Clearwater Times, August 15, 2013

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▼ Volume 33 No. 23 ▼ ▼ $1.35 Includes GST




Second Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2012

Situation in Clearwater Fire Zone heats up. See page XX inside.

Blue Ribbon Runner-up Best All Round Newspaper All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2012

Little Fort Herefords celebrates 70th anniversary Keith McNeill

Kids learn about art Joshua Prud'Homme shows off the ladybug he made while taking part in the Clearwater Children's Art Festival on Wednesday, Aug. 7. For more photos of the event, see page A20 inside. Photo by Keith McNeill

More than 150 people turned up on Saturday, July 10, to help the Jim family celebrate the 70th anniversary of its Little Fort Herefords ranch. The event was held in conjunction with the Thompson Valley Hereford Breeders' annual Field Day and Junior Show. Highlight of the day was the presentation of a memorial scroll for the late Gung Loy Jim to his wife, Marie, and sons Kam, Kym, Kee and Kyn. The presentation was made by Daryl Kirton, vice-president of the Canadian Hereford Association. Gung Loy Jim started raising Herefords in Little Fort in 1943 with three heifers, Kirton said. Over the decades the breeding program at the ranch developed into one of the most successful in western Canada. It was one of the first to adopt embryo transplants and in vitro fertilization for breeding. Bulls from Little Fort Herefords consistently have won championship and grand championship prizes in Kamloops and Williams Lake. Until his death in 1995, Gung Loy Jim was a strong and effective promoter of Hereford cattle. Loy Jim and his wife, Marie, had four sons: Kam, who manages the farm as well as the stores in Little Fort and Clearwater, Kym, a nephrologist who practises in Red Deer, Kee, a veterinarian and cattle feed expert based out of Okotoks, and Kyn, a radiologist who live in Grande Prairie. Marie plus all four sons were on hand for the presentation of the scroll. Another highlight of the day was a video produced and presented by Kym Jim. The video consisted of still photos, film clips, and audio recordings.




“Most of you here knew Gung Loy Jim,” said Kym Jim. “I wanted to show sides of my father that people did not know.” The video began with Gung Loy Jim's grandfather, Jim Young Fat, who travelled from China to California in 1868 to work on the California Pacific Railway. Jim Young Fat's son, Kam Kee Jim moved to Little Fort in 1919. Gung Loy Jim was born in 1920. At the age of 18 he started Taweel Lake Fishing Camp. The venture was so successful that five years later he was able to start raising Hereford cattle on the ranch in Little Fort. One reason for the fishing camp's success was the large size of the fish. Ten pound trout were common, and those under five pounds were thrown back. The video included several humorous stories about the fish camp, including the mishaps that happened to a wealthy client after he fell off his horse. When he came back the next year he brought a first aid book for the camp. A third highlight was the presentation by North Thompson Fall Fair and Rodeo president Jill Hayward of a “limited edition hammer,” in recognition of the Jim family's donation of $100,000 to help with the construction of the Agriplex building on the fall fair grounds. The Agriplex wouldn't have been built without this and similar generous donations by North Thompson residents, Hayward said. Other events held during the field day included a judging workshop for members of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association, a clinic on barrel racing with two-time professional world champion Lindsay Sears, a prime rib dinner, plus music and dancing in the evening. For more about the event, see pages A8 and A11 inside.




Thursday, August 15, 2013 Clearwater Times

Marijuana referendum tour to hit 32 Interior towns in 12 days Times Staff

Wolf’s Corner gets barriers Concrete barriers line the outside and the inside of Wolf’s Corner south of Clearwater following recent work by the highways department. The corner has been the site of several tragic winter-time accidents after vehicles slid off Highway 5 into the North Thompson River. Note the memorial on the power pole.

Sensible BC Director Dana Larsen is embarking on a whirlwind tour of BC’s Interior, visiting 32 towns in 12 days to promote the campaign for a marijuana referendum. “We need volunteers and canvassers in every community,” said Larsen. “My goal is to meet local supporters and register them as canvassers so they can collect signatures this fall.” Larsen has prepared legislation called The Sensible Policing Act,

which would effectively decriminalize marijuana by stopping BC police from making searches or arrests for simple possession. The law also calls upon the federal government to repeal marijuana prohibition, so that BC can legally regulate its cultivation and sale. The proposed law has been accepted by Elections BC, and Larsen will have 90 days to collect signatures from 10 per cent of the registered voters in every electoral district, beginning Sept. 9. These 400,000 signatures can only be collected by

people who have first registered as a canvasser. “It’s easy to register as a canvasser,” said Larsen. “It just takes two minutes to fill out the form for Elections BC. I bring the forms with me, but people can also easily do it online. We will need at least 5000 canvassers to have a good chance of success. If you’ve always dreamed of legalization, this is your chance to help make history!” See all 32 Interior tour dates by going to: sensitour

Two World Heritage events coming up

Photo by Chuck Emery

DEVELOPMENT OF A PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN File #: PMP 121-732-14/19 Applicant: B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Thompson Rivers District

Keith McNeill Interested in alpine flowers? How about ants? Two outstanding opportunities to learn about natural history are coming up as part of the Wells Gray World Heritage Year.

“I expect that, once we get to the alpine, we’ll walk at a genteel pace,” he said. “At times I’ve been known to travel 100 m in an hour, but I think we’ll go a little faster than that.” Those going on the hike should bring a lunch, something

Contact: Brian Broznitsky, Thompson Okanagan Region, 687 Yellowhead Hwy, Clearwater, BC VoE 1N2, Phone: 250-687-6720 Notice is given that a draft Pest Management Plan has been prepared by the applicant to manage vegetation on Crown lands using the principles of integrated pest management. The use of herbicides is intended within the area to which the pest management plan applies. Other methods may include hand girdling, burning and mechanical cutting using brush saws and chainsaws.

Entomologist Rob Higgins will present a talk titled, “Ants: Biological Giants.”

The herbicides and application methods proposed for use under this plan include: Herbicide Trade Name

Active Ingredient



Vision Max / Vantage Forestry


02, 07, 21, 04, 22


Vision Max / Vantage Forestry




Garlon RTU / Release XRT


02, 07, 21




02, 07, 04




02, 04


APPLICATION METHODS: Backpack Sprayer (02), Stump treatment (07), Basal applications (21), Power hose / nozzle (04), Aerial (rotary) (10), Cone sprayer (22) The pest management activities are to be carried out on Crown lands within the Thompson Rivers District. Communities will include but are not limited to Clearwater, Barriere, Blue River, Vavenby and Kamloops. The proposed duration of the Pest Management Plan is from November 30, 2013 to November 29, 2018. A draft copy of the Pest Management Plan with maps of the proposed treatment areas may be viewed at the ministry’s office in Clearwater at the above mentioned address. Phone the contact above to make an appointment. A person wishing to contribute information about a proposed treatment site, relevant to the development of the pest management plan, may send copies of the information to the applicant at the address above within 30 days of the publication of this notice.

Photo submitted

Andy MacKinnon will teach you everything you wanted to know about alpine flowers starting Aug. 15 at 7 p.m. at the Upper Clearwater Hall Photo submitted

This evening (Thursday) and tomorrow Andy MacKinnon, who has been described as “the rock star of western Canadian botany,” will teach you everything you ever wanted to know about alpine flowers. Starting at 7 p.m. this evening he will give a lecture at the Upper Clearwater Hall on alpine plants. Friday morning, starting at 10 a.m. from the Spahats picnic area, he will lead a hike to the Trophy Mountain flower meadows. The lecture will be about how plants adapt to life above treeline. “The alpine in many ways is a harsh environment,” McKinnon said. “It’s cold, windy, the light is intense, but many plants are spectacularly successful there.” The hike will not strenuous and will be suitable for nearly all ages and abilities.

to drink, and dress for mountain weather. A book MacKinnon coauthored, “Plants of Coastal BC,” has sold more than 300,000 copies, making it the best selling botany field guide in Canadian history. A few months ago he published a new guide on alpine plants and he expects to see how well it helps with identification during the Friday hike. MacKinnon works as a research ecologist with the provincial government. This spring SFU gave him an honorary doctorate in recognition of his work. All about ants The ants take over Saturday evening. Starting at 7 p.m. at the Upper Clearwater Hall, Thompson Rivers University entomologist Rob Higgins will

present a talk titled, “Ants: Biological Giants.” According to Higgins, in jungles ants contain more biomass than any other group of animals. He pointed out that, while no non-human primate lives in communities greater than 100 members, only ants (and humans) live in communities much greater than 1 million. A field trip will begin on Sunday at 10 a.m., also from the Upper Clearwater Hall. Participants are advised to bring a hand lens or magnifying glass. Higgins is based out of TRU’s Williams Lake campus. His work has focused on examining how heat loving ants adapt to the cool climates of British Columbia, as well as extending an understanding of ant biodiversity in the province. In 2010 he confirmed the presence of the European fire ant (Myrmica rubra) in B.C. More recently, Higgins confirmed the appearance of the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) in Victoria. As with nearly all the Wells Gray World Heritage events, participation in both events is by donation.

Brookfield Mall, Clearwater Ph: 250.674.3343 • Fax: 250.674.3410

property on E. Barriere Lake Road next to Ski Park. Need new growth of wild roses and Hazel Nut trees removed. Call leave message with contact # and rate: 250-672-2040


Clearwater Times Thursday, August 15, 2013 A3

Buy a Classified in the Star/Journal Buy a Classified in the Times and ad goes the The Times FREE. and your your ad goes intointo the Barriere Star/Journal FREE.

Trades, Technical

Jobs drought over ... and now it's reached flood Regular Rate: 8.50 + GST Maximum 15 words .20c per word extra Special Rates: 3 Weeks; $22.15 + GST

Central Interior Logging Association From forest companies to consulting firms, BC Timber Sales to the Forests Ministry, and in the log-harvest sector, there’s a scramble to find and hire skilled staff to keep up with the rapidly rising expansion of forestry activities across the province. Just a few examples, gleaned from job postings on the Internet this week: BC Timber Sales is looking for timber sales managers to fill vacancies in Vanderhoof and Vernon, and it needs a certification standards officer and a forestry technician in the Stuart-

Nechako business area. Conifex is advertising for a forestry supervisor and a harvesting supervisor for its Mackenzie woodlands operation. West Fraser in Quesnel is seeking an operations coordinator to oversee logging and log-hauling, and road and bridge maintenance and upgrades, Pro-Tech Forest Resources., a consulting firm based in Telkwa, is looking for foresters, forest technicians and technologists to work in the Bulkley Valley. TimberWest needs an engineer at its North Island Operation based in Campbell River, West Fraser is advertising for an assistant forester for its Blue

Free Ads: Lost, Found, Student Work Wanted Free ads maximum 15 words will run 2 consecutive weeks.

Happy Occasions: Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, etc. 1 column by 3 inch - $18.49 + GST Deadlines: Word Ads: Mondays 12pm 5pm Display Ads: Mondays 12pm It is the policy of The Star/Journal and The Times to receive pre-payment on all classified advertisements. Ads may be submitted by phone if charged to a VISA, MC or an existing account.

Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C.

Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11a.m. - 3 p.m.

