall will have to do out-and-back hikes on these two remaining access trails. Visitors with smoke sensitivity should still avoid the area altogether. The fire danger level in Parks Canada's Lake Louise-Yoho-Kootenay field unit has been downgraded to moderate, but park authorities are asking visitors to keep campfires in designated areas and ensure any fires are fully extinguished before leaving their site.

RDEK Public Hearing Notice BYLAW 2483 Bylaw Amendment - Windermere

notIce oF ScHeduled Power InterruPtIon FaIrmont Hot SPrIngS When: Sunday, August 18, 2013 Time: 4:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (MDT) Where: Fairmont Hot Springs – north along Hwy 93/95 from Hot Springs Road, south to Fairmont Airport Road, including all of Fairmont Hot Springs. BC Hydro will be making electrical system improvements in Fairmont Hot Springs on Sunday, August 18, 2013. To ensure the safety of our work crews, it will be necessary to interrupt electrical service for approximately 4 hours. To prepare for this interruption and protect your equipment from damage, please turn off all lights, major appliances and unplug all electronics. For the first hour after the power comes back on, please only plug in or turn on those electronics and appliances that you really need. This will help ensure the electrical system does not get overloaded.

Prepare for outages and stay informed by visiting or bchydro. com/mobile from your handheld device. Please call 1 888 POWERON (1 888 769 3766) for more information.


We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will restore your power as soon as we can.

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Travis Williams and Shelley Streicek to amend the Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw. If approved, the amendment will change the zoning designation of the subject property to allow for the keeping of small farm animals. The subject property is located in Windermere and is shown on the attached map. Bylaw No. 2483 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 288, 2013 (Windermere / Williams & Streicek)” will amend the zoning designation of Lot 4, District Lot 8, Kootenay District, Plan NEP66908 from R-1, Single Family Residential Zone to SH-1, Small Holding Residential Zone. A public hearing will be held at: Windermere Community Hall 4726 North Street, Windermere, BC Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at 7:00 pm The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area F, Electoral Area G and District of Invermere. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/ numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. SUBMISSIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE PUBLIC HEARING. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Jean Terpsma, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0314, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email

19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8 Ph: 250-489-2791 • 1-888-478-7335


Cranbrook Kootenay News Advertiser (BCNG)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo A5


Fraser River sockeye run lower than expected TOM FLETCHER BC News/Black Press

Commercial and sport sockeye fishing remained closed on the Fraser River system this week, as the Pacific Salmon Commission reported a lower than expected return of fish in what was already expected to be a poor return year. Based on the latest test fisheries, the commission's Fraser River Panel upgraded its 2013 forecast of early summer-run sockeye from 400,000 to 452,000 fish. The following summer run "is either lower than forecast or their migration timing is much later than expected," the joint Canada-U.S. panel

reported this week. The proportion of late-run sockeye through ocean approach areas has increased in recent days. The late run is expected to be dominated by Birkinhead, Weaver and Late Shuswap sockeye, with some from the Portage and Cultus Lake systems. Water level and temperature in the Fraser system is another concern, after a dry early summer. As of August 5th, Fraser River water discharge at Hope was 26 per cent lower than average for that date. The temperature was 20.5 degrees, 2.8 degrees

higher than average, a condition that would risk high prespawning death if it continues. The 2013 run is the next in the four-year sockeye life cycle after the disastrous 2009 run, which was expected to see 10 million return. After only one million came back, the federal government appointed Justice Bruce Cohen to head a commission of inquiry on the state of Fraser sockeye. As the inquiry was hearing testimony, the 2010 run came in at an unusually high 35 million fish, reflecting the complexity of the system that sustains Pacific salmon. The Cohen com-

BLACK PRESS FILES Commercial sockeye catch at Fort Langley in 2010, one of the largest runs in recent history.

mission found overall declines in most west coast rivers starting in the late 1980s, from Wash-

ington state to the Fraser, Skeena and Nass in B.C., Yukon's Klukshu and Alaska's Alsek River.

Pot cases down, heroin, meth on rise TOM FLETCHER BC News/Black Press

Marijuana possession cases still account for 60 per cent of drug violation reports to police in B.C., but the number of cases declined 10 per cent in 2012, according to new figures from Statistics Canada. There were 25,432 police-reported incidents of drug offences in B.C. last year, a 7.4 per cent decline from 2011. Marijuana trafficking cases declined more than 20 per cent to 1,006 incidents, and importation and exportation of marijuana declined by 40 per cent. Marijuana growing cases declined 4.6 per cent, following a 28.6 per cent drop in 2011. Heroin possession cases jumped more than 30 per cent to 500, and heroin trafficking cases rose 37 per cent to 224 inci-

dents in 2012. There were 653 reported cases of possession of methamphetamine (crystal meth), a 20 per cent increase over 2011, and 110 per cent more than 2009. The decline in B.C. marijuana cases comes as licensed medical marijuana production increases across North America. Colorado and Washington state

voted to legalize sale to adults last year. In July, Elections BC gave approval in principle for a petition drive aimed at decriminalizing marijuana possession in B.C. Marijuana activist Dana Larsen has formed a group called Sensible B.C., aimed at forcing a change to B.C. law that would prevent police resources from being used against simple possession of marijuana. Sensible B.C. is us-

ing the same voter initiative system that forced the repeal of the harmonized sales tax in B.C. The group will have 90 days starting September 9th to collect signatures from 10 per cent of registered provincial voters in each of B.C.'s 85 electoral districts. If that target is met, a province-wide vote would be held on the proposed law. Individuals and groups have until August 12th to register with Elections BC to

BLACK PRESS FILES Marijuana grow operation: simple possession cases declined last year, but still dominate B.C. crime statistics.

oppose the initiative by advertising and collecting signatures against the initiative.

“Sarah is familiar with our objectives and moving us ahead - it's been tremendous.”

Hire A Student And Receive A Wage Subsidy


School Works provides an $8/hr student wage subsidy during the school year. • Columbia Basin small businesses, non-profit, First Nation or public organizations may qualify. • Application intake starts August 14, 2013, Noon PT. • Contact or phone 1.877.489.2687 ext. 3584 for more information.

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo

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Soak in summer while you can NICOLE TRIGG

Only one more summer long weekend left. It's hard to believe we're already mid-way through August, with the Labour Day weekend just around the corner. For those who love the peace and quiet of fall in the valley, this is a good thing. It means there are only a few more weekends left of getting slammed by weekend warriors who storm out to the valley on their time off to relax while the sun is still shining and the lake is still warm. For others, September is coming up far too fast. Summer is the most popular time to visit the valley, and the hustle and bustle of visitors from around the world will be missed by those who enjoy the lively atmosphere of the valley's thriving tourism industry during July and August. Lest we forget, September is also the time when school resumes, much to the kids' dismay and parents' relief. But no matter how you look at it, summer in the valley — as the local saying goes — is only eight weeks long, so if you don't plan to take advantage of it, it can pass you by in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, snow will be twinkling on the mountain tops, you'll see your breath in the air, and you'll be wondering why you never made the time to do all the hiking, biking, camping, water sports, etc. you were dreaming of all winter long. Hopefully you found time to take in the Perseid meteor shower earlier this week, the annual display of shooting stars in the night sky that happens every August — a sure sign that summer is in full bloom. For those who find the summer months are flying by: the farmers' markets continue through August, the biking trails are still in great shape, the lake is still warm enough to swim in, and the late summer/early fall offers exceptional backcountry conditions for a multitude of nature-loving activities, and the valley's restaurant patios are still in full swing. Last but not least, don't miss the blow-out event of the summer — the Kraft Celebration Tour on August 19th at Kinsmen Beach. For full details on the event, check out this Friday's Pioneer.

Something on your mind? The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. Send email submissions to


The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley

#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299

Bear Aware — Crystal Leonard

Bears will soon be looking for food Wildlife report in and around our communities: • Doe around Invermere with a tomato basket wrapped around it. • A few reports of aggressive does in Invermere protecting their fawns. • A young grizzly in Fairmont. There haven't been any bear sightings reported in Invermere since May and very little reported in Radium since July. This does not mean they won’t be roaming the streets soon. I worry that through the summer months, when bears are eating natural food high up in the mountains, people forget we still live in bear country. Just because there isn’t a bear in town today doesn’t mean there won’t be one tomorrow. We need to be proactive and practice safe attractant management before it’s too late. Once the berries have dried up, the bears will be looking for food in town. This is the time we need to be most diligent about

Angela Krebs

keeping garbage stored inside, in a garage or shed and to not leave it out the night before pick up. Sometimes I feel like a broken record, always repeating the same attractant management advice. But, unfortunately, many of us have not learned how to live amongst bears and other wildlife. By leaving your garbage out, you are putting the whole community at risk. If a bear wanders through town and doesn’t get any food, it’s not going to stay. If, even one time, that bear gets some garbage, bird seed or fruit from a tree, it will most likely come back to get more. Maybe you don’t mind bears or deer in your yard, but what about your neighbour, the schools or playground down the block? I would think most people don’t want their children or pets getting injured. I would also think they would not like to see the bear becoming habituated and/or human food-conditioned and destroyed. Having a humanfood conditioned bear wandering

Rose-Marie Regitnig

Greg Amos




In Absentia


Steve Hubrecht

Dan Walton

Silena Ann Ewen

Dean Midyette

Sheila Tutty





Nicole Trigg




Renice Oaks




dean@cv-pioneer. com

In Absentia

the streets day and night is a serious matter — not only for our safety but for the bear's safety. Previously, over 1,000 bears were destroyed each year in British Columbia. Within the last few years ,it has dropped to around 500. It’s great that awareness has made the number of bears destroyed each year drop in half, but I think we can still do better. Fun wildlife fact of the week: If there were two bears and two deer born and all litters had equal numbers of males and females that bred at earliest possible maturity, had the largest normal litter each time and there were no deaths, in 10 years the grizzly bear population would grow to eight, whereas the white-tailed deer population would grow to 1,424! This gives you an idea of how slowly bears breed compared to how quickly deer breed. Crystal is the WildSafeBC Community Co-ordinator. Contact her at 250-688-0561 or invermere@

NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.


