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Patron Heart of the
Reflecting upon her own happy childhood, Hollywood rock heiress Sophie Tweed-Simmons is finding ways to help young victims who aren't as fortunate
krause berry farms t stay-at-home styles t creating comfort t midwifery care
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16 5 5IF FWFS QPQVMBS ,SBVTF #FSSZ 'BSNT in Langley has a tasty new addition XJUI JUT &TUBUF 'SVJU 8JOFSZ
10 COVER STORY: Sophie Tweed-Simmons steps out of the TV spotlight and into the role of advocate for young victims of abuse in our community. Cover photo by Brad Duncan.
24 24 Expectant mothers in B.C. are turning
to midwives more each year for prenatal, delivery and postpartum care.
16 Planning on staying home? You don't
22 Warm up the ambience in your abode
31 Check out isociety for a look at what's
have to sacrifice style in the name of comfort with these fall fashions .
this fall with some simple design tips sure to create comfort.
explains why wine-tasting fees are a positive thing at wineries. been going on – and what's coming up – in the community.
From the editor Melissa Smalley
fter a long, beautiful summer here in the Lower Mainland, it seems that fall has descended upon us rather quickly over the past few weeks. As if Mother Nature has flicked a switch, suddenly our warm days spent in shorts and flip flops have been swapped with cold, damp mornings in wool socks and scarves. Personally, I welcome this time of year with open arms – especially after the amazing summer weather we experienced this year. There's a certain feeling that comes with shorter days, cozy sweaters, warm boots and yes, even the sound of rain on the windows, that makes me want to snuggle up on the couch with loved ones and stay there till spring. Which is why we thought an issue of Indulge focusing on comfort would be perfect in time for fall. Comfort can come in many forms – from a mother's kiss on a child's scraped knee to a warm bed, cup of tea and a good book on a rainy night. For children who have become the victims of abuse, Sophie's Place – named after celebrity offspring Sophie Tweed-Simmons – provides, comfort, compassion and care in a way that is unique to our province. 4 FALL 2013 INDULGE
Our food writer, Jason McRobbie, visits Krause Berry Farm's new Estate Fruit Winery, where Chef Wolfgang Schmelcher shares some comfort-food recipes. Our fashion feature highlights some comfy stay-at-home fall styles – and includes a sneak peak of the BC Children's Hospital Dream Lottery home in Ocean Park. If you're looking for some ways to help make your house feel like a home, a local interior designer tells us how to create a warm, comfortable ambience with a few simple design tips. We take a look at how midwifery in B.C. is growing, dispel some misconceptions about the practice and explain why many women are opting out of delivering with doctors. Wine columnist John Schreiner shares his thoughts on wine-tasting fees, and how they alleviate some of the uncomfortable sales pressure that can come with visiting a winery. As we bid farewell to summer and welcome the brisk, blustery days of fall, I hope you find the coming season full of comfort.
Publisher Rita Walters publisher@indulgemagazine.ca Managing Editor Lance Peverley managingeditor@indulgemagazine.ca Editor Melissa Smalley editor@indulgemagazine.ca $SFBUJWF 4FSWJDFT .BOBHFS Jim Chmelyk creativeservices@indulgemagazine.ca Contributors .BSJP #BSUFM r 3PCZO +FOLJOT (SBOU .D"WPZ r +BTPO .D3PCCJF 3PC /FXFMM r +PIO 4DISFJOFS *OEVMHF JT QVCMJTIFE GPVS UJNFT BOOVBMMZ CZ Black Press 4VJUF 4USFFU 4VSSFZ #$ 7 4 $ Tel: 604-575-5321 Fax: 604-531-7977 www.indulgemagazine.ca Distributed free to select households in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Paid subscriptions available. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs.
the farmer's
Indulge in...
