Hope Standard, October 31, 2013

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The Hope

Standard Office: 604.869.2421 www.hopestandard.com




Trevor Linden signs an autograph for Scott Cameron at a special event hosted by the Hope & District Chamber of Commerce last Thursday celebrating small business week.


FALL HEALTH FAIR RETURNS SATURDAY Event aims to increase understanding of available health care resources




Over a third of Grade 4 students have already joined the program




Section offers a guide to information and services for Hope & Area seniors

INSIDE Opinion . . . . . . . . . . A6 Community . . . . A9 Sports . . . . . . . . . . A10 Classifieds . . . A12 $


Trevor Linden speaks in Hope Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Local residents and business leaders erupted with cheers and clapping as a three-minute introduction filled with memorable video clips and photos summed up Trevor Linden’s 20-year career. As the former NHL player stepped up to the podium at the Hope Legion last Thursday, the applause got louder as people brimmed with anticipation. Linden joked about how he could do without seeing a certain suit again before jumping into an entertaining speech that drew comparisons between the hockey and business worlds. Throughout the

evening, which was hosted by the Hope & District Chamber of Commerce in celebration of small business week, he shared stories and tips on leadership, strategies for success, and talked about the importance of teamwork. “Competition rules everything we do in sports and life,” said Linden. “You’ve got to love competition and I think you’ve got to embrace the challenge that comes with it. Ultimately, competition makes us better and it forces us to find better ways to do things. If we’re not looking for better ways to do things, you’ll probably move backwards.” Linden stressed the importance of pushing the limits and developing a strategy that can takes busi-

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nesses to the next level. He pointed out that leaders have to look outside the box, find better answers to the tough questions and be aggressive. Throughout his hockey career, Linden relied on a fundamental game plan to get him through big matches. His NHL career spanned 20 years, four teams, two All-Star games, and the Nagano Olympic Games. Named the youngest-ever captain of the Vancouver Canucks at just 21 years old, he led the team to within a game of winning the Stanley Cup in 1994, earning him the lifelong nickname “Captain Canuck.” Later elected president of the National Hockey League Players’ Association, Linden played an instrumental role over his eight years

of service. In 2005-06, he suited up for his 1,000th game as a Canuck, and a season later he became the first Canuck to score 300 goals for the team. Aside from his teammates and the daily routine of hockey, one of things Linden said he misses the most is the goal setting required in professional sports. “As an athlete, I had a clear direction every day,” he said. “There wasn’t a day I woke up and didn’t know exactly what my focus was. Team sports and athletics teach us about short-term goal setting and preparing because you can never get too far ahead of yourself.” Continued on A3

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A2 Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013



bY ack tTHhUrRoSw DA

Snow witc h in the mou ntains high above Hope. Subm itted by Bev Kaiser , White Ro ck, B.C.

A random monthly


will be drawn.

Hundreds attend Pumpkin Smash Hope Motorsports Group hosted its inaugural Pumpkin Smash on Saturday. An estimated 250 people attended the event, which featured mini-stock races and two demolition derbies. There was also a large bonfire made up of 100 pallets burning 25 feet in the air on the mound of dirt just behind the derby arena as well as a pumpkin toss with pumpkins donated by Cooper’s Foods. “All in all it was successful and we will be able to make a sizable donation to Hope Search and Rescue,” said Scott Medlock, with Hope Motorsports Group. Demolition derby 1st - Randy Mackowski 2nd - Rich Hamner 3rd - Dave Knoller

Submit old pictures of Hope & area residents, events & places. be Each week a new picture will the of all and er pap the in d feature e Hop The to pictures will be posted es. pag tter Twi & ok ebo Standard Fac

Demolition derby fun run 1st - Randy Burgeors Crowd Pleaser Randy Mackowski

to email pictures .com or


sales@hopestandard drop off at the office, 540 Wallace St., Hope

Mini-stock figure eight 1st - Dusty Smith

New wireless coverage on Highway 5 As part of a strategic partnership with the province, Telus has invested $860,000

Are you ready for winter winter?

About 250 people attended the inaugural Pumpkin Smash Saturday at the Hope Sports Bowl. The event featured mini-stock races and two demolition derbies.

it’s that

to bring new wireless coverage to more than six kilometers of the Coquihalla Highway

between Hope and Merritt. The site located near the Zopkios Peak rest

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Employees of the Hope Standard and Cooper’s Foods, along with their families are not eligible to win. Judges decision is final. Maximum recipe entries is 5. No correspondence will be entered into. Prize will be accepted as awarded. No cash value. Recipes will be published as space permits. 10/13W_RC10



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area is now live. “The Coquihalla is a well-travelled highway and we’ve heard from residents and travellers that this stretch in particular was in need of wireless services, which can be important should something happen,” said Steve Jenkins, Telus general manager for the southern Interior. “Our significant investment in this site gives motorists the ability to make handsfree wireless calls and, more importantly, provides access to 911 emergency services, making highway travel safer in this area.” The project is part of the 10-year Connecting British Columbia agreement signed with the province in 2011. Under the terms of the agreement Telus will invest to connect more than 1,700 kilometres of unconnected highways with wireless service. “Increased wireless service along the summit of the Coquihalla will extend 911 emergency services access,” said Chilliwack-Hope MLA Laurie Throness. “I am happy Telus is extending service along this well-travelled and important highway. It will improve safety for motorists year-round.”

Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013 A3




Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

The annual Fall Health Fair returns to Hope Secondary School this Saturday. The event aims to raise awareness about the importance of good health, encourage healthy behaviours, and promote use of the local health, social and cultural resources. “With this year’s theme of Laughter is the Best Medicine, the Fall Health Fair is a great place to share some laughs, lighten your burdens, connect with others and exercise happiness,” said coordinator Brenna Ayliffe. “Laughter

is one of the most powerful tools to support your physical and emotional health.” The Fall Health Fair will feature entertainment by Hope Community Choir, Hope Performing Arts Community Theatre, and the Senior Keep Fit exercise class. There will also be a joke telling contest and comedy skit by youth from the Fuze Box and Youth Inclusion Program, children’s storytelling, concession sponsored by Camp Squeah, flu shot clinic, and Hope’s Heart Hero award presentation. This year’s keynote speaker is Glenda Standeven, coauthor of Choosing to Smile,

which is an autobiography written by three friends who all happened to have cancer. After being diagnosed with cancer in 1987, and losing her entire right leg to the disease in 1988, Standeven felt it important to give encouragement and hope to others facing adversity. In 1990, before the birth of their second son, she won two silver medals in the BC Winter Games in the slalom and giant slalom events. Standeven was Chilliwack’s Woman of the Year in 2003, received the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award in 2005, and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

Medal in 2013 for her “exemplary community volunteer efforts.” She has volunteered in many capacities for the Canadian Cancer Society over the past two decades and facilitated a Living With Cancer Support Group for 11 years. Standeven is also a member of The Rotary Club of Chilliwack, a lifetime member of the Optimist Club of Chilliwack, a Terry’s Team Member for the Terry Fox Foundation, and an active member of the Valley Women’s Network. The Fall Health Fair runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hope Secondary School is located at 444 Stuart St.

Teamwork and leadership part of Linden’s address From A1

Linden stressed that in the business world, everyone should be aware of the long-term goal and be reminded daily what the focus is. “The best leaders I played for were the guys that gave us players a roadmap of how to get there. That is so important when you think about leadership,” he said. “These guys reminded me every day how critical it was to execute on the details and to not let them ever slide. When I think about playing hockey and successful hockey teams, it’s all about detail and structure. I really believe that people and employees ultimately want that too. They want to be held accountable.” When it comes to leadership, Linden pointed out that there’s no one way. However, he stressed the importance of supporting each other and not splintering into groups. “Ultimately, displaying the ability and courage to do what’s right and in the best interest of your group regardless will garner respect,” he said. “Bottom line is you’ve got to trust your

“United We


Trevor Linden shares a hockey story at Thursday’s dinner event in Hope.

judgement and believe in yourself. You’re there because people believe in you to make the best decisions for the company, employees, and partners.” Linden also spoke about how the skills he learned playing professional hockey have been transferable to his personal and business life. Since his retirement from professional hockey in 2008, Linden has partnered with

companies – like Bell, CIBC and Ernst & Young – across Canada to assist in the activation of their business programs, and also partnered with The Airey Group to pursue real estate and design project, jointly developing several award-winning properties in B.C. He is the founder of Club 16 Trevor Linden Fitness, a collection of numerous location in the Lower Mainland dedicated


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to making fitness membership fun and economically accessible for all. Linden has also continued his work with The Trevor Linden Foundation, which was established in 1997 in support of youth and children with needs. He has also appeared in several key charity campaigns including Cops for Cancer, Canuck Place Children’s Hospice, the Canadian Cancer Society’s B.C. & Yukon Preventative Health Campaign, Ronald McDonald House B.C., The Heart & Stroke Foundation of B.C., and B.C. Children’s Hospital. Linden said what he’s learned over the years on and off the ice is that is takes a whole team to succeed. “Great teams need people to accept their role and to respect other people’s role and what they do,” he said. “Ultimately, on any team there are larger roles and smaller roles, but they’re all super important in success. Just because you play a smaller role on a team doesn’t mean you can’t have a big impact. Very seldom do individuals look good when the team fails.”


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Laughter the focus of Fall Health Fair

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A4 Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013


Slow down the spread RI LQà XHQ]D ² *HW D à X VKRW

Chefs Hiro Takeda (left) and Jason Harper check the smoker during their The Whole Hog Dinner event on Saturday.

Flu shots are important for everyone. Some people are eligible for free vaccine. See your doctor, health unit, pharmacist or visit ZZZ IUDVHUKHDOWK FD IRU PRUH LQIR RU WR ¿QG D ÀX FOLQLF QHDU \RX

HOPE & BOSTON BAR 3XEOLF +HDOWK 'URS ,Q )OX &OLQLFV Clinic location Boston Bar School Library 47643 Old Boston Bar Rd. Boston Bar


Clinic location Hope Secondary School 444 Stuart Street, Hope (Fall Health Fair)

Date and time: Date and time: October 30, 2013 (Wednesday) November 2, 2013 (Saturday) 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Clinic location Hope Centre (Northwest Harvest Church) 888 3rd Avenue, Hope

Local chefs serve unique dishes Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Date and time November 12, 2013 (Tuesday) 1:00 – 4:00PM Flu shots for children are also available by appointment. Please contact the Hope Health Unit at: Address: 444 Park Street, Hope Phone: 604-860-7630

A local event on Saturday took people outside their culinary comfort zone. Chefs Jason Harper and Hiro Takeda at Joe’s at 293 Wallace Street served a sampling of unique dishes at The Whole Hog Dinner. “We wanted to create something fun and something for people to do in town,� said Harper.

