Caledonia Courier, September 25, 2013

Page 1


u Rondeau rides P. 2 u Safe hunting P. 9

u Precision riding P. 12 u CF expansionP. 3

Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759

PHONE: 996-8482

WEDNESDAY, September 25, 2013

NEWS BRIEFS Via Rail info session

Via Rail will be holding an information session in Vanderhoof on September 26, 2013 at 4 p.m.. The meeting will be in the Vanderhoof Friendship Centre at 219 Victoria Street E. and will offer the public a chance to meet with Via representatives on accessibility. Anyone with input into the accessibility of passenger train service in Vanderhoof is welcome.

NDIT database

A new database has been created to help connect industry, communities and government to businesses for major projects. The online procurement database was made possible through a partnership between Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) and northern communities. The region-wide industry-oriented searchable database is aimed at helping procurement directors find the supplies and services they need from local businesses. “This is a one-ofa-kind tool in British Columbia,” said Renata King, Director, Business Development, Northern Development Initiative Trust.

‘Held hostage’

VOL. 36 NO. 30 $1.30 inc. GST

Dunbar rocks the Legion

Binche separation Committee asks feds to step in

Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

“We are being held hostage by the Tl’azt’en Nation.” These are the words the Binche Separation Committee has written in a letter requesting third party negotiators step in to help the separation process along. In the letter to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), the committee asked AANDC to appoint a third party to stand in for Tl’azt’en Nation to help with Binche’s separation. Binche, which has been trying to separate from Tl’azt’en Nation for over two years, said in the letter Tl’azt’en has been trying to “stall and ignore the process.” “I don’t know what their real issue is,” said Josh Hallman, chair of the Binche Separation Committee. According to the letter, “dissension and tension” have been building between the communities, as the process continues to stall. Hallman expressed his frustration at the lack of progress, which has been very time-consuming he said for the committee members, but he said the proposal Binche put forward for Tl’azt’en to review was “straightforward stuff” but they have not yet had any response from Tl’azt’en. “They don’t want to let us go,” said Hallman. Hallman is hoping the letter, which was also sent to MP Nathan Cullen, will lead to either the appointment of a third party to negotiate for Tl’azt’en or to pressure from AANDC and the creation of deadlines for Tl’azt’en to carry out the negotiations and complete the separation. AANDC said they can only act in an advisory role in the negotiations and will not intervene. Essentially, if Tl’azt’en chooses not to come to the table, the negotiations are stalled. Binche became part of Tl’azt’en Nation back in 1959, and Hallman said the agreement was for Tl’azt’en to provide services to Binche, not to own them. “We’re not Tl’azt’en, we’ve always been Binche and we’re going to continue to be Binche,” said Hallman. “We’re not going to wait another 30 years.” Tl’azt’en did not immediately respond to interview requests.

Scott Dunbar put on a phenomenal one-man show at the Fort St. James Legion Sept. 14. Dunbar is currently working on recording an album in Fort St. James, and is staying at Lionel and Rosemarie Conant’s while he works on the new music. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier

UBCM supports four-year terms Tom Fletcher Black Press Delegates at the Union of B.C. Municipalities have endorsed having local elections every four years, to match up with provincial votes. The resolution to extend terms of office from three years to four was supported by 60 per cent of voting delegates, who want the B.C. government to make the change in time for municipal elections in November 2014. If it is enacted, B.C. would join Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Sco-

tia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, which have four-year terms for local politicians. The issue has divided urban and rural communities for years, with some rural councillors calling for shorter terms for what they say is mainly volunteer work with minimum pay. One rural delegate said the idea comes from “professional politicians” in the Lower Mainland, where council pay is higher. Proponents argue that four-year terms reduce turnover and would increase local election participation by being timed with provin-

cial votes. The UBCM executive added another argument for the change, noting that several local mayors and councillors were elected to the B.C. legislature in May. The executive called for direction from the province “to avoid governance conflicts, expensive byelections, long absences on council and boards and the double-dipping of salaries.” The UBCM rejected the suggestion of fouryear terms at its 2010 convention. It was debated and supported in 2007. Earlier motions supported the current system of elections every three years province-wide.

ANNIVERSARY SALE Saturday the 28th September!!

Free Food, and $500 draw -- just come on up and see us! CLICK ON US DL # 30423

TOLL FREE: 1-888-449-4029 - 250-567-4781 1473 HWY 16 EAST, VANDERHOOF


Cop for cancer

Local Fort St. James RCMP Constable Derek Rondeau has been riding in this year’s Cops for Cancer Tour de North ride. Rondeau has been sending in updates and photos from the ride as they go from Fort St. John to Williams Lake. This photo was taken during the Fort St. John to Chetwynd leg, via Hudson’s Hope. The day was a 155 km journey, but Rondeau reports it was a great ride. The tour is raising money for cancer research, and you can donate to the cause via: www. copsforcancerbc. ca

Month-long Events Alcohol Awareness Month National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. 212-269-7797 Child Abuse Prevention Month Prevent Child Abuse America 312-663-3520 Jazz Appreciation Month Smithsonian National Museum of American History 202-633-3129


Hot Retail Co-op Categories Bicycles, Accessories and Supplies Lawn and Garden Motorcycles and Snowmobiles Outdoor Furnishings Recreational Vehicles

National Car Care Month Car Care Council 240-333-1088 National Donate Life Month U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 202-619-0257

Hot Manufacturer Co-op Benjamin Moore Paints Camp Healthcare Grasshopper Mowers Rolex Watch Whirlpool Corporation

National Lawn Care Month PLANET, Professional Landcare Network 800-395-2522

AdBuilder® Special Section Builder Themes • Financial • Planning a Garden • Earth Day • Easter

National Parkinson Awareness Month National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. 800-327-4545

Lakeshore Realty

Photo by Tour de North

Special Events NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship National Stress Awareness Day National Volunteer Week Week of the Young Child Boston Marathon National Jelly Bean Day Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day

Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700

4&6 5&7 16 19–25 19–25 20 22 23

511 DogwooD St. With its spacious REDUCED entry, modern colors and great location this home holds a broad appeal. Many updates including new flooring, updated bathrooms, new appliances, kitchen counter tops and tile back splash this home is move in ready. 3 bedrooms up and a 4th in the finished basement which features a large family room and plenty of storage. New deck at rear, storage shed and fenced yard. The back alley access is adjacent to David Hoy Elementary $198,000.

You’ll find us at 169 STUART DRIVE, FSJ 250-996-8618

Fas Gas DaffodilsHC0804.EPS


Cafe open 6am to 2pm, Monday to Friday

Open 6am to 10pm

3 cents a litre back to you! MomGirlHuggingTreeC0804.EPS


Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Caledonia Courier



642 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James B.C. ManPlayingGolfC0804.EPS

District of Fort St. James Calendar September, 2013


Jr & Sr Golf 23May 2009

March 2009 22

Municipal Website:




12-3pm M T W T F of S S M TStrong W TStart F S District Fort St. James offers: 9-12pm Strong Start 2 3 4 5 6 7 11-2pm Beading/Crafts 1 2 Service 9 Seniors 10 11 12 13 14Transportation 3 4 @ 5 KEY 6 7 8 9 1pm 3pm11Yth12Hoop 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 13 Dance 14 15 16 Cancer Sprt Grp @ Sue’s days/week! @ DH Call 996-8639 23 24 25 26 FREE 27 28 17 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 5pm @ 29 MXV 24 Hoop 25 26Dance 27 28 30

30 31

Men’s Golf Call 996-8408 or @996-8233 5:30pm Taekwon-do DH 31

Jr & Sr Golf 30 7 6 6:30pm Newcomers 9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm 12-3pm Strong Potluck @ NHS Start Power Skating Clinic @ 11-2pm Dreamcatchers Arena for ages 7-18 @ KEY Phone 996-0021 to 5:30pm Taekwon-do @ DH Power Skating Clinic @ register. Arena

529 Palm Sunday

12 Easter


Easter Monday (Australia & Canada)

October, 2013




Taurus Addictions 209-3pm

10-4pm Dart Shoot @ Legion



Day Prgm


Addictions 215 Tax9-3pm Day Day Prgm

9-12pm Strong Start

3:30pm Food Skills for Families

9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm 12-4pm Substance Abuse Mgmt


219-12pm Strong Start

12-4pm Substance Abuse Mgmt

9-3pm Addictions

22 Earth Day Day Prgm

Administrative 10-12pm Food Bank Professionals Day

3:30pm Food Skills for Families 4-7pm Strong Start 5pm Taekwon-do @ DH


15 Workers Mourning Day 289-12pm (Canada)Strong Start


9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm 12-4pm Substance Abuse Mgmt