Langley's Krause Berry Farms offering more tasty treats than ever
oo good to visit just once, Krause Berry Farms and Estate Fruit Winery in Langley once again hosted the annual Feast of Fields celebration en plein air in September. This year though, guests passed beneath the archway of something entirely fresh – essentially the largest Farmers Table in the Fraser Valley. Towering high above the vines, a rather massive white table awaits along with a pair of similarly sized chairs. It is an unabashed call to table and the good things in life. In this case, to join “Wolfgang at the Farmers Table”– as the final lettering around its edge will read. For Chef Wolfgang L. Schmelcher, comfort, food and family have long been synonymous. His parents first met in a kitchen and he met his wife working in Malaysia with W Hotels. Wherever his travels have taken him, the kitchen has always felt like home. For more than 25 years, those kitchens grew increasingly larger and more complex, as did his role in managing luxury hotels and restaurants worldwide. From Michelin-starred restaurants in Europe to the hotels of W, Hyatt, Intercontinental and Marriott throughout Asia Pacific, work first carried 6 FALL 2013 INDULGE
Schmelcher to Canada in 1998. He developed a definite appreciation for the West Coast – and a fascination with one particular U-pick farm in the Fraser Valley. Since returning to Canada and making Walnut Grove home in 2010, he has made some ‘berry’ good friends on that farm. Krause Berry Farms has been a popular destination for nearly four decades. With the addition of its recently launched Estate Fruit Winery, replete with cooking school kitchen, owners Alf and Sandee Krause’s 200-acre-plus family farm has never been busier – or more fun. What began with Alf planting a single acre of strawberries in 1974, and Sandee’s creative flair for baking, has blossomed. And while the bright blue and white Krause barns catch the eye, it is what’s within that feeds the soul. Their farm store serves fresh homage to smart homesteading with a plethora of products, ranging from berry pies, preserves and ice creams to a savoury selection of pickled pleasantries. With tractor rides for kids and adults alike highlighting the changing
seasons, as well as an apiary, the Krause Farms commitment to ethical farming is equalled only by its ethos. “Everything here has to be fun. A winery and a cooking school just seemed to go together,” says Sandee Krause. “We knew we wanted a quality offering around a Farmers Table, and knew we had a match with Schmelcher. People connect with that passion in the kitchen.” Never doing things by half measures, the Krauses brought aboard winemaker Sandra Kiechle in the spring of 2012. The new cooking kitchen just off the main wine-tasting room opens onto the steel tanks in which the fruits of her labours are transformed. The launch portfolio of their “Farmers to Boot” fruit wines range from dry to dessert with a bit of bubble to bring the sparkle to the table. As intended, the pairing potential has never been more imminent. For Schmelcher, the Farmers Table cooking classes, slated to begin on Saturday nights in October, are a chance to reconnect people with their passion for cooking – and have some fun on the farm. In keeping with the ‘fun’ factor, the classes range widely, from back-to-basic sauces to epicurean explorations of personal favourites such as Turkish cuisine. “We’re going to keep it to a maximum of 12 people, so that everyone is truly involved,” explains Schmelcher. “The goal is to have
The best chefs in the world make the menu for lunch in the morning...
Krause Berry Farm's winemaker Sandra Kiechle some good fun, make some great food and get comfortable in the kitchen. “The reality is that we see more and more ready-made foods and people lead busy lives. Fortunately, there is a similar trend towards education about where our food comes from, and that goes hand-in-hand with local foods. With the Farmers Table, we will take a journey of many cuisines using local ingredients.” When asked about the menus for the classes, Schmelcher smiles and shares with a shake of his head, “The best chefs in the world make the menu for lunch in the morning.” As for what’s on the menu for Indulge? Comfort food for fall that offers a sweet reminder of summer’s local goodness. i
See recipes, pages 8-9
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Stuffed sweet peppers
3 tsp sesame seads 6 Lebanese (short) cucumbers, halved, diagonally sliced 1/2”
8 medium peppers, assorted (red, orange, yellow, green)
5 tbsp garlic chives (or regular), chopped
2 medium onions, peeled, finely chopped
1 tsp soy sauce
2 Tbsp olive oil 600 g mixed lean pork and beef, minced 2 cups long grain rice, cooked 2 eggs, beaten 1 garlic clove, peeled, crushed 2 Tbsp mixed dried herbs (oregano, basil, sage, thyme), to taste salt and freshly ground pepper 500 g tomatoes, finely diced 1 cup stock, vegetable or chicken 4 large basil leaves, finely cut Preheat oven to 350 F. Cut the top off each pepper to create a lid. Remove the core and seeds, rinse and drain. Add the olive oil to a shallow pan over medium heat and sweat the onions for a few minutes until soft. Remove and cool. In a large bowl, mix onions with minced pork and beef, cooked rice, eggs, garlic and herbs and season with salt and pepper as desired. Stuff peppers with mixture, replace the ‘lids’ and arrange stuffed peppers in an ovenproof dish.
Combine the diced tomatoes and stock and place around the peppers. Season to taste. Cover dish with foil and bake in oven for about 45 minutes or until peppers are just becoming tender. Carefully remove peppers from the dish and arrange on plates. Strain sauce through a fine sieve back into shallow pan and stir in freshly cut basil. Pour over stuffed peppers.