“We mostly wanted to use parts that people weren’t necessarily used to. It really encouraged people to chat and get to know people while everyone was vulnerable trying foods they’re not used to.� The menu for the evening featured items such as pork rinds, pulled pork sandwich, pancetta rotini with a crispy pig ear salad, and maple bacon cheesecake. There

Thank YOU! The Canadian Cancer Society Cops for Cancer 2013 Tour de Valley team, Support Crew and Steering Committee would like to thank all sponsors, supporters and school communities on behalf of each child who will beneďŹ t from their generous contribution. TOUR SPONSOR



by Gisele


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Community Theatre for a Broadway lunch and dinner show. Another ticketed themed dinner is also planned for January. Details on upcoming events can be found on Joe’s Facebook page. In the meantime, the chefs are promoting a new Fresh Sheet that launched this week. The items are offered in addition to the regular menu and experiment with different food ideas. Takeda said some of the techniques and ingredients can be considered more modern and Vancouveresque than most people are used to. However, he pointed out that the last Fresh Sheet out-sold the regular menu. “It’s encouraging,� added Harper. “We’re just touching on things we would really like to do while still holding back.�

New art show centred around favourite things Sara Lesztak




were also pork-themed drink specials such as bacon-infused vodka and candy bacon garnish. “We didn’t give the menu until the end of the night and announced the menu as it came out, which kind of gave people a little surprise factor,� said Takeda. “We didn’t want them to read the menu and be like ‘I’m not going to like this’ until they had it right in front of them. Most people actually enjoyed everything and I think a lot of them were really surprised.� The Whole Hog Dinner was the first of many upcoming events that the chefs plan to host as a way to bring the community together to try different foods. On Dec. 21, the restaurant is partnering with Hope Performing Arts


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Local artists Verda McAffer and Evelin Beulow will present paintings of their favourite natural scenes this November at the Hope Arts Gallery. McAffer has sketched and painted since childhood in Alberta. She studied a wide variety of media and techniques, and has taught classes herself. She is a member of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Everywhere she has lived she has joined the local art group. McAffer enjoys realism touched with impressionism to create scenes of warmth and coolness in nature. “I am continually inspired by dramatic sunsets and majestic mountains or the constantly shifting and changing patterns of sunlight on trees,� she said. An opening reception for the backroom show will be on Nov. 2 from 2-4 p.m. Refreshments will served. Hope Arts Gallery is located at 349 Fort St.

Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013 A5

Get ready for winter roads Tom Fletcher Black Press

Some “all season” tires are good enough for winter roads in B.C., but not all of them. That’s one reason why Transportation Minister Todd Stone has added the topic of tires to a provincial review of highway safety that includes speed limits. “It’s been almost 40 years since the current definition of a winter tire was actually changed, and tire technology has advanced dramatically, particularly over the last five to 10 years,” Stone said Tuesday. With the popularity of allseason tires and all-wheeldrive vehicles, Stone said there is some confusion about what is acceptable for requirements that took effect Oct. 1 on routes


The North American symbol for a winter tire is a mountain with snowflake. All-season tires with “M+S” for “mud and snow” are also acceptable for restricted roads in B.C., if they have enough tread left.

that have winter conditions. Those routes have signs advising drivers to use winter tires or carry chains, and police may turn drivers away if they are not properly equipped.

True winter tires have a symbol of a mountain and snowflake on the sidewall. All-season tires with the “M+S” mark to indicate traction in mud and snow are also permissible, but

Got a news tip or story idea?

all tires must have a minimum tread depth of 3.5 mm. A quick test can be done using a dime. Point Her Majesty’s head downward and insert the dime in the tire tread. If the top of the head remains visible, the tire is too worn to qualify for winter conditions. Drivers have a choice of investing in new tires or buying a set of chains. The transportation ministry has a website at www.th.gov. bc.ca/SeasonalDriving/winter_ chains.html that includes maps of routes affected by winter restrictions, and tips on how to use tire chains. Stone said that with 60 per cent of B.C. residents living in areas where winter conditions are not common, he is not considering making winter tires mandatory for all vehicles.

B.C. to consider booze sales in food stores Tom Fletcher Black Press

The B.C. government’s liquor policy review has heard a ‘loud and clear’ message that people want the convenience of buying alcoholic beverages in grocery stores, says the MLA in charge of the review. With a three-month consultation period ending Oct. 31, Richmond Steveston MLA John Yap said Tuesday that about 80 per cent of respondents want the extra convenience that is routine in U.S. grocery stores. But Yap is proposing a less convenient model, a “store within a store” that would have separate space and staff for alcohol purchases. He said the number of outlets could be restricted to the current level, with some existing private or public liquor stores moved into grocery stores. The Liquor Control Board of Ontario has announced a similar pilot project, with 10 “express” stores to offer limited selection inside or next to grocery stores. Nova Scotia also has government liquor stores located in grocery stores. When the B.C. consultation began in September, Yap noted that beer, wine and spirits are already sold in rural grocery stores. He was critical of the U.S. model, saying it could lead to increased health and safety is-

sues from increased consumption, as well as law enforcement problems. B.C.’s medical health officers have called for a freeze or reduction to the number of private retailers, a $3 minimum price for bar drinks and higher prices for drinks with

more alcohol content to deter over-consumption. The Alliance of Beverage Licencees, representing pubs, bars and private liquor stores in B.C., isn’t happy with the idea. ABLE BC executive director Ian Baillie said the province

already has more than 1,400 government and private liquor stores. “The government also needs to consider what the impact of allowing large grocery chains to sell liquor will be on the thousands of jobs and millions of dollars of income that are provided

Smell ‘n’ tell 1

Smell rotten eggs? It could be natural gas.

by the current system,” Baillie said.

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Contact Kerrie-Ann at 604-869-4992 or email: news@

hopestandard .com



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A6 Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013

Published at Hope, Boston Bar, Yale and surrounding area by Black Press

Scandal damage significant The ongoing Senate scandal has certainly done its share of damage — to the prime minister, the Conservative Party, the institution of the Senate and politicians in general. The damage may not spread past that group, but it is significant and it may be lasting. The Senate is certainly at its low point. It has never been popular with Canadians, being seen as a repository for bagmen, party hacks and failed politicians. While a few individual senators have done important and significant work, as a whole the institution does little of lasting importance. Now it has clearly been shown that many senators, and this goes far beyond Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau, have had their hands in the cookie jar. Even when they get caught, the Senate and indeed the prime minister do little or nothing to change the culture of entitlement, which is widespread through the federal government. It isn’t just politicians who feel they are entitled to benefits that most other Canadians don’t get. Public servants have clauses in their contracts relating to sick leave, indexed pensions, severance and extended health care that most others can only dream of. The prime minister first took office in 2006 on a pledge to reform the Senate. It is now clear he has no idea of how to do so. A court decision in Quebec has basically ruled all his reform ideas cannot be implemented, and the court decision implies that the Senate will never be abolished, unless most provinces agree. Even if, in the court of public opinion, Stephen Harper is cleared of direct knowledge of off-the-books payments to senators, the public won’t soon forget that he appointed these three senators, and that he campaigned vigorously on Senate reform. As for the Conservative Party, in the next election its fortunes are totally tied to Harper. If he falters, so does the party. It has no plan B. - Black Press

Perils of an ‘entitlement state’


Tom Fletcher With the B.C. and federal governments once again struggling to climb out of deep operating deficits, it’s a good time for the release of Mark Milke’s book Tax Me, I’m Canadian. An update of the same title published 12 years ago, the book retains the history of taxes in Canada, detailing how Canada’s tax system was initially built to mimic the United States system in the late 19th century. Beyond the history, it is mostly new material. Included are chapters on the global meltdown of 2009, the surge of pension liabilities as the baby boomers retire and the flawed logic behind the “Occupy” and “Idle

No More” protests. Some readers will immediately note that Milke works for the Fraser Institute and was previously B.C. director of the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation. But the book is not just an argument for cutting taxes. It also dismantles persistent myths that income taxes are illegal, and launches a broadside on what Milke calls “Canada’s corporate welfare carnival.” Many people will be able to identify some top names in the government subsidy game: Bombardier, General Motors, even poor old Rolls Royce Canada. Some will also be well aware that our supposedly tight-fisted Conservative federal government has continued to pour out “regional development” and other funds to every part of the country. But I did not know that Industry Canada grants were handed out to



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pizza parlours (including the remote pizza-starved village of Kamloops), or to help open gas stations or convenience stores in Kelowna, Vernon and Chilliwack. Milke makes a useful point for B.C. about royalty rates for timber, natural gas and other resources. They are resource rents, and if they are too high the tenants will move out. Reducing them isn’t a subsidy, especially if it leads to big revenue gains as B.C.’s unconventional shale gas incentives have done. On the Occupy movement: The infamous “one per cent,” who in Canada earn $250,000 a year or more, earned 10 per cent of all income and paid 20 per cent of all taxes in 2010. The bottom 73 per cent of tax filers paid just 17 per cent of all taxes. About a third paid no tax at all. On Idle No More: When Attawapiskat Chief Teresa Spence


played to the Ottawa media with her soup strike, former Liberal leader Bob Rae suggested a nearby diamond mine should share more revenue. Milke omits the substantial support and employment that mine provides, and glosses over the misguided blockades that disrupted that and other job-creating enterprises. But he does detail the disastrous effects of passive resource wealth bestowed on impoverished aboriginal communities, and contrasts it with the success stories of reserves that build their own enterprises through hard work. On public sector pensions: Milke notes that historically, public employees traded higher wages for better benefits and job security. Now their wages are generally higher, and taxpayers have to cover their personal pension contributions (as a portion of those wages) as well as


The Hope

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E-MAIL: news@hopestandard.com




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540 Wallace St., Hope, B.C. every Thursday by Black Press. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.


the employer contributions, plus the “defined benefit” payout, which has to be subsidized far beyond what the pension fund can support. On the debt-financed welfare state, there are memorable observations, like this one: “For the record, the generous Quebec welfare state and its ostensibly more progressive model are paid for in part with the taxes of other Canadians; Quebec is merely the North American equivalent of Greece.” The recent B.C. political crisis over adoption of the harmonized sales tax showed that there is too much emotion and too little knowledge about how taxes work. This book is a step towards addressing that. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalNews.com Twitter:@tomfletcherbc E-mail: tfletcher@blackpress.ca


BC Press Council: The Standard is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Letters Converting to natural gas cleaner The news of the expansion of the Kinder Morgan pipeline is not anything new. As a matter of fact, huge sections of the line have already been widened. The thirst and demand for Canada’s energy will be never ending. Unfortunately, our oil reserves are going to. Day after day, the media is swamped with propaganda that we have this never ending reserve of oil. The truth is we don’t. Canada’s known accessible crude, if pumped at current

rates will not last to 2050. Whereas, our new found reserves of natural gas are about 480 years. Understanding, that the last bit of oil is worth a lot of money, there has to be a better motivation than that, to not start to convert to natural gas and save the crude oil for manufacturing. Not only do we use oil to make gasoline, we also use it to manufacture plastics, food stuffs, etc. So, to wait for the crude to run out before we convert to natural gas will be a disaster

of proportions the economy has never seen. It is all very avoidable. We must begin to convert to natural gas now, and quit worrying about the big oil companies propaganda. Nobody wants to put Kinder Morgan out of business. Nobody wants you to worry about your pension plans. Nobody wants to have you worry about your energy needs. What we do have to worry about is the future. We can remedy the impending di-

saster, but have to convert now. So, instead of building oil pipelines, start building gas lines. There are just as many jobs in gas as there is in oil if we expand. I’m sure somebody at Kinder Morgan knows a gas fitter. We have enough gas to build our future. Though, not perfect, gas is cleaner and an easy fuel to convert too. Let’s develop our own energy sources, we’ll surely make more money than what Alberta offers us. Art Green

