Grand Forks Gazette, October 09, 2013

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VOL 116 NO. 41 VOL 116 NO. 41

When B.C. Auditor When B.C. Auditor General John Doyle General John Doyle delivered a damning delivered a damning report last March on the report last March on the province’s controversial province’s controversial carbon trading system carbon trading system and the Crown corporaand the Crown corporation Pacific Carbon Trust tion Pacific Carbon Trust (PCT), elected officials (PCT), elected officials

across the regional disacross the regional district had to pay attentrict had to pay attention. tion. The carbon trading The carbon trading system involves transsystem involves transferring public money ferring public money from institutions like from institutions like hospitals and schools to hospitals and schools to the private sector so the the private sector so the government can fulfill government can fulfill its goal of declaring the its goal of declaring the public sector to be carpublic sector to be car-

bon-neutral. Doyle’s bon-neutral. Doyle’s report concluded the report concluded the government did not government did not reach its goal of carbon reach its goal of carbon neutrality in 2010, the neutrality in 2010, the year under examination, year under examination, because the carbon offbecause the carbon offsets it purchased that sets it purchased that year were not credible. year were not credible. One of the projects One of the projects created to receive public created to receive public and private funds was and private funds was

the Darkwoods project the Darkwoods project sponsored by the Nature sponsored by the Nature Conservancy. Conservancy. This project, designed This project, designed to conserve a large area to conserve a large area of environmentally sigof environmentally significant land in the nificant land in the Rockies, seemed to be a Rockies, seemed to be a good place for the RDKB good place for the RDKB to purchase carbon offto purchase carbon offsets. sets. • See CLIMATE, Page 9 • See CLIMATE, Page 9


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8 each


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Craig Craig Lindsay Lindsay photo photo

Players Playersfrom fromGrand GrandForks Forks(black) (black)and and Castlegar Castlegar bantam bantam teams teams watch watch the the flflying ying puck puck in in the the fifirst rst period period of of Saturday’s Saturday’s game at the Grand Forks Arena. Grand Forks came out on top 5-2. game at the Grand Forks Arena. Grand Forks came out on top 5-2.

Adjudication proposal takes it to higher court JIM JIM HOLTZ HOLTZ

Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette


Remembering Jack Jack Remembering Page 33 Page

A A new new approach approach for for carbon carbon credits credits Minister Minister Grand Forks Gazette

Brian Thate


$1.10 (includes tax) $1.10 (includes tax)

JIM HOLTZ JIM HOLTZ Grand Forks Gazette

24 Chase Road

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Bylaw Bylaw enforcement enforcement throughthroughout the regional out the regional district district may may be be about about to to get get some some teeth. teeth. At At the the moment, moment, in in many many municipalities municipalities in in the the Regional Regional District District of of Kootenay Kootenay Boundary Boundary (RDKB), (RDKB), the the only only recourse recourse for for enforcing enforcingfines finesimposed imposed for for bylaw bylaw

infractions infractions is is to to go go to to court, court, an an expensive and time-consuming expensive and time-consuming process. process. Under Under the the new new system—recsystem—recommended in a ommended in a staff staff report report to to the the RDKB—although a fine could RDKB—although a fine could be be disputed, disputed, ifif upheld, upheld, it it could could not not be be ignored ignored as as failure failure to to pay pay it it would result in the debt would result in the debt being being registered registered as as aa lien lien against against the the disputant’s disputant’s property. property.

According According to to RDKB RDKB chief chief administrative officer administrative officer John John MacLean, MacLean, the the program program is is aa lot lot easier easier to to deal deal with. with. “You “You don’t don’t have have to to access access the the courts; you don’t have courts; you don’t have to to ask ask the the chief chief justice justice to to sign sign off off on on things,” things,” he he said. said. “It “It is is just just aa little little easier easier for for us us to to administer.” administer.” •• See See BYLAW, BYLAW, Page Page 99

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issues order issues order on BC Hydro Hydro on BC meter fees


Energy Minister Bill Bennett has Energy Minister Bill Bennett has issued a cabinet order to the B.C. issued a cabinet order to the B.C. Utilities Commission to make sure it Utilities Commission to make sure it approves fees high enough cover the approves fees high enough cover the costs of customers opting out of BC costs of customers opting out of BC Hydro’s smart meter program. Hydro’s smart meter program. The order in council, signed by The order in council, signed by Bennett and Environment Minister Bennett and Environment Minister Mary Polak, instructs the indepenMary Polak, instructs the independent regulator to approve extra fees dent regulator to approve extra fees sufficient to meet the cost of manusufficient to meet the cost of manually reading mechanical mechanical electricity electricity ally reading meters that remain in use, or collectmeters that remain in use, or collecting readings from digital meters that ing readings from digital meters that have their radio transmitter turned have their radio transmitter turned off request of of the the customer. customer. off on on request The order also directs the BCUC BCUC The order also directs the to approve fees to cover the costs of to approve fees to cover the costs of “failed installations,” either because “failed installations,” either because the refused or or because because an an the customer customer refused obstacle was placed in the way of the obstacle was placed in the way of the installer. installer. A spokesman for for Bennett Bennett conconA spokesman firmed that the the BCUC BCUC may may still still firmed that decide to lower the opt-out fees prodecide to lower the opt-out fees proposed by BC BC Hydro, Hydro, or or it it may may posed by increase them if costs warrant. increase them if costs warrant. BC Hydro sent sent letters letters in in September September BC Hydro to about 60,000 residential customers to about 60,000 residential customers who have refused wireless meters, who have refused wireless meters, giving them until until December December to to giving them choose. If customers customers insist insist on on keepkeepchoose. If ing old meter, meter, aa $35 $35 monthly monthly fee fee ing their their old applies effective Dec. 1. applies effective Dec. 1. If they accept accept aa smart smart meter meter with with If they the off,” aa $100 $100 setup setup fee fee is is the “radio “radio off,” proposed, followed by $20 a month proposed, followed by $20 a month to readings starting starting April April 1. 1. to collect collect readings If customers do do not not register register aa If customers choice by Dec. Dec. 1, 1, their their meter meter will will be be choice by left as is and the $35 monthly fee will left as is and the $35 monthly fee will be to their their bill. bill. be added added to As it does does with with rate rate increases, increases, BC BC As it Hydro will start start charging charging its its proproHydro will posed fees as as it it prepares prepares to to defend defend posed fees them before the the BCUC. BCUC. If If the the comcomthem before mission orders changes, changes, bills bills would would mission orders be accordingly, with with refunds refunds be adjusted adjusted accordingly, or extra charges added. or extra charges added.

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1908 Martin Burrell met with an enthusiastic reception when he addressed a gathering of electors in Greenwood as part of his campaign in the fall federal election. 1913 In connection with the Greenwood Fall Fair, an auto race was held from Grand Forks to Greenwood, a distance of 27 miles; winner of the race was Frank Larama, driving the distance in 57 minutes in a 1914 Overland car. 1918 Owing to general aggravated cases of grippe appearing in the city, Dr. C.M. Kingston and the school board made a joint decision to close the schools for an indefinite period. 1923 Little hope of recovery was held for May Crawford, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Crawford, who was as death’s door in hospital, a victim of food poisoning after eating a piece of discarded watermelon. 1928 City council made the decision to replace the entire five-year-old Mill Creek flume with wire-wound wooden pressure pipe, at a cost of about $5,000. 1933 George Kendall Stocker of Cascade, died in Grand Forks Hospital at age 81. A cascade resident for some 43 years, he held large land interests in that area. 1938 City council approved action which might result in surplus power from the city hydro plant being sold to a small industrial concern to operate in Grand Forks. 1943 D. McPherson received word from Ottawa that his son, Warrant Officer (II

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Class) Bernard McPherson, RCAF, was killed in action overseas, believed to be the first war casualty from Grand Forks. 1948 Eric E. Jackson, old-time prospector of Phoenix and Beaverdell, died in Kelowna Hospital at age 74. 1953 For the first time in many years, according to the memory of City Clerk E.W. Euerby, there was to be no sale of property resulting from delinquent taxes, as all arrears were found to have been paid by the set deadline. 1958 The Sunday opening of the new museum, a Grand Forks and district centennial project, was held with guest speakers Dave Pugh, MP, Mrs. L. Haggen, MLA, Mayor Archer Davis of Grand Forks and Mayor E. Cook of Greenwood. 1963 The first frames on the south side of the new elementary school in west Grand Forks were erected and concrete work was nearing completion on the administration building. 1968 A “rumble” on the main thoroughfare, near the 12th Street intersection on the evening of Oct. 4, was being investigated by Sgt. Cline of the RCMP’s local detachment, who stated several youths were taken to the police station for questioning.

1973 Robert Carter, city administrator since October 1972, resigned. 1978 At a special meeting Thursday, city council voted to accept a recommendation of the finance committee to purchase the old Grand Forks post office building for the sum of $25,000. 1983 There are five sets of twins attending GFSS this year: Peter and Yvonne Gustafson, Stephen and Stephanie Semenoff, Darlene and Eileen Frederikson, Ken and Karl Gasston, and Bill and Dave Soukeroff. 1993 During the seat belt campaign from Oct. to Oct. 9 Grand Forks RCMP highway patrol checked over 1,600 vehicles and issued 54 seat belt charges and one child restraint charge. 1998 More than 50 people turned up on Friday evening for a lively three-hour forum about what’s at stake in the Traverse Creek gateway to Granby Park, a wilderness area that is slated to be logged 55 kilometres north of Grand Forks. 2003 Donations are starting to roll in to save the Mountain View Doukhobor Museum. Wayne Hall recently presented a cheque for $1,000 to the Boundary Museum; Dave Marshall donated an appraisal of the museum, also worth about $1,000. An additional $179,000 is needed to save the museum. 2008 Employees return to Roxul Inc. on Monday after a settlement came on Friday morning after a week of negotiations.

Shilo, Butch XXXXX and Cassidy

XXXXX to find a foster home for last fall, but she fits in well in our home with Willy, our three-legged Jack Russell (not shown this time) and these two dachshunds Butch and Cassidy. Butch has been called the friendliest dachshund, is a character with many facial expressions!! Cassidy is our classy lady but she is a hunter and a policewoman when things aren’t in order in her eyes!! ~ Jo and Dennis Must be looking for a treat. Sponsored by

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Pet of the Week This big dog is Shilo, an orphaned dog we tried

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How to enter your pet: It’s free. Send your digital photos, and a write-up of up to 75 words, by email to: How to enter your pet: It’s free. Send your digital photos, and a write-up of up to 75 words, by email to: Please put the words “Pet of the Week” in the subject line, and include your contact information. You can also bring in a photo to our office at Please put the words “Pet of the Week” in the subject line, and include your contact information. You can also bring in a photo to our office at 7255 Riverside Drive. Pets that have very recently passed away may be submitted. 7255 Riverside Drive. Pets that have very recently passed away may be submitted.

Kettle Valley Waste Ltd.


Recycling/Garbage Schedule October 2013 *garbage dates are in italics

Area C Christina Lake: Sundays: October 13 & 27 *garbage every week Area D North & West: Mondays: October 14 & 28 *garbage every week Ruckle, Valley Heights, Dwtn & Riverside: Tuesdays: October 1,15 & 29 *garbage 8 & 22 GF North of Central: Wednesdays: October 2,16 & 30 *garbage 9 & 23 GF South of Central: Thursdays: October 3,17 & 31 *garbage 10 & 24 Green Bin Collection Every Week Area D South: Fridays: October 4 & 18 *garbage every week Only in Grand Forks Area E Eholt - Hwy 3 Murray Road: Wednesdays: October 2,16 & 30 *garbage every week excluding Greenwood Area E Rock Creek - Carmi - Beaverdell: Thursdays: October 3,17 & 31 *garbage every week

Yard Waste

Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 9, 9, 2013 2013 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette


North of Central: Monday: October 7 Kettle Valley Waste GF Ruckle, Valley Heights, Dwtn & Riverside: Tuesday: October 8 877-447-9265 South of Central: Friday: October 11



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Grand GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 9, 9, 2013 2013 A3

Third page

IN BRIEF City council hits the highway with ministry At the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) conference, Coun. Bob Kendel and CAO Doug Allin met with representatives from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to discuss projects along Highway 3 and 33. “They’re continuing to invest into Highway 3,” said Allin. “(The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure) said they’re moving away from four lane passing lanes to three lane passing lanes, because they felt they can get more value for their money.” Ministry staff also said it would look into a possible flashing amber light at the intersection near Perley School. “We had a chat about the future plans for Highway 3 and to thank them for all the work done on Highway 33, which brings a lot of traffic to us,” said Kendel. “We talked again about getting the light at Perley School. The ministry representatives said they would take it under advisement.”

Church looks to move into old Gazette offices

Craig Lindsay photo

Jack Goddard Jr. stands outside the arena that could have his father’s name, pending RDKB approval.

New arena name considered CRAIG LINDSAY

Grand Forks Gazette

The Grand Forks and district recreation commission has unanimously approved the renaming of the Grand Forks Arena to the Jack Goddard Memorial Arena pending approval of the regional district board. Jack Goddard was mayor of Grand Forks for eight years and alderman for six years. He was part of the reason several important local projects were completed, including the relocation of the airport to its present site, the construction of the Boundary Mall, the building of the arena and the start of Babe Ruth baseball. Jack’s son, Jack Goddard Jr., made the presentation to the recreation commission on Thursday morning. Jack Goddard passed away on Sept. 12 at the age 93. During his proposal to the commission, which took place on Oct. 2, Jack Jr. described his father as being an avid sportsman whose passion for sports, like baseball and curling, was considerable.

“When we were little kids, we didn’t have organized baseball or really even hockey, for little kids,” said Jack Jr. “They had the arena built and Babe Ruth baseball. Dad was instrumental in both of them. But Jack Sr.’s proudest moment was the construction and completion of the Grand Forks Arena, and the continued success of so many recreational activities the arena gave the people of the community, Jack Jr. added. “The arena was his biggest contribution, recreation-wise, so I thought he’d be proud of (his name on) the arena. His major goal, probably his toughest project to organize because of the opposition, was the arena and it still stands out today.” Coun. Michael Wirischagin is city council’s representative on the recreation commission and acts as its vice-chair. He said the decision to name the arena after Jack Goddard was an easy one for the commission. “Jack was very integral in the construction of the arena,” he said. “He was the person that, as mayor, acquired the property and put together the pieces needed to construct the arena.”

Bridge study set for Christina Lake CRAIG LINDSAY

Grand Forks Gazette

A $25,000 feasibility study for a pedestrian bridge in Area C (Christina Lake) was approved by the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) board on Sept. 26. “We’ve been looking at getting a bridge across Christina Creek for a number of years because the bridge that is there now is a bit scary for children and seniors,” said Grace McGregor, Area C director. “And it’s not friendly at all for things like scooters or wheelchairs. We want it to

For the record

fit in with the community so we’re being a bit fussy.” McGregor said if any grants came available they needed to be ready. “The problem is, we’re not ready,” she added. McGregor said they need to know how much building the new bridge would cost and what steps would be needed for the process. “(Area C) parks and recreation have decided to take some of their reserve money and put that toward a feasibility study, so that if grants come available, all that information will be completed and we’ll

have a chance at getting that grant,” she said. “I’ve only heard a few people that are against the bridge. Most people, particularly the seniors, are really in favour of it, as are the school kids. They don’t like crossing the current bridge, especially in winter.” McGregor said she is hoping to talk to representatives from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. “We’ve talked to them before, and we’ll try and talk again to see if they’ll be willing to partner with us,” she said. “We’re going to put everything together so we’re ready.”

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints applied to the City of Grand Forks for a temporary use permit for commercial property located at 7255 Riverside Dr., the previous Gazette building. As part of the procedure to allow the temporary use permit, council needed to give notice that they intend to consider adopting a resolution allowing a temporary use permit. Notice must be officially delivered to all property owners within a 100foot radius, at least 10 days before the meeting at which council intends to consider adopting the resolution. Notice must be published in a newspaper at least three times and not more than 14 days before the adoption of the resolution to issue the permit. At a committee of the whole meeting council would hear from any interested parties as to their input on the matter. Council approved the motion and now staff will draft the appropriate temporary use permit and publish notice of the bylaw in the paper, giving notice to surrounding property owners of the time and date of the committee of the whole meeting on Oct. 15. At that meeting people will be allowed to voice their opinion and concern with respect to the temporary use permit.

POLICE BRIEFS Debit card stolen On Sept. 30 at 3:10 p.m., Grand Forks RCMP received a complaint of a theft of a debit card. “The individual went into the CIBC bank and did a transaction with his debit card, left the bank and didn’t retrieve his debit card,” said Staff Sgt. Jim Harrison. The debit card was apparently used to withdraw $300 from the person’s bank account, said Harrison. The matter is still under investigation. “We’d like to warn people to be careful and make sure not to leave debit cards at the bank and to protect your PIN number as required,” he said. Vandals strike beacon site The City of Grand Forks reported mischief to the beacon site at the top of Reservoir Road on Oct. 3 at 11:16 a.m. The amount of damage is unknown as of yet. The matter is still under investigation. Swerving to miss a deer An attempt to avoid hitting a deer caused a driver from Robson to hit the ditch. At 10:19 p.m. on Oct. 3 on Highway 3 near Danshin Village, the driver of a vehicle attempted to avoid hitting a deer. “With oncoming traffic coming

towards him, he got too close to the shoulder of the road and was pulled into a ditch,” said Harrison. Fortunately, the car hit a barbed wire fence which prevented him from going about another 30 metres down an embankment. No injuries were sustained. The driver, a 59-year-old male driving a 2005 Honda Civic, was from Robson. The damage was well over $1,000 according to police. Not swerving to miss a deer A vehicle struck a deer at the intersection of College Road and Highway 3 on Oct. 4 at 6:34 a.m. OnStar, the vehicle assistance system, reported the collision. There were no injuries. The damage to the vehicle is unknown at this point. The 75-year-old driver was from Sidney, B.C. Deer hits Jeep It was a wake up call for one driver on Sleepy Hollow Road and Highway 3 on Oct. 4 at 6 p.m. when the vehicle they were driving was hit by a deer. “The deer came out of the ditch and the driver had no time to avoid the impact,” said Harrison. The driver, who was a 57-yearold female from Sechelt, was not injured. She was driving a 2007 Jeep Liberty. The Jeep was undriveable after the accident.

In the Oct. 2 issue of the Grand Forks Gazette, the story “Jack Goddard remembered as city father,” the day of Jack Goddard’s death was incorrectly identified as Sept. 13, not Sept. 12, the correct day.




Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Grand Forks Gazette

your news view


Carbon crunch

here aren’t many people who can dispute against the fact the climate is changing, but there are also few who can soundly establish a direct link to what is causing it. Defined as a significant and lasting change in weather patterns over a period of time—ranging from a few decades to (more likely) millions of years—climate change is more than a catch phrase; it is reality. The province and many communities and regional districts across B.C have realized this, taking steps a few years ago to sign onto the Climate Action Charter, a pledge to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2012. That time has passed and, in a way, so did the ideal. Time has proven it wasn’t a feasible goal to have zero emissions, and still exist. So the province proposed municipalities could “buy” their way into zero emissions—purchasing carbon credits to offset emissions—not unlike the sale of indulgences centuries ago for the rich to “buy” their way into heaven. Many municipalities bought into projects that—although approved by the province—seemed a bit cryptic in what their effect was, and were usually situated quite a distance away. Now the province has changed the rules again, allowing municipalities to show they are “working towards” zero carbon emissions, permitting them to use the money coming back from the province for projects that will benefit the local environment. This puts the power into the hands of the people, and ultimately will allow for some worthwhile, and locally beneficial, projects for the community.

SUBMISSION GUIdElINES Submissions for community news can be dropped off at the newspaper between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, or emailed to Please ensure time sensitive material is sent in at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled event. Photos for the community pages can be taken by the charitable organization receiving the donation, though a Grand Forks Gazette photographer is available for individual contributions greater than $1,000 and corporate donations greater than $5,000. Submissions to the community pages will be published in as timely a manner as possible. Every effort will be made to ensure the publication of all contributions, as space allows. If you have questions, please call 442-2191.


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A look back at an interesting start on the Ball



t’s certainly been an interesting first few months here for me at the Gazette. I’ve covered plenty of diverse subjects, as one expects, working for a small town newspaper. I’ve enjoyed Back to the Wild West Day, where I got to see a real life, albeit fake, bank robbery. That was pretty exciting. Even if the robbery was staged, the horses were real and unpredictable as animals tend to be. But the robbers were real pros and clearly very experienced on horseback.

Also, this summer I took in the airport fly-in, which saw some very cool looking aircraft coming in and out of the Grand Forks Airport. There was also a delicious pancake breakfast and helicopter rides. That same weekend, of course, was the Grand Forks Fall Fair. The parade featured many colourful floats while the fairgrounds featured several arts and culture booths, a gymkhana and mini chuckwagon races. There were also several live acts, including local singer Amanda Thate, and fiddle champ Mike Sanyshyn. Also, in a busy August, I took in Fiestaval Spanish/ Mexican celebration at the Christina Living Arts Centre, a rugby tournament in Greenwood and Park in the Park car show in City Park.

All were well attended and featured a diverse group of participants and spectators. September was a little slower as we transitioned from summer to fall, although we said goodbye to editor Karl Yu, who took a similar position in Nanaimo, and said hello to new editor Timothy Schafer. At any rate, September saw the return to school for kids and the start up of fall teams. The Border Bruins returned to the ice and started the regular season with three straight wins, including an overtime thriller over defending league champion Castlegar Rebels. I’ve been out to lovely Christina Lake for several announcements such as the announcement of several community grants at the


THE FINE PRINT The Gazette reserves the right to refuse any advertising. The Gazette shall not be responsible for any damage arising from error in any advertisement, beyond the cost of space occupied by the alleged error. In the event of an error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, together with reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for and shall be printed once – the advertiser should alert The Gazette of the error as quickly as possible. Should the balance of the advertisement be reprinted, at the discretion of the customer, the balance shall be paid for at the applicable rate. Where errors occur, The Gazette or its advertisers shall not be liable. Advertising constitutes an offer to sell which may be withdrawn at any time.

bowling green, and the raising of the flag designating the visitor centre as an official B.C. information centre. There’s been plenty of news, but none bigger than the fire at City Hall on Sept. 19. I’ve also covered several city council meetings in Grand Forks and a regional district meeting in Christina Lake. I covered Grand Forks court during the trial of Christopher Cusack, who is being charged with starting the fires at the Grand Forks and Winnipeg hotels. All in all, there have been plenty of interesting events and news going on. I don’t know if the coming months can top the past few, but I wouldn’t bet against it. Craig Lindsay is a reporter with the Grand Forks Gazette.

Published every Wednesday 7255 Riverside Drive, P.O. Box 700, Grand Forks, B.C. V0H 1H0 Canada Post Agreement #40069240 Circulation Coordinator: Darlainea Redlack Production Manager: Della Mallette Production Tech: Dustin Lacroix

Publisher: Chuck Bennett

Editor: Timothy Schafer

Reporter: Craig Lindsay

Advertising Representative: Chris Hammett

All rights reserved. Contents copyright by The Grand Forks Gazette. Any reproduction of material contained in this publication in whole or in part is forbidden without the express written consent of the publisher.

MAin: 250-442-2191, FAX: 1-866-897-0678 eMAiL: Publisher Classified Advertising Display Advertising editor Circulation The Grand Forks Gazette, a division of Black Press, and a member of:


Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 9, 9, 2013 2013


to the editor

Keeping the faith in a higher power To the Editor, Just leave them deer be. They are not doing any damage, nor are they harming anyone, and they have a Godgiven right to feed and survive. They are God’s creation and the Lord God almighty provides for his creatures. It’s no skin off your noses if I buy feed for my bambis during the cold winter months. Early in the morning they look at me through the dining

room window with their big, beautiful eyes. I cannot refuse them feed. I have a heart beating in my chest and also have principles. No one, but no one, shall ever take those rights and freedoms away from me. If I must appear in court I shall stand and defend those creatures who cannot speak for themselves. There are those in this society that would even deny those deer a drink of water

from the river. Those that feel they have the power and authority over nature are in for a pleasant surprise. He is up there in the great beyond, and I keep my faith in the Almighty. I’ve gone through many challenges in my day and I accept this confrontation resolutely. Just try me. F. J. Duralia Grand Forks

Cleaning up on the kettle

Jenny Coleshill photo

Eva (right) and Isaac Van Hoogevest with their mom Christy (left) were part of the 12 people who showed up to pick up garbage for the Kettle River clean-up on B.C Rivers Day on Sept. 29. The clean up was hosted by the Granby Wilderness Society. There was over 170 kilograms of trash taken to the dump.

