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The voice of the South Cariboo since 1960 How to reach us: Ph: 250-395-2219 Fax: 250-395-3939
The team of Deb Eiriksson, at front, Tracy MacAloney, Mert MacAloney and Don Hewitt paddled their handmade cardboard canoe with gusto at the inaugural Red Neck Regatta at Ruth Lake near Forest Grove on Aug. 11. The team won the race and raised the most money. See more photos on page 21 and in Friday’s Cariboo Connector.
Trustees ousted from direct negotiations Teacher contract bargaining placed under administrator
Carole Rooney Free Press
The B.C. Liberal government has made a bold move in education bargaining toward its mandate to secure a 10-year agreement with the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF). Trustees will now have a diminished, indirect role in negotiations after the recent appointment of Michael Marchbank as public administrator for the B.C Public School Employers Association (BCPSEA). Cariboo Chilcotin Teachers’ Association (CCTA) president Murray Helmer, who recently took over reins, says he believes the current negotiations were
causing government “dis- Fassbender says it is a temtress” because they didn’t porary move until such help pursue its 10-year deal time as the necessary legplan. islation is implemented to “I think the government restructure the bargaining wasn’t overly pleased that process, once the legislature BCPSEA and the is back in session. BCTF were making That restructuring progress without will give governthem involved. ment a direct role in “So, I assume this negotiating agreemove is meant to ments with the sort of dismantle BCTF. BCPSEA and put Now, trustees will MURRAY the current negotiamove to the “imporHELMER tions on hold.” tant” - but advisory Marchbank, chief – role, the minister executive officer of the Health adds, as the appointment Employers’ Association of of a public administrator B.C., immediately assumed ends their legal position all responsibilities of the on the BCPSEA board of BCPSEA board of directors directors. at the end of July. The provinEducation Minister Peter cial government is
undertaking this change as a method to advance its plans to restructure the kindergartenGrade 12 bargaining process and its mandate to secure a long-term deal with the BCTF when bargaining resumes in September, he notes. Fassbender adds the government will be working with the B.C. School Trustees Association (BCSTA) to “fully canvass school boards” on the reforms to BCPSEA’s role. However, Helmer says the trustees are the single elected group involved, who have now been “unilaterally removed” from the process. “I worry that, if government can do that in
negotiations, maybe they will just eliminate trustees from future elected positions and assume all running of school districts, perhaps.” A two-year contract extension and governmentimposed wage freeze for teachers expired at the end of June. Helmer says he would like to see all bargaining already underway come to some kind of a conclusion, hopefully with successful negotiations. “Then, if the whole process has to be changed, do that after the fact rather than in the middle of an ongoing negotiation process.” Continued on 3
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
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PRINCE GEORGE 2591A Vance Rd. (250) 563-4447
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Otters attack swimmer
Cloverdale visitor bitten repeatedly while trying to swim away Carole Rooney Free Press
A woman was injured when she was attacked by otters in Greeny Lake, in a rare, but not unheard of, incident of human-aquatic life conflict. Cloverdale resident Theresa Weltzin was visiting in-laws at their cabin when she went for a swim to cool off shortly before noon on Aug. 1, in what she thought were safe waters. To her shock and terror, partway across the lake she was attacked and bitten nine times by at least one otter and possibly two. “As I was about three quarter of the way across, about [80 metres from the far shore], I heard a splash. I looked around and about 20 metres behind me is this animal coming for me directly.” This worried her, so she stopped and watched as the otter then ducked under the surface just off to her right. The former lifeguard and water polo player began to do a backstroke that kept her head up, when the otter attacked. “I’m pedalling backward and doing egg-beaters with my legs and it’s biting me over and over again, and I’m screaming at the top of my lungs for my brother-in-law to help. It was pretty frightening.” She saw another otter at this time, but says she doesn’t know if it joined in the attack, as the lake’s water is murky. Her husband’s brother, Brian Weltzin, heard Theresa’s cries and headed out in a kayak, with his son following in a rowboat, reaching her about five minutes later. “As soon as they came, I grabbed on to the kayak and the biting stopped. But [Brian] said he had the paddle ready to hit the otter.” The animal then swam away toward the east end of the lake, and Theresa was pulled back to shore by hanging on to the kayak, and taken to the emergency room at 100 Mile District General Hospital for treatment of her numerous wounds. A Conservation Officer was notified and attended the hospital, where
she says he asked if she had seen see otter pups anywhere, and she told him “oh, God no.” Theresa notes she swam across Greeny Lake two days before that without incident, and never saw any signs of an otter den or any young either time. She adds it was a relief to get safely to shore, and once her wounds were attended to, she quickly returned home to see her family doctor. “He gave me three combinations of antibiotics, so the wounds are healing. I’m using lots of Polysporin. The ER doctor said they’re not going to suture anything closed ... in case there is an infection.” Theresa was also directed to Surrey Memorial Hospital for a potential rabies shot, where the BC Centre for Disease Control, biologists and others were consulted and determined that rabies infection was “so unlikely” she did not need the vaccine. Theresa says she counted nine bites. The biggest gouge is on her left calf on the outside, which is now about one centimetre across by twoand-a-half cm long. There is another cut on her left thigh; and on her right leg, she has another six bites. Theresa notes when her left finger was bitten as she tried to fend off the otter, she had checked to make sure she hadn’t lost part of it. The COs told her they contacted the Coast Guard, which relayed back it gets one or two otter attack reports each year, but they typically bite just once and swim away. The strong swimmer notes she would not want to have a child or another family member injured. However, Theresa says she is still reeling from the horror of her attack, with almost nightly flashbacks, so avoids dwelling about other, potentially worse outcomes. She’d prefer to see these otters destroyed, Theresa explains, so people on the lake aren’t afraid to swim there anymore. “When a dog bites and attacks a person, they usually call for it to be put down because it’s not a normal behaviour. And, it went after me.” See related story on page 6.
Helmer says he’ll know more on how the BCTF might respond to this latest intervention to the bargaining process once he meets with other union
representatives at a BCTF conference later this month in Kamloops. Meanwhile, school support staff in the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) are due to resume contract negotiations this
TAX MEETINGS Public information meetings are happening this week and next, for voters to learn more about the South Cariboo Search and Rescue (SAR) referendum scheduled Sept. 7. The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) will provide details and field questions on the upcoming referendum, which will ask residents if they approve of the CRD providing annual funding of up to $30,000 to the local SAR society, to help support the services it provides. At the maximum tax rate, a residential taxpayer would expect to pay about $1.08 per $100,000 of assessed value for residential property. However in 2014, they would pay $0.84 per $100,000 of assessed value. The meeting for 100 Mile House voters is today (Aug. 14) in District council chambers, and for Area L is Aug. 15 at the Interlakes (Roe Lake) Community Hall. Area H residents meet Aug. 20 at the Forest Grove Community Hall, and Area G meets on Aug. 21 at the 108 Mile Community Hall. All of the meetings will run from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Submitted photo
Theresa Weltzin of Cloverdale was swimming in Greeny Lake on Aug. 1 when she was attacked by otters. At least one otter bit her repeatedly for about five minutes, until her screams alerted her brother-in-law and nephew, who went out by boat and rescued her.
Contract negotiations will resume this month From 1
FAST bytes
month, after talks broke down last spring when CUPE determined BCPSEA had no mandate from government to reach a settlement. The education assistants, clerical staff, trades, custo-
dians, bus drivers and other school workers represented by CUPE have had no wage increase for more than four years, and virtually all of the 57 CUPE locals have achieved a strike mandate.
To download Fassbender’s July 31 open letter to trustees and other stakeholders notifying them of the changes, go online to www.newsroom. Letter_to_Stakeholders_31_ July_2013.pdf.
Companies in B.C. may now register to become a Community Contribution Company (C3), a new business model for those who wish to pursue a balance of social responsibility and profit, and to publicly signal this to potential investors. The first of its kind in Canada, the hybrid business model is designed to bridge the gap between for-profit and nonprofit organizations, in response to a demand for socially focused investment options. More information is online at
The British Columbia marijuana bill back under microscope Carole Rooney Free Press
If you believe that this law needs to change, this is your chance to make history and get involved.”
Sensible BC’s campaign for a marijuana referendum is rolling along and promoters came through 100 Mile strong support so far.” House looking for supThe initiative petiport for its initiative tion seeks to legislate petition on Aug. 8. the Sensible Policing Originally, Sensible Act, decriminalizing BC had hoped to get the simple marijuana use by ballot initiative com- directing police in the pleted last year, province away but withdrew from enforcing and re-filed with federal laws Elections BC by no longer this year to allow detaining more time to or arresting gather support. adults for its Organizer possession. Dana Larsen If enough Dana says many cansignatures can Larsen vassers have be obtained, signed up, but a lot there will be a referenmore are needed to dum in 2014, or Larsen secure the petition sig- notes government may natures required to go simply pass the act in to referendum. legislature based on That means signing the level of public supup 10 per cent of reg- port. istered voters in every Either way, this would electoral district in the make decriminalization province between Sept. come into play in early 1 and Oct. 31. 2015, he explains. While they now have Campaign donations about 700 registered are also being sought, canvassers for gather- Larsen says, adding ing signatures this fall, recent lottery winner they need about 5,000, Bob Erb of Terrace has Larsen explains. committed to matching “We need a lot of every dollar raised. people on board and it’s K a m l o o p s a big effort. I’m grati- Thompson-Cariboo MP fied that we’ve had such Cathy McLeod has pre-
– Dana Larsen viously gone on record to note marijuana laws are “very clearly” under federal jurisdiction according to the Constitution, and the federal Conservative government has “no intention” of legalizing marijuana. While it’s true B.C. cannot legalize marijuana as a province, Larsen says the act being petitioned for calls on the federal government to do that, but in the meantime, it stops British Columbia police from making arrests for possession. Elections BC has already confirmed that the act is within provincial jurisdiction and suitable for a referendum, he adds. “That is absolutely
within our provincial power, and that happens now on a number of issues in a number of different ways.” Examples include police turning a blind eye to the sale of illegal water pipes or “bongs,” which he says are regu-
larly sold in stores and even gas stations around province; the B.C. Liberal government’s instructing police and courts to ignore the federal long gun registry in 2003; and the impaired Continued on 6
has sharpened their pencil!
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The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) is proposing the amend Cariboo Regional District Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3906, 2004 by adopting amending Bylaw No. 4345, being a text amendment to Bylaw No. 3906, for the purpose of adding the Community Farm and Rural Cluster designation.
Bylaw No. 4811 District Lot 4912, Lillooet District, Except Plan KAP54827 from Agricultural designation to Community Farm and Rural Cluster designation
rezoning amendment
Bylaw No. 4772 District Lot 4912, Lillooet District, Except Plan KAP54827, from Resource/Agricultural (RA 1) zone to Rural 1 (RR 1), Special Exception RR 1-6, Special Exception RR 3-2 and Open Space, Parkland (OSP) zones (minimum lot size – 4 ha (RR 1); 25 ha (RR 1-6); 0.6 ha (RR 3- 2))(maximum density – 13 lots – all proposed) Purpose for Rezoning: To create a rural residential – horse ranch strata development partaking in the horse ranch activities and featuring clustered pastoral waterfront lots and common natural amenities. The subject property is located at 7680 Lee Road, as shown on the sketch plan below, and is owned by Ashley MorganDann and Miles Dann.
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Ocp amendment
The CRD has also received an application to amend Cariboo Regional District South Cariboo Area Zoning Bylaw No. 3501, 1999 by rezoning the property described below:
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The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) has received an application to amend Cariboo Regional District Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3906, 2004 by redesignating the property described below:
COMING SEPTEMBER 6, 7 & 8 The 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
1. By email through our website Just follow the link to the entry form (no electronic fee payment) 2. By fax to 250-395-1357 (no fee payment with fax) 3. Register in person TUESDAY, SEPT. 3 from 4pm to 8pm in the Curling Rink Lobby ✓ Group or individual on the registration form. Please ❑
NO REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AFTER 8PM TUESDAY, SEPT. 3, 2013 Exhibits accepted on the following days: Thursday Sept. 5, 4pm-9pm, Friday Sept. 6, 8am-11am Payment of fees: In person when registering on Tuesday, or in person when bringing in exhibits, Thursday evening or Friday morning
For more information visit us at Some vendor booths available! Call 250-395-1353
Public hearings are for all persons who believe their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaws. The public hearings are to be held by a delegate of the Cariboo Regional District Board. A copy of the CRD resolution is available for public inspection. Written submissions regarding the proposed bylaw will also be received. These submissions may be submitted at the public hearing or should be received in the Cariboo Regional District office at 180 D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 2A4, (fax number 392-2812) fortyeight hours prior to the hearing. No further information or representations can be considered by the CRD Board after the public hearing. The bylaw and an information package may be inspected at the Cariboo Regional District office, 175 Airport Road, 100 Mile House, BC, V2J 2B8 between 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, from August 14, 2013 to August 20, 2013 inclusive (excepting public holidays). This information may also be inspected at the Cariboo Regional District office at 180 D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake, BC, between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, from August 14, 2013 to August 20, 2013 inclusive (excepting public holidays). Telephone inquiries should be directed to the Planning Department of the CRD at 1-800-665-1636. Karen Moores, B.Sc., P.Ag. Manager of Development Services
building communities together
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100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Arena seats briefly delayed for Wranglers hockey fans
Concrete bleachers will be covered by old boards in interim
Carole Rooney Free Press
Hockey fans and 100 Mile House Wranglers Junior B Hockey Club ticket holders who may have heard the new arena seats are delayed will be happy to know they won’t need to sit on the bare concrete. After the bleacher boards were recently pulled off at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre, concerns arose when delivery of the new seats, which are being shipped from China, fell behind schedule. Canlan Ice Sports general manager Josh Dickerson says the boards are being reinstalled before the Wranglers Main Camp starts Aug. 18.
They will also be in place for a Junior A game on Aug. 28 and the Wranglers lone home exhibition game on Sept. 11. The seats will be installed as soon as they arrive and will be in place for the Wranglers’ home opener on Sept. 21, Dickerson says. “The benches will be back in until Sept. 16, and from then on we should have the seats.” The seats are a large investment for the Cariboo Regional District [CRD] to put into the arena, he explains, so they all wanted to make sure they were right, which delayed ordering. More funding was required to purchase them than originally
budgeted, so Dickerson ordered in late June.” says he had to go before There are two colours the CRD direcon order, yellow tors in May to for the premirequest more um centre ice money. seats, and blue “It’s very disfor the remainappointing on ing seats, he our end because explains. we wanted them “For season in and ready to ticket holders, Josh go ... but it’s a Dickerson which start on $70,000 investSept. 21, we ment. should have the seats in “We don’t want to place ... with the proper just say, ‘oh, we’ve got colouring for the tickto get them ordered so ets [and numbered for they’re here right away.’ ticket sales]. We want to make sure “It is delayed two-andthe seat is what we want, a-half weeks because and the quality of the originally, the game plan seat is there.” was to try to have them “Then, there was in by Aug. 28 for the a wait for shop draw- first exhibition game ... I ings from the architect, said I’d try to get them in which went back to the before that.” board for approval just Wranglers Club presibefore the seats were dent Tom Bachynski says it is “very unfortunate” the stadium chairs won’t be in when originally expected. “It seemed like there was ample lead time. With the new install lance reporter in Brantford, promise date, the chairs Ont., Crites says he’s happy will be in and ready to to find himself covering the go for our season opener sports, entertainment and Sept. 21, and that’s what community scenes in the 100 matters to us. The Wranglers Mile House area. If you have any story have sold season and ideas or comments, please Founders Club tickets Gaven don’t hesitate to con- based on seats being crites tact him at 250-395-2219 there, he adds. “Prior to the season ext. 206 or via e-mail at start, all our events will a free-
Free Press welcomes Gaven Crites as new reporter Gaven Crites is the new reporter/photographer with the 100 Mile House Free Press. After earning his journalism degree from Wilfrid Laurier University in Brantford, Ont., Crites travelled west and has worked for community newspapers in Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Having begun his journalism career writing about sports as
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be festival seating.” Dickerson says he is confident the seats will arrive by the new due date, as he has a firm commitment from the “reputable” supplier in Vancouver, which was not responsible for any previous delay. “It is just a matter of timing. They come from China, so it takes a bit of time to get them here.” On Aug. 9 the supplier reconfirmed the Sept. 16 delivery, but if they arrive before that, Dickerson adds its installers will be on site earlier. The Canlan manager notes the concrete was temporarily exposed because the benches needed to be prepped for the seats, and it took a week or two to do that, a timeline that wasn’t feasible in September. The reattached benches will be easily removable, he explains, but the wood will cover up the concrete until the seats arrive. “It is unfortunate that [the new seats] can’t be here before the exhibition games ... but I hope people can understand that once the seats are in, how nice they will be.”
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South Cariboo Joint Grants for Assistance Application On an annual basis, the Electoral Areas G, H and L of the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) and the District of 100 Mile House (District) jointly provide Grants for Assistance to local non-profit organizations for projects, activities and events that strengthen and enhance the well-being of the community and promote volunteerism. In order to qualify for a Grant For Assistance, the applicant must: • Clearly indicate the amount and type of assistance requested; • Provide evidence of how the applicant benefits the community generally and how the assistance being requested would benefit the community specifically; and • Provide financial information sufficient to identify all other funding sources and to justify the need for financial assistance.
THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS SEPTEMBER 30TH Late applications will not be considered. Applications are available at the Cariboo Regional District office, Suite D, 180 North Third Ave., Williams Lake, BC, V2G 2A4, or on their website and the District of 100 Mile House office, 385 Birch Avenue, Box 340, 100 Mile House, BC, V0K 2E0 or on their website
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Otter attacks rare in British Columbia
Conservation Officer Len Butler supervises the Williams Lake office, and was called to 100 Mile House on Aug. 1, shortly after a woman was attacked and bitten repeatedly by an otter in Greeny Lake. Butler says COs were notified around 1 p.m. that a woman swimming in Greeny Lake around 11:50 a.m. had been bitten by otters. “[100 Mile House CO Colin Kravontka] went to the hospital, interviewed the lady, who definitely had quite a few bites. It caught us off guard, no question about that.” Butler explains he then met Kravontka mid-afternoon at Greeny Lake to try to get a better view of what was going on with the otters. “We did not see the otters ... we didn’t find their den or anything like that. We spoke to the locals on the docks,
Submitted photo
When a woman was attacked and bitten nine times by an otter in Greeny Lake on Aug. 1, Conservation Officer/supervisor Len Butler of Williams Lake was called to 100 Mile House to assist local CO Colin Kravontka. The COs found no otters, but confirmed the attack through witnesses.
and it’s such a common occurrence to see the otters out there.” The attack was “quite a surprise” to everyone who heard about it, he
notes. While it is a highly unusual incident in British Columbia, Butler notes otter bites have been reported on
Vancouver Island. “I did make some calls ... it seems to be a territorial thing.” His “best guess” is the otters were protecting
Dana Larsen: marijuana petition gaining momentum From 4
driving enforcement changes that had RCMP in B.C. move away from federal Criminal Code charges and into Immediate Roadside Prohibitions instead. “If you believe that this law needs to change, this is your chance to make history and get involved. I can’t do it myself; I’ve planted the seed but it requires people all over the prov-
ince to get involved.” He encourages people to “shake off your fears” and embrace the “many good things that will happen” under the proposed law changes. “Sometimes people are afraid of the stigma – that their neighbours are going to judge them – or are afraid they might lose their job or be punished by their employer in some way. Those fears, for the most part, I do not
think are valid.” That’s partly because many Sensible BC volunteers are not marijuana users, Larsen says, but rather have friends or loved ones who use medical marijuana, or are ideologically in favour of changes to the law. “You don’t have to be a pot smoker to support this – just like you don’t have to be a woman to support women’s rights, or a person of colour to support racial equality.”
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It doesn’t matter if those who support the idea think they can gather 10 signatures or 1,000, every effort is imperative to a successful outcome, Larsen adds. “Visit our website at, get involved in our campaign and collect some signatures to help make this a reality.”
their pups, but as none were found, he adds it may have been a territorial defence of the lake’s “very high” minnow population. “We can’t give you an explanation of why they did this, but it’s got to be a territorial thing. “I think she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and the otters obviously felt threatened. Butler says the COs asked the lake locals what they thought should be done. “None of them wanted the otters destroyed, to which we said fine.” The COs directed the regular lake users to swim with a spotter, and then spoke again to the injured woman, who indicated she was unsure what might have prompted the attack. “We’re glad to see that she was in good shape, and everyone seemed satisfied that this was a very one-off situation.” He notes eliminating otters is a different situation than dealing with predators like bears. “If you trap, will you get the right otters? There are a lot of problems with this.” The locals were very helpful to the investigating COs, he adds, especially Greeny Lake fire chief Ken Gisby, who enabled them to avoid launching their large boat. “He allowed us to use his boat, and we greatly appreciate his help.”
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
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100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Forest Grove bush fire doused Mutual firefighting effort aids effective response
Forest Grove Volunteer Fire Department (FGVFD) was called out for a small brush fire along Archie Meadow Road near Stack Lake on Aug. 3 around 10:30 a.m., and with assistance from 100 Mile FireRescue (OMFR) and the Wildfire Management Branch (WMB), successfully battled a wildfire. FGVFD chief Bob Felker says the location was soon determined to be Crown land, so technically it was a WMB case. However, he adds the fire departments don’t hesitate to respond before this is determined, especially in dry conditions. The small wildfire
was ignited by a light- ends when available ning strike at the base members are reduced. of a couple of In this case, fir trees, and his crew’s specovered about cial equipment a 20- by 30-foot was also helpful. area in dense “We went out brush. with our brush Felker says apparatus to the WMB sent a assist because helicopter in to access to the BoB check the fire, site was limited. Felker but soon left They’re smaller, the fire departments in basically one-ton trucks, charge. so we can get into tight“They looked and er areas fire trucks can’t saw it was being looked really go down.” after, so they just left it The FGVFD took up to us. Because there crews in by pickup were so many lightning trucks and left its water strikes, they were short tender at the nearest staffed.” road, Blades explains, OMFR chief Darrell while the brush truck Blades says neighbour- supplied a pump and ing fire departments ferried water from the often assist each other, tender to the fire. especially on long week“The Forest Grove
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crew did a great job. We just supplied the water and the pumping; they did the hard work.” Says Felker: “We would have got it out without 100 Mile’s help, but it would have been a whole lot more work because we would have been dragging hoses through the bush for a half a mile.” Blades adds the time for his fire crew to travel in and out of the remote bush location, help douse the fire and deal with hot spots to make sure a return trip would not be needed, took about four hours, plus cleanup time. The overall fire response was well coordinated, he notes, with 10 members, two
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Buying Your Dream Home
It is often said that buying a home is the most expensive purchase most people will ever make. Your dream home might cost $50,000 or it might cost several million dollars. Either way, acquiring that home involves signing a contract. For most people, the contract they sign when they buy a home will be prepared by a realtor. Most realtors do a good job of negotiating the purchase and preparing the contract - and, for the buyer, the services of the realtor are usually free.