The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 14, 2013 A7

Word on the Street




Have you seen any of the Perseid meteor shower?



















Off the Record — Steve Hubrecht

Invermere living versus busy Beijing Editor's note: Steve Hubrecht's last reporting job, prior to working for the Invermere Valley Echo and Columbia Valley Pioneer, was for The China Daily in Beijing, China where he lived with his wife Jenny from 2008 to 2010. Moving from Beijing to Invermere is, to put it mildly, an exercise in contrasts. A city of 14 million people versus a mountain town on a tranquil lake shore. Beijing, with all the hustle and bustle of China plunging headfirst into the 21st century, is a place people go to experience the giddy rush of watching the biggest story of the decade unfolding before their eyes. Invermere, on the other had, is precisely a place people come to escape hustle and bustle. One place has a problem with an ever-growing number of cars, something that seems to frustrate a large part of the local population. The other place has a problem with an ever-growing number of deer, something that seems to frustrate a large part of the local population. In Beijing, everything is open all the time. Haircut at 11 p.m.? No problem, step right in. In Invermere, outside the summer tourist season, most everything shuts down shortly after 6 p.m. (save, mercifully, for the grocery stores). In the markets, subways and alleys of Beijing you'll hear a half dozen languages on any given day (Mandarin, obviously, but also many other Chinese

dialects that the huge number of migrant workers from each of the 30 or so Chinese provinces bring to the capital — as well as English and a surprising amount of French). In Invermere, it's much more straightforward — all English, all the time. And the air in Invermere is delightfully crystal clear, while in Beijing it at times chokes you and smells of coal. But there are some similarities. Both are places that have experienced massive construction booms in the last decade. In Beijing, teams of migrant workers labour around the clock to put up dazzling landmarks building (such as the Birds Nest, the Water Cube and the CCTV tower — better known as the Underpants). In Invermere, many contractors have built impressive, sprawling, eye-catching second homes on the lake. Both places are proud of their trademark homegrown specialities. For Beijing, that's Beijing duck, chuan'r skewers and lao Beijing peanut soup. In Invermere, it's Kicking Horse Coffee, Arrowhead Brewery, Saunders Jam and Kootenay Bayou hot sauce. Beijing and Invermere are both towns with a passion for bicyling. In Beijing, biking usually means taking a Chinese Flying Pigeon — a classic, old school Chinese bike — and using it to commute to work or drift down the old traditional, home-lined

hutong courtyard alleyways. In Invermere, biking means riding one of the many world-class mountain bike trails in the area. Some of the differences between the two places are unexpected. Slipping into a quiet, tree-lined, car-free hutong of Beijing on a summer evening can actually seem less hectic than being out on Lake Windermere in the summer, when the lake is filled with countless motorboats. Another surprising difference is that Beijing — with its centuries-old traditional neighbourhoods, and its parks and public spaces filled with residents exercising, dancing (yes, elderly Chinese people ballroom dance in open-air public spaces), practicing calligraphy or doing tai chi — often exudes an overwhelming sense of community. Invermere, despite being much cozier and far more picturesque, occasionally misses the mark in terms of community. (Where, for instance, was everybody at the Relay for Life or the MusicFest? C'mon people, get behind your community events). But when you open your Invermere back door each morning to a garden full of sunflowers and Mt. Swansea etched against a gloriously blue sky, and take a few deep, relaxing breaths, it's hard not to feel like you're living in a small slice of paradise. Steve Hubrecht is a reporter for the Invermere Valley Echo and can be contacted at

B.C. Views — Tom Fletcher

Another round of liquor reforms The B.C. Liberal government is ordering up another round of liquor regulation changes, looking for ways to make life easier for businesses and customers without aggravating the health and social problems associated with alcohol. Discussions with B.C.’s 10,000 liquor licence holders have identified a few problems that should be fixed. Going into a consultation phase that runs to October, the government is looking for answers to a few obvious questions, such as why it takes a pub or bar up to a year to get a licence. Another question: why can a family with under-aged children go into a licensed restaurant for lunch, but can’t go to a pub and place the exact same food and drink order? This should be

allowed, perhaps until the traditional 5 p.m. “happy hour” when the pub reverts to adults-only. A couple of suggestions have come out of the healthy growth of B.C. wine, craft beer and distillery operations. Look for new licence opportunities for farmers’ markets to sell local beverages along with the produce and preserves. Letters inviting suggestions from existing licence holders have gone out, and Richmond-Steveston MLA John Yap will be meeting this fall with industry groups, local governments, police, health and social policy organizations and First Nations in the fall. A website will be put up in September so members of the public can have their say. Here’s my suggestion to start things off.

Recent incidents involving so-called “party buses” shone a light on this growing industry, The sudden death of a 16-year-old on a party bus outing in Surrey in February turned out not to be alcohol-related, but to no one’s surprise, open liquor was found aboard the bus. Open liquor isn’t allowed in any vehicle, but perhaps a new kind of special event licence could be created for party buses. They have been viewed mainly as part of the solution to impaired driving, and the situation isn’t much different from a supervised event on a boat. Here’s another suggestion. Gourmet cooking classes are becoming popular, with customers preparing and then enjoying their meals. Why not

licence these establishments, at least so people can bring their own wine for dinner? Both the B.C. Liberals and NDP have advocated for easing the archaic rules on inter-provincial trade in wine. B.C. lifted its restrictions on mail-order wine and has urged other provinces to follow suit. There are a couple of reasons why this Prohibition-era structure persists. Liquor sales are a cash cow for provincial governments, and every case of wine brought in from elsewhere is lost profit for the provincial wholesale monopoly. Then there is the local industry lobby that would rather not add to its competition. CONTINUED ON PAGE A19


Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo

Community Calendar

Remember When?

Send your events to THURS AUGUST 15 •Junior Naturalists program for kids 6 – 12 yrs. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Redstreak Campground. Pre-register at 250-3476525 or Runs every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. •Meadow Creek Kokanee Spawning Channel is open for viewing from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. daily. Gates will be closed at all other times. Run lasts from late August to early October, with peak viewing time in the first two weeks of September. Located 4 km northwest of Meadow Creek off Highway 31. For more information: 250-354-6333, or angus. FRI AUGUST 16 •Forging in the Rockies blacksmith/farrier competition, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Upper Elk Park Ranch. Kids' activities, stock dog demonstration, pony rides, wagon rides, vendor's market and more. Contact Karen Larsen at for more info. Also runs Saturday, August 17th. •Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre, 5 - 10:30 p.m. • Maria in the Shower, live at Bud's. Two shows : 8:30 & 11:00 p.m. Tickets at the door, $10. SAT AUGUST 17 •Annual Teddy Bear's Picnic, hosted by the Radium Public Library, 10 a.m. at Radium park. Children 3 to 6 will be welcome. Bear cookies and juice will be provided. SUN AUGUST 18 •Animal tracks and signs with Kalista Pruden, 9 a.m. To book call 250-341-7235 or visit •Windermere Valley Museum presents Movie Night at the Museum, featuring the 1932 musical film Love Me Tonight at 7 p.m. Admission by donation, but due to limited seating, call 250-342-9769 to reserve seats. Also plays Monday, August 19th. •Comedian Brett Martin performs his show My Girlfriend Left Me at Bud's Bar & Lounge, 8 p.m. Tickets $10 MON AUGUST 19 •Kraft Celebration Tour & Rotary Club of Invermere's annual kids' festival. Festival runs 2-4

