I N S I D E : Cozy up to the TV and scare yourself silly. Page 8
Volume 120 No 43 PM # 400121123
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895
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Clinton woman arrested for assault RCMP assisted Clinton RCMP with a complaint of domestic assault at a residence on Hwy 97 just south of Clinton. Police arrested a 38 year old Clinton woman for assault on Oct. 19 at 11 pm, and placed her in Ashcroft cells. She was released the following day after a bail hearing, charged with assault and assault causing bodily harm, a charge that stemmed from an Oct. 2 incident in which she allegedly kicked her 53 year old boyfriend in the face with steel-toed boots, causing severe injury to one eye. The Oct. 19 incident led to a bleeding cut on his forehead and happened over a fight about a missing wallet, which she accused him of stealing. Her court date is Oct. 28.
Missing Ashcroft man last seen in PG The students were challenged by astronaut Chris Hatfield, to compare the gravity of the Earth, the moon and Mars, using paper airplanes of different dimensions, and then record their results and observtions.
Ashcroft students took part in the Largest Practical Science Lesson last week with thousands of other students. They hoped to set a Guinness Book world record.
Police received a report on Monday afternoon of an overdue Ashcroft man travelling home from Prince George. Dan Martin, 41, was reported missing by his sister who was expecting him back in Ashcroft on the 21st to return to work. Martin was last seen leaving Prince George at 4 pm on the 20th in his light green 2001 Mazda Protege, BC plate 720 LSP. He is described as a white male, 5’10”, 180 lbs., clean shaven with medium brown short hair.
Grow Ops in Spences Bridge Two marijuana grow ops in the Spences Bridge area kept the Lytton RCMP busy in the first two weeks of October. Charges are pending as a result of a search warrant at a Spences Bridge residence executed on Oct. 5 followed by the dismantling of a large outdoor grow op on crown land near the Goldpan Provincial Park. On Saturday, Oct. 5, RCMP executed a search warrant that evening at a residence in the 3000 block of Riverview Ave. in Spences Bridge. RCMP officers seized 158 marijuana plants at different stages of growth, 15 pounds of processed and packaged marijuana, 15 pounds of processed unpacked marijuana and $1,500 cash. Investigators anticipate forwarding evidence to support charges of Production and Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking against a 45 years old Spences Bridge man. On Oct. 12, RCMP located a large outdoor marijuana grow op on crown land near the Goldpan Provincial Park just south of Spences Bridge. A total of 742 plants were located and seized. No charges have been laid with respect to the outdoor grow op.
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Garbage day
Oct. 15 at 8:45 am police received a complaint from a 63 year old Ashcroft man who stated that a garbage bag had been opened in front of his residence the previous weekend, and he suspected that his neighbour had done it. There was no evidence that a person was responsible for the incident, and police thought an animal was more likely responsible.
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Oct. 15 at 3:50 pm police received an inquiry from an Ashcroft woman about the authenticity of a door to door salesman who had tried to sell her mother a wearable medical alarm. She was told that she it was up to her to call the company and check to see if they were legitimate. Police received no other complaints about the salesman.
Dog kills dog
Terry Daniels Publisher Office: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 e-mail: publisher@accjour nal.ca 402 - 4th Street, Ashcroft, BC • V0K 1A0 www.blackpress.ca
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Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Journal
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Oct. 15 at 5 pm police received several complaints about a dog in the YD Ranch area that had killed a neighbour’s small dog in the neighbour’s own yard. Police were told that the malamute-cross had jumped the sixfoot fence before and was thought to have killed backyard chickens. The owner, a 42 year old woman, would not give consent to have the dog seized and euthanized. RCMP have contacted the TNRD to find out what authority, if any, they have to act on domestic dogs. Earlier this year, the TNRD passed a dangerous dog bylaw, but it will not
Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent
go into effect until Jan. 1. At that time, the TNRD will engage the services of an animal control officer in Area I, who will be responsible for dealing with dog complaints in areas outside of municipalities. On Oct. 19 at 5:40 pm, the large dog’s owner called to report that her neighbour was standing on his front porch with a rifle slung over his shoulder. Police spoke to the 51 year old man who said he was standing there because he noticed the dog was outside in the yard again and he was worried about the safety of his chickens and other pets. He said the rifle was not loaded and never left his shoulder. The dog’s owner confirmed that it was never pointed at her or the dog. She was advised that he would be within his rights to shoot the dog if it came into his yard and threatened his animals.
Cruising along
Oct. 17 at 2:30 pm a patrolling officer on Hwy 1 by the Ashcroft Manor noticed a Toyota Camry zipping along at 156 kph in the 100 kph zone. The 20 year old Surrey driver was stopped and issued tickets for excessive speed and for failing to display her novice “N”. Her mother’s car was impounded for seven days and she and her passenger were given a ride to the Greyhound Bus station.
Ashcroft & District Rodeo Association Annual General Meeting Wednesday, October 30 7:00 p.m. Ashcroft River Inn New members welcome!
Second Time Around Christmas sale sat. Nov. 2 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Gifts and decorations
Ashcroft, next to Interior Savings
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Consensual fight
Oct. 18 at 3:25 am Husky staff called to report that a fight had just occurred between two local men in the store. One of the men was located later in the day. The 41 year old man said the other male accused him of trying to steal his girlfriend and there was some pushing and shoving involved. Police determined that the fight was consensual and no charges were laid.
Residential B&E
Oct. 18 at 8 pm police received a report from a 53 year old Cache Creek woman who said her house on Old Cariboo Rd. had been broken into while she was away. She returned home to find out that a safe containing cash and documents, jewelry and a Canon SD 1000 camera were missing – over $10,000 worth of item. Forensic identification services were called in to inspect the area and a person of interest has been identified. Anyone with information about the matter – perhaps hearing of someone with an unusual amount of cash, sudden appearance of jewelry or the camera – is asked to contact the RCMP at 453-2216. The matter is still under investigation.
House party
Oct. 18 at 8:20 pm police received a report from an anonymous caller asking for an ambulance on the Ashcroft Reserve. Police located a 54 year old man laying on the floor inside a residence with a bloody nose. He and several other men in the house were very intoxicated. A 60 year old woman advised police that several men, including the victim, entered the house earlier in the day, drinking and having a good time. It wasn’t clear how the bloody nose occurred. Two men in the house were arrested for causing a disturbance and one was wanted on an outstanding warrant for mischief. The 26 year old Ashcroft man led police on a foot chase before being apprehended. He and a 31 year old Ashcroft man were held overnight in cells and released when sober.
Hunters on the tracks
Oct. 19 at 11:20 am police were called to assist CP Rail with four hunters and their dogs who were on the tracks about 2 km west of the Mesa Vista Trailer Park. The train stopped after hitting one of the dogs and was parked to avoid the risk of hitting the hunters whom they had lost sight of. There was no road access into where the train was, and the officer approached it on foot. There was no sign of the hunters, or of the dog, and the train was allowed to continue.
Menacing man
Oct. 21 at 8:48 pm police received a complaint from Oasis pub staff about two male patrons in the smoking section behind the building. She told police she saw them tossing around one of the tables and asked them to leave. They complied but when she told them to leave the beer behind, one of the men became threatening. Both eventually left in a black truck. One 30 year old Ashcroft man has been identified. Police are reviewing surveillance video to determine whether criminal charges should be laid.
Crosswalk complaints
Police have received several complaints from pedestrians trying to use the crosswalk between the OK Stop and the bridge because traffic won’t stop for them. Police will be increasing their enforcement of the crosswalk. They encourage drivers to be vigilant and to stop for pedestrians who are either waiting to cross or who are already in the crosswalk. Pedestrians are reminded not to step in front of traffic until they are sure they are going to stop, and to try and make eye contact with drivers.
Halloween safety
Police are asking parents to keep their children safe by taking the following precautions. Have children walk in pairs, preferably with an adult. Children should carry a flashlight or wear something reflective on their costumes. Walk facing traffic unless on a sidewalk, and don’t zig zag across the street. Make sure the costume does not impede the child’s vision, and all candy should be inspected by a parent or guardian before letting children eat it.
