Volume 58 No. 40
Public access a big priority Cameron Orr The large scale projects with eyes on Kitimat has at least one resident concerned that the town may start losing its public access to many of its assets. Michael Langegger, member of the local Rod and Gun and regional president of the BC Wildlife Federation, wrote and presented to Kitimat Council, speaking to concerns he’s seen where Kitimat’s backcountry seems to be falling away from residents and into the control of large companies. He started off talking about the loss of access to the Kitimat estuary, but his letter included other access, including Bish Forest Service Road and the Wedeene Forest Service Road. “We’re really a coastal community with no ocean access outside of MK Bay Marina,” he said. Langegger said LNG developments are meaning a lot of restricted road access as well. He was met with a company roadblock while down Wedeene Forest Service Road, he said. “One of the things I’d like Mayor and Council to address and learn from the past is not to end up with the situation like we have with Rio Tinto having all this private property and denying access to the public,” he said. “I think we’re really in a crossroads now where we can entrench our access with citizens in the community.” Through his letter to council he points to Rio Tinto’s acquisition of Eurocan’s former haul roads, which stifled access to the estuary, as well as Apache and Chevron’s closure of Bish Forest Service Road, which he said has had some consultation but the closure has lasted nearly a year, which has Langegger worried. “Is blasting truly occurring in this area currently, or has this been used to restrict public access under the guise of public safety?” he wrote. He said forest service road closures is affecting trap lines in the area, one of which he uses himself, under an agreement with a Haisla woman. Even Radley Park didn’t escape Langegger’s gaze, noting unsubstantiated rumours that workers in town have effectively taken up residency in the park. Staff didn’t immediately respond to that point. His letter wasn’t lost on councillors though, all of whom agreed public access was a major concern and focus for their work. “Mayor and council are very concerned about the lack of waterfront we have access to and we’re trying very hard to find some way to access that,” said Mayor Joanne Monaghan. Phil Germuth said that they’re committed to working with proponents and citizens in emphasizing that public access is still needed.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Kitimatians gather to celebrate peace on International Peace Day, hosted locally by the Kitimat Rotary Club. Shown is the human peace sign. More photos on page 5. Dwight Magee photo
Keep critical eye on eviction notices A poverty law advocate based in Terrace, but whom covers the Kitimat area as well, said she’s seeing a lot of housing files coming out of Kitimat in the past months. Stacey Tyers, who works with the Terrace District Community Services Society, said 70 to 80 per cent of her housing-related files relate to Kitimat, and she’s seeing a growing number of improper evictions. And she has great concern about what’s happening in town and urges people to be critical of eviction notices. “Most of them are not valid evictions,” she said. “It’s becoming problematic.” But she also thinks that it’s nothing sinister or vindictive that she suspects is pushing landlords in town to giving illegal notices, but merely some misinformation about
their abilities as landlords. For instance some may not know you can’t evict people on anticipation of selling a property, she said. Evictions can only come after a sale and the new owners have requested that action. Her own general advice is, as best as you can, don’t give anyone a reason to evict you. Also never ignore an eviction notice, whether you think it’s improper or not, and seek out advice. According to Sandra Steilo, communications for B.C.’s housing ministry, residents are protected under the Residential Tenancy Act as long as they have signed a tenancy agreement. A landlord must provide written notice of eviction using an approved form to end a tenancy, Steilo continues.
“Most of them are not valid evictions...It’s becoming problematic.” Listing the available notices a landlord can use, she said a two-month notice can be given “for landlord’s use of property.” This applies when the landlord plans to move in, do major repairs, convert the unit or has sold the property and the new owner, or a close family member intends to live in the rental unit.” Ten day and one month notices are also allowed under certain conditions. Kitimat has its own Housing Resource Worker, Anne Moyls, who recently began her work under the Kitimat Housing Resource Project. She’s a local point of contact for people with housing
concerns, and helps people figure out housing options. “I really strategize solutions based on the people who are coming in and sometimes they have solutions in their extended-world that they’re not aware of,” she said. “It’s never bleak. I’m an eternal optimist until all avenues have been exhausted.” Housing has certainly had its crunch over the year with record low vacancy rates. The Kitimat Housing Committee also recently heard of an eviction notice to tenants on the two floors of the North Star Inn, which gave month-tomonth lease holders until October 31 to leave. Residents were given the notice through a letter from building owner James Thom, who wrote that he could no longer afford to maintain the two floors. Continued on page 3
Kitimat makes Top 100 list ... page 6
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 2, 2013 OPEN DAILY
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WEATHER WATCH Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept
Just after midnight on September 27, power was knocked out to 526 BC Hydro customers in Kitimat, the company reports. A motor vehicle accident on Columbia Avenue was cited as the cause of the outage which took power out for the majority of the day. Kitimat RCMP say alcohol and speed are considered factors so far in their investigation, and that the power pole was essentially hanging by the wires after the incident. The driver of the vehicle was airlifted to Victoria in critical but stable condition, while a passenger walked away relatively unharmed, after being freed with the jaws of life.
“Prince Rupert’s Ridley Island is already serviced by CN tracks ... the concept would require the construction of an oil trans-loading facility in Prince Rupert, which does not currently exist.” While CN has stated the meeting in question did not address any particular project, Prince Rupert Port Authority manager of
Keenan by Lisanne Bazinet of the Petroleum Resources Branch in preparation for a March 1, 2013 meeting with CN to discuss the idea. “According to reports, Nexen is working with the Canadian National Railway Company and the Prince Rupert Port Authority to select lands in Prince Rupert that could be used for the export of oil,” wrote Bazinet.