4-7pm Strong Start 5pm Taekwon-do @ DH


Igniting Your Ad Sales

3 27

9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm

12-3pm Strong Start 4pm Ladies Golf


9-12pm Strong Start


11-2pm Beading/Crafts @ KEY

11am Ladies Golf Wind Up Call 996-8736 to register

5:30pm Taekwon-do @ DH 4pm

for ages 7-18

5:30pm Taekwon-do @ DH


2 26


Visit 996-0021 to register. Call 1-800-320-3339 or 250-696-3195

12-3pm Strong Start


Wrkshp @ The View Hotel 10-12pm Food Bank 11-2pm Beading/Crafts @ KEY 4-7pm Strong Start 5pm Taekwon-do @ DH


8 10 Good Friday Contest” 11 First Day of Passover Regional District 9“Start Up Business Win BIG for your new or recently expanded business! Power Skating Clinic

9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm


9-3:30pm ENP 1April Fool’s Day 25


9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm

3:30om Food Skills for Families 4-7pm Strong Start 5pm Taekwon-do @ DH

3 16

5 18


9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm 12-3pm Strong Start 5:30pm Taekwon-do @ DH 7:30pm Women’s Hockey Rgstn

9-12pm Strong Start 9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm




24 Arbor Day

12-3pm Strong Start


25 Anzac Day (Australia)

9-12pm Strong Start

9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm

9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm

5:30pm Taekwon-do


17 30

9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm 12-3pm Strong Start 5:30pm Taekwon-do @ DH


Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.

S 1 8 15 22 29


9-3pm Addictions Day Prgm 9-12pm Strong Start


• AdBuilderwill Retail The 2013 Regional District Business Forum take place at our very own FSJ Secondary School on October 25-26th! • AdBuilder Classified Keynote speakers, Start-Up Business Contest, Networking, Tradeshow and much much more!! • Co-op Sales Ideas Visit for more info. ® Office: 477 Stuart Drive West

Telephone: 250-996-8233


Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames

Like us at Facebook: District of Fort St. James


Caledonia Courier Wednesday, September 25, 2013



Home grown leadership Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

Hill in Fort St. tess went from being a portunity be moving James, Mattess has teacher to being the vice around all the time and an interesting story principal of education being with the students. This year there of how she came to for the school district. “Just having that are four people a career in educaFrom there she connection with kids leading the district tion. moved to her role as everyday,” she said. schools of the Fort Originally a principal at Sowchea. Mattess said she has St. James, and all secretary at the Eu“Right now I’m re- learned to ask questions four were raised in gene Joseph school ally excited to be work- and be curious and she Fort and attended in Tache, Mattess ing in the education sys- feels lucky to be a part school here. became excited tem,” she said. of the way education is The phenomeabout learning The new role has going - towards a more non is pretty special through the teach- challenges, but she student-focussed way according to Manu ers she met work- said she has learned to of learning. Madhok, director ing there. embrace them and she of instruction for Kim Repko was loves having the opContinued on Page 8 School District 91. a particular inspi“In Fort St. ration, and her pasJames in particusion drew Mattess lar, it’s a pretty nice into the classroom. spot to be in when “Just seeing her these are folks who excitement is what were elementary got me excited Four home-grown Fort St. James principals (and two extras). Left to right: Steve Dakids in your own about kids learnvis, chair of School District 91 board, Judith Goertz, vice principal of FSJSS, Craig school system,” ing,” said Mattess. Houghton, principal of FSJSS, Margaret Mattess, principal of Sowchea Elementary, said Madhok. After 10 years Suzanne Burck, principal of David Hoy Elementary and Rosalie Nichiporuk, school He said the at the school as a board trustee. school district Manu Madhok photo secretary, she took looks for people the step to return ALSO... SELLING 75-100 CARS, ple seemed to want the She returned to get tory of the community who are passionate to pursue a bachON HAND WILL BE APPROX 3-5 BANK REPOS VEHICLES FROM TRUCKS, VANS&&10SPORT UTILITY about education, good difficult role of vice her post degree teacher helps her in her role, elor’s degree at the ColVEHICLES FROM MAJOR FLEET, VEHICLE MANAGEMENT communicators, good principal at the high certification in 1999, knowing where many of lege of New Caledonia LEASE, DEALER, PRIVATE & relationship builders school, but he had a and then she began her students are coming and then UNBC, and FINANCIAL ALSO... Selling 75-100 Cars, Trucks, Vans INSTITUTIONS. & SUVs from and people who make passion for the school teaching at FSJSS in from. eventually her teacher Major Fleet Lease, Dealer & Private Financial Institutions which had such a large 2001. The first job she “It makes the rela- training at Simon Fraser things happen. role in his life. had was case managetionship an entirely dif“There has to be a University. IF YOU HAVE A VEHICLE FOR THIS AUCTION IT MUST BE ON THE GROUND BY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD AT 5PM - SPACE PERMITTING - SEE YOU SALE DAY! He was particularly ment for severe behav- ferent thing.” strong student focus,” Mattess is now inspired by two admin- iour students. While she said Madhok. working on a master’s Central Interior istrators he had worked went on from there to Margaret Mattess degree from Vancouver under: Lynn Maksymteach at Nechako Valley Principal of Sowchea Auctions Ltd. Craig Houghton Island University. chak and Cam McCor- Secondary School and Elementary [Box 1078] 2750 Burrard 4174 COWART RD. Prince George Principal of FSJSS With Avenue a passion for mick. at the Adult Education Vanderhoof, 3A0 the workingBCtoV0J improve (250) 562-5200 • FAX (250) 562-9616 CASH • INTERAC • BANK DRAFT TERMS OF SALE •• CERTIFIED “Once I got into it, Centre, she returned to Raised on Resort education system, MatCHEQUE • LETTERS OF CREDIT Website: The son of two teachers, Houghton was born and I realized it’s definitely FSJSS. “This is my true raised in Fort St. James my niche,” he said. While it’s different home,” she said. and attended David Craig Houghton was Hoy Elementary until than being in the classSowchea Elementary room, he said his favou- the vice principal duropened up. He attended rite thing is getting to ing part of her time as Sowchea for grades know all the kids in the a teacher at the school, IGNITE, INSPIRE, AND GROW BUSINESS IN THE NORTH and she said the changfive, six and seven and school. His least favourite es he and the principal then went on to Fort Social Media - Love it or Hate it, but in Business - Use it! Video Conference Workshop at the time brought in St. James Secondary thing: the budget. September 30th, 2013, 1:00pm to 2:30 PM were so great, she wantSchool (FSJSS). Facilitated by Chris Burge, Social Media Expert, Owner BWest Interactive Communications ed to be a part of it. “There’s not a time Judith Goertz In this video-conference session, Chris will provide the WHY you need a social media strategy to grow “I just wanted to try of my life when I can’t Vice principal of FSJSS your business. He’ll also show you some of the HOW to make social media accessible and manageable and make a difference,” remember walking for small business. If you’ve been putting off social media because you’re too busy - your competition is Goertz came to said Goertz. through the halls of this gaining ground in your market. Learn some tips and techniques at this session that will move your business While she said she ahead. school,” he said. His fa- teaching later in life, ther, Terry Houghton, and had originally re- can find it challenging Offered at Community Futures, 2750 Burrard Avenue was a teacher at FSJSS. sisted following in her not to get caught up in Cost $20 While having two mother Toni Friesen’s the day to day but inparents as teachers footsteps. Friesen was a stead to keep the long Stepping Up - Uncover Your True Leadership Potential Workshop probably helped, he teacher and then a prin- term goal of graduation October 1, 2013, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm (Live) Facilitated by Dawn McCooey, Skill Development Manager for Women’s Enterprise Centre. said the thing which cipal in Takla Landing in mind, there are perks. “I love being able to drew him to teaching and Yekooche. Leaders come from all walks of life and create businesses and community through actions. Every action But after having make a difference for was “liking people.” you take, every conversation you have moves you ahead as a leader. In this 3 hour workshop you will learn about your unique style and how to improve on the strengths that you already have (even if you don’t think In high school, he children and having them,” she said. “And you are a leader!). Leadership is much more than a “to-do” list; effective leadership is an art and a science was inspired by teacher grown up in a house I love graduation day and most importantly - it can be learned! Larry Miller, through with teachers where it’s an incredible day.” Her biggest reward is 2:00 – 2:30 Kevin Moutray discusses the Challenges of small business ownership the athletics programs there was always talk of education, “the call just seeing the students he was involved in. 2:30 – 3:00 Jesse Wilson – President of the Vanderhoof Chamber of Commerce. Craig Houghton’s of education was too every day and she said while she used to cite Offered live at the Village Inn first teaching job was at much,” she said. “It’s kind of bred in her grandmother WinCost $40 (includes lunch) Eugene Joseph in Tache the bone.” ifred Moran as a big in 1996. REGISTER FOR BOTH COST IS $50 She said she missed inspiration for her, now He later taught at Limited Seating – Preregistration required FSJSS, and then he be- the passion people felt she credits her staff. Call Graham at 250-567-5219 or “That’s what keeps came the vice principal. for education and havemail ing children changed me moving forward.” “When I first went Born and raised her into administration her perspective on it. Growing communities one idea at a time. “I wanted to be part whole life in Fort St. there was a real need,” James, having the hishe said. Not many peo- of that whole system.”