The Journal Thursday, October 24, 2013
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 3
GRST looking for funding by Carole Rooney 100 Mile Free Press The South Cariboo Joint Committee (SCJC) recently received a presentation by Gold Rush Snowmobile Trail (GRST) proponents, in support of a request for funding assistance. The presentation was jointly made by GRST representative Steve Law and project partner New Pathways to Gold (NPTG) executive director Gord Rattray. Law said the NPTG is involved in this trails project under its mandate – and government funding – for economic development and investment in heritage. The presentation began with a summary of the project’s long history, which he explained began with the extensive work of the late Jack Barnett around 2000. It covered past and recent successes with funding initiatives (including approximately $600,000 in 2009/10), Law added, what the money funded, and its progress with trail grooming, marketing and capital carried out by volunteers. District of 100 Mile House council has supported the past work performed by these groups for more than a decade, including securing funds for the project in 2009, he noted. “The District had applied to Western Economic Diversification, Northern Development Initiative Trust and a couple of other parties to basically clear the trail again after the pine beetle epidemic. Dead pine was falling on the trails, and made them essentially impassable. “And, [NPTG] also jumped on board and threw in a bunch of money.” This year’s goal targets trail improvements from 70 Mile House to Spout Lake, Law added, of the total of 463 kilometres of Gold Rush Snowmobile Trails spanning from Clinton to Wells. An ongoing issue is adding to and replacing current signage, he noted. “Virtually every year, some of the directional signage gets shot, taken down or disappears. And, signage is a really key thing to making a safe, enjoyable trail for the public. They need to know where they are and the fact that they are on the trail.” In addition to trail clearing and improvements for snowmobiles, Law said these trail groups also plan to open them up for other users to enjoy. “The business plan identified the need to move this to an all-seasons trail. To make it economically viable, we have to do that because the ATV usage is really, really significant in terms of the economics, and it is already being used [for that].” He explained the GRST board is working with ATV/BC on this, but the main issue is the current
lack of off-road vehicle legislation – to allow for connections and road crossings along the trails – which is moving slowly through the government approval process. Now, the group has a business plan for the whole trail project, Law added, and a GRST Regional Management Committee (RMC) charged with implementing it. The current project estimate is $110,000 for 2013/14 trail work, and how they plan to raise that amount is detailed in the background documents provided to the Cariboo Regional District’s SCJC. See www.cariboord.bc.ca under What’s New-Agendas, SCJC-Sept. 9, item 3.2 for the NPTG presentation. Law noted that this spring, the RMC laid out groundwork and plans for requesting financial support from numerous funding organizations, as many require similar contributions from other groups. “With the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition [CCBAC], that was their main reason for deferring our application. They said they want to see some private commitment before they will consider it.” The group approached the District of 100 Mile House a couple of months ago, when he noted they were redirected to the SCJC for a grant-in-aid request, which effectively splits its grant funding with the CRD. After a summer break, Law said the RMC is back at work pursuing the dollars to get the project going again and complete these trails, and get them into a sustainable condition. He noted the planned trail will one day link the communities of Clinton, 70 Mile House, Likely, Wells and Barkerville. For more information, download the GRST brochure at www. southcaribootourism.ca/ things-todo/winter-activities.
Meeting with Education Minister Above: Gold Trail School Trustees Carmen Ranta (Board Chair) and Christopher Roden (Education Committee Chair) joined other Trustees, Band Chiefs, and District Officials for a meeting in Merritt on Oct. 10 with Minister of Education Peter Fassbender and Local MLA Jackie Tegart. Our photograph shows Carmen Ranta and newly elected co-Chair of the First Peoples’ Education Council, Madeline Lanaro, presenting Minister Fassbender with the recently signed Aboriginal Education Enchancement Agreement.
Tidying up the Chinese Cemetery Below: On Saturday, Rotary and Lions got together with shovels and hoes and cleaned out the weeks at the Chinese cemetery. We leave the bunch grass because it is local flora. There were lots of sore backs and hips but it was enjoyable to be out in the beautiful sunshine working together. From left to right: Karen Magnuson, Ron Hood, Ernie Kristoff, Mo Girard, Laurie Rennie, Nick Lebedoff, Jan Mazerall, Bob Williams, Shirley Dobson, Mavis Putnam, Burt Photo: Vivian Edwards Mazerall, Pache Denis.
A 4 www.ash-cache-journal.com Published every Thursday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber
The Editor’s Desk
Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Journal
Paying for our wasteful lifestyles Garbage plays a big part in our lives, when you stop and think about it, and not just because of the Cache Creek Landfill. As a child, I remember my mother teaching me not to litter, and my parents burning paper refuse in the fireplace and composting old fruit and vegetables. As an adult, I recall taking garbage out to the bin behind the place I worked for in Fort St. John after my boss had shown me how to reduce the volume by compacting it as much as I could - by tucking smaller items inside of bigger ones, by flattening boxes and straightening out folded paper as much as we could. That was way before FSJ had a decent recycling program, and businesses were charged by volume for garbage collection. (After we tucked and flattened everything so that it was nice and neat, we climbed into the bin and jumped up and down on it a few more times for added compression!) This is Waste Reduction Week in Canada, so let’s pretend just for a minute that you get charged by the volume for your waste disposal. Or not, because less garbage sitting at the curb in front of your house means less trips for the garbage truck, which means less taxes that you and your neighbours have to pay. So, think about how you can reduce the amount of garbage you put out to the curb every week. Not only does it result in reduction of garbage pickup, but it also lessens our reliance on landfills.
Flowers much appreciated Dear Editor On behalf of the Ashcroft-Cache Creek 80-Plus Seniors, I would like to express a great big Thank You to Randy and Deanna Porter at Desert Hills Ranch for the donation of the beautiful bouquet of flowers, as well as a carnation for each member of the group. It was very much apreciated. Plus, a very special Thank You from Pat! Pat Kirby Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Association
GNARLED AND NOBBY and ready to eat - but they make great decorations too VICTORIA – The release of the B.C. government’s detailed study into oil spill response capability off the West Coast created the usual brief wave of media shock and horror. This just in! If crude oil spilled in the Dixon Entrance, the stormtossed sea lane north of Haida Gwaii, the combined resources of Canadian and U.S. containment and collection response could only recover an estimated four per cent of it. And that’s in the summer! The winter recovery rate would be more like three per cent. Talk radio and website headlines set the narrative in minutes. How could anyone even consider running oil tankers through that pristine B.C. coastal area? It’s crazy! Here’s the big fact clearly stated in the study by U.S.-based Nuka Research and Planning Group, and ignored by most of the media and public. There are hundreds of tankers filled with crude oil sailing through these stormy seas every year. It’s been going on since Alaska North Slope crude was developed in the 1970s. Six of the seven oil spill simulations run by Nuka are based on Alaska crude, because that’s overwhelmingly what has been shipped along B.C.’s North Coast for 40 years. This lack of crude oil spill response capability has existed the entire time, without a whisper of protest or media attention, even after the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster near the oil’s point of origin.
the Green Party as a secret scheme to prop up Enbridge’s pipeline proposal. So it’s a scandal when you don’t know the answers, and it’s a scandal when you try to find them. Another question that gets little attention is whether it’s better for Tom Fletcher spilled oil to sink rather than wash up tfletcher@blackpress.ca on beaches. Crude oil is, if you’ll pardon the expression, organic. Spills produce a huge spike in oil-eating bacteria that leads to an increase in fish populations at a certain stage. This was The current narrative, hammered home by U.S.-controlled environment- documented in a 1994 book called Deal groups and their aboriginal partners grees of Disaster, written by an expert in the “Great Bear Rainforest,” is that who stayed on in Valdez for four years, long after the TV cameras and grandonly Canadian oil is a threat. How much Alaska crude is shipped standing politicians went home. Victoria-based Dogwood seized on down the B.C. coast? According to Nuka’s analysis, it’s currently about 38 a 2012 Nuka study done for the Haisla million cubic metres each year. That’s Nation at Kitimat, which found that in enough to fill B.C. Place stadium to the ocean conditions that are present more than half of the time, there would be no roof – 15 times. The Sierra-Greenpeace-Forest- immediate way to respond to a spill at Ethics-Dogwood gang, a sort of bil- sea. Dogwood’s “no tankers campaign lionaire-bankrolled green Team America, has worked hard to promote the director” hinted that this information falsehood that “tar sands” oil is vast- was intentionally left out of the B.C. ly worse than that nice fair-trade Alas- government study, and the media ate it ka stuff. Their claims about acidity and up. No tankers? Better check again. abrasiveness of diluted bitumen didn’t Dogwood’s mission is clearly not hold up, and it’s still hotly contested whether the heavy oil in diluted bitu- to protect the B.C. coast from oil spills. men would float, emulsify or sink in If it were, they would be protesting the ongoing risk from Alaska tankers. actual sea conditions. When the federal government anTom Fletcher is legislature repornounced a study to determine what spilled bitumen would do in North ter and columnist for Black Press. Coast waters, that too was attacked by
Oil spill study misinterpreted
Advertising: sales@accjournal.ca production@accjournal.ca Editorial: editorial@accjournal.ca
A division of Black Press Est. 1895
402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625
Terry Daniels
Wendy Coomber
Anne Blake
Barbara Roden
Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The Journal Thursday, October 24, 2013
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 5
Plenty of ghoulish treats in the bag to delight everyone this week Tiki Lounge Open Mic this Friday
Come on down and show your talent at the Tiki Longe Open Mic night ! Are you a Musician, Comedian, Singer, Guitarist, Juggler? The Tiki Lounge is back at the Riv with an ‘Open Mic’ with your host, Nadine Davenport this month on Friday, Oct. 25. Listen to some great live local music...why not come down early and order dinner or appetizers from The Riverside Restaurant. Pass the hat donations encouraged. For more info and to sign up call (250) 457-1145 or visit them on Facebook. The Riv in Ashcroft will also be holding a Skary-Oke on Friday, Nov. 1 with Tracie Model helping you howl out some ghoulish songs into the witching hour. Costumes encouraged - the fun starts after 8 pm.
