Kootenay News Advertiser, September 16, 2013

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Fashion show raises over $8,300

Board chair, vicechair chosen at COTR

Boot drive a huge success

The Cops for Kids fashion show exceeded expectations.

David Handy takes over as board chair with Ken Hoeppner as vice-chair.

Local fire departments raise over $6,000 for muscular dystrophy.

page A6

page A11

page A3


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Monday, September 16, 2013


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Monday, September 16, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

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Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 16, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A3 our volunteers an opportunity to get out in the community and raise funds for a really

important cause. We are so grateful for the support we receive each year.”

The firefighters will be out and about the community again this weekend during the Jaffray

Fall Fair where they’ll be hosting an open house from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday.

Photo submitted

Volunteer firefighters from the Jaffray and Baynes Lake Fire Departments raised more than $6,000 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association of BC.

Boot drive a huge success Submitted Members of the Jaffray and Baynes Lake Fire Departments had their boots in hand over the Labour Day Weekend for the annual Muscular Dystrophy Boot Drive. “The boot drive was Rocky Mountain

Pro Drivers

once again a huge success, raising is $6037.01 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association of BC,” said Jaffray Baynes Lake Fire Chief, Dave Boreen. The Jaffray and Baynes Lake Departments have been holding Boot Drives for

several years, and were once again set up at the Kikomun Road 4-Corners on the Saturday of Labour Day weekend. Since 2006, the Department has raised tens of thousands of dollars for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. “This fundraiser gives

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SpiRuLina Proven fat-fighter. Effective anti-inflammatory. These tiny, single-celled fresh-water micro algae contain an impressive 60% protein content! Researchers have found that spirulina intake reduces blood cholesterol and inflammation. Regular supplementation with spirulina also removes accumulated toxins in the body, creating a gentle and safe daily cleansing effect. Reg $25.99

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HaiR-foRce bonuS Create beautiful, healthy hair from within. Prairie Naturals hair-force synergistically combines 22 natural nutrients recognized for their role in restoring, healing and nourishing hair. Now you can stimulate maximum growth of the hair follicle while minimizing hair loss. The combined effect of these vitamins, minerals and nutrient co-factors directly counteracts the hair-damaging negatives caused by stress, illness, hormonal imbalances and other health and environmental concerns. Reg. $51.99

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WiLd RoSe HeRbaL d-Tox Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox Program is uniquely designed to enhance all aspects of metabolism. Wild Rose Bliherb formula gently promotes bile production by the liver, supporting digestion and enhancing the elimination of toxins. Laxaherb, Cleansaherb and CL Herbal Extract additionally support the cleansing and elimination of wastes from the system. Reg. $46.99

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Sterling silver charms from $29 "Nutter's; looking after you from the inside out."



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Monday, September 16, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

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Celebrations THE family of Mary The family of Mary SawyerSawyer would likewould to inlike to to invite to join usMary’ in scelevite you join usyou in celebrating 80th brating Mary#39;s 80th birthday. birthday. join PleaseusjoinSaturday, us Saturday,September September Please 21, 2013 between 1:00 pm1:00 and 4:00 at 21, 2013 between pm pm and 4:00 pm. Golf at the GolfRoad. Club, the Creston Club,Creston 1800 Mallory A 1800 Mallory Road. A light buffet light buffet and refreshments will be served. and refreshments will be served. Please no gifts as the gift of your presence is Please no gifts as the gift of your present enough. presence is present enough.


In Memoriam

classifieds@ kootenayadvertiser. com



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Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.

Mel Shogren 1935-2012 In loving memory of our dear husband, father, grandfather and brother, who passed away on September 17, 2012 Peacefully sleeping, Resting at last The world’s weary troubles and trials are past. In silence he suffered, in patience he bore Till God called him home To suffer no more. Loved and Missed by The Shogren and Scott Families

Obituaries Eternally Remember Your Loved One • Headstones • Grave Markers • Custom Urns Let us help you create a special memorial including: Personalized Engraving and Installation




Coming Events


Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Cranbrook has found many new ways throughout the years to help bring in extra revenue so we can make the best matches for kids in our communities. One way you can help is by donating to our “Blue Bin” located outside to the left of Wal-Mart by the propane tanks. This bin is there for any clothing items or soft items you have laying around in your house. All of the proceeds stay right here in Cranbrook to help our programs grow. For more information, please call 250-489-3111 or email us at

Wanted: witnesses to an accident on Tuesday, Sept 3, 2013 at approx. 10:20 pm at the corner of Victoria Ave & Cranbrook St N where a black F150 pickup was hit by a white station wagon type vehicle. The white vehicle turned into the Tim Horton’s parking lot in the mall and then fled the scene. If you saw this accident or the white vehicle with damage to the passenger side, including loss of passenger side mirror, please call the RCMP or text your name and number to (250)489-9216.

Business Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

October 10, Cranbrook First Toastmasters will be meeting this evening in Room 210 at COTR. If you are looking for a place to learn speaking skills, become a better leader, or a sharper thinker, then Cranbrook First Toastmasters is the place for you! We are friendly, supportive and affordable. Our new season is just beginning and we are accepting new members. Email pamelaryan@telus.net or phone during the day 250-4894464 October 16, Free Family Swim, 6-7pm, Kimberley Rec Centre, persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult. Sponsored by Kimberley Health-Care Aux. October 2, Free Public Swim at Kimberley Rec Centre, persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult, 5-6pm, sponsored by Rockies Law Corporation October 5, Kimberley Nature Park Hike, Friendly Fungus Frenzy, 9am to arrange rides. Join leader Bill Olmsted, 250427-3627 September 18, Free family swim, 6-7pm, Kimberley Rec Centre. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult. Sponsored by Kimberley Medical Clinic. September 21, EK Outdoor Club hike the Wild Horse Delta. Call Lorne for more information, 250-426-8864 September 26, It’s Contest Night at Cranbrook First Toastmasters! We invite you to come out and enjoy a laugh filled evening as the Toastmasters compete in Humorous and Table Topics contests. The fun will start at 7 pm in Room 210 at COTR. We are accepting new members. For more info, email pamelaryan@telus.net or call during the day, 250-489-4464

Information Need new wheels but your credit has run off the road? Apply online:


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Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Lost & Found Lost: Sat Aug 31, around 7th Ave S Cranbrook, Galaxy 2 cell phone with fluorescent Pink back. (250)946-6770

Do you have 10 hours a week you’d like to make more productive? Learn to operate a mini-office from home. Free online training, flexible hours, great income. www.LifelongRewards.com


AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 w/ Airbrake • Guaranteed 40hr. Work Week & Overtime • Paid Travel & Lodging • Meal Allowance • 4 Weeks Vacation • Excellent Benefits Package

Career Opportunities




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Children Childcare Available Caring & reliable mom with excellent references has 1 full or part time spot avail, any age welcome. Call Michelle (250)426-7301 September/October Full time Spot available, 2 yrs & up, licensed, Call (250)489-4668


Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience. Apply at:www.sperryrail.com/ careers and then choose the FastTRACK Application.


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Obituaries OBITUARY

JOHN BRINKER HOPKINS SEPTEMBER 5, 2013 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of JOHN BRINKER HOPKINS on September 5th, 2013 . John, son of the late Tom and Lorraine Hopkins, grew up on Jim Smith Lake Rd. ( better known as 'the hill' ) and has lived the last 30 years or so in the Vancouver/ Surrey areas. He died at the age of 59. He is survived by his brother , Dan ( & Linda ), Colleen; his wife of 24 years, and their precious 15yr old dog,

Princess. Also many other relatives and a multitude of friends will miss him dearly. A memorial service will be held in Surrey B.C. in October, 2013.

By shopping local you support local people.

Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway Owner Operators for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package. To join our team of Professional drivers, email a resume, current driver’s abstract & details of truck to: careers@vankam.com or call Bev at 604-968-5488 or Fax: 604-587-9889 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility. We thank everyone for applying, however we will only contact candidates that interest us.

Help Wanted

MT. MILLIGAN is currently


Education/Trade Schools


500-1500 Cranbrook St N Fax (250)417-0061 & 1875 Cranbrook St N Fax (250)417-0661


Help Wanted

Food Counter attendant Full time, shift work, nights, overnight’s, early mornings, weekends, $10.25/hr + benefits apply at store.

Distribution Centre Cranbrook

Working in our distribution centre you are part of a team to ensure flyers and papers are ready for delivery in a timely and accurate manner. The person who fills this position must be able to: • Multi-task • Work well with a team and on your own • Lift paper bundles • Class 5 License • Forklift License an asset Please apply with resume, in person to: Bob Bathgate Kootenay News Advertiser 1510-2nd St., N., Cranbrook, BC

Education/Trade Schools

Become a Psychiatric Nurse in your own community There is an urgent need for more Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN), particularly outside the urban areas of the province. And with the workforce aging – the average age of a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in BC is 47 years – the number of retirees from the profession is exceeding the number of graduates. Entry-level earnings start at $30.79/hour to $40.42/hour. Train Locally – The only program of its kind in BC, students can learn within their local communities via distance education, local and/or regional clinical placements, and some regional classroom delivery. This 23 month program is accredited by the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of BC (CRPNBC). Government student loans, Employment & Labour Market Services (ELMS), band funding & other financing options available to qualified applicants.

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Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 16, 2013

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Christian homeschool provider requires an Educational Assistant in Fernie BC and one in Creston BC to work with special needs students that are schooled at home. Salary will depend upon qualifications and experience but CHEKABC will train a suitable candidate. Some Bible knowledge and a pastoral reference letter is required.


The Brick in Cranbrook BC is looking for someone to join their team as a full time warehouse/delivery representative. Duties will include loading/unloading of inventory, delivery of product into customer homes, showroom and warehouse inventory maintenance, inventory reporting and general store maintenance duties. A valid Class 5 drivers licence is mandatory with experience driving larger cube trucks preferential. Applicants must be physically able to handle heavy products, be handy with tools, be familiar with basic computer programs and have a priority of top notch customer service. Hourly wage based on experience plus health and dental benefit package. Please apply in person to: Shari Reid - Store Manager The Brick - 501 Slater Road Cranbrook Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm


At The Brick in Cranbrook, an independent franchise of the Canadian giant of home furnishings, we have fun with sales. In our nopressure sales environment, the Brick believes success is a happy customer. We strive to provide detailed product information to ensure the customer selects products best suited to their needs as well as provide hassle free delivery options and great after sales service. If you’re someone who loves to interact with people, that is detail oriented and excited about ongoing learning opportunities, come talk to us about the full time sales representative position currently available. Join our small team of 12 and help serve your East Kootenay neighbours as business is increasing and we need someone now! Sales are commission based with guaranteed hourly wage plus a great health/dental benefits package. Apply in person to: Shari Reid, Store Manager The Brick @ 501 Slater Cranbrook Monday to Friday 9am-4pm

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A5




Under the direction of the Manager of Operations the successful candidate will be responsible to perform a multitude of tasks and duties to support the IT Department. To view a full job description, please visit our website at: http://www.sd5.bc.ca/ pdfs/ITSystemsSpecialistJobDescription.pdf A detailed resume including 3 professional references, must be received no later than Monday, September 24, 2013, 12:00 NOON (MST). Please apply for this job only in the manner speciÀed by the employer, otherwise; your application will not be considered for the position: In Person: Human Resources Department School District No. 5 Southeast Kootenay 940 Industrial Road No. 1 Cranbrook, BC V1C 4C6 Fax: 250-426-4987 Email: careers@sd5.bc.ca Note: Please quote posting number when applying for this position. The successful applicant will be subject to the terms of the Criminal Records Review Act. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


Financial Services

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

AG Valley Foods (Invermere) requires F/T night supervisor, main duties: supervise staff & cashiers; authorize returns; deal w/customer & supply issues; sell, stock & inventory supplies; general cleaning; cash handling. Completion of secondary school & previous retail experience required. Wage $14/hr. Contact SydneyAnne at 906 7th Ave Invermere fresh@agvalleyfoods.com or call (250)342-3330.

LABOURER/Carpenter helper wanted in Fairmont Hot Springs FT $24/hr. to start. Call 250-674-1643

The Heritage Inn Hotel & Convention Centre is looking for a waitress/waiter for our dining room & lounge. Also require a full time Breakfast cook. Please contact Collin Johnston, (250)489-4301

• GENERAL HELPERS • CAMP ATTENDANTS • JANITORS North Country Catering has immediate openings for permanent full-time camp opportunities in Northern Alberta. Shift Rotation; 3 weeks in camp and one week home. Founded in 2000, NCC has become one of the largest independent management, operation & catering company in Western Canada. NCC is responsible for managing and operating remote work camps.