DL 9069




Editorial Page

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Caledonia Courier

The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British

Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James

Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body

Publisher: Pam Berger

governing the province’s newspaper industry. The

Editor Ruth Lloyd newsroom@

council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member

Office: Anne Stevens office@

newspapers. Directors oversee

Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@

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Address: Box 1298 Fort St. James, BC VOJ 1P0

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Member: B.C. Press Council Subscriptions (per year) Local: $43.50 Seniors: $37.30 Outside Local area: $60.15

Press Council.

the mediation of complaints, with input from both the holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about you may contact the B.C. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.

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For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

• Column

Remember to make time to play Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Since getting a puppy, I seem to have added one more time commitment than I physically have time for. Big shocker. Okay, not really a surprise a puppy takes up a lot of time, I get that. Yet instead of feeling like I should return her (except perhaps when we’re working on her biting habit), I feel quite the opposite. Instead, I get the sense I need to spend more of my time on beach walks appreciating the world through a puppy’s eyes and less time staring at a computer screen. The way a young animal of any kind, human included, can be so incredibly joyful at the simplest things is truly amazing. I can sit and watch my puppy run and jump after a ball again and again and then become distracted by some incredibly enticing scent, and it just doesn’t get old. We go to the beach nearly every day, and she never tires of it - and neither do I. I’m sure this is somewhat the feeling parents get when they have time to sit back and enjoy the antics of their

growing children. It is so exciting to watch young dogs learn, play and just generally take it all in. Well, after thinking this very thing the other day, I looked up the power of play (and of course by “looked up” I mean googled). One of the very first things to come up was an on-

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line article in Psychology Today about the importance of play to mental creativity, health and happiness. Bonus, so I’m not being lazy, I’m just helping my creativity and making myself (and my puppy) healthy and happy. The article even specifically mentions playing at the beach (see, I knew I was on to something!). My favourite factoid from the article was “in the animal kingdom, play increases, rather than decreases, with increasing complexity of the brain.” Of course, I also liked the fact some research indicates adults who play live longer. Interestingly, one researcher interviewed for the article said the opposite of play is not work, it is depression, citing an experiment in which children were rewarded for finishing their schoolwork with a cache of toys which resulted in the students, teachers and parents all being happier with the school. “Play is an exercise in self-definition; it revels what we choose to do, not what we have to do. We not only play because we are. We play the way we are. And the ways we could be. Play is our free connection to pure possibility,” wrote author Hara Estroff Marano. “It is a day at the beach.” And on that note, time to walk the puppy. If you need me, I’ll be at the beach.

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Courier • Letter A5

Newcomer potluck

Thankful for forests


September 22 to September 28 is National Forest Week in Canada. It can be easy to take our vast natural resources for granted, but our forests provide us with security and sustainability unmatched anywhere else on Earth. As one of the world’s largest forest products manufacturers, our company’s current and future success depends on sound forest management, and National Forest Week is a great opportunity to reflect on how we all rely and benefit from our vast forest resources. Our forests have a big part to play in providing for our expanding world, and Canfor is proud to be producing truly sustainable building products for markets around the world. As global populations continue to grow, governments will need to meet those housing needs in a way that is affordable, renewable and safe – and lumber is the only building material that meets all three criteria. B.C. lumber is shipping across North America and across the Pacific to fill these

needs already, and that’s good news for our future in British Columbia. A thriving forest products industry can meet building needs around the world, but here in Canada it opens doors for young people and families to create rewarding lifestyles in their own communities. Lumberjacks are a thing of the past – at Canfor, biologists, professional foresters and nursery specialists are all part of how we manage forest sustainably. Our success depends on sustainable forest management to keep our woodlands strong and vibrant, and we are proud of the high standards we’ve put in place over the last decade. Third-party certification of best practices ensures that our forests are benefitting from rigorous re-planting, robust measures protecting wildlife habitat and diversity, and conserving recreation opportunities for our communities. Canfor is one of the few companies in the world able to offer products certified under all three of the major certification programs in North America – the Canadian Standards Association, the Forest Steward-

ship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative. We are proud of our commitment to forest certification, and the opportunities it provides for the public to participate in and understand how we manage our forestlands. Innovation is leading the forest industry into the future, as leaps in technology and new ways of thinking allow us to make more out of less, cut down on waste, and convert wood by-products into clean-burning biofuel. These are the first steps forward as we continue to be more sustainable, more adaptable, and more resilient to changes in our forests and in the world economy. Canadian forests build our homes, provide jobs in our communities, store carbon from our atmosphere, and are naturally renewable – so they’ll continue doing all that and more for generations to come. This National Forest Week, take a moment to appreciate our gifted place amongst the greenest forests in the world. Don Kayne President and CEO of Canfor

EBUS takes over Adult Ed

Beginning this school year, EBUS Academy will be taking responsibility for Continuing Education in the eastern communities (Fraser Lake, Vanderhoof, Fort St James) of Nechako Lakes School District. EBUS Academy has experience in providing adult programming across the prov-

ince, so the school district said it seemed a natural fit for the online school to take on Continuing Education. Prospective adult students can still drop by the existing Continuing Education classrooms in all three communities to learn more about both online and face to face

programming options. Continuing Education is offered to all graduated and non-graduated adults to either complete a graduation program or to provide specific subject upgrading. To find out more, please drop by a centre in your community or visit the EBUS website at www.ebus.


Centre hours are posted or available by calling the EBUS front office at 1-800567-1236. Brian Naka, EBUS Principal and Dave Anderson, EBUS Adult Education Advisor will welcome Jolene Webb (Fraser Lake), Bernie LaRusic (Vanderhoof), and

Dix to step down Tom Fletcher Black Press Adrian Dix announced last week he intends to stay on as B.C. NDP leader until next year, when party members hold a vote to replace him. Dix said the NDP's loss to the B.C. Liberals in the May provincial election is his responsibility. "It has become clear to me that the best interests of our party mean that I need to step aside for a new leader who can lead us to victory in 2017," Dix told a news conference at a downtown Vancouver hotel. "It is my hope that a leadership vote can be held by mid-2014 at the latest, though of course any final decision on timing will be made by the NDP." Dix said he intends to stay on as MLA for Vancouver-Kingsway and run for re-election there. The party has a convention scheduled for November, at which his continued leadership will be considered, along with the overall direction of the party. Dix announced his intentions at a party caucus meeting before making his intentions public, where he said his fellow NDP MLAs are "resolute and determined to keep the pressure on the government and hold them to account for their cynical campaign." He expects the race to succeed him will likely begin soon. Port Coquitlam MLA Mike Farnworth, who finished second to Dix in the 2011 leadership race, told reporters he is considering making an-

other run for the top job. Juan de Fuca MLA John Horgan, the third-place finisher in 2011, is another likely contender.

OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Across from the Petrocan Station)

SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am PASTORAL TEAM: FATHER FRANK SALMON 250-996-8343 SR. PAT MACAULAY, SR. DIVINA PEDRO



Barb Bailey (Fort St James) to the EBUS team.

The District of Fort St. James will be hosting another Newcomer's Potluck dinner on Sept. 29. The dinners are held on the fourth Sunday of the month at the National Historic Site at 280 Kwah Road at 6:30 p.m. and are aimed at "creating community by sharing meals." The dinner is open to all newcomers to the community and longtime residents looking to help make newcomers feel welcome. Bring a seasonal dish and come and meet some more of your community.