Mix together brown sugar, 2 Tbsp of the grated ginger and orange zest. With a sharp knife, score the chicken breasts with diagonal cuts and rub the mixture into the breasts. Marinate for several hours. Preheat oven to 350 F. Arrange chicken in a roasting pan and place into heated oven for 15-20 minutes. Remove from oven and cover in foil to keep warm. Switch oven to broil. In a shallow pan over medium-high heat, heat sesame oil before adding the sesame seeds and remaining ginger. Once
Free-range chicken w/ ginger sesame cucumber 1/2 cup brown sugar 3 tsp fresh ginger, grated 1 orange, zested, juiced 4 boneless chicken breasts, free range 2 tsp sesame oil
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the seeds begin to brown, add the cucumber and chives. Toss for no more than a minute, then add the soy, orange juice and any chicken juices to the pan. Add some salt and ground pepper, if necessary. Before serving, place the chicken breasts under the broiler for a couple minutes to crisp up. Arrange cucumber on plate with chicken atop and serve with steamed rice.
Wolfgang’s bean salad 400 g green beans, blanched*
*To blanch the beans, bring a medium sized pot of water to the boil, add some salt and a splash of olive oil. Cook the beans with the lid on for five to eight minutes (until tender, but still crisp). Toss the green beans, 2 Tbsp olive oil, orange juice, balsamic and pistachios; season with salt and fresh ground pepper to taste. Toss the yellow beans with the remaining 2 Tbsp olive oil, Chinese black beans, almond slivers, chili, lime juice and honey. Season with salt and fresh ground pepper to taste.
Vanilla poached peaches with mint
4 Tbsp olive oil 2 Tbsp orange juice
2 cups water
1 tsp white balsamic vinegar 4 Tbsp pistachios, roughly chopped 400 g yellow beans, blanched 2 Tbsp Chinese black beans 4 Tbsp almond slivers, lightly toasted 1 large red chili (optional), seeded, finely sliced 1 Tbsp lime juice 1/2 tsp sugar or honey
1 cup sugar 1 star anise 2 vanilla beans, pods halved lengthwise, scraped 4 ripe local peaches, halved, stones removed 1 Tbsp lemon juice 20 mint leaves (garnish) vanilla ice cream
In a large sauce pan, bring water, sugar, star anise and vanilla bean to a boil and simmer for a few minutes until slightly thickened. Place peaches into syrup, skin side up, and simmer for two minutes. Carefully turn over and cook for two to four minutes depending upon the size of the peaches. They should still be firm, but offer little resistance to a knife. Remove peaches and reduce the syrup for another two or three minutes until it has darkened and thickened to desired consistency. Remove from heat and cool slightly before adding the lemon juice and mint leaves. Serve the peaches with vanilla ice cream and drizzle the sauce atop.
A place to heal Daughter of rock royalty gives more than just her name to a unique child-advocacy centre in Surrey CZ .FMJTTB 4NBMMFZ t QIPUPT CZ .BSJP #BSUFM
Sophie Tweed-Simmons is joined by Mayor Dianne Watts as she cuts the ribbon at the launch of Sophie's Place in February 2012, while her parents look on. Rick Chapman photos
magine being asked to tell a secret you’ve never shared with anyone before – something painful, embarrassing or even shameful. Now imagine you’re being asked to tell a complete stranger. While most adults would shudder at the thought, it’s a stark reality for thousands of children across the province who are victims of abuse, and who need to share their stories. But thanks to a collaborative effort between a range of partners around the community and beyond, Surrey is now home to a childadvocacy centre that provides specialized services to children who have been abused physically, sexually or mentally. Sophie’s Place is a collaboration between the Surrey RCMP, Ministry of Children and Family Development, Ministry of Justice, the City of Surrey and The Centre for Child Development, and provides a safe, child-friendly place for young victims of abuse to come and meet with officials to discuss their situations and receive support and counselling. And with the help of a famous rock ‘n’ roll progeny, word of Sophie’s Place and the unique approach it takes to helping children around the Fraser Valley is starting to spread. The centre, which is housed within Surrey’s Centre for Child Development and opened in February 2012, is named after its patron, Sophie Tweed-Simmons, daughter of legendary KISS
member Gene Simmons and Canadian-born actress/model Shannon Tweed. The youngest of the Tweed-Simmons clan appeared with the rest of her family – including older brother Nick – on the hit A&E reality TV show Gene Simmons Family Jewels from 2006 to 2012. Tweed-Simmons – who turned 21 this summer – said her involvement with Sophie’s Place is the perfect opportunity to help children who may not have had the privileged upbringing that she had as the daughter of two celebrities. “I grew up really blessed – I never had to worry about coming home and not knowing what was going to be there,” Tweed-Simmons told Indulge this summer, during one of her many visits to the Lower Mainland. “Growing up in L.A. and going to school with friends who are in similar situations, their lives are great, my life is great, that’s how I thought the world was.”