It is not the realtor’s job, however, to dig into some of the legal issues which can arise in the purchase of land. Not all realtors will realize, for example, that the access road which you need to take to reach your dream home actually crosses over a neighbour’s property. Not a problem - if there is a registered right-of-way. If there is no registered right-of-way, however, then a neighbour who becomes unfriendly might block your access. What is the solution? Instead of waiting until it’s too late to back out of the deal, ask your realtor to include a clause in the contract which makes the contract subject to a review by your chosen legal professional. (In any event, you will need a lawyer or notary public to help you complete your purchase.) Then, review the contract with him or her before you remove the subject clause. In fact, you should ask the legal professional to do the same legal analysis immediately that he or she would normally do at a later stage before closing the deal. Be prepared to pay for that analysis. If the analysis reveals a problem, then you will have saved yourself a lot of grief - and spent no more money for legal advice then you would have spent to actually close the deal in the first place. If the analysis reveals that there is no legal problem, then the cost of obtaining that analysis won’t even be an extra – it will normally be included in your usual legal closing costs.
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ELYSIUM Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, William Fichtner In the year 2159 two classes of people exist: the very wealthy who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Rhodes (Jodie Foster), a hardened government official, will stop at nothing to enforce antiimmigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn’t stop the people of Earth from trying to get in, by any means they can. When unlucky Max (Matt Damon) is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that if successful will not only save his life, but could bring equality to these polarized worlds. Science Fiction • Rating : 14A • Parents: Extreme violence, offensive language • Length 1:50 Clip this coupon and bring it to South Cariboo Theatre for a $1.00 discount on the admission price. Coupon must be original and must be for current movie playing. Photocopies not accepted. Limit one coupon per person.
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engines and two tenders from FGVFD working with two members and the brush truck from OMFR. “It’s just our ability to work with each other and help each other out with equipment the others don’t currently have.”
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
Be a part of history
Increases government should support
ecently, Premier Christy Clark believed there was a good case for increasing salaries of some political staff. She changed her mind, based on the public’s reaction. But, there is a strong case to support pay increases for frontline workers in hardpressed agencies delivering community social services, many of whom are literally not earning a living wage. The government’s current approach to public sector wages is a “co-operative gains mandate.” Pay increases are acceptable, but only if the agency can come up with the funding with no decreases in service. Perhaps that is workable in large ministries. It is not for the community sector. The sector has been finding efficiencies for a decade, cutting services and costs to the bone. A large volunteer force helps us do more with the available funding.
There are simply no new efficiencies to be found to allow even modest staff salary increases. The community social services sector delivers a tremendous range of essential services across the province. The sector works with struggling youth, deals with substance abuse, helps seniors stay in their homes and families overcome Tim problems. Agg About 74 per cent of British Columbians have used the services we provide, according to a poll earlier this year. Community social services are delivered by agencies in every corner of the province – large and small, rural and urban, union and nonunion. They work under contracts with government and this funding is critical.
Budget freezes and cuts have taken a toll. Waiting lists have grown and people aren’t getting help when they need it. That means greater costs for all of us in the future, as their problems become more serious. Our skilled and educated employees face more and more demands and have received no pay increases for several years. Too many earn less than a living wage, calculated at $19.62 an hour for Vancouver, That’s not fair. And it is bad for those we serve. The sector attracts people with a real interest in helping others. But, at some point, our employees have to consider themselves and their families. We lose valued staff, programs are disrupted and clients are hurt.
tarting Aug. 18, hockey season will officially get started in 100 Mile House. That’s when the 100 Mile House Wranglers Junior B Hockey Club’s three-day Main Camp gets underway to determine which players will start the club’s inaugural season in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL). This is such an exciting, and probably nervous, time for the Wranglers’ executive team. Club president and governor Tom Bachynski has been leading the off-ice arrangements for two years. He has suffered through the Wranglers first bid for a franchise in 100 Mile House being turned down, and enjoyed the jubilation of getting approval from the KIJHL board of governors just before Christmas last year. That marked the time when the dream a few local folks had about bringing Junior hockey to 100 Mile came to fruition. The Wranglers’ organization is being built from scratch – nothing came with the franchise, so they have to buy everything they need and the executive is learning as it goes along. They have general manager/head coach Doug Rogers who brings a lot of experience and connections to the table, but he, too, is starting from step 1 for the on-ice product. He will have a brand new group of hockey players who will have to get to know each other, the system and their new hometown. So, everyone has their work cut out to make this Junior B hockey club successful in not only the community, but also in the KIJHL. It will take a community to make the Wranglers a top-notch organization. We will all have to help in some way – large or small – to make sure the club not only survives in 100 Mile House, but also thrives. The Wranglers need sponsors and partners to help solidify the financial operations. However, folks attending the games and buying programs, souvenirs and 50/50 draws will also help with the finances. The club also needs a lot of volunteers for the dayto-day operations. See the story in the Aug. 16 Cariboo Connector to find out where we can be a part of history. And what will we get in return for this support? We’ll get some first-class very affordable family entertainment and a boost to our community pride. We’ll get a group of young men who will be out in the community volunteering their time where it is needed. Our minor hockey players will have someone to look up to, and strive to become Wranglers when they get older. Together, we can help the Wranglers build a franchise with a storied history, but we have to start today at step 1.
Published and printed by every Wednesday at 100 Mile House Box 459, 100 Mile House, B.C., V0K 2E0
Subscriptions Local: $65.65/yr Out of area: $75/yr No cash refunds Prices include GST (Second class Mail Reg. 1809) ISSN 0843-0403
Chris Nickless Publisher
Ken Alexander Editor
Phone: (250) 395-2219 Fax: (250) 395-3939
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email for newsroom
Jennifer Boden Office Manager
email for advertising
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday
About 64,000 people work in the sector. We see their skill, experience and dedication every day. And we know the quality of services depends on fair compensation for those people who do the frontline work every day. If we lose them, people and communities will suffer. These are, of course, the time of tight government budgets. However, community social service agencies should not be forced to cut services to people who badly need them in order to pay for negotiated pay raises. Government funding should include a reasonable provision for employee compensation increases. It is simply the right, smart thing to do. Tim Agg is the Executive Director of PLEA Community Services Society and is writing on behalf of the Roundtable of Provincial Social Services Organizations.
The 100 Mile House Free Press is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to: B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St. Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Editor: I am writing regarding Tom Fletcher’s column, headlined NDP soul search going nowhere, on page 9 of the July 31 edition of the 100 Mile House Free Press. A significant aspect of NDP post-election soul searching, following its catastrophic defeat by the forces of free enterprise, will no doubt have to be coming to terms with the need to move the party further to the centre – away from
Socialism isn’t just a word
its ideological far left-wing base. While the federal NDP appears to have decided to delete references to “socialism” from its guiding party preamble to make it more palatable politically and competitive electorally, merely removing “socialism” as a founding principle, without jettisoning its politically outdated doctrine, will not convince Canadians the NDP is anything but a socialist party. Shakespeare perhaps said it best
Conservatives helping small business
To the editor: On page 9 of your July 3 edition, Liberal critic for small business Joyce Murray wrote a letter, headlined Hidden tax hikes hurt small business in Canada, claiming our government was hurting small businesses in Canada. I can assure you that exactly the opposite is true – no one has stood up for small businesses like the Conservatives. Our government has remained focused on helping Canada’s economy create jobs and economic growth. Central to that goal is supporting the lifeblood of Canada’s economy: small businesses and small business owners. Recognizing the importance of small business to the Canadian economy, we have focused on decreasing tax rates
for small business and increasing the threshold of eligibility for small business tax rates from $300,000 to $500,000. Economic Action Plan 2013 lays out our government’s lowtax plan to help small business owners grow their company. We’ve renewed the Hiring Credit for Small Business, providing up to $1,000 in Employment Insurance relief for every new hire a small business owner makes, and our government’s Red Tape Reduction Action Plan has slashed unnecessary red tape. Our Conservative government is proud to stand up for small business owners and for Canada’s economy; we are keeping it our top priority. Cathy McLeod, MP Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo
in Romeo and Juliet: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Confronted with the political reality of the concept of socialism proving itself to be an abysmal failure throughout the world, being replaced by more free enterprise, less government and less social engineering, the question naturally arises as to whether British Columbia’s NDP party will be able to “jump over its own ideological shadow” and abandon its traditional stand on the
principles of democratic socialism, as defined in the B.C. provincial NDP constitutional preamble. It reads: “The New Democratic Party believes that social, economic and political progress in Canada can only be assured by the application of democratic socialist principles to government and the administration of public affairs ... including, where necessary, the extension of the principle of social ownership.”
Stripped of its defining political raison d’être, however, NDP soul searching to remain a legitimate electoral contender in the province would make it a journey of heading somewhere into the future without the benefit of a road map and without a clear sense of its destination ... always carrying the baggage of its political past. E.W. Bopp Tsawwassen
Harper’s cone of silence
To the editor: Having trouble telling fact from fiction in the Senate expenses scandal? There’s a reason for that. Since the news broke that Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s righthand man cut a $90,000 cheque to cover-up the potentially fraudulent expenses of Conservative Senator Mike Duffy – a potentially criminal action – Mr. Harper has consistently misled Canadians about what really happened. He claimed his Chief of Staff, Nigel Wright, acted alone and no one else knew. In fact, court documents reveal four members of Mr. Harper’s inner circle knew. He claimed there was no e-mail recording the terms of the deal. In fact, his office now admits there is one. He claimed his personal legal counsel was not involved. In fact, RCMP documents reveal that he
was involved. Mr. Harper claimed the first Senate expenses report reflected the auditors’ findings. In fact, we now know it was whitewashed to go easy on Duffy. And that’s just what is public. The Conservatives have been accused of stonewalling the RCMP investigation into the whole tawdry affair.
Instead of giving us the straight goods, Mr. Harper has clamped down and put on a cone of silence. Canadians expect better; they expect honest answers to serious questions about the potentially criminal behaviour at the heart of their government. Marc Garneau, MP Liberal Party of Canada
Debt-free BC laughable To the editor: In my May 29 letter to the 100 Mile House Free Press, I wrote the B.C. Liberals have grown the provincial debt to more than $50 billion in 2012, from $33.8 billion in 2001. The debt is expected to approach $70 billion by 2015-16. A major part of the B.C. Liberal government’s recent election cam-
paign was “Debt-Free BC.” Sure thing, get rid of the debt by making it a lot bigger. They are hoping profits from LNG exports will dump piles of money on us, so we can pay off our debts. Yes, and I’m hoping to win the lottery.
Another round of liquor reforms produce and preserves. the situation isn’t much different from a Letters inviting suggestions from existing supervised event on a boat. licence holders have gone out, and Here’s another suggestion. Gourmet Richmond-Steveston MLA John Yap will be cooking classes are becoming popular, with meeting this fall with industry groups, local customers preparing and then enjoying governments, police, health and their meals. Why not license social policy organizations and these establishments, at least so First Nations in the fall. people can bring their own wine A website will be put up in for dinner? September so members of the Both the B.C. Liberals and NDP public can have their say. Here’s have advocated for easing the my suggestion to start things off. archaic rules on inter-provincial Recent incidents involving trade in wine. B.C. lifted its so-called “party buses” shone a restrictions on mail-order wine light on this growing industry. and has urged other provinces to The sudden death of a 16-year-old follow suit. Tom on a party bus outing in Surrey There are a couple of reasons Fletcher in February turned out not to be why this Prohibition-era structure alcohol-related, but to no one’s persists. Liquor sales are a cash surprise, open liquor was found cow for provincial governments, aboard the bus. and every case of wine brought in from Open liquor isn’t allowed in any vehicle, elsewhere is lost profit for the provincial but perhaps a new kind of special event wholesale monopoly. licence could be created for party buses. Then there is the local industry lobby that They have been viewed mainly as part would rather not add to its competition. of the solution to impaired driving, and Premier Christy Clark pressed this point at
he B.C. Liberal government is ordering up another round of liquor regulation changes, looking for ways to make life easier for businesses and customers without aggravating the health and social problems associated with alcohol. Discussions with British Columbia’s 10,000 liquor licence holders have identified a few problems that should be fixed. Going into a consultation phase that runs to October, the government is looking for answers to a few obvious questions, such as why it takes a pub or bar up to a year to get a licence. Another question: why can a family with under-aged children go into a licensed restaurant for lunch, but can’t go to a pub and place the exact same food and drink order? This should be allowed, perhaps until the traditional 5 p.m. “happy hour” when the pub reverts to adults-only. A couple of suggestions have come out of the healthy growth of B.C. wine, craft beer and distillery operations. Look for new licence opportunities for farmers’ markets to sell local beverages along with the
Hugh Thomas 100 Mile House
the recent premiers’ meeting in Ontario wine country, bringing in the maximum amount of B.C. wine allowed under Ontario rules and urging free trade in Canadian wine. The Toronto media drank it up – aghast that they were barred from ordering the latest Naramata Bench tipples directly. No movement so far from the Ontario government, in a province that has done well developing its own wine industry. The B.C. government will no doubt be lobbied again to allow beer and wine sales in grocery and convenience stores. Our politicians show little interest in that, which is understandable. The B.C. Liberals don’t want to upset the private liquor stores they have nurtured for a decade, and the NDP would never risk annoying the government liquor store union. There are more creative ways to liberalize alcohol sales. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews. com.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
the province Man arrested after successful negotiations
QUESNEL - A 31-year-old male has been taken into police custody after a police incident which caused the evacuation of eleven homes in the surrounding area and a partial road closure. The police incident began shortly after 2:30 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6 when RCMP were called to the Poplar Avenue residence for a disturbance. Due to safety concerns which presented themselves during the investigation, the RCMP’s Emergency Response Team was deployed. After successful negotiation with police, the male suspect exited the residence and surrendered at approximately 1:30 p.m. He was arrested and taken into police custody without further incident. Police are recommending charges of assault with a weapon and uttering threats.
Do you plan to participate or spectate at the 2013 Kidney Walk in Centennial Park this Sunday (Aug. 18)?
Report of man with gun turns out to be pellet guns PRINCE GEORGE - Police arrested a man who was walking through a city neighbourhood with two pellet handguns Wednesday (Aug. 7) morning. At about 7:30 a.m. Prince George RCMP were called to a report of a man with a handgun walking on the 2100 block of Norwood Street. Police responded to the area immediately and began making patrols. Within a few minutes, the suspect was spotted by officers exiting a mobile home park near the corner of Strathcona Avenue and Norwood Street. The suspect attempted to flee on foot through a residential yard, but was apprehended by officers shortly thereafter. A police service dog attended, but was not deployed. A 24-year-old Prince George man was found in possession of two pellet handguns. The man was also found to have an outstanding arrest warrant for failing to appear in court in relation to an April 2013 shoplifting investigation. Further charges are not being considered at this time.
Your view
& QA
Did you enjoy the RCAF Snowbirds fly over in 100 Mile House last week?
YES 67% NO 34%
Do you plan to participate or spectate at the 2013 Kidney Walk this Sunday? VOTE ONLINE Scroll down to poll DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Lacey Zachary 100 Mile House
Sue Sizer 70 Mile House
No, my boyfriend and I already have plans to get together with a bunch of friends and my parents this weekend at the lake.
This weekend we are working on our renovations and shopping for materials, so we won’t be there. We both work all week, so weekends are the only time we have to do that.
C apsule C omments We’ve been hearing for years that a needle-free injection device will soon be on the market. Well, the scientists at MIT have developed one which delivers a microscopically thin stream of medicine under high pressure through the skin and into the tissue. It is still being tested but hopefully available in a year or two. There appears to be a link between the amount of sugar we consume and our blood pressure. One easy way of cutting sugar consumption is to reduce the number of sugar-drinks you consume daily. Even reducing by one can help. Reducing our daily calorie intake can produce a multitude of health benefits. Start today. It’s always interesting to read about how health affected some famous people. Beethoven, for example, used fewer higher notes in his later compositions as his deafness increased. Analyses of his string quartets found he used fewer notes above G in his later quartets because he couldn’t hear them. In England, more and more people are successfully quitting smoking. The National Health Services Stop Smoking program in 201112 reported that 800,000 people set a quit date with 49% being successful which is a 5% increase in success from 2010-11 and a whopping 235% increase over 2001-02. It can be done. Pharmacists can help smokers quit with smoking cessation programs. We’d love to talk to you about what’s available to help you with your decision to stop. You and your family won’t regret it.
Al Smith Lone Butte
No, I have a family wedding to attend this weekend, so I can’t participate.
Kathleen Nowell 83 Mile I do not plan to participate. I am working a lot and I am not involved in that kind of thing right now. I will likely volunteer once I am retired, though.
25OFF 25OFF %
Pharmacy and Department Store
Birch Ave.
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
100 Mile House RCMP busy with a speeder, pot bust and a water rescue
report 100 Mile House RCMP responded to 85 complaints and calls for service during the past week. Excessive speed During the past week, there was one reported incident of excessive speed. The driver was operating his vehicle at 53 km/h over the posted speed limit. He was issued a violations ticket for excessive speed and his vehicle was towed and impounded for seven days. Pot bust On Aug. 9, 100 Mile RCMP responded to a report of a domestic disturbance on the 90 Mile Loop Road south
of 100 Mile House. Upon attending, it was determined that no assault had occurred; however, there was an extensive commercial marijuana grow-op on the property. There was a medicinal marijuana permit for the property, but the plant allowance was being exceeded by approximately 1,800 plants. Three occupants of the property were arrested and removed from the property, while a search warrant was obtained The warrant was executed later in the day. Some 1,821 marijuana plants, as well as marijuana production equipment were seized from the property. The three occupants were released on a promise to appear for court in 100 Mile House on Dec. 3 for marijuana
production and possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking. The investigation into this matter is continuing. Drunken wading Shortly before 8 p.m. on Aug. 7, rescue services and 100 Mile RCMP were called to
a possible intoxicated person being in the middle of Bridge Creek just below the campsite in 100 Mile House. A male youth could be seen clinging to a rock in approximately waist deep water. A police officer wearing a personal flotation device waded into the
Sometime overnight of Aug. 7, unknown culprits spray-painted the back side of the 100 Mile Community Hall and ripped up some of the flowers planted in front of the hall. If you have any information on this or any other crimes in the 100 Mile House area call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). Your identity will remain unknown. Should your information lead to the arrest of the responsible party Crime Stoppers will pay cash for the TIP.
creek to retrieve the male. The male was incapable of wading under his own power and was escorted out of the water after being put into a personal flotation device. Once on shore, the male was assessed by ambulance attendants and was determined to be medically stable and did not require hospitalization. As he was intoxicated, he was arrested and held in custody until sober and released without charges the following morning.
Are you looking for homemade food ready-to-go? We now have single portion, ready-to-eat dinners. Made in store.
Free Press
It’s been a busy week for firefighting crews in the area as multiple fire halls responded to two callouts at the Ainsworth Engineered OSB plant in 100 Mile House, the latest Monday (Aug. 12) afternoon. Over a dozen firefighters from 100 Mile House FireRescue and 108 Mile Ranch Volunteer Fire Department were on scene for close to two-and-a-half hours helping to extinguish
the blaze, which was located in a dryer bin. “We were quite surprised to get a fire there yesterday,” says Darrell Blades, 100 Mile House Fire-Rescue fire chief. “We don’t usually get
fires back-to-back there.” Blades adds the fire was “isolated.” No injuries were reported and the cause of the fire is still under investigation. “We’re looking at the
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Firefighters respond to OSB plant fire
Gaven Crites
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
Last week, 6 mm of rain was recorded. Highs peaked at 33 C, with lows to 4 C.
High Low
28 13
Mainly sunny
High Low
High Low
25 14
Cloudy periods
22 14
Cloudy with showers
High Low
21 11
Cloudy periods
High 21 Low 12 Cloudy periods
High Low
21 10
100 Mile House OSB plant fire ‘one of the bigger ones’ in recent years From 11
out and causing the fire, but we’re not there yet.” At 8:20 a.m. on Aug. 11, close to a dozen firefighters from 100 Mile House Fire-Rescue responded to a callout at the OSB plant. Blades says that blaze was “one of the bigger ones” they’ve seen at the OSB plant in recent years. “It was a pretty significant fire. We were on scene for about five hours and we dealt with different areas where we have to go in and get rid of embers and sparks and smouldering sites, so when they fire back up again another fire doesn’t start.” Twenty-seven firefighters were on scene, including members of the Lone Butte Fire
Department, 108 Mile Ranch Volunteer Fire Department and Forest Grove Volunteer Fire Department. No one was injured and the plant was operational on Monday (Aug. 12). The suppression system at the OSB plant works really well, Blades says, adding it contained the fire to different areas. “We basically go in and put out the stuff that the
deluge system doesn’t. So far [a fire] hasn’t grown to where it’s overtaken their system.” On Monday, 100 Mile House Fire-Rescue was still working with mill staff to determine the cause of the fire, which moved through multiple portions of the drying area of the plant. “It appears there was a plug in one of the overhead pipe ... that lit up and the fire went through the area.” Traditional
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Mainly sunny
Please welcome to my team BEVERLY HARRIS as my constituent assistant.
A division of Black Press Ltd. FREE PRESS INFORMATION OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday DEADLINES: DISPLAY ADS, Friday, noon CLASSIFIED LINE ADS, Monday, noon Box 459, 100 Mile House, B.C. V0K 2E0 Phone: (250) 395-2219 Fax: (250) 395-3939 PAP Registration N0. 08685 News e-mail: Ad e-mail: “We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.”
