The Columbia Valley’s Newspaper Since 1956
From Canal Flats to Spillimacheen
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T he
Wednesday, October 31,30, 2012 Wednesday, October 2013
Vol.57 56Issue Issue 40 Vol. 44
BERNIE RAVEN CHRIS RAVEN 1-866-598-7415 TEAMRAVEN.CA Offices in Panorama, Invermere & Fairmont
Columbia River paddlers complete journey
Pg. 2
Valley musician Jade Bowen hits her stride Pg. 11
Waltz of the Waldos
MaxWell Realty Invermere
B.C. Supreme Court dismisses deer cull case GREG AMOS
GREG AMOS/VALLEY ECHO PHOTO Where's Waldo? On Saturday, October 26th, he and his female accomplice were dancing across the finish line of the first-ever Monster Mash Dash in Invermere. Mr. Waldo (Cam Gillies) and Mrs. Waldo (Renee Franken) were first across the finish line in the 10-kilometre run, which featured cool weather and glasses-fogging dampness, zombie course marshalls, and plenty of clever get-ups. See more pre-Hallowe'en photos on page 23 and 24.
After a legal win last Friday (October 25th) for the District of Invermere in a year-and-a-half long court battle over culling deer, the final word on deer management in the district will likely be left up to local citizens. Last Friday, B.C. Supreme Court Madam Justice Miriam Gropper dismissed the lawsuit brought forward by Shane Suman and the Invermere Deer Protection Society, saying it failed on its three arguments of jurisdiction, procedural fairness, and unreasonableness. With the district's legal victory, the upcoming Saturday, November 2nd referendum question on deer culling — a secondary question on the referendum that will seek local citizens' authorization for the district to borrow nearly $6 million towards a new community centre — will take on a heightened importance, said Mayor Gerry Taft. “The referendum will have much more of an impact around what happens in the future; the result of the opinion poll will guide and inform council about what to do next,” he told The Valley Echo. CONTINUED ON PAGE A10
Mountain municipality left out of Jumbo court battle GREG AMOS
The B.C. Supreme Court decided earlier this week not to give the Mountain Resort Municipality of Jumbo Glacier respondent status in the Ktunaxa First Nation's judicial review of Jumbo Glacier Resort.
The ruling, by B.C. Supreme Court master Grant Taylor, came on Wednesday, October 23rd and said the matter is between the province and the First Nation. The application for judicial review argues that the resort infringes on an area the Ktunaxa consider sacred territory, known as Qat'muk, and impacts traditional religious activities involving grizzly bear spirits. The First Nation has also
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asked for a temporary injunction to stop construction until a ruling on the judicial review is made and for a permanent injunction to stop any development in Qat'muk. The province gave approval to Jumbo Glacier Resort in March 2012 and then created Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort Municipality in November 2012. The Ktunaxa filed the application for judi-
cial review in July 2012. “We instructed our legal counsel to argue against their (Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort Municipality) participation,” Ktunaxa council chair Kathryn Teneese said. “Our legal challenge is against the province's decision.” CONTINUED ON PAGE A9
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
Long-distance paddlers complete journey Dan Walton / Valley Echo photoS Left: A paddling party welcomes a visiting canoe as it nears Lake Windermere's shore at Lakeshore Resort and Campground on Saturday, October 26th, after a very long journey that began on August 2nd, mimicking the path of spawning salmon by paddling upstream from where the river meets the Pacific Ocean in Washington state. Below: John Zinser, who led the team, takes a seat on his canoe after coming ashore. His team's canoe is modelled after the watercraft that David Thompson would have used to navigate the Columbia River. See the full story in this Friday's Pioneer newspaper.
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Photo courtesy of Tanya De Leeuw Photography
The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
Page Three
Recommendations from Invermere coroner's inquest hoped to prevent future incidents of suicide STEVE HUBRECHT
Two jury recommendations made at the conclusion of last week's coroner's inquest in Invermere — a quasi-judicial hearing into the suicide of a prominent Fairmont Hot Springs resident — could help prevent similar incidents in the future. The final word at the conclusion of the inquest into the death of Patrick Roy Wilder went to his wife, Janet, who thanked the lawyers, jurors and staff at the inquest. “I'll forever have Patrick in my heart and my mind,” she said. “Now my family, we can start the healing process,” she said. Mr. Wilder, 58, was a lifelong valley resident as well as a founder and former owner of Fairmont Hot Springs Resort. He took his own life at the family home with three police officers present on the evening of Tuesday, May 10th, 2011. After hearing from nearly a dozen witnesses, the jury classified the incident as suicide and read its recommendations. The first was for the commanding officer of the RCMP (E-Division) and the chiefs of all municipal police departments in B.C. to review current practices and policies related to the current file management systems, and to ensure appropriate retention periods for information relating to the confirmed suicide attempts and other mental health incidences in which police and medical intervention is required. The second recommendation was for the provincial minister of health to consider the feasibility of establishing a network of mental health professionals available to assist
front line police officers during their investigations of and interactions with suicidal people. Columbia Valley RCMP Staff Sergeant Marko Shehovac gave testimony at the inquest, in which he said he felt the police officers involved in the incident had behaved according to the book. “I was satisfied by reviewing the files that the members had acted appropriately,” said Staff Sgt. Shehovac. Staff Sgt. Shehovac also testified that once somebody threatens suicide, as Mr. Wilder had, it becomes an officer's duty to check and verify his or her well-being. “Once that threat was made, the game plan changed,” said Staff Sgt. Shehovac. Presiding coroner Larry Marzinzik, paraphrasing a question from Department of Justice counsel David Kwan, asked Staff Sgt. Shehovac if officers ever have any option to back out of a situation in which somebody has threatened suicide. The question alluded to earlier testimony (for which The Valley Echo was unable to be present in court) in which Mrs. Wilder had testified that she asked police officers not to check on her husband after he locked himself in a cabin, advising the officers her husband was fine, and that going in the cabin might only serve to aggravate him. “There is no option; a police officer must attend to his or her duty,” answered Staff Sgt. Shehovac. “Is it at all an alternative to accept the word of another individual — who knows the person (police officers need to check on) well — and decide not to attend?” asked Mr. Marzinzik. “No, not at all,” replied Staff Sgt.
Shehovac, adding that in such a case the officer would then have a tough time explaining why he or she did not do his or her duty if something did indeed happen. Inquest counsel Rodrick Mackenzie asked Staff Sgt. Shehovac about records of two previous suicide attempts on the same night made by Mr. Wilder while in RCMP custody in 2003. Records of the 2003 incidents were no longer on file, since records about mental health incidents are purged after a few years. Police officers involved in the 2011 incident had earlier testified that they did not know about the 2003 incidents, and that knowing would have helped them deal with the 2011 situation. Staff Sgt. Shehovac testified that local members of the Columbia Valley RCMP have no say on determining how long files can be kept before being purged and that a similar loss of records could easily occur again. “I think an appropriate recommendation certainly when dealing with attempted suicides — particularly in police custody — is to have longer (file) retention,” said Staff Sgt. Shehovac. One of the jurors asked Staff Sgt. Shehovac if he thought it would be helpful to have a patrol of specialized mental health workers. “In an ideal world I could have a priest, a psychologist and a mental health worker with me in the back of the (police) car all the time,” said Staff Sgt. Shehovac, adding that there are mental health patrols in Vancouver, but it would be hard to get them in a small, rural setting. The inquest lasted four full days and wrapped up on Thursday, October 24th.
Community rewards and canines DAN WALTON / VALLEY ECHO PHOTO AG Foods in Invermere helps out a different local organization each year through the May Community Rewards Program, where the grocery store provided the supplies, while ICAN volunteers ran a barbecue stand during each Saturday in May. In total, ICAN benefitted by collecting over $5,200 to support their cause. Pictured, left to right: Greg Lapointe, Sydney-Anne Porter, Lana Banham, Sylvia Walker, Anne Futa, Susan Malone, Mara King, and Melanie Remple were on hand for the photo, taken on Thursday, October 24th. AG Foods is currently accepting applications for organizations hoping to be the 2014 recipient. A3
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Echo Index Weekly Content Opinion...................................................A6 Word on the Street..................................A7 Community Calendar............................A8 Remember When?.................................A8 Arts & Entertainment...........................A11 Sports.....................................................A16 Brain Games..........................................A18 Build Your Wealth.................................A19 Classifieds.....................................A20-A21 Serving the Valley.................................A22
Columns Brian Fenerty/Valley Skies.....................A7 Elizabeth Shopland / Grow Your Life.....A7 Rob Orchiston / Geek Zone...................A15 Hermann Mauthner/JudoJottings.......A15
Features Fall Auto Care..................................A12-A13 Driveway..................................................A14 Valley Life.................................................A23 Hallowe'en...............................................A24
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This week's online poll question: Are you glad to see the deer cull case dismissed by the B.C. Supreme Court? Cast your vote at *THERE'S NO SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED!*
Last week's online poll results: Do you think Tika the grizzly bear's death earlier this month was easily preventable? Total Votes: 6 Yes: 83% No: 16%
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
Driveway debuts in the Valley Echo notice of scheduled power interruption windermere
KEITH MORGAN Driveway Editor
Today, we are excited to introduce Driveway – our new weekly automotive feature, designed to inform and entertain with brightly written stories from our Made in BC team. (See page 14.) Zack Spencer, co-host of Canada’s highest-rated auto show, Driving Television, and voice of a nationally syndicated radio show, will tell you what is hot and not among the new models. Women play a decision-making role in more than 80 per cent of car purchases; Alexandra Straub will help them make the right decision. In Near New, technical wizard Bob McHugh will pick out the best in "previously loved" cars. Ian Harwood will join us soon with his column Just Trucks.
We will be making electrical system improvements in Windermere from November 4th – 15th. To ensure the safety of our work crews, it will be necessary to interrupt electrical service for approximately 5 hours.
Where: Timbermont Road,Timbermont Place, Timber Heights Road, Timberview Place, Timberside Place, Timbervale Place, Timber Bay Road When: November 4th – 15th, 2013 Time: 5 hours (Customers affected will be notified the day before the outage). To prepare for this interruption and protect your equipment from damage, please turn off all lights, electric heaters and major appliances and unplug all electronics. For the first hour after the power comes back on, please only plug in or turn on those electronics and appliances that you really need. This will help ensure the electrical system does not get overloaded.
Yours truly will bring you the latest news from all of the international launches and auto shows and make sure Driveway speaks to all of our readers, not just car nuts. Blair Qualey, president and CEO of the BC New Car Dealers Association, shares our enthusiasm: “The launch of Driveway is good news for readers as well as the BC auto industry, which is a $10 billion business that employs 34,000 direct and indirect jobs in the new car industry in this province.” “Car buyers throughout the province will now get the sort of auto news and information previously enjoyed only by residents of the larger metro areas. The breadth of the coverage will benefit new car dealerships of all brands by exposing a large new readership to their products." "A knowledgeable buyer is good for all brands,” added Mr. Qualey.
Refuge serving as theme for 2013 Kootenay Literary Competition
We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will restore your power as soon as we can.
Prepare for outages and stay informed by visiting or from your handheld device. Please call 1 888 POWERON (1 888 769 3766) for more information.
