Caledonia Courier, September 11, 2013

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◆ Fort takes L.A. by storm P. 8 ◆ Yekooche Transfer $ P. 3

◆ The Big Pig P. 9 ◆ House fire at Binche P. 5

Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759

PHONE: 996-8482

WEDNESDAY, September 11, 2013


VOL. 36 NO. 28 $1.30 inc. GST

Classic collection

Jacques Seguin released

Jacques Seguin has been released after his first appearance in Prince George Law Courts. Released on bail until his next appearance on Oct. 21, Seguin is facing one count of second-degree murder in the shooting death of his son Christopher Seguin, 36, after a domestic dispute at the family cabin at Takla Landing on August 16. Both men were from Vanderhoof.

Cancer aware There will be a Cancer Prevention Awareness Day on Sept. 12. From 12 p.m. - 4 p.m., at The Key next to the Integris Credit Union in Fort St. James. There will be prizes and information for those stopping in. The event will be hosted by the Fort St. James Health Unit, Nak’azdli Health and Tl’azt’en Health.

There were some beautiful classic vehicles on display at the Registration and Business Fair. The fair includes a classic car show and shine each year to help draw visitors, and the Fort Forum parking lot looked pretty nice with some of the stylish chrome on display. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier

Not done yet

District of Fort St. James has female firefighter sign confidentiality agreement Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The District of Fort St. James had sexual harassment complainant Kirstin Rudolph sign a confidentiality agreement in relation to her allegations against then Fire Chief Rob Bennett. This was the condition upon which the District agreed to release any information to Rudolph on the investigator’s report into complaints she and another female volunteer firefighter filed with the District against Bennett for sexual harassment. The confidentiality agreement is a standard agreement employees of the District are supposed to sign upon beginning employment, including volunteer firefighters, said Kevin Crook, chief administrative officer for the District of Fort St. James. “It was something that probably should have been done a long time ago,” he said. While Rudolph could not comment after she signed the agreement on Sept. 3, her husband Phillip Smith did say he was concerned with the fact the District did not meet with the complainants prior to announcing Bennett’s resignation and the report’s recommendations at a meeting with some volunteer firefighters after a practice. Smith also questioned the inclusion of Bennett’s denial of the allegations in the District’s release, while they chose not to release anything from the investigator’s report.

Smith said the statement makes it look as though the District is acting as an agent for Bennett and not for the complainants. Kevin Crook, chief administrative officer for the District, said the inclusion of Bennett’s denial of the allegations was meant to make it clear the announcement of his resignation was not meant “to imply whether wrongdoing happened or not.” Smith said “the complainants don’t consider the matter closed.” “From my perspective, looking at the whole process to date, some of the things that jump up is them not following their own policies,” said Smith. Smith said the fact the complainants were not informed separately or specifically about the outcome of the investigation prior to the public meeting at the fire hall contravenes the District’s own harassment policy which says complainants will be informed in writing as soon as possible. Bennett was told of the outcome of the investigation the week prior, after which he resigned as fire chief. “Neither Rob nor the District has stepped up and acknowledged something wrong has happened,” said Smith. While Joy Rierson was not one of the firefighters who filed a formal complaint with the District, she was one of the female firefighters interviewed by the independent investigator regarding an alleged incident she experienced. She also said she was not informed of the outcome of






the report herself, but instead heard “through the grapevine” as she had to work the night of the fire practice when Crook and councillors attended the fire hall. “To me there doesn’t seem like a whole lot of closure,” she said. “I don’t appreciate it.” Rierson is not critical of the District’s handling of the affair, but still struggles to deal with the emotional toll of the alleged incident and the investigation into it. “It just doesn’t go away,” she said. “You still wake up with nightmares.” “It effected me way more than I thought it was going to.” Rierson said the training the District is proposing will be positive for the fire department and those involved can begin to move on. “It is a good thing, it’s just going to take me a little longer than I thought, which sucks,” she said. “It’s like, so you go to work and carry on and I’m the one going ‘Okay, now how do I work through this?’” The allegations against Bennet have not been proven and the District said they will not be releasing details of the investigator’s report. The criminal investigation into Bennett’s alleged behaviour still continues and Crown has not yet approved charges in the case. The District of Fort St. James has posted the position of fire chief and hopes to have a replacement fire chief in place as soon as possible after the application deadline of Sept. 27.




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Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Caledonia Courier

Back to the future It was like stepping back in time when approaching the Fort Fo r u m on Sept. 4. There were 10 classic vehicles on display for the Registration and Business Fair and Show and Shine.