Dorothy Hartshorne is moving on. Thank you Dorothy for all BEVERLY HARRIS your hard work! Constituent Assistant
New Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 10am - 3pm Phone: 250-395-3916 | Fax: 250-395-3973 Street Address: Pinkney Complex, 7-530 Horse Lake Road, 100 Mile House, BC Mailing Address:
tundra by Chad Carpenter
‘Write Stuff’?
And like to take photos too? We have an opening for you! CORRESPONDENT NEEDED for the Watch Lake/ North Green Lake area Please contact editor Ken Alexander at
or email:
Heartfelt Thank-you
of the 100 Mile and co-workers to my employer your kindness, tachment for all De t MP RC e us Ho lp and suppor well wishes, he The ry. ve co re thoughtfulness, my g s, and now durin 0 during my illnes my time at the 10 tiful & brightened au be re we . ort flowers sh u yo g vin sorry for lea Mile Hospital. I am nds, co-workers, all our dear frie to go o als when I ks Than re there for Bjorn neighbours who we re for the ing be for u yo couldn’t be, thank one ph ur Yo e. ficult tim Bjorn during that dif so much rn Bjo ve ga e) calls (and your tim ot express it fully. hope, words cann who to our neighbours u yo Sincere thank ed help ed ne we en wh there” have always “been lt time, first g this very difficu and support durin were sick. th bo we en wh d then when I was sick an uggling, str re we know when we e your You all seemed to giv at the right time to and “just appeared” it. ed need help when we truly ssible for me to It would not be po ut Dr. Geerts tho wi s thi be writing rtise; along pe ex l astute professiona of the nurses re ca ing az am with the spital during the at the 100 Mile Ho ; l time of my illness most critical initia ed the liz rea o wh an and Dr. Schuem I was rn’s illness, when seriousness of Bjo ital. During sp Ho na low Ke discharged from we are recovery period’s both of our ongoing ctor of do g ch an outstandin so lucky to have su of Bjorn re ca us ulo fab vic, who’s Dr. Vesna Kovace e. Our humble ficult recovery tim dif s thi g rin du I and and extra work re ca ur yo ciation for all r behalf. thanks and appre ou on , d continue to do so you have done, an el Knudsen ur La d an n Bjor
Where is your trash going?
PO Box 95, 100 Mile House, BC, V0K 2E0 Email:
Do You Have The
DONNA BARNETT MLA Cariboo-Chilcotin
To recycle used beverage containers:
Refund at the store where they were purchased, or take them to Gold Trail Recycling, 720 Sollows Crescent These containers can also be donated to charitable organizations.
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
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Prices in this ad good until August 18th.
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
Fire Centre kept busy with weekend wildfires Cariboo Boilers
Ken Alexander Free Press
The Cariboo Fire Centre (CFC) was hopping during the weekend with 25 new wildfires sparked by lightning storms on Saturday and Sunday (Aug. 10-11). There was also one person-caused wildfire. Wildfire Management Branch (WMB) crews, air tankers, helicopters and heavy equipment were all used to fight the fires. The number of phone reports received from the public allowed the CFC to respond to these fires quickly and efficiently. There are currently 28 active wildfires in the CFC, including: • A 1,200-hectare fire in Itcha Ilgachuz Provincial Park, northeast of Anahim Lake; • A 12-ha fire in the West/East Twin creeks drainage, southwest of 70 Mile House; and • An 11-ha fire near Till Lake, west of Williams Lake. There were two new wildfire starts in the 100 Mile House Zone on Saturday and two more on Sunday. The one in the West/East Twin creeks drainage southwest of 70 Mile House started on Saturday. It grew by approximately one hectare on Sunday and was estimated to be 12 hectares in size. The growth was due to aggressive fire behaviour and flare-ups on the northwest flank
because of shifting, gusty winds. A cat guard was established around 50 per cent of the fire perimeter on Sunday, and by 2 p.m. on Monday (Aug. 12), the cat guard completely surrounded the wildfire. By 6 p.m., the fire was re-estimated to be eight ha in size. CFC information officer Greig Bethel says it appears the action is moving toward the mop-up stage. The three other fires in the 100 Mile House Zone were all less than one ha in size. They are located near Lone Butte, Big Timothy Mountain and Vidette Lake (approximate geographic locations). All four wildfires are still being fought by WMB personnel and equipment.
Campfire ban extended At noon on Aug. 9, the CFC extended its campfire ban to the north-western portion of the region. This ban applies to open fires of any size, campfires, industrial or
backyard burning, fireworks, tiki torches, sky lanterns and burning barrels. The campfire ban will be in effect for all areas west of Highway 97 from the C ottonwo o d River north of Quesnel to 150 Mile House, including the Kluskus, Nazko, Chilcotin, McLeese Lake and Williams Lake regions, as well as the Chilcotin, 100 Mile House and Interlakes regions. The campfire ban boundary, starting from the west at Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, follows the Cariboo and Prince George fire centres boundary east to Highway 97, south to 150 Mile House, east again along the Redeaux Lake FSR (2300 Road), and then follows the Central Cariboo-100 Mile House forest districts boundary to Wells Gray Provincial Park. The current fire danger rating in the CFC is high with areas of extreme. Both the campfire ban and open burning prohibition
Lone Butte Fire Department 250-395-3112
• Weekly Message • Weekly Message • Weekly Message •
Store firewood away from your house Practices every Thursday 7pm ~ New members welcome
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1 year old spayed female, short hair, beautiful orange and white tabby. This sweet gal is waiting for her forever home now that her kittens are all happily adopted.
August’s Best Buys Buy any
open fire and burning restrictions, go to www. You can follow the latest wildfire news on Twitter at twitter. com/B CGovFireInfo and BCForestFireInfo.
Your Local Central Boiler Dealers Gary & Donna Milward Box 520, Clinton, B.C V0K 1K0 Phone: 250-459-2715 • Fax: 250-459-2711
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remain in effect. To report a wildfire, prohibited campfire or open burning, call 1-800-663-555 toll-free or *5555 on your cell phone. For the latest information on current wildfire activity, and
250-791-6322 250-706-9825
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To advertise in this special section, call Martina, Heather or Chris at 250-395-2219 or come in to the Free Press for more advertising info.
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Forest carbon program helps businesses grow
The province has bon offset credit. Over B.C. achieve its greenplanted more than time, the program could house gas emission 20,000 trees to kick off expand to hundreds of reduction targets,” says an innovative program thousands of hectares of Environment Minister that uses private-sector forest. Mary Polak investment to stimu“British Columbia The provincial late ecosystem is recognized program is being orgarestoration and i n t e r n a t i o n - nized by the Carbon r e f o r e s t at i o n ally as a climate Offset Aggregation on Crown land, action lead- Cooperative, an indeForests, Lands er and is pendent organization and Natural c o m m i t t e d set up to manage both R e s ou rc e to maintain- the investments and Operations ing that status. subsequent carbon Mary ( F L N R P ) While gov- credits. The co-operaPolak Minister Steve e r n m e n t tive, which will use the T h o m s o n l e a d e r s h i p carbon offset credits for announced recently. is important, espe- long-term replanting The British Columbia cially in reducing the and forest management Forest Carbon carbon pollution pro- activities, was selected Partnership Program duced by the public through a competitive could see more than sector, ultimately it is bid process, posted in one million trees plant- innovative collabora- fall 2012. ed in the province over tions between the “This is a groundthe next five years, help- public and private sec- breaking program, ing to restore forests tors, such as the Forest perhaps the first of its devastated by wildfire Carbon Partnership Continued on 17 and the mountain pine Program, that will help beetle infestation while reducing B.C.’s carbon footprint, Thomson says. “The Forest Carbon Partnership Program Accounting & Income Tax Service allows us to create jobs for British Columbians in the short term and • Personal & Corporate enables increased Income Tax reforestation of dam• Financial Statements aged lands. In the long term, the program will • Bookkeeping enhance the province’s • HST & Payroll ability to store carbon and address the issue • Accounting of greenhouse gas emis• Business Consulting sions.” Under the program, Regular Hours corporate investors pay Mon. - Fri. 8:30am - 4:30pm to plant trees – which 3-441 Alder Ave. store carbon and lower 100 Mile House. Next to Re/Max greenhouse gas levels Ph: 250.395.8830 Angela Binns, – and then receive a carCertified General Accountant Fax: 250.395.8998
$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $
A. Binns & Company Inc.
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$
Attention Advertisers !
If you are in the pet business, call Martina, Heather or Chris to advertise your products and services in this weekly feature! Starts: Sept. 4 • Booking Deadline: Aug. 25
or phone: 250-395-2219
The need in our community is
and YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. There’s a FOOD CRISIS in 100 Mile House. The South Cariboo Food Security Committee has put out a plea for food donations to support the hungry families and individuals in need this summer. Local gardeners with extra produce in their plots, and the general public through non-perishable donations, are being asked to help with this food crisis. Children, youth and families are challenged daily in having enough to eat, especially nutritious food. For more information, or to donate, please contact Rusty Martin Loaves and Fishes 250-395-2708 Sylvia Peniuk 100 Mile House & District Women’s Centre 250-395-4093 Debbra Williams Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre 250-395-5155 Margaret Perry Agri-Culture Enterprise Centre 778-482-2216
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
Show Sale
Learn to do… by doing!
Welcome to the
55th Annual
August 16-22 at the Williams Lake Stockyards
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, August 16, 2013 9:00 am - 3:00 pm ........ MAJOR BARN SETUP & CONSTRUCTION
Monday, August 19, 2013 9:00 am ......................... Beef Weight Classes
Saturday, August 17, 2013 8:00 am - 10:00 am ...... Beef Weigh-In 9:00 am ......................... Dog 10:00 am - 11:30 pm .... Swine Weigh-In 11:30 am - 12:00 pm .... Sheep Weigh-In 2:00 pm......................... Oral & Written Judging Beef, Swine, Sheep, Rabbit, Gardening, Small Engine, Dog, Photography, Horse, Feed 5:00 pm......................... Gardening (Inside ring) 5:15 pm......................... Poultry - Demo 5:45 pm......................... Small Engines (Inside) 7:00 pm......................... Club President’s Leaders Meeting 8:00 pm ........................ Pool Night (4-H Members Only)
Sunday, August 18, 2013 9:00 am ......................... Pre-Judge Photography (outside tents) 9:00 am ......................... Market Lamb weight classes Sr. Lamb Showmanship (by age) Jr. Lamb Showmanship (by age) Interclub Market Lamb (group of 4) Best groomed lamb Champion Sr. Showman Champion Jr. Showman CHAMPION EWE & LAMB AT FOOT CHAMPION EWE LAMB CHAMPION MARKET LAMB 1:00 pm......................... Cloverbud Show 1:30 pm......................... Rabbit Show (inside arena) Grand Champion Commercial Grand Champion Fancy Grand Champion Senior Showmanship Grand Champion Junior Showmanship Best Groomed 2:00............................... Photography Showmanship (inside ring) Record Book Classes Sale Photo Class 6:00 pm......................... Heifers Interclub Heifers (group of 2) Cow/Calf GRAND CHAMPION HEIFER GRAND CHAMPION COW/CALF GRAND CHAMPION MATURE COW/CALF SUPREME FEMALE Female Beef Breed Class 8:30 pm......................... Game Night
1:00 pm......................... Beef Sr. Showman (by age group) Beef Jr. Showman (by age group) 3:30 pm......................... Interclub Steers (group of 4) SUPPER 6:00 pm......................... Best Groomed Calf Grand Champion Sr. Showman Grand Champion Jr. Showman 7:00 pm......................... GRAND CHAMPION STEER Beef Breed Classes (market) Best Home Grown Steer Tuesday, August 20, 2013 9:00 am ......................... Swine Sr. Showman (by age group) Swine Jr. Showman (by age group) 10:00 am ....................... Most Dedicated - RBC Most Enthusiastic – Sharon Anderson Memorial LUNCH 1:00 pm......................... Best Groomed Swine Champion Sr. Swine Showman Champion Jr. Swine Showman Gilt 2:00 pm......................... Swine Weight Classes GRAND CHAMPION MARKET SWINE 7:30 pm......................... DANCE (Members Only) Wednesday, August 21, 2013 9:00 am ........................ YARD CLEAN-UP 10:00 am ....................... Practice Opening Followed by AWARDS 5:30 pm......................... Parade of Champions 6:30 pm......................... Opening Ceremony 6:30 pm......................... Sale Opening Words Cash Award Presentation by Save-On Foods Williamson Memorial Steer – presented by Pat Moortele 6:30 pm ........................ SALE Thursday, August 22, 2013 7:00 am—10:00 am ..... MAJOR BARN DESTRUCTION & CLEANUP OF ENTIRE STOCKYARD GROUNDS
This schedule sponsored by these community-minded businesses:
2 95 B Cariboo Hwy 97 100 Mile House 250-395-4094
TIMBER MART (Lone Butte Supply Ltd.)
ssr r r r
250-395-3835 • 400 EXETER RD.
OPEN 7:30am-10pm • 7 days a week
250-395-2543 Coach House Square • Hwy. 97, 100 Mile House
Home Owners helping homeowners™
488 Birch Ave
Lac La Hache
Food Mart
Everything you need in one stop! Hwy 97 • At the turn off to Mt. Timothy
108 MILE SUPERMARKET • Meat • Deli • Bakery • Produce • Rural Agency Liquor Store
In the 108 Mall Easzee Dr., 108 Mile Ranch 250-791-6699
** Please note schedule is approximate Times may vary depending on class sizes and judges
Live well. Enjoy life.
Good For You, Naturally 104 Birch Ave. 250-395-2261
Exeter Parts & Supplies Exeter Rd. 250-395-2277
Deanna Oenema, AMP
#3 - 536 Horse Lake Road 100 Mile House
From 15
kind in North America. It means the province can address important climate change and reforestation issues while providing investors to make a positive
impact on the economy and the environment. Together, we are making an investment in the future of the province,” says MaryAnne Arcand, Carbon Offset Aggregation Cooperative chair.
2013 FOCUS S
SEDAN 5.5L /100km 51MPG HWY*** 7.8L /100km 36MPG CITY***
Employee Price Adjustment /// Delivery Allowance /// Total Price Adjustments ///
99 1.99
, $
620 250 $ 870
FAST bytes • Forest ecosystems are extremely important for the worldwide storage of carbon and account for about 40 per cent of the total carbon stored in terrestrial ecosystems.
FWD 2.5L
Total Price Adjustments
145 4.99
• Approximately 60 per cent of B.C.’s land base is forest land and 95 per cent of these forest lands are public. • Some of these forests contain the most carbon storage per hectare for any forest type in the world.
Sarah M. and her uncle Tony R. Bill H. and his son Greg H.
Ford Employee Ford Retiree
Ford Retiree
6.3L /100km 45MPG HWY*** 9.5L /100km 30MPG CITY***
22,204 *
Learn more • B.C. Forest Carbon Partnership Program at e x te r na l / ! publ ish / Web / climate/carbon_investment_ opportunities_info_book.pdf. • Our Natural Advantage:
2013 F-150 XLT
Ford Employee
14,000 *
On most new 2013 models (F-150 Super Crew Platinum 4x4 5.0L amount shown)
For qualified customers towards most Ford SUV/CUV/Trucks
10.6L /100km 27MPG HWY*** 15.0L /100km 19MPG CITY***
Employee Price Adjustment /// $4,423 Delivery Allowance /// $7,250 Total Price Adjustments /// $11,673
374 0.99
WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. †Ford Employee Pricing (“Employee Pricing”) is available from July 3, 2013 to September 30, 2013 (the “Program Period”), on the purchase or lease of most new 2013/2014 Ford vehicles (excluding all chassis cab, stripped chassis, and cutaway body models, F-150 Raptor, Medium Trucks, Mustang Shelby GT500 and all Lincoln models). Employee Pricing refers to A-Plan pricing ordinarily available to Ford of Canada employees (excluding any CAW-negotiated programs). The new vehicle must be delivered or factory-ordered during the Program Period from your participating Ford Dealer. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. *Purchase a new 2013 Focus S Sedan/2013 Escape S FWD with 2.5L engine/2013 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-150 Super Crew XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine $16,779/$22,204/$29,226/$31,720 after Total Price Adjustment of $870/$995/$11,673/$11,079 is deducted. Total Price Adjustment is a combination of Employee Price Adjustment of $620/$995/$4,423/$3,829 and Delivery Allowance of $250/$0/$7,250/$7,250. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Total Price Adjustment has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,700/$1,700/$1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. Delivery Allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. **Until September 30, 2013, receive 1.99%/4.99% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase financing on a 2013 Focus S Sedan/2013 Escape S FWD with 2.5L engine for a maximum of 84 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase financing monthly payment is $214/$314 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $99/$145 with a down payment of $0 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $1,209.67/$4,148.90 or APR of 1.99%/4.99% and total to be repaid is $17,988.67/$26,352.90. Offers include a Delivery Allowance of $250/$0 and freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a first payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. ††Until September 30, 2013, lease a new 2013 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-150 Super Crew XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine and get 0.99% annual percentage rate (APR) financing for up to 24 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $29,226/$31,720 at 0.99% APR for up to 24 months with $1,500 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $374/$389, total lease obligation is $10,476/$10,836 and optional buyout is $19,223/$21,400. Offers include Delivery Allowance of $7,250. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after any price adjustment is deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions apply. Excess kilometrage charges are 12¢per km for Fiesta, Focus, C-Max, Fusion and Escape; 16¢per km for E-Series, Mustang, Taurus, Taurus-X, Edge, Flex, Explorer, F-Series, MKS, MKX, MKZ, MKT and Transit Connect; 20¢per km for Expedition and Navigator, plus applicable taxes. Excess kilometrage charges subject to change, see your local dealer for details. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for 2013 Focus 2.0L I4 5-speed manual transmission: [7.8L/100km (36MPG) City, 5.5L/100km (51MPG) Hwy]/2013 Escape FWD 2.5L I4 6-speed automatic transmission: [9.5L/100km (30MPG) City, 6.3L/100km (45MPG) Hwy]/2013 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8 6-speed automatic transmission: [15.0L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.6L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, vehicle condition, and driving habits. ‡ When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost 4x2 and 4x4 and 6.2L 2 valve V8 4x2 engines. Max. payloads of 3,120 lbs/3,100 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8/3.5L V6 EcoBoost 4x2 engines. Max. horsepower of 411 and max. torque of 434 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR. ‡‡F-Series is the best-selling pickup truck in Canada for 47 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report, December 2012. ▲Offer only valid from August 1, 2013 to Sepetember2, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to Canadian resident customers who currently (during the Program Period) own or are leasing certain Ford Pickup Truck, Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV), Cross-Over Utility Vehicle (CUV) or Minivan models (each a “Qualifying Loyalty Model”), or certain competitive pickup truck, SUV, CUV or Minivan models (each a “Qualifying Conquest Model”) and purchase, lease, or factory order (during the Program Period) a new qualifying 2013/2014 Ford truck (excluding Raptor and chassis-cabs), SUV or CUV (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Some eligibility restrictions apply on Qualifying Loyalty and Conquest Models and Eligible Vehicles – see dealer for full offer criteria. Qualifying Loyalty/Conquest Models must have been registered and insured (in Canada) in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months preceding the date of offer redemption. Qualifying customers will receive $1,000 (the “Incentive”) towards the purchase or lease of the Eligible Vehicle, which must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford dealer during the Program Period. Limit one (1) Incentive per Eligible Vehicle sale, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales if valid proof is provided that the customer is the owner/lessee of two (2) separate Qualifying Conquest/Loyalty Models. Each customer will be required to provide proof of ownership/registration of the applicable Qualifying Conquest/Loyalty Model and the ownership/registration address must match the address on the new Buyer’s Agreement or Lease Agreement for the Eligible Vehicle sale. Offer is transferable only to persons living in the same household as the eligible customer. This offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, Daily Rental Allowances. Taxes payable before Incentive is deducted. See dealer for details. ©2013 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2013 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Businesses can gain carbon credits by planting trees 17
Forest Sector Strategy for British Columbia at forestsectorstrategy/Forest_ Strategy_WEB.PDF. • Carbon Offset Aggregation Cooperative: www.
Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
Take a ‘Welcome Window’ walk to win years old need to find 25. Families and childcare groups that like to work together get more entries into the draw. Just like the project itself, the scavenger hunt is inclusive and everyone can get in on the fun. Participating in this contest is a great way to learn how to greet someone in another
By Kimberly Vance-Lundsbye Go for a walk and stop to chat with local business owners. It doesn’t get much easier than that to win a summer surprise. There are more than 130 “welcomes” to choose from and children 12 years and under only need to find 10 of these painted signs. Folks from 13 to 100
language or two. Folks will also learn more about their community. Many of the participating window owners chose languages that represent their own cultural background. Some chose languages based on a loyal customer and some chose one that comes from a country they’d love to visit. When you pop in to
ask what language is on their door, be sure to ask why they chose it, too. To be entered in the draw, record the names of the languages and businesses they are on. (Families or groups, please indicate how many individuals par-
ticipated to get more entries.) E-mail your list to: welcomewindows 100milehouse@gmail. com, or call Kimberly at 778-482-0090. Kimberly VanceLundsbye is the Welcoming Communities co-ordinator.
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7/18/13 11:38 AM
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
messy face fun
2013 Ram 1500 Crew Cab SLT with optional equipment shown.§
Shelly Carrera photo
Karly Bollenstein, left, and Dawn Wilson were a little messy after participating in the Mud Pie Eating contest during the Red Neck Olympics at the Forest Grove Legion on Aug. 10. See more photos in the Aug. 16 Cariboo Connector.