Competitive Wages & Benefits After 3 mos. Interested applicants are invited to forward resumes to: North Country Catering, Human Resources e-mail: hr@ northcountrycatering.com fax: 1-(780)-485-1550

Help Wanted

Now Hiring! We have available one full time position for production. Must be well natured, adaptable, some heavy lifting required. Also available, one casual position for office administration duties. Knowledge of Simply Accounting program is a must. Must have references! Please apply in person to: Mrs. Palmer’s Pantry 236 Slater Rd. N. Cranbrook, BC Part time prep cook/line cook wanted at The Cottage Restaurant, #13-9th Ave S., Cranbrook. Apply in person. SURESPAN STRUCTURES requires Welder/Fabricator. Requirements: Welder Level “C” or 1st year fabrication minimum. Forklift and crane operators experience. Knowledge of how to interpret engineering drawings. CWB ticket an asset. Understand & apply basic mathematical skills. Preemployment drug screen may be required. Mail resume to 3721 Drinkwater Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 6P2, fax: 250-7468011 or email: shelly@surespanstructures.com The Cottage Restaurant requires a part time day shift server. Apply with resume to #13 9th Ave S, Cranbrook An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.

Help Wanted

Signal Collision Kimberley is looking for an

Experienced Collision Repair Technician Hourly wage depending

WHO WE ARE; Hallcon Crew Transport is the national agent for CN & CP Rail for the ground transportation needs of their Rail Crews. Every day we co-ordinate the re-positioning needs of Rail Crews from coast to coast. WE NEED YOU! We are hiring people presently living in the GOLDEN area that are interested in the safe and courteous transportation of Crews from GOLDEN to as far away as Kamloops. You will be on-call for trips as they arise, or helping move Crews in and around various rail yards. Are you retired or semi-retired, and looking for flexibility in the workplace? This job may be just the thing for you! YOU WILL NEED; A valid class 4 (or class 1 or 2) licence. If you need to upgrade to class 4 we will provide assistance (some conditions apply). A willingness to provide quality customer service. Clean or nearclean Driver and criminal abstracts. Email resume and current abstract to ben.rosset@hallconcrewtransport.com

or Fax me at 866-649-5653 .


Art/Music/Dancing MUSIC for Young Children classes registering now! Inspire your children to be creative and expressive through music! Group piano or keyboard lessons for children ages 3 - 9 that include singing, rhythm, movement, composition, theory and lots of fun! Find a teacher near you 1800-828-4334 or www.myc.com

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Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com

Cleaning Services Whatta’Relief Cleaning Services, residential, commercial cleaning, rates & references available upon request. Seniors discount. (250)421-8345 Cleaning services available. I have 30 years of residential, commercial & industrial cleaning experience. Whether you just want your business or house cleaned or you are moving. Call me for all your cleaning needs. I offer my services at reasonable rates. I clean anything from ceilings to floors & everything in between. Call Vicky, 1(250)431-8537


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Fitness/Exercise COME SEE the expanded show room at Flaman Fitness, we have Bow Flex gyms, Nautilus treadmills, bikes and elipticals. Plus we have a huge clearance section upstairs. We’re located on the strip downtown Cranbrook. Just look for the 7’ tall running man out front www.flamanfitness.com 250-426-2691





Education/Tutoring Bible Tutor, have M.A. in Christian Studies, $10/hour. (250)426-5779


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Help Wanted

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Help Wanted

on experience.

Please drop off resume to: 90-302 Ave., Kimberley or fax to (250)427-7264 or email sigcol1@shawcable.com

Employment Opportunity IT Systems Specialist


Distribution Centre Cranbrook

Working in our distribution centre you are part of a team to ensure flyers and papers are ready for delivery in a timely and accurate manner. The person who fills this position must be able to: • Multi-task • Work well with a team and on your own • Lift paper bundles Please apply with resume, in person to: Bob Bathgate Kootenay News Advertiser 1510-2nd St., N., Cranbrook, BC

ADMINISTRATOR Kal Tire is the largest independently owned tire dealer in Canada with over 240 locations. Our business philosophy centers on exceeding our customers’ expectations and relies on our entrepreneurial team members to provide exceptional customer service. Responsibilities of this very busy position include collections as well as administrative functions of the receivables, retread, inventory and invoicing processes. In addition, this position performs a number of general office duties. If you meet these requirements, we want to hear from you! • Extensive office experience working independently and without supervision in a fast-paced environment. • Proven and substantial experience with account collections including small claims courts and liens. • Demonstrated experience working with a variety of software programs. Experience with Microsoft Office preferred. • Well-developed communication, interpersonal, project management and time management skills are a must. • Experience in an administrative support function an asset. • Contribute to an upbeat and safe atmosphere in the workplace. • Excellent interpersonal skills. • Valid driver’s licence. We offer: • Competitive wages, with benefits, while gaining fundamental business knowledge. • Working with a Well-Established Company – Kal Tire has been in business since 1953 and currently has over 240 store locations across Canada. Continued expansion plans lead to career advancement opportunities. • Technology – We grant everyone access to the newest tools and technology in both the automotive and business sectors, allowing all of our team members to gain the newest skills in today’s market. Kal Tire welcomes your interest in the Administrator opportunity. Interested applicants are requested to submit their resume in person to 1396 Theatre Road, Cranbrook or to justin_myhre@kaltire.com indicating Administrator in the subject line. We thank all applicants for their interest, only those under consideration for the role will be contacted.


A6 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Monday, September 16, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

The drain down south by Brian Coombs This editorial is to express thanks and gratitude to what seems to be an ever-dwindling group within our community. Sometimes, it is difficult to imagine the B.C./ US border, (Washington or Idaho) as anything other than a bathtub drain—at least when someone has just told you about their great cross-border shopping spree. Hundreds of thousands of vehicles cross the border in our region every year, with many of them heading south of the 49th parallel to seek out the best deals possible on everything from new TVs to cheese. This, from a purely personal economic viewpoint, is understandable. The price difference, especially with the Canadian dollar sitting at near parity, can be phenomenal. A recent study by the Business Council of BC found that the price difference in cheese, for example, is up to 60 per cent cheaper in the U.S. That same study found that in 2012 as much as $2.6 billion from the province was spent in cross-border shopping. People who cross-border shop will point out that you can’t argue the economics of it. Face it, if you have ever spent a day shopping across the border and then spent time in the stores here, you could be hospitalized from an extreme case of sticker shock. Yes, for many, times could be considered tough at the moment. Some area storefronts are empty. Some people don’t have jobs and yet, the people who routinely take their money across the border don’t seem to be able to relate their actions to the local economy.

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified E-Mail: classifieds@kootenayadvertiser.com Advertising E-Mail: sales@kootenayadvertiser.com Editorial E-Mail: editor@kootenayadvertiser.com Distribution Email: circulation@kootenayadvertiser.com Open Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Stock Photo

Shopping south of the border drains our local economy. Well, here it is, in a nutshell. Money that stays in your community tends to have a multiplier effect. You spend $5 at a local merchant, that merchant uses that $5 at another merchant and so on, generating much more value with each transaction. Taking your money out of the community does just that—it removes the money from the community. Gone. Just like that, the cash that could have been spent in Cranbrook is now in the hands of a U.S. merchant who is unlikely to come back to Cranbrook to spend it. This editorial, however, is not to berate those who shop across the border occasionally. Sometimes driving a couple of hours to be a tourist in a different country is fun. It isn’t even to berate (overly) those who fill their cars with U.S. goods all the time. There is no point in that because the statistics and closed storefronts are out there for everyone to see. The people crossing the border continually to shop aren’t thinking about the community but instead are thinking only of themselves. This article was written for those who have

Brian Coombs Editor

given the cross-border shopping situation some thought. It is for those with empathy who have neighbours that are trying their best to maintain their own business. It is for those who see that forcing local merchants to lower their prices below cost hurts the economy of the region. It is for those who know that even the large chain stores need to make a profit to keep people employed. Finally, it is for those who choose to live here and want to see their children stay in a happy, prosperous community. To those people, congratulations on being a thoughtful, communityminded driver of the local economy. You know that it costs a little more at the moment to spend within your community, but you also know the cost, in the long run, of spending south of the border. Kudos.

Shannon Stewart CirCULAtioN MGr

Bridget Fix

ProdUCtioN MGr

Photo haley Banman

Arrested for fashion crimes, Mayor Wayne Stetski waits for the crowd to bail him out at the 11th Annual Cops for Kids All Male Fashion Show held at the Tamarack Centre recently.

Cops for Kids raises more than $8,300 On Wednesday, September 11th Cops for Kids organization rolled into town to participate in the annual All Male Fashion Show Fundraiser hosted by Tamarack Centre. While the final numbers are still being tallied, the event has raised over $8,300 at last count. One-hundred and eighty guests were entertained by Loree Duczek, Tom Bungay and Ray from Ray’s Music

along with 26 models from the RCMP, Kootenay Ice and Men’s Avalanche Volleyball teams. Bootlegger, Target, Warehouse One, Winners and Shoe Warehouse provided the fashions that were showcased on the runway. The show could not have taken place without area business participation and sponsorship. Local and Regional businesses provided silent auction

items while Boston Pizza provided event volunteers with dinner while The Heidout provided appetizers to guests. New this year was the VIP section which pre-sold ticket holders were treated to table service and reserved seating. Volunteers from Investor’s group provided volunteer wait staff along with the biggest auction item to date, a Lobster Dinner for six complete with limo pick-up

which went for $500. Mayor Stetski also graced the runway, but was arrested for fashion crimes. RCMP riders helped collect funds from the crowd to help bail him out. $340 was raised in five minutes for the cause which went directly to Cops for Kids. A few items are still waiting to be claimed by silent auction bidders which will up the grand total. Photo SuBmitted

Ah, the kids are now safely back in school and parents can breathe a sigh of relief that technology is part of the curriculum. Grade 2 student Aiden Gareau, sharpens his skills in the St. Mary’s Catholic School computer lab as he learns to use the new touch screen laptops. The Parent Support Group has provided this lab through their fundraising activities.

Erin Carlisle oFFiCE MGr

Bob Bathgate

MAiLrooM MGr

Karen Johnston PUBLiSHEr

Lily Durham

ProMotioNS dirECtor

Lynnette Then

diStriBUtioN MGr

Tamara L’Hoost


Yves Michaud


The Kootenay News Advertiser is a community East Kootenay newspaper featuring news of the best buys in the East Kootenay. Published every Monday and Friday at Cranbrook, BC by Black Press Group Ltd. Subscription rates for mailing outside the East Kootenay: $170 per year, $85 per 6 months and $42.50 per 3 month GST inclued. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by Kootenay News Advertiser. (Registration No. 164 Serial No. 271043). Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or part is forbidden without written permission by the publisher. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that Kootenay News Advertiser will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. Kootenay News Advertiser is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements or letters to the editor criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in Kootenay News Advertiser are not necessarily those of the publisher.

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 16, 2013

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ntly r, Erica, recebetween te h g u a d r e ss and h the time Elizabeth RoVenice, Italy and found te newspaper. ri to eir favou travelled s to enjoy th gondola ride

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Correction notice: The folding chair in last week’s ad should have been pictured without the tray.






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Monday, September 16, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Home Improvement and Renovations What happened to the backyard extravaganza? by Menno Dueck

Photo submitted

Menno Dueck.

New Owner Lori Smutny


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What father wouldn’t want to make his daughter’s outdoor engagement party something she would never forget? Poor Todd wishes it was something he could forget. Todd never did anything simple in his life; his motto was “bigger is always better”, and so the backyard extravaganza began. Soon, the whole back yard was a construction site. The carpenter Todd hired began by building the multi level deck with heaters, then moved on to the gazebo with inset hot tub and wind screens, and finally to the waterscape and fire pit. When it was completed, Todd patted himself on the back for a job well done and was secretly anticipating the accolades he knew would follow at the party. The engagement par-

ty went off without a hitch on a lovely sunny day. Todd basked in his future in-laws’ gasps over his fabulous back yard. What was a few thousand dollars (more than a few, but who was counting today?) to make his little girl happy. A year later problems started showing up, not in his daughter’s marriage, but the backyard extravaganza. First, the joints in the hexagon decking started opening up, then the whole gazebo with the raised floor around the hot tub and the hot tub itself began to sag to one side, and the built in waterscape was losing water. When Todd looked for help from his carpenter, he was put on ignore. The end result was no one could repair Todd’s $55,000 backyard extravaganza. Todd and the carpenter had not had proper

drawings done for the footings and support beams. Neither of them had taken out a permit. There were no building inspections done. Some of the materials used were not even the rights ones. In the end, the backyard extravaganza was dismantled and taken to the dump, except for the hot tub that now resides quietly by itself in the backyard. Todd is still trying to forget about his costly mistake, but he is quick to tell everyone he’s pleased his daughter’s marriage didn’t end up the way of the backyard extravaganza. Yet. (Based on a true story, name changed to protect the very sheepish Todd) For more information visit Dueck Enterprises Inc. at www. dueckenterprises.com or call 250-426-5460.

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Decorating with white opens up a large range of possibilities.

