Castlegar News, October 17, 2013

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Breaking news at

Thursday, October 17, • 2013

Phil (PJ) Poznekoff 250.365.4679

1761 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, B.C.

Vol.10 • Issue 42

Timber harvester meets Castlegar Rebels split pair with citizens (part 2) of games versus Leafs See Page A3 See Page A25

Fire destroys mobile home in Genelle

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A firefighter prepares a fire hose while battling a fire in a mobile home in Genelle, B.C. on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013. The home was completely destroyed but two occupants escaped with what are believed to be minor injuries.

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MARVIN BEATTY Castlegar News Reporter

A fire at Whispering Pines Mobile Home Park in Genelle destroyed one home on Tuesday, Oct. 15. Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue Captain Jason Milne said the first truck was dispatched to the scene, at 500 16th Avenue, at 1:52 p.m. Other crews

arrived to battle the fire shortly after. Two residents of the park, Jamie La Berg, 44, and Shaun Colbon, 27, said they helped evacuate two people, who they described as an older man and woman, who were inside the trailer at the time of the blaze. “I heard a boom over here and came running,” said La Berg, who was

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working in his back yard at the time. “It was all on fire and they wouldn’t get out, so I went over and grabbed the guy, brought him out of the way and my brotherin-law, Shaun, moved the guy further out of the way. He [the man] was cut up pretty bad.” Colbon said they also helped to move vehicles away from

the burning trailer. “We asked them if anyone else was in there and they said no,” said Colbon, who said he also had to physically move the woman — who appeared to be in shock and unwilling to leave the home. “So, we got them out of there and called the fire department.” The two men, being hailed by some in the crowd as heroes,

said the man who was in the trailer had some injuries to at least one arm and the woman appeared to be uninjured. A couple of small booms were heard as crews fought the fire, prompting some onlookers to move away to a safer distance. Some debris was seen landing approximately 20 metres from the home as the fire burned.

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Jamie La Berg, left, and Shaun Colbon said they helped evacuate two people from the burning home.

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Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News

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Locked out IBEW worker upset over FortisBC Facebook flap marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

The ongoing FortisBC and IBEW local 213 labour dispute has spilled over into social media. Scott Ross, a locked out IBEW worker and administrator for the Facebook Page “Support IBEW”, wrote the following in an email to the Castlegar News on Oct. 10: “This morning Mark Warren, FortisBC’s Director of Customer Service, a man who oversees all communication for the large public utility commented on Support IBEW’s Face-

book page. When called out on who he was and his comment, he deleted it. It just seems wrong that FortisBC is paying people to go to their locked out union’s Facebook page and give company spin without identifying themselves and what they are doing, and then on top of it, hiding it when caught.” Ross provided a link to a Facebook page showing a screen capture of the deleted comment. It reads: “True, but misleading. In 2006, the CEO was responsible for the electric company. Today, the CEO salary


is shared with the gas company. I don’t have 2006 info, but since 2010 executive cost has DECLINED at the electric company because of cost sharing. Electric rates are up primarily because of significant investment in the electric grid.” Ross said that the screen capture was taken because there have been other incidences of “FortisBC friendly messages” appearing and then being deleted. Reached for comment on Sunday, Oct. 13, Joyce Wagenaar, Director of Communications for

FortisBC, confirmed that Warren is the Director of Customer Service for FortisBC electrical customers and was responsible for the Facebook post and subsequent deletion. She also clarified that Warren is the Director of Customer Service and is responsible for advanced meters, demand-side management and electricity customer service. “Mr. Warren, outside of the workday, had received an email from a friend that had a Facebook comment and Mr. Warren looked at that comment and he thought

that he was in communication with simply his friend,” said Wagenaar. “He hadn’t realized that he had actually sent a response which then, unintentionally from his perspective, was posted to the broader site.” Wagenaar said when Warren became aware of what happened, he deleted his comment and she reiterated that he was not on company time while doing so. “Given where we are with the labour dispute, he informed company management of these actions,” she said. “He

Two FortisBC workers stand in front of a newly built shelter at the Fortis office on Columbia Avenue in Castlegar on Tuesday, Oct. 8. The shelter, for locked out IBEW local 213 workers, went up over two days using wood donated from Mitchell’s Supply. The union has been locked out since June 26, 2013. Marvin Beatty

was concerned; it’s a sensitive time with the company and he thought he was just

providing a perspective to a friend. It was inadvertently posted to this page.”



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Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013

News Timber harvester meets with citizens - part 2 marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

Part 2 of “Timber harvester meets with citizens” — from Oct. 10 “The truth of the matter is that all of the people that live there have essentially lost their private little honey-hole back there,” said Hodgkinson, woodlands manager for Kalesnikoff Lumber. “We have logged though the Voykin property before.” The person Hodgkinson was referring to is John Voykin, a member of the Pass Creek delegation who was at the Goose Creek site on Tuesday, Oct. 8. A statement on a website for the group states: “We are a group of concerned citizens from Pass Creek, Robson and Raspberry who want to ensure our watersheds, wildlife, habitats and scenic views are protected from the negative effects of road building and logging.” Voykin said he has ongoing issues involving granting ac-

tell me what the difference is between concrete and wood and I’ll pay the difference. Put in a concrete bridge and then we’ll never have to worry about this bridge again.’” Voykin said Kalesnikoff refused, citA seedling planted in the ing concerns Goose Creek area, previously over the costs logged by Kalesnikoff Lumber for construcCo. Ltd. tion and Marvin Beatty maintenance, something Hodgkinson cess to Kalesnikoff to another logging acknowledged was a area through his 146 concern for the comacre property in Pass pany. “He wanted us to Creek. Voykin said he build him a two-lane told Kalesnikoff that bridge — that’s why a bridge on his prop- we didn’t go though erty, approximately his land — and he’s 20 years old and used holding us ransom,” by the company in said Hodgkinson. “He the past, was badly in was getting greedy, need of repair but an right? So what do you agreement could not do? You build a road be reached regarding around; it was cheapwho would pay for er for us to build a road around, ten kiwhat. “They were go- lometres of road, than ing to fix the bridge to build that bridge. and re-deck it,” said We tried to go though Voykin. “I said, ‘I a neighbours properwant a permanent ty but it just wouldn’t structure there so work.”


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Voykin said he approached Kalesnikoff and said that if they did the logging and later removed the bridge that crosses the creek he draws water from, he would allow tree planters and others to access the logged site. He said he has tried to erect a gate to stop outdoor enthusiasts such as hikers, hunters and those on motorized vehicles from accessing the area but it was recently torn out. “It wasn’t anything big,” said Voykin. “It was just a metal post with a cable going across the road and a private property/ no trespassing sign. It had been up there since they connected the road. Some [quad riders] had said that if I put up the sign, everyone would respect it, and it had been respected until all of the [logging] equipment showed up last Friday and mysteriously now it’s gone.” He said he plans to put up a heavier fence in the near future. He also said Kalesnikoff hasn’t approached him over concerns he has about his water

line. “My water line also runs through where they are going to be cutting, but nobody has even come to me to ask me where the line is — nothing,” said Voykin. “They’ve sent letters to everybody else down the valley. They’re working right now, as we speak, and nobody’s even come and asked me, ‘Where’s your line so we can be careful around it?’” Voykin said he has reached out to Kalesnikoff but it’s like “nobody cares.” A statement on the Kalesnikoff website from President and CEO, Ken Kalesnikoff, reads in part: “The company is committed to sustaining and enhancing the environmental, economic, and social benefits that our forest resources provide to our communities,” something that Hodkinson said the company strives to do. In one area where a number of trees had blown down into a draw containing running water, Hodkinson acknowledged... Continued on Pg. A5 A3

The Members and Participants of the Castlegar Highland Games would like to thank the generous sponsors and donators to the 9Th Annual Castlegar Highland Games held on October 5th at Stanley Humphries Secondary School. Your support of our event is greatly appreciated!!!! City Of Castlegar Little Bear Golf Course Shoppers Drug Mart Boston Pizza Safeway Super 8 Black Rooster Dig Garden Centre (Playmor Junction) Mallards Home Hardware The Gift Box Kootenay Centre Cinemas Tim Horton’s Dragonflies and Fairydust Beach Shack Mountain High Lighting

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Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News



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Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013 A5

News Pass Creek logging fuels concerns Continued from Pg. A3

... that it was something that would be carefully cleaned up. “We felt that a log loader would be better here,” he said. “Traditionally, guys would use a line-skidder but we felt that with a line skidder, they’d end up cutting the blowdown and then they’d drag the tree and do more disturbance. What we’re feeling is that with the log loader we’ll be able to sit on the side of these riparian areas, reach in, cut the tree at the stump, pick it right up and move it out to where a grapple skidder can get it. Then, we’ll tip the stumps back into their holes. Then, we’ll come in the following year and plant it, as well.” Jennifer Yeow was also at the Goose Creek site the same day. She said she is not a member of the Wolverton Creek water system users touring the site but was asked to set up and implement Kalesnikoff ’s water monitoring program. Yeow said they did notice a higher than normal count for chloroform bacteria last year than average and she has been measuring for about

10 years. “In conjunction with the water users, we collect samples on a regular basis and I go up and measure the flow. I actually have a laboratory where I do the testing of the water samples,” she said. “Frankly it looks a lot better than it did when we came up last year.”

“I can understand where they’re coming from. They used to have their own private little quad trails...” Tyler Hodgkinson, woodlands manager Last year the road was acting as a channel funnelling water and sediment directly into the creek, she said. A silk curtain was effective for a short time in mitigating the effects, but filled in very quickly. Now that the road has been deactivated and logs have been placed to divert runoff to the side, Yeow said things have become “a little bit better.” Hodkinson said there are laws for the viewscape in question in Pass Creek and that it’s labelled

as partial retention, meaning only seven to 14 per cent can be altered. He acknowledged the difficulty in keeping the public out of the area once the logging road was built but said an application to have a gate installed was denied because it didn’t meet the requirements for public safety. “I can understand where they’re coming from,” he said. “They used to have their own private little quad trails to go up there and hunt and now they’ve got the damn road and joeblow from the public is back there cutting firewood and joeblow is back there cutting firewood and hunting. But the fact of the matter is, that’s the only place left for Kalesnikoff to go. It’s the same with Duhamel, we have no other place to go. We’d love to go log somewhere else but those are the charge areas we have.” Hodgkinson said that if Kalesnikoff doesn’t meet its annual allowable cuts, the government will release them to outside parties through non-replaceable forest licences. “So then you’ll get people from any-

where in B.C. coming in to take the cut,” he said. “You’re much better to have local companies that have relationships with the locals.” In an email, Rachel Schmidt, a spokesperson for the Pass Creek Watersheds Committee group, summed up what they are trying to accomplish by engaging with the company. “As concerned citizens we are working to conserve and protect a wide array of forest-related values and alternatives to conventional clear cutting. This means our struggle is not only with logging companies but with our government as well. Many communities are upset and concerned about self-regulatory logging practices and for good reason. Folks in Laird Creek knew that their water was in danger by road building and lodged several complaints but were told the logging contractors were acting in a responsible manner. But a landslide did occur as predicted by residents and damaged the water supply of 100 homes. So we are trying to ensure that doesn’t happen in our valley.”

Carrier pigeons

Theresa Hodges, office manager, and Jim Sinclair, editor, pay tribute to the ����������������������� ��������������������������������������� newspaper carriers in Castlegar during Carrier APpreciation Week oct. 6 - 12. Thank you from all of us at the Castlegar News.

CASTLEGAR GIRLS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION AGM Wednesday, October 23, 2013 6pm to 9pm Castlegar & District Community Complex Come out and support Castlegar Girls Softball and bring your new ideas or any concerns you may have. We will be voting in a NEW executive, as 9 positions need to be filled for next year’s ball season. Any questions,contact Natalie Hipwell at: or call 250-365-7697

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Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News


Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Investing in community benefits all

The new KIA dealership in Castlegar is good news for this community in a number of different ways. One is that it creates more jobs and will have an immediate economic impact on the community. That is always good. More importantly, however, it shows true faith in the economy of this community by a family that has been doing just that for many years. And we applaud this most recent initiative. From partnering with such organizations as Communities in Bloom, the Castlegar & District Library, Selkirk College, Rotary and many others, the Kalawsky’s are one of the many Castlegar businesses that get it – giving back to the community is what they do. However, this investment is more than that – it is a statement that this family believes in a strong and prosperous future for Castlegar and the West Kootenay. There are few businesses that understand the ebbs and flows of the economy better than those in auto business and this investment can only mean good things for this community. It is always healthy to see economic investment in our communities, and to see it at this size and scale is even more so. The City of Castlegar has done its part with the introduction of a Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw. Something at least two local businesses have benefitted from so far. Let’s hope this positive step leads to more and continued investment by other businesses, as well. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Off the Line - Karen Haviland

A Rootin’ Tootin’ Time Warning: this column is for women only. Ladies, does it seem to you that sometimes, the more things change the more they stay the same? Take men, for example. Some of my earliest memories include those of my three brothers. Saturday mornings were all about sitting around watching cartoons. My younger brother, Jerry, as I recall, loved cartoons, but he also loved westerns. I can picture him now, almost a half a century later (did I really just type that half century thing?) sitting around in his cowboy pajamas which were decorated with pictures of lassos, bucking broncos and cowboys watching those westerns. Slung around his little boy hips was the toy gun and holster set which he wore everywhere, even to bed if mom didn’t catch him beforehand. His eyes were fixated on the television screen as he surely envisioned himself as whichever cowboy hero he was currently watching. Sometimes, he would skip the pajamas altogether and sit there in all his glory wearing only underwear and his loaded holster. Even now I smile at those remembered moments. But, eventually, all boys grow up and outgrow their childhood heroes Cindy Amaral Production Manager

Sandy Leonard Production

and fantasies. Or do they? Last week I was in the computer room working on something or another. Hubby was in the living room watching TV. All was good in our life as the sounds and comfort of everyday living drifted throughout our home. It was a beautiful fall day, the kind which remains etched in your mind for years to come. The sun was shining and we had just, the day prior, returned home from camping. The day stretched out in front of us, offering all the comforts of home and the promise of utter relaxation. We were in our haven, and, as most women know, that haven (when there aren’t children or other family members running around) sometimes includes the good old luxury of sitting around in your underwear, scratching when you want to scratch (in the case of men) and feeling completely at ease with each other. That day, it was the hubby sitting around in his boxer shorts. The world was his oyster. He had the remote control in one hand, a cold beer in the other, and he was channel surfing. Well, not exactly surfing. It seems he struck gold – he had found a channel which was featuring all day rootin’, tootin’ Westerns, and another channel which featured the old-time yuk-yuk

Marvin Beatty Reporter

Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate

Chuck Bennett Publisher

type of cartoons. Every once in a while I would hear him laughing hilariously at the cartoons, and then, when he switched over to the Westerns I could hear little whoops and hollers as one cowboy shot up another.

The antics made me smile and, when I walked into the living room to ask him something or another, something became crystal clear. When I looked at him sitting in his recliner in his boxer shorts, watching his childhood replay on the television screen it occurred to me that what I was looking at was not the take-charge adult man I had married, but rather the echo of the boy he once was. It struck me at that moment that men really don’t grow up. Sure, they man up, and mine has manned up quite nicely, thank you, but in the end, men are still little boys in many ways. I’m sure there are ladies out there right now who are rolling their eyes, having known all along what I just discovered. What I had discovered, at that moment, is that men are a wonderful study in contrast and depth. They are a beautiful blend of part adult and part child and just because they are required to grow up, doesn’t mean that they are required to grow old. Jim Sinclair Editor

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Karen Bennett Director of Sales


Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013 A7


Time to care

bone of personal mine the Ju quality only without being ne 1, 2of& 3dents, care and support in care they are able to given enough time to our long-term care provide. do the job. homes, the commuFor too long, govThey are literally October 18 is nity, and increasing- ernment has ignored being run off their Health Care Assis- ly, in our hospitals. the warning signs feet, which results in tant Day. They provide se- that come from not more injuries, illness, First proclaimed niors and others having sufficient staff and too frequently, by the provincial with every aspect of to provide the level burnout. government in 2011, personal care – from and quality of care And when staff are it’s a time to recog- feeding, toileting, British Columbians not able to be there nize the skill and dental care and bath- deserve. for someone – who Kenmore commitment B.C.’s ing $to comforting In B.C. ’ s residential may be lonely, agitatSAVE 100 built-in** dishwasher. care aides and com- those who are High contemperature option. care facilities, for ex- ed, or near death – a munity health work- fused, afraid,54 dBA. or in ample, it has become whole other level of Stainless steel† and ers bring to health SEARS 549.99 theREG. final stages of ON life.SALEtypical for care aides stress kicks in. white care’s front lines. And they do it in to try 2213039 and meet the In 2011, the B.C.’s R2284 CC061F5 C M1 Health care assis- the face of significant needs of their often O m b u d s p e r s o n’s tants are the back- obstacles that under- frail, elderly resi- landmark investi-

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once you add up the additional costs that come from increased injuries and sick time, there are no long-term savings to be found by under staffing. As the union representing the vast majority of care aides and community health workers in B.C., HEU is calling for the changes needed to ensure staff have the time they need to provide quality care.