Month-long Events Alcohol Awareness Month National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. 212-269-7797 Child Abuse Prevention Month Prevent Child Abuse America 312-663-3520 BeaverOnGolfCourseC0804.EPS

Hot Retail Co-op Categories Bicycles, Accessories and Supplies Lawn and Garden Motorcycles and Snowmobiles Outdoor Furnishings Recreational Vehicles

National Car Care Month Car Care Council 240-333-1088 National Donate Life Month U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 202-619-0257

Hot Manufacturer Co-op Benjamin Moore Paints Camp Healthcare Grasshopper Mowers Rolex Watch Whirlpool Corporation

National Lawn Care Month PLANET, Professional Landcare Network 800-395-2522

Caledonia Courier

Special Events NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship National Stress Awareness Day National Volunteer Week Week of the Young Child Boston Marathon National Jelly Bean Day Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day

Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700


AdBuilder® Special Section Builder Themes • Financial • Planning a Garden • Earth Day • Easter

National Parkinson Awareness Month National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. 800-327-4545



Jazz Appreciation Month Smithsonian National Museum of American History 202-633-3129

4&6 5&7 16 19–25 19–25 20 22 23


District of Fort St. James Calendar September, 2013

SUNDAY 8March 2009

Municipal Website:

& Sr Golf 9 MayJr2009




M T W T F of S S M T St. W T James F S District Fort offers: 3-4pm Yth Hoop 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 Dance @ David Hoy Service 9 Seniors 10 11 12 13 14Transportation 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mens’ Golf 5pm Adult Hoop 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Dance @ MXV days/week! 23 24 25 26 FREE 27 28 17 7 18 19 20 21 22 23

Deadline online 24 25 26 for 27 28 29 30

30 31

Call 996-8408 or Reg 996-8233 Minor Hockey 31

515 Palm Sunday



11 1April10-12 212 12-3pm Strong Start Fool’sFood Day Bank 11-2pm Circle of Strength 12-4pm Cancer Prev @ KEY 3pm Hoop Dance @ Sow Awareness Day @ KEY 5pm Taekwon-do @ DH 4pm Ladies Golf 4-7pm Strong Start 5:30pm Taekwon-do 6pm Minor Hockey Swap & Meet @ Arena @ DH 18 8 11-2pm Personal 9 First Day of Passover 19 Goals & Plng @ 12-3pm Strong Start KEY 3pm Hoop Dance @ 4pm Ladies Golf Sow”

16 6



11-2pm Circle of Strength 1pm Grand Opening of @ KEY FSJ Christian Outreach Group Kitchen! 9-12pm Strong Start FREE BBQ! 12-4pm Farmers’ Market

Jr & Sr Golf 17 20Good Friday 21 7 10 11 11-2pm Scrapbooking Open House & Metis @ KEY 9-12pm Strong Start Cultural Celebration 9-12pm Strong Start 12-3pm Strong Start Drop in Workshop: Fish 3pm Yth Hoop Dance 11-2pm Personal Goals Printing @ DH & Plng @KEY FREE Entry & 5:30pm Taekwon-do 4-7pm Strong Start Men’s Golf 5pm Ad Hoop Dance @ Beef Dips! @ DH 5pm Taekwon-do @ DH MXV Jr Monday & Sr Golf Easter 9-3:30pm ENP 23 22 24 25 27 28 14 15 Tax 16 17 18 12 Easter 13 Day @ The View 26 (Australia & Canada) Wrkshp 12-3pm Strong Start 9-12pm Strong Start 12-3pm Strong Start Hotel 9-12pm Strong Start 11-2pm Beading/Crafts 10-12pm Food Bank POWER SKATING 4pm Ladies Golf @ KEY 1pm 11-2pm Beading/Crafts 11-2pm Beading/Crafts 3pm Yth Hoop Dance Cancer Sprt Grp @ Sue’s @ KEY @ KEY 5:30pm Taekwon-do @ @ DH 3pm Hoop Dance @ Sow DH 4pm 5pm Hoop Dance @ MXV 4-7pm Strong Start Men’s Golf 5:30pm Taekwon-do @ DH 5pm Taekwon-do @ DH 30 Jr & Sr Golf 29 21 22 Earth Day 23 24 Arbor Day 25 Anzac Day (Australia) Taurus Strong Start 196:30pm Newcomers 20 12-3pm 11-2pm Dreamcatchers Administrative Potluck @ NHS @ KEY Professionals Day Power Skating Clinic Power Skating Clinic @ 3pm Yth Hoop Dance @ DH for ages 7-18 Arena for ages 7-18 5pm Hoop Dance @ MXV Visit 996-0021 to Phone 996-0021 to 5:30pm Taekwon-do @ DH Power Skating Clinic @ register. Call 1-800-320-3339 or 250-696-3195 register. Arena

Regional District “Start Up Business Contest” Win BIG for your new or recently expanded business!


October, 2013 27


Igniting Your Ad Sales

5 3 4 29 30 3pm Yth Hoop Dance 12-3pm Strong Start @ Sow 5:30pm Taekwon-do 9-12pm Strong Start 4-7pm Strong Start @ DH 5pm Taekwon-do @ DH


Mourning Day 28 Workers (Canada)

9-12pm Strong Start

Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.