Thumbs Up to Dr. Donald Howe Thumbs up to pubs and restaurants that serve alcohol-free wine and beer. Thumbs up to those in the community who donate fresh produce to the Food Bank. Thank you. Thumbs up to the United Church and their beautification of their church. Looking good. Thumbs up and so grateful that Ken and Dave at Overwaitea are looking for ways to reach out to those who need a hand up in the Boundary area. Your generosity is very much appreciated. Thumbs Up to the Gazette for their new layout, the GFSS Weekly Howl section and the section promoting the downtown core. Keep up the good work. Thumbs up to Dr. Donald Howe, who died recently of a brain tumour, for making a video

proposing that Canada adopt death with dignity legislation. Those who agree should write their politicians at all levels. Thumbs down to the person that hit and ran over my kitten at the end of Donaldson Drive-North Fork Road. Could we please obey the speed limit? Children also live on this road. Thumbs up to the good Samaritan that brought her to me wrapped in a fleece blanket. Would you like to give a thumb up or a thumb down? Email with Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down as a subject line. We could publish your anonymous submission. Attacks on specific businesses and people will not be published. Editor’s discretion will always be exercised. Please keep it tasteful. A5 A5

A neglected part of the biosphere There are no options available other than to change what we are doing. Only then will we avoid a catastrophe like the one on Canada’s East Coast when the cod stocks disapperared.


e’ve been so distracted by the talk about “global warming” and “climate change” that our understanding of Rousing the the more significant issue has been Rabble clouded. roy ronaghan All species of plants and animals living on land and in the oceans are suffering from a carbon overload. Plants need carbon dioxide to thrive, but they now have to cope with far too much of it. Oceans cover over 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface to great depths and provide the environment for an unknown number of species of fish and other aquatic life that thrives in a saline solution. If they were drained, the landmass they cover would increase Earth’s surface by 90 per cent. Carl Safina, a marine biologist and president of Blue Ocean Institute says, “It’s not just about climate. It is and always has been, about the carbon. From atmosphere to ocean to cell, the carbon burden is the problem.” Living as we do in an interior community, the health of Earth’s oceans is not something that is high on our list of concerns. We likely don’t even give them concern when we decide to feast on prawn, crab, lobster, wild salmon or tuna. The oceans are out of sight and out of mind and a neglected part of the biosphere that is taken for granted though oceans have a huge role in the regulation of the global climate, maintaining a liveable atmosphere on Earth, and breaking down air and water borne wastes. To the uninformed the world’s oceans are thought of as being healthy and teaming with life. They are seen as a vast larder for protein rich food, places for recreation, and places to cruise on huge luxurious ships. Earth’s oceans are in trouble. They are sick, and in many locations they are dead or on the verge of dying. They are burdened with vast quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2) from land-based industrial operations because they have become a place to dump unknown quantities of chemical and solid wastes. They are also being over fished by huge industrial fishing operations that are decimating fish stocks. The prognosis for the health of the oceans is not good. There is plenty of documentation to show that global climate change brought on by industrial operations and other human activity around the globe is having an impact on the oceans beyond anything ever imagined. An impact seldom mentioned is an increased acidity from the absorption of CO2. Another is the quantity of plastics found worldwide. Alana Mitchell, author of Sea Sick, a book published in 2009, visited some of the most threatened ocean environments to gather information on the results of a century or two of maltreatment by human populations. She describes a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico that is a lifeless blob where no marine life can survive because there is little or no oxygen. The cause of the blob is chemicals from the Mississippi River system being deposited in the gulf’s waters. Scientists have identified over 400 ocean dead zones. A few of Mitchell’s other discoveries were a dying Great Barrier Reef; a severe decline in the level of ocean plankton, the plant that is a vital life source for a multitude of ocean fish and other animals; and a 90 per cent reduction in populations of the predatory fishes like cod, tuna and swordfish. If we are to maintain healthy oceans we must stop using them as waste depositories, end over-fishing, and set aside marine reserves. Where destructive practices have been eliminated, ocean life has recovered. There are no options available other than to change what we are doing everywhere in the world. Only then will we avoid a catastrophe like the one experienced on Canada’s East Coast when the cod stocks disappeared. Roy Ronaghan is a Boundary-based columnist for the Grand Forks Gazette.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Grand Forks Gazette

Out and


11 12


Lego at the Library Friday, Oct. 11 from 1 - 3 p.m. at the Grand Forks Public Library. Children 5 and up welcome to attend.

at the Christina Lake Welcome Centre Open 7am - 4pm 7 days a week Open late Thursdays for



Saturday Bridesville Creative Escape Prepare to Craft the Day Away! Saturday, Oct. 12, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Bridesville Hall. Cost: $45. Fabulous product bundle, make-and-take projects, door prizes, snacks and candy buffer, and lots of fun surprises! PLUS! Dinner and dishes will be done for you! Childminding available too. To register contact Jennifer Macfarlane 250-446-2846 or; or contact Amanda Turner 250-300-5683 or

Eggs Benny every Sunday


Gold Fever Global Screening Day event in Grand Forks Documentary film screening part of a worldwide discussion on mining harms

Monday, October 21 at 7:00 pm Selkirk College Room 2 • Admission by donation Public welcome Grand Forks will join dozens of communities worldwide to screen Gold Fever, an “eye - opening and inspiring” documentary about the arrival of Goldcorp Inc. to a remote Guatemalan village. For a map and details of the campaign visit: For trailer, screenings and more information: Facebook:

The Poetry Cafe Saturday Bridesville Wildhorse Saloon The Grand Forks Writer’s Guild Dance the night away! Saturpresents The Poetry Cafe - an day, Oct. 19 at 8 p.m. Tickets: open mic event. Thursday, Oct. $15 (in advance): Christian 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the Grand Valley Services or call Liz Forks Public Library. Read a White at 250-446-2253. poem you wrote or one that you Music by Shindigger. Prizes have read and enjoyed. for best “Saloon Swagger” (costumes) and “Saloon Everyone welcome. Stagger” (dancing). Late night buffet included. Email your event to with the Designated driver on hand. Sorry no minors. words “Event Listing” in the subject line; You can also mail it to Box Come out and support the Bridesville Community 700, Grand Forks, B.C. V0H 1H0 or drop it off at our office at 7330 Club. 2nd Street – please mark clearly “Event Listing”


Dial-A-Law Dial-A-Law is a free service with information on B.C. and federal laws. Access Dial-A-Law by phone (it’s automated) and on the web to hear or read scripts prepared by lawyers. Call toll-free 1-800-565-5297; on the web, go to Focus on Fibre Weekly Schedule Tuesday – quilting (Sunshine Quilters); Wednesday – at 1:00 p.m. Boundary Fiber Artists meet. Spinners, weavers, knitters included. New members and groups related to fiber arts welcome. Located at 8120B Donaldson Drive. For information call Lynn at 250-442-2083. Grand Forks Cycling Club New riders are welcome to ride with the club on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:15 p.m. from Chain Reaction; Sundays at 9:00. Visit our website at www.grandforkscycling. com for more details. 2nd Monday Every Month • Grand Forks Hospital Auxiliary meets in the Hospital Board Room at 2 p.m. New members are welcome. For info call 250442-0323 or 250-442-8755. 3rd Monday Every Month • The Discover Rock Creek Society meets in the West Boundary Elementary School Library from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. • The monthly general meeting of the Royal Canadian Legion is held at 7 p.m. at the




Legion Hall. Lounge open daily at 2:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. • Blessings Boutique from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Free lunch, Gospel Chapel. Contact Tammy Battersby at 250-443-1295. • Caregivers Alzheimer/ Dementia Support Group meets every 3rd Monday of the month from 7 to 9pm. There is an exception for the month of August meets at 5pm instead. For additional information contact Frani at 250-442-5320. Last Monday Every Month • Kettle River Recreation Commission meets at the Rock Creek Trading Post at 7 p.m. Come out and support activities for families! Every Tuesday • Learn sign language at the Grand Forks Public Library every Tuesday to Dec. 17, 2013 from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Class open to all ages. No registration required. Drop-in anytime. Class is free but a food donation box will be available if you wild like to help out in that way. For information about the class, call Leanne or Tammy at Sunshine Valley Community Services at 250-4423335 ext. 211. • Girls in Action (Pioneer Clubs) meet at the Gospel Chapel, 7048 Donaldson, Grand Forks from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Contact Dianna Borthwick at 250-442-5376. (Girls grades 2 to 7). • Prayer Canada meets from 12 - 1 p.m. at gallery 2 in the meeting room. New members welcome. 3rd Tuesday Every Month • Sunshine Valley Women’s Institute meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at Silver Kettle Village dining room annex on the main floor. BC Women’s Institute motto is “Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow”. We are part of WI across Canada, and of the Associated Countrywomen of the World.


Interested women are welcome to come as our guests to learn more about WI and our local group. October meeting is TuESDAy, OCT. 15. More info - contact Jean at 250442-3060. • Grand Forks Search & Rescue meets at 6:30 p.m. at Nursery Fire Hall. New members welcome. Call Barry at 250-442-5818 for more information. Every Tuesday and Friday • Grand Forks Farmer Market - (Starts May 10, Friday) Market runs 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Every Wednesday • Grand Forks Choral Society is a 40+ member choir that practices each Wednesday with director Kirsten from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Grand Forks Secondary School band room. Choir members will be practicing for the upcoming Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 2013 concerts “Shout for Joy!” New members are most welcome. For information, call Kirsten at 250-442-8897 or Nanci at 250-442-3935 or visit • Senor Center Branch 68 is holding Carpet Bowling at 9:30 a.m. • Boundary Hikers meet. For information and times please call 250-442-0160, 250442-5272 or 250-447-9278. • Boundary Healing Rooms - open from 1-3 p.m. at River Valley Community Church, 2826 75th Ave. Affiliated with International Association of Healing Rooms. Trained prayer teams ready to pray with you. No charge. No appointment necessary. • Drop-in Whist is held at the Seniors’ Hall in Grand Forks City Park at 1:30 p.m. • Pickle Ball is held at Barbara Ann Park from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. $1 drop-in fee. (Also held Mondays.) Contact 250-442-2604 for information. Everyone welcome. • Free Texas Holdem Poker at the Royal Canadian Legion, 7353 - 6th St. Grand Forks, BC. For more information, call Frank at 250-443-2370. Every 2nd Thursday • NFB Films at the Grand Forks Public Library. We will be showing films every second Thursday. On ThurSDAy, OCT. 10, we will be showing Sara Polley’s Stories We Tell at 6 p.m. Popcorn will be served.

10960 North Fork Rd., Grand Forks

Serving the Boundary Area

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2nd and 4th Thursday Every Month • Grand Forks Fly Tying Club meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. At Kingfisher Fly and Tackle Shop. All welcome to join. For more information call Lawrence at King Fisher Fly & Tackle 250-442-3011. • The Boundary Peace Initiative meets at 7 p.m. at the Slavonic Centre. Contact Laura at 250-442-0434. 3rd Thursday Every Month • Boundary Women’s Resource Centre Drop-in 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We provide referrals, library, information, social time for women and much more. Call for more info 250-442-5212. • The Writer’s Guild meet at 6:00 p.m. at the Grand Forks Public Library. Last Thursday Every Month • Adult Book Club meets at the Grand Forks Library at 7 p.m. Call the Grand Forks Library to find out what we’re reading this month. Every Friday • Boundary Bandits Car Club meets at Tastie Treat at 7 p.m. New members welcome. Ownership of an old car/truck is not necessary for membership. Call Jack at 250-442-3502. • Youth Group meets at 7 p.m. at the Gospel Chapel (7048 Donaldson Drive) for grades 8-12. For more info call 250-442-5148. • The Youth Group at River Valley Community Church meets at 7 p.m. For information call 250-442-8456. • Narcotics Anonymous (open) meeting is held at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church (basement), 7252 7th St., at 8 p.m. • Drop-in carpet bowling is held at the Seniors’ Hall in Grand Forks City Park at 1 p.m. • Storytime at the Grand Forks Public Library is held from 10:30 to 11 a.m. All ages welcome, no pre-registration necessary. • Overeaters Anonymous meets at 11 a.m. at St. Jude’s in Greenwood. TBA for Midway. Contact Wendy at 250-449-2809. • “Are you troubled by someone’s drinking?” Al Anon meets at noon at the Catholic Church Rectory 7269 - 9th St., Grand Forks.


For information call Liz at 250-442-5654 or Lewis G. at 250-447-2668. Every Saturday • Adult Knitting Club 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. at the Grand Forks Library. Needles and wool provided, but feel free to bring your own supplies. Donations for this program are gratefully accepted. Please let the library know in advance if you will attending this free program. 250-442-3944. • Kettle River Lions’ Meat Draw at 3 p.m. at the Prospector at the Rock Creek Hotel. • Boundary Woodworkers Guild meet every morning for a drop in workshop at around 9:30 am at 8120B Donaldson Drive (the former SPCA site) with a monthly business meeting at 10 a.m. on the 1st Saturday of each month. Prospective members are welcome. • Boundary Hikers meet. For information and times please call 250-442-0160, 250442-5272 or 250-447-9278. • Storytime at Kocomo’s for children 6 and under at 11:30 a.m. Every week a different storyteller. This event is free and held at Kocomo’s Coffee Shop in Grand Forks. • Grand Forks Soberiders AA Group meets at 10 am at First Baptist Church, 2495, 76th Ave. Everyone is welcome. For more information call 250-443-3121. • The Royal Canadian Legion holds a meat draw from 3 - 5 p.m. • Chess Club meets in the meeting room at the Grand Forks Public Library from 3 - 5 p.m. All levels of players welcome. Instruction is available. Second to Last Saturday of the Month Seniors are welcome at 686 72nd Ave. (except month of December) for a vegetarian potluck lunch at 12:30 p.m. at the Grand Forks Slavonic Centre. Bring your favourite dish or donation of $6. New members/ guests welcome! Fellowship, card games, shuffleboard, pool, etc., after the meal. For information call Elizabeth/John at 250-4422609 or Pauline at 250-442-3440. 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month • The Grand Forks Trap Club meets at 10 a.m. at the Wildlife Range. For more information call 250-442-8424.


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Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, October 9, 2013 A7

New Temporary City Hall Locations and Details on Continued Service New Locations In the wake of the recent fire, we’ve taken a number of steps to ensure continued service at our temporary “City Hall” locations listed here. • Building Inspection Services, Utility Bill Payment Services and Customer Inquiries are now located at: 7425 5th St. across from the Overwaitea parking lot and beside the Walker Development Centre. (Hours of operation are 9:00am to 4:00pm.) • Until October 21st Administration, Finance and Development and Engineering are located at the Public Works office. Public Works Office 130 Industrial Drive Grand Forks, BC, V0H 1H0 • Effective October 21st, Administration, Development and Engineering, Finance, Council Chambers and Mayor’s office will be located at: 6641 Industrial Parkway (old Canpar Office Building). • Staff are available to handle inquiries at either location. The phone lines have been rerouted and you can reach City Staff at the same phone number: 250-442-8266 • City Council meetings to continue as scheduled and will be held at the Grand Forks offices of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary located at 2140 Central Avenue until further notice. • Reach us by email: • Sign up for email updates that will cover the restoration of City Hall. Simply email to be added to the list. • Stay tuned for future updates on our website at

Thank You! We are working to restore services as quickly as possible and thank you for your continued patience and support. We’d also like to say thank you to our own Grand Forks Fire Rescue for their quick response to minimize damage and to the RCMP for their support and fast action. And thank you to our neighbouring communities such as the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, Christina Lake, Midway, Greenwood, Rock Creek and Montrose for their offers of support. Thank you as well to those from afar, such as Peachland, Merritt, Clearwater, Islands Trust and more. For more info, please visit

TELEPHONE: 250-442-8266 • FAX: 250-442-8000 • EMAIL: • WEB:

A8 A8

9, 2013 2013 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday, October 9,


City finds home away from home

IN BRIEF Tradition continues The Rotary Halloween Bonfire tradition continues on Thursday, Oct. 31. For almost 40 years Grand Forks Rotary has been hosting a Halloween Bonfire. The Rotary Club started to hold annual bonfires to provide a focal point for the youth and others celebrating Halloween. The event has drawn favourable attention from the local community and even was listed in Beautiful BC magazine as a must see. The free admission event is held at Angus Macdonald Park starting at 6 p.m. with the lighting of the bonfire and ends with Grand Forks’ only annual fireworks display. In between there is a fortune-teller and hot chocolate. Back by popular demand, free bags of Rotary’s kettle corn will be handed out. Rotary funds the event through the sale of door cards to show that homeowners have contributed to the bonfire. These cards are available through many participating merchants and any Rotarian.


Grand Forks Gazette

A new home has been found for the remaining City Hall services for the City of Grand Forks. The relocation is the second and last in the wake of the fire that damaged the first floor reception and administration areas of City Hall on Sept. 19. Effective Oct. 21, administration, development and engineering, finance, council chambers and mayor’s office will be located at 6641 Industrial Parkway (old Canpar office building). This location is temporary, until renovations are completed at City Hall. “Our residents, businesses and visitors are assured to receive the same services as before from these this new temporary location,” said Mayor Brian Taylor. Grand Forks residents had a sneak peek at City Hall recently. More than 70 people came by City Hall to take

a look at the first floor and talk to mayor, council and staff about the fire and the next steps. “It was a great opportunity for our community to gather and reflect on what had transpired and to talk about the future,” said Taylor. “Our City Hall represents an important piece of our community heritage.” Restoration of the historic 102-year-old building is under way, starting with the clean up of the burnt and smoke damaged debris. “Our intent is to restore the first floor entrance areas in keeping with the history of the building,” said Taylor. “Once plans are finalized, we will put them on display for the community to see.” Costs for the relocation and restoration are covered by the city’s insurance. More information on the fire and the steps to recovery can be found on the city’s website at www.

and the other address is ... In the wake of the recent fire the city has taken a number of steps to ensure continued service. City council meetings to continue as scheduled and will be held at the Grand Forks offices of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary located at 2140 Central Ave. The public works office is located at 130 Industrial Dr. Effective Tuesday, Oct. 1, city building inspection services and utility bill payment services are located at 7425 Fifth St., across from the Overwaitea grocery store parking


lot and right beside the Walker Development Centre. City staff are available to handle inquiries in person. The phone lines have been re-routed and you can reach city staff at the same phone number: 250-442-8266. You can also reach the city by email: People can also sign up for email updates that will cover the restoration of City Hall. Simply email to be added to the list.

Meet the preMier Councillor Cher Wyers (right) was greeted by Premier Christy Clark at the Union of B.C. Municipalities’ B.C. provincial reception held Sept. 18 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. This year’s convention theme, “Navigating the Local Landscape,” was inspired by the launch of UBCM’s weekly e-newsletter, The Compass, implemented as a resource to help B.C. local governments navigate the local government landscape. Just as a compass steers a traveller on his path, the 2013 UBCM convention’s aim was to guide local leaders in their efforts to move their communities forward.

Submitted photo

1st Annual

BUSINESS EXCELLENCE & COMMUNITY AWARDS bcrcc Community Futures Boundary & Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce small business will be co-hosting this years

fortis #582

1st Annual Business Excellence & Community Awards Night

October 24th, 2013 5:00pm at the Grand Forks Curling Club. Presentations starting at 6pm We’re very proud of the individuals and communities that we serve and grateful for the contributions they make to the economy of the Boundary Area. We request your assistance in the selection and recognition of the community at large by completing forms and returning your vote to Community Futures Boundary’s Grand Forks or Greenwood offices.

You can nominate your favourite businesses by completing the survey at: or visit our website at: Community Futures Boundary 245 S. Copper St., Greenwood, BC (250) 445-6618


Community Futures Boundary 1647 Central Ave., Grand Forks, BC (250) 442-2722

Appliance care Use a licensed natural gas contractor Natural gas is used safely and reliably in homes across B.C. It’s important to have your natural gas appliances regularly inspected and maintained by a licensed natural gas contractor. This ensures your safety and helps keep your appliances operating at their best. For more details visit

FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (13-359.1 09/2013) Boundary

Business Directory

13-359.1_ApplianceSafetyPrint_3.992x6.5_P1.indd 1

Find it it in in Find the Classifieds Classifieds the 9/20/2013 11:22:11 AM

Grand GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday,October October 9, 9, 2013 2013 A9 A9




Continued from Page 1

When the auditor general found what he believed to be incorrect evaluation of carbon credits in Darkwoods, Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) chief administrative officer John MacLean indicated that a red flag was raised. “The initial proposal was to invest in the Darkwoods project,” MacLean said, “but the auditor general for B.C., in their last report, raised some questions about Darkwoods and other projects as appropriate places to invest carbon tax funds.” MacLean said the decision was made, along with the Central Kootenay and East Kootenay regional districts— who were partners in the project—that they would not invest at the time.

Bylaw Continued from Page 1

The new system would also be of benefit to residents. “We will have a process,” MacLean said, “that we can easily explain and everybody will understand without having to engage in the court process.” MacLean admitted the RDKB didn’t have many bylaws to begin with, and there were only a few bylaw infractions that were disputed.

“There was no way we were going to ask our politicians to invest in any kind of an exchange project for carbon credits that the auditor general of B.C. was asking questions about,” MacLean stated. Instead, the three regional districts decided to create their own fund in which to invest carbon credits. “The decision was then made,” MacLean said, “that, since we are allowed to create a reserve and put the money into it for approved projects, the decision was to do that locally.” On Sept. 26 the RDKB board passed the RDKB Climate Action Reserve Fund bylaw, a wide reaching bylaw that will allow the district to add to the fund $25 per tonne of measurable greenhouse

Still, the framework would allow all regional municipalities to coordinate its bylaw enforcement practices with the new system. The new system is made possible through the province’s Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act. Under the act, regional districts and municipalities may adopt a bylaw notice dispute adjudication system that replaces the provincial court as the only means to resolve disputes of minor bylaw breaches.

gas emissions per year. The money will then be used to fund projects of its choosing designed to reduce energy consumption and move the district toward carbon neutrality. When asked if any projects have yet been identified locally, MacLean was noncommittal. “Nothing specific. We have identified various issues. There’s always the potential for building upgrades, and we will continue to work with our partners in the Central and East Kootenay.” Still, he hinted, “There’s always the opportunity that we can get three or four arenas together and upgrade ice plants with new technology that reduces greenhouse gases, and we could use the funds for that.”

Under the new system, a schedule of applicable bylaws would be drawn up along with the monetary penalties for contravention and the length of time permitted to pay or dispute the bylaw. A system of adjudication would be established for disputes to include a screening officer with the power to cancel the bylaw infraction or amend the penalty. If the disputant was not happy with the screening officer’s judgement, an independent adjudicator with

the authority to determine whether or not a bylaw was in fact contravened, would be appointed. Neither adjudication requires court time and both can be held in a variety of venues that the parties agree to ahead of time. Once the process is complete, any fines upheld by the adjudicator must be paid. A collection agency will be used if required, and fines not collected will be registered as a lien against the disputant’s property.



Monday, October 14 for Thanksgiving

gaz In order to maintain our deadline press schedule,

DEADLINE FOR ALL DISPLAY ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS for the Oct. 16 issue of The Gazette will be Thursday, Oct. 10 at 5 p.m.

CLASSIFIED WORD AD DEADLINE will be Friday, Oct. 11 at 4:00 p.m.

7330 2nd Street • 240.442.2191


Please be advised that our office will be




PRICE REDUCED BY $14,000! NEW PRICE IS $155,000 for this well maintained 1974 sq. ft. bungalow with gorgeous view of Historic Greenwood! Insulated stucco exterior, fully insulated garage/ shop, exterior basement entry would facilitate in law suite, Quick possession possible – low traffic no through road and lots of extra parking for your toys! #2218265 Call Sharon 250 442 6396

Over 2 acres of property, This great 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom home is located in the sought after west end of the Valley has many updated features. MLS® #2391848 $359,000 Call Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088

Custom built home! Awe-inspiring vaulted ceilings with prow windows that maximize the light and views. There is an expansive kitchen with oak cabinets and neutral tile floors. This property has it all! This 5 bedroom 3 bath home with jetted tub in the en-suite; sits on 2.07 private acres with three titles, in Rock Creek BC. $299,500 MLS®# 2212245 Call Jazz 250-443-9088 or Val 250-442-7655


Triangle Gardens Beauty 924 sq. ft. Deluxe Unit w/32x12 Covered Deck.$99,900 LISTED AND SOLD BY SHARON 250 442 6396

Water problems forecasted Climate change will likely mean warmer, rainier winters in B.C. as well as reduced summer stream flows, a forum in Vancouver heard Monday as new international findings were released. Dr. Francis Zwiers, director of the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) and vice-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) working group 1, said projections for B.C. point to further warming of 2.9 degrees in the winter and 2.4 degrees in the summer by 2100, under a moderate carbon emission scenario. Winter warming on that scale could translate into 17 to 51 more days per year of frost-free conditions, he told the forum, in the wake of the already measured reduction of 24 annual frost days since 1900 and a 2.1-degree increase in the province’s winter temperatures. While a longer growing season might be a boon to gardeners and farmers, Zwiers noted warming winters have also allowed unwanted species like the mountain pine beetle to flourish and wreak havoc on Interior forests. “You can just imagine there would be many other organisms that would find B.C. to be a much more hospitable place to live, even in a slightly warmer climate than we have at the moment, or a slightly wetter climate than we have at the moment.” PCIC researchers projected climate changes in B.C. over the rest of this century using the same models as the IPCC. Winter warming would be greater in the northeast than other parts of the province, while summer warming projections are roughly uniform.

Serving the Boundary Country with Award Winning Service for over 36 years

border country A house to call home! This 4 bedroom home is on a large lot with great exposure if you wanted to have a home base business. Large covered back patio, underground sprinklers and a fully fenced garden. MLS® #2393399 $249,000 Call Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088

This house is located just minutes from downtown, features include; eat in kitchen, large lot, one level bungalow, attached garage, outbuilding, and guest cabin. This home would be great for investors, first time buyers or retirees. Solid house at a great price. MLS® #2393276 $112,500 Call Jazz 250-443-9088 Or Val 250-442-7655

TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? NOT IN THIS CASE-2 bedroom rancher with 8’6 x 12’ storage shed and deer fenced yard. Brand new roof. IDEAL LOCATION IN QUIET RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBOURHOOD JUST SOUTH OF PERLEY SCHOOL. PRICED TO SELL $135,000 #2391997 Call Sharon 250 442 6396

Newly renovated! 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 2412 sq. ft. home on almost ½ acres. $199,000 MLS®# 2217287 Call Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088


Great development potential! These 44.89 acres have a tranquil setting with access from Morrissey Creek Road and HWY 3. $299,000 MLS®# 2216474 Call Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088


Prime location! 3000 sq. ft. commercial building in the heart of downtown Grand Forks. This multi-purpose property is a fantastic investment in today’s market. $125,000 MLS® #4100453 Call Jazz 250-443-9088 or Val 250-442-7655

Great building site with room to move. Fantastic Valley views with some mature trees. One of the best lots in town. 1.9 acres. To build your dream home on. $125,000 MLS®# 2202774 Call Jazz 250- 443-9088 or Val 250-442-7655


SMOKE ALARM AWARENESS On Wednesday October 9th Panago will be teaming up with our local fire department to randomly select:


Customers between 4 - 6 pm

if the customer agrees, the Fire Truck will accompany our delivery driver. They will check the customers smoke alarm. If it is working properly, the pizza order will be free. If its not working - they will either put in the new batteries or replace the unit. Boundary Park Shopping Centre, 7320 - 4th Street, Grand Forks, BC

A Thank You Message To all our Volunteer Firefighters: We would like to take a moment to acknowledge how valued and important your dedicated service to our community is. Grand Forks is extremely fortunate to have such as great group of volunteers who freely sacrifice their time and personal safety protecting the residents of our community. Your selfless commitment to saving lives and keeping us safe is commendable. We would like to publicly thank all the volunteers, along with their families and employers who allow them to leave home or work at a moments notice to respond to all kinds of emergencies. Dale Heriot

Kevin McKinnon

Fire Prevention Week 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Grand Forks Gazette

Kitchen fires are the focus of Fire Prevention Week 2013

(NC)— Recent statistics show that across North America, cooking was involved in 156,300 home fires that caused more than 470 deaths, 5,390 injuries and $1 billion in property damage. This is why the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC) and the Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council are taking aim at preventing kitchen fires during this year’s Fire Prevention Week running from October 6-12. “Kitchen activity is the number one cause of home fires, so we need to warn and educate families,” says Stephen Gamble, a fire chief and president of the CAFC. “Working with teachers and fire departments we will give families the recipe they need to prevent kitchen fires and to escape safely if one occurs.”

The CAFC, with support from its partner organizations, will send educational materials via Scholastic right into primary classrooms. Teachers can follow lesson plans and give kids

‘homework’ to be done with their parents. Contests during this time will encourage participation – and classroom visits by local firefighters are also popular during Fire Prevention Week.

Key kitchen safety pointers include: • Never leave the room when you are cooking and keep pot handles turned in. • Keep anything flammable away from the stove, including your clothes. • Don’t use the oven or stovetop if you are sleepy, have consumed alcohol or used drugs. • If a small grease fire starts, slide a lid over the pan and turn off the burner. “An escape plan is also essential,” Gamble says. “When a smoke alarm sounds, everyone needs to calmly know what to do and where to go. Planning two ways out of each room greatly increases your chances of get-

Deputy Fire Chief

Grand Forks Fire / Rescue

Carol Heller is a home fire safety specialist with Kidde Canada, a leading company in the design and manufacture of smoke and monoxide alarms. She adds two additional tips. “If you’ve taken down your smoke alarm or removed the batteries because of a false alarm, it won’t be working when you need it most. So as part of creating an escape plan with your kids, also make sure smoke alarms are installed and fully powered on every storey of your home. “And remember that smoke alarms wear out, so do replace them every 10 years whether they are battery operated or hardwired into your home’s electrical system.” Kidde is a major partner in the CAFC’s Fire Prevention Week campaign. A free home escape plan template, contest details and more kitchen safety tips can be found online at

Cooking oil and grease fires are a major cause of residential fires in Canada Kitchen fires due to cooking oil or grease igniting into flames cause the fastest-spreading and most destructive type of residential fire. When cooking with grease or oil, it is extremely important that you plan ahead so that you will know how to react fast to fire. Here are some tips: Deep Frying • The safest way to deep fry foods such

as chicken or fries is to use a thermostatically-controlled electric skillet or a deep fat fryer. Pan Frying • Keep a pan lid or cookie sheet handy in case grease or oil catches fire. The lid or cookie sheet should be slid over the top of the pan to smother the fire. • Never attempt to move a flaming pot or pan away from the stove. The movement can fan the flames and so spread the fire. The pan will also likely be very hot, causing you to drop it. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK In either case, you are placing yourself at great risk. Your immediate action should be to smother the fire by sliding WHEREAS there is increasing public awareness of the dangers of fire throughout a lid or flat cookie sheet over North America; the pan. Afterwards, turn off the heat and exhaust the fan, AND WHEREAS the week of October 6th to 12th has traditionally been designated allowing the pan time to cool. as Fire Prevention Week; Most importantly, react fast, because grease fires spread NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Regional very quickly. District of Kootenay Boundary do hereby proclaim the week of October 6th to 12th, Oven Cooking 2013 “Fire Prevention Week” in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary. • Keep your oven clean. Grease and food splatters can ignite at high temperaMarguerite Rotvold Director Robert Cacchioni tures. Director Ali Grieve Director Bert Crockett • Ensure that you wear oven Director Linda Worley Director Grace McGregor mitts when removing cooking containers to avoid seriDirector Kathy Wallace Larry Gray, Chair ous burns. Director Bill Baird Director Barry Noll • Follow the cooking instrucDirector Irene Perepolkin Director Larry Gray tions for the recipe and the Director Brian Taylor Director Don Duclos product you are using.

