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www.campbellrivermirror.com FRIDAY, August 16, 2013 FRIDAY, August 16, 2013
Broken main dampens new women’s home Kristen Douglas
KristenRiveR Douglas Campbell miRRoR Campbell RiveR miRRoR
Just aa little little wonky wonky Just
Paul Rudan/The MiRRoR Paul Rudan/The MiRRoR
Brenda Byrne of Campbell River fights the saw in the single-hand bucking competition at last Brenda of Sports. Campbell River fights theon saw in the single-hand bucking competition last Sunday’sByrne Logger See more photos Pages 21-22 and watch the video online atatwww. Sunday’s Logger Sports. See more photos on Pages 21-22 and watch the video online at www. campbellrivermirror.com campbellrivermirror.com
Tyee Chev Chev Tyee 7x2.5 7x2.5 PROCESS PROCESS
T S LA CE N ls e A d o m 3 on 201 CH cing Aug. 31/2013! n a n fi ends for 0%
Rose Harbour has only been open Harbour has flooring only been open a Rose month, but some already aneeds month, but some flooring already replacing after water rushed needs replacing into the complex.after water rushed into the complex. A water main that runs behind the A water main thatapartment runs behind the Dogwood Street burst Dogwood burst on Sunday, Street sendingapartment water cascading on Sunday, sending waterlarge cascading down the hill, bringing rocks, down the dirt hill,along bringing mud and withlarge it. rocks, mud dirt along with it. water Theand residents were without The residents were without water for six hours until the city repaired for hours until the city repaired the six main. the“The main. water was probably about six “The water wasthe probably about inches deep on roadways andsixit inches deepthe onbuilding, the roadways and it came into ” said Valery came the building, ” said Valery Puetz,into executive director of the Puetz, executive director the Campbell River and North of Island Campbell North Island Transition River Societyand which takes care Transition which care of the dailySociety operations of takes Rose Harof the “(In) daily our operations of Rose bour. child care room,Harthe bour. ourand childbase careboards room, the floor “(In) boards are floor boards andhave basea boards are damaged so we restoration damaged a restoration crew in toso fixwe thehave damage. ” crew in to fix the damage. In the meantime, the ”daycare is In theone meantime, the daycare is using of the common rooms using one of the common rooms until the child care room is fixed until child roomofisweeks. fixed whichthe could takecare a couple which take a couple of weeks. Rosecould Harbour accommodates Rose and Harbour accommodates women their children who are women their children whofindare homelessand or are having trouble homeless or are having trouble finding affordable houseing. Priority ing affordable houseing. is given to women who arePriority fleeing is given women are fleeing abuse orto who are inwho the early stages abuse or who are substance in the early stages of recovery from abuse. of recovery from substance abuse.
Sobriety is not required of the resiSobriety is not of the residents, as long asrequired they display approdents, as long as they display appropriate behaviour and are not disruppriate and are notstaff. disruptive tobehaviour other residents and tive to other residents andJuly staff.5 and Rose Harbour opened Rose Harbour and residents started opened moving July in the5 next residents in the next day. Thestarted home moving is already nearly day. The home already at capacity, withis just one nearly threeat capacity, with just one bedroom suite sitting empty.threePuetz bedroom sittingtake empty. expects itsuite shouldn’t tooPuetz long expects shouldn’t takeis too longa to fill theit suite, as there already to fill the suite, as there is already a waitlist. waitlist. The four-storey building, located building, located atThe the four-storey bottom of the Dogwood hill at thethe bottom Dogwood near cornerofofthe 12th Avenue, hill has near the corner of 12thperson Avenue, has 27 units – 15 single bach27 – 15 single bachelorunits studio suites, six person one-bedroom elor studio six one-bedroom suites, threesuites, two-bedroom and three suites, three two-bedroom and three three-bedroom apartments. three-bedroom apartments. Continued on Page 3 Continued on Page 3
WebPoll WebPoll We asked: Should there
We asked: Should be more coal minesthere in the be more coal mines in the region? region?
You said: You said: Yes – 73 (57%) Yes – 73 (57%) No – 54 (43%) No – 54 (43%)
Today’s question: Is the Today’s question: Is the downtown construction downtown construction affecting your commute? affecting yourVote commute? at Vote at campbellrivermirror.com campbellrivermirror.com
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FRIDAY, aUGUST AUGUST 16, 2013 2013 || Campbell CAMPBELL RiveR RIVER miRRoR MIRROR || 33 FRiDaY,
Council heads ‘back to school’ on container issue www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRivermirror.com
City plans to consult local businesses Kristen Douglas
Campbell RiveR miRRoR
Shipping containers are here to stay – for now. Council held off on making a decision Tuesday night on a proposed bylaw that would ban the long-term use of shipping containers on commercial and residential properties. On July 23, Coun. Ron
Kerr told a packed public hearing that he felt the bylaw was crafted by city staff without consulting business owners, many of whom use the containers on their property for storage. Kerr proposed at Tuesday’s council meeting, that council refer the bylaw to the city’s two public commissions and invite the business community to attend to get their input. Kerr’s motion was unanimously passed by council. “I believe we need more education on this issue, more community
input,” Kerr said. “The reason I’m recommending it be put forward to both committees is it affects the whole community.” Coun. Claire Moglove agreed. “With an issue like this that is somewhat divisive in the community, it would be very wise to get the business community involved,” she said. The proposed bylaw, which would restrict shipping containers to industrial zoned properties only, has been controversial since it was first unveiled by city
staff in response to complaints about the aesthetics of the containers. At a public hearing, 17 people spoke against the bylaw and one spoke in favour. Several business owners said they use the containers because it’s cheaper and faster than building a storage shed. Kermit Dahl, owner of Associated Tire in Campbellton, has his container hidden behind his shop on Highway 19A, out of view of the street and uses it store customers’ tires because space is tight.
Rose Harbour: Meeting needs Continued from Pg. 1
Each suite comes with a living room area, a kitchen, and a bed. Tenants fill the suites with their own furniture and purchase and cook their own food. They also pay rent, based on their income. Most of the residents are low-income or on social assistance so to help make ends meet, staff at Rose Habour have instituted a barter program. How it works is if residents volunteer to clean or do other chores around the facility, they receive a chip which can be used to pay for the Community Kitchen program. Typically, a fee is charged to participate in Community Kitchen – a group cooking session which provides food for participating tenants to take home with them. Rose Harbour also offers walking and stretching groups, morning meditation, yoga and exercise classes as well as social programs like playing cards. There are also support workers for the residents to work with to help them overcome their struggles and to teach them how to become good tenants. “For the tenants for Rose Harbour we have three support workers who provide support services individually,” Puetz said. “Each woman who lives here works with one support worker and they work out a plan as to what they want to achieve here.” Each resident starts with a six-month contract and once the period is up, residents can choose to renew their
tenancy or leave Rose Harbour to pursue more long-term housing. Beyond the Transition Society support, administrative, and outreach staff, Rose Harbour also houses the offices of the Women’s Centre on the main floor. The residential units are on the top floors. On the roof are panels for a solar-powered
water heating system. “It’s an energy-efficient building,” Puetz said. “We’ve applied for LEED certification. It’s built with excellent insulation. As well, it was built with products that are environmentally friendly. I think it’s really quite exciting to have something like that.” Rose Harbour, a $6.4 million facility, is a joint
project between BC Housing and the city. The province provided $6 million for construction and will provide an annual operating subsidy. The city donated the land, valued at $431,072. An official grand opening is scheduled for midOctober. See a slideshow of Rose Harbour at www.campbellrivermirror.com
Steve Daigle of Daigle Welding and Marine uses sea cans to store dangerous goods, including flammable materials that he’s not legally permitted to store inside his shop. Coun. Andy Adams recommended Tuesday that the city engage the business community through a series of meeting or open houses to try to find a solution. That
was also approved by council. Adams said that while the proposed bylaw may not be popular with everybody, it was a solution to a problem city staff were facing. “I want to acknowledge that staff aren’t just making things up,” he said. “They’re responding to complaints they’ve received and trying to
proactively come up with a solution.” The proposed bylaw will go before the city’s Community Services, Recreation and Culture Commission as well as the Advisory Planning and Environment Commission. Each commission is made up of nine members of the public and three councillors.
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Ladybug Release We will be welcoming thousands of ladybugs to our organic gardens to get rid of the common pests without the use of pesticides or chemicals. Join us for some fun in the gardens and remember to bring your camera!
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Drive Smart BC Haven’t You Got Anything Better To Do? “Haven’t you got anything better to do?” This was a question that I was asked often during my service as a constable in traffic law enforcement. I’m sure some of the drivers were just trying to needle me a bit in return for the ticket but most of them appeared to feel that sliding through a stop sign or doing a few kilometers per hour over the speed limit was trivial and should be ignored.
2x14 Tyee Chev Drive Safe When you disobey the traffic rules over and over again and nothing bad happens it is easy to believe that there is no risk in those actions. If there is no risk then it is acceptable behaviour and may be considered normal. Some drivers leave it at that and some push their boundaries until they have pushed too far. The result in both cases is an increased risk of collision.
Spending any amount of time in traffic law enforcement soon teaches you that what drivers often consider to be a trivial violation will eventually result in some horrendous consequences. You experience this directly with every serious collision that you are called on to investigate. There is no doubt in my mind that this experience caused me to write a ticket when the driver was expecting a warning. My job was to change the behaviour of the motoring public to conform to the traffic rules. I used many tools to attempt this including a web site, newspaper articles, radio spots, group talks and yes, warnings and tickets. After this if you still chose to go your own way then my response to this query should be “No, I’ve already tried by other means and haven’t gotten through to you. Sign here please.” The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more please visit www. drivesmartbc.ca. Cst. Tim Schewe (Rtd.) DriveSmartBC www.drivesmartbc.ca Twitter: @drivesmartbc
Summer Clean Up Car or Truck Package from
Frasher sockeye run, water levels still low Tom FleTcher BLACk PRESS
Commercial and sport sockeye fishing remained closed on the Fraser River system this week, as the Pacific Salmon Commission reported a lower than expected return of fish in what was already expected to be a poor return year. Based on the latest test fisheries, the commission’s Fraser River Panel upgraded its forecast of early summer-run sockeye from 400,000 to 452,000 fish. The following summer run “is either lower than forecast or their migration timing is much later than expected,” the joint Canada-U.S. panel reported this week. The proportion of late-
run sockeye through ocean approach areas has increased in recent days. The late run is expected to be dominated by Birkinhead, Weaver and Late Shuswap sockeye, with some from the Portage and Cultus Lake systems. Water level and temperature in the Fraser system is another concern, after a dry early summer. As of Aug. 5, Fraser River water discharge at Hope was 26 per cent lower than average for that date. The temperature was 20.5 degrees, 2.8 degrees higher than average, a condition that would risk high prespawning death if it continues. The 2013 run is the next in the four-year
sockeye life cycle after the disastrous 2009 run, which was expected to see 10 million return. After only one million came back, the federal government appointed Justice Bruce Cohen to head a commission of inquiry on the state of Fraser sockeye. As the inquiry was hearing testimony, the 2010 run came in at an unusually high 35 million fish, reflecting the complexity of the system that sustains Pacific salmon. The C ohen commission found overall declines in most west coast rivers starting in the late 1980s, from Washington state to the Fraser, Skeena and Nass in B.C., Yukon’s Klukshu and Alaska’s Alsek River.
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Paul Rudan/The MiRRoR
Yummy good cause
Seven-year-old Brianna Collie goes to work on her Dairy Queen Blizzard during the 11th annual Miracle Treat Day on Aug. 8. Proceeds from all Blizzard sales in the province are going to the BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver which helps children like Collie’s four-year-old brother James who has an undiagnosed disorder and requires a lot of care.
Campbell River Hospital temporary traffic pattern changes
VIHA VIHA 3x8 3x8 Proc The work is related to construction of a new temporary Ambulance Proc
Site work to prepare for the new $266 million, 95-bed Campbell River Hospital will lead to some traffic disruption around the existing Campbell River Hospital entrance on 2nd Avenue in the days ahead. Access Route to the existing hospital Emergency Department entrance. The laneway between the two parking lots at the Campbell River Hospital entrance will be closed to traffic from Monday August 26th to Wednesday August 28th to permit the installation of two manholes and piping, part of the perimeter drainage system for the new Ambulance Access Route. The brief laneway closure will require motorists to turn around and exit through the same entrance they’ve entered. During this period motorists will also be encouraged to enter and exit the western parking lot through the regular parking lot exit. Traffic control flag persons will be on hand to assist. The new temporary Ambulance Access Route is required because construction of the new hospital next year will block the present ambulance route to and from the present Emergency entrance. Please watch for additional temporary traffic changes in the weeks to come. Enter
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Killers lose their appeal www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Man died after being stomped on Paul Rudan
The B.C. Court of Appeal has upheld manslaughter convictions against two Campbell River men who beat and kicked another man to death. On Tuesday, the court ruled against Tyler Pastuck, 26, and Derek Crowther, 23, who were convicted in December 2011 in the death of Christopher Smythe, a 28-year-old fish farmer. “The trial judge made no error in her analysis of the arrests or her analysis of whether to
exclude evidence under. The trial judge’s verdict is reasonable and supported by the evidence,” wrote Justice Elizabeth Bennett of the appellant court. A third man, Jacob L awrence, 20, was charged in connection with Smythe’s death, but he was killed in a June 2011 motorbike accident. On Feb. 27, 2010, Smythe attended a house party at a Rockland Road townhouse which Pastuck was renting. In the early morning hours, neighbours called police after seeing a man being dragged by his ankles and then being “stomped on” by two or three other men. RCMP arrived within minutes of of the call and found Smythe behind the complex, still alive, but
badly beaten. He died three days later from blunt force head injuries. Constable Rob Munroe then spotted Crowther and other party goers standing at an open townhouse window. The Mountie recognized Crowther from past dealings and told him to go to the front door so the officer could speak to him. But Crowther didn’t respond and shut the window. Const. Munro e su r m i s e d t h at Crowther was involved in the assault and moved quickly to the entrance. He then kicked in the front door and, with gun drawn, went upstairs where the partiers had congregated. Crowther was found hiding under a mattress while Pastuck was found
NorthFree Island Gazzette Free Appraisals CANADIANAppraisal ANTIQUES ROADSHOW Canadian Expert 3x2
hiding in a closet. Both were covered in mud – it was wet outside – and blood found on both of them was later identified, through DNA analysis, to have belonged to the victim. “The trial judge did not base her decision on identity on the description of the parties in the backyard,” wrote Justice Bennett. “She based her decision primarily on the fact that Mr. Crowther and Mr. Pastuck were covered in Mr. Smythe’s blood.” In January 2012, Pastuck was sentenced to seven years in a federal prison while Crowther received a six-year term. However, their sentences were both reduced by 27 months due to time already served behind bars.
will be providing free appraisals as well as looking to purchase Northwest Coast and North American Indian art and artifacts dating before 1900. For an appointment please contact Howard Roloff at 1-800-595-1911 or email howardroloffandson@shaw.ca
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Phoenix gets sesismic upgrade As students return to class this September to advance their academic skills, Ecole Phoenix Middle school will also be improving, as construction begins on a seismic upgrade. The upgrade is part of the government’s Seismic Mitigation Program. Originally constructed in 1949, École Phoenix was almost completely rebuilt in 1979 after a fire left only the library intact. In 1999, an addition was constructed. The school is divided into eight blocks, six of which require seismic upgrad-
ing. The Ministry of Education and the Campbell River board of education (SD72) have signed a project agreement to deliver the project at a cost of just under $9 million. Included in the budget is $430,000 provided by the school district to upgrade to a metal roof. “I’m delighted the seismic upgrade will begin at Phoenix,” said board chair Michele Babchuck. “Once completed, the facility will be ready to welcome students for generations to come.” Improvements will
include the removal of hazardous materials, installing exterior concrete shear walls, and inserting reinforcing steel into concrete blocks. With the agreement in hand, the district plans to begin construction this year, with completion expected in December 2014. Construction will be phased, with students accommodated in five portable classrooms.
Quick facts: n Since 2001, the Province has invested more
Keep Safe this Boating Season
Transport Canada 3x4.57
Enforcement officers will be on the water to make sure everyone is following the boating safety rules. So, to keep safe and avoid fines, remember: Prepare before you set out
• Check your boat before leaving shore and make sure you have all required safety equipment on board. Don’t forget to ensure it is in good working order. • Make sure you have one Canadian-approved lifejacket or personal flotation device (PFD) in the right size for each person on board. Remember, it won’t work unless you wear it! • Don’t forget to carry your pleasure craft licence and your proof of competency. • Check the weather forecast before you set out. Safety rules on the water • You must always have a spotter in the boat when you tow someone tubing, water skiing or wakeboarding. • No youth under 16 years old may operate a personal watercraft. For more information on boating safety, please visit www.tc.gc.ca/boatingsafety
than $26.9 million in the Campbell River school district, which includes funding for full-day kindergarten. n Most recently, Ecole des Deux Mondes, Southgate Middle and Ecole Willow Point Elementary underwent seismic upgrades in the district. n The School Seismic Mitigation Program is backed by leading B.C. engineers and geoscientists who designed new guidelines for seismic safety in schools based on the latest research from major earthquakes around the globe.
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Discovery Week Schedule CR Museum Tuesday Wednesday August 20 August 21 4x4.5
Saturday August 17
Sunday August 18
Monday August 19
Puppet Shows
Puppet Shows
The Historic Mile
10:30 am & 1:30 pm
12:00 pm & 1:30 pm
9:00 am
Kids Day! Puppet Shows 10:30 am & 1:30 pm
Lego 2:00 pm Historic $2.00/person Walking Tour 3 and under $6.00/person free by preregistration Lego $5.00
Active History Afternoon
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm Free for residents
Thursday August 22
Friday August 23
Beaver Lodge Heritage Walk
Croquet & Tea 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm
11:00 am & 2:00 pm Historic $7.75/person Walking Tour by pre$5.00/person registration by preregistration
$2.00/person 3 and under free
Location: Museum
Location: Pier Street Market
Location: Pier Street
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for further information and to register please call the Museum at Campbell River
Family Swim & Lengths 12:30-2p.m. Centennial Outdoor Pool Public Swim: 2:30-4p.m. Centennial Outdoor Pool 250-287-1161 C.R. Healing Room 11a.m.-1p.m. 684 Isl. Hwy 250-923-2312 Lost Families Found 7-9p.m. CR Genealogy Society Library hours. Help avail. Maritime Museum. Janice: 250-203-0585 Library hours: 10am-8pm Texas Hold’Em: Willows Neighborhood Pub 250-923-8311 Open Mic: 6-9p.m. Serious Coffee 250-923-1312 Seniors Golf: 65yrs+ Rainbow’s End Golf Course, Sayward. 9 Holes $10. 250-282-3222 Crib: CR Legion. Reg 6:30pm, Game 7pm. 250286-6831
Library hours: 10am-8pm
CR Art Gallery hours: 10am-5pm Lost Families Found: 10a.m.-3p.m. CR Genealogy Society Library hours. Help avail. Maritime Museum. 250-203-0585
Al-Anon on Quadra 7-8p.m. 972 West Road Quadra Island Children’s Centre
Diabetic Drop In 3-4p.m. CR Hospital, Sunshine Wellness Centre
Jazz at the Point 6:30p.m. April Point Resort and Spa, Quadra Island. 250-285-2222
Jam Night 6:30-8:30p.m. Serious Coffee 250-9231312
TOPS #BC 4935 Bethany Lutheran Church. Weigh-In between 7:45am8:50am. Meeting 9:05 to 10:00am. Lunch in the Square 11:30am -1:15 p.m. Spirit Square. www.spiritsquare.ca
Weight Watchers Mtg: Quadra Community Centre, 6-7pm.
Acoustic Jam: CR Lodge, 7pm. Hosts: Gerald & Maureen.
CR Art Gallery hours: 10am-5pm
Weight Watchers Mtg: Maritime Heritage Ctr, 11am & 6pm, 250-286-3161
Museum Puppet Shows 10:30a.m. & 1:30p.m. 470 Island Highway 250-287-3103 Discovery Toastmasters 12-1:00p.m.Community Centre-Rm 1. Contact Lorraine: 250-286-4273
WEDNESDAYS CR Toastmasters 7-8:30pm. Community Centre, Rm 1 Chris: 923-4162 chriskoz@shaw.ca Library hours: 10am-8pm
Live Music 9:30p.m.2a.m. Quinsam Hotel
C.R. Healing Room11a.m.-1p.m. & 7-9p.m. 684 Isl. Hwy. Confidential prayer. No charge or appt. 250-923-2312
top of the hill from the ferry terminal.
