I N S I D E : A fitting memorial. Page 16
Volume 120 No 37 PM # 400121123
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895
$1.30 includes GST 7
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School closures recommended
Fair weather brings out a crowd Rhea Little (above) balances a plate at the Ashcroft Fall Fair last Sunday. The annual event was as popular as ever with hundreds of entries, music, food and great entertainment by Filetta Fish (right). More pictures on p.9.
Schools closures are once again a topic of discussion at Gold Trail, but staff recommendations are to leave at least one school in each community. School District 74 staff presented their recommendations based on last year’s community conversations at the Sept. 3 Board of Education meeting in Ashcroft. The report, The Future of Gold Trail Schools and Programs, recommends a K-12 model for Ashcroft and Lytton, such as in Clinton. The move would mean renovating the high schools to accomodate elementary students and closing the districts two oldest schools, Ashcroft Elementary and Lytton Elementary. The recommendation will be discussed at the Sept. 17 school board meeting in Ashcroft. If the board accepts the recommendation, the communities will be engaged in another round of community consultations before a final decision is made. The complete report can be found at http://www.sd74.bc.ca/cconv.html . Ashcroft Council has requested an immediate meeting with the board. “My questions are ‘what will the savings be to close the school?’,” said Mayor Andy Anderson at the Sept. 9 Council meeting. “And ‘what will happen to the workforce?’ ” Unless there are noticeable savings for the school district, he said, then there seems to be little reason to close Ashcroft Elementary. Coun. Alice Durksen wanted to know what would happen to the property if the school was closed. Councillors will be attending the annual Union of BC Municipalities convention at the time of the Sept. 17 school board meeting and want to voice their disappointment before any decision is made. Cache Creek Council accepted the news with interest, noting that no action was planned for Cache Creek Elementary. “It looks like the general gist is to move to K-12 schools,” said Coun. Wyatt McMurray. “Cache Creek Elementary is to remain open, which I think is good news for this community,” said Mayor John Ranta, who also observed that the report mentioned that some Ashcroft parents may choose to send their children to CCES. The challenge for the Board, he said, is the declining enrolment and erosion of people leaving rural areas for bigger cities.
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Thursday, September 12, 2013 The Journal
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sive or threatening manner, ducting speed en- but students are banned from bring weapons of any sort to forcement on school and the student was Hwy 1 at suspended indefinitely. Wendy Coomber Old Carining, the woman denied beboo Rd. Homeless man wanted ing hit with a beer can and in Cache Creek and stopped Sept. 9 at 3:35 pm Husky said she fell and hurt her a 2004 Mitsubishi Outland- staff reported that a homeface. er travelling at 100 kph in less man was living in the the 50 kph zone. The 39 year bushes between the Husky Cash stolen old Surrey driver was issued and the apartment buildings Sept. 1 police were ad- a ticket for excessive speed behind them. The 60 year vised of a break and en- and his vehicle was im- old Kamloops man was loMusic too loud Aug. 31 at 1:30 am po- ter at a Cache Creek resi- pounded for seven days. The cated and found to be wantlice attended a noise com- dence on Maclean Cres. The man was arrested for ob- ed on a Canada-wide warant plaint at the Mesa Vista 42 year old resident advised struction when he stood be- for mental health issues and Trailer Court in Ashcroft and that someone had ripped hind the tow truck to prevent breach of conditions. He was spoke to a 21 year old man, the screen off of a base- it from towing his vehicle, arrested and transported to who did not think his music ment window and entered but released once the tow Kamloops. was loud but agreed to turn the house, taking a safe from truck was able to leave. Slapping and shoving it down anyway. While the the closet that contained Sept. 9 at 7:34 pm poofficer was sitting in his car about $500. Nothing else Deer killed Sept. 5 at 9:30 am police lice attended a domestic asoutside the residence, the was disturbed. The incident man turned the volume up is thought to have occurred received two reports of an in- sault in Walhachin after a again - twice as loud. The of- around 2 am on the 31st. The jured fawn at the side of the couple got into a fight while ficer spoke to him again and matter is still under investi- road by Sundance Ranch. drinking beer and discussThe deer had been severely ing finances. The 50 year had him come outside to lis- gation. injured and police ended its old woman alleged that her ten to it. He turned it down Didn’t learn anything suffering. 60 year old husband slapped again. Sept. 2 at 9 am officers her in the face and caused Police were called back her bloody lip. The male the following night at 1:15 were conducting speed en- Student suspended Sept. 9 at 11 am police claimed that she stole his am for another noise com- forcement on Hwy 1 at plaint. The man was spoken Cornwall Rd. and stopped received a report that a 14 cigarettes and that he shoved to once more. The complain- a southbound Accura TL year old Ashcroft boy had her from behind, causing her ant was advised to document for travelling at 145 kph in brought a pocket knife to to fall into a doorway. He all noise infractions and the 100 kph zone. The 28 school with him. The knife was arrested and released on notify the Village’s bylaw year old Prince George driv- was not used in an aggres- a promise to appear. officer, who is authorized to er was on his way to school in Kelowna. issue fines. He was given a ticket for excesBeer can assault Aug. 31 at 1:30 am po- sive speed and by Tom Fletcher lice resources to prosecute simple lice attended an assault on his vehicle was Black Press possession of small amounts of pot impounded for the Ashcroft Reserve after a A 90-day countdown began by adults. seven days. 43 year old woman advised Monday for a petition drive to Marijuana possession cases that she had been struck in force the effective legalization of still account for 60 per cent of drug Sad to see it the face several times with a simple possession of marijuana in violation reports to police in B.C., go beer can by her son. The 24 B.C. according to Statistics Canada figSept. 2 at year old man was arrested Volunteers for Sensible B.C., ures from 2012. But the number 3:15 pm poand signed a notice to apled by long-time drug legalizaof cases declined 10 per cent from lice were conpear. The following mortion advocate Dana Larsen, have 2011. until Dec. 5 to collect more than There were 25,432 police-re400,000 signatures. Using the ported incidents of all types of drug same law that forced repeal of the offences in B.C. last year, a 7.4 per harmonized sales tax, the petition cent decline from 2011. Marijuana MOVING SALE to trigger a province-wide refer- trafficking cases declined more Saturday Sept. 14th • 9:00 am - 1:00 pm endum needs support from 10 per than 20 per cent to 1,006 incidents, Appliances, tools, household items 1439 Pine Ave., Ashcroft cent of registered voters in each of and importation and exportation of B.C.’s 85 electoral districts. marijuana declined by 40 per cent. Having a Garage Sale? Advertise here $12.25 + GST. Larsen has proposed that B.C. Marijuana growing cases dego around the federal prohibition clined 4.6 per cent, following a with a “Sensible Policing Act” that 28.6 per cent drop in 2011. 250-453-2261 would disallow the use of B.C. po-
Rock used as weapon
Aug. 27 at 4 pm a 70 year old woman complained that her son’s 47 year old girlfriend came after her with a large rock while she was visiting them on the Bonaparte Reserve. She said the rock was thrown at her car, breaking a window. The matter is still under investigation.
Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent
Marijuana legalization drive
The Board of Directors of Semlin Valley Golf Course would like to extend a hearty
to all who supported, and attended, the fundraiser on Labour Day Monday Your support is truly appreciated
Royden Josephson: Between the Lines showing at Chazou Gallery 791 Victoria Street Kamloops, B.C. September 18 - October 18, 2013 (Hours: Tues. - Fri. 1:00 - 4:30 pm)
The Journal Thursday, September 12, 2013
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 3
Spences Bridge VFD a growing success for the community
People’s Drug Mart now in new location People’s Drug Mart in Ashcroft celebrated their new store location last week into the old Village Mall across the street from the Central Cafe. Mayor Andy Anderson and MLA Jackie Tegart congratulated them on the move, which has expanded their floor space. The store is planning a Grand Opening for the public on Oct. 19, featuring prizes and giveaways. Above L-R: Store Manager Irene Dumont, store owner Starla Ikari, MLA Jackie Tegart, store owner Victor Ikari and Mayor Andy Anderson.
