COTR students receive bursaries
Hospital Auxiliary fashion show
Nearly $60,000 over eight years
Fire service students and 40 other students received the SIDIT bursaries.
The annual fashion show to benefit the auxiliary is right around the corner.
The Tim Horton’s Smile Cookie campaign hits a charity milestone.
page A2
page A6
page A10
Your Collision Repair Professionals
Cranbrook • Next to WalMart • 250-426-2338
HOURS 9 am - 11 pm 7 days a week
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Friday, October 11, 2013
Discover WHAT’S NEW Quartz 599 Alenya 84” Sofa
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5 piece living room includes sofa, love, coffee table & 2 end tables
3499 YOU SAVE $600 $
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Starting at
INTEREST FOR 15 MONTHS!* * OAC. Store for details
1708 Cranbrook St. N. (on the strip) 250.426.2311 Mon. - Fri. 9:30-5:30
Friday, October 11, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
2013 Winterizing and Storage Packages TrailerS Winter Storage (up to 6 months) $199.99 Winterizing includes: moisture control & rodent control
30’ & under $109.95 31’ & over $124.95 MoTorhoMeS
CORRECTION NOTICE In the October 7 issue of the Kootenay Advertiser, an error inadvertently occurred in the Bedroom Furniture Galleries 4 page pullout advertising feature.
On pages 2 and 3, the Bedroom Suites pictured below indicated that a chest was offered at $499 (left) and $199 (right) The item should have read nightstand for these prices. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Winterizing includes: mositure control & rodent control HOICE AWA S’ C
*Prices shown do not include applicable taxes.
Book your appointment today
8 1 3 B a k e r St D ow ntow n Cra n b ro o k 2 5 0 . 4 2 6 . 2 3 1 6 1 . 8 8 8 . 6 7 8 . 4 3 4 3 M o n - S at 9 : 3 0 a m - 5 : 3 0 p m
2813-23rd St. N. Cranbrook, BC Toll Free 1-800-663-4824 • Tel (250)489-4141 D7950 B RON Z E
Retirement Living at it’s Best
In this modern age there is no reason that seniors shouldn’t have the best retirement possible. The ideals of having a comfortable home, being able to set your own schedule based upon your interests, exceptionally delicious and nutritious food with the company of others: this should be the norm, not the exception. Seniors should be able to live in a place that ensures they can maintain their independence while also having their needs met, instead of just a ‘home on the hill,’. Fortunately Rocky Mountain Village believes in the higher quality of life and aims to provide an entirely new form of housing to seniors that will ensure all residents will have the most opportunity to experience the best years of their life, on their terms. Rocky Mountain Village is an amazing community located at an ideal location in Fernie, British Columbia. It features a variety of apartment sizes to suit any senior’s lifestyle ranging from studio apartments to two bedrooms supported with various cooking and cleaning services to ensure that seniors can spend more time living their lives and less time worrying about scrubbing the floors. Included in each of these maintenance-free suites is a range of features designed to accommodate even the most independent resident’s desires, while still having 24-hour emergency monitoring service for a little extra piece of mind. Full kitchens are laid out to be as bright and comfortable as possible and come with a stove and refrigerator to allow for the preparation of personal meals or snacks anytime. Each suite is also equipped with its own personal heat and air conditioning to allow the residents to decide their personal comfort level. Stepping beyond the privacy of their personal suite, residents will find a wide range and variety of common and shared areas including a fully stocked library, on-site beauty salons, a luxurious and relaxing spa room, a games room filled with a variety of leisure opportunities, and a recreation area which hosts a range of interesting events, games, exercise activities and entertainment. All this is supplemented with several
very cozy and conveniently-placed lounges. Each of these areas is easily accessible, and help to encourage the strong sense of community that makes the Village such a wonderful place to be. Rocky Mountain Village also realizes just how much pets are a part of the family which is why the building is completely pet friendly, encouraging residents to bring their companions with them to share their suite. The hospitality services come with no extra charge to the affordable monthly rent which allow residents to enjoy worry-free benefits like the 24hour emergency monitoring, weekly house keeping, the wide variety of daily social and recreational activities, as well as the complimentary shuttle bus. Also of note is the fantastic central dining room which is both elegant and intimate with it’s own fireplace. There, residents can enjoy delicious meals which are prepared by on-site chefs, and are served by a passionate and cheerful wait staff who are always happy to welcome guests and family to any meal. In addition to these wonderful amenities, utility bills including water, heat, air conditioning, and cable television are covered by the low-monthly rent, allowing seniors to spend less time worrying about bills and more time enjoying their retirement. Rocky Mountain Village’s location in Fernie is only a short drive away from the small town’s historic downtown which is filled with an array of shops and services. Nestled in the Elk Valley, one can be assured of spectacular and scenic views of the Rocky Mountains year-round. This setting only adds to a peaceful and relaxing environment that Rocky Mountain Village aims to provide for its residents. With many parks, golf courses, and the magnificent Fernie Alpine Resort located nearby there is an abundance of adventure to be had. Without having to worry about the responsibilities of home-ownership seniors at Rocky Mountain Village are able to enjoy their lives to the fullest in whatever way they choose. Open daily, call (250) 423-4214 to find out more information or to schedule a tour.
2013 Scout Popcorn October Campaign When you select any one of our delicious Scout Popcorn products you'll be giving Scouting youth the opportunity to enjoy enhanced outdoor programs.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 11, 2013 A3
No deer cull this year Submitted
Photo submitted
College of the Rockies’ Financial Assistance and Awards Advisor Lois Murray presented bursaries to 10 Fire Services Training students. These bursaries are made possible through a generous donation by the Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust (SIDIT). Pictured (Back, from left) Dave Trimble, Brendan Mullin. (Front) Fire Services Training Administrator Wendy Moore, COTR Financial Assistance and Awards Advisor Lois Murray, Adam Dumonceaux, Bryce Perpelitz, Mattison Sinnett, Travis Siegmann, Jordan Shaw, Jordan Hallam, Joey Baker, Spencer Kutaj, and Fire Services Training instructor Jack Paterson.
Residents of Cranbrook will not see an additional urban deer population reduction program in the City in 2013. That was the decision of Council Monday night, following a recommendation made by the Urban Deer Management Advisory Committee (UDMAC). After a meeting of the
Urban Deer Management Advisory Committee (UDMAC) on September 25, 2013, the Committee unanimously voted to recommend not conducting another cull in 2013. Instead the Committee recommended that City staff create and administer a resident survey in 2014 to help determine the course of future deer population management
Help us remember those from our region who served their country in our annual November 11 special edition. Submit photographs of veterans of the Boer War, World War I and II, the Korean conflict, and United Nations peacekeeping operations and Canadians in Afghanistan. Please provide the name and regiment of the veteran, and additional details whenever possible. We also need a name, phone number and mailing address from those submitting photographs. Please note: Photographs which appeared in previous editions are still in our files and
population management picture locally. Over the next several months, City staff will work with Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations staff to determine the questions to be included in the new public survey. The process of how the survey will be administered and the how the data will be collected and presented is being reviewed by City staff.
BC LiBeraLs
Kootenay East Riding Association 829
In Search Of...
Pictures of your friends and loved ones who served in the Canadian Armed Forces during the Boer War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War or United Nations peacekeeping operations.
activities in the City. The last public survey was conducted in October 2010. UDMAC reviewed a list of resident complaints received by City staff between January 1 and September 15, 2013. The sentiment around the Committee table was that the complaint data collected to date in 2013 doesn’t warrant an additional population cull and that this time could now be used to reevaluate the overall deer
NOTiCe OF aNNUaL GeNeraL MeeTiNG reMiNDer
As a reminder to previously mailed notices, The Annual General Meeting of the BC LIBERALS KOOTENAY EAST RIDING ASSOCIATION will be held on ThUrsDay OCTOBer 24, 2013 TIME: Registration 6:30PM Meeting begins at 7:00PM LOCATION: The Heritage Inn
12:30-4pm • Every Sunday Hall rentals (250)426-5614 License #37233
803 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, B.C. or phone 250-432-5970 by October 21, 2013
SEPT 16th TO NOV 15th, 2013
do not need to be re-submitted.
You must be willing to drop off and pick up your photographs at our office or mail them to 1510 2 St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 or email: This popular issue is one of the best-read editions of the year. Make sure your loved ones are recognized. Deadline for submissions is October 21
Name of Veteran: ________________________ Regiment: ________________________ Years of Service: ________________________ Other details: ________________________ Contact Name: ________________________ Address: ________________________ Daytime phone number: ____________________
Serving Cranbrook Kimberley & Wasa *The ‘Equal Payments, No Interest’ plan is subject to credit approval. Minimum purchase of $1,000, including taxes, is required. A $39.95 Administration fee will be debited from your account after installation. An equal monthly installment will be debited from your bank account each month through-out the interest-free promotion period and payment in full for this installment must be made prior to or on each monthly due date. If monthly payment is not made in full by the due date, you shall without notice pay interest at a rate of 2% per month, calculated and compounded monthly not in advance on: (A) any past due Monthly Payments and (B) any other amounts due to us, which are not paid on their due dates, including the total balance due. See complete terms and conditions on your Equal Payment Agreement. Financing provided by SNAP Home Finance Corp. Offer is available at participating dealers only. Offer expires 11/15/2013.
1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 489-3455 • 1-800-665-2382
Position Title:
Electrical Inspector, Mica 5/6 Projects
Columbia Hydro Constructors Ltd.
Job Description: Electrical Inspector needed to perform inspections specifically related to the assembly of two 500MW Turbine/Generator Units and associated parts and components. The candidate must • Ensure adherence to contract specifications • Monitor and record progression of work • Ensure quality work practice and quality product Preferred Experience: • Red Seal Canadian Electrical Licence • Knowledge of the Canadian Electrical Code • Experience working in Substations and Hydro Generating facilities • Knowledge of grounding and bonding
Cranbrook Eagles BoXing Club & Freightliner TrucksClub Cranbrook Eagles BoXing &PROUDLY Freightliner Trucks PRESENTS... PROUDLY PRESENTS...
mb e r 2 n d SSaattuurrddaayy,, NNoovveem ber 2 nd
Skills/Abilities: • Ability to read, review and mark-up drawings. • Competent in performing quantity calculations of cabling, cable tray and various electrical equipment • Strong computer skills • Excellent verbal and written communication skills The successful applicant will be required to work under a collective union agreement and required to live in a camp located at Mica Creek BC, 140 kilometres north of Revelstoke. Shift duration will be 14 days on, 7 off. Nightshift work may be required. Resumes will be accepted until 22 October, 2013; only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. Wage: $29.71 to $33.76 per hour depending on experience To Apply: Please email or fax resumes to: Columbia Hydro Constructors Ltd. Fax: (250) 805-4340 Email: Closing Date: 22 October 2013
Cranbrook Dodge’s Dodge’s Cranbrook very own own very
Steve “massacre” “massacre” Steve
Mercandeli Mercandeli
bridge bridge interiors’ interiors’
Ken “the “the butcher” butcher” Ken
bridge bridge
5 Additional Additional Bouts BoutsFeaturing Featuring Local Local Tough Tough Guys Guys & & Gals Gals
Eagles Hall Hall -- Bouts Bouts Start Start 7pm 7pm •• Tickets: Tickets: $25 $25 (all (all proceeds proceeds go go to to local local families families in in need) need) Eagles
For tickets tickets contact contact Tom Tom White White 250-417-9019 250-417-9019 ( ( or or Bill Bill Watson Watson 250-919-7181 250-919-7181 For TOLL FREE 1-888-259-7039 1725 CRANBROOK ST N CRANBROOK BC V1C 3S9 DL#30708
Brought to you by Bill Bennett, MLA. (Kootenay East) Province of British Columbia
3 Facts you need to Know About... the Farmer’s Market in Cranbrook...
1. Cranbrook Farmers Market and Community Connections Society of Southeast BC have worked together for the past four months to provide Farmers’Market Nutrition Coupons to low-income families in need. Skill building programs have helped the residents of our Community learn about healthy eating and local food. This has also provided local farmers with a source of revenue to help their farms flourish. 2. Funding for the Farmers Market Nutrition Coupon Program is provided to the British Columbia Association of Farmers Market through the Ministry of Health 3. At this time our community has received $12,000 to support our residents and local farmers. MLA Bill Bennett Telephone: 250 417-6022 Facsimile: 250 417-6026 Toll Free: 1 866 417-6022 email: website: Constituency Office: 100c Cranbrook Street North Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P9
Friday, October 11, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
College of the RoCkies
Holiday Closure College of the Rockies will be closed Monday October 14th for Thanksgiving Day. We will reopen Tuesday October 15th. Regular Fall & Winter hours of operation are: Monday to Friday 7 am - 10 pm Saturday 9 am - 4 pm Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm
shocking experience if you don’t know where the wires are.
Hugs: My gratitude goes out to the two young men who came to my rescue on September 26 at about 3 pm. At the intersection of Victoria Ave. & 2nd St. N., right by 7-11, my car stalled. These men got out of their van, which was in the lane right beside me, and pushed my car and I into the 7-11 parking lot. Two other young men also came to my rescue by helping push the car. The staff of 7-11 were very kind and let me park there until my son got off work. These young men then drove me home. On top of everything else, the line-up behind me was very long and not one person honked their horn! I always say “Cranbrook is the best place to live, everyone is caring and kind”. Thanks to everybody. Hugs: to Dave & Cory and their staff at Spring Honda! Everyone we dealt with were always so friendly and they did everything they could to make sure that we were a satisfied customer. Slugs: to the tail-gaters in this town. Hugs: to the management and staff of the Sushi Restaurant at the Mount Baker Hotel for making my birthday celebration so special on September 27. I loved the Japanese birthday cake with candles that you prepared for me. Thank you so much. Hugs: Hats off to our “Cranbrook Regional Hospital”. My compliments to our Doctors, Nurses, Student Nurses, Staff, & Volunteers. After a 17 day stay in our hospital --I received excellent Care. My Thanks to all of you for a job well done!! Sincerely, Marilyn Gramm Hugs: To the person(s) who so diligently pick up their dogs excrement from our lawn next to the sidewalk!!! Slugs: To the people who so ignorantly look the other way when their dogs defecate on our lawn next to the sidewalk. It is an outrage that we have to clean up after inconsiderate dog owners almost on a daily basis. Please be neighbourly and do the right thing?!! Hugs: to Gary and Sharon from One of the Family Pet Care Centre. Thank you so much for bringing my dogs, who took off on me while hiking on the weekend, to the SPCA. Someone else might have shot them for being at large and would have been within their rights to do so. Your actions disrupted your day and demonstrated that the well being of animals is without question, your priority. I will not hesitate to recommend your service. It’s leashes all around from now on.
Digging can be a
Slugs: Shame to the elderly female passenger in a grey Kia SUV, with Kia written in pink on the door. I had come to a full stop on the street behind Canadian Tire. Looking left I saw the grey Kia coming slowly with the right turn signal on. I quickly check my right for pedestrians and slowly rolled as I did one more quick left check. The Kia no longer had the turn signal on and was about 20 feet away. I stopped and as the Kia drove by the elderly woman had her middle finger in front of her face looking directly at me. I was shocked as it was rude and uncalled for as I did not rip in front of them and cut them off, I stopped. I was shocked that someone of that age had such poor etiquette. They were lucky that I am a peaceful person and worry that if she continuously flips other drivers off, her elderly husband will one day have to deal with someone who has equally as bad manners as his wife. Hugs: to the Kin Club for their Seniors Assistance Day. What a pleasure it was to have the happy crew of men, women and children turn out to help put my small garden to bed for the winter. Also, big hugs to the Kootenay Advertiser for this opportunity to express our appreciation. Thanksgiving Hugs: to the beauty of the City of Cranbrook. Entering the City, I am in awe of all the beautiful flowers, shrubs & trees. Thanks to all those who keep the City beautiful. Also, I give thanks to all those in the past who took time to plant a tree that I now so enjoy. Leaving the City and viewing those majestic mountains, I give thanks to our Creator for more beauty that I am also in awe of. I love the Kootenays!!! Hugs: to Georgi, Kelsey and Kimberley at the East Kootenay Kidney Care Clinic. They are patient, friendly, helpful, reassuring and efficient. In a stressful situation, they only aided in reducing stress. They are very genuinely concerned about your well being and are very proactive in managing your health issues. Slugs: to the people that go through the barricades after I have put them up prior to the Farmers market happening. Hugs: go out to the Wonderful vendors and especially the Farmers Market manager for allowing me to volunteer there. I really appreciate all of you. Hugs: to One of the Family Pet Care for the donuts you brought our office, what a great treat!!