‘Grand experiment’ has us heading one way Re: CO2 a tiny fraction of atmosphere, Letters (Oct. 24) Thanks to Francis Patrick Jordan for asking “How can a reasonable person argue that carbon dioxide is the primary driver of climate change?” The answer lies in wavelengths of energy and the structure of molecules. Energy from the sun reaches Earth in the range from ultraviolet to infrared, peaking in the visible range. This energy warms the

Earth and Earth in turn radiates energy, as any object warmer than absolute zero does. Earth radiates in the infrared range. The atmosphere, as Francis pointed out, is 77 per cent nitrogen (N2) and 21 per cent Oxygen (O2). N2 and O2 molecules can stretch, but only symmetrically. Molecules with three atoms like carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapour (H2O), nitrous oxide (N2O) or ozone (O3), or five atoms like methane (CH4), can

stretch and bend asymmetrically at frequencies that match wavelengths of infrared energy, allowing absorption and re-emission. A graphic is available at http:// tinyurl.com/yj3ljb7 to illustrate. Some of that energy will end up emitted back to Earth, adding to the total energy reaching the planet. That is the greenhouse effect. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations fluctuate naturally, over the past million

years up and down between about 180 ppm to about 280 ppm. Since the industrial revolution it has shot up to its current level of about 400 ppm due to burning of fossil fuels. A graphic at http:// tinyurl.com/qeuwc2g illustrates. Current Canadian and British Columbian economic and energy policies ensure that our carbon emissions will accelerate. It is a grand experiment. Ian Stephen

The treatment that Seabird Island Band has given current renters on their reserve is despicable. Recently Seabird Island Band has increased its rent for the rental properties. I am not opposed to an increase; however my previous rent was $250 for a one bedroom. The rent was then increased to $475 effective October 2013.

This is a rental increase of 90 per cent. If the rental increase was off reserve this increase would only be of inflation rate plus two per cent; but because this is regarding a reserve and considered federal land, they are able to allow this increase and Residential Tenancy laws do not apply. I personally was not given written notification of this rental


Renter feeling mistreated at Seabird Island increase until Oct. 7, 2013. If I didn’t attend a community meeting Oct. 1, 2013 I wouldn’t have known about the rental increase at all. Supposedly notification was sent out in August 2013 regarding this rental increase; however I was not told verbally or written until Oct. 7, 2013. I am currently receiving disability pension, and the increase in rent is taking away

FLUSHING OF WATER MAINS The Utilities Department will perform its annual program of hydrant maintenance and water main flushing from October 7, 2013 through November 8, 2013. As a result of this flushing, you may notice changes in water pressure and there may be some discoloration or sediment in the water. This is a temporary condition and is not a health hazard. To avoid inconvenience, check your water before doing laundry. You may wish to keep water in the refrigerator for drinking and cooking.

all of the money I had set aside for groceries. Seabird Island band is treating its renters atrociously. The most vulnerable, (elders, disabled, etc.) are heavily affected with this rental increase. In my personal

opinion, this seems to be a way for Seabird Island band to get rid of those most vulnerable, and make them move off-reserve because they can no longer live on-reserve anymore. Lionel Patterson

Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013 A7

Editorial Department To discuss any news story idea you may have – or any story we have recently published – please call the editor at 604-869-4992. Circulation $1 per copy retail; $42 per year by carrier; $61.50 per year by mail in Canada; $185 per year by mail to the USA. All subscriptions are payable in advance of delivery. Copyright Copyright or property rights subsists in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of THE HOPE STANDARD. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Unauthorized publication will be subject to recourse by law.



Do you plan on getting a flu shot this year?

Do the potential economic benefits of the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion project outweigh the environmental risks?

To answer, go to the home page of our website: www.hopestandard. com


Yes 57% No 43%

Letters The Hope Standard welcomes letters from our readers. Typed or printed letters must be signed and should include an address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Standard edits letters for accuracy, taste, clarity and length. The Standard reserves the right to not publish letters. EMAIL:


In recognition of

Remembrance Day our office will be closed FRIDAY, NOV. 8, 2013 & MONDAY, NOV. 11. 2013 Advertising Deadlines for the November 14, 2013 edition are: Display - Tues., Nov. 12, 2013 at 1:00 pm Classified - Tues., Nov. 12, 2013 at 4:30 pm

REGULAR OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm

Any concerns should be directed to Mr. Ian Vaughan, Director of Operations at 604-869-2333. District of Hope 325 Wallace Street, PO Box 609 Hope, B.C. V0X 1L0

Here’s how you responded:


A8 Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013

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Do you remember flying into work over Harrison Lake, living in a logging camp, or enjoying the delights of camp food in the good old days? If so, the Agassiz Historical Society would like to hear from you. They are just beginning what will be a months-long oral history project, detailing the working history of Harrison Lake and Harrison Mills. Volunteers have already contacted many wellknown locals with a history connected to mills and logging. But they are hoping to hear from others they may not know about. Each person will be videotaped while telling their stories, as they’re interviewed by members of the society. “We hope this will start an oral history tradition here at the museum,” Bev Kennedy told a small group who gathered at the first meeting for the project on Tuesday. The society received a grant to help purchase the audio visual equipment needed for the project. They will spend the next few weeks learning techniques and working out the bugs. Then, they’ll begin the interviews, said Judy Pickard. Most

October 31 Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS 1. Character (abbr.) 4. Animal companions 8. A country in SE Asia 10. Of Carthage 11. On top of 12. Boater hat 13. Eat rapidly (slang) 15. Paddlers 16. Food consumer 17. Aeronaut 18. Tonto’s Kemosabe 21. Division of geological time 22. Hill (Celtic) 23. Towing boat 24. Clatter 25. Trees of the genus Abies 26. Deprive by deceit

27. Decomposed 34. Nail & hair protein 35. A citizen of Iran 36. Whitish edible root vegetable 37. Actress Winger 38. Lessens in intensity 39. Afrikaans 40. Connected spirals 41. Accordingly 42. Competently 43. Angle (abbr.)


Rick Probert overlooks old photographs that will be part of an oral history project being undertaken by the Agassiz Harrison Historical Society over the winter. Probert remembers working for many years on and around Harrison Lake.

interviews will be carried out at Cheam Village. For those who aren’t able to travel, the volunteers will go to them. Pickard read out some ideas, hoping to trigger people’s memories for long-lost stories. Subjects could include transportation such as boating or flying into camps, weather issues, seasonal work, work crew shenanigans and social life, beach camps, living in places like

DOWN 24. Female deer 1. Clothes storage area 25. Before anything else 2. “__and her Sisters” 26. Cotangent (abbr.) 3. Revolve 27. Run off the tracks 4. One who makes puns 28. A small drink of liquor 5. Inspire with love 29. Get free of 6. Chronograph 30. A sharp narrow mountain 7. Look over quickly ridge 9. French philosopher 31. Knight’s tunic Georges 32. Infuriate 10. A peerless example 33. Lines in a drama 12. Picture done in oils 34. Skewered meat 14. To and ___ movement 36. Ground dwelling rodent 15. Egg cells 43. Deg 17. Macaws 19. Nerve inflammation 20. Energy unit 23. Herbal infusions


Harrison Mills or Bear Creek, safety problems and accidents, wildlife stories, life as a child in a camp, First Nation history and millwork. It could even be as simple as talking about some of the old logging jargon. “What is a flunkie,” Pickard asked, pointing out that some words just aren’t used anymore. In addition to stories, they are hoping to add to their collection of about 150 old photographs. The project is open

to families and friends of those who have passed away, too, as long as they are willing to tell their stories. Many gathered at the meeting this week, eager to share their tales of living and working on the lake. The society is hoping to have the project finished by spring, and it will play in the Agassiz-Harrison Museum beginning May long weekend next year. “This is a big step for our museum,” Pickard said.

Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013 A9

Gouwenberg Farms

COMMUNITY CALENDAR MONDAY Hope Al-Anon Group: AlAnon supports friends and families of problem drinkers. Monday, Nov. 4 8 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital meeting room 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-7078 obfuskat@telus.net Chronic Pain Self Management Program: This is a interactive six-week workshop to give you tools to help you manage chronic pain and live a healthy life. Monday, Nov. 4 5 p.m. Fusebox 895 3rd Ave. 1-866-902-3763 rcarrier@uvic.ca

TUESDAY Senior Keep Fit: 55+ keep fit to music, total body workout using chairs, bands, weights. We welcome new participants. This is a fun group. Tuesday, Nov. 5 9 a.m. Golden Ager’s Hall 560 Douglas St. 604-869-8435 jilllast1@gmail.com Hope Community Choir: Community choir is a adult secular choir that sings for the sheer joy and fun of singing. We sing pop, gospel, folk, something for everyone. Come and join us! Tuesday, Nov. 5 7 p.m. Hope United Church 590 3rd Ave. 604-869-8435 jilllast1@gmail.com

General Monthly Meeting: Auxiliary to the Fraser Canyon Hospital/Fraser Hope Lodge raises funds for the hospital and lodge and has several events throughout the year. We also have two gift shops, one in the hospital and the other in the lodge. We sell beautiful handmade afghans, baby layettes, sweaters, jewelry and cards at reasonable prices. With the money raised we are able to continue to purchase large items needed for patient’s comfort and care. We look forward to new members to join our volunteer group. Meeting Nov. 12 1 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital conference room 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-3517 johnbirc@telus.net Writing Beyond Hope Writer’s Group: To all writers and writing wannabes - there is a new writer’s group in Hope! Writing prompts, discussions and support. Tuesday, Nov. 12 6:30 p.m. Hope Library 1005A 6th Ave. 604-832-3032 missjessicabouchard@gmail.com

WEDNESDAY Westie Army Cadet Training: The program prepares youth aged 12 to 19 to become leaders of tomorrow through fun yet challenging activities. Wednesday, Nov. 6 6:30 p.m. Legion Branch No. 228 344 Fort St. 604-869-2919 1789trg@gmail.com

Mature Driver’s Training: Winter conditions are just around the corner so be prepared. Learn how you can continue to drive safely by attending this Mature Driver’s Workshop with Don Harder. Review your driving, brush up on your knowledge and make a plan of action to help you stay on the road safely. Light refreshments will be served. Wednesday, Nov. 6 1 p.m. Hope Library 1005A 6th Ave. 604-869-2313 deb.ireland@fvrl.bc.ca United We Sing: A community sing-a-long, followed by social time and refreshments. Wednesday, Nov. 6 1:30 p.m. United Church 310 Queen St. 604-869-8435 jilllast1@gmail.com

THURSDAY Seniors Coffee and Conversation: Drop in and join us for a cup of coffee - you’ll enjoy some interesting and lively conversation! No membership required. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hope Library. Thursday, Nov. 7 10:30 a.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2369 deb.ireland@fvrl.bc.ca Hope Christian Women’s Club Prayer Connection: An enjoyable morning get together with interdenominational

like-minded women to pray for family, friends, community and the world. Thursday, Nov. 7 9:30 a.m. 22473 Ross Rd. 604-869-8420 hopecwc@hotmail.com

Dry picked, farm fresh cranberries. Buy direct from the farm in Agassiz! Open Monday to Saturday from Dawn–Dusk & Sunday Afternoons. y

SATURDAY Favorite Things: In the Backroom Gallery from Nov. 1 to 28, a showcase of watercolor and acrylic artwork by local artists Verda McAffer and Evelin Beulow. Both artists will be on site at the opening reception on Saturday, Nov. 2 from 2-4 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Hope Arts Gallery 349 Fort St. 604-869-3400 hopearts@telus.net Traditional Arts Exhibit: This public event explores the stories that manifest themselves through art! Saturday, Nov. 9, 10:30 a.m. Hope Legion 344 Fort St. 604-869-2279 jodi@freereinassociates.ca

SUNDAY Happy Knit Hope: New this fall, join knitters of all ages and abilities at the library. Learn new stitches, chat and visit at our warm and welcoming fireside knitting circle. Sunday, Nov. 3 1:30 p.m. Hope Library 1005A 6th Ave. 604-869-2313 deb.ireland@fvrl.bc.ca

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A10 Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013



Over a third of Coquihalla Elementary School’s Grade 4 students are currently involved in the twice-weekly lunch hour running club, which is sponsored by teacher Christine Carmen.