Fire Chief

ting out safely.”

• Broiling is a popular method of cooking. When you use your broiler, place the rack 5 to 8 cm (two to three inches) from the broiler element. Always place a drip pan beneath the broiler rack to catch the fat drippings. Never use aluminum foil for this purpose because the fat accumulated on the foil could catch fire or spill over. Microwave Cooking Microwave ovens are a marvellous time-saving tool, but there are three characteristics of microwave cooking you should be cognisant of: • The heat is reflected by the metal interior. • Heat can pass through glass, plastic and other materials. • Heat is absorbed by the food. Foods, like those in high-fat or sugar, can heat very rapidly but feel cool to the touch. Pastry fillings can be very hot, but the crust cooler. Milk in baby bottles could be boiling, but the bottle itself not very hot to the touch. Use caution at all times. Do not use tin foil or any other metal objects in the microwave. If a fire occurs, keep the door closed and unplug the unit. Call a qualified maintenance technician to ensure the microwave is in proper working order before using it again.

Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fire Prevention Week 2013

2013: A record breaking year for Grand Forks Fire/Rescue A11

Thank You The City of Grand Forks would like to recognize and congratulate our Fire Department and its many volunteers for their excellent and ongoing commitment to fire and emergency prevention. And in particular the fine work and quick response to the recent fire incident at City Hall.

When you change your smoke alarm battery, remember to clean the lint from your clothes dryer vent too!

Snowball Ventures

Grand Forks Fire/Rescue. For 116 years, Grand Forks has been protected by a dedicated group of volunteer firefighters. Grand Forks Fire/Rescue currently has 39 volunteers divided amongst 5 fire halls around the Grand Forks and North Fork valleys. The firefighters are trained in all aspects of firefighting (structural, vehicle, wildland), and also a wide range of rescue disciplines (medical response, slope and highangle rope work, swiftwater, confined space, automobile extrication).

With such diverse training, it comes as no surprise to find that the group collectively gave over 10,000 hours in 2012 in service to the Grand Forks area between

callouts and practices. This year is the department’s busiest on record, having already surpassed the previous record number of responses. Recruiting and retaining volunteers is difficult in any organization, and modern lifestyles and work schedules certainly don’t make things easier. Grand Forks is truly priviledged to have such an amazing group of volunteers willing to put themselves at risk in service to the community, with an average length-of-service that is nearly double the national average. The department is always on the lookout for prospective new members, and if this type of training and work sounds appeal-

ing you can stop by the downtown Fire Hall to get information on joining our team.

One of the roles of the modern fire department is to help prevent fires from starting in the first place. Grand Forks Fire/Rescue conducts dozens of public education sessions on fire prevention and fire extinguisher training through the year, and Fire Prevention Week is a great opportunity to remind people that fire extinguishers should be checked annually, and that smoke detector batteries should be replaced every 6 months, because Working Smoke Detectors Save Lives.

Burns – The Need For Caution

Every year in Canada, severe injuries and deaths occur as a result of burns and scalds. Sadly, many of these injuries affected children and could have easily been prevented. Usually, it’s children’s curiosity that gets them into trouble. They come across a lighter or matches, or they manage to get too close to a baseboard heater or a hot stove element. Burns from Hot Liquids • When bathing children, always turn cold water on first before the hot. Test the water temperature before allowing your child to get into the bathtub or shower. Consider adjusting your hot water heater to a maximum temperature of 49°C or 120°F. • Children should not play with a hot water tap. Teach them to turn the cold water on first. • Avoid carrying or holding children

while you are drinking a hot beverage. Burns from Household Appliances • Turn pot handles towards the centre of the stove. • Keep cords for electrical appliances such as deep fryers, kettles, steam irons and toasters out of the reach of children. • Supervise children near lamps with accessible hot light bulbs. • Store items that interest children, such as cookies, away from the immediate area around the kitchen stove. • Keep children away from stationary and portable heaters. Lighters and Matches Every year hundreds of fires are started by children playing with lighters or matches. Many of these fires are caused by children under the age of five. Chil-

dren as young as 18 months have caused fires by operating lighters. Disposable lighters sold by retailers must be childresistant, but remember, child-resistant does not mean childproof. Store lighters out of sight and out of the reach of children and do not remove the child safety devices from the lighter. Remember to: • Teach children that lighters and matches are not toys. • Instruct young children to tell an adult if they find lighters or matches. • Set a good example: always use lighters and matches responsibly. • Install and maintain smoke alarms. • Supervise your children’s play. Prevention is the best way to keep your home safe from fire. For more information on fire prevention, contact your local Fire Department. 250-442-2943 email:

“When a person becomes a firefighter, their act of bravery has already been accomplished!” Interfor would like to acknowledge all of the firefighters for their commitment and dedication, educating others about fire prevention, and for their diligence in keeping our homes and businesses safe.

Keep your SMOKE DETECTORS in good working condition.

Check the batteries every six months! Thank you to all our firefighters for keeping our families safe from fire. Your courage and dedication is appreciated more than you know!

A Sustainable Grand Forks Community

A12 A12



The Meetings of Council Scheduled for Tuesday, October 15th venue has been changed to: The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Boardroom – 2140 Central Avenue Committee Of The Whole Meeting – 9:00 AM Special Meeting to go In-Camera follow the COTW Public Hearing – 6:00 PM Regular Meeting – 7:00 PM


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Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast city vol. apprec.

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 Gallery 2 (Heritage Courthouse)

on Central Ave. 8:00 am to 10:00 am The Volunteer(s) who are the recipients for this year’s Certificate of Merit will be honoured at the breakfast. In addition, Mayor, Council and the City of Grand Forks are extending the invitation to attend the festivities to all of our community’s volunteers to this year’s recognition breakfast. Many of our community events and programs would not be possible if it weren’t for those individuals and organizations who donate their selfless time, involvement and efforts through the year.

Wednesday, October October 9, 9, 2013 2013 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday,


Readjusting recycling rhetoric Regional district prepares for coming changes to delivering recycling Jim HOLTZ

Premier raPs recycling

Grand Forks Gazette

Despite fears of increased costs raised in other districts and municipalities around the province over changes to recycling regulations, taxpayers in the Kootenay Boundary Regional District (RDKB) have nothing to worry about. According to Alan Stanley, director of environmental services, when new regulations regarding recycling come into effect in May, neither taxpayers or homeowners will notice any change in either taxes or service. “Our recommendation to the board, which was adopted, was that we keep the (recycling) program exactly as it is for the time being, and then we’ll let this new program start up,” he said. As a result of new provincial regulations, all major retailers and producers of paper and plastic packaging must take responsibility for collecting and recycling their packaging by next May. In order to achieve that end, a new provincial agency, Multi-Material BC (MMBC), was created and all major producers and retailers were required to join, each submitting an extensive plan for ways in which they intended to reduce the amount of packaging they use. According to MMBC managing director Allen Langdon, producers will pay for their share of the new program based on how much packaging they generate, thereby providing them with a profit incentive to reduce packaging. Having the MMBC take over paper and packaging recycling should result in an annual saving of around $500,000 to the regional district, according to RDKB chairman Larry Gray. And while taxpayers may hope for a slight reduction in taxes because of that saving, Gray says that is not likely. “We have some long-term situations which we are looking at,” Gray said. “We have some landfill sites that we have to put some money aside for; maybe 20 years down the road we will have to close those sites.” According to Stanley, the key to extending the life of landfill sites rests with effective organic waste management. “Organics management is very important to the future of solid waste management programs,” Stanley said. “It’s an absolutely fantastic opportunity to have that discussion, and the timing is perfect as well because the board has decided to do a full update of the Solid Waste Management Plan, the provincially mandated document that the districts have to have to look at a lot of these initiatives that we are working on.” The complexity of having MMBC completely take over the wide variety of municipal and regional district recycling programs has left some local officials around the province concerned that not only will service be reduced, but that costs for taxpayers and homeowners will increase.


Premier Christy Clark is criticizing the rollout of a new recycling agency that has caused alarm among municipalities and businesses across the province. Multi-Material BC is slated to take charge of blue box pick-up next May when it becomes responsible for collecting and recycling all packaging and printed paper—at the provincial government’s direction. “I recognize this wasn’t done well,” Clark said of the planned producer-pay system. “It’s been far too bumpy a ride. There is a lot more work to be done.” The premier spoke a day after local politicians at the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention passed a resolution demanding more time to negotiate acceptable contracts with MMBC to avert higher costs and the potential erosion of existing recycling services. Clark agreed more time and flexibility is needed “so that local communities have a little bit of leverage in trying to put together the best deal that works for them.” She said MMBC, a stewardship group formed of retailers and other packaging producers, must ensure its board includes British Columbians, not just industry representatives in Toronto. Any business that puts packaging or printed paper in the hands of B.C. residents and ultimately the waste stream must register with MMBC as stewards. Some small businesses were unaware of the program until they were warned by MMBC they could face fines of up to $200,000 if they fail to register. Small businesses have been asked to sign contracts without knowing what the final fee schedule will be. MMBC has said it will take more time to determine the costs of the program and how to apportion then–and it will exempt businesses with revenues of less than $750,000–but many businesses fear the request that they trust the new agency amounts to signing a blank cheque. — Jeff Nagel, Black Press

Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie worries that taxpayers will end up paying twice: first through their taxes and then again when the major producers and retailers increase the cost of goods to make up for the cost of recycling. Stanley is more optimistic. The new program is very similar to recommendations that the RDKB brought to the Union of BC Municipalities in 2009, he said, and expansion of recycling and waste reduction is something that the region’s residents are in favour of. “The success of the Grand Forks green bin program has really inspired a lot of the board members and the citizens across the district,” he said, and prompted many people to ask when it can be expanded throughout the district. “There’s an awful lot of speculative nay saying, where people are saying that they don’t think this new program is going to work out,” Stanley continued. “Well, holy cow, we do a lot of new programs and initiatives and if we just worried about what might go wrong, we never would get anything done. “You have to weigh the pros as well as the cons and give everything the appropriate weight, not just look at the negative which I think a lot of people are doing. I think that is doing a disservice to their citizens.”

Christina Lake Fire Society

is looking for donations,

cl fire

in advance, to aid in the purchase of fireworks for the community firework show held at the Public Beach at 7:30pm on Thursday, October 31st. We have a spectacular show planned (also free hot chocolate provided) and all we need now are the funds! Any donation will be greatly appreciated! If donating by cheque please issue to the Christina Lake Fire Fighter Society. Donations can be given to Chad Freeman, Society Chair - 250-666-0473 or Ken Gresley-Jones CLFD Chief or mail cheques to CLFD, PO Box 18, V0H 1E0. Thank you in advance for your support!



Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, October 9, 2013

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Th F 3 M T W

6 7 8 10 13

4 5 % ( _ 9 * Th F 15 M T W


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(N) (Live) Å World Series of Poker (6:00) Morning News Morning Huntley The Doctors AnnaOl Debt/Part Noon News Hour Days of our Lives The Talk Queen Latifah Young & Restless News (6:00) CTV Morning Live Live With Kelly The View Marilyn Denis CTV News The Social Dr. Phil Bethenny Ellen DeGeneres CTV News at Five Tiger Monster Bo On/Go Busytown Super Cat in the Lunar Jim Doodle. The Nature of Things CBC News Varied Republic of Doyle Steven and Chris Recipes Stefano Dragons’ Den News News CBS This Morning The 700 Club The Price Is Right Young & Restless News Bold The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Dr. Phil The Dr. Oz Show News CBS News (6:00) Morning News Morning Huntley The Doctors AnnaOl Debt/Part Noon News Hour Days of our Lives The Talk Queen Latifah Young & Restless News News PAW Magic Bus Dinosaur Dragon (10:10) Poppy Cat Rolie Polie Varied Dino Dan Dragon PAW Clifford George Shrinks Arthur Martha Wild Kratt Good Morning America Live With Kelly The View Varied Paid Prog. The Chew General Hospital Queen Latifah Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News Jail Å ›› “Pitch Black” (2000) Radha Mitchell. ’ ››› “Kick-Ass” (2010, Action) Aaron Johnson. ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ (6:00) ›› “Hulk” (2003) Eric Bana. ’ Cops ’ Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Jail Å Jail Å Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene Cops Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die “The Rundown” ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ ››› “The Rundown” (2003, Adventure) The Rock. ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior “Remember-Ttns” Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ ›› “Man on Fire” (2004, Crime Drama) Denzel Washington. ’ Varied Programs Hunters Hunt Intl Varied Programs Hunt Intl Varied Programs Criminal Varied CSI Miami Varied CSI Miami Varied Criminal Varied Criminal Varied Programs First 48 Varied First 48 Varied Programs Penguins T.U.F.F. Pokémon Beyblade Rescue Mike Little Bear Bears To School Squirrel Varied Programs Rated A Monster Super Evil Sidekick Squirrel T.U.F.F. Sponge. Kung Fu Parents Sponge. (6:00) Movie Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Sea Patrol Varied NCIS NCIS Lost Girl Movie Pyros Å (DVS) Airplane Repo Å Don’t Drive Here How/ How/ Last Car Standing Moonshiners Å High Tech Rednecks Auction How/ How/ Daily Planet (N) Fast N’ Loud Å Tickle ’ Licence to Drill Worst Driver FantomWorks Å How/ How/ How/ How/ Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å Overhaulin’ Å How/ How/ Daily Planet (N) How/ How/ Mayday Å How/ How/ Auction Auction Junk Raiders Mayday Å Worst Driver To Be Announced Airplane Repo (N) Salvage Hunters MythBusters ’ Å Final Offer ’ Å How/ How/ Airplane Repo Å Amish Mafia Airplane Repo Å Mighty Ships Å Daily Planet (N) Gold Fever “Eureka!” Dangerous Flights Don’t Drive Here Amish Mafia ’ Å Overhaulin’ ’ Å Pyros Å (DVS) How/ How/ Gold Fever Gold is discovered in California. Highway Thru Hell Mighty Planes Å Daily Planet (N) Moonshiners Å Don’t Drive Here Flying Wild Alaska ’ Jungle Gold ’ Å Debt/Part Princess Varied Programs Property Property Debt/Part Debt/Part 48 Hours Mystery Kitchen Nightmares World’s Dumbest... 48 Hours Mystery Varied Programs Friends Friends Varied Programs Varied Programs The Office Varied How I Met Paid Prog. 30 Rock Varied FamFeud FamFeud Minute Minute Law & Order: SVU FamFeud FamFeud S. Harvey Varied Bethenny Varied Simpsons Two Men Pregnant Pregnant Varied Programs Not Wear Varied Programs Medium Medium Varied Programs La Femme Nikita Cold Sqd. Varied Flashpoint Blue Bloods La Femme Nikita Cold Squad Criminal Varied Criminal Minds The Listener Flashpoint Blue Bloods (6:30) Movie Movie Varied Programs (11:45) Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs ReG Shake It ANT Farm Jessie Wizards Little Manny Pirates Sofia Phineas ANT Farm Wingin’ It Wizards Wizards Good Shake It ANT Farm Jessie Austin Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Millionaire Millionaire Divorce Divorce Judge Judge King King Commun Commun Seinfeld Middle Middle Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Browns Payne Red... Red... Corn. Gas Gags Cash Cab Cash Cab Just for Laughs Red... Red... Big Bang Commun Match Gags Just for Laughs Seinfeld Seinfeld Corn. Gas Commun Parks Big Bang Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Fresh Eat Chef Michael Varied Programs Eat St. Eat St. Varied Programs Chopped Diners Diners Varied Programs Diners Diners Departure Varied Python Varied Tracker Varied Man v Fd Repo Duck D. 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Varied Days of our Lives Katie Ellen DeGeneres Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News News The Social Inside-Box Celebrity Bethenny Marilyn Denis Cleveland etalk Inside-Box Inside-Box Kourtney-Kim TMZ Dish Nat. etalk Chelsea The Social TMZ Live Rachael Ray The People’s Court Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Judge Mathis The People’s Court Rules How I Met King King Seinfeld How I Met Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Varied Programs KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 KTLA News, 9am The Test Jerry Springer Maury KTLA 5 News at 1 Steve Wilkos Show Bill Cunningham Maury Two Men Middle Matlock In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night WGN Midday News Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Funny Home Videos Funny Home Videos Varied Programs Maury Jerry Springer Steve Wilkos Show Bill Cunningham Judge Mathis The Test Maury PIX11 News at 5 Raymond Seinfeld Two Men Two Men Varied Programs Gadget Gadget Lulu Care Bear Bugs Bunny & Tweety Monster Babar Gadget Gadget Garfield Bobby’s Smurfs Chipmunk Scooby Scooby Bugs Bunny & Tweety Garfield Garfield Looney Tiny Toon J. Meyer Youngren 700 Club My New Mass Varied TribalTrail Varied Wind at My Back Heartland Touched by an Angel The Waltons Road to Avonlea Murder, She Wrote EastEnder Varied Tiger Thomas Sid Caillou Martha Super Sesame Street Tiger Clifford Arthur Cyberchas Fetch! WordGirl Wild Kratt Varied PBS NewsHour Business Varied Programs Varied Samantha Varied Programs Ice Pilots NWT Å Brain Brain Drugs, Inc. (N) Å Alaska State Troopers Destroy Destroy Ice Pilots NWT Å Brain Brain Locked Up Abroad ’ Border Wars ’ Å Locked Up Abroad ’ Yukon Gold ’ Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Chasing UFOs Å Weird or What? Security Security Alaska State Troopers Security Security Locked Up Abroad ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Border Wars ’ Å Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Wicked Tuna Å Security Security Brain Brain Bomb Hunters Å Wicked Tuna Å Border Wars ’ Å Locked Up Abroad ’ Nazi Underworld ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Air Aces ’ Air Aces ’ Diggers Diggers Alaska State Troopers Security Security Diggers Diggers Security Security Locked Up Abroad ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Forecast: Disaster ’ Museum Secrets ’ Wicked Tuna (N) ’ Border Wars ’ Å



Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Grand Forks Gazette

6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

World S’rs Poker That’s Hcky 24/7 SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) Å News News Ent ET Wel Millers (10:01) Elementary CHBC News Final Glee (N) ’ etalk (N) Big Bang Big Bang Two Men Grey’s Anatomy ’ Played “Girls” (N) News News CTV News (N) ’ News Mercer George Cor Nature/ Things The National (N) News George Doc Zone (N) ’ KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access Big Bang Millers Crazy Two Men (10:01) Elementary News Late Sh. (5:59) News Hour Ent ET Wel Millers (10:01) Elementary News Hour Final Glee (N) ’ Waterfront Cities Park Volc Od Lost Kingdoms of “Johnny Cash: His World” Snap Park Volc Od News News Ent Insider Once Wonderland KXLY 4 Kimmel Scandal (N) Å Grey’s Anatomy ’ Frank Shamrock Ink Master The Ink Master is crowned. Ways Ways iMPACT Wrestling (N) ’ Å Income Property Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Income Property Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl The First 48 (N) Beyond Scared Beyond Scared (9:01) The First 48 (10:01) The First 48 Beyond Scared Victo iCarly Funny Videos Middle Young Boys Splatalot Wipeout (N) Å iCarly ’ iCarly ’ NCIS: Los Angeles Royal Pains Å “Arctic Blast” ’ Royal Pains (N) ’ NCIS ’ Å NCIS ’ Å Overhaulin’ (N) How/ How/ Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å Overhaulin’ Å Eat St. Eat St. Eat St. Eat St. Eat St. Eat St. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Big Bang Mod Two Men Big Bang The X Factor (N) News Mod Arsenio Hall Glee (N) ’ Four Weddings: Bor Bor Four Weddings: Bor Bor Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes White Collar Å Missing ’ Å The Listener ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Missing ’ Å ReG “Goin’ Down the Road” ›› “The Outsiders” (1983) Å ›››› “The Last Picture Show” ANT ANT Shake It Next Good ANT Wingin’ Next Good Jessie Wizards Princess Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Forbid ›› “Eurotrip” (2004, Comedy) Match Gas Just for Laughs Gags Match Key Commun Big Bang Parks Daily Colbert Baron(6:45) ››› “His Kind of Woman” (1951) ›› “The Las Vegas Story” › “Dangerous Mission” Restaurant Sta. My. Din Thieves World’s World’s Diners Diners My. Din Thieves Cutthroat Kitchen Storage Bidders Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Bidders Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ American Pickers God, God, God, God, Outlaw Bikers ’ Ancient Aliens ’ Swamp People ’ Inner Star Trek: Voyager Castle ’ ›› “The Thaw” (2009) ’ ›› “The Thaw” (2009) Val Kilmer. ’ The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead ››› “Fight Club” (1999) Brad Pitt, Edward Norton. Rock-RV Rock-RV Extreme RVs Å Disaster Disaster Adam Adam Rock-RV Rock-RV Extreme RVs Å Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Election Election Father Brown ’ Unlisted-Story Charlie Rose (N) Foyle’s War Å News Million. J’pardy! Wheel Parks Wel Sean Fox News Jay Parenthood (N) ’ Cleve Inheriting Trouble Chelsea etalk ’ Inheriting Trouble E! News Å etalk ’ TMZ Live ’ Å News OK! TV Seinfeld Office Office Rules Ent Insider Comics FREE House Å News News Two Men Fam Guy Vampire Diaries KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall The Originals ’ Mother Mother WGN News at Nine Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny NFL Football New York Giants at Chicago Bears. News Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Fam Guy Rules Amer. Bugs & Tweety Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Looney Gadget Gadget God’s Super Popoff ››› “How to Marry a Millionaire” Columbo ’ Å Enigma ’ Å Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Out Mag. Fishing Guerrero Masterpiece Classic Å Masterpiece Classic Å Medicine Jerseylicious Medicine Medicine Double Exposure Cosmo Paid Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper Brain Brain Drugs, Inc. Å Drugs, Inc. Å Yukon Gold ’

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Motoring 30 for 30 24/7 24/7 MLS Soccer: Revolution at Impact CFL Football Edmonton Eskimos at Saskatchewan Roughriders. (Live) NASCAR Racing SportsCentre Å SportsCentre Å Saturday Morning News Lynn Colliar, Welsa Wong, & Jay Janower. (N) Fishn Fishing Powerboat Driving TV Noon News Hour (N) Moves Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons ››› “Live Free or Die Hard” (2007) Bruce Willis. News Cash Cab Celebrity Celebrity Movie etalk App Canada AM Weekend Marilyn Denis SickKids Foundation Is Written Corn. Gas Believing in Heroes ’ Å (6:00) Juicebox Å The Social ’ Å Animal Super Doodle Cross Gimli Glider The Nature of Things Recipes Stefano Lang & O’Leary National HNIC NHL Hockey: Oilers at Maple Leafs the fifth estate Å Dragons’ Den Å Lucky Dog Dr. Chris Recipe J. Oliverr All In Changers Paid Prog. Drag Boat Football Football Access Hollywood (N) News CBS News College Football Florida at LSU. (N) (Live) Å Saturday Morning News Lynn Colliar, Welsa Wong, & Jay Janower. (N) Fishn Fishing Powerboat Driving TV Noon News Hour (N) Moves Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons ››› “Live Free or Die Hard” (2007) Bruce Willis. News Rolie Polie Tree Fu Ella the PAW Magic Bus Arthur ’ Pingu Jack Reloaded Wild Kratt Animals Animals Parks Parks Frontiers of Waterfront Cities Inside the Pod Lost Kingdoms of Good Morning Hanna Ocean College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) NASCAR NASCAR Racing Trucks! Restore Cops (N) ›› “Rambo” (2008) Sylvester Stallone. ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Love It or List It Å Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It, Too Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Storage Storage Flip This House Å Flip This House Å Flip This House Å ›››› “Titanic” (1997) Leonardo DiCaprio. A woman falls for an artist aboard the ill-fated ship. Å Sidekick Squirrel Alien Kung Fu Sponge. Monsters Sanjay Korra Turtles Beyblade Pokémon Rangers Yu-Gi-Oh! B-Daman Kung Fu Kung Fu “Flintst.-Rock.” “The Boy Who Cried Werewolf” (2010) ’ Beauty and the Beast “Collision Earth” ’ ›› “The Green Hornet” (2011) Seth Rogen. ’ Å ››› “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” ’ › “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” (2009) ’ Å ››› “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” ’ Dangerous Flights How/ How/ Highway Thru Hell How/ How/ How/ How/ Gold Rush - The Dirt Greatest Know-It-All Ice Cold Gold Å Mayday Å Mayday Å Yukon Men ’ Å Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cook Safe Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News Trout TV FOX Post MLB Baseball College Football Baylor at Kansas State. (N) ’ (Live) Å Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Property Ladder ’ Property Ladder ’ Property Ladder ’ Missing “Lost Sister” Love Missing “Lost Sister” ››› “Get Shorty” (1995) John Travolta. Criminal Minds ’ ›› “Be Cool” (2005, Comedy) John Travolta. ’ Å Person of Interest ’ Cold Squad ’ Å Castle (N) ’ Å (8:10) “The Neverending Story II” “Young Einstein” Å (9:40) ››› “Silent Running” (11:10) ››› “Soylent Green” (1973) Å (12:50) ››› “Mirage” (1965) (2:40) ›› “Die Another Day” (2002) Pierce Brosnan. (4:55) ›› “Gothika” Gravity Phineas Phineas Dog Good Liv-Mad. ANT Farm Jessie ’ Austin Shake It Phineas Gravity ANT Farm Good Next Step Jessie ’ Dog Shake It Austin ›› “The Last Mimzy” (2007) The Office Atl. Eats Paid Prog. The Office College Football South Carolina at Arkansas. (N) (Live) Browns Commun Commun Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Middle Middle ›› “Confessions of a Shopaholic” (2009) Match Match Seinfeld Seinfeld Commun Parks Corn. Gas Corn. Gas Jeff Dunham: Minding Match Match Seinfeld Seinfeld Commun Parks Jeff Dunham: Minding Commun Corn. Gas Corn. Gas Parks Mystery “The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll” “It Came From Outer Space” “The World, the Flesh and the Devil” (1959) “Friendly Persuasion” ››› “Scream of Fear” (1961) ››› “Battle of the Bulge” (1965) Henry Fonda, Robert Shaw. Å Rachael Ray’s Cooking Cooking Munchies Food Food Food Food Food Cutthroat Kitchen ’ Iron Chef America ’ Chopped ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Iron Chef America ’ Iron Chef America ’ Spruce Meadows Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Ghost Hunters ’ Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Storage Mantracker ’ Å Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H “M*A*S*H: Goodbye, Farewell, Amen” (1983) ›››› “M*A*S*H” (1970) Donald Sutherland. ’ Å Paranormal Witness Paranormal Witness Inner Inner Atlantis ’ Å Panic Button ’ Fangasm ’ Å Ghost Mine ’ Å Face Off ’ Å “Sharknado” (2013) Tara Reid. ’ Å Panic Button ’ The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead ›››› “Aliens” (1986) Sigourney Weaver, Carrie Henn. Security Security Airport Airport Rock-RV Rock-RV Adam Adam Burger Burger Bizarre Foods RIDE. RIDE. Security Security The Dead Files Å Hotel Impossible ’ Eat St. ’ Eat St. ’ Peppa Pig LittlePony Mike Umizoomi Max, Ruby Big Friend Angelina Franklin Babar Mike Thomas This Is Wiggles Peter Care Brs Bubble Octonauts Mike This Is Toopy Big Friend Cat in the MotorWk Greener Woods. Woodshop Hometime Old House Old House Kitchen Jazzy Martha Cook’s Garden Antiques Roadshow Genealogy Roadshow Steves Antiques Last/Wine Wait... Globe Trekker ’ LazyTown Noddy Gymnastics Jdg Judy Chica Pajanimal Justin News News KHQ News Saturday (N) Å Action Sports From San Francisco. (N) Å My Boys Cleveland Khloe Khloe Khloe Khloe Khloe Khloe Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas Movie Inside Box Inside Box Movie TMZ ’ Å Patriots Gourmet Phantom Gourmet ACC Blitz College Football Navy at Duke. (N) (Live) McCarver ››› “A League of Their Own” (1992) Tom Hanks. Two Men Big Bang Big Bang ››› “Crash” Adventure Rescue Sonic X Bolts Spider Justice Dragon B-Daman Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Family St. Animal Coolest On Spot Traveler Middle Middle ›››› “American Beauty” (1999) Kevin Spacey. Å Funny Home Videos In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Matlock Å Bones ’ Å Bones ’ Å Dragon B-Daman Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Family St. On Spot Raymond Celebrity News Raymond Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Hart of Dixie ’ Å ››› “Holes” (2003) Sigourney Weaver. ›› “Confessions of a Shopaholic” (2009) Chipmunk Smurfs Scooby Doo Movie Looney Looney Chipmunk Smurfs Tiny Toon Garfield Scooby Doo Movie Looney Looney Garfield Garfield Tiny Toon Tiny Toon ›› “The Man Called Flintstone” (1966) Gurbani Punjabi Punjab Gaunda Lamia Quran Peace Words Mehak TV Fursat Gaunda Punjabi Sanjha Mulaqat Made in Watno Dur ’ Virasat ’ Tehlka ’ Masti ’ Aaj Kal ’ Sardari ’ Aviators Michigan Out Mag. For Home Getaways Rough Cut Woods. Victory Kitchen Cooking Martha Jazzy Moveable Cook Beads MetroArts Weekend Lawrence Welk As Time... Antiques Roadshow Love Trap ›› “The Last Song” (2010) Miley Cyrus, Greg Kinnear. Style, Jury Style, Jury Rags Style So Cosmo Bachelor Canada ›› “Remember Me” (2010, Romance) Robert Pattinson. Bachelor Pad ’ Å Wicked Tuna Å Wicked Tuna Å Wicked Tuna Å Wicked Tuna Å Wicked Tuna Å Wicked Tuna Å Wicked Tuna Å Wicked Tuna Å Wicked Tuna Å Wicked Tuna Å Wicked Tuna Å