DAN WALTON Publication: Invermere Valley Echo (BCNG) Size: 5.8125” x 117 lines Insertion date: October 30
Whether you prefer to use a keyboard, typewriter or a feather dipped into ink, its almost time for writers to battle each other's wits in the Kootenay Literary Competition. The competition is open to all adults, and there are two separate categories for those between 12 and 14, as well as 15 and 18. The younger contestants will be challenged to incorporate specific words into their work, while older youth will write along to the theme of "refuge". A panel of judges will determine the winners. Among the adult categories is fiction, which was won last year by Beverly Rasporich of Invermere, for her submission of Che. Other categories include creative non-fiction and poetry, with cash prizes being doled out to the winner and runner-up. Winners will be announced in March, and have until Friday, January 17th to enter the competition. To enter and to find out more information about the contest, go to .
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo A5
Christmas Shoebox program aims for overseas smiles
notice of scheduled power interruption spillimacheen and brisco
We will be making electrical system improvements in Spillimacheen and Brisco on Sunday, November 3, 2013. To ensure the safety of our work crews, it will be necessary to interrupt electrical service for approximately four hours.
Where: In Spillimacheen and Brisco. This outage will affect customers off Highway 95, north of Spur Valley subdivision to the town of Spillimacheen. This includes: Snider Rd, Domey Rd, Sylvania Rd, Wolfenden Rd, Nelson Rd, Carlson Rd, Berrey Rd, Brisco Rd, Steamboat Mountain Rd, Galena School Rd, Watson Rd, Sherlock Rd, Vermillion St, Beaverfoot St, Kootenay St, Bugaboo St, Toby St, Selkirk St, Westside 2 Rd and Giant Mine Rd When: Sunday, November 3, 2013 Time:
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon, local Mountain time
To prepare for this interruption and protect your equipment from damage, please turn off all lights, electric heaters and major appliances and unplug all electronics. For the first hour after the power comes back on, please only plug in or turn on those electronics and appliances that you really need. This will help ensure the electrical system does not get overloaded. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will restore your power as soon as we can. Prepare for outages and stay informed by visiting or from your handheld device. Please call 1 888 POWERON (1 888 769 3766) for more information. 4047
Christmas morning will be a joyous time for most in the Columbia Valley, and to share the feeling around the world, Operation Christmas Child enables a global gift sharing between poorer and wealthier countries. “We're all very fortunate to be living in the country we live in; we have all kinds of different freedoms and opportunities,” said Trudi Wells, who operates the local chapter. “We're all blessed enough to provide things to people in these other countries that they don't have or that aren't readily available to them.” Those who would like to participate need only to fill a shoebox with children’s toys, specific to a particular age and gender, along with five dollars for postage. Collection week in the valley happens November 18th through 24th, with headquarters at the Lake Windermere Alliance Church on 10th Avenue in Invermere. Any shoebox will work, and additional boxes can be picked up at Canadian Tire, Red Apple, Selkirk TV and Appliance, the Windermere Valley Christian Assembly, as well as the Alliance Church. Along with toys, hard candy and plastic jewelry, recipients would also benefit from clothing and hygiene products, except toothpaste. Donors can also write a note to the recipient. Used items, playing cards, and violent toys cannot be shipped. “There’s nothing worse than thinking you've done something good and then have half of your stuff taken,” said Ms. Wells. Ms. Wells encourages gifts that represent Canada, such as symbols of the maple leaf. “If you've never made a shoebox before, try one for the first time,” she said. “They're very fun and it’s highly addictive to see how much stuff you can pack into them,” she said. “If you only do one shoebox normally, challenge yourself to do two, maybe one for a boy and one for a girl.” Three schools in the valley — Windermere Elementary School, Edgewater Elementary, and David Thompson Secondary School — are participating in Operation Christmas Child this year.
Time to get freezin' KIRSTEN HARMA Lake Windermere Ambassadors
Are you starting to dream of ice skating on Lake Windermere? As the days get colder, the reality of skating on a frozen lake is not far off. But exactly how far off is it? You can put in your best guess by entering the Lake Windermere Ambassadors’ “Catch the Freeze” contest. Last year, contest participants estimated that the lake would freeze any time between November 15th and December 29th. (The lake actually froze on December 10th.) Contest winner Don Steedman grew in local fame for his winning entry,
making headlines after having plunged into the frozen lake on his mountain bike the previous winter. So go ahead and take the plunge — though not necessarily into the lake! Take your best guess for when it will freeze over. Contest Details: • Pick the date you think the lake will freeze and send it to: . • The lake will be deemed “frozen” when there is edgeto-edge ice at three points along the lake: Rushmere, Windermere, and between Fort Point and the Lakeview Road area. Call or write to the Lake Windermere Ambassadors for more information: (250) 341-6898 / .
2.8” x 3”
Publication: Cranbrook Kootenay News Advertiser (BCNG) Size: 5.8125” x 131 lines Insertion date: October 25 and November 1 IN CONCERT
Publication: Invermere Valley Echo (BCNG) APPLICATIONS AvAILAbLe Size: Friday, Nov 8 5.8125” 7pm x 131 lines Deadline to submit: January 9, 2014, Insertion date: October 23 and November 30 Christ Church Trinity Invermere noon PT/1 p.m. MT with Valley Voices
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
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Closure of Cariboo mill underscores valley's resilience GREG AMOS
Two recent events — one taking place in a courtroom, the other in a corporate boardroom — have served to illustrate how wellpositioned the Columbia Valley is to have a prosperous future. On October 25th in the B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver, the biggest obstacle to progress on dealing with our deer problem — though that's a suggestive phrase to some — officially came to an end. The legal challenge to Invermere's deer cull was shot down, allowing the District of Invermere, and several other municipalities across B.C., to rest assured that they can in fact make a plan to deal with deer, and stick to it without fear of further legal roadblocks. The deer issue is contentious and emotionally charged, but a bombshell dropped in another B.C. community served to make our deer dealings look like a comparative “First World Problem”. Canfor's long mulling over of the future of its Quesnel sawmill ended in the drastic decision to close the doors for good. Where the debate in Invermere has centred around how to deal with about 100 deer munching our flowers and giving us intimidating glares, Quesnel is facing the loss of 209 jobs at their mill, in a region that's not exactly as tourist-friendly as the Columbia Valley. (Canfor asked that we publish the letter that begins on this page so as to assure Columbia Valley residents that their jobs are not at risk.) The people of the Cariboo Region of B.C. are likely finding their permanent sawmill closure quite a bit more difficult to deal with in the wake of the pine beetle epidemic than locals found the temporary closure of Canfor's Radium Hot Springs mill was a few short years ago. But the fact our forests are among the healthiest in B.C., with a guaranteed long-term timber supply that faces few serious threats, makes it much easier for us to be optimistic. Where one community is out more than 200 jobs that support families, we still have positions to fill. As of late last week, Canfor's Canal Flats mill has seven vacant positions, while the Radium mill has nine jobs to fill. Some of those positions may be filled by the former employees at Canfor's Quesnel operation — and I'm sure this community would be glad to welcome those skilled workers and their families.
The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley
#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299
Importance of family testimony emphasized Dear Editor, The Wilder family is concerned that the Valley Echo/Pioneer reporter was not in the court room to hear testimony from family members at the inquest for Patrick Wilder. A follow-up is being conducted by the Wilder family. Editor's note: Due to newspaper deadlines, our reporter could not be at the inquest for all of the testimony. We aim to follow up as soon as a transcript is available. Janet Wilder Fairmont Hot Springs
Angela Krebs
Tika's death was our fault Editor's note: this letter was sent following the Calgary Herald's story on the death of Tika the grizzly bear, and later shared with The Valley Echo. Dear Editor, Tika's death - what a tragic piece of sorrowful news that beset Invermere and the Radium Valley. No worries, however. Now that the grizzly bear population is estimated to be at around 15,000 in B.C., from a low of 6,600 in the 1970s, it is obviously time to rev the old engines, crank up the stereo, and sneak up to the unsuspecting critter. Let's jab him blindsided. After all, we've waited far too long for this comeback. Our family drives Highway 93 south every summer weekend to Invermere. The journey to Invermere
Rose-Marie Regitnig
Greg Amos
Steve Hubrecht
Dan Walton
Silena Ann Ewen
Dean Midyette
Sheila Tutty
Nicole Trigg
Renice Oaks
dean@cv-pioneer. com
In Absentia
is fraught with neglectful drivers who think that 90 is just another synonym for "fine me." Nicole Gagnon, grizzly bear refuge ranger at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort in Golden, was so right in mentioning that Tika's death was caused by humans. Yes, you've got to slow down, drive according to the weather and road conditions, and not be in such a hurry. Tika, you were rescued, rehabilitated and released, only to succumb to the vile degradation of a machine. Rest in peace, Tika, because this world was never meant for one as resilient as you. Claudia Griebel Calgary
Canfor regrets mill closure in Quesnel
ing for a different solution, Canfor announced today that we will be permanently closing our sawmill in Quesnel in March 2014. This closure impacts 209 Canfor employees who have persevered through the U.S. economic slowdown and pine beetle epidemic, and kept the mill profitable. It is an extremely challenging time for our organization, our Quesnel employees and their families, and for the community itself. Our Quesnel facility has been one of the key mills behind the success of our China market program, and we deeply regret that this closure decision is necessary. It was through the dedicated effort of our employees in Quesnel that Canfor was able to produce lumber from some of the most heavily mountain pine beetle-impacted fibre in British Columbia, and ship 100 per cent of it to China.
Dear Editor, After 18 months of search-
NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Word on the Street
Did you know about and are you excited about the Rocky Mountain Rally happening this weekend? A7
We are extremely proud of what was achieved here, and are saddened to see it come to an end. Closing a profitable sawmill is very difficult, but there is simply not enough fibre remaining in the Quesnel area to support all of the mills in the community. While we considered every option – including harvesting areas currently constrained for environmental reasons or bringing in wood from longer distances — these would only have delayed the inevitable. Another key part of the decision to close our Quesnel mill was choosing what to do with our tenure rights. It is in the best interests of the community of Quesnel
for the tenure to be utilized and not held indefinitely after the closure. We also want this to be the last mountain pine beetle closure we take at Canfor, so we looked for a Quesnel operator who would be willing to exchange tenure in one of our other operating areas, allowing us to safeguard the future of another Canfor mill, in this case Houston. As was also announced today, we have entered into an agreement with West Fraser that allows us to strengthen our fibre position in Houston while they do so in Quesnel. Canfor will not walk away from the Quesnel employees who have given so much to our organization. We have pledged to every member of our Quesnel team that they will be offered a position at another Canfor division. For those that choose to remain in the community, Canfor
will work with our regional competitors and other employers to find positions for as many of our employees as possible. Labor demand within Canfor and across the forest sector is high, and we are confident that we will able to place our employees quickly. I recognize that some may question our decision to close this mill, and I want to state very clearly: if there was an option that would allow us to keep a profitable mill in operation, we would have found it. B.C.’s government has taken all possible steps to manage the impacts of the mountain pine beetle epidemic while developing new offshore markets and ensuring a forest policy framework that allows our industry to be globally competitive. That our industry had Chinese customer opportunities to support our
companies, workers and communities through the U.S. housing market collapse was largely the result of government policy and market development work of a decade ago. It is critical that this work continue. While adjusting sawmilling capacity to fibre availability following the mountain pine beetle will be a difficult transition, B.C. will continue to have a strong and vibrant forest sector into the future. Ensuring our sawmilling capacity matches the sustainable supply of fibre is an essential part of safeguarding the future of the industry, and we appreciate the support of government, our communities and our employees as we move forward. Don Kayne CEO, Canfor
Valley Skies — Brian Fenerty
Training your eyes to see the stars in the sky When the city east of the Rockies (Calgary) was much smaller, it was possible to see the Milky Way from within that city. A special treat was spotting the Andromeda Galaxy, M31. Close by was galaxy M33 over near Triangulum, but that I didn’t spot until years later. Try as I might, M33 eluded me – until I changed an eyepiece to a wide field of view. I scanned slowly back and forth again. Something was there! After several more sweeps to be sure and as my eyes got used to the near-mirage, there it finally was. I had been looking right through it! The wider view, including a darker background, revealed its subtle presence. Stargazing experience grew, and other night sky features emerged in the dark overhead. A very useful, but strange-at-first habit helped — looking a bit away from a charted object to actually see it! Eye structure doesn’t help us see faint objects straight on at night. Also, the more one looks, the more one’s brain seems to process better the patterns and contrasts that first observing misses.