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chip with a sheet of pure white paper in order White is making a to determine the exact huge comeback in inte­ shade. rior decorating. This To select the shade of trend is not entirely sur­ white which will har­ prising, considering the monize best with your wide range of differ­ décor, professionals rec­ ent tones which blend ommend testing paint perfectly with any type samples in the natural of décor. Surprisingly light of the room. Test enough, white is never the colour close to furni­ really white; it comes ture, objects, and other tinted lightly, or not important elements. so lightly, to produce When associated with various effects. neutral tones, such as Warm whites tinted taupe or beige, white with ochre or brown creates a gentle, peace­ are perfect for creating ful atmosphere. a friendly, cozy atmo­ Synonymous with sphere. This year, whites purity, cleanliness, and also come in shades of softness, white enhanc­ yellow, red, and orange es furniture, accesso­ for creating warm ries, and paintings. décors. Whites tinted It also improves by TO: with blue or gray are being combined with FROM: particularly popular for quality materials such blending with today’s as metal and lacquered fashionable colour wood for a modern style [1] Please review this proof carefully, check name, address, telephone number an schemes in which blue or wicker and natural [2] If changes are required, please indicate them clearly. is a predominant colour. wood for a more rustic [3] Then fax (250-426-4125) or mail this proof back with your approval immediat When choosing white look. Approved to run as shown Approved to run with changes indicated paint, compare the paint

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Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 16, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A9 starting at 11:30 a.m. and the walk beginning at 1 p.m. Currently, there are bid sheets stationed at the Tamarack Centre for

a silent auction that will be in place until September 27. There are nearly $5,000 in items up for auction, including two return tickets to

Vancouver donated by Pacific Coastal Airlines. All proceeds from the event will go to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Photo Cory Penner

JDRF ambassadors hold up a running tally of last year’s TELUS Walk to Cure Diabetes donations.

Walking to help find a cure for diabetes The TELUS Walk to Cure Diabetes is happening at Rotary Park this year and organizers

are looking to repeat the success of last year’s event. “Last year, our goal

Answers for Friday, September 13

Crossword G A I N A L T A B A C H S H A N T W E N B I X I A S P R E L I O T S I S A T A I L A G O B O N S H C U P I O V E N M E A N O A K Y







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Desrosiers. The event occurs on September 29 at Rotary Park, with registration

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A10 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Monday, September 16, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Six in the Stix comes back to city



Is your newspaper carrier doing a great job? Let us know and your carrier will be featured in this space.

They will win an Extra Value Meal compliments of McDonalds Restaurant of Canada.

Phone (250)489-3455, 1-800-665-2382 Fax (250)489-3743 Email: circulation@kootenayadvertiser.com Mail: 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2

AUDITION NOTICE “Every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some!)” We are looking for male and female performers to audition for Fort Steele Heritage Town’s Christmas Production at the Wild Horse Theatre. Auditions to be held on Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 7pm. Please prepare a short, 3-5 minute monologue. Show dates are December 19-22 and December 26-29. To schedule an audition, please call Trevor at 250-420-7164 or email at: Trevor.Lundy@FortSteele.bc.ca


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There is still time to secure your spot at the fourth annual Six in the Stix bike races, held at the College of the Rockies and the Cranbrook Community Forest. Submitted The fourth annual Six in the Stix is taking place on Sept. 2122 at the College of the Rockies and on the trails of the Cranbrook Community Forest. On Saturday at 1 p.m.,

bike riders age 3-15 are invited to be part of one of the following events: a 15-min ride on a paved lap lined with obstacles - perfect for tricycles, stride bikes, training wheels - or a choice of a 30-minute and 60-minute fun race

on a trail lap made up of fast & flowy single and double tracks. Snacks and drinks will be provided following the races, and all this for only $5 – online sign-up is appreciated. The Sunday six hour XC mountain bike race

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is for solo riders and 2-rider relay teams, and each participant will receive a souvenir shirt and a post-race lunch provided by the Wildhorse Cycling Club. The top biking club at the 2 combined local mountain biking events will be receiving a bonus of $1000 prize. An expected 150 riders from this region and all over BC & AB will be celebrating the sport of mountain biking and enjoying the fantastic trails that our local forests offer. You’re invited to secure your spot now at www.rmevents.com, with online sign-up closing on Friday, September 20. For volunteering opportunities, contact charlie@ rmevents.com.

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Wednesday, September 18

Find us on Facebook.


*Must be 19+. Must be Encore Rewards Member and present at time of draw to win.

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 16, 2013

New board chair and vice-chair at COTR Submitted The Board of Governors of College of the Rockies is pleased to announce the election of a new Board Chair and Board Vice-Chair. Elected to the position of Chair is David Handy of Creston. Mr. Handy was appointed to the College Board of Governors by the Province in January 2011. He is a retired lawyer who was a partner with Fulton and Company in Kamloops BC. His principal area of practice was civil litigation specializing in family law and municipal law. Mr. Handy is an active volunteer in his community. He is a member of the Creston Valley Rotary Club, the current Chair of the Board of Variance for the Town of Creston, and a member of the bass section of the Blossom Valley Singers. He enjoys family, golf and travel. Elected to the position of Vice-Chair is Ken Hoeppner of Golden. Mr. Hoeppner was appointed to the College Board of Governors by the Province in May 2012. He is a Professor Emeritus and an Associate Vice-President Research Emeritus at Mount Royal University in Calgary where he taught since 1987 starting in the English department. Previously he taught at the University of Calgary, Medicine Hat College and Mount Royal College. Also very active in his community as a volunteer, Mr. Hoeppner has served as President of the Golden and Area Community Economic

Development Society, and as Co-Chair and

Chair of the Golden and District Arts Council. “On behalf of the Board of Governors I would like to sincerely thank outgoing Chair Orest Federko and out-

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A11 going Vice-Chair Richard Reinders for their outstanding service to College of the Rockies and to the Board,” said College of the Rockies President David Walls.

RDEK Public Hearing Notices BYLAW 2482 Bylaw Amendment - Fernie Alpine Resort Area The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Resorts of the Canadian Rockies to amend the Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw. If approved, the amendment will change the designation of parts of the properties to accommodate subdivision of four new residential lots along Timberline Crescent in the Fernie Alpine Resort area. A public hearing for Bylaw No. 2482 was convened at the Fernie Family Centre on August 19, 2013 at 4:00 pm. As a result of the discussion that occurred, the hearing was temporarily adjourned by the Chair so that the landowner could address a number of previous commitments related to the development of the property. The subject areas are shown on the attached map. Bylaw No. 2482 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 829, 1990 – Amendment Bylaw No. 67, 2013 (Timberline Crescent / RCR)” will amend the zoning designation of parts of the subject properties from RR-8, Rural Residential (Country) Zone to RS-1(A), Single Residential (Urban-A) Zone. The public hearing will be re-convened at:

Fernie Family Centre 521 – 4th Avenue, Fernie BC Monday, September 23, 2013 at 4:00 pm

The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area A and the City of Fernie. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from • 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. SUBMISSIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE PUBLIC HEARING. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Tracy Van de Wiel, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0306, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email tvandewiel@rdek.bc.ca.

BYLAW 2490 Bylaw Amendment - Hosmer The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Monty Sosnowski to amend the Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw. If approved, the amendment will change the designation of two properties to accommodate the current mobile home park use and placement of a new mobile home. The subject properties are part of Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Park and are located on Elk Street south in Hosmer as shown on the attached map. Bylaw No. 2490 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 829, 1990 – Amendment Bylaw No. 68, 2013 (Elk Street South / Sosnowski)” will amend the zoning designation of the two subject properties from CG-6, Service Commercial Zone to RH-1, Mobile Home Park Residential Zone. A public hearing will be held at:

Let’s Celebrate! 2013 Electoral Area E Volunteers of the Year Orlena & Hugh Campbell will be recognized at the RDEK Town Hall Meeting Wednesday, October 25, 2013 - 7:00pm Wasa Community Hall 7:00pm - 7:30pm Volunteer of the Year Presentation Please join us as we recognize Orlena and Hugh Campbell for all of their volunteer efforts. Refreshments & cake will be served. 7:30pm - 8:45pm The Town Hall meeting will include an update from Director Jane Walter and staff on the Financial Plan, Mosquito Control, and more.

For more information, contact Loree Duczek at the RDEK

Hosmer Community Hall Front Street & 6th Avenue, Hosmer, BC Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at 4:00 pm

The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Director for Electoral Area A, the City of Fernie and the District of Sparwood. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from • 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. SUBMISSIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE PUBLIC HEARING. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Tracy Van de Wiel, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0306, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email tvandewiel@rdek.bc.ca.

19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8 Ph: 250-489-2791 • 888-478-7335

A12 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Monday, September 16, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser


calendar To Place a listing in our community news section: 1. open to all clubs and nonprofit organizations. 2. Post your event online at www.kootenayadvertiser.com (calendar). events appear on our website oNlY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit to our front desk or email: advertising@ kootenayadvertiser. com 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.

the arthur’s Sports Bar & Grill (Day’s Inn), 600 cranbrook St. N. cranbrook Bc. RSVP Sept.13th 2013 all Railway Retiree’s and Spouses are welcome. For futher information,Pleas contact Secretary Frances allen at 250426-2720 or Bill Belding at 250-426-5006

communitycalendar From September 16th -21st help us collect food from neighbourhoods across B.C.


Get involved.

Allfood foodcollected collectedininRidge your neighbourhood All Meadows will be will be donated to your donated to the Friends inlocal Needfood Foodbank. Bank. To volunteer visit bctfooddrive.org today! Serving Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows since 1978

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MeeTING in the hall of the christ church anglican at 46-13th ave. S. We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month, 7pm. come out & join us. New members always welcome. april, 778-5171222.


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Follow us on Twitter Cranbrook News

SEPTEMBER 18 FRee FaMIlY SWIMS, 6-7pm, Kimberley Rec centre. Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult. Sponsored by Kimberley Medical clinic.

SEPTEMBER 19 WhaT IS cFUW? Discover how cFUW champions women’s issues on local, provincial and national stages. 7pm. Manual Training centre. PUBlIc INVITeD. light refreshments.

SEPTEMBER 21 BIG BRoTheRS BIG sistersrs of cranbrook has found many new ways throughout the years to help bring in extra revenue so we can make the best matches for kids in our communities. one way you can help is by

donating to our “Blue Bin” located outside to the left of Wal-Mart by the propane tanks. This bin is there for any clothing items or soft items you have laying around in your house. all of the proceeds stay right here in cranbrook to help our programs grow. For more information please call (250) 4893111 or email us at bigscran@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca SocIal DaNce at the Seniors hall, 2nd St.S. to take place on 3rd Saturdays, starts up on September 21, to the music of ‘chapparal’, at 7 pm.. Refreshmetnts served. last Saturday JaM session ( Ice-cream Social ) is new, and starts September 28 , 1:30-4 pm. enjoy great live music and song. Flo 250.489.2720 . eK oUTDooR clUB hike the Wild horse Delta. lorne, 426-8864.

SEPTEMBER 22 eK oUTDooR clUB hike to Musser’s

Plateau. See the Twisted Forest, Dipper lake overlook & scenic Moe’s canyon. Intermediate length & moderate difficulty. linda, 427-1784.


Find us on Facebook


will be holding their meeting at 7:15 pm, upstairs in the Seniors’ hall, 125-17 th ave. S. everyone welcome. Donna, 250-426-7136.

SEPTEMBER 25 55+ FlooR cURlING will start Sept 25 at centennial centre, Kimberley starting at 1pm. If you would like to join you can contact Marg 250-427-7072 or Vera 250-427-2839.

SEPTEMBER 26 IT’S coNTeST NIGhT aT cRaNBRooK FIRST ToaSTMaSTeRS! We invite you to come out and enjoy a laugh filled evening as the Toastmasters compete in humorous and Table Topics contests. The fun will start at 7 PM in Room 210 at coTR. We are accepting new members. For more info, e mail pamelaryan@telus. net or phone 250-4894464 (days)

SEPTEMBER 29 FRaTeRNal oRDeR oF eaGleS pancake breakfast, everyone welcome. 8:30am-11am. $5/person, 711 Kootenay St. all proceeds to Special olympics.


aSSocIaTIoN MeeTING, heritage Inn hotel, 803 cranbrook St. N., cranbrook, 10:45 am. Gueast speaker 11:30am, Valarie Melnick, Investors Group “When is financial advice needed??

OCTOBER 2 FRee PUBlIc SWIM at Kimberley Rec centre, persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult, 5-6 pm, sponsored by Rockies law corporation. ocToBeR 2-6 - Fall

Book Sale of the Friends of the cranbrook Public library & the Sunrise Rotary club at the Ktunaxa Gym across form the library. The sale opens daily at 9:30am & closes at 6pm Wed., Fri. & Sat,. and at 9pm on Thurs. Wednesday is for members only and a membership can be purchased at the door for $10. Sunday, the last day, is the bag sale from 9:30am-1pm when you can fill your Friends/ library bag for $4 or buy this bag and fill it for $5. only these bags can be used. Donations for this sale of books (except encyclopedias), cDs, DVDs, videos & books on tape would be greatly appreciated. Please drop these items off at the circulation desk int he library. Marily, 250-4896254.

