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September 4, 2013
Back to school means back to the bargaining table and possible labour disputes as 27,000 school support staff are in a legal position to strike, columnist Tom Fletcher reminds us. ...............................
ALAN TYABJI, chief executive of the B.C. Tree Fruit Cooperative, speaks at the unveiling of a new packing line at the Winfield apple packinghouse last week.
Updated packing house will help local orchardists compete with US fruit prices
With the mileage
on your personal odometer adding up, you realize this may be the last time you do certain tasks, says faith columnist Jim Taylor. ...............................
Flyers ■ Budget Blinds ■ Lake Country Builders Mart ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Staples
A new, $735,000 packing line at the Winfield apple packinghouse will bring costs for Okanagan apple growers in line with its chief competitors in Washington State. Those were the thoughts of Alan Tyabji, the chief executive officer of the B.C. Tree Fruit Cooperative after a public announcement and unveiling of a new apple packing line in Winfield last week. “We had antiquated equipment and we needed help,” said Tyabji. “The reality is with the changes this line will bring, not only is it eas-
ier to grade our fruit but the fruit that comes out the other end is so much cleaner that it reduces costs as well.” Together with cherries, Okanagan apples make up 80 per cent of the tree fruit industry in the Okanagan. But the industry has been lagging behind places like Washington State when it comes to technological improvements. The aging packinghouse in Winfield was a prime example. Tyabji said this investment will bring the industry onto equal footing with Washington State and allow Okanagan apples to better compete
in the market place. “The growers in our cooperative and our farmers want to thank both levels of government for this investment,” he said. “With this change we are now capable of matching Washington packing costs. We weren’t able to do that
before but we are now.” The investment was made under the federal and provincial Tree Fruit Market and Infrastructure Initiative and comes on the heels of a $5 million funding announcement in 2010 and a further $2.7 million last year that was aimed at streamlining and
improving operations at the facility. “There is great competition to the south of us and around the world,” said Kelowna-Lake Country MP Ron Cannan, who was on hand for the announcement Wednesday. “But we have some great farmers in our province and we want to help them out.” The investment by government is part of a broader strategy that is aimed at improving operations in the B.C. Tree Fruits Cooperative. “This investment in new technology will lower operating costs and lead to high-quality tree fruits for consumers,”
said Gerry Ritz, federal agriculture minster. “It will also ensure our tree fruit producers can meet market demands and remain competitive in the global marketplace.” Pat Pimm, the provincial agriculture minster was also on hand at the announcement. “It’s wonderful to see the excitement for agriculture in this part of the province,” he said. “The Okanagan has an incredible tradition of producing fruit. This funding will help the tree fruit industry get their products to market more efficiently and earn more dollars.” newsroom@
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Lake Country council, businesses upset at lack of signs pointing to Oyama RICHARD ROLKE CONTRIBUTOR
Swift action is being demanded as Oyama businesses continue to be hurt by new traffic patterns. Lake Country Mayor James Baker is upset the Ministry of Transportation has refused to install signs directing motorists on the new Highway 97 to Oyama or, at least, Oyama Road. “We thought the process was all in place and we would get Oyama exit signs,” he said. The conflict arises around ministry policy
that says individual areas within municipalities will not be recognized on highway signs. In this case, Oyama is part of the District of Lake Country. However, Baker points out that Oyama has been featured alongside Lake Country on highway sig years. “Oyama is an entity. They can put a sign up showing the Oyama exit,” he said, adding that his council will lobby the provincial government over the issue. “We will take it to whatever level we need to so we can get this
done.” Since the new highway opened Aug. 16, many Oyama businesses have seen revenue drop because motorists aren’t sure of how to access Oyama Road or the old highway, now known as Pelmewash Parkway. “It’s a brand new name and it doesn’t mean Oyama to anyone yet,” said Alan Gatzke, owner of Gatzke Orchards. “The day after the highway opening, business dropped like a rock. During the first few days, typical sales dropped $4,000 a day. I
Look inside today’s for our flyer!
can’t remember a time before when the parking lot was empty.” To try and improve motorist awareness, Gatzke placed a homemade sign at Crystal Waters Road Sunday. “Business has come up a bit,” he said. Cory Holland, owner of the Oyama General Store, also agrees that signs needs to be improved. “When you are in Vancouver or Calgary, they refer to different areas by name on signs,” he said. But while concerned about the current situa-
James Baker
tion, Holland said he is optimistic that the new highway will ultimately benefit the community. “When I came through into the clearing and saw Oyama, my wife and I were high-fiving each other. Commuters can see more of Oyama,” he said of the high-elevation views. A Ministry of Transportation official is expected to meet with Gatzke Sept. 4 and Lake Country MLA Norm Letnick has also been made aware of the local concerns. Vernon Morningstar
Some changes to transit bus lines as the school year gets rolling BC Transit and the City of Kelowna have worked out a number of service changes beginning Sept. 1, with the aim of making the transit system more efficient and effective for riders.
The Route #23 Lake Country will now be serving Innovation Drive between UBCO and Airport Way in both directions to improve access to the area. The Route #14 Black
Mountain will end at the new Rutland Centre Transit Exchange along Shepherd Road. An under-utilized portion of the route along the Begley Road and the Lund Road loop will
also no longer be part of the transit coverage area. Customers will still have reasonable access via bus stops on Black Mountain Drive or Large Avenue. In Upper Mission, the Route #17 Southridge will be amended to provide better coverage to the Ponds development and its new town centre. The Route #17 will now operate via Gordon Drive to Frost Road, South Ridge Drive and Arbor View Drive, continuing along Gordon to the Mission Recreation Exchange. Sept. 1 also marks the seasonal return of routes #4 Pandosy/UBCO Express, # 6 Glenmore/ UBCO Express, #13 Quail Ridge and all other school-related trips that were on summer hiatus. For more information on the fall changes please pick up a Rider’s Guide on the bus, call 250-860-8121 or consult
www.lake country
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 4, 2013 A3
Areas of population growth create challenges for school district WADE PATERSON Like the thousands of local students heading back to school next week, the Central Okanagan School District will also begin the new school year attempting to solve a few problems. School District 23 superintendent Hugh Gloster said overall enrolment so far is very similar to last year’s numbers of 22,000 students, but three growing neighbourhoods are creating challenges. In Lake Country, significant growth in areas that feed into Davidson Road Elementary—such as The Lakes development—has produced more children than the school can accommodate. “We’ve got an interim plan for this upcoming year to transport overflow students over
to Peter Greer (Elementary). We’re in the process of hiring an additional teacher at that school to help manage that overflow population,” said Gloster. The Upper Mission is another pocket of the region that has forced School District 23 to do some juggling in order to accommodate students. “Chute Lake Elementary is well overfull and we’re transporting 50-plus students down the hill to Anne McClymont Elementary. Both Anne McClymont and Dorothea Walker are filling up; we’re having to open more space, hire another teacher and so forth.” Gloster added there are medium- and longterm plans to deal with the situations in Lake Country and the Upper Mission, including moving the Grade 7 students
to modular classroom locations—at Okanagan Mission Secondary and George Elliott Secondary—and eventually building new middle schools in those regions. The third area of difficulty for the school district is the overcrowded region feeding Shannon Lake Elementary; however, that problem should be solved when Mar Jok Elementary School opens in Rose Valley in September 2014. “We’ve recognized (the growth areas) for some time now, so we’ve been able to put plans in place.” Another task for the school district has been keeping up with quickly-evolving technology and utilizing it to help students learn.“We’re definitely moving toward students and staff being able to connect wirelessly within our schools and
being able to access the Internet to do research using their own devices. “Obviously we have to have policy around that…we’ve been, behind the scenes, developing infrastructure to be able to accommodate that.” A final hurdle is the uncertainty surrounding the negotiations between the provincial government and the unions that represent school support staff, which resume next Wednesday. But Gloster said he is “cautiously optimistic” about the situation. “We have done our work at the local level already; the local issues have largely been resolved for us. I’m sensing there’s a real desire to move toward concluding this in the near future…I’m optimistic we can avoid any kind of disruption.”
CUPE talks resume as staff gets back to schools TOM FLETCHER Negotiations with unions representing more than 27,000 school support staff are back on this week, with a strike mandate already in place for B.C.’s 60 school districts as the new school year gets underway. Education Minister Peter Fassbender said Wednesday he is hopeful that a settlement with clerical staff, custodians, bus drivers and other support staff can be achieved without picket lines disrupting classes. Talks broke off in August and are set to resume for three days starting Sept. 4. The Canadian Union of Public Employees, representing most of the workers, says they haven’t had a raise in four years. The latest contract expired in June 2012 after a two-year wage freeze was imposed across the B.C. public service. Fassbender wouldn’t comment directly on talks, except to say that school districts are work-
ing to set up “savings accounts” in their operations to fund wage increases within existing district budgets. The government’s “cooperative gains” mandate requires all raises to be funded by internal savings such as shared administrative functions. CUPE is seeking raises of two per cent per year. “Our members will take full-scale job action if the government doesn’t show a commitment to bargaining,” CUPE representative Colin Pawson said in a statement on the weekend, as the union prepared to start an advertising campaign to attract public support. Fassbender said funding for public education is at record levels despite falling enrolment. While some urban districts are growing, the education ministry forecasts that there will be 526,000 full-time students this year, down 9,000 from the last school year. The total budget re-
Serving Lake Country since 1951
mains the same, $4.7 billion, of which about 80 per cent pays wages of teachers, support staff and administrators. Soon after being appointed minister by Premier Christy Clark, Fassbender appointed a provincial negotiator to take over province-wide issues from the bargaining agent for school
districts. Negotiator Peter Cameron told union leaders in mid-August he would not return to talks until boards have savings plans in place. Fassbender said Wednesday that “a large majority are well underway, and many are in place” so talks can resume.
SCHOOL DISTRICT 23 will have a few challenges as the new school year begins, including accommodating a growing number of students in a few key areas of the region.
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Calendar Lake Country
200-1455 Ellis Street, Kelowna 250-861-5678
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
The poignant pleasures of last times
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bought my last set of tires a week ago. I mean that literally—I expect them to be the last set of tires I
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Barry Gerding Editor
Tessa Ringness Production Manager
Life and Faith
Jim Taylor
Sheri Jackson Dawn Brule Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688
ever buy for this car. It’s already at 245,000 km. We’ve owned it for 13 years. Which works out to approximately 18,000 km a year. The new tires are guaranteed for 130,000 km. But they’re only
Teresa Huscroft-Brown Creative Consultant Production Designer Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275
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Back to school labour disputes
nother school year dawns in B.C., with the prospect of disruptive labour disputes. First up are 27,000 support staff, in a legal strike position. These are the teacher aides, custodians, bus drivers and crossing guards. Most are members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, with a few Teamsters and other locals scattered around the 60 school districts. Public discussion about these disputes usually focuses on wage increases, which CUPE members in schools haven’t seen for four years. Their current deals expired more than a year ago, after they were subject to the same two-year wage freeze imposed on the rest of government. The B.C. government moved from the post-recession wage freeze to a system they call “co-operative gains,” where raises must be financed by savings in
BC Views
Tom Fletcher other areas of the operation. Only two provincial employee groups have yet to do this— school support staff and teachers. (Education Minister Peter Fassbender confirmed last week that teacher raises will be funded by extra transfers from the provincial treasury as they try to get a long-term deal. But that’s a topic for another day.) CUPE, the largest union in the country, has a sophisticated media campaign to generate public sympathy. We are
repeatedly reminded not only that the last raise was 2009, but that the “average” pay is a mere $24,000 a year. If that number is accurate, it reflects a large number of part-timers. Let’s look at a few provisions CUPE doesn’t talk about, on behalf of those self-employed taxpayers who have no paid holidays, no employer pension or benefits and no paid overtime, but are expected to help pay all of the above to government workers. The 60 contracts have many variations, but core elements are the same. In the Central Okanagan school district, the starting CUPE wage rate is $17.37 an hour. The top rate is $26.59, or $28.78 for workers who qualify for a “trades adjustment.” All contracts have rigid seniority and “bumping” clauses to ensure that new employees absorb any reductions in working hours. From a taxpayer’s per-
spective, this leads to the maximum number of employees making the highest wages. Overtime in Central Okanagan is time and a half for the first two hours, and double time after that. Contracts also include the provision that unscheduled overtime is subject to a four-hour minimum. It’s amazing how often an unexpected hour of work can arise when it’s paid at quadruple time. The Surrey school district contract details how even “spare board” employees are to be enrolled in the municipal pension plan, a defined-benefit system most private-sector employees can only dream about. Then there are paid sick days. The Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation reports that the average B.C. private sector worker took 7.4 sick days last year. The public sector average was 12. The Surrey contract details the windfall of
unused sick days that must be paid out to employees who retire as early as age 55. The maximum is 150 days, for a lavish perk only available to employees hired before July 1, 1996. Even so, we’ll be paying these bonuses out for years to come. It goes on and on. Six weeks’ paid vacation after 20 years, with an extra day added for every year after that. There are many little things, such as a $60 “swimsuit allowance” for teacher aides who take part in swimming instruction. This is not to devalue the work done by these people. It is to suggest that given the growing gap between public and private employment benefits, finding savings is reasonable. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and Twitter:@tomfletcherbc e-mail:
used for eight or nine months of the year—the rest of the time, we install winter tires. These new tires shouldn’t wear out for another 10 years. By then, the car will have gone over 400,000 km; I’ll be close to 90. Will I still be driving? Will the rest of the car last as long as the tires? I’m inclined to doubt both possibilities. Which makes this, therefore, the last set of tires I will buy. That realization lent a slightly different flavour to the transaction. I looked around, thinking I might never see the inside of that tire store again. Did I feel any pangs of regret? I have to admit that I didn’t. Haggling over a set of tires that are more SEE TAYLOR A5
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community
Q The Lake Country T Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 4, 2013 A5
More deaths from talking hands-free than drunk driving S hould phoning and texting while driving carry the same penalties as drunk driving? That was the topic of the Aug. 25 episode of CBC Radio’s Cross Country Checkup.
Guest host Ted Blades introduced the topic with the statistic that distracted driving, such as talking on phones and texting, has become the No. 1 cause of highway deaths in Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan. It is No. 2 in Ontario, behind speeding but ahead of drunk driving. Laws prohibiting hand-held but allowing hands-free cell phone use were exposed as problematic.