Library hours: 10am-8pm Community Calandar SATURDAYS Weight Watchers Quadra Island Farmers Mtg: Maritime Heritage 7x14 Market 10am-2pm. Museum 11:30am Behind the Credit Union;
Weight Watchers Mtg: Maritime Heritage Museum. 11:30am & 6:30pm
Drop-In MeditationAll Levels: 7-8p.m. Ocean Resort, 4384 Island Hwy. Lucas@oceanresort. ca. 250-792-3165
CR Art Gallery hours: 10am-5pm
Lost Families Found: 1:30-4p.m. CR Genealogy Society Library hours. Help avail. Maritime Museum. 250-203-0585 Therapeutic Relaxation Skills 3:30-5:30p.m. CR Hospice Society, #104 - 301 Dogwood St. 250286-1121 www.crhospice.org
Pool & Darts: Eagles Lounge 250-287-4990
Art Gallery hours: 10am5pm
Salmon BBQ: Strathcona Park Lodge. Traditionally cooked salmon on cedar wood around the fire. 250286-3122. Fun Swims: Centennial Pool, 2:30-4pm. Theme each week w/ games & prizes. Till Aug 14th. 250923-7911. Meaningful Media 3:30-8:30pm. Robron Centre. 3rd Monday of the mnth. Movie, discussion and meal. Debbie 250830-0171 ext.812 Night CR Sea Kayaking Club Evening paddles. John Gubbels: 250-203-9953 Al-Anon 12-1pm St. Patrick’s Church, 34 S Alder St. Barb: 250-9235537 or Judy: 250-923-1653
THURSDAYS CR Ultimate 6:30p.m. Southgate Middle School campbellriverultimate.com
The VERY BEST in Campbell River!
Library hours: 10am-8pm
Holding A
Fundraiser? Email your details to:
fundraising@ campbellrivermirror.com
for a free listing in our “What’s On This Week” feature page! For more information call Darcey 250|287|9227
UPCOMING Save On Foods Raise the Roof fundraising Campaign Friday, Aug. 16. Redeem your Reward Points adn SOF will match point for point with all proceeds going to a new shelter.
Kayak Polo (16+): Strathcona Gardens, 9-10pm Bring kayak, prereg. 250-287-9234 (1st & 3rd Thu)
Saratoga Speedway Racing: Gates open: 5:30pm-Races: 7pm. SaratogaSpeed-Way.bc.ca 250-923-2592
Vermicomposting Workshop(Worm Bin) Sat., Aug. 17. 10am. CR Compost Education Centre, 228 S. Dogwood St. For more info contact Elaine at 250-287-1625
Weight Watchers Mtg: Maritime Heritage Museum 9:30am
Art for the Garden Saturday, August 17. Super Saturdays Drop in art making program. CR Art Gallery, 1235 Shoppers Row. 1-3pm.
99.7 The River Concert Series 7-9pm. Spirit Square. Bring a lawn chair. Family friendly.
Museum Puppet Shows 10:30a.m. & 1:30p.m. 470 Island Highway 250-287-3103
$1 Day Clothing Sale Tues. August 20. Nifty Thrify 2nd Hand Store, 1185 Greenwood. Adult clothing $1. Kids clothing .50. 250-287-9731
Campbell River Auction 1358 Marwalk Cres, 6pm. 250-287-3939
Rock n’ Bowl 9p.m.-12a.m. CR Bowling Centre. 250-286-1177
Open Mic: Misty Fins 6:30pm. 250-287-4320
Open Mic Nite: Serious Coffee 7-10pm 923.1312 CR Art Gallery hours: 10am-5pm
Pier Street Market 10am-2:30pm. www.pierstreet.com
Popsey’s Resturant Roast Beef Dinner w/salad & desser.t Fri/Sat 5-8pm
Al-Anon 8:00p.m. 7th Day Adventist Church, 300 Thulin St.Barb 250923-5537 or Judy 250-9231653
Gamblers Anonymous 7-9pm, St.Patrick’s Church, 34 S. Alder St.
Evening Church in the Square: 7:00 - 9:00pm Open to all!
Meat Draws Eagles Hall, 1999-14th Ave 250-287-4990
Saratoga Golf Club 9 holes $20. Twilight(after3pm) 9 holes $15. Open to public. 7 days a week.
Library hours: 10am-8pm
Family Fun Fair. Sat. August 17. CR Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 2215 Campbell River Road. 11am-3pm
Blood Donor Clinic. Tues. Aug. 20 2:15pm. Wed. Aug 21-12-8pm. Thurs. Aug. 22- 12-6pm. Community Centre. Drop Ins welcome. Give the Gift of Life. 1-888-2-DONATE (236-6283) Meaningful Media Night Wed. Aug. 21. 3:30-8:30pm Robron Centre, Join us for a movie, discussion and a meal. Debbie 250-830-0717 Ladybug Release for Kids Sat. Aug. 24. 11am. CR Compost Education Centre, 228 S. Dogwood St. $5 Bag Day Wed. Aug. 28. Nifty Thrify 2nd Hand Store, 1185 Greenwood. Everything Goes! 250-287-9731
Aug. 16 – Aug. 22
Kick-ass 2 (14A) (No Passes) Daily 3:55, 7:35 & 9:55; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:35 & 3:55 2 Guns (14A) (Ends Tuesday) Fri to Tues 9:20 Only Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters 3D (PG) (No Passes) Daily 3:30, 7:05 & 9:30; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:05 Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters 2D (PG) (No Passes) Sat & Sun Matinees 3:30 Elysium (14A) Daily 3:40, 7:15 & 9:40; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:15 & 3:40 The Smurfs 2 3D (G) (Ends Tuesday) Fri to Tues 3:20, 7:00 & 9:20; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:00 The Smurfs 2 2D (G) (Ends Tuesday) Sat & Sun Matinees 3:20 We’re The Millers (14A) Daily 3:45, 7:20 & 9:45; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:20 & 9:45 Mortal Instruments City of Bones (PG) (No Passes) Wed & Thurs 3:35, 6:50 & 9:35
Dogwood and Merecroft, Campbell River
Enjoy the view of the harbour.
or by email: whatson@ campbellrivermirror.com
Al-Anon- 1pm & 7:30pm 7th Day Adventist Church Barb 250-923-5537 or Judy 250-923-1653
Sayward Summer Market: 10a.m.-2p.m. Sayward Heritage Community Hall, 1257 Sayward Road
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WORK WITH Us • Clerk Technician
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Visit the “employment” page at www.campbellriver.ca
Notice is hereby given that Council of the City of Campbell River, will be accepting applications for Community Partnership grants-in-aid for community groups which meet the criteria stated in the City of Campbell River Council Finance Policy Section 2.3.
Notice is hereby given that Council of the City of Campbell River, will be accepting applications for permissive property tax exemptions for property that is either owned or held by a church, charitable, philanthropic or non-profit organization that meets the requirements prescribed by Section 224 of the Community Charter and City Council’s Finance Policy.
Advisory Commissions and Committees or from City Hall upon request and should be submitted to the attention of Tracy Bate, Deputy City Clerk, 301 St. Ann’s Road, Campbell River, BC V9W 4C7.
Wipper, City Clerk at 250-286-5707, email peter.wipper@campbellriver.ca or Tracy Bate, Deputy City Clerk at 250-286-5705, email tracy.bate@campbellriver.ca.
7x14 Applications and a copy of Council’s Finance Policy are available on the City website CITY CURRENTS at www.campbellriver.ca by selecting City Hall / Departments / Legislative Services / For further information or clarification on the application process contact Peter F. For further information or clarification on the application process contact Tracy Bate, Deputy City Clerk at 250-286-5705, email tracy.bate@campbellriver.ca or Peter F. Wipper, City Clerk at 250-286-5707, email peter.wipper@campbellriver.ca .
Applications are available on the City website at www.campbellriver.ca by selecting City Hall / Departments/ Legislative Services/ Advisory Commissions and Committees or from City Hall upon request. Applications should be submitted to the attention of Tracy Bate, Deputy City Clerk, 301 St. Ann’s Road, Campbell River, BC V9W 4C7.
The deadline for submissions is 4:30 p.m. Friday, september 13, 2013.
The deadline for submissions is 4:30 p.m. Friday, August 30, 2013.
Pursuant to Section 86 of the Community Charter, the City of Campbell River hereby gives notice that it is seeking the approval of the electors of the City of Campbell River by an alternative approval process. This alternative approval process applies to the entire City of Campbell River.
Pursuant to Section 86 of the Community Charter, the City of Campbell River hereby gives notice that it is seeking the approval of the electors of the City of Campbell River by an alternative approval process. This alternative approval process applies to the entire City of Campbell River.
The Community Charter authorizes council to adopt a loan authorization bylaw for the purpose of borrowing funds that will be used to replace capital infrastructure. Loan authorization bylaws may only be adopted with the approval of the electors. Approval of the electors may be obtained by an alternative approval process. The City obtains the approval of the electors if not less than 10% of the electors reply to the City using an elector response form to indicate their opposition to the proposed bylaw.
The Community Charter authorizes council to adopt a loan authorization bylaw for the purpose of borrowing funds that will be used to replace capital infrastructure. Loan authorization bylaws may only be adopted with the approval of the electors. Approval of the electors may be obtained by an alternative approval process. The City obtains the approval of the electors if not less than 10% of the electors reply to the City using an elector response form to indicate their opposition to the proposed bylaw.
The question before the electors is whether they are opposed to the Campbell River City Council adopting Loan Authorization for the Estimated Cost of Water Infrastructure Upgrades Bylaw No. 3518, 2013. This bylaw, if adopted, will allow the City to borrow up to $10,200,000 over 15 years to replace and upgrade water infrastructure in the City as per the 2013-2017 financial plan bylaw. The annual cost of borrowing will be paid for by utility user fees over 15 years which has been reflected in the 2013-2017 financial plan bylaw.
The question before the electors is whether they are opposed to the Campbell River City Council adopting Loan Authorization for the Estimated Cost of Sewer Infrastructure Upgrades Bylaw No. 3519, 2013. This bylaw, if adopted, will allow the City to borrow up to $4,800,000 over 15 years to replace and upgrade sewer infrastructure in the City as per the 2013-2017 financial plan bylaw. The annual cost of borrowing will be paid for by utility user fees over 15 years which has been reflected in the 2013-2017 financial plan bylaw.
The number of eligible electors in the City of Campbell River is estimated to be 24,011. The Council for the City may proceed with adoption of “Loan Authorization for the Estimated Cost of Water Infrastructure Upgrades Bylaw No. 3518, 2013” unless, by the deadline set out below, at least 10% (2,401) of the estimated number of electors in the City of Campbell River have signed and submitted individual elector response forms indicating that Council may not proceed with adoption of the bylaw without first receiving the assent of the electors by other voting.
The number of eligible electors in the City of Campbell River is estimated to be 24,011. The Council for the City may proceed with adoption of “Loan Authorization for the Estimated Cost of Sewer Infrastructure Upgrades Bylaw No. 3519, 2013” unless, by the deadline set out below, at least 10% (2,401) of the estimated number of electors in the City of Campbell River have signed and submitted individual elector response forms indicating that Council may not proceed with adoption of the bylaw without first receiving the assent of the electors by other voting.
Elector Response Forms Alternative approval process elector response forms will be accepted only if they are in the form established by the City of Campbell River or an accurate copy of the form. The forms are available at the City Clerk’s office, City Hall, 301 St. Ann’s Road and on the website at www.campbellriver.ca and must be submitted to the City Clerk, City of Campbell River, 301 St. Ann’s Road, Campbell River, BC, V9W 4C7, by mail or in person.
Elector Response Forms Alternative approval process elector response forms will be accepted only if they are in the form established by the City of Campbell River or an accurate copy of the form. The forms are available at the City Clerk’s office, City Hall, 301 St. Ann’s Road and on the website at www.campbellriver.ca and must be submitted to the City Clerk, City of Campbell River, 301 St. Ann’s Road, Campbell River, BC, V9W 4C7, by mail or in person.
For an elector response form to be accepted, it MUsT: • Be submitted by a qualified registered elector of the City of Campbell River; • Include the full name of the elector; • Include the residential address of the elector; • Be signed by the elector; • If applicable, state the address of the property in relation to which the person is entitled to register as a non-resident property elector; and • Be submitted to the City Clerk before the deadline.
• • • • • •
NOTE: a person must not sign any alternative approval process elector response form more than once and may not withdraw his or her name from the elector response form after the deadline for submission of the elector response forms has passed. For more information on the loan authorization bylaw, please call: Laura Ciarniello, General Manager, Corporate Services at 250.286.5759.
NOTE: a person must not sign any alternative approval process elector response form more than once and may not withdraw his or her name from the elector response form after the deadline for submission of the elector response forms has passed. For more information on the loan authorization bylaw, please call: Laura Ciarniello, General Manager, Corporate Services at 250.286.5759.
Deadline The deadline for submitting signed elector response forms opposing the adoption of Loan Authorization for the Estimated Cost of Water Infrastructure Upgrades Bylaw No. 3518, 2013 is no later than 4:30 pm, Monday, september 23, 2013. Elector response forms must be in the possession of the City Clerk by this time, as postmarks WILL NOT be accepted as date of submission. Original signatures are required, so the elector response forms may not be submitted by email or fax.
Deadline The deadline for submitting signed elector response forms opposing the adoption of Loan Authorization for the Estimated Cost of Sewer Infrastructure Upgrades Bylaw No. 3519, 2013 is no later than 4:30 pm, Monday, september 23, 2013. Elector response forms must be in the possession of the City Clerk by this time, as postmarks WILL NOT be accepted as date of submission. Original signatures are required, so the elector response forms may not be submitted by email or fax.
The Bylaw and related material are available for public inspection at the City Hall, 301 St. Ann’s Road, Campbell River, BC during regular office hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
The Bylaw and related material are available for public inspection at the City Hall, 301 St. Ann’s Road, Campbell River, BC during regular office hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
In accordance with section 94 of the Community Charter, this is the first printing of two publications of this Notice, dated this 16 day of August, 2013.
In accordance with section 94 of the Community Charter, this is the first printing of two publications of this Notice, dated this 16 day of August, 2013.
Peter F. Wipper, City Clerk, City of Campbell River, 250.286.5707
Peter F. Wipper, City Clerk, City of Campbell River, 250.286.5707
For an elector response form to be accepted, it MUsT: Be submitted by a qualified registered elector of the City of Campbell River; Include the full name of the elector; Include the residential address of the elector; Be signed by the elector; If applicable, state the address of the property in relation to which the person is entitled to register as a non-resident property elector; and Be submitted to the City Clerk before the deadline.
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Member of BC Press Council
The Campbell River Mirror is published every Wednesday and Friday by Black Press Ltd. 104-250 Dogwood St., Campbell River, B.C. V9W 2X9
Telephone: 250-287-9227 • Fax: 250-287-3238
Our View
These phones aren’t really so smart They’re called smartphones but the way some people use them is anything but smart, giving us all legitimate cause for concern about public safety. A new poll that shows that 64 per cent of adults in B.C. own a smartphone also We say: Smart reveals, more disturbingly, that about 18 phones can per cent of those who do consider themselves “strongly addicted to the device.” control our Predictably, the majority who placed every-day lives themselves in that particular category describe their addiction as “manageable.” It’s a rare addict, after all, who acknowledges his or her addiction — whatever it is — is galloping out of control. That all
changes, of course, when the addict is faced with incontrovertible evidence — usually some severe crisis or tragedy — that calls for an immediate change in behaviour. The question is, should we, as a society, be expected to pay the price of such a crisis or tragedy? Particularly when it’s something like an accident caused by driving without due care and attention? Smartphones offer entertainment and information through a multitude of apps, and they have very practical uses in terms of communication, particularly in emergencies, that have, so far, merely scratched the surface of their potential. But it’s no news they also function as a distraction. According to the recent poll, those who describe themselves as
addicted estimate they spend an average of 2.5 of their waking hours staring at their diminutive keypads and screens. If that 2.5 hours were spent in one block of time, it might be a different matter but it’s spread throughout the day, usually while the users are multi-tasking in some way. We should all be more aware of the imminent dangers such devices present and to make sure that we are actually controlling them — not the other way around. The human animal is flawed and there is always the temptation to make just one short call, or glance at that incoming message. A quick look, a few more words, just this once — who could it hurt? The answer is not only ourselves but many others, too.
SPCA needs to find another space After reading of the SPCA’s hopes of opening an adoption center within the Maritime Heritage Centre, I am angered! This city building in arguably one of the nicest halls to have a gathering take place in, such as a wedding, yet the SPCA wants to ruin this by having barking dogs within the building. I support the SPCA by donating and adopting, and feel that the city should work with them to find a new building to open the adoption centre. I personally have a wedding booked at the museum a year from now and would not be a happy bride if my first dance, father/daughter dance or even just my dinner for that fact was interrupted by continuous barking. I feel in this case the SPCA is being selfish, hopefully the city doesn’t get sucked into this idea. Find a different building! Tanis Benoit, Campbell River We welcome your opinions on stories and issues published in our pages as well as issues of broader concern encountered elsewhere. Please keep your letters brief. We reserve the right to edit for length and liability. E-mail them to editor@campbellrivermirror.com
Government to blame for looming BC Hydro rate hikes Marvin Shaffer
BC Hydro rates are going up. In its rate application hearing before the BC Utilities Commission last year, BC Hydro forecast increases of some 10 per cent a year for five years or more. In 10 years time, rates could be double current levels. That hearing took place prior to the May election and, needless to say, talk of such increases, let alone their implementation, was not allowed. The government capped BC Hydro’s rate increases and the hearing abruptly terminated. Now, post-election, BC Hydro is back to square one: it still has to increase its rates to match its growing expenditures, as well as recover costs that were deferred inappropri-
ately in the past. While the government looked to BC Hydro management and even the NDP administration in the 1990s to blame for the current predicament, the nature and scope of the Liberal government’s intervention in the affairs of BC Hydro over the past decade were unprecedented. First, the government directed BC Hydro to be self-sufficient. BC Hydro could no longer rely on any imports of electricity, even the seasonal surplus hydro and wind routinely available in the Pacific Northwest, to meet its requirements. Nor could BC Hydro recognize the Burrard natural gas-fired thermal plant or the electricity that the province receives under the Columbia River Treaty as sources of energy
that it could use in case of drought or other contingencies. It was widely recognized that self-sufficiency has simply forced BC Hydro to buy or develop more sources of new supply than it needs or could otherwise justify. At the same time, the government severely restricted the sources of supply that BC Hydro could itself develop, directing that new sources be purchased under long term contract with independent power producers (IPPs). The government later legislated that BC Hydro plan to buy IPP power for export, and provide the transmission, back-up and other services needed to create marketable products. BC Hydro’s mandate was no longer to meet its customer needs in a reliable, cost-effective and responsible way. It was to be a vehicle for
the development of a new IPP industry. BC Hydro was also directed to make billions of dollars of new investments, all exempt from the BC Utilities Commission or other independent review, including the now infamous smart meter and Northwest transmission line projects. BC Hydro was told to rush ahead with those projects despite the lack of well-developed business cases or public interest justification, and despite the large amount of priority investments that BC Hydro had to make at the same time to maintain and refurbish its existing facilities. These major changes in direction and arguably the basic mandate of the corporation, contributed greatly to the upward pressure on Continued on 9
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Our team:
Design team: Rachael Beckley, Michelle Hueller, Kristi Pellegrin, Marnie Neaves Dave Hamilton Publisher
Alistair Taylor Editor
publisher@ campbellrivermirror.com
editor@ campbellrivermirror.com
Paul Rudan Reporter paulr@ campbellrivermirror.com
Kristen Douglas Marianne Graham Reporter Office Manager kristend@ campbellrivermirror.com
office@ campbellrivermirror.com
Dean Taylor Sales
deant@ campbellrivermirror.com
Debbie Baker Sales
debbieb@ campbellrivermirror.com
Don Daniels Sales
dond@ campbellrivermirror.com
blight was turned into a jewel in the crown of the City of Campbell River. Coupled with the Discovery Pier, the Maritime Heritage Centre is one of the centrepieces of downtown Campbell River, something to be
envied by other communities. This is not the place for the SPCA. Through dedication, vision and hard work, we have taken a site of high value, low use and turned it into a site of high value and high use.
Locating the SPCA here, in my view, would not only be regressive, but an affront to those who dedicated themselves to building it. My suggestion is that the SPCA find a more suitable location. I noticed there is a
Doggie Day Care on 14th Avenue, which would (correct me if I am wrong) indicate that zoning for this type of use is premissable in the area.
2x4 SUMMER 2x4 HOURS 10 am - 5 pm Thursday - Sunday
James Bifano Campbell River
Hydro: Changes need to be made losses of over $250 million on BC Hydro in 2014 and over $1 billion in losses over the next four years, based on BC Hydro’s own estimate of the average price of the energy it was forced to purchase and its forecast value in the export market. We cannot undo what has already been done. But changes can and should be made going forward to reduce further pressure on hydro rates. The requirement for self-sufficiency needs
to be completely eliminated. Government should restore BC Hydro’s traditional mandate: to ensure reliable supply in a costeffective and responsible manner. BC Hydro should again be allowed to recognize Burrard as a back-up resource in the event of drought as long as that plant remains in operation. Major new investments, including Site C dam, need to be subject to BC Utilities Commission or other independent review of the ben-
ow? Shoppers Drug id You KnDrug DShoppers
th ST 17 U G U A , Y A D rd This SATUR UST 23 G U A , Y A ID to FR e
Mart Mart 2x6 2x6 RS E P P O H S E H T X 0 2
efits and costs they entail. Government must resist exempting them from benefit-cost assessment and independent review. Most importantly, right now, government must ensure there are no major subsidies to LNG plants for BC Hydro energy or services, or to the supply and pricing of electricity for major new mining
and oil and gas loads. The low rates BC Hydro customers have enjoyed are due to the benefit we all share in the low-cost hydro generation BC Hydro developed in the 1960s and ‘70s – its so-called “heritage resources.” A limit must be placed on each customer’s sharing of the benefits of
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Marvin Shaffer is a research associate with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and a consulting economist specializing in energy, transportation and natural resource economics.