Watts joins Sophie, Shannon and KISS as the band makes a $10,000 donation to Sophie's Place.
When she was in her early teens, TweedSimmons began volunteering with underprivileged kids and their families around the world, which she described as an eyeopening experience. “I realized that I wanted to give children a chance to grow up the way I grew up, to give them opportunities for education and a career,” she said. “That’s why, when Mayor Dianne Watts approached me about the project, I was so on board with it.” As the initial architect behind the collaborative advocacy centre several years ago, Watts was in search of the perfect namesake to represent the important work that would be done there. After she was introduced to Tweed-Simmons by a mutual acquaintance, she knew the young philanthropist would be the perfect fit. “Her youthfulness, warm spirit and commitment to children makes her a great role model,” Watts told Indulge by email. “And obviously, as a well-known television personality, having her name attached to the centre has had an enormous benefit of bringing international profile to the project.” For her part, however, Tweed-Simmons is far more than just a name on a building. Throughout the project’s development process, she’s been heavily involved, doing whatever she can to raise funds and awareness about the centre’s work and is well-versed in the inner workings of Sophie’s Place.
INDULGE • FALL 2013 11
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Tweed-Simmons chats with Judy Krawchuk, vice-president of the Child Development Foundation of B.C. Below, the waiting room at Sophie's Place.
It's a hard topic to talk about, because no one wants to talk about it... “I’m not qualified to be working one-on-one with abused children – I haven’t had that training,” she said, “but I am good at bringing attention to Sophie’s Place. It’s a hard topic to talk about, because no one wants to talk about it. And it is sad, but a lot of what we do isn’t sad. It’s rehabilitation, it’s getting convictions, it’s helping that child move on. There is a silver lining that I think people aren’t seeing.” Although Tweed-Simmons and the team at Sophie’s Place wish the facility wasn’t needed at all, it clearly is. The numbers detailing child-abuse cases across the country are staggering. In 2008, there were 85,440 substantiated cases of child abuse in Canada and another 17,918 that were unsubstantiated but remained suspect. It is estimated that one out of every three female children and one out of every six male children will be subjected to an unwanted sexual act before they reach adulthood. At Sophie’s Place, all the players who would be required to work with young victims of abuse come together under one roof in a setting that helps children to feel at ease. Painted in bright, cheery colours, complete with a fun teddy-bear mural and comfortable furniture, it’s not a place one would associate with potential criminal investigations. “Before Sophie’s Place, kids were interviewed at the RCMP detachment,
which isn’t the most child-friendly place,” explained Dr. Brian Katz, the centre’s director. Having everyone in the same place at the same time allows the victim to tell his or her story only once, whereas in the past, children would have to repeat what happened to them several times to several different people. “You can imagine, for a kid, that it really has the potential to re-traumatize them, having to tell over and over again this terrible thing that has happened to them,” Katz said. “We strive to reduce the number of times a child has to tell their story.” Members of the RCMP’s Child Abuse Sexual Offence unit (CASO), childprotection and victim services work collaboratively to interview children, and offer any services and support required to the victims and their non-offending family members. As the first child-advocacy centre of its kind in B.C. – and only one of a handful across the country – Sophie’s Place is still very much a work in progress, Katz said. However, initial feedback from families and team members has been extremely positive. Earlier this summer, an expansion was approved that will allow Sophie’s Place to take over the entire second floor of the Centre for Child Development, enabling all of the working partners to be housed on-site permanently. continued INDULGE • FALL 2013 13
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Tweed-Simmons and her proud parents. Rick Chapman photo