School running program expands to Coquihalla Barry Stewart Hope Standard

After six years of spreading the seeds of running and physical fitness around town, the C. E. Barry running program has taken root at Coquihalla Elementary School. Christine Carman, who taught at C.E. Barry last year, is heading the lunch hour program at her new school — and she has about 20 regular runners from the two Grade 4 classes. That’s over a third of all Grade 4 students taking part in the Wednesday and Friday run club. “The kids are really enthusiastic,” said Carman on Tuesday. “And the weather has been awesome, so far… not even a drop of rain yet.”

Carman took part in C.E. Barry’s learn-to-run program last spring, running at lunchtime and doing her own training near her home in Chilliwack on the weekends — then participating with the school’s Team Fit entry in the Sun Run 10 km run in Vancouver. “I’m going to promote the Sun Run club with these kids,” said Carman. “It’s a good way to connect the two schools — and it should help with the students’ transition to C.E. Barry next year.” Meanwhile, C. E. Barry’s Team Fit organizer, Pauline Johnson said they have about 12 regular runners in their lunchtime program. The school’s secretary, Miranda Cowan, Johnson, Kim Hollmann and Car-

man’s husband Tyson Slack head out with the kids on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. “In poor weather, we’ll stay inside and incorporate our Fit Club,” said Johnson. “We have about 15 to 20 minutes of workout videos, with dance, zumba and kick-boxing moves.” At both schools, they run on empty stomachs and eat after. Both use the learn-to-run program provided by SportMed BC, which is the basis of the Sun Run program. Currently, the Coquihalla group is at the “run two minutes, walk one minute” stage — though Carman plans to eventually have them all running for 10 minutes straight. Coquihalla’s vice-principal, Peter

Fall Programs

Flynn, has also jumped on the running bandwagon with the lunchtime group — after breaking his leg in a hiking mishap last spring. “It’s really fun!” he enthused. “We’ve got some talented runners this year, too. “I did a lot of running and hiking in the summer and my leg is feeling stronger than the other one now. “Christine is doing a great job of having us do our dynamic stretches before the run and static stretches after,” he added. Currently, the Coquihalla group is running the 1.91 km route used for the school’s annual Terry Fox run. Carman said she’d like to see them extend it an extra few blocks by running right to Wardle Street


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before turning back to the school. That should still have them finishing their activity in around 20 minutes. With some runners chomping at the bit to push ahead and others struggling to get in a full two minutes of running, Carman is using the looping technique recommended by SportMed BC. Without it, the group would be stretched apart and hard to supervise. “Once the lead runners have gotten far enough ahead that they’re going to make a turn, I yell ‘loop!’ and they come back and high-five all the others as they pass us, while they’re running to the back end of the pack,” said Carman. “After about 30 seconds, they’re up at the front again.”

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Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013 A11




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Your source for quality local professionals. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: Tuesdays at 4:30pm

Call Janice at 604.869.2421 to advertise on the Business Services page. 10/13W_BS31

A12 Hope Standard, Thursday, October 31, 2013



















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Snowdon, Ernest Daniel “Dan” Ernest Daniel (Dan) Snowdon passed away on October 14, 2013 at Chilliwack Hospital at age 75 years. He was born April 1, 1938 in Brandon, Manitoba. Dan is survived by his loving wife, Helen (Bobbie); brother, Doug; son, Scott; step children, Dan (Val), Joe (Cathy), Jackie (Shane) and Deanna (Kevin); seven grandchildren, Tony, Jesse, Hayden, Chris, Amanda, Gordon and Krista; and six great grandchildren. He was predeceased by his father, William and mother, Irene and his sister Gladys Bolen. Dan worked for Ainsworth Lumber Company in 100 Mile House for 14 years and upon moving back to the coast, he found employment for 17 years in the Building Services Department at Royal Columbian Hospital, in New Westminster. Dan was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion for 24 years. A Celebration of his life will be held at the Harrison Gospel Chapel, 514 Lillooet Ave, Harrison Hot Springs, on Saturday, November 9, 2013 at 2:00 pm. A spreading of his remains on Harrison Lake will follow at a later date. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the BC Cancer Society. Please visit www.hendersonsfunerals.com to leave a message of condolence for the family.

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our Mom, sister, Gramma and Great Gramma on Sunday October 27th, 2013. Mom passed away peacefully with family at her side. Predeceased by husbands Nicholas Kuchar (1980), William Mogielka (2002), sister in law Edith Berg and brother in law Bill Graham, Mom is lovingly remembered and will be greatly missed by her children Patti (Daniel), Doug (Shelly), Brenda (Larry), 9 grandchildren, and numerous great grandchildren , nieces and nephews. She is also survived by her brothers Armand, Norman (Kathryn), and sisters Mable and Marie (Bob). Vi was born in Kimberly B.C. on May 27th 1935, to parents Barney and Mary Berg Norwegian immigrants, and grew up in the East Kootenay area of the province. Vi raised her family in Hope B.C. where she lived for most of her adult life. In spite of illness and hardships, her feisty spirit provided an example to all who knew her of courage amidst the storms of life. The Family of Vi Mogielka wish to express heartfelt thanks for the many kindnesses shown to her by the Doctors and staff at Fraser Hope Lodge these past 7 years. The service for Vi will be conducted by Pastor Wayne Lunderby at 1:00 p.m. Friday November 1st at Martin Bros. Chapel of Hope 1270 Ryder St. Hope B.C., with interment to follow at the Mountain View Cemetery. Following the Services a tea will be held. Martin Bros. Chapel of Hope in care of arrangements. Messages of condolence may be sent to: glen.watson@martinbros.info where they will be forwarded to family.

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Literacy Outreach Coordinator New Page Human Services Society is seeking a Literacy Outreach Coordinator (LOC) to work with the Community Literacy Task Group to accomplish the work set out in the region’s literacy plan. The LOC works with individuals, service organizations, School District 78 and individuals to promote and facilitate increased literacy, identify barriers and build bridges among community services, identify needs and seek volunteers and funding for community service needs and activities. Applicants must be passionate about literacy, outgoing and community-minded with excellent communication and organizational skills.

Preferred Qualifications: • Bachelors Degree in Communications, English or related field • 2 or more years experience in communications, education or literacy related field • Experienced grant/proposal writer with successful track record Wage based on experience. Please submit cover letter and resume to: Jodi McBride Free Rein Associates, 895 3rd Ave. Or by email to: jodi@freereinassociates.ca Closing Date: November 8, 2013 2:00pm 10/13w NP31


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HELP WANTED LOCAL PEOPLE NEEDED!! Simple & Flexible Online Work. FT/PT. Internet Needed. Very Easy... No Experience Required! Guaranteed Income! Free to join. Genuine! www.OnlineHelp4Cash.com



Only those of interest will be contacted. Van Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.

WESTCAN - Interested In Being Our Next Ice Road Trucker? Haul liquid, dry bulk or freight to the diamond mines on the winter road (ice road) from mid-January to midApril. Not Interested in driving on the ice? Drive resupply from southern locations in Alberta to Yellowknife, NT. Apply online at: www.westcanbulk.ca OR Phone: 1.888.WBT.HIRE (1.888.928.4473) for further details.



District of Hope

TEMPORARY WINTER TRUCK DRIVERS Persons with proven experience on snow plowing equipment are required for temporary employment on an as required basis for snow clearing operations. Individuals must hold a valid Class 3 Drivers License with Air Endorsement. The rate of pay is per the current CUPE 458 Collective Agreement, which includes a shift differential premium between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am. Interested applicants must submit a resume and completed driver’s abstract to: District of Hope Attention: Ian Vaughan, Director of Operations PO Box 609, 325 Wallace Street Hope, BC V0X 1L0 by Friday, November 8, 2013. Previous applicants must submit a new resume as previous application forms will not be considered. 10/13w DOH24

Thursday, October 31, 2013, Hope Standard A13








Please call 1-877-914-0001



Qualified hairdresser wanted for Hope Seniors care home. One day per week. Please call (604)4209339



An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators, Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)7235051 Edson,Alta

GUARANTEED Job Placement Labourers, Tradesmen & Class 1 Drivers For Oil & Gas Industry.

Call 24Hr. Free Recorded Message 1-888-213-2854 Neels Nurseries Ltd. Looking for full time seasonal employees to work in nursery. Must be capable of lifting & moving 75lbs repetitively for long periods of time. 40hrs/wk. Start Date: February 10, 2014. Wage: $10.25/hr Resume’s by email to: info@neelsnurseries.com Resumes by mail to: 5691Lougheed Hwy., Agassiz V0M 1A1



PERSON REQUIRED to stay with and assist a permanently wheelchair bound lady. 3 hours Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Please call (604)860-4554



F/T MECHANIC/WELDER Lower Mainland Ready Mix Supplier looking for a F/T Mechanic/Welder

FLAGGERS NEEDED. No Certification? Get Certified, 604-575-3944

LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER required for Canyon Alpine Motel in Boston Bar. $14.14/hr, full-time, morning &/or evening shifts. Fax resume & references to (604)867-8816 or email: canyonalpinemotel@hotmail.com




TransX needs class 1 company drivers to run BC/AB TRANSX HAS NEW RATES OF .44 CENTS A MILE FOR BC/AB 2 YEARS EXP REQUIRED.