S 1 8 15 22 29



• AdBuilder Retail The 2013 Regional District Business Forum will take place at our very own FSJ Secondary School on October 25-26th! • AdBuilder Classified Keynote speakers, Start-Up Business Contest, Networking, Tradeshow and much much more!! • Co-op Sales Ideas Visit for more info. ® Office: 477 Stuart Drive West

Telephone: 250-996-8233


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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Courier Small business Yekooche friendly transfer payments

Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

Many small towns are friendly, but Fort St. James can now say it is also business friendly. The Fort is one of 15 finalist communities from across the province for the 2013 Open for Business Awards. “I was so excited,” said Emily Colombo, economic development officer for the District of Fort St. James, when asked how she reacted to the news Fort was a finalist. Fort St. James is in the running alongside Valemount, Central Saanich, Chilliwack, Coquitlam, Kelowna, Pitt Meadows, Lake Country, Langley, Peachland, Pemberton, Penticton, Emily Colombo, economic development officer for the District of Rossland, Squamish and Vernon. The 15 finalists were chosen from Fort St. James. Caledonia Courier a total of 39 municipalities which apments which are supporting small plied for the awards. In the Fort St. James submission, business, the awards are issued by the list of programs aimed at encour- B.C.’s Small Business Roundtable, aging small business in the commu- which acts as the intermediary between the provincial government and nity is extensive. Colombo said she was surprised small business in the province. The winners of the awards will rewhen she filled out the application just how many programs the commu- ceive $10,000 towards implementing nity has when you put them all down measures to further encourage small business in their communities. together. The District is also looking to “It becomes a challenge to communicate the different programs to launch a business retention and expansion program Colombo said. businesses,” she said. “I’m hopeful that if we win the For example, one of the latest profunds would go to that program.” grams, a facade improvement proShe would also like to use some of gram to match 50 per cent of the costs for small business facelifts, has not the funds towards continuing the role yet had any uptake in the community, of the downtown activities and marso Colombo is hoping to get the word keting coordinator, a job Jessica Rasout and get more businesses on board. mussen did over the summer. While Rasmussen is moving on to Meant to recognize local govern-

The Yekooche First Nation, which has been struggling with leadership issues for over a year, is again receiving their federal transfer payments. While a recall vote and by-election for the position of chief had halted payments from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), it appears funds have once again begun to flow to Yekooche. The band is still pursuing civil action against Henry Joseph, a full time position elsewhere, Colombo wants to alter the position slightly to make it more business-oriented and continue it through the winter after the success she saw with it in the summer. “I’m just so happy with the work that she did,” said Colombo. The awards will be announced at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities annual conference in Vancouver on Sept. 19.

Mining and community health


A local project recently received almost half a million dollars in funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. The funding is to continue the project’s work of tracking and monitoring the impacts of the Mount Milligan mine on community health and well-being in Fort St. James, Nak’azdli, and Tl’azt’en. It’s a project unique in the mining world, and it’s garnering a lot of attention. Together, community health and social service providers and the research team, Dr. Janis Shandro (University of Victoria/ University of British Columbia), Dr. Aleck Ostry (University of Victoria) and Dr. Malcolm Scoble (University of British Columbia) are working to enhance understanding of the health impacts and health opportunities mining and extractive industry development

can hold for communities with a strong focus on culturally appropriate Social Determinants of Health. In 2012 the team completed a community health base-line assessment, and are now monitoring community health and sustainability conditions through the opening phases of the mine. The work is guided by the Stuart Lake/Nak’al Bun Research Advisory Board, which provides oversight to this project and seeks to ensure that other health and sustainability research occurring in the region brings positive health benefits. This work was launched by a Community-based Health Research Grant from the Vancouver Foundation and an Aboriginal Health Priority Grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. What’s unique about the project is that, as far as the project team is aware, this is the first time

the health impacts of a mine on communities have been tracked across a mine-life cycle. It is also unique in that the communities initiated this initiative with the intention to “be ten steps ahead”. Kandace Kerr and Anne Marie Sam, the two project research associates, recently made a presentation about the project at the World Mining Congress in Montreal that was attended by 2,500 global mining industry representatives. Members of the project team will be in Fort St. James over the next week and a half interviewing local health and social service providers about the changes they have seen since the baseline was completed. The public will have an opportunity to share their observations and learn more about the project at an open house at the Fort St. James Public Library on Tuesday Sept. 17 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

who had been elected chief but was removed in a recall along with then-councillor Mathew Ernie Joseph. Chief Allan Joseph will now serve as chief alongside councillors Angelic Rose Joseph, Mitchell Joseph and Miranda Joseph until January. Yekooche has offices in Prince George where the finance office is located and 223 registered members, some of whom still live on the reserve on Stuart Lake. A3

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Fireweed Safe Haven Open House Location: 241 2nd Ave West beside Music Maker’s hall Date: Wednesday, September 18th Time: 3pm - 8pm.