Mine exploration goes ahead near 16 Mile Constantia Resources Ltd. is expecting to move one of possibly three drilling units onto its property near 16 Mile by the end of this month. “It’s good news from our perspective,” said Myke Clark, Sr. Manager - Stakeholder Affairs. “We’ve nailed down financing and are ready to move full steam ahead with the development,” he told Cache Creek Council on Monday. Constantia has been working in the area for the past two years after buying up several pieces of property in the area, including the old Ferguson farm. Now that financing is in place, the Vancouver-based company has finalized a drill contract that is expected to start before the end of September and they will be opening an office in Cache Creek in the old Napa building next to Chanors on the highway. The area has historical mineral development, including involvement from Bethlehem Copper, which abandoned the site in the early 1970s. Clark said Phase 1 will involve drilling for core samples. Some of the drill holes will twin existing ones, and
Behind the scenes in a small community in Blue Sky Country a Volunteer Fire Department, in the not too distance past, consisted of a Chief and very few firemen. This little Fire Department has become a big success story. Under the leadership of Chief Arnie Oram, the volunteer force has grown to 15 with a contingent of five First Responders. Per capita, this may possibly be the highest in all of BC - we are talking Spences Bridge, a community of about 150! In addition to the First Responder training arranged by the Volunteer Fire Dept., congratulations should be extended to Arnie Oram, Ross Figley, Roy Shaw, Dave Rice, Mike Jefferson, Craig Watson, Karen Peters, Shane Maglio and Derrell Keir. They will all be receiving their certificates for successful completion of the S-100 Fire Suppression and the S-185 Fire Entrapment Avoidance Exams. Well done Volunteer Fire Fighters! The Volunteer Fire Dept. would also like to welcome new members Darrell and Shane into their ranks. Thank you! In addition, Chief Oram would like to thank Instructor Mike Lewis who took the time out from his busy schedule to make it all possible. Another thank you from Chief Oram goes out the Wildfire Crew stationed in Lytton who had several meetings with the Spences Bridge Fire Dept. and spent considerable time in our community during the peak fire season. The SB Fire Dept. and Wildfire crew have another meeting scheduled for September. Chief Oram says the lines of communications between the Wildfire Branch and the Spences Bridge Fire Depart. have never been better and plans are to continue this relationship moving forward. Steven Rice
some will be to a depth of by Bonaparte River and He added that even 1,000 metres. He told Coun- area groundwater. He said though the company hope cil that they would not be they’ve also made commit- the exploration will lead toa drilling in the hills. ments to nearby residents mine, it can take 20 years to Constantia will conduct that they won’t be any over- do the exploration and get fiexploration for the next three night drilling. nances and permits in place. years to determine what is in the ground. They hope to add up to two more drill rigs to the site over th next few months, using labourers from the local area. The company is looking for copper and molybdenum, and hopes that exploration will eventually lead to a new mine in the area. “We’re proceeding with an overabundance of caution,” said Clark. “We hope to show people good environmental practices.” He assured Council that they would take every pre- Relaxing outside the arena at the Fall Fair with friends on a beautiful September day is one of the perks caution to protect the near- of living in a small town.
Taking it easy
A 4 www.ash-cache-journal.com Published every Thursday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber
The Editor’s Desk
Thursday, September 12, 2013 The Journal
Wendy Coomber
Thinking outside the schoolhouse It’s been a promising summer for Ashcroft and Cache Creek, as industry starts to pick up: the Ashcroft Terminal in Ashcroft and exploration of the old Maggie Mines site north of Cache Creek. Solid industry will be what eventually gives the local economies a boost as others look to the confidence shown by those companies who choose to invest in our areas. We can only hope that confidence continues to grow. Declining population over the years has left nothing but skin and bones of our towns. Each time we have to cut somewhere else, we think to ourselves that there’s nothing left to cut. We quickly find out that that’s not the case, as we’re asked to cut more. The school board relies on student population: no students equals no schools. It is unfortunate that comunities such as Spences Bridge and Big Bar have lost their schools in the past few years. When you don’t have much left, schools become a central point, a sign that not all is lost, and the focus of dreams for the future. Gold Trail has come up with an alternative to leaving communities without their schools. It’s not a great plan, but it’s as good as it’s going to get while enrolment continues to drop. In a perfect world, the province would provide money to build new schools in each of our communities that would be custom built for rural communities with low numbers in each grade from K-12. As it is, although the staff proposes school closures, they are not leaving the communities without schools. Yes, it’s a compromise, but it’s better than losing the school entirely - which would be the alternative. One day, populations in our communities will level off. With industry’s help, they may even grow again, but it’s not likely that we will have a student population large enough to fill the halls and classrooms of our schools to capacity. Rural populations everywhere have been declining for decades. Perhaps it’s time to accept that we need to look at a different way of doing things.
TOPPERS COVER A CROWD OF FASHIONABLE HEADS waiting for buyers at Lytton River Festival VICTORIA – Local politicians from across B.C. are in Vancouver Sept. 16 to 20 to take part in the annual Union of B.C. Municipalities convention. Serious discussion will revolve around a report by a UBCM executive committee to reshape the financial relationship between the province and local governments. If this proposal gets the support it deserves, Premier Christy Clark’s government will be asked to undo a couple of decades of political meddling in that relationship. One problem for local governments is that they depend on property tax, a stable source of revenue but one that has no relationship to the property owner’s ability to pay. It tends to load costs onto lower-income groups such as seniors and renters. Economic growth results mainly in increased corporate and personal income tax revenues as well as sales taxes, which aren’t shared with local governments. One key proposal is to return to a system of revenue sharing grants introduced by the Social Credit gov-
may find themselves with costs inflated by a hot construcTom Fletcher tion martfletcher@blackpress.ca ket and an arbitrary deadline to get the job done. ernment in the 1980s. They Then were funded by one point there are new regulations each from personal and cor- imposed by senior governporate income tax and six ments like the 2020 federper cent of sales, fuel and re- al deadline for Greater Vicsource tax revenues, thus in- toria to construct land-based creasing in years when prov- sewage treatment. Even with incial revenues were strong. federal and provincial cost The UBCM proposal is sharing, this project is goto put a share of provincial ing to land heavily on proprevenues into an infrastruc- erty tax bills, including those ture bank, to be distribut- of pensioners and poor rented by the organization on a ers who will have it passed more stable basis. on to them. Saanich Mayor Frank Leonard points to anLeonard, one of the authors other arbitrary system, provof the report, uses a basket- incial facilities that pay ball analogy to describe the grants in lieu of property current system of federal- taxes. Saanich is home to provincial grants for road the University of Victoria, a and bridge projects. It’s a community of 25,000 people “jump ball,” where com- that needs water and sewer munities have to apply to a service, as well as police and fund when it’s offered and fire protection. Saanich gets then see who gets it. an annual grant in lieu of Even if a commun- property taxes of $120,000 ity wins the jump ball, they
A community cash crunch
Advertising: sales@accjournal.ca production@accjournal.ca Editorial: editorial@accjournal.ca
A division of black Press est. 1895
402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625
Terry Daniels
Wendy Coomber
Anne Blake
Barbara Roden
for UVic, enough to cover wages and benefits for one cop and maybe some gas money. Cariboo Regional District chair Al Richmond, cochair of the UBCM committee, is concerned about new water and flood protection legislation the province is preparing to impose. His district and others like it have thousands of kilometres of riverfront, with relatively few property owners. Interior communities also want BC Hydro to pay something for power lines, as is now being done with some aboriginal territories. Local politicians will be expecting a sympathetic ear from the new version of the B.C. Liberal government. Former Quesnel councillor Coralee Oakes is the new community, sport and cultural development minister, with direct responsibility for local government issues. And one of the original members of this UBCM committee was former Langley City mayor Peter Fassbender, who is now minister of education. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press.
Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The Journal Thursday, September 12, 2013
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 5
Tickets on sale for Fall and Spring concert series Faye Blais at the Packing House
The Packing House in Spences Bridge presents another great night of music and food. Faye Blais will be coming to town on Wednesday, Sept. 11 and sharing her impressive jazzy-bluesy folk style. A full-time singer-songwriter, Blais is at home playing both the acoustic and electric guitars, keys and on vocals. Her influences stem from the indie music scene, starting with early 90s artists such as Jewel, Sarah McLachlan, Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, and Ani DiFranco, and later moving onto Feist and Metric. Initially identifying herself more with folk music, she broadened her horizons over the years and gravitated towards other genres. “I don’t want to give it any kind of focused label because I wanna have the freedom to sort of create without boundaries I suppose,” she said. Blais’ latest album, On the Bright Side, was released in May of 2012 and consists of a collection of songs she has written over the years of her travels living in Taiwan, Australia and Canada over the last five years. Recorded at her family’s cottage in northern Ontario, the album served introspectively as a way for her to come out of a darker period of her life and find her groove. Reserve your candlelit table and enjoy the fresh picked offerings of Secret Gardens farm featured in your dinner and dessert. Dinner starting from 5:30 pm with music starting at 7 pm. Call for reservations at (250) 458-2256.
Clinton Arts & Artisan Show
The 8th Annual Clinton Arts & Artisan Show runs Friday, Oct. 4 to Sunday, Oct. 6. Opening night is Oct. 4, from 6-9 pm. The Show continues Saturday and Sunday, 1-6 pm in Clinton’s Memorial Hall, 306 Lebourdais St. As well as all the fabulous art displayed on the walls there will be artisans selling crafts at tables. Musicians and dancers will be performing intermittently throughout the show. Call Sandy Reed at 250-457-9560 to reserve space. If interested in performing just come out.
CREATIVE CURRENT Nadine Davenport creativecurrent@ telus.net House Concert with Sophia Danai
Creative Cow House Concerts presents Sophia Danai appearing at a special location House Concert on Saturday, Sept. 21. Do yourself a favour and see this up and coming superstar, Sophia Danai. This show will be held at a lovely location called the Eagles Nest Retreat at 2315 Hwy 97C - just 4 km from Ashcroft. Call today for directions (250) 453-9100 and to reserve your comfy chair. What do you get when you take a woman from Langley British Columbia, of French and Greek descent, whose early exposure to music came by the way of Nina Simone, Billie Holiday and Portishead? Sophia Danai, a singer/songwriter described by ION Magazine as “a multifaceted artist” with music that is both cinematic and soulful. Enter Chin Injeti, two time Grammy Award winning producer for artists such as Pink and Eminem. One day, on Facebook, Chin sees a charming video of Sophia playing her Electone organ in her parents basement. He is blown away. The songs, the voice, the look, it all made sense. Immediately he was in touch and history is soon to be made. Many songs later, including collaborations with DJ Khalil, THC (Kendrick Lamar), Talib Kweli, and Shad K, to name a few, Sophia Danai is now ready to launch her debut EP “Wishing Well. On the release of her debut EP, ‘Wishing Well’, Sophia brings a sound that is classic through timeless and thought provoking lyrics, with melodies that are haunting but always heartwarming. The show starts at 7:30 pm - call (250) 453-9100 to reserve your seat. Hope to some new faces at this very enjoyable community event - coffee, tea and sweets provided. Sure to be a great show!
A Fall and Spring line up for the 2013/14 season is starting to take shape as Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society begins it’s 4th season of conSee CURRENT on p. 6 certs at St Albans in downtown Ashcroft. You can look forward to six Dessert Concerts this season. Plus - an opportunity to buy all six shows as a package for some great cost savThe Ashcroft & District Lions Club would like to thank ings. This offer is only available via the following merchants and individuals for their phone - so call today at (250) 453generous donations to our Annual Golf Tournament. 9100 to get all six shows for a great It was a very successful tournament and the proceeds will musical deal! go to Children’s Hospital and local soccer team jerseys The first show of the Season is Ashcroft Donations Arrow Transportation • Ashcroft Bakery scheduled for Friday, Oct. 4 with Ashcroft Barber Shop • TW Dynamic Enterprises Vancouver’s Don Alder, who’s perAshcroft Irly Bird & The Source • Ashcroft Journal Ashcroft Plumbing & Heating • Nature’s Gifts cussive wall-of-sound composAshcroft Realty/Royal LePage • Fields Stores itional approach has helped him John Bundus • OK-Stop Fas Gas • Quality Glass & Tire win major competitions around the Remax Golden Country Realty • Revelations Hair Salon Ashcroft River Inn Restaurant • Safety Mart Foods • Sears world. He plays acoustic fingerTrackside Restaurant • Friendship Auto style guitar with a passion that has Cache Creek Donations A&W/Chevron • Anie’s Pizza • Bonaparte Bend quickly earned him a reputation Bonaparte Motel • Cache Creek Machine Shop • Desert as Vancouver’s “best kept little seMotel cret”. Don is a world-class fingerChanor’s Truck & Auto Repairs • Cheryl’s Place Chum’s Family Restaurant • Dairy Queen • Good Knight Inn style guitarist with a “wow factor” Grubstake Food Mart • Heartland Restaurant • Jade Shoppe that has let to multiple endorseHusky Car & Truck Stop • Junction Shell • Kal Tire Lordco • Royal Bank • Phat Albert’s Restaurant • Subway ment deals with major manufacturSundowner Motel • Roadhouse Towing • Veterinary Hospital ers and collaboration with GreenVillage of Cache Creek • Wastech Services Dave’s Golf Club Regripping • ASC Automotive field guitars to produce a signature Kamloops Merchants Donations acoustic guitar- the “Don Alder Golf Land • Citation RV Repairs G4” model. Jubilee RV Centre • Canadian Tire Don currently resides in VanPrivate Donations Pache Denis • Nick and Arlene Lebedoff • Ines Lopez couver. His unique style of playDarrell Rawcliffe • Dave and Joyce MacPherson ing incorporates fingerpicking with Gordon and Darlene Daily • Maurice and Elaine Gagne simultaneous percussion on the soundboard to create a wall of sound. He is often referred to Responsive, Reliable, Professional. as sounding like The Industry Leader through Customer Choice a four piece band. Don’s music is his own unique weave of deep-
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SELECT STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES Chair: Dan Ashton, MLA (Penticton) Deputy Chair: Mike Farnworth, MLA (Port Coquitlam)
Would you like to share your views on priorities for the next provincial budget?
W E W A N T T O H E A R F R O M YO U ! The all-party Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services is inviting submissions on the Budget 2014 Consultation Paper, prepared by the Minister of Finance. British Columbians can participate by attending a public hearing, answering an on-line survey, making a written submission, or sending the Committee a video or audio file. The consultation process concludes Wednesday, October 16, 2013. For more information, please visit our website at: www.leg.bc.ca/cmt/finance or contact: Parliamentary Committees Office, Room 224, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4; tel: 250.356.2933, or toll-free in BC: 1.877.428.8337; fax: 250.356.8172; e-mail: FinanceCommittee@leg.bc.ca Susan Sourial, Committee Clerk
WRAP Society unwraps their Fall & Spring Musical Season
ly textured melody and story. Lyrical and compelling, his original songs are notes of exploration - some passionate and haunting, some hard-driven, others light and teasing. In quiet pieces or pushing right to the edge, Don’s phenomenal fingerstyle playing and rich voice captivate not to be missed!