If you have a Hug or a Slug...we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. We will print the anonymous submissions for all to see. Be honest, but all we ask is you keep it tasteful. You can also drop by a written submission to our office at 1510 2nd Street N. or call Shannon at (250)489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382
Gregarious Gardener by Top Crop Garden, Farm & Pet
Thankful for a great growing season
After all the summer barbeques and picnics, Thanksgiving is the holiday that kicks off the series of fall and winter feasts. For gardeners, it is the opportunity to showcase their work and enjoy the fruits of their labour. Locally grown produce that is allowed to ripen naturally and fresh picked is the highlight of any home-cooked meal while also being better for the environment (you save long transportation routes) and for your health (you know what you grow). One issue that some gardeners run into, however, is that unlike at the grocery stores, garden produce has to be harvested when it is ready, not when you want to have it. That means you can have a whole season’s worth of tomatoes, radishes and more in one go. But now what? Many vegetables, fruit and herbs can be successfully stored or preserved and you can enjoy your harvest throughout the colder months. Some vegetables are best refrigerated right after harvest, such as cucumbers. Carrots and radishes can also be kept in the refrigerator, but some prep work is needed. Twist off the carrot tops and cut radish tops short, thoroughly wash the carrots and radishes to get off all the dirt and then dry them well. Pack them into air-tight plastic bags and store them in the fridge. If you simply put the fresh carrots and radishes into the fridge, they will go limp in a short while. Tomatoes like to be stored in a slightly warm, but dry place. They should only be placed in the fridge if they are very ripe and would spoil otherwise. Tomatoes are quite frost-sensitive, but can ripen from their green state. Keep an eye on the weather report and when the first hard frost threatens, gather all firm, green tomatoes from the vines. Spread them in a box between layers of newspaper and store them in a cool closet or on a shelf in the cellar. The green fruit emit a natural ripening agent, ethylene gas, and trapping it between newspaper layers can hasten the ripening. Potatoes are great for storing in a dark place, cooler than room temperature but protected from extremely cold conditions. Burlap sacks, paper bags or even perforated plastic bags make great containers to store potatoes. Onions also like it cool, but not cold, however, they should not be stored alongside potatoes as the gasses each vegetable gives off can hasten decay in the other. Onions can be braided and hung to store or placed in a single layer. Herbs are great for storing. Once harvested, they can be dried, frozen or even stored in oil and vinegar. Soft and leafy herbs, such as basil, parsley or chives, keep their flavour and hold up best when frozen. Pre-chopped and packed in small containers, they can be used in cooking just like the fresh equivalent. Herbs on more woody stems, such as rosemary, sage or oregano, are best for drying. Simply bunch the cut branches together and hang them, upside down, in a warm and airy room. Check periodically and after about two weeks, the herbs should be ready to be stored. Discard any leaves that show any sign of mold and store the rest in an air-tight container. Your herbs will retain their flavour best if stored whole and crushed just when you are ready to use them. Use dried herbs at a ratio of one teaspoon to a tablespoon of fresh herbs. Canning, pickling and making jam are also great ways of capturing the taste of summer and keeping it for the winter. Always make sure to clearly label your containers, including the date it was processed, so you know how long it can be kept. Till next time… happy harvesting. Submitted by Kerstin
10%Off off 20%
Any Canning & Food Processing Supplies
Must present coupon. While quantities last. Expires Oct. 20, 2013 Open daily
99 0.99 **
Offer includes $500 in manufacturer rebates and $1,650 freight and air tax.
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2014 ESCAPE S FWD 2.5L
Bi-weekly for 84 months with $0 down.
Offers include $1,650 freight and air tax.
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Offers include $500 in manufacturer rebates and $1,700 freight and air tax.
6.3L/100km 45MPG HWY / 9.5L/100km 30MPG CITY***
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UP TO $1,800††† with the purchase or lease of select
new 2013 and 2014 models.
Take the EcoBoost Challenge and Swap Your Ride today. Only at your local BC Store.
PRODUCTION: Mario Pariselli
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Offer includes $9,250 in manufacturer rebates and $1,750 freight and air tax.
Bi-weekly for 84 months with $0 down.
Offers include $9,250 in manufacturer rebates and $1,750 freight and air tax.
10.6L/100km 27MPG HWY / 15.0L/100km 19MPG CITY***
WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. †Until December 2, 2013, receive $500/ $750/ $1,000/ $1,250/ $1,500/ $1,750/ $2,000/ $2,250/ $2,500/ $2,750/ $3,000/ $3,500/ $3,750/ $4,000/ $4,250/ / $4,750/ $5,500/ $5,750/ $6,500/ $6,750/ $7,500/ $8,000/ $8,250/ $8,500/ $9,250/ $9,500 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2013 [Focus (excluding S and BEV)], 2014 [Escape 1.6L] / 2013 [Fusion (excluding S)], 2014 [Focus S, Taurus SE, Escape S, F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 (Value Leader)]/ 2014 [Focus BEV, Transit Connect (excluding Electric), E-Series] / 2013 [C-Max], 2014 [Escape 2.0L]/ 2013 [E-Series]/ 2014 [Mustang V6 Coupe]/2013 [Fiesta S, Mustang V6 Coupe, Edge AWD (excluding SE), F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 (Value Leader), F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs], 2014 [F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs]/ 2013 [Explorer Base]/ 2014 [Taurus (excluding SE)]/ 2013 [Fiesta (excluding S)]/ 2013 [Edge FWD (excluding SE)]/ 2013 [Flex]/ 2013 [Mustang V6 Premium, Explorer (excluding Base)], 2014 [Mustang V6 Premium]/ 2013 [Taurus SE, Escape 1.6L, Transit Connect (excluding Electric)]/ 2014 [Mustang GT]/ 2013 [Mustang GT, Escape 2.0L]/2013 [Expedition]/ 2013 [Taurus (excluding SE)], 2014 [F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2)] / 2014 [F-250 to F-450 Gas Engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)]/ 2014 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew]/ 2013 [F-250 to F-450 Gas Engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)]/ 2013 [Focus BEV]/ 2013 [F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2)]/ 2014 [F-250 to F-450 Diesel Engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)]/2013 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew]/ 2013 [F-250 to F-450 Diesel Engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)] - all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. *Purchase a new 2013 Focus S Sedan/2013 Focus SE Sedan with Sport Appearance Package/2013 Escape S FWD with 2.5L engine/2013 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-150 Super Crew XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine for $17, 449/$20,249/$25,699/$28,999/$31,449 after Manufacturer Rebate of $0/$500/$500/$9,250/$9,250 is deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after total Manufacturer Rebate has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,650/$1,700/$1,750/$1,750 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. **Until December 2, 2013, receive 0.99%/0.99%/2.49%/4.49%/4.49% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase financing on a 2013 Focus S Sedan/2013 Focus SE Sedan with Sport Appearance Package/2013 Escape S FWD with 2.5L engine/2013 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-150 Super Crew XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine for a maximum of 84/84/84/72/72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase financing monthly payment is $215/$250/$334/$460/$499 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $99/$115/$154/$212/$230 with a down payment of $0 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $618.78/$718.08/$2,331.28/$4,135.23/$4,484.60 or APR of 0.99%/0.99%/2.49%/4.49%/4.49% and total to be repaid is $18,067.78/$20,967.08/$28,030.28/$33,134.23/$35,933.60. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $0/$500/$500/$9,250/$9,250 and freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,650/$1,700/$1,750/$1,750 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a first payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for 2013 Focus 2.0L I4 5-speed manual transmission: [7.8L/100km (36MPG) City, 5.5L/100km (51MPG) Hwy] / 2013 Escape FWD 2.5L I4 6-speed automatic transmission: [9.5L/100km (30MPG) City, 6.3L/100km (45MPG) Hwy] / 2013 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8 6-speed automatic transmission: [15.0L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.6L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, vehicle condition, and driving habits. †††Receive a winter safety package which includes: four (4) winter tires, four (4) steel wheels and four (4) tire pressure monitoring sensors when you purchase or lease any new 2013/2014 Ford Focus (excluding S and Focus Electric), Escape, Fusion, Edge (excluding Sport), Explorer, or Fiesta (excluding S) on or before December 2, 2013. This offer is not applicable to any Fleet (other than small fleets with an eligible FIN) or Government customers and not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP or Daily Rental incentives. Some conditions apply. See Dealer for details. Vehicle handling characteristics, tire load index and speed rating may not be the same as factory supplied all-season tires. Winter tires are meant to be operated during winter conditions and may require a higher cold inflation pressure than all-season tires. Consult your Ford of Canada dealer for details including applicable warranty coverage. ▲Offer only valid from September 4, 2013 to October 31, 2013 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before August 31, 2013. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2013/2014 Ford (excluding Fiesta, Focus, C-Max, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV, and Medium Truck) or Lincoln vehicle (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. ®: Registered trademark of Price Costco International, Inc. used under license. ©2013 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2013 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 11, 2013 A5
Wynndel Community Hall
Saturday, October 19, 8 – 10:30 p.m. FREE evening of Basin music, song, dance and artisans.
Hosted by Columbia Basin Trust.
Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription
Friday, October 11, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
How to reach us:
Call Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 or stop in to our office at 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook
The Kootenay Advertiser office will be closed October 14
for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Advertiser & Classified deadlines will remain the same
Kootenay East Youth Soccer Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting
Paper will be delivered October 15
Tuesday, October 29, 6 pm at the library at Mount Baker Secondary School
Photo submitted
It’s all smiles thanks to Tim Hortons! Front row: Donna Grainger (EKFH), Elaine, Pat, Sharon, Karen, Kate Fox (CHCA Cookie Campaign Convenor) Ann & Bonnie; Back row: Matt Gareau & Denis Demers (missing Nancy Lascak) from Tim Hortons, Rachel, Shirley, Barb and Bev.
489-3455 • 1-800-665-2382
This AGM is open to the public, however, voting will be limited to members only. This includes board members, team officials and parents of registered players from the most recent season. There will be an open forum opportunity for comments and input. The board of directors welcomes the feedback from its membership and the community. We hope all of our KEYSA soccer teams had a great season. Now, it’s time to finish up for 2013 and start planning for 2014. Thank you for all your support - we look forward to hearing from you at the AGM.
Fall is here and it is once again time for our
Nearly $60,000 from Smiles Submitted
Your Commercial Lease Specialist
Darren Lyon
“Opening The Door for Your Business�
gn Campai
Mac Potter, Business Account Manager Email: Direct: (250) 421-4144
We need your donation of new or cleaned winter coats, in children's sizes, toddlers and teens by
Cranbrook Bottle Depot FULL REFUND
25-10th Ave., S Cranbrook
Mon - Fri 9:00 - 5:00 Sat 9:00 - 4:00
Call today! 489-3455 • 1-800-665-2382
561A Hwy 3 Fernie
2270 Jaffray Shop Rd., Jaffray 385 Wallinger Ave., Kimberley
Sunday & holidays closed
We Take Computers, TV’s, Small appliances & Paint
1125 Industrial Road #3, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5E3
25-10th Avenue South Cranborok, BC V1C 2M9 250.426.8211 Bus: 250.420.2369 Cell: 250.919.1365
Each office is independently owned and oeprated. ÂŽ Registered Trademark of Centum Financial Gorup Inc.
Quality Bathtub Products installed for a lot less: 1. Less Time 2. Less Mess 3. Less Expense FULL REFUND
Tuesday, October 15 Drop your coats off at Royal LePage East Kootenay Realty offices:
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In Cranbrook the coats will be distributed through the Big Brothers and Sisters, The Boys and Girls Club and the Salvation Army. In Kimberley the coats will be distributed through the Kimberley Food Bank.
East Kootenay Realty
Open Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Tamara L’Hoost
Serving the Kootenays for 22 years. 703 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook 250-489-3575
Phone: 250.426.9829 Email:
Visit Our Website at:
Kelvin Kwiatkoski
For all of your flooring needs. 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified E-Mail: Advertising E-Mail: Editorial E-Mail: Distribution Email:
Flooring Ph. (250)581-0549 Email:
Yves Michaud
Lily Durham PromotioNs
Karen Johnston PUBLisHEr
It’s been eight years since proceeds from the sale of chunky chocolate deliciousness of Tim Hortons Smile Cookies was focused at supporting health care at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. For Matt Gareau and his family, franchise owners for the two Cranbrook outlets, last week’s efforts by the Cranbrook Health Care Auxiliary, East Kootenay Foundation for Health and the Tim Hortons staff resulted in over 10,500 cookies being sold equivalent to $10,500 to the CHCA and EKFH to purchase two phlebotomy chairs for the ambulatory care department and a broda chair for the 3rd floor. Total donations accumulated with the cookie campaign results from 2005 through last week highlights Cranbrook Tim Hortons ongoing commitment and recognized financial support equaling $57,955. Thanks to all you cookie lovers ~ big or tall, large or small ~ you make miracles happen for our regional hospital.
Brian Coombs Editor
Shannon Stewart CirCULAtioN
Erin Carlisle
Bridget Fix
Bob Bathgate mAiLroom
Lynnette Then distriBUtioN
The Kootenay News Advertiser is a community East Kootenay newspaper featuring news of the best buys in the East Kootenay. Published every Monday and Friday at Cranbrook, BC by Black Press Group Ltd. Subscription rates for mailing outside the East Kootenay: $170 per year, $85 per 6 months and $42.50 per 3 month GST inclued. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by Kootenay News Advertiser. (Registration No. 164 Serial No. 271043). Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or part is forbidden without written permission by the publisher. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that Kootenay News Advertiser will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. Kootenay News Advertiser is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements or letters to the editor criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in Kootenay News Advertiser are not necessarily those of the publisher.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 11, 2013 A7
You shouldn’t need a second mortgage to enjoy a
Prime Rib Night
ARTHUR’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL In the Days Inn, Cranbrook, BC Open 3-10 pm Monday - Saturday
Every Thursday, Friday & Saturday
‘Prevent Kitchen Fires’ – Fire Prevention Week (October 6 – 12, 2013)
College of the Rockies
Cranbrook Fire & Emergency Services is reminding residents to ‘Prevent Kitchen Fires.’ According to research, cooking is the leading cause of home fires. Two of every five home fires begin in the kitchen—more than any other place in the home. Cooking fires are also the leading cause of home fire-related injuries. Among the safety tips that firefighters will be emphasizing during Fire Prevention Week include: • Stay in the kitchen when you are frying, grilling, broiling, or boiling food. • If you must leave the room, even for a short period of time, turn off the stove. • When you are simmering, baking, or roasting food, check it regularly, stay in the home, and use a timer to remind you. • If you have young children, use the stove’s back burners whenever possible. Keep children and pets at least three feet away from the stove. • When you cook, wear clothing with tight-fitting sleeves. • Keep potholders, oven mitts, wooden utensils, paper and plastic bags, towels, and anything else that can burn, away from your stovetop. • Clean up food and grease from burners and stovetops. For more information about fire prevention and fire safety, contact Cranbrook Fire & Emergency Services at 250-426-2325.
Living With Urban Deer – AVAILABLE NOW!
A public education campaign about ‘Living with Urban Deer’ is one of several recommendations made by the Urban Deer Management Advisory Committee and endorsed by City Council. This brochure is designed to help ensure public safety by reducing the potential of dangerous encounters with urban deer. Pick up your copy at City Hall or download one from our website today!
Low Flow Toilet Rebate Applications Still Available!
For more information and applications about the Low Flow Toilet Rebate program, visit the City of Cranbrook website at www. or stop by City Hall.
Animal Control Bylaw – Number of Pets
The BC Welding Training Model for Welder Certification will be changing effective January 6, 2014. If you are a current Level C Welder and wish to continue your training under the current system, you will need to apply for a Welding Level B Program by November 30, 2013. The afternoon shift Welding Program will tentatively start October 21, 2013. Contact the Registration Department to apply for a seat. For further information, please call 250-489-2751 or toll free at 1-877-489-2687 email
Watch the latest Cranbrook City Council meeting when you want.
Attention Welders
Under this bylaw, no person shall keep or harbor an accumulation of six (6) or more pets, and shall include no more than three (3) dogs, three (3) cats or combination thereof within the combined number of pets and for certainty shall include no more than one (1) vicious dog within the aforementioned number of pets. Visit our website and click on ‘Bylaws’ for more on all of our City bylaws.
Monday October 14 – Thanksgiving Day (City Hall & Aquatic Centre Closed) Monday October 21 – City Council Meeting @ 6pm WWW.CRANBROOK.CA
Friday, October 11, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Cranbrook Alliance Church Sunday Service & Children’s Ministry - 10:30 am 1200 Kootenay Street N. For more info: 489-4704 Senior Pastor Grant McDowell
Calvary Chapel Cranbrook Sunday Service - 10:30 am
EK Lutheran Parish
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm 518 Cranbrook St. N. (next door to KFC) For more info: 421-1822 Pastor Steve Moon
Website: • Phone: 1-866-426-7564 Pastor Fraser Coltman & Pastor Dave Morton Mt. Zion Cranbrook 920-11th St. S. Sunday Worship 10 am, Thursday Worship 7 pm Holy Cross Kimberley 105 Howard Sunday Worship 10 am Trinity Fernie 691 - 4th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm Immanuel Elkford 2700 Balmer Dr. Sunday Worship 4 pm St. Peter’s Invermere 110-7th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm
Cranbrook United Church
#2 - 12 Ave. S. on the corner of Baker & 12th Phone: 250-426-2022 Fax: 250-426-2085 Rev. Frank Lewis Sunday Worship.......................... 10:00 am Sunday School 1st & 3rd, Children’s activites alternate weeks •
Cranbrook Fellowship Baptist Church
1115 2nd Ave. S., Cranbrook (Parkland Middle School) Sunday service ............................ 10:20 am Dwayne & Collette Thompson 421-1099 Frank & Jody Hackett 417-7410
Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada • Pastor Cyril Marlatt 2000-5th St. N., Cranbrook • 489-5169 Family Worship .......................... 10:00 am
Knox Presbyterian Church
New Apostolic Church
The Salvation Army
First Baptist Church
Corner Victoria and 3rd Street South 426-7165 Senior Pastor Young Families Pastor – Pastor Al Brouwer Sunday worship/children’s classes 10:00 a.m. Friendly congregation – biblical teaching – traditional and contemporary music - Everyone Welcome!
821 1st Street S., Cranbrook, BC Sunday School ............................ 9:00 am Sunday Service ........................... 10:30 am Wednesday Service..................... 8:00 pm Larry and Nicole Leblond .......... 489-0770 Faith, family, friendship, forever Pastor Kevin Ewaskow Sunday morning worship at 10:30am Children’s ministries at 10:30am 334 14th Ave S • 250-426-4319
Kootenay Valley Community Church 533 Slater Road NW, 426-3612 Sunday Worship Service ............ 10:30 am Wednesday Praise Service.......... 5:00 pm Pastor: Captains Linda & Kirk Green
St. Aidan Orthodox Church New Life Foursquare Church Sunday Services.......................... 10:30 am Fellowship lunch and Sunday School to follow For info call: 250-489-8006 or 250-421-6013 Come, See & Pray
67 72
84 89
60 65
26 28
Sat., Oct. 19 10am at Best Western Conference Room
Sun., Oct. 20 2pm at Kimberley United Church Bring donation to Food Bank No cost and Pre-registration not necessary Call 250-417-3285 for more information
308 10th Ave. South • 489-1057 kakuro 08.15, 08.16, 08.17, 08.18 Sunday Morningused Worship • 10am crossword Senior Pastor • used Gordon Henry 09.07, 09.14, 09.21, 09.28
87 92
Best described as a number crossword, the task in Kakuro is to fill all of the empty squares, using numbers 1 to 9, so the sum of each horizontal block equals the number to its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the number on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.