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“Everybody knows this is a better way to do it, so we have a really great commitment from all of our partners to being here and making this work,” he said. For Tweed-Simmons, her commitment to helping others is something that she said was instilled in her at a young age by her parents, both of whom are involved in various charities. “They’re very supportive, they try to help out as much as they can,” Tweed-Simmons said, when asked what her parents thought of her latest philanthropic venture. “I actually didn’t tell them I was involved in Sophie’s Place until after we had opened it, because I didn’t want them to make it their own. I wanted it to come from a child’s perspective, and I was only 18 at the time, so I felt like I was better suited for that.” Her work with the centre is one of many endeavours that Tweed-Simmons is involved in – she’s in the midst of a religious-studies program at Pomona-Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif., she coaches girls volleyball twice a week, she’s working on writing and recording music for an album she hopes to release next year and she has a budding acting career in the works, recently filming a small role on the CBC’s Republic of Doyle. She is also a diehard Vancouver Canucks fan and has her own good-luck seat at Rogers Arena for when she’s in town to catch a game. “My dad is notoriously bad luck for the Canucks,” she laughed. “Whenever he’s at a game, they lose – or even just watching a game. So we just don’t tell him anymore.” Amid everything else in her busy life, Sophie’s Place remains an important priority, and Tweed-Simmons hopes to work in a more full-time capacity with the centre once she’s finished school. Being involved with such an institution, she said, has been life-changing. “It means everything to me, and I know that’s kind of selfish, cause it should mean everything to the people we’re helping, and I hope that it does,” she said. “We’re hoping that someday, no one will need us at all.” i
Centre for Child Development 60 years of care In 1953, a group of Fraser Valley parents whose children had cerebral palsy formed the South Fraser Child Development Centre, with a goal of providing transportation for their kids to the GF Strong Centre in Vancouver. As the population throughout Surrey, Delta, Langley and White Rock grew, the group realized a child-development centre was desperately needed in their own community. After decades of fundraising and support from the Variety Club, the Centre for Child Development was built in 1973 at 9460 140 St. Today, the centre treats more than 2,000 children and teens per year from the region, providing therapy, care and support for a range of complex and severe developmental disabilities. Some of the programs offered include communication therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, casting and splinting, eating skills and an inclusive pre-school program. An on-site hydrotherapy pool allows children to take part in a variety of recreational programs, especially beneficial for kids who are in wheelchairs, allowing for a range of motion they wouldn’t normally achieve. The centre’s supported childdevelopment program allows children who may require extra one-on-one support to participate in things like camp and neighbourhood childcare programs. Many of the programs that operate out of the Centre for Child Development receive no government funding and are paid for solely by corporate grants and fundraising endeavours. To celebrate 60 years of helping children with special needs reach their full potential, join the Centre for Child Development at the Gala of Hope, Nov. 2, 2013 at Northview Golf and Country Club. For more information or to book your tickets, email info@cdfbc. ca or call 604-591-5903.
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INDULGE • FALL 2013 15
Indulge in...
assy tyles S S Cozy Comfort,
Relaxing at home never looked better with these fabulous casual fashions just in time for fall
INDULGE • FALL 2013 17
Indulge in...
assy tyles S S Cozy Comfort,
Relaxing at home never looked better with these fabulous casual fashions just in time for fall
INDULGE • FALL 2013 17
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INDULGE • FALL 2013 19
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Get the look: Cover page: Robynn is relaxing in style in Boo Radley black tights, a blue and grey top by Sandwich with a patterned blouse by Cativa over top, all available at Pistachio Boutique (604-385-1067). Page 18: Bringing the sunshine back, Robynn is in a Bryn Walker fleece wrap vest, Tribal 'Flatten It' leggings, white NikiBiki top and camel-coloured Steve Madden boots from Zig Zag Fashion Boutique (new location at The Boulevard Southpoint, #970 15033 32 Ave. 604-535-1565). Page 19: This brown Cativa sweater with Zoe blouse is perfect for an evening of fun and games, available at Pistachio Boutique. Opposite page, from left: Fun and fashionable, these black pants and silver leather jacket – both from Tribal – with David Cline blouse and purple Prophecy ankle boots are all available from Zig Zag. Grey sweater, skinny jeans and studded flats are all from Michael Kors, with High Fashion necklace, available at Zig Zag.
Photography........................Grant McAvoy Model..........................Robynn MacFarlane Hair/Makeup........................Robyn Jenkins Stylist.................................Melissa Smalley Location.................BC Children's Hospital 2013 Dream Lottery Home, Ocean Park 2102 128A St., South Surrey www.bcchildren.com
Celebrating Your Curves
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Willowbrook Shopping Centre #313, 19705 Fraser Hwy 604-533-9200 INDULGE • FALL 2013 21
Indulge in...