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10 11 12 13 10 10 10
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Interest in oil-by-rail growing, documents show Shaun Thomas A federal government briefing note obtained by Greenpeace and released to local and national media shows a high level of interest in shipping oil to Asia through the port of Prince Rupert, with the oil arriving by rail. The note was prepared for Natural Resources Canada deputy minister Michael
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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corporate communications Michael Gurney confirmed discussion around shipping oil from Prince Rupert have taken place with the energy giant. “Nexen has been, and continues to be, in conversation with the Prince Rupert Port Authority for a possible oil-by-rail solution. But at this point, that is strictly conversation,” he said.
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 2, 2013 3
The students of Mount Elizabeth Secondary School set off on the annual Terry Fox Run. The entire school took part in the annual fundraiser for cancer research, but their fundraising didn’t end just with the run. The day before, students blared Justin Bieber music over the intercom during the recess and lunch breaks, and students would only get a reprieve once $100 was collected, also to go towards the Terry Fox charity.
Banff film The Kitimat Search and Rescue Society is again hosting the annual Banff Mountain Film Festival World tour 2013, at Mount Elizabeth Theatre. The show is set for October 12 at 7 p.m. The event is a fundraiser for Kitimat Search and Rescue. During last year’s film fest in Kitimat participants got a close look into the need for KSAR to get these funds, when many of the members were called away from the fundraiser for a rescue on Mount Elizabeth. People can call Kelly at 250-6324030 if they would like more information about the event.
van Dyk Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines has hired away the District of New Hazelton administrator. Donny van Dyk is now working for Enbridge as its manager of coastal stakeholder relations and will be based in Kitimat. He’s worked for the District of New Hazelton for four years. van Dyk has been active politically within the BC Liberal party and its youth wing. He’s also been the president of the BC Liberal Skeena constituency association and, in the 2009 provincial election, was unsuccessful in a bid to unseat NDP incumbent Robin Austin to become the MLA for Skeena. van Dyk is also a provincial government appointee to the board of Northwest Community College. “I will be working exclusively on the Northern Gateway project,” van Dyk said of his new job. “I will meet with communities in the northwest and answer any questions people and organizations have...”
On bylaws and business friendliness Cameron Orr A public hearing on a proposed change to the C2 Zone is set for October 21, which would add ‘Personal Service Shop’ to the list of definitions of approved use. But the approach of council to the bylaw amendment — which came to their attention after a business owner indicated they want to open a tattoo parlour in Nechako Centre — had some split over being thorough versus the impression of feet dragging for local businesses. That debate came after Rob Goffinet moved for only first reading of the bylaw rather than the recommended first and second. Goffinet admitted he was acting cautious, but his reasoning was he wanted some extra time to have questions answered from staff about the change that he had no time to answer earlier, having been away at the Union of BC Municipalities conference with the majority of council. Two readings of a bylaw must be passed before council can hold a public hearing,
which allows public input before a third reading and final adoption. Nechako Centre, which is zoned C2, does not have definitions for Personal Service Shop. The proposed wording for the addition would be “a business where the sale of retail goods is only an accessory to the provision of services related to the care and appearance of the body or the cleaning and repair of personal affects.” It goes on to list health clubs, gyms, tattoo and piercing studios and barber shops as examples of a personal service shop. Personal Service Shops do exist in the C1 City Centre Zone, so is not entirely foreign to the town. Phil Germuth worried that only passing first reading, while not necessarily meaning the process slows town, could create a bad impression. “There’s such a minor difference between what this business is proposing and I don’t want to be seen as restricting business,” he said.
Councillors can still vote for second reading at a prior council meeting ahead of the October 21 hearing, which will take place at the start of a regular council meeting. “I would like us to pass second reading tonight and move this along as quickly as possible. By not passing second reading I’m feeling like we’re putting out there that we may be possibly slowing this down and not expediting this as quickly as possible for such a minor change to the bylaw.” Mario Feldhoff however did believe the amendment was substantial, but did say the proposal did make sense. That said, he was interested in hearing from the Advisory Planning Commission on the matter. The APC, as part of council’s motion, has been referred the application for their own comment. “I think this will work out,” he said, noting decisions won’t come any later based on the motion as presented. The motion for the first reading passed unanimously.
Tenancy Continued from page 1 Thom wouldn’t say publicly what sort of costs he was facing. On this, Tyers had expressed concern that the notice might not have met requirements under the Residential Tenancy Act, because she didn’t recognize building maintenance as a cause for eviction. “‘I can’t afford to continue running these floors’ is not something that is listed as a reason for eviction,” she said, referring to the Residential Tenancy Act. According to Sandra Steilo, communications for B.C.’s housing ministry, residents in a hotel can be protected under the Residential Tenancy Act if the hotel is their primary residence and they have signed a tenancy agreement. Thom told the Sentinel though that the six people who were affected by the notice have all found places to live now.
“They were given their notice but it doesn’t matter on that part anyway because they’ve got rooms,” he said, saying that people were either leaving town or had found places to stay in town. “If you find them rooms that’s all that matters, so it doesn’t matter what was posted,” he said, noting that he personally made sure they all had a new place to live. He said he expects renovations to take place on those floors now, but he’s not entirely sure what will take place until the deal finalizes on the sale of the building from the prospective buyers on November 7. Back to Moyls and Tyers, getting people the resources to handle housing issues is what theydo every week, and people are encouraged to contact them with any housing questions. Moyls can be reached at 250-639-6065. Tyers said she prefers e-mail, and can by reached at staceytyers@tdcss.ca.