Family Halloween Dance in Cache Creek
The Village of Cache Creek presents a Family Halloween Dance on Friday, Oct. 25 at the Cache Creek Community Hall. DJ Tom Moe will be spinning some fun and ghostly music for kids of all ages. All the ghosts and goblins are welcome to gather. Bring your friends and ghoul friends! Make sure the family dresses up as prizes will be awarded for best family and individual costumes. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the Dance starts at 7 pm. There will be popcorn and goodies available for purchase at the concession supporting Cache Creek Elementary School’s Parent Advisory Council.
Skary-Oke at The Log Cabin..a ghoulish singers dream
Every Halloween, The Log Cabin in Spences Bridge holds a Skary-Oke Party. Co-owner John carves the jack-o-lanterns and the pub is decorated with a fabulous Hilltop Gardens display of giant pumpkins, fancy gourds and broom corn. Join in on the fun on Oct. 26 from 9 pm - costumes encouraged and get your best ghostly vocal chords in order for lots of monster Skary-Oke songs. The Log Cabin is located at 4857 Chucker Cres-
work! For more info, call (250) 453- er that will be released in the spring of 9100 or email windingriversarts@ 2014, Miss Quincy & The Showdown are gmail.com . primed to be the next festival favourites. Miss Quincy & The Showdown is Past festivals highlights include: playan all-girl dirty blues and rock n’ roll ing North Country Fair, South Counband based out of Vancouver. You’d try Fair, Trout Forest Music Festival, Nadine better hide your sons and lovers when and backing up C.R. Avery at InterstelDavenport MISS QUINCY and her all-girl rock lar Rodeo (a collaboration that resulted creativecurrent@ n’ roll band THE SHOWDOWN in C.R. recording a remix of Making telus.net come to town. Channeling Joan Jett Money, one of Miss Q’s songs, for his upand the early Stones spending the coming record). night together in a Tarantino movie, cent in Spences Bridge. For more info Miss Quincy doesn’t fit the classic girl Local Dinner Theatre ‘Murder call (250) 458-2215 singer/songwriter mold and The Show- Mystery’ Winding Rivers Arts and Performance down isn’t your average all-girl band. Halloween Bingo at the Legion this Society presents ‘Dinner Theatre’ in AshYou won’t find them singing pretty Saturday croft. Mark your calendars for Nov. 15, pages out of their diaries, instead you’ll The long lost BINGO at the Ashcroft 16, 17, 22, 23 and 24. Enjoy a hilarious find them starting a party everywhere Legion is back for one night on Saturday, murder mystery. A host will greet guests they play by getting down and rocking Oct. 26. Doors open at 6 pm, Bingo starts and provide all the information they will out with raunchy roots and blues and 6:30 pm. This is a Joyce Buckland proneed to enjoy their evening and try to figstraight up rock n’ roll. duction so ANYTHING may happen! ure out “whodunit? Miss Quincy has recorded three fullIt’s Halloween BINGO, so come in The clues will be plentiful and aucostume and maybe win an extra prize. length albums and spent five years tourthentic and the prize worth the hunt. Plus, ing non-stop across Canada and Europe. The more people attending the better the Many musicians claim to be road-testprizes, so bring a friend or two. There See CURRENT on p. 6 will be door prizes and a concession. Pro- ed, but Miss Quincy & The Showdown actualceeds to the Sage Sound Singers. B-i-n-gly are o, B-i-n-g-o, B-i-n-g-o ! See ya there! I’m talkClinton Fall Craft Sale The Fifth Annual Clinton Fall Craft ing two Sale happens on Saturday, Oct. 26 at years, the Memorial Hall. If there are any local 200 crafters who would like to take part, there shows, 15 are still a few tables available - email ss- festivals, coutnrysquire@gmail.com for informa- seven countries, tion. and over 100,000 Miss Quincy & the Showdown ..not km in a to be missed! Winding Rivers Arts & Performance mini van. With Society presents another fabulous Desa rockin’ sert Concert on Friday, Nov. 8 at St Albans Hall in downtown Ashcroft. The new recsecond show of the season will feature ord proFabricland Sewing Club Members the Vancouver-based blues, rock trio, duced receive 20% Off regular price Fabrics, Sewing Miss Quincy & The Showdown. Tickets by Matt Notions, Cut Laces, Trims, Quilt Batt, Fibre Fill, are now available at the Ashcroft Bakery, Rogers from Foam, Pillow Forms, Lining, Interfacing and Natures Gifts and our new location in The HarCache Creek, The Jade Shop. Take admore everyday! vantage of our Family & Student rates or poonist & NOW DOUBLE YOUR DISCOUNT AND RECEIVE help out as a Volunteer to get a discounted The Axe ticket..well worth it for just a few hours Murder-
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Decker grave marker
Environmental petitions invited by Auditor General
Lorna Delling (r) of Second Time Around in Ashcroft presents Barbara Roden with a cheque for $1,000 for the Isaac Decker Memorial Fund. Special Constable Decker was killed in Ashcroft in June 1909, while questioning two men suspected of trying to rob a CPR train near Kamloops, and is buried in the Ashcroft cemetery in an unmarked grave. Roden, who wrote about Decker and his murder for the Journal this past summer, is raising funds to purchase, engrave, and install a stone to honour Decker and mark his resting place.
School District No. 74 (Gold Trail)
PO Bag 250, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Phone: 250 453 9101 FAX: 250 453 2425 www.sd74.bc.ca
SCHOOL CLOSURE AND SCHOOL RECONFIGURATION CONSULTATION MEETINGS The Board of Education School District No. 74 is conducting a community consultation process as outlined in Policy No. 9.10 School Closure and Policy 2.100 Community Consultation. This process is to hear from communities regarding the school closure and reconfiguration recommendations being considered by the Board of Education. The recommendations affect Ashcroft Elementary, Ashcroft Secondary, Lytton Elementary, Kumsheen Secondary, Cayoosh Elementary and George M. Murray Elementary schools. For further information, please see the district website sd74.bc.ca Community Members Lillooet Lytton Ashcroft
Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Journal
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The Office of the Auditor General of Canada has an environmental petitions process which allows any resident of Canada to submit a petition to Ministers of 26 federal departments and agencies who must personally reply to the petition within 120 days. The petitioner can pose questions or concerns they have relating to either environmental or sustainable development matters that fall within the authority of the federal government. In the past, petitions have covered a diverse range of issues from oil tankers on the west coast, salmon farming, fisheries, pollution, shale gas fracking, toxic chemicals and climate change. The petition, subject to the consent of the petitioner, is published on our website along with the Ministerial response which allows more Canadians to become informed about the issues raised. The following internet links take the viewer to the Environmental Petitions Guide, the petitions catalogue of past environmental petitions and to various audits the Office has conducted related to issues which may be of interest. Video relating to the Environmental Petitions Process www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/ English/pet_fs_e_919.html Getting Answers – A Guide to the Environmental Petitions Process www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/ docs/pet_lp_e_930.pdf
Environmental Petitions Catalogue www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/ English/pet_lp_e_941.html List of recent petitions and audits relating to west coast concerns. Petitions #343 – Potential trade impacts if ISA is detected in Canadian Salmon www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/ English/pet_343_e_37901.html #336 – Federal policy and approval regime for oil tankers in B.C. www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/ English/pet_336_e_37113.html #328 – Implementation status of Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/ English/pet_328_e_36429.html Audits 2012 – Chapter 2 – Financial Assurances – (refer to paragraphs #2.56 – 2.66 related to marine transportation of oil) www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/ internet/English/parl_ cesd_201212_02_e_37711. html#hd4d 2011 – Chapter 4 – A study of managing fisheries for sustainability www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/ internet/English/parl_ cesd_201112_04_e_36032.html 2010 – Chapter 1 – Oil spills from ships www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/ internet/English/parl_ cesd_201012_e_34435.html
October 28 7:00 - 8:30pm Lillooet Secondary School October 29 7:00 - 8:30pm Kumsheen Secondary School October 30 7:00 - 8:30pm Ashcroft Secondary School
Timeline: The Board is scheduled to meet with Community Leaders on October 16, 21 and 22 and students, staffs and community members October 28 – 30. Community members will have the opportunity to provide further feedback to the Board through a survey on the district website or by contacting a trustee or member of district staff. Feedback will be received from October 16 – November 14. The Board will make a decision on the facility recommendations at the following meetings: • Special Open Board meeting November 18: * in Lytton at Kumsheen Secondary School at 7:00 pm • Open Board meeting November 19 * in Lillooet at Cayoosh Elementary School at 7:00 pm • Special Open Board meeting November 20: * in Ashcroft at Ashcroft Secondary School at 7:00 pm
Auction needs donations you will enjoy a delicious meal while murder and mayhem happen sporadically around you. There will be a total of six great performances, with different cast members for each performance, including several performances by a kids only cast! Rosemary Saint-John is a loud, annoying hypochondriac convinced she is allergic to water. Celebrating her birthday at a restaurant with her four kooky sisters - a hippie, a valley girl, a trucker and a banker, Rosemary makes enemies with everyone around her. When she disappears and is presumed murdered, the only objective witnesses in the restaurant are the audience members, who must cast their vote. Was it one of Rosemary’s sisters? The selftaught detective? The passionate French chef? The polite and proper mâitre d’? The sarcastic waiter? No one is above suspicion in this Current from p. 5
delightful dinner theatre murder mystery!’ Stay tuned for more info on where to buy tickets or make your reservation and watch for posters for more information or go to www.windingriversdarts.ca.