SPECIAL PUBLIC BOARD MEETING September 30, 2013 7:00 pm A special public meeting of the Board of Education of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) will be held by video-conference on Monday, September 30, 2013, at 7:00 pm. Designated sites for video-conferencing are: Lakes District Secondary School, Fort St. James Secondary School, Fraser Lake Elementary-Secondary School, and the Vanderhoof School Board Office. The item for the agenda is: 2012/2013 Audited Financial Statements According to board policy, no business other than that listed on the agenda for which the meeting was called shall be conducted at the meeting. Members of the public are invited to attend. Darlene Turner Secretary-Treasurer

Community Events

Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** FORT ST JAMES CHRISTIAN OUTREACH GROUP FOOD BANK SCHEDULE...10.00am to 12.00noon, on Wednesdays, September 11, 2013, September 25, October 9, October 23, November 13, Wednesday, November 27, December 11, January 8, 2014, January 22, February 4, February 18, March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, April 30, May 14, May 28, June 11, June 26, July 9, July 23, August 6, August 20, September 3, Wednesday, September 17. *** UNTOLD seeks contributions from nonFirst Nations students and staff who experienced Catholic residential or day schools abuse in Northern BC. For more info email *** FIREwEED STOppING ThE VIOLENCE & OUTREACh SERVICE For those who believe all is possible!...Provides free Confidential, Safe, and Supportive counselling and outreach services for women. Hours of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Location: Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort St James, BC Phone: (250) 9961214 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: *** ST pATRICk’S ANGLICAN ChURCh... hosts a free lunch every Tuesday from 11.00am 1.00pm. All are welcome. This lunch is made possible through the generous giving of time and resources,by many people in the region, including The Roman Catholic Church, Camp Living Water, E-Free Church and many other individuals. We wish to thank all those who contribute their labour to this program as well as those who provide food and other necessities. We also run a small food bank on Tuesday morning, and are very thankful for all who contribute to this endeavor. For further information please call Gwen Andrews 567-6744. *** SERVICE TIMES... at St Patrick’s Anglican Church, Fort St James, will be 10:30 am every Sunday. Free lunch every Tues between 111pm with music and Prayer. Please come and join us. *** FIREwEED CLOThES DRIVE...The Fireweed Safe Haven is doing a winter clothes drive. We are looking for jackets, boots, snow pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, etc, for men, women and children. The items will then be given to families in the community that need them. If you do not have anything at home that you can part with but still wish to contribute, you can purchase mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Please drop items off at the Fireweed Safe Haven. For more information please contact Talia at (250) 996-8081. Every little bit helps. *** AUxILIARy TO STUART LAkE hOSpITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** FORT ST. JAMES pUBLIC

LIBRARy hOURS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** NEChAkO VALLEy COMMUNITy SERVICES SOCIETy...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling Services available at no cost. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 996-7645 for appointment. *** FORT TRAp AND hANDGUN CLUB... meets last Sunday of every month. Contact (Sue) at 250-9967728 (h) for more information. *** FORT ST. JAMES SEARCh & RESCUE... steering committee meetings first Tuesday of every month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort St. James Firehall. Training is the third Tuesday of every month at the Firehall at 7 p.m. New members welcome. *** MUSIC MAkERS...New members always WELCOME. Not everyone has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call Rosemary Allan at 250-996-8997 for more info. *** ThE ThRIFT STORE...has a new name! “The Bargain Basement”. We are still at the same location, across from Shoppers Food Mart. Donations of clean clothing and small housewares are greatly appreciated. Please, no books or magazines. Proceeds are used for community needs. Open Wed-Sat, 12 noon to 4pm. *** SERVICE pUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT...If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at: 1-800-670-2247.



Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Caledonia Courier


Courier Community forest expansion

Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

K l a





more than just timber values. The Nyan Wheti Trail, a historic trail which runs from Stuart Lake to near The District of Fort St. James’ commuFraser Lake, is also maintained within N O nity forest will expand into an area near the community forest, which allowed I T N A Chuchi Lake and Witch Lake. the municipality to plan for recreational E K Supposed to come in 2009, the expanand cultural values as well. A L C H sion was delayed, but appears to be about to The Tulle Lake Trail is also managed U C H I S u s ch finally come through. and maintained within the community o “The political will is there, it’s just de- Lake forest. tails now,” said Ross Hamilton, senior forIn 2007, the backside of the Murray W ester for the KDL Group, which manages Ridge Ski Area was added to the comi e t k t a s the community forest for the District and munity forest, with the potential to deL i c Gidegingla e has since 2003. velop an expansion of the existing ski ch t Lake i W Hamilton said coming to an agreement area. was “complex, elegant and time-consumHamilton said the cost of developing.” ment has led to those plans being put He said there were many parties involved aside, but the runs are laid out. Some Chichonajilh in the negotiations, from First Nations to harvesting was done along the road in Lake B.C. Timber Sales, to Conifex. the area, however, the ski runs are not “Everyone had a piece to play in the sogoing to be made anytime soon. Mudzenchoot Abas Lake lution,” said Hamilton, calling it a “group Within recent years, the cut rate for Lake effort.” the existing community forest tenure The expansion is partly compensation had increased significantly to get the for a section of the current community forbeetle killed wood out, going from just est the District of Fort St. James gave up to over 40,000 cubic metres in 2006 to help move along the treaty negotiations with over 126,000 cubic metres in 2008. Yekooche First Nation and the province, but A map of the Fort St. James Community Forest Expansion in the Chuchi Lake and Witch However, the rate had then dropped it is also to allow for an increased annual Lake area. The area withing the solid black line is the new expansion area. back to around 46,000 cubic metres in harvest of 50,000 cubic metres by the DisImage courtesy of KDL Group 2011. trict. So the new expansion area near Chuincrease the cut rate for the pine. chea Creek watershed was partly to blame The area, near Shass Mountain, did not “We did our best to salvage all that we for the high flood levels of Sowchea Creek in chi Lake would allow the District to increase necessarily have high timber values due to could at that time,” said Hamilton. their cut rate to 50,000 cubic metres annually recent years. the steep terrain, but it did include a variety of Of the approximately two million cubic But while the community forest is near the for the long-term. timber types, which would have helped after metres of wood in the community forest, over Sowchea Creek drainage, Hamilton said only The area would also be managed for what the beetle-killed pine was gone. half of it is mature pine which was signifi- the Murray Creek tributary of Sowchea Creek are called “visual quality objectives” which Hamilton said the community forest man- cantly impacted by the pine beetle. is within the community forest. The bulk of means people paddling on thae Nation Lakes agement has been adapted over the years, Wood is harvested within the community Sowchea’s watershed is being harvested by chain would be protected from seeing the including taking into account the Mountain forest through clear cutting. There were con- Canfor or through B.C. Timber Sales. clear cut blocks by a buffer of trees left along Pine Beetle epidemic, which required them to cerns the rate of clear cutting within the SowThe community forest is also managed for the water’s edge. LHOLE TSE MTN











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I n

Booze in grocery stores Tom Fletcher Black Press

Food on a budget

in my meetings with health, safety and law-andorder advocates, the question will surely become that already we see 30 per cent of late-night attendees at a typical B.C. emergency department report alcohol consumption in the six hours prior to their injury or illness,” Yap said. “If we make it more available for the sake of convenience, will we see rates like this rise?” The government is inviting public comments until Oct. 31 at the website, The site also lists submissions from health care, police and alcoholic beverage industry representatives.

VICTORIA – The B.C. government’s consultation on liquor reform has begun with a debate about allowing alcoholic beverage sales in grocery stores. “Washington state is the model I favour,” a Lower Mainland resident wrote Monday on the B.C. government’s new consultation website. “No government involvement in retailing – period. Just enforce the legal drinking age.” The B.C. government’s point man on liquor reform, Richmond-Steveston MLA John Yap, posted his own comments FREE EVENTS going on can be on the subject Monday. Yap warned that while opening submitted to the Caledonia Courier up alcohol sales is a popular online calendar, suggestion, “it certainly isn’t visit: and as straightforward as it may see the calendar on the bottom right and seem.” click on add your event. Yap noted that beer, wine and spirits are already sold in rural grocery stores that are licensed because their service area isn’t big enough to warrant a government retail store. In urban areas, he questioned whether alcoholic beverages should be sold from convenience stores and gas stations, larger grocery stores, or bigbox retailers. “When this topic comes up

Free cooking classes are being made available, thanks to the Canadian Diabetes Association. There are only 12 spots available in the program, which would begin Oct. 2 and run subsequent Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. for six weeks. The program is geared towards helping families cook healthy meals on a budget. Free child care is provided but

must be booked in advance and the course is open to adults and youth. For more information call the Fireweed Youth Coordinator Jana Gainor at 9968083.