p.m., with a live TSN broadcast at 4 p.m. Over 20 Kraft food stations. Visit invermererotary. org for more details. TUES AUGUST 20 •Adventure Radium. Ages 5-8 from 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Ages 8 and up, 1 - 3:30 p.m.. Meet at Brent’s Shack (near the skating rink/ball park); registration forms and parent guide are available online:, or at the Village Office. Runs Tuesday through Thursday. •Windermere Valley Museum's summer children's program: Shop Keeper. Have fun playing in the Notary Building, buying and selling goods for people to purchase at pioneer prices. BBQ to take place during activities. 10:30 am. - 12 p.m. at the museum. Admission by donation. WED AUGUST 21 •5 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Hang out and craft night at the Summit Youth Centre. •Artist opening at Pynelogs Cultural Centre, 7-9 p.m. Show features Kathleen Davies, Jane Murray, Maggie Leal-Valias, Robyn Oliver, Paula Cravens and Graham S. Fowler, and runs until September 1st. THURS AUGUST 22 •Hiking day with the Summit Youth Centre. Leaving at 9 a.m. Registration needed by August 21st , 9 p.m. •MS fundraiser at A&W. EVERY SUNDAY •Pancake breakfast at the Edgewater Legion, 9 - 11 a.m. •Fairmont Farmer's Market, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. •Drop-in roller skating, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., $5, Glacier Peaks Gymnastics building, 250-342-5321 •Barn Market at Elk Park Ranch's Old Eaton House, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Invermere Badminton Club meets, 7:30 - 10 p.m. at the DTSS gym. EVERY 2nd SUNDAY •LW Alliance Church Sing and Celebrate, 7 p.m. For more information call Clarence Stauffer, 250-342-9580. EVERY MONDAY •EK Brain Injury Support Group, 1-3 p.m.,

Family Resource Centre. Info: 250-344-5674. •Gentle drop-in carpet bowling, 1:30 p.m., Invermere Seniors' Centre. •Ladies Motorcycle Born to Ride. Tim Horton’s, 5:15 p.m. Call 341-5646 for more info. •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Megan McConnell at 250-409-4455. •Duplicate Bridge, 6:30 p.m., Invermere Seniors’ Hall, $2/person. Visitors welcome. •Ultimate Frisbee at J.A. Laird School field. Free, for all ages, and beginners welcome. Call 250-270-0346. 1st & 3rd TUESDAY •OPT clinic, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Inv. Health Unit. Confidential service: low-cost birth control, and STI testing. EVERY TUESDAY •Shuswap Bingo at the Shuswap Indian Band Office downstairs, doors open at 5:30 p.m., early bird at 6:45 p.m., regular games at 7 p.m. •Cubs (8-10 year olds) and Beavers (5-7 year olds), J.A. Laird, 6 - 7 p.m. •Open Mic night at Bud's Bar, beginning at 10 p.m. 1st & 3rd WED •Bingo, Windermere Community Hall, opens at 6 p.m., starts at 7 p.m. 2nd & 4th WED •Seniors' Day at the Invermere Library, 1:15 2:15 p.m. Bus provided. EVERY WEDNESDAY •Yoga THRIVE - Yoga for Cancer Survivors and Support People. Copper Point Resort at 4:30 p.m. Call Jan Klimek at 250-342-1195 •Invermere Badminton Club meets 7-9 p.m. at JA Laird School gym. 1st THURSDAY •Columbia Valley MS Support Group meet and greet. 7 - 8 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity. EVERY THURSDAY •Open Mic night at the Hoodoo Grill, 9:30 p.m. EVERY FRIDAY •Baby Goose program for parents and babies up to 18 months. 9:3011:30 a.m. at Eileen Madson Primary. •Preschool Story Time at the Invermere Public Library, 10:30 a.m.

Echo file photo August 2007 — One of Radium Hot Springs' resident Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep makes his way down Jackson Avenue on August 26. The animal seemed to have found a great spot to munch on a resident’s greenery.

A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 50 years DAN WALTON

5 years ago (2008): An 18-year-old man from Calgary was playing with fireworks on the hillside between 7th Avenue and Industrial Park. His fun led to disaster as a grassfire broke out and he ran for it. Nearby residents saw the man and alerted police, who were quick to apprehend him. Twenty-three firemen attended the scene, and averted disaster. Four homes were evacuated because of safety threats. Four helicopters were deployed and a dozen members of the B.C. Forest Service were dispatched to the scene, along with business owners willing to lend a hand. Phone service was lost in Athalmer and Windermere because of affected utility lines and a fireman suffered minor burns on his hand while rolling over a burning log. 15 years ago (1998): A new skate park was being constructed on 14th Street and one of the residents wasn't

happy about it. With half of the money already spent on building the park, the other half should be used to relocate the skatepark to a more "socially acceptable" location, she said. 20 years ago (1993): A forestry recreation site near Radium Hot Springs was vandalized for the fourth time that year, after eight incidents in 1992, and the man who managed the site said it's time to close it. "They really did a number on the toilet this time," said Invermere Forest District's forestry recreation officer Kreg Sky. In the previous two years, one picnic table has been stolen, another burned, the toilet doors were stolen twice, and the railings were destroyed four times. Mr. Sky said the site was too close to town and that dozens of other recreation sites that he managed went unvandalized. "It's hard to see where it will go – I can't see another agency taking it over," he said. 30 years ago (1983): Around 100 people from Invermere took a bus to Cranbrook, where they took part in an Operation Solidarity protest against then Premier Bill Bennett and the Social Credit Party. No particular issue was

at stake. Complaints on posters ranged from "Hitler's Germany 1933, Bill Bennett's B.C. 1983" to "Social Credit is a social disease." 40 years ago (1973): An open house was held at the Der Schlafwagon Hostel for Youth in Invermere. The hostel had 14 beds upstairs for men, and 6 beds downstairs for women. Guests received dinner, bed and breakfast for 50 cents. Drugs, weapons, alcohol and local youth were not allowed and guests had to sign the registration book to confirm their identity. Most hostel visitors were young people but one was a grandmother, an Echo story at the time read. 45 years ago (1968): Pension eligibility was gradually being reduced from age 70 to 65, with the final change expected in January 1970. 50 years ago (1963): Hospital staff were busy with the summer tourism season. During the long weekend, horses caused minor injures to five children, a second home owner from Calgary fell down his stairs and broke his arm, two children required treatment for dog bites, a woman from Pennsylvania broke her foot and another woman broke her arm in separate but nearby accident in Radium Hot Springs.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo A9

Valley Life Water world This past weekend, Invermere was awash with lake-based activities for all ages thanks to the annual Lakeside Event and the first-ever Summer Splash. (Clockwise from top left) A paraglider prepares for a smooth landing at James Chabot Provincial Park during the Lakeside Event on Saturday, August 10th (Dan Walton photo); A sailboat competes in the regatta during Summer Splash on Sunday, August 11th (Steve Hubrecht photo); Kids' activities with an educational component kept the young ones entertained at Summer Splash (Dan Walton photo); A beach volleyball competition at Summer Splash attracted players of all ages (Dan Walton photo); and a paraglider hits the land target perfectly at Saturday's Lakeside Event (Dan Walton photo). picture framing lighting & home decor

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo

Girlfriend woes and more at Bud's comedy show with Brett Martin DAN WALTON

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Photo courtesy of Tanya De Leeuw Photography


of the Week

Copper Point Resort

Copper Point Resort opened our doors in May of 2011, and just over 2 years later we are enjoying much stronger occupancies and some great group business. As the hotel continues to mature we are positioning ourselves as “Your Centre for Adventure,” suggesting that the myriad of activities that can be enjoyed in the Columbia Valley can be arranged directly through us. Given that the hotel has over 6500 square feet of meeting space, we have brought on a Corporate Group seller who is completely focused on booking group business into the hotel which will enable us to boost occupancies in the shoulder and winter season. Our goal is to have a minimum of 10,000 group room nights each year, which should have a beneficial spin-off effect in the area. The hotel now has 75 full time colleagues and needs more! We are looking to double this number for 2014. We are very proud to be part of the business community in the Columbia Valley and look forward to contributing in any positive way that we can. The Team at Copper Point Resort. Sponsored by:


Comedian Brett Martin will be couch-surfing his way to Invermere for a show at Bud’s Bar & Lounge on Sunday, August 18th for what’s unofficially titled the “My Girlfriend Left Me” tour. After 14 years in professional comedy, Brett’s seen a lot of Canada. He hails from Winnipeg – which is why he is an ecstatic Jets fans — and has lived in Calgary, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver, However, you won’t hear him talk much about hockey during his sets. “I talk about steroids and stuff, but I try and stay away from sports jokes,” Brett told The Echo. He said his jokes are mostly based on his observations and popular entertainment, as well as his work and travel experiences. “I talk about human nature – things that are similar and different wherever you go.” It’s no surprise that the informal tour title, My Girlfriend Just Left Me, is based on Brett’s relationship status. “She left me a month ago after eight years,” he explained. “I don’t know where I’m going to live, what I’m going to do, but I do know I’ll just keep doing..." At least he doesn’t have to worry about his career – Brett’s schedule is close to being fully booked until the new year. “It’s a good time to be busy – keeps me from crying,” he said with a laugh. Brett said that because he’s now single, he can be a little more honest about how “crappy” relationships can be. “I had to hold that back before,” he joked. Losing his long-term girlfriend has given him new and fresh ideas for comedy, but he’s not going to give a sad and teary-eyed performance, he said. Brett used his writing from a Grade 12 journalism class to land himself a job at the Calgary Sun shortly after

photo submitted Laughter is on the menu at Bud's Bar and Lounge in Invermere on August 18th when comedian Brett Martin rolls into town. Brett has been featured on several TV comedy shows and has worked alongside Russell Peters.

high school graduation in the late 1990s. After three months, though, he left, saying he “needed a more creative way to say what he wanted to say.” Stand-up comedy ended up working out pretty well, he says. He has a TV special exclusively featuring his stand-up on Comedy Now, and he’s been featured on CTV and

Maria in the Shower at Buds, Friday August 16th What does ART mean to you?