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
The Ashcroft Branding committee invites the Community to a family spaghetti supper/fundraiser on Thursday, Nov. 21 in the Ashcroft Community Hall from 6-8 pm. Come together with neighbours and friends for a fun night of great food and auctions to raise money for next year’s Wellness Festival - July 18-20, 2014. Tickets are available at Community Futures and Ashcroft Bakery in Ashcroft, at The Jade Shop in Cache Creek, and from committee members. Any donated Auction items may be dropped off at Community Futures.
The Journal Thursday, October 24, 2013
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 7
Clinton and District Economic Development Society
Annual General Meeting
Tickets on sale for Christmas draw
Clinton Fall CraFt Sale
Saturday, october 26 . 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m
ll Clinton Memorial Ha e. av 306 lebourdais Crafts, baking, jewellery, much more Sewing, knitting and so LunCh avaiLabLe Get a jump on your Christmas shopping and Committee Support the Clinton CiB
6 85
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Fourteen Ashcroft-Cache Creek seniors met on Oct. 17 for their monthly meeting at the Seniors Centre. President Pat Kirby welcomed everyone for coming. The group proceeded to sing O Canada. Special Guest was David Hosford, who has the taxi cab. He told the group that the taxi is available for pick-up, drop off and wait to take people from Clinton, Cache Creek to Ashcroft and also Kamloops once a month. He then gave a short talk on the cost of the trips. He also will wait and bring passengers back. Everyone was very impressed about the costs. For more information, call Dave at 457-2902. Pat then advised everyone that the 80 Plus Luncheon on Oct. 10 was well attended. For those who missed it, it was a great meal. Pat also thanked all of the ladies who helped out and worked so hard to make it a great day. Thank you ladies, very much! Pat also would like to thank Randy and Deanna Porter from Desert Hills Ranch for their generous donation of flowers. So now we are all getting ready for our next upcoming event which is our Christmas Bazaar Tea, which will be held on Saturday, Nov. 16 at the Seniors Centre, 1-3 pm. Draw for tickets will be held at 2:45 pm exactly, so be sure and buy your tickets early! We are selling them at the Post Offices in Cache Creek and Ashcroft, and at the Safety Mart in Ashcroft. Members are also selling them.
5th Annual
Barb Shaw
Committee reports were all read, along with correspondence. It would still be nice to see more people out to the meetings. Members will be getting a call to find out how many will be coming to the Christmas Luncheon being held at the Bears Claw on Dec. 12. Hope to see you all there. Hope to see you all there. Ten members went over to Lillooet for a Carpet Bowling Day. A good Day was had by all and very much enjoyed. Our Secretary, Donna Tetrault, read out a couple of good jokes. We then sang Happy Birthday to our members with October birthdays. We sang to Marg Appleby and Val Martin. Happy birthday, ladies. Pat then thanked everyone for coming and attending.Coffee, tea and goodies were then served. Pat also would like to to give a special Thank You to Harold and Binki for doing a special skit at our 80 Plus Luncheon.
Discussion on the future of the Economic Development Society Guest Speakers included
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FROM THE CENTRE Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Doors open at 6:30 pm Clinton Memorial Hall
Left: Volunteers Irene Trueman, Fran Helland, Kitty Murray and Alice Durksen decide how and when to serve the cake at the Ashcroft-Cache Cree Seniors’ Association’s 80Plus Luncheon on Oct. 10. Bottom of the page: Pat Kirby, Lois Petty and Flo Berry find their seats.
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A 8 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Free Flu Clinics Bring your Care Card with you! Get your free flu shot at: Ashcroft Ashcroft Community Hall 409 Bancroft Street Wednesday, November 13 9:30 am - 12 pm 1 - 3:30 pm No appointment necessary Cache Creek Cache Creek Community Hall 1270 Stage Road Wednesday, November 6 10 am - 2 pm No appointment necessary
Lytton St. Bartholomew’s Health Centre 533 Main Street Wednesday, November 20 9:30 am - 12 pm No appointment necessary Spences Bridge Spences Bridge Improvement District Building 4800 School Street Wednesday, November 20 2 - 3 pm No appointment necessary
Flu Information Line: 250-453-1942 Flu shots are safe, effective, and free for the following: • People 65 years and older and their caregivers/household contacts • All children 6 to 59 months of age • Household contacts and caregivers of infants and children 0-59 months of age • Aboriginal people • Children and adults with chronic health conditions and their household contacts • Health-care workers • Emergency responders • Pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy during the influenza season and their household contacts • People of any age in residential care facilities • Children and adults who are very obese • And more...to view a full list of those who can get their flu shot for free visit www.interiorhealth.ca/FluClinics
The flu (influenza) is highly contagious. Getting your flu shot protects you and those around you – at home, school and work. For more information contact your local public health office or visit www.interiorhealth.ca
Coming Events
Nov. 15 - Bonaparte Band Hall Craft Fair from 3 pm til 9 pm Nov. 16 - Ashcroft Seniors Christmas Bazaar and Tea. Every Friday - Soup’s On from 11 am to 1 pm at St. Alban’s Anglican Church in Ashcroft. Soup, buns and dessert by donation. Wednesdays 8-10 pm - Drop In Adult Badminton in Cache Creek Community Hall. Bring a racquet and gym shoes, $3 per night. Call Rick for information 250-457-9644 (days) or 250-457-2370 (evenings). Oct. 26 - Attend the free “I” want to know class sponsored by the TNRD Library System. Learn about iPads, iPods, and iPhones. 10 - 11:30 am. Please bring your device to class if you have one (but it’s not required). Register early; seating is limited. Call Deanna Porter at Ashcroft Library, 201 Brink St., 250-453-9042 for more information.
Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Journal
Classic chills to scare yourself on Hallowe’en by Barbara Roden Halloween is the time for haunting tales of “ghosties and ghoulies and long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night”. If you’re looking for movies that are long on chills but short on gore, and which rely on atmosphere rather than flashy special effects to achieve a sense of terror, then settle back and reach for one of these films. They’re all proof that what you can imagine is much more frightening than anything a filmmaker can show you, and will have you looking over your shoulder and turning on the lights once the credits have faded to black. All of these films have been released on video and/or DVD over the years. Some are also available free to view online; links have been supplied. You can also keep an eye on specialty TV channels such as Turner Classic Movies, especially at this time of year. The Old Dark House: YouTube or bigfiveglories.com ; The Uninvited: Released this week on DVD by the Criterion Collection; Arsenic and Old Lace: viooz.co/movies ; The Body Snatcher: not available; Dead of Night: not available; Carnival of Souls: YouTube or amctv.com ; The Haunting: flixattic.com ; Plague of the Zombies: watch32.com ; Theatre of Blood: veoh.com ; and The Changeling: watch32.com Happy viewing! The Old Dark House (1932) Almost every movie about a spooky house in the middle of nowhere, and the group of travelers who must reluctantly seek shelter there, can trace its roots back to this film, but few can match director James Whale’s classic. It’s a delicate mix of horror and dark comedy, splendidly acted by a wonderful cast including Boris Karloff, Raymond Massey, Charles Laughton, and the stunning Gloria Stuart, 65 years before she received an Academy Award nomination for “Titanic”. The Uninvited (1944) A composer from London (Ray Milland) and his sister (Ruth Hussey)
fall in love with an abandoned house on the coast of Cornwall, and promptly move in. All seems perfect at first; but a series of increasingly strange and sinister events makes them wonder if the house is haunted, and who its next victim will be. A classic, old-fashioned ghost story that also gave us the jazz standard “Stella by Starlight”. Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) Not really a horror film (although Raymond Massey as cousin Jonathan strikes a sinister note), this Halloween-set comedy is a delight from start to finish. Theatre critic Mortimer Brewster (Cary Grant) wants nothing more than to go on his honeymoon; but first he has to deal with his sweetly murderous aunts, his mad cousin Teddy (who thinks he’s Theodore Roosevelt), criminal-on-the-run Jonathan and his accomplice Dr. Einstein (no, not that Einstein), several dead bodies, a couple of inquisitive cops, and the fact that insanity doesn’t so much run in his family as gallop. All together now: “Charge!” The Body Snatcher (1945) Based on the short story by Robert Louis Stevenson, the film is a fictionalized account of the notorious Burke and Hare body-snatching case from early 19th century Edinburgh. In the film, marvelous character actor Henry Daniell plays Dr. MacFarlane, whose medical research depends on a steady supply of fresh corpses to dissect and study. One of his students soon realizes that the sinister cabby John Gray (a wonderfully creepy Boris Karloff) isn’t just digging up the recently dead; he’s turned to murder in order to ensure a constant stream of cadavers. Bela Lugosi has a small but effective role as one of MacFarlane’s assistants, and the final moments are truly chilling. Dead of Night (1945) A mild-mannered architect travels to a house in the country, to advise about some renovations. He’s never met the owner, or any of the guests – except in a recurring dream, of which all he can remember are a few jum-
Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., OCT. 25th • 6:30 - 8:00 pm OKTOBERFEST $10/plate
Employees meet employers here…
Live music • 3 prizes for best costumes Visitors welcome
Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm
The Haunting (1963) Avoid the dire 1999 remake and head straight for director Robert Wise’s classic haunted house film, based on the novel “The Haunting of Hill House” by Shirley Jackson. A group of paranormal investigators decide to spend a few days at the notorious Hill House, to determine whether it really is haunted. The movie never answers the question, leaving viewers to decide what – if anything – walks the house’s halls. The scene in which two of the characters seem to be menaced by something just outside their bedroom door is one of the most terrifying moments ever filmed.