LETTERS WELCOME The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed. Unsigned letters will not be considered. Address your letters to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 E-mail: newsroom@northernsentinel.com or Fax: (250) 639-9373
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.
Lesser of two evils I’m starting to think pipeline opposition has had it all wrong right from the start. As much as I’ve quietly been unsure what the eventual fallout would be from such strong opposition to pipeline development in B.C., the answer is beginning to materialize. This week I’ve been reading about oil by rail, following a report released by Greenpeace that CN Rail may be looking at delivering oil to Prince Rupert in the same quantity that the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline would deliver to Kitimat. In this particular case though it’s not Enbridge but Nexen which is involved in the research into oil by rail to Rupert. But Greenpeace researcher Keith Stewart said in Canadian Press reports that it appears to look like a Plan B in case Northern Gateway doesn’t go through. This has me thinking to myself if I’d rather my house had a rail line through the backyard or a buried pipeline. A pipeline wins that question by a long shot. The stiff opposition to pipelines has now seemingly gotten oil companies looking more at rail than pipeline. Rail is cheaper to develop (since the rails are already there), you don’t need the intensive environmental permitting to ship oil like with pipeline construction, and clearly they can just about match the capacity of other ‘troubling’ pipelines. Meanwhile, CN Rail has been significantly growing its oil shipments company-wide, based on numbers I received from the company this past March. Not to the west coast yet, though, but they moved 30,000 car loads in 2012, versus just 5,000 in 2011. They think they can double that in 2013. So while people have been saying ‘no to oil’, trains have been quietly stepping up their transport this whole time. (Again, not yet through this area.) Clearly oil will get out of Alberta somehow. So perhaps the question should never have been “do we want pipelines or not” but rather “how can we do this better, to get better benefit?” Because I’d argue that the benefits we’d see from a pipeline to Kitimat is greater than we’d see with more trains. Especially if Prince Rupert gets the lions share of that transport. If the option is going to be pipelines or trains, lets change the narrative on pipelines from ‘no oil’ to ‘responsible transport.’ We absolutely should be holding companies to a high commitment of safety and economic benefit. They can’t have free reign through the wilderness, that’s for sure. Regulations and, most importantly, enforcement is a must. So lets ask for that, instead of turning our backs to the whole notion of oil pipelines entirely while train whistles blow in the distance.
Cameron Orr
Blackberry CEO gets a plum deal Under Miscellaneous
I readily admit that I am often at a loss watching the machinations of big businesses like long-beleaguered Waterloo, Ont. company, BlackBerry. I also admit to a morbid fascination with following its by Allan Hewitson decline and possibly its fall. And possibly, after that its re-emergence ahewitson@telus.net with another millionaire from the existing board at its helm. BlackBerry, I have to say was it becomes a buyout target. a great Canadian technology success Presumably, BlackBerry’s worstory. Most Canadians were cheering it rying falling stock value, its lack of on in its battle against the giants. Presi- success in making gains in the smart dent Barack Obama used a BlackBerry phone market, its subsequent layoffs phone. of employees and notice of further BlackBerry was a former innova- planned mass layoffs, as well as a tive leader in the gigantic world-wide quarterly loss of around a billion dolsmart phone market. But it fell behind lars, would lead to the conclusion that in popularity and sales as competitors its new CEO, the affable Thorsten like Apple (iPhones) and Samsung Heins, is failing to do what he was surged ahead in the always-volatile hired to do, which was turn around the market. Frankly, I am always shocked company’s fortunes. at how quickly millions of internationNow, as these company fortunes al smart phone users seem to move on wax and wane, if anyone was to gauge to the newest equipment. the chances that BlackBerry would acSo, I have to say I’m left very puz- tually be sold to another company — zled as to why shareholders (my defi- as it said it would consider last month, nition of shareholders would be ‘inves- resulting in an offer that BlackBerry tors seeking a profit’) would vote in tentatively accepted (see below) — favour of a new executive termination then readers need look no further than policy that would so hugely profit its Heins’ compensation package. CEO (by $55.6-million) if the comAs is common with CEOs, Heins pany’s stock value drags to the extent receives a magnificent golden para-
chute payout if he sells the company and loses his job as a result. But what is surprising about Heins’ termination payout is how drastically it changed in less than a year. In 2012, it was reported that Heins would have received up to $21 million in a “double trigger” payout if the company had been acquired and he was terminated as CEO. But in 2013, that payout suddenly became worth $56 million. Published reports said shareholders voted in favour of the change. To me, that gave Heins a considerable incentive to sell the company rather than turn it around on his own. His regular compensation totals $9 million a year, so nearly five years’ salary seems like quite an incentive to get a sale done. Blackberry’s new Z10 phone was received well critically but poorly by the real criteria for success, over the counter. An inventory “loss” was considered the major reason for the horrible quarterly dip in earnings. The previously-mentioned multibillion dollar takeover of BlackBerry by one of its own largest shareholders is not a done deal. It has to survive some bumps along the way, say some smart phone business analysts. Continued on page 5
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 2, 2013 5
Airing concerns (Due to the length of this letter, we have opted to run it in two parts, even though it was submitted to us as a single document. We’ll run the remainder next week.) Dear Sir, To those of you that are interested, for the last 10 years I have been thinking about certain aspects of our community and listing them with attached comments, questions and concerns. I would like to relist them so they are available once again for review and/or discussion: A) Cablecar stuff: -Cablecar residents pay same taxes as other Kitimatians, but have no municipal lawns or flower beds, therefore no costs for yearly planting, lawn maintenance (cutting) and brushing. Also they have a minimum of street lights (18 each) even though our bear problems are significant. They have no sidewalks to maintain and clear of snow, and get limited snow removal as compared to town, where streets are immediately windrowed and blown. Ours are graded to the side and sometimes left for weeks without being blown. With no sidewalks this is a major safety concern, both for vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Cablecar also has no sewage system to maintain, all residents are on septic fields and must pay for pumping.