Crossword and Kakuro
Across 1 Altar vows 5 Sneaker 9 A pair 12 Breakfast treat 17 What you pay 18 Emote like a wolf 19 Tear 20 Black wood 21 B.C. river 24 Winter headgear 25 In the direction of 26 Smile 27 Oxidation on metal 28 Key used with CTL and DEL 29 End of dog’s spine 30 Fine fiddle 33 Rough, knotty protuberance 36 ___ Tremblant, Que. 37 Beers 38 Definite article 41 School play area 42 Flit like a dragonfly 43 Uses a spoon 44 Boy 45 Mrs. in MontrÈal 46 Arctic and boreal people 47 Ill will 48 Shakespeare 49 Big Canadian retailer, once 51 Hose mishap 52 T.C. Douglas, fondly 53 Involving all countries 57 Site of annual Acadian festival (N.S.) 60 Haddock cousin 61 Laura ___ 64 Actor’s part 65 Toward the opposing net (2 wds.) 67 Animal droppings 68 “That feels good!” 70 One in a deck 71 Courage 72 Grizzly 73 Evergreen 74 Blend 75 Just average 76 She painted totem poles: Emily ___ 77 Apple drink 78 N.W.T.’s flower: mountain ___ 80 Tulip precursor
81 Armed conflict 82 By hand (Span.): a ___ 84 Speaker of Gaelic 85 Render defenceless 88 Ethiopian capital: ___ Ababa 90 Merger 93 Sonata or arietta 94 Dog’s utterance 95 Kiln 96 Unbleached colour 97 Spread around 98 Hockey official 99 Snack 100 Transmitted
Down 1 Here for Henri 2 Idiot 3 Capital of Norway 4 Attendant or waiter 5 Garment 6 Hang onto 7 Symbol of wisdom 8 Chic 9 Forest path 10 Vienna, in Vienna 11 Choose (with “for”) 12 Wager 13 End prematurely 14 Terry Fox’s hometown: Port ___, B.C. 15 Burden 16 Vladimir’s veto 22 Phone 23 Call an election: drop the ___ 29 Sped 30 Came to rest 31 Renoir’s mother 32 Donkey 33 Workout venue 34 Nominate 35 Region 36 Pastor’s residence 37 Inuit shirt 39 Hurt 40 Whirlpool 42 Make a dint 43 Sudden flood 46 Over and ___ with 47 Garter ___
48 String tie 50 Fatigue 51 Bite to eat 52 Diplomacy 54 Horned game 55 Peterson of jazz 56 From ___ and far 57 Study the night before 58 Plural of locus 59 First black MP: Lincoln ___ 62 Surprise attack 63 Copenhagen citizen 65 On 66 Kitty 67 Citizen of Belgrade 69 That girl 71 Wind dir. 72 One way to travel overhead 73 Ship pillagers 76 Actor’s alerts 77 Toronto castle: ___ Loma 79 Soprano or alto 80 Rockies resort 81 Breadth 82 Travel guides 83 Mine entrance 84 Blood and guts 85 Disparage 86 Basmati 87 Daybreak, poetically 89 Use needle and thread 90 Part of a train 91 Native of Laos 92 Cashew
-30Copyright 2013 Kathleen Hamilton Distributed by Torstar Syndication Services
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 11, 2013, 2013 A13
To Place a listing in our community news section: 1. open to all clubs and nonprofit organizations. 2. Post your event online at (calendar). events appear on our website oNlY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit to our front desk or email: 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.
october 18th 3pm8pm & october 19th 9am-4pm at Bootleg gap gold course clubhouse, Kimberley Bc. an amazing collection of handcrafted creations presented in a beautiful autumn setting for a unique and relaxing shopping experience. soup and
Sandwich Buffet Saturday 11am-2pm. eSl volunteer Tutor training with cBal. Help others to speak and read english. Preregistration required – Katherine 250-4172896 or khough@cbal. org
SocIal DaNce 7 pm. muSIc BY cHaPParal at the cranbrook Seniors Hall, 2 ST. S. refreshments Served. an open event held on 3rd Saturdays. The Jam and Ice-cream Social on last Saturdays at 1:30 pm invites everyone for a time
of refreshment and fun. oct. Jam moved up to 19th. updates 250.489.2720 Home grown music Society presents the first coffee House of this season at centre 64 at 8:00 pm. Tickets $7 at the Snowdrift cafe & centre 64 in Kimberley.
Although it’s commonly accepted that oil and antifreeze are
owner members, 39 collectors and processors,
only takes one drop of oil to contaminate a
500+ return collection facilities and more
million drops of water, the problem is clear:
than 4,000 generators. In addition,
there’s just too many drops to count, too many to ignore.
BCUOMA is a not-for-profit
“lovINg our KIDS on Purpose” DvD Series by Danny Silk. Wednesdays 7-9pm october 16th to November 27th.
organization that encourages British Columbians to responsibly recycle used oil, oil filters, oil containers, used antifreeze and
location:House of Hope-629 6th St. N.W. cost: $30.00 per person
antifreeze containers. Since the launch of the program in 2003,
($40.00 per couple) includes manual.
British Columbians have done an
registration: Info: 250421-3784
Call Toll Free 1-800-665-2382, stop in to our office at 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook or visit our web site
province. Today, participation includes 219 brand-
landfills every year. When you consider that it
Studio Stage Door, cranbrook, 7:30 pm sharp. Tickets available at lotus Books & at the door.
How to reach us:
BCUOMA has built a strong support network across the
than one million litres of used oil ends up in BC
localS lIve PerformaNceS,
OCTOBER 20 eK HISTorIcal aSSocIaTIoN fall
meeting, Heritage Inn, 11:30 lunch/12 noon, guest spaker mr. Joe Pierre. marilyn, 4263070 or Skip, 426-3679. We need members.
In a continued effort to encourage higher rates of recovery,
not household garbage we can simply throw out, more
eSl volunteer Tutor training with cBal. Help others to speak and read english. Preregistration required – Katherine 250-4172896 or khough@cbal. org
exceptional job of recycling their used oil materials.
free famIlY SWIm, 6-7 pm, Kimberley rec centre, persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult. Sponsored by Kimberley Healthcare aux. cHrIST THe ServaNT Parish Hall in-
BCUOMA is expanding its successful ambassador program this summer – with two teams of ambassadors touring the province to educate and raise awareness of the importance of used oil and antifreeze recycling. By recycling your used oil and antifreeze products, you’re playing an important role in preserving our environment for future generations.
vites the community to attend a presentation by monica lambton, coordinator of the office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of creation for the congretation of Notre Dame, 7-9 pm.
Jon Turk presents: crocodiles and Ice 7:30 pm at Key city Theatre. legendary fernie explorer and author, Jon Turk will share some of his many adventures and images from some of the world’s wildest places. http://www.
Protecting our province from the harmful effects of used oil and antifreeze must be a responsibility we all share, together. So please, next time you look to dispose of used oil or antifreeze materials, find a collection facility near you. Here are three easy ways to do so: Visit • Call 1.800.667.4321 • Call 604.RECYCLE for the Lower Mainland To arrange for a bulk pick-up of used oil please call 1.866.254.0555
Note: Please make sure to return your used oil materials during regular business hours for proper disposal and to avoid any spills and further contamination to the environment.
Check out the BC Recyclepedia App to find over 1,000 drop-off locations and recycling options for over 70 materials across BC.
“The magic of autumn” artisan market
BC Used Oil
Insertion Date: See List at Right
Friday, October 11, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Auxiliary fashion show It’s an annual event that many look forward to featuring some of the best fashions and acces-
sories from the Cranbrook Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store on 8th Avenue.
On Thursday, October 17 at 6 p.m. the fun will start with a chance to bid on silent auction items, take your chance on the 50/50 draw or pick a lucky envelope from
The law firm of Rella & Paolini is proud to present a full service family law practice now offered by Donald Kawano, QC. Mr. Kawano has over 30 years of legal experience in family law. The services now offered by Mr. Kawano include:
• Cohabitation Agreements • Family Law Litigation • Separation Agreements
• Divorces • Collaborative Family Law • Mediation
If you or someone you know requires legal representation on a family law matter we invite you to contact Donald Kawano QC at: Second Floor, 6 - 10th Avenue South Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M8 Telephone: 250-426-8981 Toll free: 1-866-426-8981 Email:
one of the two Treasure Trees. Tickets will also be available for the CHCA raffle featuring a first prize of a $3,300 diamond ring and earring set (compliments of Dr. Laura Zeznik), 2nd prize a trip to Celtic Thunder Concert (thanks Margy DeNeef at Kootenay Golf Vacations) and a 3rd prize beauty basket from Kristen Knight at the Vanity Room. The runway action starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $25 and are still available at the Thrift Store on 8th Avenue or at the CHCA Gift Shop at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. Tables can still be reserved by calling Eldene Smedstad at 250 489-4003.
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Investors Group Congratulates Blake on Achieving the President’s List
Blake Martindale For competent, professional financial planning.
Bill Hughes, Regional Director at our Kootenay Region office is pleased to announce that Blake Martindale placed in the top two among the 260 candidates across Canada who wrote Financial Planning Examination Level 2 in June 2013. Congratulations Blake for your outstanding performance. You have shown an exceptionally high standard of professionalism, competence and judgment. Blake is now one of our 12 Certified Financial Planners at our Kootenay Region office.
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Investors Group is a registered trademark owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations.
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Excludes discounted, clearance, “Hot buy” deals, promoted offers, and commercial or builder products.
FRI 9:30-8:00 • SAT 9:00-6:00 • SUN 12:00-5:00 HOLIDAY MONDAY 12:00-5:00
501 Slater Rd., Cranbrook, BC • 417-3235
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 11, 2013 A11
The Cranbrook Food Bank needs your help
Do you Tweet??
Find us on Facebook
Drop boxes at Safeway and Save On Foods Food Bank ofce 104-8th Ave. S. • 426-7664 (from 10am-3pm)
Follow us on Twitter Cranbrook News
Howl-o-ween at The Paw Shop October 19th 12-5pm
Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund Request for Proposals
Have your pets photo professionally taken in the spooky Halloween scene. All photos by donation to the EK SPCA.
The Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) and Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) are seeking proposals for projects that will benefit conservation in the area from Spillimacheen to Canal Flats. To apply for funding go to and click on Local Conservation Fund. Review the Terms of Reference paying particular attention to Section 8 – Fund Design, and apply using the application form provided.
“The Magic of Autumn” Artisan Market Friday, October 18th 3pm-8pm Saturday, October 19th 9am-4pm Oct. 11
At The Bootleg Gap Golf Course Clubhouse Kimberley, BC An amazing collection of handcrafted creations presented in a beautiful autumn setting for a unique and relaxing shopping experience! Entrance fee $ to be donated to the Kimberly Food Bank & Door prizes/wheelchair accessible Soup & Sandwich Buffet Saturday 11am-2pm
Space is limited so call to book your spot now! 250-489-1729
Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund (CVLCF) funding is available for conservation projects that result in the reduction to a known threat to biodiversity. Projects that are technically sound and effective, and provide value for money through partnerships with other funders will have priority. Proponents must be a registered not-for-profit organization, First Nations band, or local government. Unqualified groups or organizations may partner with a qualified organization. Multi-year projects are acceptable to a maximum three years. A Technical Review Committee will review project proposals and make recommendations to the RDEK for final funding approval.
8th Annual
Howl-o-ween at The Paw Shop
$$ 55,000 ,000
October 19th 12-5pm
UpUp Closing dates for project submissions is 4:30 p.m. October to to 31, 2013. Projects specific to land acquisition and/or conservation covenants may be submitted at any time during the year.
cash discount cash discount*
* Project proposals must be submitted in writing and delivered by mail or email to: 2013 Passat 3.6L amount shown
Have your pets photo professionally taken in the spooky Halloween scene. All photos by donation to the EK SPCA.
2013 Passat 3.6L amount shown
Dave Hillary, Program Manager Kootenay Conservation Program P.O. Box 2767, Invermere, B.C., V0A 1K0 Email: Phone: 250-688-1508
Oct. 14
You’re finally at home.
Space is limited so call to book your spot now! 250-489-1729
We have everything you need and more!
Who’da thought? Who’da thought?
Howl-o-ween at The Paw Shop Oct. 19, 12-5pm
2013 Jetta Have your pets photo 2013 Jetta professionally taken.
$3$,3 000 ,000
photos by donation to Up UpAll the EK SPCA. to toSpace is limited so call to book spot now! SALES EVENT cashyour discount* cash discount* 250-489-1729
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Highline 4MOTION
2.0L TSI, 4 cylinder engine, 200 hp, 207 lb-ft of torque, 6-speed automatic with Tiptronic®, 4 Motion All Wheel Drive, 18’’ alloy wheels, 12-way power driver seat, heatable front seats, panoramic power sunroof, premium 8 radio -with 6-disc CD changer & 8-speakers, Sirius® satellite radio integrated, Climatronic® dual-zone electronic climate control, MDI - Media Device Interface with iPod® connectivity, Bluetooth® mobile telephone connectivity.
MSRP .............................................$39,050 Arrow Discount ...............................$1,000 Factory Discount ............................ $1,000 Discount in lieu of special rates .... $2,000 VW Loyalty Bonus .............................$750 StkV66262
2013 Jetta
2013 Passat
2.5L, 5-cylinder engine, 170 hp, 177 lb-ft torque, automatic with Tiptronic and Sport mode, 17’’ alloy wheels, air conditioning, cruise control, MDI - Media Device Interface w/iPod connectivity, multifunction trip computer and indicator, power sunroof, SiriusXM® satellite radio, Bluetooth® mobile telephone connectivity, leather seating surfaces, premium 8 touchscreen radio with 6 speakers.
2.5L, 5 cylinder engine, 170 hp, 177 lb/ft of torque, 6-speed automatic with Tiptronic and Sport mode, 17’’ alloy wheels, 8-way power driver seat, Climatronic dualzone electronic climate control, Media Device Interface (MDI) with iPod® connectivity, power sunroof, SiriusXM® satellite radio integrated, Bluetooth® mobile phone connectivity, electronic stability control (ESC), and much more.
Highline 2.5L
Comfortline 2.5L
2013 Passat 2013 Passat
$5$,5 000 ,000
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MSRP .............................................$27,985 MSRP .............................................$29,870 Arrow Discount ............................... $1,000 Arrow Discount ...............................$1,000 Factory Discount ............................. $1,000 Factory Discount .............................$1,000 cash discount* Discount in lieu of special rates .... $2,000 cash discount* Discount in lieu of special rates .... $2,000 VW Loyalty Bonus ............................ $500 VW Loyalty Bonus .............................$750 StkV54391
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2034 Cranbrook Street, N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3T1
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Friday, October 11, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
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Beautiful and Talented Cheerful and Smart
Happy 50th Cathy
Let us help you create a special memorial including: Personalized Engraving and Installation
Coming Events
Coming Events
Coming Events
November 23, Christmas in The Community Craft Fair, 10am-3pm, Cranbrook Community Living Centre. Hosted by TOPS 2133. To book a table, contact Jennifer at 250919-8915 November 2, Coffee & Muffins Galore, Masonic Lodge, 401 3rd Ave, Cranbrook. Eastern Star Jubilee Chapter No. 64 invites you to drop in, 10amnoon, $2/person. Door prize, jewelry, white elephant table, crafts & baking. October 16, Free Family Swim, 6-7pm, Kimberley Rec Centre, persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult. Sponsored by Kimberley Health-Care Aux.
November 30, Home Grown Music Society presents the Coffee House on Saturday, Nov 30 at Centre 64 at 8pm, Tickets $7 at the Snowdrift Cafe & Centre 64 in Kimberley.
October 16, “Loving Our Kids on Purpose” DVD series by Danny Silk. Wednesdays, 7pm-9pm, October 16 to November 27th. Location: House of Hope, 629 6th St NW, cost: $30 per person ($40 per couple), includes manual. Registration: Info, 250-421-3784
November 1, Big Brothers Big Sisters is proud to announce our first annual Curl for Kids Sake on November 1 & 2 at the Cranbrook Curling Centre. It’s our most important fundraising event of this year and every dollar you raise helps match children and youth with a mentor. For more information or to register call 250-4893111 or visit our website
Obituaries OBITUARY
OBITUARY Ted Knudson 1961 - 2013 It is with great sadness that Ted's family announces his passing in Kimberley at the "Pines" surrounded by his family on October 5, 2013 after a lengthy battle with cancer at 52 years of age. Ted was born in Havre, Montana on September 18, 1961. Ted is survived by his mother Ila (nee Springer) Knudson, father Glen (Jean) Knudson, brother Terry, niece Dallas (Ben) Runzer and their children Donnovan, Teagan and Paisen, niece Kelsey, sister Pam (Keith) Hebert, nephew Jeff (Kendall) and their daughter Meia and niece Amy and brother Toby, He was predeceased by his oldest brother Timmy (1963), grandparents Claude (Blanche) Springer, Albert (Dorothy) Knudson, several aunts, uncles, cousins, dear friends and long time furry companion Corky. A special thank you to Cindy, Wayne, Denise and Shane for always being there for Ted. A Celebration of Ted's Life will be held on Friday, October 11, 2013 between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm at the Wasa Community Hall. Those wishing to make a memorial donation in honour of Ted may do so to the: Canadian Cancer Society, 19 - 9th Avenue South, Cranbrook, British Columbia, V1C 2L9. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service.