See HORROR on p. 12
Does your great room, kitchen or outdoor living area need a makeover? Describe what you would do… get votes & WIN!
Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts everty Thursday at 7:30 pm
* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome
to transform your space with natural gas... GREAT ROOM OUTDOOR LIVING
Contract Bridge, beginners welcome Every Tuesday 1:00 to 4:00 pm
Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August)
Carnival of Souls (1962) A young woman (Candace Hilligoss) survives a car accident, and moves to start a new life in Utah. A series of strange and unsettling events plague her, however, and she finds herself drawn to an abandoned pavilion on the edge of the Great Salt Lake. The only film director Herk Harvey ever made had a budget of $33,000, was filmed in three weeks with a cast of unknown actors, and was barely seen when it was first released. Over the years, however, it has gained a (deserved) reputation as one of the most haunting movies ever made, its eerie black-and-white photography, organ score, and lean script all contributing to a sense of pervading fear and isolation.
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 4 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm
bled details. The other guests, intrigued by his story, begin recounting strange events that have happened to them, which we see in flashback. As the evening draws on, the stories become stranger and stranger, and the architect becomes more and more convinced that something terrible is about to happen. All five of the stories told within the film are excellent, but the most famous is the chilling “Ventriloquist’s Dummy”, starring Michael Redgrave as a man convinced his dummy, Hugo, has developed a life of its own.
Presented by:
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The Journal Thursday, October 24, 2013
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Spirit Masks and Hallowe’en activities COMINGS & GOINGS ON
As I wrote the article for last month, we had yet to have our first fire of the year in the wood stove, and now it already feels like routine. Certainly enjoying the cozy warmth today as I look out on the spectacular fall colours!
in Spences Bridge
Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan
Party Time
We’ll be seeing lots of colour at the annual Halloween party! Plans are set – there will be games, T- shirt painting, crafts, weiner roast, and prizes. The party is scheduled for 4–6 pm at the old school. Kids
can go Trick or Treating afterwards, and everyone is invited back for the fireworks at 7 pm. Thanks so much to Cook’s Ferry Band, Spences Bridge Fire Dept., Baits’ Motel, and the Log Cabin Pub for their continued support in making this event possible! Everyone is welcome - this is for everyone – with or without kids!
Spirit Masks
The Spirit Mask Making workshop was fantastic! What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday - being creative. Kathleen Kinasewich did a great job of sharing her knowledge and talents with diverse mix of about 12 participants. The finished masks look
amazing – very different styles and approaches: there is a wolf, a horse, a redtailed hawk, a goat, a dragonfly – just to name a few! Thanks Kathleen for conducting such a great workshop for the New Horizon’s Seniors program – the lunch was also fantastic!
For news items or events, call Wendy at 250-453-2261 for or email her at editorial@accjournal.ca
Elections and Info River Inn Sunday October 27th 2 - 4 pm
New Horizons
The next New Horizon’s event is an Equine Therapy field trip this Wednesday. Many have signed up for this interesting event; I really look forward to hearing all about it! Ashcroft The next Community ORK EAR potluck dinner is Oct. 22 at Clemes Hall starting at 5:30. The presentation STARTING FRIDAY, OCT. 25th UNTIL DEC. 20th this month is a double Featuring if not in store, we Hats, Vests, whammy! will order in for you etc. from catalogue Improvisation skills will be shared and tried out, Don’t be left out in the cold. We have you covered, head to foot
g NEW HOURS FOR AnnouncinFRIDAYS: 9 AM - 7 PM Winter is Coming
See BRIDGE on p. 12
- inner and outer wear to keep you toasty, warm and dry. ENTER TO WIN 1 of 2 $100 GIFT CERTIFICATES WITH PURCHASE ON FRIDAY NIGHTS
Huge selection of Boots • Shoes Bootliners • etc.
417 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft
The Spirit Mask workshop was well attended and produced some beautiful results.
Community Resources Society Directory Ashcroft and Area Community Resources Society (CRS) Directory is compiled of resources that service Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Spences Bridge, Walhachin, and Clinton. It provides information such as addresses, phone numbers and, in some cases, email addresses for a wide variety of resources, services, organizations, and clubs in the area.
CRS directories are available in these locations to look at: Local libraries • Schools On line at Village of Ashcroft under the Residents tab Some resource groups in the area Directories can be picked up at South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society 601 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft. Funding for CRS Directories has been provided by the United Way Fund.
Mauve Friday is Coming.
Natural gas. Good for shaving expenses. Heating water accounts for about 20 per cent of your home’s energy use. Choosing a high-efficiency natural gas model offers plenty of hot water when you need it—plus savings on your energy costs. Rebates are available. Discover the benefits and cost savings of natural gas water heating at fortisbc.com/naturalgaswaterheater. FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (13-342.10 08/13)
A10 www.ash-cache-journal.com
The breast is yet to come
When you’re healthy, it’s easy to not think about it and take wellness for granted. And then, just like that, your whole world can change and thoughts of your health can become all consuming. That’s what happened to my friend Dona Sturmanis in the summer of 2012. One minute she was
showering, thinking about the day that lay ahead, and all the things on her to-do list; the next minute all thoughts turned to worry after discovering a sizeable lump in her breast. Immediately she went to the doctor for tests, and to her surprise she didn’t just have one simple mam-
October 2013 • Week 4 ARIES - Aries, shake things up a bit to inpsire some much-needed change. Be a tourist in your own city if you cannot afford a trip or immerse yourself in new cultures. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 It is not a good week to begin new projects, Taurus. In fact, cosmic signs point to finishing up anything you have outstanding. Try to focus on financial matters as well. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Cooperate with others this week, Gemini. This works best when you embrace compromise. Listen to what others have to say and always keep an open mind. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, a desire to get organized has been on your mind for quite some time. Now is the ideal time to do something about it. Start by clearing out clutter and go from there. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Enjoy a short vacation, Leo. It may be a jaunt to a weekend hideaway or something off the beaten path, but make the most of this well-deserved escape from the daily grind. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you are feeling domestic this week, so enjoy puttering around the house these next several days. You can catch up on decorating or renovating the home. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you feel a strong need to communicate with others this week. Share some truths with your loved ones, but try not to come across as if you have an agenda. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you may have a desire to travel and seek adventure, but right now finances won’t allow it. If you can keep expenses down, you may have the opportunity soon. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Expect to have luck on your side this week, Sagittarius. As a natural born risk-taker, all you need is a little incentive to get out and take a chance. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Keep your intentions hidden from others until you are ready for the big reveal, Capricorn. This will help make the surprise even more exciting for all those involved. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, discussions reach a point where you want to make permanent changes to your plans. Mull things over before making any final decisions, but enjoy this exciting time. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Personal details about your private life may become public, Pisces. How this information is handled depends on your reaction.
mogram like some might expect. Over the next month and a half she went to many appointments at various health care facilities and underwent a series of tests and biopsies in several different space-age machines before finally learning her prognosis. And then the news she dreaded was delivered: the lump in her breast was malignant and drastic measures would be required in order to save her. Devastated, she went home, opened a bottle of wine and called her three closest girlfriends, who came over to support and cry with her. And then they, along with some other dear friends, stuck by her side as she courageously fought for her life. After hearing her medical options and doing some research of her own, Dona chose to have a single mastectomy. She then endured chemotherapy and radiation and became
ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE loriwelbourne.com sick, exhausted, and muddle-minded from the treatments and prescription drugs she was given. She also lost her hair, fingernails and toenails. What she didn’t lose, though, was her will to survive, or her ability to laugh. “I should have removed both,” she joked about the loss of her one doubleD-sized breast. “It would have been nice to be flat chested for a change. And what a great fashion statement.” After decades taking care of her esthetics, and believing that a big part of her identity was in her physical attractiveness, it was eye opening after she’d seemingly lost it.