@ 3.99%
in total discounts
IN CONSUMER CASH AND BONUS CASH DISCOUNTS Wise customers read the fine print: •, *, », ‡, § The Trade In Trade Up Summer Clearance Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating dealers on or after August 1, 2013. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. All pricing includes freight ($1,595–$1,695) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees, other dealer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Dealer trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. •$25,498 Purchase Price applies to 2013 Ram 1500 Quad Cab 4x4 (23A) only and includes $9,250 Consumer Cash and $1,500 Bonus Cash Discounts. *Consumer Cash Discounts are offered on select new 2013 vehicles and will be deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. Amounts vary by vehicle. »$1,500 Ram Truck Loyalty/Conquest Bonus Cash is available to qualified customers on the retail purchase/lease of any 2012/2013 Ram 2500/3500 models (excluding Cab & Chassis models) and 2013 Ram 1500 (excludes Reg Cab models) and is deducted from the negotiated price after taxes. Eligible customers include current owners/lessees of a Dodge or Ram pickup truck or any other manufacturer’s pickup truck. The vehicle must have been owned/leased by the eligible customer and registered in their name on or before August 1, 2013. Proof of ownership/lease agreement will be required. Additional eligible customers include licensed tradesmen and those working towards Skilled Trade certification. Some conditions apply. See your dealer for complete details. ‡3.99% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on the new 2013 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT 4x4 model to qualified customers on approved credit through Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Example: 2013 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT 4x4 with a Purchase Price of $25,498 (including applicable Consumer Cash Discount) financed at 3.99% over 96 months with $0 down payment equals 208 bi-weekly payments of $143 with a cost of borrowing of $4,305 and a total obligation of $29,803. §2013 Ram 1500 Crew Cab SLT with optional equipment shown. Price including applicable Consumer Cash Discount and optional equipment: $37,785. €$10,750/$8,500 in Cash Discounts are available on new 2013 Ram 1500/2500/3500 models (excluding Reg Cab & Chassis models) and consist of $9,250/$7,000 in Consumer Cash Discounts and $1,500 in Ram Truck Loyalty/ Conquest Bonus Cash. See your dealer for complete details. ≠Based on Automotive News classification and 2013 Ram 1500 3.6 L V6 4x2 and 8-speed transmission. 11.4 L/ 100 km (25 MPG) City and 7.8 L/100 km (36 MPG) Highway. Based on 2013 EnerGuide fuel consumption guide ratings published by Natural Resources Canada. Government of Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on powertrain, driving habits and other factors. Ask your dealer for complete EnerGuide information. ±Best-selling based on R. L. Polk Canada, Inc. 2012 CY new vehicle registrations for retail sales of large Heavy Duty/Super Duty≈ pickups. ≈Heavy Duty/Super Duty vehicles include: 2500/3500 Series Ram Trucks, 2500 and 3500 Series for GMC and Chevrolet Trucks, F250/F350 and F450 series for Ford Trucks. ¥Based on longevity of entire Ram large pickup segment compared to all competitive large pickups on the road since 1988. Longevity based on R. L. Polk Canada, Inc. Canadian Vehicles in Operation data as of July 1, 2012 for model years 1988-2012 for all large pickups sold and available in Canada over the last 25 years. TMThe SiriusXM logo is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc.
DBC_131133_B2B_RAM_LD_HD.indd 1
8/7/13 2:33 PM
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
FAMILY FUN at the 56th Annual
Bridge Lake Fair 7
f Show o t s e •B - Quilt of lectionegetables - Cold V Gar en - Wine Floral t n i o P erving • High s e r P t Point Poin h g h i g H i H n • ’ Sectio s t n e d u • St e ggregat A d n a r •G
s e z i r P ed h s a e merit r e C h w 3 h class for eac ner t i a t n o C ntes o C r e t Plan
! e z i r P r o o D e Splendid
s s e u G r a Candy J n o i t c u A Silent
mal Displ
ay Seabloom Mini Ran ch Diamond H Ranch New-C al
10:00am to 4:00pm Interlakes Hall on Hwy 24
& Alpa Rabbit F rm ca Sto ry Raa nch O
LDE TY ME M With “T ALL DAY! USIC he Coffin Dodgers 1
Over 400 Classes of Exhibits ADMISSION Adults: $2.00 Seniors 65+ & Students Aged 5 to 11: $1.00 Children under 5 get in FREE! Entries: Saturday, August 17 9:00am - 4:00pm at Interlakes Hall
illito S y d n a S y b Barbecue Comm. School Baking Bridge Lake
Small Ani
• At 11:00am Come meet MP Cathy McLeod who is presenting a $25,000 cheque for Interlakes Hall’s venting and fire suppressing system • • Educational Displays & Artisans •
0:30am ” & 1 1 Liz :3 the ChMcMann,0am ainsaw Girl On the ho ur from 1 1:00am CAKE W A L K S 11:30am, 1 2 : 3 OLD FA 0pm, 1:30pm & 2:30pm SHION ED RAC 12:1 ES Music5pm & 2:15p by Nice m ‘n Easy ( Thom Bailey) 12:55p & 1:55 “Our Lm m Spanish ady of Spap in” Dance (L eslie Br own) 1:40pm M i n iature H Car t Driv orse & ing (Seablo om Mini Ranch) Best Dre 2:30pm ssed Bic ycle Par ade
Saori Weaving Demo All Day Spinning/Weav ing Demo All Da y
• Closing auction of donated edible entries in the parking lot at 4:00pm •
This advertisement is sponsored by these community-minded businesses Frank & Lorrain Jerema 6847 Judson Rd. C16, Crossroads, RR#1 Lone Butte, BC V0K 1X0 Tel: 250-593-2384 Fax: 250-593-2347 Email:
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Centennial law Lawyers & Notaries Public Douglas E. Dent, Caroline Plant & Chris Dunsmore Across from Fields, Birch Ave. Telephone: 250-395-1080
PHARMACY AND DEPT. STORE 250-395-4004 • Birch Ave. 100 Mile House
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Proudly providing legal services to the South Cariboo Wir sprechen deutsch • Nous parlons français
#3 - 536 Horse Lake Road 100 Mile House
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Forest Grove 94 Lions host a
Redneck Regattarific event
Chris Nickless photos
See Friday’s Cariboo Connector for more redneck weekend photos
Did our Free Press photographer take YOUR picture? If you don’t see the picture you want, please come into the Free Press office as we have many more available for reprints.
Come! Get to know us. Call Laurette to schedule a personal visit 250.305.1131 or 250.305.3318
1455 Western Avenue
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
Laurie Hill became Mrs. Gary Sayenchuk at Higgins Lake on July 27 DEKA DISTRICT
erally, 25-35 per cent of wildfires handled by the Cariboo Fire Centre are humancaused, but this year, human-caused fires had accounted for over 70 per cent.
Diana Forster 250 593-2155
Many congratulations to Deka Ladies Auxiliary member Laurie Hill, of Higgins Lake, who became Mrs. Gary Sayenchuk on July 27. “It was a beautiful day, which was great because it had rained on either side of the big day,” she says The ceremony, held at the couple’s lakefront home, was officiated by Marriage Commissioner April Roberts before guests danced the night away to great music provided by Richard Boyer. Of the 95 guests, Laurie’s best friend, Corey Campbell of Richmond, was Matron of Honour; and Gary’s best friend, Jay O’Shea of Squamish, stood as Best Man. Campfire ban Most people know the campfire ban went
In mid-July, a calf was hit by a vehicle on Mahood Lake Road. The loss of just one calf has a major impact on our ranchers’ incomes, so drivers must be wide awake and cautious. It is expected that one of those huge “cattle” signs will be erected on Mahood Lake Road, albeit residents shouldn’t need one.
Slow down Residents are again reminded to slow down and watch for cattle, especially in the Mahood Lake Road Corridor and on Horse Lake Road.
Continued on 27
100 Mile House & Area
CHURCH SERVICES Come Worship With Us LAC LA HACHE COMMUNITY CHAPEL A ministry of the Cariboo Presbyterian Church WORSHIP 7pm Sun. eves, Little Church, Timothy Lk. Rd. 7pm Mon. eves, at 7243 Rainbow Cres. Canim Lk. 7pm Wed. eves, at Bonter Residence, Hwy 24 For Info call 250-396-4251 Ministers: Charles McNeil, David Webber
HORSE LAKE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Meetings at the Good News Centre 5827 Horse Lake Road Bible Teaching Meeting ...... Sun. 11:00am
“We preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake” For info telephone 250-395-1070
9am & 11am Sunday Service 7:30pm Wednesday - Youth Church Huge Kids’ Ministry Pastor Rick Barker Church 250-791-5532 Church email: Website:
Ideal and unique solutions for: • real estate • property development • resorts • hotels • event photography • tourist attractions • restaurants • exhibitions • insurance documentation • unlimited possibilities Diana Forster photo
Norm Pickering brought in this prize-winning kokanee, which weighed in at two pounds, five ounces, at the Deka Lake & District Volunteer Fire Department’s fishing derby on Aug. 3-4.
into effect at noon on Aug. 1, reducing the possibility of humancaused fires over the long weekend, and will stay in effect until the end of September unless rescinded. One of the reasons for the ban was that, gen-
Virtual 360˚photography interior/exterior still photography
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250-395-7770 ST. TIMOTHY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH The Log Church at Blackstock and Horse Lake Road
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ST. JUDE’S CATHOLIC MISSION CHURCHES 5691 Horse Lake Road 250-395-4429 Fax: 250-395-4228
Rev. Vernantius Ononiwu
WEEKEND MASSES: Sat: 5pm - OAPA Hall at Lac la Hache Sun: 9am - St. Jude’s, 100 Mile House 11am - St. Augustine, Canim Lk 1:30pm Holy Family, Bridge Lake WEEKDAY MASS: at St. Jude’s Mon.- Fri. 8am, and Sat. 9am
100 MILE HOUSE UNITED CHURCH 49 Dogwood Ave. 250-395-2932
AN OPEN COMMUNITY OF FAITH. Worship every Sunday 10:30am Communion celebrated second Sunday of every month
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100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Guiding light stimulates creativity, confidence Carole Rooney Free Press
Artists inspiring artists is what an art community is all about, and the South Cariboo is no shrinking violet when it comes to cultivating creativity. Local artist and art instructor Cheryl Gauthier has been encouraging local artists to grow their talents for more than a decade. This includes Juanita Corbett, who began painting in 2004 after signing up for one of Gauthier’s watercolour workshops. “She was great at helping us to gain confidence in what we were doing,” says Corbett. “That was the first time I had ever drawn or painted anything.” Corbett has been painting ever since, using the mediums of watercolour, acrylic and, most recently, pastels. “I also do a lot of ink sketches. The thing I most appreciate about drawing and painting is that your
Carole Rooney photo
Local artists Juanita Corbett, left, and Cheryl Gauthier have a selection of paintings and sketches on display throughout August at the Showcase Gallery, located in the main lobby of the South Cariboo Business Centre.
whole mind has to be on what you are doing. So, whatever else you are dealing with is gone.” Corbett says she is a “realist” in her work, striving for intricate
detail rather than expressionist strokes. This attention to detail is instantly apparent when viewing her various landscapes, wildlife
Parents, Teachers and Students
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and Cariboo scenes. Photography plays a big part in her painting as Corbett totes her camera wherever she goes and then uses her pictures to recreate the images in her artwork. The Parkside Art Gallery theme this summer is “flight,” so some of her latest work in acrylics involves doves and heavenly images. Her painting Final Flight depicts some of her family members with Jesus in the clouds, and can be seen this month in a collection of her work at the Showcase Gallery. Another of her recent paintings, On the Wings of a Snow White Dove, is now on display at Parkside Art Gallery. Gauthier’s work is being featured at Showcase this month and she also portrays many country landscapes in her painting. She began painting at age 10 when her mother signed her up for an art class. “I have never stopped from there. I’ve been self-taught, other than classes here and there. I’ve
NEW LISTINGS! 3654 Forbes Rd. WATERFRONT Lac la Hache $389,900
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3 bdrm, 2 bath log home w/solid hardwood & stone floors. Country kitch. w/Elmira stv. landscaped yard & garden. Fenced & X-fenced, 3 stall & hay barn, shop/garage. Bonus 80’x400’ of waterfront on Burn Lake across the road. Close to Bridge Lake Store. MLS#N230021
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Nice home only minutes to town, Hwy 97 & 24, 4 bdrm, 3 bath rancher has open living/dining concept and partially finished bsmt, single garage and RV parking. Chicken coop & woodshed, 7.93 ac. property backs onto Crown land. MLS#N228055
FOREST GROVE LOTS LOT 1 and 2 on Auld Road, Forest Grove Lot 1 $22,500 • Lot 2 $22,700 Build your dream home on either of these beautiful lots. Lot 1 has 1.016 acres and Lot 2 has 1.067 acres. Both are within walking distance of Forest Grove Elementary and the general store. All services up to the lots.
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never taken any college classes.” She is also self-motivated, as her creativity flows from within, and Gauthier also recently forayed into jewelry. Most of her painting is done in watercolour, acrylic and oil, but she also sketches in pencil and does some pen-and-ink. “If I’m away, it’s all I have to bring – a pencil and paper.” However, she has taught several classes for both adults and children, mostly based in Lac la Hache, where she resides. “Right now, we have a show at Parkside that happens once a year – a July to September show.” A selection of paintings and sketches by both of these local artists is on display throughout August at the Showcase Gallery, located in the main lobby of the South Cariboo Business Centre at 475 Birch Ave. The lobby is open Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday, from noon to 4 p.m.
10am to Early Afternoon • Clinton Rodeo Grounds (1 km south on Hwy 97) • Judging Steers • Photographs • And So Much More! • Clover Buds Demo • Concession Available
AUG. 31 • 7:30pm • Reg Conn Centennial Park
MUSIC Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy RK A P E H T FREE ENTERTAINMENT with BARNEY BENTALL IN For more information please call 250-459-2261
We need vendors fo Music in r the Park
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
Fishing derbies a huge success, family fun
By Diana Forster The weather was perfect for Mahood Lake Road’s August long weekend fishing derbies. Deka Lake & District Volunteer Fire Department’s Aug. 3-4 fishing derby saw 464 tickets sold, 10 per cent more than 2012, and a total of 160 fish weighed in, compared
to last year’s 97. Fish prizes were awarded to six places this year, in addition to three prizes for children, and countless door prizes. Of the 19 rainbow caught, Terry Dennis’ was the largest at 3 1bs. 2 oz. Then came: Marissa Ramsey and Frank Hildebrandt, both 2 1bs. 7.oz.; 10
year old Shaylee Nickel of Maple Ridge, and Drew Chapman, both 1 lb. 7 oz.; and Dean Foucher at 1 lb. 5 oz. Although Marisaa was only allowed one fish prize, she also caught a winning kokanee. Kokanee numbered 66 and the win went to Terry Dennis’ 3 lbs. 2 oz. fish. The other prize-winners were:
Logan Ramsey, 3 lbs.; Al Belhumeur and Cole Cooke, both at 2 lbs. 9 oz.; Devon Lyons, 2 lbs. 6 oz.; and William Ramsey and Norm Pickering, both at 2 lbs. 5 oz. Bob Grotke won for largest of 75 lake trout, with his 15 lbs. 2 oz. specimen. Behind him came: Shane Parks, 8 lbs. 4 oz.; Larry Parks, 5 lbs. 7 oz.; Roy Grinder, 4 lbs. 5 oz.; and Dave Sowles and Roseanne Bird, both at 3 1bs. 6 oz. Winner of “youngest fisherperson present” was Lee Simkins’ new baby boy, 10-day-old Hudson. Ron Law won for
being “the oldest fisherperson present.” Seven-year old Travis Reynolds won the prize for smallest fish caught. Among many great draw prizes, a float tube, donated by Wildman’s Outdoor Living Store, went home with John Mitchell. Deka Lake & District Ratepayers’ Association members did a booming business with close to 200 breakfasts served each day, and 232 suppers on the Sunday. They are most appreciative of those who came forward to help. Over at Sulphurous L ake Distric t Volunteer Firefighters’
Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy Kimberly Vance-Lundsbye 778-482-0090 Welcoming Communities Coordinator
Diana Forster photo
Ten-day-old Hudson Simkins was the youngest fisher present at the Deka Lake & District Volunteer Fire Department’s fishing derby, Aug. 3-4. A sleepy Hudson, who slept through the prize presentations, posed with his father, Lee, and his big brother, Dawson.
Visit us on Facebook.
Featured Vendors: Lo*s Originals
Georgia Johnson
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Quilter 250-395-8920
• Unique Shopping Bags • Knitted Booties • Caribooties
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The Welcoming Communities projects are underway. This summer, look for the window paintings welcoming newcomers to 100 Mile House and highlighting our cultural diversity in the South Cariboo. Sign up to become a Holiday Dinner Host for someone new to our area or join one of the upcoming Community Connections Across Cultures special interest classes. For more information or to sign up, please contact me by emailing or calling 778-482-0090.
Welcoming And Inclusive Communities Bruce Mack - 250-392-6867 CCPL President Shelly Joyner - 250-395-9303 Executive Director Mel Newcombe - 250-945-4199 Operations Support Worker
Loanna King
Every Friday 8:30am - 1:30pm • New Location: Birch Ave. by the Community Hall For more info call 250-397-2547 or Will at 250-706-3131
Whatʻs happening at the…
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We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia.
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Association’s derby, close to 400 tickets were sold Aug. 4. Forty-six fish were reeled in at Sulphurous and just one rainbow from Hathaway. This year, for the first time, lake trout were
allowed at Sulphurous, and 18 were caught. Spokesperson Bryan Austerberry, said: “This was great, and just shows that conservation pays off.”
? Continued on 27
What’s On Here’s a convenient listing of upcoming arts, entertainment and cultural events by non-profit groups in the South Cariboo. To be included, call 250-395-2219 at least one week before the event.
• Aug. 18 – 100 Mile House Kidney Walk at Centennial Park at 10 a.m. Registration at 9 a.m. Williams Lake Pipe Band and singer Gary Seminoff provide entertainment, and there will be a barbecue. More details at, or by calling 250-395-2444. • Aug. 18 – Bridge Lake Fair at Interlakes Lake Community Hall. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., folks can enjoy animals, entertainment, a special appearance by Liz McMann, the Chainsaw Girl, a silent auction and, of course, the exhibition itself. The closing auction is at 4 p.m., during which entrants donate their edible entries to the auction. • Aug. 24 – Doggy Fashion Show Fundraiser for Mixed Up Mutts at Andre’s Electronic Experts. Entertainment, games and prizes. • Aug. 24-25 – South Cariboo Garlic Festival in Lac la Hache, with garlic eats and treats, entertainment, Master Garlic Chef Contest, vendors and more. Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission of $5 covers both days. Children 12 years and under free. No pets. • Aug. 31 – Opera singer Michaela Dickey, who grew up in 100 Mile House, will be putting on a public performance at the 100 Mile United Church, starting at 7 p.m. Admission is by cash donation at the door. • Aug. 31 – As part of Clinton’s 150/50 celebrations, Music in the Park at Reg Conn Centennial Park will feature free entertainment by Barney Bentall, starting at 7:30 p.m. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the evening. • Sept. 6-8 – South Cariboo Community Fall Fair is at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre with exhibits, trade show, entertainment, KidZone, great food and more. Friday, 5-9 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m; and Sunday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sept. 11 – The fall start-up of the Eclectica Community Choir will be held at the 100 Mile United Church at 43 Dogwood Ave. Registration is at 6:30 p.m. and the choir goes from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information, contact Barbara Hooper at 250-397-2980. • Sept. 14 – Cariboo Country Night at Watch Lake Community Hall features a barbecue steak dinner, cowboy poetry, western music, dance and live band. Tickets $25 – contact Mark McMillan at 250-456-2425.
MONDAY to FRIDAY - 9am to 5pm Phone: 250-395-5353 Fax: 250-395-4085 email:
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Visitors must take care READ ALL ABOUT IT! on local community Connector roads along Highway 24
in this week’s
LAC DES ROCHES Sharron Woloshyn 250-593-0041
Dips, curves and unparalleled scenery found along the Fishing Highway 24 makes this road a very popular route for recreational travel. The high volume of summer traffic passing by Lac des Roches consists of transport trucks, slow-moving RV caravans and lone motorcycle rockets. During the tourist season, it seems very few travellers are aware of the hazards associated with interchanges and pullouts common within highway communities. The variable speeds of vehicles slowing to turn off the highway or accelerating after entering the highway are not always recognized by drivers who may be preoccupied taking in a glimpse of the lake. Even the most experienced drivers recount tales of close-calls experienced within a few kilometres of their home. All of our front streets have a “blind” corner from at least one direction of Highway 24. Visitors to the lake, unfamiliar with the hazards in the area, may not be prepared for the common, poor driving habits that residents have come to expect. These include speeding, drifting over the centreline, passing on a double solid yellow line, inappropriate signalling and swerving to avoid small wildlife. Residents are reminded to caution their visitors about the dangers of entering and exiting the highway and to drive as
Glenda Kisser photo
A mother loon and her two chicks have spent the summer in front of the boat launch at Access #7 Road. The babies have now grown to about half the size of their mother.
defensively as possible, expecting the inevitable errors made by the other drivers. Unwanted weeds Thistles are showing their purple blooms among the maturing weeds and grasses. Spraying and pulling these invasive plants are the two effective ways to rid the fields of these annoying weeds. Residents are reminded there are several other invasive weeds, such as Oxeye Daisy, Burdock, Mullein, Orange Hawkweed and Goat’s Beard, which are growing throughout the area and are targets of the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Invasive Plant Committee (CCCIPC). Pineapple weed and plantain grow in most of the lawns and driveways. Plantain is often used as a home remedy for skin irritations
and relief from insect bites but can still choke out natural grasses from a pasture and is, therefore, considered invasive. Bears and berries It is berry season at Lac des Roches. Residents don’t have to travel further than their own neighbourhood to enjoy some rewarding finds of Saskatoon berries and thimbleberries (or salmon berries). A little further into the forest will reveal blueberries, huckleberries and cranberries. All of these edible delights will attract black bears, a recurring problem last year. Caution should be exercised during any berry picking excursion close to or far from home. Nitty gritty Thank you to Interior
Roads personnel who responded quickly to residents’ complaints about dusty road conditions on the Cariboo Regional District’s portion of the community. Dust suppression chemicals applied in July have made a huge difference in the enjoyment of our public roads by pedestrians and cyclists.
Wonderful wildlife Buck, doe and fawn sightings have been reported. No bear or moose encounters have been reported in the past few weeks. A family of five otters was swimming near the south shore. After months of “crazy busy” bird feeders, the early migration of hummingbirds is imminent. Large numbers of recreational boaters may have displaced some of the waterfowl, but the families seem to be getting comfortable again. Many baby birds are just coming out of the nest and may be seen in awkward places. Residents are reminded to leave all baby critters where they are found to allow the parents to care for them. For fending off those annoying black flies that have plagued the area for a few weeks, keep moving or apply bug repellent that contains Deet.