Annual General Meeting

Location: Sitka Building boardroom Date: Tuesday, September 24th Time: 5pm For more information contact Brandi at 250-996-8089 or e-mail New Board Members Welcome.

Reprints Reprints Reprints Available Now! If you have seen a photograph you would like in the

Caledonia Courier

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Editorial Page

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Caledonia Courier

The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British

Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James

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Publisher: Pam Berger

governing the province’s newspaper industry. The

Editor Ruth Lloyd newsroom@

council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member

Office: Anne Stevens office@

newspapers. Directors oversee

Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@

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Address: Box 1298 Fort St. James, BC VOJ 1P0

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Press Council.

the mediation of complaints, with input from both the holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about you may contact the B.C. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.

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For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

• Column

Virtual life or virtually living? Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier With the increasing use of social media and handheld devices in our society, it may be somewhat like beating a dead horse to raise the topic one more time. But it has been making me think lately. I recently read an article detailing how two parents took control of their child’s online identity before she was even born. They searched her name before they chose it to make sure there were not lots of negative search results associated with namesakes. After choosing a name, they then registered a domain name (internet website address) an email account, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, all in her name. The idea was not to create her identity, but instead to prevent others from creating one for her. The parents do not post photos of their child on Facebook or other social media, due to their concerns over facial recognition software and the implications for how this could impact her later in life. They don’t allow their friends to post anything related to the couple’s new child either. Now these steps seem a little extreme to me, in an age where the majority in our society will be growing up with an online presence before they are even born, it will be a shared experience the couple’s child will not

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know, but is this such a bad thing? Probably not. And while we’re at it, maybe the rest of us could do with a little less online presence. Well, let’s be realistic, our online lives are here to stay, but perhaps we need to also be present where we are a little more often and worry about showing off to the rest of the world how awesome our bike ride/child’s birthday/night out are going a little less. I also recently read a great article on the constant documenting of our lives and the impact it is having on us. Our obsession with our online lives can distract us from enjoying our actual lives, and can also create the phenomenon known as FOMO or fear of missing out. Instead of focussing on what we’re doing, we might actually find ourselves constantly checking our Instagram or Facebook feeds to find out what everyone else is doing. Researchers are beginning to study these things, which would suggest the problem is not getting better or going away. I used to think television was the problem - people watching someone’s pretend life instead of living their own, but maybe social media is just as dangerous. My advice: go outside and play, and leave the phone at home once in awhile. #IMO #justasuggestion #adviceonlife #intendedirony.

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, September 11, 2013


NEWS No response to A5

house fire

Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

The smoking remains of a house which burned to the ground at Binche Aug. 31.

Photo courtesy of Josh Hallman

did not immediately return calls for information on the fire and the response from their fire department. Josh Hallman, Binche Separation Committee chair, said, the incident reinforces Binche's reasons for wanting to separate and be able to rely on the local community. Hallman said he wants to see a fire truck in Binche instead of one which has to respond from Tache and will continue to ask Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada for this.

A vacant house on the Binche Reserve burned to the ground on August 31. While the Tl'azt'en Fire Department was called, no one was reportedly available to respond to the fire, which it is estimated took place between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m.. RCMP were also called to the fire at 6:45 a.m. and said the house, which had been abandoned for years, was boarded up prior to the fire. They have no evidence to further investigate. NOTICE OF Tl'azt'en administration SCHOOL BOARD MEETING for September & October 2013 (L-R): Louise Evans Salt of GUF, Mel Chesnutt, project coordinator, Jasmine Kendall, project model, makeup artist and director with the FSJHS, Laurie Gross, model, Janna Burgart, model and Jana Gainor, model.

Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier

The dates and locations of the Regular Board Meetings of the Board of Education of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) for September & October 2013 are as follows: September 16, 2013 School Board Office,Vanderhoof, BC October 21, 2013 School Board Office, Vanderhoof, BC These meetings will commence at 6:00 p.m. Members of the public are invited to attend. Darlene Turner Secretary-Treasurer