“I remember looking at myself in the mirror one day,” she said. “And thinking, you know, this isn’t so bad.” Realizing that a woman’s sexuality is so much more than breasts and beauty, she was able to embrace what she has to offer on a deeper level, and found what she possesses within is far more beautiful than her outward appear-
Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Journal
ance could ever be. Dona’s cancer is now in remission. Her hair has grown back, and so have her nails - stronger and better than ever. What hasn’t grown back is the savings she burned through during all that time when she was too ill to work. Being a self-employed freelance writer for the last 30 years, and without a life partner to help out, or an insurance policy to kick in for lost income, she’s been working hard to catch up financially. “I’d like to one day get reconstruction,” she said. “But the most important thing to me right now is just making enough to pay my bills and not
lose my home.” Dona considers herself one of the many self-employed people who fall between the cracks. “I thought I was immortal and I wasn’t,” she said when explaining why she never paid the high insurance premiums that could have helped her when she needed it. “This cancer threw me for a loop.” With one in eight women developing breast cancer, her advice is to perform regular self exams, get mammograms, and never take health for granted - because this can happen to anyone, regardless of genetics or lifestyle. For more information on breast cancer awareness, visit: www. cbcf.org
The Journal Thursday, October 24, 2013
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 11
Need a reason to walk or run? Get a dog A month or so ago our family took ownership of a dog. Her name is Brandy, she’s a border collie cross with A LOT of energy. Our last dog, which was a german shepherd lived for 13 years. Even though in her final years she didn’t have the stamina to go very far anymore, she needed a walk every single day. Just like we do, every day we are supposed to exercise. When we first got Brandy, the kids and I took her for a walk down to the end of the slough and back,
it was a great family affair and all of us got some exercise. A new routine was instantly started for us to take her out and get our exercise. Owning a dog can force you outside for that walk so Brandy, or Shadow, or whatever your dog’s name is, can get its - and your - daily fit-
Living Well Wayne Little miner1098 @gmail.com
ness. Your dog will be happier after its walk, and healthier just like you will be. This a great motivational tool, as they can be very persuasive to get you out the door. So far our new dog Brandy gets two walks per day. She has already figured out a few times how to get out of the backyard and went on her own walk! (Thank you to our friends for bringing her back.) I’ve been introducing her to running with me, and her longest runs seem to be capped at 10 km. I found this out the day after I took her out for an 11 km run - the next day she hid from me when I was putting Let voices sing on my running On behalf of Second Time Around, Doreen Lambert (left) gives a shoes. substantial donation to Michelle Reid of Sage Sound Singers. Second When walkTime Around has been a very generous and appreciated supporter of the ing or running choir since the beginning.
your dog, please use a leash, and bring some poop bags. As a runner, I travel a lot of the same routes on my runs that people are walking their dogs. Although you may know that your dog won’t attack me, some runners are very scared of being bitten. I try to look non-threatening, and most dogs just want to say “Hi”. Although I don’t recommend it for everyone, I sometimes take Brandy on the leash while riding my bicycle, she seems to like that the most. Depending on your dog, be sure to protect them from the extremes in temperatures. In the heat of our summers, maybe take them for a walk in the morning or later in the evening. Hydration is important for the longer trips for your dog as well, so bring water for both of you. Brandy has a little harness/ backpack she carries that has a little plastic bowl, and a small water flask for herself. I’ll stop every few km to give her a drink. In the winter, while we don’t get extreme cold, they can freeze their feet, especially on the cold pavement or sidewalks. Next week we will be making an appointment at the vet for Brandy, so we can do our part to make sure there are no more “Brandys” out there filling up the SPCA and backyards across our country. In the US, 5-8 million unwanted dogs are euthanized every year.
A Public Hearing will be held at 7:00 pm, October 28, 2013 at the Village Office, 380 Main Street, Lytton, BC. Council will hear from the public on the issue of Bylaw 667, a bylaw to rezone 30 Main Street from R-1, Low-Density Residential to P-1, Public. The bylaw and associated documents may be viewed at the Village Office between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, until October 25, 2013.
Notice of Intention to Amend the Council Procedure Bylaw
Council is considering an amendment to the Council Procedure Bylaw, which would have the effect of allowing Council members to participate in meetings by electronic or other means more than four times per calendar year. The amendment bylaw (No. 569-2, 2013) is scheduled for adoption on October 28, 2013. Bylaw 569-2, 2013 may be viewed at the Village website, www.lytton.ca Mark Anthony Brennan Corporate Officer
BUSINESS SERVICES Reserve your space!
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Ashcroft Electric Commercial • Residential •
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r Editor Wendy Coombe
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Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Journal
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Christmas Bazaars and Bingos in Spences Bridge
Call Terry at 250-453-2261 for the best advertising in town or email her at sales@accjournal.ca
and there will be a fish smoking demonstration – all sure to be informative, a good laugh and lot of fun! Hope to see you there. Also on the same day at 10 am is the New Horizons Vision Council monthly meeting. Everyone is welcome.
Bridge from p. 12
The Journal’s Remembrance Day section runs on Nov. 7, 2013
Christmas activities
The Christmas Bazaar planning is now well under way. This event is the major fundraiser for the Community Club; we raise over $2,000 most years – pretty good for a little community like ours. It would not be possible without lots of volunteers, and of course the support of the folks who come to shop. Please note a few changes this year: firstly, the time is 4–7 pm, and we are renting out tables this year – so if you’re a crafter, or have other interesting things to sell, book a table. (No baking though please, the club will still run its so very popular Bake Table.) Also new is the reduction of our “second time treasures” table, so please do not donate any clothing, bedding, or books, (we have done away with the book table as the bright red book shelf is operating so well providing free books), and only clean re-sellable items
If you have a photo you would like included, please bring it in or e-mail to sales@accjournal.ca by Thursday, October 31 at 12 noon
402 4th St., Ashcroft
please. So mark your calendar to attend the bazaar Nov. 30 at Clemes Hall on Hwy 8. Another date to remember is Dec.13. This is another fundraiser for the club that’s lots of fun – the Christmas ham and turkey bingo. It’s at the hall with the early bird bingo starting at 6:30.
Radio signals
At our last SBCC meeting the TV society chair reported that plans are underway to switch from CBC north to CBC Kamloops, which will be great. It will be so nice to hear our own upcoming events, and local weather and news. However, other equipment is required, and we are dependent upon or technician’s availability, so stay tuned. The fencing around the TV /radio shack needs posts. Anyone have any 10-foot galvanized posts kicking around they might like to donate?
Train-set fires
TNRD Director Steve Rice also reported at our meeting that there is an important public fire meeting with CN, CP, and all other stakeholders to discuss solutions to the fires that are start-
ed by trains. The meeting is scheduled for Nov. 5 at 7 pm, at Clemes Hall on Hwy 8. Steve also reported that he is meeting with highways people and our local MLA Jackie Tegart regarding our bridge and keeping it open. Also mentioned was the interest in the local Lytton radio station here in Spences Bridge. It certainly would be nice to have more listening options, so our requirements are being investigated.
Soup Days
Soup Day is back! The SBCC will be hosting the soup day at Clemes Hall every Wednesday. We are dependent on volunteers to sign up to cook the soup (do so at the Post Office) and folks to take turns making sure there is coffee, crackers and so on. This is open to everyone of all ages in the community – come out and share a healthy meal with your neighbours!
Next meeting
The next meeting of the SBCC is Nov. 13 (always the second Wednesday of the month) – open to all. Please call me regarding the bazaar, soup day, or anything else you may have questions about, 458-2282.
Hallowe’en Horror movies to watch
See Full Page Views For as low as
50Month +GST
You can read our
Award Winning Paper
Plague of the Zombies (1966) A product of the legendary Hammer Films studio, this eerie movie features classic zombies – those reanimated through the use of magic, so they can provide cheap slave labour – rather than the flesh-eating zombies of more recent years. The movie does, however, feature a truly nightmarish scene in which the recently dead, looking believably the worse for wear, rise from their graves, seemingly intent on finding human victims. Theatre of Blood (1973) The great Vincent Price stars as Edward Lionheart, a hammy Shakespearian actor who doesn’t so much chew the scenery as devour it whole. When he’s denied an acting award he thinks should have been his, he vows revenge on the group of critics who snubbed him, and looks to the Bard of Stratford’s plays as a source
of inspiration. A gleefully demented mix of horror and (very) black comedy, the film features a witty and literate script and a “who’s who” of distinguished British actors, as well as a chance for Price to show – in a scene from “King Lear” at the end – what a fine classical actor he could have been. The Changeling (1980) One of the first major feature films to be shot in Vancouver, the movie stars George C. Scott as a composer whose wife and daughter have recently been killed. He moves to a new city and buys an old house, determined to bury himself in his work in order to forget his grief; but a series of increasingly unsettling events lead him to believe that his new house has a sinister past, and that learning the secret might prove deadly. An elegant and assured ghost story that makes the ordinary seem terrifying.
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The Journal Thursday, October 24, 2013
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Hallowe’en candy, dancing and fireworks Clinton Fall Craft Sale
The Clinton Communities in Bloom Committee Fifth Annual Fall Craft Sale will be held Saturday, Oct. 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Clinton Memorial Hall. There are over 20 craft/artisan vendors coming with all types of ideas for Christmas gift giving. Come out and see what they have to offer and support the CiB at the same time. You can even buy your Christmas baking and freeze it until needed. There will also be a concession on site so you can shop and enjoy a lovely homemade lunch all in the same place. This is the major fundraising event the Clinton CiB holds. Funds raised are used for projects in Clinton to make the community more attractive to visitors and residents alike. Come and show your support.
gie Exploration Project in the 16Susan Swan Mile area and how 459-2224 or 2325 it could countrysquire@ benefit bcwireless.com Clinton. With Memorial Hall. no Chamber of Commerce Guest speakers will include Steve Law who will be in Clinton, the Economtalking about the proposed ic Development Society has Clinton and Area Trail Sys- taken on some of the retem from Clinton to Wells. sponsibilities of a ChamThis could be a good draw ber. At this time they are the to bring more visitors (and only organization that repremore tourist dollars!) to the sents the businesses in Clinton. The current members area. The other confirmed are encouraging the busispeaker is a representative ness people to join the Sofrom Constantia Resources ciety and get involved. They who will discuss the Mag- would welcome new people with new ideas to make the
Halloween Dance
The Royal Canadian Legion #194, Clinton Branch is hosting a Halloween Dance on Saturday, Oct. 26 in the Clinton Memorial Hall. Do you have your costume yet? There’s still time. For information about the dance, call 250-459-2622. Come out and have some scary fun!