OCTOBER 4 october 4th and 5th. house of hope “Fall conference” KING-

DoM cUlTURe: lIFe IN hIS PReSeNce Speakers: Denny&Danette Taylor

from Bethel church in Redding california. location: 629 6th St. NW cranbrook (across from Bc hydro) Registration at www.ihopecranbrook.ca

Info: 250-421-3784

OCTOBER 5 IT’S Fall haRVeST RoUNDUP. at cenntennial centre, Kimberley, from noon to 4pm, admission is $5.00 per person. It’s a country theme event with country singers



Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 16, 2013

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A13

communitycalendar and dancers, A pie baking contest, silent auction, harvest items for sale. We will be serving chili with corn bread, desserts, coffee and tea. Kimberley NAture PArK HiKe - Friendly Fungus Frenzy. 9:00 am to arrange rides. Join leader bill Olmsted 427-3627


7 pm, labour Centre.

OCTOBER 10 CrANbrOOK First tOAstmAsters will be meeting this evening in room 210 at COtr. if you are looking for a place to learn speaking skills, become a better leader, or a sharper thinker, then Cranbrook First toastmasters is the place for you! We are friendly, supportive and affordable. Our new season is just beginning and we are accepting new members. e mail pamelaryan@ telus.net or phone 250-489-4464 (days)

OCTOBER 16 Free FAmily sWim, 6-7 pm, Kimberley rec Centre, persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult. sponsored by Kimberley HealthCare Aux.


PAreNt/tOt FuN times, a drop in program for parents & their children ages 6 & under. monday mornings 9:30-noon, mountain View elementary school. OlD bAsebAll PHOtOs? the Home run society would like to archive your photos and stories for future generations of baseball fans. Contact Garry 417-3236 or e-mail: garry@slonowski.com sClerODermA suPPOrt GrOuP, Call betty (250)4288875, bev, 427-5033 in Kootenay region. KOOteNAy HOrses is online, your equine community clubs & events listing. www.kootenayhorses. com, marie, 426-5530. NAtiVe FrieNDsHiP CeNtre monthly meetings, 7 pm, last thursday of month. mt baker secondary school, room 100, everyone welcome.

zen’s Hall 125-17th st. s. Please bring a bag lunch. tootie 2504263994 Kimberley seNiOr t’Ai chi Club and invite you cordially to give us a try, we meet every monday 10 to 11am. at the united Church in Kimberley. beginners welcome, instructor Colin 427 3929 CbK Critique Club, 3rd tues of month, 7 pm, bring artwork for critiquing. Cbk & Dist Arts Council, 1117 baker

iNteresteD iN yOur Family roots, Cranbrook Family History Centre hrs tues & thurs. 10-8, sat 10-1. 426-4614. tHe 266 rOyAl Canadian Air Cadets squadron of Kimberley would like to let all in the area know, that we meet every tuesday evening, 6:00-9:30 Pm, Outrid Hall, 795 Knighton rd. Chapman Camp, Kimberley. the 266 rCACs always has room for both new Cadets between the ages of 12 and 19 years with out exceptions, and new Officers. so anyone wishing to get involved as either a Cadet wanting to join, or as an adult looking to donate some time as a leader, this organization is free to all users, Please stop in at the above times or phone 427-4220. CrANbrOOK brANCH OF the stroke recovery Association of bC, a support group for stroke survivors and caregivers. We offer programs to promote independence and improve quality of life. meetings from 1oam1pm the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month in the lower level of the senior Citi-

st, 426-4223. s P A r W O O D seArCH & rescue is looking for new recruits, all training provided. Fmi come to Fire Hall #1, 7 pm, 2nd & 4th thursdays of the month or visit www.sparwoodsar. com. CbK Writers GrOuP meets the 4th monday of month, 7 pm. Please bring writing sample. Cbk & Dist Arts Council, 104 135 10th Ave. s., Cranborok. st. AiDAN Or-

tHODOx church, 201-7th Ave. s, welcomes you to the following regular services: sunday Divine liturgy at 10:30 am followed by potluck lunch and Children’s sunday school at 1pm; Weekday matin services at 9am; saturday Vesper service at 6pm and Wednesday bible study at 6:45 pm. Fmi call Fr. richard rene at 250489-8006 or see www. saintaidan.ca liNe DANCe lessONs, tuesday

Time To Retire

I’d like to take this opportunity to announce my retirement and offer my sincere thanks for your years of support and patronage. It truly has been a pleasure being of service to my customers who I consider friends as well. I would also like to encourage you all to continue the loyalty you’ve shown me to the Barry Epp great people here at Spring Honda. I know that you’ll continue to be treated with the utmost consideration. I certainly look forward to enjoying the grandchildren, relaxing by the lake and maybe taking in a round of golf or two.

Sincerely Barry Epp

1027 Victoria Ave. N., Cranbrook, B.C. Phone: 250-489-4311 Toll Free: 1-888-638-4488 DL#: 31110 • www.springhonda.ca

evenigns, 7 pm, st. mary’s school gym, Cranbrook. beginner level & progressive. Karen, 426-8926. CrANbrOOK CHAPter KiNG’s COttAGe: thrift store at former meadowbrook school Kimberleymonday, Wednesday, Friday 9.30 to 2. Good clothes and shoes at rock bottom prices for men, women, children. Donations gratefully accepted. CrANbrOOK & DistriCt KeNNel Club meets

monthly on the 2nd tues 7:00 Pm at mt baker High school Cranbrook. Club details at www.cdkc. ca or esther 250-4890409 or linda 250417-3177 CrANbrOOK triPle V Hockey Club times are 9:1510:15 a.m., age is 65+ Fmi leisure services at 489-0220. CrANbrOOK CurliNG Club tuesday Night fun league 7pm. $5 drop in fee. equipment supplied. 250-426-4415

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A14 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Monday, September 16, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

Merchandise for Sale


Building Supplies

$200 & Under

Home Improvements

540 sqft (690 sqft carton) cultured stone, reduced, $1100 takes all. 1 (250)424-5523

Acoustic guitar amp, Tranzamp A30, $160. 1 (250)4245523 Four 185/65/R14, studded snow tires on Honda rims, used one season, $150. (250)489-8009 Four 275/70/R18� M&S Continental radials, $150/set of 4. (250)417-6603

FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft

Overnight Delivery in most of BC!



PDQ HOME Improvements Hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, countertops, small reno’s, tiling, finish carpentry, etc. (250)421-7977

Merchandise Rentals 10 ACRES with mobile home, very quiet on Wycliffe Park Road. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, new windows, laminate, roof, hot water tank and electric heater. Avail. now, $ 1100/month + util., 1 month DD, Phone: 250421-7577

Swimming Pools/ Hot Tubs BEACHCOMBER HOT TUBS save up to $4010 at the factory year end clearance event while stock lasts, plus we have 8 reconditioned hot tubs starting as low as $800. This month save 20% off HOT TUB COVERS. 100 Van Horne Street North Cranbrook 250426-7999 www.beachcomberhottubs.com and RELAX IT’S A BEACHCOMBER

Water Services Culligan can fix that nasty white build up on your taps or cure that annoying red staining in bath tub or laundry. Call Culligan Cranbrook today and let us fix your water right the first time! Call (250)426-2691 or visit our website www.culligancranbrook.com And remember at Culligan we will always come to your home and test your water for free!

Pets & Livestock

Equestrian 18 Year old Registered Appaloosa Gelding $2900, 13 Year old Registered Bay Quarter Horse Mare $1800, 5 western Saddles of various sizes & Tack, Both horses are in very good health and trailer extremely well. Gelding -great for a beginner rider Mare needs an experienced rider. We would like the horses to go to a good home and together if at all possible. We are open to offers. Our family is getting busy and we are not able to spend the time needed with the horses. Call evenings 250-426-7012 Buying old or unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372 FARRIER, MD. Horseshoeing Ask about discounts Call Morgan, (250)529-7370

Feed & Hay 1st & 2nd cut Alfalfa Grass hay, small square, $150/ton, no rain. (250)427-3762 Small square bales grass hay, shedded, $3/bale. Call (250)429-3530 (250)489-9650 Wycliffe, hay for sale, irrigated small squares, alfalfa/timothy broam, 1st & 2nd cut, no rain, stored in shed, $5/bale. (250)427-6484

Poultry Attention Farmers: the last poultry slaughter dates will be September 28 or October 5. Please contact Gerry at Kootenay Mobile Poultry Abattoir at (250)489-5798 Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser

Merchandise for Sale

Antiques / Vintage Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews

Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser

$100 & Under 2 sets of wooden Paniers, $40/set. (250)427-7456 4 Yokohama 235/70/R16’’, winter radials, off a van, $25/each. 1 (250)417-6603 6’ Diefenbachia plant, $50. 3’ Diefenbachia plant, $25. Chair & ottoman, $40. Entertainment centre, $10. Computer monitor, $50. Cabinet TV, $15. Computer desk w/hutch, $35. From pet & smoke free home. Call (250)489-2697 Beaver table saw, with motor, $100. (250)489-3804 Cedar wood, 522’ of shiplap cedar in 11’, 12’ & 13’ lengths, good for building cedar canoe or doing a feature wall, $100. (250)489-3804 Drafting table, chair, light, misc. drafting tools, $100 firm. Green Lazy-Boy sofa, recliner at each end, $40. (778)5172121 Extra large Northwest River dry bag, over 1 metre high, will hold lots of gear, $40. Call (250)489-3804 Findley’s antique 2 burner woodstove, 14’’x36’’, good cond, $95. 1 (250)424-5523 Four steel rims from 1994 Tracker, 15�, $100. Call (250)489-3228


Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $100 And Under classiďŹ cation and it’s


Hoover upright bagless vacuum, used once, paid $200, asking $99. (250)829-0558 Kenmore HumidiďŹ er with filters, $30. 3’x6’ office desk, $25. 5 shelf bookcase, $20. Old style CD’s, record player, $30. (250)426-0081 New exterior metal door, 36x80, no frame or lock, $75. (250)423-3465

$400 & Under


Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $200 And Under classiďŹ cation and it’s


Hi tech Polar Escape Magnum 2-man, 4-hole, ice shelter, asking $175. 66 sheets of light taupe siding, brand new, 12-1/2’ long, 10� wide, $200 obo. Call (250)426-3939 Maytag wringer washer, instruction book, good shape, $200 obo. Call Bud or Isabel after 1pm, (250)426-3469 Prestige Banjo, beginner’s model, 5 string, $200. Call (250)424-5266 Rototiller, 195cc yard machine MTD, like new, $175. Call (250)427-2491 Whirlpool 30� electric range, white, $125. (250)417-6603

$300 & Under 1970 Ski-Doo Elan, runs but needs TLC, $300. Call (250)423-3465 2 wheel Shetland Pony buggy, $300 obo. (250)402-8644 3-pt hitch tractor blade, 7’, $300. (250)427-7456 Commercial air conditioner, 24,000 BTUs, cools 1000 sq.ft. minimum, brand new, retails at $600-$800, asking $300. New white steel pre hung exterior door, 32�x79�x1-3/4�, inswing is right hand, half lite one panel, paid $420, asking $300. (250)426-3939 Four Nexen 175/70/R13� all season radials on Toyota rims, Snowflake icon, 90% tread, $225. (250)417-6603


Two oor lamps, $20/each. Large picture, “Wolves in Snowâ€?, $100. New twin bed boxspring, $25. Call (250)489-4532 Two new 6-panel white interior doors, 32â€?, can be used left or right, $25/each or $40/both. Skylight, 2’x2’, $45. Set of professional loudspeaker acoustic response speakers, 250 watts, 25â€? high, 16â€? across, $25/set.(250)426-3939 Two Toyo 215/65/R16â€? winter radials, off van, 70% tread, $25/each. (250)417-6603 Wine making carboys, four 10 gallon plastic, two 5 gallon plastic & one 10 gallon glass, $100. (250)489-3804 Wood kayak, needs new canvas but wood in good shape, $100. (250)489-3804 Wood toboggan, great cond., $30. (250)489-3804

$200 & Under 10 cu.ft. upright freezer, like new, used 1 year, paid $400, asking $199. (250)829-0558 10 HP Craftsman snowblower, runs great, electric start, $150. (778)517-2121 11’x20’x8’ Clearview shelter, used 2 weeks, $200. Call (250)489-3568

Free Items Free to good home, 2-year old handsome Rhode Island Red rooster & 2 hens. (250)4325434

Farm Equipment

Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews

Ford Industrial 420 tractor, loader bucket, forks, PTO, rops, chains, 1520 total hours, ex. cond., $14,500. Call John, 1 (250)428-5535


Fruit & Vegetables VISIT Faramon Farm for apples. 4730 Canyon/Lister rd. Canyon. Gala, Mac, Spartan, Jonagold, Ambrosia, juice and juicing apples. Call ahead for large orders 250 428 7278. Closed Sundays.