“Wildly entertaining!” – Calgary Sun Visit for our current events calendar, or call 250-342-4423.

the Comedy Network. His jokes can also be heard on XM Radio’s Laff Attack, and he’s worked alongside Russell Peters and Harland Williams. Sunday’s show will also feature another professional comedian who will kick off the night and Brett says he will be extremely funny. Tickets cost $10 and the show starts at 8 p.m.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo A11


Canvas creativity Photo submitted On Saturday, August 3rd, Effusion Art Gallery hosted Vancouver artist Sharon Quirke, who gave a demonstration at the gallery (left). She organized a canvas for children who came by to paint a section of it. 'Columbia River Valley' (below) is one of Ms. Quirke's works of art.

Valley museum presents a madcap musical film WINDERMERE VALLEY MUSEUM Special to The Valley Echo

The Windermere Valley Museum's summer theme is music. To highlight the dying days of August, a historic 1932 musical film, Love Me Tonight, will be filling the building with song and mirth during two special evening showings. The 1.5-hour feature is a madcap musical comedy featuring the talents of Jeanette MacDonald and Maurice Chevalier. In this film, a carefree tailor leaves his Paris shop to collect a past due bill at a recalcitrant aristocratic client's family chateau. Mistaken for royalty, he runs a gauntlet of lunatic blue-bloods, including love-happy Countess Valentine. But it is Princess Jeanette's closely guarded heart that Maurice desires and it will take every ounce of his ingenious pluck to woo her. With music and lyrics by Rodgers & Hart, cheeky pre-code innuendo and astoundingly modern filmic touches it is a show-stopping movie decades ahead of its time. Produced and directed by Rouben Mamoulian, it was elected to the National Film Registry in 1990 as a classic historic movie.

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Photo submitted The historic musical 'Love Me Tonight' will be screened at the WIndermere Valley Museum theatre on August 18th and 19th.

As part of our 'Movie Night at the Museum' series, this film will be shown in the museum theatre at 7 p.m. on Sunday, August 18th and Monday, August

19th. Admission is by donation, but due to limited seating, moviegoers should call 250-342-9769 during museum hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) to reserve seats.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo

Valley Child Care Windermere daycare provides quality environment ARLEE ROMANE Windermere Valley Child Care

Windermere Valley Child Care society was established in 1976 as a pre-school and expanded into a daycare a number of years ago. We have very qualified staff, including some staff who have been here from 16 years to 28 years and many who have been here for five or more years. The beauty of our centre is that children can attend from the time they enter daycare until they no longer need daycare at the age of 12. We become part of their family and are very attached to the children and their families. They can go from daycare to the pre-school programs within their day without parents having to transport them from one program to the other. The school district transports the after school children to the centre by bus. We provide quality care with a play

based learning environment for infant toddlers, group daycare for three to five year olds, pre-school for three year olds and four year olds, and an out-of-school care program. Here are some of the reasons why we are a play-based centre: • Children learn more when they are playing; • Play develops children's creativity and problem solving skills; • Play prepares children better for school learning; • Play is healthy,. It promotes strength, coordination and brain development; • Play teaches new skills and builds children's self-esteem; • Play teaches children social skills that help them develop friendships; • Play is a right of children (United Nations Convention on the rights of the child). We are currently taking registrations for next Septembers pre-school program so feel free to call us at 250-3423168 or drop by for a visit (please ask for

Playhouse Daycare • Fully licensed • Spaces available • Nutritious food and subsidy welcome Phone: 250-342-9348 Cell: 250-341-1455 9244 Waterstreet Invermere, B.C.

Arlee or Pat) We also have some openings in the three to five year old daycare program and the out of school program for older

children. Drop in and see our centre, whether you are looking for care immediately or in the future.

Just like family: Playhouse Daycare STAFF WRITER The Valley Echo

Good values, nutritous food and proper development are important qualities that Invermere's Playhouse Daycare is sure to instill upon their young clients.



3-5 year old group daycare: $4.00 per hour Book hours needed.

Pre-school for September: Mondays & Thursdays 3/4 split class 90.00 / 110.00 per month 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Out of school care: $3.75 per hour Full days during school closures After school care Transportation from school.


Owner Sue Statham is proud to offer a small environment for family daycare, "so kids are treated hopefully the same as they are in their own family environment," she said. Playhouse Daycare still has a few spots open depending on age and needs. Sue can be contacted at 250-342-9348.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo A13


Have a sports tip? or 250-342-9216

PHOTO CONTRIBUTED Invermere resident Michelle Taylor completed a 3.86-kilometre swim, a 180.25-kilometre bike ride, and a 42.2-kilometre run in the Ironman Lake Placid in New York State on July 31st.

Local athlete takes on Ironman Lake Placid The seeded start prevented swimmers from “clobbering” one another, Michelle said. “It can get scary when you’re in the water and there are big guys swimming over you.” Ironman Triathlons require participants to swim 3.86 kilometres, bicycle 180.25 She completed the swim in one hour and twenty three minutes, and ranked 40th kilometres, and run 42.2 kilometres, and Michelle Taylor from Invermere went to out of the 76 finishers in her division — females aged 45 to 49. Lake Placid, New York last month to compete in the trio of challenges. Although health issues prevented her from optimal performance, Michelle was Ironman Lake Placid takes competitors through the Adirondack Mountains of able to complete the bike segment in 7 hours and 41 minutes. upstate New York. Lake Placid can be travelled to by car from southern Ontario, “Lake Placid has absolutely gorgeous bike courses,” she said. “It’s always changwhere Michelle’s relatives lives, including her sister-in-law who also competed in ing; you’re always turning a corner, going up or down a hill.” the triathlon. And she said that when you live in the mountains, those hills are easy to handle. Michelle completed the event in 14 hours, 24 minutes Her practice rides in the Columbia Valley led her to and 47 seconds and said she did well considering the the Castlerock access road, and she would pedal to Panlevel of pain she endured on the bike, as her ribs were “I kept saying at points that it's just pain, orama and back several times consecutively. sore and her back was spasming. She also practiced accumulating speed without brakit's just pain... I'd have to be put in an am“I had a few dark moments there, but I really found a ing on the descents. lot of inner strength,” she told The Echo. “I kept saying at bulance and carted away — that's the only “There was one steep descent down to a small town points that it’s just pain, it’s just pain.” that I was freaked out about (as) people were talking way I was going to quit.” But never did she think about quitting, she said. about braking and how steep it was,” Michelle said MICHELLE TAYLOR “I’d have to be put in an ambulance and carted away about one section of the Lake Placid bike course. “It was IRONMAN ATHLETE – that’s the only was I was going to quit.” funny because the hill I was anxious about was not a big The community spirit in Lake Placid made it easy for deal and I was so freaked out about it.” Michelle to push through. More than nine hours had passed after the swimming and cycling legs of the race “The atmosphere is unbelievable — thousands and thousands of people cheer- when it was time for Michelle to run the 42.2-kilometre stretch. ing you on,” she said. “They just feed you energy all day, and it really helps to keep Although she’s been running for 12 years, she said she was surprised the first you going.” time she ran after biking 40 kilometres. The event was well-organized, Michelle said. Athletes staged themselves accord“I didn’t think I’d last ten steps. You start with a sprint and you kind of get hooked ingly, based on their expected finishing time, and the large crowd began the race on it. Then you work your way up.” in phases rather than all at once. While it requires a tremendous amount of dedication, Michelle “The timing mats are right where you enter the water, so until you go past that said anybody who commits is capable of completing an Ironman with your timing chip, your official time doesn’t begin,” she said. Triathlon.



Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo


Village of Radium Hot Springs wants to hear from you

Seniors' stampede

CONTRIBUTOR Special to The Valley Echo

The Village of Radium Hot Springs invites households to provide feedback on its community arts, culture, leisure and recreational facilities. Do you envision multi purpose spaces for leisure activities such as dance, yoga, children/senior craft and recreation programs or spaces large enough to hold dances, banquets and community celebrations? Perhaps you support expanding hiking/walking trails and outdoor spaces? The Village of Radium Hot Springs is seeking feedback on existing community spaces, ensuring they have the necessary amenities, features and services, without duplicating other venues and community commercial spaces. This research is being undertaken as a Master’s Project and as follow up to the 2010 community survey. This information may be used to guide long range planning as the Village updates the Radium 2020 Vision, and goals and strategies under Section 3.5 outlined in the 2013 Official Community Plan. Please visit to complete the survey today. Researcher Jessica Fairhart is currently completing a Master’s degree in Community Development at the University of Victoria and has undertaken the Village of Radium Community Facility Needs Assessment as her Master’s Project. With undergraduate degrees in Leisure Studies and Organizational Communications, community, recreation and municipal services have always been areas of interest to Jessica. For more information, please contact Jessica at


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Contest closes September 30, 2013 *See Official Rules & Regulations at for details **Winners will be notified via email

PHOTO AND WRITE UP SUBMITTED BY JUDITH GOERZ On Friday, July 26th, the Activity Department at Columbia House organized a Columbia House Stampede. Jay Mills from Water Valley, Alberta brought his horses and wagon to Columbia House and some residents went for wagon rides with support of the physiotherapy department who helped them onto the wagon. Residents and volunteers also enjoyed a Cowboy Luncheon in the courtyard along with games and prizes while listening to some toe-tapping country tunes by Bill and Kurt. Rebecca Miller was the Stampede Queen .

SuperWalk together to help find a cure for Parkinson's disease LAURA DARCH Parkinson Superwalk

Lace up your runners and grab a friend — registration is now open for Parkinson SuperWalk. The 3rd annual event takes place on Saturday, September 7, 2013, at 1:30 p.m. in Invermere’s Pothole Park. Organizations, businesses, families and friends will walk together and enjoy the triumph of teamwork while raising critical funds for Parkinson’s research, support services and education. Participants can register by visiting SuperWalk is the largest national fundraising event for Parkinson’s disease and, this September, 95 communities across Canada and 18 communities throughout B.C. (Burnaby, Campbell River, Chilliwack, Cranbrook, Duncan, Elk Valley, Fraser Valley, Kamloops, Kelowna, Nelson, Parksville, Pitt Meadows, Prince George, Salmon Arm, Surrey, Vancouver, Vernon and Invermere) will join the fight to find a cure. In communities with no organized walk, supporters can get involved by registering as a virtual walker. In B.C., the goal is to beat the 2012 fundraising record of $595,000. Nationwide, the aim is to raise $3.3 million. Resident Grace Sander organizes SuperWalk Invermere and is at the heart of the event’s success. “In our first year, we had 24 walkers who raised

$3,000. The next year, 36 walkers raised more than $7,000. This year, we hope to raise $14,000. We need lots of walkers and lots of pledges!” said Ms. Sander. Proceeds from SuperWalk go to research and support servicGrace Sander es provided by Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC). Last year alone, PSBC funded two local researchers, hosted a regional conference and Young Onset seminar, delivered clinician training and community lectures to more than 400 people across the province, added five new support groups (bringing the current total to 53), and spoke one-on-one to more than 1,700 individuals seeking information. Parkinson’s is the second most common degenerative neurological disorder after Alzheimer’s. It is estimated that 11,000 British Columbians and more than 100,000 Canadians live with the disease. It is cruel and unforgiving causing tremors, rigidity, postural instability, difficulty talking, walking and swallowing, reduced facial expression, and in some cases, depression and dementia. It can strike anyone — women and men of all ages, ethnic backgrounds and lifestyles. There is currently no known cure. Established in 1969, Parkinson Society British Columbia is a not-for-profit charitable organization that exists to address the personal and social consequences of Parkinson's disease.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo

Columbia Valley

Weekend Weather A15


Brain Games Friday



Cloudy periods

Cloudy periods

Cloudy periods

Temp: 22oC

Temp: 24 C

August 16

August 18

August 17

Temp: 26 C o




Feels like 24 C

Feels like 26 C

Low: 13oC

Low: 13oC

Low: 14oC

CLUES ACROSS 1. S.A. grassy plain 6. Condemnation 11. Twitter or Facebook 14. Chest muscle (slang) 15. Changed ocean level 16. Cause bodily suffering to 18. Red Jamaican tropical fruit 21. 3rd largest Swiss city (alt. sp.) 23. Bluish greens 25. Billowing clouds 26. Duchy princes 28. Sarcasms 29. Equal business associate 31. State certified accountant 34. Swiss river 35. Winged goddess of the dawn 36. Not a jet airplane 39. Ethically




Feels like 28 C

Crossword August 14, 2013


40. Dark brownish black 44. Removed writing 45. Skill in an occupation or trade 47. Standard unit of length 48. Indescribably bad 50. ___ Lanka 51. Locution 56. Printing liquid 57. Small travel cases 62. Old Norse poems 63. Mammy’s partner CLUES DOWN 1. Scarred face 2. Atomic #89 3. Great Lakes state 4. Tap gently 5. Boxer Muhammad 6. Quilting or spelling 7. Confined condition (abbr.) 8. Expression of sympathy

9. The Show Me State 10. Expunctions 11. Subdivision of a denomination 12. Peace Garden State 13. One who causes death 14. The Keystone state 17. Hawaiian garlands 19. Cologne 20. Large northern deer 21. Montana’s 5th largest city 22. Compound containing NH2 24. Small unit of time (abbr.) 25. Auto 27. Saponaceous 28. Gulf of, in the N.E. Aegean 30. Golf score 31. A disease remedy 32. Dark gemstone 33. More competent

36. Matador 37. Not new 38. Political action committee 39. Microelectromechanical systems (abbr.) 41. Woman’s undergarment 42. Enacted legislation 43. A representation of a person 46. Large casks for liquids

49. Abbr. for 50 across 51. Nursing group 52. Roman god of the underworld 53. Silver 54. Group health plan 55. The 7th Greek letter 58. -__, denotes past 59. Rural delivery 60. Oil company 61. Associated Press

Answer to August 7:

Horoscope Second Week of August

Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Last Sudoku answer -->:

ARIES Aries, you have a firm grasp on what you need to accomplish in the week ahead. Stay focused on your tasks and that focus will pay off by the end of the week.

CANCER Cancer, many things need to get done this week before you can set work aside and take a much-needed vacation. Once you get through the bulk of things, you can relax.

LIBRA Libra, sometimes you have to be the voice of reason, and this won’t always make you popular with others. Though some may not rally around you this week, they’ll relent.

CAPRICORN Surround yourself with close friends, Capricorn. They will serve as your anchor in difficult situations that may come to pass this week. It’s good to have a support system.

TAURUS Taurus, your financial burden is a little easier this week. Perhaps you have caught up on bills or have received a little extra money you didn’t expect.

LEO Save some of your good fortune for others, Leo. When you share the wealth, not only will you feel better about yourself, but also you will certainly have more friends around you.

SCORPIO Something that seemed like a good idea at first glance may not seem like the best thing to do right now, Scorpio. Switch gears while you can still take another path.

AQUARIUS There is more to you than others see, Aquarius. Sometimes you relish in being mysterious, and this is one of those times. Others’ interest will be piqued.

SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius, although you may rather spend your time doing something else for the next few days, handle your upcoming obligations without complaint.

PISCES Don’t take any sniffles or sneezes for granted, Pisces. Make sure this week you pay attention to your health to ensure good days ahead.

GEMINI Gemini, whether you are in a relationship or are looking for a new romantic partner, the next few days are the moments for putting on the charm.

VIRGO Without you the welloiled wheels of the work machine just won’t spin correctly, Virgo. That can put a lot of pressure on you in your career, so weigh the options of a day off.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo

Building your Wealth Market Update

Weekly change














Oil US$/B









What does and doesn’t matter I have been impressed by the really wonderful things people do, and I’ve seen many since I came here. Of course, I’ve also seen the negatives. But, since I saw the behavior of people all over the world after the Boston bombing, I’ve been thinking about it. I wonder if we are not really people of good will, after all. I actually saw the positive nature of human beings a long time ago. That perception hasn’t changed. But, each time I look at this issue, I find myself marvelling again. During the bombing, I watched TV news and saw some people rushing toward the location of damage and injury. They helped wherever they could, rather than running away to save themselves. Since then, I have seen the same thing over and over. I was deeply gratified when I saw the same thing as Calgary dealt with the flood. Some accept evolution as accurate. Others prefer a religious, or a cultural, or a social motive. There are many philosophers, theologians and other thinkers of all faiths, plus ordinary people, who have observed that we are decent people and prefer to do decent things. If we have skills that are needed in any situation, we offer them, and more if we have more available. That’s called evolution, in science. It’s also called community, in any language. Like many people, I forget and sometimes have difficulty, in the heat of things, not to allow the most recent negative event to overwhelm the positive, but I try. On the other hand, one of the things of which I have become especially aware is the frequency with which I - and most others - repeat the same mistakes over and over again. I forget. I may even resist being responsible. Like others, I don’t like to be wrong. But we are not, at least, alone. There is an old saying that seems valid: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.”