Continued from page 1 A consortium led by Canadian investment firm Fairfax Financial is moving ahead with the deal worth US$4.7-billion. Under the deal the consortium will acquire all of the outstanding shares of BlackBerry not held by Torontobased Fairfax. Perhaps the best I can say is, if the sale is completed
There are no parks or playgrounds. There is no decent bus service, or vehicle storage and parking areas, only at the bus stop for those that need a ride because they live a kilometer or more away or are ill. There is no rainwater drainage systems to maintain, other than weed whack a few ditches each summer. Cablecar suffers from noise pollution from the rifle range. The neighbourhood is also limited to one entrance that would quickly be overburdened in the case of an emergency evacuation, ie: forest fire. B) Highway stuff: Review and change highway speeds to 80 km/hr from snowflake area to Forest Avenue. Turn-off lane for north side of Cablecar access, as well as the land fill. Kiosk installation for: weather protection, local paper distribution, garbage receptacle, bulletin board, salt and sand, etc. Winter road conditions sign illogically placed by Cablecar entrance. Chain up location north of cemetery hill. Road access to river for drift boats and associated vehicles and trailers along main highway. Pull off at landfill for access to future ‘Eagle Walk’. To be continued Oct.9 Sincerely, Kelly Smith
BlackBerry will remain Canadian owned. After a trading halt when the offer was announced, share value jumped to C$9.25 in Toronto and US$9.03 on the Nasdaq market in the United States. Goodness knows what it is this week. So maybe that’s the answer to why the shareholders are prepared to give a “failing”
CEO such a wonderful golden parachute. Not so good news I would guess for laid-off employees and to those who may potentially be laid off in the future. Until then, BlackBerry is allowed to actively solicit and evaluate rival offers. Thus, again, the machinations of big business remain beyond me.
Employees meet employers here…
More scenes from Peace Day in Kitimat. Above, Dan Huisman from Smithers displays the Shelter Box, an all-in-one package containing items anyone would need if their home was destroyed in a tragedy. Huisman is a Shelter Box responder and has been deployed to Guatemala to deliver the box, which contains a weather-proof tent, various utensils, and even a small wood stove. Below, Spirit of Kitlope Dancers perform on stage at Mount Elizabeth Theatre.
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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Kitimat makes top 100 ‘neighbourhood’ list Cameron Orr Journalists and researchers for Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine have compiled a list of the top 100 ‘neighbourhoods’ in Canada which are “set to lead the country in growth.” Kitimat as a whole was placed into the top 100 neighbourhoods to invest. The list includes communities from coast to coast, and includes Terrace among those top 100. The full results of their findings was published on September 30 in their magazine. The report found a number of small towns made the list as well, including Bedford, Halifax and Cold Lake, Alberta. Researchers used a number of data to compile the list, including population, median price, price growth over 12 months, vacancy rate, infrastructure and cash flow. The magazine used 2011 population levels of 8,335, noting it was a -7.3 per cent growth rate. The average house price, they found using data from Brookfield RPS, was $222,070. The findings from Real Estate Wealth was supported by Re/ Max and Verico Financial Services. Manuel Leite, the managing broker for Kitimat’s Re/Max office, speaks cautiously about Kitimat’s investment potential, careful not to outright say it’s a sure-fire investment market, but he says there’s definitely been movement from investors in town. “I’m not too surprised [at the report] because we know a lot of activity has been going on in town,” he said. But that said, “I’m very cautious when I
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and commercial properties. He points to the City Centre Motel, the North Star Inn, and the Aluminum City Motel, among other properties, as having been recently sold or listed. “For awhile there we had a lot of demand for large buildings, warehouse-type buildings,” he said, saying those sorts of
properties were typically selling to big companies with contracts for local construction projects like the Rio Tinto Alcan modernization. Of course investors come in all shapes and sizes and there are many individual investors as well.
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talk to people about the future because I don’t have a crystal ball.” That being the case, he has seen more investment sales than any of his many other years of selling real estate in the community. That includes residential properties — small bungalows have been selling fast —
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TELUS STORE OR AUThORizED DEALER Kitimat 216 City Centre Offer available until November 4, 2013, to residential customers, where line of sight permits, who have not subscribed to TELUS TV in the past 90 days. Not available to residents of multi-dwelling units. Minimum system requirements apply. Final eligibility for the services will be determined by a TELUS representative at the point of installation. TELUS reserves the right to modify channel lineups and packaging, and regular pricing without notice. HDTV-input-equipped television is required to receive HD. HD channels provided through the Bell TV satellite network. *Includes Basic Package. Regular bundled rate (currently $32.73/mo.) begins on month 7. Monthly rates include a $3 digital service fee, a $5 bundle discount and a fee required by the CRTC as a contribution to the Local Programming Improvement Fund (LPIF). See telus.com/satellitetv-lpif. Taxes extra. Not available with other promotions. †Offer available with a 3 year service agreement. Current rental rates apply at the end of the service agreement. A cancellation fee applies to the early termination of the service agreement and will be $10 multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term. Rental equipment must be returned in good condition upon cancellation of service, otherwise the replacement cost will be charged to the account. ‡A $300 value; includes connection of up to six TVs. Offer is limited to installation using existing TV outlets and telephone/modem jacks. Free with a term service agreement or purchase of a TELUS PVR or receiver; $50 for month-to-month service. TELUS, the TELUS logo, TELUS Satellite TV and the future is friendly are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. © 2013 TELUS.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 2, 2013 7
The transient killer whale — Largest of the dolphins. Ruler of the ocean. Feeds on seals, porpoises and whales. Or whatever it likes. What it doesn’t like are oil spills. We are committed to meeting British Columbia’s five conditions. Because a better pipeline will not be built at the expense of making other things worse.