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Classical, traditional and raunchy roots ‘n blues On Nov. 8 you can look forward to Miss Quincy and the Showdown. Just recently here in August to these parts and knocking the socks off everyone who attended Desert Daze in Spences Bridge, Miss Quincy will be bringing her all-girl rock n’ roll band to Ashcroft. You won’t find them singing pretty pages out of their diaries. Instead, you’ll find them starting a party everywhere they play by getting down and rocking out with raunchy roots and blues and straight up rock n’ roll. On Valentines weekend, we will feature a very unique Sunday Matinee show. Take your sweetie, mom, or the whole family to ‘Paws & Tales ensemble’ on Sunday, Feb. 16. ‘Paws and Tales’ is a quartet of classical musicians from Kam-
loops. This ensemble also includes Catharine Dochst on Flute, Sally Arai on Clarinet, Dimiter Terziev on Piano and Opera Singer, Carlene Wiebe on Vocals. Coming on Friday, March 14 will be The Moonshiners. Known for their powerful three part harmonies, danceable grooves and wild instrumental excursions The Moonshiners are an Urban West Coast take on Bluegrass, folk, early Country and Blues. Based in Victoria, the band is comprised of some of Vancouver Island’s best acoustic musicians: Chris Herbst (Dobro, vocals), Cluny Macpherson (Bass, vocals), Miriam Sonstenes (Fiddle, Vocals), Mike Brooks (Mandolin) and Tad Ruszel (Guitar, vocals). On Apr. 6 a special Sunday Matinee gospel style with the fabulous Ken Whiteley. Ken Whiteley is a Canadian roots music legend. His musical journey has taken him from jug band, folk and swing to blues, gospel and children’s music. Reserve your space! Among numerous accolades, he has been awarded a Canadian Folk Call The Journal 250-453-2261 Music Award, Genie Award for Best Original Song in a Canadian film, Lifetime Achievement recog-
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nition from the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals and Mariposa Folk Festival. Whether leading his own group, solo or collaborating with peers at blues, folk, children’s festivals and concerts of all sizes, his “...deep knowledge and infectious passion” guarantee good times for all. As a producer of over 125 recording projects, Ken’s productions have garnered 10 Canadian Gold and Platinum records, four American Gold records, 22 Juno and two Grammy nominations, and sold over eight million copies. Closing out the Season will be First Nations Artist, Sandy Scofield on Friday, May 9. Scofield is a multi-award winning composer, musician and singer. She has studied classical, jazz, African, Indonesian gamelan and electro-acoustic music. A Métis from the Saulteaux and Cree Nations, she hails from four generations of fiddlers, singers and musicians. Among her four recordings to date, she has won five Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards, a Canadian Folk Music Award, an Indian Summer Music Award (U.S.A.), a Western Canadian Music Award and received three consecutive Juno nominations. Over the years, she has mentored innumerable First Nations singers and songwriters in the way of rudimentary music theory, vocal techniques, songwriting craft and music-industry protocol. She has toured to festivals on four continents, and in 2011, performed at the International Rainforest World Music Festival in Borneo making this the fifth continent where she has performed. She has composed for dance, film,
Thursday, September 12, 2013 The Journal
television and theatre, with the Aboriginal Welcoming Song for the 2010 Olympic Opening Ceremonies, the highlight to date. Look for a full 2013/14 season line up, videos, show dates and bios of all performers on WRAP’s website – www. windingriversarts.ca
Family Movie Night features Epic
The Village of Cache Creek presents another fun Family Movie at the Cache Creek Community Hall. The feature movie this month is the fabulous animated kids movie - EPIC. Bring the whole family to see this funny fantasy-adventure comedy-drama movie on Saturday, Sept. 28. Admission at the door. Doors open at 6:30 pm with the Movie starting at 7 pm. There will be popcorn and goodies available for purchase at the concession supporting Cache Creek Elementary School’s Parent Advisory Council. No outside food or drinks, please. Children must be supervised and remain seated and quiet during the movie please. In EPIC, a teenager finds herself transported to a deep forest setting where a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil is taking place. She bands together with a rag-tag group characters in order to save their world - and ours.
Desert Bells looking for new member
Desert Bells Handbell Choir, an intergenerational group that rehearses on Thursday evenings in Cache Creek Elementary School, is seeking a new ringer. If you are interested please call Carmen Ranta for more information at 250457-9119. Experience not required. Age 10 to senior.
The Journal Thursday, September 12, 2013
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Summer events elicit good comments
Seniors Association members Pat Kilt, Pat Kirby and Donna Tetrault sell tickets at the Fair for their Nov. 16 raffle.
Seniors host Open House The Seniors Centre opened on Sept. 9 after the summer break. Welcome back to our members. On Sept. 25, from 1-4 pm, we are holding an Open House for all to come and share Ashcroft-Cache Creek coffee, tea and goodies. All seniors 55 years Seniors and older are invited to come and visit for the Muriel Scallon afternoon. We will be demonstrating all of the forms of entertainment we have for you. We welcome all of your suggestions to improve or change our format as it is now. It has been a very fulfilling summer and I, for one, will be happy to see you all again.
FrOM tHe Centre
Coming Events
Sept. 15 - A Covenanting Service is being held for Pastor Alice Watson, DM. , 4 pm at Zion United, 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft. Guest preacher is Rev. Ivy Thomas. Everyone is welcome. Meal to follow. Sept. 21 - Steak & Lobster Dinner at the Legion 6 pm. Limited number of tickets available at the bar. Sept. 25 - Ashcroft Seniors Open House All Members and Seniors Welcome Oct. 4 - Movie Night 7 pm in Zion United Church Hall. Showing: Night at the Museum. Everyone is welcome. Free admission; refreshments by donation. Oct. 10 - Ashcroft Seniors 80+ Luncheon. Nov. 16 - Ashcroft Seniors Christmas Bazaar and Tea. Every Friday - Soup’s On from 11 am to 1 pm at St. Alban’s Anglican Church in Ashcroft. Soup, buns and dessert by donation. Every Saturday - Cache Creek Farmer and Flea Market 9 am to 1 pm at the main intersection, next to Chums Restaurant.
Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., SEPT. 13 13th • 6:30 - 8:00 pm ROAST PORK DINNER $9/plate Visitors Welcome
MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm
* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Contract Bridge, beginners welcome Every Tuesday 1:00 to 4:00 pm Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August)
Our first meeting after the summer recess was held Sept. 3. Reta Robertson led the devotional with a reading from John 1 and Quiet Moments for Women by June MastersBacher. People who share themselves always leave a gift. Reta chaired the meeting in Lynn Lancaster’s absence. Under old business, we evaluated our hosting of the Bikers for Bibles and noted there were many good comments about the food and accommodations we provided when they arrived in Ashcroft from Merritt for dinner and overnight. Our Stay At Home Tea was very successful and appreciations were extended for not having to go out on a hot day. Thanks to all for your support in this. Many pieces of correspondence were dealt with, including news from V.S.T. And the BC Conference annual report. The magazine Riding the Waves from the Women’s Inter Church Council of Canada was also received. The 1st United
United in Spirit United Church Women Phyllis Gray Church in Vancouver is now 1st United Church Community Society. A brochure about a retreat called Midwives of an Unnamed Future to be held Nov. 13 at the Sorrento Centre was received and discussed. To encourage a couple who may want to go, we decided to help a little with the registration. The reports were given orally and our Sunshine Lady sent out many cards during the summer. Some of us will be attending the Soups On meeting coming up next week. Many Campbell soup labels were turned in to Reta, so we thank all of you who save these for us for our outreach work. Also, some used stamps were handed in too, so many thanks for these items as well. We then had our coffee break and Time of Fellowship before resuming the meeting. For our October meeting, we are to bring three “thinking
of you” cards to give to the residents of Garden Oasis at the hospital for their use. We discussed the second upcoming Bazaar date in November, and will have posters out and notices in The Journal before then. Church calendars will be available and ordered soon. The Food Committee for Alice’s covenanting service Sept. 15 met just prior to the Sept. 3 meeting and food donations were paired up with donors for the dinner after the service. Thank you ladies. The next meeting will be Oct. 8 at 2 pm. This falls on the second Tuesday because our choir person will be away. We closed with the United Church Women’s prayer.