Achieving Justice
Paul Hergott
According to guest Jeff Walker, the national vice-president of public affairs for the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA), the data says that hands-free cell phone use, whether voice to text or talking, is just as bad and may be worse than having the cell phone in your hands. I get frustrated and angry every time I think about British Columbia’s laws that prohibit hand-held but implicitly endorse hands-free cell phone use. How can we have made it illegal in British Columbia for a driver to hold a cell phone up to his or her ear while engaging in a dangerously distracting telephone discussion, while allowing the exact same dangerous behaviour with the cell phone
sitting on the console? Perhaps our law makers were misinformed about the dangers of distracted driving when we brought in the law. As the statistics for distracted driving injuries and deaths climb, how can we not yet have woken up to the truth and changed the law to prohibit cell phone use while driving altogether? Perhaps politicians don’t like to admit when they’re wrong, particularly after having caused a mass purchase of hands-free cell phone technology. I forgive you for being wrong. Please, just do what’s right. How many hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of tax dollars and other costs to British Columbians need to be wasted in emergency services, medical care, economic and other losses, before we start taking steps to solve this growing problem? Back to the topic of treating distracted driving behaviours the same way we treat drunk driving. Drunk driving has become less and less socially acceptable as we have collectively come to rec-
ognize the horrible consequences of drunk driving. We have become
less and less likely to drive drunk, and less and less tolerant of that dangerous driving behaviour in others. With distracted driving topping drunk driving as a cause of driving injuries and deaths, the same transition has to occur with distracted driving. Aggressive, and
expensive, public awareness campaigns need to be launched, pointing to the dangers of cell phone use while driving. I suggest that the cheapest and most effective public awareness campaign would be a change in the law to prohibit all cell phone use while driving, hand-held and hands-free. While raising awareness is part of the solution, we have learned the hard lesson with drunk driving that dangerous driving behaviours don’t stop just because they become socially unacceptable. The brilliant step taken by British Columbia to impose harsh, roadside penalties for drunk driving has resulted in a measurable reduction in drunk driving deaths, pointing to enforcement as an important tool. Yes, harsh penalties would undoubtedly reduce the behaviour, but is it appropriate? Are distracted driving behaviours as morally reprehensible as driving drunk? I say no, given our collective ignorance about the dangers of cell phone use while driving, fuelled
by a lack of legal prohibition when that behaviour is done hands-free. Once we learn about how dangerous the behaviour is, though, I would argue that the sober choice to engage in a dangerous driving behaviour is even more morally reprehensible than making the alcohol impaired choice of driving drunk. I invite anyone interested to listen to the archived CBC program which you can find by typing “Cross Country Checkup driving” into an Internet search engine.
expensive than I need is not one of those life experiences that I want to perform any more often than necessary. And if there is a life after death, whatever it may be, I don’t expect tire stores to be part of it. In another existence, why would we need tires, if we don’t have cars? Wait—no cars? At my age, I’m increasingly recognizing that many daily experiences may be “the last time.” I say goodbye to friends who live half a world away; we only see each other face to face every seven years or so. It may well be the last time I see them. I go for my annual hike in the Rockies. A man my age, apparently in good health, keeled over on the trail. That could be me. Even if I recover, as he did, it might be the last time I’m ca-
pable of back-country hiking. The dog snores gently on her mat beside my chair. She’s a big dog, a Chesapeake Bay retriever, a hardworking breed who needs lots of exercise. But she has just had her eighth birthday. She’s slowing down. A few more years, and we won’t have her any more. Is she
the last big dog we will ever have? Will I have sufficient stamina—mental, physical, emotional—to befriend another large animal, for another 10 years? “Give us this day our daily bread,” say the familiar words of what we call The Lord’s Prayer. I think of that line as more
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than just a “gimme”— it invites us to appreciate our daily bread. Our daily relationships. Our daily duties. They are—or they can be—precious moments. If this is my last loaf, I want to savour it fully. If this is my last dog, I want
to enjoy her as much as possible. If this is my last hike, I want to breathe in every aspect of it. And if this is my last tire store, well, so be it. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
This column is intended to provide general information about injury claims. It is not a substitute for retaining a lawyer to provide legal advice specifically pertaining to your case. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna.
Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road 250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church
9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387
Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages
10:15 a.m.
Savour everything as it may well be a last time TAYLOR FROM A4
Once you get your head around it, I invite you to scream and shout and stomp your feet until we take concrete steps in the right direction in British Columbia.
9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753
Pastor: Lance Duncalfe To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688
The George Elliot StrongStart Centre has moved to
Peter Greer Elementary 10300 Sherman Road Beginning on September 9th, the Peter Greer StrongStart Centre is open Monday through Friday from 8:45 to 11:45 am. For further information regarding the StrongStart Program please call S.D. No. 23 at (250)860-8888, or check out the website: and look under Programs & Services for Early Learning
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
opinion ▼ OVERSIGHT
Give credit to prime builder of Highway 97 Lake Country bypass To the editor: I am very disappointed and almost appalled that no where in any of the articles written about the new stretch of highway (New Stretch of Highway 97 Opens, Aug. 21 Lake Country Calendar), does your staff reporter, Kevin Parnell, mention anything about Windley Contracting, who are the prime contractors for this project. An $80-million project that Windley has worked tirelessly on for over two years and the news stories don’t even mention them once. This is not a small job and the prime contractor deserves recognition for the work they have done and are still doing. Amanda Auch, Lake Country
www.lake country
Central Okanagan area athletes gain medals and experience at Canada Summer Games You don’t need to be a nationally-ranked athlete to take part in sports in the Okanagan
his past month, Sherbrooke, Quebec hosted the Canada Summer Games 2013, where athletes from across British Columbia eagerly represented our province. Athletes from every corner of the country trained vigorously and brought their best efforts to the games. Our athletes from B.C. and specifically from Kelowna, brought home medals in a wide range of sports. Samuel Harris of Kelowna brought home gold medals in multiple rowing events. Rostam Turner, a
MLA’s Report
Steve Thomson graduate of Kelowna Secondary School, earned bronze in the decathlon. B.C.’s men’s volleyball team, including Leigh Goossen and Kyle Joslin of Kelowna and Scott
Plocktis of West Kelowna, also earned bronze medals. Team B.C.’s women’s volleyball team, including Becki Kosinski and Kaitlynn Given of Kelowna, fought their way to a silver medal finish. Congratulations to all the athletes and thank you for representing our province with your hard work, dedication and sportsmanship this summer. It makes us all proud to be so well represented on the national stage and to see our hometown athletes succeed. You don’t need to be a nationally-ranked athlete
to participate in sports in Kelowna and through Community Gaming Grants the provincial government is taking steps to make local sports teams and recreational activities more accessible. Most recently, the Kelowna Youth Soccer Association, Central Okanagan Sailing Association, the Okanagan Branch of the Disabled Sailing Association of B.C., West Kelowna Minor Hockey Association and the Telemark Nordic Club received funding to help continue providing Kelowna residents with oppor-
tunities to get and stay active. You can find more information on Community Gaming Grants at Sporting organizations do more than just provide our community with a way to develop athletic skill and keep healthy with regular exercise. Being a part of a team helps to teach our children the value of sportsmanship, teamwork, cooperation and hard work. These are skills that they will take with them into the new school year and carry with them throughout
their lives. Whichever sport may be your favourite, take these last days of summer to get out and get exercise with your family and friends and enjoy all that Kelowna has to offer. Have a safe and enjoyable Labour Day long weekend and look for opportunities in our community to stay active and healthy as fall arrives. Steve Thomson is the MLA for Kelowna-Mission.
Even if riding changes, Albas says he represents all constituents
epending on your level of political interest, you may or may not be aware that federally, much like provincially, our various regions are divided up into what are called ridings. A provincial riding, is represented by an MLA and a federal riding is represented by an MP. But it is the boundaries of the ridings that determine which communities and geographical areas exist within a particular riding. As growth can occur in some regions faster
MP’s Report
Dan Albas
or more slowly than in others, from time to time the boundaries are reviewed and reconfigured to reflect population changes. In Canada we use a “representation by population” model when establishing riding boundaries. An independent, non-partisan Federal electoral boundary commission has the responsibility to determine riding boundaries that adhere, as strictly as possible, to the principle of representation by popu-
B ack
lation. This is a very challenging task. In adhering to these guidelines, often regional and geographical concerns may become secondary to keeping the population within each of the ridings approximately equal. From the federal perspective, the riding boundaries are reviewed once every 10 years and, I believe, eight years at the provincial level. Those of you who follow federal politics closely will be aware that the current electoral boundaries have been under review for the past year. The first draft of proposed new boundaries released in 2012 generated a significant amount of local opposition, both in the riding of Okanagan-Coquihalla and more so in the riding of B.C. Southern Interior. Last week, the final report on our new electoral boundaries for the next federal election was
released and while some minor changes have been made from the preliminary proposed boundaries, I expect those changes will not be to the extent that many were looking for. Although a full summary is available online at the federal redistribution website, I will summarize some of the more significant changes. The current B.C. Southern Interior riding, represented by NDP MP Alex Atamanenko, is by far the most impacted by the new boundaries. The communities of Rossland, Trail and Castlegar would no longer be in the riding with nearby Nelson. Instead, they will be in a new riding identified as South Okanagan-West Kootenay. Also in this new riding would be the communities of Oliver, Osoyoos, and most notably Penticton. But it doesnot include Summerland, Keremeos or Princeton.
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For my riding of Okanagan-Coquihalla, the commission has largely left the riding intact, with West Kelowna, Merritt, Logan Lake, Summerland and Peachland still part of the riding that will be renamed Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola. Obviously the largest change is that Penticton will be removed from this riding and Keremeos, Princeton and a portion of Kelowna will be added. Although some communities will be supportive of these changes, from what I heard when I attended the public input session, and from speaking with various local government leaders and residents, I am expecting that the majority will be opposed. From a political perspective, given the change in boundaries, another question that may arise is in which riding will an incumbent MP run assuming they stand for re-election? In my case I have already had this question from a number of local reporters and while I believe this issue is of little significance at this point, given the next election is still a long way away, I also believe residents deserve candid and timely answers from elected officials. From my perspective, Okanagan-Coquihal-
la is a large and very diverse riding and I have spent the past few years becoming familiar with many important community issues, as well as building relationships with community leaders. The vast majority of those leaders will remain within the new riding of Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola. Given the importance of knowing local challenges and the need to build strong community relationships to help resolve them, representing a familiar riding and working with community leaders you know, is, in my view, the way an MP can be most effective. In my case that would be Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola. Having said that, it is also important to recognize that these new boundaries do not come into effect until the next federal election and at the moment there are many projects and priorities in Okanagan-Coquihalla that we must collectively continue to pursue. I welcome your comments on this or any topic and can be reached toll-free at 1-800-6658711or via email at dan. Dan Albas is the Conservative MP for Okanagan-Coquihalla.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 4, 2013 A7
Heat runners head up strong volunteer force
When the first ever Kelowna Wine Country Half Marathon comes to the Okanagan Sept. 7, the UBC Okanagan cross country team will be playing a key role. Members of the Heat, along with YMCA Strong Kids, are helping to lead the volunteer effort and are in the process of looking for assistance. Anyone interested in helping out as a volunteer can register as an affiliate of Heat cross country at The Wine Country Half Marathon is the newest event produced by Destination Races, and the first event held outside the United States. Team water stations of up to 10 individuals can be accommodated. Other options will be to help at an aid station, and doing setup/cleanup or at the start or finish line. Any groups that would be interested in volunteering a station,
please contact Nikki Reiter at nikki.reiter@ubc. ca Going into their third year guiding the Heat cross country running program, the husband and wife duo of Nikki and Nathan Reiter are working feverishly at the university and in the community to elevate cross country into a full varsity sport at the Kelowna campus. “We want our student athletes to feel as if they’ve worked for the opportunity to represent their institution, and part of this involves them putting the energy into seeking the funding required for the success of the program,” says head coach Nikki Reiter. “We have six core values that we are utilizing to encourage the student athletes to find a way to becoming a permanent fixture in the Heat varsity athletics program: excellence, opportunity, commitment, collaboration, adaptability and self-sustainability,” Reiter said. Director of athletics at
NG! I M CO OON mall s S
trails located on and near campus we knew it was a special place for runners,” she said. The pair have made an impact in the community and at the university. As coaches they have created a strong Heat team. By November
2012, the women’s team had emerged as a medal contender at the CCAA national championships. With a fourth-place finish, they narrowly missed the podium. The men also finished well, at 10th place in the country.
Private licenced assisted living home in beautiful Lake Country Respite room also available for short term stays CONTRIBUTED
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MEMBERS of the UBC Okanagan Heat cross country running team will be a key part of the volunteer force next month for the inaugural Kelowna Wine Country Half Marathon.
UBC’s Okanagan campus Rob Johnson, whose athletics program continues to evolve since becoming the Heat in 2008, is in favour of adding the sport and is supportive of Reiter’s efforts. “I really appreciate the work Nikki and Nathan are putting into their sport. Their work in the community and on campus is inspiring,” says
Johnson. Nikki and Nathan Reiter saw a hole in the athletics program when they arrived in August of 2011 and immediately searched out a way to help fill it. “We had a great experience as student athletes while studying at CIS (Canadian Interuniversity Sport) institutions, University of
Shop small & make a big difference! Saturday, September 28
Windsor and McMaster University,” explains Nikki. “With the warm, dry climate late into the fall season and the beautiful
Call Dave 778-480-4008 or 250-869-7690 for viewing & availability
ArtWalk 2013 Presents:
Johnny Vallis:
a TribuTe To buddy holly
Saturday, Sept. 7 • 7:30pm
This upbeat show features all the legendary hits, fan favorites and the feel and sound that help make that era special. Such hits as - Peggy Sue, That’ll Be the Day, Oh Boy, Heartbeat, Maybe Baby, Rave On, Not Fade Away… the list goes on. Along with this critically acclaimed entertainer, the show also highlights the talents of guitarist Hank Engel, upright bassist Big Daddy Bo and drummer Rob Dewingaerde gracing the stage with authentic instruments used in the 1950’s.
Tickets: $27 General. $25 students /seniors. Group of 4 tickets $92.
GreaTesT MoMenTs of The louisiana hayride
Small Shop Saturday is coming to your neighbourhood!
Thursday, Sept. 26 • 7:30pm
The Lake Country Calendar, in partnership with the District of Lake Country and the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce are presenting this unique opportunity for your business to offer and showcase special deals and promotions. The Lake Country Calendar will provide promotional materials to market this exciting day to the community, and offer Small Shop ‘Passports’ to participating shoppers to win a grand prize at the end of the day!