Find out more at gatewayfacts.ca
8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Ice Demons finish third in Challenge Cup A loss to Smithers, a win to the Kings Shaun Thomas The Kitimat Ice Demons finished third in the Northern Challenge Cup in Prince Rupert on Sept. 20 and 21, coming away with a win and a loss. The Demons faced off with the defending CIHL champion Smithers Steelheads on Friday night, and found themselves down early. Smithers jumped out to a 3-0 lead within six minutes of the first on goals by Mark Arnold, Adam Devries and Darryl Young. But Kitimat started to make its come back when the Demon’s Nick Markowsky picked up a loose puck and put it over the glove of Tyler Perreault with 8:44 to play, and Derek Delisser put a pass across the crease over Perreault’s blocker late in the first to pull within one through one period. The comeback was complete when Kitimat’s Derek Wakita put
home the loose puck in front to tie things up at three early in the second. Mark Arnold put a backhand over the pad of Brett Vilness with 8:33 to play to pull ahead again, but Kitimat’s Ben Rumley responded with 4:42 to play, cutting across the crease and going high glove side. The period ended 4-4. In the third, however, the Steelheads put the game away when Brad Goss gave Smithers the lead and Darryl Young added the empty netter to give Smithers the 6-4 win. On Saturday, playing in the consolation game, the Demons handily defeated the Terrace River Kings in a game that included 130 minutes in penalties. Ben Rumley opened the scoring just 2:14 into the game, though the Kings’ Chris Brown put one past Tom Mildenberger less than three minutes
later to tie things up. But from there the Demons would shut down the Terrace offence. Kyle Boudreautt deked out Dawson Kluss and found the back of the net with 6:26 to play to pull Kitimat ahead, and with just one second left on the clock Joel Findlay put home a breakaway glove-side wrister to put the Demons up 3-1. The second saw plenty of penalties and no scoring, but the Demons put the game out of reach early in the third when Ian Coleman put away a gloveside backhander with 16:20 on the clock and, less than a minute later, Wade Masch found a loose puck in front and put it past Kluss to give Kitimat the 5-1 win. Meanwhile the Smithers Steelheads plowed ahead to claim the Challenge Cup for the weekend, their second straight victory in the tournament.
While in Prince Rupert on September 20 and 21, the Kitimat Ice Demons placed third during the Northern Challenge Cup Tournament. The Demons lost one game to the Steelheads but earned a victory later against the River Kings.
Connect with our growing team as we build strong communities together. New Location // Prince Rupert // 250.624.4281 Selena Wilson, Branch Manager 729 - 2nd Avenue West, Prince Rupert Kitimat
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Vehicle theft was thwarted by owner Crime Stoppers, quote RCMP deCameron Orr Kitimat RCMP say that an at- tachment file number 2013-3394. The suspects have been detempted vehicle theft was disrupted by the vehicle’s owner and a neigh- scribed as: 1) First Nations female, long bour, but police are still looking for black hair, mid-20s, wearing a white help in tracking the suspects. On September 22 police re- hoodie; 2) Tall, middle-eastern male, ceived the report of the attempted theft, in the area of Drake Street and mid-20s, wearing a grey hoodie; 3) Shorter male, mid-20s, wearLahakas Boulevard. Police say three people set off an ing a black hoodie, carrying a black alarm on the vehicle which alerted backpack. We are always looking for great people. Meanwhile the police are rethe owner and neighbour. Vancouver | Calgary | Campbell River | Canmore | Courtenay | Cranbrook | Duncan | Edmonton | Kamloops | Kitimat | Extensive patrols were made by minding residents to not leave any Nanaimo | Penticton | Prince George | Prince Rupert | Saskatoon | Smithers | Surrey | Terrace | Victoria | Jakarta, Indonesia the Kitimat RCMP but the suspects valuables in their vehicles, and to www.McElhanney.com Engineering | Surveying | Mapping | Planning | Environmental make sure they are locked and sewere not located. There was no reported damage cure while parked. to the vehicle and there was nothing reported taken during the attempt. Anyone with information on this file is asked to contact the local RCMP at 250632-7111, or call Crime Games at Tamitik Arena Stoppers at 1-800-222Admission $10 Adults – $5 Seniors/Students/Children Kids 12 & under admitted FREE to Sunday games! Tickets available at: Dee’s Flowers, Constant Cravings & Tamitik Arena www.kitimaticedemons.com 8477 (TIPS). Ad sponsored in part by HOME GAMES: Nov. 9 VS Smithers • Nov. 16 VS Pr. Rupert • Nov. 23 VS Houston • Nov. 24 VS Smithers • Dec. 28 VS Pr. Rupert • Jan. 11 & 12 VS Houston NorthernSentinel When calling
OCT. 5 at 8pm
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 2, 2013 9 ®
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Northern Sentinel
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Help Wanted
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Help Wanted
Part-time Bus Person required. Evening shift - excellent opportunity for grade 12 student. Must have Serving it Right. Apply in person. Cor’s Restaurant. 404 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat 250-639-9839
Nechako Barber Shop & Hair Essentials An upscale salon in Kitimat with a huge clientele base is seeking a part-time Barber, 20-30 hours per week. Parttime Stylists and a Receptionist. Please fax resume to 250-632-4406 or call: Tracy at 250-632-3048
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
GROW MARIJUANA Commercially. Canadian Commercial Production Licensing Convention October 26th & 27th. Toronto Airport, Marriott Hotel. www.greenlineacademy.com Tickets 1-855-860-8611 or 250-870-1882.