Call Terry at 250-453-2261 for the best advertising in town or email her at sales@accjournal.ca
Natural gas prices When it comes to buying natural gas, it’s nice to have a choice. Compare your options: fixed rates and terms offered by independent gas marketers or a variable rate offered by FortisBC. Customer Choice: it’s yours to make. Residential fixed rates (per GJ)* Gas marketer
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Access Gas Services Inc.
1-877-519-0862 accessgas.com
Just Energy
1-877-865-9724 justenergy.com
Planet Energy
1-888-755-9559 planetenergyhome.ca
Summitt Energy BC LP
1-877-222-9520 summittenergy.ca
Superior Energy Management
1-877-784-4262 superiorenergy.ca
Local natural gas utility
Contact info
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3 yr term
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5 yr term
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For more information, visit fortisbc.com/choice. *Chart shows gas marketers’ rates for a range of fixed terms, valid as of September 1, 2013. Marketers typically offer a variety of rates and options. Check gas marketers’ websites or call to confirm current rates. **Residential variable rate valid as of July 1, 2013. FortisBC’s rates are reviewed quarterly by the British Columbia Utilities Commission. A gigajoule (GJ) is a measurement of energy used for establishing rates, sales and billing. One gigajoule is equal to one billion joules (J) or 948,213 British thermal units (Btu). The Customer Choice name and logo is used under license from FortisBC Energy Inc. This advertisement is produced on behalf of the British Columbia Utilities Commission.
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ICBC seeks 4.9 per cent rate hike by Tom Fletcher Black Press ICBC has applied for a 4.9 per cent rate increase to its basic vehicle insurance rates to take effect Nov. 1. For an average driver who now pays $1,369 a year for basic insurance, the increase would add an extra $36. In its rate
application to the B.C. Utilities Commission, ICBC is also seeking four per cent decrease in optional coverage that would reduce that annual bill by $25. The last rate increase was 11 per cent in 2012, coupled with a six per cent cut in optional insurance where ICBC competes with private insurers.
In an open letter to customers, Mark Blucher, interim CEO of ICBC, says the increase is needed to keep up with increasing bodily injury claims, with higher payouts as more people turn to lawyers to dispute their insurance payouts. Blucher said injury claim volume is also rising, including crashes involving drivers distracted by smartphones, and more pedestrians and cyclists on roads. ICBC cut 260 positions last year af-
Thursday, September 12, 2013 The Journal
ter an audit of its operations showed its management ranks had swelled by 41 per cent between 2007 and 2011. Blucher said ICBC’s administrative costs amount to five cents out of every premium dollar, with 86 cents going to claim payouts. Bodily injury claims, for pain and suffering, future care and loss of wages totalled $1.9 billion in 2012, up $165 million from the previous year and $400 million higher than five years previously.
SCHOOL NOTES Ashcroft Secondary School
Cassidy Faith
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A brand new school year School began Sept. 3 for 135 Ashcroft Secondary School students. For some of the members of the Ashcroft Community that means seeing children walking to or from school, seeing school buses in the morning and afternoon and hearing their cries of joy during recess from your dining room window. The day started with a whole-hearted “Welcome Back” from Principal Colleen Minnabariet. It was a positive atmosphere as friends were united and teachers introduced their courses to their new pupils. This year, members of the 2014 Grad Class are the ones to set the example for the class of 2018 who are the new grade eights. The youngsters of this year are surely getting used to the new building and students they will be attending school with for the next 10 months. Shanusee Brookes in Grade 8 says, “I’m excited to learn and I’m looking forward to having fun and the dances!” This year the junior girls volley ball team is hoping to recruit new members from the fresh batch of Grade 8s. The boys soccer team will be including players from Clinton and has already started practices. This year the Travel Club is going to Ontario and Quebec, learning their French along the way. In all it was a good start to the school year of 2013/14.
The Journal Thursday, September 12, 2013
Photos by Wendy Coomber
A salute to agriculture Music, food, farm animals and plenty of home handcrafts to look at, the 2013 Ashcroft Fall Fair provided an excellent way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Sign-Up! Looking for something different this fall? There are lots of things to do in our community! Volunteer with one of many service clubs, or take a course or get fit! If you want to advertise your service club, community group, sports group, etc., give us a call to find out how.
Announcing Ashcroft and District Curling Club AGM September 18, 2013 at 7:30 pm Yes folks it is time to dust off the brooms and shoes and come on out for some fun and good company. The executive have committed to advancing the sport of curling in Ashcroft and would like to see the return of the Grand Old Game to its former glory here in Ashcroft. Come on out to the meeting and help to plan another great year of curling. Hope to see you all there.
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A10 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, September 12, 2013 The Journal
Riding with Gammy
I’ve learned some very valuable life lessons from my grandmother over the years, and one of them was to worry little about what people think of me. It’s not that she worried little. In fact, she worried quite a lot, and still does. But watching her concern herself about what others think is what’s helped me to stop. When my dad was eight and my uncle was four, my grandfather abandoned them, leaving my ‘Gammy’ with all the responsibilities, as well as a great deal of shame. It was back in the fifties when there existed a stigma against single mothers, particularly divorcees. Unfortu-
nately, she cared what people thought of her and her situation, and it added significantly to her struggles. When I was a teen and first learned about what she had gone through, I became upset. Not at my grandfather, who I hardly knew, or at the faceless strangers seemingly thinking bad things, but at my grandmother. How could she have not seen how wonderful and kind hearted she was? How could she have allowed anyone to make her feel badly about herself in any way? “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent,” Eleanor Roosevelt once said. Very true, but
not always the easiest words to live by, as I found out. I was quite young when I first realized that concerning ourselves with what others think of us could negatively impact our life experience, yet I still went on to do it myself. Seeking the acceptance and approval of others seems to be one of those common traits among people, women especially. Many of us have to actually re-train our brains in order to stop doing it. And for some, it’s harder to do than others, and we need constant reminding. Another thing my grandmother taught me was to live life fearlessly. Not that she’s
ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE loriwelbourne.com done that either. She’s got a healthy dose of fear within her, and was quite anxious about driving an allterrain vehicle at my cousin’s wedding and then zip-lining at my dad’s birthday party at the age of 88. But she didn’t let the fear stop her, and she went for it in both instances. “I admire your courage,” she’s often said to me. “I wish I could
September 2013 • Week 2 ARIES - Aries, you may not like scheduling too many things in advance, but sometimes it pays to plan and let others know your schedule so their minds are at ease. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 You may experience a financial windfall this week, Taurus. It may be a good time to ask for a raise or to play the lottery. Luck is on your side in the coming days. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, expand your horizons and your path to success will be illuminated. Creativity will bring new opportunities and people into your life this week. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Share your optimism and enthusiasm with others, Cancer. You may prove unable to contain your happiness, so don’t be surprised if those around you pick up that vibe. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, expect your social life to take off this week. Things pick up with your friends, and romance might be right around the corner. Enjoy the ride. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you might think you can do no wrong at work, but scale back on risky decisions. Right now you have achieved financial stability, and you don’t want to risk that. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, your heart is set on a lofty goal, but you recognize all the hard work necessary to make that goal a reality. Give it your best shot, and you will be glad you did. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you may convince yourself that now is not the time to spend money on something that will make you feel good, but there is no reason to let fear get in the way of happiness. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 A friend or partner could open up a window of opportunity for you, Sagittarius. Make the most of this opportunity, and success will soon follow. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t get much done this week, Capricorn. There are many enticing distractions, and you can afford to devote some time to trivial pursuits. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, this week may allow you to have your cake and eat it, too. Friends may be envious of your luck, so be sure to share some of your good fortune with those around you. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, devote ample time to your personal life this week. A few things need sorting out, so don’t hesitate to put other matters on the back burner.