Above: About 100 people of all ages take part in the annual Star Gazing Festival. Right: Bill Burnyeat of the H.R. MacMillian Space Center talks about how to predict which stars will be visible at a particular time of the year during the annual Star Gazing Festival near Wells Gray Par. Photos by Kay Knox


CHECK YOUR AD! Notice of error must be given in time for correction before the second insertion of any advertisement. The paper will not be responsible for omissions or for more than one incorrect insertion, or for damages or costs beyond the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of ads which discriminate against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. Readers; in ads where ‘male’ is referred to, please read also as ‘female’ and where ‘female’ is used, read also ‘male’. NOTE: When ordering items out of province, the purchaser is responsible to pay provincial sales tax. Do not send money in response to an advertisement without confirming the credentials of that business, and be aware that some telephone numbers will be charged for by the minute

Learning lots at the Star Gazing Festival The scene was set when we arrived at Trophy Mountain Buffalo Ranch for Clearwater’s seventh annual Star Gazing Festival on Aug. 8 as the sun descended below the horizon. Wells Gray Country services committee, which includes representatives of Upper Clearwater, Vavenby and Blackpool of TNRD Area A, hosted this event, with assistance from District of Clearwater and Tourism Wells Gray. Rodeo Rednecks politely told us where to park; Raft River Rockhounds served at the concession; while youngsters participated happily doing starrelated activities courtesy of Success by Six. A view of the starry heavens was projected onto the wall of the marquee. Vancouver resident Bill Burnyeat, a representative of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, gave his presentation as the sky darkened. “I go to many communities, usually setting up in parks, to share this with them,” he said, “and can be requested through this website: rasc-vancouver. com.” On the field, three large telescopes were set up to view the night sky after the slide show. The audience of perhaps 100, on comfy chairs or blankets, included every age group – a challenge for any speaker, but Burnyeat kept everyone enthralled. Mind you, he was almost upstaged as four sandhill cranes announced their presence with deep, rolling trumpeting calls, then circled the ranch – twice. Burnyeat’s lecture, sprinkled with humour, was a combination of interesting facts and practical, easyto-do-at-home astronomy.


particularly in the north, for heavy more of them are seeking work in Ridge Lumber operations near other industries to broaden their equipment operators, mechanics Whitecourt, Alta., and Western customer base and improve profitand welders, and find themselves Products is looking for an area Help Wanted ability. in hot competition with the conplanner to work at its mid-island Education/Trade The drought is over. Work struction industry and oil, gasSchools and forest operations near Campbell Editor The Grand Forks Gazette is opportunities are flooding in from mining operations for qualified River. editor to manage its weekly 21 Week HEAVY in the beautiful City of Grand EQUIPMENT OPERATOR all directions for everyone from employees. The Forests Ministry is also APPRENTICESHIP editor will work out of our Gr PROGRAM will manage a team of one re machine operatorscandidate and drivers Too often, they’re losing in advertising several starting and Classes start Sept 3, 2013. will have a keen i Call for more information. and become an active mem to contractors, mills and governwhat becomes a bidding war over mid-level positions, ranging from Taylor Pro Training Ltd. The successful candidate w 1-877-860-7627. setting the vision for this com ment, and nobody knows what which employer can pay the highresource manager and licensed and for helping our reporter reporting skills. The ideal ca the forest industry landscape will est wages, benefits and signing resources officer in the north, to Help Wanted self-starter who works well a An Alberta Oilfi eld look Company like as the flow continues. bonuses – a situation that must be regional Announcements cruising manager in the diverse and unique team. Employment is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals Qualifications: Proficiency addressed if logsouth, Coming Events provided. Drug testing rePhotoshop are required as i Business quired. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta. community newspaper indu ging contractors OnLearn the harvesting one can’t Opportunities Willow Macdonald How To Makeside, Rosaries, Company Operating Name: July 27, 10am at the Volunteer Duties include: Page layou Barriere Motor Inn 1983 Ltd. ALL CASH Drink/Snack VendCentre. the Free, but please call DIRECTOR, ELECTORAL AREA “B” are to maintain even count number of adverBusiness Address: 4347 Y elmanaging a full-time reporte ing Business Route. Complete Margaret at 250-672-9330 lowhead Highway, Barriere, Training. Small Investment freelancers, proofreading an (evenings) to register. Will do (THOMPSON HEADWATERS) BC, Canada, V0E1E0 their current effitisements forsession logging truck24.driversRequired. 1-888-979-VEND another on August photography, community rel Title of position: Assistant (8363). editor and the daily manage Manager - Hotel (1) Phone: 250-674-7303 ciency levels. and processor, buncher, lowbed Information Accommodation Service ManThis position would suit a re ager - Hotel (1) MAKE MONEY save lives. grow their career by moving Safe Home Response opportuand log-loader operators. Number of Positions: 2 Work fromThe home. No selling. Providing a safe place to position. We are looking for Preference: Preference will Turnkey business. Invest after escape for women and their be given to females vative, computer and digital installation. Small initial to investnities extend Logging contractors are also children. NOC: 0632 ment. 20 hours a month. Guarlead our community-focused Volunteers always needed. Job Duties: Negotiate with anteed 100% investment rethe future. 250-674-2135. contractors too; advertisingCall across the Interior, turn. 1-855-933-3555; the clients for the use of faHOSPITAL AUXILIARY THRIFT SHOP

Kay Knox

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FIND E NT N E M E IN THE Y M PLO PLOY EN EM OYM PL EM ENT M DISTRICT OF CLEARWATER LOY ENT P EM Everythin YM O WHAT’S HAPPENING L in M P Y O EM L MP ROCKING OUT AT THE REGATTA E The 5 Annual Clearwater Canoe Regatta is ready to move and groove on Drivers/Courier/ Trucking


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September 6 & 7 2013. Get Ready – Get Steady – Get Training! Watch the Clearwater Times for training tips from the “Regatta Guy” – everyone needs to be in tip top shape to laugh the day away! The Regatta is a time to acknowledge

long standing members of our community who has exceeded in their community service. Send in your GOLDEN MOMENTS nomination to or – GET EXCITED! REGATTA SEASON IS HERE!

Swimming Lessons at Dutch Lake Beach Red Cross Swimming lessons are currently being held at Dutch Lake from Monday to Friday until August 16th, 2013 from 9:00am to 4:00pm in a designated lesson area. Saturday Transit Bus District of Clearwater, Thompson-Nicola Regional District Area “A” and BC Transit are offering a “FREE Saturday Community Bus” from June 29th to September 7th, 2013. This service will give residents the opportunity to attend local summer events such as the Farmers Market, spending the day at the beach, going to Rotary Sports Park, visiting with friends and other fun summer activities. Public Works The Public Works Department will be working on Fire Hydrant maintenance throughout the community over the rest of the summer. During the month of September the Public Works Department will be flushing water lines. Further information will be made available on times and areas of the flushing at a later date. Grant in Aid Funds available Please contact the District office for more information on Grant in Aid funding for future projects. Fire ban in effect throughout the Region Effective at noon on Thursday, Aug. 1, all campfires are prohibited across the Kamloops Fire Centre Water Restrictions Water Restrictions in the District of Clearwater remain in effect until September 30 th. Upcoming Events Wells Gray Night Market – Every Wednesday night for the summer - 6:00pm-9:00pm August 28th – First Fish Ceremony September 6 & 7 – 5th Annual Canoe Regatta Upcoming Meetings of Council August 20th, 2013 – Infrastructure/Parks and Recreation Committee meeting – 5:00pm August 20th, 2013 – Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm

Civic address: 132 Station Road Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address:



Thursday, August 15, 2013 Clearwater Times


"By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity. Another man's, I mean." – Mark Twain editorial by keith mcNeill

Canada cut backs on peacekeeping

Society seeks calendar sponsors Editor, The Times:

Clearwater Festival and Events Society is offering the Community Spirit Calendar for 2014 again this year. Calendars are available at the Aboriginal Cultural Center (Monday to Friday). They are also available at our booth at the Wednesday Night Market at the Infocenter. Do come and order your calendar whenever you see us out and about. Club members: if you would like to submit your meeting days and times we would be honored to include these on the Community Spirit Calendar – this part is sponsored by CFES – therefore free to all groups. CFES is pleased to announce that this year's draw winner is Sylvia Arduini, who gets a $100 cheque for

her prompt return of her calendar renewal. As the Arduini family has long supported this fundraiser, it is a particular honor to have her be the winner of this small token of our gratitude. We also thank all who returned theirs by the Aug. 1 deadline. Funds gathered from our calendar fundraiser stay in the valley. They also help to offset the costs of the annual Arts, Health and Wellness Expo that happens the first weekend of February each year. Please support those businesses that advertise on the calendar. Local businesses and organization that support their community are to be publicly thanked – and we are grateful to each and every one of you.

Cheryl Thomas CFES director

BC Press Council

The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be

sent to

BC Press Council, 210 Selby St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Times THE


Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council

Why is Canada cutting back on its peacekeeping role? The Canadian military formerly was one of the primary contributors towards peacekeeping. Today, we rank 54th in the world in terms of contributions of uniformed peacekeepers. Out of 90,000 uniformed peacekeepers in the world, Canadian Forces contribute just 68 personnel while Canada's police forces provide 92. We shouldn't forget that it was Canada's Lester Pearson who more or less invented modern peacekeeping. He was our ambassador to the United Nations during the Suez Crisis in1956, when Britain and France attempted to take over the Suez Canal with Israel's help. Pearson suggested the U.N. position a force between the antagonists to ensure both sides honored the ceasefire. Canadian troops formed part of that first Suez peacekeeping force, and contributed to it for decades afterwards. Other U.N. missions followed. When Turkey and Greece, both members of NATO, almost went to war over Cyprus, Canadians in blue helmets helped separate the belligerents. For many years, Canada held the number one

spot in terms of troops contributed to U.N. peacekeeping, and nearly all U.N. peacekeeping efforts contained at least some Canadians. With the end of the Cold War, contributions from Canada and other Western countries to U.N. peacekeeping have declined significantly. At the same time, the number of U.N. peacekeeping personnel has multiplied by more than five. Today the biggest troop contributors by far are Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Today, as Canada winds down its military presence in Afghanistan, we need to re-evaluate the role of the Canadian Armed Forces and, indeed, Canada's role in the World. We are a relatively small, middle-level power that is greatly dependent on trade. Our security and prosperity has always depended on being part of a multilateral system. United Nations peacekeeping has it share of problems as, indeed, does the United Nations itself. That doesn't mean that we should not get involved, however. The truth is that we have no other choice but to make them work.

The fifth annual Canoe Regatta promises lots of fun Editor, The Times:

Save the date! The fifth annual Clearwater Canoe Regatta is happening Sep. 6 and 7. There is a full lineup of events and activities that are sure to engage everyone from the active participant to the supportive spectator. It’s all about community this year and we’re super excited to have the CSS Student Council and Grad 2014 as our key event coordinators. Please take note of a few special community moments. On Friday, Sept. 6 at 6.30 p.m. we will be having the Regatta Golden Moments Award.

This event is to honor long time community members who have excelled in their volunteer commitments to the community. On Saturday, Aug. 7 at 4 p.m, we are extending a round of applause and acknowledgement to our many community volunteers. We are looking for nominations. If you have a community superstar in mind, please email your nomination to: admin@docbc. ca drop it off at the District of Clearwater office. Deadline is Friday, Aug. 30. Additionally, the Regatta welcomes the North Thompson

Valley Hospice House Society! Every year a great group of people grab their softest cycle seat and ride to raise money to build a Hospice House in our valley. This year, the bikers will ring the bell of accomplishment at the Regatta! Each person is pledging a minimum of $100 to participate and, quite frankly, that deserves a cheer all on its own! We’re also spreading the love and doing a 50/50 draw, with all proceeds going to the hospice house society. On Saturday, the Skating Club will be doing the day time concession and

the Clearwater Fire Department will host the beach dinner. Rotary is once again wowing us with their help with the Rotary Regatta Relay Challenge. If 15 teams enter the event, Insight Tire is pledging Rotary $200! Come on out for a super fun weekend! There is tons to do and plenty of action to cheer for. Thank you to all of our sponsors who help make this a fabulous community event! For more information – check out www. clearwatercanoe

Shelley Sim Clearwater, B.C.

74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email:

Subscribe to the Times

Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST

Clearwater Times Thursday, August 15, 2013 A5

Question of the Week

? Do you think grocery stores should be able to sell beer and wine?

Greg Gregory:

Sure, I think so. It would be more convenient to get.

Tabea, Ulf and Regina Holzapfel (Magdeburg, Germany):

It's better for the youth if it's sold in a separate place. In Germany, you can buy beer and wine at age 16. It can be a problem.

Fred Menzel:

I'm not totally against it but I'm not totally for it either. It's a hard question for me, after working at the liquor store for 32 years.

Myrna Dundas:

Yes, it would be more convenient.

Gene Griffin:

I think so. There would be a little more competition in prices and convenience. Not that I drink that much.

Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations balances the needs of patients with the safety and security of all Canadians Editor, The Times:

clearance for certain key positions, and meeting physiaccess is provided for other narcotics used for medical cal security requirements (such as a security system that purposes. This more appropriately balances the needs detects intruders). Licensed producers will also be subject of patients with the health, safety and security of all to compliance and enforcement measures, and dried Canadians. marijuana will only be shipped through a secure delivery The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq service directly to the address the client has specified. Minister of Health Taken together, these measures will reduce the risks of Ottawa, Ontario diversion of marijuana to illicit markets. Under the MMPR, the fundamental Letters Policy role of health providers does not change. The responsibility to assess a patient and The Times welcomes all letters to the editor. We do, however, decide on appropriate treatment continues reserve the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality and good taste. to rest with health care practitioners. The While all letters must be signed (and have a telephone number for MMPR have created a streamlined proverification purposes) upon submission, writers may elect to withhold cess for those needing access to marijuana their names from publication in special circumstances. for medical purposes, eliminating the need for individuals to share health information with Health Canada. To help support health care practitiowith apsule ners in making decisions about whether MICHELLE marijuana is an appropriate treatment LEINS option, an expert advisory committee omments was created to assist in providing health care practitioners with comprehensive, We’ve been hearing for years that a needle-free injection device will soon be accurate and up-to-date information on on the market. Well, the scientists at MIT have developed one which delivers a the known uses of marijuana for medical microscopically thin stream of medicine under high pressure through the skin and purposes. More information is available into the tissue. It is still being tested, but hopefully will be available in a year or two. on the Health Canada website. There appears to be a link between the amount of sugar we consume and our The government understands the need blood pressure. One easy way of cutting sugar consumption is to reduce the number to continue to provide reasonable access of sugar-drinks you consume daily. Even reducing by one can help. Reducing our to a legal source of marijuana for medical daily calorie intake can produce a multitude of health benefits. Start today. purposes and the new regime does so in It’s always interesting to read about how health affected some famous people. a manner that is consistent with the way Beethoven, for example, used fewer higher notes in his later compositions as his

While the courts have said Canadians must have reasonable access to a legal source of marijuana for medical purposes, the Government of Canada believes this must be done in a controlled fashion in order to protect public safety. On June 10, the Government of Canada announced the new Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR). These regulations are intended to provide reasonable access for those Canadians who need marijuana for medical purposes while protecting public safety. When the Marijuana Medical Access Program was introduced in 2001 in response to the court decision, the number of people authorized to use marijuana for medical purposes stood at less than 500. Over the years that number has grown to more than 30,000. As a result, costs to taxpayers have continued to climb as Health Canada heavily subsidizes the production and distribution of marijuana for medical purposes. As well, under the current program, Canadians can apply to grow marijuana for medical purposes in private homes or buy from Health Canada. The ability for individuals to produce marijuana in private homes has added to public health, safety and security risks as criminal elements have abused the system. The government’s goal is to treat dried marijuana as much as possible like other narcotics used for medical purposes under the MMPR by creating conditions for a new, commercial industry that will be responsible for its production and distribution. Health Canada will return to its traditional role as a regulator. Licensed producers will provide access to qualitycontrolled marijuana for medical purposes, produced under secure and sanitary conditions, to those DINNER IS ON ME I will buy you a $100 Canadians who need it, while strengthening the meal when you buy a car from me! safety of Canadian communities. In line with other controlled substances, personal and designated production will be phased out. This will reduce the health and safety risks, such as fire and Big city selection with small toxic mould hazards, to individuals and to the town pricing Canadian public, while allowing for a quality-conDEARBORN FORD trolled and more secure product for medical use. Jody Gyger Under the new regulations, licensed producers CELL 250-571-9609 Tel 250-372-7101 will have to meet extensive security and quality 2555 East Trans Canada Hwy - Kamloops control requirements including requesting security HOME TOWN girl with HOME TOWN service


deafness increased. Analyses of his string quartets found he used fewer notes above G in his later quartets because he couldn’t hear them.

In England, more and more people are successfully quitting smoking. The National Health Services Stop Smoking program in 2011-12 reported that 800,000 people set a quit date with 49% being successful, which is a 5% increase in success from 2010-11 and a whopping 235% increase over 2001-02. It can be done. Pharmacists can help smokes quit with smoking cessation programs. We’d loved to talk to you about what’s available to help you with your decision to stop. You and your family won’t regret it.



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Two men escaped from Clearwater Forestry Camp after overpowering two guards at knife point and locking them in a meat locker. They stole their wallets and one of the guard’s cars. One of the escapees was found and arrested, while the other man remained at large. Nursing services director Lilian Hiltz announced the appointment of Miss Ann Duryba R.N. as outpost nurse at the Blue River Red Cross Hospital. According to Thompson-Nicola Regional District authorities, zoning became legal that week in Clearwater.



In what was described as an “unusual move,” regional directors on

Thursday, August 15, 2013 Clearwater Times

the Thompson-Nicola Regional District board approved a rezoning bylaw that allowed a residential development on Dutch Lake. Normally bylaws were adopted at a meeting and given three readings at a later date, but this time the bylaw was given three reading and adopted the same day. The housing project was also required to meet the approval of government agencies like the Highways department and Municipal Affairs prior to acceptance in the settlement plan, making the delay in approval unnecessary, said Area ‘A’ director Hans Krauseneck. Local centenarian “Gram” Dewitt was feted for her 100th birthday at the Blackpool Hall. The party was attended by more than 200 people. More than 2,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses

HISTORICAL Perspective

BACK IN TIME from as far away as Alberta, Vancouver Island and the U.S. were to descend on Clearwater over the weekend to build a 3,136 square foot church, complete with wiring, plumbing, heating and a 22-foot drive entrance. When finished, the new Kingdom Hall would provide two classrooms and a worship area with a seating capacity of 199 people for the local 160-member congregation.


Nine members of the Vavenby Fire Department responded, but by the time they arrived the blaze was already out of control. A task force of the Cariboo and Thompson-Nicola regional district set up to determine how the library system got into a financial crisis made its finding public. It found that the crisis was a result of a failure of CaribooThompson-Nicola Library System senior staff to operate within their budgets and to recognize their responsibilities. The Clearwater Sportsplex was


Fire completely destroyed Jack Schaeffer’s new tire shop in Vavenby.





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Giant hailstones

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Barriere police reported that a woman visiting relatives in Barriere had been struck and killed by a CNR train. Foul play was not suspected. The B.C. Women’s softball team came to Clearwater for a few days of practice, including a fun dance session, prior to competition in Barriere for the Canada Summer Games. Changes made to the B.C. Elections Act under Bill 35 included additional advanced polling days, no more list of electors, and ballots that no longer listed candidates in alphabetical order. Clearwater police were still searching for an inmate that had walked away from Bear Creek Correctional Centre. The walk-away did not appear premeditated, said police, and the man was not considered dangerous. The remains of a murder victim found on Westsyde Road near the McLure Ferry were identified as those of Guy Maxwell Strong, 35, of Vancouver.

As a result of a thunderstorm that

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reported to be $10,000 in debt, according to Clearwater and district director Paul Caissie.

A ruler shows the oneinch size of hailstones that fell on Clearwater and area on Sunday, Aug. 4. As reported in last week's Times, gardens throughout the community were devastated by the sudden storm. Photo by Gerry Tisdale

had passed through the area, an unprecedented 90 to 100 forest fires were being fought by Clearwater Fire Centre. Resources were stretched to the maximum, with more than 200 firefighters in the Clearwater area and 300 in Blue River. Officials were investigating another suspicious fire near the log dump at Adams Lake for possible arson. According to Trans Mountain Pipeline’s central division manager Dave Harper, a forest fire burning north of Avola next to the pipeline (which carried crude oil, diesel, and gasoline) was not necessarily cause for alarm. If the fire were near a pumping station or a mainline valve, said Harper, there would be more cause for alarm. The Slocan Forest Products and Sloan IWA Trucker’s Fund had $10,000 to give away to registered, non-profit societies in the Little Fort to Blue River area, and was asking for submissions. The money was collected by Slocan Forest Products whenever a trucker brought an oversized load of logs into the sawmill.



Due to the continued threat of forest fires, the provincial government extended the state of emergency in B.C. There were 865 active fires in the province, with 32 new fires reported over the previous 24 hours. A brother of Clearwater resident Laura McKenzie, a missionary and director of the Cedars of Lebanon reforesta-

tion project, had been imprisoned in Lebanon since his arrest in the Beirut airport July 10. The Lebanese government claimed his Christian humanitarian work was a front for illegal activities.



Kayakers from around the world took part in the Clearwater Kayak Fest, held in memory of Ben Earle. Waste reduction in the North Thompson took on a new look at the newly upgraded Clearwater landfill. Clearwater and area residents would be able to recycle using the easy and convenient blue bag recycling program. For the first time in 16 years the Clearwater Hockey School had to be cancelled due to lack of adequate registration.



Lisalee Campbell sang O’Canada to open the first ever Clearwater Children’s Festival. Youngsters got their passports stamped as they participated in each of the activity tents set up around Weyerhaeuser Park. A slow economy and an improved method of asking for tenders were saving the TNRD millions of dollars in solid waste disposal, said Wells Gray Country director Tim Pennell. Overall waste disposal in the regional district had declined by 55 per cent since the regional solid waste management plan was implemented in 2008.

Clearwater Times Thursday, August 15, 2013 A7

Becoming Shiloh celebrates Vavenby General its sixth season this weekend Store to reopen Robyn Rexin The weekend of Aug. 9 – 11 was the sixth year for Becoming Shiloh at Serenity Acres. Shiloh means “resting place” and Serenity became a resting place that weekend for many. Nine different bands played Christian, blue grass, and rock music all weekend. The event opened Friday night with the performance of Vavenby’s own band Contender, made up of John Gerber on guitar, Erin Dawson on bass guitar, Colleen Rothwell on cello, and Wilf Rothwell on the banjo. Saturday began at 10 a.m. with eight very different workshops for people to attend. There was a break for lunch and people rushed to the concession. There was a good menu to choose from and the food was delicious. Lots of water, pop, and ice cream was available which was extremely important, as it was a very hot day. A sprinkler was set up for the children to play in, though a lot of adults stood in it to cool off as well. Music performances by seven

bands took place for the rest of the day: Ken and Deb Ermter and backup, Psalm 91 band, Chris Lemky (who has played at Becoming Shiloh since it first started), One Silver Coin, the Liberty Band, David Ruis and backup, and She Says Electric. She Says Electric performed at a Serenity concerts put on by Shirley De Vooght this year. A lot of the music was very lively and people were up and dancing. One band had the audience doing a line dance and a square dance. David Ruis from Kelowna had many different instruments in front of him that he played. He received them as gifts from indigenous people from around the world, including the west coast First Nations people. There were children’s toys and a tent where they were kept busy. There was also a tent that contained products made by artists in Africa. It is called Twigz Creations and was started by Suzanne Jones and Marike Cooke. Jones had been to Uganda with her family as missionaries and discovered

that there are one and two generations being raised by single grandparents or other relatives. So Twigz started giving start-up loans to artists in Africa to buy materials. Twigz then buys the products, ships them to Canada to sell, and sends the money made back to the artists. This money helps the families to buy food, more materials for their creations, other necessities, and to send the children to school. For more information go to There was jewellery, carved wooden spoons, carved soapstone, and various other products to buy. Sunday started off with Shiloh’s Chapel at 10 a.m., led by David Ruis. The Liberty Band, Ken and Deb Ermter, and Contender gave second performances after lunch. It was a very entertaining weekend, a happy event, and worthwhile to go to if you could take the heat. Weather for the weekend was sunny and hot. The rain came down Sunday afternoon just as Becoming Shiloh was over.

Robyn Rexin Vavenby residents are happy to see renovations taking place to the Vavenby General Store, one of the oldest general stores in the valley. Former owners Joy and Mike Bayley hope to have the store open for business within one to two weeks. All the work, such as cleaning, painting, and the laying of a new floor, is being done by local people. When the store reopens, gro-

ceries can be bought in just the front half as renovations will continue in the back. The cooler with milk, eggs, etc. will be running, cigarettes and liquor will be available when the licenses come in, and the gas tanks will be running. All renovations will hopefully be completed by the fall. The deli will also be reopening after some of the equipment is checked and possibly replaced. Joy will run the store herself until she can find a manager to take over.