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Home & Garden TV A&E CNN - Cable News Network W Network CNN - Headline News CMT - Country Music TV YTV


SportsCentre Formula 1 Racing SportsCentre (N) CFL Football BC Lions at Calgary Stampeders. (N) Å News News Ent ET Hawaii Five-0 (N) Bomb Girls CHBC News Final Parenthood (N) ’ etalk Big Bang MasterChef (N) ’ News News CTV News (N) ’ Orphan Black ’ Blue Bloods (N) ’ News Mercer George Cor Market Mercer the fifth estate (N) The National (N) News George KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access Undercover Boss Hawaii Five-0 (N) News Late Sh. Blue Bloods (N) ’ (5:59) News Hour Ent ET Hawaii Five-0 (N) Bomb Girls News Hour Final Parenthood (N) ’ Park Volc Od Wild Coasts Murder Myster. Lynley Mysteries 12 Architect/Change News News Ent Insider Last Neigh (10:01) 20/20 (N) KXLY 4 Kimmel Shark Tank (N) ’ Ways Ways Ways Glory Bellator MMA Live (N) ’ (Live) Bellator MMA Live ’ Hot Beach Houses Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hot Beach Houses Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. “Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride” Sponge. Boys Young Boys Splatalot Game of Thrones Thrones (8:15) ›› “Watchmen” (2009, Action) Billy Crudup. ’ Å Copper ’ Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Mayday Å Mayday Å Mayday Å Sons of Guns ’ 48 Hours Mystery Friends Friends 48 Hours Mystery Brainwashed Å Surviving Evil ’ Surviving Evil ’ Big Bang Mod Two Men Big Bang MasterChef (N) ’ News Mod Arsenio Hall Sleepy Hollow ’ Say Yes Say Yes What Not to Wear Say Yes Say Yes What Not to Wear Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings ’ Criminal Minds (N) Person of Interest Missing Å Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ “Hannibal” (2001) (6:15) ›› “Reluctant Angel” (1997) ›› “Child’s Play” Å ›› “Child’s Play 2” (1990) Shake It Shake It Next Good Austin Princess ›› “The Last Mimzy” “Twitches Too” (2007) ’ Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Get ››› “Fracture” (2007, Suspense) Match Gas Just for Laughs Gags Match JFL Commun Big Bang Parks Just for Laughs Horror ››› “Isle of the Dead” ››› “The Fearless Vampire Killers” ››› “The Haunting” (1963) Å Gotta Gotta Diners Mun Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Storage Storage Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Treasures Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Treasures Inner Star Trek: Voyager “Sharknado” (2013) Tara Reid. ’ Å Castle ’ Å “Sharknado” (2013) ’ Å The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead (10:15) ››› “Sunshine” (2007) Weird or What? Making Monsters The Dead Files ’ The Dead Files ’ The Dead Files ’ The Dead Files ’ Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Wash Charlie Last Tango Well Great Performances (N) ’ Å News Million. J’pardy! Wheel Fox Sean News Jay Dateline NBC (N) ’ Å Soup Fashion Police Hello Movie Fashion Police E! News Å TMZ Live ’ Å etalk ’ News OK! TV Seinfeld Office Office Rules Ent Insider Comics Workout Monk ’ Å News News Two Men Fam Guy Tom People Top Model News Sports Arsenio Hall Mother Mother WGN News at Nine Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Top Model PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Ray Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. He-Man Ghost. Ninja Ninja Hercules Hercules ›› “The Man Called Flintstone” He-Man Ghost. Gaither Gospel Gospel TimeLittle Classics Super Popoff ›› “I Could Go on Singing” ’ Separate Woody Allen: American Patsy Cline: Sweet Smiley Charlie Rose (N) “Separate Tables” (1958) Rachel Zoe Project Baggage Baggage Baggage Paid Love ›› “The Last Song” (2010, Drama) Miley Cyrus. Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper Security Security Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

Need Help Scheduling Your Weekly Line-up? ChannelGGuide uide TV CTVhannel 23 24 25 3 TSTN - The Sports Network 26 Global Kelowna (CHBC) 4 TSTN - The Sports Network27 28 CIVT - BC CTV 5 Global Kelowna (CHBC) 29 CBUT - CBC Vancouver 6 30 KREM CBS Spokane 7 CIVT - BC CTV CHAN – Global Vancouver 31 8 CBUT CBC Vancouver 32 Sportsnet - Pacific 9 KREM - CBS Spokane 33 Knowledge Network 10 The Shaw TV 11 CHAN – Global Vancouver 34 35 12 CBUFT - CBC French Sportsnet Pacific 36 Spokane 13 KXLY -- ABC MuchMoreMusic The14Knowledge Network 37 38 15 Spike TV Shaw 39 Home & Garden TV 16 TV 40 CBUFT - CBC French 17 A&E - Cable News Network 41 18 -CNN KXLY ABC Spokane 42 19 W Network MuchMoreMusic 43 20 CNN - Headline News 44 CMT - Country Music TV 21 TV Spike 45 22 YTV

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23CBC News CBCNetwork News Network 46 KSPS - PBS Spokane 46 KSPS - PBS Spokane 47 CTV Newsnet 47 24Showcase Showcase CTV Newsnet Discovery channel 48 KHQ - NBC Spokane 25Slice Discovery channel 53 E! 48 KHQ - NBC Spokane - Fox Spokane 54 The Shopping 53 ChannelE! 26KAYUSlice TLC - The Learning Channel 59 WSBK - Boston Superstation 27Bravo!KAYU - Fox Spokane60 KTLA - LA Superstation 54 The Shopping Channel Avenue 2 Learning 61 WGN - Chicago59 Superstation 28EncoreTLC - The Channel WSBK - Boston Superstation - West 62 WPIX - New York Superstation 29Teletoon Bravo! 60 KTLA - LA Superstation Family Channel - West 67 Teletoon - Retro 30WPCHEncore Avenue 2 68 BNN - Business61NewsWGN - Peachtree TV Network- Chicago Superstation Network - West 70 Vision TV 31Comedy Teletoon 62 WPIX - New York Superstation Turner Classic Movies 83 WTVS - PBS Detroit 32The Food Family Channel - West 67 Teletoon - Retro Network 90 MSNBC Life Network 91 Cosmopolitan 68 TV 33Outdoor WPCH - Peachtree TV BNN - Business News Network Television National Georgraphic 34History Comedy Network 93 70 Vision TV Space 109 APTN - West 35AMC -Turner Movies WTVS - PBS Detroit AmericanClassic Movie Classics 110 MuchMusic 83 111 MTV 36FS1 The Food Network 90 MSNBC has arrived! TVtropolis 144 The Golf Channel 37The Weather Outdoor Life Network 91 Cosmopolitan TV Network 147 TSN 2 38Treehouse History Television 150 NFL Network 93 National Georgraphic SCORE 155 Game TV 39 Space 109 APTN - West 40 AMC - American Movie Classics 110 MuchMusic 41 FS1 111 MTV 42 TVtropolis 144 The Golf Channel 43 The Weather Network 147 TSN 2 44 Treehouse 150 NFL Network 45 SCORE 155 Game TV

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NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Bank of America 500. SportsCentre (N) NFL SportsCentre (N) Formula 1 Racing News News Balance Inven Obsessions (N) Walk Walk News SNL The Blacklist Å Two Men Anger Mike Neigh News News Played “Girls” ’ CTV News (N) ’ W5 (N) ’ NHL Hockey NHL Hockey: Canadiens at Canucks HNIC After Hours News NHL Hockey Å News Paid Two Men Broke NCIS: Los Angeles News Closer Burn Notice Å 48 Hours (N) Å (5:59) News Hour Balance Inven Obsessions (N) Walk Walk News SNL The Blacklist Å Hope for Wildlife Prehistoric Hunters Heartbeat Å A Touch of Frost Frost joins a gym. Waterfront Cities NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Bank of America 500. Insider Entertainment Ton. Sanctuary Å Castle ’ Å Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Glory 11 - Chicago (N) ’ (Live) ›› “Rambo” (2008) Julie Benz ’ Love It or List It Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Sam & Victo Funny Videos Boys Young Boys Splatalot ››› “Monster House” (2006) ’ “Collision Earth” “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (2011) Green › “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” (2009) ’ Last Frontier Last Frontier Street Outlaws (N) Last Frontier Last Frontier Gold Rush - The Real Housewives ExExMiss C2 ›› “Miss Congeniality” (2000) Sandra Bullock. Mob Wives (N) ’ MLB Baseball Joint Mod Big Bang Mod Big Bang News Wanted Animation Dom Stories of the ER Strange Strange Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Strange Strange Stories of the ER The Mentalist (N) Boss “Listen” ’ (8:15) ››› “Get Shorty” (1995) ’ Å ›› “Be Cool” (2005) ’ Gothika ›› “Dead Silence” (2007) “House of Wax” › “Child’s Play 3” (1991) › “Bride of Chucky” Good Wingin’ Wizards ANT Shake It Austin Next Wingin’ “Don’t Look Under the Bed” Princess Extinc ›› “Old School” (2003) Luke Wilson. The Closer Å ››› “Patriot Games” (1992) Harrison Ford. Match Match Cash Cash Gas Gas John Oliver Jeff Dunham Gas Gas (5:00) “Friendly Persuasion” “Crime and Punishment” “West-Zanzibar” ››› “The Harder They Fall” (1956) Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Chopped ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Liquida Storage Liquida Liquida Mantracker Å Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters ’ M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H ››› “M*A*S*H: Goodbye, Farewell, Amen” ’ M*A*S*H Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited The first Doctor. Å Atlantis ’ Å ›› “Daybreakers” (2009) ’ Å The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Eat St. Eat St. RIDE. RIDE. ››› “Mad Max” (1979) ’ Å Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max Back Dora... Umi Band Max Thomas Lawrence Welk Keep Up Time/By ››› “Splendor in the Grass” Front and Center Austin City Limits News Wheel Sat. Night Live News SNL CSI: Miami Å The Blacklist Å Ironside “Pilot” ’ Beverly Beverly Kardashian InsideInside Beverly Beverly Kardashian Cleve My Boys (5:00) “Crash” Seinfeld Seinfeld Office Office King Williams Entertainment Ton. Entertainers News News Vaca Two Men Two Men Two Men Fam Guy Fam Guy News Sports Arsenio Hall Funny Videos Funny Videos Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Beauty & Beast News Close Up Honeym Honeym 1st Fam 1st Fam Box Offi Box Offi “Confess-Shop” Dexter Dexter Gadget Gadget Hercules Hercules Garfield Garfield Toon Toon Dexter Dexter Taur Waqt 4 Punjab theZoomer Å Lashkara ’ Des-Pardes ’ Aikam ’ American Masters Who in Texas Austin City Limits Great Performances Å Globe Trekker ’ Bachelor Love Sex-City Sex and the City Sex-City ›› “Post Grad” (2009) (7:45) Girls Å Girls ’ Wicked Tuna ’ Wicked Tuna ’ Wicked Tuna ’ Wicked Tuna ’ Wicked Tuna ’ Wicked Tuna ’

Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, October 9, 2013 A15


Children learnby by 6playing! success

Language and Vocabulary Development

• Vehicles and Animals. Playing with cars, trucks and trains as well as animals provides for many new vocabulary words as children learn the names of each, what they do, what they eat or where you can find them. Additionally, children and adults can create all kinds of scenarios that the vehicles or animals might find themselves in, providing for further language and vocabulary development. • Dollhouse and Dolls. Playing with a dollhouse or dolls allows your child to reenact what happens in their everyday life, using the words and phrases they hear. You are likely to hear your own words come out of his/her mouth as he/she recreates events that have happened, perhaps with an outcome more suited to their liking!

Imagination and Creativity

• Dramatic Play. Provide a few props such as dishes and play food, empty food boxes and a cash register or stuffed animals and a doctor’s kit, and your child will be transported into a different place! Watch and be amazed at what your child will come up with as they play. • Craft Supplies. Without a specific project complete, provide your child with a variety of craft supplies such as markers and crayons, scraps of fabric or paper, empty boxes or containers, glue, buttons and stickers. Allow them to create anything they likes and watch their inner artist emerge! taken from

Success By 6 supports parents and communities in creating healthy, nurturing environments for our youngest children, so that by age 6, they are physically, socially, and emotionally ready to succeed in school. The goal of Success By 6 is to better the lives of our Boundary area children in our families and enhancing our communities.

Success by 6® is a locally based initiative in partnership with:

Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities • Ministry of Children & Family Development • Grand Forks Credit Union

Film to prompt worldwide discussion on mining harms Gold Fever Monday, Oct. 21, at 7 p.m., • Selkirk College, Room 2 On Monday, Oct. 21, at 7 p.m., Grand Forks will join dozens of communities worldwide to screen Gold Fever, an “eye-opening and inspiring” documentary about the arrival of Goldcorp Inc to a remote Guatemalan village. The screening will take place at Selkirk College, Room 2. Admission is by donation and the public is welcome. Gold Fever will shine a light on the harms to health, community and environment brought by transnational industrial mining and the connections to our own communities. As part of a global action, the film showing is intended to raise visibility of these issues in Grand Forks and show the community’s sup-

IN BRIEF Putting out call for artisans The call is out for artisans for the Boundary Artisan Christmas Faire. The sixth annual juried Boundary Artisan Christmas Faire will be held at Gallery 2 in the Art and Heritage Centre from Nov. 29-30. Artisans throughout the Boundary and beyond are asked to share their wares and set up shop in one of the Boundary’s most beautiful historic buildings. This centrally located “charmer” will be illuminated from floor-tofloor in festive Christmas decor, a beautiful backdrop to showcase the crafts. The faire will take place on Friday, Nov. 29 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 30 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vendors are asked to reserve a space by Oct. 18. Limited space is available. Note: Choice of space is on a first come, first served basis. Set up is Thursday, Nov. 28 from 5-7 p.m. Price is $75 for vending space with a guaranteed minimum of 12foot frontage. Please contact Gallery 2 at 250442-2211 to register, or email

port, alongside dozens of other communities worldwide. Winner of the Rigoberta Menchú Grand Prix at the 2013 Montreal First Peoples Festival, Gold Fever is a hard-hitting documentary about three women resisting a transnational gold mine in their community. Viewing the film, as part of Global Screening Day, is an opportunity to both learn about and discuss the issues, and to show solidarity with people—like Diodora, Crisanta, and Gregoria— experiencing globalized resource extraction. Dozens of groups, large and small, will screen Gold Fever around the world on Thursday, Oct. 17. For a map and details of the campaign visit: For trailer, screenings and more information:, Facebook: www.

Kootenay-based TV show airs on food production SUBMITTED

Special to the Grand Forks Gazette

Deconstructing Dinner, an original new ichannel series for television and the web, investigates one of the most important issues in the everyday lives of Canadians: our food, and where it comes from. The six-part documentary series premiered across Canada on ichannel on Monday, Sept. 16 and will air weekly for six weeks. Content will also appear on the Deconstructing Dinner web site ( The series traces the path our food takes from farms and gardens to the kitchen table, and reveals the farreaching impact that food production has on everything from local economies to human nutrition or flavour. The newly launched companion website will feature an extensive library of webisodes, along with recipes and a host of other supplementary features. Deconstructing Dinner is written and hosted by Nelson food journalist Jon Steinman and produced for ichannel by awardwinning Toronto filmmaker Declan O’Driscoll. Music for the series is written by Emmy-nominated musician and Slocan Valley resident Adham Shaikh. “The goal of Deconstructing Dinner is to help Canadians better understand the state of our food supply,” Steinman said. “We hope to inspire viewers to recognize the role each of us can play in making sure our food has a positive impact on individuals, communities and the environment.”

is a proud supporter of this community initaitive


Retirement Living at it’s Best

In this modern age there is no reason that seniors shouldn’t have the best retirement possible. The ideals of having a comfortable home, being able to set your own schedule based upon your interests, exceptionally delicious and nutritious food with the company of others: this should be the norm, not the exception. Seniors should be able to live in a place that ensures they can maintain their independence while also having their needs met, instead of just a ‘home on the hill,’ Fortunately Silver Kettle Village believes in the higher quality of life and aims to provide an entirely new form of housing to seniors that will ensure all residents will have the most opportunity to experience the best years of their life, on their terms. Silver Kettle Village is an amazing community located at an ideal location in Grand Forks, British Columbia. It features a variety of apartment sizes to suit any senior’s lifestyle ranging from studio apartments to two bedrooms supported with various cooking and cleaning services to ensure that seniors can spend more time living their lives and less time worrying about scrubbing the floors. Included in each of these maintenance-free suites is a range of features designed to accommodate even the most independent resident’s desires, while still having 24-hour emergency monitoring service for a little extra piece of mind. Full kitchens are laid out to be as bright and comfortable as possible and come with a stove and refrigerator to allow for the preparation of personal meals or snacks anytime. Each suite is also equipped with its own personal heat and air conditioning to allow the residents to decide their personal comfort level. Stepping beyond the privacy of their personal suite, residents will find a wide range and variety of common and shared areas including a fully stocked library, on-site beauty salons, a luxurious and relaxing spa room, a games room filled with a variety of leisure opportunities, and an activity-room which hosts a range of interesting events and entertainment. All this is supplemented with several very cozy and conveniently-placed

lounges. Each of these areas is easily accessible, and help to encourage the strong sense of community that makes the Village such a wonderful place to be. Silver Kettle Village also realizes just how much pets are a part of the family which is why the building is completely pet friendly, encouraging residents to bring their companions with them to share their suite. The hospitality services come with no extra charge to the affordable monthly rent which allow residents to enjoy worry-free benefits like the 24hour emergency monitoring, weekly housekeeping, the wide variety of daily social and recreational activities, as well as the complimentary shuttle bus. Also of note is the fantastic central dining room which is both elegant and intimate with its own fireplace. There, residents can enjoy delicious meals which are prepared by on-site chefs, and are served by a passionate and cheerful wait staff who are always happy to welcome guests and family to any meal. In addition to these wonderful amenities, utility bills including water, heat, air conditioning, and cable television are covered by the low-monthly rent, allowing seniors to spend less time worrying about bills and more time enjoying their retirement. Silver Kettle Village’s location in Grand Forks is only a short drive away from the small town’s historic downtown which is filled with an array of shops and services. Nestled in the Kootenay Boundary, one can be assured of spectacular and scenic views of the surrounding mountains. This setting only adds to a peaceful and relaxing environment that Silver Kettle Village aims to provide for its residents. With many parks, golf courses, and the magnificent Christina Lake located nearby there is an abundance of adventure to be had. Without having to worry about the responsibilities of home-ownership seniors at Silver Kettle Village are able to enjoy their lives to the fullest in whatever way they choose. Open daily, call (250) 442-0667 to find out more information or to schedule a tour.

g. life #142

A16 A16

841 Boundary Squadron Air Cadets

Wednesday,October October9, 9,2013 2013 Grand GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette Wednesday,


Sponsoring Committee air cadets

Annual General Meeting Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 7:00 p.m. Grand Forks Secondary School Resource Room - Refreshments Provided Everyone interested is welcome to attend

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Craig Lindsay photos

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Apple Pie sacred Sale heart

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Fresh Apple Pies


8.00 each

PRE-ORDER SALES ONLY Call today to order fresh apple pies ready for you to freeze or bake at home. Pies will be ready on Oct. 17 and 18, 2013. We will call you for pick up at our parish hall 7269 9th Street. Call Sacred Heart Church 250-442-3114 on Weds. and Thurs.

One year old

Silver Kettle marks first year of operation with celebration CRAIG LINDSAY

Grand Forks Gazette

Silver Kettle Village celebrated its one-year anniversary with a barbeque luncheon and tours of the building. “We hosted about 110 people including our residents and people from the community and it was a terrific turnout,” said Celeste Mullin, chief operating officer for Golden Life Management Corp., which operates Silver Kettle and 10 other retirement centres. “The whole point of the anniversary was to celebrate everyone’s success over the past year because the success of Silver Kettle Village is a result of our small team, our amazing staff and our strong part-

nership with Interior Health Authority (IHA).” Mullin said the village has received strong support from the community. She also credits the residents of Silver Kettle for helping make it a success. “It’s truly a team of people over the last year that have made it a success,” she said. There are 48 independent living suites at Silver Kettle and only a few are left, said Mullin. The village also has 40 funded residential care suites that are filled. Silver Kettle Village came about as a result of a community assessment study by IHA which determined that there was a need in the Grand Forks area for more residential care beds.

Thank you for supporting our parish fundraiser

Top - Guests enjoying the barbeque. Above, middle - From left: Molly Nazar (hat), Walter Janicki, Gordon McPhail, Stuart Soles, Mary Davidoff are residents in Ivy House and Silver Kettle. Above - From left: Olga and Andy Stooshnoff and guests. Left - Morlean Farrell, Connie Miller, Kay Hummel and Edith Reed-they are all residents at Silver Kettle.

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Grand Forks Forks Gazette Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Grand A17 A17



sunshine quilters raffle winner announced

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Submitted photo

On Sept. 24 the winning ticket for the Sunshine Quilters raffle quilt and two shams was drawn. Laurie Edeburn of Grand Forks was the lucky winner. As you can see by the picture taken Oct. 1, Edeburn was more than thrilled to win the raffle. The net funds raised will be donated to the Sunshine Valley Women’s Institute. “At this time, we would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who purchased tickets and supported our quilt raffle,” said Lesley Matthews.

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Getting a grip on winter driving CRAIG LINDSAY


Grand Forks Gazette

Even though we haven’t seen any of the white stuff yet, it’s not too early to start thinking of putting on winter tires. In fact, if you are driving on highways with winter travel signs you must have winter tires or carry chains from Oct. 1 to April 30. On the RCMP’s winter driving tips webpage (Get a Grip…with Winter Tires; bc.cb.rcmp-grc. they ask: Do I really need winter tires? The answer is a resounding yes. Here’s why: Rubber tends to harden in cold weather thus reducing friction and stopping capability of the vehicle. The new generation winter tires maintain their elasticity and gripping power at lower temperatures (-35 C and below), whereas all season tires tend to stiffen and lose gripping power around 0 C. A study showed that winter tires reduce stop-

Other tips from the RCMP site: • Get your vehicle ready for winter in the fall • Don’t drive under the influence • Pack an emergency kit • Learn and practice winter driving techniques before you need them • Plan your trip and tell your friends and family. Check road and weather conditions Source:

ping distances by up to 25 per cent or between two to three car lengths. That could be the difference between a safe stop and a fender bender or worse. Kate Trotter, public affairs officer for the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, urges motorists to “know before they go” by checking DriveBC for information about highway conditions and weather.

three things not to do when winter driving 1. Don’t get too close to sanding/salting trucks If you find yourself behind a plow, keep a safe distance behind it—61 metres (200 feet) at the least. Visibility near the plow will be greatly reduced because of blowing snow, and if you’re following too close, you’ll fall into the plow driver’s blind spot. Also, keep in mind that the plow may be spreading win-

ter abrasive (small rocks) on the road. Travelling too close to the plow could increase the danger of damaging your windshield. 2. Never pass a winter maintenance vehicle on the right Plows generally be travelling relatively slowly and it might be tempting to try and pass them. But these vehicles often have attachments which

can reach four m. to the right. If you have to pass a winter maintenance vehicle, wait and pass on the left. 3. Don’t expect ice to melt as soon as it’s sanded Even if a truck has just plowed and sanded the road, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be bare and wet. The winter abrasive can take time to work, so be sure to drive carefully.

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A18 A18

Grand Forks Farmer’s Market

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Wednesday October 9th 6:30 pm

Grand Forks Public Library Meeting Room Election of Directors

We need to hear from you, our member’s, so please come on out. We will be discussing how to make the Farmer’s Market better for you. You must be present to vote for any changes.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Grand Forks Gazette


To Kill A Watt? At the Library


e’ve got an action-packed October, full of movies and Lego and poetry. Also, our much-anticipated book sale! Here goes: Kill A What?! I bet you didn’t know this, but our library has a power monitor available for borrowing. It’s the Kill A Watt EZ, and the way it works is you plug it into the socket, and then you plug any appliance directly into the Kill A Watt. It’ll tell you how efficient the appliance is, and will indicate consumption (by kilowatt hour). Easy to use, and you it just might help you save some money on your next hydro bill. Movie night The next film in our NFB series is Sarah Polley’s award-winning documentary Stories We Tell (108 minutes). We’ll take care of the popcorn, you take care of getting yourselves here on Thursday, Oct. 10 at 6 p.m. Lego challenge It’s here, at long last! Our monthly Lego extravaganza begins on Friday, Oct. 11, from 1-3 p.m. All ages welcome (pre-schoolers must be accompanied by an adult). We’ve got enormous bins of Lego, and snacks too. Board meeting Our October board meeting will be held at the library on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 4 p.m. Poetry Café Drop by the library on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 6:30 p.m. for one of

Literary programs get boost



our wonderful, open mic poetry café’s—an opportunity to listen to some great poetry, or to read from your own work (or any poet’s work, for that matter). See story below for details. Refreshments will be served. Book club This month, the book club’s choice is Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman—the best-selling, darkly funny, fantastical tale of two very different brothers who come together after the death of their father. We will be meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 1:30 p.m. (Christina Lake Living Arts Centre) and on Thursday, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. (Grand Forks library). It’s a week earlier than usual, but don’t worry, it’s not a very long book. Pick up your copy at the library, and get reading! Book sale Mark your calendars—the Friends of the Library will be holding their always-successful book sale on Oct. 24-26 (see right for details). We’ve got a good mix of fiction, non-fiction, and everything in between. Plus some very special antiques. All books by donation.