When the big city draws me eastward, often I return to our valley at night. Moonlit nights through Kootenay National Park are fascinating. When it is dark, however, I find (and you may too) habits from dark sky watching help make the trip safer. There are the obvious tips (for observing and for driving) of looking sideways from sudden bright lights, even closing one eye momentarily, although reducing depth perception, to keep it at least somewhat dark adapted (this is not a function of the irise, but rather the photochemicals involved in the retinae). My seeing has become able to readapt quickly after momentary bright lights, perhaps from years of deliberately asking my brain to process faint contrasts as soon as it can. Lately, I've added a technique some troops and searchers recommend: slowly scanning dark areas over and over in small figure eights, which some find gets around certain night vision problems and illusions. I seem to catch distant eye reflections from deer a bit sooner. The more I scan the ditch and trees, the more certain dim features become
Here are the valley skies at the start of November, as seen at mid-evening ( 8 p.m. or so). Ilustration by Brian Fenerty
familiar, so I might spot something unusual. One surprise, however, was what looked like an eye of something invisible standing absolutely still on the highway two minutes north of Vermillion Crossing. It didn’t move one bit as I got closer. I slowed then swerved at the last moment... and the night-time moth went by to the right! Further on, your traveller stopped at Kootenay Crossing to enjoy faint stars rising over Split Peak while, overhead, the Milky Way watched us in turn.
Grow Your Life — Elizabeth Shopland
Prepare to accept your greatness Over the past few weeks, I have been writing handwritten Greatness Notes on stationary and giving them to people as a way to express my appreciation for them. You may have also noticed my button I wear daily that says, “Accept Your Greatness." Between the
two, I have created quite a stir in our little community. The Greatness Notes have received a wonderful reaction. The element of surprise is what I like best; eyes go wide open and a big smile spreads across each person’s face when they receive one. It would
appear that a simple hand-written note with a few sentences expressing appreciation goes a long way these days. CONTINUED ON PAGE A10
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
Community Calendar
Remember When?
Send your events to WED OCTOBER 30 •Finish your Halloween costume and pumpkin carving at the Summit Youth Centre, 3:30 - 9 p.m. •Shuswap Halloween Bingo under the big tent off Capilo Way, 7 p.m. For info call Christine at 250-688-1498. THURS OCTOBER 31 •Zombie Walk & fake blood workshop at the Summit Youth Centre, 3:30 - 9 p.m. Prizes for best zombie costume. •Windermere Community Association Halloween Party, 4 - 7 p.m. Free family event, donations to the Food Bank are welcome. Hosted by the David Thompson High School Leadership class. For more information, contact Gracie Boake at 250-341-1548. •Halloween Howl at the Invermere Public Library, 4 - 8 p.m. Stop by throughout the evening for a cup of hot chocolate and a treat! Not-SoScary Storytime (for the younger crowd), at 6:30 p.m. Scary Storytime by Flashlight at 7:30 p.m. FRI NOVEMBER 1 •Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre, 5:30 - 11 p.m. •Fresh Fridays open mic night at Pynelogs Cultural Centre, 7 - 10 p.m. $2 at the door, all ages welcome. •Rocky Mountain Car Rally, also running November 2nd. All of the rally cars will be on display in Invermere on 7th Ave. between 10th and 12th street starting at 10:30 a.m. Get a good look at the cars and meet the teams as they get ready to head out to the first stage. The first car crosses the starting line at 11:30 a.m. The service park is located at Copper Point Golf Club. From drivers doing their own work to full factory teams, there will be a lot of action to watch in the service park all weekend. For full details, and where you can watch, go to SAT NOVEMBER 2 •Baking pumpkin cookies with the Summit Youth Centre, 12:30 - 4 p.m. Take some cookies back home. Ask us for location at summit. or call us at 250-342-3033. •Referendum voting at
the Invermere Community Hall on questions regarding the borrowing of money by the district to build a new community hall and on the topic of the deer cull. Voting open from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. For more information, contact the District of Invermere at 250-342-9281. •CV Arts presents the Bergmann Piano Duo at Christ Church Trinity, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Tickets available at The Book Bar and Pynelogs. Delicious desserts and non-alcoholic beverages available at extra cost, provided by Treats. Contact 250-342-4423 for more information. •Headbanger Educational Day. Contact Kara for more information, 250-347-9331. • 12th Annual East Kootenay Wine Festival at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort. Shuttle available from Invermere and throughout the valley. For info and tickets call 250-345-6070.
Sing and Celebrate, 7 p.m. For more information call Clarence Stauffer, 250-342-9580.
WED NOVEMBER 6 •Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre, 3:30 - 9 p.m. •Catholic Women's League meeting, 7 p.m. at Columbia Garden Village. All women welcome.
1st & 3rd TUESDAY •OPT clinic, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Inv. Health Unit. Confidential service: low-cost birth control, and STI testing.
THURS NOVEMBER 7 •Youth board meeting at the Summit Youth Centre, 4 - 5:30 p.m., then the Summit will be open from 5:30 - 9 p.m. FRI NOVEMBER 8 •Pool Tournament at the Summit Youth Centre, starting at 8 p.m. Centre open from 5:30 - 11 p.m. SAT NOVEMBER 9 •Andrew Kiss & Jewellery exhibition at Artym Gallery, 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Show continues until November 17th. Visit •Man hunt night at the Summit Youth Centre, starting at 8 p.m. Centre open from 4:30 - 10 p.m. EVERY SUNDAY •Drop-in roller skating, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., $5, Glacier Peaks Gymnastics building, 250-342-5321 •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Invermere Badminton Club meets, 7:30 - 10 p.m. at the DTSS gym. EVERY 2nd SUNDAY •LW Alliance Church
1st & 3rd MONDAY •Bingo at the Canal Flats Civic Centre, 7 p.m. EVERY MONDAY •EK Brain Injury Support Group, 1-3 p.m., Family Resource Centre. Info: 250-344-5674. •Gentle drop-in carpet bowling, 1:30 p.m., Invermere Seniors' Centre. •Ladies Motorcycle Born to Ride. Tim Horton’s, 5:15 p.m. Call 341-5646 for more info. •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Megan McConnell at 250-409-4455. •Duplicate Bridge, 6:30 p.m., Invermere Seniors’ Hall, $2/person. Visitors welcome. •Ultimate Frisbee at J.A. Laird School field. Free, for all ages, and beginners welcome. Call 250-270-0346.
STEVE JESSEL/ECHO FILE PHOTO October 2011 — 2006 Olympic curling bronze medallist Christine DuBois (right) was one of six volunteers who took the time to teach a curling workshop to prospective curlers at the Invermere Curling Club on Saturday, October 22nd.
A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 50 years GREG AMOS
EVERY TUESDAY •Cubs (8-10 year olds) and Beavers (5-7 year olds), J.A. Laird, 6 - 7 p.m. •Shuswap Bingo at the Shuswap Indian Band Office downstairs, doors open at 5:30 p.m., early bird at 6:45 p.m., regular games at 7 p.m. 2nd & 4th WED •Seniors' Day at the Invermere Library, 1:15 2:15 p.m. Bus provided. EVERY WEDNESDAY •Yoga THRIVE - Yoga for Cancer Survivors and Support People. Copper Point Resort at 4:30 p.m. Call Jan Klimek at 250-342-1195 •Invermere Badminton Club meets 7-9 p.m. at JA Laird School gym. 1st THURSDAY •Columbia Valley MS Support Group meet and greet. 7 - 8 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity. EVERY THURSDAY • Weekly Texas Hold 'Em Poker tournament at the Invermere Legion, 7 p.m. $35 buy-in; no rebuys. Cash payouts. •Open Mic night at the Hoodoo Grill, 9:30 p.m.
10 years ago (2003): Radium Hot Springs was seeking signage solutions, after new restrictions raised the ire of businesses who complained about other businesses who were allowed to keep neon or backlit signs that were already in place. Mayor Greg Deck noted that was creating an "unfair playing field." Council decided to take their time in mulling over possible solutions, while seeing how Banff and Canmore dealt with similar issues. • Petro Canada said high gas prices in the Columbia Valley were the fault of local marketing strategies, after being asked about the problem by The Valley Echo. While crude oil prices and transportation costs played a large role, Petro Canada communications advisor said local market conditions were the main influence on prices. More gas stations in the Columbia Valley or
Invermere would result in a lower prices, she said. 20 years ago (1993): Valley arts groups banded together to oppose a possible sale of the Invermere Community Hall property, which faced rezoning at the time. The Columbia Valley Arts Council, the Lake Windermere Players and more voiced their concerns at an October 25th meeting, where groups pointed out the sound and lighting issues in the old gym at David Thompson Secondary School posed insurmountable problems. The hall was dedicated as a war memorial in 1947, and many of the valley's "old timers" donated money for its construction, said Winn Weir of the CVAC. • Valley Echo editor Ian Cobb took exception to some of the reactions to the newspaper's coverage of an assault causing bodily harm case, after vandals egged the Echo's office building. Mr. Cobb argued that the case, although controversial, was important to cover as a matter of public record. "Baby, when it's in the public courts, it's in the newspaper, like it or not," he wrote. 30 years ago (1983): Children in the Grade 1 class at Windermere Elementary spent a frosty fall morning
squeezing apples at the Peterson farm, where the owner brought the fall tradition of apple cider pressing to the Columbia Valley. The quality of the juice is best when several varieties of apples and crab apples are blended, he said. Straight from the press, the juice would keep for 10 to 14 days without processing, he added. • Three Cranbrook men pleaded guilty to B.C. Fisheries Act charges in provincial court, after being found with undersized fish in their posession at Whitetail Lake, and for using natural bait and treble hooks. The regulations for Whitetail Lake at the time stipulated a two-fish limit, a minimum length of 40 centimetres, no food stuff or natural bait, and use of a single hook only. "Taxpayers have gone to great expense to establish Whitetail Lake as a special trophy fishery," said conservation officer Buzz Harmsworth. "It is the only one in this region." The lake was then stocked with Gerard Rainbow Trout, and Mr. Harmsworth had recorded fish weighing up to 11 pounds taken from the lake. Parent fish from Kootenay Lake at that time weighed up to 35 pounds.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo A9
Local doctor recovering well after mountain bike crash STEVE HUBRECHT
After taking a serious tumble last week, a local mountain biker is recovering well thanks to the efforts of other riders and rescue workers. “I'm wearing a back brace, but I'm otherwise doing fine,” said Dr. Mike Walsh, who was riding with the usual Wednesday night men's mountain biking group on October 23rd, when he took a nose-dive off a twoand-a-half-metre drop and landed on his head, ending up with a stable
fracture of the L1 vertebrae. “I'm walking, and I'm up and moving around,” said Mr. Walsh, who is a family doctor and general practitioner at Invermere's Chisel Peak Medical Clinic. There were about 10 bike riders out in the group, who quickly immobilized Mr. Walsh and waited for emergency medical services. “They (my friends) are amazing people; they were holding me there for an hour and a half,” he said. Mr. Walsh was able to direct others in helping him. The ambulance crew took about an hour to reach the scene,
partly because the accident occurred on a bike trail north of Wilmer some distance from the road, and the paramedics needed to hike in to get to Mr. Walsh. The mountain bikers and the paramedics stabilized him, then carried him out on a stretcher. Columbia Valley Search and Rescue workers also showed up to help. Mr. Walsh has been in to Calgary to see a spinal specialist and as of press time, was in the Invermere hospital, but was expecting to be out within a day or two.