WE PAY CA$H FOSR USED FIREARM ividuals) tate, Collections & Ind



Mountain Man Outdoors

250-426-2717 1-800-796-4666

Order early, limited supply, Pine firewood, standing dry, BIG 7 axle loads, delivered 60 km radius of Galloway, $1400 per load. Out of area, call for pricing. (250)429-3248

WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750

Garden Equipment

Food Products

Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com

APPLES direct from Faramon Farms; Gala, Macs, Pears, Apple juice and juicing apples from Sept. 11. Jonagold and Spartans starting - Sept 27. Ambrosia beginning - Oct. 7. Please call ahead for large orders. Closed Sundays. 250- 428-7278

John Deere 212 tractor, c/w snow blower, grass cutting deck, working cond., make offer. (250)489-5798 Rototiller, 195cc yard machine MTD, like new, $175. Call (250)427-2491




Several 45 gal drums, $20/each. 1 (250)424-5523

Garage Sales

1965 Cockshutt 4-cyl tractor with front loader & 3-pt hitch, with blade, brand new set of tire chains, good cond, $4000. Call (250)426-5831


NEW, never used Cultured marble vanity top, 45�x22-1/2�, $40. Call (250)489-4532

Garage Sales

Free barn kittens to good home. (250)427-7499

Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com

Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $300 And Under classiďŹ cation and it’s Industrial coffee grinder, Mazzer Luigi, $300. Call (250)424-5266 Irish Bouzouki, solid wood, $300. (250)424-5266

Two 12 gallon Demi-johns, $20/each. One 5 gallon Demijohn, $15. Bottle capper, $40. Plastic barrel, $15. Bottle dryer rack, $20. Bottle access., $5. Wine bottles, $2/dozen. For more info, (250)426-2758

Merchandise for Sale

One of the Family Inc. 1996 www.oneofthefamilypetcarecentre.com

When considering a kennel: • Over 40 years unsurpassed experience • Govt. Cert. trainer & K9 behaviourist on staff • Puppies are safely Lily#307287 socialized Breed: Coonhound, Redbone Cross • Veterinarian referred Color: Red/Black • 25 pristine acres with 5 Sex: Female (Not Spayed) separate buildings for Age: Puppy quality care of your Please call to adopt family pet


EKSPCA (250)426-6751

All the PET-iculars Save 10%

on Leather Collars & Leashes* *regular priced items, selected collars

Save $3-$14 Up to

25% OFF

on Oxbow Small Animal Food & Treats



1805 13th Ave S, 8am-2pm Lots of household stuff, bedding, clothes (ladies size 14 & up), purses & collectibles, Hockey & Sports cards (old stock from Mountain Top Sports Cards), etc.

Breathe through a straw for 60 seconds. That’s what breathing is like with cystic fibrosis. No wonder so many people with CF stop breathing in their early 30s.

Merrick Wet Dog Food

Buy 2 Get 1 FREE

Selected Frozen Fish Food

Please help us.

Save 50%

Prices in effect September 16 - 30, 2013

300 gal 2-compartment fuel tank with stand, $150. 36’’x6’10’’ heavy pipe, would make 3-snowplow blades, $150. 1 (250)424-5523 4 Goodyear Wrangler LT 275/70/R17� AT/S, $150/set of 4. (250)417-6603 55 gal fish tank with stand and accessories, $150. Call (250)426-0081

Find us on Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9am-6pm, Fri. 9am-8pm, Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. & Holidays 11am-5pm Facebook 1610 Cranbrook Street North, Cranbrook, BC • Phone: 250-426-8600


Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 16, 2013

Heavy Duty Machinery

Heavy Duty Machinery

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A15

Heavy Duty Machinery

Heavy Duty Machinery

Heavy Duty Machinery


& EQUIPMENT • SALMO 250 357-2604 1 888 356-2604



Farm and Ranch Super Savings This Fall! GET READY FOR FIREWOOD SEASON!

WE 30 Wallenstein 20 T 2 way Gas Wood 22 Ton 3 Point Wood Canadian Made Splitter Splitter Splitter • Vertical/Horizontal • 5.8 HP Subaru Motor • Free log rack! 3 Yr. Warranty!

• • • •


20 Ton 2 way (faster production) GC 160 Honda Motor Log Catcher


• 22 Ton • Vert./Horizontal • 4 way wedge & hydraulic line incl.

Come Test Drive the Rugged and Powerful 4035 PST! Power Shuttle, 40 HP, Rear Remote Hydraulics, 2400 Lb Loader Capacity

Only $24,765 with Cash Rebates! (Cash price before tax)

Be ready for winter with a Mahindra MAX series tractor! • Mitsubishi Engines • 5 Year Power Train Warranty • Highest loader capacity in their class • Hydrostatic & Gear Available • 0% Financing Available! Come see why they are the #1 selling tractor in the world!



• Fall Fencing Specials: PWP Treated Posts from 3-4� 7’ up to 5-6� 10’ 10% off on Bundle Purchases • Field Fence 12.5 Ga. 48�x330’ $195, 96� x330’ $409 • Deer Fence 78�x165’ $195 • Maxtite Horse Fence 60�x100’ $195 • 14 Ga. Welded Wire 72�x100’ $139, 60�x100’ $105


3H Maverick Deluxe 2003 24’ Grizzly Car Hauler with LQ

Farm King 8’ HD 60s Rear Blade

Cat. 1-3 3 Point Post Hole Auger with 6� Bit


No more neck aches! Blower attaches to rear but you drive forward!!



14’ Karavan 4 place Drive on/off Snow Aluminum

Merchandise for Sale

Heavy Duty Machinery

Misc. Wanted

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ in stock. SPECIAL 44’X40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com

Misc. for Sale 4 Bridgestone Dueler truck tires, P265/65/R18 A/T, less than 1800km, $600. Call (250)489-3568

Aluminum Skin Tack Room, Horse Friendly Stalls



Wanted antiques by private collector, Medalta advertising, like Ogilvies flour, milk pitchers & bowls, or pottery whiskey jugs, with town names on them, also Seltzer bottles, soda pops or pottery ginger beers, from BC, AB or Sask. 1 (250)423-3715 or 420-7129

Musical Instruments DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.

Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com Electric hospital bed & mattress, in good cond., paid $2400, asking $800. Rawhoe seat, $200. (250)426-6194 Hay, ďŹ rewood, sand & gravel for sale. (250)417-9291 Need good movers? Need help? Need that big heavy thing moved? $75/hr in town, small truck. Call the good guys at Mission View. (250)489-8772



Merchandise for Sale

Remember ClassiďŹ ed Advertising deadlines are Tuesday 2 pm for the following Friday and 2 pm Thursday for the following Monday.


Shed Antlers. Racks. Taxidermy, antiques. Cash paid. Kelly, (250)426-6993 Your Number 1 choice for pest control in the Kootenay Region. Cranbrook Pest Control. (250)426-9586 www.cranbrookpestcontrol.com

Misc. Wanted

Sporting Goods LOST Fly Fishing Tackle Box on Ha Ha Lake Road around 6km on Sept 6/13, if found please call 250-426-3430 or 919-9475, belong’s to wife, If I don’t get it back divorce pending.

Real Estate For Sale By Owner


Antiques wanted by private collector, car dealership, gas station or soda signs & door pushes, pre 1970 tin toy trucks, cars & windups, also brewery or soda calendars. 1 (250)423-3715 or 420-7129 Antlers Wanted, Sheds & Sets, Elk & Deer. Call Rick 250-422-3444

Quality Stambulic built strata homes starting at just $279,000. You will find peace and quiet in one of our 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath homes, featuring 1500 sq ft plus partially developed basement, hardwood floors, jetted tub & spacious double carport. Located at 188 9th St S Quick possession available. To view call (250)426-4954 (250)421-0325

**FREE** All Wanted ads are now FREE!!!! Call today to place your wanted ad 250-489-3455

Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews

Genuine Coin Collector Buyer Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030 Looking for good used Blaze King woodstove. Also small diameter Lodgepole Pine trees. Call (250)421-9729

PRICED to sell. Renovated cozy, 2 bdrm home on 4 acres, garage, barns, RV storage, greenhouse, fruit trees, fenced for horses, outdoor riding arena, minutes to McGinty Lake, Crownland access, 250908-1578. $266,000.

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

SHOP OUR VIRTUAL STORE www.cranbrookpestcontrol.com For a do-it-yourself approach for control of: • Rodents • Insects • Bed Bugs • Bird & Bat • Washroom/Odour Control

A Member of www.cranbrookpestcontrol.com Better Cranbrook Pest Control Business Bureau


MK Martin Meteor 5’ Rear Pull Snow blower


2007 Snake River 6x12


2006 Trail tech Equip. 18’


14’ Maverick Stock

6’ 7� Tall 6’ 6� Wide centre gate w/ slam latch


BAILIFF SALE 2009 Chev Equinox LS SUV, grey, 218,428 kms,

$8,200 obo 2007 Ford Ranger Sport

Ext. cab, auto, 2WD, black, 52,000kms

$9,800 obo

MUST BE SOLD, MAKE US AN OFFER to view call Andwell Collections Services Ltd.


A16 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Real Estate

Real Estate

Houses For Sale

Mobile Homes & Parks

MARYSVILLE 820-309th St, 3-bdr quality home w/great view, backing on Bootleg Golf Course, near school & arena, 2194 sq.ft., 2-car garage, U/G sprinklers, central air & vac, 2-large decks, natural gas for BBQ, custom cabinets throughout, crown moldings, gas fireplace, garburator, large ensuite w/jacuzzi, 2-other baths, high eff furnace & electrostatic air cleaning, kitchen island. Quality & location! Photos on Kijiji $399,000 (250)427-1979

#1 Modular Dealer • Showhomes on Sale! • Trades Welcome! • Basement Models! • Built in BC! www.eaglehomes.ca

On the Strip

2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230

Lakefront, Montana, trade for BC/ALTA property. Call 1(208)267-3300

Small Ads work! Mobile Homes & Parks

Looking to purchase a new home? We have a large pad site in town that will accommodate a single wide or larger home if purchased through

Kodiak Homes!

Ph 250-426-1882 Best Quality and Price in the Kootenays




On the Strip

2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230

Apt/Condo for Rent

Antiques / Classics

Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, hot tub, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 1 & 2bdrm units, 250-417-7379

1972 Chev show truck, 350 CID, auto, 2WD, column shift, bucket seats, nice paint, green with black interior, asking $11,900. 250-427-5895

Commercial/ Industrial

Duplex / 4 Plex 1307C 10th St S, clean lower 1-bdrm, c/w kitchen, living & dining room, parking & yard, one year lease, n/s, n/p, $700/mth including all utilities. Call (250)421-2590

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent

APARTMENTS FOR RENT • 1& 2 Bedroom units • Security Buildings • On-site Manager • Fridge, stove & hot water included • Centrally located near malls, schools, college & hospital


106 1850 2nd St. N., Cranbrook Phone (250) 489-5160 (250) 417-1260 2-bdrm units available in Victoria Villas, rent inc. W/D & water, starting at $775/mo + electric. D/D starting at $387.50. N/P, N/S, 1-year lease. Call (250)421-2590

Reasonable Rent!! Affordable !!!! 1 bedroom apartments! F/S, blinds, H/W, absolutely no pets, references, close to all amenities, starting at $450 Also, 3-bdrm house, available Aug 15 Call (250)489-1906 (250)919-2075 RECENTLY renovated 1 Bedroom Apartment in a quiet Apartment Building for immediate rental. It is close walking distance to the College, Hospital, Grocery Shopping, and Rec Plex. Morning Sunshine. Galley Kitchen, Living Room, and Small Dining Area. Furnished with Couch, Chair. Available for showing as of Sept. 8th. References Preferred. Rent for $715 / mo incl Heat, Water, Parking. Email: jordeliason@gmail.com or Tel: 250-919-7800

2 BDRM mobile in Erickson. $650 month + utilities. F/S, W/D, electric forced air heat/ air conditioning. Front and rear covered deck, separate storage shed. 250-352-5519 or rsworld@telus.net

Modular Homes

1975 Oldsmobile Delta 88 4-dr sedan,

fully loaded, only 61,000 miles, excellent running cond., a great car pool vehicle,

asking $3500 obo. (250)489-4984

available in Cranbrook, Wycliffe and Invermere. Trades considered and financing available! www.eaglehomes.ca

On the Strip

2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230

Days 250-489-2218 Evenings 250-417-0332 Need new wheels but your credit has run off the road? Apply online:

350 motor, auto trans, p/s, p/b, p/dl, air, power bucket seats, Keystone Mags, ex. cond., white w/black interior, asking $9500.