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Employment Business Opportunities AUTO TECH OPPORTUNITY Owner is looking to retire in 1-2 years. Well established auto shop in the South Cariboo with great customer base, specialized in transmission and engine work, government inspection facility. Current owner is willing to train. Serious inquiries only. Ph. 250791-5464. PO Box 10080, 108 Mile Ranch, BC, V0K 1Z0.
for Sale in Kitimat Turn-key operation. Excellent business opportunity with potential to expand. Fully licensed. For serious inquiries only please forward contact information to: Northern Sentinel 626 Enterprise Ave. Box 26 Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2E4
Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta. Dental Receptionist required for office in Kitimat. Position is full-time with a minimum of 4 days/week, possibly 5 days/week in future. Duties include reception, appointment booking, accounts reconciliation and dealing with dental insurance carriers. Computer and typing skills essential. Mature, professional individual with dental office and dental software experience. Experience as a dental assistant an asset. Must be able to work in a team environment. Position to be filled immediately. Wage dependent on experience. Please reply to: Northern Sentinel 626 Enterprise Ave. Box 23 Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4
Career Opportunities
Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi. $12.50/hr. Send resume & drivers abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls Kitimat Valley Disposal is looking for a Driver with a class 3 Driver’s License, with air, to operate a front load Garbage Truck and a roll off Bin Truck. You will be required to service and do light mechanical repairs. Monday to Friday with weekends and holidays off. For more info or to drop off your resume, contact Norm at: 250-632-4689 email: kvd@citywest.ca 717 Commercial Ave. Kitimat, BC V8C-2H4 LINO’S SALES & SERVICE located in beautiful Burns Lake, has an immediate opening for a Marine / Snowmobile Technician. Competitive wages & relocating allowance. Forward resume to attention Marco. Call: (250) 692-7045, (250) 251-7204 or Fax: (250) 692-7693
Home Support Workers Care Aides, LPN’s and RN’s for Kitimat
Please respond by October 15, 2013 to Heather Gurnsey, RN Client Care Manager at 250-641-2211 or 250-635-2274 or mail resumes ATT: Linda Preston, Office Manager, #101 - 4614 Greig Ave., Terrace, BC
Live-in Caretaker couple for Apartment Complex in Kitimat, B.C. Good Administrative and maintenance skills needed. Wages are negotiable. Please email resume to: robert.herman@sterlingmgmt.ca
or fax to 250-785-2852
Roofers Needed Immediately in Kitimat Experienced in shingles, metal and torch-on systems. Wages based on experience and production. Must be reliable. Fax resume to (250)6399448 or phone 250-6321433 or 250-639-9447
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
in Prince Rupert to maintain a wide variety of equipment from cranes, excavators, forklifts, marine equipment and vehicles, down to pumps, gen sets and power tools. Successful applicant must have the ability to troubleshoot and maintain equipment with little supervision. Journeyman or third year apprentice preferred, persons without ticket but having 5 or more years of experience will be considered. Wages and benefits commensurate with ability and experience. Send resume to: Broadwater Industries (2011) Ltd. 247 – 1 Avenue East Prince Rupert, BC, V8J 1A7 Email: bw@citytel.net Fax: 250-624-5668 Find us on Facebook
Please send your resume to: Mark Davy, Fax: 888-746-2297 E-mail: canrecruiting@trimac.com Phone: 866-487-4622
North America’s Premier Provider
Located 150km northwest of Prince George BC, Mount Milligan will be British Columbia’s first major metal mine of this century. The processing plant at the Mount Milligan copper/ gold mine will throughput 60,000 tonnes per day. The SAG mill is one of only three mills of its kind in the world, and the largest in North America. Powered by a 23.5 MW gearless motor drive, it is capable of handling 2717 tonnes per hour at 92% availability. Fine grinding is done using an IsaMill™ -- the most energy efficient, highest intensity large scale grinding machine on the market.
Mt. Milligan is currently seeking a Mill Trainer to join our growing Operations Team. Reporting to the Mill Operations Superintendent, the Mill Trainer will be responsible for assisting in the development, implementation, and maintenance of a successful training program. The successful candidate must have a strong focus on employee development to help achieve increased safety, productivity and availability. Duties / Responsibilities • Keep detailed and accurate training records, programs offered, certificates, etc • Actively participate in the delivery of various safety, environmental and operational training programs • Assess the need and coordinate the delivery of operations and maintenance training • Ensure that training delivered is accurate and meaningful to the workforce • Actively participate in continuous improvement initiatives • Provide detailed and meaningful feedback to management as required • Estimate budget and resource requirements Skills / Experience • 10 years of Mill Operations experience specifically with crushing, grinding, flotation, dewatering, gravity separation and tailings experience. • Strong commitment to internal customer service, workforce development and problem solving • Excellent facilitation, presentation, public speaking, interpersonal, oral and written communication skills are essential • Proficient in Microsoft Office products such as Word, Excel and Outlook • Knowledge of database software is an asset • Self motivated, team player with a positive attitude and the ability to work with minimal supervision Work Schedule The schedule for this position will be 7 days on and 7 days rest, 12-hour shifts. Please submit your resume to www.mtmilligan.com/careers We thank all interested candidates; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
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Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
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Northern Sentinel Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
Help Wanted Looking for Live-in Caretaker for a small Motel Complex in Kitimat, B.C. Applicants should have strong administrative and leadership skills, and must be able to work well under pressure. Duties will include checking in guests, answering phone, responding to guest complaints, some maintenance. Wages to be negotiated. This is a full-time position. Please email resume to
ELECTRICIAN www.smsequip.com We are looking for the following people to help grow our team:
· Journeyman Heavy Equipment Technicians · Journeyman Electricians · Journeyman Welders · General Foreman
or fax to 250-785-2852
SMS Equipment in Elkford, BC has moved into their brand new facility and is now hiring supervisors and tradespeople!!!