D 3 years welding exp. preferred D Knowledge of air and electrical systems required D CVI cert. a benefit D Must have your own hand and air tools D Able to work unsupervised

$14.00-$38.00/hr. based on experience! Great career and training opp. avail., based in Port Coquitlam. • Top Wages • In-House Training • Health/Dental Coverage • Fast-Track Apprenticeships • Pension & Company Uniforms

Visit us on-line at: www.designroofing.ca or Call Adam: 604-944-2977 or Fax Resume: 604-944-2916 Jobs in Alberta. Large Beef Processor in High River, Alberta looking for experienced butchers. $17.00 - $18.70 hour. Call Laszlo: (403) 652 8404 Email: laszlo_bodor@cargill.com JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $32/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: hannachrylser.ca. Fax 403-854-2845; Email: chrysler@telusplanet.net.

PLUMBER REQUIRED Apprenticeship served, Min. 5 years exp. in trouble shooting & repair. Willing to work on call & overtime. Have own tools & driver’s licence. Professionalism with customers a must. email resume to: joeschactel@live.ca


Mega Cranes Ltd. an industry leader, is seeking an energetic, Tower Crane Technician. The applicant must have full understanding of electronics and 3 phase power. This F/T position requires knowledge of tower crane erection and dismantles .






WONDERFUL Massage New GIRLS, New LOOK, New Management!

604-746-6777 2459 McCallum Rd. Abby. *****Hiring New Girls*****





FAST AND EASY LOANS! All Credit Scores Accepted! Get up to $25,000 on your vehicle, mobile-home, land or equipment. 1st and 2nd Mortgages. www.bhmcash.com. 604-229-2948. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com

182 164


Job fair - Manufacturing Nestlé Canada Inc. is dedicated to producing high quality, innovative and nutritious food for all Canadians to enjoy. We are able to do this thanks to the commitment, talent and integrity of our employees.

Manufacturing Job Fair! *On the Spot Interviews* Date: November 2, 2013 Time: 10am to 5pm Location: Cottonwood Mall 45585 Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack, B.C. V2R 1A1 Now Hiring:

Production Operators Focus on packer, palletizer, filler and labeling functions.

Forklift Operators Drive a double/single pallet handler. Forklift certification reqd. To apply attend our job fair. If you are unable to attend you may email your resume to: careers.west@waters.nestle.com or Fax: 604-869-4848. Nestlé Canada, Inc. EOE



DROWNING IN DEBT? Cut debts more than 60% & DEBT FREE in half the time! AVOID BANKRUPTCY! Free Consultation. www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ If you own a home or real estate, ALPINE CREDITS can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is NOT an issue. 1.800.587.2161.



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Posting #2013-05 Qualifications Required: • B.A. in Social Sciences preferred, or related degree or suitable combination of education, training and experience.

KENLIN ELECTRIC, residential, rural, commercial, new construction, reno’s. Call (604)860-8605


• At least three months’ previous work in a similar environment is required. Previous direct program delivery experience in the community social services sector with a demonstrated working knowledge of community based programming and related provincial programming is preferred.


ALWAYS! GUTTER Cleaning & Roof Blowing, Moss Control,30 yrs exp., Reliable! Simon 604-230-0627



MONDAY Property Maintenance, Christmas lights installation and removal, snow removal, roofing, general landscaping. Call Jonathan Mundia (604)860-9290

Closing Date 4:30 pm, 04 November 2013 Sorry, only short listed candidates will be contacted. Forward resume & cover letter stating posting # 2013-05 on subject line to: jobs@hopecommunityservices.com or Hope Community Services Box 74, Hope, BC V0X 1L0



CANYON CARPETS, 549 Wallace St., Hope. For all your floor covering needs! Call 604-869-2727

Applications with full supporting documentation, including references to be forwarded to: Natalie Lowe‐Zucchet Secretary‐Treasurer School District #78 (Fraser‐Cascade) 650 Kawkawa Lake Road Hope, B.C. V0X 1L4 Email: lbjorge@sd78.bc.ca Fax: 604‐869‐7400 109 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES


YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 Service Call Lic #89402 Same day guarn’td We love small jobs! 604-568-1899

School District #78 (Fraser‐Cascade) has openings on the Casual Special Education Assistant list for qualified applicants willing to work in the Fraser‐Cascade area including Boston Bar, Hope, Agassiz, Kent, and Harrison Hot Springs.



BARCLAY FLETCHER CONTRACTING, complete home reno’s, additions & more. (604)869-1686

Regular (Temporary Position Maternity Leave)

Hope Community Services is an equal opportunity Employer.


ALLSYS COMPUTERS, new computer sales & service. 604-8693456 or info@allsyscomputers.com

Summary of Duties: Interviews clients, assists in the development of goal oriented service plans, monitors progress, recommends modifications to service plans, provides emotional support, provides positive role model & life/parenting/behavior mgt training. Maintains accurate, complete documentation Recognizes potential crisis situations, analyzes such situations accurately, develops strategies to deal with such situations, and informs management.



Call 604-869-5321

Commencement Date: As soon as possible Hours of Work: 30 hours per week until March 2014

Casual On Call Special Education Assistants Required


Experienced person available for residential cleaning.


LLOYD’S UTILITIES, gas, oil & propane furnaces, class A gas fitter. (604)869-1111 or (604)869-6544



PRECISION EXTERIORS, roofing, siding, windows, doors and more. WCB insured. Call (604)750-8025


HOME REPAIRS For all your

10/13w HCS24

School District #78 (Fraser‐Cascade) has openings on the Casual Bus Drivers list for qualified applicants willing to drive in the Fraser‐Cascade area, including Boston Bar, Hope, Agassiz, Kent, and Harrison Hot Springs. All applicants must possess a Class 2 Driver’s License with Air Brake Endorsement. Applications with full supporting documentation, including references to be forwarded to: Natalie Lowe‐Zucchet Secretary‐Treasurer School District #78 (Fraser‐Cascade) 650 Kawkawa Lake Road Hope, B.C. V0X 1L4 Email: lbjorge@sd78.bc.ca Fax: 604‐869‐7400 Questions regarding these positions may be directed to Dan Landrath, Transportation Supervisor at 604‐796‐1042. 10/13H_FCS10



Classification/Salary: Adult, Youth and/or Child Counselor Step 1: $23.47

Casual Bus Drivers Required


CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Need housecleaning?

Please email all resumes to Barbara@megacranes.com or Fax: 604.599.5250

Email: hr@magnumconcrete.com



HOME RENOVATIONS painting, decks, additions or any repairs around your home. Call Ray 604-869-3543 Reasonable rates. Prompt service.


Community Services



l Employees meet employers here… www.localwork.ca blackpress.ca ◾ metroland.com

A14 Hope Standard, Thursday, October 31, 2013 HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES 300




GLEN TRAUN LANDSCAPING, Commercial & Residential yard maintenance. Call 604-869-2767

ROGER’S UPHOLSTERY, furniture, windows, fabric, in-home & online estimates. Call 604-860-0939




1PRO MOVING & SHIPPING. Across the street - across the world Real Professionals, Reas. Rates. Best in every way! 604-721-4555.


FRASER CANYON GLASS, for all your glass repairs, windshields domestic & imports. (604)869-9514

www.paintspecial.com 604.339.1989 Lower Mainland 604.996.8128 Fraser Valley Running this ad for 8yrs

PAINT SPECIAL 3 rooms for $299, 2 coats any colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls Cloverdale Premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring & Maid Services.






CATS OF ALL DESCRIPTION in need of caring homes! All cats are spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at fraservalleyhumanesociety.com or call 1 (604)820-2977



WE BUY HOUSES! Older House • Damaged House Moving • Estate Sale • Just Want Out • Behind on Payments Quick Cash! • Flexible Terms! CALL US FIRST! 604-657-9422



BRO MARV PLUMBING 24/7 Plumbing, heating, plugged drains BBB. (604)582-1598, bromarv.com LOCAL PLUMBER $45 Service Call Plumbing, Heating, Plugged Drains. Mustang Plumbing 778-714-2441 CRESCENT Plumbing & Heating Licensed Residential 24hr. Service • Hot water tanks • Furnaces • Broilers • Plugged Drains 778-862-0560

BLUE’S PLUMBING, got the plumbing blues? Call (604)750-0159


MALTESE 4 beaut males 8 wks old 1st shots, dewormed, 4.5 5lbs, $850. 604-300-1450 Abbots NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or www.856-dogs.com


1 bdrm apartment, newly renovated, $600/mo, and a large 1 bdrm apartment, $475/mo. Both on Wallace St., on site coin-op laundry, N/P, N/S., hot water & heat included.


UNDER $100


New SRI *1404 sq/ft Double wide $89,888. *New SRI 14’ wide $62,888. Repossessed mobile homes, manufactured homes & modulars. Chuck 604-830-1960.

Call (604)869-6599 or (604)796-0069 HOPE

Coquihalla Courts 1030 3rd Ave. 2 Bdrm apt. $650


F/S, coin laund, cable incl., secure prkg. Avail Now.


715 Thacker Ave Sat. Nov 2 & Sun. Nov 3 9 am - 1 pm

GL ROOFING. Cedar/Asphalt, Flat roofs, WCB Clean Gutters - $80. 1-855-240-5362. info@glroofing.ca





Starting from $99.00

Sat., Nov 2 10 am - 3 pm

111 Old Hope Princeton Way


6 - 50 Yard Bins

Delivery & Pick-Up Included Residential & Commercial Service • Green Waste • Construction Debris • Renovations • House Clean Outs

604.587.5865 www.recycleitcanada.ca



Music Jam

7 pm


Ross Fullbrook Royal LePage 604-792-0077


Difficulty Making Payments? No Equity? Penalty? Expired Listing? We Buy Homes! No Fees! No Risk! www.GVCPS.ca / 604-786-4663



HOPE - 3 bdrm duplex, 2 bath, big fenced yard, central to all schools. Small pet ok. $800/mo. Call (604)860-3658


THE PALMS RV RESORT w w w. y u m a p a l m s r v r e s o r t . c o m Rated top 2% in America. 6-5-4-3 Monthly Specials. Starting at $637.50 mo. (plus Tax/Elec.) Toll Free 1 855 PALMS RV (1-855-725-6778)


59311 St. Elmo Rd



removal done RIGHT! • Tree Trimming • Fully Insured • Best Rates




www.treeworksonline.ca treeworkes@yahoo.ca PHILLIPS TREE SERVICES, Removals, Toppings. Free estimates & Fully Insured. Call 604-702-8247


HOPE, 2 bdrm, private settings, Incl. cable, water & garbage, no dogs. $625/mo + DD. Adults preferred. Call 604-795-5068 mess. HOPE. 2 bdrm with garage/shop. Central location. Recently reno’d. all appl. N/S, small pet OK. $850/mon. 604-860-5500


HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper?