Condolences for the family can be offered at:
Edward Raymond Botterill Oct 27, 1927 - Oct 1, 2013 Edward (Ted) passed away peacefully at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 with his family by his side. Ted was born in Erickson, BC where he spent his childhood working on the Botterill farm. Later, Ted moved to Red Deer, Alberta and worked for CP Rail for a few years. He then moved to Cranbrook and married June Johnson. On December 27th they would have celebrated 61 years of marriage. Throughout his years of employment, Ted was a Heavy Duty Equipment Operator. He was a member of the Operating Engineers from 1963 to 2013. Ted enjoyed sitting down and having a one-on- one time with his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. He loved each and everyone of them. He was a great father who always had time to spend with each of his children. He enjoyed the outdoors and took great pride in caring for his flowers, cherry and apple trees. Ted was an avid hunter and had a true love for animals. Ted will be sadly missed. He leaves to cherish his memory his wife, June Botterill and four children; Don (Linda) Botterill, Debbie (Terry) Lancaster, Pat (Arleen) Botterill and Darryl (Kaleena) Botterill as well as ten grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Ted was predeceased by his son, Billy; his parents, Frank and Eunice Botterill and six siblings. As requested by Ted, there will be no funeral. Condolences may be left for the family at Mark Memorial Funeral Services in care of arrangements (250)426-4764.
Coming Events
Obituaries On the Strip, Cranbrook 250.426.6278
GROW MARIJUANA commercially. Canadian Commercial Production Licensing Convention October 26th & 27th. Toronto Airport, Marriott Hotel. Tickets 1-855-860-8611 or 250-870-1882.
Let the Celebration Start! Love You! Dad & Judy
KOOPMANS, GOSSE (GEORGE) 1922 –2013 George Koopmans died Friday, October 4, 2013 in Cranbrook. George was born into a large family in Garyp, a small town in the province of Fryslan in the Netherlands. He loved ice skating and participated in the prestigious Alvestedetocht, or Eleven Cities Tour, a 200-kilometer skating race. Though he disliked school, George greatly admired academic achievement, and at 17, he began his pursuit of Hilda Wobma, the smartest girl in town. According to George, it was simply a bonus that she also had the best legs. George and Hilda had an eventful courtship, much of it conducted during Germany's occupation of Holland in World War II. They married in 1947. George’s dearest dream was to farm. In 1949, his sights turned to Canada, and with 50 borrowed dollars, he, pregnant Hilda and 11-month-old Bill set out for a new life. After a wretched voyage plagued by storms and seasickness, the young family arrived in Halifax in the middle of a harsh Canadian winter. They settled in Wycliffe. A born farmer, George had a reverence for agriculture, and his children quickly learned to say “soil” rather than “dirt,” which had a negative connotation to George’s ears. George developed a talent for coaxing vibrant crops, flowers and vegetables from the poorest soil. He enjoyed a wide variety of fresh garden vegetables, though he drew the line at broccoli. George owned a dairy farm in Fort Steele and later purchased a farm in Wasa where he raised cattle. His happiest days were those spent haying on his tractor. Following his retirement from farming, George worked at Crestbrook Forest Industries as a personnel assistant for 17 years. He was a charter member of the Wasa Lions Club. George loved Hilda’s cooking, pickled herring, salty black licorice, potatoes from his garden, Simmental cattle, John Deere tractors, diesel engines, and a good dry martini. He resumed oil painting in his later years. George disliked pretentiousness, rudeness and those who treated the elderly like “third-class citizens.” He believed in plain speech, and stories of his more interesting encounters invariably ended with a shrug and the phrase, “It had to be said.” He distrusted potluck dinners, leftovers and pasta in all forms. He viewed casseroles as a sneaky way to get him to eat ingredients of insufficient quality to stand on their own. Though he lived a simple life, George felt that his family made him the wealthiest man on earth. His proudest achievement was his 66 years of marriage to the smartest girl in Garyp. George believed he had the most accomplished children and grandchildren in the world, and he was proud to share that information. Credit for his talented offspring went to Hilda and his own good sense in winning her hand. George is survived by his wife Hilda and five children Bill Koopmans (Judy), Hilda Muir (Bob), Pat Hall (Dave), Don Koopmans (Debbie) and Shannon Rodgers (Pat); nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Hilda and the family wish to extend their thanks to Dr. Caroline Shilhan, Cranbrook Home Support, the staff at Joseph Creek who looked after George during his brief respite stay and the wonderful neighbours who gave so generously of their time and driving services. At George’s request, there will be no funeral service but instead a gathering of family and neighbours to reminisce, laugh and celebrate a man who lived the immigrant's dream.
October 19, Home Grown Music Society presents the first Coffee House of this season at Centre 64 at 8pm. Tickets $7 at the Snowdrift Cafe & Centre 64 in Kimberley
Obituaries OBITUARY
Milburn: Eva Doreen Grace 1932 - 2013 On Monday, October 7, 2013, Doreen passed away peacefully with her family by her side at the Elk Valley Hospital in Fernie, BC. Doreen was born in Fernie on July 10, 1932. She enjoyed creating countless cross-stitch pictures, crocheting, knitting, reading, TV and puzzle books, and she loved spending time with family and friends. Doreen is survived by her children: Maxine (Frank) Fairclough, Barbara (Dale) Olson, Billy (Carol) Milburn, and Lawrence (Bonnie) Milburn, 8 grandchildren: Christina, Kimberley, Brent, Kyle, Chelsea, Evan, Connie, Chris, 11 great grandchildren, and her sisters Kaye (Lister) Canning and Shirley Roe, brothers Bob (Lolly) Hockley, Cal (Gloria) Hockley, and sisters-in-law Kae Hockley and Doreen Hockley. She was preceded in death by her husband Bill Milburn, her parents Saunders and Lillian Hockley, brothers Jim, Art, Lawrence, Les, Wilfred and Clifford, and her sister, Violet Fleming. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the charity of the donor’s choice. Our family would like to thank Dr. Soetaert and the nursing staff that compassionately cared for Doreen at the Elk Valley Hospital, as well as the many friends who supported our family and continue to do so. We express our heartfelt thanks. Friends are invited to join the Milburn family for a Celebration of Life being held at the Fernie Legion Hall on Saturday, October 12th at 1:00 PM. Messages of condolence may be made to the family at Arrangements entrusted to Cherished Memories Funeral Services Ltd.
OBITUARY Colvin Allen McBurney 1936 - 2013 Colvin Allen McBurney passed away peacefully at home and went to be with the Lord on Sunday, September 29, 2013 at the age of 76 years. Colvin will always be remembered as a man of unwavering integrity, a lightning quick sense of humour and a profound love of family, friends and God. He was a husband, brother, father, grandpa and friend. He was a provider and a supporter. He was a hero. Colvin was predeceased by his parents Colvin and Maisie (nee Strachan). Left to mourn his passing are his wife of 50 years and the love of his life Joy (nee Christian), brothers Dick (Linda) and Gary, sister-in-law Jill Christian, children Tyler (Joni), Danny and Jay, grandchildren Jordan, Amanda, Kayla, Kathleen, Margie, Finn, Sarah and Austin, nephews Chris, Doug and Dean, niece Lori and their families and countless cherished friends, most notably life long friend Don Laing (Mary-Lou). A special thank you to his doctor and special friend Dr. Bob Niedermayer, Dr. Davis, Susan Little and the nurses from the Green Clinic and the caring staff of Interior Health. Colvin loved you all. Joy would like to express her thanks, gratitude and love to Pam Weiler, Sheila Moore, Tammy Brown and Bev Foraie for all their help and support throughout Colvin's battle. Colvin's family and friends will have a gathering in the spring to celebrate his life. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Colvin's name to the Canadian Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation at Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at:
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 11, 2013
Announcements A13
Coming Events
Coming Events
October 18, Jon Turk presents: Crocodiles and Ice, 7:30 pm at Key City Theatre. Legendary Fernie explorer and author, Jon Turk will share some of his many adventures and images from some of the world’s wildest places. h t t p : / / w w w . w i l d kpresents-crocodiles-and-icekey-city-theatre-cranbrook
October 22, Have Camera Will Travel...Join Janice Strong for her slide presentation “Earth, Wind, Fire & Water” at Centre 64 at 7:30 pm. Admission by donation. Proceeds to Kimberley Arts Council & Expansion Project.
October 18th, 3pm-8pm & October 19th, 9am-4pm. Bootleg Gap Golf Course Clubhouse, Kimberley, BC. An amazing collection of handcrafted creations presented in a beautiful autumn setting for a unique and relaxing shopping experience. Soup and Sandwich buffet Saturday, 11am-2pm. October 19, Social Dance, 7pm, music by Chapparal, at the Cranbrook Seniors Hall, 2nd St S. Refreshments served. An open event held on 3rd Saturdays. The Jam and Ice-cream social on last Saturdays at 1:30 pm invites everyone for a time of refreshment and fun. Oct. Jam moved up to the 19th. Updates, 250-4892720
October 30, Free Public Swim at Kimberley Rec Centre, 5-6 pm persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult. Sponsored by Shoppers Drug Mart.
Happy Thoughts
Need new wheels but your credit has run off the road? Apply online:
or call Travis at Northstar GM
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Personals SWF 60+ looking for a gentleman to spend quality time with. A lifelong companion, someone who likes to do things together, someone who is looking for a relationship with love, trust & respect. Please reply to Box 264, c/o Kootenay Advertiser, 1510-2nd St N., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2
Lost & Found Lost: My 13 year old grandson saved his money for so long to buy a pair of powder skis. His Grandpa was driving home on the Airport road and they blew out of the back of the truck. We went to look for them the next day but all we found was the box. Please, if you have the skis or found them, please call us because it would make our Grandson so happy to have them back. Offering a reward. Please call (250)427-5559
DAISY H. WOCKNITZ August 27, 1923 – September 30, 2013
It is with profound sadness we announce the passing of our beloved Daisy, with her granddaughter Roni beside her as she leŌ us on Donday, ^epteŵber ϯϬ, ϮϬϭϯ at the iŵpressive age of ϵϬ years in Vernon, B.C. Daisy was a feisty, English bird who dedicated her life to her faŵily. ^he was born in traysbury, England, the eldest of ϰ sisters͗ Vera, :eaneƩe, and Dorothy. ^he ŵet and ŵarried her husband, <en, a Canadian soldier and celebrated the birth of their eldest daughter in England. dhey ŵoved to <iŵberley and celebrated the birth of their youngest daughter ϴ years later. Daisy resided in <iŵberley unƟl she ŵoved to live with her eldest granddaughter aŌer the birth of her great grandsons. ^he loved to Ŭnit and baŬe for her granddaughters. ^he enũoyed her brief sƟnt as a ͞,oŵeŵaŬer͟ in <iŵberley. ,er pasƟŵes included͗ ^,KWWIE', playing cards with faŵily, dancing to ŵusic, ͞whaŵŵyͲing͟ whoever played against the CanucŬs ;waiƟng for theŵ to win the CupͿ and listening to her great grandsons play the piano for her.
Business Opportunities
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
CANADIAN TAXPAYERS Federation ( has an opening in its Sales Division. Aggressive Commission Scale. Door to Door experience an asset. Email: national. or 1800-667-7933 Ext 111.
CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL Best Rates. 1.800.663.1818
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Children Childcare Available Caring & reliable mom with excellent references has 1 full or part time spot avail, any age welcome. Call Michelle (250)426-7301
Found: prescription sunglasses, Bolle brand, men’s, found in Cranbrook. Call to describe, (250)417-7502
LOST, WHILE shopping in Cranbrook. Panasonic Digital Camera - Lumix LS75. Please call 250-417-4004.
Lost & Found
Found: set of keys on 1st St & 14th Ave. Call Brian, 1 (250)426-3497
Business Opportunities
Career Opportunities TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager online! Graduates get access to all jobs posted with us. 33 years of success! Government certified. or 1800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.
CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
ALL CASH drink/snack vending business route. Complete training. Small invest. req’d. 1888-979-VEND (8363).
WANTED: MOTIVATED, serious people! Discover how to earn an extra income working from home. Flex hrs.
Caretakers/ Residential Managers
Are you ready to sell your
winter sports gear? Come and see Shannon or Erin about our
RESIDENT CARETAKER needed for apartment buildings in Cranbrook (50+ suites). Successful applicant must have excellent people and communication skills, and be familiar with computer, internet/email. Experience an asset but not necessary. Adult oriented building. Please forward resume to:
Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway Owner Operators for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package. To join our team of Professional drivers, email a resume, current driver’s abstract & details of truck to: or call Bev at 604-968-5488 or Fax: 604-587-9889 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility. We thank everyone for applying, however we will only contact candidates that interest us.
Education/Trade Schools 21 Week HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Classes start November 18, 2013. Call for more information. Taylor Pro Training Ltd. 1-877-860-7627. INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853
Help Wanted Siding installers wanted with some experience. Call Jeff (250)421-4451
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Winter Special
Sell your winter sporting goods $14.99 for 2 weeks w/border
^he was predeceased by͗ her husband, <en ; pril ϭϵϵϮͿ͖ daughter, Debbie ;^epteŵber ϭϵϵϵͿ͖ sister :eaneƩe in England͖ as well as sonͲinͲlaw :ohn :onŬer. Daisy will be deeply ŵourned by͗ her sisters Vera ;VernonͿ and Dorothy ;EnglandͿ͖ her daughter Brenda Beauchene ;ByronͿ͖ granddaughter Roni ;DarŬ Van tyŬͿ͖ great grandsons >iaŵ and dhĠo͖ granddaughter DariũŬe :onŬer͖ nuŵerous nieces and nephews͖ stepͲ faŵily and inͲlaws͖ as well as all those whose lives she touched. s reƋuested by Daisy, there will not be a funeral service. ^he will be laid to rest beside her husband and daughter during a private faŵily gathering at the <iŵberley Ceŵetery. ^he will live forever in our hearts. We love you and will celebrate you with each ‘cuppa’. rrangeŵents have been entrusted to Wleasant Valley &uneral ,oŵe. Condolences ŵay be oīered at www.pleasantvalleyĬ.coŵ 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook 1-800-665-2382, 250-489-3455
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
l Employees meet employers here… ◾
Help Wanted
Friday, October 11, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Help Wanted
Teachers-on-Call needed at St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Catholic School. Qualified applicants please send your resume to:
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.
EXPERIENCED LOG truck driver with good abstract and attitude, required immediately Call (250)423-7887 or Fax resume 250-423-7540
Senior Housing Manager
or call the school at 250-426-5017
(PSOR\PHQW 2SSRUWXQLW\ The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply forâ&#x20AC;Ś
CAREER OPPORTUNITY Grand Forksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Newest Seniors Housing and Care Community â&#x20AC;˘ Attractive Compensation Package â&#x20AC;˘ Flexible Hours â&#x20AC;˘ Innovative Support Team to Ensure Your Success â&#x20AC;˘ Opportunity for Growth within an Expanding Company â&#x20AC;˘ Vibrant Professional Atmosphere Silver Kettle Village Grand Forks, BC
Please quote competition numbers: 13-CON-05
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Director of Clinical Care CAREER OPPORTUNITY
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Please apply by email or call us at: C: (250) 423-4214 E:
Required at Kootenay Import Auto Group in Cranbrook BC. If you have a strong desire to succeed, an outgoing personality, are experienced at developing relationships (you are a people person) have excellent negotiation and presentation skills, are willing to work flexible hours, able to work independently and as part of a team, and willing to learn. Then this position may be for you! Whether you are an entry level or experienced sales representative this is an outstanding opportunity to start a rewarding career in automotive sales experience in automotive sales is an asset but not required as product and sales training is provided. Apply Now! Become a member of our winning automotive sales team. Email or fax your cover letter and resume to Steve Pecsi - Sales Manager at Kootenay Import Auto Group Email: Fax: (250)-489-0172.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
632069 BC Ltd o/a Tim Hortons Cranbrook BC
Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1
Forestry Hooktender/Spotter Required. Must be experienced and physically able to work in all weather conditions. Fax:250-503-1148
500-1500 Cranbrook St N Fax (250)417-0061 & 1875 Cranbrook St N Fax (250)417-0661 Food Counter attendant Permanent Full time & Part time, shift, weekend, day, night, evening, $10.25/hr + benefits (after 3 months probationary period) Start date ASAP job description see in store for details, no experience & education needed apply by fax or at store.
Strata Management Assistant Reception duties including daily bank runs and filing Knowledge of basic book-keeping, Simply Accounting and Microsoft Office Suite required Willingness and desire to learn Strata Act is an asset. Part time with future full time potential Reply to Box 265 c/o Kootenay Advertiser, 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 or email (please quote box number in subject line)
Please apply by email or call us at: C: (250) 442-0667 E:
A full-time Automotive Technician is required for long term position at Northstar GM Cranbrook. The successful applicant will be joining a staff that enjoys working in a great team environment for competitive salary and benefits. 2nd year apprentice with good references may also be considered.