Wonderful Opportunity in a busy restaurant.
Rosario’s Restaurant
We offer a wide variety of shifts to accommodate employees who want to achieve work life balance or the opportunity to work overtime. We also offer temporary staff housing while you find your own accommodation in the beautiful Elk Valley.
has openings for full time/part time COOKS, SERVERS and DISHWASHERS. Days and Evenings. No experience necessary as we train. Please email rosarioskitimat@gmail.com or bring resume to Rosario’s in Kitimat. No phone calls please
We are one of the largest Komatsu dealers in the world and believe our continued growth is a result of our highly skilled and engaged employees who deliver excellence in the workplace.
Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services CHALET Motel & Restaurant. Food Server & Kitchen Helper. $10-$12/hr, 40 hrs/wk, F/T, Prmnnt, 852 Tsimshian Blvd, chaletmotel@outlook.com
We Offer A Very Competitive Compensation Package.
If you are interested in working for a very dynamic company where your input, your ideas and your participation is valued, apply today at bcjobs@smsequip.com or fax your resume to: 1-250-865-2644
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GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General laborers and tradesmen for oil and gas industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message. For Information 1-800-972-0209.
DH Manufacturing in Houston BC is looking for labourers. Must be reliable, physically fit and willing to work shift work. Starting wage up to $16.75/hr. Benefit package after 3 months employment. Email dhmnfg@gmail.com
AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for experienced welders. Competitive wages, profit sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through in hole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform. Call Cindy for an appointment or send resume to: cindy@autotanks.ca. 780-8462231 (Office); 780-846-2241 (Fax).
Medical/Dental CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT required for full time position in Smithers, B.C. Salary commensurate with experience. New grads start at $19/hr. 250-847-9898, 250847-4934, bpipars@telus.net
Tolko Industries Ltd. is currently seeking a Certified Electrician to join our team at our Lavington Planer Division in the Okanagan Region of BC. POSITION OVERVIEW: Reporting to the operation’s Maintenance Supervisor and working with tradesman, and other team members, the candidate will carry out maintenance programs and projects at the division. This is a challenging position and an opportunity to work in an innovative environment. QUALIFICATIONS: •Good working knowledge of WorkSafe BC & OH&S Regulations •Valid Elec. Interprovincial Journeyman ticket •3-5yrs. industrial maint. exp •PLC exp. a definite asset •Superior trouble shooting and communication skills •Must be willing to work any shift and be a team player
QUALIFICATIONS: •Certified Millwright with a Planerman endorsement •Forestry Industry exp. an asset •Superior Troubleshooting Skills •Exc. Organizational Skills •Hydraulic and Welding experience an asset •Strong safety background •Desire to work in a team environment
Inverter Generator. Yamaha EF2400 IS. Great for RVs. $1,190 obo. 250-632-3055
TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110
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DANCE KITIMAT Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary Age 4 - 18 Registration package at Kitimat Museum, or email dancekitimat@hotmail.com
POSITION OVERVIEW: Responsible for the preventive maintenance repair, installation and modification of equipment.
Misc. for Sale
Trades, Technical
Tolko Industries Ltd. currently seeks Certified Millwright to join our teams located in the Okanagan region of BC.
Merchandise for Sale
GROWING OKANAGAN KIA dealership looking for technicians and apprentices to fill full time positions. Offering a competitive salary, commensurate with experience. Please email resumes to: ron@kelownakia.com JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $30/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at hannachrylser.ca Fax 403-854-2845; Email: chrysler@telusplanet.net
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READY TO APPLY YOURSELF? If you are interested in exploring this opportunity and being part of our community, please visit our website at:
Legal Services
submit your resume by October 6, 2013.
For Sale By Owner
For Sale By Owner
For Sale By Owner
1200 sq ft house with 450 sq ft attached garage,
(250)632-2822 Kitimat
5 bdrm basement home, 2 full bathrooms, den, laundry rm, original oak flooring up, 2 kitchens, 2 living rms, new roof, new paint int. & ext., garage, lg parking area, fenced private back yd, 20’x20’ solarium, landscaped, trees, gardens. $260,000 OBO O2
Advertise in the Northern Sentinel and Northern Connector for 3 weeks for
$59.99 incl. tax.
CALL TODAY 250-632-6144 email classifieds@ northernsentinel.com Drop in at 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat NO AGENTS PRIVATE SALES ONLY NO AD CHANGES NO REFUNDS
New driveway in 2013. Please call for more information on this home.
three bdrm rancher, one bath, big livingroom, kitchen, new hot water tank, furnished
$225,000 Call 250-639-6129 or 250-639-0361 O4
For more info call 250-640-3596
Three bedroom, 1 bath, single level home on double corner lot. Includes six newer appliances, new laminate flooring throughout, carport with attached workshop, new 180 sq.ft. storage shed. Partially furnished.
Call 250-632-7090
Well maintained 2082sq.ft home with recent updates. Features 4 bdrms and 2.5 baths. Lot size is 68x100.