A good time for all at Fireman's Ball
“I'm super lucky; I could have easily broken my neck instead of my back,” he said. The doctor expressed deep
thanks to his friends, the paramedics and the Search and Rescue workers who helped him after the accident.
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Behind the
Wh ee
Update your Driving Skills and Knowledge The Prudent Pedestrian & The Diligent Driver DAN WALTON/VALLEY ECHO PHOTOS Above: Kate Bennett tops off her plate after completing the buffet at the 42nd Annual Fireman's Ball at the Invermere Community Hall on Saturday, October 26th. Auctions, live music, and dancing kept the guests busy until late in the evening. Left: Cranbrook band Canadian Crossfire turned up the heat on the dance floor with rock classics and scorching saxophone solos that had the dance floor moving at the packed community hall.
The municipality was created as a result of that decision, pointed out Ms. Teneese “It's pretty difficult to be a respondent in a decision it is part of,” she said. The municipality had argued it had direct interest in the matter. “We're disappointed in the decision,” said Jumbo mayor Greg Deck, after the Supreme Court ruling not to let the municipality be a respondent was made. “We do think that we have an interest that is distinct from that of the (resort) proponent (Glacier Resorts Ltd.) and the province.
But we also recognize that our three interests are closely aligned and that our fundamental concerns will be addressed by the other two respondents,” he added. In his ruling, Mr. Taylor said “in the event the petition is successful such that an interim or permanent injunction is granted, the municipality would only suffer, in the vernacular, collateral damage, and thus it is not convenient to determine the issues in this proceeding as against the municipality as a party.” The arguments are scheduled to be heard in court starting on January 6th, 2014, likely in Cranbrook.
Over the five years ending with 2012 B.C. saw an average of 2,300 pedestrian involved collisions with 2,400 injuries and 60 fatalities. Almost 42% of these were aged 61 or over. Males tend to be involved more often with 35 deaths each year compared to 25 female deaths. While the majority of collision causes are driver related, over 20% of contributing factors were attributed to pedestrians. It’s probably a risky choice to start an article with a paragraph of statistics. People see numbers, not their community members at risk or the significance of their chances of colliding with a pedestrian. If there is no personal impact (pun intended), readers will skip along to something more interesting. I’m hoping that I still have your attention. If you are a pedestrian, you can use the sidewalk, walk on the left if there isn’t, cross at crosswalks, look both ways, point your way to safety and wear reflective clothing or use lights. If you are a driver, realize that you must exercise care at all times to avoid colliding with a pedestrian. Think pedestrian when the car adjacent to you slows and stops in an unexpected place and when you approach residential areas, crosswalks, school and playground zones. Whew! That’s a lot of thoughts in only a few paragraphs. Please try to keep them all in mind, both of you. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more please visit
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
NEWS cull 100 deer. we don't believe we should have to pay for any of the “Because they were attacking the process, the costs,” he said. “We've spent enough on our legal bills,” “Legally, it's not a binding referendum, but realistically, consultation and the resolutions authorizing the he said, adding the group's lawyer, Rebeka Breder with I can't picture council going against the results," he said. first cull, we wanted to resolve this issue,” said Boughton law, worked at a slightly discounted rate for “It's a definite relief to have this resolved,” he said Mayor Taft, who noted the cull itself wasn't directly the group, but not for free. “This was a dismissal, not necessarily a ruling in the of the legal case, which concluded after arguments impeded by this lawsuit, but he and others on for and against were made in B.C. Supreme Court on council wanted to see it clarified before proceeding. district's favour, though it is the outcome they wantOctober 10th and 11th. “The threat of ongoing legal “Other communities across the province were also ed,” he said. “Nobody won, so nobody should have to pay each other's court bills; we'll just have to see what action is something other municipalities were looking for this to be resolved.” Residents voting in the upcoming community centre happens with court costs.” watching closely.” The District of Invermere “will be actively seekThe legal petition was brought forward by Mr. Suman referendum will have the opportunity to answer the and the Invermere Deer Protection Society more than deer question, which asks: “Do you approve coun- ing to recoup as much for costs as we can,” said a year and a half ago, when the4.3” district x 4” was ready to cil of the district of Invermere to use a deer cull as a Mayor Taft, adding it's likely the district's total cost method to control the urban deer in the case is now close to $40,000. Costs will be population?” determined at a later court appearance, likely in “If there's a strong majority of about two months from now. people saying yes to a deer cull as The deer protection society is now looking into a one of the tools, that doesn't nec- provincial application process to run a facility “to take Ann Plassmann, essarily mean we start a deer cull care of injured wildlife, injured deer in particular,” said Village Arts Society, the next day,” said Mayor Taft, who Mr. Kazakoff, who said he's soon to attend a wildlife Invermere, and noted the district has no money rehabilitation course. Jessica Salvidge, budgeted in 2014 for a deer cull. “We're not going away; we're going to be here for the School Works Invermere Deer Protection Society long haul and will continue advocating for deer and Student president Devin Kazakoff said the dis- changing the attitudes of Invermere residents,” he said. Hire A Student And missal of his group's case is “a deciThe only comparable wildlife rehabilitation clinics in receive A WAge SubSidy sion that we've been prepared for for the Kootenays are found in Jaffray and in Nelson, he quite a long time.” said. School Works provides an $8/hour student wage “We were expecting that decision; “We'd like to have volunteers, and run it kind of like subsidy during the school year. we would've loved to have been right, the Invermere Companion Animal Network,” he said. • Columbia Basin small businesses and non-profit, but this is what happened,” he said. “It's something we're looking into.” “It's not going to stop First Nations or public organizations may qualify. us from advocating • Contact or phone for wildlife.” 1.877.489.2687 ext. 3584 for more information. “We truly believe the majority of Invermere residents Connect with us: love the deer and don't want to see a cull,” he added. “We hope that shows up in the poll on November 2nd.” The group doesn't believe costs should be awarded to eiGET YOUR FREE FLU SHOT AT: ther party, since it CANAL FLATS CIVIC CENTRE was a case in the FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2013, 11:00 AM TO 12:30 PM public interest, said Mr. Kazakoff. EDGEWATER LEGION “Our members FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013, 10:00 AM TO 12:00 PM had nothing to gain DAN WALTON/VALLEYecho photo INVERMERE COMMUNITY HALL personally from this A large sign on Highway 93/95 south of the Invermere crossroads is spurring drivers to WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 10:00 AM TO 3:00 PM whole endeavour, so think about their vote in the upcoming November 2nd referendum.
'DEER CULL CASE' from Page A1
Bring your care card with you!
Flu shots are safe, effective, and free for the following: • People 65 years and older and their caregivers/household contacts • People of any age in residential care facilities • Children and adults with chronic health conditions and their household contacts • Children & adolescents (6 months to 18 years) with conditions treated for long periods of time with Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin/ ASA) and their household contacts. • Children & adults who are very obese • Aboriginal people • All children 6-59 months of age • Household contacts and caregivers of infants and children 0-59 months of age • Pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy during the influenza season and their household contacts • People who work with live poultry • Health care and other care providers in facilities and community settings who are capable of transmitting influenza disease to those at high risk of influenza complications • Individuals who provide care or service in potential outbreak settings housing high risk persons (e.g., crew on ships) • People who provide essential community services (First Responders, Corrections Workers) • Inmates of provincial correctional institutions The flu (influenza) is highly contagious. Getting your flue shot protects you and those around you – at home, school and work.
'GROW YOUR LIFE' from Page A7
When is the last time you gave or received a hand written anything? With our dependency on smart phones and e-mails, we have lost our personalized touch. To tell you the truth, I had a very hard time finding stationary notes to begin with, but where there’s a will there’s a way. The “Accept Your Greatness” button has received a wider variety of reactions. Some people laugh, some people agree and some people look at the button, look at me and then quickly avert their eyes and change the subject. For the most part, the button has proven to be a wonderful conversation starter and for some, it has provoked questions like, “What does that mean, really?” Let’s take a moment and think about it. Imagine you are sitting in a movie theatre by yourself. This theatre has two screens side by side. On the left screen, the words “I ACCEPT MY GREATNESS” are written in large print and on the right screen
are the words, “I CHOOSE SUFFERING”. You have a choice each and every day, regardless of the circumstances that surround you, to choose an attitude of greatness. Suffering is optional. Suffering shows up when we feel that the world is conspiring against us, when we buy into habits and beliefs that we use as our excuses, when we say we can’t and when we hold back from being our authentic selves. It doesn’t sound like much fun, yet so many choose to suffer as a way to live their lives. Greatness, on the other hand, is about stepping up and out into the world. It’s about sharing all of your wonderful gifts, love and appreciation with a genuine heart. It’s about going after what you really want and accepting that sometimes it will work out and other times it won’t, but you keep on learning, adjusting and growing. Take the time this week to hand write and distribute some Greatness Notes. Choose to accept your greatness and inspire others to do the same.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo A11
A&E Singer-songwriter Jade Bowen shines as emerging valley artist DAN WALTON
Bergmann Piano Duo
As she becomes more regularly featured on concert bills around the valley, singer-songwriter Jade Bowen is becoming a household name among the local arts community. Her musical career began on her tenth birthday, when Jade was booked to sing publicly for the first time at Strand's Old House Restaurant. Sitting with her mom before it was time to hit the stage, she learned of a special guest in the crowd. "A lady came up to us and said, “Don't turn around yet, but Sarah McLachlan is right behind you," Jade said. After introducing herself to the Canadian singing icon, Jade invited her to later attend her secondever performance, which was the outdoor festival Pynestock. Jade must have been ready and in key for her debut show, because Sarah McLachlan accepted the invitation and made it to Pynestock. "You never know what to expect, but you can always hope for the good," she said. Once Jade demonstrated to her mother the ability to write music, "beyond her years," it was decided that DAN WALTON/VALLEYECHO PHOTOS Jade would be enrolled in music lessons with local Jade Bowen is finding her groove and honing her valley-influenced sound teacher Oso Simple. after years of songwriting lessons and performing experience. "She's able to connect with her higher self and access information to put music together that's ago when she was just 12, and has sold out all of its 400 absolutely, unconditionally from the heart," Ms. Bowen said. "Oso helped her to formalize the writing copies. With new song ideas burning through her guitar and process from a technical aspect." voice, Jade hopes to have a new album released by the Jade describes her music as somewhere along the lines end of 2014, hopefully with help from Oso Simple. of folky-country blues, and sums it up as "kind of the "He's helped me with the guitar component of song feel of the valley." Her first album, Life in the Rockies, came out four years writing, as well as the lyrical components,” said Jade. Currently in Grade 11 at David Thompson Secondary School, it's not uncommon to hear Jade performing at a school function, but she can always be found at Fresh Fridays, which are open mic nights happening on the first Friday of every month at the Pynelogs Cultural Centre. She's set to perform there on Friday, November 1st, beginning at 7 p.m., and hinted that there will be new material presented during December's Fresh Fridays show. Jade was a part of MusicFest in Invermere this past July, when she was the segue artist between Plastic Acid and Kyprios. And she'll also be adding to the holiday festivities, as she'll be performing as part of Invermere's Light Up Night, which happens on Saturday, November 23rd.