CRANBROOK 0.5 temporary contract until June 27, 2014
Speech and Language Pathologist
$SSOLFDQWV ZLOO SRVVHVV WKH IROORZLQJ TXDOLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQV â&#x20AC;˘ Must have a degree/formal training and teaching experience in Speech and Language Pathology â&#x20AC;˘ Must possess or be eligible for membership in CASLPA 'ate of 1otice 2ct Closing 'ate 2ct ² p m MS7
Starting 'ate upon completion of the posting process Contact Person 'arcy 9erbeurgt 'istrict Principal/Student Services Phone Resumes complete with professional references are to be forwarded to Director of Instruction/Human Resources Industrial Rd 1o CranbrooN %C 9lC C Phone )ax or careers#sd bc ca
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Experienced Truck Drivers Drivers License Class 1 or 3 with air. Snowplow experience not required but would be an asset. As & When Positions for winter months in Cranbrook, Kimberley, Yahk, Invermere Fernie, Sparwood & Jaffray. Mail or fax resume, including current drivers abstract to: Mainroad East Kootenay Contracting LP 258 Industrial Rd F Cranbrook BC, V1C 6N8 Fax # 250-417-4641
HIRING!!!! 3 FOOD COUNTER ATTENDANTS â&#x20AC;˘ Permanent, Full Time, Shift, Overtime, Weekend, Day, Evening â&#x20AC;˘ $10.50 for 40/week DUTIES ARE: Provide excellent customer service, Take customersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; orders, Prepare, cook and finish simple food items, Portion and wrap foods, Package take-out food, Stock refrigerators, Clean and prep produce, Receive, unpack and sort supplies, freezers, cupboards and other storage areas, General cleaning an maintenance (sweep and mop floors etc.) How to Apply: By email: Robertsjesse236@
Wanted Immediately 1st or 2nd year Apprentice Technician We are oďŹ&#x20AC;ering a very competitive pay rate and beneďŹ t package with an exceptional work environment to the qualiďŹ ed candidate. Give us a call - you might be surprised with what you are worth in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s market 250-364-9988 Send resume and cover letter attn: Justin
Sears in Cranbrook is looking for a Part-time Sales Associate to work on our appliance sales floor as well as our catalogue counter. Must be available to work most weekends. Please bring in resume to Sears in the Baker St Mall next to Safeway. (PSOR\PHQW 2SSRUWXQLW\ The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply forâ&#x20AC;Ś
Old Waneta Rd Trail, BC
Join the family at Frankâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Steak and Schnitzel Haus. Line cooks required. Experience is an asset. Apply in person with resume ask for Bob. Looking for a kind, reliable PT caregiver for elderly gentleman with Parkinsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Disease, must have own transportation. Apply with resume to Mow and Snow Land Care is looking for fun, enthusiastic Snow Shovellers & Machine Operators for this winter season as well as Landscape & Lawn Maintenance workers for summer 2014. Machine operators must have experience & a valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s licence. Wages are competitive & based on experience. Hours vary upon snow fall. A typical snow day for a machine operator is 5am to mid afternoon & for a snow shoveller 7am to lunch time. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to join our fun team environment please contact us by email: or stop by our shop: Unit 3 1501 10th Ave., Fernie.
Please quote competition numbers: 13-CU-35
For a full description of this job posting and instructions on how to apply visit:
Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021; ZZZ FRWU EF FD
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 11, 2013
Employment A15
Online Services
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
EDMONTON BASED Company seeks qualified & experienced Buncher Operator and Processor Operator. Fort McMurray, camp work, 21/7 rotation, flight in/out provided, safety tickets and drivers abstract required. Fax 780-4883002 or send and email to; jobs@commandequipment. com
EDMONTON BASED Company seeks qualified & experienced (or experienced) Mulcher Operator. Fort McMurray, camp work, 21/7 rotation, flight in/out provided, safety tickets and drivers abstract required. Fax 780-488-3002 or email to; jobs@commandequipment. com
PSYCHIC MIRACLES by Call and get a free reading by phone. Love money job family, restores broken relationships, solves all problems permanently. 1-866-2295072.
COME SEE the expanded show room at Flaman Fitness, we have Bow Flex gyms, Nautilus treadmills, bikes and elipticals. Plus we have a huge clearance section upstairs. We’re located on the strip downtown Cranbrook. Just look for the 7’ tall running man out front 250-426-2691
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for experienced welders. Competitive wages, profit sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through in hole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform. Call Cindy for an appointment or send resume to: Call 780846-2231 (Office); 780-8462241 (Fax).
Automotive Detailer Required Fernie Chrysler has an immediate opening for an automive detailer in our detailing department, no previous work experience needed. Competitive wages and benefits offered within an excellent team atmosphere. Apply by email: or in person at Fernie chrysler.
802 Hwy 3, Fernie, BC
OPEN Monday to Friday • 9am to 5pm CARETAKERS REQUIRED A Summerland Non-Profit Housing Provider is seeking a reliable, experienced person/s to care for a 53-unit seniors’ Independent Living apartment building. Must be physically fit and will be responsible for security, janitorial, activities, emergency response and some maintenance. This is an onsite position (will consider offsite). Must work well with seniors and have good references. This position is ideally suited for a retired couple. Familiarity and experience with the Residential Tenancy Act an asset. You can obtain an information package, including a job description, by emailing us at Please mail reply with cover letter, resume and references to 100 – 9302 Angus Street, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z5 or email to or fax: (250) 494-1137, Closing date Nov. 6th, 2013 Visit our website:
Strategic Fire Control Ltd. Now a Recognized First Aid Training Centre for:
with Instructor Janie Dickinson 329 Van Horne Street South, Cranbrook, BC Ph: 250 426-2525 First Aid Training Upcoming Courses: Level 3 First Aid Course November 18-29, 2013 Also Offering Monthly: Level 1 - Workplace First Aid & Transportation Endorsement Level 2 First Aid & Standard First Aid- Fall dates coming soon
Call now to inquire or register for courses
Employment Opportunity in the Elk Valley & Cranbrook
School District No 5. (Southeast Kootenay) is now accepting applications for the following casual positions in the communities of Elkford, Sparwood, Fernie and Cranbrook:
TTOC - Teachers Teaching On Call EA - Education Assistants
A detailed resume including 3 professional references, must be received no later than Tuesday October 15, 2013, 4:00pm (MST). Please apply for this Mob only in the manner speciÀed by the employer, otherwise; your application will not be considered for the poosition. By email: In the comment line please specify Elk Valley Employment Opportunity. The successful applicant will be subject to the terms of the criminal records review act. Only short-listed canditates will be contacted.
FRASER SHINGLES AND EXTERIORS. Sloped Roofing / Siding Crews needed at our Edmonton branch. Great wages. Own equipment is a MUST. For info contact Giselle @ 780 962 1320 or at email: JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $30/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info online at: Fax 403-854-2845; or Email:
Education/Tutoring Bible Tutor, have M.A. in Christian Studies, $10/hour. (250)426-5779
Financial Services ur Reduce yo Debt by up to • Avoid bankruptcy • 1 interest free monthly payment • Free Consultation
Call for YOUR Financial Restructuring Solution
Robert Osborne 250-365-8070 Toll Free1-877-765-8070 Email
We are Not Trustees DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 50% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. Need Cash? Own A Vehicle? Borrow Up To $25,000
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Cleaning Services Cleaning services available. I have 30 years of residential, commercial & industrial cleaning experience. Whether you just want your business or house cleaned or you are moving. Call me for all your cleaning needs. I offer my services at reasonable rates. I clean anything from ceilings to floors & everything in between. Call Vicky, 1(250)431-8537
Home Improvements FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.69/sq ft Engineered - $1.99/sq ft Hardwood - $2.79/sq ft
Overnight Delivery in most of BC!
Randy’s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471
Household Services Work Wanted
A-1 FURNACE & Air Duct Cleaning. Complete Furnace/Air Duct Systems cleaned & sterilized. Locally owned & operated. 1-800-5650355 (Free estimates)
Semi retired with truck & landscaping trailer: lawn mowing, yard clean up, odd jobs. Don (250)420-7558
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
ENHAM FORD (BC) LTD Snowclearing RK Home & Yard Care. Gardening, lawn care, seasonal clean-ups, snow removal, property maintenance & repair. Offering quality service at competitive rates. Call for info, (778)481-0046
Swimming Pools/ Hot Tubs BEACHCOMBER HOT TUBS save up to $4010 at the factory year end clearance event while stock lasts, plus we have 8 reconditioned hot tubs starting as low as $800. This month save 20% off HOT TUB COVERS. 100 Van Horne Street North Cranbrook 250426-7999 and RELAX IT’S A BEACHCOMBER
Water Services Culligan can fix that nasty white build up on your taps or cure that annoying red staining in bath tub or laundry. Call Culligan Cranbrook today and let us fix your water right the first time! Call (250)426-2691 or visit our website And remember at Culligan we will always come to your home and test your water for free!
Pets & Livestock
Equestrian 2 registered 3-yr old Clydesdale mares, one with filly foal, $3500. (250)424-5432 Buying old or unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372 FARRIER, MD. Horseshoeing Ask about discounts Call Morgan, (250)529-7370 Used saddles: 3 Western & 1 English, 14”, 15” & 16”, $300$600. (250)421-9160
Feed & Hay Arctic Arrow Powerline Group currently has an opening for a Field Services Administrator. This is a full time maternity leave position for a period of one year based out of our office in Cranbrook, BC. The Field Services Administrator is responsible for a variety of tasks within the company. Responsibilities: · Collect, code and save all field time sheets. · Manage all field employees vacation pay and banked time requests. · Maintain the Payroll Summary spreadsheet sent to Head Office. · Create and maintain SharePoint projects with job completion percentages and invoice numbers. · Maintain project folders with cost and billing information – ensure project folders contain copies of all costs associated with the project. · Create customer specific invoices based on client requirements. · Ensure all costs are accounted for and are billed out accordingly. · Request and receive purchase orders from various customers · Scan and send head office all invoices with account code breakdowns · Assist with entering materials into a database · Review all third party billing to ensure it is coded and saved to the correct project. · Filing all timesheets and invoices. · Closing out projects once jobs are complete and reviewing billing breakdowns with project managers. · Working with subcontractors and customers to ensure billing is correct. · Working with head office to review monthly cost reports. Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have a High School Diploma plus some related business or other post-secondary courses/education from a recognized institution. 1 to 2 years in an administrative, receptionist or customer service role would be considered as asset. Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal skills are a must. You must be able to shift priorities to reach varying deadlines, and have a very strong functional knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. In this role, you will be dealing with all levels of staff within different functional areas of the company Submit resumes to: Mike Honeyman General Manager, Kootenay Region 527 Industrial Road D Crescent, Cranbrook, BC V1C 6R8
1st & 2nd cut Alfalfa Grass hay, small square, $150/ton, no rain. (250)427-3762
Merchandise for Sale
$100 & Under 2 wooden dry boxes to fit in pickup box, plus 5 bags of road salt, $40. (250)421-9975 3 195/70/14, Toyo Observe, $35. (250)429-3776 36”x80” aluminum storm door, white enamel finish, good cond., $100. 32”x38” plate glass mirror, bevelled, $60. Wheelbarrow, $30. (250)417-0337 4 Bridgestone M&S P265/70/R17”, $100/set. 4 Goodyear P245/65/R17”, $100/set. 4 Wrangler LT 275/70/R17”, $100/set. 1 (250)417-6603
Run your classified ad in the $100 And Under classification and it’s
Halloween decorations, pumpkin lights, etc., all under $5/each. (250)426-3431 Large pool filter. Tonneau cover for 90’s GMC. (250)489-4255 Leather deluxe rotary punch with package of rivets, new, $15. Assorted colors of sequins, 50 yards/roll, $8/roll. Aluminum punch metal tin sheet, 8x10”, $7, 9x12”, $9. Assorted pendants, $0.50 each. Assorted conches, $0.25 each. (250)489-1939 Men’s X-Country ski package, 205cm Trak skis, waxless, Rottefella bindings, Alpina boots size 10-1/2, poles, $70. Rotating poly composter, very heavy and well made, approx 6 cu.ft. volume, $40. Wine making equipment, primary fermenter, carboy with air lock, bottle washer, hygrometer, heater, corks, etc., everything you need to make a 23L batch, including heavy duty corker which stands on floor, some bottles, $95. Black & Decker all in one horizontal breadmaker, used 4 times, model B2300, $45. Adjustable trailer hitch ball mount, 9” vertical adjustment, fits 2” square receiver, includes 2” diameter ball, $40. Nordic Track Ski exercise machine, Pro Model, good cond., $50. Call (250)489-2803 Projection screen, almost new, Apollo brand, 5’x5’, still in original box, $50 obo. Call (250)422-3312 Small rocking chair, $20. Lodge dutch oven, $25. Down jacket, new, red, size L, ladies, $40. Large picture, “Wolves in Snow”, $100. (250)489-4532 Tonneau cover, 74”x64”, $100. (250)417-7630 Tractor Tire chains, fit tires sizes, 11.2-24, $75. (250)4891663
1st & 2nd cut Alfalfa Timothy, 900 lb square bales, $65/each. (250)887-3475 Roosville Excellent quality hay, 1st cut, 2nd cut & 3rd cut, delivery available East/West Kootenay. (250)428-9721 HAY FOR SALE small square $160/ton 250-428-4316 Hay & green feed, round bales, $50-$90 per bale. Elkhorn Ranch, (250)342-0617 ROUND Bales (4x4), Orchard Grass mix $45/bale ($140/ton). Alfalfa available. Last years hay $35/bale. All shedded. 250-887-3212 Grasmere. Small square bales grass hay, shedded, $3/bale. Call (250)429-3530 (250)489-9650
Tack/Supplies Western rawhide saddle, 15’’ seat, double rig, w/breast collar, $700 obo. (250)429-3385
Merchandise for Sale
Antiques / Vintage Antique oak baking cupboard, includes flour sifter, roll top storage area, tin bread lined drawer & enamel pastry board. Antique sofa & two matching chairs, mint condition. Ornate pump organ from the 1800’s. (250)426-3620
Bicycles Ecoped electric scooter, new, only 17km, $700 firm. Call (250)417-7217
$200 & Under 2-NEW metal double doors, 32’’x80’’, $150. (250)489-1663 Arctic Claw 4 205/75/15, like new, $200. (250)429-3776
Run your classified ad in the $200 And Under classification and it’s
Hudson’s Bay 4-point blanket, rare uncut double, equivalent to two queensize, $200. Call (250)489-4532 Kenwood heavy duty mixer with blender & other attachments, like new, paid $425, asking $175. 5-piece Rogers tea service, silverplate, $150 obo. (250)417-0337 LIKE NEW Lazy Boy sofa bed, $150. 1 (250)489-1663 Magic Chef washer & dryer, all accessories, working cond., $125. (250)426-3985 OAK ROLL top desk, restorable condition, $200. 1 (250)489-1663 PSE Compound bow, 30’’ draw, 70lb max, fine line sight, Quickly quiver, 6 field points, 6 Thunderhead Broadheads, new, extra cable & string, $200. (250)429-3776 Royal Albert dinnerware (Old Country Roses), 2 place settings plus sugar & cream, salt & pepper & 3-tier cake display, $120. (250)421-9975
Merchandise for Sale
Friday, October 11, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Real Estate
$200 & Under
Musical Instruments
For Sale By Owner
WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750
Heavy Duty Machinery
Misc. for Sale
Rare & Scarce Books: R. Camp, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hunting Trailsâ&#x20AC;?, $10. William Butler, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Great Lone Landâ&#x20AC;?, $45. Samuel B. Steele, â&#x20AC;&#x153;40 Years in Canadaâ&#x20AC;?, $65. Franz Boas, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kutenai Talesâ&#x20AC;?, $75. D. Geneva Lent, â&#x20AC;&#x153;West of The Mountains, James Sinclair & The Hudsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bay Companyâ&#x20AC;?, $85. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Franklinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Second Arctic Land Expeditionâ&#x20AC;?, Champlain Society publisher, $125. Walter D. Wilcox, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Rockies of Canadaâ&#x20AC;?, $55. William D. Hornaday, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Camp-Fires in The Canadian Rockiesâ&#x20AC;?, 1909, $185. (250)489-4532
$300 & Under 1991 Ford Aerostar, burgundy & gray, restore or for parts, $275 obo. (250)489-3054 Collectorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s item. 12 gauge double barreled shotgun. Remington, dates back to the 1920â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s-1930â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. $275 obo. (250)423-7751
Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $300 And Under classiďŹ cation and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Landscaping Rocks, various shapes, sizes & colors, on a pallet, $225. (250)489-3054 Two Nexen P185/65/15â&#x20AC;? M&S, $25/each. Four Nexen 175/70/R13â&#x20AC;? all season on Toyota rims, 4-hole, $225. Four Yokohama 235/70/R16â&#x20AC;? winters, off van, $100/set. Two P245/75/R16â&#x20AC;? all season radials, $25/each. Two Michelin LT P245/65/R17â&#x20AC;? M&S, $25/each. (250)417-6603
$400 & Under Used woodstove, located in Cranbrook, good cond., $400 obo. (250)425-2732 Woodstove, fire box 22L, 13.5W, 12H, 94â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; of 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; insulated pipe & ceiling mount, $350. (250)429-3776
Food Products BUTCHER SHOP
BC INSPECTED GRADED AA OR BETTER LOCALLY GROWN NATURAL BEEF Hormone Free Grass Fed/Grain Finished $100 Packages Available Quarters/Halves $2.60/lb Hanging Weight Extra Lean Hamburger $4.00/lb TARZWELL FARMS 250-428-4316 Creston
Locally raised Black Angus beef, grass fed & finished on grain, ready early November, $2.90/lb. (250)420-7373
Firearms Remington 552 Speed Master, .22 cal semi-auto, shoots S-L-LR, c/w Weaver variable scope, ex. cond. & accurate, $395. Remington 870 12 gauge â&#x20AC;&#x153;Defender Styleâ&#x20AC;? shotgun, short barrel & composite stock, ex. cond., $395. Also, looking for an experienced reloader to reload 100-200 rds of 30/06. Will supply all consumables & I know the proven load. (250)489-1926 or email
Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; & 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 Commercial Tanning Bed For Sale
Fruit & Vegetables
ENHAM FORD (BC) LTD Hay & Seasoned Fir, $75/pick up load or 3 loads for $200. You cut. (250)417-9291 Heavy Duty towable wood splitter, 23â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; carriage, 8.5 HP motor, works horizontal or vertical, $1000 obo. Call (250)429-3903 Order early, limited supply, Pine firewood, standing dry, BIG 7 axle loads, delivered 60 km radius of Galloway, $1400 per load. Out of area, call for pricing. (250)429-3248 Woodstove & accessories, $600 obo. (250)417-3232
813 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC t
Garage Sales
Miscellaneous Tanks These tanks can be used for many things. They hold 250 US gallons. Made of plastic w/a metal cage. 6â&#x20AC;? top opening, with a 2â&#x20AC;? discharge. They weigh about 125lbs. $200 for 1 tank, $300 for 2 tanks. Call George, (250)347-9500
Sauna, Solaris Far Infra-Red, 2-person cabin, ex cond, moving, $1500. (250)489-3054
Free barn kittens to good home. (250)427-7499
VISIT Faramon Farm for apples. 4730 Canyon/Lister rd. Canyon. Gala, Mac, Spartan, Jonagold, Ambrosia, juice and juicing apples. Call ahead for large orders 250 428 7278. Closed Sundays.