Halloween Fireworks
With funding from the 150/50 Committee, the Clinton VFD were able to purchase lots of fireworks for the Halloween display. It all gets under way at 8 p.m. in Reg Conn Centennial Park on Halloween night. It promises to be an amazing display. Residents of Clinton are advised to keep their pets indoors during the fireworks display. Pets can become traumatized by the noise and flashing lights and some try to run away from it. Do your pet a favour and keep it indoors.
Economic Development Society AGM
The Clinton and District Economic Development Society will hold their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. ion the Clinton
Christmas shoppers flocked to last year’s Craft Sale.
Robert Harvey Linklater
Robert “Bob” Harvey Linklater, aged 76, passed away after a short illness due to a stroke, on October 2, 2013 in Kamloops, BC. Bob was one of 3 children born to the late James & Florida (née Chauvin) Linklater on April 18, 1937, in Port Arthur (now Thunder Bay), Ontario. Bob is survived by his wife of 55 years, Phyllis (nee Nichol), his daughter Jean (Allistair McRae) McNamee of Balmertown, ON & his son, Jim (Linda) Linklater of Kamloops, BC. He is also survived by his grandchildren, Ian (Jamie Hamilton) McNamee, Britney (Jayson Botel) McNamee, Derek (Jasmine Beaudin), Caitlin, Brendan & Jaiden Linklater, and great-grandchildren, Braidy, Jerzey, Kesler & Nicholas. Also surviving is his sister, Florida “Pat” Green of Thunder Bay, ON, along with many brother-in-laws & sister-in-laws, nieces & nephews. Bob was predeceased by his brother, James “Bud” Linklater & his son-in-law, John McNamee, as well as 2 brotherin-laws & one nephew. Bob had a great love for all the children in his life. Bob would do almost anything to please these children. Bob also had a lifelong soft spot for animals, always surrounded by family pets Bob was an active member of AA since 2002, always eager to assist others & the organization. Bob was supported by and able to support many people through AA, many becoming close, dear friends. Although Bob began his career as a delivery truck driver for New Method Laundry in Thunder Bay, most of Bob’s working life was in mining: Leich Gold Mine in Beardmore, ON; Dickenson Mine in Balmertown, ON; Dekalb Gold Mine near Ashcroft, BC; and Echo Bay Mine in Lupin, NWT before retiring in 1996. While working at Echo Bay, Bob began to frame pictures for his wife & friends. His meticulous work was appreciated by the Ashcroft Art Club for which he framed many pictures that were entered into their annual art shows. His talents began to expand into making original art bookmarks, utilizing several designs created by his wife, children & other local artists. Bob spent many hours working with his wife in their business, Sagebrush Gallery, located at the Ashcroft Manor. After their shop closed, Bob continued framing & making bookmarks until he was 70 years old. An open house memorial in honour of Bob was held at the Thompson Valley Funeral Home on October 9, 2013. Interment of his ashes will take place in the presence of family members at a later date. For those who wish to do so, donations in memory of Bob can be made to a charity of choice.
Village of Clinton even better than it is. Come to the AGM on Nov. 5, hear what the Society has accomplished to date, listen to the guest speakers and get involved.
Variety Club Fundraiser
There is a movement in Clinton to raise funds to donate to the Variety Club. An evening of lively entertainment is being planned to raise funds for this cause. It will be held on Friday, Nov. 8 in the Clinton Memorial Hall beginning at 6 p.m. Admission is by donation and dinner will be available at a nominal cost. As well, each attendee will be treated to a piece of homemade pie during the intermission. There will be singing, dance performances, skits, music, and silent and live auctions and a Tall Tales and Big Lies contest. All funds raised will go the Variety Club BC so plan to come and support the kids and donate generously. We have children in our community who have benefited from the Variety Club in the past so this is Clinton’s way of giving back. The Variety Club BC will provide tax receipts.
George McAbee Long-time Cache Creek Resident, George H. McAbee, passed away peacefully October l4th, 2013 at Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops, BC. George was born March 10, 1935, as the only child of parents, George and Eleanor (Buster) McAbee, George lived most of his life in Cache Creek, where he was a businessman and had his family with his wife, Patricia. George lived quite a life and he did it on his terms. A few of George’s talents were truck driver, mechanic, businessman, cowboy, and miner. George enjoyed fly fishing on the Thompson River, hunting the Dairy Lake area, traveling with Jean in their Motorhome, planting, harvesting and sharing his large garden, doing the rodeo and even was a recreational pilot for a time. The family remembers enjoying time with George taking river boat trips on the Thompson River, visits to the family cabin at Green Lake, water skiing on Kamloops Lake and trap shoots at Savona. George will be missed by his wife Jean and her family, his children Steven (Linda) of Kamloops, Sandra (Daryl) of Carvel, Alberta, Vema (Dave) of Spruce Grove, Alberta, Carol of Kamloops. Grandchildren Jason (Carla), Carrie, Ken (Lauren), Becky, Torrey, Heather (Paul), Trevor, Derek (Robyn), Shanda and George’s much adored Great-Grandchildren, Megan and Corbin as well as numerous cousins, his many friends and his dog Trixie. George is predeceased by his parents, George Sr, Buster, and dear friend Lyle Harkness. Thank you to the excellent staff at RIH. The staff on Six North, thank you for all you did. Dr. Hanson and Dr. Prasad, the family respected your guidance and care. To the Staff in the ICU, the family appreciated the professionalism and compassion shown by all. Thank you to the staff at Thompson View Manor in Ashcroft for all your support. George enjoyed his time there. The family would like to thank George’s Cache Creek neighbours who were so good to Buster and George and George and Jean. Christine, Judy, Rose and Gordon, you are all very special people. No service by request. The family would be grateful, if in lieu of flowers, a donation be placed to a charity of your choice. “I have had a good ride.” George McAbee, 2013
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AL-ANON ASHCROFT: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meets Tuesdays, 8:00pm at St. Alban’s Church, 501 Brink. Tracey 250-457-3368.
Career Opportunities
JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $30/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: hannachrylser.ca. Fax 403-854-2845; Email: chrysler@telusplanet. net.
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AL-ANON: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meeting Wed at 8:00pm at the Cache Creek Elementary Sch Library. Contact: Val 250.457.1117
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CACHE CREEK/CHERRY CREEK LOTS 1314 Woodburn Crt., 5240 sq. ft. ..... $54,900 1320 Woodburn Crt., 5016 sq. ft. ..... $54,900 Lot A Stage Road, 12 acres ............ $499,900 888 Deer Drive ................................ $439,900 Paul Toporowski Prec - Cell 250-371-2868 Email: paul@topper.bc.ca Website: http://www.Topper.bc.ca RE/MAX Real Estate (Kamloops) 258 Seymour Street, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2E5
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
THOMPSON VIEW MANOR SOCIETY Community Manager Thompson View Manor Society is accepting applications for a Community Manager for our Assisted Living facility in Ashcroft, B.C. The Community Manager ensures exemplary service delivery to residents within the assisted living residence. This person would provide managerial leadership and direction to staff, coordinate human resources, liaise with the client, and deal with community relations. The Community Manager will be responsible for some payroll and scheduling duties and must have some computer skills. The Community Manager leads the team in ensuring quality programs and services are delivered according to the resident needs and makes choices to uphold the life quality and resident/family peace of mind. The Community manager will report to the General Manager of Thompson View Manor Society. This would be a full time position of 37.5 hours per week, distributed between Assisted Living Worker duties and Managerial duties. We offer a starting wage of $22.00 per hour with increments in the first year. Applicants must provide a license number as proof of holding Assisted Living Worker certification, or an accredited equivalent. Deadline for applications will be Thursday, November 7, 2013. Only short-listed applicants will be notified. You may request a comprehensive copy of the key responsibilities for this position using the address below. Qualified applicants please submit resume and supporting documents to: GENERAL MANAGER Thompson View Manor Society tvms@telus.net or Box 318, Ashcroft, B.C. V0K 1A0
THOMPSON VIEW MANOR SOCIETY Box 318, 710 Elm Street Ashcroft BC V0K1A0
Employment Opportunity October 22, 2013
Position: Assisted Living worker Location: Thompson View Lodge located below Hospital in Ashcroft, B.C. Hours of Work: Casual Wage: $17.31 per hour Duties: You will provide direct support to Residents in areas of personal care, medication, recreation, meal preparation, service and housekeeping. You will demonstrate a commitment to the social model of care, facilitate involvement of family members, participate in implementation of individual care plans and complete daily record keeping. Qualifications: You must have Health Care Aide Certificate # or provincially recognized equivalent. You are physically able to perform the job duties. You are capable of maintaining good interpersonal relationships and have a genuine interest in working with the elderly. Requirements: • Health Care Aide Certificate # or equivalent. • Standard First Aid Certificate (Currant) • Food Safe Certificate • Criminal Record Check to be done on employment. Please send your resume to the attention of the Community Manager Email tvlodge_cm@telus.net or Mail to above address.
Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, October 24, 2013
www.ash-cache-journal.com A15
Community Volunteer Groups
Apt/Condo for Rent
The Royal Canadian Legion #113
Ashcroft Apartment & Motel
301 Brink St., Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Phone: 250-453-2423 Fax # 250-453-9625
Clean, Affordable, Convenient Downtown Location across from Beautiful Heritage Park
South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society
601 Bancroft St. Box 603, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 250-453-9656
715 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft
Ashcroft and District Fall Fair
Available NOW!
Contact Person: Janna 250-457-6614 Contact Person: Jessica 250-457-7128
One bedroom unfurnished apartment, available immediately to older mature persons. $495 per month includes heat and hot water. Ref. req.
Sage & Sand Pony Club
District Commissioner: Marcie Down sageandsandspc@hotmail.com
Ashcroft-Cache Creek Rotary Club
Contact Person: Denise Fiddick Phone 250-453-9547
Desert Spokes Cycle Society Phone 250-457-9348
Ashcroft Curling Club Phone 250-453-2341
Soups On
St. Alban’s Anglican Church Hall, 501 Brink Street Tel: 250-453-9909 or 250-453-2053 - All Welcome
Motel Units:
*All units have full kitchenettes, air conditioning, cable TV and Internet access Nightly • Weekly • Monthly On-Site Managers Contact 250-457-0235 250-453-9129
Ducks Unlimited Canada
Ashcroft Volunteer Fire Department
Ashcroft and Masonic Lodge Zarthan Lodge No#105
Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department
Phone 250-453-2415
Ashcroft & District Tennis Association Contact Person: Maria Russell Martin Phone 250-453-9391
Phone 250-453-2233
Phone 250-457-9967
South Cariboo Sportsmen Assc. #3366 Attn: Marian Pitt, Box 341, Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0
Ashcroft & District Lions Club
Soccer Association
Contact Person: Lion Vivian Phone 250-453-9077
Contact: Sandi Harry
Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Assc.
Minor Hockey Association
601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9762
Contact: Lewis Kinvig Phone 457-7489 or 299-3229 lewis.kinvig@rona.ca or lewiskinvig@hotmail.com
The Ashcroft & District Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store
Historic Hat Creek Ranch
347 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp
Kinsmen Club of South Cariboo
601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9944
Auto Financing
Phone: 250-457-9390
Ashcroft/Cache Creek Volunteer Chapter Phone 250-374-8307
Contact Person: Fred Dewick
Ashcroft & District Rodeo Association
Contact Person: Lt. (N) Curran 250-319-3461 Alexine Johannsson 250-453-2661 email: darrin.curran@cadets.gc.ca
Ashcroft Communities in Bloom
Contact: Jack Jeyes
Phone 250-457-9366
Phone 250-453-2259
Contact Person: Dave 250-453-9062
Cache Creek Recreation Society Contact Person: Jackie
Phone 250-457-9122
Contact Persons: Andrea Walker 250-453-9402 or Marijke Stott 250-453-0050
Ashcroft Royal Purple Phone 250-457-9122
Taoist Tai Chi Contact Person: Danita Howard Phone 250-453-9907 e-mail: dangre@telus.net
Bridging to Literacy Contact Person: Ann Belcham 250-453-9417
Ashcroft Hospice Program
Shirley 250-453-9202 or Marijke 250-453-0050
Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society Contact Person: Nadine 450.453.9100
The “Purpose of Sunday” Car Club President: Tom Lowe 240-457-6564
SCI Thompson River, B.C. Chapter Ken Brown - Phone: 250-453-9415
Off Road Vehicles 2 bdrm cabin style home on acreage in Malakwa Private and secure great location for sledding Wood heat Long term renter preferred $800/month plus hydro 250 804-5777 or 89bronc@gmail.com for info
Ashcroft Yoga Group
Ashcroft Hospital - 250-453-2244
Call Marijke - Phone: 250-453-0050
Desert Bells Handbell Choir
Second Time Around
Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119
201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft BC Anne Bonter 250-457-9781
Sage Sound Singers Adult Community Choir Michelle Reid 250-457-9676
Cache Creek Communities in Bloom Committee Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119
Cache Creek Beautification Society
BC Lung Association Carolyn Chorneychuk, Director 250-453-9683 Email:carelee67@gmail.com
(and Farmers Market) Judy Davison 250-457-6693
We’re on the net at www.bcclassified.com
Recreational/Sale ASHCROFT: FS, 20’ x 8’ enclosed Wells Cargo trailer. $4500. Call 250-453-2070
Career Opportunities
Canadian Red Cross - Health Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.)
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
l Top local jobs! www.localwork.ca blackpress.ca ◾ metroland.com
A 16 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Journal
Gold Country presents
... Past, Present & Beyond Ashcroft Haunts: The Thin Ghost
The photograph shows a wooden building, possibly a house, with a verandah running along most of the front of it, and a single gabled window on the floor above. At one end of the verandah a flight of wide steps leads down to a gate set into a neat white picket fence, while at the other a small, onestorey extension juts out from the end of the building. Two women stand on the verandah, both wearing what look to be white dresses. However, a closer look at the photograph reveals that the women are dressed in what appear to be uniforms; indeed, their wimple-like headgear makes them look like nuns. There is also a sign hanging above the steps, which on examination can be seen to read “The Lady Minto Hospital”. The women are nurses, and they are standing in front of Ashcroft’s first hospital, built in 1913. The Lady Minto Hospital no longer exists. In 1956 a large addition was built, necessitating the removal of the small extension so that the new and old buildings could be joined. In 1972, when the new hospital in North Ashcroft opened, the entire structure was gifted to the Village of Ashcroft for use as a public building. The oldest part was closed up and used for storage, while the newer wing housed a daycare, a seniors’ centre, and the Hospital Auxiliary thrift store. In May 1981, almost 25 years to the day after the opening of the new wing, an arsonist targeted the building. The original 1913 structure was destroyed, and the rest of the building suffered smoke damage, but was able to be saved. It was decided to rebuild on the site of the old hospital, and in 1987 the new addition was opened as the Ashcroft Council office. A local government office seems an unlikely spot for a haunting; but while there are no reports of anything untoward happening on the site before 1987, since that time
only goes on when someone isced fondly about the many good and triggers it. Needless to say, kind doctors who served the communthere is never anyone in the ity there over the years, travelling as far more than one building when the phenom- north as Clinton in the performance of person has reenon is reported. their duties. Does this explain the presported events Most inexplicable of all ence at the Village office? After all, the which cannot is the shadowy figure that prosaic day-to-day workings of local easily be exmore one person has seen in government would seem unlikely to plained. the building. It is always in attract the attention of the otherworldThe most the same place: in the hall- ly. Is the thin ghost the spirit of a forcommon pheway outside the Council mer doctor, keeping an eye on the site nomenon is an chambers. It is never seen of the hospital where he once worked? innocent one: clearly, or directly; instead The running water would fit this scenthe cold tap in it is glimpsed out of the cor- ario, as would the fact that unusual the men’s bathner of the eye, before fading activity or commotion in the buildroom is turned from sight. The impression ing often prompts an appearance from on. It can hapGOLD COUNTRY is of a tall, thin person, prob- him. And no one who has reported seepen during the ably a man. He comes and ing him feels frightened or threatened BARBARA RODEN day, and even goes, this visitor, sometimes by his presence; startled, yes, but there if there are no appearing several times in is no sense of fear. men in the building at the time the oc- a short span, and then going months A hospital, with its scenes of joy currence doesn’t seem a particular- or years without putting in an appear- and sorrow, gladness and fear, relief ly odd one. However, there are times ance. One thing that has been noted is and worry, would seem a likely place when the tap has been found running that if renovation or work is being car- to attract the attention of spirits. Perwhen the first staff members arrive ried on in the building, he is more ac- haps the site of the old Lady Minto in the morning, even when it was not tive, as if the noise and fuss has dis- hospital has its own permanent resirunning when the office was closed turbed or upset him. dent, watching out for it even now. the day before. And it has happened One local resident who worked at Tell yourself that, if ever you see a at night, at a time when there is only the Lady Minto hospital as a nurse in light on in one of the windows there one person in the building who is no- the 1960s reports that even though the late at night. Or tell yourself there’s no where near the men’s bathroom. It is original part of the building was old such thing as ghosts, if it makes you not just a quiet drip . . . drip . . . drip, and in need of constant repair, it was feel better. Who knows? You might be either, such as might be caused by de- a good place to work, and she remin- right. . . . ficient plumbing; it is a steady stream, with the tap turned fully on. And how to explain the light that comes on in one of the offices at night? It has been noted by Village crew members working at the arena, who have called the Village Administrator at home to ask if someone is working late in the building. It’s not a case of someone leaving the office light on by accident, since the light in that room is Undated photograph of the original Lady Minto Hospital, probably taken not long after it opened motion sensitive, and in 1913. The Ashcroft Village office now stands on the site.
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