2 bedroom plus den in seniors community. Auto Financing 1.800.910.6402

Call Gordon 604-240-3464

Sell your car


HOPE, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1200 sq ft rancher, 5 appliances, very private & quiet setting, greenbelt property, extra clean, $1200/mo + util. Call (604)463-1731

HOPE, For Rent or Lease, 4 bdrm, 3 bath Cape Cod style home in prime Hope location. Gorgeous well-landscaped corner lot features privacy hedge, boulevard trees, lane access to double driveway and private backyard patio. Interior features include engineered hardwood floors, stone countertops, deluxe appliance package, magnificent river rock fireplaces, under cabinet lighting, oversized rooms and double garage. Short walk to confluence of Coquihalla and Fraser Rivers, river trails, schools and golf. Classic style home in beautiful scenic, quiet neighbourhood. Rent - $1,400 per month plus renter pays utilities including District water and sewer. View of property available on listing with Remax in Hope, B.C. Sale listing finished on October 31, 2013. Prefer long term lease arrangement. Non-Smokers pets negotiable. Minimum Three references required. 250-3495520 - Contact Brian Woodward




HOPE AUTO BODY, complete collision repair & restoration. www.hopeautobody.ca Call (604)869-5244



AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673 SCRAP CARS & METALS - CA$H for CARS Up to $300. No Wheels - No Problem! Friendly &

Professional Service. Servicing the Fraser Valley 1-855-771-2855

The Scrapper





2007 Chevy UPLANDER LT

HOPE, 3-storey 1500 sq ft townhouse, 3 bdrm, 1.5 bathroom, double driveway, 4 appliances, avail Dec. 1, N/S, N/P, $795/mon. 604526-7478


DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call National Teleconnect Today! 1-866-443-4408. www.nationalteleconnect.com.

Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231 www.UapplyUdrive.ca

HOPE, 2 bdrm house, $700 includes electricity cost. Call 1 (604)525-1883

HOPE, 3 bdrm townhouse 1 1/2 baths, fenced back yard, F/S, W/D, full basement, attached storage area. Rent includes heat. N/P, N/S 604-869-9402 or 604-869-1432



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Hours: 8:30 am–5:00 pm 7 days a week www.pickapart.ca 792-1221 10-13H_PP31

43645 Industrial Way, Chilliwack

Hope, 631 Douglas St. 3bdrm, 2 bath, 5 appl., prvt. fenced yard, pet negot. Avail. Nov. 1., $900/m, 604792-0077, Ross Fullbrook, Royal Lepage.




HOPE, 2 bdrm townhouse, upstairs unit, heat & laundry included, $740/mo, no pets please. Call 1 (604)858-4629

housewares, sm. appliances, some furniture, Jenn-Air propane stove, & much more



KAWKAWA LAKE, 3 bdrm home, 66546 Kawkawa Lk Rd, stunning views of lake, floor to ceiling reno’s just completed, lake access 100 yds away, W/D, $990/mo. Avail Dec 1. Call 1-604-505-1077

Sat., Nov 2 9 am - 3 pm


HOPE, Silver Hope Mobile Park. Cabin, Mobile homes, and R/V pads for monthly rentals, cable included. Call (604)869-1203

HOPE, 2 bdrm apt in newer building in downtown. W/D, A/C, garburator, secure, priv. balcony, covered parking, N/S, no party, suit. for mature or seniors. Call 604-855-9940

XEROX Electric Memory Typewriter. $25. Call (604)869-9252



3 bedroom townhouse, 5 appl., soundproof, radiant heat, blinds, fenced yard, patio, 658 Coquihalla St., sunny side of town, N/S, no dogs, D/D Ref’s req. Avail now.


GRUNDIG RADIO, AM/FM/SW with speakers & record player. $60. Call (604)869-9252

Canuck Roofing All Roof Repairs Any job big or small. Free Est. *WCB *Insured *BBB 778-772-1969

5 bdrm, 5.5 bath furnished Chalet on 2 acre lot in Sunshine Valley! Great for B&B or Lodge! Only $444,444 reduced from $888,888. Ph: 604-803-4795 or 604- 869-2267 Globe Estates Ltd www.sunshinevalleyproperties.com


P/B PAPILLON PUPS, adorable, 8 wks, 1st shots. Ready to go to loving home $950 firm. 604-944-6502


HOPE 2 vacant pads for rent in senior’s community. Gordon 604-240-3464

Call (604)869-1301 or kflimited@hotmail.com New Modular home on 1/2 Acre Lot. $129,900 Home + $125,000 Lot - or rent lot for $650/mo. Call Chuck 604-830-1960.









ASPHALT PAVING • Brick Driveways • Retaining Walls • Foundation Repairs • Sealcoating 604-618-2304



HOPE 2 bedroom mobile homes for sale in seniors community. Call Gordon 604-240-3464


CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866



HOPE, 1 car garage for rent, $130 / month. Available immediately. Call 604-869-6599


BERNESE Mountain Dog Puppies. Vet checked with first shots and ready for loving homes. $975. Langley area. 778-241-5504.


STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca

PIANO. Music teacher has Yamaha Piano for sale. $1550. Please call 604-585-6880 for appt to view.




2000 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 door,auto, sedan. ST#468. Only this week! $1,900. 1996 HONDA CIVIC 4 door, auto, fully loaded, Aircared. ST#462 $2,495. 2000 DODGE NEON 4 door, auto, sedan, Aircared, low kms. STK#467. $2,500. 1996 HONDA ACCORD 4 dr, sedan, fully loaded ST#478. $2,900. 2003 FORD WINDSTAR. 7 psger, runs good. ST#460. Only this week $2,900. 2000 TOYOTA COROLLA. 4 dr, auto. STK#466. Only this week $3,500. 2002 MAZDA PROTEGE 4 dr, auto, runs good, Aircared. ST#481 $3,888. 2002 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 2 door, auto, low kms. ST#459. Only this week $3,900. 2005 CHEV UPLANDER 7 psg auto, a/c, fully loaded, long wheel base. ST#437. $4,900. 2006 SATURN ION 4 dr, auto, Aircared. ST#389. Only this week! $5,500. 2003 FORD ESCAPE 4dr, 4X4 auto. ST#377. Only this week $5,900. 2008 CHEV COBALT. 2dr, 5spd, runs gd ST#445. $5,900. 2007 FORD FUSION 4 dr, auto, loaded. ST#250. $5,995. 2006 NISSAN SENTRA, 4 dr, auto, fully loaded, ST#387. Only this week! $6,500. 2004 CHEV TRAILBLAZER 4X4, auto, 7pass. Aircared. ST #457.Only this week $6,900. 2007 HYUNDAI ACCENT 4 dr, auto, fully loaded, runs good. ST#364. $6,900. 2007 CHEV COBALT 4 dr, auto, low kms. ST#367. Only this week! $6,900. 2007 DODGE CALIBER 4 dr, auto, fully loaded. ST#383 $7,500. 2008 KIA SPECTRA 4 dr auto hatch back, fully loaded ST#352. $7,777. 2008 SATURN ASTRA 4 dr, h/back, sunroof, auto. ST#366. Only this week! $9,900. 2007 TOYOTA COROLLA, 4 dr, auto, sedan, very low kms, 82K only. ST#393. This week only! $10,500. 2008 HONDA CIVIC 4 door, auto, sunroof, leather, full load ST#442. $10,900. 2006 HYUNDAI TUCSON 4 dr, auto. Only this week! $11,900. 2008 KIA SPORTAGE, 4 dr, auto, runs good. Only this week! $11,900. 2009 DODGE JOURNEY 4 dr, auto. 5 passenger. ST#418. Only this week! $11,900. 2010 TOYOTA CAMRY, 4 dr, auto, loaded, ST#395 $13,900. 2006 FORD F350. Quad cab 4 X 4, auto, long box, diesel. ST#13. $14,900. 2007 GMC ACADIA 4 dr, 8 passenger, all wheel drive, runs good. ST#319. $14,900 2010 DODGE JOURNEY 4 dr, auto, loaded, 7 psgr. ST#428. Only this week! $15,900. 2009 JETTA TDi 4 dr, auto, leather, fully loaded. ST#402. Only this week. $17,900. 2011 FORD ESCAPE, auto, 4 door, fully loaded. Ony 20K, $18,900. ST#471.

TRUCKS 7 pass. van. Loaded, leather, DVD. Just $3850.00 CALL 604-556-4242

2003 FORD SPORT TRAC 4 door, crew cab, leather, 4X4, auto, no acc’d. ST#477 $7,900. 2004 HUMMER H2, 4 dr, auto, 4 X 4, ST#384. Only this week, $13,900. 2006 FORD F350 XLT Crew cab, diesel, 4X4, auto, long box, runs good ST#309 $12,900. 2006 FORD F350 XLT quad cab, 4X4, auto, diesel, only 156K ST#17. $14,900. 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box only 160K. ST#310. $13,900. 2007 FORD F350 XLT Crew cab, diesel, 4X4, auto, short box only, 162K. ST#126. $15,900. 2007 FORD F350 LARIAT crew cab, diesel, 4 X 4, auto short box. ST#275. $18,900. 2009 FORD F150 Crew cab, fully loaded $17,900.

32055 Cedar Lane Abbotsford, BC DL#31038

604-855-0666 www.keytrackautosales.com

Thursday, October 31, 2013, Hope Standard A15

In the matter of the Warehouse Lien Act. StorageMAX located at 1070 5th Ave. Hope BC hereby claims goods stored by Darrin Everett for unpaid rents. If this account is not paid in full on or before Nov. 14th, 2013 the unit contents will be sold to recover monies owing.

FRASER VALLEY REGIONAL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to Section 892 of the Local Government Act, the Fraser Valley Regional District will conduct a Public Hearing with respect to Fraser Valley Regional District Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1235, 2013 [hereinafter referred to as Bylaw 1235] The Public Hearing will be conducted on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Yale Multi-Purpose Community Centre, 65050 Albert Street. The purpose of the bylaw is to amend the “Zoning Bylaw for the Community Plan Areas of Electoral Area “B”, of the Regional District of Fraser-Cheam” and rezone the subject property from Commercial (C-1) to Multi-Use Residential (RS-4) to facilitate the placement of a single-wide mobile home for residential use. The public hearing on Bylaw 1235 is to be held by a delegate of the FVRD Board. Copies of the Board resolution making the delegation and copies of Bylaw 1235 are available for public inspection until November 5, 2013 at the Fraser Valley Regional District, 45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack, BC V2P 1N6 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday) . For further information, please contact the Planning Department at 604-702-5000, toll free 1-800-528-0061, or by email at planninginfo@fvrd.bc.ca.

District of Hope INVITATION TO REGISTER EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE The District of Hope invites owners to register their Equipment and Skid Steer Equipment for Hire by the District for the 2013/2014 winter season on an as required basis. Under the direction of the Roads and Drainage Foreman, skid steer equipment operators will be required to remove snow from a list of dedicated sidewalks during snow events when snow depths become a hindrance to pedestrians. Registration forms may be obtained from and returned to: District of Hope 325 Wallace Street, PO Box 609 Hope, BC V0X 1L0 Please note that registration forms are required yearly and any previous registrations must be re-registered.

Mauve Friday is Coming.