Go back in History with The Louisiana Hayride featuring Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Roy Orbison and many more! We pay tribute, through story and song, to the classic radio show, The Louisiana Hayride, aired in 1948-1960 on KWKH radio. With our amazing LIVE singers & band, we take you back to that timeless era.
Call Dawn today! Proudly sponsored by:
Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
DEADLINE: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 PUBLICATION: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Dawn Brule Advertising Respresentative 250.766.4688, ext. 7269 fax: 250.862.5275 email:
Tickets: $35.*
aTlanTic crossinG
Saturday, Sept. 28 • 7:30pm
Atlantic Crossing presents four incredible shows in one with tributes to the best in British Pop music, including the Beatles, Rod Stewart and Elton John and now an AC/DC segment that ads a completely new “Aussie” dimension to the show. Audiences are consistently blown away with how close to the original artists Atlantic Crossing sound.
Tickets: $27.* General. $25 students /seniors. Group of 4 tickets $92.
*Reserve your seat for this performance today. Tickets can be purchased by phone or in person at the Customer Service Centre in the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall. The reservation phone line is 250-766-9309.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Take your best shot!
Tax help for students touted
We’re looking for photographs for our annual
Lake Country Calendar ‘2014 Calendar’! We’d like to fill the pages with local photography, taken by Lake Country residents, or visitors, that have memorable shots they wish to share. Pictures should showcase the community, lifestyle, or the wonderful scenery of Lake Country. We need at least 14 photographs to fill the pages of the calendar. Photos need to be at least 8” wide, full colour and have a resolution of at least 300dpi.
13 Month Calendar Compliments of the
Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
Photo by Geri Helmer
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Photographers whose pictures have been chosen will receive a $10 gift card courtesy of...
Lake Country Building Centre Jpeg submissions may be sent to: Dawn Brule, Advertising Representative 1.250.766.4688 Ext.7269
In 2012, students and their families claimed more than $11 billion in financial assistance. Kelowna-Lake Country MP Ron Cannan said, “We are pleased to help students and their families with tax breaks to help them stretch their dollars further as they gear up for the return to school,” said Cannan. Several programs offer tax relief to students who enrol in post-secondary education: Students can claim tuition fees paid to a university, college, or other educational institution in Canada, for courses taken at the post-secondary level. Tuition fees paid for courses certified by Employment and Social Development Canada to develop or improve skills in an occupation also qualify. Students can also claim an education amount of $400 for each whole, or part, month in the year in which they are enrolled full-time in a qualifying education- @CUPEbcschools cupebcschools
Ron Canan al program, or $120 per month for part-time enrolment in a specified educational program, at a designated educational institution. In addition, students can claim a textbook amount of $65 for each month where they qualify for the full-time education amount or $20 for each part-time month. “As a parent who has a daughter entering her fourth year of business studies, I would like to remind parents and students, they should keep their receipts in order to claim tax credits when filing their return during tax season and take advantage of the important financial relief available
to them all year long,” said Cannan. In addition to the tax credits, students may be eligible for the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax credit—a tax-free quarterly payment that helps individuals and families with low or modest incomes offset all or part of the GST or HST that they pay. They may also claim a deduction for their moving expenses if they moved to study as a fulltime student enrolled in a post-secondary program at a university, a college, or another educational institution. Students may be able to claim amounts for interest paid on their student loans and they may also be eligible to claim the public transit tax credit for the cost of their public transit passes for travel within Canada on public transit. For more information on tax credits and benefits for students, go to on the Canada Revenue Agency’s website.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 4, 2013 A9
Summer Arts Scene for Youth wraps another successful run The fourth annual summer arts school workshops program of the Summer Arts Scene For Youth in Central Okanagan Society came to what organizers called a “dazzling” culminating showcase finale Aug. 17 at George Elliot Secondary School and Creekside Theatre in Lake Country. SASFY, and its ever growing popular August summer arts program for youth ages 8-16, experienced a record year of student enrolment
surpassing organizers expectations this year. Students, clad in bright yellow self-custom-designed T-shirts, along with a very supportive and enthusiastic crowd, jam-packed the theatre to experience an outpouring of unique creativity in a diverse variety of arts disciplines—photography, egg writing, culinary arts, urban and contemporary dance, native crafts, animation, mixed media, woodworking, theatre, painting, voice, quilling, adventures in
clay and fashion design. Vibrantly coloured and boldly textured art work filled the foyer along with a SASFY fundraising arts card booth and especially designed and created student arts projects to help support the SASFY Kids Helping Kids Fund for local talented youth in financial need to participate in SASFY in 2014. Energetic dance performances, wow effect photography and clever animation presenta-
tions on the big screen also entertained the audience. Plans are already underway for the fifth SASFY program in 2014 with 15 original and new workshops in the planning stages. SASFY executive director Claudia Kargl said she was very pleased with this year’s workshops and her group remains committed to top quality educational arts instruction and unique creative opportunities for youth.
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Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
news ▼ LECTURE
Egyptologist explores mysteries of the Pharaoh Horemheb, Sept. 11 in L.C. The Friends of Fintry in partnership with
the Lake Country Museum and Archives host
renowned Egyptologist Dr. Geoffrey Martin, in his presentation, Re-excavation of the Tomb of Horemheb, Sept. 11 at Creekside Theatre. The presentation explores the mystery of the tomb of the Pharaoh Horemheb of the 18th Dynasty, Egypt. Martin’s 2013 lecture tour includes the Bowers Museum and University of California Berkeley, Seattle, Tuscon, Chicago, Portland, Calgary, and Lake Country. The tomb of Horemheb, known as KV57, was originally excavated in 1908 by British Egyptologist Edward Ayrton, financed by Theodore Davis, and has been closed, except for a brief period, since 1994. The tomb’s several chambers are divided by ramps that lead down a steep incline towards the burial chamber, where the granite sarcophagus was found intact but the lid was broken. It is one of the largest tombs in the Valley of
the Kings, a carefully designed, royal tomb. Horemheb was the last pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, and is believed to have been of common birth. Before he became pharaoh, Horemheb was the commander in chief of the army under the reigns of Tutankamun and Ay. Horemheb was one of the military and political advisors to Tutankhamun (1332 BC – 1323 BC). When Tutankhamun died while still a teenager, Horemheb had already been officially designated by the boy King as the Hereditary or Crown Prince and Deputy of the King in the entire land, as inscribed in Horemheb’s then private Memphite tomb at Saqqara. With Horemheb on military duty in Asia at the time of Tutankhamun’s death, the Vizier Ay took claim to the throne. Ay reigned for only four years before Horemheb seized the throne, initiating a series
of internal transformations to the power structures of past reigns, demolishing monuments of Akhenaten and reusing their remains in his own building projects, and usurping monuments of Tutankhamun and Ay. Horemheb had no children when he died, and so near the end of his reign he appointed his military commander, Paramessu, as Deputy of His Majesty in Upper and Lower Egypt, setting him up as the designated heir to the throne. When Horemheb died, Paramessu changed his name to the more royal Rameses I. Under Horemheb, Egypt’s power and confidence were restored after the internal chaos of the Amarna period; this situation set the stage for the rise of the 19th Dynasty under the Pharaohs Seti I and Rameses II. Michael Berry, president of the Friends of Fintry, describes re-excavation research as, “a
new type of archaeology, geared specifically to finding information that early excavations may have missed. The Friends of Fintry are pleased to co-host Dr. Martin with the Lake Country Museum and Archives.” Dr. Duane Thomson, president of the Lake Country Heritage and Cultural Society, said, “This is a significant lecture for the Museum and the District of Lake Country. Dr. Martin’s research of the tombs of ancient Memphis and the Valley of the Kings has been considerable.” Dr. Martin is Edwards Professor of Egyptology Emeritus at University College London, and Fellow Commoner at Christ’s College, Cambridge, where he has responsibility for the college archives and plate. Martin was third Budge Research Fellow at the same college. He has directed excavations in Saqqara, the necropolis of ancient Memphis, where many
Who regulates the pet food industry and what is included on packaging?
Evaluating dog food labels is arguably one of the most challenging tasks pet owners face. It is important to understand some of the rules regulating dog food labels in order to better interpret the information they contain. The dog food label is actually a legal document. In both the United States and Canada, there are several organizations involved in overseeing and regulating the pet food industry and thus influencing or regulating what is contained on a dog food label. The most pervasive influence in the U.S. is wielded by AAFCO: the Association of American Feed Control Officials. AAFCO also serves as the “go to” source for ingredient definitions, standardized testing of food, official terminology, and feeding trial protocols. In Canada, multiple federal government departments are involved in the regulation of pet food labeling to include the Consumer Packaging and Labeling Act administered by Industry Canada. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency regulates imported pet foods containing certain animal products, and Health Canada enacts legislation to prevent the circulation of unsubstantiated health claims on pet food labels (much like the FDA). Products that meet nutrient standards display the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Seal of Certification.
Why should I have a buyer agent?
When someone tells me they are looking for a home in Lake Country I take them under my wing. Having a buyer agent means you have someone who knows the area, does a lot of business here, and often has already toured the home that you are looking for. Another benefit of having a buyer agent is that I often know about homes that are soon to be listed that are not on the MLS system yet. So what that means to you is that you have “insider information” so to speak, of the best opportunities in Lake Country. I follow a professionally developed buyer process that allows me to treat my clients professionally. My service includes confidentiality, instant information, insider advantage, active agent advantage which coordinates the whole entire experience into finding your perfect home.
Why should my child have dental sealants?
Sealants are a tough plastic material that are painted onto the tooth surface to “seal” the pits and grooves and are one of the best preventive measures. Advantages Sealants are an excellent way to protect chewing surfaces of teeth from decay ie. cavities. They are a much better financial investment than treating decay after it has started. Disadvantages Sealants are not permanent. They generally last about five years with normal wear, but can wear or chip away earlier in certain instances if the child grinds his teeth or chews ice. Also, sealants do not prevent decay between teeth or the onset of gum disease, so regular home care and dental visits are important. Alternatives There are no appropriate alternatives to sealants. If a tooth has decay, it will need a filling or other restoration--and that’s when we know it’s too late!
What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?
Dr. Lina Jung and Dr. Greg Kosar
Petrina Koltun
Dr. Jessica Wales, DVM
interesting discoveries were made, including the unused, first tomb of Horemheb. He has also worked in the Valley of the Kings, and has undertaken epigraphic work in the tomb of Akhenaten at Amarna and in many museums in Europe, the USA, and elsewhere. A number of publications have resulted from Martin’s research, and he has published a general account for the public of his excavations in Saqqara under the title The Hidden Tombs of Memphis (1991). His most recent monographs are a study of some of Egypt’s earliest inscriptions: Stelae of courtiers, attendants, domestics and others whose graves in Abydos surrounded the tombs of Egypt’s first kings, circa 3100 BC (Umm el-Qa’ab, VII) which appeared in 2011, and the Tomb of Maya and
Dr. Karla Reimer Optometrist
What is pink eye, and why does my daughter keep getting it?
Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, is an eye condition caused by the inflammation of the clear membrane covering the white part of the eye and lining of the eyelids. The eyes are often pink with slightly swollen eyelids, and will burn and feel gritty. There are many different types of conjunctivitis, some cause mucus discharge, some watering. Viral conjunctivitis can be quite contagious, and is the type that usually spreads around daycares or schools. Bacterial conjunctivitis is more “goopy”, and treatable with antibiotics, which your optometrist can prescribe. Call our office if you suspect your child may have pink eye. It’s important to have it treated promptly, and prevent spreading it to others.