performing at Christ Church Trinity at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, November 2nd Tickets $20 for adults and $10 for students Tickets available at The Book Bar or at the door. Presented by CV Arts
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
Fall Auto Care OK Tire boasts bold selection for all seasons CONTRIBUTED Special to The Valley Echo
Selecting the right tire for your needs and budget is easily accomplished at OK Tire & Auto Service, located next to Kool Country Auto Parts in Invermere's Industrial Park. Manager Brandon Shaw heads up the four-person team of knowledgeable staff who provide expert service on a full line of automotive, light truck and heavy-duty truck tires for both summer and winter seasons. "With three experienced licensed technicians, you always get first class service at OK Tire," said Mr. Shaw. Now in its 11th year in business, OK Tire boasts a state-of-the-art tire changer and electronic digital balanc-
er machine that can accommodate up to 30-inch wheels with up to 50-inch tires. "A set of winter tires, provided they are rotated regularly and not used during the summer, will last an average of four seasons," said Mr. Shaw. Not just a tire store, the business also offers full mechanical services plus used parts, which give customers the option of saving a considerable amount of money. OK Tire & Auto Service also sells custom wheels, along with wheel and tire accessories. Special orders tires are also available. With winter now upon us, it's imperative for valley drivers to ensure they keep themselves and their loved SUBMITTED PHOTO ones safe by gearing up with With 11 years of experience serving customers in the Columbia valley, Invermere's OK Tire has the knowledgeable staff and good winter tires. extensive seection to provide the right tires at the right price.
Quality Auto Repair You Can Trust! Keep your vehicle in top condition with our experienced team. Book early before the snow flies! Check out our great supply of WINTER TIRES ...over a dozen brands, including
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo A13
Walker's Repair ready for anything 'Tis the season for winter tires hand to machinery of the past. Their service records include vehicles showcasing the height of modern engineering all the way to relics of the past. “The oldest vehicles we have had in here are probably from the late 1930s, including cars and trucks,” said Mr. Bidinger. In addition to his time spent keeping valley rides roadworthy, the hockey fan is also the general manager of the Columbia Valley Rockies Junior B hockey team. “This job has allowed me to coach my kids and now it has allowed me time to help with the Columbia Valley Rockies,” Ross said. “It is a decent living and a decent trade that is always changing, and helping people that are stuck is always a big reward.” To book a repair with Walker's, please call 250-342-9424 or visit their website, at .
Special to The Valley Echo
With over 80 years of combined experience in keeping the Columbia Valley's vehicles problem-free, owner Ross Bidinger and his four-person team at Walker's Repair Centre Ltd. take a personal approach to automotive repair and maintenance. “I tell my guys that you have to look at each vehicle as your own,” explained Mr. Bidinger. “If you are the one putting the money out, how would you do things?” Among local mechanics, the Walker's team stands out because of their wide range of services and the vast portfolio of vehicles they have experience working on, said Mr. Bidinger. “What makes us different is that there is nothing that we can't do,” he explained. “We have the broadest range of abilities.” When the wheels start turning in Mr. Bidinger's mind, a creative world of automotive expertise is unleashed on even the most troublesome problem. The valley local started his automotive career by sweeping floors for the original founder of Walker's, Johnny Walker, when he was 13 years old. After completing his formal automotive education, Ross took over the business in 1990. The team at Walker's has spent the past 23 years troubleshooting the VALLEY echo FILE photo computerized world of modern veWalker's Auto Repair takes pride in offering a full range of automotive services. hicles along with extending a helping
• • • • • •
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Many highways in B.C. carry more than a suggestion to use winter tires or chains — they have the force of law behind them. Any highway bearing a sign reading "Use winter tires or carry chains beyond this point October 1 — April 30" actually requires drivers to follow that statement, or be in violation of the B.C. Motor Vehicle Act, said Sgt. D.G. Erichsen of the East Kootenay Traffic Services. That act takes care to define what a winter tire is: it's a tire that is intended principally for winter use, provides adequate traction in snow or mud, and has adequate tread life remaining. "The tire industry speaks very clearly through their trade association in Canada, the Rubber Association of Canada," said Sgt. Erichsen in an October press release. "The association uses the "snowflake on a mountain" logo to identify a winter tire." Tires that bear this logo meet specific performance standards. In the southern interior of B.C., acceptable winter tires must also bear an "M+S" logo, in addition to the snowflake and mountain logo. A winter tire must also have a tread depth of at least 3.5 millimetres to be considered safe. "From a road safety point of view, the RCMP recommends the use of good winter tires," added Sgt. Erichsen. "Chains in the trunk are no good when a vehicle is sliding across the roadway out of control."
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
Welcome to the driver’s seat
In a two-hour drive, the only time I dropped the anchors was when one of Amsterdam’s kazillion cyclists cut in front of me. Keith Morgan
The BMWi electric car powered its way with ease around city streets and along picturesque Dutch canals.
The future is electric AMSTERDAM – BMW has joined the race for the electric car dollar. On the evidence of two days driving the funky-looking all-electric i3 through the narrow streets of old Amsterdam and alongside the picturesque canals of rural Holland, the German manufacturer may have a winner. For starters, it is simply great fun to drive. The lithium-ion battery, encased in an aluminum cage below the five-seater cabin, provides enough instant zap to the electric motor to propel the car smoothly to 100 klicks in less than eight seconds. Left the stopwatch
at home, but counting “one-and-two etc.” to count seconds, my lips barely mouthed “six” before the speedo leapt from 80 to 120 km/h while passing. It handles beautifully at any speed and hugs the road; thanks to the technology-laden aluminum platform, that gives it a very low centre of gravity. Turns on a Euro too, as we found during the many U-turns made on blocked streets. Of course, F1 take-offs will suck the battery dry somewhat more quickly but you need not be a snail in the so-called Comfort mode to achieve the advertised 160 kilometres range on a full
Question OF THE WEEK:
tank, sorry, fully-charged you have a car for the battery. Plug it in at Interior and beyond. Way home overnight and you beyond. As the battery are ready to roar; go for runs low, a two-cylinder, the enhanced charger 647cc gas engine, which and raring to go in three sits neatly by the side of hours. its electric brother, kicks The remarkable efficienin and generates power cy is largely due to two to top up the battery. factors. The carbon-fibre Push it and gas stops The lithium-ion body is light and regenwill be frequent because erative braking generonly a minuscule battery provides ously juices up the cells. enough instant zap nine-litre tank feeds it. In a two-hour drive, the However, most folks will to the electric motor get a chance to recharge only time I dropped the to propel the car anchors was when one before too many visits to of Amsterdam’s kazillion smoothly to 100 the pump. cyclists cut in front of There is another hope klicks in less than me. Ruined my score, the for those living beyond eight seconds. blighter. Hope. Private companies Accepting the more slugare seriously evaluatKeith Morgan gish EcoPro and EcoPro+ ing the supply of fast modes will add 20 and chargers that top up bat40 km to the range. teries in less than half Frankly, in this configuration the i3, is an hour. Eyes will be on the Sea-to-Sky good for any daily commute between Highway where chargers are now Vancouver and Abbotsford and most found at Britannia Beach. And they are journeys in southern Vancouver Island. popping up in parking lots the length The very areas where BMW expects to and breadth of the province as the do the most business. popularity of plug-in hybrid models by other brands grows. The i3 offers premium brand luxury for few dollars short of $45,000. Shell View our BMWi3 gallery and read out another 4 grand for the unimagimore about the electric car at natively named ‘range-extender’ and
We all have a favourite car in our past. What was your best car ever and why? Go to to submit your answer and enter to win a $100 Safeway gift card Post a photo if you have one.
Safety Tip: As drivers, please slow down this week and be extra vigilant, especially around residential areas. Children are always caught up in the excitement of Halloween and can easily forget the rules of the road.
Find more online at
Please drive safely this winter!
To have your ad featured in our Driveway section, contact
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo A15
Judo Jottings — Hermann Mauthner
Judo Club finds success at Creston tournament This year the Invermere Judo Club is enjoying an increased membership of 69 registered members. The greatest increase is with the younger group, followed by adults, advanced students and a foreign exchange student from Germany. We also have, for the first time, six black belts as instructors. The Creston Judo Tournament was held on Saturday, October 26th and was followed by practices on Sunday. It was enjoyed by all participants, athletes and spectators. It was a smaller tournament, since the ruling that no white belts can compete. It was also a qualifying tournament for the eligible athletes for the BC Winter Games. Invermere was represented by 10 athletes, ranking from yellow to black belt. Each one gave their best, as the results show. Starting the tournament with the winter games play-off, Mackenzie left no doubt with a well executed seo nage (shoulder throw) against her opponent, with an ippon win. Emma, Marcia and Mackenzie
received gold medals and qualified for the BC Winter Games. This was followed by the individual competition, with impressive results. Cassia Riches, in her first competition, received a bronze medal. Silver medals were won by Mark Paget, Emma Norquay, Mackenzie Dubois, and Alex Munoz. The gold medal winners were Marcia Paget, Graham Norquay, Ina Roellinger and Oscar Mejia. Graham also received another gold for an exhibition bout with a higher-ranking opponent. A greater surprise came as Karen Sharp formed a team, selecting five athletes to SUBMITTED PHOTO compete against teams from Judo Club members had a good showing at a tournament in Creston last weekend. Left to right: Mackenzie Creston and Fernie. Dubois, Ina Roellinger, Graham Norquay, Emma Norquay, Marcia Paget, Mark Paget, Cassia Riches, Oscar Karen had to swap an ath- Mejia,Nathan Breeze and Alex Munoz. All are wearing their individual medals, and Emma and Marcia are lete from Creston for our holding the team trophy. team and vice versa. The applause received the annual Cres- athletes, coaches and referees for an Invermere team won first exciting weekend. against Fernie and then against ton Team trophy. Congratulations to all competitors, See you on the tatame! Creston, and with great cheer and
Geek Zone — Rob Orchiston
The good old 'Microsoft technical support' scam A recent RCMP Report in The Pioneer told us of a local resident who received the old "this is genuine Microsoft Support" scam call which is still catching people out unfortunately – this one to the tune of a $500 credit card bill. The bogus caller identifies themself as a Microsoft employee and aggressively insists that your computer is rampantly sending out evil viruses and messing up the entire internet. They then “help” you fix this bogus problem by talking you into adjusting your computer settings so they can actually take control of your computer remotely, while you "make a nice cup of tea", they sabotage your now vulnerable computer. Alternatively they just charge your credit card for “fixing” the problem. I received such a call a couple of years ago and for the first few seconds it sounded convincing in perfect call centre Hinglish. I eventually hung up. The caller repeatedly contacted me. My son too received this call once and was aware it was bogus from the start so for some fun, led them on for several minutes insisting he was following the resolution process they were talking him through. For me as a computer professional, getting ahold
of Microsoft support isn't the easiest even when you want them, so Microsoft ain't gonna call you out of the blue to ask you for help. The only time Microsoft genuinely calls me is when they beg me to move to Seattle to join their company. Alert recipients have recorded entire bogus calls which you can see on Youtube. I once probed a bogus caller from VisaMaster: "Where are you calling from?", I asked. The scammer replied, "Los Angeles". "Ah, The City of Angels,” I said. “So, what time is it there?" The scammer paused then stammered "Um..." "Yeah, I figured,” I replied. “Hasta la vista.” Then I hung up.