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those heritage hydro resources; otherwise there will soon be little such benefits to share.
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Darcey Wood, Tanya Graham 1-855-310-3535
circulation@ campbellrivermirror.com
Maritime Centre is a crown jewel When I moved to Campbell River 31 years ago, it came as a surprise that a sewage treatment plant was located smack dab in the centre of town. Through the efforts of many civic-minded and far-sighted citizens this
Classified team:
Becky Merrick Circulation
1120 Ironwood St., Ca mpbell River (250) 286-4828
Back to School 7x14 Registration for New Students
All new students must register by Friday, August 30 to be enrolled in their neighbourhood school (provided the appropriate program, space and resources are available). This includes students entering kindergarten or public school for the first time and students who have moved from another school district or to a new school catchment area.
Elementary Schools (Gr. K - 5)
Elementary schools will be open for registration starting on Monday, August 26. Contact the school for specific hours. To register for kindergarten, you must provide your child’s birth certificate.
Middle Schools (Gr. 6 - 8)
Counsellors will be available from Monday, August 26 to Friday, August 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for new registrations. Contact the school to schedule an appointment. There will be a tour of Southgate for any new students on Wednesday, August 28 at 11 a.m. Everyone welcome.
Carihi Secondary (Gr. 9 - 12)
Counsellors will be available from Monday, August 26 to Friday, August 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for new registrations. Phone the school at (250) 286-6282 to schedule an appointment.
Timberline Secondary (Gr. 9 - 12)
Counsellors will be available for new registrations as follows: Monday, August 26 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.; Tuesday, August 27, Thursday, August 29 and Friday, August 30 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.; Wednesday, August 28 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Phone the school at (250) 923-9500 to schedule an appointment.
Late Enrolling Students
In accordance with policy J-19, students who register after Wednesday, August 28 will have their name placed on the school assignment list. Priority will be determined by the date and time the application was received at the school’s main office. If the school is not able to accommodate the student, they will be required to attend a nearby school. Late transfer applicants will not have their application reviewed until September enrolments are confirmed.
Cross-Boundary Transfers
Students with approved cross-boundary requests are to attend their approved school, starting the first week of school. Those who have requested a transfer, but have not yet been approved or are on a wait list, are to attend their present school until they receive information on their request (the latest date of notification is September 6). Late requests may be submitted, in writing with the proper form, but students will be added to the wait list and are to attend their present school until notified. Parents are responsible for providing transportation to and from the school they are applying to.
Returning Late from Vacation?
Students already registered, but returning late from summer vacation must advise their school, in writing, by August 30 to ensure that they are included in the school’s enrolment count. Students not in attendance the first week of school will be withdrawn unless there has been contact with the school.
Class Lists
Class lists and school organization will not be finalized before September 6. We ask for your support and patience while this very complex process is completed.
School Supplies
Supply lists are available from local retailers or each school.
French Immersion Elementary Schools Early French Immersion programs are provided at École des Deux Mondes and École Willow Point. Late French Immersion program is provided at École Phoenix Middle School.
First Day of School Times
Laichwiltach Learning Program
Elementary Schools: Cedar Discovery Passage École des Deux Mondes École Willow Point Georgia Park Ocean Grove Oyster River Penfield Pinecrest Quadra Ripple Rock Sandowne
8:45 8:30 8:45 8:25 8:30 8:10 8:30 8:45 8:50 8:45 8:25 8:45
a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m.
11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30
a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m.
Middle Schools:
École Phoenix Grade 6 only Sept. 3 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Grade 6, 7, 8 Sept. 4 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Grade 6, 7, 8 Sept. 5 9:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. * Lunch will be provided on Sept. 3. No regular lunch program will be available during the first week of school. Southgate Grade 6 only Sept. 3 9:05 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Grade 6, 7, 8 Sept. 4 9:05 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Grade 6, 7, 8 Sept. 5 9:05 a.m. - 2:50 p.m. * No lunch program will be available the first week of school.
Secondary Schools:
Carihi Secondary Grade 9 only Sept. 3 8:40 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and any new students Grade 9, 10, 11, 12 Sept. 4 8:40 a.m. - 2:50 p.m. * No lunch program will be available the first week of school. Timberline Secondary Grade 9 only Sept. 3 8:55 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. Grade 9, 10, 11, 12 Sept. 4 8:55 a.m. - 3:05 p.m. * No lunch program will be available the first week of school.
Outlying Schools:
Cortes Elementary / Jr. Sec. 8:50 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Sayward Elementary / Jr. Sec. 8:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Surge Narrows School 8:40 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Robron Centre
An Aboriginal alternative learning program based on the ‘Circle of Courage’ for students in grades 10 to 12 that combines academic, life skills and cultural programs.
Robron Junior Alternate Program
The Robron Junior Alternate program enrolls students in grades 8 and 9 in a full-time academic program that combines project-based learning, community service, and life skills development in an alternative setting.
Equinox Alternate Program
A full-time academic program for students in grades 10 to 12 who wish to graduate in an alternative setting with non-traditional academic experiences. Students earn credits for graduation through activity-based learning, community service, and life skills development with the goal of creating a successful transition from school to a career pathway.
Continuing Education
Continuing Education offers academic courses to adult students who wish to upgrade skills, complete a high school graduation diploma, or earn prerequisites for college. Continuing Education is open 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, starting September 3.
Literacy Centre
The Literacy Centre offers programs to adults interested in improving their reading, writing, spelling, grammar and math skills. The Literacy Centre is open Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Kindergarten Students: Gradual Entry
Gradual entry sets students up for success for the rest of their school years as it is designed to ease children into school and allows the teacher opportunity to gather important information about each student to help develop their instructional plan. Schools will advise the parents/ guardians of registered students of their dates and times for their gradual entry days. All Kindergarten students will come to school with their parents for at least one hour on September 3. After the first day of school, Kindergarten students will then come to school in small groups, based on a schedule developed by the teacher. All Kindergarten students will be in regular daily attendance no later than Friday, September 13. Should a family wish a longer gradual entry for their child, parents are encouraged to meet with the child’s teacher and the school principal to discuss required adaptations.
There will be no regularly scheduled classes for kindergarten to grade 12 students from September 3 to 6. However, the Continuing Education classroom will be open starting September 3. School-age students and guardians already attending Robron Centre Alternate Programs or the eBlend Home Learning Program will be contacted September 3 to 6 to create their learning plans. Classes for all students in the Alternate Programs (8-12) will begin the following week on September 9. To register for any of the following programs, phone (250) 923-4918 starting August 26.
Please call your child’s school starting August 26 for further information.
Discovery Passage, École des Deux Mondes, École Willow Point, Georgia Park, Ocean Grove, & Oyster River
11:35 a.m.
eBlend Home Learning Program
École Phoenix Middle School
12:10 p.m.
Southgate Middle School & Timberline Secondary
12:15 p.m.
Carihi Secondary
12:16 p.m.
A distributed learning program for students wishing to do their schooling at home. eBlend provides an educational program from Kindergarten to Grade 12 through the collaboration of educators, parents and students.
eBlend Connect Program
Enrolls students in grades 7 to 9 who are either directed by other schools to attend; are chronically ill and unable to attend a regular school program; or, are discouraged learners with issues preventing them from attending regular schools. Students complete most of their work at home and meet with the teacher regularly.
Elm Alternate Program
Elm Alternate enrolls students between 15 and 18 years of age. Students can be referred to Elm by other secondary schools or students can self refer if they have been out of school for longer than three months.
First Day of School Bus Schedules
Pick-up times are listed under the regular morning bus schedules on the next page.
Approximate departure time from school:
Second Day of School Bus Schedules
The regular bus schedule listed in this ad will be in effect on Wednesday, September 4 for all elementary and secondary schools. To accommodate the early dismissals of Southgate and École Phoenix Middle Schools, pick-up for those two schools on September 4 will be as follows: Southgate École Phoenix
11:45 a.m. 12:10 p.m.
2013/14 School Year Calendar
Download the school calendar from www.sd72.bc.ca
Transportation or Boarding Allowances
Bus transportation is provided for Kindergarten to grade 5 students living more than 4 km from the nearest school, and grade 6 to 12 students living more than 4.8 km from their catchment area school. Where students live outside walk limits and transportation is not provided within 4 km of the student’s residence, transportation assistance may be available. Also, where the school district has not provided programs at the student’s required grade level, a boarding allowance may be available as long as the student is boarding away from the family home to attend an SD72 school. Call (250) 830-2300 for more information.
Transportation for Special Needs
Special needs routes will be finalized in September and parents will be contacted with information for their child.
Transit Bus Service
BC Transit passes will be available for purchase through the secondary schools starting in September.
What if the School Bus Doesn’t Arrive?
Due to unforeseen circumstances, a school bus may be late. Parents should have an alternate plan for their children in the event a bus comes late or does not arrive. If, after 20 minutes, the bus has not arrived, students should return home and phone their school or the Transportation Department at (250) 287-8808 for assistance.
Pick-Up Times
Students should be at their bus stop five minutes before the scheduled pick-up, however, due to unforeseen circumstances, the bus could be up to 10 minutes late.
Route 4 A.M. 7:00 S. Isld. Hwy/McGimpsey Rd. 7:10 York Rd./Deerfield Rd. 7:12 York Rd./Woodhus Rd. 7:19 York Rd./Enquist Rd. 7:23 Edgewater Mailboxes 7:27 Croydon Rd./Upland Rd. 7:30 S. Isld. Hwy/Salmon Point Rd. 7:32 S. Isld. Hwy/Oyster Garden Rd. 7:34 S. Isld. Hwy/Sailor Rd. 7:38 Lynnwood Rd./Dillman Rd. 7:40 Dillman Rd./Seawave Rd. 7:43 Engles Rd./Mitlenatch Dr. 7:44 Peak Dr./Victory Turn Rd. 7:47 Bier Rd./Crawford Rd. 7:55 École Willow Point Elem. - P/U Carihi,Phoenix Students 7:57 Alder St./Cottonwood 8:05 Carihi Secondary 8:10 École Phoenix Middle School 8:15 Quadra Ferry 8:25 Carihi Secondary 8:30 École des Deux Mondes Elem. 8:35 École Phoenix Middle School Route 5 A.M. 7:30 Snowdon Rd./Brewster Lake 7:35 3900 Gordon Rd. 7:38 Bella Rd./Gordon Rd. 7:40 4650 Gordon Rd. 7:42 5100 Duncan Bay Rd. (Blue Spruce) 7:45 5750 Duncan Bay Rd. 7:53 Discovery Passage Elem. - P/U EDM,Phoenix,Carihi Students 7:56 3050 Isld. Hwy (A-Wood) 8:01 Isld. Hwy/Park 8:10 Carihi Secondary 8:15 École des Deux Mondes Elem. 8:20 École Phoenix Middle School 8:27 Quadra Ferry 8:35 Carihi Secondary
If you have a question or concern contact the Transportation Department at (250) 287-8808.
A.M. 7:50 S. Isld. Hwy/Barlow Rd. 7:52 S. Isld. Hwy/Dahl Rd. 7:53 S. Isld. Hwy/Twillingate 7:54 S. Isld. Hwy/Washington 7:57 3700 S. Isld. Hwy 8:02 Ocean Grove Elem. 8:12 Bute Cres./Homathco Dr. 8:19 Georgia Park Elem. 8:28 S. Isld. Hwy/Dahl Rd. 8:30 S. Isld. Hwy/Twillingate 8:32 S. Isld. Hwy/Washington 8:35 3700 S. Isld. Hwy 8:45 Timberline Secondary 8:55 Southgate Middle School
P.M. 2:37 École des Deux Mondes Elem. 2:47 Coho Rd./Steelhead Rd. 2:49 Woodburn Rd./Dollyvarden Rd. 2:51 Woodburn Rd./Spring Rd. 2:54 1750 Willow St. Superior Propane 2:59 Willis Rd./Nikola Rd. 3:09 Carihi Secondary 3:18 Quadra Ferry 3:27 École Phoenix Middle School 3:33 Carihi Secondary 3:42 Ida Rd./Park Rd. 3:43 Coho Rd./Steelhead Rd. 3:46 Woodburn Rd./Dollyvarden Rd. 3:48 Woodburn Rd./Spring Rd. 3:52 2777 Hwy 19 (Bill Howich) 3:55 Effie Joy/Perkins Rd. 3:58 1750 Willow St. Superior Propane 4:03 Willis Rd./Nikola Rd. 4:05 Willis Rd./Carolyn Rd.
A.M. 7:52 Ida Rd./Park Rd. 7:57 Woodburn Rd./Dollyvarden Rd. 7:59 Woodburn Rd./Spring Rd. 8:01 Woodburn Apartments 8:05 Isld. Hwy/Perth 8:10 Discovery Passage Elem. 8:15 3050 Isld. Hwy (A-Wood) 8:18 1750 Willow St. Superior Propane 8:23 Willis Rd./Nikola Rd. 8:25 Willis Rd./Carolyn Rd. 8:35 Carihi Secondary 8:40 École des Deux Mondes Elem. 8:45 École Phoenix Middle School
P.M. 2:40 Georgia Park Elementary (Homalco Students Only) 2:48 Homalco 2:56 Southgate Middle School (Homalco Students Only) 3:03 Timberline Secondary (Homalco Students Only) 3:12 Bus Turnaround at Homalco 3:20 Southgate Middle School 3:26 Timberline Secondary 3:36 S. Isld. Hwy/Dahl Rd. 3:39 S. Isld. Hwy/Twillingate 3:42 S. Isld. Hwy/Washington 3:44 3700 S. Isld. Hwy
Route 3 A.M. 7:50 S. Isld. Hwy/Crawford Rd. 7:54 S. Isld. Hwy/Engles Rd. 7:56 S. Isld. Hwy/McGimpsey Rd. 8:00 Seawave Rd./Dillman Rd. 8:03 Dillman Rd./Lynwood Rd. 8:16 Timberline Secondary 8:25 Southgate Middle School 8:36 Bute Cres./Homathco Dr. 8:48 Timberline Secondary 8:57 Southgate Middle School
P.M. 2:22 École Willow Point Elem. 2:27 S. Isld. Hwy/Barlow Rd. 2:28 S. Isld. Hwy/Dahl Rd. 2:29 S. Isld. Hwy/Twillingate 2:31 S. Isld. Hwy/Washington 2:34 S. Isld. Hwy/Crawford Rd. 2:36 S. Isld. Hwy/Engles Rd. 2:38 McGimpsey Rd./Castle Rd. 2:39 S. Isld. Hwy/McGimpsey Rd. 2:40 Dillman Rd./Seawave Rd. 2:42 Dillman Rd./Lynnwood Rd. 2:45 Edgewater Mailboxes 2:52 Oyster River Elem. - D/Off Willow Point Students 2:56 S. Isld. Hwy/Salmon Point Rd. 2:58 S. Isld. Hwy/Oyster Garden Rd. 3:02 S. Isld. Hwy/Sailor Rd. 3:15 Southgate Middle School 3:20 Timberline Secondary 3:35 Seawave Rd./Dillman Rd. 3:36 Lynnwood Rd./Dillman Rd. 3:38 Craig Rd./Henry Rd. 3:40 York Rd./Enquist Rd. 3:42 Matts Rd. 3:51 Deerfield Rd./York Rd. 3:54 York Rd./Woodhus Rd. 4:00 Severn 4:03 Edgewater Mailboxes 4:04 Glen Alder 4:05 4329 S. Isld. Hwy Driftwood Rest. 4:08 S. Isld. Hwy/Fosgate Rd. 4:10 Terrain Mailboxes 4:12 Croydon Rd./Upland Rd. 4:13 Terrain Rd. Across Isld. Hwy 4:16 S. Isld. Hwy/Salmon Point Rd.
Route 7
P.M. 2:30 Oyster River Elem. 2:34 #3 Fosgate Rd. 2:37 S. Isld. Hwy/Salmon Point Rd. 2:38 Oyster Garden 2:40 4329 S. Isld. Hwy Driftwood Rest. 2:42 S. Isld. Hwy/Sailor Rd. 2:45 York Rd./Enquist Rd. 2:48 Matts Rd./York Rd. 2:53 York Rd./Woodhus Rd. 3:01 Craig Rd./Henry Rd. 3:03 Lynwood Rd./Dillman Rd. 3:04 Dillman Rd./Seawave Rd. 3:09 McGimpsey Rd./Wavecrest Rd. 3:15 Jubilee Parkway 3:20 Southgate Middle School 3:24 Timberline Secondary 3:36 S. Isld. Hwy/Crawford Rd. 3:38 S. Isld. Hwy/Engles Rd. 3:40 S. Isld. Hwy/McGimpsey Rd. 3:44 Seawave Rd./Dillman Rd. 3:46 Dilmann Rd./Lynwood Rd. 3:47 S. Isld. Hwy/Lynwood Rd.
A.M. 8:02 S. Isld. Hwy/Barlow Rd. 8:04 S. Isld. Hwy/Dahl Rd. 8:05 S. Isld. Hwy/Twillingate 8:07 S. Isld. Hwy/Washington Dr. 8:08 3700 S. Isld. Hwy 8:19 École Willow Point Elem. 8:25 Southgate - P/U of Phoenix, Carihi Students 8:37 Carihi Secondary 8:44 École Phoenix Middle School
P.M. 2:20 Ocean Grove Elem. 2:32 Barlow Rd./Beacon Pl. 2:36 S. Isld. Hwy/Dahl Rd. 2:37 S. Isld. Hwy/Twillingate 2:38 S. Isld. Hwy/Washington Dr. 2:40 3700 S. Isld. Hwy 2:56 École Phoenix Middle School 3:03 Carihi Secondary School 3:16 Soderholm/Harrogate 3:17 Transit Stop Harrogate/Larwood 3:18 Transit Stop Erickson/Reef Cres. 3:19 S. Isld. Hwy/Barlow 3:24 S. Isld. Hwy/Crawford 3:27 S. Isld. Hwy/Engles Rd. 3:29 S. Isld. Hwy/McGimpsey Rd. 3:31 Dillman Rd./Seawave Rd. 3:32 Lynnwood Rd./Dillman Rd. 3:33 Craig Rd./Henry Rd. 3:37 York Rd./Enquist Rd. 3:45 York Rd./Woodhus Rd. 3:53 York Rd./Severn Rd. 4:01 Croydon Rd./Upland Rd. 4:03 S. Isld Hwy/Salmon Point Rd. 4:05 S. Isld. Hwy/Sailor Rd.