have been more like you throughout my life.” But what she doesn’t realize, is that she’s one of the strongest and bravest women I’ve ever known. And her willingness to discuss her perceived imperfections so openly
has given me the strength to be okay with my flaws as well. After surviving a difficult childhood, my grandmother raised two sons on her own, taught elementary school, gave driving instructions and did other odd jobs, painted pictures, played the piano, pinched pennies, and traveled much of the world. As much as she might think she is, she’s no shrinking violet. Not even close. A shy, talented, smart, gracious and incredibly loving woman, Gammy has been an amazing role
model for me in the way she has lived her life, and in the way she wished she had lived it. Turning 90 on September 9, she continues to have me admiring her and her constant quest to keep learning, improving and participating in activities that bring her joy. I am grateful to her for all that she’s taught me, and I look forward to what else I’ll learn over the next decade on Earth with her. Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be reached at LoriWelbourne.com
The Journal Thursday, September 12, 2013
Ironman competition incredible While washing dishes last Fall my wife Juanita says to me: “When are you going to do Ironman?” “Are you saying you are giving me the OK to do Ironman?” I replied. She said, “Yeah, I guess that’s the next step isn’t it?” We sat down and talked about exactly how much more training there would be. With basically twice the training per week to complete an Ironman in a decent time, she agreed I should do it. So now I would have to train 1520 hrs per week instead of a max of 12 hours like I had been in the past. For those who don’t know what Ironman is – it’s a 3.8km swim, 180km bike, then a 42.2km run - all in the same day, and you have 17 hours to complete it. It’s the full monty, the real deal, the whole enchilada in the Triathlon world. Many people tattoo the Ironman logo onto their bodies after completion. The event itself is hard, very hard – but the training leading up to the day is even harder. The 20 hours a week of training on top of a 48 hour work week at the mine, plus some amount of sleeping in between, was hard to co-ordinate from week to week. Somehow though with huge support from my family I was able to accomplish it. At the time, it was still undecided where Ironman was going to be held, because of a financial and political disagreement between Ironman and Penticton. In the end, Whistler got the bid, and it couldn’t have happened to a better area. I started training on Jan. 1, with long runs on the treadmill, and long bike rides on a stationary trainer, all done in the basement while watching movies and reruns of “Big Bang Theory”. It was totally boring, but I needed to get the base fitness in for when the weather got nice, and I could do some faster work outside. You see, I could just “finish” Ironman, but I wanted to do well. My goal was to finish in 10 hours, and if possible, qualify for the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii
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402 4th St. Ashcroft, B.C.
Living Well Wayne Little miner1098 @gmail.com I’ve never done one before and I was going to need help. I hired the same coach who helped me win the BC Provincial Championships last year, Maurice Maher from Multisport Solutions. I didn’t think I had the know how or discipline to put myself into the long hours of training. Maurice gave me a schedule for the season and lots of one on one workouts to get me to the Finish Line in Whistler. In the months of training, I participated a few little tune up races: two half marathons in Kamloops, a half Ironman in Oliver, a six hour mountain bike race, a few short 10 km running races, club level bicycle races in Kamloops and an Olympic distance triathlon in Calgary. All these were pretty much treated as training tools for a successful Ironman. I was driving back and forth to Kamloops until our pool opened doing laps at TCC, up to eight km per week there. Biking to work, and all over Ashcroft when the weather got nicer was fun, my longest ride being from Ashcroft to Lillooet to Lytton and back to Ashcroft – 237 km and it took me eight and a half hours. This route is also great for running with my longest run lasting three hours. 6:59 am, Sunday, Aug. 25, Alta Lake, Whistler: The day had finally arrived. The pro’s started 10 minutes ago. I was in the water at the start line with over 2,200 other people who had also trained long and hard, neglecting their family and
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friends along the way. awesome. I pass 600 people on the bike We are all here to be course, and come to the run portion feelable to call ourselves ing fresh. Well, sort of. 180 km done in an “Ironman”. 5hrs 17minutes. BOOM! The cannon goes off, the My coach told me, “Don’t go fast in swim course is two laps of 1.9 km each the beginning of the run, you’ll blow up in a long rectangular shape. The fast guys and end up walking.” For the first 21 km I and gals are lucky, as they are fast enough felt pretty good. I’m running slow – well, to get ahead of the mass, I’m not so lucky. slower than I’m used to running, that is. I get to Turn One at 800m with about The course goes around Lost and Green 150 other athletes. It’s like being flushed Lake, along golf courses, across covered down a toilet bowl but with more kick- wooden bridges, over boardwalks and ing and getting hit in the head by flail- through Whistler Village. It is truly aweing hands. There is no way you can train some. With literally thousands of people for this part, it’s horrible. No one is trySee LIVING on p. 12 ing to hurt anyone else, it’s just that there is too many people trying to take up the same corner in the lake. Turns Two and Three get better as more athletes fall behind, but not ZION UNITED by much. By the time I’m finished Sunday Worship 10:50 am Lap 1, it’s getting better. About half 401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 way through the second lap, I start zuc@coppervalley.bc.ca • http://ashcroftunited.ca catching up to the slow swimmers. United Church of Canada These are the people who are probPastor Alice Watson, DM ably not going to finish Ironman today. It’s tricky navigating through them. The swim is over after 1hr SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10 am and 15 minutes. I’m so happy. I finKIDZ MONDAY SCHOOL: 3:30 pm ish in about 800th place. St. Alban’s Onto the bike! This is my thing, 501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909 I love the bike. The longer, the faster, the better. The course leaves Anglican Church of Canada Rainbow Park and heads up CalREV. DAN HINES OR DEACON LOIS PETTY lahan to Whistler Olympic Park, with a long hill up Callahan. I love Cache Creek Pentecostal Church it. I love hills. Then back down Christ Centered People Centered Callahan and past Pemberton, 30 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. km past Pemberton and back to Phone 250-457-6463 Whistler. Other than the blatant Pastor David Murphy cheaters who are drafting off of Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. other riders, and people blocking Everyone welcome you to pass, the Bike course was
ChurCh DireCtory
Thursday, September 12, 2013 The Journal
A 12 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Fewer forest fires in BC this summer by Tom Fletcher Black Press B.C. has emerged from one of its sunnier summers in recent years with a below-average number of forest fires. As of Sept. 1, the B.C. government’s wildfire management branch record 1,687 reported wildfires for the season, compared to an average year of nearly 2,000 fires. This year’s fires burned a total of 11,434 Part of the fire camp for the Spatsum Creek Fire in May hectares, far less than the
average damage of more than 130,000 hectares. Wet weather returned with school to large parts of the province, after a sunny summer that saw several dry-weather records set. For the first time since records were kept, Vancouver airport recorded no rain for the entire month of July. The number of reported fires so far this year is slightly higher than the total for last year, but the total area burned in 2012
Community Volunteer Groups The Royal Canadian Legion #113
301 Brink St., Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Phone: 250-453-2423 Fax # 250-453-9625
South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society
601 Bancroft St. Box 603, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 250-453-9656
Ashcroft and District Fall Fair Contact Person: Janna 250-457-6614 Contact Person: Jessica 250-457-7128
Sage & Sand Pony Club
District Commissioner: Marcie Down sageandsandspc@hotmail.com
regions as dry conditions were relieved. Despite public information campaigns and open burning restrictions, provincial statistics continue to show about 40 per cent of wildfires are human caused, with most of the rest sparked by lightning. The relatively quiet fire season allowed B.C. to send crews to help battle wildfires in Washington, Montana and Idaho during August.