1966 Rambler Ambassador 4-door station wagon, V8 auto, excellent inside & out, completely restored 1996, 97,000 original miles, asking $6800 obo. To view call (250)426-5371 1981 Oldsmobile Toronado, p/everything, runs like a charm, $1200 obo. Call (250)402-8644 1985 Corvette, white, 4-spd auto, 350 tune port injection, 169,000km, new tires, $8995 obo. (250)489-0193

Call after 6pm, (250)426-4311

1995 Mustang Convertible, 5L, 5-spd, black w/tan top, new wheels, tires, exhaust, stereo, many more upgrades, very fast, ex. cond., beautiful car, must see! $8500. Call (250)428-9606 Creston

Auto Accessories/Parts 2008 Frontier Tonneau cover, 64”x74”, $100. (250)426-6888 New winter tires, 15” Arctic Claws with rims, four, $550 firm. (250)489-4514

Homes for Rent

1988 Jaguar XJ 12 Vandenplas, 186,230km, V-12, very good cond., Pirelli tires, new brakes, $3800 obo. (250)421-1188 1994 Nissan Altima, new starter, alternator, battery with in the last 2 yrs, good on gas, $500 obo. After 6 pm 1 (250)426-9090

3 bedroom house in Creston. $850/month + util. Pet deposit, small pet only. No smoking. Avail immed. 250 402-9857

1996 Corvette Collector Edition, 160,000km, 2 roofs, auto, original paint, engine LT4, fully loaded,ex cond, asking $16,000 obo. (250)426-3802

INVERMERE Fully Furnished 3 BR, 2 Bath, 5 Appliance Home in Wilder Subdivision for rent. N/S, DD. $1400/mo. Utilities/cable/Internet included. Call 403-819-8121. KIMBERLEY, 805-5th Ave.; 3 bdrm, NEW PAINT, FLOORING and FURNACE, $1000/mth. Call 250-423-7248 ONE Bedroom house for rent in Creston $700 mo. No pets or smokers. Call 250 427 2526 Remodeled 3-bdrm house, 3-bath, lrg yard, close to elementary & middle school, 5-appliances, blinds, references, strictly no pets. (250)489-1906 or 919-2075. Also affordable 1-bdrm apartments in separate building, students welcome.

Townhouses 4-bdrm townhouse, Sparwood, plus den, 1-bath, fully reno’d, new appl, close to rec centre & mall, large fenced yard, prefer n/s, n/p, n/parties, $1200. Call (250)425-0169 SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448 primeprop@mymts.net

2005 Buick Allure, 132,000km, one owner, have all records of work done since new & a carproof BC report, asking $6500 obo. (250)489-2642

250-489-4711 1-800-663-2307

Auto Financing

Small house for rent, suitable for couple, n/s, n/p, n/parties, #10-14th Ave S, in Cranbrook. (250)426-3804

2003 Toyota Corolla CE, everything works, new cruise, shocks & struts, wheel covers, 215,000km, includes winter tires on rims $6000. (250)426-8867

or call Travis at Northstar GM

1979 El Camino SS,

Modular Home Pads

$7900.00 OBO


1978 Oldsmobile Cutlass, 305 V8, 700RY auto trans., new paint: Pearl Silver, w/black hood & red pinstriping, 18” tires, Boss wheels, Kenwood stereo, $4500 obo. (250)432-9817 Kimberley

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals


www.iDreamAuto.com DL# 7557

Cars - Domestic Don’t forget to look for us online at kootenayadvertiser.com 1978 Trans Am, 400 4-spd, nice car, $14,900. Days, (250)426-7011 or nights, (778)517-0924


Cars - Domestic 2010 Lincoln MKZ, AWD, fully loaded, 55,000km, Stock #NNN459, $28,495. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)4274224

2004 Ford Mustang Anniversary Edition V6, 112,000 km, winter and summer tires,

Commercial property on Theatre Road for lease, 3000 sq.ft., office/shop/warehouse & yard, avail now. For info call, (250)919-0350

Mobile Homes & Pads

Hampshire Apartments, quiet convenient location, inc heat & hot water, n/s, n/p, 1bdrm, $600/m, (250)417-7379

1982 Mobile Home



3-bdrm condo, close to hospital & college, 2 parking stalls, washer/dryer, storage. Furniture available & negotiable, avail now, $1200/month. (250)919-3983

in Windermere Mobile Home Park 5 bedrooms, 1 large bathroom with a woodstove, 8x10 deck, close to schools and beach. Home is vacant and ready for immediate occupancy.


Toll Free 1-866-539-1230

2 BR, 2BA home in quiet 55+ community in the pines of beautiful Prescott, AZ. Local owner. $19.5K + monthly lot fees. Call for more info/pics. 250.417.0405




Kimberley, clean, quiet 2bdrm duplex, F/S, carpets, drapes, balcony, W/D, full basement, private entry, close to shopping, n/p, $630. Please call (250)427-7173


QUIET AND SECURE Fountain Estate Terrific mountain views, green space, laundry, fireplace and bright kitchen on main floor, 2-bdrms, 2.5 baths, 3-pc en-suite, double garage, above ground deck For viewing (250)426-8284

Monday, September 16, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

1998 Cadillac Catera, 160,000km, beige with beige leather, sunroof, heated front/rear seats, cassette/CD & more, 30+ mpg hwy, $4500. (250)426-7041 1998 Subaru Forester AWD, well maintained, new timing belt, battery, windshield, no rust, 220,000 km, $5000. (250)346-3378 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser, good cond, recent scheduled service done inc. timing belt, c/w mounted winter tires on rims, $4500. 1995 Pontiac Sunfire, one owner, good cond., no rust, new clutch installed, $2500. (250)489-5798 2003 Crown Vic, 110,000 km, A-1 condition, summer & winter tires, power everything, $7500 obo. (250)426-1961 2004 Nissan Maxima 4-dr Sedan, V6, auto, grey, FWD, Stock #N15851A, $12,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 888-426-6665 2006 Chrysler Sebring Sedan, 4-dr, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #V77236B, $5995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-877-420-2194

2006 Honda Civic Coupe, red, air, auto, cruise, etc., just turned 38,000km, price includes 4 good winter tires on rims, asking $11,500 obo. (250)489-3930 2006 Subaru Outback LTD, 4cyl, auto, gold, AWD, Stock #S02203A, $17,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1877-420-2194 2007 Pontiac G6, V6, auto, FWD, Stock #S32588A, $10,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523. Call us at (250)489-4325 877-420-2194 2007 Subaru Outback 5-dr Wagon, auto 2.5i, 4-cyl, auto, AWD, Stock #F29026, $16,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-877-420-2194 (250)489-4325 2007 Toyota Corolla, Sports Edition, 100,000 km, ex. cond., standard, $10,000 obo. (250)421-3311 2008 Ford Focus, black, 2-dr standard, 96,000 km, 4-winter tires w/rims, remote starter, $9500 obo. (250)489-1310 2008 Nissan Versa 5-dr HB, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #Z52231, $8720. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313 1-888-426-6665 2008 Subaru Tribeca Limited, flat 6-cyl engine, auto, AWD, 108,831km, Stock #S49990A, $24,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523. Call (250)489-4325 2009 Chevrolet Aveo LS, 4cyl, auto, grey, FWD, Stock #N09646B, $9995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-888426-6665 2009 Chrysler PT Cruiser, 4-dr, 4-cyl, 2.4L, auto, grey, Stock #S210222B, $9995. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1888-418-4798 2009 Jetta TDI comfortline, auto, power group, heated seats, alloy wheels, local vehicle, balance of factory warranty, VW certified available, 93,846km, $19,995, Stock #V40829A. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, (250)489-4327 or call 1-877-689-4327 2009 Mazda 5, 4-cyl, auto, white, FWD, Stock #Y12610C, $15,995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315, 1-877-420-2194 2009 Nissan Sentra, 2.0L, 4cyl, FWD, 4-spd auto, brown, Stock #15897, $10,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-800-3881156 2009 PT Cruiser, 56,000km, Mint cond., $9,800 obo. (250)342-6997 2010 Chevrolet Aveo LS, 4cyl, manual, FWD, 33,206km, Stock #Y36642B, $9995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315, (250)489-0903 2010 Chevrolet Impala LT Sedan, auto, white, Stock #T13231A, $12,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039 2010 Honda Civic 2-dr Coupe, manual, black, Stock #Z705608N, $18,995. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845. 1-888418-4798 2012 Ford Focus SE, 2.0L Inline4, FWD, Stock #P2007, $12,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-663-3839

2011 Ford Focus SEL fully loaded, leather heated seats, 4-dr, auto, 2L engine, under coated, extended service plan up to 100,000 km, currently has 8,000 km, have to see it to appreciate it

$14,500 obo (250)426-8846

2011 Jetta Comfortline 2.5, auto, power group, heated seats, alloy wheels, local vehicle, balance of factory warranty, VW certified available, 32,550km, $19,995, Stock #A3434. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, (250)489-4327 or call 1-877-689-4327 2011 Jetta TDI highline, auto, power group, sunroof, sat radio, heated seats, balance of factory warranty, VW certified available, 64,150km, $24,995, Stock #V67170A. Arrow Motors, DL #5467 (250)489-4327 or call 1-877-689-4327 2011 Lincoln MKT, fully loaded, 6 pass, 38,000km, Stock #01414A, $37,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)4274224 2011 Nissan Sentra 4-dr Sedan, 4-cyl, auo, grey, FWD, Stock #N46470A, $16,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-888-426-6665 2012 Ford Focus, black, 2.0L Inline4, 6-spd auto, FWD, Stock #T3192A, $15,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1800-663-3839 2012 Hyundai Elantra GLS Sedan, 1.8L, 6-spd auto, silver, Stock #13-038442, $17,995. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, (888)307-0911 2012 Toyota Yaris SE hatchback, 1.5L, auto, white, Stock #17746, $15,800. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, 1(888)3070911 2013 Cadillac ATS Premium Sedan, AWD, 3.6L, 6-cyl, 6-spd auto, red, Stock #61435, $51,995. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1-800-663-2307 2013 Ford Edge, AWD, touring package, mineral grey, 3.5L, V6, 6-spd auto, Stock #P2010, $33,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-6633839 2013 Hyundai Elantra GT 5-dr HB, 4-cyl, auto, grey, FWD, Stock #Y27143, $21,995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315, 1877-420-2194 2013 Toyota Corolla CE Sedan, 1.8L, auto, grey, Stock #C059423, $18,995. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888418-4798

Cars - Sports & Imports 2012 Ford Mustang convertible, 3000km, Stock #12612B, $27,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)4274224

Commercial Vehicles 1993 Western Star tandem dump truck with new hoist cylinder, front differential, rear leaf springs, front tires, king pins, batteries & rebuilt engine, 18-spd split shift, $21,000. (250)417-6543 45’ Commercial transport van, heated, new 24.5 rubber, $5500. (250)489-8794

Motorcycles 1998 Suzuki Intruder 1500, 40,000km on rebuilt engine & transmission, hard bags, windscreen, auxiliary gas tank, Stage 3 carbs, set up for touring, $7000. (250)464-0207 1999 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200 cc, custom built, 39,000km, $8000 obo. (250)489-1310 2001 Harley 1200 Sportster, 100th Anniversary Edition, needs inspection, $5500. Call (250)417-5530 2004 Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail Classic, ex cond., 64,000km, $11,500 obo. After 6pm, (250)426-1836

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 16, 2013









2006 CR125, very well maintained, brand new FMF pipe & silencer & rad valve, $2700 obo. (250)421-8126 2007 Harley Davidson Dyna Low-Rider, burgundy/cream, 55,000km, must see to appreciate, asking $11,000. (250)489-5445 2008 250 Rebel, 6400km, ex. cond., $3000 firm. Call (250)489-5392 2008 Honda CRF250X, $4800 obo Barely used less than 200 km (250)427-7229 2008 KLR 650, 11,000km, near mint, w/extras & bags, $3650 obo. Evenings (403)836-3786 2012 KTM150XC, mint cond, barely used, bought July 2012, $6400 obo. 2012 KX100, great cond., bought July 2012, $4000 obo. Neither bike used this season. (250)426-7980 New Bristol leather jacket, stretch panels, vented, removable kidney belt size 42-44, $250. HD boots, size 8, $100. HD helmet, $100. HD cover, flame retardant, $100. (250)489-1418 Wells Cargo bike cargo trailer, 1500 lb torsion axle, wheel chock, 6 tie points, loading ramp, 6x6x10, $3000. (250)464-0207

1984 24’ Class C motorhome, ex. running cond., 130,000km, 350 Ford, many extras, two 50 watt solar panels, 1700 watt inverter, 3 new batteries, etc., inside redone, asking $6000. (250)426-1127

2001 26’ Vanguard, parked on for last 10 years, no bush km since 2003. New roof, 2-yr old awning, double bed in front, Jack & Jill bunks in rear, sleeps 6 comfortably (can accommodate 8), asking $11,000. Call or text, (250)421-1597

Off Road Vehicles

1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $32,000 obo for both. (250)427-6806

1984 25’ Wilderness Cimmerron, tandem axle, 30lb bottles, 2-doors, Air, approx $700 spent on fridge, nice shape, asking $1800. Can be viewed back of Kootenay Pawn Shop. (250)426-7270 1991 26’ Rustler, Jack & Jill bunks, front kitchen, fold out couch, air, full bath, new water pump, newer HW tank, new battery, sleeps-6, $6600 obo. (250)426-5653 1991 29’ Wilderness trailer, everything runs, in good cond., lots of upgrades, $7000. (250)420-1802 1991 31’ motorhome, 57,000 miles, good cond, asking $10,900, must sell, make offer. Baynes Lake (406)291-2380

2001 500 Suzuki quad, $2500. 1992 300 Suzuki quad, $2000. Repairs completed, one owner. (250)426-5107 2005 HONDA RUBICON Trail Edition. Rear seat, hand/ thumb warmers, 26” Bear Claw tires also c/w powerblade

1992 37’ Class A motorhome for sale, A1 shape, fully loaded, $24,500. Consider vehicle on trade. (250)489-8794 1992 Prowler 19’ holiday trailer, good cond., inside like new, double axle, $5800 obo. (250)489-5798 1994 30’ Dutchman 4 Seasons 5th Wheel, new awning, walk around queen bed up front, slide out rear kitchen, sleeps 6, new batteries, new propane tanks inspected 2009, good tires, $9000 obo. Nadine or Graham Beam, (250)426-7400 1997 Vanguard Wrangler 5th wheel, 26’, hitch included, asking $8000. (250)426-5535 1998 29’ Prowler, bunk model, c/w front bedroom, full bathroom, 2-dr fridge, air, 1/2 ton towable, $8000 obo. Call (250)426-4283 1998 Bigfoot camper, 8.2 ft 1500 RD Short box, queen forward bed, 3-burner stove w/oven, furnace, 3-way fridge/freezer, water heater, shower & toilet, $8000. (778)517-0132 1316 18th St S Cranbrook. 1999 Corsair 5th Wheel trailer, 30’, 2 slideouts, tandem axle, ex. cond., $11,000 obo. Call Audrey, (250)417-3431 1999 Corsair Excella 28.5’, all season 5th wheel trailer, full set of skirting, well made, beautiful interior, many options (built in vac, AC, MW, awning), perfect snowbird/park unit, $12,500 obo, hitch also available. (250)426-2671

atv plow with hand lift. 3300 kms.