Route 8 - Sayward A.M. 7:08 Old Ferry Parking Lot 7:13 Townsite (Bus Shelter) 7:15 744 Sayward Rd. 7:17 Frenchman’s
7:18 Sayward Rd./Nathen Rd. 7:19 Sayward Rd./Sabre Rd. 7:20 Sayward Rd./Ryans Rd. 7:21 1233 Sayward Rd. 7:22 Community Hall 7:23 1280 Sayward Rd. 7:24 1306 Sayward Rd. - Firehall 7:25 1368 Sayward Rd. 7:26 Sayward Rd./Community Rd. 7:27 1527 Sayward Rd. - RicMar Trailer Park 7:28 White River Court 7:32 Gentry Rd. 7:33 Hwy 19/Stowe Creek Rd. 7:34 Hwy 19/Sullivan Rd. 7:35 Mountain View 7:38 Dalrymple Fish Hatchery 8:05 Hwy 19/Brown’s Bay Rd. 8:14 Race Point Lookout 8:23 Discovery Passage Elem. 8:32 École des Deux Mondes Elem. 8:35 Carihi Secondary 8:40 École Phoenix Middle School
3:31 Hwy 19/Brown’s Bay Rd. 4:00 Across from Dalrymple Hatchery 4:04 Mountain View 4:05 Hwy 19/Sullivan Rd. 4:06 Hwy 19/Stowe Creek Rd. (Fenn’s Driveway) 4:07 Gentries 4:11 White River Court 4:12 Cypress Tree Inn on Sayward Rd. 4:13 1527 Sayward Rd. - RicMar Trailer Park 4:14 Cable House Cafe 4:15 Sayward Rd./Community Rd. 4:16 1368 Sayward Rd. 4:17 1306 Sayward Rd. - Firehall 4:19 1280 Sayward Rd. 4:20 Community Hall 4:21 1233 Sayward Rd. 4:23 Sayward Rd./Ryans Rd. 4:25 Sayward Rd./Sabre Rd. 4:26 Sayward Rd./Nathen Rd. 4:27 Frenchman’s 4:29 744 Sayward Rd. 4:30 Old Ferry Parking Lot 4:36 Townsite (Bus Shelter) 4:37 Sayward School
Route 9 - Quadra P.M. 2:15 Discovery Passage Elem. 2:20 3050 Isld. Hwy (A-Wood) 2:21 Ida Rd./Park Rd. 2:23 Coho Rd./Steelhead Rd. 2:25 Woodburn Rd./Dollyvarden Rd. 2:26 Woodburn Rd./Spring Rd. 2:27 Woodburn Apartments 2:30 Isld. Hwy/Perth 2:45 Isld. Hwy/Brown’s Bay 2:55 5100 Duncan Bay Rd. (Blue Spruce) 2:57 Bella Rd./Gordon Rd. 3:08 École des Deux Mondes Elem. 3:14 École Phoenix Middle School 3:20 Carihi Secondary 3:30 Bill Howich Transit Stop 3:36 Discovery Passage Elem. - D/ Off EDM,Phoenix,Carihi Students 3:43 5750 Duncan Bay Rd. 3:45 5100 Duncan Bay Rd. (Blue Spruce) 3:47 4650 Gordon Rd. 3:49 Bella Rd./Gordon Rd. 3:51 3900 Gordon Rd. 3:53 1545 Snowdon Rd. 3:54 Snowdon Rd./Brewster Lake 3:56 Gold River Hwy/Brewster Lake
Route 6
Route 2 A.M. 7:35 McGimpsey Rd./Wavecrest Rd. (Elementary Students Only) 7:42 Seawave Rd./ Dillman Rd. (Elementary Students Only) 7:44 Dillman Rd./Lynnwood Rd. (Elementary Students Only) 7:45 Craig Rd./Henry Rd. (Elementary Students Only) 7:52 York Rd./Deerfield Rd. 7:54 York Rd./Woodhus Rd. 8:01 York Rd./Matts Rd. 8:02 York Rd./Enquist Rd. 8:05 S. Isld Hwy/Edgewater 8:07 S. Isld. Hwy/Glen Alder 8:09 4329 S. Isld. Hwy/Driftwood 8:11 4451 S. Isld. Hwy 8:12 S. Isld. Hwy/Fosgate 8:13 Oyster River Elem. 8:15 Upland Rd./Croydon Rd. 8:19 S. Isld. Hwy/Salmon Pt. Rd. 8:25 Henry Rd./Craig Rd. 8:27 Lynnwood Rd./Dillman Rd. 8:40 Timberline Secondary 8:47 Southgate Middle School
P.M. 2:53 École des Deux Mondes Elem. 3:00 École Phoenix Middle School 3:06 Carihi Secondary 3:13 Quadra Ferry 3:20 École Phoenix Middle School 3:25 Carihi Secondary 3:31 Cottonwood/Alder St 3:33 S. Alder St./Holm Rd. 3:37 Harrogate/Larwood 3:39 Reef Crescent 3:41 S. Isld. Hwy/Dahl Rd. 3:42 S. Isld. Hwy/Twillingate Rd. 3:44 S. Isld. Hwy/Washington Dr. 3:45 3700 S. Isld. Hwy
Back to School 7x14
Bus Route Questions
Route 1
P.M. 2:53 École des Deux Mondes Elem. 3:00 École Phoenix Middle School 3:06 Carihi Secondary 3:21 Race Point Lookout
A.M. 7:14 Walcan Turnaround 7:15 1970 Hyacinth Bay Rd. 7:17 Hyacinth Bay Rd./Lakeberg Rd. 7:19 Hyacinth Bay Rd./Endersby Rd. 7:21 1596 Hyacinth Bay Rd. 7:22 1529 Hyacinth Bay Rd. 7:23 Antler Rd./Cramer Rd. 7:25 1504 Heriot Bay Rd. 7:27 Heriot Bay Rd./Buker Rd. 7:28 1387 Heriot Bay Rd. 7:32 Rebecca Spit Turnaround 7:34 Heriot Bay Rd./Newell Driveway 7:35 West Rd./Schooner Rd. 7:36 West Rd./Hyacinth Bay Rd. 7:38 West Rd./Gowlland Harbour Rd. 7:39 Camp Homewood 7:41 West Rd./Raydon Rd. 7:42 1103 West Rd. 7:43 West Rd. at Canada Flag 7:44 Quadra Storage 7:50 Quadra Ferry 8:08 Walcan Turnaround 8:09 Hyacinth Bay Rd. Kellerhals 8:12 Hyacinth Bay Rd./Lakeberg Rd. 8:14 Hyacinth Bay Rd./ Endersby 8:16 1596 Hyacinth Bay Rd. - Greggs 8:17 1529 Hyacinth Bay Rd. - Demille 8:18 Antler Rd./Cramer Rd. 8:20 Newell Driveway 8:21 Hyacinthe Bay/Buker Rd. 8:23 1387 Heriot Bay Rd. 8:25 Rebecca Spit Turnaround 8:27 1538 Heriot Bay Rd. - Newell 8:28 West Rd./Schooner Rd. 8:29 West Rd./Hyacinthe Bay Rd. 8:30 Driveway across from Community Garden 8:31 1375 West Rd. 8:32 West Rd./Gowland Harbour 8:33 Camp Homewood 8:34 West Rd./Raydon Rd. 8:35 1103 West Rd. 8:36 Community Centre 8:37 West Rd. across from Canada Flag 8:39 Quadra Elem.
P.M. 2:40 Quadra Elem. 2:41 915 West Rd. 2:42 Quadra Community Centre 2:43 1103 West Rd. 2:46 West Rd./Raydon Rd. 2:48 Camp Homewood 2:49 West Rd./Gowland Harbour Rd. 2:52 1375 West Rd. 2:55 West Rd. across from Community Garden 3:01 West Rd./Schooner Rd. 3:06 Heriot Bay Rd./Buker Rd. 3:07 1387 Heriot Bay Rd. 3:09 Rebecca Spit Turnaround 3:12 Antler Rd./Cramer Rd. 3:14 1529 Hyacinth Bay Rd. - Demille 3:15 1596 Hyacinth Bay Rd. - Greggs 3:17 Hyacinth Bay Rd./Endersby 3:22 Hyacinth Bay Rd./Lakeberg Rd. 3:24 1972 Hyacinth Bay Rd. Kellerhals 3:26 Walcan Turnaround 3:50 Quadra Ferry 3:55 Crosswalk across from school 3:56 Quadra Storage 3:57 Quadra Community Centre 3:58 West Rd. at Canada Flag 3:59 1103 West Rd. 4:00 West Rd./Raydon Rd. 4:01 Camp Homewood 4:02 West Rd./Gowlland Harbour Rd. 4:03 Community Garden 4:05 West Rd./Schooner Rd. 4:06 Heriot Bay Rd. Newell Driveway 4:07 Heriot Bay Rd./Buker Rd. 4:08 1383 Heriot Bay Rd. 4:10 Rebecca Spit Turnaround 4:13 Antler Rd./Cramer Rd. 4:15 1529 Hyacinth Bay Rd. 4:17 1596 Hyacinth Bay Rd. 4:21 Hyacinth Bay Rd./Endersby Rd. 4:23 Hyacinth Bay Rd./Lakeberg Rd. 4:25 1970 Hyacinth Bay Rd. 4:28 Walcan Turnaround 4:50 Quadra Elem.
Route 10 - Quadra A.M. 6:53 Green Rd./Noble Rd. 7:01 Cape Mudge Village 7:03 Cape Flats Rd. at We Wai 7:09 Joyce Rd./Lighthouse Rd. 7:14 Sutil Rd./Petroglyph Rd. 7:18 350 Cape Mudge Rd. 7:19 Cape Mudge Rd./We Wai Rd. 7:21 Cape Mudge Rd./Grouse Rd. 7:23 767 Smiths Rd. 7:24 Smith Rd./Cedar Rd. 7:27 Quadra Loop (upper) 7:34 Heriot Bay Rd./Milford Rd. 7:36 Heriot Bay Rd./Animal Farm Rd. 7:37 Heriot Bay Rd./Pine Tree Rd. 7:41 Quadra Elem. 7:45 Quadra Ferry 7:48 Quadra Elem. 7:56 Green Rd./Noble Rd. 7:59 Cape Mudge Village 8:01 We Wai and Cape Mudge Flats 8:07 Joyce Rd./Lighthouse Rd. 8:12 Sutil Rd./Petroglyph Rd. 8:18 Cape Mudge Rd./We Wai Rd. 8:21 Cape Mudge Rd./Grouse Rd. 8:22 845 Smiths (after Heriot Bay Turn) 8:23 767 Smiths 8:24 Smiths/Cedar 8:27 Quadra Loop (upper) 8:34 Heriot Bay Rd./Milford Rd. 8:36 Heriot Bay Rd./Animal Farm Rd. 8:37 Heriot Bay Rd./Pine Tree Rd. 8:40 Quadra Elem.
P.M. 2:40 Quadra Elem. 2:44 Green Rd./Noble Rd. 2:46 Cape Mudge Village 2:49 We Wai/Cape Mudge Flats 2:51 Cape Mudge Rd./We Wai Rd. 2:52 350 Cape Mudge Rd. 2:53 Cape Mudge Rd./Joyce Rd. 2:54 Joyce Rd./Lighthouse Rd. 2:59 Sutil Rd./Petroglyph Rd. 3:03 530 Cape Mudge Rd. 3:06 Cape Mudge Rd./Grouse Rd. 3:09 845 Smith Rd. 3:10 767 Smiths 3:11 Smiths/Cedar 3:14 Quadra Loop (upper) 3:18 Heriot Bay Rd./Pine Tree Rd. 3:19 Heriot Bay Rd./Animal Farm Rd. 3:22 Heriot Bay Rd./Milford Rd. 3:52 Quadra Ferry 3:57 Green Rd./Noble Rd. 4:00 Cape Mudge Village 4:02 Cape Flats Rd. at We Wai 4:07 350 Cape Mudge Rd. 4:12 Joyce Rd./Lighthouse Rd. 4:16 Sutil Rd./Petroglyph Rd. 4:21 Cape Mudge Rd./Grouse Rd. 4:23 767 Smiths 4:27 Smith Rd./Cedar Rd. 4:31 Quadra Loop (upper) 4:33 Heriot Bay Rd./Pine Tree Rd. 4:37 Animal Farm Rd./Heriot Bay Rd. 4:43 Heriot Bay Rd./Milford Rd.
Route 12 - Sayward (Route 11 - Cortes Island Available From Cortes School) A.M. 8:10 Sayward Hatchery 8:17 740 Gentry’s Rd. 8:21 Nicholas (Vet Clinic) 8:22 White River Court 8:26 Community Rd. 8:27 1368 Sayward Rd. 8:29 Howes Rd. 8:30 Forestry Park 8:31 1208 Sayward Rd. 8:33 Sabre Rd. 8:34 Nathan Rd. 8:40 Sayward School
P.M. 2:38 Sayward School 2:44 Nathan Rd. 2:45 Sabre Rd. 2:47 1208 Sayward Rd. 2:48 Forestry Park 2:49 Howes Rd. 2:51 1368 Sayward Rd. 2:52 Armishaw Rd. 2:56 Nicholas (Vet Clinic) 2:57 White River Court 3:01 740 Gentry’s Rd. 3:08 Sayward Hatchery
The bus schedule is established annually and is subject to change. Times are approximate. Available for download from www.sd72.bc.ca
12 12 || CAMPBELL Campbell RIVER RiveR MIRROR miRRoR || FRIDAY, FRiDaY, AUGUST aUGUST 16, 16, 2013 2013
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRivermirror.com
Wanted: school supplies Council wants SPCA to find a different spot The Campbell River Women’s Centre is accepting donations for the 13th annual School Supply Drive. The project is organized by centre staff and involves the distribution of basic school supplies to children in need. Last year over 400 bags of supplies for students from Kindergar-
ten to Grade 12 were collected and distributed. The drive’s success is due to outstanding support from local businesses, individuals and community organizations, in particular the Altrusa Club, as well as corporate sponsors such as Wal-Mart, Campbell River Common and the
Coastal Community Credit Union. This year supplies will be given out at Campbell River Common mall instead of the Women’s Centre. Anyone wishing to drop off donations should drop them off at the Women’s Centre’s new location in Rose Harbour, at the foot of
the Dogwood Hill. A charitable tax receipt will be made out to all donations in excess of $20. Donations of cash and new school supplies can be dropped off at the Women’s Centre between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday to Thursday. For more information, call 250-287-3044.
Kristen Douglas Campbell RiveR miRRoR
It looks like the SPCA won’t be moving into the Maritime Heritage Centre – its desired location for a new adoption centre – any-
time soon. C ouncil Tues day night passed a motion from Coun. Claire Moglove to have city staff work with the BC SPCA to find a suitable location for an animal adoption centre.
Start your degree, learn a trade, develop a career with dozens of programs starting this fall Health Care Assistant Prepare for a fulfilling, high-demand career in seniors’ care. Qualify for employment as a frontline care provider in residential care facilities, home support agencies, group homes, and more. Length: Tuition:
North College North Island Island Plumbing College & Piping Foundation 6x11 6x11 Develop skills in plumbing, steamfitting, sprinkler fitting, and gasfitting, enabling you to enter any of these trades upon completion. Earn apprenticeship technical training credit toward your Interprovincial Red Seal.
27-week certificate $2,685 approx
Length: Tuition:
26-week certificate $2,090 approx
Heavy Duty & Commercial Transport Mechanics
Metal Jewellery Design Learn to design and create jewellery for personal interest or as a source of income. Gain the business skills needed for marketing and self-employment.
Learn hands-on skills to work in both the heavy duty mechanics and commercial transport trades. Earn apprenticeship technical training credit.
Length: Tuition:
Length: Tuition:
36-week certificate $2,390 approx
Professional Cook 1
Start your career as a chef and earn apprenticeship credit. Learn core culinary skills, menu planning, nutrition, and more. Qualify for positions with restaurants, resorts, and more.
Learn to design, construct, finish, and repair high-quality wood products such as cabinets, furniture, and fixtures. Earn apprenticeship technical training credit toward your Red Seal.
Length: Tuition:
Length: Tuition:
27-week certificate $2,090 approx
Business Administration
Qualify for a wide range of employment opportunities within the mechanics trade. Earn apprenticeship technical training credit toward your Interprovincial Red Seal.
Advance your career and improve your accounting, marketing and business writing skills. Learn online through video, podcasts and more.
Length: Tuition:
Length: Tuition:
30-week certificate $2,090 approx
Upgrade your high school level English, math, and science courses for entry into business, health, trades, or university studies. Daytime and evening options.
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Automotive Service Technician
32-week certificate $5,100 approx
4-month courses are self-paced with instructor support $0 + books, supplies, & fees
1-year online certificate $2,685 approx
Student Advisors can help make informed decisions about program planning, financial aid, and more. Call 250-923-9700 to book your advising appointment today.
For a full list of programs or to apply, visit www.nic.bc.ca or call 250-923-9700 today. U P G R A D I N G | B U S I N E S S | C O M M U N I T Y C A R E | F I N E A R T S | H E A LT H | T O U R I S M | T R A D E S
“Implicit in my motion, is that I do not believe the Maritime Heritage Centre is an appropriate location for an animal education and or adoption centre,” Moglove said. “Howe ve r, I d o believe it would be wonderful to have the SPCA back in Campbell River. I would hope the BC SPCA would continue to work with our staff to find a suitable location for such an operation.” Council unanimously p a s s e d Mo g l o v e’s motion, which leaves the SPCA in a difficult spot. Lorie Chortyk, spokesperson for the BC SPCA, said last week that the Maritime Heritage Centre is a good spot because it’s a venue that attracts tourists and potential homes for the animals. But the city thinks otherwise. Dave Morris, the city’s general manager of facilities and supply, said the existing zoning and facility use agreement for the Maritime Heritage Centre do not permit an animal adoption centre. While council did not consider a re-zoning to permit a shelter, councillors did, however, make changes to its bylaw for animal control – a service which was awarded to Coastal Animal Control over the BC SPCA and which prompted the BC SPCA’s departure from Campbell River. Highlights of the bylaw n Allow the Animal Control Officer to follow up with the owner of a barking dog after receiving a complaint or evidence from just one neighbour. n Allow an Animal Control Officer to designate a dog as vicious. n Reduce the time (and cost) required to keep an impounded animal from five days to three days. n Combine the daily $7.50 impound fee and daily $8 feeding fee into one daily all-inclusive maintenance fee of $15 per day.
It’s all about finding the right bike
What kind of bike do I want? The answer depends on what you want to do with the bike. What’s a road bike, mountain bike, hard tail, commuter, hybrid, cyclocross, touring, cruiser, or city bike? I know this is stepping into muddy territory and many people will disagree with me, but here’s my quick summary of the differences. n Road bike: Built and designed primarily for speed. Narrow, smooth large wheels and high-pressure tires, drop handlebars, two or sometimes three front chain rings, and usually 9 or 10 speed rear cogs. Road bikes have a fairly aggressive riding position and can be uncomfortable for people with lower back/ shoulder problems. They are designed only for the smooth road and are usually very light and responsive, mainly built from aluminum and/or carbon fibre. Use for fitness training, racing and serious road riding. n Mountain Bike: A bike designed for offroad. There are many sub-types of mountain bikes. A more upright riding position, big wide knobbly tires for superior grip off road, usually 26” or 29” diameter. Front suspension fork, usually disc brakes on the better bikes and optional rear suspension (dual suspension) with adjustable shock distinguish mountain bikes. Mountain bikes come in various suspension designs and configurations (hard tail, dual suspension) for cross countr y riding, all mountain riding, dirt jumping or downhill riding. Use for off road
a popular accessory on fitness riding. n City or comfort city bikes. Use for nonbike: A traditional Euro- serious riding, cruising pean designed bike. to Starbucks for a latte Usually a very low top and looking cool. Each bike has its tube so ladies with skirts can mount the bike eas- merits and most are designed for ily, a ver y specific kinds upright ridof riding. ing position Whatever and usually kind of bike internal hub you use, enjoy gears although riding it, ride there are safely, be alert, many variarespect pedestions with this style of bike. trians and Steve Nagle Designed for don’t ride on Sharing the Road relatively flat the sidewalk roads these and above all, bikes can be quite heavy. WEAR A HELMET. These bikes usually Till next time, enjoy come equipped with summer! a kick stand, fenders, Steve Nagel can be chain guard and a bell, found at Outdooraddichandlebar baskets are tions.ca Penny-farthings, such as this one, were popular before the 1880s when the safety bicycle was first introduced.
recreation and racing. n Hybrid bike: As the name implies, this is a blend of both road and mountain bikes. Again, there are many subtypes of hybrid: commuter, cross, touring and trekking. Usually road-designed frames with 700c tires, but wider and more aggressive tread than road bike tires, designed to withstand rougher and littered surfaces as found in most bike lanes. Flat, mountain bike
style handlebars and mounting points for fenders, racks, bags, lights and other accessories. Hybrids have a more upright riding position than road bikes and are suited more for commuting and fitness riding. Some have a front suspension fork for riding rough terrain and light, hard packed trails and logging roads. Some have disc brakes for superior stopping power. Use for commuting, touring and general
Saturday, Sep. 7 • 11-3 CR Volunteer Spirit Square, Downtown • Music 2x2• Fun • Prizes • Salmon BBQ • Entertainment • Community Tables
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AUGUST 20TH ~ Soul of Canada ~
GREAT PLAINS Grab a coffee or lunch from:
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Five members of the Campbell River RBC branch are riding in the Vancouver to Whistler Granfondo on Sept. 7. From the left are Vicky Williams, Matt Bruining, Stephen Turple, Marie-Louise Mulder and Jeannie Applin.
Ride bankers, ride! Five employees at RBC will be riding from Vancouver to Whistler in the Granfondo
Bankers in spandex? It’s an usual image, but not so much for five fit employees the Campbell River branch of the Royal Bank of Canada. On Sept. 7, Jeannie Applin, Marie Louise Mulder, Vicky Williams,
s e i r e S t r e c n o C JIm Chrieighton
e r 3x5 a u q S t i Spir
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Stephen Turple and manager Matt Bruiningwill be tackling the RBC Whistler Granfondo. They have been busy training to take on the 122 kilometre event which takes them from downtown Vancouver to Whistler. The total elevation gain is 1,700 metres which is 100 metre more
than climbing Mount Washington from sea level to the peak. The race is now in its fourth year. There are 7,000 riders with the fastest rider expected to finish in roughly three hours 15 minutes and the slowest in just over nine hours. Mulder and Bruining both come from the Netherlands where cycling is a way of life, and have done this Granfondo several times. Mulder even fractured
1st Prize Duck $5000!! Dip 2x2.5 Got your duck yet? For information call 250-287-0441
her elbow one month ago, but is still determined to ride. As for Applin and Williams, they just started cycling in January. “I started on an indoor trainer and then in April I started cycling on the road,” says Williams. So what makes them want to take on the 122 km ride? They are looking for a challenge, it’s great for fitness and team work, and Applin wants to increase awareness of the RBC Blue Water
Project. RBC has committed to donate $50 million over five years to protect watersheds worldwide. The riders expect to take from 5-7 hours and at the end will be looking forward to a hot shower, a leg massage, hugs from their families and a cold beer, but not necessarily in that order. For more information on the RBC Whistler Granfondo go to www. rbcgranfondowhistler. com
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Arts & Entertainment
Send your arts and entertainment submissions to editor@campbellrivermirror.com
Wearing just about everything Maxine Matilpi is “Hygieia and the Circle of Life,” which captured Best Artistic Concept.