Community Events

Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier

Cashing out Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The Calendar for a Cause project finally cashed out and presented cheques to the three beneficiaries of the project. The Fort St. James Humane Society (FSJHS), the Greening Up Fort St. James (GUF) Society and Justicemaker Veronica Marisol Quiroga Pando who works with women in Bolivia to help promote human rights in the Bolivian justice system, all received the proceeds of the project. Each one received $3,484 from the calendar, which was a volunteer-driven project to create a calendar of local vintage vehicles and local models in pin-up style clothing. The models were all from Fort St. James, but Vanderhoof car owners and Wallace Studios also participated in the project. Mel Chesnutt thought up the project, and in total, she recruited over 40 volunteers to bring the calendar to life. The funds were presented by some of those involved to both the FSJHS and GUF at the Soup Wallah last week, and the other funds were wired to Bolivia. "You guys are breathing new life into GUF,"

said Louise Evans-Salt as she received the cheque for the recycling organization, which she said has not yet fully recovered from the devastating fire which destroyed their recycling centre over a year ago. She called the project another example of why Fort St. James is such a great place to live as so many people come together to give so generously of themselves, demonstrating a connectedness you may not see in large cities. "It is so inspiring that a group of young people donated their time and talents and then chose to give to a group whose mission is sustainability," she said. "It can feel at times that no one cares about the environmental issues affecting our world." "This is a reminder that many people are aware and want to do something so GUF wants to say a big thank you to all involved and to those who believe in the vision GUF has of a more sustainable community." Jasmine Kendall accepted the cheque for the FSJHS and said the funds would likely go towards helping to complete the shelter out at the fair grounds, which still needs electrical work. "We'd like to see the shelter up and running year-round," she said.

COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** FORT ST JAMES CHRISTIAN OUTREACH GROUP FOOD BANK SCHEDULE...10.00am to 12.00noon, on Wednesdays, September 11, 2013, September 25, October 9, October 23, November 13, Wednesday, November 27, December 11, January 8, 2014, January 22, February 4, February 18, March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, April 30, May 14, May 28, June 11, June 26, July 9, July 23, August 6, August 20, September 3, Wednesday, September 17. *** UNTOLD seeks contributions from nonFirst Nations students and staff who experienced Catholic residential or day schools abuse in Northern BC. For more info email *** FIREwEED STOppING ThE VIOLENCE & OUTREACh SERVICE For those who believe all is possible!...Provides free Confidential, Safe, and Supportive counselling and outreach services for women. Hours of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Location: Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort St James, BC Phone: (250) 9961214 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: *** ST pATRICk’S ANGLICAN ChURCh... hosts a free lunch every Tuesday from 11.00am 1.00pm. All are welcome. This lunch is made possible through the generous giving of time and resources,by many people in the region, including The Roman Catholic Church, Camp Living Water, E-Free Church and many other individuals. We wish to thank all those who contribute their labour to this program as well as those who provide food and other necessities. We also run a small food bank on Tuesday morning, and are very thankful for all who contribute to this endeavor. For further information please call Gwen Andrews 567-6744. *** SERVICE TIMES... at St Patrick’s Anglican Church, Fort St James, will be 10:30 am every Sunday. Free lunch every Tues between 111pm with music and Prayer. Please come and join us. *** FIREwEED CLOThES DRIVE...The Fireweed Safe Haven is doing a winter clothes drive. We are looking for jackets, boots, snow pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, etc, for men, women and children. The items will then be given to families in the community that need them. If you do not have anything at home that you can part with but still wish to contribute, you can purchase mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Please drop items off at the Fireweed Safe Haven. For more information please contact Talia at (250) 996-8081. Every little bit helps. *** AUxILIARy TO STUART LAkE hOSpITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** FORT ST. JAMES pUBLIC

LIBRARy hOURS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** NEChAkO VALLEy COMMUNITy SERVICES SOCIETy...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling Services available at no cost. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 996-7645 for appointment. *** FORT TRAp AND hANDGUN CLUB... meets last Sunday of every month. Contact (Sue) at 250-9967728 (h) for more information. *** FORT ST. JAMES SEARCh & RESCUE... steering committee meetings first Tuesday of every month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort St. James Firehall. Training is the third Tuesday of every month at the Firehall at 7 p.m. New members welcome. *** MUSIC MAkERS...New members always WELCOME. Not everyone has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call Rosemary Allan at 250-996-8997 for more info. *** ThE ThRIFT STORE...has a new name! “The Bargain Basement”. We are still at the same location, across from Shoppers Food Mart. Donations of clean clothing and small housewares are greatly appreciated. Please, no books or magazines. Proceeds are used for community needs. Open Wed-Sat, 12 noon to 4pm. *** SERVICE pUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT...If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at: 1-800-670-2247.


The weigh-in for the Atkins Greenhouse onion growing contest will take place on Sept. 14 at 10 a.m. at the Atkins Greenhouse. The contest, a forfun event to encourage people to grow onions for the food bank, was free to enter and open to all. Anyone who grew an onion and especially those who were given an onion at the Atkins Greenhouse for the contest can bring it in to be weighed and then the weighed onions will be donated to the local soup kitchen and food bank. All varieties of onions can be entered, but they do have to be


Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Caledonia Courier

Courier Calling all onions

grown by the entrant and they should know the variety of their entry. Roots are to be trimmed

off and the stems should be no longer than three inches. “It has been a lot of fun,” said Ron Atkins. He said ev-

eryone he sees tells him how their onion is doing. When he recently fell and broke his hip while in

Fort St. James, when he was wheeled into the Stuart Lake Hospital, the first health care provider he saw immediate-

ly began telling him how her onion was doing. “I thought that was so neat and so fun,” he said.