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B.C. liquor laws get another look By Tom Fletcher Black Press VICTORIA – A glass of wine at the spa? A craft beer at the farmer's market? Can B.C. survive the next wave of modernization of its archaic liquor laws? These suggestions are part of a review of liquor policy promised by the B.C. government in its February throne speech and rolled out Wednesday. Richmond MLA John Yap has been assigned to examine regulations that unnecessarily restrict business, making recommendations to the provincial cabinet by November. One proposal is allowing under-aged children to have lunch at a pub with their parents during the day, as they can do in a licensed restaurant. As well as considering licences for farm markets and spas, the review is to look at why it takes up to a year to issue a liquor licence to a business. Letters are going out to 10,000 licence holders and rural liquor agency stores looking for feedback, and a website for public comments is to be added in September. Don't expect a price break, however. The terms of the review include ensuring that the $1 billion annual government revenue from liquor sales and sales tax is maintained or increased. The review will not look at privatization of liquor distribution, a controversial suggestion the government backed away from last year. Recent reforms in B.C. have included allowing people to bring their own wine to a restaurant, and removing restrictions on buying wine from another province for personal use. B.C.

has yet to convince Ontario and other provinces to lift their protectionist wine rules. On the enforcement side, last year B.C. increased its fine to $575 for bootlegging liquor to people under 19. Two years ago, legislation allowed liquor inspectors to employ minors to test liquor outlets' willingness to check identification and refuse service. A University of Victoria study recently released, called for B.C. to impose a minimum drink price of $1.50 on licensed establishments and charge higher prices for drinks with more alcohol, to discourage over-consumption.

THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION CLEARWATER BRANCH 259 would like to thank all the people who helped make “the Dr. Art Hister” day a success. The people that gave donations for expenses and the ones who gave time, set up, cooking, selling tickets, dishwashing, etc. You know who you are! My heartfelt thanks as well. ~ Joanne Mackenzie, committee chairperson


 Clearwater WorkBC is now referring eligible unemployed persons from our region who have a focus on the Construction Industry.  This program is Demand Driven – meeting the employment needs of business, helping to find right fit employees  A provincial program connecting BC employers to qualified candidates with the right training.  Job Match offers Training and Skill Development Options for unemployed looking for work, personal supports and more!  To find out more, please call for an appointment with one of our Case Managers. _______________________________________________ CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CENTRE 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250- 674-2928 Fax: 250- 674-2938 Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Email: Operated by Yellowhead Community Services

The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.


Thursday, August 15, 2013 Clearwater Times

Kee Jim talks about cattle business Keith McNeill World demand for beef is going to continue to grow and improvements in feed efficiency will help growers meet that demand. Those were a couple of the conclusions Kee Jim gave during a talk at the Thompson Valley Hereford Breeders annual Field Day and

Junior Show held Saturday in Little Fort. A veterinarian, a resident of Okotoks, and one of the four sons of Gung Loy Jim, Kee Jim is generally regarded as one of Canada's foremost experts on feedlots and the cattle industry. The last 25 years have seen the greatest growth of affluence

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The Farmers Market is held every Saturday morning from 9-12 May thru October next to the Interior Whitewater building. This week you will find the freshest of fruits and vegetables including peaches, apples, nectarines, peppers, honey, beans, kale, peas, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic, corn, fresh and dried herbs and homemade preserves.

in world history, he pointed out. “I'm pretty bullish about the future,” he said. “As people get more money, they have fewer children, and they eat more beef.” Pork is presently one-third the price of beef but most people still prefer beef. “It's a very unique tasting protein,” he said. The cattle herds in Canada and the U.S. are at their lowest points since the 1950s. Demand in North America is static or going down slightly, but is more than matched by increasing demand from the rest of the world. Canada presently exports 50 per cent of its beef production. About 80 per cent of that goes to the United States, but that is only because of our incompetence in marketing, Jim said. Today there are only 300,000 beef cattle in Russia, compared to nearly 4 million in Canada. “One company owns half those cows,” he said. “It's imported them over the past three years.”

One possible difficulty was a recent announcement by Tyson Foods that it will no longer accept cattle fed with Zilmax. This is significant because Tyson is one of three packers that butcher nearly all the cattle in the U.S. The additive increases the feed efficiency dramatically and is typically fed during the last 21 days. The Tyson announcement was due to pressure from China and Russia, said Jim. Jim found it ironic, because China and Russia have such poor food safety records. Jim predicted that the feedlot industry will continue to consolidate into fewer and larger players. The cow/calf industry, on the other hand, will continue to be dominated by independent operators. There are too many local variables in a cow/calf operation for there to be successful economies of scale, he felt. Studies improve feed efficiency Feed efficiency is one of the most

Search finds grow-op

Don’t forget that you can find as well the gift that you were looking for from our local artisans.

Broccoli Salad 3 cups broccoli, 1/2 cup chopped red or green onion, 1/4 cup sunflower seeds, 1/2 cup raisins, 1/2 cup crumbled Feta cheese. Dressing: 1/2 cup lowfat yogurt or sour cream, 1/4 cup mayonnaise, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp lemon juice, salt and pepper. Mix and toss all ingredients together and marinate in fridge at least 2 hours.

This Saturday morning from 9-12 at the Interior Whitewater building. Come visit us for locally grown and produced food, arts, and crafts!

economically important traits of cattle for the cow/calf and feedlot industries but, until recently, it has been difficult or impossible to measure, Jim said. Historically, cattle have been selected for breeding based on what they looked like and how much weight they gained. How much feed they needed to gain that weight has not been a factor – even though it can make a tremendous dif- Kee Jim talks about the the world's demand for beef at the ference in profit- Thompson Valley Hereford Breeders annual Field Day and ability. Junior Show held last Saturday in Little Fort. According Photo by Keith McNeill to Jim, a feed efficiency rate much it eats. Last fall the of 6:1 versus 7:1 can “We hope to find Canadian Hereford mean a difference of the genetic markers Breeders Association 13.5 cents per pound began a trial with 325 for feed efficiency,” or $81 per head (the bulls to test their feed said Jim. “I think number 6:1 means this a fairly signifiefficiencies. six pounds of feed cant breakthrough in Little Fort produces one pound Herefords is doing its cattle breeding.” of cow). He pointed out own trial using heif“Some cattle have that high efficiency ers and bulls, with feed efficiencies of can't be the only trait data to go to the 5:1 while others have selected for. However, national body. Each 8:1, but you are not new technology now animal has its own able to visually see allows it to be accuradio marker that any difference,” he rately measured for allows a record to be said. the first time. kept of exactly how

executed a Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) search warrant on a residence on Clearwater RCMP report Highway 5 south of Little Fort. that on Friday, Aug. 9, memAs a result of that search, 150 bers of the detachment and marijuana plants were seized as the Clearwater Central Interior well as a small quantity of dried Traffic Services (CITS) section bud. An adult female was arrested at the residence, taken into custody and transported to the Clearwater rOyaL CaNadIaN LEGION Detachment. The BraNCH 259 female will be 257 Glen road • Clearwater charged with Bar Production of a Open Controlled Substance Meat Draw 3-5pm 1pm contrary to Section 50/50 4-5pm 7(1) of the CDSA. She will appear in Clearwater Provincial Court in the fall. The Non Legion members please sign in at the door. Must be 19 years or older matter is still under investigation.

Times Staff


Rockin’at the Regatta 2013!

Dear Regatta Guy, My kids are excited about the KIDS TRY THE TRI but I read that parents go with kids ages 4-7 and there’s a “twist” – you aren’t going to make me wear a bikini are you? Sincerely, Nervous Nelly Dear Nelly, Don’t be nervous! We do spandex and snacks and any “twists” require running shoes and dance moves. Lace up and get ready to TRI! Remember – it’s not about the winning – it’s about the participating and the ICE CREAM! No bikinis required. Dear Regatta Guy, I’m the supportive spectator! Tell me what’s happening for the community stuff. I’ve bought new pom poms and can’t wait to use them! Sincerely, Clearwater Cheerleader Dear CC, Well don’t we love you! Bring your pom poms, your blow horns and anything else that might get you thrown out of an arena! We love a loud round of applause! For this year, we’re raising a cheer for long time community members who have excelled in their volunteer commitments to our community as well as extending community volunteer awards! Send in your nominations by August 30th to – let’s make some noise for those that make this community great! Dear Regatta Guy, Why would want to bust a gut and run 5km and call it fun OR even bike 10km? I have my own snacks in my own TV chair. Sincerely, Stretching on the Sofa Dear Stretch, Have we got an incentive for you! Everyone that enters the Regatta gets a ticket to enter into a draw for a family size Hellman canoe! We say LEAP off the coach and STRETCH into action! (Thank you Blackwell Parks & Murtle Canoes!)


august 17, 2013

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Clearwater Times Thursday, August 15, 2013 A9

Fraser sockeye run, water level low Tom Fletcher Black Press


ATVs 1



Black Press file photo

Portage and Cultus Lake systems. Water level and temperature in the Fraser system is another concern, after a dry early summer. As of Aug. 5, Fraser River water discharge at Hope was 26 per cent lower than average for that date. The temperature was 20.5 degrees, 2.8 degrees higher than average, a condition that would risk high pre-spawning death if

MSRP $11,399*

Distracted driving causes serious injury On Friday, Aug. 2 a female driver heading north on Highway 5 was distracted by her two grandchildren in the back seat of the vehicle. When she turned to look at the road ahead of her, all she saw was the back bumper of a slowed down, turning vehicle. In an attempt to avoid the crash she swerved into oncoming traffic in the lane next to her, causing her to collide head-on with another driver. The other driver sustained serious injuries and was flown off by air ambulance to the Kamloops Hospital. Road check rewarded On Aug. 7 a short road check in Little Fort near Highway 24 resulted in a 12-hour driving suspension (occurs when an “N” driver has ANY amount of alcohol in him or her) as well as a traffic ticket for failing to display an “N” and for consuming liquor in public place. Traffic violations Clearwater General Duty RCMP along with the Southeast Traffic section of the RCMP wrote a grand total of 354 traffic violation tickets during the Ambulance paramedics and highway rescue volunteers work to remove a seriously injured driver following a head-on collision on Highway 5 on Friday, Aug. 2. The crash occurred just west of the Clearwater River bridge.








the 2010 run came in at an unusually high 35 million fish, reflecting the complexity of the system that sustains Pacific salmon. The Cohen commission found overall declines in most west coast rivers starting in the late 1980s, from Washington state to the Fraser, Skeena and Nass in B.C., Yukon's Klukshu and Alaska's Alsek River.







it continues. The 2013 run is the next in the fouryear sockeye life cycle after the disastrous 2009 run, which was expected to see 10 million return. After only one million came back, the federal government appointed Justice Bruce Cohen to head a commission of inquiry on the state of Fraser sockeye. As the inquiry was hearing testimony,



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Commercial sockeye catch at Fort Langley in 2010, one of the largest runs in recent history. This year's run is much lower.


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1-800-222-TIPS Clearwater RCMP Report month of July. Remember to watch your speed, wear your seatbelts, and stay off your cellphones. Bike helmets A friendly reminder from the RCMP that bike helmets are required for persons of any age while riding a bike. There has been an increased number of riders without helmets these days. If you were to receive a ticket for not wearing a helmet it would cost you $29.