The important thing to remember is, it doesn’t matter in the long run if you feel foolish or wise. It doesn’t matter if someone damages your car, your boss gets angry, or if your life, your marriage or your children are not perfect.

Of course we try to defend ourselves and our families against any attack. That’s a natural part of dealing with any danger. As we see around here, deer, cougars, grizzlies, and a host of other animals do the same under any threat. So, what is the standard we hold to? We try to follow the belief that what matters is how you deal with your situation, not the things you may have. If you don’t have the job, the bank account, the car, or

anything else you can think of, the important thing is to remove every other person from your thinking about this issue, and focus your entire thinking on what you are doing to get what you wish. All of us find it easy to fall into a trap of blaming others for our problems. This is true in my own life and it’s true with other people. The reason it’s easy is it takes us off the hook. We can find or create excuses easily when we can blame someone else. It’s true of almost any situation — if it doesn’t work and there is someone easy to blame, then I don’t have to take blame within myself. In other words, I don’t have to be responsible to deal with the situations that result from my own thoughts. It’s someone else’s fault, therefore I’m guilt-free. It doesn’t work that way for anyone. Sooner or later, our participation in the situation comes out, and we have to deal with it. And if we wait to get it done, it’s more difficult. The end result is that, if you want a better life, it’s up to you. It’s not that you are at fault, any more than anyone else. It’s just really true that accepting your situation is the first step to improvement. That doesn’t mean you need to do it all by yourself! Too many of us try to solve our problems alone. Naturally, since we don’t want others to see our own errors. But, in engineering circles, that’s exactly the meaning most often given to the Einstein quotation — failing to recognize a situation as real and knowing when help is needed. An important part of learning to see personal responsibility for the situation we see around us is knowing when we need help. That’s a big part of what we do. We help. In fact, when people come, looking for advice and our financial knowledge, we find it a lot easier to get the job done if the person seeking advice has already looked at his/her own contribution to the problem. That’s a starting place, not a concern. It’s what truly matters.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 14, 2013 A17


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ALCOHOLICS Anonymous If alcohol is causing problems or conflict in your life, AA can help. Call 250-342-2424 for more information. All meetings are at 8 p.m. Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday groups - Columbia United AA at the BC Services building, south end, 625 4th Street Invermere. Radium Friendship Group: Friday, Catholic Church. All meetings are open.


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Lost & Found Found, at James Chabot beach. Ipod. Please call 250688-0202 to identify. Found: Bracelet outside Buds Bar and Lounge. Call 250341-6299 to identify. Found: In Edgewater, a long skate board. 250-347-9595.

Employment Career Opportunities cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.


November 14, 1921 August 4, 2013 On August 4, 2013, Edmund Kluczny passed away peacefully at the age of 91 years of pancreatic cancer. Edmund will always be remembered and loved by his children, Lyle Kluczny (Ann Powell), Lynda Grabenweger (Terry James), Debbie Gouthro (Lawrence), Karen Rurka (Rick), and step-son, Kevin Heath (Donna), as well as by Edmund’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Georgina and Ruth’s families and numerous other family and friends. Edmund was predeceased by his parents Bert and Marcella Kluczny and two brothers, Harold and Walter Kluczny. Edmund was also predeceased by wives: Maxine Watson, Georgina Kluczny, and Ruth Kluczny. Edmund was born in Empress, Alberta and later moved to Winfield, Alberta, where he lived with his family and attended school at Telfordville and the Poplar Valley School District. After graduating from high school in 1938, he began cooking at a forestry camp at Buck Lake before becoming a World War Two pilot. After the War, Edmund ran the Buck Lake store before studying at the University of Alberta to become a teacher. He taught school in the Edmonton area until he moved to the Columbia Valley in the late 70s. Here Edmund was involved with the Catholic Church, Knights of Columbus, Legion, Seniors Centre, and a variety of other programs and committees. Edmund also competed in speed walking with the Seniors Games from 1989 until 2012. He maintained a healthy lifestyle until his illness in April, 2013. A celebration of Edmund’s life will be held August 16, 2013, 2:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Radium Hot Springs, B.C., with fellowship and refreshments at the Seniors Centre in Invermere, B.C., after the service.

LE MINISTÈRE de la Défense nationale cherche des Officiers du génie des systèmes de marine pour remplir divers postes de civils à Victoria et Nanoose Bay en ColombieBritannique. Les candidates et candidats peuvent postuler en ligne seulement, au site Internet de la Commission de la reserves the fonction publique du Canada, right to revise, edit, classify or renuméro de référence DND13Jject any advertisment and to re008697-000069, numéro du tain any answers directed to the processus de sélection Box Reply Ser13-DND-EA-ESQ-375697, vice and to repay the customer Vaisseaux auxiliaires des forcthe sum paid for the advertises armées canadiennes. Les ment and box rental. postulants doivent posséder toutes les compétences requénumérées et soumettre Roy Stanleyises McCormick 1950-2013. leur demande selon l’échéance prescrit. Advertisers are reminded It that is with heavy hearts that his family announces the passing of a Provincial legislation forbids the -fra.htm beloved husband, father, father-in-law, poppa and friend. Roy publication of any advertisement MARINE ENGINEERING OffiIt is with heavy hearts that his passed onare Thursday 8, 2013 surrounded by his which discriminates against any away cers requiredAugust for various family announces the passing of a person because of race,loving religion,family after positions a short but battle with cancer and civilian withcourageous the Desex, color, nationality, ancestry or partment of Crohn’s National Disease. Defence beloved husband, father, father-inan ongoing battle with place of origin, or age, unless the in Victoria and Nanoose Bay law, poppa and friend. Roy passed condition is justified by a bona BC. Online applications only fide requirement for the through the15,Public Service Roywork was born on July 1950 in Cut Knife,away Saskatchewan. on Thursday, August 8, 2013, Canada webinvolved. ThroughoutCommission his life Royofcalled many places surrounded in Saskatchewan by his loving family after a short but courageous battle site, Reference# DND13Jhome, eventually settling in Fairmont BCand with his wifebattle with Crohn’s Disease. 008697-000069, SelectionHot Springs, with cancer an ongoing Pat in 2000Process# and later a 13-DND-EA-ESQsecond home in Arizona. Roy had many Roy was born on July 15, 1950 in Cut Knife, Saskatchewan. Copyright and/or properties sub375697, his Canadian Forces careers life including farmer, business owner, sist in all advertisements and in throughout Auxiliary Fleet (CFAV). AppliThroughout his life Roy called many places in Saskatchewan home, salesman and craftsman. Roy was a person who was good at everything he tried, and all other material appearing in cants must meet all essential eventually settling Fairmont Hot Springs,strong B.C. with cations listedheand com- do something. Roy in this edition of bcclassifi was never aqualifi person to say couldn't was an incredibly yethis wife Pat pletewas the application within the Permission to reproduce wholly in 2000 and later a second home in Arizona. Roy had many careers quiet man who sincere, honest, witty and hard working. Roy enjoyed golfing, prescribed timelines. or in part and in any form whatthroughout his life, including farmer, business owner, salesman and things, but most of all time with his grandchildren. soever, particularly bytinkering, a pho- fixing -eng.htm. craftsman. Roy was a person who was good at everything he tried, tographic or offset process in a

Roy Stanley McCormick




publication must be obtained in predeceased by his parents Charlie Roy was 4 siblings in infancy. Left Roy was an andand was Ruth never aand person to say he couldn’t do something. writing from the publisher. Any to mourn his passing is his beloved wife Pat, sons Michael (Laura), Andrew (Kate), and witty and incredibly strong yet quiet man who was sincere, honest, unauthorized reproduction will Penny (Tim), grandson Parker andhard granddaughters Taylor, Brooklyn, be subject to recourse indaughter law. working. Roy enjoyed golfing, tinkering, Abigail fixing things, but most

and Keely. Roy is survived by 3 brothers; Delbert Leonard (Debbie), Bill and of all time(Doreen), with his grandchildren. Roy was predeceased by his parents Charlie and Ruth and 4 siblings in infancy. Left Rockyview to mourn his General passing is his beloved wife In Lieu of flowers the family would appreciate donations to the Pat, sons Michael (Laura), Andrew (Kate), and daughter Penny Hospital Intensive Care Unit in Calgary, Alberta.

ON THE WEB: 2 sisters, Sharon and Anne.

(Tim), grandson Parker and granddaughters Taylor, Brooklyn, Abigail Keely.atRoy is survived by 3 brothers; The funeral will take place on Saturday August 17,and 2013 1:00 pm at Sallows & Delbert (Doreen), McDonald Funeral Home in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. Interment to follow Cut Leonard (Debbie), Bill and 2 sisters, Sharon and in Anne. Knife cemetery. In Lieu of flowers the family would appreciate donations to the Rockyview General Hospital Intensive Care Unit in Calgary, Alberta. The funeral will take place on Saturday August 17, 2013 at 1:00 pm at Sallows & McDonald Funeral Home in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. Interment to follow in Cut Knife cemetery.