Choose to recycle your milk containers.

Historic site hours reduction As part of last year’s reduction of the season, the Fort St. James National Historic Site is now closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays. For the remainder of the season, the historic site will be open from Friday to Monday. This year, the season will end on September 22 and will be wrapped up with an Open House and Metis and Cultural Day on Sept. 21. The season for the site has been shortened by a month, some interpretive staff were reduced this year, and the Product Development Officer position was also reduced from a full time position to a three-quarters position, with three months of the year off.

Court report For files appearing before the Fort St. James Provincial Court on September 3, 2013. Darlene R. Tom was sentenced to one day in jail and six months probation with conditions for failure to comply with a probation order.

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, September 11, 2013 A7

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te Watch as firefigh ing & demonstrate cutt hicle! tearing into a ve

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RIGHT: Candace Prince (left) and Christine Millard prepare some delicious fresh crepes as part of their table to help promote the Pro fe s s i o n a l Cook Level I Program at CNC. The young women are both students in the program. Caledonia Courier



Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Caledonia Courier

Registration and Business Fair There were around 400 visitors through the Registration and Business Fair on Sept. 4 at the Fort Forum. With 10 vintage car owners showing their vehicles, recreation groups providing registration opportunities, local non profits and small businesses creating awareness of their services, there was a lot to see. The Stuart Lake Sailing Club brought a unique boat to display. The Hobie Cat brand boat is like a kayak with outriggers for stability, has a mast and sail, and comes with

pedals for times without wind. Groups like minor hockey and women’s hockey were providing registration opportunities, as were the Stuart Lake Hospital Auxiliary, Friends of the Historic Site and others. Some small businesses showcased their products as well. The College of New Caledonia Professional Cook students prepared samples of freshly made crepes for visitors to the event and helped draw people to have a look at other programs the college is offering.

Fort team takes L.A. by thunderstorm Submitted

nikwun went to Venice Beach, Rodeo Drive, The Hollywood sign and Hollywood walk of stars on a chartered tour bus. “I think the scariest thing was finding out there was a tarantula infestation at our bungalows on the first night we stayed in California,” said Leon Erickson.

Ditnikwun (Dakleh for Thunderfire) went to California last week, a goal the group had been working towards for months. The group spent five days down there and competed in friendly competition against the Soboba First Nation Tribe of San Jacinto, California. In three different events, golf, fastball and volleyball, Ditnikwun played off against the Sobobans of Los Angeles. Leon Erickson, team leader described some of the action: “The first event saw a co-ed fastball game between the Soboba AllStars and Ditnikwun. Each team sent six male and three female players onto ABOVE: Team Ditnikwun traveled to L.A. and area the field. Team Soboba traded a full recently in order to participate in some friendly line up during the game against Dit- competition, share Carrier culture and expand nikwun. Ditnikwun was winning the their horizons. RIGHT: Golf competition in the Caligame one-nothing until the third in- fornia sun. Top photo by Soboba Host Andy Silvas ning when Soboba pulled ahead. The Bottom photo by Morgan Richards final score was Soboba 10, Ditnikwun, The Sobobans wish to send an envoy to Fort out the tournament. three.” St. James in the near future, wishing to “Your volleyball program is strong,” said try a taste of our hospitality and to see “They were just too strong,” said Eric Sam. The second day saw Team Ditnikwun play Soboba Host Andy Silvas. snow and ice (not just in a cup). Team Ditnikwun then presented gifts to four golfers against Soboba’s golfers in a team All in all, a successful trip for the Fort their hosts for inviting them to the event. Er- St. James cultural sports team Ditnikwun. match play. With an average low score of 42 (Darren ickson and the group thanked the Sobobans To travel and play with Team DitThomas lead all golfers with a 40), Team Dit- by singing a few Carrier songs for them at the nikwun was simply amazed at playing on the closing ceremonies. ❚ On day three, Ditnikwun spent PGA-stop golf course and the amazing scenthe day at Disneyland and Caliery. “I have never played on such an awesome fornia Adventure. The team was ❚ simply awed by the theme parks. golf course - ever,” said Logan Erickson. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH On day four, Team DitThe sport event was completed by a co-ed (Across from the Petrocan Station) ❚ volleyball tournament. SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am The six team double FREE EVENTS going on can be DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am knockout tournament alsubmitted to the Caledonia Courier PASTORAL TEAM: FATHER FRANK SALMON 250-996-8343 lowed for team Ditonline calendar, SR. PAT MACAULAY, SR. DIVINA PEDRO nikwun to divide into two visit: and 250-996-2275 teams. Team Ditnikwun see the calendar on the bottom right and and Team Thunderfire. click on add your event. Team Ditnikwun Cody Thomas, Darren Thomas, Lisa Spingle, Candace Erickson, Leah Erickson, Morgan Richards and Chuck Prince came second losing only in the final match against their ‘teammates’ Thunderfire - Leon Erickson, Logan Erickson, Eric Sam, Brandon Pius, Kristi Howell and Kristen Sam who went undefeated through-