Long hours of training needed to enter competition
Ashcroft-Cache Creek Rotary Club
Contact Person: Denise Fiddick Phone 250-453-9547
Desert Spokes Cycle Society Phone 250-457-9348
Ashcroft Curling Club Phone 250-453-2341
Soups On
St. Alban’s Anglican Church Hall, 501 Brink Street Tel: 250-453-9909 or 250-453-2053 - All Welcome
Ducks Unlimited Canada
Ashcroft & District Rodeo Association Phone: 250-457-9390
Ashcroft/Cache Creek Volunteer Chapter Phone 250-374-8307
Ashcroft Volunteer Fire Department
Ashcroft and Masonic Lodge Zarthan Lodge No#105
Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department
Contact Person: Fred Dewick
was nearly 10 times greater. The province spent $133 million on firefighting last year, a total that should be much lower when the bills are added up for 2013. Open burning remains banned for the Southeast Fire Centre region until as late as Sept. 20. Campfire bans were lifted Aug. 26 for the Kamloops and Coastal Fire Centre regions, and earlier in the month for the Northwest, Cariboo and Prince George
Phone 250-453-2415
Ashcroft & District Tennis Association Contact Person: Maria Russell Martin Phone 250-453-9391
Phone 250-453-2233
Phone 250-457-9967
South Cariboo Sportsmen Assc. #3366 Attn: Marian Pitt, Box 341, Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0
Ashcroft & District Lions Club
Soccer Association
Contact Person: Lion Vivian Phone 250-453-9077
Contact: Sandi Harry
Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Assc.
Minor Hockey Association
601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9762
Contact: Lewis Kinvig Phone 457-7489 or 299-3229 lewis.kinvig@rona.ca or lewiskinvig@hotmail.com
The Ashcroft & District Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store
Historic Hat Creek Ranch
347 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp
Kinsmen Club of South Cariboo
601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9944 Contact Person: Lt. (N) Curran 250-319-3461 Alexine Johannsson 250-453-2661 email: darrin.curran@cadets.gc.ca
Ashcroft Communities in Bloom
Contact: Jack Jeyes
Phone 250-457-9366
Phone 250-453-2259
Contact Person: Dave 250-453-9062
Cache Creek Recreation Society Contact Person: Jackie
Phone 250-457-9122
Contact Persons: Andrea Walker 250-453-9402 or Marijke Stott 250-453-0050
Ashcroft Royal Purple Phone 250-457-9122
Taoist Tai Chi Contact Person: Danita Howard Phone 250-453-9907 e-mail: dangre@telus.net
Bridging to Literacy Contact Person: Ann Belcham 250-453-9417
Ashcroft Hospice Program
Shirley 250-453-9202 or Marijke 250-453-0050
Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society Contact Person: Nadine 450.453.9100
The “Purpose of Sunday” Car Club President: Tom Lowe 240-457-6564
SCI Thompson River, B.C. Chapter Ken Brown - Phone: 250-453-9415
Canadian Red Cross - Health Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.)
Ashcroft Yoga Group
Ashcroft Hospital - 250-453-2244
Call Marijke - Phone: 250-453-0050
Desert Bells Handbell Choir
Second Time Around
Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119
201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft BC Anne Bonter 250-457-9781
Sage Sound Singers Adult Community Choir Michelle Reid 250-457-9676
Cache Creek Communities in Bloom Committee Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119
Cache Creek Beautification Society
BC Lung Association Carolyn Chorneychuk, Director 250-453-9683 Email:carelee67@gmail.com
(and Farmers Market) Judy Davison 250-457-6693
Wayne Little with his family at the Whistler Ironman.
along the course cheering you on, it was so much fun. The second 21 km, I didn’t feel so good. This is the part you can’t train for, as you need too much recovery time. I’m digging deep to stay running at any speed, never mind fast. I figure I’ll just walk through the aid stations. Then I figure I’ll just walk on the uphill portions. In the last 5 km or so I can hear the crowds cheering on people across the finish line. I feel a rush hit me and I run fairly fast – well, faster than walking that’s for sure - all the way across the finish line. I finish in 10hrs 32minutes. That’s about 32 minutes short of my goal, and about 27 minutes away from qualifying for Kona. Was I disappointed? Heck no. When I was done running and crossed the Finish Line, it felt like I had been racing forever. At that point, there were people only just starting the run course. It crossed Living from p. 11
my mind that there were 2,000 people who had wished they’d trained and raced like I did. The winner finished two hours in front of me. He’s from Kelowna and has tried to win Ironman for probably half his life. I would like to take this time to say “Sorry” to my friends and family who I either didn’t see, or completely ignored through this season. I would also like to thank my family Juanita, Calvin and Rhea, for putting up with me, my coach Maurice, and my sponsors Runner’s Sole and Taboo Cycles. What’s next? I have one more triathlon I would like to do in Cultus Lake, then I’m going to train to finish a Marathon in three hours. Next year, I’ll be going for the BC Provincial Championships as I’ll be in a new age group. When do I plan on doing Ironman again? Not soon, but in the future, when my children are a little more independent and don’t need “Dad” around as much.
The Journal Thursday, September 12, 2013
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 13
Get on your soap box and ride it all the way Soap Box Derby
Check out this next 150/50 event in Clinton: a Soapbox Derby! There is still time to build your soapbox car. Get the family all involved. This fun event will be held on Saturday, Sept. 21 with safety checks at 9 a.m. and the derby race at 10 a.m. There are four race classes: kids age six to 12; teens are 13-19; adults and teams. Entry is free. The Soapbox Derby will be held at David Stoddart School Hill and Cariboo Avenue. There will be other fun things to do as well. These could include Uncle Chris the Clown and perhaps even a pudding eating contest. For more information call Desiree at 250-8529875 or Kira at 250-3188145. Then plan to come out
The dinner is at 6 p.m. with show time at 7:30, all in Susan Swan the Clinton Memorial Hall. 459-2224 or 2325 Advance tickcountrysquire@ ets would be apbcwireless.com preciated so if you would like and have fun. Even if you a ticket please call Lois at are not entering it will be fun 250-459-7729. to watch. This is another great 150/50 event in Clinton. And Clinton in Clinton there are still more to come. Also on Saturday, Sept. 21 is a spaghetti dinner with special entertainment. Comedy magician Clinton W. Gray will be coming to Clinton with his blend of magic, music and mockery in a high energy interactive comedy show. This is a fundraising event put on by the Clinton Cleavages. All proceeds will go to Breast Cancer Research.
Students ready for Terry Fox Run
The students and staff of David Stoddart School will once again be participating in the Terry Fox Run on Thursday, Sept. 26. It begins at 10:30 a.m. at the school. As in the past community members are welcome to join them in this worthy cause. For more information you can call Lorna
Conrad at 250-459-2508 after 4:30 p.m. or leave a message at the school at 250459-2219.
Council on the Go
The Village of Clinton Council, like those of most municipalities in BC will be attending the annual Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) from Sept. 16-20. This will be a fast-paced week of meetings, workshops and presentations on all manner of subjects. There are numerous resolutions to be voted on by those in attendance. These resolutions give the UBCM executive direction on what to lobby government for on behalf of the municipalities. The Village of Clinton mayor and council have requested meetings with several Provincial Ministers as well as some corporations, all to work towards improving things in the community.