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, September 25, 2013 A7


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Courier Soup’s on


Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The grand opening of the Fort St James Christian Outreach Kitchen and Food Bank, located at St Patrick’s Church, took place September 14. The new kitchen, which was a collective community effort, feeds those in need in the community on Tuesdays and Thursdays through a breakfast program and a lunch program, all volunteer-driven. Food bank donations help feed people Ron Atkiins plays some music for those attending breakfast at the new the rest of the time, kitchen on Tuesday, Sept. 17. Caledonia Courier when families or individuals just need a little extra. Vanderhoof and much of the carpentry and Previously, the kitchen was a tiny, cramped finishing work was done by Charlie Gill of space and the eating area was too small for North Man Construction, who donated countthe crowds, meaning people had to eat in less hours to the project, said Gwen Andrews. shifts. Anyone interested in volunteering at the The new, bright kitchen was built through kitchen or food bank or for food donations, fundraising efforts in both Fort St. James and can call Andrews at 250-567-6744.

Principals of learning... Continued from Page 3 Mattess attended school at St. Marie Goretti (now Nak’albun) here in Fort St. James, then went to FSJSS until grade 10, when she moved to attend school in Vancouver, where she graduated. While she may not have gone straight to training in education, Madhok said it makes sense Mattess came to it, because Mattess’ mother was the late Catherine Bird Coldwell, a natural-born teacher renowned for her work in teaching Carrier language and culture. Suzanne Burck Principal of David Hoy Elementary Burck is the newest to Fort St. James of the four principals. Burck arrived with her family when she was only four years old, so she was still raised in the community. Burck attended David Hoy Elementary and then graduated from FSJSS, and recalls David Hoy in the “open-concept”’ days, when teachers taught collectively and all the students were in one open area. During her younger days as a student, she was particularly inspired by her Grade six teach Mr. MacIntosh. “I always look back at all the fun that we had with him,” she said, recalling the elaborate ways he made learning enjoyable for the class. “He created this really great atmosphere.” Initially, Burck studied psychology and received a bachelor’s degree, planning on being a counsellor and working with high-school aged students. But then she decided she wanted to spend more time with younger children and went back to get training in education. “I always knew I wanted to be in a helping profession,” she said. Teaching since finishing her bachelor’s of education when she was 24, she spent a year in Haida Gwaii before returning to Fort St. James to teach at David Hoy. While she then went on to work in different roles, including working at EBUS, the online

learning program the district operates. While working as a teacher, Burck said she was inspired as well by administrators Manu Madhok and Harvey Goff in their roles as principals. Many things came together to lead to the change for her to return to David Hoy as the principal, and she said she is excited to be back and working together with a group of teachers she respects and shares a vision with. The highlight of the job so far? Spending time with the kids.

Wants You! What is your Interest? ❚ Do you have a passion to write, cover sports, photography? ❚ Are you a student, retired? Interested in English/Journalism? ❚ We are looking for LOCAL writers, photographers, contributors in Fort St. James. Interested? Please call Pam


Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Caledonia Courier

The big onion

The onion weigh-in on Saturday, Sept. 14 saw some pretty impressive onions tip the scales in Fort St. James. The contest, run by Ron Atkins of Atkins Greenhouse, offered a free onion up to gardeners to then weigh in at the end of the season for the chance to win a gift certificate to the greenhouse next year. The weighed onions were then donated to the Fort Onion contest winner Sherry McGowan (left) St. James Christian Outreach shows off her prize-winning onion with Ron AtKitchen and Food Bank. kins. The big winner was SherPhoto courtesy of Ron Atkins and Shelly (last name unknown) both with ry McGowan, with a threeonions weighing in at at two and a half pound onion. When Atkins asked McGowan what pounds. The largest onion in the kids categoshe fed the massive onion, she told him ry was Payton Schoeder, who grew an horse manure and prayer. The next closest was Allan Gauthier 11-ounce onion.

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Courier Tips for hunting season

Sam Redding Omineca Express

that it has expired. Approach it from behind and nudge it to be sure. Hill mentioned that he had seen an individual in Quesnel seriously injured last year. He’d shot a moose and it wasn’t dead so when he approached it the moose jumped up and attacked him. “It almost killed the fellow,” said Hill. “It broke his jaw and put him in the hospital for a long time.” As well as staying safe around the local wildlife, hunters should remember the key to wilderness survival. If something goes wrong, someone should know where you are or where you are going. Always let someone know before you leave, even if you’re familiar with the area. “The Search and Rescue get a lot of calls from wives and parents and stuff their partners or kids haven’t come back and the natural tendency is to think they’re in trouble. They’re usually just stuck or they’ve broken down but its just a good idea to let someone know where you’re going and when you’re

Now that hunting season is heating up, everyone who is out in the woods should take care to remember safety guidelines while hunting including firearm safety and awareness of the law. Cam Hill is an instructor for the CORE Hunter Training course, a requirement to obtain a hunting license in B.C. Hill gave out several tips for hunters gearing up for the hunting season, including an important one: firearm safety. The basic things are to treat every firearm as though it’s loaded. Control the muzzle at all times and keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to discharge the firearm. As well as ensuring that your firearm is safe and proven. “Those are the four that CORE teaches. Firearms safety is a big one and as a conservation officer I’ve seen it before I’ve checked vehicles where there’s been Conservation Officer Cam Hill will be out and about this hunting season to help hunters. Black Press photo holes shot through the door. Somebody need to refrain from consuming any alcohol or drugs. Beobviously had a loaded firearm in their vehicle. That’s a big one too, it’s against the law to have a lieve it or not we do see that a lot. Guys are going out hunt- coming back.” ing for the day and they’ve got a bottle of beer beside them, loaded firearm in your vehicle. Some things to have prepared before the hunt begins is A violation ticket for a loaded firearm in a vehicle runs its a hunting violation and we will charge them for that.” to have a map of the area, a first aid kit, and maybe a GPS Hunters could lose their firearms or their license if or compass. $230 and that goes for any vehicle including ATVs. In the bush, one of the biggest problems that Hill has to they’re caught under the influence while hunting. With these safety tips in mind, hunters should be well “You know a lot of the problems that I see. Where ani- prepared for the season ahead. To learn more the CORE deal with is the use of alcohol and drugs when on a hunt. Drug and alcohol violations don’t work like RCMP drink- mals are mistakenly killed, or there’s injuries or whatever course will be running beginning in the second week of ing and driving violations, it is up to the conservation of- are the result of impairment. That’s a message I really want December. to get across, don’t drink and hunt.” ficer as to whether he will ticket the guilty party or not. The Canadian Firearms Safety Course is also running at If you do harvest an animal, hunters should make sure CNC the third week of October and again in January. “Anytime that people are out there with firearms they


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Wednesday,September September25, 25,2013 2013 Caledonia Wednesday, Caledonia Courier Courier

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

We are a First Nations Agency delegated to deliver Guardianship Services to its member communities. We are accepting resumes for Social Workers at the Fort St. James location. O Candidates must have a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) or another Human Services degree may be considered. O Experience working with MIS/ICM and Best Practices is an asset. O Knowledge of the Carrier culture and history is an asset. NBH has a competitive benefits package and Salary is commensurate with experience and within federal child welfare program funding. Applicants must agree to a Criminal Record Check and have a valid driver’s license. Please submit resume and cover letter to: NEZUL BE HUNUYEH CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES PO BOX 1180 FORT ST. JAMES, BC,V0J 1P0 TEL: 250-996-6806 FAX: 250-996-6977 EMAIL: Closing date: October 11, 2013 at 4:00 pm EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY

P.O. Box 1329, Fort St. James, BC, V0J 1P0 Telephone (250) 996 – 7171 Fax (250) 996 – 8010

Social Development Administrator-Term Nak’azdli First Nation is in need of a Social Development Administrator. This is a term position and might lead to full time employment. Manages and supervises delivery of Nak’azdli Band mandated social services and other social development programs which meet the needs of Nak’azdli residents and families. 4uali¿cations . Strong communications and computer skills. . Knowledge of computerized reporting; excel knowledge an asset. . Knowledge of AANDC policies and reports. . Valid BC Driver’s license. . Social Service Worker Diploma, BSW preferred. . Superior leadership, team building and negotiation skills. . Knowledge of the Family Law Act and Child Protection Act. . Knowledge of the Nak’azdli culture and language an asset. Wages will commensurate with experience Closing date: September , # pm

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Is currently looking for full time Equipment operators, Heavy Duty Mechanic, Road Builder, Feller Buncher Operator and Owner/Operator Logging trucks to work in the Vanderhoof and Fraser Lake areas. ONLY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS TO APPLY. Benefit package and registered pension plan available. To apply fax resume to: (250) 699-6545 email:

Interested applicants may forward resume to the above address and Attention it to: Executive Assistant Maureen Isadore or email PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS N2TE 2nly those applicants who meet the minimum requirements will be invited to interview.