Sporting Goods
Never used, heavy duty power systems, single cylinder/4-stroke Yanmar diesel generator, air cooled, max power, 7.3 kW/RPM, glow plugs, electric start, AC/DC outputs, $4500. 1(866)4294119
Free Items
"We make your house a home."
Garage Sales
Misc. for Sale
Natural, locally grown, grass fed lambs for sale, licensed operator, professional butchering, $6.00/lb, cut & wrapped. (250)426-7345
Farm Equipment 1965 Cockshutt 4-cyl tractor with front loader & 3-pt hitch, with blade, brand new set of tire chains, good cond, $4000. Call (250)426-5831 2003 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tandem bumper pull stock trailer, $1500. Call (250)427-2210 (250)427-2825
A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; in stock. SPECIAL 44â&#x20AC;&#x2122;X40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.
10-71â&#x20AC;? bi pin bulbs, 22-59â&#x20AC;? bi pin bulbs, 3 facial bulbs, 400 watt snap in. Electrical requirements, 220 volt combinations are: 220 volt dedicated circuit. 12 AWG SJT power cord, 25 AMP rated breaker. Excellent condition. 1206 total minutes on bed. Full size. Call 250425-5218. Exceptional 12x15 wood bldg on 8x8 beams with lifting eyes, suitable for mining, contractors, forestry sites, recreational, bunkhouse or workshop potential, 220 wiring, baseboard heating, portable air conditioner, metal roof, metal cabinetry, newly painted inside & out, new lino, Wycliffe, $5900. (250)421-1834 HOT TUB 6 man, deep lounge like new $4000 250-428-7680 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? LG. OVAL soaker tub w/light. 65 in. long, 36 in. wide & 19 in. deep. Asking $350obo 250402-9188 Need good movers? Need help? Need that big heavy thing moved? $75/hr in town, small truck. Call the good guys at Mission View. (250)489-8772 Mount Blanc car top carrier, 36â&#x20AC;? white interior door, set of white bi-fold doors. Call (250)426-3620 Satellite TV 500 + channels, plus Pay per view, no monthly charges. 1 (250)365-3313
STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit online: STEEL BUILDING - The great super sale! 20x20 $4,070. 25x26 $4,879. 30x32 $6,695. 32x40 $8,374. 35x38 $9,540. 40x50 $12,900. One end wall included. Call Pioneer Steel 1800-668-5422. or online: Top Soil, sand, composted manure, delivery available (250)421-7399 Wanted: one gas powered ice auger, near or near new cond. (250)422-3591 Your Number 1 choice for pest control in the Kootenay Region. Cranbrook Pest Control. (250)426-9586
GARAGE SALE: Antique cigar box, 2 tin cigarette boxes, purses galore, many treasures. 2125 2nd St. S. Saturday, Oct. 12, 9am to 1pm
ClassiďŹ eds Get Results!
917 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook 417-2828
SHOP Tools for sale, ALL as New; General Deluxe 8â&#x20AC;? Jointer $1500, General 24â&#x20AC;? Thickness Sander $1500, General 15â&#x20AC;? Thickness Planer $1500, General Spindle Sander $1000, Complete Jessum Router Table with Router and Mitergage $700, Excalibur 60â&#x20AC;? Sliding Table $900, Excalibur Overarm Guard and Dust System $100, General Tenoning Jig4100, Used Ridgid 10â&#x20AC;? Cast Iron Table Saw $450. 250342-1354 Invermere.
Antlers Wanted, Sets, Elk & Deer. 250-422-3444
Genuine Coin Collector Buyer Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030 Taking Bikes and Medical equipment to Baha Mexico, looking for donations of Bike Helmets. 1 (250)489-4255 Wanted to rent, private service lot w/water, sewer, power, to park 5th Wheel for year round use. Reasonable rent, Creston area, (403)583-0050
On the Strip
Toll Free 1-866-539-1230
Executive Style 4-bdrm, 3-bath home. Sought after Birch Drive neighbourhood with Elementary & Junior High Schools nearby. Granite, hard wood, tile, vaulted ceilings, skylights, stainless appliances. Fully fenced backyard with mature trees. Double garage & so much more. $359,900. Call to view, (250)426-4034
Imagine coughing up this much phlegm every day, just to breathe. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life with cystic fibrosis.
Please help us.
1-800-378-CCFF â&#x20AC;˘
Mobile Homes & Parks
Apt/Condos for Sale SPARWOOD - studio apt at Mtn Air Chalets. Fully furnished, excellent condition. $59,900. Call 250-829-0697.
For Sale By Owner
Newer 3000 sq ft. 3bdrm, 3bath includes 900 sq ft finished basement, bungalow on one acre parcel at Lake Kookanusa/Baynes Lake. $589,000. 250-529-7792 Check Kijiji ID 466991378
3200 sq.ft. home large fenced yard, summer kitchen in lower area, new roof, hardwood throughout, air, underground sprinkler, large deck, large garage, owner is downsizing. See all pictures on Priced to sell $424,900 (all appliances & some furniture). Call for appointment, 250-417-1990
Inspire. Perspire. Participate in an event to help the 4 million Canadians living with arthritis.
#1 Modular Dealer â&#x20AC;˘ Showhomes on Sale! â&#x20AC;˘ Trades Welcome! â&#x20AC;˘ Basement Models! â&#x20AC;˘ Built in BC!
On the Strip
2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230
12X66 MOBILE home & lot, 1855 Kokanee Cres N, CBK, $99,900. (250)919-0591 DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME 1975 24ft. x 48ft. 3 bdrm. 2 bath. Dinning rm. laundry rm. and pantry. Front and back deck. Covered carport. Wood stove, fridge, D/W & washer dryer. Alpine Trailer Park. Located at the end of road. Very private 55,000 250-428-5126
$49,900 no tax.
Real Estate
Sheds & Call Rick
**FREE** All Wanted ads are now FREE!!!! Call today to place your wanted ad 250-489-3455
2 bedroom, 2 bath room. We deliver to your site within 300 Km of Cranbrook.
2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230
Panasonic surround system w/tower speakers, $300. Panasonic surround system w/DVR, 6-speakers, $400 (250)426-3237
1994 Moduline 14x70
Stereo / DVD / TV
Misc. Wanted
Houses For Sale QUICK POSS!
FOR SALE #6 118 23rd Avenue South (Close to Interior Health) 3bdrm townhouse Offers from $158,900. 250-421-3164 or 250-489-3083
4 bdrm. House, 2 bath. With oak hardwood throughout! Upgraded Roof, Bathroom & Kitchen etc. Private yard, deck, garage, in cul de sac. Appliances neg. Only $304,900! View at www.bcforsale P.h. 250-344-2832 or e-mail
Adopt a Shelter Cat!
The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned and abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today.
250-426-2717 â&#x20AC;˘ 1-800-796-4666
Oct 12, 3248 Jim Smith Lk. Rd., 10-4, furniture, household, tools, misc.
Consignment Sporting Goods
Quality Stambulic built strata homes starting at just $279,000. You will find peace and quiet in one of our 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath homes, featuring 1500 sq ft plus partially developed basement, hardwood floors, jetted tub & spacious double carport. Located at 188 9th St S Quick possession available. To view call (250)426-4954 (250)421-0325
Mobile home in Cranbrook,
1/2 bedroom, lots of upgrades,
asking $32,500. For more info call (250)489-2650
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 11, 2013
Real Estate
Real Estate
Open Houses
Open House, Saturday, October 12, 2pm-4pm 121 Birch Drive (behind Parkland School) Executive Style 4-bdrm, 3-bath home. Sought after Birch Drive neighbourhood with Elementary & Junior High Schools nearby. Granite, hard wood, tile, vaulted ceilings, skylights, stainless appliances. Fully fenced backyard with mature trees. Double garage & so much more. $359,900. (250)426-4034
Our Cancer Information Service can help you make informed decisions about prevention, diagnosis, treatment & more. Talk to someone you can trust. It’s free and it’s confidential. Free Cancer Information Service
Apt/Condo for Rent
Apt/Condo for Rent
3-bdrm condo, close to hospital & college, 2 parking stalls, washer/dryer, storage. Furniture available & negotiable, avail now, $1200/month. (250)919-3983
MORTGAGES!! Lower than posted bank rates. No application fee. Mortgage renewal, refinancing, debt consolidation & pre-qualification. Private Mortgages. John Magis 1-877-489-1691 A17
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent
1 888 939-3333
2-bdrm units available in Victoria Villas, rent inc. W/D & water, starting at $775/mo + electric. N/P, N/S, 1-year lease. Call (250)421-2590
Open Houses
Open Houses
Affordable & Reasonable Rent!!! 1 bedroom apartments! F/S, blinds, H/W, absolutely no pets, references, close to all amenities, (250)919-2075 (250)489-1015 Bright, large 2-bdrm, clean & freshly painted apt w/new carpets etc., in 4-plex, 1-1/2 baths, f/s, w/d, carport, located in nice neighborhood, util inc, $900/m + DD, avail immediately. (250)426-5748 or 4212084. CRANBROOK - Nice quiet Condo for rent Nov 1st. Forest Park Estates. 2 bdrm, in-suite laundry, FR, ST, DW. Elevator/ 1 Parking Spot or 303-472-9221 840 mnth plus deposit and utilities.
Creston, BC PARKVIEW MANOR 1 & 2/Bdrm Apartments $550 & up. Secure Building Available now! Rent Incentive N/S N/P Children OK Phone Ingrid 250-428-2234 Elkford - Furnished 2 bdrm condo, 2 full bathrooms, 3 appliances, nice view & balcony. Covered parking, quiet building, for only responsible people. No pets. Available immediately. $950 per month + DD includes all utilities. Call 403-938-6779. Hampshire Apartments, quiet convenient location, inc heat & hot water, n/s, n/p, 1bdrm, $600/m, (250)417-7379 ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
East Kootenay Realty
Open Houses SCAN HERE
for a map of our
OPEN HOUSES Cranbrook • Saturday, October 12 11:00am-12:00pm 1425 20th Street S
Exceptional 3 bdrm, 3 bath Southview home in desirable area.
2 Bedroom unit $750 Clean, quiet, secure, NO SMOKING, NO PETS, NO PARTIES laundry facilities, adult oriented. Ref. req.
(250)417-1011 SPARWOOD, B.C. Pine Crest Apartments Move in SPECIAL Half off/First month Under New Management Fully Renovated 1 & 2 bedrooms available 1-778-518-2253 To view:
STUDIO APT, avail Oct 15, ns, np, elevator, incs heat/hotwater $575/mo. 250-489-4058
11:00am-12:00pm 317 14th Avenue S
Homes for Rent
Michelle Rybachuk
Great Family Home! 3 bdrms, 2 bath, single garage & carport.
Linda Stuckey
12:00-1:00pm 1308 22nd Street S 4 bdrms, 3 bath in desirable Southview!
Amber Bogaard
12:15-1:15pm 302 16th Avenue S Updated 4 bdrm, 2 bath home on triple lot.
Sparwood Heights - 1 bdrm furnished condo. Main floor, paved parking with plug ins, heat, water, laundry. Non smoking. Available immediately. $800/month plus DD. 250-425-5071.
ONE Bedroom house for rent in Creston $700 mo. No pets or smokers. Call 250 427 2526
Located DOWN TOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-428-5240
Remodeled 2-bdrm house, great for senior couple, all appliances, huge yard, storage shed or garage, full basement, pets negotiable. Call (250)489-1015, (250)919-2075
WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, hot tub, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 1 & 2bdrm units, 250-417-7379
3600 sq.ft. of Retail Space
Duplex / 4 Plex 1307C 10th St S, clean lower 1-bdrm, c/w kitchen, living & dining room, parking & yard, one year lease, n/s, n/p, $595/mth plus utilities. Call (250)421-2590 1308D 11th St S, renovated 1bdrm, complete with living room, kitchen & bathroom, parking & yard, n/p, n/s, one year lease, $575/mth + electric. (250)421-2590 CLOSE to Steeples school, remodeled 3 bdrm 2 bath, F/S, DW, air cond, full bsmnt, fenced yard & parking, n/s, n/parties, small pets ok, sewer & water inc. $1050/mo + utilities, avail Nov 1. Ref Req (250)426-2464
Modular Homes
Modular Home Pads
SPACIOUS FAMILY HOUSE on 9th N: 3 bedroom + office, 2 full bath bungalow. F/S/D, D/W, BBQ, projector screen in fully finished basement. 2 car parking, large enclosed backyard, pets welcome. $1200 + hydro, avail Nov 1. Please call 250-435-2355 SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448 TWO BEDROOM house for rent in Kimberley for Nov 1st. Recently reno’d, bungalow style home, garage, private yard, quiet Blarchmont neighbourhood, lots of sun. $975/month plus utilities. Call 423-4305 or email:
Shared Accommodation
Antiques / Classics 1972 Chev show truck, 350 CID, auto, 2WD, column shift, bucket seats, nice paint, green with black interior, asking $11,900. 250-427-5895
On the Strip
2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 1979 El Camino SS, 350 motor, auto trans, p/s, p/b, p/dl, air, power bucket seats, Keystone Mags, ex. cond., white w/black interior, asking $9500.
Call after 6pm, (250)426-4311
1981 Oldsmobile Toronado, p/everything, runs like a charm, $1200 obo. Call (250)402-8644 1985 Corvette, white, 4-spd auto, 350 tune port injection, 169,000km, new tires, $8995 obo. (250)489-0193
1995 Mustang Convertible, 5L, 5-spd, black w/tan top, new wheels, tires, exhaust, stereo, many more upgrades, very fast, ex. cond., beautiful car, must see! $8500. Call (250)428-9606 Creston
Auto Accessories/Parts Tires & Rims 235-70 R16’’ Ford aluminum rims with sensors BF Goodridge Winter Slalom excellent shape $700. (250)529-6900 Toyo G02 winters, 245/70R/17, 1 new other 3 are 85%. $675. (250)426-8177
Auto Financing
Citra Fenced Storage
On clean, gravelled lot
On the Strip
RV’s, trailers, boats & vehicles 130 Cobham Ave. W Cranbrook, BC
2232 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 250-489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230
Auto Services
Fairmont house, wood/electric, spectacular view, very private. For info, (250)345-6369
Toll Free 1-866-539-1230
1988 Jaguar XJ 12 Vandenplas, 186,230km, V-12, very good cond., Pirelli tires, new brakes, $3800 obo. (250)421-1188 1994 Nissan Altima, new starter, alternator, battery with in the last 2 yrs, good on gas, $500 obo. After 6 pm 1 (250)426-9090
Homes for Rent
DID YOU KNOW?? Eagle Homes will take your trade!! All trades considered cars, boats, R.V’s, manufactured homes. Your trade can be used as your down payment See your # 1 Modular Dealer today!
ROOM for rent, incl util. Must be working or college student, $425/mo. Available immediately. (250)426-2479
available in Cranbrook, Wycliffe and Invermere. Trades considered and financing available!
Garage storage for winter. $50/month. 1 (250)427-2645
Homes for Rent
2 bdrm House
$850/mth +util
2 bdrm Apt
$750/mth incl.util.
Ski Hill
3 bdm Furnished Apt
$1350/mth incl.util.
4 bdm House
$1200/mth + util
2 bdrm Apt
$650/mth incl.util.
5 bdrm 1/2 Duplex
$1200/mth + util
Ski Hill
3 bdm Furnished Condo
$1400/mth incl.util. Cars - Domestic Need new wheels but your credit has run off the road? Apply online:
or call Travis at Northstar GM
250-489-4711 1-800-663-2307
1996 Corvette Collector Edition, 160,000km, 2 roofs, auto, original paint, engine LT4, fully loaded,ex cond, asking $16,000 obo. (250)426-3802 1998 Cadillac Catera, 160,000km, beige with beige leather, sunroof, heated front/rear seats, cassette/CD & more, 30+ mpg hwy, $4500. (250)426-7041 1998 Subaru Forester AWD, well maintained, new timing belt, battery, windshield, no rust, 220,000 km, $5000. (250)346-3378 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser, good cond, recent scheduled service done inc. timing belt, c/w mounted winter tires on rims, $4500. 1995 Pontiac Sunfire, one owner, good cond., no rust, new clutch installed, $2500. (250)489-5798 2003 Crown Vic, 110,000 km, A-1 condition, summer & winter tires, power everything, $7500 obo. (250)426-1961
Victoria Villa
Gyro Park Kootenay Place
25 - 10th Ave. S. Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211 385 Wallinger Ave., Kimberley 250-427-0070 1-866-427-0070
Cars - Domestic
Commercial/ Industrial
0025 or email:
Gyro Park
for open house maps, rental properties, property details and mortgages
Suites, Lower 2-bdrm basement suite, inc. utilities, avail immed, suitable for single working person or two students, ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING, PETS OR PARTIES. $750/mth. (250)489-0105 Gorgeous 2-bdrm basement suite, lots of parking, w/d, fully renovated, n/p, n/s, n/kids, $800/m inc util.(250)417-1129
HOME available for rent Dec 1st in Alexander park area. 3 bdrms, 1 bath. Part finished basement, lots of gear storage. Wood stove, propane furnace, propane stove, on demand hot H2O. New windows. Warm, comfy home. $1,000/month. Not included hydro, propane, phone. Will need more fire wood. No cats, one dog negotiable. References pls. Pls call 250-344-8598 or email @
Subsidized Seniors Housing - 1 & 2 bdrm units - Sparwood, Fernie & Jaffray. Call 250-531-
1:45-2:45pm 721 Franklin Rd
Homes for Rent 2-bdrm Studio Cottage in Kimberley, washer & dryer, 5 min walk to Platzl, very cute & private, $775/mth + utilities. Available November 1. Call John, (250)919-1756
Michelle Rybachuk
Michelle Rybachuk
3 bdrms, 2.5 bath home on 5.69 acres in Silver Springs.