$5500. MAXXIS BIGHORN 2.0 atv/utv tires, 27x11-14 rears 27x9-14 fronts. Only 200 kms $450. Call 420-7302 2009 550 Arctic Cat ATV, 3000 lb winch, hand & thumb warmer, 43 km, $7000 firm. (250)489-3697 2009 Polaris Scrambler 500, 4WD, ex cond, $4800 obo. After 5:30 (250)489-8355

Recreational/Sale 1970’s Vanguard 8’ truck camper, good cond., $400 obo. (250)426-1887 or call (250)426-9422 1977 GMC Class A motorhome, 26’, good cond. inside & out, newer tires, must be seen! Rare model. Best offer takes it. (250)426-8408

1978 Tioga,

350 GM motor, sleeps 6, bathroom, kitchen, 2 fridges, furnace, new awning last summer, new tires, good unit for hunters,

$4200 obo (250)428-4079


2003/2004 32’ Endura Class C Gulfstream motorhome, 454 motor/Genset, ex. shape, 3104 6th St S, worth $64,900, asking $45,000. (250)919-6665 2004 24’ Pioneer travel trailer, island bed, as new cond., $11,000. Or trade for motorhome. (250)428-9606 Creston 2004 30’ Arctic Fox, 4 season all weather coach, 2 slides, solid oak cabinets, ex. cond., asking $20,000 obo.(250)4266550 2004 Springdale 25’, small slide, awning, Stock #T3472.1, $14,900. Runners RV, call (250)489-4141 or 1-800-6634824 2004 Terry 5th Wheel, 29-1/2’ with slide, air, 8 cu.ft. fridge, microwave, stove, oven, back bedroom with bunks, queensize bed in master bedroom with bathroom, tub, shower, pull out couch, can sleep up to 8 people, plenty of cupboard space, in good shape, asking $18,000. 1 (250)402-3583 2004 Terry Quantum 32’ 5th Wheel trailer, immaculate, 2 slides, queen bed, 3-way fridge, 3-burner stove w/oven, microwave, gas/electric hot water heater, gas furnace, 2 TV’s, excellent & clean cond., $21,500 obo. (250)426-8178 2005 29’ Holiday trailer, equipped with solar panels, 285 watts, 2000 watt inverter, large slide w/awning, dual wheels, mint cond., $16,000 obo. (250)342-6805

2005 Holiday Rambler, alum., 34’, 3 slides, washer/dryer, air, fan, 2 TV’s, good tires, many extras, a real home, never smoked in, $25,500. Will sell with F-Diesel truck for $55,000. Come and have a look, 1429 20A St S, Cbk (250)489-5860 or (250)420-1632 2006 18’ Pioneer trailer, sleeps 7, $6000 obo. Call (250)464-1182 2006 8’ Okanagan truck camper, 1700lbs, Happi-Jacs, north/south queen bed, fantastic fan, stairs, awning, quality built & used only a few weekends. Mint Condition. $11,000. (250)489-5851


D L O NOW $9,695 S 2006 FOREST RIVER SALEM T19 Stk#17643 Was $11,800

2007 OUTBACK 21RS Stk#17637 Was $14,800

NOW $12,825 Stk#17636 Was $14,800

NOW $12,845




2011 23’ Wildwood Ultra Light, rear dinette, air conditioning, microwave, BBQ, TV, as new cond., reduced to

$13,500 (250)428-0108


1101 Victoria Ave

250-426-3133 1-888-616-1555

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A17

ONLINE RV DEALS www.VoyagerRV.ca Over 200 new & used motorhomes, 5th wheels, trailers & campers. 0 down financing. Trades accepted. BC’s LARGEST Dealer. Voyager RV Centre, Hwy 97 Winfield. Toll free 1-800-668-1447 Lance 11’9” side door camper, loaded, ex. cond., $18,500 no tax. (250)426-5118





Sport Utility Vehicle

Trucks & Vans

Well taken care of 1985 25’ Travelaire 5th Wheel, awning, FA furnace, air, microwave, TV ant., cable hookup, full bath, raised axles, $3000. (250)417-3387

2011 Rav4 Limited AWD, V6, auto, loaded, leather, sunroof, alloy wheels, heated seats & much more, local vehicle, balance of factory warranty, only 46,550kms, $27,995. Stock #A62540. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, (250)489-4327 or 1877-689-4327 2012 GMC Acadia SLE SUV, 3.6L, 6-cyl, AWD, 6-spd auto, silver, Stock #61438, $34,995. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1800-663-5717 2013 Honda CRV EX, 4-cyl, auto, white, 4WD, Stock #H18238A, $24,500. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488 2013 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo SUV, 5-spd auto, Black Forrest Green PC, Stock #T13005A, $34,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708. 1888-259-7039

Sport Utility Vehicle 2007 Hi-LOW 22’ tandem trailer, fully self contained w/fridge, stove, air, solar panel & much more. Very rare in this area. Design allows for compact mode when traveling so wind resistance is very low & better on your vehicle for gas consumption. Always stored under cover when not in use. $18,000. (250)489-4748

2008 Jayco toy hauler, 29’, used 10 times, loaded, 12’ garage. Call for more information. $27,000 or will take classic muscle or hot rod on trade. (250)426-3568 2010 24’ Hideout, new cond, walk around queen, Jack & Jill beds, air, indoor outdoor speakers, 19’ flat screen stereo/CD/DVD, sleeps-7, hitch inc. $13,000 obo. (250)489-5855

1997 Chevy Blazer, 206,000km, recent brakes & engine tune up, runs nice, $3000 obo. If you want it, make an offer. (250)402-8644 1997 FORD Explorer Limited, black, well maintained. Great shape. 246,000km. 4wd. Offers! 778-481-2222 1999 Honda CRV, 227,000km, good cond., $5150 obo. (250)489-5392 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 4L, auto, 4WD, Champagne, 235,500km, $5000. Call (250)423-3465 2001 Suzuki Grand Vitara 4x4, 121,000 km, good cond., $4800 obo. Call after 6pm, (250)426-7107 2002 Ford Explorer SUV, green, low mileage, immaculate throughout, new stereo & CD player, 1 year wear on winter tires, new brakes, $7000 obo. (250)425-6380 2002 HYUNDAI Santa Fe, AWD SUV, auto, P/W, air, well maintained in good cond, 253,000 km, reduced to $3500 obo. Eves (250)4892810 2003 Honda CRV EX, 4-cyl, auto, brown, 4WD, Stock #Y69754A, $9995. Hillcrest Hyundai, Dl #30315. 1-877420-2194

2010 Springdale 26-1/2’, 1/2 ton towable, slide, sleeps 6, used 7x, loaded, $18,000 obo. (250)489-8885 2011 22’ Regal motorhome on Ford 350 Chassis, only 35,000 km, asking $65,000. (250)4282739 2011 36’ Outback Sidney Addition 5th Wheel, 4 slides, ex. cond., extended warranty until 2017, $32,000. (250)919-7185 2012 185FBR Shadow Cruiser tandem, lightweight, loaded, includes power awning, sleeps 6, never used, $16,500 obo. (250)426-5118 (250)421-1484 BIG FOOT 2500 camper, 9.5’, Happy jacks, solar panel, Fantastic fan, 2-batteries, 2-propane takes, pot, pans, dishes, bedding, rose & blue decor, always under cover, no pets, non smoking, in floor heating, outside shower, very clean & great cond, $14,500. (250)429-3113 Hunters Special, older Randell 21’ 5th wheel camper, all systems in good working cond, sleeps-4, extra heavy duty single axle, metal roof, no leaks, good cond throughout, $2495. Hitch extra. (250)342-6451 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27’4”, like new. We are the original owners. Only used 2 weekends. Slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, worth $51,900, asking $16,500 obo. (250)427-4435 Quick sale, Excellent cond 2000 Sportsman model 300, 1-slide out, large Arizona room, new fridge 2012, 3burner stove, air, full bathroom, TV hook up, radio, queen bed, 2-bunks, pullout sofa, sleeps 6-8, asking $9000 or will trade for late model car Honda, Toyota etc. (250) 2294265 Balfour Reduced by $1200. Camping & Hunting. Truck & camper, rebuilt motor, trans, drive shaft, 8000lb winch, new water pump, alternator, power steering pump, master cylinder, shocks, 3-way fridge, stove, heater, many more, asking $4700, may consider trades.Call Ray,(250)489-5038 TRAVEL Supreme River Canyon 34 Ft. Top of the line 5th wheel $30,000 obo 4 slides, polar package: dl.bowman@hotmail.com 250-4231781. We bought the best, now you can have the best for less!!!!!! Truck camper, 10.5’, shower etc., clean, no leaks, good cond. for 3/4 ton or 1 ton truck, $2200. (250)423-0328 Vanguard trailer, 24’, 1983, new awning, new tires, resealed roof & windows, good cond, sleeps-6, $5200. 1 (250)420-7436


4x4, auto, 4.7L 8-cyl, loaded, 6-CD player, DVD, seats 8, leather, heated seats, much more, 120,000 miles, great cond, maintenance receipts,

A STEAL OF A DEAL AT $13,500 firm (250)427-3228

2006 Nissan X-Trail Bona Vista Edition SUV, very good cond., 70,000km, AWD, 2.5L 4-cyl auto, roof racks, sunroof, fog lights, alloy wheels w/newer tires, new battery, heated seats, 6-CD player, iPod connector, wired for navigation, asking $16,900. (250)426-3581 or (250)919-8795 2007 Toyota Rav 4, 4WD, 4-dr, V6, auto, red, Stock #Y22729A, $18,995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315. 1-877420-2194 2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland diesel, fully loaded inc. navi, 150,000km, 1-owner, only hwy driven, $23,500. (250)342-6458 2010 Chevrolet Equinox LTZ, 3.0L, 6-cyl, AWD, 6-spd auto, black, Stock #15146, $26,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340. 1-800388-1156 2010 Dodge Journey SXT SUV, auto, silver, Stock #T13248A, $17,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039 2010 Ford Edge SEL, AWD, fully loaded, Stock #07113A, $22,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)427-4224 2010 Honda Pilot Touring, V6, auto, silver, 4WD, Stock #H05197A, $29,800. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488 2010 Nissan Pathfinder SE, V6, auto, grey, 4WD, Stock #NO8467A, $26,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-888426-6665 2010 Toyota Highlander Hybrid LTD, V6, auto, black, 4WD, Stock #B11202, $35,500. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888-638-4488 2012 Ford Escape XLT, black, 2.5L Inline4, FWD, Stock #P1997A, $19,386. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-6633839

Don’t forget to look for us on Twitter @CranbrookNews Ultimate hunting vehicle, 1980 Ramcharger 4x4, 360-4 barrel, Warn 5000 lb winch c/w Fairlead, bumper, 3’’ lift, carpet interior, trailer towing pkg, $2300 obo. 1 (250)426-7166

Trucks & Vans 1982 Chev 1-ton, 3’’ body lift & 6” suspension lift, fuel inj 350, 4-spd std, very perfect body, primed for paint, runs well, $3500. (250)428-9294 1982 Ford F250 farm truck, 6cyl, in everyday use, offers? 1982 Dodge Rampage, in everyday use, make offer (250)489-5798 1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 700 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094 1986 GMC Sierra, 2WD, 305, short box, everything original, located in Fernie, $1100. (250)464-4131 1987 BLAZER K-5, V8, 4x4, 40,000 original miles, ex. shape, California car, $7000. (250)427-7094 1988 Ford F150 pickup, 2WD, stick shift, 5+OD, 6-cyl, long box, canopy, good cond., arthritis compels sale, $1100. (250)489-1108