Used dryer sheets, wood, plastic bags and even video tape were among the materials stitched, woven and transformed into cool designs at the fourth annual Wearable Fashion Show. The Campbell River Art Gallery was packed Saturday night for the event that featured appies, local wines, the juried fashion show and then a stunning performance by flamenco dancer Maria Christina Guzman who received a standing ovation – her daughter was pretty good too on the dance floor. There were 12 amazing works of art created for the human body in the Wearable Art Show, co-sponsored by Sandy Baker of Re/Max Check Realty and the Gallery. The Best in Show award, sponsored by Something Special Gifts, was voted on by the audience. The award went to Courtenay artist Roberta Ling for her piece “Where’s Art?,” performed by her daughter Tamara Ling. Alert Bay artist Kari Glass and her team of Carole Vosburgh and Sara Burr, won the Best Artistic Concept award, sponsored by Headquarters Hair Studio and Day Spa, for the piece “Hygieia and the Circle of Life,” performed by Maxine Matilpi of Denman Island. The Best Performance Award, sponsored by Mothership Adventures, went to Campbell River’s Beth Miller for her ren-
dition of “Ocean Warrior Princess,” created by artist Jane Ellerington of Hagersville, Ontario. Lastly, the Best Use of Recycled Materials Award, sponsored by the
City of Campbell River and Comox Strathcona Waste Management, went to Courtenay’s Jeff Hartbower for his piece “Venus Probe,” performed by Tessa Tancon
of Campbell River. The show is a fundraiser for the Art Gallery. Look for an upcoming display of Wearable Art pieces in the satellite cases in the lobby.
e r a u q S t i r Spi JIm Chrieighton
JIm Chrieighton 3x7
Theatre in the Square sponsored by
Friday, August 16th • 7 PM Productions By:
Antics Theatre Shoreline Musical Arts Society Rivercity Players Raincoast Creative Arts Studio Professional Sounds & Sets Seating supplied under the tents Drama | Comedy | Music Free Admission
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Paul Rudan/The MiRRoR
Pictured clockwise starting above: flamenco dancer Maria Cristina Guzman gave a terrific performance; the models await the judges’ results; Tessa Tancon is the Venus Probe which earned Best Use of Recycled Materials.
CR Hospice Hospice Society Society Raffle Raffle 3x7 3x7
And the top cooks are...
Paul Rudan/The MiRRoR
PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: Offers valid until September 3, 2013. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash back offers. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on toyotabc.ca and that contained on toyota.ca, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. 2013 Corolla CE Automatic BU42EP-B MSRP is $19,635 and includes $1,645 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. *Finance example: 0% finance for 84 months, upon credit approval, available on 2013 Corolla. Bi-Weekly payment is $99 with $1850 down payment. Applicable taxes are extra. **Lease example: 0% Lease APR for 60 months on approved credit. Monthly payment is $169 with $2,300 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $12,440. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.07. Applicable taxes are extra. Down payment, first monthly payment and security deposit plus GST and PST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. ***Up to $2,500 Non-stackable Cash Back available on select 2013 Corolla models. Cash back on Corolla CE is $2,000. 2013 RAV4 FWD LE Automatic ZFREVT-B MSRP is $26,605 and includes $1,815 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. †Finance example: 4.3% finance for 72 months, upon credit approval, available on 2013 RAV4. Bi-Weekly payment is $179 with $2300 down payment. Applicable taxes are extra. ††Lease example: 4.5% Lease APR for 60 months on approved credit. Monthly payment is $288 with $1,800 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $19,080. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. Down payment, first monthly payment and security deposit plus GST and PST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. 2013 Tundra Double Cab 4.6L 4x4 Automatic UM5F1T-A MSRP is $38,050 and includes $1,815 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. ‡Finance example: 0.9% finance for 72 months, upon credit approval, available on 2013 Tundra. Bi-Weekly payment is $239 with $2000 down payment. Applicable taxes are extra. ‡‡Lease example: 1.9% Lease APR for 60 months on approved credit. Monthly payment is $429 with $1,000 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $26,740. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.15. Applicable taxes are extra. Down payment, first monthly payment and security deposit plus GST and PST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. ‡‡‡Up to $8,000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on select 2013 Tundra models. Cash back on Tundra 4x4 Double Cab 4.6L is $6,000. Non-stackable Cash Back offers may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services (TFS) lease or finance rates. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not the above special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of Cash Customer Incentives. Vehicle must be purchased, registered and delivered by September 3, 2013. Cash incentives include taxes and are applied after taxes have been charged on the full amount of the negotiated price.See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash back offers. Visit your Toyota BC Dealer or www.toyotabc.ca for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less.
Jamie Hastings of Black Creek at the BBQ.
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
The Campbell River Salmon Festival Seafood Cook-Off was another huge success this year with more public participation than every before. It got off to a great start on Friday night when oysters were served up to members of the RCMP Musical Ride who also performed in the city last weekend. This year’s offerings included oyster Rockefeller, oyster stew, smoked oysters, deep fried oysters, and barbecued oysters with a garlic chili sauce – 2,400 oysters served in two hours! The winning oyster was the breaded deep
Jamie Hastings’ low-call BLT took top honours in the Salmon Appetizer category.
fried oyster made by Denise Hollinger. Saturday and Sunday featured seafood competitions and demonstrations with mussels, oys-
Toyota BC BC Deal Deal Toyota 5x9.64 5x9.64
ters, salmon, scallops, halibut and prawns. For the first time this year there was a Mystery Box Challenge. The competitors had one
Corolla S with moonroof shown
corolla ce $19,635 MSRP includes F+PDI
bi-weekly / 84 mos. at 0%
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Hollinger. n Oyster Appetizer: 1st Hollinger, 2nd Hastings, 3rd Writchson, 4th Grannery. n Halibut Appetizer: 1st Hastings, 2nd Catherine Devine, 3rd Grannery, 4th Writchson. n Tuna Appetizer: 1st Nathan Inglis, 2nd Hollinger, 3rd Writchson, 4th Hastings n Mystery Box Challenge: 1st Hollinger, Grannery, 3rd Hastings, 4th Writchson n Prawn Appetizer: 1st Hollinger, 2nd Hastings, 3rd Grannery, 4th Inglis. n Salmon Entree: 1st Inglis, 2nd Hollinger, 3rd Hastings, 4th Grannery. n Mussels: 1st Grannery, 2nd Hollinger, 3rd Writchson.
Actors take over Spirit Square tonight
Spirit Square presents its second annual “Theatre in the Square” show tonight. It’s a night of comedy, melodrama and music, with three productions, all new to the downtown Spirit Square. The big tent will be up with seating for 150, but there’ll still be lots of room for the “lawn chair” folks. All of Campbell River’s talented thespian groups will perform, including Antics Theatre, Shoreline Musical Theatre Society, Raincoast Creative Arts Studio and Rivercity Players. The show begins at 7 p.m. and, thanks to Strathcona Toyota, this great production is free to the public!
It ’s lik e dr iving a C or olla for
hour to prepare a meal from secret ingredients just like Chopped on the Food Network. The competitors were certainly challenged as their ingredients included cuttle fish, tofu fettucini noodles, cactus, beer cheese, and an absolutely bizarre fruit called granadilla which, on the inside, looks like brains in jelly. Hollinger was again the winner, one of her three first-place finishes. The competitions which were judged by local professionals from the food industry. Here are all the winners: n Salmon Appetizer: 1st James Hastings, 2nd Laura Grannery, 3rd Linda Writchson, 4th
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Paws&Claws For people who
their pets. Paws 7x14
Travel With Your Pet the Smart Way Individuals often view their pets as extended members of the family. People want to bring their pets along on vacations or while traveling to visit family and friends. Until recently, it was more difficult to travel with dogs and cats. But as more and more hotel chains recognize the strong connection between people and pets, those chains are growing increasingly flexible in hosting four-legged guests. For those who will be traveling with pets, there is a right and wrong way to do so. Having a plan of action is essential to safeguard the safety and comfort of all involved. Follow these tips to ensure everyone enjoys their R&R as much as possible.
Stock up on supplies.
Establish the travel method and route in advance.
Doggy Daycare Training Classes Indoor/Outdoor Facility All Breeds Awesome LEATHER LEASHES!!
Go online or scour travel maps to determine the best route to your destination.Depending on the length of travel, layovers may be needed to sleep, refuel and simply stretch the legs. Determine which areas will be safe for walking a dog roadside, and look for rest stops with areas to exercise pets. Experimenting with different routes virtually also enables travelers to choose the most direct, most scenic or another route that fits with their travel plans. Some GPS devices can also alert to lodging and traffic conditions.
Much as parents would bring along essentials while traveling with children, the same concept should be applied when traveling with a pet. Be sure to pack food, treats, toys, bedding, and any of the other creature comforts from home. It also may be a Obedience Classes good idea to bring along start September a recent copy of the pet’s immunization records to ensure that he or she is up to date on all shots. Bringing records can also serve as a safeguard if the pet needs to be seen by a veterinarian while away from home.
Contact pet-friendly hotels.
Sunday, September 8, 2013 Nunn’s Creek Park
Sunday, September 8, 2013 Nunn’s Creek Park 9:30 am Registration • 11:00 am 4KM Walk
Strathcona Toyota
Sunday, September 8, 2013 Nunn’s Creek Park 9:30 am Registration • 11:00 am 4KM Walk
Purchase bottled water.
While on the road, take the time to give pets the opportunity to drink water to stay hydrated. Keep in mind that once a pet grows acclimated to a certain type of water at home, a change in that water may cause temporary digestive upset. To avoid accidents or discomfort, travelers may want to bring water from home or purchase bottled water.
1620-14th Ave. 204-0036 Open M-F 7:30-6 pm
Many hotels allow guests to bring along a pet, provided a security deposit is given. Some may have requirements, such as the dog must be caged at night or when left alone in the room. Some pet-friendly hotels can also recommend restaurants that allow leashed dogs.
9:30am Registration • 11:00am 4 KM Walk GOLD
Travel safely.
When a cat or dog is riding along in a car, it is always best to have the pet restrained. This protects the animal in the event of an accident and also protects the other occupants of the car from injury. Pet
seatbelts or harnesses can be used. For motorists with SUVs there are pet gates that can be installed to keep the animal secure in the back part of the vehicle. Traveling with pets can be an enjoyable experience if proper
precautions and planning go into the trip. Be sure to heed the requirements of the establishment where the family will be residing, and inquire as to the pet laws of cities, towns and provinces to act in a responsible manner when out exploring.
Safe | Comfortable Convenient | Day Boarding Pet pick up 7 days per week Walks & Playtime
Strathcona Toyota
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DOGWOOD PET MART “Campbell River’s Favourite Pet Food & Supply Store”
Sunday, September 8, 2013 Nunn’s Creek Park SILVER
Call 250-923-5905 for more info. www.crvet.com
250.287.2427 • www.rhprinting.ca
9:30 am Registration • 11:00 am 4KM Walk
DOGWOOD PET MART “Campbell River’s Favourite Pet Food & Supply Store”
Strathcona Toyota
Supporting Sponsors
250.287.2427 • www.rhprinting.ca
SILVER Supporting Sponsors
DOGWOOD PET MART “Campbell River’s Favourite
Pet Food & Store” Balloons “N” More Party Shop • Campbell River Dog Fanciers • Supply CR Salmon Festival Jim Lilburn • Local Businesses • Veterinarians • Pet Stores
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Paws&Claws For people who
their pets. Paws 7x14
Yellow Ribbons & Sensitive Dog's Have you ever taken your They may be ill, injured, sore or dog on leash through our parks have impaired vision. They may or seawalk and have come into have a new family or bad life contact with another dog who experiences and need a greater isn't socialized, trained or maybe distance to slowly train to cope yet is a rescued dog who is just with their new surroundings. By fearful of new dogs. Then there clearly labelling your dogs leash, is a way of identifying that your collar, or even placing a yellow dog needs more space while still bandana on him or her you can enjoying his or hers walk. signal to others from a distance In Sweden they have come that your dog needs some space, up with an easy International giving other owners and the way of marking your dog, leash public time to maintain some or collar with a clearly visible space. yellow ribbon. This program is The Yellow ribbon isn't for called the Gulahund Yellowdog every dog and if your dog is Program which promotes that all aggressive to other dogs. These dogs should interact with other confident and friendly dogs in order for them to benefit and feel good, but it's the owner's responsibility to ~ Your Natural Pet Food Company ~ choose which dogs True Blue Pet Supplies carries an amazing range of products and supplies, from wholesome kibble and raw foods for dogs and cats, small critters and fish to are suitable for their a comprehensive line of vitamins and supplements. And don’t forget all of the dog to get along with. awesome treats and healthy chews that we have available for your best friend. Why do dogs Tyee Plaza - 1135 Shoppers Row • 250-287-2754 truebluepetsupplies.ca need more space?
dogs must wear a muzzle while out in public. If your dog has behavioral problems, we recommend you contact your family veterinarian to check that your dog is healthy and free of abnormalities and to ask for behavioral assessment or get a referral to a certified behavioralist. Contributed by:
Dr. Rodney Nast, Campbell River Veterinary Hospital
1250B Ironwood St., Campbell River 250-286-0077
TO WIN $ 150 Gift Certificate to be used at any business in Campbell River when you spend $10 or more on
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Who says they’re the “dog” days of summer?
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Send your results to:
Send your sports submissions to sports@campbellrivermirror.com
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39th annual Logger Sports PAUL RUDAN/THE MIRROR
It was a perfect weekend for Loggers Sports and the Salmon Festival at Nunns Creek Park. Pictured left, Kark Bischoff of Shuswap Lake tears through the timber with his “hot saw.”
The logging competition timers – volunteers from the Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society – are as focussed as the competitors. Watch the video online at www.campbellrivermirror.com
With a final mighty swing, Jesse Whitehead of Waiuku, New Zealand, cracks the block in the springboard chop.
Tyee Chev’sTyee
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SERVICE DEPT 570 – 13th Ave. 250.287.9511
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Paul Rudan/The MiRRoR
Above, Frankie Pellegrin, 10, had his work cut out for him in the youth splitting event. At right, the chips fly as Bobby Dowling of Tuatapere, New Zealand, rips through the wood.
Two-year-old Karson Marriott of Airdrie, Alberta, wasn’t keen on roaring chainsaws as mom Sylvia covers his hears. At left, the ladies’ favourite, Stirling Hart of Maple Ridge, competes in the axe throw.
Paws Paws for for aa cause cause 3x7 3x7 Proc Proc
Chamber Awards Awards Promo Chamber Promo 4x5 4x5 2013 Business Proc Proc
Sunday, September 2013 Nunn’s Creek Park Sunday, September 8, 20138,Nunn’s Creek Park
Sunday, September 8, 2013 Nunn’s Creek Park 9:30 am Registration 11:00 am 4KM Walk 9:30 am Registration • 11:00 am• 4KM Walk
Awards of Distinction Saturday, September 21 Tidemark Theatre Visit campbellriverchamber.ca to view all the nominees
Strathcona ToyotaStrathcona Toyota
9:30am Registration • 11:00am 4 KM Walk 250.287.2427 • www.rhprinting.ca
250.287.2427 • www.rhprinting.ca
“Campbell River’s Favourite Pet Food & Supply Store”
Sunday, September 8, 2013 Nunn’s Creek Park
DOGWOOD PET MART “Campbell River’s Favourite Pet Food & Supply Store”
9:30 am Registration • 11:00 am 4KM Walk
Strathcona Toyota
Supporting Sponsors 250.287.2427 • www.rhprinting.ca Supporting Sponsors
To purchase your tickets today go to www.campbellriverchamber.ca and follow the links to the Business Awards of Distinction
Balloons “N” More Party Shop • Campbell River Dog Fanciers • CR Salmon Festival Jim Lilburn • Local Businesses • Veterinarians • Pet Stores
PET MART Thanks to our Sponsors, Participants and Volunteers “Making a Difference Together” River’sFestival Favourite Balloons “N” More Party Shop • Campbell River Dog Fanciers“Campbell • CR Salmon & Supply Store” Jim Lilburn • Local Businesses • Veterinarians • Pet PetFood Stores Thanks to our Sponsors, Participants and Volunteers “Making a Difference Together”
Supporting Sponsors
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Parks are still open ‘Hippy festival’ closed Raft Cove
With the exception of Raft Cove Provincial Park, all other northern Vancouver Island parks remain open to visitors. “We are fortunate to have so many wonderful parks and recreational camping sites throughout the Vancouver Island region,” says Dave Petryk, President and CEO of Tourism Vancouver Island. “Although Raft Cove on the North Island may be closed until further notice, outdoor enthusiasts will find ample outdoor recreational experiences in other north island parks and outdoor sites including Cape Scott, Kristen Douglas/the Mirror
High society
Not everyone is a super-fit mountain climber. Fortunately, Mt. Washington Alpine Resort offers chairlift rides to the summit for walkers, hikers and mountain bikers.
Get down and dirty on the hill If you’re looking for some fun, head up to Mt. Washington on Saturday for the dirtiest race of the year. Mudd, Sweat and Tears is a 5 km and 10 km obstacle course. Competitors will crawl, climb, swim, carry and drag themselves up, over, under, through and around hill and dale. And just when they think there can’t be another hill to climb or pit to drag themselves through…The event runs from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
1st Ducky Prize Ducky$5000!! dip dip 2x2.5 2x2.5 Got your duck yet? For information call 250-287-0441
Schoen Lake, Marble River and God’s Pocket Provincial Parks to name a few.” Raft Cove Park was closed in response to concerns arising from the World Rainbow Gathering as the increase in visitors would significantly increase the risk to public health and safety, the protection of the natural environment and the preservation of park values. This park is small, remote and has very limited facilities and significant environmental and First Nation cultural values. The closure is in effect until further notice. For further information about the parks and recreation in Vancouver Island North, visit the websitewww. vancouverislandnorth.ca
t s i t n e D e h t Ask Dr. Dr. Lathangue Lathangue 3x5 3x5
Question: Why is fluoride so important?
Sarah Kenedy 2x4
Sarah Kennedy
on receiving your Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree.
Chamber china trip Chamber 4x5
Answer: Fluoride has long been a topic of debate and although fluoride use has its critics, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention consider the introduction of fluoride to improve oral health one of the top 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.
Dr. Kevin Lathangue
Fluoride has a very unique property in that it can replace Calcium in our enamel. So when our teeth are exposed to acid (which is how decay starts) the acid leaches (pulls) calcium out of our enamel thereby weakening our teeth. Fluoride, when available, replaces the calcium in our enamel and makes our teeth more resistant to acid. So, in essence, fluoride makes our teeth stronger because acid from bacteria won’t be as effective at decaying our teeth. It’s still very important to brush and floss because, even with fluoride replacing our calcium, our teeth are still susceptible to decay. So 2-3 minutes twice a day for brushing and flossing every day is still the Canadian Dental Association recommendation. If you have a question you would like answered please email Carmen@dogwooddental.com
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Campbell River Daybreak Rotary Presents
Duck Dip 5 2013 Quacker Duck Dip
Duck Dip! From Russia with rev 3x6.8 3x6.8 Fit Box Box Fit
Photo courtesay susan Black
Frank Black of Campbell River poses for a photo on his Russian-build Ural motorbike. The cool sidecar caught the attention of judges at last weekend’s Motorcycle Roundup in Cumberland.
Saturday, August 24th Centennial Park Outdoor Pool - 4th & Alder DUCK DIP AT 3PM! FAMILY ACTIVITIES AT 11AM • Petting Zoo • StoryTime • Fish Pond • BBQ • Hockey shoot with the Storm • Face Painting • Bounce-a-Rama
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From Russia to Vancouver Island, the Ural motorbike and funky sidecar get a lot of looks when Frank and Susan Black of Campbell River take it out for a spin. Last weekend they took a cruise south to
the annual Cumberland Motorcycle Roundup and they came home with a first place trophy in the Sidecar category. “As a sidecar ‘monkey’ it’s the most fun I’ve had in a while,” says Susan. The Ural bike features
street-legal ATV,” adds Frank. Their explorations on the forest green motorbike always start in Campbell River. You can read about the couple’s adventures on their blog: uralbuddies.blogspot.ca
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a tough exterior and was built in Irbit, a small town in the Ural Mountains of Russia. “Being military grade with two-wheel drive capability, the Ural can go almost anywhere. It’s often referred to as a
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#21878A Krista Kaptein/strathcona Wilderness institute
Oh, those delightful whiskey jacks The Strathcona Wilderness Institute offers amazing hikes through the alpine.
It has been an amazing summer for hiking in Strathcona Park. The guided hikes and nature programs continue at the Strathcona Park Wilderness Centre at Paradise Meadows. The centre, operated by the non-profit Strathcona Wilderness Institute, is adjacent to Mt. Washington Resort’s Raven Lodge. New this year at the Wilderness Centre is the lecture, “What Happened to the Tsolum?” by Jack Minard of the Tsolum River Restoration Society. The lecture happens this Saturday at 1 p.m. This is a timely topic given the possibilities of increased mining in
the Comox Valley area. Pre-registration is not required for this talk but be aware that there is limited space for the indoor presentation. On Sunday, Julian Brooks guides a hike to Johnston and Panther Lakes. Meet at 8 a.m. at the Wilderness Centre for this strenuous 20-kilometre, eight-hour hike. Pre-registration is required by e-mailing coordinator@strathconapark.org Also on Sunday, at 1 p.m., the institute hosts the return of Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society with presentations on whiskey jacks and owls.
Learn about one of the mountains’ most charismatic residents, the whiskey jack. These inquisitive, year-round birds are fast learners and have a reputation for begging food from
people. Come and learn about what makes these birds so special and how you can help them thrive. Nature walks and hikes will continue into September. For the full schedule visit www.
strathconapark.org For all activities: dress for the weather, wear proper footwear, bring lunch or snacks, water, bug spray and sun protection. No pets unless otherwise noted.