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Thanks for all the community support theENERGY Reach-A-Reader campaign last Look for the ENERGY STAR® logo. It shows that theduring product meets STAR specifications for energy efficiency. †Stainless steel extra. ***Excludes Dyson products, electronics, outdoor power equipment, *This savings offer excludes items with prices ending in .97week. and clearance priced items. **Installation We raised $697 to literacy clearance-priced items, Catalogue and Online purchases. Scratch card valid Friday, June 1 to Sunday, June 3, 2012. Limit of one scratch card per purchase. Cards available while quantities last. 1/100 for 3rd largest discount; 5/100 for 4th largest discount, 92.5/100 for 5th largest discount. Odds of saving in each category: 1/200 for largest discount; 1/100 for 2nd largest programs in discount; Castlegar. SALE PRICES IN EFFECT FRI., JUNE 1 UNTIL SUN., JUNE 3, 2012, where open, unless otherwise stated, while quantities last


- Bonnie Pearson, Secretary-Business Manager, Hospital Employees’ Union

Around 2 p.m. Thanksgiving Day (Monday, Oct. 14), I was washing my truck at the car wash at the top of the Sheribico Hill and left behind *ALL REG. PRICEDtwo shovels that I had cleaned off. One was an ordinary garden shovel PATIO FURNITURE and the other was a steel, coal-style scoop shovel. I went back about five & GAS GRILLS ON SALE! car, a pickup truck minutes after I had left only to find someone had taken them. I’d like and an MTI student them back — no questions asked. Call 250-365-3388. Thanks. driver where there - George Townsend was a $double-solid SAVE 100visibility. line and no Spanks also to the 2nd pickup truck SEARS REG. 399.99 driver who then took BROIL KING® agas lesson grill. from the 1st pickup driver and 028 490 906 passed the car and the 0290906 40,000 total BTU MTI student driver Come help us clear our 400 sq. in. AREA when the student 2 BURNERS driver turned left.

SAVE $20, $40, $60, $80 or $100 Rallying for readers


Without that basic investment, our seniors will continue to lose out and our care aides and community support workers will continue to burn out. It’s time to care. It’s time to invest in people – the people who need care, and the people who provide it.

Need to dig that badly?

Kenmore®/MD 18.2 cu. ft. top freezer fridge. 30" wide. R4684 CC061F5 A M1

gation into seniors’ care called for higher staffing levels and enforceable standards for key aspects of resident care – bathing, meal preparation, and recreational services. It’s time to heed her call. And it’s time to admit that focussing solely on the bottom line is not working. Scrimping on human resources may save a few dollars in the short term. But



to be announced


locally owned and operated by dedicated mayor Aarespecial thanks to Castlegar individuals serving their communities. address Lawrence Chernoff and councillors Sue We carry the top major appliance brands, phone 000-0000 sleep sets, home appliances, homeand electronics Heaton-Sherstobitoff Dan Rye, the hours and lawn and garden products and much more. Castlegar Rebels, Dianne Galloway from Shop by phone 1-800-267-3277 Shop online at the Friends of the Library, RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew, Lynnene Lewis and Lesley Hastain from Kootenay Family Place, Michelle Donaldson from Mallards Source for Sports, Voros from Robson Media: ND061D112 Zone:Rebecca National Designer: Actual Size: 7.6875" x 11.0625" Deptw:School DealerPAC, CBAL Writer: Community Staff, andcm Docket#: Units: 24 Unit Month: Mac: Castlegar NewsJUNE staff for helping out during 56769 Colour: B&W Week: 1 Editor: our Reach a Reader campaign. Thanks to Front: Tamara Matthews CBAL employee Black Press for their continued support for giving Lily Kozak a copy of the Castlegar literacy programs in our community. News and a literacy calendar. Back: Dianne Galloway, Friends of the Library volunteer. - Alana Murdoch, Submitted community literacy coordinator

What do SPCA cats dream about? Your loving home.

Locally owned & operated by Brian Lomheim

Hometown Store ND061D112 © 2012. Sears Canada Inc.

4220 Minto Rd. Castlegar 250-365-3331

October 18 is Date: Stage:

Health Care Assistant Day 05/23/12 Final

Join us in celebrating our care aides and community health workers and recognizing the important work they do.

In your community

Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News


Community Calendar

Upcoming Saturday, Oct. 19: St. Rita’s Catholic Women’s League Annual Tea and Bazaar, noon

to 2 p.m. at St. Rita’s Catholic Church Hall. Admission $3.00. Please note the change in time. Saturday, Oct. 19: Kootenay Orienteering Club event at Selkirk

College (Castlegar). Courses start at 9 and 10 a.m. $5 entry fee includes Orienteering BC membership. Fun navigational race. More info, call Doug Clark 250-365-3036. Saturday, Oct 19: Castlegar Skating Club bottle drive

through various neighbourhoods. More info call Shelley Lefurgey at 250-304-8149. Sunday, Oct. 20: sing-along at Castlegar United Church. All

invited, 2 p.m. Popular oldie goldie songs — not a hymn sing. Refreshments after. Donations accepted for Sharing Pot Soup Kitchen.

This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an up-to-date version with contact details to, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.

donated, hot dogs, popcorn and prizes. Make your pledges to BC Lions Society for Children with Disabilities. Saturday, Oct. 27: Join Investors Group reps at Castlegar

Safeway from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. giving away pumpkins for a donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Monday, Oct. 28: WK Naturalist’s month-end meeting at the

Genelle Hall. Potluck: 5:30 p.m. - please bring your own plate, cup and cutlery. Presentation at 7 p.m. by Angus Glass will be on the migration of the W. Toad in the Summit Lake area. Free. All welcome.

wednesday, November 6: Book Club discussion on “I Shall Not

Hate” by Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish at 7 p.m. at Castlegar United Church. Please read this book and come and join our discussion group. More info call 3658337.

Monday, Oct. 21: West Kootenay Ostomy Support Group meets

2 p.m. at Kiro Wellness Center, 1500 Columbia Ave, Trail. Guest: Canada Service rep. More info call 250-368-9827 or 250-365-6276.

Friday, Oct 25: annual Halloween special events at Castlegar

Community Complex between 6 - 8 p.m. Dance class to freaky tunes, haunted change-room and fun in the pool. Come in a light costume, stay for refreshments/snacks. Pre-register for class by Oct 18. Six years and under must be accompanied by an adult in the water. Call 250365-3386 for more info. Saturday Oct. 26 & Sunday, Oct. 27: Looking for something new to try this winter? Curling sea-

son is about to start and there’s a Curl Canada “Learn to Curl” clinic at the Castlegar Curling Rink. There will also be an “Improve Your Delivery” clinic. Pre-registration required. More info call the Castlegar Curling Club at 250-365-6666 or Alison at 250-365-2366. Saturday, Oct. 26: Robson Recreation Society hosting Halloween Dance 8 p.m. – 1 a.m.

at Robson Hall. Tickets $15; call Martin at 250-365-0102 or buy at the Robson Flea Market on Sundays. Sorry, no minors. All proceeds to Robson Hall. Saturday, Oct. 26 PUMP GAS FOR KIDS from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Ben-

son Oil Plus. Two cents per litre

Wednesday, Nov. 6 Castlegar Arts Council Annual General Meeting, 5:30 - 6:15 p.m. at Koo-

tenay Gallery, 120 Heritage Way, Castlegar. All welcome!

Saturday, Nov. 9: Georgian Doukhobor Benefit Concert at

Brilliant Cultural Centre. Doors open 6:15, local performers and documentary film at 7 p.m. Tickets $10 at the door. All welcome. More info, email Verna at wednesday, nov. 13: Community Response Network and Seniors Outreach & Support (SOS) free educational lun-

cheon, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Power of Attorney, representation and advance care planning. CBT building 445 13th Avenue, Castlegar. Contact Sandi McCreight 250-365-2104 ext. 34 or email soscastlegar@hotmail. com.

Ongoing Dam City Rollers open house

for those interested in joining 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955

the West Kootenay Roller Derby League: Thursday, Oct. 24 from 7-9 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 27 from 2-4 p.m. at the Castlegar Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th

Ave, Castlegar (two blocks from library) Tuesdays at noon.

The Treasure Shop: Sale on all

children’s books (three for $1) and all wallpaper is $1/roll Friday, Oct. 18 - 26. Halloween costumes priced to fit your budget. Get them now while there’s still a good selection. Silent Auction closes end of day Saturday, Oct. 26. During construction we are open as usual. New volunteers greatly welcomed; applications at the shop. More info www. october SENIORs ACTIVITIES at the castlegar COMPLEX

Mon. 10:00 Darts, 1:00 Whist. Tues. 9:30 Floor Curling/Carpet Bowling, 1:00 Crafts, 7:00 Pool. Wed. 9:30 Floor Curling, 10:00 Oct.16 Raspberry Hi coffee, 1:00 Oct. 2nd only Bingo, 7:00 Rummoli. Thurs: 9:30 Floor Curling, 9:00 3rd Thurs. Zone 6, Sr. Games meeting, 2:00 Oct 3rd Gen. Meeting, 1:00 Bingo, 2:00 Oct. 17th dress Hallowe’en Tea Dance, 7:00 Rummoli. Fri. 10:00 Qi Gong, 1:00 Bridge/Crib. Open five days from 9 to 4 for coffee. On going garage sale. Robson Hall Market 9 a.m - 2

p.m. Sundays. Beakfast available until 1 p.m. at latest. Looking for clean, usable donations for our Loonie Table. Proceeds benefit Robson Recreation Society’s fundraising efforts. Donations can be dropped off Sundays. New vendors welcome. Call Kathy to book tables (5$) at 250365-3796 or Lynne 250-3658165 (Lynne away until Oct. 4). FARMER’S MARKET AT THE CASTLEGAR STATION MUSEUM Saturdays

from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Great variety of goods from local vendors. Free coffee. New vendors welcome. To book a spot ($5) call Deb at 250-365-6440. All About Breastfeeding infor-

mative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tuesdays, 10:30 - noon More info: 250365-3662, tops group meets every wednesday 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. at

Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy and lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956.

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m.

(phone Mike at 399-4417); Tues. at 7 p.m. (phone Dennis at 3652738); Wednesday at 7 p.m., (phone Fay at 250-687-0484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (phone Jim at 365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (phone Len at 365-7805).

al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives

have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Mondays 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info call Donna 365-3168 or Eileen 3653674.

Local Toastmasters club Sentinel Speakers, 7 - 9 p.m. at the Fireside Inn, 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence and have fun! Guests welcome. More info call Diane Cushing at 250-3658336. TOASTMASTERS MEETINGS

from The Advocacy Centre is in Castlegar every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at Castlegar and District Community Services, 1007 2nd Street. Call 250608-0589 or 1-877-352-5777.

Mom’s Support Group All moms

welcome to this loosely structured group supporting challenges of being a mom. No referral required. Comments/ queries: Sandi McCreight 250365-2104 ext. 34


tlegar Community Services Call 250-608-2254.

Scrabble Club 2nd Wed. of the

month, Castlegar Public Library. 6:30 – 8 p.m. All levels welcome! For info call Alana at 304-6862. Offered by the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy.

back to school with baby Program free for parents to upgrade

The Great Pumpkin Giveaway

math, English and/or study skills with an instructor from Selkirk College. Kootenay Family Place , Mon. & Wed. from 1 - 3 p.m. Childcare and snacks provided. More info call Alana at 304-6862.


New to Canada? Settlement ser-

Pick a pumpkin & help fight breast cancer Join Grenville Skea and Karen Pilipishen of Investors Group at the Castlegar Safeway on

Wednesday October 23 2p-6p Saturday October 26 10am-2p

Operation Feast All invited for

home-cooked meals Thursdays at New Life Assembly Church, 602 - 7th Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, dinner served until 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area at back of Church. More info: Carol at 365-5734. free pool - Everyone welcome

Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun. youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/sports/hanging out. Grades K - 5, 6:30 - 8 p.m. and grades 6 up, 8 - 10 p.m. See B.C.C.S. facebook page for more info or phone 250-365-7201.


USCC Cultural Interpretive Society meets Monday and

Wednesday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Arts and Crafts Centre, 820 Markova Rd., beside the Brilliant Cultural Centre.

Advocate in Castlegar on Thursdays Questions about wel-

fare, disability benefits, tenancy or family law? A staff person

vices provides eligible newcomers with information about community services and information or preparing for citizenship. Call Megan Read at 250-687-4714 or email welcometocastlegar@

Legion Meat Draws Saturdays

Royal Canadian Legion Castlegar/Robson Brnach #170, 248 Columbia Avenue, 4 - 6 p.m. Guests welcome and must be signed in by a member.

W.K. Yoga For MS Support Group. Mondays, 1:30 - 3 p.m.,

Castlegar Library, lower level. Free and sponsored by W.K MS Society for its members and care providers. Call Lonnie Facchina 1-866-352-3997 or email info@westkootenay@ or Janice Ferraro, at 250-365-5428, email janice@

Love to sing? Come out to Robson Community School and sing with the Robson Choir. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. More info: Jeannie at 250-365-2901.


help Castlegar Special Olympics athletes and your environment. Donations accepted at 2908 Columbia Ave in Castlegar. Look for big blue sign.

Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013 A9

#101-466 Josephine St. Nelson 250-352-7710 • 1-877-680-7710 Rebecca L. Wilcox proudly opened SkinBliss Medi Spa over 3.5 years ago with a vision to bring cutting edge technology and new ideas in beauty and health to Nelson. SkinBliss is proud to offer a wide variety of Spa and Laser Treatments. We believe in offering Organic as well as Pharmaceutical Grade effective skincare products, while utilizing cutting edge technology and providing the utmost of personalized care to achieve healthy skin for all of our clients. We offer innovative and advanced non-surgical, skin procedures and therapeutic spa treatments. The results? Superior results in the fight against time. We can help you look and feel your very best. Our Fully Certified and Licensed team of professionals are committed to excellence here to evaluate your specific skincare needs and provide a comprehensive program to achieve optimal results.

Busii Business CASTLEGAR BORSCHT HUT The Caracciolo family has been in the food industry for many years having owned and operated several successful restaurants. Nick and Colleen are now serving up traditional Russian Borsch, Pyrahi, Vereniki at The Borsch Hut. They have recently expanded their menu to include Southern Style BBQ, German Cabbage Rolls, and Authentic Italian Cuisine. They are a ‘Mom & Pop’ operation in the

truest sense! Foods are house made with a genuine passion for the craft. As promised, ‘The Hut’ is now open 7 days a week and breakfast is served all day starting at $4.95. Come in and see what’s in the freezer for the working person. Great friendly service and always ready for new ideas and feeback! Hours of operation 10-7, 7 days a week. (250)365-5553 Casual Catering is also available through ‘Smokin’ Bluz-n-BBQ’ at (250)368-8112 or phone Colleen at (250)777-1279 or Nick at (250)777-1273 Castlegar Borscht Hut 2816 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, B.C. Owners - Nick and Colleen Caracciolo

Our Mission at SkinBliss Medi Spa is to provide cellular skincare services to improve the look and feel of your skin, using the highest standards of patient care, comfort, privacy and technology. We offer great monthly specials and package deals for many of our Spa and Laser Services. Come and visit our new location and immerse yourself in Nelson’s most luxurious Medi Spa. Experience our brand new Infrared sauna and take advantage of our newly added spa services such as the mud body wraps. You will not be disappointed! Visit for more detailed information or to book your FREE consultation to find out more.

Jacquelyn Konkin started out her career as an early childhood educator but quickly realized that a bigger focus needed to be put on the relationships at home, particularly between couples. She started out her Passion Parties business in July of 2010 and has not looked back since. Passion Parties is not just entertainment-focused (although they are a lot of fun!) but an

informative and educational in home shopping opportunity designed to promote intimacy and communication between couples. Passion Parties is available to you through home parties, private consultations, or online ordering through her website. Jacquelyn, however, takes her business one step farther by focusing on women as a whole, rather than just the relationship piece. As a busy mother of three, she knows the struggles women face trying to juggle work, friendship, motherhood, romance, and personal growth. Her goal is to support her clients in whatever they want to achieve, whether that is a rewarding career, stronger family, better fitness, or a happier marriage. Her business is about empowerment, women helping women, and relationships - in every aspect of life.

Jacquelyn Konkin • 250-365-9840 Follow Me Here For Contests and Discounts! Website: (shopping online now available) Facebook Page:




Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News

illy Monkeys started out as a licensed family dayhome five years ago. After many rewarding years, a light went off and I knew I wanted to further my education and eventually teach preschool. The dayhome was flourishing, so for the sake of the community, I didn’t want to close its doors. A chance encounter made it possible for the dayhome to evolve into an Infant/Toddler Center. This left me free to pursure opening a preschool. After a few

hurdles, a few months later I was able to expand and relocate — bringing the two programs together and offering daycare to three to five-year-olds. After a very busy summer and some renovations, my staff and I have proudly opened the doors to our new Silly Monkeys Childcare Center. The first month has been very busy with lots of new children and staff. We are expanding quickly and couldn’t be happier. It was a very good move and decision. My wonderful staff and I look forward to serving the children and families of Castlegar for years to come. We are able to nurture and care for your children from infancy to school age and have the added bonus of offering them a play-based preschool program along the way.

The Biggest Little Fruit Stand has been in business since 2003 and is a family run business. Upon entering this location be prepared to experience the aroma of Russian cooking and/or baking: our chefs are always busy cooking, baking, or prepping Russian delicacies for your enjoyment. At this location, we pride ourselves on knowing you’ll find the biggest selection of BC fruit and vegetables in the area. You’ll find our staff busy sorting through our produce to provide you with the best product possible, but they’re always eager to help and answer your questions. Since my mom moved back to the Kootenays, she’s been hard at it in our kitchen making some of the best Russian cuisine for all to enjoy.