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Roy Stanley McCormick


LODERMEIER, ALLEN (AL) LEONARD Allen (AL) Leonard Lodermeier, 65, of Salmon Arm, passed 1950-2013 away Saturday, Aug. It is with10, heavy 2013, hearts thatathis Polson Special Care family announces the passing of a Home in father, Vernon, beloved husband, father-inBC, after a long and law, poppa and friend. passed courageous battleRoywith away onOnset Thursday,Alzheimer’s August 8, 2013, Early surrounded by his loving family after a short but courageous battle Disease. with an ongoing Al cancer was and born to battle the with Crohn’s Disease. Roy was born and on July Alma 15, 1950 in Cut Knife, Saskatchewan. late Paul Lodermeier, Feb. 9, places in Saskatchewan home, Throughout his life Roy called many 1948, Salmon Arm,Hot Springs, B.C. with his wife Pat eventuallyinsettling in Fairmont BC. in 2000Alandgraduated later a second from home in Arizona. Roy had many careers Salmon Senior throughout hisArm life, including farmer, business owner, salesman and Secondary in 1966, and received his Electrical craftsman. Roy was a person who was good at everything he tried, Journeyman Certificate in Calgary in 1972. and never a person say he couldn’t something. was anin Hewas married Lois toHopkins in do 1969. TheyRoylived incredibly strong yet quiet man who was sincere, honest, witty andin Calgary, Vernon, and Invermere before residing hard working. Salmon ArmRoy inenjoyed 2008.golfing, tinkering, fixing things, but most ofAl’s all time his grandchildren. lastwith position was the maintenance manager predeceased his parents Charlie and Ruth and he 4 at Roy thewas Radium Hot by Springs Golf Resort before began struggle Onset siblings inhisinfancy. Left to with mourn Early his passing is his Alzheimer’s beloved wife Disease. Al was well Andrew liked, (Kate), generous and always Pat, sons Michael (Laura), and daughter Penny willing to lend aParker hand. (Tim), grandson and granddaughters Taylor, Brooklyn, Al enjoyed fishing and hiking with his Abigail and Keely.camping, Roy is survived by 3 brothers; Delbert (Doreen), family, wood working, visiting with family, and Leonard (Debbie), Bill and 2 sisters, Sharon and Anne. relaxing after work with a cold beer and nachos. Lieu of flowers appreciate donations the Al Inworked hard the butfamily alsowould made time to laugh,toplay Rockyview General Hospital Intensive Care Unit in Calgary, Alberta. and enjoy life and his loved ones. Al was a proud The funeralfather will take place on Saturday August 17, 2013 at 1:00 husband, and grandfather. pm Sallows McDonald Funeral Home in North Al atwill be & lovingly remembered by Battleford, his wife Lois, to whom he was married for cemetery. 44 years, his Saskatchewan. Interment to follow in Cut Knife children Kevin (Kim Lawrick) of Summerland and Ryan (Naomi Hori) of Kamloops, and his four grandchildren Lauren, Ethan, Jordyn and Gavin; and Norbert (Carol), his brother. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Vernon’s Polson Special Care Home (Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation, 2101 32nd Street, Vernon BC V1T 5L2) or to the Alzheimer Society of BC, #300-828 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1E2, The family wishes to extend sincere thanks to Al’s doctors, to Cy and the amazing staff at Salmon Arm’s Harmony Haven Adult Day Support, to the care-giving angels at Bastion Place Care Centre and Vernon’s Polson Special Care Home. A special thanks goes out to the wonderful, thoughtful and caring caregivers who cared for Al in his last years. Vernon’s Polson Special Care Home has been a true gift for our family. They became like a family for Al and provided loving care for him to be comfortable and safe. The Polson Special Staff Caregivers have our deepest thanks! A private family memorial will be held at their home to honor the life of Al. On line condolences may be sent to Al’s obituary at


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Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta. Small Equipment operator needed, for bobcat, small excavator etc. Must be experienced and have valid drivers licence. Call 250-341-1000 and leave message if no answer.

HOUSEKEEPERS Full-Time & Part-Time Opportunities. Required for Super 8 motel.

Please contact 250-342-8888

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo

Help Wanted


NORTHSTAR Mountain Village is a ski-in/ski-out luxury mountain-side resort overlooking Kimberley Alpine Resort. We are looking for Housekeeping staff to work in a fun team oriented atmosphere. Experience preferred but will train the right candidate. Parttime/Full-time/Year-round work is available. Benefit package available after 3 months. Applications will be accepted until August 23 @12:00PM. Please send resume and cover letter to or deliver in-person to 1351 Gerry Sorenson Way, Kimberley. We are an equal opportunity employer and thank you for applying. Only those to be interviewed will be contacted.

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services

Experienced server’s are required at the Farside Pub in Fairmont. Email Resume to

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services PRESTIGE Hotels & Resorts require a full-time Room Attendants to clean and prepare rooms for hotel guests. Position is available at the Best Western Plus – Prestige Inn Radium Hot Springs, 7493 Main St. W., Radium Hot Springs BC. No experience required. Applicant must have basic English. Terms: Full Time Permanent, Shift, Weekend and Weekdays. Wage: $13.75/hr. MSP Benefits after 6 months. Complete employment application (found on and submit with your resume to

PRESTIGE Hotels & Resorts require a full-time Front Desk Agents to make room reservations, register guests, provide information to guests and process payments. Position is available at the Best Western Plus – Prestige Inn Radium Hot Springs, 7493 Main St. W., Radium Hot Springs BC. No experience required. Applicant must have a strong command of English (written and oral). Terms: Full Time Permanent, Shift, Weekend and Weekdays. Wage: $13.00/hr. MSP Benefits after 6 months. Complete employment application (found on and submit with your resume to


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Legal Services

Heavy Duty Machinery

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Pets & Livestock

Lessons/Training Music For Young Children lessons: Group Piano Lessons focusing on piano, rhythm, theory and singing. Lessons in Invermere and Fairmont ages 3-12 yrs old. Limited space so register now for fall!! Call Tanya DuBois at 250-341-1432 or email

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Merchandise for Sale

Do you love the mountains and enjoy skiing or snowboarding?

Help Wanted

Graphic Design & Marketing Coordinator

Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? STEEL BUILDING Sizzling summer savings event! 20x22 $4,188. 25x24 $4,598. 30x36 $6,876. 32x44$8,700. 40x52 $12,990. 47x70 $17,100. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS, Metal Buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! 1-800-457-2206

Real Estate

Free Items

Houses For Sale

900 sqft Cabin in Tretheway beach area Windermere. Free, pay only the cost to move structure by early Sept. preferred. Call 403-816-5366.

Executive Home for sale in popular Westridge community. 5 bdrm, spectacular views, fully finished, large 24 x 30 garage with studio/man cave. See Kijiji ad # 505298599. Phone 250-342-8773.

Garage Sales

Are you a motivated, organized and experienced marketing professional with strong communication skills?

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Mobile Homes & Parks

Huge china plate collection, tools ceramic tiles, building supplies, golf clubs, t.v.’s moldings, interior doors, electronics, furniture,(old & new), (Panache Furniture floor samples). Everything your wife ever wanted! Huge Garage Sale-Sunday Aug 18, 90-11th Ave. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Early birds will be shot-survivors shot again.

FACTORY DIRECT Wholesale CSA Certified Modular Homes, Manufactured/Mobile Homes and Park Model Homes, We ship throughout Western Canada visit us online at or 1-877-976-3737

Help Wanted

Help Wanted




Auto Financing

Build your getaway ranch, farm, or echo-lodge campsite high and dry above the Columbia River in Edgewater District -, 250-3479660.

Apt/Condo for Rent 2BDRM, 1 1/2 BATH apartment for rent, in Canal Flats. Great view, parking, F/S, D/W, microwave. $700 + utilities & D.D. Available immediately. Call (250)3495306 or (250)489-8389.


DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

from Super 8 Motel

2 bdrm. + den, 1 & 1/2 bath $500 down & $1,100 + utils. Attached garage. This is a N/S, N/P. Please contact Megan McConnell. GM SUPER 8 INVERMERE. 250-342-8888 DL# 7557

Invermere furnished, close to downtown. 2-bdrm, 2-bath on 2 levels. N/S, N/P & no partiers. References, $1000/mo + utilities. Call 403-978-4559.

2004 Chevy 1/2 ton regular cab. Excellent condition, well serviced, new tires. Requires motor, runs. $1,700 OBO. 250-341-1886.