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Oil refinery plan needs Canadian lenders The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China declined to fully finance the $25-billion project, Black said, sending him to find a quarter of the required money within Canada. “It really came down to the fact that they wanted some skin in the game out of Canada and they
Jeff Nagel Black Press
B.C. businessman David Black has been forced to seek Canadian lenders to build his proposed oil refinery near Kitimat at the insistence of the Chinese bank that would act as the main financier.
would put 75 per cent of the money up for the refinery,” he said Monday. Black has billed the project, announced a year ago, as a way to create thousands of jobs in B.C. refining Alberta crude oil while ensuring diluted bitumen isn’t shipped in tank-
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any interest in financing or partnering on the refinery but Black said that’s no surprise. Oil extraction is traditionally more profitable than refining, he said, and the biggest energy firms may not want a new refinery competing against ones they already own. “I understand all that and decided early on I just had to find a way around that and I think I’ve found it.” The $25-billion cost includes roughly $16 billion for the refinery
Besides securing financing, Black said he must secure sites for the refinery and the marine terminal with the Kitselas and Haisla first nations, determine if inland first nations along the proposed pipeline corridor can come on board and to button down formal supply agreements with Canadian oil companies. He said an engineering firm from Calgary has endorsed the alternative refining process. Black reiterated his position that he could build the refinery even if
– more than initially estimated due to a new refining process that promises to emit half as much greenhouse gas – with the rest covering a natural gas pipeline, a fleet of tankers and the cost of the oil pipeline, if necessary.
the Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline project is rejected and instead bring oil via train, but he emphasized pipelines are safer. “I really hope it doesn’t come to that – I really hope we can do the pipeline.”
A pipeline would bring money and benefits for first nations and local communities that wouldn’t come with rail shipments, he added. Oil-on-rail shipments have been growing quickly as a way to get Alberta oil to market, but a pall was cast over the method last month when a runaway train carrying light crude oil exploded and destroyed the heart of Lac-Mégantic, Quebec. Black it’s not clear to him whether there would be a risk of explosion with the rail shipment of diluted oil sands bitumen, but said he would welcome research to address that question. Sending the required oil by rail would add 12 trains per day on the CN Rail line across northern B.C. and Black said that would mean a significant increase in noise and traffic disruption in northern towns.
Do you know of a business that has gone above and beyond in their commitment to ethics, trust and customer service? Join Better Business Bureau (BBB) serving Vancouver Island in celebrating and honouring businesses that stand out from the crowd, by nominating a company for the 2013 Torch Awards. “We are asking con-
sumers and businesses to take a moment to recognize and honour any local company that stands out from their competition as being fair, reliable, honest and trustworthy,” says Island BBB president Rosalind Scott. “All businesses, whether they are BBB accredited or not, are eligible to be nominated for a Torch Award.”
Winners are chosen by a panel of judges based on how well the nomination explains what the company did to demonstrate their commitment to ethical business practices. Nominating a business is easy. Simply send an e-mail to wendy@ vi.bbb.org, put the phrase “Torch Award Nomination” in the subject line,
then tell your story. Also provide a brief written explanation of the circumstances that led to the company demonstrating their commitment to ethics and their desire to go above and beyond. Be sure to include your name and contact information, as well as the nominee’s company name and contact info.
David Black, owner of Black Press and the Campbell River Mirror, says Chinese bank wants him to find 25 per cent at home.
Nominate the better businesses
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ers, eliminating one of the biggest objections to construction of the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline that could supply the crude. Black is advancing the project through his firm Kitimat Clean Ltd., but is also majority owner of the Black Press group of community newspapers in B.C., including this paper. He said he believes he has found lenders in Canada but gave no details, except to say he does not intend to take on equity investors. “It’s too early to say where or how, but I think it’s there,” he said. “Financially, it’s going to work out.” He aims to file a project description with the provincial government in September to initiate the environmental review process. None of the major North American oil companies have expressed
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In Memory
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We love and miss you Dad. Sarah, Michael and families DEATHS
Diana Poleschuk (nee Silver)
April 23, 1938August 10, 2013 It is with great sadness that the family of Diana Poleschuk, born in Fort William, Ontario, announces that our wife, mother, grandmother, & away unexpectedly unexpectedly on on Saturday, Saturday August sister passed away 10th, 2013 in Nanaimo B.C. after a short illness. Cremation will take place with interment following later date date in in Thunder Thunder Bay, Bay Ontario. Donations to at a later a charity of your choice in Diana’s memory, in lieu of flowers, would be greatly appreciated. The Poleschuk family invites the friends of Diana to an afternoon of fellowship in the celebration of Diana’s life. Refreshments will be served at the Elks Lodge, 516 Dogwood,on Friday August 16th, 2013 at 2p.m. South Dogwood Friday, August 16th, 2013 at 2p.m.
Sutton’s Campbell River Funeral Home 250-287-4812 www.suttonsfuneralhome.com
Joan Catherine Blackmer Bingham February 8, 1925 – July 17, 2013
After After aa full full and and wondrous wondrous life life Joan Joan Catherine Catherine Blackmer Blackmer Bingham, Bingham, 88, 88, passed passed away away on on July July 17, 17, 2013. 2013. She She will will be be remembered remembered for for her her sharp sharp wit, wit, passion passion for for people people and and love love of of books. books. Joan Joan always always prayed prayed for for her her loved loved ones ones and and was was in in God’s God’s heart. heart. Joan Joan is is survived survived by by her her husband husband Montague Montague Bingham, Bingham, three three children; children; Kathy Hauge, Candy Bateson Kathy Hauge, Candy Bateson and and Richard Richard Price, Price, her her beloved beloved sister sister Susan Susan Anderson Anderson and and her her four four children children as as well well as as five five grandchildren, grandchildren, five five great great grandchildren, grandchildren, eight eight step step children children and and families. families. AA service service will will be be held held in in her her honor honor at at St St Peters Peters Anglican Anglican Church, 228 Dogwood Dogwood Street, Campbell River, River, BC BC on on Saturday, Saturday, Church, 228 Street, Campbell September September 14, 14, 2013 2013 at at 2:30 2:30 PM PM followed followed by by aa celebration celebration of of Joans’ Joans’ life life at at 4:30 4:30 PM, PM, Maritime Maritime Heritage Heritage Centre, Centre, 621 621 Island Island Highway, Highway, Campbell Campbell River, River, BC. BC. For For those those of of you you who who wish wish to to do do so, so, memorial memorial donations donations in in Joan’s Joan’s name name may may be be made made to to your your favorite favorite charity. charity.
Elk Falls
Island Funeral Services 250-287-3366
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Support when you need it most Please support our work in the community with a donation to the Campbell River Hospice Society
DID YOU KNOW? BBB provides complaint resolution services for all businesses and their customers. Look for the 2013 BBB Accredited Business Directory E-edition on your Black Press Community Newspaper website at www.blackpress.ca. You can also go to http://vi.bbb.org/directory/ and click on the 2013 BBB Accredited Business Directory
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Jerry Ross
November 3, 1949August 7, 2013 We sadly announce the passing of Jerry Scott of Campbell River General Hospital. He leaves behind his mother Aileen, brother Dan and sister-in-law Teresa. He will be remembered and missed by his good buddies and workmates; Danny, Charlie and Jimmy, along with numerous cousins and friends. In his early years, Jerry enjoyed travels to Mexico and Central America. Jerry worked as a carpenter, fisherman and logger, spending time on Galiano Island and Vancouver before returning to Campbell River to live in 1992. Jerry was an armchair philosopher, original thinker and good story teller; he provided many unique ideas for discussion. He also provided us with many laughs for which we will always be grateful. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date.
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HELP WANTED $1000 HIRING BONUS. HAIRSTYLIST WANTED full time/part time for First Choice Hair Cutters in their Campbell River location. Guaranteed $12.50/hour, 25% profit sharing, paid overtime, benefits, paid birthday, vacation pay, annual advanced training and advancement opportunities. Call 1-866-472-4339 today for an interview. An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators, Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson,Alta. BUSY PHARMACY requires an experienced blister packing technician. Must have a minimum of 1 year experience with Kroll computer and some blister packing. 3 to 4 days per week with some Saturdays. Please submit resume to Sheryl at CR Health and Drug, Merecroft Village. No phone calls please. FISH PROCESSING company needs seasonal workers to join our team. Duties include handling & processing fish. No experience needed but must be in good health. Able to work under pressure in a fast paced work environment. Drop off resume to Box #101 c/o Mirror Newspaper, 104-250 Dogwood St. Campbell River, BC. V9W 2X9
HELP WANTED Campbell River Family Services Society has a vacancy for an Activity Worker in our Early Years Services Team. This is a temporary (March 31, 2014), part-time position (17 hours per week). The Activity Worker assists with the planning, organizing and implementation of group programs offered by the Early Years Services Team. Shopping for and preparation of meals/snacks for groups as well as supervision of children are some of the key activities and responsibilities of this position. Required qualifications include: a certificate/ diploma in related human/social service field, a Food Safe Certificate and minimum six months related experience. This position requires union membership. Wage per current collective agreement. This position is open to male and female applicants. Submit resumes by August 16, 2013 to: C.R. Family Services Society 487-10th Avenue, Campbell River, BC, V9W4E4 Attn: Camille Lagueux, Executive Director Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please. EXPERIENCED BUCKERS and Rippers with current minimum Level 1 First Aid required for Heli Logging Projects. Flights in and out of full facility camps paid for. Call 1-250334-9734 or 1-250-703-4132 to leave message.
LASER WASH CAR WASH now hiring car wash attendants. Must be a physically fit, mature, responsible person. Valid driver’s license. Drop off resume to Laser Wash (between the bridges in Campbellton.
HOME STAY FAMILIES Japanese Cultural Exchange We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a group of 21 High School students from Japan from September 30 to October 9 for 10 days. The students will visit some classes at local schools, make presentations on Japanese culture and will be involved in some other activities with students. 21 Homestay families are needed. Each family that hosts a student will be reimbursed $250 for expenses. For info, call Miyuki 250-923-0554 or world777@telus.net
Your Community, Your ClassiďŹ eds. Call 310-3535
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com Campbell River Mirror Fri, Aug 16, 2013
Air Brake Course August 24 & 25
• Class 1 & 3 • ICBC Licensed
Hypnotherapy & Counselling
RENUABLE RESOURCES 4001 Mid Port Rd. Fish Compost Bark Mulches Sand and Gravels We load you gently or we deliver
DALCON Construction LTD has openings for concrete forming carpenters, apprentices and labourers. Please email: (dalconconstruction@shaw.ca) or fax (250-743-5883) your resume to us. Competitive wages and benefit plan.
Brian E. Daly MH.CHt
1st Class Driving School
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'ĆŒĹ˝Ä?ÄžĆŒÇ‡ÍŹ Ä‚Ć?ĹšĹ?ÄžĆŒ WĹ˝Ć?Ĺ?Ć&#x;ŽŜ ZĞƋƾĹ?ĆŒÄžĹľÄžĹśĆšĆ?Í— • Up to 4 days a week • Must be available to work weekends • ble to do heavy liĹŒing • Related experience will be our preference • A passion for whole foods and organics! • A posiĆ&#x;ve aĆŤtudeÍ• healthy work ethic and a teaĹľ player are essenĆ&#x;al ingredients for a future Healthyway eĹľployee Wlease apply with resuĹľe to Ĺľanager inͲstore at ϹϹͲĎώϳϏ ogwood ^treetÍ• aĹľpbell River
Dogwood Dental is looking for a part time Registered
Dental Hygienist
Starting in September to join Dr. Lathangue and his team. Email Resume to: christi@dogwooddental.com or drop your resume off at 150 Dogwood Street, Campbell River
509953 BC Ltd (dba Tim Hortons) 1325 Island Hwy. or 465 Merecroft, Campbell River
Western Forest Products Inc. is an integrated Canadian forest products company located on Vancouver Island that is committed to the safety of our employees, the culture of performance and the discipline to achieve results. We currently have the following openings:
Area Planner Campbell River Planning Admin Assistant Campbell River Road Foreman Gold River Saw Filer Chemainus Steel Spar Hooktender Gold River Grapple Yarder Hooktender Gold River Log Loader Operator Gold River Heavy Duty Mechanic North Island Detailed job postings can be viewed at
http://www.westernforest.com/business-value/our-people-employment/careers WFP offers a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefit package. If you believe that you have the skills and qualifications that we are looking for, please reply in confidence to:
Human Resource Department Facsimile: 1.866.840.9611 Email: resumes@westernforest.com
• Grades K - 12 & College. • All subjects.
LIVINGROOM FURNITURE. Blue sectional w/ corner shelf inbetween & ottoman. $525. 2 recliners. Blue. $175. Very good cond. 250-923-3898
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EVELYN M. Interior Painting: Interior prep to completion. I always use low odour paint. Colour consulting available, free estimates. No muss,no fuss! 250-204-4417.
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C.V. SPORTSMAN’S Firearms & Collectibles Show, Aug 18, 2013. Militaria. Eagles Hall, 2965 Jacobs Rd, Duncan. 8:30-1. Geoff 250-746-7812. ESTHETIC BED, manicure table, facial machine, mag lamp,hot stone roaster & stones. Reasonable price. 250-830-4973/250-830-3314. MAGNIFICENT EAGLE “Early Riser�, Norman Marshall signed & numbered print. Also personally signed by artist. Conservation framing spec. glass, $500 firm. 250-3396054. Duncan “Teacher� Kiln. Hardware, pots, stilts & shelves, molds & misc. $200 o.b.o. Call 250-3396054. Lazy-Boy Rocker Recliner - brand new, still in box - model 10-403, $400. Call 250-941-2067.
STANLEY WOOD cook stove, new gear with brick lined firebox. Excellent condition. $1500. 250-336-2364 or 250-650-3577
BEIGE SOFA hide-a-bed, $250. Beige futon with wooden sides, $250. 3� memory foam for king size bed with cover, $125. All in good condition, Comox. Call (250)339-2624.
MOVING SALE. Loveseat blue, good condition. Twin size spring/mattress/frame - good condition. Please phone after 5 PM - 250-334-9607
Success Matters!
MOUNTAIN BIKE- as new, paid $700 selling $250. Upright freezer, $195. 12 gauge shotshell loader, sizeOutomatic, (1-stroke, 1-shell) $390.+ 10K Primus power and supplies, offers. Call (250)2863308, C.R.
Limited seats available!
HELP WANTED An employer you can count on.
BEAUTIFUL ROUND oak table & chairs worth $4000 willing to sell for $900. 778-3462295
Must be available for: Full Time / Shift Work Nights / Overnights / Early Mornings / Weekends $10.25/hr plus benefits. Apply at store location. Fax (250) 286-3409 An employer you can count on.
RENOVATIONS Carpentry, sundecks, mobile home additions, garden sheds, concrete work. Quality workmanship. Resonable rates. Licenced & registered company.250-9239212
Now hiring at Healthyway Natural Foods
FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 2013 | CAMPBELL RIVER MIRROR |A29 29 www.campbellrivermirror.com
ELECTRICIAN Small jobs to new construction. B Connected Electrical. 250-204-2168. www.bzzzt.ca
9/52Ă–#/--5.)49 Ă–9/52Ă–#,!33)&)%$3
e active... aÄ?Ć&#x;Ç€e͘͘͘ Be
and get paid! ADULT NEWSPAPER CARRIERS WANTED Pay the bills and build some muscle! Start now Dirror delivery deliÇ€ery assignment. assignment͘ with a Mirror ĎŽ times Ć&#x;mes each week, weeĹŹÍ• Wednesdays & Θ Fridays &ridays 2 deliÇ€ery͘ Reliable vehicle Ç€ehicle required reĆ‹uired Door to door delivery. to get to route areas in Campbell River. RiÇ€er͘
$140 + per week.
Contact Becky
VCR/DVD PLAYER. Dual cassette tape recorder and player. Assorted VCR movies, assorted cassette tapes. Assorted Rookie baseball cards. Call for details (250)339-4038 or email: p.horgen@utoronto.ca
WEDDING DECORATIONS. Retired decorator liquidating stock. Complete wedding package includes neutral colours of white/cream w/greenery, 1 large fully decorated arch with tulle, flowers, ivy and lights, 2 tall standard formal bouquets, head table swag to match archway, round guest table bouquets, glass tealight holders, vases, decorator fabric, tall silk trees with lights, much more. $1000/all, may split. 250-286-1453.
REAL ESTATE APARTMENT/CONDOS 2-BEDROOM CONDO ground floor in desirable Saanichton. Open concept, electric fireplace, custom kitchen. Carpets & laminate. Ensuite laundry, small pet ok. Low strata fee. Great starter, $235,000. By appointment 1-250-652-1218
FOR SALE BY OWNER 1200 square foot 3 bedroom home on large fenced lot with gate in industrial zone. Asking price $189,900.00 For more information call 250-914-3352
30 CAMPBELL RIVER MIRROR | FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 2013 A30| www.campbellrivermirror.com REAL ESTATE
A30 www.campbellrivermirror.com FOR SALE BY OWNER REAL ESTATE
875 Lanqvist - Hyde Creek Rancher on 2 acres, 3bdrm, 3 bath, hot tub, 40x30 shop wired & plumbed, full RV hookup, fenced backCreek yard. 875 Lanqvist - Hyde Priced toonsell at $375,000. Rancher 2 acres, 3bdrm, 250-230-7340. 3Call bath, hot tub, 40x30 shop wired & plumbed, full RV hookup, fenced back yard. Priced to sell at $375,000. Call 250-230-7340.
Garage Sales Garage Sales
camping gear, books & more. 2069 DALTON Rd. Sat. Aug. 335 8:30am-1:30pm. SIMMS RD. Sat 2Aug. 17. 17. Family 9-2. Hsehold items, kids bikes, stuff, sale. Furn, antiques, furn, sewing/knitting supplies, camping gear, books & more. unique items + much more. 335 SIMMS RD. Sat Aug. 17. 3428Hsehold MONTANA DR. stuff, Sat. 9-2. items, kids Aug. 17. 8am-12. Weights & furn, sewing/knitting supplies, bench, items antique clock, rocking unique + much more. chair, overbed table, food dehydrator,MONTANA tools, household 3428 DR. Sat. items.17. 8am-12. Weights & Aug. bench, antique clock, rocking 352-B overbed ROCKLAND chair, table, Rd. food Sat. deAug 17. 7am-2pm. famihydrator, tools, Multi household ly. Tons of toys. Clothing 10 items. cents ea. and much more. 352-B ROCKLAND Rd. Sat. HUGE sale. Aug 17. MULTI-FAMILY 7am-2pm. Multi famiSaturday, 8am-2pm. ly. Tons ofAug. toys.17,Clothing 10 Household, kid’s stuff cents ea. andfurniture, much more. & clothes, too much to list! 21 Strathcona Way HUGE MULTI-FAMILY sale. Saturday, Aug. 17, 8am-2pm.
Incredible 5 acre treed PARK-LIKE PROPERTY HOUSES FOR SALE with Well-Maintained Furnished Home 1500 sq.ft, 3-bdrm, Incredible 5 acre treed 2PARK-LIKE bath. Extremely close to PROPERTY Pristine Cowichan Lake, with Well-Maintained inFurnished the town ofHome Caycuse. Perfect for recreational 1500 sq.ft, 3-bdrm, property or full time living. 2 bath. Extremely close to Motivated seller $358,800. Pristine Cowichan Lake, Exceptionally yearly in the town of low Caycuse. cost. Not land. Perfect forleased recreational Call 250-745-3387 property or full time living. smartytwo@hotmail.com Motivated seller $358,800. Exceptionally low yearly cost. McNEILL. Not leased land. PORT 5-BDRM Call 250-745-3387 Double-wide with basement, 5 smartytwo@hotmail.com bdrms, 2.5 bathrooms. View, private fenced yard. $159,900. 250-956-4009. PORT McNEILL. 5-BDRM Double-wide with basement, 5 bdrms, 2.5 HOMES bathrooms. View, MOBILE & PARKS private fenced yard. $159,900. 250-956-4009.
1992 MODULAR home/$92,000. 3 bdrm, 2 full baths, 1600sq ft, livingroom, recroom w/wood stove, open concept, wood shed, lrg kitch1992 MODULAR en recently reno’d w/ laminate, home/$92,000. 3 bdrm, 2 full linoleum,1600sq new paint blinds, baths, ft, and livingroom, lrg deck, skylights, 5 appls, lrg recroom w/wood stove, open pad rentalwood on dead not concept, shed,end lrg St. kitchin recently a mobilereno’d park,w/well kept. en laminate, Quiet area. Mary 250linoleum, newCall paint andatblinds, 203-3840 or 250-914-2222. lrg deck, skylights, 5 appls, lrg pad rental on dead end St. not in RECREATIONAL a mobile park, well kept. PROPERTY Quiet area. Call Mary at 250203-3840 or 250-914-2222.
for sale, in the Cariboo. 12 ACRE HUNTING $550K ~ will consider trade.
INCOME POTENTIAL. 3 Beds, 2 bath up; 2 beds, European-style bath suite down. Quality estuary, mountain & ocean views. For pics, see INCOME POTENTIAL. 3 Property Guys webBeds, 2 bath up;Sayward 2 beds, Eurosite. $249,900. (250)282-0009. pean-style bath suite down. Quality estuary, mountain & ocean views. For pics, see Property Guys Sayward website. $249,900. (250)282-0009.