Silly Monkeys Childcare 1250 26th St. (250) 687-0198 Owner - Danielle Kozak

These recipes have been passed down for generations and she has refined them beautifully. Due to the overwhelming demand, she now has Marie and Nellie cooking as well. Together the three of them combine to make a great team cooking vareniki, pyrahi, borsch (cranky mom) and fruit tarts.

All our fruit tarts are made from the BC fruit and berries that we carry at the store and the cheese for our vareniki and pyrahi is organically made by Jerseyland Organics in Grand Forks. This allows us to offer an even better product at no extra cost to you. We feature a multitude of Fresh & Organic Vegetables, Fresh & Organic Fruits, In Store Deli, Quality Dairy Products, Russian Delicacies, Organic Drinks, Healthy Snacks and Niya Papaya’s Juice & Smoothie Bar. Thanks to everyone for all your support, and remember we deliver as well and can bring this great food right from our store to your door. Just call: 250.365.3373, or go online to:

Biggest Little Fruit Stand #102 – 1983 Columbia Avenue Castlegar B.C. • Located in the Kootenay Crossing Mall

BBin Booming ACK


Top left, Chelsea Raney, Acupuncturist; Dr. Sandy Battista, D.C., Animal Chiropractic; Tammy Stoochnoff, Reflexology; Carol Luterbach, Reiki Master 2nd row left, Gabriella Toth, Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine; Dr. Brandy Grantham, Chiropractic sitting left to right, Gaye Read, Office Assistant; Tara Roberts, RMT; Sandy Ewing, Office Assistant

Helping people and earning a living doing it, it’s no wonder Dr. Brandy Grantham loves her work. The owner of Back in Balance Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center has a major expansion currently underway which is inspired by ongoing strong demand for services offered. It seems increasing public awareness and acceptance of the chiropractic profession and other forms of treatment is leading to busy practitioners across Castlegar and beyond. Back in Balance is growing and it’s an exciting time for all involved. “I’m very happy to announce that we have brought on a whole bunch of new team members and we’re expanding our office space,” said Dr. Grantham recently. With the sound of structural renovations going on, and contractors coming and going, there was not a beat being missed in terms of clients taking advantage of the center the same as usual. The only difference resulting from the work going on, will be a larger, more varied client base as soon as the improvements have been completed later this month. “We’ll have six additional treatment rooms,” Dr. Grantham described. “Castlegar has been desperately in need of more health care practitioners and my practice has exploded since I started back in 2009. I’ve brought on an associate chiropractor.” Additional personnel will serve the needs of those seeking acupuncture, massage, reflexology and reiki treatment.

“We see a real growing need for these services in our community,” the doctor continued. Indeed, demand and a careful business plan have led the way to the thriving situation now being experienced in South Castlegar on the east side of 6th Avenue, two doors north of 24th Street. “I started out very small,” Grantham related, “in one room down at Medical Aesthetics for a few months and then I took over a little space right here at this location. About 18 months ago I renovated this space for myself and one massage therapist. Now we’re renovating another 1,000 square feet and bringing on… I think there’ll be nine of us, altogether.” The word ‘rewarding’ hardly seems adequate in describing the feedback Dr. Grantham gets from her work. “I love coming to work every day,” she beamed, “I help people, from newborn babies to our great-great grandmas.” There is now no reason to expect our pets to go without the liberating relief so many enjoy thanks to professional chiropractic care. “Both Sandy (Battista) and I are certified animal chiropractors,” Grantham continued. “I just have not had the time to service that need in our community. So in addition to treating patients, Dr. Battista will be taking care of our four-legged friends, whether they be dogs or cats… horses or whatever.” A bit of background information on Edmonton native, Dr. Brandy Grantham: “I practiced in Burnaby for 10 years, went to school in Toronto. I grew up in the Okanagan.” Early morning appointments are available at Back in Balance on Tuesday and Friday at 7:30 a.m., evening appointments available Monday and Thursday, and Saturday hours for Chiropractic and Acupuncture. Walk in appointments will be accommodated on a first come, first served basis for Chiropractic during office hours. And also their website, where they have online appointment scheduling available. Contact info 250-304-4401, 2325-6th Avenue.

Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013 A11

Mountainview Realty Ltd.

Castlegar’s soon-to-be Artisan Bakery Café Here is a recipe for how to make an artisan bakery café in Castlegar. Add one part Starbucks barista, and one part certified artisan baker from the San Francisco Baking Institute. Add a dash of dietitian credentials and mix thoroughly and out comes Crumbs Bakery Café! Crumbs Bakery Café will offer healthy seasonal food and tasty treats with options for everyone. Our Bakery will produce beautiful artisan breads such as authentic French baguettes, sourdoughs, focaccia, spelt and rye breads, as well as soft German pretzels baked in our European stone deck oven. Loaves will be for sale at our store and they will also be used for our Paninis and sandwiches. People looking for lighter options can enjoy salads such as roasted beet, quinoa, lentil or fennel orange. In the colder months our seasonal soups like potato leek, carrot coconut, or creamy asparagus will warm the spirit. Authentic Neapolitan thin crust pizza will be available daily at lunchtime.

On Saturday mornings we’ll offer poached eggs served on a German potato pancake, sweet or savory Crepes and Danish pancake balls filled with apples and cinnamon. Homemade yogurt, granola and fruit salad are our lighter options. High quality single origin coffees from Matchstick Coffee Roasters are available for those needing a pick-me-up and we’ll make it one cup at a time for maximum flavor. Our espresso based drinks will be made using our brand new La Marzocco Linea espresso machine with great care and attention to detail. Pastries like our spicy soft ginger cookies, cinnamon buns, double chocolate brownies, lemon loaf, and European cakes will be sure to cure a sweet tooth and pair well with our coffees and teas. Renovations are well on their way and we expect to open our doors sometime in early November. We hope to see you there! Owners: Susanne & Colin Thomas 635 D Columbia Ave, Castlegar, V1N-1G9 Phone: 250-365-6561 Web:

As the most recognized consumer brand name in the real estate industry, the CENTURY 21 System has a heritage of professionalism, dependability, and customer understanding which have become synonymous with the CENTURY 21 Gold Standard. Century 21 Real Estate LLC is the franchisor of the world’s largest residential real estate sales organization, active in 72 countries and territories worldwide with more than 7,500 independently owned and operated franchised broker offices and over 108,000 sales representatives. CENTURY 21 real estate professionals are dedicated to providing buyers and sellers with industry expertise and unparalleled service… The Gold Standard. The CENTURY 21 Brand was introduced in Canada in 1974 with the first office opening in British Columbia in February, 1975. Century 21 Mountainview is an International Award winning office that has been serving the West Kootenay area for 30 years! Originally starting in Castlegar in 1983 under the National Real Estate Services banner (NRS), the office switched over to the Century 21 system in 1996 and has never looked back. They have now expanded with offices in Castlegar, Nelson and Nakusp to be able to assist you with all of your West Kootenay Real Estate needs. Their award winning sales team of full time, top producing Realtors have a proven track record, year after year.

Century 21 Mountainview sets itself apart in many ways. The Vision 25 program has proven to be incredibly successful. This is a system of services provided exclusively by Century 21 Mountainview Realty, with an office designated support team for your Realtor, allowing them to offer their clients a higher level of service and maximize property’s exposure online via Facebook, Kijiji, Craigslist, purchased Google ad words with direct URL sign toppers and much, much more. Call one of our Realtors today and ask them about the Vision 25 program!! You will be glad you did!


Crumbs Bakery Café

1695 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC 250-365-2111 • 1-877-930-4600

For your next real estate transaction, let Century 21 Mountainview Realty show you excellence in service and their abilities to perform!


Fashion Foundations is a bra & lingerie store based completely on customer service and satisfaction. Their outstanding selection of styles & sizes with personal service by helpful trained fitters keep women coming back. They focus on making sure the customer finds what they are wishing for – quality, comfort & value. Manager Carol Hiebert began her career working with Fashion Foundations in Kelowna 15 years ago. She loved helping women with their desires – whether petite to plus, young to mature, or everyone in between. She enjoyed her work so much that when life and family took her to the Kootenays in 2006, she decided to start up a satellite store here in Castlegar. Now, six years later, business is booming. What started as a small office space and a passion for helping women has now turned into over 2000 sq/ft of everything from all types of bras, lingerie, sleepwear, swimwear, slippers, Thymes body products and men’s Saxx underwear too! The staff at Fashion Foundations specialize in bra-fitting for customers who have undergone breast reduction, augmentation, or reconstruction. They also excel at post mastectomy fittings, carry a superior selection of breast prostheses, and are certified and registered with Pharmacare. So whether you’re looking for a first bra for your daughter, sports bras for the active lifestyle or something elegant to surprise your partner, or just need some help finding the right fit, Fashion Foundations is the place to go. The staff prides themselves on finding what is right for their customers so everyone leaves with a smile. Come in and see Carol, or new staff Randi and Shannon, for all of your needs.

Their business is uplifting!

Fashion Foundations 233 Columbia Ave., Castlegar Tuesday-Wednesday 9:30-5:00 Thursday-Friday 9:30-6:00 Saturday 9:30-4:00 Closed Sunday and Monday

Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News

RUM H• •






Thrums Market, located on Highway 3A between Castlegar and Nelson, has been a part of the Thrums community for over 25 years. As the new owner, my goal is to provide freshly made food to all of our customers which they can either eat in or take out. The wide variety of food that we make ranges from out popular AUTHENTIC Doukhobor borscht and other Russian food, to the many different entrees such as lasagna, cabbage rolls, cannelloni, pot pies, burritos, and other meals expertly prepared by our chef and staff. In addition, we offer pizzas, soups,

Thrums Market 1680 Moran Rd, Castlegar B.C.

meat and veggie burgers, sandwiches, salads, and baked goods. Also featured at the Thrums Market are crafts made by local Kootenay artisans. The Thrums Market is a great place to meet and enjoy some Oso Negro or Kootenay coffee and our famous Morning Glory muffins or to have lunch with your friends.

Shari started the Clean Your Clock cleaning company in September of 2011. As a single mom, she needed a flexible job with a reliable income. Her partner Bob joined the team in the spring of 2012 and now helps to run the business. Clean Your Clock is licensed, bonded, insured against liability, and protected by WorkSafe BC. They offer regular

We are a small market with a lot to offer, so give us a call at (250)399-6319 or stop in and meet our friendly staff and treat yourself to some our home cooking. You’ll be glad you did!

Owner - Leanna Gritchen

weekly and bi-weekly cleans as well as move-outs and deep cleans. They provide all of their own equipment and supplies and work in teams maximum efficiency and lower rates for customers. From grimy baseboards and ‘buggy’ light fixtures to scummy showers and dusty ceiling fans, Clean Your Clock will do your dirty work! Contact Shari at: for inquiries. Currently accepting resumes for responsible new team members.

Clean Your Clock 1919 Voykin, Rd. Castlegar, B.C. Owners – Shari Legg and Bob Starling Manager – Delia Schuepfer

Small business is Big business in your community.

Small business makes up 98% of all BC businesses, employing over a million people.

Community Futures - Celebrating + supporting small business Who are we?

• A non-profit organization guided by a board of directors from the Central Kootenay region. Community members who care about you, and your communities. Our staff members have diverse business backgrounds and we all have a passion for ‘everything small business.’

What do we do?

• Help anyone in the Central Kootenay region who is thinking of starting a business, already owns a business or is considering buying or expanding a business.

How do we do it?

• In a variety of different ways! We offer FREE general business counselling every Wednesday at the City Hall; offer business loans up to $500,000; deliver the Self Employment Program; deliver business management workshops as well as customized business training where and when you need it; deliver the Basin Business Advisors program; facilitate economic development projects – partnering with communities in our region to help them meet their goals and boost their economies through projects such as the Kootenay Business Exchange and

Since inception our self-employment program has helped over 1500 amazing small businesses start up in the Central Kootenay region, and our loans program has assisted 744 businesses with loans totalling $29.5 million. 201 – 514 Vernon Street • P: 352-1933 •


Sentinel Meats is a home-based family run business that is owned and operated by Lloyd and Sue Evans. In 1988 Lloyd completed his apprenticeship and received his meat cutting ticket at the Sausage Factory in Smithers, BC. He carried on his trade as Meat Manager at the General Store in Dease Lake, BC and also had his own custom cutting business in the fall time. Coming to the Kootenays in 1997 he worked for various businesses such as Castlegar Foods, & Dave & Karolyn at Ledgendary Meats. A13

having their own meat shop. In November of 2012, their dream of having their own shop and specializing in smoked meats became a reality. We would like to thank our staff Mike & Dar for all their hard work and support. We are very pleased to have our daughter Kate join the business. We have great team and look forward to working with them in the future. Lloyd & I would also like to thank our freinds and family (too many to name) for their love, support, time, & advise on making our business a reality. We look forward to offering our customers quality smoked meats and custom cutting services for years to come.

Sue’s background began with her Dad being a butcher and owner of the General Store in Briercrest, Sk., where he did custom cutting and offered freezer lockers for the public. Sue came to the Kootenays in 1991 where she worked in the meat department of Super Value in Nelson. She also worked for Kootenay Market and Dave & Karolyn at Ledgendary Meats.

Sentinel Meats also operates a retail counter offering their best sellers: Triple Garlic Sausage, Sentinel Stingers - their Signature Sausage, Beef Jerky & Maple Garlic Pepperoni and many more flavours.

In 2001 Lloyd and Sue bought their home in Tarrys with the plan of one day

Stop in and see them today. Interact Available

The Lion’s Head Smoke and Brew Pub was re-opened on July 1 2009, with the focus on BC Craft Beer, and homemade quality meals featuring in-house smoked meats. As we are in our forth year of operation, it has been exciting for us to watch our business grow, and to see people open their minds to all the possibilities of different flavours of beer ranging from double IPAs to refreshing raspberry wheat ales, crisp lagers, smooth stouts,and seasonal favourites such as pumpkin ales. This past

Sentinel Meats 2009 Hwy 3A, Castlegar, BC • V1N 4N1 250-399-6365 email: Find us on facebook at Sentinel Meats

summer, the Lion’s Head was privileged to have a write up in the new book The Craft Beer Revolution, the Insider’s Guide to BC Breweries. We truly offer a unique selection of ales and lagers that are not found anywhere else in the region. At this time, we are excited to announce our future renovations at the pub, that include new flooring and a make-over of our bar that are due to take place in the beginning of November. Thank you for the continuous support, it has been a pleasure. Cheers

The Lion’s Head Smoke & Brew Pub 2629 Broadwater Rd Robson. 250 365 BREW (2739) Owners: Troy Pyett and Carly Hadfield


Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013

From the desk of From the desk of

Dr. Lorne Swetlikoff, BSc., BSc., ND ND Dr. Lorne Swetlikoff, Naturopathic Physician

The ‘newer is better’ motto – as applied to everything from athletic footwear to dessert toppings – is alive and well in spite of a society-wide shift to more natural products and services. More folks than ever are considering the benefits of going the natural route... with their lawn care, for example, cleaning products... and with their health. Dr. Lorne Swetlikoff is a naturopathic physician based in Castlegar and it was through his father’s influence he chose his life’s work. “I grew up in Slocan Park and attended Mt. Sentinel (Secondary) and Selkirk College,” he related in a recent conversation, “then went on to UBC for my Bachelor of Science degree, and on to Seattle… to Bastyr University where I did my naturopathic medical degree.” The Swetlikoff family was ‘alternatively-minded,’ using natural medicine early on. “I kind of knew that I was into medicine and that was the field I was going to go into,” Swetlikoff recalled. “What really interested me was the fact that when you’re treating patients in a naturopathic medical model, you’re looking at the whole person and the various factors that contribute to disease. You’re trying to identify the cause of the condition and use the safest and most natural treatments to restore health and balance to the person. Rather than treating symptoms we focus on treating the cause of the symptom. The analysis is always directed at the underlying cause of the person’s illness.” Swetlikoff stresses that once this type of information is gained

and the appropriate treatment employed, the body has tremendous recuperative ability of its own. With colleagues practicing in Nelson, Rossland and Trail, Dr. Swetlikoff is currently the only naturopathic physician in Castlegar. He sees his field as part of a multi-faceted system made up of valuable components. He states without hesitation that Canada and the United States have the best trauma care facilities on the planet. Where his discipline comes into its own is in terms of chronic conditions, and eventually getting people out of the system which is so widely seen as overburdened. “Health and wellness are something you work at,” says Swetlikoff, “and if you do the right things long enough, consistently you end up skirting illness, in most cases.” Naturopathic medicine is a regulated health college in the Province of British Columbia and has been since 1934, according to Swetlikoff who has recently served 10 years as the president of that body. Health is a huge topic, relevant to everyone, and one that Dr. Swetlikoff is extremely well-versed in. He could have easily given thoughtful, informative responses to dozens more questions, but the main one, was, ‘What is the number one point you’d like to make in addressing the people of Castlegar?’ His reply concludes this profile: “If you are ready to take action and control of your health and wellness then naturopathic medicine is certainly there to assist you. In my 19 years of practice and experience, naturopathic medicine not only effectively treats a wide range of conditions, it also helps people become well again. That’s exciting!”


Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News

Community Streetlight program nearly complete submitted


RAKE 99 $


$ #626-xx

3.79L (reg: $45.99)















$ 49

$ 19



reg: 3.19/FOOT







(reg: $25.99)






$30 102” x 118’

99 4 $ 99 ... 999 $ ... 25


(reg: $19.99)





reg: 2.89/FOOT









99 3099 2899 13

$ $ R20x15”(reg:$32.99)...... $

R12x15”(reg:$34.99)...... BLOW-IN(reg:$17.99).....

88.1 sq/ft 49 sq/ft

In February 2013, City of Castlegar council authorized staff to purchase 819 LED streetlight heads from LaED Road Way Lighting Ltd. (LRL). The city partnered with LRL to replace the high pressure sodium (HPS) heads. This is approximately 80 per cent of all the streetlights in the city. LRL is a 100 per cent Canadian owned and operated company. Martech Electrical of Castlegar provided the installation services. The retro fit will see between 50 and 65 per cent energy

(L-R): City of Castlegar councillors Kevin Chernoff, Deb McIntosh and Dan Rye; Public Works director Chris Barlow; Steve Jmieff, Martech service coordinator; Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff in the truck holding replacement streetlight head.

Marvin Beatty

savings over HPS heads, and reduce the carbon footprint by approximately six tonnes. The estimated energy savings (402,000 kWH/year) would

municates with the network and can report its condition and energy consumption to the Civic Works office. Each one carries a 10-year full replacement warranty.


How does your garden grow?


*Prices valid October 1 - 31, 2013

power about 40 homes for a year. Incentives were received from FortisBC and the Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) fund. Each head com-


For Len Donald of Castlegar, quite well, thanks. This 190 kg (419 lb) pumpkin is the largest he’s ever grown. Fed a diet of fish fertilizer, molasses and hundreds of gallons of water, the pumpkin grew about 10 lbs per day. It will be donated to a local church but not before making a perfect pumpkin perch for his dog, Sparky. submitted: Len Donald

250-352-5331 Oct 17th - Top Spin Thursdays Table Tennis & DJs 8:30 Terrace w/ Justin Pleasure

Oct 18th - Lee Harvey Osmond w/ Gordie Johnson Oct 19th - Mat the Alien w/ Deeps Oct 22nd - The Sadies Oct 24th - Top Spin Thursdays Table Tennis & DJs

Unemployed? Looking for work?

Oct 25th - Lady Waks with Brickhaus Oct 26th - Vinyl Richie Halloween w/ Cass Rhapsody Oct 28th - Paper Kites w/ Rueben and the Dark Oct 30th - Stylust Beats Oct 31st - Buck Addams Halloween Art Show (Top Spin Thurs)

Nov 2nd - Adham Shaikh w/ Moove Nov 6th - Teton Gravity Research ‘Way of Life’ Premiere Nov 7th - Josh Martinez & Guests (Top Spin Thurs)

free workshop + free training = you’re job ready! KCDS/WorkBC can help you get the training employers are looking for Call KCDS/WorkBC in Castlegar and find out how to get ready for the job you want

Call us at 250-365-6515

Nov 8th - Matt Mays Early Show Nov 9th - Desert Dwellers & Kaminanda Nov 10th - Hollerado w/ The Zolas

Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013 A15

Gala gets boost from Selkirk College us,” she said. “People with disabilities are really no different from any other person in this community.” Students have two targets for the monies raised: creating an Adult Special Education scholarship and hosting a regional Adult Special EducaThe Castlegar-based Adult Special Education tion Student Conferteam includes: (L-R) Terry Turner, Jordan King, ence. Jay Melnick, Dustin Robertson, Keri Bell and The scholarship Lara Chernenkoff. Submitted will help ASE students move on to other colpects of the program. Cook Training Pro- lege programs. Each year the annual gram and served by The conference at Selkirk College Gala Hotel & Restaurant Fairmont Hot Springs stu- Resort is an expanprovides an opportu- Management nity for one of the col- dents. Entertainment sion of a trip the prolege’s programs to use for the evening is gram has made for 20 the auction portion of provided by Selkirk’s years which focusses the evening as a fun- Music & Technology on students learning draiser. Program students. through formal work“The Gala is a show“I was very excit- shops and through case of the incredible ed when I heard we the experience of talents we have at the would be involved,” planning and travelcollege,” said Joyce said Nelson-based ing together. Buckler, Donor Ser- ASE student Summer “It’s a great final vices Coordinator for Clement. “It’s great exam for the program Selkirk College. “We for everybody to get because students work are so pleased to have together and work to- together as a team and the ASE students on gether.” learn skills,” Nelson ASE student Pauli- ASE instructor Debra board this year and know they’re going to na Mason has helped Scheidel says of the do a tremendous job with the Gala in pre- Fairmont excursion. in putting together vious years. The Nel- “It’s how our students another fantastic auc- son resident says the demonstrate their tion for those in atten- involvement of the competence and bedance to enjoy.” program is about longing.” The annual Gala more than just gathTo donate auction takes place at Nel- ering items. items or to purchase son’s Mary Hall on the “It’s important to your tickets to the Tenth Street Campus. get our class out in the Selkirk College Gala It includes a five- community and for 2013, contact Joyce course meal prepared the community to un- Buckler at 250-365by the Professional derstand more about 1360.

submitted Selkirk College

Selkirk College Adult Special Education (ASE) students at four different campuses have hit the streets looking to raise funds for their program and build skills in the process. The Selkirk College Gala 2013 is slated for Nov. 23 and this year the task of putting together the amazing auction table has been handed to the ASE students. Classes from Nelson, Castlegar, Trail and Grand Forks be raising funds for the college and their specific programs. “We love large, inclusive projects for our students,” said Nelson ASE instructor Ray Brock. “Projects that teach students about taking responsibility, having a higher profile, taking charge of their own life and achieving their goals. It’s about empowering the women and men in this program to be active and contributing members of this community.” The ASE program is for adults with disabilities and barriers to learning. Personal and social development underlies all as-

s d i K at



975 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC

October 26th • 9 am - 4 pm

Prizes Hot Dogs Popcorn

will be live on site from noon to 2 pm

Children’s Programs Saturdays from 9am - 1pm • Ages 5-7....9:00am - 9:45am • Ages 8-12....10:00am - 11:15am • Ages 13-18....11:30am - 1:00pm Stay Strong Yoga for older adults Tues and Thurs 8:45am - 10:15am Women’s Group (all levels) Tues and Thurs 10:30am - 12:00pm After School Teacher’s Rest & Restore Class Thurs 4:30pm - 6:00pm Yoga Levels I,II,III Tues 6:00pm - 7:30pm & 7:35pm - 9:15pm or Thurs 4:30pm - 6:00pm & 6:00pm - 7:45pm

All proceeds to:

BC Lion’s Society


For tires, rims and more. Tirecraft is your full service auto repair shop. Ask about senior discounts.

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is when we “roll out the red carpet” in a special way for you and your family. We believe that God is doing something remarkable at Castlegar Baptist Church and we simply invite you to experience it for yourself. WHAT TO EXPECT: • A complimentary meal following the service • A relevant, helpful Bible message • Christ honouring and enjoyable music

Oct. 20, 2013 – 10:30 AM

Castlegar Baptist Church 419 7th Ave. Castlegar, BC


Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News






















Rondo EX Luxury shown

Forte SX shown

Sorento EX shown



HWY (M/T): 6.2L/100KM CITY (M/T): 9.4L/100KM





121 0 0 1,500











HWY (A/T): 7.1L/100KM CITY (A/T): 10.4L/100KM





152 0 0 750
















93 0 0 500












• Wiper De-icer

• Wiper De-icer

• Heated Front Seats

• Heated Front Seats

• Heated Mirrors

• Keyless Entry

• Bluetooth°

• Keyless Entry

• Rear Parking Sonar

• 4-wheel Disc Brakes

Bi-weekly for 84 months with $0 DOWN PAYMENT. Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and $1,500 WINTER-READY CREDIT‡. Offer based on 2014 Rondo LX MT with a purchase price of $23,482.

HWY (M/T): 5.3L/100KM CITY (M/T): 8.0L/100KM


Bi-weekly for 60 months, amortized over 84 months with $0 DOWN PAYMENT. Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and $750 WINTER-READY CREDIT‡. Offer based on 2014 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD with a purchase price of $28,482.

• Heated Mirrors • Satellite Radio

Bi-weekly for 84 months with $0 DOWN PAYMENT. Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and $500 WINTER-READY CREDIT‡. Offer based on 2014 Forte Sedan LX MT with a purchase price of $17,502.

WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED *5-year/100,000 km worry-free comprehensive warranty.

Offer(s) available on select new 2014 models through participating dealers to qualified customers who take delivery by October 31, 2013. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. All offers are subject to change without notice. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) and $100 A/C charge (where applicable) and excludes licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and variable dealer administration fees (up to $699). Other dealer charges may be required at the time of purchase. Other lease and financing options also available. ** 0% purchase financing is available on select new 2013/2014 Kia models O.A.C. Terms vary by model and trim, see dealer for complete details. ¤“Don’t Pay Until 2014” offer (90-day payment deferral) applies to purchase financing on select new 2014 models. No interest will accrue during the first 60 days of the finance contract. After this period, interest accrues and the purchaser will repay both the principal and interest monthly over the contract’s term. ≠Bi-weekly finance payment O.A.C. for new 2014 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD (SR75BE)/2014 Forte Sedan LX MT (FO541E)/2014 Rondo LX MT (RN551E) based on a selling price of $28,482/$17,502/$23,482 is $152/$93/$121 with an APR of 0% for 60/84/84 months, amortized over an 84-month period. Estimated remaining principal balance of $7,923/$0/$0 plus applicable taxes due at end of 60-month period. Retailer may sell for less. See dealer for full details. ‡Winter-Ready Credit of $750/$500/$1,500 is available on all cash, finance and lease offers of new 2014 Sorento/2014 Forte/2014 Rondo from a participating dealer between October 11-31, 2013, and is deducted from the selling price before taxes. Some conditions apply. ΔModel shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2014 Sorento 3.3L EX AT AWD (SR75HE)/2014 Rondo EX Luxury (RN756E)/2014 Forte SX AT (FO748E) is $34,195/$32,195/$27,850. Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2014 Sorento LX 2.4L GDI 4-cyl (A/T)/2014 Rondo 2.0L GDI 4-cyl (M/T)/2014 Forte 1.8L MPI 4-cyl (M/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. The Kia-Winter Ready Package is available on a limited number of 2014 Forte SE (FO74SE)/2014 Rondo SE 5-seater (RN75SE)/2014 Rondo SE 7-seater (RN75TE)/2014 Sorento SE FWD (SR75SE)/2014 Sorento SE AWD (SR75TE) at extra cost. Dealer order may be required. Other Winter Accessory packages can also be installed at your dealership on select in-stock 2013 and 2014 Kia models at extra cost. These may vary by dealer due to availability; while supplies last. Winter Accessory Packages may include: winter tires, block heater, remote starter and/or winter floor mats. Content may vary by dealer. Offer ends October 31st, 2013. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.


Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013 A17

Community Highland Games showcases culture

The Great Pumpkin Giveaway! Enter to win $5,000.00 cash compliments of Investors Group


The tartans were in full bloom on Saturday, Oct. 5 at Stanley Humphries Secondary School in Castlegar for the 9th Annual Castlegar Highland Games. With 48 competing dancers, numerous individual pipers and

drummers, and four visiting pipebands, the school was full of life as the day of Scottish Heritage unfolded with many great performances. Hannah Brown of Scottie School of Highland Dance in Castlegar won the aggregate trophy in the Intermediate Division

placing first in all six dances. Twelve other dancers from the Scottie School also competed, bringing home medals and ribbons. Bands from Vernon, Grand Forks, Trail and Nelson performed and competed in individual, group and band competitions. Now the committee mem-

bers are looking ahead to next year when they will celebrate 10 years of running the event in Castlegar in the fall of 2014. Visit the website www.castlegarhighlandgames. soon for results from both the dance and band competitions.


Join Grenville Skea and Karen Pilipishen of Investors Group at the Castlegar Safeway on

Wednesday October 23 2p-6p Saturday October 26 10am-2p Donate to National Breast Cancer Foundation and receive a complimentary pumpkin and Halloween photo.


Are you looking for a neighborhood within walking distance of museum, recreation centre, doctors, dentists, movies, theatre, restaurants and only an elevator ride away from the Kootenay Co-op?


Don’t wait long to visit us at our display suite & sales office. The majority of our residential units have already been pre-selected, but we still have some lovely spots available!


515 Vernon St. Nelson BC 250-352-7777 | 1-800-331-8393

The time is now!


Jo-Ann Bursey 250-304-8681

Richard Askew 250-365-4788

Bryan Wilson 250-365-9377

Nikita Malloff 250-365-9440

Kelsey Ozeroff 250-608-9981

Kirby Wayling 250-304-8476

Greg Gritchin 250-365-9791

Rand Wayling 250-365-1984

Joni Askew 250-365-4731

Rick Miller 250-365-9422

Bob Price 250-551-1942

Brian Euerby 250-365-9340

Shirley Kosiancic 250-265-8040

Derek Sherbinin 250-365-9499

An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each office is independently owned and operated. © 2011 Century 21 Real Estate LLC. All rights reserved. CENTURY 21® is a registered trademark owned by Century 21 Real Estate LLC.

CENTURY AGENTS. Call or TEXT any21 of our Agents at the numbers below: SMARTER. BOLDER. FASTER.

Karen Pilipishen and Grenville Skea

We would love to introduce you to the Nelson Commons neighborhood. We are open 12:00-5:00, Wednesday-Sunday.

© 2011 Century 21 Real Estate LLC. All rights reserved. CENTURY 21® is a registered trademark owned by Century 21 Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each office is independently owned and operated.

like us on


SMARTER. BOLDER. FASTER. .CENTURY CLL etatsE laeR 12 yrutneC yb21 denwo krAGENTS. amedart deretsiger a si ®12 YRUTNEC .devreser sthgir l A .CLL etatsE laeR 12 yrutneC 1102 © Mountainview Realty Ltd.

© 2011 Century 21 Real Estate LLC. All rights reserved. CENTURY 21® is a registered trademark owned by Century 21 Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each office is independently owned and operated.

250-365-2111 | | 1-877-930-4600

Nelson Commons is currently not an offering for sale. Such an offering can only be made after filing a disclosure statement. All images are for illustration purposes only. Display suite decorated by Kootenai Moon Home.


Interior Health

October is the month for pumpkins! Pumpkins grow well in our area, and are in abundance at this time of year. When most people think of pumpkins, jack-olanterns and pies are usually what come to mind but these nutritious, versatile and hardy gourds can be so much more. Did you know the world’s largest pumpkin weighed in at over 1600 pounds? Even more surprising is that in some communities people hollow out pumpkins, make them into boats and have annual pumpkin boat races. If you don’t believe me… look it up on the internet. Like other types of squash, pumpkins are full of nutrients. Their deep orange coloured flesh is packed with beta-carotene. This is an antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease and cancer. Pumpkins are also a good source of vitamin C, potassium and







fibre. Pumpkin pie is a popular treat but pumpkin can be used for so much more. Try it in cookies, pancakes, loaves, muffins, soups and more. When choosing a pumpkin for cooking, look for one that is smaller and heavy for its size. When carving your Halloween jack-olantern be sure to save the seeds for roasting. Baked pumpkin seeds


+ + + 0 0 0 0 $




199 1.5 †† $




175 0.9 ††



215 1.9


AT $ %





are a healthy snack and they are easy to make. Just rinse the pumpkin seeds to remove pulp then lay the seeds on a piece of paper towel to dry. Next, put the seeds in a bowl with a bit of vegetable oil and your favourite flavouring (Mrs. Dash, seasoning salt, or cinnamon and brown sugar). Finally, spread the seeds in a single lay-




• Completely Redesigned Inside and Out to Improve Functionality and Driving Comfort • A New Family of EcoTec3® Engines Provide Increased Horsepower While Improving Fuel Efficiency


• Multi-Flex™ Sliding and Reclining Rear Seat, Offering Class-Leading Legroom†* • Standard Rear Vision Camera


• More Maximum Cargo Space Than Any Competitor in its Class‡* • Standard Rear Vision Camera and Rear Park Assist Sensors PAYMENT


$ $









er on a baking sheet and bake at 350° F, stirring occasionally until light brown and crisp (about 15-25 minutes). Looking for a way to use up that left over pumpkin puree? Check out this tasty and healthy muffin recipe from Healthy Families BC: https:// w w pumpkin-raisin-muffins-tracy-nash.






172 $

146 $


155 $























Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917] Happy season!

ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. BCGMCDEALERS.CA 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. * Offers apply to the lease of a new or demonstrator 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 Crew Cab 4x4 (1SA/G80/B30/I04/K05), 2014 Terrain FWD (3SA), 2014 Acadia FWD (3SA/K05). Freight ($1,600/$1,650), PPSA and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. † Offer valid only to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have obtained credit approval by GM Financial, have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial, and who accept delivery from October 1, 2013 through January 2, 2014 of a new eligible 2014 model. General Motors of Canada will pay the first month’s lease payment (inclusive of taxes and any applicable pro-rata amount normally due at lease delivery as defined on the lease agreement). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserve the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. †† 1.5%/0.9%/1.9% lease APR available for 36/48/48 months on a new or demonstrator 2014 GMC Sierra 4X4 Crew Cab 1SA/2014 Terrain FWD 3SA and 2014 Acadia FWD 3SA, O.A.C by GM Financial. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Down payment or trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Truck Bucks offer only valid from October 1, 2013 to January 2, 2014 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GM or competitor pickup truck to receive a $1,000 credit toward the purchase, finance or lease of an eligible new 2013 or 2014 Model Year GMC Sierra Light Duty, GMC Sierra Heavy Duty, Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty, Chevrolet Heavy Duty, or 2013 Model Year Chevrolet Avalanche. Only (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes HST/GST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. $3,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit has been applied to the purchase and lease offers of 2014 Sierra Crew Cab, and is applicable to retail customers only. Other credits available on select Sierra models. †* Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available, and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ‡* Cargo and load capacity limited by weight and distribution. Comparison based on 2013 Wards segmentation: Large/Cross Utility Vehicles and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Chevrolet, Buick, or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserve the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. x Offer only valid from October 1, 2013 to January 2, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GMC Terrain, Pontiac Torrent, Aztek, Sunrunner, Buick Rendezvous, Saturn Vue will receive a $1,000 credit towards the purchase, lease or factory order of an eligible new 2013 GMC Terrain. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes GST/PST/HST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details.


Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News

Pumpkins: much more than just your average Jack-o-Lanterns


- Simone Jennings is a community nutritionist with Interior Health

Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013 A19



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1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 4 skinless, boneless chicken thighs, cut into 2-inch pieces 1/8 teaspoon cumin 3/4 teaspoon salt, divided 1 sweet onion, chopped (about 3/4 cup) 1 teaspoon garam masala 2 cups chicken broth 1 large rutabaga, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces (about 3 cups) 1 small sweet potato, peeled and cubed (about 1 1/2 cups) 10 dried figs, cut in half 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

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3. Add chicken broth, rutabaga, and sweet potato. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, and cook, covered, 10 minutes. Add figs, remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, and pepper, and cook 10 more minutes or until vegetables are tender. Rutabaga


Sweet Potatoes


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2. Add onion, and sauté 5 minutes; sprinkle with garam masala, and sauté 2 to 3 more minutes or until lightly golden.

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1. Heat olive oil in a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add chicken, and sprinkle with cumin and 1/2 teaspoon salt; sauté 10 to 12 minutes or until chicken is browned.

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You know what’s FUN? A Pig Roast and the Ross Neilsen Band! That’s right, on Saturday, Oct. 19 it’s our annual October Pig Roast with our friends and special guests, the Ross Neilsen Band.

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Ross has recorded a new album called “Resurrection” and for the fourth time is bringing his version of blues rock fury to the Lion’s Den. The other guest of honour is a 165 lb hog that will be roasting all day and making its debut at 6 p.m., with fantastic music to follow! 250 365 BREW (2739) 2629 Broadwater Rd Robson, BC


Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News

News Treaty workshop coming to Castlegar

Build your Advertise eachbusiness with a consistent week for 6 months advertising campaign in the Castlegar News. with one of the Advertise each week for 6 months with one of these great packages and start starts at 75% off during your first month and packages. Pricing off saving 75%, submitted progressively changes each month, by month 6 youernments’ still are Committee Chair and Councillor, Columbia River Treaty Local byreceiving the endayou’re 25% discount! City of Nelson. Governments’ Committee a 25% Build your business still with getting a consistent The CRT Local Castlegar residents discount! advertising campaign in the Castlegar News. Governments’ Comare invited to comAdvertise each week for 6 months with one of these great mittee wants you to This unprecedented offer is for new business or new to the Castlegar News businesses! packages. Pricing starts at 75% off during your first month and This unprecedentedprogressively offer is for new business munity workshops each packages month, by month you still are your advertising needs and budget:attend the commuChose one of the following changes available that6 best suit in early November receiving a 25% discount! or new to the Castlegar News business! nity workshop on to discuss the CRT Thursday, November Choose one of the following available packages that best Local Governments’ 7 in Castlegar at the This unprecedented offer is for new business or new to the Castlegar News businesses! Committee draft recsuites youravailable advertising needs and budget: Chose one of the following packages that best suit your advertising needs and budget: Sandman Inn (1944 ommendations to the Columbia Avenue). 2 col 24 x 2”WEEK CAMPAIGN 2 col x 3” 2 col x Province 4” 2 col x 5” on the fuWorkshops are also ture Firstx month $44.32 - x 3” First month First month $88.64 - of the FirstColumbia month $110.80being held in Jaffray, 2 col 2” 2 col 2 col$66.48 x 4” 2 col x 5” River Treaty Last month $132.80 Last month $199.20 Last month $265.60 Last(CRT). month $332.00 Golden and Nakusp. First month $44.32 First month $66.48 First month $88.64 First month $110.80 “These Last month $132.80 Last month $199.20 Last month $265.60 $332.00 SAVE $530.56 SAVE $795.84Last monthSAVE $1061.12 SAVE discus$1326.40 sions will help shape SAVE $530.56 SAVE $795.84 SAVE $1061.12 SAVE $1326.40 6:30 – 8 pm how Canada and the Provincial Work3 col x 4”3 col x34” col x 5” States 3man33 col colx 6” x 5” 3 col x 7” 3 col x United 6” col x 7” shop First month $132.96 First month $166.20 First month $199.44 First month $232.68 age the Columbia Last month $398.40 Last month $498.00 month $597.40 $697.20 First month $132.96 FirstLast month $166.20 - Last monthFirst month $199.44 $232.68 River inFirst themonth future. SAVE $1591.68 SAVE $1989.60 SAVE $2387.52 SAVE $2785.44 Last month $398.40 Last month $498.00 Last month $597.40 $697.20 The Province’s CoDecisionsLast thatmonth will be lumbia River Treaty made about fu- 44 SAVE $1591.68 SAVE $1989.60 SAVE $2387.52 SAVE the $2785. Review team is seekChristine Esovoloff ture of the Treaty will ing further feedback If you have any marketing questions or to start influence water levels Presentation made by:____________________________________________________________________________ on their Draft Public your advertising, please feel free to contact me. and reservoirs in this Presentation accepted by:_________________________________________________________________________ Consultation Report region for decades to Company Name:________________________________________________________________________________ 250.365.6397 as they prepare reccome,” says Deb KoTitle:_________________________________________________________________________________________ ommendations to Presentation made by:____________________________________________________________________________ zak, CRT Local GovAd campaign commitment to begin:________________________________________________________________ Cabinet on the future


Sign up today and SAVE!!!

Sign up today and SAVE!!!

Today’s date:___________________________________________________________________________________ Presentation accepted by:_________________________________________________________________________


of the Columbia River Treaty. Learn more at 8 – 9 pm Local Governments’ Workshop Review draft recommendations developed by your local governments on the future of the CRT. Learn more and download documents at These consultation workshops are free and registration is not required. You can join the workshop in Castlegar online on November 7 – but you must register. To find out more about the community and Live Stream event

visit: columbiarivertreaty/ events/2013-11. “We have heard from area residents about their concerns and issues regarding the CRT and we have sought advice from experts and others to find the best solutions,” says Director Linda Worley, Regional District of Kootenay-Boundary. “Now we want to share this information with Basin residents and hear their views so we can refine our draft recommendations.” You can provide feedback on the Local Governments’ Committee draft...

Continued on Pg. A 21

Company Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Title:_________________________________________________________________________________________ * Pricing is for black and white advertising only. Regular colour rates of +25% apply. No guaranteed placement. Campaign based on 24 weeks, if cancelled prior

to completion, a discount Professionally of 20% off open rate will be applied to all advertising Trained Ad campaign commitment to begin:________________________________________________________________ that has been published. & Certified Groomer

Toby’s Doggy Do

Specializing in Dogs only

Today’s date:___________________________________________________________________________________ (Sorry Pussy Cats)




For your Appointment or Free Consultation call today


* Pricing is for black and white advertising only. Regular colour rates of +25% apply. No guaranteed placement. Campaign based on 24 weeks, if cancelled prior to completion, a discount of 20% off open rate will be applied to all advertising that has been published. 250-304-5763

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Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013 A21

Engagement important for residents Continued from Pg. A20

... recommendations at CRTLGC-Oct2013 or written feedback can be sent to CRT Local Governments’ Committee, Box 2029, Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0. Feedback deadline is November 15, 2013. The CRT Local Governments’ Committee, with support from Columbia Basin Trust (CBT), is working with, and on behalf of local governments through appointed representatives from the four Regional Districts in the Basin, the Village of Valemount and the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments. The Committee is

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The Hugh Keenleyside Dam near Castlegar, completed in 1968, created the Arrow Lakes Reservoir. Photo courtesy of BC Hydro

working together to bring regional views, values and interests with respect to the CRT to provincial and federal agencies. With the support of Columbia Basin Trust, the Committee is helping Basin residents and local

governments engage in decisions about the future of the CRT. For more: - Subscribe to the Provincial CRT Review e-letter at www. enews-subscribe. html

- Join the discussion on Twitter #crtreaty and Facebook at http://goo. gl/I14Nei - Take a tutorial on your own schedule at - Learn more at




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Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News


snowboarding and mountain biking as West Kootenay Roller Derby I got older. I thought “I don’t want to team sports were a watch this sport. I thing of the past for have to play it.” me, so one of the most satisfying and That was my reac- surprising outcomes tion to seeing my first of joining derby was derby bout. It was the how great it felt to first derby bout in be on a team again. the Kootenays , the Through derby I met first annual Moun- a group of amazing tain Mayhem bout women. They come between Rossland’s in all shapes and sizGnarlie’s Angels and es, from all walks of Salmo’s Babes of Bru- life. Many of them I tality in the summer now count among my of 2010. closest friends. When I first heard So, I joined the about derby earlier Angels in October that year, I was already 2010. I played my covered in bruises first exhilarating bout from mountain bik- against Lethbridge in ing, so I didn’t get too January 2011. What excited. I thought “It a feeling! I loved my sounds fun but I don’t team! I loved this need another sport sport! I was made to that’ll give me bruis- play this sport! es.” I was so wrong. Two weeks later diBarely two weeks saster struck. after my first glimpse In an unlucky, awkof the sport I began ward fall at training I my derby adventure heard a pop, saw my at a freshmeat prac- leg bent the wrong tice with the Angels, way and fell in a heap and what an adven- repeating “it’s broken, ture it has been. it’s broken, it’s broken, Joining a derby it’s broken”. team not only chalAfter the laughlenged me physically ing gas fueled hilarto wake up muscles ity of the ambulance that hadn’t been used ride to Trail hospital in years and improve and the pain (unformy balance and en- tunately the laughing durance, but it put my gas wore off) of bebrain to work learn- ing manipulated for ing rules and strategy. x-rays and trussed up I was also stoked to be in a temporary splint, part of a team again. I it turned out I had played lots of sports Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 shattered my fibula, as a Prenatal: kid andWed., continJan. 28 broken a large chunk uedPrenatal: to be sporty as Jan. OFA LevelWed., 1: Jan. 30 28off the bottom of my Prenatal: Wed., I grew asJan. is OFAup. LevelBut 1: Jan. 30 28tibia, dislocated my theOFA story for many, and torn some Level 1: Jan. 30forankle Avalanche Awareness Sledders: OFA Level 1: Jan. I drifted away from30forligaments. In simple Avalanche Awareness Sledders: Jan. 31 Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: team sports and into terms, I had broken Jan. 31 Avalanche Awareness Sledders: Jan. 31 sports individual like for my leg. Badly. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 submitted

Get your free flu shot at: CASTLEGAR COMMUNITY COMPLEX, 2101 6TH Ave Wednesday, November 6, 9 am – 4 pm DROP IN CASTLEGAR HEALTH CENTRE, 709 10th Street Wednesday, November 13, noon – 7 pm DROP IN CASTLEGAR HEALTH CENTRE, 709 10th Street Wednesday, November 20, noon – 7 pm DROP IN CASTLEGAR HEALTH CENTRE, 709 10th Street Wednesday, December 11, 9 am – 4 pm DROP IN Wednesday, December 18, 9 am – 4 pm DROP IN Bring your care card with you! Flu shots are safe, effective, and free for many groups including: • People 65 years and older and their caregivers/household contacts • All children age 6 to 59 months of age • Household contacts and caregivers of infants and children 059 months of age • Aboriginal people • Children and adults with chronic health conditions and their household contacts • And more …to view a full list of those who can get their flu shot for free visit The flu (influenza) is highly contagious. Getting your flu shot protects you and those around you – at home, school and work. For more information contact your local public health office, call the Castlegar flu line 250-365-4317 or visit

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Sports My derby adventure: Terror Australis

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Jan. 31 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb.Feb. 4 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 October Digital Camera Part 1: HowTraining:: to Use it 17, 2013 Avalanche Skills Feb. 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 Conducting Research in Aboriginal Communities 19, 2013 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 October Prenatal: Wed., Series: Jan. 28Feb. Financial Education 5 October Pure Water Colours 19, 2013 Transportation Endorsement 5 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 Dec. Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 Transportation Endorsement 5 Financial Education 5 Dec. Rustic Renderings 19, 2013 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10Series: Feb.October OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 Ebay Basics: Feb. Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Standard First Aid with CPR C 10 October 19, 2013 Prenatal-Early Class Dec. 8 OFA Level 1: Jan. Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 30 Estate Planning for Blended Families OctoberDec. 22, 2013 Prenatal-Early Class 8 Green Your Home From Low Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: Green Your FromLow Low Tech to 22, 2013 Canadian Fire Arms Home Safety: Non-Restricted October Green Your Home From Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: High Tech: Feb. 12 OFA Level 1 Home 15 Green Your From Low Tech toDec. Jan. 31 Canadian Fire ArmsFeb. Safety: 12 Restricted October 22, 2013 High Tech: High Tech: OFA Level 1 Feb. 12 Dec. 15 Jan. 31 High Tech: Feb. 12 Emotional Intelligence October 25, 2013 Learn Draw in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 October Young Women Engage Learn totoDraw in 18hours: hours: Feb. 12 26, 2013 Learn Draw in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 12 Learn totoDraw 18hours: hours: Feb. Fitness Leadership: Weightin Training Instructor Course October 26, 2013 Avalanche Skills Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Occupational First Aid Level 1 Training:: October Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 26, 2013 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 27, 2013 Occupational First Aid Transportation Endorsement October Education Series: Feb. FitnessFinancial Leadership: Group Fitness Practicum October527, 2013 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 Occupational First Aid Level 3 October 28, 2013 Basics: Feb.and 10Design Side October 29, 2013 DigitalEbay Camera Part 2: The Creative Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Call 250.365.1208 or visit Green Your forHome details From Low Tech to

Ali Meredith, aka: “Terror Australis” recuperating after an inury in the early part of her roller derby career.

Submitted: WKRD

Before the season had even started, it seemed like my derby career might be over and done with. I was out for the season at the very least. I had surgery the next day and woke up with a 6 inch plate and 6 screws on the outside of my leg holding my fibula together and two more screws on the inside of my ankle holding my chunk of tibia back on. I also had the makings of some pretty gnarly scars. If someone had told me at that point that I would be back to play in the championship game that year, play every bout for the Angels and the Kannibelles in 2012, be voted both skaters’ MVP and coach’s MVP for the Angels

in 2012, be voted Kannibelles Assistant Captain for the first quarter of 2013, skate with the Kannibelles in the first RDAC Roller Derby Nationals in Edmonton and be in the winning line up at the 2013 Sporkanage tournament, I’m not sure I would have believed them. Still, as my team and league mates sent flowers, care packages, cards and well wishes, I knew I didn’t want to lose everything I had so recently gained through derby. Derby is a contact sport, and injuries do happen. But no more than in any other contact or extreme sport, and you can break your leg tripping off an icy curb.

Continued on Pg. A23

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Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013 A23

see your ad... in our newspaper

Seeking “Fresh Meat” Castlegar’s Dam City Rollers are hosting two open houses for those keen on joining: Thursday, Oct. 24 7-9 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 27 2-4 p.m. at the Castlegar Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. (“Fresh Meat” is the affectionate term given to new roller derby recruits.)