Welcome Home Create an inviting sense of comfort in your abode with simple design tips byy Melissa Mel eliisssa sa S Smalley mallley ma ey
Welcome Home Create an inviting sense of comfort in your abode with simple design tips by Melissa Smalley
oming home after a long day of work, many of us want to kick up our feet, enjoy some quiet family time and cozy up on our favourite spot to relax and unwind. Especially this time of year, when the days are getting colder, wetter and shorter, a warm, welcoming home that exudes comfort is more important than ever. Whether you live in a luxurious mansion, a cozy one-bedroom apartment or somewhere in between, creating an inviting, home-like ambience can be easily achieved with certain approaches to design and decor. According to Sheri Marshall, owner of Langley-based Marshall Design, striking a delicate balance between practicality and style is something she and her clients strive for. Ultimately, design decisions come down to what makes a person feel comfortable, cozy and at ease in their home, and proud to share it with visitors. “People need something that they look forward to coming home to each day after work,� Marshall explains. “With the busy lifestyle that is the trend of families today, it’s important to not forget about function and practicality – but at the same time not compromising style and a certain degree of elegance and beauty into your home.� One of the first thing Marshall recommends homeowners take a look at is a room’s paint colour, which she notes is a very personal decision unique to each client. “A lot of people ask me, ‘what’s the in colour right now?’� she says. “It’s much more important to focus on what colours make my clients feel comfortable, rather than what the latest trend is. When you’re in that room, does it give a feeling of warmth?� When using softer, more neutral wall colours in a space like a living room, extra splashes of colour can easily be added to brighten up the room with toss pillows or throw rugs, Marshall notes. The right furniture is essential to ensuring a high level of comfort in one’s home – after all, nobody likes trying to relax on an uncomfortable couch or chair. Make sure that you have ample comfortable seating in a living room, Marshall advises, noting there are ways to improve the comfort factor of certain pieces of furniture. “If you have a chair that isn’t super comfortable, if you add an ottoman, often times that will make it much more comfy,� she says. If you’re like the many people who spend their workdays under the not-so charming gleam of fluorescent office light, you’ll definitely need something a little more mellow for when you return home.
Photo courtesy Marshall Design Marshall recommends installing dimmers whenever possible – so a room’s lighting can be adjusted accordingly – and including floor lamps to set a more relaxing mood in the evenings; the softer the light-bulb wattage, the softer the ambience. Not to be forgotten in the design process are window coverings, which Marshall notes often don’t make it into a homeowner’s budget when embarking on a redesign. Adding simple and stylish coverings, however, doesn’t have to break the bank. “There are definitely some ways to keep the price down with drapery panels,� Marshall says. “They’re not functional, but they add colour and they really help to finish off a room.� The use of accessories – simple, fun items that can be inexpensive – are another great way to pull the colours of a room together, and reflect a homeowner’s unique style and personality. “With these sorts of things, when you walk into someone’s home, it shows you that it’s lived in,� Marshall points out. While most of these design suggestions are fairly straightforward and don’t require a major renovation job, Marshall notes that if it’s an older home she is working with, the client may want to consider a more substantial remodel – including the removal of walls – to create an open concept throughout the home’s main floor. “It’s a trend that makes a home much more comfortable and welcoming,� Marshall says, noting most newer homes are designed with an open concept in mind. “The flow is much nicer, so you may consider taking out a wall between a kitchen and living room or the
Don't get too caught up with trends – they may not be your trends...
kitchen and dining room.� No matter what design, decor and renovations a client chooses to make, Marshall says the most important factor in creating a comfortable home is staying true to one’s personal taste. “Don’t get too caught up in trends – they may not be your trends.� i
INDULGE • FALL 2013 23
Labour of Love
Women across B.C. are opting for midwifery care when welcoming little ones into the world by Melissa Smalley
Photo courtesy Carla Elaine Photography
ike many first-time moms, Shannon Wilcox had no idea what to expect when she became pregnant with daughter Gabrielle six years ago. At the advice of her family doctor, she sought prenatal care from a maternity clinic in Richmond, made up of several obstetrician/ gynecologists, whom she would rotate through upon each visit. At the time, Wilcox didn’t put much thought into choosing a care provider through this exciting – and often nerve-racking – time. Nor was she aware of any alternatives in her community. “I didn’t even know there were other options available,” the Surrey resident said. “When I thought of a midwife, I thought: ‘OK, someone boil some water, let’s go out into the bush.” Wilcox’s pregnancy progressed free of complications but, when her baby became overdue, labour was induced. When her labour fully kicked in, her doctor-on-call was nowhere to be found; Wilcox was told by nurses that her physician was at a dinner party and wouldn’t leave until her labour had progressed further. After the party, and when it came time for Wilcox to push, she asked if she could shift positions to her side. The doctor refused, saying she had a bad back, Wilcox recalled. 24 FALL 2013 INDULGE
“The whole experience, it felt like a medical procedure and that I wasn’t a part of the process at all.” With the memory of her first child’s birth tarnished by questionable bedside manner, Wilcox knew she wanted to take a different route next time. Three years later, pregnant with daughter Aaliyah, she decided to meet with a local midwife, just to ask some questions about what they do. “They told me right away, ‘we’re here to help you, we’re OK with using medicine and we’re here to advocate for you,’” Wilcox explained. “I knew I was going to be going in with someone who would speak for me, and have the same person taking care of me the entire time.” The experience, Wilcox said, was the complete opposite of her first delivery. “When you go into labour, there’s no more vulnerable state than that,” she said. “I felt like I was in control of my body, as if my own instincts were good enough.” t t t Midwifery in B.C. has been regulated and publicly funded since 1998, and there are now 196 practising midwives registered in the province. More than 14 per cent of the province’s newborns – around 6,000 a year – are delivered by midwives. The University of B.C., which runs a four-year degree training program for midwives, announced last year a massive expansion that would see its capacity double over the next several years. It’s a move that will help families across the province in prenatal and delivery care, but also postpartum care, which is sometimes not properly addressed, according to registered midwife Debbie Harding.