nikwun, participants do not have to be Nak’azdli Band members or good at a certain sport. “We require three things for persons to be on the team: One, you want to travel, two, you are willing to sing the Carrier songs at events and three, you are willing to put in the effort required to participate in the activities and preparation,” said Erickson. “This team is about exposing our community members to the world, allowing people to realize the world does not end in Prince George or Edmonton or Vancouver,” he said. “We want people to know that dreams can be accomplished with a little help and some hard work”. Team Ditnikwuns will be be open for new members in the near future and destinations can be decided upon at team meetings. For more information contact Leon Erickson 996-6866.

Wants You! What is your Interest? Do you have a passion to write, cover sports, photography? Are you a student, retired? Interested in English/Journalism? We are looking for LOCAL writers, photographers, contributors in Fort St. James. Interested? Please call Pam


NEWS The Fort does well at the Big Pig

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Burns Lake Mountain Biking Association (BLMBA) hosted its sixth annual Big Pig Mountain Biking Festival Aug. 16-18 2013. The event drew participants from Prince George, Smithers, Telkwa, Ft. St. James, Fraser Lake, Vanderhoof, Hazelton, Terrace, Kamloops, Calgary, Evansburg, Grand Prairie, Whitehorse, Yellowknife, Sri Lanka, and, Burns Lake! The Fort St. James presence was felt, with some good showings in the results. Kid’s Events This year’s Big Pig kicked off with the kid’s events on Friday night. A record 48 youth came out to test their skills. The youth had the option of entering in downhill, cross-country and pump track event. Tye Peters of Ft. St. James was the fastest boar downhill rider. In the 10 to 12 year old category, Trent Peters of Ft. St. James took top spot in pumptrack. Downhill race (Charlotte’s Web = 3.8 km) Lean boar winner – and overall fastest time in the boar category - was Jonathan Nutbrown of Calgary (9:21), who went to the event with his brother David Nutbrown of Fort St. James. 4-Cross Race The 4-cross race consists of 4 riders riding abreast, vying for


the “best line” on a winding course consisting of table tops, step ups and berm turns. This year this event was once again an awesome spectator sport. For the 11 and 12 year old boars, Trent Peters of Ft. St. James was first. In the 14-17 year old boars Nathan Johnson of Ft. St. James was second. Jump Jam The Jump Jam consists of riding a series of dirt jumps, where riders are judged on amplitude, style and difficulty. The junior tender winner was Trent Peters and second was Nathan Johnson, both of Ft. St. James. Dante’s Inferno Dante’s Inferno has been increasing in length 10 km each year, with this year’s course rounding out at 70 kms. Twenty-six riders took on the challenge of completing this course, with 15 riders completing the full 70 km. Overall fastest times for boar/sow on the 70 km were Jonathan Nutbrown with an amazing time of 3 hours 41 minutes. In the lean boar division, Jonathan Nut- A9

brown of Calgary took first place in a time of 3:41 Wilbur’s Wheelay This was the second year for the Wilbur’s Wheelay, which can either be a team or solo event. This relay consists of completing as many laps of a 5 km course as possible within three hours. Nine teams entered the event, and “Team Nutbrown” (Kris Cooper Nutbrown of Ft. St. James and Larry Nutbrown of Evansburg) took second (8 laps/2:54). Clockwise from bottom right: David Nutbrown, Kris Cooper Nutbrown, Nathan Johnson, and Tye Peters. The Fort St. James bikers did well at the Big Pig in Burns Lake. Walter Strong Photos


Omineca Express office Vanderhoof Co-op Co-op Mall Vanderhoof Co-op C Store Highway 16 Pull-out Extra Foods Riverside Park Campground Vanderhoof Post Office Riverside Place Nechako View Senior’s Home Speedway Road Mapes Blackwater Road CJ’s Trailer Court Loop Road Prairiedale Braeside Road Jones Road Sob Lake Road Redfern Drive Sinkut Frontage Road Kenny Dam & Lakes Road J&S Restaurant


Endako Bar & Grill Slenyah Store


Par 3 Sports Fraser Lake Rexall Fraser Lake Building Supplies


Giesbrecht Frontage Road


Fort Fraser Petro Can


Lakeshore Realty Sana’aih Market Overwaitea Foods Fort Loonie Bin Fas Gas Plus Lakeside Pharmacy Red Fox Bistro

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, Wednesday,September September11, 11,2013 2013



Misc. for Sale

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Houses For Sale

Merchandise for Sale

STEEL BUILDING Sizzling summer savings event! 20x22 $4,188. 25x24 $4,598. 30x36 $6,876. 32x44 $8,700. 40x52 $12,990. 47x70 $17,100. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206.