Panorama Veterinary Services Ltd. #21-10051 Hwy97N, Lake Country, BC V4V 1P6 250-766-4310 or 250-861-1099 250.826.5660 • 250.860.1100
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49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250.766.4240
40.British noble 20.Gentleman’s 43.Small coins title 45.Covered in 22.Supporting foliage 24.Accessible GRANTS ▼ GAMING 47.Cultivate 25.Downfall 49.Angler’s tool 26.Classroom 50.Insult item 51.Band or jig 27.Flunk 52.Tart 28.Reverse 53.Fruit 30.As well quencher 33.Chanced 55.Shade of blue Six more local sports • West Kelowna Minand arts organization or Hockey AssociCopyright © 2013, Penny Press have received provincial ation—$72,600. Across British Colinsect gaming grants from the 34.Disintegrate ACROSS province. umbia, 143 recipients 1. Trends 36.Raised 59.Garden The Ministry of will share more than 5. FROM Leaders platform EGYPT A10 seum. Free admission invaderCommunity, Sport and $3.9-million in the latest for Grade 7 students Cultural Development round of grants this 8. Rebuff 37.Concepts 60.Slick Meryt (2012), the fuand their accompanying has announced a total of year. Recipients of these 12.Got downof 39.Small 61.Squeal TO PUZZLE NO. 676 nerary monument teachersnumwith advance $177,900 ANSWER for the Central grants include programs ber 13.Fuzz one of the most promin- reservation through the Okagan community orfor sports, arts and culent offi cials in the reign 41.Squid Lake Country ture. fluid Museum, 14.Beak DOWN ganizations including: of Tutankhamun and a 250-766-0111. • Lake Coun“This $20,000 in 42.Stuck 15.Popular 1. Ranch close colleague of HoreThis lecture is the first try Art Gallery Socifunding being award44.Towering 2. Cosmetic mheb. sitcom of the LCMA 2013ety—$20,000 ed to the Lake CounTh17.To e lecture be takes paid place 46.Outlet 2014 Distinguished ingredient • Central Okatry Art Gallery Sociat 7 p.m. on Wednesday, 48.Brings Speaker up Series Differed nagan Sailing Associety will support the gal18.Intended Sept. 11 at Creekside presented jointly by the ation—$24,300 lery in continuing to 19.Likewise 4. Shorthand Theatre, 10241 Bottom 51.Shadowbox Lake Country Museum • Kelowna Youth enrich our commun21.Botch Wood Lake Rd. in Lake 54.Tag & Archives and The pro Soccer Associity and provide opporCountry. Friends of Fintry. 5. Country ation—$30,000 tunities for residents and 23.Iguana, e.g. hotel incorrectly Doors open at 6:30 Join the Lake Coun• Disabled Sailing Asvisitors to appreciate the 27.Pelt 6. keep Granny 56.____-dep.m. try Museum blog to sociation of B.C.-Okawork of artists from the camp of upcom29.Saucepan 7. Magic nagan Branch—$5,000 Admission is $10 at informed Okanagan and across the door or in advance ing events at www.lakeformula • Telemark Nordic 31.Variety show at 57.Large deer the country.” said MLA CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS the Lake Country Norm Letnick. USE AMERICAN SPELLING 32.Once more 8. Dozed Club—$26,000 58.Jumping
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Stay in touch Province doles with Lake out more grants Country Museum events
Copyright © 2013, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. Secondhand 5. Juice from a maple 8. Robbers’ pursuers 12.Change position 13.Fruit-filled dessert 14.Hawaiian feast 15.Frost or Keats, e.g. 16.Troublesome tyke 17.Land amid water 18.Tennis shot
20.Huffed and puffed 22.Reversing 24.Bank 27.Cattle holder 28.In times past 31.Bowler’s target 32.Houston baseballer 34.Fellow 35.Noshed 36.Buck’s mate 37.Harvest 39.Traveling salesman 41.Chinese temple 44.Commands 48.Footed vases
49.Black-eyed vegetable 51.Hurt 52.Oceans 53.Klutz 54.____ -handed 55.Despise 56.Open with a crowbar 57.Begonia beginning
DOWN 1. Refs’ kin 2. Grime 3. Continually 4. Long way around
5. Secretly watched 6. Get a bead on 7. More vivacious 8. Adhere 9. Unseat 10.Whiten 11.Took to court 19.Massaged 21.Irritated 23.Made a choice 24.Health haven 25.Triple, e.g. 26.At ____ with (attuned to) 28.Beer’s kin 29.Sal, for example
30.Strange 33.Soft drink 38.Purple flowers 39.Search party 40.Covered in foliage 41.When ____ comes to shove 42.Field of study 43.Pesky bug 45.Small bay 46.Shoe or clothes 47.Convey 50.Lend an ____ (listen)
COmmUNITy EvENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date
•DANCE FOR THE HEALTH OF IT! Beginners line dancing on Mondays. First class starts Sept. 9 at 1:45pm at the Recreation Centre at Holiday Park. Toonie donation. Phone Mary at 766-4651. •LC SENIOR BUS SCHEDULE Mon., Sept. 16, 23, 30 Prime Time. Tues., Sept. 10, 17, 24, Oct. 1 Winfield Senior Centre luncheon. Sat., Sept. 7 Peachland Fall Fair. Sat., Sept. 14 Vernon Pancake Breakfast, shopping. Sun., Sept. 22 Oyama Legion Veterans luncheon. Sat., Sept. 28 Summerland Ornamental Gardens, lunch.To reserve seat on bus please phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131. •A CALL TO ALL kNITTERS! Would any knitters be interested in starting a Lake Country knitters group? For more information, please email Deb Burr: •PRImE TImE IS A mUSICAL ENTERTAINmENT EvENT for older adults. It takes place every Monday from 1pm-3pm pm starting Mon., Sept. 16 at the Lake Country Seniors Centre, 9832 Bottomwood Lake Rd., Lake Country. For more information call Jimmie at 250-766-2513. Prime Time is sponsored by Lake Country Health Planning Society. •LAkE COUNTRy HEALTH PLANNINg SOCIETy would like to invite the community organizations and the general public to an open forum on the United Way’s “Better at Home” program. An open meetingWed., Sept. 11 from 1:30-3:30pm at the Lake Country Seniors Center (9832 Bottomwood Lake Road). Everyone who has an interest in older adults should attend. For more information go to: Questions can be sent to: •ROyAL CANADIAN LEgION 189 LADIES AUXILIARy - Notice of Cribbage Tournament on last Sunday of each month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10am sharp. $26 per team and lunch is included. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •THE LAkE COUNTRy FOOD BANk wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •LAkE COUNTRy THRIFT STORE hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BEAvERS/CUBS/SCOUTS/vENTURERS REgISTRATION/Agm Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •OyAmA LEgION BRANCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •THE LAkE COUNTRy mUSEUm is open seven days a week, 10am4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-7660111, •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOCIAL BRIDgE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORgANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for further info. •LC OUTDOORS CLUB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit www. All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.
for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Valleyview Dignity Memorial
Record reservations in BC Parks
For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring An exceptionalper cent from last year. loved ones, friends ly sunny, dry summer Campers were aland a lifetime of helped push BC Parks to lowed to make reservamemories together an all-time record numtions at more campsites THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2013 in celebration of a Aron Meier Glen Whittaker ber of reservations at and campgrounds, inspecial life. Assistant Manager FuneralCBC Director KIRO TSN CHBC CIVT CHAN SNP KNOW A&E provincial campgrounds. cluding KOMO Kleanza Creek, # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 More than 115,000 Martha Creek, ChilliU.S. Doctors Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors Cycling: Ella the Ele. The View Criminal Proudly offeringThe reward miles The on allView pre-arrangements :00 2013
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Valleyview Funeral Home
165 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147 1 :00 :30 10 :30 2 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2013 12 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 :00 # $ % & _ 5 :00 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 9 :30 :30 :00 1 :00 6 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 12 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 1 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 10 3 :00 :30 11 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 :00 4 :30 12 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 5 :00 :30 1 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 6 :30 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 7 :00 :30 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 8 :00 :30 4 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :00 5 :30 :30 1 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :00 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 7 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 9 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 9 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2013 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 12 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2013 12 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 2 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2013 :00 11 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 12 :30 5 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 1 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 2 7 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 3 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 6 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 3 7 :30 :30 12 2013 Final U.S. Open Tennis ” cont’d:” Men’s SportsCentre
The LivesDoctors ” The Talk Chef/Home ” Debt/Part The Ricki
The View ” ” Dr. Phil The Marilyn ” Denis Show The Dr. Oz
Bookaboo Doyle Doodlebops Steven and Doc ChrisZone ” Best Recipes
” nal Quarterfi and Mixed Hockey
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” our Days of Lives News ” The Talk Global” Nat. The Doctors CHBC News The Ricki ” Lake Ent Show Chef/Home ET Canada House Debt/Part Glee ” Noon News News ” Hour ” Big Brother Days of our Global” Nat. Lives RookieNews Blue CHBC The Talk ” Ent ” CHBC News ET Canada The FinalRicki Glee Show Lake ET Canada ” House J. Probst Big Brother ” ” News Rookie ” Blue Global” Nat.
ShowNews Stefano CTV CBC News ” Now Ellen DeGeDragons’ neres Show Republic Den The Social of ” Doyle CTV News News at Five News and Dr. Phil Steven ” Chris CTV News News The View Bookaboo ” Oz Rick Mercer The Dr. Best Recipes ” Doodlebops Show Stefano Big Bang George S The Marilyn Doc Zone etalk Coronation Ellen DeGeDenis Show Dragons’ ” neres Show Den Big Bang William-KateCTV News CBC Two Men RoyalNews Arrival CTV News News ” Now at Five News Motive Doc Zone The Social Republic ” ” of CTV News News ” Doyle Flashpoint The National ” Rick Mercer Dr. Phil Steven” and ” Big Bang George S ” Chris News-Lisa CBC News etalk Coronation The Oz Best Recipes CTVDr. News George S Big Bang William-KateShow Stefano Daily Show 22 Minutes Two Men Royal Arrival Ellen DeGeDragons’ Jimmy Fallon Coronation MotiveShow Den Doc Zone neres ” ” CTV News News Flashpoint The National at Five News ” CTV News News ”
The LivesDoctors ” The Talk Chef/Home ” Debt/Part The Ricki
Cycling: Tour of Vuelta a Alberta, España, Stage 3 Stage 12 FOX Football
Ella Ele. The the Hive Humf Big Bear Rolie Polie PAW Patrol Thomas Clifford-Dog
ThisMinute KIRO News Bold Judge Judy
Lake Show Noon News Hour House
Daily Baseball Central MLB
Judge Judy The Talk KIRO ”News KIROMake Newsa Let’s Deal KIRO News The Price Is CBS News ThisMinute Right ThisMinute Ent Young & omg! Insider Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy Big Bang KIRO News Two Men KIRO News Bold KIRO News Big Brother The Talk ” KIRO ”News Elementary CBS News Let’s Make a ” Ent Deal KIRO Insider News omg! ThisMinute Late Show Big Bang ThisMinute Letterman Two Men Judge Judy Ferguson Big Brother Judge Judy ” KIRO News Elementary KIRO News ” KIRO News
” our Days of Lives Early News Global Nat. The Talk News ”Hour The Doctors ” The Ricki ” Lake Ent Show Chef/Home ET Canada House Debt/Part Glee ” Noon News ” Early News Hour Global Nat. Big Brother Days of our News ”Hour Lives Rookie ” Blue The Talk ” Ent ” News Hour ET Canada The FinalRicki Glee Show Lake ET Canada ” House J. Probst Big Brother ” ” Early News RookieNat. Blue Global ” News Hour
Baseball: Cycling: Tour of Red Boston Sox at New Alberta, Stage York 3 Cycling: Yankees FOX Football Vuelta a Daily Sportsnet España, Connected MLB 12 Stage Baseball: Cycling: Baseball Tour of Red Boston Central Sox at New Alberta, Cycling: Stage 3 York Tour of Sportsnet Yankees Alberta, Connected Sportsnet Stage 3 Cycling on Connected FOX Football Sportsnet Cycling: Daily Partyof Poker Tour MLB ” Alberta, Baseball: Stage 3 Boston Red Sportsnet Sox at New Connected York
G. Shrinks Show Dino Dan The Chew Making Stuff KOMO” 4 Maya Bee Arthur News Rob Robot General The Hive Hospital Martha News WildBear Kratts World News Big The Doctors PAW Patrol Animals KOMO” 4 Ella the Ele. The View Rivers News Clifford-Dog The Dr. Humf ” Oz G. Shrinks Show Ancient Wheel Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Clues Jeopardy! Maya Bee KOMO 4 Thomas News Arthur News Electric Wipeout Dino Dan The Chew Dreams ” Martha Making Stuff News ” Wild Kratts World ”News My Kid Rob Robot Could Paint General Animals KOMO” 4 The Hive Hospital That Rookie Blue Rivers News Big Bear The Doctors Snapshot ” Ancient Wheel” PAW Patrol Ancient News Clues Jeopardy! Clifford-Dog The Dr. Oz Clues Jimmy Electric Wipeout G. Shrinks Show My Kid Kimmel Dreams ” Live Maya KOMO 4 CouldBee Nightline My Kid Arthur News ” Could Paint ” Martha News That Kratts RookieNews Blue Wild World Snapshot Animals KOMO” 4
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News ”Hour Final Ent ET Canada Canada J. Probst Glee
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” News-Lisa CTVBang News Big etalk Daily Show Jimmy Fallon Big Bang
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Late Show Ent Coronation omg! Insider 22 Minutes Letterman Coronation Ferguson William-KateBig Bang Royal Arrival Two Men
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Big Brother ”
Rick CBC Mercer News George S S George
The Price Is ” Right Let’s Make a Young Deal & Restless ThisMinute
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The B.C. Wildfire than 5,000 at 95 parks. It’s also the time of Management Branch is While Labour Day is year when “long-stay reminding people about the traditional end to the camping” is permitted, B.C.’s campfire safety regular camping season, allowing campers to stay regulations and the need BC Parks officials are four to six weeks at reYTVto pump NEWS DISCduced KAYU TLC WTBS KCTSfire.KING to be careful trying up shoulrates in select 6 7 9 ; < A Diligence N is required P der season camping. parks. Little Bear CBC News How/Made How I Met Sextuplets Divorce Sid Science Today anyKratts open ficont’d re. They sayNow campsites are Seniors 65 also Divorcewith Wild Berenstain With How/Made Paid Prog. over Sextuplets To School in the Reshmi Nair Pyros Family Feud Medium Judge Alex For Daniel Tiger New Day burning bans see quieter fall, with get camping discounts Squirrel cont’d ” Family Feud Medium Judge Alex Rick Steves Northwest YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING bcwildfi attractions likeNews spawning from Sept. 3 What to June 14Excused A Salute to KING 5 Kid vs. Kat CBC Moonshiners Funny Home Not to SpongeBob Now With ” Videos Wear Excused Vienna News 6 in some 7areas. 9 ; < AWildfi N P reNews/Bans.asp. salmon next year. Rated A for Andrew Pot Cops Law Order: Gown There Yet? ” Days of our
Criminal Little Bear ” Monster Minds Berenstain The First 48 League/Evil Criminal To School ” Sidekick Minds Squirrel The First 48 Squirrel ” 48 Kid T.U.F.F. The First vs. Kat ” The First 48 SpongeBob SpongeBob
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How-Made Lake Show Moonshiners Funny Home ” Videos Daily Planet Steve ” Harvey Pot Cops Law Order: ” Loud CI Fast N’ Simpsons Raymond Tickle ” Anderson Porter Ridge Live Fast N’ Loud Big Bang How/Made How I Met ” Two Men How-Made The How/Made Paid Ricki Prog. How-Made Show Overhaulin’ Lake Two Men Pyros Family Feud ” Big Bang Daily Planet Steve ” Family Feud ” Harvey How-Made Glee Moonshiners Funny ”Home How-Made Fast N’ Loud Simpsons ” Videos ” Loud Raymond Fast N’ New Girl Pot Cops Law Order: ” Mindy Fast N’ Big Bang ” Loud CI Fast N’ News ” Loud Two Men Tickle ” Anderson 30 Rock Overhaulin’ Two Men Porter Ridge Live Overhaulin’ Sunny ” Big Bang How-Made The ” TMZRicki How-Made Lake Glee Show How-Made How-Made The Offi How-Made ” ce Daily Planet Steve How-Made King of Hill Fast N’ New Girl ” Loud Harvey ” Mindy Fast N’ Loud Simpsons Fast N’ News ” Loud Raymond 30 Rock Fast N’” Loud Big Bang
Now LangWith & Kung Fu O’Leary Rated A for Andrew Monster Odd Parents Nichols CBC News SpongeBob Power”& League/Evil Sidekick Politics Big Time The National Little Bear CBC News Victorious Squirrel ”” Berenstain Now With T.U.F.F. ” iCarly CBC News To School Reshmi Nair ” ” SpongeBob cont’d Lang & Squirrel Kung Fu O’Leary Wipeout The National Kid vs.”Kat CBC News ” Odd Parents Now CBCWith News SpongeBob SpongeBob ” Funny Home The National Rated VideosA for Andrew ” Big Time The National Monster Nichols The Middle CBC News Victorious ” League/Evil Power Mr. Young ”& iCarly CBC News Sidekick Politics Boys ” The National ” Squirrel ”” Mr. Young Wipeout The National T.U.F.F. ” Wipeout Lang & ” ” SpongeBob Lang & ” O’Leary FunnyFu Home O’Leary The National Kung Videos ” Odd Parents CBC News The Middle CBC News SpongeBob ” Mr. Young ” Big Time The National
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The Offi ce Judge Alex The Offi ce Judge Alex
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Say Yes Four Say Yes Sextuplets Weddings Sextuplets What Not to Four Wear Four Weddings Weddings Say Yes What Not to Say Yes Four Wear Weddings What Not to Say Yes Wear Four Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes Four Say Yes Weddings What Not to What Wear Not to Four Wear Weddings Paid Prog. Say PaidYes Prog. What Not to Say Yes Wear What Not to Say Yes Wear Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes What Not Not to to What Wear Wear
Big Bang Excused Big Bang Excused Browns There Yet? PayneYet? There Browns King Payne Divorce King Divorce Seinfeld The Office Seinfeld Judge Alex The Offi ce Judge FamilyAlex Guy Big Bang Family Guy Excused Big Bang Excused Amer. Dad Browns Movie: There PayneYet? There Yet? “Runaway Browns Bride” King Payne King ” Seinfeld ” ce The Offi Seinfeld The Office Movie: Family Guy “Envy” Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Browns Movie: Payne “Runaway Browns Bride” Payne ” Seinfeld ” Seinfeld
PBS Nightly Charlie Rose Dr. Phil News NewsHour News ” Sid Science Today ” Wild Kratts cont’d Washington Magazine Cat in the Katie Charlie Rose New Inside Daniel Tiger Day Arthur ” Ed. Rick Doc Steves Martin Northwest Off-Rockers Wild Kratts Ellen DeGe” Off-Rockers Magic KING WordGirl neres5Show Moments: News Call the Dateline Business KING 5 Midwife NBC The Best of Days World News Newsof our 50s Pop Lives All-Star ” PBS Nightly” News Orchestra Charlie Rose Dr. Phil NewsHour News Magic” KING” News Washington Magazine Moments: Jay Leno Cat in the Katie Charlie Rose Inside Ed. Arthur ”” The Best of Doc Martin Off-Rockers 50s Pop Jimmy Fallon Wild Kratts Ellen DeGe” Off-Rockers WordGirl neres Show Call the Dateline Business KING 5 Midwife NBC World News News All-Star ” PBS Nightly News Orchestra ” NewsHour News Magic KING News Washington Magazine Moments: Jay Leno Charlie Rose Inside Ed.