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Conifex Inc.—through astute strategic acquisitions and strong leadership—is emerging as a major national player in the forestry and sawmilling industry. Operationally, our approach is to blend state-of-the-art technology with the expertise of people who believe in the value of excellence. Together, we can achieve our vision to become a premier forest products company. Our Fort St James location is now accepting applications for a:

Shipping Supervisor Reporting to the Production and Sales Coordinator, and working with the Conifex team you will play a key role in the success of the operation. Full Full details regarding employment, duties andand qualifidetails regarding employment, duties cations areare available online at at qualifications available online Please apply by October 4, 2013 to Conifex Inc. Attn: Karen Andros or fax 250.996.5420 We wish to thank everyone for their interest in Conifex; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

FACILITATOR STRONGSTART CENTER Parents/Caregivers and Children (Ages 0-5) 24.25 hours per week The StrongStart Center is a program at Mouse Mountain School for the school year September 2013 to June 2014. Together with parents and caregivers, the facilitator will be responsible for operating the program. The intention of the program is that parents and caregivers will participate alongside their children in a purposeful, play-based environment. The program will concentrate on key aspects of family literacy, numerary, parent support and education, stages of early childhood development and community resource sharing. The facilitator will: O establish and post a daily schedule for the program with participant involvement. O ensure that the activities available for the children reflect the stages of child development and encourage creativity and language development; O plan and prepare participant-oriented activities and daily circle times that involve stories, songs, movement, etc; O make connections with service providers in the community and facilitate referrals for families where necessary; O make connections with the school personnel to facilitate a smooth transition for families into the formal school system; and, O attend training sessions as offered by district or local organizations. Qualifications: O A certificate, preferably a diploma in Early Childhood Education; O Training and/or experience working with children in the 0-5 age range; O Training and/or experience working with parents/adults in a facilitative role; O Personal qualities including excellent interpersonal and communication skills, the ability to be culturally sensitive, reactive, collaborative and resourceful; O Training and/or experience working with families experiencing multiple challenges (poverty, abuse, addition, cognitive challenges such as FASD); and, O A clear Criminal Record Review prior to hiring. Start date: To be Determined Application Closing Date: September 27, 2013 - 4:00 pm Please mail, fax or email resumes to: Student Support Services School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) PO Box 129, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 Phone: (250) 567-2284 O Fax: (250) 567-4639 Email:

corded Message. For Information 1-800-972-0209.