Love of derby drives Terror Australis Continued from Pg. A23

For me, all the great things about derby more than outweighed any fear of injury. I knew I wanted to get back on my skates and wasn’t going to be deterred by this minor setback of having to be non weight bearing for 6 weeks and who knows how long of physio after that. I decided to focus on the positives of my injury, and keep a positive frame of mind. I am sure happy bones heal faster. So, I hear you ask, what exactly were the positives of breaking my leg? Well, I had a nice long break from work, which was overwhelmingly crazy at the time. Thanks to my very supportive and lovely boyfriend (Coach Phil Yer Pants) and family, I was exempt from all household duties and responsibilities

like cooking, cleaning, and walking the dog. I had lots of time to watch movies and read, which I love, and I rediscovered my interest in crochet and created all sorts of wonderful things for myself and for my friends. Sure there was discomfort, pain and frustration at not being able to move around and missing out on snowboarding for pretty much a whole winter, not being able to roller skate and watching all my teammates progress and get better and better without me. But as I said, I decided to keep the focus on the positives. I also decided to keep my head in the game. I still attended Angels practices, first sitting on a chair, then on crutches, then with a walking stick, taking in all the drills and strategies. Storing the knowledge away for the day

I would be able to put it into practice. I volunteered as announcer, bench coach and NSO for bouts. I coached the new intake of freshmeat in Trail, limping around and pointing my walking stick at them for emphasis (I was compared to Yoda for this!). I talked strategy with Phil Yer Pants and cheered on my teammates as they went from strength to strength, some of them making the Kannibelles and representing at the Westerns tournament in Kelowna. In May 2011, three and a half short months after my injury, I put my skates on and skated around for 15 minutes at a practice. It was a tentative start, but I was back and the only way was up. I worked really hard at physio and I had a lot of support from Phil, friends, teammates and work, but I really believe

that the key to getting back into derby so quickly was staying positive and keeping my head in the game. All I had to do once my leg was healed and ready for action was build my fitness back up. In my head, I already knew the moves and the strategies, all I had to do was apply them. Now, nearly three years after breaking my leg at derby I have over 40 bouts and scrimmages under my belt, I have made some amazing friends and travelled to places for derby I would never otherwise have gone (Edmonton in winter, twice !?!). I am still training with the Kannibelles and have now added reffing to my derby repertoire. I am Terror Australis and this is my derby adventure so far. For more information about roller derby, visit


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October 21stst - November 27thth October 21 - November 27 PERSONAL GROWTH AND CAREER EXPLORATION Monday-Wednesday 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. PERSONAL GROWTHstAND CAREER EXPLORATION Monday-Wednesday 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. thEXPLORATION PERSONAL GROWTH AND CAREER October 21 - November 27 st


October 21st -10:00 November 27thp.m. Monday-Wednesday a.m.- 3:00 October 21 - November 27 Monday-Wednesday 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Monday-Wednesday 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Partnership between Castlegar Community Services and Partnership between Castlegar Community Services and Kootenay Career Development Society Kootenay Career Development Society Partnership between Castlegar Community Services and For women who are either unemployed or under-employed For women who are either unemployed or under-employed Career Development Society and readyKootenay to embrace change in their lives. Childcare and and ready to embrace change in their lives. Childcare and transportation subsidies areunemployed available. Lunches are provided. For women who are either or under-employed transportation subsidies are available. Lunches are provided. Come and join us! and ready to embrace change their Come andinjoin us!lives. Childcare and transportation subsidies are available. Lunches are provided. Partnership betweenwomen Castlegar Community Services and Interested are invited to call: Interested women are invited to call:Services and Partnership between Castlegar Community Come and join us! Kootenay Career Development Society Laurie Holton @ 250 365-2104 ex 28 or 250 608-2254 Kootenay Career Development Society Laurie Holton @ 250 365-2104 ex 28 or 250 608-2254 Interested women are invited to call:

For women who are either unemployed or under-employed Holton 365-2104 ex 28 or or 250under-employed 608-2254 ForLaurie women who@are250 either unemployed and ready to embrace change in their lives. Childcare and and ready to embrace change in their lives. Childcare and Notice of are Permissive Tax Exemptions transportation subsidies available. Lunches are provided Pursuant to section 224(4) of the Community Charter notice is hereby given of the City’s transportation subsidies are available. Lunches are provided of Castlegar 2014 Tax Exemption Notice Bylaw. of Permissive Tax Exemptions The following is a list of properties, excluding properties used for public and and join us! Pursuant to section 224(4) of theCome Community Charter notice is hereby given worship of the City’s properties under sections of join the Exemptions Community Charter, proposed to Notice of220(1)(h) Permissive Tax of Castlegarexempt 2014 Tax Exemption Bylaw. Come and us! receive a totax exemption for 2014. The listCharter includes an used estimate of theworship of Pursuant section 224(4) of the Community notice is hereby given ofamount the City’s The following is a list of properties, excluding properties for public and municipal property taxes that would be imposed the property if it were not tax of Castlegar 2014 Tax Exemption Bylaw. properties exempt under sections 220(1)(h) of theonCommunity Charter, proposed to women invited tofor call: exempt. The following aInterested list of properties, excluding properties public receive a tax is exemption for 2014. The list are includes an used estimate of theworship amountand of Interested women are invited toCharter, call: properties property exempt under sections 220(1)(h) of theon Community proposed to municipal taxes that would be imposed the property if it were not tax receive exemption for 2014. Description The list includes an estimate of Estimate the amount exempt. Folio a taxProperty Address of Exemption of of municipal property taxes that would be imposed on the property Annual if it were not tax Municipal Laurie Holton @ 250 365-2104 ex 28 or 250 608-2254 exempt. Taxes of Folio Address Description of Exemption LaurieProperty Holton @ 250100% 365-2104 ex 28 or 250 Estimate 608-2254 00313.00 749 11 Avenue of Land and Improvement Annual $3,100 Municipal 0 Folio 00315.00 00313.00 1 0 00313.00 01485.05 00315.00 0 1 00315.00 00004.03 01485.05 1 5 0 01485.05 01047.01 00004.03 0 5 00004.03 00003.00 01047.01 5 0 01047.01 00068.00 00003.00 0 00003.00 00601.00 00068.00 0 00068.00 01443.00 00601.00 0 00601.00 04235.00 01443.00 0 01443.00 00590.00 04235.00 0 04235.00 00644.01 00590.00 0 00590.00 00616.00 00644.01 0 00644.01 00805.07 00616.00 0 5 00616.00 00796.56 00805.07 0 5 00805.07 03002.00 00796.56 5 0 00796.56 01375.20 03002.00 0 03002.00 01375.20 0 01375.20 0 0587.100 0 00796.81 0


Property Address th 767 11th 749 Avenue

Description of Exemption 100% of Land and Improvement

th 749 222411 6th 767 Avenue

100% of Land and Improvement

Estimate Taxes of Annual Municipal $3,800 $3,100 Taxes $3,100 $4,000 $3,800

th nd Avenue 767 100111 2th Street 2224 6

100% of of Land Land and and Improvements Improvement 100%

$3,800 $1,400 $4,000

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$2,500 $2,800 $1,600

th Avenue 185 Columbia Avenue 90% of the Landand andImprovement Improvements Zuckerberg Island 100% of Land 400 13

$1,600 $3,200 $2,800

th Avenue 400 120 13 Heritage Way Zuckerberg Island

100% of Land and Improvement

$2,800 $13,400 $3,200

Zuckerberg Island 1995 6th Avenue

120 Heritage Way

100% of Land and Improvement

$3,200 $2,400 $13,400

120 Heritage Way 1995 6th Avenue

100% of Land and Improvement

$13,400 $2,400

1995 6th Avenue

100% of Land and Improvement


101 5th Street

100% of Land and Improvement


8% of Land and Improvements


2901 Arrow Lakes Drive

City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 (250) 365-7227 Fax (250) 365-4810


Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News

Manage stress naturally improve energy, sleep Better, Reduce Cravings By Karen Jensen, ND Our ability to adapt to stress depends upon optimal function of the adrenal glands. When excess stress overloads our adrenal glands symptoms can include: fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depression, low back pain, asthma, allergies, blood sugar problems, hormonal imbalances, irritability, headaches, sugar cravings, gastrointestinal symptoms and inflammatory conditions.

marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

The ‘roots’ of the original AdrenaSense Formula

Throughout my life I had good health and boundless energy and then suddenly in my early 30’s I hit the wall with fatigue… I had three children under the age of 3, my marriage broke up, and I went back to work thinking I could ‘do it all’. My body did not agree… nothing helped the crippling fatigue until I saw a naturopathic doctor who introduced me to my adrenal glands. When I started naturopathic practice in the 1980’s it was my own experience with adrenal fatigue that allowed me to recognize it in my patients and over the years I saw the need for an effective adrenal supplement. AdrenaSense® is the original solution I formulated for patients and others who have found it very effective.

The Original AdrenaSense Formula:


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The herbs in the AdrenaSense formula are called adaptogens that have been proven to support stress reactions and normalize adrenal function. These include Rhodiola, Suma, Schizandra Berries, Siberian Ginseng and Ashwagandha, which in combination, enhance mental and physical performance; balance the nervous system helping with anxiety and insomnia; support the immune, cardiovascular and hormonal systems; counteract fatigue, anxiety and depression; as well as provide vital energy. $

Sports Castlegar golfer 7th at national tourney Castlegar golfer Al Cummings finished seventh in his division at the Special Olympics Canada National Golf Tournament at the University Golf Club in Vancouver held Wednesday, Oct. 2 to Sunday, Oct 6. The tournament was three-days of nine-hole competition and Cummings lead his division in scoring on the par-three holes after day one. His opening round of 55 was helped by pars on both the 124-yard 11th and 110-yard 16th and he found himself just one off the lead. On day two and three, he fired rounds of 66 and 63 to finish nine back of the leaders. “His average is 52 and he finished 7th in the men’s group. He’s not so young either, he’s 47-years-old,” said Cummings’ coach, Ben Postmus, who travelled with Cummings to the tournament. “He was the second oldest guy there.” Postmus said the weather was perfect for golf other than the practice round being rained out. There were

five divisions and the M2 division that Cummings was in had an eight-player field with golfers from B.C., N.S., Sask. and Ont. The top player, Danny Peaselee of Manitoba, shot a total of 123 with rounds of 44-41-38 but Peaselee was not in Cummings’ division. The biggest thing to remember, said Postmus, is not to try and change the players’ games but to help them play their own game while having fun. That said, there was more than a hint of pride in his’ voice when discussing Cummings’ performance. “I was his coach at the summer provincial games in Langley last year, where he won a silver medal,” said Postmus, who has known Cummings for a number of years. “We’ve tried to get together once a week in the last few months, sometime it happened and sometimes it didn’t. We go to either Champion Lakes or Castlegar.” Cummings has called the Castlegar Golf Club his home course after moving to the city a couple of years ago; he used to

Al Cummings from Castlegar teed it up at the Canadian Special Olympics Golf championships at the UBC course in Vancouver Oct. 2 to 6. Submitted

live in Fruitvale on drated, all that sort of the same street as his stuff,” he said. “The facility, the organizing coach. Cummings often group was great. They has trouble remem- took a bunch of notes bering things but on how to make next not when it comes to year’s event better but where he hits his golf that will be hard to top. It was unbelievable.” ball. Organizers ar“Al is down the middle, down the middle, ranged to have Canadown the middle and dian Professional Golf memthen chip it on and Association one-putt,” says his bers assist the golfers, coach. “That’s what a couple of former he did in the summer LPGA players also appearances, games to win the sil- made ver medal. He doesn’t and a psychology exit 240 [yards] but he pert was on hand to hits it 150 to 180 and is provide information about focussing on pretty consistent.” Postmus said the the mental part of the athletes are coaches game, said Postmus. Cummings has also responsibility around qualified for the Cathe clock and though nadian Special Olymthe days were long, the pics Summer Games experience was enjoyable. next July in Vancouver “You make sure and Postmus said this they’re on their rou- event was great as a tines, take their meds, warm-up leading up to eat properly, stay hy-2.83that x5” event.

MIR LECTURE SERIES The Teck Metals Ltd. Lecture


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TRANSFORMATIVE JUSTICE: WHY IS RESEARCH IMPORTANT FOR ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES? Shawn Wilson, an Opaskwayak Cree from Manitoba, discusses the necessity of developing and applying an “Indigenist paradigm” to create an Indigenous vision for the future. Indigenist research is needed to shift the focus away from how communities want not to be and instead focus on how communities and families want to be. Tickets available at the door. $16 adults, $13 seniors and $13 students

For more information visit our website or phone 250.365.1261.

Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sports Rebels even on weekend with Leafs marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

The Castlegar Rebels split a pair of weekend games against the Nelson Leafs during a busy weekend in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League. On Saturday, Oct. 12, the Rebs were one of 16 KIJHL teams in action, battling hard for a 3-2 victory against their Neil Murdoch Division rivals in doubleovertime. Saturday was the second regular season matchup for the two teams, with the Leafs winning the first game in Castlegar on Sep. 13 by a score of 5 - 2. Nelson has had an impressive early season run, coming into Saturday’s tilt with an unblemished 7-0-1 record. True to recent form, Nelson opened the scoring at 5:03 of the first on the power play as the Rebels were killing off a high-sticking call against Diego Bartlett. Former Rebel Travis Wellman fed another former Rebel, Jamie Vlanich, who picked up his seventh goal and 21st point of the season on the play. Just 10 seconds after the reset, Linden

Horswill snagged the Leafs second of the night on a feed from Carson Willans and Nolan Percival. Castlegar’s starting goaltender, Nate Rabbit, looked solid after that, starting down a further 16 shots in the opening period. The Rebels almost picked up a goal to

move seemed to be a retaliatory action against Beitel, as Bryant was seen without a glove, clutching his arm moments before. In the third, Bartlett knotted things at two apiece with 8:24 left on the clock, banging in a puck that Nelson start Tyler Moffat was unable to corral

come at a better time. The Rebels had a very short rest before taking on the Leafs again Sunday, Oct. 13 in Nelson in an afternoon game. The Rebels struck first on Sunday, when Linden Calliou’s second of the season early in the opening period got past Nelson’s

Castlegar Rebel #2-Aaron Brewer puts a shot on goaltender Tyler Moffat during a KIJHL game against the Nelson Leafs on Saturday, Oct. 12 in Castlegar. The Rebels won the game 3-2 in a second overtime period. Marvin Beatty A25




pull within one when defenceman Cole Arcuri mangled a pass on a line change, but were unable to connect before the Leafs recovered. Bartlett redeemed himself after sitting in the box on Nelson’s first goal by getting one of his own at 2:39. Jeremy McNeil and Derek Georgopoulos picked up assists on the play. The second period saw plenty of endto-end action but neither side could find the net. Referee McDonell let the two teams play despite a couple of high-profile slashes, most notably one from the Rebels Tyler Bryant on the Leafs’ JJ Beitel, that drew a collective gasp from the crowd. The

for his second of the night. Assists went to Chase Reddin and Hunter Jenerou on the tying goal. A five-minute overtime settled nothing despite numerous good opportunities from both teams and a final five-minute overtime, with three skaters a side, brought the energy level in the Castlegar Complex to a crescendo. With 1:24 to play in the three-on-three overtime period, Derek Georgopoulos took a feed from defenceman Seth Schmidt and the Cranbrook native made no mistake in burying the winner behind Moffat. The goal was Georgopoulos’ fifth of the season and could not have

starter Tyler Moffat. After that, however, it was all Nelson as they took full control of the game and stormed on to win 9 - 1, outshooting the visiting Castlegar team 42-20. Nate Rabbit, spectacular in goal the previous night, was yanked shortly after 40 minutes of play but Patrick Zubick fared no better for the remainder, as the Leafs got three past him as well. Castlegar now has a 6-4-0-3 record, sitting second in their division behind the Leafs. They will take on the North Okanagan Knights on Friday, Oct. 18 in Armstrong, marking the start of a three-game away stretch.


Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

Upcoming Halloween Events Women’s Hockey Basics

Learn basic hockey skills in a relaxing setting – No pressure – just for Women!! Tuesdays Oct 1 – Dec 3 8:15-9:15pm • $76/8

Pre School Halloween Party • 2-6yrs

Ghosts, Goblins, Witches, Super Heros or whoever your preschooler want to be this Halloween. Come out for games, snacks, trick or treats and lots of fun! Tuesday October 29th • 10-11:30am Advanced Tickets $5.00 (available at the Recreation Office)

Freaky Friday – Halloween Family Special

Dive in and join us for this very popular annual special event! Wet and dry freaky Halloween fun! Visit the Haunted Change room if you dare! (no costume required.) Friday October 25th • 6:00-8:00pm $3.50 per person 7-14yrs • $6.50 family of 4

Hockey Action

Public Skating

• Selkirk Saints vs University of Victoria Friday October 18 Game 7:30pm • Selkirk Saints vs Thompson University Saturday October 19 Game 7:30pm

• Saturday October 19 2:00-4:00pm

Other Community Events

Highland happiness Dancers from Scottie School of Highland Dance in Castlegar, and Kate E. Shaw School of Dance in Trail, travelled to Spokane to dance in the annual fall indoor competition last weekend. All dancers performed well bringing home medals and ribbons. At the end of the day each category danced one special event to honour Brittany Babinski, a Spokane dancer killed in a car accident this past summer. The dancers were given glass trophies as prizes for their placing in this event. (L-R): Connor Salekin, Kaitlyn Quiding, Emily Ashton, Hannah Brown, Cara Haggarty, Natasha Robine, Robin Chadwick and (in front) Olivia Smith.

• Minor Soccer AGM Monday Oct 21 7:00pm Complex

• Sunday October 20 4:15-5:45pm

• Pump Gas for Kids (Benson Oil Plus)

Saturday October 26 9:00-4:00pm • Senior Citizens Soup Day Saturday November 2 11:00am

Many more exciting classes – Check out our Fall Leisure Guide on line at or stop by the Recreation Office and pick one up. Hit the RECREATION CONNECTION BUTTON to view and register for programs

Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.


Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News

Sports Selkirk Saints shutout visiting Vikes Castlegar News Reporter

Selkirk Saint #17-Mason Spear looks for a rebound while Vikes goaltender Sunny Gill stops a shot during BCIHL action in Castlegar on Friday, Oct. 11. Marvin Beatty

seconds remaining to seal the shutout for Hurry. “I thought we had a slow start and didn’t really get up to full speed until the second period, but once we did the pressure and execution were as good as we’ve seen so

far this season,” said Saints head coach Jeff Dubois in a release. “We were able to roll four lines and get everybody involved.” The Saints next face Thompson Rivers University Oct. 18 on home-ice. Game time is at 7:30 p.m.