1991 CHEVROLET K3500

4x4, 454 4spd auto, enclosed dump bed conversion incl storage & equipment holds. No work required just put straight to work. This is a serious work truck that can be used for tree services, landscaping & firewood

Reduced to $8500 from $9500 (250)427-3252

1991 Dodge Ram Charger 4x4, c/w spare 318 motor, $800. (250)426-5831 1992 Ford 2WD, 302, V8, auto trans., runs well, has some rust, $1200 obo. (250)426-7970 1992 Ford E350 1 Ton Dually cube van, 20’ box, good rubber, driven daily, first $1500 takes it. (250)417-6603 1992 GMC Sierra 1500, standard trans., RWD, canopy, 155,169km, asking $5000. (250)426-2358 1993 Toyota pickup, 4WD, w/canopy, needs body work, runs great, $2200. Call (250)417-3143 1994 Ford Ext cab, 4WD, 5-spd standard, $1500. (250)427-4856 1996 Dodge Cummins diesel dually, 4x4, 1 ton, trailer hauler, endless list of custom work done, extras, too much to list, mint cond, low km, completely refurbished, new everything $20,000. (250)489-8151 Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser 1999 Dodge Ram, 5.7 L Cummins diesel, 388,000km, 2 sets tires & rims, has some rust, too many options to list, $5000 obo. (250)919-6558

1997 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 ext cab, 2WD, short box, 152,556 km, 5.7L, new tires, brakes, battery, extra alloys, c/w new tires, raised canopy, running boards, cassette/CD, brake controller,

$6000. (250)426-2473

1998 Ford F150 Lariat LT Ext cab 4x4, auto, very clean, 160,500km, leather, trailer towing package, new rubber & extra set not so new, heated seats, running boards, $6700. (250)421-2960

2000 GMC Sierra F250 4x4 Ext. Cab, fully loaded, tow package, trans cooler, 5-pt hitch, canopy, boat loader, includes 12’ aluminum Springbok boat, 267,000 carefree km, 2nd owner, good all weather tires, $10,000. (250)426-3792 2000 Ranger, white with canopy, standard, 6-cyl, new tires, good running cond., roof rack $3500 obo. (250)919-8041 2001 Chev Silverado, 4WD, 4-dr, $4500. (250)417-5806 2001 Honda Odyssey, great family van, 140,000km, asking $6500. (250)489-0725 2002 F-150 4x4 super crew Lariat, leather, roof, full load, winter & summer tires, 188,000 km, ex cond, $7000 will take good quad as part payment. Anytime (250)4246966 2002 GM Sierra, 4x4, street & bush driven, $5000 obo. (250)464-1182 2002 Honda Odyssey, loaded, 168,000km, asking $6000 obo. (778)517-0096 Cranbrook 2003 GMC Safari full size van, 3 rows of seating, AWD, auto, ex. cond. in & out, good tires, needs new motor, located in Cranbrook, $1000 obo. Call (250)304-7646 2003 Toyota Tundra 4x4, 260,000 km, well maintained, good cond., $10,500 obo. (250)489-0771 2005 GMC 3500 1-ton, Scott aluminum 12’ box w/flip down sides, Tommy lift gate, 2000lb capacity, certified, $18,000 obo. (250)427-3350

2005 GMC Sierra 4x4 Extended Cab HD 2500, 8’ box, auto, air, CD player, 120V inverter, trailer towing package, 370,000km, well maintained, $6800. Call after 5pm, (250)489-5068

2009 GMC Sierra 2500 SLE, ex cond, ext cab, Air, cloth interior, PW, PL, towing equipped, Tonneau cover, OnStar, 128,000 km $19,000. (250)421-8022

A18 www.kootenayadvertiser.com


Trucks & Vans


2006 F350 XLT 4x4, crew cab, long box, diesel, 180,000 km, $14,000. Call for more details 1 (250)420-7185 2006 Ford 150 Crew Cab, King Ranch, loaded, Stock #04113B, $16,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)4274224 2006 Ford F150 Supercab, 4x4, p/w, air, new rubber, clean, $14,000. Leave message, (250)427-5162 2008 Dodge Durango SLT 4x4, 5.7L, V8, leather, sunroof, navigation, rear entertainment center & much more, local vehicle only, 107,908km, Stock #V53093A, $17,995. Arrow Motors, DL #5467. Call for more info, 1-877-689-4327 2008 DODGE Ram, 3500, 4x4 crew cab, loaded w/8’ box,$30,000. Good used work trucks. 1(250)427-6199

2008 F350 Diesel Super Duty, 4WD, tow device on trans., 6.4L, 3.73A/R, 80,000km, 2-yr Ext. Warranty, new tool box, new 5th Wheel hitch,long 8’ box, many more extras, never smoked in, $32,500. Will sell with 2005 Holiday Rambler for $55,000. Come and have a look, 1429 20A St. S, Cbk (250)489-5860 (250)420-1632 2008 Ford F350 Super Duty 4x4 crew cab, diesel, auto, black, Stock #C043531B, $26,995. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888-418-4798 2008 Ford Super Duty F350 SRW Harley-Davidson, 6.4L Turbo 8-cyl, 5-spd auto, diesel, black, Stock #17956, $39,800. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, 1-888-307-0911 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan SE, auto, white Stock #T13301A, $15,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708. 1888-259-7039 2010 Chevrolet Avalanche LT, Crew cab, 5.3L, 8-cyl, 6-spd, auto, Stock #CK38829A, $31,995. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1-800663-2307 2010 Chevrolet Express Passenger LT van, 6.0L, 8-cyl, 6-spd auto, white, Stock #61421A, $22,995. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1-800-6632307 2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199 2010 GMC Sierra 2500 HD, 6.0L, 8-cyl, 4WD, 6-spd auto, white, Stock #15492, $21,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-800388-1156 2010 Nissan Titan PRO 4X, 8cyl, auto, red, 4WD, Stock #H02870A, $28,800. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488 2011 Chevrolet Avalanche LT, Crew cab, 5.3L, 8-cyl, 4WD, 6-spd auto, silver, Stock #CK5516A, $34,995. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1-800663-2307 2011 Chevrolet Avalanche LT w/1SC, 5.3L, 8-cyl, 6-spd auto, silver, Stock #17695, $29,888. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, 1888-307-0911 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LS, crew cab, 4.8L, 8cyl, 4WD, 4-spd auto, blue granite, Stock #16178, $23,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-800-388-1156 2011 Dodge 1500 SLT 4x4, Crew cab, short bed, lift kit, auto, grey, Stock #X297858A, $24,999. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888-418-4798


Trucks & Vans 2011 Honda Odyssey V6, auto, silver, FWD, #B11199A, $34,700. Honda, DL #31110, 638-4488

2006 F150 Lariat Crew Cab 4x4, 150,000km, black on black, leather, DVD, sunroof, Tonneau, loaded, p/everything, heated seats, Showroom cond, $25,000 obo. (250)464-1330

Monday, September 16, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser

2013 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT, 4-dr, 5.3L, auto, silver, Stock #17812, $29,800. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, 1888-307-0911 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan SE, auto, white, Stock #T13265A, $23,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039 2013 Ford F150, Fx4 Crew cab, Tuxedo Black Metallic, 5.0L, V8, 6-spd auto, Stock #P2015, $32,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786. 1-800-6633839 2013 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE, crew cab, 5.3L, 8-cyl, 4WD, 4-spd auto, silver Stock #17814, $28,888. Chalet GM, DL #6310, 1-800-388-1156

Fiberglass Range Rider Canopy,

63�x99�, Serial #3896-1, $500. (250)489-3568

For Sale 2002 GMC Sierra 4X4

Fully loaded 3/4, only 135,500 km’s, tow package with transmission cooler and five point hitch. Excellent condition only two owners. Brand new winter tires only used half a season. Asking $11,000. Call 403 803-8959 Utility trailer, 4’2’’x7’3’’ long, 2’ high with 14’’ wide tires, $1000. Canopy 5’w 6’1’’ long x 1’8’’ high, $500. 1 (250)4267169, 919-5361

Utility Trailers 12x6 dual axle utility trailer, newly done, perfect for ATV’s or whatever use, $1800 obo. 1 (250)421-8434 Flatdeck trailer, 16’x8’, heavy duty, double axle, new tires & spring shackles, $3500 obo. (250)489-5798 Utility trailer, ex. cond., 4’x7’, new 12� wheels, new wiring & lights, lots of tie down hooks, $650 obo. (250)489-4847



Utility Trailers

EX-L, Stock Spring 1-888-



Wells Cargo bike cargo trailer, 1500 lb torsion axle, wheel chock, 6 tie points, loading ramp, 6x6x10, $3000. (250)464-0207

Boat Accessories 15HP Honda 4-stroke outboard motor, low hours, $1500 c/w tank & hose. (778)5172121 Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook Kootenay Advertiser

Boats 12’ aluminum boat, asking $500. Please call (250)4262548 12’ boat (Harbourcraft), Easy load trailer, 8HP Merc motor, Fish Finder, rod holders, $2000 obo. Evenings (778)517-4508 12’ boat & motor, 9.8HP Merc. 300 WSM rifle. (250)429-3794 12’ Lund aluminum boat with 8hp Mariner motor, EZ-Loader trailer & accessories, $2850 (250)426-8114 15 hp Johnson short leg 1990 outboard, $600. Boat trailer for 12’ to 16’ boat, $600. 16’ 4-seat Lund boat, open & light, $600. (250)489-3067 (250)464-1655 16.5’ open bow Canventure, tri haul, 70HP Merc, low hours, EZ Loader trailer, $3500 obo. (250)417-0506 16’ Boat & 9.9 Yamaha motor, $1600. (250)421-1484 1980 14’ Lund Rhino, 9.9 Evinrude, older trailer, $1600 obo. (250)426-8571 1991 Super Comp Ski Brendella, Direct Drive 351 PCM V8 engine, professionally serviced twice a year, ex cond, custom wakeboard pole, custom cover & CD player, trailer included, $7500 obo. (250)429-3710 Boat & trailer, 24’ Fiberform Cabin Cruizer, inline 6 GMC, ready to go! At Moyie, $7900 obo. (250)829-0708 Rare Double Eagle 14’ deep hull, 65 hp Merc outboard, hydraulic lift, ski pole & galvanized trailer, $3000. Call (250)529-7470 Yamaha 30hp Precision Blend 2-stroke MSHX boat motor, very well maintained, asking $750. (250)426-3939


Legal Notices Notice of Repossession Under the Warehouseman’s Lien Act, The following unit will be sold at Public Auction or by written bid, Unit #53 & Unit #111 Nichole Wellman Cranbrook RV & Mini Storage 3608 Wieler Frontage Road, Cranbrook, BC, Public bid will be held on September 27, 2013

BID OPPORTUNITY RFP for City of Fernie Phone System Replacement

The City of Fernie’s Finance and Computer Services Department is inviting proposals for the replacement of the City’s telephone system. The City desires to replace existing phone systems with current voice/data technology and is requesting the new telephone system to be Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) based on and including feature sets found in unified communications systems.

INVITATION TO TENDER Mechanical Street Sweeper The City of Cranbrook is inviting Tenders for the supply of one Mechanical Street Sweeper. Tender Documents will be available from City Hall at 40 – 10th Avenue South Cranbrook BC. The documents are also available on BCBid and on the City’s web site under “Business – Tenders�. Sealed Tenders, labeled with Tenderer’s name, project name and Owner’s name must be submitted by 2:30:00 pm, local time, Thursday, September 26, 2013 to: Attention: Melissa Smith, Financial Services Manager City of Cranbrook 40 10th Avenue South Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M8 Late submissions will be rejected. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders submitted.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Western Financial Place Security Services The City is seeking proposals from qualified proponents for the provision of services to provide security guards for Western Financial Place on an hourly basis as directed by the Facility Manager acting on behalf of the City of Cranbrook for a three year term commencing October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2016. Proposal documents are available from the City’s web site under “Business – City Tenders�. The sealed proposals, clearly marked, should be addressed: "Request for Proposal – CRA2013-R-002 – Western Financial Place Security Services" and must be received by Wednesday, September 25, 2013, no later than 2:30 pm local time by the office of: The Corporation of the City of Cranbrook Attention: Melissa Smith, Financial Services Manager 40 10th Avenue South Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M8 Late submissions will be rejected. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals submitted.

Proponents with proven experience and expertise in telephone systems & implementation are invited to submit detailed proposals setting out one or more means by which the goals, objectives and other requirements of this request may be best met. Request for Proposals (RFP) documents are available for download on the City of Fernie website at www.fernie.ca Submissions MUST be received prior to 2:00 PM local time on Monday, September 30, 2013. For more information, please contact: Terry Holt Director of Financial & Computer Services City of Fernie 501-3rd Avenue, Box 190, Fernie BC, V0B 1M0; T: 250.423.2223 | F: 250.423.3034 E: terry.holt@fernie.ca

There’s more to lose than just‌ ‌memories WWW ALZHEIMERBC ORG

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 16, 2013

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Monday, September 16, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser


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