LangNational & Mayday The Mayday O’Leary ” ””
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National Poker MLB Baseball:
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Magic Moments:
Four Four Weddings Weddings
News Hour Final
SNP ) ”
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Excused Excused
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ET Canada J. Probst Fishn Real Fishing
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” ”
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Sid Science Wild Kratts
Four Sextuplets Weddings Sextuplets
CBC News George S
A&E 1
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Cohen Live Rick Steves’ Seinfeld “The Score” Essential in London Creation Family”Guy Europe Family Guy ”
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Payne ” Movie: Seinfeld
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Big TheBang Office King of Hill Glee
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neres 5Show KING News News
WordGirl ” ” Business
Magic Moments:
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The Ricki Chef/Home Lake Show Debt/Part
Arthur A Salute to Vienna Wild Kratts
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The Office Excused Excused Big Bang
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TiarasNot to What Wear Say Yes
“The Score” ”
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Best Zone Recipes Doc Stefano ” Ellen News DeGe- CBC Dragons’ CTV News neres ”Show Now Den CTVSocial News News The Republic of at Five” News Doyle
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Sid Science ” Wild Kratts Charlie Rose Daniel”Tiger Rick Steves Cat in the
Fast N’ Loud News ” 30 Rock
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2013 U.S. The Doctors The View Open Tennis ” ”
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NFL Playlist Movie: KIRO News Joel Playlist :00 Toronto Joel Osteen Amazing ” Absolutely Regional Osteen :00 Football: at Dr. CHBC News Race ” “Spy Kids 3: Coverage KIRO News Dr. Global Nat. Jeremiah Vancouver Jeremiah :30 Argonauts New York GlobalNews Nat. CTV News Game Over” CBS News News News Hour SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER Noon ” 8, 2013 Equestrian ” Noon :00 Montreal Giants at CHBC News KIRO ”News Hour ” Hour ” ” :30 Alouettes Dallas Howie Do It SportsCentre Cleveland Heartland 60 Minutes Howie Do It ” ” Haven :00 CFL TSN Haven CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN Cowboys Simpsons Satisfaction ” ” Simpsons ” ” 2013 U.S. ” :30 Football: # $ % & _ ” Big Brother Worst Castle Country Big Brother Simpsons Big ( Brother Simpsons The Nature Open :00 Roughriders SportsCentre ” ” Music ” ” Blue Simpsons Handyman of Things Tennis: Simpsons :30 at Block NFL Football Coronation NFL Block :00 CFL ” Simpsons Story Best Recipes Women’s Simpsons FamilyDueck Guy First UnforgettaAssociation UnforgettaFamily Guy :00 Football: Lorna ” Marketplace Football: Lorna Dueck :30 Bombers ” Nick and First Story Stefano Final Nick and Motoring Amer. Dad ble Awards ble Amer. Dad :30 Toronto Joel Osteen ” Absolutely Regional Joel Osteen :00 NFL Kickoff Norah’s Corner Gas Dragons’ Doodlebops Norah’s SportsCentre Simpsons The The National The Simpsons :00 at Dr. Jeremiah ” Vancouver Coverage Dr. Jeremiah :30 Argonauts Infi nite Corner Gas Den ” Pets.TV Infi nite ” Burgers Mentalist Mentalist Burgers :30 Special Montreal Noon News ” Equestrian ” Noon News :00 NFL Playlist Amazing Movie: KIRO News Playlist SportsCentre News Final News ” CBC News News :00 Alouettes Hour ” ” Hour Final :30 CHBC “Spy Kids 3: KIRO ” Block News Race CTV News the fifth KIRO News News Global Block Nat. :30 Football: CFL Haven SportsCentre ” ” Haven :00 New York Global CTV Game News News :00 SportsCentre PGA ” Nat. The News estate”Over” CBS Face/Nation PGA ”Hour Football: ” 2013 U.S. :30 Giants CHBC News Mentalist ” ” KIRO News Paid Prog. ” ” at Paid Prog. Canadian Paid Prog. :30 :30 Roughriders Simpsons Worst The Nature Open Simpsons :00 Howie Do It Cleveland Heartland 60 Minutes Howie Do It :00 Dallas at Blue Simpsons Handyman of Things Tennis: Simpsons :30 Cowboys Simpsons Satisfaction ” ” Simpsons :30 Simpsons First Story Best Recipes Women’s Simpsons :00 Bombers ” Big Brother Castle Country Big Brother Big Brother :00 ” Nick and First Story Stefano Final ” Nick and :30 SportsCentre ” ” Music ” :30 Norah’sGuy UnforgettaCorner Gas Association Dragons’ Doodlebops Family Norah’sGuy :00 NFL Kickoff ” Family Unforgetta:00 Special Infi nite Corner Gas Den Pets.TV Infi nite :30 Motoring Amer. Dad ble Awards ble Amer. Dad :30 NFL Playlist Amazing Movie: KIRO News Simpsons Playlist :00 SportsCentre Simpsons The The National The :00 CHBC News Mentalist Race “Spy Kids 3: Mentalist KIRO News Burgers Global Nat. :30 Football: ” Burgers ” :30 New York GlobalFinal Nat. News CTV News GameNews Over” KIRO CBS News News Final Hour :00 SportsCentre News CBC News News :00 Giants at CHBC News ” ” KIRO News ” Block CTV News the fifth KIRO News Block ” :30 :30 Dallas Howie Do It Cleveland Heartland 60 Minutes Howie :00 The estate Face/Nation PGA Do It :00 SportsCentre PGA Simpsons Satisfaction Canadian ” ” Simpsons ” Paid Prog. Mentalist Paid Prog. Paid Prog. :30 Cowboys ” Big Brother Castle Country Big Brother Big Brother :00 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2013 ” ” Music ” ” :30 SportsCentre ” Family Guy UnforgettaAssociation UnforgettaFamily Guy :00 Dad ble Dad TSN Amer. CHBC CIVT Awards CBC bleKIRO Amer. CHAN :30 Motoring Simpsons The% The& National The_ Simpsons :00 SportsCentre # $ ( ” Burgers Mentalist ” Mentalist Burgers :30 The Doctors The View Bookaboo The Price Is News The Doctors :00 SportsCentre News Final News CBC News KIRO News Final :00 Motoring ” Doodlebops Right News Block ” :30 CTV News the fifth KIRO :30 Score ”Golf Block ” Numbers Chef/Home The Marilyn Absolutely Young & Chef/Home :00 The estate Face/Nation PGA :00 SportsCentre PGA Debt/Part Denis Show Canadian Vancouver Restless Debt/Part :30 Paid Prog. Mentalist Paid Prog. 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OpenInsider ET TheCanada Talk etalk Coronation :00 Football: :30 Night ” ” Chris Tennis: ” :30 Houston Movie: Satisfaction Murdoch How I Met Movie: :00 Countdown 100 Mile Bethenny Best Recipes Women’s 100 Mile Texans at “27 Anger Mysteries Two Men “27 :00 :30 ” Challenge ” Stefano Final Challenge :30 San Diego Dresses” Amazing Cracked Broke Girl Dresses” :00 NFL Young” & Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Judge Judy Young” & Race ” Big Bang :00 Chargers :30 Football: Restless neres Show Den Judge Judy Restless :30 ” Under the Mistresses The National Under the Under the :00 Philadelphia Dome News CTV News News ” KIRO News Dome Early News ” Dome :00 SportsCentre :30 at Five NewsNews KIRO News News News GlobalHour Nat. :30 Eagles” at CHBC” News News-Lisa CBC KIRO :00 SportsCentre Final CTV News George S Late Show Final News KIRO News News Hour :00 Washington Global Nat. :30 CHBC News Daily Show ” Rick Mercer Letterman CBS News ” :30 Redskins ” ET Canada 22 Minutes ET Canada :00 The Jimmy Fallon Coronation Ferguson The NFL Ent Test Big Bang George S Ent Ent Test :30 :00 SportsCentre Football: ET Canada etalk Coronation omg! 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CTVSocial News10, News KIRO News Days Newsof Hour :00 SportsNation ”” Lives ”” Doyle ” Lives ” :30 CHBC News Rick Mercer CBS News :30 Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk :00 SportsCentre Ent Big Bang George S Ent Ent :00 Interruption TSN CHBC CIVT Chris CBC Deal KIRO CHAN ” ” :30 ” ET Canada etalk ” Coronation omg! 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Insider ET Canada :30 ” The Test Jimmy Fallon Coronation Ferguson The Test :30 The Talk Dr. You Phil Steven and NCIS Let’s Make a Movie: The Talk :00 Off Record ” Movie: So Rick Mercer :00 Interruption ” ” Chris Deal ” :30 Off Record “The Social Think You 22 Minutes ” “The Social :30 SportsCentre Network” 100 Mile Bethenny Best11, Recipes ThisMinute 100 Mile :00 Amazing Can Dance True Crime NCIS: Los Network” WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2013 :00 Challenge Stefano ThisMinute Challenge ” ”” Canada Angeles ” :30 Race ” Hockey Young” & Ellen&DeGe- The Dragons’ Judge Judy Young” & Law National Person of :00 SportsCentre TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN Interruption Restless neres Show Den Judge Judy Restless ” Can. Docs Order: SVU ” Interest Can. Docs :30 # $News News-Lisa % & _ ( E:60 News CTV News News KIRO News News Early News CHBC CBC News Hour :00 SportsCentre at Five News S KIROShow News Final Global Nat. ” Final ” CTV News George Late :30 Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors :00 NHRA Drag The Doctors The View E:60 Global CTV News News KIRO News ET News SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Right Letterman Canada ” Nat. ” Doodlebops ”Hour :00 Racing: :30 CHBC News Jimmy” Fallon Coronation Rick Mercer Ferguson CBS News ” ” The Test The Test :30 Chevrolet Chef/Home The Marilyn Doc Zone Young & Chef/Home :00 SportsCentre Debt/Part Ent Big Bang Ent Ent Denis Show George ” S Restless Debt/Part :00 Performance :30 ET Canada etalkNews Coronation omg! Insider ET Canada :30 U.S. ” Noon News CTV CBC News KIRO News Noon News :00 Hour ” Now Hour ” Movie: So You Rick Mercer Bold NCIS Movie: :30 :00 Nationals Off Record “The Social Think You 22 Minutes ” “The Social :30 SportsNation Days of our The Social Republic of The Talk Days of our :00 ” Lives ” Doyle Lives Network” Can Dance True Crime NCIS:” Los Network” :30 :00 Amazing Race ” Canadaand Angeles ” Record The Talk Dr. Phil” Steven Let’s Make a The Talk :30 Off :00 Interruption ” ” Chris Deal ”” :30 ” Law & The National Person of :00 SportsCentre ” Can. Docs Order: SVU ” Interest Can. Docs SportsCentre 100 Mile Bethenny Best Recipes ThisMinute 100 Mile :30 :00 ” Challenge ” Stefano :30 CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ThisMinute KIRO News Challenge News Hour :00 SportsCentre Young Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Judge Judy Young Final & CTV News George S Late Show Final & :00 :30 Hockey” MLS Soccer: Restless neres Show Den Judge Judy Restless :30 ET Canada :00 SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Letterman Chicago Fire News CTV News News KIRO News Early News ” The Test Jimmy Fallon Coronation Ferguson The Test :00 :30 ” at Five News KIRO News Global Nat. :30 at Toronto FC Global Nat. CTV News News KIRO News News Hour :00 ” Rick Mercer CBS News ” :30 SportsCentre CHBC News ” Ent Big Bang George S Ent Ent :00 Coronation omg! 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KCTS LastN Tango Health!-Joel
Tour of ” Red Bull Sig” Series Alberta nature Stage ”6 Cycling: ” Sportsnet Tour of Sportsnet Connected Alberta Connected Blue StageJays 6 Magazine Magazine NFL Football Yachting National ” Poker ” ” ” ” ” ” Cycling: Tour of”
Bred Clues Wild Kratts Be the Dalziel and Little Prince Creature Pascoe Little Prince Billy ConDalziel and Marco Polo nolly: Jour. Pascoe Dogs CivilizationVenom: NaDogs/Jobs History? ture’s Killers Can. Rivers Frontiers of Get Up Can. Rivers Construction Stand Up Ancient Nat’l Clues Geographic Be the Born and Creature Bred
” Rescue X Games Secret Paid Prog. ” Millionaire Paid Prog. Cash Cab Castle SMART Cash Cab ” Cash Cab News Cash Cab World CastleNews Wipeout KOMO” 4 ” News Videos Wipeout Saving Baby ” Poppy X Games Shark Tank ””
Bad Ink ” Fried Grn. Dads Duck D. Movie: Dads Duck D. “Titanic” Duck D. ” Duck D. ” Duck D. Bad Ink ” Duck D. Bad Ink ” Duck D. Bad Ink ” Duck D. Bad Ink ” Bad Ink ” Bad Ink Dads Bad Ink DadsInk Bad
Zoink’d! “The Tale of Odd Parents Despereaux” Splatalot Monsters ” Babysitting Turtles Movie: The SamNext & Cat “Shark Star The Next Tale” Mr. StarYoung ” Mr. Young Big Time Movie: Movie: Boys “Surf’s “Surf’s Up” Up” Movie: ” “The Tale of ” Despereaux” Babysitting ” Zoink’d!