Playstation 4 or XBox One? Like me, you might be considering a Sony PlayStation 4 ($399) or Microsoft’s Xbox One game console ($499), arriving on the 15th and 22nd of November. Both units tie in many aspects of performance and operation. Is it worth upgrading to these next generation units?
The old games will still be available on shelves for a couple of years, but you’ll be missing out on better graphics, new controllers, a better home entertainment system and a shiny new black box on your shelf. And many new game titles and sequels will only be available on the new systems; backwards compatibility with older games may be available via subscription. The PlayStation 4 boasts slightly better graphics, apparently, but overheating issues were rumoured. The XBox One connect sensor is baked in with superior performance compared to the $100 optional PlayStation 4 Eye. The Xbox One also had a few more exclusive games at launch than the PlayStation 4 did. Both have online multiplayer subscriptions for around $60 per year, and the units also store 500 Gigabytes of data and have Blu Ray drives. Both have similar used game trading as before. Pre-ordering online or inquiring as to availability at nearby stores may be the best way to ensure you can get your mitts on one of these cool consoles soon after their November release dates.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
Have a sports tip? or 250-341-6299
Rough ride for Rockies in weekend defeats took back control. As the Rockies were short one man after 12 minutes into the first, Fernie took advantage with a goWith an injury-stricken lineup, includ- ahead goal, before scoring two ing their starting goaltender, the Colum- more in the ensuing three minbia Valley Rockies are experiencing their utes of play. Justin Miller started in net for toughest struggle of the season so far. After suffering a concussion during the the Rockies, and was swapped Friday, October 18th match against Rev- with Conrad McMillan after alelstoke, goalie Brody Nelson was side- lowing three goals on seven lined, leading to goalie Conrad MacMil- shots just 14:32 into the game. Then with 17 seconds to go lan being called up from Vernon. His Rockies debut came on Wednesday, in the first, Jerome Thorne beat October 23rd in Golden against the Rock- the Ghostrider goalie to chip ets. Goalie Justin Miller finished the game, away at the deficit, drawing the period to a 4 – 2 conclusion. and the Rockies were defeated 5 – 1. Before the passing of the The Rockies came home for a game fi rst minute of the second, the versus the Fernie Ghostriders on Rockies inched within a point Friday, October 25th, with both teams looking to end their losing streaks. of their opponents with a goal DAN WALTON/VALLEY ECHO PHOTO Invermere had lost two games prior and by Peter Matthews. The Fernie Ghostriders notch their eighth goal against the Columbia Valley Rockies during the dying seconds of Following the goal by MatFernie three. their match on Friday, October 25th at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena. Fernie will be back in Invermere for The scoring was opened by Fernie thews, the middle period another game on Friday, November 1st. shortly after the four-minute mark, but couldn't end fast enough for the Thunder Cats. defeat, and their fourth consecutive loss. Racey Big Snake evened things out less Rockies, as three goals went unanswered by Fernie before the 40-minute The opening period belonged to Cres"The injuries have definitely had their than a minute later. ton Valley, as two goals, early and late in part, but it's definitely a step back before It wasn't long before the Ghostriders mark, tallying the score at 7 – 3. There were no goals scored the period, put Columbia Valley down 2 we can take the next step ahead," said in the third period until the –0 heading into the second. systems coach Scott Dubielewicz. "Fernie final 90 seconds of the game. After 15 minutes of play in the second, and Creston have a lot of scoring power, Adam Pulliam scored for Co- the Thunder Cats scored four more goals; so when you give up a lot of shots against lumbia Valley to bring them one on the power play and one short- those teams, a lot of pucks are going to to within three goals, but handed, to put them ahead 6 – 0. end up in your net." with 1:15 remaining, there But during a Rockies power play, the visMitchell Rosko returned to the lineup was little enthusiasm from itors finally put themselves on the board on Saturday, and Mr. Dubielewicz said the crowd. after Doan Smith was set up by Ryan that Logan Kerner and Tyson Kapty will Just 21 seconds later, Fernie Henderson and Kyle Pouncy. Then, be back in the lineup for next weekend, scored to take back their four- during the dying seconds of the second adding that he expects the other injured goal lead. The game conclud- period, Creston Valley scored yet again. players to return shortly. ed with a score of 8 – 4. The Thunder Cats salted the Rockies The Rockies will have another chance Things only became worse wounds in the third period, tallying four to take on Fernie, as the Ghostriders DAN WALTON/VALLEY ECHO PHOTO for the Rockies on Saturday, more goals for themselves onto the score- will be at the Eddie Mountain Memowhen the team was in Creston board before the final buzzer, as Colum- rial Arena on Friday, November 1st for Rockies forward Peter Matthews gets ready for a faceoff Valley to face off against the bia Valley suffered an embarassing 11 – 1 a game beginning at 7:30 p.m. against the Fernie Ghostriders in Friday's game.
Home Games VS. FERNIE GHOSTRIDERS Friday, November 1st 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, November 2nd 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo A17
Grand Prize
This week's winner is:
2 night stay at Copper Point Resort and $100 dining certificate for Elements Grill
Kosty 27
2 rounds of golf for the Ridge at Copper Point Golf Club
Head to Echo/Pioneer office to redeem your lunch prize!
250-341-4000 250-341-3392
All prizes must be claimed before the following week's results are released.
The Valley Echo's 2013/2014
NHL Hockey Pool Standings Rank 1 2 3 4 5 T6 T6 T6 9 T10 T10 T10 13 T14 T14 16 T17 T17 T19 T19 T19 T22 T22 T22 T25 T25 T25 T25 T29 T29 T29 T29 T33 T33 T33 T33 T37 T37 T37 T37 T41 T41 T41 T44 T44 T44 T44 T44 T49 T49 T49
Team Liam 10 Puff Pastry Kosty 27 Pullz 28 Mags57 Jake 2+ Ken Reid + Lawson 23+2 Magic Mitch 25+ Ivy + Dave’s Laffers + MN1 Kogging +2 B.the.B.B.B. + Lis Dirty Doan 12 an +3 Plum 24 Craiger + Van Fan Double-Duece “The Zach Attacks”+ Professor 05+ JHaley11+2 Stick63+2 Brodes+3 Flames Suck + Toucan 01 Kimmer +2 Snakitov13+ Crew Slut Dace 58+2 Love the B’s Hair Haven +2 G Rohrick 15+ PMD +2 King Chris Go Habs Go+ Dylan 4+2 Harley Cotton Swab 4+ The Boyz Snake53+ Jagar 20+ Kappdaddy26+ Dicks Pix +2 Westside Dan The Goalie Guy +2 Paige 13+2 DR19+ Troll 6 Pouncy’s Pals 3+2
Total 210 209 207 203 199 198 198 198 196 195 195 195 194 193 193 192 191 191 190 190 190 189 189 189 188 188 188 188 187 187 187 187 186 186 186 186 185 185 185 185 184 184 184 183 183 183 183 183 182 182 182
LW 63 59 68 63 64 50 45 50 57 43 58 53 49 59 58 49 50 42 48 47 58 50 56 41 53 54 47 47 48 53 49 50 51 50 45 44 51 47 66 45 67 53 51 47 52 43 39 47 51 55 44
GM 8 11 7 9 4 16 14 21 17 23 14 9 24 8 6 20 8 14 14 8 9 20 19 14 31 11 12 12 17 7 16 12 27 24 25 6 8 33 12 19 15 15 12 7 29 20 26 13 26 19 23
P/G 0.89 0.93 0.87 0.85 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.90 0.87 0.89 0.87 0.84 0.87 0.82 0.82 0.88 0.82 0.86 0.81 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.86 0.84 0.92 0.79 0.84 0.80 0.83 0.79 0.84 0.83 0.87 0.83 0.83 0.80 0.80 0.86 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.80 0.77 0.79 0.85 0.80 0.83 0.81 0.84 0.81 0.85
Rank T52 T52 54 T55 T55 T55 T55 T59 T59 T59 T59 T59 T64 T64 T66 T66 T66 T69 T69 T71 T71 T73 T73 T73 T73 T77 T77 79 T80 T80 T80 T80 84 85 T86 T86 88 T89 T89 91 92 T93 T93 95 T96 T96 98 99 100 101 102
Aces N Eights Rockies 3+ Zman +2 Nicole+ Jye+ Long Rock+ Rockies super fan …+ Ryann 7+3 Cian +4 Ashley Furniture +4 Nelson 30+ Naho Rubicon +2 Rockies 18 R’s Rockets + LBO +2 lil’b + Brennan + RC31 +2 MM88 Skeeter 31+ Rock 50+ ACF+ Love the B’s 2+3 Hossa 81+2 Dusty 21 Bergeeo 7+2 Brennan’s Compe…+2 Injured reserve 16 Chick Magnet + Joaks 16+3 Badtothe Boone 22+ Heidi +4 Dooley+ Harley 10+2 Yolo Swagins +3 Dumpandpump 15+ Hunter 11+4 Major Snipes +4 Ninja Chicken +2 Nick Bolin +2 Hendy 17 +4 Nelly +3 David +3 Old Rock +2 Matt Cable+ Connor K +3 Riley 14 +3 Braden 5 +3 N4Cer +2 J. Pike +5 Schlittsy06
181 181 180 179 179 179 179 178 178 178 178 178 176 176 175 175 175 174 174 173 173 172 172 172 172 171 171 170 169 169 169 169 168 167 166 166 165 164 164 163 162 160 160 155 154 154 153 149 147 140 0
LW 45 57 40 54 42 51 50 60 38 41 47 44 50 48 46 52 51 42 51 47 39 44 48 47 48 44 38 44 48 40 45 40 50 52 48 47 34 37 32 44 34 38 46 46 48 42 40 47 36 37 0
GM 15 12 21 17 15 18 15 23 28 31 17 38 17 21 14 26 38 27 19 28 19 20 28 25 19 26 21 8 13 25 14 33 22 29 23 28 28 23 29 35 42 35 45 41 21 41 29 42 34 43 0
P/G 0.83 0.76 0.86 0.80 0.81 0.83 0.80 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.83 0.86 0.76 0.80 0.76 0.81 0.85 0.82 0.77 0.80 0.77 0.76 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.80 0.79 0.74 0.76 0.75 0.76 0.81 0.78 0.78 0.76 0.80 0.78 0.75 0.79 0.79 0.81 0.76 0.80 0.79 0.69 0.75 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.74 0.00
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Columbia Valley
Weekend Weather
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
Brain Games Friday
Variable cloudiness
Variable cloudiness
Mixed precipitation
Temp: 6 C
Temp: 6oC
Temp: 5 C
November 1
November 3
November 2
Feels like 3 C
Feels like 4 C
Low: -1oC
Low: -2oC
Low: 0oC
CLUES ACROSS 1. Character (abbr.) 4. Animal companions 8. A country in SE Asia 10. Of Carthage 11. On top of 12. Boater hat 13. Eat rapidly (slang) 15. Paddlers 16. Food consumer 17. Aeronaut 18. Tonto’s Kemosabe 21. Division of geological time 22. Hill (Celtic) 23. Towing boat 24. Clatter 25. Trees of the genus
Feels like 6 C
Crossword October 30, 2013
Abies 26. Deprive by deceit 27. Decomposed 34. Nail & hair protein 35. A citizen of Iran 36. Whitish edible root vegetable 37. Actress Winger 38. Lessens in intensity 39. Afrikaans 40. Connected spirals 41. Accordingly 42. Competently 43. Angle (abbr.) CLUES DOWN 1. Clothes storage area
2. “__and her Sisters” 3. Revolve 4. One who makes puns 5. Inspire with love 6. Chronograph 7. Look over quickly 9. French philosopher Georges 10. A peerless example 12. Picture done in oils 14. To and ___ movement 15. Egg cells 17. Macaws 19. Nerve inflammation 20. Energy unit 23. Herbal infusions
24. Female deer 25. Before anything else 26. Cotangent (abbr.) 27. Run off the tracks 28. A small drink of liquor 29. Get free of 30. A sharp narrow
mountain ridge 31. Knight’s tunic 32. Infuriate 33. Lines in a drama 34. Skewered meat 36. Ground dwelling rodent
Answer to October 23:
Horoscope Fifth Week of October ARIES Aries, shake things up a bit to inpsire some much-needed change. Be a tourist in your own city if you cannot afford a trip or immerse yourself in new cultures. TAURUS It is not a good week to begin new projects, Taurus. In fact, cosmic signs point to finishing up anything you have outstanding. Try to focus on financial matters as well. Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Last Sudoku answer -->:
GEMINI Cooperate with others this week, Gemini. This works best when you embrace compromise. Listen to what others have to say and always keep an open mind.