10/13w DOH24

We need your Feedback! At this public hearing, all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw will be afforded an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the Bylaw which is the subject of the hearing. Written submission may also be submitted to Fraser Valley Regional District in advance of the hearing but must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. November 5, 2013. Written submissions will be entered into the public hearing record. Dated this 11th day of October, 2013 Paul Gipps Chief Administrative Officer

The Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) is asking the public for feedback on its Draft Solid Waste Management Plan for the region’s garbage and recyclables, which has been modified to reflect public and stakeholder feedback received since 2011. To download a copy of the Plan, visit www.fvrd.bc.ca and click on “Solid Waste Management Plan” under Hot Topics. Email your comments to: getwiththeplan@fvrd.bc.ca, or send a letter to Fraser Valley Regional District at 45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack, BC V2P 1N6. The Public Consultation Deadline is November 8th, 2013. We look forward to hearing from you! If you have any questions, please call 1-800-528-0061. 10-13H FVRD24

A16 Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013

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Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013 B1

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B2 Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013

Your Complete



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Susan Kaliszuk, Pharmacy Assistant, Professional Pharmacy Technician candidate, medication review assistant & diabetic testing trainer. Nicole Duncan, Pharmacy Assistant, Professional Pharmacy Technician candidate and medication review assistant. Quinn Kerr, Pharmacy Assistant, Compression stocking fitter. Louisa Scott, Pharmacy Assistant Diane Hill-Doell, Certified Foot Care Nurse Steven Marshall, Front Store Manager and Home Health Care Equipment Manager John Dobmeier, Home Health Care Installer

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235 Wallace St. | 604-869-2486 10/13W_PS31

Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013 B3

embrace life Making informed choices Help on the line A RESOURCE FOR 55+ LIVING

The typical healthcare patient has changed in recent years. No longer are individuals putting all of their healthcare decisions into the hands of nurses and doctors. Patients are more informed than ever before and are interested in taking a more active role in their own care. Thanks to the Internet, people are able to access information that, in the past, was not easily available. A few decades ago, medical data may have been elusive and filled with confusing jargon the layperson might not have understood without a crash course in biology. However, today there are different Web sites that clearly spell out information about certain illnesses and diseases. This means that patients may no longer be walking blindly into appointments with doctors. Facing an illness is never easy, and the decision-making abilities could be hampered by emotions and the desire to improve as quickly as possible. Patients who do not have

Even though medical information is easily accessible over the Internet, there are some things to consider when making health care decisions.

all of the facts may have to rely solely on the expertise of caregivers and physicians when making important healthcare decisions. By knowing the avenues of information, a patient can find assistance with careful decision-making. While learning about an ailment is im-

portant, there are some things to consider. • The Internet isn’t foolproof Many online medical sites are very reliable and offer a wealth of pertinent information. They can be good starting points when seeking out information on a particular condition. It is in your best inter-

est to visit sites that are well-known and monitored by respected medical affiliations. Other sites may be peppered with exaggerated claims or misinformation. Therefore, do not go by online information alone. • Don’t self-diagnose It can be easy to use the Internet as a means to narrowing down symptoms and making assumptions about what ailments you may have. Instead of using the Internet to self-diagnose your condition, leave the diagnosis up to your doctor and rely on online information after you are diagnosed. This can improve your understanding of the condition and any potential treatment options. • Seek other avenues of information You should never hesitate to seek a second opinion or go to a published medical journal to find out more about a condition. You have rights as a patient to be comfortable with the advice doctors give and be as involved in your treatment as you want

211 services Everyone knows 911 is for emergency services, but have you heard about 211? 211 is a phone number for information about referral to all government, community and social serves. Seniors can phone to find resources for housing, government assistance, recreation, support groups, and much more. 211 was launched in 2010 with funding from the United Way and currently operates in the Fraser Valley, Squamish-Lillooet and Metro Vancouver Regional Districts. This services is free, confidential, multilingual and available 24/7. Are you or anyone in your family looking for help? Try calling 211 or find help online at resources. bc211.ca.

The new Seniors Health Care Support Line is now available to provide seniors and their families with support for health-care-related issues that they may have had trouble resolving. Seniors who have issues accessing healthcare services or with the health care they received can now call the Seniors Health Care Support Line to receive timely resolution of problems. This toll-free phone line is available MondayFriday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. by calling 1-877952-3181. This line will supplement existing resolution mechanisms available to support seniors with complex needs who have concerns about their health care. Other ways seniors can get help with resolving care concerns include speaking with their health-care provider, contacting the Patient Care Quality Offices and independent Review Boards, health authorities or the relevant health professional colleges. People can call HealthLink BC at 811 any time of the day or night or go online to www.healthlinkbc.ca for information on how to contact these resources. Hearing impaired services are available by dialing 711.

to be. • Online forums could be more harm than help Many people turn to online forums and blogs to gain more insight into particular diseases. While these forums may be good sources of support, information published on these sites could be misleading, inaccurate or unsafe. Before trying any proposed treatment, it is best to consult with your doctor. Having a general knowledge of a medical condition can enable healthcare consumers to make more informed decisions about their situations.

Healthy Choices FOR SENIORS • Fresh Produce • Organic Products • Gluten-Free Products • Large Bulk Food Section • Smaller Meat Portions Available


Imagine A Hot Meal Delivered to Your Door Meals on Wheels

A home delivery meal service provided to seniors and persons in need.

For only $5 per meal, community volunteers will deliver a hot meal to your home on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 11 am & 1 pm.

To order your meals, call Hope Community Services at 604-869-2466 ext. 0

All meals are prepared by a local restaurant and meet the health and nutritional needs of each client.


Proud supporter of community events! Reg Hours: 8am-9pm 7 Days A Week 559 Old Hope Princeton Hwy | 604-869-3663 10/13W_HCS31


Hope Community Services

604.869.2466 | 434 Wallace St.


B4 Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013



laughter is the Best Medicine HOPE’S

Health Fair

Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013 10 am - 3pm Hope Secondary School 444 Stuart St.

Laughter is the Best Medicine Guest speaker 10:10 a.m. - Glenda Standeven, an inspirational speaker and co-author of 'Choosing to Smile' which is an autobiography written by three friends who all happened to have cancer.

Flu Shot Clinic 10:00am-2:00pm. Hope Community Choir 10:00am Performing Arts Community Theatre (PACT) 1:00pm Senior Exercise Class 2:00pm

media sponsor

Nutritious food choices are key Eating well is important at any age, but it is especially important as you get older. Healthy eating is balanced eating, where you consume a variety of foods. It includes protein, carbohydrates (especially fibre), fats and fluids. No matter when you start, healthy eating can help you maintain and even improve your health – especially if you combine it with exercise. Together, healthy eating and regular physical activity can mean the difference between independence and a life spent relying on others. It can give you the energy you need to stay active and do the things you want to do – like working or volunteering, playing with your grandchildren or enjoying a walk around the block. It can also prevent or slow down the progress of many chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes, osteoporosis


Healthy eating, combined with exercise, can help you maintain and even improve your overall health.

and some forms of cancer. And it can help you cope better with both physical and mental stress, surgery and even the common cold or flu. For many seniors, though, eating well all the time can be a challenge, especially if you’re only cooking for one or two people. You may find you’re much less active than when you were younger or that your sense of taste or smell is not as sharp as it used to be, so you’re not as hungry or interested in food. You may also find it difficult to get out to the grocery store or prepare proper meals. According to the Healthy Eating for Seniors Handbook published by the B.C. Ministry of Health Services, seniors should be eating more vegetables and

fruit, whole grains (for example, breads, pasta, roti, oatmeal and brown rice), legumes (such as dried beans, peas, lentils), fish, calcium-rich foods (including low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese), unsaturated fats (from vegetable oils, nuts and seeds), and lean meat and poultry. Avoid saturated fats (found in butter, ghee, lard, deli meats, bacon and sausages), trans fats (found in processed foods, cookies, cakes and deep fried foods), refined or enriched grains, and salt and sugar (including sugary drinks as well as jams, candies and baked goods). Seniors are also recommended to drink fluids regularly, whether you feel thirsty or not. Woman should try to drink about nine eight-ounce glasses (2.2 litres) of fluids each day, while men should try to drink about 12 eightounce glasses. The Healthy Eating for Seniors Handbook contains many handy tips in one document. To download the handbook, visit www.seniorsbc.ca/ healthyeating Non-emergency health information is also available through HealthLink BC by dialing 811. Seniors can speak to a dietician, nurse, pharmacist or health services representatives.

Meals on Wheels Hope Community Services provides a home delivery meal service to seniors and people in need. Meals are delivered by community volunteers between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at a cost of $5 per meal. Rolly’s Restaurant prepares a soup or salad, entree and dessert for clients. “The goal is just to help keep nutrition up for seniors,” said executive director Maclynne Bourquin. “As you get older, cooking a meal can be more challenging. This way, three days a week there’s a freshly made meal delivered.” In addition to Meals on Wheels, Hope Community Services hosts a weekly social lunch program for seniors. Participants socialize, play games, and take part in planned activities or presentations. Field trips are also organized a couple times a year. The program runs every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Northwest Harvest Church. Lunch costs $8 per person. For more information on the local seniors programs, call Hope Community Services at 604-8692466, ext 0.

DON’T HAVE SORE FEET, PUT YOUR FEET IN MY HANDS • Mineral foot baths • Diabetic foot care • Footware advice • Gift Certificates available


• Nail Trimming • Corn & Callus treatment • Nail Fungus treatment • Foot massage


Nomination forms available at the Rec Centre or email your nomination to leisure@fvrd.bc.ca

embrace life



Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013 B5

embrace life Fraud and scams targeted at seniors A RESOURCE FOR 55+ LIVING

Seniors are particularly susceptible to fraud schemes because their generation tends to be more trusting and less likely to end conversations. It’s important to be aware of common consumer frauds and know how you can prevent becoming a victim.

Scam artists continue to use new guises to misrepresent themselves and separate consumers from their cash. Seniors are targeted for many reasons and are particularly susceptible to fraud schemes because their generation tends to be more trusting and less likely to end conversations. “Unfortunately, it’s the old adage that if it’s too good to be true, it is,” said RCMP Cpl. Len vanNieuwenhuizen. “If you’re ever confronted with something that’s likely a scam, talk to your relatives, talk to your children, and talk to the RCMP. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us and verify those issues.” As a consumer, you

must recognize both the risk and responsibility involved with each transaction you make. Whether you are dealing with a door-to-door salesperson, telephone solicitor or through the mail, you are taking a risk. It is your responsibility to be alert, be familiar with common consumer frauds and be well-informed on tips that may prevent you from becoming a victim of fraud. “A lot of the frauds are very difficult to rectify after the money is gone because unfortunately a lot of the money goes out of province and out of country,” said vanNieuwenhuizen. “If we’re unaware, we can’t do anything about it.

WINTER IS COMING! Time to winterize your vehicle.

But if we are aware of it, we can prevent it from happening to somebody else.” Here are five common fraud scams:

1. Grandchild in trouble A criminal contacts an elderly person and pretends to be a grandchild or other family member in trouble with the police. The scammer will tell the victim that he/she has been arrested by a police service outside of their hometown and requires bail money. For verification, the victim is given a phone number to call, which will be answered by someone pretending to be a lawyer or police officer.

• Get your battery • Winter tires are tested and replaced required if you are if needed; don’t get traveling any of the caught in the cold. interior routes. • Make sure your wiper • Inspect all your lights and make sure your blades are replaced heater and defroster if needed and make sure you have winter are working. windshield washer • Pack yourself an fluid. emergency winter road side bag • Have all your belts checked for cracking and keep it in the vehicle!! and wear. • Have your anti-freeze tested and replaced if needed.