Houses For Sale

CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND ALL AMENITIES. Secluded and on their own private street backing onto Nahounli Creek. First home has 1,736 sq. ft., three bedroom, 2 full baths, with air conditioning and wood burning stove. Second home has 2,300 sq. ft. of living space, four bedroom, 2 and 1/2 bathrooms, bonus room and 540 sq. ft. attached garage. Features air conditioning and natural gas fireplace. Smaller of the two homes is priced to sell at: $249,800, and the second is listed for $329,000.

Call: (250) 996-3621 during the day, or (250) 996-8981 evenings.

Misc. Wanted Genuine Coin Collector Buyer Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030

Misc Services

Real Estate

Misc Services







sale CSA certified modular                                                    Ft.  St.  James  B.C.  Call  (778)  667-­0346 homes, manufactured/mobile homes



Legal Notices

Legal Notices


Mobile Homes & Parks                                                           BAM  BAM  TRUCKING Need Cash? Own A Vehicle? Borrow Up To $25,000

Legal Notices A11 A11


DISTRICT OF FORT ST. JAMES 2013 TAX SALE On Monday, September 30, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at the District of Fort St. James Office, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, BC, I will sell at Public Auction the lands and improvements thereon, in the list set out below, UNLESS THE OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT TAXES, INCLUDING INTEREST, ARE PAID PRIOR TO THE DATE OF TAX SALE. Roll No.

Legal Description

Civic Address

Upset Price


Plan 6110 Lot 37 DL 1266

645 Grove St.


Plan 5870 Lot 48 DL 1267

235 4th Ave. E.



Plan 7911 Lot 1 DL 1267

295 Stuart Dr. E.



Plan 6920 Lot 2 DL 1267

501 Stuart Dr. E.



Plan 4533 Lot 22 DL 111

458 Dogwood St.



Plan 5870 Lot 34 DL 1267

134 4th Ave. E.



Plan 5870 Lot 73 DL 1267

108 3rd Ave. E.



Plan 5870 Lot 82 DL 1267

187 3rd Ave. E.



Plan 8642 Lot 6 DL 4762

800 Douglas Ave.



Plan 8642 Lot 7 DL 4762

810 Douglas Ave.


Plan 8642 Lot 19 DL 4762

801 Murray Rd.


850.93 1,412.69

homes, we ship throughout                                                           In  a  Jam,  call  BAM  BAM.

Please note that the purchase of a Tax Sale Property is subject to tax under the Property Purchase Tax Act on the Fair Market Value of the property. The tax liability arises at the time the collector notifies the registrar of Titles to effect the transfer of title following the expiration of the redemption period (Local Government Act, Sece  Water  Hauling,  Water  testing  and  Treatment.  Gravel  Hauling,  Excavation  work. Other Areas tion 403). Western Canada. Visit us online at or 877-976-3737

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Breathe through a straw for 60 seconds. That’s what breathing is like with cystic fibrosis.

omposites:  Fibreglass  Tanks  for  Long  Term  Storage  of  Wastewater.  GRAF  Rainwater  harvesting  solutions.  Pets & Livestock ater  Harvesting,  Infiltration  Retention  Cisterns,  Drinking  Water  Reservoirs. Apt/Condo for Rent Ft. St. James B.C. Call (778) 667-0346 Feed & Hay In a Jam, call BAM BAM. HILLCREST apts. Lg. 1 & ROUND HAY Bales for sale. Call 250-846-5855

Pets CUTE English Bulldog Puppies $600. Healthy Male & female. 9 weeks, Health, shot papers. 2818990861 Email:

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Merchandise for Sale

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Remote Water Hauling, Water testing and Treatment. teĆ?Ć&#x;ng anÄš dreatment͘ Gravel Hauling, Excavation work. 'raÇ€el Hauling, džÄ?aÇ€aĆ&#x;on Ç orĹŹÍ˜ l Now providing Liquid storage O EoÇ Ć‰roÇ€iÄšing >iĆ‹uiÄš Ć?torage tanks for Water and Waste tanĹŹĆ? Ĩor Water anÄš WaĆ?te Management. For Residential Danagement͘ &or ReĆ?iÄšenĆ&#x;al and Industrial uses. anÄš /nÄšuĆ?trial uĆ?eĆ?͘ l Rainwater harvesting solutions. O RainÇ ater ĹšarÇ€eĆ?Ć&#x;ng Ć?oluĆ&#x;onĆ?͘ l O

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