CANCER Cancer, a desire to get organized has been on your mind for quite some time. Now is the ideal time to do something about it. Start by clearing out clutter and go from there. LEO Enjoy a short vacation, Leo. It may be a jaunt to a weekend hideaway or something off the beaten path, but make the most of this welldeserved escape from the daily grind. VIRGO Virgo, you are feeling domestic this week, so enjoy puttering around the house these next several days. You can catch up on decorating or renovating the home.
LIBRA Libra, you feel a strong need to communicate with others this week. Share some truths with your loved ones, but try not to come across as if you have an agenda. SCORPIO Scorpio, you may have a desire to travel and seek adventure, but right now finances won’t allow it. If you can keep expenses down, you may have the opportunity soon. SAGITTARIUS Expect to have luck on your side this week, Sagittarius. As a natural born risk-taker, all you need is a little incentive to get out and take a chance.
CAPRICORN Keep your intentions hidden from others until you are ready for the big reveal, Capricorn. This will help make the surprise even more exciting for all those involved. AQUARIUS Aquarius, discussions reach a point where you want to make permanent changes to your plans. Mull things over before making any final decisions, but enjoy this exciting time. PISCES Personal details about your private life may become public, Pisces. How this information is handled depends on your reaction.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo A19
Building your Wealth Already time for holiday shopping The day after tomorrow will be November 1. It seems like only yesterday, or at most just a few days ago, the lake was full of boaters and swimmers and we were having fun in the sun of summer. Now, we’ve hit the season of fog and snow. I know there are some people who thoroughly enjoy the snow and can’t wait ‘til the trails and the runs are ready. Since I, too, have spent time doing those things, I don’t feel as bad as some others who don’t like it at all. But there is one thing we are all feeling as we get to 55 days until Christmas. It’s time to get our Christmas gifts. The holidays will soon be upon us. Hopefully, that means good food and good times with family and friends. However, before this, it will also mean shopping, and perhaps lots of it. Every financial planner worth the name will recommend sitting down and figuring out a budget for holiday purchases. Some of the things we or our families want for this season are expensive and we’d better plan really well. We may even need to prepare a cushion. Then, plan as well as you can, you’re still almost certain to either forget or underestimate something. Chances are pretty good you might go overbudget. If you do, you will likely use a credit card, or more than one, to make the purchases. Of course, there’s always discipline. But that would mean not getting a gift you, and perhaps someone else, had planned on. For those who leave shopping to the last minute or have to go a long way to shop, discipline might say not to get it - and you don’t have time or can’t think of anything - so . . . . Then comes the day when the bills arrive and you wonder how you managed to dig such a big hole. But those bills still have to be paid. Know how your credit card issuer calculates the interest you’re charged. It depends on how you use your card. The interest rate charged on a cash advance may, as one instance, be different from the interest charged on a purchase. Take that contract out of the drawer and read it through as early as you can! The language can be difficult, but there’s a lot in it. Get some help if it’s difficult for you. A cash advance is usu-
ally treated the same as a loan. That means interest on it is automatically charged from the day you receive the cash until the day the money is repaid. However, every institution has its own policy with respect to purchases - which means you should read the contract. On many credit cards, you don’t pay any interest on purchases if you pay the balance in full, by the due date. They call this the “interest-free period,” which is not as accurate as it sounds. It really means, “The time before we start to charge you interest, but we’re keeping track.” The company still records your interest. However, if you pay your balance off in full and on time, they don’t charge the interest. But, if your balance is not paid in full by the due date, interest is calculated — and accumulates — from the purchase date until the balance is payments fully paid off. Partial toward your balance are applied, first, to your previous month’s outstanding balance then to your current month’s pur-
chases. In some cases, interest will be charged for three months after you have paid the balance off – and on all purchases you charge to the card. Here’s an example: let’s assume your holiday purchases on your credit card total $4,000, and let’s assume your card has an annual interest rate of 19% (which is reasonable, since most cards in Canada range from 17-21%). If that card requires a minimum payment of 3%, it will take 18.5 years to pay off the debt, and you will wind up paying $4,242.32 in interest alone, not even counting the $4,000.00 original balance. Also, remember, that this is only true if you never use the card again! Credit cards are very useful financial tools. They can be tremendously productive in establishing credit, and, if used very carefully, can be a big help in rebuilding damaged credit. But if swiping the card isn’t treated exactly like taking out a loan and agreeing to pay it off right away, the card can be trouble. Whether you are planning to use a credit card for the first time, have one and have gotten into some trouble with it, are interested in exactly how credit card companies charge interest, or you have questions about using a credit card, your best source for factual information is your local, independent, Certified Financial Planner®. That’s us. We’re here to help.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
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Cards of Thanks
Business Opportunities
A big shout out to Sarah, Jason and Chris at Fire Vixen Tattoos. Thank you for rearranging appointments and accommodating all of us. The tattoos will forever be a bond of love, support and who Bill was. THANK YOU! The Families of Bill Hollingsworth.
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CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
JOBS IN Alberta. Large Beef Processor in High River, Alberta looking for experienced butchers. $17.00 - $18.70 hour. Call Laszlo: (403)652 8404 or send an email:
BUSY Law Firm in Penticton seeks full time conveyancing assistant. Email resume in confidence to:
In Memoriam
Bernard “Barney” Weismiller
Career Opportunities
Anton Luyendyk 1924 - 2013
It is with great sadness that we share the passing of Anton “Tony” Luyendyk on October 18, 2013. Tony was born on September 6, 1924 in Calgary, AB and moved to the Valley in 1947. Tony is predeceased by his mother, Ethel, father John, infant son Gregory Anton and great granddaughter Riley Summer Pitchford.
June 17th, 1952 – October 30th, 2009
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
He is survived by his wife, Phyllis, of 63 years, his brothers Walter and Roy, sons John and Rick, daughter Jo-Ann; his grandchildren, Adam, Trish, Megan, Dean, Mason, Becky, Erin, Kayla; and great grandchildren, Ty, Nolan, Tia, Luca, Malin, Mateyah, Colbie and Samuel.
Tony will be dearly remembered for his love of family, friends, the Columbia Valley and his passionate dedication to community service including the Lion’s Club, Masons, Hospital Board among many others.
Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the staff of Columbia House for their exceptional and compassionate care of Tony. A memorial service for Tony was held on October 29, 2013 at Christ Church Trinity. His Interment will take place in Windermere Columbarium at a later date. In lieu of flowers donations can be made in Tony’s honour to Columbia House.
We love you and miss you. Love Kathy, Tristan, Derek, Tara (Shane), Amanda (Chad), Allison (Geoff ) and grandchildren.
Career Opportunities
C E N T U R Y PLAZA HOTEL Best Rates. 1.800.663.1818
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Career Opportunities
Bill Hollingsworth November 19th, 1934 – October 19th, 2013
It is with sorrow in our hearts we have to announce the passing of William (Bill) Lester Hollingsworth on October 19th, 2013. Bill was born and raised in Revelstoke. He was an accomplished athlete and true outdoorsman. Bill started ski jumping at the age of 15, he competed in Revelstoke, Field, Vancouver and Kimberley. He attended the 1952 Winter Olympics in Oslo, Norway as a spectator. He was a baseball enthusiast starting at a young age playing in little league and continued on to the B.C. Senior Games. Bill was an avid curler who competed in many bonspiels. Knowledgeable in all aspects of the outdoors, he devoted his life to hunting, fishing and guiding, sharing his wisdom freely. He followed his passion of the outdoors and joined Parks Canada as a Warden. Bill was a Warden at Yoho from 1958 - 1964 until he transferred to Wood Buffalo. He completed his duty as Chief Warden in 1968 when he moved to the Kootenays. Bill gave up his position as Warden and became a carpenter for Parks Canada in 1969. That is where he found his love for construction and spent the remainder of his life building everything from homes to jewelry boxes. Bill and his family settled in Edgewater in 1970 where he built his first home. Bill moved to Radium in 1991 and built two more homes. Bill spent countless hours in the bush and many more helping people with was very very humble humble and and aa Relentless relentless renovations. He had a quiet strength, was tease. He has impacted many lives and will be fondly remembered. Bill is survived by his partner Lorry who filled his heart with love and took tremendous care of him for the last 15 years. son Michael Bill was predeceased by his wife Marlene and survived by his Son (Marianne); Daughter’s daughters Julie (Marianne), Julie (Keith) (Keith),and Kari,Kari; sistersister JaneJane (Mel)(Mel); and niece Vicki (Paul); grandkids (Brad), JorjaJorja andand Nicole; and (Paul). GrandkidsJustin, Justin,Jaime-Lee, Jaime-Lee,Jamie, Jamie,Julie Julie (Brad), Nicole. great-grandkids Paytten and and Mykkel. Mykkel. Great grandkids Paytten Bill died with a dear friend doing what they loved. At Bill’s request there will be no service. Condolences can be forwarded to
SNIFF out a new
Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at:
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
l Employees meet employers here… ◾
The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Help Wanted A21
Help Wanted
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Professional/ Management
0911611 BC LTD o/a Tim Hortons 496 Highway 93/95 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K2
Shift Supervisor Full-time/shift work
Nights/early mornings/weekends $12.05/hour + medical/dental/group benefits.