Harding, who has been practising for more than 30 years, currently at Surrey’s Sage Midwifery, explains the role midwives play throughout a woman’s experience of welcoming a baby. “In our health-care system, we really frontload our care for pregnancy and birth, and it really drops off when it comes to postpartum care,” she said. “(Midwives) provide care for women and families during pregnancy, during labour and birth and during that transition as a mother and a growing family in the postpartum period, which is very important.” Midwives, Harding explained, conduct prenatal checkups with moms-to-be at regular intervals throughout the pregnancy, much like a doctor does. However, they take an approach of promoting wellness as much as possible, she said. “We put a lot of time into looking at each individual person’s circumstances – lifestyle, family circumstances, diet and exercise, stress…” Diagnostic tests, lab requests, ultrasounds and certain prescriptions – should they be required – are all ordered by midwives. “Once labour becomes established, we stay with them and help them through the birth and the initial first few hours after birth,” Harding explained. During the first week of postpartum care, midwives conduct home visits to assess both baby and mom – the number and frequency of visits depend on how things like breastfeeding and healing are progressing. Mom and baby then visit the midwifery clinic for additional checkups, until six weeks after birth. Not every pregnancy is suitable for midwife care, however; The College of Midwives of B.C. has set forth strict guidelines governing when
a women’s care needs to be transferred to an obstetrician. There are occasions, Harding pointed out, when a mother-to-be can return to the care of her midwife, if the issue that arose has been dealt with and the obstetrician is in agreement. It’s just one example of the symbiotic relationship that many midwives in this province share with obstetrician/gynecologists. “We enjoy very collaborative relationships with OBs,” Harding explained, noting that the working relationship has taken time to develop in recent years. “Any time you’re working together, you need a trusting relationship. You need to be collaborative and you need to be willing to listen to each other and to discuss things.” Dr. Gary Jackson, a White Rock obstetrician/ gynecologist who practised for close to 30 years before retiring last year, said he feels the legalization of midwifery in B.C. has been a positive step for women and their families, and agreed with Harding that doctors share a good working relationship with midwives. “It’s been pleasant and encouraging to see midwifery become legalized and formalized in this province,” the former Peace Arch Hospital doctor said. “In my experience, I don’t think there have been any doctors who are upset or have had conflicts, and the midwives when I was working at our hospital, who worked with us there, were a great addition to the department.” Jackson said midwifery is a “viable” option for women, especially those who are hoping to have a familiar face in the delivery room with them, explaining that a woman whose family doctor does not practise obstetrics may
When you go into labour, there's no more vulnerable state than that…'
Shannon Wilcox's daughters, two-year-old Aaliyah (left) and five-year-old Gabrielle. Opposite page, the family welcomes its newest addition in 2011. Photo courtesy Amanda Sanderson. INDULGE • FALL 2013 25
Women are profoundly changed by the experience of giving birth... seek treatment at a maternitycare clinic, where a number of doctors are on rotation. “You don’t necessarily know who would be delivering your baby,” he said. As long as guidelines are followed regarding any riskfactors in a woman’s pregnancy – Jackson noted situations like multiple gestation, diabetes Photo courtesy Carla Elaine Photography and issues with hypertension would require an OB/GYN to become involved – he said he sees no disadvantages to a woman opting for midwifery care over that of a doctor. “Certainly, it’s a personal decision that a woman would make. And as long as it’s a low-risk pregnancy, I don’t see any drawbacks,” he said. “It’s a woman’s choice, as it should be.” t t t For midwives in B.C., it’s been a long road getting to the point of being a recognized health-care practice, according to Harding, who was actively involved in the legalization process, which spanned nearly two decades. Harding was one of the midwives appointed to the first board of the College of Midwives of B.C. in 1995, which led to the official legislation and regulation of midwifery in 1998 – 18 years after the campaign to for legalization was first launched. And while midwifery has come a long way since Harding first became