Donations needed for Watch Lake Community Hall waste management WAtCH LAKE NORtH GREEN LAKE NEWS T he Watch Lake Community Hall Operating Committee signed a Waste Management Agreement for one year. This contractor
advised the committee to mow the grass/weeds over the septic field and fence the field as soon as possible. The committee is hoping someone in the community has some snow fencing that could be donated for a year or so until funding can be arranged to purchase fencing. If anyone has a garden tractor that could
be used to mow the grounds on occasion, that would be a huge help. Mark Bulman is the contact and he can be reached at 250-4562151. Happy anniversary Laurie and Carol Miclash, of 6294 Green Lake Rd. N, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 3.
• Golf results • Upward Soccer Camp
• Red Neck Photographs • 108 sprinkling revisions
• Safeway • Save-On-Foods • Pharmasave • The Source • Walmart • London Drugs • Real Canadian Wholesale Club
New or Used Big or Small Here at Cariboo RV we fix them all!
DON’T GET STUCK AT THE SIDE OF THE ROAD WITH NO OPTIONS. HORSE and CaRgO Trailers, like RV Trailers, need and require maintenance of BRaKES, BEaRINgS, SUSPENSION and ELECTRICaL... aXLE MaNUFaCTURES like Dexter, Hayes and alco (just to name a few) all recommend regular maintenance. BRaKE aDJUSTMENTS BRaKE MagNETS BRaKE LININgS BRaKE aWaY SYSTEM HUB aND DRUM WHEEL BEaRINgS SUSPENSION PaRTS
3 months or 5,000 KM 6 months or 10,000 KM 12 months or 20,000 KM EVERY USE 12 months or 20,000 KM 12 months or 20,000 KM 6 months or 10,000 KM
And WHY SO CRUCIAL, "I don't service the brakes on my car every year"? Trailers have ELECTRIC BRaKES that are activated by magnets pushing the shoes against the drums creating friction which transfers heat to the greased bearing. When you stop the drums cool thus causing condensation (moisture) slowly contaminating the grease. THIS IS WHY WE SUggEST gETTINg BRaKES, BEaRINgS & UNDERCaRRIagE CHECKED aNNUaLLY.
Visit Us On The Web:
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
Fun galore at 100 Mile House Kidney Walk
By Jennifer Raifteiri-McArdle Sausage Company sausages will also Come down to Centennial Park on be on the menu. Aug. 18 and join in the fun and fundCook says they need some more raising with the Third Annual Kidney volunteers and those interested can Walk in 100 Mile House. call her at 250-395-2444. Registration is at 9 a.m. and the People who want to particieasy 2.5-kilometre walk leaves the pate in the walk (no registration park at 10 a.m. The route goes up fee) or to sponsor someone can sign Cedar Avenue, turns right on Fifth up at www.100milehousekidney Street, through the Highway 97 underpass, Forms can also be We invite around the 100 Mile everyone to picked up at the pharMarsh and back to the come down macy counters at Donex, park the same way. and and enjoy the Save-On-Foods, There will be a lot Pharmasave. day.” to see and do, says this This year. Cook says there – Dar Cook year’s local co-ordinawill be vendor booths at the tor Dar Cook. park and vendors are asked to “There’s live entertainment with donate a percentage of their proceeds singer Gary Seminoff, and Ben to the Kidney Foundation. Johnson will be performing as well. Proceeds from the day help fund The 100 Mile House Highland a children’s camp at Zajac Ranch in Dancers and Williams Lake Pipe Mission. Funds are also targeted for Band will be on hand, too.” housing in Vancouver for patients Other activities include face paint- getting treatment, including a towning with Catcheye Facepainting, house set up for children and their which also does glitter tattoos and families. balloon animals. Short-term and emergency finanThere is a silent auction and some cial assistance to kidney patients, of the items on the table are auto- the Kidney Connect Peer Support graphed Canuck pucks and a portrait Program, and literature on topics, of Trevor Linden. such as what to expect when getting The Knights of Columbus a transplant, are also funded by the will be serving breakfast from 8 to Kidney Walks, Cook explains. 10 a.m. “It’s going to be an awesome day. This year’s honouree Craig Conklin, We invite everyone to come on down who is preparing to donate a kidney and enjoy the day.” For more information on volunto a young friend in his family, will be teering, participating in the walk or manning the barbecue. Save-On-Foods is providing the having a booth, contact Cook at 250barbecue and the food, and 108 395-2444.
If we covered your event, we have an extensive file of fotos and since we can only use a few in our or
Connector The Cariboo
we have many more available for
SOUTH CARIBOO SEARCH AND RESCUE CONTRIBUTION PUBLIC NOTICE is given to the electors within the proposed South Cariboo Search and Rescue Service Area as defined on the map below, that a vote will be held on the following question: “Are you in favour of the adoption of Bylaw No. 4825, which would establish a service to provide a contribution of funds to the South Cariboo Search and Rescue Society for search and rescue services in the District of 100 Mile House, Electoral Areas H, L, and a portion of G, with a maximum annual requisition not to exceed the greater of $30,000 or an amount raised by applying a tax rate of $0.0124/$1,000 to the net taxable value of land and improvements in the service area? (Based on 2013 assessed values, the current rate would be $0.0103/$1,000, which translates to a residential rate of $0.84/$100,000.)” General Voting will be held on: SATURDAY, September 7, 2013, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm at: Council Chambers, District of 100 Mile House 385 Birch Avenue 100 Mile House, BC 108 Mile Community Hall 4924 Telqua Drive 108 Mile Ranch, BC
A person wishing to vote by mail ballot shall apply by giving their name and address to the Chief Election Officer or to the person designated by the Chief Election Officer for such purposes, starting on August 13, 2013 (25 days before general voting day) and ending at 4:00 pm on September 5, 2013 (two days before general voting day). Note: Pursuant to the Local Government Act, no corporation is entitled to be registered as an elector or have a representative registered as an elector and no corporation is entitled to vote.
SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSED BYLAW BYLAW NO. 4825 – South Cariboo Search and Rescue Contribution Establishment Bylaw – This bylaw provides for the following: • the establishment of a service to contribute funds to the South Cariboo Search and Rescue Society for the provision of search and rescue services in the District of 100 Mile House, Electoral Areas H, L, and a portion of G; and • an annual maximum requisition of the greater of $30,000 or an amount raised by applying a tax rate of $0.0124/$1,000 to the net taxable value of land and improvements within the service area. ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL TAX BURDEN PROJECTIONS (Based on 2013 assessed values):
Forest Grove Community Hall 4489 Eagle Creek Road Forest Grove, BC
• The estimated current annual residential tax rate would be $0.84 per $100,000 of assessed value of land and improvements.
Lone Butte Community Hall 5994 Highway 24 Lone Butte, BC
TAKE NOTICE that the above is a synopsis of the proposed bylaw and that this synopsis is not intended to be and is not to be understood as an interpretation of the bylaw. The full bylaw may be inspected online at or at the following locations:
Interlakes Community Complex 7592 Highway 24 Roe Lake, BC Advance Voting opportunities will be held on: WEDNESDAY, August 28, 2013, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm at: Council Chambers, District of 100 Mile House 385 Birch Avenue 100 Mile House, BC
Cariboo Regional District 175 Airport Road, 100 Mile House, BC 8:00 a.m. – noon 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. District of 100 Mile House 385 Birch Avenue 100 Mile House, BC 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
and TUESDAY, September 3, 2013, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm at: Council Chambers, District of 100 Mile House 385 Birch Avenue 100 Mile House, BC Elector Registration There is no need to pre-register to vote as the registration of all electors for this referendum will take place at the time of voting. You will be required to make a declaration that you meet all of the following requirements: a) 18 years of age or older; b) Canadian citizen; c) resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately preceding voting day; d) resident of OR registered owner of real property within the proposed South Cariboo Search and Rescue Contribution Service Area for at least 30 days immediately preceding voting day; and e) not otherwise disqualified by law from voting.
For further information on the bylaw or the voting process, please call either: Alice Johnston, Chief Election Officer (250-392-3351 or 1-800-665-1636) or Darron Campbell, Deputy Chief Election Officer (250-392-3351 or 1-800-665-1636) Alice Johnston Chief Election Officer
Proposed South Cariboo Search and Rescue Contribution Service Area Boundary (voting area):
Resident electors will also be required to produce 2 pieces of identification at the time of voting (at least one with your signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity. Non-resident property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity. IMPORTANT: To ensure that you will be able to vote, PLEASE CONTACT THE CHIEF OR DEPUTY CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER as there may be documentation requirements to be met prior to voting day. Mail ballot voting: The following electors are permitted to register to vote by mail and to vote by mail ballot: (i) those persons who have a physical disability, illness or injury that affects their ability to vote at another voting opportunity; (ii) persons who expect to be absent from their jurisdiction on general voting day and at the times of all advance voting opportunities; (iii) persons who reside within the voting jurisdiction but more than 90 kilometres from the closest polling station at which they are entitled to vote.
in a variety of sizes.
Stop by to order at #3 536 Horse Lake Road, in the Pinkney Complex in 100 Mile House
building communities together
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Community ready for annual fall fair
From 22
Bridge Lake Fair news Don’t miss the 56th Bridge Lake Fair (BLF) at Interlakes Hall on Aug. 18. From 10 a.m. to 4
Fishing derbies another great success
From 24
Prizes went to Denise Britton, 9 1bs. 8 oz.; Randy Andreachuk, 2 1bs. 13 oz.; and Greg Rector, 2 1bs. 11 oz. All three rainbows earned prizes, for: Clark Duimel, 5 lbs. 8 oz.; Zoe Bowman, 3 lbs. 3 oz.; and Jack Schaffer, 2 lbs. 10 oz. The largest of 19 kokanee was caught by Randy Andreachuk at 3 1bs. 13 oz. Second and third prizes went to Greg Rector and Wayne Baber, both at 2 1bs. 10 oz. Seven youngsters vied for four pikeminnow prizes, which went to Georgia and Owen Grimes who each caught seven; and Kaitlyn and Crystal Brooks caught four. The hidden weight prize was won by Justin Vernon’s 1 lb. 2 oz. fish. Austerberry and his wife, Siana, who were “in charge,” especially appreciated Lavonne Frey’s help. “She was a great help, and we couldn’t have done it without her knowledge and experience,” said Siana. Both fire departments are most grateful to their generous prize donors, many helpers, and especially the public for making their annual events so successful.
p.m., you can enjoy animals, entertainment, a special appearance by Liz McMann, the Chainsaw Girl, a silent auction and, of course, the exhibition itself. Stay for the closing auction at 4 p.m. Entrants donate their edible entries to the auction and all moneys raised go to Roe Lake & District Recreation Commission (RLDRC) to thank them for free use of the hall and grounds for the weekend. The BLF is honoured Kamloops-ThompsonCariboo MP Cathy McLeod has chosen the fair to present a $25,000 grant to RLDRC, for its kitchen venting and fire suppression system. Celebrations Birthday bubbly goes to Colleen Law, Harv Allen, Gus Collins and Robbie Stewart. Many congratulations go to Donna and Jim Watson and Wendy and Gordon Marshall who both celebrate their
52nd wedding anniversary this week. Calendar Call the writer for contact numbers. • Cariboo Regional District (CRD) information meeting regarding the Sept. 7 Search and Rescue referendum: 5:30 p.m., Aug. 15 at Interlakes Hall. • “13 to 93” meets 5 p.m., Aug. 16 at 7895 Deane Rd., Bridge Lake. • Crib, Deka Fire Hall, 7:30 p.m., Aug. 16. • Bridge Lake Fair entries will be accepted at Interlakes Hall from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Aug. 17 only. Entrants are asked to bring non-perishables in the morning to allow time to process fresh produce in the afternoon. • CRD public hearing regarding Danns’ Crooked Lake Ranch proposal: 7 p.m., Aug. 20 at Interlakes Hall. • Interlakes Volunteer Fire Department annual general meeting: 7 p.m., Aug. 21 at Interlakes Hall.
Here we go again...
PUBLIC NOTICE is given to the electors within the South Cariboo Recreation Service Area as defined on the map below, that a vote will be held on the following question: “Are you in favour of the adoption of Bylaw No. 4837, which would amend the South Cariboo Recreation Service to allow a more broad definition of recreation services including arts and cultural services, and to increase the maximum annual requisition to the greater of $900,000 or an amount raised by applying a tax rate of $0.8721/$1,000 to the taxable value of land and improvements in the service area? (Based on 2013 assessed values, the maximum rate would be $0.8721/$1,000, which translates to a residential rate of $68/$100,000.)” General Voting will be held on: SATURDAY, September 7, 2013, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm at: Council Chambers, District of 100 Mile House 385 Birch Avenue 100 Mile House, BC 108 Mile Community Hall 4924 Telqua Drive 108 Mile Ranch, BC
voting day) and ending at 4:00 pm on September 5, 2013 (two days before general voting day). Note: Pursuant to the Local Government Act, no corporation is entitled to be registered as an elector or have a representative registered as an elector and no corporation is entitled to vote.
SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSED BYLAW BYLAW NO. 4837 – CRD South Cariboo Recreation Service Amendment Bylaw – This bylaw provides for the following: • an amendment to provide a broader definition of recreation services and to include arts and culture; and • an increase to the annual maximum requisition by $300,000 to a maximum of the greater of $900,000 or an amount raised by applying a tax rate of $0.08721/$1,000 to the assessed value of land and improvements within the service area. ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL TAX BURDEN PROJECTIONS (Based on 2013 assessed values): • The estimated current annual residential tax rate is $45 per $100,000 of assessed value of land and improvements.
Forest Grove Community Hall 4489 Eagle Creek Road Forest Grove, BC
• The estimated maximum annual residential tax rate is $68 per $100,000 of assessed value of land and improvements.
Lone Butte Community Hall 5994 Highway 24 Lone Butte, BC Advance Voting opportunities will be held on: WEDNESDAY, August 28, 2013, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm at: Council Chambers, District of 100 Mile House 385 Birch Avenue 100 Mile House, BC
TAKE NOTICE that the above is a synopsis of the proposed bylaw and that this synopsis is not intended to be and is not to be understood as an interpretation of the bylaw The full bylaw may be inspected online at or at the following locations:
Cariboo Regional District 175 Airport Road, 100 Mile House, BC 8:00 a.m. – noon 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
TUESDAY, September 3, 2013, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm at: Council Chambers, District of 100 Mile House 385 Birch Avenue 100 Mile House, BC
District of 100 Mile House 385 Birch Avenue 100 Mile House, BC 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Elector Registration There is no need to pre-register to vote as the registration of all electors for this referendum will take place at the time of voting. You will be required to make a declaration that you meet all of the following requirements: a) 18 years of age or older; b) Canadian citizen; c) resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately preceding voting day; d) resident of OR registered owner of real property within the South Cariboo Recreation Service Area for at least 30 days immediately preceding voting day; and e) not otherwise disqualified by law from voting.
For further information on the bylaw or the voting process, please call either: Alice Johnston, Chief Election Officer (250-392-3351 or 1-800-665-1636) or Darron Campbell, Deputy Chief Election Officer (250-392-3351 or 1-800-665-1636) Alice Johnston Chief Election Officer
South Cariboo Recreation Service Area Boundary (voting area):
Resident electors will also be required to produce 2 pieces of identification at the time of voting (at least one with your signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity. Non-resident property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity. IMPORTANT: To ensure that you will be able to vote, PLEASE CONTACT THE CHIEF OR DEPUTY CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER as there may be documentation requirements to be met prior to voting day.
Mail ballot voting: The following electors are permitted to register to vote by mail and to vote by mail ballot: (i) those persons who have a physical disability, illness or injury that affects their ability to vote at another voting opportunity; (ii) persons who expect to be absent from their jurisdiction on general voting day and at the times of all advance voting opportunities; (iii) persons who reside within the voting jurisdiction but more than 90 kilometres from the closest polling station at which they are entitled to vote. A person wishing to vote by mail ballot shall apply by giving their name and address to the Chief Election Officer or to the person designated by the Chief Election Officer for such purposes, starting on August 13, 2013 (25 days before general
building communities together Pick up your local newspaper and listen to CaribooRadio.Com for more info! CALL US AT 250-644-2700 6am to 5pm daily
100 Mile Red Cross NEEDS VOLUNTEERS If you wish to volunteer call 250-395-9092 between 10am and 2pm weekdays for more information.
Designs for Living
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
Ask an Expert:
How do I know if my windows need replacing?
Total Living Area: 1620 sq. ft. Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2.5 Main Level: Welcome porch, 14’ x 20’ family room, open concept eating area and ktchen, laundry and powder room. Second Level: Three bedrooms and two bathrooms including 13’ x 17’ master bed-sitting room with dormer, walk-in closet and ensuite. Garage: 20’ x 20’ two-bay garage with interior and exterior access doors. Special Features: Eye-catching facade with dormer enhancement and covered front porch. Exterior side-door from eating area. Charming dormer alcove in master bedroom
Many homeowners are in denial that they need new windows. During the cold winter months, the drafts coming from your windows are a constant reminder that they need to be replaced. But, during the warm summer months, replacing your windows falls further down the to-do list. How do you know that it is time for new windows? There are three factors to consider when determining if you windows need to be replaced- energy efficiency, maintenance and ease of use. However, getting new replacement windows is a project that has year round benefits and savings. Energy Efficiency The first test of your windows is the comfort level of your home. Does your house maintain an even temperature during the winter and/or summer months? Are some rooms cold and drafty while others are cooler? Do your windows whistle on a windy day? All of these are indicators that your home’s windows need to be replaced. Do a visual inspection of your windows. Is there cracked wood and peeling paint? This is a sign that moisture is gathering on the outside of the window and rotting your window frames. While it’s hard to be able to determine how rotted the window frame is, using a flat head screwdriver to dig into the frame will allow you to see how soft the wood is. The softer the wood, the more moisture is getting in and rotting it. Hot & Cold Test. Temperature fluctuation also takes a toll on your windows. One way to see if your windows are working properly is to test when the house and outside are at two extremes. You can do this in the winter when the heat in your home is on. This makes you home significantly warmer inside than outside. Same is true for the summer months. When you have an air conditioned home, the home is a lot cooler inside than outside. The more extreme the temperature difference, the better. If your windows have frost, ice between the panes or cool air pockets, then your windows are not sealing properly. Caulking can provide some benefits to newer windows but once the seal is broken, the window is not properly insulating your home. Maintenance Are you windows difficult to maintain? Many homeowners
complain that the wood windows require too much upkeepscraping and sanding off old paint and repainting, replacing hardware, etc. Also, consider many homeowners have 20+ windows in their home, so this task ends up requiring a lot of time and energy. This is why many homeowners opt to get a vinyl window, which needs little to no maintenance. Ease of Use Besides keeping your home protected from the weather and elements, your window has basic functions that it should be able to perform. Your window should: easily open and close, stay open or stay closed without having to be jury-rigged, form a tight seal when locked. If your windows do not meet these criteria, then you need to replace your windows. While many homeowners put off upgrading their windows because of cost or lack of time, they end up being pleasantly surprised at the difference upgrading to energy efficient replacement windows can make. Energy efficient replacement windows are an upgrade that has year round benefits. You will feel the difference in the comfort level of your home - and your wallet.
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100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Hanger Restaurant offers new dining experience at the 108 Mile Ranch 108 Mile Ranch
Reg Berrington
We Serve
Vandalism, injured horses A horse that lives on the property between the Cariboo Christian Life Fellowship Church and the 108 Community Hall was a target of abuse by vandals recently. Someone threw large rocks at the horse, and as a result, the animal sustained injuries to its back. It also appears that some of the fence and the top barbed wire were cut and some of the concrete wall suffered paint graffiti. If anyone has any information on this event please report it to the RCMP at 250395-2456 or the CCLF church office at 250791-5532. Lake trails The 108 Greenbelt Commission has just
100 Mile Model Fly Club would like to clarify that the admission donations received for entry to our Annual Model Fly-In will be going towards improvements to the club’s flying field in 100 Mile House. The 100 Mile Free Press apologizes for any confusion this omission may have caused.
There is a new dining experience available at the 108 Mile Ranch. The Hanger Restaurant located between the South Cariboo Regional Airport and the mailboxes, and offers a great view of the airport and runway while folks have their meals. Folks may remember this building was the sales office for the Block Bros. staff who were selling lots for the 108 Mile Ranch. It had 24 phone lines for the sales staff and the phone line installer still lives in the 108. Later, the building was used for Gunner Cycles, a cross-country skiing office, a grocery store operated by Eamon McArdle, and a fitness centre. Then it sat empty for several years.
For All Special Occasions
Reg Berrington photo
Diners will get a good view of the South Cariboo Regional Airport and runway from the Hanger Restaurant at the 108 Mile Ranch.
completed another section of the low-mobility trail in the 108 Mile Ranch. The new trail starts at the 108 Heritage Site and goes for another three kilometres to the West Beach. The large kiosk sign from Sepa Lake parking lot on Kallum Drive has been relocated to the 108 Heritage Site across from the rest area. The trail map has been upgraded to show all of the trails. There is now a total of seven km of low-mobility trails. Many thanks go to the construction crew, Robin Nadin for his site co-ordination and to the 108 Greenbelt Commission for their continued efforts in keeping the trails upgraded within the 108 Mile Ranch. Meanwhile, there is a set of lost car keys locat-
Celebrate Your Special Day at the 108 Mile Ranch!
The 108 Mile Ranch Community Centre has 2 halls to choose from. The main floor has a 200 seat capacity and a self-contained kitchen. We also have a cozier setting upstairs for small gatherings and weddings to a maximum capacity of 80 people.
ed on the right post to the entrance of Sepa Lake archway. Many thanks go out to the people who are using the mobility trails and are making an effort to keep them clean. The doggie bag system seems to be of great assistance. It would be fantastic if a new information
sign could be installed at the Sepa Lake parking lot, as this location appears to be the busiest area on the trail. 108 road concerns 108 residents are still concerned about the lack of traffic lines on our roads. Some near misses have been reported because of traffic being
on the wrong side of the road. Highway 97 has received more traffic lines, where are ours? Maybe the lines might be done by the end of the summer but then it’s winter season again and the lines will disappear. We are stuck in a cycle of disappearing road lines in the 108 Mile Ranch.