Food Counter Attendant Full-time/shift work Nights/overnights/early mornings/ weekends. $10.25/hour + medical/dental/ group benefits.
Apply via email:
Sales Representative ( 1 year maternity leave)
The Invermere Valley Echo is seeking an Advertising Sales representative for our weekly newspapers and magazine publications in the Columbia Valley. We have an opening for a full-time, one year maternity leave fill position commencing December, 2013. We are looking for someone with prior experience in a sales position, with a strong knowledge of sales and marketing and with a successful track record; someone who has strong written and verbal communications, organizational and exceptional customer relations skills; knowledge and proficiency in MS Office/MAC OS is a requirement. The ideal candidate must be motivated and take initiative to sell multiple products, work with existing customers and find ways to grow sales and income. A valid driver’s licence and a reliable vehicle are a must. If this describes you, please submit your resume and cover letter to the attention of: Rose-Marie Regitnig Publisher PO Box 70, #8, 108-8th Avenue Invermere, BC, V0A1K0
AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 w/ Airbrake • Guaranteed 40hr. Work Week & Overtime • Paid Travel & Lodging • Meal Allowance • 4 Weeks Vacation • Excellent Benefits Package
Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience. Apply careers and then choose the FastTRACK Application.
Education/Trade Schools 21 Week HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Classes start November 18, 2013. Call for more information. Taylor Pro Training Ltd. 1-877-860-7627.
Classifieds Get Results! Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta. The Old Salzburg is seeking full-time experienced wait staff. Work hard, have fun and make good money. Call 250-347-6553 to apply. WANTED PROCESSING contractor for interior operation to start immediately. Call 1-604819-3393.
Labourers YARDING CREW Needed on Vancouver Island - Experience is an asset. Madil 071 operator, Hooktender, Landing bucker. Please forward resume to
24/7 • anonymous • confidential • in your language
Stand up. Be heard. Get help.
Professional/ Management PROCESS Manager - rotational position in Kazakhstan. Responsible for the departments personnel, systems management, safety, customer satisfaction and cost control within the department’s areas of responsibility. This is an administrative position but requires a frequent presence on the operations floor. Competitive pay ($400 per day and up), medical, dental & tax credits. Send resume or contact
Merchandise for Sale
Financial Services
Misc. Wanted
Auto Financing
Need Cash? Own A Vehicle? Borrow Up To $25,000
Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030
SERVICE Manager - rotational position in Kazakhstan. Responsible for service department personnel, fleet management, safety, customer satisfaction and cost control within the service department’s areas of responsibility. This is an administrative position but requires a frequent presence in the service area. Competitive pay ($400 per day and up), medical, dental & tax credits. Send resume or contact
Trades, Technical JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $32/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: Fax 403-854-2845; or send an email to: PLUMBERS / GAS FITTERS: M and K Plumbing and Heating is the largest Mechanical Contracting and Service firm in the East Kootenay region. We are currently in need of CONSTRUCTION PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS - BOTH JOURNEYMEN AND APPRENTICES - to provide expertise and technical skill to our industrial construction customers in the ELK VALLEY. We expect this project to continue through the winter with 10 on 4 off shifts of 10 hour days. The position will pay hourly, plus overtime, plus Living Out Allowance. WEBSITE:
Education/Tutoring IMPROVE your child’s education with personalized tutoring and homework help from an experienced elementary teacher. $20p/hr. Please call 604-354-6036
Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+
Real Estate Apt/Condos for Sale Riverstone Villas Condo in downtown Radium. 3 bdrm, 5 appliances, fireplace, large soaker tub, walk in shower, garage. Priced 10% below assessment, will take quad or camper as down payment. $177,000. 250-342-7608
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Home Improvements FLOORING SALE Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed!
Laminates - $0.69/sq ft Engineered - $1.99/sq ft Hardwood - $2.79/sq ft Overnight Delivery in most of BC!
Apt/Condo for Rent One bdrm fully furnished condo for rent in Radium. $700/mth utilities included, A/C, W/D, D/D, indoor heated parking. Call 403-818-8777.
Apartment Furnished
Telephone Services
BRAND new 1br apt in dwntwn Nakusp w/d, dishwasher, f/s, aircond, private ent, parking (778)206-1769
DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call National Teleconnect Today! 1-866-443-4408. Or online at
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale
FAST AND easy loans! All Credit Scores Accepted! Get up to $25,000 on your vehicle, mobile-home, land or equipment. 1st and 2nd Mortgages. 604-2292948.
Adjustable bed-Queen size with mattress and electronic controls for head and foot height adjustment and vibration. Asking $1,250 O.B.O. call 250-342-6734 or 250-3411578.
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
Homes for Rent Home available Nov 1st. Indian Beach Estates. Comfortable 2 bdrm, 1 bath home with den. (can be used as third bedroom), fireplace, gorgeous views of the Fairmonts, 4 minutes from private beach in Indian Beach Estates. Please call 435-901-1600 or email with inquiries.
Trucks & Vans
Suites, Lower INVERMERE- large, bright upstairs 2 bdrm suite, lrg fenced yrd, wood burning stove, 2 blocks main St, 5 blocks to beach, shared W/D, pets ok, N/S. Avail now. $875+ utils. Grant, 403-493-1245. RADIUM - Spacious bright 2-bdrm, 1 bath, shared laundry, shared large back yard. $600/mth + D/D + hydro. 250-347-9970.
Auto Financing
STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:
1990 Ford Club Wagon XL Van. Great condition. No rear seats. $1,500 O.B.O. 250-342-2104
Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: The Estate of Brent Frederickson, a.k.a. Brent Frederickson, deceased, formerly of Radium Hot Springs, BC, died on January 18, 2011. Notice is hereby given to Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Brent Frederickson under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the Executrix, c/o MacDonald Thomas, Box 2400, Invermere, BC, V0A 1K0 on or before November 1, 2013, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed among the parties entitled to it, having regard only to the claims of which the Executrix then has notice.
CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 1-866-426-7564
WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin
Sunday, November 3rd 9:00 a.m. Worship at All Saint’s, Edgewater. 9:30 a.m. Bacon, Friends & Faith (All Ages Welcome) 10:30 a.m. Worship at Christ Church Trinity, Invermere.
CANADIAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC CHURCH Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs’ Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 5 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 10 a.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats
Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)
RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.
326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor
VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke
Sunday, November 3rd 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service Worship And Life 10 a.m. Worship & Word Instruction, Kid’s Church Provided “GOD Is ….. Omnipresent” … Pastor Trevor ministering. The Lord’s Supper will be Call the office at 250-342-9511 for more information. served. “K.I.D.S.” Church, for children Age 3 to Grade 1; and Grades 2-5, during the Morning Service.
Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
Serving the Valley RADIUM HOT SPRINGS ESSO • Gas • Propane • Diesel • Automotive Repairs • Tires & Batteries • Greyhound
• CAA approved automotive repair •
MECHANICAL REPAIRS AVAILABLE 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 7 Days A Week
250-347-9726 7507 Main
Sholinder & MacKay
Septic Tank Pumping Portable Toilet Rentals
Sand & Gravel
• Complete sewer/drain repairs • Reasonable rates - Seniors’ discount • Speedy service - 7 days a week • A well-maintained septic system should be pumped every 2-3 years • Avoid costly repairs
Complete line of aggregate products for construction and landscaping Office:
Bruce Dehart 250-347-9803 or 250-342-5357
Call Angela to book a spot in
250-342-6452 • 250-342-3773 Cell: 250-342-5833
DCS Plumbing
Serving the Valley! Angela Krebs
250-341-6299 • 250-341-5216
• Plumbing, Repair and Installation • Drain Lines • Hot Water Tanks • Over 30 years experience • 24 hour emergency service • Seniors’ Discount
250-341-8501 The WaTer & air Company!
To advertise, call: 250-341-6299
Lambert-Kipp Pharmacy Ltd. J. Douglas Kipp, B. Sc. (Pharm.) Laura Kipp, Pharm D. Irena Sedlakova, B. Sc. (Pharm.) Your compounding pharmacy Come in and browse our giftware! Open Monday - Saturday • 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 1301 - 7th Avenue, Invermere • 250-342-6612
Serving the Valley is an affordable and effective way to advertise your service to the valley.
Water Treatment: filtration and purification Furnace and Duct cleaning
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Proudly serving the Valley for over 50 years. For competitive prices and prompt service call:
250-342-3268 (plant) 250-342-6767
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo A23
Valley Life
Fun beneath the fog A fog looming over the Columbia Valley for several days on end could not keep the fun at bay last week. Clockwise from top left: A picture from atop Mt. Swansea finds sun at higher elevations (Lucinda Rand photo); guest ham it up for a camera at the 42nd Annual Fireman's Ball at the Invermere Community Hall on Saturday, October 26th (Dan Walton photo); guests examine some of the bowls on display during Garlicpalooza, a Groundswell Community Greenhouse fundraiser which took place on Saturday, October 26th at Winderberry Nursery (Dan Walton photo); Dr. Dave Perrin thoroughly entertained the audience in the Radium Seniors' Hall on Wednesday, October 23rd. In the reading of his books, he described the hilarious situations he faces as a veterinarian in rural British Columbia. The Radium Public Library carries copies of his books, “Don't Turn Your Back In the Barn", “Where Does It Hurt", and "Stallside Manner", and "Keep Sweet" (Jane Jones photo).
Geoff Hill MaxWell Realty Invermere
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We’re ready... are you?
A haunting head-start DAN WALTON AND GREG AMOS/VALLEY ECHO PHOTOS Local guys and ghouls got a head-start on Halloween on Saturday, October 26th. Clockwise from top left: Chantry Charrette and Caroline Greening won the five-kilometre Monster Mash Dash race, while dressed in their usual fall running attire, unaware there was a dress-up component to the race; (left to right) Josh Baker, Ashton Baker, Isaac Campbell, and Zachary Campell create spooky crafts during the 3rd Annual Hallowe'en Howler at the Radium Seniors' Hall; creepy creatures crawl from underneath a bed at the Howler's haunted house; Dylan Guest gets a professional face painting job at the Howler; a hot dog (Zack Smith) is chased across the finish line by an anonymous hungry ninja at the Monster Mash Dash, which drew 36 runners in the adult races, 15 youngsters in kids race, and virtually all racers running in creative costumes.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The Valley Echo
mpanion rner
Name: Unknown Breed: Gremlin Age: Unknown Family: The Valley Echo Fun fact: Though nobody has ever in fact seen this gremlin, he is responsible for frequent office mishaps and mistakes, as well as the occasional server crash. Causing havoc is his favourite pastime, and he occasionally likes to scare the editorial staff when they are working late into the night... To be featured, send in your companionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name, age and photo, along with a fun fact or story about them! Be sure to include your name. Email
Wear a poppy in Remembrance and support the 2013 Poppy Campaign.
Ladies Night Out Shopping in Invermere
Monday, November 4th 5 - 9 p.m. Parkside Place, Invermere