PORT HARDY Well maintained 6-plex Great investment $385,000 Call Noreen PORT 250-949-6319 HARDY imagine.it@cablerocket.com Well maintained 6-plex Great investment $385,000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT Call Noreen 250-949-6319 imagine.it@cablerocket.com
4435 DISCOVERY Dr. Sat. Aug. 17. 8am-3pm. Moving Sale. Older 14’ aluminum GARAGE SALES boat, riding mower, fridge, deep freeze, DISCOVERY entertainment Dr. centre, 4435 Sat.2 twin beds, oak coffee Moving & end Aug. 17. 8am-3pm. tables, swivel bar stools, elecSale. Older 14’ aluminum boat, tric organ, bench fridge, saw, dresser, riding mower, deep roto tiller, household items. freeze, entertainment centre, 2 twin beds, oak coffee & 551 SPRINGBOK Rd. end Sat. tables, swivel bar stools, elecAug. 17. 8am-3pm. Antiques, tric organ, bench saw, dresser, collectibles & toys. Something roto tiller, household items. for everyone. 551 SPRINGBOK Sat. 94 LYNNWOOD Rd. Rd. Sat. Aug. Aug. 17. 8am-3pm. 17. 8am-2pm. Rain Antiques, or shine. collectibles & everyone. toys. Something Something for for everyone. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE 94 LYNNWOOD Rd. 7am-noon. Sat. Aug. sale. Sat. Aug. 17, 17. 8am-2pm. Rain 1861 Snowbird Cres. or shine. Something for everyone. Quilters 1910 S.ISL HWY. MULTI-FAMILY Sat Aug 24. 9-1 hugeGARAGE 2 studio sale. Sat. Aug.of 17, 7am-noon. clearout.Tons fabric, books, 1861 Snowbird Cres. kits, etc.Backyard park on Simms enter in lane. Quilters 1910 S.ISL HWY. Sat Aug 24. 9-1 huge17, 2 studio SATURDAY AUG. 8amclearout.Tons of fabric, books, 2pm. 355 Twillingate Rd., C.R. kits, etc.Backyard park on Partial Estate sale, Quality Simms enter in lane. sz 10-12, women’s clothes, framed pictures, lots of17, misc. SATURDAY AUG. 8am2pm. 355 Twillingate Rd., C.R.
for Ph: sale,250-481-1100 in the Cariboo. $550K ~ will consider trade.
RENTALS www.barneyslakesideresort.com Ph: 250-481-1100
1 & 2 Bdrms available at the Cedarbrook Apts. Heat & hot water APARTMENT/CONDO included. Adult oriented. Indoor cat welcome. On-site Refs Req. Callat2501laundry. & 2 Bdrms available the 914-0105 to view. Cedarbrook Apts. Heat & hot www.meicorproperties.com water included. Adult oriented. Indoor cat welcome. On-site CAMPBELL 2 bdrms, laundry. RefsRIVERReq. Call 250close to to town. 914-0105 view.Quiet, secure, adult oriented, 820 Alder www.meicorproperties.com Street. $650. Avail Aug 15. Call 250-830-4056. CAMPBELL RIVER- 2 bdrms, close to town. Quiet, secure, adult OFFICE oriented, 820 Alder EQUIPMENT Street. $650. Avail Aug 15. Call 250-830-4056.
2 BDRM Avail. immediately Orchard Park Apts. Secure building. Oversized suites. APARTMENT/CONDO Large, quiet, private yard. New welcome. 2carpet, BDRMIndoor Avail.catimmediately On-site laundry. References Orchard Park Apts. Secure rbuilding. e q u i r e d .Oversized 2 5 0 - 2 0 2 - 2suites. 187. www.meicorproperty.com Large, quiet, private yard. New carpet, Indoor cat welcome. 2 BDRMSLarge References townhouse On-site laundry. rstyle e q u apts, i r e d .close 2 5 0 - to 2 0hospital, 2 - 2 1 8 73. schools, on site W/D. www.meicorproperty.com Small pets ok. $750. 250-202-0656. 2 BDRMS- Large townhouse CAMPBELL RIVERnewer style apts, close to hospital, 3 reno’d 3 onbdrm. New Small paint, schools, site W/D. laminate fl oors, W/D, elevator. pets ok. $750. 250-202-0656. $850./mo. Call (250)474-0545. CAMPBELL RIVER- newer reno’d CAMPBELL 3 bdrm. RIVER New paint, Ocean viewW/D, condo. laminate floors, elevator. Spacious, well maintained $850./mo. Call (250)474-0545. Building, 2 Bdrms, in-suite washer & dryer, RIVER very quiet CAMPBELL building, Oceannon-smoking, view condo. minutes from downtown Campbell Spacious, well maintained River. $825./mo. Availin-suite now Building, 2 Bdrms, Contact Steve 1-604-943-4134 washer & dryer, very quiet for more info or to view. building, non-smoking, minutes from downtown Campbell River. $825./mo. Avail now CORTES VIEW TERRACE Contact Steve condos 1-604-943-4134 1 & 2 bdrm located for info or to view. building in more secured entrance w/elevator, & in excellent proximity VIEW to Hospital, recreaCORTES TERRACE core. 1tion, & 2 & bdrmdowntown condos located Each features 4 appl, launin secured entrance building dry/storage &room, master w/elevator, in excellent bdrm w/walk in closet & proximity to Hospital, recreapatios. &N/S.downtown Small pet core. may tion, be considered w/deposit. Each features 4 appl, launRent from $625/month. Sept dry/storage room, master 1 & Oct 1 possession. bdrm w/walk in closet & patios. N/S. Small pet may be Advanced consideredProperty w/deposit. Management Inc. Sept Rent from $625/month. www.advancedpm.ca 1 & Oct 1 possession. 250.338.2472 or 877.808.7368 Advanced Property Management Inc. CR: www.advancedpm.ca Cedar Place Apt. Avail Immed.250.338.2472 Responsibleor tenants wanted for a clean, quiet, se877.808.7368 cure, managed building w/ family atmosphere. to CR: Cedar Place Apt.CloseAvail hospital. Responsible Laundry facilities on Immed. tenants site. Refsforreq’d. 250-286-4881 wanted a clean, quiet, secure, managed building w/ ROTARY BEACH2 bdrms, family atmosphere. Close to lrg, bright, 3 appls, bachelor hospital. Laundry facilities on studio, hydro incld. Reasite. Refs req’d. 250-286-4881 sonable rent. 250-286 1175. ROTARY BEACH- 2 bdrms, Turnkey Ocnfrt. 1 Bd.bachelor Avail. lrg, bright, 3 appls, immed. N/S,N/P. $1,100-1,250 studio, hydro incld. Rea/mnth. Randy sonable rent. 250-830-4222 250-286 1175. Turnkey Under Ocnfrt. New 1 Bd. Avail. immed. Management N/S,N/P. $1,100-1,250 /mnth. Randy 250-830-4222 BA, 1 & 2 BR spacious suites. Under Heat, hot waterNew and parking Management included. On bus route, close to schools. BA, 1 & 2 BR $550 - $750. spacious suites. Movehot in incentives Heat, water and offered. parking included. On bus route, Call 250-204-3342. close to schools. $550 - $750. DUPLEXES/4PLEXES Move in incentives offered. Call 250-204-3342. 2 BDRM. 1 bth. 5 appl. Clean Fantastic view. Downtown. No Pets. DUPLEXES/4PLEXES Ref’s requ’d. $775/mnth. 250-286-6672 2 BDRM. 1 bth. 5 appl. Clean 2 BDRM near amen. $725 Fantastic view. all Downtown. No CedarRef’s at 4threqu’d. Avail now. 1-250Pets. $775/mnth. 889-9353.boarsnest@shaw.ca 250-286-6672
Visit us online:
Fri, Aug 16, 2013, Campbell River Mirror
4 BDRM, 3 bath, Ocean View home on half acre near Painters Lodge. appl’s, HOMES5FOR RENTgas furnace, NS. Avail. Sept. 1st damage 4$1400/mo. BDRM, 3+bath, Oceandeposit View e-mail:on discoverydrive@live.ca home half acre near Paintor call 250-963-7677. ers Lodge. 5 appl’s, gas furnace, NS. Avail. Sept. 1st C.R. OCEANFRONT furn. $1400/mo. + damagefully deposit 3-Bdrm, discoverydrive@live.ca 2 bath home - “short e-mail: term” $1800. obo. Avail Oct or call 250-963-7677. 1/13. Drive by: 1047 S. Island Hwy. OCEANFRONT Call 1-604-892-5134 or C.R. fully furn. renechambers@shaw.ca 3-Bdrm, 2 bath home - “short term” - $1800. obo. Avail Oct 1/13. Drive by: 1047 S. Island Hwy. CallRECREATION 1-604-892-5134 or renechambers@shaw.ca
Spots available at Great Rates. Daily, weekly, RV RESORT monthly. Pool, Hot tub, ON THE LAKE exercise room, laundry, Spots available Great putting green, at hiking, Rates. Daily,Ball weekly, fishing, Pickle Court. monthly. Pool, Hotof tub, Free coffee in one the exercise room, laundry, best clubhouses on the puttingNanaimo green, hiking, island. area. fishing, Pickle Ball Court. www.resortonthelake.com Free250-754-1975 coffee in one or of the best clubhouses on the admin@resortonthelake.com island. Nanaimo area. www.resortonthelake.com SHARED ACCOMMODATION 250-754-1975 or
admin@resortonthelake.com NORTH NANAIMO: Attention Students/Working Professionals:SHARED fully furnished room, nice, ACCOMMODATION quiet area. Own bathroom, cable, shared kitchen and NORTH NANAIMO: Attention laundry. N/S, N/P, no partiers. Students/Working Profession$550/mo. 250-756-9746. als: fully furnished room, nice, quiet area. Own bathroom, cable, shared kitchen and $450. Includes hydro/phone/ STORAGE laundry. N/S, N/P, partiers. cable/internet. Veryno close to $550/mo. college &250-756-9746. bus. 250-202-2040 STORAGE/PARKINGIndustrial parking, boat, RV & container storage. 250-830-7690. STORAGE STORAGE/PARKINGSUITES, LOWER Industrial parking, boat, RV & container storage. 250-830-7690. 1 BDRM. Fully furn’d. bach. basement suite on Rainbow Rd. $595/mnth. N/P. N/S. 250SUITES, LOWER 286-4854 or 250-204-3325 1 BDRM. Fully furn’d. bach. 2 Bedrm Suite. washbasement suite Shared on Rainbow er &$595/mnth. dryer. May N/P. consider cat. Rd. N/S. a250N/S Close to all amenities 286-4854 or 250-204-3325 Avail. Sept. 1st. $900 all inclu250-202-4096 2sive. Bedrm Suite. Shared washer & dryer. May consider a cat. 738A BEAVERLODGE RdN/S Close to all amenities clean, Sept. bright, bdrm lower Avail. 1st. 2$900 all inclusuite,250-202-4096 laundry facilities, NP/NS, sive. refs please. $750 mo. Avail now. Call (250)914-1195. Rd738A BEAVERLODGE clean, bright, 2 bdrm lower ONE laundry BDRM. facilities, Bachelor. Fursuite, NP/NS, nished. Includes refs please. $750fridge, mo. stove, Avail utilities. $400. 250-830-7292. now. Call (250)914-1195. ONE BDRM. Bachelor. FurTOWNHOUSES nished. Includes fridge, stove, utilities. $400. 250-830-7292.
EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT MILLSTREAM OFFICEOFFICE - Desks & Tables OFFICE & OFFICE - Bookcases EQUIPMENT MILLSTREAM Metal & Storage GOVERNMENT -- Desks TablesCabinets OFFICE & Variety of Office Chairs - Bookcases all your local news: SURPLUS For File Cabinets - Metal Storage Cabinets GOVERNMENT 51 Colorado Drive - Variety of Office Chairs Reconditioned (Behind Ocean Grove Esso) SURPLUS - File Cabinets OFFICE EQUIPMENT
185 Maryland Rd. Sat Aug 17. 7:30-12:30. Multi family garage sale. Lots of kids stuff incl. running GARAGE SALES turtle bike, small climber/slide, sandbox, cloth diapers. 185 Maryland Rd. Sat Aug 17. 7:30-12:30. Multi Rd. family 2069 DALTON Sat.garage Aug. sale. Lots of kids stuff incl. running 17. 8:30am-1:30pm. 2 Family bike, small climber/slide, turtle sale. Furn, antiques, bikes, sandbox, cloth diapers.
CAMPBELL RIVER- 810 Marguerite – Quiet 55+ Gated Community. 1330 sq.ft. patio home. 2 bed, 2 bath plus den. Bright open RIVERconcept.810 UpgradCAMPBELL Mared soundproofi $254,500. guerite – Quietng. 55+ Gated 250-287-9159.1330 sq.ft. patio Community. home. 2 bed, 2 bath plus den. Bright open concept. UpgradWE’RE ON ng. THE WEB ed soundproofi $254,500. 250-287-9159.
FRENCH CREEK CHARMER 3 bdrm/2 ba on .23 acre. Many updates. Warm, welcoming & move in ready. $335,000. By appt. gardendelight@shaw.ca. FRENCH CREEK CHARMER 3250-752-4741. bdrm/2 ba on .23 acre. Many updates. Warm, welcoming & move in ready. $335,000. By appt. gardendelight@shaw.ca. 250-752-4741.
BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED duplex in Courtenay, quiet culde-sac. 3-bdrm + den, 2.5 baths, bright, spacious kitchen, 5 appl’s, garage, private BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED large fenced backyard duplex in Courtenay, quiet with culshed. Roof 2009. Close 2.5 to de-sac. 3-bdrm + den, NIC. Details pics on Craigbaths, bright,& spacious kitchslist. $229,500. Call (250)338en, 5 appl’s, garage, private 8208 orfenced cell (250)792-0024. large backyard with shed. Roof 2009. Close to NIC. Details & pics on Craigslist. $229,500. Call (250)3388208 or cell (250)792-0024.
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com Fri, Aug 16, 2013, Campbell River Mirror
CAMPBELL RIVER: Avail. Sept. 15 - Oct. 1. Lovely private custom home, 3 beds, 2 baths. 7 yrs. old. 2500 sq. ft. full front frenchRIVER: doors andAvail. winCAMPBELL dows 15facing south. Sept. - Oct. 1. Lovely Heat pripump/air-exchanger/air-condivate custom home, 3 beds, 2 tioner. Huge front garden, baths. 7 yrs. old. 2500 sq. ft. room 2 extra full frontforfrench doorsdriveways. and winConcretefacing deck south. back garden dows Heat approx 60 ft x 16 ft. deep. Old pump/air-exchanger/air-condigrowth fi r stairs, 2 beds up and tioner. Huge front garden, huge walk custom shower. room for 2in extra driveways. Also antique & carConcrete deckfurniture back garden penters’60tools forft. sale. approx ft x 16 deep. 916 Old Heritage Meadow Drive. growth fir stairs, 2 beds up Visit and Kijiji walk for more pics.shower. Price huge in custom $442,000. 250-286-3602. Also antique furniture & carpenters’ tools for sale. 916 Heritage Meadow Drive. Visit Kijiji for more pics. Price $442,000. 250-286-3602.
7175 HIGHLAND Dr. Port Hardy. 2520 sq ft 4bdr home. 2 landscaped lots joined. 2dr garage. Walkout basement/suite. 250-949-8922 or 7175 HIGHLAND Dr. Port www.island.net/~fi AskHardy. 2520 sq ftshnet. 4bdr home. ing $336,000. 2 landscaped lots joined. 2dr garage. Walkout basement/suite. 250-949-8922 or www.island.net/~fishnet. Asking $336,000.
COMOX: 3 bed 2 bath $275,000. Must See attractive well maintained home. Great location near Parks & Schools, 645 Torrence Large priCOMOX: 3 Rd. bed 2 lotbath vate fencedMust backSee yard.attractive Garage $275,000. & large drive for RV or boat. well maintained home. Great Studio with location nearseparate Parks & entrance. Schools, Incl Torrence 6 appliances. No agents. 645 Rd. Large lot priTo view call 250-339-1117. vate fenced back yard. Garage & large drive for RV or boat. Studio with separate entrance. Incl 6 appliances. No agents. To view call 250-339-1117.
TOWNHOUSES 555 ROCKLAND RD. Quality, near new CREEKSIDE VILLAGE 2 bedroom townhouses TOWNHOUSES in a quiet area. 555 ROCKLAND RD. Units have fridge, stove, Quality, near newdrydishwasher, washer, 2 erbedroom and 1 1/2townhouses bathrooms. in atoquiet area.playClose schools, Units have fridge, stove, ground and N.Is College. dishwasher, washer, 1 unit avail Sept 1dryer andSmall 1 1/2pets bathrooms. ok Close to schools, playPhone Lorne ground and N.Is College.
of the C.R.Crime Free CERTIFIED Multi-Housing Program BUILDING of the We offer:C.R.Crime Free Bachelor, 1 & Multi-Housing 2 Bedroom Program *Thorough and fair screening of all applicants. We offer: * Secure building Bachelor, 1 & 2 Bedroom * Adult oriented *Thorough and fair screening * Laundry facilities of all applicants. * On bus route * Secure building * On-site managers * Adult oriented * Close to hospital * Laundry facilities * No PETS * On bus route * No Smoking * On-site managers * References required * Close to hospital We are committed to our * No tenants PETS to provide a * No Smoking quiet, clean atmosphere. * References required Phone We 250are committed to our 286-4838 tenants to provide a quiet, clean atmosphere.
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1975 OLDSMOBILE Toronado, $4,000. Garaged since 1982. Has collector plates. 104,000 original miles. Runs beautifully. (250)390-3805 1975 OLDSMOBILE Toronado, $4,000. Garaged since 1997 Has FORDcollector Taurusplates. GL 1982. 184,000 km . Good condition 104,000 original miles. Runs $2500. obo(250)390-3805 250-334-8521 beautifully. 1997 FORD Taurus GL 184,000 km . Good condition $2500. obo 250-334-8521
2001 DODGE Caravan SE. well maintained, low km - 149k Records. $3,500. OBO. (250)334-9560, Courtenay. 2001 DODGE Caravan SE. well maintained, low km - 149k Records. $3,500. OBO. (250)334-9560, Courtenay.