Poetry Café at the Grand Forks Library

Who’s your favourite poet? Is it Frank Bidart, Frank Marshal Davis, Frank O’Hara, or Frank Stanford? My favourite is Grand Fork’s Frank Brummet. He’ll be reading a couple of his poems at the Poetry Café on Thursday, Oct. 17. Why not join Frank and read a couple of poems you have written, or read aloud a poem or two authored by your favourite poet? Everyone from students to seniors is invited to participate in this open mic hour at the Grand Forks and District Public Library. The event, from 6:30-7:30 p.m., is presented by the Grand Forks Writers Guild. An appreciative audience is most welcome—what’s a reader without a few listeners? — Lorraine Gordon

NOTICE TO ALL CITY OF GRAND FORKS & AREA RESIDENTS The City of Grand Forks will be commencing paving a portion of the Trans Canada Trail (TCT) from 68th Avenue to the Nursery Trestle near Darcy Road. The City of Grand Forks has awarded the TCT paving project to Argosy Construction Group of Grand Forks, BC. Construction will be commencing Monday, September 16, 2013 and will continue thru to mid November 2013. This section of the Trans Canada Trail will be closed to all traffic during this time.

city paving

Roads in the city and surrounding area that may be affected include 68th Avenue and Darcy Road. During this time, every effort will be made to keep traffic access available whenever possible. The City of Grand Forks requests that all construction signs posted be obeyed. Your cooperation and patience throughout the project is greatly appreciated. For more information about the project, please contact Sasha J. Bird, ASCT, Manager of Development and Engineering at the Public Works Office at 442-8266 ext 60246.

The provincial government is providing $64,000 towards two community-based programs in the Boundary and West Kootenay to help adult learners improve their reading and writing skills. Selkirk College will be partnering with the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy on the West Kootenay and the Boundary Community Family Literacy and Adult Tutoring as well as the Community Outreach programs. Both programs are receiving $32,000. “Literacy benefits all regardless of age; and we’re never too old to learn,” said Linda Larson, MLA for Boundary-Similkameen. “Strong literacy skills are required every day, be it at work or to enjoy life with family and friends. “The funding will help many adult learners in our Boundary and West Kootenay region.” The funding is part of a $2.4 million investment by the provincial government into the Community Adult Literacy Program (CALP). Through CALP, local groups collaborate with a public post-secondary institution to deliver literacy training, encouraging transitions from community-based programs to post-secondary studies.

Book your Christmas gifts There are 10 Saturday’s between now and Christmas. If you don’t want to spend them shopping, or thinking about shopping, or worrying about the bills to be paid after shopping, consider this great alternative gift idea: books. Great books. Lots of books, fiction and non-fiction, classics and new titles, books for adults, and books for kids, all for sale by donation. The Friends of the Library are gearing up for their annual Fall Book Sale. This is an opportunity to do some seasonal shopping for people on your “list” and for your own pleasure. There promises to be a large selection of books from both the library shelves and generous donors. Mark the calendar for Thursday, Oct. 24 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday, Oct. 25 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday, Oct. 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


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Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, October 9, 2013 7:00





9:30 A19 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30











World Series of Poker World Series of Poker SportsCentre (N) Football Night NFL Football NFL Countdown (N) (Live) Å NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Block Context J. Osteen Jeremiah News Gridiron Moves Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons › “The Bounty Hunter” (2010) Jennifer Aniston. Å News Sunday Morning News (N) Å App The Social Question Period (N) SportsCentre (N) Worst Handyman First Story First Story Corn. Gas Corn. Gas W5 ’ Å (DVS) Operation Smile Å NFL Football (N) ’ (Live) Å Animal Artzooka Coronat’n Coronat’n Coronat’n Coronat’n Coronat’n Market Land/ Sea One/One Q With Jian Ghomeshi The Nature of Things Battle of the Blades Mosque Our Vancouver Å Mr. D ’ “Bedtime Stories” ’ CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Nation The NFL Today (N) J. Oliverr All In Changers Paid Prog. Bull Riding Backroads Inside Ed. News CBS News NFL Football Tennessee Titans at Seattle Seahawks. (N) (Live) Å Block Context J. Osteen Jeremiah News Gridiron Moves Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons › “The Bounty Hunter” (2010) Jennifer Aniston. Å News Sunday Morning News (N) Å Rolie Polie Upside Ella the PAW Dino Dan Wild Kratt Little Little Reloaded Dogs Dogs Rivers Rivers Park Volc Od Hope for Wildlife Frankincense Trail King George and Arthur ’ Good Morning This Week Explore Rescue Wildlife Expedition No 2 Old Focus 25 Botox Hollywood Hometime McCarver Extreme Weight Loss “Ryan” ’ Å Beer Geek Estate News ABC News Trucks! Restore Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Hawaii Hawaii Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Cousins Undercover Love It or List It Å Extreme Homes Å Extreme Homes Å Extreme Homes Å Extreme Homes Å Extreme Homes Å Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Duck D. Duck D. Criminal Minds Å Panic 9-1-1 Å Panic 9-1-1 Å Panic 9-1-1 Å Duck Dynasty Å Squirrel Pet Shop Pet Shop T.U.F.F. Sponge. Sponge. Parents Monsters Turtles Parents Sam & Haunted Mr. Young (1:45) “The Dog Who Saved Halloween” ’ (3:45) ››› “How to Train Your Dragon” (2010) ’ Å Beauty and the Beast Covert Affairs Å ›› “Dinner for Schmucks” (2010) Steve Carell. ’ ››› “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock. ’ Å Rookie Blue ’ ›› “27 Dresses” (2008) Katherine Heigl. ’ Å Could We Survive a Mega-Tsunami? Highway Thru Hell Cash Cab Cash Cab Daily Planet To Be Announced Moonshiners Å Airplane Repo Å FantomWorks Å Mighty Planes Å Bering Sea Gold ’ Collectors Collectors 48 Hours Mystery ’ Friends Friends ›› “Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous” (2005) ›› “Miss Congeniality” (2000) Sandra Bullock. ’ Å 48 Hours Mystery ’ 48 Hours Mystery ’ 48 Hours Mystery ’ Into Wild Key/David Fox News Sunday FOX NFL Sunday (N) (1:25) NFL Football Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers. (N) The OT MLB Baseball NFL Football Detroit Lions at Cleveland Browns. (N) ’ (Live) Å Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple Long Island Medium The Little Couple ’ The Little Couple ’ “Cheaper Dozen” ››› “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993) Robin Williams. ’ Å (10:45) ››› “Back to the Future” (1985) ’ Å (1:15) ››› “Back to the Future Part II” (1989) ’ Å ››› “Back to the Future Part III” (1990) ’ Å (8:40) “Weekend at Bernie’s II” “Austin Powers in Goldmember” (3:20) “Weekend at Bernie’s II” “Austin Powers” (6:40) ›› “1941” (1979) Å (11:45) “So I Married an Axe Murderer” Å (1:20) ›› “1941” (1979) John Belushi. Gravity Phineas Phineas Dog Good Good Shake It Shake It Phineas Phineas ANT Farm Good Next Step Jessie ’ Dog Shake It Austin ››› “Halloweentown High” Jessie ’ Jessie ’ P. Affairs Atl. Eats King King Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam Mod Fam ››› “The Water Horse” (2007) Alex Etel ›› “The Tailor of Panama” (2001) ››› “The Grudge 3” (2009, Horror) Match Match Seinfeld Seinfeld Commun Parks Big Bang Big Bang John Oliver Match Match Seinfeld Seinfeld Commun Parks John Oliver Commun Big Bang Big Bang Parks “Thomas Crown” ››› “Lydia” (1941) Merle Oberon. Å ›› “On Moonlight Bay” (1951) ››› “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” ››› “Magnificent Obsession” (1954) Å ››› “High Society” (1956) Å (DVS) Save With Jamie (N) Cooking Cooking Cooking Cooking Cooking Cooking Cooking Cooking My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Halloween Wars ’ Spruce Paid Prog. Spruce Meadows Liquidator Liquidator Storage Liquidator Mantracker ’ Å Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ American American American American American American American American American American American American American American American American Restoration Garage Restoration Garage Restoration Garage (11:05) Doctor Who Doctor Who “The Next Doctor” X-Men (12:05) Doctor Who Å Doctor Who Å Doctor Who Å Doctor Who ’ Å (2:55) Doctor Who ’ (4:10) Doctor Who ’ Å Doctor Who ’ Å The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Sunset Sunset Airport Airport Airport Airport Airport Airport Security Security Security Security Rock-RV Rock-RV Places Places Mysteries-Museum Halloween Crazier (N) Making Monsters ’ Peppa Pig LittlePony Mike Umizoomi Max, Ruby Big Friend Angelina Franklin Babar Mike Thomas This Is Franklin Peter Care Brs Bubble Octonauts Mike This Is Toopy Big Friend Cat in the Barney Clifford Curious Cat in the DragonFly Impact Inside European Moyers & Company “Card Bernini” “Who Cares” The Teachings of Jon Lark Rise-Candleford Inside Olympia Å Life in Cold Blood ’ News Invest Meet the Press (N) Tree Fu Hate Hair? PGA Tour Gymnastics Paid Prog. Rocket Football Night in America (N) Football Action Sports From San Francisco. (N) Å My Boys Cleveland Beverly Beverly Celebrity Inside Box Inside Box Celebrity Giuliana & Bill Å Giuliana & Bill Å Giuliana & Bill Å Giuliana & Bill Å Giuliana & Bill Å Giuliana & Bill Å E! News ’ Å King Gourmet Phantom Gourmet Botox America Two Men Patriots Fifth Quarter Athlete ››› “Sherrybaby” (2006, Drama) White Collar Å CSI: Miami ’ Å Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ In Touch Larry King Wen Hair ProCurls Dr. Ho Medicare Faces Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Bloopers Bloopers Fam. Guy Two Men ››› “Crash” (2004) Sandra Bullock. KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 (N) ’ Å In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night “In the Heat of the Night: Justice” Funny Home Videos Funny Home Videos Funny Home Videos How I Met How I Met Matlock ’ Å Paid Prog. Wealth Medicare Facelift? Coolest Animal Bloopers Bloopers Rules Rules Two Men Two Men Alien File Alien File SAF3 (N) ’ Å News Dr. Steve Friends Friends The Vampire Diaries Chipmunk Smurfs Scooby Doo Movie Looney Looney Bobby’s Bobby’s Bobby’s Bobby’s Bobby’s Bobby’s Tiny Toon Garfield Scooby Doo Movie Flintstone Flintstone Garfield Garfield Bugs Bunny & Tweety Copeland Facts Islam Context Sparks David Tomorrow Prince Hope Discovery Van Impe Jeremiah Facts Faith Food Life Study Hour of Power Å Living Truth ’ Å Arise ’ ICEJ ’ MotorWk Autoline Contrary Record McL’ghlin Journal Moyers & Company Shakespeare Great Performances The French battle the English army. Invisible Weekend Grow Old Father Brown Å Last Tango in Halifax Style Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Style Love Trap Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City “What Happens” ›› “Remember Me” (2010, Romance) Robert Pattinson. ›› “Post Grad” (2009, Comedy) Alexis Bledel, Zach Gilford. Å Spoiled Spoiled Spoiled Spoiled Spoiled Spoiled Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain The Numbers Game The Numbers Game The Numbers Game Brain Brain Brain Brain

3 4 5 6 % 7 ( 8 _ 10 9 13 * 15 16 17 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 93

NFL Football: Redskins at Cowboys SportsCentre (N) Hockey SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre News News Security We-Men Simpson Burgers Fam Guy Amer. The Good Wife (N) News Block Once Upon a Time The Amazing Race The Mentalist (N) News News Castle (N) Å CTV News (N) ’ “Bedtime Stories” Battle-Blades The National (N) News fifth est. Heartland (N) ’ Dragons’ Den ’ KREM 2 News at 6 The Amazing Race The Good Wife (N) The Mentalist (N) News Fifth Qtr 60 Minutes (N) ’ (5:59) News Hour Security We-Men Simpson Burgers Fam Guy Amer. The Good Wife (N) News Block Park Volc Od Great Bamboo Dalziel and Pascoe Dalziel and Pascoe Prehistoric Hunters Born and Bred ’ News Carpet Funny Videos Once Upon a Time (10:01) Betrayal (N) KXLY 4 V’Impe Revenge (N) Å Tattoo Rescue (N) Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue (N) ’ Bar Rescue ’ Tattoo Rescue ’ Love It or List It House Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It House Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Duck D. Duck D. Dads Dads Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. Dads Dads Zoink’d! Splatalot Baby Boys Young Boys Splatalot ›› “The Addams Family” (1991) ’ Å Rizzoli & Isles (N) “Dinner-Schm” ›› “27 Dresses” (2008) ’ Å Copper (N) ’ Rizzoli & Isles ’ To Be Announced Naked and Afraid To Be Announced To Be Announced Naked and Afraid To Be Announced Money Friends ›› “Hall Pass” (2011) Owen Wilson. ’ Å ›› “Hall Pass” (2011) Owen Wilson. ’ Å MLB Baseball Big Bang Two Men Two Men Big Bang News TMZ (N) Bones ’ Å Medium Medium Alaskan Women Medium Medium Alaskan Women Island Medium Couple Couple ›› “Morning Glory” (2010) Å (10:45) “Steel Magnolias” ’ (8:15) ›› “It’s Complicated” (2009) ’ (DVS) Austin P “So I Married-Murderer” “Wes Craven’s New Nightmare” (1994) Urban › “One Missed Call” Good Wingin’ Wizards ANT Shake It Austin Next Wingin’ “Mom’s Got a Date-Vampire” Princess Seinfeld The Closer Å Seinfeld ›› “Meet the Browns” ›› “S.W.A.T.” (2003) Samuel L. Jackson. Match Match Cash Cash Big Bang Big Bang Just for Laughs Just for Laughs Gas Gas “Thomas Crown” ›› “Raffles” (1940) David Niven. ›››› “Nosferatu” (1922, Horror) ››› “Vampyr” Halloween Wars Cutthroat Kitchen My. Din My. Din Halloween Wars Cutthroat Kitchen My. Din My. Din Storage Liquida Liquida Liquida Mantracker Å Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters ’ Ameri Ameri Ameri Ameri Ameri Ameri Ameri Ameri Ameri Ameri Ameri Ameri (5:30) ››› “X-Men: First Class” (8:10) ›› “The Punisher” (2004) Thomas Jane. (10:40) ››› “Kick-Ass” The Walking Dead (7:01) Talking Dead The Walking Dead Comic The Walking Dead Talking Dead Comic Halloween Crazy UFO’s Cras. Security Security Places Places Mysteries-Museum Halloween Crazier Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas Last Tango Masterpiece Masterpiece Classic “Downton Abbey” Doc Martin Å Land Girls Å NFL Football: Redskins at Cowboys KHQ News (N) J’pardy! Criminal Minds ’ News Prostate Kardashian Eric & Movie Inside Inside Kardashian Eric & Movie Cleve My Boys CSI: Miami “10-7” Big Bang Big Bang Two Men Two Men Mother Mother Rules Rules Commun Commun News News KTLA 5 News at 10 Alien Alien KTLA 5 News Sunday Edition (N) Å SAF3 (N) ’ Å Mother Mother News Replay 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny ›››› “American Beauty” (1999) Å News Hispanic Honeym Honeym Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Seinfeld Fturama Fturama The Originals ’ Gadget Gadget Tintin Tintin Hercules Hercules Fl’stone Fl’stone Bobby’s Bobby’s Bobby’s Bobby’s J. Hagee J. Meyer Osteen Beyond Cana Popoff Christ Armor V’Impe Tom’row Super Tribal Masterpiece Masterpiece Classic “Downton Abbey” Outside America Gener POV “Brooklyn Castle” Å “What Happens in Vegas” Hollyw’d Girls ’ (8:45) Girls Å › “What Happens in Vegas” (2008) Å Brain Brain The Numbers The Numbers The Numbers Brain Brain Brain Brain

3 4 5 6 % 7 ( 8 _ 10 9 13 * 15 16 17 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 93

NHL Hockey: Sharks at Blues That’s Hcky SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) Å News News Ent ET NCIS: Los Angeles Chicago Fire (N) CHBC News Final NCIS (N) ’ etalk (N) Big Bang S.H.I.E.L.D. Gold Trophy Person of Interest News News CTV News (N) ’ News Mercer George Cor Mercer 22 Min Crossing Lines (N) The National (N) News George KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access NCIS: Los Angeles Person of Interest News Late Sh. NCIS (N) ’ (5:59) News Hour Ent ET NCIS: Los Angeles Chicago Fire (N) News Hour Final NCIS (N) ’ Hope for Wildlife Frontiers of Frankincense Trail Frontiers of ›› “Rough Aunties” (2008) News News Ent Insider S.H.I.E.L.D. Gold Trophy KXLY 4 Kimmel Scandal ’ Å Criss Angel Criss Angel Criss Angel Criss Angel Tenants Tenants Bar Rescue ’ Income Property Hunters Hunt Intl House Hunters Income Property Hunters Hunt Intl House Hunters Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Haunted Victo Funny Videos Middle Young Boys Splatalot Wipeout (N) Å iCarly ’ iCarly ’ “Lover’s Rev” King & Maxwell (N) NCIS “Murder 2.0” NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS “Murder 2.0” King & Maxwell ’ (5:00) Gold Fever Highway Thru Hell How/ How/ Highway Thru Hell Jungle Gold Å Gold Rush (N) ’ Princesses-Lo. Housewives/NJ ExExFriends Friends Housewives/NJ Princesses-Lo. Big Bang Mod Two Men Big Bang Dads (N) Brooklyn New Girl Mindy News Mod Arsenio Hall 19 Kids 19 Kids The Little Couple 19 Kids 19 Kids The Little Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple ›› “Baby for Sale” (2004) ’ Å The Listener ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ “Baby for Sale” ’ ReG (6:25) ›› “Fancy Dancing” ››› “Rachel Getting Married” ›› “The Deep End of the Ocean” Phineas Phineas Shake It Good Good ANT Wingin’ Next Good Jessie Wizards Princess Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. ›› “The Mist” (2007, Horror) Thomas Jane. Match Gas Just for Laughs Gags Match Comedy Commun Big Bang Parks Daily Colbert Fistful The Story of Film (6:45) ››› “Accattone” (1961) Franco Citti. ››› “Breathless” Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Chopped (N) Å Chopped ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Duck D. Duck D. Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck D. Duck D. Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ Pawn Pawn Mountain Men (N) Restoration Pawn Pawn Ameri Ameri American Pickers Star Trek: Voyager Fangasm Inner Face Off (N) Å Fangasm (N) Å Face Off ’ Å Castle ’ Å “Friday the 13th, Part VI: Jason Lives” “Friday the 13th Part VII” › “Ghost Ship” (2002, Horror) Å Monumental Mys Mysteries-Museum Museum Secrets Hid. City Hid. City Monumental Mys Mysteries-Museum Toopy Mike Caillou Cat in Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle (Series Premiere) (N) Superheroes Charlie Rose (N) News Million. J’pardy! Wheel The Biggest Loser Chicago Fire (N) News Jay The Voice (N) ’ Cleve Beverly Beverly Chelsea etalk ’ Beverly Beverly E! News Å etalk ’ TMZ Live ’ Å News OK! TV Seinfeld Office Office Rules Ent Insider Comics Paid Bones ’ Å News News Two Men Fam Guy The Originals (N) Supernatural (N) KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall (5:00) “American Beauty” Mother Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Supernatural (N) PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Ray Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. Bugs & Tweety Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Looney Gadget Gadget Fools Popoff “The Sweetest Gift” (1998) ’ Å Enigma ’ Å ››› “Wildflower” (1991) ’ Å History of Science Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Superheroes Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle ’ Glam Fairy Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Rachel Zoe Project Sex-City Sex and the City Paid Security Security Brain Brain Security Security Brain Brain Air Aces ’ Wicked Tuna ’

6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

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NFL Football: Colts at Chargers SportsCentre (N) Hockey SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre News News Ent ET Sleepy Hollow (N) The Blacklist (N) CHBC News Final Bones (N) ’ (PA) Fall Big Bang The Voice The battle rounds begin. (N) News News Hostages (N) Å CTV News (N) ’ News Mercer George Cor Murdoch Mysteries Cracked (N) ’ The National (N) News George KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access Mother We-Men Broke Mom (N) Hostages (N) Å News Late Sh. (5:59) News Hour Ent ET Sleepy Hollow (N) The Blacklist (N) News Hour Final Bones (N) ’ (PA) Animals Animals Hope for Wildlife King George and Mordecai Richler: Architect/Change Hope for Wildlife News News Ent Insider (10:01) Castle (N) KXLY 4 Kimmel Dancing With the Stars ’ Å (5:00) “The Rundown” (2003) Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Ways ›› “Doom” (2005) The Rock. ’ Love It or List It Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Love It or List It Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Sam & Sam & Haunted Big Time Wipeout (N) Å Wendell Brown Middle Young Boys Splatalot “Hannah’s Law” “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (2011) ›› “Iron Man 2” (2010) Robert Downey Jr. NCIS ’ Amish Mafia Airplane Repo Amish Mafia Airplane Repo Amish Mafia Å Amish Mafia (N) ’ Collec Collec Lost-Lost-Money Money “Alvin-Chipmnk” ›› “Ice Age: The Meltdown” (2006) Big Bang Mod Two Men Big Bang Bones (N) ’ (PA) Sleepy Hollow (N) News Mod Arsenio Hall My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life ’ My 600-Lb. Life ’ ››› “Source Code” (2011) Å ›› “Stepmom” (1998) ’ ››› “Steel Magnolias” (1989) Sally Field. ’ Knight (6:20) ›› “Poseidon” ››› “The Bourne Supremacy” (9:50) ››› “Troy” (2004) Brad Pitt. Good Good Good Good Good ANT Wingin’ Next Good Jessie Wizards Princess Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. “Win a Date With Tad Hamilton!” (2004) Road Match Gas Just for Laughs Gags Match JFL Commun Big Bang Parks Daily Colbert “Picture-Gray” The Story of Film “Cleo From 5 to 7” (8:15) ›› “Winter Light” (9:45) ››› “Pickpocket” Halloween Wars Cutthroat Kitchen Cutthroat Kitchen Cutthroat Kitchen Cutthroat Kitchen Halloween Wars Storage Storage The Project Storage Storage Storage Storage The Project Ghost Hunters ’ Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Alien Falling Skies Å Falling Skies Å ››› “Kick-Ass” (2010) Aaron Johnson. ’ Alien Mysteries ’ “Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter” “Friday the 13th -- A New Beginning” ›› “Jeepers Creepers” (2001) Airport Airport Hotel Impossible Moves Moves Airport Airport Hotel Impossible Extreme RVs ’ Toopy Mike Caillou Cat in Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) The Antiques Antique Roadshow Genealogy Rd POV “56 Up” (N) ’ Å News Million. J’pardy! Wheel The Voice The battle rounds begin. (N) The Blacklist (N) News Jay Cleve Kardashian Chelsea etalk ’ Kardashian E! News Å etalk ’ TMZ Live ’ Å Law & Order: SVU News OK! TV Seinfeld Office Office Rules Ent Insider Comics No 2 Old News News Two Men Fam Guy Hart of Dixie (N) ’ Beauty & Beast KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall Parks Parks WGN News at Nine Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Beauty & Beast PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Ray Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. Bugs & Tweety Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Looney Gadget Gadget Ecstatic! God Reflections of Keep Up Popoff ››› “The Big Country” (1958) theZoomer (N) ’ Genealogy Rd POV The 7-year-olds of 1964 hit middle-age. (N) Charlie Rose (N) Antique Roadshow Geneal Vampire Diaries Vampire Diaries Snapped Vampire Diaries Vampire Diaries Snapped Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security

3 4 5 6 % 7 ( 8 _ 10 9 13 * 15 16 17 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 93

Poker Sports NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Anaheim Ducks. Sports SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre News News Ent ET Ironside “Action” CHBC News Final Survivor (N) Å Elementary Å Tom People Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Crime Scene News News Arrow “Identity” ’ CTV News (N) ’ News Mercer George Cor Dragons’ Den (N) Republic of Doyle The National (N) News George KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Crime Scene News Late Sh. Survivor (N) Å (5:59) News Hour Ent ET Ironside “Action” News Hour Final Survivor (N) Å Elementary Å Frontiers of Waterfront Cities End of Empire Cinderella - Birmingham Royal Ballet Waterfront Cities News News Ent Insider Toy Back in Mod Super KXLY 4 Kimmel Nashville (N) ’ Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Ways Ways Jail ’ “Remember the Titans” ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink Sam & Victo Funny Videos Middle Young Boys Splatalot Wipeout (N) Å iCarly ’ iCarly ’ “I’ll Be Seeing” Covert Affairs (N) NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS “Cloak” ’ Covert Affairs ’ NCIS “Cloak” ’ Tech Rednecks Tickle Auction Highway Thru Hell Tech Rednecks Tickle Auction Moonshiners Å Their Baby My Big Fat Princess Princess Friends Friends My Big Fat Their Baby MLB Baseball Paid Big Bang Mod Two Men Big Bang News Mod Arsenio Hall Cheer Perfection Best Funeral Ever Toddlers & Tiaras Cheer Perfection Best Funeral Ever Toddlers & Tiaras Boss “Reflex” (N) (8:15) The Listener Criminal Minds ’ Played ’ Criminal Minds ’ (11:15) Played ’ ReG (6:20) “A Stone’s Throw” “Surviving Crooked Lake” Klute ››› “To Die For” (1995) Å Austin Austin Good Jessie Jessie Shake It Shake It Next Good Jessie Wizards Princess Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Dared ›› “Armored” (2009) Matt Dillon. Match Gas Just for Laughs Gags Match Sullivan Commun Big Bang Parks Daily Colbert Rawhide (6:45) ››› “Nightmare Alley” “The Black Swan” (1942) (8:45) ››› “The Mark of Zorro” Restaurant Iron Chef America Diners Diners Iron Chef America Top Chef (N) Å Top Chef ’ Å Dog and Beth Storage Storage Storage Storage Dog and Beth Storage Storage Ghost Hunters Ice Road Truckers Hatfields Pawn Pawn Pawn Ameri Ameri American Pickers Yukon Gold ’ Paranormal Wi. Inner Star Trek: Voyager Paranormal Wi. Ghost Ghost Mine (N) ’ Castle ’ Å “Friday the 13th Part VIII” “Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday” (10:15) ›› “The Hills Have Eyes” Amazing Amazing Bizarre Foods Pitch In Pitch In RIDE. RIDE. Amazing Amazing Bizarre Foods Toopy Mike Caillou Cat in Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Life in Cold Blood Charlie Rose (N) Nature ’ NOVA (N) ’ Raw to Ready ’ News Million. J’pardy! Wheel Law & Order: SVU Ironside “Action” News Jay Revolution (N) ’ Cleve Soup Hello Chelsea etalk ’ Soup Hello E! News Å etalk ’ TMZ Live ’ Å Law Order: CI News OK! TV Seinfeld Office Office Rules Ent Insider Comics More News News Two Men Fam Guy Arrow “Identity” ’ Tom People KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall Rules Rules WGN News at Nine Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Tom People PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Ray Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. Bugs & Tweety Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Looney Gadget Gadget Call the Midwife Prisoners’ Wives Upstair, Downstair Upstair, Downstair Super Popoff Enigma ’ Å Last Tango Smiley Charlie Rose (N) NOVA Nature ’ NOVA (N) ’ Raw to Ready ’ Bachelor Love Baggage Baggage Baggage Baggage Jerseylicious Tough Love: Miami Cosmo Paid Alaska-Trooper Security Security Alaska-Trooper Diggers Diggers Wicked Tuna ’ Wicked Tuna ’


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Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Grand Forks Gazette

Reach a Reader

SEPTEMBER CLASSES Circuit Weight Training Mon/Wed/Fri EarlyBird Circuit: 6 to 7am Morning Circuit: 8 to 9am Tues/Thurs Morning Circuit: 9 to 10am

Advanced Aqua-Fit Classes Mon/Wed/Fri : 9 to 10am

Moderate Aqua-Fit Classes Mon thru Friday: 10:15 to 11am

Stretching for Mobility Tuesdays: 1 to 2pm Fridays: 11 to 12pm Drop In Fee: $2

Registered Fall Fitness Programs Shape Up For Change: Sept 24 to Dec 19

Tues/Thurs: 6 to 7pm Fee: $123.50

Aqua-Fit to the Max Oct. 16 to Dec. 18

Mon/Wed: 6 to 7pm Registration fee: $85.50

@ GF Recreation Centre Jazzercise

get moving

Mon/Wed/Fri: 9:00am with child-minding Sat/Sun: 9:00am with child-minding Tue/Thur: 5:30pm with child-minding Mon/Wed: 6:00pm Tue/Thurs: 8:30am @ The Pavillion Yoga Stretch & Relax with Leah Tues: 7 - 8:15pm

Stretch & Strength with Leah Fri: 9 - 10:15am

Yoga with Maggie

Mondays 9 - 10:30am

Yoga with Maggie

Thursdays 9 - 10:30am $12 Drop-In $60/6 pass

@ 4th Street Yoga Studio (Dojo) Light Pilates with Brian Wednesdays: 8:00am

@ Flexus Body Systems Shotokan Karate

Monday: 6:30 - 7:30pm Beginner & Intermediate 7:30 - 8:30pm Advanced Wednesday: 6:30 - 7:30pm Beginner & Intermediate 7:30 - 8:30pm Advanced Friday: 7 - 8pm Advanced

@ ISKF Grand Forks Karate Dojo

For information on these classes and more visit these websites:

Grand Forks Shotokan Karate

Sheila Dobie photo

CBAL One-to-One program is where learners and tutors meet each week to explore reading and writing. Amy Heaton (right) and Kathleen Gabelmann work on Amy’s story about her fabulous summer of 2013.