The World Marketplace CBC News Doc The Zone National CBC News ”” Now With the fi fth 102 Minutes Christine estate That Birak Narco Changed ”Bling ” The World ” The The National National ” ”” ” 102 Minutes Marketplace That Doc Zone Changed ” The World
Announced Backyard Oil Highway Cash Cab: Devoured: Thru Hell Best Super Snake Bering Sea Daily Naked and Gold Planet Afraid” Don’t Drive To Be To Be Here Announced Announced River Devoured: Devoured: Monsters Super Super Snake Snake Backyard Oil Naked and Backyard Oil Afraid Cash Cab: To Be Best Announced
Burgers Regional NFL Coverage Family Guy Football: Family” Guy Regional ” News Coverage The TMZOT ” Paid Prog. ”” Trout TV Sunny ” Big Bang Sunny NFL Two Men Spokane Football: Two Men Regional 2013 FOX Coverage Simpsons ” Burgers
” Say Yes Say Yes Who Do You Breaking Say Yes ” LA Amish: Say Yes Breaking Sister Wives Say Yes Amish: LA Sister Wives Say Yes Sister Wives Breaking Say Yes Sister Amish:Wives LA Say Yes Sister Wives PaidYes Prog. Say ” Paid Prog. Say Yes Breaking Say Yes Amish: LA Who Do You Sister Wives ””
”” Movie: Big TheBang Closer “Swing Big Bang ” Vote” Big Bang Movie: ” Big Bang “Delta Movie: Movie: Farce” “Two Can “Gridiron ” Play That Gang” There Yet? Game” There”Yet? The Closer Movie: ” “Evan Big Bang Almighty” Big Bang ”
in Halifax Magic Bob Builder Moments: Masterpiece Cyberchase The Best of Mystery! McLaughlin 50s Pop ” News Unleash ” the Moyers & Power of the The Road to Company Female Perfect Brain 3 Steps to Dr. D. Amen Health Incredible Queen” Health!-Joel Elizabeth II Magic ” Moments: Last Tango The Best of in Halifax
Cowboys America’s 5th Quarter Cup Match Gardening LazyTown KINGProg. 5 Paid Noodle News Track and Football Dateline Field Night NBC in Cycling America KING ”News NFL The 206 Yachting: Football: Bensinger 34th New HateYork Hair? America’s Giants at Cup Match Dallas LazyTown Cowboys Noodle 5th Quarter
” Alberta Sportsnet Stage 6 Connected Sportsnet Magazine Connected
Billy ConDalziel and nolly: Jour. Pascoe CivilizationDalziel and History? Pascoe
Cash Cab Secret Cash Cab Millionaire News Castle World ”News
Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck
Movie: Splatalot “Shark Babysitting Tale”Next The Star ”
the fiNational fth The estate” Narco Bling 102 Minutes That ”
Daily Planet Devoured: Super ”Snake To Be and Naked Announced Afraid
Family” Guy The OTGuy Family Paid Prog. News Trout TV TMZ
Breaking Breaking Amish: LA LA Amish: Sister Wives Wives Sister Sister Wives Wives Sister
Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ”
50s Pop Masterpiece Unleash the Mystery! Power” of the Female ” Brain
Football KING 5 Night in News America Dateline NFL NBC
Yachting Blue Jays ” Magazine ” National Poker ”
KOMO 4 News News Castle Saving ” Baby Poppy Videos
DuckInk D. Bad DuckInk D. Bad Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Ink Bad
Devoured: To Be Super Snake Announced Naked and Devoured: Afraid Snake Super To Be Announced
Gang” Farce” ”” Movie:Yet? There “Evan Yet? There Sister Wives Almighty” ” ”
Dr. D. Amen The Road to Queen Perfect Elizabeth II Health ””
Bad Ink Bad Ink
The National Changed ” The World 102 National Minutes The That ” Changed The World
Sister Wives Breaking Amish:” LA Breaking Paid Prog. Amish: LA Paid Prog.
Shark Tank ”
Movie: Mr. Young “Surf’s Up” Mr. Young Movie:” “Surf’s” Up” Babysitting Zoink’d!
Big Bang ” Two Men Sunny Two Men Sunny 2013 FOX Spokane
Cycling: Tour of
FrontiersNaof Venom: Construction ture’s Killers Nat’l Get Up Geographic Stand Up Born and Bred
Football: KING News New206 York The Giants at Bensinger Dallas Hate Hair? Cowboys 5th Quarter
Alberta Stage 6
Dalziel and Pascoe
Secret Millionaire
Duck D. Duck D.
Splatalot Babysitting
The National Devoured: Family Guy ” Super Snake Family Guy
Breaking Amish: LA
Masterpiece KING 5 Mystery! News
Simpsons Burgers
Movie: Movie: “Gridiron “Delta
The Closer ”
Last Tango in Halifax
SNP Sportsnet ) Connected
KNOW KOMO Dalziel *and Castle ` Pascoe ”
A&E Duck D. 1 Duck D.
YTV The6 Next Star
NEWS 102 7 Minutes That
DISC Naked and 9 Afraid
TLC WTBS Sister Wives Movie: < A Sister Wives “Delta
Cycling: Blue Jays Vuelta a Magazine Espana, National Stage 16 Poker
Ella the NaEle. Venom: Humf Killers ture’s Rolie Polie Get Up Thomas Stand Up
Criminal Bad Ink Minds Bad Ink Criminal Bad Ink Minds Bad Ink
Little Bear Mr. Young Berenstain Mr. Young To School Movie: SquirrelUp” “Surf’s
CBC News Changed NowWorld With The Reshmi Nair The National cont’d ”
How/Made To Be How/Made Announced Auction Devoured: AuctionSnake Super
30 Rock ” Paid Prog. Sunny Family Sunny Feud Family Feud Spokane
19 Kids and Breaking Counting Amish: LA Medium Paid Prog. Medium Paid Prog.
Divorce Farce” Divorce ” Judge Yet? Alex There Judge Yet? Alex There
Hockeycentral at Noon
Dino Dan The Chew Making Stuff ”
The First 48 ”
Odd Parents CBC News Sidekick Now With
ThisMinute ThisMinute
What Not to Wear
Excused Excused
Daniel Tiger Health Rick Steves ” Unleash the Power of the
Rob Robot The Hive
The First 48 ”
Rated A for Monster
Andrew Nichols
Mayday ”
Law Order: CI
Four Weddings
There Yet? There Yet?
Female Brain Days of our Dr. D. Amen Lives
League/Evil Sidekick
Power & Politics
NEWS 7 ”
MythBusters Family Feud Say Yes:The King ” Family Feud Big Day King
Squirrel T.U.F.F. Little Bear Berenstain SpongeBob Kung Fu To School Squirrel Odd Parents SpongeBob Odd Parents Sidekick Sam & Cat Big Time Rated A for Monster The Next
The View News Castle” KOMO” 4 News Videos
General Hospital
Doctors KNOW The KOMO ” * The` Dr. Oz
Motorcycle Racing
Big Bear PAW Patrol
Sportsnet Connected Cycling: Vuelta MLB a Baseball: Espana, Stage 16 New York Yankees at Hockeycentral at Noon Baltimore Orioles Soccercentral Sportsnet
Clifford-Dog G. Shrinks Ella the Ele. Humf Maya Bee ArthurPolie Rolie Thomas Martha Wild Kratts Dino Dan Making AnimalsStuff Animals Rob Robot The Hive Hope for
A&E 1
The First 48 ”
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”
Star League/Evil Sidekick Wendell
Vuelta a Sportsnet Cycling: Connected Espana, Vuelta a MLB Stage 16 Espana, Baseball: Sportsnet Stage 16 New York Connected HockeycenYankees at Magazine tral at Noon Baltimore Magazine SoccercenOrioles National tral Sportsnet Poker Motorcycle Connected Racing Cycling: Sportsnet Vuelta a Connected Espana, MLB 16 Stage Baseball: Sportsnet New York Connected Yankees at Magazine
Wendell Squirrel Little Bear T.U.F.F. Funny Home Berenstain SpongeBob Videos To School Kung Fu The Next Squirrel Odd Star Parents Odd Parents SpongeBob Boys Sidekick Sam & Cat Mr. Young Rated A for Big Time Wendell Monster The Next Wendell League/Evil Star Sidekick Wendell Squirrel Wendell T.U.F.F. Funny Home SpongeBob Videos Kung Fu The Next Odd Parents Star SpongeBob Boys
”” CBC News ” The NowNational With Lang & ” Reshmi O’Leary Nair CBC cont’dNews CBC News ” CBC News ” The NowNational With The National ” Andrew ” Lang & Nichols CBC News O’Leary Power” & Politics The National ”” ” The National Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News CBC News ” ” The National
Magazine Baltimore Orioles National Poker Sportsnet Connected
Wildlife Animals Animals The Vincent: Full Story Hope for Wildlife
Mr. Young Sam & Cat Big Time Wendell Wendell The Next Star
” Lang & O’Leary CBC News ”
” Repo Show The National Amish Mafia Hall Big Bang Two Men Sons ” TMZ Sons ” Sunny Two Men ” Big Bang
Lives News Bacharach’s Magazine Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” Best ” The Million Family AlfieinBoe Second Quiz The OffiGuy ce Cat the -- Katie Divorce Sid Science Today” The Office Arthur Amer. Dad Storyteller Divorce Wild Krattsat American cont’d Big Bang Wild Kratts Movie: Royal Albert Ellen Ninja DeGeWarrior Judge Alex WordGirl Daniel Tiger neres New Day Big Bang Show “Eurotrip” David Siberia Judge Alex Rick Steves Northwest Browns Business KING 5 ” Garrett: ” Excused Unleash the News KING 5 Payne World News ” Music Excused Power -ofLive the KING News News Browns PBS News Final Super Brain Nightly Jay Leno There Yet? Female Brain News Days of our Payne NewsHour Destination There Yet? 2 With Dr. D.Dr. Amen Lives ” Seinfeld Burt News ” Rudy Tanzi Jimmy Fallon King Charlie Rose Magazine Dr. Phil Seinfeld Bacharach’s King ” ” Family Guy Best The Million The Offi ce Catein the-Katie Family Guy Alfi Boe Second Quiz The Office Arthur ” Amer. Dad Storyteller at American Big Bang Wild Kratts Ellen Warrior DeGeMovie: Royal Albert Ninja Big Bang WordGirl neres Show “Eurotrip” David Siberia Browns Business KING ”5 ” Garrett: Payne” World -News News News Music Live KING Announced Final Super Leno Extreme Browns PBS Brain Jay Nightly News Cougar Payne NewsHour News ” Peter Popoff Destination 2 With Dr. Paid Prog. ” Rudy Jimmy Extreme Seinfeld Burt Tanzi News Fallon Cougar Seinfeld Bacharach’s Magazine
Cycling: Vuelta a
Park Avenue Shark Tank ” ”
Storage Storage
Wendell Wendell
The National Airplane ” Repo
Extreme Cougar
Espana, Stage 16
Vincent: The Mistresses Full Story ”
KNOW KOMO Castle * `
Storage Storage
Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Magazine Connected Magazine Soccer Ctrl. National FIFA World Poker Cup Qualifying
Architects of Change Ella the Ele. Hope for Humf Wildlife Rolie Polie Vincent: The Thomas Full Story Dino Dan Making Stuff
Storage ” Storage The View Criminal News Storage ” Minds Jimmy Storage KOMO 4 Criminal Kimmel Live Storage News Minds Nightline Storage The Chew The First 48 ” ”
The Next Star Little Bear Boys Berenstain Mr. Young To School Wendell Squirrel Wendell Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob
CBC News ” CBC News The National Now With ” Reshmi Nair Lang & cont’d O’Leary CBC News Now With
Rob Robot The Hive
The First 48 ”
Rated A for Monster
Andrew Nichols
The First 48 ”
League/Evil Sidekick
Power & Politics
Airplane Repo
” SNP )
Hockeycentral at Noon
A&E 1
Jimmy Storage KOMO 4 News Live Storage Storage Kimmel Nightline Storage Wheel Jeopardy! Storage
KNOW Hospital KOMO The Doctors * ` ”
Big Bear PAW Patrol
A&E 1
A&E 1
Repo Canada’s How/Made Worst Driver Amish Mafia How/Made Daily Planet ” Auction ” ” Auction Airplane ” FantomRepo Airplane Works Amish Repo Mafia Mayday ” Sons ” Sons ” MythBusters ” ” Airplane Canada’s Repo Worst Driver Amish Mafia Daily Planet ” ” ” Airplane ” Repo Airplane
Funny Home The National Amish Mafia Videos ” ”
DISC ” 9
Bones ” ”
KAYU ” ;
News ” 30 Rock How/Made 30 Rock Airplane The Arsenio How/Made Paid Prog. Repo Hall Show Airplane Family Feud Sons TMZ Repo Family Feud Sons Sunny Amish Mafia ThisMinute ” ThisMinute
” DISC 9
Law Order: CI
The View Dr. Oz Show ”
Criminal Storage Minds Storage
Little Bear Squirrel Berenstain T.U.F.F.