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Prevention tips: T For verification, get the name of the apparent lawyer/police agency and contact them via the number listed in the phone book or directory assistance. Do not call the number provided by the caller. T If you have call display, write down the caller’s number and provide it to your local police agency when reporting the incident. T Contact family members directly for verification of the whereabouts of the family member in question. T Never send money

through money wire services to persons you do not know personally. The money can be picked up anywhere in the world once it is given a transaction number.

2. Identity theft Identity theft has be-

come an increasingly popular crime in Canada as a result of recent advances in technology. Identity theft involves stealing, misrepresenting or hijacking the identity of another person or business and provides effective means to commit other

crimes. Vital information such as name, address, date of birth, social insurance number, and mother’s maiden name need to be acquired in order to complete the impersonation. Continued on B6



Coffee is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. GRAB A CUP AT


The scammer will insist that the victim not contact their parents or relatives as they don’t want to get into more trouble. The victim is then asked to use a money wire service to send several thousands of dollars for bail. Canadian police agencies do not contact individuals for bail money and do not use money wire services.


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B6 Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013

embrace life


Awareness key to helping prevent consumer fraud The identity thief can take over the victim’s financial accounts, open new bank accounts, transfer bank balances, apply for loans, credit cards and other services, purchase vehicles, take luxury vacations, and so on. The true owner may be liable for activities related to identity theft. Prevention tips: T Never throw away bank records or other documents in a readable form. T Never give your credit card number over the telephone unless you make the call. T Never loan your

credit cards or give your PIN number to anyone. T Reconcile your bank account often and notify your bank of discrepancies immediately. Watch your account activity online.

3. Home renovation fraud The person at the door seems genuine and will tell you they just happened to be in the area, they have a crew of workers and material and can give you a special deal or they offer “special senior discounts.” Con artists appear friendly and knowledgeable and will offer

any service whether you need it or not. They will charge amounts exceeding three to four times fair market prices and may not complete the work. Be assured, their true intention is to convince you to sign a contract and to line their own pockets, while they politely empty yours. Prevention tips: T Demand a few days to think about the deal. If the deal is good today, it will be good tomorrow. T Make sure the senior’s discount is legitimate. Find out through other contractors the legitimate


We carry... , gloves s e l o p g n i k • Wal armers and handw elmets h , s e l c y c i •B parts e l c y c i b d n a

Lunch the



A social lunch program for seniors in our community Northwest Harvest Church 888 Third Ave. $8.00 per person and registration is required. For more information or to register please call 1-604-869-2466 ext 0 This program is partially funded through Fraser Health. Transportation is provided free of charge to those in need

If you are interested in volunteering for this program please call the above number

Hope Community Services

604.869.2466 | 434 Wallace St.

10/13w SAS31


835 6th Ave Hope

4. Charity scams The caller appears to be soliciting for what is clearly a worthy cause, although you do not recall ever hearing the exact name of the charity before. Many scams are successful because the name of the charity being used in the scam is similar to an easily recognized charity or event. Prevention tip: T Do not send money to an unknown charity. There are so many charities that it is almost impossible to know them all. Do not try. True charitable causes are worthwhile and should be supported. They are frequently listed in the telephone book. Arrange to have your contribution delivered to them directly or ask them to mail you a donation envelope. Using this approach ensures that your donation goes to the charity you wish to support.

E V I T C A G N I P K E E urages good health

s t r o p S e v A Sixth 604-869-2345

price of the work being offered - get at least two other estimates. T Ask for, and check, references. T Check out the company with the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services or the Better Business Bureau and ask for assistance.

5. Phishing, auction fraud and malicious software Phishing is a general term for e-mails, text messages and websites created by criminals. They are designed to look like they come

Malicious software can be transmitted by opening e-mail, by accessing a website, using infected media or by downloading infected programs such as games. Protect your computer by keeping your operating system and software packages up to date.

from well-known and trusted businesses, financial institutions and government agencies in an attempt to collect personal, financial and sensitive information. It’s also known as “brand spoofing” and “pharming.” An online auction provides items for sale that may be bought by bidding on the items. Online auction frauds include misrepresentation of an item, nondelivery of goods and services and non-payment for goods deliv-

ered. Malicious software comes in different forms such as viruses, worms, trojan horse programs, spyware and adware and can be transmitted by opening e-mail, accessing a website, using infected media or by downloading infected programs such as games. Prevention tips: T Always watch for unusual patterns and any discrepancies in the website’s address or its web page. T Remember that no


SENIOR’S BOWLING 10:30 am - 12 noon

Don't say I can't bowl anymore, forgot how, have bad knees or stiff backs. We have the equipment for everyone's needs, even for wheelchair bowlers.

$10 incl. shoes & taxes



corner of 6th Ave & Wallace St. Call 604-869-7027 for more information.

taxes or fees are to be paid in order to receive a legitimate prize in Canada. T When bidding online, read the online learning guide and security tips that may be available which may minimize the risk of becoming a fraud victim. T Protect your computer by keeping your operating system and software packages up to date. Also use software such as anti-virus, firewalls, anti-spyware and anti-adware. ~ RCMP

Come out & hav some fun, m e ee old friends a t n make new on d es!


From B5

Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013 B7

embrace life


Community living in Hope safety walking & biking


Senior Keep Fit: Get a total body workout using chairs, bands, and weights. The class runs 9-10 a.m. on Tuesdays at Canyon Golden Agers Hall, 560 Douglas St. 604-869-8435 Hope Community Choir: This is an adult secular choir that sings for the sheer joy and fun of singing. The group sings a variety of pop, gospel and folk music. The choir meets Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m. at Hope United Church, 590 3rd Ave. 604-869-8435 Senior’s Coffee and Conversation: Join the group for a cup of coffee and some lively conversation. There’s also occasional presenters. The group meets from 10:30-11:30 a.m. on Thursdays at Hope Library, 1005A 6th Ave. 604-869-2313

Resources Care Transit: A volunteer

service for individuals requiring transportation to medical appointments locally or throughout the Lower Mainland. 604-869-3396

Hope Community Services: Provides a wide range of services to seniors, children, youth, and families, as well as a volunteer bureau, thrift store, emergency shelter, food bank, and emergency social services. 604-869-2466 Free Rein Associates: Offers training services and resources in collaborative community partnerships. 604-869-2279 Hope and Area Transition Society: Provides programs and services to individuals and families affected by social issues. 604-869-5111 Hope Senior’s Peer Counsellors Society: Helps promote the personal power of older adults so that they can make informed decisions for themselves by investigating, understanding and

weighing all the options available. 604-793-7204

Trails Crossing Friendship Centre: Provides services and resources to the Aboriginal and Métis community and their families within Hope and the surrounding area. 604-8699042

Mingle There are several places in Hope and the surrounding areas where residents can meet new people, get involved and have a little fun. Hope Lions Club: Meetings on first and third Tuesdays, September through June, at 6:30 p.m. at Kan Yon Restaurant, 800 3rd Ave., jim_proctor@telus.net Hope Rotary Club: Meetings on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at Kan Yon Restaurant, 840 3rd Ave., info@hoperotary.org

Royal Canadian Legion: 344 Fort St., 604-869-5465

Hope & District Arts Council: 349 Fort St., 604-869-3400 The Art Machine: 777 5th Ave., 604-869-3407 Fraser Canyon Hospital Auxiliary: 604-869-5890 Fraser Canyon Hospice Society: 1275 7th Ave., 604-8607713 like ould or w u o If y your club in e to se y included Emit iv t 2014 ac nuary section, a J e h t Life 869brace call 604- s@ w e pleas r email ne 4992 otandard.com hopes

With the time changing this weekend and the days getting shorter make sure you can be seen by drivers, when walking or biking. Q A reÅective vest that can be worn over your jacket is a simple solution to visibility issues. Another option would be to put some reÅective tape on the back & front of your existing jacket. Q Carrying a Åashlight or wearing some kind of Åashing light around your neck, so drivers that are approaching you will see you, is another good option. Q Be sure your bicycle has a proper headlight and taillight. A Åashing taillight quickly catches the eye of approaching motorists. T H I S MESSAGE I S SPO NSO RED BY

Hope Eagles: 386 Fort St., 604-869-2560

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Available for appointments Wednesday at the Hope Office, 287 Wallace St., Hope, B.C. 1-800-667-8403 | www.simpsonnotaries.com

B8 Hope Standard Thursday, October 31, 2013

seniors’ programming at the rec centre This class is conducted primarily in the deep end of the pool with Àoatation belts to keep you buoyant while exercising. With minimal impact on the joints, this class is great for those with arthritis, osteoporosis or anyone who is needing rehabilitation from an injury. Monday, Wednesday & Friday Time: 9:00 - 10:00 am Tuesday & Thursday Time: 6:45 - 7:45 pm All ages welcome Cost: Drop-in rate

Sizzlin’ Shallow Aqua Fit

This is a well balanced water class primarily conducted in the shallow end of the pool ideal for mature adults. Monday, Wednesday & Friday Time: 1:00 - 2:00 pm All ages welcome Cost: Drop-in rate

Adult Swim Lessons

Learn how to swim or swim better. Tuesday & Thursday Nov. 5 - 28 Time: 6:45 - 7:30 pm Cost: $45

Masters Swimming

This is great way to stay in shape and improve your swimming skills. Beginners and advanced swimmers are welcome. Mondays Nov. 18 - Dec. 16 Time: 5:00 - 6:00 pm Age: 18+ Cost: $36

Self Defense for Women

Learn from an RCMP of¿cer how to keep yourself free of harm and what to do if you ¿nd yourself in a threatening situation. Many topics will be covered including tactical self defense moves. Saturday, November 16 Age: 15+ Time: 1:00 - 3:30 pm Cost: FREE!

Recreation & Cultural Services

Cascadia Wind Ensemble

presents an Old Fashioned Christmas You will be wonderfully entertained by 25 musicians who will enchant you with a variety of musical pieces including popular Christmas carols. Sunday, November 24 1:00 - 3:00 pm Cost: $15

Monday is Senior ’s Day $2 admission

Simple Strength & Stretch A 60 minute ¿tness class designed for adults who would like an easy introduction to the bene¿ts of strengthening & stretching. A great class for those who ¿nd the average ¿tness class too demanding. Many exercises will be performed on a chair. Wednesdays until Dec. 18 Age: 18+ Time: 10:30 - 11:30 am Cost: Drop-in rate

Walking Club & Games

Enjoy an hour walk with your peers and a Rec. Centre staff member. After which you can join fellow walkers for conversation, coffee and games including Bridge, Canasta or Cribbage. (Walking sticks are provided). Wednesdays Nov. 20 - Dec. 11 Age: 55+ Time: 9:00 - 11:00 am Cost: $20

1005-6th Ave. • 604-869-2304 “Best Ice in BC”

website: www.fvrd.bc.ca • email: leisure@fvrd.bc.ca


Deep Water Aqua Fit

Hope & District

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