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Photo by Keith McNeill

1455 Iron Mask Road, Kamloops, BC 1.888.695.0101


Commercial and sport sockeye fishing remained closed on the Fraser River system this week, as the Pacific Salmon Commission reported a lower than expected return of fish in what was already expected to be a poor return year. Based on the latest test fisheries, the commission's Fraser River Panel upgraded its forecast of early summer-run sockeye from 400,000 to 452,000 fish. The following summer run "is either lower than forecast or their migration timing is much later than expected," the joint Canada-U.S. panel reported this week. The proportion of late-run sockeye through ocean approach areas has increased in recent days. The late run is expected to be dominated by Birkinhead, Weaver and Late Shuswap sockeye, with some from the


Thursday, August 15, 2013 Clearwater Times

TNRD to meet at Clearwater Legion Times Staff The Thompson-Nicola Regional District board of directors will be holding one of its meetings at Clearwater Legion Hall on Thursday, Aug. 22, according to Tim Pennell, TNRD director for Wells Gray Country (Area A). The meeting will start at 10 a.m. but the itinerary for the trip begins the day before. On Wednesday, Aug. 21, at 9 a.m., Kamloops and area directors will board a bus at the TNRD office on Victoria Street in Kamloops. They will stop at 10 a.m. for the grand opening of the Louis Creek Eco-Depot. Next stop will be at 12 noon for lunch at the

Little Fort Community Hall. They will then proceed to Clearwater for the Clearwater Eco-Depot grand opening, which is scheduled for 1 p.m. At 2:15 p.m. the directors will have a TNRD project update and tours of the District of Clearwater facilities. Check-in at Clearwater Lodge will be at 4:30 p.m., to be followed by a volunteer appreciation dinner at 6 p.m. Thursday will begin with breakfast at the Gateway Grill (in Clearwater Lodge). At 9:30 a.m. the directors will board a bus at Clearwater Lodge for the 10 a.m. board meeting at Clearwater Legion Hall. The meeting agenda will be posted at

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Small circles on the map show the location of lightning strikes within the Clearwater Fire Zone during the week of Aug. 5 – 12. BC Forest Service graphic

Forest fire danger heating up quickly Keith McNeill

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“Fire activity has picked up in the Clearwater Fire Zone,” according to zone spokesperson Vaughn McCaig. “Since last Thursday we’ve had 30 new fire starts.” The 2013 fire season started off slowly in the fire zone. A few weeks ago that changed. The weather became warmer and drier, and a series of lighting storms moved through the area. As of Monday there had been about 90 fires within the Clearwater Fire Zone, which makes this an above-average year. Most of the fires

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The sign in front of the Headwaters Forest District office shows the fire danger at extreme on Sunday, up from high the day before. Photo by Keith McNeill

have been in the northern half of the zone. Nearly a dozen fires have been located in remote parts of Wells Gray Park. Action on these “limited response” fires usually consists of keeping an eye on them to ensure the public is not endangered. The only large fire in the zone was a 35 ha blaze on Manteau Creek in the North Thompson headwaters. A Type 2 crew took limited action against it about two weeks ago. The fire is mostly contained by an old fire that burned

in 1998. As of the beginning of this week the fire zone had three rappel crews, four Initial Attack crews plus locally-hired contract crews at work. One helicopter from Salmon Arm was working out of Blue River to support the rappel crews. Three helicopters were working from the Yellowhead hanger in Clearwater. “The current forecast is for continued warm and dry, with the chance of afternoon lighting,” McCaig said. “We expect this trend to continue.”

Clearwater Times Thursday, August 15, 2013 A11

A large tent sits in the parking lot in front of Little Fort Community Hall on Saturday, Aug. 10. It was set up there to accommodate the crowd of more than 150 people who participated in the field day held to mark the 70th anniversary of the Jim family's Little Fort Herefords Ranch.

Members of the Jim family receive an memorial scroll in honour of the late Gung Loy Jim from the Canadian Hereford Association. Pictured are (l-r) Kam, Kee, Marie, Kyn and Kym Jim, plus Daryl Kirton, the association’s vice-president. The scroll is the equivalent of the association's hall of fame.

Little Fort Herefords hosts 70th anniversary event Your Full Service Auto Centre!

Right: Chelsey Fischer (l) of Little Fort gets tips on barrel racing during the field day from Lindsay Sears, one of Canada’s top all-time champions.

All photos by Keith McNeill

A12 Serious Issues require Serious Lawyers

• ICBC Claims • Family Law • Real Estate 250-674-2255 or

1-888-374-3161 Jim McCreight is on location in the Interior Savings Insurance office every Wednesday.

Thursday, August 15, 2013 Clearwater Times

Sports Time to tee off

B.C. Seniors Games – 5 Pin Bowling D. Mark Crown Bill Smedley loves five-pin bowling and is looking forward to competing in the event when Kamloops hosts the B.C. Seniors Games in 2013. “It is good exercise and you get to meet people,” he says. “It’s fairly cheap…you can rent shoes at the lanes and you really don’t need anything else.” Smedley encourages seniors who would like to get involved in five-pin bowling to go to any of the bowling centers in Kamloops and find a team to bowl with. These teams can then enter the Zone 8 tournament and compete to qualify for a place in the B.C. Seniors Games. Each zone in B.C. sends two teams to the five-pin bowling event, an “A” division team and a “B” division team. The teams can be made up of both male and female seniors, and the event takes place over a

Curtis Podbisky shows good form as he tees off at Lacarya Golf Course on Sunday. The golf course in Blackpool is now under the new ownership of Heinz and Linda Fitz. Photo by Keith McNeill

four-day period. “It is a round robin so you play 11 games,” Smedley says. “It’s about an hour or hour and fifteen minutes per game.” Medals are awarded to the top three teams in each division based on the most pins knocked down over the team average in the 11 game round robin. Which means that while teams are competing against each other, they are also bowling against themselves, trying to do better than their average score. There are also individual awards given out at the event for the highest male and female scores overall and highest male and female pins over their average in each division. Even if a team doesn’t do particularly well in the event, individual players can still win medals if they bowl good scores throughout. For more information about bowling at the B.C. Seniors Games contact Bill Smedley at 250-376-0573 or visit the B.C. Seniors Games website


2013! Rockin’ at the Regatta2013 2013! Rockin’ at the Regatta 2013

SAVE THE DATE September 6 & 7 Whats New

Kids learn how to swim


REALLY FUN 5 KM RUN (with snacks!) Walk, Run, Jog or call a Cab Halfway Through! at the Regatta 2013! Make it your race atat your pace! Staggered2013! start and fast the Regatta runners have to carry weights (just kidding)

Members of the Level 2,3 swim class at Dutch Lake pose for a photograph last week. Pictured are (back, l-r) instructors Katie and Aliya Bieber, front (l-r) Alex Belle, Eli Priede (front) Tyne MacLennan, Kylie Blackmore, Sienna Foster and Rylen Stetler. This is the second and final session for the summer. There were 11 classes in the session.

Rockin’ Rockin’

1-2-3: ROTARY RELAY RACE & CHASE! Lean In Team—thisTHE is for Rotary! Teams of 2–4. SAVE DATE SAVE THE DATE 5km Run, 10km Bike, Paddle Around the Island. Challenge Quiz and Teaser starts the race. (Think Survivor and Jeopardy Meet Regatta)

September September 6 6& &7 7 WHAT’S NEW? WHAT’S NEW?

Anyone who enters the 5km Regatta Run for Fun OR the Regatta Rotary Relay, they get5FIVE more tickets each to Really Fun Km Run Really Fun 5 draw! Km Run (with place insnacks!) the

Photo by Keith McNeill

(with Walk, Run, Jog or callsnacks!) a Cab Halfway Through!

It Walk, keeps getting better…..participants inpace! the 5Km run OR Run, Jog or call a Cab Halfway Through! Make it your race at your the Regatta Rotary also are entered into win a one Make it Relay your race atfast yourrunners pace! Staggered start and Staggered start and runners month gym membership atfast Riverside Fitness! have to carry weights (just kidding) have to carry weights (just kidding)

Lean in people! 1-2-3: Rotary Relay Race & Chase! 1-2-3: Rotary Relay Race & Chase! Lean In Team—this isof for Rotary! Teams of 2–4. The Regatta is full prizes and surprises!

LeanRun, In Team—this is Paddle for Rotary! Teams 2–4. 5km 10km Bike, Around the of Island. IfChallenge 15Run, teams10km orQuiz more enter the Regatta Rotary Relay 5km Bike, Paddle Around therace. Island. and Teaser starts the Challenge – Insight TireJeopardy will donate $200the to Rotary! Challenge Quizand and Teaser starts race. (Think Survivor Meet Regatta) (Think Survivor and Jeopardy Meet Regatta)

First Challenge! FIRST Responders RESPONDERS CHALLENGE!

First Challenge! Come andResponders your favorite 911 Team! Come andCheer Cheer for for your favorite 911 Team! Come and Cheer for your favorite 911 Team! Golden Moments

Golden Moments GOLDEN Acknowledging a long MOMENTS standing member of our Acknowledging aa long standing member community who has exceeded inmember their community Acknowledging long standing of of ourour community who has their community service. Send in your nomination! community who has exceeded exceeded inintheir community service. Send nomination! service. Sendin inyour your nomination! The Regatta Summer Playlist!

What The songsRegatta make youSummer happy andPlaylist! make you think THESend REGATTA SUMMER PLAYLIST! What songs make happy make think REGATTA! in you your super and fave song you selections What songs make you make youselections think REGATTA! Send in your superand fave song for the best play list happy ever! for the best play list super ever! fave REGATTA! Send in your song selections

And it’s BACK!! for the bestAnd play list ever! it’s BACK!!

The Fun & Fabulous The Fun & Fabulous Wild & Wacky Scavenger And it’s BACK!! Hunt, But!!! Wild & Wacky Scavenger Hunt, But!!! with a hint of the Amazing Race! THE FUN & FABULOUS with a& hint of the Amazing Race! Get Your Team—Plan Your Costumes and WILD WACKY SCAVENGER HUNT Get Your Team—Plan Costumes Brush up on your Your compass skills! and But!!! with aon hint of the Amazingskills! Race! Brush up is your compass This year unlike any other year! Get Your Team—Plan and This year is unlikeYour anyCostumes other year!

Brush up on your compass skills! This year is unlike any other year! Questions? Shelley Sim Questions? Sim 250.674.3286 or Shelley Questions? Shelley Sim 250.674.3286 or Questions? Shelley Sim 250.674.3286 or 250.674.3286 or

Hot dog ...

Racing for third

Marilou Roy of Clearwater feeds her dog Pilot from her water bottle as she takes a break during a slow pitch game in Blue River the weekend before last.

Clearwater’s Taylor Rhodes (l), playing for the Blue River Blues, races a Kamloops player to third base during a slow pitch tournament held in Blue River the weekend before last. No Glove No Love from Prince George won the event.

Photo by Keith McNeill

Photo by Keith McNeill

Clearwater Times Thursday, August 15, 2013 A13

Funding supports First Nations' forestry training Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Responsible for Labour VANCOUVER – Thirty eight First Nations individuals will receive forestryspecific training and work experience through a $500,000 Labour Market Sector Solutions (LMSS) partnership between the B.C. government, the First Nations Forestry Council and industry partners. "This program is exactly what we need to take advantage of our significant youthful Aboriginal population, increasing demand in the forest sector work force, and the ongoing need for better relationships between First Nations, forest companies and government,” said Chief Bill Williams, president of the First Nations Forestry Council (FNFC). Funded through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement (LMA), the First Nations' Forestry Training Project will prepare eligible First Nations individuals for skilled employment in the forestry industry. The program will be delivered through accredited training

institutions in British Columbia including Nicola Valley Institute of Technology, Selkirk College, the College of New Caledonia and other public post-secondary organizations. Participants will be directed into one of three program options, including: • Forestry technician program – This eightmonth academic program with four-month work term can result in transferable credits to toward a natural resources technician certificate or other forestryrelated certification such as a natural resource technology diploma. • Forestry-related trades training – Participants learn basic forestry employment certifications for areas such as process operators, millwrights, stationary engineers, saw filers, harvesting and logging equipment operators and hand fallers. • Laddering and upgrading programs – This program will prepare participants, who are not academically qualified to enter directly into the forestry technician or the forestry- related trades training program, to move into an accredited forestry-related educational path. In order to qualify

for the program, participants must be either unemployed and not in receipt of Employment Insurance (EI), or employed but low-skilled. In addition, they must not have received or been eligible for EI in the last 36 months, they cannot already be a student, they must be living in British Columbia, and they cannot have received parental benefits within the last five years. The British Columbia First

Nations Forestry Council promotes First Nations business opportunities in forestry, collaborates with government on forest land use planning, tenure and revenue sharing and advocates on forestry matters on behalf of First Nations communities. As a direct result of federal LMA funding, thousands of British Columbians are receiving training that will advance their careers, assist in securing new employment and ulti-

mately improve the social and economic outcomes of individuals in B.C. and Canada. The LMA is one of the funding mechanisms to address B.C.'s labour and skills shortages. Government is actively creating awareness and encouraging Aboriginal people to consider careers in the trades through programs like the Aboriginal Community-Based Delivery Partnerships Program and the Aboriginal Training for

Employment Program. The programs are supported by the BC Jobs Plan and the BC Skills and Training Plan, which invests $75 mil-


Call Drake at 250-674-3030 or 1-877-674-3030 day or night.