1 bdm + Den Apt
$700/mth +Util
2 bdrm Apt
$750/mth +Util
2 bdrm Apt
$800/mth +Util
2 bdrm Townhouse
$975/mth +util
East Kootenay Realty Complete Rental Property and Strata Management Services Kimberley 250-427-0070 1-866-427-0070 Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211
1966 Rambler Ambassador 4-door station wagon, V8 auto, excellent inside & out, completely restored 1996, 97,000 original miles, asking $6800 obo. To view call (250)426-5371 1978 Trans Am, 400 4-spd, nice car, $14,900. Days, (250)426-7011 or nights, (778)517-0924 1993 Pontiac Sunbird, 4-cyl, 5-spd, good snow tires, first $1000 takes it. (250)417-6603
2003 Toyota Corolla CE, everything works, new cruise, shocks & struts, wheel covers, 215,000km, includes winter tires on rims $6000. (250)426-8867 2004 Nissan Maxima 4-dr Sedan, V6, auto, grey, FWD, Stock #N15851A, $12,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 888-426-6665 2005 Pontiac Sunfire 4-dr Sedan, 4-cyl, auto, white, FWD, Stock #Y69899B, $7995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315. 1877-420-2194.
Friday, October 11, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Cars - Domestic
Cars - Domestic
Cars - Domestic
2005 Pontiac Sunfire, 92,000km, one owner, garage only, c/w complete summer & new winter tires, all on rims, air, ex. cond., $4995. Call (250)426-5540 (250)421-9253
2009 Jetta TDI comfortline, auto, power group, heated seats, alloy wheels, local vehicle, balance of factory warranty, VW certified available, 93,846km, $19,995, Stock #V40829A. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, (250)489-4327 or call 1-877-689-4327
2005 PT Cruiser, 140,000 km, ex. cond., sunroof, leather interior, 5-spd, excellent mileage $4900. (250)426-4752 2006 Chevrolet Impala LT Sedan, 3.5L, 6-cyl, 4-spd auto, white, Stock #4V7876A, $8995. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1-800-663-2307 2006 Chevrolet Impala LTZ Sedan, 3.9L, 6-cyl, 4-spd auto, silver, Stock #1G7853A, $10,493. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1-800-663-2307 2006 Nissan X-Trail 4-dr, AWD, 4-cyl, auto, beige, Stock #N15609A, $12,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-888426-6665 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix GT Sedan, 3.8L, 6-cyl, FWD, 4-spd auto, blue, Stock #1L9088A, $7949. North Star GM, DL #5717. 1-800-6632307 2006 Pontiac Torrent, V6, auto, white, AWD, Stock #H08091A, $11,900. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488 2006 Subaru Outback LTD, 4cyl, auto, gold, AWD, Stock #S02203A, $17,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1877-420-2194 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt, 2.2L, 4-cyl, FWD, auto, blue, Stock #14-013353A, $7995. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, 1-888307-0911 2007 Honda Civic Sedan EX, 4-cyl, auto, blue, FWD, Stock #H06974A, $12,700. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488 2007 Nissan Maxima 3.5 SE Sedan, grey, Stock #13342970A, $10,995. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, 1-888-3070911 2007 Toyota Camry LE, 4-cyl, auto, beige, FWD, Stock #Y34633A, $13,995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315. Call for info, 1-877-420-2194 2007 Toyota Corolla, Sports Edition, 100,000 km, ex. cond., standard, $10,000 obo. (250)421-3311 2008 Ford Focus, black, 2-dr standard, 96,000 km, 4-winter tires w/rims, remote starter, $9500 obo. (250)489-1310 2008 Pontiac G5 Sedan, 4-dr, 2.2L, 5-spd manual, Stock #13196, $9800. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088, 1-888-3070911 2008 Subaru Tribeca Limited, flat 6-cyl engine, auto, AWD, 108,831km, Stock #S49990A, $24,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523. Call (250)489-4325 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart Turbo, AWD, 2.0L, 6-spd auto with auto-shift, orange, Stock #X014270A, $20,795. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1888-418-4798
Vehicle Lease / Rent
2009 PT Cruiser, 56,000km, Mint cond., $9,800 obo. (250)342-6997 2009 Subaru Forester X Limited, 4-cyl, auto, bronze, AWD, Stock #S09725A, $24,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-877-420-2194 2010 Chevrolet Aveo LS, 4cyl, manual, FWD, 33,206km, Stock #Y36642B, $9995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315, (250)489-0903 2010 Chevrolet Malibu Sedan, auto, brown, Stock #C010715A, $15,304. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888418-4798 2010 Hyundai Elantra 4-dr Sedan, 4-cyl, auto, white, FWD, Stock #Y19647A, $14,995.Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315. 1-877-420-2194
Mercury Topaz, 860 km per tank, 4-cyl, ex. cond., standard, 5-spd, $2800 obo. (250)426-4752 SWEET DEAL: 2004 Chevy Aveo Hatchback. $3,500. Manual, non-smoking, fully loaded, MP3 Player, new tires, excellent gas mileage and well maintained. 85,000 km. PH/Text: 250-489-9670
Commercial Vehicles
$14,500 Reduced to $13,500 (250)426-8846
2011 Honda Accord Sedan EXL, auto, 4-cyl, FWD, Stock #H06878A, $22,900. Spring Honda, DL #31110, Call (250)489-4311 2011 Jetta Comfortline 2.5, auto, power group, heated seats, alloy wheels, local vehicle, balance of factory warranty, VW certified available, 32,550km, $19,995, Stock #A3434. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, (250)489-4327 or call 1-877-689-4327 2011 Jetta TDI highline, auto, power group, sunroof, sat radio, heated seats, balance of factory warranty, VW certified available, 64,150km, $24,995, Stock #V67170A. Arrow Motors, DL #5467 (250)489-4327 or call 1-877-689-4327 2012 Nissan Altima 2.5 S, 4cyl, auto, black, FWD, Stock #N69408, $24,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-888426-6665 2012 Nissan Versa BASE, 4cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #N63276, $17,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313. 1-888-426-6665 2013 Dodge Charger SXT Sedan, 3.6L, V6, auto, black, Stock #U1695, $24,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039 2013 Ford Edge, AWD, touring package, mineral grey, 3.5L, V6, 6-spd auto, Stock #P2010, $33,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-6633839 2013 Ford Edge SEL, red, 3.5L, V6, 6-spd auto, FWD, Stock #P2008, $26,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800663-3839
We’re on the net at Vehicle Lease / Rent
Motorcycles 1982 Honda Interstate, 1100cc, A1 shape, 62,372km, inc. trailer, asking $6500. Call Henry, (250)428-3545 1998 Suzuki Intruder 1500, 40,000km on rebuilt engine & transmission, hard bags, windscreen, auxiliary gas tank, Stage 3 carbs, set up for touring, $7000. (250)464-0207 1999 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200 cc, custom built, 39,000km, $8000 obo. (250)489-1310 2001 Harley 1200 Sportster, 100th Anniversary Edition, needs inspection, $5500. Call (250)417-5530 2004 Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail Classic, ex cond., 64,000km, $11,500 obo. After 6pm, (250)426-1836 2006 CR125, very well maintained, brand new FMF pipe & silencer & rad valve, $2700 obo. (250)421-8126 2007 Harley Davidson Dyna Low-Rider, burgundy/cream, 55,000km, must see to appreciate, asking $9000. (250)4895445 2008 Honda CRF250X, $4800 obo Barely used less than 200 km (250)427-7229 2008 KLR 650, 11,000km, near mint, w/extras & bags, $3650 obo. Evenings (403)836-3786 2012 KTM150XC, mint cond, barely used, bought July 2012, $6400 obo. 2012 KX100, great cond., bought July 2012, $4000 obo. Neither bike used this season. (250)426-7980 New Bristol leather jacket, stretch panels, vented, removable kidney belt size 42-44, $250. HD boots, size 8, $100. HD helmet, $100. HD cover, flame retardant, $100. (250)489-1418 Wells Cargo bike cargo trailer, 1500 lb torsion axle, wheel chock, 6 tie points, loading ramp, 6x6x10, $3000. (250)464-0207
New Car Dealers
Renting Quality Cars At Great Prices
• compacts • full size • mini vans • mid size • 15 passenger vans • moving trucks Providing superior value by offering outstanding service along with high quality, clean and dependable vehicles at affordable prices.
CRANBROOK: 426-3004 CRESTON: 428-9343 TRAIL: 364-0211 NELSON: 352-5122 Off Road Vehicles 2000 Yamaha 4x4, ex. cond., must see, must try, $2600 obo. (250)489-4815 2001 500 Suzuki quad, $2500. 1992 300 Suzuki quad, $2000. Repairs completed, one owner. (250)426-5107
Off Road Vehicles
Sport Utility Vehicle
2001 26’ Vanguard, parked on for last 10 years, no bush km since 2003. New roof, 2-yr old awning, double bed in front, Jack & Jill bunks in rear, sleeps 6 comfortably (can accommodate 8), asking $11,000. Call or text, (250)421-1597
2007 Prowler 310, 21’, 2 slide bunk model, extreme edition package with thermal windows, large awning, air, dry weight of 8476 lbs, Stock #T3476.1, $24,900. Runners RV, 1-800-663-4824 2008 Jayco toy hauler, 29’, used 10 times, loaded, 12’ garage. Call for more information. $27,000 or will take classic muscle or hot rod on trade. (250)426-3568 2009 Coachman 24’, small slide, awning, large rear bathroom, spacious living area, walk around queen bed, air, Stock #T3526.1, $14,900. Runners RV, 1-800-663-4824 2009 Springdale 189, Jack and Jill rear bunk, awning, air, 4170 lbs dry weight, Stock #T3561.1, $13,900. Runners RV, 1-800-663-4824 2010 24’ Hideout, new cond, walk around queen, Jack & Jill beds, air, indoor outdoor speakers, 19’ flat screen stereo/CD/DVD, sleeps-7, hitch inc. $13,000 obo. (250)489-5855 2010 Springdale 26-1/2’, 1/2 ton towable, slide, sleeps 6, used 7x, loaded, $18,000 obo. (250)489-8885 2011 22’ Regal motorhome on Ford 350 Chassis, only 35,000 km, asking $60,000. (250)4282739
1994 Ford Explorer 4-dr, 4x4, blue, $2000 obo. (250)4275325
Recreational/Sale 1970’s Vanguard 8’ truck camper, good cond., $400 obo. (250)426-1887 or call (250)426-9422 1977 GMC Class A motorhome, 26’, good cond. inside & out, newer tires, must be seen! Rare model. Best offer takes it. (250)426-8408
2003/2004 32’ Endura Class C Gulfstream motorhome, 454 motor/Genset, ex. shape, 3104 6th St S, worth $64,900, asking $45,000. (250)919-6665
Cars - Sports & Imports 1987 MERCEDES 420. Good cond. $3000. 250-402-0025
2009 Polaris Scrambler 500, 4WD, ex cond, $4300 obo. After 5:30 (250)489-8355 Quad trailer, 8’x10’, 15’’ wheels, spare tire, removable sides, 3500 lb axle, $1500. (250)425-5032
1993 Western Star tandem dump truck with new hoist cylinder, front differential, rear leaf springs, front tires, king pins, batteries & rebuilt engine, 18-spd split shift, $21,000. (250)417-6543 45’ Commercial transport van, heated, new 24.5 rubber, $5500. (250)489-8794 2011 Ford Focus SEL fully loaded, leather heated seats, 4-dr, auto, 2L engine, under coated, extended service plan up to 100,000 km, currently has 8,000 km, have to see it to appreciate it
1978 Tioga,
350 GM motor, sleeps 6, bathroom, kitchen, 2 fridges, furnace, new awning last summer, new tires, good unit for hunters,
Price Reduced to $3200 obo (250)428-4079
1984 24’ Class C motorhome, ex. running cond., 130,000km, 350 Ford, many extras, two 50 watt solar panels, 1700 watt inverter, 3 new batteries, etc., inside redone, asking $6000. (250)426-1127 1984 28’ Winnebago, 454 CID Chevy auto, 68,500 original miles, must see to appreciate, for a list of features. (250)9190125, (250)426-5666 1991 26’ Rustler, Jack & Jill bunks, front kitchen, fold out couch, air, full bath, new water pump, newer HW tank, new battery, sleeps-6, $6600 obo. (250)426-5653 1991 29’ Wilderness trailer, everything runs, in good cond., lots of upgrades, $7000. (250)420-1802 1991 31’ motorhome, 57,000 miles, good cond, asking $10,900, must sell, make offer. Baynes Lake (406)291-2380
1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $32,000 obo for both. (250)427-6806 1992 37’ Class A motorhome for sale, A1 shape, fully loaded, $24,500. Consider vehicle on trade. (250)489-8794 1992 Prowler 19’ holiday trailer, good cond., inside like new, double axle, $5800 obo. (250)489-5798 1994 30’ Dutchman 4 Seasons 5th Wheel, new awning, walk around queen bed up front, slide out rear kitchen, sleeps 6, new batteries, new propane tanks inspected 2009, good tires, $9000 obo. Nadine or Graham Beam, (250)426-7400 1997 22’ Westwind 5th Wheel, clean cond. throughout, working stove/oven, electric/gas fridge, air, furnace, solar panel, microwave, sleeps 6, dual wheels, spare tire, awning, outside shower, $8000. (250)489-3741 1997 Vanguard Wrangler 5th wheel, 26’, hitch included, asking $8000. (250)426-5535 1999 Corsair 5th Wheel trailer, 30’, 2 slideouts, tandem axle, ex. cond., $11,000 obo. Call Audrey, (250)417-3431 1999 Corsair Excella 28.5’, all season 5th wheel trailer, full set of skirting, well made, beautiful interior, many options (built in vac, AC, MW, awning), perfect snowbird/park unit, $12,500 obo, hitch also available. (250)426-2671 2003 Tahoe 30BHS, large slide, single bunks, hard wall, awning, dry weight 6990 lbs, Stock #T3589.1, $15,900. Runners RV, 1-800-663-4824
2004 24’ Pioneer travel island bed, as new $11,000. Or trade for rhome. (250)428-9606 ton
trailer, cond., motoCres-
2004 30’ Arctic Fox, 4 season all weather coach, 2 slides, solid oak cabinets, ex. cond., asking $20,000 obo.(250)4266550 2004 Terry 5th Wheel, 29-1/2’ with slide, air, 8 cu.ft. fridge, microwave, stove, oven, back bedroom with bunks, queensize bed in master bedroom with bathroom, tub, shower, pull out couch, can sleep up to 8 people, plenty of cupboard space, in good shape, asking $18,000. 1 (250)402-3583 2004 Terry Quantum 32’ 5th Wheel trailer, immaculate, 2 slides, queen bed, 3-way fridge, 3-burner stove w/oven, microwave, gas/electric hot water heater, gas furnace, 2 TV’s, excellent & clean cond., $21,500 obo. (250)426-8178 2005 29’ Holiday trailer, equipped with solar panels, 285 watts, 2000 watt inverter, large slide w/awning, dual wheels, mint cond., $16,000 obo. (250)342-6805
2005 Holiday Rambler, alum., 34’, 3 slides, washer/dryer, air, fan, 2 TV’s, good tires, many extras, a real home, never smoked in, $25,500. Will sell with F-Diesel truck for $55,000. Come and have a look, 1429 20A St S, Cbk (250)489-5860 or (250)420-1632 2006 18’ Pioneer trailer, sleeps 7, $6000 obo. Call (250)464-1182 2006 8’ Okanagan truck camper, 1700lbs, Happi-Jacs, north/south queen bed, fantastic fan, stairs, awning, quality built & used only a few weekends. Mint Condition. $11,000. (250)489-5851
2007 Hi-LOW 22’ tandem trailer, fully self contained w/fridge, stove, air, solar panel & much more. Very rare in this area. Design allows for compact mode when traveling so wind resistance is very low & better on your vehicle for gas consumption. Always stored under cover when not in use. $18,000. (250)489-4748
1997 Chevy Blazer, 206,000km, recent brakes & engine tune up, runs nice, $3000 obo. If you want it, make an offer. (250)402-8644 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 4L, auto, 4WD, Champagne, 235,500km, $5000. Call (250)423-3465
2001 Chevrolet Tracker 4x4, auto, 2-dr, soft top, air, p/w, remote start, good cond., $5500 obo. (250)278-0651 2001 Subaru Forester, AWD, 168,000km, $4500. Call (250)426-7354 2001 Suzuki Grand Vitara 4x4, 121,000 km, good cond., $4800 obo. Call after 6pm, (250)426-7107 2002 Ford Explorer SUV, green, low mileage, immaculate throughout, new stereo & CD player, 1 year wear on winter tires, new brakes, $7000 obo. (250)425-6380
2011 23’ Wildwood Ultra Light, rear dinette, air conditioning, microwave, BBQ, TV, as new cond., reduced to
$12,500 (250)428-0108
2011 36’ Outback Sidney Addition 5th Wheel, 4 slides, ex. cond., extended warranty until 2017, $32,000. (250)919-7185 2012 185FBR Shadow Cruiser tandem, lightweight, loaded, includes power awning, sleeps 6, never used, $16,500 obo. (250)426-5118 (250)421-1484 2012 Jayco Swift 145, only 2400 lbs dry weight, awning, stove, toilet, shower, Stock #T3514.1, $10,900. Runners RV, 1-800-663-4824 BIG FOOT 2500 camper, 9.5’, Happy jacks, solar panel, Fantastic fan, 2-batteries, 2-propane takes, pot, pans, dishes, bedding, rose & blue decor, always under cover, no pets, non smoking, in floor heating, outside shower, very clean & great cond, Reduced to $13,000 obo. (250)429-3113 Hunters Special, older Randell 21’ 5th wheel camper, all systems in good working cond, sleeps-4, extra heavy duty single axle, metal roof, no leaks, good cond throughout, $2495. Hitch extra. (250)342-6451 Lance 11’9” side door camper, loaded, ex. cond., $18,500 no tax. (250)426-5118 Reduced by $1200. Camping & Hunting. Truck & camper, rebuilt motor, trans, drive shaft, 8000lb winch, new water pump, alternator, power steering pump, master cylinder, shocks, 3-way fridge, stove, heater, many more, asking $4700, may consider trades.Call Ray,(250)489-5038 Vanguard trailer, 24’, 1983, new awning, new tires, resealed roof & windows, good cond, sleeps-6, $5200. 1 (250)420-7436
Sport Utility Vehicle 2008 HONDA PILOT
AWD, 8 passenger, auto, DVD, Boss 20” rims, plus factory alloy rims w/studded winter tires custom exhaust,one owner, only 69,500 kms.