CBC News ” Now With ”
How/Made Rock Mighty Ships 30 Bethenny How/Made Paid Prog. ” ”
Soccer Ctrl. MLB FIFA World Baseball:
KOMO 4 News News The Chew News World ”News General KOMO 4 Hospital News
Criminal Storage Minds Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage
To School SpongeBob Squirrel Kung Fu Kid Kat Oddvs. Parents SpongeBob SpongeBob Rated iCarly A for Monster Victorious
Reshmi Lang & Nair cont’d O’Leary CBC CBC News News Now With ” Andrew The National Nichols ”
Airplane Daily Planet Repo ” Amish To Be Mafia ” Announced
League/Evil iCarly Sidekick ”
Power & CBC News Politics”
” Gold Rush ”” Airplane Highway Repo Thru Hell
Squirrel Wipeout T.U.F.F. ” Little Bear SpongeBob Funny Home Berenstain Kung Fu Videos To School Odd Parents The Middle Squirrel SpongeBob Mr. Young Kid vs. Kat iCarly Boys SpongeBob Victorious Mr. Young Rated A for iCarly Wipeout Monster ” ” League/Evil Wipeout Sidekick ” Squirrel Funny Home T.U.F.F. Videos
”” CBC News Lang & The NowNational With O’Leary ” Reshmi Nair CBC News CBC cont’dNews ” ” CBCNational News The The NowNational With ” ” Andrew CBC News Lang & Nichols ” O’Leary Power & The National Politics ” ” The National ””
Mighty River Ships ” Monsters How/Made Daily Planet Gold Rush How/Made ” ” Airplane To Be Highway Repo Announced Thru Hell Amish Mafia Gold Rush Jungle”” Gold ” ” Highway Overhaulin’ ” Thru Hell ” Airplane River Repo Monsters Mighty Ships Gold Rush ””
SpongeBob The Middle Kung Fu Mr. Young
Lang News & CBC O’Leary ”
Daily Planet News Steve Highway ” Harvey Thru Hell 30 Rock
Rolie Maya Polie Bee Thomas Arthur Dino Dan Martha Making Stuff Wild Kratts Rob HopeRobot for The Hive Wildlife
HockeycenSportsnet tral at Noon Connected
Big Bear Be the PAW Patrol Creature
The First 48 Storage ” Storage The Doctors The First 48 Wheel Barter Kings ” ”” Jeopardy! FOX Football Clifford-Dog The Dr. Oz Storage FOX Football Helen of Shark Tank Barter Kings Daily G. Shrinks Show ” Storage Daily Troy ” Sportsnet Ella the Ele. The View Criminal MLB Maya Bee KOMO 4 Storage Magazine Movie: The Storage Connected Humf ” Minds Baseball: Arthur News Storage Magazine “The Take” Bachelor Storage Soccer Ctrl. Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal Angels at Martha News Storage Sportsnet ” 20/20 Storage FIFA Jays World Thomas News News Storage Minds Blue Wild Kratts World Connected 12 Takes ” Storage Cup ” Dino Dan The Chew The First 48 Hope for KOMO 4 Storage Blue Jays Be the News Barter Qualifying Making Stuff ” ”Kings ” Wildlife News Storage The Knock. Creature Jimmy ” ” Rob Robot General The First 48 Sportsnet Be the Wheel Barter Kings FOX Football Movie: Kimmel ” The Hive HospitalLive Barter””Kings Connected Creature Jeopardy! Daily “The Take” Nightline ” HockeycenBig Bear The Doctors The First 48 FOX Football Helen of Shark Tank Barter Kings tral at Noon Troy PAW Patrol Daily ”” ”” FOX Football Clifford-Dog The Dr. Oz Storage Magazine Movie: The Storage Daily G. Shrinks Show Storage Magazine “The Take” Bachelor Storage MLB Maya ”Bee KOMO 4 Storage Sportsnet 20/20 Storage Baseball: Arthur News Storage Connected 12 Takes ”
) Angels at Blue Jays BlueKnock. Jays The Sportsnet ” FOX Football Connected Daily ” MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Connected Pittsburgh
A&E 1
1 Storage Barter Kings World News Storage Jimmy ” The View Criminal KOMO Storage Kimmel Barter Kings ” 4Live Minds News Storage Nightline ” KOMO 4 Criminal Wheel Barter Kings News Minds Jeopardy! ” 48 The Chew The First Pirates at Making FOX Football Helen ofStuff Shark”Tank Barter” Kings Daily Troy ” ” 48 Texas Rob Robot General The First Rangers The Hive Hospital ” Magazine Movie: The Storage Magazine “The Take” Bachelor Storage HockeycenBig Bear The Doctors The First 48 tral at Noon PAW Patrol ” Sportsnet ” 20/20 ” Storage Connected 12 Takes ” Oz Storage Sportsnet Clifford-Dog The Dr. The First 48 Connected G. Show Blue Jays BeShrinks the News Barter” Kings MLB Bee KOMO Duck D. The Knock. Maya Creature Jimmy 4 ” Baseball: Arthur News Duck D. FOX Football Movie: Kimmel Live Barter Kings Angels Martha News Duck D. Daily at “The Take” Nightline ” Blue Jays Wild Kratts World News Duck ” ”
* Martha Be the Wild Kratts Creature Ella the Ele. Hope for Movie: Humf Wildlife “The Take” Rolie Polie Be the Thomas Creature Dino Dan
Animals Undersea
KOMO 4 News
Dynasty Duck D.
NEWS ” The7 National
Amer. Dad Movie:
“Eurotrip” David ” Garrett: Divorce Sid Science ” Music -- Live Divorce Wild Kratts Final Super Brain Judge Alex Daniel Tiger Destination 2 With Dr. Judge Alex Rick Steves ” Rudy Tanzi Excused A Excused Symphonic
Siberia ” Today KING News cont’d Jay Leno New Day ” Northwest Jimmy Fallon KING 5 News
Four Weddings
There Yet? There Yet?
Days of our Lives
Quints Toddlers & Quints Tiaras
Today Katie cont’d ”
Wild Kratts ” WordGirl He Touched
Ellen DeGe” KING neres ”Show
Big Bang Two Men
Tickle Two Men Porter Ridge Big Bang
Excused Family Guy FamilyYet? Guy There There Amer. Yet? Dad Movie: King King “Get Smart”
” (My Music) ” American MastersRose Charlie ””
News The Million Second Quiz Days of our Lives America’s GotPhil Talent Dr. ””
He Touched Cat in the Arthur Me: Elvis
Katie ” KING ”News
Wild Kratts Presley WordGirl Elvis, Aloha Business From Hawaii World News
Ellen DeGeJay Leno neres Show ” KING Jimmy5Fallon News
PBS NewsHour
Nightly News News
” ce The Offi The Offi ” ce Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “The Gift” Browns ” Payne
Here Comes Browns Honey Payne
iCarly Wipeout ”
Cheer Perfection
Espana, Stage 17
Swan Lake ”
Mod Fam Mod Fam
Duck D. Duck
Funny Home The National Moonshiners MasterChef Videos ” ” ”
Cheer Perfection
Nashville ”
Dynasty Duck D.
The Middle Mr. Young
CBC News ”
Duck D. Dads
Boys Mr. Young
The National Tickle The Arsenio ” Porter Ridge Hall Show
Dads Dads
Wipeout ”
Lang & O’Leary
Seinfeld Seinfeld
Grooves (My Music)
KING News 5 KING News Jay Leno Today Nightly ” News cont’d News Fallon Jimmy New Day News Northwest Magazine KING 5
Easy Yoga for Arthritis
News Magazine
The Million Second Quiz
America’s Got Talent
Here Comes “The Gift” Here Comes ”
60s Girl Grooves
Here Comes ” Here Comes Movie:
(My Music) ”
KING News Jay Leno
Peter Popoff “Hardball” Paid Prog. ”
Queen Elizabeth II
” Jimmy Fallon
The X Factor Here Comes Family Guy ” Honey Family Guy
TMZ Sunny
Honey Who Do You ” Here Comes Here Comes Little Couple Little Couple Here Comes Here Comes Who Do You
Duck D. Dads
News 30 Rock
N Business Me: Elvis World News Presley Sid Science PBS Kratts Elvis, Aloha Wild NewsHour From Hawaii Daniel Tiger 60s Girl Rick Steves Grooves 60s Girl
30 Rock ” Bethenny Here Comes ” Here Comes The Arsenio Little Couple Daily Planet Steve Here Comes ” Hall Show Little Couple ” Harvey Here Comes Overhaulin’ TMZ Paid Prog. Moonshiners Simpsons Here Comes ” Sunny Paid Prog. ” How I Met Here Comes
River Monsters
Sid Cat Science in the Wild Kratts Arthur
A Browns ” Payne Movie: Divorce Browns “The Gift” Divorce Payne” Judge Alex Seinfeld Judge Alex Seinfeld Excused
Dads Dads
Kimmel Live Nightline
Divorce The Office Divorce The Office
Big Bang “Get Smart” Big Bang ”
Shark Tank ”
FOX Football Gandhi Daily ”
Who< Do You Little Couple ” Little Couple Quints Who Prog. Do You Paid Quints ” Paid Prog. Here Comes Little Couple Here Comes Little Couple Here Comes
Thru Hell Mighty Planes Jungle Gold
Pot Cops ”
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”
Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!
” ”
Journey Heart
Dr. Phil News ” Magazine Katie The Million ” Quiz Second Today Ellen DeGeAmerica’s cont’d neres Show Got Talent New Day KING 5 ” Northwest News ” KING 5News Nightly KING News News News Jay Leno Days of our News Lives ” Magazine Jimmy Fallon Dr. Phil The Million ” Quiz Second Katie America’s ” Got Talent
Gandhi ”
Frontiers of News Construction Jimmy
Charlie 60s GirlRose ” Grooves Cat the (My in Music) Arthur ” Sid Science Wild Kratts American Wild Kratts WordGirl Masters Daniel Tiger Business ” Rick Steves World News He Touched A PBS Me: Elvis Symphonic NewsHour Presley Journey 60s Girl Elvis, Heart Aloha Grooves From Hawaii Charlie Rose (My Music) ”” Cat in the American Arthur Masters
Sportsnet Connected
Blue Jays The Grid
King Seinfeld King Seinfeld The OffiGuy ce Family The OffiGuy ce Family Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Divorce Big Bang Movie: Judge Alex Browns “Get Smart” Judge Alex Payne ” Excused Browns ” Excused Payne Movie: There Yet? Seinfeld “The ThereGift” Yet? Seinfeld ” King Guy Family King Family Guy The Offi ce Amer. Dad The Office Movie:
Say LittleYes:The Couple Big Day Little Couple Toddlers & Who Do You Tiaras” Quints Little Couple Little Couple Quints Little Couple Little Couple Medium Who Do You Who Do You Medium ” ” WhatDo Not to Who You Little Wear Couple ” Little Couple Four Couple Little Paid Prog. Weddings Little Couple Paid Prog. Say Yes:The Who Do You Big Day ” Toddlers & Little Couple Tiaras Little Couple Little Do Couple Who You Little Couple ”
Cycling: Vuelta a
Sportsnet Connected
CBC News ”
Extreme Cougar
Extreme Cougar Quints To Be Quints Announced Medium Peter Popoff Medium Paid Prog. What Not to Wear
ThisMinute So You Think You Law Order: CI Can Dance Family” Feud Family News Feud
The National Highway ” Thru Hell
Storyteller at American Royal Albert Ninja Warrior
The Million Second Quiz
Family Feud Two Men Family Feud Big Bang Bethenny So You Think ”You 30 Rock Steve Can Paid Dance Prog. Harvey ” Family Feud Simpsons News Family Feud How I Met 30 Rock ThisMinute Big Bang The Arsenio ThisMinute Two Men Hall Show Law Men Order: Two TMZ CI Bang Big Sunny Family So You Feud FamilyYou Feud Think Bethenny Can Dance ””
River ” Monsters Highway Thru Gold Hell Rush River ” Monsters Highway
Best Alfie Boe --
New EllenDay DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING KING 5 5 News News Days of News our Nightly Lives News
Now With The National ” Andrew Nichols The National Power”& Politics CBC News
The National Pot Cops ” ”
Family Guy Family Guy
A Business Symphonic World News Journey PBS Heart NewsHour
Sidekick Wipeout
Sam & Cat Victorious
Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Rick Steves WordGirl
; Simpsons The Arsenio HowShow I Met Hall 30 Rock Big Bang TMZ Paid Prog. Two Men Sunny Family Feud Two Men Family Feud Big Bang ThisMinute
Newsof our Days
Excused Browns Excused Payne There Yet? Browns There PayneYet?
9 To Be Jungle Gold Announced ” How/Made Gold Rush Overhaulin’ How/Made ”” To Be Highway Announced Thru Rush Hell Gold
” The National SpongeBob Lang & Mr. Young ” Kung Fu O’Leary Wipeout Lang & Odd Parents CBC News ” O’Leary SpongeBob ”
Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGeneresDay Show New Northwest KING 5 News KING 5 News Nightly News
Judge Alex Big Bang Judge Alex Big Bang
7 CBC News The National ”” CBC News The National Lang & Now With ” O’Leary Reshmi Nair CBC News cont’d ” CBC News
Mr. Young Squirrel T.U.F Boys.F.