Drake Smith, MSW (Funeral Director/Owner)

In the house where you used to be We wanted so much to keep you But God willed it not to be Now you are in God’s keeping You suffer no more pain So dear God take care of him

Too early and too large

Until we meet again

A couch and other household items rest under an awning next to the New Life Assembly Church in Clearwater after being left there over the weekend. Church members assume that someone wanted to donate to the Give Away in October. Unfortunately, they do no have space to store large objects and smaller items for the Give Away can be accepted only a few days before the event. The couch and other items will have to be disposed of at the church’s expense.

Love Eva, Barry, Bev, Brent, Lyle, Carolyn and families

Photo by Keith McNeill

Church Directory Your places of worship

Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive (Behind Fields Store)

Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: For information 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912


Photo by Keith McNeill

When a death occurs, I’m here to help you, every step of the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would like to discuss having your local funeral home take care of you, please feel free to call.

We your family miss you

“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.

A crane lowers a load of materials onto the roof of the Woodside Apartments in Clearwater. Madge Contracting from Kelowna is replacing the roof of the 40-year-old structure with a more modern warm roof design.

“When you need us, we’re close by”

In Memoriam Edwin C. Buck 1932-2010

Clearwater Christian Church

Apartments getting renovated

lion for new capital and equipment to complement $500 million in annual investments in skills and trades training programs.

3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational

St James Catholic Church

Sunday Service Mass • 11am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-672-5949 Father Don O’Reilly

Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor Bill Kelly Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468

CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James


Sunday 9am

Rev. Brian Krushel

250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615

Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm

Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations

CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

(Kids church during service)

Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club

Phone: 250-674-2345

308 W Old N Thompson Hwy

COMMUNITY BAPTIST 24E Old North Thompson Hwy

Worship Service 10:30 Pastor Mike Kiewitt 250.674.1332


Thursday, August 15, 2013 Clearwater Times

Business & Service Directory Accountant -- Certified ACCOUNTANT CERTIFIED

STONE & COMPANY (Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)

Certified General Accountants Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy. Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Hours: 9:30 am to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

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Clearwater Times Thursday, August 15, 2013 A15

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Stories ofCHECK hardshipYOUR and happiness: MARKETPart 3 e

t th a Burns Lake District News a Quesnel Cariboo Observer e abou d m of Blue River. Mike Majerus, who had been a slate a Merritt Herald a Revelstokebased Times out Review k s A ainlan a Caledonia Courier (Ft. St. James) a Valley Express (Merritt) a Salmon Arm Observer Waldy Munter was an uncleLto layer in Luxembourg, came to the valley ower M uver a Castlegar a North Thompson Star Journal (Barriere) a Shuswap Market News the Helset girls. He lived to age 101 Vanco in 1911 withTimes a survey crew. Editor's Note: The following is part a Eagle Valley News a North Thompson (Clearwater) a Smithers Interior News & a Summerland a Golden Star a Northern Sentinel (Kitimat) or Review 102. or Bulletin He is remembered as a funny and two of a report on a presentation by Clara Island a Houston Today a Omineca Express (Vanderhoof) a Terrace Standard Munter made one or more trips entertaining storyteller. Ritcey and Ellen Ferguson on the history a Invermere Valley Echo a 100 Mile House Free Press a Vernon Morning Star 90 plus publications from Blue River to Barkerville, carHeWestern is alsoNews remembered for his horse, of a Upper Clearwater. Kamloops This Week The Wells Gray a Penticton a Weekend Advertiser (Kitimat) a Kelowna Capital News ryingTribune only a rifle, hatchet and a few serving which he treated more as a memberaofWilliams Lake World Heritage Year event was held in the a Princeton/Similkameen a Kootenay Advertiser (Cranbrook) a Prince George Free Press a Williams Lake Weekender British Columbia a Arrow Lake News (Nakusp)

Keith McNeill a Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal

Upper Clearwater Hall on July 19.

Mike McDougall left the Clearwater River Valley in 1937 and the brothers John and Henry Hogue took over his homestead. They were both skilled woodsmen and their broadaxe work can still be seen in the interior of Helmcken Falls Lodge. Fire warden Jack Norman once said, “I need three good men or John Hogue.” One winter Henry Hogue got sick while trapping with his brother near Azure Lake. John Hogue walked out to get help. An airplane flew in from Kamloops and landed on the frozen lake – but then sank through the ice. No one was hurt in the incident and a second plane was dispatched from Kamloops to retrieve both the pilot and the sick man. Henry eventually recovered. People with a submersible camera recently took photos of the airplane, which is still at the bottom of the lake. Jessie and Frances Emery from Blackpool started a honeybee business in what is now Wells Gray Park in the 1930s – attracted by the masses of fireweed growing following the 1926 fire. The girls thought nothing of walking from Blackpool to Upper Clearwater and back. The two girls eventually married two Shook boys, another pioneering Upper Clearwater family. Clara Ritcey remembered seeing a honey extractor at the Shooks' home, and being given honey and recipes on how to use it by Frances Emery. “It was amazing honey,” she recalled.

the family than as a work animal. Majerus never rode the horse. He only led it. Sometimes he would bring it down to the Helsets' so it could socialize with other horses and not be lonely. The horse never worked to cut its own hay. Majerus did that all by hand. When Majerus left the country, he gave the horse to the Helsets on condition that it not be shot. Majerus like to have several hats, which he would wear all at once. He also liked to wear rubber boots – that he would cut a hole in “to let the water out.” Sometimes he would have dinner at the Helsets. He would use his hunting knife while eating, and when done, would wipe it off on his pant leg. “Boy, my brother was just green with envy,” Clara Ritcey recalled. The next day her brother did the same trick – wiping his knife off on his pants after dinner. “He didn't try that again,” said Clara. John Ray had the northernmost and most isolated of the homesteads. He married Alice, one of the Ludtkes, and although there was quite an age difference they had three children. Nancy Ray was about her age and used to come and visit her, while Alice Ray would visit her mother, said Clara Ritcey. Clara remembers that, at the time, she wondered why the two adult women would want to talk for hours. Now she realizes that Alice Ray must have been starved for company. Also important in the history of Wells Gray Park were a couple of prospectors

Al Kirkwood Advertising Manager

672-5611 or 674-3410

email: other supplies – including several spikes. He and a partner walked from Blue River to Murtle Lake, where they used the hatchet and the spikes to make a raft. They then paddled the raft to the north end of the lake, where they broke the raft apart and recovered the spikes. They then backpacked through the woods to Angus Horne Lake, where they built another raft. They were travelling downstream when they hit a rock. This turned out to be a good thing, because otherwise they would have gone over Rainbow Falls by Azure Lake. Once at Azure they made another raft, paddled to the west end of One of the Bee Girls, Jessie Emery (Shook), walks the lake, disassembled the raft, and through the fireweed of Upper Clearwater with Kaye hiked to Hobson Lake. Blake. One more raft took them to the trail from Hobson to Quesnel Lake. From Quesnel Lake they traveled to Barkerville. Munter's partner on the first trip, Charlie Peterson, chose to remain in Barkerville. Another Blue River trapper, Angus Horne, wrote poetry in a style similar to Robert Service's. Dave Anderson and Pete MacDougall pose with an unknown woman He sold his trapline in a publicity shot from a tourist publication in the late 1930s. in 1937 to Clifford Munter.


Thursday, August 15, 2013 Clearwater Times

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Arguments are to be avoided;



they are always vulgar and often convincing.

~ Oscar Wilde


(1854 - 1900)





Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS

Aug. 15: Sensible BC tour. Meet Dana Larsen & join the campaign for a marijuana referendum, 361 Ridge Dr, Painted Turtle, 6:30pm Aug. 16: OFA Level 1 First Aid course. Register 250-674-3530 Aug. 17: Legion Branch 259, Meat draw, 50/50, Bar open 1 pm, 257 Glen Rd. Aug. 17: Wells Grey World Heritage Event, All about Ants, 7 pm, Upper Clearwater Hall Aug. 17: Elks Pancake Breakfast, 8-11 am, Elks Hall Aug. 20: Yoga In The Park, 7:15-8:15, Weyerhaeuser Park, drop-in $10. Info 250-674-1878 Aug. 20: Regular Council meeting, 7 pm, District council chambers Aug. 20: Infrastructure/Parks & Recreation Committee meeting, 5 pm, District office. Aug. 20: Regular Council meeting, 7 pm, District office.

Aug. 21: Wells Grey Night Market, 6-9 pm, 425 E Yellowhead Hwy, Clearwater Info Centre. Aug. 21: Wells Gray World Heritage Event – Ask the Naturalist, 12:45-1:45, Upper Clearwater Hall Aug. 23: Ambassador Program Coronation, 7 pm, Barriere Elementary School gym Aug. 25: Kidney Walk, Kamloops. Registration 11 am Riverside Park. Info 604-736-9775 ext 228 Aug. 28: First Fish Ceremony Aug. 27-29: Volleyball Camp, CSS gym, $36, info: 250-674-1878, register 250-674-2257 Aug 31 - Sept 2: North Thompson Fall Fair & Rodeo in Barriere. Sept. 6-7: Canoe Regatta.

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Coffee House: 1st Friday every month - Little Fort Community Hall. 6:30, mic $4/person. Bill Fowler 250-672-5116 • Raft River Rockhounds: 3rd Sun of the mth. 250-674-2700 • Women in Business Luncheon: 2nd Wed. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmer’s Market every Saturday from 9:00 am – Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • Clearwater-Vavenby Lions Bingo: Every 2nd Tues. Elks Hall. 250-587-6269 • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 5pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – every 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - every 2nd Thurs. Elks Hall. open 5pm • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Little Fort Coffee House 7pm Little Fort Hall. 1st Fri of the mth Oct. - May Bill 250-672-5116 • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Mornings, reg. call Kerry 250-674-2600 ext 227 • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250-674-0057 for details • Kids Club: Clearwater New Life Assembly. Meets every Thur. 3-5 pm. Ages 5-12. For info contact Bobbi @ 250-674-3346

HEALTH & HEALING • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373. • Connections Healing Rooms - Fridays 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Call Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-2699 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Drop in Tennis: May-Sept. Mon & Thurs 6:30pm All levels. Double & single play. Rotary Sports Park. • Volleyball: Tues. 7:30-9:00 PM, Jan. 15 - Apr. 30, 2013. Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie.pomme@ • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Walking Club: Indoors: Wed. Jan. 30 - Mar. 13, 6:30 - 7:30 AM at Clearwater Secondary. FREE. 250-674-1878 for more info. • Drop-in Curling: Fri. Jan. 11 - Mar. 8, 7:00 PM, $5. Brooms and sliders available. • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 SENIORS • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the month at 2pm at the public library. All seniors welcome.



TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 224 Candle Creek Rd. EMAIL: •


For a complete list of our area’s COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS stop in at the Times office and pick up your copy of the North Thompson Community Directory • Brookfield Mall Clearwater • 250-674-3343


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North Thompson Times Thursday, August 15, 2013 A17

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Education/Trade Schools



Coming Events

Career Opportunities

Learn How To Make Rosaries, July 27, 10am at the Volunteer Centre. Free, but please call Margaret at 250-672-9330 (evenings) to register. Will do another session on August 24.

Information Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.


Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11a.m. - 3 p.m. Great deals - low prices

Personals Alcoholics Anonymous Phone 250-674-3838 or

250-587-0026 Anytime Barriere Alcoholics Anonymous Call: 250-672-9643 For Al Anon Call: 250-672-9643, 250-677-4234 Clearwater: AA meetings every Wed., #11 Lodge Dr., side door. Roll call 8 p.m. 250674-7155 or 250-674-7313 European Gentleman wants to meet a nature and animal loving lady between 50 and 70 years of age. ph 250-587-2349 Retired professional gentleman desires to meet mature lady for companionship, outings, and dinners out. Ph. 250-674-2420

Lost & Found Found: Prescription glasses. Found on Dutch Lake Rd. Call 250-674-3890

LE MINISTÈRE de la Défense nationale cherche des Officiers du génie des systèmes de marine pour remplir divers postes de civils à Victoria et Nanoose Bay en ColombieBritannique. Les candidates et candidats peuvent postuler en ligne seulement, au site Internet de la Commission de la fonction publique du Canada, numéro de référence DND13J008697-000069, numéro du processus de sélection 13-DND-EA-ESQ-375697, Vaisseaux auxiliaires des forces armées canadiennes. Les postulants doivent posséder toutes les compétences requises énumérées et soumettre leur demande selon l’échéance prescrit. -fra.htm MARINE ENGINEERING Officers are required for various civilian positions with the Department of National Defence in Victoria and Nanoose Bay BC. Online applications only through the Public Service Commission of Canada website, Reference# DND13J008697-000069, Selection Process# 13-DND-EA-ESQ375697, Canadian Forces Auxiliary Fleet (CFAV). Applicants must meet all essential qualifications listed and complete the application within the prescribed timelines. -eng.htm.

Elliptical Trainer Canadian Tire Cardio Style ET150 in very good condition. Will trade for treadmill in good condition. Call 250-319-8023.

Legal Services

INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.


Need a professional

• Huge Demand In Canada • Employers Seek Out Canscribe Graduates • Over 90% Graduate Employment Rate 1.800.466.1535

Photography / Video photographer? Portraits, weddings, special events, pet portraits, commercial. Affordable memories that last a lifetime. Seniors rates. Book now avoid & disappointment. Sorry no passport photos Jill Hayward 250-319-8023/250-672-0055


by Keith McNeill

Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or

Carpentry/ Woodwork TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.

Work Wanted HAFI GRANTS Notice to low income seniors and persons with disability. You may qualify for a grant up to 20,000. to modify and adapt your home for improved safety and accessibility. For details contact your local HAFI expert Hans Ounpuu, Building contractor @ 250-674-3875. Need some help with those odd jobs you don’t have time for? Call Keiran Jones at 250-674-3051


Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

Help Wanted

Financial Services

Buy a Classified in the Star/Journal Buy a Classified in the Times and goes the The Times FREE. andyour your adad goes intointo the Barriere Star/Journal FREE.

Special Rates: 3 Weeks; $22.15 + GST

Help Wanted

M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.


Regular Rate: 8.50 + GST Maximum 15 words .20c per word extra

Pets & Livestock

CERTIFIED CARPENTER FOR HIRE - 30 Years Experience Decks built or repaired. Income Suites Built & Interior Upgrades: kitchens, bathrooms, new window & door install, custom cabinetry, drywall, painting & trim work. Large or small projects. References available. Reasonable rates. Call: 250-616-8332 or Toll Free: 1-855-373-8332

Handypersons Wilkeekon Services Handyman & Cleaning Residential & Commercial Moving in/out, DIY projects, construction site, interior/exterior, light hauls Bonded Gayle Peekeekoot Ray Wilson 250-674-2775

Pyrenees/Maremma Livestock Guard Dog white male puppies. $400 includes first shot & worming. Call 250-677-4447. REGISTERED Siberian Husky Puppies (with blue eyes) 778-891-4556

Merchandise for Sale

Building Supplies About 200 sheets of 1/2” plywood from Woodside Apt roof deck. Very dry, some mildew. Possibly usable for a barn or shed. Make us an offer. Sold as is, where is. 250-674-3252

Heavy Duty Machinery

629 Barriere Town Rd. Barriere, BC V0E 1E0 Phone: 250-672-0036 / Fax: 250-672-2159

RCA – Casual & Permanent PT, ICS B0007 SANDWICH ARTIST – Subway PT/FT CB0121 CASHIER – Little Fort Store PT/FT CB0123 SERVER – Restaurant / Bar, Knight’s Inn B0130 SERVER – High 5 Diner (Little Fort) B0151 CASUAL ASSISTED LIVING WORKER – Yellowhead Pioneer B0156 CASUAL COOK – Yellowhead Pioneer B0158 GRADER OPERATOR – Bladetec B0165 PRODUCE CLERK / CASHIER / PICKER – B0180 CHAMBERMAID – PT/seas Monte Carlo Motel B0181 CUSTOMER SERVICE – PT Petro Can B0183 HELI – SKI GUIDE Seasonal MWHS CB0186 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - Woodco Sawmills PT/FT CB0205 LABOURERS – Woodco Sawmills PT/FT CB0206

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: If you have been on Employment Insurance in the past 3 years (5 years maternity) and are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for re-training dollars. Book an appointment to see one of our counselors for more information. We look forward to seeing you: come in and we’ll personally see that you get the information you’re seeking or call and make an appointment. • Free computer and Internet access • Free resume help • Free information on many services.

“The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia” In Partnership with Barriere & District Chamber of Commerce and Yellowhead Community Services

CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 250-674-2928 Fax 250-674-2938

E-mail: • Web Page:

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? STEEL BUILDING Sizzling summer savings event! 20x22 $4,188. 25x24 $4,598. 30x36 $6,876. 32x44$8,700. 40x52 $12,990. 47x70 $17,100. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS, Metal Buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! 1-800-457-2206

Motel Housekeeper: Seasonal/Clw #C0207 Labourer: PT or FT/Barriere #CB0206 Admin Assistant: PT or FT/Barriere #CB0205 Computer/Wireless Installations: FT/Clw #C0203 In person Interviewer: Seasonal/Clw #C0202 Bookkeeper: PT/Clearwater #C0201 Breakfast Heavy Equipment Mechanic: Clw #C0198 Community Support Worker: Casual/Clw #C0195 Server: FT/PT/Seasonal/Clearwater #C0193 Maintenance Manager: FT/Blue River #C0191 Servers: FT/PT Blue River #C0190 Prep Cook/Kitchen Helper: FT/Blue Rvr #C0189 Line Cook: FT/Blue River #C0188 Housekeeper: PT/Clearwater #C0187 Heli-Ski Guide: Seasonal/Blue River #C0186 Cook: Seasonal/Clearwater #C0184 Housekeeping: Seasonal/Clearwater #C0182 Housekeeper: Seas/Clearwater #C0178 Waitress/Waiter: Seas/Clearwater #C0176 Housekeeper/Kitchen Help: Seas/Clw #C0174 Server: Seasonal/Blue River C0169 Sous Chef: Seasonal/Blue River C0167 Assistant Manager: FT/Seass\/Clw #C0163 B&B Housekeeper: Seasonal/Clw #C0162 Logging Truck Driver: Seasonal/Clw #C0160 Housekeepers: Seas/Clw #C0147 Front Desk Attendant: Seas/Bl Riv #CB0141 Cashier: FT/PT Little Fort #C0123 Sandwich Artist: Seas/Little Fort #CB0121

Line Cook: FT/Little Fort #CB0119 GENERAL INFORMATION FREE WORKSHOPS to help with your work search are available. Please contact us for more information. • Resumes & Interviews: Go hand in hand, so the better prepared you are the greater the impression you will make to your future employer. Please drop in and our friendly staff will assist you. • Targeted Wage Subsidy (TWS): Are you currently on Employment Insurance or have you been in the last 3-5 years? If you have, you may be eligible for wage subsidy. Ask us for further info. • Funding for Skill Enhancement: Recent or active EI clients with a career plan in mind seeking assistance through Service Canada are required to book an appointment with one of our Employment Counsellors. • Blue River Library: An employment consultant comes to town twice/mth to the Blue River School. Next visit is Tuesday August 28th from 12:30-2:30. If a one on one appointment is required, please call to set up a time prior to the drop in.

Operated by Yellowhead Community Services The Employment Program of BC is funded by the Government of Canada & the Province of British Columbia

Inspire. Perspire. Participate in an event to help the 4 million Canadians living with arthritis.



Thursday, August 15, 2013 North Thompson Times

Merchandise for Sale


Misc. Wanted

Auto Financing

Province funds Aboriginal early childhood research



Used Postage Stamps

8’9” Travelmate camper, hot water tank & shower. $4,250. 250-672-9559

Support International Scouting by donating used stamps which are sorted & sold to raise money for the International Development Fund of the International Scout & Guide Fellowship. This fund pays for training for Scouters in the third world. Drop stamps off at front counter of the Star/Journal in Barriere, or call Margaret at (250)672-9330.

Real Estate Clearwater: 14x70 1998 Moduline MH with winter package, 2 bdrm, very gd cond. Owned by elderly lady. Incl c/a, w/d, f/s. Extra lg windows, very bright and airy. Master bdrm has full 4 window bay. Two full bath, 1 is ensuite. New roof 3 yrs ago. Incl 2 roofed porches. Requires moving. Asking $62,000.00. Call Jones 250-674-3051 or

Mobile Homes & Parks FACTORY DIRECT Wholesale CSA Certified Modular Homes, Manufactured/Mobile Homes and Park Model Homes, We ship throughout Western Canada visit us online at or 1-877-976-3737

Rentals Homes for Rent Clearwater: 3 bdrm home. Incl satellite tv, internet, $1400.00/mo 250-674-2465 Clearwater, log house, 1/2 acre, 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, fully furnished, single garage, fenced. Pets welcome. $1500/mo. (778)208-0144

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals


Boats DL# 7557

Cars - Sports & Imports 1990 HONDA CIVIC SI Great little project car. Has a ZC Acura dohc engine (less than 100,000 km), racing cams, headers, cold air intake, block heater, Acura radiator, lowered, custom steering wheel, short shift, racing pedals, mag wheels (summer & winter), and custom paint. Call Theresa or Michael at (250)6743490 or email

Recreational/Sale 1983 Vanguard camper, 9.5 ft, awning, excellent condition. $1500.00 obo 250-674-3616 1999 Damon Challenger Class A Motorhome, Ford V10, 33’, one slide, 92,000 km, new tires, brakes & batteries, $24,900 obo. (250)365-7152 Castlegar

2003 Four Winns Fish & Ski Freedom 180 F/S,

fully serviced 4.3L VOLVO PENTA engine, removable side windows for more fishing room, tilt steering, removable seats with interchanging seat posts, rear entry ladder, front control for rear leg trim, full cover with anti pooling poles, electric motor off bow for fishing, custom matched trailer, Bimini top.

This is really a great boat!! $15,000 obo. (250)354-7471 Nelson



CWR Home- 4 bed, 2.5 bath on acres of land in town. NS, DD and Ref Reqd. 1800/m inc util. Sheila 674-1313 or 8513858

This Crossword Sponsored by

Forest Lake: 2bdrm, furnished, $750/mo incl. util. 9 mo lease. WD, NS/NP. Small lakefront, furnished, NS/NP, $595/mo incl. util. Tiny cabin, NS/NP, $295/mo incl. util. 250-6722434 or 778-773-2465.



Suites, Lower Clearwater: 1 bdrm suite, incl satellite tv, internet & util. $650/mo 250-674-2465

We’re on the net at

Define your world. MakeAug.a 15difference - Aug. 21, 2013 in someone else’s. A p r i l

2 3


2 9 ,

2 0 1 2

Surround Aries, youAries, haveand a Cancer, many things Libra, sometimes This week isyourself all Speak up, A business relationship Lady Luck smiles on with friends, firm grasp on need to get you the about close give and take, the problem willwhat be blossoms withdone an you,have Libra,to andbethere More than 4 million Canadians have arthritis. Find out how you can help by Capricorn. They you need to accomthis week before voice of reason, and Capricorn. Do for will solved. A little miracle addition. A larger-thanis nothing beyond your serve your anchor plish inmakes the week you can set work this won’t always others,asand theyparticipating will at home for an lifeTrain. personality drops reach. A treasured in marathons around the world. Travel. Triumph. in ahead. Stay focused aside takeyou a make youresurfaces, popular dodifficult for you. Asituaspecial interesting weekend. by withand an offer heirloom tions that for may come on yourplans tasks and much-needed vacawith others. Though event calls some Travel come can’t refuse. Oh boy, bringing back many to pass this gifts. week. that focus will pay tion. Once you get some may not extra-special together. oh boy, Cancer. fond memories. March 21– September 23– rally around you this December 22– It’s good to have a off by the end of the June 22– through the bulk April 19 July 22 October 22 January 19 support system. week. of things, you can week, they’ll relent. relax.