2002 HYUNDAI Santa Fe, AWD SUV, auto, P/W, air, well maintained in good cond, 253,000 km, reduced to $3500 obo. Eves (250)4892810 2004 Nissan Pathfinder LE, V6, auto, brown, 4WD, Stock #S58416A, $10,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1877-420-2194
4x4, auto, 4.7L 8-cyl, loaded, 6-CD player, DVD, seats 8, leather, heated seats, much more, 120,000 miles, great cond, maintenance receipts,
A STEAL OF A DEAL AT $13,500 firm (250)427-3228
2006 Cadillac Escalade Base SUV, 6.0L, 8-cyl, AWD, auto, Pearl White, Stock #14443703A, $20,495. Cranbrook Kia, DL #10088. Call for info, 1-888-307-0911 2006 Chevrolet Suburban LT SUV, 5.3L, 8-cyl, 4WD, 4-spd auto, Stock #TK7044A, $14,448. North Star Motors, DL #5717, 1-800-663-2307
2006 Nissan X-Trail Bona Vista Edition SUV, very good cond., 70,000km, AWD, 2.5L 4-cyl auto, roof racks, sunroof, fog lights, alloy wheels w/newer tires, new battery, heated seats, 6-CD player, iPod connector, wired for navigation, asking $16,900. (250)426-3581 or (250)919-8795 2007 Hyundai Santa Fe GLS 7-passenger SUV, 3.3L 6-cyl, 5-spd auto, Stock #14441670A, $15,495. Cranbrook Kia, DL # 10088, 1-888-3070911 2007 Jeep Patriot Sport, 4-cyl engine, auto, red, 4WD, Stock #S93374A, $8995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523. 1-877420-2194 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser, silver, Stock #X249745A, $24,995. Alpine Toyota, DL 30845, 1-888-418-4798 2007 Toyota Rav 4, 4WD, 4-dr, V6, auto, red, Stock #Y22729A, $18,995. Hillcrest Hyundai, DL #30315. 1-877420-2194
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 11, 2013 A19
Sport Utility Vehicle
Trucks & Vans
Trucks & Vans
2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland diesel, fully loaded inc. navi, 150,000km, 1-owner, only hwy driven, $23,500. (250)342-6458 2010 Chevrolet Avalanche LTZ SUV, 5.3L, 8-cyl, 4WD, 6-spd auto, White Diamond, Stock #14862, $30,888. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-800-3881156 2010 Chevrolet Equinox LT SUV, 3.5L, 6-cyl, AWD, 6-spd auto, black, Stock #15167, $22,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-800-388-1156 2010 Chevrolet Equinox LTZ, 3.0L, 6-cyl, AWD, 6-spd auto, black, Stock #15146, $26,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340. 1-800388-1156 2010 Nissan Pathfinder SE, V6, auto, grey, 4WD, Stock #NO8467A, $26,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-888426-6665 2011 Rav4 Limited AWD, V6, auto, loaded, leather, sunroof, alloy wheels, heated seats & much more, local vehicle, balance of factory warranty, only 46,550kms, $27,995. Stock #A62540. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, (250)489-4327 or 1877-689-4327 2011 Toyota 4-Runner SR5 4x4 SUV, auto, grey, Stock #5034710M, $34,999. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888418-4798 2012 Honda CRV EXL SUV, AWD, 2.4L, 5-spd auto, black, Stock #S209354A, $29,999. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845. 1888-418-4798 2013 Ford Escape, Stock #P1981, 1.6L Inline4 Turbo engine, 6-spd auto, 4x4, $26,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, (250)426-6645 or call 1-800-663-3839 2013 Ford Explorer XLT, 3.5L, V6, 6-spd auto, 4x4, Stock #P2019, $39,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-6633839 2013 Lincoln MKX, black, 3.7L, V6, 6-spd auto, AWD, Stock #P2021, $43,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800663-3839 Silver 2007 Chevy Trailblazer, 4.2L Vortec, auto, 4WD, p/w, p/b, p/s, p/seats, command start, Alpine stereo, 150,000km, $11,000. Call Monday-Saturday, 9-5pm, (250)428-7538
Trucks & Vans
1982 Chev 1-ton, 3’’ body lift & 6” suspension lift, fuel inj 350, 4-spd std, very perfect body, primed for paint, runs well, $3500. (250)428-9294 1982 Ford F250 farm truck, 6cyl, in everyday use, offers? 1982 Dodge Rampage, in everyday use, make offer (250)489-5798 1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 700 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094 1986 Ford Ranger pickup, standard, $1000 obo. Call (778)517-1585 1986 GMC Sierra, 2WD, 305, short box, everything original, located in Fernie, $1100. (250)464-4131 1987 BLAZER K-5, V8, 4x4, 40,000 original miles, ex. shape, California car, $7000. (250)427-7094 1988 Ford F150 pickup, 2WD, stick shift, 5+OD, 6-cyl, long box, canopy, good cond., arthritis compels sale, $1100. (250)489-1108
1991 CHEVROLET K3500
4x4, 454 4spd auto, enclosed dump bed conversion incl storage & equipment holds. No work required just put straight to work. This is a serious work truck that can be used for tree services, landscaping & firewood
Reduced to $8500 from $9500 (250)427-3252
1991 Dodge Ram Charger 4x4, c/w spare 318 motor, $800. (250)426-5831 1992 Ford 2WD, 302, V8, auto trans., runs well, has some rust, $1200 obo. (250)426-7970 1992 Ford Aerostar XLT, runs great, $700 obo. Call (250)919-1043 1992 GMC Sierra 1500, standard trans., RWD, canopy, 155,169km, asking $5000. (250)426-2358 1993 Ford F150 4x4, CD, low km 105,000km, 4x4 use 100km in bush, one owner, good running truck, $6000 firm (250)489-1628 1993 Toyota pickup, 4WD, w/canopy, needs body work, runs great, $2200. Call (250)417-3143 1994 Chev 2500 Ext cab, 4x4, 350 V8, auto, good rubber, new brakes, hidden hitch, runs well, driven daily, $2500. (250)417-6603 1994 Ford Ext cab, 4WD, 5-spd standard, $800. (250)427-4856 1996 Chevy Sierra pickup, 4x4, good cond., with extras, asking $3800 or will trade for small car. (778)517-1999 1996 Dodge Cummins diesel dually, 4x4, 1 ton, trailer hauler, endless list of custom work done, extras, too much to list, mint cond, low km, completely refurbished, new everything $20,000. (250)489-8151
1997 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 ext cab, 2WD, short box, 152,556 km, 5.7L, new tires, brakes, battery, extra alloys, c/w new tires, raised canopy, running boards, cassette/CD, brake controller,
$6000. (250)426-2473
1998 Ford F150 Lariat LT Ext cab 4x4, auto, very clean, 160,500km, leather, trailer towing package, new rubber & extra set not so new, heated seats, running boards, $6700. (250)421-2960 1999 Dodge Ram, 5.7 L Cummins diesel, 388,000km, 2 sets tires & rims, has some rust, too many options to list, $5000 obo. (250)919-6558
2003 GMC 1500,
2009 GMC Sierra 2500 SLE, ex cond, ext cab, Air, cloth interior, PW, PL, towing equipped, Tonneau cover, OnStar, 128,000 km $19,000. (250)421-8022
Trucks & Vans
Trucks & Vans
2006 Ford F150 XLT Super Cab, 5.4L, 8-cyl, FWD, 4-spd auto, Stock #TK0696A, $16,995. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1-800-663-2307
regular cab, standard transmission, 4x4, options available, very good cond., 229,000km,
$5995. (250)464-5214
2000 GMC Sierra F250 4x4 Ext. Cab, fully loaded, tow package, trans cooler, 5-pt hitch, canopy, boat loader, includes 12’ aluminum Springbok boat, 267,000 carefree km, 2nd owner, good all weather tires, $8,000. (250)426-3792 2000 Ranger, white with canopy, standard, 6-cyl, new tires, good running cond., roof rack $3500 obo. (250)919-8041 2001 Chev Silverado, 4WD, 4-dr, $4500. (250)417-5806 2001 Ford Explorer XLS, V6, low km, no rust, great shape, good tires, new battery. (250)426-5765 2001 Honda Odyssey, great family van, 140,000km, asking $6500. (250)489-0725 2001 Silverado 2500 HD Ext cab, 4x4, 8.1 L engine, Allison trans., roll & lock box cover, 116,000km, ex. cond., asking $11,000. (250)421-3556 2002 GM Sierra, 4x4, street & bush driven, $5000 obo. (250)464-1182 2002 Pontiac Montana, as is, asking $2200 obo. Phone for details, (250)426-7472 2003 CHEVY Tahoe LT. Leather heated seats, third row seating, DVD player, Bluetooth & Sirius ready. 232,000km. Asking $6900obo 1999 GMC Jimmy SLE 218,000km, exc. cond., moon roof, 4x4, set up to be towed. Asking $4300obo 250-4029188 2003 GMC Safari full size van, 3 rows of seating, AWD, auto, ex. cond. in & out, good tires, needs new motor, located in Cranbrook, $1000 obo. Call (250)304-7646 2003 Toyota CE van, clean & in good cond., 111,500 km, asking $8500. Call Pam (250)489-5230 2003 Toyota Tundra 4x4, 260,000 km, well maintained, good cond., $10,500 obo. (250)489-0771 2005 GMC 3500 1-ton, Scott aluminum 12’ box w/flip down sides, Tommy lift gate, 2000lb capacity, certified, $18,000 obo. (250)427-3350
2006 Lincoln Navigator Ultimate, 8-cyl, auto, beige, 4WD, Stock #H03415A, $16,500. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1888-638-4488 2008 Dodge Durango SLT 4x4, 5.7L, V8, leather, sunroof, navigation, rear entertainment center & much more, local vehicle only, 107,908km, Stock #V53093A, $17,995. Arrow Motors, DL #5467. Call for more info, 1-877-689-4327
2006 Dodge Dakota SLT Quad cab, auto, red, Stock #T13326A, $17,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039
2006 F150 Lariat Crew Cab 4x4, 150,000km, black on black, leather, DVD, sunroof, Tonneau, loaded, p/everything, heated seats, Showroom cond, $23,000 obo. (250)464-1330 2006 F350 XLT 4x4, crew cab, long box, diesel, 180,000 km, $14,000. Call for more details 1 (250)420-7185 2006 Ford F150 Supercab, 4x4, p/w, air, new rubber, clean, $14,000. Leave message, (250)427-5162 2008 DODGE Ram, 3500, 4x4 crew cab, loaded w/8’ box,$30,000. Good used work trucks. 1(250)427-6199
63”x99”, Serial #3896-1, $500. (250)489-3568
Utility trailer, 4’2’’x7’3’’ long, 2’ high with 14’’ wide tires, $1000. Canopy 5’w 6’1’’ long x 1’8’’ high, $500. 1 (250)4267169, 919-5361
Trucks - Logging 2008 F350 Diesel Super Duty, 4WD, tow device on trans., 6.4L, 3.73A/R, 80,000km, 2-yr Ext. Warranty, new tool box, new 5th Wheel hitch,long 8’ box, many more extras, never smoked in, $32,500. Will sell with 2005 Holiday Rambler for $55,000. Come and have a look, 1429 20A St. S, Cbk (250)489-5860 (250)420-1632 2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199 2010 GMC Sierra 1500, crew cab, 4.8L, 8-cyl, 4WD, 6-spd auto, silver, Stock #15205, $19,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-800-388-1156 2010 GMC Sierra 2500 HD, 6.0L, 8-cyl, 4WD, 6-spd auto, white, Stock #15492, $21,800. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-800388-1156 2010 Nissan Titan PRO 4X, 8cyl, auto, red, 4WD, Stock #H02870A, $28,800. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan SE, 3.6L, V6, auto, white, Stock #U1697, $24,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan SE, auto, white, Stock #T13265A, $23,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan SE, auto, white, Stock #U1698, $24,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1-888259-7039 Hunter’s Special: 1980 Chev pickup, with Okanagan camper, great shape, comes with canopy, $3500. (250)421-9160
Legal Notices 2005 GMC Sierra 4x4 Extended Cab HD 2500, 8’ box, auto, air, CD player, 120V inverter, trailer towing package, 370,000km, well maintained, $6800. Call after 5pm, (250)489-5068
Fiberglass Range Rider Canopy,
15 hp Johnson short leg 1990 outboard, $600. Boat trailer for 12’ to 16’ boat, $600. 16’ 4-seat Lund boat, open & light, $600. (250)489-3067 (250)464-1655
Yamaha 30hp Precision Blend 2-stroke MSHX boat motor, very well maintained, asking $750. (250)426-3939
16.5’ open bow Canventure, tri haul, 70HP Merc, low hours, EZ Loader trailer, $3500 obo. (250)417-0506
16’ Boat & 9.9 Yamaha motor, $1600. (250)421-1484
Legal Notices
Boat & trailer, 24’ Fiberform Cabin Cruizer, inline 6 GMC, ready to go! At Moyie, $7900 obo. (250)829-0708
For Sale Under Repairers Lien Act
Rare Double Eagle 14’ deep hull, 65 hp Merc outboard, hydraulic lift, ski pole & galvanized trailer, $3000. Call (250)529-7470 Sailboat, CAL 20, 3 sails (main, storm & genua), 8 hp Honda outboard, fixed keel (3’), inc. trailer, moored in Kaskanuk Harbor on Kootenay Lake, asking $5500. Call Henry, (250)428-3545
World’s Finest FISHING BOATS Utility Trailers 12x6 dual axle utility trailer, newly done, perfect for ATV’s or whatever use, $1500 obo. 1 (250)421-8434 Flatdeck trailer, 16’x8’, heavy duty, double axle, new tires & spring shackles, $3500 obo. (250)489-5798 Wells Cargo bike cargo trailer, 1500 lb torsion axle, wheel chock, 6 tie points, loading ramp, 6x6x10, $3000. (250)464-0207
Boat Accessories 15HP Honda 4-stroke outboard motor, low hours, $1500 c/w tank & hose. (778)5172121
Boats 12’ boat (Harbourcraft), Easy load trailer, 8HP Merc motor, Fish Finder, rod holders, $2000 obo. Evenings (778)517-4508 12’ boat & motor, 9.8HP Merc. 300 WSM rifle. (250)429-3794 12’ Lund aluminum boat with 8hp Mariner motor, EZ-Loader trailer & accessories, $2850 (250)426-8114 14’ Lund 9.9 Yamaha 4-stroke motor, trailer, fish finder, oars, life jackets, rod holders, 7’ collapsible canopy, $3000. (250)429-3903
Legal Notices
Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land FrontCounter BC Cranbrook has accepted an application made by Thistle Road Owners Group Society of Fernie, BC, on behalf of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Kootenay Region, for a License of Occupation for the purpose of private moorage (group moorage) situated on Provincial Crown foreshore along Tie Lake and Containing 81.1 m2 (Dock A) and 78.3 m2 (Dock B) more or less. The MFLNRO File Number that has been established for this application is 4405422. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theater Road, Cranbrook BC, V1C 7G1 or email to: Comments will be received by FrontCounter BC until November 21, 2013. FrontCounter BC may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please refer to our website http://www. -> Search -> Search by File Number: insert Lands File Number for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the FOI Advisor at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations regional office in Cranbrook.
2000 Pontiac Montana VIN# 1GMDX03E9YD270462
will be towed to Farbrook Autowrecking to recover the sum of $300.00 for repairs and costs.
Call Northstar Motors Ltd. 1816 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC V1C 3T1 250-489-4711
Weldcraft, Hewescraft, Lund, Godfrey Pontoons Mark’s Marine, Hayden, ID 1-888-821-2200
1992 Dodge B350 van, Serial 2B7JB3126NK154988. Registered owner, please claim before midnight on October 20, 2013, otherwise ownership will be transfered.
Attention Contractors EK Realty Strata Division
is now accepting sealed bids for snow removal for the Kimberley and Cranbrook areas for the 2013-2014 season. Packages can be picked up at 25-10th Avenue S. Cranbrook. Thank you to all who bid but only the successful bidder will be contacted.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Snow Clearing/Removal and Ice Control Western Financial Place The City is seeking proposals from qualified proponents for the provision of snow clearing/ removal and ice control services for Western Financial Place for the 2013/2014 winter season with the option for a one year extension. Proposal documents are available from BCBid and the City’s web site under “Business – City Tenders”. The sealed proposals, clearly marked, should be addressed: "Request for Proposal – CRA2013-R-004 – Snow Clearing/Removal and Ice Control Western Financial Place" and must be received by Wednesday, October 23, 2013, no later than 2:30 pm local time by the office of: The Corporation of the City of Cranbrook Attention: Melissa Smith, Financial Services Manager 40 10th Avenue South Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M8 Late submissions will be rejected. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals submitted
Friday, October 11, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
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