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Career Opportunities PRODUCTION MANAGER (Kamloops BC) Kamloops This Week has a full time position available for a production manager. In addition to dummying our print and online products, the production manager must ensure that all deadlines are upheld and that all our products maintain the highest quality control. The successful applicant must demonstrate competency in all areas of staff management and previous management experience is considered an asset. If you have strong technical skills, staff management experience, a background in ad design, experience in print and online products, exceptional time management, are a strong team player, and have a passion for online and print products then we want to hear from you. Interested applicants should email a detailed resume along with a list of 3 working references to: publisher@kamloopsthisweek.com
Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience. Apply at:www.sperryrail.com/ careers and then choose the FastTRACK Application.
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We are an established private college seeking a F/T Curriculum Assistant in Kamloops. The candidate must have at least 2 years experience in the field and must be familiar with curriculum development concepts and have experience in MS Office. Moodle or another LMS is considered an asset. Deadline for applications is Sept 15.
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An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta. SURESPAN STRUCTURES requires Welder/Fabricator. Requirements: Welder Level “C” or 1st year fabrication minimum. Forklift and crane operators experience. Knowledge of how to interpret engineering drawings. CWB ticket an asset. Understand & apply basic mathematical skills. Preemployment drug screen may be required. Mail resume to 3721 Drinkwater Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 6P2, fax: 250-7468011 or email: shelly@surespanstructures.com
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SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 74 (GOLD TRAIL) Employment Opportunity OFFICE CLERK/SCHOOL SECRETARY/ LIBRARY CLERK/ NOON-HOUR SUPERVISOR Lillooet Secondary School This temporary position commences as soon as possible to 27 June 2014 or return of incumbent, whichever is sooner. Please refer to the district website at www.sd74.bc.ca for specifics of the position. A detailed application will be accepted by the undersigned by 4:00pm, 16 September 2013. Lynda Minnabarriet, Secretary-Treasurer School District No. 74 (Gold Trail) PO Bag 250, Ashcroft, BC V0K1A0 Email: sd74jobs@sd74.bc.ca Gold Trail School District is an equal opportunity employer
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Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, September 12, 2013
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Pets & Livestock
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PROPOSED STRUCTURE: As part of the public consultation process required by Industry Canada, TELUS is inviting the public to comment on a proposed telecommunications facility consisting of a 29.9-meter guyed tower and ancillary radio equipment situated on Provincial Crown land off of Highway 1 southwest of Spences Bridge, BC. LOCATION: 2908 Trans-Canada Highway No.1, Thompson Nicola Regional District COORDINATES: 50° 20’ 3.7” N, 121° 23’ 44.1” W ANY PERSON may comment by close of business day on November 1, 2013 with respect to this matter. TELUS CONTACT: Further information can be obtained by contacting: Hermanjeet Kaur Kahlon ELUS - Real Estate and Government Affairs 2-3500 Gilmore Way, Burnaby, BC V5G4W7 Email: Herman.Kahlon@telus.com
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A 16 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, September 12, 2013 The Journal
Gold Country presents
... Past, Present & Beyond In the Line of Duty: Pt. 10 - Finale By October 1910 - more than a eers. He was only 17, but lied about his year after the hold-up of a CPR train year of birth, claiming it to be 1897, as near Kamloops, and his war record shows. the murder of SpeThat same record indicial Constable Isaac cates young Archie Decker in Ashcroft named “T. Holmes, by one of the ban11th Ave. E., Vandits - the search for couver” as his next of Bill Haney, Decker’s kin, and that Archie murderer, had ended. was the ward of a T.H. Whether Haney and Holmes, 58th Ave. E., “Edward Smith”, South Vancouver. A convicted in Monsingle poignant line in tana that month for his war record tells the assault (and idenrest of the story: the tified by more than box marked “Survived GOLD COUNTRY one person as Haney) War” reads simply were the same man “No”. He died on June BARBARA RODEN will probably never 13, 1916 on the final be known. day of the Battle of Decker left behind a wife, Lena, Mont Sorrel near Ypres, Belgium. He and a son, Archie. Lena was born in is one of the 55,000 Commonwealth 1880, and was the daughter of John soldiers who were lost without trace Tetlenitsa, Chief of the Pokeist Band defending the Ypres Salient and who near Spences Bridge (although Lena’s are now commemorated at the Menin maiden name is transcribed as “Teet- Gate Memorial in Ypres. Every night taneecha” on her marriage certificate). at 8 pm Archie and his comrades, so There is no record of her death, nor of far from home, hear buglers play “The where she is buried, although it seems Last Post” in their honour, under an inlikely that she was buried in the cem- scription reading “To the Armies of the etery at Pokeist church. British Empire who stood here from Archie Decker, born in April 1898, 1914 to 1918 and to those of their dead was only 11 when his father was who have no known grave.” killed, and it seems almost certain that We know where Special Constable the boy found himself an orphan at a Isaac Decker is buried, but in a way he, young age. The 1911 Census of Can- too, has no known grave. He was laid ada shows that in that year he was liv- to rest in Ashcroft cemetery on July 1, ing in Vancouver, in the home of a 1909, and fittingly enough is buried Thomas and Mary-Jane Holmes on beside his former commanding officer 11th Ave. E.; the enumeration form de- and friend, Joe Burr, who died in 1929. scribes him as a “lodger”. Also point- Burr’s grave is marked, and easy to ing to his orphan status is the fact that find. Beside it, however, where a plan the CPR put aside $2,000 in trust for of the cemetery shows Decker’s grave young Archie’s future, which suggests to be, there is only grass. If he ever had he had no parent living who would be a headstone or grave marker then it is able to provide for him. long gone, disintegrated or eroded or Alas, the grim shadow of World damaged beyond repair and never reWar I intervened. On Sept. 30, 1915 placed. Archie Decker joined the 1st PionDecker was a policeman in Asheer Battalion of the Canadian Engin- croft for several years, respected and
liked by his colleagues and by the community. When, during the manhunt for the CPR bandits, Joe Burr needed a trustworthy deputy to stand in for him and head up the Ashcroft detachment during Burr’s absence, Isaac Decker immediately said yes. He returned to Ashcroft and was sworn in as a special constable. Within hours he would be dead, shot on the bank of the Thompson while trying to apprehend the men who held up the train, and who had evaded capture until that moment. It is a shame that a man who gave his life in service to his community should be buried in an unmarked grave. Unfortunately, Isaac Decker is one of several people buried in the Ashcroft cemetery who have no stone marking their resting place. The Village has managed the site since 1974, but prior to that it was in the care of a private company, and unfortunately all the records up to the time when the Village took over the cemetery have been lost. Thanks to the survival of an old plan of the site we know who is buried where; what we do not have are contact details for any family members. In the absence of family members, there is usually no one interested in ensuring
that damaged or missing headstones are fixed or replaced. It is not just members of the family who can erect grave markers for the deceased, however. That is why a drive to raise funds is being started, so that a headstone commemorating Isaac Decker’s life and death can be made and installed. It is hoped that members of the community - businesses and private individuals - will be able to step forward and help, by donating to the Isaac Decker Memorial Fund. Funds raised will go toward having a marker for Isaac Decker’s grave purchased, engraved, and installed in the proper location in Ashcroft cemetery, with any excess funds being donated to the Ashcroft Museum for exhibitions or acquisitions. Donations can be made to the Isaac Decker Memorial Fund, care of the Ashcroft Journal, either at the Journal office on 4th Street in Ashcroft, or by mail to P.O. Box 190, Ashcroft, V0K 1A0. Let us give Constable Isaac Decker a fitting memorial, in the town which he served so well, and where he gave his life in the line of duty. Many thanks to Kathy Paulos of the Ashcroft Museum and Archives for her invaluable assistance during the writing of this series.
Isaac Decker is buried in Ashcroft cemetery beside his friend and colleague Joe Burr, but no stone marks his grave.
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