January 20– February 18

There is more to Some habits are hard you thanAquarius. others see, to break, Aquarius. SomeLook to a mentor to times you help and yourelish will in being mysterious, succeed. A fitness and is one of goal this is easily achieved those times. Others’ with a new piece of interest will be equipment. piqued.

Don’t take The odds mayany be sniffles or sneezes stacked against you, for granted, Pisces, but thatPisces. doesn’t Make surewon’t thiscome week mean you you pay out on topattention with a little to your health to ingenuity. A weekend ensure daysa endeavorgood requires February 19– ahead. leap of faith. March 20

April 20– May 20

Taurus, finanCast asideyour all doubt, cial burden is a islittle Taurus. The offer easier genuinethis andweek. will bring Perhaps haveA you manyyou rewards. caught up begins— on bills test of faith or a be have strong.received Money woes little ease. extra money you didn’t expect. Gemini, whether Feeling blessed you in Gemini? a relationtheseare days, ship are looking Pay itorforward. A for a new romantic compromise at home partner, the next raises everyone’s few days mospirits andare fun the ensues ments for putting all weekend long! on the charm.

July 23– August 22

Save of your Oops,some Leo. You fall good for behindfortune on a project, others, Leo. When raising some you shareNot theto eyebrows. wealth, notwillonly worry. You get will you better about backfeel on track sooner yourself, but also than you think, thanks you certainly October 23– to anwill innovation. have more friends November 21 around you.

Without Spend less,you savethe more well-oiled wheels of and you’ll definitely the workVirgo. machine get more, More just won’t spin in your bottom linecorrectly, Virgo. and more peace That of can put a lot provide of presmind. Flowers sure onpick-me-up. you in your a great career, so weigh the August 23– September 22 options of a day off.


Something The tiniest of that seemed like aa vast good changes make idea at first glance improvement in a may notA seem like project. rejection is the best thing to do a blessing in disguise. right now, Scorpio. Be grateful for what Switch gearsScorpio. while you’re given, you can still take another path.

Sagittarius, News from afar gets although the creativeyou juices may rather flowing, and spend you your time doing accomplish more than something else for you have in some time, the next few days,of Sagittarius. A game handle your upcomwits at the office obligations November 22– ing proves challenging. December 21 without complaint.

1.800.321.1433 May 21– June 21

history of working with the Canadian Institutes of Health research (CIHR). Throughout his career, he has focused on Aboriginal health The Province is research, worked investing $2.5 million on projects around in research that will Aboriginal careers help bring innovaand life planning, tive, high-quality and culturally relevant ser- Aboriginal mental health and counselling vices designed to give and Aboriginal youth Aboriginal children suicide prevention. the best start in life. Government proThis funding will establish a new region- vided $2.5 million in funding for this al innovation chair position, including at Thompson Rivers $1.25 million through University (TRU) in the Leading Edge Kamloops, specialEndowment Fund izing in Aboriginal early childhood devel- (LEEF). The B.C. government launched opment and maternal to encourage and child health. The The Arthritis LEEF Society's PSAs social and economic chair will lead teams development in B.C. of researchers that In on Motion) Based a costwill work closely with(Joints sharing partnership members of local with the private sector, Aboriginal communiLEEF has established ties. The community participants will bring permanent leadertheir strengths, under- ship research chairs at public post-secondary standing of their chilinstitutions throughdren and tradition to out the province in the partnership, and the areas of medical, help to identify cursocial, environmental rent needs. and technological Dr. Rod research. The fund McCormick has been also established appointed the B.C. regional innovation Regional Innovation chairs to create opporChair in Aboriginal tunities in communiEarly Childhood Development at TRU. ties through B.C.'s colleges, universities and Dr. McCormick has institutes. a PhD in Counselling Dr. McCormick Psychology and is recis the final regional ognized as a national expert in First Nations innovation chair to be appointed under this mental health. program. He has a long

Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services

For Sale By Owner

Define your world. Make a difference in someone else’s. More than 4 million Canadians have arthritis. Find out how you can help by participating in marathons around the world. Train. Travel. Triumph.


Clearwater Times Thursday, August 15, 2013 A19

Comox Air Show coming soon It’s a doggy dog world out there! It's flying in fast — the 2013 Comox Armed Forces Day and Air Show is just days away. Air Show day is Aug. 17 and residents and visitors in the

$10 and advance-sales adult prices at $20 ($25 on Air Show day), it is an affordable day out for families as well. Recently, organizers learned that they can offer visitors even more excitement and value for

The Snowbirds (top) and the CF-18 Demonstration Team are two of the big draws at the 2013 Comox Air Show on Aug. 17. Photos submitted

Comox Valley are invited to join the men and women of 19 Wing, CFB Comox in Celebrating 70 Years of Canadian Air Force History. Organizers are expecting people from across Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast and the Lower Mainland to descend on the Comox Valley for what promises to be an exciting, educational and fun day for the entire family. With child tickets priced at

money as they added Team Rocket, with their high-performance Harmon Rocket II airplanes and the graceful aerobatics of Anna Serbinenko with her Super Decathlon to the lineup. These acts will join the Air Show's headline aircraft; the CF-18 Demonstration Team, the Snowbirds and the C-17 Globemaster transport plane and a Second World War-era B-25 Mitchell bomber. Gates open to the public at

8:30 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. Early arrivals will be able to check out an impressive static aircraft display area and classic airplane fans will also be excited to know that close to 50 privately owned, unique and vintage aircraft will be on display at the fly-in area. The flying acts get started at 10:15 a.m. and go till 3:45 p.m. The entertainment won't stop there, though. The Royal Canadian Air Force's Jetstream band will play till 5 p.m. when the gates close. Visitors are highly encouraged to walk, bike or take BC Transit's Air Show service, which will operate from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. With traffic congestion expected to be high around 19 Wing Comox on Air Show day, visitors are encouraged to ride a bus to the air show for a fast and convenient way of getting to and from the base. Handicapped parking will be available on-site for all vehicles displaying the approved handicap signage. There will also be a handicap drop-off area across from the bus loop near the pedestrian gate. Once inside the gates, visitors can enjoy the many display booths and feast on foods from over 30 concessions. A Family Zone featuring a Lego play area and inflatable obstacle course will keep families with children busy. Air show tickets are available at all Thrifty Foods locations and the Canex store at CFB Comox, as well as online at www. Users of the Comox Valley Airport between Aug. 16 and 18 are encouraged to check the Comox Valley Airport website at for updates and information on how and when to get to the airport. For more information on the 19 Wing Armed Forces Day and Air Show, visit or follow the event at

In our society today there is such a pressure for people to succeed. We hear the saying, “It’s a doggy dog world out there!” Those who don’t succeed, who don’t make it to the top of the ladder, are often looked down upon, or feel inferior. This drive to succeed, to get ahead, is good in some ways. What it does is helps a person stay up with the latest technologies, or to stay educated with whatever is new in their field. But the drive, the constant striving, to stay ahead, or more so, to be ahead of the next guy, is not good. It puts so much pressure and stress on the individual, that for some, is too much. It affects their health negatively, at the least, or for some, causes them to snap, and as they say, “Go off the deep end.” On this topic, the late Pastor Selwyn Hughes, who was best known for writing the daily devotional “Every Day with Jesus,” addressing other pastors, wrote this: “I remember addressing a group of ministers in Atlanta, Georgia, on 'Pitfalls in the Ministry.' I told them the story of my own failures, which at that time amounted to a great many, and I said, 'The lesson I have learned from my failures is that I don't have to succeed. I have to do the right thing under God's guidance, and leave success or failure in His hands.' One of the ministers came to me afterwards and said,

Think on These Things By Dan Daase

Clearwater New Life Assembly

'I am a pastor of one of the largest churches in this area, and regarded by my peers as one of the most successful ministers in my denomination. But today you have helped me overcome the greatest pressure in my life – the pressure to succeed.' In the early years of my ministry, I was extremely successoriented; when I succeeded, I felt good, and when I failed, I felt devastated. Then God said to me quite bluntly one day, 'Are you willing to be a failure?' The question shook me rigid. It was a whole week later before I found sufficient grace to answer that question with a, 'Yes,' and when I did, I was instantly released from the two things that had crippled my life and ministry – the pressure to succeed and the fear of failure. Now, what matters is not succeeding or failing, but being true to Him. Success and failure are in His hands. I am not on the way to success, I am on the Way. What a difference!” (Selwyn Hughes:

“Everyday Light” Hughes may have been addressing pastors in this comment, but it is no less true for all of us. When the pressure to succeed and the fear of failure are not there in our lives, we can go on to do our job with excellence, no matter what that job is. Yes, we want to succeed, and to do that may mean additional training, studying, learning, etc, but we no longer feel the drive, the pressure to succeed, at all costs. No we don’t want to fail at what we are doing, but again, when we know we are doing what we are doing to the best of our ability, and striving for excellence, then the pressures of possibly failing are no longer there. No doubt all of face enough in our daily lives, without having the additional pressures of succeeding, and the fear of failing. As Christians we have the wonderful privilege of coming to God and asking for His help. Jesus says that He gives us His peace, peace that will help us through times of pressures. Peter encourages us to cast our cares upon God, for He cares about us. The next time you feel the pressures of life, whether it is to succeed, or the fear of failing, or some other pressures that threaten to overwhelm you, go to Jesus. As Him for help so that you can make it through, no matter what pressures you may be facing.




Call and book your ad in the North Thompson Connection and

SELL YOUR PROPERTY FAST 5” x 3“ for just $69 call 250- 672-5611 or 250-674-3343


Thursday, August 15, 2013 Clearwater Times

Buy Local funding helps B.C. products Ministry of Agriculture VICTORIA – Shoppers will be able to identify B.C. foods for family meals, school snacks and even pet food, as a result of a branding program the B.C. Food Processors Association (BCFPA)

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produce thousands of products that can add local flavours and adventure to dining. Products that consumers will be able to identify include baked goods, beverages (including beer, coffee and wine), dairy, meat and seafood, fruit and vegetable products, ethnic specialties with global flavours, natural health products and pet food. BCFPA will launch the program in multiple locations throughout the province this fall. Food and natural health product processing is British Columbia’s largest manufacturing sector, with about $8 billion in annual sales and more than 30,000 employees. B.C. products are chosen locally and around the globe as a trusted source of nutrition. The Buy Local program offers successful applicants matching funds up to $100,000 to launch or expand local food marketing campaigns. Building the local market for B.C. foods is a key commitment of government’s Agrifoods Strategy.

is developing through $65,000 in Buy Local Program funding. BCFPA is developing both in-store and web materials to help shoppers recognize and choose the wide range of products their members make in British Columbia. More than 130 BCFPA members

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Youngsters try their hands at making felt handicrafts during the Clearwater Children's Art Festival on Wednesday, Aug. 7 at Weyerhaeuser Park in Clearwater. Pictured are (l-r, back) mothers Chelsea Miller and Kirstin MacDonald, (front, l-r) Sienna Miller, Hannah MacDonald and Tyler MacDonald. About 150 youngsters visited 10 different activity booths in this year's event. Theme was Vincent Van Gogh.

S to the E G A K C A .P hree V.I.P lassic!






Left: North Thompson royalty take part in the Children's Art Festival. Pictured are (l-r) Kendall MacKay, Jenna Zietsov, Aliya Bieber, Cherie Witts and Kennedy Ash. Bieber is this year's North Thompson Fall Fair Ambassador while the others are candidates to hold the position for next year.

Left: Members of the kidz JAM band perform at the arts fest. Pictured are (l-r) Anna Wood on flute (she also does vocals and percussion), Luke Wood on the didgeridoo, Penny Lackey on guitar, and Josh Wood on drums. Missing is Emily Wood, who plays the maracas.

. P . I . V BE OUR

of t sC …win one s Young Star anuck

Art fest for kids


All photos by Keith McNeill

Scan the code to enter or go to the contest page on your Black Press news site . . .

Terry Lake MLA Kamloops - North Thompson

618-B Tranquille Rd. Kamloops BC, V2B 3H6 Phone 250-554-5413 Fax 250-554-5417 email:

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