tion. Odorless, non-staining. credit checks. Bea cation, adoption property renNot in stores, available online: West Texas. 1-8 Caledonia Courier Wednesday, Wednesday,September September25, 25,2013 2013 tal opportunities. For peace of A11 A11 www.texaslandbuys GUARANTEED JOB Placemind consultation Houses and For Salea free Houses For Sale Services Services Merchandise for Sale Misc Services Misc Services ment: General laborers and RESTLESS LEG Syndrome call 1-800-347-2540. Health Products Financial Services Auctions tradesmen for oilJAMES and gas in- TWO BRAND NEW HOUSES LOCATED and leg cramps?DROWNING Fast INrelief in Debt? Cut FORT ST. CRIMINAL Don’t IN THE CENTRERECORD? OF FORT ST. JAMES than 50% and be dustry. Call 24hr Free Reone hour. Sleep debts at more night. ProvAM BAM TRUCKING debt free in half the time! let it block employment, travel, Avoid bankruptcy! Free conAREA corded AND Message. For Informaen for over 32 sultation. years.Toll-Free Mon-Fri 1-877-556CLOSE TO SCHOOLS . James B.C. Call (778) 667-­0346 3500. BBB Rated A+. education,ANDprofessional, certifiALL AMENITIES. tion 1-800-972-0209. 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660. Secluded and on their own private n a Jam, call BAM BAM. cation, adoption property renBACK ON TRACK! Bad street backing onto Nahounli Creek. www.allcalm.comGET credit? Bills? Unemployed? home has 1,736 sq. ft., three peace bedroom, of talFirstopportunities. For Need Money? We Lend! If you 2 full baths, with air conditioning own your ownsizzling home - you HILLCREST ap STEEL BUILDING mind & and a wood freeburning consultation call qualify. Pioneer Acceptance stove. d Treatment. Gravel Hauling, Excavation work. Corp. Member BBB. Second home has 2,300 sq. ft. of living space, 2bdrm suites. Clea summer savings event! 20x22 1-877-987-1420 1-800-347-2540. four bedroom, 2 and 1/2 bathrooms, bonus room Water and Waste Management. For Residential and Industrial uses. Adult orientated,S and 540 sq. ft. attached garage. Features air $4,188. 25x24 IF$4,598. 30x36 GRAVEL HAULING/ YOU own a home or real conditioning and natural gas fireplace. Alpine Credits can lend tem,Strict Manag $6,876. 32x44 estate, $8,700. 40x52 Smaller of the two homes is priced to sell at: you money: it’s that simple. EXCAVATION/ WATER Your credit/age/income is not $249,800, and the second is listed for $329,000. pets ph# 250-9 $12,990. 47x70 an$17,100. One issue. 1-800-587-2161. Call: g. (manufactured by Norwesco) including small and large vertical and TREATMENT end wall included. Pioneer (250) 996-3621 during the day, or ess polyethylene tanks. Pick up tanks, freestanding tanks, below ground tanks. DROWNING IN Debt? Cut Lakeview Apartme (250) 996-8981 evenings. Steel 1-800-668-5422. ng Term Storage of Wastewater. GRAF Rainwater harvesting solutions. debts more than 50% and debt BAM BAM TRUCKING 752 Stuart Dr. nt/ ion Cisterns, Drinking Water Reservoirs. Ft. St. James B.C. Call (778) 667-0346 free in half the time! Avoid James. 2bdrm In a Jam, call BAM BAM. at Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices BUILDINGS/metal bankruptcy! Consultation. STEEL Remote Water Hauling,Free Water renovated. Quiet, ss teƐƟng anĚ dreatment͘ testing and Treatment. or buildings 60% off! 20x28, 'raǀel Hauling, džĐaǀaƟon ǁorŬ͘ Gravel Hauling, Excavation work. ing. Adult oriente uEoǁ ƉroǀiĚing >iƋuiĚ Ɛtorage Now providing Liquid storage Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, tanŬƐ Ĩor Water anĚ WaƐte tanks for Water and Waste R.R. Avail. now 2 c- Management. For Residential Danagement͘ &or ReƐiĚenƟal Rated A+ 60x150, 80x100 sell for balanĚ /nĚuƐtrial uƐeƐ͘ and Industrial uses. or 250-996-7598 d. Caledonia Legal Services Rainǁater ŚarǀeƐƟng Rainwater harvesting solutions. Courier ƐoluƟonƐ͘ Wednesday, September 25, 2013 ROUND HAY Bales for sale. A11 DISTRICT OF FORT ST. JAMES ance owed! 1-800-457-2206. CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t 5- Caledonia Water Delivery Gravel GET BACK ONandTRACK! Bad Courier Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Houses For Sale A11 Houses For Sale let it blockServices employment, travel, Services Merchandise for Sale Misc Services Services Call 250-846-5855 ^eaŵleƐƐ WŽlyetŚylene Seamless Polyethylene danŬƐ Tanks Misc džĐavaƟŽn Excavation education,Services professional, certifi2013 TAX SALE Houses For Sale Houses For Sale Services Merchandise for Sale Misc Services Misc Services credit? Bills? Unemployed? cation, adoption property renHealth Products Auctions talFinancial opportunities. Services For peace of Health at Products Financial Services Auctions TWO BRAND NEW HOUSES LOCATED TWO BRAND NEW HOUSES LOCATED STEEL BUILDINGS, On Monday, September 30, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers the District Need Money? We Lend! If you Seamless Polyethylene Tanks Excavation mind and a free Metal consultation FORT ST. JAMES NEWSPAPERS DROWNING IN Debt? Cut FORT ST. JAMES THE CENTRE OF FORT ST. JAMES call 1-800-347-2540. of IN Fort St. James Office, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, BC, I will sell at Public IN THE CENTRE OF FORT ST. JAMES more than20x28, 50% and be buildings 60% debts off! own your ownAREA home - you Auction the lands and improvements thereon, in the list set out below, UNLESS THE debt free in half the time! AND Stuart Lake T Home Improvements OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT TAXES, INCLUDING INTEREST, ARE PAID PRIOR TO Avoid bankruptcy! Free con30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, AREA qualify. AND Pioneer Acceptance THE DATE OF TAXCLOSE sultation. Toll-Free 1-877-556Serving Fort St. James TO SCHOOLS SALE. Newly renovate BUSINESS BBB Rated A+. Serving Fort St. James and area since 1972 AND ALL AMENITIES. FLOORING SALE 60x150, 80x1003500. sell for balCorp. Member and area BBB. since 1972 ny Over 300 Choices on their own private Civic Address oriented, 3 bdrm, Roll No. Secluded Legal and Description Price Lowest Prices Pam Berger ance Upset owed! Call 1-800-457GET BACK ONGuaranteed! TRACK! Bad DIRECTORY street backing onto Nahounli Creek. Pam Berger 1-877-987-1420 Your path to a better or Publisher credit? Bills? Unemployed? basement, 2 parki Publisher First home has 1,736 sq. ft., three bedroom, Need Money? We Lend! If you 2206 181550 Plan 7911 Lot 1 DL 1267 295 Stuart Dr. E. 55,299.80 GRAVEL HAULING/ job starts here. 2 full baths, with air conditioning own your own home - you ls dogs. Ref Req’d 2 qualify. Pioneer Acceptance and5870 wood burning stove. www.kingoffl 527001 Plan Lot 34 DL 1267 134 4th Ave. E. 924.58 250-996-8482 WATER 250-996-8482 Corp. Member BBB. Second home has 2,300 sq. ft. of living space, e- EXCAVATION/ 1.877.835.6670 Advertising: or Heavy 250-996-7598 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real Duty four bedroom, and 1/2 bathrooms, bonus roomis subject to tax under the TREATMENT News: Please note that 2 the purchase of a Tax Sale Property Advertising: 51 and 540 sq. ft. attached garage. Features air GRAVEL HAULING/ estate, Alpine Credits can lend Machinery Telephone Services News:Website: Property Purchase Tax SHIPPING Act on the Fair Market Value of the property. The tax liability A-STEEL DRY IF YOU own a home or real BAM TRUCKING conditioning and natural gas fireplace. Website:BAM arises at the time the collector notifies the registrar of Titles to effect the transfer of estate, Alpine Credits PHONE? can lend A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY DISCONNECTED Smaller of the two homes is priced to sell at: you money: It’s that simple. STORAGE CONTAINERS you money: it’s that simple. following the expiration of theLegal redemption period (Local Government Act, SecSTORAGE CONTAINERS National Teleconnect home EXCAVATION/ WATER title Legal Notices Notices Legal Notices Your credit/age/income is renot $249,800, and the second is listed for $329,000. Used 20’40’45’53’ in stock. phone service. No one tion 403). Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. ut Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL fused! Low monthly rate! CallApply Call: Genuine Coin Collector Buyer 44’X40’ Container Shop ing features and unlimited long TREATMENT an issue. 1-800-587-2161. (250) 996-3621 during the day, or Niranjan Tank w/steel trusses $13,800! distance available. Call NadSPECIAL Sets up in one day! tional Teleconnect today! 1Collections, Olympic Gold & Director of Finance – Tax Collector (250) 996-8981 evenings. 40’ Containers under $2500! 866-443-4408. Legal Services Within si44’ x 40’ Container Shop TRUCKING ServingBAM Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Call Toll Free Also IFFt.BAM YOU own a home or real Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030 JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake St. James B.C. Call (778) 667-0346 rw/steel trusses $13,800! JD 892D LC Excavator estate,In Alpine Credits can lend a Jam, BAM BAM. Pamcall Berger Ph 1-866-528-7108 Legal Notices Legal Notices Notices of Sets up in oneLegal day! Delivery BC and AB Publisher Remote NEWSPAPERS Water Hauling, Water you money: It’s that simple. teƐƟng anĚ dreatment͘ Home Improvements W. Columbia St n- 150 40’ Containers under $2500! Tel: 250-567-9258 'raǀel džĐaǀaƟon ǁorŬ͘ 17 NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM Your credit/age/income is not Box 1007,Hauling, Vanderhoof Fax: 250-567-2070 Misc. forft. Sale Alum Eoǁ ƉroǀiĚing >iƋuiĚ Ɛtorage FLOORING SALE WOODLOT 1409Also on BCan Call Toll Free V0J 3A0 Email: tanŬƐ Ĩor Water anĚ WaƐte issue. 1-800-587-2161. HOT “Spring TUB (SPA) COVERS. Bok Your path to aquality. betterAll Danagement͘ &or ReƐiĚenƟal Best price. Best nd JDbe544 & that 644Louis wheel loaders Please advised and Pat Gauthier are job anĚ /nĚuƐtrial uƐeƐ͘ shapes & starts colourshere. available. remove 176 hectares of private land Legal Services 1-866-652-6837 ŚarǀeƐƟng stable, perfect oJDto 892D LClocated Excavator M Rainǁater O N E250-996-8482 Y P RƐoluƟonƐ͘ OV I D E R . C O M . proposing 1.877.835.6670 from woodlot license 1409 in the vicinity of DISTRICT OF FORT ST. JAMES Heavy Duty CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t Water Delivery and Gravel newspaper? Spencer’s Ridge. Inquiries/comments to this proposal letTelephone it block employment, travel, Machinery Services y; $500 Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Loan anddanŬƐ more. No cred- must be submitted ^eaŵleƐƐ WŽlyetŚylene džĐavaƟŽn in writing to Box 157,TAX Ft StSALE James STEEL BUILDING Sizzling / hunting canoe education, professional, certifi2013 Summer Savings event! 20x22 cation, adoption property renB.C., V0J1P0 by no later thanand October 25, 2013. Delivery BC AB it refused. Fast,Forteasy, m Serving Vanderhoof, St. James, 100% $4,188. 25x24 $4,598. 30x36 tal opportunities. For peace of Information this proposal be obtained from On Monday,about September 30, 2013can at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at the District Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake Call (250) 69 $6,876. 32x44$8,700. 40x52 mind and a free consultation NEWSPAPERS L. Gauthier at the above address or 250-996-8750. secure. 1-877-776-1660. $12,990. 47x70 $17,100. One call 1-800-347-2540. of Fort St. James Office, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, BC, I will sell at Public Pam Berger


AUCTION - Houseboats, Boats, PWC, Trucks, Trailers and more. September 21st, Kelowna



Help Wanted

Financial Services

Need Cash? Own A Vehicle? Borrow Up To $25,000


Pets & Livestock

Apply Within

O l

Feed & Hay

O l

O l


Merchandise for Sale


CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND ALL AMENITIES. Secluded and on their own private street backing onto Nahounli Creek. First home has 1,736 sq. ft., three bedroom, 2 full baths, with air conditioning and wood burning stove. Second home has 2,300 sq. ft. of living space, four bedroom, 2 and 1/2 bathrooms, bonus room and 540 sq. ft. attached garage. Features air conditioning and natural gas fireplace. Smaller of the two homes is priced to sell at: $249,800, and the second is listed for $329,000.

Heavy Duty Machinery

Call: (250) 996-3621 during the day, or (250) 996-8981 evenings.

Ft. St. James B.C. Call (778) 667-0346 In a Jam, call BAM BAM.

Remote Water Hauling, Water teƐƟng anĚ dreatment͘ 'raǀel Hauling, džĐaǀaƟon ǁorŬ͘ O Eoǁ ƉroǀiĚing >iƋuiĚ Ɛtorage tanŬƐ Ĩor Water anĚ WaƐte Danagement͘ &or ReƐiĚenƟal anĚ /nĚuƐtrial uƐeƐ͘ O Rainǁater ŚarǀeƐƟng ƐoluƟonƐ͘

DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 50% and be debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll-Free 1-877-5563500. BBB Rated A+.

AUCTION -- Houseboats, Houseboats, Boats, Boats, AUCTION PWC, Trucks, Trailers and more. PWC, Trucks, Trailers andKelowna more. September 21st, September 21st, Kelowna

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp.Laminates Member BBB. - $0.59/sq ft 1-877-987-1420 Engineered $1.99 sq ft

Help Wanted Help

Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft

IFOvernight YOU own a in home orBC! real Delivery most of estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

Misc. Wanted Need Cash? Own A Vehicle? Borrow Up To $25,000



Need Cash? Own A Vehicle? Borrow Up To $25,000


Water Delivery and Gravel ^eaŵleƐƐ WŽlyetŚylene danŬƐ džĐavaƟŽn


Serving Fort St. James and area since 1972


Pam Berger Publisher



Advertising: Reaching Every Door News: Website:


On Monday, September 30, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at the District of Fort St. James Office, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, BC, I will sell at Public Auction the lands and improvements thereon, in the list set out below, UNLESS THE OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT TAXES, INCLUDING INTEREST, ARE PAID PRIOR TO THE DATE OF TAX SALE. Roll No.