For 108 Mile Call: 250-791-5775 or 250-791-7323
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108 Mile Ranch
Business Directory Come VISIT us
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Phone: 250-791-5244 • Fax: 250-791-7344 E-mail: 108 Mile Ranch, BC • Located behind the 108 Mall
LOCALLY PRODUCED, HIGH QUALITY SAUSAGES & PEPPERONI • No By-Products • Gluten & Lactose Free • No Added MSG Available at:
South Cariboo Search and Rescue Referendum and Taxation 100 Mile House Area H Wednesday, August 14, 2013 Tuesday, August 20, 2013 5:30 – 7 p.m. 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Order ahead for large gatherings 250-791-5336
108 Supermarket 99 Mile Super Market The Country Pedlar TRY OUR SMOKIES AT THE 100 MILE HOT DOG STAND ON HWY 97
Daily Lunch Specials
100 Mile House Council Chambers Forest Grove Community Hall
Eat-In / Take Out • 108 Mall • 250-791-5449
Area L Thursday, August 15, 2013 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Area G Wednesday, August 21, 2013 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Interlakes Community Hall
108 Mile Community Hall
Please plan to attend these important meetings in your area that will provide information about the upcoming South Cariboo Search and Rescue Referendum on Saturday, September 7, 2013.
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For inquiries and bookings, call 250-791-5599 To find out more or to view photos of our facility, go to: commnityhall.html
For 100 Mile Call: 250-395-4855 or 250-395-7780
250-392-3351 or 1-800-665-1636
Call Heather at the 100 Mile Free Press at 250-395-2219 or email if you would like to be a part of this great advertising feature!
Community events listed must be of a non-profit nature and will be published free of charge one week prior to the event. Deadline for submissions is Friday at noon. Events for the online calendar can be submitted to the calendar feature on the home page at www.100milefreepress. net. However, online calendar submissions are not automatically picked up for the Free Press.
100 MILE q The South Cariboo Food Security Committee is looking for fresh vegetables and fruit from local garden plots with extra produce, and non-perishable donations from the general public, due to the Food Bank summer closure. For drop-off information, call Debbra Williams at Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre at 250-395-5155. 100 MILE q The fall start-up of the Eclectica Community Choir will be held at the 100 Mile United Church, 43 Dogwood Ave., on Sept. 11. Registration is at 6:30 p.m. and the choir goes from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information, contact Barbara Hooper at 250-397-2980. 100 MILE q The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre Early Years Program is accepting donations of non-perishable food items, including infant food and formula, summer maternity wear, diapers, infant summer wear, including sun hats and sun screen. Donations accepted Monday–Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 250-395-5155 for more information. 100 MILE q Would you like to become a South Cariboo
Holiday Dinner Host – a new program that matches local people with newcomers to the South Cariboo area for a onetime dining experience. You provide your time, community knowledge, and a home-cooked meal, and in return, you get the chance to learn about a new culture or connect with someone from your cultural background. To learn more, contact the Welcoming Communities co-ordinator Kimberly at kimberly@ or phone 778-482-0090.
The Calendar
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
100 MILE q The 100 Mile Evangelical Free Church is holding its annual soccer camp at 100 Mile House Soccer Fields on Aug. 19–23 from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. each day. Call 250-395-2337 for more information. 100 MILE q Kindergym at 100 Mile Community Hall on Thursdays, 9:45-11:45 a.m. Lots of free fun; parents/ caregivers with children up to five years welcome. For information, call Elke at 250-395-1256. 100 MILE q Fischer Place/Mill Site Lodge Family Council meets every third Tuesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. in the Mill Site boardroom. The council works to support quality care for residents of the facility. For more information, contact Katherine McKibbin at 250395-6112. 100 MILE q The North Central Appaloosa Club now meets the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at the
Chris Nickless photo
Members of the Curare, Oviedo, Gonzalez and Cardona families, originally from Columbia, were first-time visitors to the Interlakes Rodeo. They liked what they saw and also enjoyed bannock for the first time.
A&W in 100 Mile House. For more information, contact Dennis at 250-3954232. 100 MILE q Weight Awareness Incentive Team (WAIT) meet Wednesdays at 6 p.m. at 555 Cedar Ave. in the Canadian Mental Health Building (small building in front of ambulance bays). For more information, call Sue at 250-395-1981 or Lorraine at 250-791-5520.
Tong restaurant. For more details, go to www. CLINTON q Aug. 25 Clinton 4-H Club is holding its Achievement Day at the Clinton Rodeo Grounds (1 km south of town) on Aug. 25, starting at 10 a.m.
and running until early afternoon. All members will be involved in showing and judging, and there will also be a demonstration by the Cloverbuds. A concession will be available on the grounds. LAC LA HACHE q The Lac la Hache
Community Club monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the community hall. Bingo is every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. Membership is $5 per year. For more information, contact Judy at 250-3967298.
100 MILE q The Council of Senior Citizens Organizations (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “ The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Seniors organizations, associations, wishing to affiliate, or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer at 604576-9734, fax 604-576-9733 or e-mail for further information. 108 MILE q The Rock Youth Centre, 4940 Telqua Dr., is open for students in Grades 5-7 on Tuesdays from 2:30 to 5 p.m. Call 250-791-6770 for details.
Chris Nickless photo
Lone Butte resident Kade Livingston was the winner of the pig scramble on Aug. 3 at the Interlakes Rodeo. He is saving up for a trail bike and his $50 prize will certainly help.
BARKERVILLE q The Mid-Autumn Moon Festival is held on Aug. 24. This traditional celebration honours Barkerville’s Chinese heritage, with activities all day and a lantern parade through Barkerville at dusk, fireworks, and a celebration banquet at the Lung Duck
Ken Alexander photo
100 Mile House Wranglers Junior B Hockey Club general manager/head coach Doug Rogers, left, and club president Tom Bachynski applied new paint to the Wranglers dressing room Aug. 11. Members of the club executive had a work bee on the weekend to prepare for the Wranglers Main Camp, Aug. 18-20.
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Rodeo attracts great crowds
Cariboo Cowgirl Drill Team member involved in spectacular spill Ken Alexander Free Press
Rodeo chair Jim Zailo says the 23rd Annual Interlakes BCRA Rodeo on Aug. 3-4 was a huge success with a lot of entries, big crowds and great weather. Noting the number of spectators was up by about 200 during the two-day event, he says between 1,400 and 1,500 fans packed the Interlakes Rodeo Grounds that weekend. Zailo adds there is a tremendous amount of work to put the rodeo together, as he and wife, Wendy Chase, starting contacting the “great’ sponsors in January and talking to all of the volunteers (around 75) during the winter as they prepare the annual event. He notes the volunteers do a great job and most of them have been doing it for many years, “so they know what has to be done and they do what they do very well.” Zailo says British Columbia Rodeo Association representative Patti Gerhardi told him the Interlakes is well run. “She says our rodeo ‘runs as smooth as silk and it’s one of the best events we deal with’.
So we feel good we’re establishing a good rapport [with BCRA] ... and that they feel we’re doing a pretty good job, and we let our volunteers know that....” Another sign of success is there were 200 competitor entries, which is up, according to Gerhardi. On the other side of the coin, however, the paramedics were busy this weekend. While the Cariboo Cowgirls Drill Team from Williams Lake made its entrance during the opening ceremonies at the rodeo, Brandy Young’s horse tripped, fell over on its side and trapped the cowgirl under it. It took a couple of minutes to get the horse up and off of Young, despite arena staff working desperately to get the horse up on its feet. Zailo says it was fortunate there was a 100 Mile House doctor, who attended the rodeo, present, he and a number of paramedics and fire department first responders looked after Young. She was taken to 100 Mile District General Hospital by ambulance and then transferred to Cariboo Memorial Hospital in Williams
Free Press
100 Mile House Wranglers Junior B Hockey Club general manager/ head coach Doug Rogers has been working hard to put the best lineup he can on ice for the team’s inaugural season in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL). The coach notes the team has acquired a few players with some KIJHL experience, including defenceman Wade Cline (Chase
FAST bytes BLUE & WHITE GAME The culmination of the 100 Mile House Wranglers Main Camp will be the Blue & White Game (Team Aiken versus Team Bachynski) at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre on Aug. 20, starting at 7 p.m. The top prospects – 30 skaters and four goalies – from Main Camp will be vying for the 23 spots available on the team. Admission to the game is $2 and a nonperishable food item. Children five years and under are free.
Chris Nickless photo
Cole Scott of Kamloops went the distance on Tug Boat Annie in the bareback event at the 23rd Annual Interlakes BCRA Rodeo on Aug. 3. Scott scored a 71 on the ride which was good enough for second place and $251.10 in prize money.
Lake within 24 hours. Young had a few broken ribs, a concussion (as she was hit by a hoof in the head), and is in a neck brace. However, she was back at home as of Tuesday (Aug. 6) afternoon. Noting the rodeo can
go a couple of years without any injuries requiring paramedics, Zailo says then they will get a bunch of them in one year, as was the case at this rodeo. He adds a fan, who had a hip replacement,
went down in the stands at the same time as a young competitor fell off his horse. Both were transported to 100 Mile House in the same ambulance. Steve Hohmann was the Royal LePage 100 Mile Realty all-around
cowboy; Falloon Fosbery was the 100 Mile House Safeway all-around cowgirl; and Kaylee Billyboy won the Gordon Brown Memorial Trophy for being the all-around junior. Continued on 39
Main Camp: fast-skating, hard-hitting skills Ken Alexander
Heat), defenceman Jaiden Ward (Creston Valley Thundercats) and forward Brady Ward (Thundercats). The club has also been able to sign some players who have played in the league as Affiliated Players with other KIJHL teams. They include forward Matt Barzilay (Kimberley Dynamiters), forward Connor Sloan (Penticton Lakers/ Kelowna Chiefs), forward Riley Harder (Princeton Posse), and forward Cole Zimmerman (Chase Heat).
With the Wranglers Main Camp right around the corner (Aug. 18-20), Rogers says the coaching staff will be looking to fill the lineup with players who complement the roster currently in place. However, he notes the players who make the squad at the end of Main Camp and the exhibition games won’t necessarily be the boys who finish the inaugural season. “Our roster will continue to evolve with player signings and player releases until Jan. 10, 2014 when our
roster will be finalized.” The Wranglers have one goalie signed, Riley Woodland from Kamloops who played for the Kamloops Midget Tier 1 Blazers last year. Rogers says they would like to identify two other goaltenders in camp to compete during the preseason for both the starting job and the backup position. On the blue line, he notes they need to continue to add some experience and some size. Continued on 39
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #260100 Mile House is hosting a fundraising golf tournament at the Marmot Ridge Golf Course on Aug. 17, with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. The $30 registration fee includes green fees, a putting contest, a steak barbecue and prizes. Enter a foursome or get matched up with other players. Sign up for the tourney at the Legion or at Marmot Ridge. For more information, call Bruce Madu at 250-395-7700.
BIKE RACE CANCELLED The Stormrider Downhill Mountain Bike Race, which was slated for Aug. 24 at the 99 Mile trail network on Ainsworth Road, has been cancelled. Race spokesperson Dwayne Chamberlain says organizers had no choice but to cancel the popular event because there weren’t enough volunteers to pull the downhill mountain bike race off. For more information, contact Chamberlain at 250395-4445 or e-mail 100milergeargarage@
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
Dykstra locks up a bronze medal
Gaven Crites Free Press
“I never really give up.... I try my best and try to succeed with what I have.” That’s the attitude Tiana Dykstra credits for her success among Canada’s best young wrestlers. The 15-year-old from 100 Mile House captured a bronze medal in the up to 43-kilogram division recently at the 2013 Canada Summer Games in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Although she’s no stranger to earning hardware at the national and provincial levels – capturing multiple silver medals – Dykstra cherished her experience at this month’s Games. Dykstra says she felt really excited and happy after beating out Alberta’s Jennifer Dang on Aug. 8 and winning bronze. “ The Canada Summer Games was so
Keven Dubinsky photo
Local wrestler Tiana Dykstra, top, 15, grappled with Amanda Ga Bo Eng, 18, of New Brunswick at the 2013 Canada Summer Games in Sherbrooke, Quebec on Aug. 6. Dykstra, of 100 Mile House, went on to defeat Ga Bo Eng on her way to winning a bronze medal at the Games.
much fun. I got to meet a lot of new people and see what other people got to do, too.” Representing Team BC, Dykstra wrestled a total of five times throughout the Games, winning three matches and losing two. One loss came at the hands of Jade Marie Dufour, the gold medal winner from Ontario; her
The story, headlined Join the fun at ATV Jamboree, on page A15 of the Aug. 7 edition of the 100 Mile House Free Press had some incorrect information. The costs of camping at the Aug. 19-26 ATV Jamboree at the Interlake Rodeo Grounds is $15/ night, with bag lunches at $5.50, and the Windy Mountain restaurant stop is at the end of the ride and it’s not a lunch. We apologize for any confusion this error may have caused.
“Don’t Dither, Call Diether”
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other loss came in the semifinals in a rematch versus Aurilla Wilson of Saskatchewan, who Dykstra beat in their first meeting. “She blocked all my moves. I wasn’t really sure what to do with w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w
her,” Dykstra says about their second match. “She was blocking the inside and had more control. So, it went to a clinch and she got the luck of the draw. “They pull out a ball from a bag and what-
Here’s what’s happening with your Wranglers Hockey Team…
AUG. 18 to 20 - TRAINING CAMP OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Most games start at 8am
AUG. 20 - BLUE/WHITE GAME Top 34 Camp Prospects 7:00pm start Entry is $2 plus donation of a non-perishable food item • Kids 5 and under always FREE!
AUG. 28 - BCHL JR. A EXHIBITION GAME PG SPRUCE KINGS VS VERNON VIPERS 7:00pm start • Tickets at the door only, $5
SEPT. 11 - FIRST LOOK EXHIBITION GAME WRANGLERS VS KAMLOOPS STORM ~ Only pre-season home game ~ 7:00pm start Tickets $20 and include a SOUVENIR T-SHIRT
• All Games at the SC Rec Centre • COME ON OUT AND BE A PART OF HISTORY!
Watch this weekly ad for more info or phone 250-395-4344
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ever colour the ball is, that person gets the leg. I ended up losing the clinch and she won the match.” Dykstra defeated Dang the same way in the second round after winning the first round of their match. “In the second round, after no one scored, I ended up getting the clinch and winning the bronze medal.” Dykstra’s older sister, Marina, is also an accomplished wrestler and national champion. 100 Mile Wrestling Club coach Phil Johnston got a look at Dykstra’s new bronze medal on Sunday. He says the Dykstra sisters share similar attributes that make them competitors at the highest level of the sport. Continued on 38
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Contact Your Correspondent These are your neighbours, and they help ensure the Free Press offers regional coverage of the communities in the South Cariboo. Their names and contact numbers are published alongside their columns so call them when you have news, important information about upcoming events or neat stories to share with your community. Your community, your correspondents…
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Monika Paterson Lac la Hache 250-395-0918
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Karen Schuurman Horse Lk/Lone Butte 250-644-1555
Peter Hart Canim Lake 250-397-2645
visit us daily…
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Wranglers Main Camp set to go at South Cariboo Rec. Centre
The 100 Mile House Wranglers Junior B Hockey Club Main Camp will be held at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre on Airport Road in 100 Mile House on Aug. 18-20. Up to 90 players will attend the Main Camp in hopes of making the Wranglers lineup for the team’s inaugural season in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL). Players are not only from all over British Columbia, but they are also from as far away as the Yukon, Alberta and the United States. At least a dozen 100 Mile House players will
be vying for a spot on the roster. The Main Camp schedule is as follows: Aug. 18 3-4:30 p.m. - Team Gold versus Team Red 4:45-6:15 p.m. - Team Black vs. Team Green 6:30-8 p.m. - Team Blue vs. Team White Aug. 19 8-9:30 a.m. - Team White vs. Team Gold 9:45-11:15 a.m. - Team Green vs. Team Blue 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Team Black vs. Team Red 2:30-4 p.m. - Team Gold vs. Team Blue 4:15-5:45 p.m. - Team White vs. Team Black
6-7:30 p.m. - Team Red vs. Team Green August 20 8:00-9:30 a.m. - Team Black vs. Team Gold 9:45-11:15 a.m. - Team Blue vs. Team Red 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Team Green vs. Team White Aug. 20 Main Camp culminates with the Blue & White game, which will feature the top 30 skaters and four goalies from the Main Camp. They will be vying for the 23 spots available on the Wranglers roster as it enters the KIJHL preseason. To add some extra
interest to the Blue & White game, club vicepresident Greg Aiken will be on the bench for Team Aiken against club president and governor Tom Bachynski who will be on the bench for Team Bachynski. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the puck drops at 7. Admission to the Blue & White game is $2 and a donation of a non-perishable food item for the 100 Mile House Food Bank Society. Children five years and under are free. The Rec. Centre concession will be operating during that time. Come on out and be a part of history.
Up to 90 players working for a spot From 31
“Although we have traded for Cline and J. Ward, and signed some solid young defencemen, we will continue to try to upgrade our back end throughout camp and the pre-season.” The head coach says there are some very good defencemen coming to camp to make an impression, including some with previous league experience and others with Senior hockey experience. Offensively, the coaches will be looking to add some scoring punch to the lineup. “We will continue to work at identifying a solid top line, whether it comes from within our existing roster, in camp or through a potential trade.”
Rogers adds they have some older forwards coming to camp, including 20-year-old Tyler Wagner, who played last season with the Penticton Lakers. “We also have some good young forwards attending who will likely push us into making some difficult decisions.” The general manager/head coach explains there are many spots to be won during Main Camp at every position, and the coaches fully expect the prospects will be very competitive.
“With between 80 and 90 players expected in camp, the players wanting to make the team will have four ice times, prior to the Blue/White game, to show it.” Main camp starts at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre on Airport Road in 100 Mile House on Aug. 18 at 3 p.m. and runs through to Aug. 20. The entire camp is open to the public. The Wranglers Blue & White game takes place on Aug. 20 at 7 p.m. Admission for the Blue & White game is $2 and a non-perishable
go online to or call 250-395-2219 and we will help you set up your online subscription.
#3 Pinkney Complex, 536 Horse Lake Road
r! a d n PARENTS e l a C Your Mark
All children from Kindergarten to Grade 7 are welcome to come out have fun and grow in the sport of soccer.
100 Mile House Evangelical Free Church
Soccer Camp 2013 August 19-23
OHMSA Soccer Fields 9:00am - 12:15pm Daily
FAST bytes Local products, defenceman Reece Forman and forward Brett Harris, will also be skating in camp to get some ice time before they leave for their respective Junior A teams.
Thanks To The FolloWInG sPonsors
Skating season starts Sept. 9!
Look for the
Registration Week: Aug 10-16, 1:00-4:00pm South Cariboo Rec. Centre
in the 100 Mile Free Press every Wednesday.
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Flyer prices are in effect from Friday to Thursday weekly. If you did not receive your Canadian Tire flyer in the Free Press, please call 250-395-2219
You Can NOW READ Full Page Views including ALL ADVERTISING!
Registration Deadline Aug. 16 BROUGHT TO YOU BY $ 100 MILE HOUSE 4000 EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH For more information John Marshall 250-395-2337 or LLoyd Selle 250-397-2191
Come and Join the 100 Mile and District Figure Skating Club!
Summer skate: Aug 10-16 Get ready for the new season!
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food item for the 100 Mile House Food Bank Society. The Blue & White game will feature the top players from the Main Camp, and many of them will form the nucleus of the Wranglers when the season starts.
New Programs: Tues/Thurs .......... 3:30-4:15pm .........CanSkate Mon/Wed ............. 3:30-4:30pm .........Junior Academy Mon/Wed/Fri ...... 3:30-5:30pm .........StarSkate CANADIAN TIRE FLYER
The InTerlakes rodeo CommITTee of Interlakes Community Association
(affiliated with Roe Lake & District Recreation Commission)
Without your help we could not have put on another successful community rodeo event.
Regency Chrysler, Royal LePage 100 Mile Realty, Safeway, Highway 24 Interlakes Lions, Levick Enterprises Ltd., Interlakes Rona, Williams Lake & District Credit Union, Timber Mart, Weston Water Wells, 100 Mile Free Press, WWE Rodeo Co. North Bridge Enterprises, Gordon Ross Contracting, Centennial Law Corp, Sheridan Lake Plumbing, Save-On-Foods, RE/MAX Country Lakes Realty, Lakes Market, The Hills Health Ranch, The Horse Barn, 100 Mile Feed & Ranch Supply, Bill Plewes, Backroad Signs, Crystal Waters Guest Ranch, Prairie Coast Equipment Ltd., South Cariboo Sand & Gravel, BC Livestock Producers, Certified Drywall, Interlakes Car Wash, Just Horsen Around, The Lakes Hair Studio & Eco Boutique, Herb’s Service, B. J. Trophies, Lazy B Tack & Saddle, Moondance Bay Resort, Cariboo Bonanza Resort, Bridge Lake General Store, Sheridan Lake Resort, Loon Bay Resort, Martin Scherrer RE/MAX Realtor, Fawn Lake Resort, Seawood B&B, Donna Barnett Cariboo Chilcotin MLA, 3M Enterprises, The 108 Golf Resort, Therapy Piri, Larry McCrea Law Corp., Crystal Waters Quarter Horses, Sheridan Lake Rentals & Experiences, Bridge Lake Electric, Shilom Esthetic & Beauty, Performance All Terrain & Rentals, Mayvin Plumbing & Heating, Waldner Consulting, Work n Play, Top –Line Printers, Ty Lytton Horse Shoeing, Donex Pharmacy & Department Store, Fawn Lake Lumber, Lordco Parts, Red Rock Grill, Marie Monette, Bree Construction, The Country Pedlar, Big O Tires, JD’s Full Service Salon, The Outlaw Clothing, Cariboo Spurs Apparel & Tack, Hay Providers; Bill Bayes, Lorne Adams, Richard & Thyra Arundel, The Brown Family, The Lytton Family, Wyanne Chase and all the amazing Volunteers!
34 A34
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The Mount Milligan copper - gold mine is located 155 km northwest of Prince George and mid - way between the communities of Fort St. James & Mackenzie. The state-of-the-art processing plant will be built around a 40-foot Semi-Autogenous Grinding (SAG) mill – one of only six mills of its kind in the world, and the largest in North America.
Employment Business Opportunities EMPLOYMENT ALERT. Some “ Work at Home” advertisements as well as some advertisements that appear to offer jobs usually sell information manuals and directions.