Making a difference in the Boundary CRAIG LINDSAY

Grand Forks Gazette

The Grand Forks Gazette and the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy are collecting donations for the third annual Reach a Reader event. By making a donation to this campaign, you are supporting literacy programs in Grand Forks. Grand Forks councillors and Border Bruin hockey players, as well as Gazette staff, with be manning two locations in Grand Forks: one outside Overwaitea and one outside the Gazette office on Second Street from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. The volunteers will be selling Gazette papers and handing out information on Columbia Basin for Literacy (CBAL) programs. Coun. Neil Krog, who is also an instructor at Selkirk College, is a strong supporter of the program. Krog is also a part of the community literacy advisory committee, a branch of CBAL. He was posted at Overwaitea last year and said it was a great experience and he was eager to help out again “It went quite well last year,” he said. “It was nice to see the amount of people that were willing to donate to the program. It was a lot of fun. Anything that promotes reading is good.” Chuck Bennett, publisher of the Gazette and Black Press Kootenay region publisher, is another strong supporter of the Reach A Reader program. “This is really a great program as the money raised locally, stays in the community is directed to literacy right here in Grand Forks,” he said. “This is an important initiative for us because we see literacy as a key issue for our communities and our newspapers.” CBAL is the Columbia Basin and Boundary region not-forprofit literacy organization. CBAL programs support seniors, adults, families, youth and children of all ages improve English, reading, writing,

numeracy, computer and workplace skills. In the Boundary region, family literacy programs aim to provide parents and caregivers with the skills needed to support their children’s literacy development. Rhyme Time is a program for parents and small children at the Hutton Strongstart Centre on Thursday mornings. Watch for future listings for Parent and Child Mother Goose and Alphabet Soup—a food and stories oriented program for parents and small children. As well, CBAL offers a number of adult literacy programs that provide adult learners with the tools and skills needed to be successful in the modern world. English as a Second Language Settlement Assistance program provides new Canadians with the fundamentals in English conversation, reading and writing. Basic computer programs offer the beginning computer user the skills needed to use computers on a daily basis. An afternoon drop-in at the Grand Forks Library every Tuesday from 2-5 p.m. is one way to access this help and will get you linked to upcoming workshops. One-to-One tutoring program helps adults who would like to improve their literacy skills. Trained volunteer tutors offer assistance based on the learner’s goals. All of the adult programs have opportunities for volunteer tutors—this is a remarkable way to give back to our community. Volunteer tutors are given 10 hours of free training, ongoing support and resources. In some cases, volunteers are working with a facilitator, however the One-to-One program is just that—one-on-one, learner to tutor. Are you interested in attending a literacy program or volunteering for a literacy program? To learn more about the programs, please visit or contact Sheila Dobie, community literacy coordinator for the Boundary region at sdobie@, or cell at 250-584-4109.


Leah’s Yoga Studio

The City of Grand Forks will be commencing its 2013 road crack sealing program. The City of Grand Forks has awarded the road crack sealing program project to Sealtec Industries Ltd. of Langley, BC. Construction will be commencing Monday, September 16, 2013 and will continue thru to the end of October 2013.

city Various roads throughout the city will be affected. Please check the city’s cracksealing website at to view the list of roads and sections that

will be affected. During this time, every effort will be made to keep traffic access available whenever possible. The City of Grand Forks requests that all construction signs posted be obeyed. Your cooperation and patience throughout the project is greatly appreciated. For more information about the project, please contact Sasha J. Bird, ASCT, Manager of Development and Engineering at the Public Works Office at 250-442-8266 ext 60246 or visit our website at

AnnuAl GenerAl MeetinG


Monday, October 28 • 6:00 pm at Gallery 2, 524 Central Ave., Grand Forks

Everyone Welcome Inviting Open Nominations for Directors Directors Will Be Elected Light Refreshments Will Be Served

Border Self Storage 7444 19th Street, Grand Forks



Call: 250-442-0368


Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, October 9, 2013 A21

Measure of Me

“Calculating a group’s intelligence with tests and exams alone is like measuring temperature with a tablespoon”


Albert Einstein once said, “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” The school system judges a student’s natural ability to do specific things and makes very little provision to measure the effort that they put in. Different people have varied strengths and weaknesses. While someone finds running two kilometers in gym class a breeze, others may find the task daunting, yet they might excel at writing a five paragraph essay. Therefore, applying the same measure of evaluation to all students despite their varied skills has the potential to unfairly cause them to feel inadequate. Letter grades do not always reflect the time and energy put forward by the student. A large portion of a student’s grade is determined by how well they do on tests. Most tests however, fail to evaluate a student’s true understanding of the information. The pressure

As the year progresses, students prepare for feedback on their school work. Some teachers have already mailed home interim report cards. The question is ... How will we measure up? to do well leads students to simply memorize the material instead of making sure they fully comprehend concepts and are able to apply them.Calculating a group’s intelligence with tests and exams alone is like measuring temperature with a tablespoon. This is not to say that people who get high marks are not smart and assiduous, but students should not be forced to judge

their self-worth through such a narrow lens. There is a lot that an “A”, “C”, or “F” does not effectively portray. Grades are not a measure of intelligence or capability nor are they a direct reflection of hard work and comprehension. Although evaluation is an aspect of a person’s life that they must accept, students should not feel imprisoned by the confines of a grade.

Volume Four, Number Four

This Week in Sports TYRA REXIN The boys’ soccer team played very well at their tournament in Nakusp last weekend. They played four games and although they did not win, they fought hard in all of them. The boys’ soccer coach, Tim Carson, appreciates that the boys played their hearts out at this tournament and showed how much they care about the game. It is inspiring to see people trying their hardest at something they truly love to do! In other news, the Junior Girls volleyball team has finally acquired a coach. The brave Mr. Dunnet has stepped up to take on this role with help of a few parent and teacher volunteers. There are twenty junior girls involved in the volleyball program at GFSS.

With so many players, the people volunteering to help Mr. Dunnet, including some of our own senior girls, have been a blessing. Although the girls are thrilled to now have a team to play on, they will not be attending out of town tournaments. Mr. Dunnet will not be available for travel during weekends when tournaments are usually held, so the junior girls are planning to have an intermural league instead. The girls will practice on Monday nights and hold games against one another on Wednesday nights. Since there are twenty girls involved, it will be interesting to see the different teams that form and how they improve throughout the season.

Stepping up to the Plate GFSS Math and Physics teacher, Mr. Dunnet “stepped up” volunteering to coach the Junior Girls volleyball team. Mr. Dunnett is assisted by parents and student volunteers from the GFSS Sr. Girls team. Kudos Mr. D !!!!

SEVEC Students Back!!

GFSS Sports Calendar Thursday Oct. 3rd

Junior Boys Soccer @ Trail Grade 8 Girls Volleyball @ Mt. Sentinel Wednesday Oct. 16th

Boys Soccer playoffs @ GFSS (11:30am-12:30pm) Fri/Sat Oct. 18th-19th

Senior Girls Volleyball @ Kelowna

Profile of the Week

left to right - Clarissa Palek, Mr. Reimer, Jaclyn Salter, Sarah Dorgelo, Rowan Nagel, Curtis Logan, and Austin Guild pause for a photo opportunity on the wall surrounding “Old” Quebec City

Cayley Condruk and Emma Tkach prepeare to do the long zipline at Aventures d’Arbre en Arbre

SIMONE GENTRY The GFSS Sevec exchange students arrived back in Grand Forks last Saturday, October 5, after spending a week in Magog, Quebec. During the trip, enthusiastic GFSS students attended classes with their “twins”

at Ecole LaRuche and had a potluck dinner presented by the host families.They spent a day in Quebec City where they went on a walking tour to the Musee de la Civilization, saw the Artists’ Quarter and Gallerie de la Capital at a large mall.

To finish off the day, they had dinner out before returning to Magog. Now back in Grand Forks, the students are telling their classmates all about what they did on the trip, Tales abound about how amazing it was and how important the cultural experience was.

Abby Oliver Grade 11

Favourite thing about GFSS? Mrs.Fraiser and Mr.Nuyten. Favourite book? Looking for Alaska by John Green Favourite superhero? Iron Man

Weekly Howl Staff: Editor - Simone Gentry, Sports - Tyra Rexin, Layout - Jordyn Beaumier , Photos - Sabrina White, Reporters - Elena Plotnikoff


The Fun Spot

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Grand Forks Gazette



Los Angeles Times Daily CrosswordPuzzle Puzzle Los Angeles Times Crossword ACROSS 1 __ shirt 7 Catholic pilgrimage destination 15 Written to last 16 Member of DC Comics’ Legion of Super-Heroes 17 Coliseum team, once 18 March Madness event 19 What busy people are on? 20 WBA decisions 21 Dos’ followers 22 Special screening 26 Trauma sufferer’s goal 27 Yellowstone grazer 31 Comic who wrote jokes for Kennedy 33 Start of a response to a brainteaser 34 Language “jai alai” comes from 35 Latin 101 word 36 Jersey Shore resort 38 Nautilus letters 39 Show deference 41 7 and 11: Abbr. 42 Stuffing material 43 Mullah’s faith 44 Regular guest on “The O’Reilly Factor” 46 Where funnels are often seen 50 Spot at the bridge table 53 Slick 54 Its capital is Valletta 55 Big name in racing 58 “Turn Me Loose” singer, 1959 59 Cut across 60 Double-edged 61 1980 hit with the line “I longed to speak but did not dare” 62 Just

Public domain image

Editedby by Rich Rich Norris Lewis Edited Norrisand andJoyce Joyce Lewis

Working through grief CARA BRADY

Vernon Morning Star

fun spotLast week’s puzzle solved


By Barry C. Silk

DOWN 1 Softens 2 Pioneer Day celebrant 3 Hunter with a distinctive cry 4 1963-’64 painter of the Paris Opera ceiling 5 1937 title gangster Pépé 6 Life support syst.? 7 Collective feeling of oppression 8 Recess 9 East German secret police 10 Portfolio element 11 Fail to keep up 12 Structural beam 13 Canine order 14 Some votes 20 Ranking suit 23 “Bah!” 24 Selling point? 25 Ill. neighbor 28 It may precede a cold front 29 Kick out 30 Emulate bees 31 “The Storyteller” storyteller

Friday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2013 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

32 Book by a prophet 34 Low man 36 Interrogación word 37 Hardly chipper 40 Use a shuttle 42 Over-explain 44 Rat 45 City on the Volga 47 Basic teaching techniques


48 Net biz 49 ’50s TV adventurer __ Derringer 50 Way 51 Dictator’s phrase 52 Modern info holders 56 BP checkers 57 That, in Tijuana 58 Bit of fiction

Quote of the Week: Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. – John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)

Joke of the Week: A lady wanted to board her horse. The first farmer she asked said he would keep it at $25 a day, plus he would keep the manure. She thought that was too high and went to another farmer. His price was $20 per day plus he would get to keep the manure. Then she went to a third farmer who asked just $5 a day. The lady asked, “Don’t you want to keep the manure?” The farmer said, “At $5 a day, there won’t be any!”

Suicide can be the loneliest death for those left behind. Kim Cunliffe lost her son, Darin Cunliffe, to suicide three years ago. “He was incredibly happy, loving and funny, popular with everyone and involved in sports. He had a few difficulties with normal life challenges but he was just a regular teenager. He was everyone’s smile every day,” she said. “It was a complete shock. There were no signs. I still look at his photo and think that of all people, he was the least likely to do something like this. I don’t think he understood the finality of it.” The support of family and close friends helped Cunliffe even though she felt frozen, like she was putting on a mask each day. “Family and friends held me up when I couldn’t hold myself up. My other children became my strength and my purpose,” she said. “Suicide is a grief unlike any other grief. I have lost other family members but it was not like this. I felt alone, even stigmatized. I realized I needed more help, and when I heard about a grief retreat specifically for people who have lost someone to suicide, I knew I had to go.” The Sunrise Grief Retreat Society, which also holds retreats for other grief losses, is a nonprofit society which offers the retreats with professional facilitators, many of them volunteers. Cunliffe attended the four-day retreat last fall. “At first, I felt unsure and anxious but I knew it was exactly where I should be. I had so many questions and unresolved feelings. I knew I had been a good mother but I should have known, even though there were no signs. That was one of the hardest things,” she said. Barb Schimpl, one of the retreat facilitators, said grief for suicide is one of the most complicated griefs. “There can be more guilt, shame, blame and anger. There was no opportunity to say goodbye and it feels like total rejection. The survivors are left with so many unanswerable questions,” she said. Cunliffe knew that the retreat would be part of the healing that would allow her to remember her son in a healthy way, honour his life and find a way to help others. “I felt safe in this beginning of my walk


phoenix cross Friday, October 18 , 2013 country at 7:00 p.m. BCCRR Building, 7320 4 St. ski (Next to Panago) th


The Agenda will include club business and election of the board. All welcome. For information, contact 250-442-2459

through the wilderness to find a sense of peace. I was so relieved to find that I was not alone and I keep the connections with the people I met there. Family and friends are vital but there is a completely different feeling there,” she said. “There is fear. You don’t want to make that call but it’s the best call you ever make.” She benefited from the group sessions and the expressive therapies with health professionals, as well as the massage therapy, healing touch and mindfulness meditation available to participants. “The healing touch was so amazing and powerful. I felt connected and released. It was a gift to my soul. There’s such compassion in the staff. I also liked the letter writing to the ones we had lost,” said Cunlifffe. “I’m not sure what direction I’m going at times but it’s forward with my toolbox in hand and I don’t have to walk alone.” People who are interested in attending the Sunrise Grief Retreat for those who have experienced a loss from suicide can go to for more information. Suicide support groups are facilitated by trained professionals and peers and offer eight weeks of weekly support meetings at no cost. “We felt there has been a need in the community and we were able to get the training this spring,” said Betty Bates, facilitator, with Sharon Durant, of the support groups. “All of us who did the training felt it was profound and that we could bring that feeling of a safe place to come and share stories and healing to the groups. Each experience is personal and people can participate at their own pace.” The groups will include expression exercises, writing and art, empathetic listening, all in a non-judgmental atmosphere. There will be information on what is normal in grief after suicide. “Suicide can be such a silent grief with so much stigma and misconception around it. Survivors can feel very alone. Sometimes they find the second year after is even harder than the first but that is individual too. “The support groups do not support professional therapy but are a healthy addition on a journey of healing. It’s a real honour to be able to offer this to the community,” said Bates. This article was published in the Sept. 9 edition of the Vernon Morning Star. It was reprinted here by request.

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Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 9, 9, 2013 2013 A23 A23


Borderline Lumber Service All types of cedar decking, fencing, siding. Rough or dressed. Landscape timbers. Custom sizes in fir, cedar, larch, etc. Cedar, fir, birch & pine t&g and flooring. Curly maple & spalted birch.


Bruins run out of steam in Summerland Bear Bites

Gazette file photo

The Border Bruins dropped their only game of the week 5-2 to the Steam.


Grand Forks Gazette

The Grand Forks Border Bruins lost 5-2 on the road in Summerland in their only game this week. The game saw the return of last year’s captain, Nathan Cory, but it wasn’t enough of a spark to ignite the team and propel them to a win. “It was probably one of our weaker games,” said Bruins head coach Nick Deschenes. “I don’t know if it was getting a few new players back in the line-up (Cory and forward Graham Watkins) but we didn’t come in ready to compete and earn two points.” The Bruins fell behind 2-0 after the first period after Daylan Robertson and Ryan Donaldson scored for the Summerland Steam. Max Newton put the Bruins on the board just over one minute into the second period, assisted by Dakota Little and Jackson Purvis. But Paulsen Lautard replied for the home team and restored the two-goal lead at 7:56 of that same period. Cam McLennan scored a power play marker for the Bears at 11:12 of the third period, assisted by Jeremy

McGregor and Reid Robertson, to cut the lead to one. It was all Summerland after that as Donaldson scored a pair to put the game away. Dominic Stadynk was in net for Grand Forks and stopped 24 of 29 shots. The Bruins outshot the Steam 3929. “If we would’ve connected on half our grade A scoring chances, it would have been a tie score,” speculated Deschenes. “But for us to give up five goals, it’s never a good thing. For a one-game weekend, that’s all we had to focus on.” The Bruins are back in action Tuesday in Castlegar with a game against the defending league champion Rebels. The Rebs just received high scoring winger Diego Bartlett back from a Junior A try-out. Bartlett, Castlegar’s third leading scorer last year, already has nine points in four games. “They’re going to be better,” said Deschenes. “We have to trust that we’re making strides as well.” The Bruins return to Grand Forks Arena on Oct. 12 and 13 for home games against Fernie and North Okanagan respectively.

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Coach Nick Deschenes expects both new players, Cory and Watkins, to really help the squad. “Cory is a mobile defenceman,” he said of the returning captain, who was trying out for a junior A squad in (Steinbach) Manitoba. “He can rush the puck and he’s good defensively.” Now into his third season with the club, Cory brings some history with him. “He’s been around for the one-win season so it’s good to have that continuity and have someone that can relate to where the team was and where they are now,” Deschenes said. Cory was fourth last year in team scoring, and first among d-men, with three goals and 19 assists for 22 points in 44 games. Watkins played with Columbia Valley, Creston Valley and Grand Forks last year and looks to settle in with the Bruins. “He’s an 18-yearold from Calgary,” said Deschenes. “He’s got offensive ability and he can score goals. Hopefully, that’s what he brings to the table. “Like any new player, he’ll have to adjust to the speed, especially in our division. It’ll be a learning process for him, but I think he’ll come out of it an effective player.” — Lindsay


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Thank You The Grand Forks Border Bruins would like to thank all the participants, sponsors and those who contributed to making our first annual Golf Tournament a great success. We truly appreciate your support.

Almost 100 children attended Selkirk College’s children’s summer programming in Grand Forks and Christina Lake this summer, says the college’s continuing education coordinator. Jennifer Wetmore said this was the second year for children’s programing in the Boundary with programs that ranged from full day art camps to threeday theatre and science camps. All the instructors employed were local and brought varied experience to their respective programs. In total six camps were held. The feedback from the instructors, staff, students and the parents was positive. For more on children’s programming, call 250-442-2704.

Christina Lake Golf Club Kevin’s Pro Shop Interfor Unifab Bron and Sons Roxul Inc. Lime Creek Logging Kemp Harvey Burch Kientz Grand Forks Credit Union Grand Forks Secondary School Teeks Business Service Great Canadian Dollar Store D & D RV Storage Tin Whistle Brewery H & R Transport (Les Lane) Ideaca Knowledge Services Teeks Enterprise Corporation

Dairy Queen Thistle Pot Gifts Kettle River Vintners Tomkat Automotive Advance Nursery Subway Dave Dale Insurance A&W Lordco Christina Lake Chamber of Commerce

border bruins thanks

Regular Game Tickets

Adult: $7 • Senior/Student: $5 Under 5 FREE

borderMerchandise bruins available

Saturday, Oct: 12: Fernie, 7 p.m.

Sunday, Oct. 13: North Okanagan, 2 p.m.


At the Farm Saturday, October 12



This week’s schedule:

Free pumpkin

Open at the Farm: Mon. to Sat. 9 - 5

Summer camp success

Minor hockey registration may be down across Canada as children join less expensive sports such as soccer, but in Grand Forks registration has been steady. Ron Vautour, president of Grand Forks Minor Hockey Association (GFMHA), said they have seen drops in registration for older kids but are seeing an increase in the number of younger players. “As kids get older, hockey gets more expensive,” he said. “Plus, some older players have joined other associations in order to play at the rep. level.” GFMHA has teams at all levels, said Vautour, including junior novice, senior novice, pee wee, bantam and midget. Go to for more information and to register.


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Minor hockey registration up Grand Forks Gazette

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A24 A24

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Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 9, 9, 2013 2013 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette


Take time to make a healthier you


ealth and wellness is promoted on a daily basis at Grand Forks Recreation (GFREC). Our staff members are very professional and caring individuals who take pride in the services we provide. November is Wellness Month and we are offering opportunities for the public to come in and check out the facility. You can register for an orientation of the aquatic centre on Monday mornings from 10-10:30 a.m. or Wednesday afternoons from 5-5:30 p.m. There is no charge for these sessions but pre-registration is required. We will be kicking the month off Friday, Nov. 1 with a special Aqua-fit class from 6-7 p.m. November is a great time to make some personal goals to a healthier you. Healthier lifestyles do not just happen; it is all about making choices and making the effort to stick to those choices. To start you need to make realistic goals for yourself. Decide what it is you would like to change and what you can do to make it happen. There are many tools available to help you reach your goals and to stay

z GFREC Report


focused. GFREC staff provides personal workouts and information to keep you healthy and active every day. Let’s dance Dancing is great for the mind and body. Learn to two-step, jive and waltz in just five sessions. Classes will be held on Monday evenings from 7-9 p.m. starting Monday, Oct. 21. Registration fee is just $55/person and you do not need a partner to participate. Deadline to register is Tuesday, Oct 15. Learning to swim Learning to swim for children and adults can open up great opportunities for those who are afraid of the water or those little ones who are water lovers. We will be offering Red Cross swim lessons starting January, 2014 and registration will open on Friday, Nov 1.

Special to the Grand Forks Gazette

250-442-3828 DL #31005

On Saturday, Sept. 28 the Grand Forks Curling Club held a golf fundraiser (prior to the curling season) at the Cascade Par 3 course.

Sixty-nine curlers and friends participated in a four-person best ball game. “While the weather conditions were less than ideal, everyone

had a good time,” said club president May Lungle. Following the golf, all golfers, plus a few friends, were treated to a lovely steak dinner, Lungle added. The foursome with the overall low score was


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Norm and Irene Arnott, Allen Cook and Jack Fullerton, at three under par. The second low score foursome, at one under par, was Neil and Pam Macgregor, and Ray and Ellen Legare. “Thanks go to Don

and Pat Lawrence of the Cascade Par 3 for hosting the event, Value Drug Mart, Nepa Trucking, GEM Theatre for donation of prizes, and all the volunteers who made this event a tremendous success,” said Lungle.



Perfection 49th Parallel Const.small marketplace


Border Bruins And what about those Bruins? Come cheer on the Grand Forks Border Bruins this Saturday, Oct 12 at 7 p.m. when they take on Fernie Ghostriders. There are many programs and activities scheduled for adults, children and families to take part in, please give Grand Forks Recreation a call at 250-442-2202 for details on their upcoming programs and schedules.

Grand Forks curling club holds golf fundraiser SUBMITTED

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Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 9, 9, 2013 2013 A25 A25


City crafts plan for future cash

IN BRIEF Boundary chamber AGM The annual general meeting of the Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce will be held on Nov. 13 starting at 5:30 p.m. at Gallery 2. The chamber is seeking highly motivated individuals for the chamber board of directors. “If you are a team player, with a few extra hours available each month, who would like to see the region flourish and prosper, please consider letting your name stand for a position on the BCRCC board of directors,” said chamber executive director James Wilson. Nominations are being accepted now and must be received prior to the AGM. Contact Wilson at info@ for more information. Note: The chamber and Community Futures Boundary will be co-hosting this year’s Small Business Week Celebration and awards night on Saturday, Oct. 24, 5 p.m. at the Grand Forks Curling Club. Presentations start at 6 p.m. Nominate your favourite businesses by completing the survey at


Grand Forks Gazette

Shelf-ready designs for multi-utility projects are being advanced by the city in preparation for government grants forthcoming in spring. At the recent Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) conference, several Grand Forks city councilors, along with Mayor Brian Taylor and CAO Doug Allin, met with Coralee Oakes, minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. Oakes stressed the city must be committed to asset management and to strategically delivering services to residents while promoting economic development initiatives. And, once those project designs were set, the money would potentially be accessible, said Allin.

Hiring spree STAFF

Public review of highway speed

Grand Forks Gazette

The government of B.C. is reviewing speed limits on longer stretches of provincial highways between communities, and will be seeking public input starting this November as part of the process. Public input, along with information gathered through a technical review of provincial highways, will be considered to identify areas where speed-limit changes would be needed. A Grand Forks meeting could be set.

Employers and job seekers in the region now have a new place to go. allows people a new platform that is easier to use and provides a nationally recognized brand, said Randy Blair, Black Press’s president of the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island newspaper divisions. “ provides award-

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“Council has chosen three projects that are considered to be one,” he said. “We’re now going to make them shelf-ready. Based on what Oakes and her department said, having them ready for spring would be recommended. “We’re going to be ahead of most communities,” he added, “so we’ll be at the front of the queue when we make our application.” The three projects would include 22nd Street (Highway 3 to 78th Avenue); 68th Avenue (Kettle River Drive to 19th Street); and Third Street (Hwy 3 to Market Avenue). Multi-utility would include road, water, sewer and drainage for all three streets, said Allin. The total capital cost for design and constructing these three projects has been estimated at $2,768,000, according to city figures.

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Rev. Simon Shenstone 250-442-5808 Holy Trinity Church, 7252 - 7th St., Grand Forks • Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. B.A.S. Eucharist St. Jude’s, Greenwood • Services 4:00 p.m. on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays of the month St. Mary’s, Kettle Valley • Services 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month

BAHA’I FAITH For information call 250-442-3035.


Contact: Gene 250-449-2422 629-8th Ave, Box 129, Midway, BC V0H 1M0 Sunday Service ............................................................................10:00 a.m. Children’s Church .........................................................................10:30 a.m. For info on Discovering Jesus Groups & Home Groups call the church office.


Sunday is the first day of the week but Saturday is the seventh-day Sabbath Saturday .......................................................................................10:00 a.m. Lutheran Church basement, Grand Forks, B.C. • Call for info: 250-442-8656


Pastor Ken Schauer 509-690-0332 • 7328-19th St. (Across from Arena) Box 1689, Grand Forks, B.C. V0H 1H0 • 250-447-2562 • 250-442-3959 Sunday Morning Worship ............................................................. 8:52 a.m.

church directory CHRISTIAN CENTRE

7525 4th St. (behind Overwaitea) • Office 250-442-5815 Senior Pastors: Larry and Elsie Dannhauer Associate Pastors: Richard and Ramona Dannhauer

SUNDAY: Church Service .............................................................................10:30 a.m. Prayer ......................................................................................... 10:00 a.m. Prayertime Wednesdays ..............................................................10:00 a.m.

Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 9, 9, 2013 2013 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette


Giving thanks for Thanksgiving S itting around our bountiful spread this Thanksgiving will be a happy occasion. So where did this Canadian holiday come from? Wikipedia states that this can be traced to the coming of Martin Frobisher, a British explorer landing at the area now known as Nunavut, looking for the Northwest Passage. Plagued by storms and ice, one of his 15 ships was lost. Robert Wolfall, a minister, encouraged them all to especially give God thanks for the

z View From The Pulpit

“strange and miraculous deliverance in those so dangerous places.” French settlers coming with Samuel de Champlain had great feasts of thanks and shared their food with their First Nations neighbours. When American settlers came across the border after the War of 1812,


401 N. Kimberley, Greenwood, B.C. • Pastor Paul Brandon • 250-445-2111 Sunday Service ............................................................................10:00 a.m.


2495 - 76th Ave., Grand Forks, B.C. Pastor John Siemens 250-442-0057 Office: 250-443-9200 • Web: • Prayer Line: 250-442-8016 (Theresa) Sunday Worship ...........................................................................10:30 a.m. Children’s Church .........................................................................11:15 a.m. Prayer and Praise ...........................................................................6:00 p.m. Youth Group - Friday ......................................................................7:00 p.m. For the Weekly Bible Studies and for Home Group times please call the office


7048 Donaldson Drive, Box 2528, Grand Forks, B.C. 250-442-5148 ; Senior Pastor Henry P. Klassen; Karren Donald, Community Care Coordinator; Benjamin Jepsen, Associate Youth Pastor Worship Service ...........................................................................10:30 a.m. Youth Activities - Friday ................................................................ 7:00 p.m. SEPT. TO MAY Pioneer Clubs - (girls Gr 1-7) Tuesday ......................................... 3:30 p.m. Brigade - Battalion (boys Gr. 7-12) Wednesday ........................... 7:00 p.m. Brigade - Stockade & Tree Climbers (boys Gr. 1-6) - Thursday ............................................................. 7:00 p.m. Weekly HOME groups, various times and days; also, weekly bible studies for seniors, young marrieds, and college and careers - call the church office for details.


Independent/Fundamental/Conservative/KJV Pastor Brett Swope • 250-443-1557 • 275 Market Ave.

Sundays: Adult Sunday School ................................................................10:00 a.m. Main Service .............................................................................11:00 a.m. Bible studies available upon request


Buddhist Meditation & Empowerment Centre Sundays: Meditation and Spiritual Teaching with Master Maticintin ...................................................................11:00 a.m. For directions call 1-800-336-6015 • Westbridge, B.C.


735 9th Ave., Midway, BC • Rick Steingard • 250-449-2252 Sunday Service ............................................................................10:00 a.m.

you are invited to join us for worship at

Christ Lutheran christ Church Sundays at 8:52 a.m. lutheran

Highway #3 and 19th Street, Grand Forks Fellowship following

* The BIBLE is the basis of the LUTHERAN worship. Services retain the traditional form of the mass but renewed stress is placed on the preaching of God’s word reminding us of God’s truths and of His kind workings among people.

Elmer Rinas

Passed away on October 1, 2013 in Grand Forks B.C. after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Elmer enjoyed many years in the logging industry with brothers Ed & Eric & nephew Jim. His wood working talents, love of history, sense of humour and gentle, soft spoken nature will be greatly missed by his family and friends. He is predeceased by his parents Albert & Lydia, his brothers Ed & Eric, and his sister Alice. He is survived by his wife Nancy, son Robert & daughter Michelle, grandchildren Sydney, Tyler & Jacqui and his sisters Elsa & Hilde, and other family members. No funeral by request. Cremation entrusted to Grand Forks Funeral Home,

NoP_ rinas

they brought with them their expression of thanks including turkey, pumpkin and squash. As to why Canadians continued to celebrate this event, our Canadian government website includes cessation of wars, health of the Prince of Wales, for cessation of grievous diseases, victories over enemies, and for God’s mercies. “Blessings of an abundant harvest” were the reason after Confederation from 1872 to 1920. From 1921 to 1930 the Thanksgiving coincided with Armistice Day on Nov. 11. From 1931 to 1957 Thanksgiving was celebrated in early October “for general thanksgiving to Almighty God for blessings with which the people of Canada have been favored”.




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Public domain image

In 1957 the Canadian government set the day of Thanksgiving to the second Monday of October and did not specify the reason by proclamation. As a Canadian today, what prompts us to celebrate? Looking back at our history and at our world today, we can be thankful that our troops have come home from active combat in Afghanistan. We can be thankful that we have elected governments federally, provincially and locally that can enact the wishes of our nation. Though it may take a long time to change the system and not please everyone, we live in peaceful conditions to do our work and enjoy our freedom. We can be thankful for a police force that keeps the peace even though the justice is slow and sometimes unfair. We can be thankful for schools that teach


2826 - 75th Ave. (near Hutton School) Senior Pastor Gabe Warriner • Office 250-442-8456 Sunday Service (Sunday School during service) .........................10:30 a.m. Mid-Week Service, Wednesday Pre-service prayer ......................................................................6:30 p.m. Service........................................................................................7:00 p.m. Youth Meeting, Friday .................................................................. 7:00 p.m. Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada


Fr. Marcel Cote • Box 128, 346 Church St., Greenwood, B.C. VOH 1JO Mass - Saturdays.......................................................................... 5:00 p.m.


Rev. Marcel Cote ; Box 459, 7269 - 9th St., Grand Forks, B.C. VOH 1HO 250-442-3114 SUNDAY MASS (Grand Forks) ................................................... 9:30 a.m. Tuesday ....................................................................................... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday-Friday ....................................................................... 9:00 a.m. Christina Lake Community Hall: Mass.........................................11:30 a.m.


4500 Hillview Road, Box 1524, Grand Forks • 250-442-5081 or 250-442-3221 SATURDAY SERVICES: Sabbath School (Bible classes for all ages) ................................. 9:15 a.m. Hour of Worship............................................................................11:00 a.m.


Boundary Pastoral Charge - Rev. Kim Horwood Office: Hours - Mon. 8 - 11 am, Thurs. & Fri. 8 - 3 pm • Phone: 250-442-3311 email: Sunday Services St. John’s - Grand Forks...............................................................11:00 a.m. St. Columba - Greenwood ............................................................. 9:00 a.m. Perley Memorial, Christina Lake.................................................... 9:00 a.m.

In Loving Memory of GINO TALARICO

December 17, 1927 - October 14, 1989

LORRAINE TALARICO kastrukoff April 2, 1937 - October 8, 2010

I give you this one thought to keep I am with you still - I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning’s hush, I am the sweet uplifting rush, Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not think of me as gone I am with you still, in each new dawn. James & Marcella Kastrukoff Dennis, Karyn & Kayla Talarico

In Loving Memory of

Bill Tomilin

March 23, 1940 - October 9, 2011 I give you this one thought to keep I am with you still – do not weep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn’s rain. When you awaken in the morning’s hush, I am the swift uplighting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft starts that shine at night. Do not think of me as gone – I am with you still – in each new dawn.


Forever missed by: Marcia, Ryan, Alana, Brad, Alana, Neil, Christy, Melissa, Caleb, Jonah, Linden & Isaac

our children to be prepared for life even though it may take a long time for them to find their niche and purpose. We can be thankful for work that is available for everyone even though the jobs available are not always to our liking. We can be thankful for our hospitals and care workers who are ready to care for our hurts and sicknesses and for a health care system that is a safety net for all, rich and poor. We can be thankful for churches that celebrate our reasons for Thanksgiving. We can be especially be thankful as we sit around our bountiful tables with our families to give God thanks for His many mercies. “Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits” (Psalm 103:2). John Siemens is the pastor of the First Baptist Church.


Funeral Home

Serving the community since 1936

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Our staff is committed to your complete satisfaction. We pride ourselves on the quality of our service, LOWEST PRICE, and our dedication to the community. “We Invite You To Compare”

5920 Kootenay Street Oliver, B.C.

(Same location since 1974) Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evening, Saturday and Sunday by appointment


A division of Service Corp. International (Canada) ULC

Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, October 9, 2013 A27

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The link to your community

Friendly reminder: Thrift Shop drop times are Tues-Sat, from 9am-4pm. Please be considerate. Do not drop off items when we are closed. Also, please no unusable items: no furniture, electronics or parts. Thank you. GROW MARIJUANA commercially. Canadian Commercial Production Licensing Convention October 26th & 27th. Toronto Airport, Marriott Hotel. Tickets 1-855-860-8611 or 250-870-1882. Public Notice: A.A. meetings, Grand Forks Valley Group of Alcoholics Anonymous. MONDAY 8pm. (Closed Study) at Catholic Church Rectory. 7269 9th St.; WEDNESDAY (Men’s Closed) 8pm at Anglican Church rear basement, 7252 - 7th St; THURSDAY and SATURDAY (Open) 8pm also at Anglican Church. Ph: 250-442-3839 or 250-4428797.

Information Boundary Community Hospice Association

Compassionate end of life resources and support. Call


Lost & Found Found: Key chain, on North Fork rd, just past 12km. Electronic fob, GMC, mail key, many keys, etc. 250-442-2191


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.





Help Wanted


Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical

Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses Bayshore Home Health

EDMONTON BASED Company seeks qualified & experienced Buncher Operator and Processor Operator. Fort McMurray, camp work, 21/7 rotation, flight in/out provided, safety tickets and drivers abstract required. Fax 780-4883002 or send and email to; jobs@commandequipment. com

JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $30/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info online at: Fax 403-854-2845; or Email:

Full Time Counter Sales Position available immediately. Candidate must have Building Supply experience, be computer literate and possess outstanding customer service skills. Please send resume w/references to “Resumes” P.O. Box 700, Grand Forks BC., V0H 1H0 Only those selected for interview will be contacted.

CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL Best Rates. 1.800.663.1818

Employment Business Opportunities ALL CASH drink/snack vending business route. Complete training. Small invest. req’d. 1888-979-VEND (8363). CANADIAN TAXPAYERS Federation ( has an opening in its Sales Division. Aggressive Commission Scale. Door to Door experience an asset. Email: national. or 1800-667-7933 Ext 111.

Full Time position. HAIB driver w/Class 3 Air ticket. BC Certified drivers need only apply. Customer service skills a must. Benefit package. Send resume w/driver’s abstract & references to “RESUME” P.O. Box 700, Grand Forks, BC. V0H1H0. Only those selected for interview will be contacted. Hair Stylist wanted for chair rental. Headlines Hair studio Grand Forks. 250-442-0014 SUTCO Contracting Ltd. requires experienced flat-bed highway drivers. Min. 2 yrs exp. hwy/mtn driving, loading and tarping. New equipment, satellite dispatch, e-logs, extended benefits & pension plan. CANADA ONLY runs avail. fax: 250357-2009 Enquiries: 1-888357-2612 Ext: 230

Career Opportunities TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager online! Graduates get access to all jobs posted with us. 33 years of success! Government certified. or 1800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.

Help Wanted

International Forest Products Limited (Interfor) is a leading global supplier, with one of the most diverse lines of lumber products in the world. The company has operations across North America and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. For more information about Interfor, visit our website at Interfor has an immediate opening for an Accounting Assistant in its Grand Forks Division. The ideal candidate has several years of progressively responsible senior administrative experience. A demonstrated ability to deal effectively and discreetly with varied levels of contact is essential. This challenging position requires accounts payable and receivable experience and strong computer skills as well as excellent organizational, communication and interpersonal skills.

We appreciate the interest of all applicants, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Trades, Technical AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for experienced welders. Competitive wages, profit sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through in hole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform. Call Cindy for an appointment or send resume to: Call 780846-2231 (Office); 780-8462241 (Fax).

FRASER SHINGLES AND EXTERIORS. Sloped Roofing / Siding Crews needed at our Edmonton branch. Great wages. Own equipment is a MUST. For info contact Giselle @ 780 962 1320 or at email:

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Emcon Services Inc. is looking for a

CERTIFIED HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC for the Grand Forks Area to start immediately. Fleet Please Goodexperience fabricatingpreferred. and welding skillsforward given resumes to resumes to preference. Please forward Holly Borisenkoff at

EMCON SERVICES INC., Road and Bridge maintenance contractor in the Beaverdell, Midway & Grand Forks Areas, are looking for professional drivers for part time employment for the upcoming winter season. Qualifications for these positions are:

Grand Forks Division IMMEDIATE OPENING Accounting Assistant

Controller PO Box 39 Grand Forks, BC, V0H 1H0 Email:

Please send your resume and cover letter to: pedsvancouver@ or fax to 1-866-686-7435

EDMONTON BASED Company seeks qualified & experienced (or experienced) Mulcher Operator. Fort McMurray, camp work, 21/7 rotation, flight in/out provided, safety tickets and drivers abstract required. Fax 780-488-3002 or email to; jobs@commandequipment. com



Help Wanted

Please send your resume with cover letter by mail or email to:

Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses for night shifts in the Castlegar/ Nelson area to work with children with complex care needs. If you are an RN or LPN and love working with children and their families , we would appreciate hearing from you. Pediatric experience is an asset and we do offer client specific training.

Help Wanted

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta. Forestry Hooktender/Spotter Required. Must be experienced and physically able to work in all weather conditions. Fax:250-503-1148


• BC driver’s license (minimum Class 3/Air) • Proven on highway trucking experience • Experience driving tandem axle vehicles and experience on a variety of transmissions including 13 speed. Both men and women are invited to apply for these rewarding positions. Please submit your application along with a photocopy of driver’s license, a driver’s abstract and references to substantiate driving experience to: Emcon Services Inc. 6150 2nd Street Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H4 Or fax (250) 442-2677

Are you out for a walk Thursday evening or Friday morning? Do you have a youth that would like some spending cash? We are looking for carriers to deliver the Advertiser. We would deliver the papers right to your door (within city limits) and you take them from there. If you are interested please contact; Darlainea, Circulation Co-ordinator, Grand Forks Gazette 7330 2nd Street, Grand Forks Call 250-442-2191 Email:

We hope to see you join our team!


Employment Trades, Technical

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Grand Forks Gazette



Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Work Wanted

Financial Services

Misc Services

DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 50% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+

Heavy Duty Machinery

Misc. for Sale

Fall clean up. Snow removal. Residential sidewalks & driveways. Phone John 250-442-8163.



Psychics PSYCHIC MIRACLES by Call and get a free reading by phone. Love money job family, restores broken relationships, solves all problems permanently. 1-866-2295072.

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 Need Cash? Own A Vehicle? Borrow Up To $25,000


Financial Services

• •

Mobile & RV Park U-Haul/moving supplies Tues-Fri : 9 am - 5 pm Sat : 10 am - 4 pm Store 250-442-2995 U-Haul 250-442-8778

Pets & Livestock

Pets FILA Brazilio Puppies (Guard Dogs). Families best friend/Intruders worst nightmare. All shots. 604817-5957

Merchandise for Sale


Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Small Yanmar 4WD diesel tractor c/w front end loader & rotovator, $4,000. 250-4424291.

Free Items

CAREER OPPORTUNITY Grand Forks’ Newest Seniors Housing and Care Community • Attractive Compensation Package • Flexible Hours • Innovative Support Team to Ensure Your Success • Opportunity for Growth within an Expanding Company • Vibrant Professional Atmosphere Silver Kettle Village Grand Forks, BC Please apply by email or call us at: C: (250) 442-0667 E:

Misc. for Sale

Fire wood. Fir split or unsplit. $130-$180 depending on arrangements. 250-442-6366.

Farm Equipment

Help Wanted

Senior Housing Manager

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ in stock. SPECIAL 44’X40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

1978 Chevy, 4x4, $1,500/obo. 1979 Ford F250 HyBoy, 4x4, $1,500/obo. 1980 Ford F150, 4x4, $300/obo. 250-443-4775. 4 - 16” winter VW tire rims. Used wooden garage door 7’ x 16’. 250-442-8354. 4hp Mariner boat motor $300. 7.5hp Evinrude boat motor w/tank $300. 250-442-7636. Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 Corner table, glass insert, $55. Desk w/2 doors-1 drawer, $35. Microwave cabinet on wheels, $40. 250-442-3776. Craftsman 49” cut riding lawn mower, re-powered recently with 18.5hp B&S engine, $600. Honda Pressure washer c/w hose & wand, $450. Lots of salvaged safety glass, $10$20 each. 250-442-4291 Diesel eng. 13HP, China built, 1 cyl, hand start, evap cooled, $1000. Electric gen 7.5kw,120/220v, 50/60hz, $500. Call 250-449-2451 Feather lite weed eater “like new”, $55. 8’x4’ plywood storage shed or “playhouse”, $300. 250-442-5324. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? Husqvarna chain saw, depression glass collection. 250443-2373.

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

Help Wanted

Jolly Jack Stop N’Shop

Legal Services

7 year old fawn pug. Purebred w/ shots. Call April at 250-5844774.

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

FOR SALE. Chrome table 30” x 40” plus extension. 3 pc. sectional Chesterfield (couch). 1 love seat. Call 250-4423764.

Garden & Lawn Blue Spruce: 1-ft to 10-ft tall. For more information, call 250442-3878 or 250-442-7920.

We’re on the net at Home Improvements FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.69/sq ft Engineered - $1.99/sq ft Hardwood - $2.79/sq ft Overnight Delivery in most of BC!

Free Grapes. YOU PICK. Call for info. 250-442-3306 Free to a good home: electric furnace, ceramic top stove. 250-442-8488. Fridge, stove, freezer to give away. 250-444-7115

Fruit & Vegetables Italian Prunes: you pick or pre-picked. MS Orchard 8210 Outlook rd. 250-442-3878 or 250-442-7920. Organic Garlic - culinary and seed. 250-442-8354.


GRAND FORKS FARMS: APPLE JUICE, fresh pressed in 5 litre boxes. Coronation seedless grapes $1.25/lb in 12 lb boxes. Gala apples $12.00/20 lb bag. Spartans $15.00/20lb bag. Honey Crisp apples $12.00/8 lb bag. Ambrosia $5.00/5lb bag. Squash .75/lb. Find us at the Grand Forks Farmer’s Market Tuesdays and Friday. In Castlegar on Thursdays at the SANDMAN HOTEL, Saturdays at the Castlegar Railway Museum Farmer’s Market. In Nelson at 402 Baker Street on Wednesdays and the Cottonwoods Market on Saturdays. Or call ahead to come up to the farm. Pure Foch grape juice for wine makers $55.00/20L pail.

Terry, Val, & Erran Rilkoff. 250-442-3514. 6015 Spencer Road, Grand Forks. Kumho snow tires, 175/70 R14, mounted & bal on rims, fits Saturn SL & other GM compacts, $200. 50-60 % left. 250-445-2112.

Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale

STEEL BUILDING - The great super sale! 20x20 $4,070. 25x26 $4,879. 30x32 $6,695. 32x40 $8,374. 35x38 $9,540. 40x50 $12,900. One end wall included. Call Pioneer Steel 1800-668-5422. or online:

Misc. Wanted

$200 or $300 horse. Capable of packing water during winter freeze up, also/or will board horse for free for winter. Reply to: Box 2 - 1900 Gilpin Rd. Grand Forks B.C. V0H1H9 Genuine Coin Collector Buyer Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 250-499-0251

Looking for a Ping Pong (table tennis) set. 250-442-0878.

We buy gold! Rings, chains, bracelets, etc. Cash paid by value (weight and karat). Even broken jewelry and scrap gold. Picture ID required. Grand Forks Pawnshop, 225 Central. 250-442-5552.

Real Estate Houses For Sale

Never used Econobum 3 fold system cotton cloth diapers (24) with (6) snap outer shells, white, and 100 disposable liners. $120. 250-584-4344. Osburn Air Tight heater, up to 1,500 sq ft. $400.00/obo 250442-8044. Regency Freestanding gas stove, Model GR57H, standing pilot ignition, new ceramic glass in door, 18375btu output, B-vent, Class A or Masonry with a liner. Perfect heat for a shop or basement. $350. 250-442-2229.

Christina Lake: 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $147,000. All reasonable offers considered. 250-4433013. see: Property Guys, 1950 Fife Rd Christina Lake.

STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit online:

FOR sale solid two bedroom house with out buildings. Sitting on .42 of an acre. Great first time buyers or investment property. Recent bank appraisal of $150,000, but we will entertain all offers. Has many new up grades. You can own this cheaper then you can rent. Call and we can send you a link to view it on line. 250-809-1950

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

l Employees meet employers here… ◾

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Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Real Estate A29

Real Estate

Real Estate


Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale

Grand Forks: 2 acres fertile & organic property 5 min from town. 2 bdrm house. New laminate floors, clean & freshly painted, detached garage & outbuildings. Fenced garden. $236,000.00. See photos on craigslist ad 4112393571. 250-443-9058.

Grand Forks: Priced to sell. Over 3000sq ft of living space. Great in-law suite or Bed & Breakfast. Located on beautiful Granby River!!! Decks & sandy beach. $372,500. 250442-2692

Mobile Homes & Parks

Mobile Homes & Pads

Grand Forks: Clifton Estates 55+ gated community. Immaculate, 2 lg bdrms, 2 bath, laundry, open plan, geothermal heat/AC, stand alone end unit, duel access to private back yard, putting green & hot tub. $299,900. 250-442-8221.

Mobile Homes & Parks 1994 Park Model trailer, 38ft 10x20 aluminum awning included, $5,000. Purchaser must prep & haul away from Christina Lake Resort. 250447-6448. Pictures available. Christina Lake: Park Model trailer with aluminum awning. You must haul away from Christina Lakeside Resort site 89. $5,000/obo. 250-4476448. Leave a message for appointment to view.

Houses For Sale

Features of the Week QUALITY RANCHER ON OVER 3/4 ACRE Downtown area of Grand Forks. 3 Bedroom 2 bathroom. Full basement. Immaculate home with many top quality upgrades. Granite and tile. As new appliances, furnace, roof, and other upgrades. Central air. Underground irrigation. Great landscaping and move-in ready. Easily subdividable.


339,000 MLS# 2389979

RARE RANCHER IN VERY POPULAR VALMAR AREA OF GRAND FORKS Well built 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom executive home. 1500 sq. ft. with full basement. Walk-in closet and ensuite off the master bedroom. Large 14 x 28 garage/shop. Great landscaping and garden. Immaculate and priced to sell.



Grand Forks-2 bdrm mobile in the Almond Garden Mobile Home Park. Avail Nov. 1st. $550/m. RR. 250-443-4125. Grand Forks: River front 2 bdrm mobile, horse coral, $700/m. 250-442-2378. Midway: Trailer for rent. Nice corner lot. Available immediately $600/mo plus utilities 250-449-2749

2005 SRI Double Wide MODULAR HOME 24x44 in Triangle Gardens. 45 years and up. Vaulted ceiling, open plan, bay window, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, pantry, low maintenance, gas heat, air conditioning, 5 appl’s, UGS, landscaped, covered deck & carport, other features, must see. 250-442-8676 Greenwood: 2bdrm mobile on corner lot. Upgrades, garage, storage, RV parking. Asking $58,900. 250-445-6340.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Grand Forks: 1bdrm in clean, quiet building dwntwn. a/c, w/d, elevator. Suit mature adult. Sm pet on approval. NS, RR, $680/m + util’s. 250-4420952. 250-442-5984. Grand Forks: 2 bdrm. apt to rent. $750/m. 250-442-0930. Grand Forks: Harrison Villa: 1 bdrm, NS, NP. 250-442-2276 250-442-6800. Grand Forks: Newer 2 bdrm apt in 6-plex, available Oct 15th. 250-838-9757. Kettle Valley Villas in Rock Creek-one bdrm,fully furnished units, 5 appls, satellite, internet,utilities incl. N/S, N/P. Avail Oct 6. $800/mo 250-449-8323 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment near Grand Forks Hospital. $650.00 + electricity. Laundry in building. N/S, N/P. References required. 250-584-5052 Sunnyview Apt. 2bdrm, avail now. N/S, N/P, RR, 250-4422276 / 250-442-6800.

Pete Vanjoff 442-7415 #1 Producer 272 Central Ave. Grand Forks, BC

Christina Lake: 2 bdrm + den, 1/2 block to lake, 3 blocks to school and comm. centre, all appl’s, garage/basement storage. Annual lease $750/m + utils. Avail Oct 1st. 250-7629196. Christina Lake: 2bdrm mobile. Near golf course. $700 includes util’s. 604-210-1620 or email


Homes for Rent

Property Management

Grand Forks: Lovely 2 bdrm in quiet area close to town, 5 appliances, avail immediately. N/S, N/P, $700/m + utils. 250442-2802 or 250-444-4855. Grand Forks: New 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 5 apply’s, close to dwntwn, NS, NP, $1,200/m utils inc. 403-710-3050. GREENWOOD - large 3 bedroom home with shop. Fridge, Stove, Dw, High efficiency furnace. Gas FP. Quiet area. Pets negotiable. Non smoking. $800/mth 250-445-6516, West Grand Forks: 2/3 bdrm house. Rural area. $925/m + utils. 250-442-5204.

4 bdrm, 3 bath home. 2 bdrms up, 2 bdrms down both with own complete kitchens. Washer/dryer. N/S, prefer N/P (negotiable). $1200/month plus utilities. Damage deposit of $600. Looking for responsible individuals or family with excellent references.


Available NOW!!! Call 250-584-4166 8am-5pm.

AbbeyďŹ eld Centennial House is now taking applications from seniors for* its waiting list. Meals, util & cable all included. $1,300. Call 250-442-2223.

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale

Ken Dodds 250-442-2632

GREAT FAMILY HOME, large corner lot. 6 Br & 2 full baths, LR c/w hardwood ooring. Single carport & ready to landscape. $195,000. MLS# 2213034

DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS LARGE 4 BR FAMILY HOME in Greenwood with open concept living! Full basement just waiting for designs ideas! $209,900. MLS# 2392574

LIKE NEW SHOW HOME! 3 BR and 2 baths, it’s immaculate! Price reduced and ready to move In today! $194,000. MLS# 2210223


Grand Forks: 2 bdrm mobile, $600. 2 bdrm mobile, $625, private setting. 2 bdrm suite, 5 appl’s, close to schools. $650. 2 bdrm apt, $750, util’s inc. 3 bdrm home, $825/m. 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, $900/m. 4 bdrm, 3 bath executive home $1,250/m.

Greenwood: 3 bdrm, 5 appl’s, family home, fenced yard, $775.

Christina Lake: 2 bdrm furnished suite, $800/m, utils inc, avail until June 30, 2014. 3 bdrm, partly furnished, 5 appl’s, $850, close to school.

Rock Creek: 4 bdrm, 1.5 bath home, $800/m. PRIME COMMERCIAL & OFFICE SPACE Available in Greenwood and Grand Forks Terms negotiable N/S, N/P, References. Ken: 250-442-2632 Grand Forks Realty Ltd.


A RARE FIND! 73’ x 115’ building lot, at, treed building site, centrally located, walking distance to all schools, rec centre and close to town. The adjoining lot 73’ x 115’ could be purchased to create a lot large enough for a duplex for extra income. All city services at the lot line. $88,000. MLS# 2211368

Harry Davy 250-442-0466

Homes for Rent

Grand Forks: 4-5 bdrm, central location, near Rec complex/Extra Foods & Hutton School area. N/S. $925/m + utils. Avail now. 250-666-0088.

EXTENSIVELY REMODELLED! 2 storey home with fully ďŹ nished basement, detached garage, separate shop & conveniently located to downtown. A must see at $269,000. MLS# 2389426

Give life .... register to be an organ donor today!


Grand Forks;

2 bdrm mobile, $600. 2 bdrm mobile, $625, private setting. 2 bdrm suite, 5 appl’s, close to schools. $650. 2 bdrm apt, $750, util’s inc. 3 bdrm home, $825/m. 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, $900/m. 4 bdrm, 3 bath executive home $1,250/m.


3 bdrm 5 appl’s, family home, fenced yard, $775/m.

Christina Lake: 2bdrm furnished suite, $800/m, utils inc, avail until June 30, 2014. 3bdrm, partly furnished, 5 appl’s, $850/m, close to school.