Trucks & Vans

2006 GMC Envoy XL 7 passenger 4 x 4 SUV Good condition. 210,000 km $9500.00 250-270-0108

Homes for Rent For Sale or Rent, beautiful family home on centrally located downtown Invermere acreage. 5-bdrm, 3-bath, large park like yard, open living plan, walk to everything. Available Aug. or Sept. for possession. Call Dave 250688-1508. Invermere 2 bdrm, newer duplex, appliances, AC, garage, N/S, N/P. Great location $1100/mth + util. References. Avail Sept 1. 250-342-2941. Wilder/Invermere, quiet street, bright, spacious, newly renovated, 4 bdrm, walkout w/carport. 2.5 bath, W/D, fireplace, large yard, deck & garden, 4 blocks from beach, NS, NP, $1400/mo + hydro. 1 yr lease, DD. Available Sept 1. 403609-7315 or

For Sale 2002 GMC Sierra 4X4

Fully loaded 3/4, tow package with transmission cooler and five point hitch. Excellent condition only two owners. Brand new winter tires only used half a season. Asking $11,000. Call 403 803-8959

We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ


Help Wanted

Creation and production of all artwork, coordinating marketing projects and timelines and maintaining brand continuity.

Sales and Marketing Coordinator Group sales focus - developing and retaining strong relationships with all business customers. Assists with the coordination of marketing projects, event planning and execution. Both roles are full-time, year-round, based in Jasper and report to VP Marketing & Sales. More detailed position descriptions are available by contacting Brian Rode at Please forward your cover letter and resume to: Attention: Brian Rode

0911611 BC LTD o/a Tim Hortons 496 Highway 93/95 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K2

Request for Proposals 1SJWBUF 1MBDFNFOU 1SPHSBN "TTFTTNFOU CBT is seeking a qualified consultant to assess the immediate and long term impacts and benefits of the Private Placement Program on the individual business entities and the broader impacts within the region. Visit for more information. %FBEMJOF GPS TVCNJTTJPO JT "VHVTU /PPO 1%5 www.cbt.orH t

Join us:

Food Counter Attendant Full-time/shift work Nights/overnights/early mornings/weekends $11.05/hour + medical/dental/group benefits. Apply via email:

2003 Four Winns Fish & Ski Freedom 180 F/S,

fully serviced 4.3L VOLVO PENTA engine, removable side windows for more fishing room, tilt steering, removable seats with interchanging seat posts, rear entry ladder, front control for rear leg trim, full cover with anti pooling poles, electric motor off bow for fishing, custom matched trailer, Bimini top.

This is really a great boat!! $15,000 obo. (250)354-7471 Nelson

CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 1-866-426-7564

WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin

Sunday, August 18th 9:30 a.m. Worship at All Saint’s, Edgewater. 10:30 a.m. Worship at Christ Church Trinity, Invermere. Everyone welcome!


Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs’ Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 5 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Sunday at 5 p.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats

Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)

RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.


326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor

Sunday, August 18th 10:30 a.m. Worship And Life Instruction, “Loving Proverbs: Wisdom In Generosityâ€? ‌ Guest speaker, Rev. Grant Weber, ministering.

VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke Sunday Service 10 a.m. Worship & Word Kid’s Church Provided Call the office at 250-342-9511 for more information.

Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo A19

Cooking 'From Scratch' — Lara McCormack

Berry-licious! When I was a child, picking wild strawberries around our acreage was one way I spent hours keeping myself busy. I would come home and show my Mom a great big bucket of these little itty-bitty berries that are, to this day, one of my favourite tastes in the world. Unfortunately, living here in the valley, I have never found that abundance of these berries. I am guessing the deer, bears and other wild animals enjoy them as much as I do! Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy the true flavours of berries, whether you are finding them at the local farmers' market, picking them at a u-pick or from your own garden, and even at the grocery store. At the end of the day, no matter where you buy them, if they are in season you will be able to enjoy them at their best. Expand your taste buds with different berries: logan berries, blueberries, raspberries, black currants, red currants, strawberries, gooseberries, huckleberries and saskatoons. I freeze a lot of berries every summer because, come our cold winters, there is nothing better than experiencing a taste of summer when its -20 C outside! A tip I have learned is to place the berries on a cookie sheet and place into the freezer. Do not leave for more than 24 hours or they get freezer burn. Place the berries in a freezer bag, label and use within eight months. One of my favorite summer desserts combines bread with fruit. Don’t knock it — when I make this for dinner parties, it is a hit! It’s slightly tart and a bit sweet with a nice texture. It does need to set for a day so plan ahead. If you have some left over, it blends nicely into ice cream. Sumptuous Summer Pudding* *Recipe from Home Cook by Alastair Hendy Ingredients 500 g raspberries 500 g mixed berries such as red currants,


black currants, blueberries, blackberries 180 g sugar 1 loaf of thick sliced (good!) white bread Instructions Check the fruit and take out any squishy or rotten bits. Wash teh berries well. Use a fork to strip the berries off the currant strands. Place all the fruit into a medium size saucepan, with the sugar, over gentle heat. Stir well with a wooden spoon until all the fruit is coated. As soon as the fruit begins to release its juices and sugar has dissolved, gently bring to a boil for four to five minutes. Do not allow it to become mushy. Remove from stove and allow to cool. Meanwhile, cut the crusts off 12 slices of bread. Strain half the juice from the berries (over a sieve keeps the pips out). Dip a slice of bread into the juice and lay this into a bowl (I like Pyrex, one-litre size) Do the same with the remaining bread, covering all sides of the bowl including the bottom. Pour the remaining fruit with its juice into the bread bowl. Finish the pudding with the remaining bread, covering the top of the bowl. Some berry juice will colour the bread and you press it down. I place a plate on top of this bowl with something else heavy on it, like a jar of tomatoes, to weigh it down. Refrigerate for 24 hours. Invert the bowl onto a plate and lift. You will get a beautiful dome. Slice and serve with a ton of whipped cream, or ice cream. Lara McCormack is one of the owners of From Scratch – A Mountain Kitchen in Fairmont Hot Springs where one can savor great seasonal food, sip from a selection of beverages including B.C. wines and enjoy the views of our gorgeous valley landscape.

mpanion rner

Animal Name: Toby Age: 2 months Family: Jane Hubrecht Fun fact: Despite being constantly discouraged from doing so, Toby the chocolate lab still enjoys helping with the dishes by literally climbing into the dishwasher and licking away. Fortunately Toby is still light enough to not break the dishwasher door while climbing on it, although this is bound to change at some point... To be featured, send in your companion’s name, age and photo, along with a fun fact or story about them! Be sure to include your name. Email


Premier Christy Clark pressed this point at the recent premiers’ meeting in Ontario wine country, bringing in the maximum amount of B.C. wine allowed under Ontario rules and urging free trade in Canadian wine. The Toronto media drank it up, aghast that they were barred from ordering the latest Naramata Bench tipples directly. No movement so far from the Ontario government, in a province that has done well developing its own wine industry. The B.C. government will no doubt be lobbied again to allow beer and wine sales in grocery and convenience stores. Our politicians show little interest in that, which is understandable. The B.C. Liberals don’t want to upset the private liquor stores they have nurtured for a decade, and the NDP would never risk annoying the government liquor store union. There are more creative ways to liberalize alcohol sales. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and He can be reached at tfletcher@blackpress.

Sales and Delivery Top Soil Sand & Gravel Products Screened Black Alberta Loam Composted Bark Mulch Landscape Bark Nuggets

DISTRICT OF INVERMERE Request for Proposal (RFP) Wildfire Operational Treatment – Block 14 The District of Invermere invites Proposal submissions from qualified Companies / Individuals for: Management and Implementation of Interface Fire Fuel Reduction Treatments. The Request for Proposal will be evaluated based on experience and success in similar projects as well as specific implementation and management strategies related to Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative grant funding for Community Wildfire Fuel Reduction. The approved funding is for approximately 100 hectares is confirmed and may commence upon award. The project must be fully complete prior to May of 2015. Project information can be obtained by contacting Rory Hromadnik, 250-342-9281 ext 235, or at the District of Invermere Municipal office, 914 8th avenue, Invermere B.C. during regular business hours 8:30am to 4:30 pm August 15 to August 29, 2013. Sealed proposals marked “Wildfire Operational Treatment – Block 14” will be received up to 2:00 pm MST, Friday August 30, 2013. There will be no public opening for this request for proposal. Proposals will be opened privately by the District of Invermere after the closing time specified. If you wish to contact the District of Invermere in response to the awarding, please do so after the closing time specified. The District of Invermere reserves the right to waive formalities in any proposal, or reject any or all proposals, or accept the proposal deemed most favorable in the interest of the municipality. Rory Hromadnik, Development Services District of Invermere, Box 339 Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 250-342-9281 ext 235


Wednesday, August 14, 2013 The Valley Echo

Serving the Valley

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Lambert-Kipp Pharmacy Ltd. J. Douglas Kipp, B. Sc. (Pharm.) Laura Kipp, Pharm D. Irena Sedlakova, B. Sc. (Pharm.) Your compounding pharmacy Come in and browse our giftware! Open Monday - Saturday • 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 1301 - 7th Avenue, Invermere • 250-342-6612

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