Career Opportunities LE MINISTÈRE de la Défense nationale cherche des Officiers du génie des systèmes de marine pour remplir divers postes de civils à Victoria et Nanoose Bay en ColombieBritannique. Les candidates et candidats peuvent postuler en ligne seulement, au site Internet de la Commission de la fonction publique du Canada, numéro de référence DND13J008697-000069, numéro du processus de sélection 13-DND-EA-ESQ-375697, Vaisseaux auxiliaires des forces armées canadiennes. Les postulants doivent posséder toutes les compétences requises énumérées et soumettre leur demande selon l’échéance prescrit. -fra.htm MARINE ENGINEERING Officers are required for various civilian positions with the Department of National Defence in Victoria and Nanoose Bay BC. Online applications only through the Public Service Commission of Canada website, Reference# DND13J008697-000069, Selection Process# 13-DND-EA-ESQ375697, Canadian Forces Auxiliary Fleet (CFAV). Applicants must meet all essential qualifications listed and complete the application within the prescribed timelines. -eng.htm.
SKILLS/EXPERIENCE: • Must have Interprovincial Journeyperson Instrumentation certification • Knowledge of Delta-V & ABB 800XA DCS systems, Outotec on-stream analyzer considered assets • Metso Vision Systems would be considered an asset • Proven safety record • Must have own tools • Excellent written & verbal communication skills • Self-motivated, team player with a positive attitude and the ability to work with minimal supervision WORK SCHEDULE: The schedule for this position will be 7 days on and 7 days off, 12 hours per day. While on rotation, dry camp facilities are provided. This position will be required to work inside the Mill and Crushing facilities or in the field as required. This position offers a Competitive Salary & Benefits Package, in line with qualifications and experience. Please reply with resume to:
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking ATTN Logging Truck Owner Operators: Short Log trucks needed to haul approx. 400,000 cu/m3 of beetle killed pine in the West Chilcotin to West Fraser, Williams Lake Division for Stump to Dump Contractor for 2013-2015 seasons. For more info contact Rob Menzies @ (250)3980564
DBD LOG HOMES requires 2 full time log home builders, starting immediately. Wage negotiable depending on experience. Ph. 250-395-3774,or apply in person at DBD Log Homes in Lone Butte. IF YOU would like to volunteer for the residents of Mill Site Lodge/Fischer Place Care Homes, then please join our auxiliary. We meet the first Thursday of every month at 10:30 a.m. in the Mill Site Lodge boardroom. For info call Shelly at 250-791-9277. Wanted experienced Feller Buncher operator, permanent position w/full benefits, in East Kootenays, 220 days/yr. Call 1 (250)349-5415 or fax 1(250)349-7522.
Counselling Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.
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TRAINED Counselor is available 24 hours a day to offer support, understanding, and help. Confidential and free of charge. Interior Crisis Line Network Call Toll Free 1-888-353-CARE (2273) www/
Retail Sales Person
required Preference will be given to those with a PAL and RPAL. Experience in fishing and hunting will be an asset. Computer experience is a must. Wage to be determined. Please apply in person with resume.
Lone Butte Sporting Goods
Corner of Hwy 24 and Lone Butte-Horse Lake Rd.
JOB FINDER For further detail on this week’s job postings get in touch with us. • Super B Logging Truck Driver • Log Truck Driver • Labouers • Class 1 driver • Skidder Operator • Ranch/Farm Hand • Office Administrator • Administrative Support Clerk • Concession Worker • Bartender • Cook • Servers • Kitchen Help • Waitress • Baker • Retail Sales Clerk • Sales Associate • Janitorial/Housekeepers
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(just down from Sunrise Ford) • Website:
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
GIBRALTAR MINE: ROCK-SOLID CAREER GROWTH At Taseko Mines, we’re proud to call British Columbia our home. We are looking for enthusiastic employees who share our vision for long-term, responsible growth in this province. Joining our Gibraltar Mine team makes you part of Canada’s proud mining heritage. The Gibraltar coppermolybdenum mine is a cornerstone of the regional economy and an example of great Canadian mining in action. Located in the heart of BC’s stunning Cariboo region, Gibraltar is approximately 60 km north of Williams Lake. It is the second largest open pit copper mine in Canada. A sustainable mining operation with a 27 year mine life, Gibraltar is undergoing a significant multi-phase expansion taking our daily milling throughput to 85,000 tons per day and we’re looking for talented candidates to help us facilitate this. That’s where you come in… We currently have a full time opportunity for an:
COST ACCOUNTANT POSITION SUMMARY Reporting to the Mine Accountant, the Cost Accountant is responsible for a variety of accounting functions including reconciling balance sheet, income statement, general ledger and preparation of month end reports, accounts payable, general ledger, statutory reporting, cost reporting and departmental budget preparation. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: • Prepares monthly cost reports • Provides analysis of cost trends and variances to stakeholders • Maintains Capex roll and reconciliation and internal control process and documentation • Assists with preparation of annual budgets and subsequent forecast updates • Issues cost reports for each department • Assists with completion of government surveys and with preparation of monthly GL reconciliation • Responds to information requests as required and completes and submits internal financial reports • Prepares and posts journal entries to the general ledger and reviews payroll entries QUALIFICATIONS • Accounting designation (CA, CMA, or CGA) supported by 3 years relevant experience – mining experience would be a definite asset. A combination of education, training and experience will be considered • Considerable knowledge of standard office and accounting software and familiarity with information technology products and services • Ability to maintain information confidentiality • Accomplished written, verbal and group presentation skills • Experience with MS Office software and functional keyboard skills • Valid Driver’s Licence COMPENSATION Gibraltar offers an excellent benefit package which includes competitive salary, a Registered Retirement Savings Plan and relocation assistance to Williams Lake. Qualified applicants, eligible to work in Canada, are invited to explore this opportunity by submitting a cover letter and detailed resume outlining your qualifications and experience. Please visit us at under the careers section to electronically submit your application or to learn more about our New Prosperity, Aley and Harmony projects. We thank all candidates who express interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Your application to this posting is deemed to be consent to the collection, use and necessary disclosure of personal information for the purposes of recruitment. Gibraltar Mines respects the privacy of all applicants and the confidentiality of personal information and we will retain this information for a period of six months.
100 Mile House Free Press Wednesday, 14, 2013 Free Press Wednesday, AugustAugust 14, 2013 A35 35
Pets & Livestock
Merchandise for Sale
Therapy Groups
ALANON - Does someone’’s drinking bother you? Meet with others who feel the same. Meet Thursdays, 7pm at the Health Centre at the back of the Hospital. Contact 250-3954646 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meetings in 100 Mile area: Mondays noon at #18 - 208 8th Street. Tuesdays, 8pm, 100 Mile United Church. Thursdays 7:30pm, 108 Community Centre. Sundays 7:30pm, south Cariboo Community Health Centre,rear entrance. 250-791-5286, 250395-4646, 250-395-6154, 250395-5368
WANTED: 2 Dexter bred cows, heifers or cow calf pairs. 250-644-1954.
FIREWOOD all split & cut from 12” to 48”. $140 per cord. Free delivery. Chris, 250-7063043. Stacking Avail.
REGISTERED Siberian Husky Puppies (with blue eyes) 778-891-4556
A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
SPCA - Your best choice in pets. 250-395-5303
Misc. for Sale
The SPCA needs 2 to 3 phone volunteers to answer the emergency line. Suits retired or semi-retired individuals. Also, temporary foster homes needed. Please call 250-3955303 and leave a message.
FOR SALE 2-M/SP235-75R15 tires $75 for pair. 2-All Season P235-75R15 tires, like new $100 for pair. Also 2-Shaw cable boxes $50 ea. Phone 250-791-6616 after 6pm.
ARE you an adult who struggles to read, write or do math? Partner Assisted Learning (PAL) can help! We provide free one-to-one tutoring. Call Mary at 250-395-0404
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Pet Services PET SUPPLIES Online! Thousands of products to choose from. Take 15% off your order with coupon code: SALE15 Sale runs till the end of August. 1-855839-0555.
Pets PUPPIES: Great guard dogs Maremma/Weimaraner cross. $250 each. Ph. 250-706-7202
*WARNING* -Ads reading, “Free to a good home”, have the potential to attract individuals that see your family pet as a way to make $$money through any number of undesirable situations; i.e. selling to animal testing labs or in the case of horses, the slaughter house. Contact the SPCA at 250-395-5303 for information on successfully placing your pet in the right kind of home. Leave a message and a volunteer will get back to you.
Merchandise for Sale
Auction Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Drywall LAC LA HACHE Drywall Services Prices to suit - top work to boot
John Paterson 250-396-7615
Excavating & Drainage PETER’S EXCAVATING, landscaping, site preparation. Bobcat excavator, skidsteer loader. 250-397-4188.
Sat., August 17th 10:00 AM Vehicles, Commercial Reel Mower, PTO Brush Mower, Skidsteer Attachments, P/U Power Lift gate, Utility Trailers, Hydraulic Wood Splitter, Drill Press, Brute 1650 Snowblower, Lawnmowers, Evinrude 4hp Boat Motor, Hand & Power Tools, Cutting & Welding Supplies, Portable Shelter, Ladder Jacks, Chain Pullers, Selection of Tow Chains & Web Sling, Camping Supplies, Freezers, Furniture, 3 Randy Moe Prints & Much More
Hub-City Auctions Ltd.
Painting & Decorating
CARIBOO PAINTING SERVICES and repairs. Residential and commercial. Fully insured. Chris 250-644-4033.
1122 South Lakeside Drive Williams Lake
Pets & Livestock
Feed & Hay QUALITY grass/hay mixed: Square bales, barn stored, no rain. Delivery available. 250397-2378.
Firearms WANTED: Old lever action Winchester rifles and carbines. Call (250)791-6369
B.S. Horse Training Bart Franks 250-593-2318 Starting Colts Older Horses Troubled Horses Rider Training HUMAN-HORSE PARTNERSHIP
Heavy Duty Machinery
STEEL BUILDING Sizzling summer savings event! 20x22 $4,188. 25x24 $4,598. 30x36 $6,876. 32x44$8,700. 40x52 $12,990. 47x70 $17,100. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS, Metal Buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! 1-800-457-2206
Misc. Wanted WANTED: 30 gallon or more aquarium. 250-791-7218. WANTED: Old lever action Winchester rifles and carbines. Call (250)791-6369
Musical Instruments YAMAHA: Black upright piano. 4 yrs. old. 250-395-3264.
Misc. Wanted
Misc. Wanted
Box 67, 100 Mile House B.C. V0K 2E0
(250) 395-6218 (direct line) • (250) 395-6201 (fax)
Garage Sales
Garage Sales
Professional Services
• Landscaping and Lot Development • Land Clearing • Wetland Work • Demolitions • Gravel Materials & Hauling • Premium Mix Topsoil • Driveways • Basements
250-395-2311 982 Alpine, 100 Mile House
100 MILE: Sat. Aug. 17. from 10-2 at 816 Spruce Ave. Weather permitting. 100 MILE: Sat. Aug. 17. from 9-3 at Travellers Trailer Park, 375 Horse Lake Rd. #57 100 MILE: Sat. Aug. 17, & Sun. Aug. 18 from 10-5 at Travellers Trailer Park. household, TOYS, kneeboard, basketball hoop w/backboard, life jackets, kids’ bedding, hockey net w/target, hockey gear tree, roller blades, skates, Sesame Street play tent, GP racers, black light, single bed, and lots more! 108 MILE RANCH: Sun. Aug. 18 from 10-4 at 5358 Qua Place. Lawn mower, appliances, asst. household items, etc. No early birds. 108 RANCH: 3 family sale. Sat. & Sun. Aug. 17 & 18 from 10-2 at 5002 Canium Court. Lot of baby items.
108 RANCH: Sat. Aug. 17 from 9-3 at 4761 Chilcotin Cres. Furniture & other household goods. 108 RANCH: Two family sale. Sat. Aug.17 from 9-3 at 4968 Monical Rd. 93 MILE: Sat. Aug.17 from 9-3 at 7022 93 Mile Loop Road ESTATE SALE Huge Garage Sale Sat. Aug. 17, 9-4 Sun. Aug. 18, 9-3 Everything Imaginable 6546 Perrey Rd. Off Horse Lake Road One block North of MacMillan FLEA MARKET Saturday, Aug. 17 at the 108 Mall 10am - 4pm To book a table call Brenda 250-396-7144
st Wanted o M Contracting Ltd.
General Contractor
Custom Homes • Remodeling
• Ralf Baechmann • Ph: 250-395-1256 Cell: 250-706-4706
Big Country Storage Terminal Ltd. 44 Heated Units 65 Non-heated Units Freight Agents for: VanKam Freightways Clark Reefer
250-395-2447 Across from Ogden Sr. Sec. School
Box 115, 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0
Hwy. 24 at Sheridan Lake 10am to 3pm every Saturday from May 18 to August 31, 2013. Vendors welcome. $11.00 a spot. Buskers free. BRING YOUR TALENT AND SET UP A TABLE. Phone Joan 250-593-2353
Misc. Wanted
Misc. Wanted
Misc. Wanted
•Travel Trailers • 5th Wheels • Toy Haulers • Truck Campers • Tent Trailers • Cargo Trailers • Utility & Equipment Trailers
• Sales • Service & Repairs • Parts & Accessories • Secure Storage 5430 INDUSTRIAL FLATS RD. Open 6 days a 100 MILE HOUSE week! (At Hwy 97 & 24)
Aspen Planers is currently purchasing logs for the Lillooet Veneer Plant and Merritt Sawmill. We are purchasing all white wood species and Douglas Fir. If you have standing timber or logs for sale, please contact David Rennie for specifications and prices. 250 315 3670 (cell) 250 256-5209 (office)
24/7 • anonymous • confidential • in your language
Stand up. Be heard. Get help.
Our Team Delivers!
Call me for print, online and flyer advertising! Phone: 250-395-2219
Fax: 250-395-3939
Martina Dopf Consultation in English/German
#2 - 536 Horse Lake Rd. Pinkney Complex, 100 Mile House
36 A36
Wednesday, Wednesday, August August 14, 201314,100 2013 Mile 100 House Mile Free Press
In Memoriam Gifts
Real Estate
Memorial Donations
For Sale By Owner
Apt/Condo for Rent
Homes for Rent
Auto Financing
PARKVIEW APTS: 1 BDRM apt for rent renovated, downtown 100 Mile. $550/mo, 2 bdrm $650, bachelor $450. Includes heat. (250)395-3660 or (250)706-9144
3 BDRM log house, w/garage at N. Green Lake. $1100/mon. plus util. Ref. req. Avail. Oct. 1st. Call 250-397-2036 eves.
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
The Canadian Cancer Society appreciates your generous support. Please send the name of the deceased, name/address of next of kin and name/ address of donor for tax receipt (VISA/MC accepted) to: Canadian Cancer Society, #300 - 500 Victoria St. Prince George, B.C. V2L 2J9 or Ph: 1-800-811-5666. Memorial donations to the 100 Mile House General District Hospital Auxiliary can be sent to: Box 851, 100 Mile House, B.C. V0K 2E0. Memorial donations to the Canadian Diabetes Association can be sent to: 5363 Dawson Rd. 100 Mile House, B.C. V0K 2E1. Memorial donations to the 100 Mile District Hospice Palliative Care Society can be sent to: Bag 399, 100 Mile House, B.C. V0K 2E0 Memorial donations to the 100 Mile House SPCA can be sent to: Box 1948, 100 Mile House, B.C. V0K 2E0. Memorial donations to Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children can be sent to: 3550 Waybourne Way, Burnaby, B.C. V5G 3K9. Memorial donations to Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon can be sent to: #203 - 635 Victoria Street, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2B3. The South Cariboo Health Foundation welcomes memorial gifts in support of our local Acute and Residential Health Care facilities, as well as, Community Health projects and activities. Mail donations to: S.C. Health Foundation, Bag 399, 100 Mile House, B.C. V0K 2E0 or drop them off at the hospital. Donations can be made to the Gideons by phoning 1-888-482-4253, using your credit card. The Gideons will send a card to the bereaved, so have their address handy. For funeral display or other information, contact Pete Penner at 791-6302 Donations may be sent to 100 Mile House Mural Society, 6221 Aalton Road, 100 Mile House B.C. V0K 2E3
PARK MODEL Westwind RV & Golf Resort Yuma - Arizona 2006 Dutch Park home with a full length sundeck plus shed at end of concrete driveway. This is a move-in ready unit with all expected contents. See Westwind Resort on your computer, site 759 Gardenia. Prime location and set-up. $64,500 US.
Mobile Homes & Parks 12x60 older mobile in good shape. 2 bdrms, mudroom, deck, wood stove, FS, new washer, AC. Some furniture, wood shed half full. Ready to move in. $14,900.00. 250-3955126. 100 Mile House. FACTORY DIRECT Wholesale CSA Certified Modular Homes, Manufactured/Mobile Homes and Park Model Homes, We ship throughout Western Canada visit us online at or 1-877-976-3737
CMHA-SCB is now taking applications for our affordable family housing development, located on Cariboo Trail and Jens Street, 100 Mile House B.C. Application forms can be picked up at the Community Resource Centre (between the Hospital and the Junior High School), or at the
Women’s Centre (102 Bridge Creek Centre, Birch Avenue). The 25 unit project has 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom units. Applicants must provide income and asset information and verification upon application. This project is sponsored by the Canadian Mental Health Association - South Cariboo Branch and British Columbia Housing and Management Commission.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1 BDRM. apt above store on Hwy. 97 in 100 Mile. $495/mon & hydro. NS. NP. Working person. Call Dave 250-395-3106 or 250-3952069 after 6pm. BC HOUSING is now accepting applications for housing from persons 55 years and older as well as disabled persons 19 years of age and older. Eligible tenants pay 30% of gross monthly income for rent. For applications contact: 250395-4743 or 1-800-834-7149.
CARIBOO GARDENS Clean, large, bright 1&2 bedrooms Seniors Welcome For reliable service call Drew
250-395-0809 or 250-395-0168
Commercial/ Industrial 1250 sq. ft. commercial retail space, street level, in Rosewood Building, for rent or lease. Across from Donex. 250-396-7334 or 604-5304224. RETAIL area: 44’x54’ with overhead door at 750 Exeter Road. 250-397-2182.
Duplex / 4 Plex 2 BEDROOM unit in 100 Mile. Close to park & school. References required. $550 per mo. No dogs. (250)456-7314 LAC LA HACHE duplex. Across from LLH Elementary. 4782 Clark Ave. 2 bdrms, lake view, fenced yard. $595/mo. Bill 250-456-7503, or Angie 250-396-7529. LARGE 1 bdrm $525 plus util. N/S. N/P. 100 Mile. Avail. now. 250-397-0128. QUIET up-dated 2 bdrm. $525. Laundry included. Gateway area. 250-395-2080.
Mobile Homes & Pads 2 BEDROOM mobile for rent on 3/4 acres. $900/mth (negotiable). Fully fenced yard, large deck, storage shed, 10 mins from 100 Mile. Walking distance to Horse lake. Avail. Sept. 1st. Call Cindy 250-5934533 between 8 - 9 am, or 5 9 pm. Or Brad 1-403-818-0467 anytime.
3 BDRM mobile home in Bridge Lake area on 14 acres with horse barn & shop, all fenced. Good water, short driveway on plowed road.. Lake view. All appliances incl. plus dishwasher. $600/mon obo neg. Call Frank 1-604854-4635. 6298 MOOSE POINT DRIVE, across from Watch Lake Access, 2 bdrm house, gas fireplace, electric baseboard heaters, w/d, insulated hobby shop. $795/mth. 250-456-7503. AVAIL. now. Small 3 bdrm house, gas heat. Forest Grove. $800. 604-809-1724. BRIDGE LAKE Waterfront, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, 1.5 acres mobile home. D/W, W/D. N/S, ref’s req’d. $625. 1-403-703-8361. CANIM Lake view 2 Bdrm suite for rent, near store. Laundry, d/w, separate utilities, private entrance. Ph. 250-397-2413. IN Town, 3 Bedroom House, Fenced Yard, Garage. Walk to Schools and Shopping N/S 1 small pet okay. $950 utilities included. Call Judy 250-3955392 SOUTH FACING sunny home avail. Sept. 20 to March 20. 2 bdrms. Horse Lake, Lower Ranchettes area. $800/mon plus utilities. 250-395-2347.
Shared Accommodation
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Cars - Domestic 1994 OLDS Royale 88. 5.3 L, fuel injected automatic, 168,00 km. Good condition. Asking $9500. 250-397-2421
1998 CHRYSLER CONCORD Under 100,000 km. Leather Interior Good Clean Condition
$3,500 OBO 250-395-7591
Motorcycles 2003 100th Anniversary Edition Harley Davidson Road Glide. Stage 1 big bore kit, lots of extras, runs & rides great. Over 43K invested. Asking $15,000, obo. 250-395-8847
SHARE 3 bdrm house. Avail. immediately. Close to park in 100 Mile. 250-395-8488.
2 bdrm/2bath beautiful Horse Lk waterfront suite incl laundry for rent (near 100 Mile). N/P, N/S, Ref required. $750/mo., avail Aug 16. 778-835-1852 2 BDRM mobile #4 Park Dr. Estates, 103 Mile. $700/mon.. Call 250-395-3268. 2 BDRM trailer w/addition on 3/4 acre. Beautiful Horse Lake view. Older model. $600/mon. Avail. now. Refs req. NP. 250395-3030. 250-395-6546. 3 BDRM house w/garage in 100 Mile. New deck, kitchen & bathroom. W/D & Dishwasher. Pets considered. Ref. req. $1000, all in. Avail. Sept. 2013. 250-609-0006.
Garage Sales
Moving Or Starting A New Business? COMMERCIAL, RETAIL & OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE 500-10,000 sq. ft. • Quality Buildings • Good Locations Multiple Zoning • Lots of Parking
Call Maureen at
L & A Development Corp. Garage Sales
Garage Sales
• A 4-line or less classified word ad ($1.00 per line charge for additional lines) • Large garage sale signs to hang up around the neighbourhood • Red and yellow balloons to grab everyone’s attention • Felt pen for completing signs and marking prices One Week Special
16 .50
Plus GST
Two Week Special $
Plus GST
Located off Exeter Rd. Past Tim-Br Mart on McDermid Rd. 100 Mile House, BC
Classifieds Get Results!