Take it to the net Boundary Central’s Kari Durban tries to tip the ball over Stanley Humphries blocker Kelsey Matson during the first game between the two teams on Oct. 15 at Grand Forks Secondary during senior girls volleyball play-day. Craig Lindsay | Grand Forks Gazette


The Selkirk Saints Men’s Hockey team dominated the University of Victoria Vikes on Friday, Oct. 11 in a 5 - 0 shutout. The first period was an end-to-end, hardhitting 20 minutes with both teams having opportunities… after a brief delay where the rink crews ingeniously broke out the duct tape to address an issue with the end boards behind the UVIC net. The Saints had the edge in shots on net, hitting Vikes starting net-minder Sunny Gill for 10. At the other end, Selkirk’s Chris Hurry was less busy, facing just three shots from the visiting team. The Saints took a two-goal in the second, with both com-

ing from #27, captain Logan Proulx. His first goal was the product of hard work, chasing rebounds to the glove side of Gill. His second was more of the same, finding a rebound in tight. The Vikes had difficulty maintaining any kind of puck possession in the second, and Selkirk out-shot the Vancouver Island squad by a whopping 17 shots. With time winding down in the period, Brad Robinson took an interference call that would lead to the Saints starting the third on the power play. In the final period, the Vikes killed off the penalty but Connor McLaughlin made it a 4 - 0 Selkirk lead with 14:24 showing on the clock and then forward Garrett Kucher put a stamp on it with only 8.1

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marvin beatty


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ve Don’t forget us when it comes time for SPRING CLEANING!

Call or come into the Casltegar News office 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar 250-365-6397

Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013 A27

Selkirk College enrolment increases Submitted

Selkirk College’s 2013 fall enrolment numbers are showing an increase in the number of students. Final semester calculations will be compiled for the end of October, but the annual September headcount reveals a 3.6 per cent increase in domestic students and a 21 per cent increase in international students. “Although we are seeing enrolment fluctuations in a number of programs, there are also some clear positive signs,” said Neil Coburn, Selkirk College Vice President. “For example, we have the strongest Engineering enrolment in a dozen years. But the enrolment highlight is definitely a new online program serving pharmacy technicians across Canada. The

September NAPRA [National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities] bridging program intake had more than 330 registrants. We expect even stronger registrations for the January intake.” Selkirk is the only college in Canada offering the online program. The program allows those already working in the role of the pharmacy technician to upgrade their skills to align with changes in the scope of practice for pharmacy technicians without having to return to school to complete a full-time training program. The ultimate goal of the virtual classroom is to provide training across Canada and enable regulated pharmacy technicians to relocate and work anywhere in Canada without having to requalify.

Marvin Beatty

The Engineering program falls under the University Arts and Sciences department based in Castlegar and is part of Selkirk College’s emphasis of giving students an excellent start in a rural setting. “The option for students to start their university degree in a more intimate setting is a distinct Selkirk College advantage,” said Coburn. “Engineering is just one example of the importance we place on transfer agreements with larger institutions.”

The bump in international students is a product of work being done overseas in recent months, particularly in India. “Selkirk College offers international students a great place to learn and explore a special region of Canada,” said Coburn. “Having these students on our campuses brings the added bonus of shrinking the world for our domestic students.” In total there are 2,155 students currently registered in Selkirk College programs.

Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. on Monday, October 21st, 2013 to consider the following:

ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 1173 (Rural Zoned ProperLes) Applicant:

City of Castlegar

Affected Lands:

District Lot 7180 Kootenay District except (1) Parcel 1 (Plan DD 8940) (2) Parcel 2 Plan 20667I (3) Plans 62653I, 2143, 2977, 4471, 4608, 5316, 5533, 7188, 9569, 11561, 13882 and NEP62139 (777 Chickadee Lane); Lot 1 District Lot 301A Kootenay District Plan NEP22869 (1591 Arrow Lakes Drive); Parcel A (Explanatory Plan DD 15433) District Lot 301A Kootenay District (1601 Arrow Lakes Drive); District Lot 7719 Kootenay District Except Part Included in Plan 7556 (880 Woodland Drive).

Proposed: To change the zoning designa#on of the affected lands from RR-­‐1 (Rural) to RR-­‐3 (Rural Residen#al). Once amended, the affected lands that are vacant, unused sites, would be eligible for Class 01 -­‐ Residen#al Assessment.

Enquiries: All enquiries should be directed to the Development Services Department at City Hall. (Phone: 365-­‐7227 Fax: 365-­‐5074 Email: This Public Hearing is being held in order to afford all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by these amendments to Zoning Bylaw 800 an opportunity to be heard or to present wriaen submissions respec#ng maaers contained in these amendments. A copy of the proposed bylaw may be inspected at City Hall, 460 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. on regular business days (Monday to Friday except for statutory holidays) between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. from Thursday, October 10th, 2013 to Monday, October 21st, 2013. Submissions received a\er the close of the Public Hearing will not be considered by Council.

Phil Markin Director of Development Services



Selkirk graduates during convocation in April 2013.

No#ce is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held in the Community Forum, #101, 445 – 13th

Dated at Castlegar, B.C. this 10th day of October, 2013.






1 Fur tycoon 6 “Due Date” co-star Galifianakis 10 Rock blasters 14 Conveyed 15 Bassoon cousin 16 Wreak havoc in the streets 17 *Victor at Little Bighorn 20 Zilch 21 Fantasy game brute 22 Latin lesson word 23 New Year’s ___ 24 *2006 “Survivor” setting 28 Attacked 30 November honoree 31 “I’m an idiot!” 32 Abs strengthener 33 Leave port 35 Apportioning word 36 *Nursed, in a way 39 Gp. that houses strays 42 Bowlers and trilbies 43 Millionaire’s retreat 47 Strudel ___ mode 48 Jon Hamm’s “Mad Men” role __ Draper 49 Vocation 50 *All-in-one appliance 54 Dye holder 55 Classy 56 Fish you can smoke

57 Ricky portrayer 58 Handy person suggested by the starts of the answers to starred clues 62 Nebraska native 63 Like Iago, say 64 Rice/Lloyd Webber musical 65 Trees used to make longbows 66 Attends to one’s whistle? 67 Unreactive gas


1 Sawyer employer 2 “Same here!” 3 Poseidon’s staff 4 __ Day vitamins 5 Authority on a field 6 Masked hero who debuted in the 1919 story “The Curse of Capistrano” 7 Stunned way to be taken 8 Member of the fam 9 Casual greeting 10 Cookie shop enticement 11 Ferdinand’s love in “The Tempest” 12 Ph.D.’s further studies 13 Jeanne d’Arc, for

one: Abbr. 18 Old geezer 19 “Come no closer!” 24 Consiglieri’s boss 25 Penn et al. 26 Contained opening? 27 “Too noisy!” 29 Big band instrument 33 Defensive effort 34 Ctrl-__-Delete 35 Correct 37 Superhero with a hammer 38 Even once 39 Chain __ 40 Give a sop to 41 Moneymaker

44 Not vacant 45 Charge for using, as an apartment 46 Potter or jeweler, e.g. 48 Style of a historic Miami Beach district 49 Get gooey 51 Outdoor outings 52 Bright again 53 Argues ineffectively 57 Comic Chappelle 58 Almond __ 59 Select group? 60 Roman salutation 61 T. __


Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News


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Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

21 Week HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Classes start November 18, 2013. Call for more information. Taylor Pro Training Ltd. 1-877-860-7627.

Help Wanted

Wanted Immediately 1st or 2nd year Apprentice Technician We are offering a very competitive pay rate and benefit package with an exceptional work environment to the qualified candidate. Give us a call - you might be surprised with what you are worth in today’s market 250-364-9988 Send resume and cover letter attn: Justin

SUMMIT SUBARU Old Waneta Rd Trail, BC

Career Opportunities

needed at The Greek Oven drop resume at back door between 9 - 11 Tues to Sat 400 Columbia Ave, Castlegar ask for Peter



Mike William POPOFF Born: November 4th, 1928, Brilliant, BC Passed: September 27th, 2013, Trail, BC Mike grew up in Ootischenia. He built & opened the Cay Creek Store which he ran from 1947-1959. His family then moved to Kinnaird and he, with partner Pete Gorkoff, started P&G Construction which had a hand in building many buildings in Castlegar still standing today. In 1963 they opened P&G Building Supplies and ran it until 1971. Mike then did freelance construction until his retirement. Mike was a devoted member of the Union of Spirtual Communities of Christ as a secretary of the Union of Youth when he was young and as a secretary of the Men’s Group after retirement. Mike helped build the wood shop at the Brilliant Cultural Centre and volunteered his time every week building pine coffins and other wood products. He was the longest service member of the Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia helping to make commercial buildings & parking lots wheel-chair accessible. Mike was also a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for 38 years. Mike enjoyed watching softball, baseball & hockey. He also loved the great outdoors where he would enjoy picking huckleberries, suziki, mushrooms and getting firewood. He is survived by wife Patsy, brother Harry, sister Martha, son Walter, daughters Linda & Sherri and grandsons Eric & Steven. He was predeceased by father William, mother Mary and brother William. A service was held on October 3rd at the Ootischenia Hall and Mike was laid to rest at the Brilliant Cemetary. The family would like to thank the staff at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, The Castlegar Funeral Home, the Brilliant Cultural Centre and the Ootischenia Hall, Leonard Voykin for conducting the service, the psalmists, cooks, gravediggers, out of town guests, neighbours and everyone who stopped by the house, called or sent their kind words.



Joan DePaoli Our dearest mom and nona, Joan DePaoli passed away peacefully at the Kootenay Boundary Hospital , in Trail, B.C. on October 6, 2013. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated by Father David John on Friday, October 11, 2013. Joan was born in Flaibano, Italy on December 18, 1927 to Frederico and Magenta Picco. In 1932 , her dad made his final trip to Italy. He brought back his wife Magenta, and daughters n Noemi, Ornella, and Joan. Joan worked in the grocery store business and on December 2, 1950 she married Elio DePaoli . They bought a hardware store and worked there together. Mom and dad lived in Natal B.C. until moving to Castlegar in 1964. Joan is survived by her sister Elia (Kiki) Petovello, daughter Diane (Len) French- Brian, Gord, Adele( Andy) Felsch, son- Barry (Jacque) - Maghara, son- Tom (Tracey) Damon and Tabitha. She was predeceased by her husband Elio in 1987, and by sister Ornella and John Persello, and by sister Noemi and Mario Martinello. Castle Wood Village was home to mom for the past four and a half years. Our deepest gratitude for the wonderful, caring staff and the friendships mom and our families made. Mom was a member of St.Rita’s Catholic parish. She enjoyed going to mass , and could be counted on to pray the rosary. She loved her former neighbors on 6th street. Thank you Tilly and Herman for continuing to visit her while at Castle Wood. Mom enjoyed her dear friend Margaret Howe and the times they spent together. We will remember and cherish all the family times we shared and we realize how richly blessed our family is to have had our mom and nona celebrate the first wedding of her grandchildren , when Adele married Andy Felsch on August 31, 2013. How very, very, precious! Thank you mom for everything, All our love mom and nona, God Bless You, and Peace be with you!!! We would like to thank Dr. Megan Taylor and her staff, Castlegar Pharmacy staff, paramedics, doctors and staff at Castlegar and Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital in Trail, Castle Wood Staff, Bill Strilaeff and Staff from Castlegar Funeral Chapel, Father David John and clergy staff, C.W. L. , Carolyn Cameron, and family , relatives and friends for their compassion and acts of kindness and support. Love, De Paoli and French families If desired , donations can be made to the B.C> Heart and Stroke Foundation 4-1551 Sutherland Avenue, Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 9M9 or to Castle Wood Village, 525 Columbia Avenue.

l Like working close to home! ◾

Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013 A29


Nick Oglow 1918 - 2013 It is with sadness that we announce the peaceful passing of our dear husband, father, grandfather and uncle, Nicholas Oglow, pioneer of Castlegar, BC. He passed away October 12, 2013 at Castleview Care Centre. Nick was born in Pincher Creek, Alberta on December 8, 1918 of Doukhobor ancestry. He was blessed with 94 years of life. Nick was raised in Winlaw and Glade, BC. One of his first jobs was as a carpenter’s helper with his Dad and brothers. His entrepreneurial spirit began at an early age when he purchased the Dollar Dry Cleaners in Trail, BC. He later bought a grocery store and gas station in Thrums, BC. After that he started a new dry cleaning business in Castlegar where the existing Oglow building stands today. In the 1950’s Nick was instrumental with his brothers Bill, Pete and Paul in starting Oglow Brothers Building Supply and Oglow Building Contractors. Over the years they built many of the regions landmarks. Nick later worked with his brother Paul at the Motor License office and continued to be involved with some aspect of family business well into his 70’s. Nick was elected Chairman of the Village Council in Castlegar in the 1950’s. He was politically active almost all his life. In the 1960’s he ran as a candidate for the Liberal party. Nick married the love of his life, Shirley, in 1977 and his family grew to include Grams, Nancy, Ken, and Grandpa George Hunter. Nick and Shirley enjoyed their many trips to Hawaii and also visited Hong Kong, China, Mexico, Cuba and even visited their exchange students in Japan. He was elected and re-elected for 24 years to the Castlegar Hospital Board and is known to this day for his significant achievements such as proposing Talarico Place. He was also known for his progressive community ideas and served as the president of the Curling Club during the construction of the Castlegar curling rink. Nick had been a member of the Castlegar Golf Club since its beginning. He had undoubtedly committed himself to bettering the community of Castlegar serving eight years on Castlegar Municipal Council. Nick chaired the building committee for the Castlegar United Church and was a life time member of the Doukhobor Historical Society. He was a long standing member of the Kiwanis Club and in 2010 Nick and his brother Paul were recognized as joint Castlegar Citizens of the Year. Nick was an avid athlete from early on and as a young man he became manager of a Teen Town Softball Team that became champions. He was an avid golfer, curler and downhill skier, a sport that he did well until almost 80 years old. Nick is survived by his loving wife Shirley, daughter Nancy Tremblay, son Ken Hunter-Oglow (Wanita) and many special nieces and nephews. He was a proud grandfather of Caleisha, Taylor, Jaden and Abigail. Nick was predeceased by his son-in-law Dan, his devoted parents Tom and Martha (Wishlow), brothers William, Pete & Paul and Uncle Jack Wishlow. As an expression of condolence, donations in Nick’s memory may be made to: Castlegar & District Hospital Foundation, 709 10th St, Castlegar, BC V1N 2H7 or online at www. The family extends their grateful thanks to Dr. Merritt and the Castleview Care Team. A memorial service will be held at the Castlegar United Church, 809 Merry Creek Rd., Saturday, October 19, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. with Reverend Marcella Mugford officiating. Interment will take place at Park Memorial Cemetery Rest in Peace



Trades, Technical


Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Trades, Technical


Silverbirch Massage Therapy Clinic is expanding & relocating. We currently have opening for RMT’s licensed Estheticians & Holistic Practitioners Call 250-365-6538

YARDING CREW Needed on Vancouver Island - Experience is an asset. Madil 071 operator, Hooktender, Landing bucker. Please forward resume to

JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $30/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info online at: Fax 403-854-2845; or Email:

Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.

We Are Expanding Our Team!

Unemployed? Looking for work?


Call KCDS/WorkBC in Castlegar and find out how to get ready for the job you want

Reporting to the Operations Manager, the Parts Manager will manage the parts and Inventory function of the Branch operation.

Prince George

Find your way and find your work at KCDS/WorkBC

Call 250-365-6515

Help Wanted

1602 Columbia Ave Castlegar BC V1N 1H9 Phone: 250-365-4845 Fax: 250-365-4865 Toll Free: 1-866-365-4845

Journeyman Technicians Required

We are in need of Technicians with experience in all makes and models of Cars, Trucks, SUV’s. Our shop is fast paced with emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction. Flat rate compensation makes earning potential unlimited for the right Tech. Glacier Honda is a fully developed shop, with advanced technology, and the latest equipment including alignment. Employment is full-time with benefits. Starting salary of $27.00/hr or negotiated depending on experience. Journeyman preferred but would consider 3rd or 4th year apprentice.

Medical/Dental Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses Bayshore Home Health Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses for night shifts in the Castlegar/ Nelson area to work with children with complex care needs. If you are an RN or LPN and love working with children and their families , we would appreciate hearing from you. Pediatric experience is an asset and we do offer client specific training.

Please send your resume and cover letter to: pedsvancouver@ or fax to 1-866-686-7435

Duties include, but are not limited to: • Ensure stock levels will support equip. in the field • Develop and maintain relationships with customers. • Ensure that the Parts and Inventory function delivers quality & exceeds customer needs. • Promote the sale of parts. • Develop annual objectives for the Parts and Inventory function • Ensure company plans and programs are carried out by Parts Department. • Ensure that activities are conducted in full compliance with OHSE standards and SMS company policies and processes. Qualifications:

Trades, Technical AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for experienced welders. Competitive wages, profit sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through in hole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform. Call Cindy for an appointment or send resume to: 780-8462231 (Office); 780-846-2241 (Fax).

• Post-secondary education with 5 - 7 years parts and inventory management exp. Any combo of education and exp.may be considered. • Strong knowledge of the Komatsu product line and the products SMS currently service is an asset. • Exc. managerial skills, as well as in-depth knowledge of industry logistic and manufacturing issues.