involved, she admitted there are still a number of misconceptions. Many women aren’t aware that midwifery care is covered by the province’s Medical Services Plan, and people often assume that a midwife-assisted birth automatically equates to a home delivery. “I would say about 75 per cent of (our clients’) births take place in the hospital,” Harding noted. Opting to deliver with a midwife also doesn’t restrict a women’s access to pain medication while in labour – a range of natural and pharmaceutical pain-relief options, including access to epidurals, are made available for mothers-to-be, with an emphasis on thorough communication and educations. It’s just one example of how midwives strive to empower women throughout the exciting, challenging and life-changing experience of childbirth. “I enjoy helping women develop the confidence, if they don’t already have it, in their ability to give birth, and to appreciate how satisfying it is to have a baby and be a full participant in the care,” Harding said. “Women are profoundly changed by the experience of giving birth and becoming a mother. As a society, we really need to support them as much as we can. “It’s not just a physical act, it’s so much more than that.” i
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Many reasons to welcome tasting fees
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he most uncomfortable moment during a wine tour is dealing with the pressure to buy wines you have tasted but not really liked. I saw an unfortunate example of this some years ago at a small Okanagan winery. Two couples arrived at the wine shop one Sunday morning and spent 20 minutes with one of the owners, tasting the small portfolio. When they left without buying, the owner actually berated them. At that time, no winery charged for tastings. The owner was ticked off at having opened a few of the winery’s precious bottles without getting any revenue. The owner’s reaction was JOHN obviously unwise. As precarious as the winery’s finances were, they were not improved by sending away four people primed to tell their friends to avoid this particular winery. Today, the majority of wineries in British Columbia charge for tastings. The charges are usually reasonable, perhaps $5 or even by donation. Most wineries, but not all, deduct the fee from any purchases you make. Those that do not deduct the fee from purchases argue that it is a big hassle at the till when the wine shop is busy. I find that argument to be irrelevant and mean-spirited. I would avoid wineries like that during my wine touring, unless the winery is passing on the fees to charity. For example, the $3 tasting fee at Burrowing Owl generates about $50,000 a year for a society working on conserving the owls. It does not upset me if the winery does not knock $3 off purchases after tastings. The tasting fee serves several useful purposes. It generates revenue for the wineries to help pay for staffing a wine shop and giving away free wine. A substantial number of wineries still produce 2,000 cases of wine or less. Such wineries can’t afford to give away too much free wine.
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You may have noticed that, in the tasting rooms of small wineries, staff write the date on the label of each newly opened bottle. The reason? Wineries can’t afford to waste wine. Open samples are not thrown out at the end of the day but usually are served the next day as well. The date on the label ensures that opened bottles don’t sit around until they deteriorate. Secondly, the tasting fee enables wineries to offer tutored tastings for visitors who want more than a simple tasting of four or five ordinary wines, at half an ounce each. Black Hills Estate Winery has tutored down tastings at $10, $20 or $30. The latter includes a four-vintage vertical of Nota Bene, a hard to get $55 wine. Black Hills is targeting the visitor who wants an informative wine experience and is prepared to pay for it. Thirdly, by paying the fee, you have removed from yourself the unspoken obligation to buy wines, even if you don’t want them, because the tasting room staff has been generous with free samples. Whether you don’t like the wines or whether you have no room for more wine in your car, paying a tasting-room fee lifts the unintentional discomfort that many of us feel from the pressure to buy in winery tasting rooms. -RKQ 6FKUHLQHU LV RQH RI &DQDGD¡V EHVW NQRZQ ZLQH ZULWHUV ZLWK ERRNV SXEOLVKHG VLQFH &RQWDFW -RKQ DW JRRGJURJ#VKDZ FD
By paying the fee, you've removed yourself from the unspoken obligation to buy wines...
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invites t Vintage Affair, a fundraiser for the Peninsula Community Foundation, returns to Hazelmere Golf Course Oct. 3. Tickets available by calling 604-7164289 or emailing vintageaffair@wrsscf.org
t The Equitas Society, which supports disabled Canadian soldiers, hosts its annual fundraiser at Morgan Creek Golf Course Oct. 18. Visit www.equitassociety.ca for more info.
t Gala of Hope, celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Centre for Child Development, takes place Nov. 2 at Northview Golf & Country Club. Email info@ cdfbc.ca or call 604-591-5903 for more info.
in the photos t Clockwise from top left, dancers entertain excited shoppers and dignitaries at the official re-opening of Guildford Town Centre Aug. 28.
t Patriotic revellers take in the festivities at Surrey's Canada Day celebrations at Holland Park July 1.
t Dozens of classic cars and motorbikes were on display at Blackie Spit Park for the Crescent Beach Concours D'Elegance Aug. 31.
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