Rock Creek: 4 bdrm, 1.5 bath home, $800/m. PRIME COMMERCIAL

& OFFICE SPACE Available in Greenwood and Grand Forks Terms negotiable N/S, N/P, References. Ken: 250-442-2632 Grand Forks Realty Ltd.

Rooms for Rent

Grand Forks: lg furnished room in spacious quiet household. Shared kitchen and laundry, RR. 250-442-5334.


for more information 1-800-663-6189

Christina Lake: 1-bdrm furnished suite, N/S, W/D. $550/m. 250-878-4413.

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale


Owners and Prospective Tenants Call

Linda Laktin 250-442-9403


Grand Forks: 3 bdrm, $850/m + util(apprx 100power,125gas) NP/NS. 250-442-3461.

Property Management Services

250-442-2711 Toll free: 1-800-567-3199


Grand Forks: 2 bdrm home on Kettle River. F/S, W/D, N/S, N/P, RR. $750/m + utilities. Phone 250-442-4104. Grand Forks 2 bdrm house, 5 appl’s, close to schools, NS, RR. Avail Oct 1st. 250-4423084 or 250-584-4752. Grand Forks: 2 bdrm, N/S, N/P, 4 appl’s. $950/m incl utils. 250-442-2954. Grand Forks: 3bdrm, 1 bath, FS, WD hookup, NP, NS, RR, $790/m + utils. 250-495-2298.

Misc for Rent

MLS# 2392930

Homes for Rent


NOT TOO LATE TO PICK A HOUSE PLAN! .55 ac lot in city limits $79,000 MLS# 2213275 5 acres rural, treed, private $139,000 MLS# 2390016

Suites, Lower

ADULT COMMUNITY LIVING: 7 yr old 925 sq. ft. modular home in like new condition. 2 BR, ensuite plus main bathroom. Walk in closet, central air, C/W 5 appliances, and much more. $124,900. MLS# 2206271

PREFERRED LOCATION, AWESOME HOME 4 BR, 3 baths, huge deck. 2 room shop. $217,500. MLS# 215092

13 PRIVATE ACRES with 4 BR, 2 bathroom family home in rural Grand Forks. Extra large garage/shop. Lots of great updates including kitchen and an extra large family room with new pellet stove. Walk-out basement. $348,000. MLS# 2389403

13.9 ACRES in pasture, fenced and cross fenced. 3 BR mobile in place now. Some nice elevated building sites as well. Newer outbuildings including 20x70 ft. hay barn. Priced to sell. $229,000. MLS# 2390225

PANORAMIC MOUNTAIN AND VALLEY VIEWS from this RARE 6.5 acre parcel at the west end of the valley. Irrigation and domestic water well installed. $197,500. MLS# 2389997

HALF ACRE LOT. Located just outside of city limits, west end of town. Flat, wonderful views in all directions. Build here and enjoy the Boundary region. $89,000. MLS# 2212961

WOW! PRICE DROPPED $20,000! Fun for the whole family at Christina Lake; 3 BR, 2 bath, 1,300 sq. ft. living space, patio, view. $149,000. MLS# 2215596

WONDERFUL PRIVATE HOME on over 12 acres with Moody Creek running through it. A must see! Just $295,000! MLS# 2217304

VENDOR MOTIVATED! Bring your offers. Wonderful heritage home, meticulously restored. Nice area close to everything. $189,000. MLS# 2389236

REDUCED BY $30,000!! A Must See. A Rancher beautifully reďŹ nished inside. New kitchen. New bath. New paint ooring throughout. Ready to move in today. $199,900. MLS# 2210484

2.25 ACRES GREAT VIEWS. Landscaped and updated. Come take a look at this one! $359,000. MLS# 2392361

FLAT 158 ACRES WITH A WHOLE BUNCH OF POTENTIAL House, barn and other out buildings in place just add a crop. $849,000. MLS# 2391516

Barry Poppenheim 250-449-8276

Cindy Anthony 250-442-7379

Pete Vanjoff 250-442-7415

Ken Dodds 250-442-2632

Pat Ballard 250-442-7616

Gayle Holmes 250-442-7516

Aaron Anthony 250-584-4663

Gary Smith 250-443-1256

Ron Woods 250-442-7636

Tammy Schembri 250-442-9866

Wednesday,October October9,9,2013 2013 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday,




Suites, Lower

Auto Financing

Christina Lake basement suit 1bdrm + den, close to beach, $650/m utils, cable & internet included, partly furnished, RR, NS, NP. 250-505-4275.

Suites, Upper




for Pre-Approval

Vehicle Wanted Older VW Beetle, running or not. 250-442-0144.

Recreational/Sale 1975 Dodge Triple E Motor home, one ton chassis, $600. 250-442-0242.

Auto Financing



Certified General Accountant

Sport Utility Vehicle 2003 Sorento, 4x4, 130,000 km, loaded, tow pkg, xtires+ rims. $7,500. 250-447-2511.

Trucks & Vans 1992 Dodge 250 diesel w/8ft camper, $4,500. 1996 Ford Aerostar cargo van, low mileage, in very good condition, $2,500. 250-442-3022. 1996 DODGE RAM Laramie 2500 Diesel, auto, in Grand Forks. $6,900. 250-493-1807. 2000 Mazda MPV van. 160258km, good shape, c/w mounted snows. $2,500. 250442-3776. 2001 Toyota Sienna van 210,000 km, A/c, power pkg, excellent condition. $3,333 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807

Boats 16ft aluminum boat w/30hp motor and trailer. $2,200. 250444-7115.

7157 - 3rd Street

KEMP HARVEY BURCH KEMP HARVEY INC. KIENTZ BURCH INC. KIENTZ Certifi ed General Accountants Ph: 250-442-2121


1999 Toyota RAV4, auto, AWD, well maintained, $4,500. 250-442-8488.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT Council for the City of Grand Forks will hear any public input with regard to the above-mentioned proposal at a Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for October 15, 2013 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Regional District Boardroom located at 2140 Central Avenue, Grand Forks, B.C. A draft copy of the Temporary Use application may be viewed until 4:00 p.m., October 11, 2013 at 7425-5th Street, or by contacting Kathy LaBossiere, Planning Technician for the City of Grand Forks, at 250-442-8266. Sasha Bird MANAGER OF DEVELOPMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES

THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF GRAND FORKS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WHEREAS the Local Government Act requires that a PUBLIC HEARING be held prior to the adoption of a Zoning Amendment Bylaw; TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Hearing with respect to City of Grand Forks Bylaw Number 1990, cited as “Amendment to the City of Grand Forks Zoning Bylaw No. 1990, 2013�, will be held on: Tuesday, October 15,2013 At 6:00 p.m. In the Regional District Board Room 2140 Central Avenue Grand Forks, B.C. Bylaw Number 1990 is intended to amend the “City of Grand Forks Zoning Bylaw 1606, 1999, by rezoning property, legally described as Lot 2, District Lot 520, S.D.Y.D., Plan EPP31267, from the current R-1 (Single & Two Family Residential) zone, to the HT (Highway & Tourist Commercial) zone, as shown outlined in bold on the attached map.


Lia Azhure Inc. WEST KOOTENAY APPRAISALS Lia Azhure Inc. Serving the West Kootenay and APPRAISALS

619 Central Ave.,Accountants Grand Forks, B.C. CertiďŹ ed General 619 Central Grand Forks, B.C. Ph:Ave., 250-442-2121

Cars - Sports & Imports

The Gables Housing Society is replenishing it’s waiting list. Apply by googling “BC Housing on line application�, for questions please email j j oy c e 1 . j oy c e @ g m a i l . c o m , or call Jackie at 250-443-0013.



2002 Ford Taurus, good condition. New compressor & altinator. $3,200. 250-442-0822.

Grand Forks: Reliable renter wanted for 3 bdrm, 2 bath townhouse avail Nov 1st. 250-442-8834.


250-442-0141 250 -442 0141 7157 - 3-rd Street

1997 Honda Accord, 4 dr sedan, 4 cyl, auto, A/C, power pkg. $3,000. 250-442-0122 or 250-493-1807



Certified General Accountant

Cars - Domestic

Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul


Grand Forks: Lg very clean quiet 1 bdrm, large deck, 10 mins to town. N/S, N/P, utils incl, $650/m. 250-584-9458


Legal Notices

TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to Section 921(11) of the Local Government Act, the City of Grand Forks is considering the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit to allow the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to hold their Sunday Church services at property located at 7255 Riverside Drive, legally described as Lot A, District Lot 108, S.D.Y.D., Plan KAP82116. A Temporary Use Permit is valid for up to 3 years with a further three year allowable extension, if required.

Grand Forks 1 bdrm apt, lg den, dwntwn, 4 app’s, NS, NP or parties, DD required. $675 + hydro. 250-442-0924.


Legal Notices


OUNDARY BB OUNDARY APPRAISAL PPRAISAL SERVICE A ERVICE Serving Grand Forks S & Boundary Country Serving Grand Forks & Boundary Country 30+ Years Experience 30+ Years Experience Residential & Vacant Acreage ResidentialAppraisals & Vacant Acreage for: Appraisals for: -Mortgage Applications -Mortgage Applications -Estate Purposes -Family Disputes -Estate Purposes -Family Disputes -Assessment Resolution -Assessment Resolution Phone: Res-250-442-5199 Phone: Res-250-442-5199 Cell-250-442-6199 e-mailCell-250-442-6199 – e-mail –

Boundary Regions since Serving the West Kootenay and1993 Boundary Regions since 1993 BRAD McPEEK, D.A.R.

BRAD McPEEK, D.A.R. PHONE 250-442-7030 PHONE 250-442-7030 ★ Mortgage Refinancing Appraisals

Current ReďŹ Real Estate Appraisals Market Evaluations +★ Mortgage nancing ★ Estate/Taxation/Divorce/Appraisals + Current Real Estate Market Evaluations ★ New Construction/ + Estate/Taxation/Divorce/Appraisals Report/Appraisals + Progress New Construction/ Progress Report/Appraisals E-mail:



Christine Brooks %JTKUVKPG $TQQMU Bookkeeping $QQMMGGRKPI Bookkeeping and E-file

Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service Income Tax Service

E-ďŹ le Agent

Agent Phone 250-442-6781 2JQPG



Certified Professional Bookkeeper Certified Professional Member of IPBCBookkeeper and SAGE 50 Premier Advisor Member IPBCexperience and SAGE 50 Advisor 20+ofyears fullPremier cycle bookkeeping 20+ years experience full bookkeepingavailable Remote/virtualcycle bookkeeping Remote/virtual bookkeeping available 250-442-2813 • 250-442-2813 •



7816 Donaldson Dr. 7816 Donaldson Dr. B.C. Grand Forks, Grand Forks, B.C. 250-442-2523 250-442-2523

Open Monday to Saturday Open Monday to Saturday


Computer Register Forms & location! Snapsets Three• great services at •one convenient Cheques & Forms • Labels & Envelopes

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CONTRACTOR CAR CARE Three great services at one convenient location! & Screened

Full Service Mechanical • Full Service Auto Body Gravel Full Service Custom Mufer Centre • ICBCCrushed ExpressValet CertiďŹ ed

special driveway mix, Mechanics: 250-442-3828 • Auto Body: 250-442-0507

drainBC rock, blend sands, 6391 Highway 3, Grand Forks, PEA GRAVEL CONTRACTOR Road Grader Service Division of Gofer Farms Ltd. – Hay Sales 10405 Granby Rd (9 km) • email: OFFICE 250-442-0428 Screened & Crushed Gravel GENERAL CONTRACTOR special GEN driveway mix, STEVE DANSHIN drain rock, blend sands, • New Construction • Residential Builder GRAVEL & SAND PEA GRAVEL • Renovations GENERAL CONTRACTORS • Commercial Road Grader Service Division of Gofer Farms Ltd. – Hay Sales Ph. 250-442-3744 Cell: 250-442-9437 Fax: 250-442-3720 7816 Donaldson Dr 250-442-5229 10405 Granby Rd (9 km) • email:


APPLICANT: Arild Engen, Agent for Barbara & Jacques Boizeau PROPERTY LOCATION: 2675 Central Avenue The proposed bylaw may be inspected between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, (excluding holidays), until October 15, 2013 from the Planning Tech, at the City Works Yard located at 130 Industrial Drive, Grand Forks, B.C. Dated this 30th day of September, 2013. Diane Heinrich Corporate OfÂżcer

We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ

OFFICE 250-442-0428

BUSINESS DIRECORY ADVERTISING GENERAL CONTRACTOR GEN DANSHIN The Gazette STEVE • New Construction • Residential Builder GENERAL –CONTRACTORS Phone 250-442-2191 ext•• Renovations 206 – Commercial

7816 Donaldson Dr 250-442-5229

Ph. 250-442-3744 Cell: 250-442-9437 Fax: 250-442-3720

Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, October 9, 2013 A31


Redi Electric Ltd.

Reg. g No. 13266

Service & New Construction Commercial • Residential Industrial Pumps Honest Service – Quality Work

7920 Donaldson Dr. • 250-442-2082

Large supply of rock for retaining walls, decorative purposes, etc. Bobcat, Excavating & Trucking Services ~ Certified Planner & Installer of Septic Systems Call Jimmy 250-442-9422 COMPLETELY MOBILE – WE CAN GO ANYWHERE

Certified Septic Planner / Installer Mini & Mid Sized Excavators Bobcat / Dump Truck / Hiab

CALL BARRY 250-442-4220 Cell 250-442-7333


20 years experience Boarding • Taping • Painting Renovations Insurance Work


Asphalt Shingles • Metal • New & Re-roof • Resheet & Reconstruction

Phone: 250.442.8175 Cell: 250.443.1905 Email:

Reasonable Rates • Guaranteed Work

Brian Blair


Andy 250-442-0795


• Continuous K Style & Fascia Eavestroughing • Soffit & Fascia Trim Installations – Repairs – Gutter Cleaning

To book your free estimate call Edie at 250-442-8055 or Russell Danish Cell: 250-584-4381 Email:



Paul – 250-442-5612

7215 2nd St., Grand Forks • Shingles • Metal • Composite • Torch Down

(Across from Fire Hall)

Ph: 250-442-0282




Your best buy is from a merchant you know

334C Market Ave 250-442-3025

’ Andy


Experience working with children, adolescents & adults A designation of BC Association of Clinical Counsellors



Boundary Electric (1985) Ltd. • Electric Motor Sales & Repair • Pump sales & Service • Electric Parts & Sales Counter • Commercial, Residential & Industrial Electric Service Work • New Construction Electrical Contract Reg. #1210

A. SHELTON ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS & FIRE PROTECTION Certified Electrical Residential ~ Commercial Emergency Service Preventative Maintenance Serving the Andy Cell: 250-442-7120 Boundary Office: 250-445-2234 Elect. Contractor # 24118

We Sharpen • Carbide & Steel Saws • Planer & Jointer Knives • Handsaws-retooth, set & sharpen • Carbide Router Bits • Drill Bits • Hole Saws • Dado Blades • Paper Cutters • Knives • Scissors • All Garden & Yard Tools • Chainsaws & More

Dr. Alan LeRoy, O.D.

OPTOMETRIST Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

3rd St., Grand Forks Grand Forks, BC

* denotes Optometric Corporation



Dr. Jeffrey Hunt N.D. is resuming his practice in Grand Forks

Please phone 250-368-6999 for an appointment


Grand Forks, BC

Construction • Maintenance • Repair • Renovation


REACHING NEW BOUNDARIES THE grand forks gazette AND HALL PRINTING HAVE JOINED FORCES TO BRING PRINTING TO THE BOUNDARY AREA!! Business cards, letterhead, envelopes, brochures, posters, post cards, rubber stamps & much more. The Hall Printing & GRAND FORKS GAZETTE team has your priNTing needs covered. Hall Printing will produce your proJEct and deliver IT to the GAZETTE office for pick up. PHone or email YORU LOCAL GAZETTE REP TODAY for pricing or advice on your next printing project





Y&R Water

SALES & SERVICES Certified Pump Installers

• EOCP Certified • Cross Connection Certified (Backflow Prevention) WATER CONDITIONING • Water Softening, Reverse Osmosis, Filtration & Ultraviolet IRRIGATION & PUMPS

8098 Donaldson Drive • 250-442-5537



Need Prayer? Boundary Healing Rooms 250-443-5270


For all your RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL / RECREATIONAL Reupholstery, Repairs and Custom Builds

Certified Sawfiler 3845 Victoria Rd., Grand Forks, BC Phone: 250-442-8359 • Email:



7990 Columbia Drive


Saw, Knife & Tool Sharpening Centre

John Billwiller 10545 Granby Rd., Grand Forks

George Stooshinoff

• Heating & Air Conditioning • Commercial & Residential Service & Install

Helping people to use personal strengths & resources to overcome life’s challenges and to promote change.

Twisted Teeth Saw Shop


• Anxiety • Depression • Stress & Coping • Self-Esteem • Grief & Loss • Marital Issues • Children - Separation/Divorce

148 Sagamore Avenue Grand Forks, B.C. 250-442-2652





Digital Video Surveillance Access 24 hrs/day – 7 days/week Personal Keypad Entry 5’x10’, 10’x10’, 10’x20’ & 10’x30’

162 B – 72nd Ave • Grand Forks

Your Pellet Heating Specialist WETT CERTIFIED


CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY 38 years experience!

SNOWBALL VENTURES Sales, Installations & Inspections

Free estimates • Senior discount

6401 HWY 3 250.442.2599 • 250.443.1599


WOOD AND PELLET HEATING APPLIANCES 250-442-2943 250.442.7381

All Sizes Available – Sales or Rentals starting @ $100/month

Phone 250-443-4144


One call does it all

Serving the Boundary & West Kootenays


Paul – 250-442-5612




Serving the Boundary & West Kootenays



Cell: 250-443-1273 Home: 250-442-2179



Cascade Containers & Storage

Seniors Discount - Free Estimates


Ace Gutters Inc.


D.D. Roofing

Home Inspections






BOUNDARY MINI STORAGE Computerized Security Gate 5’ x 10’ to 10’ x 30’ Units

7990 Columbia Drive

Located at Boundary Electric



CONTAINERS SALES AND RENTALS 20’ or 40’ Storage Units 8’, 9’, 10’, 20’ & 40’ Containers

Your place or ours


You WILL be noticed and get MORE business by placing an ad in this directory. Call Chris at 250-442-2191 ext 206.


Box 16 (pick 1) __ Dustin Byfuglien (WPG)

Box 17 (pick 1) __ Dion Phaneuf (TOR)

__ Lubomir Visnovsky (ANA)

__ Mark Giordano (CGY)

__ P.K. Subban (MTL) __ Keith Yandle (PHO)

Join the


Wednesday, October __ Duncan Keith (CHI) 9, 2013 Grand Forks Gazette

__ Erik Karlsson (OTT) __ Kevin Bieksa (VAN)

__ Nicklas Lidstrom (DET)


Box 18 (pick 1) __ Drew Doughty (LA)


__ Kris Letang (PIT)

__ Shea Weber (NAS)

__ Ryan Whitney (EDM)

__ Zdeno Chara (BOS)


2013-2014 SEASON

Box 19 (pick 1)

__ Carey Price (MTL) __ Marc-Andre Fleury (PIT) __ Pekka Rinne (NAS)

Box 20 (pick 1)

Box 21 (pick 1)

__ Martin Brodeur (NJ) __ Ryan Miller (BUF)

__ Jimmy Howard (DET) __ Miikka Kiprusoff (CGY)

__ Henrik Lundqvist (NYR) __ Ilya Bryzgalov (PHI) __ Jonathan Quick (LA)

__ Roberto Luongo (VAN) __ Tim Thomas (BOS)

__ Cam Ward (CAR) __ James Reimer (TOR) __ Jaroslav Halak (STL)

NHL Hockey Pool & WIN Cold, Hard CA$H! Scoring: Forwards - G:1.00 A:1.00 OTG:1.00 Defencemen - G:1.00 A:1.00 OTG:1.00 Goalies - W:2.00 SO:1.00 OTL:1.00



Tie Breaker Questions:


Canucks win total will be?


Post Code:



Flames win total will be?


Who will win the Northwest Division? Pacific Division?


Pick one (1) player from each of the 21 groups. Scoring Forwards - G:1.00 A:1.00 Defencemen - G:1.00 A:1.00 Goalies - W:1.00 SO:2.00

Forwards (pick 1) __ Crosby, S (PIT)

__ Malkin, E (PIT) __ Ovechkin, A (WAS) __ St. Louis, M (TB) __ Stamkos, S (TB) Forwards (pick 1) __ Hall, T (EDM)

__ Kessel, P (TOR) __ Nash, R (NYR) __ Perry, C (ANA) __ Sedin, D (VAN) Forwards (pick 1) __ Backstrom, N (WAS) __ Eriksson, L (BOS) __ Lecavalier, V (PHI) __ Ribeiro, M (PHO) __ Thornton, J (SJ)

__ Giroux, C (PHI) __ Kane, P (CHI) __ Staal, E (CAR) __ Toews, J (CHI)

Template Forwards (pick 1) 1 (boxpooltemp1) __ Datsyuk, P (DET) Pool: boxpooltemp1, Password: test1 __ Sedin, H (VAN) Entry Cutoff: Oct. 1, 2013, 4 p.m. PDT __ Spezza, J (OTT)

__ Tavares, (NYI) Pick oneJ (1) player from each of the 21 groups. __ Zetterberg, H (DET)

Scoring Forwards - G:1.00 A:1.00 Defencemen - G:1.00 A:1.00 Goalies - W:1.00 SO:2.00

__ Duchene, M (COL) __ Kadri, N (TOR) __ Kopitar, A (LA) __ Stepan, D (NYR)

__ Ladd, A (WPG) __ Malkin, E (PIT) __ Lupul, J (TOR) __ Ovechkin, A (WAS) __ Semin, A (CAR) __ St. Louis, M (TB) __ Vanek, T (BUF) __ Stamkos, S (TB)

Forwards (pick 1) __ Eberle, J (EDM) __ Moulson, M (NYI)

Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) __ Hossa, M (CHI) __ Hall, T (EDM) __ Iginla, J (BOS) __ Kessel, P (TOR) __ Neal, J (PIT) __ Nash, R (NYR) __ Parise, Z (MIN) __ Perry, C (ANA) __ Whitney, R (DAL) __ Sedin, D (VAN)

__ Pacioretty, M (MTL) __ Voracek, J (PHI) __ Wheeler, B (WPG)

Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) __ Bergeron, P (BOS) __ Backstrom, N (WAS) __ Koivu, M (MIN) __ Eriksson, L (BOS) __ O'Reilly, R (COL) __ Lecavalier, V (PHI) __ Pavelski, J (SJ) __ Ribeiro, M (PHO) __ Plekanec, T (MTL) __ Thornton, J (SJ)

Forwards (pick 1)

Forwards (pick 1)

__ Gaborik, M (CBJ) __ Pominville, J (MIN)

__ Little, B (WPG) __ Richards, M (LA)

Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) __ Callahan, R (NYR) __ Benn, J (DAL) __ Ryan, B (OTT) __ Kesler, R (VAN) __ Seguin, T (DAL) __ Marchand, B (BOS) __ Simmonds, W (PHI) __ Nugent-Hopkins, R (EDM) __ Yakupov, N (EDM) __ Parenteau, P (COL)

__ Cammalleri, M (CGY) __ Jagr, J (NJ)

__ van Riemsdyk, J (TOR)

Defencemen (pick 1)

Defencemen (pick 1)

__ Byfuglien, D (WPG) __ Green, M (WAS) __ Keith, D (CHI) __ Suter, R (MIN) __ Yandle, K (PHO)

Defencemen (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) __ Edler, A (VAN) __ Elias, P (NJ) __ Kronwall, N (DET) __ Franzen, J (DET) __ Markov, A (MTL) __ Gaborik, M (CBJ) __ Phaneuf, D (TOR) __ Pominville, J (MIN) __ Schultz, J (EDM) __ Sharp, P (CHI)

Goalies (pick 1) __ Crawford, C (CHI) __ Howard, J (DET) __ Lundqvist, H (NYR) __ Quick, J (LA) __ Rask, T (BOS)

Goalies (pick 1) __ Backstrom, N (MIN) __ Luongo, R (VAN) __ Niemi, A (SJ) __ Pavelec, O (WPG) __ Price, C (MTL)

Goalies (pick 1) Defencemen (pick 1) __ Anderson, C (OTT) __ Karlsson, E (OTT) __ Bobrovsky, S (CBJ) __ Letang, K (PIT) __ Holtby, B (WAS) __ Streit, M (PHI) __ Rinne, P (NAS) __ Subban, P (MTL) __ Smith, M (PHO) __ Weber, S (NAS)

__ Karlsson, E (OTT) __ Letang, K (PIT) __ Streit, M (PHI) __ Subban, P (MTL) __ Weber, S (NAS)

Goalies (pick 1) __ Crawford, C (CHI)

__ Howard, J (DET) __ Lundqvist, H (NYR) __ Quick, J (LA) __ Rask, T (BOS)

Unit#2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC V1N 2Y2 Ph. 250.365.6397

Rules: catego name, an an breake most p season the ev tie bre determ tie, a d

By Forwards entering agree (pick 1) this hockey pool, you Forwards (pick 1) to be contacted from time to time by email Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) What you __ Couture, L (SJ)and the Uptown Tavern. __ Kunitz, C (PIT) Nelson Star __ Crosby, S (PIT) __ Getzlaf, R (ANA)

Forwards (pick 1) __ Gagner, S (EDM) __ Hodgson, C (BUF) __ Kane, E (WPG) __ Krejci, D (BOS) __ Purcell, T (TB)

__ Sharp, P (CHI)

Dea Oc


Forwards (pick 1) __ Benn, J (DAL) __ Kesler, R (VAN) __ Marchand, B (BOS) __ Nugent-Hopkins, R (EDM) __ Parenteau, P (COL) __ Elias, P (NJ) __ Franzen, J (DET)

1st P 2nd 3rd P 4th PLU See

514 Hall St, Nelson BC V1L 1Z2 Ph. 250.352.1890

1163 Cedar Ave. Trail, BC V1R 4V8 Ph. 250.368.8551

PO Box 970 Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0 Ph. 250.362.2183

could win: __ Giroux, C (PHI) __ Kane, P (CHI)

1__st Staal, Place......$300 E (CAR) __ Toews, J (CHI) 2nd Place.....$200 (pick 1) rd 3Forwards Place.....$175 __ Couture, L (SJ) M (COL) 4th__toDuchene, 10th Place...$75 __ Kadri, N (TOR) __ Kopitar, A (LA) Standings will be published __ Stepan, D (NYR)

weekly in the West Kootenay Advertiser and Forwards (pick 1) posted on each individual __ Eberle, J (EDM) newspapers website. __ Moulson, M (NYI)

__ Pacioretty, M (MTL)

__ Voracek, Jfor (PHI) entries Deadline __ Wheeler, B (WPG)

Friday October 11th at 5pm Forwards (pick 1) __ Gagner, S (EDM) __ Hodgson, C (BUF) __ Kane, E (WPG) __ Krejci, D (BOS) __ Purcell, T (TB)

Rules: Choose one player for each Forwards (pick 1) category. Enter __ Cammalleri, M your (CGY)team name, fullJname, __ Jagr, (NJ) address and phone number. Enter an answer __ Little, B (WPG) for __ each of the three tiebreaker Richards, M (LA) questions. The entry with the __ van Riemsdyk, J (TOR) most points at the end of the regular season(pick will 1) be declared Defencemen the__ winner. In the event of a tie Byfuglien, D (WPG) in any position, the tie breaker __ Green, M (WAS) question(s) will be used to __ Keith, D (CHI) determine the winner. Suter,isRstill (MIN) If__there a tie, a draw __ Yandle, K (PHO) will be made at random. Goalies (pick 1) __ Backstrom, N (MIN) __ Luongo, R (VAN)

318 South CopperA Ave. __ Niemi, (SJ) PO Box 99 Greenwood, BC Ph. __ Pavelec, O250.445.2233 (WPG) __ Price, C (MTL)

PO Box 700, Grand Forks, BC V0H1H0 Ph. 250.442.2191

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