2CAMPBELL BDRM near RIVER: all amen. 2bdrm $725 apt in at centrally located 4-plex. Cedar 4th Avail now. 1-250Freshly painted. No Pets. N/S. 889-9353.boarsnest@shaw.ca Refs $700+util. 250-830-4686. CAMPBELL RIVER: 2bdrm CAMPBELL RIVERbdrm 2004 CHEVY AVEO; apt in centrally located3 4-plex. duplex close to No Canyon 165,000+ km; 4 door; StanFreshly painted. Pets. View N/S. Trail, bus. NS/NP, quiet. W/D, dard transmission; Front wheel Refs $700+util. 250-830-4686. Large yard. $775. Avail now. drive; $3500. OBO. Call Call (250)204-1346. (250)337-4070 after 5pm.AVEO; CAMPBELL RIVER3 bdrm 2004 CHEVY Restaurant Equipment duplex close to Canyon View 165,000+ km; 4 door; Stan51 Colorado Drive Campbell River. quiet. Oceanfront 1250-203-7196 unit avail Sept 1 Trail, bus. NS/NP, W/D, dard transmission; Front wheel and Reconditioned much, much more! Wed.-Sat. 10am - 5pm 2bdrm yard. in $775. 4-plex. Avail Available SPORTS & IMPORTS (Behind Ocean Grove Esso) See us @ Large now. Small pets ok drive; $3500. OBO. Call Sept.(250)204-1346. 1. Near Ocean Grove Call (250)337-4070 after 5pm. Phone Lorne www.meicorproperRestaurant Equipment Store. On bus route. N/S N/P. NISSAN VERSA 2007. 4 Dr, Refs. AdultRiver. oriented $800. Sedan, power window & locks, 250-203-7196 Campbell Oceanfront ty.com HOMES FOR RENT HOMES FOR RENT and much, much more! Wed.-Sat. 10am - 5pm 250-287-8032 A/C, SPORTS mint cond, 74,000km. 2bdrm in 4-plex. Available & IMPORTS See us @ $8,000 OBO. Call David Sept. 1. Near Ocean Grove SPACIOUS 3 BRDM, 1.5 SMALLOn1-BDRM cabin, www.meicorproper250-339-2228 Store. bus route. N/S walk N/P. NISSAN VERSA 2007. 4 Dr, bthm. 4 appli, large safe yard. to Canyon Trail. Close to Refs. AdultVieworiented $800. Sedan, power window & locks, ty.com $800 250-923-6939 For all yourFOR localRENT news: downtown & bus. $650./mo. HOMES FOR RENT HOMES 250-287-8032 A/C, mint cond, 74,000km. Quiet, NS/NP. (250)204-1346. MOTORCYCLES www. $8,000 OBO. Call David 3MULTI-HOUSING BRDM, 1.5 For more .comSMALL 1-BDRM cabin, walk SPACIOUS CRIME-FREE 250-339-2228 bthm. 4 appli, large safe yard. to Canyon View Trail. Close to HOMES FOR RENT rentals call $800 250-923-6939 Realty & Property downtown & bus. $650./mo. BIRCH Quiet, NS/NP. (250)204-1346. MOTORCYCLES Management Inc. 250-286-0110 3-BDRM, 1 bath, 2 storey. For more CRIME-FREE MULTI-HOUSING MANOR Freshly painted interior, new W/D &HOMES range. FORFenced RENT yard, rentals call Realty & Property close to town with ocean view. Certified complex of CR BIRCH Management Inc. 250-286-0110 NP/NS. Ref’s req’d. Avail now. 3-BDRM, 1 bath, 2 storey. Crime Free Multi-Housing $1400. (778)418-4894 lv msg. MANOR Freshly painted interior, new Program. W/D & range. Fenced yard, • Thorough & fair screening 3-BDRM, 1 bath rancher. close to town with ocean view.5 Certifi ed complex of CR appliances, priof all applicants. NP/NS. Ref’swood req’d. stove, Avail now. 1986 HONDA APSENCADE Crime FreeTownhouse Multi-Housing vate fenced yard. lvCovered • 2 bedroom $1400. (778)418-4894 msg. GL1200. Runs great! $2600. patio, single garage. N/S, pets • Laundry Program. facilities on site OBO 250-286-6363 negotiable. 1 $1200./mo. Avail •• Thorough & fair screening 3-BDRM, bath rancher. 5 Close to Hospital Sept. 1st. Callwood (250)926-6616. appliances, stove, priof all applicants. 2013 V-ROD 130 • References Required 1986 HONDA MUSCLE APSENCADE vate fenced yard. Covered •• 2NO bedroom Townhouse HP. Black silver, $2600. ABS GL1200. Runs great! 3 BDRM with ocean N/S, view.pets On NEWS • SPORTS • BUSINESS •garage. ENTERTAINMENT •PETS COMMUNITY • LIFESTYLES •& OPINION patio, single • Laundry facilities on site brakes. 95 km, $16,000. obo. OBO 250-286-6363 bus route, close to Centennial negotiable. $1200./mo. Avail (250)923-6991 or (250)287• •Phone: Close to Hospital Pool. 1st. Available September 1. 250-204-8118 Sept. Call (250)926-6616. 0493. Campbell 250-287-3556 2013 V-ROD River. MUSCLE 130 • References Required HP. Black & silver, ABS 3 BDRM with ocean view. On • NO PETS 3 BEDRM mobile. Carport & NEWS BUYING OR SELLINGobo. brakes. 95 km, $16,000. bus route, close to Centennial storageAvailable rm. Private, quiet, sunLL 250-204-8118 OU EED IN (250)923-6991 RINTCLASSIFIEDS: AND or NLINE (250)287Pool. September 1. SPORTS •Phone: ny & great views. Black 0493. Campbell River. 250-287-3556 BUSINESS Creek.Avail. Sept. 1 $850/mth www.campbellriverpropertymanagement.ca 3+ utilities. BEDRM250-287-6341 mobile. Carport & ENTERTAINMENT
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www.CampbellRiverMirror.com Campbell River Mirror Fri, Aug 16, 2013 TRANSPORTATION
10’11” BIGFOOT Camper. 3000 Series. Top cond. Satelite TV reciever, side/rear awnings on 2008 FORD F350 Crew Cab. Lariat-Diesel, dually, 4xdrive, sliding moon roof, tailgate step, heated seats, leather, trailer tow, dual air cond, keyless entry. Two tone. 103K Km, Mint cond. $60,000. 250-286-3308
11.5’ Elkhorn Camper, $5,500. Side entry model, requires 8’ box. HW heater, propane stove w/oven, propane/elect fridge, forced air propane heater, flush toilet, inside shower. (250)390-3805 1992 TRAILER Master Coach. plastic surround bathroom. 1988 Cadillac Gold Eagle. As is. Best offers. 7745 Old Island Hwy (bright coloured pillars on drive way). 250-334-6463 1999 Damon Challenger Class A Motorhome, Ford V10, 33’, one slide, 92,000 km, new tires, brakes & batteries, $24,900 obo. (250)365-7152 Castlegar
2001 4x4 DODGE DAKOTA P/U Crew cab. 243,000 kms. New price $5,900. obo. Call 250-337-5565 after 7 pm
2006 Silverado, Ext cab, 4x4, with canopy, small V8,40,000kms,like new interior,rhino lined box,towing package.Asking $19,500. 250-2873930
2010 TOYOTA Tundra TRD, 4x4, 55,000, 4.6 V8, Box cover, Bed Rug box liner, nonsmoker, excellent shape. $31,000 obo. 250-923-0037. 2011 FORD ESCAPE. Under 20,000km. Leather interior. $26,000 OBO. Ask for Dale: 250-286-9957 after 6pm. MUST SELL 1998 Ford Ranger, runs well, 4 speed manual, 170,000kms. $2200. 250-9142475
MARINE 2003 28” Travelair, $26,900. ford E450,tires, brakes good, no leaks, isl bed, air clean. Consider class B/camp van trade.82K. 250-285-2030.
19’ FIBERGLASS boat with trailer. 200hp and 8hp Mercury outboards. New price $6,500. obo Call 250-337-5565 after 7pm.
2003 Four Winns Fish & Ski Freedom 180 F/S,
fully serviced 4.3L VOLVO PENTA engine, removable side windows for more fishing room, tilt steering, removable seats with interchanging seat posts, rear entry ladder, front control for rear leg trim, full cover with anti pooling poles, electric motor off bow for fishing, custom matched trailer, Bimini top.
This is really a great boat!! $15,000 obo. (250)354-7471 Nelson
24’ HARBOURCRAFT- loaded, new Garmin GPS, radar, fish finder, shrimp and crab pot puller, 4 stroke 225, 9.9 auxillary engine, 2 Scotty electric down riggers, new dual axle easy load trailer. $55,000. Call for more details: (360)790-5733.
MARINE ACCESSORIES MERC CRUISER Bravo 3 leg/drive 2 x 20” stainless props, approximately 100 hours, excellent value - first $1,000 takes! Ready to go! In Pt. Alberni. Call 250-745-3700.
2007 TRAIL Lite 16’ trailer, great for small trucks, very good condition. Trailer cover incld’d. Sleeps 4, A/C. $10,000. Call (250)923-7412 CLUES ACROSS or (250)202-2710.
40. Minute skin openings 41. Where birds are kept 1. Turin relic 5TH WHEEL. 1985 Travelair 29 FT Fiberglass Sailboat, vol21’. All utilities work. Fully 43. Type of pearaux,moorage paid 7. Pays out vo diesel equipped, includes microwave until mid Apr,2014. $14,900 & hitch. $3000. obo. CallIndonesian island 44. Shower soap alternative 13. W. obo. 250-337-5747 (250)334-0497, Courtenay. 45. Sec. & Exch. Comm. (abbr.) 14. Extraordinary visual recall 47. To swindle 16. Tuberculosis 48. Military mailbox 17. Fixed verse composer BAYLINER as new, 51. French airport 19. Milliliter175 (abbr.) 55hrs(used)135 h/p mercruis53. First 20. Characters er-in-out board hydraulic leg, 40’ LONG RANGE Charter full canvas on stainless steel Boat. T/C Compliant. $89,000. 55. Chew 22. Collapsible bed frame (detachable)Fresh water 250-339-7502. cooling, fishoffinder h.d gal56. Gloomy Nat. Association StateonUnits BIGFOOT TRAILER,23.1996. www.silverfoxmarinecharters.com vanized trailer $17900. 25017’. Large fridge/freezer, on 4- Aging 58. Before 286-3308 burner stove/oven, hot water, 59. Liquid portion of a fat furnace, very nice condition. 25. Periods of time $10,500. (250)248-7194. 60. Artificial Intelligence (abbr.) 26. Edvard __, Czech. Pres. COLEMAN TENT Trailer 61. Modern oven 28. Nickname for Louise sleeps 6 has awning with mosquito netting and29.stove. 64. Between north and east Nova TV network Good condition. $3500. Please call 250-334-3698. 65. Sharpshooting 30. Not good 67. Corrected 31. Short for recreation DOUBLE EAGLE. 17 Ft. FiSPORT UTILITY VEHICLES berglass. 120 HP Johnson, 69. Resembling glass 33. Petrol 185 CAMPION EXPLORER. 8HP Evenrude 4 stroke w/ Ready to go fi shing. Elec. depth sounder, VHF radio, 70. Demanded payment 34. First Chinese dynasty down rigger, GPS, Fish finder compass, 2 electric down rig36. Upper surface of theMerc., mouth9.9 and gers. Good condition. $11,500. Engine 135 more. $15,000. 250-923250-923-2328 CLUES DOWN 38. Walkway brick 0528/250-287-0211
Today’s Answers
103,000km. FORD Explorer XLS. New parts, excellent condition. 2002. $8500 obo. Call 250-287-2009.
1986 28’-FAIRLINE Fly Bridge, $29,900. Twin 6cyl gas engines, 2VHF radios, depth sounder, 4burner propane stove w/oven, 110/12v fridge, electric head w/holding tank. (250)390-3805
1990 CHEV 3/4 Ton, long box, 4 wheel drive. $590. Runs great! Call (250)338-5503. 1991 FORD F250 XLT Lariat 4X4 with canopy, boat racks. $2800.00. Please call 250-336-8600 1995 ZODIAK 14.6ft - 65HP Suzuki. New steering & trailer bearings. $6000 OBO. 250-334-9337 1971 GMC. 1/2 ton. $1500 obo. Extra parts available. Wooden box. 250-338-6826
Time for a NEW car?
Games & Puzzles
ACROSS 1. Turin relic 7. Pays out 13. W. Indonesian island 14. Extraordinary visual recall 16. Tuberculosis 17. Fixed verse composer 19. Milliliter (abbr.) 20. Characters 22. Collapsible bed 23. Nat. Association of State Units on Aging 25. Periods of time 26. Edvard __, Czech. Pres. 28. Nickname for Louise 29. Nova TV network 30. Not good 31. Short for recreation 33. Petrol 34. First Chinese dynasty 36. Upper surface of the mouth 38. Walkway brick 40. Minute skin openings 41. Where birds are kept 43. Type of pear 44. Shower soap alternative 45. Sec. & Exch. Comm. (abbr.) 1
The Riptide kitchen is seeking
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DOWN 1. Located on the outskirts of a city 2. Hectometer (abbr.) 3. Tears down 4. Native Nebraska American people 5. A large vessel 6. Waltzed 7. Irish or Gordon 8. Bye, Bye Miss American ___ 9. Adam and Eve’s garden 5
Salmon Pasta with Artichokes - $14
Gift Certificates Available Open for Lunch & Dinner Mon-Sat 11am-9pm, Sun 11am-8pm Closed the last Sunday of every month.
1090A Shoppers Row, Campbell River 250-830-1066 9
14 17
25 29
32 37
45 52
51 56
60 66
43 47
46 53
www.campbellrivermirror.com A31
47. To swindle 48. Military mailbox 51. French airport 53. First 55. Chew 56. Gloomy 58. Before 59. Liquid portion of a fat 60. Artifi cial Intelligence (abbr.) 61. Modern oven 64. Between north and east 65. Sharpshooting 67. Corrected 69. Resembling glass 70. Demanded payment
1. Located on the outskirts of a city 2. Hectometer (abbr.) 3. Tears down 4. Native Nebraska American how to play: Fill in the people grid so that every row, every5.column and vessel every 3x3 box A large contains the numbers 1 through 9 only 6. once. Waltzed Each 3x3 box is outlined with a 7.line. IrishYouoralready Gordon darker have a few numbers to getBye you started. 8. Bye, Miss American ___ Remember: you must not repeat 9. Adam and Eve’s garden the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3x3 box. 10. Fu___: burial observances 11. Withdrawl symptom (abbr.) 12. Copy ANSWER TO SUDOKU PUZZLE 13. Spherical bacteria in pairs or chains
54 58
63 67
15. Articles 18. Long time 21. State capital 24. Tall tropical grass with jointed stalks 26. The cry made by sheep 27. Month (abbr.) 30. Ethiopian currency (pl.) 32. Castrated male chicken 35. Ocean 37. __ Angeles 38. Temples 39. Affirming 42. Affirmative 43. Long feather or fur scarf 46. Priesthood
47. Masticated 49. Afflicted 50. Had 52. Colorado river 54. Not con 55. John __, first in space 57. Jacob __, American journalist 59. Used for baking or drying 62. Central nervous system (abbr.) 63. ___se: to entertain 66. Lincoln’s state 68. Delaware 57. New Testament (abbr.) 61. California (abbr.) 62. Aluminium
10. Fu___: burial observances 11. Withdrawl symptom (abbr.) 12. Copy 13. Spherical bacteria in pairs or chains 15. Articles 18. Long time 21. State capital 24. Tall tropical grass with jointed stalks 26. The cry made by sheep 27. Month (abbr.) 30. Ethiopian currency (pl.) 32. Castrated male chicken 35. Ocean 37. __ Angeles 38. Temples 39. Affi rming 42. Affi rmative 43. Long feather or fur scarf 46. Priesthood 47. Masticated 40. CLUES ACROSS 49. Afflrelic icted 41. 1. Turin 43. 7. Pays out 50. Had 44. 13. W. Indonesian island 52. Colorado river 45. 14. Extraordinary visual recall 54.Tuberculosis Not con 47. 16. 17. 55.Fixed Johnverse __,composer fi rst in space 48. 51. 19. Milliliter (abbr.) 57. Jacob __, American 53. 20. Characters journalist 55. 22. Collapsible bed 23. Association of State 59.Nat. Used for baking orUnits drying56. Aging 62.onCentral nervous system 58. 59. 25. Periods of time (abbr.) 60. 26. Edvard __, Czech. Pres. 61. 28. 63.Nickname ___se: for to Louise entertain 64. 29. Nova TV network 66. Lincoln’s state 65. 30. Not good 68.Short Delaware 67. 31. for recreation 33. 57.Petrol New Testament (abbr.) 69. 70. 34. First Chinese dynasty 61. California (abbr.) 36. Upper surface of the mouth 62.Walkway Aluminium CLU 38. brick
Today’s Answers
Crossword Puzzles 7x14
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Campbell River Living
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Better late than never as Mood swings for good
Mood Disorder Society of Canada. Their website was not really clear about
that so we did not realize that when we took this on.”
Swanston was disappointed to find out only 10 per cent of the funds
raised through the walk would stay in Campbell River.
But thanks to the big hearts of staff at the Mood Disorders Society,
the group gave 62 per cent of the money raised back to the community. “We finally got the cheque – our delay, not theirs,” Swanston said. “As the Beacon Club assisted us from the start, helping get the word out, provided us with tables, chairs and volunteers and they are a fantastic organization that does so much [helping adults cope with mental or brain health issues], we are giving $3,500 to them and keeping some funds to use for next year’s walk and possibly other initiatives to raise awareness for mental illness and suicide and eliminate the stigma.” Next year’s walk is already scheduled for May 25 and Swanston hopes to double this year’s turnout of 175. Swanston, who’s son Terry took his own life in August, 2010, said she was “grateful so many people showed up and supported the Defeat Depression walk,” having no idea how many people who turn out. Prior to the walk, Swanston had said she would be thrilled if even 50 people showed up.
The new Quadra Island library branch, which opened its doors at Quathiaski Cove just over a year ago, raised a few eyebrows when its first year activity report was reviewed by Rosemary
Bonanno, executive director of Vancouver Island Regional Library. “Quadra’s library usage is almost off the charts,” said Bonanno. “The new branch is a phenomenal hit! Figures
show that the number of library visitors has almost doubled, membership has risen 24 per cent, participation rates in programs have close to tripled, and computers have seen a 175 per cent
increase in use.” Jim Abram, regional director for Quadra Island, expressed his gratitude to the Vancouver Island Regional Library Board for the new library
branch. “We love our new library,” he said. The 3,009 square foot library is more than three times the size of the old branch at Heriot Bay. The library features
an airy and bright, fully accessible community space with large windows and room for more books, CDs, DVDs, newspapers, magazines, and computers. There is also a space for local art.
Thwarted temporarily by a technicality, the organizers of the Walk to Defeat Depression recently presented the Campbell River Beacon Club with a cheque from the walk which took place in May. Four local women, Swanston, Barb Kozeletski, Josie Laslo and Lillian Woods – who bonded over the loss of their children – organized the event, which took place in communities across Canada. Campbell River’s event was unique in that it was taken on by individuals rather than an organized non-profit organization, was is the case in most communities. And that’s where the complication lay, Swanston said. “When we decided to organize the walk, we thought most of the funds would stay in Campbell River,” Swanston said. “However, because we were individuals rather than a nonprofit society, the funds we raised were mainly supposed to go to the
New Quadra Island Library gets some rave reviews
From left, Nora Bowyer (Beacon Club member), Josie Laslo (Walk to Defeat Depression organizer), Wayne Miller (Beacon Club and board member), Barbara Swanston (walk organizer), and Michael Swanston, who participated in the walk, get in a quick air hockey match during a cheque presentation to the Campbell River Beacon Club. The funds, almost $8,000, were raised through the Walk to Defeat Depression.
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www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Donation supports youth
From left, Leanne McIntee, Thomas Rufus, Kayla Barriault, Cory Morin and Stephan Renz happily accept a $26,815 donation on behalf of the John Howard Society from Laurie Fisher, Community Relations Representative for the Children’s Health Foundation.
The Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island recently gave a generous donation to Delaware Youth Internet Cafr, as part of the foundation’s commitment to supporting the health and wellbeing of children
and youth. Thanks to the $26,815 grant, this valuable program offered by The John Howard Society of North Island now has funding to remain open until the end of March 2014. This is the second grant that TELUS STORE OR AUThORizED DEALER
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Sidney 9810 7th st. *Offer available until November 4, 2013, to residential customers who have not subscribed to Optik TV or Internet in the past 90 days. Minimum system requirements apply. Final eligibility for the services will be determined by a TELUS representative. TELUS reserves the right to modify channel lineups and packaging and regular pricing without notice. Cannot be combined with other offers. Offer not available with TELUS Internet 6. HDTV-input-equipped television required to watch HD. 42” LG SMART HDTV offer available while quantities last and cannot be combined with promotional prices. TELUS reserves the right to substitute an equivalent or better product without notice. Manufacturer’s suggested retail price of a 42” LG SMART HDTV is $899. Cancellation fee for early termination of a service agreement will be $24/mo. for the 42” LG SMART HDTV and $10/mo. for the HD PVR and digital boxes multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term. Current rental rates apply at the end of the term. Rental equipment must be returned in good condition upon cancellation of service, otherwise the replacement cost will be charged to the account. †Subscription to corresponding channels required; HD not available with all channels. TELUS, the TELUS logo, Optik, Optik TV and the future is friendly are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. © LG Electronics Canada, Inc. All rights reserved. “LG Life’s Good” is a registered trademark of LG Corp. © 2013 TELUS.
Children’s Health has given to Delaware. Delaware is a dropin program that offers young people ages 13-24 a healthy start to the morning, a nutritious breakfast, literacy and pre-employment skill building, and connections to health programs and other services. The program is available five mornings a week and is located in John Howard’s Activity Centre in the Campbell River Community Centre. Laurie Fisher, Children’s Health Community Relations Representative for the North Island, said the foundation is pleased to donate to this program that helps young people who can benefit from the support. “When I met some of the youth they told me about the importance of belonging and having a place to connect. A lot of youth have been able to reengage through this program, learn life skills, and get better connected with services that can help them,” she said. After an initial pilot project and more than one year of solid operation for Delaware, participants are reporting many successes, including a decrease in substance use and improved relationships with family and friends. Respect for each other, respect for the program space, and attending sober are project cornerstones the youth have decided on. A young man who is a regular attendee said he recently resolved a difficult personal issue with the help of the program. He is now living by a quote inspired by this experience: “Commitment is a promise transformed into reality.” Wendy Richardson, John Howard’s executive director, said this grant will make a difference in the lives of many youth. “Delaware helps youth meet basic needs,” she said. “With a nutritious meal to start the day and support with job searches and other needs, young people who attend Delaware have the opportunity to take positive steps in their lives.” John Howard operates Delaware in partnership with many other local organizations that support youth. For more information about Delaware Youth Internet Cafe, call Leanne McIntee at 250203-3111.
Canadian Blood Services
Community Hall
Tuesday, Aug. 27th 7x14 2:15pm - 8:15pm
401 - 11th Avenue
Royal Coachman www.RoyalCoachmanInn.ca 84 Dogwood St. 250-286-0231
Please donate blood! All it costs is a little time. 286-4288
1691 Dogwood Street (Beside White Spot) Campbell River Mon. - Fri., 8:30 – 5:30 • Sat. 8:30 – 5:00 • Sundays: CLOSED
Thursday, Aug. 29th 12 Noon until 6:00pm
Bring a food item and all donations will be given to the Food Bank
Blood Donor Clinics will be held Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays every eight weeks!
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It’s so easy to do and takes only a few minutes, yet it means so much. The following sponsors urge you to donate blood today and make a real difference in someone’s tomorrow.
Wednesday, Aug. 28th 12 Noon until 8:00pm
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When you give blood, you give life. Life for surgical patients, hemophiliacs, accident victims and cancer patients. it may even mean life for you or a family member someday.
Realty & Property Management Inc.
Randy Check Realty
250-830-4222 rcheck@shaw.ca
OYSTER RIVER (Discovery Foods)
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STRATHCONA TOYOTA 2785 N. Island Hwy, Campbell River DL#5495
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287-9527 • TOLL FREE 1-877-777-9527
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Save a Life. Give blood. Discovery Harbour Shopping Centre 1444 Island Highway, Campbell River
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Be a blood donor for life!
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Did you know that one blood donation - in just one hour can save up to three lives. Give blood today! Al Wall
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Peanut Butter Selected, 1kg Regular Retail: $8.49 Each
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Nootka Sound
Nootka Sound
BC Fresh Wild Red Spring Salmon Fillets
BC Fresh Wild Red Spring Salmon Steaks On Sale $10.39/lb
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Per 100g