Help Wanted

Qualified applicants are invited to submit their resumé quoting reference number PM-12320-10102013 and position title to: Email: Fax: (1)604.888.9699

Please send resume to above address or email:, att’ Al Sanders

School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)

SNOW REMOVAL TENDER 2013-2014 Tenders will be received up to 12:00 noon, October 18th, 2013 for snow removal at any or a all of the following School District sites: • Castlegar Primary School • Fruitvale Elementary School • Glenmerry Elementary School • J.L Crowe Secondary School • J.L. Webster Elementary School • Kinnaird Elementary School • Robson Community School • Stanley Humphries Secondary School • Trail Middle School • Twin Rivers Elementary School • Rossland School Please indicate schools or sites preferred. Bids will be accepted for both multiple or single sites. Tenders must specify a flat rate to clear the snow at each site each snow removal day and include all costs. All snow removal must be completed prior to 7:30am. Please submit your WCB Registration Number with tender. Tender should be marked “SNOW REMOVAL TENDER.” Further information can be obtained from Heather Simm, Assistant Director of Operations at 250-364-2224/ext. 226 OR 250-365-8331/ext. 226. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all tenders. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Please address all tenders to: Heather Simm, Assistant Director of Operations School District No. 20 (Kootenay~Columbia) Operations Centre 1101 - 6th Street, Castlegar, BC V1N 4C4



Health Products

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Buy One Get One




Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750

Warehouse Person

If you have previous warehouse experience please deliver in person your resume and cover letter to:

1919 Columbia Ave, Castlegar BC, V1N-3Y2

Business Manager We have an opportunity for a full time Business Manager. If you have experience as a business manager and want to work in a team atmosphere, we are looking for you!

RESTLESS LEG syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Visit or Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.

Financial Services

Email resume to Marc Cabana

DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+

Trail BC

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

Strong selling skills and organizational skills required.

2880 Highway Drive, Trail

250-368-9134 1-877-872-4522

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News


Help Wanted


Financial Services Need Cash? Own A Vehicle? Borrow Up To $25,000

• BC driver’s license (minimum Class 3/Air) • Proven on highway trucking experience • Experience driving tandem axle vehicles and experience on a variety of transmissions including 13 speed.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Home Improvements FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.69/sq ft Engineered - $1.99/sq ft Hardwood - $2.79/sq ft

Overnight Delivery in most of BC!


CASUAL ON-CALL POSITIONS LIGHT EQUIPMENT OPERATORS The City requires three Light Equipment Operators for the period November 1, 2013 to March 15, 2014 inclusive to supplement the City’s winter operations. This position is an on-call position and hours per week will vary from 0 to 40. The majority of the work will be afternoons, evenings or week-ends, in accordance with Letter of Understanding No. 1 of the Collective Agreement. Applicants must have a valid B.C. Driver's Licence, Class 3, with Air Brake Endorsement. Applications from qualified candidates should be submitted by 4:30 pm, Monday, October 28, 2013 to the:

Pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the information collected will be utilized solely for the selection of candidates.

EXCITING CAREER OPPORTUNITY Practice Improvement Coach for Primary Care Part time (25 hr/wk) for 7 months

We are looking for an individual with very high level inter-personal, coaching and project management skills. The practice improvement coach will work directly with family physicians and a support team of primary care experts. Our ideal candidate has passion and skills in quality improvement and change management and brings a deep understanding of coaching principles. With guidance from a Steering Committee and by collaborating closely with a working group, the Practice Improvement Coach will work with practices to make improvements in such areas as: • Timely patient access • Quality of chronic and preventive care • Effective/meaningful use of electronic medical records • Patient-centeredness • Team-building • Business plan and other elements of practice redesign The Practice Improvement Coach will help clinicians and clinic staff to develop the capacity for sustained change and improvement. In this role the coach supports a unique equal partner collaborative: the Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice, Physician Information Technology Office (PITO) and Interior Health Authority/Practice Support Program (PSP). For a detailed Job Description please see: To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to: Julius HalaschekWiener, Project Manager, KB Integrated Practice Support Initiative, at: Deadline for applications: October 25th, 2013. We appreciate all applications but will only contact those who will be interviewed.

We’re on the net at

Fruit & Vegetables

Misc. for Sale

Maintenance Services “Breath Clean Air, Duct Cleaning & Sanitizing

best method on the market with powerful air compressor, rotary brush system & power whip. K.F. Kootenay Furnace Ltd Slocan, Call 888-652-0088

Pets & Livestock

Feed & Hay ALFALFA, alfalfa mix (small square bales) in Lister. Call Jay or Trish at 250-428-9755

Merchandise for Sale

Fruit & Vegetables APPLES - Extra Fancy, Freshly picked, Organically grown in Okanagan. Distributors, Any quantity, Pickup or Delivery. email: Ph 250-764-7830

. Find us in Castlegar on Thursdays at the Sandman Hotel Saturdays at the Castlegar Railway Museum Farmer’s Market. In Nelson at 402 Baker Street on Wednesdays and the Nelson Cottonwood Market on Saturdays At the Grand Forks Farmer’s Market Tuesdays and Fridays Erran, Terry & Val Rilkoff 250-442-3514 Grand Forks

Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158

Misc. for Sale Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? New 20ft. shipping container. Great dry storage. $3,900. Delivered. 250-443-4720. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Legal Notices

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Creditors and others, having claims against the Estate of Walter Miller, formerly of 1901 14th Ave, Castlegar, BC, V1N 3Z1, Deceased are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned Executor, c/o Mary Anne Elsie Grunerud 347 Simms Road Campbell River, BC, V9W 1P2, on or before November 8, 2013 after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received. Mary Anne Elsie Grunerud, Executor

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: Mary Marie McDonell, deceased formerly of 1628 Thrums Road, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 4R7 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above deceased are hereby required to send particulars thereof to the Executors named hereunder at 1115 3rd Street, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 2A1, on or before November 29, 2013, after which date the Executors will distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors then have notice. Karen Juliette Pihl and Gay Suzette Krug, Executors c/o JACOB POLONICOFF POLONICOFF LAW FIRM 1115 3rd Street Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 2A1

Homes for Rent Castlegar North, 3 Bdrm, 1 bath, newly reno, near shopping & schools, Avail Oct 1st F/S, W/D, N/S, N/P, Ref reqd $1200/mth + utilities Call Bob 250-365-9344 Castlegar Woodland Park area, riverfront, 3 Bdrm, 2 bath,1300 sq ft, finished basement, lrg garage, lots of storage, avail Nov 5th $1,100/mth + utilities 250-365-7231

Misc. Wanted Genuine Coin Collector Buyer Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 250-499-0251

Musical Instruments Musical Instruments, Lessons Books & Accessories P.A. lighting sales & rentals BAY AVENUE MUSIC, TRAIL 250-368-8878

Real Estate Houses For Sale

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ in stock. SPECIAL 44’X40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB


DT Castlegar, 4 Bdrm 2 bath W/D, N/S, N/P, $1200/mth + utilities, Avail Nov 1st Daylight Basement 2 Bdrm 1 Bath, W/D, Private ent $800/mth incl utilities, N/S, N/P 250-304-8185 or 365-6471 Mobile Home, 2/3 bdrm, F/S W/D, Deck, W/Addition, in Thrums, No dog over 15LBS 250-304-9273, 250-359-7178

Rooms for Rent Castlegar Dt Room for rent or room & board, Avail Nov 1st N/S, $350/mth furnished room or $650 for Room & board laundry incl, kitchen & TV access, 250-365-1044

Suites, Lower Grand Forks: Clifton Estates 55+ gated community. Immaculate, 2 lg bdrms, 2 bath, laundry, open plan, geothermal heat/AC, stand alone end unit, duel access to private back yard, putting green & hot tub. $299,900. 250-442-8221.

Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.

Whispering Pines Manufactured Home Park Home Sites available Beautiful riverside community in Genelle. New Homes

coming in September & October receive 3 months Free site rent Phone: 250-693-2136

Revenue Property Castlegar 6-plex plus commercial space for sale Income $5150/mth, Close to Tim Hortons & shopping asking $495,000 Cap rate 9% Call James 250-608-3930

CASTLEGAR 2 Bdrm Lower Level, F/S, N/S, N/P, W/D on premises, $550/mth + Power in Oglow Subd, Avail Nov 1st Call 365-1032 or 304-9840 Castlegar 3 bdrm on river $1,000 + utilities, 1 Bdrm Apt $530 & $600 incl utilities N/S, N/P,Call 250-608-3930

Suites, Upper Castlegar 2 Bdrm upper suite rent is nego with the right tenant, Responsible person/s Avail Nov 1st, N/P N/S, 250-769-8796





Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul

1-888-204-5355 for Pre-Approval


City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 FAX: 365-4810 PHONE: 365-7227 EMAIL:

Merchandise for Sale

THE APPLE GUY & GRAND FORKS FARMS: APPLE JUICE, fresh pressed $13.00/5 liters. Coronation seedless grapes $1.25/lb in 12 lb boxes Gala Apples $12.00/20 lb bags Spartan’s $15.00/20 lb bag Honey Crisp apples $12.00/8 lb bags, Ambrosia $5.00/5 lb bag, Squash .75/lb Pure Foch grape juice for wine makers $55.00/20L pail.


EMCON SERVICES INC., Road and Bridge maintenance contractor in the Castlegar, Rossland, Trail & Fruitvale Areas, are looking for professional drivers for part time employment for the upcoming winter season. Qualifications for these positions are:

Both men and women are invited to apply for these rewarding positions. Please submit your application along with a photocopy of driver’s license, a driver’s abstract and references to substantiate driving experience to: Emcon Services Inc. 6150 2nd Street Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H4 Or fax (250) 442-2677

Merchandise for Sale




Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1 bdrm apt. central nice view F/S, N/S N/P, $625/mth utilities incl 250-365-5003 Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apt 900 sq ft. F/S, D/W, laundry on site, grassed fenced yard one parking stall per apt. Clean bright and quiet. Ground level N/S, N/P $725/mth + utilities, 365-5070, leave msg Castlegar 2 Bdrm Centrally located, incl wifi, utilities, cable $900/mth, N/S, N/P Avail Nov 1st 250-304-5021 or 250-304-9903

Duplex / 4 Plex 4 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, dishwasher, fridge & stove, full basement, $1,200/mth,1/2 Duplex, Call 250-365-3144

Mobile Homes & Pads ROBSON 2 Bdrm Mobile Home for rent Refer & Criminal check required Call 250-304-4862

Homes for Rent Castlegar 2 Bdrm Home great central location near Tim Horton’s & No Frill Foods F/S, Laundry & Storage, quiet neighborhood, Available Immediately, $775/mth Phone 250-399-4351 Castlegar North 2 Bdrm Separate walk out basement suite, brand new reno, very clean & bright with all new appliances Fridge, stove, W/D, over the range Micro D/W, No smoking, No pets. $750/mth + utilities Avail Immediately 250-869-5772

Cars - Domestic

1997 Honda Accord, 4 dr sedan, 4 cyl, auto, A/C, power pkg. $3,000. 250-442-0122 or 250-493-1807

Trucks & Vans 1995 Ford F250 std, 4x4 Supercab 125000 km on fresh engine, good rubber, nice shape, will take trades, $2,500 OBO 250-445-9987

1996 DODGE RAM Laramie 2500 Diesel, auto, in Grand Forks. $6,900. 250-493-1807.

2001 Toyota Sienna van 210,000 km, A/C, power pkg, excellent condition. $3,400 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807

Castlegar News Thursday, October 17, 2013

OCTOBERSale Enjoy the breeze Blue Diamond® Nature's Almond Breeze’s

Take the PrimeZyme digestive Nature's challenge! TM

Organic of-almond taste makesPac this nondairy Eco beverage a great Cereals alternative to any

Organic PrimeZyme is an effective full-spectrum Eco Pac digestive enzyme Cereals formula that will help

creamyTM smooth Path texture and hint




ON SALE select varieties


180 caps NPN 80034291






5498 698

Excellent source of Nature's omega-3 TM

The most natural Nature's alternative... TM

Your inner calm. On call.

Organic made from certified organic, non-GMO Eco Pac Canadian flaxseed. Cereals An excellent source of

Organic permanent hair colouring Eco Pacmade from herbal extracts that Cereals covers grey hair, is

provides effective stress relief, from naturally sourced ingredients, for everyday life.


select varieties

Path Herbatint®

Bach® Rescue Remedy™

free of ammonia & harsh chemicals, and gentle on the scalp.


1198 698



select varieties


each kit

500 ml

• Egyptian Cotton Sheets • • Bamboo Sheet Sets • • Duvet Blankets • • Duvet Covers •


30 veg caps NPN 80015173

vegetarian omega-3 essential fatty acids. Gluten-free.

20 ml NPN 80032780


Enjoy the Manitoba CRUNCH!

Health from the heart ManitobaNature's

Crunchy and flavourful! ManitobaNature's

Organic gluten free breads

Organic Hemp Hearts

Organic Hemp Hearts

Organic Hemp Hearts

Silver Hills Sprouted Bakery® and

Nature's Nature’s Path® Harvest ®Path TM Granolas are crafted

340 g



2998 698


Luxurious Eco Friendly Bedding

select varieties

Path Flora™ Flax Oil is

probiotics & greens.

850 - 876 g NPN 80042632



supplement, packed Organic with key nutrients for Eco optimalPac health including vitamins, protein, Cereals fibre, omega-3,


help balance your gut and enhance digestion.


Nature's Vega™TM One Path is a plant-based

select varieties

Ultimate Flora

Organic Critical Care is a sourcePac of probiotics that Eco delivers 50 billion Cereals beneficial bacteria to

select varieties

All-in-one nutritional shake


Nature's TM Renew Life Path

your digestion or you’ll receive your money-back!

2/$4 698 946 ml each

Reset your digestion!

Path Health First®

milk, soy or rice beverage. A31


select varieties

with the finest organic Organic ingredients to provide Eco you withPac a delicious breakfast or quick Cereals nutritious snack.



ON SALE select varieties 9998

Have healthy Omega bones without Nutrition ManitobaNature's ®that chalky taste TM Organic Harvest Organic Hemp Hearts

340 g




Path LifeTime® Calcium

Apple Cider Magnesium Citrate Organic with Vitamin D is Vinegar Eco Pac easily assimilated and contains no milk or Cereals


340 g



98 340 g


ON SALE select varieties 98

Nutrition ManitobaNature's Health First® Vitamin TMD3 gelcaps Organic Harvest ®Path are easy-to-swallow

Apple Organic and containCider a daily dose of 1000 IU in a Vinegar Eco Pac base of organic olive Cereals oil. Helps to prevent


340 g





vitamin D deficiencies during the fall and winter seasons.

340 g


Apple Cider Vinegar



Organic Hemp Hearts

Apple Cider Vinegar







600 g each

Rich and Omega delicious Nutrition

Only 1 tablet Omega a day Nutrition ManitobaNature's

A.Vogel TMMenopause Organic Harvest ®Path contains organic fresh

Organic Hemp Hearts

340 g

Kaizen Natural Organic Isolate

Apple sage extract Cider clinically Organic proven to signifi Vinegar Eco Pac cantly reduce the number and Cereals intensity of hot flashes

Apple Cider 100% New Zealand Whey Protein Isolate. Vinegar Available in chocolate & Vanilla.



98 5 ON SALE

and night sweats.

select varieties 946 ml each

30 tabs NPN 80034857

Omega Manitoba Nutrition Harvest ® Organic

enjoy the exceptional nutritional benefits.

crisp delectable taste.

select varieties

184 g

select varieties 946 ml each

500 gelcaps NPN 80040618

Explore the delicious taste of sprouted whole grains with

are made with the Organic highest quality Eco Pac organic ingredients to give them that Cereals

98 5 5 5 ON SALE ON SALE 98 ON SALE ON SALE 98 ON SALE 998 698 13 9 98 698 16 2148

phosphorus. Essential dosage for complete bone support.

Omega Manitoba Nutrition Harvest ® Organic Organic Hemp Hearts

for great new recipes.


Organic Hemp Hearts

Mary’s Organic Harvest ®Path TM Crackers®

Hearts are a raw and Organic vegan source of protein, Eco Pac fibre and EFA’s! Visit Cereals

Family-size Omega vitamin D!

select varieties 946 ml each

475 ml NPN 80006648

340 g

Manitoba Harvest ®Path TM Harvest® Organic Hemp

Omega Manitoba Nutrition Harvest ® Organic Organic Hemp Hearts

Apple Cider Vinegar



3995 946 ml each


Omega Nutrition

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Sale Ends Oct. 31, 2013 ON SALE


98SALE 340 g 98SALE 340 g 98 Sale Ends December 31, 982012 ON Downtown Castlegar ● ON 250.365.7750 •


Thursday, October 17, 2013 Castlegar News


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000


ANDRES CAR AUDIO WEST KELOWNA 1881 Harvey Avenue (250) 860-1975


101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. (250) 493-3800




101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000

#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496


ANDRES WIRELESS Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566


#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000


745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700


Aberdeen Mall (250) 377-8880


215 - 450 Lansdowne Mall (250) 377-8007

200-1965 Columbia Ave. 101 Kootenay St. North (250) 365-6455 (250) 426-8927



Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258

300 St. Paul Str. (250) 377-3773


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

154 Victoria Str (250) 314-9944

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

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