For more info call 250-632-7587 or 709-660-3264.
CLASSIC/COLLECTOR 1971 300SEL 3.5 Mercedes Benz. 75,000km. Very good condition, always garaged, never driven in winter. Well maintained. Maintenance records, service/parts book. Manuals. Some spare parts. 250-632-6755 Serious inquiries only Please
Starting at $600 • Balconies • Security Entrances • Cameras for your safety • Now includes basic cable Visit our Website www.kitimatapartments.com Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)
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QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511
32’ FIBERGLASS FERRELL BOAT 370hp 8.1L John Deere Diesel, 1500hrs on engine. Trolling valve, Bow Thruster, 3 Stage Steering. 2 Hydraulic Deep lines, Hydraulic Trap Puller, 3 Sounders, Radar, 8’ Dinghy, 2 Radios. Com-Dev Auto Pilot, Spare Prop. Can be seen at MK Bay Marina. Assessed at $84,400. Contact Warren Poff at 250.242-4445 or 250.242.1789 $65,000 Firm (will consider trade for part) GRADY WHITE 25FT BOAT -For Sale1994 2x200 Johnson V6 engines. 480HR. With Triple Axel Nextrail Trailer. Rigged for fishing, new GPS Asking $30,000. (Neg) Call: 250-632-1037 KITIMAT
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Cars - Domestic
Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom
2007 Bobcat excavator 323 with canopy approx. 1800hrs $16500, 463 Bobcat skid steer with backhoe & attachments $19000, Concrete demolition hammer for S70 or 463 Bobcat $4500. Call 250-624-5964 A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ in stock. SPECIAL 44’X40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com
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Call 250-632-5446
Misc. for Sale
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Merchandise for Sale
Help Wanted
STEEL BUILDINGS, Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x 40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x 150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
Pets & Livestock
Help Wanted
KITIMAT BOXES, BOXES, BOXES You need them and we have them. Buy one bundle of 10 for $5.00 and we will give you a bundle for free. Come down to the Kitimat Northern Sentinel office at 626 Enterprise Avenue 9:00am - 4:30pm
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12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Sports & Leisure
Demons to take on the Kings in season opener The Kitimat Ice Demons will start the 2013-14 CIHL season on home ice, with perennial rivals the Terrace River Kings as the first opponents for the new season. Both teams had close games last season, with the Ice Demons winning three of four and losing on home ice to Terrace on December 7, 2012 by a close score of 5-4. Kitimat also despatched the River
Kings in the playoffs in two games winning 4-3 on home ice on January 26 and eliminating Terrace in a hard-fought game, 7-4 on February 2. The opening weekend will be a double header, with Quesnel Kangaroos, who start their season in Prince Rupert on Saturday, providing opposition for a 1:00 p.m. start, the first of three Sunday games
Ladies golf results Results of Kitimat ladies golf for Tuesday, September 10: Thirty-eight ladies played. Winners by flight are; A Flight 1st low gross - Barb Thomas - 43 2nd low gross - Bonnie Donaldson - 50 1st low net - Michele Frater - 35.5 2nd low net - Dorothy McDonald - 36.5 B Flight 1st low gross - Fatima Reynolds - 54 on
a countback 2nd low gross - Anne Berrisford - 57 1st low net - Barb Cartwright - 32 2nd low net - Sharon Bruno - 37.5 Long drive winners Bonnie Donaldson and Janice Kawinsky. Closest to the pin Anna Krause. October 8 the Kitimat Ladies club with be holding their annual general meeting and election of officers for the 2014 season.
Ice Demons will play. The Demons then go on the road playing in Prince Rupert on October 12 and against the Houston Luckies in Houston on October 19. The away trip winds down October 20 when the Demons will be in Smithers to play last season's league champions, the Steelheads.
COMING EVENTS October 3 The Kitimat Seniors, Branch 129, will hold their monthly meeting at 1 p.m. at the Seniors Centre. October 4 LNG - What does it mean for me? Journalist/documentary film-maker, Damien Gillis, will host a discussion about what the LNG industry could mean for our community, environment, and economy. Sponsored by Douglas Channel Watch. Refreshments provided. 7:00 p.m. Meeting room at Tamitik Arena. Free to join.
October 6 THE SALMON of wisdom & The raven of war: Legends from the Celtic northwest. Visual journalist and author, Robin Rowland, will present an illustrated talk about legends from the Celtic northwest. Sponsored by Douglas Channel Watch. Refreshments provided. Riverlodge Meeting Room. Free to join. October 10 ART CLUB of Kitimat meets at 7 p.m. in Room 403 at MESS. ‘On My Own’, self project night: bring any ongoing project.
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Chevron Canada invites you to attend a Community Open House on the Clio Bay Restoration Project Date and time: Tuesday, October 8th, 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. Location: Riverlodge Rec Centre, 654 Columbia Ave West Kitimat
Refreshments will be served Hais
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Questions? Email KitimatLNGfeedback@chevron.com
Kuld o Columbia Ave W
Riverlodge Rec Centre
Peace St.
Come and share your thoughts and ideas with us and learn more about this innovative restoration project.
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This proposed project would see Chevron excavate marine clay from the Kitimat LNG construction site at Bish Cove and work closely with the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans to deposit this natural material in specific locations in Clio Bay. The clay will cap-off decaying wood debris left by historic log booming operations that has accumulated on the bottom of Clio Bay, damaging the Bay’s natural ecosystem. A key goal of the project is to restore natural marine life populations in Clio Bay.
Chevron invites you to learn more about the proposed Clio Bay Marine Life Restoration Project.