Family Steve Feud Medium Little Couple Family HarveyFeud Medium Little Couple ThisMinute What NotYou to Simpsons Who Do ThisMinute Wear ” How I Met Law Order: Four Big Bang Who Do You CI Weddings Two Men ”
Odd6 Parents Boys SpongeBob Mr. Young Little Bear iCarly Wipeout Berenstain Victorious ” To School iCarly Squirrel ” Odd Parents Rated ”A for Monster Funny Home Videos League/Evil Sidekick The Middle
Cat in the Arthur Sid Science Wild Wild Kratts Kratts WordGirl Daniel Tiger Rick Steves Business World News Unleash the Power PBS of the NewsHour Female Brain Dr. D. Amen Burt
Seinfeld King King Family Guy
Family Feud Say Yes:The King Family Feud Big Day King
Sportsnet the Ele. FOX Football Ella Clifford-Dog Connected Humf Daily G. Shrinks
Cup Angels at Qualifying Blue Jays ”” ””
Big Bang Cougar Family Feud Say Yes:The Family Day Bones Feud Big Extreme ” Cougar & Bethenny Toddlers 30 Rock 19 Kids and ” Tiaras ” Extreme Paid Prog. Counting Steve ” To Be Cougar Family Feud Medium Harvey Announced News Extreme Family Feud Medium Simpsons Extreme 30 Rock Cougar ThisMinute What Not to How I Met Cougar The Arsenio To Be ThisMinute Wear Big Extreme HallBang Show Announced Law Men Order: Cougar Four Two TMZ Peter Popoff CI Weddings Two Men Extreme Sunny Paid Prog. Family Feud Cougar Say Yes:The Big Bang Family Feud Big Day Bones Extreme Bethenny Toddlers & ” Cougar ” Tiaras ” Extreme Steve ” To Be Cougar Harvey Announced News Extreme Simpsons Extreme 30 Rock Cougar How I Met Cougar The Arsenio To Be
The Office The Office Divorce Divorce Big Bang Big Bang Judge Alex Judge Alex Browns Payne Excused Excused Browns PayneYet? There There Yet? Seinfeld
New Day Bensinger Northwest Hate Hair? KING 5 News
Canada’s ” Worst Driver CBC News How/Made Now With How/Made Lang & Daily Planet O’Leary Nair Auction ” Reshmi cont’d Auction CBC News Airplane ” Repo CBC News FantomNow With Works The National Amish Mafia ” ” Andrew Mayday Nichols ”” CBC News ” Power”& MythBusters Politics ” The National Airplane
Toddlers & Tiaras 19 Kids and Counting To Be Announced Medium Medium Extreme Cougar What Not to Wear Extreme Cougar Four Weddings Extreme
Dateline NBC Sid Science Today News The Road to KING Wild Kratts cont’d Perfect The 206
Storage Show Storage The View Criminal ” Minds KOMO 4 Storage News 4 Storage KOMO Criminal News Minds News Storage World News Storage The Chew The First 48 ” KOMO” 4 Storage News Storage General The First 48 Hospital ” Wheel Storage Wildlife Jeopardy! Storage Big Bear The Doctors The First 48 PAW Patrol ” Park Avenue Shark”Tank Storage ” ” Oz Clifford-Dog The Dr. Storage Ella the Ele. Show The View Criminal G. Shrinks Storage Vincent: The Mistresses Storage Humf ” Minds Maya Bee KOMO” 4 Storage Full Story Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal Arthur News Storage Architects of Castle Storage Thomas News Minds Martha News ” Storage Change Dino Kratts Dan The Chew The First 48 Wild World News Storage Hope forStuff News ” Storage Making ” Animals KOMO Storage Wildlife Jimmy 4 Storage Rob Robot General The First 48 Animals News Storage Vincent: The Kimmel Live Storage The Hive Hospital ” Hope for Wheel Storage Full Story Nightline Storage Big Bear The Doctors Storage The First 48 Wildlife Jeopardy! PAW Patrol ” ” Park Avenue Shark Tank Storage Clifford-Dog The Dr. ” ” Oz Storage G. Shrinks Show Storage Vincent: The Mistresses Storage Maya Bee KOMO” 4 Full Story Storage Arthur News Storage Architects of Castle Storage Martha News ” Change Storage Wild Kratts World News Storage Hope for News Storage
Connected Motorcycle Racing Cycling:
Bethenny ” 30 Rock Paid SteveProg. HarveyFeud Family Family Feud Simpsons How I Met ThisMinute ThisMinute Big Bang Two Order: Men Law CI Two Men
KCTS ” N ”
Amer. Dad Movie:
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL A15
A14 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 4, 2013
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Coming Events GROW MARIJUANA commercially. Canadian Commercial Production Licensing Convention October 26th & 27th. Toronto Airport, Marriott Hotel. Tickets 1-855-860-8611 or 250-870-1882.
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
Lost & Found FOUND: Male Full Grown Short Haired Black Cat. Has white belly, white tips on feet and white whiskers and eyebrows. Found in Blue Herron Villa in the beginning of August. Phone: 250-766-4898
Sports & Recreation
RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS CLASSES For Beginner & Advanced Girls 6 + up.Rhythmic gymnastic involves music, colorful ribbons, hoops, balls & ropes. Classes Begin Sept 11/13 French School 675 Lequime Rd., Mission Memorial Hall, Winfield Website; For registration email:
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
SUTCO Contracting Ltd. requires experienced flat-bed highway drivers. Min. 2 yrs exp. hwy/mtn driving, loading and tarping. New equipment, satellite dispatch, e-logs, extended benefits & pension plan. CANADA ONLY runs avail. Min. commitment of 24 days out/10,000 miles per month required. fax: 250-357-2009 Enquiries: 1-888-357-2612 Ext: 230
Education/Trade Schools
Employment Business Opportunities ALL CASH drink/snack vending business route. Complete training. Small invest. req’d. 1888-979-VEND (8363). GET FREE Vending machines 100% lease financing, all cash income, 100% tax deductible, become financially independent, all Canadian company. Full details call now 1-866668-6629, Website:
Career Opportunities SOTA Instruments, a Natural Health Company in Penticton BC, is growing and looking for motivated, hard-working, positive individuals to join our team. Candidates should be driven, lively and most importantly committed to providing unsurpassed service to our customers. Learn more about us, the position and how to apply:
MCDONALD - GARBOWSKI, CYNTHIA It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Cynthia Anne Ellen Naomi McDonald-Garbowski of Kelowna and Oyama, B.C. on Aug. 21, 2013 at the age of 49 after a very courageous and difficult battle with Leukemia. She was the loving Mother of Danika and Jamie, Daughter of Madge and Bruce McDonald, Sister of Kerri (Rob) Onken, Brenda (Kevin) Mahoney and David McDonald, and former wife of Vance Garbowski. Cynthia (Cyndy to her family and friends) will be sorely missed by her family and numerous friends. Cyndy will be forever in our hearts, remembered for her infectious smile, laughing eyes and positive attitude. In her own encouraging words, Cyndy posted the following on her Facebook May 15, 2013 – “I finally figured it out. It’s not about me and fairness or what I did to deserve this; it’s about all of you and what I can teach you through my journey. Maybe it isn’t me who needs to learn a lesson, but me who can help each of you learn a lesson. That’s what I can learn – that through my journey, each of you can learn something of your own. I like that thought…. ‘if I can teach each of you something, then perhaps my experience is worthwhile.’” The Garbowski family will be hosting a “Celebration of Life” on what would have been Cynthia’s 50th Birthday, September 28, 2013. In lieu of flowers, donation may be made in Cynthia’s name to, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada, Suite 310-1682 7th Ave W, Vancouver, BC V6J 4S6 . Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, 250-860-7077.
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION RATED #2 FOR AT HOME JOBS • Huge Demand In Canada • Employers Seek Out Canscribe Graduates • Over 90% Graduate Employment Rate 1.800.466.1535
Help Wanted
Trades, Technical
FIELD CLERK Needed for out of town work site (21/7 schedule). Mature, flexible and positive communicator, understanding of importance of safety culture. Reporting to onsite foreman & Edmonton HO. Transportation to & from work site provided. Potential to grow with company; Fax 780-488-3002. WAREHOUSE/DRIVER Winfield, Temp. FT, Mon-Fri. Class 5 drivers license, $14/hr. Fax resume to: 250-766-3893
Financial Services
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.
If you see a wildfire, report it to
1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.
Trades, Technical GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General laborers and tradesmen for oil and gas industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message. For Information 1-800-972-0209.
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.
WRANGLER RENTALS LTD. is now recruiting Excavator Operators. Rig experience an asset. Camp jobs, day rates, health benefits & steady work rain or shine. Contact Monika 780-980-1331 or email resume:
Help Wanted
PRIVÉ, SHIRLEY Born February 22, 1936 in Sherbrooke, Quebec; passed away on August 26, 2013 at the Kelowna General Hospital. Survived by her loving family, Darlene Stoen, Lonnie (Elaine) Zeer, Cindy (Stan) Dueck, eight grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren. Shirley was the youngest of ten children, of whom one brother Jimmy, and sister Emily survive her. She was sadly predeceased by a son Kevin in 2005 and by her husband Alcide in 2000. A Memorial service will be held on Saturday, August 31, 2013 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm at the Club House of Woodsdale Place, 11505 Bottom Woods Lake Road, Lake Country, BC. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Cancer Centre for the Southern Interior, 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 5L3. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, 250-860-7077.
BERTRAND-MELOSHINSKI, MARGARET “PEGGY” Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light. The love we share remains in the hearts of those we love forever. Love is the legacy of life, Love lasts forever! Margaret “Peggy” passed away peacefully in her sleep in the comfort of her own home. Margaret “Peggy” is survived by her daughter, Diane (Rob); son, Wayne (Angie); grandchildren, Curtis, Tylor, Alize and Viola; nephew Cal (Karen); niece, Sandy. Also Roger and her best friend Bill and many other nieces and nephews. Celebrate her life through your own thoughts and prayer. Love you mom XOXO.
Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 50% and debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Legal Services
AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 4, 2013 A16 A15 Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Lake Country Calendar
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Legal Services
Misc. for Sale
Misc. Wanted
Auto Financing
CRIMINAL RECORD? Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? RESTLESS LEG Syndrome and leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660. STEEL BUILDINGS, Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206
Wanted to buy Jewelry to repair or recycle or out of date. 1-778-932-2316
Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282
Painting & Decorating WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM
(1) 250-899-3163
3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at Real Estate Mobile Homes & Parks ALLAN + JAY REAL ESTATE SERVICES
Manufactured Home Specialist
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed! 250-859-7264
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
Merchandise for Sale
Furniture BRAND NEW Queen Mattress & Box Set. Company coming? Tired of your old mattress? Still in plastic Mfg. warranty 250.870.2562
Heavy Duty Machinery
Realty Executives OKANAGAN
Rentals Commercial/ Industrial WAREHOUSING in Salmon Arm/Shuswap can also provide Delivery 250-253-6642
Cars - Domestic 2005 Chrysler CROSSFIRE.
RARE! Very low kilometers. Leather. Manual. Great condition. One Year Warranty Remains. Only $13,700 OBO Call (250)-878-4808
Cars - Sports & Imports
Suites, Lower
Misc. Wanted
A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; in stock. SPECIAL 44â&#x20AC;&#x2122;X40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!
2 BR w/o bsmt suite $950 incl. wi fi & util, shrd laundry, close to ubco & bus, no smoking pets ok. 250-766-1907
Genuine Coin Collector Buyer Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 250-863-3082 Private Collector looking to buy a coin collection, Can., US & specialty foreign coins. Also looking for error coins. Todd: 250-864-3521
Auto Financing DreamTeam Auto Financing â&#x20AC;&#x153;0â&#x20AC;? Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
Old spoon collector, 864-3521 PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
1998 BMW Z3 Roadster 1.9 Convertible Soft top, 5 speed manual. Heated leather seats,power windows, seats & mirrors. 4 new Uniroyal tires, Alpine stereo w/ipod wired in. Wind blocker on roll bars, Air bags and more. Summer driven only and garage stored during winter. Very Sleek looking & Well maintained. $14,000. (250)804-6399
7JTJU PVS PGmDF TIPXSPPN BU 'JU[QBUSJDL ,FMPXOB e Serving thn Okanaga 0 Since 199
250.765.1180 1.866.207.4444 NBEHFSPPĂ OH DPN $BMM UPEBZ GPS ZPVS '3&& &45*."5&
Roosters Barber Shop â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Your Community Barber Shopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man!
Monday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days) Saturday & Sunday 9-4
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;Ś Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
/FlCE &AX (250)766-2594 #ELL (250)258-6707
â&#x20AC;˘Kitchens â&#x20AC;˘Baths â&#x20AC;˘Floors & More FREE ESTIMATES Ken Goodwin
778-363-0533 â&#x20AC;˘ 250-766-0535
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 years experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 250-766-0326 250-766-0301 250-212-2914
Make this space work for you! Call Michelle or Shayla - 250-766-4688 2.5â&#x20AC;? x 1.75â&#x20AC;? with full colour: Only $15, and the creative department will design it for you - FREE!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Have you voted yet for Kalamalka Lake as the Best (Public Space) Place in Canada? Vote on-line at:
Advertisers help kids get active The District of Lake Country has some fantastic advertising opportunities waiting for area businesses to take advantage of while helping get local kids more involved in playing sports. Through the Districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arena rink board advertising sales program 20% of gross proceeds go to Lake Country Kidsport! For more information visit the Winfield Arena page under Parks, Rec & Culture on the website. Advertising opportunities include standard rink board, wall board signs, score clock advertising and on Olympia (Zamboni). Annual advertising rates range from $700 to $1200 with discounts available for multi-year agreements.
Transit service through Lake Country Effective September 3, 2013 the #90 UBCO Connector will not be routing into Berry Road Exchange and will instead bypass the exchange and service the stops on Highway 97 at Beaver Lake Road northbound and at Hill Road southbound. This change is taking place as a pre-emptive measure to accommodate the expected increase in running time to service Oyama with the introduction of the new highway. Operating the service this way will allow BC Transit the opportunity to review and monitor impacts the new highway has on the service reliability of the #90. This will also allow BC Transit to field test potential routing options and discuss these options with stakeholders. A decision on the permanent routing will be made in the near future.
Celebrating 20 years of ArtWalk this weekend
Email us at or call us at 250-766-5650 and ask for Ursula at extension 109 so we can explain the program. Students are back to school this week and motorists are reminded to Slow Down through school zones and watch for young people walking and cycling to school.
Volunteer Committee Members Needed The District of Lake Country is seeking volunteer members to serve on the Access & Age-friendly Committee and Parks and Recreation Committee. Do you, or anyone you know, have an interest in identifying and suggesting solutions to gaps and barriers that impede full participation in all aspects of life in the District? Would you like to provide recommendations to Council on issues pertaining to enhancing access to District services for people of all ages and with all types of abilities? What about advising Council on issues pertaining to parks, recreation leisure services and culture; or providing recommendations on the development of parks, recreation facilities and trails that will benefit the community? Please provide a letter of interest outlining your relevant background and interest in serving on these (or any other) Committee to Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Services Manager, via email:, fax: 250-766-2903 or regular mail: 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1.
Program Registration OPEN Registration is open for Fall/Winter programs. Click on the Activity Guide Quick Link at to browse through the digital program brochure and register on-line; or stop by Municipal Hall to register and pay for program enrolment in person.