1999 Damon Challenger Class A Motorhome, Ford V10, 33’, one slide, 92,000 km, new tires, brakes & batteries, $24,900 obo. (250)365-7152 Castlegar
Homes for Rent
Professional Services
10 TIPS TO A GREAT SALE! 1. Place your advertisement for 2 weeks in our classified section. 2. Call friends and neighbours to see if they’d like to do a sale together. The bigger the selection, the more customers you’ll have. 3. Give yourself a couple of days to get organized. 4. Gather boxes, newspapers, and bags to use during the sale to package purchases. 5. Set your dates and times. The first and middle of the month are paydays for many people. 6. Take the time to clean up your items… products will sell better when they look “taken care of.” 7. Make the most of your display by setting up in a visible area such as the front yard, the driveway or near the curb. Don’t tuck yourself and your merchandise in a dark garage. 8. Label everything for sale with tape. Price it so you might consider buying it for yourself. 9. Before the sale, go to the bank. Get plenty of small bills and change to have on-hand. Keep a calculator handy for quick adding. 10. Be an entrepreneur. Make extra money by selling canned sodas, lemonade, etc., to shoppers. If you have kids, have them do this! In the Pinkney Complex on Horse Lake Road in 100 Mile House
Premiu m Bottled Water on Tap!
“Taste the ” ce Differen
Now Featuring Watkins Products We also offer Vacuum Sales, Parts and Repairs!
486-A Birch Ave. S. 100 Mile House, BC
:DWHU :HOOV /WG :HVWRQ Licenced Drillers Specializing in Residential Wells Family Owned & Operated Since 1981 Environmentally Friendly Free On-Site Consultation Guaranteed Workmanship
Inquiries call
250-593-4307 Jerry Weston
Office: 250-593-4306 Toll Free: 1-866-448-5592
Construction (1997) LTD.
Serving the Cariboo for over 40 years Snow Removal • Road Construction • Culvert & Gravel Sales • Site Preparation • Topsoil Sales • Rental Equipment • Large Fleet of Equipment
Meridian Self Storage
(Formerly Resort Lakes Mini Storage, at HWY. 97 & 24)
Call me for all your advertising needs. Phone: 250-395-2219
Fax: 250-395-3939
Heather Nelson Advertising Consultant
#2 - 536 Horse Lake Rd. Pinkney Complex, 100 Mile House
Free Press Wednesday, AugustAugust 14, 2013 100 Mile House Free Press Wednesday, 14, 2013
Boats 14’ Mirrocraft aluminum boat with 9.8 Merc., Minnikota elec. mtr., 12v bat., Hummingbird fish finder, 2 swivel seats, oars, cover. $1800. Phone 250-593-4460
1985 Ford Frontier 25ft. Motor Home 460 Engine, Roof Air Clean Condition Under 100, 000 m Chesterfield, 2 Chairs Full Bath
Asking $6,000 OBO 250-395-7591
2003 Four Winns Fish & Ski Freedom 180 F/S,
2002 TRIPLE E TRAILER 26ft Great Shape Well Maintained Sleeps 6 New Fridge Microwave, 3 Burner Stove 3 Piece Bathroom
fully serviced 4.3L VOLVO PENTA engine, removable side windows for more fishing room, tilt steering, removable seats with interchanging seat posts, rear entry ladder, front control for rear leg trim, full cover with anti pooling poles, electric motor off bow for fishing, custom matched trailer, Bimini top.
This is really a great boat!! $15,000 obo. (250)354-7471 Nelson
$10,000 250-395-3488
2005 FOUR WINNS 190 Horizon
91 Prowler 5th Wheel 19’ tandem in excellent condition through out, Pull with V 6 $3800. OBO (250)305-2462 Serious inquiries only!
Scrap Car Removal
FREE SCRAP CAR PICK UP* “The Only Ministry of Environment Approved Scrap Car Recycler.”
100 Mile New & Used Auto Parts Ltd. 250-395-1141
Toll Free: 1-877-395-1133 *Certain restrictions apply. Call for details
Trucks & Vans 1970 CHEV 1 ton flat deck, being rebuilt. 250-397-2266
2010 FORD RANGER XLT V6 4x4 16,000 km No Rock Chips
$19,900 250-456-2413
SNIFF out a new
• • • • • • • • •
Sunsport Package 5.0L 260 hp Merc Garage Stored Excellent Condition Stereo w/Sirius Built in cooler Depth sounder Tandem Axle Trailer And Much More!
$19,000 For Details Call 250-692-9548
Re: THE ESTATE OF RALPH GLEN ALGNER, also known as GLEN ALGNER formerly of 8068 S. Canim Lake Road, Canim Lake, British Columbia. Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Ralph Glen Algner, also known as Glen Algner, are hereby notified under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the Administrator, c/o Centennial Law Corp, at PO Box 2169, 100 Mile House, British Columbia V0K 2E0 on or before September 5, 2013 after which date the Administrator will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the Administrator then has notice.
Something for everyone at Bridge Lake Fair
100 Mile Funeral Service Ltd. A37 37
• Traditional Funeral and Cremation Services • Bronze and Granite Memorials
Gaven Crites
Shane Ian Gunn
all the fresh flowers and vegetables that come in the afternoon.” Winners will be announced Saturday. Hundreds of visitors are expected Forster has been involved with the to descend on the 56th Annual Bridge fair since 2000. She says it takes orgaLake Fair at Interlakes Hall nizers a year to plan for the on Highway 24 on Sunday event. (Aug. 18). “It’s a big deal. It’s a fun day.” Along with the main exhibiEntries will be accepted tion, people will find a variety between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. of games and entertainment Saturday. Edible entries will during the fair, which runs be auctioned off after the fair. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. “The proceeds are going On Saturday, close to 100 to the Roe Lake and District Diana entrants will be judged in 17 Recreation Commission Forster different categories of goods (RLDRC) because they give and wears. us use of the hall and grounds “Whatever you’re good at, there’s for free for the entire weekend.” somewhere in the fair for you to Other notable attractions include enter,” explains Diana Forster, Bridge animals, cake walks, old-fashioned Lake Fair Association secretary. races, musical entertainment, a Categories include baking, garden miniature horse and cart driving fruits and vegetables, preserving, field demonstration and an appearance by crops, plants and flowers, wine and “The Chainsaw Girl” Liz McMann. beer, crocheting, needle-work, rugs At 11 a.m. Sunday, Kamloopsand quilting, weaving and spinning, Thompson-Cariboo MP Cathy fine arts and hobbies, photography, McLeod will present a $25,000 cheque dairy and honey. to the RLDRC for its kitchen venting “We ask that non-perishables and fire-suppression system. – baking and photography and preAdmission is $2 for adults and $1 serving – be brought in the morning, for children and seniors with proceeds so we have plenty of time to process from the gate going to top competitors. Free Press
Licensed Funeral Director - Owner
Ph: 250-395-3243
225 Cedar Ave., 100 Mile House, BC Family owned and operated.
Obituaries BOYCE
Kristin Lilianne Marie October 9, 1983 - August 6, 2013
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Kristin Lilianne Marie Boyce. Kristin is survived by her husband Melvin Christopher and two beautiful children, Dixie Lane Mocassin Boyce and Darius Marcus Boyce Christopher. Kristin will be sadly missed by her great-great-grandmother Lizette Donald of Simcw (North Thompson First Nation), her mother Brenda Boyce, her sister Destiny Porter and brothers Francis and Jimmy Porter. Kristen is predeceased by her father Charles Grinder of Big Bar. Kristin will be remembered for being a loving mother, wife, sister, daughter and good friend. Kristen shared her love of singing and drumming and the traditional knowledge she gained from her greatgreat-grandmother Lizette, Brenda and the many traditional leaders and teachers she met in her years on the powwow trail and at Sundances. The family and communities took great pride in Kristin’s beautiful singing voice and traditional knowledge, and cultural teachings. The community is grateful for Lizette Donald for sharing the children that she raised over many years and thank her for allowing us to be part of Kristin’s life. The Porter, Boyce, Donald, Christopher, and Archie families would like to thank everyone who has shared Kristin’s life and travelled great distances to participate in Kristin’s Celebration of Life on Aug. 13, 2013 at the Canim Lake Band Gymnasium.
Military motorcycle ride stopping in 100 Mile House on Aug. 18 By Jennifer Raifteiri-McArdle 100 Mile House has been selected as one of the stopovers for the British Columbia leg of the Fifth Annual Military Police National Relay Ride (MPNRR) across Canada. Approximately 30 motorcycle riders will be arriving in town on Aug. 18 around 4:30 p.m. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #260 100 Mile House will be hosting the bikers for a buffet dinner at 6 p.m., and the Ramada Inn is offering the group a discounted overnight stay. “We haven’t been to 100 Mile House
before,” says Lamont French (MP Sgt. Ret’d) and National Chair/ National Ride Captain. “But it worked our logistically and everyone there was so nice to us and inviting, how could we pass on such great people?” There are seven repeat riders this year. The participants range in age from the mid-twenties all the way to 72, and include at least one woman rider. “The ride is open to both military and civilian people and all riders and types of bikes are welcome,” explains French. “It is about the ride and most important the children whom we ride
for these local flyers in this week’s
• 4-H Supplement • Pharmasave • Royal LePage 100 Mile Realty
for. So if anyone wants to join us, they can for an entry fee of $25.” The MPNRR supports the Military Police Fund for Blind Children and the Children’s Wish Foundation. Since its inception in 2009, the MPNRR has raised more than $170,000. There is also an online auction this year, which is open to the public. To view the auction items or find out more about the ride, go to www., or contact the 100 Mile Legion at 250395-2511.
Locally Owned & Operated Since 1978
How Do You Spell Fun? Have a ball, play BINGO and support your favorite charity. MONDAY
100 MILE COMMUNITY CLUB BINGO Every Monday night in the 100 Mile Community Hall. Doors open at 6:00pm - Bingo Starts at 7:00pm LOONIE BALL & PROGRESSIVE List your BINGO here every week and let the players in your area know about you. Only $11.14 per week. Call 250-395-2219
O 250-395-2219 O
Here are the answers to the August 9th Cariboo Connector ‘Challenge Yourself’ Page.
CRyptO Fun inventor product patent research
See this weekend’s Cariboo Connector for more!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
COMING THIS SEPTEMBER 100 Mile House & District Figure Skating Best Friends Club on the ice to your
By Heather Nelson
Enter your pet’s picture for a chance to win a
Free Press
$25 Gift Certificate every week courtesy of
6-months-supply of Blue Buffalo dog or cat food* (drawn in December)
Theme for September: “Me and my pet”
E-mail your picture to or drop it off at the100 Mile Free Press or 100 Mile Total Pet with your contact information.
One entry per week per person. Weekly random draw for a gift certificate. One grand prize of Blue Buffalo Pet Food brought to you by… Ken Alexander photo
100 Mile House & District Figure Skating Club members Mikayla Julseth, left, Keely Pacheco and Jordyn Karl were on the ice at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre on Aug. 10. They took some time out from their StarSkate lesson to pose for the camera.
in your
FROM CONCEPT TO Let’s G o Ro d e o ! FINISHED PRODUCT When you, your business or your group needs a poster built and printed, contact us! We have the expertise and experience to create an eye-catching poster at a most competitive price. IN 100 MILE HOUSE SUNDAY & MON DAY MAY 19 & 20
Hunting Guide
We would like your
Send us your hunting stories and photos, be they funny or scary, or just plain unbelievable. We want to hear them, and if yours is chosen we will publish it in our 2013 Hunting Guide! ADVERTISING DEADLINE: AUG. 23, 2013 PH: 250-395-2219 FAX: 250-395-3939 Email:
SUN., MAY 20 BCRA Professional
Featuring all your favourite action… • Bull Riding • Bronc Riding • Team Roping • Pole Bending • Cow Riding • Barrels …and much more!
Featuring… • Bull Riding • Saddle • Bareback • Team Broncs Roping • Barrel Racing • Steer Riding and much, much more! Action starts at noon Sunday and Monday on at the Outriders Grounds on Airport Road! CONCESSION & REFRESHMEN TS BOTH DAYS
Sponsored By… •
“Tough Enough to Wear Pink” in support of Breast Cancer Awareness on Sunday
Tim Hortons • Central GM • Regency • Sunrise • Lazy B Tack • Yummers Ford • Buckin’ Horse Contractin EnRoute • Red Coach Inn • TIM-BR Mart • Exeter Forest & Marine g • The Log House • Shawn Parkins Electric • Safeway • Diamond • Meadow Lake Ranch D Bulls • Taseko Mines • Teniye Logging Ltd. • 108 Building Supply • 108 Supermarket • Jake’s Pub • PMT • Horse Gate Trailer Accounting • GPS Forest Consultants Sales • Panorama Custom Woodworking • 100 Mile Free Press
target feature.
at Jake’s Pub
MON., MAY 21
Second Big Go-Aroun d BCRA Professional
© 100 Mile Free Press
This special section is packed with info and photos detailing what to hunt, how to hunt and where to hunt, plus our ever-popular “Set Your Sights”
SAT., MAY 19
Vol. 7 No.
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Throne speech renews vows
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Here’s a very unique
Cariboo r Connecto
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5, • July
By Tom Fletche Black Press
in the visitor Clark sat ure on Premier Christy Columbia legislat speech British ment’s throne tments seats of the her govern June 26, as Liberal commi the B.C. . renewed a May election Guichon read from the or Judith r session Lt. Govern open a rare summe ment to govern brief speech ure, reiterating utive balof the legislat for four consec carbon tax tments on commi s and a freeze rates. anced budget al income tax to person returning a and most d before gn for Clark attende r and a campai ion premie in a byelect duties as e-Kelowna Westsid in seat 10. it a little bit set for July take a seat makes to s as quickly “Waiting to busines get in the get down letting that harder to a but I’m not a visit to as I’d like, told reporters on . in Saanich Clark ction way,” before I under constru care facility the legislature back this bal“We called want to get because we had a seat passed.” called it anced budget leader John Horgan health NDP house aims to hold growth, budget that a “bogus” g below one per cent Credit care spendin seen since the Social 1980s. a target not of the early July 25, program sit until restraint ure is to spending The legislat budget and the ies as the ment ministr debating for all govern estimates RS: 26 on June by law. business required NEW HOU - Saturday order of of veteran The first election Monday - 2:30 p.m. unanimous Liberal MLA Linda was the 7:00 a.m. East B.C. ure. Richmond r of the legislat B.C. Liberal -OUT TAKE • Reid as speake rke Mountain IN • EAT elected deputy Coquitlam-Bu Horne was onds NDP MLA MLA Doug Burnaby-Edmdeputy speaker. and r of t speake Corner an is assistan St. Raj Chouh
Breakfast • Open for h Specials • Daily Lunc ring • Cate
Fishp&s Chi cial
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250-395-4 Hwy. 97 &
Chris Nickless
sian Dance yn’s Polyne on July 1. e Site with Cheral who dance at the 108 Heritag Larsen, tion and Skylinn Day celebrathe day. n, back, the Canada during Rachel Klasse ed during entertainment perform lineup of Studio, a great There was
The 2013
“It’s her work ethic. She’s one of these dedicated kids,” Johnston says of Tiana. “I’ve been fortunate enough to coach both sisters and help them get to a national level. Whatever they put their mind to, they’ll do. And they work their butt of to do it. “If they don’t make it, they’ll train all summer for next year. That’s how they are.” Johnston adds family support is as important as individual commitment when it comes to the sport of wrestling. “Parents are willing to drive in and spend the extra hours ... that’s what I think helps. “It’s the family being
involved. (The Dykstra) family has always been involved with wrestling and helped me out.” Dykstra now has a few weeks off before she starts training again for next season sometime when her Grade 10 school year begins. The 100 Mile Wrestling Club opens up again in mid-September. The Canada Games are a national multisport competition with participation from every province and territory in the country. They are held every two years, alternating between winter and summer and bring together approximately 4,500 athletes who compete in 20 disciplines. The 2013 Games started Aug. 2 and end Aug. 17.
From 32
… from your
Local wrestler represents Team BC at Canada Games
* some conditions apply
Yo u
The 100 Mile House & District Figure Skating Club is in the midst of taking registrations until Aug. 16 at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre arena from 1 to 4 p.m., with skating from 5:45 to 7:45 p.m. Club president Nanci Lundquist notes if people are unable to come to the arena during those times, there will be brochures and registrations at the office door. She adds the club will also have a booth at the South Cariboo Community Fall Fair, Sept. 6-8. This year, the 100 Mile House & District Figure Skating Club is offering three programs this year. • CanSkate on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:304:15 p.m., from Sept. 10/13 to March 6/14. • Junior Academy on Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m., from Sept. 9 to March 5/14. • StarSkate on Mondays, 3:30-5:15 p.m., and Wednesdays and Fridays, 3:30-5:30 p.m., from Sept. 9/13 to March 7/14. Skaters, as young as five years, or younger depending on their birth date, are welcome to register. “My daughter has been involved with skating for the past five years,” says Lundquist. “I’ve been on the board for the last year. “It would be great to have more parents volunteering; the more volunteers the better the club runs.” For more information on the registration or to volunteer, call 250-395-1842.
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If you, your relatives or friends have appeared on a page of the Free Press or Cariboo Connector, we can make a full colour, drymounted reproduction to give as a gift or to hang on your wall. There’s no other gift like it!
100 Mile Free Press Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Wranglers add experience and grit to the lineup Recent signings bring two forwards and a D-man to the fold Ken Alexander Free Press
On Aug. 8, the 100 Mile House Wranglers Junior B Hockey Club bolstered its lineup by acquiring a brother act with a lot of experience playing in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL). The Wranglers picked up 20-year-old defenceman Jaiden Ward and Brady Ward, 18, who plays forward. Both come from the Creston Valley Thundercats organization. Jaiden first patrolled the blue line in the KIJHL in the 2009/10 season and has played 93 games in the league during his four seasons with the Thundercats. He has recorded career totals of eight goals and
21 assists with 89 penalty minutes. A resident of Prince Rupert, Jaiden is 6-2 and 185 pounds. Brady first played in the KIJHL during the 2011/12 season, during which he amassed seven goals, 10 assists and 36 penalty minutes in 53 games with the Thundercats. Brady, who also hails from Prince Rupert, is 6-0 and 200 pounds. Wranglers general manager and head coach Doug Rogers says both players will provide the team with some much-needed experience as the club enters its inaugural KIJHL season. “Most importantly, Jaiden and Brady are quality young men who will provide solid leadership for our younger and more inexperienced
Interlakes Rodeo fun for all ages
From 31
Fosbery also received the 100 Mile Feed and Ranch Supply jewelry for being first in Ladies Barrels. Mariah Mannering took home the Lazy B Tack halter for winning the Junior Barrels. Youth events In the pig scramble, Kade Livingston won Saturday’s event scramble and Layne Cleveland was Sunday’s winner. In mutton bustin’, Levi Erickson won Saturday’s event and Luisa Meyer stayed on the longest on Sunday. All of the youth event winners took home $50 cash. Zailo notes Carney Meyers will be the chair for the rodeo next year. Rodeo results first through third are as follows:
• Bareback: Jared Marshall, 70 score, $300; Steve Hohmann, 69, $231; and Denton Sandy, 68, $161,70. • Tie-down roping: Clayton Honeybourne, 10 seconds, $415.82; Clayton Freemantle, 10.6, $317.98;
and Virgil Poffenroth, 10.7; and $220.14. • Saddle bronc: S. Hohmann, 73, $334.80; Cole Scott, 71, $251.10; and S. Hohmann, 70, $167.40. • Steer wrestling: Riley Isnardy, 6.8, $382.50; C. Scott, 7.1, $292.50; and Grant Fosbery, 8.0, $202.50. • Breakaway roping: Kyle Bell, 3.5, $431.46; Allison Everett, 3.6, $329,94; and Keeley Durrell, 4.6, $228.42. • Junior breakaway roping: Troy Gerard and BJ Isnardy tied for first/secord with 4.0-second times for $144.05 each; and K. Bell, 4.6, $91.67. • Ladies barrel racing: Falloon Fosbery, 14.696, $774.18; Julie Leggett, 14.954, $592.02; and Ginelle Talarico, 14.969, $409.86. • Junior barrel racing: Mariah Mannering, 15.112, $197.37; McKenzie Wills, 15.202, $150.93: and Callie Hume, 15.302, $104.49. • Wendel Williams, 69, $203.49; Jackson Scott, 68, $155.61; and Tyler Cherry and Rikke Laviolette tied for third with scores of 65 for $81.27 each. • Team roping: Levi Hughes and Logan Wharry, 6.5, $582.93 each; Ryan and Kyle McNaughton, 6.6 $445.77 each; and Russell Glassford and Steve Lloyd, 7.2, $300.61 each. • Peewee barrel racing: Brianna Billy, 16.027, $218; Tay Hamming, 16.397, $163.50; and Clay Farmer, 16.405, $109.
sign “ great for the This is a
Wranglers organization and our dressing room.”
– Doug Rogers players both on and off the ice. Creston was very reluctant to part with these two players because of their character. “This is a great sign for the Wranglers organization and our dressing room. We look forward to the arrival of both Brady and Jaiden for main camp [Aug. 18-20].” On Aug. 8, the 100 Mile Wranglers also announced the signing 16-year-old Matt Barzilay of Cranbrook. Barzilay, who played Midget hockey in Cranbrook last season, also played four games as an Affiliated Player with the Kimberley Dynamiters of the KIJHL. As a 15-yearold, he had one goal, two assists and two pen-
alty minutes in those four games. Barzilay is a 5-11 195pound forward. “Matt is very young and has had some early personal success in the league, Rogers says, adding he has an offensive upside, but also brings a physical edge to his game. “Matt had many KIJHL options, including many closer to home, and made a choice to play in 100 Mile House this season. The community support displayed at spring camp was one of the factors contributing to Matt’s decision to play here. “We look forward to helping Matt develop within the Wranglers organization and to his arrival in 100 Mile House for main camp.” Acquiring some experienced talent is a key component for the Wranglers organization as it moves into its first season, the GM/coach explains. “It’s important for us to be competitive in
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the league to show our value as an organization not just to prospective players, but also to the business community as a whole. A competitive team will fill the stands
and that’s what we want, so our business partners can realize the outstanding value of being partnered with the Wranglers organization.” For more informa-
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013 100 Mile Free Press
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