Legal Description

Civic Address


Plan 7911 Lot 1 DL 1267

295 Stuart Dr. E.


Plan 5870 Lot 34 DL 1267

134 4th Ave. E.

Upset Price 55,299.80 924.58

Please note that the purchase of a Tax Sale Property is subject to tax under the Property Purchase Tax Act on the Fair Market Value of the property. The tax liability arises at the time the collector notifies the registrar of Titles to effect the transfer of title following the expiration of the redemption period (Local Government Act, Section 403). Niranjan Tank Director of Finance – Tax Collector


Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake

150 W. Columbia St Pam Berger Tel: 250-567-9258 ServingPublisher Fort St. James Box 1007, Vanderhoof Fax: 250-567-2070 150 W. Columbia and St area since 1972 Tel: 250-567-9258 BC V0J 3A0 Email: Box 1007, Vanderhoof Fax: 250-567-2070 BC V0J 3A0

Email: Pam Berger Publisher

vertiser AD 250-996-8482 STUART NECHAKO

Reaching Every Door

Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake

Advertising: Pam Berger News: Publisher Website:

150 W. Columbia St Box 1007, Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A0

Tel: 250-567-9258 Fax: 250-567-2070


Auction the lands and improvements thereon, in the list set out below, UNLESS THE OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT TAXES, INCLUDING INTEREST, ARE PAID PRIOR TO THE DATE OF TAX SALE. Roll No.

Legal Description

Civic Address


Plan 7911 Lot 1 DL 1267

295 Stuart Dr. E.


Plan 5870 Lot 34 DL 1267

134 4th Ave. E.

Pam Berger Publisher 150 W. Columbia St Box 1007, Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A0

Tel: 250-567-9258 Fax: 250-567-2070 Email:


THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF CANADA, BC BRANCH THE KIDNEYToll FOUNDATION OF CANADA, BC BRANCH Free 1-800-567-8112 Toll Free 1-800-567-8112 Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake STUART NECHAKO

Reaching Every Door

Pam Berger Publisher

55,299.80 924.58

Please note that the purchase of a Tax Sale Property is subject to tax under the Property Purchase Tax Act on the Fair Market Value of the property. The tax liability arises at the time the collector notifies the registrar of Titles to effect the transfer of title following the expiration of the redemption period (Local Government Act, Section 403). Niranjan Tank Director of Finance – Tax Collector

Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake

Upset Price


CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft

Overnight Delivery in most of BC!

DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect home phone service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call National Teleconnect today! 1866-443-4408.

Home Improvements FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft

Overnight Delivery in most of BC!


Telephone Services DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect home phone service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call National Teleconnect today! 1866-443-4408.

Transport Wanted


Apply Within

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ in stock. SPECIAL 44’X40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! end wall included. Pioneer 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also Steel, 1-800-668-5422. JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph 1-866-528-7108 STEELDelivery BUILDINGS, BC and ABmetal buildings 60% off! 20x28,

30x40,Misc. 40x62, for 45x90, 50x120, Sale 60x150, 80x100 sell for balHOT owed! TUB (SPA) COVERS. ance Call 1-800-457Best price. Best quality. All 2206. shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

Your path to a better job starts here.

newspaper? STEEL BUILDING Sizzling Summer Savings event! 20x22 $4,188. 25x24 $4,598. 30x36 $6,876. 32x44$8,700. 40x52 Genuine Collector Buyer $12,990. Coin 47x70 $17,100. One end wall Olympic included. Collections, GoldPioneer & Steel, 1-800-668-5422. Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030 A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STEEL BUILDINGS, metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, STORAGE CONTAINERS 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, Used 20’40’45’53’ in stock. 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457SPECIAL 2206. 44’X40’ Container Shop

Misc. Wanted Heavy Duty Machinery Rentals

Apt/Condo for Rent w/steel trusses $13,800! Misc. Wanted Sets up in one Lg. day!1 & HILLCREST apts.

40’ Containers under $2500! Genuine Coin Clean Collector Buyer 2bdrm suites. and quiet. Collections, Olympic Gold & Call Toll Free Also Adult Coins orientated,Security sysSilver etc 778-281-0030

JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders tem,Strict Management,no JD 892D LC Excavator Rentals pets ph# 250-996-7854 Ph 1-866-528-7108 Lakeview Apartments Delivery BC and Apt/Condo forAB Rent 752 Stuart Dr. W. Fort St. HILLCREST apts. Lg. 1 & James. 2bdrm apt. 2bdrm suites. Clean and Newly quiet. Adult orientated,Security sysrenovated. Quiet, clean buildManagement,no ing.tem,Strict Adult oriented. no pets pets ph# 250-996-7854 R.R. Avail. now 250-996-4073 Lakeview HOT TUBApartments (SPA) COVERS. 752 Stuart Dr. W. Fort St. or 250-996-7598 Best Best apt. quality. All James.price. 2bdrm Newly renovated. Quiet, clean buildshapes & colours available. ing. Adult oriented. no pets 1-866-652-6837 R.R. Avail. now 250-996-4073 or 250-996-7598 Stuart Lake Townhouses newspaper? Newly Townhouses renovated, family STEEL BUILDING Sizzling Stuart oriented, 3Lake bdrm, Townhouses 2 bath with Newly renovated, family Summer Savings event! 20x22 basement, parking2 stalls, No oriented, 32 bdrm, bath with $4,188. 25x24 $4,598. 30x36 basement, 2 parking stalls, No dogs. Ref Req’d 250-996-4073 dogs. Ref32x44$8,700. Req’d 250-996-4073 $6,876. 40x52 or 250-996-7598 or 250-996-7598 $12,990. 47x70 $17,100. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel, 1-800-668-5422.

Misc. for Sale Townhouses


Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Caledonia Courier


ty Build i n u er mm

Courageous Battles






Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad

Human Interest

Serving the community of Fort St. James

Featuring the spirit of the local people

Riding precisely While for those not riding horses at a high level, the specifics of equestiran competition may all be a foreign language, but for one young woman from Fort St. James, it is an art. Alix Rasmussen has had a passion for riding since she was a little girl. “I think finding one in the yard that her Papa gave her for her seventh birthday is what really started it all,” said Alix’s mom Kelly Rasmussen in an email. “And it didn’t take long after her first real riding lesson for her to find her way to the show pen.” Alix has spent a lot of time there ever since and there is no end in sight just yet. After accumulating enough points last year, Alix and her horse Money Makin’ Dreamer will

be heading to Las Vegas, Nevada in the United States for a competition in October. Alix has been showing her American Quarter Horses for the last six years, and first started showing on the Northern B.C. Quarter Horse Circuit. She then broadened her horizons and made her way down south to the South Central Quarter Horse Association and then the Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association. Through her shows, she has worked her way up the ranks and has won a number of All Around and Reserve All Around awards at both the regional and provincial levels. It was just over a year ago Alix purchased her five-year-old Quarter Horse gelding known as Jake but with the registered name of Money Ma-

kin’ Dreamer from Hutton Performance Horses in Chilliwack, B.C.. The Hutton family raised and trained Jake. Daughter, Tami Hutton is Alix’s coach and mentor and trainer for both Alix and Jake in seven show events: halter, showmanship, western pleasure, western horsemanship, trail, hunter under saddle and english equitation. The pair are working on being all-around competitors. “The last two years have found us travelling farther and farther from home to compete in show pens that are not only larger but where she is competing with people who have been to the top shows at the world level,” said Kelly Rasmussen. The pair went from the provincial level to then compete in what is called the Region 1 Champi-

John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes

Box 421 183 First Street Vanderhoof Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822

Toll Free: 1-877-964-5650 E-mail: Website:

Photo contributed by Kelly Rasmussen

onships, consisting of Alaska, B.C., Washington, Oregon and Idaho. The horse and rider team have earned a number of top 10 and top five placings as well as championships in the past two years in this level. From this level, Alix and Jake then went to the national level to compete in Red Deer, Alberta in the Canadian National Quarter Horse Show. The pair became Canadian National Champions in the open halter event and placed top five in many other events. Halter is judged on the horse’s physical appearance. Jake and Alix will be in Las Vegas from Oct. 2-6 for the SmartPak West AQHA Novice Championship. Written by Kelly Rasmussen and Ruth Lloyd

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